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5 (15)

2. Read a bit (or possibly a symbol from a slightly larger alphabet, say a digit in the set
{0, . . . , 9}) from the “scratch pad” or working space we allow the algorithm to use.
Based on the values read,

3. Write a bit/symbol to the scratch pad.

4. Either stop and output 0 or 1, or choose a new rule from the set that will be applied next.

Finally, the running time is the number of these basic operations performed.
Below, we formalize all of these notions.

1.2.1 The Turing Machine

The k-tape Turing machine is a concrete realization of the above informal notion, as follows (see
Figure 1.1).

Scratch Pad: The scratch pad consists of k tapes. A tape is an infinite one-directional line of
cells, each of which can hold a symbol from a finite set Γ called the alphabet of the machine. Each
tape is equipped with a tape head that can potentially read or write symbols to the tape one cell
at a time. The machine’s computation is divided into discrete time steps, and the head can move
left or right one cell in each step.
The first tape of the machine is designated as the input tape. The machine’s head can can only
read symbols from that tape, not write them —a so-called read-only head.
The k − 1 read-write tapes are called work tapes and the last one of them is designated as the
output tape of the machine, on which it writes its final answer before halting its computation.

Finite set of operations/rules: The machine has a finite set of states, denoted Q. The machine
contains a “register” that can hold a single element of Q; this is the ”state” of the machine at
that instant. This state determines its action at the next computational step, which consists of the
following: (1) read the symbols in the cells directly under the k heads (2) for the k − 1 read/write
tapes replace each symbol with a new symbol (it has the option of not changing the tape by writing
down the old symbol again), (3) change its register to contain another state from the finite set Q
(it has the option not to change its state by choosing the old state again) and (4) move each head
one cell to the left or to the right.
One can think of the Turing machine as a simplified modern computer, with the machine’s tape
corresponding to a computer’s memory, and the transition function and register corresponding to
the computer’s central processing unit (CPU). However, it’s best to think of Turing machines as
simply a formal way to describe algorithms. Even though algorithms are often best described
by plain English text, it is sometimes useful to express them by such a formalism in order to
argue about them mathematically. (Similarly, one needs to express an algorithm in a programming
language in order to execute it on a computer.)

Formal definition. Formally, a TM M is described by a tuple (Γ, Q, δ) containing:

Web draft 2007-01-08 21:59

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