TS8 Writing Section
TS8 Writing Section
TS8 Writing Section
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Writing sections
Zaloba Tangram
Ljubljana 2017
Writing sections
unit 1
SHOPPING -- The Call of the Mall
I. Shops and shopping. IV. I won a competition.
Choose three shops from the pictures on page 9 Imagine you won a competition last month. Your
in your coursebook. Make lists of some things you prize was a free trip to a place of your own choice,
can buy there. and a chance to meet a famous person of your
own choice. Copy and complete the description of
HELP: coursebook (Ex. I, p 9)
workbook (Ex. 2b, p 5) your trip.
the newsagents magazines, ... Last month I won a competition. The prize was
the greengrocers fruits and vegetables, ...
a free trip to a place of my choice. I chose
(1) ____________. I went last Friday, for the
II. Presents. weekend. The plane left at (2) ____________.
Imagine you save some pocket money for presents
Naturally, I travelled first class. On the plane, I ate
for your family and friends. What are you going to (3) ____________ and I drank (4) ____________.
buy Write five sentences.
I stayed at a five star hotel. On Saturday I went
toy perfume clothes book DVD shopping and I bought a (5) ____________.
jewellery (earrings, ring, bracelet, necklace) watch On Sunday I met (6) ____________, and we went to
game flowers chocolates poster diary brush (7) ____________ together. It was fantastic!
comb pack of cards jigsaw scarf bottle of wine
fountain pen slippers lipstick nail polish
music box cupmug table cloth table lamp
towel socks football V. My party checklist.
You are going to have a fabulous party next week.
Im going to buy a scarf for my sister. ...
Write a list of the things you need to buy. Think
about food, clothes, and decoration.
Robinson Crusoe You are all alone on the island, arent you ...
Writing sections unit 1
Dear Julie,
X. My invention.
Thanks very much for your invitation. Id love to come
Think of an invention. It can be useful or useless. Give it
but I cant. Its my parents wedding anniversary and a name, and then prepare a brochure to advertise it. Use
I should be with them. Some other time perhaps.
the examples below as a model.
Bye, David
(Adapted from World Club 2 by Michael Harris and David Mower, pp 80, 81, 97)
Writing sections
unit 2
I. Somebody famous. III. A frightening story.
Imagine you met somebody famous. Write Write a frightening story. Write what happened to
you. Use the story outline and the texts below to
who you saw and when
where you saw this person
help you.
what the famous person was doing at the time
The story outline
Example Context (when and One dayevening last ..., I was
I saw Jurij Zrnec a month ago. I saw him in the town centre. He where the story walking down the streetin the
was eating an ice cream and window-shopping. happened) park ...
Details It was getting ...
II. A terrible disaster. I was walking ...
a) Imagine there has been a terrible disaster in Events (what happened) I saw a ...
another country. Decide what sort of disaster it Details She was ...
She was wearing ...
was. Choose from these
Events I said ...
floods earthquake avalanche drought I looked back but ...
wildfire hurricane tornado volcano
b) Write what happened. Use the prompts and the One evening last autumn, I was walking in the park. It was
getting dark and there were very few people. As I was walking
model texts below to help you. through the rose garden, I saw a young woman. She was
sitting alone on a bench. She was crying. Her clothes were very
HELP: workbook (Ex. 1b, p 94 / Ex. 2, pp 94–95 /
old-fashioned. She was wearing a long black dress with a high
Ex. 16, p 60 / Ex. 17, pp 60–61 / Ex. 18, p 61)
collar. She looked like a photograph from 1850. I went up to
her and said Excuse me, whats the matter Can I help you
Prompts She said nothing and I walked on. When I looked back at the
Yesterday terrible floods hitstruck a region bench, the woman in black was gone. Maybe it was a psychic
two days ago in China. Heavy rain caused great experience and I saw a person from the past.
last summer, floods in a region in China. One summer, when I was eight, we were on holiday. It was
... a terrible earthquake happenedhit evening and we were driving through some city. We werent
struckshook Californiaa city in ... really talking and my mum was looking out of her window,
an avalanche happened in the Swiss when she screamed, Oh, my God! Do you see it
Alps an avalanche struck a ski My dad slowed down and the car on the right passed us.
resort and killed several skiers I couldnt see inside, but a very thin arm was hanging out of
a major drought hitstruck large the window. I asked my mum what she saw, and she said it
areas of Africa ... was a skeleton. It had a tongue and eyes.
a wildfire broke outstarted in This happened to my mother. One summer, when she was 19,
California ... she went on a four-day camping trip on her own. She brought
a hurricanetornado hitstruck her camera and took lots of pictures. When she came back
northern Germanya city in ... and developed her film, there were four extra pictures that
a volcano erupted near ... she didnt take. They were pictures of her -- sleeping! One each
night. It freaked the hell out of her.
