Documents Dematic-Pdfs NA BR-1124 Manufacturing Logistics

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Manufacturing Logistics


Cost Drivers Service Level Drivers
Return on Investment Accuracy
Space Efficiency Delivery Lead Time
Productivity More Smaller Orders
Efficient Supply Chain Design High Throughput

Inventory Drivers External Factors

Strategic Inventory Reduction Government Legislation
Logistics Supply Chain Consolidation OH&S
Number of SKUs Lot and Batch Tracking
Alignment Cost & Service Levels New Competition

Using strategy to develop the best

logistics solution for you

Diverse technologies and applications Global Trends Affecting Manufacturing Implications of Global Trends
can lead to a wide range of solutions • Supply chain pull has shifted inventory • Supply chain lead time is dramatically
geared to produce different results. back up the supply chain to the reduced
manufacturer • Automation of manual processes to deal
Very high service levels, for example,
• OH&S legislation is becoming with labor availability & OH&S issues
may require additional inventory to increasingly restrictive • Manufacturers deliver smaller orders,
minimize stock outs. On the other • Product ranges (SKUs) proliferate as more often, in tighter delivery windows
hand, additional inventory increases consumer tastes diversify • Visibility, flexibility and responsiveness is
total supply chain costs. Short lead • Cost of labor increases while availability critical to service level performance
times demand high order velocity with • More complex order fulfillment
• Cost of land increasing
flexible systems and processes. • Distribution is centralized
• Legislation and consumer pressure
In tight competitive markets, lowest • Manufacturers value-add through:
driving need for greater supply chain
visibility –– Faster response times
cost per item delivered may determine
–– Delivery reliability
competitive advantage. Each solution
–– Greater accuracy
can be designed to achieve the –– Lot and batch tracking
necessary result, but there is a trade- –– Quality control
In choosing the right solution, you
need look no further than your own
Strategic Business Plan. It is here that
the clues will be found. At Dematic, we
group the drivers, determine the best
fit for you and design a solution that
creates strategically aligned logistics

The demand for smaller,
more frequent deliveries has
changed the supply cycle for
manufacturers from push to pull.

Systems Speed Flexibility Traceability Range Reliability

Key competitive Order turnaround Meeting changing Monitoring the Minimizing Cope with a wide Maximize multi-
logistics capabilities and response time market needs order and tracking cost of errors order and product shift system
Flexibility byTraceability
batch/lot andAccuracy
optimizing profileRange Modularity
customer service


Centralized manufacturing and

distribution leverages scale and
increases justification for
automated processes
Getting your products to market on
time and at a competitive price is Multiple Customers
becoming increasingly challenging.
Retailers are demanding smaller, more
frequent deliveries and tighter delivery
windows. Consolidated Centralized
Understanding how to meet changing Manufacturing Distribution

market demands as efficiently and

cost-effectively as possible is core to
the success of your business. And it
is a never ending challenge, because
Centralized distribution makes the supply chain more efficient and reduces non-value adding
technology and service expectations transactions to a minimum.
are constantly changing.

Manufacturers are taking a wider Your target is to add value by lowering

view. End to end supply chain issues costs, speeding delivery, offering higher
are considered just as important as service levels, with greater accuracy, and
manufacturing processes. providing your customers and suppliers

Legislative changes and labor availability with greater control and visibility.

make it harder than ever to manually Meeting the challenge can lead to success
handle more complicated orders and meet and considerable competitive advantage.
higher supply chain velocity.
Through extensive applications
Although centralization allows scale knowledge, industry leading technology
effects, traditional long manufacturing runs and a global breadth of integration
are no longer possible. Manufacturers are experience, Dematic can create logistics
facing ever-reducing supply chain lead results for your company that can in
times forcing a consolidation of inventory themselves become global benchmarks.
and processes.

Understanding how to meet
changing market demands as
efficiently and cost-effectively
as possible is core to the
success of your business.

