Guided Reading Netw RKS: Judaism and Rome

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Guided Reading netw rks

The Rise of Christianity

Lesson 1 Early Christianity

What are the characteristics
of a leader?

Judaism and Rome

1. Describing Write three sentences that describe how
Romans governed the Jews in Judaea and Galilee.

2. Assessing Identify the different ways the Jews responded

to the Romans.

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Guided Reading Cont. netw rks

The Rise of Christianity

Determining Cause and Effect Many Jews were not

content to live under Roman rule. In a.d. 66 and again in
a.d. 132, the Jews openly rebelled against the Romans. Both
rebellions had negative consequences for the Jews. As you read
the text, list some of the consequences that resulted from the

3. Consequences of First Rebellion

Jewish Rebellions,
a . d.
66 and a.d. 132
4. Consequences of Second

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Jesus of Nazareth
5. Identifying Describe in your own words the main
teachings of Jesus.

6. Comparing How is the story about a Samaritan similar

to the story about the father who forgave his son and
welcomed him home?

Guided Reading Cont. netw rks

The Rise of Christianity

Summarizing Imagine you are a reporter on the scene in

Jerusalem during the Passover holy day around a.d. 33. Write
your observations in the form of brief notes on the scrolls below.
Include at least two notes for each event. Report on what you
observe and what people are doing or saying.

7. Jesus and His Disciples Enter Jerusalem

8. Celebration of the Passover Meal

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9. Jesus is Arrested

Guided Reading Cont. netw rks

The Rise of Christianity

Who Were the Apostles?

10. Summarizing What steps did the apostles and other
early Christians take to spread their faith?

Listing The first column in the chart below identifies two of

the most important leaders of the early Christian church—Peter
and Paul. In the second column, write three facts about each of
these leaders.

Early Church Leaders Facts About Their Lives

11. Peter

12. Paul

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13. Identifying What did the early Christians believe?

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