Breakeven Analysis Calculator
Breakeven Analysis Calculator
Breakeven Analysis Calculator
Fixed Costs
Advertising $ 1,000.00
Accounting, Legal
Interest Expense
Taxes (real estate, etc.)
Other (specify)
Total Fixed Costs (TFC) $ 1,000.00
Variable Costs
Variables Costs based on Dollar Amount per Unit
Cost of Goods Sold $ 1.00 per unit
Direct Labor per unit
Overhead per unit
Other (specify) per unit
Sum: $ 1.00
Variables Costs based on Percentage
Commissions 7.50% per unit
Other (specify) per unit
Sum: 7.50%
Total Variable Cost per Unit (V) $ 1.90
Contribution Margin per unit (CM) = P - V $ 10.10
Contribution Margin Ratio (CMR) = 1 - V / P = CM / P 84.2%
Break-Even Point
Break-Even Units (X) X = TFC / (P - V) 100 units
Break-Even Sales (S) S = X * P = TFC / CMR $ 1,188.12
Units required to reach targeted NIBT, X = (TFC + NIBT) / (P-V) 100 units
Sales required to reach targeted NIBT, S = (TFC + NIBT) / CMR $ 1,188.12
Rate of return on sales before taxes = NIBT / S 0.0%
Fixed Costs
Advertising $ 1,000.00
Accounting, Legal
Interest Expense
Taxes (real estate, etc.)
Other (specify)
Total Fixed Costs (TFC) $ 1,000.00
Variable Costs
Variables Costs based on Dollar Amount per Unit
Cost of Goods Sold $ 1.00 per unit
Direct Labor per unit
Overhead per unit
Other (specify) per unit
Sum (Vd): $ 1.00
Break-Even Point
Break-Even Price (P) P = (1/(1-Vp))*(Vd+(TFC/X)) $ 11.89
Break-Even Sales (S) S = X * P = TFC / CMR $ 1,189.19
Fixed Costs
Start-up / Development Costs
Development $ -
Labor $ -
Other start-up costs $ -
Total Startup Costs (SC): $ -
Variable Costs
Variables Costs based on Dollar Amount per Unit
Cost of Goods Sold $ - per unit
Direct Labor $ - per unit
Overhead $ - per unit
Other (specify) $ - per unit
Sum: $ -
Variables Costs based on Percentage
Commissions 0.00% per unit
Other (specify) 0.00% per unit
Sum: 0.00%
Total Variable Cost per Unit (V) $ -
Contribution Margin per unit (CM) = P - V $ 5.00
Contribution Margin Ratio (CMR) = 1 - V / P = CM / P 100.0%