Characterizing Facies and Porosity-Permeability Heterogeneity in A

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Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

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Characterizing facies and porosity-permeability heterogeneity in a

geothermal carbonate reservoir with the use of NMR-wireline logging data
Maxime Catinat a, *, Benjamin Brigaud a, Marc Fleury b, Hadrien Thomas a, Miklos Antics c,
Pierre Ungemach c
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, GEOPS, Orsay 91405, France
IFP Energies Nouvelles, 1-4 Avenue de Bois-Préau, Rueil-Malmaison 92852, France
GEOFLUID, 165 Rue de la belle étoile, 95700, Roissy, CDG, France


Keywords: If they are to be economically and technically sustainable, geothermal projects require the production of hot fluid
NMR well-log at high flow rates over a 30-year thermal lifetime. The combined use of multiple logging tools in making pet­
Geothermal well rophysical assessments of reservoir quality helps to optimize drilling in areas of high geothermal potential. The
present paper focuses on four geothermal wells intercepting Middle Jurassic (Dogger) carbonate rocks of the
Paris Basin
Paris Basin where for the first time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) log data have been successfully used to
Porosity-permeability investigate reservoir porosity-permeability heterogeneities. A total of ten facies have been identified from
recovered cuttings and cores and grouped into four facies associations along a schematic carbonate ramp profile.
From the wells studied, four reservoir units exhibiting porosities exceeding 15% and permeabilities of up to 1
Darcy (D) were traced in the Calcaires de Comblanchien, the Oolithe Blanche and the Calcaires marneux à Phola­
domyes formations. The well’s sub-horizontal trajectory and well-logs correlations between two wells, made it
possible a priori to identify porous and permeable layers extending over at least 500 m and up to 2000 m within
the Bathonian reservoir, providing useful pointers for further 3D reservoir geomodeling. Permeabilities derived
from well testing proved to be overestimated when compared with NMR-derived permeabilities, illustrating the
upscaling problem that is invariably a challenge in carbonate systems. NMR can be combined with production
logging tool (PLT), that provides data on the distribution and thickness of productive layers, to give indications
for example about continuous permeability record along the geothermal wells or about the proportion of micro
and macroporosities in rocks. Based on the geological classification derived from examination of cores and
cuttings, four rock-types (including mean T2 pore-size distributions) have been identified and attributed to a given
sedimentary facies and depositional environment by extending a clustering method to NMR log distributions
from wells.

1. Introduction Coudert and Jaudin, 1988; Jaudin et al., 2009; Lucas et al., 2020). Pri­
mary production of renewable energies in France for 2020 amounted to
The growing demand for renewable energy is a global challenge. One 322 TWh, with only 1.7% or 5.5 TWh being produced by the geothermal
of the solutions for achieving energy transition goals involves using the industry (Beck et al., 2021). To improve this contribution, the Middle
Earth’s heat by exploiting low-, medium-, and high-enthalpy geothermal Jurassic (Dogger) carbonate reservoirs have proved the most promising
resources. In France, low enthalpy-resources (between 65 ◦ C and 90 ◦ C) target for developing geothermal energy in the Paris Basin, which began
are primarily tapped from two major sedimentary basins (i.e. Paris and in the early 1980s (Antics et al., 2005; Allo et al., 2021; Housse and
Aquitaine Basins) for direct heating (Lund and Toth, 2021). Maget, 1976; Lopez et al., 2010). These reservoirs are characterized by
High-enthalpy geothermal fields (>150 ◦ C) are exploited in overseas heterogeneous and complex pore networks resulting from wide vari­
départements (i.e. Bouillante site, Guadeloupe) and in the Upper Rhine ability both in the conditions prevailing in the depositional environment
Graben (i.e. Soultz-sous-Forêts site, Alsace) (Boissavy et al., 2019; (such as depositional energy, water depth, climate, and tectonism) and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Catinat).
Received 12 April 2023; Received in revised form 9 August 2023; Accepted 28 August 2023
Available online 6 September 2023
0375-6505/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

in the diagenetic processes involved (i.e. fluid-rock interactions such as limestones in the basin, was used to improve permeability prediction in
micritization, calcite cementations, dolomitization, mechanical and the geothermal reservoir (Catinat et al., 2023). An additional objective is
chemical compaction, dissolution and karstification), which can lead to thus to accurately identify the similarities and differences observed in
either enhanced or deteriorated reservoir properties (Goodner et al., permeability predictions derived from these equations.
2020; Lucia, 1983, 1995, 1999; Moore, 1989, 2001; Ronchi et al., 2010).
These pore-space heterogeneities result in highly variable reservoir 2. Geological and geothermal setting
permeabilities, that represent a challenge for prospection in carbonate
systems. The Paris Basin is an intracratonic basin covering a vast area
In order to better characterize these pore-space heterogeneities, (110,000 km2) of northern France (Fig. 1A). It is characterized by three
previous classification work on pore sizes and pore types can be found major episodes: (1) extension with crustal thinning from the Permian to
for carbonate rocks (Archie, 1952; Choquette and Pray, 1970; Lønøy, the Late Jurassic, corresponding to a period of intense subsidence; (2) a
2006), but it remains a difficult exercise to accurately capture the spatial period of slow subsidence (Early Cretaceous–Eocene) at an increased
distribution of porosity and permeability heterogeneities at the reservoir rate during the Late Cretaceous; and (3) a period of uplift since the
scale (Ahr, 2008; Hollis et al., 2010; Rebelle and Lalanne, 2014; van der Neogene (Brigaud et al., 2014; Brunet and Le Pichon, 1982; Guillocheau
Land et al., 2013; Yarmohammadi et al., 2020). Such information is et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2023). The sedimentary deposits reach a
crucial in the petroleum industry but it is also valuable in the maximum thickness nearing 3000 m at the depocenter (Guillocheau
fast-growing geothermal sector for predicting the flow units liable to et al., 2000; Mégnien and Mégnien, 1980) (Fig. 1A). Surrounding Paris,
contribute to production. Porosity and permeability data are usually a ca. 250 m-thick Middle Jurassic (upper Bajocian–lower Callovian)
measured in the laboratory on core samples collected from the target limestone unit is found at a depth of approximately 1500 m (Fig. 1B).
reservoir. High coring costs means that core data are limited, especially The ca. 175 m-thick Bathonian deposits host the most dependable
in the geothermal industry, making it difficult to quantitatively evaluate geothermal reservoir in these limestones (Thomas et al., 2023). Deposits
reservoir quality. ranging from the Early to Late Bathonian consist of marls and lime­
In France, geothermal operations were conducted in 2017 at Cachan, stones. From bottom to top, a sequence of four sedimentary formations
a suburb 3 km south of Paris, and in 2020 at Bobigny, a suburb just north can be described as follows (Brosse et al., 2010; Delmas et al., 2010;
of Paris. During these operations, two sub-horizontal wells (GCAH1 and Mégnien and Mégnien, 1980; Thomas et al., 2023):
GCAH2) were drilled at Cachan, a world first in geothermal well ar­
chitecture (i.e. in contrast with the long prevailing conventional devi­ (1) The Marnes à Ostrea acuminata consist of marls, deposited in
ated drilling practice) aimed at enhancing heat production by lower to upper offshore environments dating from the Late
maximizing reservoir exposure area (Ungemach et al., 2019; Wiele­ Bajocian to Early Bathonian (“zigzag” convergens and parkinsonia
maker et al., 2020). Four other deviated wells were drilled later at the ammonite zones). They can reach nearly 50 m thick in the basin
Bobigny-Drancy site (GBD1, GBD2, GBD3, and GBD4) including a 36 m (Thomas et al., 2023).
core-section in the geothermal reservoir of well GBD4. (2) The Calcaires marneux à Pholadomyes, dated Early/Mid Bathonian
In order to improve the understanding of the heterogeneity of the (from “zigzag” macrecens to morrisi ammonite zones), are mainly
limestone reservoir, a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) logging tool, composed of marls deposited in upper offshore environments
widely used in hydrocarbon exploration (Appel et al., 2003; Hirasaki with local ooid limestone layers. This formation averages about
et al., 2003), was deployed (Ungemach et al., 2019; Wielemaker et al., 45 m in thickness and reaches nearly 100 m at its maximum
2020). In addition to NMR, a wireline logging survey was conducted (Thomas et al., 2023).
including conventional tools: gamma-ray (GR), density (RHOB), sonic (3) The Oolithe Blanche formation consists of ooid limestones
(DT), and production logging tool (PLT) (flow/temperature data). The deposited on a high-energy shallow platform dating from the Late
NMR logging tool provides continuous openhole recording of porosity Bathonian (hodsoni ammonite zone) (Thomas et al., 2023; Vin­
(ϕ), permeability (k), pore-size distributions, and fluid saturation in rock cent et al., 2021). This formation makes up the main reservoir
(Coates et al., 1999; Kenyon, 1997; Nurmi and Standen, 1997; Westphal objective of geothermal prospection within the Middle Jurassic
et al., 2005). It can also be used to quickly reconstruct the rock-type (rock limestones (Hamm et al., 2015; Lopez et al., 2010; Rojas et al.,
fabric, facies, pore types) guide in the absence of cores, in case a com­ 1989; Thomas et al., 2023). It reaches 20–30 m thick in this part
parison can be made with a reference core. Owing to high laboratory of the basin (Thomas et al., 2023).
experiment costs for geothermal operators and limited core availability, (4) The Calcaires de Comblanchien, dated from the Late Bathonian
only two sets of laboratory NMR analyses have been carried out on cores (orbis ammonite zone), are characterized by micritic and
from the Middle Jurassic geothermal reservoir of the Paris Basin. A oncoidal-bioclastic limestones deposited in a protected lagoon
single investigation was conducted on Middle Jurassic limestones environment and display productive layers locally. This forma­
collected from the eastern part of the Basin (Brigaud et al., 2014), tion reaches ca. 20–30 m thick in this part of the basin (Thomas
supplemented more recently by a second one from the central part of the et al., 2023).
basin in geothermal well GBD4 (Catinat et al., 2023).
The present paper aims at providing a rock-typing criterion to opti­ Above the Bathonian limestones, a thin (less than 10 m in the area),
mize the use of NMR well-logs while characterizing geothermal car­ non-porous limestone to marl layer of Early Callovian age, the Dalle
bonate reservoirs in the Paris Basin. The main objectives therefore nacrée formation, caps the limestones (Perrodon and Zabek, 1990).
address (1) a more precise characterization of facies and reservoir het­ Geothermal wells are cemented at the base of the Dalle Nacrée formation
erogeneities; (2) a test correlation between NMR and production logging (Lopez et al., 2010). Based on the recent work of Thomas et al. (2023),
data to better estimate reservoir quality using NMR logs and assess the seven depositional sequences corresponding to third-order sequence and
impact of the vertical resolution of the tools on the estimates; and finally partitioning the Bathonian limestones have been recognized (labelled as
(3) a reference classification relating NMR distributions from well-logs sequences MJVIIIa, MJVIIIb, MJVIIIc, MJIX, MJXa, MJXb, and MJXI).
to geological observations derived from cuttings and core samples. “MJ” stands for Middle Jurassic. Five other sequences are reported in the
Four geothermal wells have been selected to pursue these objectives Callovian cap-rock (labelled as sequences MJXIIa, MJXIIb, MJXIII,
related to the petrography and petrophysics of the Middle Jurassic MJXIV and MJXV). Each sequence is delimited by boundaries corre­
limestones of the Paris Basin. The Schlumberger Doll Research (SDR) sponding to maximum regressive surfaces (MRS). The MRS identified
permeability equation is commonly used for predicting permeability (k), from the Late Bajocian to the Late Callovian were respectively abbre­
but another equation (km), previously determined on specific Bathonian viated as “Bj” for Bajocian, “Bt” for Bathonian and “Ca” for Callovian

