11th Maths V1 Important 2, 3 & 5 Marks - 230817 - 212127

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MAAZTER’s Most Expected Questions

11th Standard: Mathematics

Annual Exam - 2023
Units – 1 to 6

2 Mark questions

Unit – I (Sets, Relations and Functions)

1. (Example 1.8) If A = {1,2,3,4} and B = {3,4,5,6}, find

2. (Example 1.9) If P(A) denotes the power set of A, then
find 𝑛(P(P(P(∅)))).
3. (Exercise 1.1(6)) If 𝑛(p(A)) = 1024, 𝑛 (A∪B) = 15 and 𝑛
(p(B)) = 32, then find 𝑛 (A∩ B)
4. (Exercise 1.1(7)) If 𝑛 (A ∩ B) = 3 and (A∪B) = 10, then find
5. (Exercise 1.1(9)) Let A and B be two sets such that (A) = 3
and 𝑛(B) = 2. If (𝑥,1),(y,2),(z,1) are in A×B, find A and B,
where 𝑥, y, z are distinct elements.
6. (Exercise 1.1(10)) If A×A has 16 elements, S = {(a,b)∈
A×A: a < b}; (-1,2) and (0,1) are two elements of S, then find
the remaining elements of S.

UNIT - II (Basic Algebra)

7. (Example 2.10) If a and b are the roots of the equation

1 1
𝑥2 – p𝑥 + q = 0, find the value of 
a b

8. (Exercise 2.1 (5)) Find a positive number smaller than 1000
9. (Exercise 2.2 (4)) Solve 2|𝑥+1| - 6 ≤ 7 and graph the solution
set in a number line.

UNIT - III (Trigonometry)

10. (Exercise 3.2 [3]) What must be the radius of a circular

running path, around which an athlete must run 5 times in
order to describe 1 km?
11. (Exercise 3.2 [7]) If in two circles, arcs of the same length
subtend angles 60° and 75° at the centre, find the ratio of their
12. (Exercise 3.2 [9]) An airplane propeller rotates 1000 times
per minute. Find the number of degrees that a point on the
edge of the propeller will rotate in 1 second.
13. (Exercise 3.3 [4]) Prove that
cot(180  θ )sin(90  θ )cos(θ )
= cos2 𝜃 cot𝜃
sin(270  θ ) tan(θ )cos ec(360  θ )
14. (Exercise 3.3 [6]) Show that
π 2π 2 7π 2 4π
 sin  sin  sin 2
18 9 18 9
15. (Exercise 3.4 [3]) Find cos (𝑥 - 𝑦), given that cos x   with
3 24 3
𝜋 < 𝑥 < 2 and sin y   25 with 𝜋 < 𝑦 < 2 .

1 1  3
1  1
16. (Exercise 3.5 [3]) If cos   a   ,
2 a
show that cos 3  2  a  a 3 

17. (Exercise 3.11 [1]) Find the principal value of

1 1 1 3
(i) sin , (ii) cos (iii) cosec-1 (-1),
2 2

 
(iv ) sec1  2 , (v) tan 1  3
18. (Example 3.12) Find the value of:
15 
(i) sin(765°) (ii) cosec (-1410°) (iii) cot  
 4 
19. (Example 3.13) Prove that tan(315°) cot (−405°) + cot(495°)
tan (−585°) = 2
20. (Example 3.18) Point A(9, 12) rotates around the origin O in
a plane through 60° in the anticlockwise direction to a new
position B. Find the coordinates of the point B.
21. (Example 3.31) Find the value of 3cos ec20  sec20
22. (Example 3.60) In ∆ABC, prove that (b+c) cos A + (c+a) cos
B + (a+b) cos C = a+b+c.
23. (Example 3.68) In any ∆ABC, prove that a cos A + b cos B +
8 2
c cos C =

UNIT - IV (Combinatorics and Mathematical Induction)

24. (Exercise 4.1 [2])

(i) A mobile phone has passcode of 6 distinct digits. What is
the maximum number of attempts one makes to retrieve the
(ii) Given four flags of different colours, how many different
signals can be generated if each signal requires the use of three
flags, one below the other?
25. (Exercise 4.1 [7]) How many three-digit odd numbers can be
formed by using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5? If
(i) the repetition of digits is not allowed
(ii) the repetition of digits is allowed.
26. (Exercise 4.2 [2]) If 10Pr-1 = 2×6Pr, find r.
27. (Exercise 4.3 [1]) If nC12 = nC9 find 21Cn.
28. (Exercise 4.3 [2]) If 15C2r-1 = 15C2r+4, find r.
29. (Exercise 4.3 [15]) In an examination a student has to answer
5 questions, out of 9 questions in which 2 are compulsory. In
how many ways a student can answer the questions?
30. (Example 4.15) There are 10 bulbs in a room. Each one of
them can be operated independently. Find the number of ways
in which the room can be illuminated
(2n)! n
31. (Example 4.24) Prove that  2 (1.3.5....(2n  1))
32. (Example 4.40) How many paths are there from start to end
on a 6 × 4 grid as shown in the picture?

