Man Of The House1. What is the setting in man of the house?The setting took place in a town called cork, Ireland in the early 20th century.2. Who are the characters in man of the house?The characters are:Sullivan, Mother, Minnie Ryan, Doctor and much more.3. What is the plot of Man of the house.A delicate relationship of a mother and son.4. Explain the Plot.Exposition: This is a young ten year old that lives with his mother in a slum neighbourhood in cork town ireland.Rising Action: The boy doesnt go to school because he wants to take care of the household and help his mothers illness.Climax: At the dispensary he meets a girl who persuades him to take his moms medicine.Falling Action: The boy goes back home and tells his mother the truth, he then leaves the rest in gods hands.Resolution: His mother forgives him without being upset for what he did, reflectingthat he is an only child he realises a miracle has somehow happened.Conflict/Problem: He is set to get medication for his mother but is peer pressured into drinking the meds and share it. He is left hoping on a miracle to happen and for his mom to get well. He tries his best to be a good person but ultimately fails.5. What is the Pov in the man of the house?This is first person narrative because it captures the experiences of the little boy it also showes the reader guilt when Sullivan drinks his mothers medicine.6. What are the themes in man of the house?The themes are love and family relationship. This is between mother and son, the son is scared that his mother will die from pneumonia nad goes to a unsavory neighbourhood to get her medicine. His mother is guilty that her son needs to take care of her and understands when he gets into trouble.7. What is another theme?Another theme is innocence. This is shown because he doesnt even realize that his new friend is using him for his medication. His reaction after being used also points to his innocence.8. What is another theme?Another theme is responsibility. This is shown by him doing the chores and acting older than he is. He also drinks his mothers meds, without knowing tells his motherwhat to do which could play a part on how men used to treat woman.9. What are literary devices in the man of the house?The literary devices are Irony and symbolism. Irony: Consideration can be given because he is easily perrsuaded to spend his money and drink medicine. The irony isthat he has all the important roles in the house yet at the end of the story it shows that its too much for him.Symbolism: This is showed by the significance that is placed on the cathedral, the candle and praying is used to help his mother.