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 1. A: Geological map of the Paris Basin including the cross-section surface location depicted in B. B: Cross-section of the central part of the basin modified from
Gély et al. (2014) showing the targeted Middle Jurassic geothermal reservoir. C: Location map of geothermal wells producing the Bathonian geothermal fluid. The
geothermal operations studied are shown in green (Cachan 3 and Bobigny). The isotherm map of the geothermal water has been produced by kriging of the Grand
Paris area illustrating the dense geothermal doublet population supplying the district heating grid. Depending on locations, reservoir temperatures range from 56 ◦ C
to 80 ◦ C. Note the colour code assigning blue and red to injection or production wells. D: 3D architecture views and trajectories of the Cachan 3 sub-horizontal
doublet. E: 3D architecture views and trajectories of the Bobigny quadruplet. The interval of the core zone from the Oolithe Blanche formation in GBD4 is in or­
ange. World Geodetic System 84 coordinates: GBD1 (X: 2.4549089; Y: 48.9039652), GBD2 (X: 2.4547782; Y: 48.9039412), GBD3 (X: 2.4550396; Y: 48.9039892),
GBD4 (X: 2.4551703; Y: 48.9040123), GCAH1 (X: 2.3300023; Y: 48.7888193), and GCAH2 (X: 2.3300024; Y: 48.7888328). “G” stands for Geothermal, “BD” for
Bobigny-Drancy, and “CAH” for Cachan.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

(Thomas et al., 2023). surface between the magnets/antenna system and the borehole wall, the
The temperature distribution inside the Bathonian aquifer is highly tool is off-centred as it runs down in the openhole delivering measure­
heterogeneous (Fig. 1C). Depending on locations, temperatures range ments approximately every 15 cm (Wielemaker et al., 2020). Measured
from 56 ◦ C to 80 ◦ C (Lopez et al., 2010; Rojas et al., 1989). The lowest magnetization decays can be described by exponential curves with
temperatures are found in Paris and in the western part of characteristic T2 times, known as the transverse relaxation time, which
Seine-Saint-Denis département, reaching 56 ◦ C at a depth of 1585 m reflect the rock pore-size volume distribution. According to the T2
(Fig. 1C), with a geothermal gradient of about 3 ◦ C/100 m (Dentzer, relaxation threshold, labelled as specific T2 cut-off time, T2 distributions
2017). In contrast, the highest temperatures are identified in the can be partitioned so as to distinguish microporous, mesoporous, and
Val-de-Marne département, southeast of Paris, reaching up to 80 ◦ C at a macroporous media. In our study, only microporosity and macro­
depth of 1640 m (Fig. 1C), with a geothermal gradient slightly exceeding porosity volumes are considered with a cut-off threshold between both
4 ◦ C/100 m (Dentzer, 2017). porosities set at 120 ms. This value has been previously determined from
Two recent geothermal operations devised by GEOFLUID Inc. are NMR laboratory experiments conducted on core samples from well
located in the Paris suburbs (Fig. 1C). In 2017, two sub-horizontal wells GBD4 (Catinat et al., 2023). Summing up, the longer the magnetization
(the Cachan 3 doublet), an innovative well architecture designed to decay times, the larger the pores and vice versa. NMR permeability can
extract deep-seated geothermal heat from sedimentary basins, were be calculated using a relationship of the form:
successfully drilled at Cachan, a suburban site in Val-de-Marne
kSDR = Cϕa T2lm
département, south of Paris (Boissavy et al., 2019). Both sub-horizontal
wells (GCAH1, production well and GCAH2, injection well) consist of
where, ϕ stands for porosity (volume fraction) and T2lm for the loga­
1000 m long, 8.5” openhole drains tapping the Bathonian productive
rithmic mean value (in ms) derived from T2 distributions, representing a
layers at 1550 m vertical depth (Fig. 1D). They replace two existing
mean of pore sizes governing permeability Dunn et al., 2002). There are
30-year-old conventionally completed doublets, Cachan 1 (GCDS1,
a large number of alternative formulae (Babadagli and Al-Salmi, 2004),
production well and GCDN1, injection well) and Cachan 2 (GCDS2,
with Eq. ((1) being deemed suitable for a formation saturated by a single
production well and GCDN2, injection well) respectively. A complete
liquid (geothermal brine in the present case) whereas many others deal
logging survey was specifically deployed in well GCAH2, including the
with formations saturated with oil and water for hydrocarbon produc­
first use of modern wireline logging technologies such as Sonic Scanner
tion. In cases where no calibration can be completed on core samples,
and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tools in France’s geothermal
default values are set to C = 4, a = 2, and b = 4 in Eq. (1) for a carbonate
industry records. However, according to the logging schedule, such data
system (Coates et al., 1999). Here, this relation will be referred to as the
were not acquired for the production well GCAH1 and will therefore
SDR (namely KSDR) default relationship. Another equation, named km,
only be commented on for well GCAH2 later in this study. More recently,
adapted to Middle Jurassic limestones has been found in previous work
in 2020, another development took place with a quadruplet in Bobigny,
(Catinat et al., 2023) to improve permeability estimates within the
a suburb in Seine-Saint-Denis département, with the drilling of four new
reservoir and will be used later in this paper (see Section 5.1). For more
deviated wells (Geothermal Bobigny Drancy production wells GBD1 and
detailed descriptions of NMR physics and its applications, readers are
GBD3 and injection wells GBD2 and GBD4). Wells GBD1, GBD2, and
referred to other papers in literature (Dennis, 1997; Dunn et al., 2002;
GBD4 were drilled to depths of ca. 1690–1750 m in the Middle Jurassic
Vincent et al., 2011).
limestones whereas well GBD3 was extended down to the Triassic
sandstones (top of the Rhaetian) at a depth of ca. 2120 m (Fig. 1E).
Similarly to GCAH2, NMR logs were recorded in GBD1 and GBD3, and 3.2. Well-logs, cutting samples, and petrographic descriptions
NMR laboratory measurements were made on a 36 m core-section
recovered from the Oolithe Blanche formation from well GBD4 A suite of various openhole wireline and logging while drilling
(Fig. 1E). Summing up, the analyses developed in this paper concern just (LWD) logs was acquired on wells GCAH2, GBD1, and GBD3. These
four geothermal wells (GCAH2, GBD1, GBD3, and GBD4), with GBD2 include gamma-ray (GR), density (RHOB), sonic velocity (DT), sonic
being discarded as NMR logging measurements failed due to technical porosity (SPHI), resistivity (RPD2, RAD4), neutron porosity (NPHI),
issues. combinable magnetic resonance (CMR), total porosity (TCMR) and
permeability (KSDR), and the production logging tool (PLT), flow ve­
3. Materials and methods locity and temperature. The latter, combining a microspinner flow­
metering device and a thermometer, is usually operated at the end of the
3.1. NMR fundamentals and applications production tests, delivering a vertical inflow and temperature profile
within the reservoir. Reservoir hydrodynamic characteristics, chiefly
The physical phenomenon behind the NMR log is the response of the transmissivity, are derived from transient pressure rise and build-up
pore filling water (hydrogen nuclei) to a magnetic field, via its magnetic curves acquired from well tests (Axelsson, 2018).
moment. This moment, which reflects the capacity of hydrogen nuclei to The present paper focuses mainly on CMR which includes: (1) a
align with the tool-induced magnetic field, depends on the nuclei exci­ permeability estimation (KSDR in mD) derived from the Schlumberger
tation which occurs at a specific resonance frequency known as the Doll Research (SDR) equation; (2) the total porosity (TCMR as a per­
Larmor frequency (Coates et al., 1999). When submitted to an external centage), expressed as the sum of the T2 signal amplitudes (Coates et al.,
magnetic field (about a hundred times greater than the Earth’s magnetic 1999); (3) the logarithmic mean of T2 time (T2LM in ms); and (4) the T2
field), the signals emitted by each hydrogen nucleus are easily detected. pore-size distributions (T2 DIST).
Once the field is removed, hydrogen nuclei tend to return to their initial Other well-logs were used to produce inter-well correlations. Due to
state by a processional motion (Serra and Serra, 2000) over a relaxation technical shortcomings, only the GR well-log could be completed on well
time or at a magnetic decay rate. This decay is measured by a device GBD4, preventing any comparison between NMR laboratory experi­
with a static magnetic field generated by permanent magnets associated ments (Catinat et al., 2023) and CMR log data. The well-logs analysed in
with an oscillating magnetic field created by an antenna at the Larmor this paper are illustrated in Fig. 2.
frequency (Dunn et al., 2002) emitting radio frequency pulses stimu­ Cutting sampling rates are usually 5 m for the geothermal wells over
lating the magnetic properties of the fluid-hosted hydrogen nuclei the whole stratigraphic interval crossed in wells GCAH2, GBD1, and
(Wielemaker et al., 2020). Tool investigation depth reaches 3.8 cm GBD3. Mud logging issues masterlogs describing the lithostratigraphic
sideways within the formation with measurement covering over 15.2 cm sequences and facies for all wells. Regarding well GCAH2, cutting
longitudinally (Wielemaker et al., 2020). To ensure an optimum contact samples from the target Bathonian layers at depths of 2080–2840 m MD

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 2. Correlation transect of the stratigraphic interval investigated. The various well-log data available are marked at depth for each well along with PLT identified
producing layers (FLOW). Note the cuttings and core zone intervals for wells GCAH2 and GBD4, respectively. The transect is divided into twelve third-order se­
quences (from sequence MJVIIIa to sequence MJXV) bounded by maximum regressive surfaces (MRS) (from Bj4 to Ca4). The maximum flooding surface (MFS) of the
sequence MJXV corresponds to a condensed oolithic hardground, composed mainly of iron ooids, dated from the Late Callovian (Collin et al., 1998, 2005), which acts
as a marker of the caprock and is clearly identified in wells throughout the Paris Basin (Delmas et al., 2010). Abbreviated headings are defined as follows. TVDSS:
True vertical depth sub-sea. Well-logs: GR: Gamma-ray; RHOB: Density; NPHI: Neutron porosity; DT: Sonic; SPHI: Sonic porosity; RPD2: Deep phase resistivity (2
MHz); RAD4: Deep attenuation resistivity (400 kHz); T2 DIST: T2 time pore-size distribution; KSDR: Schlumberger doll research permeability; TCMR: Total
combinable magnetic resonance porosity; T2LM: T2 time logarithmic mean; FLOW: PLT identified productive layers.

