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Lawrence H. Bannister PhD Dsc Harold Ellis C8E DM MCh FRCS
Reader, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Clinical Anatomist, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology United
United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London Medical.and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London

Martin M. Berry mp Dsc FRCPath Giorgio Gabella mp psc |

Professor of Anatomy, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, United Professor of Histology and Cytology, University College -ondon, |
Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London London

Patricia Collins Bsc PhD Stanley Salmons msc PhD ARCS DIC FBES FZ3
Lecturer, Department of Human Morphology, Professor of Medical Cell Biology, Department of Humar va
University of Southampton, Southampton and Cell Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool

Julian E. Dussek FRcs Roger W. Soames Bsc PhD

Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Human Biology, University af Leeds,
London Leeds

Mary Dyson Bsc PhD FAIUM FCSP Susan M. Standring PhD Dsc
Reader, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Director, Tissue Reader in Experimental Neurobiology, Division of Anatomy and
Repair Research Unit, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Cell Biology, United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy's Campus,
United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London London



The late Peter L. Williams DSc (Lond) MA MB BChir (Cantab) FRCS (Eng)
Emeritus Professor, University of London +
Formerly Professor of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London


Lawrence H. Bannister
Martin M. Berry
Patricia Collins
Mary Dyson
Julian E. Dussek
Mark W. J. Ferguson


CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE For Churchill Livingstone
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Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister
Skin 376
HISTORICAL ACCOUNT xv Introduction 376
Biography of Henry Gray xv Epidermis 381
Brief history of Gray’s Anatomy xvii Dermis 395
Nerves 399
1 Blood vessels 398
Age-related changes 411
Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister Breasts (mammae) 417
What is anatomy? 2 Female breasts 418
Origin of life on Earth 3 Male breasts 424
Evolution of life on Earth 3
Primate and human evolution 7
Anatomical nomenclature 13
Edited by Roger W. Soames
CELLS AND TISSUES 17 Morphology of the human skeleton 426
Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister Skeletal connective tissues 443
The scope of arthrology 484
Cell structure 21 Axial skeleton 510
Cytoplasm 23 Vertebral column 511
Cytoskeleton 36 Ribs 539
Nucleus 46 Thorax 545
Reproduction of cells 56 Skull 547
Tissues 67 Appendicular skeleton 613
Epithelium 67 Upper limb 615
Unilaminar epithelia 67 Wrist and hand 646
Multilaminar epithelia 71 Lower limb 662
Glands 73 Ankle and foot 712
Connective tissues 75

3 c
Edited by Patricia Collins Edited by Stanley Salmons
Developmental biology 102 Introduction 738
Early human development 121 Brief survey of the major types of muscle 738
Development of individual systems 173 Skeletal muscle 738
Respiratory and gastrointestinal systems 174 Cardiac muscle 764
Urinary and reproductive systems 199 Smooth muscle 771
Nervous system and special sense organs 217 Attachments of skeletal muscles 781
Musculoskeletal system 264 Form and function in skeletal muscles 783
Cardiovascular system 298 Form and fibre architecture 783
Prenatal growth in form and size 328 Functional implications of form 783
Muscles and movement 785
4 Muscles and fasciae of the head 789
Craniofacial muscles 789
NEONATAL ANATOMY AND GROWTH 343 Masticatory muscles 799
Edited by Patricia Collins Anterolateral muscles and fasciae of the neck 802
Neonatal anatomy 344 Superficial and lateral cervical muscles 804
Individual systems in the neonate 346 Suprahyoid muscles 806
Growth 365 Infrahyoid muscles 807

Anterior vertebral muscles 807 Arteries of the lower limbs 1564

Lateral vertebral muscles 808 Venous system 1574
Muscles and fasciae of the trunk 809 Cardiac veins 1575
Deep muscles of the back 809 Veins of the head and neck 1576
Suboccipital muscles 813 Veins of the upper limbs 1589
Muscles of the thorax 813 Veins of the thorax 1591
Muscles of the abdomen 819 Veins of the lower limbs 1595
Muscles and fasciae of the pelvis 829 Veins of the abdomen and pelvis 1598
Muscles and fasciae of the perineum 832 Lymphatic system 1605
Muscles and fasciae of the upper limb 835
Muscles connecting the upper limb with the vertebral
column 835 11
Muscles connecting the upper limb with the thoracic wall 838 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1627
Muscles of the scapula 840 Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister
Muscles of the upper arm 842 Introduction 1628
Muscles of the forearm 844
Nose and paranasal sinuses 1631
Muscles of the hand 858
Larynx 1637
Muscle and fasciae of the lower limb 868 Trachea and bronchi 1653
Muscles of the iliac region 868 Lungs 1657
Muscles of the thigh and gluteal region 870 Pleurae 1662
Muscles of the leg 881 Mediastinum 1676
Muscles of the foot 889

8 12
Edited by Martin M. Berry, Susan M. Standring, Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister
Lawrence H. Bannister Introduction 1684
Introduction to the nervous system 902 Oral cavity and related structure 1686
Cytology of the nervous system 921 Palate 1688
Regional organization of the central nervous system 974 Salivary glands 1691
Spinal medulla or cord 975 Teeth 1699
Rhombencephalon 1011 Tongue 1721
Mesencephalon 1066 Pharynx 1725
Diencephalon 1079 Abdomen 1733
Telencephalon 1107 Peritoneum 1734
Basal nuclei 1186 Oesophagus to anus 1746
Fluid compartments and fluid balance in the central nervous Introduction 1746
system 1202 Enteric nervous system 1749
Peripheral nervous system 1224 Oesophagus 1751
Cranial nerves 1225 Stomach 1753
Spinal nerves 1258 Small intestine 1763
Autonomic nervous system 1292 Large intestine 1774
Peripheral apparatus of the special senses 1312 Gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system 1787
Gustatory apparatus 1312 Hernia 1788
Olfactory apparatus 1315 Pancreas 1790
Peripheral visual apparatus 1321 Liver 1795
Accessory visual apparatus 1353 Liver transplantation 1808
Auditory and vestibular apparatus 1367 Biliary ducts and gallbladder 1809

9 13
Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister Edited by Mary Dyson
Haemal cells and tissue 1400 Kidneys 1815
Haemopoiesis 1407 Renal microstructure 1819
Lymphoid cells and tissues 1417 Juxtaglomerular apparatus 1824
Lymphocytes 1417 Renal vessels and nerves 1826
Thymus 1423 Renal blood vessels 1826
Lymph nodes 1431 Upper urinary tract 1827
Spleen 1437 Ureters 1828
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1442 Kidney transplantation 1834
Urinary bladder 1837
10 Male urethra 1842
Female urethra 1843
Edited by Giorgio Gabella
Blood vessels 1452
Thoracic cavity and heart 1470 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1847
Arterial system 1504 Edited by Lawrence H. Bannister and Mary Dyson
Aorta 1505 Reproductive organs of the male 1848
Carotid system of arteries 1513 Testes and epididymes 1848
Subclavian system of arteries 1529 Ductus deferens (vas deferens) 1855
vi Arteries of the trunk 1545 Spermatic cord 1856

Scrotum 1856 Paraganglia 1905

Penis 1857 Para-aortic bodies 1906
Prostate 1859 Tympanic body 1906
Reproductive organs of the female 1861 Coccygeal body 1906
Ovaries 1861
Uterine tubes 1867 16
Uterus 1869 SURFACE ANATOMY 1909
Vagina 1875 Edited by Harold Ellis and Julian E. Dussek
Female external organs 1876
Head 1911
Neck 1914
15 Thorax 1915
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 1881 Abdomen 1918
Edited by Mary Dyson Perineum 1920
Adenohypophysis 1883 Back 1921
Neurohypophysis 1886 Upper limb 1923
Pineal gland 1888 Lower limb 1929
Thyroid gland 1891
Parathyroid glands 1897 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1937
Chromaffin system 1898
Diffuse neuroendocrine system 1898
Suprarenal (adrenal) glands 1900 INDEX

previously part of Angiology, have been combined in a separate
With the publication of this the 38th edition of Gray’s Anatomy, 137
Section, the Haemolymphoid System. Splanchnology has been split
years have elapsed since the first edition appeared. Although the
up into its component parts: the Respiratory, Alimentary, Urinary,
human body remains the same, our understanding of it has changed
Reproductive and Endocrine Systems. The names of the other
immensely during this time, and continues to do so at an accelerating
Sections have been changed by adopting a more familiar and gen-
pace. The discipline of Anatomy has also changed out of all rec-
erally accepted terminology. Myology becomes Muscle; Angiology
ognition because it is no longer just ‘Descriptive and Applied’—as
becomes Cardiovascular System; Neurology becomes Nervous
stated on the title pages until the last three editions—but is concerned
System. The Introduction is now restricted to comments on the
with the whole of human morphology, its underlying principles and
nature and historical development of Anatomy, on human evolution
its relation to the larger world of scientific endeavour. This has been
and on anatomical nomenclature. The Embryology and Development
a major theme in the last three editions since 1971 under the highly
Section retains its title.
innovative editorship of Professor Peter Williams and Professor
Section Editors have recruited additional contributors where
Roger Warwick, who transformed the book in its scope and content
appropriate, and have also introduced essays from invited academics
and also its visual impact. In this work they were assisted by excellent
and clinicians with specific expertise.
illustrators, especially Richard Moore whose arresting imagery
These essays have been distributed through the text to provide
brought life and intellectual insight into a previously conventional,
overviews of new or rapidly expanding areas of scientific research or
rather staid, low-key set of illustrations. This was complemented by
important new clinical developments, and to relate the anatomical
Kevin Fitzpatrick’s high quality colour photography, and later by
descriptions to wider areas of human biology. A list of contributors
artwork from Jenny Halstead and Kevin Marks who have continued
is given at the beginning of each Section. The entire text has been
in the tradition begun in the 35th edition. The vision of a transformed or extensively revised, and there are many new
either rewritten
Gray’s Anatomy was also shared by a number of contributors to the
illustrations; many of the original figures have also been updated.
book, including Dr Mary Dyson and Dr Lawrence Bannister who
The Section Editors and contributors have worked hard to ensure
became Assistant Editors in the 36th edition and then joint editors
that the text reflects modern advances, and that it is accessible to a
with Williams and Warwick in the 37th edition.
wide variety of readers with varying backgrounds and interests.
After the publication of the 37th edition in 1989, a momentous
All the changes instituted in this edition have been made in an
change in the editorship of Gray's Anatomy took place. The great
attempt to assimilate the huge advances made in anatomical science
proliferation of research information related to human morphology,
since the last edition was published in 1989. We have summarized
and the increasingly heavy demands of academic life made it highly
the explosion in knowledge resulting from the application of the
desirable to expand the editorship and the number of contributors
of techniques of molecular biology in all areas of our science, new
to the book. Accordingly, the compilation of the 38th edition
findings from the application of modern non-invasive imaging
Gray's Anatomy was begun in 1990 with the formation of an Editorial
methods, computer-assisted confocal microscopy, immunohistology
Board consisting of eight members under the Chairmanship of
and immuno-electron microscopy, computer-aided quantitative
Professor Peter Williams. The traditional Sections of the book were
methods, and many other developments. Throughout we have been
increased in number and rearranged in a more appropriate manner;
sensitive to Henry Gray’s wishes that the book should address
at the same time, new Section Editors were appointed to oversee
primarily the subject of human anatomy, and that it should serve
their revision and to recruit specialist contributors.
had the clinical world. However, over-specialization of the book has been
Sadly, after a short illness, Professor Roger Warwick, who
resisted by retaining a wider backcloth of biological concerns beyond
been an enthusiastic and energetic co-editor for three earlier editions,
the old, historical boundaries of anatomy. Thus in the Introduction
and served only briefly on the new Editorial Board, died in September
and in a number of other Sections, a brief account is given of
1991. Another grievous loss was the death in October 1994 of
the phylogenetic background of the human form and its systems,
Professor Peter Williams, who had devoted much of his professional
providing a context in which to describe their present condition.
life to Gray’s Anatomy, and whose untiring advice and imagination
Many of the genes we carry have been conserved throughout the
had so much impact on the 38th as well as on previous editions. We
evolution of the animal kingdom, so that we see common patterns
were also saddened by the death in July 1994 of Professor John
of development in such diverse forms as the fruit fly Drosophila and
Pegington. His broad knowledge of clinical anatomy was a great as-
the human embryo which largely determine the mature human form.
set; his specialist expertise in the skeletal system made him a nat-
These approaches, we feel, are justified, and indeed are essential if
ural choice to head his Section. We are grateful to Dr Roger Soames
. we are ever to gain any real understanding of the human body’s
for editing the Skeletal System effectively in the limited time available
nature in all its complexity, and begin to answer the questions ‘Who
The changes to the general organization of the 38th edition include
are we, and from whence did we come?’
the following. Completely new Sections have been added on Surface
Anatomy and Neonatal Anatomy. Osteology and Arthrology are L.H.B.
now fused into a single Section, the Skeletal System. The cellular M.M.B.
aspects of the Introduction have been separated as Cells and Tissues, PC.
and the description of the skin, previously part of the Introduction, M.D.
is combined with the breasts (in earlier editions considered with J.E.D.
the female reproductive system) to form the Integumental System. M.W.J.F.
Cellular aspects of blood and haemopoiesis, and of lymphoid tissue,

Paul Aichroth MS FRCS Malcolm B. Carpenter AB MD
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Chelsea and Westminster Professor and Chairman Emeritus, Department of Anatomy, F.
Hospital and Wellington Knee Surgery Unit, Wellington Hospital, Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Uniform Services University
London of Health Science, Bethesda, Maryland
R. MeN. Alexander DSc FRS John Carroll BSc PhD
Professor of Zoology, University of Leeds, Leeds Scientist, MRC Experimental Embryology and Teratology Unit, St
Robert H. Anderson BSc MD FRCPath George’s Hospital Medical School, London
Joseph Levy Professor of Paediatric Cardiac Morphology, National Alan Colchester BA BM BCh FRCP PhD
Heart and Lung Institute; Honorary Consultant, Royal Brompton Senior Lecturer in Neurology, United Medical and Dental Schools,
Hospital, London Guy’s Hospital, London
John Aplin MA PhD E. S. Crelin BA PhD
Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, Department of Obstetrics and Professor of Anatomy, Department of Medicine, Yale University
Gynaecology, University of Manchester, Manchester School of Medicine, Newhaven, USA
Paul J. R. Barton BSc PhD
H. Alan Crockard MB BCh BAO FRCS FRCS (Ed)
British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow; Senior Lecturer,
Consultant Neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology and
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, National Heart and Lung
Neurosurgery; Tutor, Surgical Workshop for Anatomical
Institute, London
Prosection, Royal College of Surgeons, London
Frank Billett PhD BSc
Visiting Research Fellow (Formerly Senior Lecturer), Department Robin Huw Crompton BSc AM PhD
of Biology, University of Southampton, Southampton Lecturer in Anatomy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
Editor-in-Chief Folia Primatologica
Alan Boyde PhD
Professor, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Michael J. Cullen MA DPhil (Oxon)
University College London, London Principal Research Associate, School of Neurosciences, University
of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne
A. S. Breathnach MSc MD
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, University of London; Honorary Michael G. Daker BSc PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Division of Physiology and Institutional Senior Lecturer in Cytogenetics, Division of Medical and Molecular
Dermatology, United Medical and Dental Schools, St Thomas’s Genetics, Guy’s Hospital, London
Campus, London Peter Dangerfield MD MBChB (St And)
Nigel A. Brown BSc PhD University Lecturer and Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Departments
Head of Teratology, MRC Experimental Embryology and of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology and Orthopaedic and
Teratology Unit, and Senior Lecturer, Department of Child Health, Accident Surgery, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London,
Duncan R. Davidson PhD
London Non-Clinical Scientist, Medical Research Council Human Genetics
J. C. Buckland-Wright BSc PhD Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Reader in Radiological Anatomy, Division of Anatomy and Cell
Biology, United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, Michael H. Day MB BS DSc PhD
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, The Natural History Museum,
John Burn MD FRCP
Professor of Clinical Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, David Denison PhD FRCP
Newcastle upon Tyne Emeritus Professor of Clinical Physiology, Royal Brompton
Hospital and The National Heart and Lung Institute, London
Geoffrey Burnstock PhD DSc FAA MRCP (Hon) FRS
Professor and Head of Department of Anatomy and Developmental R. G. Edwards FRCOG FRS
Biology and Convenor, Centre for Neuroscience, University College Churchill College, Cambridge
London, London Yvonne H. Edwards BSc (Hons) PhD
S. R. Butler MA PhD MRC Senior Staff, MRC Human Biochemical Genetics Unit,
Scientific Director, Burden Neurological Institute, Bristol University College London, London
Arthur Butt BSc (Hons) MPhil PhD D. A. Eisner MA DPhil
Senior Lecturer in Physiology, Department of Physiology, United Professor of Veterinary Biology, Department of Veterinary
Medical and Dental Schools, St Thomas’s Campus, London Preclinical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool xi

Peter W. H. Holland MA PhD

Susan E. Evans BSc PhD
Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Professor of Zoology, School of Animal and Microbial Sciences,
University of Reading, Reading
Biology, University College London, London
Barry J. Everitt MA BSc PhD Robin S. Howard MRCP PhD
Reader in Neuroscience, Department of Experimental Psychology, Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and
University of Cambridge, Cambridge Neurosurgery and St Thomas’s Hospital, London
Heidi Felix PhD Andrew Jackson MB BS FRCS
Head of Research Laboratories, Ear, Nose and Throat Department, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, St George’s Hospital; Honorary
University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland Consultant, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London
Ian S. Fentiman MD FRCS Martin H. Johnson MA PhD
Consultant Surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London Professor of Reproductive Sciences and Fellow of Christ’s College,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Mark W. J. Ferguson BSc (Hons) BDS (Hons) PhD FFD RCSI
Professor and Dean, School of Biological Sciences, University of N. S. Jones BDS FRCS
Manchester, Manchester Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist, University of Nottingham,
Anne Ferguson-Smith PhD Nottingham
Wellcome/CRC Institute of Cancer and Developmental Biology, Sheila J. Jones PhD
University of Cambridge, Cambridge Professor of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy and Developmental
David Gaffan MA PhD Biology, University College London, London
Medical Research Council External Scientific Staff, Department of Jack Joseph MD DSc FRCOG FCSLT (Hon)
Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford Professor Emeritus, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, University of
M. J. Gleeson MD FRCS London, London
Professor and Consultant ENT Surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London Marion D. Kendall DSc PhD BSc
M. H. Glickstein BA PhD Professor of Histology, The Thymus Laboratory, The Babraham
Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Anatomy and Institute, Cambridge and Department of Pharmacology, United
Developmental Biology, University College London, London Medical and Dental Schools, St Thomas’s Campus London
Nicholas Goddard MB BS FRCS DipChirMain (Paris) Christopher Kennard PhD MB BS FRCP
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Professor of Clinical Neurology, Charing Cross and Westminster
Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, London Medical School, University of London; Honorary Consultant
Norman A. Gregson BSc PhD Neurologist, Charing Cross Hospital, London
Senior Lecturer, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, United Susan J. Kimber MA PhD
Medical and Dental Schools, London Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of
Michael M. Gunther MSc PhD Manchester, Manchester
Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Conrad A. King BSc MSc PhD
Liverpool, Liverpool
Senior Lecturer in Zoology, Department of Biology, University
Sarah Guthrie MA PhD College London, London
Lecturer in Neuroanatomy, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology,
William Niall Alexander Kirkpatrick BDS MBBS
United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Hospital, London
Senior House Officer, Department of Plastic Surgery, Stoke
Carole M. Hackney BSc (Hons) PhD Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury
Reader, Department of Communication and Neuroscience,
University of Keele, Keele Leslie Klenerman ChM FRCS (Eng Ed)
Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery, University
Wolfgang Hamann MD PhD (Hamburg) of Liverpool, Liverpool
Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Pain Relief, United
Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals, Anthony Lander MB BS DCH FRCS
London, and Director of Pain Relief Services, Lewisham Hospital, Wellcome Research Fellow, Department of Child Health and MRC
London Experimental Embryology and Teratology Unit, St George’s
Hospital Medical School, London
Paul J. Harrison MA BM BCh DM MRCPsych
Wellcome Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science and Honorary N. M. Le Douarin
Consultant Psychiatrist, University Departments of Psychiatry and Professeur au Collége de France; Directeur de l'Institut
Neuropathology, Oxford d’Embryologie cellulaire et moléculaire du CNRS et du Collége de
France, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Roger N. Lemon BSc PhD MA (Cantab)
Trust and Greenwich Healthcare Trust, London Professor and Head of Department, Sobell Department of
Michael H. Hastings BSc PhD Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, London
University Lecturer in Anatomy, University of Cambridge, Olle Lindvall MD PhD
Cambridge Professor of Neurology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Basil Helal MCh (Orth) FRCS FRCSE Douglas A. Luke BSc BDS PhD FDSRCS
Emeritus Consultant, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, United Medical and Dental Schools,
London; Honorary Consultant, The Royal London Hospital, Guy’s Campus, London
London and Enfield Hospital Group, Enfield
C. J. M. McCullough MA FRCS
Timothy R. Helliwell MD MRCPath
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Northwick Park Hospital,
Senior Lecturer in Pathology, University of Liverpool; Consultant
Histopathologist, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool
Joe Herbert BSc MB ChB PhD D. A. McGrouther MD FRCS
Reader in Neuroendocrinology, Department of Anatomy, Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University College
University of Cambridge, Cambridge London Medical School, London
— SS a ee


Stephen McMahon BSc PhD Terence Partridge BSc PhD

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology, United Medical and Head of Muscle Cell Biology Unit, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre,
Dental Schools, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital,
Paul McMaster MA (Cantab) MB ChM (L’pool) FRCS (Eng &
Edin) R. C. A. Pearson MA DPhil BM BCh (Oxon)
Consultant General and Transplant Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Biomedical Science,
Hospital, Birmingham University of Sheffield, Sheffield
Adrian Marston MA DM MCh FRCS MD G. D. Perkin BA FRCP
Emeritus Consultant Surgeon, The Middlesex Hospital and Consultant Neurologist, Charing Cross Hospital, London and
University College London Hospital Trust, University of London, Hillingdon Hospital, Uxbridge
Marta E. Perry MUDr, LRCP, MRCS, PhD
Ivor Mason PhD BA Senior Lecturer, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, United
Senior Lecturer and Co-Director, Medical Research Council Brain Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London
‘Development Programme, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology,
United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Hospital, London Terry M. Preston BSc
Senior Lecturer and Tutor, Biology Department, University College
T. D. Matthews BSc MB BS DO FRCS FRCOphth London, London
Research Fellow and Honorary Registrar, Charing Cross and
Westminster Medical School, London Sheila Rankin FRCR
Consultant Radiologist, Guy’s Hospital, London
Pamela Milner BSc (Hons) PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Anatomy and Geoffrey Raisman DM DPhil (Oxon)
Developmental Biology, University College, London Head, Laboratory of Neurobiology, National Institute for Medical
Darius F. Mirza FRCS Research, London
Surgeon, Liver and Hepatobiliary Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, L. Rees MB BS
Edgbaston, Birmingham Lecturer, Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, United Medical
Barry Mitchell BSc PhD and Dental Schools, Guy’s Campus, London
Lecturer in Human Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, University Charles H. Rodeck BSc MB BS DSc FRCOG
of Southampton, Southampton Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Isabella E. Moore DM MRCPath University College London Medical School, London
Consultant Paediatric Pathologist, Department of Histopathology, P. S. Rudland MA PhD MRCPath FIBiol
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton Professor of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
Antoon F. M. Moorman PhD
Gordon L. Ruskell MS PhD DSc FBCO
Associate Professor in Anatomy and Embryology, Department of
Professor of Ocular Anatomy, City University, London
Anatomy and Embryology, Academic Medical Centre, University
of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Brenda R. Russell PhD
John F. Morris BSc MB ChB MD MA Professor of Physiology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago,
University Lecturer in Human Anatomy, University of Oxford; USA
Wellcome—Franks Fellow and Tutor in Medical Studies, St Hugh’s N. J. Saunders MD FRCS MRCOG
College, Oxford Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Princess Anne Hospital,
Gonzalo Moscoso MB BS MD PhD Southampton
Senior Lecturer (Hon) in Early Human Development and Director, John E. Scott BSc MSc PhD DSc
Early Human Development Research Unit, King’s College Hospital Professor, Chemical Morphology, Manchester University,
School of Medicine and Dentistry, London Manchester
Richard L. Moss PhD Robert A. Sells MB FRCS FRCS (Ed) MA
Professor and Chair of Physiology, Director, University of Director, Regional Transplant Unit; Consultant General Surgeon,
Wisconsin Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool
Physiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison,
USA Paul T. Sharpe BA PhD
Dickinson Professor of Craniofacial Biology, Department of
W. F. G. Muirhead-Allwood BSc (Hons) MB BS FRCS Craniofacial Development, United Medical and Dental Schools,
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Guy’s Hospital, London
Hospital Trust, Stanmore, The Whittington Hospital and King
Edward VII’s Hospital for Officers, London Richard M. Sharpe BSc MSc PhD
MRC Special Appointment, MRC Reproductive Biology Unit,
Lars Neumann
Centre for Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Nottingham Shoulder and
Elbow Unit, Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham M. M. Sharr MRCP FRCS
M. D. O’Brien MD FRCP Consultant Neurosurgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London
Physician for Nervous Diseases, Department of Neurology, Guy’s P. S. Shepherd FRCP
Hospital, London Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, Department of
Stephen C. O’Neill BSc (Hons) PhD Immunology, United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Hospital,
Lecturer, Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, University of Liverpool, London
Liverpool J. Victor Small PhD
W. J. Owen BSc MS FRCS Professor and Department Head, Institute of Molecular Biology of
Consultant Surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Salzburg, Austria
| Roger Parker MS FRCS Kenneth J. Smith PhD
| Clinical Anatomist, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Reader in Neurology and Anatomy, Department of Neurology and
United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s Hospital, London; Division of Anatomy, United Medical and Dental Schools, Guy’s
Consultant Otolaryngologist, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading Campus, London xiii

Moya Meredith Smith PhD DSc FLS Jan Voogd MD

Reader in Comparative Odontology, United Medical and Dental Professor of Anatomy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The
Schools, Guy’s Hospital, London Netherlands

William A. Souter MB ChB (Hons) FRCS (Ed) W. Angus Wallace FRCS (Ed) FRCS (Ed) (Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Surgical Arthritis Unit, Princess Professor of Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery, The Nottingham
Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital, Edinburgh; Honorary Senior Shoulder and Elbow Unit, Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham
Lecturer, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Edinburgh, K. E. Webster BSc PhD MB BS
Edinburgh Professor of Anatomy and Human Biology and Head, Department
of Anatomy and Human Biology, King’s College London, London
John Maynard Stevens MB BS DRACR FRCR
Consultant Neuroradiologist, The National Hospital for Neurology Roy O. Weller BSc MD PhD FRCPath
and Neurosurgery and St Mary’s Hospital, London Professor of Neuropathology, University of Southampton,
Southampton; Consultant Neuropathologist to the Wessex Region
E. M. Tansey BSc PhD PhD
Colin Wendell-Smith AO MB BS PhD (Lond) LLD (Hon) (Tas)
Historian of Modern Medical Science, Wellcome Institute for the
History of Medicine, London
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, University of Tasmania, Tasmania;
Cheryll Tickle MA PhD Honorary Anatomist, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania,
Professor of Developmental Biology, Department of Anatomy and Australia
Developmental Biology, University College and Middlesex School Michael Whitaker MA PhD
of Medicine, London Professor of Cell Physiology, University College London, London
John Trinick BSc PhD Bernard Wood BSc MB BS PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Derby Professor of Anatomy and Head, Department of Human
Bristol University, Bristol Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool



William Gray, Henry’s father, apparently an only child, was born under Henry Charles Johnson, whose name is identified with St
in 1787, and for unascertained reasons entered the Royal Household George’s Hospital Medical School Prize in Anatomy. He pursued
where he was reared and subsequently became Deputy Treasurer to his study so diligently that in 1848, at the age of about 21, he was
the Prince of Wales. awarded the Triennial Prize of the Royal College of Surgeons for
William Gray married Ann Walker in 1817 and throughout the an essay on ‘The Origin, Connection and Distribution of the Nerves
reign of George IV they were accommodated at Windsor Castle. of the Human Eye and its Appendages, illustrated by Comparative
During this period they had four children, three sons and a daughter. Dissections of the Eye in other Vertebrate Animals’. His earlier work
Henry Gray, the original author of this book, was the second son; showed exemplary blending of anatomy, physiology, embryology
he had an older brother, a younger brother anda sister. The family and neurology, applied to the special senses and ductless glands.
remained at Windsor until 1830, when, with the accession of William All who remembered Henry Gray as a student agree in describing
IV, they took up resi- him as a most pains-
dence at No. 8 Wilton taking and methodical
Street, Belgrave Square, worker, and one who
London, to be near to learned his anatomy by
Buckingham Palace. the slow but invaluable
Robert Gray, Henry’s method of making dis-
younger brother, also sections for himself. He
studied medicine and was awarded the MRCS
became a naval surgeon; on 11 February 1848.
he died whilst at sea in In June 1850, Gray
his 22nd year. It is was appointed House
thought that their Surgeon, and held the
younger sister never post for the usual year,
married. Henry’s older 6 months under Robert
brother, Thomas Wil- Keate and Caesar Haw-
liam, studied law, kins then 6 months
becoming Attorney to under Edward Cutler
the Queen’s Bench in and Thomas Tatum. On
1841, then in 1846 Sol- 3 June 1852 he was
icitor to the High Court elected FRS, a rare dis-
of Chancery. It was his tinction to be conferred
third son, Charles, who on a man of 25. Having
developed smallpox in now come to be regarded
1861, and it was whilst Henry Gray (centre) in the dissecting room of St George’s Hospital in 1860. as a very rising man, he
treating this nephew that returned to the dis-
Henry Gray contracted confluent smallpox which was to prove fatal. secting-room, first as Demonstrator, then as Curator of the Museum,
Henry Gray was born in Windsor in 1827, but in 1830 No. 8 and Lecturer on Anatomy. He now devoted himself to the great
Wilton Street, Belgravia, became his home and he lived here for the work with which his name is identified. The first edition of the
rest of his relatively short life. Matriculating at 18 years of age, he Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical, was published by Parker &
entered St George’s Hospital on 6 May 1845 as a ‘perpetual student’ Son in 1858. In the preface, dated 1 August 1858, he ‘gratefully
(where his signature is preserved in the pupils’ book). The hospital acknowledges the great services he has derived in the execution of
at that time held its Medical School partly in rooms rented in his work from the assistance of his friend, Doctor H. Vandyke
Kinnerton Street. Here the teaching of anatomy, chemistry, physi- Carter, late Demonstrator of Anatomy to St George’s Hospital. All
ology, etc., was carried on, the lectures on medicine, surgery, and the drawings from which the engravings were made were executed
the clinical part of the curriculum were given at the hospital. by him. In the majority of cases they have been copied from or
Lecturers on anatomy in former days were in the habit of describing corrected by recent dissections made jointly by the author and Dr
the premises (No. 75 Kinnerton Street, later the Animals’ Hospital Carter.’ Gray also thanks Timothy Holmes ‘for his able assistance
and Institute) as a diagrammatic representation, on a large scale, of in correcting the proof-sheets.’ Holmes, a polished scholar, probably
the auditory canal and internal ear, with the main door, which was improved the style in which the book was written, for Gray’s own
at the end of a short passage, compared to the tympanic membrane. literary manner appears to have been very crude.
Gray began to work at anatomy with much determination, probably The book on its first appearance was praised by the Lancet, but

other candidates being Timothy Holmes and Athol Johnson. Gray’s

election was regarded as certain, when he contracted smallpox while
looking after his sick nephew, and died of its confluent variety on
Thursday morning, 13 June 1861, after a very short illness. Burial,
later in June, was at Highgate Cemetery. Other positions held by
him at the time of his death were the Surgeoncies to the St George’s
and the St James’s Dispensaries. Gray, at the time of his premature
death at the age of 34, was engaged to be married.
His career had shown the highest promise and he was deeply
mourned by his friends. Sir Benjamin Brodie, then growing blind,
took up his pen almost for the last time to say to Charles Hawkins—
‘I am most grieved about poor Gray. His death, just as he was on
the point of realizing the reward of his labours, is a sad event
indeed. ... Gray is a great loss to the Hospital and the School. Who
is there to take his place?’ In the Philosophical Transactions was the
paragraph, ‘Mr Gray was, moreover, an accomplished and lucid
teacher of anatomy, and much esteemed in private life, so that his
early death was widely lamented by his professional brethren.’
It is idle to speculate whether Henry Gray would have reached
the same distinction as a surgeon as he had in his earlier researches in
physiology and avian embryology, and as an outstanding anatomist.
However, he had already done sound work in pathology, and,
indeed, at the time of his death he had made good progress with a
work on ‘Tumours’, the manuscript of which, sadly, has been lost.
Over the decades, some misconceptions have become prevalent.
The richly deserved, and increasingly widespread success of his
textbook, Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical, has been taken by
many to assume that its contents reflected the intellectual scope of
the man. It must be remembered that it was written for the needs of
students and practitioners, especially in relation to practical surgery,
many of whom were having to submit to the strictly prescribed sets
of examinations then current. On the contrary, whilst he excelled
in descriptive, often cadaveric, anatomy, many passages show his
cognizance of the importance of (and differences in) living anatomy.
Further, he had a profound interest in, and researched on, many
other facets of the natural sciences, in addition to surgery, medicine,
and pathology (see Table 1).
Without question, Henry Gray would have greatly enjoyed to
participate in this great adventure, the 38th edition, in which so
many of the finest minds and hands have been eager to co-operate
in expanding, refining, and updating the work, on the existing
foundation, to launch it towards the next millennium.

Table 1 Bibliography of Henry Gray

Certificate of election to a Fellowship of the Royal Society showing ten

distinguished signatories.

accused by the Medical Times (1859, i, p. 241), in a scarifying article,

of being largely a plagiarism from Quain and Sharpey’s Anatomy,
the textbook of the period. This charge Clinton Dent has sufficiently

‘Undeniably many passages in Gray’s work could be cited in 185 3 Onthe structure
isigh av -(Acop y of this
which the phraseology and description closely resemble that of _ Society,
Quain and Sharpey’s ‘Anatomy’; but it is somewhat absurd in
ordinary anatomical descriptions to accuse one writer of para-
phrasing passages to be found in the work of another: forgetfulness
of the source from which we are borrowing is an extremely
common form of originality.’

In 1861 Caesar Hawkins and Edward Cutler, Surgeons, were

succeeded by their Assistant Surgeons of St George’s Hospital, and
Gray became a candidate for the post of Assistant Surgeon, the
The first edition of Gray’s Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical the Human Body ... especially ... practical surgery’ achieve this
appeared in 1858, towards the end of a particularly dynamic decade position? For the purposes of analysis it is possible to determine four
for medical science. During the 1850s Louis Pasteur demonstrated consecutive developmental stages: inception, consolidation, stasis and
that fermentation depended on microorganisms; Hermann von renaissance.
Helmholtz measured the speed of nerve conduction; Thomas Addison
described the adrenal insufficiency disease that now bears his name, Inception
and Gregor Mendel began experiments in his monastery garden that The first edition of Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical focused on
would ultimately reveal the laws of heredity. Intellectual seeds were the macroscopical and topographical anatomy then deemed necessary
being sown in the wider world also: Karl Marx published The for a practising surgeon, and won ready acclaim. The Lancet sug-
Communist Manifesto in 1857 and Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species gested that there was no work in any language of equal rank with
appeared 2 years later. The latter’s first suggestion of the theory of Gray’s Anatomy. The book was readily taken up in America, the
evolution through natural selection had been communicated, with a first edition being produced there in 1859, and in 1860 a second
similar paper from Alfred Russell Wallace, to the Linnean Society British edition appeared, shortly before its young author died.
of London in the summer of 1858. That was the same year in which When Gray produced his first anatomy book it was less than 30
Rudolph Virchow, developing Schwann and Schleiden’s cell theory years after the passing of the Anatomy Act (1832), which had
into a concept of disease creation, produced a new systematic regulated the legal procurement of bodies for dissection by medical
approach to pathology, Cellularpathologie. Also that year the students. The removal of criminal associations from the subject thus
Medical Act was passed in Britain, which created the General encouraged the production of dissection guides and anatomy texts.
Medical Council (GMC), the regulatory and licensing authority of Jones Quain had anticipated this with his Elements of Descriptive
the medical profession; and a young surgeon from St George’s and Practical Anatomy in 1828, and G. V. Ellis’ Demonstrations of
Hospital in London, Henry Gray, produced Anatomy: Descriptive Anatomy first appeared in 1840; both went through numerous edi-
and Surgical. tions, as did Cunningham’s later Manual (1879) and Textbook (1902).
Three important themes in the recent history of medicine are thus However, what particularly distinguished Gray’s book from its
exemplified by these events of 1858. Firstly, we see the increasing contemporaries was his emphasis on anatomical study as the practical
growth and vigour of scientific medicine, and the relevance of basis of surgery, and the lavish use of woodcuts. As the British
scientific research and theory, be it evolutionary Darwinism or Medical Journals \audatory review emphasized: ‘the power of the
cellular pathology, to medical practice. Secondly, the Medical Act eye is, beyond all calculation, so much quicker in conveying intel-
emphasizes the growing professionalization of medical practice, and . ligence than mere abstract reasoning’, and it observed that the book
the concomitant moves towards regulated access and accredited would become the manual of anatomy. Longman acquired the rights
training procedures, including the study of anatomy. Thirdly, Henry to the work and after Gray’s death organized a third edition under
Gray acknowledges both the demands of the growing profession and the supervision of Timothy Holmes, like Henry Gray a practising
the surge in scientific knowledge by producing areliable educational surgeon and anatomy teacher at St George’s Hospital. Holmes and
text that satisfied the former and incorporated the latter. later editors continued the visual tradition by adding illustrations at
Gray’s book has now been in print for nearly 150 years, a a modest rate as the book passed through succeeding editions.
remarkable record for any text, let alone one in the fast moving Until the end of the century the book continued to grow along the
world of medical science. Throughout its long history the volume lines established by Gray. The editors remained practising surgeons,
has been regularly revised and frequently reprinted; it has survived Holmes until 1880 (9th edition) and T. Pickering Pick, who succeeded
periods of stagnation to acquire a substantial reputation within him, both men regularly revising and updating the text and illus-
worldwide academic circles; and it is one of the few medical texts trations. The 5th edition (1869) was the first in which substantial
known widely by name to the general public. alterations were introduced, as Holmes collected together the sections
How then did a volume with the declared intention ‘to furnish the on General Anatomy (i.e. Microscopic Anatomy or Histology),
Student and Practitioner with an accurate view of the anatomy of which had been scattered throughout the text, to form an intro-

Internal Mammary Vessels

heft Purento Nerve

Vries :
{Syenpathetic Nerve x Vena Axygos Mujor {Posterior
Thoracie Duct
Pueumogasirie Nerves

Illustrations from the first edition of Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical. a. One of the splenic corpuscles showing its relations with the blood-vessels
B. A transverse section of the thorax.

ductory section to the work as a whole. The chapter was, however, within the general text. However, the 30th edition that emerged after
not fully integrated, being paginated separately from the main body the Second World War in 1949 showed a desire to return to the pre-
of the work, until 1887 (11th edition), when Pickering Pick entirely war form and format. The strong adherence to the past became
rewrote the introductory section to encompass not only General more apparent during the 1950s and 1960s as a succession of editors
Anatomy but also Development, changes he deemed necessary ‘to strove to keep an increasingly outmoded vehicle fresh. The difficulty
keep pace with the ever-increasing activity of research in these of pruning ‘dead wood’ was acknowledged by the editors of the 31st
branches of the science of Anatomy’. edition (1954), and with the temptation of adding more and more
detail, innovative changes between editions were slight. To accom-
modate these factual increases a disastrous editorial decision was
Pick continued to update the work as a whole, although explicitly made to print lengthy passages in small unattractive print. The
following Gray’s original intention of producing a text for students volume became aesthetically unpleasing and intellectually tedious.
of surgery. However, during the final decades of the nineteenth By this time a similar fate had befallen the American edition,
century medicine was becoming increasingly professionalized, a which had been largely independent since its first editions and under
consequence of the 1851 Medical Registration Act and the Medical different editorial hands, although the connections between the two
Act of 1858. The concomitant demands of medical education resulted remained extremely close until 1908. This was when the 17th edition
in the creation of new academic departments and full-time, albeit appeared in America, a revision produced without reference to the
few, teaching positions. Medical research and teaching could now English edition, although retaining the British numbering sequence.
provide careers for a limited number of men, and whole-time pro- Subsequent editions were numbered in their own sequence and do
fessional anatomists, rather than transient surgeons, appropriated not therefore correspond with the British editions. Two further
much of the research and routine teaching of anatomy. editions were published before the First World War, although in
At the turn of the century a professional anatomist first became 1913 the publishers took the unusual step of producing the ‘local’
associated with Gray’s Anatomy. From 1901 (15th edition) Robert American 19th edition edited by Edward Spitzka, and reproducing
Howden of Durham University served as joint editor with Pick, a ‘New American from the 18th English’ edited by Howden, which
becoming sole editor from 1909 (17th edition) until 1926 (23rd was not a commercial success. The experiment was not repeated and
edition). His influence was immediately apparent in a careful revision the American editors continued with their own revisions. By the
of the entire work, especially the section on Development, retitled 24th American edition (1942) The Anatomy of the Human Body
‘Embryology’, which he enriched with over 60 new illustrations; its by Henry Gray had a board of six associate editors with system
content, however, remained strictly descriptive. He removed ‘surgical’ responsibilities, and was a different production from its parent. To
from the title and renamed it Anatomy: Descriptive and Applied some extent these mechanisms delayed the earlier signs of age and
(17th edition) to reflect the wider clinical relevance of anatomical weariness that troubled the original production, although by the
knowledge, and employed specialist assistants to deal with the 1960s the American edition too needed major refurbishment.
medical and surgical anatomy; a further step in this direction was The necessity of completely modernizing the work had been
the introduction of a chapter on Surface Anatomy in 1913 (18th recognized by D. V. Davies after completing the 34th, described by
edition). During Howden’s editorship the number of figures almost the Lancet as ‘noble’, edition. His unexpected death meant that such
doubled and colour was increasingly incorporated, a roll of inno- work was left to others. Peter Williams, Professor of Anatomy at
vation that excludes the routine replacement and maintenance of Guy’s Hospital, had been associated with Gray’s since 1954:
artwork from edition to edition. His successor was T. B. Johnston appointed by T. B. Johnson, he had assisted D. V. Davies on three
of Guy’s Hospital, who began his 30-year association with the editions (32nd to 34th edition). He was now joined by his colleague
book in 1930 (24th edition), and who in 1938 (27th edition) first Roger Warwick to orchestrate and conduct the new production.
incorporated X-ray material in the volume formally entitled Gray’s
Anatomy: Descriptive and Applied. Renaissance
Perhaps ironically, the acceptance of an eponymous title for the The 35th edition in 1973 marked the rebirth of the book, a remarkable
book occurred in the midst of battles to eradicate eponymous production barely recognizable in appearance as Gray’s, although in
terminology from the text. Terminology disputes had raged for years, its comprehensive and authoritative content, it was the clear successor
and one cynic has commented that anatomists would rather use each of the well-established tradition. Now simply entitled Gray’s
other’s toothbrushes than employ their terminology. The twentieth Anatomy, the book had increased in size by over one-third, a larger,
century disputes have identifiable roots in the Nomenclature Com- double-column page format was used, and 600 more illustrations
mittee of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, appointed in 1887 but were added to an entirely rearranged text. The scholarly revision
still unable to reach agreement in 1895, when an unsatisfactory was further emphasized by the inclusion of a Bibliography of over
compromise, the Basle Nomina Anatomica (BNA), was produced. 3000 references. Particularly striking were the specially designed
During the First World War Howden introduced the ‘Basle’ ter- illustrations, described by two early reviewers as ‘garish’ or “pop-
minology in Gray’s, although to temper objections from British art’, which were included alongside more conventional anatomical
anatomists he frequently included older, eponymous terms in par- sections—an innovation in which the editors were clearly following
entheses. Henry Gray’s tradition of effective illustration. The text was markedly
After the First World War the Anatomical Society (of Great different from its predecessors. ‘Anatomy’ was interpreted in the
Britain and Ireland) formally decided to retain the older English broadest sense to include not only conventional morphological
terminology by modifying the BNA terms accordingly. The American approaches, but also functional and experimental aspects. It suc-
Association of Anatomists preferred to adopt the internationally ceeded in providing a coherent account of the structure of the human
agreed ‘Basle’ terminology, and called on the British to cooperate in body from the ultrastructural to the macroscopic level, integrated
producing uniform nomenclature. With this appeal the editor of with knowledge of development, growth and function. Detailed
Gray's agreed, believing that English-speaking anatomists should explorations of cytology, histology, embryology and neurology joined
share a common terminology. By the 26th edition (1935) T. B. systematic topography in situating anatomy as a central discipline
Johnston had offered a compromise by incorporating the British in the natural sciences.
Revision of the Basle Nomina Anatomica (BR), although these were The new Gray’s was received with acclaim by its reviewers and its
sometimes accompanied by the original BNA terms, and even the purchasers. The 35th edition sold over 200000 copies world-wide,
appropriate Latin terms. A system of curved and square brackets one-third in India, one-third in the United States and one-third in
was necessary to accommodate the variety of synonyms employed the rest of the world. The American sales indicate a particular
and an extensive Glossary was added. Although the editor ‘hoped triumph. The 35th was the first British edition, since the unfortunate
that the new terms will prove acceptable to instructed opinion and experiment of 1913, to be successfully promoted alongside the
helpful to the uninitiated’, the effect was stultifying. American version. That achievement was further enhanced by the
award of ELBS (Educational Low Priced Book Scheme) status for
the 37th edition (1989), which enabled a subsidized volume to reach
War-time paper shortages caused the Glossary to be excluded and over 130 countries.
xviii the material on Surface Anatomy to be dispersed, and thus diluted, The editorial structure has also expanded. Five editorial assistants
Timothy Holmes 1863-1880 T. Pickering Pick 1883-1905

D. V. Davies 1958-1967


R. Warwick 1973-1989 P.L. Williams 1973-1994


worked on the 35th edition, including Dr Lawrence Bannister, the expansion and reorganization. There has been a substantial restruc-
first non-medical person to be appointed to contribute illustrated turing, with over a hundred contributors reporting via Section
text to the publication. For the 36th edition he and Dr Mary Dyson, Editors to an editorial board chaired by Peter Williams, who, until
a fellow Reader in Anatomy at Guy’s Hospital also trained in the his death, had been involved with the work for 40 years. Gray’s
zoological sciences, became associate editors and for the 37th edition Anatomy has been sold worldwide and has been translated into
they achieved co-editorial status with Peter Williams and Roger Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The response of current readers to
Warwick. this edition is awaited with optimism.
The preparation of this, 38th, edition has entailed yet further
Section Editor: Lawrence H. Bannister

Contributor: Bernard A. Wood (Complete revision of Primate and human evolution)

Whatis anatomy? 2 Primates and human evolution 7 Hominid evolution 11

Origin of life on Earth 3 Classification of primates 7 Anatomical nomenclature 13
Evolution of life on Earth 3 Evolution of primates 7 The systematic basis of the present
Animal kingdom: selected phyla 5 Molecular evidence for hominoid text 15
relationships 10

WHAT IS ANATOMY? the nervous system, neuroanatomy took its place as one ofa battery
of approaches needed for neurobiological exploration, complemented
by neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, experimental psychology
The study of human anatomy, literally dissection, or the separation and, more recently, molecular biology and dynamic whole brain
of the body into its parts, has signified many things to different imaging.
cultures across the ages, and has been prompted by diverse motives: Because of this immense ramification of interests and the blending
the need to cope with injury, disease and death, the generation of of the structural approach with other disciplines, the proper territory
images for aesthetic, magical or religious purposes, and beside these of anatomy is at present hard to define. Clearly, for clinical purposes
practical preoccupations, a strong element of curiosity about the it must concern itself primarily with human topographic anatomy,
mysterious nature of human life and its mechanisms. The first that is, the clear and sufficiently detailed analysis of the body to
recorded school of anatomy was in Alexandria (from about 300 BC serve the needs of surgeons, physicians and the various medical
to the second century AD) where the renowned anatomical teachers specialties. This was of course the central purpose of Henry Gray
Herophilus and Erasistratus dissected the human body and described when he published the first edition of his Anatomy, and remains the
many of its structures. Before this time, dissection had been practised chief focus of the 38th edition. But it is not sufficient merely to name
at various times in classical Greece, and also as part of the mum- the parts: anatomists have sometimes been criticized for a slavish
mification process in Egypt during the previous two millennia, attention to minutiae, and for the endless itemization and rote-
although little is known of how the dissectors interpreted what they learning of cadaveric structures with limited clinical importance. At
found. The most influential anatomist in the ancient world was its worst, anatomy could be a dingy subject, inhibitory to the intellect
Galen (about 130-200 AD), a physician and prolific writer who and hardly deserving the title of anatomical science.
studied anatomy at Alexandria and later worked in Rome. How- Such views, sometimes expressed by senior personages who in their
ever, his anatomy was largely based on the dissection of animals youth encountered oppressive anatomical regimes, have constrained
rather than humans. Seriously flawed by many errors and mis- many teaching departments into shunning the title of ‘Anatomy’ in
interpretations, Galen’s work became the received, unassailable text favour of more progressive-sounding names. While these manoeuvres
for anatomy, and seems to have exerted a deadening influence on may be necessary to deflect prejudice and attract funding, it can be
the subject over the next 1300 years. Many terms used in modern argued that too much apology is counterproductive. We should not
anatomy have roots in Galen’s work. Thereafter, anatomical litera- make excuses, but celebrate, as we hope this book does, a discipline
ture of any consequence dates from the time of the Renaissance. which is at the heart of modern life science, and, indeed, contributes
Setting apart the extraordinary but until recently ignored studies by richly to our general culture in so many ways. Anatomy is a time-
Leonardo da Vinci at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the honoured title encompassing a great range of endeavours, embracing
foundation stone of modern anatomy is the work of Andreas all areas of knowledge relevant to the structural organization of the
Vesalius: De Fabrica Corporis Humani, published in 1543 when the human body, and, like other branches of science, it is constantly
author was aged 28 and teaching in Padua. This book had con- changing as new research data transform our image of the body’s
siderable impact because it was based on first-hand experience of dynamic organization. At the present time, anatomy is concerning
human dissection rather than reliance on ancient texts, and, it must itself more and more with the dynamic processes, the structure of
also be allowed, because of the imaginative and most striking quality the living rather than the dead: cadaveric dissection is of course
of its excellent illustrations. After this epoch-making publication, essential to understand the architecture of the body, but it is
anatomical science began to flourish, initially in the north Italian important to add to this a knowledge of the structure of the living
universities, then throughout Europe. body. Computer-controlled imaging techniques are increasingly
However, because of the social and religious attitudes surrounding widening our appreciation of three-dimensional, living structure and
the provision of bodies for dissection until recent times, the study of may in the future be expected to play a major role in anatomical
anatomy had many untoward resonances during the centuries that data acquisition, storage and communication as well as clinical
followed, some of them macabre, or anti-intellectual, others more diagnosis. The techniques of experimental embryology combined
benign. In England during the eighteenth century and later, the with microscopy, molecular biology and molecular genetics are also
ultimate judicial threat to the wrong-doer was to be anatomized helping us to see how the adult body achieves its final form,
after execution. Throughout Europe, anatomists obtained their sub- why variations in structure appear and how the body regulates its
jects for dissection largely from executions of criminals, from the microscopic arrangement in normal and regenerating tissues and
poor houses, or, more often in Britain, from illicit graveyard exhu- organs.
mations. As medical science progressed during the nineteenth century Anatomy is part of the continuum of human knowledge. As in all
and became more successful at treating the sick, the need for legally areas of experience, it is possible to see human anatomy from what
obtained cadavers was recognized and became carefully controlled is essentially a reductionist viewpoint, to limit oneself to smaller and
by law. The sinister connotations of anatomy gradually faded as the smaller areas of analysis and, of course, without such an approach
benefits of a thorough medical training and the enlargement of all science drifts into meaningless generalization. The opposite, or one
medical knowledge became appreciated at large. So, for example, in should say complementary, way of thinking, is holistic, integrative,
Britain the bequeathal of one’s body to medical schools after death looking for the connections between disparate areas of knowledge
eventually became an expression of personal philanthropy, often in and larger patterns of organization or global significance. A balance
gratitude for successful medical treatment in an earlier period of life. between these two conceptual frameworks is clearly needed if
The anatomist became fully acceptable both socially, and, as the science — ‘things known’ ~is to be true to its name. So anatomy is
subject expanded beyond the confines of human topography, also not merely the separation of parts, the accurate description of bones,
academically. By the beginning of the twentieth century anatomy ligaments, muscles, vessels, nerves and so forth, but an attempt to
departments had generally achieved a high standing in the world of grasp the totality of body structure, engaging many disciplines,
science, and prestigious university chairs in the subject attracted constantly searching for underlying principles and viewing the living
some of the best intellects into anatomical teaching and research. frame as an extraordinarily complex, labile entity with a temporal
The horizons of anatomy were also steadily expanding as spe- dimension, connected by evolutionary history to all other living
cialized areas of study developed. From topographical anatomy organisms, expressing various morphologies as it develops, matures,
new research fields arose: physical anthropology, palaeontology, reproduces, ages and dies, engaging in a plethora of integrated
comparative anatomy, biomechanics, kinesiology and radiological functions.
and other macroscopic imaging studies. At the microscopic level, Furthermore, from a philosophical viewpoint, anatomy is not
histologists continued to explore a novel world of minute structures merely the structural biology of an animal species which happens to
within the human body, and, as new instruments and methods of be human. Because we are self-aware, and the human body is the
preparation were developed, anatomy forged ever-increasing links medium through which our experience of the world and our responses
with biochemistry, physiology, genetics and physics. The complex to it are transacted, the study of the human has a unique place in
changes of prenatal development were also discovered in embryo- establishing the image we have of ourselves; ultimately the prosaic
logical studies, and it became clear that much of adult anatomy can descriptions of the bones, muscles, blood vessels and neural pathways
only be understood by knowing its prenatal history. In the study of are the context of our experience of life.

In accordance with these views, in this Introduction we explore condense, forming the early seas, rivers and lakes, and generating
the setting of human anatomy with respect to the physical and the processes of erosion and sedimentary deposition which dominate
biological worlds, before proceeding to the detailed descriptions of the geology of our planet today. This early period was now cool
the body and its components. enough to allow hitherto impossible chemical reactions in aqueous
solution and the early water masses may have teemed with a wide
variety of molecules in a dilute solution of inorganic ions. In
ORIGIN OF LIFE ON EARTH particular, many carbon-based compounds were stable at these
temperatures, yet could react with each other rapidly enough to
Our knowledge of human origins remains largely conjectural. It create a rich carbon chemistry. It is likely that life arose in such an
relies on fragmentary evidence from many different disciplines and environment.
is liable to major reassessment as new clues arrive, which they will All matter, living or non-living, consists of the same basic sub-
no doubt continue to do and with increasing frequency. Relevant atomic units, and, varying quantitatively, many common atomic
data arise from two major sources: the study of the fossilized remains species. The most obvious distinction between the living and non-
of extinct forms, and comparative investigations of the anatomy, living is the dynamic level of molecular organization of this matter,
biochemistry and genetics of living species. that exhibited by the living being greater. Furthermore, development,
Of these, the first is the only reasonably direct means of establishing growth and maintenance of living organisms involves a temporary
human ancestry; but because the fossil record is incomplete and it is increase in order, the ability to effect this increasing with the
difficult to interpret skeletal remains in their widely varying states organism’s level of complexity. Living organisms are usually ascribed
of preservation, this approach has limitations. The more indirect a common series of attributes, for example the ability to sense and
comparative methods have also provided many useful clues about respond to environmental changes, to move, to grow and to repro-
man’s relationships, and the younger disciplines of molecular biology, duce. These vital attributes are considered further on page 20. To
particularly those dealing with molecular genetics, hold out great describe is not to define, however, and what distinguishes the living
promise of unravelling the mechanisms by which the form and from the non-living eludes precise definition.
function of the human body are and were shaped. Of course the How living matter originated is still speculative. It is generally
processes which gave rise to mankind have operated over immense assumed, but rarely challenged among scientists, that life evolved
periods of time, with widely varying influences of environment, both exclusively on Earth from non-living matter. The commonest hypoth-
geological and biological. To understand the significance of these esis is that when our planet had cooled sufficiently for the water
events we must also think of the physical forces which created the vapour in its atmosphere to condense and begin to erode its rocks,
possibility of human emergence, of the preceding aeons and cosmic the elements which dissolved in it combined to form simple inorganic
background from which life arose at first. Although these con- molecules which, in response to solar energy, reacted chemically to
siderations may seem out of place in a textbook of anatomy, they produce the amino acid units of the enzymes essential to the life
are very relevant to our appreciation of the living substrate of the process. These interacted further, some evolving into ‘living’ self-
body, of its principles of construction and operation at all of its replicating units, resembling viruses, in which the information necess-
levels of organization including the cellular, tissue, developmental, ary to ensure the accurate duplication of enzymes and other proteins
systemic and integrated whole body grades, which are the themes of was encoded in nucleic acids. Enclosure of some such units within
this book. proteolipid membranes might have produced the first unicellular
Present astronomical evidence points to emergence of the material organisms, perhaps like bacteria, each able to exert a measure of
universe from a single event 10-20 thousand million years ago, when control over its internal environment, leading to increases in local
the components of matter and perhaps with them the dimensions of order, longevity and reproductive capacity.
space and time first appeared (1.1). In mathematical models of this The results of experiments by Miller and Urey in 1953 suggested
event, it is envisaged that it occurred with unimaginable explosive that amino acids could have been formed in the terrestrial atmosphere
force, generating temperatures of many millions of degrees and at presumed to have existed some 4500 million years ago; this streng-
first permitting the free existence of the fundamental, subatomic thens the hypothesis that life could have originated from non-living
particles of matter. Within microseconds, as they began to cool, systems on Earth, but the next and literally vital evolutionary step,
these assembled themselves into larger aggregates and finally atoms the chance interaction of these amino acids to form the proteinaceous
and then molecules of hydrogen. This matter expanded rapidly enzymes necessary for self replication, has not been demonstrated.
outwards and continues to do so even at the present time. From this Lack of such a demonstration does not, of course, invalidate the
singularity, the ‘big bang’, hydrogen molecules were first scattered hypothesis but equally the demonstration that amino acids could
fairly evenly in space but with some locational variations in density. have formed in the then prevalent conditions does not prove that
Then under gravitational influences, they drifted together in denser they actually did. An alternative hypothesis suggests that life may
clusters which eventually became massive and compact enough to have originated extraterrestrially, and arrived as simple organisms
convert the gravitational energy into temperatures sufficiently high in meteorites.
to start thermonuclear fusion reactions and mass-energy conversion,
so creating stars. (Currently, some theoreticians are even exchanging
views of innovative, but speculative, mathematical models which EVOLUTION OF LIFE ON EARTH
may assist the approach to the problems of the prevailing conditions
preceding, and at the inception of, the “big bang’.) However life arose, many remain persuaded that it appears to have
Clusters of stars were drawn together into galaxies, and as they done so only once, since the highly complex macromolecules of
aged they sequentially, but asynchronously, passed through various differing living organisms and their metabolic interactions share too
changes in physical state, depending on their original dispersion and many common features to have arisen independently. (More strictly,
mass. At the enormous temperatures they generated, hydrogen atoms whatever view of life’s origin is envisaged, the ‘only once’ of the
fused into progressively heavier atoms, forming the varieties of preceding paragraph should, perhaps, imply one common mech-
elements we know today. Some particularly massive stars became anism, whatever its possible multiplicity of sites and times.) The
unstable and eventually exploded as supernovae, strewing the prod- simplest living cells are the bacteria, blue-green algae and similar
ucts of their fusion reactions into interstellar space where they cooled forms (collectively termed Prokaryotes), which have most of the
enough to form complex chemical compounds. It may have been essentials of other cells, except that they do not carry their genetic
that such material was captured by the gravitational fields of other material in a nuclear compartment and, apart from the outer cell
stars, coalescing into larger masses which circled around them as membrane, they lack membranous organelles. More complex cells
planetary systems. Our Earth appears to have been formed in the (Eukaryotes) are likely to have arisen from these (however, see
solar system at about five thousand million years ago as a hot mass above) but differ from them in having nuclei containing larger
of rocks rich in elements such as carbon, silicon, oxygen, sulphur, quantities of genetic material in multiple chromosomes sequestered
chlorine and phosphorus, also many metals, especially sodium, away from metabolic damage. Such cells needed a special (mitotic)
calcium, potassium and iron. This world appears to have been at apparatus to handle their more elaborate chromosomes at cell
first highly volcanic but, as it began to cool, water vapour could division and they also perfected ways of exchanging genes in meiosis



(bacteria, actinomycetes,
blue-green algae). |







> TAH,
1.1 The origins of biological organization as envisaged from present cosmological, biochemical and palaeontological data.

which increased their variability and therefore the potential to exploit of cells, the neural crest (see p. 234), which is of great significance in
a variable environment. These cells also had complex membranous the development of many typical chordate features.
organelles within their cytoplasm so that different areas of the cell The origin of the true vertebrates from such groups appears to
could be allocated to specialized functions. These developments have been relatively late, the first well-preserved fossil forms, armour-
appear to have been crucial because they allowed the formation of plated fishes called Ostracoderms, occurring in Silurian rocks about
progressively more elaborate genetic material, structure and metab- 410 million years old, although fragments of fish-like scales also occur
olism and consequently more complex form and function. It is in much older strata. Ostracoderms lacked a true jaw mechanism (the
likely that there were many different types of cell during this early agnathan condition) and were apparently rather poor swimmers,
experimental period, only some of them ancestral to the forms of judging from the rudimentary state of their fins and the presence of
life we know today, for example protozoa, unicellular algae, fungi, only two semicircular canals in their inner ears. However, they had
multicellular plants and animals (1.1, 2; see Vidal 1984). Some of these all of the typical vertebrate features including a brain and sur-
may have arisen as combinations of cells giving greater metabolic rounding skull, a ventral heart and effective high-pressure blood
potential; thus both mitochondria and the chloroplasts of green system. Their pharyngeal arches supported gills and the clefts between
plants have their own genetic apparatus distinct from the rest of the them allowed the flow of water in a respiratory current. The heart
cell and may have arisen as independent organisms (see Margulis pumped blood through a series of vessels lying in the pharyngeal
1981). It is also likely that many of the earliest eukaryotes were able arches, the basic number being six pairs. Although these were used
to use sunlight for their energy needs and had photosynthetic for perfusion of the gills in respiratory gas exchange, they created a
pigments. Certainly once the early nutrients in the environment had pattern which persists even in human embryonic development, where
been depleted this would have been the only source of energy for it is modified to form the great vessels leaving the heart (see p. 275).
the biological world, herbivorous and carnivorous animals depending The modern cyclostomes (e.g. lampreys) are the descendants of these
for their supply of chemical energy on green plants. From this point fishes.
onwards there must have been a great proliferation of different forms The next advance was the modification of the most anterior
and the development of multicellular organisms in which different pharyngeal arch to support the mouth, its ventral part becoming the
cells could carry out specialist tasks (see Romer 1968; Attenborough mandibular arch (see p. 277); this allowed the development of more
1979). efficient and varied feeding (the gnathostome grade of organization)
and teeth could be anchored to the jaw to increase its effectiveness.
(For the upper jaw and teeth see p. 280 et seq., and p. 283.) Often
ANIMAL KINGDOM: SELECTED PHYLA the next (hyoidean) arch was used to support the first, as well as to
contribute to the tongue apparatus. At the same time, swimming
The fossil record of these events begins with any clarity only when ability improved greatly with the formation of complex fins, a third
many of the major groups of invertebrates had already appeared, by semicircular canal and, no doubt, advances in brain organization to
about 500 million years ago, and the line of descent (1.2) can only control movement more efficiently. These steps proved very successful
be surmised. It is thought that the first truly multicellular animals and most later vertebrates arose from this stock. These early fishes
(Metazoa) possessed two layers of cells (i.e. they were diploblastic), included many different types, most of which became extinct although
but that later a third layer was added giving an outer, ectodermal some, like the cartilaginous sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes), per-
layer, a middle mesoderm and an inner endodermal lining to the gut sisted and thrived. Another group of fishes, with bony skeletons
(enteron). The outer layer provided an interface with the environ- (Osteichthyes) divided into a line leading to the majority of modern
ment, the inner was concerned mainly with nutrition while the middle ray-finned fish and another, the Sarcopterygians, in which the fins
layer provided mechanical support, muscular systems and a route were highly muscular and had an axial skeleton, a situation we see
for nervous and circulatory systems. In the simplest triploblasts, such in modern lungfish and the Coelacanth Latimeria, anticipating the
as flatworms (Platyhelminths), the mesoderm is usually a solid mass limbs of early terrestrial vertebrates. Some of these fishes may have
but in more complex forms it splits into an outer (somatic) and an been able to breathe air as well as to use their gills for respiration.
inner (splanchnic or visceral) layer, the latter surrounding the gut Their upper jaws were fused with their brain case (neurocranium) to
which is thus free to move within the cavity (coelom) so formed increase the skull’s mechanical stability, and various plate-like bones
within the mesoderm. In these animals (coelomates), an efficient derived from scales in the dermis reinforced the neurocranium, the
vascular system is essential to convey nutrients absorbed in the gut skeleton of the jaws and other pharyngeal arches. These ‘scale bones’
to the membrane bones of the human skull, while
across the coelom to the outer parts of the body and we find that correspond
they all possess propulsile heart-like structures as well as branching the more primitive neurocranial and viscerocranial elements are
vascular channels. The freeing of the outer mesoderm from the gut represented by its endochondral bones.
also made further locomotor advances possible and many such From such fishes emerged the earliest land-living vertebrates,
animals are organized on a segmental pattern of repeated muscle during the Upper Devonian era about 270 million years ago. These
blocks and attendant nerves and blood vessels which facilitate many were amphibians with many fish-like features but instead of pectoral
different types of movement and specialized local body functions. and pelvic fins they had muscular limbs, each with five digits and a
This segmental pattern is fundamental to many groups of animals characteristic pattern of axial bones (the pentadactyl limb) as in all
including ourselves and it is significant that at least some of the terrestrial vertebrates, or tetrapods. They were, therefore, able to
genetic mechanisms for generating segmentation and local spe- move around on the swampy ground of the coal forests, where their
cialization of segments (homiotic genes) appear to be much the same remains became fossilized. Lacking gills except during larval life,
in both insects (e.g. Drosophila) and mammals. they respired through diverticula of the oesophagus, i.e. simple lungs,
From these segmented coelomates, which include annelid worms, a common method of accessory breathing even in fishes which live
arthropods, molluscs and echinoderms (i.e. starfish and their allies), in tropical anoxic waters. Judging from the condition of modern
are thought to have arisen the chordate phylum, possibly from an amphibians such as salamanders, frogs and toads, these animals
echinoderm-like stock. The simplest chordate-like animals we know had hearts with partially divided ventricles, allowing them partial
today are aquatic filter-feeders such as sea-squirts (Urochordates) separation of blood for systemic and pulmonary circulations and,
and the fish-like Cephalochordates (the lancelets Branchiostoma or therefore, a more efficient respiratory transport permitting increased
Amphioxus). These filter their food from water through a series of active movement. With the loss of gills, the arterial arcades of the
slits flanked by supporting bars in their pharyngeal walls, which pharyngeal arches were reduced in complexity and number and now
appear to be the forerunners of the embryonic pharyngeal clefts and were simple, but large, arteries leading to the head, body and
arches of all vertebrates. Many of these primitive creatures also have lungs. Amphibians were, however, still depended on an aqueous
hollow dorsal central nervous systems, derived perhaps by the environment since they laid their eggs in water and probably dehy-
invagination of superficial nerve nets such as those we see in starfish. drated easily through arelatively permeable skin.
They have bilateral symmetry and, at some stage in their lives, Early reptiles probably emerged soon after the amphibia. Two
segmental muscle blocks grouped around a longitudinal stiff but major advances freed the new group from slavish dependence on
flexible rod (notochord) permitting sinusoidal swimming movements. water: the skin became keratinized and water resistant; reproduction
At least some of them also develop an additional embryonic group could take place entirely on land as the young developed in an egg

Marsupials EUTHERIAN



Ray-finned fish

Cartilaginous fish

eS SSA eo

(CRANIATE) Protochordates



COELOMATE. a Molluscs Annelid worms




1.2 The relationships and different levels of organization of the major

groups of animals leading to the mammalian class, based on currently
6 available evidence.

enclosed in a shell which prevented water loss but allowed gaseous effective than that of the marsupials, allowing birth at a very
exchange. Within the shell the embryo floated ina fluid-filled space; advanced stage of development and, in particular, permitting the
the amniotic cavity and the membranes immediately surrounding it brain to achieve considerable complexity before its use for survival
(amnion and chorion) acted asa gill. Except for the eggshell, these in the outside world. These mammals rapidly replaced most of the
modifications were retained in all descendants of the reptiles including other groups. This basic eutherian design which first emerged during
mammals. the Cretaceous period about 120 million years ago, or possibly
Reptiles were now free to exploit the dry places of the earth as earlier, was extremely successful at adapting itself to many different
well as the humid ones and they became the dominant vertebrate evolutionary niches, radiating into the various mammalian forms we
group for many millions of years. Various internal changes took know today.
place including: complete separation of systemic and pulmonary The closest living relatives of these early Eutheria are Insectivores
circulations; the formation of a vena cava making the return of such as the Shrews, small highly active animals with primitive tooth
blood more efficient; development of a high-pressure kidney with patterns and relatively unspecialized body form. It is thought that
more effective filtration; various modifications of the brain which from species similar to these arose a group of animals which were
increased its ability to analyse sensory data, organize motor activity ancestral to the Primates.
and to establish more complex behaviour patterns in general.
Although many of the most successful reptilian groups such as
the dinosaurs eventually became extinct, some persisted as the turtles,
lizards, snakes and crocodiles of the present or became highly
modified for flight, the birds. Another group of great significance Some two hundred and thirty species of living mammals are included
comprised relatively unspecialized animals emerging quite early in within the order Primates. They are nearly all confined to tropical
reptilian history. These had a unique skull construction with a or subtropical forest habitats and span a wide range of body sizes,
fossa in the middle of its lateral surface allowing the expansion of from the 100g average body weight of the mouse lemur to the over
masticatory muscles, the Synapsid condition. Along this fossil line, 150 kg mean body weight of the gorilla. The features that unite them
several remarkable changes occurred. These included the expansion as primates are concentrated within the nervous and locomotor
of the brain and its braincase, an alteration in the jaw mechanism systems. They include:
so that several of the bones which hitherto had formed part of its e a relatively large brain for the size of the body;
articular mechanism became reduced in size, adapted for picking up an emphasis on the visual system which is manifest by the relative
auditory signals and progressively incorporated into the middle ear. size of the visual cortex, histological complexity of the primate
Complex teeth of different types and with more than one cusp were retina, development of stereoscopic vision and greater bony pro-
also inserted into the jaws, a sign of more effective mastication, and tection for the eyeball;
a new, more robust joint formed between the mandibular condyle e grasping hands and feet equipped with palms and soles which are
and the temporal bone. Locomotion was also modified by a rotation padded and covered by ridges of skin and to which are attached
of the limbs bringing their intermediate and distal joints under the spatulate nails and not claws.
trunk, thus introducing an ability to lift the body off the ground, a
change suggesting a cursorial habit commensurate with a high CLASSIFICATION OF PRIMATES
metabolic rate and, therefore, warm-bloodedness. (The manner of
limb rotation and attendant modifications contrasts sharply in the Living primates sharing these attributes are usually arranged in one
fore- (upper), and hind- (lower) limbs: see pp. 613.) Hair probably of two contrasting schemes (Table 1.1). One is based on the overall
covered their bodies in an insulating layer. level of morphological specialization, or grade, and divides primates
Such creatures coexisted with the ruling reptiles from the Permian into Prosimians (‘before apes and monkeys’) and Simians (‘apes and
era from about 200 million years ago and, when the latter became monkeys’); simian means ‘snub-nosed’. The primate features of the
extinct, they replaced them as the dominant land vertebrates. By this simians are more clearly expressed, whereas the prosimians retain a
time the full mammalian condition had been achieved, with a greatly suite of primitive features including an unfused mandibular (mental)
expanded brain, fully functional temporomandibular joint, teeth symphysis, a persistent communication between the orbit and the
specialized for different functions (incisors, molars, etc.) and showing temporal fossa, unfused frontal bones and the retention of a single
the primitive pattern of mammalian cusps (see p. 1703). To judge claw, called a ‘grooming claw’, on the second manual digit. Pro-
from the nearest descendants of some of these early mammals, simians comprise the lemurs, lorises and tarsiers, whereas monkeys
the Prototheria (Monotremes) of Australasia such as the Platypus, from the New and Old Worlds, together with apes and modern
Ornithorhynchus, these creatures were certainly homeothermic, were humans, make up the living simians. The other classification of
covered in hair, suckled their young, although they still laid eggs, primates, according to clades, emphasizes on evolutionary history
and had many other non-reptilian features such as a division of the rather than an overall level of morphological complexity. The crucial
trunk into a thorax and an abdomen, with a diaphragm allowing difference between the two schemes is their treatment of the tarsiers.
thoracic breathing. Their pharyngeal arterial arches were more The cladistic scheme places special emphasis on the similarities
streamlined, the third being developed only on the left to form the between the retinae, orbits and placentae of the tarsiers and the
aorta. Such animals were obviously well equipped to deal with the simians and unites them in the suborder Haplorhini. The living
wide variety of climatic conditions and of food sources available in lemurs and lorises then form a second infraorder, the Strepsirhini,
a drastically changing environment. Their more advanced brains which includes all living primates with a moist snout called a
could no doubt enable them to exploit their environment more fully, rhinarium.
and provide better maternal. care. This development favoured the
survival of offspring and permitted prolonged development after EVOLUTION OF PRIMATES (1.3, 1.4)
birth. Many different groups of such animals rapidly spread over
the land masses; one of them, which dispensed with laying eggs by Primate origins
retaining the fetus in utero for the early part of its development,
became dominant. These were the Metatheria (Marsupials), including Primates were among the first groups of eutherian mammals to
the pouched forms such as the kangaroos and non-pouched species differentiate, yet we have only scant evidence about their evolutionary
like the opossums. They had relatively larger and less ‘reptilian’ history. How little we know can be judged from recent calculations
brains and a more effective feeding apparatus including. highly which estimate that the 250 known species of fossil primates probably
specialized teeth. Again, from the many different types of marsupials represent less than 5% of the primate species that have ever existed.
a third mammalian group the Eutheria (Placentals) arose and, in The first evidence for primate-like creatures comes from late
turn, supplanted them. In these new mammals, the developing young Cretaceous and early Palaeocene rocks in North America, but recent
were retained for much longer inside their mothers, attached, as discoveries in North Africa suggest that they were also present on
were marsupial embryos, by a placenta which provided nutrition, that land mass during the Palaeocene. The earliest fossil evidence
respiratory exchange, removal of excretions, and other metabolic dates from 65 Myr and consists of teeth which resemble those of the
needs. The placenta of the Eutherians was much more elaborate and living mouse lemur and dwarf bushbaby, and which suggest a

Table 1.1 Two classificatory schemes for the major groups of living primates. The two suborder schemes
include ‘clade-based’ categories as well as the conventional ‘grade-based’ arrangement.


Grade Clade
PROSIMII (strepsirhines)

PRIMATES (cebids,
teats ben HAPLORHINI atelids)

anthropoids) Capen CATARRHINI OLD



creature with a body size little larger than a modern mouse. By 60 mammals, including primates, to have crossed between them. The
Myr ago these creatures, which belong to the infraorder Plesi- end of the Eocene was a period of substantial change in mammalian
adapiformes and which are usually referred to as plesiadapids, were evolution. Many groups became extinct to the extent that palae-
diverse enough in North America to merit being assigned to at ontologists call this time the ‘great cut-off’, or ‘Grande Coupure’.
least four families. Although these animals were primitive inmany The fossil record in the succeeding geological period is cor-
respects, some scientists judged that the features they share with the respondingly sparse, hence its name, the Oligocene, meaning ‘few
later adapid primates from the Eocene are sufficient evidence to fossils’.
include the plesiadapids within the primate order. However other The earliest loris-like creatures are known from the African Eocene
evidence, particularly from the skull, shows that the ear region of the but the origin of the modern lemurs is obscure. As for the third
plesiadapids was importantly different from that of living primates. In major component of the modern prosimians, the tarsiers, it can be
the latter the floor of the middle-ear cavity is formed from the concluded that unless northern hemisphere Eocene omomyid species
petrosal bone, whereas in the plesiadapids it is formed from the like Shoshonius prove to be related to modern tarsiers, then the
entotympanic. Thus the plesiadapids are not included with ‘primates origins of the latter are probably to be found in the late Eocene or
of modern aspect’ or ‘euprimates’, but are usually placed in a early Oligocene form Afrotarsius. Modern tarsiers are confined to
separate category of ‘archaic’ primates. Asian humid dipterocarp forest, the tarsiers and their forests having
Recent commentators have suggested that the ‘archaic’ primates, both apparently disappeared from Africa at the same time.
the ‘euprimates’ both fossil and living, together with the tree shrews Evidence of early simian-grade primates comes from deposits in
(Scandentia), bats (Chiroptera) and the flying lemurs (Dermoptera) the Fayum depression of Egypt, the earliest of which may extend
should be grouped together as the Archonta. Relationships within back into the Eocene as well as sampling the Oligocene (see below).
that broad grouping have recently been further refined with only the Fossil remains of Aegyptopithecus, and other genera, provide sound
flying lemurs, the ‘euprimates’ (both living and fossil) and the tree evidence of cat-sized simians. Suspicions that the simians may have
shrews included within the order Primates. It is interesting to note originated even earlier in the Eocene were initially fuelled by the
that this revives a much earlier proposal of Le Gros Clark that the discovery of remains belonging to Amphipithecus and Pondaungia
tree shrews, or Scandentia, belonged within the order Primates. from Burma. The more recent discovery of an incomplete set of
Whatever else one can conclude, it is evident that the early evol- cheek teeth from an Eocene site in Algeria, attributed to Alger-
utionary history and relationships of the primates and their close ipithecus, suggests that either the simians can be traced back to
relatives are far from resolved. before 50 Myr, or that like the radiations of the adapids and
Eocene primates omomyids, there was an Eocene radiation of creatures that resembled
simians, but which were not themselves directly related to modern
The early Eocene fossil record is where the first sound evidence for simians.
‘euprimates’ is encountered in the form of the lemur-like adapids Recent discoveries of primates from a 45 Myr-old Eocene site in
and the tarsier-like omomyids. The shape of their teeth suggests that south-eastern China has added significant new information about
early ‘euprimates’ were adapted to eat varying proportions of fruit, primate evolution. Teeth virtually identical to those of the living
leaves and insects. At one time or another both the omomyids and tarsier confirm the antiquity of Tarsius and suggest that omomyids
the adapids have been canvassed as ancestors of the later simians, dispersed between North America and Asia in the middle Miocene.
but there is now an increasing realization that the omomyids and Evidence of a mandible attributed to a new family, Eosimias, suggests
adapids may have been an evolutionary radiation quite distinct from that Asia may have been an important centre for simian or anthro-
the one which gave rise to the living primates. This is not as poid evolution. Eosimias with its unfused mandibular symphysis is
extraordinary as it sounds, for the disposition of the major land amongst the most primitive simians known.
masses of the Eocene bore little resemblance to their present con-
figuration. In early Eocene times Africa was separated from Europe Origins of the monkeys and apes
and Asia by the Tethys sea and Eurasia, while North America Eleven genera of simians are now known from the African Oligocene
formed Laurasia, an intermittently continuous subtropical landmass. and nearly all of them are best-documented from the extraordinarily
South America was close enough to Africa at this time for land rich Fayum region. This suggests that simians had undergone con-

Homo sapiens

Homo erectus


Homo habilis and H. rudolfensis


Australopithecus and Paranthropus Pongo


Old world


Callithricids Cebids

New world monkeys



1.3 A simplified scheme outlining evolutionary relationships between present uncertainties about classification, details of species of fossil pri-
Homo sapiens and other living euprimates. For simplicity and because of mates have not been included (see text).

siderable diversification by this time. What features mark these fossil taxonomic position is best left unresolved at present, but its strongest
forms as simians rather than prosimians? The major differences are affinities are with the fossil and living great apes. The remaining
in the skull and dentition and include a reduced snout with the three traditional hominoid families all have living representatives,
maxilla tucked beneath the anterior part of the brain case, a bony namely (1) the gibbons and siamangs, sometimes known as the ‘lesser
septum behind the orbit, a tall ascending mandibular ramus, fusion apes’, forming the Hylobatidae, (2) the gorillas, orang-utans and
of the two elements of the frontal bone, and of the mandibular chimpanzees, making up the Pongidae, or pongids, and (3) modern
symphysis, closely-approximated and vertically-implanted incisors, humans, together with extinct species, within the genera Homo,
square molar crowns and molarized premolars. Some genera like Australopithecus and Paranthropus, together comprising the Homi-
Propliopithecus resemble Old World monkeys, and others, such as nidae, or hominids.
Aegyptopithecus, have teeth which more closely resemble those of However, the application of molecular biological methods to
modern apes. Aegyptopithecus was apparently a frugivorous quad- the study of relationships within the superfamily, together with
ruped with a skeletal morphology which was adapted for climbing reassessments of the substantial Miocene fossil record of the apes,
and leaping within the Oligocene rain forests. In many ways the have prompted several reviews of this traditional scheme. One that
early Old World simians more closely resembled living New World uses the principles of phylogenetic analysis resolves the fossil and
primates than contemporary Old World forms. living apes into not four, but three families as follows.
The New World Monkeys, or Platyrrhines, are a diverse group The first and most primitive of the ape families, the Proconsulidae,
which has its own substantial evolutionary history. Apart from their is only known from fossil evidence. This exclusively African group
geographical separation from the rest of the anthropoids they can apparently originated in the early Miocene and spans the period
be distinguished from the Old World simians, or Catarrhini, by their from 22 to about 17 Myr ago. Proconsul genera were apparently all
laterally-facing nostrils, hence the name of their infraorder, the ‘flat- arboreal quadrupeds with some adaptations for suspensory behay-
nosed’ ones. In addition catarrhines have two fewer premolar teeth iour. The features they share with the other apes include the absence
in each jaw than do the platyrrhines and they possess a tubular of a tail, an opposable thumb, specializations of the shoulder, low-
ectotympanic leading from the middle ear cavity. Also, unlike the crowned premolars and an increase in relative brain size compared
platyrrhines, in the catarrhines there is a contact between the frontal with the Old World monkeys.
and sphenoid bones in the wall of the temporal fossa. Catarrhines, The second family corresponds to the Hylobatidae of the tra-
with the exception of the gibbons, are also generally more sexually ditional scheme. There are no strong candidates for fossil rep-
dimorphic than the platyrrhines. resentatives of the modern gibbons and siamangs, but Lacopithecus
Opinions differ about whether the platyrrhines evolved from a from the Miocene of China comes closest to being a gibbon ancestor.
North American omomyid ancestor, or if they are derived from an The third family is the Hominidae, but in the new scheme this
early African ancestor at a time when the distance between Africa family incorporates at least three subfamilies. One, the Dryo-
and South America was much less than it is today. The three pithecinae is comprised of extinct taxa only. These include the Middle
Oligocene and the relatively few Miocene fossils from South America Miocene tribes of thick-enamelled apes, the Afropithecini and the
are each specialized enough to be related to one or other of the Kenyapithecini, and the thin-enamelled Dryopithecini which are
living platyrrhine subfamilies, implying that the major platyrrhine apparently little advanced beyond the proconsulids. The second
lineages may be up to 25 Myr old. subfamily, the Ponginae, incorporates the orang-utan and its subfos-
There are only two middle Miocene Old World monkey genera, sil representatives in the tribe Pongini, and its sister group comprises
but by 8 or 9 million years ago (late Miocene) the differentiation the fossil taxa belonging to the tribe Sivapithecini. The latter com-
into the two main groups of living Old World monkeys, the Cerco- prises remains discovered from the Middle and Late Miocene of
pithecinae (modern guenons, macaques, mangabeys and baboons) Turkey and Pakistan and attributed to Sivapithecus. Two genera,
and the Colobinae (leaf-eating monkeys) was well-established. The Rudapithecus from Hungary and Lufengpithecus from China, may
fossil record suggests that the colobines most likely represent the also be relatively unspecialized members of the sivapithecin group.
primitive condition for the Old World monkey superfamily, the To judge from its jaws and teeth, Gigantopithecus from Pakistan and
Cercopithecoidea. From this ancestral stock as many as 10 lineages China also belongs in the same subfamily. The third subfamily, the
evolved and exploited a wide range of habitats from deserts to Homininae, comprises (1) the living gorilla subspecies, which are
montane forests. These fossil forms were generally substantially united in the tribe Gorillini; (2) making up the second tribe, the
larger than their modern counterparts. Hominini, are the two living chimpanzee species Pan troglodytes
and Pan paniscus, and the genera Ardipithecus, Australopithecus,
Evolutionary relationships within modern and fossil Paranthropus and Homo. Thus according to this new scheme, living
apes forms that were traditionally referred to as pongids become ‘pongins’
The second superfamily within the Old World simians (catarrhines), (for the orang-utan) and ‘gorillins’ (for the gorilla). Fossil and living
the Hominoidea, is the group which includes modern apes and forms more closely related to modern humans than to any ape
humans together with their fossil precursors. Hominoids became species, and which were (and usually still are) referred to as hominids
distinct at least 25 Myr ago. They began as a group of arboreal become ‘hominins’ as do the two living chimpanzee species.
frugivores with body sizes much like those modern monkeys living
in tropical forest habitats. Modern apes are characterized by spe-
cializations of the axial and postcranial skeletons. These include an
elongated forelimb, features of the wrist and hand which facilitate RELATIONSHIPS
pronation and supination, a mobile glenohumeral joint capable of As indicated above, this very fundamental revision of hominoid
extreme abduction, a craniocaudally-elongated scapula, a wide taxonomy reflects molecular and other morphological evidence which
thorax and reduction in the length of the lumbar spine. There is suggests that the orang-utan is significantly different from the group
good evidence to suggest that the modern apes are the impoverished which comprises gorillas, chimpanzees and modern humans. Mol-
representatives of a group that was much more numerous and ecular data can also be used to help estimate the time which has
taxonomically diverse during the middle and late Miocene. During elapsed since each lineage became independent. Put another way,
this time, when forests were far more extensive in higher northern because molecular changes are generally neutral and occur at a
latitudes than they are today, fossil ape taxa were distributed widely steady rate, the degree of molecular difference can be used as a
across Europe and Asia. The discovery of a Miocene fossil ape from clock. The clock is not independent of palaeontological evidence,
Namibia suggests that they also inhabited forests in the southern for the latter has to be used at some stage to calibrate the clock by
hemisphere. However, the late Miocene radiation of cercopithecoids establishing the age of one of the branching events. Conventionally
which is described above, effectively replaced hominoids as the this has been done using the separation of the Old World and New
dominant primates in the Old World. World simians and this suggests that Pongini (i.e. the lineage, or
Modern and fossil apes and humans were traditionally divided by clade, to which the modern orang-utan belongs) separated from the
anthropologists into four families. One, the Oreopithecidae, is only African ape and modern human lineage around 12-14 Myr ago.
known from the late Miocene fossil record. Whereas its teeth are Evidence at the molecular level, be it at the level of proteins or
10 Old World monkey-like, its postcranial skeleton is more ape-like. Its down to the level of the base sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial

DNA, is providing stronger and stronger indications that the two options exercised by modern chimpanzees, but with changes in the
modern chimpanzee species and modern humans are more closely pelvic girdle indicating a greater emphasis on bipedal standing,
related to each other than either is to modern gorillas. It is this walking and running. There is direct evidence of a bipedal gait in
evidence which underpins the revised taxonomy which places the the form of footprints at Laetoli in Tanzania which date from
latter taxon in the tribe Gorillini and the former taxa in the tribe between 3 and 4 Myr ago. This increased emphasis on bipedalism
Hominini. Traditional morphological evidence does not controvert was probably prompted by modifications to the habitat consequent
the groupings suggested by the molecular evidence, but it must be on climatic changes. The climate was becoming steadily more arid
said that it does not offer strong support either. The molecular clock with the result that the woodland environment was breaking up,
suggests that the separation of the gorilla lineage was closely followed with groups of trees separated by sizeable patches of grassland.
by the split between the lineages leading to chimpanzees and modern However, true savannah grassland did not appear until much closer
humans; estimated timings for the latter divergence vary from to 2 Myr ago and these early australopithecines were likely to have
between 8 and 5 Myr ago. If the molecular data and dates are a lived near to dense tree cover.
reliable indication of evolutionary timing, then we should expect to Fossil evidence for A. afarensis is confined to East Africa. In
find hominids no earlier than 8 or 9 Myr ago. (The old name southern Africa evidence of a hominid displaying a similar level of
‘hominids’ will be used for simplicity to describe extinct forms which organization, but which belongs to a different species, was first
are more closely related to modern humans than to any other living discovered in 1924. This hominid, which was given the name Aus-
taxon.) tralopithecus africanus, has larger molar teeth and a shorter more
Our knowledge of the evolutionary history of the subfamily strongly buttressed muzzle than its East African counterpart. These
Homininae would be greatly improved if we had any reliable fossil features have prompted some investigators to see it as ancestral to
evidence for the lineages leading to modern gorillas and chimpanzees the temporally later ‘robust’ australopithecines, whereas other
but, as yet, apart from an upper jaw dated to around 9 Myr ago, workers have stressed the ways in which A. africanus resembles, and
and which may represent the type of creature from which the modern could be ancestral to, the genus Homo (see below).
gorilla evolved, no such evidence has been recovered. Three forms of ‘robust’ australopithecines are presently recognized.
They all demonstrate, to a greater or lesser extent, what has been
called a ‘hypermasticatory trend’, that is substantial enlargement of
HOMINID EVOLUTION (1.4) : the molar teeth, molarization of the premolars and reduction in the
With the exception of several isolated teeth from Ngorora and size of the canines and incisors. These modifications have the effect
Lukeino in the Baringo region of Kenya (which, however, provide of extending the length of the functional molar tooth row anteriorly,
insufficient evidence for them to be reliably classified), the fossil taking it closer to the front of the jaws. One of these ‘robust’
mandibles from Lothagam and Tabarin, dating from around 5 Myr, australopithecine species, Paranthropus aethiopicus, has enlarged
offer the first evidence of creatures that may postdate the separation molar teeth but retains a substantial muzzle. The other two, Par-
of the lineage leading to modern humans from that leading to the anthropus robustus from southern Africa, and especially Paranthropus
two modern chimpanzee species. boisei from East Africa, have tall, flat and wide faces which suggest
that the masticatory muscles had been reorganized to concentrate
The first hominids—australopithecines (Table 1.2a) chewing on the row of enlarged molar and molarized premolar teeth.
The Lothagam and Tabarin mandibles, together with the more than These muscles are capable of generating substantial power. This
4 Myr-old remains from Aramis in Ethiopia, belong to the oldest could either have generated major point forces or was dissipated
australopithecine, initially called Australopithecus ramidus. Its thin over the large surface area of the molar crowns. The more derived
enamel and small, simple deciduous molars are distinct from later, form of the East African ‘robust’ australopithecine, P. boisei, and
new australopithecines and probably justify the designation of a the southern African form, P. robustus, appear in the fossil record
separate genus called Ardipithecus, for this material. The earliest around 2-2.3 Myr ago and may well represent one response of
australopithecine for which there is good evidence is Australopithecus hominids to an acceleration in the rate of increase of aridity and
afarensis. While aspects of the skull, teeth and postcranial skeleton cooling that was affecting the African continent at this time. The
of A. afarensis are ape-like, what sets it apart from the apes are its brains of the ‘robust’ australopithecines were similar in relative size
smaller canines, relatively enlarged molar teeth and a reorganized to those of the ‘gracile’ australopithecines and what little we know
pelvic girdle and vertebral column which allowed an upright posture of their locomotor skeleton suggests that they were occasional rather
and a bipedal gait to be maintained with less muscular effort than than habitual bipeds. Some workers have claimed that P. robustus
is required by modern apes when they stand and walk bipedally. manufactured stone artefacts, but the anatomical and the archae-
However, the brains of these early ‘gracile’ australopithecines were ological evidence is inconclusive. Despite their epithet ‘robust’, which
absolutely and relatively little larger than those of chimpanzees and was introduced to refer to their teeth, jaws and face, the ‘robust’
the skeletons of their forelimbs and trunk are ape-like. The relatively australopithecines were not especially large-bodied though they
primitive postcranial skeleton of A. afarensis suggests that the range display a wide range of body size and P. boisei has a level of sexual
of postures and locomotor modes it adopted probably embraced the dimorphism similar to that of the modern gorilla. There is no fossil

Millions of Later Homo

years BP H. erectus
P. robustus
P. boisei
“mH. ergaster 1} habilis H. rudolfensis

A. africanus..a wer

A. afarensis |. f

eae “P. troglodytes

- Ppaniscus
EH. heidelbergensis - °°

, Common
~-ancestor of-*
and Pan

1.4 Phylogenetic scheme indicating probable relationships (dashed lines) the term ‘H. sapiens’ here includes more than one species (see text).
and possible relationships (dotted lines) between hominid taxa. Note that

Table 1.2 Characteristics of Australopithecines and early human species

Adee As 1.2-1.4
30-50 35-50
Light build: probably Very heavy build: eetaevone”
relatively long arms: more long arms: ee ia
‘human’ features: probably ‘dimorphism
less sexual dimorphism

400-500 ; 430-525 ki ‘ Hie

Skullform Higher forehead: shorter Prominent crests on staleand —Crest on topof skull: long,
face: brow ridges less back of skull:very long, broad, flattish face:
hiivertensbs prominent Sieh udp a ISOM
nN TAIT iT iy ier 32D buttressing iCpeers ite

_ Jaws/teeth incisors and Small incisor-like canines: no Modydickienokernaliite Neh

ety era a canines: gap between upper gap between upper incisors _ incisors and canines: large, _
vtartacvanerroasite th Fh ncisors and canines: — and canines: larger molars molar-like premolars: very

Distribution — Southern Africa Eastern Africa

3.0-2.5 million 2.4—1.2 million

sca os _ sexualdimorphism

"Brain size ( | 1100-1400

form Higher é Flat,thick skull with Higher skull:face
CaN OR aa ‘ately smalace:large mace
wide gama lessprotruding
a ena eee ? S E
Jaws/teeth Sinctedtonele a siitlnlet tlw:large ficeaisloncier jaw: — Similarto H. erectus
uvageh Rhea shan ah molars: molar-like — smallerteeththan but teeth
may be
Haile premolars © H. habilis: reduced — even smaller
i pi size of third molar

Distribution niLiEAMMOIN: colicstwekensks RomhernoAtion Africa, Asiaand _— Africa, Asiaand

A iil (+southern?) Africa Indonesia Europe
Keeani 2-1.6 million| 2.5—1.8 million. 1.9—0.2 million 400 000— 100000
(years ago)

evidence for either P. robustus or P. boisei later than about 1.3 Myr volume compared to those of the ‘gracile’ australopithecines. The
ago. molar and premolar teeth are small and narrow in H. habilis, but,
to judge from the postcranial skeleton, the creatures themselves were
Early Homo (table 1.28)
small, so any dental reduction compared to Australopithecus may be
Perhaps as early as 2.5 Myr, and certainly by 2 Myr ago, two new more apparent than real. These two early species are placed within
species of hominid appear in the fossil record of East Africa. One, the genus Homo and not included in Australopithecus or Paranthropus
Homo rudolfensis, best known from Koobi Fora in Kenya, has teeth for different reasons. The former taxon, H. rudolfensis, is assigned
which are much like those of the ‘gracile’ australopithecines with to Homo because of its substantially, around 50%, larger brain, while
some evidence of molar-like premolars. However, its skull is much the latter taxon, H. habilis, is similarly assigned because of its
less ape-like than Australopithecus in that it has lost its muzzle and reorganized cranium and a dentition which places less emphasis on
both the base and vault have broadened to accommodate a larger the molars and premolars. To judge from postcranial evidence H.
brain. No postcranial bones have been found associated with cranial habilis was not a habitual biped, yet the position of the foramen
material; thus there is no direct evidence about the posture and magnum suggests that the base of the cranium had been modified
locomotion of H. rudolfensis. There is, however, direct evidence to allow for truncal uprightness.
about the postcranial skeleton of the second early Homo species,
Homo habilis, and this suggests that its posture and locomotion was Homo erectus
little different to that of the australopithecines. What is different, Our own species, Homo sapiens, differs from the living apes in three
12 however, is the skull which is advanced in both shape and brain major ways. Our brains are larger, our jaws and teeth are generally

smaller and differently proportioned, whilst our postcranial skeleton DNA evidence saw it as providing strong evidence that mt DNA
is adapted for a habitual bipedal posture and gait. The first hominid variation was greatest in Africans, the inference being that these
species to demonstrate unambiguous signs of all three of these were the longest established populations and thus the first region to
distinctive features is early African Homo erectus, which some evolve anatomically-modern human mt DNA. It has since been
workers call Homo ergaster. These remains date back to 1.9 Myr realized that the statistical methods used to draw these inferences
and are best known from sites in Kenya around Lake Turkana. The were flawed. Recalculations have resulted in an interpretation which
skull has a brain size little larger than that of H. rudolfensis, but the still places Africa as the regional centre of origin, but with a much
face, jaws and teeth are significantly smaller. The teeth are similar wider range of time, perhaps as early as 300-400 Kyr, for the
in size to those of H. habilis, but whereas the body size of the latter migration out of Africa.
is estimated to be no larger than 40 kg, the body size of early African
H. erectus or H. ergaster is closer to 60 kg. Thanks to the remarkable New World and Australasia
preservation of an associated skeleton found at West Turkana, Whereas the fossil record suggests that hominids have been part of
KNM-WT 15000, the postcranial skeleton is well known. It shares the African faunal record for between 4 and 5 Myr and have been
many features of the pelvis and the femur with later Homo species. living in Asia for at least 1 Myr, the hominid fossil record has no
Its stature and proportions also resemble those of later Homo species great time depth in two other continents, America and Australasia.
and differ from the preceding australopithecines. Opinions differ about how good the evidence is for hominid activity
Although the earliest remains of _H. erectus are found in East at sites in South America, but as yet the earliest sound evidence for
Africa, it is now more than a century ago that the first fossil evidence hominids in the Americas is tool manufacture dated to at most a
for H. erectus was found in Java (now Indonesia). Recent reports few tens of thousands of years ago. Modern human occupation of
suggest that some of these remains may be as old as the African Australasia apparently has a greater antiquity than that, and dates
ones, and there is sound evidence that they are at least 1 Myr old. of hominid sites in the coastal region of north-west Australia point
Subsequent discoveries in China at a cave that was then called to incursions of hominids from the Asian mainland as early as 60—
Choukoutien, and which is now called Zhoukoudian, indicate that 70 Kyr. The incursions were facilitated by falls in sea level exposing
H. erectus survived in Asia as recently as 200 Kyr ago. extensive coastal shelves which, along with some island hopping,
would have provided routes from Asia. Thus the entry of ana-
Emergence of modern humans tomically-modern human populations into mainland Australia sub-
It is a paradox that the hominid species with which we should be stantially predates the appearance of anatomically-modern human
the most familiar, namely Homo sapiens, is the least well defined. populations in Western Europe.
There is no type specimen of H. sapiens and because it is a polytypic There are morphological differences between geographically sep-
taxon, a range of skull shapes and limb proportions have to be taken arated populations of modern humans, but they are relatively insig-
into account when considering whether fossil remains can be included nificant. Variation between groups of modern humans amounts to
within H. sapiens. When this is done the earliest evidence for what approximately 10% of the total genetic variation within and between
has come to be called ‘anatomically modern’ H. sapiens comes from modern human populations. Skull shape and limb proportions vary
Africa and the Near East at around 100 Kyr. It is at this time that between regions, but most of this variation is climate-related, for
we find evidence of skulls with vertical foreheads, tall and expanded example, the warmer the climate the relatively longer the limbs.
parietal bones and a much reduced dentition. There is, however, a The inheritance of form and function from the different stages of
substantial collection of material which is more advanced than H. evolution, culminating in the supreme development of mental self-
erectus yet which is not as derived as anatomically-modern H. awareness and abstract thought, is one of the greatest stories that
sapiens. Such material is known from Africa (e.g. Ndutu and Kabwe), science has to tell, although understood in only the barest outline.
Europe (e.g. Mauer) and China (e.g. Dali and Jinnuishan). The best- Here we study the functional anatomy of H. sapiens, a form which
known material in this ‘archaic Homo’ category are the remains is not only complexly adapted to a multitude of present activities,
which have been attributed to Homo neanderthalensis. This species but also bears within it legacies of its past; an awareness of this
has a characteristically-shaped cranial vault, its jaws, teeth and nose helps us to understand many of the otherwise inexplicable patterns
are set forward in the face and the skeleton is robust with large joint expressed in the human frame, and perhaps to appreciate both its
surfaces. At present the earliest evidence of Neanderthals comes from frailty and the most wonderfully effective complexity which it has
Spain at around 300-400 Kyr ago. The characteristic Neanderthal attained.
morphology is confined to Western Europe, the Near East and For further reading on primate evolution, see Cartmill (1992) and
adjacent parts of Asia. Throughout most of the period from which Andrews (1992). For recent reviews of hominid evolution, see Stringer
Neanderthal remains have come the climate of these regions was and Andrews (1988), Stringer (1990) and Wood (1992).
cold and much of Europe was reduced to tundra. Neanderthals are
generally interpreted as a species of the genus Homo which was
adapted to these harsh, cold, conditions. ANATOMICAL NOMENCLATURE
In other parts of the world comparable populations of archaic
humans were not as morphologically distinct. Some workers empha- A subject such as anatomy, with its accent on description, necessarily
size regional continuity of morphology, pointing, for example, to requires a very large number of names for structure and processes.
features of the face which can be identified within Chinese popu- For effective communication such words should be as simple as
lations of H. erectus, and then traced down through archaic humans possible and used with unfailing precision. Unfortunately both these
to contemporary anatomically-modern human Chinese populations. aims have only been partially accomplished.
These claims underpin the ‘Regional Continuity’ hypothesis which In the first place, as in other sciences, common words do not exist
proposes that there was not a single origin for anatomically-modern in any language for thousands of structures which require to be
humans but several regionally distinct centres of evolution. The named, and the need for new names never ceases. For this reason
proponents of this hypothesis do not claim that these regional centres the manufacture of new names has been based, like the Linnean
were totally genetically isolated, but they do suggest that the effects classification, upon stems of Latin and Greek words. When Latin
of gene exchange between regions was relatively trivial compared to and often also Greek were a usual part of general education, the
the ‘vertical’ transmission of genes through time. The alternative actual meanings of these stems were familiar. Even in these days,
proposal, known as the ‘Out of Africa’ hypothesis, suggests that when classical education is the privilege of only a small minority,
Africa was the single regional centre where the evolutionary change many of the words used are familiar because they have to some
from an archaic human to an anatomically-modern human mor- extent crept into ordinary language, sometimes with alittle distortion:
phology took place. This hypothesis is based on both palae- musculus, tendo, arteria, vena, cranium, etc. are so like. their ver-
ontological and molecular anthropological evidence. The former nacular equivalents that use of the Latin form is easy.
consists of the early dates of the African evidence for anatomically- Words derived from Latin and Greek have also the advantage of
modern humans and the latter rests on interpretations of mito- being suitable for international usage and efforts have been made to
chondrial (mt) DNA sequences from individuals, sampling a wide ensure uniform usage since 1895, when the Basle Nomina Anatomica
range of modern human populations. Initial assessments of the mt was introduced. In 1950 at the Oxford (Sth) International Congress of 13

Examples of paramedian
or sagittal, and parasagittal planes

Examples of
coronal planes
Plane of the left lateral line

Anteriorly or ventrally

Posteriorly or dorsally

Superiorly or cranially
Examples of transverse
or horizontal planes Inferiorly or caudally




Transpyloric plane

Transtubercular plane








1.5 The terminology widely used in descriptive anatomy. The abbreviations M and L—medial and lateral rotation. P and S—pronation and supination.
shown on the solid arrows: AD—adduction. AB—abduction, FLEX—flexion | and E—inversion and eversion.
14 (of the thigh at the hip joint), EXT— extension (of the leg at the knee joint),

Anatomists, a new body was instituted, the International Anatomical inferior, and so on. (Further details and discussion of these problems
Nomenclature Committee, whose first Honorary Secretary was T B may be found at appropriate locations throughout Sections 4 and
Johnston (one of our editorial predecessors; later Secretaries also 16.)
included Roger Warwick, co-editor of the last three editions of There is also a group of terms defining positions and directions
Gray’s. along the axis of the body which is, of course, upright in humans.
It must be said at once that the officially and internationally Structures which are nearer the head end, i.e. cranial, are officially
agreed terms (see Nomina Anatomica, Nomina Histologica, Nomina superior and those nearer the tail end, i.e. caudal, are inferior. Medial
Embryologica, 6th Edn 1992) are not always adhered to in textbooks and lateral, meaning nearer or further from the body’s midline axis,
or atlases. They are, of course, subject to revision at each quin- are complemented by median, meaning in the vertical, anteroposterior
quennial World Congress of Anatomists and doubtless many are (sagittal) midline plane. Other recognized planes are transverse (at
still inept and many are far too complex. Who will stringently adhere right angles to the median axis, or the putative axes of limbs) and
to ‘aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii’ for what we in English call vertical (coronal), orthogonal to the sagittal plane.
the ‘bicipital aponeurosis’? Of course, each national language is The whole system can be equated with a cubical reference grid,
permitted, and even encouraged, to vernacularize Latin terms, as anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, right and left aspects cor-
long as the relation to the official Latin remains clear. No one responding to the six faces of the cube, whose orthogonal sections
expects a sudden reference to ‘biceps femoris’ when dealing with the are transverse, coronal and sagittal (1.5). Various degrees of obliquity
arm, and hence ‘biceps’ for ‘musculus biceps brachii’ is safe to use, must, of course, add slight complications, compound terms, for
as long as no misunderstanding occurs. example posterolateral, being employed; but it is a well-tried system
This is the policy which we have adopted, not, unfortunately, with and most useful, as long as the somewhat artificial ‘anatomical
complete uniformity. We recognize the difficulty of pure Latinity for position’ is kept clearly in mind.
a large number of our readers and we prefer to anglicize Latin terms A variety of other positional terms exist and are used occasionally
but to give the official form, at least once, in parentheses. in this text, for example, distal and proximal are useful in describing
Coming also under the topic of nomenclature are the names of some structures in limbs, the datum point being the limb’s attachment
lines, planes and directions, used in describing structures. Con- to the trunk. They are also sometimes used in connection with
ventionally the body is regarded as being in the so-called ‘anatomical nerves, arteries, veins, lymphatics, bronchi and other branching
position’ (1.5) whenever such descriptions are applied. This position structures. Other terms are often found appropriate, for example
might be called one of supplication—the body upright, facing for- superficial, deep, radial and tangential.
wards (anteriorly), with the palms also anterior. There may be only We recognize that our readers may at first find some of these
two real objections to this. In the natural standing position with conventions unfamiliar and even irritating but familiarity with this
pendant arms, the forearms are usually half pronated. It is hence positional system and reasonable adherence to it and its terms
sometimes more apposite to speak of radial and ulnar aspects of the are as essential to clear, unambiguous communication (in clinical,
forearm, rather than medial and lateral. However, some anatomists academic and all such circumstances) as is the use of internationally
regret the rigid adherence to the full anatomical position both recognized unequivocal terms for structures and processes.
morphologically and, from some aspects, functionally. Close inspec-
tion reveals it as an energy consuming position, seldom actively
The systematic basis of the present text
adopted and involving some scapular rotation and adduction, full Gray’s Anatomy was founded on the principle that to understand
lateral rotation of the humerus, direct mediolateral disposition of the body’s construction it is necessary to analyse it in terms of its
the elbow joint’s axis, full supination of forearm and hand and with component systems as well as its regional topography. The book has
the pollex laterally placed! From this stem the somewhat unexpected remained true to this precept throughout its many editions. The
courses of the radial and ulnar nerves and the disposition of the systematic approach has considerable strengths: it provides a means
carpal and digital flexors and extensors. It proves most instructive of ready reference to each system, and can be clearly related to
to compare these and other features with their arrangement in functional considerations as well as many clinical matters. Of course,
natural standing or in many habitual postures or complex ‘precision’ this arrangement is to some extent an artificial separation of what
activities. (Prominent exceptions are placing objects in the mouth in the body are intimately interdependent components, both during
or, for examination, before the eyes.) Secondly, due to rotation of development and in the mature body. It is obvious that whilst there
the leg at the hip in all but very primitive quadrupeds, the originally are indeed many clinical conditions where dysfunction of a particular
dorsal extensor aspect has become anterior or ventral with respect system occurs, there are many others in which topographical nearness
to the knee and ankle joints. Furthermore, the extensor and flexor of different systems is the prime consideration, and that surgery, in
aspects of the hip joint are the converse of those at the knee joint. particular, has a regional basis. Clearly what is needed is both a
However, once a little comprehension of the broader facts of systematic account and aregional, topographical one. While it would
mammalian and hence human morphology is established, these require much more than a single volume to accomplish this goal,
difficulties are easily overcome. We have freely used the synonyms: there are many areas in the present work where the regional anatomy
anterior, ventral, flexor, palmar; also posterior, dorsal, extensor as of specific body areas is considered. This is most obvious in the new
apposite for the trunk and upper limb, but they are not always sections concerned with Surface Anatomy (Section 16) and Neonatal
satisfactory synonyms; for example, the extensor aspect of the leg is Anatomy and Growth (Section 4), but they also occur in relevant
anterior with respect to the knee and ankle joints and superior in the sections throughout the work, as an assiduous use of the index will
foot and digits; the plantar (flexor) aspect of the foot is, of course demonstrate.

; >



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Section Editor: Lawrence H. Bannister

With contributions from Conrad King: Cytoskeleton; Terry Preston: Cell motility (essay); lvor Mason: The nucleus and DNA;
Michael Daker: Chromosomes and cell reproduction; John E. Scott: Connective tissue matrix

CELLS 18 Structure of DNA 48 Urothelium (urinary or transitional

Introduction 18 Structure of eukaryotic epithelium) 72
Historical background 18 chromosomes 49 Seminiferous epithelium 73
General organization of cells 20 Structure and regulation of eukaryotic Glands 73
Cell structure 21 genes 50 Complex structures derived from
Cytoplasm 23 Cellular differentiation 54 epithelium 75
Membrane systems of the cell 23 The cell cycle 54 Connective tissues 75
Plasma membrane (plasmalemma or DNA replication 55 Introduction 75
cellmembrane) 24 The nucleolus 55 Cells of general connective tissue 75
Intercellular and extracellular Other nuclear inclusions 56 Fibroblasts 76
contacts 26 Reproduction of cells 56 Adipocytes (lipocytes, fat cells) 76
Endoplasmic reticulum 30 Types of cell division 56 Macrophages (histiocytes,
Ribosomes 30 Mitosis 57 clasmatocytes) 78
Golgi complex (Golgi apparatus or Meiosis 60 Lymphocytes 78
dictyosome) 31 Meiosis | 60 Mast cells (mastocytes,
Degradative vacuole system: Meiosis Il 61 histaminocytes) 79
endocytic vesicles, endosomes and Classification of human Neutrophil and eosinophil
lysosomes 32 chromosomes 62 leucocytes 80
Peroxisomes 34 Sex chromatin 63 Pigment cells (melanocytes) 80
Mitochondria 34 Chromosome abnormalities 63 Extracellular matrix (ECM) 80
Other vesicles and vacuoles 35 TISSUES 67 Collagens 81
Cytoskeleton 36 Epithelium 67 Ground (or interfibrillar)
Actin filaments (microfilaments) 37 Characteristics of epithelia 67 substance 84
Other actin-binding proteins 38 Classification of epithelia 67 Supramolecular organization in
Microtubules 38 Unilaminar (simple) epithelia 67 ECM
Intermediate filaments 39 Squamous (pavement) Proteoglycan: collagen
Myosins 40 epithelium 69 interactions 86
Very thin filaments 40 Cuboidal and columnar Filamentous proteins with adhesive
Microvilli 40 epithelia 69 properties 87
Cilia and flagella 41 Pseudostratified epithelium 70 Basal lamina and basement
Centrioles and microtubule-organizing Sensory epithelia 71 membrane 87
centres 43 Myoepitheliocytes 71 Classification of connective tissues 88
Cell motility 43 Multilaminar epithelia 71 Irregular connective tissues 88
Nucleus 46 Stratified squamous epithelia 71 Regular connective tissues 89
Nuclear envelope 46 Stratified cuboidal and columnar Vessels and nerves of connective
Historical background of molecular epithelia 72 tissue 90
genetics 48

INTRODUCTION what later, immersion objectives. At this time there was a great
increase in scientific activity in many disciplines and from this period
As already stated, it is the aim of Anatomy as a scientific discipline come the first of the modern histologists such as Henle, Schwann,
not only to describe the form of the body but to gain a true Deiters and Purkinje and later Remak, Ranvier, Leydig, Virchow,
understanding of the biological principles and processes which under- Metchinikov, Golgi and Hertwig, among many others. The work of
lie that form. The body is essentially a cellular structure: it begins KO6lliker in Wiirzburg, in particular, was a major contribution to
its existence as a single cell, the fertilized ovum, it develops by histology and this subject as a separate discipline dates from his
multiplication and differentiation of cells, it matures as the cells and publication of the first histology textbook in 1852.
the substances they generate achieve their mature state; senescence However, these developments depended on new insights into the
is the decay and death the final cessation of cellular activities. It nature of biological organization. A major conceptual advance was
is, therefore, highly appropriate to consider the body’s general the formulation of the cell theory, independently, by the botanist
construction in the context of its microscopic cellular anatomy. Schleiden in 1838 and the zoologist Schwann in 1839; by this time
The study of cells—cytology—and of their aggregations to form it was realized that the whole body is composed of aggregations of
tissues and organs—histology—embraces many complementary microscopic living units, cells, each with a nucleus and possessing a
approaches, including the study of cell and tissue structure, physi- measure of independence as well as being subservient to the body as
ology, biochemistry, biophysics and biometrics, all of which disci- a whole. The physiology, mechanics and pathological reactions of
plines have greatly contributed to and continue to enrich our the body reflect the properties and activities of the cells of which it
comprehension of cellular life. is composed.
Some years before, the French anatomist Bichat (1771-1802) had
coined the term ‘tissues’ (fabrics) to categorize the textures of the
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND different parts of the body, distinguishing 21 different classes.
In this section of Gray’s we examine the nature of the cells—primarily Schwann reduced these to five (in modern times we have four; see
their structure because this is the emphasis of anatomy, but also however p. 67). In 1844 Owen used the term ‘histology’ for their study
their molecular organization and physiological behaviour where these (from the Greek: histos = something woven). Different methods of
are relevant to their microanatomy. In the introduction to this preparation were now being used to demonstrate the microscopic
section we first review briefly how the present state of knowledge structure of tissues; separation of tissues and cells by maceration
was reached during the historical past, and next the structures of the and microdissection were largely supplanted by the more refined
chief components of cells in general are described, including their methods of wax sectioning and staining with dyes appropriated from
different membranous structures and filamentous systems, the genetic the burgeoning dye-stuffs industry.
apparatus of the nucleus, and the manner in which cells reproduce Developments in the theory and technology of lenses culminated
and move. In the second part of the section the structure and biology in the design of a high resolution compound microscope by Abbé
of two types of multicellular assemblies (tissues), epithelia and general and its construction by Messrs. Zeiss at Jena in the 1870s, setting
connective tissue are outlined. Other more specialized tissues are the field for a rapid expansion of cytology and histology as serious
dealt with elsewhere in relation to the relevant systems: those of the ° disciplines. Histology was now established as a major branch of
skin in Section 5, cartilage arid bone with the skeleton (Section 6), Anatomy and, during the following few decades, most of what we
muscle tissues in Section 7, nervous tissue in Section 8, haemal and know today as classic light microscope histology was established,
lymphoid tissue in 9, and endothelia in 10. including the elucidation of chromosome behaviour in mitosis,
Our present view of the body’s cellular organization has a history meiosis and fertilization and the exploration of the cellular structure
spanning at least three centuries (for accounts of this period see the of the nervous system. The first successes in the culture of cells in
works by Singer 1931, Singer & Underwood 1962, Taton 1966) and, artificial media were also achieved during this period, initially in
like most scientific advances, it has closely followed developments in 1907 by Harrison in Baltimore and subsequently developed by Carrel
technology, in this case, chiefly the design and construction of optical in New York. Inalater period, from about 1930-1950, other optical
equipment. Simple systems of multiple lenses were first made in the refinements were introduced to allow viewing of living cells, including
Netherlands during the early seventeenth century and these primitive dark field, phase, interference contrast and ultraviolet microscopy.
microscopes gave access to a hitherto totally unknown world of However, by this time, histology had lost some of its initial impetus
minute objects. There followed the early period of graphic description and had long since reached its theoretical limit of point-to-point
of the microscopic features of many animals and plants, begun by resolution, i.e. twice the wavelength of visible light (about 0.2 wm),
the members of the Accademia dei Lincei (1609-1630) in Italy, whose limiting effective magnification to about a thousand times.
number included, amongst others, Galileo, Cesi, Stelluti and Faber The renaissance of cell biology was heralded by the development
of Bambourg (the inventor of the term ‘microscope’). in the 1950s of effective electron microscopy, increasing resolution a
During the second half of the seventeenth century, a number of thousandfold and permitting useful magnifications of up to a million
scientists in different countries (the ‘Classical Microscopists’) carried to be reached. An era of great activity followed, in which appropriate
out more comprehensive investigations of the world of microscopic methods of tissue preparation were explored and applied to a wide
biology, which were published as a series of beautifully illustrated variety of cells, tissues and organs. The result was the discovery of
monographs. In Bologna, Marcello Malpighi investigated a great a great richness of structural detail which has revolutionized our
range of microscopic objects and was the first to examine the understanding of cells and their functional roles. At the same time,
microstructure of the skin, kidney and spleen and to establish that cell fractionation methods for studying the biochemistry of organelles
capillary networks intervened between arteries and veins. He also were being developed and used in combination with electron
laid the earliest foundations of microscopic embryology. In London, microscopy. The powerful techniques of X-ray diffraction were
Robert Hooke in his great treatise Micrographia (1665) delineated solving many problems of macromolecular structure, the most cel-
with meticulous care a great richness of microscopic life and first ebrated success being the double helical organization of deoxy-
used the term ‘cells’, although these were actually the network of ribonucleic acid (DNA) demonstrated by Crick, Watson, Wilkins
dead cell walls in cork wood. Anton van Leeuwenhoek in Delft, and Franklin in 1952, leading to the unravelling of the genetic code
Nehemia Grew in London and Jan Swammerdam in the Netherlands and its role in protein synthesis.
and France also made great contributions to animal and plant Various other methods have also proved of great value: for
microscopy during this period. example, autoradiographic analysis, in which the positions of iso-
Thereafter, except for embryologists such as de Graaf, Stensen topically-labelled molecules assimilated and transported by cells can
and Wolff, there were few major advances in microscopic inves- be detected in sectioned material by their effects on photographic
tigation until the nineteenth century, when better microscopes began emulsion; various immunological methods for detecting different
to be made, achromatic lenses appearing in about 1830 and, some- types of complex molecules by means of specific antibody binding,

ne) dete


2.1 A three-dimensional reconstruction of some of the principal archi- (purple), microtubules (blue), microfilaments, and a centriole pair (grey) are
tectural features of an absorptive cell lying in the simple columnar epithelium also shown. The apical surface of the cell is covered with microvilli supported
of the small intestine. Part of the cell is cut away to expose the nuclear by microfilaments which are inserted into a filamentous terminal web. Junc-
envelope (green); nuclear contents are the nucleolus (red) and chro- tional complexes are seen at the lateral borders of cells apically. A lamina
mosomes (black). Outside in the cytoplasm lie the endoplasmic reticulum basalis (purple) forms the boundary of the epithelium basally, and lies in
(yellow) with ribosomes (red) in clusters; the Golgi apparatus (pink) is shown close relation to the underlying reticulum and collagen.
in asupranuclear position, various cytoplasmic vesicles including lysosbmes
greatly assisted by the production of monoclonal antibodies; other GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF CELLS
major contributions with special structural methods, including scan-
ning electron microscopy to study the surfaces of cells, freeze-fracture Before proceeding to describe detailed cellular structure, it is desirable
or freeze-etching methods to expose the interiors of their membranes to make a brief review of their general composition. The living
and related structures, microanalysis of the elemental composition matter of which cells are made, protoplasm, is composed mainly of
of tissues and cells, computer-dependent analysis of light microscope water (70% or more by volume), with dissolved inorganic cations
images to visualize organelle behaviour in living cells, quantitative (ions of hydrogen, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
(stereological) analysis of cellular components and many other appli- etc.) and anions (chloride, bicarbonate, hydroxyl, phosphate, sul-
cations. Most recently, the growth of recombinant DNA technology phate, etc.), but is also permeated with assemblies of large organic
to detect and determine the precise composition of particular genes molecules which compose the cellular structure and the system of
and to follow their expression in the cell (see p.52) has provided a enzymes and energy carriers providing the basis of living processes
particularly powerful set of tools not only for the analysis of cell within cells. Of the large molecules, the most abundant are those of
function but also to synthesize cellular products for clinical and lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids. The first three of
commercial use. these provide structural materials and enzymes; nucleic acids are
Inevitably, during the early decades of electron microscopy, a important in directing the activities of the cell and in passing on this
strong emphasis was placed on the description of microscopic struc- ability to new cells and to subsequent generations. Numerous smaller
ture, so that by the mid-1970s the forms and intracellular contents organic molecules also abound in the protoplasm, engaged in the
of most of the major cell types, tissues and organs of the body had teeming biochemical traffic which comprises cell function.
been systematically investigated at the ultrastructural level. Since The cell interior is relatively unstable in composition, and must
that time, a more experimental approach has prevailed and we are be held ionically, osmotically and electrically within a narrow range
steadily gaining fresh insights into the principles governing the for it to function effectively. However, each cell is also in a constant
dynamic organization of cellular systems and their interactions. dynamic interchange with its external environment, including other
Many major problems remain to be solved and, judging from past cells, and continuous expenditure of energy is needed to maintain a
experience, more have yet to be recognized. But at least many of the steady internal state. If this is lost, the cell undergoes degeneration
fundamental questions of biological existence are being addressed and eventually dies.
seriously and we can begin to expect a rich return from the investment In the living state, most individual cells are greyish in appearance
of so much intellectual labour over the past century. in transmitted light and each is bounded by a deformable, selectively

2.2 A high-power micrograph of living cells (fibroblasts in tissue culture), Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. Mag-
20 viewed by Normarski interference microscopy. Provided by the Paediatric nification x 2000.

permeable membrane which separates it from the environment, and phagocytosis) and the reciprocal passage of large molecular com-
confers on cells many properties essential to the maintenance of life. plexes out of cells (exocytosis, secretion).
Within, the physical properties of the cytoplasm vary from those of Cell shape. The external appearances of cells vary widely (2.14)
a stiff gel to a highly fluid state, depending on the presence of depending on their interactions with each other, their extracellular
complex filamentous macromolecules and their interactive states. environment, and internal structures. Their surfaces are often highly
However, individual cells are composed of many distinctive assemb- folded when absorptive or transport functions are performed across
lies of macromolecules which form centres of functional cooperation; its boundary, forming microvilli and other protrusions or infoldings,
these organelles will be described in some detail in this section, as thus creating a large surface area for transport or diffusion.
an appreciation of their roles in cell activities is fundamental to an
understanding of the organization of cells and their aggregates. Cells and tissues
Cells rarely operate independently of each other and tend to form
Cell size aggregates by reciprocal adhesion, often assisted by the formation
Most mammalian cells lie within the size range 5—50 pm in diameter; of special structural attachments. They may also communicate with
for example, resting lymphocytes are amongst the smallest, at about each other either by releasing and detecting chemical messages
6 wm across, red blood cells are about 7.5 ym and columnar epithelial diffusing through intercellular spaces or more rapidly by membrane
cells about 201m tall and 101m wide. Some cells are much larger contact, in many cases involving small, temporary transmembrane
than this: mature ova may be 80m across and megakaryocytes of channels (p. 28). Cohesive or spatially aggregated groups of cells
the bone marrow over 200m in diameter. Large neurons and constitute tissues and more complex assemblies of tissues form
skeletal muscle cells have relatively enormous volumes because of functional systems such as the visceral organs, whose development
their highly attenuated forms—some may be over a metre in length. and maintenance depend on as yet poorly understood cellular inter-
Generally speaking, limitations of cell size are determined by prob- actions.
lems with rates of diffusion, either of substances into and out of cells
or within them. The major advantage of cellularity is that diffusion
of materials over short distances of up to 50m is relatively rapid
so that metabolic needs of active cells can be sustained easily and
cellular aggregates react rapidly to the control systems of the body.
As a cell increases in size, its mass increase outstrips its surface area
unless its shape changes, since the mass varies by the cube of the
diameter, whereas the area only increases by the square (see the
discussion of this problem by Thompson 1942). Processes depending
on the surface area (e.g. diffusion of gases, transport of nutrients,
etc.), therefore, become increasingly difficult to maintain at adequate
levels. The distance of the cell periphery from the nucleus also
becomes greater, so that exertion of nuclear control on the cytoplasm
becomes more problematical. In large cells these issues are to some
extent overcome by increasing the relative surface area, either by
folding or flattening, and nuclear control can be facilitated by
creating more nuclei in each cell either by fusion of mononuclear
cells (a syncytium), as in skeletal muscle, or more rarely by the
multiplication of nuclei without corresponding cytoplasmic division
(a plasmodium, in the human an unusual and irregular finding in
some epithelial cells, e.g. hepatocytes, p. 1805). Intracellular diffusion
can also be much accelerated by processes of active transport across
membranes and directed by motile mechanisms within the fluid
regions of the cell.
Motility. This is a characteristic of most cells, taking the form of
movements of cytoplasm or specific organelles from one part of the
cell to another (e.g. cytoplasmic streaming). It also includes the
extension of parts of cells such as pseudopodia, ruffled borders
filopodia and microvilli from the surface, locomotion of whole cells
by complex streaming interactions with their environment (amoeboid
locomotion, etc.) or the beating of flagella (p.42), cell division,
muscle contraction and ciliary beating which moves fluid over
internal body surfaces. Cell movements are also involved in the 2.3 Flattened fibroblasts growing in tissue culture viewed with the scanning
uptake of materials from their environment (endocytosis, electron microscope. Material provided by L. Mallucci. Magnification x 500.

Although great modifications of form and activities may take place branous organelles in the portion of the cytoplasm known as the
in different cells during their development and maturation, a common cytosol, including ribosomes, several types of filamentous protein
pattern of organization can be seen in their structure and functions. assemblies (collectively, the cytoskeleton), some assisting to determine
In describing this pattern, as seen with the methods of electron general cell shape or supporting special extensions of the cell surface
microscopy coupled with many other techniques, we will consider (microvilli, cilia, flagella); others are involved in the assembly of new
first the outer parts of the cell, the cytoplasm, and then the central filamentous organelles (e.g. centrioles) or internal movements of
nucleus. Within the cytoplasm are present several distinct systems of the cytoplasm. Also in the cytosol lie many soluble proteins and
organelles (2.1, 4, 5). These include a series of membrane-bound metabolites of various kinds. The whole cell is bounded externally
structures which form separate compartments within the cytoplasm, by a specialized membrane, the plasma membrane. Within the cyto-
such as the endoplasmic reticula, Golgi complexes, lysosomes, per- plasm is the nucleus, a special membrane-lined compartment con-
oxisomes, mitochondria and transport, secretory and storage vesicles. taining the genetic instructions of the cell, the chromosomes; other
They also comprise various structures lying outside these mem- nuclear organelles lying in the nuclear sap, for example the nucleolus, 21

Secretory vacuole Golgi complex

Nuclear envelope

: : Nuclear pore

Nucleolus Nucleus

: Condensed (inactive) chromatin

Microtubules ( e),¢

Extended (active) chromatin

Cilium base

Cilium root

Microbody icrovillus

Forming phagosome Microfilaments

Primary lysosome Transport vesicle


Endocytic|pinocytotic \Filopodium

Unattached ribosomes
Multivesicular body

Secondary lysosome Exocytic vesicle

Granular endoplasmic
Residual (Lysosomal) reticulum (with
body attached ribosomes)


Myelin figure

Mitochondrion Lipid
ipid vacuole1

Glycocalyx endoplasmic reticulum

Plasmalemma Centrioles

Cytoplasmic matrix Extracellular substances

Desmosome Microtubules

aoe EZ v
Intermediate Microfilaments

pow : os Communicating

2.4 A composite diagram showing the principal structures found within

22 tissue cells. Only a proportion of the features illustrated will be present in
any specific cell type.
2.5 An electron micrograph of a protein-synthesizing cell (plasmacyte: reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosomes and a cell membrane
mature B-lymphocyte) in section showing abundant rough endoplasmic with surface protrusions (filopodia). Magnification x 12 000.

are involved in the expression of these instructions. These different (Singer & Nicolson 1972; see also Bretscher 1985). Some proteins,
structures and an outline of their known activities will now be briefly because of the extensive hydrophobic portions of their polypeptide
described. For further details the reader is referred to other lengthier chains, span the entire width of the membrane (transmembrane
texts, such as those by Kristi¢ (1984), Weiss (1983a), Fawcett (1994), proteins) whilst others are only superficially attached. Carbohydrates
Alberts et al (1994). in the form of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are bound
either to proteins (glycoproteins) or to lipids (glycolipids), projecting
outwards from the surface of the membrane.
These features, deduced partly from biochemical and biophysical
data, can be correlated with electron microscopic appearances. Mem-
branes, suitably fixed and stained by heavy metals, show in section
MEMBRANE SYSTEMS OF THE CELL two densely stained layers separated by an electron-translucent
With the advent of electron microscopy, it was confirmed that cells zone (2.6), the total thickness being about 7.5 nm (the classic ‘unit
are bounded by a distinct membrane and internally are permeated membrane’ of Robertson 1959), probably reflecting binding of stain
by membrane-lined vacuoles and channels, forming a series of closed by the ‘heads’ of the phospholipid molecules. Freeze-fractured and/or
compartments within cells. Both external and internal membranes etched specimens in which the deeply frozen sample is cleaved to
(cytomembranes) have many common features. All are composed of expose membrane interiors and of which a metal-shadowed carbon
phospholipids and proteins, usually in an approximately 3:2 ratio, replica is then made and viewed by electron microscopy (2.6, 8), have
with a small amount of carbohydrate. The amount of lipid in an also demonstrated a bilaminar structure in membranes. Cleavage
external membrane permits a layer two molecules thick to cover the planes usually pass along the midline of each membrane where the
cell surface. As long ago as 1925 Gorter and Grendel proposed that hydrophobic ‘tails’ of phospholipids meet. This method has also
all cell membranes are bilayers of lipid, with the hydrophobic ends demonstrated intramembranous particles (IMPs) embedded in the
of each lipid molecule pointing towards the interior of the membrane lipid layers; these are in the 5-15nm range and in most cases
and the hydrophilic ends pointing outwards. Later, Danielli and represent large transmembrane protein molecules or assemblies of
Davson (1935) suggested that the protein might line both sides of such molecules. IMPs are distributed asymmetrically between the
the lipid to form a protein/lipid sandwich, but more recently the two half-membranes, usually adhering more to one face than the
fluid mosaic model was proposed and widely confirmed, in which the other. In plasma membranes (which form the cell surface), the inner
proteins are envisaged as embedded or floating in the lipid bilayer or protoplasmic half-membrane carries most particles, exposed at its 23


externally-facing surface (the P face). The corresponding inwardly- within the cell. The reverse process—extrusion of organic molecules—
directed (E) surface of the external half-membrane usually shows is achieved by exocytic vesicles which fuse with the plasma membrane
pits into which the particles fit (2.6, 8, 10). Not all the proteins of and release their contents to the exterior.
membranes are visible as particles, however; some are either too The plasma membrane, like other cytomembranes, is in constant
small or not compact enough to appear in this form and have, as flux (see Pearse & Bretscher 1981), the whole surface being regularly
yet, been demonstrated only biochemically. Where they have been changed by subtraction through endocytosis or the loss of com-
identified, particles usually represent channels for the transmembrane ponents externally and by addition of new membrane from exocytic
passage of ions or molecules. vesicles. Endocytosed membrane may either be degraded in the
Biophysical measurements show the phospholipid bilayer to be lysosomal system of the cell or components of it recycled back to
highly fluid, allowing diffusion along the plane of the membrane at the cell surface in vesicular form; there is thus a continual traffic
rates as high as 2ym/second (Bretscher 1975). Thus proteins are between the cell interior and surface, allowing the cell to modify the
able to move freely along such planes unless anchored from within properties of its plasma membrane in response to metabolic needs
the cell. Some internal membranes possess much more protein than or to external stimuli, add new membrane during growth, repair
the external cell membrane, for example the inner mitochondrial surface damage, take in large molecular complexes from outside and
membrane which is rich in enzyme activity; the fluidity of such engage in many other interactions with the cell environment.
membranes is correspondingly much reduced. The plasma membrane also has special roles in co-ordinating
The functions of cell membranes are many: they form boundaries many cellular activities by signalling changes in the cell’s environment
selectively limiting diffusion and creating physiologically distinct to the cell interior and in maintaining the cell’s shape and coherence.
compartments inside the cell, dividing those regions within the It therefore acts as a sensory surface, with a wide variety of special
channel system (vacuoplasm) from those outside it (cytosol or receptor molecules, some responding only to a narrow range of
hyaloplasm). Membranes actively control the passage ofelectrolytes stimuli (e.g. the receptors for insulin, acetylcholine (ACh) and low
and small organic molecules, generate bioelectric potentials and density lipoprotein), others being activated by more general factors
provide surfaces for the attachment of enzymes often associated with such as the contact with other cells or inorganic surfaces. Stimulation
the movement of reaction products across membranes (vectorial of the cell surface may result in changes in the bioelectric trans-
metabolism). Membranes also serve as sites for the reception of membrane potential causing fluxes of inorganic ions; this is most
external stimuli, including hormones and other chemical agents, and striking in the excitable plasma membranes of nerve and muscle cells
for the recognition and attachment of other cells. Conversely, they in which the ‘resting’ voltage can change transiently from as much
may alter the activities of other cells by transmitting to them chemical as 100mV (negative inside) to 50 mV (positive inside) when suitably
or physical messages of various kinds. Lastly, they can act as points stimulated, a result of the opening and subsequent closure of channels
of attachment of intracellular structures—the basis for locomotor selectively permeable to sodium and potassium (see p. 905).
activity and for cytoskeletal stability (p. 36). Stimulation of surface receptors also often activates a ‘second
Membranes within cells can, on occasion, fuse with each other messenger’ which may profoundly change the metabolism or motility
and so form a potentially continuous system. However, there are of the whole cell. Adenylate cyclase, an enzyme associated with the
barriers to the indiscriminate mixing of membrane components so plasma membrane of probably all nucleated cells, is prominent in
that each maintains its unique chemical and functional features. this process; its activation results in changes in concentrations of
Thus, although the membrane systems of a cell can be viewed as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) within the cell, leading
a single entity, they are highly distinctive and localized in their to alterations in DNA synthesis, gene expression, protein synthesis,
activities. actin and myosin interactions and many other intracellular events.
Cell membranes are synthesized by the granular endoplasmic Cyclic guanidine monophosphate (cyclic GMP) is controlled by
reticulum (p. 30), usually in collaboration with the Golgi apparatus. similar enzyme systems and may have effects antagonistic to those
of cyclic AMP. Some hormones and neurotransmitters act in this
manner and it is probable that many types of intercellular com-
PLASMA MEMBRANE (PLASMALEMMA OR CELL munication use this or similar systems. Another mechanism of much
MEMBRANE) current interest involves the phospholipid phosphoinositol and its
The plasma membrane differs from other membranes in that it forms derivatives in calcium-regulating processes within the cell, which lead
the external boundary of the cell (2.6, 7) and, as such, possesses to the activation of phosphokinases and phosphorylation of various
many distinctive structural features; for example, it bears a diffuse cellular components, a step with far-reaching metabolic and struc-
tural consequences (see Berridge 1985).
carbohydrate-rich coat, the cell coat or glycocalyx, externally. In
certain sites it also forms intercellular junctions of various types with Although these considerations apply to the plasma membranes of
other cells or adhesive plaques and in some instances, hemi- all cells, those of specialized cells are often highly developed in some
desmosomes with extracellular structures (see p. 27). Within the cell, particular respect. Thus, sensory membranes of retinal photo-
filaments of the cytoskeleton are also anchored to the plasma receptors, derived from the plasma membrane, have numerous
membrane proteins, immobilizing them or transmitting motile forces photoreceptive proteins embedded in their surfaces; the acetylcholine-
from within the cell to the cell surface and thus causing changes receptive sole-plate membranes of skeletal muscle cells likewise are
of cell shape or locomotion. The plasma membrane is selectively studded with protein particles able to bind the transmitter. Research
permeable, allowing the free passage of some gases and water but in this field is indeed of great potential since it may reveal much about
restricting the movements of larger ions such as those of sodium, cellular functions in general and also give a deeper understanding of
potassium, calcium, chloride and bicarbonate to special pro- the actions of drugs on cells; the cell membrane is undoubtedly
teinaceous channels, which can be opened or closed by the cell to the primary target of a wide variety of chemotherapeutic agents,
regulate transmembrane traffic. The passage of many other sub- anaesthetics and other substances of medical importance.
stances such as glucose, amino acids and nucleic acid precursors is The cell coat (glycocalyx)
also limited to such routes. In most cases, each channel will only
admit one species of ion or molecule; substances either move passively As mentioned above, the cell coat forms an integral part of the
through these apertures along diffusion gradients, or by energy- plasma membrane, projecting as a diffuse filamentous layer 2-
consuming active transport. Movements of such materials into and 20nm or more from the lipoprotein surface. It is composed of the
out of the cell vary greatly, depending on their local concentrations, carbohydrate portions of glycoproteins and glycolipids embedded
cell requirements, the availability of chemical energy, action of in the plasma membrane (2.6, 7), consisting of much branched
external hormones and neurotransmitters and many other factors. oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, the terminal residues of which
However, lipid-soluble substances may be able to pass through the are usually negatively charged sialic acids, such as n-acetyl neura-
minic acid, but are also often rich in galactose residues. These
lipidic portion of membranes directly so that, for example, steroid
hormones can enter the cytoplasm without passing through protein and other carbohydrates can be readily demonstrated by electron
channels. The uptake of larger molecules involves the invagination microscopy, using dyes such as ruthenium red, or more specifically
and rounding up of the plasma membrane to form small vacuoles with plant-derived chemical probes termed /ectins (e.g. concanavalin
24 termed endocytic vesicles (2.4), which are transported to other regions A, wheat germ agglutinin, phytohaemagglutinin) which bind to

Attachment Transport or Protein exposed

: ( Ca.
between proteins diffusion channel at internal surface


Protein exposed
at external surface

Receptor protein

Protein spanning
the membrane

Polar end of
phospholipid molecule

Non-polar end of
phospholipid molecule

2.6 The various ‘appearances’ of the plasma membrane as studied with double helical actin filament (pink) is attached to the inside (left). The
different electron microscope techniques, including sectioning and freeze- hydrophobic tails of the lipid molecules are shown as thin black lines and
fracturing together with current interpretations of the results of these and their hydrophilic heads as spheres: blue for the outer surface of the mem-
other biophysical methods. In this diagram, membrane proteins (green) are brane and yellow for the inner surface. These various shapes are, of course,
either confined to a single leaflet of the lipid bilayer, or they span both only schematic, as the various protein, lipid and carbohydrate molecules of
‘layers. Branched carbohydrate chains (grey) are shown attached to some which cell membranes are constituted have differing detailed shapes.
transmembrane proteins on the external surface of the membrane, and a

particular carbohydrate groups. By conjugating lectins with fluo- enabling cells to adhere selectively to other cells or extracellular
rescent molecules, or with electron microscopic tracers such as material are also present and are of utmost importance in maintaining
ferritin, horseradish peroxidase or colloidal gold, the surface carbo- the integrity of cellular assemblies of all kinds (see p. 26). They are
hydrates can readily be visualized and even quantitated. also vital to a wide range of developmental movements and inter-
The precise composition of the glycocalyx varies with cell type; actions between cells, for example the formation of inter-
many tissue antigens are located in the coat, including the major communicating neural networks in the nervous system.
histocompatibility antigen (MHC) systems and, in the case of ery- Because of the predominance of negatively-charged carbohydrates
throcytes, blood group antigens (p. 1410). Special adhesion molecules at cell surfaces, cells tend to repel each other if they approach too 25
to extracellular fibrils or other structures. They may also be involved
in signalling between cells either directly by specialized contacts, or
indirectly through extracellular macromolecules. In many instances,
the same contacts subserve both adhesion and signalling. Contacts
between cells can also be used in other ways, for example, to create
diffusion barriers. Structurally there are two main classes of contact,
both of them associated with cell adhesion molecules:
e those without any obvious ultrastructural features in the areas of
e those with ultrastructurally visible specializations.

‘Unspecialized’ adhesive contacts

Cells typically adhere to one another or to extracellular structures
over extensive areas of their surface, although their lipid bilayers do
2.7. Electron micrograph of a section through the surface ofa fibroblast not approach closer than about 20 nm, a distance determined by the
stained with ruthenium red to show the thick glycocalyx. Mag-
net negative electrostatic potential of their surface carbohydrates,
nification x 40 000.
especially sialic acid which exerts a charge repulsion between adjacent
plasma membranes. However, various transmembrane or membrane-
anchored glycoproteins protrude externally from the plasma mem-
closely. Thus, except at special junctions, there is a distance of at brane and form adhesive contacts over such distances. These are
least 20nm between the plasma membranes of adjacent cells. But termed cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) of which many types have
some positively-charged molecules also exist at cell surfaces and can been described, and more are continually being discovered. They
form intercellular links with negative charges across the intercellular include a number of categories, divisible broadly into those whose
gap. adhesive properties depend on the presence of calcium ions, and
Since the glycoproteins and glycolipids are usually free to move those which are calcium-independent (see also p. 111).
in the plane of the membrane, addition of lectins or antibodies can Calcium-dependent adhesion molecules. Three sub-types of
cause the aggregation of these carbohydrate-rich molecules which these are known: the cadherins, selectins and integrins.
become cross-linked to form raft-like groups or ‘patches’. If these Cadherins. These are responsible for strong general intercellular
are further aggregated by motile activities of the cell (an energy- adhesion; they are single-pass transmembrane proteins, with five
dependent process), they may merge to form a ‘cap’ at one pole of domains on their external ends (four of them repeated) which are
the cell. In other cells (e.g. erythrocytes) the carbohydrate-rich heavily glycosylated. At their cytoplasmic ends they are attached by
molecules are prevented from wandering or forming patches by intermediary proteins (catenins) to underlying cytoskeletal fibres
internal anchoring proteins (p. 38). (either actin or intermediate filaments). Different types of cell may
possess different forms of cadherins, for example N-cadherins in
nervous tissue, E-cadherins in epithelia, and P-cadherins in the
INTERCELLULAR AND EXTRACELLULAR placenta. These molecules bind to those of the same type in other
CONTACTS cells (homophilic binding), so that cells of the same class adhere to
The plasma membrane is, of course, the surface which establishes each other preferentially, forming tissue groups or layers (as in
contact with other cells and with the structural materials of its epithelia), reforming these even after they have been disaggregated
extracellular environment. Such contacts lead to a number of different experimentally. For review, see Geiger and Ayalon (1992).
interactions which have a profound effect on the biology of cells, Selectins. These are another quite distinct form of adhesion
affecting their shape, position, differentiation, metabolism, morpho- molecule, found in leucocytes and other migratory cells. They are
genesis and ability to multiply, depending on the cell type and the transmembrane glycoproteins which can bind, with a rather low
organization of the surrounding extracellular materials. Contacts affinity, to the carbohydrate groups on other cell surfaces to permit
may be primarily adhesive, enabling cells to stick to each other and movement between the two, albeit rather restricted in speed, for

2.8 Electron micrographs of the plasma membrane of an erythrocyte pre- few particles and some pit-like depressions; in B the internal (P) fracture
26 pared by freeze-fracturing. A shows the external (E) fracture face, bearing face is visible, showing numerous particles. Magnification x 80 000.

example the rolling adhesion of leucocytes on the walls of blood specialized regions of membrane can be maintained in an appropriate
vessels (p. 1461). For review, see Haas & Plow (1994). position, for example the secretory surface of a gland cell or the ion-
Integrins. These are glycoproteins which typically mediate transporting surface of a kidney tubule cell (see Simons & Fuller
adhesion between cells and extracellular tissue components, for 1985). For a recent review of tight junctions see Schneeberger &
example fibronectin, collagen, laminin. Each integrin molecule is Lynch (1992).
formed of two subunits (a and f) each of which has several (or Specialized adhesive contacts. These include intercellular and
more) subtypes, whose combinations provide at least 20 specificities, cell-extracellular matrix contacts where cells adhere strongly to each
each one directed to a particular extracellular molecule, or, at their other or to adjacent matrix components. Intercellular contacts can
other ends, anchored within the cell to a particular cytoskeletal be subdivided into adhesive belts, adhesive strips, and adhesive spots
component (see Rosen & Bertozzi 1994). (desmosomes). In all of these there is a high concentration of CAMs
Calcium-independent adhesion molecules. Of these the best which bind at their exposed ends to those of adjacent cells, and at
known are glycoproteins which have external domains similar to their internal ends to cytoskeletal fibres via intermediary proteins.
immunoglobulin molecules. They are mostly transmembrane pro- The latter create electron-dense undercoatings of the plasma mem-
teins, but some of them are entirely external, either attached to the brane visible by electron microscopy, and which act to distribute
plasma membrane by glycosylphosphotidylinositol (GPI) anchor, or tensional forces throughout the cell instead of just to the plasma
secreted as soluble components of the extracellular matrix. As with membrane which is mechanically very weak. Cell—matrix junctions
the cadherins, like binds to like, i.e. they are homophilic. Many include hemidesmosomes and focal spots.
different types have now been described in different tissues. Two The adhesive belt (zonula adherens) (5.9, 10.) This is a con-
well-researched groups are the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules (N- tinuous zone formed around the apical perimeters of epithelial,
CAMs), with nearly 20 known varieties currently, and the Jnter- mesothelial and endothelial cells, parallel and just basal to the
cellular Adhesion Molecules (ICAMs) expressed on leucocytes. These occluding belt (see above). High concentrations of cadherins occur
adhesion molecules are coexpressed with the calcium dependent here, their cytoplasmic ends anchored via the proteins vinculin and
classes; their distinctive roles are not entirely clear but it is thought a-actinin to a layer of actin microfilaments which form a dense
that they may modulate intercellular adhesion; for example, the undercoat in this region. This helps to reinforce the rather weak
soluble form of N-CAM may bind to membrane-bound forms and intercellular attachment of the occluding belt and prevents its dis-
so block intercellular adhesion. For a recent review, see Walsh & ruption when tissues are stretched. The gap between cell surfaces is
Doherty (1993). about 20nm, and no electron-dense material is usually observed in
Reduction of the normal adhesive properties of cells in malignant this space.
neoplasms favours their rapid local spread and the formation of The adhesive strip (fascia adherens). This is a type of junction
secondary colonies (metastases) elsewhere. similar to the adhering belt but forming a limited anchoring strip or
For further reading on cell adhesion molecules and intercellular patch, anchoring together the surfaces of many types of cell: for
contacts, consult Alberts et al (1994), and see also p. 111. example, smooth muscle cells, the intercalated discs of cardiac
muscle cells (p. 768), between glial cells and neurons and many other
Specialized junctional structures situations. Again, these involve cadherins attached indirectly to actin
Specialized junctional structures are localized regions of cell surfaces filaments on the inner side of the membrane.
at cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix where contacts occur, detect- The desmosome (macula adherens). This is a limited plaque-like
able with the electron microscope because of dense material attached area of particularly strong intercellular contact where additional
to the internal and, often, external aspects of the plasma membrane. adhesion molecules occur (2.9, 10). It can be sited anywhere on the
Three major classes exist: occluding, adhesive and communicating cell surface. The intercellular gap is about 25 nm, filled with electron-
junctions. dense filamentous material running transversely across it and also
The occluding junction (zonula occludens, tight junction). marked by a series of densely staining bands running parallel to the
This type of junction creates diffusion barriers in continuous layers cell surfaces. Within the cells on either side there is a dense under-
of cells, including epithelia, mesothelia and endothelia, preventing coating of the plasma membrane, into which the ends of intermediate
the passage of materials across the cellular layer through intercellular filaments are inserted (2.9, 10). These structures form strong anchor-
gaps. It forms a continuous belt (zonula) around the cell perimeter age points between cells, particularly where strong cohesion is needed,
(near the luminal surface in the case of cuboidal or columnar cells; for example, in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis (p. 382) where
Pinto da Silva & Kachar 1982). At a zonula occludens the membranes they are extremely numerous and large. In some regions desmosomes
of the adjacent cells come into contact, obliterating the gap between are much smaller, for example between endothelial cells lining
them. Freeze-etching shows that the contacts between the membranes capillaries, and in fetal tissue.
lie along branching and anastomosing ridges formed by the incor- The adhesion molecules of desmosomes include the integrins
poration of chains of protein particles within the membranes (2.10, desmoglein I and II. In freeze-fracture preparations intra-
11a), distorting and stiffening them along the lines of contact. membranous particles and pits are present on both the P and E faces
This arrangement dictates that substances can only pass through of the membranes, a characteristic feature of these structures (of
the layer of cells provided with these junctions by diffusion or unknown significance). For review see Garrod (1993), Koch &
transport through their luminal membrane and cytoplasm, so that Franke (1994).
the cells can control the movements across the surfaces that they Hemidesmosomes. These are best known as anchoring junctions
bound. Thus occluding junctions prevent the leakage of potentially between the bases of epidermal cells and the extracellular structures
toxic substances from the lumina of viscera into the surrounding of the underlying connective tissue (p. 382), although similar struc-
tissues, retain colloids within the bloodstream and form important tures, less well defined, also occur in other situations. Ultra-
diffusion barriers in many other sites, for example the blood—brain structurally they resemble a single-sided desmosome, anchored on
barrier (p. 1221). This can be seen experimentally if colloidal tracers one side to the plasma membrane, and on the other to the basal
such as ferritin or horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are placed either lamina (5.39) and adjacent collagen fibrils. On the cytoplasmic side
in the lumen of an epithelium-lined cavity, or alternatively into the of the membrane there is a dense coat into which keratin filaments
tissues beneath it. It is then found that the tracer cannot pass the rather than actin filaments are inserted. Although they look very
line of occluding junctions in either direction. like desmosomes, they are chemically quite distinct, and also use
A second, most important function of occluding junctions is to integrins as their adhesion molecules rather than cadherins. As
create regional differences in the plasma membranes of the cells already noted, less highly structured attachments with a similar
which they enclose. It is known that in epithelia the composition of arrangement exist between many other cell types and their sur-
the apical plasma membranes of cells differs from that of their rounding matrix, for example between smooth muscle cells and their
basolateral regions, allowing these regions to engage in special matrix fibrils, between the ends of skeletal muscle cells and tendon
activities (e.g. directional transport of ions and uptake of fibres, etc. They range from large areas of apposition to small
macromolecules). Because the occluding junctions have high con- punctate attachments (focal adhesion plaques, see below).
centrations of fixed transmembrane proteins, they act as barriers to Focal adhesion plaques. These are regions of local attachment
lipid and protein diffusion laterally within membranes. In this way, between cells and the matrix, typically situated at or near the ends 27
continuity between these and the cytoskeleton of the cell so attached.
Such adhesions are usually only short-lived, their formation and
breakage being part of the locomotor activities of migratory cells.
Although at first glance they appear to be simple attachments,
research shows several protein systems to be involved in their
formation and breakage, including various signalling complexes (e.g.
tyrosine kinases and phosphorylases) which inform the cell of the
extracellular contact and initiate cytoskeleton assembly.
Communicating junctions (gap junctions) (2.10, 12). When sec-
tioned transversely, these superficially resemble occluding junctions
but the two apposed lipid bilayers are separated by an apparent gap
of 3nm. Bridging this gap, the membranes have numerous protein
channels whose external ends meet in the middle to create a series
of minute pathways from one cell to the next. These channels may
exist in only small numbers, when they may be difficult to detect
structurally, although they lower the transcellular electrical resistance
and can be discerned by measuring this with microelectrodes. Larger
assemblies may number many thousands of channels, often packed
in hexagonal arrays. Such junctions form limited attachment plaques
(Goodenough & Revel 1970) rather than continuous zones, thereby
allowing free passage of substances along the cleft between cells
(unlike occluding junctions). They occur in numerous tissues includ-
ing the liver, epidermis, connective tissues, cardiac muscle and
smooth muscle (nexuses); they are also common in embryonic tissues.
In the central nervous system they are found in the ependyma and
between neuroglial cells, and they form electrical synapses between
some types of neurons (see p. 932).
While communicating junctions form diffusion channels between
cells, the size of their apertures limits intercellular movements to
rather small molecules and ions (up to a molecular weight of about
1000 kDa); this includes sodium, potassium and calcium ions, various
second messenger components and a number of metabolites, but not
messenger RNA. In some excitable tissues (e.g. cardiac and smooth
muscle), one cell can activate another by electrotonic current flow
through communicating junctions without the intervention of a
chemical transmitter, and this is also true of electrical synapses
(p. 932). Elsewhere their functions are not certain; experimentally
they have been shown to be permeable to various dyes and to
form pathways with low resistance to the flow of ionic current.
Communicating junctions probably permit metabolic cooperation
between adjacent cells or groups of cells. Thus, in embryonic life,
such junctions may aid the establishment of pattern and the co-
ordinated differentiation of the whole blastula, within and between
germ layers, or of more localized tissues (Fraser 1985). This may
involve the movement of regulatory substances involved in gene
blocking or gene repression and de-repression diffusing freely or
creating morphogenetic gradients (see p. 113). Communicating junc-
tions may also assist in the control of cell division since in damaged
tissues they disappear while tissues undergo repair by mitosis, to
reappear when regeneration ceases (Bennett 1973, Fusijawa et al
Freeze-fracturing and etching methods (Staehelin 1974) and com-
puter-aided high resolution electron microscopy (Unwin & Ennis
1984) show hexagonal arrays of membrane particles on both sides
of communicating junctions, each particle (or ‘connection’) composed
of six protein subunits (nexins) surrounding a central channel (cf.
2.6, 10) which, when apposed to a similar unit in an adjacent cell,
forms a small communicating passage between the two. Such particles
may also exist in smaller numbers, or singly, elsewhere on the cell,
so that intercellular communication may not be restricted to special
junctional areas. Changes in pH and calcium ion concentrations,
etc. can cause narrowing or closure of such channels, so intercellular
communication can change with the metabolic alterations in the
participating cells (Unwin & Zampighi 1980). The precise chemistry
2.9 A high-power electron micrograph: of a junctional complex between of the nexins varies in different tissues. For further reading, see
two epithelial cells showing a zonula occludens (tight junction) (zo), a
Stauffer & Unwin (1992), Beyer (1993), Alberts et al (1994).
zonula adherens (za), a macula adherens (desmosome) (ma), and a normal
Junctional complexes. These are combinations of junctions found
intercellular gap (g). Magnification x 130 000.
around the apical ends of epithelial cells (Farquhar & Palade 1963;
2.9, 10) where an occluding belt is flanked basally by an adhering
belt and a line of desmosomes running around the circumference of
of actin filament bundles (stress filaments) which are anchored the cell. This arrangement provides a diffusion barrier apically,
through intermediary proteins (desmoplakins, etc.) to the cytoplasmic reinforced mechanically by the other two components.
domains of integrins. In turn these are attached at their external Other types of junction. Chemical synapses and neuromuscular
28 ends to collagen or other filamentous structures, so that there- is junctions are specialized areas of intercellular adhesion where there
Junctional complexes of
columnar epithelial cells SECTIONED FREEZE-FRACTURED

> : Either
acting as

Tight or gap junction ‘B face with

Intermediate junction eepegentn) mrce

Tight or gap oe JUNCTION :
ee Roe allowing slow;
oN Ge diffusion
Intermediate . through
(rote AES intercellular
‘adherens) \ . «- space
Cell web ‘
(microfilaments) 1
ee Nae ‘B face with
pele complementary depressions


Tonofildvicnis’.” = ‘

= allowing
ions & small
to move in |
i indicated
. adherens)
‘B face with
complementary depressions

, ahi strong
Intercellular gap ae adhesive
20'nm) : locus

iia astute Ln Leboter | Hy 'B' face bears

THE JUNCTIONAL COMPLEX ve | elevations with particles

2.10 Schemata of various junctions commonly occurring between cells, and fold back the two leaflets of the plasma membrane to expose the
showing current interpretations of the electron microscopic appearances intramembranous protein particles inserted on their two faces. The A face =
seen after sectioning and with freeze-fracturing techniques. For clarity, the the P fracture face and the B =the E fracture face in current terminology.
freeze-fracturing data are presented as though it were possible to separate
2.11 Freeze-fractured zonula occludens (tight junction) between two
epi- 2.12 Freeze-fractured communicating (gap) junctions between two
dermal cells of fetal skin showing the anastomotic network of lines
rep- developing epidermal cells. The tightly packed intramembranous particles
resenting contacts between membranes. Compare with 2.10. Provided
by represent channels for electrotonic coupling and diffusion of small molecules
Andrew Kent, Department of Anatomy, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.
between cells. Provided by Andrew Kent, Department of Anatomy, UMDS,
Magnification x 25 000. Guy’s Campus, London. Magnification x 25 000.

is also secretion of neurotransmitters from one of the participants,

Agranular endoplasmic reticulum. This is associated with
and specialized receptor molecules on the other. They are described carbohydrate metabolism and many other metabolic processes,
in Section 8 (pp. 935-937). including detoxification and synthesis of lipids and of cholesterol
and other steroids. The membranes of the agranular endoplasmic
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM reticulum serve as convenient surfaces for the attachment ofmany
enzyme systems (e.g. important detoxification mechanisms involving
The endoplasmic reticulum is the system of interconnecting mem- the enzyme cytochrome P4s9) which are thus accessible to the sub-
brane-lined channels (Palade 1975) within the cytoplasm (2.13a-c).
strates in solution within the cell. They also cooperate with the GER
These channels take various forms, including cisternae (flattened and Golgi apparatus to elaborate new membranes, the protein,
sacs), tubules and vesicles. The membranes divide the cytoplasm
carbohydrate and lipid components being added in different regions.
into two major compartments: that inside the channel system, the
Highly specialized types of endoplasmic reticulum are present in
vacuoloplasm; and that outside, the hyaloplasm or cytosol. The former
some cells. In striated muscle cells the agranular endoplasmic retic-
constitutes the space in which secretory products are stored or ulum (sarcoplasmic reticulum) stores calcium ions, which are liberated
transported to the Golgi complex and cell exterior; the latter is made
to initiate contraction on appropriate stimulation.
up of the colloidal proteins such as enzymes, carbohydrates and
small protein molecules, together with ribosomes, and ribonucleic
Structurally, the channel system can be divided into granular
Ribosomes (ribonucleoprotein particles) are granules about 15nm
(rough) endoplasmic reticulum, to the exterior of which ribosomes
across, composed of equal parts, by weight, of protein and
are attached, and agranular (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum, lacking (ribosomal) RNA (rRNA); they are responsible for the synthesis of
ribosomes. When cells are disrupted and centrifuged, both endo-
proteins from amino acids (Palade 1955; Siekevitz & Palade 1960).
plasmic reticula break up into vesicles respectively termed granular
Each ribosome is made of two subunits (Lake 1981), one slightly
and agranular microsomes. larger than the other, sedimenting in the centrifuge at different rates
Granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER). This can synthesize (in nucleated cells mainly at 60S and 40S, where S = the Svedberg
proteins, because of its attached ribosomes. Most of such proteins
unit of sedimentation rate, a function of density, shape, etc.; the
are passed through the membranes to which the ribosomes are bound whole ribosome sediments at 80S). The subunits can be further
and accumulate within the cisternae of this system although some dissociated into about 73 different proteins (40 in the large subunit
intramembranous proteins are inserted into the membrane, where
and 33 in the small), with structural and enzymatic functions. Three
they remain. After passage from the GER, they remain in membrane-
small rRNA strands (28, 5.8 and 5S), highly convoluted, lie in the
bound bodies such as lysosomes or else are secreted to the exterior
large subunit, and one in the small subunit (18S). Most of these
of the cell. Some carbohydrates are also synthesized by enzymes
rRNA molecules are derived from the nucleolus (p. 55). The large
within the cavities of the GER and may be attached to newly-formed
and small subunits are separate from each other when not engaged
protein (glycosylation). Vesicles are budded off from the GER (at a
in protein synthesis.
special ribosome-free region, the transitional element, for transport
Ribosomes may be solitary, relatively inactive monosomes, or form
to the Golgi complex as part of the protein-targeting mechanism of
groups (polyribosomes or polysomes) attached to messenger RNA
the cell (see below). (mRNA) which they translate during protein synthesis, Polysomes
In embryonic cells, endoplasmic reticulum is scant and ribosome
can be attached to membranes, constituting the GER (see above) or
clusters lie mostly unattached in the hyaloplasm. During differ-
may lie free in the hyaloplasm where they synthesize proteins for
entiation, membranes usually increase greatly and ribosomes may
use outside the channel system, including enzymes of the cytosol,
become attached to form GER. structural proteins of the cell (e.g. actin, tubulin) and haemoglobin
appropriate, attachment to the endoplasmic reticulum via an inter-
mediate docking protein, directing the protein through its membrane
into the cisternal cavity.
Subunit proteins of the ribosomes themselves are synthesized in
the cytoplasm by other ribosomes. They then enter the nucleus where
they bind to rRNA from the nucleolus to form the two major
subunits; these then pass separately back into the cytoplasm and
only associate to form a complete ribosome when they attach
themselves to an MRNA molecule (Nomura 1984). When protein
synthesis is over, the two subunits dissociate but may serve more
than once. For further reading, see Merrick (1992), Alberts et al
Mitochondrial ribosomes differ from those of the general cytoplasm,
being somewhat smaller (55S). They will be discussed later (see
below). The ribosomes of fungi and prokaryote organisms such as
bacteria are also smaller than those of the nucleated cells of animals
(and plants), which may perhaps reflect the less complex regulatory
mechanisms of these relatively primitive species.


DICTYOSOME) (2.14, 15)
Beginning with the Italian Camillo Golgi, optical microscopists of
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries recognized a distinct
cytoplasmic region near the nucleus, particularly prominent in
secretory cells when stained with silver or other metallic salts. For
many years it was considered a staining artefact, but with the advent
of electron microscopy it was authenticated as a cellular organelle
of considerable metabolic importance. Numerous biochemical and
structural studies have since shown that the Golgi complex is part
of the pathway by which proteins synthesized in the granular endo-
plasmic reticulum (GER) are modified chemically and targeted to
the cell surface for secretion or for storage in membranous vesicles.
The molecular details of these processes are still a topic of great
research activity.
Ultrastructurally, the Golgi complex is a membranous organelle
consisting of a stack of up to four flattened membranous cisternae,
together with clusters of vesicles surrounding its surfaces (see Ram-
bourg & Clermont 1990). Seen in vertical section, it is often cup-
shaped, usually with the convex side nearest the nucleus. Small
transport vesicles are received from the transitional elements of the
GER at one face of the Golgi stack, the cis-face (or forming surface)
where they deliver their contents to the first cisterna in the series by
membrane fusion. The budding and transport of vesicles from the
GER involves the addition of special coat proteins (COP) to the
external aspects of the membranes (see Kreis and Pepperkok 1994).
From the edges of this cisterna, the protein is transported to the
next cisterna by vesicular budding and then fusion, and this process
is repeated until the final cisterna at the trans-face (condensing
surface) is reached. From this, larger vesicles are formed for delivery
to other parts of the cell. According to the chemical events within
them, the Golgi cisternae are divisible into three groups, forming the
cis-, intermediate- and trans-compartments (see p. 32).

2.13 Ultrastructural details of the endoplasmic reticulum: a. rough endo-

plasmic reticulum; 8. polysome groups attached to obliquely sectioned cis-
ternae showing ‘rosette’ configuration; c. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
B provided by D R Turner, Guy's Hospital Medical School. Mag-
nification x 30 000.

in erythroblasts. Some of the cytosolic products, however, include

proteins which can be inserted directly into (or through) membranes
of selected organelles, such as mitochondria and peroxisomes (see
In a mature polysome all the attachment sites of the mRNA are
occupied as ribosomes move along it, synthesizing protein according
to its instructions, so the number of ribosomes in a polysome
indicates the length of the messenger RNA molecule and hence the
size of the protein being made.
The two major subunits have separate roles in protein synthesis. 2.14 Electron micrograph of a Golgi apparatus in a spermatocyte showing
The smaller is the site of attachment and translation of mRNA; the the central multilamellar cisternae and clusters of peripheral vesicles. Mag-
larger is responsible for the release of the new protein and, where nification x 15 000. 31

In addition to these cisternae there are also other membranous

structures which form an integral part of the Golgi complex, termed
the cis-Golgi and trans-Golgi networks. The cis-Golgi network is a
region of complex membranous channels interposed between the
GER and the Golgi cis-face, receiving and transmitting vesicles in
both directions. Many studies have shown that it acts to select
appropriate proteins from the GER for delivery by vesicle to the
Golgi stack, inappropriate proteins being similarly shuttled back to
the GER. Thus, there is also a reverse process by which materials
in the Golgi stack can be transported through this system back
to the endoplasmic reticulum. The drug Brifeldin A causes the
Secretory Receptor-
disintegration of the cis-Golgi network and blocks the transport of Phagocytic th mediated Membrane
i. recycling
proteins to the Golgi complex (see Pelham 1991). pathway ~ pase endocytosis
The trans-Golgi network (TNG), placed at the other side of the
Golgi stack, is also a region of. interconnected membrane channels
engaged in protein sorting. Here, modified proteins processed in the
Golgi cisternae are packaged selectively into vesicles and dispatched
to different parts of the cell. The packaging depends on the detection
by the TNG of particular amino acid sequences or other features of
the proteins, leading to their enclosure in membranes of appropriate
composition which will further modify their contents, for example,
by extracting water to concentrate them, or pumping in protons to
acidify their contents, depending on the type of protein. The mem-
branes also contain specific signal proteins which may allocate
them to microtubule-based transport pathways and to dock with
appropriate targets elsewhere in the cell (see p.39), including the
plasma membrane in the case of secretory vesicles. Vesicle formation
and budding at the TGN also involves the addition of clathrin and Vesicle
related proteins on their external surface to form coated vesicles
(Robinson 1994).
Within the Golgi stack itself proteins undergo a series of sequential
Granular |
chemical modifications, already begun in the GER. These include endoplasmic
changes in glycosyl groups, for example, removal of mannose, reticulum
addition of N-acetyl glucosamine and sialic acid, sulphation of
attached glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and protein phosphorylation.
Lipids formed in the endoplasmic reticulum are also routed for
2.15 Diagram illustrating the major structural and functional features of the
vesicle incorporation. A much studied route for modification and Golgi complex and its associated organelles. For further details, see the
targeting is that of lysosomal enzymes. For retention within the cell text. EE=early endosome; LE=late endosome; SL=secondary lysosome;
it has been shown that a particular sequence of amino acids has to RB=residual body.
be present, and without these, proteins are immediately passed into
the secretory channel and thence to the exterior. This step involves
the addition of mannose-6-phosphate to the lysosomal protein by structures originating within the cell, including organelles that are
the cis-compartment of the Golgi complex. This is recognized by worn out, damaged or no longer relevant (autophagy; see Alberts et
mannose-6-phosphate receptors associated with the TGN which sorts al 1994). Together these two systems create a complex dynamic
the enzymes into appriopriate vesicles which are then shuttled to the network of small vesicles, tubules, flat cisternae and rounded vacu-
late endosome/lysosomes. Thus, lysosomal enzymes are selected for oles, with a constant traffic between its various elements. There is
packaging in specific lysosomal-type membranes (see below). also a continual exchange of vesicles between this array and the
There are various cytochemical markers for the Golgi complex Golgi complex which provides it with hydrolytic enzymes and receives
including various specific proteins involved in its different com- back depleted vesicles for recharging.
ponents (Rothman 1981). The structures involved in the initial uptake from the exterior are
The role of the Golgi complex in the synthesis of primary lysosomes small endocytic vesicles which take in (endocytose) macromolecules,
is a major part of its activities in some cells rich in these organelles, fluids and small particles, or larger phagosomes, typical of specialist
and a special region of the cell may be dedicated to their production cells such as macrophages which take in large particles, for example
e.g. the Golgi-endoplasmic reticulum—lysosome complex (GERL) of bacteria and cell debris (phagocytosis).
neurons (see Novikoff & Shin 1964).
In glandular cells with an apical secretory zone, the Golgi complex Endocytic vesicles and early endosomes (2.15)
is positioned between the secretory surface and the nucleus; in Many macromolecules required for cell metabolism are taken up
fibroblasts, where secretory activity is more general, there are two from the extracellular fluid by the invagination of small areas of the
or more groups of Golgi stacks and in liver cells up to 50. It is often plasma membrane and their separation into the cytoplasm of vesicles
closely associated with the centrosome, a region of the cell containing about 60nm in diameter which contain extracellular fluid or macro-
a centriole pair and related microtubules, a significant association molecules attached to the membrane surface (Rodman et al 1990).
considering the microtubule-mediated transport system and the The uptake of fluid is termed pinocytosis (= cell drinking), and that
anchoring of the Golgi complex itself to microtubules. of bound macromolecules is receptor-mediated endocytosis. Of course,
fluid is taken into the cell whenever endocytosis occurs; but whether
DEGRADATIVE VACUOLE SYSTEM: ENDOCYTIC it can occur independently of receptor-mediated endocytosis is not
clear. Endocytic vesicles are constantly being formed at the plasma
VESICLES, ENDOSOMES AND LYSOSOMES membrane of most active cell types. In receptor-mediated endo-
An important aspect of cell biology is the uptake of materials from cytosis, receptor proteins spanning the plasma membrane bind mol-
the extracellular environment into membranous compartments within ecules to be taken into the cell, by their externally exposed ends and
the cytoplasm and their delivery to membrane-lined channels and this triggers a series of events on the inner side of the plasma
vacuoles where they are sorted. This system is linked to a second membrane causing the membrane to bulge inwards locally as a small
series of membranous compartments containing acid hydrolases coated pit which deepens and finally pinches off into the cytoplasm
which can process or degrade materials taken into the cell as a coated vesicle. During this process the inner ends of the receptor
32 (heterophagy), and at the same time eliminate or inactivate unwanted molecules bind a series of proteins from the cytoplasm which cross-
link them into a curved basket-like array, bending the membrane
inwards and eventually separating it as a vesicle from the surface.
The cytoplasmic proteins bringing this about are, first, small globular
adaptins that bind to the internal ends of the receptor proteins, and
second, the protein clathrin which cross-links adjacent adaptins to
form a basket-like structure bending the membrane inwards into a
sphere (see Robinson 1994). Individual clathrin molecules have a
characteristic shape, consisting of three arms (a triskelion), and these
can assemble themselves in a characteristic network composed of
the adaptin/receptor complex, visible ultrastructurally in sections as
a dense localized undercoating of the plasma membrane (hence the
terms coated pit and coated vesicle); in freeze-etched preparations
the basket-like appearance is most striking (Vigers et al 1986; Heuser
1989). The formation of coated vesicles is not dependent on an
energy source. Once it is interiorized the coated vesicle rapidly sheds
its coat of adaptin and clathrin, and fuses with a tubular cisterna
termed an early endosome, where the receptor molecules release their
bound ligands. From the early endosomes, membrane and receptors
can be recycled to the cell surface as exocytic vesicles, replenishing
the plasma membrane ready for the next round of endocytic vesicle
formation (Pryer et al 1992).

Phagosomes are larger vesicles formed around large particles such
as bacteria. They are also produced by the invagination of the
plasma membrane, but the nature of this process is different from
receptor-mediated endocytosis in that it needs chemical energy from
the breakdown of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), and does not
appear to involve clathrin. The particle to be phagocytosed adheres
to the plasma membrane by receptor molecules of some kind,
sometimes relatively non-specifically, but often involving an inter-
mediate step, for example, bacteria may first be coated by antibodies
or complement, and these are bound in turn by antibody or comple-
ment receptors at the surface of the phagocyte (see also p. 1415).
The bacterium is then engulfed within the cell by invagination to
produce a membrane-lined phagosomal vacuole. This process
appears to depend on actin-myosin based motility (for further details
see p. 43). Later, lysosomal enzymes are added to the phagosome to
degrade its contents.

Late endosomes
After a brief sojourn in the early endosomes, materials can be passed
on to late endosomes, a more deeply placed set of tubules, vesicles
or cisternae. These also receive lysosomal enzymes via vesicles (small
lysosomes) shuttling in from the Golgi complex (Machamer 1993).
The pH of late endosomes is quite low (about 5.0) and this activates
the lysosomal acid hydrolases to attack the endosomal contents; the
products of hydrolysis are then passed through the membrane wall
into the cytosol, or may be retained in the endosomes. Because there
is a constant exchange between the late endosomes and the trans-
Golgi (TNG) network (see above) particles introduced into the cell
through this system may find their way to the Golgi apparatus. As
more enzymes arrive, a late endosome may grow considerably in size
by vesicle fusion, and the enzyme concentration may increase greatly;
such large dense structures are classical /ysosomes, as described first
by de Duve (see de Duve & Wattiaux 1966; Bainton 1981). However,
these large organelles do not appear in all cells, perhaps because in
these the late endosomes deal very rapidly with endocytosed material.
Late endosomes have a variety of forms, one being the multivesicular
body (2.16) generated by the fusion of vesicles and/or tubules, the
excess membrane being budded off internally in small cytoplasmic
blebs (Holtzmann 1976).