Developing and implementing a solution for you

Data Test & Partner & Post Start-up 24/7 Service
Collaboration Solution
Analysis Simulate Implement & Training & Support

End to End
Logistics Solutions

Complete solutions for receiving,

storing, handling, transporting,
palletizing, picking and
dispatching your products
When you analyze the manufacturing
process, it is a material flow challenge.
Efficient manufacturing requires efficient material flow.
You need to receive all of your raw Goods Goods
By integrating material flow with production materials handling
materials, store them until you are Receipt Despatch
systems, raw material, tools, parts, work-in-process, and finished
ready to make something, then bring goods can be efficiently delivered to where they are required.
them together in the correct sequence
and quantities.
You then transform the raw materials
into products and package them for
ease of handling and transport.
Raw Materials Production Work in Process Packaging Finished
Efficient handling, storage and Processing Buffer Storage Materials Goods
material flow is essential at all stages
of your supply chain to optimize your
competitive advantage.

Production Line

Bulk Buffer Kitting & Material

Receiving Quality Control Production Lines
Storage Flow

Auto-Truck Unloading Order Checking Automated Storage Smart Transportation Production Conveyors
RF & RFID AutoID Batch/Lot Control & Retrieval Systems Systems Ergonomic Workstations
Integrated IT & Material Accumulation Conveyors Mixed Pallet Building Integrated Packaging
Handling Systems for Online Buffer Storage

Efficient handling, storage and
material flow is essential at all
stages of your supply chain
to optimize your competitive

Carton/Case Storage & Management &

Palletizing Picking Solutions
Handling Handling Control

Transport, Accumulation, Ergonomic Manual Unit Load Handling & Wireless Picking Seamless IT Systems
Merging & Sorting Palletizing Workstations Transportation Solutions: RF, RFID, Voice Integration & Material
Systems Automated Palletizing Automated Storage & & Pick to Light Case Flow Control
Retrieval Systems Picking & Pallet Building

Carton, Case &
Crate Handling

End of line product handling and

transportation options

When it comes to handling, storing As manufactured goods exit the Transport conveyors, typically powered
and shipping finished goods no one production line, they are packaged and roller or belt conveyors, and accumulation
understands the challenges you face packed in cartons or cases for handling conveyors interface to any number
better than we do. and transport. of devices such as elevators, storage
systems, inducts, merges, diverts, in-line
At Dematic, we deal with the problem The most efficient way to handle and
check weighers, shipping stations or
every day and have a successful track transport products over distance is by
record of turning it into a competitive conveyor, and there are a wide variety
of conveyor systems to suit different High speed production lines feeding
advantage for many of the world’s
product characteristics and performance robotic palletizing operations typically
leading manufacturers.
requirements. require a buffer to ensure system
From different ways of safely and effectiveness. True zero-pressure
In developing a production handling
reliably transporting your goods to accumulation conveyors minimize
system we design for maximum system
where you want them, keeping track of production interruptions and maximize
uptime using reliable, proven conveyor
them, storing them efficiently until you total system efficiency.
need to pick and ship to customers,
we can show you a better way.

End of line handling and storage options

Production Unit Load Storage or
Handling Palletizing
Line Handling Dispatch
& Transport

Finished Goods Transport, Manual Palletizing Integrated Pallet Automated Storage &
including Cartons, Accumulation & to Ergonomic Pallet Handling Conveyors Retrieval Systems
Crates, Cases, Trays Sorting Conveyors Building Platform Automated Electrified Auto Truck Loading
Dedicated Palletizers Monorails & AGVs

End of line conveyors are
an essential link between
manufacturing and distribution.
They must be fast enough to take
product away from production
to prevent interruptions and be
reliable, as any stoppage quickly
flows back to the production line.

High Speed
Merging & Sorting

Comprehensive range of merging,

inducting and sorting systems for
high speed product sortation

Balanced product flow is a must for Straight Line Sorters are most cost- They are also easier to merge goods onto,
high volume distribution. Feeding a effective where the number of sortation and may be used for other functions,
sorter consistently means on-time points required is relatively small, for such as transferring goods from one part
delivery to your customers. Balanced instance, up to 40-50 delivery points, of a facility to another, from one process
flow increases system throughput and and throughput rates up to 12,000 items to another, and consolidating items from
eliminates bottlenecks. per hour*. various areas.
Sound sortation system designs begins Continuous Loop Sorters provide a Different types of diverts can be used
at the merge, which stages and feeds much greater degree of functionality and including sliding shoe, pivot arm, pop-up
product continuously. flexibility, and may be designed to handle wheels, tilt-trays and crossbelt sorters,
The induct identifies the product, works much higher throughput rates of up to with selection based on factors including
out where it’s got to go and creates the 40,000 items per hour, as well as sort to product characteristics, the speed of the
gap for sortation allowing the sorter to several hundred delivery points. conveyor and the required throughput.
run at optimal speed. *Assumes average carton length of 400mm