(i.e. Measured Depth) were selected to produce 25 thin-sections with indicators on cutting clasts (Vincent et al., 2011; Wadood et al., 2021).
particle diameters greater than 2 mm. Each sample was washed, dried, The texture of the samples was described using the Dunham (1962) and
and then sieved and impregnated with blue epoxy resin. No cuttings Embry and Klovan (1971) classifications and with respect to pore spaces
from wells GBD1 and GBD3 have been recovered to properly produce based on Choquette and Pray’s (1970) and Lønøy’s (2006) nomencla­
thin-sections and conduct detailed petrographic investigations. Facies tures, discriminating intraparticle (pores within components), inter­
associations characterization for these wells has therefore been carried particle (pores between components), and moldic porosities. Given that
out by reviewing Master Logs files produced by mud-logging team on particles selected from cuttings combine different facies from a depth
site. A total of 41 thin-sections from well GBD4 (i.e. core-section at interval than spans several meters, facies classification was based on
depths of 2381–2417 m MD) have also been studied (Catinat et al., visual determination of the most abundant facies particles present in the
2023). Core and cutting depth sections are illustrated in Fig. 2. Petro­ thin-section.
graphic investigations included light microscopy applied to
thin-sections in order to categorize textures, allochems (bioclastic,
non-bioclastic), grain size, pore-type distributions, and diagenetic

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

3.3. Rock-typing from NMR T2 relaxation time distributions GBD3 was used (i.e. each T2 distribution was grouped into a “k” pre­
defined class). When running the k-means algorithm, a squared
In the hydrocarbon industry, rock-typing is common practice in Euclidean distance was selected and a replicate of 100 was used (i.e. the
reservoir characterization in terms of predicting petrophysical and flow number of times to repeat clustering using new initial cluster centroids
properties (Osorio Peralta, 2009; Shabaninejad and Bagheripour positions). The parameter definition of the k-means algorithm is
Haghighi, 2011). For many years, a number of publications have sug­ described as follows in Matlab software:
gested carbonate rock-typing workflows (Chandra et al., 2015; Hollis

Idx GBD4 = kmeans(Amp GBD4, k, ‘display’, ‘final’, ‘distance’, ‘sqeuclidean’, ‘replicates’, 100)

et al., 2010; Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi et al., 2013; Mathisen et al., 2001; van

der Land et al., 2013) as it remains highly challenging to predict het­ Five cluster numbers (i.e. “k” is varied between two and six for each
erogeneities in such reservoirs, primarily as a result of the major influ­ dataset) were initially tested and a clustering quality control of the re­
ence exerted by diagenetic processes on pore network structures, and sults was conducted using the Matlab “silhouette” analysis. This analysis
thus on the resulting petrophysical properties. As stated by Skalinski and refers to a cluster validation method commonly used to properly esti­
Kenter (2015), various rock-typing schemes can therefore be used when mate the optimal number of clusters (Dinh et al., 2019). The average
studying carbonate systems, each with its advantages and disadvan­ “silhouette” values were computed for each “k” number of clusters to
tages. Gomes et al. (2008) proposed a rock-typing definition as a process provide information on either a good or bad NMR T2 cluster distribution
of classifying reservoir rocks according to their similar geological, assignment. The average “silhouette” values lie between -1 and 1 and the
diagenetic, and/or petrophysical attributes so as to better predict the higher the “silhouette” value, the better the data partition (Dinh et al.,
dynamic behaviour of a reservoir. Accordingly, each rock-type may be 2019). The optimal clustering results were found when setting “k” = 3
interpreted as units that were deposited under similar depositional en­ after having compared the average “silhouette” values obtained for the
vironments but exhibiting various petrophysical responses due to different “k” numbers. The detailed clustering statistical results are
diagenetic alterations, but also as units that were deposited under summarized in Supplementary Table A.
different geological conditions but belonging to the same petrophysical NMR T2-distributions derived from well-logging and those obtained
group (Gomes et al., 2008). An alternative rock-typing consists of two from laboratory measurements (Catinat et al., 2023) differ in terms of
successive steps: the first one corresponding to a static process (i.e. their amplitude number. Here, NMR well-logs include 64 amplitudes
geological, petrophysical, and structural studies for the purpose, for with distributions sampled every 15 cm, whereas for laboratory data,
instance, of 3D static reservoir modeling); the second one based on a signals are usually of higher resolution and composed of 200 amplitudes,
dynamic process (e.g. fluid distribution/content and rock-fluid interac­ previously recorded approximately every 0.5 m (Catinat et al., 2023). It
tion studies within the reservoir adapted to 3D dynamic simulations) is important to mention here that such differences in resolution may
(Aliakbardoust and Rahimpour-Bonab, 2013; Ghedan, 2007; Skalinski impact the clustering results. Each rock-type in this study will be
and Kenter, 2015). In addition, some publications report the use of NMR abbreviated as “RT” followed by an index corresponding to a defined
well-logs for rock-typing through an integrated approach (Frank et al., cluster.
2005; Gharechelou et al., 2017, 2015; Gonçalves et al., 2017; Vincent
et al., 2011). Here we take a simpler approach by defining different 4. Results
rock-types based exclusively on NMR T2-distributions (provided via NMR
logs) using a clustering method (i.e. each rock-type corresponds to a 4.1. Sedimentary facies
single T2 distribution mean) with Matlab© software. Each resulting
rock-type could later be linked to a pore-type based on depositional The detailed petrographic observations from cores and cuttings lead
rock-types (i.e. facies classification) visually determined from petro­ us to define ten facies grouped into four facies associations, from FA1 to
graphic observations on thin-sections. FA4, typical of four positions within a downdip profile ranging from the
The rationale behind clustering methods is to partition a dataset into most distal (lower offshore) to the most proximal (lagoon environment)
various groups in such a way that the data belonging to the same group as illustrated in Fig. 3. All observations and descriptions are summarized
are as similar as possible. Different clustering algorithms can be found in Table 1 under the following headings.
(Xu and Tian, 2015), among which the most popular one, used in this
study, is the k-means algorithm. It classifies a dataset on the basis of a (i) Clays and marls, facies association FA1
pre-defined number of “k” clusters, and assigns each object to a cluster
by an iterative process (Jain, 2010; Macqueen, 1967; Yadav and The first facies association (FA1) groups two facies, (1) marls; and (2)
Sharma, 2013). In detail, this algorithm works in four separate steps: (1) claystones, characterizing the lower offshore environment of the outer
the arbitrary selection of “k” clusters; (2) the automatic generation of ramp, below the storm wave base. As the decision was made to prefer­
“k” centroids, randomly distributed at first to partition the dataset; (3) entially focus on the target Bathonian layers, these two facies were not
the computation of the distance between objects and cluster centroids at observed on thin-sections and were only constrained by well-logs and
each iteration; and (4) the successive association of each object to the cuttings. Cutting observations display clays and marls including bivalve
nearest centroid (Jain, 2010; Yadav and Sharma, 2013). When no pre­ or brachiopod fragments. They are easily identified in well-logging from
liminary information is available from a dataset (e.g. prior geological their high gamma-ray values. These facies are representative of the
descriptions), data clustering is implemented via “unsupervised Callovian deposits overlying the Late Bathonian reservoir, forming the
learning”. On the contrary, when enough prior data is available, a cap rock of the geothermal system.
classification (which differs stricto sensu in terminology from the clus­
tering term) or discriminant analysis can be carried out by “supervised (ii) Mud-dominated facies, facies association FA2
learning” (Jain, 2010). In the present study, an unsupervised facies
approach using the k-means algorithm for wells GCAH2, GBD1, and The second facies association (FA2) consists mostly of bioclastic

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 3. Succession of different Bathonian facies grouped in association along a schematic carbonate ramp profile ranging from the innermost to the outermost
deposits and according to bathymetry. The lower offshore facies have not been observed in thin-sections in the present study.

limestones, locally interleaved with thin marl interbeds (decimetre (iii) Ooid-dominated facies, facies association FA3
thick). Two limestones facies were identified: (1) oncoidal and peloidal
packstones to rudstones; and (2) slightly porous oncoidal packstones to The third facies association (FA3) is characterized by oolithic
floatstones. The dominant fauna is composed of bivalves, echinoderms, grainstones deposited in a high-energy shoreface and/or a shoal envi­
brachiopods, gastropods, bryozoans, coral fragments, and foraminifers, ronment in an inner ramp position. The three facies described here are
which are indicators of normal oxygenation and salinity of marine wa­ classified according to the progressive reduction of pore spaces as a
ters. The mud-dominated facies and marl interbeds indicate upper consequence of diagenetic cement developments between grains: (1)
offshore deposits located on the mid-ramp, between the lower storm highly cemented ooid and peloidal grainstone with bioclasts (F3a); (2)
wave base and the upper fair-weather wave base boundaries. slightly to moderately cemented ooid grainstone (F3b); and (3) highly
porous ooid grainstone (F3c) which is the facies exhibiting the best

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Table 1
Facies classification according to core and cutting descriptions. A: abundant; C: common; F: frequent; R: rare.
Depositional Facies Non-bioclastic Bioclastic Energy and Sorting and Pore-type Diagenesis
environments and components components depositional grain size (in
corresponding environments ( μm)
facies association Burchette and
Wright, 1992)

Lower Offshore, F1a – Clays – Bivalves, Very low energy, – No porosity –

Paleodepth >50 brachiopods Lower Offshore
m, Clays and F1b – Marls – Bivalves, Very low energy, – No porosity –
marls (Facies brachiopods Lower Offshore
association FA1)
Upper Offshore, F2a – Concentric ooids Bivalves (F), Low to moderate Poorly sorted Abundant Low micritization of
Paleodepth Microporous (C), Peloids (F), Echinoderms (C), energy, Upper to well sorted, interparticle grains, local blocky
30–50 m, Mud- oncoidal and Oncoids (C), Foraminifers (C), Offshore 600 μm – 180 microporosity calcite and syntaxial
dominated facies peloidal Superficial ooids Gastropods (R), μm (core) (micritic matrix) and cement
(Facies packstone to (C), Composite Spicules (R), intraparticle (echinoderms), rare
association FA2) rudstone ooids (R), Lumps Bryozoans (R), microporosity (ooid dolomite and bioclast
(R), Intraclasts (R), Brachiopods (R), cortex), rare dissolution,
Hydrocarbon traces Trichites (R) intergranular stylolitization
(?) porosity
F2b – Slightly Oncoids (A), Bivalves (F), Low to moderate Very poorly Moldic porosity Medium
porous oncoidal Peloids (F), Ooids Crinoids (C), energy, Upper sorted, 730 (high in coral micritization, local
packstone to (R), Composite Gastropods (C), Offshore μm – 250 μm fragments) and some blocky calcite,
floatstone ooids (R), Bryozoans (C), (core) microporosity in the syntaxial cement
Intraclasts (R) Brachiopods (C), micritic matrix (echinoderms),
Corals (C), intragranular
Foraminifers (R), microsparitic cement
encrustation (R),
Leiolithes (R),
Burrows (R)
Shoal/Shoreface F3a – Highly Concentric ooids Bivalves (F), High to moderate Poorly to Rare intraparticle Anisopachous cement
environments, cemented ooid (A), Peloids (F), Echinoderm energy, wave- moderately microporosity (ooid well developed,
Ooid-dominated and peloidal fragments (F), dominated, sorted cortex) syntaxial cement, rare
facies, grainstone with Crinoids (F), shoreface near sea micritization
Paleodepth <30 bioclasts Gastropods (R), surface, Shoal
m (Facies Foraminifers (R)
association FA3) F3b – Slightly to Concentric ooids Echinoderms (F), Medium to high Moderately Interparticle Local to well-
moderately (A), Peloids (C), Bivalves (C), energy, wave- sorted to well macroporosity, local developed blocky
cemented ooid Oncoids (R), Brachiopods (C), dominated, Shoal sorted, 410 intraparticle calcite, syntaxial
grainstone with Composite ooids Foraminifers (R) μm – 120 μm microporosity, local cement (echinoderm),
bioclasts (R), Intraclasts (R) (core) moldic porosity important dolomite
(rhombohedral pore dissolution
F3c – Highly Concentric ooids Echinoderm High energy, Very well Abundant Rare cement, rare
porous ooid (A), Peloids (R) fragments (C) wave-dominated, sorted, 350 interparticle ooid micritization,
grainstone Shoal, Shoreface/ μm – 70 μm macroporosity very rare ooid nucleus
Shoal near sea (core) dissolution and rare
surface dolomite dissolution