Lysosomes are dense spheroidal membrane-bounded bodies 80-
800 nm in diameter (2.16), often with complex inclusions representing
material undergoing hydrolysis (then sometimes termed secondary
lysosomes). They contain acid hydrolases able to degrade a wide
2.16 Electron micrographs of lysosomes in various stages: A. a group of
variety of substances. So far, more than 40 lysosomal enzymes lysosomes in an olfactory receptor cell showing small primary lysosomes
have been described, including many varieties of proteases, lipases, (left), and larger secondary lysosomes containing lamellar débris; 8. a multi-
carbohydrases, esterases and nucleases. The enzymes are strongly vesicular body with which endocytic vesicles are in the process of fusing;
glycosylated, and are maintained at a low pH by proton pumps in c. aresidual body, the end stage of lysosomal hydrolysis of engulfed cellular
the lysosomal membranes. They can be detected histochemically by organelles. All magnifications x 30 000. 33

various tests for such hydrolases; the enzyme acid phosphatase (f-
glycerylphosphatase) has been widely used as a marker of lysosomes
for light and electron microscopy, though it is not invariably present.
Lysosomes are numerous in cells active in phagocytosis of large
particles such as bacteria, for example macrophages and neutro-
phil leucocytes, in which lysosomes are responsible for destroying
phagocytosed bacteria. In these the phagosome containing the bac-
terium may fuse with several lysosomes (the term phagolysosome is
given to a phagosome in the process of lysosomal fusion). Lysosomes
are also well represented in cells with a high turnover of organelles,
for example, exocrine gland cells and neurons, a process which is
not entirely understood; worn out organelles such as old mito-
chondria and endoplasmic reticulum are marked in some way for
demolition, a process seen in sections as a partial engulfment in a
membranous cisterna (Dunn 1990). The organelle is then interiorized
within a lysosome and rapidly degraded.
Material which has been attacked by hydrolases within late endo-
somes and lysosomes may be completely degraded to soluble end-
products (e.g. proteins to amino acids) which can pass into the
cell’s metabolic pathway, but more usually some undigestible debris 2.17 Electron micrograph showing details of mitochondrial structure: the
remains and the vesicle is then called a residual body. This may be outer membrane, the inner membrane folded to form cristae and their related
passed in vesicles to the cell surface where it is ejected by exocytosis intra-mitochondrial spaces are visible. Magnification x 30 000.
or it may persist inside the cell as an inert residual body. If the cell
has a short lifespan these are dispersed when the cell dies, but in
long-lived cells considerable numbers of residual bodies can accumu-
late within the cell (‘storage excretion’), often fusing to form larger kidney tubule cells, but peroxisomes of some size are typical of all
dense vacuoles with complex lamellar inclusions. As their contents nucleated cell types. This organelle is important in the oxidative
are often darkly pigmented, this may change the colour of the tissue, detoxification of various substances taken into or produced within
as seen, for example, in neurons where the end-product of lysosomal cells, including ethanol and formaldehyde. Oxidation is carried out
digestion lipofuscin (neuromelanin or senility pigment: see p. 922) by a number of enzymes including D-amino acid oxidase and urate
gives ageing brains a brownish-yellow coloration, and in the pig- oxidase which generate hydrogen peroxide as a source of molecular
mentation of the olfactory epithelium due to the accumulation of oxygen. Excess amounts of hydrogen peroxide are broken down by
residual bodies in the supporting cells of this tissue (p. 1322). another enzyme, catalase. Peroxisomes also oxidize fatty acid chains
Lysosomal enzymes may also be secreted to the cell surface, either (B-oxidation).
as part of a process to alter the extracellular matrix (as in osteoclast The formation of peroxisomes is rather unusual in that their
demolition of bone) or perhaps inadvertently through mistargeting membranes appear to be derived only by the multiplication of
by Golgi-derived lysosomal vesicles. Abnormal release of enzymes previously existing peroxisomes, and their internal proteins are
can cause tissue damage, as in certain types of arthritis. Normally, passed from the cytosol directly through channels in their membranes
however, small amounts of lysosomes are retrieved by receptor- rather than by packaging from the granular endoplasmic reticulum
mediated endocytosis and returned to the endosomal system. (GER) and Golgi body. These features are also found in mito-
Enzymes released by one cell can also, therefore, be taken up by chondria (see below) although these possess some of their own genes,
other cells and incorporated into their own lysosomes. unlike peroxisomes which are coded for entirely in the nucleus. It
Lysosomal membranes, normally impermeable to their enclosed has been suggested that, like mitochondria, peroxisomes originated
enzymes, may allow the enzymes to leak. Exposure to ionizing as symbiotic prokaryote organisms which in the early history of
radiations, or some carcinogens, silica, asbestos particles, anoxia, eukaryotic cells were taken into the cytoplasm to provide oxygen-
heat and many drugs causes such effects, with consequent cellular related metabolism, and transferred their genomes entirely to the
damage or death. Indeed, it was initially thought lysosomes played nuclear chromosomes but retained a measure of self-replication in
a major role in the self destruction of cells (hence the term ‘suicide the formation of their membranes. A genetic abnormality in the
bags’ for these organelles), and undoubtedly this does occur post- translocation of proteins into peroxisomes leading to peroxisomal
mortem as their enzymes leak into the cytosol. enzyme deficiencies is seen in the Zellweger syndrome, caused by a
Some drugs, for example cortisone, can stabilize lysosomal mem- gene mutation in an integral membrane protein (peroxisome assembly
branes and may, therefore, inhibit many lysosomal activities includ- factor-1) which is usually fatal shortly after birth in the homozygous
ing the secretion of enzymes, and their fusion with phagocytic condition (Shimozawa et al 1992; for further reading see Lazarow
vesicles. 1993).
Lysosomal storage diseases. If any of the lysosomal enzymes
are defective because of gene mutations in their encoding, the MITOCHONDRIA
materials which they normally degrade will accumulate within late
endosomes and lysosomes. Many instances of such lysosomal storage The mitochondrion is a membrane-bound organelle of great meta-
diseases have been recorded; among them are syndromes in which bolic significance, the principal source of chemical energy in most
profound morphogenetic changes occur; for example Tay-Sachs cells (see e.g. Ernster & Schatz 1981; Tzagoloff 1982). Mitochondria
disease in which a faulty gangliosidase leads to the accumulation of are the site of the citric acid (Krebs’) cycle and the electron transport
glycolipid in neurons, causing death within childhood. In Hurler’s pathway by which complex organic molecules are finally oxidized to
syndrome, failure to metabolize certain glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) carbon dioxide and water, a process which provides the energy
causes the accumulation of large amounts of matrix within connective to drive the production of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) from
tissue, distorting the growth of many parts of the body. For further adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (oxidative
reading, see Dice 1990, Alberts et al 1994. phosphorylation). The numbers of these organelles in a particular
cell reflect its general energy requirements. In hepatocytes there may
be as many as 2000, whereas in resting lymphocytes there may be
PEROXISOMES only a few. Mature erythrocytes lack mitochondria altogether. Such
Peroxisomes (microbodies) are membrane-bound vacuoles (2.4), cells rely mainly on glycolysis for their energy supplies. However,
about 0.5-0.154m across, often with dense cores or crystalline some very active cells, for example fast twitch skeletal muscle fibres
interiors composed chiefly of high concentrations of the enzyme (p. 754), have few mitochondria, and also use glycolysis for their
urate oxidase (de Duve 1973, 1983; Tolbert & Essner 1981). Large energy requirements, allowing them to work rapidly but for only a
34 (0.5 um) peroxisomes are particularly numerous in hepatocytes and limited duration. Mitochondria were first observed with the light

microscope as long thin threads (mitochondrion = thread-like body), and transferred most but not all of their genes to the nucleus of the
or alternatively as spherical or ellipsoidal bodies in the cytoplasm of host cell (for further reading, see Gray 1989).
most cells, particularly those with a high metabolic rate such as Mitochondria are the principal site of a number of enzyme systems,
secretory cells in exocrine glands. In living cells viewed by bright particularly those of oxidative phosphorylation associated with the
field, phase contrast or interference microscopy, they appear highly tricarboxylic acid (Krebs’) cycle and cytochrome electron transport
labile, constantly changing shape and position, although usually sequences of respiration. They are the chief sites where chemical
attached to internal structures of the cell and sometimes moving energy is derived from breakdown of organic compounds in res-
linearly along definite pathways; they can divide and have also been piration to form high-energy organic phosphate compounds
seen to fuse (see Bereiter-Hahn 1990). (particularly ATP and guanosine triphosphate, GTP) by an unusual
With the electron microscope (2.17) they are usually seen as chemical mechanism, the chemi-osmotic process (Mitchell 1961),
elliptical bodies from 0.5—2.0 1m long. In some instances they may entailing the pumping of hydrogen ions out of the mitochondria to
be larger than this, for example, in cardiac muscle cells. Each drive the synthesis of ATP as the ions diffuse back into the matrix
mitochondrion is lined by an outer and an inner membrane, separated (Hatefi 1985). These energy-rich compounds pass to other parts of
by a variable gap termed the intermembrane space. Within the lumen, the cell where they fuel a wide variety of energy-consuming reactions.
surrounded by the inner membrane, is the mitochondrial matrix. The various enzymes of the Krebs’ cycle occur in the mitochondrial
The outer membrane is smooth and sometimes attached to other matrix, while those of the cytochrome system and oxidative phos-
organelles (e.g. microtubules), while the inner membrane is deeply phorylation are localized chiefly in the inner mitochondrial mem-
folded to form incomplete transverse or longitudinal septa or tubular brane. Some of these ATP-ases form large enzyme assemblies (ATP-
invaginations, cristae mitochondriales, which thus create a relatively synthase) in the inner membrane which are responsible for the final
large surface area of membrane. Cristae are more numerous and act of ATP synthesis; when mitochondria are hypotonically disrupted
complex in cells with a high metabolic rate than in relatively inactive and negatively stained, these complexes become visible as minute
ones; in heart muscle, for instance, they are numerous and show lollipop-like structures consisting of spheres about 9nm across,
complex pleats. In mitochondria of the lipocytes of brown fat (p. 77), supported by stalks (elementary, submitochondrial or stalked
cristae are particularly conspicuous but their chemical activities are particles). Further analysis including X-ray diffraction studies
diverted to the direct production of heat rather than ATP (see (Bianchet et al 1991) show that the heads of these particles consist
Nicholls & Rial 1984). Cristae of cells in the adrenal cortex are of a cluster of 6 ATP-ase subunits and the stalks are H+ carriers;
typically tubular. The significance of these different arrangements is only when they are assembled together can they synthesize ATP
not clear, although they may reflect tissue-specific differences in which requires the passage of H+ through the total assembly.
mitochondrial chemistry (see below). The permeability of the two In addition to these structures, various inclusions have been
membranes differs considerably; the outer membrane is freely per- described in the mitochondrial matrix of different tissues, including
meable to many substances because of the presence of large non- crystalline bodies and dense granules, the significance of which is
specific channels formed by characteristic proteins (porins), whereas uncertain.
the inner membrane is permeable to only a narrow range of mol- It is interesting that these organelles are distributed within the cell
ecules. The presence of cardiolipin, an unusual phospholipid, in the according to regional energy requirements, for example, near the
inner membrane may contribute to this relative impermeability. bases of cilia in ciliated epithelia, at the base of the cells of proximal
The mitochondrial matrix, of variable density and granularity, is convoluted renal tubules, where considerable active transport occurs,
an aqueous environment containing a multitude of enzymes in quite and around the proximal end of the flagellum in spermatozoa
high concentrations, and filaments of mitochondrial DNA with the (p. 127). Mitochondria are concerned with many chemical reactions
apparatus for transcription and translation of a set of genes unique besides oxidative phosphorylation, some of them tissue-specific;
to this organelle (mitochondrial messenger and transfer RNAs, for instance, various urea-forming enzymes are found in liver cell
mitochondrial ribosomes with ribosomal RNAs). The DNA forms mitochondria, and a number of genetic diseases of mitochondria are
a closed ring, about 5m across when extracted and spread out, known which exclusively affect particular tissues including skeletal
and several identical copies are present in each mitochondrion. This muscle (mitochondrial myopathies) and nervous tissue (mito-
DNA has a ratio between its nitrogen bases different from that of chondrial neuropathies). For further information on this topic see
nuclear chromosomal DNA, and the RNA sequences also differ in the reviews by Morgan-Hughes (1986) and Wallace (1992).
the precise genetic code used in protein synthesis (Grivell 1983). The
ribosomes are smaller and quite distinct from those of the rest of
the cell and resemble those of bacteria. OTHER VESICLES AND VACUOLES
Mitochondria are able to multiply by simple transverse division In addition to the membranous compartments of the Golgi-
during interphase (Attardi & Schatz 1988), so that mitochondria are endosome/lysosome system there are various other membranous
essentially self-replicating, and, like chloroplasts in plants, an instance bodies present within cells. Some of these constitute part of the
of cytoplasmic inheritance. A rather limited number of proteins of mechanism for internally translocating macromolecules; and are
the inner matrix and inner membrane are encoded by the small hence termed transport vesicles. Typically these are small (about
number of genes along the mitochondrial DNA (Anderson et al 60nm in diameter) similar to endocytic and exocytic vesicles (see
1981). The great majority of mitochondrial proteins are encoded by above), which can properly be regarded as specialized transport
nuclear genes and made in the cytosol then inserted through special vesicles. Also included in this class are transcytotic vesicles which
channels in the mitochondrial membranes to reach their various begin as endocytic vesicles but instead of carrying their cargoes to
destinations. Their membrane lipids are synthesized in the endo- an intracellular destination, they pass to another surface of the cell
plasmic reticulum. and discharge their contents into the extracellular space. Such vesicles
Since mitochondria are only formed from previously existing ones, are frequent in cells where macromolecules are transported across a
it follows that all mitochondria in the body are in effect descended cellular boundary, for example in endothelial cells lining blood
from those in the cytoplasm of the fertilized ovum. Further, it has vessels and lymphatics (p. 1461). An extreme example is found in the
recently been shown that these are entirely of maternal origin—the anterior chamber of the eye where considerable quantities of ocular
mitochondrion of the sperm is not incorporated into the ovum at fluid are taken up by modified endothelial cells in the canal of
fertilization (see Giles et al 1980), so that mitochondria (and any of Schlemm in relatively huge transcytotic vacuoles and transported to
their genetic variants) are passed only through the female line, a the venous system (p. 1327).
situation of much genetic interest. Exocytosis, as already mentioned, is involved in the cycling of
The ribosomes and nucleic acids are, interestingly, similar to those membranes and receptor molecules from endosomes and the Golgi
of bacteria, prompting the suggestion that the far distant (1200 apparatus to the surface of the cell. However, in secretory cells
million years or more) ancestors of mitochondria were symbiotic exocytic vesicles and larger secretory vacuoles form a major pathway
oxygen-using bacteria which came into partnership with eukaryotic from the Golgi complex to the exterior. Such structures may be
cells previously incapable of metabolizing the oxygen being produced secreted immediately or stored until the signal to secrete arrives,
by primitive plants; according to this view, the mitochondria lost when they may be discharged in large quantities (e.g. the histamine-
their ability to lead an independent existence (see Margulis 1981) containing vacuoles of histaminocytes: mast cells, p.79). In the 35

synapses of many nerve cells exocytic vesicles contain neuro- intracellular proteins of different shapes and sizes which form a
transmitters which are again stored in the presynaptic ending until complex often interconnected network throughout the cytoplasm,
an action potential arrives to trigger a very rapid but highly controlled sometimes invading the nucleus of the cell. Like the skeleton of the
release of their contents into the synaptic cleft (p. 932). The molecular body, it performs many related tasks: it provides mechanical support
rules governing these processes appear to be quite complex, and are to cell structures, maintaining cell shape and stiffness, enabling cells
quite poorly understood, but involve a number of separate processes: to adopt highly asymmetric or irregular profiles (e.g. in neurons) and,
the transport of the vesicle to the surface, its recognition of the therefore, playing an important part in establishing their structural
correct part of the plasma membrane and attachment to its inner polarity; they can provide stiffness and support for projections from
surface (‘docking’), then the fusion of the lipid bilayers of vesicles the cell’s surface such as microvilli and cilia and anchor these into
and plasma membrane and the release of the secreted material. In the cytoplasm. The cytoskeleton can also provide a system of
the systems which have been analysed in any detail it appears that coordinates which specify where and how many metabolic activities
these events are facilitated by various transmembrane proteins within occur in the cell. It can do this by anchoring specific organelles in
the vesicle walls which act as signals for appropriate transport, particular places: the Golgi apparatus near the nucleus and endo-
docking and membrane fusion. For further reading, consult Alberts plasmic reticulum, for example, mitochondria near the sites of energy
et al (1994). consumption, and ribosomes where specific proteins are needed.
Lipid vacuoles. These are spheroidal bodies of various sizes found Besides these important functions, the cytoskeleton is supremely
within many cells, but especially prominent in the lipocytes of adipose associated with motility, either within the cell, as seen, in the shuttling
tissue. They do not belong to the Golgi-related vacuolar system of . of vesicles and macromolecules from one cytoplasmic site to another,
the cell, and they are not membrane bound since they are really lipid in the moving of chromosomes during mitosis, in embryonic mor-
droplets floating in the cytosol. In lipocytes they can attain truly phogenesis, and, most remarkably of all, in the contraction of muscle
impressive sizes—80 jm or more in diameter. Lipid vacuoles are cells which is caused by a highly specialized cytoskeleton.
often surrounded by cytoskeletal filaments which presumably help The components of the cytoskeleton include several types of
to stabilize them within cells and stop them from fusing with the proteinaceous assemblies. The way in which movements are created
membranes of other organelles including the plasma membrane. In by these structures and their importance both in the daily lives of
lipocytes they function as stores of chemical energy, and as thermal cells and in more complex processes of development will be con-
and mechanical insulators, but in many other cells they may represent sidered later (p. 43); here we will give a brief account of their form
intermediates or end-products of other chemical pathways, for and composition. For general reviews of the cytoskeleton, see e.g.
example in steroid synthesizing cells where they may be prominent Amos & Amos (1991), Bray (1992), Kreis & Vale (1992), Alberts et
features of the cytoplasm. al (1994), Fawcett (1994).
The roll-call of cytoskeletal structures is lengthening rapidly as
Cytosolic organelles molecular biology combined with electron microscopy, immuno-
Surrounding the membranous compartments which constitute the cytochemistry and in vitro observations of living cells continues to
various organelles described in the first part of this section is the define new forms. The most extensive filamentous structures found
aqueous cytosol. Within this compartment of the cell are various in non-muscle cells are of three major types: microfilaments com-
other, non-membranous organelles of great importance to its biology. posed of actin, microtubules made of tubulin, and intermediate
They include a system of filamentous proteins known as the cyto- filaments composed of intermediate filament proteins. Other import-
skeleton, and may also variably contain a number of other inclusions, ant components are shorter (generally) protein filaments which can
especially storage granules of various kinds. The structure of these bind to the foregoing types to link them together or generate
will now be outlined. movements. These include actin-binding proteins, among which are
numbered myosin, a protein which in some cells can assemble into
conspicuous thick filaments, and microtubule-associated proteins.
CYTOSKELETON There are also numerous other more minor filamentous proteins
which play roles in many cell types, but are generally less well
The term cytoskeleton is used to denote a system of filamentous understood.

P li ee ae
2.19 Microtubules and neurofilaments in a transverse/oblique section of
2.18 Electron micrograph of microtubules and microfilaments in a tan- part of a small nerve fibre. The microtubules have a circular cross-section
gential section through afibroblast. Magnification x 50 000. whereas the smaller neurofilaments appear solid. Magnification x 50 000.
filaments are formed by the ATP-dependent polymerization of actin
monomer into a characteristic linear form in which the subunits are
' arranged in a single tight zig-zag helix to produce the superficial
appearance of a double spiral with a distance of 13 subunits between
turns (see Holmes et al 1990). The polymerized form is termed F-
actin (fibrillar actin) and the unpolymerized form is G-actin (globular
actin), with a molecular weight of 43kDa. Each monomer has an
asymmetric structure, so that when they are assembled the filament
has a defined polarity, with a plus end favouring monomer addition,
and minus end favouring monomer loss. If myosin derivatives are
added to filamentous actin in a suitable medium they bind to it in
a characteristic manner (‘decoration’), attaching at a definite angle
to give the appearance of a series of arrowheads pointing towards
the minus end of the filament, and the barbs towards the plus
There is a dynamic equilibrium between G-actin and F-actin, and
it is generally estimated that in most cells about 50% of the actin is
in the polymerized state. The fungal toxin cytochalasin inhibits actin-
dependent motility by binding to the plus end of F-actin, thereby
2.20 Intermediate filaments associated with a desmosome (macula disrupting this dynamic equilibrium.
adherens) between two epithelial cells. Magnification x 100 000.
Actin-binding proteins: molecules which modify actin
A wide variety of actin-binding proteins exist and these can modulate
ACTIN FILAMENTS (MICROFILAMENTS) the form taken by actin within the cell. Such interactions are
Actin filaments are well-defined filaments with a width of 6-8nm fundamental to the structure of cytoplasm and to cell shape since
(2.22), and a solid cross-section. Within most cell types actin con- they regulate cytoplasmic viscosity (and therefore, can produce
stitutes the most abundant protein present and in some motile cells different microenvironments), connect filaments together in large
its concentration may exceed 200.M (10mg protein per ml). The groups, cause bundles to extend or contract, attach them to the


2.22 The substructure of some major cytoskeletal components, including

(top) an actin microfilament formed by polymerization of globular actin
monomers; (middle) an intermediate filament composed in this example
2.21 Intermediate filaments, in this case composed of glial fibrillary acidic (e.g. vimentin) of eight sub-filaments, each containing two or three paired
protein (GFAP), demonstrated in cultured retinal astrocytes with anti-GFAP acidic and basic polypeptide chains, some extending laterally as side-
antibodies coupled to rhodamine. Provided by Caroline Wigley, UMDS, arms; and (below) a microtubule composed of assemblies of tubulin dimers
Guy’s Campus, London. Magnification x 5000. arranged ina tight helix. 37

plasma membrane and mediate actin-based motility. On the basis of microscopy. It also binds the fungal derivative phalloidin which can
these activities, they can be divided into bundling proteins, gel- be fluorescently labelled, too. The cytochalasins (fungal products)
forming proteins and severing proteins. cause depolymerization of some actin microfilaments (see Spudich &
Bundling proteins tie actin filaments together in longitudinal arrays Lin 1972), and, therefore, provide a valuable experimental tool in
to form cables or core structures. These may be closely spaced, as research into their functions.
in microvilli, microspikes and filopodia to tie parallel filaments
tightly together, forming stiff bundles of filaments which are all MICROTUBULES
orientated in the same direction. Included in this group are fimbrin,
and villin (also classified as a severing protein). Other actin-bundling Microtubules are polymeric fibres with hollow cylinders about 24nm
proteins form rather looser bundles of filaments which run anti- in diameter (2.18, 19, 22), of varying length (some up to 704m in
parallel to each other (with respect to their plus and minus ends). spermatozoan flagella). They are present in most cell types but are
The proteins cross-linking these include a-actinin (also found in the particularly abundant in neurons, leucocytes, blood platelets and in
Z-bands of striated muscles) and myosin II (see also below) which the mitotic spindles of dividing cells. They also form part of the
can form cross-links with ATP-dependent motor activity, causing structure of cilia, flagella and centrioles (see below). Helical micro-
adjacent actin filaments to slide on each other and thus either change tubules occur in Schwann cells (p. 951) and oligodendrocytes. Massed
the shape of cells or, if the actin bundles are anchored into the cell parallel bundles of interconnected microtubules are found in the
membrane at both ends, maintain a degree of active rigidity. pillar cells supporting the sensory cells of the cochlea. Micro-
Gel-forming proteins interconnect adjacent actin filaments crossing tubules rarely show acute bends, indicating a degree of stiffness.
each other at angles, to form filamentous meshworks (gels) composed Microtubules are polymers of tubulin. There are two major forms
of randomly orientated F-actin. Such networks are frequently found of this protein a- and f-tubulins which before assembly occur
in the cortical regions of cells, for example fibroblasts, forming a together as dimers (see e.g. Soifer 1986) with a combined molecular
semi-rigid zone from which most other organelles are excluded. The weight of 100kDa (50kDa each). Each protein subunit is about
protein filamin is an example of such a molecule. 5nm across and microtubules in transverse section are made up of
Severing proteins can bind to F-actin filaments and sever them, to a ring of such globular subunits, usually 13 in number, also arranged
produce profound changes within the actin cytoskeleton and in its along the long axis in straight rows of alternating tubulins a and f,
coupling to the cell surface. Examples include gelsolin and severin. forming the wall of a cylinder (these rows can, therefore, be viewed
as protofilaments). Each longitudinal row is slightly out of alignment
with its neighbour, so that a spiral pattern of alternating a and f
OTHER ACTIN-BINDING PROTEINS subunits appears when the microtubule is viewed from the side
Actin cytoskeletons are attached to the plasma membrane either (Amos & Klug 1974). There is a dynamic equilibrium between the
directly or indirectly through a variety of membrane-associated dimers and assembled microtubules; as with actin, asymmetries in
proteins which may also create links via transmembrane proteins to the dimers create a directionality to the microtubule; tubulin is added
the extracellular matrix. Best known of these is the family of spectrin- preferentially to one end (plus), in contrast with the minus end which
like molecules which can bind to actin and also to each other is relatively slow growing. It is, therefore, possible to add tubulin at
and various membrane-associated proteins to create supportive, one end while removing it at the other (a phenomenon called
somewhat elastic networks beneath the plasma membrane. Spectrin ‘treadmilling’, see also p.61), in which case the microtubule will
is found in erythrocytes (p. 1405) but closely related molecules are gradually shift its position longitudinally.
present in many other cells: fodrin in nerve cells, and a sub-family Various drugs (e.g. colcemid, vinblastine, griseofulvin, nicodazole)
of dystrophins in the sole plates of muscle cells (M-dystrophin: see can cause microtubule depolymerization by binding the soluble
p. 748) and nerve cells (P-dystrophin in cerebellar Purkinje cells, C- tubulin dimers and so shifting the equilibrium towards the unpoly-
dystrophin in cortical neurons, eutrophin in many other cells). Other merized state. Microtubule demolition causes a wide variety of
molecules directly or indirectly connecting these to integral plasma effects, including the inhibition of cell division because microtubules
membrane proteins (e.g. integrins) and thence to focal adhesions are are present in the mitotic spindle (p. 61). Conversely, the drug taxol
proteins such as ankyrin (which also bind actin directly), band 4.1, stabilizes microtubules to the extent that processes depending on
vinculin, talin, zyxin, paxillin and many others. The detailed chem- their turnover no longer operate (e.g. some aspects of axoplasmic
istry and behaviour of these proteins is beyond the scope of the flow in neurons, so causing peripheral neuropathy).
present account; for further information consult Bray (1992), Otto Different microtubules have varying degrees of stability, for
(1994). In addition to these various molecular species, myosin I and example those of cilia are generally unaffected by many anti-
other ‘unconventional’ myosins (see below) have been shown to be microtubule drugs, due to chemical modifications to their assembled
important in connecting actin filaments to membranous structures structure. There are also differences between tissues, for example
including the plasma membrane, and transport vesicles within cells neurons have a special subclass. Tubulins associated with micro-
(see below), and finally, tropomyosin, an important regulatory tubule organizing centres (see below) include another type y-tubulin.
protein of muscle fibres, is also present in non-muscle cells, where Polymerization requires phosphorylation of tubulins by GTP, and
its function may be primarily to stabilize actin filaments against also a nucleation site such as the end ofa pre-existing microtubule
depolymerization (Pittenger et al 1994). or a microtubule-organizing centre such as those surrounding (and
In conclusion to this consideration of actin it should be noted that including) centrioles, around which spindle microtubules polymerize
the presence of networks containing large amounts of cellular actin, during cell division (Pickett-Heaps 1975) and from which cilia can
the interchangeability of F- and G-actins, and the existence of a grow (see p.43). In other instances such centres have no obvious
wide variety of actin-binding proteins provides a very effective structural basis, thus centrioles are not always essential to mic-
mechanism for modelling the actin cytoskeleton during the motility, rotubule formation.
growth and differentiation of a diverse range of cells.
There are a number of subtypes of actin, some primarily associated Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs)
with cell plasma membranes; others lie deeper within the cytosol. Within the cytoplasm or attached to the walls of the microtubules
Muscle cells contain particularly robust forms of microfilament. are various small proteins which can bind to assembled tubulins
Actin binds to the protein myosin when an energy source (ATP) is which may be either structural or associated with motility. Structural
available and when appropriately organized. This leads to various MAPs form cross-bridges between adjacent microtubules or between
types of shearing movement which can produce cell motility of microtubules and other structures such as intermediate filaments,
different kinds, including muscular contraction (p. 741). Actin mic- mitochondria and the plasma membrane, with lengths ranging from
rofilaments can be detected electron microscopically by incubating 50-185 nm. Such molecules include the well known MAPs found in
cells, made permeable to proteins, with heavy meromyosin which neurons such as MAPs 1A and 1B present in neuronal dendrites and
binds to actin and decorates the filaments with arrowhead for- axons, MAPs 2A and 2B chiefly in dendrites, and tau, found only
mations. Actin can also be readily detected by labelling with anti- in axons. MAP 4 is the major MAP in many other cell types.
actin antibodies conjugated to a fluorescent dye for light microscopy; Structural MAPs are implicated in various aspects of microtubule
38 or to an electron-dense marker (e.g. colloidal gold) for electron biology, including their formation, maintenance and demolition.

These molecules are, therefore, of considerable significance in cell

morphogenesis, mitotic division, maintenance and modulation of cell
shape and a plethora of cell activities dependent on microtubules
(see the review of MAPs by Hirokawa 1994). Motility-associated
MAPs are found in a number of situations where movement occurs
over the surfaces of microtubules, for example the transport of
cytoplasmic vesicles, bending of cilia and flagella and some move-
ments of mitotic spindles. They include a large family of motor
proteins, the best known of which are the dyneins and kinesins.
Another protein, dynamin, has recently been demonstrated,
(although now also shown to be involved in endocytosis) and to this
should be added kinetochore proteins responsible for chromosomal
movements in mitotic and meiotic anaphase (see p. 61). All of these
molecules have binding sites for microtubules and the ability to
actively slide along their surfaces. At the same ‘time, kinesins and
dyneins can also attach to membranous structures such as transport
vesicles and thus convey them along microtubules for considerable
distances, a vital mechanism for the selective targeting of materials
made in one part of the cell to distant destinations. Such movements
occur in both directions along microtubules: kinesin-dependent
motion appears to be towards the plus ends of microtubules, for
example from the cell body towards the axon terminals in neurons,
and away from the centrosome in epithelial and other cells with
a radial distribution of microtubules. Conversely, dynein-related
movements appear to be in the opposite direction, i.e. to the minus
ends of microtubules. Dyneins also form the arms of peripheral
microtubules in cilia and flagella where they can form ‘walking’
cross-bridges to adjacent microtubule pairs and so generate shearing
forces which cause the axonemal array of microtubules to bend and
thus generate ciliary and flagellar beating movements. Besides the olfactory glia, and peripherin in peripheral axons. Neurofilaments are
kinesins and dyneins, recent research has found a number of related a major cytoskeletal element of neurons, particularly in axons where
motor proteins which can also interact with microtubules, for they are the dominant protein. Neurofilaments are heteropolymers
instance kinesin-related proteins which cross-link mitotic spindle of low, medium and high molecular weight neurofilament proteins
microtubules to push the two centriolar poles apart during mitotic (NF-L, -M and -H respectively); NF-L is always present in com-
prophase, and it is probable that such molecules are of considerable bination with either NF-M or NF-H.
importance in many other motile activities of cells. Abnormal neurofilament structures have been found in a number
of neuropathological conditions. It is likely that genetic defects in
INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS these structures are important in a range of neurodegenerative
diseases which show abnormal neurofilament assemblies. Although
Intermediate filaments include a family of protein filaments about definitive evidence for this is not yet available, experiments on
10nm thick, found in different cell types and often present in large transgenic mice have shown that overexpression of the NF-L protein
numbers where structural strength is needed (2.19-22) or forming a produces a neurological condition resembling the human motor
scaffolding for the attachment of other structures. It has been neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (for reviews see Liem
shown by immunochemistry and other means that several families 1993; Lee & Cleveland 1994).
of intermediate filament occur, all with a broadly similar chemical Other intermediate filament proteins include nestin, a molecule
structure. Chemically they can be divided into three major categories resembling neurofilament protein but forming intermediate filaments
designated A, B and C, each subdivisible according to their detailed in neurectodermal stem cells. Nuclear lamins form intermediate
molecular structure, so that a total of 6 classes are currently recog- filaments which line the inner surface of the nuclear envelope of all
nized (see Table 2.1). The different types are characteristic of par- nucleated cells (see p. 47), providing a mechanical framework for the
ticular tissues or states of maturity so that they have come to be nucleus and acting as attachment sites for chromosomes. They are
important indicators of cell origins or levels of differentiation, and unusual in that they form a square lattice of regularly spaced crossing
of considerable value for histopathology. Of the different classes, filaments rather than bundles, reflecting their unusual molecular
keratin proteins are found in epithelia, keratin (or cytokeratin) composition.
filaments always being composed of combinations of Types I (acidic) The exact manner in which intermediate filament proteins poly-
and II (basic or neutral) keratins in equal parts. Bundles of keratin merize to form linear filaments is much more complex than that of
filaments in the epidermis were previously called tonofibrils or tubulin or actin, and has not been fully characterized. The individual
tonofilaments, reflecting their cable-like mechanical properties. intermediate filament proteins are chains with a middle a-helical
About 15 types of acidic keratin proteins are known and the same region flanked on either side by non-helical domains. These proteins
number of basic or neutral types. Studies with specific monoclonal are coiled together as dimers which are themselves further coiled to
antibodies have distinguished many varieties of such filaments, even create short rods about 45 nm long. These are assembled end to end
within keratinocytes; it is possible to discern a changing pattern of or are diagonally staggered in echelon into subfibrils, and, usually,
keratin chemistry as cells proceed from their basal positions in the eight of these are rolled up into a hollow cylinder which constitutes
epidermis to their fully mature flattened state in the stratum corneum the 10nm intermediate filament itself. A cross-section of a single
where they are virtually solid plates of keratin filaments. Genetic intermediate filament with this arrangement would, therefore, pass
abnormalities of keratins are known to affect the mechanical stability through 16 individual protein subunits, although in some filaments
of epithelia: for example, the disease epidermolysis bullosa simplex the number appears to vary from this. The non-coiled regions of the
which causes lysis of epidermal basal cells and, therefore, blistering subunits are thought to project outwards as side arms which can
when subject to mechanical stresses, is caused by defects in genes link intermediate filaments into bundles or attach them to the other
encoding keratins 5 and 14, whereas when keratins 1 and 10 are structures. The existence of various combinations of subunit proteins
affected, cells in the stratum spinosum lyse to give intraepidermal within one filament provides great chemical and functional diversity
blistering (epidermolyic hyperkeratosis). (For further information, to these structures. The tightly linked structure makes the filaments
see the reviews by Coulombe 1993.) Vimentins occur in mesenchyme- very stable chemically, and indeed they are difficult to solubilize for
derived cells of connective tissue, desmins in muscle cells, glial fibrillar chemical analysis, requiring 2M urea to bring them into solution.
acidic protein (GFAP) in central nervous system glial cells and However, in the living cell they have also been shown to be quite 39
dynamic, especially in immature cells, perhaps as a result of phos- Covered by plasma membrane, they are supported internally by
phorylation which tends to destabilize their structure. closely packed bundles of actin microfilaments linked by cross-
For further information about intermediate filaments, see Stewart bridges of the actin-bundling proteins villin and fimbrin (see Mooseker
(1993), Alberts et al (1994), Heins and Aebi (1994). 1985). Connecting the microfilaments to the plasma membrane are
other bridges composed of myosin I and calmodulin. There is no
MYOSINS evidence that the microvilli are motile, although it is possible that
the myosin link to the plasma membrane generates movement in
Although myosin can be considered as simply just another actin- the latter to replace lost or degraded membrane components. The
binding protein, its importance in cell motility, especially muscle microfilament bundles of microvilli are implanted within the cell’s
contraction, merits an extra comment. The myosin family is com- apical cytoplasm amongst a transverse meshwork of transversely
posed of several classes, the complexities of which are becoming running microfilaments linked by spectrin, the terminal web, which
apparent as more members are being discovered from the analysis
of cDNA libraries. The chief characteristic of myosin molecules is
the presence of a globular head consisting of a heavy and a light
chain. The heavy chain bears an a-helical tail of varying length. The
head has an ATP-ase activity and can bind to and move along actin
filaments, so that myosins are motor proteins. The best-known class
is myosin II, which occurs in muscle and in many non-muscle cells.
Its molecules have two heads and two tails entwined to form a long
rod; the rods can bind to each other to form the long thick filaments,
as seen in striated and smooth muscle fibres, and in myoepithelial
cells (p. 71) and myofibroblasts (p. 76). Myosin II molecules can also
assemble into smaller groups, especially dimers which can cross-link
individual actin microfilaments in stress fibres and other F-actin
arrays. The ATP-dependent sliding of myosin on actin produces
muscle contraction and also extension of microfilament bundles, as
seen in the flattening of fibroblasts in culture or the contraction of
the ring of actin and myosin around the cleavage furrow of dividing
cells. There are a number of known subtypes of myosin II which
assemble in different ways and have different dynamic properties. In
skeletal muscle the myosin molecules form filaments about 120nm
thick, reversing their direction of assembly at the midpoint to produce
a symmetrical arrangement of subunits (p. 739). In smooth muscle
the molecules form thicker flattened ribbons and are orientated in
different directions on either face of the ribbon (p.774). These
arrangements have important consequences for the detailed nature of
the contractile force generated by the different types of muscle cell.
Other myosins of considerable importance to cell activities include
a collection of various molecules known as unconventional myosins.
An example of these is the myosin I subfamily, single-headed mol-
ecules with a tail of varying length. These are especially associated
with membranes to which their tails can attach, and are implicated
in the movements of membranes on actin filaments, for example, of
vesicles which track along F-actin in a similar manner to kinesin
and dynein-related movements along microtubules (p.39). Other
proposed functions of myosin I are the movements of membranes
in phagocytosis, microspike formation in growth cones and other
membrane-cytoskeleton related motility, as well as actin—actin sliding
and attachment of actin to membranes (e.g. those of microvilli).
Other myosins have recently been isolated, although the significance
of this great diversity is not understood. For reviews of myosins, see
Titus (1993).


A very heterogeneous group of filamentous structures with widths
of 2-4nm also occur in various cells. The two most widely studied
forms, titin and nebulin, are found in striated muscles. These are
relatively huge molecules with subunit weights of around a million,
and native molecules are about 1m in length. Surprisingly, they
constitute about 13% of the total protein of skeletal muscle. Their
elastic properties are important for the proper functioning of muscle,
and possibly for cells in general. For further details see Keller 1995;
also page 747.

Microvilli are finger-like cell surface extensions (2.1, 23, 24) usually 2.23 Electron micrographs of microvilli from a striated border of an absorp-
about 0.1 4m in diameter and up to about 2 »m long. When arranged tive columnar epithelial cell of the small intestine (compare with 2.67):
A. vertical section showing microvilli with supporting microfilaments (long
in a regular parallel series, they constitute a striated border, as seen
arrows) and terminal web (short arrow); B. horizontal section through cell
at the absorptive surfaces of the epithelial cells (enterocytes, see surface cutting each microvillus transversely. Insert (c) shows the details
p. 1771) of the small intestine; when less regular, as in the gallbladder of a few microvilli from 8; note the bilayer structure of the plasma mem-
epithelium and proximal kidney tubules, the term brush border is brane and the fuzzy external cell coat. Magnifications: a and B x 20000;
applied. c x 110000.
a single cell, as in bronchial epithelium, or only one or two as with
some mesothelial cells. Each male gamete possesses a single flagellum
about 70 ym long.
By electron microscopy (2.25-27) each cilium or flagellum is seen
to consist of a shaft, constituting most of its length, with a diameter
of about 0.25 um, a tapering tip and, at its base within the surface
cytoplasm of the cell, a kinetosome (basal body, basal granule or
blepharoplast) about 1 pm long (Gibbons & Grimstone 1960). The
whole structure is bounded, except at its base, by plasma membrane.
In freeze-fracture preparations chain-like groups of characteristic
membrane particles, the ciliary necklace, surround the proximal end
of the cilium (Gilula & Satir 1972). These particles may assist the
control of ciliary beating. The core of the cilium is a cylinder of nine
double microtubules (the axoneme), surrounding a central pair of
single microtubules. At the base of the cilium (the kinetosome) each
microtubule doublet, the two parts of which are designated the A
and B subfibres, are twisted through 40° (2.25p, 26) and another
microtubule, the C subfibre, is added. The central pair sometimes
end above the cell surface in a dense sphere or axosome, beneath
which lies a transverse partition or basal plate. Associated with the
kinetosome are often one or more cross-banded filamentous rootlets
and a plate-like basal foot, which probably help to anchor the cilium
into the cytoplasm. At the apical end, the various microtubular
elements do not all continue to the tip; the A subfibres are the first
to end, then the B subfibres and, finally, the central pair terminate.
Within the shaft lie several filamentous structures associated with
2.24 Scanning electron micrograph of a striated border from the small the microtubules, such as radial spokes which extend inwards from
intestine showing numerous microvilli. The epithelium has been cut vertically the outer microtubules towards the central pair. The outer doublet
to allow the microvilli to be viewed from the side as well as from above. microtubules bear two rows of tangential dynein arms attached to
Magnification x 6000. the A subfibre of one doublet, pointing towards the B subfibre of

is also anchored around its edges to the zonula adherens. The protein
myosin also occurs in the terminal web and is thought to bind to
the actin to stiffen this part of the cell. In vitro this meshwork can
be stimulated to contract, and this is thought to play a role in
adjusting the extracellular space and the permeability of the tight
junctions around the cell apex. At the apex of the microvillus, the
free ends of microfilaments are inserted into a dense mass which
includes the protein a-actinin (Mooseker & Tilney 1975).
Microvilli greatly multiply the area of surface (up to 40 times, in
striated borders) and are found at sites of active absorption. In the
small intestine, microvilli have a very thick glycocalyx (see p. 1771)
which binds digestive enzymes, but the membranes themselves also
carry disaccharidases synthesized in the cells which bear them, as
well as various proteins which are channels for nutrient absorption.
Irregular microvilli, filopodia, are also found on the surfaces of
many types of cell, particularly free macrophages and fibroblasts.
Again, these may be associated with transport processes, particularly
phagocytosis, and with cell motility.
Large, regular microvilli are called stereocilia (a name unfor-
tunately retained from pre-electron microscopy days when the dis-
tinction between these and true cilia was not understood). These are
found on cochlear and vestibular receptor cells where they act as
sensory transducers, and also occur in the absorptive epithelium
of the epididymis. Transient microvillus-like structures found on
developing or motile cells include elongate microspikes on axonal
growth cones and on ruffled membranes at the leading edges of
migratory cells (see 2.30).


Cilia and flagella are, typically, motile hair-like projections of the
cell surface (cilium = eyelash, flagellum = whip), that create currents
in the surrounding fluid or movements of the cell to which they
are attached. Cilia occur on many internal surfaces of the body,
particularly the epithelia of most of the respiratory tract, parts of
the male and female reproductive tracts, the ependyma lining the
central canal of the spinal cord and ventricles of the brain and the
mesothelia of the peritoneal and plural cavities. They also occur at
olfactory receptor and vestibular hair cell endings and, modified, as 2.25 Electron micrographs of cilia cut (a) longitudinally, and (8, c, D) through
portions of the rods and cones of the retina; cilia are, in addition, the tip, shaft and base respectively. Magnifications: a x 50000; B-p x
present on many dividing tissue cells. Many cilia may be present on 110000. 4

Radial link
Spiral 0 °-0
filament 0°


Dynein arms


Tangential link Peripheral microtubule



2.26 The internal structure of a cilium in longitudinal section (centre), the expanded heads project towards the central pair of microtubules. A fila-
disposition of microtubules at various levels (right), and the detailed cross- mentous spiral encircles the central pair. Adjacent peripheral doublet mic-
sectional appearance of the shaft of the cilium (left). In the latter, hook- rotubules are also connected by tangential links. Redrawn from Sleigh
like dynein arms extend from the peripheral doublets and radial links with (1977).

the adjacent doublet. Adjacent doublets are also linked by thin usual pattern, i.e. it rotates in the opposite direction during early
filaments. Other filaments partially encircle the central pair of micro- development, perhaps because cilia on its coelomic surface are
tubules, which are also united by ladder-like spokes. Because of the involved in the initial choice of direction.
“9+ 2’ pattern of tubules, there is a plane of symmetry which passes The cilia of olfactory receptors (p. 1321) show the typical ‘9 + 2’
perpendicular to a line joining the central pair and corresponds to arrangement of subfibres, although dynein arms are apparently
the direction of bending. absent (Lidow & Menco 1984). Cilia of retinal rods and cones,
Movements of cilia and flagella (see Sleigh 1974, 1977), are similar however, lack the central pair of microtubules. Dividing cells of
in broad outline (2.28). Flagella move by rapid undulation passing many tissues (e.g. the adrenal cortex) also show a small number of
from the attached to the free end. In human spermatozoa there is a cilia which protrude from the cell surfaces into the intercellular
helical component in this motion, although the precise form is spaces. Their function is unknown but they may represent some
hydrodynamically complex (see e.g. Brokaw 1975). unavoidable, functionless by-product of cell division processes.
In cilia, the beating is planar, but asymmetrical. In the effective Cilia and flagella are formed by the polymerization of tubulin on
stroke, the cilium remains stiff except at the base where it bends to centrioles, which are synthesized deep in the cell and then move to
produce an oar-like stroke. Then follows the recovery stroke during
which the bend passes from base to tip, returning the cilium to its
initial position for the next cycle. The activity of groups of cilia is
usually coupled so that the bending of one is rapidly followed by
the bending of the next and so on, resulting in long travelling or
metachronal waves (see also p. 1671). These pass over the tissue
surface in the same direction as the effective stroke. Mechanical
coupling of adjacent cilia is caused by their viscous interaction, the
bending of one initiating beating of the next.
When a cilium bends, the microtubules do not change in length
but slide on one another (Warner & Satir 1974). The ‘arms’ of
peripheral doublets are made of a protein ‘dynein’ and slant towards
the cilium base from their attached ends. Dynein has an ATP-ase
activity, stimulated by magnesium ions, and causes mutual sliding
of adjacent doublets by initially attaching sideways to the next pair
then swinging upwards towards the tip of the cilium. The radial
spokes and various other substructures appear to modify the form
of the ciliary bending (Warner & Mitchell 1980). A group of genetic
diseases is known in which the cilia beat either ineffectively or not
at all (e.g. Cartagena’s immotile cilium syndrome) and these cilia
show various ultrastructural defects in their internal structure—lack
of dynein arms, missing spokes, and so forth. Such patients suffer
various respiratory problems due to the accumulation of particles in
the lungs, and males are typically sterile due to loss of sperm motility.
It is also intriguing that if cilia are immotile, about 50% of patients 2.27 Scanning electron micrograph of the ciliated surface in the trachea.
42 have an alimentary tract which is arranged as a mirror image of the Magnification x 10 000.


Centrioles are microtubular cylinders about 1 wm long by 0.25 .m
in diameter (Johnson & Rosenbaum 1992), identical in structure
with kinetosomes (see above) but not attached to cilia (2.1, 29). At
least two centrioles occur in all cells capable of division (except
during meiosis in the odcyte, see p. 122), usually lying close and at
right angles to each other, together often termed a diplosome, within
a somewhat dense region of cytoplasm, the centrosome. Various
filamentous or granular structures (centriolar satellites or peri-
centriolar bodies) surround them. This centriolar complex is a centre
for microtubule assembly, for example in the generation of the
spindle and aster microtubules during cell division, the sprouting of
cilia and the provision of axonal and dendritic microtubules in
developing neurons. It is also the source of cytoplasmic microtubules
in various other cells, and its proximity to the Golgi complex provides
that structure with a means of targeting its vesicular products to
different parts of the cell (p. 32). Prior to cell division a new centriole
forms near each old one and the resulting pairs are passed on to the
two new cells (Rattner & Phillips 1973).
As noted above, microtubules are formed by tubulin assembly on
a template, usually the plus end of a pre-existing microtubule.
Although the microtubules of cilia are assembled directly on the
ends of centrioles, spindle and other cytoplasmic microtubules grow
from the surrounding centriolar satellites rather than centrioles
themselves. The nature of this organizing capacity is not certain; in
5 A flowering plants spindle microtubules are formed without centrioles,
so they may not be essential to this process. Centres at which
Layer of mucus
microtubules are formed are termed microtubule organizing centres;
it has recently been shown that these often contain a special form
—<$§$—$§__> of tubulin (y-tubulin) which may have special properties in facilitating
tubulin assembly. For further details, see the reviews by Brinkley
(1984), Oakley (1992) and Joshi (1994).

See La n


2.28 Diagram of ciliary (a) and flagellar (8) action. In a the effective stroke
is shown in red and the recovery stroke in blue. In B successive movements
of the sperm tail are indicated in red, blue and green; c represents a number
of cilia in the respiratory tract showing the metachronal wave and the
direction of mucus movement.

lie immediately beneath the cell membrane before the cilia begin to
sprout (Sorokin 1968; Staprans & Dirksen 1974). Once initiated, 2.29 Transmission electron micrograph of a group of centrioles in a
they grow by the addition of tubulin and other materials to the developing nerve cell dendrite. Provided by A Cuschieri, University of Malta.
distal end. Magnification x 25 000.

skeleton. After birth the activities of microtubules or even actin filaments 2

motile tissues, cardiac, skeletal and as a consequence make possible the bi
smooth muscle are the sole manifestations possible assay system for potenti
of an underlying ferment of cytoplasmic motors—that of motion itself (see
Cell motility (see 2.30) plays a crucial role motor activities. Beyond the resolution of et al 1990).
in the life of everyone from the act of the human eye continue the activities of Blood cells are carried thr
conception until death. Embryogenesis is cell division, exocytosis, wound healing, cular system as passengers at
based upon the finely orchestrated move- blood clotting, circulation of lymphocytes (from the arm to the foot in
ments of individual cells, which, respond- and the patrolling of effector defence minute). While the e ain in
ing to the particular instructions of their cells—macrophages and _ polymorpho- this circuit, white cel ) activate
genes, divide, migrate and in concert with nuclear leucocytes. New developments in their own motor appa escape from
others may construct the neural tube or computer assisted microscopy now enable the vascular s ocytes, in order
lay down the rudiments of the future endo- us to witness directly the gliding of single peregrinations


formation LOCOMOTION a i



Cleavage furrow
Spindle movements


2.30 Diagram summarizing some major examples of cell motility

associated with actin filaments (red) and microtubules (blue).

through the lymph vessels, need constantly overcome these viscous forces? There are microtubules) along its polymer partner
to escape from and return to the vascular two principal categories—those associated a small, finite distance (ca. 20 nm).
space. While the global transport speed is with F-actin (in concert with myosins) The force produced by each such cross-
very high (hundreds of cell lengths per and those associated with microtubules (in bridge cycle is infinitesimally small (ca.
second) cells moving under their own concert with kinesins, dyneins)—unified Ip) x: 1034 N),
power do so at extremely low velocity— by the following common features: The turnover rate of these NTP-ases is
in the range of 0.1 um—10 pm.min~!. extremely slow (ca. 40 NTP molecules
The world as we perceive it, where iner- e The engine consists of two partners, a per second) compared with that of a
tial forces dominate, is experienced quite linear polymer with chemically distinct cytosolic enzyme. It is a tribute to bio-
differently by cells. Being such small ends which acts as a cofactor and guide logical design that these unpromising
objects (diameter approximately 20m) rail for a nucleotide triphosphatase performance characteristics, adequate
their activities are dominated by viscous (NTPase) whose substrate is usually for intracellular transport, have been
forces—for them aqueous. fluids are as ATP (Alberts & Miake-Lye 1992). amplified during evolution into that
syrup might be to us. Although this point e Hydrolysis of each molecule of NTP — remarkable tension machine—skeletal
may seem rather arcane it turns out that NDP + P; is coupled to the production muscle. Here the myosin II:F-actin ratio
the motility of all cells has evolved to be of mechanical force which moves the is very high. In non-muscle cells actin
reconciled to this restraint. What are the enzyme unidirectionally (this is dictated may reach concentrations of 200 4M
biochemical engines that enable cells to by the intrinsic polarity of F-actin or whereas those of the myosins are of the
order of 24m; this speaks for different work directly on the surrounding fluid by part upon the tension generated by the
functions of myosins here. propagating waves along their axonemes; stress fibres of concerted groups of fibro-
the resultant forces drive the sperm for- blasts pulling upon the collagen fibres of
The effects of the action of such ‘ratchet’ wards in the bulk liquid phase. Epithelial the extracellular matrix rather in the
motors in cells depends upon the local cilia, in order to sweep mucus across their manner of the adductor muscles respon-
cytoarchitecture and the relative abun- luminal surface, employ a simpler beat sible for closing the shells of clams.
dance of the particular NTP-ase motor pattern. Each cycle is biphasic and consists So far the biochemical regulatory
protein. Some antibiotics exert their effects of a rigid power stroke followed by a mechanism(s) responsible for the inte-
by usurping a cell’s intrinsic control over deeply arched recovery stroke. Since this gration of protrusion and _ traction
the integrity of its actin filaments or its latter is performed close to the epithelial remain(s) unknown yet some exciting
microtubules. For example, the Vinca surface within the stationary fluid bound- glimpses are emerging. For some time it
alkaloid vincristine can disrupt mic- ary layer it avoids producing an equal and was known that there is an evident con-
rotubules and block cell division, a prop- antagonistic thrust to that of the effector nection between serum growth factors,
erty exploited in cancer chemotherapy. If stroke. For both flagella and cilia, beating small guanine-nucleotide binding proteins
the NTP-ase is coupled to a membrane- results from the conversion by locally (G-proteins) related to the products of the
delimited vesicle (e.g. endocytotic or imposed shear within the axoneme of the oncogene Ras, and actin cytoskeletons.
exocytotic vesicles, mitochondria) or a fundamental sliding force. This is gen- Recent experiments have demonstrated
protein assemblage (as in axoplasmic erated by transient cross-bridge inter- that the molecular link between these
transport) then this cargo can be shuttled actions between dynein arms irreversibly extracellular signals and the actin cyto-
through the cytoplasm towards its des- bound to the A tubule of the nine outer architecture resides in a cascade of GTP-
tined location. As far as microtubule high- doublet microtubules and the wall of the ases belonging to the Ras superfamily
ways are concerned there exist motors to B tubule belonging to the adjacent doublet (Ridley & Hall 1992; Ridley et al 1992),
carry cargo towards either the minus end (see also p. 42). Activation of one (Rac) at once induces
or the plus end. Originally a clear-cut story For crawling or amoeboid cells the situ- ruffles and activates another GTP-binding
it now is apparent that among the kinesin ation is more complex than axoneme protein (Rho) which stimulates stress fibre
family there are members which can travel powered motility since locomotion is formation.
in either direction along microtubules. achieved only at the expense of a constant It has become clear that the diverse
When the NTP-ase is anchored to fila- turnover or re-modelling of the cyto- nature of the extracellular matrix provides
ments then tension may be generated skeleton. Such a flux does indeed occur. not only a physical substratum for traction
within the cell by F-actin-based_ stress The combination of sophisticated inter- but also chemical cues which, in addition
fibres and transferred to the extracellular ference microscopy and computation has to possible soluble chemical messages,
matrix, as in wound healing. During cell identified vectorial flow of material in the convert random walk behaviour into
division the cytoskeleton disassembles cytoplasm of living fibroblasts at speeds useful, directed locomotion. This is par-
causing cells to round up. The cleavage of up to 2um.s_' (Brown & Dunn 1989). ticularly important during embryogenesis.
furrow, newly assembled from cortically Motive force generation here is predicated In adults most cells are sedentary, inter-
anchored overlapping arrays of actin on the actin-based cytoskeleton with its acting with their neighbours and the extra-
filaments with opposite polarities, is then ability to switch rapidly and locally among cellular matrix via specific cell surface
constricted by the action of myosin II its repertoire of macromolecular assemb- receptors (Pullman & Bodmer 1992).
which in turn is thought to be regulated lies (e.g. cortical meshworks, filament However release from these restraints as a
by complex cell cycle events. The motor bundles) and to interact cooperatively consequence of viral or chemical trans-
may playa part in cell protrusive processes with myosin ATP-ases. Less transparent, formation may enable acell to recommence
(filopodia, ruffles, lamellipodia) by inter- however, is the fact that in order to pro- the motile activities of its embryonic fore-
acting with the re-arranging F-actin cort- gress, such cells need constantly to make bears (Hynes & Lander 1992) and to
ical networks. In non-muscle cells the and break attachments to their immediate undertake cell division outside of normal
functions of cytoplasmic myosin II appear substratum. Without traction the activities control processes. Such antisocial behav-
to be limited to cell cleavage, development of their obvious motile components— iour, continuing unchecked, may result
of cortical tension and re-distribution of pseudopodia, lamella or microspikes erup- ultimately in metastasis and death through
ligands bound to the cell surface in a ting anteriorly—would be rendered cancer. Lymphocytes, however, are pro-
process known as capping. Myosin II is useless. Visible only by special optical fessional wanderers constantly scanning
not the motor for crawling cell loco- methods are the differentiated points of the body for foreign invaders. Leaving
motion, as gene deletion experiments with substratum contact, termed focal the blood they move through lymphatic
the slime mould Dictyostelium have dem- adhesions, which mediate traction. This organs and tissues as adherent cells, enter
onstrated (Manstein et al 1989). The spot- technique (reflection interference micro- the lymphatics as non-adhesive cells and,
light has now turned on the varied family scopy) has revealed points of consider- finally, return to the blood via the thoracic
of mini-myosins, e.g. myosin I (Hammer able similarity in the formation and turn- and right lymphatic duct. This complex
1991), as putative force proteins to drive over of these substratum anchorage points migratory process attended by adhesive
the F-actin cytoskeleton. However, other on glass coverslips by cells as evolutionary changes involves three distinct families of
non-actin based locomotory systems may distant as amoebae and mammalian adhesion receptors at the cell surface: the
exist: the amoeboid sperm of nematode fibroblasts. immunoglobulin superfamily, the integrins
worms completes its crawling odyssey In metazoan cells focal contacts consist and the selectins (which are important
along the female tract without the benefit of numerous proteins which integrate F- for the interaction of leucocytes with the
of an actin-based cytoskeleton, the com- actin bundles (stress fibres) with cell vascular endothelium Springer 1990). The
ponents of which are specifically lost surface adhesion receptors known as inte- often fatal congenital leucocyte adhesion
during gamete differentiation, suggesting grins (p.27). This ensures the integration deficiency condition is due to a mutation
that other mechanisms of cellular pro- of the cytoskeleton with the extracellular affecting leucocyte integrins. Such
pulsion may be present in the animal environment ensuring a physical link compromised cells are unable to emigrate
kingdom, including perhaps mammals. between force production, cell protrusion from the blood and thus fail to reach and
Swimming cells, such as sperm, perform and traction. Wound healing depends in destroy pathogens in tissues.

Perinuclear space into the space between the two membrane layers which is called the
perinuclear space. Intermediate filaments are associated with both
Outer nuclear membrane
the inner (nuclear) and outer (cytoplasmic) surfaces of the nuclear
envelope. Within the nucleus these proteins form a dense ‘shell’
Inner nuclear membrane
beneath the envelope called the nuclear lamina consisting of spe-
Fibrillar core cialized nuclear forms of intermediate filament called nuclear lamins.
These cross each other at right-angles to create a meshwork covering
Nucleolus the nuclear envelope interior. Between these and the inner nuclear
membrane there is another thin filamentous protein layer. The inner
\ Intermediate filaments nuclear membrane skeleton determines the shape of the nucleus and
Endoplasmic reinforces its envelope mechanically, and the ends of chromosomes
reticulum are anchored to the layer of lamins, as seen clearly during meiotic
Nuclear pore prophase (p. 50). Condensed chromatin (heterochromatin) also tends
Lumen of to aggregate against the nuclear envelope during interphase, pre-
endoplsmic Nuclear lamina sumably reflecting this terminal attachment. At the end of mitotic
and meiotic prophase the lamin filaments disassemble, causing the
vesiculation of the nuclear membranes, and, at the end of anaphase,
Ribosome Euchromatin Perinuclear heterochromatin the lamins reattach to the chromosomes and create a new nuclear
compartment round which the nuclear membranes reform. A
2.31 Diagram showing the chief features of a typical nucleus and its network of filamentous proteins, the nuclear matrix, is also present
relation to the granular endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleus is surrounded
by two membranes which constitute the nuclear envelope, perforated by throughout the nucleus. The nuclear matrix is associated with newly-
nuclear pores. The outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic replicated DNA and, indeed, is enriched in enzymes of the replication
reticulum, and associated externally with a loose network of cytoplasmic machinery; it is also associated with genes being actively transcribed
intermediate filaments. The inner nuclear membrane is coated internally by and may be involved in transcriptional regulation.
amore dense intermediate filament network of nuclear lamins which, in turn,
is associated with dense perinuclear heterochromatin which is tran- Nuclear pores allow transport across the nuclear
scriptionally inactive. The core of the nucleus is filled with decondensed envelope
euchromatin which is active in transcription. Embedded in the euchromatin The essential role of regulating the transport of molecules between
is the nucleolus which forms a nuclear subcompartment in which tran-
the nucleus and the cytoplasm is performed by specialized nuclear
scription of ribosomal RNA occurs.
pore structures which perforate the nuclear envelope. These struc-
tures act as highly selective, directional molecular filters allowing the
entrance to the nucleus by proteins such as histones and gene
regulatory proteins, which are synthesized in the cytoplasm but
NUCLEUS which function in the nucleus. They also permit the exit of molecules
synthesized in the nucleus (e.g. ribosomal subunits, transfer RNAs
The nucleus is the largest organelle within most eukaryotic cells and and messenger RNAs) to the cytoplasm.
is one of the attributes that distinguishes eukaryotic from prokaryotic Under the electron microscope, nuclear pores appear as disc-like
(e.g. bacterial) cells. It generally has a spherical or ellipsoid shape structures with an outer diameter of about 100 nm and an inner pore
and, having a diameter of 3-10 ym, it can be observed through the with a diameter of 9 nm (2.33, 34). The nuclear envelope of an active
light microscope in living cells in culture. A number of histological cell is crossed by up to 4000 of these structures. The nuclear pore
stains can be used to identify nuclei in tissue sections; many of these complex has an octagonal symmetry and is constructed by the
detect molecules that are largely confined to the nucleus such as assembly of approximately 100 protein subunits (nucleoporins). The
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the basic histone proteins. structure of the nuclear pore complex has been determined by
computer-aided reconstruction of information from electron-micro-
NUCLEAR ENVELOPE graphs although some details remain to be settled. The inner and
outer nuclear membranes appear to fuse around the pore complex,
The nucleus (2.31) is surrounded by two layers of membrane, each but transfer of lipids and proteins between the two is prevented,
of which is a lipid bilayer, and which together form the nuclear possibly by the luminal subunits of the pore. The complex appears
envelope (2.32, 33). The outer membrane layer and the lumen between to consist of 3 major components:
the two layers are continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Indeed, like the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the outer membrane e an outer ring of eight protein subunits attached to the membrane,
of the nuclear envelope has many ribosomes engaged in protein with an equal number of spokes converging centrally on an inner
synthesis attached to it. Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes pass ring or central plug

2.324, 8 Electron micrograph of the nuclear envelope: a. in transverse provided by M Dyson of Guy's Hospital Medical School. Magnification
section to show inner and outer membranes, and nuclear pores; 8. in x 25000.
46 tangential section to show pore complexes (dense rings). Micrograph (8)

Cytoplasmic filament
Cytoplasmic particle Outer nuclear
Column subunit Inner nuclear
; ; membrane
Luminal subunit


Inner ring subunit Nuclear lamina
Distal ring subunit


2.34 Diagram showing the structural organization of a nuclear pore. For

details, see text.

Transport also occurs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. In

particular, RNAs synthesized in the nucleus are transported through
2.33 Freeze-fractured cell in which the fracture plane has passed through nuclear pores into the cytoplasm. There is a directionality to this
the nuclear envelope exposing portions of its two membranes and several process since labelled RNA injected into the nucleus will enter the
nuclear pores. Magnification x 20000. cytoplasm, but if injected into the cytoplasm it does not enter the
nucleus. However, the nature of the regulation of this directional
transport is not understood.
e eight short filaments which extend from the outer ring outwards Nuclear lamina
into the cytoplasm
The nuclear lamina is a dense network of intermediate filament
e another set of eight filaments reaching inwards towards the interior
proteins which lines the inner nuclear membrane and provides a
of the nucleus, converging onto another, distal ring thus forming
connecting link between the membrane and the nuclear hetero-
a truncated cone (2.34).
chromatin. The nuclear lamina is typically about 30nm thick and is
For further details, see Forbes 1992, Fabre and Hurt 1994. Note
constructed mainly from the association of 10nm diameter filaments
also, similarly arranged structures: annulate lamellae present in
of a specialized class of intermediate filament proteins called nuclear
some cells (p. 122).
lamins. Three lamin proteins have been identified, lamins A, B and
The pore is freely permeable to small molecules, ions and proteins C, but all arise from a single lamin gene through alternative splicing.
up to about 17kDa. Proteins of up to 60kDa seem to be able to Lamin B interacts directly with a receptor protein of 58 kDa embed-
equilibrate slowly between the nucleus and cytoplasm across the ded in the inner nuclear membrane. Lamins A and C do not associate
pore but larger proteins are normally excluded. However, certain with this receptor but instead bind to each other and to lamin B to
proteins are selectively transported into the nucleus and some of form the dense meshwork of the nuclear lamina. The lamins also
these, such as the DNA polymerases, are very large indeed. Proteins interact with proteins of the heterochromatin matrix, although the
that are selectively transported into the nucleus possess a nuclear nature of these associations is not well understood. For further
localization signal within their amino acid sequences. These signals details, see Georgatos et al, 1994.
are recognized by cytoplasmic proteins which facilitate the ‘docking’
of translocated proteins with the cytoplasmic surface of the pore. Regulation of the nuclear envelope and nuclear lamina
The amino acid sequences of nuclear localization signals vary con- during cell division
siderably between different proteins, suggesting that there may be a During early prophase of mitosis the nuclear envelope and its
large number of cytoplasmic proteins able to recognize them and associated structures break down to allow the condensing chro-
bring them to the pore. Generally, nuclear localization signals are mosomes to assemble on the mitotic spindle and ultimately to
small, about 4 to 8 amino acids long, and contain a high proportion separate. At the end of mitosis (telophase) nuclear envelopes must
of the basic amino acids, arginine and lysine, and frequently proline reform around the two daughter sets of chromosomes. In prophase
residues also. Cytoplasmic proteins passively direct those proteins the nuclear lamina breaks down and the nuclear envelope becomes
carrying a nuclear localization signal to the pore but translocation dissociated into small vesicles which remain associated with the
into the nucleus is energy dependent; that is, it requires the hydrolysis endoplasmic reticulum during the rest of mitosis. The breakdown of
of ATP. In the absence of ATP or at low temperatures which do the nuclear lamina is triggered by the phosphorylation of the lamin
not allow its hydrolysis, prospective nuclear proteins accumulate at proteins on serine residues which causes them to dissociate from one
the pores but do not enter the nucleus. The ability of some proteins another. Lamins A and C become dispersed throughout the cyto-
to enter the nucleus is further regulated by modifications or associ- plasm during cell division but lamin B remains bound to its receptor
ations in the cytoplasm of the cell. For example, some gene regulatory on the vesicular remnants of the nuclear envelope. A key regulatory
proteins cannot enter the nucleus until they have been phosphorylated enzyme of the cell cycle called M-phase promoting factor (MPF)
in the cytoplasm and this generally occurs in response to signals from which triggers the entry into prophase of mitosis also phosphorylates
outside the cell. Alternatively, steroid hormone receptors, which are the lamins. The proteins of the nuclear pore complexes also seem to
gene regulatory proteins, associate with the cytoskeleton until they be disrupted during prophase.
bind hormone molecules, whereupon they dissociate from the cyto- The decondensation of chromosomes during telophase seems to
skeleton and can be transported into the nucleus. act as a trigger for the reassembly of the nuclear envelope. The 47

nuclear envelope vesicles fuse with one another and pore complexes linkage groups. This correlated precisely with the presence of four
are reformed. At the same time, serine phosphatase enzymes dephos- visible chromosome pairs in the fruit fly; the correspondence of
phorylate the lamins allowing the nuclear lamina to reform. linkage group number and the number of chromosome pairs was
subsequently confirmed by other workers for a variety of organisms
including the Mendel’s analytical subject Pisum, the pea plant.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MOLECULAR What was the nature of the heritable information carried by the
GENETICS genes? The initial finding of relevance to this problem was reported
The nucleus contains the inheritable material (genetic code) which by Archibald Garrod in 1909 who first linked the genetic information
directs the activities of the cell. The genetic code is carried by DNA with protein function. Garrod determined that the human heritable
molecules which are organized in linear sequences in chromosomes disease alkaptonuria was the result of a rare recessive mutation
inside the nucleus. The identification of the genetic material of the which was inherited according to Mendelian rules. He proposed that
cell and the understanding of its organization and activity is the the condition was due to an abnormality in an enzyme involved in
result of the synthesis of data derived from two separate branches the breakdown of the phenolic ring structure of the amino acids
of biological science: biochemistry and genetics. The recognition of phenylalanine and tyrosine. It is now known that this hypothesis is
DNA as the genetic material has a history which spans almost one correct; alkaptonuria is due to a mutation in the gene encoding the
hundred years, dating from the characterization of nucleic acids, of metabolic enzyme homogenistic acid oxidase. Further support came
which DNA was probably the major component, from extracts of from studies in the fruit fly, the favoured tool of geneticists, in which
the nuclei of dead white blood cells by Friedrich Miescher in the genes which determine eye colour have been particularly well studied.
1860s (Miescher 1871). However, half a century would pass before Grafting experiments performed by Beadle and Ephrussi (1937) put
further biochemical analysis of the structure of DNA was performed, eye tissue from the larvae of flies with light coloured ‘vermilion’ or
a large step in its determination as the genetic substance. In the ‘cinnabar’ eyes into normal (wild-type) larvae which develop with a
intervening period, geneticists and cell biologists made the major darker red eye colour. They found that the grafted eyes adopted the
contributions. These were underpinned by the momentous findings darker colour characteristic of the host eye tissue and concluded
of Gregor Mendel. By studying genetic crosses between inbred strains that a metabolic product(s) of the host tissue had facilitated the
of the garden pea, he discovered that certain characteristics, for development of normal pigmentation in the graft. By contrast,
example seed coat colour, were dominant if present in either of the grafts between the two mutant strains did not adopt the wild-type
parent plants; that is, they would appear in all of the offspring. coloration. They again proposed a connection between gene activity
Those characteristics that were masked by a dominant trait were and metabolism; it has subsequently been found that the cinnabar
called recessive. Mendel found that in a cross between inbred strains and vermilion mutations are due to defects in enzymes which produce
of pea in which one parent exhibited dominant and the other the red pigmentation of the fruit fly eye. A few years later, Beadle,
recessive characteristics for a particular feature, all of the first together with Edward Tatum (1941), concluded from their studies
generation of offspring would show the dominant character. of mutants of the mould Neurospora crassa, only able to grow with
However, if the first generation offspring were then mated amongst amino acid or vitamin supplements, that ‘each gene controls the
themselves one quarter of their progeny had the recessive character. reproduction, specificity and function of a particular enzyme’ (Tatum
Mendel concluded that this would only be possible if each parent 1959). We now know that genes do indeed encode the amino
had two copies of the heritable unit (subsequently celled genes by acid sequence (primary structure) of proteins and, although not all
Wilhelm Johannsen in 1909) for the trait and that each offspring proteins have enzymatic activities, genes thereby control the functions
inherited one unit from each parent. This could happen only if there of their protein products.
was a segregation during gametogenesis such that each gamete only The first demonstration that DNA is the genetic material of most
carried one unit. These conclusions are now known as Mendel’s first organisms was achieved by Avery, MacLeod and McCarty in 1944
law. In addition, Mendel showed that different traits such as seed when they showed that purified DNA from a ‘smooth’ capsuled
colour and seed shape could be inherited independently of one Streptococcus could transform a ‘rough’ strain to the smooth pheno-
another (independent assortment) and this became known as Men- type. The enzyme DNase, which degrades DNA, inhibited this
del’s second law. Although these remarkable experiments and the process. Subsequently, Hershey and Chase found that only the DNA
conclusions drawn from them were reported in 1865, it was not until component of a bacterial virus entered its bacterium host, yet could
1900 that they were rediscovered and their significance realized. direct the synthesis of new virus proteins and the assembly of viral
During the late 1800s chromosomes were described by cytologists particles. These two studies established that the DNA component of
using the light microscope to study cells undergoing division. At chromosomes was the genetic material. The structure of DNA was
the end of the division process it was found that the number of finally elucidated by Watson and Crick (1952) who deduced that it
chromosomes present was identical in cells from the same species. had a double-helical structure established by a precise base pairing
Moreover, for a given species, individual chromosomes could be of guanine with cytosine and thymine with adenine. This self-
distinguished by their morphology (overall size, size of their arms, complementary structure immediately suggested a mechanism by
appearance after staining with histological dyes) and that each cell which DNA could be replicated and how the information in DNA
had two chromosomes of each morphological type. Prior to cell could be transcribed into ribonucleic acid (RNA). In the early
division each chromosome is copied (replicated) and the two copies 1960s the mechanism by which the genetic material is decoded was
called chromatids remain joined together at a single point called the determined. Messenger RNA (mRNA) was discovered to be the
centromere. Schneider and, subsequently, Flemming observed that intermediate between the genomic DNA and protein synthesis, and
during division (mitosis) the two sister chromatids divide longi- the genetic code by which units of three nucleotides (codons) specify
tudinally and are pulled apart. Later, Van Beneden reported that a particular amino acid through a transfer RNA (tRNA) intermediate
both daughter cells inherit one of each chromatid pair. In 1903, was unlocked. These discoveries underpinned the present era of
Walter Sutton made the crucial discovery that, in contrast to mitosis, molecular biology, and facilitated the analysis of the organization
during gametogenesis (meiosis) each gamete only inherits one chro- and regulation of the genetic material which is described below. For
mosome of each morphological type. Thus the total chromosome general reviews, see Lewis (1990), Lodish and Darnell (1990).
number of the gamete (haploid chromosome number) is half that of
a somatic cell (diploid chromosome number). Sutton proposed that STRUCTURE OF DNA
the halving of chromosome numbers during meiosis could account
for the distribution of traits described by Mendel in his first law. A Nearly all of the genetic material of eukaryotic cells is sequestered
simple prediction following from the idea that chromosomes might in the nucleus, the exceptions being certain other organelles such as
contain the Mendelian units of heredity (genes), is that genes located mitochondria and the chloroplasts of plants which contain some
on the same chromosome should segregate together, i.e. should be DNA themselves (p.34). The structure of the DNA molecule as
inherited together in the progeny of a particular mating. This was discovered by Watson and Crick comprises two polynucleotide
first confirmed by the geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1909 by strands that are oriented in opposite directions, that is they are anti-
crossing strains of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. He found parallel (2.35). Each strand is a polymer of the four nucleotides: the
48 that in this animal the genes tend to segregate as four groups called purines—adenine and guanine—and the pyrimidines—cytosine and

The four DNA nucleotides B Base structure underlying the

specificity of base pairing

Adenine Thymine


Guanine Cytosine

c Organization of the Phosphodiester bonds

double helix between 5’ and 3” carbon
atoms on adjacent sugar
residues establish the
polarity of a DNA molecule


2.35a-p Diagram showing the molecular organization of DNA. a depicts

the four deoxynucleotides, B the arrangement of base pairing, and c and D
the construction of the DNA double helix.

thymine (2.35a, 8). The nucleotides are held together by phos- nucleotide pairs and the smallest (the Y chromosome) about 5 x 10’
phodiester bonds which link the 5' carbon atom of the deoxyribose nucleotide pairs. Each chromosomal DNA molecule contains a
sugar to the 3' carbon of the next and this gives each DNA strand number of specialized nucleotide sequences which are associated
its polarity (2.35p). The two strands are held together by specific with its replication and maintenance. Arranged along the length of
base-pairing interactions (guanine binds to cytosine and adenine to the DNA molecule are a number of specific initiation sites for DNA
thymine) which involve both hydrogen bonds and Van der Waal’s synthesis during chromosomal replication called replication origins.
forces (2.358). Therefore, every genome has an equal number of There are many of these along each DNA molecule; during DNA
guanine and cytosine residues and an equal number of thymine and replication they are not all used simultaneously but rather initiate
adenine residues and each strand is complementary in nucleotide synthesis in an ordered and sequential fashion. This suggests that
sequence to its partner. The two chains together form a helical there may be some differences amongst them.
structure 2nm in diameter with 3.4nm between turns. Each DNA molecule contains a single centromere region through
The structure of the DNA molecule immediately suggested a which the condensed chromosomal DNA associates with the mitotic
mechanism by which the genetic material could be replicated and spindle during mitosis (p.58). During mitosis a discoidal structure
passed between generations. Since each strand is complementary to called the kinetochore, composed of a complex array of proteins,
the other, if the two strands are separated, each can serve as a associates with the centromeric region of DNA to attach it to the
template to make a new DNA strand which is identical to its original microtubular spindle. A third specialized type of nucleotide sequence
partner. This is indeed the process which occurs during DNA defines the end of each chromosomal DNA molecule; these regions
replication, with local separation of the two strands allowing DNA are enriched in guanosine and cytosine nucleotides and are called
polymerases to synthesize DNA strands complementary to the two telomeres. They are not synthesized by the same DNA polymerase
templates. This results in each of the parent strands being partnered as the rest of the chromosome but by aspecialized enzyme called
by a newly-synthesized and complementary daughter molecule; this telomerase which also folds the telomere into a specialized structure.
form of replication is called semi-conservative replication. The function of the telomere is to provide a template for priming
the replication of the ‘lagging’ strand during DNA synthesis (see
later) without which the terminal sequences of the chromosome
STRUCTURE OF EUKARYOTIC CHROMOSOMES would be progressively lost.
Organization of chromosomal DNA Chromatin
The nuclear DNA of eukaryotic cells is organized into linear units DNA is organized in chromosomes by a heterogeneous set of proteins
called chromosomes. The DNA in a normal human diploid cell to form a DNA-protein complex which is called chromatin. The
contains 6 x 10° nucleotide pairs which are organized in the form of protein constituents of chromatin are the histones and the non-histone
46 chromosomes (44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes). The largest proteins. The latter group of proteins is extremely heterogeneous and
human chromosome (number 1) contains approximately 2.5x 10° includes DNA and RNA polymerases, gene regulatory proteins and 49

high-mobility group proteins (HMG proteins). However, the histones

are the most abundant group of proteins in chromatin and they are
primarily responsible for the ‘packaging’ of chromosomal DNA (see
below). There are five histone proteins: Hl, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4,
and the last four of these combine to form a compact granule, the
nucleosome core. A nucleosome core is a histone octomer comprising
two each of the H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 proteins. The DNA molecule
winds twice around each nucleosome core in such a manner that 146
nucleotide pairs are organized around it (2.36). This packaging
organizes the DNA into a chromatin fibre 11 nm in diameter and
gives this form of chromatin the appearance of “beads-on-a-string’
in electron micrographs, with each ‘bead’ separated by a length of
DNA about 50 nucleotide pairs long. When chromatin is arranged
with the string of beads fully extended it is termed euchromatin and
in this condition it is actively transcribed to form RNA. Chromatin
can also be highly folded by the aggregation of nucleosomes into
spiral clusters (solenoids) about 30nm thick rather than the 11 nm
of the euchromatic form, or may form even thicker super-clusters.
This is achieved by the binding together of H1 histones of adjacent
The heterochromatin is characteristically located mainly around
the periphery of the nucleus, except over the nuclear pores, and
around the nucleolus. The two forms of chromatin can generally
convert to each other, although some may be permanently hetero-
chromatic, for example the inactive one of the two X chromo-
somes in females, and the central part of each chromosome where it
binds to the mitotic spindle during cell division (the centromere). In
cells which are active in transcription the nucleus is typically rich in
euchromatin and usually relatively large (an open face nucleus, e.g.
in most neurons, many stem cells, and in the rapidly multiplying
cells of embryonic tissues). In transcriptionally inactive cells the
chromatin is predominantly in the condensed, heterochromatic state,
and may comprise as much as 90% of the total. Examples of
these are mature neutrophil leucocytes where the condensation of
chromatin induces the formation of a multilobed densely staining
nucleus, and in old fibrocytes. Extremely heterochromatic nuclei are
also often seen in moribund cells (pyknotic nuclei). In most mature
active cells, however, there is a more even mixture of the two,
indicating that only a relatively small proportion of the DNA is
being transcribed. A striking instance of this is seen in the mature B
lymphocyte (plasmacyte) where much of the chromatin is in the
condensed condition, arranged in regular masses around the per-
imeter of the nucleus (2.5); although this cell is actively transcribing,
most of its protein is of a single immunoglobulin type, so that much
of its genome is in an inactive state.
The positioning of the nucleosomes on actively transcribed DNA is
influenced by other DNA-binding proteins and also by the nucleotide
sequence of the DNA itself. DNA sequences that are rich in adenosine
and thymine bases are more easily folded around nucleosomes
because they are more easily compressed. Nucleosomes are also
frequently absent from the regulatory regions of genes (see below)
as these regions have gene regulatory proteins associated with them
which exclude the nucleosomes.
During mitosis the chromatin must be further condensed to form
the familiar short chromosomes of the metaphase stage of division
(p.58). This shortening is achieved through four levels of close-
packing of the chromatin. The euchromatin is organized by histone
H1 into the coiled ‘solenoid’ of 30nm diameter associated with
heterochromatin and this structure is formed into loops of 300nm
diameter by another set of fibrillar scaffold proteins. In this state the -—S
chromatin is not transcriptionally active. The 300 nm loops are then
themselves arranged ina helical structure 700 nm in diameter which
is further condensed to produce the familiar mitotic chromosome
structure of about 1.4,.m diameter. Overall this progressive folding
of the chromosomal DNA by interactions with specific proteins can
reduce approximately 5cm of chromosomal DNA to a length of 2.36 A possible model for the organization of DNA and protein in chro-
about 5 wm. mosomes during early metaphase in mitosis. Each chromosome consists
of two chromatids united at the primary constriction where the centromere
is also sited. In the exposed region of the DNA molecule, the chemical
STRUCTURE AND REGULATION OF EUKARYOTIC groups of the ‘backbone’ of each helix—S (sugar) P (phosphate)—and
GENES the bases—A (adenine), T (thymine), C (cytosine) and G (guanine)—are
represented. Several nucleosomes are also depicted (see text). The ‘coiled-
The genetic information of the cell is expressed through an inter- coil’ configuration of chromosomal DNA is represented only schematically
mediate molecule, RNA, which in turn is translated into protein. and does not indicate the ‘loop and backbone’ arrangement which is thought
50 RNA is copied from one strand of the DNA molecule by an RNA to typify the metaphase chromosomes.


polymerase and thus is complementary to that strand. Like DNA, nucleotides downstream of the promoter sequence, and continues
RNA is a linear polynucleotide sequence but differs from DNA in until the polymerase complex dissociates from the DNA template at
that the sugar residue of each nucleotide is ribose instead of deoxy- the transcription termination site to complete the primary mRNA
ribose, and the base uracil replaces thymine. Those RNA molecules transcript. The promoter determines the basal rate of transcription
that encode proteins are called messenger RNAs or mRNAs. Other of a gene. RNA polymerase II synthesizes mRNA at a rate of about
RNAs include ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and transfer RNAs 30 nucleotides per second and RNA polymerase II molecules involved
(tRNAs) that are involved in translation of proteins and small in the process of transcription can be observed by electron
nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) which are involved in RNA splicing. The microscopy as dense granules. For many genes it seems that only
synthesis of a particular RNA is regulated by gene-regulatory pro- one polymerase complex is present on a gene at a particular time;
teins which interact with RNA polymerases. Such factors bind to however, sometimes several complexes are seen on a gene, indicating
specific sequences (regulatory sequences) at either end of or within the that different genes are transcribed at different rates.
region of DNA encoding the transcribed RNA. A useful operational The rate of transcription is regulated by two mechanisms. The first
definition of what constitutes a gene is that a gene is a unit of is the accessibility of the gene to the proteins of the transcriptional
transcription which includes the region of DNA from which the machinery, that is, its organization in the chromatin, and the second
RNA is transcribed, with all of the regulatory sequences flanking it. is the availability of the gene regulatory proteins that control its
The protein-coding sequences of a particular gene are not con- expression. DNA regions undergoing active transcription are organ-
tinuous but are interrupted by non-coding regions called introns. ized into the extended 11 nm diameter nucleosomal configuration that
These are present in the newly synthesized mRNA transcript but are is characteristic of euchromatin and referred to as active chromatin. It
removed in the nucleus by a process called RNA splicing to form the is believed that the more condensed forms of chromatin do not allow
mature mRNA. This is further modified by ‘capping’ and frequently polymerases and regulatory proteins access to the genes. The process
by ‘polyadenylation’ and sometimes its nucleotide composition is by which DNA is converted from a condensed form to the less dense
altered selectively (editing). A mature RNA transcript comprises a active form is not well understood. There is evidence that active
continuous region coding for protein, generally flanked by ‘upstream’ chromatin may extend from the condensed chromatin as a loop,
(5') and ‘downstream’ (3') non-coding sequences; the whole length suggesting that specific DNA-protein interactions may identify and
represents the regions remaining after splicing-out of the introns and regulate the formation of such decondensed regions. These DNA
these are encoded by regions of the DNA called exons. regions may regulate the expression of a group of genes that are
The mRNA is exported to the cytoplasm where it is translated by clustered adjacent to one another on the chromosome and become
ribosomes into a linear sequence of amino acids, thereby forming a extended on the same loop. One such DNA element, the /ocus control
polypeptide chain. Each mRNA can be translated more than one region, appears to regulate the accessibility of the globin gene cluster
thousand times, resulting in a considerable amplification during this for transcription in erythrocyte progenitor cells.
step. The RNA carries a faithful transcript of the coding sequences Gene regulatory proteins also influence gene expression. These
of the gene. Amino acids are encoded by groups of three nucleotides, proteins are frequently present in only a few copies per nucleus and
called codons. Each codon is also recognised by a specific tRNA, in order to be able to find their target genes, their location in the
binding to it and carrying a particular amino acid from the cytosol, nuclear matrix is likely to be precisely determined. A large number
for example, the sequence AUG on the mRNA specifies the incor- of these factors have now been identified; well-known examples
poration of methionine, and UAU specifies tyrosine; this is the triplet include FOS, MYC, JUN, homeobox-containing proteins and ‘zinc
code. The complementary base triplet of the tRNA is termed an anti- finger’ proteins. Each gene regulatory protein binds to a specific
codon. Some codons do not specify the incorporation of an amino DNA sequence that is generally between 6 and 10 nucleotides in
acid; these are called stop codons (UAA, UAG, UGA) because they length and such elements are called enhancers. Enhancers can perform
result in the termination of protein synthesis and thus specify the posi- two regulatory functions. The first is to confer cell type-specificity
tion of the end of the protein. Proteins are frequently subject to further to the expression of a gene and the second is to regulate the rate of
(post-translational) modification such as the addition of side chains, transcription. Enhancers can function to regulate the expression of
for example phosphate or sugar residues or cleavage by proteases. a gene even when quite distantly removed from its promoter and
2.37 illustrates the process of gene expression for a typical eu- they can be located before a transcription unit (upstream), after the
karyotic protein, and the levels at which it can be regulated. There transcription termination signal (downstream) or even within introns.
is now considerable evidence that the expression of the product of a The activity of some enhancer elements is absolutely required for
particular gene can be regulated during all of the steps between the transcription of a gene and their differential regulation can be
initiation of transcription and the modification of its protein product. mediated by the presence or absence of their associated gene regu-
These events are described in detail below. latory proteins in different cell types. Different genes have multiple
different associated enhancer elements but genes expressed in the
Structure and transcriptional regulation of protein- same cell type (e.g. acetylcholine receptor and muscle myosin in
encoding eukaryotic genes muscle cells) often have the same enhancer elements associated with
The structure of a hypothetical eukaryotic (i.e. non-bacterial) gene them. Enhancer elements also influence the rate of gene transcription,
which encodes a protein is depicted in 2.38 together with regulatory that is the number of RNA polymerase II molecules actively trans-
proteins involved in its transcription. Eukaryotic genes are tran- cribing the gene at any one time. Most enhancers increase the rate
scribed by three RNA polymerases and each is associated with genes of transcription of a gene, but some, called repressors, can down-
having a particular type of organization. RNA polymerase I only regulate expression or abolish it altogether. It is not clear precisely
transcribes rRNA, polymerase II transcribes mRNAs and _poly- how the interaction of regulatory proteins with enhancer elements
merase III transcribes tRNAs and some repetitive sequences in the influences gene expression. It may be that the binding of the regu-
genome. These RNA polymerases are all high molecular weight latory protein to its enhancer alters the local configuration of the
multiprotein complexes. Transcription of mRNA sequences begins chromatin, increasing the accessibility of the promoter elements to
when RNA polymerase II binds to a specific DNA sequence called the polymerase II complex. Alternatively, perhaps the chromatin is
the promoter. This causes the DNA helix to open up in the region folded to allow a direct interaction between the gene regulatory
of the promoter, allowing the polymerase access to the DNA strand protein and the polymerase complex. Regulatory proteins appear to
which is complementary to the future mRNA sequence, and, there- be able to associate with enhancer elements that are associated with
fore, serves as a template for it. The binding of the polymerase to nucleosomes and subsequently displace the nucleosome. By contrast,
the promoter sequence involves several associated proteins. The the factors associated with the formation of the polymerase II
first of these, transcription factor (TF) IID, actually recognizes the complex on the promoter cannot assemble on a promoter that is
promoter; this then associates with several other proteins including associated with a nucleosome, so it seems likely that one mechanism
RNA polymerase II to form a complex. One of the accessory by which gene regulatory proteins and enhancer elements function
proteins phosphorylates the polymerase and this is thought to allow is to displace nucleosomes from promoter sequences to allow the
transcription to begin. In many genes the promoter region contains polymerase complex access (see Croston & Kadonga 1993).
the nucleotide sequence TATA while in others it may be rich in In summary, the control region of a typical eukaryotic gene
guanosine and cytosine residues. Transcription is initiated about 30 comprises: 51


if Ph imoyo*

Polypeptide chain

Transfer RNA -


’ membrane

2.37a Schema showing the relation between DNA replication and DNA and various other processes occurring during these events, as outlined in
transcription (mRNA formation) leading to protein synthesis (right). For 2.378. Abbreviations of RNA bases: C—cytosine, G—guanine, U—uridine.
clarity, this simple schema omits RNA splicing, capping and polyadenylation

e a promoter to specify the transcription start site and confer the followed by the addition of about 200 adenylic acid residues to the
basal rate of transcription new 3' end of the transcript. The poly(A) tail appears to function to
e a number of enhancer elements which regulate transcription. stabilize the mRNA, preventing its degradation, to facilitate its
export through nuclear pores to the cytoplasm and to facilitate
The accessibility of the gene regulatory sequences is determined efficient translation. The poly(A) tail may influence RNA stability
by the configuration of the chromatin.
through its progressive shortening. The poly(A) tails of most cyto-
plasmic mRNAs gradually shorten with time until they reach about
Regulation and processing of mRNA
30 residues when the mRNAs themselves disappear. This suggests
The primary mRNA transcript generated from DNA by tran- that the loss of the tail suddenly exposes the RNA to RNase enzymes
scription is subsequently modified at both of its ends. The first which degrade the transcript. It is noteworthy that short-lived tran-
modification is at the 5' end of the transcript, the end from which scripts exhibit accelerated rates of poly(A) loss.
the RNA is synthesized, and this involves the addition of Following transcription, introns are removed from the primary
methylguanine ‘cap’. This takes place soon after RNA synthesis transcript by RNA splicing. This occurs in the nucleus, prior to
has started, after only 20-30 nucleotides have been added to the export of the transcript to the cytoplasm. Introns themselves can
extending nascent transcript. By contrast to the normal 5'-3' vary in size between about 100 and 15000 nucleotides. However, all
nucleotide bonding in RNA molecules the methylguanine cap is introns have conserved sequences at either end which direct the
joined to the transcript by a 5'-5' linkage. The cap seems to play splicing process (2.39). These comprise a 5' splice or donor site and
a role in the subsequent translation of the mRNA and also a 3' splice or acceptor site. The mechanism by which introns are
protects the transcript from degradation. precisely excised is known; it involves the assembly of a multi-
Most mRNAs have a poly(A) tail added to their 3' end. This tail molecular complex called the spliceosome on the intron sequences
is not added at the site at which transcription halts but at a specific and the hydrolysis of ATP to provide energy. The spliceosome
cleavage site in the transcript, specified by the sequence AAUAAA, comprises several small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes
52 and occurs about 20 nucleotides downstream of it. Cleavage is (snRNPs). The first two of these, the Ul snRNP and U2 snRNP,

Gene unit ———L——————
(DNA) |
Transcription Region included in

ss at
primary RNA transcript
Primary Praha
mRNA a u
transcript Splicing, capping,
/; [BT 200n [introns |exon Twrnon2] exons | [_
Enhancer 1 4 Enhancer 2 Enhancer 3
Repressor Promoter Transcription
Mature. 30) Aw termination
mRNA Export to signal
2.38 The structure of a typical eukaryotic gene transcribed by RNA poly-
merase II. The region included in the primary RNA transcript is indicated
Bieta SamsAw) and includes three exons and two intron sequences. Transcription is initiated
by a multiprotein complex including RNA polymerase II which binds to a
| ~~ Regulation of specific sequence called the promotor which is located just upstream of the
Translation RNA stability initiation site for transcription. Transcription is terminated at sequences

Protein — —OEEEE
ee downstream of exon 3 by the polymerase detaching from the DNA. Flanking
the gene are a number of regulatory regions (enhancer and repressor
Modification - elements) which influence the rate of gene transcription and can also inhibit
y or promote transcription in a tissue-specific manner. These function by
Mature binding specific gene regulatory proteins which regulate the association of
protein —— the RNA polymerase II complex with the promotor.
| squeaked Regulation of
protein stability
wes mRNA and the transcript is stabilized. However, when iron levels
are increased the protein dissociates from the mRNA and the latter
Degradation is rapidly degraded. For a review of splicing, see Newman (1994).
Regulation of protein synthesis and stability
2.378 Schema showing the main processes involved in the production of The translation of mRNA to form proteins occurs in the cytoplasm
protein from its encoding gene in the eukaryotic cell. Note that potentially and is performed by ribosomes which are found either in the
regulation can occur at every step in this process. cytoplasm associated with the cytoskeleton or associated with the
membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus. Each ribosome
comprises a small (40S) subunit and a large (60S) subunit. The 40S
assemble on the 5' donor site and the ‘lariat’ branch point within subunit contains an 18S rRNA molecule and about 30 proteins
the intron respectively (see 2.39). The binding of further RNPs brings whereas the 60S subunit contains 28S, 5.8S and 5S rRNAs and
the donor site and the branch site together and the ‘A’ residue at about 50 proteins (see p.30). The first translated codon of most
the branch site attacks and cleaves the donor splice site. The result proteins is AUG, which encodes a methionine amino acid, although
of this is that the 5' end of the intron becomes covalently joined to CUG is sometimes used, a methionine still being the first residue
the branch site A residue to form a lariat-like structure. The free 3' incorporated. The 40S ribosome subunit first associates with the 5'
end of the upstream exon then attacks the splice acceptor site, cap of the mRNA and then scans along the mRNA for the first
cleaving it and ligating to the 5' end of the downstream exon. The AUG (methionine) codon at which it may initiate protein synthesis.
spliceosome/intron complex is released and the intron is subsequently The choice of whether or not to initiate synthesis at this methionine
degraded. The removal of all of the introns from a precursor RNA depends on the nucleotide sequences around it. If the sequence is un-
seems to be required before the transcript can translocate to the favourable the subunit scans further downstream to identify a suitable
cytoplasm through a nuclear pore. initiation site. The initiation of protein synthesis is regulated by a
RNA splicing can also alter the sequence of the protein encoded protein called elongation initiation factor (eIF-2). In its active form
by a transcript, by specifically removing exons together with the this protein is in a complex with GTP and facilitates the binding of the
introns flanking them. This process, called alternative splicing, fre- first tRNA, methiony] initiator tRNA, to the 40S subunit. When this
quently generates different protein isoforms in different cell types all elF-2/GTP/tRNA/40S complex binds to an appropriate AUG the
of which are encoded by the same gene. Alternative splicing occurs GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP and the eIF-2 molecule dissociates from
in a highly regulated manner with repressor proteins preventing the complex allowing the 60S ribosomal complex to associate with its
splicing at certain sites and activator proteins directing the splicing 40S partner and protein synthesis to occur.
machinery to other splice sites. Translation can also be regulated by repressor proteins that bind
As mentioned above, cytoplasmic mRNAs are subject to degra- to mRNA sequences, located between the cap site and the AUG
dation by coexisting ribonucleases and the poly(A) tails seem to play initiation codon. Such regulation occurs in the ferritin transcript in
a role in regulating this process. It has been observed that the which an iron-responsive protein binds upstream of the AUG and
transcripts of certain genes only exist in the cytoplasm for a few prevents translation in conditions of low cytoplasmic iron con-
minutes whereas others are stable for more than a day. It has recently centration, but dissociates when iron levels increase, allowing trans-
been shown that the sequence UAAAU is repeated several times in lation to occur.
the 3' non-coding sequences of many short-lived mRNAs. This The newly-synthesized protein is frequently not produced in an
sequence may regulate the rapid loss of the poly(A) tails of such active form but requires further modifications before becoming
mRNAs. By contrast, the transferrin receptor transcript exhibits a functional. This frequently involves precise folding, a process that
different mode of regulation. It has binding sites in its 3' non- often requires accessory proteins called chaperonins. Alternatively, it
coding region for an iron-sensitive protein. Under conditions of low might require a secondary modification to the nascent polypeptide
cytoplasmic iron concentration the protein is bound to the transferrin such as glycosylation or phosphorylation or even the cleavage of the 53

events that underlie it are regulated by signals in the local environ-

Cc A ecccccccccc,c,_|a ment of the cell and these processes are best exemplified in the
ano |GU GABe 8 uuuuuuuUUUUNU AS] a
developing embryo.
Donor site Site of Acceptor site
lariat branch point As development of an organism proceeds, its cells pass through a
series of changes in gene expression, reflected in alterations of cell
structure and behaviour (see also pp. 115-118). Initially, all cells
possess rather similar properties but, as embryogenesis gathers
EXON INTRON EXON momentum, they begin to diversify, first separating into broad
categories (e.g. the principal germ layers, etc.) and then into narrower
categories (tissues and subtypes of tissues) until finally they mature
U1 { U2
into the ‘end cells’ of their particular lineage (Gurdon 1973). Some
cells which are capable of giving rise to others throughout life (stem

cells) never proceed to the ultimate point of this progression and
retain some embryonic characteristics (p. 108) but in all cases there
is a sequential pattern of gene expression which changes and limits
the cell to a particular specialized range of activities. We can

detect such changes as alterations in cell-structure and biochemical
properties, particularly in the types of proteins which are synthesized.
At the level of the gene, differentiation of this kind must be based
on a change in the pattern of repression and activation of the
DNA sequences transcribing the specific proteins of that stage of
development; in the lifetime of a particular cell lineage, many such
changes will take place (see, e.g. the development of haemal cells,
p. 1413).
It appears that the selection of a pattern of gene activity occurs
U5, some while before its expression in protein synthesis. Thus, a cell
may be committed to a particular line of specialization without
U4/6 manifesting its commitment until later; once ‘switched’ in this way,
cells are not usually able to revert to an earlier stage of development,
fs so that an irreversible repression of some gene sequences must have
occurred. Stem cells may remain permanently at a level of partial
+ differentiation, although some of their offspring will be committed
to full differentiation. In general, as the degree of differentiation
progresses, cell division becomes less frequent (e.g. erythroblasts,
p. 1413), although some structurally specialized cells such as Schwann
2.39 RNAsplicing. ashows the consensus sequences which regulate RNA cells (p.948) and certain glandular cells, when suitably stimulated,
splicing. 8B depicts the major steps in the splicing process. See text for may undergo repeated mitotic divisions.
details. What constitutes the appropriate stimulus for a cell line to differ-
entiate at successive stages in development is one of the most
fascinating of biological problems and one which also lies at the
heart of many pathological transformations including carcinogenesis.
precursor by a specific protease to generate an active fragment. The In the embryo, differentiation depends upon a wide variety of
latter process is used to generate the active molecule insulin from its circumstances (see p. 108), although in most cases chemical inter-
inactive precursor pro-insulin. actions between cells or between different regions of the same cell
The regulation of cytoplasmic protein stability is achieved by are thought to be of primary significance. The initiation of a
covalently attaching a small protein called ubiquitin to those proteins particular pathway of cellular development may, however, also
that are to be destroyed. There are several pathways by which depend upon complex, competitive interactions between cells or
ubiquitination can be achieved in the cytoplasm and each employs upon the position which a cell occupies within a cell group (see
a different enzyme to conjugate ubiquitin to its target. However, all discussion on ‘positional information’ on pp. 107, 108). In addition,
of these link ubiquitin molecules to lysine residues on the target differentiation may also depend upon some temporal sequence such
protein. Thereafter, several further ubiquitin moieties are added to as the number of previous cell divisions (pp. 107, 110). Even in
the first and this polyubiquitin complex is recognized by a large mature tissues in which cell turnover occurs, similar mechanisms
protein-degradation complex called the proteasome. Proteasomes appear to ensure the final differentiation to a functional end cell. In
occur throughout the cytoplasm and seem to be cylindrical structures some cases this is linked to the presence of a physiological stimulus
with proteases in their central lumen into which the ubiquinated as, for example, in the case of the ‘B’ lymphocytes which respond to
protein is fed. The protein is degraded to short peptides within the exposure to an appropriate antigen by differentiating into plasma
proteasome. Proteins identified for degradation include misfolded or cells which secrete a neutralizing antibody. In other cases, particularly
damaged proteins but also short-lived proteins. The amino-terminal where a cell is part of a highly organized system, more subtle
amino acid of mature proteins seems to have a major influence on mechanisms must be present.
their half-life. For example, proteins with an amino-terminal arginine
are rapidly degraded whereas those with methionine, serine, threonine
or valine are not. This phenomenon is known as the N-end rule. THE CELL CYCLE (2.40)
The modification of the amino-terminal residue by acetylation, By definition, the cell cycle is that period of time between the birth
sometimes called blocking, also seems to prolong the lifetime of the of a cell, as a result of the division of its parent cell, and its
protein. own division to produce two daughter cells. The most immediately
obvious events of the cell cycle observable by light microscopy are
CELLULAR DIFFERENTIATION those of mitotic division—the condensation of chromosomes, their
alignment and separation on the mitotic spindle, and the separation
Differential gene regulation as described above underlies cellular of the cell progeny. This process is described in detail later in this
differentiation, the process by which specialized cell types are gen- section (p.58); it is designated the M phase of the cell cycle (see
erated. Each differentiated cell type has its own characteristic rep- 2.43), lasting for about 1-2 hours. However, the entire cell cycle
ertoire of proteins which are associated with that cell’s specialized takes considerably longer, between 20 and 24 hours in most adult
function and whose expression is the result of differential gene tissues, and is divided into four distinct phases: G;, S, G; and M.
54 regulation. The process of differentiation and the gene regulatory The combination of G;, S and G, phases is known as interphase. At

gurus CELL 5ROWry


Direction of movement
, of replication fork

DNA helicase
DNA primase
Single-strand binding protein
RNA primer

Lagging strand

Newly-synthesized DNA

2.40 Diagram showing the major events of the cell cycle. 2.41 Schematic diagram depicting DNA synthesis at a replication fork. See
text for details.

the end of the M phase, two separate daughter cells exist and each lication is initiated at specific regions of the chromosomal DNA
is now at the beginning of the G, phase; this is a period in which called replication origins and this occurs during S phase of the cell
most of the metabolites required to complete another cell cycle are cycle. Several initiator proteins bind to the replication origin and
generated. It is also the period during which the cell makes the introduce a DNA helicase molecule to the origin. The helicase
decision of whether to divide or not. Cells which no longer divide unwinds and separates the two strands of the parent DNA molecule
are described as quiescent and have entered a phase called Gp. During to allow each to serve as a template for replication. The helicase
G,, cells respond to growth factors directing the cell to complete also loads a DNA primase on to one strand, the leading strand, and
another cycle and, once made, this decision is irreversible. Growth this enzyme synthesizes a short RNA primer from which DNA
factors can also stimulate quiescent cells to leave Gp and re-enter the synthesis is initiated on that strand. The region where DNA synthesis
cell cycle, whereas ‘tumour supressor genes’ block the cycle in G). is ongoing appears as a Y-shape in electron micrographs and has
Thus, G, is a crucial period during which the division of a cell is been called the replication fork. In this region DNA synthesis is
regulated and is also the interval during which oncogenes may facilitated by base-pairing and is semi-conservative (see above). DNA
function pathologically to cause uncontrolled cell division. DNA replication is performed by a DNA polymerase which synthesizes
replication (described in detail below) occurs during S phase, at the DNA only in a 5' to 3' direction. Since the two template DNA
end of which the DNA content of the cell has doubled. During G, strands have an opposite polarity, DNA is synthesized in a con-
phase the cell is preparing for division and this period ends with the tinuous manner on one strand, the leading strand, and inaseries of
breakdown of the nuclear envelope (see above) and the onset of discontinuous filling-in steps on the other, the lagging strand (2.41).
chromosome condensation. The times taken for the S;, G. and M DNA synthesis on the lagging strand is facilitated by the periodic
phases are similar for most cell types, occupying about 6, 4 and 2 synthesis of RNA primers by the primase enzyme associated with
hours respectively, whereas the duration of G, shows considerable the helicase at the replication fork. These are produced every 200
variation: it can be as short as 2 hours in rapidly-dividing cells, for nucleotides or so; each filling-in step removes the previous RNA
example in embryonic tissues, or longer than 12 hours in some adult primer and the newly-synthesized fragment is ligated to the end of
tissues. the previous one. At the replication fork the DNA helicase hydrolyses
The regulation of the transitions between the cell cycle phases is ATP during the process by which it opens up the DNA duplex. As
now becoming understood at the molecular level from studies of the strands separate, single-strand binding proteins associate with
mammalian cells, frog odcytes and, especially, yeast cells. At the them to stabilize them in an open configuration for DNA synthesis.
transition between G, and S phase and between G, and M phase, These proteins are removed by the passage of the polymerase across
members of a family of proteins called cyclins attain their maximum their associated DNA region (for more detail see Diffley 1994).
abundance in the cell. The G, cyclin progressively accumulates during The process of DNA synthesis requires high fidelity and this is
G, and the M phase cyclin accumulates during late S phase and achieved by a number of mechanisms. Firstly, the polymerase cannot
throughout G>. High levels of cyclin proteins activate a family of incorporate a new nucleotide on to a growing strand if the preceding
protein kinase enzymes called p34 kinases which are present at nucleotide is incorrectly paired with its partner on the template
constant levels during the cell cycle, although their state of activation strand. Such mismatched nucleotides are removed by a ‘proof-
varies. The activation of different p34 kinases regulates the transitions reading’ exonuclease activity which is associated with the polymerase
between G, and S and between G, and M. It is becoming clear itself. In addition, both bacterial and mammalian cells contain
that the activities of these enzymes and their cyclin activators mismatch repair enzymes which detect replication errors by virtue
are themselves subject to complex regulation; target proteins for of the distortions of the DNA helix that they produce. These enzymes
phosphorylation by the p34 kinases are now being identified (see can distinguish the new DNA strand from its template partner and
Murray & Hunt 1993). specifically remove and replace the mismatched nucleotide from the
newly-synthesized strand.
The process of DNA replication is best understood in prokaryotic
cells; however, there is increasing evidence that the process is fun- The most prominent feature of an interphase nucleus is the presence
damentally similar in mammalian cells. As discussed above, rep- of one or more spheroidal inclusions called nucleoli. For reviews, 55

vidually by RNA polymerase I and the primary transcript does not

contain any introns but encodes the 28S, 5.8S and 18S rRNA
molecules. These rRNAs are separated by subsequent processing of
the transcript. Since 5 different chromosomes carry the rRNA gene
clusters each nucleolus is associated with 10 chromosomes in a
diploid cell. During mitosis the nucleolus breaks down and reforms
after telophase. The reformation is initiated by the onset of tran-
scription in certain regions of the clusters on each chromosome.
These regions are called nucleolar organizing centres and their fusion
precedes the reformation of the nucleolus. The 28S, 18S and 5.8S
tRNA molecules are assembled into their ribosomal subunits in the
granular region of the nucleolus together with the 5S rRNA which
is not synthesized in the nucleolus. The newly formed ribosomal
subunits are then translocated to the cytoplasm through the nuclear


Other less prominent structures present in all nuclei (Wischnitzer
1973) include granules, some of which are associated with chromatin
margins (perichromatin granules), about 40nm across, and others
lying between the chromatin masses (interchromatin granules), about
2.42 Electron micrograph of a nucleolus from a highly active cell, showing
the pars filamentosa (f) enclosed in the darker pars granulosa (g). Mag- 20nm across; the significance of these is unknown. Perichromatin
nification x 25 000. fibres also occur at the margins of the chromatin. In addition, many
other nuclear inclusions have been described as constant features of
some cells or occurring occasionally, including fibrillar material,
membranous structures and larger granules. In the prophase of the
see Scheer and Weisenberger (1994), Mélése and Xue (1994). These first meiotic division, long fibrillar synaptonemal complexes connect
are the site of most of the rRNA synthesis and ribosome subunit adjacent chromosomes (p.61). Other structures which have been
assembly. The number of nucleoli per nucleus varies between different reported in different types of cell include membranous vesicles and
species. Under the electron microscope the nucleolus comprises a lamellae, bundles of filaments, crystals and further varieties of
pale fibrillar region containing non-transcribed DNA, dense fibrillar granule. Some of these may represent symbiotic C viruses, common
cores which are the sites of rRNA transcription, granular regions in non-pathogenic inhabitants of mammalian nuclei. The nature of the
which ribosome subunits are assembled and a diffuse nucleolar other inclusions is obscure. The nucleoplasm also contains numerous
matrix. In man, there are 5 pairs of chromosomes which bear rRNA enzymes, nucleotide precursors and proteins, only identifiable by
genes and these genes are organized in clusters of tandemly repeated cytochemical or biochemical means; these are, of course, involved in
units on each chromosome. Each rRNA unit is transcribed indi- nuclear metabolism.

During prenatal development most cells undergo repeated division inhibit cell division, has been isolated from normal tissue cells. A
as the body grows in size and complexity. As cells mature they possible model for their action is that normal cells produce chalones
differentiate in structure and function and may finally lose the ability which inhibit division of the cells in their locality; when some cells
to divide, as do neurons, or may persist permanently as stem cells are damaged or destroyed, the concentration of chalones drops
capable of dividing throughout life, as in the haemopoietic tissue of allowing cell division to occur until the normal levels are restored,
bone marrow. when division is again inhibited.
Rates of cell division vary considerably in different tissues (see
e.g. Potten et al 1979; Lewin 1980; Lloyd et al 1982); in many
epithelia subject to mechanical stress, the replacement of damaged
cells by division of stem cells may be rapid, as seen for crypts Two distinct events occur in cell division: division of the nucleus
between intestinal villi; it may also vary according to demand, as in (karyokinesis) and of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis); they are usually,
healing of wounded skin, where cell proliferation rises to a peak and but not always, coupled. For reviews of these processes, consult
then returns to the normal replacement level. The rate of cell Lewin (1980), Inoue (1981), Zimmerman and Forer (1981), Alberts
division is, therefore, tightly coupled to the demand for growth and et al (1994).
replacement; where this coupling is faulty, tissues either fail to grow Nuclear division can occur in three ways. In the first, termed
or replace their cells, or else they overgrow, giving rise to neoplasms. amitotic or direct division, nuclear material is distributed at random
The mechanism of normal control of cell division is complex and to the resultant cells. (This process, once thought to be common, is
poorly understood. During early embryonic life, control appears to in fact restricted to pathological conditions.) In the other two modes
be local, involving the diffusion of metabolites from one cell group of nuclear division, complex chromosomal manoeuvres take place
to another, so stimulating or inhibiting division of cells. At later (indirect division), comprising mitosis and meiosis.
stages, endocrine control is also involved. Several hormones affect Mitosis (2.43) occurs in most somatic cells and results in the
cell division rates either generally (e.g. somatotrophic hormone) or distribution of identical copies of the parent cell’s genome to the
locally (e.g. progesterone). Some hormones may act on division by resulting cells. In meiosis, occurring in the divisions immediately
affecting general metabolic rates (thyroid hormones) or protein before final production of gametes, the number of chromosomes is
synthesis (some corticosteroids and somatotrophic hormone). At halved to the haploid number, so that at fertilization the diploid
least some of these effects may be mediated by the intracellular number is restored; some exchange of genetic material also occurs
release of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) which between homologous chromosomes, a reassortment of genes. This
inhibits synthesis of new DNA during the S phase. leads to further genetic variability in a population, the essence of
In adult tissues, local control of cell division is an important factor evolution.
56 in wound healing. A class of compounds termed chalones, which Mitosis and meiosis are alike in many respects, differing chiefly in
5S eee


Nuclear envelopes (6,,5 6, phases)
re-form, chromosomes DNA replication
lengthen, nucleoli in S phase
reappear, & new
centrioles are formed

Chromatids (now termed
chromosomes) separate
and move to poles,
cleavage furrow
usually forms now

J Centrioles separate
spindles & asters
form, chromosomes
(each formed of
two chromatids)
shorten & thicken

Chromosomes line up END OF PROPHASE
on equator and become (PROMETAPHASE)
Nuclear membrane
attached to spindle microtubules
& nucleolus disintegrate
2.43 The main stages of the mitotic cycle of a somatic cell.

chromosomal behaviour during the early stages of cell division. In MITOSIS

meiosis two divisions occur in quick succession; the first of them is
unlike mitosis (meiosis I, heterotypical division) but the second more As already stated, new DNA is synthesized during the S phase of
like mitosis (meiosis II, homotypical division). interphase, so that in diploid cells the amount of DNA has doubled by 57
2.45 Electron micrograph of an epithelial cell in mitotic metaphase. The
chromosomes are seen as blocks of dense material, and are sectioned
approximately along the plane of the equator. Magnification x 10000.

Outside the nucleus, centrioles begin to separate, moving to opposite

poles of the cell; parallel microtubules are synthesized between them
to create the central spindle and others radiate to form the astral
rays, collectively termed asters. The spindle and two asters together
constitute the achromatic figure or diaster (amphiaster).
As prophase proceeds, the nucleoli disappear and finally the
nuclear envelope suddenly disintegrates into small vesicles to release
the chromosomes. This event marks the end of prophase.
As the nuclear envelope disappears, the spindle microtubules invade
the central region of the cell and the chromosomes move towards
the equator of the spindle (prometaphase). Once they have arrived
at this imaginary plane (the metaphase or equatorial plate), the
chromosomes attach by their centromeres to spindle microtubules
and are so arranged inastar-like ring when viewed from either pole
of the cell or sectional across this plane (2.45).
The centromere in metaphase is a double structure; its halves now
separate, both carrying an attached chromatid, so that the original
chromosome has, in effect, split lengthwise into two new chro-
mosomes. These move apart, one towards each pole.
At the end of anaphase the chromosomes are grouped at each
end of the cell, both aggregations being diploid in number. The
chromosomes now re-extend and the nuclear envelope reappears,
beginning as membranous vesicles at the ends of the chromosomes.
Nucleoli also reappear.
2.44 A series of micrographs taken at different stages of mitosis of a
human fibroblast in tissue culture; compare with 2.43. Nomarski interference Meanwhile, cytoplasmic division, which usually begins in early
microscopy. A. Early metaphase; B. metaphase; c. anaphase; p. telophase. anaphase, is progressing. This process is accompanied at late meta-
Provided by the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School. phase by cytoplasmic movements involving the equal distribution of
Magnification x 1500. mitochondria and other organelles around the cell periphery. In
anaphase an infolding of the cell equator begins and deepens as
the cleavage furrow (Schroeder 1973). Small vacuoles form in the
cytoplasm along the plane of cleavage and eventually the furrow
the onset of mitosis to the tetraploid value, although the chromosome divides the cell into two. Where the constriction meets the remains
number is still diploid. During mitosis, this amount is halved between of the spindle, a dense region of cytoplasm, the midbody, is visible
the two resulting cells, so that DNA quantity and chromosome but eventually the new cells separate, each with its derived nucleus.
number are now diploid in both. The nuclear changes which achieve The spindle remnant now disintegrates. While the cleavage furrow
this distribution can be divided into four phases: prophase, meta- is active, a peripheral band of actin and myosin appears in the
phase, anaphase and telophase (2.43, 44). constricting zone and the contraction of this is probably responsible
for furrow formation. During telophase the filaments of the cleavage
Prophase furrow contract down on the remaining spindle microtubules to form
The strands of chromatin, highly extended during interphase, begin the dense midbody which finally disappears.
to shorten, thicken and resolve themselves into recognizable chro- Failure of disjunction and ‘lagging’ of chromatids may sometimes
58 mosomes, each made up of two chromatids joined at the centromere. occur, so that paired chromatids pass to the same pole. Of the two

(5 stages)
» chromosomes
LEPTOTENE begin to pair
Interphase cell: Chromosomes, initially point for point
diploid (2n) chromosomes thin, begin to shorten
and thicken


Pairing is complete,
Chromatids and chromosomes still
chiasmata now appear shortening
Centromeres separate further:
note adhesion of exchanged segments
Chromosomes now reduced
to haploid (n) number
in each nucleus

Paired chromosomes
separate and
Zz §BB move: eowaris
VA, poles
Chromosome pairs
with spindle attachments
span equator: homologous Two separate cells
segments still in contact each with hapLoid
(n) number of 4
chromosomes /gf
In meiosisIL (similar to mitosis) the crossover and
non-crossover chromatids separate randomly,
some combinations of which are shown here

2.46 Chief stages in the meiotic cycle (male). For clarity only four chro- movements of chromosomes during different stages of Meiosis || are not
mosomes out of the total 46 are shown. Please note that the detailed shown in this figure.


2.49 Detail of a synaptonemal complex in a cell similar to that shown in

2.39. Note the masses of heterochromatin and the fibrillar core of the
synaptonemal complex. Magnification x 20000.

new cells, one will have more and the other fewer chromosomes
than the diploid number (see p. 63). Exposure to ionizing radiation
promotes such events and may, by chromosomal damage, inhibit
mitosis altogether. A typical symptom of radiation sickness is the
failure of epithelia to replace lost cells, with consequent ulceration
-of the skin and mucous membranes.
Mitosis can also be disrupted by several chemical agents, par-
ticularly colchicine and its derivatives colcemide, podophyllin and
podophyllotoxin, and by viniblastine. These compounds inhibit or
reverse spindle microtubule formation, so that mitosis is arrested in
metaphase. This is useful in cytogenetic studies, since chromosomes
are most easily examined in the metaphase condition, and also forms
2.47 Photomicrograph of chromosomes from a human spermatocyte in the rationale
2 for attacking multiplying tumour cells with many types
late prophase (diakinesis) p
of the first meiotic division showing oy
bivalents of cytotoxic drugs.
beginning to separate. Note the paired sex chromosomes (top) which are
joined end to end. Provided by the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy's Hospital
Medical School. MEIOSIS
During meiosis (2.46-49) there are two cell divisions; in the interphase
prior to the first division DNA is replicated in the usual manner,
resulting in the tetraploid amount of DNA, the chromosomal number
being diploid. During meiosis I the DNA is reduced to the diploid
amount in each resultant cell, although the chromosome number is
halved to the haploid value; in meiosis IJ, the DNA in each new cell
formed is reduced to the haploid amount, the chromosome number
remaining haploid. Details of this process differ for male and female
lineages. For clarity, the process in the male will be dealt with first,
as this demonstrates all the essential steps of meiosis. Differences in
the female are described in Section 3.

Prophase |
Prophase I is a long and complex phase which differs considerably
from mitotic prophase and is customarily divided into five substages:
the leptotene, zygotene, pachytene and diplotene stages and dia-
kinesis (for details see Comings & Okada 1972; Whitehouse 1973;
Moens 1974).
Leptotene stage. Chromosomes appear as individual threads
attached at one end to the nuclear envelope and show characteristic
beads (chromomeres) throughout their length.
Zygotene stage. Chromosomes have come together side by side
in homologous pairs (a process which may already have occurred as
early as telophase of the previous mitotic division). The homologous
chromosomes pair point for point progressively, beginning at the
attachment point to the nuclear envelope (Moens 1974), so that
corresponding regions lie in contact. This process is synapsis, con-
2.48 Electron micrograph of a primary spermatocyte (mouse) showing the jugation or pairing. Each pair is now a bivalent. In the case of the
nucleus in early prophase of the first meiotic division. Five synaptonemal unequal X and Y sex chromosomes, which during zygotene and
60 complexes are visible (arrowheads). Magnification x 10000. pachytene are sequestered in a secluded zone of the nucleus, the sex

vesicle (Solari & Tres 1967). Only limited pairing segments are MEIOSIS II
homologous and these pair end to end (2.47); the remaining parts
Meiosis II commences after only a short interval during which no
are differential segments. By electron microscopy, homologous chro-
DNA synthesis occurs. This second division is more like mitosis,
mosomes appear held together by a highly structured fibrillar band,
with separation of chromatids during anaphase; but in contrast
the synaptonemal complex (2.49), which occupies the space (about
to mitosis, the separating chromatids are genetically dissimilar.
100nm wide) between them (von Wettstein et al 1984, see also
Cytoplasmic division also occurs and thus four cells result from
p. 56).
meiosis I and II.
Pachytene stage. Spiralized shortening and thickening of each
If cytoplasmic division fails during meiosis I, gametes with the
chromosome progresses and its two chromatids, joined at the cen-
diploid number of chromosomes result and thus give, at fertilization,
tromere, become visible. Each bivalent pair, therefore, consists of
four chromatids, forming a tetrad. Two chromatids, one from each
a triploid zygote.
Other abnormalities, some of them viable, are produced by non-
bivalent chromosome, partially coil round each other, and during
disjunction of chromosomes (p.58), or by the /agging of individual
this stage it is probable that exchange of DNA (crossing over or
chromosomes, during anaphase. These will be discussed later (p. 63).
decussation) occurs by breaking and rejoining, perhaps facilitated by
There is much evidence that, as maternal age increases, so does the
the synaptonemal complex. Within the latter structure, regions of
frequency of such abnormalities.
DNA exchange are marked by the presence of dense proteinaceous
masses about 90 nm in diameter (recombination nodules) in which the
processes of cutting and rejoining the adjacent DNA strands may
occur. Mechanism of chromosome movement during mitosis
Diplotene stage. Homologous pairs, now much shortened, sep- and meiosis
arate except where crossing over has occurred (chiasmata). Sometimes In both mitosis and meiosis the chromosomes undergo a predictable
chiasmata appear to move towards the ends of the chromatids set of movements which bring them at first to the equator of the
(terminalization); at least one chiasma forms between each hom- cell at metaphase, then translate them polewards in opposite
ologous pair and up to five have been observed (even up to 10 in directions during anaphase, to achieve equal distribution in the
some species). In human ovaries, primary odcytes become diplotene two cells formed at the end of cell division. Clearly, these events
by the fifth month in utero and each remains in this stage until the depend on the presence of spindle microtubules, since if these are
period prior to its ovulation (some for decades, and even up to 50 made to depolymerize with antimicrotubule drugs such as col-
years). chicine, the chromosomes shorten but remain stationary, and
Diakinesis. Remaining chiasmata finally resolve and the chro- separation is blocked. The molecular processes bringing about
mosomes, still as bivalents, become even shorter and thicker; they chromosome movements have been difficult to determine in spite
disperse, as bivalents, to lie against the nuclear envelope. of many intricate and inventive experiments to elucidate them. In
During prophase the nucleoli have disappeared and the spindle the last few years some crucial observations have been made using
and asters have formed as in mitosis. At the end of prophase micromanipulation and dissection of intact or isolated mitotic
the nuclear envelope disappears and bivalent chromosomes move apparatuses. These studies show that there are at least three
towards the equatorial plate (prometaphase). separate processes occurring during cell division. First there is the
Decussation. Exchange of genes between homologous chro- assembly of the mitotic spindle, with the separation of the
mosomes involves extraordinary precision whereby the DNA, at centrioles. This entails the polymerization of tubulin on the
exactly corresponding positions on both, is severed and rejoined to microtubule-organizing centres (MTOCs) around the centrioles so
the DNA of its corresponding partner. How this is achieved is not that the fast growing (plus) ends of the microtubules are directed
certain, although it has been proposed that the DNA double chains away from the centrioles, and.the two sets are thus pointing
of the two exchanging chromatid segments are exchanged one at a towards each other. It is envisaged that the antiparallel micro-
time, perhaps with some remodelling of redundant DNA chains by tubules push on each other, perhaps using dynein cross-bridges
partial dissolution and resynthesis in the correct position (Holliday until the centrioles reach opposite poles of the cell. At this stage
1964; Whitehouse & Hastings 1965). Such exchanges may occur - (late prophase/early metaphase) the spindle is composed of
during late zygotene and early pachytene (Whitehouse 1973), when relatively stable microtubules stretching along much of the spindle’s
there is some DNA synthesis; it is likely that the synaptonemal length, and also transient microtubules which grow rapidly from
complex is an important mediator of genetic exchange. the poles towards the equator, then as rapidly shorten again by
Once segments of chromatid are exchanged and the chromosomes depolymerization. In the second stage, the nuclear envelope breaks
begin to separate, regions where crossing over has taken place down at the beginning of metaphase, freeing the chromosomes
become visible as chiasmata; these, therefore, represent a past event which can now be contacted by the transient microtubules; the
and chiasma formation is not synonymous with genetic recom- attachment seems to be a random affair, but once a growing
bination. After diakinesis the paired chromatids of a given chro- microtubule has touched the kinetochore in the centromeric region
mosome adhere to each other more strongly than those of of a chromosome, it binds to it and stabilizes (for the time being).
homologous chromosomes, even when exchange has occurred, pro- Up to 20 microtubules may attach themselves to a_ single
ducing the curious configurations which chromosomes adopt in kinetochore, some as yet unknown mechanism ensuring that
metaphase of meiosis I (2.49): (during mitosis) the two kinetochores of each chromosome (one
for each chromatid) are attached to microtubules from opposite
Metaphase | poles. During this stage the chromosomes move along the spindle
until they reach the equator, when they stop. Lastly, during mitotic
Metaphase I resembles mitotic metaphase except that the bodies anaphase the two chromatids separate and it appears that the
attaching to the spindle microtubules are bivalents, not single chro- kinetochores now migrate along the surface of the microtubules
mosomes. These become arranged so that the homologous pairs lie to which they are attached towards their minus ends, i.e. polewards.
parallel to the equatorial plate with one member on either side. This motion is energy-dependent, and resembles the kinesin- and
dynein-based translation of vesicles along microtubules during
Anaphase and telophase | interphase (p.39). As the kinetochore and attached chromosome
Anaphase and telophase I also occur as in mitosis, except that in moves away from the equator the related microtubule bundle
anaphase the centromeres do not split; thus, instead of the paired depolymerizes behind it so that it progressively shortens. Eventu-
chromatids separating to move towards the poles, whole homologous ally, when the chromosomes have reached their final position, the
chromosomes made up of two joined chromatids depart to opposite spindle disintegrates entirely. Many details remain to be determined,
poles. Since positioning of bivalent pairs is random, assortment of including the events of the first meiotic division where four
maternal and paternal chromosomes in each telophase nucleus is kinetochores (representing two chromosomes of two chromatids
also random. each) are presented to microtubules at the equator. For further
During meiosis I, cytoplasmic division occurs as in mitosis to reading, see Bloom (1993), Alberts et al (1994), Ault and Rieder
produce two new cells. (1994). 61

Long arm Centromere Short arm

| (kinetochore)


Primary constriction

Chromosome Secondary constriction

consisting of |
two chromatids

2.50 A spread preparation of metaphase chromosomes of a human fibro- 2.51 The major structural features of chromosomes seen in mitotic meta-
blast. Provided by the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical phase; the terminology of the different chromosomal regions is given
School. together with the various major categories of chromosome, classified
according to differences in the position of the primary constriction.

CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN CHROMOSOMES fetal chromosome patterns, samples of amniotic fluid, containing
fetal cells, can be aspirated from the uterus (amniocentesis) or for
Since a number of genetic abnormalities can be directly related to
some purposes, a small piece of a chorionic villus (p. 338) removed
the chromosomal pattern, the characterization or karyotyping of
from the placenta. Whatever their origin, the cells are cultured in vitro
chromosomes is of considerable diagnostic importance. Their ident-
and stimulated to divide by treatment with phytohaemagglutinin or
ifying features are most easily seen during metaphase, although
other chemicals. Mitosis is later interrupted at metaphase with
recently prophase chromosomes have also been used for more
detailed analysis (see below). spindle inhibitors and chromosomes dispersed by swelling the cells
in hypotonic solutions followed by air drying, or squashing, to
As a source of chromosomes, lymphocytes can be separated from
rupture the cells and flatten the chromosomes. These can then be
blood samples or cells taken from other sources. For diagnosis of
stained to allow the identification of individual chromosomes by
size, shape and distribution of stain (2.50-52). When large numbers
of cells have to be examined for clinical purposes, automatic scanning

7 bn we IC
light microscopy with computer control and analysis can greatly
facilitate the identification of chromosomes and any abnormalities
(2.52). Methods include: general techniques to show the obvious
landmarks, for example length of arms, position of primary and
secondary constrictions; and banding techniques to demonstrate
differential staining patterns, characteristic for each chromosome
type. Since the introduction of the first banding methods (Caspersson

SM RM eR ¢
et al 1968), several methods have been developed, such as fluorescence
staining with quinacrine mustard and related compounds (Q bands
2.56), Giemsa staining after treatment with alkali (G bands), ‘reverse-
Giemsa’ staining in which the light and dark areas are reversed (R
bands) and the staining of constitutive heterochromatin with silver

1) ) i 3 le if
salts (C-banding 2.53); T-banding methods stain the ends (telomeres)
of chromosomes and other techniques can be used to demonstrate
nucleolar organizing centres. In high resolution banding, chro-
mosomes arrested in prophase are used (2.54), even greater detail
ee te a
v x
being discernible in these more elongated forms (Yunis et al 1978).
By such methods, chromosomes can be classified by length, pos-
itions of primary and secondary constrictions, presence of satellites,
number and positions of the transverse bands and the distribution
of constitutive heterochromatin (see 2.52). A system of numbering
autosomal pairs of chromosomes in order of decreasing size, from 1
to 22, has been adopted according to the conventions agreed in
London (1960) and Chicago (1964). Before the introduction of
2.52 Karyotype of G-banded chromosome from a normal male, produced banding, some chromosomes were difficult to distinguish and thus
using a computer image capture and analysis system. The insert (bottom were grouped together in seven categories (A—G) according to size
right) shows the two x chromosomes from a female karyotype. (Karyotype and detailed shape and updated more recently (ISCN 1985).
prepared by Lisa Durvill Holmes, S.W. Regional Cytogenetics Centre, However, the later methods allow unambiguous identification and a
62 Bristol.) classification agreed first in Paris (1972) is now generally accepted.

chromosome non-disjunction or lagging, to give cells that have an

extra chromosome (i.e. the cells are trisomic), or have a missing
chromosome (and are, therefore, monosomic). During mitosis, or in
the second division of meiosis, these errors may result from the
failure of sister chromatids to separate correctly at anaphase. Simi-
larly, during the first division of meiosis, paired homologous chro-
mosomes may fail to move separately to opposite poles during
Autosomal trisomies (i.e. trisomies not involving the sex
chromosomes) occur relatively frequently in live-born infants. Most
frequently, these involve chromosomes 13, 18 and 21, giving rise to
Patau, Edwards and Down syndromes respectively. Trisomy 21 is
the most common, being associated with a birth frequency risk of 1
in 700 in the general population. This rises with increasing maternal
age, and prenatal testing of fetuses of mothers over the age of 35 is
normal practice. Autosomal monosomies are usually lethal and
rarely occur.
Numerical abnormalities involving the sex chromosomes give rise
to several well-recognized syndromes, including Turner syndrome
(single X chromosome), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY, i.e. 47 chro-
mosomes in total), also 47,XXX and 47,XYY. In general, abnor-
malities resulting from errors of sex chromosome number are less
severe than those associated with autosomal trisomies. This is because
all X chromosomes in excess of one are to a large extent rendered
genetically inactive (Lyon hypothesis), while the Y chromosome is
largely heterochromatic (non-transcribing) in nature and, therefore,
additional Y chromosomes do not cause serious gene imbalance.
Any situation with extra or deficient chromosomes so that the
number is not an exact multiple of the basic haploid number (n)
2.53 Human (male) metaphase spread stained with the C-banding method may be referred to as aneuploidy. In contrast, extra whole chro-
to show constitutive heterochromatin (dark spots) mainly centromeric in mosome sets over the normal diploid number (2n) are called poly-
position. The arrow indicates the Y chromosome in which heterochromatin ploids. Some polyploids occur naturally in certain tissues such as the
is situated terminally in the long arm. Provided by the Paediatric Research liver, and polyploids such as tetraploids (4n) and octaploids (8n)
Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School. Magnification x 1300. normally result from chromosome replication without subsequent
cell division. Triploidy (3n) on the other hand, can only result from
an abnormal conception (e.g. normal haploid egg fertilized by diploid
Major categories of human chromosomes sperm). Both triploid and tetraploid conceptions occur from time to
time, but neither survive to give live-born infants. Chromosome
A summary of the major classes of chromosomes is given below:
disorders are found in about 20% of all conceptions, but the birth
Group frequency is only about 6%. The majority of chromosomally abnor-
1-3 (A) Large metacentric chromosomes mal fetuses are eliminated as early spontaneous abortions. In total,
4-5 (B) Large submetacentric chromosomes approximately 60% of all spontaneous abortions show a chromosome
6-12 + X (C) Metacentrics of medium size abnormality, half of which are in the form of a trisomy. Chromosome
13-15 (D) Medium-sized acrocentrics with satellites (and abnormalities may also be structural in nature. Deletions result in a
nucleolar organizing centres)
16-18 (E) Shorter metacentrics (No. 16) or
submetacentrics (Nos. 17 and 18)
19-20 (F) Shortest metacentrics
21-22 + Y (G) Short .acrocentrics, 21 and 22 with satellites
(and nucleolar organizing centres), Y without

These advances also improved the recognition of abnormal chro-

mosome patterns, but more recently the use of in situ hybridisation
with DNA probes has transformed the identification of even very
small abnormalities (see below).

The interphase nuclei of female mammals differ from those of males
in that a heterochromatic body is usually present on the inner face
of the nuclear envelope in females (2.57). This structure, the sex
chromatin or Barr body (Barr & Bertram 1949), may protrude from
the surface of polymorphic nuclei (as a ‘drumstick’). It is now
regarded as one of the X chromosomes which is synthetically inert
and thus heterochromatic, its euchromatic partner carrying out all
necessary functions in RNA synthesis (Lyon 1962). The inert X
chromosome also replicates later during interphase than its hom-
ologue. 2.54 Two chromosomes (both chromosome number 2), showing Giemsa
banding at different periods of mitosis. On the right the cell was arrested
during metaphase when the chromosomes are shortest. On the left an
CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITIES earlier (late prophase—early metaphase) chromosome shows that the later
bands are formed by the condensation of several sub-bands. Provided by
Chromosome abnormalities can be numerical or structural in nature. the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School. Magnification
Errors in chromosome number can arise in mitosis or meiosis through x 3700. 63

Positive staining Giemsa

and Quinacrine methods

76543 21 4321 712 3456 {12345 Negative staining except

for reverse Giemsa method
1 1 2

Variable staining

Position Position
of centromere of centromere

2.55 Nomenclature of the banding patterns in two human chromosome

types, designated by the Paris Convention, for different staining techniques.
(For details see text.)

2.57 Fibroblasts from a human female, in tissue culture, showing dense

heterochromatic Barr bodies (arrows) lying close against the nuclear envel-
2.56 A chromosome spread from a normal human male cell, treated with ope. Kindly provided by the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital
a fluorescent dye (see text) and photographed using fluorescence Medical School. Magnification x 2000.
microscopy. In addition to the terminal fluorescence of the long arm of the
Y chromosome (arrow), bands which fluoresce less strongly are also present
on the other chromosomes, providing a basis for their identification. Supplied
by the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School. Mag-
nification x 1500.

loss of chromosome material and are usually associated with an form a translocation chromosome, while the short arms are usually
abnormal phenotype (e.g. Wolf syndrome and Cri-du-Chat syn- lost. This is of no consequence as the acrocentric short arms are
drome, which show partial deletions of the short arms of chro- largely heterochromatic in nature and, therefore, ‘genetically inert’;
mosomes 4 and 5 respectively). the only functional genes present on them code for certain ribosomal
Other structural abnormalities include inversions and _trans- RNAs, and since the same genes are typically present on all other
locations. In the former, segments within a chromosome become acrocentric chromosomes, their loss can be tolerated without causing
inverted, while translocations involve an exchange of segments any problems. One of the more frequent types of Robertsonian
between different chromosomes. Neither of these in themselves translocations involves chromosomes 14 and 21; in such cases, the
necessarily results in a loss of genetic material, and hence individuals balanced carriers are at risk of producing a Down syndrome infant
with such abnormalities (carriers) are usually phenotypically normal. due to abnormal segregation of the chromosomes at meiosis, i.e.
A problem only arises during gametogenesis, when gametes which the 14/21 translocation chromosome segregating with the normal
are chromosomally unbalanced may be produced. An important type chromosome 21, resulting in a gamete with two chromosome 21 long
of chromosome exchange constitute the Robertsonian translocations. arms. Fertilization with a normal gamete will result in a conceptus
These always involve acrocentric chromosomes (i.e. 13, 14, 15, 21 or that is effectively trisomic for chromosome 21.
22). The breakpoints in the two chromosomes involved occur very Mention has already been made of high resolution banding.
64 close to their respective centromeres and the two long arms join to With this technique the relatively few, rather dense bands seen on
ticularly in females, and in this, and other areas of cytogenetics,
increasing use is being made of molecular techniques to supplement,
or even replace traditional methods. It is now known, for example,
that the majority of individuals with Fragile-X syndrome have a
mutation which involves a ‘CGG’ DNA sequence repeated a variable
number of times. Over successive generations this triplet may become
amplified until, at approximately 200 repeats, or more, it is no
longer functional. In such individuals, the X chromosome fragility
is expressed. The DNA analysis thus provides a highly accurate
means for assessing the Fragile-X status of an individual and is
becoming the accepted method of diagnosis for this disorder. In a
.~< similar way, increasing use is being made of molecular probes for the
detection of small deletions; thus molecular defects of chromosome 15
have been observed for both Prader—Willi and Angelman syndromes
where chromosome deletions have not been detectable at the light
microscope level. Another microdeletion that has recently received
considerable clinical attention involves the region q11.2 of chromo-
some 22. There appear to be a number of closely linked gene loci
2.58 X chromosomes showing fragile site at Xq27.3 (arrows). A solid involved, so that there is a wide spectrum of phenotypes associated
staining and B G-banded. with deletions within this region. These include DiGeorge syndrome,
velocardiofacial syndrome and conotruncal heart defects. 2.59 dem-
onstrates the use of chromosome 22-specific probes in the diagnosis
of these conditions. Other probes that are chromosome-specific
contracted chromosomes become resolved into sub-bands, enabling enable whole chromosomes to be ‘painted’ a specific colour using
the chromosomes to be examined in greater detail (2.54). Much different fluorochromes and, in this way, small translocations can be
interest is currently directed at looking for relatively small deletions highlighted very effectively (2.60, 61). Chromosome-specific probes
that can be associated with specific phenotypic abnormalities, and can also be used to demonstrate the presence of individual chro-
among the growing list of such disorders are Prader—Willi syndrome mosomes in interphase nuclei (2.62), a technique that clearly has
and Angelman syndrome, both of which may show the same small potential for prenatal diagnostic screening for trisomies.
deletion in the long arm of chromosome 15 just below the centromere
(see below). Imprinting and uniparental disomy
The Fragile-X syndrome gives rise to one of the more common Prader—Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) show
forms of inherited mental retardation. Cytogenetically, it is typified very distinct and contrasting features. At the same time, both have
by the occurrence of a ‘fragile site’ near the distal end of the long been observed to have apparently the same deletion of chromosome
arm of the X chromosome (Xq27.3) (2.58). Under certain conditions 15. In PWS it would seem that the deletion has invariably been
of culture the fragile site is normally expressed in a proportion of inherited from the father but in AS, from the mother. These findings
cells as chromatid or chromosome gaps, and until recently this can be explained by the concept of ‘imprinting’. This involves the
phenomenon has been the basis of a cytogenetic diagnosis for this differential ‘switching off’ of genes according to whether they have
disorder. However, the results are sometimes inconclusive, par- been transmitted by the mother or father. Although the observable

2.59, B A. Metaphase spread showing chromosome 22-specific probes (small arrows) control probes confirming the identity of each homologue of
detected by FITC and counterstained with propidium iodide. The proximal chromosome 22. B. Metaphase spread from a patient with a deletion of the
signals (large arrow) are within the region q11.2. The more distal signals proximal signal in one homologue of chromosome 22.
2.60 Metaphase spread using chromosome 2 paint (FITC labelled) to show 2.61 Metaphase spread using two-colour painting to show a small bal-
an interstitial insertion of a small segment (arrowed) from the long arm of anced translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 (11 Texas Red; 22
chromosome 2 into the long arm of chromosome 5. (This image was FITC labelled). The distal region of the short arm of chromosome 11 (large
produced using a cooled CCD camera equipped with Smartcapture Software arrow) can clearly be seen translocated onto the long arm of one of the
(Digital Scientific Limited, UK). The original slide was prepared by C.M. homologues of chromosome 22. The very small segment of the chromosome
Mackie, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Guy’s Hospital, London.) 22 long arm involved in the reciprocal translocation is seen as a faint
green signal on the end of the short arm of chromosome 11 (small arrow).
(Photograph from a slide prepared by C.M. Mackie, Cytogenetics Lab-
oratory, Guy’s Hospital, London.)

chromosome deletion is small, it is most likely that the two syndromes substantiated by the fact that in a small percentage of PWS that
are determined by different genes, and it is thought that PWS lack visible cytological deletions, molecular studies have shown that
becomes manifest when the paternally derived chromosome 15 shows the two homologues of chromosome 15 are both maternal in origin.
the deletion (and, therefore, lacks the gene(s) for normal Such an event is referred to as ‘uniparental disomy’, and could result
development). Although the same gene or genes are present on the from an early non-disjunctional event involving, say, the maternal
maternally derived chromosome 15, they are switched off—probably 15 to give a trisomic situation. Subsequent loss of the paternal
by DNA methylation. In the case of AS, the reverse situation exists, chromosome 15 then restores the disomic condition. As a conse-
the paternally derived gene(s) being switched off, so that a deletion quence of imprinting, however, both these maternal chromosomes
in the maternally derived chromosome 15 will result in the typical will have the gene(s) required for normal development switched off,
features of AS. The operation of this type of mechanism is further and a PWS phenotype will result.

2.62 Identification of chromosome 18 in interphase nuclei using a cen- A. Normal—two signals and B. Trisomy 18—three signals. (Photographs from
66 tromeric probe detected with FITC and counterstained with propidium iodide. slides prepared by C. M. Mackie, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Guy’s Hospital.)

Although some cells in the body are essentially migratory and the intermediate filament proteins characteristic of all epithelia are
therefore to some extent independent entities, most exist in aggre- (cyto)keratins, those of connective tissue are vimentins, desmins are
gations which carry out similar or closely related functions, and typical of muscle; neurofilament and glial fibrillary acidic proteins
which behave in a coordinated manner. Such groups are termed characterise nervous tissue. However, as more and more molecular
tissues. It would appear at first sight that there are innumerable probes are used, the boundaries often begin to blur, and some cells
tissues, each with its particular topographical territory, but extensive have features of more than one tissue type, e.g. myofibroblasts,
research has shown that they can be classified into a fairly small neuroepithelial receptors, ependymal cells of the central nervous
number of broad categories on the basis of their structure, behaviour system, etc. It is likely that eventually the simplified four tissues
and molecular properties. According to structure, most cell aggre- scheme will have to give way toa classification which reflects more
gates can be divided into four major types: epithelia, connective closely the sequence of genomic events during the differentiation of
tissues, muscle and nervous tissue. Epithelia are essentially continuous individual cell lineages. Meanwhile the scheme, with all its anomalies,
layers of cells with little intercellular space which line surfaces (or is most useful for descriptive purposes, and will be employed in the
are derived from such). In connective tissue the cells are embedded present account.
in intercellular substances which are typically abundant; muscle In this second part of the Cells and Tissues Section, two widespread
consists largely of specialised contractile cells, while nervous tissue tissues will be described: epithelia and ‘general’ or ‘ordinary’ con-
consists of (1) cells specialised for conducting and transmitting nective tissue. Specialised skeletal connective tissue (cartilage, bone)
electrochemically mediated information, and (2) of other cells which are described with the skeleton (Section 6); muscle tissue with the
support those engaging in this activity. This simple scheme is of muscles (Section 7); and nervous tissue with the nervous system
considerable value in predicting the behaviour of the constituent (Section 8). Specialised defensive cells, also forming part of the
cells in both normal life and in pathological states, and in general, general connective tissues, are considered with the haemolymphoid
molecular studies have supported the concept. Thus, for example, system (Section 9).

The term epithelium is applied to the layer or layers of cells covering dramatically in the liver, which can replace excised portions rapidly.
body surfaces. Strangely, this term originally referred to the cellular Continuous replacement is also important where abrasion occurs
covering of the nipple (the/os) but has been extended to include the and most epithelia covering external surfaces show a steady rate of
cellular covering of the body’s exterior surface, and of all the body cell division, which offsets loss of cells due to this cause. Perhaps
cavities opening on to it. Embryologically, epithelia are derived from because of this ability, tumours of epithelial origin (papillomata and
the three germ layers. The ectoderm gives rise to the epidermis, carcinomata) are common.
glandular tissue of the breast, cornea and the junctional zones of the Usually, blood vessels do not penetrate epithelia, diffusion from
buccal cavity and anal canal. The endoderm forms the epithelial capillaries of neighbouring tissues providing nutrition. This limits
lining of the alimentary canal and its glands, most of the respiratory the maximum thickness of living cell layers. Epithelia with their
tract and the distal parts of the urogenital tract. supporting connective tissue can often be removed surgically as one
The epithelium-like cell layers lining internal cavities and the ‘layer’, collectively known as a membrane. Where the surface is
proximal parts of the urogenital tract stem from mesoderm and are moistened by mucous glands it is a mucous membrane or mucosa.
variously known as mesothelia, lining the pericardial, pleural and (A similar layer of connective tissue covered by mesothelium is a
peritoneal cavities, and endothelia, lining blood vessels and lym- serous membrane or serosa.)
phatics. The term epithelium is retained for urinary and genital tract
linings derived from mesoderm, however.
Epithelia function generally as selective barriers, aiding or pre- CLASSIFICATION OF EPITHELIA (2.63)
venting materials traversing the surfaces which they cover; some Epithelia can be grouped into unilaminar (simple) epithelia—single
also protect underlying tissues against dehydration, chemical and layers of cells resting on a basal lamina; and multilaminar epithelia—
mechanical damage; some elaborate and secrete materials into the that is, more than one cell thick. The latter includes: replacing or
spaces which they bound; others function as sensory surfaces. Indeed, stratified squamous epithelia, in which superficial cells are constantly
many features of nervous -tissue can be regarded as those of a replaced from the basal layers; urothelium (transitional epithelium)
modified epithelium. serving special functions in the genito-urinary tract; and other multi-
Mesothelia and endothelia are classified as distinct from epithelia, laminar epithelia which, like urothelium, are replaced only very
as they are derived from mesenchymal cells rather than ectodermal slowly under normal conditions. Seminiferous epithelium is a spe-
or endodermal elements, and have some characteristic mesenchyme- cialized tissue found in the testis.
derived features, for example, their cytoskeletal intermediate fila-
ments are of the connective tissue type (vimentin) rather than the
keratin filaments found in epithelia proper. UNILAMINAR (SIMPLE) EPITHELIA
CHARACTERISTICS OF EPITHELIA Unilaminar epithelia may be further subdivided, according to the
shape of their cells, into squamous, cuboidal, columnar and pseudo-
Epithelia (2.63) are predominantly cellular, that is, they possess little stratified types. Cell shape is largely related to cell volume; where
extracellular material. Intercellular junctions are usually numerous. little cytoplasm is present, denoting few organelles and therefore a
Cell shape, typically polygonal, is partly determined by their cyto- low metabolic activity, cells are squamous or low cuboidal. Highly
plasmic contents and partly by pressure from surrounding tissues, active cells, for example ciliated and secretory forms, contain abun-
among other factors. The basal surface of an epithelium is in contact dant mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum and are typically tall
with a thin layer of filamentous protein and proteoglycan termed cuboidal or columnar (although there are exceptions to this rule,
the basal lamina. e.g. kidney proximal convoluted tubule cells are cuboidal and bear
Epithelia can typically regenerate when injured, as seen most many microvilli). 67
— OO


eo Pxby TaheedeA Lo Tl Sse Ea

SQUAMOUS .. See also: mesothelium — lining coelomic surfaces;
endothelium — lining vascular channels.



eo ———— ee

Without surface With microvilli Ciliated Glandular

UNILAMINAR specialization (brush/striated border)


Olfactory Stato-acoustic

oy ety | SSS >|) May include pigmented components

ble(aya eyeroled
eles teeters


(Relaxed) (Stretched)

GLANDS including other complex ‘combined’ structures

COMPLEX e.g. liver, pancreas, placenta, gonads.

NERVOUS TISSUE (often classified as a separate tissue, but retains many characteristics of its epithelial origins).
Cuboidal and columnar epithelia consist of regular rows of cylindrical
cells (2.65-67). Cuboidal cells are square in vertical section, whereas
columnar cells are taller than their diameter, and both are polygonal
when sectioned horizontally. Commonly, microvilli are found on
their free surfaces, providing a large absorptive area (p.40), for
example, the epithelium of the small intestine (columnar cells with a
striated border), the gallbladder (columnar cells with a brush border)
and proximal and distal convoluted tubules of the kidney (large
cuboidal cells with brush borders). Ciliated columnar epithelium
lines most of the respiratory tract (2.68-70) as far as the respiratory
bronchioles (excepting the lower pharynx and vocal folds), some of
the tympanic cavity and auditory tube, the uterine tube and patches
in the cavity of the uterus and cervix, and efferent ductules of the
Mucous glands also line the respiratory tract and cilia sweep a
layer of viscous fluid and trapped dust particles, etc. from the lung
2.64 Part of a renal corpuscle showing vertically sectioned simple squa- towards the pharynx (the mucociliary rejection current), clearing the
mous epithelial cells in Bowman’s capsule. Mallory’s triple stain. respiratory passages of inhaled particles. In the uterine tube, cilia
may assist the passage of ova from the peritoneal cavity to the
Some columnar cells are glandular, their apices containing mucus
or proteinaceous vacuoles, for example mucin-secreting and chief
cells of the gastric epithelium. Often mucous cells lie among non-
secretory ones, allowing expansion of the secretory apices to give a
shape characteristic of these, the goblet, chalice or calciform cells
(2.67), for example in the intestinal epithelium. For further details
of glandular tissue, see page 73.
Mucus is a viscous suspension of complex glycoproteins of various
kinds, as well as many other secretory products of adjacent epithelial
cells. All mucous glycoproteins (mucins) consist of filamentous core
proteins to which are attached carbohydrate chains, usually branched,
standing out from the core protein like bristles in a bottle brush; up
to 600 such chains occur in human salivary mucus, so that the entire
molecule is quite huge. Furthermore, such glycoproteins typically
are linked by sulphydryl groups into tetramers, with molecular
weights of 2 million or more. Carbohydrate residues include glucose,
2.65 Simple cuboidal epithelium in renal collecting ducts. Masson’s tri- fucose, galactose and the negatively charged N-acetylglucosamine
chrome stain. (sialic acid), particularly near the free ends of the chains. The
terminals of some carbohydrate chains are identical with the blood
group antigens of the ABO (ABH) group in about 80% of the
population (‘secretors’, bearing the secretor gene S‘) and can be
detected in salivary mucus with appropriate clinical tests. There is
Unilaminar epithelia can also be subdivided into those which have an interesting correlation between the absence of these antigens in
special functions, i.e. those with cilia, microvilli (brush and striated mucus and proneness to gastric ulcers and it is possible that they
borders), secretory vacuoles (in mucous and serous glandular cells)
or sensory features. Myoepitheliocytes, which are contractile, occur
as isolated cells associated with glandular structures, for example
salivary glands and mammary glands.


Squamous epithelium is composed of flattened, interlocking, poly-
gonal cells (squames). The cytoplasm may in places be only 0.1 um
thick and the nucleus usually bulges into the overlying space (2.63,
64). These cells line the alveoli of the lungs, renal corpuscles, the
thin segments of the nephric tubules and various parts of the inner
ear (see e.g. 8.495).
Simple squamous epithelia may also be tessellated, the cells having
sinuous interlocking borders rather than straight boundaries.
Because it is so thin, squamous epithelium allows rapid diffusion
of gases and water but may also engage in active transport, as
indicated by the numerous endocytic vesicles often seen in such cells.
Occluding junctions between adjacent cells ensure that materials pass
primarily through cells rather than between them.

2.63 (opposite) Classification of the major types of epithelia and associated 2.66 Simple columnar epithelium of the small intestine showing absorptive
tissues described in the ensuing section. cells with a striated border and goblet cells. PAS-haematoxylin. 69
2.67 Low-power electron micrograph of a vertical section through simple Small intestine. Provided by Derrick Lovell, Guy’s Hospital Medical School.
columnar epithelium bearing microvilli; two goblet cells are also present. Magnification x 8000.
Note the presence of several small lymphocytes near the epithelial base.

confer protective properties on gastric and perhaps other types of PSEUDOSTRATIFIED EPITHELIUM
mucus. The long polymeric carbohydrate chains bind water and so
protect surfaces against drying; when in dilute suspension, their Pseudostratified epithelium is a simple columnar epithelium in which
molecules can slide over one another with ease, providing good nuclei lie at different levels in a vertical section (2.63). Not all
lubricating properties, and their negative charges also bind cations cells extend through the whole thickness of the epithelium, some
such as Na*. In more concentrated states, they form viscous layers constituting a basal cell layer, often mitotic and able to replace
which protect the underlying tissues against damage. damaged mature cells. Migrating lymphocytes and mast cells within
Mucus is synthesized in a stepwise fashion (Peterson & Leblond columnar epithelia may also give a pseudostratified appearance
1964); protein synthesized in the granular endoplasmic reticulum is
passed to the Golgi complex, where it is first conjugated with
sulphated carbohydrates to form the glycoprotein, mucinogen, then
exported in small dense vesicles which swell as they approach the
cell surface and finally fuse with it to release the mucus.

2.68 Detail of a group of cilia cut in various planes at the surface of a

ciliated columnar epithelial cell from the upper respiratory tract. Note the
presence of small microvilli interspersed between the cilia. Magnification 2.69 Low-power scanning electron micrograph of the ciliated surface of
70 x 7500. the trachea. Magnification x 3000.
Multilaminar epithelia are found at surfaces subjected to mechanical
wear and tear or other potentially harmful conditions. They can be
divided into those which continue to replace their surface cells
from deeper layers (stratified squamous epithelia) and others where
replacement is extremely slow except after injury.


Stratified squamous epithelia are multilayered tissues in which there
is a constant formation, maturation and loss of cells. Formed
mitotically in the most basal layers, their cells move more super-
ficially, changing from a cuboidal or columnar shape to a more
flattened form, and eventually being shed from the surface. These
epithelia occur in sites exposed to mechanical stresses and provide
for a constant protection of the underlying tissues against mechanical,
microbial and chemical damage. Typically, the cells are held together
2.70 Simple ciliated pseudostratified epithelium at the surface of a bron-
by numerous desmosomes to form strong continuous cellular sheets.
chus showing a superficial layer of mucus entrapping some particles, and
several goblet cells. PAS-haematoxylin. Magnification x 850. The two major types of these epithelia are keratinized and non-
keratinized stratified squamous epithelia.
Keratinized epithelium (2.72)
because their nuclei are placed at different depths. Much of the Keratinized epithelium is found at surfaces which are subject to
ciliated lining of the respiratory tract is of the pseudostratified type drying as well as mechanical stresses or are exposed to high levels
(2.70), and so also are the sensory epithelium of the olfactory area of abrasion. These include the entire epidermis, the mucocutaneous
(p. 1313) and parts of the male urethral lining (2.71). junctions of the lips, nostrils, distal anal canal, the outer surface of
the tympanic membrane and parts of the oral lining—gingivae, hard
palate and anterior dorsal tongue. Their cells, keratinocytes, are
SENSORY EPITHELIA formed by the mitosis of basally-sited stem cells (the stratum basale)
Sensory epithelia are restricted to special sense organs of the olfac- and gradually pass towards the surface in a column of moving
tory, gustatory and vestibulocochlear receptor systems. All of these cells. When newly formed, keratinocytes contain many ribosomes,
contain sensory cells surrounded by supportive, non-receptive cells. mitochondria and other metabolically active organelles and have
Olfactory receptors are modified neurons, their axons passing directly an extensive cytoskeleton of keratin filament bundles (tonofibrils),
to the brain, but the other types are specialized epithelial cells anchored into the plasma membrane at desmosomal contacts with
synapsing with terminals of afferent (and sometimes efferent) nerve neighbouring cells. The most basal layer of cells is also anchored to
fibres (see Nervous System, Section 8). the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes (p. 27). As keratinocytes move
away from the base, the cell surfaces become highly folded, tightly
interlocking with those of adjacent cells to present a spiny appear-
MYOEPITHELIOCYTES ance. These cells (prickle cells) together comprise the stratum spi-
Also sometimes termed basket cells, these are fusiform or stellate in nosum. As they move more superficially they begin to flatten and
shape, containing actin and myosin filaments; they contract when synthesize other substances including a dense, basophilic protein,
stimulated by nervous or neurohormonal signals (Abe et al 1981). keratohyalin, which mingles with the keratin filaments and gives the
They surround the secretory portions and ducts of some glands, for cells of this layer (the stratum granulosum) a granular appearance.
example mammary, lacrimal, salivary and sweat glands (Nagato et Simultaneously, the cells synthesize and secrete a glycolipid which
al 1980), lying within the basal laminae at the surface of these coats the cell surface, forming a thick, adhesive, water-resistant
structures. Their contraction assists the initial flow of secretion into lipidic cement between the flattened cells. At this stage the cells lose
larger channels. Myoepitheliocytes are ultrastructurally similar to their nuclei, the keratin filaments become firmly embedded in the
smooth muscle cells in the arrangement of their actin and myosin matrix protein and the cells are now dead, flattened plates (squames);
but they originate from ecto- or endoderm. They are considered
further on page 780.

2.72 Section of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium forming the

epidermis of the skin, in this example of the scalp. Note the presence of a
superficial zone of anucleate keratinized cells. Connective tissue of the
2.71 Pseudostratified epithelium from the male urethra. Haematoxylin and dermis underlies the epithelium. Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification
eosin. Magnification x 400. x 150. 71
collected, stained and examined for signs of pathological (e.g.
cancerous) transformations (exfoliative cytology, e.g. p. 1875).


Two or more layers of cuboidal or columnar cells are typical of the
walls of the larger ducts of some exocrine glands, such as the
pancreas and salivary glands and the ducts of sweat glands, pre-
sumably affording more strength than a single layer. These are not
continually replaced by basal mitoses and there is no progression of
form from base to surface, although they can repair themselves if

2.73 Non-keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium from the human

tongue. A vertical section stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Note the
presence of nuclei in the surface cells. Magnification x 150. Urothelium (2.74-76) lines much of the urinary tract, extending from
the ends of the collecting ducts of the kidneys, through ureters and
bladder to the proximal portion of the urethra. In males it covers
initially these anucleate cells form a thin glassy stratum (stratum the urethra as far as the ejaculatory ducts, then becomes intermittent,
lucidum) which rapidly matures into the final condition of the external finally being replaced by pseudostratified epithelium in the mem-
stratum corneum. The cells of this layer (‘corneocytes’) eventually branous urethra (see also p. 1831). In females it also extends as far
flake off from the surface. For further information on these processes, as the urogenital membrane. During development part of it is
see page 383. derived from mesoderm and part from ectoderm and endoderm. The
This unusual combination of strongly coherent layers of living epithelium appears to be 4-6 cells thick and lines organs which
cells and more superficial strata made of plates of inert, mechanically undergo considerable distension and contraction; it can, therefore,
robust protein complexes, interleaved with water-resistant lipid, stretch greatly without losing its integrity. In stretching, the cells
makes this type of epithelium an excellent barrier against different
types of injury and water loss.
Non-keratinizing epithelium
Non-keratinizing epithelium is present at surfaces subject to abrasion
but protected from drying (2.73), including the buccal cavity (except
for the areas noted above), oro- and laryngopharynx, oesophagus,
part of the anal canal, vagina, distal uterine cervix, distal urethra,
the conjunctiva and cornea, inner surfaces of eyelids and the vestibule
of the nasal cavities. Characteristically, its cells go through the same
transitions in general shape as seen in the keratinized type but do
not fill completely with keratin or secrete glycolipid, and retain
their nuclei until they desquamate at the surface. In sites where
considerable abrasion occurs the epithelium is thicker and its more
superficial cells may synthesize some keratin (parakeratinized epi-
thelia in contrast to the fully, or orthokeratinized, state of keratinized
epithelium), as, for example, in much of the buccal cavity (see
p. 1687). Diets deficient in vitamin A may induce keratinization of
such epithelia and excessive doses may lead to its transformation
into mucus-secreting epithelium.
Cells gently removed by swabbing epithelial surfaces can be 2.75 Transmission electron micrograph of the surface of the urothelium
(transitional epithelium) lining the relaxed bladder. Note the angular profiles
of the epithelial surface and the plate-like areas of membrane internalisation.
Magnification x 15000.

2.74 A vertical section through the surface of a ureter to show the uro- 2.76 Scanning electron micrograph of the (relaxed) urothelial surface
thelium lining its lumen, stained by Mallory’s triple staining technique. Mag- showing the plate-like arrangement of its plasma membrane. Magnification
72 nification x 600. x 6000.

become flattened, without altering their positions relative to each SEMINIFEROUS EPITHELIUM
other, since they are firmly connected by numerous desmosomes (see
review by Hicks 1975). On close inspection, many cells are seen to Seminiferous epithelium is highly specialized and consists of a het-
be attached to the basal lamina of the epithelium by slender basal erogenous population of cells forming the lineage of the spermatozoa,
processes and it has been proposed that perhaps all cells, even the (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids), together with sup-
most superficial, are attached to the base; thus this tissue could be porting cells (Sertoli cells). This epithelium is described further on
viewed as a type of specialized pseudostratified epithelium (see page 1850.
p. 1832), in which case it should be reclassified as a unilaminar
epithelium (see Scheidegger 1980; Walton et al 1982). However, this GLANDS (2.77-79)
view is not generally accepted.
The basally placed cells are cuboidal when relaxed, uninucleate One of the features of many epithelia—their ability to alter the
(diploid) and basophilic with many ribosomes. More apically the environment which they face by the directed transport of ions, water
cells progressively fuse to form larger, binucleate or uninucleate but or macromolecules—is seen par excellence in glandular tissue. Here
polyploid cells. The surface cells are largest and may even be the metabolism and structural organization of the cells is specialized
octoploid; their luminal surfaces are covered by a plasma membrane for the elaboration, transport and release of macromolecules, usually
bearing plates of glycoprotein particles embedded in its lipid bilayer. from the apical surface into neighbouring spaces or compartments.
These arrays stiffen the membrane so that, when the epithelium is Such cells may exist as isolated individuals amongst other non-
in the relaxed state and the surface area of the cells is reduced, the secretory cells, such as goblet cells in the absorptive lining of the
glycoprotein-lipid plates are partially taken into the cytoplasm within small intestine, or may form highly coherent sheets of epithelium
vacuoles or diverticula, re-emerging on to the surface when its area with a common secretory design, for example the mucous lining of
increases once more through stretching (see Minsky & Chlapowski the stomach and, in a highly folded configuration, the complex
1978). salivary glands. Glands may be broadly divided into:
These unusual membranes, together with the occluding junctions
e exocrine glands which secrete on to surfaces continuous with the
of the surface cells, form an effective barrier preventing urine from
body’s exterior, including the alimentary tract, respiratory system,
passing into the epithelium or beyond into the adjacent tissues. The
urinary and genital ducts, and their derivatives, and of course the
urothelium, therefore, creates a protective lining to the urinary integument itself;
system which prevents its rather toxic contents from damaging e endocrine glands (ductless glands) which secrete hormones directly
surrounding structures.
into the circulatory system which then conveys their secretions
Normally, cell turnover is very slow, cell division being restricted
throughout the body to affect the activities of other cells.
to the basal layer, and infrequent. When damaged, however, the
epithelium regenerates quite rapidly (Annis 1962). Paracrine gland cells are similar to endocrine cells, but their


a) Active transport across

plasma membrane

a) Unicellular b) Multicellular, laminar c) Simple tubular d) Simple tubular e) Simple acinar or ff) Saccular
without duct with duct alveolar with duct

a) Serous b) Mucous c) Mucous with serous

a) Branched tubular b) Branched acinar/alveolar c) Branched tubulo-acinar cap (demilune)

2.77 Schema which shows the different types of glands classified by

currently used methods. 73


apex—appears to be at least partly due to microtubular transport,

although where vesicles are large other mechanisms may also operate.
Having arrived at the appropriate part of the cell surface, specialized
transmembrane molecules in the secretory vacuole wall recognize
marker proteins on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane
and bind to them (see also p.32). This initiates interactions with
other sets of proteins which cause the fusion of the two membranes
and the consequent release of the vesicle contents. Membrane added
to the cell surface by repeated vesicle fusion can be taken back into
the cell by endocytosis and re-cycled for further secretory vesicles
(see Pearse & Bretscher 1981). The stimulus for secretion varies with
the type of cell, but often appears to involve a classic second
messenger system such as the cyclic AMP pathway which causes
internal calcium release in the cytoplasm, for example, in mucous
In holocrine glands, such as the sebaceous glands in the skin, the
cells first fill with secretory products (lipidic droplets in this instance)
then disintegrate to liberate the accumulated mass of secretory
2.78 Section through part of a simple tubular gland (colon) stained with vesicles. In apocrine glands, some of the apical cytoplasm is pinched
alcian blue to show mucous gland cells. Magnification x 500. off with the contained secretions. The best understood example of
this is the secretion of milk lipid by mammary gland cells (p. 422),
although only a minimal amount of cytoplasm is actually released
in this case. Larger amounts of cytoplasm seem to be involved in
secretions diffuse locally to cellular targets in their immediate vicinity. secretion by specialized apocrine sweat glands in the axilla and
In addition to strictly epithelial glands, some tissues derived from genitoanal regions of the body. In some tissues there is a combination
the nervous system are neurosecretory, including the adrenal medulla of different types of secretion. For instance, the parietal cells of the
and neurohypophysis; these are considered further with other endo- gastric glands also secrete a protein-intrinsic factor, presumably by
crine glands in Section 15. the merocrine method; mammary gland cells secrete lipid by apocrine
secretion but the milk protein casein in the merocrine mode. The
Relation of gland cell structure to secretory products mechanism by which steroid synthesizing cells release their products
Glandular cells of different types synthesize and release a wide appears to be poorly understood, although it is possible that they
variety of macromolecules and other materials, and their cellular pass directly through the plasma membrane because of their lipophilic
organization reflects the chemical nature of their secretory products. properties.
At one end of the range, parietal cells lining the walls of gastric
glands secrete hydrochloric acid, and various gland cells in the small Chemical classification of glands
intestine wall release bicarbonate, sodium and chloride ions and Glands can be classified by their secretory products. Exocrine glands
water. In a similar fashion, eccrine sweat glands in the skin secrete of some regions, for example the buccal cavity, are traditionally
a very dilute solution of electrolytes derived from tissue fluid. These divided into:
types of secretion involve small exocytic vesicles or proteinaceous e mucus-secreting or mucous glands, whose cells possess frothy
channels in the plasma membrane rather than any elaborate secretory cytoplasm with basal flattened nuclei and stain with metachromatic
mechanism. More typically secretory are cells of the various glands stains and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) methods;
lining the alimentary tract and its embryonic derivatives. These are e serous glands where the cells have centrally placed nuclei, and
mainly glycoprotein synthesizers such as mucous and zymogen cells. eosinophilic granules in their cytoplasm, secreting mainly gly-
Their cytoplasm is characteristically rich in granular endoplasmic coproteins (including lysozyme, a bactericide, and digestive
reticulum which synthesizes the protein component and begins its
glycosylation, and is also well-endowed with Golgi complex com-
ponents which complete glycosylation (and often sulphation) Some glands are entirely mucous (for instance the sublingual
amongst other modifications of proteins destined for secretion. In salivary glands), whilst others are mainly serous (the parotid salivary
some cells, for example mucin secretors (p. 69) the amounts of added glands). The submandibular gland is mixed, some lobules being
carbohydrates are considerable, whereas in others, for example predominantly mucous and others serous. In some regions mucous
pancreatic acinar cells, the protein component predominates. Such
cells are rich in cytoplasmic nucleic acids and therefore often appear
very basophilic in stained light microscopic preparations although
their secretory vacuoles may give different reactions. The secretory
products are concentrated and packaged at the trans-Golgi network
(TGN) into membranous vesicles which may be stored in the cyto-
plasm for later secretion, or more rarely, secreted immediately.
In endocrine cells secreting steroids, such as those of the adrenal
cortex, gonads and placenta, the cytoplasmic organization is quite
different: they are extremely rich in agranular (smooth) endoplasmic
reticulum, and often, lipid droplets, which are related chemically to
the pathways of steroid synthesis. Such cells are often quite eosino-
philic by light microscopy, and may have conspicuous stainable lipid
Types of secretory processes (2.77)
The mechanism of secretion also varies considerably. Where the
secretions are initially packaged into vesicles, these are conveyed to
the cell surface where they are discharged in a number of different
ways. In merocrine secretion, by far the most common type, their
membranes fuse with the plasma membrane to release their contents 2.79 Section through a compound alveolar gland (nasopharynx), stained
to the exterior. This apparently simple train of events involves a with periodic acid-Schiff to show mucus within secretory lobules. The con-
surprisingly complex set of molecular interactions; the directed nective tissue septa have been stained blue. Two small ducts are also
74 movement of vesicles to a particular part of the cell—usually the visible. Magnification x 160.
0 a

acini are capped with crescents of serous cells (serous demilunes). vascular beds which can often be controlled by autonomic vasomotor
While this simple approach to classification has some convenience nerves to modify glandular activity. Gland cells can also be controlled
for easy description, chemical analyses of glandular secretions shows directly or indirectly by autonomic secretomotor fibres which may
that there is a great diversity of molecules made and secreted by either form synapses on their bases (e.g. in the adrenal medulla) or
these and other glands, and that complex mixtures often exist within release neuromediators in the vicinity of the glands to reach them
the same cell. Regional variations also occur throughout the body, by more distant diffusion, or alternatively to act indirectly by an
each part having its own particular set of secretions appropriate to intermediary, for example histamine released neurogenically from
local function, and meriting individual attention. another cell, as in the gastric lining. Paracrine influences from
enteroendocrine cells are also important in the alimentary and
Morphology of glands (2.77) bronchial glands. In many endocrine glands, circulating hormones
Exocrine glands. These are either unicellular (e.g. goblet cells, from the adenohypophysis stimulate synthesis and secretion by their
p. 69) or multicellular. The latter may be in the form of simple sheets target cells. Such signals, mostly detected by receptors at the cell
of secretory cells, for example at the surface of the stomach, or may surface and mediated by second messenger systems, may increase
be extended into diverticula of various shapes and extents. Such the synthetic activity of gland cells, and also cause them to discharge
glands may be single units (simple glands) or branched, compound their secretions by exocytosis.
glands. Simple unbranched tubular glands exist in the walls of many Secretions already released into ducts are expressed rapidly from
of the hollow viscera, for example the small intestine and uterus, certain glands by the contraction of associated myoepithelial cells
while some glands have expanded, flask-like ends (acini or alveoli). enclosing the secretory units and smaller ducts. These may be under
Such glands may consist entirely of secretory cells, or may have a direct neural control, as in salivary glands, or, for example in the
blind-ending secretory portion leading through a non-secretory duct mammary gland, they respond to circulating hormones—oxytocin
to the lumen of the viscus, in which case the ducts may modify the in this instance.
secretions as they pass along them. Glands with ducts may be Secretory cycle. On close inspection, most glands show cells in
branched (compound), sometimes forming elaborate ductal trees. varying stages of synthesis, secretion and depletion, and except in
Compound glands generally have acinar or alveolar secretory lobules, the case of holocrine secretory cells which die when they release their
but the secretory units may alternatively be tubular or mixed tubulo- contents, there is typically a cycle of activity in which secretions are
acinar. More than one type of secretory cell may occur within a first synthesized, then stored until the signal is given to secrete. The
particular secretory unit, or individual units may be specialized to cell may then rest briefly before recommencing synthesis of secretion.
just one type of secretion (e.g. mucous and serous acini of salivary In certain instances, for example goblet cells, the cell has only a
glands). While the significance of these different types of geometry is limited, programmed life span and may only secrete for a short
not yet understood, they all constitute ways of creating a larger area period of time before its demise.
for secretion than would be available at a simple secretory surface.
Endocrine glands. Secreting directly into the circulation, these
tend to be grouped around rich beds of capillaries or sinusoids
that are typically lined by endothelia possessing small apertures COMPLEX STRUCTURES DERIVED FROM
(fenestrated endothelia) which allow the rapid passage of macro-
molecules through their walls. Endocrine cells may be arranged in
clumps around vascular networks or cords between parallel vascular Complex structures include those organs which are largely derived
channels or as hollow balls or cells (follicles) surrounding their stored from epithelia and retain their highly cellular nature; they often
secretions. Isolated endocrine cells also exist scattered throughout possess typical epithelial features such as secretory, absorptive and
the alimentary and respiratory tracts (the entero-endocrine system, transport functions and include the liver, placenta, and the amelo-
p. 1787). blasts lamina of the early tooth germ, responsible for secreting the
tooth enamel (p.1710). At the far end of this range, the highly
Control of secretion cellular, neurectoderm-derived nervous system as a whole can be
The high metabolic rate of many glands is reflected in their rich viewed as a highly elaborate epithelial structure.

consists of the cells of the blood and lymphoid tissue and their
INTRODUCTION precursors; these are often considered to be akin to other types of
connective tissue because of their similar mesenchymal origins and
The connective tissues may be defined as that group of tissues also because the various defensive cells of the blood form part of a
predominantly composed of intercellular material (matrix), secreted typical connective tissue cell population. However, for convenience,
mainly by its cells which are, therefore, usually widely spaced. Many these tissues will be considered separately in another section (p. 1423).
of the special properties of connective tissues are determined by the Connective tissue is thus formed of cells and extracellular matrix.
composition of the matrix and their classification is also largely The matrix in turn is composed of fibres and a relatively amorphous
based on its characteristics. In some varieties, the cellular component ground substance. It is noteworthy that a number of cell types of
eventually comes to dominate the tissue, although it begins with a connective tissue are derived from haemal tissue of the bone marrow
high matrix : cell ratio, for example, adipose tissue. Connective tissues or from lymphoid tissue, reaching the connective tissues via the
are derived from embryonic mesoderm or, in the head region, largely circulating blood and migrating into them through their endothelial
from neural crest (see p. 147). walls.
Connective tissues play several essential roles in the body, both
structural, since many of the extracellular elements possess special
mechanical properties, and defensive, a role which has a cellular CELLS OF GENERAL CONNECTIVE
basis. They also often possess important trophic and morphogenetic
roles in organizing and influencing the growth and differentiation of
surrounding tissues. Structural connective tissues are conveniently Cells of general connective tissue can be conveniently separated into:
divided into ‘ordinary’ (or ‘general’) types, distributed widely, and
special skeletal types, namely cartilage and bone which are described e the resident cell population (fibroblasts, adipocytes, persistent
elsewhere (pp. 443-451). A third variety, the haemolymphoid tissues, mesenchymal stem cells, etc.) 75

Collagen Nerve Adipose cells Elastin Macrophage Pericyte

Eosinophil Ground substance Fibroblast Neutrophils Mast cell Lymphocyte Plasma cell

2.80 Diagrammatic reconstruction of loose connective tissue showing the characteristic cell types, fibre and intercellular spaces.

e a fluctuating population of immigrant, wandering cells with various In active fibroblasts, mitochondria are abundant and several sets of
defensive functions (macrophages, lymphocytes, mast cells, neu- Golgi complexes are present.
trophils and eosinophils) which may change their activities, struc- Fibroblasts are usually adherent to the fibres (collagen and elastin)
tures and numbers according to defensive demand. which they lay down. In some highly cellular structures, for example
glands and lymphoid tissue, fibroblasts and delicate collagenous
A graphic summary of these cell types is presented in 2.80. fibres (reticulin fibres) form fibrocellular networks often called reticu-
Embryologically, fibroblasts and adipocytes arise from relatively lar tissue. The fibroblasts may then be termed reticular cells, e.g. in
undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells, some of which may remain
the spleen (p. 1439).
in the tissues, providing a postnatal source of new cellular elements. Fibroblasts are particularly active during wound repair, mul-
As noted above, the other cells migrate into the tissue from bone tiplying and laying down a fibrous matrix which becomes invaded
marrow and lymphoid tissue. by numerous blood vessels (granulation tissue; see Ross 1968). Con-
traction of wounds (p. 413) is at least in part caused by the shortening
FIBROBLASTS of specialized contractile fibroblasts (myofibroblasts) which arise in
such areas (Gabbiani et al 1973). Fibroblast activity is influenced by
Fibroblasts are usually the most numerous cells. They are flattened various factors such as steroid hormone levels, dietary content and
and irregular in outline, with branching processes; in profile they prevalent mechanical stresses. In vitamin C deficiency there is an
appear fusiform or spindle-shaped (2.80, 81). Fibroblasts synthesize impairment of collagen formation.
most of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue and accordingly
_ have all the features typical of cells actively engaged in synthesis and
secretion of proteins. Their nuclei are relatively large, active or
euchromatic (open-faced) and possess prominent nucleoli. In young
and active cells the cytoplasm is abundant and basophilic because Adipocytes occur singly or in groups in the meshes of many but not
of the high concentration of rough endoplasmic reticulum (Hall all connective tissues, being specially numerous in adipose tissue
1968; Ross 1975; Hay 1981). In old and inactive fibroblasts (often (2.82, 83; see also p. 88). When occurring singly the cells are oval or
termed fibrocytes) the cytoplasm is sparse, the endoplasmic reticulum spherical in shape but when mutually compressed they are polygonal.
76 scanty and the nucleus flattened and heterochromatic (close-faced). They vary in diameter, averaging about 50 pm. Each cell consists of
OO) OE e


2.81 Transmission electron micrograph of part of a fibroblast. Note the

abundant endoplasmic reticulum and extensive Golgi complex. Some extra-
cellular collagen fibres are also visible. Magnification x 15 000.

a peripheral rim of cytoplasm, in which the nucleus is embedded, 2.82 Adipocytes clustered around a blood vessel in a mesentery, stained
surrounding a single large central globule of fat (see Slavin 1985). as whole mount with Sudan red and mounted in an aqueous medium to
There is a slight accumulation of cytoplasm around the nucleus, avoid alcoholic extraction of lipid. Magnification x 175.
which is oval in shape and appears compressed against the cell
membrane by the lipid droplet, as does the Golgi complex. Ultra-
structurally, lipid droplets are in direct contact with the surrounding fat are often termed brown adipose tissue and are concerned with
cytoplasm without an enclosing membrane. Many cytoskeletal fila- heat production, mediated by mitochondria. In many species they
ments are also seen around the lipid vacuole as well as some occur in the interscapular tissue, dorsally, in the subcutaneous tissue
endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. of the ventral thorax, axillae, renal capsule and posterior abdominal
In sections not specially prepared to preserve fat this is usually wall. In human neonates brown fat is present in the interscapular
dissolved out by the solvents used, particularly xylol; only the nucleus region and may be more widespread. Its importance in later years is
and the peripheral rim of cytoplasm surrounding a central empty
space are left, so that the cell has a signet-ring appearance (2.83).
The fat is fixed and stained by osmium tetroxide and specially
coloured by alcoholic solutions of certain dyes, notably Sudan III,
Sudan black and Scharlach R, which are more soluble in fat than in
the solvent; lipid is conveniently demonstrated in frozen or cryostat
sections (2.69). The fat consists of glycerol esters of oleic, palmitic
and stearic acids.
Doubts exist as to whether fat cells are specifically and exclusively
concerned with the storage, and perhaps the synthesis, of fat. Prior
to the storage of fat within them they are stellate in shape and
difficult to distinguish from fibroblasts and, when depleted of fat,
they revert to this appearance. As fat accumulates the cells enlarge
and become rounded, the fat first appearing as isolated small globules
which later coalesce to form a single large droplet. Conversely,
during depletion the single large globule diminishes in size and then
breaks up into droplets while the cells become stellate in shape. Fat
cells, however, seem to have a well-defined distribution within the
body and there is evidence that they are indeed specific cells.
In most mammals which have been studied but especially in those
which hibernate, certain deposits of fat are characterized by the 2.83 A group of subcutaneous adipocytes in section after processing for
presence of a large cell type in which the fat is present as several routine histology. Note that the lipid has been totally extracted leaving the
separate droplets and not as a single globule; their mitochondria cells with only a narrow rim of cytoplasm containing (where sectioned) a
also have unusually large and numerous cristae. These deposits of nucleus. Compare with 2.82. Magnification x 125. €L
release cytokines themselves to affect the behaviour of other defensive
Many properties of connective tissue macrophages are similar to
those of a number of specialized cell types in other sites, particularly:
circulating monocytes, alveolar phagocytes in the lungs, littoral
phagocytes in the lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow, Kupffer
cells of the liver sinusoids, microglial cells of the brain, Langerhans
cells of the epidermis, dendritic and interdigitating cells of lymphoid
tissue. Various cell-labelling experiments have shown that the pre-
cursors of these cells arise in the bone marrow as monocyte-like cells
which then pass in the circulation to their final destinations, where,
however, they may continue to divide. These cells constitute the
mononuclear phagocyte system (p. 1414), the different categories
apparently having distinctive functions, preferred sites of action and
possessing different antigenic markers as well as many common ones.
All macrophages are capable of motility, when suitably stimulated.
When grouped around a large foreign body, macrophages may also
fuse together to form syncytial giant cells and epithelioid cells. These
2.84 Electron micrograph of a macrophage (right) and a small lymphocyte and other aspects of macrophage biology will be considered further
(lower left). Magnification x 6000. in Section 9 (p. 1414).

uncertain. (See Cannon & Nedergaard 1985 for a review of this Whilst they are typically present in small numbers, these cells are
subject.) numerous in general connective tissue only in pathological states,
The mobilization of fat is under nervous or hormonal control and migrating from adjacent lymphoid tissue or from the circulation.
noradrenaline released at sympathetic nerve endings in adipose tissue The majority are small cells (6-8m) with rounded, highly het-
is particularly important in this respect. erochromatic or often deeply indented nuclei (p. 1405, and see 2.84).
When appropriately stimulated they enlarge, developing numerous
ribosomes. Two major functional classes exist, termed ‘B’ and ‘T’
lymphocytes (see p.1417). B-lymphocytes originate in the bone
CLASMATOCYTES) marrow, then pass to various lymphoid tissue sites where they
Macrophages are also numerous in connective tissue where they may proliferate. When antigenically stimulated, they undergo further
be either attached to matrix fibres (stationary, or fixed macrophages), mitotic divisions, then enlarge as they mature to form plasmacytes
when their shape is irregular with many filopodia (2.84); or they may (plasma cells) which synthesize and secrete antibodies (immuno-
be motile (nomadic macrophages) of a more rounded and regular globulins). Mature plasmacytes are rounded or ovoid, up to 15m
form. across, and have extensive arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum.
Macrophages are relatively large cells, about 15—20 ym in diameter, Their nuclei are spherical and have a characteristic ‘cartwheel’ or
their nuclei usually indented and somewhat heterochromatic, with a ‘clock-face’ configuration of heterochromatin which is regularly
prominent nucleolus. Their cytoplasm is mildly basophilic and typi- distributed in peripheral clumps (2.5). The prominent Golgi complex
cally has a ‘frothy’ appearance under the light microscope. These is also seen with a light microscope as a pale region to one side of
cells are important phagocytes, forming part of the mononuclear the nucleus, whilst the remaining cytoplasm is deeply basophilic due
phagocyte system (p. 1414). They can engulf and digest particulate to the abundant endoplasmic reticulum. Mature plasmacytes are
organic materials, such as bacteria and other foreign bodies, and are unable to divide.
also able to dispose of dead or moribund cells prior to tissue T-lymphocytes stem from cell stocks initially formed by the bone
regeneration. They are also the source of a number of important marrow but later migrating to and multiplying within the thymus
soluble secreted proteins which have a profound effect on many before passing into the peripheral lymphoid system where they
other cell types (see below). Macrophages are able to multiply ‘continue to multiply. When antigenically stimulated, these cells
mitotically to some extent in the connective tissues, but are derived enlarge and their cytoplasm becomes filled with ‘free’ polysome
from haemopoietic stem cells (p. 1414) in the bone marrow, cir-
culating in the blood as monocytes before migrating through venule
walls into their final extravascular sites.
Ultrastructurally, macrophages contain numerous lysosomes
which digest ingested materials. Inert materials such as small particles
of carbon or metals may also be taken up, a quality useful in
demonstrating macrophages histologically, since their cytoplasm
becomes filled with ingested particles if an experimental animal is
previously injected with a suspension of India ink (2.85), trypan
blue or lithium carmine (vital staining). Macrophages may also be
separated magnetically from mixed cell samples by first treating them
with iron carbamyl, which they endocytose.
These cells are also of great importance in many immunological
aspects of defence and their interactions with numerous defensive
cells in the regulation of the immune system are widespread. Antigens
processed by macrophages can be presented with class MHC II
molecules to lymphocytes to stimulate them, and so they can act as
antigen-presenting cells (p. 1415). They may selectively phagocytose
particles previously coated by antibodies (opsonins, see p. 1420)
synthesized by lymphocytes and they are themselves sites for homo-
cytotropic antibody attachment, which enables them to recognize and 2.85 Loose connective tissue in the mesentery of a rabbit which had
attack foreign substances (see also monocytes, p. 1405). They can previously been injected intraperitoneally with India ink, showing fibroblasts
also be stimulated into a high level of phagocytosis by soluble and macrophages. The cytoplasm of the macrophages is full of phago-
proteins, cytokines of various classes released by lymphocytes cytosed particles, the collagen is stained pink and the elastin fibres black.
78 (p. 1420), and such activated macrophages may then synthesize and Van Gieson’s and Verhoeff’s elastin stain. Magnification x 1000.
Mast cells are important defensive cells which occur particularly in
loose connective tissues and often in the fibrous capsules of certain
organs such as the liver (see the review of this cell by Holgate 1983).
They are characteristically numerous around blood vessels and
nerves. Mast cells are round or oval, about 12 1m in diameter, with
many filopodia extending from the cell surface (2.86, 87). The nucleus
is centrally placed and relatively small, being surrounded by large
numbers of prominent vesicles, a well-developed Golgi apparatus
but scanty endoplasmic reticulum. The vesicles show a strongly
positive reaction with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain for carbo-
hydrates and with toluidine blue, methylene blue, azure A and alcian
blue; they show strong metachromatic staining reactions (staining a
colour different from the dye being used), also indicating an acid
glycosaminoglycan content. Ultrastructurally the membrane-
bounded vesicles (or “granules’) vary in size and shape (mean diameter
about 0.5j.m) and have a rather heterogeneous content, differing
with species. In man the vesicles usually contain dense osmiophilic
2.86 Mast cells (histaminocytes) in a whole mount spread of loose con-
nective tissue (mesentery) stained with carmine-lithium carbonate to show material which may be finely granular, lamellar or in the form of
mast cell granules. The network of elastin fibres has also been counter- membranous whorls; these variants may coexist in the same vesicle,
stained by the Verhoeff method. Magnification x 660. which may also present in places a crystalline substructure. For these
reasons they have sometimes been termed compound granules (2.88).
The available evidence points to the presence in mast cell granules
of a wide variety of substances which can initiate and amplify a
clusters. The functions of T-lymphocytes are numerous and incom- great range of defensive responses in the surrounding connective
pletely understood, but include the recognition and destruction of tissue, many of them associated with inflammation. The major
virus-infected cells, tumour cells, fungi, tissue and organ grafts, the granule components are the proteoglycan heparin, histamine, tryptase,
modulation of B-lymphocytes and interactions with several other superoxide dismutase, aryl sulphatase, B-hexosaminidase and various
defensive cells. Different subsets of T-lymphocytes have distinctive other enzymes; also present are eosinophil chemotactic factors
roles in these activities. (tetrapeptides) and neutrophil chemotactic factors. Mast cells may be
Further details of the natural history of lymphocytes may be disrupted to release some or all of their contents either by direct
found on pages 1417-1423. mechanical or chemical trauma, or following contact with particular
antigens to which the body has previously been exposed (9.17).
The latter may result from interaction between the antigen and
homocytotropic antibodies of the IgE and IgGy, classes associated
with the mast cell plasma membrane and may give rise to local
responses (e.g. urticaria), or generalized ones (anaphylactic shock)
following the release of large amounts of histamine into the general
circulation. They have thus been implicated in many of the phenom-
ena occurring in inflammatory reactions, allergies and hyper-
sensitivity states. The modes of action of their released mediators

2.88 Higher magnification of part of a mast cell from human skin, showing
the complex internal structure of its granules. Cross-sections of microtubules
2.87 Electron micrograph of a mast cell showing the large densely staining and intermediate filaments are also visible in this section. Magnification
membrane-bound cytoplasmic granules. Magnification x 6000. x 100000. 79
2.89a-c Transmission electron micrographs of skin collagen fibrils stained encircling and interconnecting collagen fibrils. In c both stains have been
in different ways to demonstrate the banding pattern and the presence of used to show that the proteoglycan connections correspond to the 64nm
associated proteoglycans. In a the fibres have been longitudinally sectioned cross bands. Micrographs provided by J Scott and Marion Haigh, Depart-
and stained with uranyl acetate to show the characteristic major 64nm ment of Chemical Morphology, University of Manchester. Magnification: a x
repeat pattern with several sub-bands visible between. B has been stained 100 000; 8 and c x 65000.
with Cupromeronic blue demonstrating the filamentous proteoglycans

are exceedingly complex and involve many chemical reactions which granules, believed to be melanin, in their cytoplasm. Their function
alter capillary permeability, can cause smooth muscle contraction, is generally to prevent light from reaching adjacent cells.
activate and attract various other defensive cells, activate platelets,
inhibit clotting and lead to many other local or systemic reactions.
Mast cells closely resemble basophil leucocytes of the general
circulation and it is widely considered that they arise from the bone
marrow and pass to the tissues as basophils, migrating through the The term extracellular matrix is applied to the sum total of extra-
capillary and venule walls to their final destination. However, there cellular substances within connective tissue (2.80). Essentially it
are minor differences between the typical basophil and the mast cell consists of a system of insoluble protein fibrils and soluble complexes
in terms of their cytochemistry, which suggest either a different composed of carbohydrate polymers linked to protein molecules (i.e.
lineage for the two, or perhaps that the basophil matures into a they are proteoglycans) which bind water. Mechanically, the ECM
mast cell when it reaches its extravascular environment. In connective has evolved to distribute the stresses of movement and gravity while
tissues at least two subclasses of mast cells have been recognized, at the same time maintaining the shape of the different components
one resident in the mucosae of the alimentary and respiratory tracts, of the body. It also provides the physicochemical environment of
and others situated elsewhere. They differ in their detailed chemistry the cells embedded in it, forming a framework to which they adhere
and their reactions to drugs (Friedmann 1986). and on which they can move, maintaining an appropriate porous,
hydrated ionic mileu, through which metabolites and nutrients can
NEUTROPHIL AND EOSINOPHIL LEUCOCYTES diffuse freely. There are many complex interactions between the
connective tissue cells and the ECM which operate in both directions:
These are also immigrant cells from the circulation, frequently the cells continually synthesize, secrete, alter and degrade its com-
present (especially neutrophils) in small numbers, but increasing ponents, but are themselves profoundly affected by their contacts
greatly in infected tissues, where they are important components of which govern many aspects of cell metabolism, growth, reproduction
cellular defence. Neutrophils are highly phagocytic, especially and movement.
towards bacteria, while the functions of eosinophils are less well The insoluble fibrils are mainly of two types of structural proteins,
understood. They are described further on pages 1402 and 1403. namely: collagen and elastin, whilst the soluble polymers consist of
long carbohydrate chains, linked to proteins. There is also an ever-
PIGMENT CELLS (MELANOCYTES) growing number of small filamentous proteins which perform a
variety of functions in connective tissue including cell/matrix
Pigment cells occur in the corium (dermis) of skin, especially in dark adhesion and matrix/cell signalling; these include fibronectin, laminin,
races, and in the iris and choroid of the eye. Although some of these merosin and, in bone, osteonectin, as well as a number of other less
cells may be able to synthesize melanin (or related pigments), in well characterized proteins.
which case they are described as melanocytes (derived from neural At the microscopic level, these different constituents are divisible
crest origins), the majority contain pigment which they have engulfed into fibrillar and interfibrillar components (the latter corresponding
after its release from melanocytes, being unable to synthesize it to the ground substance of the older literature). The collagen fibres
themselves. Such cells are called chromatophores (or melanophores, resist pulling forces, while the elastin provides a measure of resilience
when melanin is the pigment involved); they are typically stellate in when it is present. The hydrated, soluble polymers of the interfibrillar
form and may represent modified fibroblasts. They are generally material (proteoglycans and hyaluronan) generally form a stiff gel
80 stellate cells with long processes and numerous dark brown or black resisting compressive forces.