Induction Sub-system Sorter Sub-system

Merge Sub-system

Controls Sub-system Take-Away Sub-system

It’s often necessary to bring
products from several areas
together to facilitate efficient
transport and then sort them
back into their individual product
groupings for palletizing, storage
and shipping.

Manual & Automated

Automation eliminates OH&S

issues and delivers safe, consistent,
reliable and cost-effective palletizing

The high cost of labor and increasingly Depending on manufacturing volume, Gantry/Portal Robots
restrictive OH&S regulations a number of palletizing strategies are Gantry or Portal Robots can increase
concerning manual handling makes a available. speed and flexibility with access to larger
strong case for automated palletizing. areas and more pallets.
Manual Palletizing
Automated palletizing systems
Manual palletizing poses OH&S Articulated Robots
provide reliable, around the clock
challenges, so ergonomic pallet building Articulated Robots further improve
performance, and may be designed to
platforms may be used to minimize palletizing rates by offering even greater
handle individual cartons or full pallet operator lift and rotation. speed and flexibility of operation.
layers of goods in higher throughput
Advances in product recognition
technology including vision and The options for palletizing
profiling systems now enable robotic
palletizers to handle mixed streams
Articulated Dedicated
of goods and build pallets of mixed Manual Gantry/Portal
Robotic Mechanical
Palletizing Robots
products. Palletizing Palletizing

Low Volume Multiple Palletizing Flexible, High Speed, Highest

Palletizing to Locations High Volume Throughput,
Ergonomic Pallet Lowest Flexibility
Building Platform

Before you can store or ship
your goods, the individual
cartons need to be consolidated
as a unit load. Robotic palletizing
solutions are fast, safe, reliable,
cost-effective and operate
around the clock.

Unit Load

Unit load handling solutions

for low, medium and high
throughput applications

Dematic provides complete solutions

for handling unit loads based on
required throughput, pickup and
delivery complexity.
Once the finished goods have been
assembled into a palletized unit
load, handling options range from
manually operated techniques such
as pallet trucks and forklifts, through
to fully automated solutions such as
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs),
unit load conveyors, pallet shuttle carts
and electrified overhead monorails.

Low, medium and high throughput

Pallet Trucks, Guided Pallet
Forklifts Vehicles Conveyor
Low to Medium Lower Volume, Dedicated Application High Speed Transport
Volume Handling Flexible Applications Medium to High Ceiling-Mounted
Volume with Variety of Load

Automated pallet conveyors and
electrified monorails are fast,
accurate and reliable methods
of transporting unit loads to
storage or dispatch, where they
can interface with Auto Truck
Loading and dispatch systems.


Options for handling and storing

your goods until you need them

Working Out What You Need Selective & Non-Selective Systems Non-Selective Racking Systems are
Choosing the most cost-effective appropriate where there are many pallets
Selective Racking Systems provide
and efficient system must take into of each SKU and include Drive In and
immediate, ready access to virtually all
account: Push Back Rack, and Pallet Live Storage.
pallets. Non-Selective Racking Systems
• The number of products restrict access to individual pallets, but Pallet Storage Occupancy
are more space efficient than Selective
• The volume of each product No pallet storage system can effectively
• The movement rate use 100% of the space.
Often the correct solution involves using
• The physical size and weight of the Non-Selective systems lose a higher
a combination of Selective and Non-
products to be stored percentage of space because there may
Selective Racking types to provide the
be no pallets of the same SKU to fill all of
• Expected growth; and optimum combination of access with
the available slots in a lane:
• A host of other matters including the space efficiency.

type of materials handling equipment Selective Racking Systems are needed Effective Storage Capacity
to be used. where there are a high number of SKUs • 95% Selective
with only a few pallets or less of each • 85% Double-Deep
and include Selective, Double Deep and • 70-85% Pallet Live Storage/Push Back
Narrow Aisle Rack. Rack depending on lane depth
• 60-75% Drive-In depending on lane
depth and height.