Lagoon F4a – Highly Concentric ooids Echinoderm Moderate energy, Moderately to Rare intraparticle Abundant blocky
environments, cemented (F), Peloids (F), fragments (F), protected well sorted microporosity calcite or some early
Peloid- oopeloidal Oncoids (R) Bivalves (R), environments, sparitic cement,
dominated grainstone with Brachiopods (R) Lagoon isopachous cement,
facies, bioclasts syntaxial cement
Paleodepth <30 F4b – Non- Peloids (A), Foraminifers (F), Low to moderate Poorly sorted No porosity to High micritization of
m (Facies porous to Oncoids (R), Ooids Echinoderm energy, protected to moderately abundant grains, some sparitic
association FA4) microporous (R) fragments (C), environments, sorted microporosity in cement and nucleus
peloidal Bivalves (C), Lagoon micritic matrix, rare recrystallization
wackestone/ Gastropods (R), moldic porosity
packstone with Bryozoans (R)
F4c – Porous and Peloids (A), Echinoderm High energy, Well sorted to Abundant No cement to local
slightly Concentric ooids fragments (C), foreshore, beach, very well interparticle blocky calcite, some
cemented ooid- (A), Oncoids (R) Crinoids (C), Lagoon sorted macroporosity, rare isopachous early
peloidal Bivalves (C), moldic porosity cement, rare grains
grainstone micritization

reservoir quality, typical of the Oolithe Blanche formation. F3a is oddly (iv) Peloid-dominated facies, facies association FA4
sorted and allochems form a mix between ooid and peloid grains.
Intergranular space is highly cemented by isopachous calcite fringe The fourth facies association (FA4) exhibits three facies: (1) highly
cement and large blocky calcite cement (Fig. 4A). F3b and F3c contain cemented oopeloidal grainstone with bioclasts (F4a, Fig. 4D and E); (2)
high proportions of concentric ooids (Fig. 4B and C). In F3c, blocky non-porous to microporous peloidal wackestone/packstone with fora­
calcite is very rare and the proportions of intergranular porosity are minifers (F4b, Fig. 4F and G); and (3) porous and lightly cemented ooid-
higher than in facies F3b (Fig. 4B and C). peloidal grainstone (F4c, Fig. 4H and I). Various components were

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(caption on next page)

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 4. Petrographic characteristics of cutting samples from the well Cachan 2 (GCAH2). Note the depth of every thin-section added at the bottom left corner, and the
related facies in the top right corner. Facies F3a, F3b and F3c are attached to the Shoal/Shoreface environments (FA3). Facies F4a, F4b, and F4c are linked to the
fourth facies association (FA4) of a protected lagoon environment. A: Highly cemented oopeloidal grainstone with bioclasts of F3a. Components are unsorted and
anisopachous early cements (Aec) completely filling the pore network are homogeneously distributed. On this sample, six component types are illustrated, peloids
(Pel.), ooids (Ool.), foraminifers (Fora.), bivalves (Biv.), echinoderms (Ech.), and brachiopods (Bra.). B: Illustration of facies F3b showing a slightly cemented
bioclastic ooid grainstone with interpenetrated ooids and macroporosity (Macroɸ) between grains. C: Illustration of facies F3c showing a highly porous ooid
grainstone with abundant macroporosity. D and E: Microscopic pictures of highly cemented oopeloidal grainstones with bioclasts of F4a. The sparite cement (Sp.) or
blocky calcite (Bc) cementation are homogeneous, with no evidence of intra-interparticle micro-macroporosity in these samples. F and G: Cutting pictures of non-
porous to microporous peloidal wackestone to packstone with foraminifers (Fora.) of F4b. Note the high micritization of grains and matrix in F, and the microporosity
(Microɸ) invading the micritic matrix in G. Moldic pores in foraminifers debris are completely filled with blocky calcite (Bc) or by microsparitic recrystallization. H
and I: Microscopic pictures of porous and low cemented oopeloidal grainstones of F4c. In H, blocky calcite (Bc) filling the primary porosity are homogeneously
distributed with all components linked by sutured contacts. Contrasting with H, the shot in I shows isopachous early cements (Iec) reducing mechanical compaction
and preserving homogeneous interparticle macroporosity (Macroɸ) between ooids (Ool.). Proportionally, there are more ooids than pellets (Pel.) and bioclast debris.

marked as peloids, ooids, oncoids, echinoderm fragments, bivalves, shorter T2-distribution times, and lower amplitudes associated with
gastropods, or foraminifers. The dominant peloid to oncoid facies along facies F4b (Fig. 5). In the upper part of the log, T2-distributions with the
with the presence of miliolids, well-preserved gastropods, and mixes of shortest relaxation times are observed between measured depths 2000 m
mud-supported and granular limestones are indicative of protected and 2045 m. In the absence of any cuttings from this section, the area
lagoonal environments, interrupted by possible washover deposits may be associated with the highly cemented facies F4a representative of
characteristic of highly hydrodynamic events (most likely storms). In a tight carbonate horizon attested to by its high density and resistivity
facies F4a, pore spaces are completely filled with sub-equant mosaic values (Fig. 5).
calcite, blocky calcite, or syntaxial cement growing around echinoderm The clustering results displayed in Fig. 6 have been reported along
fragments (Fig. 4D and E). Nucleus recrystallizations, sparitic cements, the well-section in Fig. 5 for the purpose of identifying correlations
and highly micritized grains are noticed in facies F4b (Fig. 4F), with between facies described in depth and NMR T2-distributions, meaning
well-developed blue to green microporosity in the micritic matrix each cluster can be compared with one or two facies. For the first cluster
(Fig. 4G). In lagoonal and intertidal environments, the best reservoir (RT1, yellow coloured), the set of distributions (n = 336) displays an
layers are represented by grain-supported facies (F4c) with various average mode slightly above 120 ms (Fig. 6). Such responses are mostly
cement proportions, at times more developed significantly obstructing characterized by facies F3b in the lower part of the sedimentary section
the pore network (Fig. 4H), and from time to time preserved by early demonstrating high porosity and permeability values (Fig. 5), displaying
isopachous cements around grains reducing mechanical compaction minor heterogeneity mostly clustered close to 10 mD rather than 100
during burial (Fig. 4I). This type of facies, representing the most pro­ mD (mean KSDR value = 57.4 mD) with porosity values varying in
ductive layers belonging to the Calcaires de Comblanchien, is generally general from 10% to 20% (mean porosity = 16.4%). With respect to the
distinguished and named as “Comblanchoïde” facies (Rojas et al., 1989). second cluster (RT2, purple coloured), the clustering from NMR T2-
distributions (n = 366) is more chaotic with an average distribution of
lower amplitude, associated with shorter relaxation times below 120 ms
4.2. NMR well-logs from the Cachan geothermal well (GCAH2)
(Fig. 6). Compared to the well-section (Fig. 5), such a signature corre­
lates fairly closely with both facies F4a and F4b, which are characteristic
All logging data from well GCAH2 are displayed as a composite log in
of facies containing very high amount of calcite cement in grainstone,
Fig. 5. Based on petrographic observations of cuttings, the vertical facies
with occasionally completely cemented intergranular space, or pack­
succession is shown and five of its facies are described. Two reservoir
stone to wackestone facies with no pore space or microporous structures.
units (porous layers) targeted by the sub-horizontal drain, named
Porosities (mean = 8.6%) and permeabilities (mean = 10 mD) prove
“Reservoir 1” and “Reservoir 2”, are clearly identified by the logging
lower than in cluster 1. Porosity and permeability cover a wide range of
survey (Fig. 5). The first one, found in the Calcaires de Comblanchien
values, especially for permeability which ranges over six orders of
formation, extends over some 200 m (measured depth from 2150 to
magnitude. Such variations can be sustained by the presence of signifi­
2350 m in the well), and the second one, identified in the Oolithe Blanche
cantly more localized reservoir layers, in particular in the area sepa­
formation, over a distance of more than 300 m (measured depth from
rating the two major reservoirs as several higher porosity and
2545 to 2845 m in the well) (Fig. 5). They are both characterized by
permeability values, at times approaching those of the reservoirs, are
porosity values ranging from 10% to a maximum of 20%, and by
recorded. Such layers are difficult to characterize in terms of facies due
permeability values fluctuating from 10 mD to exceptionally 1000 mD
to the limited number of cuttings sampled and their poor quality and
even within the same reservoir layer (Fig. 5). Clearly, NMR T2-distri­
preservation. Core samples would be required to perform more detailed
butions show the presence of sensitive heterogeneities within these
facies analysis in order to appraise heterogeneities at reservoir scale. In
reservoirs even though they are visually well constrained by distribu­
general, sections defined by the previously mentioned T2-distribution
tions demonstrating higher relaxation times and amplitudes (Fig. 5).
cluster are most likely to be impacted by the presence of strongly
Such heterogeneities can be explained by textural and grain size varia­
microporous horizons with most porosity values lying below those of the
tions, and also by local diagenetic alterations, but they are less promi­
other two rock-types RT1 and RT3. Finally, the third cluster (RT3, orange
nent in sonic, resistivity, and density logs, which address more
coloured) groups NMR T2-distributions (n = 230) with a mean mode far
homogeneous layers. Observations of thin-sections confirm that those
above 120 ms, close to 500 ms, characteristic of macroporous horizons
reservoir layers are well defined by facies F4c, F3b, and F3c (Fig. 5)
(Fig. 6). Compared to well-sections, this limestone type is mostly likened
which, although sharing identical petrophysical characteristics and
to granular facies F4c and F3c describing the two reservoirs previously
poorly cemented rock fabric (ooid to peloid grainstone) with respect to
commented on and the two porous and less cemented ooid to peloidal
reservoir quality evaluation, are classified into two separate deposi­
grainstones (Fig. 5). Similarly, it can occasionally be found in the in­
tional environments. As previously described, facies F4c is ooid-peloidal
termediate horizons (especially between 2350 and 2525 m MD) assigned
grainstone (Table 1) assigned to a lagoonal environment, whereas facies
to facies F4b (Fig. 5), an assertion that corroborates the presence of
F3b and F3c are both slightly to moderately cemented and highly porous
thinner macroporous layers that could not be identified petrographi­
ooid grainstone. Facies F3b and F3c are associated with an oolithic shoal
cally. Permeability values prove more variable although slightly higher
environment. The intermediate layers (measured depths 2050–2150 m
than those from the first cluster, ranging from 2 mD to almost 1000 mD
and 2350–2545 m) display lower porosity and permeability values,