2.90 Portion of a Type | collagen fibril, negatively stained with pho-

sphotungstate to show the substructure of longitudinal tropocollagen fila-
ments and the banding pattern produced by this method. Dark areas Fibril he D. on
represent hydrophilic sites including spaces between filaments. Notice that HANUUNONOUGONGOONEGONGERUGOOOOOTAOOAORAEOUAA
the banding appearance is different from the positively stained fibrils shown Overlap zone
in 2.89a. Magnification x 140000. |Gap zone
Packing ru


Triple Helix
<—\!|_—_——— 10.4nm,, 0.15D ——___________»

2.91 Developing elastin fibres and surrounding collagen fibres in a section

stained with phosphotungstate. Notice the apparently amorphous appear-
ance of the elastin. Provided by W. Jayaratnam. Magnification x 20 000.
Typical sequence in o., and a, chains

—Gly - Pro—Y — Gly- Pro—Hypro- Gly-X — Hypro —- Gly-X— Hylys - Gly-X— Y —

The interfibrillar material contains most of the water, salts and
diffusible substances in the tissue, and forms a minute meshwork . 2.92 The hierarchical organization of collagen, exemplified by Type | col-
providing intermolecular spaces with ready diffusional access of lagen. At the bottom is a typical sequence from an a chain of triplets of
nutrients, gases, metabolites and signalling molecules to cells. Tissues amino acids, each starting with glycine, and containing much hydroxyproline
which are specialized to resist tensile forces (e.g. that of tendons) are and proline. Next up, three a chains coil around each other to form atriple
rich in fibrils, whereas those which elastically absorb compressive helix of the tropocollagen molecule, which can aggregate spontaneously in
forces (e.g. cartilages) are rich in proteoglycans. In bone, mineral a quarter stagger array. The regular patterns of charged and non-polar
crystals take the place of most of the soluble polymers, endowing amino acids appear as transverse bands after staining with heavy metals
the tissue with incompressible rigidity. (see 2.898). At the top is the supramolecular aggregation of proteoglycans
(PGs) with collagen fibres (see also 2.988). Small PDs (A and B) and PCS
associate at d and e bands; the small PKSs (A and B) from corneal stroma
COLLAGENS are found at the a and c bands (see 2.96a and text). Arrowheads denote the
amino-terminal end of the polypeptide chains. The lower part of this figure
Collagens (2.89-93) make up a very large proportion (about 30%) is based on a scheme by M. E. Grant. Provided by J. E. Scott, Department
of all the proteins of the body, and consist of a wide range of of Chemical Morphology, University of Manchester.
related molecules which possess various roles in the organization
and properties of connective (and some other) tissues. Their study
is making rapid progress as the techniques of molecular biology are
adding steadily to the number of recognized collagen classes. Col-
lagens are classified using roman numerals to reflect the chronological
order of their discovery. At least 14 types are now genetically Chemically, all collagens have a number of features in common.
characterized and others are being investigated. Unlike most other proteins, they contain much hydroxyproline and
The first collagen to be chemically and physically characterized all are composed of three polypeptides which to varying degrees are
was Type I, the most abundant of all the collagens and a constituent wound round each other to form triple helices. The formation of
of the dermis, fasciae, bone, tendon, ligaments, blood vessels and such helices depends on the reiteration of a glycine residue at every
the sclera of the eyeball. The characteristic collagen of cartilage and third amino acid position of each polypeptide chain, so that collagens
the vitreous body of the eye, with a slightly different chemical also have a high glycine content. Very important post-translational
composition, is Type II, whilst Type III is present in several tissues modifications occur to the collagen chains within the endoplasmic
including the dermis, and Type IV in basal laminae. The other types reticulum and Golgi complexes of the cells synthesizing them, includ-
are widely distributed in various tissues (see Table 2.2). Five of the ing the hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline, hydroxylation
collagens (Types I, Il, III, V and XI) form fibrils, while the rest are of lysine, and O-glycosylation of hydroxylysine by either galactose
loosely described as non-fibrillar. Types IV, VIII and possibly X or glucosyl-galactose; after secretion the individual molecules are
form sheets or meshworks rather than fibrils. further cross-linked to form stable polymers. Functionally, collagens 81
Table 2.2 Collagen types and their distributions (based on van der Rest & Garrone, 1991)

Type Former name Goodsource No.ofachain Molmass: Molecular species

types kDa

Fibrillar collagen:

| Collagen Skin, bone, tendon 2 300 [a1 (I)]2 a2(I)

Dentine 1 300 [a1 (Is

i} Cartilage collagen Cartilage, vitreous body 1 300 [a1 (I)]s

bo AN Skin, vessel walls 1 300 [a1 (III)

Vv A-B collagen Hamster lung cultures 1 ca350 [a1(V)]s

Fetal membranes 2 ca350 {a1 (V)}2 a2(V)
Placenta 3 ca350 ai1(V) a2(V) a3(V)

Xl Cartilage 3 ca300 a1 (Xl) a2(Xl) a3(Xl)

Non-fibrillar collagens
Loe ee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee re een te terene
FACIT collagens

IX Cartilage, vitreous body 3 ca250 a.1(IX) a2(IX) a3(IX)

xil Embryonic tendon, 1 ca700 [a1 (XIN]Js

periodontal ligament

XIV Fetal skin, tendon 1 ca700 [a1 (IV)

Meshwork-forming collagens

IV Basal laminae 2 ca400 [a1 (IV)]2 a2(IV)

Glomerular basal lamina 3 ? a3(IX) a4(IX) a5(IX)

VII Descemet’s membrane 2 2 [a1 (VINI)}2 a2(VItl)

x Epiphyseal plate 1 ca180 [ats

Other collagens

Vl Intimal collagen Skin, vessel walls, 3 2? a1 (Vl) a2(Vl) a3(Vl)

intervertebral discs

VIL. LC collagen Dermo-epidermal junction 1 [a1 (VIN],

xill Endothelial cell cultures 2? nc 7

are structural proteins, unlike some other polymeric molecules with The quarter-staggered array is strengthened by covalent cross-
some similar chemical features, for example acetylcholinesterase links between neighbouring molecules, formed at specific sites at the
(AChE) and the complement component Clq, which are non-struc- N and C terminal ends of each molecule. During synthesis, lysine
tural. residues are oxidized by lysyl oxidase, and the aldehydes thus
Chemical nomenclature. Complete amino acid sequences of produced undergo a series of reactions with the amino groups of
many of the collagen polypeptide chains are known. The polypeptides lysine or hydroxylysine on nearby polypeptides to produce an array
of collagen are called a chains and their individual amino acid of aliphatic and heterocyclic (pyridinoline) cross-links that change
composition is designated first with an arabic numeral to describe in number and chemical composition with age.
the subclass of chain and then with a roman numeral to denote the The fibril has well-marked bands of charged and uncharged amino
type of collagen they belong to. Thus the three polypeptides of acids arranged across it that stain with heavy metals in a banding
Type I collagen comprise two al(I) and one a2(I) chains, and the pattern, which is labelled in sequence a—e, repeated once every 65nm
composition of the whole molecule is described as [al(I)},a2(I). (the D period). This pattern reflects the amino acid sequences of the
collagen molecules in the quarter-staggered array. The asymmetrical
Type | collagen a-e banding pattern can be parallel or anti-parallel on neighbouring
Also known as ‘collagen vulgaris’, Type I collagen is very widely collagen fibrils, in about equal numbers.
distributed. It forms inextensible fibrils in which collagen molecules The banding pattern of longitudinally sectioned collagen I appears
are aligned side by side in a staggered fashion, with three-quarters rather different from that of negatively stained fibrils (2.89, 90)
of the length of each molecule in contact with neighbouring mol- because the negative stain occupies hydrated sites (e.g. the ‘holes’
ecules, (2.92; the ‘quarter-staggered array’). The 300nm long mol- between the ends of collagen molecules) whereas the dense lines in
ecules have a gap of about 40 nm between their ends; this arrangement sectioned fibrils reflect the pattern of different amino acids, as
is due to the amino acid sequences of adjacent molecules mutually described above.
82 interacting most stably with this degree of overlap. Fibril diameters vary from tissue to tissue and with age. Developing

sequence, banding pattern, cross-linking potential, polarity of fibrils,

etc. are very similar to those of Type I collagen, as are also post-
translational modifications (hydroxylation of proline and lysine and
glycosylation). The fine fibrils in the vitreous are able to fuse into
; : LIL, V.X1 ia thicker aggregates in older tissue, possibly because of the breakdown
of surrounding proteoglycan structure.
Type III collagen is very widely distributed, particularly in young
and repairing tissue. It usually co-occurs with Type I collagen, and
% IV aS covalent links between Type I and Type III collagen have been
demonstrated. In skin, many fibrils are probably composites of Types
I and III collagens.
Types I, II and III collagens are made in the cell as procollagens,
VII containing large globular portions at the N and C terminal ends of
the triple helix (Table 2.2), which are removed by proteolysis before
laying down in the tissue. In dermatosparaxis faulty processing
leaves parts of the Type I globular domains uncleaved, resulting in
malformed fibrils and hence in severe dysfunction of the tissue (skin).
o—o =e—20@
Types IX and XI collagens
Types IX and XI collagens, the so-called FACIT collagens (fibril-
associated collagens with interrupted triple helices), although not
fibre forming per se, are associated with fibrillar collagens. Type IX
collagen is found covalently linked to Type II collagen in cartilage,
and may be covalently linked to Type II collagen in the vitreous.
Type IX collagen is also a proteoglycan (see later), in that it has an
attached chondroitin or dermatan sulphate chain, which in the case
of the vitreous body in chickens is very long, but it may be much
shorter in the human vitreous.
Type VII collagen
2.93 Molecular organization and relative dimensions of some major types
Type VII collagen is a linking or bridging collagen found in skin
of collagen. The triple helical chains are indicated in red, the globular
domains in blue, and the acidic glycosaminoglycans in green.
that forms a connection between the basal lamina and dermis. The
absence of Type VII collagen is associated with the condition of
epidermolysis bullosa.

tissues often have thinner fibrils than mature tissues. Corneal stroma Types IV and VIII collagens
fibrils are of uniform thin diameter, while tendon fibrils may. be up In contrast to the fibrillar, i.e. linear or one-dimensionally aggregating
to 20 times thicker and are quite variable. Tissues in which the fibrils collagens, these collagens can form meshworks (two or three dimen-
are subject to high tensile loading tend to have thicker fibrils. Thick sional aggregates) in the tissue. Their fundamental building units
fibrils appear to be composites of uniform thin fibrils (protofibrils) have flexible non-triple-helical portions which can reach out to their
which have a diameter of 8-12nm. Among the factors which have neighbours at a distance. Type IV collagen forms chicken-wire-like
been suggested to influence fibril diameters are the degree of glyco- meshworks in the basal lamina that act as anchoring layers holding
sylation (which is greater in thin fibrils), the presence of minor groups of cells together. Type VIII collagen forms meshworks in the
collagens at the surface of the fibrils, the presence of extension Descemet’s membrane of the cornea (p. 1325).
peptides at the ends of the tropocollagen molecules and the type and
concentration of ambient proteoglycan (Scott & Parry 1992). The Reticulin fibres
polarity of neighbouring fibrils may influence the possibility of fusion Fine branching and anastomosing reticulin fibres form the supporting
of neighbouring fibrils, which probably cannot occur if they are anti- framework of many glands, the kidney and lymphoreticular tissue
parallel. (lymph nodes, spleen etc. 9.32)). They associate with basal laminae
The fibrils per se are relatively flexible but when mineralized (as and are often found in the neighbourhood of collagen fibre bundles.
in bone) or surrounded by high concentrations of proteoglycan (as Unlike collagen fibres reticulin takes up silver salts strongly but does
in cartilage), the resulting fibre-reinforced composite materials are not stain strongly with acid fuchsin. Reticulin shows a banding
rigid. Collagen fibres often show regular patterns of light and dark pattern similar to that of fibrillar collagens (2.90), and is chemically
along their length in polarized light, repeated about every 100 um, collagenous—possibly rich in Type III collagen.
probably reflecting the presence of crimps (or hinges) within the
fibre, which provide a degree of reversible extensibility under tensile Elastin
stress. Elastin fibres are less widely distributed than collagen. They are
Fresh type I collagen fibres are white and glistening. They form yellowish in colour, branch and rejoin freely, and are usually thinner
bundles of various sizes, whose component fibres may leave one (10-20nm) than collagen fibrils, although they can be thick, for
fascicle and interweave with others. They stain lightly with eosin, example, in the ligamenta flava and ligamentum nuchae (2.95). Unlike
but can be strongly stained with aniline blue and with aldehyde collagen they show no banding pattern by electron microscopy. They
fuchsin, as in van Gieson’s method. stain with orcein, Weigert’s resorcin fuchsin and with Verhoef’s
In many situations collagen fibrils are laid down in precise geo- stain. They sometimes appear as sheets, as in the fenestrated elastic
metrical patterns, with successive layers alternating in direction, as laminae of the aortic wall. Frequently co-occurring are thin filaments
in corneal stroma, where the high degree of order is essential of oxytalan and elaunin, proteins with similar elastic properties
for transparency. Other highly ordered tissues are the tendons, but somewhat different staining reactions (Braverman & Fonferko
aponeuroses and ligaments. 1982a,b).
Elastin-rich structures stretch easily with almost perfect recoil, the
Types Il, Ill, V and XI collagens
Young’s modulus of elasticity being 6 x 10° (Bergel 1961), although
Types II, III, V and XI collagens can aggregate to form fibrils, i.e. they tend to calcify with age, and lose elasticity. Unstretched fibres
linear or one-dimensional structures. Their genes, and that of Type show little or no birefringence, but become strongly birefringent on
I collagen, are derived from a single ancestral gene. Type IT collagen stretching (strain birefringence). This reflects increased order in
occurs in extremely thin (10nm) short fibrils in the vitreous humour the stretched elastin molecules, compared to the more random
and in very thick fibrils in ageing human cartilage. The amino acid arrangement in unstretched fibres. Elastin is a protein of 70kDa, 83

tt C4
Cbeebies PS
oN ae

2.94 A schematic diagram showing the major steps in collagen synthesis

by fibroblasts in connective tissue. For further details, see Olsen 1991.

rich in the hydrophobic amino acids valine and alanine (Sandberg Acid glycosaminoglycans (AGAGs)
et al 1981). The fibrils are highly cross-linked via two elastin-specific
The structural soluble polymers characteristic of the ECM are the
amino acids, desmosine and iso-desmosine, formed extracellularly
acid glycosaminoglycans (AGAGs); these are unbranched chains of
from lysine residues, following oxidation by lysyl oxidase (similarly
repeating disaccharide units, each unit carrying one or more nega-
to cross-link formation in collagen, above). The rubber-like behav-
tively charged groups (carboxylate and/or sulphate esters). The
iour of elastin fibres springs from hydrophobic interactions between anionic charge (fixed charge) is balanced by mobile cations (e.g.
the amino acids valine, etc. which, in water, prefer to maintain a
Na+, K+, etc.) from the interstitial fluid. Their polyanionic character
tightly packed arrangement, to which they revert after stretching
endows the AGAGs with high osmotic activity (Donnan effects) and
forces have been removed.
hence swelling pressure, which helps keep the fibrils apart and confers
Elastin is highly resistant to attack by acid and alkali, even at
stiffness on the porous gel that they collectively create. It is also the
high temperatures. Elastases of pancreatic and bacterial origin can
property recognized by cationic dyes such as toluidine, Alcian and
hydrolyze elastin (and other proteins).
Cupromeronic blues, in the phenomenon termed basophilia.
The disaccharide units always contain a hexosamine residue
GROUND (OR INTERFIBRILLAR) SUBSTANCE (glucosamine, GlcNH2 or galactosamine, GalNH2), which in the
interstial AGAGs is acetylated (thus, GlcNAc or GalNAc).
The often-used term ‘amorphous’ ground substance is certainly a AGAGs are named according to the tissues in which they were
misnomer. There is considerable order in this compartment. Earlier first found: Ayaluronan (vitreous body), chondroitins (cartilage),
views that fibrils were embedded in a jelly can be replaced with the dermatan (skin), keratan (cornea), heparan (liver). This terminology
concept that the collagen fibril controls the surrounding aqueous is no longer relevant. 2.96a shows that most AGAGs are very widely
environment via specifically but non-covalently attached proteo- distributed. Conversely, some corneas contain little or no keratan
glycan molecules, which then interact with each other via their glycan sulphate. The name of Karl Meyer is associated with the pioneering
84 chains (Scott 1992). work in this field. For reviews, see Scott (1985, 1992).

All the interstitial AGAGs have the same pattern of glycosidic

links, centred on the hexosamine residues, i.e. 1:3 Gle (or Gal)
NAc®£1:4, which profoundly influences the potential shape or con-
figuration (i.e. the secondary structures) the polymers can assume in
solution. This confers similar potential to interact with each other
on all members of the group of interstitial AGAGs. Keratan sulphate
(KS) was for long thought to be quite different from the chondroitins,
but in fact the polymer backbone (81:4 GlcB1:3 —> Gal) is identical
in both (Scott 1992).
Though it is meaningful to speak of ‘typical’ structures for each
GAG species, there are in principle large numbers of possible
structures in a single chain, with a spectrum in each tissue and species.
Dermatan sulphate (DS) is formed from CS4 by epimerization of
GIcUA residues to L-iduronate, (L-IdoUA), to an extent which
varies from tissue to tissue. Hyaluronan is the only AGAG with a
constant chemical structure.
The second important group of AGAGs is based on the heparan
polymer (a1:4, 1:4 linked glycan). The parameters which vary in the
2.95 Longitudinal section through an elastic ligament of an ox showing interstitial AGAGs (position and degree of sulphation, epimerization
elastin fibres (black) interspersed with collagen fibres. Verhoeff’s and van of GlcUA to L-IdoUA) also vary in these AGAGs. In addition,
Gieson’s stains. Magnification x 200. conversion of N-acetyl (acetamido) groups to sulphamato (-NSO;,
often incorrectly called N-sulphate) occurs to a variable extent.
Free AGAG chains are not normally found in ECM.
Hyaluronan (HA). This was formerly called hyaluronic acid (or
All AGAGs except hyaluronan (HA) are connected to specific hyaluronate, since only the salt exists at physiological pH) (for
amino-acid residues of protein cores, either via ether links to the articles on HA see the book edited by Evered & Whelan 1989). The
hydroxyl groups of serine or threonine (O-linked) or to the amide ending -an is standard for polysaccharides (glycans). HA is found in
group of asparagine (N-linked; 2.96a). Sulphate groups are added to all ECM, and in most tissues, its molecules being relatively enormous.
the polymer in patterns that vary from tissue to tissue, and with age. It is quantitatively important in embryonic and developing tissue.
Most occur on the GlcNAc or GalNAc residues. Usually there is a In spite of a relatively simple structure consisting of an extremely
higher density of sulphation at the non-reducing end (distal to the long chain (as many as 25000) of non-sulphated disaccharides,
protein core) of the glycan chain. hyaluronan interacts specifically at low concentrations with many

Type of GAG Abbreviation Repeating Typical Linkage to Molecular

chain disaccharide structure protein mass
unit (kDa)
Interstitial AGAGs
B 1:4, 1:3 glycans co; |_o
Hyaluronan HA GIcUA-GIcNAc —G eats Ks No link to protein 1000
OH HO ae

Chondroitin-4-sulphate cs4 GlcUA—GalNAc OH H,COSO;- O-linked 10-50

co," Ho /-—°,

Chondroitin-6-sulphate CS6 GlcUA-GalNAc Se mK o> Os O-linked 10-50

: es NHAc

Keratan sulphate KS GicNAc-Gal SHO Nor O linked 3-25

8 }—9,

Dermatan sulphate DS GIcUA No. (cor # oo ae O-linked 10-50

or — GalNAc OH
L-IdoUA wins

Membrane-associated AGAGs
«1:4, 1:4 glycans

Heparan sulphate HS GIcUA | |okt O-linked 7-40

or > 2-sulphamato-
L-+IdoUA 2-deoxy D-glucose

Interstitial proteoglycans

Types of Covalently linked Good sources Molecular Shape Location

proteoglycan AGAGs mass or function
Small CS4, CS6 Cartilage, i.v. disc 100 ~e Collagen
or fibril associated
DS tendon, skin
or sclera
KS cornea, i.v. disc sed
1 or 2 chains cartilage

Large CS and DS skin, sclera 200 Interfibrillar,

5-10 chains tendon spacefilling

Very large CS4, CS6 cartilage, 1000-2000 Interfibrillar,

and KS iv. disc, spacefilling
100 chains blood vessels

2.964 Classification of acidic glycosaminoglycans (AGAGs) and _ pro- 6-sulphate, and dermatan sulphate. The shapes of proteoglycans (below)
teoglycans of the extracellular matrix. The typical structure of the repeating are based on rotary shadowed preparations and are not to scale. Provided
disaccharide units (above) are, from top to bottom, hyaluronan, chondriotin by JE Scott, Department of Chemical Morphology, University of Manchester.

types of cell that carry appropriate receptors, with important effects tadpole-shaped, with the globular protein as the head and one or
on their behaviour. It is the keystone in the aggregation of pro- two glycan chains as the tail(s).
teoglycans and link proteins that possess specific HA binding sites Large PGs. These molecules contain one or two globular protein
(e.g. laminin). The very large aggregates (>108 kDa) that are thus domains connected via a polypeptide chain to which are attached 5—
formed may be the essential compression-resisting units in cartilage. 10 AGAG chains, mainly CS but also some DS.
HA forms very viscous solutions which are probably the major Very large PGs. These are complex molecules with up to three
lubricants in synovial joints. Because of its ability to bind water, in globular regions linked by a polypeptide chain to which are attached
Wharton’s jelly and vitreous humor (and in rooster comb) it par- about 100 CS and KS chains. An amino-terminal globular region
ticipates in semi-rigid structures, co-operating with sparse but regular contains the HA binding site. The protein contains a lectin-like
meshworks of thin collagen fibrils. These properties probably depend sequence and sometimes an epidermal growth factor (EGF) sequence.
on its secondary structure and its ability to aggregate reversibly with The KS chains are mainly placed toward the amino-terminal end
itself, and with other molecules including interstitial AGAGs (Scott and the HA binding region. A number of oligosaccharides are also
1992), attached to the protein.
Chondroitin-4- and -6-sulphates (CS4, CS6). These molecules, This PG is a large molecular complex, a space-filling molecule par
formerly chondroitin sulphates A and C, are found in all cartilages, excellence. It concentrates a very large amount of charge in a
often in very high total concentrations (>10% of the dry weight), relatively small volume, which is further enhanced when it aggregates
and in most ECM. Most are mixed or hybrid AGAGs, pragmatically with HA and other similar PGs. The osmotic and electrostatic
labelled according to the predominant component, i.e. -4- or -6- swelling forces are then maximized.
sulphate. The completely unsulphated form, chondroitin, occurs in CS or DS chains are attached covalently to Type IX collagen,
small amounts if at all, but in, for example, cornea much of the CS4 which, therefore, qualifies as an ECM proteoglycan.
is undersulphated, so that less than 20% of the GalNAc 4 positions
carry a sulphate group. Conversely, an oversulphated CS, often called
CS ‘D’, is found in fish cartilages, but not in significant amounts in
human ECM.
Localization of ECM components
CS chains are found attached to non-interstitial molecules, for
example, the membrane glycoproteins CD44, syndecan and throm- Progress in establishing supramolecular organization in ECM has
bomodulin. depended on three kinds of reagents:
The ability of CS6 chains to aggregate with each other may
e specific antibodies to proteins such as the collagens, elastins,
contribute to the semi-rigid gel structure in the vitreous body.
protein cores, and to AGAG chains that can be used immu-
Keratan sulphates (KS). Although these are ECM components,
nohistochemically (macro-stains 2.89, c)
they also have very close relationships to the epithelial glyco-proteins,
e electron dense reagents such as Cupromeronic blue that positively
since they are polylactosamines. However, their polymer backbone
stain AGAGs in critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) techniques
(81:3 GalB1:4 Glc) is actually identical with that of the chondroitins
(Scott 1992), and it appears that the cell can manufacture two almost
e enzymes such as keratanases 1 and 2, chondroitinases and derm-
identical polymers (KS and CS) by two different metabolic routes,
atanases that specifically digest AGAGs, establishing or confirming
possibly depending on the tissue oxygen tension. KS is present in
identities of stained substrates.
increasing amounts with age in cartilages and intervertebral discs,
and with thickness of the corneal stroma in mammals, to over 60% Macro-stains are intrinsically more specific than mini-stains,
of the tissue AGAG (for articles on KS see the book edited by although the CEC procedures give clear indications of degrees of
Greiling & Scott 1989). sulphation, etc. which antibody based methods cannot do. The latter
Dermatan sulphate (DS). This is formed from CS4 by the have intrinsically less resolving power at molecular levels, and cannot
epimerization of the D-GIcUA residues to L-IdoUA. The point at in general show the orientation, shape and size of the substrate,
which CS becomes DS is a matter of definition, but over 10% which, in principle, the mini-stains can. Mini-stains cannot specifi-
conversion would qualify. There is, thus, a very close relationship cally demonstrate proteins, but are well suited to morphometry of
between CS and DS, but the IdoUA ring is more flexible than the AGAGs, while the converse is true of the macro-stains. Their
GIcUA, which influences the overall shape of DS, and, therefore, properties are complementary (Scott 1985).
interactions with other molecules. DS aggregates with itself in sol-
ution, and this phenomenon probably plays a part in the organization
of most ECM (see below).
DS, unlike CS4, is not found in very high local concentrations in The small PGs have been shown by electron histochemistry
tissues, (Cupromeronic blue in CEC methodology) to interact with Type I
Heparan sulphates. Although not structural in the sense that the collagen-rich fibrils at specific binding sites. PDS binds at the d and
interstitial AGAGs are (see below), heparan sulphates are important e bands of the collagen, and PKS at the a and c bands. These bands
constituents of basement membranes, and also of membrane-associ- are either in, or at the ‘step’ to the gap zone of the fibril (2.89, 92).
ated proteoglycans, from which position they may interact directly Available evidence suggests that the PG protein interacts with
with constituents of the ECM. collagen. Occupancy of a binding site is specific to a given PG. In
the absence of this PG the site is not occupied (the one PG:one
Proteoglycans (PG) binding site hypothesis). Thus, the a and c bands are occupied only
There is no accepted terminology for proteoglycans. The standard in the corneal stroma, since the stromal PKS is not present in
abbreviation is PG and the prefix indicating proteoglycan is P. Hence significant amounts in other tissues. All soft (non-mineralized) tissues
if the glycan (G) was DS, the relevant proteoglycan would be PDS, contain PDS which binds at the d and e bands (2.92). The relative
proteodermatan sulphate. The abbreviation DS PG is also in use for rates of occupancy d/e and a/c vary with tissue and/or with species
dermatan sulphate, but is not preferred on the grounds of brevity (Scott 1988).
and consistency. A number of trivial names (e.g. decorin, aggrecan, The AGAG chains are oriented orthogonally to the collagen
perlecan, etc.) have been introduced to mark the acquisition of fibrils, sometimes completely encircling them (2.89, c), and very
relevant cDNA sequences, but these contain little or no chemical frequently forming bridges between neighbouring fibrils. In the
information and are not logically consistent. cornea as many as four fibrils are bridged by the same filament of
The existing classification of proteoglycans into three groups:- AGAG. Evidence from morphometry and physical chemistry sug-
small, large and very large, is ad hoc, based on the size and shape gests that the AGAG chains are aggregated together in an antiparallel
of the protein core (Scott 1988) (see 2.96a). way, acting as a cross-linking structure between PG cores, which are
Small PGs (CS, DS, and KS). These have been found attached attached to collagen fibrils (2.968). Similar structures are seen in all
to a family of globular proteins of very similar size (~45kDa), soft connective tissue collagen fibril bundles. It is possible that the
amino acid composition (i.e. leucine rich) and gene structure. The aggregated AGAGs act as yardsticks to space the fibrils according
86 PGs appear on electron microscopy after rotary shadowing as to the length of the AGAG chains. In the corneal stroma this length

filaments. Other variants are passed into the circulation as plasma

fibronectins. Many isoforms of fibronectin are known, generated by
alternative splicing of mRNA from the very large, single gene
Collagen encoding this molecular family. This variation provides a basis for
fibril selective adhesion of different cell types to the matrix both during
development and in maturity. Those found in embryonic tissues
are also expressed in wound repair, where they facilitate tissue
proliferation and cell movements, but they revert to the adult form
once this has been achieved.
Laminin is a large (850 kDa) flexible cruciform molecule composed
of three polypeptide chains (designated a, 8, and y, corresponding
4 @——©09—®© to the older names of A, B; and B,) whose terminal two-thirds are
wound round each other to form the stem of a cross, the free ends
2.968 Schema of proteoglycan (PG)—collagen interactions in connective forming the upright and transverse members. The molecule bears
tissues, incorporating acidic glycosaminoglycan (AGAG) aggregates. In 1, binding sites for a number of other ECM molecules including
collagen fibres depicted in cross section, are linked by duplexes (or higher heparan sulphate, Type IV collagen, entactin, and laminin receptor
aggregates) of antiparallel AGAG molecules, attached to PG protein cores molecules situated in cell plasma membranes. There are many iso-
(P), which are also associated with the collagen fibres at specific binding forms of the different chains, giving at least 18 types of laminin.
sites. The interfibrillar distance correlates with the length of the particular Laminin molecules can assemble themselves into flat regular mesh-
AGAG chain (being greater in the cornea and less in the skin) DS, KS and
possibly CS6 can take part in such structures (Scott 1992; see also text). works, forming part of the basal lamina (see below). For further
The molecular arrangements illustrated in 2-4 show various ways in which details see Tryggvason (1993).
AGAGs containing 1 or 2 chains could form bridging structures. Provided Tenascin
by J E Scott, Department of Chemical Morphology, University of Manchester.
Tenascin is another large glycoprotein consisting of six subunits
joined at one end to form a radiating structure like the spokes of a
coincides with the observed fibril separation, which is very regular, wheel. Although abundant in embryonic tissues, its adult distribution
as required for transparency and hence vision (Scott 1992).
is restricted. It appears to be important in guiding cell migrations
PGs are seen inside thick collagen fibrils, regularly arrayed, but and axonal growth in early development, either promoting or inhibit-
with their AGAG chains oriented along the fibril axis. It appears
ing these depending on the cell and tenascin type (Erickson 1993).
Like other adhesion molecules there is a family of tenascin molecules
that these PGs are associated individually with one of the thin
formed by alternative splicing of the tenascin gene, giving a large
protofibrils that modularly comprise the fibril.
variety of forms by different combinations of subunits in the sixfold
PG AGAGs in bone are not arrayed in the same orthogonal way
as in, for example, tendon. They are absent from the gap zone. Since assembly of this molecule.
the gap zone is the site of first nucleation of mineralization, the
AGAG may play some part in controlling calcification. BASAL LAMINA AND BASEMENT MEMBRANE
Light microscopy showed many years ago that at the interface
FILAMENTOUS PROTEINS WITH ADHESIVE between connective and other tissues, for example between the dermis
PROPERTIES and epidermis, there is a narrow layer of cell-free matrix which
typically stains strongly for carbohydrates with the PAS method,
Filamentous proteins with adhesive properties are structural proteins and for collagen (e.g. with van Gieson’s stain). This was termed the
which include a range of molecules mediating adhesion between basement membrane, and was envisaged as a homogeneous sheet of
cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM), often in association with extracellular material to which adjacent tissues were attached. Elec-
collagens, proteoglycans and other ECM components. All of them tron microscopy modified this view, as it was found that the basement
are glycosylated and are, therefore, glycoproteins. In general con- membrane is composed of two quite distinct components: a thin,
nective tissue, the best known are the protein families of the fib- finely fibrillar layer, the basal lamina, associated closely with the cell
ronectins (and osteonectin in bone), laminins and tenascins, but surface, and a more distant, variable reticular lamina of larger fibrils
there is a rapidly growing list of other proteins or glycoproteins and ground substance (2.97). The basal lamina was also found to be
associated with extracellular adhesion, including the nidogens present on its own or with a minimal reticular lamina in many other
(entactins), perlecan, decoran, aggregan, etc. (see Alberts et al 1994). situations, for instance around Schwann cells, muscle cells, capillary
These molecules are complex structures with binding sites for various endothelium and at the base of many epithelia.
other ECM molecules and also for cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), The synthesis of the basal lamina components is not yet entirely
especially the integrins (p. 27), enabling cells to selectively adhere to settled. In situ studies of mRNA synthesis show that Type IV
appropriate matrix structures (e.g. the basal lamina). They also collagen is made by the cells in close contact with this structure,
constitute signalling molecules which are detected by cell surface whereas nidogen is synthesized by connective tissue cells (Dziadek &
receptors and initiate changes within the cytoplasm, for example to Thomas 1993). For the basement membrane in skin, see page 382.
promote the formation of hemidesmomes or other areas of strong
adhesion, reorganize the cytoskeleton, promote or inhibit locomotion Basal lamina
and cell division, and to affect many other aspects of cell biology. Basal lamina is usually about 80nm thick and consists of a fibrillar
At present there is much interest in the variability of these molecules layer, the Jamina densa (20-50 nm wide) separated from the plasma
as a potential means of signalling between the cells which lay them membrane of the adjacent cell by a narrow electron-lucent zone, the
down and other cells which may contact them later, as a sort of lamina lucida (see Inoue 1989). The lamina lucida shows granular or
patterned extracellular ‘memory’ which could specifically direct the fibrillar features representing the presence of various proteoglycans,
morphogenesis and migrations of cells and tissues. the extracellular domains of integrins and other small glycoproteins;
in the basal lamina of the epidermis, this lamina (see p. 382) is
Fibronectin crossed by hemidesmosomes anchored into the lamina densa. The
Fibronectin is a large glycoprotein molecule consisting of a dimer lamina densa is a delicate network composed of laminin, Type IV
held together by disulphide links, each subunit composed of a string collagen entactin (nidogen) and perlecan (a large heparan sulphate
of large repetitive domains joined by flexible regions, and bearing proteoglycan). These are thought to be assembled in the form of a
binding sites for collagen, heparin and cell surface receptors, flattened three-dimensional network where the laminin molecules
especially integrins. It is, therefore, able to promote adhesion between form a hexagonal lattice rather like chicken wire, which the other
all of these elements. In connective tissues the molecules are able to molecules stabilize by cross-linking (see Yurchenco and O’Rear
bind in an orderly fashion to cell surfaces to form short fibronectin 1994). 87

Plasmalemma of cell
_ Surface coat of cell
: Laminin . a
: " Proteoglycan’ A .
nit Type IV collagen-
owed ; arpee ob : Leal i boii?oteoglycan,
cells ay Mee Ae Po rae SAF
“ ; ( lucida
9 BAL My:
ee ). 3: FINE KA J RS a
esa Lamina
1 Agee
O to
ie O: SS Lamina
7 os densa



2.97A Section through the base of the epidermis (human) showing the 2.978 Diagram showing the organization of the basement membrane com-
basal lamina. Visible are the lamina lucida just below the dense plas- ponents (compare 2.974 and 5.39).
malemma of the overlying cell and the thick fuzzy lamina densa, below
which is the paler area of the connective tissue matrix containing a few
microfibrils in section. Also shown are several hemidesmosomes with fila-
mentous connections crossing the lamina lucida. Magnification x 60 000.

Although all basal laminae have a similar form, their detailed and composition in different regions according to the local functional
organization and sizes vary with their tissue sites. At the epidermal— requirements. These differences are related to the predominance or
dermal junction, special glycoproteins are present in the lamina otherwise of one or other of the cell types, the concentration,
lucida, and hemidesmosomes also anchor the neighbouring kera- arrangement and types of fibre and the character of the ground
tinocytes to the lamina densa (see 5.39, 40). The kidney glomerular substance. On these bases, general (ordinary) connective tissues can
basal lamina is unusual in having a lucent zone on both sides of the be classified into irregular and regular types, distinguished by the
lamina densa (laminae rarae interna and externa) and in various absence or presence of a high degree of orientation in their fibrous
other features associated with the specialized filtering functions of elements.
this structure (p. 1822). In some situations the basal lamina may be
particularly thick and so, incidentally, easier to investigate, as in the
glomerular membrane of the kidney, the lens capsule, the anterior IRREGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUES
limiting (Descemet’s) membrane in the cornea and Reichert’s mem-
These can be further subdivided into loose, dense and adipose.
brane in the placenta of certain mammals (see Kefalides 1973;
Heathcote & Grant 1981).
Loose (areolar) connective tissue
Reticular (or fibroreticular) lamina Loose connective tissue is the most generalized form (2.80, 99). It is
The reticular lamina consists of dense matrix containing collagen extensively distributed and its chief use is to bind parts together,
filaments including (in skin) those of Type VII collagen (anchoring though allowing a considerable amount of movement to take place
fibrils) which bind the lamina densa to the adjacent connective tissue. because of its elasticity. It occurs as the submucous coat in the
The high concentration of proteoglycans in this zone is responsible digestive tract and as subserous tissue. It forms the subcutaneous
for the positive PAS reaction in light microscopic sections. tissue in regions where this is devoid of fat as in the eyelids, penis,
the scrotum and labia. It is also found between muscles, vessels and
Functions of basal laminae nerves, forming their investing sheaths and connecting them with
The basal laminae perform important roles in the biology of the surrounding structures. It is present in the interior of organs, binding
tissues lying in contact with them. They form selectively permeable together the lobes and lobules of compound glands, various coats
barriers between adjacent tissues in some cases (as in the glomerular of the hollow viscera and muscle and nerve fibres.
filter of the kidney’s retaining large molecules but allowing small Loose connective tissue consists of a meshwork of thin collagen
ones to pass); they have mechanical functions, forming anchoring and elastin fibres interlacing in all directions to give a measure of
intermediaries between epithelial and connective tissues, assisting to both elasticity and tensile strength. The large meshes contain the
stabilize and orientate the tissue layers; they also have profound soft, pliable semifluid ground substance composed of proteoglycans,
instructive effects on the adjacent tissues, determining their polarity, and the different connective tissue cells, scattered along the fibres or
rate of cell division, metabolism, movements and repair. In addition, in the meshes. Occasional adipocytes, usually in small groups, are
they act as pathways for the migration and routing of growing cell seen, particularly around blood vessels.
processes, for example in regeneration in the peripheral nervous
system after injury (p. 956) when basal lamina components guide the Dense irregular connective tissue
outgrowth of axons and the re-establishment of neuromuscular Dense irregular connective tissue is found in regions which experience
junctions. Changes in basal lamina thickness are also often associated considerable mechanical stress and where protection is given to
with pathological conditions, as in the thickening of the glomerular ensheathed organs. The matrix contains a high proportion of collagen
membrane in glomerulonephritis and diabetes, although it may be fibres which form thick bundles (2.99) interweaving in three dimen-
difficult to allot causes and effects in such cases. For further reading sions and giving considerable strength. Active fibroblasts are few in
on the structure and properties of the basal lamina see Inoue (1989), number and most are flattened with heterochromatic nuclei. The
Farquhar (1991), Alberts et al (1994), Yurchenco and O’Rear (1994). vascular supply is limited, as might be expected.
Examples may be found in the reticular layer of the dermis, the
connective tissue sheaths of muscle and nerves and the adventitia of
CLASSIFICATION OF CONNECTIVE large blood vessels. The capsules of various glands, the coverings of
TISSUES various organs such as the penis and testes, the sclera of the eye and
periostea and perichondria are all composed of dense irregular
88 The connective tissues differ considerably in appearance, consistency connective tissue.

Adipose tissue fat, synovial membranes, etc.), and may also serve more complex,
A few fat cells occur in loose connective tissue in most parts of the cosmetic or behavioural functions. In some regions the connective
body. However, in adipose tissue (2.82, 83) they occur in great tissue framework of the fatty tissue often contains large amounts of
abundance and constitute the principal component. Adipose tissue elastic tissue and in emaciation these deposits, where mechanically
occurs only in certain regions and this selective distribution suggests important, tend to be spared until a late stage, for example, plantar
that the fat is deposited in genetically determined sites. It occurs in and palmar superficial fasciae, and perirenal fat. In the newborn
abundance in subcutaneous tissue, which is sometimes referred to as human, as in many adult lower mammals, there are areas of specialized
the panniculus adiposus, and around the kidneys, in the mesenteries
and omenta, in the female breast, in the orbit behind the eyeball, in
the marrow of bones deep to the plantar skin of the foot, and as
localized pads in the synovial membrane of many joints. Its dis-
tribution in subcutaneous tissue shows characteristic age and sex
Adipose tissue consists of adipocytes (p. 76) embedded in a vascular
loose connective tissue, which is usually divided into lobules by
stronger fibrous septa carrying the larger blood vessels, whence each
lobule receives an independent blood supply. Within the lobules the
fat cells are round or, when mutually compressed, polygonal. Loose
connective tissue and septa both contain the other cellular com-
ponents of fibrous tissue. Fat deposits serve as energy stores, sources
of metabolic lipids, thermal insulation (subcutaneous fat), mechanical
shock-absorbers (e.g. soles of the feet, palms of the hands, gluteal

2.98 Loose connective tissue in the mesentery, viewed as a whole mount -

preparation stained to show the interwoven collagen fibres (red) and network
of thin elastin fibres, with interspersed cells. Van Gieson/Verhoeff’s stain.
Magnification x 200.

2.99 Scanning electron micrograph of dense irregular connective tissue

(human dermis) showing the complex interwoven nature of its fibrous matrix. 2.100 Three types of arrangement of collagen fibres in: (a) dense irregular
Magnification x 1000. connective tissue; (B) a ligament; (c) a tendon. 89
Ra es -— . Sh
si te a Ste, a ae Pe

e. ‘ ve
2.103 A section of fetal mesenchyme showing mucoid tissue sparsely
populated with cells. Magnification x 500.

2.101 Transverse section of a tendon showing fibrocytes enclosed Regular connective tissue is predominantly collagenous but in
between bundles of collagen fibres. some ligaments elastic components also occur, as in the ligamenta
flava of the vertebral laminae and in the vocal folds. Some elastin is
also present between the collagen lamellae of many other ligaments
and fasciae. In other sites, the collagen fibres may form precise
geometrical patterns, as in the cornea (see p. 1326).
Mucoid tissue. This is a fetal or embryonic type of connective
tissue (2.103), found chiefly as a stage in the development of con-
nective tissue from mesenchyme. It exists in the ‘jelly of Wharton’,
which forms the bulk of the umbilical cord, and consists of a copious
matrix, largely made up of hydrated ‘mucosubstances’ and a fine
meshwork of collagen fibres, in which nucleated cells with branching
process (probably fibroblasts) are found (Boyd & Hamilton 1970).
However, the stellate appearance of the cells in Wharton’s jelly
probably results from fixation and staining of excised cords which
have suffered a haemodynamic collapse (Parry 1970). When this is
avoided the cells are aligned and strap-like. Such findings may well
apply to other situations in which mucoid tissue is found. Usually
few fibres occur in typical mucoid tissue, though at birth the umbilical
cord shows a considerable development of perivascular collagen
fibres; after birth it is still to be seen in the pulp of a developing
tooth. In the adult the vitreous body of the eye is a persistent form
2.102 Longitudinal section through a tendon, showing the parallel organ-
of mucoid tissue in which the fibres and cells are very few in number,
ization of its collagen fibres. A few long, flattened fibrocyte nuclei are also
visible. Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x 200. and the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is similar.
Pigmented connective tissue. Such tissue, as occurs in the
choroid and in the lamina fusca of the sclera of the eye, is composed
of loose connective tissue, in which large numbers of pigment cells
(melanocytes) are also present.
brown fat, which is capable of generating heat by the breakdown of
nutrients in unusual mitochondria (see also pp. 34, 77).
REGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUES Generally, few blood vessels supply the tissue itself, the numbers of
cells and, therefore, the metabolic demand being relatively low,
Regular connective tissue includes those highly fibrous tissues with although many blood vessels may pass through en route for other
fibres regularly orientated, either to form sheets such as fasciae and tissues, as in loose connective tissue. In dense collagenous or elastic
aponeuroses, or thicker bundles as ligaments or tendons (2.100-102). tissues the blood vessels usually run parallel to and between the
The direction of the fibres within such structures is related to the longitudinal bundles, sending communicating branches across the
stresses which they undergo but there is considerable interweaving of bundles; in some of its forms, such as in the periosteum and dura
fibrous bundles, even within tendons, which increases their structural mater, they are fairly numerous. Lymphatic vessels are very numerous
stability and resilience. in most forms of connective tissue, especially in the loose tissue
The fibroblasts which secrete the fibres may eventually become beneath the skin and the mucous and serous surfaces. They also
trapped within the fibrous structure, where they are compressed, and occur abundantly in the sheaths of tendons, as well as in the
present highly angular outlines. Cross-sections of tendons show tendons themselves. Nerve endings of various kinds also terminate
inactive fibroblasts with stellate profiles and small heterochromatic in connective tissues and provide sensory innervation detecting
nuclei. Fibroblasts on the external surface may be active in continued mechanical stresses, painful stimuli and thermal changes (see p. 965).
fibre formation and they afford a pool of cells able to repair damage In adipose tissue, sympathetic efferents are important in regulating
(see McMinn 1969). the metabolism of adipose cells, especially the breakdown of lipid.

Section Editor: Patricia Collins

The basic developmental pattern of this chapter was laid down by the late Peter Williams; it has provided a sound foundation.
The dramatic advances of molecular biology since the last edition have produced vast amounts of data on developing systems,
synthesis of which has provided some insight into common embryonic processes occurring in all systems of the body. An account
of the diverse development of each system has only been possible because of the specialist advice and help from many
contributors, each experts in their fields. Significant portions of the text have been revised by Mark Ferguson, Sarah Guthrie,
Frank Billett, Sue Kimber and John Aplin; and contributions have been gratefully received from Aidan Breathnach, Nigel Brown,
Duncan Davidson, John Carroll, Nicole Le Douarin, Bob Edwards, Anne Ferguson-Smith, Tom Fleming, Peter Holland, Martin
Johnson, Anthony Lander, Barry Mitchell, Isabella Moore, Antoon Moorman, Gonzalo Moscoso, Charles Roedeck, Paul Sharpe,
Richard Sharpe, Cheryl Tickle and Michael Whitaker.
Illustrations have been provided by Kevin Marks, Peter Lamb, Peter Jack, Jenny Halstead, Mark Hay and Andrew Bezear and
Denise Smith.
This chapter has evolved in its revision reflecting the changing and improving techniques now used for examining embryos. It
has also grown by interstitial and accretionary growth, to encompass the increase in the depth and extent of our understanding
of developmental processes.
Although the chapter has been written to provide the most up to date account of the subject as we go to press, | hope it is also
accessible to a wide range of students who hopefully will become inspired by the subject and contribute to it in the future.

Introduction 92 Development of individual Musculoskeletal system 264

Developmental biology 102 systems 173 Axial skeleton and muscles 265
Historical perspective 102 Respiratory and gastrointestinal Head 271
Current concepts 105 systems 174 Head development and evolution 287
Generation of the embryonic body Primitive foregut 174 Appendicular skeleton and
plan 118 Postpharyngeal foregut 181 muscles 288
Early human development 121 Midgut 188 Similarities in the developmental
Female gamete 121 Primitive hindgut 191 mechanisms of facial primordia and
Male gamete 125 Development of body cavities 192 limb buds 293
Union of the gametes 129 Urinary and reproductive systems 199 Skin and appendages 294
Preimplantation development 134 Urinary system 199 Cardiovascular system 298
Postimplantation development 137 Reproductive system 204 Development of the heart 299
Nutrition 157 Environmental effects on gonadal Embryonic circulation 310
Fetal membranes 158 development 211 Lymphatic and lymphoid system 327
Definition of the human placenta 166 Nervous system and special sense Prenatal growth inform and size 328
organs 217 Congenital malformations and prenatal
Peripheral nervous system 233 diagnosis 333
Central nervous system 238
Ectodermal placodes and special
sense organs 257

The life cycle passes through phases, from gametes to zygote, embryo appreciation of the emergent pattern of the vertebrate embryo as it
to fetus and finally juvenile to adult. Revolution of the cycle is passes through phases shared by a common ancestor.
ensured by the repetition of this sequence. In humans, gamete
production occurs in the female during embryonic life and is com- CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGY
pleted prior to birth; in males gamete cell lines are stored during
the embryonic and juvenile stage ready for further replication in Almost all of the terms which were employed to describe the
adulthood. In terms of the propagation of individuals, the accurate development of chordates came into use during the second half of
copying of DNA during gametogenesis, the inclusion of variation in the 19th century. The acceptance of a generally understood, and
the code during meiosis and the successful production of a viable internationally acceptable, terminology was essential to the emerg-
juvenile, which is able to pass on its DNA, are the major features ence of embryology as a true numerate, experimental science in its
of the cycle. The mechanisms which control phases of the cycle are own right. However, during the closing decades of the century
contained within the genome and expression of genes and their important concepts became embodied in terms which implied support
products, in particular sequences, result in the morphological changes for the comparative principle based on the dominance of the germ
seen during embryo formation. Study of the interactions of molecules layer theory and on the rarely questioned view that the embryological
responsible for such morphological changes forms the basis of development of animals recapitulated important facets of their evol-
developmental biology. The embryology and development section is ution.
initially concerned with those basic features of development which An examination of the origin and meaning of the terms currently
are common to all multicellular (metazoan) animals, more especially used to describe embryonic development reveals alist still dominated
chordate craniates, particularly as viewed in the light of their by 19th-century terminology. The familiar terms morula, blastula
evolutionary history. The experimental work, genetic analysis and and gastrula derive from Haeckel’s (1874) view that early stages of
the concepts of the later 20th-century developmental biology are development correspond to a sequence whereby, during evolution, a
outlined. Following a description of the earliest assumption of simple multicellular mass of cells initially gave rise to a hollow
embryonic morphology, the development of the human embryo is sphere; subsequent invagination of part of the outer surface of the
considered in detail in relation to the development of individual sphere produced a two-layered structure, designated by Haeckel as
systems; in each case descriptions of embryonic morphology are the gastreae stage of evolution, equivalent to the relatively simple
supported by experimental evidence of the underlying molecular gastrula stage of many marine organisms, for instance that of the
mechanisms. The consequences of error in developing systems are sea urchin (p.96). This initial invagination of embryonic cells was
examined. thus termed gastrulation. Although the progression envisaged by
Haeckel was hypothetical, it is important to understand that it was
driven by the evolutionary imperative and derived much of its
THE COMPARATIVE PRINCIPLE plausibility from observations of embryos.
There are two important, indeed fundamental, approaches to ana- The notion that gastrulation is the most important phase of
tomical study which lead to a significantly deeper understanding of development is historically related to its association with the germ
the structure of the human body not only at the gross and histological layer theory, particularly in relation to chordates. Basically this
levels but also, increasingly, at the molecular level; these concern the theory, originally formulated by Von Baer (1837) and later refined
comparative and developmental aspects, particularly through the by the brothers Hertwig (1879-83), states that the structure of all
study of craniate/vertebrate chordates and their subgroups the anam- animals above the level of coelenterates is derived from three embry-
niotes and amniotes. The importance of both aspects is deeply rooted onic layers, namely an outer ectoderm, an inner endoderm and an
in the history of the discipline of anatomy. intervening mesoderm, each layer generating specific tissue com-
The science of comparative anatomy was founded during the latter ponents corresponding to the triploblastic design of the post-
half of the 18th century and became established during the first half embryonic form. In vertebrates, for instance, it was envisaged that
of the 19th century. A notable British contribution was made by the the ectoderm gave rise to the epidermis and the major part of the
great physiologist and surgeon John Hunter (1728-93) whose vast nervous system; the endoderm generated the epithelial lining of the
collection of some 14000 specimens, many of them fossils and skeletal gut and contributed to derived glandular structures as well as to the
structures, was subsequently sorted and catalogued by Richard Owen lining of the lungs; and the mesoderm formed the vascular system
(180492) to form the basis of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal and much of the musculoskeletal structure.
College of Surgeons. Owen was influenced greatly by the ideas Although the terms ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm quickly
of ‘transcendental anatomy’ and ‘idealistic morphology’ emanating became established and were, from the outset, commonly used to
especially from Germany (Goethe, 1739-1842) and France (Geoffroy describe the germ layers, the terms epiblast or ectoblast (outer
Saint-Hilaire, 1772-1844) which fostered the notion that organisms embryonic layer), mesoblast (middle embryonic layer) and hypoblast
were related through common anatomical design. Of particular or endoblast (inner embryonic layer) were for many years recognized
interest is Owen’s distinction between homologous (same basic alternatives (Lankester 1877; Balfour 1888). Sedwick (1902) in fact
design) and analogous (same function) structures; also noteworthy suggested that the term mesoblast was the appropriate term for
was his concept of a vertebrate archetype, which laid particular the middle layer of amniotes. Certainly in some ways the ‘blast’
emphasis on the segmental organization of the skeleton. The theme terminology is preferable; it retains the embryological connotation
of comparative anatomy, that there is a basic pattern to all vertebrate implicit in many other terms (e.g. blastoderm, blastocyst, blastopore)
structure, was enhanced by the gradual realization that this pattern and clearly relates to the derived term triploblastic.
emerged during embryonic development in a relatively simple form. Currently the terms epiblast and hypoblast are used to describe
The concept of the germ layers, implying the invariant origin of the upper and lower cell layers of the amniote blastoderm respectively.
tissues, initially formulated by Von Baer (1828), together with his Recently the term mesoblast has been reinstated both to describe
emphasis that during development generalized structure precedes the middle layer of amniote embryos and to designate mesenchymal
specific and specialized structure, cemented the link between the cells produced from the primitive streak (Nakasuji 1992) (see also
developmental and comparative aspects. p. 124). In amniotes both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues
The publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species by Natural (membranes) develop. The extraembryonic tissues are derived from
Selection (1859) provided the third, and critically important, element both the epiblast and hypoblast, (see p.98), whereas the embryonic
towards an enlightened approach to the study of human anatomy tissues are derived from the epiblast alone. This critical division of
in general and to embryology in particular. Although the famous cell lineages into embryonic and extraembryonic distinguishes the
dictum of Haeckel (1874) that ontogeny (development) recapitulates amniota from the anamniota where all the cells derived from the
phylogeny (evolution) encapsulates a view that is still regarded as zygote are embryonic (see below).
92 controversial, nevertheless, it provides a useful guideline for the Despite the subsequent modification of the germ layer theory and

the rejection of the idea of the invariant fate of cells derived from subsequently used in this section to denote a temporary, embryonic
particular layers, the fundamental insight that the theory provided cell lineage, which will later generate either an epithelial or a free cell
towards an enlightened understanding of the relation between embry- arrangement. The free cell arrangement will be termed mesenchyme; it
onic development, histology and gross anatomical structure cannot will be designated according to its position or fate within the embryo.
be underestimated. The 19th-century embryologists recognized a The epithelial arrangement will be specified with reference to its
close association between the process of gastrulation and the for- structure, prospective fate and location. In view of its dynamic
mation of the middle embryonic layer. However, Balfour (1888) and nature mesenchyme should no longer be regarded as ‘embryonic
others frequently made a distinction between the two processes, connective tissue’. The reader should note that the traditional term—
because in some embryos other methods of forming the middle layer mesoderm—will be retained in the brief account of prospective fate
were envisaged. Largely as a result of experimental studies (see maps of blastulae and gastrulae in anamniota, and occasionally in
below), the modern view of gastrulation is that of a dynamic process other sections of this volume (for discussion see Collins & Billett
which shifts prospective cell populations at, or associated with, the 1995).
surface of the early embryo to its interior, resulting in the tripartite
division of material from which the basic structure of the embryo,
and thus that of the adult, is derived. Although vertebrate eggs may REPRODUCTION
differ greatly in size and thus undergo strikingly different cleavage Reproduction, the ability of an organism to reproduce a more or
patterns after fertilization, they achieve through gastrulation a less exact replica of itself, is a fundamental feature of living material;
remarkably similar result (see p.100). It is in this context that it is a property which at the onset of the origin of life (see p.3)
gastrulation, as the essential prerequisite for the determination of would have established the boundary between systems with the
triploblastic structure, may indeed be regarded as the single most attributes of life and their complex, non-living, biochemical pre-
important event in, and a vital concept of, embryonic development. cursors. The advent of cellularization, which conserved complexity,
The use of the germ layers as a focus to describe early development ensured its survival by replication but allowed the possibility of
has proved problematical in recent years due to the inflexibility of genetic variation (through mutational change) and laid the foun-
the terminology and its non-specific usage by the novice and the dation for a primitive reproductive capacity capable of further
expert. The appeal of three layers from which all structures derive evolution, initially by asexual means but ultimately by a sexual
is enduring. However, it was known at the time the theory was method.
gaining popularity that its focus on three layers was simplistic and
misleading. The acceptance of other ways of deriving embryonic Gametogenesis
cells, apart from at gastrulation, for example by ingression of Although asexual methods of reproduction are common among
neural crest cells (see below), was slow. Changes in embryological relatively simple animals, and are sometimes incorporated into the
terminology pertinent to the germ layers were not incorporated into life cycle of more advanced forms (insects), sexual reproduction is
many embryological texts, skewing the perceived value of some cell found throughout the animal kingdom. A multicellular organism
populations compared to others. The consequence has been that the which reproduces sexually consists mainly of general body (somatic)
words used to describe the middle layer of the embryo—mesoderm, cells which, although exhibiting extreme ranges of variation in size,
mesoblast, and mesenchyme (see below)—are frequently used syn- shape and specific functional as well as morphological characteristics,
onymously and without regard to changes in cell-cell contact and all possess certain common features of their genetic apparatus.
cell status; writers have ignored particularly the transition from This contrasts with the highly distinctive differentiation process and
epithelium to free cells and vice versa, such events being of significant genetic changes which occur within the gonads and result in the
importance during development. This vague use of terminology has formation of mature germ cells or gametes. General somatic cells
inhibited the precise description of the origin and interaction of usually possess a full or diploid number of chromosomes, a half of
embryonic tissues. which was originally derived from each parent. However, the activity
It is apparent that the simple invagination of a sheet of epithelial and expression of the many different gene loci on the chromosomes
cells by the deformation of a ball of cells will involve different varies in different cell types in adult tissues, and during development
cellular mechanisms from the separation of individual cells from an as differentiation occurs. The somatic cells which are capable of
epithelium to a free state (as occurs at the primitive streak, see dividing do so by the process of mitosis (p. 57). Each chromosome,
p. 142). Cells which were seen free in groups within an embryo, with having first made a faithful replica of itself and thus of its genes,
copious extracellular matrix, were termed mesenchyme by Hertwig divides longitudinally and each resultant cell is again equipped with
(1881) and were described by Lankester (1877) as mesoblast—‘cells the diploid number of chromosomes which are replicas of those in
which wandered through the matrix between the inner and outer the parent cell. During gametogenesis, however, a complex series of
layers of the embryo’. Hay (1968) suggested the terms primary changes termed meiosis are set in train (p.60). Essentially, during
mesenchyme for those cells formed by ingression at the primitive this, the original chromosome number is reduced to a half, the
streak, and secondary mesenchyme for those formed by ingression at haploid number, in which a recombination of the genetic material has
other sites, for example the neural crest (see p. 147). She noted that occurred. (Details are considered on p. 56.) The male gonad or testis
the mesenchymal cells formed from the streak usually revert to produces many small motile gametes or spermatozoa in which the
an epithelial status when they reach their destination. Thus the cytoplasmic machinery is much reduced; each consists of a nucleus
populations of mesenchymal cells within a triploblastic embryo bearing the genetic apparatus, the chromosomes, with a closely
include, inter alia: mesenchymal cells which may differentiate along applied acrosome derived from a Golgi apparatus and succeeded by a
a connective tissue lineage, migrating epithelial cells which display a long flagellum which is partly ensheathed by an energy-transforming
mesenchymal phenotype whilst migrating, and stem cells which may mitochondrial sheath (p.125). In contrast the female gonad or
retain the ability to differentiate along different lines according to ovary produces fewer, larger, non-motile ova (eggs), their cytoplasm
the local environmental influences. Recombinant experiments now containing a variable quantity of food reserves (yolk or deutoplasm).
allow mesenchyme populations to be exchanged to see if their site The fusion of the gametes forms a zygote and restores the charac-
of origin is important in determining their final fate. Thus the teristic diploid chromosome number of the species. Most importantly,
specificity with which cells are termed assists understanding of their however, as the chromosomes are derived from parents which are
possible developmental fates. genetically dissimilar, the sexual process fosters genetic variation, in
A clarification of the terminology associated with the middle layer contrast to the asexual method where it is limited to mutational
seems to be appropriate for the following reasons. Unlike the terms change.
ectoderm and endoderm, which fittingly describe the outer and inner
epithelial layers of the embryo, the term mesoderm, as currently Influence of egg size and structure
used in amniote development, applies to an embryonic tissue which The pattern of early development is greatly influenced by the size of
can be either epithelial or mesenchymal. The recognition of the the egg destined to become an embryo; this particularly affects the
importance of epithelial/mesenchymal interactions during develop- stages of cleavage and gastrulation (see below) (3.1). Depending
ment necessitates that the cellular atrangements within the embryo almost exclusively on their yolk (nutritional reserve) content, eggs
are described specifically. For this reason the term mesoblast is vary enormously in size, ranging from c.100 wm in diameter (e.g. for 93

Fertilized egg


a 100 um > < a3mm a < c. 3cm ‘a Sai c. Zum i

Microlecithal Mesolecithal Megalecithal Microlecithal
(Amphioxus) (Amphibian) (Birds and reptiles) (Eutherian mammals)

Early cleavage

Complete Complete Incomplete Complete
and equal and unequal and equal

Morula or equivalent stage


Spherical Spherical Discoid blastoderm Spherical

blastula blastula surmounts yolk morula

[D] Section through ‘blastula’ stage ‘Blastocoele’

Inner cell


In anamniotes (e.g. primitive chordates, ganoid fish and all amphibians) the In amniotes (reptiles, birds and mammals) the embryo is confined to an
whole blastula is transformed into an embryo. initially discoid part of the blastula or to an inner cell mass. The remainder
forms supportive and protective extraembryonic membranes, i.e. amnion,
chorion, yolk sac, allantois, and contributes to placental structures.

3.1 Early development of chordates |: egg size, yolk volume and dis- Note: (i) Blastocoelic development is not always associated with mega-
tribution, cleavage pattern. lecithal eggs; the eggs of most modern boy fish (teleosts) are relatively small
A-D. Variation in the pattern of cleavage in chordate embryos associated but exhibit a blastodermic type of development. (ii) The blastocoele of
with differences in odcyte size, yolk volume and distribution. The overall Amphioxus and amphibians is probably not homologous with the apparently
phylogenetic trend is from left to right and the developmental progression is similar spaces in birds and reptiles, and the blastocyst cavity of mammals.
94 from above downwards.

sea urchins and mammals) to over 1cm (most birds and many degree; even the most mosaic eggs retain some regulative capacity
reptiles); if volumes are compared, related to the power of 3, the (conferred by polar lobe material) and similarly most regulative eggs
difference is obviously even more striking. This difference in size is possess some degree of mosaicism.
concerned with such factors as the need to disperse the progeny as
quickly as possible, through the agency of a larval form (e.g. teleosts Fertilization
and sea urchins), or the need to sustain embryonic development for Fertilization, the fusion of egg and sperm, achieves many purposes:
as long as possible, in the virtually closed environment of a cleidoic it restores the chromosomal complement of the species; it determines
egg (e.g. birds). In the first case large numbers of small eggs are the chromosomal sex of the new individual possessing either XX or
produced by the female and fertilization is external, in the second XY sex chromosomes; it fosters genetic variation (in contrast to the
only a few large eggs are produced, for which internal fertilization asexual method where the variation is limited to mutational change)
is a prerequisite. The situation among present-day reptiles, birds and because the chromosomes are derived from genetically dissimilar
mammals (collectively referred to as amniotes) is particularly relevant parents; and it also activates the developmental potential of the egg
to that which now exists in man. Both birds and mammals evolved itself. The presence of an X or Y chromosome has far-reaching
from reptilian precursors (see p.5) who by their ability to lay eggs consequences on all body systems, especially in terms of embryonic
which could develop on land achieved complete independence of the growth rate and final size, on the later proportions of muscle and
general aqueous environment to which their amphibian ancestors fat in the body and also on some brain and spinal cord nuclei.
were restricted. (Better eggs rather than stronger legs were essential Activation, which can also be achieved artificially or partheno-
for the conquest of land.) The problems posed by the closed environ- genetically, initiates the first stage of the reproductive process, the for-
ment of the egg, relating to the provision of a local aqueous milieu, mation of the embryo. The reproductive cycle is completed by the
respiration, efficient utilization of the stored yolk and the enforced production of sexually mature individuals capable of forming gametes,
storage of excretory products were solved by the evolution of ensuring the continuation of the species-specific replicative process.
extraembryonic membranes (see below). The reptilian precursors of For all vertebrates and most invertebrates the process of repro-
the eutherian mammals at first retained their yolk-laden eggs and duction, leading to maturity, is a long and complicated one. It is not
then utilized the existing membrane structures to make contact with so with simpler organisms which may merely divide after reaching
the female parent, thus initiating the evolution of the varieties of the requisite level of complexity; here the time between successive
placentae and complete dependence of embryonic development on generations (the reproductive period) is short and favours a rapid
the mother. Egg retention virtually eliminated the need for yolk with increase in number (as in bacteria and protozoa). The reproduction
a consequent secondary reduction in the size of the egg to that now of an organism can only be said to be complete when it is itself
seen in mammals. This trend can be detected among a few present- capable of, or participating in, the reproductive process. In metazoan
day reptile groups, for example skinks. Thus although the eggs of animals three phases can be recognized. The first of these is embryo-
mammals are similar in size to those of many marine invertebrates genesis (which is considered in the following section); it is followed
their evolutionary history has produced a fundamental difference in by a period dominated by growth (see p.365) and finally by the
structure; this must be borne in mind when their development is phase leading to sexual maturity.
Apart from size, embryonic development is determined, in a
fundamental way, by the intrinsic molecular structure of the egg.
In anamniotes, this structure is generated during odgenesis and Fertilized, activated eggs containing both male and female pronuclei
subsequently modified by odcyte maturation which transforms the are termed zygotes. All zygotes undergo, initially, similar devel-
diploid odcyte into the haploid egg. This process confers a distinct opmental processes; these are cleavage and gastrulation. Those
radial symmetry, centred around the animal—vegetal axis, in many zygotes which develop in cleidoic eggs also produce extraembryonic
eggs. (A cephalocaudal axis in the case of insects.) The subsequent membranes which enable the nutritive yolk to be supplied to the
formation of a dorsoventral axis, usually by fertilization, establishes embryo, establish a respiratory exchange, allow waste products to
bilateral symmetry. The time of appearance, degree and reversibility be removed and permit an aqueous environment to develop around
of the appearance of this bilateral symmetry varies greatly between the embryo itself. Similar membranes develop in mammalian embryos
animal groups; in some cases the bilateral symmetry appears to be but they are especially concerned with establishing a connection
directly related to the point of sperm entry, but frequently it is not. between the embryonic tissues and the maternal circulation, i.e. a
The comparative and experimental evidence for the existence of this placenta. Development to this end is termed implantation. Thus in
inherent symmetry, its relative fixity and lability, and especially the mammals generally, and for man in particular, stages of embryonic
role of the egg cortex, was established many years ago. With the development are also subdivided. A distinction is often made between
recent discovery of genes which determine polarity it remains an development occurring before the zygote has established a firm
important focus of current research. connection with the mother; this is sometimes referred to as pre-
Egg structure provides the heterogeneous cytoplasmic environment implantation development (a stage when manipulation of the zygote
which interacts with the genetic programme emanating from the can occur; see p. 132), and subsequent development which is termed
zygote nucleus at the beginning of development. The subsequent postimplantation. The earliest development of all embryos
progressive interaction and mutual modification of cytoplasmic and (postimplantation in mammals) is termed primary embryogenesis, a
nuclear components was the basis of Morgan’s (1934) explanation of stage when cell populations are formed and massive cell migrations
the generation of diverse cell types during embryonic development. occur. Later, the development of organs and systems is referred to
The experimental analysis of the causal mechanisms of development as organogenesis. When mammalian embryos reach a certain size,
(see p.103) has revealed that zygotes exhibit some degree of seg- growth rather than morphogenesis occurs. The embryo is referred
regation of cytoplasmic elements (determinants). However, the to as a fetus; this occurs at 56-57 postovulatory days in humans
degree, precision and lability of this segregation varies greatly among when the onset of bone marrow formation in the humerus can be
animal groups. In some invertebrate eggs, for instance those of seen (Streeter 1949); at this stage more than 90% of the named
platyhelminthes, molluscs and annelids, a highly ordered structure structures of the adult body have appeared. The term conceptus
is associated with a precise pattern of spiral cleavage, although in defines the embryo (or fetus) plus its associated extraembryonic (or
others, such as ascidians, it is not. With this type of egg structure fetal) membranes.
the fate of the initial cleavage cells is fixed, and a cell separated at
this stage results in the development of a partial embryo; cleavage Cleavage
of this kind is referred to as determinate, and proceeds to mosaic Cleavage is the process by which the first mitotic divisions of the
development. In contrast eggs possessing a more labile cytoplasmic zygote produce the founder cells of the embryo, and, in amniotes,
structure are referred to as indeterminate; they undergo regulative also the cells which give rise to the extraembryonic membranes. The
development. Here each of the first few cells of the embryo has the process, by dividing the large amount of egg cytoplasm between
capacity to form a complete although (obviously) smaller embryo many smaller cells, restores the nuclear/cytoplasm ratio of the cells;
(see p. 102). However, it is important to note that the implied little growth occurs during this time. The first cells formed by
distinction between the two types of egg structure is only one of cleavage are called blastomeres. The pattern of cleavage differs 95


between (and frequently within) the Classes: it depends upon the destined to form extraembryonic structures, especially the placenta,
amount of yolk in the zygote and the factors within the cytoplasm and an inner cell mass which will in part give rise to the embryo.
which influence the timing of mitosis and the angle of the mitotic The trophoblast cells secrete fluid into the morula producing a space
spindle. Divisions can occur through the animal and vegetal poles of and sequestering the inner cell mass to one side of the trophoblast.
the zygote—meridionally, or between the poles—equatorially; the The structure so formed is the blastocyst; it is specific to mammalian
divisions can also produce equal or unequal-sized daughter cells. In development.
most species apart from mammals the rate of cell division and the
position of the blastomeres is patterned by maternal factors in the
cytoplasm; the genome of the zygote does not appear to function in Gastrulation is a process in which the cells of the blastula are
these early stages. The differences in cleavage pattern will be briefly rearranged into new positions to form a basic multilayered body
described (3.1). plan of the embryo. During this process large cell populations
In the sea urchin which has small (miolecithal) eggs and thus small move in concert to become apposed to other initially distant cell
zygotes, the first two cleavage planes pass meridionally and at right populations. Cell populations which will be found in certain positions
angles to each other; the third cleavage is equatorial. Subsequent within the embryo after gastrulation can be identified on the blastula
cleavages, however, are different for those cells at the animal pole surface before gastrulation begins; thus the embryonic layers, ecto-
and those at the vegetal. Ultimately a hollow biastula (a ball of cells derm, endoderm and mesoderm, can be mapped on the blastula
with a central cavity or blastocoele) will be formed. This cleavage surface of, for example, amphibians, and the prospective regions of
pattern is described as radial holoblastic (complete) cleavage, the certain tissues can be predicted in birds and mammals (3.3 indicates
same as in Amphioxus. the time and stage at which gastrulation occurs in chick, rat, mouse
The amphibian zygote is mesolecithal: it contains much more yolk and human embryos).
concentrated in the vegetal pole, which prevents initial symmetric Invertebrate gastrulation. The simplest form of gastrulation
cleavages. In this class cleavage is unequal. Cleavage furrows extend entails the invagination of a roughly spherical, single-layered ball of
from the animal to the vegetal pole but at differing rates, passing cells (the blastula), to form a double-layered structure containing a
faster through the animal pole cytoplasm and more slowly through new cavity, the archenteron. The initially circular rim through which
the vegetal pole yolk. The first two cleavage planes are meridional invagination occurs is the blastopore. Sea urchin gastrulation is of
and the third is equatorial but forms above the yolk resulting in an this kind. In such embryos the archenteron expands forward to make
unequal cytoplasmic distribution. Thus the embryo has four smaller contact with, and fuse with, a small depression, the stomodeum. In
cells at the animal pole and four larger cells at the vegetal. The this way the ‘mouth’ of the pluteus larva of the sea urchin is formed.
cleavage pattern is still radial holoblastic. ‘The original blastoporal opening of the archenteron remains as the
In reptiles and birds the enormous amount of yolk in the mega- ‘anus’ of the larval gut. In these embryos as soon as gastrulation
lecithal zygote allows cleavage to occur only in the blastodisc at the starts mesenchyme cells form and break free from the invaginating
animal pole. Cleavage furrows appear on the blastodisc but do not inner wall of the blastocoele; these primary mesenchyme cells foster
penetrate the yolk. A single-layered blastoderm is initially produced; the deposition of calcite spicules which form the larval skeleton. A
then equatorial cleavages divide the cells into a layer three to four further population of mesenchyme cells is generated from the anterior
cells thick. The yolky eggs of most fishes also develop in this way. region of the invaginating archenteron. Filopodial extensions of the
As the zygote is not completely cleaved in these animals, cleavage is mesenchyme cells assist the gastrulation process (these extensions
termed meroblastic and, in the case of reptiles, birds and most fish traverse the mucopolysaccharide matrix enclosed in the blastocoele
where only a blastodisc is present, cleavage is discoid. cavity and become attached to the inner wall of the blastula and by
Mammalian cleavage is very different from the other types of contraction drag the archenteron inwards (Gustafson & Kinnaider
cleavage described. Mammalian zygotes are very small (average 1956; Gustafson & Wolpert 1961). It is important to note the
diameter 100m) being miolecithal due to the secondary reduction association between the invagination of the archenteron and the
of yolk associated with viviparity. Despite this reduction in yolk, a internal proliferation of a mesenchyme cell lineage. (For details of
polarity can be identified in the odcyte prior to fertilization, by the sea urchin gastrulation see Gilbert 1991.)
eccentric position of the spindle and a lack of microvilli on the Chordate gastrulation. The simplest form of this is seen in the
odlemma directly superjacent; this region is also the site of extrusion development of Amphioxus (Branchiostoma); here, as in the sea
of the polar cells on completion of meiosis. It seems that sperm do urchin, a gastrula is formed by the invagination of a spherical
not generally penetrate the odcyte in this region; no symmetry blastula (3.2). However, unlike the sea urchin, the invagination
appears to be conferred by sperm entry. After fertilization the male process involves the movement of defined prospective areas of meso-
pronucleus moves through the (now) zygote cytoplasm towards the derm and endoderm from the blastula surface to the interior as the
centre, as does the female pronucleus after its meiotic division is archenteron is formed; also no free mesenchyme cells are proliferated
completed. Thus at the commencement of cleavage the two pronuclei into the blastocoelic space. At the end of gastrulation the roof and
are relatively central in the zygote. At present there is no firm evidence upper sides of the archenteron are formed by mesoderm, and the
concerning the absence or presence of segregated developmental rest of the cavity is lined with endoderm. At the end of gastrulation,
determinants in the human oécyte cytoplasm. the mesodermal (chordamesodermal) roof of the archenteron, in
Cleavage in mammals is slow in comparison to amphibians, each contact with the overlying ectoderm, induces the formation of a
division being 12 to 24 hours apart (a frog zygote can divide into neural tube. Then the margins of the endoderm (lateral to the
37000 cells in 43 hours). The first cleavage plane is meridional, as chordamesoderm) pass medially where they meet and fuse in the
in other species. However, in the second cleavage only one cell mid-dorsal line, to form a rod-like notochord above and the roof of
divides meridionally; the other divides equatorially. Later the four the true enteron (embryonic gut) below. Simultaneously a series of
blastomeres undergo rearrangement to bring the cleavage planes at mesodermic evaginations form segmental coelomic pouches; these
right angles to each other. This type of cleavage is termed rotational expand and fuse to form the coelom (3.2). Although these initial
holoblastic and appears to be peculiar to mammals (Gulyas 1975). stages of the development of Amphioxus (a prototype chordate) serve
The early cleaved cells do not divide synchronously, so there is often as a good model for the early development of most vertebrates it
a 3-cell stage, or a 5-cell stage. Unlike most other animals, the zygote must be remembered, however, that the formation of metamerically
genome is activated during early cleavage in mammals so that these arranged coelomic pouches is an unusual feature. Moreover, no real
early cleavage planes are not controlled by maternal cytoplasmic head structure is formed in Amphioxus and it has an excretory system
determinants as in amphibian cleavage (see above). Following the whose basic elements, solenocytes, resemble the flame cells of flat
third cleavage, i.e. at the 8-cell stage, the mammalian blastomeres, worms (Goodrich 1930). Above all a defining feature of vertebrate
alone, undergo compaction, where the cells maximize their contact development, the neural crest, is missing (see below); this raises the
with each other, forming a compact ball of cells. The outer cells possibility of the diphyletic origin of chordates (see Lovtrup 1974).
form tight junctions, whereas the inner cells form gap junctions. The Amphibian gastrulation. The amphibian provides a_ better
outer cells also exhibit cellular polarity with distinct outer (polar) example of vertebrate gastrulation. The process involves invagination
and inner (apolar) surfaces. The fourth cleavage division produces a of predetermined regions of the blastula via a blastopore which is at
96 16-cell morula which has an outer layer of cells, termed trophoblast, first crescent-shaped with only a dorsal blastoporal lip; it then accrues





tissue Archenteron
Mesoderm Notochord \ a
Endoderm Blastopore
BLASTULA (complete and sagittal section) GASTRULATION
showing presumptive fate map




Ectoderm Neural tissue


Wievodevin Blastopore

BLASTULA Involution Gastrulation
(sagittal section) of cells
showing presumptive fate map
Archenteron Notochord

Region of
coelom formation


(Head region) One
vesicle Neural crest Ectoderm
Neural tube

Hind brain Somite

Midbrain Gut
Optic = endoderm +
vesicle splanchnopleuric mesoderm

Forebrain = ectoderm +
somatopleuric mesoderm


3.2 Early development of chordates II: gastrulation, neurulation, basic and neurulation in Amphioxus (a) and an amphibian (B).
body plan. c. Basic structure of a vertebrate embryo modified to show initial disposition
A-B. Comparison of early development. Gastrulation, mesoderm formation of the neural crest mesenchyme. (After Waddington 1958.) 97

lateral borders becoming U-shaped; lastly a ventral border can be Mammalian gastrulation. The gastrulation movements seen in
discerned and the blastopore presents, finally, a circular hole in the reptilian and avian embryos evolved as adaptations to eggs with
vegetative hemisphere. The amphibian blastula (generally) possesses large amounts of yolk. Interestingly these movements are retained
two layers of cells over the animal hemisphere, including around the in mammalian embryos even though there is a secondary reduction
marginal zone near the equator, whereas the vegetal hemisphere is in the size of the eggs caused by the development of viviparity. The
full of larger yolk-laden cells. Both layers of the animal hemisphere transformation of the mammalian embryonic cells, the inner cell
invaginate at the blastopore. The dynamic movements of chorda- mass, into a two-layered germinal disc composed of (as in avian
mesodermal cells from the exterior to the interior via the dorsal lip embryos) epiblast and hypoblast corresponds to the end of cleavage
of the blastopore, and of the mesoderm later via the lateral lips, are (the blastula stage) of other vertebrate embryos. A primitive streak
matched by a more passive inward movement of mesoderm and appears on the epiblast surface through which prospective embryonic
prospective endoderm via the ventral lip. endoderm and mesoblast cells are shifted (and/or generated) from
There are important differences in detail between the two major the epiblast into their relative positions beneath the remaining surface
groups of amphibians which relate to the precise location of the ectoderm.
prospective mesoderm and may reflect the diphyletic origin of the It is apparent that the production of a layered embryo by the
Class. In urodeles (newts and salamanders, e.g. Amblystoma) the invagination of a spherical blastula (amphibian) is superseded by a
prospective mesoderm is located on the surface of the blastula; in different mechanism in b/astodermic gastrulation (reptiles and birds),
anurans (frogs and toads, e.g. Xenopus) it is located immediately some mechanisms of which are retained in mammalian gastrulation.
beneath an outer layer of cells in an area corresponding to that seen The morphology of the cells formed by this latter ingression is
in urodeles (Keller 1975; 1976). 3.2 presents the classic picture of different, as is the extensive production of extraembryonic structures
gastrulation and its consequences in a typical urodele. The site of (see below) for both in ovo development and in utero development.
the dorsal lip of the blastopore is indicated by a small pigmented The final derivation of the embryo from a simple layer of epithelium,
depression more or less at the boundary between the marginal zone the induction of the primitive streak and the production of mes-
and the yolk-laden vegetal cells; invagination to form the archenteron enchyme are all unlike the early types of gastrulation.
thus begins in the grey crescent area in a region of prospective
endoderm. The invagination of the cranial endoderm is followed, Extraembryonic membranes—the evolution of amniotes
progressively, by that of the chordamesoderm, and somitic and Ancestral reptiles developed a mechanism of containing highly yolky
lateral plate mesoderm. This movement gradually involves the entire eggs within a closed environment (the cleidoic egg). Embryos develop-
blastopore which is simply the morphological manifestation of the ing in such an environment produced not only the ectoderm and
dynamic movement of cells from the surface to the interior. The endoderm concerned with embryonic development but also exten-
invaginated chordamesoderm, which is located in the roof of the sions of these layers (membranes) which formed around the yolk to
archenteron, becomes constricted lateromedially and extended aid the transport of nutrients, between the embryo and the egg shell
craniocaudally through the intercalation of its component cells to allow gas transfer, as an extension of the gut to sequester waste
(Keller 1984). The remaining mesoderm comes to lie between the products outside the embryo, and around the embryo to provide
outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm which eventually lines an aqueous environment for embryonic development. Thus the
most of the archenteron. The lateral components of the so-called extraembryonic membranes were formed.
‘mesodermal mantle’ are arranged in the order expected from the Four fundamental extraembryonic membranes develop. The yolk sac
disposition of their prospective precursors on the surface of the and the allantois are continuous with, and derived from, the embry-
blastula. onic endoderm and splanchnopleuric mesoderm. They become associ-
The material first carried in at the dorsal lip forms the prechordal ated with extraembryonic blood vessels thus producing a vascular
plate (Adlemann 1922, 1926; see also p. 147); it consists of mesoderm splanchnopleure. When yolk is present the vascularized yolk sac
and foregut endoderm. The coelom, in amphibians, is formed by encloses and ensures the utilization of the stored material. The
cavitation of the mesoderm; there are no coelomic pouches as seen allantois serves to store excretory waste and, with the chorion, it
in Amphioxus. Once the archenteron roof has been formed by the may form a respiratory membrane. The amnion and chorion are
chordamesoderm its proximity to the overlying ectoderm initiates developed from, and are in continuity with, the embryonic ectoderm
induction of the neural plate which rolls up and fuses into a neural and the somatopleuric mesoderm; they form an avascular som-
tube. In amphibians neural populations are formed in the trunk and atopleure. The amnion and associated chorion provide an aqueous
head from cells termed neural crest; these cells also give rise to environment, physical protection, and, after secondary vas-
mesenchymal populations in the head. Neural crest cells are found, cularization, a means of respiratory exchange with the exterior. The
prior to neurulation, between the neural plate and the surface secondary vascularization of the chorion is by co-aptation and fusion
ectoderm in all vertebrate embryos. (For a detailed account of of its internal aspect, depending on the Class and Species, on some
amphibian gastrulation see Gilbert 1991.) combination of: a normally expanding yolk sac; a partially or wholly
Reptilian and avian gastrulation. The presence of large amounts inverted yolk sac; or a (highly) variably expanded allantois. The
of yolk in the eggs of reptiles and birds not only confines cleavage production of the extraembryonic membranes is of such evolutionary
to the blastoderm but either severely limits (reptiles) or completely significance that reptiles, birds and mammals are collectively termed
prevents the formation of an archenteron. At the end of cleavage in amniotes.
these forms the blastoderm consists of two layers of cells, an upper Of the egg-laying amniotes, many present-day reptiles, all birds,
epiblast and a lower hypoblast which is adjacent to the yolk. The and the prototheria (e.g. the duck-billed platypus) develop extra-
predetermined cells which formed a spherical blastula in, for example, embryonic membranes as described above. As embryonic develop-
amphibians, is now represented in two dimensions on the epiblast ment proceeds (3.3), the amnion develops as folds from the
of the flattened blastoderm. The outward sign of gastrulation is the ectodermal body wall which grow from the head, tail and lateral
formation of the primitive streak on the surface of the embryo; this regions of the embryo; the folds fuse over the dorsal surface of the
represents a progressive, craniocaudal ingression of cells along the embryo to create a cavity into which amniotic fluid is secreted. The
dorsal midline. Inasmuch as it represents a dynamic structure caused option of viviparity evolved through the retention of the egg by the
by the inward movement of prospective mesoderm and endoderm mother; probably initially as a protection of the egg from predators.
from the surface to the interior, the primitive streak of amniotes is Subsequent loss of yolk and the consequent need to forge an efficient
analogous to the blastopore of amphibians. In reptiles, a tube-like Physiological link between embryo and mother led to the development
structure is formed during gastrulation by the initial invagination of of a placenta with components derived from the pre-existing extra-
cells at the cranial end of a broad primitive streak. This structure, said embryonic structures and the maternal tissues. Metatherian mammals
to be lined entirely with mesoderm, is known as the chordamesodermal (marsupials) develop a yolk sac placenta in utero, based on a link
canal; it corresponds to the archenteron of amphibians. It is less between the yolk sac splanchnopleure and the maternal endo-
obvious in most avian embryos, although a small pit at the cranial metrium. However, the gestation length offered by this form of
end of the primitive streak (Hensen’s node), the site at which placentation is very short; consequently in these species, the young
chordamesodermal cells invaginate to underlie the ectoderm, may be are born very immature, at a ‘larval stage’, with precociously
98 regarded as a remnant. developed lungs, mouth and upper limbs, allowing the newborn to

Somatopleure Somatopleuric folds Extraembryonic coelom Folds meet defining amnion and
Ectoderm chorion

mesoderm Vascular

Splanchnic Yolk sac
extraembryonic carrying
mesoderm vitelline
Endoderm vessels

Expanded allantois almost
fills extraembryonic coelom;
Allantoic cavity Jusing with, and vascularizing
overlying chorion
Yolk sac

Allantois (inner wall) Diminishing albumen

Diminishing yolk



e.g. PIG
cab: Decidua capsularis
Amnion formed by folding
Chorion sarert : Myometrium Extraembryonic
expands to
fill coelom



Large allantois Allantoic vessels X
surrounds amnion vascularize chorion Endometrium allantoic
(decidua parietalis) placenta
and fills coelom at placental site
Decidua basalis

3.3 A generalized series of diagrams to allow comparison of the mode each case the vascularization of the yolk sac, and the manner in which the
of formation of extraembryonic membranes in a megalecithal egg-laying expanded allantois (chick, pig) or its homologue in man, the body stalk
amniote (e.g. chick) with that of a eutharian mammal exhibiting superficial mesoderm continuing from the small allantoic diverticulum, bear allantoic
implantation and a large allantois (e.g. pig), and a eutherian mammal blood vessels which vascularize the overlying chorion. The latter is applied
showing interstitial implantation and a diminutive allantois (man). Note in either to the shell or to the uterine decidua.

climb to the pouch and attach to the teat. The hind limbs are, advanced (3.3). Note, however, that the extraembryonic membranes
however, still at an embryonic stage as are other systems of the and the placentae of mouse and man are utterly different topo-
body. graphically.
Eutherian mammals exploit the allantoic circulation which is no During the time of implantation the outer layer of the blastocyst,
longer needed for respiratory purposes as it is in avian embryos. The the trophoblast, shows two different cell arrangements, a cellular
allantoic (umbilical) vessels form a vascular link connecting the cytotrophoblast and an external invasive syncytiotrophoblast com-
embryo to a specialized region of the chorion and the maternal posed of a multinucleate mass of cytoplasm which leads the implan-
circulation, i.e. the placenta. The variety of placental types need not tation into the maternal endometrium. Later extraembryonic
concern us here (see p. 166); suffice it to say that superficial implan- mesoblast from the inner cell mass forms a layer over the inner
tation as seen in the pig may be regarded as the primitive condition surface of the cytotrophoblast; it is this trilaminar layer which is
and interstitial implantation as seen in the mouse and man the most termed the chorion. 99
a eet (its


In placental mammals the extraembryonic membranes develop than they are different. Despite original variations in egg size, pattern
before the embryonic tissues; they utilize new methods to ensure the of cleavage and apparent differences in gastrulation, the end product
survival of the embryo. The chorion in particular has different roles: is a remarkably similar body plan. This comparison remains valid
it produces hormones which maintain the status of the maternal at the beginning of organogenesis but from this time differences of
uterine endometrium; it (inter alia) produces cells which support the structure soon arise as the development of the different genera
maternal vessels invaded by the implanting embryo; it suppresses diverge from the plan. These individual differences require specific
the immune response of the mother to the implanted embryo (which study.
bears paternal as well as maternal genes); and it affects other
regions of the maternal body stimulating milk production later in Embryonic convergence
development. Von Baer (1825) (see p.92) recognized that all vertebrates pass
Because the readiness of the chorion to assume its various functions through an embryonic stage which is remarkably similar among the
is paramount to the survival of the embryo, early development in group as a whole. This stage is attained after primary embryogenesis
mammals is especially related to development of the extraembryonic as described above and is distinguished by the presence of the
membranes and the establishment of the placenta. Thus the develop- pharyngeal arches; thus it has been termed the pharyngula stage
ment of mammalian embryonic tissues lags behind the timescale of, (Ballard 1971, 1976). It features a basic body plan with three specified
for example, the chick (3.32). In the chick eggs are deposited and axes, a midline neural tube with an expanded cephalic region, a
incubation commences about 24 hours after fertilization; devel- midline heart, a midline gut, a series of paired pharyngeal arches
opmental stages are related to incubation at 39.4°C. The notochord around the cephalic end of the gut and bilateral symmetry in the
is formed after about 20 hours’ incubation but the amnion is not lateral structures. Similarity of appearance is matched by similarity
formed until 60 hours’ incubation. In human embryos the amnion in size so that at this stage the craniocaudal dimension of most
is formed before any embryonic development has occurred, by about vertebrate embryos averages around 7-8mm. There is a striking
10.5 days; the notochord forms later, at about 16 days. difference, however, in the time it takes embryos to reach the
pharyngula stage: for instance it takes 4-5 days in the case of
Primary embryogenesis birds (developing at about 39°C), but 4-5 weeks in the case of
Gastrulation, by moving cell populations from the surface of the mammals. A comparable stage is reached in Xenopus (an amphibian),
blastula or blastoderm to the interior, and by specifically juxtaposing developing at a much lower temperature of about 23°C, after only
the chordamesoderm to the ectoderm, sets in train a series of 2-3 days.
developmental processes initially termed the primary inductive inter- Central to any discussion of the relation between phylogeny and
action. Such an interaction initiates a phase of morphogenesis which ontogeny (see also p.92) is the fact that convergence towards the
establishes a basic axial structure, common to all vertebrates. A pharyngula stage is achieved despite large differences in the devel-
number of events occur more or less simultaneously. The ectoderm opmental processes which precede, and the varying time it takes to
on the dorsal surface of the embryo, in contact with the chorda- reach, this body plan. The pharyngula stage can be considered to be
mesoderm, flattens to form the neural plate which becomes bounded a period of major developmental and evolutionary constraint. This
by prominent folds. These neural folds rise up and join in the midline concept can be explained in terms of the interactions of embryonic
to form the neural tube medially and other neural populations, not cells at the various stages of development. During early development
involved in the fusion, the neural crest and ectodermal placodes, there are relatively few interactions and few domains (local areas
laterally. These neural populations are the precursors of the central where interactions may occur); thus the embryo is free to develop
and peripheral nervous systems. The mesoblast beneath the neural and change with few constraints. Similarly, during organogenesis,
tube forms the notochord along the midline (axis) and paraxially although there are many local interactions progressing as the body
segments into the paired somites, which are generated in a cranio- systems and organs develop, and many embryonic domains, there
caudal progression. The endoderm forms a continuous layer beneath are few interactions between the domains. However, at the pharyn-
the mesoblast which proliferates and migrates laterally forming a gula stage there are a number of critical cellular interactions occurring
layer between the superjacent surface ectoderm and the subjacent and, most importantly, the domains of these cellular interactions
gut endoderm. Starting in the region lateral to the somites, the must interact. This imposes a major developmental constraint on the
mesoblast splits into two populations separated by the intraembryonic system, such that this stage of development is highly conserved
coelom, with those mesoblast cells adjacent to the coelom trans- between vertebrates. This period of maximum constraint has been
forming into a mesothelium. The region consisting of surface ecto- termed the developmental evolutionary hour glass (3.4); it is imposed
derm, underlying mesenchyme and mesothelium (the epithelial layer by complexity and it is the final phase during which the embryo
lining the intraembryonic coelem) is known collectively as the som- must behave as a whole if it is to survive. During the early and
atopleure (with both the mesenchymal population and coelomic later phases of development, each side of the pharyngula stage,
epithelium (mesothelium) originating in the region being described evolutionary processes may generate change without detriment to
as somatopleuric), whereas the region consisting of endoderm, under- the basic vertebrate structure; however, changes occurring at the
lying mesenchyme and mesothelium is known collectively as the pharyngula stage may prove lethal.
splanchnopleure (the mesenchymal population and overlying meso- Ontogenetic change can give rise to phylogenetic change by a
thelium similarly is termed splanchnopleuric). Segmentally arranged variety of mechanisms, such as a change of the embryonic source
nephrogenic elements develop at the junction between the som- for forming the structure, in the embryonic processes specifying
atopleuric and splanchnopleuric regions. the structure (e.g. changes in pattern-generating mechanisms), in
During these changes the embryo elongates and distinct trunk and developmental sequence, and in the timing of developmental events.
head regions emerge. The rapid growth of the brain promotes head Even small changes in embryonic processes may result in major
flexion and the lateral walls of the embryonic disc converge ventrally; changes to adult morphology or function. This is the basis of
thus a recognizable embryonic shape is formed. After head folding saltatory evolutionary theory, whereby major morphological changes
the gut can be delineated into fore, mid and hind portions; in are thought to occur suddenly in the fossil record, as opposed to a
amniotes the midgut is connected by a stalk to the yolk sac and the more gradualistic change, which characterizes other morphological
hindgut is connected by a stalk to the allantois. Later there are signs features. Development thus forms the basis for all evolutionary
of division of the neural tube into fore-, mid- and hindbrain and theory and studies. (For a detailed consideration of major associ-
about this time too, neural crest cells begin to proliferate and migrate ations between development and evolution see Hall 1992.)
internally, and away from their site of origin (at the fold between the ‘All that we call phylogeny is today, and ever has been, ontogeny
surface ectoderm and neural ectoderm) to form neural populations in itself. Ontogeny is, then, the primary, the secondary, the universal
the trunk and major mesenchymal populations in the head which fact. It is ontogeny from which we depart and ontogeny to which
give rise to the pharyngeal arches. we return. Phylogeny is but a name for the lineal sequences of
At the end of this phase (3.4) vertebrate embryos are more alike ontogeny, viewed from the historical standpoint’.



Egg a
(to scale) it

Blastula e Z

Gastrula AF;

Row I


Row II &

Row II éi


3.4 The developmental evolutionary hourglass. This figure illustrates in 6 stage is illustrated: here there is a remarkable similarity between the
rows the disparate sizes of 3 types of vertebrate egg at the commencement embryos at the time the body plan is formed; thereafter (rows 5 and 6)
of development, different organization of the earliest cell lineages in the embryos becomes progressively different. The time at which embryos are
blastula stage and differences in gastrulation (in the human the amnion has similar is suggested to be a time of maximum developmental constraint (see
been removed to reveal the surface of the embryo). In row 4 the pharyngula text). (From Elinson 1987 with permission.) 101

Developmental biology—the analytical approach

A comprehensive analysis of embryonic development impinges on questions and provide satisfying answers to them are dealt with in
many facets of biological science, especially those concerned with a later section (p.110). Here the significant earlier work which,
cell structure and function and the molecular basis of gene action by experimental analysis, achieved a fundamental understanding
and control. Bearing in mind the cellular foundation of devel- of the mechanisms involved in embryogenesis will be briefly
opmental systems this is not altogether surprising; what is sometimes described.
forgotten, however, is that the study of the way in which embryos Many of the techniques described below, those of micro-
develop has, in recent years, initiated fundamental advances in our manipulation, grafting, translocation and deletion of fragments of
knowledge of gene action and cellular physiology. embryonic tissue, together with necessary improvements in the
The overriding problems of animal development concern the need general methods used to maintain the experimental material, were
to understand the mechanisms by which cellular diversity arises devised during the first half of the 20th century. The end of this
from the relatively simple structure of the egg, and how specific period saw the beginning of a newer phase of experimentation
developmental pattern and precise morphological form is generated. involving nuclear transplantation and more refined methods of
These are of course problems shared with other developmental tracking the movement and disposition of embryonic cells.
systems, notably plant development, regeneration and wound
healing, and phenomena such as metaplasia, metastasis and sen- Preformation and epigenesis
escence. In this context embryology is seen as part of the larger The explanation of how the apparently simple egg generates the
science of developmental biology. Concerned with the common and obviously complex embryo was the source of a major controversy
related problems associated with all the systems mentioned above, over several centuries. On one side were those who supported
developmental biology has largely replaced the narrower discipline of preformation; they believed that the egg contained a miniature adult
embryology. The techniques currently available to the developmental form and that development was essentially a process of growth of a
biologist include electron microscopy, microsurgical manipulation, pre-existing structure. On the other side were the exponents of
immunocytochemistry and probes for specific gene expression. A epigenesis who maintained that the embryo developed gradually from
battery of such techniques is often employed to study a particular a relatively simple structure, analogous in some ways to the opening
problem, although it is sometimes the case that the methods used of a leaf or flower bud of a plant. Harvey (1578-1657), famous for
seem to lose sight of the original aim of the investigation. It is always his discovery of the circulation of the blood, was an early supporter of
important to ask of any study not only what is its general purpose this epigenetic view, based on his observations of chick development.
but what precise question within its chosen field it is attempting to Harvey’s dictum ‘ex ovo omnia’ now appears to be remarkably
answer. In some cases it is also necessary to consider the ethical foresighted; more practical was his view that ‘eggs cost little and
dimension, for instance when embryos are either being subjected to are always and everywhere to be had’. Among preformationists
microsurgery or gene transfer experiments. controversy raged between the ovists, who believed that the egg
A necessary prerequisite for the experimental analysis of animal contained the preformed embryo, and the spermists, who favoured
development is an accurate and detailed description of the embryos the sperm. There was, in fact, dating from the time of Aristotle, a
under investigation. The emergence of embryology as a distinct strong presumption to imagine semen as the active principle initiating
science coincided with the refinement of techniques associated with development in a passive, featureless egg which merely provided the
light microscopy, thus facilitating the precise location of embryonic material for embryogenesis. In a male dominated society the sper-
tissues and their progressive fate during development. Subsequently mists prevailed to such an extent that some of the early microscopists
electron microscopy greatly enhanced this cellular level of descrip- were convinced that they could actually detect homunculi in human
tion. What may be regarded as even more refined levels of description, sperm and drew some imaginative figures. Eventually with more
virtually at the molecular level, are now available through the use careful, and less biased, observations the epigenetic view gained
of immunochemical techniques and gene probes. It is a combination general acceptance. It can be maintained, however, that inasmuch
of such techniques with those of micromanipulation experiments, as the genome contains essential molecular information for specific
devised many years ago, that has recently led to a significantly development and that many eggs contain predetermined cytoplasmic
greater understanding of, inter alia, the establishment of embryonic components, a preformationist input remains a valid concept. In
axes (see p.118), the complexity of head morphology (see p. 157) fact, the two views are no longer regarded as incompatible; indeed
and basic patterning of the head and the body region. the ‘modern view’ is that they are not only complementary but
The generally valid picture of embryonic development which we inseparable (for a recent discussion, see Hall 1992).
now have is mainly the result of a detailed study of relatively few Towards the end of the 19th century a few embryologists adopted
animals. By and large, the material was originally chosen because it an analytical approach to the study of animal development. Import-
was, or became, easy to obtain and observe. Latterly attention has antly some simple experiments on the earliest (cleavage) stage of
become focused, even more narrowly, on those embryos which have development eventually provided conclusive evidence against the
not only yielded a considerable body of knowledge in the recent past idea of preformation. Initially, Roux (1888) demonstrated that
(e.g. chicks, Xenopus, Drosophila, the laboratory mouse), but have destruction of one of the first two cells of the frog embryo produced
proved especially well suited to current trends of research in devel- the equivalent of half an embryo. Later work, however, which
opmental biology. This concentration on a limited number of pre- involved the complete separation of the first two cells gave one of
ferred types has been the subject of criticism in the past (e.g. two results: either two complete (half-sized) embryos were formed
Needham 1959) and also more recently (Raff 1992). The renewed or one of the separated blastomeres gave a complete embryo and
interest in the relation between evolution and development (Gould the other simply a mass of apparently undifferentiated cells (3.5). The
1977; Lovtrup 1984; Hall 1992) highlights the value of studying a striking disparity between the results of the separation experiment
wide variety of animals. depends on the relation of the first cleavage plane to the grey crescent
which is formed at fertilization (see p. 98). If the first cleavage bisects
the grey crescent two complete embryos are produced; in a cleavage
AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF which confines the crescent to one blastomere only, and thus deprives
EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY the other of this feature, then only the former produces a complete
embryo. The importance of this structural element is discussed below
The main areas of concern of developmental biologists today are in relation to the discovery of the ‘organizer’.
inextricably linked with those topics which were of compelling A complementary set of separation experiments, involving both
interest to the embryologists of the past: How does the egg give rise 2- and 4-cell stages, was carried out by Hans Driesch (1891) using
to the embryo? What is the basis of cellular differentiation? What sea urchin eggs; the separated blastomeres produced half and quarter
factors are involved in morphogenesis? What is the relation between size larvae (3.5). Although Driesch claimed that even smaller larvae
102 development and evolution? More recent efforts to refine these were obtainable from separated blastomeres of the 8-cell stage,

subsequent work did not support this finding. Driesch’s experimental this stage one of the cleavage nuclei was allowed to enter the
results supported his theoretical view of development which con- anucleate portion of the egg; cleavage followed in this portion and
tained an element of vitalism, now regarded as unacceptable. Driesch in some cases a second, twin, embryo was formed. Although, as
(1921) considered that every part of the egg cytoplasm was equi- would be expected, the relationship of the constriction to the grey
potential and that therefore the formation of an increasingly complex crescent (see above) affected the outcome of the experiment it
embryo was not possible unless this basic material was organized by clearly demonstrated the equivalence of the early cleavage nuclei in
a non-material agency; he called this organizing principle entelechy. amphibian embryos. This means that, provided they are not damaged
This concept, derived from the Greek word meaning soul, was by the experimental procedure, any of these nuclei can, in col-
central to the philosophy of Aristotle (384-322 BC). It was in fact a laboration with the egg cytoplasm, programme the whole of develop-
key element in Aristotle’s own view of animal development which ment. Do nuclei retain this capacity beyond the early cleavage stage?
he viewed as a succession of linked material events the organization Amphibian nuclear transplant experiments provided an unequivocal,
of which was dependent on, and driven forward by, the non-material and positive answer to this question.
and all pervading soul. Initially the technique for the isolation and physical transfer of
animal cell nuclei was established using amoebae (Commandon &
Blastomeric potential
De Fonbrane 1939; Lorch & Daneilli 1950). Using a frog (Rana
Both the amphibian and sea urchin investigations demonstrate that pipiens) a similar technique was used by Briggs and King (1952) to
the initial blastomeres have the potential to form whole embryos; transfer nuclei from blastulae and gastrulae to enucleated eggs.
they thus possess a considerable capacity for regulation. They are Variable results were obtained, including a variety of abnormal
not highly structured, confirming that in the original restricted sense embryos, but importantly, a few embryos went on to develop
there is no basis for preformation. Some eggs (ascidians, annelids completely normally and to produce viable tadpoles (3.5). A sig-
and molluscs) are, or at fertilization become, highly structured. nificant extension of this work involved the serial transplantation of
Separation of the early blastomeres of such ‘mosaic eggs’ give nuclei from the blastula to neurula stages obtained from an initial
embryonic fragments which are compatible with a strictly determined transplant (King & Briggs 1956). The derived clones showed per-
cell lineage, but even in these cases it is possible to demonstrate sistent, and similar, patterns of normality, including some which
some regulation of structure. produced a high percentage of normal embryos. Clearly a proportion
The first two cleavages of the sea urchin egg are meridional, are of embryonic nuclei remained totipotent even in cells committed to
at right angles and, significantly, they do not cut across, but include, differentiation. Using the South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)
the animal—vegetal axis of the egg. The importance of this axis was and a different technique involving ultraviolet radiation to enucleate
highlighted by Hérstadius (1939) who demonstrated, for instance, the eggs, together with a genetically determined nuclear marker, to
that separation of the upper and lower halves of the 8-cell stage distinguish host from donor nuclei, Gurdon (1960) and his colleagues
(cutting across the animal—vegetal axis) produced not half-sized confirmed and considerably extended the original work, most notably
complete larvae but two quite different but derived embryonic to show that nuclei derived from the intestinal epithelium of feeding
structures (3.5). Hérstadius suggested that a balanced interaction tadpoles could produce a few viable embryos following serial trans-
between animal and vegetal components of the egg was essential for plantation (Gurdon 1962). Even transplanted and serially transferred
the harmonious development of the larval structure and proved his nuclei, derived from the keratinized cells of adult Xenopus epithelium
hypothesis by an elegant series of combination experiments involving have been used to produce living, but eventually moribund, tadpoles
partial fragments derived from the animal and vegetal halves taken (Gurdon et al 1975). It could be imagined that these experiments on
from the early cleavage stages of the embryo. amphibian embryos might provide a route for the nuclear cloning
Numerous investigations have since focused attention on the of mammals, including man. Recent work (McGrath & Solter 1984)
importance of the intrinsic axial structure of the egg which becomes suggests that this is not even a remote possibility.
entrenched during cleavage. This has been demonstrated for many
animals, and is related to the distribution of factors which appear Significance of gastrulation
to determine specific cell lineages (e.g. in Xenopus and ascidians); it Although the dynamic nature of gastrulation and its association with
also appears to underpin the linear-craniocaudal pattern of structure the formation of mesoblast is implicit in much early descriptive
of the developing organism (e.g. in insects). Distinct, and experi- work, the current view of gastrulation among chordates, i.e. one of
mentally demonstrable, polarity and the dependent early separation coordinated cell movement leading to an inductive interaction
of cell lineages, is not, however, a feature of all types of eggs; notably between mesoblast and overlying ectoderm, and the consequent
the mammalian egg, which although similar in size and superficial development of axial structure, derives from the experimental work
appearance to that of the sea urchin, does not possess an equivalent carried out in the earlier part of this century. It was during this
polar structure. In this case cell lineage determination is delayed period that several important microsurgical procedures and cell
until the compacted 8-cell stage (see p. 134). marking techniques were developed.
The use of vital dyes (e.g. Bismarck brown, neutral red) applied
Nucleocytoplasmic interaction—nuclear to the surface of the amphibian blastula enabled Vogt (1929) to
demonstrate that well-defined areas moved from the surface to
The central concept that progressive nucleocytoplasmic interaction the interior during gastrulation. In particular there was an active
provides a satisfactory explanation of embryonic development movement of prospective chordamesoderm over the dorsal and
became generally accepted during the early part of the 20th century. lateral lips of the blastopore during the formation of the archenteron
The definitive form of this concept was formulated by Morgan and a more passive dragging in, ventrolaterally, of prospective
(1934); it embodied the following elements. Initially, equipotential endoderm (3.6). Graper (1929) demonstrated an apparently anal-
(genetically equivalent) nuclei are distributed during development in ogous shift of material from the epiblastic surface of the early
a heterogeneous cytoplasm; the cytoplasmic environment then modi- chick embryo, using a combination of vital dyes and time lapse
fies the genetic activity of the nuclei; the altered activity of the nuclei cinematography; this pioneering work was refined at a later date,
will in turn modify the surrounding cytoplasm; such reciprocal particularly by Spratt (1946), using early chick blastoderms cultured
interactions result in the progressive differentiation of embryonic in vitro. Such techniques initiated the detailed mapping of pre-
cells as development proceeds. The existence of a heterogeneous egg sumptive (prospective) areas (destined to give rise to particular
cytoplasm and its capacity to modify the activity of the early cleavage tissues) on the surface of the chordate blastula or its blastoderm
nuclei accords with the experiments described above. The nuclear equivalent. Gastrulation was visualized as the process which ensured
transplantation experiments, described below, address the problem that these areas moved into the right place at the right time during
of nuclear equivalence and the permanency of any change imposed this fundamental stage of embryogenesis.
by the cytoplasmic environment. The importance of gastrulation as the essential prerequisite for
By applying a hair loop constriction to a newly fertilized newt egg the generation of the characteristic axial structure of chordates was
Spemann (1914) carried out what was in effect an in ovo nuclear revealed by work which led to the discovery of the organizer associ-
transfer (3.5). The constriction confined the zygote nucleus to one ated with the dorsal lip of the blastopore of amphibian embryos.
half of the egg but did not prevent its division into 16-32 cells. At The fundamental contribution was made by Spemann (1918) who 103

Experimental analysis of development I

Sea Urchin - Normal Development

—> Es _,
Cleavage Gastrulation and Pluteus
mesenchyme formulation larva

va reecens , > —_—> Animalization

oeery AY QO —- S |
We ce ‘ Cp —+6 Vegetalization

Separation of blastomeres
(Driesch 1891)

Amphibia Separation of blastomeres - significance of grey crescent (Spemann 1938)

rs =
> oe

Grey crescent shared equally Most of grey crescent

between separated blastomeres confined to one of
the separated blastomeres

Amphibia Equvalence of nuclei to 16 cell stage (Spemann 1928)

Twin embryos
Zygote necleus Necleus released
confined to one into anncleated half
blastomere by

; eee
seLittle or no development

Abnormal tail bud stage

Necleus from Enucleated egg

blastula doner recipient
Normal tadpole

404 3.5 Experimental analysis of development |: early work. Fundamental 1891; Horstadius, 1939; Spemann 1938). c. Equivalence of early cleavage
observations and procedures. a, B. Importance of egg structure (Driesch, nuclei (Spemann, 1928). p. Nuclear transplantation (Briggs and King, 1952).

showed that when a small area taken from the blastoporal region of ancestral pronephric duct in the induction of mesonephric tubules
a newt embryo was grafted into another location (e.g. opposite the (Waddington 1939) and the essential role of mesenchyme cells in
dorsal lip) it produced a secondary embryonic axis. As the amount limb formation.
of grafted material was small compared to the size of the induced
structure it was clear that both the graft and the host tissue par- Significance of the neural crest
ticipated in its formation; in other words the graft organized the Not all mesenchyme is derived from mesoderm invagination through
new structure. Elegant proof that this was the case was provided by the blastopore (amphibians) or mesoblast ingression through the
using a xenoplastic grafting technique where the dorsal lip from one primitive streak (amniotes). The most important alternative origin is
species of newt was grafted into the early gastrula of another species the neural crest. The significance, migration and fate of the neural
whose cells were distinguished by their pigment content (Spemann & crest cells has been (His 1879; Katschenko 1888; Platt 1894), and is
Mangold 1924) (3.6). The discovery of the organizer opened up currently, of great interest (see p. 240). The importance of the neural
many (mostly productive) areas of research, including the discovery crest cannot be underestimated; it appears to be a unique feature of
of an analogous region (Hensen’s node) in the primitive streak stage vertebrates distinguishing them from their chordate ancestors
of the chick embryo (Waddington 1932). A fruitless search for the (Gans & Northcutt 1983).
chemical nature of the organizer eventually led to the discovery that Pioneering experiments on amphibian embryos (Landacre 1911;
even inorganic material could induce neural structures in gastrular Stone 1922, 1926; DuShane 1935) tracked the migration of the neural
ectoderm. Above all, however, it was the work of Spemann and crest cells by excision and translocation of their sites of origin in the
others which established the concept of primary embryonic induction, crest, established the distinction between head and trunk crest cells,
namely, that it is the contact between the archenteron roof and and gradually defined the extent of the neural crest contribution to
overlying ectoderm, brought about by gastrulation, that induces the vertebrate development. Eventually detailed mapping of the head
formation of the neural (medullary) plate and the corresponding neural crest in urodele embryos enabled the origin of the branchial
axial organization of the mesoblast which lies beneath the prospective structures to be determined with great precision (Hérstadius &
central nervous system (CNS). This is the major consequence of the Sellman 1946). Examples of these early experiments, which con-
complete invagination of the presumptive chordamesoderm which tributed to a fundamental understanding of the significance of the
commences with the appearance of the dorsal lip of the blastopore neural crest, are illustrated in 3.6. A detailed account of this work
in amphibian embryos or its equivalent in other chordates. 3.6 is given by Hérstadius (1950).
illustrates some relatively simple experiments which demonstrate
what is undeniably the most significant interaction of embryonic
tissues during the development of vertebrate animals. (For a detailed
account see Saxén & Toivonen 1962.)
Anamniote induction of mesoderm
Although the significance of the Spemann organizer in the formation Generation of cell diversity
of the chordate embryo cannot be underestimated it has been Originating from a single but highly specialized cell, the zygote, the
realized for a number of years that the associated primary induction, generation of cell diversity is an intrinsic feature of animal develop-
appropriately named at the time, is preceded by another fundamental ment. In mammals the adult organism contains in the region of 300
inductive event which predetermines the basic mediolateral pattern distinct cell phenotypes characteristically arranged to form specific
of the prospective mesoderm. This concerns the interaction which organs and tissues. As in all animals above the level of sponges and
takes place at the boundary between the vegetal yolk mass and the coelenterates these cells may be classified according to function such
marginal zone (prospective endomesoderm) at the blastula stage of as muscle, nerve, connective tissue and so on. In general, the lower
amphibian embryos. This concept of the early induction of mesoderm the grade of organization the fewer cell types there are: coelenterates
by the underlying vegetal cells, primary endoderm, was suggested by contain fewer than ten cell types, some of which perform a dual
the work of Nieuwkoop (1973). The pattern of the induction is related function, for example musculo-epithelial cells. Within a major animal
to bilateral symmetry imposed on the amphibian egg (formation of group, such as the amniotes, a great variety of form and function is
the grey crescent) at fertilization; this leads to the distinction between derived from similar embryonic cellular ingredients possessing
a ventral influence (determining blood, mesothelium, etc.) and a broadly equivalent potential to develop into a fixed number of cell
dorsal influence (determining notochord and somites). A review by types. Any general theory of development must attempt to under-
Nieuwkoop (1985) provides a valuable summary of the origin and stand the factors causing the divergence of cell fate and the individual
importance of the inductive interactions during amphibian develop- and collective role of cells as their phenotypes diverge; it further
ment. A similar mechanism to mesodermal induction may explain the needs to acknowledge the constraints that evolution has apparently
influence of the hypoblast on the epiblast of amniote embryos (see placed on the essential contribution of cells.
p. 143). The demonstration of a key role for the vegetal domain of To this end it is important to appreciate the concept of a limited
the egg (or a derived structure—the hypoblast) in chordate embryos number of basic cell types from which all current diversity appears
relates to the well-known vegetal influence on early development, to be derived, both in development and in evolution (Willmer 1960;
demonstrable for the eggs of several marine molluscs and annelids Lovtrup 1974). Observations on cultured cells derived from a variety
(Wilson 1904). There has been a resurgence of interest in mesoderm of tissues led Willmer (1960) to the view that only three or four
induction following the implication of growth factors. fundamental cell types existed. Based on their appearance and
behaviour in culture, together with their potential to generate further
Organogenesis and embryonic tissue interactions diversity, he termed these cell types amoebocytes, epitheliocytes,
In vertebrates the precursors of individual organs begin to make their myxoblasts and myoblasts (myxoblasts and myoblasts were thought
appearance soon after the end of gastrulation and the subsequent to be variants of mechanocytes). Nerve cells were not included in the
formation of neural tube. The development of many of these systems original classification. Such cell types are characteristic of the initial
is largely dependent on embryonic tissue interactions. In principle stages of development; for instance, mesenchyme cells (myxoblasts)
these so-called secondary and tertiary inductions resemble the primary and embryonic epithelia (epitheliocytes) feature prominently in the
induction inasmuch as they are dependent on the competence of the gastrulation process (see pp. 96 and 142). Lovtrup (1975, 1983, 1984)
target tissue to respond to the inductive stimulus provided by a has refined and expanded the notion of basic cell type in an attempt
neighbouring one. The importance of these interactions is indicated to construct a logical and cell-based framework for epigenesis. His
in those sections which deal, in detail, with the development ‘of analysis emphasizes the importance of cytoskeletal elements (e.g.
specific organ systems in the human embryo; current views on the microtubules, microfilaments) and the role of extracellular material
cytological and molecular basis of the mechanisms involved are also specifically associated with each of his proposed ‘cell orders’. To
dealt with in a following section (see p. 110). avoid a perceived ambiguity in Willmer’s classification, Lovtrup
Of historical interest are the following significant discoveries: the proposed an alternative nomenclature for the basic cell types. Solo-
influence of the developing optic cup on the formation of the lens cytes (s-cells) are those cells which are capable of free movement
in amphibian embryos (Spemann 1901; Lewis 1905); the role of the and do not readily form stable aggregates; as they move they may 105

Experimental analysis of development II

Prospective areas and cell movements during gastrulation



cin ip Somitic mesoderm

(Vogt 1929)

blastoderm e .

(Wetzel 1929) sr

Q (/ (Graper 1929) <-— — e Internal movement of mesenchyme

cells through streak

Amphibian Organizer induces secondary embryo (Spemann and Mangold


Yipfieatns 2) neural Primary axial
plate structure

Secondary axial

[D] Amphibian Exogastrulation Prevents formation of neural tissue (Holtfreter 1933)

‘ Coelom

Ga / Mesoderm

[E] Neural Crest Mapping and Deletion in Amphibians

Mandibular arch
Cisseel > i_-® Hyoid arch
a Ey suldo? —_
AA ==) deri Brachial arches
—~_ 3-6
7 Trunk a.
Neuro cranium erst
; defects
Pigm earn ne . Note deletion of
cell deficiency : “Bese neural crest also
és gives deficiencies
; of spinal ganglia
and other elements
of nervous system

3.6 Experimental analysis of development II: early work. Fundamental primary induction (Spemann and Mangold, 1924; Holtfreter, 1933). £. Neural
observations and procedures. a, B. Mapping of presumptive areas; dynamic crest derivatives (Stone, 1922; 1926; Horstadius and Sellmann, 1946).
106 nature of gastrulation (Vogt, 1929; Graper, 1929). c, p. The organizer and

form either lobopodia (solo-lobocytes, sl-cells, i.e. amoebocytes) with Microtubular cytoskeleton
short actin filaments or very long filopodia (solo-filocytes, sf-cells, i.e.
myxoblasts) which contain cytoplasmic microtubules. Colligocytes (c-
cells) are cells which, through their adhesiveness, form aggregates,
typically epithelial; they also have two varieties, colligo-lobocytes
and colligo-filocytes; the former contain microfilaments, the latter
microtubules, corresponding to comparable s-cells. Solocytes
produce extracellular matrix molecules, with heparan sulphate and
hyaluronate being characteristic. (Levtrup notes that hyaluronate is
produced in the embryo particularly by mesenchymal cells; see also
p. 153.) Solocytes form solid aggregates stabilized by short filopodia
which form tight junctions with their neighbours. Colligocytes on
the other hand produce a layer of reticular and fibrillar collagen
within a matrix containing sulphated proteoglycans; they are adhesive
and form junctional complexes. A limited number of transformations
are possible between these conceptual cell types; namely solocytes
can form aggregates (s-c transformation) and lobocytes can convert mucopolysacchari
to filocytes. Ciliated or flagellated variants of each basic type are sc-transformation
possible, giving a total of eight types altogether (3.7). Based on the
analysis of the structure and function of this limited number of cell
types, and paying due regard to the constraints imposed by evolution,
Lovtrup provides a logical approach not only to the problem of cell
diversity but to morphogenesis in general. (Despite the unusual n
terminology Lovtrup’s views merit close attention, not least because
they eliminate the need to relate the discussion of cell diversity to
germ layer theory or to use terms which no longer seem appropriate
to modern developmental biology. To quote Lovtrup (1983): ‘... it
is difficult, or even impossible, to interpret and understand the Solocytes
processes of cell differentiation occurring in the embryo on the basis Colligocytes
of terminology currently employed in cell biology’.) Lobocytes
Embryonic cells and tissues
The first cell divisions of an embryo are cleavage divisions, which
repeatedly reduce the size of the cells (blastomeres), restoring the
nucleus to cytoplasm ratio and resulting in cells of typical size. The
arrangement of the cells within the morula produces differences 3.7 Lovtrup cell cube. Typical representatives of 8-cell orders are shown
between the cells because of their relative position, their exposure to in the corners of the cube. The 4-cell orders located at the same face of the
the environment and their junctional connections to other cells. This cube constitute a cell class. The lower face of the cube shows solocytes,
the upper face the colligocytes, the left face the lobocytes, the right face the
results in the differential expression of cell morphology: for example
filocytes, the front face the non-vibriocytes and the back face the vivriocytes.
the outer cells of the morula become polarized and exhibit apical Three transformations or differentiations required to form the several cell
microvilli; they acquire different junctional connections with their types are indicated. (After Lovtrup 1974 with permission.)
lateral neighbours compared to their connections with the cells in
the centre of the morula; the outer cells act in concert as a cell
population forming the earliest epithelium.
After gastrulation the arrangement of embryonic cells into tissues rices and transform into mesenchymal cells. This is seen in the most
is apparent. Epithelial cells (Lovtrup’s colligocytes), which form the basic manner at the primitive streak and later in the formation and
_upper and lower layers of the embryo, have apical—basal polarity, migration of the neural crest (Greenberg & Hay 1982; Hay 1989).
narrow intercellular clefts, juxtaluminal junctional complexes and a Often cell proliferation of particular cell lines occurs at an epithelium,
developed basal lamina composed of extracellular matrix proteins for example formation of intermediate mesenchyme from the pro-
synthesized by the cells. The cells between the inner and outer liferating coelomic epithelium and production of myogenic cells from
epithelial layers are mesenchymal in arrangement. Mesenchymal the epithelial plate of the somite. However, a later specific example
cells (Levtrup’s solocytes) have no polarity; they have junctional of transition from epithelium to mesenchyme occurs in the heart
complexes which are not juxtaluminal and they produce extracellular where endocardial epithelial cells become cardiac mesenchyme at the
matrix molecules and fibres from the whole cell surface. atrioventricular canal and the proximal outflow tract of the heart
These two embryonic cell states are not necessarily immutable and (see p. 300). This latter example is a locally induced transformation
transition from epithelia to mesenchyme and vice versa occurs during and different from the production of mesenchymal cells from a
development. The causative factors of such changes in cell aggre- germinal epithelium.
gation and contact are not clear and many different factors of a
temporal or locally inductive nature may be involved. Transitional
events during gastrulation and the early stages of development may
be different from those occurring at the later stages of organogenesis. Much of the specification of the basic embryonic body plan is
For example, it is likely that early mesenchymal populations are the result of a hierarchy of developmental decisions at different
heterogeneous, containing migrating epithelial cells which tem- developmental times. The earliest embryonic cells may be described
porarily express a mesenchymal appearance: the first cells to ingress as totipotent meaning they have the capacity to become any cell of
at the primitive streak and migrate between the epiblast and hypo- the adult body. (An alternative view is that the earliest cells are
blast form epithelia at their destination (Bellairs 1987) in the epithelial optimally differentiated for the stage of development they have
somite (see p.144) and the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric reached, as they will be at any stage throughout development.)
coelomic epithelia (see p.155). Similarly, splanchnopleuric mes- During development, cells respond to intrinsic or extrinsic cues by
enchyme forms endothelia generally throughout the embryo but may following a developmental pathway which will result in the com-
engage in this transition either early or late. However, the nephro- mitment of those cells to a particular fate. In mammals, for instance,
genic mesenchymal cells, produced from proliferation of the coelomic an early choice is made at about the 8-cell stage when some cells
epithelium, form epithelial nephrons only during a specific time become committed to develop into extraembryonic tissues and others
period. into embryonic tissues. Similar binary choices subsequently occur for
Conversely, epithelial cells can reorganize their extracellular mat- both the extraembryonic cells and the embryonic cells. For the 107
eee... rrr


extraembryonic line, trophoblast cells become either cytotrophoblast Determination pathways

or syncytiotrophoblast; the cytotrophoblast cells become either mural As populations of cells become progressively determined they can
or polar trophoblast. For the embryonic line, inner cell mass cells be described as transient amplifying cells, progenitor cells, stem cells,
become either hypoblast or epiblast; the hypoblast can become either and terminally differentiated cells.
visceral or parietal. (It is worth noting at this point that there is Transient amplifying cells. These are cells proliferating and
little to distinguish blastomeres before the 8-cell stage and few choices producing equally determined cells; they undergo proliferative cell
may be made before this time. At the time of compaction the outer mitoses. At some stage transiently amplifying populations will, as a
cells of the morula express cell adhesion molecules, form junctions result of an inductive stimulus, enter a quantal cell cycle (Holtzer et
and exhibit apical microvilli. The connection of these cells results in al 1972). The cells, as a response to molecular signalling, undergo a
a different environment for the cells in the centre of the morula. Thus quantal mitosis resulting in an increase in the restriction of their
different fates for the inner and outer populations of blastomeres can progeny, which continue to undergo proliferative mitoses at a pro-
now be linked to cell signalling, interaction and response.) gressive level of determination. The quantal mitosis corresponds to
3.37 shows the binary choices for particular early extraembryonic the time of binary choice (see above) when the commitment of the
and embryonic cell fates. Within the embryo these choices focus progeny is different from the parent.
from the general (e.g. ectoderm becomes neural plate, neural crest Progenitor cells are already determined along a particular
and surface ectoderm) to region specific (e.g. the latter cell popu- pathway; they may individually follow that differentiation pathway
lations become regions of the brain and spinal cord, regions of the or may proliferate producing larger numbers of similarly determined
autonomic nervous system or parts of the face and skull and progenitor cells which subsequently differentiate. Examples of pro-
epidermis respectively). Finally the tissues of the regions so formed genitor cells are neuroblasts or myoblasts.
develop very specifically into differentiated cell phenotypes, for Stem cells are cells which individually, or as a population, can
example neurons, glia, osteocytes, fibrocytes, melanocytes, kera- both produce determined progeny and reproduce themselves. It is
tinocytes, etc. generally thought that whereas proliferative cell division may be
symmetric, giving derived cells with identical determination, stem
cells undergo asymmetric divisions, whereby one daughter remains
Restriction and determination as a stem cell (i.e. retains the determination of the parent cell), while
As cells become committed to a particular fate they lose the ability the other proceeds along a differentiation pathway (possibly leading
to choose an alternative range of developmental pathways, i.e. they to death). Stem cells are seen later in development and in adult life.
become restricted. The term restriction is usually used to refer to It appears that differing combinations of growth factors can either
limitations in the ways that a population of cells can develop. Once maintain cells in a stem cell-like state, or cause them to differentiate.
restricted, cells are set on a particular pathway of development and Terminally differentiated cells. By their extreme specialization
after a number of binary choices (i.e. further restrictions) are said to these cells can no longer divide, for example erythrocytes and
be determined. Determined cells are programmed to follow a process neurons.
of development which will lead to differentiation. The determined Programmed cell death or apoptosis. This is a particular variety
state is a heritable characteristic of cells; it is the final step in of terminal differentiation where the final outcome is the death of
restriction. After a cell has become determined it will progress to a individual cells or cell populations. Apoptosis is an effective mech-
differentiated phenotype providing the environmental factors are anism for eliminating unwanted cells which die without rupture of
suitable. For example, melanocytes normally express the black the lyosomes and autolysis which would release their contents into
pigment melanin; for this they require the presence of tyrosine in the extracellular environment and cause inflammation. Programmed
the environmental medium. While the tyrosine is present the cells cell death is seen in the developing limb where cells die along the
achieve their differentiated phenotype with black coloration. If, pre- and postaxial limits of the apical ectodermal ridge so limiting
however, the cells are maintained in a tyrosine-free culture medium its extent (p.290), and similarly between the digits allowing their
the cells can no longer synthesize melanin and they become pale; separation (p.290). Within the nervous system neuroblasts which
they no longer appear differentiated. If at a later time the tyrosine project to abnormal targets and fail to receive the appropriate
is replaced in the medium the cell line can once more synthesize neurotrophic factors undergo programmed cell death.
melanin. This demonstrates that the determined state is stable and not Work on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has suggested that
dependent on the environment, whereas the differentiated phenotype is the cell death programme is normally on in all cells, and that cell
labile. This process is evident in the repair of a wound or fractured death is prevented by an over-riding ‘survival’ programme (reviewed
bone in an adult, as well as in an embryo. in Raff 1992). This survival programme often involves growth factors
The process of determination and differentiation within embryonic and highly conserved gene products, such as that encoded by BCL-2
cell populations can be assessed by the ability of cell populations to (Tomei & Cope 1991, 1994; Jacobson & Evan 1994). The idea that
produce specific proteins. All cells have a series of genes which code all cells are critically dependent on survival signals, such as those
for proteins considered essential for cellular metabolism. Such genes generated from growth factors or the extracellular matrix, is an
and proteins have been termed primary (colloquially termed house- attractive hypothesis. It provides a simple mechanism for eliminating
keeping genes and proteins) to illustrate their ubiquity. As cells cells which end up in abnormal locations during development. As
become determined they synthesize proteins specific to their state of different tissues might be expected to produce different sets of
determination. These are termed secondary proteins, for example survival factors, a misplaced cell deprived of the specific signals it
liver and kidney cells but not muscle produce arginase. At the most requires for survival would die. It is suggested that dependence on
differentiated state cells produce tertiary proteins, those which no such survival signals may be a useful mechanism for controlling cell
other cell line can synthesize, for example ovalbumin in oviduct cells numbers in higher vertebrates, if cells are forced to compete with
or haemoglobin in erythrocytes (the genes and proteins in this case one another for limited amounts of such signalling molecules.
have been colloquially termed Juxury to denote their speciality).
Primary, secondary and tertiary proteins are an expression of stages
Measurements of determination
of determination and differentiation, coded by a range of genes.
Other gene products can be detected which, by their expression, Examination and experimental perturbation of embryos of different
confer a particular determination and differentiation pathway on stages allows the investigation of states of restriction and deter-
undetermined, or even differentiated cells, i.e. establish a cell lineage. mination attained by particular cell populations. The addition of
The genes coding for these products, which can direct the fate of dyes or markers to cells within the living embryo, removal of local
cells faced with a binary choice, were termed ‘switch genes’ by cell populations, growth of portions of embryonic tissue in culture,
Waddington (1940); they have since been identified. Their expression transplantation of portions of embryo to different places in the
in cells allows two choices: the presence or absence of the gene same embryo (homoplastic), or to different embryos (heteroplastic),
product determines which lineage the cells generate. In vertebrates recombination of embryonic tissues within and between Classes
the MyoD-] (myoblast determination 1) gene found in myoblasts (xenoplastic) and the formation of chimeric embryos (especially
can change differentiated adipose cells, fibroblasts or hepatocytes quail—chick, see p. 221) all add information about the time at which,
108 transfected with the gene into a myocyte lineage. and the position in which, cell populations become determined.

The addition of dyes or markers to cells and cell populations The phenomenon of twinning reveals important insights into
allows their relative migrations to be followed. From the movements aspects of normal development (Slack 1991). First, it excludes any
of labelled cells and the differentiation pathways they follow, a model for regional specification based solely on the localization of
predictive fate map can be produced for a known stage in develop- determinants in the egg cytoplasm. Second, it shows that these
ment (3.42). This method was used to examine gastrulation in the cellular interactions are able to accommodate a change of scale in
amphibian embryo (Vogt 1929; see p. 103) where vital dyes, added the pattern generating mechanism. Boundaries which would be
to populations of cells prior to gastrulation, permitted the vis- formed 100 xm apart in the normal embryo will be formed approxi-
ualization of their ingression at the blastopore. More recently the mately 791m apart in the twins (Slack 1991). Third, as alluded to
fate of much smaller populations of epiblast cells were demonstrated above, twinning clearly demonstrates that the final size of an embry-
after ingression through the avian primitive node (Selleck & Stern onic structure does not depend on the size of the original primordium,
1991; see p. 143). The production of fate maps formed the basis of but rather on some, as yet unelucidated, mechanism which can stop
further experimentation in which regions of embryos (with a known growth, when a certain absolute size has been reached.
fate) could be killed, removed, or transplanted to a different location, Fusion experiments. The converse of twinning is the fusion of
and the resultant differentiation of the cells could be compared to two or more embryos to give one giant early embryo, or the increase
the normal developmental pathway elucidated by the fate map. in size of an embryo by the addition of cells injected into the
If cell populations of predicted fate are cultured in a neutral medium blastocyst cavity (Snow 1989). In such cases normal development
(i.e. one with no known inductive substances) they will differentiate. ensues, and has been reported for aggregates of 16 8-cell mouse
However, the final differentiation state may be different from that embryos (Snow 1989). When born, these chimeric embryos are of
predicted from the fate map. The explantation and culture reveal an normal size. The downward regulation in size of the embryo aggre-
original state of commitment termed specification. The degree of speci- gates occurs shortly after implantation, between the appearance of
fication of cell populations may differ from their determination because the amniotic cavity and the primitive streak. The mechanism of size
cell populations may be altered in the embryo by later inductive influ- regulation seems to involve a lengthening of the cell cycle during
ences. However, these influences may need to be local and constant to this period (Snow 1989). Size regulation in these circumstances seems
increase restriction and determination in a cell population. to be completed before the onset of organogenesis which is thus
Clonal analysis is a special form of fate mapping in which a single normal. The implications for normal development from these fusion
cell is labelled. Subsequently at a later stage both the position and experiments is similar to those outlined for twinning.
state of determination or differentiation of its progeny are identified Catch-up growth. A region or regions of the embryo can be
(Slack 1991). Clonal analysis has been used to examine the fate of removed at varying stages of development without disturbing the
epiblast during gastrulation in the mouse (Lawson et al 1991; see pattern or the proportions of the fully formed embryo. This defect
p. 143) and to establish the degree of cell determination. regulation involves a number of complex processes, including com-
pensatory catch-up growth (Snow 1989). Although this may result
Developmental regulation in reconstitution of the deleted part, later disturbances in embryonic
The concept of developmental regulation emerged from numerous timing and cell division patterns may give rise to abnormalities,
experiments in which individual blastomeres were removed from often at locations different from the site of the primary insult
embryos to see if they could independently produce a normal (MacKee & Ferguson 1984; Snow 1989).
individual. If cytoplasmic segregation occurred as the zygote divided, Inductive reprogramming. In this example of developmental
then individual blastomeres would possess different cytoplasmic regulation, if a signalling centre, for example an apical ectodermal
constituents and their fates would differ. This was the basis of mosaic ridge of a developing limb, or the zone of polarizing activity in the
development, where the early blastomeres have astrictly determined limb bud, is grafted to an abnormal position, it can cause the
lineage based on their cytoplasmic constituents (see p. 141). Such surrounding tissue to follow a pathway of development which does
embryos can never produce monozygotic twins because the cytoplasm not correspond to the fate map and is instead induced by the grafted
of the zygote is regionally restricted even before the 2-cell stage. signalling tissue (see p. 290). This mechanism is seen in experimental
However, the individual blastomeres of some embryos will each epithelial/mesenchymal recombinations (see below). A_ similar
produce entire embryos if separated at an early stage, showing outcome can be achieved by the topical application of morphogens
that instead of developing into a predicted embryonic part, each (see below), such as retinoic acid.
blastomere could regulate its development to produce a complete Regeneration. It is important not to confuse embryonic regu-
organism; this is termed regulative development. The phenomenon of lation with regeneration in adult or fetal tissues (Slack 1991). Regen-
regulation exhibits global features wherein a mass of cells reorganizes eration involves the re-establishment of regional differences in the
as a whole, suggesting avenues of cell-cell communication for sharing newly formed replacement parts, while regulation involves the re-
this meta-organizational information and plan. establishment of a fate map on a partial domain of uncommitted
The effects of regulation are well established but the mechanisms tissue (Slack 1991). Regeneration occurs in many lower organisms,
underlying such regulation are not yet understood. There is a strong for example the formation of new heads and tails in transected flat
presumption that the embryo, by some mechanism, has an indication worms, new apical and basal regions in transected hydra, or the
of its own size and how big it should be for a particular developmental replacement of a whole severed limb or tail, or appropriate part
stage. Homeostatic mechanisms are deployed in order to seek and thereof, in adult amphibia. In general, regeneration follows one of
maintain this ‘target size’ in embryos where naturally occurring or two main types: morphallaxis, in which the whole re-forms by
experimental perturbations cause it to depart from the normal growth rearrangement and differentiation of the existing tissues without
curve. Although extreme, this viewpoint is supported by observations further growth, and epimorphosis, in which there is new growth of
on twinning and fusion experiments, catch-up growth and responses blastemal tissue, which subsequently matures into the full regenerate.
to inductive reprogramming (teratogenic insults; Snow 1989). Regeneration involves similar positional signalling cues to normal
Twinning experiments. When first formed, twin embryos will be development, and may share some similar morphogens, for example
approximately half the normal size, as the process of twinning leads retinoic acid and its receptors (Brockes 1994; see p.116), An
to the formation of two embryonic axes within a normal-sized interesting form of embryonic response which is midway between
blastocyst. Interestingly, the proportions of parts within these minia- embryonic regulation and regeneration is the phenomenon of
ture embryonic primary axes are normal, and despite starting out at scar-free dermal embryonic wound healing (Whitby & Ferguson
half the size, each fetus is of comparable size to a singleton fetus by 1991).
the second trimester of pregnancy (Snow 1989). Twin fetuses thus go
through a phase of accelerated growth during most of organogenesis
although the mechanism by which this occurs is obscure. Mono- CELL AND TISSUE INTERACTIONS
zygotic twins constitute a high risk group for susceptibility to It is clear from the existence of regulation and the differing differ-
malformation; although this may be due to their small initial size, it entiation pathways of cells in the early embryo, that interactions
seems more likely that the risk is generated by the higher than take place between the cells of the developing embryo. These cellular
normal growth rate that they experience at critical times in their interactions provide the developmental integration and fine control
early development (Snow 1989). necessary to achieve tissue specific morphogenesis. In the early 109

embryo, such interactions may occur only if particular regions of signals and analogous substances which have similar effects, the
the embryo are present, for example signalling centres or organizers variety of cellular transmission of the signals and the receptors and
(see p. 105). As the embryo matures, so interactions tend to occur the consequences of signalling to the target tissue.
between adjacent cell populations, for example epithelium and mes- As will also be evident, however, in the subsequent sections, at a
enchyme, and later between adjacent differentiating tissues, for mechanistic level it is unclear whether there are fundamental differ-
example between nerves and muscle or muscle and skeletal elements. ences between instructive and permissive interactions: they are more
Tissue interactions result in changes or reorganization of one or likely easily identifiable experimental outcomes, depending upon the
both tissues; these changes would not occur in the absence of the nature of the signalling molecule, its divergent effects on the two
tissue interactions. The process of tissue interaction is also called tissues and the state of competence of the responding tissue. Tissue
induction; one tissue is said to induce another. The ability of a tissue interactions continue into adult life and are probably responsible for
to respond to inductive signals is called competence (Waddington maintaining the functional heterogeneity of adult tissues and organs.
1940). (Competence may be considered as a subset of potency. For example, there is complex tissue heterogeneity with sharply
Potency is the total of all things a particular region of embryonic compartmentalized boundaries in the oral cavity; the distinction
tissue can become if put into the appropriate environment. Com- between the attached gingiva of the gums, the alveolar mucosa of
petence includes all the outcomes achievable by that tissue in response the floor of the mouth and the lips, the vermilion border and the
to the environments present in the embryo at that particular stage.) skin, are sharp and distinct boundaries of specific epithelial and
Inductive interactions may be more or less complicated: only the mesenchymal differentiation and are almost certainly maintained by
induced tissue may change or both tissues may change and par- continuing epithelial/mesenchymal interactions in adult life (for
ticipate, as in morphogenesis, or, more commonly, several reciprocal review see Sharpe & Ferguson 1988). Perturbation of these inter-
inductive interactions may be required over a prolonged period of actions throughout the body may underlie a wide variety of adult
developmental time before a specific organ or tissue will form. diseases, including susceptibility to cancer and proliferative disorders.

Types of interaction Epithelial/mesenchymal interactions

Two types of cell and tissue interaction have been defined by Holtzer These are a specific subset of embryonic tissue interactions involving
(1968): permissive and instructive. signalling between an epithelial tissue and a mesenchymal tissue.
In a permissive interaction, a signal from an apposing tissue is They are particularly common and important during embryonic
necessary for the successful self-differentiation of the responding development. They provide a mechanism for coordinating and fine
tissue. This means a cell population (or the matrix molecules secreted tuning the development, for example mitotic rate, differentiative
by them) will maintain mitotic activity in an adjacent cell population. ability, etc, of the two tissues, which are key for successful morpho-
Since a variety of different cell populations may permit a specific cell genesis. As with general tissue interactions, epithelial/mesenchymal
population to undergo mitosis and cell differentiation, no specific interactions are often described as instructive or permissive.
instruction or signal, which may limit the developmental options of Generally mesenchymal populations control the pattern of
the responding tissue, is involved. Thus this signal does not influence development, i.e. whether an arm or leg develops, or whether stomach
the developmental pathway selected; there is no restriction. The or colon develops; however, epithelial cells often retain their original
responding tissue has the intrinsic capacity to develop and only cytodifferentiation and may have an early profound effect on the
needs appropriate environmental conditions to express this capacity. underlying mesenchyme. Thus in a recombination of chick gut
Permissive interactions often occur later in development, where a epithelium and mouse mesenchyme, or vice versa, whereas the
tissue whose fate has already been determined is maintained and patterning of the intestinal villi will be determined by the underlying
stabilized by another. mesenchyme, the epithelial cells will produce the enzymes associated
An instructive (directive) interaction (induction) changes the cell with the relevant species, i.e. mouse epithelium will produce lactase
type of the responding tissue (i.e. the cell population becomes and chick epithelium sucrase, regardless of the origin of the under-
restricted). Wessells (1977) proposed four general principles in most lying mesenchyme (Haffen et al 1989). Further, within gut develop-
instructive interactions. ment there is the suggestion that the epithelium may first influence
the mesenchyme thus conferring its morphogenetic properties; a
(1) In the presence of tissue A, responding tissue B develops in a similar effect may be seen in the early stages of formation of the
certain way. base of the skull, where the neuroepithelium, by placing specific
(2) In the absence of tissue A, responding tissue B does not molecules in the basal lamina, can halt migration of subjacent
develop in that way. mesenchymal cells and initiate their differentiation along a chon-
(3) In the absence of tissue A, but in the presence of tissue C, drogenic pathway (see p. 274). Thus there are temporally reciprocal
tissue B does not develop in that way. interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme, the epithelium
(4) In the presence of tissue A, a tissue D, which would normally signalling to the mesenchyme, which then in turn signals back to the
develop differently, is changed to develop like B. epithelium, etc. Such sequential spatial and temporal reciprocal
An example of (4) above is the experimental association of chicken interactions have been termed epigenetic cascades (Hall 1992); they
flank ectoderm with mouse mammary mesenchyme, resulting in the lead to the differentiation and morphogenesis of most tissues and
morphogenesis of mammary gland-like structures: chickens do not organs (Sharpe & Ferguson 1988; Baird 1990; Hall 1992). An example
normally develop mammary glands (Sakakura 1983). of a reciprocal tissue interaction can be seen in mammalian tooth
In an experimental context, instructive interactions have thus been development summarized in 3.8. Other examples of epithelial/
more narrowly defined to describe the situation where the apposition mesenchymal interactions are used throughout the section to illus-
of two dissimilar tissue types, which would not normally come in trate the mechanisms in each system. (For an excellent text on
contact, results in one or other of those developing a unique mor- interactions consult Wessells 1977.)
phology and gene expression, which would not normally be present
Mechanisms of signalling
(Sharpe & Ferguson 1988).
For any specific interaction, five basic questions can be asked: In theory, there are four principle mechanisms by which cellular
interactions may be signalled: direct cell-cell contact, cell adhesion
e What is the tissue source for the inductive signal (i.e. where does molecules and their receptors, extracellular matrix molecules and
the specificity reside)? their receptors, and growth factors and their receptors. Many of
e What are the physicochemical properties of this signal? these mechanisms interact and it is likely that combinations of them
e What is the mode of intercellular transmission? are involved in development. 3.9 illustrates diagrammatically some
e How do the responding cells process these signals? ways by which mesenchymal cells could signal to epithelial cells. An
e How do these signals result in the terminal differentiation of the additional set of identical mechanisms could operate for epithelial
cells and/or the morphogenesis of the tissue? to mesenchymal signalling. Clearly, these mechanisms would increase
Many early experiments described the tissue source for the induc- in complexity, for example by reciprocal interactions or by the
tive signal, the responding tissue and the resultant morphogenetic divergent effects of a single molecule on epithelial and mesenchymal
110 effect. Recent advances have identified the nature of many of the cells.

ORAL Dental —________y Enamel —__________y» Pre-

Epithelial ECTODERM epithelium ameloblasts
transformations Ameloblasts

Epithelium Enamel organ

Mesenchyme causes epithelium
mesenchyme to induces dental
mesenchyme to Odontoblastic
Epithelial/ Dental papilla
induces become mesenchyme
mesenchymal ‘aes pre-odontoblasts
interactions induces
en iD and odontoblasts epithelial
onane organ | pre-ameloblasts
induces oral
to become
epithelium to

Dental Pre- |——y Odontoblasts

Mesenchymal MESENCHYME mesenchyme odontoblasts y
transformations Predentine

Age in days (post-conception)

3.8 An example of reciprocal tissue interaction in mammalian tooth involved in the development of teeth in the embryonic mouse. E8—19 rep-
development. The sequence of epithelial/mesenchymal interactions resent age in days after conception. (After Lumsden 1987.)

Direct cell-cell contact. Gap junctions appear to be important such expression can modify the behaviour of groups of induced cells.
for communication and transfer of information between cells. Anti- To this extent cell adhesion molecules may be much more important
bodies to gap junctional proteins, experimentally injected into early in morphogenetic events.
amphibian embryos, appear to disrupt aspects of neural induction, Other molecules found in the extracellular matrix (see below), for
and in mammalian embryos disruption of gap junctions at the 8- example fibronectin and laminin inter alia, can modulate cell
blastomere stage prevents compaction from occurring. It is suggested adhesion by their degree of glycosylation. Self-assembly or cross-
that gap junctional communication is involved in patterning (see linking by matrix molecules may affect cell adhesiveness by increasing
below). The intercellular passage of dye between cells via gap the availability of binding sites or by obscuring them (Adams &
junctions can be monitored, and the distribution of gap junctions Watt 1993).
both spatially and temporally can be studied in embryos by antibodies Extracellular matrix molecules and their receptors. These are
to connexins, constitutive proteins of gap junctions. Dye coupling of synthesized by both epithelial and mesenchymal cells. Epithelial
cells has been recorded as cells of the paraxial mesenchyme form cells produce a two-dimensional basal lamina. A variety of matrix
epithelial somites, and between neuroepithelial cells within rhom- molecules including /aminin, fibronectin, type IV collagen and various
bomeres (Martinez et al 1992), and connexins have been noted proteoglycans are found in basal laminae. The particular molecules
between cardiac myocytes (Fromaget et al 1992) and in the media can vary during development according to spatial and temporal
of the outflow tract of the heart (Minkoff et al 1993). patterns resulting in changes in behaviour of the underlying mes-
Endogenous electrical fields are also thought to have a role in enchymal cells (e.g. see development of skull, p.271). Mesenchymal
cell-cell communication. Such fields have been demonstrated in a cells produce extracellular matrix molecules in three-dimensions.
range of amphibian embryos and in vertebrate embryos during Those adjacent to an epithelial layer will contribute to it forming a
primitive streak ingression (Jaffe & Stern 1979; Winkel & Nuccitelli basement membrane which secures the epithelial layer to the under-
1989); experiments in which endogenous currents were shunted out lying tissue, whilst those cells deep within a mesenchymal population
of embryos resulted in tail defects (Hotary & Robinson 1992). may synthesize matrix molecules (fibrillar or granular) to separate
Neuroepithelial cells have been shown to be electrically coupled cells locally, open migration routes, or leave information within the
regardless of their position relative to interrhombomeric boundaries. matrix to act on cell populations passing at a later time (Nathan &
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs or cadherins). These families Sporn 1991). Molecules of the extracellular matrix are complex; they
of molecules which mediate adhesion between cells have been ident- include more than 19 individual types of collagen (some of which
ified and their spatial and temporal distribution localized in the early are capable of being individually spliced to give more than 100
embryo. They are thus candidates for signalling cellular interactions. variants (Mayne & Burgeson 1987), proteoglycans and glycoproteins
Some of the most extensively studied CAMs include the neural cell (which come in a wide variety of forms, with and without binding
adhesion molecule (N-CAM), first identified in nerve cells, liver proteins; Scott 1989, 1993; Knudson & Knudson 1993; Erickson
cell adhesion molecule (L-CAM), first identified in the liver, cel/- 1993), and elastic fibres (Rosenbloom et al 1993). Of particular
cell adhesion molecule (C-CAM) (Edelman 1986, 1988), and substrate interest is hyaluronic acid, a glycosaminoglycan. Because of its vast
adhesion molecule (SAM). Although Edelman (1988), in his mor- capacity to bind water molecules it creates and structures the space
phoregulatory hypothesis of development, directly implicated the between the mesenchymal cells, creating much of the overall shape
expression of CAMs and SAMs in embryonic induction, current of embryos. Experimental removal of hyaluronic acid prevents the
evidence indicates that their expression may represent an early formation of cell migration routes, removes the support for overlying
response of groups of cells to embryonic induction signals and that epithelia, and disrupts the normal branching of glandular systems. 111

Epithelium Basal lamina Mesenchyme cell Direct cell-cell contact by gap junctions.

Cell-cell contact by cell adhesion molecules.

A soluble factor (growth factor) reacting with a receptor for that factor on the epithelial

Extracellular matrix molecule secreted by the mesenchyme cells interacting with a

receptor on the epithelial cell.

A soluble factor (growth factor) secreted by a mesenchymal cell having a biphasic action
interacting (i) with a receptor on an epithelial cell, causing it to express a specific
extracellular matrix molecule receptor; (ii) with a receptor on a mesenchyme cell, causing
it to secrete a specific extracellular matrix molecule which then interacts with the induced
epithelial receptor.

6 A soluble factor (growth factor) secreted by a mesenchyme cell interacting with a

receptor on an epithelial cell causing it to express a receptor, or secrete a factor, which
interacts with another factor synthesized, or receptor expressed, by another
mesenchyme cell.

7 A soluble factor secreted by a mesenchyme cell interacting with a receptor on an

epithelial cell causing it to synthesize an extracellular matrix molecule (or a receptor for
such a molecule) which then interacts with a specific receptor for that molecule on
another mesenchyme cell.

8 A soluble factor secreted from a mesenchyme cell interacting with a receptor on an

epithelial cell causing it to synthesize a molecule which stabilises or enhances the
interaction between a mesenchymal derived factor and its epithelial receptor.

9 A soluble factor secreted by a mesenchyme cell interacting with a receptor on an

epithelial cell causing the inhibition of synthesis/assembly of a factor or receptor.

10 A soluble factor secreted by a mesenchyme cell binding to the extracellular matrix of the
basal lamina where it remains active and subsequently interacts with a receptor on an
epithelial cell which appears at a later developmental time.

3.9 Illustrates the many ways by which mesenchyme cells could signal to
epithelial cells. Precisely the same mechanisms can operate in reverse, i.e.
epithelium to mesenchyme.

Fibronectin deposited extracellularly along a migration pathway — building blocks

will affect cells which touch it later, causing realignment of their — sites of growth factor activity
intracellular actin filaments and thus their orientation; fibronectin — cell migration attachment sites
induces cell migration. The receptors for extracellular matrix mol- e There is cooperative secretion of extracellular matrix molecules
ecules like fibronectin and laminin were termed integrins (Horowitz and growth factors
1986) because they integrate (via a and # subunits which span the Growth factors stimulate extracellular matrix molecule biosyn-
cell membrane) extracellular proteins and intracellular cytoskeletal thesis
elements, allowing them to act together. The binding preference of e Growth factors stimulate extracellular matrix receptor expression
integrins depends upon their combination of subunits and environ- Extracellular matrix molecules down regulate synthesis of growth
mental conditions. factors and/or their receptors.
Mutations of the genes which code for extracellular matrix mol- It is believed that growth factor activation may be a key in
ecules give rise to a number of congenital disorders; for example signalling epithelial/mesenchymal interactions. (For an extensive
mutations in type I collagen give rise to osteogenesis imperfecta; in review of extracellular matrix molecules see Adams & Watt 1993.)
type II collagen they produce disorders of cartilage; and in fibrillin Growth factors and their receptors. Large families of growth
they lead to Marfan’s syndrome. factors and their receptors have been identified at the molecular level
Although all molecules secreted into the spaces around the mes- and their spatial and temporal distributions have been mapped
enchymal cells are technically extracellular matrix molecules, growth during embryogenesis. Examples of such families include the epi-
factors are distinguished from them. Growth factors (see below) and dermal growth factor family (EGF), the transforming growth factor
extracellular matrix molecules share numerous cooperative proper- beta family (TGF) (which includes the bone morphogenetic
ties; indeed there are huge stores of growth factor proteins bound proteins), the fibroblast growth factor family (FGF), the insulin-like
and sequestered to extracellular matrix molecules, particularly those growth factor family (IGFs), the platelet derived growth factor family
of the basal laminae. Growth factors interact with extracellular (PDGF), etc. Growth factors can (despite their name) signal a wide
matrix molecules in the following ways: variety of cellular effects, including stimulation or inhibition of
e Growth factors can bind to specific extracellular matrix molecules growth, differentiation, migration, etc. (Sporn & Roberts 1990).
and remain active Because each family of growth factors is so large, and because there
e Specific extracellular matrix molecules bind and neutralize growth are a similarly extensive number of receptors, the possible signalling
factors combinations are considerable. Often, a single growth factor can
e Extracellular matrix molecules have growth factor repeat sequences bind with varying affinities to individual receptor family members.
112 which may function as: Some of these receptors are monogamous, recognizing only one

Extracellular matrix Blood vessel Mesenchyme cell

= Endocrine Delivery of growth factor by the bloodstream from a distant biosynthetic site
to the target mesenchyme cell.

2 Autocrine Synthesis of growth factor by the cell, its secretion, binding and activation of
a surface receptor elsewhere on its own surface.

3 Paracrine Synthesis of growth factor by the cell, its secretion and diffusion to an
adjacent cell ( or group of cells) where it binds to and activates a cell surface receptor.

4 Juxtacrine Synthesis of growth factor by the cell. The growth factor remains on the
cell surface and binds to and activates a receptor on an immediately adjacent cell.

5 Intracrine Synthesis of growth factor within the cytoplasm of the cell. The growth
factor moves to the nucleus and binds and activates its own nuclear receptors.

6 Matricrine Synthesis and export of growth factor from the cell. The growth factor binds
to the extracellular matrix where it remains active and subsequently binds to and
activates a receptor for that growth factor on the same ora different cell.