33. (Example 4.52) A Mathematics club has 15 members. In that

8 are girls. 6 of the members are to be selected for a
competition and half of them should be girls. How many ways
of these selections are possible?
34. (Example 4.55) A box of one dozen apple contains a rotten
apple. If we are choosing 3 apples simultaneously, in how
many ways, one can get only good apples.
35. (Example 4.60) How many diagonals are there in a polygon
with n sides?

UNIT - V (Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series)

 1 
36. (Exercise 5.1[7]) Find the constant term of  2 x 2  2 
 3x 
37. (Exercise 5.1[8]) Find the last two digits of the number 3600.
38. (Exercise 5.1[13]) In the binomial expansion of (a+b)n, if the
coefficients of the 4th and 13th terms are equal then, find n.
39. (Exercise 5.4[5]) Write the first 6 terms of the exponential
(i) e5𝑥
(ii) e-2𝑥
1 x
(iii) e 2
40. (Example 5.6) Find the coefficient of 𝑥3 in the expansion of (2
− 3𝑥)7 .
41. (Example 5.7) The 2nd , 3rd and 4th terms in the binomial
expansion of (𝑥 + a)n are 240, 720 and 1080 for a suitable
value of 𝑥. Find 𝑥, a and n.
42. (Example 5.11) Find the last two digits of the number 7400.

UNIT – VI (Two Dimensional Analytical Geometry)

43. (Exercise: 6.2 - 2) If P(r, c) is midpoint of a line segment

x y
between the axes, then show that   2.
r c
44. (Exercise: 6.2 - 4) If p is length of perpendicular from origin
to the line whose intercepts on the axes are 𝑎 and b, then show
1 1 1
that 2
 2
 2
p a b
45. (Exercise: 6.3 - 13) Find the family of straight lines
(i) Perpendicular
(ii) Parallel to 3𝑥 + 4y - 12 = 0
46. (Exercise: 6.3 - 14) If the line joining two points A(2, 0) and
B(3, 1) is rotated about A in anticlockwise direction through an
angle of 15o, then find the equation of the line in new position.
47. (Exercise: 6.3 - 16) A line is drawn perpendicular to
5𝑥 = y + 7. Find the equation of the line if the area of the
triangle formed by this line with co-ordinate axes is 10 sq.units.
48. (Example: 6.1) Find the locus of a point which moves such
that its distance from the 𝑥 -axis is equal to the distance from
the y -axis.
 c
49. (Example: 6.2 ) Find the path traced out by the point  ct, t  ,

here t ≠ 0 is the parameter and c is a constant.

50. (Example: 6.20) Rewrite 3 x  y  4  0 in to normal form.

51. (Example: 6.32) If a line joining two points (3, 0) and (5, 2)
is rotated about the point (3, 0) in counter clockwise direction
through an angle 15°, then find the equation of the line in the
new position.
52. (Example: 6.41) Show that the straight lines joining the
origin to the points of intersection of 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 2 = 0 and 3𝑥2
+ 5𝑥𝑦 − 2𝑦2 + 4𝑥 + 5𝑦 = 0 are at right angles.

I. 3 Mark questions:

Unit – I (Sets, Relations and Functions)

1. (Example 1.11) Let S = {1,2,3} and 𝜌 = {(1,1), (1,2), (2,2),

(1,3), (3,1)}.
(i) Is ρ reflexive? If not, state the reason and write the
minimum set of ordered pairs to be included to ρ so as to
make it reflexive.
(ii) Is ρ symmetric? If not, state the reason, write minimum
number of ordered pairs to be included to ρ so as to make
it symmetric and write minimum number of ordered pairs
to be deleted from ρ so as to make it symmetric.
(iii) Is ρ transitive? If not, state the reason, write minimum
number of ordered pairs to be included to ρ so as to make
it transitive and write minimum number of ordered pairs
to be deleted from ρ so as to make it transitive.
(iv) Is ρ an equivalence relation? If not, write the minimum
ordered pairs to be included to ρ so as to make it an
equivalence relation.
S = {1,2,3} மமமமமமம 𝜌 = {(1,1), (1,2), (2,2), (1,3), (3,1)}

2. (Example 1.13) In the set Z of integers, define mRn if m – n

is a multiple of 12. Prove that R is an equivalence relation.
3. (Example 1.14) Check whether the following functions are
one-to one and onto.
(i) 𝑓: N → N defined by 𝑓(𝑛) = 𝑛 + 2
(ii) 𝑓: N ∪{-1,0}→ N defined by 𝑓(𝑛) = 𝑛 + 2
4. (Example 1.20) Check whether the function (𝑥) – 𝑥|𝑥| defined
on [-2,2] is one – to – one or not. If it is one-to-one, find a
suitable co-domain so that the function becomes a bijection.
5. (Example 1.23) Find the range of the function
f ( x)  .
1  3cos x
6. (Example 1.27) Let 𝑓 and g be the two functions from R to R
defined by (𝑥) = 3𝑥-4 and g(𝑥) = 𝑥2 + 3. Find g ∘ 𝑓 and 𝑓 ∘ g.
7. (Example 1.29) Let 𝑓, g : R→R be defined as 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 - |𝑥|
and g(𝑥) = 2𝑥+|𝑥|. Find 𝑓∘ g.
8. (Exercise 1.2(3)) Let A = {a,b,c} and R = {(a,a), (b,b), (a,c)}.
Write down the minimum number of ordered pairs to be
included to 𝑅 to make it (i) reflexive (ii) symmetric (iii)
transitive (iv) equivalence
9. (Exercise 1.2(7)) On the set of natural numbers let R be the
relation defined by aRb if a + b ≤6. Write down the relation
by listing all the pairs. Check whether it is
(i) reflexive (ii) symmetric (iii) transitive (iv) equivalence
10. (Exercise 1.2(9)) In the set Z of integers, define 𝑚𝑅𝑛 if 𝑚 –
𝑛 is divisible by 7. Prove that R is an equivalence relation.