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 5. Composite log of sub-horizontal well GCAH2 from 1950 to 2845 m (MD). From left to right: stages, formations, samples (i.e. cuttings on thin-sections),
depths, sedimentological log with textures, facies, facies association (FA), gamma-ray (GR), TCMR and NPHI porosities, KSDR permeability, sonic (DT), re­
sistivity (RPD2), density (RHOB), and T2-distributions (T2 DIST). Clustering results (including 3 clusters) from T2-distributions are depicted on the right-hand side of
the composite log in column “RT1, RT2, and RT3” (“RT” standing for Rock-Typing). Consequently, each coloured section corresponds to a particular cluster for which
T2-distributions have been grouped according to shape similarities. The “Reservoir 1” and “Reservoir 2” as well as maximum regressive surfaces (Bt4 and Bt5) are also

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 6. Clustering results of statistical analysis and related petrophysical properties (ϕTCMR, kSDR ) from well GCAH2. Based on previous cutting observations, each
cluster is likened to one or two facies. Mean permeability and porosity values are also displayed.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

(mean = 167.5 mD). Porosities range from 10% to 23% with a mean of Such heterogeneities can be associated with facies heterogeneity, such
15.5%. This cluster predicts quite well the weakly cemented ooid or as textural and grain size variations, but also local diagenetic processes,
peloid grainstone, which offers the best target for assuring production related to various layers of specific reservoir quality, grouped here
rates during exploitation. It is worth observing, too, that the first tar­ within the same facies association due to the difficulty of finely char­
geted layer (“Reservoir 1”) exhibits a slightly higher productivity po­ acterizing the real vertical facies succession wherever cores and cuttings
tential than the second one (“Reservoir 2”), especially at a depth of on thin-sections are missing.
about 2300 m (MD) with permeabilities exceeding 1D (Fig. 5). However, NMR T2-distributions were extracted from CMR data files for wells
a better lateral continuity is observed in “Reservoir 2”, as it trends GBD1 and GBD3 in order to perform blind clustering (with three clus­
laterally more homogeneously than “Reservoir 1”, in the sense that there ters) identical to that performed for GCAH2. In this case, the clustering
are more continuous computed permeabilities along the sub-horizontal was applied to both wells simultaneously so as to simplify classification.
well GCAH2 (Figs. 1D and 5). The clustering results are shown in Fig. 8 where each cluster’s NMR T2-
distribution mean displays the general characteristics of the distinct
4.3. NMR well-logs from Bobigny-Drancy geothermal wells (GBD1 and pore-size distributions within the reservoir. For the first cluster (RT1),
GBD3) the NMR T2-distributions (n = 79) prove slightly bimodal with a high
amplitude peak far below 120 ms (nearly 6 ms) thus characterizing a
Wireline logging data currently used in hydrocarbon and geothermal dominant microporous layered structure (i.e. microporous structures are
reservoir exploration – namely gamma-ray (GR), combinable magnetic volumetrically greater than the volume occupied by macropores). The
resonance (CMR), borehole compensated sonic (DT), and density mean permeability value stands at 0.58 mD, and porosities vary between
(RHOB) – have been plotted as a composite log to investigate the vertical 6.5% and 19.6% (13.8% on average) (Fig. 8). The second cluster (RT2)
heterogeneities of the Bathonian reservoir through which wells GBD1 of NMR T2-distributions (n = 949) clearly presents a single dominant
and GBD3 run (Fig. 7). Due to a lack of careful observations of cuttings mode approaching 200 ms. This type of signature is characteristic of a
on thin-sections, only major sedimentary formations and facies associ­ macroporous layered structure with overall permeability and porosity
ations (FA) were reported in Fig. 7 from geological observations from ranges from 1 mD to 688 mD (63.5 mD on average) and from 6.8% to
the mud-loggers while drilling and further compiled in the masterlog 25% (14.5% on average), respectively (Fig. 8). Finally, NMR T2-distri­
sheets (Ungemach and Antics, 2020). GR values on their own do not butions (n = 857) of the third cluster (RT3), assembled in a more chaotic
effectively highlight sharp vertical heterogeneity contrasts, nevertheless manner, exhibit an unimodal shape of T2 means with a peak below 120
they do provide a reasonably accurate characterization of highly argil­ ms, describing a micro-macroporous layered structure characterized by
laceous/marly layers, such as Late Bajocian deposits in the basal part of a large permeability value range (mean of 4.1 mD) and porosity values
the reservoir, beneath the maximum regressive surface Bj4 for well from 0.3% to 18.8% (7.8 % on average) (Fig. 8). Such variability makes
GBD3 (Fig. 7). The entire dataset exhibits excellent correlations (be­ it difficult to accurately discriminate between macropore and micropore
tween CMR, DT, and RHOB logs) portraying a highly heterogeneous volume proportions in terms of their individual contributions to flow
vertical distribution of poro-permeable layers within the upper Batho­ rates.
nian reservoir (Fig. 7). The large majority of these layers do not exceed a Geological descriptions appear generally consistent with clustering
permeability of 1D, and seldom do they reach porosities of more than results (Fig. 7). The ooid-dominated grainstones (facies association FA3)
25% (Fig. 7). Two main reservoir units, named “Reservoir 3” and are mostly characterized by rock-type RT2, which displays the best
“Reservoir 4” respectively, are notably identified by the logging survey reservoir quality. Rock-type RT3 coincides with facies associations FA2
in wells GBD1 and GBD3 (Fig. 7). The first one, found in the Oolithe and FA4 with a dominant muddy texture displaying lower reservoir
Blanche formation, extends over some 25 m (measured depth from 2233 potential, especially for the lower part of the section (2110–2134 m) in
to 2258 m) in well GBD1 (Fig. 7A), and about 8 m (measured depth from well GBD3 (Fig. 7). Finally, the rock-type RT1 relates to facies associa­
2010 to 2018 m) in well GBD3 (Fig. 7B). The second one, identified in tions FA3 and FA4; a rock-type identified only in well GBD3. Interest­
the Calcaires marneux à Pholadomyes, extends over some 20 m (measured ingly, the productive layers interpreted for well GBD3 (2000–2015 m)
depth from 2287 to 2308 m) in well GBD1 (Fig. 7A), and about 11 m are found within rock-type RT1 describing possible ooid grainstones
(measured depth from 2036 to 2047 m) in well GBD3 (Fig. 7B). Those highly cemented by blocky calcites but including extensive micropores
reservoir layers are defined by ooid-dominated facies association (FA3, in ooids. Indeed, petrophysical investigations made on core samples
shoal/shoreface environments, yellow coloured). They are both char­ from quarries at the eastern edge of the Paris Basin (i.e. where the
acterized by porosity values ranging from 10% to a maximum of 27%, Middle Jurassic limestones outcrop), have shown that the permeability
and by permeability values fluctuating from 1 mD to exceptionally 900 of the Oolithe Blanche formation could be mainly related to the con­
mD (Fig. 7). “Reservoir 4” and a specific deeper section, exhibiting also nectivity of intraparticle micropores networks, essentially developed
good reservoir qualities in well GBD3 (measured depth from 2069 to within ooids (Casteleyn et al., 2010; Makhloufi et al., 2013). It therefore
2082 m, Fig. 7B), are identified below the maximum regressive surfaces becomes plausible to suggest that such horizons contribute significantly
(namely Bt2 and Bt1, respectively), which are probably characteristic of to the total flow produced as a result of the presence of well-developed
sediments deposited under emersive/subaerial conditions favouring micropores networks in ooid grains favouring an abundant water inflow.
early cementation and preservation of initial porosities during the Nevertheless, without detailed core or cuttings examinations on
diagenetic burial process (Brigaud et al., 2014). Geological layers thin-sections, such interpretations could not be properly verified and
related to the mud-dominated facies association (FA2, upper offshore should be carefully considered.
environments, green coloured) and peloid-dominated facies association
(FA4, lagoon environments, pink coloured) are quite well defined by 5. Discussion
lower sonic values (of approximately 60 µs/ft) combined with higher
density values (occasionally exceeding 2.7 g cm− 3) which can be caused 5.1. KSDR versus core calibrated permeability km
by more muddy deposits, developed in areas of lower energy, and thus
more easily compacted during the burial process, meaning these types of The SDR equation for permeability involves two parameters (T2LM
sediment are also frequently related to stylolitization processes. Con­ and TCMR) derived directly from the rock NMR T2-distribution re­
trasted with well GCAH2 where layers appear to be relatively homo­ sponses to predict reservoir permeabilities. Previous experimental work
geneous and laterally continuous due to the well architecture, the carried out on cores from well GBD4, located close (nearly 1800 m) to
variability of the NMR T2-distributions, observed in wells GBD1 and wells GBD1 and GBD3, led us to assess a new relationship Eq. (2) aimed
GBD3, is indicative of greater vertical reservoir heterogeneity (Fig. 7). at improving permeability prediction by considering only the

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 7. Composite log of wells GBD1 (in A) and GBD3 (in B). From left to right: stages, formations, depths, facies association (FA), gamma-ray (GR), TCMR and SPHI
porosities, KSDR permeability, sonic (DT), density (RHOB), productive layers (FLOW), T2-distributions (T2 DIST) and clustering results (RT). The “Reservoir 3” and
“Reservoir 4” as well as maximum regressive surfaces (from Bj4 to Bt4) are also illustrated.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 8. Clustering results of statistical analysis and related petrophysical properties (ϕTCMR, kSDR ) from wells GBD1 et GBD3. Mean permeability and porosity values
are also indicated for each cluster.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 9. Comparison of predicted permeabilities (km) with default Schlumberger Doll Research assessed (KSDR) in wells GBD1 and GBD3. The log addressing NMR T2-
distributions is also displayed along the logarithmic mean of the T2 relaxation times (T2LM) and the micro-macroporosity T2 cut-off set at 120 ms. Coloured
juxtaposition of permeability logs emphasizes the contrasts between overestimated (yellow) and underestimated (blue) permeability values when comparing km to
KSDR. Depths, facies associations (FA), locations of productive layers (FLOW), and rock-typing results (RT) are also shown.

macroporosity ϕm, recommended for Bathonian limestones and (rock-types 1 and 3) Fig. 9). As we are dealing here with Eq. ((2), this is
expressed as (Catinat et al., 2023): not surprising because microporous facies exhibit very low or no mac­
( ) roporosity fractions and are therefore characterized by very low
km = 3.15 x 107 ϕ5.31 (2)
m permeability, even if the total porosity can be high. This is not the case
when using the SDR equation, where permeability predictions tend to be
for km>0.02 mD with km (in mD) and ϕm expressed as a fraction. This
higher because they are more sensitive to total porosity (exponent 4)
relationship means that when the total porosity is large, the perme­
than the logarithmic mean of T2 time (exponent 2). In such a configu­
ability is not necessarily large unless it is composed of macroporosity. In
ration, microporous layers (i.e. layers identified from T2-distributions
this section, we shall use this equation to compute permeabilities and
selected at very low relaxation times) tend to exhibit much lower per­
compare the predictions with the default KSDR logs. For display pur­
meabilities and therefore hardly contribute to potential fluid flows in the
poses, the results are shown in Fig. 9 for wells GBD1 and GBD3 only (see
pore space Fig. 9). Eq. ((2) increases slightly the best layer permeability,
Supplementary Fig. S1 to consult the results of well GCAH2). Perme­
but the difference is small compared to the mismatch with permeability
abilities predicted by the SDR equation applied to the most permeable
derived from flowmeter logs (see Section 5.3).
layers (permeabilities 1 mD to ca. 1 D) in rock-type 2 are lower than
permeabilities estimated by Eq. (2) by almost one order of magnitude (i.
e. they vary from 520 mD to over 3 D as reported in well GBD1 at ca. 5.2. Vertical and lateral permeability heterogeneities
2247 m in the most productive layer, Fig. 9). By contrast, permeabilities
estimated by Eq. (2) are several orders of magnitude lower than those Feedback from Ile-de-France geothermal operators shows that the
predicted by the SDR equation in layers dominated by microporosity Bathonian reservoir exhibits a complex stratified vertical structure,