3.10 Cells can also communicate by the reception, production and

secretion of growth factors. A typical embryonic mesenchyme cell could
receive and produce growth factors in this way.

isoform, whereas others are polygamous, recognizing all isoforms. most developing organs, there is at present only a rudimentary
The effects of any individual growth factor may therefore depend knowledge of the specifics of which combinations of signals give rise
on which receptor isoform, or ratio of isoform receptors, are dis- to which kinds of differentiation.
played on the cell surface. It is now clear that developmental The diverse range of growth factors and their receptors, and
information resides, not in any single molecule, but rather in the their importance in developmental processes has been discussed by
combination of molecules to which a cell is exposed. Thus, varying Ferguson (1994). He argues that the numerous growth factors and
combinations of growth factors in varying concentrations can elicit their receptors interact to give a smooth temporal integration of
quite different effects on similar cells (Jessell & Melton 1992). developmental events. Thus one growth factor may alter the synthesis
Examples of the importance of growth factors in embryonic of another growth factor, or its receptor (Sharpe et al 1992). If the
signalling are mentioned throughout the section in the context of signalling systems are both hierarchical and functionally redundant,
the development of the individual systems where this is appropriate. with each developmental event having a window of operational
Two examples are given here. Members of the FGF family and viability that may be achieved by a principal mechanism with a
TGFS family (principally activins) are involved in signalling meso- number of parallel backup mechanisms, then, if there were a dis-
blast induction (Jessell & Melton 1992). For example, isolated turbance in any one system its effects would be minimized by
amphibian blastocoele roofs (termed, animals caps) treated with a parallel backup system. Thus whilst one main mechanism for
activin form dorsomedial mesoderm structures whereas treatment developmental processes might be sought, this may not necessarily
with FGF results in ventral components; activin alone (in the absence be the way that evolution has optimized embryonic development.
of hypoblast) will induce primitive streak formation in the chick Survival of the embryo may be considered the driving force behind
epiblast. Palatal differentiation into nasal pseudostratified ciliated evolution, with generation of phenotypic variation also an important
columnar cells, oral stratified squamous cells or medial edge epithelial phylogenetic force. Ferguson suggests that both of these may be
cell adhesion and migration by the underlying mesenchyme appears achieved by utilizing developmental mechanisms which are quite
to be signalled by a variety of growth factors, for example trans- slack, with appropriate backups, or self-balancing programmes,
forming growth factor alpha (TGFa) (Dixon et al 1991), TGF£1, 2 which ensure smooth development of the embryo, its survival and
and 3 (Brunet et al 1994), IGFII (Ferguson et al 1992), FGF1 and the generation of variation.
2 (Sharpe et al 1992). Thus it seems that epithelial and mesenchymal cell populations
Growth factors can be delivered to and act upon cells in a variety can structure the space around them by secretion of particular matrix
of fashions: endocrine, autocrine, paracrine, intracrine, juxtacrine and molecules or growth factors which can in turn organize the cells that
matricrine (3.10). Interestingly, many growth factors are secreted in contact them. The extracellular matrix is structured rather than
a latent form, for example associated with a propeptide (latency random so that cell-matrix interactions and matrix—cell interactions
associated peptide) in the case of TGFf (Miyazono et al 1993; control: the position of migration routes; whether cells migrate or
Taipale et al 1994) or attached to a binding protein, in the case of not; whether cells begin differentiation or not. Matrix molecules thus
IGFs. Activity of the growth factor is dependent on dissociation propagate developmental instructions from cell to cell forming a far-
from the binding protein or the latency associated protein, and reaching four- (spatial and temporal) dimensional communication
therefore post-translational mechanisms of growth factor activation mechanism.
represent a critical control point for growth factor activity. Such
activation mechanisms may involve specific proteases and/or con-
formational changes in the latency associated complex, by binding,
for example, to a different receptor (in the case of TGFP, binding Morphogenesis may be described as the assumption of form by the
of mannose-6-phosphate residues on the latency associated peptide, whole, or part, of a developing embryo. As a term it is used to denote
to the mannose-6-phosphate/IGFII receptor; Taipale et al 1994). the movement of cell populations and the changing shape of an embryo
The specific activity of various growth factors may equally depend particularly during early development. The most obvious examples of
on stabilization of the growth factor at the receptor by an accessory morphogenesis are the large migrations occurring during gastrulation;
molecule. A good example of this is the delivery and stabilization of however, local examples include branching morphogenesis.
the activity of FGF2 by heparin sulphate proteoglycan (Walker et The development of branches from a tubular duct occur over a
al 1994). Such complexity in the signalling system means that for period of time. In this case an interaction between the proliferating 113

Collagen Hyaluronidase caused breakdown

Collagen Narrow of extracellular matrix
fibrils cleft Hyaluronidase

Epithelial Jibrils

3.11. Branching of a tubular duct may occur as a result of an interaction degradation of the epithelial basal lamina by hyaluronidase and slows the
between the proliferating epithelium of the duct and its surrounding mes- rate of mitosis of the overlying epithelial cells. In regions where no collagen
enchyme and extracellular matrix. Mesenchymal cells initiate cleft formation Ill is produced, hyaluronidase breaks down the epithelial basal lamina and
by producing collagen Ill fibrils locally within the development clefts and locally increases epithelial mitoses forming an expanded acinus. (From
hyaluronidase over other parts of the epithelium. Collagen III prevents local Gilbert 1991 with permission.)

epithelium of the duct and its surrounding mesenchyme and extra- structures such as the tetrapod limb. For such a process to occur
cellular matrix results in a series of clefts which produce a charac- individual cells must be informed of their position within the embryo
teristic branching pattern (3.11). Normally during tubular and acinar and utilize that information for appropriate differentiation; thus
development hyaluronidase secreted by the underlying mesenchymal positional information is a fundamental concept for explaining mech-
cells breaks down the basal lamina produced by the epithelial cells anisms of pattern formation (Wolpert 1989). The picturesque model
and this locally increases epithelial mitoses forming an expanding adopted to present this hypothesis is the so-called ‘French Flag
acinus. The mesenchyme then initiates cleft formation by producing Problem’ (3.12). In this a line of communicating cells are considered
collagen III fibrils within the putative clefts. (If the collagen is to have three possibilities for differentiation: blue, white or red, and
removed no clefts develop; if excess collagen is not removed, super- they form a correctly proportioned French Flag whatever the number
numerary clefts appear.) The collagen acts to protect the basal of cells in the line and even if parts of the original line are removed.
lamina from the effects of the hyaluronidase and thus the overlying It is assumed that each cell is assigned a positional value by
epithelia have a locally reduced mitotic rate. The region of rapid appropriate signals with respect to boundaries at the ends of the
mitoses at the tip of the acinus is thus split into two and two line (3.12). Such a hypothesis does not only explain proportionate
branches develop from this point. This mechanism of branching differentiation, but also epimorphic and morphallaxic regeneration
morphogenesis is seen throughout the systems, from lungs to kidney (see above). Thus positional information provides a unifying concept
and including most glandular organs. for understanding the development and regulation of a variety of
Pattern formation concerns the processes whereby the individual patterns. The same signals and positional values may be used to
members of a mass of cells, initially apparently homogeneous, follow specify different patterns; the differences arising from both devel-
a number of different avenues of differentiation precisely related to opmental history and/or genetic constitution.
each other in an orderly manner in space and time. The ‘patterns’ The essential features of a co-ordinate system to establish pos-
embraced by the term apply not only to regions of regular geometrical itional information are, boundaries with respect to which position is
order, for example the crystalline lens, but also to asymmetrical specified; a scalar which gives a measure of distance from the

WN 0 ail

Ait 0

3.12a Diagram illustrating one hypothesis concerning positional infor- triple differentiation occurs. See text for discussion. (Modified from and
mation in relation to pattern formation, by reference to the so-called ‘French provided by L Wolpert 1971 a,b, 1978.)
Flag’ problem. A-B and C-D indicate long and short rows of cells respect- 3.128 Diagram using the ‘French Flag’ analogy to illustrate application of
ively, X, X' and Y, Y' the concentrations of morphogenetically active sub- the hypothesis of positional information advanced to explain regeneration,
stances. Above: X-X' shows the gradient of a single substance; below: after ablation (cross-hatch) of part of an array of cells, either by morphallaxis
114 X-X' and Y-Y' the gradients of two substances. In each case a similar (right) or by epimorphosis (left).

boundary; and polarity which specifies the direction in which posi- mutations involved single genes which, when cloned, all had a highly
tion is measured from the boundary (Wolpert 1989). For a one- conserved sequence of 183 base pairs (bp), coding for 61 amino acids
dimensional system, all the necessary features can be provided at the C-terminus of the protein. This sequence was termed the
by a monotonic decrease in the concentration of a chemical (a homeobox. Investigation of its structure revealed that it formed a
morphogen), which could be set up with a localized source or by region in the protein that bound to DNA (reviewed by Scott 1989).
reaction diffusion. The concentration of chemical at any point then One of the intriguing features of the homeotic genes is that the linear
provides a scale or a measure of distance from the boundary and order of each gene, from the 3' end to the 5' end, is the same as its
the slope of the concentration gradient effectively provides the expression, along the cephalocaudal axis of the embryo, a feature
polarity. Nearly all positional fields are small, none being longer referred to as collinearity. Further analysis of genes involved in the
than about 1mm in maximum linear dimension, or about 50 cell control of segmentation in the fly showed that many of them also
diameters (most are much smaller). The time required to specify contain homeobox sequences but with little else in common. Thus,
position appears to be in the order of hours (Wolpert 1989). many of the genes known from mutations to be essential for normal
The term morphogen (first used by Turing 1952) was originally embryonic morphology had one small region in common (the
used in relation to pattern formation; the distribution of a morphogen homeobox) that codes for a DNA-binding function. This suggests
reflected the resulting overt pattern. Its use has now been extended that embryonic morphology in Drosophila is controlled overall by
to include a concentration gradient that specifies position (as above), DNA-binding proteins that function as transcriptional regulators,
i.e. a positional signal (Wolpert 1989). This definition clearly dis- controlling the expression of other genes. These other genes might
tinguishes between a positional signal (morphogen) and an induction consist of genes encoding structural proteins, growth factors, cell
signal (see above) as the latter does not specify pattern. Differences adhesion molecules, signalling molecules, cell surface proteins, extra-
between these types of signal (as discussed by Wolpert 1989) are as cellular matrix proteins, enzymes, etc. that act in concert to generate
follows: tissue morphogenesis.
Positional signal Inductive signal Vertebrate Hox genes
Involves same or different tissues
The identification of genes containing homeoboxes in vertebrates
Interaction between two
raised the possibility that such genes might have similar functions
different tissues
Specification of multiple cell in vertebrate embryos as in invertebrate embryos, assuming that
Specification of one cell state
states evolutionary conservation of the homeobox implies an important
Graded response role. Currently, 38 genes containing homeoboxes are known in
All or none response
Larger range signal mammals, and all show a high degree of similarity with the homeo-
Shorter range signal
Polarity boxes of the Drosophila homeotic genes. These genes are called Hox
No polarity
Provided by or linked to (murine) or HOX (human) and are found in four clusters known
Relation to boundaries variable
boundary region as A (mouse chromosome 6, human chromosome 7), B (mouse
Instructive chromosome 11, human chromosome 17), C (mouse chromosome
Instructive or permissive
15, human chromosome 12), and D (mouse chromosome 2, human
chromosome 2). The Hox genes are numbered from 1 to 13, with 1
The best example of a morphogen is the graded distribution of corresponding to a cephalic gene and 13 a more caudally placed
the protein encoded by the bicoid gene, which is the key regulator gene. Hox a-6, Hox b-6, Hox c-6 and Hox d-6 are located at the
for patterning along the cephalocaudal axis of the Drosophila embryo same relative positions in their respective clusters and are referred
(Nusslein-Volhard 1991; Lawrence 1992). The goosecoid gene (named to as a paralogous group (8.13) (Scott 1992).
because of its similarities to the Drosophila gooseberry and bicoid It should be noted that an earlier nomenclature of Hox genes
genes) serves the same function in vertebrate embryos (De Robertis reflected their order of discovery rather than any logical system. The
et al 1992), and has been demonstrated in Xenopus and mouse (see nomenclature described above was recommended by the Mouse and
p. 143). In vertebrates, retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) represent a Human Gene Mapping Nomenclature Committees (Scott 1992). It
major class of non-peptide growth factor signals that best fulfil the provides a system that identifies all the Hox genes in their relative
criteria for morphogens (Jessell & Melton 1992). In development of positions and allows some flexibility for the discovery of genes in
the limb (see p. 291) transplantation of the zone of polarizing activity other vertebrates. The Nomenclature Committee also noted that the
from the postaxial border of the limb bud to the preaxial border term Hox should be used only for vertebrate genes related to the
results in mirror image skeletal duplication. This effect can be Drosophila ANT-C and BX-C gene clusters, by position in a complex,
mimicked by applying retinoic acid to the preaxial mesenchyme and by their sequence and expression along the cephalocaudal axis.
(Tickle et al 1982), leading to the hypothesis that retinoic acid is the Sequence similarity alone would not qualify for the use of the Hox
endogenous polarizing signal in the limb. It has been suggested that name. Thus genes previously termed Hox-7 and Hox-8 are renamed
it acts by stimulating the local synthesis of TGF family members Ms x-1 and Ms x-2 respectively.
particularly BMP2 (Francis et al 1994). All Hox genes have a number of features in common: they all
have homeoboxes at their 3' ends that are related to Drosophila
homeotic gene homeoboxes; they all have a single small intron of
THE MOLECULAR CONTROL OF EMBRYONIC around 1 kb with the homeobox being in the second exon; they are
MORPHOLOGY all transcribed in the same direction; and they are all expressed in
Two related themes have emerged recently that have revolutionized the embryonic nervous system, somites and limbs.
our understanding of developmental processes: (1) that the control The outstanding feature of the Hox genes is their remarkable
of embryonic morphology has been highly conserved in evolution conservation with the fly homeotic genes. Based on amino acid
between vertebrates and invertebrates; (2) that this control involves sequence and cluster position, each paralogous group of Hox genes
families of genes coding for proteins that act as transcriptional can be traced to a Drosophila homeotic gene. Thus, the Hox genes
regulators. are phylogenetically related to the homeotic genes and have arisen
via duplication of an original ancestral invertebrate cluster. Even
more remarkable is that the collinearity of homeotic gene position
and embryonic expression is also the same for Hox genes. Thus, the
The fruit fly Drosophila possesses eight homeotic genes which specify closer to the 3' end a gene is in a cluster, the more cephalic is its
the structures developing on each body segment. There are two expression in the embryo (3.13). Paralogous genes, being related to
regions on Drosophila chromosome 3 that contain these genes: one the same ancestral gene, show similar cephalic expression domains,
region, the Antennapedia complex (ANT-C), contains five genes; the but interestingly have different dorsoventral domains in the develop-
second, Bithorax complex (BX-C), contains three. The existence of ing CNS.
these genes was determined by the study of homeotic mutations which The level of evolutionary conservation between homeotic and Hox
result in conversion of one body part of the fly to another, for genes implies that they have similar functions and thus Hox genes
example legs developing on the head in place of antennae. The might function to control morphology in mammalian embryogenesis. 115

Direct manipulation of Hox gene expression in murine embryos has in the rhombomeric neuroepithelium is believed to specify the rhom-
shown this to be the case (see below). bomeres and pattern the resulting motor neurons. This Hox gene
expression is also carried over into the cranial neural crest cells
Hox codes according to their position of origin, imparting upon them positional
Hox genes are expressed in developing ectodermal structures, such information which will be used to determine their ultimate fates
as the rhombomeres and neural crest, in a wide variety of mes- (3.148; Hunt et al 1991b). (For further description of Hox gene
enchymally derived organs such as the somites, heart, kidney, testis, expression in the rhombomeres see p. 228.)
etc. but not in any endodermally derived structures. The striking The importance of the axial code in specification of somites is
feature of Hox expression is that the genes have overlapping suggested by disruption of the Hox c-8 gene which results in a
expression domains but with very distinct cephalic boundaries. Thus, transformation of the first lumbar vertebra into an extra thoracic
at any point along the cephalocaudal axis of the embryo, cells of the vertebra (T14) complete with ribs (Le Mouellic et al 1992). In
CNS and paraxial mesenchyme (which later forms somites) have a developing avian limb buds, ectopic expression of Hox d-11 results
characteristic complement of Hox gene expression. This complement in disruption of the digit pattern (Morgan et al 1992). This is most
of Hox genes (homeoproteins) is believed to form an axial code (Hox evident in the leg when Hox d-I1 is ectopically expressed in more
code) that specifies position along the cephalocaudal axis. preaxial regions resulting in a preaxial toe that looks like the adjacent
Hox codes have been identified in four different locations in the index toe (Morgan et al 1992).
Retinoic acid and Hox codes
e an axial code, specifying somites (Kessel & Gruss 1991) The teratogenic effects of retinoic acid (a derivative of vitamin A)
e a branchial code specifying neuronal and neural crest development have been extensively studied for over 25 years. Embryos (human
in the branchial region (Hunt & Krumlauf 1991; Hunt et al 1991a) and rodent) exposed to excess retinoic acid show abnormalities of
e an organogenesis code (a variation of the axial code) (Gaunt et al many different organs, the most striking being craniofacial and limb
1988) defects (reviewed by Morris-Kay 1993). The most intriguing feature
e a limb code (Dollé et al 1989). of craniofacial retinoic acid teratogenesis is that the abnormalities
In all these regions, the overlapping domains of Hox gene produced appear to originate from abnormal development of the
expression have been interpreted as providing specific positional hindbrain. This, together with the fact that Hox gene expression in
information (3.14). For example, in the hindbrain the cranial bound- cultures of embryonic carcinoma cells is sensitive to exogenous
aries of expression of Hox genes correspond to the morphological retinoic acid concentration, led to the conclusion that retinoic acid
boundaries, the rhombomeres (3.144). The expression of Hox genes exerts its teratogenic effects on craniofacial development by par-

Posterior Anterior
Is.ai12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
—_>—-——>—— —>_—-=+ —_

x Abd-B
Aes am
abd-A Ubx Antp Scr Dfd
pb lab
a oe
5' 3"
Direction of transcription of Hox genes

Hox a (Hox 1): Human chromosome 7, mouse chromosome 6

Wags galeaaaea
a-13 a-11 a10 a9 a7 a6 a5 a4
a3 a2 a-1

CWC sseo0s
Hox b (Hox 2): Human chromosome 17, mouse chromosome 11

Hox c (Hox 3): Human chromosome 12, mouse chromosome 15

c-13. c-12 c11 c10 c9

Hox d (Hox 4): Human chromosome 2, mouse chromosome 2

4)Sees sot0l0lsco0s
d-13. d-12 d-11 d-10 d-9

3.13 The mammalian Hox and Drosophila HOM-C gene complexes. This mammalian embryo to represent their expression domains and show the
shows diagrammatically the relationships between the Drosophila homeotic evidence for colinearity.
(HOM-C) genes and the mammalian Hox genes. The genes are represented The boxes A, B and C on the mammalian embryo are the regions enlarged
by boxes which are coloured to indicate evolutionary-related genes. The in 3.14. (Adapted from Coletta et al 1994.)
116 colours are also transposed onto the adult fly and midgestation stage

ticularly altering Hox gene expression (Simeone et al 1990). Retinoic the Hox genes and they are often highly restricted to particular cells
acid induces a transformation of rhombomeres 2/3 into a 4/5 identity, in developing organs. Whether any of these genes produce ‘codes’
with a corresponding transformation of the trigeminal motor cranial for development of individual organs remains to be seen. Many of
nerve into a facial motor cranial nerve (Marshall et al 1992). Neural these genes, in common with Hox genes, are related to individual
crest cells derived from rhombomeres 2/3 also appear caudalized Drosophila homeobox genes but in vertebrates they are duplicated
since they express Hox genes corresponding to 4/5. to varying extents. Thus, Drosophila has a single muscle specific
Similar effects of excess retinoic acid on vertebral and limb homeobox (msh) gene, whereas mammals have three msh-related
development are also consistent with its affecting Hox gene expression genes, Ms x-1, Ms x-2 and Ms x-3 (Hill et al 1989; Robert et al
and disrupting the Hox code. Caudal transformations of vertebrae 1989; Holland 1991; MacKenzie et al 1991, 1992). Similarly, the
along the complete body axis observed with retinoic acid admin- Drosophila distalless gene has at least five related genes (D/ x-J-5)
istration are postulated to result from alteration of Hox gene in mammals (Cohen et al 1989; Price et al 1991: Porteus et al 1991;
expression (Kessel & Gruss 1991). Robinson et al 1991). It is probable that duplication of these genes
The limb Hox code with respect to the digit pattern consists of occurred progressively during evolution of more complex body plans
overlapping domains of the caudal Hox d genes (Hox d-9-d-13) (see again demonstrating a link between morphology and homeobox
p.293 and 3.148). Implantation of retinoic acid soaked beads into genes.
the preaxial margin of the developing limb results in a mirror-image
duplication of the digit pattern (see above) and duplication, in a Pax genes
mirror fashion, of the expression ,of Hox d genes consistent with Pax genes belong to a family of morphogenetic regulatory genes,
their role in determining the digit pattern (Izpisua-Belmonte et al initially identified by homology to the Drosophila segmentation gene
1991). ‘paired’, which encodes DNA binding transcription factors (reviewed
by Hastie 1991; Gruss & Walther 1992). A total of 9 genes have so
Non-Hox homeobox genes far been identified containing this ‘paired’-box (a sequence seen in
It is now clear that the Hox genes represent only one particular the ‘paired’ gene), and four of this group also contain a homeobox
group of genes having homeoboxes and that there are many more (Walther et al 1991; Stapleton et al 1993). PAX genes have proved
homeobox genes that are not clustered and which are only related to be particularly interesting, largely because at least two of them,
to Hox genes by virtue of having a homeobox. These homeobox PAX-3 and PAX-6, have been shown to be the genes that are
genes are called by a variety of names, for example Msx, Mox, Dix, mutated in two human genetic diseases, Waardenburg’s syndrome
Otx, Cdx, Emx, Goosecoid, etc.; they have widely varied expression (Baldwin et al 1992; Tassabehji et al 1992) and aniridia (Ton et al
patterns in embryos. The common feature of these genes is that on the 1991; Jordan et al 1992) respectively. Waardenburg’s syndrome is
whole their expression is unrelated to the cephalocaudal expression of responsible for 2~3% of total congenital deafness and accompanying

i nei

Spinal cord Hindbrain Midbrain 4
58 :HGl, IB Fo. fA ES, 2.01



B2 B1

Hox a Fe TA
: ea
o> ib-1
a-4 -3 a-1

Hox ¢ hel
‘os d-4 d-3

3.144 The branchial Hox code. Expression of the Hox genes in the develop-
ing hindbrain neuroectoderm is transferred to the migrating neural crest cells
according to the position from which they originate. Thus the development of
i= 2
the structures derived from branchial arches 2-4 + may be specified by the
combination of Hox genes expressed in the neural crest cells. Note that no
Hox genes are expressed in neural crest cells that form the first pharyngeal
arch. eGnte
3.148 The principle of this code is that different anterior-posterior domains
of Hox gene expression in the somites (developing prevertebrae) specify a
code which determined vertebral development. (Adapted from Kessel & Poo oo oy
Gruss 1991.) -o 117

features include dystopic canthorum and pigmentary disturbances It is worth reflecting at this point that the whole initially flat
such as frontal white blaze of hair (a disruption of neural crest cell embryonic disc may be conferred with axes; however, their sub-
development). The aniridia phenotype has a failure of iris develop- sequent orientation in the folded embryo, at the body plan stage,
ment and abnormal retinal development. Both these conditions are will be utterly different. Only a circumscribed central ellipse of the
autosomal dominant. Both syndromes have equivalent mutations in early embryonic disc will form dorsal structures in the folded embryo;
mice, namely Splotch (Waardenburg) and Small eye (aniridia) caused the remainder of the disc, to its periphery, will form lateral and
by mutations in the Pax-3 (Epstein et al 1991) and Pax-6 genes ventral structures. In mammalian embryos the peripheral edge of
respectively. In common with the transgenic mutations in Hox genes, the disc will become constricted at the umbilicus. Thus, although the
the Pax mutations only produce abnormalities in a subset of tissues appearance of part of the epiblast is noted as the specification of the
where they are expressed. Thus, although both genes are expressed dorsal surface of the embryo, the inner layer, i.e. the hypoblast, is
in the developing CNS, no major abnormalities are seen here in the not by default a ventral embryonic structure.
mutants. It is not until the appearance of the primitive streak that a true
primary axis is conferred on the embryo, the cephalocaudal axis. The
Transgenics, gene knock-outs and functional underlying hypoblast cells, which do not contribute to the embryo
redundancy proper, induce the streak formation and its orientation (see p. 142).
A method for investigating the function of a particular gene during If the hypoblast at the caudal region of the embryonic disc is rotated
development is to knock out the gene using deletional mutations in with respect to the overlying epiblast a new streak will form ac-
embryonic stem cells, followed by the production of embryonic cording to the new orientation of the hypoblast (Azar & Eyal-Giladi
chimeras and subsequently transgenic animals carrying the null 1981).
phenotype. A variation on such an approach is to construct a At gastrulation ingression of epiblast through the primitive streak
transgenic animal in which manipulation of the promoter region of produces a population of mesoblast cells which, by the position
the gene results in expression either in the wrong place and/or at the through which they ingress, have axial and medial or lateral charac-
wrong time. As integration of exogenous genetic constructs within teristics assigned to them. Cells ingressing through the primitive
the genome is somewhat random, occasionally the construct inserts node will give rise to (axial) notochord cells and cells of the medial
at a position where it disrupts an important host gene, thus creating halves of the somites (as well as embryonic endoderm), whereas the
an insertional mutant. In such mutants the inserted DNA acts as a lateral halves of the somites and the lateral plate mesenchyme come
marker so that subsequent cloning of the region surrounding it from epiblast populations either more caudally placed in the primitive
reveals the important host gene, for example in the case of x-linked streak or ingressing later. The axial and medial populations will
cleft palate (Wilson et al 1993). remain as dorsal structures in the folded embryo, and the surface
The function of a developmental gene can also be inferred from ectoderm above them will exhibit dorsal characteristics; the lateral
the distribution of its protein (as revealed by immunolocalization) plate mesenchyme will become lateral and ventral after embryonic
or messenger RNA (as revealed by in situ hybridization) or by folding, and the surface ectoderm above this population will gain
functional studies (such as addition or deletion of the gene product). ventral characteristics. Dorsoventral specification of the developing
In several instances, targeted disruption of a gene using transgenic limbs appears to reside in the surface ectoderm, and may be so
knock-out approaches produces a phenotype similar to the one designated at this early stage. Thus the dorsoventral axis of the
predicted from such expression studies (Satokata & Maas 1994). folded embryo is also specified by the passage of epiblast cells through
Other targeted inactivations result in early embryonic death, as the primitive streak.
clearly the gene product is required for early embryonic development: Presumptive head structures and prospective dorsal mesoblast are
this can often be avoided by expressing the transgene from a tissue- located close to each other immediately adjacent to the primitive
specific promoter, which is active later in development (Werner et al node, whereas cells destined to be caudal and ventral arise from the
1993). However, one astonishing theme appears to be emerging, lateral epiblast and converge to the posterior end of the streak.
namely that the disruption of a supposedly important gene frequently However, the mesoblast has the ability to be regionalized into
produces a minimal or null phenotype, and apparently normal different dorsoventral cell types until the beginning of neurulation.
animals are born (Erickson 1993; Ferguson 1994). The third and last spatial axis is the bilateral, or /atero-lateral
axis. This is present as a consequence of the development of the
former two axes. Initially the right and left halves of the embryonic
GENERATION OF THE EMBRYONIC body are bilaterally symmetric and in two places on each side of the
body wall (somatopleure) lateral projections, the upper and lower
BODY PLAN limbs, develop.
With the last axis in play, the temporal, modification of the
SPECIFICATION OF THE BODY AXES embryo relative to its original axes can be seen. The segmental
Embryos may be considered to be constructed with three orthogonal arrangement of the cephalocaudal axis is very obvious in the early
spatial axes, plus a further temporal axis. In anamniotes the mech- embryo and remains in many structures in adult life; so too dorsal
anisms by which the axes of the embryo are established are to some embryonic structures remain dorsal and undergo relatively little
extent understood. Dorsoventral and cephalocaudal axes are specified change. The originally midline, ventral structures, however, especially
by changes in the zygote cytoplasm at fertilization. In mammalian those derived from splanchnopleuric mesenchyme, such as the
embryos axes cannot be specified at such early stages and it is only cardiovascular system and the gut, are subject to extensive shifts,
after the early extraembryonic structures have been formed and the changing from a bilaterally symmetric arrangement to a whole body
inner cell mass can be seen that embryonic axes can be defined. that is now chiral (see below).
In amniotes, the dorsoventral axis, described as the first axis
(Gurdon 1992), has been identified by the appearance of the epiblast.
In reptilian and avian embryos the blastodisc layer of cells separates
into two, the upper layer of which forms the epiblast. In mammals The identification of Hox genes which control the development of
the future epiblast can be predicted when the hollow blastocyst has segments of Drosophila embryos in vertebrate embryos provides a
formed. The inner cell mass becomes (seemingly) randomly located framework to explain the segmental structures which develop during
on the inside of the trophectoderm and forms a population of ontogeny, many of which are to be replaced by derived non-segmental
epiblast cells subjacent to the trophoblast. This region implants first. arrangements later.
It is not known whether the trophectoderm in contact with the inner The grouping of vertebrates as a separate subphylum of chordata
cell mass initiates implantation so that the future dorsal surface of is based on the possession of a segmented vertebral column. (Repeating
the embryo is closest to the disrupted maternal vessels at the body segments of this nature are termed metameric implying a
implantation site, or whether the inner cell mass can travel around repetition of basically similar structures.) Evidence suggests that
the inside of the trophoblast to gain a position subjacent to the the developmental processes involved in forming vertebrae may be
implantation site once implantation has commenced; the latter has responsible for many of the other segmentally arranged tissues
118 been suggested as likely (O’Rahilly & Muller 1987). and systems including the peripheral nervous system (PNS), the

cardiovascular system, and, to a limited extent, the patterning of of genes which coincide with the rhombomeric boundaries in the
skin appendages. hindbrain. Specification of the neural tube, branchiomeric motor
Vertebrae are formed from bilateral aggregations of mesenchymal and sensory nerves, and neural crest mesenchyme appears to be
cells derived from ingression of the epiblast at gastrulation (see controlled by the Hox genes, resulting in the typical arrangement of
pp. 100, 142). The cells migrate to lie lateral to the notochord cartilage, nerve and blood vessels seen in each arch. Patterning of
where they are termed paraxial mesenchyme. As the embryo begins the arches is controlled by the neural crest mesenchyme.
neurulation the paraxial mesenchyme segments to form discrete Segmentation in the head and expression of the Hox genes is noted
populations of cells termed somites. Cells ingressing through the rostrally only as far as the rostral end of the paraxial mesenchyme and
lateral edges of the primitive node form the medial halves of the notochord. Structures rostral to the notochord have been termed
the somite whereas cells ingressing through the cranial portion of the part of the prechordal or new skull; they are extensively derived
primitive streak form the lateral halves (see p. 143). The mesenchymal from neural crest. The most rostral portions of the brain, however,
population of each somite undergoes a transformation to epithelium, have been shown to express a range of other genes (not associated
with the cells forming gap junctions. Later the original medial with the Hox codes; see p. 255); generally they seem to have a nested
portion of the epithelial somite reverts to mesenchyme to become arrangement similar to gene expression in the limb. Other studies
the sclerotome, while the lateral part remains as the epithelial plate have demonstrated a banding pattern of lineage within the cortex,
of the somite (also termed dermomyotome) which acts as a germinal with cells respecting a line between cortical and basal forebrain (see
epithelium for myogenic cells collectively termed the myotome. The p. 255).
cephalocaudal region of the embryo corresponding to individual Thus the basic body plan of the embryo is drawn to segmental
somites is defined as the fundamental metameric segment, and thus grid lines with boundaries between the segments maintained by
the initial myotomes are segmental. different expression of genes and proteins, etc. which restrict cell
Sclerotomal cells migrate medially to surround the notochord. At migration in these regions. Organogenetic processes modify this
this time differences are apparent between the cranial and caudal initially segmental vertebrate body plan. The development of many
halves of the sclerotome. The cranial portion has binding sites for systems illustrates either a retention of a segmental plan (e.g. spinal
peanut lectin, cytotactin and tenascin. Individual vertebrae form nerves, see p. 226) or its local replacement (e.g. the modifications of
from a fusion of the caudal half of one somite and the cranial half somatic intersegmental vessels by the development of longitudinal
of the somite below (see also p. 266). The intersomitic cleft which anastomoses, see p. 318). Abnormalities may result from improper
thus develops (fissure of von Ebner) is a boundary zone. The specification of segments along the cephalocaudal axis as well as
reorganization of the sclerotomes along these lines results in the failure to produce the appropriately modified segmental plan.
myotome of each somite spanning two adjacent vertebrae, i.e. each
segmental somite contributes to cranial and caudal halves of two
adjacent intersegmental vertebrae. LATERALIZATION IN THE EMBRYO
The myotomes generally produce two main muscular blocks, the Externally the body appears symmetric about the midline but the
epaxial muscle group which forms sequentially arranged erector viscera are asymmetric such that the body plan is not superimposable
spinae muscles, and the hypaxial muscle group which merges into a upon its mirror image. It is a puzzle that this asymmetry is handed
muscle mass to form the trunk muscles of the anterolateral body (chiral) rather than random, that is, it is almost always asymmetric
wall. The limbs and tongue muscles are formed by local myogenic in the same direction. For example, the cardiac apex is directed
populations arising from the ventrolateral edge of specific somites. towards the left and the liver lies to the right. When the structure or
Motor neurons grow out from the CNS, and, with sensory axons arrangement of one or more of the laterally asymmetric organs is
from the neural crest cells of the dorsal root ganglia and autonomic abnormal it is thought that errors in the specification or interpretation
axons, they preferentially migrate through the cranial portion of of left-right information may have occurred in early embryogenesis.
each sclerotome. Thus, in higher vertebrates, the subdivision of the Defects of lateralization may be responsible for some congenital
sclerotome is responsible for generating the segmental arrangement anomalies of the heart, bronchial branching, lung lobation, major
of the PNS and ensures the exit of the spinal nerves between the vessels, portal venous anatomy, the spleen and gastrointestinal mes-
vertebrae. enteric attachments. The frequent association of these anomalies
Each primitive dorsal aorta gives rise to paired, ventral segmental with one another strengthens the view that they are due to a common
arteries which supply the gut, Jateral segmental arteries to the defect and that this defect is one of lateralization. However, there
mesonephros and bilateral intersegmental arteries to the body wall. are other defects also commonly seen with these abnormalities whose
These latter vessels persist almost unchanged in the thoracic and association requires a different explanation since the pathology seems
lumbar regions as the intercostal, subcostal and lumbar arteries. The to be independent of positional information. For example, pathology
venous drainage of the body is into intersegmental veins and the is seen in the lungs, ears and sinuses in primary ciliary dyskinesia
azygos system. and in the kidneys, liver and pancreas in cases of renal-hepatic-
Characteristically a somite was described as giving rise to a pancreatic-dysplasia when associated with abnormal situs (Lurie et
segmental strip of dermis supplied by a sensory spinal nerve, thus al 1991). Another non-lateralized association is agnathia (Pauli et al
giving rise to the term dermatome as used in medical practice. 1981), which may be due to an insult occurring at the stage when
Another use of the term, to refer to a portion of a somite, is no both sidedness is specified and the mandible first forms.
longer used with an analogous meaning. The epithelial plate of the In primary ciliary dyskinesia, the clinical manifestations of recur-
somite produces mainly myogenic cells which give rise to all of the rent chest infection, sinusitis and male infertility are well explained
voluntary muscle of the trunk and limbs. Some cells arise from the by the ciliary and flagella dyskinesia (Greenstone et al 1988), but the
somites which contribute to the connective tissue of the dermis link with abnormal situs, which appears random, is not. Afzelius
superjacent to the epaxial muscles and result in the patterning of the (1976) suggested that orientated embryonic cilia may establish vis-
overlying epidermis. Patterning of the epidermis of the ventral part ceral handedness and cells with single cilia have been noted in
of the trunk and of the limbs is controlled by the somatopleuric embryonic tissues including the murine primitive node and early
mesenchyme (see p. 291). notochord (Fujimoto & Yanagisawa 1983), but these embryonic cilia
The nephrogenic mesenchyme (see p. 199), which develops slightly are likely to be immotile. Primary ciliary dyskinesia includes a
later between the somites and the coelom, has been regarded as heterogeneous collection of autosomal recessive ciliary dyskinesias
being segmentally influenced. The pronephros of lower vertebrates in which most commonly there is a defect in dynein, a ciliary and
develops nephrostomes and nephrocoeles (characteristically joined intracellular motor protein. This has been suggested as a candidate
to the somite lumen in some cases). However, more recent studies component in the establishment of lateralization (Brown et al 1991)
have shown that, apart from their segmental blood supply, the but sometimes in primary ciliary dyskinesia the dynein is normal yet
functional pronephroi and mesonephroi of reptilian embryos do not there may still be situs inversus. Alternatively since the orientation
appear segmentally organized (Collins 1990) (mammalian embryos of cilia in this condition shows greater variance than normal
do not possess a functional pronephros). (Rautiainen et al 1990) it may be that a common mechanism is
Within the head, segmentation is also seen relative to the bran- responsible for both the orientation of laterally asymmetric infor-
chiomeric arches. Here the Hox genes have an overlapping expression mation and also for ciliary orientation. 119


Renal-hepatic-pancreatic dysplasia is sometimes associated with 1992) are also similar to human defects. The iv mutation lies near
abnormal situs and it may be that two closely linked genes, one the immunoglobulin heavy-chain-constant-region complex (igh-C)
on chromosome 12 (syntectic to human chromosome 14q3)
perhaps associated with tubule formation and another associated
with the specification of situs, have both been disrupted. Whatever (Brueckner et al 1989; de Meeus et al 1992).
the mechanism, the association of these defects with abnormal situs A second mutation inv, also recessive, has occurred in a transgenic
provides clues to the developmental biology and cautions for the mouse OVE210 in which 100% situs inversus is reported in homo-
paediatrician and surgeon. zygous offspring (Yokoyama et al 1993). The flanking sequences
map to chromosome 4. The defect is fatal in homozygotes before 7
Abnormal situs days postnatal and dysplasia of the liver and renal tract contribute
In amniotes, the organs develop from a bilaterally symmetric epiblast. to death. It is not yet known if this model represents the renal-
The first overt morphological asymmetry is a greater convexity of hepatic-pancreatic dysplasia seen in abnormal situs in humans. If
the right border of the midline embryonic heart tube (Patten 1922). it does, it is possible that two or more closely linked genes involved
This precedes looping, also towards the right, which places the in situs and in tubule development have been disrupted by the
ventricles and vessels in the correct arrangement for later function transgene.
and septation. That asymmetry is first apparent in the heart may be Cellular and molecular models of lateralization
no more than a reflection that the heart is an early organ to
develop from a previously covert asymmetry; however, abnormal The body plan is handed, i.e. it is chiral, but as yet it is not
lateralization of the cardiac segments has unquestionably serious known where handed information comes from or the nature of the
consequences and abnormal situs may occur in more than one mechanism of its expression. One model (3.15) suggests handedness
segment of the heart tube. For example, there can be mirror-image to be signalled by an orientated chiral molecule fixed with respect to
dextrocardia in which all segments are inverted, or transposition the craniocaudal and dorsoventral axes. Brown and Wolpert (1990)
of the major vessels alone, or congenitally corrected transposition, illustrated this with a hypothetical chiral ‘F’ molecule that could
or atrial isomerism. Clinically, the site of the atrial appendages pro- align its vertical limb with polar microtubules arranged in the
vides the best guide to the associated cardiac and vascular craniocaudal direction and normally to be fixed in a frontal plane
anomalies (Anderson et al 1990), from which the prognosis is best so that its arms point to a specific side. They depicted the ‘F’
predicted. molecule in cells that have been polarized with respect to the midline.
Dextral looping of the embryonic heart tube is highly conserved Each cell could then establish the side of the embryo on which it is
in vertebrates, but the mechanism of looping and its consistent situated. This then establishes handedness at the level of the tissues.
for situations of random handedness, as is seen in
handedness are not understood. Conservation of the direction of To account
looping across the phyla suggests that similar genes and mechanisms primary ciliary dyskinesia and in the iv/iv mouse, Brown and Wolpert
may be involved. proposed a means of generating a left-right gradient across the
A normal arrangement of the cardiac atria, ventricles, vessels and embryo at random. A homogeneous distribution of a biochemical
viscera is referred to as situs solitus. However, there is no agreed factor across the midline could become asymmetric by amplification
terminology for patterns which include abnormally lateralized of thermal noise through a reaction-diffusion mechanism (Kauffman
organs. The terms situs inversus, situs inversus partialis, situs inde- et al 1978). In normal circumstances this amplification could be
terminus, heterotaxy and asplenia/polysplenia or splenic syndromes biased by the handed cellular asymmetry. Organs and tissues then
have been used, often without definition. The abnormal arrangements interpret the gradient and express their sidedness accordingly.
are so varied and include almost all permutations of sidedness of Absence of the ‘F’ molecule leads to randomization of the left-right
the asymmetric organs that no single term provides a satisfactory gradient and a 50% incidence of situs inversus.
description for any one case. An unpaired asymmetric organ such The Brown-Wolpert model was elaborated to explain the obser-
as the stomach may have one of three arrangements: solitus (the usual vation that abnormal situs is frequently seen in the right conjoined
arrangement), inversus (mirror-image arrangement), or ambiguous twin. They hypothesized that once a left-right difference is established
(indeterminate). With paired organs that differ morphologically from a property becomes fixed on the right, such that after bisection left-
their contralateral partner, such as atria, bronchi, lung lobes, arrange- right cannot be re-established in the right twin but the labile left side
ment may similarly be either usual or mirror image, but in addition, can respecify to give normal situs in the left twin.
a situation of symmetry can occur. For example, there may be the
same number of lung lobes on each side, or both atria may have the
same sidedness, as assessed by the atrial appendages, either both
left- or both right-sided in appearance. Such arrangements are called
When inversion or isomerism is found, the location of individual
organs, vessels, cardiac segments and defects should be documented
to provide a complete description in any one case, and uninformative
terminology avoided.
Aetiology of lateralization
There are both genetic and environmental influences in the aetiology
of abnormal lateralization. Autosomal recessive (Arnold et al 1983),
an X-linked pattern (Mathias et al 1987), and possible autosomal
dominant pedigrees (Nikawa et al 1983) have been described. In
animals various teratogens can cause situs inversus, sometimes alone
(Fujinaga 1992) but more often with other anomalies also
(Fujinaga & Baden 1991). In both humans and some strains of mice, 3.15 In this model cells are able to detect their own left from right with an
defects of lateralization are seen amongst the congenital anomalies orientated chiral molecule ‘F’ aligned with respect to the cephalocaudal and
of offspring of diabetic pregnancies. A mitochondral source of dorsoventral axes. The cell is also able to detect the direction of the midline
oxygen-free radicals during gastrulation has been suggested to play by determining differences in concentration of a morphogen (M). If a cell’s
right-hand side is furthest from the midline the cell is on the right-hand side
a role in this aetiology (Lander & Brown 1994).
of the embryo (cell A), and in contrast if the cell’s right-hand side is nearest
In the mouse an autosomal recessive allele inversus viscerum (iv), the midline it is on the left-hand side of the embryo (cell B). A second
causes situs inversus in just under half of the homozygotes, situs mechanism is present that can amplify small random differences in some
solitus with the same frequency and a few isomerisms and discordant agent on one side of the midline. In this way a gradient from one side of the
inversions (Hummel & Chapman 1959). The spectrum of anomalies embryo to the other can be established at random. The cells A and B which
is very similar to the patterns of lateralized defects seen in man, now have different properties on the two sides are able to bias the gradient
including annular pancreas and preduodenal portal vein. The cardiac in a consistent direction. From this gradient tissues determine their situs.
120 and splenic anomalies seen with the atrial isomerisms (Seo et al (Supplied by Lander & Brown.)

A mutation leading to reversed orientation of the ‘F’ molecule

may account for the 100% situs inversus seen in inv/inv mice.
However, other mechanisms for producing 100% inversion without
reversing the primary handed information have been proposed
(Brown & Lander 1993; see 3.16). Sequencing the genes for the
normal alleles at iv and inv may illuminate steps in the establishment
of situs but still may not tell us how it is specified.
Other examples of handedness
Other examples of handedness not linked with body plan handedness
also occur in humans, for example handedness in cerebral dominance
and hand preference. However, in these cases the incidence of left
Inducing handedness in those with defects in situs is the same as in the general
range population. Animals are individually handed but this is random at
the population level which may suggest that cerebral lateralization,
important in the neurobiology of language, is quintessentially human
(Corbalis 1989). Though not directly linked, similar mechanisms and
Low (morphogen) High (morphogen) homologous genes may be involved in the establishment of situs and
cerebral lateralization.
That the organs are asymmetric may not be surprising but it is
3.16 A primary left-right gradient is established. A narrow range of sen- far from clear why or how they are asymmetric in the same direction,
sitivity exists allowing (in a) a lateralized primordium to develop on the left- and why this should be so universal. It is clear that when lateralization
hand side. By. only increasing the baseline of the gradient a lateralized
primordium would develop on the opposite side (B). Inversion can therefore
is abnormal there are frequent cardiac, vascular, splenic and mes-
be generated without reversing the handedness of the primary asymmetry. enteric anomalies of clinical importance. Correct lateralization seems
(Supplied by Lander & Brown.) to be of crucial importance to survival.


FEMALE GAMETE Establishing the germ cell population
In mammals it is accepted that there is not a determined germ line
The life cycle of the mammalian odcyte starts in early embryos, as exists in drosophila and probably in frogs. The precise origin of
when the primordial germ cells first differentiate, and is culminated the primordial germ cells in humans is not clear. In mice the germ
many years later when a mature cell is fertilized. The development cells are first recognized as a clump of about 40 alkaline positive cells
of germ cells into fertile odcytes can be divided into several distinct in the extraembryonic mesoblast of 7.5 day old embryos (Ginsburg et
phases, including: establishing the germ cell population; odcyte al 1990). In humans of about 6 weeks postconception the germ cells
growth and meiotic maturation; and growth and development of the migrate from their extragonadal site of origin to the gonadal ridges
antral follicle (3.17). where they proliferate. By 8-10 weeks gestation about 600000
oégonia populate the developing ovary (Baker 1963); from 12 weeks
they begin their differentiation into primary oécytes. The ovary is
fully colonized in the fifth intrauterine month with maximal numbers
reaching nearly 7000000 (Baker 1963). Primary oécyte numbers
then decrease so that by birth there are about 1000000 (4000 in
mice) (Block 1953; Baker 1963; Baker 1972) (3.18). After birth a
further degeneration occurs so that by puberty only 40000 odcytes
remain (Pinkerton et al 1961) (3.18) and of these only 400 are ovulated
during the reproductive lifespan of the female. This widespread
degeneration is a feature of germ cell development in all mammals
studied (Ingram 1962; Baker 1972) and appears to occur around
pachytene, when crossing over takes place (see below). It has been
suggested that meiotic pairing anomalies induce this atresia of fetal
odcytes (Speed 1988).
From an early time the odcytes become enclosed by somatic cells
of the fetal ovary, surrounded by a basement membrane. This forms
a unit known as a primordial follicle. The development of the
primordial follicles is the final stage in establishing the germ cell
population in the ovary. As each follicle supports and nurtures the
development of one odcyte, the population of follicles established
during development represent the sole irreplaceable source of odcytes
for the reproductive lifespan of the female.
Growth of the odcyte
A primary odécyte is distinguishable from other cells in the ovary by
its large size, being about 35 ym in diameter in the human. An, as
yet, unidentified signal triggers the initiation of growth of the
primordial follicle. The first signs of growth are an enlargement of
3.17 Thelife cycle of the human female germ cell. The approximate timings the odcyte while the surrounding somatic cells, now termed granulosa
are for the human. The time taken for odcyte growth in the human is not cells, assume a cuboidal shape and begin to proliferate. The human
known but is thought to be several months. (Adapted with permission from odcyte reaches a final diameter of 120-140 um which represents an
McLaren 1988.) approximate 1000-fold increase in cell volume. 121

Number of germ eccentric, with a prominent nucleolus (3.20, 21). The distinctive nature
cells (x10) of the nucleus is reflected in the more common name germinal vesicle.
7.0 The odlemma (plasma membrane) of small odcytes is smooth and in
close apposition with the surrounding pregranulosa cells. As odcyte
growth continues and the zona pellucida increases in thickness, a
uniform cover of microvilli develops. In non-growing primary
odcytes, organelles are relatively sparse and are concentrated in the
juxtanuclear region. As oécyte growth progresses, the number and
. 5.05 size of organelles increase and they disperse from the juxtanuclear
zone through the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus is well developed
and consists of parallel cisternae and numerous small vesicles; the
latter also appear throughout the cytoplasm. Juxtanuclear anulate
lamellae occur interspersed between spherical or slightly elongate
mitochondria (Zamboni 1972). At first the endoplasmic reticulum is
3.07 vesicular and displays few ribosomes which increase during odcyte
growth. Granular endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes, though
not prominent, also increase. Lipid granules begin to appear; they
are thought to correspond to the yolk platelets of earlier vertebrates
but are smaller and less frequent in primates. Soon after odcyte
growth is initiated cortical granules begin to form from the Golgi
1.075 apparatus; they are 500 nm electron dense granules, bound by a
0.6 membrane (Gulyas 1980). As oécyte growth nears completion the
0.34 granules are distributed around the cortex in close proximity to
the plasma membrane. The cortical granules are exocytosed at
3 6 oi 5 10 30 50 fertilization and are responsible for modifying the zona pellucida and
Age (months ' Age (years) plasma membrane to prevent further sperm penetration (Wassarman
after conception) | 1990).
Meiotic divisions of the odcyte
3.18 Changes in germ cell numbers in the human ovary with age. (From From about 12 weeks gestation the odcytes undergo a final series of
Baker 1972.) DNA replication prior to entering the first meiotic division. Note
that prophase of the first meiotic division is subdivided into five
successive stages: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and dia-
Early after the initiation of odcyte growth, patches of amorphous kinesis. During pachytene of first meiosis, the homologous chro-
filamentous material appear between the odcyte and the granulosa mosomes form bivalents and it is at this time that chiasmata form
cells, eventually they completely surround the odcyte forming the and recombination takes place (see p.60). At entry into the final
zona pellucida; its thickness increases with odcyte growth. The zona stage of the first meiotic prophase, diplotene, the pairing relaxes and
pellucida is associated with all mammalian odcytes, it forms a barrier, the bivalents begin to separate, a process termed desynapsis. Odcytes
permeable to large macromolecules, between the odcyte and the are arrested at diplotene, in the first meiotic prophase; they remain
granulosa cells. Its main role appears to be at fertilization where in this state, from about 20 weeks gestation, until stimulated to
it is responsible for the species-specific recognition of spermatozoa mature many years later. In rodents the chromatin becomes very
and also for triggering the acrosome reaction. The mouse odcyte diffuse, a state referred to as dictyotene. During dictyotene the
zona pellucida contains three glycoproteins ZP1, ZP2 and ZP3 bivalents separate further until they can no longer be traced, although .
all of which are produced by the odcyte (Wassarman 1990 for some connections may remain. Thus the fully grown primary odcyte
review). contains the diploid number of double-stranded chromosomes and
Although separated by the zona pellucida, the odcyte and gran- has been arrested at the diplotene (dictyotene in rodents) stage since
ulosa cells are dependent on the presence of each other for normal before birth (Manotaya & Potter 1963; Ohno & Smith 1964).
growth and differentiation. Communication between the two cell The stimulation to resume meiosis is the midcycle surge of lutein-
types is maintained by granulosa cell processes that pass through izing hormone (LH; see p. 1866) which results in a number of
the zona pellucida and form gap-junctions with the plasma membrane intracellular changes first signified by the disappearance of the
of the oécyte (Zamboni 1972; Anderson & Albertini 1976). Although nucleolus and followed rapidly by the dissolution of the nuclear
not clearly established in the human, amino acids, other small membrane. Homologous chromosomes have undergone con-
metabolites, and regulatory molecules are known to pass between densation along the inner margin of the nuclear envelope and become
odcytes and granulosa cells of other species (Moor et al, 1981; Heller, arranged in homologous pairs at the equator of a spindle in the
Cahill & Schultz 1981). This metabolic coupling allows the granulosa cortex of the odcyte. The poles of the spindle in odcytes lack
cells to contribute to the nutrition and regulation of the odcyte. The centrioles and are composed of pericentriolar material (Szollozi
odcyte and granulosa cells are, however, interdependent and in the 1972). As anaphase approaches, the homologous pairs of chro-
absence of an odcyte the granulosa cells fail to develop further. This mosomes move towards the poles of the spindle. A bulge forms at
results in a ‘streak ovary’, seen in Turner’s syndrome if the odcytes the site of the spindle which is destined to become the first polar
degenerate, or in degenerating follicles if odcytes are lost at later body. The midbody forms around the spindle and initiates cleavage
stages of folliculogenesis. Recent studies have demonstrated the of the first polar body and final separation of the homologous
importance of secreted factors from the odcyte in regulating the chromosomes occurs. Unlike the equal division of the nucleus, the
proliferation and differentiation of the granulosa cells. division of the cytoplasm is highly unequal, the polar body carrying
As the granulosa cells increase in number and form several layers, with it its numerically equal chromosomal complement and an
the odcyte becomes increasingly isolated from the systemic and exiguous share of the cytoplasm. (The first polar body is occasionally
somatic influences of the ovary. During the growth of the follicle it seen to cleave into two equal fragments before degenerating sometime
becomes enveloped by a further layer of compressed, elongate cells after ovulation.) The oécyte resulting from this reduction division is
thought to be derived from the ovarian stroma, the theca folliculi known as the secondary odcyte; it contains 23 double-stranded
(3.20), which is separated from the granulosa cells by a basal lamina. chromosomes (3.19). In the absence of an interphase the chro-
At the time of antrum formation the theca differentiates into two mosomes are rearranged around the equator of a second spindle. At
layers, the theca interna and theca externa. metaphase of the second meiotic division the secondary odcyte
arrests until fertilization or parthenogenetic activation stimulates the
Cytological changes during odcyte growth completion of meiosis which is marked by extrusion of the second
122 The nucleus of the primary odcyte is relatively large, vesicular, usually polar body.

maturation promoting factor, a combination of p34“? and cyclin B.

At exit from metaphase I and entry into the second meiotic division,
Primary odcyte there is a transient decrease in maturation promoting factor activity.
46 double stranded Arrest of the odcyte in metaphase II is associated with the sta-
chromosomes (4n)
bilization of maturation promoting factor by cytoctatic factor, a
component of which is the product of the c-mos proto-oncogene.
Fertilization triggers the destruction of maturation promoting factor
and cytoctatic factor allowing the odcyte to re-enter the cell-cycle,
resulting in completion of meiosis and entry into G, of the first
mitotic division.
Since the sperm delivers its haploid set of chromosomes prior to
the completion of meiosis, the mammalian oécyte is not technically
Secondary odcyte an ovum as it is never a haploid cell. This is different to other species,
23 double stranded e.g. sea-urchins, where fertilization occurs after the odcyte has
chromosomes (2n) extruded the second polar body and the ovum contains a single
1st polar body haploid pronucleus. Nevertheless, the term remains widely used for
many stages of mammalian odgenesis and embryogenesis.
Development of the antral follicle and ovulation
Changes within the granulosa cell population, which form the pri-
mordial follicle, are concomitant with odcyte growth. As the multi-
laminar follicle grows, a fluid-filled antrum appears among its pro-
Fertilized odcyte liferating cells, gradually dividing them into an internal stratum, the
(zygote) cumulus odéphorus, and an external stratum granulosum. At one site
23 single stranded the two populations maintain continuity (3.20) and are connected
chromosomes (1n)
in each pronucleus
My 2ndREDS
polar b
ab eet
via an extensive network of gap-junctions (Gilula et al 1978; Larsen
et al 1986). The fully grown primary odcyte is situated in the
cumulus. As the antrum expands with Jiquor folliculi (follicular fluid)
3.19 Diagram showing the reduction in the number of chromosomes during the granulosa cells form an envelope around the antrum which
maturation of the human odcyte. Fertilization occurs before the completion gradually thins to about 5-6 cells (Zamboni et al 1972). The granulosa
of meiosis. This is typical for most mammalian species while some invert- cells closest to the basement membrane are columnar in shape while
ebrates show slight differences. The first division is the reductive division. those closest to the antrum are polygonal. In the granulosa cell
Note that during oédgenesis meiosis yields only one gamete compared to 4 layer there is an increasing abundance of mitochondria, granular
during spermatogenesis. For clarity, details of the events of crossing over
are not included here but can be found on page 129. endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes and their Golgi organelles
become more prominent, indicating increasing steroidogenic activity.
The primary odcyte, which remains in the prolonged prophase of
the first meiotic division, retains its microvilli and its complex
The maturing primary odcyte can produce some mRNA and interrelationship with the cumulus cells outside the zona pellucida
rRNA. Its ‘maternal’ mRNA stores sustain it as it synthesizes (3.21). The cells immediately surrounding the odcyte within the
various peptides during its final maturation from diakinesis through cumulus odphorus are known as the corona radiata.
metaphase | to metaphase 2 in a period of about 37 hours. Meiotic Ovulation is initiated by a surge of gonadotrophins which also
maturation is regulated by a series of cell-cycle regulatory proteins stimulates the resumption of meiosis in the odcyte. Just prior to
similar to those in somatic cells. Resumption of meiosis and entry ovulation, about 36 hours after the LH surge, the odcyte extrudes
into metaphase I is associated with an increase in the activity of the second polar body and arrests at metaphase of the second meiotic

Theca folliculi Ovarian stroma

Cytoplasm of

Nucleus or
germinal Follicular cavity
vesicle* containing coagulated
liquor folliculi

Nucleolus or
germinal spot

Zona pellucida

Cumulus ovaricus

3.20 Ovarian follicle from a woman aged 28 years. Haematoxylin and

eosin. Magnification x c. 90. 123
3.214 Drawing constructed from electron micrographs of a primary odcyte 3.218 Human odécyte photographed in transverse section. Follicular cells
surrounded by its zona pellucida, outside which are aggregated follicular surround it, the zona pellucida intervening. Epon-embedded, osmic-acid
cells of the corona radiata. Note extensive invasion of the zona by microvilli fixed, toluidine blue stained. Magnification x 550. (Baca & Zamboni 1967.)
of the odcyte interdigitating with cytoplasmic processes of the follicular cells.
Where some of the latter approach the plasma membrane of the odcyte,
desmosomoid junctions are visible. Note the organelle-rich cytoplasm of the
odcyte. (Modified from Anderson & Beams 1960, with permission.)

division. At this stage the odcyte is termed the secondary odcyte follicle is responsible for maintaining the odcyte in meiotic arrest,
(3.22) and is surrounded bya clear perivitelline space beneath the although the mechanism remains unclear. Due to the ability of
zona pellucida. Leading up to ovulation the processes of the cumulus cAMP to inhibit meiotic maturation in vitro (Cho et al 1974) much
cells are withdrawn from the zona. Coincident with the breakdown attention has been paid to its role as the endogenous regulator
of the cumulus cell processes there is a decrease in gap-junctions of meiotic maturation (see Schultz 1986). The signal transduction
throughout the follicle (Larsen et al 1986) and the cumulus odphorus mechanisms by which the surge of gonadotrophins relieves the
expands in a hyaluronic acid matrix. inhibition of meiosis is also unclear. Several mechanisms are possible.
Soon after the LH surge, the preovulatory follicle becomes hyper- The LH surge may serve to deprive the odcyte of inhibitory signals
aemic and oedematous. A small area of the follicle and overlying from the follicle, for example by causing the inhibition of gap-
ovarian cortex becomes thin and translucent. As ovulation ensues junctional communication. Alternatively it may generate a positive
the surface of the ovary bulges and eventually tears, liberating the signal in the follicular cells that overrides follicular inhibition. Recent
secondary odcyte surrounded by the zona pellucida and corona work favours the latter hypothesis since hormones can override
radiata. The mechanism responsible for the thinning of the follicle cAMP maintained meiotic inhibition in vitro (Dekel & Beers 1978;
wall is not precisely known but is thought to involve the activation Downs et al 1988) and because gap-junctions between the odcyte
of collagenolysis through increased plasmin production as well as and follicular cells remain until after meiotic maturation has resumed
serine proteases; acting together the tensile strength of the follicle (Moor et al 1981; Eppig 1982).
wall is reduced and rupture occurs (Lipner 1988). The released The ability to undergo the normal events of fertilization is not a
secondary odcyte and expanded corona radiata is rapidly collected
from the peritoneal cavity by the fimbria of the oviduct and carried
into the infundibulum by ciliary movements of its epithelium (Austin
1963). Unless fertilization occurs, the secondary odcyte is discharged
from the uterus in the debris of the next menstrual period: if it is
fertilized, the zygote which results is retained and pregnancy begins.
(For details of fertilization see p. 132.)
Odcyte maturation in vivo and in vitro
Meiotic maturation refers to the development of the odcyte from
diplotene of meiosis I to metaphase II, where the odcyte arrests,
ready to undergo fertilization (see above). In addition to the nuclear
events of maturation, the odcyte becomes able to support the
normal events of fertilization. This process is generally referred to
as cytoplasmic maturation but very little is understood about the
biochemical or molecular basis of these changes.
In vivo the preovulatory surge of gonadotrophins triggers meiotic
maturation leading to germinal vesicle breakdown and progression
to metaphase II (see above). Alternatively, mammalian odcytes have
the property that they can be stimulated to resume meiosis in vitro 3.22 The mature secondary oécyte surrounded by the expanded cumulus
simply by removal of the odcyte from the antral follicle (Pincus & odphorus. The chromosomes can be seen aligned on the metaphase
124 Enzman 1935; Edwards 1965). This observation shows that the spindle. Magnification x c. 500. (Photograph supplied by J Carroll.)

feature of all mammalian odcytes. This property is acquired during Cell Cell
meiotic maturation. Immature odcytes with an intact germinal vesicle membrane
can be penetrated by sperm but fail to decondense the sperm head Acrosome
(Iwamatsu & Chang 1972). The ability to support full sperm head
decondensation and pronuclear development is maximal once the
odcyte is arrested at metaphase II. Thus the final stages of odcyte
maturation are critical for the odcyte to undergo fertilization and
development. These changes apparently occur normally in vitro as
some odcytes matured in vitro have full development potential
(Schroeder & Eppig 1984; Lu et al 1988; Cha et al 1991), although
viability is generally lower than after maturation in vivo. The
presence of follicle cells during meiotic maturation is necessary for
normal cytoplasmic maturation (Stagmiller & Moor 1984) but the
precise nature of odcyte modifications and how they may be influ-
enced by the somatic environment are unclear.
piece Redundant
Outer . envelope
Gametogenesis in the male exhibits both marked similarities and dense fibres i
differences in comparison with the development of ova. During Mitochondrial
sheath Axoneme Mitochondrial
maturation there is the same reduction of chromosomes to the sheath
haploid number and genetic recombination, but in the testis there is
a continuous formation of spermatocytes and spermatozoa during
reproductive life, linked with the enormous number of gametes which Mitochondrial “
are formed. In each ejaculate there are many times more spermatozoa sheath
than there are germ cells in both ovaries at their peak content before
birth; whereas the latter is of the order of 10 to 12 million, a single
ejaculation may contain 300 million spermatozoa, only one of which
may fertilize an ovum. (The nomenclature of male gametes is not
yet unified officially; spermatozo6n, spermatoid, sperm and spermium Outer dense
are all used.)

Morphology of spermatozoa
A spermatozoén, or sperm (Rothschild 1957; Fawcett 1961a, 1975;
Pik6 1969), is a smaller cell than an odcyte, highly specialized to Mitochondrion
(cut open)
reach the latter and to carry to it its own haploid chromosome
complement. Its expanded caput or head contains little cytoplasm
and is coanected by a short constricted cervix or neck to the cauda Microtubules of the Longitudinal
or tail. The latter is a flagellum of complex structure, usually divided axoneme column of the
into middle, principal and end parts or pieces. Volumetrically the tail nn fibrous sheath
much exceeds the head, which varies greatly in different species
(Rothschild 1957; Phillips 1975), being ovoid or piriform in man, Circumferential ribs
somewhat flattened at the tip in lateral profile, with a maximum of the
fibrous sheath
length of about 4 1m and a maximum diameter of 3 p.m. The tail,
about 45-50 ym in length, displays a greater uniformity between
species. Outer fibres
912 Tee
Head (3.23). This is an extreme example of chromatin con-
centration, consisting largely of a dense and visually uniform nucleus,
with a distinct bilaminar nuclear membrane and a bilaminar acro-
somal cap (head cap), the latter covering the terminal two-thirds of
the nucleus and partly derived from the spermatid Golgi apparatus. j Py Z Outer fibres 4, 5, 6,7
The acrosomal cap is thin in a human spermatozo6n but in other S 4 LX S
species it is often large and more complex in shape. The acrosome has
Doublets of the
been shown to contain several enzymes including acid phosphatase, axoneme
hyaluronidase and a protease (acrosomase), which are probably
Central pair
involved in penetration of the odcyte. The nucleus and acrosome are
enveloped in a continuous plasma membrane without intervening
3.23 Diagrams of human spermatozoén showing: a. the head, viewed in
cytoplasm (Fawcett & Burgos 1956; Anberg 1957). The chromatin its major (left) and minor (right) diameters; B. the middle part; c. the principal
is stabilized by disulphide bonds, as if to protect its genetic content part or tail. (By courtesy of Fawcett & Hafez and C V Mosby.)
during the spermatozo6n’s journey (Fawcett 1975). So densely
packed is the chromatin that it appears homogeneous even under
electron microscopy. It has a strong affinity for basic stains, consisting Between the head and the middle part of body of the spermatozoén
of about 40% (dry weight) deoxyribonucleic acid and a protein rich is a slight constriction, the neck, about 0.3 wm long. In its centre
in arginine (Daoust & Clermont 1955). It is also resistant to physical (3.23), close to a shallow recess in the base of the nucleus, is a well-
stress, e.g. ultrasonication (Henle et al 1938), and to mechanical formed centriole, corresponding to the proximal centriole of the
shear (Mann 1949). Defects in condensation of nuclear material may spermatid from which the spermatozo6n differentiated (3.25). The
be visible under light microscopy as relatively clear areas or nuclear axial filament complex (axoneme) is derived from the distal centriole,
vacuoles. Attempts to discover structural details in the nucleus in a funnel-shaped connecting piece or basal body from which the
a variety of species, by polarization microscopy, X-ray diffraction outer fibrils of the tail extend (see below). (The nuclear recess, or
and freeze-fracturing techniques, have shown a lamellar structure implantation fossa, is the region of attachment of the complex
which cannot yet be equated with chromosomal content. The filamentary structure of the tail. It is continuous with the post-
human Y chromosome has been identified using fluorescence acrosomal part of the nuclear envelope concerned in fusion with the
microscopy (2.53). ovum and its nucleus.) A small amount of cytoplasm exists in the 125


neck, covered by a plasma membrane continuous with that of the Spermatogenesis

head and tail. This is the complex series of changes by which spermatogonia are
Middle part or piece. A long cylinder, about 1 ym in diameter transformed into spermatozoa, similar in some general features—
and 7 ym long, it consists of an axial bundle of microtubules (fibrils) particularly in reduction division and genetic recombination—to the
or axoneme (the axial ‘filament’ of light microscopy), surrounded by evolution of ova from oégonia, but differing in the more profound
a mitochondrial sheath in which the mitochondria of the spermatid morphological metamorphosis involved. Spermatogenesis may, for
have become arranged in a helical manner (3.238), the whole being convenience, be divided into three phases. During the first, sper-
enveloped by cytoplasm and a plasma membrane, as in the neck. matocytosis, spermatogonia proliferate by mitotic division to replace
The axoneme consists of a central pair of microtubules within a themselves and to produce primary spermatocytes. In the second
symmetrical set of nine doublet microtubules, as in a typical cilium phase, meiosis, two successive maturation divisions, the first a true
(p.41), and outside this is a second ring of nine coarser fibres, less reduction division as in the case of the odcyte, produce secondary
symmetric in arrangement and unequal in size. These external fibres spermatocytes and then spermatids, all with the haploid number of
are also less regular in cross-sectional profile (see below), showing chromosomes. In the third phase, spermiogenesis or spermateliosis,
marked interspecific variations. They appear to be non-contractile the spermatids become spermatozoa; it is during this period that the
despite showing a surface striation. Their function is obscure. The greatest visible transformation of structure occurs (3.24).
mitochondrial helix exhibits 10-14 turns (Reed & Reed 1948) but this Spermatogenesis is an orderly and complex sequence of events,
sheath is subject to considerable variation in abnormal spermatozoa with characteristic time constants and cell associations for each
(Fujita et al 1970). The number of mitochondria seems excessive in mammalian species. The details of these in the human testis will be
some species, including Homo sapiens, when related to the energy discussed with that organ (p. 1851).
requirements of the axonema. Their close relation to the external
coarse fibres is suggestive but, as noted, these are apparently not Spermatocytosis
contractile. At the caudal end of the middle part of the cell,
immediately anterior to the tail, is an electron-dense body, the During embryonic, fetal and perhaps also early postnatal life, pri-
annulus (3.25). The mitochondria of the sheath are much compressed, mordial germ cells in the tubules of the testes divide mitotically to
but it is now certain that they retain their individuality (Fawcett & produce spermatogonia (Witschi 1948, 1951; Mintz 1960), from
Ito 1965). which, at and subsequent to puberty, the development of sper-
Principal part or tail. This is the motile part of the cell. Being matocytes and spermatozoa commences. It is the cyclic divisions of
about 40 wm long and 0.5 pm in diameter, it forms the greater part these cells, the details of which have attracted much attention in
of the spermatozoén. The axial bundle of fibrils and the surrounding recent years, that form the starting place for production of the huge
array of coarse fibres are continued uninterruptedly from the basal numbers of spermatozoa discharged into the seminal plasma to form
body through the mitochondrial sheath and through the whole length the seminal fluid. The series of changes involved do not occur in a
of the tail except for its terminal 5-7 jm, in which the axial bundle synchronous manner in all seminiferous tubules at the same time,
alone persists, the coarse fibres ceasing before them. It is only in this although they do in considerable parts of an individual tube, with
terminal end part or piece that the tail has the typical structure of a variations in different mammalian species, including mankind. As
flagellum; the coarse fibres are peculiar to mammalian spermatozoa, the cycle of change from spermatogonia to spermatids proceeds
which also display other specializations. External to the fibres and at any particular locus in a tubule, a succession of varying cell
fibrils, coarse and fine, is a circumferentially orientated dense fibrous associations can be observed and measured; the process is termed
sheath, whose individual elements branch and reunite to form a tight the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium (Clermont & Leblond 1955)
reticulum. A small amount of cytoplasm and a plasma membrane (p. 1852).
complete the major elements in the structure of the tail. The finer In man, three types of spermatogonia can be distinguished and
details of the structure have been studied intensively in mammals are termed: the dark type A, light type A and type B (Clermont
such as the guinea-pig (Fawcett 1965) and, while there is little doubt 1963). Spermatogonia are large rounded cells, the three types showing
that the human spermatozo6n is highly similar (Pedersen 1969), the little difference in size or in their cytoplasm, but the A series, light
descriptions presented here are based perforce on appearances in the and dark, are distinguishable by their nucleoli which are eccentric
guinea-pig. and attached to the internal aspect of the nuclear membrane. The

Light type A
Type B

eee JSi set Dark type A

Spermatids o¢ |

3.24 Diagram showing the stages in the maturation of the spermatozoon. matids in the human testis, but this is unconfirmed—see text for further
The division of the primary spermatocyte is heterotypical; the remaining details and compare with illustration 8.194.
126 divisions are homotypical. Some have described a further division of sper-
0 SSS.“


type B spermatogonia have a more constantly spherical nucleus, in After a brief interphase each secondary spermatocyte now undergoes
which the nucleolus is central in position. The dark type A is a second maturation division, which is by mitosis. The two resultant
distinguished from the pale type A by its dark nucleoplasm and a cells are spermatids and with their formation the phase of meiosis
large pale-staining nuclear vacuole. The dark type A is now con- may be considered to end, being followed by their maturation into
sidered, largely on morphological grounds, to be the progenitor spermatozoa (spermiogenesis). Theoretically each primary sper-
or stem spermatogonium (Clermont 1963). Such cells, peripherally matocyte may be expected to produce four spermatids but in mankind
situated in the tubule and often in pairs, divide mitotically at the the yield is less than this, presumably because some spermatocytes
beginning of a seminiferous cycle, some to produce two further dark degenerate during maturation.
type A spermatogonia, thus replenishing the complement of stem Criticism of the traditional view that spermatids do not divide has
cells, others into two light type A spermatogonia. Mitotic division been expressed (Roosen-Runge 1952) and tentative corroboration of
of a light type A spermatogonium furnishes two type B sper- this came from electron microscope and other studies (Fawcett et al
matogonia. On theoretical grounds, it is probable that in man a 1959; Fawcett 1961b). These interpretations have subsequently been
larger series of spermatogonial divisions may occur, so that the subjected to critical rescrutiny. Electron microscopy has also shown
ultimate spermatocyte progeny of a stem cell may in fact be more that the division of the cell body (cytokinesis) in spermatocytes may
numerous than is here indicated (Clermont 1966). Each type B be delayed, so that fine cytoplasmic bridges remain, interconnecting
spermatogonium then divides again mitotically into two resting such cells even beyond the stage of the next nuclear division (Fawcett
primary spermatocytes or preleptotene spermatocytes. The dark type et al 1959). These bridges, which may remain in the case of spermatids
A cells remain arranged along the basal lamina of the tubule, whereas until a late phase in their transformation into spermatozoa, are
the pale type A, type B spermatocytes and the spermatids derived short, devoid of spindle fibres or other remnants and are enclosed
from them lie closer to the lumen, into which the free end-product, in annular thickenings of the plasma membrane. They probably
spermatozoa, will be discharged. These events constitute sper- permit interchange of organelles, may be involved in synchronization
matocytosis, which is now followed by meiosis. of development and may contribute to the mechanical stability of
the spermatid-Sertoli cell complexes. Such cytoplasmic inter-
Meiosis of spermatocytes connection may also help to explain the formation of multinucleated
The primary spermatocytes soon enter the prophase of the first masses when the seminiferous epithelium is injured, as in making
maturation (reduction) division, which is prolonged over several days teased preparations. Except where connected together by bridges the
through the successive stages of leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, developing spermatids are very closely associated with Sertoli cells,
diplotene and diakinesis (p. 61) (Clermont 1963, 1966). As the nuclear whose processes are insinuated between them.
membrane now disappears in metaphase, the bivalent chromosomes During the differentiation of some rodent spermatids a fusiform
are arranged on the equatorial plate, separating into two groups and conglomeration of microtubules, the ‘spindle-shaped body’, appears
moving to opposite poles in anaphase, followed in the usual manner between the annulus and fibrous sheath. The same structure has
by reformation of the nuclear membranes in telophase and division been observed in human spermatids; its functional significance is
of the cell. These three phases occur much more rapidly than uncertain but an association with the development of the fibrous
prophase and during the whole process there is a considerable sheath has been suggested (Pedersen 1969; Wartenburg & Holstein
increase of nuclear and cytoplasmic material, bringing the primary 1975).
spermatocyte back to a size comparable with that of the stem
spermatogonium. The two secondary spermatocytes thus formed Spermiogenesis
contain, of course, the haploid number of chromosomes, this first During spermiogenesis (spermateliosis), spermatids go through a
maturation division being the one which is strictly speaking meiotic. complex series of changes to become spermatozoa (3.25) and this


Acrosome Golgi complex Nucleus

Manchette Centriole
Axial bundle




Flagellar ——
canal Fibrous

3.25 Differentiation of the spermatid (guinea pig), from left to right. Note fibrous sheath, caudal movement of the annulus, and development of the
nuclear condensation and elongation, appearance of the manchette and mitochondrial sheath. (Modified after Fawcett in Bloom & Fawcett 1975.)

metamorphosis has been studied in particular by light microscopy, firmly held by the Sertoli cells. Their release is sometimes termed
using preparations stained by the periodic-acid Schiff technique spermiation and is followed by rapid translation of the spermatozoa
(PAS); (Clermont 1963). Electron microscopy has confirmed these to the epididymis.
observations (Fawcett & Burgos 1956). In the newly formed sper-
matid the Golgi apparatus (idiosome—Golgi complex) is large but Maturation of spermatozoa
otherwise typical, consisting of flattened membrane-enclosed vesicles, Maturation is a complex process which has received much attention.
usually stacked in a parallel array, together with rounded minute Spermatozoa show little independent motility while still in the male
vesicles which are possibly nipped off from the flattened variety, the genital tract, though when removed from the epididymis they may
whole complex being juxtanuclear. A few electron-dense homo- display circular swimming movements or even directive movements
geneous paracrosomal granules, which are intensely PAS-positive, if taken from the cauda epididymis near the beginning of the ductus
develop in separate Golgi complex vesicles and the latter coalesce deferens (Blandau & Rumery 1964). From the results of artificial
into a single large acrosomal vesicle, the separate granules fusing insemination of rabbits with spermatozoa from the caput and cauda
into a single spherical acrosomal granule. This vesicle, with its granule of the epididymis, it has been postulated that some form of matu-
attached to its juxtanuclear wall, becomes adherent to the nuclear ration process takes place in this organ, during which the sper-
membrane over an area which will be anterior or ‘leading’ in the matozo6n attains its specific pattern of motility (Gaddum 1968).
maturing spermatozo6n. The granule flattens, but its central part Apart from these incomplete activities, spermatozoa are largely
bulges slightly into a shallow depression in the nucleus, which transported through the genital tract by ciliary action, by fluid
becomes progressively more ovoid (3.25). By successive absorption currents set up by localized secretion and absorption and by muscular
of further vesicles from the Golgi complex, the material in the contractions. Associated with the maturation of spermatozoa in the
acrosomal vesicle increases and the vesicle expands as a bilaminar genital tract in some mammals is the extrusion of a small mass of
cap over the anterior two-thirds of the nucleus. Coincident with cytoplasm, the kinoplasmic droplet or residual body, which migrates
these changes, the spermatid elongates and the Golgi complex and backwards along the surface of the head and middle part of the
associated cytoplasm migrate to the posterior part of the cell, spermatozo6n before disappearing. It consists of membrane-enclosed
bringing the external wall of the acrosomal vesicle into contact with cytoplasm containing fine tubules and vesicles (Bloom & Nicander
the plasma membrane at the anterior aspect of the cell. The acrosomal 1961; Guraya 1963). Human spermatozoa have not been shown to
granule now spreads out between the layers of the vesicle until it is undergo any demonstrable structural changes during passage through
uniformly distributed and no longer a localized structure. When the the epididymis, but there is evidence of an increase in sulphide
centrioles begin to separate (see below), microtubules develop cross-linking between proteins (Bedford & Calvin 1974). Moreover,
forming an inverted conical array, the manchette, perinuclear in restorative surgery after vasectomy indicates that at least part of the
position and expanding from the region of the acrosomal cap; its human epididymis is essential for motility (Bedford et al 1973).
precise significance is not yet explained. Motility of spermatozoa. In cross-section the tail is oval and
In the early spermatid the nucleus is of relatively low density, tapers caudally and its central area is typical of a flagellum or cilium.
containing finely dispersed granules which aggregate into larger and The surrounding coarse fibres are obovate or petal-shaped and
denser masses as development proceeds. These finally agglomerate unequal in size, one being consistently the largest. This is given the
into a homogeneously dense mass, usually containing one or more number | and the rest are numbered from this in a clockwise manner.
regions of low electron-density and variable in size, position and These fibres are separated into two unequal groups by slender
shape—the head vacuoles (Fawcett & Burgos 1956). Correlated longitudinal columns in the fibrous sheath which interrupts its cir-
biochemical and ultrastructural studies indicate a considerable vari- cumferential fibres and extend inwards to meet the coarse fibres
ation in the chromatin content of spermatozoa, this heterogeneity numbered 3 and 8. This divides the interior of the tail into major
being more marked in mankind than other primates or rodents; it and minor compartments, containing respectively coarse fibres 4, 5,
probably indicates a lower fertilizing power (Bedford et al 1973). 6 and 7, and 9, 1 and 2. The plane through the two columns also
The two centrioles are near the posterior aspect of the nucleus passes through the central pair of the axial bundle of fibrils and can
from an early stage. One remains unmodified; the other becomes be used as a reference datum for other structural details. For
modified into the basal body of the spermatozo6n (see p. 125). The example, the transverse diameter of the head has been considered to
annulus arises close to the latter (the distant centriole) but its origin lie at right angles to the plane of the columns, but it has now been
from it is doubtful. The axial fibrils begin to develop from the basal shown in the guinea-pig that the angle between the two planes is
body, extending ‘caudally’ into the cytoplasm of the cell as it becomes 20-30° less than a right angle (Fawcett 1968). Such details may be
progressively more elongated. Only the proximal part of the bundle instrumental in elucidating the motile activities of the tail. It is now
of fibrils remains surrounded by cytoplasm, to form the definitive generally accepted that the tail executes undulatory movements in
middle part of the spermatozo6n. In this, the mitochondria of one plane, but it has also been suggested that a helical component
the spermatid assemble to form the helical sheath. The detailed is superimposed upon this, there being perhaps two separable mech-
development of the fibrous sheath of the tail part is unknown. These anisms, one involving flat waves travelling along the tail, the other
changes complete what might be called the period of ‘organogenesis’ associated with torsional activity (Gray 1958; Bishop 1962; Lindahl &
of the spermatid, whose further development into a spermatozoén Drevius 1964).
is largely concerned with enlargement of the tail. The latter variety of movement has been linked with the unequal
During the final maturation of spermatids into individual sper- size and distribution of the coarse fibrils; it has also been suggested
matozoa some of the cytoplasm is detached as a residual body. This that the central pair of fine fibrils act as axial stiffeners. The
contains some mitochondria, Golgi membranes and vesicles, RNA asymmetry of the spermatozoan head has also been invoked to
particles, lipid granules but of course no nucleus. Residual bodies explain supposed helical movement. However, it has to be admitted
are prominent when spermatozoa are being released into their tubule. that the full details of the mechanisms of spermatozoal motility are
They are engulfed by Sertoli cells, which accounts for the increase unknown.
in lipid content of these cells at this period (Lacy 1960). Some further details deserve mention. The dense outer fibres have
As already stated, there is a close relation between developing been shown to exhibit an oblique or helical striation in replicas of
spermatids and Sertoli sustentacular cells. The spermatogonia are dried whole mounts of rodent spermatozoa (Phillips & Olson 1975).
external or basal to the Sertoli cells in the tubule and the sper- The central axoneme (3.23), consisting of the usual ciliary pattern of
matocytes which develop from the former are embraced by Sertoli nine double fibrils or ‘doublets’, has been intensively studied Fawcett
processes; the spermatids are even more deeply embedded in the 1975 for survey of literature). Each fibril is a microtubule, itself
supportive cells. (For further details see p. 1852.) These associations constructed of a regular number of protofibrils. Protein bridges
have been regarded as symbiotic, a single sustentacular cell being connect adjoining doublets at regular intervals and radial links
grouped with several spermatids. The Sertoli cells are phagocytic extend centrally to the central doublet of the axoneme.
and absorb not only residual bodies but also degenerating germ As soon as they are ejaculated the spermatozoa display their full
cells. They have been attributed a metabolic role and may form, or pattern of motility. The precise factors which trigger off these
at least transmit, hormones involved in the maturation of germ cells. movements enabling human gametes to travel at a rate of 1.5-3
128 Until released into the seminiferous tubule, spermatozoa are very mm/min are not yet clear; but the other constituents of semen,

derived from the epididymis and testis and from the seminal vesicle of corona radiata cells from the ovum, and thus facilitates the
and prostate, are generally considered to exert an activating influence. spermatozo6n’s approach to the zona pellucida. The origin of
The motility varies greatly in different species, disappearing in hyaluronidase from the acrosomal cap is associated with subsequent
minutes in some fish but usually persisting in mammals for hours loss of the cap (Leuchtenberger & Schrader 1950), at least in part
and even days when introduced into the female genital tract. Exact (Austin & Bishop 1958). ‘Capacitated’ spermatozoa observed in the
figures for its persistence in the human female are uncertain and are zona pellucida or perivitelline space have invariably lost most of
of doubtful value, since it is likely that, as in other mammals, human their acrosomal material (Leuchtenberger & Schrader 1950; Piké &
spermatozoa quickly lose their potency for fertilization, although Tyler 1964) and it is clear that capacitation is some process of
still motile. They have been recovered in a motile state in human activation which precedes penetration. Antigenic ‘coating’ substances
cervical mucus several days after insemination and will survive in on the surface of mammalian spermatozoa, including those of
this condition for as long as 7 days when implanted into such man (Weil 1965), have been recorded and it is possible that an
secretions in vitro. These survival periods may, however, be of little immunological reaction may be involved. Interaction between a
significance, in view of the speed with which spermatozoa reach the fertilizin, derived from the ovum or elsewhere in the female genital
infundibulum of the uterine tube and the brevity of their fertilizing tract, and a spermatozoan anti-fertilizin has been associated with
power. Spermatozoa have been shown to reach their tubal destination capacitation, but the interrelationship between the various events is
in a manner of minutes after ejaculation in some mammals and still sub judice, as comprehensive reviews show (Metz & Monroy
experiments on recently excised human uteri and tubes indicated a 1969; Chang & Hunter 1975). Capacitation may be regarded as the
time of about 70 minutes (Brown 1944). The conclusion must be terminal event of maturation of the spermatozoén, prior to actual
that factors other than their own motility are responsible for the fertilization, for which it is preparation.
transport of spermatozoa from the site of deposition in the vaginal
fornix to the ovarian end of the uterine tube and there is considerable
evidence that contraction of the uterine and tubal musculature is UNION OF THE GAMETES
responsible (Bickers 1960).
It is not usually recognized that a spermatozo6n must be adaptable Sexual reproduction is initiated by the fusion of distinct male and
to a wide range of environments in its long journey from the female gametes (sperm and egg respectively) produced by appro-
seminiferous tubule to the uterine tube, encountering major changes priately different parental forms. In some of the earliest organisms
in the electrolyte and non-electrolyte constituents in the fluids with to propagate by sexual reproduction, such as primitive algae, the
which it is successively surrounded. Nevertheless, a collectively vast gametes are all alike, except presumably in their genetic content.
amount of observation and experiment has been recorded in con- The profound differences which have evolved in the gametes of the
nection with the effects of the multitude of factors, both physical great majority of plants and animals—vertebrate and invertebrate—
and chemical, in the natural media involved regarding the behaviour appear to depend on a conflict between adaptation for the carriage
of these cells and particularly their motility and fertility (Nelson of nutrients for one gamete and improvement in motility for the
1967; Mann 1967); e.g. the effects of respiratory gas tensions, other. The egg, by extruding genetic material at the meiotic divisions,
reaction, various ions, antibodies, vitamins, hormones, inhibitory accumulates cytoplasm and is considered immobile; during its
substances, temperature, different forms of radiation and other development the sperm loses cytoplasm retaining only the nucleus,
factors have been studied in remarkable detail, for which monographs mitochondria, a propulsive tail and such organelles necessary for the
and original papers must be consulted. The effects of low tem- production of enzymes for breaching the outer walls of the egg. This
peratures in preserving spermatozoa and perhaps prolonging their dimorphism of the gametes has in turn entailed the evolution of
vitality have attracted much research in connection with artificial equally profound differences between the individuals producing the
insemination, both in stock-breeding and in infertile human marriage. two kinds of gametes, males and females, in regard to the organs
Mammalian semen, including that of human beings (Parkes 1952), concerned in bringing together these dissimilar gametes and ensuring
can be stored at temperatures of about —70°C for weeks and even the development of their fused product, the zygote, until it is able
months, the motility and fertility of its suspended spermatozoa to undertake a separate existence.
reappearing when the suspension is unfrozen. However, storage of The central feature of reproduction in most plants and animals is
human semen presents difficulties (Polge 1957). the fusion of the gametes at fertilization. Fusion is the precursor of
Seminal plasma. The fluid component of seminal fluid or semen; syngamy, when the two gamete pronuclei come together to recon-
it contains a remarkable array of substances, including muco-pro- stitute a diploid zygote nucleus. Syngamy is the second and final
teins, a dozen or more identified proteolytic enzymes, the bases stage of the genetic assortment that accompanies (and is, no doubt,
spermine, glycerylphosphorylcholine and ergothioneine, a group of the reason for) sexual reproduction; the first stage is meiotic crossing
organic acids called prostaglandins (which have pharmaco-dynamic over (recombination). Genetic sex is determined at syngamy by the
actions on the uterus and smooth muscle in general), acids such as presence or absence of the Y chromosome that determines the
citric, ascorbic, uric, lactic and pyruvic, and the sugars sorbitol, male sex in mammals and several other animal groups. The Y
inositol and fructose. The fructose added to the fluid by the secretion chromosome, if present, is necessarily contributed by the sperm
of the seminal vesicle is an essential substrate in the anaerobic which therefore determines the sex of the zygote. In most animals,
glycolysis by which spermatozoa survive the low oxygen tensions phenotypic sex is female, unless active genes on the Y chromosome
existing in semen itself and in the female genital tract. Prostaglandins are present to trigger the active programme for male sex deter-
are now believed to play a role, perhaps by modulation of neuro- mination.
transmitter release, in the contraction/relaxation activity of the non- Although syngamy is essential for the maintenance of ploidy,
striated muscle in the testicular capsule and interlobular septa adjac- other changes within the egg that are equally essential for normal
ent to the seminiferous tubules (as suggested by von Euler 1936). development are triggered by fertilization. Mammalian gametes are
Consult Ellis and Hargrove (1977) for literature. fertilized when in the second meiotic metaphase: fertilization causes
the cell division cycle to resume, completing meiosis and extruding
Capacitation the second set of redundant meiotic chromosomes as the second
After ejaculation into the female, the spermatozoa undergo the final polar body. Thereafter, cell division (segmentation or cleavage) pro-
step in their maturation, a process known as capacitation. It has ceeds within the zona pellucida until the blastocyst stage (Howlett &
been shown that spermatozoa are not able to fertilize ova until they Bolton 1985).
have been within the genital tract of the female for a period of time,
usually of hours but varying with the species (Austin 1951; Chang Parthenogenesis
1951; Austin & Walton 1960). The mechanism of capacitation, A mature egg can contain all that is necessary to make a new being
whereby the spermatozo6n is activated to enter and fertilize the and can under some circumstances commence to develop. This is
ovum, is still uncertain. A confusing array of findings with regard particularly evident in the cases of natural and artificial par-
to the interactions of the two gametes immediately prior to this event thenogenesis. Natural parthenogenesis occurs quite widely, a good
have been described, unfortunately in widely different vertebrates and example being aphids, which produce parthenogenetic females to
invertebrates. It is probable that hyaluronidase hastens the separation maximize generation overlap and thus population growth rate at 129



times of food abundance, reverting to sexual reproduction when trophoblast and extraembryonic tissues. In contrast, embryos in
food is scarce. Artificial parthenogenesis stimulates this potentiality which the maternal pronucleus has been replaced by a second
of the egg to develop further without fertilization by a variety of paternal pronucleus develop very poorly, forming embryos of only
mechanical, chemical and physico-chemical means, such as pricking 6-8 somites, but with extensive trophoblast. Thus it seems that the
of the egg or exposure to altered tonicity and chemicals. It has been maternal genome is relatively more important for the development
successful in a wide variety of animals, though not in mammals where of the embryo, while the paternal genome is essential for the
development of the extraembryonic tissues.
offspring rarely survive beyond the embryonic stage (underlining the
point that the genetic contribution of the gamete nuclei to early This functional inequivalence of homologous parental chro-
development is small, but becomes important later). In the case mosomes is called parental imprinting. The process of parental
of rabbits, viable parthenogenotes have been reported, but the imprinting causes the expression of particular genes to be dependent
observation has never been substantiated. on their parental origin, with some genes being expressed only from
the maternally inherited chromosome and others from the paternally
Parental imprinting inherited chromosome. These genes are called imprinted genes, they
The presence of chromosomes from both parental origins is crucial are believed to have inherited maternal or paternal specific imprints
for spatial organization and the controlled growth of cells, tissues which affect their activity (3.26) (Surani et al 1986; Solter 1988). The
and organs (Azim & Surani 1986). There is extensive evidence which mechanism of imprinting is thought to. involve the acquisition of
suggests differential roles for paternal and maternal genomes during molecular signals attached to the DNA or chromatin which are
mammalian embryogenesis. Embryos in which the paternal pro- known as epigenetic modifications. These modifications must have
nucleus has been removed and replaced with a second maternal the following properties:
pronucleus develop to a relatively advanced stage, in the mouse, (1) They must be able to affect the transcription of the gene.
to form 25-somite embryos with very limited development of the (2) They must be heritable in somatic cells over many celldivisions
and not lost during chromosome replication.
(3) Most importantly, the imprints must be erased in the male
and female germ lines during gametogenesis to allow new imprints
Gametogenesis to be set down which are specific to the parental origin of the newly
formed gametes.
Methylation of some critical CpG dinucleotides in the DNA of
Imprint erased in
| germline
Mutation by altered dosage
of imprinted genes

imprint established


(i) Uniparental disomy (ii) Deletion! (iii) Aberrant imprint

gene mutation

bi% Aes

Maternal disomy Maternally inherited Paternally

normal phenotype inherited

Paternal disomy Paternally inherited Maternally inherited

Eg 3.27 Mutation by altered dosage of imprinted genes. An imprintis inherited

maternally (red circle) causing repression of a gene and expression of the
paternally inherited copy.
Stable maintenance (i) Uniparental disomy, an alteration in the dosage of the parental chro-
of imprint in somatic mosomes, is maternal duplication/paternal deficiency (maternal disomy), or
lineages paternal duplication/maternal deficiency (paternal disomy). Thus both copies
3.26 Heritability of parental imprints. Parental imprints are chromosome of the imprinted gene are repressed (the maternal disomy in this example)
modifications which affect the activity of some genes. Imprints cause these or expressed (the paternal disomy in this example);
genes to be expressed depending on their parental origins. Here, a matern- (ii) Inheritance of a mutation such as a deletion will result in a mutant
ally inherited chromosome (pink) carries an imprint circle (red circle) resulting phenotype only if the mutation is in the active copy of the gene (paternal in
in repression of a gene. The same gene on the paternally inherited chro- this example). If the repressed allele is mutated a normal phenotype will
result as the active copy is still intact;
mosome (blue) is imprinted (green circle) allowing it to be expressed. After
fertilization in the organism the imprint is stably inherited in the somatic (iii) Mutations may also cause the imprint modification itself to be perturbed
lineages with the chromosomes remembering their parental origin. In the such that an inappropriate modification occurs. Thus the chromosome no
germline the imprint is erased and then re-established so that all the gametes longer acts faithfully to its parental origin and the gene cannot exhibit
will carry either the maternal or paternal specific imprint. appropriate imprinted activity.

Cortical Initiation of
Perivitteline granule Binding acrosome reaction
Zona Plasma
pellucida membrane

Starting at

of reaction
Excluded reacted
sperm sperm

Midpiece Fusion
Neck Cortical reaction


Plasma membrane
Acrosomal contents o
Fusion of plasma io
Inner acrosomal membrane membrane and Vesiculation reacted
outer acrosomal sperm
Outer acrosomal membrane membrane

3.28 Fertilization pathway includes a succession of steps. After a sperm sperm meets and fuses with the egg’s plasma membrane, fertilizing the egg.
cell binds to the zona pellucida, what is called the acrosome reaction takes Completion of the pathway triggers the cortical and zona reactions. First
place (see detail at bottom). The outer membrane (blue) acrosome, an enzyme-rich cortical granules in the egg’s cytoplasm release their contents
enzyme-rich organelle in the anterior of the sperm head, fuses at many (yellow) into the zona pellucida, starting at the point of fusion and progressing
points with the plasma membrane surrounding the sperm head. Then those right and left. Next, in the zona reaction, the enzymes modify the zona
fused membranes form vesicles, which are eventually sloughed off from the pellucida, transforming it into an impenetrable barrier to sperm as a guard
head, exposing the acrosomal enzymes (red). The enzymes digest a path against polyspermy (multiple fertilization). (Paul Wasserman in Scientific
through the zona pellucida, enabling the sperm to advance. Eventually the American Dec 1988, with permission of the publishers.)

imprinted genes is one type of epigenetic modification believed to be 1991). Thus individuals with maternal duplication/paternal
important in the imprinting process (Sasaki et al 1993). deficiency, maternal disomy, of the chromosome carrying the insulin-
The requirement for both parental genomes is limited to a subset like growth factor II gene do not express any of the growth factor.
of the chromosomes (Cattanach & Beechey 1993). This has become Mice with this deficiency are growth retarded (Ferguson-Smith et al
evident through the analysis of the individuals with uniparental 1991).
duplications and corresponding deficiencies, uniparental disomy, of In humans, some conditions show parental origin effects in their
particular chromosomal regions. Uniparental disomy (3.27) can arise patterns of inheritance and several imprinted disorders in man have
through meiotic and mitotic non-disjunction events and result in been described. These disorders can be attributed to alterations in the
individuals completely disomic or exhibiting mosaicism of disomic dosage of imprinted genes either through chromosomal uniparental
and non-disomic cells. If imprinted genes reside on the affected disomy, trisomy or mutations (e.g. deletions) involving the gene or
chromosomes then the uniparental disomic cells will either express the imprints. In these disorders, males and females are equally
a double dose of the gene or have both copies repressed. For affected; however, manifestation of the disorder depends on the
example, the gene encoding the embryonal mitogen insulin-like parental origin of the uniparental disomy or the sex of the parent
growth factor II is expressed from the paternally inherited chro- from whom the mutation is inherited. Disorders exhibiting parental
mosome and repressed when maternally inherited (DeChiara et al origin effects in their patterns of inheritance include the Beckwith- 131

Wiedermann syndrome (Wiedermann 1964; Eliot & Maher 1994),

Prader-Willi syndrome (Holm et al 1993) and Angelman syndrome
(Angelman 1965; Nichols et al 1992). Parental imprinting mutations
are also implicated in the genesis of some tumour syndromes, notably
Wilm’s tumour and familial glomus tumours.
Fertilization normally occurs in the ampullary region of the uterine
tube probably within 24 hours of ovulation. Very few spermatozoa
reach the ampulla to achieve fertilization. They must undergo capa-
citation, still incompletely understood, which may involve modi-
fications in membrane sterols or surface proteins. They traverse
the cumulus odphorus and corona radiata, then bind to specific
glycoprotein receptors on the zona pellucida, ZP3 and ZP2. Inter-
action of ZP3 with the sperm head induces the acrosome reaction, in
which fusion of membranes on the sperm head releases enzymes,
such as acrosin, which help to digest the zona around the sperm
head allowing the sperm to reach the perivitelline space. In the
3.29 Early human cleavage: 2-blastomere stage recovered from the perivitelline space, the spermatozoon fuses with the odcyte microvilli,
uterine tube. A polar cell is seen at each end of the cleavage plane. possibly via two disintegrin peptides in the sperm head and integrin
Magnification x c. 700. (Hertig et al 1954.) in the odlemma. Fusion of the sperm with the odlemma causes a

3.30A-H These are all photographs of living human specimens in tissue can be seen near the centre of the ‘ovum’, whilst two polar cells lie beneath
culture. These specimens were provided by RG Edwards of the Anatomy the zona pellucida.
Department, Cambridge University; 8, £, F and G are reproduced by courtesy D. Human cleavage—4-celled stage.
of Nature and c by courtesy of the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. E. 8-celled stage.
A. An unfertilized odcyte surrounded by the zona pellucida; the first polar F. 16-celled stage.
cell can be seen. G. An early living human blastocyst. Note the blastocyst cavity, small flat-
B. High magnification of the surface of an unfertilized living human oécyte; tened mural trophoblastic cells, and the projecting clump or large cells
the head of a spermatozoén is visible in the perivitelline space and its tail is constituting the inner cell mass. '
beating outside the zona pellucida. H. A blastocyst which has lost its zona pellucida and started to expand.
c. After penetration by the spermatozoén, the male and female pronuclei

weak membrane depolarization and leads to a calcium wave which The pulses of intracellular calcium that occur every few minutes
is triggered by the sperm at the site of fusion and crosses the egg for the first few hours of development also trigger the fusion of
within 5—20 seconds (see 3.28). The calcium wave amplifies the local cortical granules with the odlemma. The cortical secretory granules
signal at the site of sperm—odécyte interaction and distributes it release an enzyme that hydrolyses the ZP3 receptor on the zona
throughout the odcyte cytoplasm. The increase in calcium con- pellucida and so prevents other sperm from binding and undergoing
centration is the signal that causes the odcyte to resume cell division the acrosome reaction, thus establishing the block to polyspermy.
initiating the completion of meiosis II and setting off the develop- The same cortical granule secretion may also modify the vitelline
mental programme that leads to embryogenesis. All vertebrate, and layer and odlemma, making them less susceptible to sperm—odcyte
some invertebrate, eggs initiate a calcium wave at fertilization. fusion and providing a further level of polyspermy block. 133

The sperm head undergoes its protamine — histone transition as During the 8-cell stage, the process of compaction occurs in which
the second polar body is extruded. The two pronuclei grow, move cells:
together and condense in preparation for syngamy and cleavage e flatten on each other to maximize intercellular contact
after 24 hours (3.32). Nucleolar rRNA and perhaps some mRNA is e initiate formation of gap and focal tight junctions
synthesized in pronuclei, and a succeeding series of cleavage divisions e radically reorganize their cytoplasmic organization from radially
produces eight even-sized blastomeres at 2.5 days, when embryonic symmetric to a highly asymmetric phenotype.
mRNA is transcribed.
Several examples of cells, odtids, which contain male and female This latter process includes the migration of nuclei towards the
pronuclei have been described. Pronuclear fusion as such does centre of the embryo, redistribution of surface microvilli and an
not occur; the two pronuclear envelopes disappear and the two underlying mesh of microfilaments and microtubules to the exposed
chromosome groups move together to assume positions on the first surface and the localization of endosomes beneath the apical cyto-
cleavage spindle. Thus there is no true zygote stage containing a skeletal mesh. As a result of the process of compaction, the embryo
membrane-bound nucleus. forms a primitive proto-epithelial cyst, with 8 polarized cells, their
Fertilization of human gametes in vitro (IVF) is very successful apices facing outward and their basolateral surfaces internally. The
(3.28). Controlled ovarian stimulation, (e.g. with pituitary down- focal tight junctions, which align to become increasingly linear, are
regulation with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH); localized to the boundary between the apical and basolateral surfaces;
analogues followed by stimulation with menopausal gonadotrophins, gap junctions form between apposed basolateral surfaces and become
enables many preovulatory oécytes (often 10 or more) to be aspirated functional (Fleming & Johnson 1988). .
by laparoscopy or transvaginal ultrasound. Micromanipulation The process of compaction involves the cell surface and calcium
assists severe male infertility, especially by injecting a spermatozoén dependent cell:cell adhesion glycoprotein E-cadherin (also called L-
directly into the odplasm to obtain 50% fertilizations. Genetic disease CAM or uvomorulin). Neutralization of its function disturbs all
in embryos is being diagnosed by applying the polymerase chain three elements of compaction. The whole process can function in
reaction to polar bodies removed from odcytes, or to one or more the absence of both mRNA and protein synthesis. Post-translational
blastomeres excised from cleaving embryos or pieces of tro- controls are sufficient and seem to involve regulation through protein
phectoderm excised from blastocysts. Pronucleate and cleaving phosphorylation. Significantly, although E-cadherin is not syn-
embryos are cryopreserved using propanediol or dimethylsulphoxide, thesized and present on the surface of cleaving blastomeres, it first
and blastocysts using glycerol. Conception rates per cycle using becomes phosphorylated early during the 8-cell stage at the initiation
ovarian stimulation, IVF and successive transfers of fresh and of compaction.
cryopreserved embryos far outstrip those obtained during non- The process of compaction is important for the generation of cell
assisted conception (Edwards & Brody 1993). diversity in the early embryo. As each polarized cell divides, it retains
significant elements of its polar organization so that its daughter
cells inherit cytocortical domains, the nature of which reflect their
origin and organization in the parent 8-cell. Thus, if the axis of
PREIMPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT division is aligned approximately at right angles to the axis of cell
polarity, the more superficially placed daughter cell inherits all the
Cleavage apical cytocortex and some of the basolateral cytocortex and is
The first divisions of the fertilized odcyte are termed cleavage. They polar, whilst the more centrally placed cell inherits only basolateral
distribute the cytoplasm approximately equally among daughter cytocortex and is apolar. In contrast, if the axis of division is aligned
blastomeres, so although the cell number of the preimplantation approximately along the axis of the cell polarity, two polar daughter
embryo rises its total mass actually falls slightly (3.29, 30). The cell cells are formed. Thus, 2-cell populations are formed in the 16-
cycle is quite long, the first two cell cycles being around 24 hours cell embryo that differ in phenotype (polar, apolar) and position
each, thereafter reducing to 12 to 18 hours. Cell division is asyn- (superficial, deep), and the number of cells in each population in
chronous and daughter cells may retain a cytoplasmic link through any one embryo will be determined by the ratio of divisions along
much of the immediately subsequent cell cycle via a midbody, due and at right angles to the axis of 8-cell polarity. The theoretical and
to the delayed completion of cytokinesis. No centrioles are present observed limits of the polar to apolar ratio are 16:0 and 8:8. The
until the 16- to 32-cell stage, but amorphous pericentriolar material outer, polar cells contribute largely to the trophectoderm whilst the
is present and serves to organize the mitotic spindles, which are inner, apolar cells contribute almost exclusively to the inner cell
characteristically more barrel than spindle shaped at these stages. mass in most embryos (Johnson et al 1986).
All cleavage divisions after fertilization are dependent upon con- In cleavage therefore, the generation of cell diversity, to either
tinuing protein synthesis. In contrast, passage through the earliest trophectoderm or inner cell mass, occurs in the 16-cell morula and
cycles is independent of mRNA synthesis (to 2 cells in mouse, 4 cells precedes the formation of the blastocyst. During the 16-cell cycle,
in pig, 8 cells in human, 16 cells in cow and sheep), but thereafter the outer polar cells continue to differentiate an epithelial phenotype,
the inhibition of transcription experimentally blocks further division displaying further aspects of polarity and intercellular adhesion
and development, indicating that activation of the embryonic genome typical of epithelial cells, while the inner apolar cells remain sym-
is required. There is also direct evidence for the synthesis of embry- metrically organized. During the next cell division (16- to 32-cell
onically encoded proteins at this stage. At the same time as the stage), a proportion of polar cells again divide differentiatively as in
embryo’s genes first become both active and essential, the previously the previous cycle, each yielding one polar and one apolar progeny
functional maternally derived mRNA is destroyed. However, protein that enter respectively the trophectoderm and inner cell mass lineages.
made on these maternal templates does persist at least to the However, in this case, differentiative division is less common than
blastocyst stage. Interestingly, spontaneous developmental arrest of at the 8- to 16-cell transition, yet has the important function of
embryo culture in vitro seems to occur during the cell cycle of gene regulating an appropriate number of cells in the two tissues of the
activation in all species studied including the human, but it is not blastocyst. Thus, if differentiative divisions were relatively infrequent
caused by total failure of that activation process (Schultz 1993). The at the 8- to 16-cell transition, they will be more frequent at the 16-
early cleavage stages, up to around the 8-cell stage, require pyruvate to 32-cell transition, and vice versa.
or lactate as metabolic substrates, but thereafter more glucose is Following division to the 32-cell stage, the outer polar cells
metabolized and may be required (Leese 1991). complete their differentiation into a functional epithelium, and
The earliest stage at which different types of cells can be identified display structurally complete zonular tight junctions and begin to
within the cleaving embryo probably depends upon the species but form desmosomes. The nascent trophectoderm engages in vectorial
tends to be around the 8- to 16-cell stage. It has been studied in fluid transport in the apical to basal direction to generate a cavity
most detail in the mouse embryo. Up to the early 8-cell stage of which expands in size during the 32- to 64-cell cycles converting the
mouse embryogenesis, cells are essentially spherical, loosely touching ball of cells to a sphere, the blastocyst. By the blastocyst stage, the
each other, having no specialized intercellular junctions or significant diversification of the trophectoderm and inner cell mass lineages is
extracellular matrix, and the cytoplasm of each being organized in complete and trophectoderm differentiative divisions no longer occur.
134 a radially symmetric manner around a centrally located nucleus. In the late blastocyst, the trophectoderm is referred to as the
trophoblast; it can be divided into polar trophoblast which lies in
direct contact with the inner cell mass, and mural trophoblast which
surrounds the blastocyst cavity (3.35).
Staging of embryos 24
Prenatal life can be divided into an embryonic period and a fetal 22
period. The embryonic period covers the first 8 weeks of development
(weeks following ovulation and fertilization resulting in pregnancy). 20
The ages of early human embryos have been previously estimated
by comparing their development with that of monkey embryos of
known postovulatory ages. Because embryos develop at different 16
rates and attain different final weights and sizes, a classification of
human embryos into 23 stages occurring during the first 8 post- (mm) 14
ovulatory weeks was developed, most successfully, by Streeter
(Streeter 1942); a task continued today by O’Rahilly (O’Rahilly & 12
Muller 1987). An embryo was initially staged by comparing its
development to other embryos. The correlation of particular 10
maternal menstrual histories and the known developmental ages of
monkey embryos allowed the construction of growth tables so that
the size of an embryo (specifically the greatest length) could be used
to predict its presumed age in postovulatory days. Streeter believed
such estimations could be +1 day for any given stage. Within this
staging system, which is more fully described for embry-
onic development on page 344, embryonic life commences with

3.31 Chart of developmental stages 10-23. (Devised by Streeter 1942

and O’Rahilly & Muller 1987.)


MEE Chick (days from onset

of incubation)
SEEN Mouse (days from time
Incubation ' of mating)
SS Rat (days from time
of mating)
l@al Human (days post-


15-20 somites,
rostral neuropore

limb bud

limb bud

2 #14 #«=16 #418 20 22 Qf 28

Tene ys isp Coeveycseoes
_ p-aie 34 VS | i !

3.32 Within developmental biology evidence concerning the nature of chick, mouse and rat. This chart illustrates the comparative time scale of
developmental processes has come mainly from experiments on a number development of these animals and the human.
of vertebrate embryos. The most commonly used amniote embryos are 135

fertilization at stage 1, with stage 2 encompassing embryos from 2 epithelium; uterine fluid is withdrawn by progesterone-sensitive
cells, through compaction and early segregation to the appearance pinopods, and short-range forces enable embryos to adhere to
of the blastocoele (3.31, 3.32). epithelia. The pentasaccharide lacto-N-fucopentose-1 on the epi-
The reader is also urged to examine 3.37 which shows the devel- thelium and its receptor on the trophoblast could be specifically
opmental processes occurring between stages 1-10, and 4.1 which involved in adhesion. For details of placental development see page
shows the developmental staging used in the Embryology and 166.
Development section alongside the obstetric estimation of gestation The trophoblast from stages 4 and 5 onwards has two distinct cell
used clinically. arrangements: cytotrophoblast, cuboidal cells which form the mural
and polar trophoblast; and externally syncytial trophoblast
Blastocyst (syncytiotrophoblast), a multinucleated mass of cytoplasm which
The blastocyst ‘hatches’ from its zona pellucida at 6-7 days, possibly forms initially in areas near the inner cell mass after apposition of
assisted by an enzyme similar to trypsin. Trophoblast oozes out of the blastocyst to the uterine mucosa. It is the syncytial trophoblast
a small slit, and many embryos form a figure 8 shape, bisected by which penetrates the uterine luminal epithelium. The uterine epi-
the zona pellucida, especially if it has been hardened during odcyte thelial cell junctions are breached by flanges of syncytial trophoblast
maturation and cleavage. Such half-hatching could result in the without apparent damage to the maternal cell membranes or dis-
formation of identical twins. Hatched blastocysts expand and differ- ruption of the intercellular junctions; rather shared junctions are
entiation of the inner cell mass proceeds. formed with many of the uterine epithelial cells (Enders et al
The free unattached blastocyst is assigned to stage 3 of develop- 1983). As the blastocyst burrows more deeply into the endometrium
ment (O’Rahilly & Muller 1987; see p.140) at approximately syncytial trophoblast forms over the mural cytotrophoblast but never
4 postovulatory days, whereas implantation (before villus achieves the thickness of the syncytial trophoblast over the embryonic
development) occurs within a period of 7-12 days postovulation and pole.
over the next two stages of development. Two stage 3 blastocysts The youngest implanting human blastocyst recovered and
examined in some detail (Hertig et al 1954) include: one with 58 cells described in detail (Hertig & Rock 1945, Carnegie embryo No. 8020
(3.33), of which only about 5 are inner cell mass and destined to Stage 5a) shows an early stage in the process. The polar trophoblast
form the embryo, the remainder being trophoblast, concerned with displays an extensive syncytial development which projects into the
extraembryonic membranes and placentation; and another blastocyst endometrial stroma but syncytial lacunae have not yet developed.
consisting of 107 cells (3.34), of which 69 are mural trophoblast cells, The blastocyst is not completely embedded and aportion of its wall
30 are polar trophoblast cells and 8 form the inner cell mass. Even at the abembryonic pole still projects into the uterine lumen. The
at this early stage these 8 cells are already arranged into an upper age is believed to be 7 postovulatory days (Hertig & Rock 1945).
layer (i.e. closest to the polar trophoblast), the epiblast, which will The site of implantation is normally in the endometrium of the
give rise to the embryonic cells, and a lower layer, the hypoblast, posterior wall of the uterus, nearer to the fundus than to the cervix,
which has an extraembryonic fate. Thus the dorsoventral axis of the and may be in the median plane or to one or other side. Implantation
developing embryo and a bilaminar arrangement of the inner cell may occur elsewhere in the uterus; implantation near the internal os
mass is established at or before implantation. (The earliest primordial results in the condition of placenta praevia with its attendant risk of
germ cells may also be defined at this stage; Hertig 1968.) severe antipartum haemorrhage (see p. 1873), or in an extrauterine
or ectopic site.
IMPLANTATION Ectopic implantation
On the sixth postovulatory day the blastocyst adheres to the uterine The conceptus may be arrested at any point during its migration
mucosa and the events leading to the specialized, intimate contact through the uterine tube and implant in its wall. Previous tubule
of trophoblast and endometrium commence (3.35, 36). Implantation inflammatory episodes may predispose to such tubal arrest. It has
is the term used for this complicated process; it includes the following been suggested that congenital abnormalities of the tube, tubal
stages: tumours, transperitoneal migration of a secondary odcyte from one
ovary to the opposite tube and delayed ovulation are additional
(1) dissolution of the zona pellucida predisposing factors of tubal implantation (Woodruff & Pauerstein
(2) orientation and adhesion of the blastocyst onto the endo- 1969).
metrium Nidation of the intramural part of the tube often results in early
(3) trophoblastic penetration into the endometrium abortion of the conceptus whereas, if it occurs elsewhere in the tube,
(4) migration of the blastocyst into the endometrium development often proceeds for about 2 months and is then usually
(5) spread and proliferation of the trophoblast, which envelops followed by tubal rupture with death of the embryo and severe
and specifically disrupts and invades the maternal tissues. intraperitoneal haemorrhage—a grave surgical emergency. However,
The embryo is drawn into a tight association with the uterine slow rupture of the tube may occur, accompanied by a further


3.33 Section of a 58-cell human blastocyst recovered from the uterine 3.34 Section of a 107-cell human blastocyst recovered from the uterine
cavity showing the zona pellucida, trophoblast and inner cell mass. Mag- cavity. The mural and polar trophoblastic cells and the inner cell mass can
136 nification x c. 510. (Hertig et al 1954.) be distinguished. Magnification x c. 550. (Hertig et al 1954.)

implantation of the conceptus into any adjacent peritonealized visceral hypoblast and the distance between the hypoblast cells and
surface (secondary abdominal pregnancy), which may lead to rupture the epiblast basal lamina is variable.
of the surface with similar consequences. A series of modifications of the original blastocystic cavity develops
Primary ovarian or abdominal pregnancies have also been beneath the hypoblast later than those developing above the epiblast.
described, in which it has been presumed that the fertilization Whilst the amniotic cavity is enlarging within the sphere of epiblast
occurred in the vicinity of the ovary; most cases, however, are cells, the parietal hypoblast cells are proliferating and spreading
probably of the secondary type following a slow tubal rupture or a along the mural trophoblast until they extend most of the way
slow extrusion of the conceptus through the abdominal ostium of around the circumference of the blastocyst converging towards the
the tube. abembryonic pole; at the same time a space appears between the
Apart from their important clinical implications, such conditions parietal hypoblast and the mural trophoblast limiting the cir-
emphasize the interesting fact that the conceptus can implant suc- cumference of the hypoblastic cavity. A variety of terms have been
cessfully into tissues other than a normal progestational endo- applied to the parietal hypoblast layer: extraembryonic hypoblast
metrium. Further, prolonged development can occur in such sites and later extraembryonic endoderm or the exocoelomic (Heuser’s)
and is usually terminated by a mechanical or vascular accident and membrane. The cavity which the layer initially surrounds is termed
not by a fundamental nutritive or endocrine insufficiency or by an the primary yolk sac, although O’Rahilly and Muller (1987) commend
immune maternal response. the term primary umbilical vesicle. There is considerable confusion
concerning the developmental state of the primary yolk sac before
initiation of the later cavity, the secondary yolk sac, and in the way
POSTIMPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT in which it forms (see Enders et al 1986). Enders et al conclude that
the presence of a complete primary yolk sac cannot be determined
The earliest developmental processes in mammalian embryos involve from the material in the Carnegie collection or from their studies.
the production of the extraembryonic structures which will support The secondary yolk sac has been suggested to form in a variety of
and nourish the embryo during development. Production of these ways:
layers begins before implantation is complete. At present it is unclear
where the extraembryonic cell lines arise. The trophoblast was e from cavitation of visceral hypoblast (Hill 1932), a method similar
considered to be a source but evidence now points to the inner cell to formation of the amnion
mass as the site of origin. Figure 3.37 shows the sequence of e rearrangement of proliferating visceral hypoblast (Heuser & Stree-
development of various tissues in the early embryo. ter 1941)
e folding of the parietal layer of the primary yolk sac into the
Amniotic cavity secondary yolk sac (Luckett 1978).
Ultrastructural examination of rhesus monkey embryos at the equi- Certainly numerous mitotic figures are seen in the visceral hypo-
valent of stage 5a show that the epiblast cells, which are closest to blast preceding secondary yolk sac formation, and at the margin of
the implanting face of the trophoblast, have a definite polarity, being the visceral portion hypoblast cells overlie one another and appear
arranged in a radial manner with extensive junctions near the centre to indicate a reflection of the layer. Enders et al (1986) conclude that
of the mass of cells, supported by supranuclear organelles (Enders a central portion of the secondary yolk sac may derive from parietal
et al 1986). A few epiblast cells are contiguous with cytotrophoblast hypoblast and the remainder from visceral but point out that the
cells; however, apart from this contact a basal lamina surrounds the derivation of the cells may be of little significance as experimental
now, initially, spherical cluster of epiblast cells isolating them from work has shown that in the mouse differentiation of parietal and
all other cells. Those epiblast cells adjacent to the hypoblast become visceral hypoblast can be reversed (Hogan & Tilly 1981).
taller and more columnar than those adjacent to the trophoblast; The visceral hypoblast cells may later have a focus of production
this causes the epiblast sphere to become flattened and the centre of in the posterior margin of the disc. The cells later induce the
the sphere to be shifted towards the polar trophoblast. Amniotic formation of the primitive streak thus establishing the axis of the
fluid accumulates at the eccentric centre of the now lenticular epiblast embryonic disc (Azar & Eyal-Giladi 1979, 1981; Khaner & Eyal-
mass which is bordered by apical junctional complexes and microvilli. Giladi 1989). With the later formation of the embryonic cell layers
By day 10.5, in the rhesus monkey, there is a definitive amniotic from the epiblast (see p. 142) the visceral hypoblast appears to be
cavity roofed by low cuboidal cells which possess irregular microvilli. sequestered into the secondary yolk sac wall by the expansion of the
The cells share short apical junctional complexes and associated newly formed embryonic endoderm beneath the epiblast (Tam &
desmosomes (Enders et al 1986) and rest on an underlying basal Beddington 1992).
lamina. A demarcation between true amnion cells and those of the It is necessary to point out at this juncture that the early embryonic
remaining definitive epiblast is clear. The columnar epiblast cells are bilaminar disc was thought to contain the outer layer—future skin—
arranged as a pseudostratified layer with microvilli, frequently a and inner layer—future gut lining—of the embryo, the ectoderm and
single cilium, clefted nuclei and large nucleoli; the cells have a endoderm. This was the basis of the germ layer theory. Experimental
distinct, continuous basal lamina. Cell division in the epiblast tends studies have now shown that all of the embryonic cell lines derive
to occur near the apical surface, causing this region to become more from the upper layer of the embryonic disc and that the lower layer
crowded than the basal region. At the margins of the embryonic disc has no embryonic fate. The terms epiblast and hypoblast are used
the amnion cells are contiguous with the epiblast; there is a gradation to make this distinction between the earliest bilaminar disc layers
in cell size from columnar to low cuboidal within a two to three cell and the later embryonic layers (see p.92 for a full account of the
span (3.38, 39). embryonic nomenclature).
Descriptions of several human blastocysts at stages 5 and 6
Yolk sac
(O’Rahilly & Muller 1987) are available (3.36, 38, 39). The tropho-
The Aypoblast just prior to implantation consists of a layer of blast is now divisible into cytotrophoblast and syncytial trophoblast
squamous cells only slightly larger in extent than the epiblast. The over the whole of the blastocyst; it is thickest over the embryonic
cells exhibit polarity with apical microvilli facing the cavity of the pole but diminishes in thickness over the sides and is exceedingly
blastocyst and apical junctional complexes, but they lack a basal thin over the abembryonic pole, the last part to be embedded. The
lamina. During early implantation the hypoblast extends beyond the syncytial trophoblast which invades and becomes incorporated into
edges of the epiblast and can now be subdivided into those cells in maternal vessels encloses numerous lacunae containing maternal
contact with the epiblast basal lamina, the visceral hypoblast, and blood (Enders et al 1983).
those cells in contact with the mural trophoblast, parietal hypoblast.
The squamous parietal hypoblast cells may share adhesion junctions Extraembryonic tissues and coelom
with the mural trophoblast and, rarely, gap junctions. The visceral By definition extraembryonic tissues encompass all tissues that do
hypoblast cells are cuboidal; they have a uniform apical surface not contribute directly to the future body of the definitive embryo,
towards the blastocyst cavity but irregular basal and lateral regions and later, the fetus. At stage 5 embryos are implanted but not yet
with flanges and projections underlying one another and extending villous; they range from 7-12 days old. A feature of this stage is the
into intercellular spaces. There is no basal lamina subjacent to the first formation of extraembryonic mesoblast which will come to 137
Initial blastomeres First cleavage spindle

Male & female


Polar cells

Sperm approach & entry

Second polar spindle

LPCorpus luteum First polar cell
YY) :
Corona radiata

Pri: mary follicles

Attachment & penetration
by polar syncytial trophoblast

Mural cellular trophoblast |

Mature |
Inner cell mass

Blastocyst cavity

LY) I As os
2 QO
Ot? ix

Abembryonic syncytium
. Ln y
: * / OT?

mesenchyme : Wirt Rar

Primary extraembryonic ) , Tp vf) MO

Exocoelomic membrane

Primary yolk sac

Lacunar , circulation
‘ >
oe, erties Poe a®
© C)
in syncytium Vv “ODOQ iy HOOT
: 3) IO RK
» ~
aS QA)
; oY CTT LAD Ty SIoh f R
y \ Pe! Oe CO ate
Extraembryonic coelom
expanding ; "e ‘5

Secondary yolk sac



Amniotic cavity

3.354 A composite schema of the major events in the varian cycle: ovu- and references for further details and alternative views of formation of
lation, fertilization, tubal transport and cleavage, differentiation of blastocyst, amnion, yolk sac and cytotrophoblast.
138 implantation, early embryogenesis and incipient placentation. Consult text

Dilated endometrial glands Endometrial vein Spiral arteries

with secretory products

Expanded extraembryonic
coelom (chorionic cavity)

Secondary yolk sac


Embryonic ectoderm

Embryonic endoderm

Remnants of primary
yolk sac

Allantoic diverticulum

Connecting stalk

Decidua capsularis



3.358 Further expansion and differentiation of the blastocyst.

Abembryonic trophoblast
Formative mass
Syncytial trophoblast
Uterine epithelium Dilated uterine glands
Duct of uterine gland

3.36 A human blastocyst (Carnegie 8020), fertilization age 7—7.5 days, in it has been shown projecting into the uterine cavity. Magnification x c. 150.
process of embedding in the uterine mucosa. In the actual specimen the (Rock & Hertig 1942, 1944.)
abembryonic trophoblast had collapsed on the formative mass but, for clarity, 139

— “ a = Ss rr} 3B & 3s = = a oe =

oS (Wea: SA Gees a= x mo 5S Fo
we So 2@
8& ES ee
6.8 Hee
ee iS<=
SB =88 € 8 ge =ss aea oS
2 = = —-_ hs
= Sn
Be 6B ae
e = = 3 See. £ .2 Pee 8
Ste 6§ |Uw ss oe = ' secs Shee ie
& & rss & =
a ~~ s

=> SIC OTT [Co es intervillous RNS ER

tropo- Phoblast spaces
A blast
odcyte cytotro- ; as
y Bai> phoblast Wg MADRAS chorion RUNS SEE villi RR ER PS RST)

odtid Se
¥ visceral > ora emb mesenchyme sm haemopoiesis NT 0 RANTS
hypoblast : :
hypoblast : yolk saC —— 2° yolk sac
zygote parietal
inner Allantois

extra emb
mesoblast nn ‘ stalk


primordial germ cells

primitive streak
mesoblast mesenchyme
somatopleuric and
splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium
epithelial somites terrecca
neural ee
ectodermal placodes

Days 1 C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wee ole cere ieee et «= 16 eres) 619. 0K ee e824

3.37 Chart to show the developmental processes occurring during the first with formation of the extraembryonic tissues, whereas the later stages see
10 stages of development. In the early stages a series of binary choices the formation of embryonic tissues.
determine the cell lineages. Generally the earliest stages are concerned

cover the amnion, secondary yolk sac and the internal wall of the villi of the placental disc. They note that it is not clear whether the
mural trophoblast and will form the connecting stalk of the embryo extraembryonic mesenchyme derives from later proliferation of
with its contained allanto-enteric diverticulum. The origin of this the earliest subhypoblastic cells or from continuous seeding from
first mesoblastic extraembryonic layer is by no means clear. For the hypoblastic layer, as both cell groups are mitotically active.
many years it was thought to develop by delamination from the Epiblast cells are known to produce extraembryonic mesoblast
cytotrophoblast (Hertig & Rock 1949), although it was also suggested prior to the development of the primitive streak. This mes-
that it derived from the inner cell mass hypoblast (Heuser & Streeter enchymatous tissue initially mushrooms beneath the cyto-
1941), or the caudal region of the epiblast (Luckett 1978). The fate trophoblastic cells at the embryonic pole forming the cores of the
of the first mesoblastic extraembryonic layer is at least two-fold and developing villus stems, and villi, and the capillaries within them
may in fact indicate more than one origin; it gives rise to both the (for information on placentation see p. 157, and for intraembryonic
layer known as extraembryonic mesoblast, arranged as a mesothelium blood vessels see below).
with underlying mesenchymal cells; and also to angioblastic tissue, At approximately 13 postovulatory days the conceptus consists of
which forms the extraembryonic endothelia and blood cells. Recent an outer cytotrophoblast (mural trophoblast), clothed externally by
investigators have disputed the idea of a trophoblastic origin of labyrinthine syncytiotrophoblast, and the beginnings of an extra-
extraembryonic mesoblast after the observation that there is always embryonic mesoblastic lining; these layers together constitute the
a complete basal lamina underlying the trophoblast. The migration chorion. The cavity of the blastocyst is now termed the chorionic
of cells out of an epithelium is usually associated with previous cavity (3.39). The embryo proper, situated to one side of the chorion,
disruption of the basal lamina (Nichols 1985, 1986; Erickson 1986). consists of an epiblastic layer of pseudostratified columnar cells
The predominant layer of cells without a basal lamina in the resting on a basal lamina, which is contiguous with a simple layer
blastocyst is the hypoblast. Enders and King (1988) have convincingly of amnion cells. The amnion cells are in contact with extraembryonic
suggested that the earliest mesoblast derives from the parietal hypo- mesoblast which separates them from the cytotrophoblast. Beneath
blast which appears to form an extracellular structure corresponding the epiblast is a layer of visceral hypoblast which is reflected at the
to the magma reticulare between the mural trophoblast and the edges of the epiblast to form a small cavity, the secondary yolk sac;
primary yolk sac in the stage 5 embryo. They have demonstrated this may also contain some of the original parietal hypoblast within
the development of subhypoblastic cells into extraembryonic mes- its wall. The chorionic cavity is filled with diffuse extracellular matrix
140 enchyme and into the earliest formed capillaries within developing and extraembryonic mesenchyme cells which attach to the secondary
Germ disc Amnion
Embryonic endoderm Exocoelomic membrane
Cytotrophoblast Primary mesoblast

Lacuna, containing Syncytial

maternal blood trophoblast

3.38 A human blastocyst (Carnegie 7700), fertilization age 12-12.5 days, brane, does not fill the blastocyst cavity. The cells of the germ disc are now
embedded in the stratum compactum of the endometrium. Compare with columnar and form an ectodermal plate. (Drawn from a photomicrograph by
3.36. Note lacunae in the syncytial trophoblast, many containing maternal AT Hertig.) Magnification x c. 105. (Hertig & Rock 1941.)
blood; also that the primary yolk sac, surrounded by the exocoelomic mem-

yolk sac wall to form a layer of extraembryonic mesenchyme covered and the secondary yolk sac the chorionic cavity can be termed the
with mesothelium. When the extraembryonic mesothelium has com- extraembryonic coelom.
pletely lined the mural trophoblast and covered both the amnion Towards one end of the embryonic region the extraembryonic
mesoblast surrounds a diverticulum of the visceral hypoblast, the
allantois, which passes from the roof of the secondary yolk sac to
Strands of Secondary
coagulum in yolk sac the same plane as the amnion. Whereas initially extraembryonic
chorionic mesoblast connects the amnion to the chorion over a wide area, with
Large blood clot over the point of entry continued development and expansion of the extraembryonic coelom
Intervillous space
this attachment becomes increasingly circumvented to a connecting
stalk, a permanent connection between the future caudal end of the
Ectodermal germ disc
embryonic disc and the chorion. The connecting stalk forms a
pathway along which vascular anastomoses around the allantois
establish communication with those of the chorion.
Stratum The conceptus at stage 5 consists of the walls of three cavities,
compactum amnion and yolk sac, connected at the embryonic bilaminar disc by
the epithelial epiblast and visceral hypoblast, enclosed in a larger
extraembryonic coelom (chorionic cavity). A fourth cavity, the a/lan-
tois, will form as a hypoblastic diverticulum in stage 7. The ‘bilaminar
disc’ commonly referred to in embryology texts does not yet possess
the definitive embryonic ectoderm and endoderm layers which will
give rise to embryonic structures. Only the epiblast will give rise to
the embryo. All other layers produced so far are extraembryonic.
The amnion and chorion (and surrounding mesoblast) are part of
the extraembryonic somatopleure whereas the yolk sac, allantois and
surrounding extraembryonic mesoblast constitute extraembryonic
splanchnopleure. At the junctional zone surrounding the margins of
the embryonic area, where the walls of the amnion and yolk sac
converge, the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric layers of extra-
embryonic mesoblast are continuous.
Formation of the embryonic tissues
At early stage 6 the epiblast is producing extraembryonic mes-
enchyme from its caudal margin. With the appearance of the primitive
streak a process is begun whereby cells of the epiblast either pass
deep to the epiblast layer to form the populations of cells within the
Villous stems (secondary grade of Uterine gland
embryo or they remain on the dorsal aspect of the embryo to become
differentiation—see text) the embryonic ectoderm. The primitive streak marks the beginning
of gastrulation, a period when gross alterations in morphology and
3.39 An advanced human blastocyst, embedded in the stratum com- complex rearrangements of cell populations occur. The epiblast will
pactum; estimated age, 13.5 days. (Rock & Hertig 1942.) during this time give rise to a complex trilaminar structure with a 141

Amniotic cavity
—— mesoblast

Primitive node

Primitive streak



Yolk sac

3.40 Diagram of a section through an early conceptus. Ingression of

mesoblast is occurring at the primitive streak and the notochord is ingressing
via Hensen’s node.

defined craniocaudal axis. By the end of gastrulation, cell populations midline of the node and streak, cells sink into a primitive groove
from different, often widely separated, regions of the embryonic disc prior to passing subjacent to the epiblast. The relative dimensions of
will often become closely related and the embryonic shape will have the primitive streak and the fates of the cells which pass through it
been produced. change with the developmental stage. Thus the streak extends half
way along the disc in the stage 6 embryo, reaches its greatest relative
Primitive streak length in stage 7 and its maximum length in stage 8. It is still present
Seen from the dorsal (epiblastic) aspect, at stage 6, the embryonic in stage 11 embryos but relatively few cells pass through it at this
disc appears elongated. The primitive streak is first seen in the caudal stage compared to the early stages.
region of the embryonic disc, orientated along its long axis, conferring The passage of epiblast cells through the primitive streak begins
the future craniocaudal axis of the embryo (3.40, 41). Although the their transformation into all of the embryonic cell lines. In this
future cranial and caudal regions of the embryo are well within the way epiblast forms the embryonic endoderm, the notochord, the
boundaries of the embryonic disc, it has become the practice to term primordial germ cells and the mesoblast, as well as contributing
the region of the disc closest to the streak caudal, and the region of extraembryonic mesoblast to the developing placenta. The epiblast
the disc furthest from the streak cranial or rostral. With the develop- cells which do not pass through the streak give rise to the neural
ment of the streak the terms medial and lateral can now be used. and surface ectoderm of the embryo.
The primitive streak is a midline proliferative region of the epiblast The primitive streak may be considered to be generally hom-
where cells may break free from the epithelium and migrate beneath ologous with the blastopore of lower vertebrates (e.g. amphibia),
the epiblast (3.41). At the cranial end of the streak there is a curved with the nodal region corresponding to the dorsal lip. Experiments
ridge of cells termed the primitive node (see below) and, in the clearly show the lip of the blastopore to be a dynamic wave front


streak Hypoblast

Endodermal and
notochord cells



3.41 Diagram of a transverse section through the embryonic plate at the

level of the primitive streak to show the early movement of mesoblast
142 between the epiblast and underlying hypoblast.

on which cells are carried into the interior to form the roof of the the prechordal plate, notochord, embryonic endoderm and the medial
archenteron, a situation analogous to ingression through the node halves of the somites.
of the prechordal plate and endoderm. Several workers have noted that in the chick, the node can induce
The primitive streak similarly may be considered analogous to the the formation of an extra axis when grafted to a host embryo
coapted, or fused, lateral lips of the blastopore. Finally, the cloacal (Selleck & Stern 1992; Schoenwolf et al 1992), and further it can
membrane and its immediate environs are considered analogous to induce supernumerary digits when grafted into the anterior margin
the ventral lip of the blastopore. This homology is strengthened by of developing limb buds, properties not seen in other regions of the
studies which suggest that both the primitive node and the primitive epiblast. Removal of the node results in complete absence of the
streak represent the ‘organiser’ of the amniote embryo (Tam & notochord and a loss of control of neurulation (O’Rahilly & Muller
Beddington 1992). The dorsal lip of the blastopore was known many 1986).
years ago to act as an organizer in amphibian embryos (Spemann & Fate maps. Maps of the epiblast at the primitive streak stage
Mangold 1924). The experiments which have now demonstrated a have been derived for many vertebrates. They indicate the putative
homeobox gene, goosecoid, in Xenopus prior to dorsal lip formation, cell lines which derive from the epiblast layer and suggest that most,
in the same position as Spemann’s organizer, and have further perhaps all, chordate embryos share a common strategy of early
demonstrated goosecoid expression in the cephalic end of the mouse tissue allocation. The first fate maps of mammalian epiblast
primitive streak confirm this homology (De Robertis et al 1992). (Beddington 1981, 1982; Tam & Beddington 1987) illustrate the
At the primitive streak, epiblast cells undergo a period of intense broad similarity in composition of the epiblast in a range of ver-
proliferation, the rate of division being much faster than that of tebrates. Studies of cell fate have shown that epiblast cells which
blastomeres during cleavage (Graham 1973). Streak formation is will pass through the streak can be identified, randomly located
associated with: within the epiblast layer, before their ingression (Stern & Canning
1990); that epiblast fate is determined at or before the time of
e the local production of several cell layers ingression through the streak, suggesting that passage through the
e extensive disruption of the basal lamina streak is the most important factor for future differentiation; and
e increase in adhesive plaques and gap junctions that the position of ingression, be it through the streak or node,
e synthesis of vimentin and loss of cytokeratins by the emerging directly affects the developmental fate of the cell (Lawson et al 1991).
cells (Lawson et al 1991). For a composite of the information on the position of ingression
The process by which cells become part of the streak and then through the streak and node see 3.42.
migrate away from it is termed ingression; it relies on a complete Time of ingression. The time at which epiblast cells pass through
layer of visceral hypoblast beneath the epiblast (Bellairs 1987) as the streak will affect the future fate of the cells. There is an enormous
well as loss of the epiblast basal lamina at the region of the streak. rate of growth of the embryonic disc during the primitive streak
Azar and Eyal-Giladi (1979, 1981) have shown that the hypoblast stage. In the mouse the embryonic axis increases 3.5 fold in length
induces the formation of the primitive streak. Further it has been between the prestreak and neural plate stages. At each stage of
demonstrated, in the chick, that the original caudal marginal zone, development the streak is slightly different, as is the embryo, therefore
where the hypoblast cells are generated, prevents other regions of descriptions of streak stage embryos, and of cells ingressing through
the hypoblast from forming hypoblastic cells and thereby other the streak must specify the stage of streak development. Often the
primitive streaks (Khaner & Eyal-Giladi 1989). Tam and Beddington primitive streak stage is subdivided into early, mid or late streak
(1992) provide other evidence to support this finding, noting that stages.
the hypoblast beneath the streak does not seem to be replaced by Position of ingression through the node or streak. This is also
the embryonic endoderm, which sequesters the visceral hypoblast important in deciding the fate of particular cells. Passage through
into the secondary yolk sac (see below), even at late streak stages. the streak is specified according to position, e.g. via the node, rostral,
Primitive node, or Hensen’s node is the most rostral region of middle or caudal regions of the streak. Cells ingressing through the
the primitive streak. It appears as a curved ridge of cells similar in primitive node give rise to the axial cell lines, endoderm, notochord
shape to the top of an old-fashioned keyhole. Cells ingressing from and the medial halves of the somites. The rostral portion of the
the ridge pass into the primitive pit (the most rostral part of the primitive streak produces cells for the lateral halves of the somites,
primitive groove) and then migrate rostrally beneath the epiblast. whereas the middle streak produces the lateral plate mesoblast. The
The primitive node has been recorded in all stage 7 human embryos. next caudal portion of the streak gives rise to the primordial germ
At this time, early to midstreak stages, the primitive streak achieves cells, which can be distinguished histologically and histochemically
its greatest relative length, about 50% of the total length of the at midstreak stages, and the most caudal portion of the streak
embryonic disc. The primitive node produces axial cell populations, contributes cells to the extraembryonic mesoblast until the early

Neural ectoderm

Surface ectoderm

Medial halves of
the somites

Lateral halves of
the somites


Germ cells
Extraembryonic mesoblast

3.42 Diagram of the predictive fates of the epiblast cell population at the 143
time the primitive streak is present.


somite stage. It is notable that most of the cells termed mesoblast, e a mid portion with cells arranged in a tube with a central noto-
produced by ingression through the middle and rostral streak regions, chordal canal
differentiate into epithelia on reaching their initial destination e acaudal portion which consists of a U-shaped arrangement of cells,
(Bellairs 1987). the notochordal plate, contiguous with the embryonic endoderm.

Embryonic endoderm In the latter arrangement the floor of the notochordal canal has
The earliest cells migrating through the primitive node and streak broken down opening the notochordal canal to the secondary yolk
give rise to both the embryonic endoderm and the notochord. Definitive sac. This groove and its connection to the primitive node is termed
embryonic endoderm has been shown to be derived from epiblast the neurenteric canal. The notochordal process has also been termed
cells located at the primitive node and rostral primitive streak by the head process, the chordamesoderm, or chorda. It has been
fate mapping and in situ labelling studies (Lawson et al 1991; suggested that the ingression of notochordal cells is matched by
Selleck & Stern 1991). It has been demonstrated, in the mouse, that specification of overlying neural ectodermal cells and that both cell
by the midstreak stage the endodermal cells are beneath the epiblast lines arise from a common progenitor cell. The notochordal plate is
mainly in the midline, interspersed with presumptive notochordal thus matched in length by the future neural floor plate (Jessell et al
cells, forming the roof of the secondary yolk sac (Tam & Beddington 1989; see also p. 146).
1992). The ingressing endoderm is suggested to displace the visceral
hypoblast into the secondary yolk sac wall by a dramatic territorial Notochordal plate
expansion, probably brought about by a change in the morphology The notochordal plate roofs the secondary yolk sac and early gut
of these epithelial cells. The putative endoderm cells are cuboidal until stage 11, at which time the pharyngeal region is the last to
within the node and become squamous in the endoderm layer; this contain notochordal plate, the remainder of the plate having formed
could result in a fourfold increase in the surface area covered by the definitive notochord. The definitive notochord separates from the
cell population (Tam & Beddington 1992). However, a complete alimentary tract by a mechanism similar to formation of the neural
replacement of the visceral hypoblast has not yet been confirmed tube (see p.217). The most caudal part of the notochordal plate is
and there may be a mixed population of cells in the endodermal in continuity with the primitive node, and here, as noted, there may
layer in the early stages. For the developmental fate of the embryonic be a transient connection between the amniotic cavity and the
endoderm see 3.43. secondary yolk sac, the neurenteric canal. (The latter is so named
Ingression of cells through the streak and node in the human is because its upper opening is in the future caudal floor of the neural
apparent at stage 6, and by stage 7 a population of endoderm and groove; its lower opening is into the archenteron. See also p. 98.)
notochord cells is present beneath the epiblast (3.41, 43). From stages
6-11 the roof of the secondary yolk sac is formed by a midline Intraembryonic mesoblast (mesenchyme)
population of cells, the notochordal plate, in direct lateral continuity The morphology of cells passing through the primitive streak is well
with the endodermal cells. It is not until stage 11 that the definitive
documented (Sanders 1986). Epiblast cells ingress through the cranial
notochord is formed in the pharyngeal region and the endoderm and middle parts of the streak individually, maintaining their apical
cells can join across the midline. epithelial contacts while elongating ventrally. The cells become flask-
Prechordal plate shaped with thin attenuated apical necks and broad basal regions.
The basal and lateral surfaces form lamellipodia and filopodia and
The prechordal plate is defined as a localized thickening of the the apical contact is released. The cells are now free mesoblast cells,
endoderm rostral to the notochordal process. As such it represents their fibroblastic, stellate morphology reflecting the release from the
the first population of endoderm cells to ingress through the primitive epithelial layer. Once through the streak the cells migrate away using
node. There is some confusion over the limits and fate of the as a substratum the basal lamina of the overlying epiblast and
prechordal plate (sometimes prochordal plate). The term has been extracellular matrix. The cells contact one another by filopodia and
used to describe: lamellipodia, with which they also contact the basal lamina. Gap
e an area of endoderm junctions have been observed between filopodia and cell bodies.
e the buccopharyngeal membrane With the appearance of the mesoblast, spaces form between the
e an accumulation of mesenchymal cells immediately rostral to the epiblast and visceral hypoblast which are filled with extracellular
notochord believed to be derived from the endoderm (Adelmann matrix rich in glycosaminoglycans. The migrating mesoblast has a
1922, 1926), a view which has been supported until quite recently leading edge of cells which open up the migration routes and the
(Noden 1988). following cells seem to be pulled along behind in a coordinated mass
The majority of the endodermal and notochordal cells become Details of the embryological terminology can be found on page
epithelial after ingression, the endoderm forming the roof of the 93; however, it should be noted that the terms mesoblast and
secondary yolk sac with a local, prechordal region up to 8 cells mesenchyme are being used in a specific manner and are not
thick, while the notochordal cells form an epithelial rod between the interchangeable. Previously, cells forming a population between the
epiblast and endoderm. (The epithelial prechordal plate forms the epiblast and hypoblast were termed mesoderm, or, more recently,
endodermal layer of the buccopharyngeal membrane, the pre-oral mesenchyme. Hay (1968) commended the terms primary and sec-
gut and probably all of the foregut.) A small group of cells, however, ondary mesenchyme to distinguish between those cells arising from
remain mesenchymal rostral to the notochord and beneath the ingression through the streak and from neural crest ingression (see
epithelial endoderm; these form the most cranial axial mesenchyme also p. 93). The primary mesenchymal cells will revert to epithelia at
population and they are termed prechordal mesenchyme. Wachtler their destinations. However, whereas some primary mesenchymal
and Jacob (1986) have demonstrated that the notochordal process cells may become epithelial within a short time frame, for example
is composed of determined myogenic cells immediately after its somites and lateral plate, other cells may differentiate into endo-
formation. The posterior portion becomes transformed into the thelium much later, or change to endothelium then back to mes-
chorda (notochord proper) whereas the prechordal cells retain their enchyme once more. To cope with these conflicts in terminology the
mesenchymal morphology and myogenic fate. Orthotopic grafting mixed population of epiblast cells which ingress through the primitive
has demonstrated that cells leave the edges of the prechordal mes- streak and come to lie between the epiblast and embryonic endoderm
enchyme and migrate laterally into the periocular mesenchyme; they will be termed mesoblast until their fate as specific mesenchymal or
give rise to all the extrinsic ocular muscles (p. 154) (see also p. 274). epithelial populations is clear.
Notochordal process
Primordial germ cells
The notochordal process in the stage 8 embryo can be described in
Although early studies on human embryos have reported primordial
three parts:
germ cells and described their development from the early endoderm
e a rostral part composed of a cell mass continuous with the of the yolk sac and allantois it is now clear from animal experi-
144 prechordal mesenchyme mentation that the primordial germ cells arise from epiblast ingres-

Endoderm epithelium Coelomic wall epithelium Mesenchyme

Primitive gut Walls of intraembryonic coelom - Paraxial mesenchyme
‘somites and somitomeres'
Foregut — recesses, diverticula and glands of the Primitive pericardium — myocardium, parietal 'clerotome — vertebrae and po!
pharynx. pericardium. neurocranium, axial skeleton.
Myotome — all voluntary muscles o}
General mucous glandular and duct-lining cells and Pericardio-peritoneal canals — visceral, parietal and limbs. — “ay
the main follicular cells of the thyroid. and mediastinal pleura, pleuroperitoneal Dermatome — dermis of skin over dor
membranes contributing to diaphragm.
Epithelium of pharyngeal pouches (tonsil, middle Intermediate mesenchyme — connective ti
ear cavity, thymus, parathyroids 3 & 4, C-cells of FR On CuS epithelium — visceral peritoneum gonads, mesonephric and metanephric ee )
nea adenoids, epithelial lining of the auditory of stomach, peritoneum of lesser and greater smooth muscle and connective tissues of the —
tube, tympanic cavity, tympanic antrum, internal omenta, falciform ligament, lienorenal and reproductive tracts. :
lamina of the tympanic membrane. gastrosplenic ligaments.
Septum transversum — epicardium, fibrous
Respiratory tract — epithelial lining, secretory and Somatopleuric epithelium — parietal peritoneum. pericardium, portion of diaphragm, oesophageal
duct-lining cells of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles mesentery, sinusoids of liver, tissue within lesser
and alveolar sacs. Primitive peritoneal cavity omentum and falciform ligament.
Splanchnopleuric epithelium — visceral peritoneal
Epithelial lining, secretory and duct-lining cells of covering of mid and hind gut, the mesentery, Lateral plate mesenchyme
the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, transverse and sigmoid mesocolon. _ Splanchnopleuric layer— smooth muscle and
connective tissues of respiratory tract and
Hepatocytes of liver, biliary tract, exocrine and Pronephros, epithelial lining of mesonephric ducts, associated glands.
endocrine cells of the pancreas. ductus deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles,
ejaculatory duct, ureters, vesical trigone. Smooth muscle and connective tissues of intestinal
Midgut — epithelial lining, glandular and duct-lining tract, associated glands and abdominal mesenteries.
cells of the duodenum, jejunum, appendix, caecum, Mullerian ducts, epinaial lining of uterine tubes,
part of transverse colon. body and cervix of uterus, vagina, broad ligament of Smooth muscle and connective tissue of blood
uterus. vessels (also see below).
eae ithelial lining, glandular and
duct-lining cells of part of the transverse, Germinal epithelium of gonad (note the germ cells Somatopleuric layer— appendicular skeleton,
descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, upper part are not included on this chart because of their early connective tissue of limbs and trunk, including
of anal canal. sequestration into the extraembryonic tissues). cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
Allantois — urinary bladder, vagina, urethra, Germinal epithelium forming cortex of adrenal Dermis of ventral body wall and limbs.
secretory cells of the prostate and urethral glands. gland. i
Mesenchyme of external genitalia.
Somatopleuric epithelium - parietal peritoneum,
tunica vaginalis of testis. Angiogenic mesenchyme
Endocardium of heart, endothelium of blood and
lymphatic vessels, vessels of choroid plexus,
sinusoids of liver and spleen, circulating blood cells,
microglia, tissue macrophages.

Surface ectoderm epithelium : Neural plate epithelium

Ectodermal placodes CNS — Brain and spinal cord
Adenohypophysis. Neurohypophysis.
Cranial sensory ganglia of nerves V, VII, VIII, IX, X. Prosencephalon (telencephalon and diencephalon
— cerebral Heneanavee basalnuclei. en
Olfactory receptor cells and olfactory epithelium.
Mesencephalon — cerebral peduncles, tectum,
Epithelial walls of the membranous labyrinth, the tegmentum.
cochlear organ of Corti.
Rhom! alon (metencephalon and
Lens of the eye. ilorcenanon — cerebellum, pons, medulla
Enamel organs of the teeth.
. Spinal cord.
Cranial structures
Secretory and duct-lining cells of the lacrimal, All cranial and spinal motor nerves.
nasal, labial, palatine, oral and salivary glands.
All CNS neurons, including p lionic efferent
Epithelia of the cornea and conjunctiva. neurons, with somata withinthe CNS.
Epithelial lining of the external acoustic meatus and Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
external epithelium of the tympanic membrane.
Ependyma lining the cerebral ventricles, aqueduct
Epithelial lining of the lacrimal.canaliculi and OO ean andiapinel cont
nasolacrimal duct. tanycytes, cells covering the c! lexuses,
circumventricular cells.
Epithelial lining of the paranasal sinuses, lips,
cheeks, gums and palate. Retina and optic nerve (II), epithelium of the iris,
ciliary body and processes.
Epidermal structures
lost of the cutaneous epidermal cells, the
secretory, duct-lining and myoepithelial cells of the
sweat, sebaceous and mammary glands.
Hairs and nails.

Proctodeal epithelium and epithelium of the

terminal male urethra.

3.43 Chart indicating the structures which will be derived from specific epithelial and mesenchymal populations in the early embryo. 145
naan enn


sing at the caudal end of the primitive streak. Where these epiblast Brain
cells are located on the embryonic disc, i.e. from rostral regions (early ex-
pansion of
which migrate to the streak or from local caudal regions, has not neural fold)
been elucidated. However, some studies have demonstrated extremely
early segregation of the germ cells, when the epiblast layer consists First branchial
arch, dorsal
of only 10-13 cells (Soriano & Jaenisch 1986). It is suggested that extremity Anterior
the primordial germ cells remain sequestered in the extraembryonic posterior
mesenchyme at the caudal end of the embryo until the embryonic margin
endoderm has been produced and gastrulation completed (Ginsburg
et al 1990), then with the folding of the embryo underway, the Amnion, cut
primordial germ cells begin their migration along the allantoic and edges
hind gut endoderm. The formation of the tail fold brings the proximal
portion of the allantois within the body reducing the final distance Yolk sac wall
over which the cells migrate to the genital ridges. Somites
(5 and 6)
Embryonic ectoderm
When the ingression of cells through the primitive streak is completed
the cells remaining in the epiblast layer are termed embryonic
ectoderm cells. This layer still contains a mixed population as both
surface ectoderm cells and neural ectoderm cells are present. It is
suggested that these cells were originally in the cranial half of the ‘Neural fold
disc at the early streak stage, with the neural fated cells being closest (posterior
to the streak and the surface ectoderm being most cranial (3.42). lateral
The process of neurulation resites most of the neuroepithelial cells margin)
(see below). For the developmental fates of the surface and neural Tail
ectoderm see 3.43.
Trilaminar disc 3.44 Ahuman embryo, 2.1 mm long, with 9 somites: left lateral and dorsal
aspects. Nearly all the yolk sac and the caudal amnion have been excised
The stage 8 embryo, of approximately 18-19 postovulatory days, to show the tail region. (From a model by Eternod.)
has three layers present and can be termed the trilaminar disc. It is
pear-shaped, broader cranially than caudally. The upper epiblast
cells are tall, forming a pseudostratified columnar epithelial layer
with a basal lamina, except at the primitive streak where the cells Still further caudally the embryonic disc develops a midline diver-
are ingressing to form the other layers. The more cranially placed ticulum adjacent to the cloacal membrane, this diverticulum, the
epiblast will give rise to the surface ectoderm. The extent of the allantois, projects into the extraembryonic connecting stalk. There is
future neural plate can be assessed; it is correlated to the length and little information concerning which cells form the allantois, i.e.
width of the notochordal plate directly beneath. The lower embryonic whether it is composed of visceral hypoblast, parietal hypoblast or
endoderm, a simple squamous layer with a developing basal lamina, embryonic endoderm. The allantois later develops a rich anastomotic
is not always complete at this stage particularly in the midline caudal blood supply around it in the manner of the yolk sac.
to the prechordal plate, which is still occupied by the notochordal
process or plate. Neurulation
The middle, mesoblast, layer is composed of free cells migrating Neurulation begins at stage 9 (3.44, 45). The process, although
cranially, laterally and caudally from the primitive streak. They continuous spatially and temporally, can be divided into four stages:
produce extracellular matrix which separates the epiblast and endo-
derm of the embryonic area permitting their passage. The streams (1) local elongation of the ectoderm cells in a midline zone of the
of mesoblast which pass in a cranial direction flank the notochordal disc and their reorganization into a pseudostratified epithelium, the
plate, pass around the prechordal plate region and then converge neural plate.
medially to fuse in the midline beyond its cephalic border. This (2) reshaping of the neural plate.
transmedian mass is the cardiogenic mesoblast in which the heart (3) bending of the plate into a neural groove.
and pericardium are to develop. Around the extreme cephalic margin (4) closure of the neural groove into a neural tube from the
of the embryonic area, the cardiogenic mesoblast fuses with the midportion to its cranial and caudal ends with formation of a
junctional zone of extraembryonic mesoblast. This region will eventu- continuous surface ectoderm dorsal to the tube.
ally form the septum transversum and primitive ventral mesentery The regions of rostral and caudal fusion are termed rostral and
of the foregut. Mesoblast passing laterally from the streak soon caudal neuropores respectively.
approaches and becomes confluent with the extraembryonic meso- The extent of the neural plate initially corresponds precisely in
blast around the margins of the disc, i.e. at the junctional zone where length to the underlying notochord and axial tissues; thus it extends
the splanchnic and somatic strata of extraembryonic mesoblast from the cranial border of the primitive node to the buccopharyngeal
merge. membrane (3.46). Later it extends laterally beyond the notochord to
The mesoblast which streams caudally from the primitive streak cover the paraxial mesenchyme. Studies have suggested that the
skirts the margins of the cloacal membrane (see below) and then neural floor plate cells arise from a common progenitor cell which
converges towards the caudal midline extremity of the embryonic also provides the cell line for the notochord (Jessell et al 1989) (see
disc to become continuous with the extraembryonic mesoblast of the also p. 226).
connecting stalk. Thus the mesoblast extends between the epiblast During the period of neurulation extensive changes are taking
and endoderm over all of the disc area except cranially at the place in the embryonic mesoblast. Mesoblast cells migrate to their
prechordal plate (see p. 144), a portion of which will become the destinations, predetermined by their passage through the streak or
buccopharyngeal membrane, and caudally at the cloacal membrane. node, and rapidly show differences in morphology and organization.
The cloacal membrane is a patch of thickened endoderm, similar to Initially, two separate cell populations can be identified:
the prochordal plate, caudal to the primitive streak. At the present
time it is not clear if the lower layer of the cloacal membrane consists e a thickened medial portion which lies close to the notochord and
of visceral hypoblast like the more cranial primitive streak, (the elevating neural folds, the paraxial mesenchyme
hypoblast is necessary for maintaining the streak), or if it is replaced e a flattened lateral portion which extends to the periphery of the
by migrating embryonic endoderm, or if there is a region for embryonic area, the /ateral plate mesenchyme; this mesenchyme is
ingression of endoderm at the caudal end of the streak similar to contiguous with the extraembryonic mesoderm which covers the
146 the node cranially. amnion and yolk sac walls.
3.45 Scanning electron micrographs of an embryo at the time of neu- portal. 8. Dorsolateral view; the arrows indicate the extent of rostral (to the
rulation. A. Ventral view, showing the neural fold (NF), and the heart (H) with right) and caudal (to the left) neural tube formation. (Photographs by P
the somatopleuric pericardial membrane and surface ectoderm removed; Collins; printed by S Cox, Electron Microscopy Unit, Southampton General
the arrow indicates the entrance to the foregut via the cranial intestinal Hospital.)

The paraxial mesenchyme shows the earliest differentiation. When termed rhombomeres and they have significance for patterning of the
the neural folds fuse, initially at the level of the hindbrain and cervical brain and head region (for a more detailed account of neurulation
cord, the paraxial mesenchyme forms segmental condensations each see below).
side of the neural tube, the epithelial somites. Between 4 and 12
pairs of somites are formed during stage 10, the most caudal somites Neural crest
being on a level with the caudal neuropore; they develop caudally Neural crest is the name given to a band of cells at the outermost
from unsegmented mesenchyme at a rate which matches the caudal edges of the neural plate, adjacent to the presumptive epidermis
fusion of the neural tube (see somites below). (3.46). Neural crest cells, from the head region, assume a mes-
As the neural plate grows, its margins become raised as the neural enchymal morphology and begin migration prior to neural tube
folds. The neural folds become particularly prominent at the cranial closure; in the trunk, the cells remove themselves from the epithelium
end of the disc, the future forebrain. Here the folds are separated as the neural tube closes. They lie on the dorsal part of the newly
rostrally from each other by the terminal notch, which abuts the formed neural tube for some time before migration. Crest cells
buccopharyngeal membrane. Three major divisions of the brain can migrate over considerable distances, they contribute a major
appear at this time, before the neural tube has formed. They are population of mesenchyme to the head, and also to a wide range of
marked by two slight transverse constrictions on the surface ectoderm different cell lines in the trunk. They are referred to either as neural
indicating a division into the prosencephalon or forebrain, the crest cells or as ectomesenchyme, to note their derivation from the
mesencephalon or midbrain and the rhombencephalon or hindbrain.
Neural tube formation. This is closely linked to changes in cell
shape. The neural ectodermal cells become elongated and then wedge
shaped. It has been suggested that the forces needed to shape Buccopharyngeal
the neural tube are intrinsic to the neurectoderm cells themselves; ~ membrane
neurulation occurs as a result of the changes in shape of these cells
generated by their cytoskeleton elements (Schoenwolf & Smith 1990).
The entire neural plate is also elongating and has considerable Neural
cell proliferation at this time. The lateral mesenchymal cells and plate
extracellular matrix provide support for the elevating folds and
surface ectoderm and aid the alignment of the neural layers at fusion.
The neural groove deepens, its lateral then dorsal edges come into
contact and fuse to convert the groove into a sagittal slit-like canal.
The overlying surface ectodermal layers from each side likewise fuse
over the neural tube. Neural tube fusion occurs first in the hindbrain
or upper cervical region in the third week (stage 10, 22-23 post-
ovulatory days). The fusion extends both rostrally and caudally until Cloacal membrane
only a small opening is left at each end. These are the rostral and
caudal neuropores; they close in the middle and latter ends of the
fourth week respectively. The neural tube forms the central nervous
system (CNS). After closure of the neural tube has commenced, 3.46 Diagram showing the extent and shape of the neural plate. The
ridges can be seen on the floor of the rhombencephalon: these are buccopharyngeal and cloacal membranes are indicated. 147
OO _—E eee


ectoderm. (Hay 1968 commended the term secondary mesenchyme.) The representation of a person on the trilaminar disc (3.47) shows
They do not usually give rise to epithelial tissues. They give rise to to some extent the way in which the positions of the main body
much of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (see below). structures are already specified in the unfolded embryo. The portion
Ectodermal placodes. These make asignificant contribution to of the disc between the buccopharyngeal membrane and the edge of
the PNS and are intimately involved in the formation of the cranial the disc will become the anterior thoracic wall and the anterior
sensory ganglia (see p. 224). After the neural crest cells have begun abdominal wall cranial to the umbilicus. Further caudally, midway
their migration and have passed beneath the placodal regions the along the neural axis, the lateral portions of the disc will become
surface ectoderm shows localized thickenings. In the lateral regions the lateral and anterior abdominal walls of the trunk; that portion
of the pharyngeal arches, at stage 10-11, cells remove themselves of the disc beyond the cloacal membrane will form the anterior
individually from the ectoderm and become associated with neural abdominal wall caudal to the umbilicus. Thus the circumference of
crest cells in the cranial sensory ganglia supplying these arches (see the disc, where the embryonic tissue meets the extraembryonic
p. 224). Larger ectodermal placodes retain their epithelial nature and membranes, will become restricted to the connection between the
become closely associated with the neural tube. Two otic placodes anterior abdominal wall and the umbilical cord, i.e. the umbilicus.
are localized one on each side at the lateral region of the second Head folding begins at stage 9 when the fusing cranial neural plate
pharyngeal arch; they give rise to the fluid filled labyrinth of the rises above the surface ectoderm and the portion of the disc rostral
inner ear (see p. 262). One midline placode invaginates as the adeno- to the buccopharyngeal membrane, containing the cardiogenic mes-
hypophysis (see p. 257) immediately rostral to the buccopharyngeal enchyme, moves to lie ventral to the developing brain. The pro-
membrane. Prior to neurulation, the cells which will give rise to the sencephalon and buccopharyngeal membrane are now the most
adenohypophyseal placode lie in the midline, rostral neural fold rostral structures of the embryo. The previously flat region of
(neural ridge) (3.100). There are a variety of non-neural placodes. endoderm, the prechordal plate, is now modified into a deep tube,
The paired optic placodes give rise to the lens in each eye; similar the primitive foregut. Tail folding can be seen in stage 10 embryos
specializations of the ectoderm in the head give rise to the outer when the whole embryo comes to rise above the level of the yolk
coating of the teeth. sac. The similar movement of the part of the disc caudal to the
cloacal membrane results in its repositioning ventral to the neural
Folding of the embryo plate. Generally, as the embryo rises above the edges of the disc
In a diagrammatic representation of the disc viewed from the the lateral regions of the disc are drawn ventrally and medially,
ectodermal aspect, all of the future external surface of the body is contributing to the lateral folding of the embryo. (For a full under-
delimited. Each end of the gut tube is specified on the ectodermal standing of this process it is necessary to study the diagrams in
surface at the buccopharyngeal and cloacal membranes, regions 3.48a-G)
where the ectoderm and underlying endoderm are opposed without
Formation of the intraembryonic coelom
intervening mesoblast. In the midline between these membranes the
neural tube will form from fusion of the lateral edges of the neural At and just before stage 9 (before formation of the head fold), vesicles
plate and the surface ectoderm will fuse in the midline to constitute appear between the mesenchymal cells cranial to the buccopharyngeal
the future skin of the back. membrane and within the cranial lateral plate mesenchyme. At the
periphery of the vesicles the mesenchymal cells develop junctional
complexes and apical polarity, thus forming an epithelium. The
Position vesicles become confluent forming a horseshoe-shaped tube, the
of the pericardial intraembryonic coelom, which extends caudally to the level of the
coelom first somite and laterally into the lateral plate mesenchyme towards
the extraembryonic mesenchyme; the intra- and extraembryonic
coeloms do not communicate at this stage. The lateral plate mes-
enchyme thus develops somatopleuric coelomic epithelium subjacent
to the ectoderm, and a splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium next
to the embryonic endoderm (3.49).
During development of the head fold the morphological move-
ments which organize the foregut and buccopharyngeal membrane
have a similarly profound effect on the shape of the intraembryonic
coelom. The midline portion of the originally flat, horseshoe-shaped
coelom moves ventrally leaving the caudal arms of the horseshoe in
their original position. Thus the midline part of the coelom, which
was originally just rostral to the buccopharyngeal membrane, comes
to lie anterior (ventral) to the foregut (caudal to the buccopharyngeal
membrane), and the two lateral extensions of the coelom pass close
to the lateral walls of the foregut on each side: the caudal portions
of the coelom (the two arms of the horseshoe), which in the unfolded
disc communicated laterally with the extraembryonic coelom, turn
90° to lie lateral to the gut, communicating with the extraembryonic
coelom ventrally.
Compartments of the coelom which will later in development give
rise to the body cavities can already be seen; the midline ventral
portion, caudal to the buccopharyngeal membrane, becomes the
pericardial cavity, the canals lateral to the foregut (pericardio-
peritoneal canals) become the pleural cavities and the uppermost
part of the peritoneal cavity, and the remaining portion of the
3.47 Diagrammatic representation of a person on the flat embryonic disc. coelom becomes the peritoneal cavity. By stage 11 the intra-
The position of the central nervous system has been matched to the dimen- embryonic coelom within the lateral plate mesenchyme extends
sions of the neural plate, and the position of the heart in the thorax to the caudally to the level of the caudal wall of the yolk sac. The intra-
position of the pericardial coelom. The limbs, although represented in this and extraembryonic coeloms communicate widely each side of the
diagram, are not present on the disc at this stage. The usefulness of this midgut along the length of the embryo from the level of the 4th
diagram lies in its illustration of the extent of the anterior body wall both somite (3.50).
rostral to the buccopharyngeal membrane and caudal to the cloacal mem-
brane. The future dorsal regions of the body are found medially on the disc,
In the early embryo the intraembryonic coelom provides a route
while the ventral regions of the body are situated laterally and peripherally for the circulation of coelomic fluid which, with the beating of the
on the disc. After head and tail folding and lateral folding the peripheral edge heart tube, functions as a primitive circulation, taking nutritive fluid
148 of the disc becomes constricted as the edge of the umbilicus. deep into the embryo, until superseded by the blood vascular system.
Amniotic cavity Amniotic cavity

Neural yo Neural plate
tissue —— Connectin,is 5
—< st ath Somite
coelom ‘Allantois Intraembryonic
Bucco- membrane Notochordal plate
membrane Yolk sac

[E] Yolk sac

Neural groove

Neural crest

Neural tube



Intraembryonic coelom



3.48 Aseries of diagrams to illustrate head and tail folding of the embryo, the disc move ventrally the, initially, widely open yolk sac becomes con-
and lateral folding. stricted and fore- and hindgut divisions can be seen; the midgut is that
A-D. Midsagittal (longitudinal or axial) sections through the embryonic disc region which remains in wide connection to the yolk sac.
at successive stages; the relative positions of the buccopharyngeal and —-G. Transverse sections through the midpoint of the embryonic disc at
cloacal membranes have been maintained, thus the movement of the most successive stages to illustrate lateral folding. This occurs as neurulation
rostral and caudal portions of the disc can be followed. As these portions of proceeds. 149

Amniotic cavity Neural tissue

, Primitive streak

Endoderm Connecting stalk

Bucco €)— Cloacal membrane Amniotic cavity

membrane “Connecting stalk
Entrance Allantois
to intraembryonic

Yolk sac

Neural tissue

paendat Intraembryonic
Primitive streak


3.49 a. Diagram of an unfolding embryo showing the disposition of the s. Longitudinal section through the disc. c, D, E. Transverse sections through
intraembryonic coelom within the embryonic disc. The lines across the the disc at the points indicated in (a).
embryo show the level of transverse sections through the disc.

In spite of the importance of the coelom in defining the body similarities to the neural ectoderm. It is pseudostratified columnar
cavities, and of the coelomic epithelium in the production of the epithelium with an inner germinal layer from which cellular progeny
major mesenchymal populations of the trunk (3.51), only a few migrate. Both epithelia after the germinal phase ultimately form the
workers have considered the overall contribution of the coelom and lining of a cavity, ependyma for the neural epithelium and meso-
its epithelium to the embryo (Streeter 1942; Langemeijer 1976). The thelium for the coelomic epithelium.
coelom can be described as a single, tubular organ comparable to The coelomic epithelium like the neural epithelium produces cells
the neural tube in that it possesses a specialized wall that encloses a destined for different fates from different sites and developmental
150 cavity. Certainly the proliferating coelomic epithelium has many times. It is noticeable that the coelomic cells (like the neural


Amnion Pharynx

peritoneal canal
Yolk sac
Entrance to
Entrance to pericardio peritoneal canal
peritoneal canal Midgut

Lt Neural tube
umbilical Yolk sac
vein wall Midgut


cord Allantois

3.50 a. Diagram of a stage-10 embryo with the position of the intra- viewed from a ventrolateral position. The neural tube lies dorsal to the gut;
embryonic coelom indicated (after Streeter). ventrally the intraembryonic coelom crosses the midline at the level of the
B. Diagram of 3 major epithelial populations within a stage-10 embryo, foregut and hindgut, but is lateral to the midgut and a portion of the foregut.

epithelium) have apical epithelial specializations but tapering pro- mesenchyme. This early ‘circulation’ ensures an adequate supply of
cesses below which directly contact the underlying mesenchyme, nutrients to the rapidly increasing amount of embryonic tissue,
there being no basal lamina. The possibility of the tapering processes and meets most of the requirements of the deeper mesenchymal
forming directional signals for migrating progeny, similar to radial derivatives.
glia of the neural tube, has not been examined. From stage 12 the endothelial system expands, filling rapidly with
The proliferating coelomic epithelium produces two types of plasma which passes across the locally thinned coelomic epithelium
progeny: mesenchymal cells, either general or localized populations, into the large hepatocardiac channels which project into the peri-
and epithelial cells. The mesenchymal cells may become epithelial as cardioperitoneal canals at the level of the 7th somite (O’Rahilly &
their development fate; the epithelial derivatives, however, retain Muller 1987).
their epithelial differentiation. , With the formation of the coelomic epithelium and the intra-
General mesenchyme is produced from nearly all of the coelomic embryonic coelom the stage of gastrulation is over and organogenesis
epithelium; it gives rise to the smooth muscle and connective tissue is underway. Just as the very early bilaminar disc could be viewed
coats of tubes, e.g. of the gut, respiratory tract, reproductive and as an arrangement of three cavities (plus the allantois), now the
urinary tracts. Localized mesenchymal populations give rise to, same cavities can be examined after folding and the embryonic layers
among other structures: the septum transversum from the caudal continuous with the walls of those cavities can be specified:
pericardial region (forms part of the liver); a proliferation from the
e the ectoderm and amnion line the amniotic cavity
splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium of the pleuroperitoneal canals
dorsal to the stomach (forms part of the spleen); intermediate e the embryonic endoderm and visceral endoderm line the yolk sac
and allantois
mesenchyme from the junction of the splanchnopleuric and som-
atopleuric coelomic epithelia (forms part of the early embryonic e the intra- and extraembryonic coelomic epithelium lines the coel-
kidney). omic cavity, which consists of a large extraembryonic coelom
continuous with a smaller intraembryonic coelom (3.52).
Specific regions of the coelomic epithelium produce epithelial
progeny which differentiate into structures as diverse as cardiac Each of these epithelia is supported by mesenchyme; all of the
muscle, podocytes of the pronephric kidney (particularly in fish, organs of the body will develop from interactions between one of
avian and reptilian embryos), mesonephric epithelia, sustentacular these epithelial layers and its underlying mesenchyme. For an over-
cells which surround the primordial germ cells, and the epithelia view of the fate of the embryonic tissues see 3.43.
lining the male and female reproductive tracts.
The coelomic channel and the primitive circulation which passes Embryonic tissues
through it is of paramount importance up to stage 13. Whereas the The cells of the embryo after gastrulation are arranged in two
superficial tissues of the embryo can receive nutrients via the amniotic fundamental types of tissue, epithelial and mesenchymous and,
sac and yolk sac fluids, the deeper tissues are, until the formation of despite regional modifications introduced as the various tissues
the coelom, under conditions similar to tissue culture. From stage develop, these types persist in large measure throughout life.
10 however, exocoelomic fluid, propelled by the first contractions of Epithelial tissues. These are tissues in which the cells are closely
the developing heart, is brought into contact with the deeply placed packed, with narrow intercellular clefts containing minimal extra- 151




Neural crest mesenchyme

Neural crest mesenchyme
Paraxial mesenchyme
Unsegmented paraxial Aorta Notochordal plate
Endocardium Aorta

Proliferative Pericardioperitoneal
somatopleuric canal
Proliferative coelomic coelomic
epithelium epithelium

Pericardial Endothelium
of Sinus venosus

Developing myocardium


[D| Neural crest

[E Epithelial somite
Epithelial somite
Notochordal plate
Region of
Proliferative intermediate
splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
5 ; epithelium
OES af Intraembryonic eS
Pericardioperitoneal coelomic eee
3.51 a. Diagrammatic representation of the mesoblast populations within 10 embryo. The populations of mesenchyme and the sites of mesenchymal
the early embryonic disc. proliferation are indicated.
B-£. A series of transverse sections, arranged cranial to caudal, from a stage-

cellular material, and a developed basal lamina containing specific Historically the embryo was considered to be at the onset of
proteins synthesized by the epithelium itself. The cells usually show organogenesis once three layers had been formed (see p. 92). However
juxtaluminal intercell surface specializations such as desmosomes, in the stage 11 embryo there are many more than three separate
tight junctions, gap junctions, etc. (pp. 27-29), and specializations of epithelial populations; they include surface ectoderm, the neural
the apical surface, which may exhibit microvilli or cilia. Charac- tube, notochord, embryonic endoderm, somites, somatopleuric and
teristically epithelia clothe internal and external surfaces as simple splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelia, epithelial ducts from inter-
or compound cellular sheets which separate phases of differing mediate mesenchyme and a range of endothelia. The majority of the
composition (e.g. the external environment and the subepithelial derivatives of these layers retain their epithelial character throughout
tissue fluids, intravascular and extravascular fluids, etc.). Traffic of life; local invaginations produce glands and duct linings, which may
materials in the intercellular clefts between cells is limited and passage retain their connection with their parent epithelia, although they
occurs across the cells and their limiting membranes, which function may become detached as in the case of endocrine glands. Throughout
as energy-dependent selective barriers, enhancing the passage of development all epithelial tissues require underlying cells, sometimes
152 some materials and impeding the passage of others. in the form of other epithelial layers but more likely as free cells

Trophoblast Connecting stalk

Chorionic mesoblast
Amniotic cavity Amniotic duct 5
Extraembryonic Allanto-enteric
Amniotic diverticulum
mesoblast cavity
Yolk sac Early
villous stems
Extraembryonic yolk sac Extraembryonic
coelom coelom

—— Chorion

Placental area
(chorion frondosum)
Allanto-enteric diverticulum
Connecting stalk : Cloacal membrane <> Connecting stalk now
Villous stems attached ventrally
Chorionic mesoblast Allantoic canal Extraembryonic
Extraembryonic coelom coelom
Yolk sac
; fold
+ Tail fol
Amniotic cavity
Amniotic cavity

Embryonic area Splanchnopleuric Septum transversum _Chorion laeve

mesoblast of yolk


[0] Buccopharyngeal
membrane Pericardium
Head fold
Yolk sac
Neural groove Somite Umbilical cord.
‘Chorion Amnion
Obliterated Line of fusion of amnion
Notochord yolk duct with chorion, i.e. line
Extraembryonic of obliterated extra-
mesoblast Umbilical embryonic coelom
Midgut coelom ‘Septum transversum
Amniotic cavity
Intraembryonic Cloacal membrane ae ;
Amniotic cavity
coelom Lateral body fold
Yolk duct Intercoelomic
communication Allantoic duct Pericardium
Yolk sac

Extraembryonic Foregut

3.52 Diagrams showing: a. an early stage in development of the human the line ab in pv. Observe that the intraembryonic coelom communicates
blastocyst; B. the early formation of the allanto-enteric diverticulum and the freely with the extraembryonic coelom; F. a later stage in the development
definition of the connecting stalk; c. a later stage of the development. of the umbilical cord.
Observe that the heart occupies the most rostral part of the embryonic It should be noted that whilst these diagrams, from an earlier edition, are
area and is separated from the prosencephalon by the buccopharyngeal useful for showing the general changes in disposition of the embryo and
membrane; pb. formation of the head and tail folds, the expansion of the extraembryonic membranes, the modern view of development of the villous
amnion and the delimitation of the umbilicus; &. a transverse section along stems has been revised. Consult text.

collectively termed mesenchyme to support them and engage in Mesenchymal cells support epithelia throughout the developing
developmental processes. body, both locally where they contribute to the basal lamina and
smooth muscle of tubes, and generally where they differentiate into
Mesenchyme connective tissue (see p.110). Specific mesenchymal populations
This is a term first introduced over a century ago (Hertwig 1881) as control the patterning of local regions of epithelium.
an alternative to mesoblast. Mesenchyme cells have no polarity; they The space beneath epithelia and between mesenchyme cells is filled
form junctional complexes which are not exclusively juxtaluminal with extracellular matrix molecules and fibres; these include localized
and they produce extracellular matrix molecules and fibres from the molecules of the basal lamina (e.g. laminin, fibronectin, etc.) and
whole cell surface. Mesenchymal populations form most of the tissue much larger complex associations of collagen, glycosaminoglycans,
of the early embryo, occupying all the regions between the various proteoglycans and glycoproteins between the mesenchyme cells. The
epithelial layers described above. external shape changes of the embryo reflect different rates of 153

production of matrix molecules which support mesenchyme cells and The notochord has traditionally been thought of as the axial
their overlying epithelia; these molecules also provide migration organizer of the embryonic disc. It is suggested, from amphibian
routes for mesenchymal populations, and further, organize migrating and avian studies, that progenitor cells at the node provide cell lines
cells by aligning intracellular proteins according to depositions of for both the notochord and the overlying medial cells of the neural
specific matrix molecules. Many of the signals for migration or plate, termed the notoplate, or (neural) floor plate (Jessell et al 1989).
differentiation are received from cells via matrix molecules, be they Although once formed the two cell populations are functionally
in the basal lamina, or in the matrix between cells. The presence or distinct, the notochord seems to be important for the maintenance
absence of certain matrix molecules may cause mesenchyme cells to and later development of the neural floor plate, and the extension
migrate, or to stop migration and commence differentiation (see of the neural floor plate depends on the presence of underlying
pp. 111, 112). notochordal cells (see p. 265). Later the notochord is not so influen-
tial in neural development but it has a specific role in vertebral
Subdivisions of the mesenchyme development providing a focus for sclerotomal migration (see
The first mesoblast population of the trilaminar disc (termed primary p. 510).
mesenchyme by Hay (1968)) derives from epiblast cell ingression at Notochordal cells in the rhesus monkey at stage 11-12 show
the primitive node and streak. On reaching its final destination well-developed Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
this mesoblast can be subdivided, by position, into populations of reticulum (RER) and coated vesicles (Wilson & Hendrickx 1990),
mesenchyme cells, i.e. axial, paraxial and Jateral plate (3.51). Local with a well-developed basal lamina. However, in the pharyngeal
proliferation of these mesenchymal populations produces the enor- region of 5-week embryos the notochordal and endodermal cells are
mous growth and expansion of the embryo. Jntermediate mesenchyme closely opposed with cell processes passing from one layer to another
develops slightly later between the paraxial mesenchyme and the at the site of the bursa pharyngea. Later the basal laminae are
lateral plate. A later, secondary, contribution of mesenchyme comes reformed as the notochord and endoderm layers separate and mes-
from neuroectoderm cells, i.e. the neural crest. Although the fate of enchymal cells become interposed (Babic 1990). The notochordal
much of the trunk neural crest is to form parts of the PNS, in the cells maintain a neural crest free zone of about 85 jm around
head crest cells contribute a significant population of ecto- themselves (Pettway et al 1990) in early development.
mesenchyme which specifies the pattern of development in the
viscerocranium. Paraxial mesenchyme
Epiblast cells which migrate through the primitive node and rostral
Axial mesenchyme primitive streak during gastrulation form mesoblast cells which
The first epiblast cells to ingress through the primitive streak form migrate to a position lateral to the notochord and beneath the
the endoderm and notochord. These cells initially occupy a midline developing neural plate. Cells ingressing through the primitive node
position with the earliest endodermal cells forming the prechordal form the medial part of this paraxial mesenchyme and cells ingressing
plate, but later the notochordal cells remain medially and the through the rostral streak form the lateral part (3.42) (Selleck &
endodermal cells flatten and spread laterally. A population of cells Stern 1991). The paraxial mesenchyme extends cranially from the
which remain mesenchymal just rostral to the notochordal plate are primitive streak to the prochordal plate immediately rostral to the
termed prechordal mesenchyme (3.148). These axial mesenchyme cells notochord (3.148). Prior to somite formation it is also termed
are tightly packed, unlike the more lateral paraxial cells, but are not segmental plate in birds and unsegmented mesenchyme in mammals.
contained in an extracellular sheath as is the notochord. Somitogenesis commences caudal to the otic vesicles each side of the
Adelmann (1927) described the development of the oculomotor rhombencephalon, thus somites are postotic. Paraxial mesenchyme
muscles in the chick from mesenchyme formed from the prechordal rostral to the otic vesicle was not thought to segment; however, the
plate. This was in conflict with later studies which suggested that appearance of somitomeres has been described.
extraocular muscles arose from small cavities in the mesenchyme Somitomeres. Experimental studies by Meier and colleagues
each side of the diencephalon in mammals, the so-called preotic reported ina series of papers (Meier 1979, etc.) have drawn attention
somites (Gilbert 1952, 1957)—a view supported by Meier (1986) and to the appearance of the preotic unsegmented paraxial mesenchyme
Noden (1983a) who suggested that the most cranial somitomeres when examined with scanning electron microscope (SEM). The
(see below) develop into the extrinsic ocular muscles. However mesenchyme shows concentric rings of cell bodies and processes
Adelmann’s hypothesis has been confirmed by chimera experiments forming paired, bilaminar cylinders named somitomeres each side of
(Christ et al 1986; Wachtler & Jacob 1986), which showed that the notochord and beneath the overlying neural plate. Somitomeres
prechordal mesenchyme is displaced laterally at the time of head have been identified in a wide range of vertebrates; it is suggested
flexion and that the cells become integrated with those of the paraxial that they are somite precursors prior to the compaction stage (see
mesenchyme. Later this mesenchyme migrates to occupy the wall of below).
the local head cysts where it provides the precursor cells for all of The first pair of somitomeres to form lie either side of the
the extrinsic ocular muscles. prechordal plate with subsequent somitomeres separated across the
Notochord. Also called the chordamesoderm, this arises from midline by the notochord. In the chick the eighth somitomere,
epiblast cells of the medial part of the primitive node (Selleck & located just caudal to the otic vesicle, is the first to form a somite.
Stern 1991). It passes though several stages during development. The All somitomeres caudal to this level develop into somites.
earliest notochordal cells are termed the notochordal process, or The first seven pairs of somitomeres which underlie the developing
head process; they are intimately mixed with the endodermal cells. brain do not condense into somites; they remain in somitomeric
A canal has been identified in the notochordal process but seems pattern and later the mesenchyme cells disperse to form the basal
not to be present in the notochordal plate, which remains from stage portion of the skull and all of the striated muscle of the head (3.148).
8 to stage 11. There is still dispute as to the origin of the so-called preotic somites
The development of the notochordal plate into notochord proceeds which give rise to the musculature of the eye. Christ et al (1986)
longitudinally from caudal to rostral, and the last areas to retain the suggest they derive from mesenchyme arising from the prechordal
plate are in the pharynx. The mechanism of notochordal formation plate.
is similar to, but a mirror image of, that of neurulation. The Somitogenesis. As the neural folds elevate the somitomeres begin
notochordal plate forms a deep groove; the vertical edges of the to condense forming discrete clusters of cells, the somites. This occurs
groove move medially and touch, then the endodermal epithelium initially at the eighth somitomere which is just caudal to the midpoint
from each side fuses ventral to the notochord. The definitive noto- of the notochordal plate. The first somite so formed is the first
chord is surrounded by a basal lamina which is in direct contact occipital. Somites can be seen each side of the fusing neural tube in
with the neural tube dorsally and the digestive epithelium ventrally. the human embryo from stage 9.
The early notochordal process cells express myogenic markers During somitogenesis the mesenchyme cells show changes in shape
transitorily as they migrate beneath the epiblast but later they become and in cell-cell adhesion becoming organized into epithelial somites.
epithelial, forming junctions and an outer basal lamina. The cells With development proceeding in a craniocaudal direction, the seg-
swell, developing an internal pressure (turgor) which confers rigidity mental plate is a transient and constantly changing structure, forming
154 on the notochord. somites from its cranial end whilst mesenchyme, patterned into

somitomeres, is being added to its caudal end by the regressing provides a route for the circulation of coelomic fluid through the
primitive streak (Packard & Meier 1983). embryo. The epithelial coelomic wall thus formed becomes highly
Experimental evidence has shown that somite induction occurs as proliferative and rapidly produces a thick layer of mesenchymal cells
the mesenchyme leaves the primitive streak, with cells being com- deep to it. The mesenchymal population subjacent to the ectoderm
mitted very early in development. Somites will form from cultured is termed somatopleuric mesenchyme, and is produced by the som-
segmental plate with or without the presence of neural tube tissue atopleuric coelomic epithelium. The mesenchymal population sur-
or primitive node tissue (Packard & Jacobson 1976). rounding the endoderm is termed splanchnopleuric mesenchyme, and
Somitogenesis (3.1318) entails five main stages (after Ede & EI- is produced by the splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium.
Gadi 1986): It is important to note that these terms are only relevant caudal to
the third visceral arch. Rostral to this there is a sparse mesenchymal
(1) The mesenchymal cells undergo compaction.
population between the pharynx and the surface ectoderm (prior to
(2) The outer cells of the compacted somite block form a high
migration of the head neural crest) with no landmarks to demarcate
columnar epithelium surrounding a central cavity. Some free mes-
lateral from paraxial mesenchyme. This unsplit lateral plate forms
enchyme cells may remain in the cavity.
the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages, the tracheal rings and the
(3) The ventral and ventromedial walls of the somite later revert
associated connective tissue (Noden 1988).
to mesenchyme again, when they are termed the sclerotome.
Somatopleuric mesenchyme (3.518-£). This produces a mixed
(4) The mesenchyme cells of the sclerotome migrate ventrally and
population of connective tissues and has a significant organizing
medially towards the notochord, meeting the sclerotomal cells from
effect opposite the limbs. Chick—quail chimera experiments have
the other side of the body. These cells begin differentiation into
demonstrated that the pattern of limb development is controlled by
chondroblasts forming the vertebral bodies (see p. 267).
the connective tissue cells, specifically by information contained in
(5) The remaining cells constitute the epithelial plate of the somite,
the somatopleuric mesenchyme (Kieny et al 1986). Regions of the
also termed the dermomyotome. The dorsomedial lip of the epithelial
limb are specified by interaction between the surface ectoderm
plate folds back onto its lateral wall and the cells expand along the
(apical ectodermal ridge) and underlying somatopleuric mesenchyme;
inside of the plate. The inner cells form myotubes and constitute the
together these tissues form the progress zone of the limb (see p. 288).
myotome. The dermomyotome and the definite myotome portion
The somatopleuric mesenchyme in the limb bud further specifies the
give rise to the hypaxial and epaxial muscles respectively.
postaxial border of the developing limb. Muscles of the limbs derive
Later cells migrating from the ventral edge of the epithelial plate from somitic precursor muscle cells (see above). The somatopleuric
of the occipital somites pass into the floor of the mouth to form the mesenchyme thus gives rise to the connective tissue elements of the
muscles of the tongue. Cells from the ventral edge of those somites appendicular skeleton, including the pectoral and pelvic girdles, the
opposite the developing limb buds migrate into the limbs to form bones and cartilage of the limbs and their associated ligaments and
the skeletal muscles of the limbs (Christ et al 1986). tendons. Further, somatopleuric mesenchyme controls the pattern
Forty-four pairs of somites form caudal to the otic vesicle (postotic of development in the limbs, including the ectodermal specialities
somites): 4 occipital, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and seen in proximal and distal parts of the limb, perhaps by mechanisms
8-10 coccygeal. similar to the control of craniofacial development by cephalic neural
The somites give rise to the axial skeleton, i.e. the vertebral column crest (see below).
and ribs from the sclerotome portion, and all the striated muscle in Splanchnopleuric mesenchyme (3.518-c). Surrounding the
the body from the myotomes. Also*they give rise to the muscles of developing gut and respiratory tubes, it contributes connective tissue
the tongue, diaphragm and limbs from their ventrolateral edges (from cells to the lamina propria and submucosa; also smooth muscle cells
those somites opposite the developing limbs), and the ventrolateral to the muscularis mucosae and muscularis externa. It has a patterning
muscles of the trunk (from those somites between the limbs). The role here also as in the limbs. Recombination experiments of endo-
muscles of the head arise from the unsegmented somitomeres. dermal epithelium combined with different mesenchymal populations
Whereas the majority of the somites produce a similar range of have shown that the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme specifies the villus
derivatives, the most cranial and most caudal are different. The type in the gut, or the branching pattern in the respiratory tract.
occipital somites and the cranial somitomeres are involved in for-
mation of the base of the skull and most of the calvaria (see p. 271); Intermediate mesenchyme
the caudal somites regress early. This is a loose collection of mesenchyme cells found between the
The somites, once formed, lie lateral to the neural tube. They somites and the lateral plate (3.518-e). Its development is closely
cause bulges in the overlying ectoderm and can be readily identified related to the progress in differentiation of both the somites and the
in fresh and fixed embryos. Counting somites provides a method of proliferating coelomic epithelium from which it derives. Intermediate
staging embryos; the first somites are seen at Carnegie stage 9 but mesenchyme is not present in the chick before somitogenesis and
by stage 13 there are more than 30 somites and accurate enumeration not prior to formation of the eighth somite. In embryos with eight
is difficult. At the latter stages the limb buds provide an easier to ten somites it is present lateral to the sixth, but does not
external feature for staging purposes. extend cranially. The mesenchyme cells are arranged as layers, one
Somites have a specific effect on the position of the developing continuous with the dorsal side of the paraxial mesenchyme and
spinal nerves, which preferentially grow through the cranial half of the somatopleure, the other with the ventral side of the paraxial
the sclerotome. Even if a portion of neural tube is turned through mesenchyme and the splanchnopleure.
180°, the nerves will deviate to grow through the cranial portion of As development proceeds the intermediate mesenchyme forms a
the somite (Keynes & Stern 1986). Note that the spinal nerves are loosely packed cord of cells dorsolaterally which lengthens at the
derived from two sources, the motor nerves from the neural tube, caudal end ultimately joining the cloaca. This is the precursor of the
and the sensory nerves from the neural crest. The somites affect the nephric duct. The cranial portion of this duct anlage, which gives
developing nerves still further in that addition of an extra somite rise to the pronephric duct in lower amniotes, degenerates whereas
causes the production of an extra dorsal root ganglion from the the middle part becomes epithelial and canalized forming the meso-
neural crest, and removal of a somite prevents ganglion formation. nephric duct.
(For more details see p. 226.) In some amniotes the coelomic epithelium differentiates directly
into specialized excretory cells, podocytes medially and a ciliated
Lateral plate tract laterally which communicates with the nephric duct. In humans
Lateral plate is the term for the early mesoblast population lateral this pronephric stage is truncated and mesonephric tubules arise
to the paraxial mesenchyme; it is unsegmented. These mesoblastic from proliferation and delamination of the coelomic epithelium
cells, which arise from the middle of the primitive streak (primary along a strip each side of the median line. The mesonephric tubules
mesenchyme), migrate cranially, laterally and caudally to their des- once formed show early regional differentiation with one end forming
tinations where they revert to epithelium. They form a continuous podocytes and the other ciliated epithelium; they connect to the
layer which adheres to the ectoderm dorsally and the endoderm mesonephric duct.
ventrally and faces a new intraembryonic cavity, the intraembryonic The intermediate mesenchyme which forms the nephric system
coelom, which, becoming confluent with the extraembryonic coelom, does not show the segmentation seen in the paraxial mesenchyme, 155


although it has for many years been described as a segmental crest is unique. As an entity it has only a temporary existence. It
structure. develops at the time of closure of the neural tube and soon after the
As already noted, the intermediate mesenchyme develops from crest cells disperse (2.29c), in some cases migrating over considerable
proliferating coelomic epithelium between the splanchnopleuric and distances, to a variety of different developmental fates. The extent
the somatopleuric coelomic epithelia. In that region the coelomic of their diversity encompasses
epithelium and the underlying intermediate mesenchyme together e the PNS apart from the somatic motor neurons, i.e. the neurons
contribute to the adrenal glands and the gonads. and glia of the sensory, autonomic and enteric nervous systems
e the medulla of the adrenal gland
Angioblastic mesenchyme
e all the melanocytes found in the epidermis
Mesoblastic cells give rise to the blood vascular and lymphatic e nearly all of the mesenchyme of the head including the vis-
systems of the embryo, forming the endothelial lining, the smooth cerocranium (see below) and page 276
muscle coat and the connective tissue adventitia (the latter may the tunica media of the aortic arch arteries.
alternatively arise from splanchnopleuric mesenchyme). The vascular
systems have to function precociously to fulfil the needs of the It is interesting to note that unlike mesoblast produced from the
embryo as well as developing towards the vessel arrangements primitive streak, none of the cells that arise from the neural crest
necessary for independent life after birth. The early endothelial become arranged as epithelia. :
channels form complex anastomotic links which may supply struc- Horstadius, in a classic work published in 1950, summarized the
tures valuable to embryonic life or develop along redundant phylo- knowledge at that time, noting that descriptions of the neural crest
genetic lines until converted to vessels appropriate for later stages of were very rare in textbooks. Because the cells have such a range of
development. diverse derivatives they have been in the past very difficult to follow
The specific origin of endothelium is proving very difficult to developmentally. Horstadius noted that it was not possible to trace
establish in spite of the newer techniques of chimera production and the migrations and ultimate fates of the neural crest cells with the
immunocytochemical labelling. The rapidity with which embryos experimental methods available then. In more recent years a tech-
are vascularized is phenomenal and the constant modelling and nique of chimera production (Le Douarin & McLaren 1984) and
remodelling of vessels compounds the difficulties of systematic study. antibody labelling has transformed this field of embryology and
Certainly during vascular reorganization the direction of blood flow given significant insights into the most fundamental developmental
in many vessels may reverse several times, causing obvious problems processes and the fates of very specific regions of the neural crest.
in deciding which vessels are veins and which arteries; in fact vessels Neural crest cells begin as ectodermal epithelial cells at the junction
may be both. It is only after the tunica media has developed that of the neural plate and presumptive epidermis. The crest cell popu-
histological criteria can be used to identify the status of vessels. lation arising from the head is larger than that found at any trunk
Historically many theories were presented which supported the level and gives rise to a diverse array of connective tissues in
extraembryonic development of blood vessels. Blood islands appear addition to peripheral neuronal, glial and pigment cells. As both the
in the yolk sac wall between the yolk sac endoderm and the development and fate of head and trunk neural crest cells are very
extraembryonic mesoblast; these islands fuse to provide the early different they will be considered separately.
yolk sac circulation. Only after the formation of extraembryonic Trunk neural crest. This is formed as the neural tube closes,
blood islands is vasculogenesis seen in the body of the embryo, initially in the cervical region, then proceeding caudally; thus various
giving rise to the hypothesis that all intraembryonic vessels are stages of crest development can be found in the more caudal regions
derived from extraembryonic, yolk sac endothelial populations that of the embryo. As the neural tube begins to fuse dorsally in the
grow into the embryo. This hypothesis led to the conclusion that midline the neural crest cells lose their epithelial characteristics
there are no angiogenic precursor cells within the embryo. and junctional connections and form a band of loosely arranged
More recent immunological studies have demonstrated angiogenic mesenchyme cells immediately dorsal to the neural tube and beneath
cells within the early mesenchymal populations of the embryo; the ectoderm. Initially the crest cells mostly have their long axis
however they have not established the origin of these cells, ie. perpendicular to the long axis of the neural tube; later the cell
whether or not they derive from yolk sac mesenchyme which has population expands laterally and around the neural tube as a sheet.
invaded the embryo. The earliest angioblastic cells are present in 1- Trunk neural crest cells migrate via three routes from their position
somite chicks within the splanchnic mesenchyme around the margin dorsal to the neural tube (3.110):
of the entrance to the foregut. Later, labelled cells are present more e ventrally
caudally close to the endoderm of the mid- and hindgut. Later still, e dorsolaterally
individual angioblasts are present in the head mesenchyme and e in a rostrocaudal direction along the aorta.
somatopleuric mesenchyme. In a series of chimera experiments
Noden (1991) has shown that ultimately all mesenchymal tissues, After the epithelial somites dissociate to form the sclerotome and
apart from notochord and prechordal plate, contain angioblastic dermomyotome, the majority of the crest cells migrate ventrally
cells. He notes that no ectodermal tissues, ie. neuroepithelium and passing either into the intersomitic space or through the rostral half
neural crest mesenchyme, contain endogenous endothelial cells. This of the dispersing sclerotome. These crest cells do not move medially
means that crest derived mesenchyme of the face and jaw is dependent towards the notochord but continue ventrally towards the adrenal
on adjacent mesenchyme for its angioblastic cells; whether this is medulla, or the region of the putative sympathetic trunk or the
paraxial or lateral plate mesenchyme is not clear. aorta. Other crest cells move a shorter distance between the neural
Chimera experiments have further demonstrated the highly invas- tube and the posterior sclerotome; it is suggested that they get
ive nature of angioblastic cells. They are able to migrate in every trapped in this position to form the dorsal root ganglia (Bronner-
direction throughout embryonic mesenchymal tissues; however, they Fraser 1987).
do not enter the neural epithelium, forming instead a plexus of In the second migration route, crest cells pass dorsolaterally
endothelial capillaries around the brain. between the ectoderm and the epithelial plate of the somite into the
The ultimate position of endothelial vessels is believed to be somatopleure where they eventually form the skin melanocytes.
patterned, like other tissues, by the mesenchymal populations of Head neural crest. These cells, unlike in the trunk, migrate before
neural crest in the head, somatopleuric mesenchyme in the limbs the neural tube closes. Two populations of crest cells develop: those
and splanchnopleuric mesenchyme around the viscera. which retain a neuronal lineage and contribute to the somatic sensory
and parasympathetic ganglia in the head and neck; and those which
Neural crest produce extensive mesenchymal populations. Each brain region has
The neural crest is the name given to a band of epithelial cells at its own crest population which migrates around the sides of the
the outermost edges of the neural plate, between the presumptive neural tube in a dorsolateral migration to reach the ventral side of
epidermis and the neural tube; these cells are committed to a neural the head (3.148). Crest cells surround the prosencephalic and optic
crest lineage before the neural plate begins folding. As a further, vesicles and occupy each of the pharyngeal arches. They provide
separate origin of mesenchyme cells in the embryo, arising after the mesenchyme cells which will produce the connective- tissue in the
156 usual formation of mesoblast from the primitive streak, the neural viscerocranium and parts of the neurocranium. Thus all cartilage,

bone, ligament, tendon, dermal components and glandular stroma Northcutt 1983) is the (ectodermal) neural crest. Unlike its role in
in the head derives from the head neural crest. the trunk, where it contributes to the sensory and autonomic nervous
system, in the head the neural crest produces a significant mes-
Head enchymal population which patterns the development of the phar-
The head is one of the most complex regions of the vertebrate body yngeal arches, produces the vault of the skull, induces the migration
and its development is correspondingly intricate. Head development of ectodermal placodes and contributes to the sensory ganglia and
is fundamentally similar in all vertebrate groups. It involves the sense organs in the head.
migration of disparate cell populations, the transient contact between The structures that are present in the head during development
cells and cell populations and contact between cells and matrix appear to be segmentally organized. This segmentation may be
environments. The development of the vertebrate head and the controlled by conserved homeotic genes which have been identified
mechanisms by which such development occurs are closely connected in a wide range of vertebrates. However, there are still many problems
to its evolution. Indeed study of the genetic regulation of head with interpretation of the developmental processes operating within
development is providing clues to the origin of the vertebrate line the head. Axial tissues and those more laterally placed seem to be
(for more details on evolution of the head see p. 287). induced at different times and from different precursor populations;
All vertebrates have a tripartite brain (with fore-, mid- and they do not mix. Yet, other cell populations can migrate through
hindbrain) and morphological segmentation during hindbrain the boundaries between medial and lateral populations and may
development. All vertebrates have essentially the same series of preferentially do so. Generally, the mechanisms of development in
cranial nerves and ganglia, with the same connections to the CNS. the head are different from those in the trunk. The extent of the
Similarly the neurocranium of vertebrates is composed of paired difference is not as yet known. Figure 3.148 shows diagrammatic
sensory capsules surrounding their respective sense organs. Most representations of the structures present in the head of a stage 11
significantly, all vertebrates have a significant portion of their skull embryo arranged in register. It should be appreciated that the
and face rostral to the notochord. The developing tissue responsible head undergoes a rostrocaudal development and that therefore the
for this ‘prechordal’ (Couly et al 1993) or ‘new’ head (Gans & structures illustrated would not be present simultaneously.