UNIT - II (Basic Algebra)

11. (Theorem 2.1) Prove that 2 is not a rational number.

12. (Exercise 2.6 (4)) Solve (2𝑥+1)2 – (3x+2)2 = 0
13. (Exercise 2.7 (1)) Factorize: 𝑥4 - 1. (Hint: Try completing the
14. (Example 2.8) Solve the following system of linear
inequalities 3𝑥-9 ≥ 0, 4𝑥-10 ≤ 6.
15. (Example 2.12) Find the number of solutions of
𝑥2 + |𝑥-1| = 1.

16. (Example 2.15) Solve the equation 6  4 x  x2  x  4 .

17. (Example 2.19) Use the method of undetermined coefficients
to find the sum of 1+2+3+…+(n-1)+n, n ∈ N.

UNIT - III (Trigonometry)

18. (Exercise 3.1 [1]) Identify the quadrant in which an angle of

each given measure lies.
(i) 25° (ii) 825° (iii) -55° (iv) 328° (v) -230°
19. (Exercise 3.1 [2]) For each given angle, find a coterminal
angle with measure of 𝜃 such that 0° ≤ 𝜃 < 360°
(i) 395° (ii) 525° (iii) 1150° (iv) -270° (v)-450°
20. (Exercise 3.2 [1]) Express each of the following in radian
(i) 30° (ii) 135° (iii) -205° (iv) 150° (v) 330°
21. (Exercise 3.2 [10]) A train is moving on a circular track of
1500 m radius at the rate of 66 km/hr. What angle will it turn
in 20 seconds?
22. (Exercise 3.2 [11]) A circular metallic plate of radius 8 cm
and thickness 6 mm is melted and molded into a pie (a sector
of the circle with thickness) of radius 16 cm and thickness 4
mm. Find the angle of the sector.
23. (Exercise 3.3 [1]) Find the values of (i) sin(480°)
(ii) sin (-1110°) (iii) cos(300°) (iv) tan (1050°)
 19π   11π 
(v) cot (660°) (iv) tan   (v) sin   
 3   3 
24. (Exercise 3.3 [3]) Find the values of other five
trigonometric functions of the following:
(i) cos θ   , 𝜃 lies in the III quadrant
(ii) cos θ  , 𝜃 lies in the I quadrant
(iii) sin θ   , 𝜃 lies in the IV quadrant
(iv) tan θ  2 , 𝜃 lies in the II quadrant
(v) sec θ  , 𝜃 lies in the IV quadrant.
25. (Exercise 3.4 [8]) Expand cos (A + B + C). Hence prove that
cos A cos B cos C = sin A sin B cos C + sin B sin C cos A +

sin C sin A cos B, if A B C  .

26. (Exercise 3.4 [10]) If 𝑎 cos (𝑥+𝑦) = b cos (𝑥-𝑦), show that (𝑎
+ 𝑏) tan 𝑥 = (𝑎 - 𝑏) cot 𝑦.
n 1
27. (Exercise 3.4 [22]) If tan x  and tan y 
n 1 2n  1 , find

tan( x  y ) .
   3 
28. (Exercise 3.4 [23]) Prove that tan     tan      1 .
4   4 

29. (Exercise 3.4 [24]) Find the values of tan(    ) , given that

cot  
1  3    
5  
, 𝛼𝜖   ,  and sec , 𝛽𝜖  ,  .
2  2  3 2 

30. (Exercise 3.5 [6]) If A + B = 45°, show that (1+ tan A) (1 +

tan B) = 2.
31. (Exercise 3.5 [7]) Prove that (1+tan1o) (1+tan2o)
(1+tan3o)…….(1+tan44o) is a multiple of 4.
32. (Exercise 3.5 [8]) Prove that
   
tan      tan      2 tan 2
4  4 
33. (Exercise 3.8 [1]) Find the principal solution and general
solutions of the following:
(i) sin θ  
(ii) cot θ  3
(iii) tan θ  
34. (Exercise 3.8 [2]) Solve the following equations for which
solutions lies in interval 0° ≤ 𝜃 < 360°
(i) Sin4 𝑥 = sin2 𝑥
(ii) 2 cos2 𝑥 + 1 = -3 cos 𝑥
(iii) 2 sin2 𝑥 + 1 = 3 sin 𝑥
(iv) cos 2𝑥 = 1- 3 sin 𝑥
35. (Exercise 3.11 [2]) A man standing directly opposite to one
side of a road of width 𝑥 meter views a circular shaped traffic
green signal of diameter a meter on the other side of the road.
The bottom of the green signal is b meter height from the
horizontal level of viewer’s eye. If α denotes the angle
subtended by the diameter of the green signal at the viewer’s
eye, then prove that
ab 1  b 
α  tan 1    tan  
 x   x

UNIT - IV (Combinatorics and Mathematical Induction)

36. (Exercise 4.1 [3]) Four children are running a race.