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

associated at times with productivity variations leading to serious risks and permeable bodies can extend laterally from 750 to 1850 m based on
while developing new drilling projects (Hamm et al., 2015). As a matter correlation lengths derived from variogram analysis (Thomas et al.,
of fact, on all geothermal wells where production tests have been carried 2023).
out, the distributions of the poro-permeable layers, resulting from PLT Regarding wells GBD1 and GBD3, in the absence of detailed petro­
flowmeter data at both local (<1 km) and regional scales (>10 km) are graphic investigations made on thin-sections, the sedimentary archi­
highly heterogeneous vertically, making it difficult to evaluate hydraulic tecture was simplified by depicting facies associations only (from FA1 to
connectivity within the reservoir. Beyond these vertical heterogeneities FA4) (Fig. 10B). The two main reservoir layers identified and previously
that are easily identified from classical wells-logs, characterization of described in Section 4.3 are related to two different sedimentary se­
the lateral extent of the main reservoir layers represents the main quences (Fig. 10B).
challenge even within a same doublet or triplet considering that injector
and producer wells are usually separated by a distance of at least 1500 (1) The upper reservoir (“Reservoir 3”) is composed of facies asso­
m. Interpreting these lateral discontinuities in terms of geology and ciation FA3 (ooid-dominated limestones, shoal/shoreface envi­
diagenesis is a key factor when de-risking future geothermal projects, ronments), part of the sequence MJXa between maximum
even if it may remain an extremely difficult exercise in the absence of regressive surfaces Bt3 and Bt4 (Fig. 10B). This permeable hori­
core sections and 3D seismic data. In addition, 2D seismic data acquired zon forms approximately a 15 m-thick layer, despite being
in the Paris Basin in the past decades display vertical resolutions of thinner in well GBD3, and overlies a thinner section made of
nearly 40 m (Mougenot and Layotte, 1996) that are too low to accurately rocks from facies association FA2 (mud-dominated limestones,
characterize the vertical heterogeneities even if they can be used in upper offshore) (Fig. 10B).
perspective to provide clues about the lateral extensions of these geo­ (2) The lower reservoir (“Reservoir 4”) is also composed of facies
bodies at a regional scale according to Allo et al. (2021). In this work, we association FA3 (ooid-dominated limestones, shoal/shoreface
therefore propose a sedimentary and stratigraphic architecture from environments), but belongs to the sequence MJVIIIc, bounded by
well-logs, especially NMR from wells GBD1 et GBD3, and also cutting maximum regressive surfaces Bt1 and Bt2 (Fig. 10B). This
samples processed under a polarized microscope from well GCAH2 permeable layer has a thickness of about 13 m and is located just
(Fig. 10). In each case, the reservoir architecture was conceptualized below the maximum regressive surface Bt1, suggesting once
following the sequence stratigraphy framework previously defined again, similarly to well GCAH2 observations, a clear link between
(Fig. 10). The stratigraphic horizons, namely from surface Bt1 to Ca4, the boundary sequence and the location of the permeable layer
were correlated between several surroundings wells (i.e. located near (Fig. 10B).
Cachan and Bobigny sites) and later propagated in 3D using a classic
convergent interpolation in Petrel© software (Fig. 10). Laterally, these two reservoir layers identified by NMR logs can be
The two reservoir layers identified in well GCAH2, commented on interpreted as permeable horizons extending over at least 2000 m, based
below and described in Section 4.2, belong to two different sedimentary on the well spacing. Based on well-logs correlations, the interpretative
sequences (Fig. 10A). continuity of “Reservoir 4” is more obvious than for “Reservoir 3”,
which appears to be thinning sideways towards well GBD3 (a detailed
(1) The upper reservoir (“Reservoir 1”) is mainly composed of facies correlation transect between wells GBD1 and GBD3 is provided in
F4c (porous and slightly cemented ooid-peloidal grainstone), part Supplementary Fig. S2). In addition, at wells GBD1 and GBD3, the best
of the sequence MJXb between maximum regressive surfaces Bt4 reservoir properties, reliably derived from PLT logs, are mainly observed
and Bt5 (Fig. 10A). This permeable layer forms an 8 m-thick in “Reservoir 3” interval related to the sequence MJXa (between
layer, parallel to stratification (Fig. 10A). In this sequence MJXb, maximum regressive surfaces Bt3 and Bt4). However, such a claim
this layer is surrounded by low permeability facies F4a (highly should be considered with caution since many other layers in lower
cemented oopeloidal grainstone with bioclasts) and facies F4b sequences, such as “Reservoir 4”, show high trending permeabilities
(non-porous to microporous peloidal wackestone/packstone with (Fig. 10B) although these are not identified from productive logging
foraminifers) (Fig. 10A). tools (meaning that deeper sections were not investigated during pro­
(2) The lower reservoir (“Reservoir 2”) is made of facies F3b (slightly duction tests).
to moderately cemented ooid grainstone with bioclasts) and F3c
(highly porous ooid grainstone), part of the sequence MJXa be­ 5.3. NMR versus productive layers
tween maximum regressive surfaces Bt3 and Bt4 (Fig. 10A). This
10 m-thick permeable layer, located just below the maximum In this section, correlations between the NMR T2-distributions and
regressive surface Bt4, suggests a clear link between the boundary productive layers predicted from production logging tool (PLT) data are
sequence and the location of the permeable layer. In sequence discussed. For well GBD1, the derived total transmissivity stands at 36.4
MJXa, this layer is possibly surrounded by a low permeability D.m associated with a 10.1 m cumulated productive thickness and at 30
facies F3a (highly cemented ooid and peloidal grainstone with D.m for 8.2 m cumulated productive thickness for well GBD3. Given this
bioclasts) (Fig. 10A). objective, km, TCMR, and NMR T2-distributions for wells GBD1 and
GBD3 were extracted from producing layers and also from the inter­
Laterally, these two reservoir layers can be interpreted as porous mediate layers which, it is assumed, do not contribute to the total flow,
lenses extending over at least 500 m (i.e. the continuity observed in the namely between the first (top) and last (bottom) layers identified. Data
second reservoir described by facies F3b and F3c). High energy facies were combined and plotted according to each layer’s individual
(ooid or peloid grainstones) associated with small amount of cementa­ contribution to total output (Fig. 11).
tion during the diagenetic process control the genesis of these lenses
within the reservoir. When looking more closely at flowmeter data (1) While focusing exclusively on the non-productive layers, the
recorded on its associated well GCAH1, two major producing layers have collected data cover a wide range of porosity and permeability
been identified in the same two depositional sequences MJXa and MJXb, values, respectively from 5.6% to 24.7% and from 0.2 mD to ca.
with both layers contributing to almost 70% of the whole well produc­ 3.5 D for well GBD1, and from 7.8% to 23.2% and from 1 × 10− 10
tion (average total flow of 350 m3/h). It can thus be suggested that poro- mD to 102 mD for well GBD3 (Fig. 11A). This could indicate that
permeable lenses could potentially extend over 1 km given that wells producing layers are actually potentially thicker (at least close to
GCAH1 and GCAH2 are more than 1500 m apart at the top of the the well face) than those predicted by flowmeter profiles as
Bathonian limestone aquifer. Previous work has shown that these porous described by the high and continuous permeability values

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 10. Sedimentary and stratigraphic sections of the Middle Jurassic limestone aquifer intercepted by well GCAH2 (in A) and wells GBD1-GBD3 (in B) recon­
structed via Petrel© software (Thomas et al., 2023). For well GCAH2, characteristic facies images are related to facies associations and re-situated along the well
trajectory. In each case, the stratigraphic framework is also illustrated with its various stages. Note also that the lateral extent of the best reservoir layers (from
“Reservoir 1” to “Reservoir 4”) is not determined and is represented by question marks (meaning an interpretative structure). Facies F3a: Highly cemented ooid and
peloidal grainstone with bioclasts; F3b: Slightly to moderately cemented ooid grainstone with bioclasts; F3c: Highly porous ooid grainstone; F4a: Highly cemented
oopeloidal grainstone with bioclasts; F4b: Non-porous to microporous peloidal wackestone to packstone with foraminifers; F4c: Porous and slightly cemented
ooid-peloidal grainstone.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 11. GBD1 and GBD3 well comparisons of NMR T2-distributions, TCMR, and km datasets related to each productive (and non-productive) layer according to their
individual contribution to total flow production. Each output is grouped into four classes (0% in A, >0–10% in B, 10–20% in C and >20% in D) expressing their
contribution to total flow production.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

