Structure of The Constitution

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Structure of the Constitution


Introduction - Lists the 6 Purposes of Government:

1. _To form a more perfect Union.

2. _To establish Justice._______

3. _To insure domestic Tranquility. _

4. _To provide for the common defense.__

5. _To promote the general Welfare.____

6. _To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (future generations)___


⇒ Article 1 – The _Legislative_ Branch - Congress

o How members are chosen, _qualifications___, powers of Congress

and powers _not given ___ to Congress

o Qualifications:

Senators: Must be at least 30, a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and live in the state they represent

Serve a term of six years.

Representatives: must be at least 25, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they

Serve a term of two years

⇒ Article 2 – The _Executive____ Branch – President and Vice President

o Qualifications of President, how the President is __elected____, powers of the President.

Must be 35 years of age

Must have been living in the U.S. for at least 14 years (firsthand knowledge of issues)

Must be a natural born citizen


⇒ Article 3 – The __Judicial____ Branch – Supreme Court

o Structure of federal courts and __what types of cases they hear_____

Qualifications: How new states are admited

⇒ Article 4 – About the States #2

o Full Faith and Credit Clause – each state shall _shall respect the laws of other states

o How new states are _admited _________________________

⇒ Article 5 – Amendments

o Establishes the process of _amending ___ or __chaning____ the Constitution.

Process to Amend Constitution: bill must pass both houses with two-thirds majority in each house
(senale: 67 of 100 -House of representative

⇒ Article 6 – Supremacy of the Constitution

o Establishes the Constitution is the “__highest law in the land __”

o The Constitution is the highest power!!! Nothing can violate the Constitution!!

⇒ Article 7 – Ratification

o The Constitution would be _approved_____ after nine states agreed to it


1-10 are known as the _Bill of rights_ - they protect civil liberties (freedoms)

27 total

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