(i) In how many ways can the first two places be filled?
(ii) In how many different ways could they finish the race?
37. (Exercise 4.1 [5]) How many three – digit numbers are there
with 3 in the unit place?
(i) with repetition (ii) without repetition
38. (Exercise 4.1 [8]) Count the numbers between 999 and 10000
subject to the condition that there are (i) no restriction (ii) no
digit is repeated. (iii) at least one of the digit is repeated.
39. (Exercise 4.1 [11]) How many numbers are there between 1
and 1000 (both inclusive) which are divisible neither by 2 nor
by 5?
40. (Exercise 4.2 [1]) If (n-1) P3 : nP4 = 1: 10, find n
(Exercise 4.2 [5]) A test consists of 10 multiple choice
questions. In how many ways can the test be answered if
(i) Each question has four choices?
(ii) The first four questions have three choices and the
remaining have five choices?
(iii) Question number n has n+1 choices?
41. (Exercise 4.2 [8]) 8 women and 6 men are standing in a line.
(i) How many arrangements are possible if any individual can
stand in any position?
(ii) In how many arrangements will all 6 men be standing next
to one another?
(iii) In how many arrangements will no two men be standing
next to one another?
42. (Exercise 4.2 [14]) How many strings are there using the
letters of the word INTERMEDIATE, if
(i) The vowels and consonants are alternative
(ii) All the vowels are together
(iii) Vowels are never together
(iv) No two vowels are together
43. (Exercise 4.3 [23]) How many triangles can be formed by 15
points, in which 7 of them lie on one line and the remaining 8
on another parallel line?
44. (Exercise 4.3 [24]) There are 11 points in a plane. No three of
these lies in the same straight line except 4 points, which are
collinear. Find,
(i) The number of straight lines that can be obtained from the
pairs of these points?
(ii) The number of triangles that can be formed for which the
points are their vertices?
45. (Example 4.35) If the letters of the word TABLE are
permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are
arranged in the dictionary order (alphabetical order), find the
ranks of the words
(i) TABLE, (ii) BLEAT

UNIT - V (Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series)

46. (Exercise 5.1[3]) Using binomial theorem, indicate which of

the following two number is larger: (1.01)1000000, 10000
47. (Exercise 5.3[1]) Find the sum of the first 20 –terms of the
arithmetic progression having the sum of first 10 terms as 52
and the sum of the first 15 terms as 77.
48. (Exercise 5.3[6]) Find the value of n, if the sum to n terms of
the series 3  75  243  ...... is 435 3 .
49. (Exercise 5.3[7]) Show that the sum of (m+n)th and (m-n)th
term of an A.P is equal to twice the mth term.
50. (Exercise 5.3[8]) A man repays an amount of Rs. 3250 by
paying Rs. 20 in the first month and then increase the payment
by Rs. 15 per month. How long will it take him to clear the
51. (Exercise 5.3[9]) In a race, 20 balls are placed in a line at
intervals of 4 meters, with the first ball 24 meters away from
the starting point. A contestant is required to bring the balls
back to the starting place one at a time. How far would the
contestant run to bring back all balls?
52. (Exercise 5.4[6]) Writhe first 4 terms of the logarithmic
(i) log (1+4𝑥)
(ii) log(1-2𝑥)
 1  3x 
(iii) log  
 1  3x 
 1  2x 
(iv) log  
1  2x 
find the intervals on which the expansions are valid.
53. (Exercise 5.4[9]) Find the coefficient of 𝑥4 in the expansion
3  4 x  x2
e2 x
54. (Example 5.21) Expand (1  x) 3 up to four terms for |𝑥| < 1.
55. (Example 5.22) Expand in powers of . Find a
(1  3x) 2

condition on 𝑥 for which the expansion is valid.