In early development the blastomeres derive their nourishment in and the cells lining them differentiate into typical flattened endothelial
part from stores laid down in the cytoplasm of the primary odcyte. cells. Neighbouring spaces join to form capillary plexuses. Meanwhile
Such stores are possibly maintained at a high concentration but are small localized groups of mesenchymal cells project into the spaces
not as extensive as those found in the yolk of most non-mammalian and become cut off to form blood islands, their cells differentiating
species. In addition it is assumed that the embryo derives nutrition into embryonic erythrocytes.
from tubal and uterine secretions (Leese 1988, 1989). The cleaving The vessels formed in the chorion soon establish an intimate
embryo uses pyruvate rather than glucose as an energy substrate, relationship with the maternal circulation (3.55, p. 160). Vessels
but switches to the utilization of glucose at the blastocyst stage develop in the embryo as two longitudinal channels which, at their
(Leese & Barton 1984; Hardy et al 1989). During the preimplantation headward ends, invade the wall of the pericardium; the position and
phase new protein production occurs but there is also breakdown, direction of the invasion changes with the progress of head fold
resulting in a slight net decrease in protein content. Similarly, lipid formation. The two channels are the rudimentary right and left
metabolism shows considerable changes over the preimplantation dorsal aortae and after folding their cranial ends curve ventrally in
period. As well as compounds that act as metabolic precursors, the the lateral wall of the pharynx to reach the cranial end of the
uterine tube and uterus and their respective secretions contain pericardium. Here they fuse, becoming continuous with the develop-
cytokines. Receptors for some of these have been detected in the ing primitive tubular heart. Caudally the aortae traverse the con-
preimplantation embryos of experimental species (DiAugustine et al necting stalk as the rudimentary umbilical arteries and break up into
1988; Heyner et al 1989; Pampfer et al 1991; McLachlan et al 1991; capillaries in the chorion. The venules from the chorion converge on
Harvey & Kaye 1991; Miyazawa 1992; Wiley et al 1992; Dardik et the stalk where they form the right and left umbilical veins, which
al 1992). run headwards in the somatopleure, close to the margin of the
Subsequently, during the process of implantation, breakdown embryonic area, to reach the caudal end of the tubular heart.
products stemming from lysed uterine tissues may also provide a The pericardial cavity never communicates directly with the extra-
source of nutrition. Then follows a period of about two weeks during embryonic coelom, and (before head folding) at its craniolateral
which the embryonic disc is dependent on nutrients obtained from limits the somatopleure and splanchnopleure are continuous (3.159a).
the fluid-filled cavities of the amnion, the coelom and the yolk sac. With formation of the head fold the mesenchymal masses extending
These fluids contain products arising as a result of absorption by from the surface of the pericardium are altered in disposition or
trophoblast from lysed uterine tissues and extravasated maternal even reversed and the original cranial mass comes into intimate
blood. However, at an early stage in development these sources of relation with the ventral wall of the foregut as far as the cranial rim
supply are much diminished. The lumen of the neural tube is isolated of the cranial intestinal portal (3.52). After reversal, the caudal wall
by closure of the neuropores, the extraembryonic coelom becomes, of the pericardium deepens dorsoventrally; the mesenchyme between
relatively, greatly reduced (3.52) and is later shut off from the it, the gut and proximal yolk stalk forms a sheet, which is the septum
intraembryonic coelom, and the obliteration of the yolk duct sep- transversum. At this stage it is bounded on its headward surface by
arates the yolk sac from the gut. Absorption of nutrients over the the pericardium and on its caudodorsal surface by the foregut. On
surface of the embryo becomes inadequate as the surface-to-volume its dorsolateral surface it is limited by the bilateral pericardio-
ratio decreases. It therefore becomes imperative that some other peritoneal canals, which connect the pericardium with the peritoneal
source should be available at an early stage. This involves the cavity, and on its caudolateral surface by the single crescentic
maternal circulation coming into close, although indirect, apposition opening of the peritoneal cavity into the extraembryonic coelom.
with the developing embryonic circulation. The umbilical and body wall veins, which run in the somatopleure,
The differentiating angioblastic mesenchyme, in which the embry- and the vitelline veins, which run in the splanchnopleure, meet in
onic vessels and erythrocytes develop, is probably first formed from the junctional mesenchyme of the septum transversum and so gain
the deepest layer of mesenchyme which clothes the endoderm of the the venous end of the heart. Through these various channels the
yolk sac early in the third week (p. 140). Slightly later, angioblastic early embryonic circulation is established (p. 312 et seq.). By the end
mesenchyme can also be recognized in the connecting stalk and of the third week the primitive cardiovascular system has been
mesenchyme of the chorion, and it then appears also within the established and the heart has begun to beat so that the blood now
embryonic area. Within the angioblastic mesenchyme spaces form circulates. 157


The allanto-enteric diverticulum (3.528, c) arises early in the third
week as a solid, endodermal outgrowth from the dorsocaudal part
of the yolk sac into the mesenchyme of the connecting stalk. (For Umbilical
discussion of the construction of the outgrowth, see p. 151.) It soon ~ arteries
becomes canalized and, when the hindgut is developed, the proximal
(enteric) part of the diverticulum is incorporated in its ventral wall
and the distal (allantoic) part remains as the allantoic duct and is
carried ventrally to open into the ventral aspect of the cloaca or ‘ Obliterated
terminal part of the hindgut (3.52). The diverticulum, lined with umbilical
endoderm, is surrounded by mesenchyme of the connecting stalk, in c vein
Mucoid connective :
which the umbilical vessels develop at a slightly later stage. tissue (Wharton’s jelly)
In reptiles, birds and many mammals the allantoic diverticulum cow

develops into a stalked vesicle or diffuse cord which continues

expanding into the extraembryonic coelom and forms a vascular 3.53 Transverse section through a human umbilical cord, stained with
organ to which the term allantois should perhaps be restricted. In haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x c. 8.
birds it spreads over the dorsal surface of the embryo as a flattened
sac between amnion and chorion (with which it fuses) and surrounds
the yolk sac. It forms the chorio-allantoic circulation, allowing gas
exchange across the shell membrane and absorption of nutrients communicates freely through the umbilicus with the intraembryonic
from the yolk. With the formation of the amnion the embryo is, in coelom. The mesenchyme-covered surfaces of the dome and folds of
most mammals, separated entirely from the chorion and is not united the expanding amnion now reach the chorion and converge on the
to the chorion again until the allantoic mesenchyme spreads to connecting stalk and yolk stalk (and their vessels), and the umbilical
become applied to its inner surface. The human embryo, however, cord is formed as they meet and the two mesenchymal compartments
is never wholly separated from the chorion; its caudal end is joined fuse (3.52) thus almost completely closing off the intraembryonic
to the latter by a thick band of mesenchyme, the connecting stalk, coelom. A limited exocoelomic recess persists in the embryonic end
which accordingly is regarded as precociously formed allantoic mes- of the cord (umbilical coelom), retaining its communication with the
enchyme. intraembryonic coelom, and is involved in later enteric development
(see below and p. 190).
Amnion The umbilical cord (3.53) thus consists of an outer covering of
The amnion is a membranous sac that surrounds the embryo; it is flattened amniotic epithelial cells, containing an interior mass of
developed in reptiles, birds and mammals (Amniota), but not in mesenchyme of diverse origins (see below). Embedded in the latter
amphibia or fishes (Anamniota). are two endodermal tubes—the yolk and allantoic ducts—their
In the human embryo the amnion appears as a cavity within the associated vitelline and allantoic (umbilical) blood vessels and, near
inner cell mass adjacent to the overlying trophoblast. (For details its fetal end, the remains of the extraembryonic coelom mentioned
see p. 137.) This cavity is roofed by a stratum of epithelial cells, and above.
its floor is formed by the cells of the embryonic germ disc—continuity The mesenchymal core is derived from the somatopleuric extra-
between the roof and floor being at the margin of the disc. The embryonic mesenchymal covering the amniotic folds; the splanch-
epithelial cells vary from tall columnar to flat and more squamous nopleuric extraembryonic mesenchyme of the yolk stalk which carries
(Goto 1959). Fluid, the /iqguor amnii, occupies the amniotic cavity the vitelline vessels and clothes the endodermal yolk duct; and similar
and increases steadily in volume as the sac gradually expands in the allantoic mesenchyme of the connecting stalk which clothes the
extraembryonic coelom (3.52); this continues until the coelom is allantoic duct and carries initially two umbilical arteries and two
obliterated, except for a small volume which is enclosed within the umbilical veins. These various mesenchymal compartments fuse and
proximal part of the umbilical cord (the umbilical coelom). are gradually transformed into the loose connective tissue (Wharton's
Externally the amnion is covered with a thin layer of somatopleuric jelly) which characterizes the more mature cord. The tissue consists
extraembryonic mesenchyme, which is continuous at the margins of of widely spaced elongated fibroblasts separated by an intercellular
the disc both with the splanchnopleuric extraembryonic mesenchyme space filled with a copious matrix consisting of a delicate three-
covering the yolk sac and with the intraembryonic mesenchyme. dimensional meshwork of fine collagen fibres surrounded by a dilute
Through the connecting stalk it is continuous also with the extra- ground substance (Parry 1970). The latter contains a variety of
embryonic chorionic mesenchyme. It is commonly stated, based on hydrated glycosaminoglycans and is particularly rich in hyaluronic
morphological observations, that this extraembryonic mesenchyme acid. In specimens which have been excised before fixation and
is derived from the trophoblast. There is no experimental evidence staining, the fibroblasts present stellate profiles.
for or against this in primates. In rodents, labelling studies have The part of the extraembryonic coelom (the umbilical coelom)
shown that it is derived from the embryonic ectoderm via the included in the base of the umbilical cord acts as a sac which receives
primitive streak (Gardner & Rossant 1979; Lawson & Pedersen the normal umbilical hernia of the midgut, developing in the embryo
1992). between the sixth and tenth weeks (p. 190). After the disappearance of
this hernia the extraembryonic coelomic sac is normally obliterated.
Connecting stalk and umbilical cord The yolk sac becomes located between the amnion and chorion
The connecting stalk (8.52) is, as described above, a mass of pre- as they fuse near the placental attachment of the cord (3.52, 54, 63).
cociously formed allantoic mesenchyme, which at first connects the It continues to grow slowly and is sometimes found at term in this
caudal end of the embryonic area with the chorion. Proximally (its site, as a small vesicle usually less than 5mm in diameter. The yolk
embryonic end) it surrounds the short allanto-enteric diverticulum stalk and its contained endodermal duct and accompanying vessels
but it is traversed throughout its length by the umbilical (allantoic) gradually elongate with growth in length of the umbilical cord. The
vessels. At first its dorsal surface is covered with the amnion and its duct and vessels slowly degenerate and they have usually disappeared
ventral surface is bounded by the extraembryonic coelom. As aresult by midpregnancy.
of the folding of the embryo and distension of the amnion, the The endodermal allantoic duct, which is confined to the proximal
embryonic end of the connecting stalk comes to lie on the ventral end of the growing cord, also elongates and thins but may persist as
surface of the embryo, and its mesenchyme approaches that covering an interrupted series of epithelial strands until term. At the umbilicus
the yolk sac and its stalk. With continued expansion of the amnion, the proximal strand is often continuous with the median intra-
the extraembryonic coelom is largely obliterated (3.52) and its only abdominal urachus, which in turn continues into the apex of the
158 remaining part surrounds the elongating yolk stalk; this part still bladder (p. 201).

SS se

Usually, the embryonic right umbilical vein disappears in the early

months of pregnancy (exceptionally only one artery may persist).
The vessels of the umbilical cord are rarely straight but usually show
a twisted conformation which may exist as either a right- or left-
handed cylindrical helix. The number of turns involved may be
relatively few or, at the other extreme, may even exceed 300. Their
causation has been variously ascribed to unequal growth of the
vessels, or to torsional forces imposed by fetal movements; their
functional significance is obscure; perhaps their pulsations and con-
tractions (see below) assist the venous return to the fetus in the
umbilical vein. When fully developed the umbilical vessels, par-
ticularly the arteries, are provided with a strong muscular coat which
contracts readily in response to mechanical stimuli. The outermost Amnion
bundles pursue an interlacing spiral course so that, when they
contract, they produce shortening of the vessel and thickening of the
media, with folding of the interna and considerable narrowing of
Yolk sac
the lumen. This action may account for the periodic sharp con-
strictions of contour—the so-called valves of Hoboken—which often
characterize these vessels.
When fully developed, the umbilical cord is on average some 50cm
long and 1-2cm in diameter, but the length is subject to great Umbilical
variation (20—120cm). Exceptionally short or long cords are associ-
ated with fetal problems and complications during labour as dis-
cussed by Benirschke and Kaufmann (1990). The cord usually
attaches to the placenta but in a minority of cases velamentous
insertion is observed (i.e. into the membranes) and may be associated
with vulnerability to injury and attendant obstetric complications.
This is discussed in detail by the same authors.
As noted (p. 132), fertilization occurs in the lateral or ampullary part
of the fallopian tube, and is followed around 26—40 hours later by
the first cleavage. The dividing preimplantation embryo is conveyed Chorion
along the tube to the uterine cavity by ciliary action of the tube Villous stems of chorion frondosum
aided by muscular tubal contractions; the journey occupies about 3
3.54 A fetus of about 8 weeks, enclosed in the amnion, magnified about
days. After entering the uterine lumen the morula develops an
2.5 diameters. A part of the chorion frondosum with its branching villous
internal cavity and becomes a blastocyst, still surrounded by the stems is shown in the lower part of the figure. The villous stems have been
zona pellucida. By this stage two distinctive groups of cells have detached from the basal plate, which is not shown here.
emerged: one constitutes the inner cell mass which will form the
embryo and contribute to the extraembryonic membranes; the second
is the trophectoderm, flattened polyhedral cells surrounding the
blastocyst cavity which have ultrastructural features typical of a a period, there is a close mutual apposition between the contours
transporting epithelium (Enders & Schlafke 1965; Lopata et al of the trophoblast and the uterine epithelial cell surface. From in
1982). The cells covering the inner cell mass are known as polar vitro studies initial implantation in the human seems to involve
trophectoderm and those surrounding the blastocyst cavity as mural attachment of trophectoderm to the endometrial epithelium followed
trophectoderm. From these cells the trophoblast of the mature pla- by intrusion between the epithelial cells without their destruction
centa is derived. (Lindenberg et al 1986, 1990). The syncytium sends finger-like
It has been suggested that the mesenchyme of the chorion is projections between adjacent epithelial cells towards the underlying
derived either from the trophoblast or the extraembryonic endoderm. basal lamina, the two layers becoming closely interlocked by the
Experimental evidence addressing this question is naturally lacking formation of numerous tight junctions between them. Some authors
in the human but the mesoblastic layer of the murine chorion have suggested that fusion between these two cell types may occur
are derived from the embryonic ectoderm via the primitive streak (Denker 1990).
(Rossant & Croy 1985; Rossant 1986). This is in agreement with the The subepithelial basal lamina is penetrated by the trophoblast.
morphological observations of Luckett (1978) for the human. There is evidence for production by preimplantation embryos of
Escape of the blastocyst from the zona is a prerequisite for its proteases that degrade basal lamina extracellular matrix molecules
implantation in the uterine mucosa (see p. 136). This may involve (Glass et al 1983) including type IV collagen (Behrendtsen et al
the production of a trypsin-like enzyme and the presence of local 1992). In rodents it appears that the underlying stroma contributes
weaknesses in the zona (Perona & Wasserman 1986; Lindenberg & to the local breakdown of the epithelial basal lamina and matrix
Hyttel 1989). In the interval between ovulation and blastocyst arrival (Blankenship & Given 1992). Implantation of the human blastocyst
in the uterine cavity, preimplantation changes also occur in the continues with erosion of maternal vascular endothelium and glandu-
uterine mucosa. These progestational changes are detailed later lar epithelium and phagocytosis of secretory products until the
(p. 162). blastocyst occupies an uneven implantation cavity in the stroma
The process of implantation involves an initial attachment of (interstitial implantation). It is not known precisely when syn-
the polar trophectoderm to the endometrial luminal epithelium. cytiotrophoblast first appears, but by the time contact is established
Following this it penetrates the epithelium and underlying basal with the stroma, the outermost cells are syncytial (Hertig et al 1956).
lamina and implants into the stroma, using a combination of motile In the early postimplantation phase, the maternal surface is resealed
and locally degradative activities. by a combination of re-epithelialization and formation of a plug
A major problem in establishing the mechanism of the initial that has been suggested to consist of fibrin.
interaction is that in the earliest in situ implantation sites available
for examination, implantation is already underway (Hertig et al Trophoblast and chorion
1956; Pijnenborg 1990). Early implantation in primates is initiated If fertilization and implantation are successfully accomplished, a
by a close approach of the trophoblastic plasma membrane to the hormone secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast, human chorionic gon-
tips of the microvilli and irregular surface protrusions of the uterine adotrophin (hCG), prolongs the life of the corpus luteum, which
epithelial cells. The microvilli shorten and disappear and, for continues to secrete progesterone and oestrogens during approxi- 159

mately the first 2 months of pregnancy. Thereafter these and other pre-eclampsia and spontaneous abortion are all associated with
hormonal functions are the province of the definitive placenta incomplete vascular remodelling probably arising from a failure of
(Devroey et al 1990). Menstruation does not occur and the endo- penetration by extravillous trophoblast (Khong 1991).
metrium, now known as the decidua of pregnancy, thickens further Expansion of the whole conceptus is accompanied by radial growth
to form a suitable nidus for the conceptus. During the first few days of the villi and, simultaneously, an integrated tangential growth with
after implantation, hCG appears in the urine where its presence is expansion of the trophoblastic shell and increased complexity and
used as the basis for tests for early pregnancy. branching of the villous tree continuing to term. Eventually each
The syncytiotrophoblast increases rapidly in thickness over the stem forms a complex consisting of a single trunk (truncus) attached
embryonic pole with a progressively thinner layer over the rest of by its base to the chorion, from which arise distally, second and
the wall towards the abembryonic pole. As the blastocyst implants, third order branches (intermediate and terminal villi; Castelluci et al
the syncytiotrophoblast invades and digests the uterine tissues, 1990). Terminal villi are specialized for exchange between the fetal
including glands and the walls of maternal blood vessels (see 3.36, and maternal circulations (3.56), Each terminal villus commences as
38 and Béving 1959,:'1963). Microvillus-lined clefts and lacunar a syncytial outgrowth which, as it continues to grow, is invaded by
spaces develop in the syncytiotrophoblastic envelope (days 9-11 of cytotrophoblastic cells which then develop a core of fetal mes-
pregnancy) and establish communications with one another. Early, enchyme; this is finally vascularized by fetal capillaries (i.e. each
many of them contain maternal blood (3.36, 38) derived from dilated villus passes through primary, secondary and tertiary grades of
uterine capillaries and veins, the walls of which have been partially histological differentiation). Thus the germinal cytotrophoblast, by
destroyed. As the conceptus grows, the lacunar spaces enlarge, multiplicative growth, can continue to add additional cells which
becoming confluent to form an initial intervillous space; their mic- fuse with the overlying syncytium and allow the expansion of the
rovillous trophoblastic walls are converted at first into an irregular haemochorial interface. The terminal villi continue to form and
spongework or Jabyrinth (known inappropriately as primary villi; branch, within the confines of the definitive placenta (see below)
days 12-13). This is then invaded first with cytotrophoblast and then throughout gestation, projecting in all directions into the intervillous
with mesenchyme (days 13-15) to form a radial array of secondary space.
placental villi. Villous strands extend from the syncytial layer of the As these changes proceed, the intervillous space, at first spanned
chorion across the intervillous space. On their embryonic aspect is a by the early villous stems and their branches, is increasingly per-
layer of cytotrophoblast, lined by vascularized fetal mesenchyme. meated by growing free villi. It contains the circulating maternal
The villous strands extend to the layer of peripheral trophoblast blood, and is bounded:
which is apposed directly to the excavated maternal tissues. Through e On its fetal aspect by a chorionic plate consisting of syncytial,
spaces in the latter, extravasated maternal blood continues to enter cytotrophoblastic and mesenchymal layers of the chorion, the
the intervillous space. However, there is evidence that the maternal latter carrying radicles of the umbilical vessels and fusing laterally
vascular circuit that connects the uterine arterial supply via the with the mesenchyme of the expanding amnion.
intervillous space to maternal veins is not fully functional until late e On its maternal aspect by a basal plate consisting of incomplete
in the first trimester (Hustin & Schaaps 1987). peripheral syncytium with an outer cytotrophoblastic shell and
As the intrasyncytial lacunae are developing, a column of pro- columns extending deeper into the maternal decidual stroma. The
liferating cytotrophoblast extends from the chorionic plate and breaks trophoblast and adjacent decidua are enmeshed in layers of fibrin-
through the syncytium to make direct contact with the maternal oid and basement membrane-like extracellular matrix to form a
stroma (before day 15). Further cytotrophoblast proliferation then complex junctional zone (Enders 1968; Aplin 1991b; Damsky et al
occurs laterally so that neighbouring outgrowths meet to form a 1992). Where a discrete layer of fibrinoid is present between the
spherical cytotrophoblastic shell around the conceptus (3.35, 38, 55). trophoblastic shell and decidual stroma, this is known as Nitabuch’s
Capillaries form within the mesenchymal core (3.55) and establish
connections with the radicles of the umbilical vessels in the general Crossing it from chorionic to basal plates, the main trunks of the
mesenchyme of the chorion. The heart now beats, establishing villous stems dividing into their intermediate and terminal villi; the
circulation between the yolk sac, the embryo and the chorio-allantoic trunk and its branches may be regarded as the essential structural,
placenta (days 18-22). Each villus now consists, from its base in the functional and growth unit of the developing placenta.
chorionic plate and throughout much of its extent, of a vascularized
mesenchymal core, covered by a single (Langhans) layer of cyto- From the third week until about the second month of pregnancy
trophoblast, which is again ensheathed by a layer of syncytium. the entire chorion is covered with villous stems which are thus
These tertiary (or mesenchymal) villi proceed into a sequence of continuous peripherally with the trophoblastic shell which is in close
developmental changes continuing to term (see below). Near the apposition with both the decidua capsularis and the decidua basalis.
maternal interface they contain no mesenchymal core but comprise The villi adjacent to the basal decidua, however, are stouter, longer
a solid cytotrophoblastic cell column, continuous peripherally with and show a greater profusion of terminal villi. As the conceptus
the trophoblastic shell. At its periphery, the developing placenta thus continues to expand, the decidua capsularis is progressively com-
consists of tertiary chorionic villi connected to the maternal stroma pressed and thinned, the circulation through it is gradually reduced
by cytotrophoblast columns—so-called anchoring villi. and, accordingly, the adjacent villi slowly atrophy and disappear.
Continuing growth of the cytotrophoblast columns occurs and This process starts at the abembryonic pole and by the end of the
single mononuclear cells detach from their distal tips and infiltrate third month the abembryonic hemisphere of the conceptus is largely
the maternal decidua (Pijnenborg et al 1980, 1981, 1990). This denuded. Eventually the whole chorion apposed to the capsularis is
process occurs in two phases: an initial infiltration of the basal smooth (the chorion laeve). In contrast, the villous stems of the disc-
decidua, with interstitial extravillous trophoblast tending to be more shaped region of chorion apposed to the decidua basalis increase
populous in the vicinity of maternal spiral arteries; and a second greatly in size and complexity (the chorion frondosum), and together
wave of migration by which the extravillous trophoblast reaches the with the basalis constitute the definitive placental site.
inner one-third of the myometrium. At the same time, cyto- Further consideration of the placenta must now be deferred until
trophoblast from the shell penetrates into and migrates along the the preparation of the uterine tissues for the implantation and
inner walls of maternal spiral arteries (endovascular extravillous development of the blastocyst has been briefly described.
trophoblast), again penetrating by the 18th week as deep as the inner
myometrial segments. The interstitially migrating cells appear to CYCLICAL CHANGES IN THE UTERUS
have the capacity to invade arteries from their periphery. The
function (possibly the sole function) of this infiltrative behaviour by Throughout the period of reproductive life (i.e, from about the
cytotrophoblast appears to be in the remodelling of the maternal fifteenth to the forty-fifth year), except during pregnancy and lac-
arteries with loss of smooth muscle and associated elastic and tation, a series of closely interrelated cyclical changes occur in the
collagenous matrix and its replacement with non-resistive fibrinoid, ovary, uterus and vagina. Each cycle extends over a period of about
thus allowing for an expansion of the vessels and as much as a 20- 28 days. In the ovarian cycle, which is described more fully elsewhere
fold increase in the flow of blood into the intervillous space. Common (pp. 122, 1865), one follicle usually reaches full maturity, ruptures
160 pregnancy pathologies including intrauterine growth retardation, and releases its secondary odcyte during this period. The wall of the



um PAR =e
‘ Stn Gam: AA
Cytolytic products, uterine fluid & blood

Cytotrophoblastic wee
cell column
Lacunae enlarging
Lacunae | Lacunar as intervillous
in syncytium circulation

Maternal vessels
in decidua


chiINGla} e 7 0Gere 5

iirrrtry Moot Se 2
ee CCC hao
eo Steen
\ Stem villus
Fetal vessels Ingrowth of cytotrophoblast Terminal Chorionic
& mesoderm bearing fetal 3 villus Secondary plate
Maternal blood vessels True villus syncytial fusion


Umbilical arteries Z cq ea = Umbilical vein

3.55 Nutrition of odcyte, zygote, morula, free and implanted blastocyst, ment proceed from left to right. Aspects of mature placental structure and
embryo and fetus throughout gestation. Embryonic and placental develop- circulation are shown below. 161

Syncytiotrophoblast vacuoles’) appear in the basal cytoplasm of the epithelial cells lining
the glands, where they are often associated with lipid. Nuclei are
thus displaced towards the centre of the cells (3.59). Giant mito-
chondria appear and are associated with semi-rough endoplasmic
reticulum. A prominent nuclear channel system is present. A notable
increase in polarization of the gland cells occurs with Golgi apparatus
and secretory vesicles accumulating in the supranuclear cytoplasm.
Nascent secretory products may be detected immunohistochemically
within the gland cells.
By the midsecretory phase the endometrium may be up to 6mm
deep. The basal epithelial glycogen mass is progressively transferred
to the apical cytoplasm, allowing the return of nuclei to the cell
base. The Golgi apparatus becomes dilated and products including
glycogen, mucin and other glycoproteins are released from the
glandular epithelium into the lumen by a combination of apocrine
and exocrine mechanisms, reaching a maximum approximately 6
Terminal branches of days after ovulation (Smith et al 1989). These secretory changes are
umbilical vessels considerably less pronounced in the basal gland cells and the luminal
3.56 Transverse section of a terminal villus stained with haematoxylin and epithelium than in the glandular cell population of the functionalis.
eosin. In the late secretory phase glandular secretory activity declines.
Production by gland cells of certain specific secretory products
however is not observed until the mid- and late-secretory phases
(Bell 1990).
follicle is then transformed into an important endocrine gland, the Progestational effects on the stroma are also evident (Wienke et
corpus luteum (p. 1865). About 10 days after ovulation the corpus al 1968; Cornillie et al 1985; Aplin et al 1988; Dockery et al 1990).
luteum begins to regress, then ceases to function and is replaced by In the early secretory phase nuclear enlargement occurs and the
fibrous tissue. packing density of the resident mesenchymal cells increases due in
The changes of the uterine cycle (menstrual cycle) chiefly involve part to the increase in volume of gland lumens and onset of secretory
the lining endometrium of the body and fundus of the uterus and activity in the epithelial compartment. In the midsecretory phase, a
may, for convenience, be divided into three phases: notable oedema appears with a corresponding decrease in the density
of collagen fibrils. At the same time the endoplasmic reticulum and
e menstrual Golgi apparatus become more prominent, and there is evidence for
e proliferative new synthesis of collagen as well as its endocytosis and degradation.
e secretory (Noyes et al 1950; Wynn 1977; Cornillie et al 1985; In the late secretory phase decidual differentiation occurs in the
Dockery et al 1988a, 1990; Aplin 1989; Buckley & Fox 1989). superficial stromal cells surrounding blood vessels. This trans-
The secretory phase coincides with the luteal phase of the ovarian formation includes rounding of the nucleus and an increase in the
cycle. cytoplasmic volume with a concurrent increase and dilatation of
In the menstrual (haemorrhagic) phase the superficial part of the the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and Golgi systems and
endometrium, next to the free surface, is shed piecemeal, leaving cytoplasmic accumulation of lipid droplets and glycogen. The cells
mainly the basal zone, adjacent to the uterine muscle (3.57). Approxi- begin to produce basal lamina components including laminin and
mately two-thirds to three-quarters of the thickness of the endo- type IV collagen. Features of the fully differentiated decidual cell
metrium may be shed. Outwardly this phase is marked by a discharge are described in the next section.
of blood with necrotic epithelial and stromal debris from the uterus Three strata can now be clearly recognized in the endometrium
through the vagina. This discharge, the menstrual flow, lasts some (3.57):
3-6 days. e stratum compactum, next to the free surface, in which the necks of
In the early proliferative phase, and even before the menstrual flow the gland are but slightly expanded and the stromal cells show a
ceases, the epithelium from the persisting basal parts of the uterine distinct decidual reaction
glands grows luminally over the denuded surface of the endometrium. e stratum spongiosum, where the uterine glands are tortuous, dilated
Re-epithelialization is complete by days 5-6 after the start of men- and ultimately only separated from one another by a small amount
struation. Initially the tissue is only 1-2 mm thick and lined by low of interglandular tissue
cuboidal epithelium. The glands are straight and narrow with short e a thin stratum basale, next to the uterine muscle, containing the
columnar cells. The apical cell surface contains microvilli, and some tips of the uterine glands embedded in an unaltered stroma.
ciliated cells are present. The stroma is dense and contains small
numbers of lymphocytes amongst the larger population of mes- Towards the end of this period, as regression of the corpus luteum
enchymally-derived cells (3.57). During the 10-12 days of the pro- occurs, those parts of the stroma showing a decidual reaction and
liferative phase there is a growth of the endometrium associated with the glandular epithelium both undergo degenerative changes and
the presence in the bloodstream of oestrogen. This is produced by the endometrium often diminishes in thickness. These degenerative
the ovary (3.58) and acts through receptors present on both the changes precede the phase of bleeding.
stromal and epithelial cells of the endometrium. Mitoses are present During menstruation, blood escapes from the superficial vessels of
and the glands become distinctly tortuous. Their lining epithelium the endometrium forming small haematomata beneath the surface
becomes tall columnar (3.57). epithelium which raise it. Blood and necrotic endometrium then
Ovulation occurs about 14 days before the onset of the next begin to appear in the uterine lumen. The shedding of the endo-
menstrual flow. The changes occurring in the secretory phase depend metrium starts at the surface and extends into the deeper layers. The
upon the presence in the bloodstream of progesterone and oestrogens, amount of tissue lost is variable, but usually the stratum compactum
secreted by the corpus luteum (3.58). Steroid receptors in the endo- and most of the spongiosum are desquamated.
metrium respond by activating a programme of new gene expression The endometrium is regenerated from the stratum basale and that
to produce, in the following 7 days, a highly regulated sequence of part of the spongy layer which remains, the surface epithelium being
differentiative events presumably required to prepare the tissue for reformed with remarkable rapidity.
implantation (Dockery et al 1988a,b; Smith et al 1989; Aplin 1989, During the proliferative, early and midsecretory phases of the
1991a; Bell 1990). Part of the response is direct, but there is evidence cycle, the bone-marrow derived cells present in endometrium are
that some of the effects may be mediated through growth factors mainly macrophages and classic T cells, with very few B cells. In
(Nelson et al 1991; Tabibzadeh 1991). The first morphological effects the late secretory phase, an unusual, large, granular lymphocyte
of progesterone are evident 24-36 hours after ovulation. In the early population is recruited to the tissue (Starkey et al 1991) and is found
162 secretory phase glycogen masses (known incorrectly as ‘subnuclear mainly in the stromal compartment.

thickness (mm)

10 a

Deues Sseed
Uae aeaatr
5 es
oe 54
as BE
ziUPSoe pee

Days of 14-12-10 -8 6 4-20 2 4 6 8 1012 14


2 Late prdifRerative | 4 Mid gacrathty

phase phase

3.57 Stages in the menstrual cycle. The top panel shows the variation in The five lower panels are histological sections of endometrium at the cycle
thickness of endometrium during an idealized 28-day cycle in which ovu- times indicated. (From Buckley & Fox with permission of Chapman & Hall). 163
lation occurs at day 0. Measurements were made by transvaginal ultrasound.

sass LH miU/ml


3.59 Section of human endometrium at about the seventeenth day of

the menstrual cycle (early secretory phase) to show the accumulation of
secretory material in the basal parts of the epithelial cells lining the glands,
resulting in displacement of the nuclei towards the lumen of the gland.
Magnification x c. 300. Stained with haematoxylin and eosin. (Lent by the
Shattock Museum, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School.)

and anaemia of the superficial strata. During the periods of relaxation

of the vessels, blood escapes from the devitalized capillaries and
veins, thus causing the menstrual haemorrhage.
If fertilization of the ovum does not occur, the corpus luteum
undergoes degeneration. The breakdown of the endometrium follows
this cessation of function and is due to the reducing levels of
progesterone and oestrogen (p. 1873).
Menstrual Proliferative Secretory
shedding phase phase Decidua
If fertilization occurs, chorionic gonadotrophin secreted by the
3.58 Composite diagram emphasizing some salient features of the female conceptus rescues the corpus luteum and progesterone levels continue
reproductive cycles. Note the (simplified) neuroendocrine control loops, the to rise, preventing menstruation and stimulating decidual differ-
periodic changes during the non-pregnant state of the ovarian cycle with entiation of the endometrial stroma. During decidualization the
concomitant endometrial changes of the menstrual (uterine) cycle, variations
interglandular tissue increases in quantity; it contains a substantial
in circulating plasma hormone levels, and the consequences of pregnancy.
Neuroendocrine controls are further detailed elsewhere (pp. 1863, 1877). population of leucocytes (large granular lymphocytes, macrophages
FSH =follicle stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone. (Modified and T cells) distributed amongst large decidual cells. The latter
from Wendell-Smith et al 1984.) are mesenchymally-derived stromal cells which have accumulated
varying amounts of glycogen, lipid and vimentin-type intermediate
filaments in their distended cytoplasm. They may contain one, two
The vascular bed of the endometrium undergoes significant changes or sometimes three nuclei. The light microscopic appearance of these
during the menstrual cycle. The arteries to the endometrium arise cells is rounded, but although they lack the long thin cytoplasmic
from a myometrial plexus and consist of short straight vessels to the projections typical of fibroblasts, the cell shape varies depending on
basal portion of the endometrium and more muscular spiral arteries the local packing density, which is widely variable. Frequently, rows
to its superficial two-thirds. The capillary bed consists of an endo- of club-like cytoplasmic protrusions enclosing granules are found at
thelium with a basal lamina that is discontinuous in the proliferative the periphery. Outside the cell is a characteristic capsular basal
phase, becoming more distinct by midsecretory phase (Roberts et lamina (Wynn 1974; Aplin 1989; Enders 1991).
al 1992). Pericytes are present, some of which resemble smooth Decidualization of the endometrial stroma occurs in humans
muscle cells, and these are sometimes enclosed within the basal regardless of the presence of a conceptus, as indicated by:
lamina. The pericytes make contact with the endothelial cells by
means of cytoplasmic extensions that project through the basal e the similar changes seen in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy
lamina. Enlargement of the pericytes is evident beginning in the early e the pseudodecidual changes observed in the late secretory phase
secretory phase and leading to a conspicuous cuff of cells in the mid- of a non-conception cycle
and late-secretory phases. The venous drainage, consisting of narrow e the decidualization observed after prolonged treatment with pro-
perpendicular vessels which anastomose by cross branches, is
common to both the superficial and basal layers of the endometrium. e the ability of cultured stromal cells to decidualize in vitro in the
The arterial supply to the basal part of the endometrium remains
presence of progesterone.
unchanged during the menstrual cycle. The spiral arteries to the It is interesting to note that in rats, decidualization of stromal
superficial strata, however, lengthen disproportionately, become cells requires not only steroidal sensitization, but also an initiation
increasingly coiled and their tips approach more closely the uterine signal from the embryo. Rats do not menstruate, but rather exhibit
epithelium during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. This an oestrous cycle. The rather advanced differentiation achieved by
leads to a slowing of the circulation in the superficial strata with the human stroma in the absence of a pregnancy may conceivably
some vasodilation. Immediately before the menstrual flow these be related to the need for the seemingly wasteful sloughing of large
164 vessels begin to constrict intermittently causing stasis of the blood parts of the tissue at menstruation.


Decidual cells produce a range of secretory products (Bell 1986; decidua probably modulate the degradative activity of the tro-
Fazleabas et al 1991; Seppala et al 1992) including insulin-like growth phoblast (Lala & Graham 1990; Librach et al 1991; Bischof et al
factor, binding protein 1 and prolactin, which diffuse across the 1992; Seppala et al 1992) and support placental morphogenesis and
chorio-amnion and may be detected in amniotic fluid in the first access of the placenta to the maternal blood supply. Thus formation
trimester of pregnancy. They may also be internalized by trophoblast. of the haemochorial placenta requires a developmental progression
These secretions probably play a role in the maintenance and specified in the trophoblast but dependent on the maternal environ-
growth of the conceptus in the early prehaemochorial phases of ment for its correct expression. It also depends on the lack of
postimplantational development, when placentation is transiently immunological rejection of the semi-allogeneic conceptus, which is
deciduochorial. Decidualization also involves extensive remodelling achieved by the absence of polymorphic histocompatibility antigens
of the stromal extracellular matrix. In addition to production of the (HLA) on trophoblast but may also depend in some part on the
capsular basal lamina, degradation and new synthesis of fibrillar specialized immune cell populations present in the decidua and their
collagen occur with a net decrease in the fibril density. Extracellular cytokine network (Starkey et al 1991).
matrix, growth factors and protease inhibitors produced by the Decidual differentiation is not evident in the stroma at the earliest

Spiral arteries Dilated uterine glands Endometrial veins

with secretory products

EAS REMM Connecting stalk

ae hy AY Decidua
? capsularis


pe. : Yolk sac cavity
Rack ates etS . woe thy Amniotic cavity






coelom 3.60 Diagram showing the general structure of the implanting blastocyst
and its relationship to the tissues of the endometrium on the fifteenth day
after fertilization. Note the arrangement and gradation in thickness of the
syncytial trophoblast which has eroded the maternal tissues. Some of the
Extraembryonic deeper trophoblastic lacunae already contain maternal blood. Note also the
mesoblast active dilated uterine glands, the endometrial venous plexus, spiral arteries,
and the stage of development of the cellular trophoblast, amnion, yolk sac,
allantoic diverticulum, connecting stalk and the extraembryonic mesoblastic
layers lining the extraembryonic coelom. For further details see text. 165

Decidua basalis an abbreviated account of selected topics and the interested reader
should consult the profusion of original papers devoted to these
Intervillous subjects. The classic work of Boyd and Hamilton (1970) and the
more recent volume of Benirschke and Kaufmann (1990) provide
unrivalled sources of information and extensive bibliography. A
survey of placental transfer mechanisms is to be found in Sibley and
Boyd (1992).
The placenta at term
The expelled placenta (3.63) is a flattened discoidal mass with an
approximately circular or oval outline, with an average volume of
some 500ml (range 200-950 ml), average weight about 500g (range
parietalis 200-800 g), average diameter 185mm (range 150-200 mm), average
Chorion thickness 23mm (range 10-40 mm) and an average surface area of
about 30000mm?. Thickest at its centre (the original embryonic
capsularis pole) it rapidly diminishes in thickness towards its periphery where
it continues as the chorion laeve. :
Macroscopically, its fetal or inner surface, covered by amnion, is
smooth, shiny and transparent and the mottled appearance of the
subjacent chorion, to which it is closely applied, can be seen through
Plug of mucus it. The umbilical cord is usually attached near the centre of the fetal
surface, and branches of the umbilical vessels radiate out under the
amnion from this point, the veins being deeper and larger than the
arteries. Beneath the amnion and close to the attachment of the
3.61 Plan of the gravid uterus in the second month. A placental site cord, the remains of the yolk sac can sometimes be identified as a
precisely in the uterine fundus as indicated in the plan is, however, rather minute vesicle, up to 5mm in diameter, with a fine thread—a vestige
unusual. (The dorsal, ventral or lateral wall of the corpus uteri is more usual.) of the yolk stalk—attached to it.
The maternal surface is finely granular and mapped into some 15-
30 lobes by a series of fissures or grooves. The lobes are often
stages of implantation, and it may not be until a week later that somewhat loosely termed cotyledons (but see also below) and the
fully differentiated cells are present (Enders 1991). Distinctive names grooves correspond to the bases of incomplete placental septa which
are now applied to different regions of the decidua: the part covering become increasingly prominent from the third month onwards. They
the conceptus is the decidua capsularis, the part between the conceptus extend from the maternal aspect of the intervillous space (the basal
and the uterine muscular wall is the decidua basalis, and it is here plate) towards, but not quite reaching, the chorionic plate. The septa
that the placenta is subsequently developed; the part which lines the are complex structures comprising components of the cyto-
remainder of the body of the uterus is the decidua parietalis (3.61). trophoblastic shell and residual syncytium along with maternally
However, there is no evidence that their respective resident maternal derived material including decidual cells, occasional blood vessels
cell populations exhibit different properties in these various locations. and gland remnants, collagenous and fibrinoid extracellular matrix
Coincidentally with the growth of the embryo and the expansion and, in the later months of pregnancy, foci of degeneration. The
of the amnion (p. 142), the decidua capsularis is thinned and dis- nature of the maternal surface of the expelled placenta is of course
tended (3.60, 61) and the space between it and the decidua parietalis determined by the tissue plane of separation of the placenta at
gradually obliterated. By the second month of pregnancy the three parturition.
endometrial strata recognizable in the premenstrual phase, com- Studies of the human placenta include morphometric analysis,
pactum, spongiosum and basale, are better differentiated and easily surface architecture using scanning electron microscopy, ultra-
distinguished. In the spongiosum the glands are compressed and structural studies of angioarchitecture and possible mechanisms
appear as oblique slit-like fissures lined by low cuboidal cells. By the whereby the maternal placental circulation is controlled. The ultra-
beginning. of the third month of pregnancy the capsularis and structure of biopsies taken from placental uterine beds which were
parietalis are in contact; by the fifth month the capsularis is greatly presumed to be normal has been reviewed (Wynn 1974). A detailed
thinned, while during the succeeding months (3.62) it virtually investigation into the connective tissue ‘skeleton’ of the placenta,
disappears. with a helpful bibliography, has been provided by Ockleford and
Wakely (1982).

DEFINITION OF THE HUMAN PLACENTA Separation of the placenta

After delivery of the fetus the placenta becomes separated from the
The human placenta is initially Jabyrinthine as the early villous stems uterine wall and, together with the so-called ‘membranes’, is expelled
are formed, but becomes secondarily villous with the development as the afterbirth. Separation takes place along the plane of the
of generations of terminal villi. Maternal blood bathes the surfaces stratum spongiosum and extends beyond the placental area, detach-
of the chorion which bound the intervillous space and it is thus ing:
defined as haemochorial, distinguishing it from the different grades e the villous placenta with associated fibrinoid matrix and small
of fusion between the maternal and fetal tissues which exist in many
amounts of decidua basale
other mammals (epitheliochorial, syndesmochorial, endotheliochorial e the chorio-amnion together with a superficial layer of the decidua
and others; Mossman 1987).
The chorion is vascularized by the allantoic blood vessels of the
body stalk and the human placenta is termed chorio-allantoic The chorio-amnion is continuous with the placenta at its margin
(whereas in some mammals a choriovitelline placenta either exists and constitutes the ‘membranes’ familiar in obstetrics. The process
alone or supplements the chorio-allantoic variety). Finally, the of separation requires rupture of many uterine vessels but their torn
human placenta is said to be dedicuate because maternal tissue is ends are closed by the firm contraction of the muscular wall of the
shed with the placenta and membranes at term as part of the uterus after delivery of the placenta and membranes and thus,
afterbirth (see below). under normal circumstances, postpartum haemorrhage is limited in
An exhaustive account of the growth, dimensional changes, vas- amount. When the placenta and membranes have been expelled, a
culature and haemodynamics, cell varieties, ultrastructure and his- thin layer of stratum spongiosum is left as a lining for the uterus,
tochemistry of the placenta, and the physiological aspects of placental but it soon undergoes degeneration and is cast off in the early part
transfer and its status as a metabolic store and endocrine gland, lies of the puerperium. A new epithelial lining for the uterus is then
166 beyond the scope of the present volume. What follows is necessarily regenerated from the remaining stratum basale.





Uterine wall



3.62 Diagram showing afull-term human fetus in utero, including a sec- also the single umbilical vein carrying oxygenated blood, the two umbilical
tional view of the placenta, the amnion (mauve), chorion (green), uterine arteries carrying deoxygenated blood, the arborization of these vessels in
wall and cervix (yellow), the cervix with a plug of mucus in the cervical canal, the chorionic plate (see through the overlying amnion) and their branches
the umbilical cord and its contained vessels, and the rugose vaginal wall. which pass into the villous stems. The latter span the intervillous space and
Note the characteristic flexed posture of the fetus and its limbs, and the there branch into intermediate and terminal villi; incomplete placental septa
overall position within the uterus which the fetus commonly occupies. (Other project from the basal plate towards the chorionic plate. See text for further
positions, although less frequent, are, however, also quite common.) Note details. 167



y Cotyledons

3.63 The fetal surface of a recently delivered placenta. The spiral umbilical corner of the figure. Note the fringes of amnion and chorion, the majority of
vessels in the umbilical cord, and their radiating branches shine through the which have been cut away near the placental margin. (Drawn from a coloured
transparent amnion. The maternal surface is exposed in the lower and right photograph provided by E F Gibberd.)

Chorio-amnion is derived from multiple sources: secretions from amnion epithelium;

Between the tenth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy the amniotic filtration of fluid from maternal vessels via the parietal decidua and
cavity expands and the chorion frondosum regresses to form the amniochorion; filtration from the fetal vessels via the chorionic plate
chorion laeve which is in turn apposed to the decidua capsularis. or the umbilical cord; fetal urine. In early pregnancy, diffusion
During the same period the amnion and chorion fuse to form the from intracorporeal vessels via fetal skin provides another source
chorio-amnion, and this avascular membrane persists to term. (Benirschke & Kaufmann 1990). In the early stages it resembles
The inner surface of the amnion consists of a simple cuboidal blood plasma in composition and is probably formed largely by
epithelium with a microvillous apical surface beneath which is a transport across the amniotic membrane but as pregnancy advances
cortical web of intermediate filaments and microfilaments. There are it becomes progressively more dilute, partly by the addition of fetal
no tight junctional complexes between adjacent cells and cationic urine. Glycoprotein secretions from amniotic epithelium include
dyes penetrate between the cells as far as the basal lamina (King fibronectin. It has been shown experimentally that there is a con-
1982). The intercellular clefts present scattered desmosomes, but siderable and rapid flux of water across the amniotic membrane.
elsewhere the clefts widen and contain interlacing microvilli. These There is rapid exchange between the amniotic fluid and maternal
features are consistent with selective permeability properties. The and fetal circulations, probably via the placenta and fetal kidneys.
epithelium synthesizes and deposits extracellular matrix into the By the end of the third month the expanding amnion has extensive
compact layer of acellular stroma located beneath the basal lamina, contact with the chorion laeve and only these thin membranes
as well as the basal lamina itself (Lister 1968; Wynn & French 1968; separate the amniotic fluid from the decidua parietalis, the tissues
Aplin et al 1985, 1986; Campbell et al 1990). The compact layer and vessels of which provide another route for the exchange of water
varies considerably in thickness between different specimens. Beneath and dissolved substances (Plentl 1958; Bell 1986).
the compact layer is a fibroblast layer and then a spongy layer that Secretory products of maternal decidua (see below), including
abuts the chorion laeve. It is likely that lateral movement of the prolactin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGF-BP1),
amnion occurs relative to the chorion in response to mechanical are present in the liquor (Seppala et al 1992). A volume of amniotic
stress, and that this is effectively lubricated by the spongy layer. fluid in excess of 2 litres is generally considered to be abnormal and
The chorion at term consists of an inner cellular layer containing constitutes hydramnios. A deficiency is termed oligamnios. Both
fibroblasts and a reticular layer of fibroblasts and Hofbauer cells conditions may be associated with fetal abnormalities; for example,
that resembles the mesenchyme of an intermediate villus. The outer fetuses with agenesis of the kidneys or atresia of the lower urinary
layer consists of cytotrophoblast 3-10 cells deep resting on a pseudo- tract are often associated with oligamnios.
basal lamina that extends beneath and between the cells (Bourne Fetal swallowing of amniotic fluid is a normal occurrence; the
1963; Aplin & Campbell 1985). Obliterated villi are occasionally seen fluid is absorbed into the fetal circulation and passes the placental
within the trophoblast layer and represent the remnants of villi barrier into the maternal circulation. Cases of oesophageal atresia
present in the chorion frondosum of first trimester. Although the or anencephaly, in which swallowing is impossible or impaired, and
interface between the trophoblast and decidua parietalis is uneven, open spina bifida are often associated with hydramnios. With these
no trophoblast infiltration of the parietalis occurs. neural defects, impaired swallowing is accompanied by direct dis-
The /iquor amnii increases in quantity up to the sixth or seventh charge of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the amniotic liquor. In
month and then diminishes slightly; at the end of pregnancy it is fetuses with spina bifida and some other neural tube defects the
usually somewhat less than a litre. It provides a buoyant medium concentration of alphafetoprotein in the amniotic fluid is excep-
which supports the delicate tissues of the young embryo and allows tionally high and is used to diagnose these abnormalities (Brock
free movement of the fetus during the later stages of pregnancy. It 1976). Fluid is also produced in the fetal lungs; however, most of
also diminishes the risk to the fetus of injury from without. It this fluid remains in the lungs as a mechanical effect of the amniotic
contains less than 2% of solids, including urea, inorganic salts, a fluid pressure. Pulmonary hypoplasia at birth may be caused by
168 small amount of protein and frequently a trace of sugar. The liquor severe congenital urinary obstruction (see p. 181).

OO ____... eeeee


(aT ee —” eae
Seo ON Syncytiotrophoblast es \

m WA ; , Al |
Fibrinoid Y \ t Lf ), a \

Syncytial sprout
(see B below)

Maternal —
blood vessels ]

Hofbauer cell

cell column

Orifices of
maternal vessels

Terminal villi

Fetal blood vessels Amniotic

Intermediate Stem Fetal mesenchyme

villus villus

3.644 Schematic diagram to show the arrangement of the placental

tissues. Note the chorionic and basal plates and the intervillous space
spanned bya villous stem and its divisions. The sectioned surfaces show
the disposition of the fetal and maternal blood vessels, the amniotic epi-
thelium, the cellular and syncytial layers of trophoblast and the complex
junctional zone between the fetal and maternal tissues in the basal plate
containing deposits of fibrinoid material and isolated masses of peripheral
syncytium. B Note also the presence of surface syncytial sprouts, a stromal
trophoblastic bud and Hofbauer cells (large phagocytic cells) associated
Cytotrophoblast with a terminal villus, and syncytial fusion occurring between the tips of two
terminal villi. See text for further details. The region enclosed in the larger
rectangle is shown greatly enlarged in 3.65.

branching pattern), until they reach the bases of the trunks of the
villous stems, which the branches enter and then arborize within the
3.648 A syncytial spout.
intermediate and terminal villi. There is no anastomosis between vas-
cular trees of adjacent stems but, in contrast, the two umbilical arteries
PLACENTAL TISSUES are normally joined by some form of substantial transverse (Hyrtl’s)
anastomosis at, or just before they enter, the chorionic plate.
These are arranged as a chorionic plate, a basal plate and, between Basal plate. From the fetal to maternal aspect this consists of:
the two, the villous stems, their branches and the intervillous space
(3.55-64). the outer wall of the intervillous space comprising in different
Chorionic plate. This is covered on its fetal aspect by the amniotic places syncytium, cytotrophoblast or fibrinoid matrix
epithelium, on the stromal side of which is a connective tissue layer Rohr’s stria of fibrinoid
carrying the main branches of the umbilical vessels. Adjacent to this what remains of the cytotrophoblastic shell
is a diminishing layer of cytotrophoblast and finally the inner Nitabuch’s stria of fibrinoid
syncytial wall of the intervillous space. The connective tissue layer maternal decidua.
derives from fusion between mesenchyme-covered surfaces of amnion Nitabuch’s stria and the basal decidua contain cytotrophoblast
and chorion and is more fibrous and less cellular than Wharton’s and multinucleate trophoblast giant cells originating from the mono-
jelly of the umbilical cord, except near the larger vessels. The latter nuclear cytotrophoblast population that infiltrates the basal decidua
radiate and branch from the cord attachment (with variations in the during the first 18 weeks of pregnancy. These cells penetrate as far 169

as the inner one-third of the myometrium, but can often be observed this matrix are ensheathing cyto- and syncytial trophoblast bathed
at or near the decidual-myometrial junction. They are not found by the maternal blood in the intervillous space (3.55, 64, 65, 66).
in the parietal decidua nor the adjacent myometrium. Thus the Cohesion between the cells of the cytotrophoblast and also between
placental-bed giant cell appears to be a differentiative end stage in this layer and the syncytium is provided by numerous desmosomes
the extravillous trophoblast lineage (Aplin 1991b). between their apposed plasma membranes.
The striae of fibrinoid are irregularly interconnected and variable In earlier stages, the cytotrophoblast forms an almost continuous
in prominence. Strands pass from Nitabuch’s stria into the adjacent layer on the basal lamina, but after the fourth month it gradually
decidua. The latter contains basal remnants of the endometrial expends itself producing syncytium (Midgley et al 1963). As the
glands, large and small decidual cells scattered in a connective tissue cytotrophoblast decreases, the syncytium becomes directly adjacent
framework which also supports an extensive venous plexus. to the basal lamina over an increasingly large area and becomes
Throughout the second half of pregnancy the basal plate is thinned progressively thinner. A few cytotrophoblastic cells, usually disposed
and progressively modified, with a relative diminution of the decidual singly, persist until term. In the first and second trimester cyto-
elements, and increasing deposition of fibrinoid and admixture of trophoblastic sprouts are present, covered in syncytium, and rep-
fetal and maternal derivatives. resent a stage in the development of new villi. At the tips of anchoring
Intervillous space. Through the various layers of the basal plate villi cytotrophoblast columns extend from the villous basal lamina
the maternal blood vessels approach and reach the intervillous space. to the maternal decidual stroma as described previously.
The spiral arteries of the endometrium open through gaps in the The cells of the villous cytotrophoblast (Langerhans cells) are pale-
cytotrophoblastic shell and peripheral syncytium. However, they staining with only a slight basophilia. Ultrastructurally, they show a
probably do not open directly into the intervillous space until as late rather electron-translucent cytoplasm, with relatively few organelles:
as the tenth week. At term, from the inner myometrium to the clusters of ribosomes, narrow cisternae of rough endoplasmic retic-
intervillous space, the walls of most spiral arteries consist of fibrinoid ulum, a number of large mitochondria, variable Golgi apparatus
matrix within which cytotrophoblast is embedded. This allows expan- and intermediate filaments particularly in association with the desmo-
sion of the arterial diameter to give an increased flow of blood which somes. Between the desmosomes, the membranes of adjacent cells
is privileged in being independent of vasoconstrictors. Endothelial are separated by about 20 nm. Sometimes the intercellular gap widens
cells, where present, are often hypertrophic. to accommodate microvillous projections from the cell surfaces; the
The veins which drain the blood away from the intervillous space gap occasionally contains patches of fibrinoid.
pierce the basal plate and join tributaries of the uterine veins. The A smaller population of intermediate cytotrophoblast may also be
presence of a marginal venous sinus, which has hitherto been found in the chorionic villi. This postmitotic population represents
described as a constant feature, occupying the peripheral margin of a state of partial differentition between the cytotrophoblast stem cell
the placenta and communicating freely with the intervillous space, and the overlying syncytium (Jones & Fox 1991).
has not been confirmed. The syncytial cytoplasm is more strongly basophilic and possesses
In the macaque monkey, radio-opaque material injected into the many ultrastructural features which distinguish it from the cytoplasm
aorta passes in spurts or jets to the intervillous space and at sufficient of the Langhans cells. Where the plasma membrane adjoins basal
pressure to drive it towards the chorion, thus preventing a short lamina it is often complexly infolded into the cytoplasm, whereas
circuit of arterial blood into the venous openings. The openings of the surface bordering the intervillous space is set with numerous
the coiled arteries show intermittent activity. Myometrial con- long microvilli, the cores of which show linear densities. These
tractions alter the pressure in the intervillous space and promote microvilli are responsible for the brush border of light microscopy.
placental venous drainage (Ramsey et al 1963; Martin 1965). The syncytial cytoplasm is exceedingly complex and more electron-
dense than that of Langhans cells. It contains a wealth of free
Placental lobes and lobules ribosomes, cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum, scattered
The placental /obes are demarcated by the grooves on its maternal representations of the Golgi complex, mitochondria, a cytoskeleton
surface, and they correspond in large measure to the major branches of microfilaments and a profusion of vesicles and vacuoles, some
of distribution of umbilical vessels, particularly well seen in specimens smooth and some coated, of a wide size range, numerous lysosomes,
X-rayed after intravascular injection of radio-opaque media. phagosomes and other electron-dense inclusions (Jones & Fox 1991).
However, the application of the term cotyledon to these major lobes It is an intensely active tissue layer across which most transplacental
does not correspond directly to its usage in comparative placentology, transport must occur. It is also responsible for the secretion of a
where cotyledon refers to scattered discontinuous patches of villous range of placental proteins into the maternal circulation. These
chorion interspersed with non-villous chorion (as found for example include chorionic gonadotrophin, chorionic somatomammotrophin
in cows). (formerly known as placental lactogen) and others.
The fetal cotyledon of the human placenta evidently corresponds Glycogen is held to be present in both layers of the trophoblast
to a major villous stem and its branches. Early in pregnancy, the at all stages but it is not always possible to demonstrate it by
chorion bears some 800-1000 of such stems but as pregnancy histochemical means. Lipid droplets are also present in both layers
advances, with the formation of the chorion laeve and possibly some and free in the core of the villus. In the trophoblast they are
fusion between adjacent stems, the number is progressively reduced found principally within the cytoplasm but also occur extracellularly
until only about 60 persist in the placental area in the last months between cytotrophoblast and syncytium, or between the individual
of pregnancy. cells of the cytotrophoblast and also in the basal lamina. These
droplets diminish in number with advancing age and may represent
Structure of a villus fat in transit from mother to fetus, or a pool of precursors for steroid
Chorionic villi are the essential structures involved in exchanges synthesis. Membrane-bound granular bodies of moderate electron-
between mother and fetus and, accordingly, the villous tissues sepa- density also occur in the cytoplasm, particularly in the syncytium.
rating fetal and maternal blood are of crucial functional importance. Some of these are probably secretion granules. The lysosomes and
From the chorionic plate, progressive branching occurs into the phagosomes are evidently concerned with the degradation of
villous tree, stem villi giving way to intermediate and terminal villi. materials engulfed from the intervillous space.
For a complete description of the development and structure of the On the free surface of the villus various types of specialization
villous tree, readers are referred to Benirschke and Kaufmann (1990). occur, though care must be taken to distinguish these from artifacts
Each villus has a core of connective tissue containing collagen caused by tangential sectioning (Cantle et al 1987). In the immature
types I, II, V and VI as well as fibronectin. Cross-banded fibres placenta, syncytial sprouts are found representing the first stages of
(30-35 nm) of type I collagen are often found as bundles. Type III development of new terminal villi. These later become invaded by
collagen is present as thinner (10-15nm) beaded fibres forming a cytotrophoblast and villous mesenchyme. Occasionally, adjacent
meshwork that often encases the larger fibres. Collagens V and VI syncytial sprouts make contact and fuse to form slender syncytial
are present as 6-10 nm fibres closely associated with collagens I and bridges. Syncytial sprouts are also present in the term placenta, but
III. The basal lamina-associated molecules laminin and collagen type here the enclosed nuclei are largely degenerative. Syncytial knots
IV are present in the stroma in association with fetal vessels, as well represent similar aggregates of degenerative nuclei, but here not
170 as in the trophoblast basal lamina (Amenta et al 1986). Overlying associated with a projection from the villous surface. This may



3.65 Schematic diagram showing the detailed ultrastructural features of brane and delicate fetal mesenchyme which separate the trophoblast from
the tissues (enclosed in a rectangle in 3.64) which intervene between the the fetal vessels. Contrast the nucleate fetal, and anucleate maternal ery-
maternal and fetal blood streams. Note the contrasting architecture of the throcytes. For further description see text. (Based on data in Boyd & Hamilton
syncytial and the cellular trophoblasts, and the substantial basement mem- 1970.)

represent a sequestration phenomenon involving removal of sen- there is a passage of some 100000 of such sprouts daily into the
escent nuclear material from adjacent metabolically active areas of maternal circulation. In the lungs they provoke little local reaction
syncytium. The sprouts may become detached, forming maternal and apparently disappear by lysis but they may, on occasion, form
syncytial emboli which pass to the lungs. It has been computed that foci for neoplastic growth. 171

Endothelium of tissue core
fetal capillary
Vein Placental

Hofbauer cell


capillaries aggregation or
syncytial knot

Hofbauer cell


Fibrinoid material

Fetal capillary

Placental membrane Stee

venous network

3.664 Drawing of a chorionic villus showing its arterio—capillary-venous in maternal blood. The placental membrane, composed of fetal tissues,
system carrying fetal blood. The artery carries deoxygenated blood and separates the maternal blood from the fetal blood. Note that this membrane
waste products from the fetus, whereas the vein carries oxygenated blood becomes very thin towards the end of pregnancy. Hofbauer cells are prob-
and nutrients to the fetus. 8, c. Drawings of sections through a chorionic ably phagocytic cells.
villus at 10 weeks and at full term, respectively. The villi are bathed externally

Fibrinoid deposits are frequently found on the villous surface syncytial trophoblast. These constitute a placental barrier interposed
in areas lacking syncytiotrophoblast; this appears to be a repair between the bloodstreams, but it is a selectively permeable barrier and
mechanism in which the fibrinoid forms a wound surface that is allows water, oxygen and other nutritive substances and hormones to
subsequently re-epithelialized by trophoblast (Nelson et al 1990). pass from mother to fetus, and some of the products of excretion to
The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin is localized in the pass from fetus to mother.
stroma adjacent to these sites (Castelluci et al 1991). Throughout pregnancy, the placenta increases its surface area
The core of the villus contains small and large reticulum cells, and thickness, with accompanying increases in the size, length and
fibroblasts, and large phagocytic Hofbauer cells which are more complexity of branching of the villous stems (Benirschke & Kauf-
numerous in early pregnancy (Jones & Fox 1991). Early mesenchymal mann 1990). At term, the placental diameter varies between 200-
cells probably differentiate into small reticulum cells which in turn 220mm, the mean placental weight is 470g, its mean thickness is
produce fibroblasts or large reticulum cells. The small reticulum cells 25mm and the total villous surface area exceeds 10m’. The placental
appear to delimit a collagen-free stromal channel system through barrier becomes reduced in thickness during gestation. After the
which. Hofbauer cells migrate (Martinoli et al 1984). Mesenchymal fourth month the villous syncytium comes into direct apposition to
collagen increases from a network of fine fibres in early mesenchymal the subepithelial basal lamina over an increasing area (80% at term)
villi to the densely fibrous stroma of stem villi of the second and and it also becomes thinner. The fetal capillaries approach the
third trimester. After about the 14th week, the stromal channels surface of the terminal villi and become dilated.
found in immature intermediate villi are infilled by collagen to give The mechanism of transfer of substances across the placental
the fibrous stroma characteristic of the stem villus. barrier is complex. The volume of maternal blood circulating through
The fetal vessels include arterioles and capillaries. Their endothelial the intervillous space has been assessed at 500 ml per minute (Assali
cells contain fine cytoplasmic filaments and they extend bulbous et al 1960). Simple diffusion suffices to explain gaseous exchange.
projections into the lumen. Pericytes may be found in close associ- Transfer of ions and other water soluble solutes is by paracellular
ation with the capillary endothelium. From late first trimester the diffusion, transcellular diffusion and transport, although the relative
vessels are surrounded externally by a periendothelial basal lamina importance of each of these for most individual solutes is unknown,
membrane. From the second trimester, and later in terminal villi, and the paracellular pathway is morphologically undefined. Glucose
dilated thin-walled capillaries are found immediately adjacent to the transfer involves facilitated diffusion and active transport mech-
villous trophoblast, the two basal laminae having apparently fused anisms carry calcium and at least some amino acids. The fat-soluble
to produce a vasculo-syncytial interface. and water-soluble vitamins are likely to pass the placental barrier
with different degrees of facility, and indeed it is known that the
Maturation and functions of the placenta water-soluble vitamins B and C pass readily. Water is interchanged
In the early stages of placental development the blood in the fetal between fetus and mother (in both directions) at about 3.5 litres per
vessels is separated from the maternal blood in the intervillous space hour. The transfer of substances of high molecular weight such as
by the fetal vascular endothelial cells, the connective tissue of the complex sugars, some lipids, hormonal and non-hormonal proteins
72 villus, the subepithelial basal lamina and its covering of cyto- and varies greatly in rate and degree, and is not so readily understood.


Energy-dependent selective transport mechanisms including receptor- Placental variations

mediated transcytosis are probably involved.
Lipids may be transported unchanged through and between the As a rule the placenta is attached to the posterior wall of the uterus
cells of the trophoblast to the core of the villus. The passage of near the fundus, with its centre in or near the median plane. The
maternal antibodies (immunoglobulins) across the placental barrier site of attachment is determined by the point where the blastocyst
confers some degree of passive immunity on the fetus. In this becomes embedded but the factors on which this depends are not
instance it is widely accepted that transfer is by micropinocytosis. yet understood. The placenta may be attached at any point on the
Investigation of transplacental mechanisms is complicated by the uterine wall, offering no complications to a normal labour unless it
fact that the trophoblast itself is the site of synthesis and storage of is so low down that it overlies the internal os uteri, in which case
certain substances, e.g. glycogen. For comprehensive reviews of serious antepartum haemorrhage may occur, especially if it is nearly
placental transfer mechanisms consult Sibley and Boyd (1992) and central in position. This occurs in about 0.5% of pregnancies and is
Faber and Thornburg (1983). known as placenta praevia. (Extrauterine sites of implantation are
The placenta is an important endocrine organ; some steroid discussed on p. 136.)
hormones, various oestrogens, # endorphins, progesterone, hCG The umbilical cord, although usually attached near the centre of
and human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS)—also known as the organ, may reach it at any point between its centre and margin,
placental lactogen (hPL)—are synthesized and secreted by the syn- the latter known as a battledore placenta. Occasionally the cord fails
cytium. The trophoblast is rich in birefringent lipids and cytochemical to reach the placenta itself and ends in the membranes in its vicinity.
methods show that it also contains enzyme systems which are With such a velamentous insertion of the cord, the larger branches
associated with the synthesis of steroid hormones. of the umbilical vessels traverse the membranes before they reach
It has been suggested that leucocytes may migrate from and ramify on the placenta. A small accessory or succenturiate
the maternal blood through the placental barrier into the fetal placental lobe is occasionally present, connected to the main organ
capillaries. It has also been shown that some fetal and maternal by membranes and blood vessels; it may be retained in utero
red blood cells may cross the barrier (Dancis 1959). The after delivery of the main placental mass and prolong postpartum
former may have important consequences, for example in rhesus haemorrhage. Occasionally other degrees of division occur (bipartite
incompatibility (p. 1407). or tripartite placentae). Other variations include placenta mem-
The majority of drugs are small molecules that are sufficiently branacea, in which villous stems and their branches persist over the
lipophilic to pass the barrier. Many are apparently tolerated by the whole chorion, and placenta circumvallata, in which its margin is
fetus, but some may exert grave teratogenic effects on the developing undercut by a deep groove. Pathological forms of adherence or
embryo (e.g. thalidomide). A well-documented association exists penetration include placenta accreta, with exceptional adherence to
between maternal alcohol ingestion and fetal abnormalities (Sadler the decidua basalis, placenta increta, in which the myometrium is
1990). Addiction of the fetus can occur to substances of maternal invaded, and placenta percreta, when the invasion by placental tissue
abuse such as cocaine and heroin. has passed completely through the uterine wall.
Finally, a wide variety of bacteria, spirochaetes, protozoa and At birth, when ligature of the umbilical cord is delayed, the blood
viruses (including human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) are known volume of the child is, on the average, appreciably greater than it is
to pass the placental barrier from mother to fetus, although the when the ligature is applied at the earliest possible moment (Yao et
mechanism of transfer is uncertain. The presence of maternal rubella al 1969). It appears that in the former case much of the blood in the
in the early months of pregnancy is of especial importance in relation fetal placental vessels is transferred from the placenta to the fetus.
to the production of congenital anomalies (see p. 333).


Embryonic development has so far been considered as a whole, but, No one criterion could place a particular embryo within one stage
as the definition of its structures proceeds, overall description or another: the stage is estimated from examination of a number of
becomes so complicated as to actually impede the clarity of appreci- key structures throughout the body. Figure 3.31 shows a graph of
ation of the events occurring. It is, hence, customary and convenient developmental stage and time.
to limit attention to individual systems in their further development; The commencement of the development of the following systems
but it must never be overlooked that the analysis of a whole organism begins at the body plan, pharyngula, stage (see p. 100). It is only
into such divisions, however attractive on morphological and func- partly constricted from the yolk sac, but the head and tail folds are
tional grounds, is largely a product of the sequential nature of well formed, with enclosure of the foregut and hindgut (proenteron
human perception. Not only do the several systems into which we and metenteron). The forebrain projection dominates the cranial
divide the organism develop simultaneously; they also interact and end of the embryo; the buccopharyngeal membrane and cardiac
modify each other. This necessary interdependence is not only prominence are caudal and ventral to this. The intraembryonic
supported by the evidence of experimental embryology but is also mesenchyme has begun to differentiate with the paraxial mesenchyme
emphatically demonstrated by the phenomena of growth anomalies, undergoing segmentation into somites. Neural groove closure is
which cut across the artificial boundaries of systems in most instances. progressing to a neural tube and is separated from the dorsal aspect
For these reasons it is most desirable that the development of any of the gut by the notochord. The earliest blood vessels have appeared
one individual system should be frequently related to others, and a primitive tubular heart occupies the pericardium. The chorionic
especially those most closely associated with it (both spatiotemporally circulation is soon to be established, after which the embryo rapidly
and causally). becomes completely dependent for its requirements upon the
So far the development of the embryo has been taken to an age maternal bloodstream. The intraembryonic part of the coelom con-
of between 3 and 4 weeks, the stage of early somite formation, sists of the transmedian pericardial cavity, leading dorsocaudally
equivalent to Horizons X or XI on the scale established by the into right and left pericardioperitoneal canals (coelomic ducts). The
studies of Streeter and others (1942, 1945, 1948, 1949) and of stages canals occupy mesenchyme dorsal to the septum transversum, caudal
10-11 of O’Rahilly and Muller (1987). As it is notoriously difficult to which they expand into the peritoneal cavity. This establishes, for
to age embryos with total accuracy, stages of development have been a time, a free communication with the extraembryonic coelom (3.49,
generally used in this section. A particular stage is not an alternative 50). The development of all of the systems described in the remainder
way of indicating the developmental age of an embryo: a stage of this section begins at this stage.
conveys the developmental status of many of the systems in concert. 173

PRIMITIVE GUT proliferative epithelium which forms the splanchnopleuric mes-

enchymal populations; later .t forms the outer, serosal or visceral
The primitive gut is divided, by head and tail folding, into three epithelial layer.
main compartments; the foregut extends from the buccopharyngeal (2) The endodermal epithelium forms the epithelium of the mucosa,
membrane (a localized region where ectoderm and endoderm are in the lining cells of adjoining ducts and the secretory cells of the
direct opposition see p. 146) to its opening, or continuation, into the associated glands.
central midgut region via the cranial intestinal portal (3.67). Foregut (3) The intervening splanchnopleuric mesenchyme forms all of the
derivatives are: part of the buccal cavity, the pharynx (and numerous structures and tissue between the epithelial layers, i.e. the outer
subregions), the respiratory system, the oesophagus, stomach, connective tissue layers, the muscularis externa and submucosal
superior and proximal half of the descending part of the duodenum, connective tissue; the muscularis mucosae and lamina propria of the
the liver, gallbladder and biliary duct systems, the pancreas and mucosa; and the local angiogenic tissue which gives rise to the blood
ducts. The site of the original cranial intestinal portal is immediately and lymphatic vessels.
caudal to the common hepatopancreatic ampulla and papilla. The The splanchnopleuric mesenchyme provides by far the greatest
midgut extends between the intestinal portals being, in the early cell mass to the primitive gut. Generally the splanchnopleuric mes-
embryo, in wide communication with the yolk sac. With constriction enchyme patterns the development of the endodermal epithelium
of the connection to the yolk sac the midgut becomes tubular and both spatially and temporally; it contributes to the external shape
lengthens being destined to form the remaining duodenum, jejunum, of the primitive gut structures and modifies the shape of the splan-
ileum, caecum and appendix, ascending colon and much of the chnopleuric coelomic epithelium, and therefore of the coelom. (For
transverse colon. The hindgut extends from the region of the putative the derivations of these tissues see p. 145.) The gut is innervated by
splenic flexure to (and a little beyond) the cloacal membrane (a migrating neural crest cells which form the enteric plexuses. Lymphoid
caudal region where the ectoderm and endoderm are in direct tissue becomes incorporated into the embryonic gut, both by assimi-
opposition, see p. 146). Its gut derivatives are the descending colon, lation of individual cells within the epithelium of the mucosa, and
sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal to the level of the anal valves. also by colonization of the submucosa by germinal centres of
The caudoventral part of the hindgut is continuous with the allantois; lymphoid tissue.
it separates from the alimentary hindgut and contributes to the
urinary bladder, urethra and associated glands.
At a cellular level the primitive embryonic gut is formed from PRIMITIVE FOREGUT
three sources:
(1) The splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium. Initially this is a Buccal cavity
This derives from both ectodermal and endodermal regions. The
rostral growth of the embryo and formation of the head fold causes
the pericardial area and buccopharyngeal membrane to come to lie
on the ventral surface of the embryo (p. 148). With further expansion
of the forebrain dorsally, and bulging of the pericardium ventrally,
together with enlargement of the facial prominences laterally, the
buccopharyngeal membrane becomes depressed forming the base of
a hollow, the stomodeum or primitive buccal cavity (3.68). At the end
of the fourth week (stage 12) the membrane breaks down and a
communication is established between the stomodeum and cranial
Pericardial end of the foregut (future oropharynx). No vestige of the membrane
cavity is evident in the adult, and this embryonic communication should

canals Future apex of nose

Median nasal field

Olfactory pit
Medial nasal prominence
Body wall;
somatopleuric mesenchyme Lateral nasal prominence
and coelomic epithelium Optic rudiment

Maxillary prominence
Epithelium of
midgut, splanchnopleuric Peritoneal cavity
mesenchyme and > Mandibular prominence
coelomic epithelium
First pharyngeal groove,
dorsal end


3.67 Diagram of the major epithelial populations within the early embryo.
The early gut tube is close to the notochord and neural tube dorsally.
The splanchnopleuric layer of the intraembryonic coelomic epithelium is in
contact with the foregut ventrally and laterally, with the midgut laterally and 3.68 The head of a human embryo in the sixth week: ventral aspect. (From
174 with the hindgut ventrally and laterally. a model by K Peter.)

not be confused with the permanent oropharyngeal isthmus. The form the tubular part of the submandibular duct. As a result, the
epithelium of the lips and gums, salivary glands and the enamel of orifice of the duct is shifted forwards till it is below the tip of the
the teeth are ectodermal in origin, from the stomodeal walls, but the tongue, close to the median plane. The sublingual gland arises in
epithelium of part of the tongue and adnexa, developed in the embryos about 20mm long as a number of small epithelial thick-
posterior floor of mouth and pharynx, is derived from endoderm. enings in the linguogingival groove and on the groove’s lateral side,
The development of the teeth and gums is described on page 1712. which later closes to form the submandibular duct. Each thickening
The pharyngeal arches grow in a ventral direction and lie pro- canalizes separately; many of the multiple sublingual ducts open
gressively between the stomodeum and pericardium; with the com- separately on the summit of the sublingual fold, others join the
pletion of the mandibular prominences and the development of submandibular duct.
the maxillary prominences (p.277), the opening of the stomodeum Tongue. This appears as a small median elevation, named the
assumes a pentagonal form, bounded cranially by the frontonasal median tongue bud (tuberculum impar), in the floor of the pharynx
prominence, caudally by the mandibular prominences and laterally before the pharyngeal arches meet ventrally; it subsequently becomes
by the maxillary prominences (3.68). With the inward growth and incorporated in the anterior part of the tongue. A little later two
fusion of the palatine processes (3.146), the stomodeum is divided oval distal tongue buds (lingual swellings) appear on the inner aspect
into a nasal and a buccal part. Along the free margins of the of the mandibular prominences. They meet each other in front, and
prominences bounding the mouth cavity appears a shallow groove, caudally they converge on the median tongue bud, with which they
and the ectoderm in its floor thickens and invades the underlying fuse (3.69). A sulcus forms along the ventral and lateral margins of
mesenchyme; it divides into a medial dental lamina and a lateral this elevation and deepens, internal to the future alveolar process of
vestibular lamina. The central cells of the latter degenerate and the the mandible, to form the lJinguogingival groove, while the elevation
furrow becomes deepened. It is now termed the /abiogingival groove constitutes the anterior or buccal (presulcal) part of the tongue.
or sulcus; its inner wall contributes to the formation of the alveolar Caudal to the median tongue bud, a second median elevation, the
processes of the maxillae and the mandible and their gingivae, while hypobranchial eminence (copula of His), forms in the floor of the
its outer wall forms the lips and cheeks. pharynx, and the ventral ends of the fourth, the third and, later, the
Structures in the wall of the oral cavity, i.e. mucous glands, salivary second pharyngeal arches converge into it. A transverse groove
glands, teeth and taste buds, are formed by ectoderm/mesenchymal separates its caudal part to form the epiglottis, while ventrally it
interactions. Similarly the buccal epithelium is so formed but results approaches the presulcal tongue rudiment, spreading in the form of
in a non-keratinized layer in contrast to the outer ectodermal layer a V, and forming the posterior or pharyngeal part of the tongue. In
which forms the keratinized layer of skin. the process the third arch elements grow over and bury the elements
Teeth. These are formed by an ectoderm/mesenchyme interaction of the second arch, excluding it from the tongue. As a result the
and are dealt with, more appropriately, under development of the mucous membrane of the pharyngeal part of the tongue receives its
viscerocranium (see p. 274). sensory supply from the glossopharyngeal, the nerve of the third
Salivary glands. These arise from the epithelial lining of the arch. In the adult the union of the anterior and posterior parts
mouth. The parotid gland can be recognized in human embryos of the tongue approximately corresponds to the angulated sulcus
8+ mm long (stage 15) as an elongated furrow running dorsally from terminalis, its apex at the foramen caecum, a blind depression
the angle of the mouth between the mandibular and maxillary produced at the time of fusion of the constituent parts of the tongue,
prominences. The groove, which is converted into a tube, loses its but also marking the site of ingrowth of the median rudiment of the
connection with the epithelium of the mouth, except at its ventral thyroid gland.
end, and grows dorsally into the substance of the cheek. The tube At first the tongue consists of a mass of mesenchyme covered on
persists as the parotid duct and its blind end proliferates in the local its surface by ectoderm and endoderm. During the second month
mesenchyme to form the gland. Subsequently the size of the oral occipital myotomes migrate from the lateral aspects of the myel-
fissure is reduced by partial fusion between the maxillary and encephalon and invade the tongue to form its musculature. They
mandibular prominences and the duct opens thereafter on the inside pass ventrally round the pharynx to reach its floor accompanied by
of the cheek at some distance from the angle of the mouth. The their nerve (the hypoglossal) (see p. 1256).
submandibular gland is identifiable in human embryos 13mm long The composite character of the tongue is indicated by its inner-
as an epithelial outgrowth from the floor of the /inguogingival groove vation. Impulses from and to the anterior, buccal part are mediated
(see below) into the mesenchyme. It increases rapidly in size, giving by: (1) the lingual nerve, derived from the post-trematic nerve of the
off numerous branching processes which later acquire lumina. At first arch (mandibular nerve) and (2) the chorda tympani, often held
first the connection of the submandibular outgrowth with the floor to be the pretrematic nerve to the first arch. The posterior, pharyngeal
of the mouth lies at the side of the tongue, but the edges of the part of the tongue is innervated by the glossopharyngeal, the nerve
groove in which it opens come together, from behind forwards, and of the third arch and its root, near the epiglottis, by the vagus.

Anterior part of tongue

Median tongue bud

First arch, ventral

(mandibular) part
First arch,
Site i
ventral part
Ti aa
‘ Second arch,
ventral part

Hyoid arch
eminence Third arch,
Laryngotracheal ventral part
cranial end Fourth arch
ventral part Third arch

(sixth arch)
Arytenoid swelling Arytenoid swelling

3.694 The floor of the pharynx of a human embryo at the beginning of the 3.698 The floor of the pharynx of a human embryo, about 6 weeks old.
sixth week. (From a model by K Peter.) (From a model by K Peter.)

The sulcus terminalis cannot be distinguished earlier than the

‘Pouch I
52-mm stage according to some observers. The vallate papillae
appear at about the same time, increasing in number until the
170-mm stage. Serial reconstructions also suggest that the territory q hyroid7 P. ‘ouch IT
of the glossopharyngeal nerve extends considerably beyond these
papillae. Inferior
Thyroid gland. This gland is first identifiable in embryos of about parathyroid
20 somites, as a median thickening of endoderm in the floor of the
Pouch III
pharynx between the first and second pharyngeal pouches and Thymus III
immediately dorsal to the aortic sac (Davis 1923). This area is later
invaginated to form a median diverticulum which appears late in the Superior parathyroid
Caudal pharyngeal
complex= pouch IV
fourth week in the furrow immediately caudal to the median tongue Thymus IV. —-+ abortive pouch V
bud (3.69). It grows caudally as a tubular duct the tip of which (small, inconstant) +-ultimobranchial
bifurcates and subsequently the whole mass divides into a series of Ultimobranchial
Pharyngobranchial duct
double cellular plates, from which the isthmus and the lateral lobes body

of the thyroid gland are developed. The primary thyroid follicles

3.70 Scheme showing the development of the branchial epithelial bodies.
differentiate by reorganization and proliferation of the cells of The numbered sacs are the endodermal pharyngeal pouches.
these plates. Secondary follicles subsequently arise by budding and
subdivision (Norris 1916). These primary and secondary endodermal
cells are the progenitors of the follicular parenchyma proper. The
claim that the fourth pharyngeal pouches contribute thyroid tissue
to the lateral lobes of the gland was long disputed and perhaps geal tonsil (adenoid), the bilateral tubal tonsils and the lingual tonsil
seemed unlikely on the grounds of comparative embryology. (But on the posterior part of the tongue.
see below—the ultimobranchial body and the derivation of para- The third pouch gives rise to the thymus ventrally and the para-
follicular or C cells.) thyroid III dorsally, whereas the fourth pouch produces the para-
The original diverticulum, its bifurcation and generations of fol- thyroid IV and an ultimobranchial body. The complex of the dorsal
licles invade the hypobranchial neural crest mesenchyme. From and ventral portions of the fourth pouch plus the lower ultimo-
the latter are derived the thin connective tissue capsule, thinner branchial body is termed the caudal pharyngeal complex (3.70).
‘interlobular’ septa and delicate perifollicular investments. These Tonsils. Derived from the ventral parts of the second pharyngeal
carry the main vascular, characteristic fenestrated capillaries, lym- pouches which lie between the tongue and the soft palate, the
phatics and autonomic nerve supply. endoderm lining these pouches grows into the surrounding mes-
The connection of the median diverticulum with the pharynx is enchyme as a number of solid buds. These buds are excavated by
termed the thyroglossal duct. The site of its initial continuation with degeneration and shedding of their central cells, and thus the tonsillar
the endodermal floor of the mouth is marked by the foramen caecum. fossulae and crypts are formed. Lymphoid cells accumulate around
From here it extends caudally in the median line ventral to the the crypts and become grouped as lymphoid follicles. A slit-like
primordium of the hyoid bone, behind which it later forms a intratonsillar cleft extends into the upper part of the tonsil and is
recurrent loop. The distal part of the duct commonly differentiates possibly a remnant of the second pharyngeal pouch.
variably as the pyramidal lobe and levator muscle (or ‘suspensory’ Thymus. Derived from the endoderm of the ventral part of the
fibrous band) of the thyroid. The remainder fragments and dis- third pharyngeal pouch on each side (3.70), the thymus cannot be
appears, but the lingual part is often identifiable until late in fetal recognized prior to the differentiation of the inferior parathyroid
life and may branch and give rise to miniature salivary glands (Boyd glands (see below), which occurs when the embryo is 10-12 mm long
1964). Occasionally parts of the midline thyroglossal duct persist (stage 16), but thereafter it is represented by two elongated diverticula
(occurring in lingual, suprahyoid, retrohyoid, or infrahyoid which soon become solid cellular masses and grow caudally into the
positions). They may form aberrant masses of thyroid tissue, cysts, surrounding neural crest mesenchyme. Ventral to the aortic sac the
fistulae or sinuses, usually in the midline (see p. 1892). A lingual two thymic rudiments meet and are subsequently united by con-
thyroid situated at the junction of the buccal and pharyngeal parts nective tissue only; the rudiments themselves remain unfused. The
of the tongue is not uncommon, but nodules of glandular tissue may connection with the third pouch is soon lost, but the stalk may
persist for some time as a solid, cellular cord.
also be found other than in the midline, e.g. laterally placed posterior
to sternocleidomastoid, and, on occasion, below the level of the The development of thymic tissue from the ventral recess of the
thyroid isthmus (see p. 1892). fourth pharyngeal pouch probably occurs in a proportion of
embryos, although this has been denied by some authorities (Weller
Pharyngeal pouches 1933; Norris 1938). Thymic tissue developing from this site is usually
The development of the pharyngeal arches during stages 10 to 13 found near but outside the thyroid gland in close association with
(see p. 187) causes morphological changes in the primitive rostral the superior parathyroid gland. An ectodermal contribution to the
foregut resulting in a widened orifice at the putative mouth, rapidly thymus, probably of placodal origin, occurs in some mammals but
narrowing caudally. The foregut rostrally is compressed dorso- a similar contribution in man is conjectural (Garrett 1948).
ventrally such that there is limited, or virtually no, true lateral wall. Vascularized mesenchyme, including lymphoid stem cells, invades
Between the individual arches, in the early stages, the ectoderm and the cellular mass of the endodermal thymus and becomes partially
endoderm are transiently closely apposed with little intervening lobulated. The cells of the cytoreticulum and the concentric cor-
mesenchyme. Externally such regions are termed pharyngeal (or puscles of the thymus are endodermal in origin. The epithelial
branchial) clefts; internally they are referred to as pharyngeal pouches. character of these cells is more obvious in fetal life; some are even
The close proximity of the ectoderm and endoderm is maintained ciliated (Sebuwufu 1968). Lymphoid cells enter and colonize the
between the first cleft and pouch which becomes the tympanic thymus from the haemopoietic tissue stem cells during the third
membrane, with minimal mesenchyme between the layers. The first month.
pouch and, some maintain, part of the second pouch, i.e. its dorsal At birth the thymus is large relative to total body weight. Its
part, together expand as the tubotympanic recess which gives rise to absolute weight increases in the first 2 years after birth, but its
the middle ear system (see below). The relationship between sub- relative weight decreases. There is little change thereafter until about
sequent clefts and pouches diverges with mesenchyme intervening; the seventh year, when rapid growth again occurs to reach a
the endoderm of the pouches thickens and evaginates into localized maximum at about 11 years. After this it begins to decline to an
regions of neural crest and unsplit lateral plate mesenchyme. adult weight which is very variable but averages 12-15 g. In old age
The second pouch is much reduced in dimensions compared to the the gland shrinks still further, especially after wasting diseases. For
first and its ventral part is the focus of lymphoid development as this and other reasons it is rarely identifiable in the preserved cadaver
of the aged (Keynes 1954; Lasi 1959; and p. 1429).
the palatine tonsil. A generalized ring of lymphoid tissue develops in
176 the primitive foregut at this region, resulting in the median pharyn- Parathyroid glands. These are also derivatives of the endoderm

and adjacent mesenchyme. Prior to the appearance of the thymic the notochord and the roof of the foregut, and, it is suggested
rudiment from the third pharyngeal pouch, the epithelium on the (Noden 1991), that it participates in the formation of pharyngeal
dorsal aspect of the pouch and in the region of its duct-like con- and oesophageal smooth muscle and connective tissues. Further
nection with the cavity of the pharynx becomes differentiated as the experimental studies are needed to confirm this; generally there is
primordium of the inferior parathyroid gland, recognizable by its much in this region which requires extensive study.
cells, which stain more lightly than the other endodermal cells lining As well as the pouch development described above, the endodermal
the pouch. Although the connection between the pouch and the aspect of the first (maxillomandibular) arch in its dorsal part con-
pharynx is soon lost, the connection between the thymic and para- tributes to the formation of the lateral wall of the nasopharynx in
thyroid rudiments persists for some time, and the latter passes front of the orifice of the auditory tube. The ventral end of the first
caudally with the developing thymus. The superior parathyroid glands pouch becomes obliterated, but its dorsal end persists and deepens
develop in a similar manner from the dorsal recess of the fourth as the head enlarges. It remains close to the ectoderm of the dorsal
pharyngeal pouches. They come into relation with, and appear end of the first cleft (see above) and, together with the adjoining
anchored by, the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland and thus remain lateral part of the pharynx and dorsal part of the second pharyngeal
cranial to the parathyroid glands derived from the third pouch. The pouch, constitutes the tubotympanic recess, which forms the tympanic
mesenchyme provides the connective tissue envelopment, vasculature cavity and the auditory tube (p. 1370), and ultimately their extensions.
including fenestrated capillaries and lymphatics; it is also a route for The site of the second arch is partly indicated by the palatoglossal
vasomotor nerves. arch, but its dorsal end is separated from its ventral end by the
Ultimobranchial body. Already noted as an endodermal diver- forward growth of the third arch, which obliterates the intermediate
ticular part of the caudal pharyngeal complex (8.70), it separates part. Some believe that the site of the second pharyngeal pouch is
from the ectoderm of the fourth pharyngeal cleft and loses its represented by the intratonsillar cleft, around which the tonsil is
connection with the pharynx by attenuation and rupture of the developed. The third arch forms the /ateral glosso-epiglottic fold, and
common pharyngobranchial duct. It becomes closely associated with its dorsal end takes part in the formation of the floor of the auditory
the expanding lateral lobe of the thyroid gland, and the superior tube. The ventral ends of the fourth arches fuse with the caudal part
parathyroid (parathyroid IV) component of the complex lying dor- of the hypobranchial eminence and so contribute to the formation
sally and outside the thyroid gland. The remainder of the complex, of the epiglottis. The adjoining portion becomes connected to the
which includes the ultimobranchial body and possibly some vestiges arytenoid swelling and may be identified in the aryepiglottic fold.
of the ventral recess of the fourth pharyngeal pouch and of the After the caudal part of the hypobranchial eminence has separated
transitory fifth pharyngeal pouch, is enveloped by the thyroid gland. from the pharyngeal (posterior) part of the tongue (p. 175), it is in
Although some controversy reigned, it is now strongly supported by continuity with two linear ridges which appear in the ventral wall of
evidence that the cells of the ultimobranchial body give-rise to the the pharynx, the whole forming an inverted U, sometimes regarded
‘C’ or parafollicular cells producing calcitonin in the thyroid gland as an independent formation, the furcula (of His). These vertical
of many if not all mammals (Halmi 1986). Calcitonin has been ridges have been identified as the sixth arches, placed very obliquely
isolated from ultimobranchial tissue in vertebrates other than owing to the shortness of the pharyngeal floor compared with the
mammals (Copp et al 1967; Taylor 1968). The derivation of thyroid greater extent of the roof. The ridges of the furcula are carried
parafollicular cells has now been clearly demonstrated in embryonic downwards on the ventral wall of the foregut and bound the median
sheep (Jordan et al 1973). laryngotracheal groove, from which the lower part of the larynx, the
trachea, bronchi and lungs are developed (see below). At the cranial
Pharynx end of the groove, paired arytenoid swellings arise which convert
Study of the development of the head region has so far focused on the slit-like upper aperture of the respiratory system into a T-shaped
local segmentation and the integration of nerves with neural crest opening. The aryepiglottic folds (fourth arch derivatives) can be
derived connective tissue and paraxial mesenchyme, or somite, recognized at this stage.
derived voluntary muscle. However, the mechanisms of formation
of the pharynx, the role of the endoderm, and the specification of the
junction between voluntary with involuntary muscle, are intimately
related to the above and have still to be addressed, adding an The development of the respiratory tree begins at stage 12
increased level of complexity to the problem. The pharyngeal endo- (approximately 26 days) when there is a sharp onset of epithelial
derm is in contact with mesenchyme and epithelia from many proliferation within the foregut at regions of the endoderm tube
different sources e.g. neural crest, paraxial mesenchyme of the som- destined to become the lungs, stomach, liver and dorsal pancreas
itomeres, somites, lateral plate mesenchyme, which at this level is (O’Rahilly & Muller 1986). The future respiratory epithelium bulges
unsplit, cleft ectoderm, general endothelium and the outflow tract of ventrally into the investing splanchnopleuric mesenchyme then grows
the heart. The development of this region is likely then to be an caudally as a bulb-shaped tube (3.71). By stage 13 the caudal end of
interaction of all of these tissues in concert. The mechanism of the tube has divided asymmetrically forming the future primary
formation of the pharynx is complex and intimately related to the bronchi; with growth the right primary bronchus becomes orientated
development of the viscerocranium and laryngeal cartilages (p. 274). more caudally whereas the left extends more transversely. The trachea
The inter-related roles of endoderm, neural crest, unsegmented is clearly recognizable at stage 14. From this time the origin of the
paraxial mesenchyme, somites and splanchnopleuric mesenchyme in trachea remains close to its site of evagination from the future
this region are not yet clear. It is likely that local development is oesophagus, however, longitudinal growth of the trachea causes the
controlled by Hox gene expression as seen in viscerocranial develop- region of the future carina to descend. Failure of separation of
ment (see 3.148). the trachea and oesophagus results in a tracheo-oesophageal fistula
Whereas the distal foregut, midgut and hindgut are formed from connecting one tube to the other. The condition also occurs if there
three layers: a serous or adventitial layer, a layer of splanchnopleuric is excessive ventral displacement of the dorsal wall of the foregut.
mesenchyme derived from the splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium, This may result in an upper oesophageal segment which is separated
and an inner endodermal epithelium, the proximal foregut has a mix from a thin distal tracheo-oesophageal fistule. The latter is usually
of voluntary muscle around the upper pharynx blending, over the in continuity with the lower oesophageal segment. Infants with this
middle third of the oesophagus, into involuntary muscle of the lower condition may appear to salivate excessively at birth, with or without
oesophagus. The interface between the voluntary pharyngeal muscles respiratory distress (Beasley & Myers 1994),
and the gut involuntary muscles has not yet been clearly elucidated. Larynx. Formed from the cranial end of the respiratory diver-
A new mesenchymal population has been identified at the interface ticulum, the laryngotracheal groove, the larynx is bounded ventrally
between the endoderm and the paraxial mesenchyme of the som- by the caudal part of the hypobranchial eminence (p. 175) and on
itomeres and occipital somites (Noden 1991); it develops in a ros- each side by the ventral ends of the sixth arches. In the latter, two
trocaudal and lateromedial sequence. Beginning as a sparse layer, it arytenoid swellings appear, one on each side of the groove (3.714, B),
becomes denser prior to the formation of endothelial networks, and as they enlarge they approximate to each other and to the
ultimately forming a fenestrated mesenchymal monolayer between caudal part of the hypobranchial eminence (3.71a, 8) from which the
developing blood vessels and the endoderm. Later it expands between epiglottis is developed. The opening into the larynx, at first a vertical 177

slit, is converted into a T-shaped cleft by the enlargement of the the ventral ends of the cartilages of the fourth, or fourth and fifth,
arytenoid swellings; the vertical limb of the T lies between the two pharyngeal arches; it appears as two lateral plates, each chondrified
swellings and its horizontal limb between them and the epiglottis. The from two centres and united in the midventral line by a fibrous
arytenoid swellings differentiate into the arytenoid and corniculate membrane in which an additional centre of chondrification develops.
cartilages, and the ridges joining them to the epiglottis become the The cricoid cartilage arises from two cartilaginous centres, which
definitive aryepiglottic folds in which the cuneiform cartilages are soon unite ventrally, gradually extend and ultimately fuse on the
derived from the epiglottis. The thyroid cartilage is developed from dorsal surface of the tube as the cricoid lamina (see also p. 1638).
For literature on the early development of the larynx, consult
O’Rahilly and Tucker (1973).
Left lung bud Ovcsophagus So
Left bud Right and left lung buds. These grow dorsally, passing each side
Laryngotracheal of the relatively smaller oesophagus and bulging into the laterally
groove situated pericardio-peritoneal canals (3.67, 71). The parts of the latter
Site of separation accommodating the early lung buds may now be designated the
primary or primitive pleural coeloms. The dramatic morphogenetic
events whereby the primary pleural coelom and its contained develop-
ing lung, on each side, excavates and expands into the somatopleuric
coelomic epithelium and mesenchyme, thus ‘splitting’ the primitive
body wall into superficial and deep laminae, and forming the exten-
Caudal end of sive secondary or definitive pleural cavity is considered further on
laryngotracheal page 180.
Oesophagus. #
=| c! The investing mesenchyme surrounding the lung buds contains a
Separation proceeding mixed population of cells, some destined to pattern endodermal
Separation commencing headwards epithelium and others to produce the endothelial network which
will surround the future airsacs; further mesenchymal cells will
differentiate as the smooth muscle cells which surround both the
3.714 Diagrams to show the closure of the laryngotracheal groove and its respiratory tubes and the blood vessels. In stage 13 embryos, pro-
separation from the oesophagus in the latter part of the fourth week. A, B liferation of the adjacent splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium (of the
and C represent transverse sections at the level shown in A‘, B' and C'"
primary pleural cavities) provides the investing mesenchyme which
which are outline drawings of the oesophageal region in three closely
following stages. Left lateral aspect. envelops the developing trachea and lung buds. The proliferative
In A and A’ the laryngotracheal groove communicates freely with the activity decreases in stage 14 and the mesenchyme becomes arranged
oesophagus. in zones around the developing endoderm. At stage 15, angiogenetic
In B' the lower end of the laryngotracheal groove has begun to close and mesenchyme is apparent around the primary bronchi; it forms an
to form right and left evaginations, which represent the earliest rudiments of extensive capillary network around each lung bud, receiving blood
the lung buds, seen in B. from the developing sixth aortic arch artery and draining it into an
In C' the separation of the laryngotracheal groove from the oesophagus anastomosis connected to the dorsal surface of the left atrium. After
has proceeded further in a headward direction, and in C the primitive lung this stage the coelomic epithelium at the perimeter of the lung surface
buds are now freed from the oesophagus. (After Streeter 1948.)
follows a differentiation pathway to form the visceral pleura.
At stage 15 differences in the histology of the oesophagus and the
trachea can be seen. The oesophagus has a developing submucosa
and muscular coats whereas the larger trachea has a connective
tissue coat containing chondroblasts. The /obar or secondary bronchi
can be seen at stage 16 and the bronchopulmonary segments are
present at stage 17 when the lung enters the pseudoglandular phase
of development. The trachea and oesophagus separate during stage
Later stages of respiratory development see the repeated division
of the bronchial tree to form the subsegmental bronchi. Stage 17
correlates to approximately 7 weeks when the embryo has achieved
a crown rump length of about 12+mm. The development of the
lungs now moves into the fetal period (stage 23) and continues
into the neonatal and postnatal periods. Various stages of lung
development have been identified on the basis of the histological
appearance of the lungs. They are:
e the pseudoglandular stage, from 7-17 weeks, when the lung
3.718 The lung buds from a human embryo, 11.8 mm long, showing
resembles a tubulo-acinar gland
commencing lobulation: ventral aspect. (After Streeter 1948.)
e the canalicular stage from 17-26 weeks
e the saccular stage from 24 weeks to birth
e the alveolar stage which begins before birth and continues into
childhood perhaps up to 8 years of age although the time of
completion of alveolar formation has not yet been established.
Pseudoglandular stage. This stage is described as extending
approximately from weeks 7-17; it covers the development of the
lower conducting airways and the appearance of the acinar structures.
The growth and branching of the endoderm epithelium is controlled
by the local investing splanchnopleuric mesenchyme as in most
epithelial/mesenchymal interactions. The airways begin to differ-
entiate during this stage, being lined proximally by high columnar
epithelium and distally by cuboidal. Later the upper airways are
lined with pseudostratified epithelium. Mucous glands develop by
the 12th week and enlarge in the submucosa; secretory activity has
3.71c The lungs of a human embryo, in the early part of the sixth been identified in the trachea at 14 weeks (Bucher & Reid 1961).
week. Right/left differences in lobation are evident. (After Streeter The splanchnopleuric mesenchyme condenses around the epithelium
178 1948.) and differentiates into smooth muscle and connective tissue cell

types. Cartilage differentiation in the airways is poorly described; it clefts. Conversely fibronectin, an extracellular matrix molecule found
is not clear if cartilage is synthesized in the pseudoglandular stage. commonly in basal laminae, is found in the clefts and along the sides
Canalicular stage (17-26 weeks). During this phase there are of the developing bronchi, but not on the budding and distal tips
about three generations of branching after which the mesenchyme (Abbott et al 1992); see also p. 114.
around the branching tips of the dividing respiratory tree decreases In extensive studies on lung development in mammals Ten Have-
allowing the distal airspaces to widen. At 23 weeks longitudinal Opbroek (1991) has disputed that the pseudoglandular stage covers
sections of the future distal regions show a sawtooth margin which the development of the complete bronchial tree. He and his coworkers
may indicate the site of further acini. Peripheral growth is maintain that lung development can be divided into causally distinct
accompanied by an increase in the capillary network around the bronchial and respiratory systems both of which proceed in the
distal airspaces where, in many places, close contact is made with canalicular, saccular and alveolar stages. The epithelium of the
the respiratory cuboidal epithelium. At such contacts the respira- developing bronchial system is columnar whereas in the respiratory
tory epithelial cells decrease in height and begin to differentiate as system it is cuboidal. This latter epithelium is composed of precursors
type I pneumocytes. The cells which remain cuboidal are type II of the type II pneumocytes which exhibit early stages of multilamellar
pneumocytes, which are believed to be the stem cells of the alveolar bodies. There is always a sharp demarcation between alveolar epi-
epithelium; they develop an increasing number of lamellar bodies thelium and bronchial epithelium throughout development, leading
which store surfactant from 6 months of gestation. With apposition these workers to postulate that the bronchial and respiratory systems
of the capillary networks to the thin pneumocytes, and with reduction each originate from a different portion of the primordial respiratory
of the interstitial tissue of the lung gas exchange becomes possible. diverticulum. The type II pneumocyte is the key cell in pulmonary
Saccular stage (24 weeks to birth). At this stage thin walled acinus formation being the stem cell which produced type I pneumo-
terminal saccules are apparent, which will become alveolar ducts as cytes and which ultimately matures into a surfactant producing cell.
development proceeds. There is a tremendous expansion of the The cells at the distal end of the bronchial system are non-ciliated
prospective respiratory airspaces during this period which leads to a Clara cells which develop slowly prenatally.
decrease in the interstitial tissue. The capillary networks become Mesenchyme around the lung buds may be destined to become:
closely opposed as the airspaces get closer together. Invaginations
termed secondary crests develop from the saccule walls. As a crest e the interstitial connective tissue of the lung
protrudes into a saccule, part of the capillary network becomes e endothelial networks (both blood vascular and lymphatic) and
drawn in it. After the later expansion of the saccules on each side blood cells of the pulmonary and bronchial circulations
of the crest, a double capillary layer becomes annexed between the e smooth muscle cells which surround either the airways or the
now alveolar walls. During the saccular stage elastin is deposited blood vessels.
beneath the epithelium, an important step for future alveolar for-
mation. The production of surfactant matures during this stage Of the connective tissues line, lung fibroblasts retain an influence
increasing the chances of the fetus to survive should it be born over the rate of cytodifferentiation and maturity of the lung epi-
thelium. Lung fibroblasts from the pseudoglandular stage stimulate
Alveolar stage. Exactly when the saccular structure of the lung epithelial cell proliferation, whereas fibroblasts from the saccular
can be termed alveolar is not yet clear, different workers having stage promote differentiation (Caniggia et al 1991). From the saccular
different definitions of what constitutes an alveolus. Thurlbeck (1992) stage lung fibroblasts secrete an oligopeptide, fibroblast-pneumocyte
notes that alveoli can be seen at 32 weeks and are present in all factor (FPF), which stimulates neighbouring type II pneumocytes in
fetuses at 36 weeks which he recommends as the beginning of the the developing alveolar walls to produce the surfactant phospholipid,
alveolar stage, whereas Hislop et al (1986) suggested that the stage
saturated phosphatidylcholine (SPC) contained in multilamellar
should commence at 28 weeks. As the distal airspaces expand during bodies. In recent years premature babies and those who will be
late gestation and continue after birth, there is a process of fusion delivered preterm have been given cortisol, which binds to specific
of the capillary nets from one alveolus to the adjacent alveolus. Thus receptors in lung mesenchyme causing release of FPF, thus acce-
shortly after birth there is an extensive double capillary net. Fusion lerating lung maturity.
of these layers is apparent at 28 days postnatally and extensive at There is an interesting sexual dimorphism in lung development.
1.5 years; it is probably complete by 5 years. Androgens have been found to delay fetal lung maturation while
stimulating fetal lung growth. Male type II cells are less mature than
Interactions of early respiratory development the female cells and this is thought to be due to delayed fibroblast
The control of the branching pattern of the respiratory tree resides maturation caused by androgens blocking the cortisol stimulation of
with the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme. Recombination of tracheal FPFm RNA (Torday 1992).
mesenchyme with bronchial respiratory endoderm results in inhi- The development of lung smooth muscle has been demonstrated
bition of bronchial branching, whereas recombination of bronchial
by the use of antibodies against cytoskeletal and contractile proteins
mesenchyme with tracheal epithelium will induce bronchial out- (Mitchell et al 1990). Initially the local lung mesenchyme is positive
growths from the trachea (Wessels 1970; Hilfer et al 1985). Initially for vimentin filaments; however, this is later replaced by desmin in
the tracheal mesenchyme is continuous with that surrounding the cells destined to become smooth muscle. The expression of both
ventral wall of the oesophagus, but with lengthening and division of desmin and smooth muscle myosin indicates terminal differentiation
of smooth muscle; however, a-smooth muscle actin-containing cells,
the tracheal bud and deviation of the lung buds dorsally, each bud
becomes surrounded by its own specific mesenchyme thus permitting which form a thick coat around the primitive airways, have been
regional differences between the lungs, i.e. the number of lobes, or
found to extend further than either the desmin or smooth muscle
the degree of growth and maturity of a particular lung. Each lung myosin-containing cells. It was noted that a-actin positive cells
develops by a process of dichotomous branching. For. branching to were found in regions of epithelial cleft formation, suggesting an
occur a cleft must develop in the tip (or side) of the epithelial tube. association with branching morphogenesis.
The epithelium then evaginates each side of the cleft forming new Endothelial development is seen in the pseudoglandular stage
branches which lengthen; the process is then repeated. Differences when capillary networks form around the developing lung buds.
have been noted between the mesenchyme closely associated with These will become the capillary anastomoses around the future
the endoderm epithelium and that some distance away. At the tips alveoli. The mesenchyme produces both the endothelium of the
of the developing epithelial buds the mesenchyme is flattened and vessel tunica intima and the smooth muscle cells of the tunica media.
densely packed; in contrast, along the side of the bud and in the Vimentin is noted in the smooth muscle cells around developing
clefts the mesenchyme forms an ordered row of cuboidal cells. Cells vessels in the pseudoglandular stage but this is replaced by desmin
in both arrangements send processes towards the epithelial basal in the saccular stage.
lamina which is thicker in the clefts, but so thinned as to be almost
indistinguishable on the tips of the buds where the epithelium and Thoracic wall and pleural cavities
mesenchymal cells form intimate contacts. Tenascin, an extracellular Whereas the preceding account describes the morphological and
matrix molecule (also known as hexabrachion or cytotactin), is histological development of the respiratory tree, for the lungs to
present in the budding and distal tip regions, but absent in the function they must be surrounded by a complete pleural cavity 179


slightly larger than the capacity of the lungs. The development of in the mediastinum. The pleuropericardial canal, which lies medial
the thoracic cage and the pleural cavities is therefore of vital to the vessel, is gradually narrowed to a slit, which is soon obliterated
importance for the functioning of the respiratory system. by the apposition and fusion of its margins (3.72). Its closure occurs
At the same time as the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme is being early and is mainly effected by the growth and expansion of the
produced from the proliferating coelomic epithelium so too is the surrounding viscera, heart and great vessels, lungs, trachea and
somatopleuric. This latter mesenchyme is penetrated by the develop- oesophagus, and not by active growth of the pleuropericardial
ing ribs which arise from the thoracic sclerotomes. In the midline membrane across the opening to the root of the lung (3.72).
the somatopleuric mesenchyme gives rise to the sternum and costal In addition to its extension in a cranial direction the lung and its
cartilages (see p. 538). The bony and cartilaginous cage provides associated visceral and parietal pleura also enlarge ventromedially
insertions for the intercostal muscles which arise from the ven- and caudodorsally (see below). With the ventromedial extension, the
trolateral edge of the epithelial plate of the somites. The som- lungs and pleurae therefore excavate and split the somatopleuric
atopleuric coelom epithelium after its proliferative phase gives rise mesenchyme over the pericardium, separating the latter from the
to the parietal layer of pleura. ventral and lateral thoracic walls (3.73). Thus the ventrolateral
When the lung buds develop they project into the pericardio- fibrous pericardium, parietal serous pericardium and mediastinal
peritoneal canals subdividing them into primary pleural coeloms parietal pleura, although topographically deep, are somatopleuric in
around the lung beds cranially, and paired peritoneal coeloms cau- origin. 4
dally which are continuous with the wider peritoneal coelom around Separation of pleural and peritoneal cavities is effected by develop-
the mid- and hindgut. The communications with the pericardial and ment of the diaphragm. The septum transversum is at first a con-
peritoneal coeloms become the pleuropericardial and pleuroperitoneal densation of mesenchyme, caudal to the pericardial cavity and
canals respectively (3.72, 78). (When separation between these fluid- extending from the ventral and lateral regions of the body wall to
filled major coelomic regions is advancing towards completion, they the foregut. Dorsal to it on each side is the relatively narrow
are named the pericardial, pleural and peritoneal cavities, the serous pleuroperitoneal canal. The endodermal hepatic bud grows into the
walls of the latter are often called sacs. In early embryos the cavities septum transversum, which then can be seen to consist of two parts.
retain substantial volumes of fluid and their walls are separate; they One, the pars diaphragmatica, is disposed in the transverse plane and
provide the route for a primitive type of circulation until superseded lies over the convex cranial surface of the putative liver. The other,
by the blood vascular system. In later fetal and postnatal life the pars mesenterica, lies initially in the median sagittal plane and is
cavity walls are coapted, a mere microscopic film of serous fluid expanded by the developing liver. At this stage the liver is widely
intervening.) attached to the pars diaphragmatica and to the ventral abdominal
A curved elevation of tissue, the pulmonary ridge, develops on wall. These attachments are the forerunners of the coronary and
the lateral wall of the pleural coelom and partly encircles the triangular ligaments and of the falciform ligament respectively.
pleuropericardial canal. The ridge is continuous with the dorsolateral Medial to the pleuroperitoneal canals are the oesophagus and
edge of the septum transversum. The developing lung bud abuts on stomach with their dorsal mesentery, and, at the root of the latter,
the ridge, which as a result divides into two diverging membranes the dorsal aorta. Dorsolateral to the canals are the pleuroperitoneal
meeting at the septum transversum. One is cranially placed and membranes, which remain small; dorsally are the mesonephric ridges,
termed the pleuropericardial membrane; embedded within it the suprarenals and gonads. Just as the enlargement of the pleural cavity
common cardinal vein and phrenic nerve reach the septum trans- cranially and ventrally is effected by a process of burrowing into the
versum by this route. The other membrane, caudally placed, is body wall, so its caudodorsal enlargement is effected in the same
termed the pleuroperitoneal membrane. As the apical part of the lung way. The expanding pleural cavities extend into the mesenchyme
forms it invades and splits the body wall and extends cranially on dorsal to the suprarenal glands, the gonads and (degenerating)
the lateral aspect of the common cardinal vein, carrying with it, or mesonephric ridges. Thus somatopleuric mesenchyme is peeled off
rather preceded by, an extension from the primary pleural coelom the dorsal body wall to form a substantial portion of the dorsolumbar
to form part of the secondary or definitive pleural sac. In this way part of the diaphragm. The pleuroperitoneal canal is closed by the
the common cardinal vein and the phrenic nerve come to lie medially fusion of its edges, which are carried together by growth of the

Left common cardinal vein Oecsophagus Right common cardinal vein

surrounding vein
Neural arch
Pleuropericardial Costal element
Postcardinal Sympathetic

Dorsal mesentery Ocsophagus Descending

(cut) aorta
Pleuroperitoneal bronchus Left bronchus
recess (dorsal wall) recess
Right lung Left lung

pleural sac Left pleural
ight atrium
Right atri Rib
septum Pericardial

3.72 View, from the dorsal aspect, into the thoraco-abdominal part of the Rib
coelom of a human embryo, 6.8 mm long, in the fifth week. Note that the
dorsal body wall, including the spinal cord, developing vertebral column, the
dorsal aorta and the mesonephroi, has been removed. A window has been 3.73 Transverse section of a 21 mm human embryo, showing how the
made in the dorsal wall of the pancreatico-enteric recess to expose the pleural sacs extend ventrally on each side of the pericardium and split the
posterior surface of the stomach and a wire has been passed through the body wall. The arrows indicate the directions of growth of the two secondary
180 epiploic foramen. (After Piper.) pleural sacs.

organs surrounding it and, in particular, that of the suprarenal, development of the lungs and the kidneys. In renal agenesis there is
which carries the dorsal margin of the canal ventrally to meet the reduced bronchial branching as early as 12-14 weeks of gestation,
pars diaphragmatica of the septum transversum (Wells 1954). The before amniotic fluid is produced by the kidneys, suggesting a direct
right pleuroperitoneal canal closes earlier than the left. Hence it is renal factor which supports lung development (Peters et al 1991).
on the left that an abnormal communication persisting between the Later, the presence of amniotic fluid is necessary for normal fetal
pleural and peritoneal cavities is encountered more frequently. lung development. The fetal lung is a net fluid secretor; most of the
While these changes occur, the septum transversum undergoes a fluid produced remains within the lungs as a mechanical effect of
progressive alteration in relative position. In a 2-mm human embryo, the amniotic fluid pressure; normally only a small amount of this
the dorsal border of the septum transversum lies opposite the second fluid contributes to the amniotic fluid. Thus the normal functioning
cervical segment but, as the embryo grows and the heart enlarges, it of the kidneys regulates the volume and pressure of the lung airway
migrates caudally. At first the ventral border moves more rapidly fluid and may in turn provide the pressure needed for expansion and
than the dorsal, but after the embryo has attained a length of 5mm enlargement of the bronchial and pulmonary systems. Interestingly,
it is the dorsal border which migrates more rapidly (3.112). When prolonged experimental lung drainage accelerates the maturity of
the dorsal border of the septum transversum lies opposite the fourth the alveolar cells, possibly due to an inappropriate signal that birth
cervical segment, the phrenic nerve (C3, 4 and 5) and portions of is imminent (see also pp. 204, 335.
the corresponding myotomes grow into it and accompany it in its
later migrations. It is not until the end of the second month that the
dorsal border of the septum transversum is opposite the last thoracic POSTPHARYNGEAL FOREGUT
and first lumbar segments, the final position occupied by some of
the dorsal attachments of the diaphragm and some derivatives of Although the postdiaphragmatic gut is subdivided into three embryo-
the pars mesenterica. However, the main derivatives of the pars logical portions, fore- mid- and hindgut, there are no corresponding
diaphragmatica lie at considerably more cranial levels (see below fundamental morphological and cytological distinctions between the
and p. 270). three parts. Thus the foregut produces a portion of the duodenum
as does the midgut, and the midgut similarly produces large intestine
Formation of the diaphragm as does the hindgut. The differences between portions of the gut
The closure of the pleuroperitoneal openings completes a mainly develop as a result of interactions between the three embryonic tissue
mesenchymal partition which thereafter separates thoracic from layers which give rise to the gut, namely:
abdominal viscera and forms the framework for the future dia-
e the endodermal inner epithelium
phragm. This has a composite origin from many different mes-
e the thick layer of splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
enchyme sources. The sternal and costal parts are derived almost
e the outer layer of proliferating splanchnopleuric coelomic epi-
exclusively from the pars diaphragmatica of the septum transversum
mesenchyme, with a small dorsolateral contribution from the
pleuroperitoneal membranes and by excavation of the somatopleuric The final layers of the gastrointestinal tract are derived as follows:
mesenchyme of the thoracic wall (costal part). Anterior to the
e The epithelial layer of the mucosa and connected ducts and glands
oesophageal hiatus is a small contribution from the cranial oeso-
are from the endodermal epithelium.
phagophrenic continuation of the gastrohepatic part of the lesser
e The lamina propria and muscularis mucosa, the connective tissue of
omentum, both derived from the pars mesenterica of the septum
the submucosa, the muscularis externa and the external connective
transversum. Between the oesophageal and aortic hiatuses it is
tissue are all from the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme.
formed by the dorsal mesentery (strictly the dorsal meso-oesophagus
e The outer peritoneal epithelium is from the splanchnopleuric
but often, less precisely, included as part of the dorsal mesogastrium).
coelomic epithelium.
The remainder of the lumbar part of the diaphragm is formed from
mesenchyme around the abdominal aorta and more laterally from Blood vessels and lymphatics develop from local populations of
somatopleuric mesenchyme of the dorsal body wall behind the angiogenic mesenchyme throughout the gut, as do lymph nodes.
suprarenal, mesonephric ridge and gonad (Wells 1954). Some auth- Innervation of the gut is via the neural crest derived enteric and
orities consider that much greater areas of the adult diaphragm are autonomic systems of nerves and plexuses. There is a craniocaudal
derived from the pleuroperitoneal membranes and from the chest developmental gradient along the gut with the stomach and small
wall. Gaps between the lumbar and costal parts of the diaphragm are intestine developing in advance of the colon.
usually due to underdevelopment of the latter. Premitotic myoblasts,
derived principally from the ventrolateral edges of the fourth cervical Oesophagus
somites, invade the septum transversum (described on p. 270). They The oesophagus can be distinguished from the stomach at stage 13
extend throughout the mesenchymal partition, giving rise to the (embryo 5mm). It elongates during successive stages and its absolute
muscular diaphragm (3.135) and its fibrous central tendon, or apo- length increases more rapidly than the embryo as a whole. Cranially
neurosis, with its trefoil shape, cruciform intersecting fibres and it is invested by splanchnopleuric mesenchyme posterior to the
central nodal thickening. The caudal migration of the diaphragm developing trachea, and more caudally between the developing lungs
during development has already been described (see above). and pericardio-peritoneal canals posterior to the pericardium. Caudal
to the pericardium, the terminal, pregastric segment of the oeso-
Maturation of the lungs phagus has a short thick dorsal meso-oesophagus (from splan-
Whereas many fetal organs are able to grow to normal proportions chnopleuric mesenchyme), while ventrally it is enclosed in the cranial
even if they are in abnormal locations this is not the case for the stratum of the septum transversum mesenchyme (i.e. a short ventral
lungs. Lung growth becomes impaired by restricted expansion and meso-oesophagus). Each of the above are continuous caudally with
it is suggested that distension of the developing lung may provide a their respective primitive dorsal and ventral mesogastria (see p. 186).
major stimulus to growth. Absence or impairment of fetal breathing Thus the oesophagus has only limited areas related to a primary
movements is associated with pulmonary. hypoplasia, as are defects coelomic epithelium. However, note the subsequent development of
affecting diaphragmatic activity. It is believed that normal fetal the para-oesophageal right and left pneumato-enteric recesses (3.79),
breathing movements increase the lung volume and stimulate growth the relation of the ventral aspect of the middle third of the oesophagus
of the distal airspaces. The mucous glands of the trachea and bronchi to the oblique sinus of the pericardium, and the relation of its lateral
secrete a lung fluid during development. This fluid usually passes up walls in the lower thorax to the mediastinal pleura. All the foregoing
the respiratory tract to mix with the amniotic fluid. Experimental are secondary extensions from the primary coelom.
ligation of the trachea results in accumulation of the fluid with the The mucosa consists of two layers of cells by stage 15 (week 5),
lung becoming much heavier than normal. but the proliferation of the mucosa does not occlude the lumen at
The relationship between lung fluid and amniotic fluid is far more any time. The mucosa becomes ciliated at 10 weeks, and stratified
complex than was previously thought. Pulmonary hypoplasia at squamous epithelium at the end of the 5th month; occasionally
birth is often associated with severe congenital urinary obstruction, patches of ciliated epithelium may be present at birth. Circular
as in Potter’s syndrome. Thus there is a developmental link between muscle can be seen at stage 15 but longitudinal muscle has not been 181

Cavity of amnion



rudiment Lung bud
Optic pancreas
Liver |
Stomodeum, . diverticulum
oronasal cavity
Pericardial cavity cylinders

Yolk stalk Gallbladder

Upper limb
Postanal gut

Cloacal membrane


3.744 The digestive tube of a human embryo with 29 paired somites, a CR

length of 3.4 mm and an estimated age of 27 days. Note pharyngeal
development. Magnification x c. 25. (Streeter 1942.)
Median thyroid rudiment Right and left atria

Cavity of

Lung bud

} : Left sinual horn

canal Dorsal pancreatic
Ventricle and rudiment
bulbus cordis
Liver divertic-
Septum transversum ulum
ioae rudiment

Left vitelline vein Upper limb bud

Postanal gut

Endodermal cloaca

Cloacal membrane

Allantois Hindgut

3.748 Composite-diagram of a graphic reconstruction of a human embryo is omitted. The heart is shown in perspective, the left horn of the sinus
at the end of the fourth week. The alimentary canal and its outgrowths are venosus having been divided. The somites are indicated in outline. (After
182 shown in median section. The brain is shown in outline, but the spinal cord Streeter 1942.)

identified until stage 21. Neuroblasts can be demonstrated in the distributed mainly to the dorsal and the left mainly to the ventral
early stages; the myenteric plexuses have cholinesterase activity by surface of the organ. The dorsal mesogastrium increases in depth
9.5 weeks and ganglion cells are differentiated by 13 weeks. It is and becomes folded on itself; the ventral mesogastrium becomes
suggested that the oesophagus is capable of peristalsis in the first more coronal than sagittal. The pancreatico-enteric recess (p. 186),
trimester (Smith & Taylor 1972). Peristalsis along the oesophagus hitherto usually described as a simple depression on the right side
and at the lower oesophageal sphincter is immature at birth resulting of the dorsal mesogastrium, becomes dorsal to the stomach and
in frequent regurgitation of food in the newborn period. The pressure excavates downwards and to the left between the folded layers. It
at the lower oesophageal sphincter approaches that of the adult at may now be termed the inferior recess of the bursa omentalis. Thus
3-6 weeks of age. the stomach may be simplistically described as having two rotations.
The first 90° clockwise, viewed from the cranial end, the second
Stomach 90° clockwise about an anteroposterior axis. The displacement,
At the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth week the stomach morphological changes and apparent ‘rotation’ of the stomach have
can be recognized as a fusiform dilation (3.74, 77) cranial to the wide been attributed variously to its own and surrounding differential
opening of the midgut into the yolk sac. By the fifth week this growth changes, extension of the pancreatico-enteric recess with
opening has narrowed into a tubular vitelline intestinal duct (3.74, changes in its mesenchymal walls, and pressure, particularly by the
75, 76), which soon loses its connection with the digestive tube (3.76). rapidly growing liver (Kanagasuntheram 1957). (As intimated, the
At this stage the stomach is median in position and separated account just given prevails in basic courses and textbooks and
cranially from the pericardium by the septum transversum (p. 151), perhaps suffices for some purposes. For a more complete treatment
which extends caudally on to the cranial side of the vitelline intestinal see p. 192 et seq.)
duct and ventrally to the somatopleure. Dorsally, the stomach is Mucosal and submucosal development can be seen in the 8th to
related to the aorta and, reflecting the presence of the pleuro- 9th weeks. No villi form in the stomach, unlike other regions of the
peritoneal canals on each side, is connected to the body wall by a gut, instead glandular pits can be seen in the body and fundus. These
short dorsal mesentery, the dorsal mesogastrium (3.79). The latter is develop in the pylorus and cardia by weeks 10 and 11 when parietal
directly continuous with the dorsal mesentery (mesenteron) of almost cells can be demonstrated. Acid secretion has not been demonstrated
all of the remainder (except its caudal short segment) of the intestine. in the fetal stomach before 32-week gestation, however intrinsic
The liver develops as a hollow outgrowth from the ventral aspect of factor has been detected after 11 weeks. This increases from the 14th
the foregut and grows cranially into the substance of the septum to 25th week until the pylorus, which contains a larger number of
transversum (3.74, 76), this part of the septum (pars mesenterica) parietal cells than in the adult, also contains a relatively larger
now being termed the ventral mesogastrium. The rest of the intestine quantity of intrinsic factor. The significance of the early production
has no ventral mesentery. of intrinsic factor and the late production of acid by the parietal
In human embryos of 10mm, the characteristic gastric curvatures cells is not known. Chief cells can be identified after weeks 12-13,
are already recognizable. (What follows in this paragraph is largely although they cannot be demonstrated to contain pepsinogen until
a summary of long-held traditional views of gastric and omental term. Also over the same period mucous neck cells can be seen which
development. More recently close reappraisal of human embryonic actively produce mucus from week 16. Gastrin producing cells have
serial sections has led to many major descriptive changes and been demonstrated in the antrum between 19 and 20 weeks and
alternative proposals, see p. 192.) Growth is more active along the gastrin levels have been measured in cord blood and in the plasma
dorsal border of the viscus; its convexity markedly increases and the at term. Interestingly cord serum contains gastrin levels 2-3 times
rudimentary fundus appears. Because of more rapid growth of the higher than those in maternal serum. (For an extensive account of
dorsal border, the pyloric end of the stomach turns ventrally and gastric development see Grand et al 1976.)
the concave lesser curvature becomes apparent (3.76). The stomach The stomach muscularis externa develops its circular layer at 8-9
is now displaced to the left of the median plane and apparently weeks when neural plexuses also develop in the body and fundus. The
becomes physically rotated; thus its original right surface becomes longitudinal muscle develops slightly later. The pyloric musculature is
dorsal and its left ventral. Accordingly the right vagus nerve is thicker than the rest of the stomach, although generally the thickness

Facial and Glossopharyngeal nerve

vestibulocochlear nerves Otocyst
Hyoid arch

2 First cervical
lps oe. spinal nerve
. Fourth aortic arch
x * x DN \ ‘Sixth aortic arch

Mandibular a Left ventricle

Umbilical cord limb bud
Maxillary prominence
Dorsal root
Olfactory placode ganglion
Endodermal |
cloaca \
Ureter—\ Roots of dorsolateral
intersegmental arteries
Umbilical artery
Mesonephric duct

3.75 Ahuman embryo of 7 mm greatest length, in the fifth week: left lateral
aspect. (After Thompson.) 183

Gut tube

Dorsal mesogastrium Oevsophagus Stomach

Ventral mesogastrium

Liver aorta

Biliary duct system

Umbilical vein mesentery

Yolk sac

\ oa
Umbilical coelom


Umbilical artery Midgut loop

entering umbilical coelom

Caecum Rotation


Arrows here indicate

gut undergoing —
continued rotation


3.76 Three-dimensional schematization of the major developmental enteric roots with their lines of attachment, and principal contained vessels,
sequences of the subdiaphragmatic embryonic and fetal gut, together with which approximate to the adult state for comparison. Some features of the
its associated major glands, peritoneum and mesenteries: left anterolateral sequence presented do not correspond to traditional descriptions. See text
aspect. The development sequence A-F spans 1.5 months to the perinatal for further comment.
period. H denotes the general disposition of the remaining viscera, mes-


Falciform ligment Lienorenal [D] Gall bladder

Lesser omentum ligament




Superior mesenteric a
artery (axis of midgut rotation)

Transverse colon

Duodenum Root of greater omentum




Descending colon
colon now


Sigmoid colon

Pelvic mesocolon

Ascending colon now retroperitoneal


of the total musculature of the stomach at term is reduced compared proliferates into the dorsal mesogastrium (3.77). A ventral pancreatic
to the adult. bud evaginates in close proximity to the liver primordium and cannot
The serosa of the stomach derives from the splanchnopleuric be clearly identified until stage 14 when it appears as an evagination
coelomic epithelium (see above). No part of this serosa undergoes of the bile duct itself. At stage 16 (5 weeks) differential growth of
absorption; the original left side of the stomach serosa faces the the wall of the duodenum results in movement of the ventral
greater sac, the right side the lesser sac (see below). pancreatic bud and the bile duct to the right side and ultimately to
a dorsal position. It is not clear whether there is a corresponding
Duodenum shift of mesenchyme during this rotation; however, the ventral
The duodenum is divided into four parts in the adult for descriptive pancreatic bud and the bile duct rotate from a position within the
purposes. From an embryological viewpoint the duodenum forms ventral mesogastrium (ventral mesoduodenum) to one in the dorsal
the caudal part of the foregut and the cranial part of the midgut. mesogastrium (dorsal mesoduodenum) which is destined to become
The importance of such a distinction lies with the presence of fixed onto the posterior abdominal wall. By stage 17 the ventral and
a ventral mesoduodenum (continuous cranially with the ventral dorsal pancreatic buds have fused, although the origin of the ventral
mesogastrium), which is attached only to the foregut portion, and bud from the bile duct is still clear. The developing pancreatic ducts
the derivation of the pancreas and liver, which from their origin are usually fuse in such a way that most of the dorsal duct drains into
foregut structures. the proximal part of the ventral duct (3.77). The proximal portion
Posteriorly the duodenum has a thick dorsal mesoduodenum which of the dorsal duct usually persists as an accessory duct. The fusion
is continuous with the dorsal mesogastrium cranially and the dorsal of the ducts takes place late in development or in the postnatal
mesentery of the midgut caudally. Anteriorly the extreme caudal period: 85% of infants have patent accessory ducts as compared to
edge of the ventral mesentery of the foregut extends onto the short 40% of adults. Fusion may not occur in 10% of individuals; here
initial segment of the duodenum. The liver arises as a diverticulum separate drainage into the duodenum is maintained (Githens 1989).
from the ventral surface of the duodenum at the foregut—midgut Thus part of the head, the neck, body and tail of the pancreas derive
junction, i.e. initially where the midgut is continuous with the yolk from the dorsal pancreatic bud and the remainder of the head and
sac wall (i.e. the cranial intestinal portal); the ventral pancreatic
bud also arises from this diverticulum. The dorsal pancreatic bud
evaginates posteriorly into the dorsal mesoduodenum slightly more
cranially than the hepatic diverticulum. The ‘rotations’, differential
growth, and cavitations related to the stomach and omenta cause
corresponding movements in the duodenum which forms a duodenal
loop directed to the right, with its original right side now adjacent
to the posterior abdominal wall. This shift is compounded by the Stomach
migration of the bile duct and ventral pancreatic duct around the
duodenal wall; their origin shifts until it is found in the medial wall
of the second part of the fully formed duodenum; the bile duct
passes posteriorly to the duodenum and travels in the free edge of
the ventral duodenum and ventral mesogastrium. Local adherence
and then absorption of part of the duodenal serosa and the parietal
peritoneum results in almost the whole of the duodenum becoming
retroperitoneal apart from a short initial segment.
Dorsal and ventral mesenteries of the foregut 1 Duodenum
It is important to realize that the epithelium of the stomach and
duodenum does not rotate relative to its investing mesenchyme. The
rotation includes the coelomic epithelial walls of the pericardio-
peritoneal canals, which are each side of the stomach and duodenum
‘4 Dorsal
forming its serosa, and the elongating dorsal mesogastrium or much | pancreatic
shorter dorsal mesoduodenum. A ventral mesogastrium can be seen Gallbladder outgrowth
when the distance between the stomach and liver increases. Whereas
the dorsal mesogastrium takes origin from the posterior body wall in pancreatic
the midline, its connection to the greater curvature of the stomach, outgrowth
which lengthens as the stomach grows, becomes directed to the left
as the stomach undergoes its first rotation. With the second rotation 3.774 Diagram of an early stage in the development of the pancreas in a
a portion of the dorsal mesogastrium now faces caudally. The ventral human embryo, 7.5 mm long; lateral view. (After Streeter.)
mesogastrium remains as a double layer of coelomic epithelium
enclosing mesenchyme; this forms the /esser omentum (3.79; see
below). Associated with the movement of the stomach is an extensive Biliary Accessory duct (dorsal
Cystic duct ducts rudiment) Stomach
lengthening of the dorsal mesogastrium which becomes the greater
omentum. This now, from its posterior origin, droops caudally over
the small intestine then folds back anteriorly and ascends to the
greater curvature of the stomach. Thus the greater omentum is
composed of a fold containing, technically, four layers of peritoneum.
The dorsal mesoduodenum is a much thicker structure; it fixes the
position of the duodenum when the rest of the midgut and its dorsal
mesentery elongate and pass into the umbilical cord. For a more
detailed account of this process see page 197. Dorsal

Bile duct
Pancreas Principal duct (ventral Portal vein
The pancreas develops from two evaginations of the foregut which
fuse to form a single organ. A dorsal pancreatic bud can be seen in 3.778 A\later stage in the development of the pancreas in a human embryo,
186 stage 13 embryos as a thickening of the endodermal tube which 14.5 mm long; ventral view. (After Streeter.)

uncinate process from the ventral bud. During the shift of the ventral venosus; usually the channel on the right side is most developed.
bud the superior mesenteric vessels which are extending from the Both left and right channels bulge into the pericardio-peritoneal
abdominal aorta become trapped between the head and uncinate canals forming sites for the exchange of fluid from the coelom into
process of the pancreas. Initially the body of the pancreas extends the vascular channels (O’Rahilly & Muller 1986). The growth of the
into the dorsal mesoduodenum and then cranially into the dorsal hepatic tissue in these regions is sometimes referred to as the left
mesogastrium. As the stomach rotates, this portion of the dorsal and right horns of the liver.
mesogastrium is directed to the left forming the posterior wall of the The liver remains proportionately large during its development
lesser sac. The posterior layer of this portion of dorsal mesogastrium forming a sizeable organ dorsal to the heart at stage 14, then more
fuses with the parietal layer of the coelom wall (peritoneum) and the caudally placed by stage 16. By this stage hepatic ducts can be
pancreas becomes mainly retroperitoneal. The region of fusion of seen separating the hepatic epithelium from the extrahepatic biliary
the dorsal mesogastrium does not extend so far left as to include the system, but even at stage 17 the ducts do not penetrate far into the
tail of the pancreas which passes into the lienorenal ligament. The liver. Later the lines of endodermal epithelial cells in continuity
anterior border of the pancreas later provides the main line of with the hepatic ducts differentiate into ductal cells following the
attachment for the posterior leaves of the greater omentum. developmental sequence of connective tissue differentiation around
The evaginations of pancreatic endoderm into the investing mes- the portal vein and its branches.
enchyme become tubular structures which branch progressively. The The bile duct, which first has origin from the ventral wall of the
primitive duct epithelium provides the stem cell population for all foregut (now duodenum), migrates with the ventral pancreatic bud
the secretory cells of the pancreas. It gives rise to a cells which first to the right and then dorsomedially into the dorsal meso-
produce glucagon, # cells which produce insulin, and 6 cells which duodenum.
produce somatostatin during weeks 8-10. Cells containing pancreatic As the liver enlarges, it projects more and more into the abdominal
polypeptide (PP) appear somewhat later. Initially these endocrine cavity. The medial coelomic epithelial walls around the liver con-
cells are located in the duct walls or in buds developing from them; stitute much of the ventral mesogastrium (but see below). The
later they accumulate in pancreatic islets. The dorsal bud gives rise mesenchyme between these layers is in continuity with the septum
to mostly a cells and the ventral bud to most of the PP cells. £ cells transversum mesenchyme of the diaphragm superiorly. The coelomic
develop from the duct epithelium throughout development and into epithelial layers of the ventral mesogastrium can almost approximate
the neonatal period. Later, in weeks 10-15, some of the primitive both anterior and posterior to the liver (a slender lamina of mes-
ducts differentiate into acinar cells. Zymogen granules or acinar cell enchyme intervening), where they form the falciform ligament and
markers can be detected at 12-16 weeks. The remaining primitive the lesser omentum respectively; they form the visceral peritoneum
duct cells will differentiate into definitive ductal cells. In the fetus where they are in contact with the liver. Cranially the liver remains
they develop microvilli and cilia but lack the lateral interdigitations in mesenchymal contact with the diaphragm and the epithelial leaves
seen in the adult. Branches of the main duct become interlobular of the ventral mesogastrium are reflected onto the inferior surface
ductules which terminate as blind ending acini or as tubular, acinar of the diaphragm as the coronary and right and left triangular
elements. The connective tissue between the ducts develops from the ligaments. (Strictly, the lesser omentum, in and near its free border,
investing mesenchyme which, in the fetus, appears to be important also includes the less extensive ventral mesoduodenum.) It is worth
in stimulating pancreatic proliferation and maintaining the relative noting that as the ventral body wall develops, the falciform ligament,
proportions of acinar, a and £ cells during development. which attaches to the ventral body wall at the cranial intestinal
portal, is drawn to the diminishing cranial rim of the umbilicus.
Here it becomes increasingly oblique, curved and indeed ‘falciform’.
The liver is one of the most precocious embryonic organs; it functions Whereas in the early embryo the connection between one pericardio-
as the main centre for haemopoiesis in the fetus. It develops from peritoneal canal and the other was directly across the ventral surface
an endodermal evagination of the foregut and from the septum of the cranial midgut, immediately caudal to the developing primitive
transversum mesenchyme, a region of unsplit lateral plate mes- ventral mesogastrium, by stage 14 the passage from one side of the
enchyme in the early embryo which receives mesenchyme cells from falciform ligament to the other necessitates passing below the greatly
the proliferating coelomic epithelium in the protocardiac region. The enlarged liver, or the curved lower edge of the falciform ligament,
development of the liver is intimately related to the development of or lesser omentum. At 3 months the liver almost fills the abdominal
the heart as the vitelline, followed by the umbilical, veins passing to cavity and its left lobe is nearly as large as its right. Later when the
the sinus venosus are disrupted by the septum transversum to form haematopoietic activity of the liver is assumed by the spleen and
a hepatic plexus the forerunner of the hepatic sinusoids. bone marrow the relative development of the liver changes and the
The developing liver can first be seen in the stage 11 embryo; the left lobe actually undergoes some degeneration and becomes smaller
proliferation and bulging of the hepatic diverticulum stimulates the than the right. The dominance of the right lobe is reflected in
production of blood islands in the investing mesenchyme (3.78). the large expanse of the coronary and right triangular ligaments,
By stage 12 the diverticulum has two parts: a caudal part, which compared with the diminutive left triangular ligament (and their
will produce the cystic duct and gallbladder, and a cranial part respective bare areas). Until birth the liver remains relatively larger
which forms the liver biliary system (see also pancreatic anlage than in the adult.
p. 186). ‘ Experimental studies on the epithelial/mesenchymal interactions
Around the cranial portion of the hepatic diverticulum the basal of liver development have demonstrated the specificity of the cell
lamina disrupts progressively and individual epithelial cells migrate populations involved (Le Douarin 1975). They may be summarized
into the surrounding septum transversum mesenchyme (3.79). The as follows:
previously smooth contour of the diverticulum merges into columnar
extensions of endoderm, the so-called epithelial trabeculae, which e Liver mesenchyme forms the endothelial cells of the liver and the
stimulate the mesenchymal cells to form blood islands and endo- endoderm forms the hepatocytes. If a mechanical barrier is inserted
thelium. The advance of the endodermal epithelial cells promotes across the mesenchymal hepatic area just caudal to the endodermal
the conversion of more and more septum transversum mesenchyme outgrowth, liver tissue will develop normally cranial to the barrier
into endothelium and blood cells with only a little remaining to form where it is in contact with the endoderm; however, caudal to the
the scanty (human) liver capsule and interlobular connective tissue. barrier the mesenchyme will form endothelial cells and hepatic
This invasion by the hepatic epithelium is completed in stage 13 lobes, but there will be no hepatocytes present.
when it approaches the caudal surface of the pericardial cavity, with Hepatic endoderm cells are incapable of differentiating into hepa-
only a thin lamina of mesenchyme intervening which will give rise tocytes without hepatic mesenchyme. Cephalic and somitic mes-
to part of the diaphragm. enchyme is unable to promote differentiation of hepatic endoderm.
During this early phase of development the liver is far more highly Presumptive intestinal endoderm cells combined with hepatic mes-
vascularized than the rest of the gut. The hepatic capillary plexus is enchyme do not produce hepatocytes.
connected bilaterally with the right and left vitelline veins and e All derivatives of the lateral plate mesenchyme, both somatopleuric
dorsolaterally they empty by multiple channels into enlarged hepato- and splanchnopleuric mesenchyme, can promote the differentiation
cardiac channels, which lead to the right and left horns of the sinus of hepatic endoderm, although not so strongly as hepatic mes- 187

Pericardial cavity Heart wall

sinual horn

transversum Right

Right lung


Recesses: :
Hepato-enteric ‘a


3.784 Transverse section of a human embryo, 8 mm long, showing the

right pneumato-enteric recess. 3.78c Transverse section through the same embryo as 3.1878, but 150 um
more caudally. Compare with the preceding figure and observe that the
omental bursa (pancreatico-enteric recess) communicates with the general
peritoneal cavity at this level.