recorded on NMR logs (Fig. 7). This also confirms that interme­ GBD1, the progressive increase in contributions of layers to production
diate layers that are assumed to be non-productive, and formal­ shapes fairly consistent with typical T2-distributions of good quality
ized as an impervious matrix in conventional reservoir models, reservoir rock, which benefit from a progressive increase in macropore
may actually contribute to the well, even in minor proportions. volume, thus improving fluid circulation in the vicinity of the well face.
(2) Considering layers which contribute from 3.4% to 6.1% (i.e. the By contrast, T2 clusters presented for GBD3 are more chaotic, being
minimum contribution observed for GBD1/GBD3 respectively) to associated with a quite heterogeneous dataset, showing no obvious
10% of the total flow production, the NMR T2-distributions for correlations (Fig. 11). These results lead us to develop two sets of
wells GBD1 and GBD3 prove dissimilar (Fig. 11B). In the case of problems. The first addresses the formation interval to which the PLT
GBD1, the NMR T2 pore-size distribution mean is unimodal, with protocol is applied, which seldom covers the whole Bathonian carbonate
one peak emerging slightly above 120 ms, indicative of a mac­ thus bypassing the possibly pervious lower layers as discussed in Section
roporous dominated network, while in the case of GBD3, two 5.2 for instance. This could mean these layers (at least for GBD3 where
peaks are distinguished (Fig. 11B). The first is dominant at lower comparisons are complex) correlate with distributions related to highly
relaxation times (nearly 12 ms), illustrating the major contribu­ microporous levels. The second addresses the issue of scale-up. Actually,
tion of microporosity to flow; the second peak, exceeding 120 ms since CMR measurements penetrate the adjacent layers to a depth
(nearly 240 ms), reflects a minor macroporous volume (Fig. 11B). limited to 3.8 cm (i.e. at pore scale, instead of reservoir scale), the in­
These results prove relatively consistent for layers not contrib­ formation yielded remains potentially local. As a result, the reservoir is
uting significantly to production. On GBD1, permeabilities do not not investigated laterally in areas where rock petrophysics may differ
exceed 43 mD (30.2 mD on average) associated with a porosity with respect to textural compositions and diagenetic modifications. So a
averaging 13.4%. This contrasts with well GBD3, which displays possibility may lead to a layer distant from the well and being assigned
lower permeability data of less than 5 mD (1.8 mD on average) as a reservoir using the CMR tool whereas a more cemented zone is to be
with a porosity averaging 12.5% (Fig. 11B). found laterally on the same horizon, directly impacting geothermal
(3) Regarding production, ranging in each well from 10% to 20%, production. It is also worth mentioning that the presence of fractures
NMR T2-distribution means are fairly similar in shape to the within the reservoir may also be considered. It cannot be completely
previous ones with higher permeability values for GBD1 – which ruled out that predicted water inflows relate directly to reservoir frac­
is more consistent with monitored production – than for GBD3, turing in disrupted areas, as evidenced regionally by recent seismic
which displays larger micropore volumes (i.e. depicting a domi­ survey interpretations (Dentzer et al., 2018). However, it is also
nant mode at much lower T2 time of about 4 ms) and so even important to mention that no clear evidence of fracturing was observed
lower permeabilities (Fig. 11C). More precisely, permeability on core samples from well GBD4, situated about 1800 m away from well
data range from 0.3 mD to 808 mD (147.5 mD on average) cor­ GBD1 (Catinat et al., 2023). Well wall imaging logs could also usefully
responding to porosities varying from 8.6% to 23.4% (15.6% on contribute to clarifying this point and could help in distinguishing be­
average) for well GBD1 (Fig. 11C). As for permeability values, tween matrix porosity and fracture-induced porosity. Another possibil­
those reported for well GBD3 are broadly lower, fluctuating from ity may be found in conditioning of the openhole, creating local
2.6 × 10− 4 mD to 31.7 mD (8.3 mD on average), while porosities disparities which, in our case, is non-existent given the good openhole
vary from 13.7% to 22.3% (17.8% on average) (Fig. 11C). calibration confirmed by caliper runs. In addition, the scale on which
Porosity ranges prove similar but permeabilities diverge consid­ measurements are made (15 cm by the CMR tool) compared to the
erably for both wells; it is therefore of interest to notice that a vertical scale on which producing layers are identified (several metres
given production range can be provided by different layers gov­ thick) and distant lateral drainage may lead to discrepancies between
erned directly by the porous network section and predominantly hydrodynamic (flowmeter well testing) and static (NMR) monitoring
by pore volume connectivity. equipment. Summing up, the foregoing results ought to be analysed
(4) With respect to layers contributing to over 20% of total produc­ carefully because the productive layer assignment process results from
tion, the GBD1 T2-distribution trend is coherent since it corre­ an interpretation (i.e. from flowmeter logs) and not, strictly speaking,
sponds to strongly dominant macropore volumes, peaking straight forwardly from raw data outputs.
slightly above 120 ms, displaying significant permeability values Upscaling is often complex in carbonate systems, where permeabil­
ranging from ca. 250 mD to 2.7 D (1.4 D on average) and 25% ities can be greatly reduced when transferred from reservoir (cores) to
average porosity (Fig. 11D). For well GBD3, the results prove pore scale (plugs) (Amour et al., 2013, 2012; Borgomano et al., 2008;
somewhat ambiguous, being similar to the previous ones, Ehrenberg, 2007). This is the case here when attempting to compare
evidencing, either bimodal or multimodal T2-distributions local permeability predictions at the pore scale (provided by the CMR
(Fig. 11D). Three peaks of slightly equal amplitude are roughly tool) with permeable layers identified at the reservoir scale based on PLT
distinguished on the mean distribution. The first two, identified flowmeter profiles. Given that core recovery is scarce and expensive in
at low T2 relaxation times (nearly 2 ms and 20 ms, respectively), geothermal prospection, petrophysical characteristics of the reservoir
and the third one exceeding 120 ms (at nearly 260 ms), indicate are commonly derived from hydrodynamic parameters, including global
an equal contribution of micro-macroporosity to the flow transmissivity from production tests (Rojas et al., 1989). The trans­
(Fig. 11D). Porosity and permeability values lie within 15–21.6% missivity of each producing layer can be easily calculated based on the
(18.2% on average) and 3.4 × 10− 9–67.4 mD (26.5 mD on following formula:
average) ranges, respectively (Fig. 11D). The lowest values are
inconsistent since the relationship is only valid down to 0.02 mD, Tn = T (3)
so those values have not been plotted.
where, Tn is in D.m, T the global transmissivity in D.m, and Qn the in­
The foregoing illustrated results demonstrate the difficulties in dividual contribution to total flow production of each of the n layers as a
accurately assessing inflows based on NMR data and reservoir dynamic percentage, leading to the permeability of each layer as determined
behavior accordingly, while processing the sole NMR T2 pore-size dis­ below:
tributions. However, the resulting trend is relatively consistent for well
GBD1 in which the increased productivity seems to correlate with higher Kn = (4)
permeabilities predicted via Eq. (2) (Fig. 11). This contrasts with the hn
trend for well GBD3 where the results are more difficult to correlate with
where, hn is the true vertical thickness of each of the n layer in metres.
much lower permeabilities as shown in Fig. 11. With respect to well

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 12. Inflow profile, derived from PLT flowmetering data obtained from GBD1 (in A) and GBD3 (in B) production tests, illustrating the vertical structure of the
Bathonian productive layer sequence. Additional parameters such as TCMR porosity (log and averages), combined KSDR and km logs, average permeability from
KSDR and km, production flow (FLOW), transmissivity, productive layer thicknesses, and deduced permeability (K) are also displayed.

We proceed here in the same way to estimate permeabilities and 5.4. NMR from core samples: a target reservoir review
compare results with KSDR and km permeability mean predictions for
each layer for wells GBD1 and GBD3 (Fig. 12). For GBD1, the mean km Interpretation of NMR signals, whether obtained experimentally in
permeability values range from 3.6 mD to 1.3 D and for GBD3 from 8.9 the laboratory or recorded by wireline tools, is often facilitated when
× 10− 9 mD to almost 40 mD, while K permeabilities calculated from well compared directly with geological observations of the reference rocks
producing layers vary from 2.1 D to 6.5 D (well GBD1), and from 1.9 to (Vincent et al., 2011). Previous studies have been conducted in the Paris
8.2 D (well GBD3) covering very contrasting orders of magnitude Basin proposing different rock-types linking both NMR signatures to
(Fig. 12). geological facies (Brigaud et al., 2014; Catinat et al., 2023; Vincent et al.,
The difference between the KSDR and km predictions is a lot smaller 2011). The research work of Catinat et al. (2023) was based on experi­
than the difference between both predictions and K derived from Eq. (4) mental NMR data collected from core samples from well GBD4 recov­
Fig. 12). However, it is worth noticing that km predictions for most of ered from the Bathonian geothermal reservoir in the central part of the
layers are higher than default KSDR values, thus approaching, albeit basin where four types of facies were associated with a characteristic
very slightly, K permeabilities (Fig. 12). Especially for well GBD1, km NMR signature (Fig. 13). These four facies correspond to two facies
permeability is fairly high for the fourth productive layer, reaching 1.3 D associations: (1) facies association FA2 (mud-dominated limestones)
therefore better approaching the K permeability (of 6.5 D) derived from relating to facies F2a (microporous oncoidal and peloidal packstone to
transmissivity compared to the default KSDR value (0.2 D) (Fig. 12A). In rudstone) and facies F2b (slightly oncoidal packstone to floatstone)
addition, several layers exhibit extremely low values, e.g. the second displaying poor reservoir properties; and (2) facies association FA3
GBD3 productive layer with km = 8.9 × 10− 9 D below the validity range, (ooid-dominated limestones) for facies F3b (slightly to moderately
that are in disagreement with calculated values (K = 8.2 D) (Fig. 12B). cemented ooid grainstone with bioclasts) and facies F3c (highly porous
This is because this layer is dominated by microporosity, i.e. with very ooid grainstone) exhibiting excellent reservoir properties. Because
low or no macroporosity volume, justifying the very low permeability average NMR T2 signatures are very similar for facies F2a and F2b, they
estimates when using Eq. ((2); moreover, because this layer is very thin, are grouped as an identical rock-fabric dominated by mud-supported
permeability is very high with Eq. (4). facies (green coloured) to further simplify the readability of the sum­
mary classification (Fig. 13). On the other hand, it is important to

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 13. Results from rock-types described in previous studies (Brigaud et al., 2014; Catinat et al., 2023; Vincent et al., 2011) for the Middle Jurassic limestones in the
Paris Basin (wells GBD4 and EST433).

mention that no CMR wireline logging-tool measurements were run on underestimates of porosity and permeability compared to the experi­
this well, preventing any comparison between NMR wireline data and mental results (Fig. 13). Such discrepancy between laboratory and log
laboratory data; nevertheless this comparison was carried out on the distributions could be caused by the impact of bulk oil relaxation time
same Bathonian carbonate in the eastern part of the Paris Basin for the recorded on the log signal indicating that the well EST433 was drilled
well at Montiers-sur-Saulx (EST433) (Brigaud et al., 2014). From this using an oil-based mud (Brigaud et al., 2014). However, this is not the
specific well, the same sedimentary facies were present and two aquifers case for wells GCAH2, GBD1 and GBD3 that have been drilled using a
were identified (Brigaud et al., 2014). Two representative samples were water-based mud providing comparable data acquisition to NMR labo­
extracted as they exhibit similar textural and diagenetic features ratory experiments (Catinat et al., 2023). When compared to the dataset
compared to cuttings and core samples from wells GCAH2 and GBD4: (1) for well GBD4, the NMR T2-distributions of the highly porous ooid
highly porous ooid grainstone (sample E409); and (2) non-porous to grainstone from sample E409 are very similar to those characteristic of
microporous peloidal wackestone/packstone (sample E435) respec­ facies F3c, exhibiting a network of well-developed macropores in be­
tively, which are depicted in Fig. 13. The highly porous ooid grainstone, tween grains slightly less cemented together than in facies F3b (Fig. 13).
identified as a macroporous sample by the lab issued NMR signal, shows This sample is therefore interpreted as facies F3c and so coded orange in
a bimodal distribution with a dominant peak located close to 900 ms the summary classification (Fig. 14). Laboratory and wireline log issued
(Fig. 13). From the corresponding log distribution, the sample predicted distributions of non-porous to microporous peloidal wackestone/pack­
macroporosity volume proves slightly lower with a T2 dominant mode stone (sample E435) are fairly much alike; the log distribution is
shifted to lower times, almost equal to 500 ms, indicating bimodal with a dominant mode at 6 ms while the core distribution is

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

Fig. 14. Synthesis of classification results from NMR log runs (for wells GCAH2, GBD1-GBD3, and EST433) and core data collected from well GBD4. Each rock-type
relates to a depositional environment and porosity and permeability median values have been plotted to facilitate comparisons.