56. (Example 5.24) Find 3 65

UNIT – VI (Two Dimensional Analytical Geometry)

57. (Exercise: 6.1 - 8) If O is origin and R is a variable point on

y2 = 4𝑥, then find the equation of the locus of the mid - point
of the line segment OR.
58. (Exercise: 6.1 - 9) The coordinates of a moving point P are
 cos ec  sin  ,
cos ec  sin   , where 𝜃 is a variable
2 2 
parameter. Show that the equation of the locus P is
b2𝑥2 - 𝑎2y2 = 𝑎2b2.
59. (Exercise: 6.1 - 10) If P(2, -7) is a given point and Q is a point
on 2𝑥2 + 9y2 = 18, then find the equations of the locus of the
mid - point of PQ.
60. (Exercise: 6.1 - 13) If Q is a point on the locus of 𝑥2 + y2 + 4𝑥
- 3y + 7 = 0, then find the equation of locus of P which divides
segment OQ externally in the ratio 3:4, where O is origin.
61. (Exercise: 6.1 - 15) The sum of the distance of a moving point
from the points (4, 0) and (-4, 0) is always 10 units. Find the
equation of the locus of the moving point.
62. (Exercise: 6.2 - 5) The normal boiling point of water is 100 oC
or 212oF and the freezing point of water is 0oC or 32oF.
(i) Find the linear relationship between C and F
Find (ii) the value of C for 98.6oF and
(iii)the value of F for 38oC
63. (Exercise: 6.3 - 15) A ray of light coming from the point (1, 2)
is reflected at a point A on the 𝑥-axis and it passes through the
point (5, 3). Find the co-ordinates of the point A.
64. (Exercise: 6.4 - 9) The slope of one of the straight lines
𝑎𝑥2 + 2h𝑥y + by2 = 0 is three times the other, show that
3h2 = 4ab.
65. (Exercise: 6.4 - 16) Prove that one of the straight lines given
by 𝑎𝑥2 + 2h𝑥y + by2 = 0 will bisect the angle between the co -
ordinate axes if (𝑎 + b)2 = 4h2.
66. (Exercise: 6.4 - 18) Prove that the straight lines joining the
origin to the points of intersection of 3𝑥2 + 5𝑥y - 3y2 + 2𝑥 + 3y
= 0 and 3𝑥-2y-1= 0 are at right angles.
67. (Example: 6.5) A straight rod of the length 6 units, slides with
its ends A and B always on the 𝑥 and y axes respectively. If O
is the origin, then find the locus of the centroid of Δ OAB .
68. (Example: 6.35) Find the equation of the pair of lines through
the origin and perpendicular to the pair of lines 𝑎𝑥2 + 2h𝑥𝑦+
b𝑦2 = 0.
69. (Example: 6.40) If one of the straight lines of 𝑎𝑥2 + 2h𝑥𝑦
+b𝑦2 = 0 is perpendicular to p𝑥+q𝑦 = 0, then show that 𝑎p2 +
2hpq + bq2 = 0.
II. 5 Mark Questions:

Unit – I (Sets, Relations and Functions)

1. (Example 1.5) If A and B are two sets so that (B-A) = 2𝑛(A-

B) = 4𝑛(A∩B) and if 𝑛(A∪B) = 14, then find 𝑛(P(A)).
2. (Example 1.6) Two sets have 𝑚 and 𝑘 elements. If the total
number of subsets of the first set is 112 more than that of the
second set, find the values of 𝑚 and 𝑘.
3. (Exercise 1.3(2)) Write the values of 𝑓 at -4,1,-2,7,0 if
 x  4 if    x  3
 x  4 if  3  x  2

f ( x)   x 2  x if  2  x  1

 x  x 2
if 1  x  7
 0 otherwise
4. (Exercise 1.3(3)) Write the values of 𝑓 at -3,5,2,-1,0 if
 x 2  x  5 if x  (,0)
 2
 x  3x  2 if x  (3, )
f ( x)  
 x2 if x  (0, 2)

 x 3
5. (Exercise 1.3(16)) A salesperson whose annual earnings can
be represented by the function A(𝑥) = 30,000 + 0.04𝑥, where 𝑥
is the rupee value of the merchandise he sells. His son is also
in sales and his earnings are represented by the function S(𝑥) =
25, 000 + 0.05𝑥. Find (A+S)(𝑥) and determine the total family
income if they each sell Rupees 1,50,00,000 worth of
UNIT - II (Basic Algebra)

x 1
6. (Example 2.27) Resolve into partial fractions:
x 2 ( x  1)
7. (Exercise 2.9 (8, 10, 11)) Resolve the following rational
expressions into partial fractions.
x3  2 x  1 6 x2  x  1 2 x 2  5 x  11
(i) (ii) (iii)
x  5x  6
x  x  x 1
3 2
x2  2 x  3
8. (Exercise 2.10(6)) Determine the region in the plane
determined by the inequalities:
𝑥 – 2y ≥ 0, 2𝑥-y ≤ -2, 𝑥 ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
9. (Exercise 2.10(7)) Determine the region in the plane
determined by the inequalities:
2𝑥 + y ≥ 8, 𝑥 + 2 y ≥ 8, 𝑥 + y ≤ 6.

UNIT - III (Trigonometry)

10. (Exercise 3.1 [4]) If sin 𝜃 + cos 𝜃 = m, show that cos6 𝜃 + sin6
4  3(m2  1)2
𝜃 , where m2 ≤ 2
11. (Exercise 3.1 [8]) If tan2 𝜃 =1-k2, show that sec 𝜃 + tan3 𝜃
cosec 𝜃 = (2-k2)3/2. Also find the values of k for which this
result holds.
12. (Exercise 3.1 [11]) If cosec 𝜃 – sin 𝜃 = a3 and sec 𝜃 – cos 𝜃 =
b3, then prove that a2b2(a2+b2) = 1
 2   4 
13. (Exercise 3.4 [16]) If x cos   y cos    z cos  , find
 3   3 

the value of 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦𝑧 + 𝑧𝑥.