Pancreatico-enteric recess
Splenic artery in dorsal

Area of fusion of dorsal

mesogastrium with posterior
Lesser parietal peritoneum
omentum 2


‘ Left gastro-epiploic artery in
Pancreatico- gastrosplenic ligament
enteric recess } $91)
3 Splenic artery in lienorenal
Mesonephric _ ligament

3.78p Diagram to show the fusion of the proximal part of the dorsal meso-
gastrium with the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall. Note also the
Postcardinal vein Dorsal mesogastrium Aorta conversion of the dorsal mesogastrium into the gastrosplenic and lienorenal
ligaments. 1. represents a transverse section of an embryo in which the
3.788 Transverse section through the same embryo as 3.187, but 530 wm dorsal mesogastrium is still at the stage shown in a. 2. and 3. represent
more caudally. Note that rotation of the stomach has taken place and that transverse sections of older embryos made at the same level (simplified,
the sinusoidal spaces in the liver communicate freely with one another. however, by retaining the shape and size of the stomach and spleen).

enchyme. Lateral plate mesenchyme will form blood sinusoids jejunum, ileum and two-thirds the way along the transverse colon;
under these conditions. thus its development results in most of the small and a portion of
It is inferred that matrix or cell surface properties are common the large intestine. In embryos of stages 10 and 11 it extends from
throughout the lateral plate mesenchyme but are different from axial the cranial to the caudal intestinal portals and communicates directly
mesenchymal cells. Le Douarin (1975) suggests that the mor- with the yolk sac over its entire length. Although it has a dorsal
phogenesis of the liver lobes are patterened by the septum trans- wall, at these stages the lateral walls have not yet formed. By stage
versum mesenchyme. 12 the connection with the yolk sac has narrowed such that the
midgut has ventral walls cranially and caudally; this connection is
reduced to a yolk stalk containing the vitello-intestinal duct during
MIDGUT stage 13, at which time the yolk sac appears as a sphere in front of
the embryo. Posterior to the midgut the splanchnopleuric coelomic
188 The midgut forms the third and fourth parts of the duodenum, epithelia converge forming the dorsal mesentery; ventrolaterally
Gonadal ridge
Early inferior Mesonephric ridges
vena cava
Right Caval fold
lung bud Primitive dorsal
Coelomic duct ¥
Gastric mesoderm
Ventral mesogastrium
Anlage of liver
Septum transversum

Parietal peritoneum
Pneumatoenteric Primitive dorsal
Retrogastric Retrogastric clefts
(lesser omental) Perigastric clefts
(Lesser omental)
Future lesser omentum
Greater omental

Ocsophagus (Small arrows: cleft extension and fusion)

Right lung bud

Right pneumatoenteric recess
Extends cranially into
Inferior vena cava in caval fold ee Parietal
Hepatoenteric recess qa, — cava peritoneum
( omental ) in caval f‘0 Secondary
Epiploic foramen Hepatoenteric recess ————— dorsal
Perigastric, neenne and Désser omentum: mesogastrium
eater omental recesses j 3 ;
ar Sree border Retrogastric and perigastric recesses

Infracardiac bursa

Pneumatoenteric recess Suprarenal Kidney

(caudal part)
Inferior vena cava
Liver (early caudate lobe)
Caval fold
Line of
Hepatoenteric recess fusion



Prerenal, retroperitoneal,
Upper part of lesser sac: Kidney body of pancreas
pneumatoenteric and
hepatoenteric regions:
covered by lesser omentum

Entrance via epiploic [E] Tail of —

foramen and canal pancreas in
Junction between upper and ligament
lower parts of lesser sac

Lower part of Gastrosplenic ligament

lesser: sac: ‘ 5 Lesser omentum
perigastric, retrogastric
and greater omental

3.79 Development of the subdiaphragmatic foregut, its associated visceral transverse section at the levels indicated (right column). This differs in some
and somatovisceral mesoderm and coelom, with particular reference to important respects from traditional accounts. The text furnishes further
the terminal oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, spleen, the lesser sac of definitions, details and discussions.
peritoneum and omenta: seen in semicoronal section (left column) and 189

the intraembryonic coelom is in wide communication with the musculature, migrates into the somatopleuric mesenchyme and passes
extraembryonic coelom. At stage 14 the midgut has increased in ventrally toward the midline (see p. 270). When the midgut loop is
length more than the axial length of the embryonic body and, with abruptly returned to the abdominal cavity the more recognizable
elongation of the dorsal mesentery, it bulges ventrally, deviating umbilical cord forms (see previously). The vitello-intestinal duct and
from the median plane. vessels involute, the cranial end of the allantois becomes thinned
and its lumen partially obliterated; it forms the urachus. The mes-
Umbilical cord enchymal core of the umbilical cord is derived by coalescence
The formation of the lateral body walls brings the zone of connection from somatopleuric amniotic mesenchyme, splanchnopleuric vitello-
of ectoderm and amnion to the ventral part of the body. The embryo intestinal (yolk sac) mesenchyme, and splanchnopleuric allantoic
undergoes a rotation within the chorion so that it now has its ventral (connecting stalk) mesenchyme. These various layers become fused
surface opposite the placenta. Amnion now covers the connecting and are gradually transformed into the viscid, mucoid connective
stalk with its umbilical vessels and the elongating yolk stalk, thus tissue (Wharton’s jelly) which characterizes the more mature cord.
limiting the previously wide connection of the intra- and extra- The changes in the circulatory system result in a large cranially
embryonic coeloms to a much narrower channel, an umbilica coelom, oriented left umbilical vein, the right umbilical vein regressing, and
around the vitello-intestinal duct within the base of the forming two spirally disposed umbilical arteries.
umbilical cord. Mucosal development. The exact timing of the cellular mor-
The yolk stalk consists of: phogenesis of the gut is difficult to establish, especially as the gut
undergoes a proximodistal gradient in maturation; developmental
e acentral endodermal yolk duct
differences between parts of the small intestine or colon have not yet
ea covering of splanchnopleuric extraembryonic mesenchyme
been correlated with age. The endodermal cells of the small intestine
(vitelline), which carries the vitelline arteries and veins
proliferate forming a layer some three to four cells thick with mitotic
e a covering of splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium.
figures throughout. From 7 weeks (according to some accounts)
The connecting stalk consists of: blunt projections of the endoderm have begun to form in the
duodenum and proximal jejunum; these are the developing villi
e acentral endodermal allanto-enteric duct (diverticulum)
which increase in length until in the duodenum the lumen becomes
e a covering of splanchnopleuric extraembryonic mesenchyme, con-
difficult to discern. The concept of occlusion of the lumen and ~
veying the umbilical (allantoic) vessels to and from the chorion
recanalization which is described in many accounts of development
e a covering of splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium.
does not match with the cytodifferentiation occurring in the gut
Both the yolk stalk and the connecting stalk are enclosed by, from epithelia. By 9 weeks the duodenum, jejunum and proximal ileum
within and out: have villi and the remaining distal portion of ileum develops villi by
e the somatopleuric coelomic epithelium 11 weeks. The villi are covered by a simple epithelium. Primitive
crypts, epithelial downgrowths into the mesenchyme between the
e the somatopleuric extraembryonic mesenchyme of the amnion
e the amniotic epithelial cells. villi, appear between 10 and 12 weeks similarly along a craniocaudal
progression. The morphological appearance of the small intestine is
The mesenchymes of all three groups will fuse (see below), except similar to the adult’s by 16 weeks.
in the embryonic base of the umbilical cord where it persists as the Whereas mitotic figures are initially seen throughout the endo-
umbilical coelom. For more information on the umbilical cord see dermal layer of the small intestine prior to villus formation, by 10
page 158. to 12 weeks they are limited to the intervillous regions and the
Primary intestinal (or midgut) loop. This is present at stage 15 developing crypts. It is believed that the adult-like turnover of cells
when a bulge, the caecal bud, can be discerned on the lower limb of may exist when rounded-up cells can be observed at the villus tips,
the loop, caudal to the yolk stalk, which arises from the apex or in position for exfoliation. The epithelial cells show an appropriate
summit of the loop (3.76). Later, the original proximal limb of the differentiation before 9 weeks when the absorptive enterocytes have
loop moves to the right and the distal limb to the left. Interestingly microvilli at their apical borders. An apical tubular system appears
the longest portion of the dorsal mesentery is at the level of the yolk at this time composed of deep invaginations of the apical plasma
stalk; less relative lengthening occurs near the caudal end of the membrane and membrane-bound vesicles and tubules; there is also
duodenum or the cranial half of the colon. The midgut extends into the appearance of many lysosomal elements (meconium corpuscles)
the umbilical coelom having already rotated through an angle of in the apical cytoplasm. These latter features are more developed in
90°, anticlockwise viewed from the ventral aspect. This relative the ileum than jejunum; they are most abundant at 16 weeks and
position is roughly maintained so long as the protrusion persists, diminish by 21 weeks. There are abundant deposits of glycogen in
during which time the proximal limb which forms the small intestine the fetal epithelial cells; it is suggested that prior to the appearance
elongates greatly, becoming coiled, and with its adjacent mesentery of hepatic glycogen the intestinal epithelium serves as a major
adopting a pleated appearance. The origin of the root of the glycogen store (Menard 1989). Goblet cells are present in small
mesentery is initially both median and vertical while at its intestinal numbers by 8 weeks, Paneth cells differentiate at the base of the
attachment it is elongated (like a ruffle) and folded along a horizontal crypts in weeks 11 and 12 and enteroendocrine cells appear between
zone. The mesenteric sheet has spiralled with its contained vessels weeks 9 and 11.
through 90°. The distal, colic, part of the loop elongates less rapidly Meconium can be detected in the lumen of the intestine by the
and has no tendency to become coiled. By the time the fetus has 16th week. It is derived from swallowed amniotic fluid which contains
attained a length of 40mm (10 weeks), the peritoneal cavity has vernix and cellular debris, salivary, biliary, pancreatic and intestinal
enlarged and the relative size of the liver and mesonephros is much secretions and sloughed enterocytes. As the mixture passes along the
less. The re-entry of the gut occurs rapidly and in a particular gut, water and solutes are removed and cellular debris and proteins
sequence during which it continues the process of rotation. The concentrated. Meconium contains enzymes from the pancreas and
proximal loop returns first, with the jejunum mainly on the left and proximal intestine in higher concentrations in preterm than full-term
the ileum mainly on the right of the subhepatic abdominal cavity. babies (Koldovsky 1989).
Both coils of jejunum and ileum, however, as they re-enter the Muscularis layer of the small intestine. This is derived from the
abdominal cavity slide inwards over the right aspect of the descending splanchnopleuric mesenchyme as in other parts of the gut. At 26-30
mesocolon, thus displacing the descending colon to the left and the weeks the gut shows contractions without regular periodicity; from
transverse colon passes superiorly to the origin of the root of the 30-33 weeks repetitive groups of regular contractions were seen in
mesentery. The caecum is the last to re-enter and at first lies on coils preterm neonates (Ruckebusch 1989).
of ileum on the right. Later development of the colon leads to its Serosa of the midgut. Possessing a dorsal mesentery alone, the
elongation and to establishment of the hepatic and splenic flexures. movement of the root of this dorsal mesentery and the massive
During the period when the midgut loop protrudes into the lengthening of its enteric border to match the longitudinal growth
umbilical coelom the edges of the ventral body wall are becoming of the gut tube reflects the spiralizing of the midgut loop in the
relatively closer, forming a more discrete root for the umbilical umbilical coelom. Specific regions of adherence of the serosa and
190 cord. Somatic mesenchyme, which will form the ventral body wall parietal peritoneum result in the final disposition of parts of the

small and large intestine in the peritoneal cavity. For an account of transport of bile acids from the ileum by an active process does not
this see page 192. occur, allowing bile salts to pass on into the colon. In the adult the
presence of bile salts in the colon stimulates the secretion of water
and electrolytes resulting in diarrhoeal syndrome; the fetal and
PRIMITIVE HINDGUT neonatal colon however seems protected from this effect. The colon
is not considered asite of significant nutrient absorption in the adult;
Just as the foregut has an extensive, ventral endodermal diverticulum however, neonates are unable to assimilate the full lactose load of a
which contributes to a system separate from the gut, so too the hind- normal breast feed from the small intestine and a large proportion
gut has a ventral diverticulum, the allantois, fated for a different of it may be absorbed from the colon. Thus it is suggested that the
system. However, unlike the respiratory diverticulum of the foregut colon fulfils a slightly different role in the preterm and neonatal
the allantois is formed very early in development, prior even to period, conserving nutrient absorption and minimizing fluid loss
formation of the embryonic endoderm and tail folding. With the until the neonate has adjusted to extrauterine life, oral feeding and
reorganization of the caudal region of the embryo at stage 10, part the establishment of the symbiotic bacterial flora.
of the allantois is drawn into the body cavity. The early embryonic Muscularis layer of the colon. This is present and functioning
hindgut thus consists of a dorsal tubular region extending from the by the 8th week, when peristaltic waves have been observed. The
caudal intestinal portal to the cloacal membrane, and a ventral blind- specific orientation of the longitudinal muscle layer into taeniae coli
ending allantois extending from the cloacal region into the connecting occurs in the 11th to 12th weeks when haustra appear. The enteric
stalk. The slightly dilated cavity, lined by endoderm, that cranially nerves are present in Meissner’s and Auerbach’s plexuses at 8 and
receives the enteric hindgut proper and the root of the allanto-enteric 12 weeks respectively, with a craniocaudal migration of the nerves.
diverticulum is termed the endodermal cloaca. It is closed ventrally by A normal distribution of ganglion cells has been noted in preterm
the cloacal membrane (endoderm opposed to proctodeal ectoderm); it babies of 24 weeks, although there is a region devoid of ganglia just
also has, transiently, a small recess of endoderm in the root of the above the anal valves (Grand et al 1976). The puborectalis muscle
tail, the postanal gut. As elsewhere, the hindgut, allantois and appears in 20-30-mm embryos, following opening of the anal mem-
endodermal cloaca are encased in splanchnopleuric mesenchyme. brane.
Proliferation of the mesenchyme and endoderm in the angle of Mesenchymal proliferation occurs around the rim of the ecto-
junction of hindgut and allantois produces a urorectal septum. dermal aspect of the anal membrane which thus comes to lie at the
Continued proliferation of the urorectal septum and elongation of bottom of a depression, the proctodeum. With the absorption and
the endodermal structures thrusts the endodermal epithelium towards disappearance of the anal membrane the anorectum communicates
the cloacal membrane with which it fuses centrally, separating the with the exterior. The lower part of the anal canal is formed from
presumptive rectum and upper anal canal (dorsally) from the pre- the proctodeal ectoderm and underlying mesenchyme, but its upper
sumptive urinary bladder and urogenital sinus (ventrally) (3.86a-£). part is lined by endoderm. The line of union corresponds with the
The cloacal membrane is thus divided into anal (dorsal) and uro- edges of the anal valves in the adult (p. 1780). In the fourth and fifth
genital (ventral) membranes. The nodal centre of division is the site weeks a small part of the hindgut, the postanal gut, projects caudally
of the future perineal body, the functional centre of the perineum. beyond the anal membrane (towards the region of the tail); it usually
disappears before the end of the fifth week. The dual origin of the
anal canal is reflected by differences in arterial supply, venous
DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERIC HINDGUT and lymphatic drainage, innervation and epithelial specialization
The development of the large intestine, whether derived from mid- (summarized on p. 1782).
or hindgut seems to be similar. The proximal end of the colon can
be first identified at stage 15 when an enlargement ofa local portion Lymphoid tissue in the developing gut
of gut on the caudal limb of the midgut loop defines the developing The neonatal gut becomes colonized by a range of bacterial flora,
caecum. An evagination of the distal portion of the caecum forms some of which exists in a symbiotic relationship with its host, some
the vermiform appendix at stage 17. Apart from the embryonic of which may be considered pathogenic. The gut therefore has a
studies of Streeter (1942 et seq) there is little information about the significant function in the defence of the body which can be seen in
development of the large intestine in humans. A classic study by the development of the lymphoid tissues of the gut. Individual
Johnson (1913) has not yet been superseded. The early endodermal lymphocytes appear in the lamina propria of the gut from about
lining of the colon appears stratified, with mitoses occurring through- week 12 of development and lymphoid aggregates, Peyer's patches,
out the layers. A series of longitudinal folds arise initially at the have been noted between 15 and 20 weeks; it is not clear whether
rectum and caecum and later in the regions of colon between these these cells migrate in from distant sources or differentiate from the
two points. The folds segment into villi with new villi forming investing mesenchyme. The endodermal epithelium overlying the
between them while the developing mucosa invaginates into the lymphoid aggregates is often distorted into a dome shape; the cells
underlying mesenchyme between the villi to form glands which are a mixed population of enterocytes, endocrine cells, a reduced
increase in number by splitting longitudinally from the base upwards. population of goblet cells and unique absorptive cells termed M cells
The villous nature of the developing human colon has been confirmed (membrane or microfold). These latter cells are specialized to provide
(Bell & Williams 1982); the villi gradually diminish in size and are a mechanism for the transport of micro-organisms and intact macro-
absent by the time of birth. molecules across the epithelium to the intraepithelial space and
The similarity of development of the small and large intestines is lamina propria where the underlying macrophages and lymphocytes
further mirrored in the cytological differentiation. Fetal gut from 11 are present. M cells have been observed in the fetus by 17 weeks
weeks shows dipeptidase activity in the colon as well as in the small (Moxey & Trier 1978); it is believed that they are formed by a
intestine (Potter 1989). Throughout preterm development meconium specialized epithelial/mesenchymal interaction of the endoderm and
corpuscles are seen in the colon as in the small intestine; they are underlying lymphoid type mesenchyme.
believed to be the phagocytosed remains of neighbouring cells which There are similarly specialized epithelial cells between the entero-
have died as a result of programmed cell death. cytes. Intraepithelial leucocytes account for some 15% of the epithelial
There is little direct evidence of colonic function in the human cells of the gut in the adult. They have been observed at 11
fetus and neonate; however, the specific results of mammalian studies weeks’ development, with a distribution of approximately three
are being correlated to human studies where possible (Potter 1989). intraepithelial leucocytes per 100 gut epithelial cells (Orlic & Lev
A number of distinct and important differences between the function 1977). They are thought to be T and B lymphocytes. For an account
of adult and fetal colon have been reported. The absorption of of the very complex development of the immune cells of the gut
glucose and amino acids does not take place through the colonic consult Butzner and Befus (1989).
mucosa in adult life; however, there is evidence of direct absorption
of these nutrients during development. At birth the normal cycle of Innervation of the gut
bile acids is not mature. In the adult, bile is secreted by the liver, The gut is innervated by the enteric nervous system (ENS) which
stored in the gallbladder then secreted into the intestine where it is unlike other components of the PNS, e.g. the automatic nervous
absorbed by the jejunum and ileum. In the fetus and neonate, the system, can mediate reflex activity independently of control by the 191

brain and spinal cord (see p. 235). The number of enteric neurons is Bowel atresia usually is not due to a problem with organogenesis
very large, in the same order of magnitude as the number of neurons but more likely due to a vascular insult during fetal life.
in the spinal cord (Furness & Costa 1980). The source of enteric If the midgut loop fails to return to the abdominal cavity at the
neurons is from somite levels 1-7 and from 28 onwards. Crest cells appropriate time a range of ventral defects can result ranging from
invade the gut after migrating ventrally and via the dorsal mesentery. minor to major. An umbilical hernia occurs when loops of gut
The glia cells associated with the gut have been identified as arising protrude into a widened umbilical cord at term. The degree of
from similar levels; these cells are unlike Schwann cells and more protuberance may increase if the infant cries, raising the intra-
closely resemble astrocytes. The precursors of enteric neurons colon- abdominal pressure; however, these herniae resolve usually without
ize the bowel fairly rapidly in mammals (Gershon 1987); see also treatment. Omphalocoele is a ventral wall defect with midline her-
page 234. niation of the intra-abdominal contents into the base of the umbilical
cord. Herniated viscera are covered by the peritoneum internally
and amnion externally. Omphalocoele range in size from a large
DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALLANTOIC HINDGUT umbilical hernia to a very large mass containing most of the visceral
After proliferation and migration of the urorectal septum, the cloacal organs. Gastroschisis is a para-umbilical defect of the anterior
region is divided into a dorsal portion, the putative rectum, and a abdominal wall associated with evisceration of the abdominal organs.
ventral portion which can be subdivided into three regions: The organs are not enclosed in membranes. Gastroschisis is thought
to result from peri-umbilical ischaemia caused by vascular compro-
e acranial vesico-urethral canal, continuous above with the allantoic mise of either the umbilical vein or arteries. Gastroschisis can be
duct detected by prenatal ultrasonography (see p. 341).
e a middle, narrow channel, the pelvic portion Bladder and cloacal exstrophies are considered with development
e a caudal, deep, phallic section, closed externally by the urogenital of the urogenital systems.
membrane (2.122). Imperforate anus is a term used to describe many different anorectal
The second and third parts together constitute the urogenital sinus. malformations. Minor anomalies are easily treated with an excellent
The paired mesonephric ducts, part of the urogenital system, fuse prognosis; however, other defects are often associated with important
with the posterior wall of the urogenital sinus and become partially anatomical deficiencies. The principal concern in all cases is the
absorbed into its wall. They are incorporated over a triangular region degree of bowel control, urinary control and in some cases sexual
with the developing ureters (which arise from the mesonephric ducts) function which is compromised by the condition.
at the two upper angles of the triangle, and the mesonephric ducts
at the lower apex. The mesonephric ducts arise from coelomic
epithelium derived from the intermediate mesenchyme; this meso- DEVELOPMENT OF THE BODY CAVITIES
nephric epithelium thus contributes to the trigone of the bladder and
dorsal wall of the proximal (superior) half of the prostatic urethra, PERITONEUM AND OMENTAL BURSA
ie. as far as the opening of the prostatic utricle and ejaculatory
ducts (or its female homologue the whole female urethral dorsal Students addressing themselves de novo to topographical descriptions
wall). The remainder of the vesico-urethral part forms the body of of the mature peritoneal cavity with its complex parietes, ‘sessile’ (or
the bladder and urethra; its apex is prolonged to the umbilicus as a retroperitoneal) organs, peritonealized organs with their mesenteries
narrow canal of variable length in the fibrous urachus. (termed ligaments, folds or omenta in different locations), mesenteric
contents and lines of reflexion and recesses, fossae, ‘gutters’, spaces
Urethra and bursae, face a formidable task. Comprehension is often lacking,
Although an endodermally derived structure, which is involved in a and much of what is merely rote retention quickly recedes. Pre-
series of epithelial/mesenchymal interactions both with the local liminary study of a concise account of the development of an organ
mesenchyme and with the ectoderm (in much the same way as the and its surroundings, or a survey of the whole region, is valuable;
pharyngeal arches and facial primordia), the urethra is usually dealt thus frequent cross reference should be made between any field of
with within the urogenital system. The same applies for the prostate study of a mature organ, and its ontogeny.
gland and vagina (both outgrowths of the lower urogenital sinus or The emergence of an embryonic disc and proliferation and spread-
urethra), and the other smaller glandular structures developing ing of intraembryonic mesoblast in the progressively pear-shaped,
around the body orifices. For details of these organs see pages 213-— bilaterally symmetric, trilaminar embryo has been described (p. 142).
214. The initial appearance of a median, rostrocaudally disposed pro-
tocardiac area, buccopharyngeal membrane, notochord, Hensen’s
It is worth noting at this stage that an interface between the
endoderm and ectoderm occurs not only in the buccal region, but node and primitive streak, is accompanied throughout the length of
also at the proctodeum and the urethra. Specialized ectoderm/ the notochord by laterally placed paraxial mesenchyme and lateral
mesenchyme interactions produce folds and ridges that surround the plate mesenchyme (the intermediate mesenchyme develops somewhat
ectoderm/endoderm junctions, which normally break down in utero. later). The embryonic plate is, at the disc margins, ringed by a band
Generally epithelium which can be touched easily and has a somatic of extraembryonic mesoblast where somatopleure (amnion) and
innervation is derived from ectoderm. In the buccal cavity and splanchnopleure are confluent; with growth, the band meets and
pharynx the ectoderm/endoderm zone is towards the posterior third fuses with the spreading lateral plate. The fusion of these three
of the tongue; touch here usually elicits the gag reflex, a protective populations of mesoblast occurs at the junctional zone; the latter
response. In the anal canal the outer portion, distal to the anal completely encircles the early embryonic plate periphery, but beyond
valves, is ectodermally derived and somatically innervated; proximal the cranial tip of the notochord involves rostral streams of mesoblast
to the valves the epithelium is endodermally derived and auto- from the primitive streak which skirt the buccopharyngeal mem-
nomically innervated. The urethra in the male is contained in the brane, meet in the protocardiac area and continue into a substantial
shaft of the penis with only a short invagination of ectoderm at the part of the junctional zone. Caudally, mesoblast streams from the
distal tip into the glans. In the female however the region of the early primitive streak, skirts the cloacal membrane and blends with the
urethra remains open to form the vestibule into which the definitive connecting stalk around its contained allantoic duct (p. 144). Median
urethra and vagina open. It is believed that these regions are invaded cavitation in the protocardiac area and its confluence with multiple
by ectoderm; they are innervated by somatic nerves. clefts in each lateral plate forms a horseshoe-shaped intraembryonic
coelom which is bounded dorsally by somatopleuric coelomic epi-
Anomalies of the gut thelium, ventrally by splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium, medially
Duodenal atresia is the most common small bowel obstruction. It by paraxial (later, intermediate) mesenchyme and, initially, ros-
occurs commonly because of the presence of a membrane across the trolaterally by the junctional zone (see below). Loss of the junctional
lumen although 20% of cases are associated with annular pancreas. zone in the caudal half of the embryonic margins establishes com-
The diagnosis of this condition relies on the demonstration of munication between intraembryonic and extraembryonic coeloms.
the ‘double-bubble sign’ on ultrasound, due to the simultaneous Head, tail and lateral folding imposes craniocaudal reversal of the
192 distension of the stomach and the first portion of the duodenum. headward and tailward structures, assumption of embryonic form,

circumscription of an umbilicus, enfoldment of a splanchnopleuric or transverse (see transverse mesocolon), angular (see sigmoid
gut tube and definition of the primary body cavities and coelomic mesocolon) or complex and highly curved (see dorsal mesogastrium),
regions. The manner of their separation into definitive pericardial, In other locations, the events are more pronounced, the dorsal
pleural and peritoneal cavities has been described (see p. 180); par- mesentery is lost entirely and the organ becomes ‘sessile’ or ‘retro-
ticular emphasis is placed on the invasion and splitting of the peritoneal’, connective tissue only separating its external (usually
somatopleure with expansion of the secondary pleural cavities, and posterior) surface from the abdominal parietes or the surface of
submergence of the pericardium. The positional changes and multiple another organ; the peritoneum is limited to some or all of its (usually)
derivations of the diaphragm are discussed in musculoskeletal ventral and perhaps ventromedial and also ventrolateral surfaces.
development (see p.270). The intraembryonic encompassing of a The resulting parietovisceral or intervisceral depressions or grooves
splanchnopleuric gut tube, its allocation into foregut, midgut and are called pouches, fossae or gutters in different locations. The term
hindgut regions and a summary of their derivatives have been recess has two distinct connotations, embryological (see below), and
considered (see above). Also the period of extrusion of the midgut in mature topography where it denotes a peritonealized, blind-ended
loop into the umbilical exocoelom, concomitant differential growth channel, extending from a major region of the peritoneal cavity,
and varying degrees of rotation of almost all parts of the sub- continuing in a retrovisceral or paravisceral position, and often
diaphragmatic gut, return of the midgut loop, and profound serous partly enclosed by one or two vascularized (or avascular) peritoneal
membrane modifications are traced (pp. 190 et seq.). folds.
Some repetition is unavoidable but, where apposite, brief sum- The movements of lines of reflexion, assumption of a retro-
maries are appended to circumvent unacceptable degrees of cross- peritoneal site and other changes, are often held to affect relatively
referencing; in other locations, further details and systematic names large endodermal ‘organs’ encased in a fine layer of splanchnic
are given, when alternative morphogenetic events occur, but are mesenchyme which is continued to the parietes by an equally tenuous,
infrequently mentioned in introductory accounts. Only those viscera but vascularized, mesentery. With growth and also shape and pos-
developed in direct apposition to one of the primary coelomic itional changes, part or the whole of the mesentery lies against the
regions, or a secondary extension of the latter, retain a partial or parietal peritoneum; their apposed surfaces fuse and are absorbed.
almost complete visceral serous cover. No coelomic cavitation occurs Thus the line of reflexion is altered, or the organ becomes retro-
in the rostral and caudal ends of the embryo, i.e. the cranium, peritoneal; further, mesenteric neurovascular bundles lie ventral to
cervical vertebrae, buccal cavity, pharynx and their mural derivatives; structures derived primarily from the intermediate mesenchyme. Such
similarly, the lower third of the rectum, anal canal, coextensive mechanisms are significant throughout the subdiaphragmatic gut,
vagina and lower urinary tract. In all these cases, derived structures but are predominant in the small and large intestine. However, such
are embedded in unsplit mixed somatovisceral mesenchyme, often views fail to recognize the ability of all serous membranes to vary
with accessions from the neural crest. (The possible classification of their thickness, lines of reflexion, disposition, ‘space’ enclosed and
certain groups of both craniocervical and caudoperineal muscles their channels of communication, by areal and thickness growth on
and their nerves as ‘special visceral’ should be reviewed.) The one aspect combined with cavitation leading to expanding embryonic
cervicothoracic oesophagus is encased in prevertebral, retrotracheal recess formation on the other. The ventral and dorsal foregut
and retrocardiac mesenchyme and develops no true dorsal or ventral mesenteries are relatively large (composed of mesenchyme sand-
mesentery. In the lower thorax the oesophagus inclines ventrally wiched between two layers of splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium),
anterior to the descending thoracic aorta; the dorsocaudally sloping compared with the slender endodermal tubes they encase. A complex
midline diaphragm between oesophageal and aortic orifices may be series of recesses develop in the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme,
homologized with part of a dorsal meso-oesophagus; in the same become confluent, and with foregut rotation, differential growth of
manner, a ventral midline diaphragmatic strip may be considered a stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen, and completion of the dia-
derivative of a ventral meso-oesophagus. At superior and intermediate phragm, the territories of the greater sac and lesser sac (omental
thoracic levels parts of the lateral aspects of the oesophagus come bursa) are delimited, and the mesenteric complexes of these organs
into closer relation to the secondary, mediastinal, parietal pleura (omenta and ‘ligaments’) are defined (see below).
(p. 181). It is convenient to first consider the mesenteries of the small and
The alimentary tube from the diaphragm to the commencement large intestine after rotation and the principal growth patterns have
of the rectum possesses, throughout its length, initially, a sagittal been achieved and the developing pancreas is becoming retro-
dorsal mesentery; its line of continuity with the dorsal parietal peritoneal. Most of the duodenal loop encircles the head of the
peritoneum (i.e. its ‘root’ or ‘line of reflexion’) is, evidently, also pancreas and is retroperitoneal, the peritoneum covering principally
midline. The abdominal foregut, from the diaphragm to the future its ventral and convex aspects. Exceptions are a short initial segment
hepatopancreatic duodenal papilla, also has a ventral mesentery. of the superior (first) part; this is more completely peritonealized
The latter extends from the ventrolateral margins of the abdominal having the attachments of the right margins of the greater and lesser
oesophagus and, as yet ‘unrotated’, primitive stomach and proximal omenta; peritoneum is lacking when there is close apposition of the
duodenum, cranially to the pars diaphragmatica of the septum transverse colon to the descending (second) part, or where the latter
transversum, anteriorly to the ventral abdominal wall to the level of is crossed by the root of the transverse mesocolon; also where the
the cranial rim of the umbilicus; caudally (between umbilicus and mesentery crosses the transverse (third) part, and descends across
duodenum) it presents a crescentic free border. The midgut and the ascending (fourth) part from its upper extremity at the duo-
hindgut have no ventral mesentery; thus the pleural and supra- denojejunal flexure. In addition to the main peritoneal relations of
umbilical peritoneal cavities are initially (and transiently) bilaterally the duodenum just mentioned, one or more of up to six different
symmetrical above the umbilicus; below, the peritoneal cavity is duodenal recesses may develop. Their variations in shape and size,
freely continuous across the midline ventral to the gut. their intestinal, mesenteric and vascular relations and, when
A few general developmental points may be mentioned. Some adequately recorded, their frequencies and disposition of their orifices
organs, for example the lung, despite the extensive pulmonary growth are given on page 1744, and will not be repeated here.
and wide cavitation of a secondary pleural cavity, retain a relatively The succeeding small intestine (jejunum and ileum) from the
simple visceroparietal serous membrane disposition. The lung root, duodenojejunal flexure to the ileocaecal junction (‘valve’) undergoes,
with its bronchial, neurovascular and lymphatic radicles is cir- from a mesenteric standpoint, less modification of its embryonic
cumscribed by a comma-shaped line of reflexion, the dependent ‘tail’ form than other gut regions. Its early dorsal mesentery (no ventral
or pulmonary ligament accommodating calibre variations in the component is present here, or caudally) is a continuous, single (but
contained tubes. Other organs with a single dorsal mesentery may structurally bilaminar) sheet, with its parietal attachment—line of
undergo changes varying from slight to profound. Thus mesenteric reflexion, or ‘root’—in the midline. Usually, with development and
changes are an integral accompaniment of alterations in their visceral the mechanisms mentioned above, the attachment of the root
contents including differential, sometimes asymmetric growth, becomes an oblique narrow band from the left aspect of the second
regional or progressive degeneration, repositioning such as sequential lumbar vertebra to the cranial aspect of the right sacro-iliac joint.
extrusion, retrusion, rotation, spiralization and relative ascent or Thus, from above downwards, it crosses the ascending and transverse
descent. The parietovisceral line of reflexion of the originally midline parts of the duodenum, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, right
dorsal mesentery may become oblique (see the jejuno-ileal mesentery) psoas major and many structures related to these. For dimensions, 193

contents and other details see pages 1765, 1772. Formal names— colonic flexure is considerably more rostral than the hepatic flexure;
mesojejunum, meso-ileum—are seldom used; the mesentery is uni- in accord, the root of the mesocolon curves obliquely upwards as it
versal. crosses the upper abdomen from right to left. As it expands, the
The caecum and vermiform appendix, as stated, arise as a diver- postero-inferior wall of the greater omental part of the bursa omen-
ticulum from the antimesenteric border of the caudal limb of the talis (see below) gradually covers, becoming closely applied to, the
midgut loop and thus the caecum possesses no primitive mesocaecum. transverse mesocolon and its contained colon, finally projecting
These regions of the gut undergo long periods of growth, often beyond the latter. Craniocaudal adherence now occurs between the
asymmetrical, and their final positions, dimensions and general omental wall and the pericolonic and mesocolonic layers. In the
topography show much variation (pp. 1774, 1775). The caecum is mature condition, therefore, a cursory examination suggests that the
usually quite mobile with its lateral, medial, ventral, caudal and transverse colon is connected to the posterior abdominal structures
most of its dorsal surfaces clothed with visceral peritoneum. Peri- by a single mesenteric sheet; close inspection, however, shows this
toneum may be lacking dorsally near its continuation into the to be a compound structure, quadrilaminar in nature (p. 1743).
ascending colon. This arrangement is, however, usually complicated The left colic flexure receives much of its peritoneal covering from
by the presence of two or three caecal recesses, bounded on one or the left extremity of the transverse mesocolon; it is also often
more aspects by /ocal peritoneal folds some of which carry vascular connected to the parietal peritoneum of the diaphragm over the
pedicles. For further details of the recesses (superior and inferior tenth and eleventh ribs by a phrenicocolic ligament. The latter
ileocaecal and retrocaecal) and folds (Jateral and medial parietocaecal, sometimes blends with a presplenic fold that radiates from the
vascular caecal and ileocaecal) see page 1744. The vermiform appen- gastrosplenic ligament. The descending colon becomes sessile; it
dix is also almost wholly clothed with visceral peritoneum, derived commences over the inferolateral border of the left kidney and first
from the diverging layers of its rather diminutive mesoappendix. passes almost vertically in the depression between psoas major,
The latter, of triangular profile, carrying the appendicular vessels, quadratus lumborum and the aponeurotic origin of transversus
lymphatics and nerves, is further detailed on page 1743; it appears abdominis, to the level of the iliac crest; here it inclines inferomedially
as a continuation of ‘the’ mesentery near its ileocaecal junction. crossing iliacus and psoas major to reach the brim of the true pelvis
Despite the opening remarks above, therefore, the mesoappendix where it continues as the sigmoid colon. The numerous structures
should perhaps be regarded as a direct derivative of the primitive intervening between the posterior aspect of the descending colon and
dorsal mesentery; on this view, a similar status for the vascular fold its fibromuscular ‘bed’ are detailed on page 1777. Contrary to often
of the caecum should be considered. With approaching completion stated (but unsupported) assumptions, it has now been clearly
of differential growth, rotation and circumabdominal displacement demonstrated (Kanagasuntheram 1957) that the process of fusion
of the colonic gut, until the fourth month, this part of the gut retains and obliteration of both ascending and descending mesocolons
its primitive dorsal mesentery (mesocolon) throughout. Its original commences laterally and progresses medially.
root is still vertical in the dorsal midline, from which it diverges The sigmoid colon is ultimately most variable in its length and
widely, roughly as an incomplete, flattened pyramid, to reach its disposition, with numerous topographical relationships (p. 1777). It
colonic border (at the future taenia mesocolica). During the fourth retains its dorsal mesocolon, but the initial midline dorsal attachment
and fifth months substantial areas of the primitive mesocolon adhere of its root is considerably modified in its definitive state. The
to, then fuse with, the parietal peritoneum; thus some colonic latter is commonly described as an inverted V which is, however,
segments become sessile while others have a shorter mesocolon with asymmetric, and, other than the rectal termination of its right limb,
an (often profoundly) altered parietal line of attachment (root). In lies wholly to the left of the midline. The apex of the V lies ventral
one series of 100 specimens studied (Treves 1885a, b) the most to the bifurcation of the left common iliac artery; this separates it
common arrangement occurred in about 50%; in these a transverse from the cranial part of the left sacro-iliac joint. The left limb of the
and a sigmoid mesocolon persisted and the sessile state affected the V is shorter than the right and, bearing the inferior left colic
ascending colon, right (hepatic) flexure and the descending colon. In (sigmoidal) vessels, is almost horizontal, inclining only slightly cran-
the remainder, either the ascending or descending, or both, colonic ially as it is traced lateromedially from its origin to the apex. The
segments also retained a mesocolon (varying from a localized ‘fold’ right limb carries the superior rectal vessels; it is longer than the left
to a complete mesocolon). When sessile, the ventral, medial and and about 45° to the vertical, as it extends from the apex to its
lateral aspects of the ascending or descending colon are clothed with midline termination (at the cranial end of the rectum) on the ventral
peritoneum, the protrusion of the viscus producing medial and lateral aspect of the third sacral vertebra. For details of the relationships
peritoneal paracolic gutters on each side. The multiple topographical and contents of the sigmoidal mesocolon, also the presence, form
relationships of these parts of the colon and particularly the dorsal and age dependency of its associated intersigmoid apical recess, see
structures, with a mere fibro-areolar separation, are detailed on page pages 1743, 1744, 1778.
1745. This form of apposition to underlying structures proceeds The rectum continues from the ventral aspect of the third sacral
from the ascending colon to include the right colic (hepatic) flexure, vertebra to its anorectal (perineal) flexure antero-inferior to the tip
and thence continues antero-inferiorly to the left, thus involving the of the coccyx, the distance, of course, changing with age. All aspects
right-sided initial segment of the transverse colon. The right flexure are encased by mesenchyme; the early dorsally placed mass is named,
is in contact with the caudal part of the ventrolateral surface of the by some authorities, the dorsal mesorectum. The latter does not form
right kidney, the colonic peritoneum passes cranially clothing this a true mesentery, however, but with progressive skeletal development
part of the kidney; sometimes reaching the rim of the right suprarenal. it reduces to a woven fibroreolar sheet with patterned variations in
In either event, the peritoneum is next reflected ventrally as the lower thickness and fibre orientation. The sheet is closely applied to
layer of the coronary ligament to the dorsum of the right lobe of the ventral concavity of the sacrum and coccyx, with numerous
the liver: this renal peritoneum forms the floor of the hepatorenal fibromuscular and neurovascular elements enclosed (p. 1779). Thus,
pouch (of Morison). The pouch, in addition to its topographical the rectum becomes sessile, visceral peritoneum being restricted to
relations with colon, kidney, suprarenal and liver, has clinically its lateral and ventral surfaces. With the disappearance of the
significant associations with the right lateral paracolic gutter, the postanal gut by the end of the fifth week, the ventrolateral peritoneum
epiploic foramen—its boundaries and their many contents—the reaches the superior surface of the pelvic floor musculature, and this
vestibule of the mature omental bursa, the gallbladder and biliary persists until late in the fourth month. In this period the ventral
ducts. (Numerous references are made to all the foregoing in Section rectal peritoneum of the male is reflected to cover the posterior
8). The right extremity of the transverse colon, as mentioned, is also surface of the prostate and bladder trigone and associated structures;
sessile, fibro-areolar tissue separating it from the anterior aspect of the female initially receives a reflexion covering almost the whole
the descending (second) part of the duodenum and the corresponding posterior aspect of the vagina, thence continuing over the uterus.
aspect of most of the head of the pancreas. The remainder of the Subsequently, the closely apposed walls of these deep peritoneal
transverse colon, up to and including the left (splenic) colic flexure, pouches fuse over much of their caudal extent, their mesothelia
is almost completely peritonealized by the diverging layers of the are lost, and the organs have an intervening, bilaminar (surgical
transverse mesocolon. The root of the latter reaches the neck and separable), fibrous stratum. The latter is the masculine rectovesical
whole extent of the anterior border of the body of the pancreas. The fascia and posterior wall of the prostatic sheath; its female homologue
194 long axis of the definitive pancreas lies obliquely; also, the splenic is the posterior part of the fibrous envelope of the vagina, that

intervenes between its middle two-fourths and the rectum. Thus the viscera, their mesenteries and associated subregions of the peritoneal
proximal third of the rectum has a peritoneal tunic ventrolaterally; cavity. The latter, although increasingly complex topographically,
the lateral extensions are triangular—deep proximally and tapering remains a single cavity with numerous intercommunicating regions,
to an acute angle when the middle third of the rectum is reached. pouches and recesses. (The only small peritoneal sacs to separate
Thereafter, the middle third has peritoneum restricted to its ventral completely from the main cavity are the infracardiac bursa—see
surface where it forms the posterior wall of the shallower rectovesical below and p. 1751—and the tunica vaginalis testis.)
or rectovagino-uterine pouch. The remaining rectum and anal canal
are subperitoneal. Human definitive peritoneum
The many additional peritoneal eminences, ridges, folds, grooves, The human definitive peritoneal cavity (there are extreme species
fossae and pouches that on varying time scales characterize the true specializations), is commonly described as comprising a /esser sac
pelvis and lower abdomen simply reflect the growth patterns of the and a greater sac of peritoneum.
subjacent viscera, vessels, some nerves or features of the parietes. Lesser sac (or definitive bursa omentalis). This is compounded of
They are mentioned either in the following pages, or with the a series of confluent recesses, mainly situated in the left, superior
appropriate organ in other sections of this text. quadrant of the abdomen; however, it extends beyond the boundaries
of the quadrant, crossing the median plane about 4cm to the right
Subdiaphragmatic foregut peritoneum
and to a quite variable extent ventro-inferiorly, Briefly, it is intimately
Subdiaphragmatic foregut peritoneum is complex in its definitive related to the retroperitoneal organs of the ‘stomach bed’, the
topography and, whilst having relatively simple symmetrical origins, transverse colon and its mesocolon, the postero-inferior surface of
becomes progressively more complicated during development. The the stomach and mesenteries (omenta and ligaments) attached to its
latter involves rapidly changing three-dimensional arrays of serosal greater and lesser curvatures, the spleen and its ligaments, the caudate
visceral surfaces, mesenchymal masses and mesenteric sheets. Diffi- lobe and process of the liver and the diaphragm. (See below and
culties are compounded by the (rather surprising) paucity of struc- p. 183 for details, also p.197 for a discussion of the use of terms
tural ontogenetic accounts, the obligatory absence of human ‘ligament’ and ‘omentum’ in relation to peritoneal features.) A little
experimental data, some slackening of surgical interest in topo- above the centre of its right margin, the cavity of the lesser sac
graphical minutiae and the adoption of simplified basic instructional connects with that of the greater sac, i.e. the whole remainder of the
courses. Here a few paragraphs offer scant justice to the topic and peritoneal cavity, through a vertical slit, with apposed but easily
space limitations permit only brief allusion to the (often ‘investigator separable walls, the epiploic foramen (p. 1738).
specific’) variations in terminology commonly encountered. Classic Greater sac. For practical convenience, this is often allocated
investigations, reviews and bibliographies are found in Broman into a number of subregions, or ‘spaces’: all, except two, are peri-
(1904, 1938); these may be contrasted with Kanagasuntheram (1957). tonealized, and all connect with neighbouring spaces, either by a
Some features have already been mentioned in other contexts, but wide direct or a more circuitous route. (In an overall peritoneal
will be summarized here to allow addition, deletion, criticism and classification, as here, the cavity of the lesser sac and two extra-
suggested alternatives to the nomenclature and causal mechanisms peritoneal spaces are included.) The abdominal peritoneal cavity is
invoked. (Throughout these and previous sections, reference should (incompletely) divided by the transverse colon and its mesocolon
be made to 3.00a-H and 3.00a-£.) ‘ into a supracolic space containing the foregut, its derivatives and
The subdiaphragmatic foregut includes, sequentially, the pre- mesenteries, and an infracolic space containing the midgut and
sumptive short terminal oesophagus, stomach and proximal duo- hindgut with derivatives and mesenteries, already described. The
denum (as far as, and including, the hepatopancreatic anlage). These supracolic space is subdivided into six: right and left subphrenic,
subregions of the foregut initially (34mm CR length) constitute a subhepatic and extraperitoneal spaces. (The left subhepatic space
continuous endodermal tube of roughly uniform calibre (but slightly is a rather inappropriate name for the omental bursa; the right
flattened laterally in the gastric region), encased in a thick stratum extraperitoneal space is the ‘bare area’ of the liver; the left extra-
of splanchnopleuric mesenchyme. The latter is linked from both its peritoneal space surrounds the left suprarenal and upper pole of left
dorsal and ventral aspects with substantial blocks of splanchnopleuric kidney.) The infracolic space is divided by the mesentery of the small
mesenchyme that blend, respectively, with a wide dorsal midline intestine into right and left moieties, while external to the ascending
strip of the body wall and diaphragm and the ventrolateral body and descending colon lie the right and /eft lateral paracolic gutters.
wall and diaphragm, including the caudal base of the pericardium. All the latter are more or less directly continuous with the fossae
Thus, at this early stage, the abdominal foregut with its associated and pouches of the lesser pelvis. (For further details of these various
mesenchymal masses comprises a thick sagittal septum, dividing the spaces see p. 1745 and throughout the account of the peritoneum in
peritoneal coelom into right and left symmetric halves down to the Gastrointestinal system.)
level of the umbilicus. Until closure (p. 180), each half communicates
with a pleural coelom via a small pleuroperitoneal canal. With the Abdominal foregut
appearance of recognizable subregions of the foregut, and of the Abdominal foregut and its associated splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
liver, pancreas and spleen, and the hepatopancreatic duct systems, has an ontogenetic history too complex to receive more than a brief
each undergoes asymmetric differential growth (sometimes inter- summary here; also the origin, admixture and final fate of some
preted as physical ‘rotation’ of the whole organ—see below), expan- masses remain uncertain in the absence of experimental data.
sion and relative displacement. Concurrently, the splanchnopleuric However, the nomenclature employed is, in some cases, a misleading
mesenchyme that encases each organ forms its muscularis and simplification merely handed on in successive accounts over many
connective tissue framework. The outer splanchnopleuric coelomic decades. Sometimes, unproven mechanisms are held to operate
epithelium, where present, forms its visceral peritoneal surfaces which, on close examination, could not result in the well-known
(serosa). The mesenchyme between organs (e.g. between stomach definitive topography. Some additional terms and divergences from
and liver, stomach and pancreas, stomach and spleen, spleen and current morphogenetic accounts are included.
left kidney) and that extending from a viscus to the parietes, increases Early embryonic nomenclature is often confined to the mes-
in area and becomes relatively thinner, while its visceroparietal lines enchymal masses lying dorsal and ventral to the foregut. However,
of attachment are altered, as are, necessarily, their topographical the thick mesenchymes surrounding the wall of the gut itself are
planes. These events follow the development of multiple small clefts equally prominent morphogenetically. Although continuous with,
within the thick mesenchyme; their coalescence and secondary they cannot be allocated quantitatively as parts of, the dorsal and
opening into the primitive peritoneal cavity rapidly follows and ventral masses. It is useful, therefore, to refer to them simply
then further expansion of the developmental recess so formed. (The as oesophageal, gastric and duodenal splenchnopleuric mesenchymes.
sequence of events closely mimics the formation of the primary Some of the latter areas are compound in the sense that by cavitation
intraembryonic coelom in the protocardiac area and lateral plate and cleavage they may provide part of their thickness as secondary
mesenchyme (see p. 148). It is not, as commonly described, a simple extensions of surrounding primary mesenteries with new lines of
depression followed by excavation into one of the thick mesenchymal visceral attachment and areal expansion. These processes also result
strata from the primary peritoneal cavity. These morphogenetic in modification of parietal lines of reflexion and related peritoneal
changes result in a marked asymmetry of the upper abdominal cavity. 195

Septum transversum Caval fold

Septum transversum is the somewhat inappropriate name (but deeply The caval fold is a linear eminence with divergent rostral and caudal
ingrained in embryological literature) denoting all the mesenchyme ends that passes from the upper abdominal to the lower thoracic
that extends from the ventral aspect- of the caudal foregut to the region and protrudes from the dorsal wall of the pleuroperitoneal
ventrolateral aspects of the supra-umbilical abdominal and lower canal. Cranially it becomes continuous, lateromedially, with the root
thoracic walls; its rostral surfaces reach, and contribute to the caudal of the pulmonary anlage and pleural coelom, the pars pericardialis
‘bases’ of the pericardium and secondary pleural cavities; its caudal of the septum transversum and the retrocardiac mediastinal mes-
free surface arches from the duodenum to the cranial rim of the enchyme. Caudally it forms an arch with dorsal and ventral horns;
umbilicus. Dorsally it borders the pleuroperitoneal canals, is con- the dorsal merges with the primitive dorsal mesentery and the
tinuous with the foregut mesenchymes mentioned above, and con- mesonephric ridge (and associated gonad and suprarenal); the ventral
tributes to the caval fold (see below). Some of these features have horn is confluent with the dorsal surface of the septal mesenchyme.
been encountered elsewhere (e.g. pp. 152, 180) and will only receive Thus the fold is a zone where intestinal, mesenteric, intermediate,
a brief summary here. After head fold formation, the most rostral hepatic, pericardial, pulmonary and mediastinal mesenchymes meet
part of the septum transversum has the common sinuatrial chamber and blend, and may justifiably be compared with the junctional
of the heart embedded in it, each sinual horn of which receives the zones of mesenchyme described elsewhere (p. 151). Contributions
transeptal terminals of a vitelline, umbilical and common cardinal from septal mesenchyme are considered of particular importance by
vein (for their fate see p. 180). As the pericardial cavity expands and some authorities (Kanagasuntheram 1957). It provides a mes-
the sinuatrial chamber ‘rises’ into it, septal mesenchyme follows (pars enchymal route for the upper abdominal, transdiaphragmatic and
pericardialis) and condenses as the fibroserous diaphragmatic aspect transpericardial parts of the inferior vena cava; it is also prominent
of the pericardium. The intermediate stratum of septal mesenchyme in the development of parts of the liver, lesser sac of peritoneum
(pars diaphragmatica) makes substantial contributions to the frame- and certain mesenteries. The left fold regresses whereas the right fold
work of the sternocostal parts of the diaphragm (3.79). Additional enlarges rapidly.
extensions occur into the mesenchymatous bed in which the subhepa-
tic-hepatic-hepatocardiac parts of the inferior vena cava develop Lesser sac
(p.324) and in relation to the expanding liver. Thus the pars
diaphragmatica alone truly merits the name septum transversum and The lesser sac (definitive bursa omentalis) has already been mentioned
even this is both incomplete (until closure of the pleuroperitoneal in terms of its general disposition and communication with the
canals) and also, with expansion of the lungs, secondary pleural greater sac. Unfortunately considerable variation exists between the
cavities, liver and stomach, soon becomes less ‘transverse’ as it terminologies adopted by different authors, both during ontogeny
develops a marked convexity towards the thorax. Strong fibrous and in adult topography. Development of the lesser sac is so
continuity between the perinodal area of the central tendon of the intimately interlocked with additional ontogenetic features, par-
diaphragm and the overlying fibrous pericardium persists. Midline ticularly of the liver and stomach, their mesenteries, and secondary
strips of diaphragm ventral and dorsal to the oesophageal hiatus are extensions of the greater sac, that these must receive brief mention.
held by some to be mesenteric in origin (see below): in the writers’ Invasion of the ventral pars mesenterica by the hepatic and
view this merely adds confusion to an already complex terminology. (transiently) the ventral pancreatic rudiment, followed by trifurcation
Since this is their normal fate it seems preferable to term these of the primary hepatic anlage into right and left submasses and a
the ventral and dorsal pars diaphragmatica of the oesophageal caudal pars cystica, has been described (p. 187). Hepatic growth on
mesenchyme from the outset. the two sides is approximately equal in early fetal months, and the
The remaining subdiapragmatic part of the septum ‘transversum’, liver mass almost fills the ventral mesenchyme; but thick, short
as indicated, is designated the pars mesenterica and initially forms a blocks of mesenchyme intervene between the liver and the foregut,
sagitally placed ventral ‘mesentery’ for the foregut. Although a diaphragm and supra-umbilical ventral body wall. Removal of the
continuous sheet, thick subregions are recognized: a brief ventral viscera at these symmetric stages reveals the cut edges of the meso-
meso-oesophagus, continuing into a more extensive ventral meso- thelium bordering the coelom and enclosing the wide areas of
gastrium, the latter merging into a ventral mesoduodenum that has a mesenchymal continuity. The latter has a large roughly circular
caudal free border. Many (the majority of) accounts ignore these central area with numerous tapering projections towards the
subregions and simply equate all derivatives of the ventral pars abdomen: the obliquely cut mesenteries, caval folds, mesonephric
mesenterica as those of the ventral mesogastrium. Some confusion and attendant ridges and the lateral rim of the pleuroperitoneal
may occur, however, particularly with respect to the development canals. The whole bears some resemblance to an inverted coronet,
and definitive courses of the main biliary ducts, hepatic artery, hence the name coronary ligament of the liver. (With growth and
portal vein and attendant lymphatics and nerves, and to the maturity the restricted use of the name is much less apposite.) Much
hepatic and gastric serosae and mesenteries. As indicated, the mes- of the mesenchymal mass surrounding the liver develops cavities that
enchymal modifications are correlated with the asymmetric growth coalesce and open into the general coelomic cavity as extensions of
patterns of the stomach, duodenum and liver (see pp. 183, 186 and the greater (and lesser) sacs of peritoneum. Thus almost all the
below). ventrosuperior, visceral and some of the posterior aspects of the
liver become peritonealized. The process involving the greater sac
continues over the right lobe and ceases when the future superior
Abdominal foregut dorsal splanchnopleuric and inferior layers of the coronary ligament and the right triangular
mesenchyme ligament are defined. Those, plus a medial boundary provided by an
Abdominal foregut dorsal splanchnopleuric mesenchyme commences extension of the lesser sac, enclose the ‘bare area’ of the liver where
rostrally as an oesophageal dorsal pars diaphragmatica which, as loose areolar tissue of septal origin persists. Due to asymmetric liver
indicated, contributes a narrow midline strip extending between the growth the same processes affecting the left lobe result in the smaller
oesophageal hiatus and the aortic orifice. The remainder, the dorsal left triangular ligament. Where the superior layers of the coronary
pars mesenterica, again initially forms a midline sagittal dorsal and left triangular ligaments meet they continue as a (bilaminar)
septum of thick mesenchyme; its subregions (corresponding to the ventral mesentery attached to the ventrosuperior aspects of the liver;
ventral ones) and parts of one continuous mesenchymal block are: its parietal attachment has a slight inclination to the right as it
a brief dorsal meso-oesophagus, a more extensive dorsal mesogastrium crosses the ventral diaphragm and then descends to the umbilicus.
and a dorsal mesoduodenum. Their modifications are even more Its umbilicohepatic free caudal border, somewhat arched, carries the
extensive than those of the ventral mesenteries and also have the left umbilical vein (or, postnatally, the fibrous obliterated vein or
additional complications of the developing pancreas and spleen. ligamentum teres, with fine calibre para-umbilical veins); the whole
Further, many accounts ignore the subregions and collectively dub structure constitutes the falciform ligament. Most of the latter may
them the dorsal mesogastrium. This may lead to (perhaps minor) be considered the final ventral part of the ventral mesogastrium; its
misplacement of the anlage of certain organs; however, the siting of free border, however, has a ventral mesoduodenal origin.
the initiation of the lesser sac of peritoneum in the dorsal meso- As stated, the endodermal subdiaphragmatic foregut of the early
196 gastrium is both incorrect and confusing. embryo is a tube of almost uniform calibre, but with a slight fusiform

gastric dilatation with a minimal degree of side-to-side flattening, peritoneal, crossing the base of the now roughly triangular bare area
encased in thick splanchnopleuric mesenchyme and splanchnopleuric of the liver (encompassed by coronary and right triangular ligaments)
coelomic epithelia (mesothelium). The mesenchyme is continuous and this new expanded line of reflexion. With closure of the pleuro-
with the primitive ventral and dorsal mesogastria and these indicate peritoneal canals the rostral part of the right pneumato-enteric recess
the sagittal positions of the primitive ventral and dorsal borders of is sequestered by the diaphragm but often persists as a small serous
the stomach. Many accounts state that the development of a ventrally sac in the right pulmonary ligament. The remaining caval fold
directed concave /esser curvature and a more rapidly growing dor- mesenchyme to the left of the inferior vena cava, and forming the
socranially directed convex greater curvature and incipient fundus right wall of the upper part of the lesser sac, becomes completely
occur while the anlage is still sagittal. Thereafter, the whole miniature invaded by embryonic hepatic tissue and is transformed into the
organ and attached mesogastria are supposed to physically rotate caudate lobe of the liver. This smooth, vertically elongate mass
through almost 90° (see p. 190). On this view the original left surface projects into the cavity of the lesser sac, and both its posterior and
becomes ventrosuperior and the primitive dorsal border is directed much of its anterior surfaces are peritonealized because of the
to the left as the greater curvature. The interpretation of various increasing depth of the groove for the ductus venosus and the
mesenteric and neurovascular sequelae were based on these assump- attachment of the lesser omentum to its floor. The narrow isthmus
tions. Inspection of closely-spaced series of embryos (Kanaga- of the caudate process connects its right inferior angle to the rest of
suntheram 1957, 1960) led to the suggestion that the morpho- the right lobe (and is the roof of the epiploic foramen). The parts of
genetic changes in both stomach and duodenum and their attendant the lesser sac thus far described above and to the right of the lesser
mesenteries were mainly, if not wholly, due to patterned differential curvature of the stomach have received a plethora of names by
growth rates and mesenchymal cleft formation and cleavage. Thus different investigators; sometimes these stem from changing or con-
the stomach, initially a tube with slight lateral flattening, developed trasting views of ontogeny. A few prominent ones will be mentioned.
a linear zone of high proliferation along the length of the central Some regard the right rim only of the structures already listed as
part of its (original) left lateral wall. At first it became triangular in constituting the boundaries of the epiploic foramen. The narrow
transverse section, with rounded angles and apex pointing to the channel, a few centimetres long, passing to the left, and coextensive
left; further growth resulted in an elliptical profile. The ends of the with the caudate process and peritonealized part of the initial
sectional ellipse corresponded to the curvatures: the end directed to duodenal segment, is called the vestibule of the lesser sac (but see
the right, and alittle ventrally, to the lesser curvature and justifiably below). The remaining, much more extensive part above the lesser
regarded as a modified primitive ventral border; the left end to the curvature is termed, variously, the upper (superior) part (recess) of
greater curvature, an entirely new formation. For a while the two the lesser sac, the hepatic part of the lesser sac or finally the hepato-
primitive mesogastria are both attached near the emerging lesser enteric part of the pneumato-enteric recess. Some authorities group
curvature (the sites of the primitive dorsal and ventral borders). The all the foregoing under the general term vestibule; they are intimately
profound changes involved in reaching the definitive state only related to the diaphragm and caudate lobe of the liver and coextensive
supervene with the development of the lesser sac. with the lesser omentum. Varying use of the name vestibule partly
The /esser sac is the first indicated by the appearance of multiple reflects earlier, mistaken views of the ontogeny of the upper and
clefts in the para-oesophageal mesenchyme on both left and right lower parts of the lesser sac (about to be described). Much of the
aspects of the oesophagus. Although they may become confluent, upper part was considered to be merely a part of the general
the left clefts are transitory and soon atrophy. The right clefts merge peritoneal coelom ‘captured’ by differential growth and omental
to form the right pneumato-enteric recess that extends from the changes of plane, whereas fundamentally different mechanisms of
oesophageal end of the lesser curvature as far as the caudal aspect excavation were considered to apply to the lower part, the ‘true’
of the right lung bud. At its gastric end it communicates with the omental bursa of some authors. Current evidences suggest that the
general peritoneal cavity and lies ventrolateral to the gut; more same array of developmental mechanisms, with only quantitative
rostrally it lies directly lateral to the oesophagus. It is not, as regional differences, apply to all coelomic regions. The general name
commonly stated, a simple progressive excavation of the right side omental bursa should be used with caution; both upper and lower
of the dorsal mesogastrium. The right pneumato-enteric recess under- parts have walls that are partly omental (lesser and greater omenta
goes further extension, subdivision and modification mentioned respectively); also neither part is functionally more nor less bursal
below. From its caudal end a second process of cleft and cavity than other coelomic regions—peritoneal, pleural or pericardial. Con-
formation occurs producing the hepato-enteric recess that thins and fusion stemming from the term ‘recess’ firmly established in embry-
expands the splanchnopleure between the liver and the stomach and ology but, with different connotations, used sporadically in adult
proximal duodenum, and also reaches the diaphragm. The resulting, topography has been mentioned (p. 1744). Thus, the upper (superior)
structurally bilaminar, mesenteric sheet is the lesser omentum and is and lower (inferior) parts of the lesser sac seem preferable terms.
derived from the small meso-oesophagus, the major part from the Ultimately the junction between upper and lower parts is oblique,
ventral mesogastrium, and the reduplicated strip including the free curving upwards as it passes from right to left; ventrally lies the
border from the ventral mesoduodenum. As differential growth of gastric lesser curvature, dorsally the body of the pancreas. The left
the duodenum occurs, the biliary duct is repositioned and most of limit is a curved ridge of mesenchyme (future left gastropancreatic
the duodenum becomes sessile; the duodenal attachment of the free fold) carrying the left gastric artery and the right a curved ridge
border and a continuous neighbouring strip of the lesser omentum (future right gastropancreatic fold) carrying the common hepatic
becomes confined to the upper border of a short segment of its artery.
superior part. The free border, with contrasting growth and pos- The lower (inferior) part of the lesser sac commences development
itioning of its attached viscera, gradually changes from the horizontal at about 8-9mm CR length—at this stage the early pneumato-
to the vertical. It carries the bile duct, portal vein and hepatic artery, enteric and hepato-enteric recesses are well established. Differential
and its hepatic end is reflected around the porta hepatis; an alternative gastric growth is progressing (p. 183) giving an elliptical transverse
name for this part of the lesser omentum is the hepatoduodenal sectional profile, with a right-sided lesser curvature, corresponding
ligament, and it forms the anterior wall of the epiploic foramen. The to the original ventral border of the gastric tube, to which the lesser
floor of the foramen is the initial segment of the superior part of the omental gastric part of the ventral mesogastrium remains attached.
duodenum mentioned above, its posterior wall is the peritoneum As indicated, the greater curvature is a new formation, rapidly
covering the immediately subhepatic part of the inferior vena cava, expanding, with its convex profile projecting mainly to the left, but
and its roof the peritonealized caudate process of the liver. That also rostrally and caudally. It was emphasized that the original
major part of the lesser omentum from the lesser gastric curvature dorsal border of the gastric tube now traverses the dorsal aspect of
passes in an approximately coronal plant to reach the floor of the the expanding rudiment, curving along a line near the /esser cur-
increasingly deep groove for the ductus venosus (postnatally the vature; here, transiently, the primitive dorsal mesogastrium is
ligamentum venosum) on the hepatic dorsum. This part is sometimes attached. The latter blends with the thick layer of compound gastric
called the hepatogastric ligament. mesenchyme clothing the posterior aspect and greater curvature of
The pneumato-enteric recess continues to expand to the right into the miniature stomach; because of its thickness, the mesenchyme
the substance of the caval fold, ceasing near the left margin of the projects rostrally, caudally, and particularly to the left, beyond the
hepatic part of the inferior vena cava; the latter remains extra- ‘new’ greater curvature of the endodermal lining of the stomach. (It 197


may be noted that during these stages the geometries, and hence varieties. In the greater omentum, the gastric serosa covering its
sectional profiles, of tissue strata and cavities are complex and change postero-inferior surface (single mesothelium) and the anterosuperior
rapidly with varying levels of histological section and with time. serosa (single mesothelium) converge, meeting at the greater cur-
Thus only a brief summary of some salient points can be attempted vature (and initial segment of the duodenum). The resulting bilaminar
here. For details consult Kanagasuntheram 1957.) The processes mesentery continues as the anterosuperior (or ‘descending’) stratum
already described in relation to the ventral mesenteries now super- of the omentum which, on reaching the omental margins, is reflexed
vene. Multiple clefts appear at various loci in the mesenchyme, with and ‘returns’ (or ‘ascends’) as its posterior bilaminar stratum to its
local mesenchyme to epithelial transition; each group of clefts rapidly parietal root. The two bilaminar strata are initially in fairly close
coalesce to form (transiently) isolated closed spaces. The latter, by a contact caudally, but separated by a fine, fluid-containing, cleft-like
continuation of the mechanism, soon join with each other and with extension of the lower part of the lesser sac. The posterior meso-
the preformed upper part of the lesser sac, the newly formed epithelia thelium of the posterior stratum makes equally close contact with
joining the coelomic epithelium. The initial loci involve, firstly, the the anterosuperior surface of the transverse colon (starting at its
compound posterior gastric mesenchyme nearer the lesser curvature taenia omentalis) and with its transverse mesocolon.
and along its zone of blending with the primitive dorsal meso- At this stage, and subsequently, it is convenient to designate the
gastrium; secondarily, in the dorsal mesoduodenum; thirdly, inde- lower part of the lesser sac as consisting of three subregions: retro-
pendently in the caudal rim where greater curvature mesenchyme gastric, perigastric and greater omental. The names are self-explana-
and dorsal mesogastrium blend. As these cavities become confluent tory but their confines are all modified by various factors. Two
and their ‘reniform’ expansion follows, matches and then exceeds phenomena are particularly prominent: gastric ‘descent’ relative to
that of the gastric greater curvature, there are some major sequelae. the liver, and fusion of peritoneal layers with altered lines of reflexion,
The primitive dorsal mesogastrium increases in area not only by adhesion of surfaces and loss of parts of cavities.
intrinsic growth, but as cavitation proceeds, by substantial additions After the third month the hepatic growth diminishes, particularly
from the dorsal lamella separated by cleavage of the posterior gastric the left lobe, and the whole organ recedes into the upper abdomen;
mesenchyme: together these may conveniently be called the secondary meanwhile the stomach elongates and some descent occurs, despite
dorsal mesogastrium. The gastric attachment of the latter changes as its relatively fixed cranial and caudal ends. This causes the angular
a set of somewhat spiral lines, longitudinally disposed, that move, flexure of the stomach that persists postnatally: the concavity of the
with time, from near the lesser curvature towards, and finally lesser curvature is now directed more precisely to the right, the lesser
reaching, the definitive greater curvature. The parietal mesogastrial omentum is more exactly coronal and its free border vertical, ventral
and (cleaving) mesoduodenal attachment remains, for a time, in the to the liver; the free border of the falciform ligament passes steeply
dorsal midline, but subsequently undergoes profound changes. With rostrodorsally from umbilicus to liver. The mesenchymal dorsal wall
the confluence of the cavities that collectively form the lower part of of the lower part of the lesser sac, crossed obliquely by the growing
the lesser sac, its communication with the upper part, corresponding pancreas, has hitherto remained free, with its original dorsal midline
to the lesser gastric curvature and right and left gastropancreatic root. Substantial areas now fuse with adjacent peritonealized surfaces
folds, becomes better defined. Ventral to the lower part of the cavity of retroperitoneal viscera, the parietes, or another mesenteric sheet
lies the postcleavage splanchnopleure covering the postero-inferior or fold. In the latter case there occurs a variable loss of their apposed
surface of the stomach and a short proximal segment of the duo- mesothelia and some continuity of their mesenchymal cores, but
denum. This ventral wall is continued beyond the greater curvature they remain surgically separable and no vascular anastomosis
and duodenum as the splanchnopleuric strip of visceral attachment develops across the interzone. Above the pancreas the posterior
of the secondary dorsal mesogastrium and mesoduodenum. The secondary dorsomesogastrial wall of the sac becomes closely applied
radial width of the strip is relatively short rostrally (gastric fundus) to the peritoneum covering the posterior abdominal wall and its
and gradually increases along the descending left part of the greater sessile organs—the diaphragm, much of the left suprarenal gland,
curvature; it is longest throughout the remaining perimeter of the the ventromedial part of the upper pole of the left kidney, the initial
greater curvature as far as the duodenum, and this prominent part part of the abdominal aorta, the coeliac trunk and its branches, and
shows continued marginal (caudoventral and lateral) growth with other vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. Their peritoneal surfaces fuse
extended internal cavitation (its walls constituting the expanding and, with some tissue loss, a single mesothelium covering these
greater omentum). The margins of the cavity of the inferior part of structures remains, intercalated as a new secondary dorsal wall for
the lesser sac are limited by the reflexed edges of the ventrally this part of the lesser sac. The pancreas, as indicated (p. 186), grows
placed strata derived from the secondary dorsal mesogastrium just from the duodenal loop, penetrating the substance of the dorsal
described. These converge, forming the splanchnopleuric dorsal wall, mesoduodenum and secondary dorsal mesogastrium, their mes-
which is initially ‘free’ throughout except at its midline dorsal enchymes and mesothelia initially clothing its whole surface, except
root. At roughly midgastric levels, encased in this dorsal wall, the where there exist peritoneal lines of reflexion. Its posterior peri-
pancreatic rudiment grows obliquely, its tail ultimately reaching the toneum becomes closely applied to that covering all the posterior
left limit of the lesser sac at the level of the junction between gastric abdominal wall structures it crosses (prominently: the inferior vena
fundus and body. (It may be mentioned that many earlier accounts cava, abdominal aorta, splenic vein, superior mesenteric vessels,
held that the lower part of the lesser sac stemmed from a simple inferior mesenteric vein, portal vein, left renal vessels, the caudal
excavation of the dorsal mesogastrium—the pancreatico-enteric pole of the left suprarenal, a broad ventral band on the left kidney
recess—with subsequent further extensions. This view has been and various muscles, etc; see p.1790). The intervening peritoneal
discarded here.) mesothelia fuse and atrophy, the mesenchymal cores forming fascial
Centred on the dorsal mesogastrial region towards which growth sheaths and septa. The pancreas is now sessile and the peritoneum
of the pancreatic tail is directed, the anlage of the spleen appears in covering the upper left part of its head, neck and anterosuperior
the coelomic epithelium and subjacent mesenchyme. As it expands part of its body forms the central part of the dorsal wall of the lesser
into the upper left hypochondriac part of the greater sac, it retains sac. The pancreatic tail remains peritonealized by a persisting part
its neurovascular pedicle and serous tunic, both of dorsal meso- of the secondary dorsal mesogastrium as it curves from the ventral
gastrial origin (pp. 1438, 1739). aspect of the left kidney towards the hilum of the spleen. (The
The greater omentum and its contained extension of the lesser sac infracolic parts of the pancreas are covered with greater sac
continue to grow both laterally, and particularly caudoventrally, peritoneum.) In the greater omental subregion of the lower part of
covering and closely applied to the transverse mesocolon, transverse the lesser sac two contrasting forms of mesenteric adhesion occur.
colon and inframesocolic and infracolic coils of small intestine. At The posterior ‘returning’ bilaminar stratum of the omentum under-
this stage the quadrilaminar nature of the dependent part of the goes partial fusion with the peritoneum of the transverse colon (at
greater omentum is most easily appreciated. It will be recalled that the taenia omentalis) and with its mesocolon. (They provide a great
‘simple’ mesenteries, for example the mesentery of the jejuno-ileum, increase in the functional area of the stomach ‘bed’, p. 1755; also
are bilaminar in that they possess two mesothelial surfaces they remain surgically separable and no anastomosis occurs between
(splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium) enclosing a connective tissue omental and colic vessels.) In fetal life the greater omental cavity
core (from splanchnopleuric mesenchyme) which bears blood and extends to the internal aspect of the lateral and caudal edges of the
198 lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, nerves, adipose tissue and other cell omentum. However, postnatally a slow but progressive fusion of the

internal surfaces occurs with obliteration of the most dependent part quadrangular; it contains areolar tissue and constitutes the bare area
of the cavity; this proceeds rostrally and, when mature, the cavity of the stomach or, when large, the left extraperitoneal space. Its right
does not usually extend appreciably beyond the transverse colon. lower angle is the base of the left gastropancreatic fold; its left lower
(The other fusions described above follow different patterns.) Trans- angle reconstitutes the bilaminar mesentery. The root of the latter
verse mesocolon—greater omentum fusion commences early while the arches downwards and to the left across the diaphragm and supra-
umbilical hernia of the midgut has not returned; it is initiated renal and gives the gastrophrenic ligament to the gastric fundus.
between the right margin of the early greater omentum and near the Continuing to arch across the ventral surface of the upper part of
root of the presumptive mesocolon, later spreading to the left. The the left kidney, its layers part to receive the pancreatic tail and
pancreas becomes sessile mediolaterally (i.e. head, followed by neck initially extend to the hilum of the spleen as the splenorenal
and body from right to left). Paradoxically, in the suprapancreatic (lienorenal) ligament. The left half of this bilaminar ‘ligament’ pro-
region, the direction of the process of fusion is reversed, progressing vides an almost complete peritoneal tunic for the spleen (as indicated,
lateromedially from left to right. These events are wholly in accord projecting into the greater sac) then, reuniting with its fellow at the
with the numerous variations and anomalous visceral positioning opposite rim of the splenic hilum, continues to the next part of the
and mesenteric arrangements that have been observed and recorded. gastric greater curvature as the gastrosplenic ligament. The remaining
Correlated with the many facets of development of the lesser sac major (perhaps two-thirds) of the gastric greater curvature and its
and its associated viscera, the original dorsal midline attachment to short duodenal extension are the visceral attachment of the anterior,
the parietes of the foregut dorsal mesentery is profoundly altered. ‘descending’, bilaminar stratum of the greater omentum. Its return-
However, despite the extensive areas of fusion, virtually the whole ing, posterior, bilaminar stratum continues to its parietal root; the
of the gastric greater curvature (other than a small suboesophageal latter extends from the inferior limit assigned to the splenorenal
area) and its topographical continuation, the inferior border of the ligament, continuing to curve caudally and to the right along the
first 2-3cm of the duodenum, retain true mesenteric derivatives of anterior border of the body of the pancreas, immediately cranial to
the secondary dorsal mesogastrium and its continuation, the dorsal the line of attachment of the transverse mesocolon. Crossing the
mesoduodenum. Thus, although regional names are given to assist neck of the pancreas, the same curve is followed for a few centimetres
identification and description, it must be emphasized that they are on to the gland’s head; the omental root is then sharply recurved
merely subregions of one continuous sheet; a short description of cranially and to the left, soon to reach the inferior border of the
their ‘root’ or parietal line of reflexion is also given. duodenum. Thus it reaches that part of the lesser sac provided by
The upper (oesophagophrenic) part of the /esser omentum arches cleavage of the dorsal mesoduodenum from the greater sac, entering
across the diaphragm and as this bilaminar mesentery approaches the epiploic foramen and traversing the epiploic canal between the
the oesophageal hiatus its laminae diverge, skirting the margins of caudate hepatic process and proximal duodenum, the lower right
the hiatus. They then descend for a limited distance and variable angle of the hepato-enteric recess, and crossing the right gastro-
inclination, to enclose reciprocally-shaped areas on the dorsum of the pancreatic fold, then descending behind the proximal duodenum to
gastric fundus and diaphragm. The area may be roughly triangular to enter the right marginal strip enclosed by the greater omentum.

The urinary and reproductive organs are developed from intermediate ceeding each other in time and space. The last to develop is retained
mesenchyme (p. 155) and are intimately associated with one another as the permanent kidney. It is, however, difficult to provide reliable
especially in the earlier stages of their development. The urinary criteria that distinguish them as individual organs or to define their
system develops ahead of the reproductive or genital system. precise limits in the embryos of all animals. A functional pronephros
with well-developed podocytes has been identified in chelonian
embryos (Collins 1990) and in avian embryos (Jacob et al 1977);
URINARY SYSTEM however, a pronephros cannot be distinguished as a separate organ
in man. The earliest and most cranially situated nephric tubules are
The intermediate mesenchyme is found longitudinally placed in the rudimentary, transient and regarded as marking the pronephric
trunk, subjacent to the somites (in the folded embryo), at the junction region, and the latter merges caudally without clear demarcation
between the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme adjacent to the gut into the mesonephros. Human nephrotomes, with cavitation to form
medially and the somatopleuric mesenchyme subjacent to the ecto- nephrocoeles which communicate with the coelom, are restricted to
derm laterally (3.80). Development of the intermediate mesenchyme a few segments bordering the rostral limit of the intraembryonic
progresses craniocaudally. In lower vertebrates the intermediate coelom. Cranial to this (pronephric region) the intermediate mes-
mesenchyme typically develops serial, segmental epithelial diverticuli enchyme develops irregular, transient, solid or vesicular balls of cells.
termed nephrotomes each enclosing a cavity, the nephrocoele, and Caudal to the level of the eighth to tenth somites the intermediate
communicating with the coelom through a peritoneal funnel. The mesenchyme is termed the nephrogenic cord. This is connected at
dorsal wall of each nephrotome evaginates as a nephric tubule irregular intervals with the coelomic epithelium.
communicating with the nephrocoele via a nephrostome. The dorsal Primary excretory duct. This begins in stage 11 embryos of
tips of the earlier (cranial) developed nephric tubules bend caudally about 14 somites as a solid rod of cells in the dorsal part of the
and fuse forming a longitudinal primary excretory duct, which grows nephrogenic cord. Its cranial end is about the level of the ninth somite
caudally and curves ventrally to open into the cloaca. The more and its caudal tip merges with the undifferentiated mesenchyme of
caudally placed and successively later developed tubules open sec- the cord. It differentiates before any nephric tubules; when the latter
ondarily into this duct or into tubular outgrowths from it. Glomeruli, appear it is at first unconnected with them. In older embryos the
specific arrangements of capillaries and overlying coelomic epi- duct has lengthened and its caudal end becomes detached from the
thelium, arise from the ventral wall of the nephrocoele (internal nephrogenic cord to lie immediately beneath the ectoderm. From
glomeruli) or the roof of the coelom adjacent to the peritoneal this level it grows caudally, independent of the nephrogenic mes-
funnels (coelomic or external glomeruli), or in both situations (3.81). enchyme, and then curves ventrally to reach the wall of the cloaca.
An extensive area vascularized as a glomus rather than individual It becomes canalized progressively from its caudal end to form a
glomeruli can be seen in developing reptiles during organogenesis. true duct which opens into the cloaca in embryos at stage 12.
In avian species external (pronephric, see below) glomeruli can (Clearly, up to this stage, the name ‘duct’ is scarcely appropriate.)
be identified. Clusters of cells appropriately placed in mammalian
embryos fail to differentiate into true glomeruli. Pronephros
It has been customary to regard the renal excretory system as The intermediate mesenchyme becomes visible in stage 10 embryos
three organs, the pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros, suc- and the nephrogenic cord is distinguishable when 10 somites are 199

branches of the aorta (Streeter 1945). It is estimated that about 70-

80 mesonephric tubules and a corresponding number of glomeruli
develop. These tubules, however, are not present at the same time
and it is rare to find more than 30-40 in an individual embryo, for
the cranial tubules and glomeruli develop and atrophy before -the
development of those situated more caudally.
By the end of the sixth week each mesonephros is an elongated
Region of spindle-shaped organ which projects into the coelomic cavity, one
pronephros on each side of the dorsal mesentery, from the level of the septum
Pericardial transversum to the third lumbar segment. This whole projection is
the mesonephric ridge (Wolffian body); it develops subregions (see
below), and the gonad is developed on its medial surface. There are
striking similarities in structure between the mesonephros and the
Pericardio- permanent kidney or metanephros, but the former’s nephrons lack
Region of a segment corresponding to the descending limb of the loop of Henle
(Leeson 1957; Davies & Routh 1957). The mesonephros is believed
to produce urine by stage 17 (O’Rahilly & Muller 1987). A detailed
cavity comparison of the development and function of the mesonephros
and metanephros in staged human embryos is lacking. In the chick
no significant difference in the renal clearance of plasma sodium,
potassium and magnesium ions were noted in 9-day embryos with
functional mesonephric kidneys, and 15-day embryos with pre-
dominant metanephric kidneys; calcium clearance decreased over
Splanchnopleuric this time (Clarke et al 1993).
coelomic epithelium In stage 18 embryos (13-17 mm) the mesonephric ridge extends
cranially to about the level of rib 9. In both sexes the cranial end of
the mesonephros atrophies; in embryos of 20-mm length (stage 19)
Region of metanephros the organ is found only in the first three lumbar segments, although
it may still possess as many as 26 tubules. The most cranial one or
two tubules persist as the rostral aberrant ductules; the succeeding
Allantois five or six tubules develop into the efferent ductules of the testis and
Cloaca the /obules of the head of the epididymis in the male, and the tubules
of the epodphoron in the female; the caudal tubules form the caudal
aberrant ductules and the paradidymis in the male, and the parodpho-
3.80 Diagram of the major epithelial populations within the early embryo. ron in the female (see below).
The urogenital system arises from the proliferating coelomic epithelium at Mesonephric duct. This runs caudally in the lateral part of the
the dorsal wall of the intraembryonic coelom. The earliest nephric system, nephric ridge, at the caudal end of which it projects into the cavity
the pronephros, forms at the level of the pericardium and upper pericardio- of the coelom in the substance of a mesonephric fold (3.82-86).
peritoneal canals; the mesonephros, gonads and genital ducts form and (Subsequently, with the neighbouring formation of the para-
project into the pericardio-peritoneal canals and the peritoneal cavity; the mesonephric duct, they form the tubal fold—see below.) As the
metanephros arises at the lowest levels of the peritoneal cavity. mesonephric ducts from each side approach the urogenital sinus the
two folds fuse with each other, between the bladder ventrally and
the rectum dorsally, forming across the cavity of the pelvis a
present. The pronephros then is indicated as clusters of cells transverse partition which is somewhat inaptly termed the genital
(rudimentary nephric tubules) in the nephrogenic mesenchyme (cord) cord (3.84). In the male the peritoneal fossa between the bladder and
(3.81). In regions cranial to the primary excretory duct these clusters the genital cord becomes obliterated, but it persists in the female as
develop no further. More caudally similar groups of cells appear the uterovesical pouch. The mesonephric duct itself becomes the
and these become vesicular. The dorsal ends of the most caudal of canal of the epididymis, ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct. The
these vesicles join the primary excretory duct, their central ends seminal vesicle and the ampulla of the ductus deferens appear as a
being connected with the coelomic epithelium by cellular strands common swelling at the termination of the mesonephric duct during
probably representing rudimentary peritoneal funnels. Glomeruli are the end of the third and into the fourth month. This coincides with
not developed in association with these cranially situated nephric degeneration of the paramesonephric ducts, though no causal relation
tubules, which ultimately disappear. It is doubtful whether external between the two has been established. Separation into two rudiments
glomeruli develop in human embryos. (For an overview and bib- occurs at about 125-mm crown-heel length. The seminal vesicle
liographies concerning the early development of the human nephros elongates, its duct is delineated and hollow diverticula bud from its
consult Torrey 1954; O’Rahilly & Muecke 1972; O’Rahilly & Muller wall. About the sixth month (300-mm crown-heel length) the growth
1987.) rate of both vesicle and ampulla is greatly increased; the cause is
uncertain but may result from increased secretion of prolactin by
Mesonephros the fetal or maternal hypophysis, or the effects of placental hormones.
From about stage 12 the primary excretory duct is termed the The tubules of the prostate show a similar increase of growth rate
mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct); it lengthens and soon becomes at the same time. In the female the mesonephric duct is vestigial,
connected to the cloaca. At this stage mesonephric tubules, develop- becoming the longitudinal duct of the epodphoron.
ing from the intermediate mesenchyme between somite levels 8-20,
begin to connect to the mesonephric duct; caudal to this there is a Metanephros
continuous ridge of nephrogenic mesenchyme to the level of somite Both the pronephros and the mesonephros are linear structures with
24. The mesonephric tubules are not metameric: there may be two stacks of tubules arranged along the craniocaudal axis of the embryo.
or more mesonephric tubules opposite each somite. This arrangement results in the production of hypotonic urine. The
Within the mesonephros, each tubule first appears as a con- tubular arrangement in the metanephric kidney is fundamentally
densation of mesenchyme cells which epithelialize and form a vesicle. different: the tubules are arranged concentrically with the loops of
One end of the vesicle grows towards and opens into the mesonephric Henle directed towards the renal pelvis. This arrangement allows
duct, whilst the other dilates and invaginates; the outer stratum different concentration gradients to develop within the kidney and
forms the glomerular capsule, while the inner cells differentiate into results in the production of hypertonic urine. Thus metanephric
mesonephric podocytes which clothe the invaginating capillaries to nephrons do not join with the existing mesonephric duct but with
200 form a glomerulus. The latter are supplied with blood through lateral an evagination of that duct which branches dichotomously resulting


Neural tube Somite Primary

cavity ; g excretory
Ectoderm Nephric tubules Fusion forms duct grows
evaginate & primary caudally to
turn caudally excretory duct reach cloaca

wu Tt
Notochord lom Ze
Right aorta x : < . Internal
& 7
ephrocoele external glomeruli

Single fused

Postcardinal vein

Primary excretory
Aorta duct now termed
(Wolffian) duct

Rudimentary in mammals

tubules Mesonephric tubule

fetal kidney


Urachus Ureteric
Early bladder dichotomously

Urogenital sinus Ureter

Ductus deferens:
Seminal vesicle

3.81 Principal features of the primitive vertebrate nephric system for com- been necessarily compressed into a single, static diagram. (Modified from
parison with the development of the human nephric system. It should be Williams et al 1969.)
appreciated that a considerable period of embryonic and fetal life has 201

Rectum Gonad (gonadal fold)

mesonephric) duct

duct Tubal fold

tubules and

Vertebra Mesogenitale Ilium

3.82 Transverse section through the lower part of the abdomen of a human
fetus, 9 weeks old, showing the connections and relative positions of the
structures derived from the mesonephric ridge.

in the particular arrangement of collecting ducts of the metanephric metanephric blastema slightly later to produce the glomeruli and
kidney. vasa recta (Grobstein 1955; Saxen et al 1968; Saxen 1970). It may
The metanephric kidney develops from three sources: an evagi- also be the case that innervation is necessary for metanephric kidney
nation of the mesonephric duct, the ureteric bud, and a local con- induction (see below).
densation of mesenchyme termed the metanephric blastema form the There is an epithelial/mesenchymal interaction between the duct
nephric structure, while angiogenic mesenchyme migrates into the system and the surrounding mesenchyme in both mesonephric and
metanephric systems. However, whereas in the mesonephric kidney
development proceeds in a craniocaudal progression, with cranial
nephrons degenerating before caudal ones are produced, in the
metanephric kidney a proportion of the mesenchyme remains as
stem cells which continue to divide and enter the nephrogenic
pathway later when the individual collecting ducts lengthen. Thus
the temporal development of the metanephric kidney is patterned
radially, with the outer cortex being the last part to be formed.
Generally the interactions in metanephric kidney development are
as follows: the ureteric bud undergoes aseries of bifurcations within
the surrounding metanephric mesenchyme, forming smaller ureteric
ducts. At the same time the metanephric mesenchyme condenses
around the dividing ducts into smaller condensations. These form
S-shaped clusters which transform into epithelia and fuse with the
ig Okcosicak ureteric ducts at their distal ends. Blood vessels invade the proximal
urethral) part ends of the S-shaped clusters to form the vascularized glomeruli.
of cloaca The ureteric bud bifurcates when it comes into contact with the
metanephric blastema as a result of local extracellular matrix mol-
ecule synthesis by the mesenchyme. In metanephric culture, incu-
Mesonephric pe 3 B Rectum bation of fetal kidneys in f-D-xyloside, an inhibitor of chrondroitin
: sulphate synthesis, dramatically inhibits ureteric bud branching.
Caudal part of Both chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan synthesis and chondroitin
coelom sulphate glycosaminoglycan processing are necessary for the dichot-
a9 : 2 omous branching of the ureteric bud (Fouser & Avner 1993).
Ureterseies é bi ae 4 Subsequent divisions of the ureteric bud and the mesenchyme form
the gross structure of the kidney with major and minor calyces, the
Right common
Bifurcation tliac vessels distal branches of the ureteric ducts will form the collecting ducts
of aorta and of the kidney. As the collecting ducts elongate the metanephric
left common
tliac artery mesenchyme condenses around them. An adhesion molecule, syn-
decan, can be detected between the mesenchymal cells in the con-
densate. The cells cease expression of N-CAM, fibronectin and
collagen I and commence production of L-CAM (an adhesion
molecule also called E cadherin) and the basal lamina constituents
laminin and collagen IV. The mesenchymal clusters thus convert to
small groups of epithelial cells which undergo complex mor-
phogenetic changes. Each epithelial group elongates, forms a comma-
3.83 Transverse section of the tail end of a human embryo in the eighth Shaped, then an S-shaped body which elongates further. It then fuses
week, CR length 22 mm. The projection from the dorsolateral aspect of the ta branch of the ureteric duct at its distal end while expanding as
ventral portion of the cloaca marks the entry of the mesonephric duct. a dilated sac at the proximal end. The sac involutes with local
202 Stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x c. 20. cellular differentiation such that the outer cells become the parietal


Inguinal fold
Sacral vertebra


ducts in genital
cord Mesonephric “

Fused female

3.84 Transverse section through the pelvic part of a human fetus showing
the formation of the genital cord and the inguinal folds.

3.848 Transverse section through the pelvis of a 9-week-old male human

fetus, showing the approximation of the genital cord to the dorsal wall of the
glomerular cells, while the inner ones become visceral epithelial
urogenital sinus.
podocytes. The podocytes develop in close proximity to invading
capillaries which derive from angiogenic mesenchyme outside the
nephrogenic mesenchyme (Ekblom et al 1982); this third source of
mesenchyme produces the endothelial and mesangial cells within
the glomerulus. Both the metanephric derived podocytes and the
angiogenic mesenchyme produce fibronectin and other components Urethral plate
of the glomerular basal lamina. The isoforms of type IV collagen
within this layer follow a specific programme of maturation which Phallic part of
occurs as the filtration of macromolecules from the plasma becomes urogenital
restricted (Bard & Woolf 1992).
Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) f-chain and the PDGF
receptor f-subunit (PDGFR f) have been detected in developing Labioscrotal
human glomeruli between 54 and 105 days gestation. PDGF /-chain swellings
is localized in the differentiating epithelium of the glomerular vesicle
during its comma and S-shaped stages, while PDGFR £is expressed
in the undifferentiated metanephric blastema, vascular structures and Urogenital
interstitial cells. Both PDGF f-chain and PDGFR f are expressed by
mesangial cells; this may promote further mesangial cell proliferation.
Metanephric mesenchyme will develop successfully in vitro making
experimental perturbation of kidney development comparatively easy
to evaluate. Early experimental studies demonstrated that other
mesenchymal populations and also spinal cord were able to induce Rectum
ureteric bud division and metanephric development. However, it has
been demonstrated that nerves enter the developing kidney very
early, via the ureter (Sariola et al 1989). If developing kidney
rudiments are incubated with antisense oligonucleotides that neu-
tralize nerve growth factor receptor (NGF-R) mRNA, nephrogenesis Sacral vertebra
is completely blocked, leading to the conclusion that metanephric
mesenchyme induction is a response to innervation (Sariola et al
1991). The powerful inductive effect of the spinal cord on metanephric 3.84c Transverse section through the lower part of the pelvis of a 9-week-
mesenchyme may be demonstrating this same phenomenon. old human fetus.
All stages of nephron differentiation are present concurrently in
the developing metanephric kidney. Antigens to the brush border of
the renal tubule appear when the S-shaped body has formed. Tubules
displaying this marker appear first in the inner cortical area. that kidneys from male rats are larger than those from females,
At an early stage the metanephric kidney is lobulated, a condition attributed to both cellular hyperplasia and hypertrophy (Jean-
which persists through fetal life but disappears during the first year Faucher et al 1987), and male fetuses are generally larger than
after birth. Varying degrees of lobulation, however, on occasion, females from 12 weeks postconception (Pedersen 1980).
persist throughout life. The growth of left and right kidneys are well Endocrine development of the kidney. In addition to its func-
matched during development. Fetal kidney volume increases most tion as an excretory organ, the kidney is an endocrine organ pro-
during the second trimester in both sexes. However, in the third ducing hormones acting at sites within and without the kidney. The
trimester male fetuses show greater values for renal volume than fetal kidney functions in utero producing amniotic fluid; however,
female fetuses (Sampaio 1992). The reason for this sex difference in homeostasis prior to birth is controlled by the placenta. Premature
renal development remains unknown; however, it has been shown babies of less than 36 weeks have immature kidneys with incomplete 203

differentiation of the cortical nephrons compromising their ability of abnormalities, it has been shown that of the prevalence of 1-
to maintain homeostasis. The problems of immaturity are further 2 abnormal fetuses per 1000 ultrasound procedures, 20-30% are
compounded by the effects of hypoxia and asphyxia which modify anomalies of the genitourinary tract. Such abnormalities can be
renal hormones; also the use of artificial ventilation has effects on detected as early as 12-15 weeks gestation. However, the decision to
renal haemodynamics and the renal hormones. be made after such a diagnosis is by no means clear. Urinary
Hormones produced by the kidney are concerned with renal obstruction is considered an abnormality yet transient modest
haemodynamics; they include the renin-angiotensin system, renal obstruction is considered a normal component of the canalization
prostaglandins, the kallikrein-kinin system, and renal dopamine. of the urinary tract and has been reported in 10-20% of fetuses in
Renin is found in both the smooth muscle cells of arterioles, inter- the third trimester. A delay in canalization or in the rupture of the
lobular arteries and branches of the renal artery, although it has cloacal membrane can produce such a dilatation; similarly, the
also been described in the distal convoluted tubule cells; kallikrein closure of the urachus at 32 weeks may be associated with high-
has been demonstrated in rat fetal kidney (urinary kallikrein is lower resistance outflow for the system again resulting in transient obstruc-
in human newborns than in later life); prostaglandins have been tion. The degree to which obstruction may cause renal parenchymal
demonstrated in the renal medulla and in large amounts in the renal damage cannot be assessed in a developing kidney which may have
tubule; renal dopamine has been identified in two sources, from primary nephrogenic dysgenesis (Grupe 1987).
the dopaminergic nerves and predominantly from the enzymatic The volume of amniotic fluid is used as an indicator of renal
conversion of levodopa (L-dopa) to dopamine in the early segments function. Too little amniotic fluid is termed oligohydramnios, too
of the proximal convoluted tubule. Other hormones have been much, hydramnios. Although variation in the amount of amniotic
identified within the kidney; an antihypertensive lipid is produced in fluid may suggest abnormalities of either the gut or kidneys, it is not
the interstitial cells of the renal medulla, and it also appears that always possible to correlate even severe oligohydramnios with renal
histamine and serotonin can be synthesized by the kidney. Growth dysfunction. There is an important relationship between the volume
factors produced by human embryonic kidney cell include erythro- of amniotic fluid, lung development and maturity; oligohydramnios
poietin, interleukin # and transforming growth factor-beta. The has been shown to be associated with pulmonary hypoplasia (see
presence of erythropoietin and interleukin # in human embryonic p. 181, Lung development).
kidney cells stimulates megakaryocyte maturation (Withy et al 1992).
For a comprehensive account of this aspect of kidney development Ureter
see Ballie (1992). Further development of the ureter has attracted less attention than
Ascent of the kidney. When it first appears, the metanephric that of the kidney. The ureteric wall is highly permeable at an early
renal rudiment is sacral but, as the ureteric outgrowth lengthens, it stage (5 mm); its lumen becomes obliterated later (13-22 mm), to be
becomes positioned more and more cranially so that when the subsequently recanalized. Both processes begin at intermediate levels
embryo has a length of some 13 mm its expanded pelvis lies on a of the ureter and proceed cranially and caudally. The recanalization
level with the second lumbar vertebra. During this period the is not associated with metanephric function, but possibly with the
ascending kidney receives its blood supply sequentially from arteries rapid elongation of the ureter in conformity with embryonic growth.
in its immediate neighbourhood, e.g. the middle sacral and common Two fusiform enlargements appear at the lumbar and pelvic levels
iliac arteries; the definitive renal artery is not recognizable until the of the ureter; the lumbar enlargement during the fifth month, the
beginning of the third month. It arises from the most caudal of the pelvic not until the ninth month (the latter is inconstant). As a result
three suprarenal arteries, all of which represent persistent meso- the ureter shows a constriction at its upper end (pelviureteric region)
nephric or lateral splanchnic arteries (p. 318). Additional renal arter- and another as it crosses the pelvic brim. A third narrowing is always
ies are by no means uncommon. They may enter at the hilum or at present at its lower end and is related to the growth of the bladder
the upper or lower pole of the gland, and they also represent wall.
persistent mesonephric arteries. At first the caudal connection of the ureter is to the dorsomedial
Anomalies of the urinary system aspect of the mesonephric duct but, owing to differential growth,
the connection becomes lateral to the duct. Thereafter the caudal
Anomalies of the urinary system are relatively common (3% of live end of the duct becomes incorporated in the developing bladder,
births). Renal agenesis is the absence of one or both kidneys. In and the orifice of the ureter opens separately into the bladder on the
unilateral renal agenesis, the remaining kidney undergoes com- lateral side of the opening of the duct. Later the two orifices become
pensatory hypertrophy producing a nearly normal functional mass separated still further and, although the ureter retains its point of
of renal tissue. Problems with kidney ascent can result in a pelvic entry into the bladder, the mesonephric duct opens into that part
kidney, or the kidneys may fuse together at their caudal poles of the urogenital sinus which subsequently becomes the prostatic
resulting in a horseshoe kidney which cannot ascend out of the pelvic urethra.
cavity because of the proximity to the inferior mesenteric artery
which prevents further migration.
Several Hox genes and the Pax 2 gene have been identified in both
developing and adult kidney associated with the collecting ducts and REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
ureter. However, this area of research is still in its developmental
stage. Genes associated with maldevelopment of the kidney have There are essentially four different cell lineages which contribute to
received further study to date, those associated with Wilm’s tumour the gonads:
and renal cystic disease especially (see Bard & Woolf 1992; Fouser & e proliferating coelomic epithelium on the medial side of the meso-
Avner 1993). Many varieties of cystic renal disease occur, and a nephroi
number of different classifications have been proposed (see Chis- e underlying mesonephric mesenchyme
holm & Williams 1982). For long it has been held that renal cysts e invading angiogenic mesenchyme already present in the meso-
in most, if not all, instances result from vesicular cell clumps retained nephroi
after failure of fusion between the tips of branches from the ureteric e primordial germ cells, derived from the epiblast very early in
diverticulum on the one hand, and metanephrogenic cap tissue on development, which migrate later from their sequestration in the
the other. Such a view is no longer considered tenable. It has been allantoic wall.
demonstrated, convincingly, that the cyst-like formations are wide
dilatations of a part of otherwise continuous nephrons (Moffat 1982). The genital ducts possess an external serosa derived from coelomic
Adult polycystic renal disease, the commonest form, is inherited as epithelium, a smooth muscle muscularis derived from underlying
an autosomal dominant; in this condition the dilatations may affect mesenchyme (similarity of the latter to splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
any part of the nephron, from Bowman’s capsule to collecting has not yet been investigated), and an internal mucosa from either
tubules. Less common is infantile cystic renal disease, inherited as a the mesonephric duct or from an invaginated tube of coelomic
recessive trait where the proximal and distal tubules are dilated to epithelium which forms the paramesonephric or Mullerian duct. The
some degree but the collecting ducts are grossly affected. layers are invaded by angiogenic mesenchyme and by nerves.
204 With the routine use of ultrasound as an aid to in utero diagnosis Mesonephric and paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts are produced

Bladder —-Peritoneum Mesonephric ridge

Left mesonephric

-\ mass (cap)


1 wn +

Tail Rectum Ureter

3.85 Schema, based on 3.86p, to show the formation of the pelvis of the
kidney and the metanephrogenic mass or cap.

in all embryos and at an early stage the gonadal development is mesonephric duct which acts as a guide for it. At the caudal end
termed indifferent or ambisexual. It was thought that development of the mesonephros (which it reaches in the eighth week), the
to one sexual phenotype or another occurred after migration of paramesonephric duct turns medially (3.89) and crosses ventral to
the primordial germ cells to the indifferent gonads. However, the the mesonephric duct to enter the genital cord (8.84, 8), where it
development of male or female gonads, genital ducts and external bends caudally in close apposition with its fellow of the opposite
genitalia is far more complicated, occurring as a result of a complex side. The two ducts reach the dorsal wall of the urogenital sinus
interplay between genetic expression, timing of development and the during the third month, and their blind ends produce an elevation
influence of sex hormones. on it termed the Mullerian sinus tubercle (3.89). Each duct consists,
at the end of the indifferent stage, of vertical cranial and caudal
Early gonadal development (ambisexual or indifferent parts with an intermediate horizontal region.
stage) In the female the cranial part forms the uterine tube, and its
The formation of the gonads is first indicated by the appearance of original coelomic invagination remains as the pelvic opening of the
an area of thickened coelomic epithelium on the medial side of the tube, the fimbriae becoming defined as the cranial end of the
mesonephric ridge in the fifth week (8.87, 88). Elsewhere on the mesonephros degenerates. The caudal vertical parts of the two ducts
surface of the ridge the coelomic epithelium is one or two cells thick, fuse with each other (3.878) to form the uterovaginal primordium.
but over this gonadal area it becomes many layered. The thickening This gives rise to the lower part of the uterus and, as it enlarges, it
rapidly extends in a longitudinal direction until it covers nearly the takes in the horizontal parts to form the fundus and most of the
whole of the medial surface of the ridge. The thickened epithelium body of the adult uterus. A constriction between the body of the
continues to proliferate, displacing the renal corpuscles of the meso- uterus and the cervix can be found at 9 weeks. The stroma of
nephros in a dorsolateral direction and itself forming a projection the endometrium and the uterine musculature (myometrium) are
into the coelomic cavity, the gonadal ridge. Surface depressions developed from the surrounding mesenchyme of the genital cord.
form along the limits of the ridge which is thus connected to the At about 60mm CR length an epithelial proliferation (the sinu-
mesonephros by an originally broad mesentery, the mesogenitale. In vaginal bulb) arises from the dorsal wall of the urogenital sinus in
this way the mesonephric ridge becomes subdivided into a lateral the region of the sinus tubercle, and its origin marks the site of the
part containing the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, which future hymen. Whether the epithelium involved in the proliferation
may be termed the tubal fold, and a medial part, termed the gonadal is from the sinus (Bulmer 1957) or is epithelium of the mesonephric
fold. The tubal fold also contains the nephric tubules and glomeruli duct which has extended over the Mullerian tubercle (Vilas 1932;
at its base. Meyer 1938; Forsberg 1963) is uncertain. The proliferation gradually
Up to the seventh week the ambisexual gonad possesses no sexually extends cranially as a solid, anteroposteriorly flattened plate, inside
differentiating feature. From stage 15 the proliferating coelomic the tubular mesodermal condensation of the uterovaginal pri-
epithelium now forms a number of cellular gonadal cords (termed in mordium which will eventually become the fibromuscular vaginal
some texts primary sex cords), separated by mesenchyme. These wall. The caudal tip of the paramesonephric duct epithelium recedes
cords remain at the periphery of the primordium to form a cortex; until, at about the 140-mm stage, its junction with the sinus pro-
more centrally a proliferation and labyrinthine cellular condensation liferation lies in the cervical canal.
of the mesenchyme of the mesonephros, including angiogenic mes- Commencing from its caudal end, and gradually extending cran-
enchyme, constitute a medulla. ially through its whole extent, the solid plate formed by the sinus
proliferation enlarges into a cylindrical structure; thereafter the
Paramesonephric ducts central cells desquamate to establish the vaginal lumen. According
The paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts initially develop in embryos to one view, the paramesonephric ducts do not directly contribute
of both sexes, but become dominant in the development of the to the formation of the vagina (Frutiger 1969) but it has also been
female reproductive system; they are not detectable, however, until suggested that mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts are both
the embryo reaches a length of 10-12 mm (early sixth week). concerned (Linkevich 1969). As the upper end of the vaginal plate
Development in the ambisexual period is followed by further details enlarges it grows up to embrace the cervix, and then is excavated to
of the female duct maturation and finally brief notes of the limited produce the vaginal fornices. The urogenital sinus undergoes relative
male derivatives. Each commences as a linear invagination of the shortening craniocaudally to form the vestibule, which opens on the
coelomic epithelium (the paramesonephric groove) on the lateral surface through the cleft between the genital folds. The lower end
aspect of the mesonephric ridge near its cranial end, and its blind of the vaginal plate grows caudally so that in 105-mm embryos the
caudal end continues to grow caudally into the substance of the vaginal rudiment approaches the vestibule. It was thought that tissue
ridge as a solid rod of cells which acquires a lumen as it lengthens. added to the vaginal plate was pushed cephalically from the caudal
Throughout the extent of the mesonephros it is /ateral to the end of the vaginal plate; however, Witchi (1970) suggested that the 205


Umbilical artery Urorectal septum Notochord

Ze Hindgut Spinal cord

Allantoic duct

Umbilical vein

Ectodermal cloaca

Cloacal membrane

Endodermal cloaca I

Postanal gut

3.86a The tail end of ahuman embryo, about 4 weeks old. The model has
been dissected to show the left lateral aspects of the spinal cord, notochord
and endodermal cloaca. (After Keibel.)

duct Mesonephric duct

Bladder Metanephric (ureteric)


Cloaca, showing ridge

produced by urorectal septum

Postanal gut

3.868 The endodermal cloaca of a human embryo, near the end of the fifth duct, has been removed, together with the adjoining portions of the walls of
week. A wire has been passed along the right mesonephric duct into the the developing bladder and rectum. A piece of the ectoderm around the
cloaca and a part of the left wall of the cloaca, including the left mesonephric cloacal membrane has been left in situ and is uncoloured. (After Keibel.)

lower end of the vagina moves along the urethra to a separate released locally by the Sertoli cells of the testis (see below); thus
opening in the vestibule. In fetuses of 162 mm the vaginal lumen is persisting vestigial structures are most likely cranially and caudally
complete except at the cephalic end where the fornices are still solid; at the limits of the local effects of AMH. A vestige of the cranial
they are hollow by 170 mm. At approximately half way through end of the duct persists as the appendix testis (p. 1848). The fused
gestation (180 mm) the genital canal is continuous with the exterior. caudal ends of the two ducts are connected to the wall of the
During the later months of fetal life the vaginal epithelium is urogenital sinus by a solid utricular cord of cells. In this position it
enormously hypertrophied, apparently under the influence of soon merges with a proliferation of sinus epithelium, the sinu-utricular
maternal hormones, but after birth it assumes the inactive form of cord, similar to, but less extensive than, the sinus proliferation
childhood (Fraenkel & Papanicolaou 1938). in the female. This proliferating epithelium is claimed to be an
The differing embryonic origins of the vaginal epithelium and intermingling of the endoderm of the urogenital sinus with the lining
uterine epithelium have been correlated with their dissimilar epithelia of the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, which have
responses in adult life to stimulation with oestrogenic hormones extended on to the surface of the sinus tubercle. As the sinu-utricular
(Zuckerman 1940). cord grows, so the utricular cord recedes from the tubercle. In the
In the male the paramesonephric duct mostly atrophies under the second half of fetal life the composite cord acquires a lumen and
206 influence of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) (see p. 208) which is dilates to form the prostatic utricle, the lining of which consists

Mesonephric duct Metanephric diverticulum Spinal cord
Allantoic duct Notochord

Umbilical cord
Umbilical vessels
Cloacal membrane
Endodermal cloaca
Postanal gut

3.86c The caudal end of a human embryo, about 5 weeks old. (Drawn
from a model by Keibel.)

Mesonephric duct
Rectum Ureter
Pelvis of ureter
Allantoic duct Aorta Notochord Spinal cord

3.860 Part of the caudal end of a human embryo, about 6 weeks old.
(Drawn from a model by Keibel, which has been partly dissected and is
seen from the left side.)

of hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium. The sinus tubercle of the hindgut as well as in the adjoining region of the wall of the
becomes the colliculus seminalis (Vilas 1933; Glenister 1962). yolk sac. By amoeboid movements and by growth displacement they
migrate dorsocranially in the mesentery, passing around the dorsal
Primordial germ cells
angles of the coelom (medial coelomic bays) to reach the genital
The primordial germ cells are formed very early from the epiblast, ridges from stage 15. It is believed that the genital ridges exert long-
as demonstrated at the 2-somite stage in the chick (Clawson & range effects on the migrating primordial germ cells which control
Domm 1969). They are large cells, in comparison with most somatic their direction of migration and help support the primordial germ
cells, being from 12 to 20m in diameter, and characterized by cell population.
vesicular nuclei with well-defined nuclear membranes and by a In most vertebrates, mitosis in the germ cells is arrested after their
tendency to retain yolk inclusions long after these have disappeared early segregation to be renewed only when they reach the genital
from somatic cells. (For the ultrastructure of human primordial primordia. However, in mammals there is no such arrest and the
germ cells consult Fukuda 1976.) It is not yet established whether cells proliferate both during and after migration to the mesonephric
the primordial germ cells are derived from particular blastomeres ridges; cells which do not complete this migration degenerate. After
during cleavage, if they constitute a clonal line from asingle blasto- segregation the primordial germ cells are often termed primary
mere or are the product of a progressive concentration of the nucleus gonocytes, which in turn divide for form secondary gonocytes. The
of the fertilized ovum by unequal partition of this at successive distinction between the two generations is clear in most vertebrates,
mitoses (Bounoure 1939). Primordial germ cells spend the early but the absence of mitotic arrest in mammals leads to a merging of
stages of development within the extraembryonic tissues near the the two stages.
end of the primitive streak and in the connecting stalk. In this While sexual differences in germ cell numbers occur in some
situation they are away from the inductive influences affecting the vertebrate species, it is uncertain whether this represents an original
majority of the somatic cells during early development. difference at segregation or results from earlier and more rapid
Primordial germ cells can be identified in human embryos in stage proliferation in one sex. No connection between numbers of pri-
11 when the number of cells is probably not more than 20-30 mordial germ cells and fertility has been detected, but there is
(Hardisty 1967). When the tail fold has formed they appear within evidence that gross deficiency in number may affect individual
the endoderm and the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme and epithelium fecundity (Hardisty 1967) (see also p.211). 207


DEVELOPMENT OF THE GONADS from the mesonephros towards the coelomic epithelium, although
there is no continuity between these cells and the coelomic epithelium.
The factors which lead to formation of either testis or ovary are He notes that the basal lamina of each primordial sex cord is
presented below and on page 210. The morphological events occur- contiguous with that of the mesonephros. He interprets the coelomic
ring in each type of gonadal development are presented first. proliferation and production of the primary sex cords of coelomic
cells as a preparation for the prominent protrusion of the gonad
Testis into the coelom which occurs rapidly, within half a day (from late
The majority of studies support the hypothesis that the seminiferous week 5 to early week 6), after which the coelomic cells are arranged
tubules are formed from lines of epithelial cells derived from the two or three cells deep with a basal lamina.
proliferating coelomic epithelium (but also see below). The epithelial If the above description is upheld by other studies, the rete cords
cords (3.87) lengthen partly by additions from the coelomic epi- in the testis may be reinterpreted as outgrowths of the mesonephric
thelium and encroach on the medulla, where they unite with the tubules which are proliferating to produce the primordial sex cords.
network derived from the mesenchyme which ultimately becomes In ovarian development Satoh (1991) describes primordial sex cords,
the testicular rete. The primordial germ cells are incorporated into similar to those in the developing testis, originating from the meso-
the cords, which later become enlarged and canalized to form the nephros but notes they display an incomplete basal lamina. Later
seminiferous tubules (see Fukuda & Hedinger 1975). The cells derived the primordial sex cords are displaced into the cortex. Satoh noted
from the surface of the early gonad form the supporting cells (of no secondary proliferation of the coelomic epithelium into the cortex
Sertoli). The interstitial cells of the testis are derived from mes- of the ovary.
enchyme and possibly also from coelomic epithelial cells which do The extent of the mesonephric contribution to the gonads has
not become incorporated into the tubules; they form, among other been examined in the mouse and rabbit but as yet no clear conclusion
cells lines, the embryonic and fetal cells of Leydig which secrete as to the origin of the primary sex cords and Sertoli cells has been
testosterone. A later migration of mesenchyme beneath the coelomic formed (Waternberg et al 1991; Buehr et al 1993). It is anticipated
epithelium forms the tunica albuginea of the testis. The cords of the that immunohistochemical techniques will reveal the origin of the
rete testis, which canalize later, become connected to the glomerular cells which ultimately surround the primordial germ cells. Further
capsules in the persisting part of the mesonephros. The rete cords confirmation of this work is awaited with interest.
ultimately become connected to the mesonephric duct by the five to
twelve most cranial persisting mesonephric tubules and these become Sex determination in the embryo
exceedingly convoluted and form the lobules of the head of the It was believed that the gonads were indifferent or ambisexual until
epididymis. The mesonephric duct, which was the primitive ‘ureter’ the arrival of the primordial germ cells in the gonadal ridge, when
of the mesonephros, becomes the canal of the epididymis and the the sex of the embryo was ‘turned on’ by the presence of the male
ductus deferens of the testis. The seminiferous tubules do not acquire or female germ cells. It now seems that the germ cells may be
lumina until the seventh month, but the tubules of the testicular rete essentially irrelevant to testis determination; embryos in which the
do somewhat earlier. genital ridges are devoid of germ cells may still have morphologically
normal testis development (McLaren 1985). It is not clear if the
Ovary germ cells are necessary for ovarian determination; however, they
In its earliest stages, the ovary closely resembles the testis, although are required for the proper organization and differentiation of the
it is slower to differentiate its characteristically female features (3.87). ovary: their absence results in the development of ‘streak gonads’,
Few, if any, of the gonadal cords invade the medulla, the majority where only lines of follicular cells can be seen, as in Turner’s
remaining in the cortex, where they may be joined by a second syndrome (see p. 122).
proliferation from the epithelium overlying the gonad. In sections of The processes of sex determination and differentiation are now
the ovary in the third and subsequent months the cords appear as seen to involve interacting pathways of gene activity which lead to
clusters of cells which may or may not contain primitive germ the total patterning of the embryo to one or other sex. In one model
cells. These clusters are separated by fine septa of undifferentiated of determination in humans, the female pathway is considered the
mesenchyme. An ovarian rete condenses in the medullary mes- default pathway; the Y chromosome of a male embryo diverts
enchyme and some of its cords may form a junction with mesonephric development into the testicular pathway and the resultant changes
glomeruli. The medulla subsequently regresses, and connective tissue of the indifferent gonad to a testis produces a range of local and
and blood vessels from this region invade the cortex to form the widely acting hormones which generate all the secondary sexual
stroma of the ovary. During this invasion the cortical cell clusters characteristics. (For a different model see Gilbert 1991.) The pos-
break into individual groups which surround the primordial germ session of a Y chromosome is usually associated with a male
cells, now primary odcytes, which have entered the prophase of the developmental pathway. The male determining region of the Y
first meiotic division. These cells were derived from a mitotic division chromosome is located near its tip and termed the festis-determining
of the primordial germ cells (naked odgonia). Their epithelial capsules factor (TDF). This is regarded by some workers as the ‘master
consist of flattened pregranulosa cells derived from proliferations of switch’ which programmes the direction of sexual development. It is
coelomic epithelium (Gillman 1948). The ovary now has its full suggested that the TDF acts initially within the population of cells
complement of primary oécytes. The majority undergo atresia at which will form the sex cords of the ambisexual gonad; these will
various stages during their development, but the remainder resume differentiate into the support cells for the germ cells in both testis
development by completing the first meiotic division shortly before and ovary. TDF alters their subsequent development away from that
ovulation (see p. 123). The capsular cells at the same time enlarge of the female default pathway (i.e. into follicular cells) to that of
and multiply to form the stratum granulosum, and as they do so they Sertoli cells (Burgoyne et al 1988; Palmer & Burgoyne 1991). The
become surrounded by thecal cells which differentiate from the Sertoli cells then influence the differentiation of the other cell types
stroma. in the testicular pathway, e.g. Leydig cells appear some time later,
Only the middle part of the gonadal ridge produces the ovary. Its and the connective tissue becomes organized into a male pattern.
cranial part is sterile and becomes the suspensory ligament of the The germ cells are also affected by this environment when they
ovary (infundibulopelvic fold of peritoneum). Its caudal region, also arrive: they become enclosed within the Sertoli cells and thus enter
sterile, is incorporated in the ovarian ligament. mitotic arrest which is characteristic of spermatogenesis, instead of
A study by Satoh (1991) disputes the origin of the cell lines entering meiosis and meiotic arrest which is seen in odgenesis.
responsible for production of the gonadal supporting cells, i.e. the Subsequent differentiation into the male line is caused by the
Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules and the follicular cells of the production of two factors: Sertoli cells make AMH (also called
ovary. After examination of serially sectioned human gonads from Mullerian inhibiting substance or MIS), which causes the regression
5 weeks (stage 14) to 13 weeks gestational age, Satoh noted the of the Mullerian ducts (Josso & Picard 1986); Leydig cells produce
initial proliferation of the coelomic epithelium which formed ‘primary testosterone which promotes the development of the mesonephric
sex cords’. He further identified epithelial cells subsequently emerging ducts (Grumbach & Ducharme 1960), sets into process the develop-
from the distal ends of the mesonephric tubules where the basal ment of male external genitalia and sensitizes other tissues to tes-
208 lamina is absent, terming these ‘primordial sex cords’; they branch tosterone (see below—descent of the testis). Thus the development

paramesonephric ducts Rectum Ureter

Bladder, Mesonephric Centrum of vertebra

Pubic symphysis d
Notochord ‘Spinal cord
Lower limb

Phallic portion of
urogenital sinus

3.87a The tail end of a female human fetus, 83-9 weeks old. The model median plane. Note that the cloaca has now been separated into urogenital
has been dissected from the left side to show the structures in and near the
and intestinal segments. (After Keibel.)


period before testis differentiation. This gene has also been seen in
mutant strains which lack germ cells, indicating that the gene is
expressed in a somatic cell line within the genital ridge. The potential
of the Sry gene was demonstrated by injecting it into fertilized mouse
Mesonephric duct eggs which were reimplanted and allowed to develop. Examination
of the gonads showed testes developing in chromosomal female
paramesonephric animals indicating that Sry alone is able to initiate male development
ducts in a chromosomally female embryo (Koopman et al 1991). Inter-
estingly it is also suggested that there must be other genes required
for the development of the male phenotype that reside on chro-
mosomes other than the Y (Lovell-Badge 1992), ,
Although the possession of a Y chromosome expressing SRY and
TDF is, in many studies, seen as the fundamental cause of the
switch to male phenotypic development, by initiating Sertoli cell
differentiation, other studies have suggested that the possession of
TDF accelerates the development of the gonads in XY embryos
generally, so that testes are larger and more advanced than ovaries
of the same age (Mittwoch 1988).
Sinus tubercle At the time of Sertoli cell differentiation in mice, the gonads of
XY fetuses are on average 40% larger than their XX littermates,
suggesting that the putative testes grow faster than putative ovaries
before any morphological differentiation can be seen. Bovine male
embryos generally develop to more advanced stages than do females
during the first 8 days after insemination in vitro, well before gonadal
differentiation (Xu et al 1992). Male human fetuses are generally
3.878 Part of the vesico-urethral portion of the endodermal cloaca of a bigger than females from 12 weeks gestation, and males are already
female human fetus, 83-9 weeks old. (Drawn from a model by Keibel.) slightly ahead of females at six weeks gestation just prior to testicular
differentiation; it is suggested that this difference in the growth rate
is encoded in the sex chromosomes (Pedersen 1980). Once gonadal
development has commenced the difference in size between testes
and ovaries becomes much greater than the difference between XY
of male characteristics follows the expression of TDF, and female and XX fetuses as a whole. (Interestingly, the right gonad develops
characteristics develop in its absence. Sex determination in mammals slightly ahead of the left, an observation which correlates with
thus may be initiated by a signal which switches on TDF. hermaphrodite development in which testes are more often on the
Further studies on the exact position of the TDF have been based
right side and ovaries on the left.)
on deletion mapping the Y chromosome in a class of XX males that Mittwoch (1988) suggests that whereas in poikilotherms the sex
arise from abnormal X:Y interchange at meiosis (Petit et al 1987). of the embryo is determined by the temperature of incubation,
A conserved sequence that mapped to the Y chromosome of all homoiothermic animals have evolved a genetic mechanism to make
mammals tested was found. The sequence formed part of a gene in sex determination independent of the environmental temperature.
the Sex determining Region of the Y chromosome and was thus As mammals also have an in utero environment which receives
termed SRY (see also p.211). It is believed to be genetically and female hormones from the mother, the accelerated development of
functionally equivalent to TDF. In the mouse, this gene (termed Sry) the testis at the early embryological stages ensures arrest of meiosis
has been demonstrated, by cells in the genital ridge only, for a brief of the germ cells and the production of local hormones which 209


Primordial sex cells

@® : /
Os Ay Medial coelomic bay
Lateral coelomic bay
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct Median dorsal mesentery

Invaginating paramesonephric
(Mullerian) duct

Mesonephric tubule
Gut tube
Genital ridge

(Mullerian) duct Primordial sex cells
Mesonephric glomerulus associate with sex cords

Sex cord


Some mesonephric
tubules fuse with
edullary ends of
sex cords

Mesonephric duct Primordial sex

and tubules begin cells enclosed
to degenerate with cord cells
Rete ovarii
Uterine tube

fy XQ
Fi a a
Fy Seminiferous
Mesovarium FA tubules
Vestigial duct and Hl Mesorchium
tubule of epodphoron H
; F
HH Efferent ductules
Broad ligament i| Tunica albuginea
Ductus deferens IE
Uterine tube Rete testis Interstitial cells

Rete ovarit
Stromal cells septum

Primordial ovarian follicles

paramesonephric duct

3.88 Schema of the development of the gonads and associated ducts as

seen in transverse section. Note fate of primordial sex cells, mesonephric
duct and tubules and paramesonephric duct in the two sexes.


masculinize the male embryo before the normal time for development X chromosome for the female default pathway (Mittwoch 1992).
of the reproductive tract and ovaries of the female. Certainly once testicular differentiation and male hormone secretion
The early expression of Sry has been demonstrated in the mouse have begun, other Y-chromosomal genes are required to maintain
embryo where two sex-determining regions, Sry and Zfy, are tran- spermatogenesis and complete spermiogenesis. The impairment of
scribed during preimplantation development, as early as the two-cell odgenesis, by other chromosomal abnormalities, is much less severe
stage (Zwingman et al 1993). than the impairment of spermatogenesis.
The range of intersex conditions, of phenotypic sex which is not The source of the X chromosome may be an important factor in
correlated to genotype, and the effect of multiple X chromosomes in this paradigm; in mice a paternally derived X chromosome has been
males suggest that there may be many testis determining genes shown to have a retarding effect on development (Thornhill &
necessary for the male developmental pathway but only a single Burgoyne 1993). More work in this area is awaited with interest.

maldescent, masculinization,
Environmental effects on gonadal development development) appear to be affecting an
germ cell

increasing proportion of human males.

Comparable effects are also occurring in
Disorders of development of the testis and ment into spermatozoa, i.e. the number of
reproductive tract in the male fetus are
a range of wildlife (Colborn & Clements
Sertoli cells produced at this time deter- 1992), suggesting that environmental
increasing in incidence. Testicular mal- mines the maximal limit of sperm output factors are most likely to blame. Sharpe
descent (cryptorchidism) and hypospadias (Sharpe 1994). Additionally, because it is (1994) suggests that environmental oes-
appear to have doubled or trebled in inci- the germ cells which comprise the bulk of trogens may be the most likely causal
dence in the last 30-50 years, according the adult testis, then the number of Sertoli agent, but warns that there is as yet no
to the best evidence (Giwercman & Skak- cells also predetermines the size to which
kebaek 1992; Sharpe & Skakkebaek 1993),
definitive proof that this is the case.
the testes will grow; however, it should be It is well established that administration
whilst testicular cancer has increased by kept in mind that factors which impair the of exogenous oestrogens to pregnant
an even greater margin to become now process of spermatogenesis, resulting in animals during the period when testicular
the commonest cancer of young men the loss of germ cells, will also affect differentiation and ‘masculinization’ are
(Skakkebaek et al 1993). Although tes- testicular size. occurring in the male fetus will lead to
ticular cancer is primarily a disease of Studies in a range of laboratory and abnormalities in these processes, resulting
young men (95% of cases affect 15—45- domestic animals have shown that differ- in increased risk of cryptorchidism and
year-old males) it is now established that ences in the number of Sertoli cells is hypospadias at birth and smaller testes
this age-incidence reflects activation of the primary determinant of differences in and reduced sperm counts in adult life
pre-malignant carcinoma-in-situ (CIS) testicular size and sperm output between (Arai et al 1983; Greco et al 1993:
cells which are present at birth and which species, between strains and between indi- Sharpe & Skakkebaek 1993). The same is
almost certainly arise during fetal life viduals (Sharpe 1994). The same is true true for man, based on studies of the
(Skakkebaek 1987; Skakkebaek et al for man: variation in Sertoli cell number male offspring (Whitehead & Leiter 1981:
1993). Current opinion is that these CIS is probably the most important factor in Stillman 1982) of some of the 6 million
cells are primordial germ cells which have accounting for the enormous variation in women worldwide who were administered
failed to develop normally. It is of interest sperm counts between individual men, diethylstilboestrol (DES), in the period
that abnormalities of development of the whether fertile or infertile (MacLeod & 1945-70, in the belief that it would prevent
testis and reproductive tract (e.g. gonadal Gold 1951; Carlsen et al 1992). Indeed, miscarriage. The basis for these oestrogen-
dysgenesis, cryptorchidism, small testes) the available data for adult men indicates induced abnormalities has not been fully
are important risk factors for the develop- that Sertoli cell numbers vary across a 50- worked out, but it is probably significant
ment of testicular cancer (Giwereman & fold range (Johnson et al 1984). Although that testicular differentiation and mas-
Skakkebaek 1992; Brown et al 1992), some of this variation may result from culinization are very early events occurring
However, the most dramatic change that attrition of Sertoli cell numbers because at a time when oestrogen levels in the
appears to have occurred over the past 50 of ageing (Johnson et al 1984), the major maternal circulation are still relatively low
or so years is a fall in sperm counts in differences in Sertoli cell numbers will have (Tulchinsky et al 1972; Tulchinsky &
man of around 40-50% (Carlsen et al been determined by events in fetal and/or
1992). Although this dramatic decrease is Hobel 1973).
childhood life (Sharpe 1994). Sharpe and Skakkebaek (1993) suggest
obviously manifest only in adulthood, as Sharpe (1994) has raised the question that there has been a generally increased
with testicular cancer, the most likely as to whether the reported 50% fall in human exposure to oestrogens over the
explanation is impaired. testicular develop- sperm counts in men over the last half- past 50 years. This has been caused by
ment during fetal or childhood life (Sharpe century might be due to a secular decrease changes in diet and body composition
1993: Sharpe & Skakkebaek 1993), in the number of Sertoli cells. There are no (more fat), leading to increased exposure
The Sertoli cells are one of the first data on comparative Sertoli cell numbers of women to their own oestrogens
specialized somatic cells of the putative from 50 years ago. Alterations of Sertoli (Adlercreutz 1990), and increased ex-
testis (see above); they briefly express Sex cell numbers, whether up or down, would posure to environmental oestrogens, the
determining Region of the Y chromosome not alter the quality of the spermatozoa most important of which are a range of
(SRY) before testis differentiation com- produced and, histologically, such testes ubiquitous, pollutant chemicals which,
mences. Sertoli cells proliferate during with lower Sertoli cell numbers could not when ingested, mimic the effects of oes-
these early stages and continue to do so be distinguished from those with higher trogens in the body by interacting with the
for some or perhaps all of subsequent numbers—only their overall size would be receptors for oestradiol. Pesticides such as
childhood life (Cortes et al 1987; Sharpe different (Sharpe 1994). Thus, the absence DDT (and its metabolite DDE) and other
1994); when replication ceases the Sertoli of any dramatic increase in the incidence widely distributed compounds such as
cells mature and cannot be reactivated. of male infertility over the last half-century polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), though
The importance of this period of Sertoli would not be inconsistent with a decease their use is now largely banned, continue
cell proliferation lies in the fact that each in Sertoli cell numbers over the same
Sertoli cell can only support a fixed to accumulate in living organisms because
time period. However, other early events of their fat solubility. The bioaccum-
number of germ cells during their develop- controlled by the Sertoli cells (testicular ulation is a feature of many chlorinated


hydrocarbons, several of which appear to effects on reproductive development of the incidence of male reproductive abnor-
be oestrogenic (Hileman 1993), More early male fetus or developing child, but malities, it must be noted that repro-
recently, degradation products of non- the increasing prevalence of such disorders ductive ability of the adult human male
ionic surfactants (used widely in com- in man and wildlife provides at least cir- is, to a considerable extent, predetermined
mercial detergents) have also been shown cumstantial support for this possibility by events in fetal life and/or childhood. He
to be oestrogenic andthese again are (Sharpe & Skakkebaek 1993). More perceives afairly urgent need for increased
widely distributed, bioaccumulative and definitive evidence should become avail- understanding of these early processes and
are present in some water sources and able in the next few years. their vulnerability to an altered hormonal
food chains (Clark et al 1992; Zoller 1993). Sharpe (1994) urges that irrespective milieu, in order that their importance in
It remains unknown whether the level of of whether increased human exposure to determining subsequent male fertility/
human exposure to such _ oestrogenic oestrogens is responsible for the increasing infertility can be understood.
chemicals is sufficient to exert adverse

Descent of the gonads perineal and femoral sites, which are often used as explanations for
Descent of the testis. This is not merely a simple migration. At the various forms of ectopia testis. By its soft consistency the
first the testis lies on the dorsal abdominal wall, but, as it enlarges, its gubernacular tissue (which in the early stage is formed mainly of
cranial end degenerates and the remaining organ therefore occupies a hyaluronic acid) may offer a route of low resistance to the descending
more caudal position. It is attached to the mesonephric fold by a testis, and the cessation of its growth in the last two months of
peritoneal fold, the mesorchium (3.82) (the mesogenitale of the gestation, coupled with an accelerating rate of growth in the testis
undifferentiated gonad), which contains the testicular vessels and and epididymis, may also be a factor in testicular descent as far as
nerves and a quantity of undifferentiated mesenchyme. In addition, the inguinal canal.
it acquires a secondary attachment to the ventral abdominal wall, The mechanism of final, rapid descent into the scrotum is not yet
which has a considerable influence on its subsequent movements. At clear. Endocrine effects seem certain, but this does not explain the
the point where the mesonephric fold bends medially to form the actual agency. This account is based principally upon events as
genital cord (p. 200), it becomes connected to the lower part of the observed in porcine material by Backhouse and Butler (1960). A
ventral abdominal wall by an inguinal fold of peritoneum (3.84). The subsequent discussion of the problems of testicular descent and
mesenchymal cells occupying the core of the inguinal fold condense maldescent by Backhouse (1964) should be consulted. He had
as another cord, the gubernaculum, extending from the epidermal reviewed the literature since Hunter’s original description (1762).
ectoderm which will later form the scrotum, through the inguinal Apparently the cremaster muscle develops in gubernacular mes-
fold and the mesorchium to the caudal pole of the testis. It traverses enchyme and this may explain the development of the concept of
the site of the future inguinal canal, which is formed around it by the gubernaculum asa ‘fibromuscular’ ligament.
the muscles of the abdominal wall as they differentiate. At the end In the rat it has been shown that the gubernaculum is highly
of the second month the caudal part of the ventral abdominal wall contractile during testicular descent. In the inguinoscrotal phase of
is horizontal but, after the return of the intestine to the peritoneal descent the gubernaculum loses its hyaluronic acid, the cremasteric
cavity (p. 334), it grows in length and progressively becomes vertical. muscle develops and the processus vaginalis elongates. These pro-
As a result, the umbilical artery pulls up a falciform peritoneal fold, cesses are dependent on androgens, but attempts to isolate androgen
as it runs ventrally from the dorsal to the ventral wall, and this receptors on the gubernaculum have, as yet, been unsuccessful.
forms the medial boundary of a peritoneal fossa into which the testis Division of the genitofemoral nerve, however, prevents both the
projects. This fossa is the saccus vaginalis or lateral inguinal fossa inguinoscrotal testicular descent and differentiation and migration
(p. 1737) and its lower end protrudes down the inguinal canal along of the gubernaculum, suggesting that androgens acting on the nerve
the ventrosuperior aspect of the gubernaculum, as the processus cell bodies of the genitofemoral nerve in the spinal cord could cause
vaginalis. The caudal pole of the testis is retained in apposition with release of neurotransmitters from the nerve endings that might act
the deep inguinal ring by the gubernaculum until the seventh month, as second messengers for androgens (Beasley & Hutson 1988). A
when it abruptly and rapidly passes through the inguinal canal and peptide neurotransmitter, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), is
gains the scrotum. As it descends it is necessarily accompanied by present in the genitofemoral nerve and its cell bodies in the spinal
its peritoneal covering, and the adjoining peritoneum from the iliac cord. CGRP causes the gubernacula from newborn male mice to
fossa is drawn down into the processus vaginalis. The distal end of contract rhythmically; CGRP antagonists inhibit this contraction
the processus vaginalis, into which the testis projects, forms the (Park & Hutson 1991). It is suggested that one of the effects of
tunica vaginalis testis but the portion associated with the spermatic testosterone during gestation is to ‘masculinize’ the genitofemoral
cord in the scrotum and in the inguinal canal normally becomes nerve by increasing the number of cells contributing to it. One cause
obliterated, usually leaving a fibrous remnant. Sometimes the of non-descent of the testes may bea result of insufficient testosterone
remnant atrophies completely. Alternatively, its original cavity may during development resulting in a failure to produce enough nerve
persist in whole or in part and in any location. These variations may cells in the genitofemoral nerve; then, at the time of testicular
form the walls of hernial sacs or encysted fluid sites. migration, too little CGRP is produced to stimulate contractions in
The mechanism of the descent of the testis has variously been the gubernaculum and assist testicular descent.
ascribed, by different investigators, to shortening and active con- Abnormalities of testicular descent. The testis may remain in
traction of the gubernaculum, to increased intra-abdominal pressure, the abdomen, or it may fail to reach the scrotum and may then lie
to a simple growth process and to the effect on the convex surface in any of the following situations:
of the gland of the active contraction of the lower fibres of the internal in the perineum
oblique muscle, squeezing it through the canal. The gubernaculum at the root of the penis
precedes the testis both spatially and in rate of growth, forming a at the superficial inguinal ring (p. 1855)
tapering column of soft tissue with the diminutive testis at its cranial in the upper part of the thigh.
pole. It continues to grow until the seventh month, by which time
its caudal part has filled the future inguinal canal and has begun to These malpositions have been traditionally associated with certain
expand the developing scrotum. In this it also precedes the processus additional extensions of gubernacular tissue. The largest extension
vaginalis, but does not develop attachments to skin; nor is there any normally passes to the scrotum while lesser extensions have been
212 evidence that it produces the radiating extensions into the suprapubic, described as gaining attachment to the perineum, the root of the

penis, the pubis, the inguinal ligament and the neighbourhood of the prostatic utricle and ejaculatory ducts (or its homologue the
the saphenous opening. The testis must follow the processus vaginalis whole female urethral dorsal wall). The remainder of the vesico-
and, should the latter for any reason follow any but the scrotal urethral part forms the body of the bladder and urethra; its apex is
extension of the gubernaculum, malposition of the testis will result. prolonged to the umbilicus as a narrow canal, the urachus. In
It should be appreciated, however, that considerable doubt has now postnatal life the urachus is drawn downwards as the bladder
been expressed concerning these lesser expansions (previously the descends but its upper end remains connected to one or both of the
so-called ‘tails of Lockwood’): possibly they reflect premature and obliterated umbilical arteries. Its lumen persists throughout life and
abnormal fibrous partitioning of the gubernacular mesenchyme. its lower end frequently communicates with the bladder near its apex
As noted, the processus vaginalis may remain completely patent, (Begg 1930).
or its obliteration may be incomplete. When it retains a connection Cloacal malformations. These are much more variable in their
with the general peritoneal cavity it provides a preformed sac for a anatomic form than other congenital malformations. Two varieties
potential oblique inguinal hernia. It may be occluded at its upper can be distinguished:
end and may be shut off from the tunica vaginalis and yet remain
patent in the intervening section. The patent portion may become 1. In extroversion of the bladder (ectopia vesicae) the lower part
distended with fluid, an encysted hydrocoele of the spermatic cord. of the anterior abdominal wall is occupied by an irregularly oval
Descent of the ovary. This is less extensive than the testis. Like area, covered with mucous membrane, on which the two ureters
the testis, the ovary ultimately reaches a lower level than it occupies open (Wyburn 1937). Around its periphery this extroverted area,
in the early months of fetal life but it does not leave the pelvis to covered by urothelium, becomes continuous with the skin. This
enter the inguinal canal, except in certain anomalies. Connected maldevelopment occurs after the separation of the ventral from the
to the medial aspect of the mesonephric fold by the mesovarium dorsal part of the cloaca. The urogenital membrane extends further
(homologous with the mesorchium), the ovary is also attached to cranially than it does in normal cases and the genital tubercle forms
the ventral abdominal wall through the medium of the inguinal fold. at its caudal limit. Rupture of the membrane thus throws the bladder
In this fold a mesenchymatous gubernaculum also develops but, as open to the exterior.
it traverses the mesonephric fold, it acquires an additional attachment 2. In extroversion of the cloaca the condition is very similar, but
to the lateral margin of the uterus near the entrance of the uterine is complicated by the presence of intestinal openings in the median
tube. Its lower part, caudal to this uterine attachment, becomes the plane. The urogenital sinus may remain with a high confluence of
round ligament of the uterus and the part cranial to this the ovarian bladder, vagina and rectum. The cloacal membrane may be abnor-
ligament, these structures together being homologous with the guber- mally elongated and prematurely ruptured throughout its whole
naculum testis in the male. This new uterine attachment may be extent, prior to the formation of the urorectal septum, or, in some
correlated with the restricted ovarian descent. At first the ovary is cases there may be only a small sinus opening externally at the skin.
attached to the medial side of the mesonephric fold but, in accordance The anal musculature is often present but not associated with the
with the manner in which the two mesonephric folds form the genital anal canal. (For a comprehensive discussion of cloacal malformations
cord (p. 200), its connection is finally to the posterior layer of the and cloacal exstrophy see Ricketts et al 1991; Hendren 1992.)
broad ligament of the uterus. The gubernaculum thus persists in the
female, unlike the male, as two fibrous bands or ligaments on each Urethra
side. The gubernaculum ovarii does not contract as a response to In the male the prostatic urethra proximal to the orifice of the
CGRP (see above). prostatic utricle is derived from the vesico-urethral part of the cloaca
The saccus vaginalis also appears in the female; its prolongation and the incorporated caudal ends of the mesonephric ducts. The
into the inguinal canal (sometimes termed the canal of Nuck) nor- remainder of the prostatic part, the membranous part and probably
mally undergoes complete obliteration, but may remain patent and the part within the bulb are all derived from the urogenital sinus.
form the sac of a potential oblique inguinal hernia (p. 1788). At birth The succeeding section, as far as the glans, is formed by the fusion
the ovary and the lateral end of the corresponding uterine tube lie of the genital folds, while the section within the glans is formed from
above the pelvic brim, and they do not sink into the lesser pelvis ectoderm (see below).
until the latter enlarges sufficiently to contain both of them and the In the female the urethra is derived entirely from the vesico-
other pelvic viscera, including the bladder. urethral region of the cloaca (see above), including the dorsal region
derived from the mesonephric ducts. It is homologous with the part
of the prostatic urethra proximal to the orifices of the prostatic
CLOACA AND EXTERNAL GENITALIA utricle and the ejaculatory ducts.
Urethral sphincter. This first forms as a mesenchymal con-
Urinary bladder
densation around the urethra in 12-15 mm (stage 18) embryos, after
The urinary bladder (3.86a-F) is derived partly from the so-called division of the cloaca. The mesenchyme proliferates becoming defined
endodermal cloaca and partly from the caudal ends of the meso- at the bladder neck in 31-mm embryos and along the anterior part
nephric ducts (3.83, 86a-F, 89). The walls of the cloaca are composed of the urethra by 69 mm. The muscle fibres differentiate after 15
of an endodermal lining encased in imtermediate mesenchyme. In weeks gestation when both smooth and striated fibres can be seen.
contrast the mesonephric ducts are derived from an epithelium, In females there is continuity between the smooth muscle of the
from the intermediate mesenchyme continuous with the coelomic urethral wall and of the bladder. In the male the muscle fibres are
epithelium, encased in intermediate mesenchyme. After the sep- less abundant because of the local development of the prostate.
aration of the rectum from the cloaca (p.191), the ventral part of Striated muscle fibres form around the smooth muscle initially in
the cloaca becomes divided into three regions: the anterior wall of the urethra and later they encircle the smooth
muscle layer. The origin of the striated muscle is not known but
e acranial vesico-urethral canal, continuous with the allantoic duct,
could derive from the myogenic cells producing the puborectalis
into which the mesonephric ducts open
muscle. The smooth and striated components of the urethral sphinc-
e a middle, narrow channel, the pelvic portion
ter are closely related but there is no mixing of fibres as seen in the
e a caudal, deep, phallic section, closed externally by the urogenital
anorectal sphincter (Bourdelat et al 1992).
membrane (3.86a-€).
Defects of the urethra. Defects due to arrests of development
The second and third parts together constitute the urogenital sinus. are not uncommon in the male. The urethra may open on the ventral
The ureter and the mesonephric duct come to open separately into (perineal) aspect of the penis at the base of the glans (see below),
the vesico-urethral part. The termination of the mesonephric duct and the part of the urethra which is normally within the glans is
then moves caudally to open into that part which will form the absent. This constitutes the simplest form of hypospadias. In more
prostatic urethra. This occurs by the formation of a caudally directed severe cases the genital folds fail to fuse, and the urethra opens on
loop of the duct behind the urogenital sinus, followed by absorption the ventral aspect of a malformed penis just in front of the scrotum.
of the apposed walls. In this way the mesonephric duct contributes A still greater degree of this malformation is accompanied by failure
to the trigone of the bladder and dorsal wall of the proximal of the genital swellings to unite with each other. In these cases the
(superior) half of the prostatic urethra, i.e. as far as the opening of scrotum is divided and, since the testes are also frequently unde- 213


Mesonephric ( raion) AI / § ae
luc AR ‘arames
lg } (Mullerian) duct
Gonad LAS M. eer
a ff~—> esonephric tubules
Gubernaculum KY iain

Vo hg

)) Metanephros
Primitive bladder

Trigone _| vs
~" 3
Mullerian tubercle ‘a. ps U7 oe

Urogenital sinus eo Anal canal


Urachus Ligament of
Paroéphoron Ovary Ductus deferens yong
Trigone Fimbria ‘4
Uterine tube
Round ligament
of uterus

Superior aberrant
Appendix testis

F Pi Lesa hs
pieci Appendix epididymis
Efferent ductules
Line of Gartner’s Epididymis
ens Line of degenerate
Vagina Mullerian duct
Inferior aberrant


3.89 Disposition and fate of the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, ferent stage to the definitive condition in the two sexes. (Modified from
mesonephric tubules, gonads and gubernaculum, primitive bladder and Williams et al 1969.)
urogenital sinus, and ureters, as seen in the transformation from the indif-

scended, the resemblance to the labia majora is very striking. Male Prostate gland
children suffering from this deformity are often mistaken for girls. The prostate arises during the third month from interactions between
In epispadias the urethra opens on the dorsal aspect of the penis the urogenital sinus mesenchyme and the endoderm of the proximal
at its junction with the anterior abdominal wall. No satisfactory part of the urethra. (In recombinant experiments in the rat, the sinus
explanation has yet been suggested for this anomaly. For a genetic mesenchyme is capable of inducing glandular epithelium from adult
and epidemiological study of urinary tract malformations consult bladder.) The earlier outgrowths, some 14-20 in number, arise from
214 Bois et al (1975). the endoderm around the whole circumference of the tube, but

Allanto-enteric diverticulum Early bladder Genital fold Urogenital sinus Hindgut

Umbilical cord
Genital tubercle

Genital tubercle Urogenital orifice

Endodermal cloaca Anal orifice

and tubercles


Cloacal membrane

3.90 The development of the external genitalia from the indifferent stage
to the definitive male and female conditions.

mainly on its lateral aspects and excluding the dorsal wall above the
utricular plate. These outgrowths give rise to the outer glandular Glans penis _—_Glans clitoridis
zone of the prostate (p. 1859). Later outgrowths from the dorsal wall
above the mesonephric ducts arise from the epithelium of mixed Urethral —_ Urethral
groove orifice
urogenital, mesonephric and possibly paramesonephric origin cover-
ing the cranial end of the sinus tubercle. These produce the internal
zone of glandular tissue. The outgrowths, which are at first solid, Genital fold
branch, become tubular and invade the surrounding mesenchyme,
which is differentiating into non-striated muscle, associated blood
and lymphatic vessels and connective tissues. The mesenchyme is Vagina
invaded by autonomic nerves.
Similar outgrowths occur in the female but remain rudimentary.
The urethral glands correspond to the mucosal glands around the Scrotal Labial
swelling swelling
upper part of the prostatic urethra and the para-urethral glands to
the true prostatic glands of the external zone (Glenister 1962).
The bulbo-urethral glands in the male, and greater vestibular glands
in the female, arise as diverticula from the epithelial lining of the Anus
urogenital sinus.
External genitalia
The external genital organs, like the gonads, pass through an
indifferent state before distinguishing sexual characters appear (3.90).
Patterning of the external genitalia may be achieved by mechanisms
similar to those patterning the face and limb (see p. 294). Homologies
of the parts of the urogenital septum are shown in Table 3.1. Glans penis
From stage 13, external genitalia primordia, composed of underlying Glans clitoridis
proliferating mesenchyme covered with ectoderm, arise around the
cloacal membrane, between the primitive umbilical cord and the tail. Urethral orifice
During stage 15 the cloacal membrane is divided by the urorectal
septum into a cranial urogenital membrane and a caudal anal mem-
Fused genital folds
brane. Local ectodermal/mesenchymal interactions give rise to the
anal sphincter which will develop without the presence of the uro-
rectal septum or the anal canal. A surface elevation, the genital
tubercle, appears at the cranial end of the urogenital membrane and
Labium majus
two lateral ridges, the genital or urethral folds, form each side of the
membrane. A distinct primordium which will become the glans of Labium minus
the penis or the clitoris can be recognized at the distal end of
the genital tubercle. Elongation of the genital tubercle, urogenital Scrotum
membrane and the genital folds produces a primitive phallus (p. 180).
As this structure grows it is described as having a cranial. surface Median raphe
(analogous to the dorsum of the penis) and a caudal surface anal-
ogous to the perineal surface of both sexes. The urogenital sinus,
contiguous with the internal aspect of the urogenital membrane, Anus
becomes attenuated within the elongating phallus forming the primi-
tive urethra. The urogenital membrane breaks down at about stage
19 (20 mm, 6.5 weeks) allowing communication of ectoderm and 215

forwards enclosing the phallic part of the urogenital sinus behind to

Table 3.1. Homologies of the parts of the urogenital form the bulb of the urethra; similarly, the folds close the definitive
system in male and female urethral groove in front to form the greater part of the spongiose
urethra. Fusion of the folds results in the formation of a median
Undifferentiated Male Female raphe and occurs in such a way that the lining of the postglandular
Gonad Testis Ovary urethra is mainly, perhaps wholly, endodermal in origin (Glenister
Gubernacular cord Gubernaculum testis | Ovarian and round
| ligaments 1954). Thus, as the phallus lengthens, the urogenital orifice is carried
Mesonephros Appendix of Appendices onwards until it reaches the base of the glans. From the tip of the
(Wolffian body) epididymis (?) vesiculosae (7?) phallus an ingrowth of surface ectoderm occurs within the glans to
Efferent ductules Epodphoron meet the penile urethra with which it fuses. Canalization of the
Lobules of epididymis ectoderm gives rise to a continuation of the urethra within the glans.
Paradidymis Paroéphoron The glans and shaft of the penis are recogriizable by the third
Aberrant ductules month. The prepuce also begins to develop in the third month, when
Mesonephric duct Duct of epididymis Duct of epodphoron the urethra still has its primary external orifice at the base of the
(Wolffian duct) Ductus deferens glans. A ridge consisting of a mesenchymal core covered by epi-
Ejaculatory duct
Part of bladder and Part of bladder and thelium appears proximal to the neck of the penis and extends
prostatic urethra urethra forwards over the glans. Deep to this ridge is a solid lamella of
Paramesonephric (or Appendix of testis Uterine tube epithelium which extends backwards to the base of the glans. The
Mullerian) duct Uterus ventral extremities of the ridge curve backwards to become con-
Prostatic utricle Vagina (?) tinuous with the genital folds at the margins of the urethral orifice.
Allantoic duct Urachus Urachus As the urethral folds meet to form the terminal part of the urethra,
Cloaca: dorsal part Rectum and upper Rectum and upper the ventral horns of the ridge fuse to form the frenulum. Over the
part of anal canal part of anal canal dorsum and sides of the glans, the epithelial lamella breaks down to
ventral Most of bladder Most of bladder and
form the preputial sac and thus free the prepuce from the surface of
part Part of prostatic the urethra
urethra the glans. There-after the prepuce grows as a free fold of skin
urogenital Prostatic urethra distal covering the terminal part of the glans. The preputial sac may not
sinus to utricle be complete until 6-12 months or more after birth and, even then,
Bulbo-urethral glands Greater vestibular the presence of some connecting strands may still interfere with the
glands retractability of the prepuce.
Rest of urethra to Vestibule The mesenchymal core of the phallus is comparatively undiffer-
glans entiated in the first 2 months, but during the third month the
Genital folds Ventral penis Labia minora blastemata of the corpora cavernosa become defined. Nerves are
Genital tubercle Glans penis Clitoris
present in the differentiating mesenchyme from the seventh week
Urethra in glans
(Dail & Evan 1974).
Female genitalia. The female phallus, which exceeds the male in
length in the early stages, becomes the clitoris. The genital swellings
endoderm at the edges of the disrupted membrane and continuity of remain separate as the labia majora and the genital folds also remain
the urogenital sinus with the amniotic cavity. Urine can escape from separate, forming the labia minora. The perineal orifice of the
the urinary tract from this time. The endodermal layer of the urogenital sinus is retained as the cleft between the labia minora,
attenuated distal portion of the urogenital sinus now displayed on above which the urethra and vagina open. The prepuce of the clitoris
the caudal aspect of the phallus is termed the urethral plate. With develops in the same way as its male homologue. By the fourth
proliferation of mesenchyme within the genital folds, the urethral month the female external genitalia can no longer be masculinized
plate sinks into the body of the phallus forming a primary urethral by androgens.
groove. The genital folds meet proximally in a transverse ridge
immediately ventral to the anal membrane. Hormonal control of genital development
While these changes are in progress two Jabioscrotal (genital) Development of the male phenotype requires fetal secretion of
swellings appear, one on each side of the base of the phallus; these both testosterone and AMH, and development of the appropriate
extend caudally, separated from the genital folds by distinct grooves cytoplasmic testosterone-binding protein. Absence of the tes-
(3.90, 91). tosterone-binding protein results in XY individuals with testes and
Male genitalia. The growth of male external characteristics is degenerated Mullerian ducts, but because they cannot respond to
stimulated by androgens regardless of the genetic sex. The male the circulating testosterone produced by their testes they develop
phallus enlarges to form the penis, its apex being the glans. The female secondary sexual characteristics.
genital swellings meet each other ventral to the anus and unite to There is evidence that in certain tissues testosterone is converted
form the scrotum. The genital folds fuse with each other from behind into 5a-dihydrotestosterone, for example urogenital sinus and genital

3.91 Scanning electron micrographs of early human external genitalia. are not fused. c. A human male embryo at 12 weeks; fusion of the genital
A. Indifferent stage ina human embryo estimated as 42 postovulatory days. folds has occurred. (Photographs by P Collins.)
B. A human female embryo at 12 weeks development; note the genital folds

swellings. In XY individuals with a genetic deficiency of the enzyme It is apparent that the hormones produced by the fetal gonads act
responsible for this conversion, functioning testes are present but on targets other than internal and external genitalia; for example,
also female external genitalia with an enlarged clitoris and a small the number of cell bodies contributing to the genitofemoral nerve is
vaginal pouch, suggesting that external genital development is under higher in males (see above), thus promoting descent of the testis.
the control of Sa-dihydrotestosterone. Such individuals are usually Sexual dimorphism has been noted in the brain of many species.
raised as girls. However, at puberty the external genitalia become The ability to detect testosterone receptors may elucidate many more
responsive to testosterone causing masculinization at this stage sites of testosterone sensitivity than has been previously supposed.
(Imperato-McGinley et al 1974).

The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS), the neural plate which, after neurulation, will become the floor plate
which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous of the neural tube (Jessell et al 1989). The node does not, however,
system (PNS), which includes neuronal cell bodies outside the CNS give rise to other regions of the neural plate. The notochord is
and the nerves which take information to and from the brain and important for the maintenance and later development of the floor
spinal cord. At a functional level those nerves which carry conscious plate of the neural tube (p. 226); axial extension of the floor plate
sensations and innervate striated muscle (derived from axial and in vitro requires the presence of underlying notochordal cells
paraxial mesenchyme) are termed part of the somatic nervous system, (Keller 1985). Extirpation of notochordal cells in amphibia prior
whilst control of smooth muscle (derived from splanchnopleuric to neural tube closure results in the absence of a floor plate, whereas
mesenchyme) resides with the autonomic nervous system, which is removal of the notochord at a later stage does not affect floor plate
subdivided into sympathetic and para-sympathetic moieties.
The entire nervous system and the special sense organs originate Despite the profound developmental modifications introduced by
from three sources each derived in turn from specific regions of the the secondary reduction of yolk in mammalian secondary odcytes
early epiblast generally termed neural ectoderm. The first source to associated with viviparity (p.95), it is widely assumed that similar
be delineated is the neural plate which forms the CNS, the somatic primary mechanisms operate throughout the Chordata, including
motor nerves and the preganglionic autonomic nerves. The second mankind. Certainly the requirement for cell interactions during early
source is from cells at the perimeter of the neural plate which remove development, including neural induction, is conserved throughout
themselves by epithelial/mesenchymal transition from the plate just many chordate groups. (For general reviews of neural induction
prior to its fusion into a neural tube; these are the neural crest cells
consult Papalopulu & Kintner 1992; Ruiz i Altaba 1993.)
which form nearly all of the PNS, including the somatic sensory
nerves, the somatic and autonomic ganglia, postganglionic autonomic
nerves and adrenal and chromaffin cells; they also give rise to NEURAL TUBE
significant mesenchymal populations in the head. The third source The physical process of neurulation occurs well after the onset of
is from ectodermal placodes; these are groups of cells which originate neural induction. The edges of the neural plate, which are continuous
at the edge of the neural plate but remain in the surface ectoderm after laterally with the surface ectoderm, roll up and fuse in the dorsal
neural tube formation undergoing epithelial/mesenchymal transition midline approximately at the cervical level (4th somite; 3.92). Fusion
after the neural crest cells have commenced their migration. Ecto- then proceeds rostrally and caudally. Formation of the neural tube
dermal placodes contribute to the somatic sensory ganglia of the by elevation and fusion of the neural folds is termed primary
cranial nerves, to the hypophysis, the inner ear and, by a non- neurulation. Secondary neurulation occurs in the lumbosacral region
neuronal contribution, to the lens of the eye. of the spinal cord in birds and mammals, and involves cavitation of
With the initiation of gastrulation, the first populations ofepiblast a compact mass of cells. When the neural tube is closing, its walls
cells to invaginate through the primitive streak form the prechordal consist of a single layer of columnar neural epithelial cells, the
plate, embryonic endoderm and notochord (see p. 144). These cells extremities of which abut on internal and external limiting membranes.
invaginate through the rostral end of the primitive streak (Hensen’s The mechanism of rounding up of the neural plate into a neural
node) and form a midline strip (chordamesoderm) subjacent to the tube has been studied particularly closely in amphibia (Burnside
overlying epiblast. Other epiblast cells passing through the lateral 1971). The columnar cells increase in length and develop numerous
regions of Hensen’s node, and the middle and caudal regions of the
longitudinally disposed microtubules, whilst the borders of their
primitive streak, migrate laterally between the epiblast and the luminal ends are firmly attached to adjacent cells by junctional
spreading embryonic endoderm and give rise to discrete populations complexes; the cytoplasmic aspect of the complexes being associated
of intraembryonic mesoblast. Those cells arising from Hensen’s node with a dense paraluminal web of microfilaments (see p.28; also
and the rostral regions of the primitive streak remain close to the Watterson 1965). It is proposed that this disposition of organelles
notochord as the paraxial mesenchyme, which later segments to form imparts a slight wedge conformation on at least some of the cells.
the somites; cells arising from the middle of the primitive streak In addition, nuclei assume basal positions that enhance cell wedging
migrate laterally, rostrally and caudally towards the edges of the in two lateral and one medial ‘hinge’ regions, the latter being the
embryonic disc and form the lateral plate mesenchyme (see p. 155). floor plate (Schoenwolf & Smith, 1990). Together these factors
The epiblast cells remaining after gastrulation are designated surface result in neural groove and eventually neural tube formation. Soon,
ectoderm above the lateral plate mesenchyme and neurectoderm however, some of the peripheral cytoplasmic processes become
(neural plate) medially above the notochord and paraxial mes- detached from the (basal) external limiting membrane and rounded
enchyme. Rostral to the notochord, prechordal mesenchyme forms cells appear close to the inner membrane which, by their repeated
a continuous mesenchymal network underlying the neurectoderm to mitotic division, form descendants which migrate outwards to take
which it is closely apposed. up an intermediate position in the wall of the tube. Histologically at
The neural plate is a thickened epithelium, roughly oval but wider this stage, therefore, the wall of the tube presents three zones or
rostrally and narrowed caudally (3.46). The lateral edges of the plate
layers (3.93, 94, 95). The internal ventricular zone (variously termed
become elevated as neural folds and approach one another to fuse the germinal, primitive ependymal or matrix layer) consists of the
in the dorsal midline as the neural tube. The early neural tube is nucleated parts of the columnar cells and the round cells undergoing
coextensive with the notochord, stretching from the future cloacal mitosis. The mantle zone (also termed intermediate zone) consists of
membrane to the buccopharyngeal membrane. Studies on amphibian the migrant cells from the divisions occurring in the deeper layer
and avian embryos have suggested that Hensen’s node gives rise not just described. The outer marginal zone, for a period, consists of the
only to.notochordal cells but also to the overlying midline region of external cytoplasmic processes of some of the original columnar 217

Roof plate

Oval bundle
\ RQ Dorsal spinal nerve
! rootlet
Central canal

— Ependymal layer
(matrix cell layer )
— (ventricular zone)

Mantle layer
(intermediate zone )

Ventral spinal
nerve rootlet
Marginal layer (zone)

Floor plate

3.93 Transverse section through the developing spinal cord of a 4-week-

old human embryo. Historically early terminology is retained; more recent
terms are in parenthesis. (After His.)

expanded considerably in the head region as afirst indication of a

brain. Subsequent to the closure of the rostral neuropore (p. 146)
these regional expansions form the three primary cerebral vesicles
(3.96a—c). The term ‘vesicle’ may be rather a misnomer as it suggests
an exaggerated view of these localized accelerations of growth in the
wall of the brain (O’Rahilly & Gardner 1971). The bulging is not
3.92 Scanning electron micrograph of a neurulating rat embryo com-
parable to a stage-10 human embryo (22-24 days). Somite formation occurs
initially marked, and the vesicles are more likely gently fusiform
as neurulation proceeds caudally. (Photograph by P Collins; printed by S tubes. The three regions are named (rostrocaudally) the pro-
Cox, Electron Microscopy Unit, Southampton General Hospital.) sencephalon or forebrain, the mesencephaton or midbrain, and the
rhombencephalon or hindbrain, the latter being continuous caudally
with the spinal cord. As a result of unequal growth of its different
regions three flexures appear in the brain; two of these are concave
cells, but it is soon invaded by tracts of axonal processes which grow ventrally and there are corresponding flexures of the head. The first
from neuroblasts developing in the mantle zone, together with of these flexures is associated with the formation of the head fold
varieties of non-nervous cells (glial cells and later vascular endo- and forms ventral to the midbrain. Due to this mesencephalic flexure
thelium and perivascular mesenchyme). the forebrain bends in a ventral direction around the cephalic end
Prior to the closure of the neural tube the neural folds become of the notochord and foregut until its floor lies almost parallel with

Primitive ependymal layer

Roof plate. (matrix cell layer) Oval bundle
(ventricular zone)
Dorsal spinal
nerve root
Spinal ganglion

Cells of mantle
Fibres of ventral layer (intermediate
spinal nerve root zone) forming anterior
horn of grey matter

; heaeeh ,

Spinal nerve Floor plate Notochord Marginal layer (zone)

3.94 Transverse section of the developing spinal cord in the cervical region
of a human embryo early in the sixth week, CR length 8mm.

3.95 Schema of 5 sequential stages (a to £) in the development of part V=ventricular zone; M= marginal zone; |=intermediate zone (mantle
of the neural tube’s wall in section to form cerebral cortex. Spinal cord zone); S = subventricular zone; CP = cortical plate. New research techniques
development is limited to stages a to.c. (Modified from Boulder Committee led Rakic (1982) to advance many significant alterations and additions to
initial recommendations 1970.) these proposals: see p. 252 and 3.123.

that of the hindbrain (3.96). The second bend appears at the junction ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves, the autonomic ganglia and
of the hindbrain and spinal cord, the cervical flexure (3.96). This nerves, the enteric nervous system, Schwann cells, pigment cells,
increases from the fifth to the end of the seventh week, by which odontoblasts, meninges and ectomesenchyme cells of the pharyngeal
time the hindbrain forms nearly a right angle with the spinal cord; arches. The departure of the neural crest is followed by the formation
after the seventh week, however, extension of the head takes place of another specialized non-neuronal region dorsally, the roof plate,
and the cervical flexure diminishes and eventually disappears. The which, in some regions, forms dorsal commissures.
third bend, the pontine flexure, is at the level of the future pons. It At first the neural tube caudal to the brain is oval in outline and
differs from the other two in that its convexity is directed ventrally its lumen is narrow and slit-like (3.93). As the lateral walls thicken,
and it does not substantially affect the outline of the head. the lumen, now the central canal, widens in its dorsal part and is
Concomitant with the development of the flexures, the regions of somewhat diamond-shaped on cross-section (3.93). The widening of
the brain enlarge allowing subdivisions of some of the original the canal is associated with the development of a longitudinal
vesicles. The prosencephalon can be subdivided into two parts: the sulcus limitans on each side. This divides the ventricular and mantle
telencephalon, lateral evaginations of the early prosencephalon which (intermediate) zones in each lateral wall into a ventrolateral or basal
will give rise to the cerebral hemispheres, and the diencephalon, the lamina and a dorsolateral or alar lamina. This separation indicates a
remaining midline portion of the prosencephalon. The mes- fundamental functional difference. Within the spinal cord, the basal
encephalon remains undivided. The rhombencephalon is subdivided plate is concerned with motor function, containing the cell bodies of
by the pontine flexure into the metencephalon rostrally which will motor neurons of the anterior and lateral grey columns, while the
give rise to the future pons and cerebellum and the myelencephalon alar plate receives sensory inflow from the dorsal root ganglia. Motor
caudally which will become the future medulla oblongata. and sensory axons combine to form the segmentally arranged spinal
In addition to these gross divisions, the neural tube manifests a nerves. In the head, the cranial nerves form a continuation to
number of ridges and depressions which subdivide it further. Promi- the series of spinal nerves, but are functionally and anatomically
nent among these are the serial bulges that appear very early in the specialized. An important developmental contribution to the nervous
rhombencephalon, before the main flexures of the neural tube system is also made by neurogenic (ectodermal) placodes, which are
develop. These bulges are termed rhombomeres, and apparently thickened regions of ectoderm in the head (see p. 257).
constitute the primary units of patterning in this region (see p. 125). (The long held and widely used terms:
Although bulges have also been observed in other brain regions,
their developmental significance is only starting to be evaluated. For e roof plate
more recent accounts of the early development of the brain consult e floor plate
Bartelmez & Dekaban (1962), Jacobson (1970), Gaze (1970), Eccles e alar lamina
(1973), Gottlieb (1973, 1974), Mark (1974), Rakic (1981, 1982), e basal lamina
Smart (1982, 1983), Schoenwolf and Smith (1990). were changed to:
During neurulation the neural tube becomes subdivided in the
dorsoventral axis. In the ventral midline lies the floor plate (see 3.93), e dorsal lamina
a region containing non-neuronal cells that plays a role in patterning e ventral lamina
the dorsoventral axis, induces motor neurons, and, later, serves as a e dorsolateral lamina
site for ventral commissures of nerve fibres. As the neural tube e ventrolateral lamina
closes, cells arising from the edges of the neural folds form a distinct, in the Nomina Embryologica associated with the Nomina Anatomica
transitory population in the dorsal midline outside the neural tube; (fourth edition) by the International Anatomical Nomenclature
this is the neural crest. This cell population lies between the neural Committee (Tokyo 1975). The modified names are more apposite
tube and the surface ectoderm prior to migration to diverse locations throughout the early neural tube (i.e. spinal cord and brainstem);
throughout the embryo. Neural crest derivatives include the sensory however, these terms become much less appropriate in the rostral 219

Midbrain flexure Midbrain

Isthmus rhomb- Oculomotor

encephali nerve

Cerebral hemisphere Cerebrum

Margin of optic cup
Otocyst Choroid fissure
Pontine flexure
Optic rudiment
Motor root Trigeminal
Sensory root nerve

Cervical flexure
Cerebellum Ganglia of facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves
Abducent nerve
3.96 The right side of the brain of a human embryo, 9mm long. (Drawn Facial and vestibulo-
from a model by His.) cochlear nerves

Glossopharyngeal nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Vagus nerve
Midbrain Hypoglossal nerve

Accessory nerve

3.968 The brain of a human embryo about 10.2mm long: right lateral
surface. (From a model by His.)

= Rudiment of
olfactory bulb
Trochlear Optic stalk
who called it Zwischenstrand, to emphasize its intermediate position
between the neural tube and surface ectoderm. Wilhelm His also
recognized that the neural crest was the origin of the spinal ganglia—
Trigeminal nerve hence the term ganglion crest that has also been used to designate
Pontine flexure this structure. The fact that the neural crest yields mesenchymal cells
Facial and vestibulocochlear was first proposed at the turn of the century by Kastschenko (1888),
Glossopharyngeal nerve nerves
Goronowitsch (1892) and later by Platt (1893) who showed that it
Vagus nerve contributes to the cartilage of pharyngeal arches and to the dentine
Hypoglossal nerve
of the teeth in lower vertebrates. Platt coined the term mesectoderm
pinal cord
to designate the mesenchyme of ectodermal origin, a notion that
Accessory nerve, *@ challenged the current germ layer theory of von Baer (1828) (see
lower rootlets
p. 92).
Since these early times, the neural crest has attracted much
attention from embryologists who, during the first half of this
3.96c The right side of the brain of a human embryo, 13.6 mm long. The century, investigated the fate of this structure mainly in the amphib-
roof of the hindbrain has been removed. (From a model by His.) ian embryo. The fact that neural crest cells migrate and settle in
elected sites in the embryo, where they differentiate into a large
variety of cell types, was deduced from ablation experiments, cell
marking studies that involved the use of vital dyes, and experiments
half of the medulla oblongata and caudal half of the pons, with the that relied on differences in cell size or pigmentation between related
profound positional changes accompanying the formation of the species of amphibians. However, none of these methods provided
pontine flexure—3.96a. The older terminology is still retained by stable and specific markers so the migratory cells could only be
some research groups.) distinguished for a short period of time. Nevertheless, the pluri-
Failure of neurulation produces the conditions of cranio- potentiality of the neural crest was recognized and its role in
rachischisis, where the entire neural tube is unfused in the dorsal contributing both to the PNS and to the facial skeleton was estab-
midline, cranioschisis or anencephaly, where the neural tube is fused lished.
‘dorsally to form the spinal cord but is not fused dorsally in the A more precise cell marking technique was devised later by Weston
brain, and spina bifida, where local regions of the spinal cord, (1963) and Chibon (1964) who labelled the DNA of migrating neural
meninges and vertebrae may be malformed (p. 340, 3.197). Anen- crest cells with tritiated thymidine @H-TdR). Owing to the rapid
cephalic fetuses have severe disturbances in the shape, position and proliferation of embryonic cells the label is soon diluted so that it is
ossification of the basichondrocranium and in the course of the not stable, and, furthermore, re-uptake of label released by dead
intracranial notochord. cells compromised specificity. More recently methods based on the
use of liposoluble carbocyanide dyes (dil, diO) have been used to
label cell membranes in living cells. While easy to use and providing
NEURAL CREST conspicuous labelling these methods also have the disadvantage of
The neural crest is a transient structure found only in vertebrate being neither precise nor stable.
embryos. It is derived from the lateral ridges of the neural plate
(also called neural folds) and its appearance follows a craniocaudal Quail-chick chimeras
gradient as the neural tube closes on the mediodorsal line. The From the late sixties, up to recent years, most investigations on the
220 neural crest in the chick was first described in 1868 by Wilhelm His neural crest have used the avian embryo. The introduction of the

) Ectodermal

Quail donor Chick host

3.97 Neuroblasts of quail (right) and chick (left) stained by the Feulgen— Chick host
Rossenbeck reaction. A large central mass of heterochromatin characterizes
the quail nuclei. In chick cells, heterochromatin is distributed in small chro- 3.98 Diagram showing the experimental procedures that have been used
mocentres. Magnification x 1276. to trace the cells of placodal (A) and neural crest (B, C) origin during PNS
ontogeny in vivo.

quail-chick marker system to neural crest embryology by Le Douarin

(1969 et seq) has allowed the migration and fate of neural crest cells
to be followed precisely up to the stage where they become fully
differentiated. This technique is based on an observation by Le
Douarin (1969), on the structure of the interphase nucleus in the
Japanese quail. The cells of this species are characterized by the
condensation of constitutive heterochromatin into a large mass,
generally centronuclear, associated with the nucleolus. Although
some variations in the distribution of heterochromatin and nucleolar
RNA exist in the different cell types of the quail, this mass of
heterochromatin is present in all embryonic and adult cell types of
this species (Le Douarin 1973). Such a characteristic is rare in the
animal kingdom (Le Douarin 1971); in most species the constitutive
heterochromatin is evenly distributed in the nucleoplasm in small
chromocentres as it is, for example, in the chick (3.97). Quail and
chick cells can thus easily be distinguished by DNA staining or by
electron microscopy where the large, DNA-rich nucleolus of the
quail is easily recognizable. These species—species differences have
been used to study the migration of embryonic cells and to analyse
the contribution of cells of different embryonic origins to complex
Ppp reer eee EE EEE tissues or organs during ontogeny. Since the quail and the chick are
closely related in taxonomy, the substitution of definite territories
between embryos of these two species in ovo results in viable
chimeras which develop normally and can hatch. Thus, when definite
fragments of either the neural fold or the neural tube and associated
neural crest of the quail are grafted isotopically or isochronically into
the chick (or vice versa) the migration and fate of their constituent
cells can be followed at any time after the operation (3.98). This
approach has been systematically applied to the whole neuraxis to
establish the fate map of the neural fold and to define the paths
along which neural crest cells migrate. In addition to the nuclear
marker, species specific antibodies and cDNA probes have been used
to analyse the chimeras (Le Douarin 1993; Izpisua-Belmonte et al
1993). -
Fate of the head neural fold
The neural fold establishes a transition between the neural ectoderm,
i.e. the neural plate which becomes the brain and spinal cord, and
the surface ectoderm which differentiates later into epidermis. Along
most of the neuraxis, the cells forming the neural fold undergo an
epithelial/mesenchymal transformation through which they acquire
the migratory properties of neural crest cells. The rostral pro-
sencephalic neural fold, however, does not generate neural crest.
3.99 Isotopic graft of the quail rostral neural fold into a chick embryo at the
early somitic stages. a. A fragment of the neural fold (about 150 x 40m) Quail-chick chimera recombination in embryos at the neurula stage
is removed in the chick and replaced by its counterpart from the quail. (0-3 somites) (3.99), demonstrated that neural crest cells are produced
B. Three hours after the operation, the graft (the limits of which are underlined along the neural axis rostrally as far as the diencephalon, at about
by the arrows) is well incorporated in the host’s neural fold. Scale bar = the level from which the epiphysis arises. The rostral neural fold
100 pm. itself gives rise to the hypophyseal placode, i.e. the future Rathke’s 221

Nasal cavity

Olfactory 2
placode 9

Eye o
§@ Nasal cavity Bla
Optic placode ectoderm a
Frontonasal Philtrum yy
Primary ——— 7.
= Secondary
3s |S palate

3S J

= aS
Mesencephalon 3 [0
gs [2
Trigeminal s wy
v nH
placode Maxillo-mandibulary

3.100 Fate map of the rostral region of the neural primordium as estab- to the human head. Thus, the neural fold area (green) yields the epithelium
lished by the quail-chick chimera system. A. The various territories yielding of the rostral roof of the mouth, the nasal cavities and part of the frontal
rostral head are indicated on the neural plate and neural fold of a 1-3 somite area.
embryo. B. The results obtained in the avian embryo have been extrapolated

pouch, the olfactory placodes and associated nasal epithelium, includ- but the vascular endothelium of all the vessels irrigating these tissues
ing the roof of the nasopharynx and, more caudally, the skin of the derives from the angioblastic mesenchyme of the host.
upper lip (beak in chick) and the frontonasal area. Extrapolation to
the human and the results obtained in quail—-chick chimeras is Neural crest and the PNS
represented in 3.100. Although the development of the spinal ganglia from neural crest
Studies of the fate of the neural fold caudal to the mid-diencephalon has long been known, confusion existed regarding the origin of the
revealed that the frontal and parietal bones are entirely of neural PNS and the level of the neuraxis from which its various components
crest origin (Couly et al 1993) (see p.274) as well as the facial and emanate (Le Douarin & Teillet 1973; Le Douarin 1982). Using quail—
hypobranchial skeleton and part of the optic and otic capsules (Le chick chimeras, the fate maps of the PNS derivatives of the neural
Douarin 1982) (see p. 271). crest and of the placodal ectoderm, which contributes to the sensory
By grafting cranial paraxial mesenchyme and the6 rostral somites, ganglia of certain cranial nerves, were established (3.102).
Couly et al (1992, 1993) were able to delineate precisely the respective A monoclonal antibody, NC1/HNK1, was found to label most
contributions to the skull of the somites, paraxial mesenchyme and avian neural crest cells at the time of their migration (Tucker et al
of the neural crest. As represented on 3.101 for the chick, a region 1984). It recognizes a glycosylated epitope carried by several surface
of the skull rostral to the extreme tip of the notochord can be molecules. Although it is not strictly specific for neural crest cells,
distinguished; this region reaches the sella turcica and also a region even at migration time (the NCI/HNK1 epitope is lost by certain
caudal to this boundary. The former, the achordal skull is derived crest cells such as the mesectoderm, certain neurons and the mel-
entirely from neural crest; the latter is derived from paraxial mes- anocytes, but remains present on peripheral glia and neuronal
enchyme (cephalic or somitic) in its ventromedial part and is termed subpopulations), the use of this antibody has been instrumental in
the chordal skull (see also p. 287). showing that the migration pattern of neural crest cells in the trunk
Apart from the skull, the cephalic neural crest is the origin of is channelled by the somites. It thus appears segmental although the
several other derivatives (see derivative table p. 145). The overlapping crest cells exit uniformly along the whole neural tube. The crest cells
developmental capacities of paraxial mesenchyme and neural crest are able to migrate, without impediment, between the somites and
is illustrated by the meninges. These are derived from the neural within the rostral sclerotomal half, but they cannot penetrate the
crest at the prosencephalic level (di- and telencephalon) and from caudal moiety of the sclerotomal mesenchyme (see p. 265). Thus the
paraxial mesenchyme for the rest of the CNS (see p. 256). segmental distribution of the spinal and sympathetic ganglia is
The connective tissue component of the glands derived from the imposed on the neural crest cells by a prepattern that exists within
buccal and pharyngeal epithelium, e.g. salivary, thyroid, parathyroid the somitic paraxial mesenchyme (Rickman et al 1985; Kalchein &
and thymus (see p.176), and the tunica media and externa of the Teillet 1989).
large blood vessels arising from the heart, are of neural crest origin Further experiments examined whether crest cells which were
(see p. 314), as are the carotid body type I and type II cells and the destined to form different parts of the PNS (3.102) were already
calcitonin producing cells (C-cells) that develop in the ultimobranchial restricted in their developmental potential. This could occur prior to
bodies. migration, or be imposed subsequently by environmental cues to
Although mesectoderm and mesenchyme share several devel- which they were exposed during migration or at their final des-
opmental potentialities, that of yielding vascular endothelial cells is tination. Quail neural crest cells were either transplanted before the
the strict reserve of the mesenchyme (see angioblastic mesenchyme onset of migration into heterotopic sites in the chick host, or develop-
pp. 156 and 299). That is why grafts of quail cephalic neural crest in ing quail peripheral ganglia were ‘back transplanted’ into the neural
222 chick embryos produce bones and connective tissues of donor type, crest migration pathway of the chick. .

Fate map potentials








3.101 Schematic drawing of cephalic skeleton of bird. a. Right external
view; 8. right internal view. Yellow = skeleton of neural crest origin; red =
skeleton of cephalic mesenchyme origin; purple = skeleton of somitic origin.
(From Couly et al 1993.)
1 angular 18 occipital (basi)
2 basibranchial 19 postorbital Mesectoderm ] Sensory ganglia
3 basihyal 20 quadrate
4 ceratobranchial 21 palatine Parasympathetic @ Sympathetic ganglia
5 (a) columellaand (b) oticcapsule 22 parietal ganglia
6 dentary 23 premaxilla
7 epibranchial 24 pterygoid
3.1024 Fate map along the neural crest of the presumptive territories
8 entoglossum 25 quadratojugal
that yield the mesectoderm, the sensory, parasympathetic and sympathetic
9 ethmoid 26 scleral ossicles
ganglia in normal development. 8. Development potentials for the same cell
10 exoccipital 27 sphenoid: (a) orbitosphenoid; (b)
types. If neural crest cells from any level of the neural axis are implanted
11 frontal pleurosphenoid; (c) basipres-
into the appropriate sites of a host embryo, they can give rise to almost all
12 interorbital septum phenoid; (d) basipostsphenoid
the cell types forming the various kinds of PNS ganglia. This is not true,
13 jugal 28 supraoccipital
however, for the ectomesenchymal cells (also called mesectoderm) whose
14 maxilla 29 squamosal
precursors are confined to the cephalic area of the crest down to the level
15 Meckel’s cartilage 30 temporal
of somite 5. S = somite.
16 nasal capsule 31 vomer
17 nasal

Vagal neural crest. This normally gives rise to enteric ganglia environmental cues. Thus adrenergic cells can arise from sensory
but was transplanted into the neuraxis at the level (somites 18-24) ganglia and from enteric plexuses in which this phenotype does not
from which the adrenal medulla, sympathetic and sensory ganglia normally exist.
are derived. The grafted quail cells followed the migration pathway Neural crest derived glial cells provide another example. A
appropriate to the recipient site. The cells reached the target organs surface glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin-like superfamily, the
(sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla) of the host where they Schwann cell myelin protein (SMP), was found to be expressed
differentiated into catecholamine producing cells and not into the exclusively by myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells in
enteric cholinergic neurons that would have been their normal fate. vivo (Dulac et al 1992). Neither the enteric glia nor the satellite cells
Similarly, when a neural primordium of the adrenomedullary level of the peripheral ganglia carry this marker. The control of SMP
was transplanted into the vagal area, the grafted neural crest cells gene expression by environmental cues and particularly its inhibition
migrated to the gut where they differentiated into enteric ganglia; by the microenvironment of the gut of the dorsal root ganglion was
thus they did not express the adrenergic phenotype. demonstrated experimentally by changing the environment of the
The back-transplantation approach showed that all types of per- various types of glial cells. Thus enteric glia and sensory ganglia
ipheral ganglia contain, besides their characteristic neuronal and satellite cells synthesize SMP when they are withdrawn from their
glial cell types, precursor cells that do not differentiate in these sites normal environment and cultured in vitro (Dulac & Le Douarin
but can be led to do so if they are provided with appropriate 1991; Cameron-Curry et al 1993). 223

It appears, therefore, that precursors of virtually all the cell types realized in each neural crest derivative. Cells whose fate does not fit
that compose the PNS are present at every level of the neuraxis with the conditions encountered in a precision location will either
(3.102). Therefore, the apparent regionalization of the fate map die or remain quiescent. The latter alternative was demonstrated in
reflects the diversity of the embryonic rudiments to which the neural experiments where neural crest cells, withdrawn from their normal
crest cells migrate rather than intrinsic restrictions that exist in the environment such as the gut (Rothman et al 1987), various types
neural crest cell population before migration. of sensory ganglia (Le Douarin & Smith 1988) or the skin
(Richardson & Sieber-Blum 1993) and subjected to different con-
Factors promoting neural crest survival ditions, gave rise to derivatives that do not exist in their tissue of
Both survival and differentiation of sensory neuronal progenitors origin. Thus these studies suggest plasticity of neural crest cell
have been shown to depend on factors provided by the neural tube development and assign control of the patterning mainly to the
at the time the neural crest cells aggregate to form the dorsal embryonic territories that the crest cells colonize.
root ganglia (E3—E4, i.e. days 3-4, in chick and quail embryos).
Neurotrophins of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) ECTODERMAL PLACODES
family along with the extracellular matrix protein, laminin, were
The elevating neural folds formed during neurulation contain neural
shown to be responsible in this case (Kalcheim & Le Douarin 1986;
crest cells along most of the neural axis; these cells undergo
Kalcheim et al 1987). Clearly other growth factors must play similar epithelial/mesenchymal transition to acquire the migratory charac-
roles for the other types of neural crest derivatives. For example,
teristics of crest cells. Other cells have been identified which originate
basic fibroblastic growth factor (b-FGF) (Kalcheim 1989; Kal-
in the neural folds but remain within the surface ectoderm after
cheim & Neufeld 1990), insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF1)
neurulation. These areas of neurepithelium within the surface ecto-
(Le Douarin & Smith 1988) were found to influence the differ-
derm have been termed ectodermal placodes. Although the majority
entiation of definite sets of neural crest derived cells at the early
of the ectodermal placodes form nervous tissue, non-neurogenic
ontogenetic stages. Another example is provided by the stee/ factor
placodes occur. After an appropriate inductive stimulus the local
and its receptor, c-kit, which play a decisive role in the differentiation
clusters of placodal cells remove themselves from the surrounding
of melanocytes (Williams et al 1992).
surface ectoderm either by epithelial/mesenchymal transition or by
The pluripotentiality of neural crest cells analysed in invagination of the whole placodal region to form a vesicle beneath
clonal cultures the remaining surface ectoderm. Neurogenic placodes undergo both
processes; paired non-neurogenic placodes invaginate to form the
Culture conditions can be provided which allow neural crest cells to
lens vesicles under the inductive influence of the optic vesicles (see
grow and express their developmental potentialities, even when
p. 259).
seeded as single cells (Sieber-Blum & Cohen 1980; Baroffio et al
The neural folds meet in the rostral midline adjacent to the
1988, 1991). This can be achieved in a culture medium which, ideally
buccopharyngeal membrane; this rostral neural fold does not generate
and in contrast to in vivo conditions, exerts minimal or no selective
neural crest but itself gives rise to the hypophyseal placode (Couly &
pressures on these cells but allows them to express their differentiating
Le Douarin 1985), i.e. the future Rathke’s pouch (see p.257),
capacities without restriction.
which remains within the surface ectoderm directly rostral to the
Experiments involving either cephalic or truncal neural crest cells
buccopharyngeal membrane. The rostral neural fold also gives rise
at the migratory stage showed that most of them are pluripotent, in
to the olfactory placodes (see p. 222), which remain as paired, laterally
that they yield clones that contain multiple phenotypes revealed by
placed placodes, and to epithelium of the nasal cavity (3.100).
various markers. Thus different types of neurons can be identified
Further caudally, similar neurogenic. placodes can be identified and
by their morphology and their content of neurofilament proteins,
divided into three categories, ventrolateral or epibranchial, dorso-
neuropeptides or of enzymes for the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
lateral and intermediate (3.103). The epibranchial placodes appear in
Glial cells react with antibodies that recognize glial surface molecules
the surface ectoderm immediately dorsal to the area of pharyngeal
in vivo, such as HNK1, and Schwann cell myelin protein; mel-
(branchial) cleft formation. The first epibranchial placode is located
anocytes contain their own marker, melanin, and mesectodermal
at the level of the first pharyngeal groove and contributes cells to
derivatives can be recognized when they differentiate into cartilage
the distal (geniculate) ganglion of the VIIth cranial nerve; the second
nodules or into desmin containing cells (Baroffio et al 1988; Ito &
and third epibranchial placodes contribute cells to the distal ganglia
Sieber-Blum 1991). The abilities of individual neural crest cells to
of cranial nerves IX (petrosal) and X (nodose) respectively. Generally
proliferate and differentiate, however, are highly variable. Some give
these placodes thicken and cells begin to detach from the epithelium
rise to two and others to three or more phenotypes and the size of
soon after the pharyngeal pouches have contacted the overlying
the clones varies greatly. A few cells give rise to clones in which only
ectoderm. Concurrently the neural crest cells reach and move beyond
one cell type (e.g. neuronal or glial) can be detected and these are
these lateral extensions of the pharynx. Cells budding off placodes
believed to arise from monopotent, fully committed precursors. The
show signs of early differentiation into neurons including the for-
cells which give rise to clones in which all representatives of the
mation of neurites (D’Amico-Martel & Noden 1983). Epibranchial
neural crest are present, including mesectodermal derivatives such
placodes may have their origins in the neurons innervating the taste
as cartilage, are found only in the cephalic area. Mesectodermal
buds in fishes.
derivatives are commonly found associated with neural, glial and
Dorsolateral placodes may be related evolutionarily to the sensory
melanocytic cell types. This shows that, at the time of crest cell
receptors of the lateral line system of lower vertebrates. They are
emigration, mesenchymal and neurectodermal lineages are not seg-
represented by the otic placodes, located lateral to the myel-
regated in the neural crest as they are in the ectoderm and the
encephalon; they invaginate to form otic vesicles which become the
mesoblast after gastrulation.
membranous labyrinth of the ear. Neurons of the VIIIth nerve ganglia
Thus it seems that the neural crest contains totipotent stem cells
arise by budding off the ventromedial aspect of the otic cup after
that are analogous to the hemopoietic stem cells which give rise to
which they can be distinguished in the acoustic and vestibular ganglia.
the multiple blood cell lineages (Anderson 1989). Such putative stem
Intermediate between the epibranchial and dorsolateral placodes
cells are only rarely seen during the migratory phase of the cephalic
are the profundal and trigeminal placodes. In man the profundal and
neural crest. It will be interesting to see if their frequency is higher
trigeminal placodes are fused to form a single entity. Prospective
at earlier stages of crest cell ontogeny.
neuroblasts migrate from foci dispersed throughout the surface
Stem cells are characterized by their capacity for self renewal. Such
ectoderm lateral and ventrolateral to the caudal mesencephalon and
self renewal has been demonstrated in rat neural crest (Stemple &
metencephalon to contribute to the distal portions of the trigeminal
Anderson 1992). In vivo labelling experiments in which chick pre-
ganglia. (For a lucid account of placodal development see D’Amico-
migratory single neural crest cells were either injected with a flu-
Martel & Noden 1983).
orescent dye (Bronner-Fraser & Fraser 1988, 1989), or infected with
retroviruses (Frank & Sanes 1991) revealed that both clone size and
cellular composition were variable. These results led to the notion
that crest cell populations that reach their migratory destination are Glial cells which support neurons in the CNS and PNS derive from
224 highly pluripotent. Only a small part of these potentialities will be three lineages, the neuroectoderm of the neural tube, the neural crest,


Location Location
derivitives derivitives

; : Trigeminal

> Distal VII

Proximal VII (root) (geniculate )
Sphenopalatine Distal IX (petrosal)

Proximal IX Vestibulo-acoustic (otic) 3.104 Photograph showing rhombomeric segmentation (Photograph sup-
(superior ) Distal X (nodose) plied by Prof A Lumsden.)
Proximal X
(jugular )

peripheral attachments. In some situations, as in the anterior median

fissure of the spinal cord, the ependymal cells retain their attachments
3.103 Diagram indicating the positions of neural crest and placodal cells to both the inner and outer limiting membranes. Thus, in addition
in a 9.5-stage chick embryo. (From D’Amico Martell & Nodeh 1983.) _ to functioning as perineuronal satellites, the glia provide cellular
channels interconnecting extracerebral and intraventricular cere-
brospinal fluid, the cerebral vascular bed, the intercellular crevices
and angioblastic mesenchyme. In the CNS, cells of the proliferating of the neuropil and the cytoplasm of all neural cell varieties. (For
ventricular zone give rise to astrocyte and oligodendrocyte cell lines, further comments see pp. 937-940.)
the first a supporting and reactive cell in the CNS, the second Microglia appear in the CNS after it has been penetrated by blood
responsible for myelination in the CNS. After the proliferative vessels and invade it in large numbers from certain restricted regions,
phase the cells remaining at the ventricular surface differentiate whence they spread in what have picturesquely been called ‘fountains
into ependymal cells which are specialized in many regions of the of microglia’, to extend deeply amongst the nervous elements.
ventricular system as circumventricular organs (Collins and Woollam
1981). In the peripheral nervous system, neural crest cells produce
Schwann cells which myelinate peripheral nerves, and also astrocyte-
like support cells in the enteric nervous system (see p. 235). Angiob-
Segmentation in the nervous system
lastic mesenchyme gives rise to a variety of blood cell types including
the circulating monocytes which infiltrate the brain as microglial Segmentation is conspicuous in man and other vertebrates in the
cells later in development. serial arrangement of the vertebrae and axial muscles and in the
The ventricular zone lining the early central canal of the spinal periodicity of the spinal nerves. In the last century, the possibility
cord and the cavities of the brain give rise to at least two types of that the neural tube might be divided into segments or neuromeres
cell: glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive and negative; was entertained but some contended that bulges observed in the
many of their proliferative progeny migrate into the intermediate lateral walls of the neural tube were artifacts, or caused by mechanical
zone. The negative cells form neuroblasts which differentiate into deformation of the tube by adjacent structures. Recent years have
neurons, and the positive cells glioblasts which differentiate first to seen a resurgence of interest in this subject, leading to a detailed
form primitive radial varieties, and then generations of astroblasts evaluation of the significance of neuromeres. A series of eight
and oligodendroblasts; the latter mature into astrocytes and oli- prominent bulges which appear bilaterally in the rhombencephalic
godendrocytes (for their mature morphology and hypothesized func- wall early in development have been termed rhombomeres (3.104).
tional roles, see p.940). The earliest glioblasts’ radial processes (While the term neuromere applies generally to putative ‘segments’
extend both outwards to form the outer limiting membrane deep to of the neural tube, the term rhombomere applies specifically to
the pia mater and inwards, forming the inner limiting membrane the rhombencephalon.) Rhombomeres have now been shown to
around the central cavity. Their cell geometry may provide contact constitute crucial units of pattern formation, based on the fact that
guidance paths for subsequent cell migrations, both neuroblastic and many aspects of the patterning of neuronal populations and the
glioblastic. As the glioblasts differentiate into primitive neuroglia elaboration of their axon tracts conform to a segmental plan.
some lose their connections with both inner and outer limiting Domains of gene expression, for example those of the Hox b genes
membranes. They may partially clothe the somata (between pre- and the transcription factor Krox 20, abut rhombomere boundaries,
sumptive synaptic contacts) of neighbouring developing neuroblasts, and perhaps most importantly, single cell labelling experiments have
or similarly enwrap intersynaptic surfaces of their neurites. (When revealed that cells within rhombomeres form segregated non-mixing
many varieties of axon are involved, the encircling glial processes populations. The neural crest also shows intrinsic segmentation in
form internodal segments of myelin.) Further glial processes expand the hindbrain, being segregated into streams at its point of origin in
around intraneural capillaries as perivascular end-feet. Other gliob- the dorsal neural tube (Lumsden et al 1991). This may represent a
lasts retain an attachment (or form new expansions) applied as pial mechanism whereby morphogenetic specification of the pre-
end-feet to the innermost stratum of the meninges (pia mater)—this migratory neural crest cells is conveyed to the pharyngeal arches.
is the pia intima of some neurocytologists. Both strata may be termed Although these segmental units lose their morphological prominence
pia-glia. In the developing rat brain, glioblasts which will develop with subsequent development, they represent the fundamental ground
into either oligodendrocytes or type-2 astrocytes are termed O-2A plan of this part of the neuraxis, creating a series of semi-autonomous
progenitors. They are known to express platelet derived growth units within which local variations to patterning can then develop.
factor (PDGF) receptors, unlike neurons, and can be stimulated to The consequences of early segmentation for events later in develop-
divide in culture by PDGF (Pringle et al 1992). Still other glioblasts ment, such as the formation of definitive neuronal nuclei within
remain lining the central canal and cavities of the brain as generalized the brainstem and of peripheral axonal projections remains to be
or specialized ependymal cells, including tanycytes, but lose their explored. 225

[A] Neural plate Neural fold Neural tube [D] se cord

mee VY p
3.105a-p Diagrams to show successive stages in the a of the
neural tube and spinal cord. a. The neural plate consists of epithelial cells. 3.105E-+ These figures summarize the results obtained from experiments
Cells at the midline of the neural plate are contacted directly by the noto- in chick embryos in which a notochord or floor plate is grafted to the dorsal
chord. More lateral regions of the neural plate overlie the paraxial mes- midline of the neural tube and in which the notochord is removed before
enchyme (not shown). 8. During neurulation, the neural plate bends at its neural tube closure. £. The normal condition, showing the ventral location
midline elevating the lateral edges of the plate as the neural folds. Contact of motor neurons (M) and the dorsal location of sensory relay neurons (D).
between the midline of the neural plate and the notochord is maintained at F. Dorsal grafts of a notochord result in the induction of a floor plate at the
this stage. c. The neural tube is formed when the dorsal tips of the neural dorsal midline and in the induction of ectopic dorsal motor neurons. a. Dorsal
folds fuse. Cells in the region of fusion form a specialized group of dorsal grafts of a floor plate also result in the induction of a new floor plate at the
midline cells, the roof plate. p. Cells at the ventral midline of the neural tube dorsal midline and in the induction of ectopic dorsal motor neurons.
retain proximity to the notochord and differentiate into the floor plate. After H. Removal of the notochord results in the elimination of the floor plate and
neural tube closure neuroepithelial cells continue to proliferate and eventu- the motor neurons and the expression of dorsal cells types (D) in the ventral
ally differentiate into defined classes of neurons at different dorsoventral region of the spinal cord. (After Jessell & Dodd 1992 with permission of W.
positions within the spinal cord. For example, sensory relay, commissural B. Saunders.)
and other classes of dorsal neurons (D) differentiate near to the roof plate
(R), and motor (M) neurons differentiate ventrally near to the floor plate (F),
which by this time is no longer in contact with the notochord (N).