Manual storage options for unit loads

Push Back Non-Pallet
Selective Double Deep
Drive-In Rack & Pallet Flow Storage
Rack Rack
Rack Racks

100% Selectivity Space Saving Dense Storage High High Density FIFO Custom Storage
Normal to Narrow Requires Special Volume Applications Auto Stock Rotation Applications
Aisle Forklift FILOFlexibility Traceability Accuracy
The choice of which type
of racking best suits your
requirements comes down to
determining whether you need
Selective or Non-Selective

1 7 1 7 13 19 25 31
2 8 2 8 14 20 26 32
3 9 3 9 15 21 27 33
4 10 1 4 7 10 4 10 16 22 28 34
5 11 2 5 8 11 5 11 17 23 29 35
6 12 3 6 9 12 6 12 18 24 30 36

Automated warehousing requires much less space than forklift operations, enabling substantial savings in
Storage land, building and floor space costs. Compared to forklift operations (center), automated warehousing allows
Solutions you to either free up additional floor space (left) or store up to three times more in the same areas (right).

Save space, maximize your storage

capacity and minimize costs

Automated storage solutions provide:

• Space savings
• Lower building costs
• Improved productivity and
• More efficient material flow
• Reductions in inventory
• Accurate, error-free operation
• Reduced product damage
• Safer and cleaner operations
• Improved security
• Less people and wheeled
The Dematic Storage Cube By teaming our advanced technology
• Increased reliability
with cost effective, locally sourced
• Reduced operating costs The Dematic Storage Cube is a new low-
components, we provide an excellent
cost, pre-configured AS/RS specifically
(labor, maintenance, electricity) combination of performance, productivity
designed for manufacturing applications.
• Better ROI and lower lifecycle cost and value for money.
It includes all hardware, software and
controls and offers a cost-effective
alternative to traditional storage and
handling. • Any manufacturer who wants low cost,
reliable pallet storage and handling
The Dematic Storage Cube can fulfill the • Existing facilities where improving space
role of raw materials warehouse, dynamic efficiency is necessary
buffer store for kitting and assembly, and • Operations requiring reliable JIT delivery
full pallet picking. • Work-in-process & raw material storage

Centralized distribution
increases the opportunity for
automated storage and handling.
Dematic provides a range
of AS/RS configurations for
single, double and multi-deep


Real-time wireless picking solutions

with smart IT & material flow control

Enterprise-wide, real-time information A wide variety of technologies exist to These are transmitted in real-time by
management and communications improve the efficiency of product or unit a radio frequency (RF) system that
systems are vital to ensure you know load picking. interfaces with the user’s host WMS or
what is going where, and when, at any ERP system.
These include:
given time of the day. • Wireless (RF) mobile computers The operator wears a small headset and

The use of wireless data networks to • Voice-directed computing the lightweight, portable voice-computer
is attached to a belt around their waist.
real-time enable the transfer of data is • Pick-to-Light systems
now a standard feature of most DCs. This keeps both hands free at all times
These technologies are used with
while picking and, because the operator
RF, RFID and Voice-Directed numerous picking concepts to maximize
doesn’t need to waste time looking at
Computing reduce errors, improve productivity and throughput.
and reading the data on a screen or
OH&S and productivity and provide Voice-directed order picking prompts the picking list, OH&S and productivity are
real-time track and trace functionality operator through a series of tasks with significantly enhanced.
from goods receipt to dispatch. clear, verbal commands.

Enabling technologies for picking

Pick &
Vehicle Voice-
Hand Held Put-to-Light
Mount RF Directed
RF Terminals for High
Terminals Picking

Hands-free, eyes-free Voice
Picking has quickly become
a preferred order fulfillment
solution around the world,
saving thousands of dollars daily
through enhanced productivity
and in the costs associated with
rectifying picking errors.