14. (Exercise 3.4 [19]) If cos(   )  cos(    )  cos(   )  

then prove that cos   cos   cos   sin   sin   sin   0 .

15. (Exercise 3.4 [25]) If 𝜃 + 𝜙 = 𝛼 and tan𝜃 = k tan𝜙, then
k 1
prove that sin(    )  sin  .
k 1
 1o 
16. (Exercise 3.5 [9]) Show that cot  7   2  3  4  6 .
 2 

17. (Exercise 3.5 [10]) Prove that (1+ sec 2𝜃) (1+ sec 4𝜃)
……....(1+ sec 2n𝜃) = tan 2n 𝜃cot 𝜃.
18. (Exercise 3.5 [11]) Prove that

 
32 3 sin

   
cos cos cos cos  3 .
48 24 12 6
19. (Exercise 3.6 [3]) Show that sin 12 o
sin 48 o
sin 54 o

20. (Exercise 3.6 [4]) Show that
 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
cos cos cos cos cos cos cos 
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 128 .
21. (Exercise 3.6 [12]) Prove that
sin x  sin 3x  sin 5 x  sin 7 x
 tan 4 x .
cos x  cos 3x  cos 5 x  cos 7 x
22. (Exercise 3.6 [14]) Show that
4 cos 2 A
cot( A  15 o )  tan( A  15 o ) 
1  2 sin 2 A .

23. (Exercise 3.7 [4]) If A  B  C  2 , prove the following

(i) sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C = 4 cos A cos B cos C

(ii) cos 2A + cos 2B + cos 2C = 1 + 4 sin A sin B sin C
24. (Examples 3.25) Prove that sin 𝑥 = 210
 x   x  x   x 
sin  10  cos   cos  2  ...cos  10 
2  2 2  2 
25. (Examples 3.32) Prove that cos A cos 2A cos 22 A cos 23 A
sin 2n A
….cos2n-1 A n
2 sin A
26. (Examples 3.36) show that cos 36° cos 72° cos 108° cos 144°
27. (Examples 3.38) Show that cos 10° cos 30° cos 50° cos 70°
 .
28. (Examples 3.71) Suppose two radar stations located 100km
apart, each detect a fighter aircraft between them. The angle of
elevation measured by the first station is 30°, whereas the
angle of elevation measured by the second station is 45°. Find
the altitude of the aircraft at that instant.

UNIT - IV (Combinatorics and Mathematical Induction)

29. (Exercise 4.2 [15]) Each of the digits 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 and 4 is

written on a separate card. The six cards are then laid out in a
row to form a 6-digit number.
(i) How many distinct 6-digit numbers are there?
(ii) How many of these 6-digit numbers are even?
(iii) How many of these 6-digit numbers are divisible by 4?
30. (Exercise 4.2 [16]) If the letters of the word GARDEN are
permuted in all possible ways and the strings thus formed are
arranged in the dictionary order, then find the ranks of the
31. (Exercise 4.2 [17]) Find the number of strings that can be
made using all letters of the word THING. If these words are
written as in a dictionary, what will be the 85th string?
32. (Exercise 4.2 [18]) If the letters of the word FUNNY are
permuted in all possible ways and the strings thus formed are
arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of the word
33. (Exercise 4.2 [19]) Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that
can be formed using digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 repetitions not
34. (Exercise 4.2 [20]) Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that
can be formed using digits 0, 2, 5, 7, 8 without repetition?
35. (Exercise 4.3 [3]) If nPr = 720, and nCr = 120, find n,r.
36. (Exercise 4.3 [8]) Prove that if 1 ≤ r ≤ n then
n( n1) Cr 1  (n  r  1) n Cr 1 .
37. (Exercise 4.3 [14]) There are 5 teachers and 20 students. Out
of them a committee of 2 teachers and 3 students is to be
formed. Find the number of ways in which this can be done.
Further find in how many of these committees
(i) A particular teacher is included?
(ii) A particular student is excluded?
38. (Exercise 4.3 [20]) A box contains two white balls, three
black balls and four red balls. In how many ways can three
balls be drawn from the box, if at least one black ball is to be
included in the draw?
39. (Exercise 4.4 [1]) By the principle of mathematical induction,
prove that, for n ≥ 1.

 n(n  1) 

1  2  3  .....  n  
3 3 3 3

 2 
40. (Exercise 4.4 [2]) By the principle of mathematical induction,
prove that, for n ≥1.
n(2n  1)( 2n  1)
12  32  5 2  .....  2n  1 