What did It caused a lot of damage.
the disaster It damageddestroyed buildings One Saturday night, we were having a sleepover at our old
cause (bridges, roads, ...). It killed many house on the edge of a lake, surrounded by woods. Me and my
people. Many buildings collapsed. four best friends -- Alex, Bianca, Sabrina, and Lacey. We were
It flooded a lot of villages. Thousands making cookies and watching movies and doing our hair and
of people lost their homes. ... make-up. At midnight, when we were watching a film,
a stone hit a window and broke it. We screamed, and our
Examples hearts stopped in panic. We put our heads under the blankets.
Yesterday, a terrible avalanche happened in the Swiss Alps. Then we heard a noise at the window. We went to the
It struck a ski resort and killed several skiers. window and looked outside. There was a huge white wolf in
Last year, a major drought struck large areas of Africa. It was front of the house. It was looking at us with horrible red eyes.
a terrible disaster because there was no food. Many children We were frightened to death. Luckily, five minutes later, my
died because of hunger. parents car pulled into the driveway. Its headlights frightened
Last week, terrible floods hit a region in China. The floods the wolf and it ran away.
caused a lot of damage and many people died.
Writing sections unit 2
... annoys you about parentsteacherssome of your
What type of festival is it (a music festival,
a theatre festival, a film festival, a carnival festival,
... attracts you most to a person
a folklore festival ...)
... explains school work to you when you dont
When did it begin Where Where does it take
place How is it celebrated
... helps you most with your problems
... influences you the most when you make decisions
... interests you at school
Goli oder (The Naked Stage) is an international contemporary ... loves you the most
theatre festival. Its focus is on the improvisational theatre. ... makes someone a good friend
The participants create completely improvised plays. It takes ... makes someone a good student
place every year in autumn in Ljubljana. It began in 2002. ... makes you laugh a lot
Jurjevanje (St. George Festival) is a festival with folkloric ... usually gets angry with you
dances, music and songs. It is based on the traditional
Slovenian holiday called Jurjevo, which is celebrated on
St. George's Day -- 24th April. The festival takes place in Bela
What attracts you most to a person -- His or her
krajina, and is the oldest folklore festival in Slovenia.
character.His or her appearance.His or her sense of humour.
The festival started in 1964. It attracts thousands of visitors
What annoys you about some of your friends --
from near and far.
Nothing.When they stop talking to me.When they make fun
Jurjevanje comes from a tradition in Bela krajina. According
of me.
to this tradition, a young man dresses up in green twigs and
What makes someone a good friend -- He or she is
represents zeleni Jurij (Green George). Girls decorate a young
understandinghonestgood company.
birch tree with colourful ribbons and flowers. In this way they
Who explains school work to you when you dont understand
celebrate the beginning of spring.
-- No one.My friends.My family.My parents or relatives.
My teachers.
V. In an air balloon.
b) Write three What do you ... and three
All the people listed below are in a balloon which
Who do you ... questions, and answer them.
is losing height. Only three people can stay in the
basket. Who should survive Choose three people
and write why they should survive. Use the ideas What do you ... Who do you ...
below or your own. (Kaj) (Koga)
A soldier is much more important than a pop star because he
defends a country.
Writing sections unit 2
Writing sections
unit 3
I. Rooms and places in the house. III. How often
Choose two rooms or places in the house. Write Think of activities that you do every week. Write
what physical (emotional, social) needs these five sentences, saying how often you do them. Use
rooms or places help to satisfy. Use these words these words
kitchen bathroom bedroom living room once a week twice a week three times a week
dining room hall garage cellar attic four times a week every day
play room balconyterrace garden
I buy a magazine once a week.
HELP: coursebook (Ex. I, p 100) I go to the beach twice a week.
I see my girlfriend three times a week.
Examples I scoot to school four times a week.