The appeal of segmentation as a fundamental principle in neural through only the rostral and not the caudal sclerotome of each
development rests on its theoretical attractiveness as a way of somite. The segmental emergence of crest cells that results ensures
simplifying developmental problems, superimposing variations in that dorsal root ganglia form only at intervals. The caudal sclerotome
regional identity on a basal, segmented pattern. In higher vertebrates, possesses inhibitory properties that deter neural crest cells and motor
the diencephalic anlagen of various regions of the thalamus are axons from entering (Davies et al 1990). This illustrates the general
found to exhibit distinctive patterns of histochemical staining, and principle that the nervous system is closely interlocked, in terms of
to constitute domains of cell lineage restriction (Figdor & Stern morphogenesis, with the ‘periphery’, i.e. surrounding non-nervous
1993). The organization of the telencephalon is also reflected in structures, and each is dependent upon the other for its effective
domains of gene expression that abut sharp boundaries (reviewed in structural and functional maturation.
Puelles & Rubinstein 1993; Boncinelli 1993). However, substantial
evidence that these regions employ segmentation in the same manner Patterning of the brain and spinal cord
as the hindbrain has yet to accrue. It is also possible that while in For more than a century experimental strategies have been devised
the hindbrain rhombomeres are early units of patterning which are to elucidate mechanisms that operate during the development of the
later obscured, those in the forebrain are later structures that con- nervous system. Whilst much has been established, answers to many
stitute the definitive functional units. Recently, there have been many fundamental questions still remain obscure. In recent years, the best
reports that the domains of expression of many presumed regulatory efforts to understand the development of ‘higher’ vertebrates has
genes have sharp boundaries within the forebrain, some of which perhaps come from work on the amphibian and chicken embryos,
correspond with sulci identified in anatomical studies. Thus the subject in which organisms embryological, biochemical and molecular tech-
of segmentation and its possible role in neural patterning in many niques can be combined to greatest effect (see Detwiler 1936;
brain regions is bound to continue to attract attention (see below). Spemann 1938; Weiss 1950; Hughes 1968; Gottlieb 1974).
The importance of intrinsic segmentation in the hindbrain is under- The generation of neural tissue involves an inductive signal from
lined by the absence of overt segmentation of the adjacent paraxial the underlying chordamesoderm (p. 295). Neural induction was dis-
mesenchyme. While the somites are prominent segmented entities covered during experiments on the amphibian embryo by Spemann
within the trunk, the mesenchyme of the head appears to be a single (1925). In the absence of this signal, ectoderm cells form epidermis;
continuous block. Somitomeres have been identified lateral to the in its presence they form nervous tissue. Despite nearly 70 years
notochord by scanning electron microscope (Meier 1981; Meier & having elapsed since the discovery of neural induction, the identity
Packard 1984; see p. 154), but not all are convinced of their veracity. of the signal remains a mystery. Under experimental conditions a
In the trunk, the sclerotomal mesenchyme (see p. 155) plays a role disappointingly wide variety of non-specific substances have been
in segmenting the motor outflow and the emigration of the neural found to have a neural inductive influence in salamander and newt
crest, and displays molecular heterogeneity. There is no evidence for embryos, implying that the ectoderm is finely balanced between a
this in the head; instead segmental properties are manifest in the neural and an epidermal fate (Spemann 1938; Hamburger 1988).
neurectoderm. Moreover, ectomesenchyme cells seem to be specified Molecular biological approaches have, however, added impetus to
with respect to their position prior to migration (Noden 1983a,b), these studies, and have identified some potential positive and negative
and to be capable of patterning other structures, e.g. the muscles, in regulators of neural induction. This work has concentrated on
the arches into which they migrate. The emigration of neural crest the frog embryo, Xenopus laevis, whose ectoderm is not so easily
cells from a particular axial level to the outlying arch is followed by neuralized. The molecule activin, belonging to the transforming
axonal outgrowth of motor neurons from the same axial level, thus growth factor beta (TGF) family, is a known inducer of mesoblastic
furnishing a mechanism whereby segmentation in the tube may be tissue (Smith 1987) and has been implicated in suppressing neural
matched to that of the outlying structures. induction since in frog embryos, containing a truncated and non-
In the spinal cord, however, there is no firm evidence for intrinsic functional activin receptor, neural tissue is overproduced (Hemmati-
segmentation. Instead, segmentation of the neural crest, motor axons, Brivanlou & Melton 1992). (For a discussion concerning the use of
and thus eventually the spinal nerves, is dependent on the seg- the term, mesoblast, see p. 93.) This finding might imply that neural
mentation of the neighbouring somites. Experimental removal or differentiation is a default pathway, which activin normally acts to
intercalation of somites results in corresponding disturbances of suppress. The suppressive effect of activin can only be blocked by
pattern in these nervous structures (Keynes & Stern 1984, 1988). follistatin, though this molecule is itself only a weak neural inducer
226 Both neural crest cell migration and motor axon outgrowth occur (Hemmati-Brivanlou et al 1994). In addition another factor, noggin,

has recently been isolated that can induce neural tissue from isolated rv 2 18h #475 SO rr
ectoderm (Smith et al 1993). Hepatocyte growth factor/Scatter factor
may also have the ability to induce neural tissue (Stern et al 1990).
It is likely that in the future other candidate neural inducers will
continue to be isolated; to elucidate the role of these various factors ~-------
will require their inductive effect in culture to be placed in the context Neural
of their distribution and action in normal embryogenesis.
crest cells
The first elements of the emerging neural pattern may be a
consequence of neural induction. Neural induction is thus not solely Surface
a process that ensures neural differentiation, it is also involved in ectoderm
determining the regional pattern of the nervous system, before and B3
during neural tube closure. Since neural inducing substance(s) have B1 B2
largely remained a mystery, attention has focused instead on the
response of the induced neural tissue. Now, the abundance of region-
specific molecular markers has renewed attempts to unravel the
signals in regional induction.
Genes such as the Hox and Pax gene families, which encode
Hox. e
Te a-4
transcription factor proteins and their homologues, cloned invert-
ebrates, show intriguing expression patterns within the nervous
system. Genes of the Hox-b cluster, for example, are expressed
Hox b-1
b-2 b-3 b-4
throughout the caudal neural tube, and up to discrete limits in the
hindbrain that coincide with rhombomere boundaries. The ordering Hox c Tr)
of these genes within a cluster on the chromosome (5'-3') is the same c-4
as the caudal to rostral limits of expression of consecutive genes.
This characteristic pattern is surprisingly similar in fish, frogs, birds
and mammals. Persuasive evidence is now accruing that Hox genes
Hoxd d-1 d-3
play a role in patterning not only of the neural tube but of much of
the head region, consistent with their expression in neural crest cells, 3.1064 Hox gene expression domains in the branchiorhombomeric area in
and within the pharyngeal arches (see p.287). While these genes the mouse embryo at E 9.5. The arrows indicate neural crest cells migrating
demarcate regions up to and including the hindbrain, those of the from the rhombencephalon and midbrain. At the former level they are shaded
Dix, Otx and Emx families are expressed in different rostrocaudal to indicate the Hox genes they express. The same combination of Hox gene
domains within the forebrain. Some Pax genes, on the other hand, is expressed in the rhombomeres and in the superficial ectoderm of the phar-
yngeal arches at the corresponding transverse levels. The 4 Hox clusters are
are expressed in different dorso-ventral domains within the neural represented below. (Modified from Hunt & Krumlauf 1992.)
tube. Pax-3 is expressed in the alar lamina, including the neural
crest, while Pax-6 is expressed in the intermediate plate. Both Hox
and Pax genes have restricted expression patterns with respect to
the rostrocaudal and the dorsoventral axes of the neural tube,
consistent with roles in positional specification. (For reviews of the
expression patterns of these genes see McGinnis & Krumlauf 1992;
Krumlauf et al 1993; Puelles & Rubinstein 1993; Chalepakis et al
The expression of Hox genes and other molecular markers have
been used to investigate the mechanisms of regional induction,
particularly in the frog embryo. This work indicates that specification
of the rostrocaudal axis probably occurs, somewhat earlier than
that of the dorsoventral axis. Earlier in the century, embryologists
concentrated on the idea that regionalization of the mesoblast
imposed a similar mosaic of positional values on the overlying neural
plate. In amphibia, transplantation of various regions of mesoblast
beneath the neural plate showed a regional induction. Caudal meso-
blast induced spinal cord, whereas rostral mesoblast induced brain, as
assessed by the morphology of the neuroepithelial vesicles (Mangold
1933). Supporting evidence for this hypothesis using contemporary
methods has been scarce, however. One example is the finding
that rostral mesoblast induces expression of the engrailed marker
(expressed in the rostral neural tube) more frequently than does
caudal mesoblast (Hemmati-Brivanlou & Harland 1990). Presently,
the consensus view regarding the rostral axis is that the neural plate
has considerable self-organizational properties. Signals from the
mesoblast are undoubtedly required to elicit neural induction, but it
is not necessary for regions of the mesoblast to underlie their
corresponding neural counterpart in register to evince regional-
ization. Thus, for example pieces of tissue isolated prior to gas- 3.1068 Expression patterns of regulatory genes in the mouse embryo
trulation in which the mesoblast and ectoderm lie in linear array hindbrain visualized by in situ hybridization. A = Hox b-2 gene; B = Hox b-
exhibit a surprisingly accurate pattern of expression of Hox genes 1 gene; C = Krox-20 gene. For each gene the left panel is a bright field
photomicrograph; the right is taken under dark field illumination (white
and other positional markers (Doniach et al 1992). Supporting
silver grains indicate expression). Cranial is to the left; numbers indicate
evidence comes from experiments on amphibian exogastrulae, in rhombomeres. (Photographs supplied by D G Wilkinson.)
which gastrulation fails and the mesoblast never underlies the neural
plate. Exogastrulae exhibit the expression of a range of neural
markers (Dixon & Kintner 1989; Ruiz i Altaba 1992). This implies tissue pieces produced a better representation of the pattern, sug-
that a signal travels in the plane of the neurectoderm, a possibility gesting that patterning in more cranial regions requires additional
originally noted by Spemann (1938). In the same experimental signals to that travelling by the planar route (Papalopulu & Kintner
system, patterns of expression of a Dix gene in the forebrain were 1993). Consistent with this is the observation that eyes (also forebrain
less faithfully rendered. The addition of prechordal mesoblast to the structures) were never found in planar recombinations of ectoderm 227

and mesoblast or in exogastrulae (Ruiz i Altaba 1992). Vertical surface ectoderm. Using the quail-chick marker system, Couly and
apposition of the mesoblast is also required to promote differentiation Le Douarin (1990) distinguished, in the branchiorhombomeric
of the floor plate and motor neurons in the dorsal part of the neural region, a metameric disposition of ectodermal stripes or ectomeres.
tube. These include the rhombomeres, the neural folds which produce
Whilst craniocaudal positional values are probably conferred on neural crest cells, and the surface ectoderm covering the pharyngeal
the neuroepithelium at the neural plate or early neural tube stage, arch colonized by the neural crest cells, arising from the same
dorsoventral positional values may become fixed later. The develop- level. Taken together, these observations suggest that the positional
ment of the dorsoventral axis is heavily influenced by the presence information that controls pharyngeal arch patterning is first con-
of the underlying notochord. The notochord induces the ventral tained in the rhombencephalon and then transmitted to the phar-
midline of the neural tube, the floor plate (van Straaten et al 1988; yngeal area via neural crest cells. The fact that positional information
Placzek et al 1990, see above). This specialized region consists of a is controlled by a combination of Hox gene expression was further
strip of non-neural cells with distinctive adhesive and functional demonstrated by targeted mutations in the mouse.
properties. Notably, it produces a chemoattractant that specifically Disruption of Hox a-3 gene mimics the Di George’s syndrome, a
directs the growth of commissural axons ventrally, to cross the congenital human disorder characterized by the absence (or near
floor plate and project contralaterally (Tessier-Lavigne et al 1988). absence) of the thymus, parathyroids and thyroid, by the hypotrophy
Notochord and floor plate together participate in inducing the of the wall of the arteries derived from the aortic arches, and by
differentiation of the motor columns (Yamada et al 1991). Motor subsequent conotruncal cardiac malformations. The Hox a-3 nul
neuron differentiation occurs early, giving some grounds for the idea mice also show reductions in the skeletal development of the jaws
of a ventral to dorsal wave of differentiation. The notochord/floor and hyoid cartilage and in the muscular and connective tissues of
plate complex may also be responsible for allotting the values of the pharynx and the tongue. The rhombencephalic neural crest
more dorsal cell types within the tube (3.105). For example, the provides the entire set of mesenchymal cells to the thymic, thyroid
dorsal domain of expression of Pax-3 extends more ventrally in and parathyroid rudiments, and constitutes the whole mus-
embryos experimentally deprived of notochord and floor plate, while culoconnective wall of the arteries arising from the aortic arches (see
grafting an extra notochord adjacent to the dorsal neural tube p.314). Moreover, it has been established (Auerbach 1960, 1961)
leads to a repression of Pax-3 expression (Goulding et al 1993). that thymic histogenesis depends strictly upon induction of the
Investigation of the conditions required for the generation of other epithelium by the mesenchyme. Similar interactions are critical as
neuronal groups has been hampered by the lack of cell-type-specific well for the other glandular structures of the buccopharyngeal area
markers. (Le Douarin 1968). It is therefore understandable that a devel-
Evidence for the involvement in neural development of Hox and opmental failure of the hindbrain neural crest accounts for all the
Pax genes has come from studies of animals mutant for members of Di George’s syndrome anomalies and for most of those of the Hox
these gene families. In the pharyngeal region of the head individual a-3/Hox a-3 mice.
Hox genes are expressed within matching domains of the brain, the In experimental mutation of the Hox a-/ gene (Thomas & Capecchi
neural crest and the adjacent pharyngeal arches (see p. 238), giving 1990; McMahon & Bradley 1990; Lufkin et al 1991), the defects
rise to the idea that this might embody a code for patterning the observed concerned the neural (and not the mesectodermal as for
region—Hox code. Transgenic ‘knockout’ mice have been generated Hox a-3) derivatives of the neural crest and of the CNS at the level
by targeted disruption of Hox genes using homologous recom- of rhombomeres 4-7. The morphogenesis of different neural crest
bination in embryonic stem cells. Mice rendered deficient for Hox derivatives corresponding either to the mesectodermal and/or the
a-3 showed defects in neural crest derived ganglia and derivatives of neural lineages therefore appear to be influenced by different sets of
the third and fourth pharyngeal arches, corresponding with the regulatory genes. Disruption of the Hox a-2 gene has recently been
pattern of normal gene expression (reviewed in Hunt & Krumlauf shown to result in the homeotic transformation of skeletal elements
1991). Knockouts of Hox a-] produced mice that showed disruptions derived from the second pharyngeal arch into more anterior struc-
in patterning of the hindbrain rhombomeres and also in the cranial tures corresponding to the Ist arch. This supports the contention
ganglia, in a manner that reflected disruption of a transient and that a combination of Hox genes (Hox code) is responsible for the
early phase of expression of the gene (reviewed in Wright 1993). patterning of neural crest hypobranchial derivatives and providing
Disruption of Pax genes also leads to developmental abnormalities them with regional specification along the cranio-caudal axis of the
in mice, and in the case of at least three genes these may be related body.
to human diseases. For example, the gene Pax-3 was found to have
the same chromosomal localization as the mouse mutation Splotch Histogenesis of the neural tube
and the affected locus in the human Waardenburg’s syndrome, both The classic view of neural tube histogenesis was first propounded by
of which are characterized by neural crest disturbances with pig- Wilhelm His in 1890 and soon gained quite wide acceptance (e.g.
mentation disturbances and occasional neural tube defects. Mice Ramon y Cajal 1911). He proposed that subclasses of germinal cells
heterozygous for a mutation in Pax-6 have underdeveloped eyes; were progenitors of particular classes of neurons and glial cells.
mutations in the human Pax-6 gene lead to aniridia, a condition Thus, almost from the first the wall of the tube was stratified and
characterized by complete or partial absence of the iris and also contained a variety of distinct cell types—spongioblasts, neuroblasts
affecting the cornea, lens, retina and optic nerve (reviewed in Chale- and germinal cells. Contemporaneously, the opposing view, that of
pakis et al 1993; see also p. 337). multipotential progenitors, was also put forward (Vignal 1889; Koel-
liker 1887).
Patterning of the branchiorhombomeric region The round deeply placed germinal cells or medulloblasts (Glees
Intrinsic genetic control of the patterning of their derivatives appears 1963) were regarded by His as undifferentiated stem cells, which by
also to exist in the neural crest cells in the branchiorhombomeric repeated division gave further generations of both spongioblasts
(the rhombencephalon plus the lateral pharyngeal arches) region of (glial progenitors) and neuroblasts. The primitive spongioblasts,
the body. The view that the neural crest itself possesses its own originally elongate cells attached to both limiting membranes with
patterning capacities is supported by discoveries regarding the meta- their nuclei in the ventricular zone, were considered to differentiate
meric organization of the hindbrain in vertebrates and its relation into a number of sustentacular cell varieties. By losing contact with
with the genetic control of its development by genes containing one or both limiting membranes, they would then differentiate into
homeobox sequences with high degrees of homology with that of either astroblasts and astrocytes or oligodendroblasts and oligo-
the Drosophila Antennapedia (Antp) homeogene (Hunt & Krumlauf dendrocytes, or, retaining an internal attachment, into the definitive
1992). ependymal cells which line the central canal, and regionally spe-
The expression of genes in the Hox a, b, c and d clusters (previously cialized tanycytes (p.939). The neural precursors, one of the cell
Hox-1 to 4) has been analysed in detail in the hindbrain and types found in the mantle zone (intermediate zone), differentiated
corresponding neural crest in the mouse (3.106). With few exceptions, into the wide array of neurons. On this view, therefore, which
the Hox genes expressed in the rhombomeres are also expressed in constituted a polyphyletic theory of neurogenesis, the early neural
the neural crest at the same transverse levels. When neural crest cell epithelium was regarded as a heterogeneous grouping of cells with
228 migration is completed the same set of Hox genes is activated in the their various derivatives, developing simultaneously.

An opposing view, expounded by Schaper (1897a,b), interpreted aati a

the mitotic figures as synonymous with the neuroepithelial cells, Generation Sei
just rdiffe
Pie te
renti ate
i of the
simply seen in a different location and in different phases of the cell OUTER ASPECT
matrix cell
cycle. Not until the meticulous cytological studies of Sauer (1935a,b,
1936) did this theory gain wide acceptance. He maintained that the
early neural epithelium, including the deeply placed ventricular layer
mitotic zone, consists of a homogeneous population of pluripotent
cells, the varying appearances merely reflecting different phases in a
proliferative cycle, the sequence being termed by Sauer interkinetic
migration. This proposal was essentially a monophyletic theory of of DNA
Zone synthesis
neurogenesis. In subsequent years much experimental evidence based
upon colchicine studies (e.g. Watterson et al 1956), spectro-
photometric nuclear analysis (e.g. Sauer & Chittenden 1959) and
upon autoradiographic studies following the distribution of cells at zone
layer Intermediate
varying times after labelling with tritiated thymidine (e.g. Sidman et
al 1959, Sidman 1970; Fujita 1963; Fujita & Fujita 1963) and
ultrastructural studies (e.g. Hinds 1971) have supported the latter
proposition. The scheme amplified by Fujita in a series of later
publications is illustrated in 3.107. The ependymal layer of earlier INNER ASPECT
workers (termed by Fujita the matrix layer) is considered to be
populated by a single basic type of progenitor cell and to exhibit
three ‘zones’ (the M or mitotic, the I or intermediate, and the S or
synthetic zones). As they pass through a complete intermitotic
and mitotic cycle, the matrix cells show an ‘elevator movement’
progressively approaching and then receding from the internal lim- DNA
iting membrane. DNA replication occurs whilst the cells are extended Premitotic
time time
and their nuclei occupy the S zone; they then enter a premitotic
resting period whilst the cells shorten and their nuclei pass through 3.107 Diagram showing the cytogenetic cycle in the matrix cell layer and
the I zone. The cells now become rounded close to the internal mantle layer in the wall of the developing neural tube. Note the various times
and their associated time scales, through which the matrix cell nuclei pass
limiting membrane (in the M zone) and undergo mitosis; thereafter during their postulated ‘elevator movement’ or ‘interkinetic migration’ which
they elongate again, their nuclei passing through the I zone during is described in greater detail in the text. (From S. Fujita, with permission of
the postmitotic resting period, finally to enter the synthetic zone the author and the Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1963.)
once again. The cells so formed may then either start another
proliferative cycle or migrate outwards (i.e. radially) and differentiate
into neurons as they approach and enter the adjacent stratum;
possibly this differentiation is initiated as they pass through the I Committee (1970), the complete series of stages A-E applying to the
zone during the postmitotic resting period. The proliferative cycle cerebral neocortex: only stages A—C are relevant in the context of
continues with the production of clones of neurons, but this process the spinal cord. As detailed in the caption, it will be seen that the early
eventually declines and is superseded by the production of ependymal pseudostratified ventricular zone (V) is followed by the sequential
cell and macroglial cell varieties. appearance of marginal (M), intermediate (1), subventricular (S) zones
Cumulative tritiated thymidine labelling studies have shown that and, concurrently with the latter, the early cortical plate (CP) (see
an initial period of symmetric division is followed by a period of p. 252). It is unfortunate that this use of term zone for these major
asymmetric division. At the last division, of course, two postmitotic ontogenetic strata does not correspond to the M, I and S zones of
daughters are produced. Later, the progeny of some of these divisions Fujita detailed above (and in 3.107), the latter applying to sub-
move away from the ventricle to form an intermediate (mantle) zone divisions of the early neural tube only. More than a decade of
of neurons; others form a subventricular zone between the ventricular research employing technical innovations induced Rakic (1982) to
and intermediate layers, there continuing to multiply to provide suggest a series of additional features and modifications of the
further generations of neurons and glia. Both of these cell types original Boulder proposals. These are mentioned at various points
subsequently migrate into the intermediate and marginal zones but in the text, and summarized in relation to the neocortex on page 252
in some regions of the nervous system (e.g. the cerebellar cortex, and in 3.123a-c.
p. 261) some mitotic subventricular stem cells migrate across the Figure 3.70 (based on the work of Berry & Rogers 1965; Berry
entire neural wall to form a subpial population, thus establishing a 1974) may be noted here for comparison with 3.123; it stems from
new zone of cell division and differentiation. Many cells formed in labelling studies on the pattern of migration of neuroblasts in the
this site remain subpial in position but others migrate back towards developing neocortex in the rat and will be briefly mentioned later
the ventricle through the developing nervous tissue, finishing their on page 253 et seq.
migrations in various definitive sites where they finally differentiate The following decade, and to the time of writing, has seen
into neurons and macroglial cells. accelerating, enthusiastic application of newer, more refined tech-
It should be emphasized here that differences of opinion persist niques to these and related problems: in particular immuno-
(and have increased in the last decade), concerning the precise details histochemistry and computer analysis of neurocellular geometry.
of these processes and the possible mechanisms involved. Further, This has resulted in reappraisal of some foregoing conclusions. The
considerable confusion has obtained between different neuro- cytokinetics of the early pseudostratified neuroepithelium (‘elevator’
embryologists in relation to the terminology to be adopted for the movement, or interkinetic migration) has been substantiated, as has
various ‘layers’ or ‘zones’ at different times and places in the develop- the establishment of the principal zones proposed by the Boulder
ing neural tube. An international group of neurocytologists (the Committee. However, the latter has been modified (at least in the
Boulder Committee 1970) proposed a less ambiguous nomenclature forebrain) by the recognition of an additional (though transient)
which is increasingly but not universally adopted. They termed stratum deep to the early cortical plate—the subplate zone (SP), see
the early pseudostratified neuroepithelium, in which the. ‘elevator page 253—and many further features of cortical and subcortical
movement’ occurs, the ventricular zone (its further development is maturation. Throughout most of the neuraxis, proliferative cell cycles
summarized below, on page 219, and in 3.95). For an excellent are limited to the ventricular (V) and subventricular (S) zones, but
review of the biological and terminological problems posed, and an their homogenous nature has been challenged. Immunocytochemical
extensive bibliography to the data indicated, consult Berry (1974), and methods for demonstrating glial fibrillary acidic protein strongly
for further comments-on the natural history of neurons see page 921. suggest that at least two cell varieties are present in the early tubal
Figure 3.95 summarizes the main stages of development of the neuroepithelium, perhaps in a precise mosaic pattern. (This may
neural tube and the nomenclature as initially proposed by the Boulder be classified as an oligophyletic theory of neurogenesis.) The early 229


differentiate before small ones such as /ocal circuit neurons. However
disposition of radial glial fibres is proposed by some to have a
their subsequent migration appears independent of the times of
profound morphogenetic significance. The latter concerns not only
their initial formation. Neurons can migrate extensively through
their spatially ordered array, but the probability that they provide des-
populations of maturing, relatively static cells, to reach their
migration paths, by contact guidance, for at least the earlier gen-
tination; for example, cerebellar granule cells pass through a layer
erations of migratory neuroblasts, thus specifying their destinations.
of Purkinje cells en route from the external pial layer to their final,
Neuronal geometry is further considered on pages 237, 243, 252.
central position. Later, the final form of their projections, cell volume
(See bibliographic reviews in Berry 1974, 1982; Schmitt & Worden
and indeed their continuing survival depend on the establishment of
1979; Berry et al 1980a,b,c,d; Levitt & Rakic 1980; Rakic &
Goldman-Rakic 1982; Smart 1982, 1983.) patterns of functional connection (p. 255). For an account of glial
cell development see page 225.
Figure 3.108, based on and slightly modified from Rakic (1981,
There are many questions regarding the factors determining the
1982), is a simplified analysis of earlier and current theories of some
lineage of neural cells. For example, do individual progenitor cells
cell varieties and lineages in neural tube histogenesis. In a recent and glia, and/or to different neuronal
give rise to both neurons
presentation (Levitt et al 1981) some aspects of all earlier theories
subtypes? Are there defined fields of progenitor cells that give rise
have been incorporated, others rejected. See caption and text above
for further comment. to different regions of the CNS? Resolving these questions involves
labelling a single progenitor cell, allowing development to proceed
Lineage in the nervous system and then recording the positions and phenotypes of all labelled
Neurons come from two major embryonic sources: central neurons progeny, using specific antibodies or precise morphological criteria
(e.g. at electron microscope level). Whilst in amphibia and avia direct
originate from the neural plate and tube whereas ganglionic neurons
cell injection of fluorescent lineage tracers is feasible, this is so far
originate from the neural crest and placodes. The neural plate also
impossible in mammals, owing to the inaccessibility of the embryos
provides ependymal and macroglial cells, while from the neural
crest arise inter alia peripheral Schwann cells and chromaffin cells. in utero. Instead, lineage analyses have relied on the infection of
progenitor cells in the ventricular zone of rodent embryos using
Recently many difficulties in determining the origins and lineages 1987).
replication defective retroviruses (Sanes et al 1986; Price et al
of cells in the nervous system have been resolved by the use of
autoradiography, microinjection or retroviral labelling of progenitor The retroviral DNA incorporates into the genome of the infected
cells and cell culture. cell providing an indelible marker that is transmitted to all progeny
during cell division, but not to surrounding cells. Initial infective
During development, neurons are formed first, followed by glial
events are random, affording no control over the number or location
cells. The timing of events differs in various parts of the CNS and
of cells infected. Thus, defining single clones at later developmental
between species. Most neurons are formed prenatally in mammals
times, when cell mixing may have taken place, is problematic.
but some postnatal neurogenesis does occur, as in the case of the
However, both the direct injection and retroviral techniques have
small granular cells of the cerebellum, olfactory bulb and hip-
pocampus, and neurons of the cerebral cortex. Gliogenesis continues yielded some information about lineage in various regions of the
nervous system. In the optic tectum of avia, a single cell can give
after birth in periventricular and other sites. Autoradiographic
studies show that different classes of neurons develop at specific rise to both neurons and glia with diverse forms (Galileo et al 1990).
times. Large neurons such as principal projection neurons tend to A similar pattern was observed for the avian spinal cord, in which


ondarily (later) of glioblasts; finally, the persistent remainder formed
3.108 Simplified schemes of successively held theories of cell lineages
dymal cells (E).
during early neurogenesis. two
p. Currently, electron immunohistochemistry has demonstrated at least
a. His (1889) recognized two major cell varieties in the matrix layers
pro- distinct cell varieties, GFA (glial fibrillary acid protein) positive and negative,
(ventricular zone) lining the central canal and ventricles: spheroidal, (blue) gave
present in extremely early ventricular zones. The negative cells
liferative, germinal cells (g), their progeny migrating to form neuroblasts (N) ts (purple). The positive cells (magenta) gave: firstly,
migratory neuroblas
and neighbouring spongioblasts (s) whose progeny form varieties of glioblast (RG) that span the neural tube joining homologo us internal
radial glioblasts
(G). definitive
and external points; later, directly or indirectly, generations of
B. Schaper (1897) held that ventricular zone mitoses gave outwardly migrat-
s, glioblasts, and finally ependymal cells. The radial glial extensions probably
ing indifferent cells (ind), further division of which produced neuroblast migration.
glioblasts, or both. provide contact guidance paths for echelons of neuroblast
ve (Modified after Rakic 1982.)
c. Fujita (1963), using autoradiography, believed that a single proliferati
230 type of matrix cell gave migratory generations firstly of neuroblasts, sec-

clones contained motor neurons and a range of other neurons such flow was first postulated following the experimental construction of
as interneurons and preganglionic autonomics, along with glia and nerves (Weiss & Hiscoe 1948), and since that time many intricate
ependymal cells (Leber et al 1990). Similarly, for the retina, exper- analyses of fast and slow components of bidirectional flow systems
iments on rodents show that labelled cells produce a range of within axons have been made (Lubinska 1964, and see Neurosciences
derivatives, consisting of any combination of rods, bipolar cells, Research Programme 1968). The driving force of growth cone
amacrine cells and Muller glia (Turner & Cepko 1987). Furthermore, extension is uncertain. One possible mechanism is that tension
in the retina, cells were able to yield more than one cell type up to applied to objects by the leading edge of the growth cone is mediated
their terminal division. It should be noted that Muller glia resemble by actin, and that local accumulations of F-actin redirect the exten-
astrocytes, but are significantly different by morphological and mol- sion of microtubules. Under some culture conditions, growth cones
ecular criteria; typical astrocytes are present .in the retina but they can develop mechanical tension, pulling against other axons or the
have a different lineage, migrating from the optic nerve. substratum to which they are attached. Possibly, tension in the
By contrast, information on lineage within the cortex has suggested growth cone acts as a messenger to mediate the assembly of cyto-
some degree of lineage restriction. In one study, the majority of skeletal components. Adhesion to the substratum appears to be
clones consisted of either neurons or glia (Walsh & Cepko 1992), important for consolidation of the growth cone and elaboration of
while other authors found clones composed of either astrocytes, the cytoskeleton in that direction. However, growth is not simply
neurons or oligodendrocytes, or a mixture of the last two (Price & proportional to adhesion, and axonal growth and guidance are likely
Thurlow 1988). An electron microscope study of the synaptic mor- to depend onafine balance of cell surface and extracellular matrix
phology and ultrastructure of retrovirally-marked cells has reported molecules. For reviews on morphology, motility and directional
separate clones of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons, as well as growth of axons and their growth cones, consult James (1974), Rakic
of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (Parnavelas et al 1992). These (1971a,b, 1981, 1982), Bentley and O’Connor (1994).
studies therefore tend to the conclusion that there are separate During development, the growing axons of neuroblasts navigate
progenitors for different cell populations. There are two reasons why with precision over considerable distances, often pursuing complex
this conclusion might be called into question, however. First, this courses to reach their targets. Eventually they make functional
impression might be gained if the information gathered reflected contact with their appropriate end organs (neuromuscular endings,
events late in the lineage tree. Multipotent precursor cells might exist secretomotor terminals, sensory corpuscles or synapses with other
at early stages, but might not be detected, since the technical neurons). During the outgrowth of axonal processes from ventral
difficulties of introducing virus into the fetal ventricles precludes motor neuroblasts to reach presumptive myoblasts in the limb buds,
these experiments before E12 in the mouse of E14 in the rat. the earliest nerve fibres are known to cross appreciable distances
Secondly, recent studies suggest a much higher degree of cell dis- over an apparently virgin landscape occupied by loose mesenchyme.
persion tangentially within the cortex than has been suspected, A central problem for neurobiologists, therefore, has been under-
making definitions of clonality problematic (see p. 255). Interestingly, standing the mechanisms of axon guidance.
a study in which progenitor cells were labelled in the chick hindbrain A vast research literature is now devoted to the issues of axonal
by direct cell injection yielded large clones of cells mostly with pathfinding, e.g. ‘The nerve growth cone’ edited by Letourneau et al
identical phenotypes and axonal projection patterns, implying early (1990). Only the main ideas can be touched on here. Over the years
assignment of cell fate in this region. two principal theories have emerged concerning the directional
growth of nerve fibres—the neurotropism or chemotropism hypothesis
Axonal growth and guidance
of Ramon y Cajal (1919) and the principle of contact-guidance of
Initially neuroblasts are rotund or fusiform, their cytoplasm con- Weiss (1941). The former, based initially upon observations on the
taining a prominent Golgi apparatus, many lysosomes, glycogen and innervation of epithelia, proposed that growing fibres were guided
numerous unattached ribosomes (Tennyson 1969). As maturation by some form of attraction, presumably chemical, which emanated
proceeds cells send out fine cytoplasmic processes; these contain from the target area to be innervated. The second view denied the
neurofilaments, microtubules and other structures, often including existence of such attractive forces and, based upon many series of
centrioles at their bases where microtubules form (p. 31). Internally, tissue culture experiments, held that pioneer axons were guided to
endoplasmic reticulum cisternae appear and attached ribosomes and their destination by preferential growth along pathways dictated
mitochondria proliferate but the glycogen content progressively exclusively by the structures with which the growth cone was in
diminishes. One process becomes the axon and other processes direct contact. After spending most of the century in the wilderness,
establish a dendritic tree. Axonal growth, studied in tissue culture, however, the chemotropism idea of Ramon y Cajal has recently been
may be as much as | mm per day. borne out with relation to several aspects of neural development.
Ramon y Cajal (1890) was the first to recognize that the expanded The salient feature of chemotropism is that growth cones act as
end of an axon—the growth cone—is the principal sensory organ of sensors to concentration gradients of molecules in the environment,
the neuron. Subsequently, the growing tips of the neuroblasts have and grow up the gradient towards the source, i.e. the target. This
been studied in tissue culture (Harrison 1910; Speidel 1932, 1933, situation can be mimicked in vitro using an explant culture system
Pomerat et al 1967; Bray 1982; Letourneau 1985). Classically, the in which tissue explants (neuroblasts of interest and target tissue)
growth cone has been described as an expanded region that is are placed at a distance in a three-dimensional collagen gel. In this
constantly active, changing ‘shape, extending and withdrawing small system, stable gradients of substances diffusing from the target
filopodia and lamellipodia that apparently ‘explore’ the local environ- tissue may be established (Ebendahl 1977). Using this system, the
ment for a suitable surface along which extension may occur developing epithelium of the face in the mouse, for example, has been
(Tennyson 1970; Bunge 1976; Pfenninger & Rees 1976; see ‘Cell shown to originate a chemoattractant that lures sensory afferents of
motility’, p.43). These processes are stabilized in one direction, the trigeminal system (Lumsden & Davies 1983, 1986) (3.109). In
determining the direction of future growth, and following con- addition, the floor plate of the developing spinal cord has been found
solidation of the growth cone, the exploratory behaviour recom- to exert a chemotropic effect on commissural axons that later cross
mences. This continuous cycle resembles the behaviour at the leading it (Tessier-Lavigne et al 1988), while the developing pons produces
edge of migratory cells such as fibroblasts and neutrophils. The a chemoattractant that elicits collateral budding from descending
molecular basis of this behaviour is the scaffolding of microtubules corticofugal fibres (Heffner et al 1990). Another possibility is that
and neurofilaments within the axon. Growing neuroblasts have a diffusible factors could also mediate chemorepulsion, deflecting
cortex rich in actin, associated with the plasma membrane, and a growing axons from inappropriate areas, as has been shown to occur
core of centrally-located microtubules and sometimes neurofilaments. for olfactory axons, which avoid explants of septal tissue in culture
The assembly of these components, along with the synthesis of new (Pini 1993).
membrane, occurs in segments distal to the cell body and behind the There is no doubt, however, that contact guidance mechanisms
growth cone, though some assembly of microtubules may take place operate in parallel with neurotropism. Physical cues in the pathway
near the cell body. may playa role, such as the pattern of spaces in the spinal cord of
Indispensable to growth cone extension are products and organel- the newt, hypothesized to constitute a ‘blueprint’ for primary nervous
les synthesized within the cell bodies that are passed outwards by pathways (Singer et al 1979). Adhesion to the structures the growth
proximodistal axoplasmic flow along the axons. Bulk axoplasmic cone contacts also plays a role. Molecular dissection of the role of 231

temporal retina grow on membranes prepared from rostral tectum

(their appropriate target) but fail to grow on those prepared from
caudal tectum (their inappropriate target; Walter et al 1987). In
addition, motor axons that grow from the spinal cord preferentially
through the rostral portion of the sclerotome appear to avoid the
caudal sclerotome due to contact inhibition. Glycoprotein fractions
isolated from somites cause growth cone collapse that resembles that
mediated by collapsin (Davies et al 1990).
Although many factors have been identified as having positive or
negative effects on axonal growth and navigation, a crucial question
is how direction might be specified. The attraction of chemotropism
as a mechanism is that direction is provided by the gradient of
chemotropic substance diffusing away from the target. However,
there has also been considerable interest in the idea that gradients
of adhesion might provide directional cues to growth cones—hap-
totaxis. In culture, growth cones will grow preferentially along paths
of greater adhesiveness (Letourneau 1975), but there is little firm
evidence to suggest that such choices are made in vivo. In the moth
wing epidermis, axon extension across distal or proximal regions
that exhibit adhesive differences were proposed to reflect haptotactic
phenomena (Nardi & Kafatos 1976). In reality very few axons may
actually be pioneers, the majority growing on glial cells and pre-
established axon fascicles, so that only the first few must respond to
directional cues. At present, the consensus of opinion as to the
mechanisms of axon guidance is that cues are multiple, with a
different combination prevailing at different points in the pathway.
Once growth cones have arrived in their general target area, there
is the additional problem of forming terminals and synapses. In
recent years, much emphasis has been placed on the idea that
patterns of connectivity depend on the death of inappropriate cells.
3.109a-c Cocultures of trigeminal ganglion (G) with control (C) and target Cell death during development coincides with the period of syn-
(T) tissues after 48 hours. Neurite outgrowth is exclusively from the quadrant aptogenesis, and present opinion favours the idea that it occurs due
facing the target, and some neurites (especially in a) curve towards it. In (c) to failure of neurons to acquire a sufficient amount of a trophic
two ganglia G1 and G2 have been placed adjacent to the target; in both factor (reviewed in Oppenheim et al 1992). Coincident firing of
cases neurite outgrowth is exclusively from quadrants facing the target. neighbouring neurons that have found the appropriate target region
(After Guthrie & Lumsden 1994 with permission.)
might be involved in eliciting release of factor(s), thus reinforcing
correct connections. Such mechanisms may explain the numerical
correspondence between neurons in a motor pool and the muscle
adhesion in growth cone navigation has led to the identification of fibres innervated (Tennyson 1969). If an axon fails to make the
several general classes of cell surface molecule. Among these are correct contacts, its parent soma atrophies and dies, probably as a
the immunoglobulin superfamily, which includes neural cell adhesion result of toxic materials liberated within it. Programmed cell death
molecule (N-CAM) and LI, the cadherins, including N-cadherin, and (apoptosis) is a definable process with a morphology that isdistinct
the integrin family. The latter is a group of cell surface receptors from necrosis, and occurs in neurons (reviewed in Oppenheim 1991).
that are molecular heterodimers which recognize and bind to com- Activation of a specific set of genes appears to be responsible for
ponents of the extracellular matrix, such as fibronectin, laminin and mediating cell death, while other genes can negate the apoptotic
collagen. Thus, both cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions may be programme. Transfection of chick with the gene Bcl-2 blocks cell
involved in axonal pathfinding. Evidence for the role of these death following withdrawal of trophic factors from some sensory
molecules has been obtained from culture experiments in which neurons and sympathetic neurons (Garcia et al 1992; Allsopp et al
substrata are coated with these molecules, from their immuno- 1993). On a subtler level, pruning of collaterals may give rise to
localization in vivo, from perturbation experiments in which anti- mature neuronal architecture. The projections of pyramidal neurons
bodies, enzymes or other agents are infused into embryos and axonal from the motor and visual cortex, for example, start out with similar
trajectories mapped, and studies of invertebrates mutant for various architecture, and the mature repertoire of targets is produced by
of these molecules. Retinal axons navigate to the optic tectum along pruning of collaterals leading to loss of projections to some targets
pathways lined with the extracellular matrix molecule laminin (Cohen (see p. 230).
et al 1987), for example, while their fasciculation behaviour in the The final growth of dendritic trees is also influenced by patterns
nerve, and defasciculation once they reach the tectum is governed to of afferent connections and their activity; if deprived of afferents
some extent by their levels and molecular expression of N-CAM experimentally, dendrites fail to develop fully and, after a critical
(Schlosshauer et al 1984). Unravelling these processes is likely to period, may become permanently affected even if functional inputs
prove complicated, however, for while molecules such as laminin are restored, e.g. in the visual systems of young animals visually
may provide a permissive substratum for axon outgrowth, others deprived (Blakemore 1974, 1991). Metabolic factors also affect the
such as tenascin exhibit growth-promoting or inhibitory properties final branching patterns of dendrites, for example, thyroid deficiency
(Spring et al 1989). In addition, the cell surface integrins comprise in perinatal rats results in a small size and restricted branching of
many different subtypes, which may recognize more than one extra- cortical neurons. This may be analogous to the mental retardation
cellular matrix ligand. of cretinism (Eayrs 1955).
The possible role played by contact inhibition in developmental Once established, dendritic trees appear remarkably stable and
processes has also been investigated in recent years. Culture exper- partial deafferentation affects only dendritic spines or similar small
iments have shown that when chick peripheral sensory neurons and details. If cells lose all afferent connections or are totally deprived
central neurons (retinal ganglion cells) are confronted, their motility of sensory input (see Guillery 1974), atrophy of much of the dendritic
is inhibited and they exhibit growth cone collapse (Kapfhammer et tree and even the whole neuron ensues, though different regions of
al 1986). This reduction or loss of growth cone structure may be the nervous system vary quantitatively in their response to such
analogous to contact paralysis of non-neuronal cells. Purification of anterograde transneuronal degeneration (p.920). Similar effects occur
fractions from embryonic brain has identified the protein collapsin in retrograde transneuronal degeneration. As development proceeds
as the active agent. The correct topographic arrangement of terminals plasticity is lost and soon after birth a neuron is a stable structure
232 in the optic tectum may also rely on such a mechanism. Axons from with a reduced rate of growth.

The role of trophic factors proprioceptive neurons in vitro, but it is not clear whether the other
neuronal types supported by NT-3 in culture are also lost in the
The existence of maintenance factors in the nervous system was mutant.
postulated in the case of the developing tetrapod limbs, from which Many uncertainties surround interpretations of these knockout
such factors were thought to be conveyed to the CNS where they experiments and their bearing on the role of these factors in vivo,
were capable of influencing the turnover of neuroblasts, i.e. the for while TrkB and TrkC transcripts are widely distributed through-
balance between the rate of proliferation and degeneration. Extir- out the CNS, no gross defects centrally were seen in the TrkB and
pation of the limb buds of chick embryos led to a massive reduction TrkC mutant mice. Although the neurotrophins were first envisaged
in numbers of motor and sensory neuroblasts implying that they as having their action via production by target organs, the situation
were dependent on peripheral structures for their survival has become considerably more complicated. Like NGF, BDNF and
(Hamburger 1934). These ideas were given substance by the isolation NT-3 are present in peripheral tissues, but unlike NGF, they are
and characterization of nerve growth factor (NGF) (Levi-Montalcini also expressed by motor and sensory neurons, raising the possibility
1950, 1952, 1960; 1967; Cohen 1958; Cohen & Levi-Montalcini 1956; of autocrine actions. In the future, new growth factors are likely to
Levi-Montalcini & Chen 1971) from tissue and tumour extracts and be identified and the full spectrum of their effects remains to be
snake venom. These authors demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro discovered. Nevertheless, the survival-promoting effects of BDNF
influences of NGF on the form and extent of nerve cell growth. and CNTF on motor neurons has led to the initiation of clinical
Antibodies to NGF cause the death of neuronal subsets at times trials with these molecules on patients with amyotrophic lateral
when they have reached their targets, and added NGF rescues sclerosis (neurotrophins reviewed in Loughlin & Fallon 1992; Lindsay
neurons that would otherwise die. NGF is synthesized by various et al 1994).
peripheral target organs of the nervous system (Levi-Montalcini & In addition to receiving trophic support from other tissues, nervous
Angeletti 1968) from which it is taken into the nerve endings and tissue also influences the metabolism of other tissues. This is true
transported back to the neuronal somata. It is necessary for the for many cell types, but neuronal effects are, however, perhaps more
survival of many types of neuroblasts during early development and marked and far reaching. The most obvious example is the mutual
their axon and dendritic growth, and promotes the synthesis of dependence of motor neurons and muscles. If, during development,
neurotransmitters and enzymes. Since the discovery of NGF, several a nerve fails to connect with its muscle, both degenerate. But if the
other trophic factors have been identified. Brain derived neurotrophic innervation of slow (red) or fast (white) skeletal muscles, each with
factor was purified, and subsequently neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and peculiar functional properties, is exchanged, the muscles change
NT- 4/5 were identified by molecular cloning. Neurotrophins exert structure and properties in accordance with innervation, indicating
their survival effects selectively on particular subsets of neurons, that nerve determines muscle type and not vice versa (Buller 1970,
though some neurons can be supported by more than one neuro- and see p. 904). However, in this case the type of muscle is apparently
trophin (reviewed in Thoenen 1991). Extensive culture experiments determined chiefly by the firing pattern of the efferent nerve fibre,
have indicated that NGF is specific to sensory ganglion cells from the rather than by any release of trophic chemical (Lomo & Westguard
neural crest, sympathetic postganglionic neurons and basal forebrain 1974). Trophic influences are clearest in lower vertebrates, in which
cholinergic neurons. BDNF promotes the survival of retinal ganglion a denervated limb rudiment fails to complete its development in the
cells, motor neurons, sensory proprioceptive and placode-derived absence of nerve-mediated influences (Hamburger 1968). In higher
neurons, such as those of the nodose ganglion that are unresponsive vertebrates axons have trophic influence on the dendritic trees they
to NGF. NT-3 has effects on motor neurons, and both placode and innervate (p. 957), and on sensory structures. For example, the taste
neural crest derived sensory neurons. Other growth factors found to buds degenerate after denervation and regenerate only if the sensory
influence the growth and survival of neural cells include the fibroblast nerves are present. Conversely, if auditory sensory cells are elim-
growth factors (FGFs) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), all of inated, the auditory neurons begin to degenerate and many eventually
which are unrelated in sequence to the NGF family. Members of die, suggesting that in this case the trophic influence is the reverse
the FGF family support the survival of embryonic neuroblasts from of the usual situation. One recent example of such an interaction
many regions of the CNS. CNTF may control the proliferation and comes from mice mutant for the TrkC neurotrophin receptor, which
differentiation of sympathetic ganglion cells and astrocytes. show selective loss of la afferents to muscle spindles. In these mice
Each of the neurotrophins binds specifically to certain receptors the muscles are devoid of muscle spindles, presumably due to their
on the cell surface. The receptor termed p75 binds all the neuro- deafferentation (Klein et al 1994). In addition to these presumably
trophins with similar affinity. By contrast, members of the family of trophic effects, development is replete with examples of the nervous
receptor tyrosine kinases (Trks) bind with higher affinity and display system influencing other tissues, such as the inductive influence of
binding preferences for particular neurotrophins. The presence of a the optic vesicle on adjacent ectoderm resulting in the formation of
Trk receptor seems to be required for p75 function. So far three Trk a lens vesicle and the reciprocal influences of the developing lens
receptors have been identified. TrkA is the receptor for NGF, TrkB and perioptic mesenchyme on the differentiation of the optic cup
binds BDNF and NT-4/5, and TrkC binds NT-3. Possibilities of (p. 259).
other interactions between factors and Trk receptors, such as an
effect of NT-3 on TrkA and TrkB, have also been raised. Much
progress in understanding the role of neurotrophins in vivo has
recently been made by generating mice with null mutations of the
Trk receptors and of the neurotrophins themselves. Homozygous
TrkA mutant mice showed loss of small diameter temperature and
pain afferents, and of sympathetic neurons (Smeyne et al 1994), The autonomic nervous system is, apart from the motor axons
corresponding to the neuronal subsets normally supported by NGF arising from the CNS, formed by the neural crest. This system
in culture. The exception were the cholinergic neurons in the basal includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons in the per-
forebrain, which were supported by NGF in culture, but whose ipheral ganglia with their accompanying glia, the enteric nervous
numbers were unaffected in the null mutants. TrkB mutant mice system and glia, and the adrenal medulla.
showed loss of neurons in some sensory ganglia, particularly those In the trunk at neurulation, neural crest cells migrate from the
receiving a placodal contribution, such as the vestibular ganglion. neural epithelium to lie transitorily on the fused neural tube. There-
Motor neuron numbers were also reduced (Klein et al 1993). This after crest cells migrate laterally then ventrally to their respective
implies an effect on the neuronal subsets normally dependent on destinations (3.110). Within the head the neural crest cells migrate
BDNF. Interestingly, in BDNF mutant mice motor neuron numbers prior to neural fusion producing a vast mesenchymal population as
are approximately normal, implying that trophic effects on motor well as autonomic neurons.
neurons may be mediated via binding of NT-4 to TrkB (Ernfors et The work of Le Douarin and co-workers has provided many data
al 1993). The results of the TrkC knockout showed a loss of neurons on the contribution of the neural crest in the development of the
from dorsal root ganglia, particularly the large diameter afferents autonomic nervous system (Le Douarin 1982; Le Douarin 1990).
mediating proprioception (Klein et al 1994). This was consistent Much of the work has been carried out on chick—quail chimeras (see
with observations of the survival-promoting effects of NT-3 on p.220) using histochemical markers to map the distribution of 233

and truncus, and cells which differentiate into the neural anlage of
Ganglia and glia Neural crest cells Dorsal root the parasympathetic ganglia of the heart. Sensory innervation of the
of sympathetic ganglia and glia heart is from the inferior ganglion of the vagus, which is derived
trunk from the nodose placodes (see p. 224). Neural crest cells migrating
from the level of somites 1-7 (see above) are collectively termed
vagal neural crest; they have been demonstrated to migrate to the
gut along with sacral neural crest.
Sacral parasympathetic ganglia. These have attracted little
recent attention; most studies have examined the development of the
enteric nerves (see below).

Sympathetic ganglia
There is much variation in the timing of migration and differentiation
of neural crest cells in the trunk region in different species, though
the cells commencing migration first migrate furthest distally. In
mammalian species, neural crest cells.migrate ventrally during the
3-5 somite stage, to penetrate the underlying somites (Erikson et al
1989; Serbedzija et al 1990). Within a few hours the cells migrate
further ventrally to the region of the future paravertebral and
prevertebral plexa, notably forming the sympathetic chain of ganglia,
as well as the major ganglia around the ventral visceral branches of
the abdominal aorta (Serbedzija et al 1990). In avian embryos crest
cells migrate preferentially through the rostral half of the somites to
appear dorsolateral to the aorta. They spread paravertebrally as well
Preaortic Enteric as making contributions to the suprarenal medulla and paravertebral
gangliaand ganglia and dortenal plexa (Le Douarin & Teillet 1974). The normal segmentation and
glia glia glands size of the primary sympathetic ganglia in chicks have been found
to depend on alternation of rostrocaudal characteristics of somites
3.110 Diagram showing the migration routes taken by neural crest cells in such that this positioning may regulate the direction of crest cells
the trunk. towards dorsal root ganglia and sympathetic ganglia (Goldstein &
Kalcheim 1991). The local environment has been shown to be
important in determining crest cell fate; after selective deletions of
specific crest regions sympathetic ganglia still formed normally in
different categories of autonomic neurons. The results of this work the absence of dorsal root ganglia, thus implying that crest-derived
have provided a map of four major regions of neural crest cell precursors were uncommitted until receiving a stop signal (Scott
distribution to the autonomic nervous system, including cranial, 1984). Interestingly, in the quail embryo after crest cells have differ-
vagal, trunk and lumbosacral crest. The cranial neural crest gives rise entiated and formed dorsal root ganglia, there are dormant auto-
to the cranial parasympathetic ganglia, whereas the vagal neural crest nomic neuronal precursors in the dorsal root ganglia capable
gives rise to the thoracic parasympathetic ganglia. The trunk neural of differentiation into adrenergic cells. Furthermore, the differentia-
crest gives rise to the sympathetic ganglia, mainly the paravertebral tion of such cells is dependent on cell-cell interaction (Deville et al
ganglia, and adrenomedullary cells. This category is often referred to 1992).
as being of the cells of the sympathoadrenal lineage (Patterson 1990; Pre- and postganglionic cell differentiation and growth. It
Carnahan & Patterson 1991; Scott-Duff et al 1991). has been shown that there is cell specific recognition of postganglionic
Neurons of the enteric nervous system are described as arising neurons and the growth cones of sympathetic preganglionic neurons
from the vagal crest, i.e. neural crest derived from somite levels 1-7 they meet during their growth, and this may be important in guidance
(also see below), and sacral crest, caudal to the 28th somite. At all to their appropriate targets (Moorman & Hume 1990). The position
of these levels the crest cells are also differentiating into glial-like of postganglionic neurons, and the exit point from the spinal cord
support cells alongside the neurons (3.111). of preganglionic neurons may influence the types of synaptic con-
nections made, and the affinity for particular postganglionic neurons
Parasympathetic ganglia (Lichtmann et al 1979; Purves et al 1981). When a postganglionic
Cranial neural crest. In mammalian embryos, crest cells migrate neuroblast is in place it grows axons (and dendrites) and syn-
from the region of the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon during aptogenesis follows (Rubin 1985a,b,c). In mammalian embryos the
the 4-10 somite stages (Nichols 1987; Chan & Tam 1988). By the 11 earliest axonal outgrowths from the superior cervical ganglion occur
somite stage the wave of migration is greatest in the more caudal at about stage 15 (Rubin 1985a) and although the axon is the first
parts of the latter regions, with most in the rhombencephalon. In cell process to appear, the position of the neurons does not apparently
avian embryos, crest migration occurs at the level of the developing influence the appearance of the cell processes. There have been
posterior mesencephalon and preotic myelencephalon during the 4 many studies of the innervation of peripheral targets (in rats) by
somite stage onwards (D’Amico-Martel & Noden 1983). The ciliary sympathetic postganglionic nerves during postnatal life which have
ganglion is formed by neural crest cells from the caudal third of the relied upon biochemical and immunohistological demonstration of
mesencephalon and the rostral metencephalon which migrate along neurotransmitter substances present (De Champlain et al 1970;
or close to the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. It may be Cochard et al 1979; Teitelman et al 1979). In this animal model, at
reinforced by cells migrating from the nucleus of the oculomotor an equivalent to human stage 17 (41 days), there will be many
nerve along which a few scattered cells are always demonstrable in preganglionic axons in the superior cervical ganglion and they can
postnatal life. The pterygopalatine ganglion derives from preotic influence electrical activity of postganglionic neurons (Rubin 1985c).
myelencephalic crest cells and may receive contributions from the By the time of birth, substantial numbers of functional synapses can
ganglia of the trigeminal and facial nerves. The otic and sub- be found in the superior cervical ganglion (Rubin 1985c), some 10%
mandibular ganglia also derive from myelencephalic neural crest and of the adult number (Smolen and Raisman 1980). Findings in the
may have contributions from the glossopharyngeal and facial cranial parasympathetic ganglia are somewhat similar. In the chick ciliary
nerves respectively (2.29c). ganglion, for instance, postganglionic axons have been reported to
Vagal neural crest. Neural crest cells from the region located grow in a similar manner towards their targets (Landmesser & Pillar
between the midotic placode and the caudal limit of somite 3 have 1974a), and there is a significant reduction in the numbers of ganglion
been termed cardiac neural crest; they migrate through pharyngeal cells during development, though synapses form on all cells present
arches 3, 4, and 6 where they provide, inter alia, support for the prior to death (Landmesser and Pillar 1974b), thus exhibiting a
234 embryonic aortic arch arteries, cells of the aorticopulmonary septum general phenomenon in ganglion maturation.

Phenotypic expression of differentiating autonomic neurons.

The elegant transplantation studies performed by Le Douarin’s
group have demonstrated that the local environment is the major Melanocytes
factor which controls the appropriate differentiation of the pre-
sumptive autonomic ganglion neurons. The identity of the factors
responsible for subsequent adrenergic, cholinergic or peptidergic
phenotypic expression has yet to be elucidated, though fibronectin
(Loring et al 1982; Sieber-Blum et al 1981) and basal lamina
components molecules (Maxwell & Forbes 1987) have been suggested
to initiate adrenergic phenotypic expression at the expense of mel-
anocyte numbers. Cholinergic characteristics are acquired relatively
early as shown by studies of premigratory neural crest cells (Le
Blanc et al 1990) and the appropriate phenotypic expression may
1 uf ut I
be promoted by cholinergic differentiation factor (Fukada 1985;
Yamamori et al 1989) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (Lin et al 1989;
Stéckli et al 1989). Schotzinger and Landis (1988) have demonstrated Occipital
Glial-like oO a Baierie
the development of a cholinergic phenotype by noradrenergic sym- m a syenels A
pathetic neurons after innervation of a novel cholinergic target (sweat cells Oo
glands) in vivo. Neuropeptides are expressed by autonomic neurons of ENS o @
in vitro and may be stimulated by various target tissue factors in a ,
7 Cervical
sympathetic (Wong & Kessler 1987) and parasympathetic
(Coulombe & Nishi 1991) neurons. Indeed, Garcia-Arrasas et al O;!a
(1986) point out that some neuropeptides are expressed more Hi
intensely during early stages of ganglion formation. At what stage ( im All dorsal
coexistence of neuropeptides in synaptic vesicles of preganglionic 2 root
O 3) ganglia
nerves (e.g. Mitchell & Stauber 1993) and the chemical coding of and
pre- and postganglionic neurons occurs as in adult ganglion neurons O
OC) Thi Sensory Sympathetic
(e.g. Mitchell et al 1993), is unknown. Ey fl nerves ganglia
A number of gene products are expressed on migrating neural and nerves
crest cells, including the murine homeobox gene cluster Hox-a (Toth i 18 ee
cr Thoracici tA
et al 1987; Galliot et al 1989), detected on dorsal root ganglion cells TO
rather than sympathetic ganglia, Hox-b (Wilkinson et al 1989a; O Chromaf}
Holland & Hogan 1988) expressed in the nodose ganglia and in CO) 4 | fin cells
parts of the enteric nervous system, Hox-c (Breier et al 1988) in Cy ppaeiidas
BQ | adrenal
sympathetic ganglia, and (Robert et al 1989) on cephalic neural C) medulla
crest. Other gene products expressed by crest cells include the cellu-
lar oncogene c-ets 1 (Vandenbunder et al 1989) and the zinc finger
2 B35) 24
gene Krox-20 (Wilkinson et al 1989a) which is found on differentia-
ting dorsal root and cranial ganglion cells. Two genes whose mal- o
Lumbar 5 Ba 28

a|B |;
expression leads to abnormal development of neural crest-derived 28
nervous system elements are Hox a-4 which is associated with
abnormal development of the enteric nervous system (Wolgemuth et Glial-like 5 ca | f
al 1989), and Hox a-I which results in malformations of hindbrain support cells 62
development (Lufkin et al 1991; Chisaka et al 1992), and consequent of ENS Sacral oe PB
derangements of cranial nerves.
Enteric nervous system mn
The enteric nervous system is different from the other components 3.111 Diagram illustrating the derivatives of neural crest cells in the trunk.
of the autonomic nervous system as, unlike the sympathetic and On the right of the diagram the somites are indicated and on the left the
parasympathetic ganglia, the enteric nervous system can mediate vertebral levels are indicated. The fate of crest cells arising at particular
reflex activity independently of control by the brain and spinal cord somite levels is shown.
(Gershon 1987). The number of enteric neurons which develop is
believed to be of the same magnitude as the number of neurons in
the spinal cord (Furness & Costa 1980). The number of preganglionic
fibres which supply the intestine, and therefore modulate the enteric they attain their axial value as they leave the neuraxis. Once within
neurons, are much fewer. This discrepancy led Langley (1921) to the gut wall there is a regionally specific pattern of enteric ganglia
postulate that most of the enteric neurons receive no direct input formation (Gabella 1981) suggested to be controlled by the local
from the CNS at all. (The position of neural crest contribution to splanchnopleuric mesenchyme.
the enteric nervous system is shown in 3.111.) The most caudal derivatives of neural crest cells, from the lum-
It is worth noting at this point that enteric nerves have more in bosacral region, form components of the pelvic plexus after migrating
common with central nerves than \peripheral nerves. Enteric nerves through the somites towards the level of the colon, rectum and
do not have the collagenous coats of extraenteric peripheral nerves, cloaca. The cells come to lie initially within the developing mesentery
and, as in the CNS, there is no endoneurium within the enteric and then transiently between the layers of the differentiating mus-
plexuses; rather the cells are supported by glia which closely resemble cularis externa before finally, and later, forming a more substantial
astrocytes and contain glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). intramural plexus characteristic of the adult enteric nervous system.
Although Schwann cells surrounding unmyelinated nerves also Of the neural crest cells that colonize the bowel, some of the foregut
contain detectable amounts of GFAP, enteric glia contain more. have been reported to acquire the ability to migrate outwards and
Interestingly the enteric glia do not produce a surrounding basal colonize the developing pancreas, as the characteristic population of
lamina as do Schwann cells. Gershon (1987) reviews this field. autonomic neurons (Kirchgessner et al 1992).
Chimeric experimentation has demonstrated that quail donor crest Hirschsprung’s disease is suggested to result from a failure of
taken from axial levels, which do not normally supply the gut, and neural crest cells to colonize the gut wall appropriately. The condition
transplanted into the vagal regions of chick hosts produces an is characterized by a dilated segment of colon proximally and lack
embryo with entirely quail enteric nerves. Thus the premigratory of peristalsis in the segment distal to the dilatation. Infants with
neural crest cells are not pre-patterned for specific axial levels; rather Hirschsprung’s disease show delay in the passage of meconium, 235

constipation, vomiting and abdominal distension. Gershon (1987) boxylation (APUD) series of cells and are paraneuronal in nature.
has investigated a similar condition in the /s/ls mouse which develops A pivotal role for glucocorticoids in the development of the
congenital megacolon secondarily to aganglionosis of the terminal chromaffin cell lineage has been emphasized by Hofmann et al (1989)
portion of the large bowel. The non-peristaltic portion of gut contains and later by Michelsohn and Anderson (1992) who found that the
thick nerves in the adventitia, muscularis externa and submucosa development of the chromaffin phenotype involves two sequential,
but the number of cells in the submucosal plexus is reduced compared glucocorticoid-dependent events, and both appear to be mediated by
to normal mice. There are numerous aberrantly located ganglia the type II glucocorticoid receptor.
outside the gut connected by axons to the nerves within the gut. Enhancement of chromaffin cell process outgrowth, however, may
Both the submucosal nerves and the aberrant ganglia have the be facilitated by various cell adhesion and extracellular matrix
characteristics of non-enteric neurons. Immunocytochemical studies molecules (Poltorak et al 1990). Cell adhesion molecules play a
of the enteric basal lamina have shown an increase in the amount major role in determination of tissue architecture during histogenesis
of laminin, type IV collagen and heparan sulphate in the aganglionic of the suprarenal gland (Leon et al 1992). Two neural cell adhesion
gut. In normal mice laminin and type IV collagen are found beneath molecules N-CAM and LI have been found to be expressed in
the mucosal and serosal epithelia and around the blood vessels. In the adult rat suprarenal gland. The expression of catecholamine
the /s/ls mouse there is a broad zone of expression of these proteins synthesizing enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine
around the entire outer gut mesenchyme, specifically of the agan- N-methyltransferase was correlated with the adhesion molecule
glionic portion of bowel. Gershon (1987) suggests that the over- expression. Groups of L1 and N-CAM positive cells were found to
abundance of basal laminal components may prevent the neural display different phenotypic expression of catecholamine synthesizing
crest cells from penetrating the gut wall; their new position outside enzymes. Environmental factors also play an important role in
the gut does not confer on them the environmental stimuli for enteric the development of the physical and biochemical characteristics
nerve differentiation so non-enteric development occurs in local of chromaffin cells (Mizrachi et al 1990). Co-culture of human
ganglia adjacent to the gut. phaeochromocytoma cells with adrenal endothelial cells induced the
In humans Hirschsprung’s disease is often seen associated with tumour cells to acquire physical and biochemical characteristics of
other defects of neural crest development, e.g. Waardenburg type II chromaffin cells, exhibiting similar organization as seen in vivo. The
syndrome which includes deafness and facial clefts with megacolon. rapid transient increase in the change in the state of the proto-
oncogene c-fos expression suggests that the mechanism(s) inducing
Chromaffin cells the change in the state of the differentiation of tumour cells in co-
Chromaffin cells are derived from the neural crest and found at culture with endothelial cells may be distinct from that described for
numerous sites throughout the body. As well as the classic chromaffin the differentiation of chromaffin cells by glucocorticoids.
cells of the suprarenal medulla, others in this group include the The differentiation of chromaffin cells appears not to be immutably
bronchial neuroepithelial cells, dispersed epithelial endocrine cells of fixed. Jousselin-Hosaja et al (1993) found that mouse suprarenal
the gut (formerly known as argentaffin cells), carotid body cells, and chromaffin cells can transform to neuron-like cholinergic phenotypes
the paraganglia. after being grafted into the hippocampus. Transdifferentiation of
The sympathetic ganglia, suprarenal (adrenal) medulla and chro- chromaffin cells to the neuron-like phenotype was also found to be
maffin cells are all derived from the cells of the sympathoadrenal induced after nerve growth factor application (de la Torre et al
lineage (Patterson 1990; Carnahan & Patterson 1991; Scott-Duff et 1993).
al 1991). In the suprarenal medulla these cells differentiate into a The timing of the appearance of neurotransmitters and neuro-
number of types consisting of small and intermediate-sized neuroblasts peptides in chromaffin cells is not comprehensively established. In
or sympathoblasts and larger, initially rounded phaeochromo- the avian sympathoadrenal system, however, 5HT-like immuno-
cytoblasts. Molenaar et al (1990) have described the development reactivity was found to be transiently expressed by chromaffin
of chromaffin cells in the suprarenal medulla in human fetuses cells very early in development (E5-E8), disappearing almost entirely
aged 6-34 weeks. Using various markers two morphological cell at more advanced embryonic stages (E10-E19) and in posthatched
types could be identified: large cells with pale nuclei from about 9 chicks where only a population of cells similar to mammalian SIF
weeks, and clusters of small cells, appearing slightly later, at about cells express immunoreactivity to 5HT (Garcia-Arrasas & Martinez
14 weeks. Their observations on the differential distribution of 1990). In relation to the development of catecholamine-synthesizing
markers within these two cellular populations led them to conclude enzymes, in rat embryos, Anderson et al (1991) noted that sym-
that the large cells were the progenitors of the chromaffin cells in pathoadrenal precursors are first identifiable in primordial sym-
the suprarenal medulla whilst the smaller cells were neuroblasts. The pathetic ganglia at El1.5 when they express tyrosine hydroxylase.
intermediate-sized neuroblasts differentiate into the typical multipolar At this stage, the progenitors also coexpress neuronal markers, but
postganglionic sympathetic neurons (which secrete noradrenaline at also a series of chromaffin cell markers called SA /-5. The obser-
their terminals) of classic autonomic neuroanatomy. The smaller vation of double labelled cells is consistent with the hypothesis that
neuroblasts have been equated with the small intensely fluorescent these cells represent a common progenitor to sympathetic neurons
(SIF) cells, types I and II. Both have been shown (at least in some and suprarenal chromaffin cells. After E11.5, sympathetic ganglia no
species and sites) to be dopamine-storing and secreting cells. It is longer express chromaffin markers. Neuropeptides are also expressed
postulated that type I function as true interneurons, synapsing with by developing chromaffin cells. Garcia-Arrasas et al (1992) have
the principal postganglionic neurons. Type II are thought to operate demonstrated the expression and development of neuropeptide Y
as local neuroendocrine cells, secreting dopamine into the ganglionic (NPY)-like immunoreactivity in chromaffin cells of the chicken. They
microcirculation. Both types of SIF cells probably modulate the also found that NPY is coexpressed with somatostatin and serotonin.
principal preganglionic/postganglionic synaptic transmission. The The expression of neuropeptides such as leucine enkephalin may be
large cells differentiate into masses of columnar or polyhedral phaeo- regulated by glucocorticoids and preganglionic nerves in suprarenal
chromocytes (classic chromaffin cells) which secrete either adrenaline chromaffin cells (Henion & Landis 1992). These factors, therefore,
or noradrenaline. These cell masses are termed paraganglia and may participate in the generation of the mature neurochemical phenotypes
be situated near, on the surface of, or embedded in the capsules of present in the suprarenal medulla, both during development and in
the ganglia of the sympathetic chain, or in some of the large adults.
autonomic plexuses. The largest members of the latter are the para-
aortic bodies which lie along the sides of the abdominal aorta Suprarenal glands
in relation to the inferior mesenteric artery. During childhood the Each suprarenal gland consists of a cortex derived from coelomic
para-aortic bodies and the paraganglia of the sympathetic chain epithelium and a medulla into which neural crest cells migrate from
partly degenerate and can no longer be isolated by gross dis- somite levels 18-24 migrate (3.110, 111). The cortex is formed during
section, but even in the adult chromaffin tissue can still be the second month byaproliferation of the coelomic epithelium; cells
recognized microscopically in these various sites. It may be pass into the underlying mesenchyme between the root of the dorsal
noted here that both the phaeochromocytes and the SIF cells, mesogastrium and the mesonephros (Keene & Hewer 1927; Crowder
using a wider and more recent classification, are regarded as chro- 1957). The proliferating tissue extends from the level of the sixth to
236 maffin; they belong to the amine precursor uptake and decar- the twelfth thoracic segments. It is soon disorganized dorsomedially

by invasion of neural crest cells which form the medulla and also by cells from entering (see p. 155), the rostral sclerotome has a mitogenic
the development of venous sinusoids. The latter are joined by effect on the crest cells that settle within it (Goldstein et al 1990).
capillaries which arise from adjacent mesonephric arteries and pen- From the ventral region of each ganglion a small part separates to
etrate the cortex in a radial manner. When proliferation of the form sympatho-chromaffin cells (p. 236), while the remainder becomes
coelomic epithelium ceases the cortex is enveloped ventrally, later a definitive spinal ganglion. The spinal ganglia are arranged sym-
dorsally, by a mesenchymal capsule derived from the mesonephros. metrically at the sides of the neural tube and, except in the caudal
The subcapsular nests of cortical cells are the rudiment of the zona region, are equal in number to the somites. The cells of the ganglia,
glomerulosa. These nests proliferate cords of cells which pass deeply like the cells of the mantle zone of the early neural tube, are glial
between the capillaries and sinusoids. The cells in these cords and neuronal precursors. The glial precursors develop into the
degenerate in an erratic fashion as they pass towards the medulla, satellite cells, which become closely applied to the ganglionic nerve
becoming granular, eosinophilic and ultimately autolysed. These cell somata (perikarya), into Schwann cells, and possibly other cells.
cords of degenerating cells constitute the fetal cortex, which under- The neuroblasts, at first round or oval, soon become fusiform,
goes a rapid degeneration during the first two weeks after birth with with extremities gradually elongating into central and peripheral
marked shrinkage of the gland. The fascicular and reticular zones of processes. The central processes grow into the neural tube, as the
the adult cortex are proliferated from the glomerular zone after birth fibres of dorsal nerve roots, while the peripheral processes grow
and are only fully differentiated by about the twelfth year. ventrolaterally to mingle with the fibres of the ventral root thus
forming a mixed spinal nerve. As development proceeds the original
SOMATIC NERVES bipolar form of the cells in the spinal ganglia changes; the two
processes become approximated until they ultimately arise from a
Spinal nerves single stem in a T-shaped manner, to form a unipolar cell (sometimes,
less appropriately, termed pseudo-unipolar). The bipolar form is,
Each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord by a ventral root however, retained in the ganglion of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
and a dorsal root. The fibres of the ventral roots grow out from cell The position of the early neural crest as a wedge-shaped mass
bodies in the anterior and lateral parts of the mantle zone; these along the line of tube closure noted above, and the identification of
pass through the overlying marginal zone and external limiting ganglionic cells in various positions in the wall of the early neural
membrane to enter the myotomes of the somites, or penetrate the tube, and even within the central canal (Humphrey 1944, 1947), is
latter, reaching the adjacent somatopleure, and in both sites ulti- strongly reminiscent of the developmental history of the Rohon-
mately form the a-, £- and y-efferents. At appropriate levels these are Beard cells in fish and amphibia (Rohon 1884; Beard 1896), which
accompanied by the outgrowing axons of preganglionic sympathetic are thought to be important in the emergence of primitive locomotor
neuroblasts (segments T1-L2), or preganglionic parasympathetic patterns (Hughes 1968). In this regard, other investigators have
neuroblasts (S2-S4). claimed that in primitive chordates (Cyclostomes and Euselachians)
The fibres of the dorsal roots extend from the cells of the spinal the neural crest develops as an evagination of the dorsal region of
ganglia. Before the neural groove is closed to form the neural tube, the dorsolateral lamina of the late neural folds and early neural tube
a ridge of neurectodermal cells, the neural crest (ganglion ridge), (Conel 1942). For a review of the origin, widespread migration and
appears along the prominent margin of each neural fold. When the differentiation of neural crest cells see Weston (1970) Bellairs (1971)
folds meet in the median plane the two neural crests fuse into a Leikola (1976) and page 220.
wedge-shaped mass along the line of closure of the tube. Neural
crest cells are produced continuously along the length of the spinal Cranial nerves
cord, but gangliogenic cells migrate only into the rostral part of each Cranial nerves may contain motor, sensory or both types of fibres.
somitic sclerotome where they condense and proliferate to form a With the exception of the olfactory and optic nerves, the cranial
bilateral series of oval-shaped primordial spinal ganglia. In addition nerves develop in a manner similar in some respects to components
to negative factors in the caudal sclerotome that deter neural crest of the spinal nerves. The somata of motor neuroblasts originate

Trigeminal ganglion Abducent Facial and Glossopharyngeal

nerve vestibulo- nerve
Trochlear cochlear nerve
Roots of
Oculomotor accessory
nerve nerve


Hypoglossal nerve

Dorsal ganglion of
> sixth and seventh
Cerebral __ cranial spinal nerves

Olfactory bulb
Phrenic nerve
Maxillary nerve

Mandibular nerve

3.112 The brain and cranial nerves of a human embryo, 10.2mm long. Froriep’s ganglion, an occipital dorsal root ganglion, is inconstant and soon
Note also the ganglia (stippled) associated with the trigeminal, facial ves- disappears. (After His.)
tibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus and spinal accessory nerves. 237

within the neuroepithelium, while those of sensory neuroblasts are crest and placodal cells and an acoustic ganglion from placodal
derived from the neural crest and from ectodermal placodes. neurons only; it conveys special somatic afferents.
The motor fibres of the cranial nerves to striated muscle are the Both neurons and supporting cells of the cranial autonomic ganglia
axons of cells in the basal plate of the midbrain and hindbrain that in the head and the trunk originate from neural crest cells (Weston
grow outwards to their muscle fibres of distribution. The functional 1971; Le Douarin & Teillet 1974; see p. 223). Caudal to the ganglion
and morphological distinction between the neurons within these of the vagal nerve the occipital region of the neural crest is concerned
various nerves is based on the types of muscle innervated. In the with the ‘ganglia’ of the accessory and hypoglossal nerves. Rudi-
trunk, the motor roots of the spinal nerves all emerge from the mentary ganglion cells may occur along the hypoglossal nerve in the
spinal cord close to the ventral midline to supply the muscles derived human embryo; they undergo regression later. Ganglion cells are
from the somites. also found on the developing spinal root of the accessory nerve and
In the head the motor outflow is segregated into two pathways these are believed to persist in the adult. The central processes of
(3.112, 117). General somatic efferent neurons exit ventrally in a the cells of these various ganglia, where they persist, form some
similar manner to those of the spinal cord, comprising the oculo- sensory roots of the cranial nerves and enter the alar lamina of the
motor, trochlear, abducens and hypoglossal nerves. Thus nerves III, hindbrain; their peripheral processes join the efferent components of
IV, VI and XII parallel the organization of the somatic motor the nerve to be distributed to the various tissues innervated. Some
neurons in the spinal cord. The second motor component, special incoming fibres from the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves
branchial efferent, comprises the accessory nerve and the motor collect to form an oval bundle, the tractus solitarius, on the lateral
parts of the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, aspect of the myelencephalon. This bundle is the homologue of the
whose nerve exit points lie more dorsally than the somatic motor oval bundle of the spinal cord, but in the hindbrain it becomes more
system. deeply placed by the overgrowth, folding and subsequent fusion of
The cranial nerves also contain a third class of efferent neurons, tissue derived from the rhombic lip on the external aspect of the
the general visceral efferent neurons (parasympathetic preganglionic) bundle.
travelling in nerves III, VII, IX and X, which leave the hindbrain
via the same exit points as the special branchial efferent fibres. All
these three categories of motor neurons probably originate from the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
same region of the basal plate, adjacent to the floor plate. The
definitive arrangement of nuclei then arises due to differential SPINAL CORD
migration of neuronal somata. It is not known whether all these cell
types share a common precursor within the rhombencephalon, In the future spinal cord the median roof plate (dorsal lamina) and
though there is evidence that in the spinal cord somatic motor and floor plate (ventral lamina) of the neural tube do not participate in
preganglionic autonomic neurons are lineally related. the cellular proliferation affecting the lateral walls and hence remain
These motor neuron types have been thus designated according thin. Their cells contribute largely to the formation of the ependyma.
to the types of muscles or structures innervated. General somatic The neuroblasts of the /ateral walls of the tube are large and at
efferent nerves supply striated muscle now known to be derived from first round or oval (apolar). Soon they develop processes at opposite
the cranial (occipital) somites and prechordal mesenchyme. Myogenic poles, becoming bipolar neuroblasts. One process is, however, with-
cells from the ventrolateral edge of the epithelial plate of occipital drawn and the neuroblast becomes unipolar, although this is not
somites give rise to the intrinsic muscles of the tongue, while the invariably so in the case of the spinal cord. Further differentiation
prechordal mesenchyme gives rise to the extrinsic ocular muscles (see leads to the development of dendritic processes and they become
p. 274). Special branchial efferent nerves supply the striated muscles typical multipolar neurons. In the developing cord they occur in
developing within the pharyngeal (branchial) arches (8.148). Chimeric small clusters representing clones of neurons. The development of a
experiments have shown that myogenic cells in the pharyngeal arches longitudinal sulcus limitans on each side of the central canal of the
are derived solely from unsegmented paraxial mesenchyme, rostral cord divides the ventricular and mantle zones in each lateral wall
to the somites, which migrates into the arch primordia (Noden into a basal (ventrolateral) lamina or plate and an alar (dorsolateral)
1983a; Couly et al 1992; see p.275). Thus all the voluntary muscles lamina or plate (8.113). This separation indicates a fundamental
of the head originate from axial (prechordal) or paraxial mesenchyme functional difference, for neural precursors in the basal lamina
rendering the distinction between somatic efferent supply and include the motor cells of the anterior (ventral) and lateral grey
branchial efferent supply somewhat artificial. However, the obviously columns, while those of the alar lamina exclusively form ‘inter-
special nature of the arch musculature, its patterning by the neural neurons’ (those possessing both short and long axons), some of
crest cells, its particularly rich innervation for both voluntary which receive the terminals of primary sensory neurons. Caudally
and reflex activity and the different origins from the basal plate the central canal of the cord exhibits a fusiform dilatation, the
of the branchial efferent nerves compared to the somatic efferent terminal ventricle.
nerves, make the retention of a distinction between the two of
value. Anterior (ventral) grey column
General visceral efferent neurons (parasympathetic preganglionic) The cells of the ventricular zone are closely packed at this stage and
innervate glands of the head, the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles, arranged in radial columns (3.94). For experimental studies of radial
and the thoracic and abdominal viscera. migration patterns consult Berquist (1932, 1968), also bibliographies
The cranial sensory ganglia are derived in part from the neural in Rakic (1981, 1982). Their disposition may be partly determined
crest, and in part from cells of the ectodermal placodes (3.103, 112, by contact guidance along the earliest radial array of glial fibres that
148; see p. 222). Generally, neurons distal to the brain derive from traverse the full thickness of the early neuroepithelium. The cells of
placodes while proximal ones derive from the neural crest (D’Amico- the intermediate (mantle) zone are more loosely scattered, and they
Martel & Noden 1980, 3.148); supporting cells of all sensory ganglia increase in number at first in the region of the basal lamina. This
arise from the neural crest (Noden 1978; D’Amico-Martel 1981). enlargement outlines the anterior (ventral) column of the grey matter
The most rostral sensory ganglion, the trigeminal (V) comprises and causes a ventral projection on each side of the median plane,
both neural crest and placode-derived neurons that mediate general the floor plate remaining at the bottom of the shallow groove so
somatic afferent functions. In the case of more caudal cranial nerves produced. As growth proceeds these enlargements, further increased
(VII, [IX and X) the same applies, but the two cell populations form by the development of the anterior funiculi (regions of axons passing
separate ganglia in the case of each nerve. Analogous with the to and from the brain), encroach on the groove until it becomes
trigeminal, the proximal series of ganglia is neural crest derived converted into the slit-like anterior median fissure of the adult spinal
(forming the proximal ganglion of VII, the superior ganglion of IX cord (3.113). The axons of some of the neuroblasts in the anterior
and the jugular ganglion of X) while the distal series derives from grey column traverse the marginal zone and emerge as bundles on
placodal cells (forming the geniculate ganglion of VII, the petrosal the anterolateral aspect of the spinal cord as the ventral spinal nerve
ganglion of IX and the nodose ganglion of X). These ganglia contain rootlets. These constitute, eventually, both the a-efferents which
neurons that mediate special, general visceral and somatic afferent establish motor end plates on extrafusal striated muscle fibres and
238 functions. The VIIth nerve has a vestibular ganglion containing both the y-efferents which innervate the contractile polar regions of

Roof plate Thus the development of the cord involves an interplay between
Dorsolateral lamina a number of fundamental processes which vary in prominence at
Oval bundle different times and at different levels—cell proliferation, migration,
followed either by progressive cell growth and differentiation or, in
complete contrast, by cell degeneration and death. In the example
quoted, cell proliferation persists as a prominent feature at the
m= _ Dorsal levels concerned with limb innervation, whilst at thoracic levels a
nerve root
Central canal dorsomedial migration of neuroblasts occurs to lay the foundation
Ependymal of the visceral efferent column. Further, save at limb levels, massive
layer (ventricular zone) cell degenerations occur in the lateral ‘motor’ columns, whereas the
Lateral funiculus medial columns, which innervate axial musculature, persist through-
Ventrolateral lamina out the cord. The phenomenon of cell death and removal on a large
scale, balanced against local proliferation and migration rates, has
only been recognized relatively recently as a fundamental feature in
many morphogenetic situations.
Thus, it has been shown, some ventrolateral laminal neuroblasts
differentiate into the ventral horn neurons from which a-, B- and y-
Anterior (ventral) funiculus
Floor plate
efferent fibres arise, and these are accompanied at thoracic, upper
lumbar and midsacral levels by preganglionic autonomic efferents
Posterior f ab from neuroblasts of the developing lateral horn. However, addition-
median Fasciculus gracilis
septum Posterior (dorsal) funiculus ally, numerous interneurons develop in both these situations
Fasciculus cuneatus (including the well-studied Renshaw cells), but it is uncertain how
many of these differentiate directly from ventrolateral lamina (basal
plate) neuroblasts and how many migrate to their final positions
from the dorsolateral lamina (alar plate).
— Dorsal nerve root In the human embryo, the definitive grouping of the ventral
Dorsal column column cells, which characterizes the mature cord, occurs early, and
of grey matter
Lateral funiculus
by the fourteenth week (80mm) all the major groups can be recog-
nized (Romanes 1942, 1946, 1953, 1964).
Sulcus limitans
As the anterior and lateral grey columns assume their final form
Central canal the germinal cells in the ventral part of the ventricular zone gradually
Anterior column cease to proliferate and the layer becomes reduced in thickness until
of grey matter it ultimately forms the single-layered ependyma which lines the
ventral part of the central canal of the spinal cord.
Posterior (dorsal) grey column
The posterior (dorsal) column is somewhat late in its development
: Anterior funiculu. and, as a result, its ventricular zone is for a time much thicker in
Anterior fi : the dorsolateral lamina (alar plate) than it is in the ventrolateral
median fissure
lamina (basal plate) (3.94).
3.113 Transverse sections through the developing spinal cord of human While the columns of grey matter are being defined, the dorsal
embryos: A. about 6 weeks old; B. about 3 months old. (After His.) region of the central canal becomes narrow and slit-like and its walls
come into apposition and fuse with each other (3.113). In this way
the central canal becomes relatively reduced in size and somewhat
triangular in outline.
About the end of the fourth week advancing axonal sprouts invade
the intrafusal muscle fibres of the muscle spindles (p.971). (The the marginal zone. The first to develop are those destined to become
histogenesis of f-efferents is completely uncharted.) short intersegmental fibres from the neuroblasts in the intermediate
(mantle) zone, and also fibres of dorsal roots of spinal nerves which
Lateral grey column pass into the spinal cord from neuroblasts of the early spinal ganglia.
In the thoracic and upper lumbar regions some intermediate (mantle) The earlier dorsal root fibres that invade the dorsal marginal zone
zone neuroblasts in the dorsal part of the basal plate outline a Jateral stem from small dorsal root ganglionic neuroblasts. By the sixth
column. Their axons join the emerging ventral nerve roots and pass week the latter form a well-defined oval bundle near the peripheral
as preganglionic fibres to the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk or part of the dorsolateral lamina (3.94, 113a); this bundle increases in
related ganglia, the majority eventually myelinating to form white size and, spreading towards the median plane, forms the primitive
rami communicantes. The fibres constituting the rami establish syn- posterior funiculus; its constituent fibres are destined to be of fine
apses with the autonomic ganglionic neurons, and the axons of some calibre. Later, fibres derived from new populations of large dorsal
of the latter proceed as postganglionic fibres to innervate smooth root ganglionic neuroblasts join the dorsal root to become fibres of
muscle cells, adipose tissue or glandular cells. Some of the pre- much larger calibre. As the posterior funiculi increase in thickness,
ganglionic sympathetic efferent axons pass to the cells of the supra- their medial surfaces come into contact separated only by the
renal medulla. The innervation of other ‘chromaffin’ tissues is less posterior medial septum, which is ependymal in origin, neuroglial
certain (but see the carotid body, p.971). Similarly an autonomic in nature. A more detailed analysis of the temporal sequence of
lateral column is also laid down in the midsacral region and gives modifications of the dorsal lamina (roof plate), posterior medial
origin to the preganglionic para-sympathetic fibres of the pelvic septum, and the lateral displacement of the primitive posterior funicu-
splanchnic nerves. lus with the later development of the fasciculus gracilis, based on a
The changes in cell number, position and density as seen in a study of sectioned human embryos of 6-10 weeks and dissections of
longitudinal section of the chick spinal cord, based on investigations fetuses up to the end of the fourth month, has been provided by
of Hamburger (1952), are illustrated in 3.114. The anterior region of Hughes (1976). He proposed that the displaced primitive posterior
each basal plate forms at first a continuous column of cells through- funiculus may form the basis of the dorsolateral tract or fasciculus
out the length of the developing cord. In many forms this soon (of Lissauer), and also correlated the sequence, siting and calibre of
develops into two columns (on each side)—one medially placed, the entrant dorsal root fibres with the changing size-distribution of
concerned with innervation of axial musculature, and a lateral one the somata of the dorsal root ganglionic neuroblasts.
innervating the limbs. At limb levels the latter column enlarges At about the third month long intersegmental fibres begin to
enormously but regresses at other levels. appear and at about the fifth month corticospinal fibres. All nerve 239

visceral centre


Primary Limb enlargement

BRACHIAL LEVEL s— sympathetic

Migrating Thoracic
THORACIC LEVEL neuroblasts visceral centre

sympathetic —
Limb enlargement

Sacral visceral centre

3.114 Diagrams illustrating the changing morphogenetic patterns in the different regions of the tube, combined with migration of neuroblasts in some
developing neural tube of the chick seen in longitudinal section. Note the regions and cell deaths in others. For further description see the text. (From
progression from ato c as the initial simple homogeneous columnar organ- V Hamburger, and by permission of the author and the New York Academy
ization (a) is transformed into the definitive pattern (c). These changes follow of Sciences.)
variations in the turnover rate and differentiation rate of neuroblasts in

fibres are at first without myelin sheaths and different groups com-
Rhombencephalon (or hindbrain)
mence to develop sheaths at different times, e.g. the ventral and
1. Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata
dorsal nerve roots about the fifth month, the corticospinal fibres Caudal part of the 4th ventricle
after the ninth month. In peripheral nerves the myelin is formed by Inferior cerebellar peduncles
Schwann cells (derived from neural crest cells); in the CNS by Pons
2. Metencephalon
oligodendrocytes (which develop from the ventricular zone of the Cerebellum
neural tube). Myelination, of course, persists until overall growth of Middle part of the 4th ventricle
the CNS and PNS has ceased. Thus, in many sites, slow growth Middle cerebellar peduncles
continues for long periods, even into the postpubertal years. Anterior medullary velum
3. Isthmus rhombencephali
The cervical and lumbar enlargements first appear simultaneously Superior cerebellar peduncles
with the development of their respective limb buds. Rostral part of the 4th ventricle
In early embryonic life the spinal cord occupies the entire length
of the vertebral canal and the spinal nerves pass at right angles to Mesencephalon (or midbrain) Cerebral peduncles
the cord. After the embryo has attained a length of 30mm the Tegmentum
vertebral column begins to grow more rapidly than the spinal cord, Tectum
the caudal end of which gradually becomes more cranial in the Aqueduct
vertebral canal. Most of this relative rostral migration occurs during
the first half of intrauterine life. By the twenty-fifth week the terminal Prosencephalon (or forebrain)
ventricle of the spinal cord has altered in level from the second 1. Diencephalon Thalamus
coccygeal vertebra to the third lumbar, a distance of nine segments, Metathalamus
and there remain but two segments before the adult position is Subthalamus
reached (Streeter 1919). As the change in level begins rostrally, the Epithalamus
caudal end of the terminal ventricle, which has become adherent to Caudal part of the hypothalamus
the overlying ectoderm, remains in situ and the walls of the inter- Caudal part of the 3rd ventricle
mediate part of the ventricle and its covering pia mater become 2. Telencephalon Rostral part of the hypothalamus
drawn out to form a delicate filament, the filum terminale. The Rostral part of the 3rd ventricle
separated portion of the terminal ventricle persists for a time but it Central hemispheres
usually disappears before birth. It does, however, occasionally give Lateral ventricles
rise to congenital cysts in the neighbourhood of the coccyx. In the Cortex (archaeocortex,
definitive state, the upper cervical spinal nerves retain their position palaeocortex, neocortex)
roughly at right angles to the cord; proceeding caudally, however, Corpus striatum
the nerve roots lengthen and are progressively more oblique.
BRAIN By the time the midbrain flexure appears, the hindbrain exceeds in
A summary list of the derivatives of the cerebral vesicles from caudal length the combined extent of the other two brain vesicles. Rostrally
240 to rostral is given below: it exhibits a constriction, the isthmus rhombencephali (8.968), best

viewed from the dorsal aspect. Ventrally the hindbrain is separated (1) The most ventral column is continuous with the anterior grey
from the dorsal wall of the primitive pharynx only by the notochord, column of the spinal cord and will supply muscles considered
the two dorsal aortae and a small amount of mesenchyme; on each ‘myotomic’ in origin. It is represented in the caudal part of the
side it is closely related to the dorsal ends of the pharyngeal arches hindbrain by the hypoglossal nucleus, and it reappears at a higher
(3.141). level as the nuclei of the abducent, trochlear and oculomotor nerves,
The pontine flexure appears to ‘stretch’ the thin, epithelial roof which are somatic efferent nuclei.
plate which becomes widened, the greatest increase in width cor- (2) The intermediate column is represented in the upper part of
responding to the region of maximum convexity, so that the outline the spinal cord and caudal brainstem (medulla oblongata and pons)
of the roof plate becomes rhomboidal. By the same change the and is for the supply of branchial (pharyngeal) and postbranchial
lateral walls become separated, particularly dorsally, and the cavity musculature. It is interrupted also, but the caudal brainstem part,
of the hindbrain, subsequently the fourth ventricle, becomes flattened which gives fibres to the ninth, tenth and eleventh cranial nerves,
and somewhat triangular on cross-section. The pontine flexure forms the elongated nucleus ambiguus. The latter continues into the
becomes increasingly acute until, at the end of the second month, cervical spinal cord as the origin of the spinal accessory nerve. At
the laminae of its cranial (metencephalic) and _ caudal higher levels parts of this column give origin to the motor nuclei of
(myelencephalic) slopes are opposed to each other (3.116c) and, at the facial and trigeminal nerves. These three nuclei are termed
the same time, the lateral angles of the cavity extend to form the branchial (special visceral) efferent nuclei.
lateral recesses of the fourth ventricle. (3) The most dorsal column of the basal plate (represented in the
About the end of the fourth week, when the pontine flexure is spinal cord by the lateral grey column) innervates viscera. It is
first discernible, a series of six transverse rhombic grooves appears in interrupted also, its large caudal part forming some of the dorsal
the ventrolateral lamina (basal plate) of the hindbrain. Between nucleus of the vagus and its cranial part the salivatory nucleus. These
the grooves, the intervening masses of neural tissue are termed are termed general visceral (general splanchnic) efferent nuclei
rhombomeres (see p.219). These are closely associated with the and their neurons give rise to preganglionic, parasympathetic nerve
pattern of the underlying motor nuclei of certain of the cranial fibres.
nerves. The distribution of motor nuclei has been determined for It should be noted here that the neurons of the basal plate and
avia and for rodents, but it is not known whether this pattern is their three columnar derivatives are only ‘motor’ in the sense that
conserved in humans. Rhombomere | contains the trochlear nucleus, some of their number form either a, f or y motor neurons, or
rhombomeres 1, 2 and 3 contain the trigeminal nucleus, rhombomeres preganglionic parasympathetic neurons. The remainder, which
4 and 5 the facial nucleus, rhombomeres 5 and 6 the abducens greatly outnumber the former, differentiate into functionally related
nuclei, rhombomeres 6 and 7 the glossopharyngeal nucleus, and interneurons and, in some loci, neuroendocrine cells.
rhombomeres 7 and 8 the vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves. Cell columns of the alar plate (dorsolateral lamina). These are
Rhombomeric segmentation represents the ground plan of develop- also interrupted and give rise to general visceral (general splanchnic)
ment in this region of the brainstem and is pivotal for the develop- afferent, special visceral (special splanchnic) afferent, general somatic
ment of regional identity (see p.229 and see also 3.148). With afferent and special somatic afferent nuclei (their relative positions,
further morphogenesis, however, the obvious constrictions of the in simplified transverse section, are shown in 3.115). The general
rhombomere boundaries disappear, and the medulla once again visceral afferent column is represented by a part of the dorsal nucleus
assumes a smooth contour. The differentiation of the lateral walls of the vagus (see also p. 1251), the special visceral afferent column
of the hindbrain into basal (ventrolateral) and alar (dorsolateral) by the nucleus of the tractus solitarius, the general somatic afferent
plates has a similar significance to the corresponding differentiation column by the afferent nuclei of the trigeminal nerve (Brown 1974)
in the lateral wall of the spinal cord (p. 238) and ventricular, mantle and the special somatic afferent column by the nuclei of the ves-
and marginal zones are formed in the same way. tibulocochlear nerve. (Again it should be noted here that the relatively
Cells of the basal plate (ventrolateral lamina). These are often, simple functional independence of these afferent columns implied by
in elementary accounts, simply termed ‘motor’ (but see below); they the foregoing classification is, in the main, an aid to elementary
form three elongated, but interrupted, columns positioned ventrally learning. The emergent neurobiological mechanisms are in fact much
and dorsally with an intermediate column between (3.115). more complex and less well understood). Although they tend to retain

Roof plate eS
Special somatic 7
afferent column LT 2
General somatic
afferent column
Special visceral Otocyst
afferent column
General visceral
afferent column
General visceral
efferent column
efferent column
Somatic efferent
column i
Floor plate i\ |

striated muscle
Taste bud

Somatic striated Axdd>

muscle S—

Non-striated muscle Visceral epithelium
el Eee MLS pa

3.115 Diagram of a transverse section through the developing hindbrain associated with the general visceral efferent column, the bipolar neurons
of a human embryo about 10.5 mm long, to show the relative positions of associated with the otocyst and the unipolar afferent neurons associated
the columns of grey matter from which the nuclei associated with the different with the other alar lamina columns.
varieties of nerve components are derived. Note the postganglionic neurons 241

their primitive positions, some of these nuclei are later displaced by Metencephalon
differential growth patterns and by the appearance and growth of The rostral slope of the embryonic hindbrain is the metencephalon,
neighbouring fibre tracts, and possibly by active migration. It has from which both cerebellum and pons develop. Before formation of
been suggested that a neuron tends to remain as near as possible to the pontine flexure the dorsolateral laminae of the metencephalon
its predominant source of stimulation and that when the possibility are parallel with one another. Subsequent to its formation the roof
of separation arises, owing to the development of neighbouring plate of the hindbrain becomes rhomboidal and the dorsal laminae
structures, it will migrate in the direction from which the greatest of the metencephalon lie obliquely, being close at the cranial end of
density of stimuli come. This phenomenon was termed neurobiotaxis the fourth ventricle but widely separated at the level of its lateral
(Kappers 1921, 1934). Cells can migrate in this way only by length- angles. Accentuation of the flexure approximates the cranial angle
ening of their axons, which therefore trace the route taken by the of the ventricle to the caudal, and the alar plates of the metencephalon
cells on their transit. The curious courses of the fibres arising from now lie almost horizontally.
the facial nucleus (p. 1243) and nucleus ambiguus have been held to Caudal to the developing cerebellum the roof of the fourth ventricle
illustrate this phenomenon. In the 10-mm embryo the facial nucleus remains epithelial, covering an approximately triangular zone from
lies in the floor of the fourth ventricle, occupying the position of the the lateral angles of the rhomboid fossa to the median obex. Over
special visceral efferent column, and it is placed at a higher level this region nervous tissue fails to develop and vascular pia mater is
than the abducent nucleus. As growth proceeds the facial nucleus closely applied to the subjacent ependyma. At each lateral angle and
migrates at first caudally and dorsally, relative to the sixth nerve in the midline caudally the membranes break through forming the
nucleus, and then ventrally to reach its adult position. As it migrates, lateral and median apertures of the roof of the fourth ventricle.
the axons to which its somata give rise elongate and their subsequent Subsequently, these are the principal routes by which cerebrospinal
course is assumed to map out the pathway along which the facial fluid, produced in the ventricles, escapes into the subarachnoid space.
nucleus has travelled. Similarly the nucleus ambiguus arises initially The vascular pia mater (tela choroidea), in an inverted V formation
immediately deep to the ventricular floor, but in the adult it is more cranial to the apertures, invaginates the ependyma to form vascular
deeply placed and its efferent fibres first pass dorsally and medially fringes—the vertical and horizontal parts of the choroid plexuses of
before curving laterally to emerge at the surface of the medulla the fourth ventricle.
oblongata. Neurobiotaxis has been relatively well-documented for
the case of branchial (special visceral) efferent and general visceral
efferent neurons in the brainstem, whose somata are translocated Cerebellum
dorsolaterally from the motor column towards their exit point The cerebellum consists of a cortex within which are buried a series
and targets. Certainly the absence of placodal neurons which con- of deep nuclei. This organization of the cerebellar cortex is similar
tribute to the trigeminal nerve results in the remaining crest derived to that of the cerebral cortex, except that the latter has six layers,
neurons failing to undergo their normal migrations from medial while the former has only three. These are the outer molecular layer,
to lateral positions in the floor of the metencephalon (Noden the Purkinje layer, containing Purkinje cells which are the only
1991). output neurons of the cortex, and the inner granular layer.
Two rounded swellings develop which at first project partly into
Myelencephalon the ventricle (3.1168, c), forming the rudimentary cerebellar hemi-
The caudal slope of the embryonic hindbrain constitutes the mye- spheres. The most cranial part of the roof of the metencephalon
lencephalon, which develops into the medulla oblongata. The nuclei originally separates the two swellings, but it becomes invaded by
of the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth cranial nerves develop in cells, which form the rudiments of the vermis. These cells were
the situations already indicated and afferent fibres from the ganglia regarded as derivatives of both basal and alar plates (Baxter 1953).
of the ninth and tenth nerves form an oval marginal bundle in the At a later stage, extroversion of the cerebellum occurs, with reduction
region overlying the alar (dorsolateral) lamina. The dorsal edge of of its intraventricular projection and an increasing dorsal extra-
this lamina throughout the rhombencephalon gives attachment to ventricular prominence. The cerebellum now consists of a bilobar
the thin expanded roof plate and is termed the rhombic lip. (The (dumb-bell shaped) swelling stretched across the rostral part of
inferior rhombic lip is confined to the myelencephalon; the superior the fourth ventricle (3.116), continuous rostrally with the anterior
rhombic lip to the metencephalon.) As the walls of the rhomb- medullary velum, formed from the isthmus, and caudally with the
encephalon spread outwards, the rhombic lip protrudes as a lateral epithelial roof of the myelencephalon. With growth a number
edge which becomes folded over the adjoining area. The rhombic lip of transverse grooves appear on the dorsal aspects of the cere-
may later become adherent to this area, and its cells migrate actively bellar rudiment, as the precursors of the numerous fissures which
into the marginal zone of the basal plate. In this way the oval bundle characterize the surface of the mature cerebellum (3.117,
which forms the tractus solitarius becomes buried. Alar plate cells also p. 243).
which migrate from the rhombic lip are believed to give rise to the The posterolateral fissure, in its lateral parts, appears first, demar-
olivary and arcuate nuclei and the scattered grey matter of the nuclei cating the then most caudal area from the rest of the cerebellar
pontis. While this migration is in progress the thin floor plate is rudiment, enabling the flocculi to be identified. The lateral parts of
invaded by fibres which cross the median plane (accompanied by this fissure extend medially, meet in the median plane and demarcate
neurons that cluster in and near this plane), and it becomes thickened the nodule. The flocculonodular lobes can now be recognized and
to form the median raphe. Some of the migrating cells from the are the most caudal part of the cerebellum at this stage, but, owing
rhombic lip in this region do not reach the basal plate and form an to the growth of the adjoining areas, they progressively come to
oblique ridge across the dorsolateral aspect of the inferior cerebel- occupy the anterior part of the inferior surface in the adult. They are
lar peduncle: the corpus pontobulbare (nucleus of the circumolivary formed in proximity to the line of attachment of the epithelial roof,
bundle). ie. to the rhombic lip (p. 243 and 3.116, 117).
The lower (caudal half) part of the myelencephalon takes no part At the end of the third month a transverse sulcus appears on the
in the formation of the fourth ventricle and, in its development, it rostral slope of the cerebellar rudiment and deepens to form the
closely resembles the spinal cord. The nuclei, gracilis and cuneatus, fissura prima, which cuts into the vermis and both hemispheres,
and some reticular nuclei, are derived from the alar plate, and their separating the most cranial region to form the anterior lobe.
efferent arcuate fibres and interspersed neurons play a large part in During the same period two short transverse grooves appear on
the formation of the median raphe. the inferior vermis; the first is the fissura secunda, which demarcates
At about the fourth month the descending corticospinal fibres the uvula, and the second the prepyramidal fissure, demarcating the
invade the ventral part of the medulla oblongata to initiate the pyramid (3.1168). The whole cerebellum now grows dorsally and the
pyramids whilst dorsally, ascending fibres from the spinal cord, with caudo-inferior aspects of the hemispheres expand much more than
olivocerebellar and parolivocerebellar fibres, external arcuate fibres, the inferior vermis, which therefore becomes buried at the bottom
together with two-way reticulocerebellar and vestibulocerebellar of a deep hollow—the vallecula. Meanwhile numerous additional
interconnections, form the inferior cerebellar peduncle. (The reticular fissures develop, which are approximately parallel to, and intervene
nuclei of the lower medulla probably have a dual origin from both between, the foregoing. They result in a relatively vast increase in
242 basal and alar plates.) surface area of the cerebellum but their precise positions and sys-

tematic names have limited functional or morphological significance.

Cerebellar The most extensive of these develops into the horizontal fissure.
hemisphere In many mammals a part of the hemisphere immediately rostral
to the posterolateral fissure becomes defined as an entity; in some it
Vermis forms a very prominent part of the cerebellum, termed the para-
Posterolateral flocculus, but the relationship is purely topographical and, in contrast
fi Lateral recess of to the flocculus, the paraflocculus receives afferent connections
fourth ventricle
Flocculus mainly, but not entirely, from the cerebral cortex. It is uncertain
Elevation caused by whether any homologue of the paraflocculus exists in the human
substantia gelatinosa
Colliculus facialis cerebellum or whether, as has been proposed, it is represented by
some small patches of grey matter which are frequently present on
Gracile tubercle
the inferior surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle (Larsell 1947).
The emergence of arrays of principal fissures (‘fissuration’) and
of fourth ventricle Cuneate tubercle
folia (‘foliation’) has been studied experimentally by a number of
workers (Sievers et al 1981; Allen et al 1981). Proliferation of the
external granular layer and its expansion relative to the white matter
beneath appears to have a role in cortical folding. Other factors
3.1164 The cerebellum ofa fetus in the fifth month. (After Kollmann.) include outgrowth and differentiation of the fibres constituting the
central white core, the Bergmann glia, the external granular ven-
tricular zone, the pial/glial basal lamina and the pial fibroblasts.
Selective experimental alteration of any of these elements alters
or obliterates the folial pattern. (For these tissue components see
Mammalian cerebellar histogenesis
Tectum of midbrain Mammalian cerebellar histogenesis has been more completely
described, both during normal ontogeny and after experimental
Trochlear nerve intervention, than in any other part of the nervous system, due in
large measure to its precisely ordered geometry and highly distinctive
B) Cerebellum, cell types. The connectivity, synaptology and electrophysiology of
f yearly stage the latter have also been intensively studied, and some knowledge of
these aspects is a prerequisite of any account of histogenesis (Section
Fourth ventricle, 8). Particularly: valuable in histogenetic investigations have been
floor nuclear labelling with tritiated thymidine, the analysis of genetic
variants and the changes following surgical deafferentation, exposure
to biochemically active agents, X-irradiation and virus diseases. Most
Rhombic lip
studies have been confined to mice and rats, and whilst it seems
probable that qualitatively similar cell migrations and contacts occur,
quantitative findings and ontogenetic timings cannot, of course, be
extrapolated to the human cerebellum. Only the briefest introduction
can be entertained in this volume, and the interested reader should
enter the literature by consulting such key references as Miale and
Sidman (1961), Fujita (1963), Fujita et al (1966), Kornguth et al
(1966, 1968), Mugnaini (1970), Eccles (1970), Hamori (1972), Altman
(1972a,b,c), Eccles (1973), Swarz (1976), Swarz and del Cerro (1975,
3.1168 The dorsal aspect of the hindbrain of a human fetus about 3 months 1977), Berry (1982); Berry et al (1980a,b,c,d).
old: viewed from behind and partly from the right side. (From a model by The early cerebellar rudiment consists of a pseudostratified epi-
thelium showing interkinetic migration (p. 229) which soon develops
the three basic zones—ventricular, mantle, and marginal—as else-
where in the neural tube. The rudiment of the cerebellum originates
Anterior lobe from cells of the superior rhombic lip and adjacent dorsal part of
f (median part)
Fissura prima the alar plate of the metencephalon and mesencephalon. Studies
on avia have shown a hitherto unrecognized contribution to the
lateral cerebellum of the mesencephalon, due to the fact that at the isthmus,
fissure Postero- the dorsal part of the mesencephalon is displaced caudally and
fissure comes to overlie the myelencephalon (Hallonet et al 1990). The
Nodule mesencephalon and metencephalon give rise to different cell popu-
lations within the cerebellum. The genetic control of cerebellar
development is being investigated, and may depend upon the gene
Wnt-1, whose expression domain forms an annulus, rostral to the
. ‘ obe (median isthmus; Wnt-] mutant mice have cerebellar defects (Thomas &
Fissura prima A srare geame part) Capecchi 1990).
The histogenesis of the cerebellum is complicated by the existence
of two germinal zones, the first a ventricular zone lying beneath the
Prepyramidal developing cerebellar plate, the internal germinal layer, and the
second coming to lie superficial to the mantle zone. The latter,
Fissura termed the external germinal layer, is derived from cells migrating
Middle lobe exclusively from the metencephalic rhombic lip. Initially, progenitor
Nodule (median part) cells continue proliferating in the ventricular zone. Slightly later,
spreading lateromedially from the rhombic lips to meet centrally in
a subpial position (ie. the most superficial part of the marginal
zone), similarly uncommitted germinal cells proliferate forming the
3.117 Median sagittal sections through the developing cerebellum, external germinal layer. Both layers continue proliferative mitoses,
showing 4 different stages. giving clonal progeny, until they are several cells thick. This pro- 243

liferative phase gradually diminishes with the onset of the phase of the Bergmann glia (Mugnaini & Forstrgnen 1967). The general
neurogenesis, and eventually overlaps and merges into a phase of significance of this mechanism in neural development was recognized
gliogenesis. The generation of cell types in the cerebellum follows a by Rakic (1971a,b), who demonstrated the presence of radial glial
precisely ordered time sequence. Specific neuronal varieties that cells in all parts of the primate brain. He considered that the
characterize the deep cerebellar nuclei and cortex migrate to their migrating soma ‘trailed’ behind it an elongated axon which sub-
definitive positions, develop axons and synaptic contacts, and mature sequently bifurcated to form the parallel fibre axons, whilst dividing
(Altman & Bayer 1978; Berry et al 1980d). Similarly, as neurogenesis axons passing in advance of the soma met the mossy afferents to
wanes, remaining germinal cells continue to give generations of form cerebellar glomeruli. The translocation of neuronal somata
committed glioblasts which although less well documented than the along glial processes has been studied extensively in culture, where
neuroblasts, also migrate to and mature in their definitive positions. neurons from the cerebellum or the cortex are equally able to migrate
The exception to this is the specialized, radially disposed Bergmann on glia derived from either region (reviewed in Hatten 1990). There
glioblasts, however, which are amongst the first cells to be committed appears to be a reciprocal dependence between neurons and glial
in the early neuroepithelium and may provide contact guidance cells, with the latter dependent on the neuron to arrest its division
pathways for neuronal migration. The fate of each germinal layer and promote its differentiation. A number of molecules may be
will now briefly be reviewed. involved in the migration, but antibodies against N-cadherin and
Within the mantle layer, neurons differentiate in two strata, the integrin can disrupt the process. Mice mutant for the weaver (wv)
superficial stratum giving rise to Purkinje cells of the cerebellar gene develop with small cerebelli, due to loss of granule cells. Granule
cortex and the deeper stratum giving rise to the neurons of the roof cells seem to be the primary site of action of wy, since wy mutant
nuclei. Initially, primitive Purkinje neuroblasts and primitive nuclear granule cells cannot migrate on wild-type glial cells (Hatten et al
neuroblasts emerge in approximately equal numbers, but whether 1986); the gene encodes a membrane-associated ligand that induces
this follows a series of symmetrical or asymmetrical mitoses neuronal differentiation (Gao et al 1992). The final generations of
is unknown. The nuclear neuroblasts remain embedded in the de- progenitor cells from the external germinal layer, relatively sparse
veloping future white matter adjacent to the roof of the rostral and brief, occur whilst granule cell production is at its height; their
part of the fourth ventricle. The main mass of nuclear neuroblasts progeny merely migrate locally and differentiate into outer stellate
then slowly subdivides into the primordial fastigial, emboliform, cells.
globose and dentate deep cerebellar nuclei, and the individual neuro- The origin of the cerebellar glial cells remains much more prob-
blasts differentiate as either small intranuclear interneurons or the lematical and has been the subject of dispute for over a century. The
larger projection neurons. The axons of the latter invade the early view advanced by Obersteiner (1883) and Schaper (1897) was that
cerebellar peduncles and pursue complex paths to their multiple the various macroglial cell varieties (Bergmann cells, astrocytes and
destinations. oligodendrocytes) stemmed from final generations of germinal cells
The Purkinje neuroblasts, in contrast, migrate superficially towards of both the internal and external germinal layers; this has received
their definitive position in the expanding cortex, where they slowly more recent experimental support (Fujita et al 1966; Fujita 1967;
mature into their highly characteristic form of somata and dendritic Meller et al 1969; Privat 1975). The second view proposed by Athias
trees. As they migrate, the terminals of one process—the future (1897) and Ramon y Cajal (1911) held that the macroglia were
axon—remain adjacent to, and ultimately in synaptic contact with, formed exclusively from the internal ventricular zone, and that the
the nuclear neuroblasts, the remainder of the axon elongating as it progeny of the external layer were solely the three varieties of
‘trails’ behind the advancing soma. The mature and developing neuroblast: this suggestion has been supported by the labelling
Purkinje cell has been a favourite object for quantitative cytological studies of Swarz and del Cerro (1977). The consensus at the moment
and ultrastructural studies, both during normal ontogeny and after seems to be that both zones give rise to glia. But while the ventricular
such experimental manipulations as suppression of granule cell (and zone is responsible for the production of the early Bergmann glia,
therefore parallel fibre) development, or after prevention of climbing and of glial cells of the internal granular layer, glia of the molecular
fibre growth (Hamori 1972 and p. 1036). The maturation of normal layer originate from the external granular layer. The microglial
rat cerebellar cortical neurons has been described in normal develop- elements are exogenous, invading the cerebellar rudiment from the
ment (Altman 1972b), and after experimental manipulation (Berry surrounding vasculature.
et al 1978, 1980a,b,c,d; Rakic 1981, 1982). When the formation of The remainder of the metencephalon becomes the pons, but little
nuclear and Purkinje neurons has proceeded for some time, a number is known of the individual stages in the transformation. Ventricular,
of the remaining cells of the ventricular zone give rise to generations mantle and marginal zones are formed in the usual way, and the
of Golgi neurons, the small neurons of the roof nuclei and possibly nuclei of the trigeminal, abducens and facial nerves develop in the
some glia. These cells also migrate superficially to gradually occupy, mantle layer. It is possible that the grey matter of the formatio
and mature in, their definitive position and morphology. reticularis is derived from the basal plate and that of the nuclei
The external germinal (also termed granular) layer, formed by pontis from the alar plate by the active migration of cells from the
migration of cells from the rhombic lip, is the origin of the granule rhombic lip. However, about the fourth month the pons is invaded
cells, basket cells, stellate cells and probably some glial cells. These by corticopontine, corticobulbar and corticospinal fibres, becomes
cells migrate centripetally to come to lie at varying depths within proportionately thicker, and takes on its adult appearance.
the developing cerebellum. Granule cells migrate through the mol- The region of the isthmus rhombencephali undergoes a series of
ecular and Purkinje cell layers to form the internal granular layer. changes notoriously difficult to interpret. As a result, however, the
Basket and stellate cells, however, migrate only as far as the molecular greater part of the region apparently becomes absorbed into the
layer. Basket cells migrate deeply to meet, and ultimately synapse caudal end of the midbrain, only the roof plate, in which the anterior
with, the somata and axons of the ascending Purkinje neuroblasts, medullary velum is formed, and the dorsal parts of the alar plate,
their axons passing transversely in the primordial cerebellar folia. which become invaded by converging fibres of the superior cerebellar
Following more prolonged proliferation of the external granular peduncles, remaining as recognizable derivatives in the adult. Note
layer vast numbers of granule cell neuroblasts are produced. Ramon that originally the decussation of the trochlear nerves was caudal to
y Cajal first described the migration of granule cells, based on Golgi the isthmus, but as the growth changes occur it is displaced in a
preparations. He realized that the different morphologies of granule rostral direction until it reaches its adult position.
cells within different cortical layers represented a dynamic sequence.
In the deeper part of the external granular layer the cells are bipolar, Mesencephalon
with two processes oriented parallel to the long axes of the folia, in The mesencephalon or midbrain, derived from the intermediate
a similar manner to the mature parallel fibres of the granule cells, primary cerebral vesicle, persists for a time as a thin-walled tube
each of which contacts many Purkinje cells. Cells at deeper levels enclosing a cavity of some size, separated from that of the pros-
possessed a third process oriented orthogonally, down which cells encephalon by aslight constriction and from the rhombencephalon
had apparently migrated into the molecular layer. The apparent by the isthmus rhombencephali. Later, its cavity becomes relatively
mystery of this stereotyped vertical migration, despite obstructions, reduced in diameter, and in the adult brain it forms the cerebral
was solved by the discovery that external granule cells migrate aqueduct. The basal (ventrolateral) plate of the midbrain increases
244 inwards along the long radial processes of specialized glial cells— in thickness to form the cerebral peduncles, which are at first of small

size, but enlarge rapidly after the fourth month, when their numerous of the optic vesicles expand, while the proximal parts become the
fibre tracts begin to appear in the marginal zone (p. 1035 et seq). tubular optic stalks. (Their further development is given on pp. 259-
The neuroblasts of the basal plate give origin to the nuclei of the 261.) The forebrain next grows, its tip curving ventrally, and two
oculomotor nerve and some grey masses of the tegmentum, while further diverticula rapidly expand from it, one on each side. These
the nucleus of the trochlear nerve remains in the region of the diverticula are rostrolateral to the optic stalks and subsequently form
isthmus rhombencephali. The trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus orig- the cerebral hemispheres; their cavities are the rudiments of the lateral
inates from midbrain neural crest (Narayanan & Narayanan 1978). ventricles; they communicate with the median part of the forebrain
The cells of the dorsal part of the alar (dorsolateral) plates proliferate cavity by relatively wide openings which ultimately become ‘the
and invade the roof plate, which therefore thickens and is later interventricular foramina. The anterior limit of the median part of
divided into corpora bigemina by a median groove. Caudally this the forebrain consists of a thin sheet, the /amina terminalis (3.1184-
groove becomes a median ridge, which persists in the adult as the c), which stretches from the interventricular foramina to the recess
frenulum veli. The corpora bigemina are later subdivided into the at the base of the optic stalks. The anterior part of the forebrain,
superior and inferior colliculi by a transverse furrow. The red nucleus, including the rudiments of the cerebral hemispheres, is the te/-
substantia nigra and reticular nuclei of the midbrain tegmentum encephalon (end-brain), and the posterior part of the diencephalon
may first be defined at the end of the third month. Their origins (between-brain); both contribute to the formation of the third ven-
are probably mixed from neuroblasts of both basal and alar tricle, although the latter predominates. The fate of the lamina
plates. terminalis is detailed below.
The detailed histogenesis of the tectum and its main derivatives,
the colliculi, will not be followed here, but in general the principles Diencephalon
outlined for the cerebellar cortex (p. 243), the palaeopallium and The diencephalon is broadly divided by the hypothalamic sulcus into
neopallium (p.253) also apply to this region. There exists a high the pars dorsalis diencephali and pars ventralis diencephali; these,
degree of geometric order in the developing retinotectal projection however, are composite, each contributing to diverse neural struc-
(the equivalent of the retinogeniculate projection), and also a precise tures. The pars dorsalis develops into the (dorsal) thalamus and
somatotopy in tectospinal projection. These facts, coupled with the metathalamus along the immediate suprasulcal area of its lateral
ability of the fish and amphibian central nervous tracts to regenerate wall, whilst the highest dorsocaudal lateral wall and roof form the
after severance, have led the retinotectal pathways to become classical epithalamus. The thalamus (3.1184-c) is first visible as a thickening
sites for experimentation. Much interest has centred on two problems: which involves the anterior part of the dorsal area (Cooper 1950).
how retinal axons reach the tectum, and how correct topographic Caudal to the thalamus the lateral and medial geniculate bodies, or
connections are made. Many signals have been invoked to explain metathalamus, are recognizable at first as surface depressions on the
retinal ganglion axon guidance to the tectum. These may be pre- internal aspect and as elevations on the external aspect of the lateral
formed pathways, physical features, such as a pattern of holes and wall (Cooper 1945). With the enlargement of the thalami as smooth
spaces at the optic nerve head (Silver & Sidman 1980), adhesive ovoid masses, they gradually narrow the wide interval between them
molecules in the pathway, such as neural cell adhesion molecules into a vertically compressed cavity which forms the greater part of
(Silver & Rutishauser 1984), and pre-existing axon tracts (Easter & the third ventricle. After a time these medial surfaces may come into
Taylor 1989). However, the ability of ectopic axons to find the optic contact and become adherent over a variable area, the connection
tectum when originating from supernumerary transplanted eyes has (single or multiple) constituting the interthalamic adhesion. The
also suggested some globally-distributed positional information on caudal growth of the thalamus excludes the geniculate bodies from
the neuroepithelial surface, whose molecular identity has not been the lateral wall of the third ventricle.
elucidated. The search for molecules in the specificity of termination At first the lateral aspect of the developing thalamus is separated
sites on the tectum has been slightly more successful. Firstly, the from the medial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere bya cleft, but
results of perturbation experiments in amphibia led to the elaboration with growth the cleft becomes obliterated (3.119) as the thalamus
of a powerful theory of ‘chemospecificity’, in which positional cues fuses with the part of the hemisphere in which the corpus striatum
on the surfaces of growing axons were envisaged to be shared with is developing. Later, with the development of the projection fibres
the appropriate target area on the tectum (Sperry 1963). The idea of (corticofugal and corticopetal) of the neocortex (p. 158), the thalamus
a large number of unique markers was superseded by the idea that becomes related to the internal capsule, which intervenes between it
graded distributions of a few molecules might play the same role and the lateral part of the corpus striatum (lentiform nucleus).
(Fraser 1980; Gierer 1981). In vitro, retinal temporal axons are found Ventral to the hypothalamic sulcus the lateral wall of the dien-
to prefer to grow on anterior tectal membranes and to avoid posterior cephalon, in addition to median derivatives of its floor plate, forms
membranes, corresponding with their termination site in vivo (Walter a large part of the hypothalamus and subthalamus.
et al 1987). Other molecules have been identified that could mediate The epithalamus, which includes the pineal gland, the posterior
topographical matching via their distributions, for example the and habenular commissures and the trigonum habenulae, develops
‘Trisler’ molecule that is preferentially localized in dorsoposterior in association with the caudal part of the roof plate and the adjoining
compared with ventro-anterior retina (Trisler et al 1981). regions of the lateral walls of the diencephalon. At an early period
(12-20mm CR length) the epithalamus in the lateral wall projects
Prosencephalon into the third ventricle as a smooth ellipsoid mass, larger than the
At an early stage, a transverse section through the forebrain shows adjacent mass of the (dorsal) thalamus and separated from it by a
the same parts as are displayed in similar sections of the spinal cord well-defined epithalamic sulcus. In subsequent months growth of the
and medulla oblongata—thick lateral walls connected by thin floor thalamus rapidly overtakes that of the epithalamus; the intervening
and roof plates. Moreover, each lateral wall is divided into a dorsal sulcus is obliterated. Thus, finally, structures of epithalamic origin
area and a ventral area separated internally by the hypothalamic are topographically relatively diminutive; in recent years, however,
sulcus. This sulcus ends anteriorly at the medial end of the optic there has occurred a burgeoning of interest in, and understanding
stalk (see below); in the fully developed brain, it persists as a slight of, their functional roles (p. 1423). The pineal gland arises as a
groove extending from the interventricular foramen to the cerebral hollow outgrowth from the roof plate, immediately adjoining the
aqueduct. It is analogous to, if not the homologue of, the sulcus mesencephalon. Its distal part becomes solid by cellular proliferation,
limitans. The thin roof plate remains epithelial, but invaginated by but its proximal stalk remains hollow, containing the pineal recess
vascular mesenchyme, the tela choroidea of the choroid plexuses of of the third ventricle. In many reptiles the pineal outgrowth is
the third ventricle. Later, the lateral margins of the tela undergo a double. The anterior outgrowth (parapineal organ) develops into the
similar invagination into the medial walls of the cerebral hemispheres pineal or parietal eye (p. 1889) while the posterior outgrowth is
(see below). The floor plate thickens, developing the nuclear masses glandular in character. It is the posterior outgrowth which is hom-
of the hypothalamus and subthalamus. ologous with the pineal gland in man. The anterior outgrowth also
At a very early period, before the closure of the rostral neuropore develops in the human embryo but soon disappears entirely.
(p. 146), two lateral diverticula, the optic vesicles, appear, one on The posterior commissure is formed by fibres which invade the
each side, about the level of the forebrain; for a time they com- caudal wall of the pineal recess from both sides.
municate with its cavity by relatively wide openings. The distal parts The nucleus habenulae, which is the most important constituent of 245

Rudiment of
Cerebral thalamus
Oculomotor Choroid fissure
_— Trochlear nerve Interventricular
aan _— Isthmus foramen

Rudiment of
corpus striatum
Corpus striatum Isthmus
Lamina terminalis rhombencephali
Lamina terminalis Cerebellum
Optic chiasma
Hypothalamus Rudiment of
Popocerebri cerebellum
Motor root Trigeminal
Sensory root nerve
Pontine flexure
Ganglia of facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Otocyst Rea Medulla oblongata
Vagus nerve
Spinal cord

Hypoglossal nerve
Accessory nerve 3.1188 The brain of a human embryo, 13.6mm long: medial surface of
right half. The roof of the hindbrain has been removed. (From a model by
3.1184 The brain of ahuman embryo, about 10.2 mm long. (From a model
by His.)
Choroid fissure
Cerebral hemisphere,
Interventricular foramen
medial surface


Pineal gland

Tectum of
Olfactory bulb

Optic chiasma rudiment


Pontine flexure Cervical flexure

Medulla oblongata

3.118c Medial surface of the right half of the brain of a human fetus, about
3 months old.

the trigonum habenulae, is developed in the lateral wall of the ventricular cavity and develops a series of small villous projections,
diencephalon and is at first in close relationship with the geniculate each covered by a cuboidal epithelium derived from the ependyma.
bodies, from which it becomes separated by the dorsal growth of The cuboidal cells carry numerous microvilli on their ventricular
the thalamus. The habenular commissure develops in the cranial wall surfaces whilst basally their plasma membrane becomes complexly
of the pineal recess. folded into the cell. The early choroid plexuses secrete a protein-rich
The roof plate of the diencephalon, rostral to the pineal gland cerebrospinal fluid into the ventricular system which may provide a
(and continuing over the median telencephalon) remains thin and nutritive medium for the primitive epithelial neural tissues. With
epithelial in character and is subsequently invaginated by the choroid increasing vascularity of the latter, however, the histochemical reac-
plexuses of the third ventricle. Before the development of the corpus tions of the cuboidal cells and the character of the fluid change to
callosum and the fornix it lies at the bottom of the longitudinal the adult type (Klosovskii 1963). It should also be noted that, in
fissure; between and reaching the two cerebral hemispheres, it extends addition to choroid plexus formation, the remaining lining of the
as far rostrally as the interventricular foramina and lamina terminalis. third ventricle does not simply form generalized ependymal cells.
Here, and elsewhere, choroid plexuses develop by the close apposition Many regions become highly specialized, developing concentrations
of vascular pia mater and ependyma without intervening nervous of tanycytes or other modified cells, e.g. those of the subfornical
246 tissue. With development, the vascular layer is infolded into the organ, the organum vasculosum (intercolumnar tubercle ) of the lamina




Projection fibres
of internal
striatum Lentiform

3.119 Diagrams illustrating transverse sections across the developing In (8) this interval has disappeared; the expanded upper surface of the
thalamus and cerebral hemisphere. Note that at the choroid fissure the thalamus is covered by the ependyma of the lateral ventricle, and the
vascular pia mater (blue) meets the ependyma (red) to form a choroid approximation of the thalamus and the corpus striatum has provided a
plexus. In (a) the lateral aspect of the thalamus is separated from the medial pathway for the projection fibres of the internal capsule. (Guthrie & Lumsden
aspect of the hemisphere by an interval containing vascular mesenchyme. 1994 Neuroprotocols 4 Academic Press with permission.)

terminalis, the subcommissural organ and those lining the pineal,

suprapineal, and infundibular recesses (Knigge et al 1975, Collins and Cerebral hemispheres
Woollam 1981), collectively termed the circumventricular organs. The cerebral hemispheres arise as diverticula of the lateral walls of
In addition to its subsulcal lateral walls, the floor of the pars the telencephalon, with which they remain in continuity around the
ventralis diencephali takes part in the formation of the hypothalamus, margins of the initially relatively large interventricular foramina,
including the mamillary bodies, the tuber cinereum and infundibulum except caudally, where they are continuous with the anterior part of
of the hypophysis. the lateral wall of the diencephalon (3.119a, 8); as growth proceeds
The mamillary bodies arise as a single thickening, which becomes the hemisphere enlarges forwards, upwards and backwards and
divided by a median furrow during the third month. Anterior to acquires an oval outline, with medial and superolateral walls and a
them the tuber cinereum develops as a cellular proliferation which floor. As a result the medial surfaces approach, but are separated
extends forwards as far as the infundibulum. In front of the tuber from each other by, a vascularized mesenchyme and pia mater that
cinereum the floor of the diencephalon gives origin to a wide- fills the median longitudinal fissure. At this stage the floor of the
mouthed diverticulum, which grows towards the stomodeal roof and fissure is the epithelial roof plate of the telencephalon, which is
comes into contact with the posterior aspect of a dorsally directed directly continuous caudally with the epithelial roof plate of the
ingrowth from the stomodeum (Rathke’s pouch, p. 257). These two diencephalon (8.119), as already stated above.
diverticula together form the hypophysis cerebri (3.128). In the base At the early oval stage of hemispheric development, regional
of the neural outgrowth an extension of the third ventricle persists names are given in accordance with their future principal derivatives.
as the infundibular recess. The remaining caudolateral walls and The rostromedial and ventral floor becomes linked with the forming
floor of the ventral diencephalon are an extension of the midbrain olfactory apparatus and may be termed the primitive olfactory lobe
tegmentum—the subthalamus. This forms the rostral limits of the (see below and p. 1317). The floor (ventral wall, or base) of the larger
red nucleus and substantia nigra, numerous reticular nuclei and a remainder of the hemisphere forms the anlage of the primitive corpus
wealth of interweaving nerve fibre bundles, ascending, descending striatum and amygdaloid complex: hence this, including its associated
and oblique, with many origins and destinations. rim of lateral and medial walls, is the striate part of the hemisphere.
The optic vesicles, which are described with the development of The rest of the hemisphere, the largest in surface area but initially
the eye (p.259), are derived from the lateral wall of the pros- possessing rather thin walls, medial, lateral, dorsal and caudal, is
encephalon before the telencephalon can be identified. They are thus the suprastriate part of the hemisphere. The whole of the latter
usually regarded as derivatives of the diencephalon and the optic (except the interventricular foramen and its extension, the choroidal
chiasma is often regarded as the boundary between diencephalon fissure) together with the superficial (subpial) zone of the striate part
and telencephalon. are the areas where histogenesis of named apparent variants of
cerebral cortex (or pallium) occur. Further details, and comments
on their plethora of terminologies and (often unsatisfactory) classi-
The telencephalon (end-brain) consists of two lateral diverticula fications, are furnished below.
connected by a median region (the telencephalon impar). From the The rostral end of the oval hemisphere becomes the definitive
impar develops the anterior part of the cavity of the third ventricle, frontal pole but, as the hemisphere expands, its original posterior
closed below and in front by the /amina terminalis. The lateral pole moves relatively in a caudoventral and lateral direction, curving
diverticula are outpouchings of the lateral walls of the telencephalon, thence towards the orbit in association with the growth of the
which may correspond to the alar laminae, although this is uncertain; caudate nucleus and numerous other structures to form the definitive
the cavities are the future lateral ventricles, and their walls the temporal pole, and a new posterior part becomes evident which
primordial nervous tissue of the cerebral hemispheres. The roof plate persists as the definitive occipital pole of the mature brain. The great
of the median part of the telencephalon remains thin and is, as expansion of the cerebral hemispheres is characteristic of mammals
noted, continuous behind with the roof plate of the diencephalon. and especially of man, and in their subsequent growth they overlap,
In the floor plate and lateral walls of the prosencephalon, ventral to successively, the diencephalon and the mesencephalon and then meet
the primitive interventricular foramina, the anterior parts of the the rostral surface of the cerebellum; the temporal lobes embrace the
hypothalamus are developed; these include the optic chiasma, optic flanks of the brainstem.
recess and related nuclei. The chiasma is formed by the meeting and The early diverticulum or anlage of the cerebral hemisphere
partial decussation of the optic nerves in the ventral part of the contains initially a simple spheroidal /ateral ventricle which is con-
lamina terminalis, and from it the optic tracts subsequently grow tinuous with the third ventricle via the interventricular foramen, the
backwards to end in the diencephalon and midbrain. rim of the latter being the site of the original evagination. With 247

expansion and the assumption of an oval outline by the hemisphere, part of the arch is overhung by the corpus callosum and, throughout
the ventricle becomes firstly roughly ellipsoid and then a curved its convexity, is bordered by the fornix and its derivatives (see below).
cylinder, convex dorsally. The ends of the cylinder expand towards Thus, the extensive and helicoid disposition of the choroid plexus of
(but do not reach) the frontal and (temporary) occipital poles— the lateral ventricle is explained.
differentiating and thickening neural tissues separate the ventricular At first growth proceeds more actively in the floor and the
cavities and pial surfaces at all points, except along the line of the adjoining part of the lateral wall of the developing hemisphere,
choroidal fissure (see below). Pronounced changes in ventricular and elevations formed by the rudimentary corpus striatum (3.118)
form accompany the emergence of a temporal pole; the original encroach on the cavity of the lateral ventricle (Cooper 1946). The
caudal end of the curved cylinder expands within its substance. This head of the caudate nucleus appears as three successive parts, medial,
temporal extension passes ventrolaterally to encircle its side of the lateral and intermediate, which produce elevations in the floor of
upper brainstem (cf. choroidal fissure below). Finally, from the root the lateral ventricle. Caudally these merge to form the tail of the
of the temporal extension another may develop in the substance of caudate nucleus and the amygdaloid complex. From the outset the
the definitive occipital pole, passing caudomedially; this is quite latter are close to the temporal pole of the hemisphere and, when
variable in size, often asymmetrical on the two sides; one or both the occipital pole grows backwards and the general enlargement of
may be absent. Although a continuous system of cavities, specific the hemisphere carries the temporal pole downwards and forwards,
parts of the lateral ventricle are now given regional names: the the tail is continued from the floor of the central part (body) of the
central part (body) extends from the interventricular foramen to the ventricle curving into the roof of its temporal extension, the future
level of the posterior edge (splenium) of the corpus callosum. From inferior horn, and the amygdaloid complex encapsulates its tip.
the body three cornua (horns) diverge—anterior towards the frontal Anteriorly the head of the caudate nucleus extends forwards to the
pole, posterior towards the occipital pole and inferior towards the floor of the interventricular foramen, where it is separated from the
temporal pole. developing anterior end of the thalamus by a groove; later, the head
It may be noted that at these early stages of hemispheric develop- expands in the floor of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. The
ment the term pole is preferred, in most instances, to lobe; the latter lentiform nucleus develops from two laminae of cells, medial and
are defined by specific surface topographical features which will lateral, which are continuous with both the medial and lateral parts
appear over several months, and differential growth patterns persist of the caudate nucleus. The internal capsule appears first in the
for a considerable period. medial lamina and extends laterally through the outer lamina to the
About the fifth week a longitudinal groove appears in the antero- cortex. It divides the laminae into two, the internal parts joining the
medial part of the floor of each ventricle. This groove deepens and caudate nucleus and the external parts forming the lentiform nucleus.
forms a hollow diverticulum continuous with the hemisphere by a In the latter, which consists of two main parts, the remaining medial
short stalk. The diverticulum becomes connected on its ventral or lamina cells give rise predominantly to the (medially placed) globus
inferior surface to the olfactory placode (see p. 278), the cells of which pallidus and the lateral to the (laterally placed) putamen. Subsequently
give rise to the afferent axons of its sensory cells. These terminate in the putamen expands concurrently with the intermediate part of the
the walls of the diverticulum. As the head increases in size the caudate nucleus (Hewitt 1958, 1961).
diverticulum grows forwards and, subsequently losing its cavity, As the hemisphere enlarges, the caudal part of its medial surface
becomes converted into the solid olfactory bulb. The forward growth overlaps and hides the lateral surface of the diencephalon (thalamic
of the bulb is accompanied by elongation of its stalk, which forms part), being separated from it by a narrow cleft occupied by vascular
the olfactory tract, and the part of the floor of the hemisphere to connective tissue. At this stage (about the end of the second month)
which the tract is attached constitutes the piriform area (see below). a transverse section made caudal to the interventricular foramen
For comments on the accessory olfactory bulb see page 1317. passes from the third ventricular cavity successively through:
The pia mater which covers the epithelial roof of the third ventricle
the developing thalamus
at this stage is itself covered with loosely arranged mesenchyme. In
the narrow cleft just mentioned
the meshes of this tissue numerous blood vessels develop and, as we
the thin medial wall of the hemisphere
have seen, on each side of the median plane these vessels subsequently
the cavity of the lateral ventricle, with the corpus striatum in its
invaginate the roof of the third ventricle to form its choroid plexuses.
floor and lateral wall (3.119a).
The lower part of the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere,
which immediately adjoins the epithelial roof of the interventricular As the thalamus increases in extent it acquires a superior in
foramen and the anterior extremity of the diencephalon, also remains addition to medial and lateral surfaces, and the lateral part of its
epithelial, consisting of ependyma and pia mater, while elsewhere superior surface fuses with the thin medial wall of the hemisphere
the walls of the hemispheres are thickening to form the pallium. The so that, finally, this part of the thalamus is covered with the ependyma
thin part of the medial wall of the hemisphere is invaginated by of the lateral ventricle immediately ventral to the choroid fissure
vascular tissue, continuous in front with the choroid plexus of the (3.1198). As a result the corpus striatum is approximated to the
third ventricle and constituting the choroid plexus of the Jateral thalamus and separated from it only by a deep groove which becomes
ventricle. This invagination occurs along a line which arches upwards obliterated by increased growth along the line of contact. The lateral
and backwards, parallel with and initially limited to the anterior aspect of the thalamus is now in continuity with the medial aspect
and upper boundaries of the interventricular foramen; the curved of the corpus striatum so that a secondary union between the
indentation of the ventricular wall, where no nervous tissue develops diencephalon and the telencephalon is effected over a wide area,
between ependyma and pia mater, is termed the choroid fissure providing a route for the subsequent passage of projection fibres to
(3.118c, 1194, 8). The subsequent assumption of the complex, but and from the cortex.
exquisite, definitive form of the choroidal fissure naturally depends Throughout the brainstem, as in the spinal cord, the migration
on related growth patterns in neighbouring structures: some are and differentiation of neural progenitors to form nuclei is either
particularly relevant. These are the relatively slow growth of the minimal or limited, their progeny remaining immediately extra-
interventricular foramen, the secondary ‘fusion’ between the lateral ependymal or, partially displaced towards the pial exterior, being
diencephalon and medial hemisphere walls, the encompassing of the arrested deeply embedded in the myelinated fibre ‘white matter’ of
upper brainstem by the forward growth of the temporal lobe and its the region. As noted, however, the ‘roof-brain’ of part of the fore-,
pole towards the apex of the orbit and the massive expansion of two mid- and hindbrains develops following an additional, fundamental
great commissures of the cerebrum—the fornix and corpus callosum. pattern which results in a superficial layer of grey matter. The latter
(Many of these features are detailed further below and in the consists of neuronal somata, dendrites, the terminations of incoming
Neurology section.) Nevertheless, the choroidal fissure is now clearly (afferent) axons, the stems of (or the whole of) efferent axons,
a caudal extension of the (much reduced) interventricular foramen, geometrically and functionally apposite glial cells and vasculature.
which arches above the thalamus and in this region is only a few Subsequent differentiation results in a highly organized subpial
millimetres from the median plane. Near the caudal end of the surface coat of grey matter termed the cortex (Latin: bark, e.g. of a
thalamus it diverges ventrolaterally, its curve reaching and continuing tree) or pallium (Latin: pall, mantle or cloak). Pallium is used
in the medial wall of the temporal lobe over much of its length (i.e. preferentially by neuroembryologists and some comparative zoolog-
248 to the tip of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle). The upper ists; however, cortex is employed much more widely and will be used

here. Neither term is used in the case of the mesencephalic tectum. in its history, a six-layered cortex, termed the isocortex (equal
In the cerebral hemisphere the superficial subpial regions of its wall, cortex) or neocortex (young cortex). Isocortex seems less appropriate,
both striate and suprastriate (other than central areas of its medial however, as all subregions showed fine structural differences. Fur-
wall, where secondary fusion with the diencephalon occurs and is thermore, all three varieties of cortex are present simultaneously in
encompassed by the lamina terminalis, interventricular foramen an initial form in extant reptilia. Their relationship to piscine or
and curve of the choroid fissure), become invaded by migrating amphibian ancestry remains controversial.
neuroblasts to form an elementary cerebral cortex. The cortical area
which borders the lamina terminalis, the interventricular foramen, Development of the commissures
the convexity of the choroid fissure and continues into the diverging The development of the commissures effects a very profound alter-
roots of the olfactory tract, has been simply termed the limbic lobe ation on the medial wall of the hemisphere. At the time of their
(or bordering lobe), together with its numerous subdivisions and appearance the two hemispheres are connected to each other by the
connections (p. 1115 et seq), the limbic system. Its cortical derivatives median part of the telencephalon. The roof plate of this area remains
possessing, some regard, a relatively elementary structure, have been epithelial, whilst its floor becomes invaded by the decussating fibres
termed the allocortex (other cortex). of the optic nerves and developing hypothalamic nuclei. These two
The limbic lobe is the first part of the cortex to initiate differ- routes are thus not available for the passage of commissural fibres
entiation (see below) and at first it forms a continuous, almost passing from hemisphere to hemisphere across the median plane,
circular strip on the medial and inferior aspects of the hemisphere. and these fibres therefore pass through the anterior wall of the
Below and in front, where the stalk of the olfactory tract is attached, interventricular foramen, i.e. the lamina terminalis. The first com-
it constitutes a part of the piriform area (palaeocortex or
palaeopallium). The portion outside the curve of the choroid fissure
(3.120) constitutes the hippocampal formation (archaeocortex or
archaeopallium). In this region the neural progenitors of the develop-
ing cortex proliferate and migrate (see below), and the wall of the Habenular
hemisphere thickens and produces an elevation which projects into commissure
the medial side of the ventricle. This elevation is the hippocampus
(Humphrey 1964, 1967). It appears first on the medial wall of the
hemisphere in the area above and in front of the lamina terminalis
(paraterminal area) and gradually extends backwards, curving into
the region of the temporal pole where it adjoins the piriform area. Corpus callosum
The marginal zone in the neighbourhood of the hippocampus is Posterior
invaded by neuroblasts forming the dentate gyrus. Both extend from commissure Hippocampal
the paraterminal area (see precommissural septum and _pre- commissure
hippocampal rudiment) backwards above the choroid fissure and
follow its curve downwards and forwards towards the temporal pole, Anterior
where they continue into the piriform area. A shallow surface commissure
depression (which has been termed the hippocampal sulcus) grooves
the medial surface of the hemisphere throughout the hippocampal
The efferent fibres from the cells of the hippocampus collect along
its medial edge and run forwards immediately above the choroid
fissure. Anteriorly they turn ventrally and enter the lateral part of
Optic chiasm
the lamina terminals to gain the hypothalamus, where they end in
and around the mamillary body and neighbouring nuclei. These
efferent hippocampal fibres form the fimbria hippocampi and the 10 weeks
fornix. For the sources of afferent fibres to the hippocampus, hippo-
campal commissures and multiple subdivisions of the fornix.
The terms archaeocortex and palaeocortex as the two principal
divisions of the allocortex focus on the acceptance by earlier neuro- en
anatomists of the phylogenetically ancient nature of these regions.
The remainder of the hemispheric surface, particularly in mammals,
with a relatively vast expansion in primates, is, at least at some stage
Habenular commissure
Posterior commissure
Choroid fissure Splenium of
Dentate gyrus corpus callosum
Taenia thalami

7 callosum Corpus callosum
commissure Septum
lucidum Hippocampal
Anterior commissure
Tectum commissure Anterior commissure
* . .
Lamina terminalis
Cerebral peduncle Olfactory bulb
Cerebellum Optic chiasma
Third Hypophysis Optic chiasm
ventricle 16 weeks
Fourth ventricle
Medulla oblongata 3.121 Formation of the commissures. The telencephalon gives rise to
commissural tracts that integrate the activities of the left and right cerebral
hemispheres. These include the anterior and hippocampal commissures
and the corpus callosum. The small posterior and habenular commissures
3.120 The brain of a human fetus, 4 months old: medial aspect of left half. arise from the epithalamus. (From Larsen with permission.) 249

missures to develop are those associated with the palaeocortex and internal capsular fibres pass lateral to the head and body of the
archaeocortex. Fibres of the olfactory tracts cross in the ventral or caudate nucleus, the anterior cornu and central part of the lateral
lower part of the lamina terminalis and, together with fibres from ventricle, the rostroventral extensions and body of the fornix, the
the piriform and prepiriform areas and the amygdaloid bodies, form dorsal thalamus and dorsal choroidal fissure; at similar levels they
the anterior part of the anterior commissure. In addition the two pass medial to the lentiform nucleus. With temporal lobe formation,
hippocampi become interconnected by transverse fibres which cross the capsular fibres also lie medial to the inferior cornu of the lateral
from fornix to fornix in the upper part of the lamina terminalis as ventricle which has the amygdaloid complex capping its tip, the tail
the commissure of the fornix. Various other decussating fibre bundles of the caudate nucleus in its roof, the hippocampus, dentate gyrus
(known as the supraoptic commissures, although they are not true and fimbria of fornix in its floor, and temporal extension of the
commissures) develop in the lamina terminalis immediately dorsal choroidal fissure in its medial wall.
to the optic chiasma, between it and the anterior commissure. At the end of the third month the superolateral surface of the
The commissures of the neocortex develop later and follow the cerebral hemisphere shows a slight depression anterosuperior to the
pathways already established by the commissures of the limbic temporal pole. This corresponds to the site of the corpus striatum
system. Fibres from the tentorial surface of the hemisphere join the in the floor and lateral wall of the ventricle, and its presence is due
anterior commissure and constitute its larger posterior part. All the to the more rapid growth of the adjoining cortical regions. This
other commissural fibres of the neocortex associate themselves closely lateral cerebral fossa gradually becomes overlapped and submerged,
with the commissure of the fornix and lie on its dorsal surface. and is converted into the /Jateral cerebral sulcus; its floor becomes
These fibres increase enormously in number and the bundle rapidly the insula (3.122a-a). The process, however, is not completed in its
outgrows its neighbours to form the corpus callosum (3.120, 121). most anterior part until after birth. The presumptive neocortical
The corpus callosum originates as a thick mass connecting the two areas that overlap the insula are termed the frontal, parietal and
cerebral hemispheres around and above the anterior commissure. temporal opercula. The lentiform nucleus (lateral part of the corpus
(This site has been called the precommissural area, but this use striatum) remains deep to and coextensive with the insula, the
has been rejected here because of increasing use of the adjective superficial zones of the latter transforming into varieties of cortex.
precommissural to denote the position of parts of the limbic lobe— Posteriorly the insula develops granular neocortex and an inter-
prehippocampal rudiment, septal areas and nuclei, strands of the mediate area forms agranular neocortex; finally the rostroventral
fornix in relation to the anterior commissure of the mature brain.) area becomes similar to and continuous with the palaeocortex of the
The upper end of this neocortical commissural area extends back- piriform area.
wards to form the trunk of the corpus callosum. The rostrum of the The growth changes in the temporal lobe which help to submerge
corpus callosum develops later and separates some of the rostral end the insula produce important changes in the olfactory and other
of the limbic area from the remainder of the cerebral hemisphere. neighbouring limbic areas. The olfactory tract, as it approaches
Further backward growth of the trunk of the corpus callosum then the hemispheric floor, diverges into /ateral, medial and (variable)
results in the entrapped part of the limbic area becoming stretched intermediate striae. The medial stria is clothed with a thin archaeo-
out to form the bilateral septum pellucidum (Hewitt 1962). As the cortical medial olfactory gyrus: this curves up into further archaeo-
corpus callosum grows backwards it extends above the choroid cortical areas anterior to the lamina terminalis (paraterminal gyrus,
fissure, carrying the commissure of the fornix on its under surface. prehippocampal rudiment, parolfactory gyrus, septal nuclei) and
In this way a new floor is formed for the longitudinal fissure, and these continue into the indusium griseum. The lateral stria, clothed
additional structures come to lie above the epithelial roof of the by the Jateral olfactory gyrus, and, when present, the intermediate
third ventricle. In its backward growth the corpus callosum invades stria, terminate in the rostral parts of the piriform area. In brief,
the area hitherto occupied by the upper part of the archaeocortical this includes the olfactory trigone and tubercle, anterior perforated
hippocampal formation, and the corresponding parts of the dentate substance and the uncus (hook) and entorhinal area of the anterior
gyrus (3.120, 121) and hippocampus are reduced to vestiges—the part of the future parahippocampal gyrus. Its lateral limit is indicated
indusium griseum and the longitudinal striae. However, the postero- by the rhinal sulcus. (For details of the numerous subdivisions and
inferior (temporal) archaeocortical regions of both dentate gyrus and putative interconnections of these areas, see p. 1115 et seq and 8.229-
hippocampus persist and enlarge because, with the forward growth 250.)The forward growth of the temporal pole and the general
of the temporal lobes, the brainstem presents a complete barrier to expansion of the neopallium cause the lateral olfactory gyrus to
further extension of the corpus callosum in the median plane. bend laterally, the summit of the convexity lying at the antero-
inferior corner of the developing insula (3.122a-c). During the fourth
Neocortex and fifth months much of the piriform area becomes submerged by
The growth of the neocortex and its enormous expansion are associ- the adjoining neopallium and in the adult only a part of it remains
ated with the initial appearance of projection fibres (corticofugal and visible on the inferior aspect of the cerebrum.
corticopetal) during the latter part of the third month. These fibres Apart from the shallow hippocampal sulcus and the lateral cerebral
follow the pathway provided by the apposition of the lateral aspect fossa the surfaces of the hemisphere remain smooth and unin-
of the thalamus with the medial aspect of the corpus striatum, and, terrupted until early in the fourth month (3.122a-a). The parieto-
as they do so, they (the internal capsule) divide the latter, almost occipital sulcus also appears about that time on the medial aspect of
completely, into a lateral part, the lentiform nucleus, and a medial the hemisphere and its appearance seems associated with the increase
part, the caudate nucleus; these two nuclei remain confluent only in in the splenial fibres of the corpus callosum. Over the same period
their antero-inferior regions. The corticospinal tracts begin to develop the posterior part of the calcarine sulcus appears as a shallow groove
in the ninth week of fetal life and have reached their caudal limits extending forwards from a region near the occipital pole. It is a true
by the twenty-ninth week. The fibres destined for the cervical and infolding of the cortex in the long axis of the striate area, producing
upper thoracic regions and implicated in the innervation of the upper an elevation, the calcar avis, on the medial wall of the posterior horn
limb are in advance of those concerned with the lower limbs, which, of the ventricle.
in turn, are in advance of those concerned with the face. The During the fifth month the sulcus cinguli appears on the medial
appearance of reflexes in these three parts of the body shows a aspect of the hemisphere, but not until the sixth month do sulci
comparable sequence (Humphrey 1960). For further analysis of the appear on the inferior and superolateral aspects. The central, pre-
development of the projection fibres and corpus striatum see Hewitt central and postcentral sulci appear, each in two parts, upper and
(1961, 1962). lower, which usually coalesce shortly afterwards although they may
The preceding emphasis on corticospinal projection fibres is a remain discontinuous. The superior and inferior frontal, the intra-
reflection of the limited information available to the earlier neuro- parietal, occipital, superior and inferior temporal, the occipitotemporal,
anatomists. It should be emphasized, however, that the majority of collateral and rhinal sulci make their appearance during the same
subcortical nuclear masses receive terminals from descending fibres period, and by the end of the eighth month all the important sulci
of cortical origin. Furthermore, the foregoing are joined by thal- can be recognized (3.122a-c).
amocortical, hypothalamocortical and other afferent ascending
bundles, the whole complex constituting the internal capsule that Histogenesis of the cortex
250 divides the early corpus striatum. It should also be noted that the The histogenesis of the cortical (pallial) wall of the cerebral hemi-
28 weeks


3.122 Series showing the superolateral surfaces of human fetal cerebral verge tobury the insula; their approximation forms the lateral cerebral sulcus.
hemispheres at the ages indicated, demonstrating the changes in size, By the sixth month the central, pre- and postcentral, superior temporal,
profile and the emerging pattern of cerebral sulci with increasing maturation. intraparietal and parieto-occipital sulci are all clearly visible. In the sub-
Note the changing prominence and relative positions of the frontal, occipital sequent stages shown all the remaining principal and subsidiary sulci rapidly
and particularly the temporal pole of the hemisphere. At the earliest stage (a) appear and by 40 weeks all the features which characterize the adult
the lateral cerebral fossa is already obvious—its floor covers the developing hemisphere in terms of surface topography are already present in miniature.
corpus striatum in the depths of the hemisphere and progressively matures (Photographs supplied by Dr Sabina Strick of the Maudsley Hospital,
into the cortex of the insula. The fossa is bounded by overgrowing cortical London.)
regions, the frontal, temporal and parietal opercula, which gradually con-

sphere has generated an impressive literature since the early 1930s. than those appertaining to the cerebellum, with its regular, geo-
Nevertheless, because of the immense complexity, multiplicity of cell metrically ordered microstructure (p. 243). Only the briefest review
types and structural heterogeneity in different locations, descriptive of some basic principles, together with a few introductory key
and experimental analyses are less well understood and documented references, can be encompassed in this volume and the interested 251

3.123 Formalized diagram of the laminar development of cerebral neo- text for further comment. VZ= ventricular zone; MZ= marginal zone; IZ=
cortex. The original proposals of the Boulder Committee (1970) have been intermediate zone (mantle zone); CP=cortical plate; SZ =subventricular
revised, in the light of subsequent research, by Rakic (1982), with further zone; SP=subplate zone; CO =definitive neocortex; WM=white matter;
additions and modifications in preparation for the present volume. See EL = ependymal layer; ML = molecular layer.

reader will find it apposite to constantly cross-refer to the sections As mentioned above, the phases of proliferation, neurogenesis and
devoted to mature neuronal and cortical architecture (Section 6). gliogenesis are by no means sequential as first envisaged but vary
The wall of the earliest cerebral hemisphere, as elsewhere in spatiotemporally with location and cell type. Further, the gliogenesis
the neural tube, consists of a pseudostratified epithelium, its cells referred to was related to the (numerically largest) astrocyte and
exhibiting interkinetic migration as they proliferate to form clones oligodendrocyte population of the mature tissue. However, as noted
of, it was assumed, as yet uncommitted germinal cells. The columnar (p. 230), immunohistochemical studies of glial fibrillary acidic protein
cells elongate and (following the initial nomenclature proposed (GFAP) distribution showed a patterned array of GFAP-positive
by the Boulder Committee, 1970 and 3.123) their non-nucleated columnar cells in the earliest pseudostratified neuroepithelium of
peripheral processes now constitute a marginal zone, whilst their the neural tube including the walls of the rudimentary cerebral
nucleated, paraluminal and mitosing regions constitute the ventricular hemisphere. The positive cellular elements are interspersed with
zone. Some of the mitotic progeny now leave the ventricular zone GFA-negative columnar cells, both undergoing interkinetic
and migrate to occupy a mantle (intermediate) zone. This proliferative migration or proliferation. The GFAP-positive elements are pre-
phase continues for a considerable period of fetal (and in some sumptive glial cells which stretch radially across the full thickness of
species postnatal) life but, as in the case of the cerebellar cortex, the wall of the telencephalon and provide contact guidance paths
after a period groups of progenitor cells form, first, generations of for the subsequent peripheral migration of neurons. Recent evidence
definitive neurons and, later, glial cells which migrate to and mature suggests that these glial processes may be oriented in a manner that
in their final positions (see below for variant views). It must be is far from strictly radial, and may instead branch extensively. The
appreciated, however, that these phases of proliferation, migration, first groups of cells to migrate are destined for the deep cortical
differentiation and maturation are not precisely sequential for each laminae, later groups passing through them to more superficial
cell variety but overlap each other in space and time. regions (see below). The subplate zone, a transient feature most
The earliest migration of neuronal precursors from the ventricular prominent during midgestation, contains neurons surrounded by a
and intermediate zones occurs radially until they approach, but do dense neuropil: this subplate neuropil is the site of the most intense
not reach, the pial surface, their somata becoming arranged as a synaptogenesis in the cortex.
transient cortical plate. Subsequently, proliferation wanes in the Thus, with growth, both radial and tangential, there occurs a great
ventricular zone but for considerable periods persists in the immedi- increase in cortical thickness and a vast increase in surface area.
ately subjacent subventricular zone. From the pial surface inwards, Pioneering studies into cell migration in the developing mammalian
therefore, there may now be defined the following zones: marginal, neocortex were made by Tilney (1933), the technique available to
cortical plate, subplate, mantle (intermediate), subventricular and him at this time being analysis of sections of Nissl stained tissue.
ventricular. Briefly, whilst the foregoing terminology is relatively Whilst it was clear that the subpial (marginal) zone formed the
recent it has for long been accepted that the marginal zone forms plexiform lamina (I), he considered that the remaining laminae
the outermost layer of the cerebral cortex, the neuroblasts of the stemmed from three quite distinct and separate migrations of neuro-
cortical plate and subplate form the neurons of the remaining cortical blasts up to the cortical plate. The first migration he thought
laminae (the complexity, of course, varying in different locations and differentiated into the external granular lamina (II) and the pyramidal
with further additions of neurons from the deeper zones), whilst the lamina (III); the second migration forming the internal granular
intermediate zone gradually transforms into the white matter of lamina IV; the third migration he held formed the ganglionic lamina
the hemisphere. Meanwhile other deep progenitor cells have been V and the multiform lamina VI. On this view, therefore, the outermost
producing generations of glioblasts which also migrate into the more layers were the earliest to be formed, with progressively deeper layers
superficial layers. As proliferation wanes and finally ceases in the at successively later times.
ventricular and subventricular zones their remaining cells differentiate The possibility of precisely the reverse sequence, progressing from
into general or specialized ependymal cells, tanycytes or sub- deep to superficial, was first implied by the results of X-irradiation
ependymal glial cells. Figure 3.123a-F summarizes the modifications studies by Hicks et al (1959). Further irradiation studies (Berry &
of the Boulder Committee’s original proposals, suggested by Rakic Eayrs 1966), and autoradiographic nuclear labelling studies (Berry &
252 (1982) in the light of more recent investigations. Rogers 1965; Berry 1974 and 3.124) supported this contention. These



Position of
@ ee definitive
e e laminae
e, in adult
Pial °


[ete?| layer
0340 |0073| 0320]750)
Io Fr oral 9 ms | 16

Proliferative stage Migratory stage

3.124 Schematic representation of the dynamics of neuroblast migrations neuroblasts destined for lamina VI; full magenta discs = infragranular neuro-
during transformation of the early cranial neural tube to form the cerebral blasts destined for lamina V; open black circles = granular neuroblasts des-
neocortex of the rat through days 10 to 28. Note the successive waves of tined for lamina IV; full blue discs = supragranular neuroblasts destined for
migration. laminae Ill and Il. (Redrawn and colour coded by permission from data
Symbolic metaphase chromosomes = mitotic cells; full black discs = ven- provided by Professor M Berry (1974) of the Anatomy Department, Guy's
tricular and subventricular zone neuroblasts; full yellow discs = infragranular Hospital Medical School, London.)

seminal investigations have, in the subsequent years, been amply ultimate maturation far beyond the confines of the mantle zone,
confirmed in the rat (3.125, 126), mouse, opossum and golden hamster forming either nuclear masses, variously displaced from the ven-
(Berry 1974, 1982; see also comments and bibliographies in: Smart tricular and aqueductal channels, or, in the ‘roof-brain’ regions,
1982, 1983; Rakic & Goldman-Rakic 1982). Thus in these various reaching the subpial marginal zones forming, initially, a simple
mammals, apart from the pre-existing anlage of lamina I, the first cortical plate of neuroblasts. The latter then differentiates into
laminae to be populated are VI and V, followed sequentially by subzones, showing a tangential /aminar organization, whilst in some
laminae IV to II in ‘inside—-outside’ fashion. Clearly, whilst the
ontogenetic timings of migrations from these experimental sources
are not directly appropriate to a volume on human anatomy, it is Plexiform
assumed from comparison of purely descriptive material that similar
patterns of migration and elaboration occur in the human cortex. It — Cortical
should also be noted that, ‘as yet only in the human cortex, a thin Ze — Sub-plate
subpial lamina of densely staining cells, of unknown origin or Pia plexus
destination, has been identified (Rabinowicz 1964, 1967; Brun 1965):
they are not a prominent feature of cortical histogenesis but an
analogy with the external germinal layer of the cerebellum has been
No attempt will be made here further to discuss neuroblast
and glioblast differentiation, migration and maturation with the Afferents
establishment of intercellular contacts. However, some general
— SS == Efferents
hypotheses may be mentioned, involving a comparison of ontogeny
and phylogeny. Firstly, all parts of the neural tube, from the 172
presumptive spinal cord to presumptive neocortex, pass through the Time Ventricle
stage of a pseudostratified epithelium and a proliferative phase,
3.125 Diagram to show the manner of the initial stages of formation of
followed by differentiation of ventricular, mantle and marginal zones.
apical and basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons, also of stellate neuron
Neuroblast migration, target cell contact and maturation (or, in dendrites in the cortical plate. Note radial glial cells (black) extending from
some locations, degeneration and cell death), whilst still confined to internal to external limiting membrane; these provide contact guidance paths
the deeper reaches of the mantle zone, are the principal events in for neuroblasts. 1. Migration of a presumptive pyramidal neuron (magenta).
spinal cord development. Throughout the encephalon, however, the 2. Migration of a presumptive stellate neuron (purple). Time increments from
primary difference is the continued migration of neuroblasts and their left to right. (After Berry 1982.) 253

1 ea ae
Superficial cortex. Nevertheless, it is clear that a common ground plan for the
cerebral cortex exists among mammals, even if in humans extensive
modifications have occurred. For example, the area given over to
olfactory function is reduced, and association areas are massively
expanded compared with the cortices of, say, rodents. In the present
century, the mechanisms of development of the areal and the laminar
organization of the cortex have been investigated, in addition to
studies on the cellular mechanisms of neuronal migration within the
cortex, and the developing pattern of connections. Only some of the

LA ieak
central themes of the field of cortical development will be mentioned
The picture that is emerging of cortical development is one in
which input plays a central role, and epigenetic interactions are
crucial (see reviews: O’Leary 1989; McConnell 1992; Shatz 1992).
Differences may exist in the timing and control of the emergence
of the laminar and the areal organization. The neocortex, which
constitutes 90% of the cortical area, goes through at least a period
of its development when it contains 6 layers. Palaeocortex contains
the olfactory areas, and the archaeocortex comprises the hip-
pocampal formation. Within the 6-layered neocortex, each lamina
Age (rat) days postpartum has a distinct histology, function and connections. Layer 4 receives
the major outputs from the thalamus, while layer 5 contains a high
3.126 The temporal sequence of the initial appearance, growth and matu- proportion of pyramidal neurons (large cells with prominent apical
ration, of basal and oblique dendrites by pyramidal neurons in the superficial dendrites) with outputs to subcortical targets. Each of the layers are
and deep neocortical laminae of the rat. In the first postpartum week the generated during a specific period of development in inside—outside
deep neurons are well differentiated relative to the superficial neurons; the fashion (p. 253). Rakic (1971) initially demonstrated the migration
latter have only recently terminated their migration from the ventricular zone. of neurons along radial glial processes, and the migratory behaviour
Maturation of the superficial neurons relatively hastens in the second and of cortical neurons was subsequently investigated in vitro (Hatten
third weeks, and by the twentieth postpartum day the degree of maturation
of superficial and deep pyramidal neurons is the same. (After Berry 1982.) 1990). Cortical neurons or cerebellar granule cells appear equally
capable of migrating on hippocampal or cerebellar Bergmann glia,
indicating conservation of migration mechanisms in different brain
regions. Such neurons can migrate 10 times faster than in vivo,
locations there emerges a well-defined columnar (modular) radial exhibiting close apposition and forming specialized junctions with
organization. Such cortical dispositions are evident in the hemispheric the glial process and an active advancing process that extends
forebrain, tectal midbrain and cerebellar hindbrain. In the pallial and retracts. Antibodies to astrotactin may disrupt neuron-glia
walls of the mammalian cerebral hemisphere, the phylogenetically interactions (Edmondsen & Hatten 1987) and growth cones may
oldest regions and the first to differentiate during ontogeny are secrete proteases that allow them to digest the extracellular matrix
those that border the interventricular foramen, and its extension the in their pathway (Krystosek & Seeds 1981).
choroidal fissure, the lamina terminalis and piriform lobe. There Various lines of evidence point to the idea that the laminar fate
exists an increasingly complex level of organization from three to of neurons is determined prior to migration. In the mutant reeler
six tangential laminae, passing from the dentate gyrus and cornu mouse, laminar formation is disrupted such that layers form in
ammonis through the subiculum until the general neocortex is outside-in rather than inside-out array, yet axonal connections and
reached. (It may be noted that many investigators find the simple neuronal properties appear normal (Caviness 1982). Laminar com-
progression from three to six major laminae a gross over- mitment was explored in heterochronic transplant experiments in
simplification, and numerous subdivisions have been proposed, e.g. the ferret. Since superficial cortical layers are generated later in
see cornu ammonis, p.1124, and neocortex, p. 1141.) The deepest development than deep ones, ventricular zone progenitor cells can
and phylogenetically oldest tangential laminae are the first to be be labelled and transplanted into host animals of a different age to
populated by migrating progenitor cells, more superficial layers being investigate their laminar destination (McConnell & Kasnowski 1991).
added in sequence, their neuroblasts migrating through the older Cells from a brain in which layer 6 was being generated were labelled
layers; the number of superadded laminae depends upon the location with 3H thymidine and transplanted into a brain in which layer 2/3
with respect to the choroidal fissure. These broad patterns have been neurons were being generated. When the grafted cells had been
demonstrated by nuclear labelling studies, not only in the neocortex allowed to complete their current round of division, they migrated
but, with modifications, also in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus to occupy laminae typical of their origin i.e. layer 6. When the cells
(see, e.g. Angevine 1975; Altman & Bayer 1975; Smart 1982). were transplanted during S-phase of the cell cycle, however, so that
they completed division in their new environment, the majority
Mechanisms of cortical development migrated into layer 2/3, appropriate to the host environment. Varying
Intense interest and research effort has been concentrated on elu- the time between labelling and injection showed that commitment
cidating the mechanisms of development of the mammalian cerebral to a particular cortical lamina occurs shortly after S-phase. This
cortex. In the 19th century two important ideas emerged. These implies that cells acquire their laminar fate during certain phases of
were, firstly, that the cortex displayed parcellation into a number of the cell cycle, depending on the environment, possibly since cells lie
functional areas, and secondly, that despite differences, these various in the ventricular zone, adjacent to the forming white matter.
areas were organized according to a common scheme. The science Neurons of pre-existing laminae that have begun axonogenesis may
of phrenology claimed to allot functions to particular bumps on the provide a feedback on the forming cortical layers, providing a sort
surface of the brain, an idea that was proved broadly correct by of developmental clock for histogenesis (reviewed in McConnell
surgical ablation experiments that showed loss of particular func- 1989, 1992).
tions. Only later in the 19th century were attempts made to correlate In a plane perpendicular to its laminae, the cortex is divided up
histological with functional observations. Staining techniques made into a number of areas, displaying a hierarchy of organization. These
possible the visualization of differences in the sizes, shapes and include the primary areas, such as the motor cortex, the unimodal
distributions of cells in various cortical areas. Comparisons of the association areas concerned with the integration of information from
brains of various mammals also gave rise to the idea of functional one of the former, and multimodal association areas that integrate
and structural homology of cortical areas in different species. This information from more than one modality. Besides these are the
may have led to the, perhaps, simplistic view that evolution simply areas concerned with functions that are even less understood, such
adds new areas to an existing schema almost without modification, as the frontal lobes, concerned with goal-orientation responsibility
254 giving rise to the concepts of palaeocortex, archaeocortex and neo- and long-term planning. The primary areas are further divided up

into somatotopic maps, while at the finest level, the cortex is known experiments showed tangential movement only occurring over the
to consist of a series of ‘columns’, 50-500 1m wide. Within such a course of days. Analysis of transgenic mice in which a /acZ transgene
column, cells on a vertical traverse display common features of is inserted into one of the X chromosomes may have helped to
modality and electrophysiological responses to stimuli. Prominent reconcile these views (Tan & Breen 1993). In hemizygous female
examples of this organization are the ocular dominance columns of embryos, the transgene is inactivated in half of the cells, leading to
the visual cortex, with cells within a column all responding to visual marking of 50% of cortical progenitors. In such animals, localization
stimuli received from one eye. of the JacZ gene product showed the cortex to be patterned in
Controversy about the development of the prominent areal organ- alternating stripes of blue or white about 100-1000 1m wide. The
ization of the cortex may be seen as hinging on the dichotomy banding pattern thus suggests population by groups of progenitor
between the idea of a cortical ‘protomap’, and a gradually emerging cells that have not dispersed widely in the tangential plane. However,
pattern that may be largely dependent on afferent input. The former in each of the stripes, about one-third of cells were the inappropriate
idea was originated by Rakic (1988). He proposed a mosaic of small colour, suggesting that a subpopulation had migrated tangentially.
groups of progenitor cells in the ventricular zone, each of which Studies of cell migration are consistent with the idea that cortical
underwent radial migration to give rise to the segregated functional areas might not be rigidly determined. Manipulations of the develop-
columns. This appealing idea could thus explain the whole hierarchy ing cortex by deafferentation or manipulation of inputs have been
of cortical organization, and became predominant within the field, informative as to the state of commitment of cortical areas. In two
along with its implication that the migration of progenitor cells independent sets of experiments, somatosensory or auditory cortex
occurs without significant tangential movement. was induced to process visual information by misrouting retinal
Several lines of evidence now suggest that the radial unit idea of axons to somatosensory thalamus or auditory thalamus in the
cortical development must be modified. This evidence comes from neonatal ferret (Sur et al 1988). In the first case, the lateral geniculate
descriptive studies of the movement of progenitor cells in the develop- nucleus and the visual cortex were ablated and space was created in
ing cortex, and experimental approaches that involve transplantation the medial geniculate by ablating the inferior colliculus. Amazingly,
of presumptive regions of cortex to other locations, after which their cells in the somatosensory or auditory cortex were visually driven,
differentiation was examined. Experiments in which progenitor cells and receptive field and response properties resembled that seen in
are marked using replication-incompetent retroviruses have been the visual cortex. This would seem to indicate that modality of a
used extensively to investigate cell lineages and patterns of cell sensory thalamic nucleus or cortical area can be specified by inputs
migration in the cerebral cortex. Retroviral particles in suspension during development.
are injected into the fetal ventricles, and infect progenitor cells close In the somatosensory cortex of the mouse, experiments on the
to the ventricular surface (Sanes et al 1986; Price et al 1987). cytoarchitectonic units termed ‘barrels’ have given much information
Understanding patterns of cell migration in the cortex is essential on the specification of cortical areas. These units provide a one-to-
for interpretation of these experiments, which has been controversial one representation of sensory vibrissae on the muzzle, forming
(see Guthrie 1992). Several progenitor cells are labelled in each brain, clusters of layer 4 neurons and thalamic afferents. Barrels can be
so that definition of their clonal progeny at a later time point must detected by histochemical staining, but are only apparent during
be based on the coherence and separation of clones from one another. maturation, emerging out of what appears to be the uniform cortical
In most studies, clones of cells are radially disposed, but there are plate. It is now well-established that the patterning of barrels is
often ambiguous outliers (Luskin et al 1988). Interpretation of such dependent on afferent input. Injury of individual vibrissae at birth
cells that may have migrated tangentially away from their point of leads to absence of the corresponding barrel (Van der Loos &
origin is subjective. They may be considered as ‘single cell clones’, Woolsey 1973). Furthermore, in strains of mice with abnormal sets
or as sibling cells that populate separate cortical radii (Walsh & of vibrissae, extra barrels are present in the cortex, but only if the
Cepko 1988). In one study, the physical displacement of supposed anomalous vibrissa receives sufficient sensory axons (Walker & Van
clonal relatives implied that migration had occurred along the der Loos 1986). When pieces of visual cortex are transplanted
processes of cortical glia that may be obliquely-oriented (Austin & into the position of somatosensory cortex, the characteristic barrel
Cepko 1990). morphology develops (Schlaggar & O’Leary 1991). All this points
An attempt to resolve the question of clonality was made by to the importance of afferents in specifying cortical areas, tempered
retroviral marking experiments in which progenitor cells were marked by the idea that some area-specific properties may be determined
with unique genetic tags so that their progeny could be identified by early on. Removal of an eye in primates leads to atrophy of area 17
molecular techniques, irrespective of migration paths (Walsh & of the visual cortex, due to lack of 50% of lateral geniculate neurons,
Cepko 1992). Despite the necessity of sophisticated statistics to show the major input to this region. The drastic reduction in the size of
the validity of this approach, this study yielded the interesting finding area 17 is accompanied bya shift in the position of the area 17/18
that cells of the same clone dispersed as much as 1.5mm from each boundary, and an area of cortex normally contained within area 17
other (more than 10 times the diameter of a cortical column). takes on the appearance of area 18, pointing to some plasticity in
Furthermore, clonal relatives could populate different functional the development of area-specific features. However, the laminar
areas such as motor, visual and somatosensory cortex, as well as organization of area 17, the boundary between area 17 and 18, and
several units (barrels) within the somatosensory cortex. Clones arising the distribution of callosal projections from these areas are main-
from retrovirally-marked precursors could also cross area boundaries tained (Dehay et al 1989).
in the hippocampus (Grove et al 1992). The presence of significant Experiments on these questions, particularly in attempting to
tangential dispersion in deep ventricular or subventricular zones has define the identity of transplanted regions, have suffered from a lack
also been revealed by retroviral lineage experiments in which clonal of area-specific markers. At present, the molecular markers available
dispersion was examined in the rat at various times after labelling identify broader regions of the cortex, for example, the limbic system-
(Walsh & Cepko 1993). The presence of an unsuspected degree of associated membrane protein (LAMP) which is exclusive to limbic
tangential movement was also described in cortical explant cultures, structures. Limbic regions transplanted elsewhere in the cortex main-
by directly injecting single cells with fluorescent dye and following tain their expressions of this marker, perhaps arguing for early
them with time-lapse microscopy (Fishell et al 1993). While about determination of this region (Barbe & Levitt 1991). Other markers
82% of cells moved in a radial or near radial direction, 13% of cells are expressed differentially in the cortex relative to the adjacent
migrated rapidly in the tangential direction, often covering much forebrain areas (reviewed in Boncinelli 1994; Puelles & Rubinstein
larger distances than 500 um, and making sharp right-angled turns 1993). The genes Emx-1 and Emx-2 are expressed in neocortex but
from one pathway to the other. Interestingly, progenitor cells not the piriform cortex or basal ganglia, while D/x-/ and D/x-2 are
appeared to respect a line between the cortical and basal forebrain, expressed in the reciprocal pattern, in ventral forebrain regions
raising the possibility of lineage restriction as a mechanism at least including the basal ganglia (Bulfone et al 1993). Emx-1 is expressed
in the development of some forebrain regions. The weight of evidence in the dorsal telencephalon, in a domain that is contained within
now favours the idea of radial migration, with considerable tangential that of Emx-2, which extends through the dorsal telencephalon and
movement superimposed, at least of some cells. Nevertheless, some parts of the diencephalon. These expression domains are, in turn,
controversy exists, since in direct labelling experiments, cells could contained within the expression domains of another gene, Otx-/,
move tangentially 200m in 8 hours, whereas retroviral labelling which is contained within that of Otx-2 (Simeone et al 1992). Both 255

these genes have expression domains that comprise dorsal, and most collaterals in the same manner as the neurons of the host. Thus
ventral domains of telencephalon, diencephalon and mesencephalon. position plays an important role in the modelling of cortical pro-
Interestingly these ‘nested’ expression patterns appear during jections, implying that the same classes of neurons exist in different
development in a sequence progressing from the most extensive tangential regions of the cortex. Presumably, the selective removal
domain to the least extensive, i.e. Otx-2 is expressed first, followed of inappropriate collaterals is governed by local factors at the
by Otx-1, then Emx-2, then Emx-1. It is tempting to speculate, site of axon termination rather than at the neuronal cell body.
therefore, that these genes might be involved in the specification of Nevertheless, some distinctions between neuronal classes may exist
cell fate in various brain regions. from an early stage, since cortical projection neurons are never found
The development of cortical projections has been investigated both to possess callosal axons (Koester & O’Leary 1989). Interestingly,
in terms of laminar and area-specific connectivity. Recently, attention neurons destined to possess corticocortical axons may initially project
has focused on the idea that connections might be influenced by the to the opposite hemisphere, a projection that is later lost (Innocenti
existence of a transient population of subplate neurons. Studies by et al 1986). Elimination of axons to give rise to the mature dis-
Marin-Padilla (1971) showed that the cortex develops within a tribution of callosal neurons may be affected by sensory inputs,
preplate, consisting of corticopetal nerve fibres and the earliest since manipulation of thalamic inputs can lead to failure of this
generated neurons. This zone is then split by the arrival of cortical remodelling of callosal projections (Dehay et al 1989). Regressive
neurons into two zones, the subplate underneath the cortical plate, events such as axon and synapse elimination and neuronal death
and the marginal zone at the pial surface. Subplate neurons extend thus play an important part in modelling the cortex. In rodents, for
axons via the internal capsule to the thalamus and superior colliculus example, about 30% of cortical neurons die, with the number of cells
at times before other cortical neurons have been born (McConnell in layer 4 being governed by thalamic input.
et al 1989). Studies by Shatz and colleagues on the cat and the ferret The critical role apparently played by thalamic input in organizing
have contended the subplate neurons to bea transient cell population the regional differentiation of the cortex begs the question of how
that later dies. Thalamocortical afferents synapse with subplate thalamic afferents are themselves organized. The possibility that each
neurons during their ‘waiting period’ prior to innervating their target cortical area exerts a specific trophic or tropic influence on axons
in layer 4. Ablation of subplate neurons using kainic acid may cause from the appropriate thalamic nucleus was examined in explant slice
thalamocortical afferents to fail to invade appropriate cortical areas cultures in which the laminar origin of growing axons could be
(Ghosh & Shatz 1993). Axonal tracing studies in the rat, however, visualized. When portions of lateral geniculate nucleus were cultured
have contested the idea of a crucial role for subplate axons in with a ‘choice’ of occipital cortex and frontal cortex (appropriate
thalamocortical connections. Labelling of axonal trajectories showed and inappropriate targets respectively) no preference in the pattern of
that subplate pathways to the internal capsule are established at outgrowth was observed, although axons in both targets terminated
about the same time as thalamocortical pathways to the thalamus, correctly, in layer 4 (Molnar & Blakemore 1991). It seems unlikely,
and that their trajectories in the cortex are separate (De Carlos & then, that a mosaic of region-specific, possibly diffusible factors
O’Leary 1992). More recently, the possibility that subplate axons directs the thalamocortical projection. Instead, it may be that thal-
may also play a role in the projection of cortical efferents from layer amocortical and corticothalamic projections reach the internal
5 and 6 has also been proposed. Examination of these axonal capsule simultaneously to provide a mutual guidance mechanism.
pathways following ablation of subplate neurons showed that in half Factors in the local environment between thalamus and cortex that
the cases, cortical axons failed to invade their normal subcortical might lead to the specificity of projections have yet to be identified.
targets (McConnell et al 1994). In cultures of rat, visual cortical
slices combined either with cortex or with thalamus subplate neurons Perinatal brain
were not detected; however, projections to the target tissue from the
The state of differentiation at birth and at various postnatal stages,
appropriate lamina were formed as in vivo (Bolz et al 1990). In
as seen in Golgi (metal impregnation) preparations, has been
cortex/thalamus cultures, corticofugal cells could be labelled even in
described in considerable detail elsewhere (Conel—a series of pub-
the absence of corticopetal projections. The possibility that sub-
lications 1939-59). Gross nutritional deficiencies, selective neural
plate axons showed regional specificity in their connections with
ablation, endocrine imbalances, sensory deprivation, neurotropic
particular thalamic nuclei was also tested in culture experiments
viruses, vascular abnormalities and perinatal anoxia may all disturb
by confronting visual cortex with a choice of appropriate (lateral
the normal pattern of the cortex at birth. (See bibliographies in
geniculate nucleus) or inappropriate thalamic tissue (Molnar &
Rakic & Goldman-Rakic 1982.)
Blakemore 1991), but no preference of projection was seen, making
At birth the volume of the brain is approximately 25% of its
it unlikely that a selective chemotropism governs the trajectories of
volume in adult life. The greater part of the increase occurs during
subplate axons.
the first year, at the end of which the volume of the brain has
A crucial question is the way in which region-specific projections
increased to 75% of its adult volume. The growth can be accounted
are generated. Layer 5 neurons in various cortical areas extend axons
for partly by increase in the size of nerve cell somata, the profusion
to different repertoires of targets. For instance, layer 5 neurons of
and dimensions of their dendritic trees, axons and their collaterals
the visual cortex project to the tectum, pons and mesencephalic
and by growth of the neuroglial cells and cerebral blood vessels, but
nuclei, while those in the motor cortex project to mesencephalic and
it is the acquisition of myelin sheaths by the axons which is principally
pontine targets, the inferior olive and dorsal column nuclei and the
responsible for it. The great sensory pathways, visual, auditory and
spinal cord. An interesting feature of these cortical projections is
somatic, myelinate first, the motor fibres later. During the second
that they arise by collateral formation (O’Leary & Terashima 1988)
and subsequent years, growth proceeds much more slowly; the brain
rather than by projection of the primary axon, or growth cone
attains adult size by the seventeenth or eighteenth year. This is
bifurcation. In the case of the corticopontine projection, collaterals
largely due to continued myelination of various groups of nerve
are elicited by a diffusible, chemotrophic agent (Heffner et al 1990).
Retrograde labelling of neurons at various times in development has
shown that rather than being generated de novo, these patterns seem
to arise by pruning of collaterals from a more widespread projection.
So, visual cortical neurons possess a projection to the spinal cord
early in development, which is later eliminated (O’Leary & Stanfield The meningeal layers originate from paraxial mesenchyme in the
1985). This later emergence of specific projections could arise either trunk and caudal regions of the head, but from neural crest in
by intrinsic programming of the neurons to undergo this pruning, or regions rostral to the mesencephalon (the prechordal plate has also
position-dependent factors. Heterotopic transplantation experiments been suggested to make a contribution, see below). It may generally
have now shown that the latter is the case (O’Leary & Stanfield be the case that those skull bones which are formed from neural
1989). When pieces of visual cortex were transplanted into motor crest, e.g. the base of the skull rostral to the sella turcica, frontal,
areas, and the resulting layer 5 projections labelled at later times in parietal and squamous temporal bones, overlie meninges which are
development, projections to the spinal cord persisted, rather than also formed from crest cells. Certainly the work of Couly and Le
being eliminated as in normal development. Neurons in pieces of Douarin (1991) supports the concept that the neural crest gives rise
256 motor cortex transplanted in the place of visual cortex lost their to the meninges over the prosencephalon.