41. (Exercise 4.4 [3]) Prove that the sum of the first n non - zero
even numbers is n2 + n.
42. (Exercise 4.4 [4]) By the principle of Mathematical induction,
prove that, for n ≥ 1.
n(n  1)( n  2)
1.2  2.3  3.4  ......  n(n  1) 
(Exercise 4.4 [5]) Using the Mathematical induction, show
that for any natural number n ≥ 2
 1  1  1   1  n 1
1  2 1  2 1  2 ......1  2  
 2  3  4   n  2n
44. (Exercise 4.4 [6]) Using the Mathematical induction, show
that for any natural number n ≥ 2.
1 1 1 1 n 1
   .......  
1 2 1 2  3 1 2  3  4 1  2  3  .....  n n  1

45. (Exercise 4.4 [7]) Using the Mathematical induction, show

that for any natural number n,
1 1 1 1 n(n  3)
   .......  
1.2.3 2.3.4 3.4.5 n.(n  1).( n  2) 4(n  1)( n  2)
46. (Exercise 4.4 [8]) Using the Mathematical induction, show
that for any natural number n,
1 1 1 1 n
   .......  
2.5 5.8 8.11 (3n  1)(3n  2) 6n  4
47. (Exercise 4.4 [9]) Prove by Mathematical Induction that
1!(2  2!)  (3  3!)  ......  (n  n!)  (n  1)!1
48. (Exercise 4.4 [10]) Using the Mathematical induction, show
that for any natural number n, 𝑥2n - y2n is divisible by 𝑥+ y.
49. (Exercise 4.4 [11]) By the principle of Mathematical
induction, prove that, for n ≥ 1.
12  2 2  32  .....  n 2 
50. (Exercise 4.4 [12]) Use induction to prove that n3 - 7n + 3, is
divisible by 3, for all natural numbers n.
51. (Exercise 4.4 [13]) Use induction to prove that 5n+1 + 4 × 6n
when divided by 20 leaves a remainder 9, for all natural
numbers n.
52. (Exercise 4.4 [14]) Use induction to prove that 10n + 3 × 4n+2
+ 5, is divisible by 9, for all natural numbers n.
53. (Exercise 4.4 [15]) Prove that using the Mathematical
   2   (n  1) 
sin(  )  sin      sin      ......  sin    
 6  6   6 
 (n  1)   n 
sin      sin  
  12   12 
 
sin  
 12 
54. (Example 4.61) By the principle of mathematical induction,
prove that, for all integers n ≥ 1,
n(n  1)
1  2  3  ...  n 
55. (Example 4.62) Prove that the sum of first n positive odd
numbers is n2.
56. (Example 4.63) By the principle of mathematical induction,
prove that, for all integers n ≥ 1,
n(n  1)(2n  1)
1  2  3  ...  n 
2 2 2 2
57. (Example 4.64) Using the Mathematical induction, show that
for any natural number n,
1 1 1 1 n
   ...  
1.2 2.3 3.4 n(n  1) n  1
58. (Example 4.65) Prove that for any natural number n, an − bn
is divisible by a − b, where a > b
59. (Example 4.66) Prove that 32n+2 − 8n − 9 is divisible by 8 for
all n ≥ 1.
60. (Example 4.67) Using the Mathematical induction, show that
for any integer n ≥ 2, 3n2 > (n + 1)2
61. (Example 4.68) Using the Mathematical induction, show that
for any integer n ≥ 2, 3n > n2
62. (Example 4.69) By the principle of mathematical induction,
prove that, for n ∈ N,
cos   cos(   )  cos   2   ...  cos(  ( n  1)  )
 n 
sin  
 (n  1)    2 
 cos    
 2   
sin  
63. (Example 4.70) Using the Mathematical induction, show that
for any natural number n, with the assumption 𝑖2 = −1,
(r (cos  i sin  ))n  r n (cos n  i sin n )

UNIT - V (Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series)

64. (Exercise: 5.1 - 14) If the binomial coefficients of three

consecutive terms in the expansion of (𝑎+𝑥)n are in the ratio
1:7:42, then find n.
65. (Exercise: 5.1 - 15) In the binomial expansion of (1+𝑥)n, the
coefficient of the 5th, 6th and 7th terms are in AP. Find all
values of n.
66. (Exercise: 5.2 - 8) The AM of two numbers exceeds their
GM by 10 and HM by 16. Find the numbers.
67. (Exercise: 5.2 - 9) If the roots of the equation (q-r)2 + (r-p)𝑥
+ p-q = 0 are equal, that p, q and r are in AP.
(q-r)𝑥2 + (r-p) + p-q = 0 மமமம மமமமமமமமமமமம மமமமமமமம
(Exercise: 5.2 - 10) If a, b, c are respectively the pth, qth and rth
terms of a GP, show that (q-r) log a + (r-p) .log b + (p-q) log c
= 0.
68. (Exercise: 5.3 - 11) What will Rs. 500 amounts to in 10 years
after its deposit in a bank which pays annual interest rate of
10 % compounded annually? ₹
69. (Exercise: 5.3 - 12) In a certain town a viral disease caused
severe health hazards upon its people disturbing their normal
life. It was found that on each day, the virus which caused the
disease spread in Geometric progression. The amount of
infectious virus particle gets doubled each day, being 5
particles on the first day. Find the day when the infectious
virus particles just grow over 1,50,000 units?
x 2 x3 x 4
70. (Exercise: 5.4 - 7) If y  x     ......, then show
2 3 4
y 2 y3 y 4
that 𝑥 – y = y     ......
2! 3! 4!
71. (Exercise: 5.4 - 8) If p – q is small compared to either p or q,
p (n  1) p  (n  1)q 15
then show that n . Hence find 8
q (n  1) p  (n  1)q 16 .
72. (Exercise: 5.4 - 10) Find the value of
 1  1 1 
  n 1  
n 1 2n  1  9 92 n 1  .