The living room
I think that the living room is the most important room in
a house. All family members sit together here. They watch TV,
IV. Are you a good student
play, read and talk about their days. The living room is also Use the prompts below and those in Exercise 8 on
a place for parties and guests. When friends come to visit, we
always entertain them in our living room.
page 106 in your coursebook, and write what kind
The Kitchen
of student you are. Write five sentences. Use these
The kitchen is the heart of the home. It is used for cooking words
but it can be much more than that. It is a meeting point for
the whole family -- in the morning, evening or at night. In HELP: coursebook (Ex. 8, p 106)
the kitchen, you can eat your breakfast, drink your morning
coffee or get yourself a late-night snack. People usually enjoy always usually sometimes often
being in the kitchen. If it is big, you can invite your friends to rarelyseldom never
the kitchen. It can be a familys living space, almost a living
room. When relatives come together for celebrations, they
often spend a lot of time in the kitchen. They prepare meals Prompts
together and catch up on each others lives. What I like best be late for school
is when mum steps into the kitchen and starts cooking be polite to the teachers
something delicious. cheat in exams
chew gum
II. Daily chores. pass notes in class
play with my hair
Look at the pictures of daily chores in Exercise 3a put up my hand when I want to speak
on page 103 in your coursebook. run on the stairs or in the corridors
stand up when a teacher comes in
HELP: coursebook (Ex. 3a, 3b, 3c, p 103) tap on the desk
use my mobile phone in class
a) Choose two chores and write who does them in your work hard in lessons
family. write on the desks
My father cuts the grass. ... yawn in class
b) Choose two chores and write how often you do them. Example
I often do the hoovering. ... I never talk in class. I always have neat handwriting. ...
c) Choose two chores and write whether you have to or
dont have to do them.
V. Have you done the hoovering yet
I have to do the shopping. I dont have to take the
rubbish out. ... Look at the pictures in Exercise 3a on page 109 in
d) Choose two chores and write whether you like or your coursebook. Choose four things and write
dont like doing them. whether Nicoletta has or hasnt done them yet.
I likeenjoy making breakfast. I dont mind making my
bed. I cant standbear cleaning my shoes. I hate doing HELP: coursebook (Ex. 3a, p 109 / Ex. 3a, p 103)
the ironing.
She hasnt taken the rubbish out yet. She has already done the
washing up. ...
Writing sections unit 3
Writing sections
unit 4
I. My experiences. IV. Stunts.
Choose five experiences from the pictures on page Look at the stunts in Exercise 2 on page 149 in your
147 in your coursebook. Write what you have or coursebook. Choose five stunts and write what
havent experienced or done. Dave Forman has done.
Example Example
I have swum in a river. I havent won a medal. ... Hes dived onto moving trains. Hes been in a cage with
poisonous snakes. ...
II. My life.
Complete five of these phrases to make true V. My latest news.
Write four pieces of your latest news, e.g. four
sentences about yourself.
things that have happened to you, your family or
Ive never eaten ... Ive never swum in ... friends recently.
I havent tasted ... Ive won a ...
Ive listened to ... Ive seen ... Example
Ive visited ... Ive played ... Ive just bought some new clothes. Ive changed my hairstyle.
Ive travelled on a ... I havent climbed ... We have painted the kitchen. Our cat has just had four kittens.
Ive been to ... Ive ridden aan ... My brother has hurt his leg. ...
I havent lived in ... Ive never broken ...
VI. The latest news.
Ive travelled on a planesubmarine. Ive been to a theme park. Write a short text with the latest news of your
Ive won a prize. Ive ridden an elephant. ...
favourite singer, actor or sportsperson.
III. My experiences rucksack. Eddie Strong has come back to Britain after a trip to Japan.
Unpack your experiences rucksack, and take Hes won a Grammy for Best Singer of the Year. The latest
news is that hes made a new album. Hes also made a video
out five of the most exciting (unusual, crazy, ...) for his new single. Hes left hospital after the accident he had
experiences youve had so far. Write them down. last week. And the worst news is that hes got married!
My experiences
VII. Asking about the latest news.
Write two dialogues with the words in the box.
A Ive just ...
Writing sections unit 4
I wouldnt mind being on a desert island. Since I was a little
boygirl I have dreamed of having an island all to myself.
On a desert island, I would have to look after myself without
anyone elses help. I would build a shelter and make bedding,
find food and water. I would use large leaves to collect rain
water and store it in hollowed-out coconuts. I would eat fruits
(coconuts, bananas), berries, mushrooms and seafood. I would
also hunt small animals. I would also make a hammock from
vines and palm leaves.
I would miss some civilised comforts, such as my bed, mobile
phone and television. If I were allowed to take only three
things, I would take a knife, matches and a hen.
The idea of a desert island has inspired great literary works
such as Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, Lord of the Flies, and
many films (e.g. Cast Away).