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

unimodal with a peak at 9 ms, both indicating a non or weakly micro­ disadvantage concerns the shallow investigation depth sideways within
porous sample as illustrated in the microscopic picture in Fig. 13. This the formation. As previously mentioned, CMR measurements are limited
sample is therefore interpreted as facies F4b and as a result coded pink to to a depth of about 3.8 cm leading to a poor lateral investigation of the
simplify the final classification (Fig. 14). reservoir. In addition, the possible sources of errors lie in (1) the
openhole quality which can affect CMR measurements mainly depend­
5.5. NMR implication in geothermal exploration ing on borehole rugosity; and (2) the choice of the drilling mud since
measurements can be biased when using an oil-based mud (Brigaud
A synthesis of the results of this study (i.e. rock-typing from NMR logs et al., 2014). However, these are not major problems since water-based
for wells GCAH2, GBD1, and GBD3) including a comparison with those muds are commonly used when drilling geothermal wells (i.e. this is case
previously described in Section 5.4 (i.e. NMR logs and experimental in this study), and caliper runs are usually reviewed in order to confirm
measurements from core samples of wells GBD4 and EST433) is pre­ good openhole calibration.
sented in Fig. 14. The mean T2 feature distributions (from wireline logs Regarding PLT benefits, it gives reliable in-situ estimates of water
for GBD1, GBD3, GCAH2 and from experimental data for GBD4) of each inflows and temperatures within the reservoir. The main limitations are
facies were classified according to the interpretations of the depositional (1) a permeability estimate on specific reservoir sections, i.e. only for
environments (from facies associations FA2 to FA4). identified productive layers, derived from transmissivities; and (2) a
Lagoon deposits (FA4) are characterized by distributions of two permeability estimate strongly controlled by productive layers thick­
different types: (1) two distributions typical of very weakly microporous nesses which may lead to highly overestimated values.
(EST433, GBD1-GBD3) or even non-porous mudstone facies showing a In view of this work, the following recommendations should be
highly compacted micritic matrix with a dominant mode close to 6 ms of carefully examined to optimize the future NMR applications for the Ile-
medium amplitude (displaying a pore volume probably below micro­ de-France geothermal prospect: (1) to core the entire Bathonian strati­
metric size, and approaching nanoporosity standards); and (2) a slightly graphic section (e.g. on one well) to complete our understanding of the
bimodal distribution (well GCAH2), with a first mode below 120 ms and geothermal reservoir and benefit from a more homogeneous dataset; (2)
a second close to 600 ms, assuming equivalently distributed micropore to carry out laboratory tests on recovered cores (i.e. similar to those
and macropore volumes (Fig. 14). These two types of distributions carried out previously on GBD4 cores) combined with thin-sections; and
describe non-porous to microporous peloidal wackestone/packstone (3) to deploy the CMR tool combined with PLT logs over the entire in­
with foraminifers (facies F4b) as observed on well GCAH2 cuttings and terval in the same well, compare the results with collected core data and,
on sample E435 (i.e. including micropores mainly highlighted in the last but not least, improve the quality and reliability of the proposed
muddy matrix by stained resin). The second mode at longer times is classification in Section 5.5.
more difficult to interpret: the average T2-distribution hypothetically
includes several finer layers with a slightly larger volume of isolated 6. Conclusions
macropores not petrographically characterized at present. This rock-type
demonstrates very poor reservoir properties displaying nearly 10% Detailed petrographic investigations from cuttings and cores
median porosity and low (ca. 2 mD) permeability (Fig. 14). (recovered from geothermal wells GCAH2 and GBD4) enabled to define
The ooid-dominated facies deposited in a higher-energy shoal/ ten facies grouped into four facies associations along a schematic car­
shoreface environment (FA3) are characterized by two types of distri­ bonate ramp: (1) clays and marls deposited in a lower offshore envi­
butions: (1) distributions typical of ooid grainstone with bioclasts (facies ronment (facies association FA1); (2) mud-dominated limestones
F3b) with T2 times ranging from 160 to 500 ms (GBD4, GCAH2, GBD1- deposited in an upper offshore zone (facies association FA2); (3) ooid-
GBD3, yellow coloured) and cemented areas of partly plugged pore dominated limestones characteristic of a higher-energy shoal/shore­
networks resulting in decreased permeabilities, with median face environment (facies association FA3); and (4) muddy and peloid-
approaching 45 mD (KSDR) and 55 mD (km) (Fig. 14); and (2) distri­ dominated limestones deposited in a protected lagoonal environment
butions with similar shapes (only the amplitude may diverge slightly) (facies association FA4).
representative of highly porous ooid grainstone (facies F3c), with In well GCAH2, two major reservoir layers were clearly identified
dominant modes ranging from 500 to 700 ms (GBD4, GCAH2, EST433, from cutting descriptions and NMR datasets exhibiting excellent reser­
orange coloured) (Fig. 14). This rock-type describes the best macro­ voir properties with porosities exceeding 20% and occasionally reaching
porous reservoir horizons eligible for geothermal prospecting with me­ permeabilities of more than 1 D. The upper layer (“Reservoir 1”) is part
dian porosity and permeabilities approaching 16% and 150 mD (KSDR)/ of the depositional sequence MJXb and found in the Calcaires de Com­
290 mD (km), respectively (Fig. 14). blanchien formation, while the lower layer (“Reservoir 2”), belonging to
The last rock-type (green coloured) depicts the poorest reservoir the sequence MJXa, is identified in the Oolithe Blanche formation. In
properties combining low porosities and permeabilities, showing me­ order to enhance well productivity, these two layers were intercepted by
dians of 7.5% and 0.3 mD (KSDR)/0.012 mD (km), respectively (Fig. 14). a sub-horizontal drain leading to a fairly homogenous NMR T2-distri­
This corresponds to mud-dominated limestones with alternating bution dataset compared to deviated wells GBD1 and GBD3 in which
microporous oncoidal packstone to slightly porous oncoidal floatstone Bathonian carbonates display larger vertical heterogeneities observed
samples (facies F2a and F2b), deposited in an upper offshore zone (FA2). on NMR logs. Nevertheless, two major reservoir layers were identified in
T2-distributions (GBD4, GBD1-GBD3) for this facies are the lowest wells GBD1 and GBD3 from NMR logs. They are both characterized by
recorded in this study with a dominant mode approaching 55 ms which porosity values ranging from 15% to 27%, and by permeability values
translate into very low porosities and low resulting permeability trends fluctuating from 0.1 mD to exceptionally 900 mD. The upper layer
(Fig. 14). (“Reservoir 3”) is part of the sequence MJXa and found in the Oolithe
Blanche formation whereas the lower layer (“Reservoir 4”), which be­
5.6. Method limitations and recommendations longs to the sequence MJVIIIc, is identified in the Calcaires marneux à
Pholadomyes formation.
Each investigation technique (NMR versus PLT) used for reservoir The GCAH2 sub-horizontal structure, along with well-log correla­
characterization has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main tions between deviated wells GBD1 and GBD3, provided clues while
benefit of CMR tools lies in a continuous recording of permeabilities elaborating on the lateral extent of porous and permeable layers, which
within the reservoir. Unlike standard neutron porosity logs, it provides appear to extend over at least 500 m (in well GCAH2) and up to 2000 m
also useful indications about the proportion of micro and macro­ (between wells GBD1-GBD3) within the reservoir, providing key inputs
porosities derived from T2-distributions interpretations. The primary for further 3D geothermal reservoir modeling. Nevertheless, the use of

M. Catinat et al. Geothermics 115 (2023) 102821

2D or 3D seismic data would be an excellent addition to better values (Excel Sheet).

strengthen the predictions of reservoir extents and de-risk the imple­ Supplementary Fig. S1: Additional figure showing comparisons re­
mentation of new geothermal doublets. sults of km versus KSDR permeabilities in well GCAH2 (Word file).
Prediction of permeability performance (for wells GCAH2, GBD1 and Supplementary Fig. S2: Additional figure illustrating a correlation
GBD3) was performed based on the work recently published by Catinat transect between wells GBD1 and GBD3 (Word file).
et al. (2023). The results improved permeability predictions for pro­
ductive layers by up to one order of magnitude at selected depths. CMR CRediT authorship contribution statement
and production logging tool (flowmetering) data correlations were
tested in order to assess NMR contribution for characterizing a Maxime Catinat: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Vali­
geothermal limestone reservoir. Best results were observed at well GBD1 dation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation,
where large production rates correlated well with typical NMR T2-dis­ Writing – original draft, Visualization. Benjamin Brigaud: Conceptu­
tributions of good quality reservoir rock. However, results from GBD3 alization, Investigation, Resources, Writing – original draft, Visualiza­
were neither satisfactory nor concordant; actually reservoir layers tion, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Marc
identified from NMR logs display much greater thicknesses than those Fleury: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal analysis,
predicted from flowmeter data. Therefore, the CMR tool alone fails to Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – review & editing,
accurately predict fluid inflows into the reservoir, as it provides a static Visualization. Hadrien Thomas: Resources. Miklos Antics: Resources.
measurement at the well edge and a shallow investigation depth (i.e. Pierre Ungemach: Resources, Writing – review & editing.
preventing any reliable prediction of reservoir lateral heterogeneities).
Nevertheless, it may prove useful when supplemented with PLT logging
Declaration of Competing Interest
for the characterization of pervious layers on the scale of the doublet (e.
g. to better evaluate reservoir connectivity by performing inter-well
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
correlations). In addition, the main benefit of CMR tools lies in a
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
continuous and direct monitoring of permeabilities within the reservoir,
the work reported in this paper.
pending transmissivities derived from later well tests interpretations.
When compared with NMR forecast permeabilities, such estimates may
be misleading. In fact, depending on productive layer thicknesses, they
may lead to significant overestimates of reservoir performance. We
This work is supported by the UPGEO “UPscaling and heat simula­
therefore recommend openhole imaging logs to investigate the contri­
tions for improving the efficiency of deep GEOthermal energy” pro­
bution of fracturing to fluid inflows and better understand their origin.
gramme funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche [referenced
Such differences are in no way surprising as two investigation methods
ANR-19-CE05-0032-01]. This work is also supported by GEOFLUID
are involved (NMR versus PLT) thus leading to two distinct observation
company [2019-0164] and by the Paris Region PhD programme funded
scales (pore versus reservoir), clearly highlighting the scaling problem
by the Region Ile-de-France in the framework of DIM Respore [2019-
inherent to carbonate systems.
0309]. We thank Phillipe Blanc (from Lithologie Bourgogne) for the
Relying on unpublished NMR logs for the central Paris Basin, a
thin-section preparation. University Paris-Saclay benefits from the
synthetic classification is proposed which mainly involves four distinct
Schlumberger Software Donation Programme. We are grateful to
rock-types related to petrographic observations and NMR T2-distribution
Schlumberger for the academic licence for Petrel© software and for the
clustering results: (1) non-porous to microporous muddy and micritic
valuable support in its utilization. We also thank two anonymous re­
samples (FA4) exhibiting poor reservoir properties (2 mD permeability);
viewers who provided insightful and helpful comments that improved
(2) macroporous and bioclastic ooid-dominated samples (FA3), partly
the final manuscript.
cemented exhibiting significant reservoir properties (45 mD); (3) sam­
ples with well-developed macroporous networks (FA3), mainly
including very weakly cemented ooids exhibiting the best permeabilities Supplementary materials
(up to 150 mD); and (4) mud-dominated samples (FA2) deposited at
greater depths and displaying the poorest properties of the whole Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
dataset (0.3 mD). It would be worth applying such results as guidelines the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2023.102821.
for further geothermal prospecting in the Paris Basin while deploying
CMR logging tools. References

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