Auto picking of cases, layers and

full pallets increases accuracy,
reduces cost and eliminates
manual operations
As retailers demand smaller, more Automated picking solutions which Manually assembling pallets with layers is
frequent deliveries, manufacturers are provide accurate, reliable and flexible a labor-intensive, physically demanding
seeking a more cost-effective solution operation, are becoming increasingly and costly exercise.
to case, layer and mixed pallet building. available including Automated Layer Pickers are fast, reliable
New developments in vision and • AS/RS for pallets and unit loads, such and cost-effective options for handling
as totes and crates whole layers of almost any product, from
laser recognition systems, and pallet
• Multi-shuttles, a new concept for cases to shrink-wrapped packs of bottles
building software, have enabled
retrieving unit loads and cans.
significant advances in automated
• Robotic and dedicated layer pickers
picking. They enable the user to assemble multi-
• Vision-enabled robotic case picking
A variety of Robotic and Dedicated product pallets to customer orders without
• Automated case sequencing systems.
Layer Pickers with a multitude of the costs, OH&S concerns and product
flexible gripper heads are available to damage associated with manual handling.

suit most package types.

Designed to operate in multi-shift
applications, these technologies
offer significant advantages to

Automated layer picking systems give the ability to build sandwich or rainbow pallets.
Consolidated operations that
provide the opportunity to
increase volume, combined with
restrictive OH&S legislation,
increase the returns available by
automating picking operations.

Systems Integration
& Control

Real time, integrated order

management, material flow &
machine control software

High speed production handling Efficient material flow and control requires handling conveyors, automated storage
systems rely on the seamless real-time data communications. and retrieval systems (AS/RS), sorters,
integration of equipment controls palletizers and the like, and is responsible
This functionality is provided via the
and software. for location control, material flow control
Warehouse Control System (WCS), which
and order fulfillment.
Interfacing these sub-systems with the interfaces with the Warehouse Management
host computer is essential for efficient System (WMS) and/or the Enterprise
Wireless real-time data communications
material flow and machine control, but Resource Planning (ERP) system.
including Radio Frequency (RF) systems
also captures essential transaction The WCS communicates in real-time with and Voice-Directed Computing may also
data for the Historian database. all of the various sub-system elements, be interfaced to the WCS, or directly to
such as package handling and unit load the WMS, if it is real-time enabled.
Potential legislative changes
concerning the traceability of
manufactured goods, along with
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
retailer requirements, will lead to a
greater need for track and trace in
manufacturing logistics applications.
Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Warehouse Control System (WCS)

Location Control Material Flow Control Order Fulfillment

Machine Control

Wireless Real-Time Logistics

Seamless integration of
technologies and software
provides a single user
interface for effective logistics
management and control.

24/7 Service
& Support

Dematic Sprocket: your lifecycle

partner delivering value

Dematic Maintenance Services As logistics systems become more Because no two systems are the same,
• Technical phone support complex and sophisticated, so too does and no two customers have the same
the task of maintaining their performance. requirements, we tailor service programs
• Spare parts services
to meet mutually agreed performance and
• Equipment condition assessment Dematic has the expertise and capabilities
cost goals.
to optimize the efficiency of those systems
• Preventative maintenance
throughout their many years of operation For some customers, this means we
• Scheduled repairs at the lowest total cost. fulfill a total system support role, while for
• Emergency service others we supplement their own in-house
The key to maximizing the efficiency of
maintenance personnel.
• Supplemental resident support service operations is not to spend more
money on service, it is about spending
• Equipment safety assessment
more money on the areas which need it
• Training
and less on those that don’t.
• Software and hardware support
• Radio frequency wireless support

Full All Facility Operations and Management


Material Handling Systems Operation

Control Room Management
Incident Resolution

Modernisation/Upgrades Predictive Maintenance

Consulting Launch Support

Operational Support Spare Parts

Preventative Maintenance Technical Phone Support
Emergency Service Personnel Despatch

All of our service products
are designed to maximize the
productivity or “uptime” of your
system. You choose the level
of support that best suits your
business needs. Dematic service
and support. Wherever you are,
we are, 24/7.

Order-No. NA_BR-1124 | Printed in USA 05/16

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