73. (Example: 5.9) Expand x 2

 1 x2   x

 1 x2 .

74. (Example: 5.25) Prove that

x3  7  3 x3  4 is approximately
equal to x 2 when 𝑥 is large.

UNIT – VI (Two Dimensional Analytical Geometry)

75. (Exercise: 6.2 - 6) An object was launched from a place P in

constant speed to hit a target. At the 15th second it was 1400m
away from the target and at the 18th second 800m away. Find
(i) The distance between the place and the target
(ii) The distance covered by it in 15 seconds
(iii) Time taken to hit the target
76. (Exercise: 6.2 - 7) Population of a city in the years 2005 and
2010 are 1,35,000 and 1,45,000 respectively. Find the
approximate population in the year 2015. (assuming that the
growth of population is constant).
77. (Exercise: 6.2 - 10) Show that the points (1, 3), (2, 1) and
1 
 ,4  are collinear, by using
2 
(i) Concept of slope
(ii) Using a straight line and
(iii) Any other method.
78. (Exercise: 6.2 - 12) A 150m long train is moving with
constant velocity of 12.5 m/s. Find
(i) The equation of the motion of the train
(ii) Time taken to cross a pole
(iii) The time taken to cross the bridge of length 850 m is?
79. (Exercise: 6.4 - 7) Find the separate equation of the following
pair of straight lines.
(i) 3𝑥2 + 2𝑥y - y2 = 0
(ii) 6(𝑥 -1)2 + 5(𝑥-1) (y-2) - 4(y - 2)2 = 0
(iii) 2𝑥2 - 𝑥y - 3y2 - 6𝑥 + 19y - 20 = 0
80. (Exercise: 6.4 - 10) A ∆OPQ is formed by the pair of straight
lines 𝑥2-4𝑥𝑦+𝑦2 = 0 and the line PQ. The equation of PQ is 𝑥
+ y - 2 = 0. Find the equation of the median of the triangle
ΔOPQ drawn from the origin O.
81. (Exercise: 6.4 - 11) Find p and q, if the following equation
represents a pair of perpendicular lines. 6𝑥2 + 5𝑥𝑦 - p𝑦2 + 7𝑥 +
q𝑦 - 5 = 0.
82. (Exercise: 6.4 - 12) Find the value of k, if the following
equation represents a pair of straight lines. Further, find
whether these lines are parallel or intersecting, 12𝑥2 + 7𝑥y -
12y2 - 𝑥 + 7y + k = 0.
83. (Exercise: 6.4 - 13) For what value of k does the equation
12𝑥2 + 2k𝑥y + 2y2 + 11𝑥 -5y + 2 = 0 represent two straight
84. (Exercise: 6.4 - 14) Show that the equation 9𝑥2 - 24𝑥y + 16y2
- 12𝑥 + 16y - 12 = 0 represents a pair of parallel lines. Find the
distance between them.
85. (Exercise: 6.4 - 15) Show that the equation 4𝑥2 + 4𝑥y + y2 -
6𝑥 - 3y - 4 = 0 represents a pair of parallel lines. Find the
distance between them.
86. (Example: 6.18) Find the equation of the lines make an angle
60° with positive 𝑥-axis and at a distance 5 2 units measured
from the point (4, 7), along the line 𝑥 − 𝑦 + 3 = 0.

87. (Example: 6.19) Express the equation 3 x  y  4  0 in the

following equivalent form:

(i) Slope and Intercept form
(ii) Intercept form
(iii) Normal form
88. (Example: 6.36) Show that the straight lines 𝑥2− 4𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦2 = 0
and 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 3 form an equilateral triangle.
89. (Example: 6.37) If the pair of lines represented by 𝑥2 − 2c𝑥𝑦
− 𝑦2 = 0 and 𝑥2 − 2d𝑥𝑦 − 𝑦2 = 0 be such that each pair bisects
the angle between the other pair, prove that cd = −1.
90. (Example: 6.38) If the equation 𝜆𝑥2− 10𝑥𝑦 + 12𝑦2+ 5𝑥− 16𝑦−
3 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines, find
(i) the value of 𝜆 and the separate equations of the lines
(ii) point of intersection of the lines
(iii) angle between the lines
91. (Example: 6.39) A student when walks from his house, at an
average speed of 6 kmph, reaches his school ten minutes
before the school starts. When his average speed is 4 kmph, he
reaches his school five minutes late. If he starts to school
every day at 8.00 A.M, then find
(i) the distance between his house and the school
(ii) the minimum average speed to reach the school on time
and time taken to reach the school
(iii) the time the school gate closes
(iv) the pair of straight lines of his path of walk.

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