The meninges may be divided in development into the pachymeninx whereas in transplants in which the fetal dura mater was removed
(dura mater) and leptomeninges (arachnoid layer, subarachnoid space bony fusion occurred.
with arachnoid cells and fibres, and pia mater). All meningeal layers The presence of fetal dura is not required for the initial suture
are derived from loose mesenchyme, which surrounds the developing morphogenesis which appears to be controlled by mesenchymal cell
neural tube, termed meninx primitiva, or primary meninx. (For a proliferation and fibrous extracellular matrix synthesis induced by
detailed account of the development of the meninges in the human the overlapping of the advancing osteoinductive fronts of the cal-
consult O’Rahilly & Muller 1986.) varial bones. Opperman et al (1993) suggest that following overlap
The first indication of pia mater, containing the plexus of blood of the bone fronts a signal is transferred to the underlying dura
vessels which forms on the neural surface, is seen in the stage 11 inducing changes in localized regions beneath the sutures. Once a
embryo (24 days) around the caudalmost part of the medulla; this suture has formed, it serves as a primary site for cranial bone growth
extends to the mesencephalic level by stage 12. Mesenchymal cells but requires constant interaction with the dura to avoid ossiferous
projecting from the rostral end of the notochord, and those in the obliteration.
region of the prechordal plate, extend rostrally into the mesencephalic
flexure and form the earliest cells of the tentorium cerebelli; O’Rahilly
and Muller (1986b) note that at the beginning of its development ECTODERMAL PLACODES AND THE
the medial part of the tentorium is predominantly leptomeningeal. SPECIAL SENSE ORGANS
By stage 17 (41 days) dura mater can be seen in the basal areas
where the future chondrocranium is also developing. The precursors Many of the special sense organs and all of the sensory cranial
of the venous sinuses lie within the pachymeninx at stage 19 (48 nerves take origin from ectodermal placodes, regions of ectoderm
days), and by stage 20, cell populations in the region of the future containing neural progenitor cells which originate in the neural folds
falx cerebri are proliferating, although the dorsal regions of the brain but remain in the surface ectoderm after neurulation (Couly & Le
are not yet covered with putative meninges. Douarin 1985; see p.222). Generally the placodal cells undergo
By stage 23 (57 days) the dura is almost complete over the epithelial/mesenchymal transformation after an inductive stimulus,
rhombencephalon and mesencephalon but is only present laterally which may be given by the proximity of the neural tube or by
around the prosencephalon. Subarachnoid spaces and most of the subjacent migration of neural crest cells, and migrate deep to the
cisternae are present from this time after the arachnoid mater becomes surface ectoderm to join with crest cells. Ectodermal placodes are
separated from the primitive dura mater by the accumulation of found rostrally as the hypophyseal, olfactory and optic placodes,
cerebrospinal fluid, which now has a net movement out of the giving rise to the adenohypophysis, olfactory epithelium and lens of
ventricular system. The medial part of the tentorium is becoming the eye respectively. More caudally the placodal cells are arranged
thinner. A dural component of the tentorium is seen from stage 19; in three main groups: ventrolateral (epibranchial), dorsolateral and
the earlier developed medial portion disappears leaving a partial intermediate. Most groups give rise, with neural crest cells, to the
partition separating a subarachnoid area containing the tel- cranial sensory ganglia; however, the dorsolateral placode—the
encephalon and diencephalon from one containing the cerebellum otic—gives rise to the membranous labyrinth of the ear, to the acoustic
and rhombencephalon. ganglion, and, with neural crest cells, to the vestibular ganglion. Thus
There is a very close relationship, during development, between the ectodermal placodes provide a significant contribution to the
the mesenchyme from which the cranial dura mater is formed and special sense organs in the head.
that which is chondrified and ossified, or ossified directly, to form
the skull, and these layers are only clearly differentiated as the venous PITUITARY GLAND (HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI)
sinuses develop. (For an interesting study of pre- and postnatal
growth of the tentorium cerebelli, with a mathematical analysis, see The hypophysis cerebri consists of the adenohypophysis and the
Klintworth 1967.) The relationship between the developing skull and neurohypophysis (consult p. 1883 for the varied usages of the older
the underlying dura mater continues during postnatal life while the terms, anterior and posterior lobes, and of the more satisfactory
bones of the calvaria are still growing. terms adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis, and _ their
The growth of the cranial vault is initiated from ossification centres subdivisions).
within the desmocranial mesenchyme. A wave of osteodifferentiation The adenohypophysis is derived, after neurulation, from placodal
moves radially outward from these centres stopping when adjacent ectoderm of the stomodeal roof, and the neurohypophysis from
bones meet, regions where sutures are induced to form. Once sutures the neurectoderm of the floor of the forebrain. However, chimera
are formed a second phase of development occurs in which growth experimentation in chick embryos has revealed an early juxtaposition
of the cranial bones occurs at the sutural margins (Opperman et al of the adenohypophyseal and neurohypophyseal populations prior
1993). Such growth forms most of the skull. It was proposed that to neurulation in the chick (Couly & Le Douarin 1985, 1987) and
the control of suture morphogenesis was sited in the dura mater and transplantation experiments have shown similar results in amphibian
a variety of hypotheses have been generated to explain this process. embryos (Kawamura & Kikuyama 1992). At this time the neural
One suggested that the dura mater contained fibre tracts which plate has raised lateral edges, the neural folds, containing putative
extended from fixed positions in the cranial base to sites of dural neural crest cells and surface ectoderm, and a midline anterior neural
reflection underlying each of the cranial sutures. The tensional forces ridge where the neural folds converge. The most rostral portion of
so generated would dictate the position of the sutures and locally the neural plate, which will form the hypothalamus, is in contact
inhibit precocious ossification. Other hypotheses support the concept rostrally with the future adenohypophysis, in the anterior neural
of local factors in the calvaria which regulate suture morphogenesis. ridge, and caudally with the neurohypophysis, in the floor of the
It has been shown clinically (and experimentally) that following neural plate (see 3.100). After neurulation the cells of the anterior
removal of the entire calvaria the skull regenerates with sutures and neural ridge remain in the ectoderm and form the hypophyseal
bones developing in anatomically correct positions, suggesting that placode which is in close apposition and adherent to the overlying
the dura can dictate suture position in regeneration of the neonatal forebrain. Neural crest mesenchyme later moves between the pros-
calvaria. Markens (1975b) noted that transplantation of perinatal encephalon and surface ectoderm except at the region of the placode.
rat coronal suture blastema, in which the osteogenic fronts of the Before rupture of the buccopharyngeal membrane, proliferation of
parietal and frontal bones had overlapped into adult host skulls, the periplacodal mesenchyme results in the placode forming the roof
resulted in the formation of a suture which remained unossified up and walls of a saccular depression. This hypophyseal recess (pouch
to 6 weeks in the host animal. Transplants of similar tissue from of Rathke; 3.127, 128) is the rudiment of the adenohypophysis, lying
earlier stages did not give rise to sutures, suggesting that an osteo- immediately ventral to the dorsal border of the membrane, extending
inhibitory message, induced in the dura mater by the interaction in front of the rostral tip of the notochord, and retaining contact
between the suture blastema and the advancing osteogenic front, with the ventral surface of the forebrain. It is constricted off by
was responsible for maintaining the transplanted sutures. This finding continued proliferation of the surrounding mesenchyme to form a
has been confirmed by Opperman et al (1993) who found that in closed vesicle, but remains for a time connected to the ectoderm of
transplants of sutures in which the fetal dura mater was left intact a the stomodeum bya solid cord of cells, which can be traced down
continuous fibrous suture remained between developing vault bones, the posterior edge of the nasal septum. Masses of epithelial cells 257

the anterior lobe (Arey 1949). Just caudal to, but in contact with,
the adenohypophyseal recess a hollow diverticulum elongates
towards the stomodeum from the floor of the neural plate just caudal
to the hypothalamus (3.1288); this region of neural outgrowth is the
neurohypophysis. It forms an infundibular sac, the walls of which
increase in thickness until the contained cavity is obliterated except
at its upper end, where it persists as the infundibular recess of the
third ventricle. Formed in this way the neurohypophysis becomes
invested by the adenohypophysis which extends dorsally on each
side of it. In addition, the adenohypophysis gives off two processes
from its ventral wall which grow along the infundibulum and fuse
to surround it, coming into relation with the tuber cinereum
and constituting the tuberal portion of the hypophysis. The original
cavity of Rathke’s pouch remains first as a cleft, and later scattered
vesicles, and can be identified readily in sagittal sections through the
mature gland. The dorsal wall of Rathke’s pouch, which remains
thin, fuses with the adjoining part of the neurohypophysis as the
pars intermedia.
A small endodermal diverticulum, named Seessel’s pouch, projects
towards the brain from the cranial end of the foregut, immediately
caudal to the buccopharyngeal membrane. In some marsupials this
pouch forms a part of the hypophysis, but in man it apparently
disappears entirely.

The early development of the olfactory placodes, external nose and
nasal cavities have already been considered (p. 278).
The olfactory nerve fibre bundles (fila olfactoria) are developed
3.127 Scanning electron micrograph of the roof of the pharynx showing the
from a proportion of the placodal cells which line the olfactory pits;
invagination of placodal ectoderm to form the adenohypophysis (Rathke’s
pouch). (Photograph by P Collins; printed by S Cox, Electron Microscopy these cells proliferate and give rise to olfactory receptor cells. Their
Unit, Southampton General Hospital.) central processes grow into the overlying olfactory bulb and thus
form the axons of the olfactory nerves. It was claimed that the
olfactory cells are from the first connected with the overlying brain
by bridges of cytoplasm, within which the olfactory nerve fibres
develop. More recent accounts, however, suggest that the earliest
form mainly on each side and in the ventral wall of the vesicle, and pioneer neurites are naked cytoplasmic processes which cross a
the development of the adenohypophysis progresses by the ingrowth mesenchyme-filled gap between the placode and the superjacent
of a mesenchymal stroma. Differentiation of epithelial cells into stem brain. Later these and subsequent generations of centrally directed
cells and three differentiating types is said to be apparent during the neurites become enclothed in Schwann cell processes, presumably
early months of fetal development (Dubois 1967). It is also suggested derived from the rostral neural crest (Pearson 1941; Van Campenhout
that different types of cells arise in succession, and that they may be 1956; Dejean et al 1958). Within the olfactory bulb the terminals
derived in differing proportions from different parts of the hypo- of the olfactory axons divide repeatedly, and establish complex syn-
physeal recess (Conklin 1968). A cranio-pharyngeal canal, which aptic contacts with a number of neuroblast types in rudimentary
sometimes runs from the anterior part of the hypophyseal fossa of olfactory glomeruli (p.1116). The single dendrite extends towards
the sphenoid bone to the exterior of the skull, is often said to mark the nasal cavity surface of the olfactory epithelium where, in
the original position of the hypophyseal recess (of Rathke). Traces most regions, slight expansion with surface specialization occurs
of the stomodeal end of the recess are invariably present at the (p. 1117).
junction of the septum of the nose with the palate (see the pharyngeal The remaining placodal cells, with probable accessions from neigh-
hypophysis). Others have claimed, however, that the crani- bouring rostral neural crest and mixed head mesenchyme, differ-
opharyngeal canal itself is a secondary formation caused by the entiate into columnar supporting (sustentacular) cells, rounded basal
growth of blood vessels, and is quite unconnected with the stalk of cells and, by invagination, the flattened duct-lining and polyhedral

Diencephalon Midbrain Posterior

Hypophysial recess Midbrain
(Pouch of Rathke) Hypophysis
Forebrain foramen Anterior


Notochord Cerebrum Degenerated

Pericardium Foregut membrane
Oropharyngeal First arch
membrane ventral (mandibular ) part

3.128 Schematic sagittal sections of heads of early embryos to show first

258 stages in the development of the hypophysis.

invading interval
between lens and
condensing to form
sclera and choroid

Pigmented layer
sof retina

Cavity of
optic vesicle
epithelium of lens 9 Nervous layer of
Lens vesicle
Cavity of
optic stalk
lens fibres
Mia, fissure

+— Pigmented layer
: of retina

‘| 3.1294 Section through the developing eye of a human embryo, 8mm CR

‘| length. The thick nervous and the thinner pigmented layers of the retina
‘, and the developing lens are shown. Stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
7) Magnification x c. 114. (From material loaned by Professor R J Harrison.)
B. Section through the developing eye of a human embryo, 13.2 mm long.
“4 (Streeter 1948.)
c. Section through the eye of a human embryo of 40mm CR length.
} Note the layers of the retina, developing lens, pupillary membrane, cornea,
conjunctival sac, anterior and posterior aqueous chambers, the developing
vitreous body, and condensing circumoptic mesenchyme and the fused
| eyelids. Stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x c. 62.

acinar cells of the glands of Bowman. Later, basal infiltration by laterally towards the surface ectoderm so that, by 25 days, the optic
lymphocytes occurs. vesicles are formed. The lumen of each vesicle is continuous with
that of the forebrain. Cells delaminate from the walls of the optic
vesicle and, probably joined by head mesenchyme and cells derived
EYES from the mesencephalic neural crest, invest the vesicle in a sheath of
The formation of the eyes requires precisely co-ordinated develop- mesenchyme. By 28 days, regional differentiation is apparent in each
ment of tissues from three sources: the neurectodern of the forebrain of the source tissues of the eye. The optic vesicle is visibly differ-
which forms the sensory retina and accessory pigmented structures, entiated into its three primary parts: at the junction with the
the surface ectoderm which forms the lens and cornea, and the diencephalon a thick-walled region marks the future optic stalk;
intervening neural crest mesenchyme which contributes to the fibrous laterally, the tissue which will become the sensory retina forms aflat
coats of the eye. Vascular tissue of the developing eye may form by disc of thickened epithelium in close contact with the surface ecto-
local angiogenesis or vasculogenesis of angiogenetic mesenchyme derm; the thin-walled part of the vesicle which lies between these
(see p.299). (General accounts of the development of the human regions will later form the pigmented layer of the retina. The area
eye are given by Mann 1964; O’Rahilly 1983; O’Rahilly & Muller of surface ectoderm that is closely apposed to the optic vesicle also
1987.) thickens to form the Jens placode. The mesenchymal sheath of the
vesicle begins to show signs of angiogenesis. Evidence from the
Embryonic components of the eye equivalent stage of mouse development shows that as the epithelial
The first morphological sign of eye development is a thickening of regions become morphologically distinct they are already differ-
the diencephalic neural folds at 22 days postovulation, when the entiated at the molecular level. For example, the gene encoding the
embryo has 7-8 somites. This optic primordium extends on both sides homeobox-containing transcription factor Msx-2 is expressed in
of the neural plate, crossing the midline at the primordium chiasmatis. the future sensory retina and in the overlying surface ectoderm
A slight transverse indentation, the optic sulcus, appears in the inner (Monaghan et al 1991) while TRP-2/DT, a gene encoding an early
surface of the optic primordium on each side of the brain. During marker for melanoblasts, is expressed in the prospective pigmented
the period when the rostral neuropore closes, at about 24 days, the retina (Steel et al 1992). Between 32 and 33 days postovulation, the
walls of the forebrain at the optic sulcus begin to evaginate, projecting lens placode and optic vesicle undergo co-ordinated morphogenesis. 259

The lens placode invaginates,- forming a pit which pinches off from lip. The non-neural epithelium is further differentiated into the
the surface ectoderm to form the Jens vesicle. (Consult Zwaan & components of the prospective iris at the rim and the ciliary body,
Hendriz 1973 for a detailed analysis of this process in the chick a little further back adjacent to the neural area. The development of
embryo.) The surface ectoderm reforms a continuous layer which this pattern is reflected in regional differences in the expression of
will become the corneal epithelium. The lateral part of the optic various genes which encode transcriptional regulators and are there-
vesicle also invaginates to form a cup, the inner layer of which fore likely to play key roles in controlling and coordinating develop-
(facing the lens vesicle) will become the sensory retina, and the outer ment. Each of these genes is expressed prior to overt cell-type
layer the pigmented retinal epithelium. As a result of these folding differentiation. For example, in the mouse embryo, the genes Msx-
movements, the two layers of the cup have what were their apical 2 and Dix-/ are expressed in the prospective neural retina and Msx-
(lumenal) surfaces now facing one another across the much reduced J in the ciliary epithelium. In mouse and human, Pax-6 is expressed
lumen, the intraretinal space. The pigmented layer becomes attached in the prospective ciliary and iris regions of the optic cup. Individuals
to the mesenchymal sheath, but the junction between the pigmented heterozygous for mutations in Pax-6 lack an iris, suggesting a causal
and sensory layers is less firm and is the site of pathological role for this gene in the development of the iris. Each of these genes,
detachment of the retina. The two layers are continuous at the lip in addition to being expressed in the eye, is also active at a variety
of the cup which, at the end of the third month, grows round the of other specific sites in the embryo. This may, in part, account for
front of the lens and forms the pigmented iris. Between the base of the co-involvement of the eye and other organs in syndromes which
the cup and the brain, the narrow part of the optic vesicle forms the result from single genetic lesions.
optic stalk. The anteroventral surface of the vesicle and distal part The developing neural retina. This comprises an outer nuclear
of the stalk are also infolded, forming a wide groove—the choroid zone and an inner marginal zone, devoid of nuclei. Around 36 days
fissure—through which mesenchyme extends with an associated the cells of the nuclear zone invade the marginal zone, and by 44
artery, the hyaloid artery. As growth proceeds, the fissure closes, days the nervous stratum of the retina consists of inner and outer
including the artery in the distal part of the stalk. Failure of the neuroblastic layers. The inner neuroblastic layer gives rise to the
optic fissure to close is a rare anomaly and there is always a ganglion cells, the amacrine cells and the somata of the ‘fibrous’
corresponding deficiency in the choroid and iris (congenital sustentacular cells (of Muller); the outer neuroblastic layer is the
coloboma). source of the horizontal and rod-and-cone bipolar neurons and
probably the rod-and-cone cells, which first appear in the central
Early stages of eye development: mechanisms part of the retina. By the eighth month all the named layers of the
Understanding of the mechanisms by which the tissues of the human retina can be identified. However, the retinal photoreceptor cells
eye become determined, then shaped and patterned, depends on continue to form after birth, generating an array of increasing
experiments conducted on the embryos of other vertebrate species, resolution and sensitivity (Banks & Bennett 1988). (For bib-
notably the mouse, chick and various amphibia (reviewed by Saha liographies on retinal development, including ultrastructural studies,
et al 1992). These experiments provide general principles, but it consult Spira & Hollenberg 1973; Fisher & Linberg 1975.)
should not be assumed that the conclusions can be applied directly Experiments on chick embryos indicate that the divergent differ-
to every detail of the human case. In particular, there appear to be entiation of the pigmented and sensory layers of the retina depends on
significant differences between the different vertebrate classes as interactions mediated by diffusible molecules. For example, soluble
regards the developmental plasticity and capacity for regeneration factors from the retina elicit the polarized distribution of plasma
of the tissues in the eye. The development of the eye involves a series membrane proteins and the formation of tight junctions in the
of interactions between neighbouring tissues in the head. These pigmented epithelium (Rizzolo & Li 1993). Neural retinal differ-
interactions have been studied extensively in experimental tissue entiation appears to be mediated by fibroblast growth factors (Pittack
combinations, but much of the older literature is unreliable because et al 1991; Guillemot & Cepko 1992). Even after specific differ-
of technical difficulties in separating the tissues cleanly, the lack of entiation is under way in the pigmented epithelium, however, this
unambiguous host/graft markers to determine the origins of struc- tissue retains the potential to become neural retina and will do so if
tures developed from the combined tissues and the lack of specific the embryonic retina is wounded.
molecular indicators of tissue type by which to assay the resulting The development of specific types of cell in the retina depends on
development. Studies in amphibia, using improved methods, have cell interactions, rather than cell lineage. In the mouse, for example,
shown that the formation of the optic vesicle is a result of interactions a single retinal precursor cell can give rise to at least three different
between the mesenchyme of the head and the adjacent neurectoderm types of neuron or two types of neuron and aglial cell (Fields-Berry
during gastrulation and neurulation. These interactions lead to the et al 1992) and, in frog embryos, the different types of cells in the
development of the potential to form optic vesicles throughout a retina can be generated without cell division (Harris & Hartenstein
broad anterior domain of neurectoderm. As a result of further 1991). These interactions are mediated, at least in part, by diffusible
interactions between mesenchyme and neurectoderm, this region factors which are likely to act over short range, coordinating the
becomes subdivided into bilateral domains at the future sites of the development of neighbouring cells (Wilkinson et al 1989; Wat-
eyes. The parallel process of lens determination appears to depend anabe & Raff 1992; Mudhar et al 1993). Fundamental aspects of the
on an inductive influence spreading through the surface ectoderm mechanisms by which cell signalling determines the pattern of neural
from the rostral neural plate. During a brief period of competence, cell differentiation are also becoming evident from studies which
this elicits a lens-forming area of the head (consult Grainger et al indicate the expression, in the mammalian retina, of genes that are
1992 for a review). As the optic vesicle forms and contacts the known to be involved in spatial determination in invertebrates;
potential lens ectoderm reciprocal interactions occur which are examples are the mouse genes related to the Drosphila gene Notch
necessary for the complete development of both tissues. (Reaume et al 1992) and Achaete-Scute (Guillemot & Joyner
Differentiation of the functional components of the eye Optic nerve develops from the optic stalk. The centre of the optic
The developments described above bring the embryonic components cup, where the optic fissure is deepest, will later form the optic
of the eye into the spatial relationships necessary for the passage, disc. Here the neural retina is continuous with the corresponding
focusing, and sensing of light. The next phase of development invaginated cell layer of the optic stalk and, as a result, the developing
involves further patterning and cell-type differentiation in order to nerve fibres of the ganglion cells pass directly into the wall of the
develop the specialized structures of the adult organ. stalk, converting it into the optic nerve. The fibres of the optic nerve
The optic cup becomes patterned, from the base to the rim, into begin to acquire their myelin sheaths shortly before birth, but the
regions with distinct functions (3.129a-c). The external stratum process is not completed until some time later. The optic chiasma is
remains a rather thin layer of cells which, around 36 days, begin to formed by the meeting and partial decussation of the fibres of the
acquire pigmented melanosomes and form the pigmented epithelium two optic nerves in the ventral part of the lamina terminalis at the
of the retina. In a parallel process which was already begun before junction of the telencephalon with the diencephalon in the floor of
invagination, the cells of the inner layer of the cup proliferate to the third ventricle. Beyond the chiasma, the fibres are continued
form a thick epithelium. The inner layer forms neural tissue over backwards as the optic tracts, principally to the lateral geniculate
260 the base and sides of the cup and non-neural tissue around the bodies and to the superior tectum.

The ciliary body is a compound structure; its epithelial com- connected by a network of delicate cytoplasmic processes. This
ponents comprise the region of the inner layer of the retina between network, derived partly from cells of the lens and partly from those
the iris and the neural retina together with the adjacent outer layer of the retina, is the primitive vitreous body. At first these cytoplasmic
of pigmented epithelium. The cells in this region differentiate in processes are connected to the whole of the neuroretinal area of the
close association with the surrounding mesenchyme to form highly cup, but later they are limited to the ciliary region where, by a
vascularized folds that secrete fluid into the globe of the eye (reviewed process of condensation, they form the basis of the suspensory
in Bard 1990). The inner surface of the ciliary body also forms the ligaments of the ciliary zonule. The vascular mesenchyme which
site of attachment of the lens (see below), while the outer layer is enters the cup through the choroidal fissure and around the equator
associated with smooth muscle derived from mesenchymal cells in of the lens associates locally with this reticular tissue and thus
the choroid located between the anterior scleral condensation and contributes to the formation of the vitreous body.
the pigmented ciliary epithelium. This ciliary muscle functions to Aqueous chamber. This chamber of the eye develops in the space
focus the lens. between the surface ectoderm and the lens which is invaded by
The iris functions to regulate the aperture of the eye. It develops mesenchymal cells of neural crest origin. The aqueous chamber
from the tip of the optic cup where the two layers remain thin and initially appears as a cleft in this mesenchymal tissue. The mes-
are associated with vascularized, muscular connective tissue. The enchyme superficial to the cleft forms the substantia propria of the
muscles of the sphincter and dilator pupillae are unusual in being of cornea, which deep to the cleft forms the mesenchymal stroma of
neurectodermal origin, developed from the cells of the pupillary part the iris and the pupillary membrane. Tangentially, this early cleft
of the optic cup. The mature colour of the iris develops after extends as far as the iridocorneal angle where communications
birth and depends on the relative contributions of the pigmented are established with the sinus venosus sclerae. When the pupillary
epithelium on the posterior surface of the iris and the chromatophore membrane disappears the cavity continues to form between the iris
cells in the mesenchymal stroma of the iris. If only epithelial pigment and the lens capsule as far as the zonular suspensory fibres. Thus
is present, the eye appears blue; if there is an additional contribution the aqueous chamber is now divided by the iris into anterior and
from the chromatophores, the eye appears brown. posterior chambers, communicating through the pupil. Their walls
Lens. This is developed from the lens vesicle (3.129a). The vesicle is furnish the sites of production, and channels of circulation and
initially a ball of actively proliferating epithelium typically enclosing a reabsorption of the aqueous humour (p. 1349).
clump of disintegrating cells. By 37 days, however, there is a clear Cornea is induced in front of the anterior chamber by the lens
difference between the thin anterior (i.e. outward facing) epithelium and optic cup. The corneal epithelium is formed from the surface
and the thickened posterior epithelium. Cells of the posterior wall ectoderm and the epithelium of the anterior chamber from mes-
lengthen greatly and fill the vesicle (3.129p, c) so that, by about 44 enchyme (O’Rahilly & Meyer 1959). Between the two is established
days the original cavity is reduced to a slit. The posterior cells a regular array of collagen fibres which serve to reduce scattering of
become filled with a very high concentration of proteins (crystallins), light entering the eye (for a review of the process in the chick see
which render them transparent. The cells themselves become densely Bard 1990).
packed within the lens as primary lens fibres. Cells at the equatorial Choroid and sclera. These differentiate as inner, vascular, and
region of the lens also elongate and add additional secondary lens outer, fibrous, layers from the mesenchyme surrounding the optic
fibres to the body of the lens in a process which continues into cup. The blood vessels of the choroid develop from the fifteenth
adult life. Characteristic ultrastructural changes during lens cell week and include the vasculature of the ciliary body. The choroid is
development have been described by Wulle and Lerche 1967. This continuous with the internal sheath of the optic nerve which is a
process is sustained by continued proliferation of cells in the anterior part of the pia-arachnoid of the brain. Outside this, the sclera is
epithelium. In the chick and mammal, the polarity and growth of continuous with the outer sheath of the optic nerve, and thus with
the lens appear to depend on the differential distribution of soluble the dura mater of the brain. The continuity of the subarachnoid
factors which promote either cell division or lens fibre differentiation space with the sheath of the optic nerve makes the optic disc and
and are present in the anterior chamber and vitreous humour the venous return from the retina sensitive to pathological changes
respectively (Hyatt & Beebe 1993; Schultz et al 1993). in the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid.
The developing lens is surrounded by a vascular mesenchymal Eyelids are formed as small cutaneous folds (3.129c). About the
condensation, the vascular capsule, the anterior part of which is middle of the third month their edges come together and unite over
named the pupillary membrane. The blood vessels supplying the the cornea, enclosing the conjunctival sac. They are usually said to
posterior part of this capsule are derived from the hAyaloid artery, remain united until about the end of the sixth month. When the
those for the anterior part from the anterior ciliary arteries. By the eyelids open, the conjunctiva lines their inner surfaces and the white
sixth month all the vessels of the capsule are atrophied except the (scleral) region of the eye. For a detailed account consult Sevel
hyaloid artery, which becomes occluded during the eighth month of (1988) and for an account of eyelid development in the mouse see
intrauterine life. The atrophy of both the hyaloid vasculature and Findlater et al (1993).
the pupillary membrane appears to be an active process of pro-
grammed tissue remodelling dependent on macrophages (Lang & LACRIMAL APPARATUS
Bishop 1993). Prior to this, during the fourth month, the hyaloid
artery gives off retinal branches and its proximal part persists in the The epithelium of the alveoli and ducts of the /acrimal gland arise
adult as the central artery of the retina, together with its accompany- as a series of tubular buds from the ectoderm of the superior
ing central vein (for details, consult Penfold et al 1990). The hyaloid conjunctival fornix; these buds are arranged in two groups, one
canal, which carries the vessels through the vitreous, persists after forming the gland proper and the other its palpebral process. The
the vessels have become occluded. In the newly born child it extends lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct are considered to be derived
more or less horizontally from the optic disc to the posterior aspect from the ectoderm in the nasomaxillary groove between the lateral
of the lens but when the adult eye is examined with a slit-lamp it nasal prominence and the maxillary prominence (p.237). This
can be seen to follow a wavy, curvy course, sagging downwards as thickens to form a solid cord of cells which sinks into the
it passes forwards to the lens (Mann 1927). With the loss of its mesenchyme; during the third month the central cells of the cord
blood vessels the vascular capsule disappears and the lens becomes break down and a lumen is acquired. In this way the nasolacrimal
dependent for its nutrition on diffusion via the aqueous and vitreous duct is established. The /acrimal canaliculi arise as buds from the
humours. The lens remains enclosed, however, in the Jens capsule upper part of the cord cells and, secondarily, establish openings
which is a thickened basal lamina derived from the lens epithelium. (punctua lacrimalia) on the margins of the lids; the inferior
Sometimes the pupillary membrane persists at birth, giving rise to canaliculus cuts off a small part of the lower eyelid to form the
congenital atresia of the pupil. lacrimal caruncle and plica semilunaris. The epithelium of the
The vitreous body develops between the lens and the optic cup cornea and conjunctiva is of ectodermal origin, as are also the
as a transparent, avascular gel of extracellular substance; the precise eyelashes and the lining cells of the tarsal, ciliary and other glands
derivation of the vitreous is controversial. The lens rudiment and which open on the margins of the eyelids. For general accounts
the optic vesicle are at first in contact, but after closure of the lens of ocular developmental abnormalities consult Dejean et al (1958);
vesicle and formation of the optic cup they draw apart, remaining Mann 1964; and Moore and Peroud (1993). 261
i lll... _


EARS the vestibular ganglion with a small contribution from neural crest
cells (D’Amico-Martel & Noden 1983). The mouth of the pit then
The rudiments of the internal ears appear shortly after those of the closes forming an initially piriform otocyst (auditory or otic vesicle)
eyes as two patches of thickened, surface epithelium, otic placodes, from which the epithelial lining of the membranous labyrinth is
lateral to the hindbrain (see p. 148). Each placode invaginates as an derived (3.130a-F). A vertical infolding of its wall progressively marks
otic pit while at the same time giving cells to the stato-acoustic off a tubular diverticulum on the medial side, which differentiates
(vestibulocochlear) ganglion (8.96a). Studies have indicated that the into the ductus and saccus endolymphaticus, and they communicate
vestibulocochlear ganglion is formed entirely by placodal cells and via the ductus with the remainder of the vesicle—the utriculosaccular
also that placodal cells populate the acoustic ganglion entirely and chamber—which is placed laterally. From the dorsal part of this

Neural tube Endolymphatic Posterior semicircular duct

diverticulum ‘
semicircular Crus commune

Otocyst Absorption

Developing cochlea ol
Lateral semicircular duct
Developing cochlea

Anterior (Superior) Ire mm

semicircular duct LATERAL VIEW

X Lateral
Crus commune semicircular
Saccus Saccus
endolymphaticus endolymphaticus Anterior
(Superior) 6Superior)
semicircular semicircular
duct Cochlear duct duct

Posterior semicircular duct

Ductus endolymphaticus
Lateral semicircular duct

_ pleoh Utricle
Ductus reuniens


Cochlear duct


3.130 Diagrams showing the stages in the development of the mem- (orange) and cochlear (yellow) parts of the vestibulocochlear nerve. (From
branous labyrinth from the otocyst, at the embryonic stages and viewed a series of models prepared by His.)
262 from the aspects indicated. Note also the relationship of the vestibular

chamber three compressed diverticula appear as disc-like evagi- basic development thus occurs during fetal life (Bok 1966). A study
nations; the central parts of the walls of the discs coalesce and of the posterior part of the tympanic cavity and in particular of the
disappear while the peripheral portions of the discs persist as semi- sinus tympani, a recess between the promontory and pyramid
circular ducts; the anterior duct is completed first, and the lateral (p. 1373), emphasizes the late fetal development of this region
last. From the ventral part of the utriculosaccular chamber arises a (Bollobas & Hajdu 1975).
medially directed evagination which progressively coils as the cochlear The opinion long held as to the development of the auditory
duct; its proximal extremity constricts as the ductus reuniens. The ossicles was that the malleus derived from the dorsal end of the
central part of the chamber now represents the membranous ves- ventral mandibular (Meckel’s) cartilage and the incus from the dorsal
tibule, divided into a smaller ventral saccule and a larger utricle cartilage, probably corresponding to the quadrate bone of birds and
mainly by horizontal infolding which extends from the lateral wall reptiles. The stapes stems mainly from the dorsal end of the cartilage
towards the opening of the ductus endolymphaticus, leaving only a of the second (hyoid) arch, first as a ring (annulus stapedis) encircling
narrow utriculosaccular duct between its divisions. This duct becomes the small stapedial artery (p. 314). The primordium of the stapedius
- acutely bent on itself, its apex being continuous with the ductus muscle appears close to the artery and facial nerve at the end of the
endolymphaticus. During this period the membranous labyrinth second month, and at almost the same time the tensor tympani
undergoes a rotation so that the long axis, originally vertical, becomes begins to appear near the extremity of the tubotympanic recess
more or less horizontal (Bast & Anson 1949). Subsequently, otocyst (Candiollo & Levi 1969). Detailed analysis of early embryos con-
derived cells, having contributed placodal cells to the ves- cerning the mesenchymal origins of the blastemal ossicles, however,
tibulocochlear ganglion, differentiate into the specialized par- differs from the foregoing. Each ossicle has at least two distinct
aneuronal hair cells of the utricle, saccule, ampullae of the sources (see p. 277 and Hanson et al 1962).
semicircular ducts, and organ of Corti; they also differentiate into At first the ossicles are embedded in the mesenchymal roof of the
various specialized sustentacular cells and the unique epithelia of the tympanic cavity and their extraneous origin is indicated in the adult
stria vascularis and endolymphatic sac. The remainder form the by the covering which they receive from its mucous lining.
general epithelial lining of the rest of the membranous labyrinth.
The mesenchyme surrounding the various parts of the epithelial
labyrinth is converted into a cartilaginous otic capsule, and this is
finally ossified to form most of the bony labyrinth of the internal ear. The external acoustic meatus is developed from the dorsal end of
(Exceptions are the modiolus and osseous spiral lamina—see below.) the hyomandibular or first pharyngeal groove. Close to its dorsal
For a time the cartilaginous capsule is incomplete and the cochlear, extremity this groove extends inwards as a funnel-shaped primary
vestibular and facial ganglia are situated in the gap between its meatus from which the cartilaginous part and a small area of the
canalicular and cochlear parts. These ganglia are soon covered by roof of the osseous meatus are developed. From this funnel-shaped
an outgrowth of cartilage and at the same time the facial nerve is tube a solid epidermal plug extends inwards along the floor of the
covered in by a growth of cartilage from the cochlear to the tubotympanic recess; by the breaking down of the central cells of
canalicular part of the capsule. In the embryonic connective tissue this plug the inner part of the meatus (secondary meatus) is produced,
between the cartilaginous capsule and the epithelial wall of the while its deepest ectodermal cells form the epidermal stratum of the
labyrinth the perilymphatic spaces are developed. The rudiment of tympanic membrane. The fibrous stratum of the membrane is formed
the periotic cistern or vestibular perilymphatic space can be seen in from the mesenchyme between the meatal plate and the endodermal
an embryo of from 30 to 40mm in length in the reticulum between floor of the tubotympanic recess.
the saccule and the fenestra vestibuli. The scala tympani is next The development of the auricle is initiated by the appearance of
developed and begins opposite the fenestra cochleae; the scala six hillocks which form round the margins of the dorsal portion of
vestibuli is the last to appear (Streeter 1917). The two scalae gradually the hyomandibular groove. Of the six, three are on the caudal edge
extend along each side of the ductus cochlearis, and when they reach of the mandibular arch and three on the cranial edge of the hyoid
the tip of the ductus a communication, the helicotrema, is developed arch (3.142F). These hillocks appear at the 4mm stage but they tend
between them. The modiolus and the osseous spiral lamina of the to become obscured as development proceeds and of those on the
cochlea are not preformed in cartilage but ossified directly from mandibular arch only the most ventral, which subsequently forms
connective tissue. the tragus, can be identified throughout. The remainder of the auricle
Auditory tube and tympanic cavity. These are developed from follows proliferation of the mesenchyme of the hyoid arch (Streeter
a hollow, termed the tubotympanic recess (Frazer 1914), between the 1922), which extends forwards round the dorsal end of the remains
first and third pharyngeal arches, the floor of the recess consisting of the hyomandibular groove, forming a keel-like elevation—the
of the second arch and its limiting pouches. By the forward growth forerunner of the helix. The contribution made by the mandibular
of the third arch the inner part of the recess is narrowed to form arch to the auricle is greatest at the end of the second month; as
the tubal region, and the inner part of the second arch is excluded growth continues, it is relatively reduced; eventually the area of skin
from this portion of the floor. The more lateral part of the recess supplied by the mandibular nerve extends little above the tragus.
subsequently develops into the tympanic cavity and the floor of this The lobule is the last part of the auricle to develop.
part forms the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity up to about the The rudiment of the eighth nerve appears in the fourth week as
level of the chorda tympani nerve. From this it will be seen that the the vestibulocochlear ganglion, which lies between the otocyst and
lateral wall of the tympartic cavity contains first and second arch the wall of the hindbrain. At first it is fused with the ganglion of the
elements, the first arch being limited to the part in front of the facial nerve (acousticofacial ganglion) but later the two separate. The
anterior process of the malleus. The second arch forms the outer cells of the vestibulocochlear ganglion are mainly derived from the
wall behind this and turns on to the back wall to take in the placodal ectoderm (see above); the ganglion divides into vestibular
tympanohyal region. Some observations, however, indicate that the and cochlear parts, each associated with the corresponding division
tympanic cavity is derived wholly from the first pouch of the eighth nerve. The cells of these ganglia remain bipolar
(Kanagasuntheram 1967). The tubotympanic recess is at first infero- throughout life, each sending a proximal fibre into the brainstem,
lateral to the cartilaginous otic capsule, but as the latter enlarges and a peripheral fibre to the internal ear. These neurons are also
the relations become altered and the tympanic cavity becomes unusual in that many of their somata become enveloped in thin
anterolateral. A cartilaginous process grows from the lateral part of myelin sheaths.
the capsule to form the tegmen tympani and it curves caudally to The ganglionic fibres just described provide, of course, the afferent,
form the lateral wall of the auditory tube. In this way, subsequent sensory innervation of the labyrinthine hair cells. The latter soon
to ossification, the tympanic cavity and the proximal part of the become associated with the outgrowing axons from cells of the
auditory tube become included in the petrous region of the temporal superior olivary complexes of the pons which provide an efferent
bone. During the sixth or seventh month the mastoid antrum appears innervation, the olivocochlear bundle (p. 1394). Development details
as a dorsal expansion of the tympanic cavity. Much of the cavity’s are, however, lacking in mankind.



The development of the musculoskeletal system is complex, requiring a general account of epithelial/mesenchymal interactions, see p. 110.)
the coordinated integration of mesenchymal derivatives from differ- The formation of a mesenchymal condensation is associated with
ent parts of the embryo and a variety of epithelial/mesenchymal formation of gap junctions that allow intercellular communication
interaction. Three distinct subpopulations of mesenchyme produce followed by production of extracellular matrix molecules, if sufficient
the majority of the system. cells are associated within a condensation (Hall & Miyake 1992).
The type and quantity of the matrix can induce and maintain
e Paraxial mesenchyme gives rise to the striated muscle throughout production of further matrix molecules by competent cells. Particular
the head, trunk and limbs, virtually exclusively via the somites or matrix molecules are associated with specific developmental lineages
preoccipital somitomeres (although axial mesenchyme from the and can be used to distinguish different cell fates, for example an
prechordal plate produces the extrinsic eye muscles). osteogenic fate from a chondrogenic.
e Somatopleuric mesenchyme and a discrete portion of each somite, It is not yet clear how cells are committed to a connective tissue
in the main, give rise to the skeletal elements, ligaments, tendons,
lineage; however, it has been shown that single mesenchyme cells
fasciae, muscular and dermal connective tissue throughout the
will differentiate into chondroblasts if they are maintained in a
trunk and limbs. The former also patterns the development of the rounded configuration. Connective tissue develops from mesenchyme
nerves, muscles and blood vessels in these locations. of different origins, for example from somatopleuric mesenchyme,
e Neural crest mesenchyme produces the skeletal elements of the cephalic neural crest cells and parts of the somite (splanchnopleuric
viscerocranium and much of the neurocranium, the ligaments,
mesenchyme also in association with the viscera). The formation of
tendons, fasciae and muscular connective tissue throughout the cartilage has been extensively studied; however, less is known about
head, including the meninges and dermal connective tissues. The
the development of the widespread range of connective tissue or the
neural crest also patterns the development of the nerves, muscles origin of the osteoblastic lineage. Chondrogenesis is generally
and blood vessels in these locations. initiated from mesenchyme in response to an extracellular matrix
Germinal epithelia, which provide the populations of mesenchyme mediated interaction, either via a basal lamina as in the sclerotomes
cells for these fates, are generated locally in the somites, each of (see below), or via an ectodermal mesenchymal interaction as in the
which provides a discrete germinal epithelial plate for the production limbs and facial processes (see below). Sclerotomal cells are already
of myoblasts, and more extensively in the proliferating somatopleuric determined to a chondrogenic lineage, perhaps even before somite
mesothelium. Neural crest cells proliferate as they migrate and also formation; interaction with the basal laminae of the notochord and
in situ. In all cases epithelial tissue close to the mesenchyme, often neural tube enhances the differentiation process. The mesenchyme
specifically ectoderm, contributes to the developmental processes by of the limb requires both the presence of an ectodermal sleeve early
initiating some differentiation pathways and preventing others. in development and then subsequent interaction with extracellular
Because of the diversity of cell populations which contribute to matrix products for both chondrogenic and fibrocyte differentiation.
the musculoskeletal system, its development will be considered in A high cell density in the core of the limb is required for chondrogenic
the following order: differentiation whilst an antichondrogenic zone immediately beneath
the ectoderm seems to prevent the differentiation of cartilage within
(1) Development of the axial structures
the dermis and myogenic zone. Limb buds cultured in the coelomic
—development of the musculoskeletal tissues of the trunk, i.e. the
cavity usually chondrify in their peripheral zones where the ectoderm
vertebral column and associated muscles. These structures are formed is lacking or replaced by another kind of epithelium (Brand et al
by the paraxial mesenchyme which surrounds the neural tube and 1985). The ectoderm is believed to produce matrix molecules which
notochord, and laterally by somatopleuric mesenchyme.
encourage cell flattening and fibrogenic differentiation (Christ et al
—development of the musculoskeletal tissues of the head, i.e. the 1986). Expression of type II collagen in mesenchyme cells is often a
skull and associated muscles. These structures are formed by several
sign of terminal differentiation along a chondrogenic lineage. The
mesenchymal populations, i.e. a specialized portion of the axial ultimate fate of such cells is production of type X collagen; when
musculoskeletal tissue, a mesenchymal population from the pre-
this occurs the cells hypertrophy and will ultimately die. Hypertro-
chordal plate and a significant mesenchymal population from the phied cells can start the mineralization process within the expanded
ectodermal neural crest. cartilage lacunae. Regions of persistent cartilage, (e.g. trachea, pinna,
(2) Development of the appendicular structures etc.) do not permit the final differentiation fate of the cell line.
The musculoskeletal tissues of the limbs are formed from both The factors promoting osteoblast development are not clear.
somatopleuric mesenchyme and paraxial mesenchyme. Osteogenesis coincides with the vascularization of either a cartilage
Our understanding of the general development of the connective model, as in endochondral ossification, or of a mesenchymal con-
and muscular tissues in the skeletal system has improved significantly densation directly, as in intramembranous ossification. Ossification
with the advances in molecular biology and it is possible to see occurs at a much slower rate than chondrogenesis (for a fuller
common developmental pathways which are followed by all myo- description of these processes see p. 471). Chondroclasts and osteo-
blasts, chondroblasts or fibroblasts, etc. regardless of their site of clasts have been identified in older developing limbs remodelling
origin. A brief account of some of these basic mechanisms may assist developing bone and cartilage; they may represent the same cell line
the interpretation of more specific events. in different locations (Jacob at al 1986). Adipocytes are also related
to chondroblasts and osteoblasts and fibroblasts.
General development of connective tissue cells
The most fundamental facet of connective tissue differentiation is General development of skeletal muscle
the production of mesenchymal condensations which, according to A myogenic lineage, noted by the expression of myogenic deter-
Atchley and Hall (1991), are the basic units from which morphology mination factors, can be demonstrated transitorily in some cells
is constructed during development. Five developmental criteria ident- shortly after their ingression through the primitive streak. The
ify a condensation: skeletal muscle found throughout the body is derived from the
paraxial mesenchyme which segments to form the somites (see also
the number of stem cells
development of the extrinsic ocular muscles).
the time of condensation initiation Cells committed to a myogenic lineage will undergo a series of
the mitotically active fraction proliferative mitotic divisions prior to passage through a terminal
the rate of cell division
division resulting in their restriction as postmitotic myoblasts. Post-
the rate of cell death.
mitotic myoblasts can begin to transcribe the mRNAs for the
These criteria may vary individually or in concert producing major contractile proteins actin and myosin as well as a number
variability in developmental processes. A condensation is the first of regulatory proteins of muscle contraction. Finally postmitotic
264 cellular product of epithelial/mesenchymal tissue interactions. (For myoblasts will assume a characteristic spindle shape and begin to

fuse with one another, creating a tube-like syncytium, the myotube. muscle forming cells of the somite; now it is usually restricted to
(Interestingly myoblasts from different vertebrates will fuse to form cells deriving from the craniomedial edge.) They will give rise to the
hybrid myotubes.) Subsequent to fusion, myofibrils assemble in the skeletal muscle dorsal to the vertebrae, the epaxial musculature (see
periphery of the myotube. The early myofibrils develop the cross- below). Secondly, after initiation of the myotome, cells produced
striated organization first at the Z line, an a-actinin rich structure from the ventrolateral edge of the epithelial plate, opposite the limb
that anchors the actin filaments to form the I-Z-I complexes, and bud, migrate into the developing limb to give rise to its skeletal muscle
later in the A band region, occupied by the myosin filaments. (see below). Lastly, the remaining epithelial plate (and underlying
Sarcomere formation proceeds from the periphery towards the centre myotome cells) grows into the flank region of the body. The epithelial
of the myotubes. When this process is complete, the nuclei migrate plate is still proliferating at the beginning of this stage. Later
from the centre to the periphery, and the syncytium is now called a the epithelial plate cells revert to mesenchyme and processes from
myofibre. Myofibrils align laterally with one another, the sar- contiguous somites fuse to form a unified premuscular mass which
coplasmic reticulum and T-tubules become arranged in transverse gives rise to the ventrolateral muscles of the body wall (see below).
orientation, and the myofibre continues to grow by splitting of It was, for long, the case that once the myotome cells could be
myofibrils as well as by addition of new myofibrils. identified the remaining epithelial plate was termed the dermatome,
During development at least three populations of myoblast are its fate being described as forming the dermis of the skin. However,
formed. Embryonic myoblasts give rise to primary myotubes and it is now clear that the epithelial plate continues to provide a
muscle fibres, and thus embryonic muscle. Subsequently smaller, significant source of myogenic precursor cells as it elongates into the
secondary myotubes and muscle fibres arise from late myoblasts. body wall. Thus the detailed intimate relationship between the
Finally satellite cells which are also contained within the basal lamina epithelial plate/dermatome, the generation of myogenic cells and the
differentiate. These latter cells may divide in postnatal life to provide patterning of the epidermis of the skin is, as yet, by no means clear
new myoblasts to fuse with the muscle fibres ensuring growth of the (see later). Studies describing a somitic contribution to the dermis,
muscle. For more information on subsets of muscle fibres consult from the dermatome, localize it to the dermis over the epaxial
Section 7. muscles (Christ et al 1983), a much smaller distribution than the
The development of the central nervous system is crucial for segmental portion of skin usually implied by this term.
normal formation of the fetal myoblast lineage. Formation of sec- The rate of somite formation has been estimated at approximately
ondary fibres appears to be nerve dependent; the number of sec- one pair every 3 hours (Menkes et al 1961; Chernoff & Lash 1981).
ondary fibres is reduced by denervation. It is suggested that secondary The regularity of somite formation provides criteria for staging
myotubes are initiated only at sites of innervation of primary embryos; staging schemes have been developed both by Lash and
myotubes. Ostrovsky (1986) and by Ordahl (1993). Lash and Ostrosky describe
five stages, from somitomere identification (see above) to the pro-
duction of an epithelial somite distinct from the presegmental plate.
Ordahl notes that morphogenetic events occur in successive somites
AXIAL SKELETON AND MUSCLES at approximately the same rate. He designates the somite most
recently formed from the segmental plate (stage 5 of Lash &
Somitogenesis Ostrovsky) as stage I, the next most recent as stage II, etc. After the
Cells destined to become paraxial mesenchyme ingress through the embryo forms an additional somite, the ages of the previously formed
lateral aspect of the primitive node and rostral primitive streak somites increase by one roman numeral. In this conceptualization of
(3.42); the mesenchyme cells thus formed retain contact with both somitogenesis compaction occurs at stage I; epithelialization at stages
the epiblast and hypoblast basal laminae as they migrate to their II to III; formation of mesenchymal sclerotome cells from stage V;
paraxial position and this persists for some time after reaching their myotome formation at stage VI; early migration of the ventrolateral
destination. lip of the epithelial plate and production of myotome cells can still
After the onset of neurulation the paraxial mesenchyme caudal to be seen at stage X.
the otic vesicle undergoes segmentation (3.131) in a craniocaudal Differences have been identified in the fates of each of the six
progression forming discrete clusters of mesenchyme cells; this stage facets of a somite. Firstly the medial and lateral halves of the early
is termed compaction. In each tight cluster of paraxial mesenchyme epithelial somite have different origins and fates, later the cranial
the cells re-establish juxtaluminal junctions and organize themselves and caudal halves of the epithelial plate differ and finally the cranial
into an epithelial somite. The cells of the epithelial somite are and caudal halves of the sclerotome have different properties and
polarized with respect to a central lumen which contains some fates. Experimental studies have shown that the precise devel-
mesenchymal core cells. The Golgi apparatus and mitotic figures are opmental fates of these portions of the somite may be prescribed
located in the apical region of the cells, as are actin and a-actinin; as the precursor cells ingress from the epiblast. Compaction and
cilia develop on the free surface. The cells are joined by tight epithelialization may then shuffle these cells into their appropriate
junctions and the basal surface rests on a basal lamina containing positions in the somite prior to migration.
collagen, laminin, fibronectin and cytotactin (Keynes & Stern 1988). Selleck and Stern (1991) have shown that the medial halves of
Processes from the somite cells pass through this basal lamina to somites are formed from cells migrating through the lateral portion
contact the basal laminae of the neural tube and notochord (Hay of Hensen’s node; the lateral halves derive from ingression through
1968). A variety of cell adhesion molecules have been demonstrated the primitive streak approximately 200 4m caudal to the node. The
in epithelial somites. It is worth noting that a single somite can be two somite halves do not seem to intermingle. The medial half of the
described as having six faces, like a cube; it is now apparent that somite produces both the sclerotome and the myotome (epaxial
each facet has a slightly different fate. Further, the position along musculature); the lateral half of the somite provides the hypaxial
the embryo may alter the developmental fate of parts of the somite. and limb musculature (Ordahl & Le Douarin 1992; Ordahl 1993).
The epithelial somite undergoes rapid development in the following (Interestingly the innervations of these muscle groups are provided
manner: the cells of the ventromedial wall seem to be pulled towards by the posterior ramus of a spinal nerve for the epaxial muscles, and
the notochord, and despite extensive juxtaluminal junctions the cells the ventral ramus for the hypaxial and limb muscles.) Of the other
break apart. The newly formed mesenchymal cells, collectively termed facets, the cranial portion of the epithelial plate is the site of origin
the sclerotome, migrate medially towards the notochord; they will of the myotome (see below). Differences in the craniocaudal fates of
give rise to the bones, joints and ligaments of the vertebral column the portions of the somites have been studied in the development of
(see below). The remaining cells of the somite are now termed the the sclerotomes (see below).
epithelial plate of the somite or the dermomyotome. This epithelium
produces the cell lines which will give rise to (nearly) all the striated Formation of the vertebrae from sclerotomes
muscles of the body. Three separate myogenic lines can be seen. The sclerotome forms from the ventromedial border of the epithelial
Firstly, cells produced along the craniomedial edge of the epithelial somite. An intrasegmental boundary (fissure or cleft) appears within
plate elongate from the cranial to the caudal edge on the underside the sclerotome dividing it into loosely packed cranial and densely
of the basal lamina of the plate; they are collectively termed the packed caudal halves; this boundary is initially filled with extracellular
myotome. (The latter term was previously used to describe all the matrix and only few cells. The epithelial plate and later the myotome 265

spans the two half-sclerotomes. The sclerotomal cells migrate towards

the notochord which they surround, and with which they undergo a
matrix-mediated interaction, differentiating chondrogenetically to
form the cartilaginous precursor of the vertebral body. The peri-
notochordal sheath transiently expresses type II collagen which is
believed to initiate type II collagen expression, and thereafter a
chondrogenic fate, in those mesenchyme cells which contact it (see
also development of the chondrocranium, p.274). Each vertebra is
formed by the combination of much of the caudal half of one bilateral
pair of sclerotomes with much of the cranial half of the next caudal
pair of sclerotomes. Their fusion around the notochord produces the
blastemal centrum of the vertebra (3.132; see also 3.134). The
mesenchyme adjoining the intrasegmental sclerotomic fissure now
increases greatly in density forming a well-defined perichordal disc.
This intervenes between the successive centra of two vertebrae and
is the future annulus fibrosis of the intervertebral symphysis (‘disc’).
The boundary of the head and neck corresponds to the boundary
between the 5th and 6th somites. The first true somite disappears
early and somites 2—5 (occipital 1-4) fuse to form the basioccipital
bone (see, however, preoccipital somitomeres). The vertebrae are
formed from the 6th somite caudally, Cl being formed by the caudal

3.1314 Scanning electron micrograph of a lateral view of an embryo

showing the somites. The cranial somites are at the lower border and the
more caudal somites are at the upper border. A change in size of the
cranially more advanced somites is apparent. (Photograph by P Collins;
printed by S Cox, Electron Microscopy Unit, Southampton General Hospital.)



Neural tube
(1) Compaction

(2) Epithelialization transition to produce
epithelial somite

Epithelial phase of
the somite
(3) Medial migration of sclerotome
portion of somite Epithelium/mesenchyme
transition to produce
sclerotome population
Cells of the dorsomedial
(4) The sclerotome population migrates lip become myotomal. They
towards the notochord
extend from the cranial
to the caudal border of
the somite

The dorsomedial myotome

cells reach the caudal
(5) Formation of the myotome population border first; the more
Srom the dorsomedial lip of the lateral myotome cells
epithelial plate of the somite which are still forming and
folds back onto its lateral surface elongating
Myotome cells form the epaxial
(6) Myoblast populations for the limbs
and tongue arise from the ventrolateral
edge of specific somites. Hypaxial Sclerotome cells surround the
muscles arise from the remaining notochord anbd neural tube and
epithelial plate of all somites become chondroblasts


3.1318 The stages of somitogenesis. Development proceeds in a cranio- left of the figure). The stages in somitogenesis are given on the left of the
caudal progression. The more cranially placed somites (at the lower right of figure; more detailed information is given on the right.
266 the figure) are further developed than those caudally placed (at the upper

half of occipital somite 4 and the cranial half of cervical somite 1 vertebral joints. Such cervical ribs may reach the sternum (p. 268).
(3.132, 133). This shift of somite number and vertebral number In the thoracic region the thoracic costal processes attain their
accounts for the production of seven cervical vertebrae from eight maximum length as the ribs (see below). The extent of the transverse
cervical somites. and costal processes of each vertebra can be compared in (3.134).
The basic pattern of a typical vertebra is initiated by this recom- The type of vertebra is specified very early in development. If a
bination of caudal and cranial sclerotome halves, followed by differ- group of thoracic somites is transplanted to the cervical region, ribs
ential growth and sculpturing of the sclerotomal mesenchyme which will still develop (Kieny et al 1972; Goldstein & Kalcheim 1992),
encases the notochord and neural tube. This is the blastemal stage Interestingly it is the sclerotome which is restricted; the myotome
of vertebral development (3.134). As noted, the centrum encloses the will produce muscle characteristic of the new location. At present
notochord and lies ventral to the neural tube. From the dorsolateral the exact contribution of the caudal and rostral parts of the scler-
angles of the centrum the neural arch curves to enclose the neural otomes to the neural arches, pedicles and laminae and articular and
tube; from the zones of neurocentral confluence the arch comprises transverse processes are not yet entirely clear (Bagnall et al 1988;
paired bilateral pedicles (ventrolaterally) and laminae (dorsolaterally) Goldstein & Kalcheim 1992); similarly the exact origin of the
which coalesce in the midline dorsal to the neural tube. From the intervertebral disc has not been established.
latter arises the anlage of the vertebral spine. On each side three Condensation of the sclerotomal mesenchyme around the noto-
further processes are delineated, projecting from the junction of chord can be seen in stage 15 human embryos as can right and left
pedicle and lamina cranially, caudally and laterally. The cranial and neural processes. Chondrification begins at stage 17, initiating the
caudal projections are the blastemal articular processes cartilaginous stage (3.134). Each centrum chondrifies from one car-
(zygapophyses) and these become contiguous with reciprocal pro- tilage anlage (Uhthoff 1990). Each half of a neural arch is chondrified
cesses of adjacent vertebrae, their junctional zones the future zyga- from a centre starting in its base and extending ventrally into the
pophyseal joints. The lateral projections are the true vertebral pedicles, to meet, expand and blend with the centrum, and dorsally
transverse processes (see below). Finally, growing anterolaterally into the laminae. By stage 23 there are 33 or 34 cartilaginous
from the ventral part of the pedicles, i.e. near the centrum, from the vertebrae; however, the spinous processes have not yet developed
neighbouring perichordal disc, and, at most thoracic levels, with giving a general appearance of total spina bifida occulta. Fusion of
accessions from the next caudal adjacent pedicles, bilateral costal the spines does not occur until the fourth month. The transverse
processes develop; these expand to meet the tips of the transverse and articular processes are chondrified in continuity with the neural
processes. Note that the definitive vertebral body is compound, arches; intervening zones of mesenchyme which do not become
a median centrum and ventral expanded pedicle ends (bilateral) cartilage mark the sites of their interarticular (zygapophyseal) joints
dorsolaterally. and the complex of costovertebral joints, and synovial cavities appear
In cervical vertebrae (3.134) the transverse process is dorsomedial later in these.
to the foramen transversarium, while the costal process, cor- In general the thoracic spine develops ahead of the cervical and
responding to the head, neck and tubercle of a rib, limits the foramen lumbar spine; however, towards the end of the second month
ventrolaterally and dorsolaterally. The distal parts of these cervical ossification commences in the cartilaginous vertebrae in a cranio-
costal processes do not normally develop; occasionally they do so in caudal progression. After 16 weeks it has progressed to L5 and
the case of the seventh cervical vertebra, even developing costo- ossification of each additional vertebra occurs over a period of 2-3

Neural tube

Epithelial plate The spinal nerve grows preferentially

of the somite through the cranial half of the sclerotome

Caudal half of the sclerotome fuses with

Spinal nerve the cranial half of the sclerotome below



The intervertebral
disc forms
level with the
spinal nerve

Intervertebral disc
The notochord
expands at the
region of the

Nucleus pulposus

3.132 Formation of vertebrae and intervertebral discs from the mes- sclerotomes. The spinal nerves preferentially migrate through the cranial
enchymal sclerotomes. Each vertebra is formed from the cranial half of portion of the sclerotomes. (After Tuckmann-Daplessis & Hagel 1972).
one bilateral pair of chromosomes and the caudal half of the next pair of 267

Sclerotome Vertebra Nerve which forms the annulus fibrosus and differentiates into an external
laminated fibrous zone and an internal cuff around the nucleus
pulposus. The inner zone contributes to the growth of the outer,
and near the end of the second month of embryonic life it begins to
Base of
merge with the notochordal tissue, being ultimately converted into
occipital bone fibrocartilage. After the sixth month of fetal life notochordal cells in
the nucleus pulposus degenerate, being replaced by cells from the
CL internal zone of the annulus fibrosus. This degeneration continues
until the second decade of life, by which time all the notochordal
cells have disappeared (p.513). Thus, in the adult, notochordal
vestiges are limited, at the most, to non-cellular matrix.
It is to be re-emphasized here that the original sclerotomes are
coextensive with the individual metameric body segments, and that
each sclerotomic fissure, perichordal disc, and finally the maturing
intervertebral disc lies opposite the centre of each fundamental body
segment. From this, it follows that the discs also correspond in level
to (i.e. form the anterior boundary of) the intervertebral foramina,
their contained mixed spinal nerves, ganglia, vessels and sheaths.
Posteriorly, bounding the foramina are the capsules of the synovial
interarticular (zygapophyseal) joints. Cranially and caudally lie the
rims of the vertebral notches of adjacent vertebrae. Thus all the
structures listed (and other associated ones) are often designated
segmental, whereas because of their mode of development, vertebral
bodies are designated intersegmental.
Ribs, costal cartilages and sternum
Ribs. These develop from the costal processes of the primitive
vertebral arches, extending between the myotomic muscle plates. The
development of ribs is usually limited to the thoracic vertebrae
although ribs can arise occasionally from the seventh cervical ver-
tebra. In the thoracic region (3.134) costal processes grow laterally
to form a series of precartilaginous ribs. The transverse processes
grow laterally behind the vertebral ends of the costal processes, at
first connected by mesenchyme which later becomes differentiated
C7 into the ligaments and other tissues of the costotransverse joints. The
capitular costovertebral joints are similarly formed from mesenchyme
between the proximal end of the costal processes and the perichordal
disc, and adjacent neural arch derived parts of usually two (sometimes
cs one) vertebral bodies. Ribs 1—7 (vertebrosternal) curve round the
body wall to reach the developing sternal plates. Ribs 8-10
(vertebrochondral) are progressively more oblique and shorter, only
reaching the costal cartilage of the rib above and contributing to the
Tl costal margin. Ribs 11 and 12 are free (floating), with cone-shaped
terminal cartilages providing muscle attachments (see p.541). In
lumbar vertebrae (3.134) the costal processes do not develop distally,
but their proximal parts become the ‘transverse processes’ of these
vertebrae, whose morphologically true transverse processes may

12 be represented by their accessory processes (p. 526). Occasionally,
movable ribs may develop in association with the first lumbar
vertebra. Only the upper two or three sacral costal processes usually
develop significantly (3.134). They fuse into the lateral mass of
the sacrum, forming its ventral part. The coccygeal vertebrae are
apparently devoid of costal processes.
Sternum. This is formed from bilateral condensations of som-
atopleuric mesenchyme (Gumpel-Pinot 1984) immediately ventral to
3.133 Contribution of the somites to the vertebrae. Each somite induces a the primordia of the clavicles and ribs; these are termed the sternal
ventral root to grow out from the spinal cord. When the sclerotomes recom- plates. They are immediately ventral to the rudiments of the clavicles
bine the cranial half of the first cervical sclerotome fuses with the occipital and ribs, but are independent of them in their formation. As the ribs
sclerotome above contributing to the occipital bone of the skull. The cervical lengthen, the sternal plates chondrify and move medially towards
nerves beginning with C1 exit above the corresponding vertebra. Nerve C8 each other fusing across the midline in a craniocaudal direction. This
exits below the last cervical vertebra (C7). After this level nerves arise below forms the manubrium sterni and four sternebrae which form the
their vertebrae. (From Larsen, Embryology Churchill Livingstone.) sternal body with which the clavicles and upper seven pairs of costal
cartilages establish contact. The xiphoid process develops as a caudal
extension of the sternal body. Hypertrophy of the cartilage cells as
a preliminary to ossification occurs opposite future intercostal spaces.
weeks with 82 being ossified by 22 weeks. In most cases S1 can be The ossification and further growth of the sternum and ribs is
located at the level of the top of the iliac crest (Budorick 1991). described later (see 6.123, and p 539).
Further details of ossification are described elsewhere (p. 471).
Intervertebral discs. Whereas the sclerotomal mesenchyme Formation of the axial muscles from myotomes
forming the body of the vertebrae replaces the notochordal tissue Myogenic determination factors, MyoD, myogenin, Myf 5 and
which it surrounds, between the developing vertebrae the notochord herculin/MRF 4 can first be detected in the medial half of the somite
expands as localized aggregates of cells and matrix, thus forming the as early as stage II (Ordahl 1993), several hours prior to the onset
nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc (3.132, 134). This nucleus of myotome formation. The myotome is formed in the following
268 is surrounded by the intermediate part of each perichordal disc manner: cells of the epithelial plate are mainly orientated per-


with centres of chondrification
OSSIFIC STAGE (perinatal)
with centres of Costotransverse
primary ossification fe \ Cartilaginous spine
joint (growth cartilage)
for neural (third month) Subperiosteal
ossification in (synovial) disappears in infancy
neural arch

Endochondral Neurocentral
ossification growth cartilage
in costal process ~ disappears
Notochordal remnant & centrum in infancy
Intersegmental (vascular) anastomosis Fusion between advancing cartilages Costovertebral joint (synovial)

SECONDARY CENTRES OF OSSIFICATION AT PUBERTY appear at puberty & fuse in third decade

Developing annular epiphyses ca Boies tos Farah

transverse processes
& spine
Neurocentral fusion
REMM annular epiphysis


Parts of adult vertebrae derived from: CENTRA [A , NEURAL ARcHES (RMB. cosrat Processes MBM of embryonic vertebrae

3.134 Sequential diagrams of vertebral development through blastemal,

cartilaginous and pre- and postnatal ossificatory stages. Bottom row indi-
cates principal morphological parts of adult vertebrae.

pendicular to the back; however, the cells have different orientations edge of the epithelial plate (3.131). Myotome cells originate from the
according to their positions: they are transversely orientated along longitudinally orientated cells at the cranial edge of the epithelial
the dorsomedial edge and longitudinally orientated within the cranial plate. Individual cells are originally produced and anchored at the 269

craniomedial corner of the epithelial plate. Subsequently each sends and rectus abdominis. At this time the number of somatopleural
a process to the caudal edge of the plate where it forms a second fibroblasts situated within the muscle-forming zone increases, and
anchor point. Thus myotome formation continues caudally along myotubes can be first seen. Lastly, there is a ventral shift of the
the dorsomedial edge and laterally along the cranial edge. Each already separated muscle blastemata within the growing abdominal
mononucleated, myotome cell thus becomes very elongated per- wall to their definitive positions. During this process muscle differ-
pendicular to the cells of the epithelial plate. Development of entiation continues and muscular connective tissue, tendons and
subsequent cells produces a triangular shape of the myotome in its aponeuroses develop.
early formation. The growing myotome first reaches the caudal The diaphragm. This is a partition between the thoracic and
somite border on the medial side and later the ventrolateral edge abdominal cavities; it derives from a variety of mesenchymal popu-
(Kaehn et al 1988). When the vertebral bodies form, the future lations. Ventrally the septum transversum mesenchyme anchors the
intervertebral fissure divides the sclerotome into rostral and caudal diaphragm to the anterior abdominal wall where it attaches to
halves leaving the myotome fibres spanning the intervertebral joints the xiphisternum and costal margin. The central portion of the
and foramina. Thus the myotome derived muscles are always in a diaphragm is formed from splanchnopleuric mesenchyme which
position to move adjacent vertebrae relative to each other. surrounds the oesophagus and inferior vena cava and coats the
Myotome cells are all postmitotic embryonic myoblasts; they fuse pleuroperitoneal membranes. Laterally the diaphragm derives from
to form syncytia later in development (see above) to produce the the somatopleuric mesenchyme which is excavated by extension of
epaxial musculature, the skeletal muscle dorsal to the vertebrae the secondary pleural cavities into the costodiaphragmatic recesses.
(erector spinae). The normal development of these myoblasts requires Somitic myocytes from the ventrolateral edge of the epithelial plate
the presence of the neural tube (Christ 1970). It is also suggested of somites C3, 4 and 5 migrate into the lateral regions of the
that there is a possible interaction between precursor myotome diaphragm including the somatopleuric part. The central region
cells and the medial neural crest cells which are commencing their becomes tendinous. The posterior attachment of the diaphragm
migration at this time. The epaxial muscles are innervated by the descends to lower and lower positions until at the end of the second
dorsal ramus of each spinal nerve. The latter divides into its primary month it is opposite T12 or L1 (3.135, 136; see also p. 181).
dorsal and ventral rami as it emerges from its intervertebral foramen Pelvic floor. This consists of the ligamentous supports of the cervix,
(see above). : and the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms, and constitutes another
At much later stages satellite cells enter the myotome. Interestingly partition which traverses the body cavity. The dimensions of the
the development of endo-, peri- and epimysium in relation to the pelvic cavity are much smaller than those at the caudal end of the
epaxial muscles has not been addressed; no population of connective thorax and the pelvic diaphragm is thus a smaller structure. Because
tissue mesenchyme has yet been identified with this body region. of the irregular shape of the innominate bones the pelvic outlet has
Ventrolateral trunk muscles. These are formed from the epi- two planes which are filled by muscular groups arranged at different
thelial plate of the somite. After production of the myotome and the levels and directions. There is little information available about
precursor myogenic cells of the limb, the remaining epithelial plate pelvic floor development in the human. The striated muscle derives
(and attached myotome) grows into the flank somatopleuric mes- from the somitic epithelial plates in a similar manner to the ven-
enchyme. At this stage the epithelial plate is still proliferating and trolateral body wall. The puborectalis muscle appears in 20-30 mm
producing myogenic precursor cells. The epithelial plate has a leading embryos, following opening of the anal membrane, and striated
edge or process from which single cells or clusters of cells migrate muscle fibres can be seen at 15 weeks (Bourdelat 1992). Also at this
in a ventral direction. It may be that these epithelial plate cells, time the smooth muscle of the urethral sphincter can be seen.
which are in a more immature state of differentiation, act as pioneer Upper and lower ends of the trunk. The upper and lower ends of
cells for further cell movement (Jacob 1986). The previously seg- the trunk are narrowed as a result of the development of axial
mented processes from adjacent epithelial plates form a unified structures cranially, and both axial and appendicular structures
premuscular mass. Both postmitotic myoblast cells and still dividing caudally. Cranially, the size of the ribs, the cervical pleura with its
plate cells can be seen in the body wall; this may represent early and suprapleural membrane and the attached scalenus minimus muscle,
later forming myoblasts which will form heterokaryotic myotubes. together with the disposition of the other scaleni, create a narrow
The premuscular mass subdivides into abdominal muscle blastemata thoracic inlet which admits to the thorax only the contents of the
for the external and internal oblique muscles, transversus abdominis root of the neck. Caudally, however, the pelvic outlet serves a dual

From pars
of septum
From pars
of septum
From pleuro-


From dorsal

wi \

as Ain From
mesoderm of
dorsal body 3.136 Schema showing stages in the descent of the dorsal attachment of
wall the septum transversum. The numerals on the heavy lines indicate the
length of the embryo in mm, and the position of the occipital, cervical,
3.135 Inferior surface of the diaphragm showing the derivation of the thoracic and lumbar segments is also shown. Note: straight lines ignore the
270 different parts of its connective tissue framework. (After Wells 1954.) true profile of the septum. (After Mall.)

function. It maintains the position of the pelvic organs and continence glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves pass. At this stage the
of the excretory organs by an arrangement of sphincter muscles. In mesenchyme around the developing hypophyseal stalk, which is
addition, particularly with reference to the size of the human fetal forming the rudiment of the postsphenoid part of the sphenoid bone,
head at term, the osteoligamentous boundary of the pelvic outlet, in spreads out laterally to form the future greater wings of this element.
the human, is relatively larger than that of all other quadrupeds; Smaller processes rostral to this indicate the sites of the lesser wings
thus it requires a relatively extensive muscular and fibrous diaphragm. of the sphenoid, while other condensations reach the sides of the
nasal cavity and also blend with the still mesenchymatous septum.

HEAD Basal regions of the skull

These are, in mammals, initially preformed in cartilage (3.137). This
The head is composed of the skull surrounding the brain, and an occurs primarily in three regions:
outer covering of muscles, glands and skin. The skull has two distinct e caudally, in relation to the notochord
portions: that surrounding the brain and special sense organs—the
e intermediately, in relation to the hypophysis
neurocranium—and the lower face and jaws (also the palate, hyoid,
e rostrally, between the orbits and the nasal cavities.
epiglottis and larynx)—the viscerocranium. Each part derives from
different mesenchymal populations and by different methods. The These may be named parachordal, hypophyseal and interorbitonasal
neurocranium develops from the paraxial mesenchyme in the head, regions. The parachordal cartilage is developed from paraxial mes-
ie. the first five somites and the unsegmented somitomeres rostral enchyme related to the cranial end of the notochord and the first
to the first somite (Meier 1981), and from ectoderm via the neural five (occipital) somites; caudally it exhibits traces of four primitive
crest. The basal portion of the skull is similar in structure and segments separated by the roots of the hypoglossal nerves. It is
development to the vertebral column and is preformed in cartilage. notable that the region of fusion between the rostral part of the
The viscerocranium derives from ectoderm via invaginated head occipital bones and the portion of the parachordal plate that is of
neural crest which streams into the developing arches forming all the somitomeric origin corresponds to the spheno-occipital syn-
connective tissue elements of the face. Bones of the viscerocranium chondrosis, which is the site of growth for up to 20 years of age.
form in the main from membranous ossification but there are The otic capsule is formed from three different sources (identified in
cartilage models in each arch. The contribution of neural crest to the chick): the first somite, a portion of paraxial mesenchyme and
the neurocranium in mammals is not yet clear, although it has been neural crest mesenchyme (Couly et al 1993).
established in the chick that neural crest mesenchyme gives rise to The hypophyseal cartilage ossifies to form the postsphenoid part of
the large bones lateral and dorsal to the brain by membranous the sphenoid bone; it derives from both paraxial mesenchyme and
ossification (Couly et al 1993). Lateral plate mesenchyme does not neural crest in the chick (Couly 1993) (see also 3.101). The paraxial
extend into the head (see p. 286). mesenchyme contributes to the caudal part of the sella turcica,
forming each side of the rostral end of the notochord, whereas the
neural crest forms the more rostral portion of the sella turcica, and
NEUROCRANIUM the region termed by Couly et al (1993) the prechordal skeleton. The
The bones of the skull (3.137) are developed in the mesenchyme interorbitonasal cartilage is perhaps to be equated with the trabeculae
which surrounds the cerebral vesicles but, before the osseous state is cranii of lower vertebrates and is usually known as the trabecular
reached, the cranium passes through blastemal and cartilaginous cartilage, which is a bilateral structure developing from two centres
stages like other parts of the skeleton. However, not all parts pass of chondrification. The trabeculae cranii and the ethmoid complex
through a phase of chondrification; and hence the chondrocranium are of neural crest origin.
is incomplete, the remainder comprising the mesenchymatous, blas- In the human embryo cranial chondrification begins in the second
temal desmocranium. Most of the cranial vault and limited parts of month; cartilaginous foci first appear in the occipital plate, one on
its base are thus not preformed in cartilage. The mesenchymatous each side of the notochord (parachordal cartilages); these later fuse
(membranous) and cartilaginous parts of the skull will, for con- at the end of the seventh week surrounding the notochord, whose
venience, be considered in sequence; they develop together and com- oblique transit through the region has been mentioned (3.1374). The
plement each other in forming the complete cranium, some of whose cartilaginous posterior part of the sphenoid is formed from two
bones are composite structures derived from both sources. All ele- hypophyseal centres, flanking the stalk of the hypophysis and uniting
ments, of course, pass first through a mesenchymatous phase (3.137). at first behind, then in front, enclosing a craniopharyngeal canal
The blastemal skull (desmocranium) begins to appear at the end containing the hypophyseal diverticulum. The canal is usually oblit-
of the first month as a condensation and thickening of the mes- erated by the third month; its association with the derivation of the
enchyme which surrounds the developing brain, forming localized anterior lobe of the hypophysis from the pharyngeal diverticulum of
masses which are the earliest distinguishable cranial elements. The Rathke has been denied.
first masses evident are in the occipital region, outlining the basilar The otic capsules, presphenoid, bases of the greater wings and
(ventral) part of the occipital bone. These form an occipital plate, lesser wings of the sphenoid, and finally the nasal capsules, in turn
from which two extensions on each side grow laterally and spread become chondrified. The whole nasal capsule is well developed by
to complete a foramen around each hypoglossal nerve. At the same the end of the third month, consisting of a common median septal
time the mesenchymal condensation extends forwards, dorsal to the part (sometimes initially termed the interorbitonasal septum) and two
pharynx, to reach the primordium of the hypophysis, thus estab- lateral regions. The free caudal borders of the latter incurve to form
lishing the clivus of the cranial base and the dorsum sellae of the the interior nasal conchae, which ossify during the fifth month and
future sphenoid bone. Early in the second month it surrounds the become separate elements. Posteriorly each lateral part of the nasal
developing stalk of the hypophysis and extends ventrally and rostrally capsule becomes ossified as the ethmoidal labyrinth, bearing on its
between the two halves of the nasal cavity, where it forms the anlage medial surface ridges the future middle and superior conchae. Part
of the ethmoid bone and of the nasal septum. The notochord of the rest of the capsule remains cartilaginous as the septal and alar
traverses the ventral occipital plate obliquely, being at first near its cartilages of the nose; part is replaced by the mesenchymatous vomer
dorsal surface and then lying ventrally, where it comes into close and nasal bones.
relationship to the epithelium of the dorsal wall of the pharynx, The ventral surface of the chondrocranium is associated with the
being for a time fused with it. It then re-enters the cranial base and cartilages of the pharyngeal arches, the development of which will be
runs rostrally to end just caudal to the hypophysis (3.137). considered later (see p. 275 et seq). The bones of the cranial base which
During the fifth week bilateral otocysts (auditory vesicles) become are thus preformed in cartilage are the occipital (excepting the upper
enclosed within the otic capsules, which soon differentiate into part of its squama), the petromastoid part of the temporal, the body,
dorsolateral vestibular and ventromedial cochlear parts, enveloping lesser wings and roots of the greater wings of the sphenoid, and the
the primordia of the semicircular canals and the cochlea. Between ethmoid. These constitute the cartilaginous part of the neurocranium.
these two regions the facial nerve lies in a deep groove. The otic To summarize, therefore, the base of the skull—except for the orbital
capsules fuse with the lateral processes of the occipital plate, leaving plates of the frontal and the lateral parts of the greater sphenoidal
a wide hiatus through which the internal jugular vein and the wings—is preformed in cartilage (3.137, see also 3.101). 271
__— eee


hysi Branches of 111, 1v, V ophth, v1

cartilaginous \ Parachordal
cranial base \ cartilage


Anterior arch of atlas

Third cervical vertebra

Key to chondral elements:

Nasal capsule
Otic capsule
Meckel’s mandibular cartilage
Cartilage of malleus
Styloid cartilage
Hyoid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Arytenoid cartilage

Key to dermal (membrane) elements:

Frontal bone
Nasal bone
Squama of temporal bone
WNSquama of occipital bone
Parietal bone
Lacrimal bone
Zygomatic bone
9 Palatine bone
10 Vomer
11 Medial pterygoid plate
12 ‘Tympanic ring
13. Mandible

3.137 Representative stages in the development of the cranium. In all the A. Sagittal section through the cranial end of the developing axial skeleton
diagrams the chondrocranium and cartilaginous stages of vertebrae are in an early human embryo of about 10mm, showing the extent of the
shown in blue, except where ossification is occurring and here the colour notochord. B. Key for diagram c. c. Superior aspect of cranium of human
is green. The desmocranium, consisting of elements ossifying directly in embryo at 40mm. op. Lateral aspect of c. &. Key for diagram F. F. Lateral
mesenchyme, is shown in yellow. Cranial nerves are indicated by the appro- aspect of cranium of human embryo at 80mm.
272 priate roman numeral.

Specification of the pattern of the base of the skull may be caused but also that dura can repattern both the reappearance and position
by an epithelial/mesenchymal interaction involving the overlying of the bones and sutures of the cranial vault after removal of the
neural tube. Thorogood (1988) proposed a ‘flypaper model’ of calvaria in the neonate.
development for the cartilaginous neurocranium. The basal aspect At the site of a developing suture the osteogenic fronts of two
of the neuroectoderm transiently expresses type II collagen around adjacent-bones meet and overlap. Initially there is a highly cellular
the olfactory regions, around the optic cups prior to and during suture blastema between the bones which later becomes more dense
invagination of the lens, around the otic vesicles, and on the ven- and acellular. In the mature suture a narrow overlap of compact
trolateral surfaces of the diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhomb- bone contains a dense, narrow band of cells continuous with the
encephalon (Thorogood 1988). The notochord also expresses type II periosteum.
collagen in its perichordal sheath. Some time later, after the neural
expression of type II collagen has ceased, mesenchyme adjacent to Musculature associated with the neurocranium
the regions described above commences synthesis of type II collagen Most of the striated musculature of the head is formed during
and begins differentiation into chondrocytes. Thorogood reasoned development of the viscerocranium when muscle masses, particularly
that the transient expression of type II collagen in the basal lamina from the second pharyngeal arch, migrate to cover parts of the
of the neural epithelium causes localized arrest of cell migration of neurocranium (see p. 284). However, two further sources of muscle
those mesenchyme cells which touch it, regardless of origin. (A provide myoblasts for the external ocular muscles and the tongue.
similar mechanism is seen in the notochordal-sclerotome interaction; Extrinsic ocular muscles. All extrinsic ocular muscles derive
see p.265.) At such sites cells accumulate and undergo a matrix- from prechordal mesenchyme which lies at the rostral tip of the
mediated interaction with the neural epithelium and differentiate notochordal process and remains mesenchymal after the notochordal
along a chondrogenic lineage. Thus the pattern in which the cells process becomes epithelial and gains a basal lamina (3.148). In
are trapped, epigenetically determines the form of the chon- early embryos prechordal mesenchyme migrates laterally towards
drocranium. This has evolutionary implications, as slight alterations the paraxial mesenchyme (p. 144). Its early myogenic properties in
in the expression of the type II collagen by the neuroepithelium the head can be demonstrated by chimeric recombination, and
could have profound effects on the shape and form of the chon- further, if transplanted into limb buds it is able to develop into
drocranium and on the whole skull, because the blastemal skull must muscle tissue.
connect to the plan initiated by the chondrocranium. This model Early embryos develop bilateral cavities in the head, previously
could perhaps account for the diversity of skull shape seen in the described as preotic somites. The walls of the premandibular head
vertebrates. cavities are lined by flat or cylindrical cells which do not exhibit the
Ossification commences before the chondrocranium has fully characteristics of a germinal epithelium like the epithelial plate of
developed, and as this change extends, bone overtakes cartilage until the somite; also there is no basal lamina around the head cavities.
little of the chondrocranium remains. However, parts of it still exist As the oculomotor nerve grows down to the level of the head cavity
at birth and small regions remain cartilaginous in the adult skull. At a condensation of premuscle cells appears at the ventrolateral side
birth unossified chondrocranium still persists at: of the head cavity. Later the head cavities are filled with ingrowing
mesenchyme. The premuscular mass subdivides into the blastemata
the alae, lateral nasal and septum of the nose
of the different muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve
the spheno-ethmoidal junction (p. 551)
(Wachtler & Jacob 1986). Similar events occur with respect to
the spheno-occipital and sphenopetrous junctions (p. 551)
the intermediate head cavity (trochlear nerve and superior oblique
the apex of the petrous bone (foramen lacerum)
muscle), and the caudal head cavity (abducent nerve and lateral
and also between ossifying elements of the sphenoid bone and
rectus muscle).
between elements of the occipital bone.
There is no doubt that the head cavities are formed by a
Most of these regions function as growth cartilages. For further mesenchymal/epithelial shift similar to that seen in the somites.
development of these areas and cranial bones in general see Section However, the epithelial plate of the somite is a germinal centre which
6, Skeletal system. produces postmitotic myoblasts destined for epaxial regions, and
migratory premitotic myoblasts destined for the limbs and body
Vault or upper regions of the skull wall. The head cavities may serve a similar purpose if a
These first appear about the thirtieth day; they consist of curved mesenchyme/epithelial shift is part of a maturation process for
plates of mesenchyme at the sides of the skull and gradually extend putative myoblasts; however, it may not need to provide a centre
cranially to blend with each other; they also extend towards and for cell replication: premitotic myoblasts differentiated directly from
reach the base of the skull, which will become part of the chon- the prechordal mesenchyme may form the premuscular masses.
drocranium. The mesenchymatous (membranous) neurocranium, Muscles of the tongue. This development appears to be similar
corresponding to the cranial vault, is not preformed in cartilage. Its to the development of the muscles of the limb. Single, premitotic
elements, frequently described as dermal bones (p.548), are the cells detach from the ventrolateral portion of the occipital somites
frontal bones, the parietals, the squamous parts of the temporal and migrate to their ultimate positions (Wachtler & Jacob 1986)
bones and the upper (interparietal) part of the occipital squama. It (3.131, 148). The connective tissue surrounding these muscles is
is now believed that the frontal, parietal and squamosal bones are derived from neural crest cells (Noden 1983).
formed from neural crest. Also the sutures of the calvarian and facial
bones are made up of crest cells (Couly et al 1993).
There is a close association between the developing meninges,
particularly the dura mater, and the calvarial bones. The dermal The development of the viscerocranium is very complex. It involves
bones are formed by the initiation of a wave of osteodifferentiation the migration and interaction of epithelial populations derived from:
moving radially from ossification centres within the desmocranial the neural folds, surface ectoderm and endoderm; mesenchymal
mesenchyme. When adjacent bones meet, proliferation of the osteo- populations from the mesencephalic, metencephalic and myel-
genic front ceases and sutures are induced to form. Once sutures are encephalic neural crest, paraxial mesenchyme and angiogenic mes-
formed and the fibrous desmocranium is replaced by mineralized enchyme; and neural populations from the neural tube, neural crest
bone, a second phase of development occurs in which growth of the and ectodermal placodes. Generally, the more rostral structures, i.e.
cranial bones occurs at the sutural margins (Opperman et al 1993). face, palate, buccal cavity and nasal cavity, derive entirely from
Such growth forms most of the calvaria. ectodermal populations (both epithelium and mesenchyme—via
Opperman et al (1993) have demonstrated that transplants of neural crest), whereas the caudal and related structures, i.e. pharynx
sutures in which the fetal dura mater is left intact results in a and larynx, are derived from ectoderm, neural crest and interactions
continuous fibrous suture between developing vault bones, whereas with endoderm.
in transplants in which the fetal dura mater is removed bony fusion The development of the face and neck is intimately related to the
occurs. This interaction of underlying dura mater with the developing development of the brain and special sense organs; the reader is
calvarial bones has been demonstrated experimentally, showing that advised to refer to the development of the neural crest on pages 147
274 the dura not only promotes the position and maintenance of sutures, and 220, and of the head, page 157, and to 3.100, 101, 148.

3.138 Series of scanning electron micrographs of rat embryos at days 11, is becoming paddle-shaped and the lower limb is present. c. Day 13, the
12 and 13: lateral view. a. Day 11, the pharyngula stage; the otic vesicle is eyelids are beginning to develop; the maxillary prominence is merging with
still open but the lens vesicle has yet to invaginate; the first, second and the lateral nasal prominence; both limb buds are well developed. The relative
third pharyngeal arches are present; an upper limb bud is present dorsal to size and number of somites can be seen at each age. (Photographs by P
the heart. 8. Day 12, the lens vesicle has invaginated but is still open; the Collins; printed by S Cox, Electron Microscopy Unit, Southampton General
maxillary prominence has developed and is beneath the eye; the upper limb Hospital.)

All of the structures which give rise to the face and neck are of the overlying ectoderm and of the endodermal lining of the lateral
segmentally organized during development; the hindbrain displays walls and floor of the pharynx. In the furrows between these
rhombomeres, the ectoderm—ectomeres and the paraxial mes- prominences the ectoderm and endoderm are in virtual contact. The
enchyme—somitomeres. The overall segmentation of this region is thin membranes so formed break down permanently in gill-breathing
related to the expression of axial genes in the head which have been vertebrates, transiently in reptile embryos, but persist in the tetra-
conserved throughout evolution. pods, in which open channels or ‘true clefts’ are not formed.
However, the external branchial grooves which correspond to them
Vertebral pharyngeal apparatus are frequently, less appropriately, called branchial clefts and their
In all vertebrate embryos, after head fold formation the stomodeum, internal counterparts are the pharyngeal sacs or pouches.
or primitive mouth, is bounded cranially by the projecting forebrain In gill-breathing vertebrates the exchange of respiratory gases is
and caudally by the cardiac prominence (3.138). The mandibular directly from solution in water to solution in blood. From the cranial
region and the whole of the neck, which will subsequently intervene end (arterial, but carrying deoxygenated blood) of the heart emerge
between mouth and developing thorax, are absent, but will be formed two ventral aortae which traverse the ventral pharyngeal wall, sending
by the appearance and modification of six paired branchial (gill) branches curving dorsally into the branchial arches, where they feed
arches, which develop in the lateral aspects of the head adjacent to capillary plexuses in the gills. These are drained by corresponding
the hindbrain (3.139, 140, 141). In the earliest vertebrates which were arteries, which join two dorsal aortae supplying the general cir-
jawless (Agnathia), the branchial arches were a uniform series of culation. As water is taken in through the mouth and passed back
bars behind the gill clefts; but long before the evolution of the through the gill clefts, its dissolved oxygen diffuses through the
terrestrial vertebrates, remarkable adaptations had occurred in them. pharyngeal endoderm and endothelium of the gills to reach the
Structures commonly regarded as the first pair of arches became blood, carbon dioxide diffusing out of the latter into the water.
the jaws, upper and lower, of the jaw-bearing vertebrates This intimate relationship between the developing mouth, branchial
(Gnathostomata), including most fish; they are, therefore, usually apparatus and heart in water-breathing vertebrates is repeated in the
named the mandibular arches. (The term ‘mandibular arch’ is widely embryos of their tetrapod descendants, but with many modifications
used but not entirely appropriate because of the numerous maxillo- necessary to changed respiratory function.
facial, nasal, otic and palatopharyngeal derivatives from its dorsal Although a description of the branchial apparatus is appropriate
end.) It should, however, be noted that since this early identification, for water-breathing vertebrates, the application of this terminology
strong evidence has accumulated that, at least, a pair of pre- to mammalian embryos is by no means universal. O’Rahilly and
mandibular arches existed and have become adapted as the trabeculae Muller (1992) consider the term branchial to be inappropriate for
cranii of subsequent vertebrate embryos. These are probably rep- mammalian embryos. Similarly the term visceral, used synonymously
resented by the interorbitonasal cartilage of the human embryo (see to describe the arches, has been questioned by Noden (1991) who
p. 271) which forms a branchial element in the chondrocranium. The notes that ‘visceral’ suggests a primary relation between the arches
next (postmandibular) arch in the series is the hyoid arch; its skeletal and the internal pharyngeal tube that obscures the somatic function
derivatives form the varied hyoid elements present in all vertebrates of most of the tissue within the arches. The region of the embryo
with jaws. The most dorsal of the latter, the hyomandibula, is already containing the rostral foregut, surrounded by mesenchyme and
present in cartilaginous fish as a strut between the skull and the ectoderm, constitutes the embryonic pharynx; the stage of develop-
primitive jaw joint, thereby reducing the cleft between the mandibular ment at which the arches are prominent has been termed the
and hyoid arches to a small opening, the spiracle. The interesting Pharyngula stage (Ballard 1971, 1976; see p. 100). However, the
further evolution of this region in land animals in connection with appellation pharyngeal arches is also problematical as the first arch
the auditory apparatus has been considered (p. 263). The hyoid arch which forms most of the face is in the main composed of ectoderm
also contributes to the formation of a gill cover, or operculum, in alone, both on the outer and inner surfaces and within the arch
bony fish, and the remaining arches persist as the supports of the (neural crest mesenchyme). Thus the first arch is technically not a
gill apparatus. pharyngeal structure, unlike the subsequent caudal arches which are
At first the arches produce rounded ridge-like prominences both composed of ectoderm externally, endoderm of the pharynx internally 275
epithelium and
This difference in roots of a cranial nerve are associated with the
and neural crest mesenchyme within the arches. mesenchyme of each arch.
related to the evolution of
origin of the first and subsequent arches is From these disparate cell populations each arch develo
(see p. 287). For the purpos es of the description of
the head and skull
arches will be used; however, region-specific epithelial structures
human embryology the term pharyngeal
comparison with other species will involve the term branchi al. a skeletal element from the neural crest mesenchyme
associated striated muscle from the paraxial mesen
A typical pharyngeal arch an arch artery from the angiogenic mesenchyme
ial covering motor and sensory nerves specific to the arch.
Generally each pharyngeal arch consists of an epithel
141). The
exteriorly and a mesenchymal core interiorly (3.139, The epithelia covering each arch is patterned by
the underlying
first arch), or
epithelium may be ectodermal entirely (as in the mesenchyme. Such patterning is specifi c for indivi dual arches and
and endoderm
ectoderm covering the external aspect of the arch results in such diverse special ization s as: kerati nized stratif ied squa-
(as in the remain ing arches).
covering the internal aspect of the arch paraxial mous epithelium, hair, sweat, sebaceous and
ceruminous glands;
within each arch derives from neural crest, salivary, mucous
The mesenchyme sensory pseudostrati fied ciliate d column ar epithe lium, teeth,
tions. The motor and
and angiogenic mesenchymal popula


Optic vesicle
Ophthalmic nerve
(unsplit lateral plate)
and neural crest)

Endoderm Ectoderm
Maxillary nerve

Stomatodeum Fisoudt
swelling —
Mandibular nerve

Facial nerve groove


Superior laryngeal
branch = vagus

Recurrent laryngeal
branch of vagus
division Sensory
Post-trematic nerves

Motor nerve

Laryngotracheal groove Hypopharyngeal eminence Special visceral muscle

Arch cartilage

Arch artery

and ectodermal grooves. (Modified in part after

showing (left) the endodermal pouches
3.139 Schema of developing pharyngeal region Williams et al 1969.)
from the dorsal aspect,
pharyngeal floor and sectioned lateral walls, viewed
including arches,
276 and (right) details of generalized pharyngeal constituents,

and lacrimal glands; the epithelia of glands such as the thyroid,

parathyroids, thymus; and of the lymphoid tissues in the oro- and }_ Dorsal aorta, giving off
nasopharynx. ~~ fourth aortic arch
The skeletal element is formed from neural crest mesenchyme
which condenses and subsequently chondrifies either wholly or in
Third pharyngeal arch
part of its length; if this change is complete the element extends
dorsally until it comes into contact with the mesenchymatous cranial pharyngeal
- Second pharyngeal groove
base lateral to the hindbrain. The arch cartilage, entirely or inpart,
may remain as cartilage, undergo endochondral ossification, be es:
Second (hyoid)
replaced completely by intramembranous ossification, or become ee pharyngeal arch
ligamentous. Neural crest also gives rise to the ligaments, tendons
First pharyngeal Closing membrane
and connective tissue in the arches and the dermis underlying the
skin. Generally the neural crest controls the pattern of development First pharyngeal arch,
of the arches and is itself programmed by the expression of Hox dorsal end
genes in the hindbrain (see p. 227).
The striated muscle of each arch, sometimes termed branchial 3.140 Oblique section through the pharynx of a human embryo of CR
musculature to denote its origin, derives from the unsegmented length 2mm. Magnification x c. 50. (Norris 1938.)
paraxial mesenchyme of the head, the somitomeres (see pp. 154, 285);
the myoblasts may migrate great distances and lose connection
with the skeletal elements in the arches which cease their original examination. Unlike the other arches it possesses dorsal and ventral
respiratory function. The identities of these muscle masses, where prominences, appearing C-shaped in lateral view (see 3.142). The
they assume new functions, can nevertheless be inferred by reference dorsal (maxillary) prominences interact with ectodermal epithelia
to their nerve supply. and neural crest mesenchyme of the frontonasal prominence, and
An arch artery develops in each arch either by vasculogenesis, generally form more extensive skeletal structures than the other
where angioblastic mesenchyme migrates into a region and initiates arches (see p. 284); particularly, these skeletal elements fuse with the
vessel development in situ, or by angiogenesis, where vessels develop chondrocranium. The first arch is completely clothed with ectoderm
by sprouting from the endothelium of pre-existing vessels (see p. 299). unlike the caudal arches which are dependent on the proximity of
The paired arch arteries arise from the truncus arteriosus and pass pharyngeal endoderm for their development. The ectoderm originates
laterally each side of the pharynx to join the dorsal aortae. (in the 3-somite chick) from aterritory lateral to the mesencephalic
Nerves arise from the adjacent hindbrain (3.96, 112). They pass neural folds (see 3.145). The mesencephalic folds themselves give
directly into the arches, which are ventral to it, by two methods. rise to both the ectodermal placodal cells and neural crest cells
Motor nerves grow out from the basal plate of the midbrain and which contribute to the trigeminal ganglion, and the mesenchymal
hindbrain to innervate the striated muscle in the arches. Generally
population which streams into the mandibular and maxillary promi-
these nerves are termed special branchial efferent noting their inner-
vation of branchial musculature. Sensory nerves extend from cranial The first arch contains on each side a dorsal and ventral cartilage.
sensory ganglia which are derived in part from neural crest cells and The former represents the palatopterygoquadrate bar, a prominent
in part from ectodermal placodes (see p. 237); they convey general element in earlier vertebrates forming part of the upper jaw but
and special somatic afferent axons. Within the arch a mixed nerve much reduced in mammals. In human embryos its early appearance
typically runs along the rostral border and is hence described as seems transient and its contribution to some permanent cranial
post-trematic, because it is behind or caudal to the cleft or trema structures, such as the maxilla, is uncertain (however, see below).
rostral to the arch. A sensory branch from this principal post- The ventral cartilage (of Meckel, 3.143) extends from the developing
trematic nerve passes to the immediately rostral arch where it runs otic capsule into the mandibular prominence, meeting its fellow at
close to the caudal border; it is thus pretrematic with respect to the its ventral end. The dorsal end of Meckel’s cartilage becomes sep-
cleft caudal to it (3.139). In the human embryo the pre- and post- arated, and was often held to form the rudiments of both malleus
trematic nerves cannot be identified with certainty. and incus. However, there is strong palaeontological (Romer 1970)
and comparative anatomical (Shute 1956) evidence that the incus is,
The human circumoral first pharyngeal arch (3.138, 139) consists, on
each side, of two main regions: a ventral part or mandibular pro- Thin non-nervous
minence and a dorsal part or maxillary prominence. Each mandibular epithelial roof
prominence, first seen at stage 10 (22 postovulatory days), grows
ventromedially in the floor of the pharynx to meet its fellow in the
midline, being situated between the primitive mouth and the cardiac Fourth ventricle—
(pericardial) prominence. The maxillary prominences are not seen Hindbrain
until stage 13; their enlargement coincides with proliferation of
neural crest mesenchyme between the ectoderm and prosencephalon
Vagus nerve
forming the frontonasal prominence (see below). The enlargement of
the first arch is particularly rostral to the site of the buccopharyngeal
membrane; Glossopharyngeal
thus inner and outer aspects of this arch are covered nerve
with ectoderm. The second or hyoid arches, seen from stage 11, are
Primitive head
caudal to the maxillomandibular; they similarly grow ventrally to vein
meet and fuse in the midline. The third arches are seen at stage 12
(26 days) and the fourth arches by stage 13 (28 days); the latter Pharynx Dorsal aorta
especially are not prominent, being largely sunk in a depression
Aortic sac
produced by the caudal overlapping of the hyoid arch. The fifth and
sixth arches cannot be recognized externally and can only be identified Thyroid
by the arrangement of the mesenchyme and by slight projections ;
> HHyoid arch
into the pharynx.
Bulbus cordis



3.141 Oblique section through the head of a mole embryo, 4.5mm long.
The first pharyngeal arch is sufficiently different, both in its structure
The section passes through the hindbrain, the pharynx, the second (hyoid)
and development, from the subsequent caudal arches for its separate and a part of the third pharyngeal arches. 20h

Medial nasal prominence

Midbrain prominence

Primitive anterior naris

Lateral nasal prominence

Olfactory placode

Oral membrane Auricular hillocks
4 WEEKS, 3:5mm C.R, length 5 WEEKS, 6-5mm 5 WEEKS, 9mm 6 WEEKS, 12mm

Developing eye




Cervical sinus

Epipericardial ridge

3.142 Sequence of diagrams showing the superficial contributions of the meatus and pinna, and neck. All diagrams are drawn to scale. Note changes
facial prominences and pharyngeal elements to the development of the in general proportions and relative positions.
face, including the external nose, circumorbital structures, external acoustic

in part, to be regarded as a homologue of the quadrate bone of arch, but the masticatory muscles transfer to the mandible, a dermal
reptiles, and it is therefore probably more correctly regarded as a bone.
derivative of the palatopterygoquadrate cartilage. This cartilage may All these muscles are supplied by the mandibular nerve, the mixed
also contribute to the ala major of the sphenoid bone and the roots ‘post-trematic’ nerve of the first arch.
of its pterygoid plates. Beyond the rudiment of the malleus, the
intermediate part of Meckel’s cartilage disappears, but its sheath Face
persists as the anterior malleolar and sphenomandibular ligaments. While the mandibular prominences are invading the floor of the
The ventral part, much the largest, is enveloped by the developing pharynx, mesencephalic neural crest cells migrate rostrally and lat-
mesenchymatous mandible (p. 577); a small fraction of this, extending erally between the prosencephalic neuroepithelium and the surface
from the mental foramen almost to the site of the future symphysis, ectoderm to form the extensive frontonasal prominence. During the
probably becomes ossified from invading mandibular tissue, into fifth week the sites of the olfactory or nasal placodes are established
which it is incorporated, while the remainder of the cartilage is ventrolateral to the frontonasal prominence, dividing the latter, on
ultimately absorbed. each side, into medial and lateral nasal prominences or folds; the
The cells which give rise to the muscle of the first arch arise from olfactory placodes originate from the neural folds (p.222). The
the paraxial mesenchyme localized to somitomeres 2 and 3 (Trainor placodes are at first widely separated and coplanar with the surface
et al 1994) (p. 285). The muscle mass of the mandibular part of the ectoderm but, as the nasal prominences develop, they soon become
first arch forms the tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini and the depressed to form the olfactory pits (nasal sacs). The olfactory
masticatory muscles, including mylohyoid and the anterior belly of placodes are the anlage of the olfactory and vomeronasal epithelia,
digastric (3.144). The tensor tympani retains its connection with the which derive from the rostral neural folds; these folds also give rise
skeletal element of the arch through its attachments to the malleus, to the respiratory epithelia of the nasal cavity (see 3.145). The lateral
and the tensor veli palatini to the base of the medial pterygoid nasal prominences are the more evident (3.142, 1468), but the medial
278 process, which may be derived from the dorsal cartilage of the first nasal prominences, still separated by the median remainder of the



7 WEEKS, 19mm 8 WEEKS, 28mm

External acoustic meatus


Malleus mandibular and maxillary prominences. This proceeds from the

para-otic region to the angle of the definitive oral fissure.

Anterior ligament of malleus

Nasal cavity
Petrotympanic fissure sae
The rounded apex of the triangular maxillary prominence extends
beyond the lateral nasal prominence, crossing the caudal end of
os SY the olfactory pit to meet and fuse with the premaxillary elevation
Spine of sphenoid
developing at the extremity of the frontonasal field. This closes off
Sphencmenielantgyament $ Stapes the lower or caudal edge of the olfactory pit, the upper part of the
. opening of which is thus defined as the primitive external naris. The
= ) growth of the surrounding mesenchyme leads to a deepening of the
iaietasae Sayloid process pit to become a primitive nasal cavity, or nasal sac, the epithelial
earn wall of which, in the dorsocaudal part of its extent, the nasal fin,
ossicles Stylohyoid ligament retains contiguity with the epithelium of the stomodeal roof. This
contact area becomes progressively greater as growth continues, and
the nasal fin is eroded, ultimately forming a thin layer, the oronasal
Greater cornu & membrane (3.146a), which also disappears later. Thereafter, the
jpotd bone : primitive nasal cavity communicates with the stomodeum through a
primitive internal naris (choana), which is at this stage still well
Lesser cornu forward or ventrally situated in the stomodeal roof (Warbrick 1960).
& upper body By these changes a new cranial boundary is set for the oral opening,
af yeh ae consisting of the fused premaxillary and maxillary regions. This is
ee the future upper lip, but it has not yet become separated from the
car deeper tissues which will form the maxillary alveolus. At the same
Thyroid cartilage time the nasal cavity acquires a floor through the fusion of the nasal
Vocal ligament
prominences and the maxillary prominences. At this stage the two
external nares are still widely separated by an area derived from the
Cricoid cartilage frontonasal field, but this separation becomes reduced by the fusion
of the premaxillary mesenchyme from the two sides. According to
some investigators the mesenchyme of the maxillary prominences
ARCH I: Maxillo-mandibular: Palatopterygoquadrate & Meckel’s cartilages invades the premaxillary regions, the mesenchyme of which is said
to become buried, to form later the premaxilla or os incisivum
ARCH II: Hyoid: Parotic and Reichert’s cartilages
(p. 574; Boyd 1933; Baxter 1953). The maxillary mesenchyme is thus
[sg ARCH III considered by some to contribute substantially to the formation of
the philtrum of the upper lip, thus accounting for its maxillary
EA ARCH IV: Probably accessions from arch V innervation. Others, however, maintain that the philtrum is derived
wholly from premaxillary tissue (Keith 1948; King 1954; Warbrick
1960; Wood et al 1967) (see also 3.100). The maxillary nerve primarily
3.143 Schema illustrating the skeletal derivatives (osseous and
innervates the maxillary mesenchyme but apparently extends later
cartilaginous) of the pharyngeal arches (viscerocranium). (Modified from into the territory of the frontonasal prominence. It should be added
Williams et al 1969.) that some workers deny that sensory nerve distribution is a reliable
guide to migration of mesenchyme in the case of the maxillary
frontonasal field, project caudally beyond the former. Extensions of
mesenchyme from the medial prominence into the roof of the Palate
stomodeum proliferate to form the premaxillary fields. Each nasal Once the primitive nasal cavities are defined the ventral part of the
sac has a ventral fold from which develops an epithelial nasal fin roof of the oral cavity can be regarded as the primitive palate (median
passing caudally to fuse with the stomodeal roof. palatine prominence; 3.146a). It is formed by the premaxillary regions
While these changes are progressing a somewhat triangular elev- and maxillary prominences, which become confluent and establish
ation swells ventrally from the cranial aspect of the dorsal region of continuity with the thick median nasal septal prominence (primitive
each mandibular prominence. This is the maxillary prominence, and nasal septum). As the head grows in size, the region of mesenchyme
like the frontonasal prominence it consists of proliferating neural between the forebrain and oral cavity increases greatly by pro-
crest mesenchyme covered by ectoderm. Each maxillary prominence liferation and the nasal cavities deepen, extending towards the
grows in a ventral direction and fuses with the lateral nasal pro- forebrain. Simultaneously they also extend dorsally from the primi-
minence, the two being at first separated by a nasomaxillary groove tive choanae as two narrow and deep grooves in the oral roof (3.146)
(naso-optic furrow) (3.142; Streeter 1948). The opposed margins of which are separated by a partition. The grooves and the partition
the lateral nasal and maxillary prominences growing together thus deepen together, and the latter becomes the nasal septum, continuous
establish continuity between the side of the future nose and the rostrally with the primitive nasal septum (3.1468). The broad dorso-
cheek (3.142). The ectoderm along the boundary between them does caudal border of the nasal septum is at first in contact with the
not entirely disappear; it gives rise to a solid cellular rod, which at dorsum of the developing tongue (3.1468), the right and left nasal
first develops as a linear surface elevation, the nasolacrimal ridge, cavities still communicating freely with the mouth except where the
and then sinks into the mesenchyme (Politzer 1952). Its caudal end nasal floor is already established ventrally by the primitive palate.
proliferates to connect with the caudal part of the lateral nasal During Stage 17 (41 days) the internal aspects of the maxillary
wall, while its cranial extremity later connects with the developing prominences produce palatine processes (shelves), which grow
conjunctival sac. The solid rod becomes canalized to form the towards the midline but are for some time separated from each other
nasolacrimal duct (3.1468). by the tongue. At this stage the roof of the oral cavity projects
(It should be noted that the epithelial folds and elevations due to ventrally beyond its floor and the tip of the developing tongue
loci of proliferation of underlying mesenchyme were long termed actually lies in contact with the cranial (superior) surface of the
processes. The International Nomenclature Committee felt that this primitive palate. A coronal section dorsal to this shows the maxillary
was not entirely appropriate and their revised term ‘prominence’ has palatine processes contiguous with the sides of the tongue and bent
been adopted here. Both terms are used in the literature.) into a vertical position on each side of it (3.1468). With further
The relatively wide primitive mouth or stomodeal fissure is growth, the mandibular region and the tongue are carried forwards
progressively reduced, and the epithelial and connective tissues of (ventrally), and the lingual tip passes round to the caudal surface of
280 the cheek enlarged, by fusion between the adjacent surfaces of the the primitive palate. At stage 23 (56-57 days) the palatine processes

ee eee ae eee


MUSCLES: Extrinsic &
intrinsic lingual
muscles (except
MUSCLES: Levator palpebrae superioris;
NERVE: Hypoglossal. superior, medial & inferior
recti; inferior oblique.
NERVE: Oculomotor.
NERVE: Glossopharyngeal. MUSCLES; Superior oblique
& lateral rectus.
NERVES: Trochlear & Abducent.
MUSCLE: Cricothyroid.
NERVE: Superior laryngeal
branch of vagus. ARCH 2 ARCH 1


including auricular muscles, occipitofrontalis, Temporalis, masseter, pterygoids,
MUSCLES: Other intrinsic posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, anterior belly of
laryngeal muscles. stapedius & platysma. digastric, tensor veli palatini
NERVE: Recurrent laryngeal NERVE: Facial. & tensor tympani.
branch of vagus. NERVE: Mandibular.

3.144 Schema illustrating the muscular derivatives of the pharyngeal mes-

enchyme and the preotic and postotic cranial ‘somites’. (Modified from
Williams et al 1969.)

Remaining palatine muscles
& constrictors — precise
sources uncertain,
NERVE: Cranial accessory
via branches of vagus.

rapidly elevate, assuming a horizontal position which allows them swelling and expansion of the palatial shelves. This process is further
to grow towards each other and thus to fuse (3.146c); this occurs aided by the alignment of collagen fibrils and palatal mesenchymal
from before backwards. cells (the latter contract in response to acetylcholine and serotonin
The change of position occurs very rapidly caused by the pro- which they secrete thus regulating the elevation of the shelves), and
gressive region specific synthesis and accumulation of hyaluronic by the epithelium which restrains the swelling. Once these forces are
acid within the palatal process mesenchyme. The hyaluronic acid in concert and exceed the resistance factors, the palatal shelves will
will bind up to 10 times its own weight of water, thus causing mechanically elevate. Such elevation occurs at a time of craniofacial 281

Nasal mucosa

Ectoderm of upper beak

Ectoderm covering the anterior calvarium

Ectoderm of eyelids and cornea

Ectoderm of the 1st arch

Ectoderm of the 2nd arch

Ectoderm of the 3rd and 4th arches

3.145 Growth of the ectodermal territories in the chick from the 3-somite nerve; Vil=facial nerve; IX=glossopharyngeal nerve; X=vagus nerve;
stage (1) to the 8-day embryo (8). In (2) the rhombomeres are indicated and Max = maxillary prominence; the pharyngeal arches are indicated 1-4. (From
the cranial nerves supplying the pharyngeal arches; there is no neural crest Couly, Le Pouarin 1990 with permission.)
outflow from rhombomeres 3 and 5. For further details see text. V = trigeminal

growth when there is constant growth in head height but almost no partition between them. Slightly later the dorsomedial extremities of
growth in head width. This latter factor is important: if palatal shelf the palatine processes, which extend dorsally beyond the choanae,
elevation is delayed so that they elevate in a period of growth in fuse together rostrocaudally to form the future epithelia and con-
facial width, the unfused processes are unable to touch physically nective tissues of the soft palate (3.146c). There is later an upgrowth
and cleft palate may result. Other factors affecting palatal closure of myogenic mesenchyme from the third and, probably, other phar-
are the growth in length of the first arch cartilage (Meckel’s) which yngeal arches into the palate and around the caudal margins of the
allows the tongue to lower into the developing mandible. Further,
the change in position of the maxilla relative to the anterior cranial
base, which is maintained at about 84° during weeks 9 and 10, has External nostrils
the effect of lifting the head and upper jaw upwards from the
mandible so permitting withdrawal of the tongue from between the
palatal shelves and creating space for them to elevate. Mouth
opening, tongue protrusion and hiccup movements have also been
noted at this time; these movements and their associated pressure nasal
changes may assist palatal shelf elevation (Ferguson 1977, 1990, cavity
1993). Generally in female embryos palatal shelf elevation occurs 7
days later than in males, making congenital cleft palate more likely
in female embryos. After elevation the palatine processes grow
medially along the inferior borders of the primitive choanae, uniting
with them and with the margins of the median palatine prominence,
except over a small area in the midline where a nasopalatine canal
maintains connection between the nasal and oral cavities for some
time and marks the future position of the incisive fossa. (The plates
which form the early (primitive) palate are sometimes known as
median palatine processes, the maxillary contributions being then
named the /Jateral palatine processes.)
Oronasal Primitive Oronasal
As the medial borders of the maxillary palatine processes fuse membrane palate membrane
together, fusing also with the free border of the nasal septum, the
nasal and oral cavities are progressively separated and the tongue is 3.1464 Primitive palate of ahuman embryo in the seventh week. The figure
excluded from the former. The nasal cavities are thus extended shows the anterior part of the roof of the mouth; large parts of the left lateral
dorsally and the choanae reach their final position, leaving the caudal nasal prominence and the left maxillary prominence have been removed to
282 edge of the nasal septum free in about its dorsal quarter as the expose the left primitive nasal cavity. (From a model by K Peter.)

nasal ~



gland Hypoglossal
Sub- First arch
mandibular ventral

3.1468 Oblique coronal section through the head of a human embryo

23mm long. The nasal cavities communicate freely with the cavity of the

auditory tube, along a line corresponding in the final state to the Lateral part of cartilaginous
palatopharyngeal arches (Baxter 1953). nasal capsule
On each side of the nasal septum, in a ventral or anterior position
Just above the primitive palate, placodal ectoderm is invaginated to Cartilage of
form a pair of small diverticula, which extend dorsally and cranially nasal septum
into the septum. These are vestiges of the vomeronasal organ (3.146c),
whose openings are close to the junction between the two premaxillae
and the maxillae; they are always rudimentary in mankind, but
are well-developed auxiliary olfactory organs in many vertebrates
(pp. 1225, 1321). For bibliographies in the field of facial development
consult Latham (1973). Inferior concha

Facial epithelium
The external ectoderm over the mandibular prominences becomes Vomeronasal
the skin of the face (3.147), and it also takes part in forming the
tragus of the auricle (p. 1368). Its surface facial contribution is
roughly triangular; the apex includes the tragus, the upper border
extending to the lateral angle of the mouth and free border of lower Palatine process
lip; its lower border curves to follow the principal submandibular
flexure line of the neck. The surface facial contribution of the
maxillary prominence extends from the supratragic point to the Region of
lateral angles of eye and mouth, includes the lower eyelid and follows
the paranasal line of the nasolacrimal duct, finally including a 3.146c Coronal section through the nasal cavity of ahuman embryo 28 mm
controversial amount of the upper lip. long. (After Kollmann.)
The ectoderm on the arched, circumoral borders of both the
mandibular and maxillary .prominences, including the premaxilla
medially, thickens along two curved parallel arches. The external
thickening is the /abiogingival or vestibular lamina, and the internal differentiate into ameloblasts, and the underlying mesenchymal cells
the dental lamina. The labiogingival lamina invades the subjacent into odontoblasts. Tooth development is further considered on page
mesenchyme and subsequently breaks down to form a sulcus (the 111; the interactions associated with tooth development are con-
vestibule) which separates the lower and upper lips from their sidered below.
adjacent gums. Within the mandibular prominence, the gum is Both the deciduous and permanent teeth are formed as above.
separated from the tongue by the linguogingival groove. The dental The permanent teeth develop in accessional positions from the lingual
lamina denote the sites of development of the enamel organs of the aspects of the existing tooth germ; however, the tooth germs for the
teeth. 12 permanent molar teeth develop from posterior extensions of the
Teeth. Teeth form from aseries of epithelial/mesenchymal inter- dental laminae on each side of both jaws. Calcification begins in
actions along the dental lamina. In 27-mm embryos individual dental both deciduous and permanent teeth before birth; the deciduous
laminae expand into little ectodermal (dental) sacs surrounded by teeth have well-developed crowns by full term, whereas the permanent
vascular mesenchyme. The ectoderm proliferates to form an enamel teeth remain as tooth buds.
organ which surrounds a local portion of neural crest mesenchyme, Just as the neural crest mesenchyme is responsible for the pat-
the dental papilla; together this unit is a tooth bud or germ. The terning of the pharyngeal arches, so it directs the pattern of tooth
enamel organ initially forms a cap over the dental papilla then later development. Thus, dental papilla mesenchyme is able to induce the
it expands into a bell shape, the inner layer tightly adherent to the formation of teeth in non-oral epithelium, and can specify the type
dental papilla and separated from the outer layer by accumulated of tooth produced, i.e. incisor or molar. Reciprocal interaction
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The inner cells of the enamel organ between the cells of the tooth germ in response to the extracellular 283

extent and the choanae are not completed. Many varieties of milder
degrees of cleft palate have been observed; the commonest type is
Line of fusion of maxillary unilateral, only one side of the nasal cavity being in communication
prominence and lateral nasal with the mouth and the extent of the cleft being variable. In the
prominence mildest forms only the soft palate is cleft, or even merely the uvula.
Such examples of arrested development may be associated with
Maxillary prominence
disturbances in embryonic nutrition during the second and the third
Lateral nasal prominence
months of gestation and the grosser varieties are usually coupled
with malformations in other regions of the body (p. 333). In such
Fused medial nasal cases the premaxillary region protrudes, with associated extension
prominences forwards of the nasal septum. For discussion see Latham (1973).
Certain midline anomalies are rarely encountered, i.e. median cleft
Fusion of maxillary
prominence and the fused lip (true hare lip), cleft nose and cleft lower jaw. More common are
medial nasal prominences minor degrees of cleft chin and micrognathia—underdevelopment of
the lower jaw.
The further growth of the face during the fetal period has received
YZ little attention, although this period is by no means characterized
entirely by incremental growth. It is during fetal life that human
3.147 Diagram to show the parts of the adult face which are derived from facial proportions develop (p. 371, Fig. 4.28). The facial and cranial
the nasal elevations, and the maxillary and mandibular prominences. parts display different patterns of growth, though each influences
the other. For an interesting analysis of the data observed from 280
fetuses consult Lavelle (1974).

matrix they secrete occurs, i.e. secretion of predentin by odontoblasts CAUDAL PHARYNGEAL ARCHES
stimulates the differentiation of the inner enamel organ into amelo-
blasts which secrete enamel. Second pharyngeal arch
When cranial neural crest is cultured alone it will differentiate into
cartilage. If it is recombined with limb epithelium then cartilage and The ectoderm covering the outer aspect of the second pharyngeal
bone will form. However, when cranial neural crest is recombined arch originates from a strip of ectoderm lateral to the metencephalic
with mandibular epithelium, salivary islands, hair and teeth form as neural fold (3.145), as does the otic placode (these placodal cells are
well as cartilage and bone. Thus the mandibular epithelium is located more laterally than the trigeminal placode in the 3-somite
essential and specific for the development of teeth. At a local level, chick embryo). The cartilaginous element of the second arch
early (9-11.5 days) recombination of mouse mandibular epithelium (Reichert’s cartilage) extends from the otic capsule to the midline on
and second arch mesenchyme results in teeth in 90% of cases, whereas each side. Its dorsal end separates and becomes enclosed in the
the reverse recombination, second arch epithelium and mandibular developing tympanic cavity as the stapes. Thereafter the cartilage
arch mesenchyme, does not produce teeth. Later recombination gives rise to the styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, the lesser cornu
experiments (11.5-12 days), where first arch mesenchyme is grafted and probably the cranial rim of the body of the hyoid bone (3.143).
with second arch epithelium, will produce teeth, leading to the The muscles of the second arch derive from somitomeres 4 and 5.
conclusion that the crest mesenchyme becomes specified to produce For the most part the muscle mass migrates widely but retains its
teeth after day 12 (Kollar & Mina 1991). This specification can original nerve supply from the facial. The stapedius, stylohyoid and
be changed experimentally. If presumptive incisor region of the posterior belly of digastric remain attached to the hyoid skeleton,
mandibular epithelium is recombined with predetermined molar but the facial musculature, platysma, auricular muscles and epicranius
papillae from post-day 12 tooth germs, the shape of the teeth can all lose connection with it (3.144). Their migration is facilitated by
be redefined by the epithelium and incisiform teeth develop. the early obliteration of some of the first groove (cleft) and pouch
The mesenchymal dental papilla can influence epithelia from (see below). (This cleft, the spiracle in fishes, is already much reduced
different species; thus recombination of dental mesenchyme from 16— in all but the earliest vertebrates.)
18-day mouse with oral epithelium from the mandibular epithelium of Third to sixth pharyngeal arches
the chick resulted in tooth formation (Kollar & Fisher 1980). This
is the more surprising as chicks do not normally develop teeth. The ectoderm adjacent to the myelencephalic neural fold, down to
Similarly recombination of chick arch mesenchyme and 10-day the level of somite 3, develops to cover the third and fourth
mandibular epithelium from the mouse resulted in tooth formation pharyngeal arches, a much smaller distribution than that of the more
(Kollar & Mina 1991). In the latter case the epithelium initiated the rostral arches. The ectoderm in this region also gives rise to placodal
dental papilla development. cells which contribute to the petrosal and nodose ganglia. Chon-
drification does not occur in the dorsal parts of the skeletal elements
Anomalies of facial development of the third to sixth arches. The ventral cartilage of the third arch
Congenital malformations consequent upon arrest of development becomes the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and the caudal part of
and failure of fusion of components in the formation of the face and its body. (The whole of the body may be formed from the third
palate are not uncommon. At the simplest, one maxillary prominence arch cartilage.) Alternatively, the hyoid body may be derived from
may fail completely to fuse with the corresponding premaxillary cartilage formed in the base of the hypobranchial eminence (p. 175)
region (globular prominence), leading to a persistent fissure between and thus from third arch tissue alone (Frazer 1926), acquiring its
the philtrum and lateral part of the upper lip on that side, cleft lip connection with the second arch cartilage secondarily.
(less appropriately ‘hare’ lip). A similar but rare malformation The final adaptations of the cartilages of the skeletal elements in
follows failure of fusion between the maxillary prominence and the the fourth, fifth and sixth arches are a source of disagreement, but
lateral nasal prominence, facial cleft, in which the nasolacrimal duct the following represents a fairly general view. The thyroid cartilage
persists as an open furrow, a condition usually associated with cleft develops from the fourth and fifth arches, which may also give rise
lip on the same side. The palatine processes may fail to fuse with to the arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform cartilages. The cricoid
each other and the nasal septum to variable degrees. In its severest cartilage may be derived from the sixth arch cartilage, or it may be
form fusion is wholly lacking, leaving a wide fissure between the a modified tracheal ring. The epiglottis is developed in the substance
palatine processes through which the nasal septum is visible. On of the hypobranchial eminence and probably not from ‘true’ bran-
each side the premaxillary parts of the palate are separated from the chial cartilage (3.144).
maxillary palatine processes by clefts which are continuous ventrally The paraxial mesenchyme from somitomeres 6 and 7 migrates to
with bilateral clefts in the upper lip. In such cases the philtrum is a the third arch and somitomere 7 alone appears to invade the fourth
separate entity, continuous cranially and dorsally with the nasal arch (Trainor et al 1994). Somitomeric muscle was not identified in
284 septum. The floor of the nasal cavity is deficient throughout its the sixth arch in the mouse. The muscle masses are adapted to

form the musculature of the pharynx, larynx and soft palate. The enchyme developed into the muscular lineages of the pharyngeal
stylopharyngeus can be attributed to the third and the cricothyroid arches.
to the fourth arch (3.144). The rest of the laryngeal muscles are It is interesting that the fate of medial and lateral paraxial
derived from the sixth arch and used extensively for vocalization; mesenchyme corresponds to the medial and lateral fates of the
thus they may not be represented to the same extent in non-human somites. The limited contribution to the dermis seen in the somites
species. The precise origin of the remaining palatal muscles and the has no equivalence in the paraxial mesenchyme. In the head the
pharangeal constrictors is uncertain in man. A mixed origin, partly dermis is formed by neural crest mesenchyme which also has the
from paraxial mesenchyme and partly from adjacent myotomes, has ability to develop calcified structures.
been attributed to sternocleidomastoideus and trapezius (McKenzie Prior to the formation of any skeletal elements in the arches,
1955). myoblasts migrate from the paraxial mesenchyme to the sites where
overt muscle differentiation will occur and form premuscle con-
Nerves of the pharyngeal arches densations. The pattern of primary myotube alignment for any one
The nerves of the pharyngeal arches immediately enter the dorsal ends muscle is specified by the surrounding neural crest mesenchyme and
of them (3.139). They are typically mixed, their motor component is not related to the source of the myoblasts. The rate and pattern
supplying the muscles of the arch and their sensory fibres innervating of muscle maturation are closely associated with the development of
the skin and mucous membrane derived from the region. In fish the the skeletal elements, such that muscles may attain attachments to
trunks of the nerves and their ganglia are close to the dorsal ends one skeletal element but remain without additional attachments until
of the true clefts existing in these forms, each sending a post-trematic the appropriate elements develop (McClearn & Noden 1988). Figure
branch into its own arch and a pretrematic branch into the arch 3.148 shows the relationship between the somitomeres and the muscle
cranial to this. In mammals, some have claimed that both types of masses migrating to each arch.
branch can be identified in the first arch, but only a single nerve can
be identified with certainty in the second to sixth arches, with the Pharyngeal grooves
exception of the fifth, the nerve of which is unknown and may have Modification of the external contours of the arches occurs as the
disappeared. skeletal and muscular elements develop. The modification of the
The trigeminal mandibular division is the post-trematic nerve of external pharyngeal grooves or (less appropriately) clefts produces
the first arch; the chorda tympani, or greater petrosal, has sometimes the smooth contour of the neck. The concurrent development of the
been regarded as its pretrematic nerve derived from the facial. The internal pharyngeal pouches also contributes to this process.
latter supplies the second arch, the glossopharyngeal the third, the The first pharyngeal groove is obliterated ventrally, as in all but
superior laryngeal branch of the vagus the fourth and the latter’s the most ancient vertebrates. In man its dorsal end deepens to form
recurrent laryngeal branch the sixth. In lower vertebrates the fifth the epithelium of the external acoustic meatus and the external
arch is also supplied by a vagal branch. Other branches that have, surface of the tympanic membrane. (For details see p. 262.)
on occasion, been proposed as pretrematic are the tympanic branch At the dorsal ends of the first, second and fourth pharyngeal
of the glossopharyngeal and the auricular branch of the vagus. grooves thickened patches of ectoderm appear, the epibranchial
However, none of the foregoing fulfil sufficient criteria for them to placodes. These are closely related to the developing ganglia of the
be classified as pretrematic with confidence. facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, to which they contribute
The difference in the courses of the recurrent laryngeal nerves can (p. 224): these, and other placodal cells (dorsolateral and supra-
be explained by the development of the aortic arch arteries. In arches branchial) also contribute to the trigeminal and vestibulocochlear
1—5 the arch nerve enters rostral to its aortic arch artery. However, ganglia (see 3.103).
the nerve enters its sixth arch caudal to the aortic arch artery, At the end of the fifth week the third and fourth arches are sunk
retaining this position on the left side and hence being caudal to and in a retrohyoid depression, the cervical sinus. Cranially the sinus is
looping round the ligamentum arteriosum in its final disposition. bounded by the hyoid arch, dorsally by a ridge produced by ventral
However, on the right, owing to the disappearance of the dorsal extensions from the occipital myotomes and by mesenchyme develop-
part of the sixth aortic arch artery and the whole of the fifth, the ing into sternocleidomastoid and trapezius. Caudally, the smaller
nerve loops round the caudal aspect of the fourth aortic arch artery, epipericardial ridge separates the sinus from the pericardium and
ie. the subclavian artery. curves cranially near the midline and then with its fellow reaches the
lingual swelling of the mandibular prominence and the hypobranchial
Muscle of the pharyngeal arches eminence. Myoblasts from the occipital myotomes migrating to the
The muscles of the face and neck (3.144), sometimes described as tongue follow the epipericardial ridge together with the hypoglossal
branchiomeric because of their origin within the pharyngeal nerve. The long held view that the cervical sinus is obliterated by
(branchial) arches, develop from a rostral continuation of the par- caudal growth of the hyoid arches to fuse with the cardiac elevation,
axial mesenchyme which, in the trunk, segments to form somites. excluding the succeeding arches from any part in the formation of
Within the trunk somites give rise to medial skeletal elements: the skin of the neck, has been criticized; an alternative view is that
sclerotomes, which combine to form the vertebrae, lateral myotomic the sinus is reduced by gradual approximation of its walls from
populations; myotomes, which form all of the striated muscle of within outwards. It should be noted, however, that some contend
the trunk and limbs; and limited dorsolateral connective tissue that the surface course of the second groove persists as the curved
populations which contribute to the dermis over the dorsal surface submandibular cervical flexure line. Whatever the mechanism a
dermatomes. Experimental quail—chick chimeras have permitted smooth epidermal covering to the neck results with platysma (a
examination of the paraxial mesenchyme in the head to see if similar second arch muscle), bounded both superficially and deep by super-
tripartite fates are available. ficial fascia, passing along the neck to the anterior thoracic wall.
Although the paraxial mesenchyme in the head is unsegmented, a
segmental pattern was described by Meier (1979) who noted seven Pharyngeal pouches
somitomeres each side of the rostral notochord and beneath the The first four pharyngeal pouches appear in sequence craniocaudally,
overlying neural plate (see p. 154). Portions of paraxial mesenchyme, and their endoderm approaches the ectoderm of the overlying phar-
medial and lateral to the folding neural plate, were transplanted yngeal grooves to form thin closing membranes (8.139, 140). The
from quail embryos to chick and the fate of the cell populations blind recesses of the second, third and fourth pouches are prolonged
followed (Couly et al 1992). At the 3-somite stage the cell density is dorsally and ventrally as angular, wing-like diverticula. From the
much higher in the lateral paraxial mesenchyme than in the medial. fourth a diverticulum grows caudoventrally and is at first demarcated
Apart from the rostral regions of the medial paraxial mesenchyme, from the pouch by a groove in which may occur a transient fifth
which in the avian embryo appeared to contribute to the ocular aortic arch artery. From this diverticulum afifth pouch may develop
muscles (these in the main originate from prechordal mesenchyme; and establish a connection with the ectoderm. The remainder of
see p.274), the medial mesenchyme gave rise to limited skeletal this diverticulum is the ultimobranchial body. This, together with
structures, for example part of the sphenoid and otic capsule, and the fourth pouch and the transitory fifth, when present, constitute
connective tissues, including the mesencephalic and metencephalic the caudal pharyngeal complex. Its communication with the cavity
meninges, but no muscles. In contrast, the lateral paraxial mes- of the pharynx is the common pharyngobranchial duct. The ultimo- 285
Patterns of gene expression
Hox al

Axial structures Otic vesicle e Rhombencephalon

Prechordal mesenchyme


Optic cup

Migration of neural Mandibular

crest mesenchyme


Paraxial mesenchyme

Brain and cranial motor nerves


Cranial sensory
and parasympathetic t : 0 a me
ganglia Proximal
Proximal X
(superior )F 1 [ Ciliary
V (trigeminal)
VIII (vestibulocochlear) } 8
// | @— Pterygopalatine
Distal X (nodose) £ J J Y
Distal IX (petrosal)

Prechordal mesenchyme
Suggested origin of
striated muscles from paraxial migrates to form
mesenchyme extraocular muscles
Lateral rectus
Superior rectus
3rd arch t @& Superior oblique
Glossal Medial rectus
2nd arch (hyoid) Inferior oblique
Ist arch (mandibular )

Pharyngeal arch arteries

Internal carotid artery
Descending aorta
>haryngeal arch arteries

Endodermal Inferior parathyroid Tubotympanic recess

pouches Superior parathyroid

3.148 Schema illustrating the organization of the head and pharynx in an separated but are aligned in register through the numbered zones. (After
embryo at about stage 14. The individual tissue components have been Noden.)


branchial body is almost a constant feature of vertebrate development folds prior to migration has revealed a relationship between the sites
(Watzka 1955). Its form in the human embryo, however, has been a of emergence of the crest cells and the rhombomeric epithelium
matter of controversy. Apparently it is incorporated into the rest of (Lumsden et al 1991). Neural crest cells originate from three dis-
the caudal pharyngeal complex and contributes to the development continuous levels and migrate ventrally in three distinct streams
of the lateral thyroid rudiment (p. 177). Ultimobranchial bodies exist (3.106a). Crest cells from rhombomeres 1 and 2 contribute to the
in the adults of many lower vertebrates and calcitonin has been trigeminal ganglion and produce first arch mesenchyme, crest cells
isolated from such tissue (Copp et al 1967). There is thus a strong pre- from rhombomere 4 contribute to the facial and vestibulo-acoustic
sumption that the parafollicular cells of the human thyroid gland, which ganglion and produce second arch mesenchyme, while crest cells
are a source of calcitonin, are derived from ultimobranchial tissue. from rhombomere 6 contribute to the superior petrosal ganglion and
The further development of the endodermal derivatives of the produce third arch mesenchyme. Two axial levels, rhombomeres 3
pharyngeal pouches is intimately associated with that of the mouth, and 5, do not contribute to the emergent neural crest. However,
pharynx and larynx, and is considered with them (p. 176). crest cells migrating from rhombomeres 3 and 5 have been isolated
in vitro, suggesting that in vivo the even-numbered rhombomeres
Rhombomeres, Hox genes and arch development may exert a dominant negative effect upon the odd numbered,
It has been seen in the above accounts that the cranial neural crest suppressing neural crest production (Graham et al 1993). Such
proliferates to form a significant mesenchymal population in the suppression, by segregating the crest into three distinct streams,
head, face and pharyngeal arches which controls the pattern of may ensure the specific filling of each of the pharyngeal arches and
development of the face and arches, specifying the position of the correct development of each of the individual cranial ganglia.
muscles, nerves and blood vessels. Experimental studies have shown The specification of the neural crest thus occurs before it migrates
that if first arch (mandibular) crest is grafted into the hyoid (second) from the neural folds.
arch, mandibular structures form, suggesting that the differentiation The axial homeobox genes, Hox-a and Hox-b (see p.228), are
pattern of the second arch paraxial mesenchyme and surface ecto- expressed in the rhombomeres and in neural crest cells from the
derm was redefined by the new crest mesenchyme (Noden 1988). point of origin, during migration and after migration has ceased.
Other experiments on tooth development (see above) illustrate the Each pharyngeal arch expresses a different combination of Hox
same phenomenon. These experiments, however, do not suggest genes in a segment restricted manner (Hunt et al 1991; 3.106, 148).
whether the crest cells gain their patterning ability before leaving the The exact relationship between Hox expression in the rhombomeres
neural plate or afterwards during their migration to the arches. and later in the arches is not yet clear. For example, Hox-b/ is
The neural crest cells migrate from the neural folds of the dien- delineated sharply in rhombomere 4 and later in arch 2; however,
cephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon and myelencephalon; crest Hox-b2 is expressed in all rhombomeres caudal from rhombomere
cells do not arise from the prosencephalic neural folds. At the time 3, yet rhombomeres 3 and 5 do not produce migratory crest cells.
of crest migration the hindbrain (rhombencephalon) is composed of Figure 3.148 shows the extent of Hox expression in the rhombomeres,
a repeating pattern of bulges, the rhombomeres (see p. 241), seg- the neural crest and the surface ectoderm.
mental units seen in the brains of all developing vertebrates. Single- Disruptions of the Hox genes cause failure of normal crest
cell marking experiments show that rhombomeres operate as distinct cell proliferation and migration, producing anomalies similar to
compartments with lineage restriction. There are eight rhombomeres human congenital disorders, for example DiGeorge’s syndrome
identified in the hindbrain. Labelling of crest cells along the neural (see p. 228).

Head development and evolution of the sensory ganglia and sense organs
within the head (the eyes, which are
derived directly from the neural tube, are
excluded from this group).
The developmental mechanisms which by molecular biological studies on head The neural crest also provides a new
operate within the trunk are different from development will have far-reaching effects mesenchymal population which fulfils
those operating in the head: an obser- and take much time to interpret. a role similar to that of the somatic
vation which could be used to deduce that A hypothesis of head evolution which and somatopleuric mesenchymes within
the head evolved by a different route from is suggested by examination of the the trunk. Specific interaction between the
the other axial structures, using different development of the head has been put sclerotomal portion of the somite and the
cell populations which do not respond to, forward by Gans and Northcutt (1983) perinotochordal matrix promotes chon-
or differentiate earlier than, the inducers and Northcutt and Gans (1983). They drogenesis around the notochord and
in the trunk region. propose that the rostral part of the head, neural tube resulting in the formation of
The vertebrate head is especially differ- including the sense organs, pros- the vertebrae. Condensations of som-
ent from the ‘cranial’ end’ of its nearest encephalon, mesencephalon and _ sur- atopleuric mesenchyme within the limb
relations, the cephalocaudates. They have, rounding skull, is derived from the have a chondrogenic fate when the cell
in common with vertebrates, segmented neuroectoderm. Experimental studies have density is high, and somatopleuric mes-
muscle blocks, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, confirmed that the ‘prechordal’ skull, i.e. enchyme can be induced to follow this
gill slits and a notochord. However, they that part rostral to the notochord (Couly lineage in culture if the cells are arrested
have no clear head, no obvious tripartite et al 1992), which surrounds the expanded from migration and kept at high density.
brain, no neural crest or ectodermal pla- rostral brain, is formed from neural crest, Neural crest cells, which never follow a
codes, no paired sense organs or cranial a population of neuroectoderm which chondrogenic pathway in the trunk, are
ganglia. Amphioxus and other cephalo- invaginates between the neural tube and able to differentiate into chondrocytes and
caudates may be considered to be distant epidermal ectoderm, after neurulation. other connective tissues in the head, and
relations of vertebrates; however, no link The neuroectoderm also gives rise to the they are able to pattern the development
can be postulated that would demonstrate sense organs via a series of ectodermal of the facial primordia in the same manner
the gradual evolution of cephalization. placodes, regions of neuroectoderm which as somatopleuric mesenchyme can pattern
Until now, we have had few tools with do not separate from the epidermal ecto- the limb. The mechanisms by which this
which to examine the complexity and com- derm until the invaginated neural crest occurs is not clear although the ‘flypaper
parative nature of head development in migrates beneath them. Between them, the model’, specifying the pattern of cranial
extant species of vertebrates and cephalo- cell populations produced by the neural chondrogenesis (Thorogood 1988), sug-
caudates. The data now being generated crest and ectodermal placodes produce all gests that the neural crest responds to

similar cues and in a similar manner as second arch crest. Few or no crest cells of the developing nerve cord. Homologous
the sclerotomes (see p. 274). are formed by neural folds at the level of gene expression in vertebrate embryos
It should be noted that the vertebrate the otic placode (rhombomere 5). corresponds to the rhombomere 4/5
head is formed not only by addition of After neurulation, many structures boundary. Holland et al propose that the
neural crest in the rostral region but also present in the head of extant vertebrates structures expressing these genes in the
by incorporation, in the caudal region, of are segmentally organized. For example, two body plans are homologous. They
an increasing number of vertebrae. The in the rhombencephalon there are ridges suggest that this evidence supports the
Agnatha have no vertebral contribution which divide the hindbrain into rhom- hypothesis that the vertebrate head
to the skull; the amphibians and selachians bomeres (3.148); subjacent paraxial mes- evolved by elaboration and expansion of
incorporate three occipital somites, enchyme is arranged as definitely a pre-existing cranial region rather than
whereas in the vertebrate skull all five segmented occipital somites and, more by production of a new rostral portion.
occipital somites are included. This caudal rostrally, possibly segmented som- The utilization of extensive neural crest
enlargement contributes to the general itomeres. More lateral and _ ventral populations in the head may have resulted
increase in the volume of the skull around locations contain the ectodermal placodes, because it was a source of mesenchyme
the expanding rhombencephalon at the the embryonic aortic arch arteries and which could be modified and adapted
same time as the crest-derived rostral por- the pharyngeal pouches. However, this without simultaneous reorganization of
tions of the skull surround the pros- segmentation is seen only caudal to the the trunk; the developmental flexibility
encephalon. hypophysis, each side of the notochord. of the crest population could promote
Mapping of the neural plate in the chick Thus the transient segmental nature of an evolutionary flexibility and produce
has shown that the prechordal skull is cephalic development is taking place in the diversity seen in vertebrate species
formed rostral to the adenohypophyseal the ‘ancestral’ or ‘old’ head and brain. today.
placode from ectodermal and neural crest However, this paradigm is only partially Noden (1991) adds a note of caution to
cells located in the neural folds. From supported by studies examining the the general interpretation of the devel-
rostral to caudal the neural folds produce expression of Hox genes in the developing opmental processes within the head,
the adenohypophysis (in the midline) and brain. especially with the eruption of molecular
then on each side the olfactory ectodermal Hox genes are expressed along the biological applications for studying
placode, the frontonasal ectoderm, the cal- embryonic axis in invertebrate and ver- embryonic development. He recognizes
varial ectoderm and the cephalic neural tebrate embryos. Recent cloning of Hox that our present understanding of the mor-
crest (3.145). The ectoderm of the first genes from cephalochordate embryos has phology of development, of the patterns
pharyngeal arch is found lateral to the shown an amphioxus Hox gene Amphi- of cell movement, commitment and inter-
cephalic neural crest and it migrates Hox-3 (Holland et al 1992) homologous actions which lead to the spatial assembly
rostrally and medially to contribute to to the mouse Hox-2.7 gene. The rostral of complex arrays, is as yet inadequate to
the face (3.145). There is a neural crest- limit of expression of this gene in provide a basis for interpreting molecular
free gap over rhombomere 3 (see below) amphioxus is at the level of the 4/5 somite analysis. The resolution of these challenges
that separates presumptive frontonasal/ boundary at the neurula stage and at later in the understanding of head development
maxillary/mandibular cells from the stages within a spatially restricted domain is awaited with interest.

embryos. A ridge is visible along the lateral longitudinal axis of the

APPENDICULAR SKELETON AND body wall opposite somites 8-10, at the level of the entrance to
MUSCLES the cranial intestinal portal; this is the upper limb bud. By stage 13
the lower limb bud is also visible.
The appendicular skeleton and muscles arise from both paraxial The upper limb bud enlarges, protruding laterally from its elliptical
mesenchyme (the epithelial somite) and lateral plate mesenchyme base at the body wall as a flattened plate, with a curved border and
(somatopleuric). an AER forming its distal tip; it also has initially equal and relatively
flat dorsal and ventral ectodermal surfaces, and a somatopleuric
Morphological changes in the limbs mesenchymal core. For descriptive, experimental and conceptual
The limbs develop via a continual series of complex epithelial/ purposes it has been necessary to define and name various ‘axes’,
mesenchymal interactions initiated in the lateral body walls. The borders, surfaces and lines in relation to the bud (3.150). (However,
proliferating somatopleuric mesenchyme forms a ridge externally, some minor variation in terminology will be noted when human
ventrolateral to the somites, which extends caudally from the most development is compared with basic tetrapod—amphibian, reptilian
caudal (sixth) pharyngeal arch, finally tapering towards the tail. and also avian—development. Mechanisms, nevertheless, remain
Interaction of specialized regions of the somatopleuric mesenchyme similar.) An imaginary line from the centre of the elliptical base of
with the overlying ectoderm gives rise to local, thickened regions of the bud, through the centre of its mesenchymal core, to the centre
surface ectoderm and proliferation of the underlying mesenchyme; of the apical ectodermal ridge, defines the proximodistal axis of the
this specifies the position of the future limb buds. At the site of each bud (for long, in descriptive embryology, known simply as the axis).
putative limb the ectoderm forms a longitudinal ridge of high Named in relation to the latter, the limb border cranially placed is
columnar epithelial cells, the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) (3.149, the preaxial border and that caudally placed is the postaxial border.
150). The AER and the underlying, specialized somatopleuric mes- (In tetrapods and birds, the latter are termed anterior and posterior
enchyme are termed the progress zone; this remains at the distal tip borders, respectively; see below.) Any line passing through the limb
of the limb until the digits are formed. The progress zone controls bud from preaxial to postaxial border, (and orthogonal to the
the orientation and progression of limb development and specifies proximodistal axis) thus constitutes a cranio-caudal axis. The dorsal
the position of the skeletal elements. The somatopleuric mesenchyme and ventral ectodermal surfaces thus clothe their respective aspects
controls the specific developmental fate of the overlying ectoderm from preaxial to postaxial borders. Thus, any line passing from
and within the limb becomes the skeletal and connective tissue dorsal to ventral aspect (and orthogonal to both proximodistal and
elements. Precursor muscle cells and neurons migrate into the limb craniocaudal axes) constitutes a dorsoventral axis. (It should be noted
somewhat later. Consistent with the craniocaudal progression of here that the terms dorsal and ventral axial lines are to be used ex-
development, the upper limb develops in advance of the lower. The clusively in relation to developing and definitive patterns of cutaneous
288 earliest signs of limb development are seen in stage 12 (26 days) innervation of the limbs and their associated levels of the trunk.
3.149 Series of scanning electron micrographs to show the development hand plate and the margin of the plate is becoming notched. e. The fingers
of the upper limb. a. The earliest limb bud viewed from the postaxial border. are nearly separated and proliferations are commencing at the distal end of
B. Limb bud viewed from postaxial border; the apical ectodermal ridge can each digit to form the nail bed. F. The fingers each have tactile pads distally
be seen. c. Limb bud, ventrolateral view; the shoulder and elbow region are and nail development continues. (Photographs by P Collins; printed by
specified and a hand plate has formed. The apical ectodermal ridge is still S Cox, Electron Microscopy Unit, Southampton General Hospital.)
obvious at the margin of the hand plate. p. Digital rays are present in the

Early differential growth of parts of the limb bud result in two cord is very wide at this time. The hand plate has the first indications
main changes to the originally symmetric axes of the limb: of digit rays and the lower limb has an early foot plate.
By stage 17 the upper limb has an elbow region and digit rays; in
(1) The dorsal aspect of the limb grows faster than the ventral; advanced members of this group the hand plate has a crenated rim
this causes the limb bud to curve around the body wall; the ventral indicating the beginning of tissue removal between the digits. The
surface of the limb which is closest to the body wall remains relatively lower limb still has a flattened foot plate. Although a hip region can
flat but the dorsal surface bulges into the amniotic cavity; the be seen there is no true knee as yet.
originally laterally facing AER becomes increasingly directed ven- In stage 18 (44 days) embryos the foot plate has digit rays and
trally. there is further crenation of the hand plate between the digit rays.
(2) Slightly later the preaxial border grows faster than the post- The lower limb appears to be flexed at the hip and abducted with
axial, resulting in a further shift of the AER caudally rather than the knee bent; this gives the appearance that the knee is facing
ventrally. These reorientations in the upper limb form the shoulder, laterally. There is very little skin of the thigh visible; the soles of the
arm and forearm; however, their effects cannot be seen until later feet face the umbilical cord.
(see below). Changes during stages 19-23 are concerned with growth of the
limbs and separation of the digits. The hands are now curving over
By stage 13 (28 days) the upper limb bud is curving ventrally the cardiac region. The distal phalangeal portions of the fingers
while the lower limb bud is still directed laterally; in stage 14 embryos enlarge at stage 21 forming the nail beds. This can be seen on the
the preaxial border has started to lengthen in the upper limb but separated toes at stage 23. The feet can finally touch at stage 21
not yet in the lower. The upper limb at this stage is opposite the when the umbilical cord becomes proportionally smaller and the
developing ventricles of the heart; the lower limb is closely associated embryo larger.
with the wide umbilical cord. In stage 15 the upper limb can be
subdivided into definite regions. The proximal portion of the limb Concepts of limb development
still shows the dorsal bulge and ventral curve—this is the shoulder Limb development may be conceptualized as resulting from a series
region and upper arm region; the next distal portion which was of ectodermal/mesenchymal interactions (3.150, 151). Such concepts
derived from the increase in the length of the preaxial border can are supported by experimental evidence from amphibian, avian and
now be identified as the forearm. The most distal portion is now reptilian species which demonstrate a remarkable conservation of
expanded into a flattened hand plate. developmental processes. Chimeric experimentation has further
At stage 16 the limbs appear much more substantial. The upper revealed the specific fates of cell populations within the developing
limb is sometimes close to the body wall and sometimes abducted; limb. The demonstration of conserved homeobox-containing genes
the lower limbs do not curve close to the body wall as the umbilical in the developing limb (see below) may however require some 289

1. Axes of the limb

Proximodistal __ Pre-axial border
Dorsal border

border Dorsoventral


Ventral border

2. An apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is needed for limb outgrowth. 3. Only ‘limb’ mesenchyme can produce limb outgrowth.

AER removed
ry = no outgrowth >
‘Aleg grows
o m the end of
a wing
Somatopleuric AER Wing
mesenchyme mesenchyme Non-limb
mesenchyme No outgrowth

L extra AER
> duplicated

4. The AER and underlying mesenchyme = progress zone. This controls the time of
limb development.
Young Young ! é
Old progress Older progress Young | Old progress
host zone host zone host zone

\A\ ASX.
\il4s Sere

5. The zone of polarising activity (ZPA) specifies the postaxial border of the limb. 6. The ectodermal sleeve specifies the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
Ari Mesenchyme is removed
from the ectoderm;
ZPA cells are dispersed
ZPA transplanted => ee IT il lI in mesenchyme
> I
| Ss"
a ~IV
ZPA i IIT Mesenchyme replaced
in ectodermal
uli sleeve

J No pre-axial
wf_-u and postaxial
E ( Vv mI Direction of
Joints still
Transplantation of the ZPA into the AER or the indicates
pre-axial border produces distal limb reduplication. dorsal and ventral
The digit closest to the ZPA is IV or V axis

7. The length of the AER is controlled by necrotic zones.

The number of digits is controlled by the
length of the AER.
Preaxial necrotic zone:
The fingers are
separated by
Postaxial necrotic zone
8. Hox expression in the limb.

The Hox genes are expressed like nested dolls.

3.150 Schema illustrating the results of the major experimental studies on
the developing limb. It should be noted that great strides have been made
in identifying the factors responsible for the epithelial/mesenchymal inter-
actions shown above. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) can replace the apical
ectodermal ridge and control limb outgrowth. FGF also maintains the ZPA.
The gene sonic hedgehog (Shh), a homolog of the Drosophila segment
ZPA activity. The interaction between the apical ectodermal ridge and the
underlying mesenchyme can now be reinterpreted as an interaction between
locally expressed Faf4 (in the ridge) and Shh (in the mesenchyme). Retinoic
acid also mimics the effect of ZPA activity and can induce expression of
Fgf4. The lower schema, the Hox gene expression in the developing limb,
may need reinterpretation in the light of these most recent advances. We
d-9 +d-10 + d-11

d-9 +-d-10 4 d-11 + d-12

d-9 +d-10 + d-11 + d-13 + d-14

290 polarity gene, has a polarizing activity in the limb and Shh colocalizes with look forward to this with interest.

Tae Seen ECRL

Oh mia:

SIE eee
fi ECU
12d 13d 14d 15d
3.151 Diagrammatic representation of the development of the dorsal and ECRL = extensor carpi radialis PT =pronator teres
ventral muscle masses in the forearm. Changes in the extracellular environ- longus FCR = flexor carpi radialis
ment induce local fusion of myoblasts and, from that point, division of the ECRB = extensor carpi radialis FDP = flexor digitorum profundus
muscle mass. (After Kieny et al 1986.) brevis FDS = flexor digitorum superficialis
EPB = extensor pollicis brevis Pa L=palmaris longus
EIP = extensor indicis proprius FCU = flexor carpi ulnaris
ED = extensor digitorum d=days
ECU = extensor carpi ulnaris

reinterpretation of these concepts to reconcile the molecular model phalanges III, each state taking approximately 8 hours. Summerbell
with the traditional model. and Lewis (1975) noted that the progress zone behaves like a clock
Progress zone (AER-mes). The outgrowth of a limb bud is whose ticks are cell-division cycles.
controlled by the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and the underlying The precision with which skeletal growth occurs is often not
somatopleuric mesenchyme. The epithelium seems to control the appreciated. In calculating the growth in left limbs versus right limbs
developmental stage of the limb and the somatopleuric mesenchyme Summerbell et al (1973) concluded that the length of the left ulna of
controls the type of limb, interpreting the temporal information from a limb did not vary by more than 5% of the length of the right.
the AER in a proximodistal developmental progression. These two Axes of the limb. The three developmental axes can be identified
tissue arrangements form the progress zone, a region which is believed in the developing limb bud by stage 13 (3.150). These are, as noted
to be the site where assignments are made to cell populations in the above, the proximodistal, the dorsoventral and the craniocaudal axes.
limb. As cells leave the progress zone, their proximal/distal value Each of the three principal axes seem to be specified by different
becomes fixed. Once the mesenchyme has been assigned it specifies mechanisms. The proximodistal axis, as mentioned previously, is
the developmental pattern of the overlying ectoderm. controlled by the progress zone (i.e. the AER and subjacent som-
The work of Zwilling (1968), Saunders et al (1976), Hinchcliffe atopleuric mesenchyme). The craniocaudal axis is controlled by a
and Johnson (1980) has provided much evidence of limb morpho- small population of mesenchymal cells on the postaxial border of
genesis. The knowledge may be summarized as follows: the limb bud, some distance from the AER; this mesenchyme is
e The AER and underlying mesenchyme provide the orientating termed the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA). The ZPA specifies digit
influence for limb outgrowth. Removal of the AER results in five; further away from the ZPA digits four, three, two and one
cessation of limb development; insertion of a second AER results develop.
in two axes of development: there is duplication of distal structures If the ZPA is grafted beneath an AER, duplication of the limb
from the graft onwards. occurs from that time onwards. If the ZPA is grafted onto the
e Replacement of the underlying mesenchyme with any other mes- preaxial border of the limb a duplicated distal portion grows with
enchyme results in no limb development: only ‘limb’ mesenchyme the orientation reversed (3.150).
will promote limb bud formation; however, replacement of upper The dorsoventral axis of the limb appears to be controlled by the
limb mesenchyme with lower limb mesenchyme does support limb ectoderm of the limb. If the mesenchyme of a limb is removed and
growth but leads to the development of leg structures. In addition dissociated then repacked into the ectodermal sleeve, a limb will
the leg mesenchyme will pass information back to the local ectoderm develop which has no anterior—posterior axis, i.e. the ZPA has been
causing appropriate leg feather (in chick) development. It is reasoned dispersed. However, the limb does have dorsal and ventral surfaces
that the mesenchyme beneath the AER provides an ‘AER main- identified by the directions of the joints and position and type of hair.
tenance factor’ which is essential to the function of the ridge. Early skeletal elements of the limb. Formation of the cartilage
elements of the limb has been suggested to be related to the shape
The temporal nature of the information passing from the AER to of the limb and the conditions necessary for chondrogenesis. There
the underlying mesenchyme was illustrated in a series of experiments is an antichondrogenic zone beneath the ectoderm of the limb which
by Summerbell (1974). A graft of a young limb bud to an older one prevents chondrogenesis within the dermis and myogenic zones
with the progress zone removed results in duplication of limb (p. 264). Foci of chondrogenesis occur in the centre of the limb bud
elements. Conversely a graft of an old progress zone onto the stump where the cell density is highest, then the production of extracellular
of a younger limb produces a limb with intermediate sections missing matrix by these cells encourages chondrogenic differentiation. In
(see 3.150). The progress zone behaves independently as if no more distal portions of the limb, the limb bud widens forming first
communication concerning positional values travels in a proximo- two centres of chondrogenesis, then later five centres. The AER is
distal direction. As cells leave the progress zone their proximo- believed to control the width of the digital plate which in turn will
distal values are specified (3.150). reflect this width by the number of digits which develop. Zones on
In grafting experiments only whole limb bones develop. Eight the cranial and caudal, or preaxial and postaxial borders of the limb
states of the progress zone can be described: i.e. humerus, ulna- which show preprogrammed cell death can be identified at the same
radius, carpals I, carpals II, metacarpals, phalanges I, phalanges II, time as the ZPA. These zones limit the length of the AER. 291
________ — eee


d h In
i ns l

The experimentation concerning these zones was carried out in that the development of the ilium is ahead of that of the sacrum.
chick embryos. It is customary in anamniote embryology to refer to Uhthoff (1990) suggests that the initial stages in the process of
the craniocaudal axis as anteroposterior (with the human anterior cavitation of joints is independent of movements but that a full, true
and posterior surfaces being termed ventral and dorsal, respectively). joint cavity can only form in the presence of movements.
Generally the literature suggests that all musculoskeletal elements
This terminology has been retained for many amniote embryos,
especially avian. Thus the special zones found on the pre- and are in their appropriate positions by 10 weeks. For a review of the
postaxial borders of the limb are referred to, in the literature, as
literature concerning the chronology of events in human embryonic
limbs consult O’Rahilly and Gardner (1975) and Uhthoff (1990).
anterior and posterior necrotic zones (ANZ and PNZ). If the length
of the AER becomes reduced then fewer digits will form—oli- Limb musculature
godactyly; if the AER is not reduced and becomes longer then more
digits will form—polydactyly. This latter condition can permit the It is now well established that all limb muscle precursor cells originate
from the somites (Jacob et al 1986). These precursor cells are
development of supernumerary digits on either the pre- or postaxial
borders. There are other regions of cell death occurring between the committed at an early stage and can be identified in the lateral halves
digits which result in digital separation, but these occur later than of the somites (Selleck & Stern 1991; Ordahl 1993). After the
the ANZ and PNZ. The cells between the digits are removed by mesenchymal sclerotome cells have migrated from the epithelial
macrophages. Note cells in the ANZ, PNZ and between the digits somite the remaining dorsolateral portion is termed the epithelial
undergo apaptosis. plate of the somite (3.131). Cells from’ the cranial edge of this plate
Most of the bones in the appendicular skeleton derive from form the axial musculature whereas cells from the ventrolateral edge
somatopleuric mesenchyme. Within the upper limb, however, of those somites opposite limb buds migrate into the limb anlagen.
although the clavicle and coracoid portion of the scapula arise from Initially the cells migrate as single mesenchyme-like cells, then later
somatopleuric mesenchyme, the body and spine of the scapula are in groups; they are surrounded by a non-random, structured network
believed to derive from the somites (Chevallier 1977). No recent of extracellular fibrils. The migrating cells branch at their leading
studies yet dispute this finding. ends into filopodia which are in contact with the extracellular
Prechondroblasts are present in the upper limb at stage 13 and fibrils or with other cells. It is thought that the orientation of the
condensations of cartilage can be detected at stage 16 when the extracellular fibrils may direct the migration of the cells. The pre-
humeral anlage can be recognized. By stage 17, when the radius and cursor muscle cells are, however, not competent to produce limb
ulna chondrify, the branched tips of the radial, median and ulnar muscles prior to their migration into the limb, and it is thought
nerves have migrated to the distal hand plate. The carpal bones that the somito-somatopleural migration is a time when precursor
chondrify at stage 18 when the hand plate shows notching of the myogenic cells acquire their responsiveness to the somatopleuric
connective tissue.
digital rays. In the lower limb the femur and tibia have formed in
cartilage and the sciatic nerve extends distally to the tibia by stage The proliferation of the limb bud is controlled at the distal tip
18 (44 days). where the somatopleuric mesenchyme and the overlying ectoderm
The first evidence of bone formation is seen at the midpart of the form the AER (p. 291). The myogenic cells colonize the limb bud in
diaphysis of long bones at 8 weeks. Vascular invasion of the cartilage a proximodistal direction only, and never reach the most distal portion
matrix precedes the formation of a periosteal collar which extends of the limb where there seems to be a distal boundary for the muscle
proximally and distally until it reaches the future epiphyseal level cells. The speed of migration of myogenic cells into the limb is
where a growth plate will be established. By 10 weeks columns of considered to be constant, since the border of invasion seems to lag
chondrocytes can be seen at the epiphyseal level of most bones; behind as soon as the rate of elongation of the limb bud becomes
however, only the lower end of the femur and upper end of the tibia more pronounced. Myogenic cells are still indifferent regarding
develop ossification centres prior to birth (see p. 684). The pelvis their region-specific determination when they first enter the limb.
forms from two hemipelves which each develop from one carti- Myogenic cells from a limb will, if grafted into brachial or pelvic
laginous focus. Ossification of the pelvis commences with the ilium somites, assume the myogenic potentialities of the somites and give
which undergoes endochondral ossification (similar to long bones) rise to normal wing or leg musculature. The muscle cells, unlike the
at 9.5 weeks. somatopleuric mesenchyme, have no ‘limbness’. Further, the muscle
Development of joints. Regions of developing cartilage are easily pattern developed in the limb reflects the pattern of the skeletal
recognized in the developing limb as they have widely spaced cells elements; duplication or lack of digits is accompanied by the dupli-
surrounded by matrix. Between the developing skeletal elements the cation or lack of the corresponding muscles.
somatopleuric mesenchyme is more condensed forming plates of Two subpopulations of myogenic cells can be discerned in the
interzonal mesenchyme which mark the sites of future joints. Their limb bud. In the early buds there are mainly replicating presumptive
development varies according to the type of joint formed. myoblasts, considered to be premitotic, whereas in later stages there
In fibrous joints the interzone is converted into collagen, as are also postmitotic myoblasts. It is interesting that the invading
the definitive connecting medium between the bones involved. In myoblasts are still replicating; this may be a prerequisite for the
synchondroses it becomes (growth) cartilage of the modified hyaline formation of the considerable amount of skeletal muscular tissue
which will develop in the limbs.
type, whereas in symphyses the tissue is predominantly fibrocartilage,
but: retaining narrow para-osseous laminae of hyaline (growth) The first myogenic cells to arrive in the limb form the principal
cartilage. The interzonal mesenchyme of developing synovial joints dorsal and ventral premuscular masses; it is thought that all classes
becomes trilaminar, due to the appearance of a more tenuous of tetrapods begin limb muscle development with these blocks which
intermediate zone between two dense strata next to the cartilaginous produce all the skeletal muscle in the limb. The blocks of premuscle
ends of the skeletal elements of the region. As the skeletal elements undergo a spatiotemporal sequence of divisions and subdivisions as
chondrify and in part ossify, the dense strata of the interzonal the limb lengthens which leads to the individualization of about 19
mesenchyme also become cartilaginous and cavitation of the inter- muscles (3.151) in the upper limb and 14 muscles in the lower limb.
mediate zone establishes the cavity or discontinuity of the joint. The The splitting process in the mouse commences at day 12 and is
loose mesenchyme around the cavity forms the synovial membrane completed by day 17 (Kieny et al 1986). Small changes in the
and probably also gives rise to all other intra-articular structures, extracellular environment of myoblasts are believed to induce local
such as tendons, ligaments, discs and menisci. In joints containing fusion of some cells and thus create a gap which divides the muscle
discs or menisci and in compound articulations more than one cavity mass into two. In the upper limb, the premuscle masses first divide
may appear initially, sometimes merging later into a complex single into three masses, the next division gives rise to the muscles attached
one. As development proceeds thickenings in the fibrous capsule can to the carpus, and the final division produces the long muscles of —
be recognized as the specializations peculiar to a particular joint. In the digits. A similar pattern is seen in the lower limb (3.150). Thus
some, however, such accessions to the fibrous capsule are derived the patterning of the musculature of the limb is controlled by the |
somatopleuric mesenchyme.
from neighbouring tendons, muscles or cartilaginous elements.
Cavitation of the hip, shoulder and elbow joints has been reported The axial development of the limb, particularly that controlled by
at 7-8 weeks. The sacro-iliac joint can be recognized from 7 weeks, the ZPA, also affects the formation of individual muscles from the
292 its development being slightly different from other synovial joints in premuscular mass, as, if the somatopleuric mesenchyme is dissociated

and repacked in an ectodermal sleeve prior to myoblast migration, an evolutionary explanation of the tetrapod condition and of the
the muscle masses remain unsplit. pentate form (Tabin 1992). Early prognathostomes had only a
Each anatomical muscle appears as a composite structure; the ventrolateral skin fold extending along the length of the body axis
muscle cells and myosatellite cells are of somitic origin; the connective from which paired fins evolved. Migration of somatopleuric mes-
tissue envelopes and the tendons are of somatopleuric origin. The . enchyme into separate regions of the ventrolateral skin fold specified
precise way in which the muscles are anchored to the developing the position of the early paired appendages. The segments of the
bones by the tendons is not clear. body prior to limb development express various Hox genes in
overlapping preaxial to postaxial domains. The site of limb formation
Embryonic movements could have a number of overlapping Hox gene domains present in
Embryonic movements are vital for development of the musculo- the somatopleuric mesenchyme of the lateral body wall; evolution
skeletal system. As well as effects on the developing muscle they are of the limb from this mesenchyme would result in elongation of
necessary to align the trabeculae within the bones, the correct these domains which then overlap, not like stripes but rather as
attachments of the tendons and the appropriate coiling of the nested sets, like Russian dolls.
constituent collagen fibres of the tendons. Simple movements of an The pelvic girdle is suggested to have developed first with the
extremity have been observed sporadically as early as the seventh pectoral girdle reactivating the same genetic programme later, both
week of gestation; combined movements of limb, trunk and head limbs using Hox-a and Hox-d genes. There is molecular evidence
commence between 12 and 16 weeks of gestation. Fetal movements which suggests that the pectoral girdle may have evolved from a
related to trunk and lower limb movements are perceived consistently modified branchial arch (Zanger 1981). The base of the branchial
by the mother from about 16 weeks gestation (quickening). Move- arches expresses Hox-C-6 which is also expressed in the extreme
ments of the fetus are often slow, asymmetric twisting and stretching proximal, anterior region of the forelimb bud, but is not expressed
movements of the trunk and limbs, although there may be rapid, in the hindlimb. This is of interest as chimera studies have shown
repetitive wide-amplitude limb movements. Movements of the that the scapula derives from somitic mesenchyme, while the clavicle,
embryo and fetus encourage normal skin growth and flexibility as coracoid, sternum and pelvic girdles arise from somatopleuric mes-
well as the progressive maturation of the musculoskeletal system. It is enchyme (Gumpel-Pinot 1984).
noted that fetuses with dystrophies which prevent in utero movements Whereas both Hox-a and Hox-d are present in similar domains in
develop webs of skin, pterygia, passing across the flexor aspects of the early limb bud, the Hox-a pattern shifts so that Hox-a genes
joints which severely limit movements. A group of congenital dis- show proximal/distal domains and Hox-d genes preaxial/postaxial
orders, collectively termed multiple congenital contractures, may result domains. There are five genes in the Hox-d cluster which are
from genetic causes, limitations of embryonic and fetal joint mobility, expressed in the anterior/posterior axis. The nested arrangement of
or be secondary to muscular, connective tissue, skeletal or neuro- Hox-d genes means that the postaxial border of the limb has all
logical abnormalities. These conditions may be recognized on pre- Hox-d genes (d-13, d-12, d-11, d-10 and d-9) expressed; in the next
natal ultrasound examination by the appearance of fixed, immobile anterior zone only four genes are expressed (d-12, d-11, d-10 and
limbs in bizarre positions, or by webbing in limb flexures. Specific d-9), and so on until only d-9 is expressed. The five genes can
syndromes, lethal multiple pterygium syndrome, and congenital specify five different types of digit. Polydactyly can be interpreted as
muscular dystrophy have been described. duplication of an existing digit type but not the addition of a new
type of digit. The genes do not however directly specify the digit
Hox genes in the developing limb structure, as the same Hox genes are expressed in both fore- and
Study of the Hox gene clusters in limb development have provided hindlimbs, and in homologous limbs of different species.

Similarities in the developmental mechanisms of facial primordia and

limb buds

The proximodistal outgrowth which con- signals from the limb were able to induce originates from ectoderm lateral to the
stitute both the facial primordia and the facial primordial development. neural folds (Couly & Le Douarin 1990).
limb buds are controlled by similar Reversed experiments, where limb mes- The neural crest mesenchyme within the
epithelial/mesenchymal interactions and it enchyme was recombined with facial ecto- facial primordia also has different origins,
seems that the local environmental factors derm also showed that supportive arising from different neural levels (see
which, for example, control the out- epithelial/mesenchymal interactions did p. 286).
growths of either face-or limb will support occur. Interestingly both frontonasal epi- The development of an egg tooth pro-
the other tissue type. Recombination thelium and mandibular epithelium sup- vides an epithelial marker for distal differ-
experiments have shown that limb apical ported limb mesenchyme without any entiation in the frontonasal primordium
ectodermal ridge ectoderm can be main- epithelial thickening, like an apical ecto- and suggests that a progress zone operates
tained by mesenchyme from the three dermal ridge, which would normally be within the frontonasal mesenchyme,
types of facial primordia, i.e. frontonasal, needed for proximodistal development of similar to that in the limb. Similar patterns
maxillary and mandibular. Of the three a limb. However, maxillary epithelium was of expression of MSx1 and MSx2 are seen
types of facial primordia in the chick, not able to support limb outgrowth. in both limb buds and facial primordia. The
frontonasal and maxillary most resemble These experiments have demonstrated expression of these genes has been shown
the limb in that they both contain rods of that the developmental signalling is similar to depend on proximodistal position within
cartilage and undergo polarized out- but not identical in some facial primordia the limb and this may prove to be the same
growth. Recombination of frontonasal and the limb bud. One explanation for in the facial primordia.
mesenchyme and younger limb apical this could relate to the origin of the facial It will be interesting to see if other
ectodermal ridge promoted the develop- epithelium. The ectoderm covering the ectodermal/mesenchymal primordia such
ment of a cartilage rod in the primordium, frontonasal process is derived from the as those which develop around the uro-
forming an outgrowth which resembled neural fold of the prosencephalon genital membrane and form the external
an upper beak to the extent that an egg (Couly & Le Douarin 1987), whereas the genitalia have similar or different sig-
tooth developed. Thus the ectodermal epithelium of the mandible and maxilla nalling mechanisms.




ectodermal cells overlying a mesenchyme containing cells of stellate

SKIN AND APPENDAGES dendritic appearance interconnected by slender processes, and spar-
sely distributed in a loosely arranged microfibrillar matrix (3.152).
Skin is developed from the surface ectoderm and its underlying The interface between ectoderm (epidermis) and mesenchyme
mesenchyme. Surface ectoderm gives rise to the keratinizing general (dermis), known as the Basement Membrane Zone (BMZ), is an
surface epidermis and its appendages, the pilosebaceous units, sudor- important site of mutual interactions upon which the maintenance
iferous glands and nail units. It should also be noted that interactions of the two tissues depends both in prenatal and postnatal life (see
between ectoderm and mesenchyme also give rise to the internal below). Ectodermal cells, which characteristically contain glycogen
epithelium of the buccal cavity and the teeth (see p. 283) and the deposits, contact each other at gap and tight junctions. The layer so
nasal epithelia (see p. 280). The more differentiated descendants of formed soon develops into a bilaminar epithelium, the epidermis,
ectodermal cells are known as keratinocytes because their most when desmosomes also appear. The basal germinative layer gives rise
characteristic contents are fibrous proteins called keratins, and also to to the definitive postnatal epidermis, and the superficial one to the
distinguish them from non-keratinocytes, immigrant cells of different periderm, a transient layer confined to fetal life. The periderm
developmental origin which constitute an important component of maintains itself and grows by the mitotic activity of its own cells,
the epithelial sheet formed by the keratinocytes, and with which they independent of those of the germinative layer, and expresses different
have a relationship which has been loosely termed ‘symbiotic’ (see keratin polypeptides. Originally flattened, the periderm cells increase
p. 395). The non-keratinocytes are: the melanocytes derived from in depth, with the central area containing the nucleus becoming
the neural crest; the Langerhans cells of bone-marrow origin; and elevated and projecting as a globular elevation towards the amniotic
lymphocytes. The Merkel cell is also usually classed as a non- cavity (3.153). The plasma membrane develops numerous surface
keratinocyte, although it is being increasingly regarded as amodified microvilli with an extraneous coat of glycosaminoglycans, and cyto-
keratinocyte. plasmic vesicles become prominent deep to it. These developments
The dermis, composed of irregular connective tissue and some of reach a peak over the period 12-18 weeks, at which time the periderm
the connective tissue sheaths of peripheral nerves, derives from is a major source of the amniotic fluid to which it may contribute
somatopleuric mesenchyme, for the limbs and trunk, possibly somitic glucose; it also has an absorptive function (Lane et al 1987). From
mesenchyme over the epaxial musculature, and from neural crest in about 20 weeks onwards, the globular protrusions become under-
the head. Angiogenic mesenchyme gives rise to the blood vessels of mined and pinched off to float free in the amniotic fluid, and the
the dermis. Nerves and associated Schwann cells, of neural tube and now flattened periderm cells undergo a type of keratinization to
neural crest origin, enter and traverse the dermis to reach their form what is regarded as a temporary protective layer for the
peripheral terminations during development.
underlying developing epidermis proper, against an amniotic fluid
of changing composition due to the accumulation of products of
EPIDERMIS AND APPENDAGES fetal renal excretion. Up to parturition, periderm squames continue
to be cast off into the amniotic fluid, and they contribute to the
General (interfollicular) epidermis vernix caseosa, a layer of cellular debris which covers the fetal skin
In the first 4-5 weeks, embryonic skin consists of a single layer of at birth.

Shedding of periderm Peridermal Keratinocyte

Globular elevations squames squames





ce. Dermis

Mature Transformed
Early Early Definitive epidermal
embryonic peridermal organization with
phase phase mature-type keratinization

oO re eee ea_nae or
20 24 28 32 36
0 4 8 12 16
Gestation in weeks

294 3.152 Development of the skin.

bi ea,
Rn iar
Ce, ri
ar e
¥ ee : r » at

3.153 Bi-tri-laminar epidermis and underlying mesenchyme from skin of

back of a 14-week-old fetus. Note globular elevations of superficial peri-
dermal cells and, at one point, crowding of cells of the basal layer to form a
hair germ, with underlying aggregation of mesenchymal cells to form a
dermal papilla. Magnification x 329. (From Breathnach & Smith 1968 with

Proliferation in the germinative layer leads to a stratified appear-

ance with successive layers of intermediate cells between it and the
periderm. From an early stage, cells of all layers are packed with
glycogen granules (3.154), presumably a source of energy during this
early replicative stage of differentiation. Differentiation of these 3.154 Epidermis from back skin of a 14-week fetus. There are several
layers of intermediate cells between the germinative layer and the periderm,
layers is not synchronous throughout all regions of the developing and a melanocyte (M) in the basal layer. There is now less glycogen in the
skin, being more advanced cranially than caudally, and on the basal layer cells; the globular protrusions of the periderm cells usually
body progressing from the midaxillary line ventrally. Reduction in contain the nucleus and their surface microvilli are prominent. Magnification
glycogen content of the cells is associated with a shift towards x 5000. (From Breathnach 1971 with permission.)
biosynthetic activity connected with incipient keratinization, mani-
fested by the presence of different enzymes and expression of keratins.
Simple, low-weight keratins present from an early date are replaced
by those of higher molecular weight associated with differentiation
around 10-12 weeks, soon to be followed by profillagrin and fillagrin, Pilosebaceous unit
and the appearance of keratohyalin granules among filamentous Pilosebaceous units develop at about 9 weeks, first in the regions of
bundles of the uppermost intermediate layer cells at about 20 weeks the eyebrows, lips, and chin, and at progressively later stages else-
(Moll et al 1982; Dale et al 1985). The first fully keratinized cells where, proceeding caudally. The first rudiment is a crowding of cells
appear shortly afterward. By 24-26 weeks a definite stratum corneum in the basal layer of the epidermis—the pregerm. Further pro-
exists in some areas, and by 30 weeks or so, apart from some liferation and elongation of the cells leads to a hair germ, which
lingering glycogen in intermediate cells, the interfollicular epidermis is protrudes downwards into the mesenchyme where it becomes associ-
essentially similar to that postnatally (see Breathnach 1971; Holbrook ated with an aggregation of cells, the primitive dermal papilla. With
1991, for further details). continued downward growth, in a slanted anteroposterior direction,
Melanocytes. Of neural crest origin, these are present in the the hair germ becomes a hair peg, and when its bulbous lower end
bilaminar epidermis of cephalic regions as early as 8 weeks envelops the dermal papilla it is known as a bulbous peg (3.155). At
(Sagebiel & Odland 1972).-By 12-14 weeks they can reach a density this stage three swellings appear on the posterior wall. The uppermost
of 2300 per mm? reducing to 800 per mm? just before birth (Holland is the rudiment of the apocrine gland (present only in some follicles),
et al 1989). Keratinocytes regulate the final ratio between themselves the middle forms the sebaceous gland and the lower one is the
and melanocytes via growth factors, cell surface molecules and other bulb, to which the arrector pili muscle (arising from underlying
signals (Scott & Haake 1991). Fetal melanocytes produce melanized mesenchyme) later becomes attached. The cells of the lowermost
melanosomes (see p. 389) and transfer them to keratinocytes, intrinsic region of the bulb, the matrix, divide actively and produce a pointed
activities clearly independent of ultra violet (u.v.) irradiation, and hair cone, which grows upwards to canalize a developing hair tract,
suggesting functions of melanin other than photoprotection. along which the fully formed hair, derived by further differentiation
Langerhans cells. These are of bone-marrow origin, are present of cells advancing from matrix, reaches the surface.
in the epidermis by 5-6 weeks and are fully differentiated by 12-14 Four successive stages of hair follicle development have been noted
weeks (Breathnach & Wylie 1965). Their numbers increase at least by Muller et al (1991). Stage I is characterized by invagination of
partially by mitotic division in situ, but at 6 months are only 10- the epidermis into the dermis which occurs prior to week 11 of
20% of those in the adult. It is not known if the Langerhans cell gestation; stage II corresponds to the hair germ (see above) and has
functions in immuno-surveillance in fetal skin. been described during weeks 13-15 of gestation. The appearance of
Merkel cells. These appear in the glabrous epidermis of the palm the putative sebaceous gland from about week 16 is characteristic of
and sole of the foot between 8 and 12 weeks (Moll et al 1986, 1989), stage III, and stage IV is reached when the dermal sheath and the
and later in association with some hairs and with dermal axonal- sebaceous glands are differentiated and the hair passes through the
Schwann-cell complexes. They are now thought to be modified skin surface, at about week 18 of gestation.
keratinocytes rather than immigrants of neural crest origin (see Sebaceous glands develop independently of hair follicles in the
p. 394). nostrils, eyelids (as tarsal glands) and in the anal region. Apocrine 295
at 22 weeks (Hashimoto et al 1965). As with hair follicles, no
new eccrine glands develop postnatally. Sweating is said to be pos-
sible by 32 weeks, but clearly, has no functional significance in

Mammary glands
Mammary glands are considered to be much modified sudoriferous
glands and as such they are basically ingrowths from the ectoderm,
which forms their ducts and alveoli, supported by vascularized
connective tissue derived from the mesenchyme. In embryos of
about the fifth or sixth week two ventral bands of thickened
ectoderm, the mammary ridges, extend from axilla to the inguinal
region, and in many mammals paired mammary glands develop
at intervals along these ridges. In the human embryo the ridges
are not prominent features, and only a single pair of glands
develops in the pectoral region. The ‘ridges disappear later in
embryonic life, but before this the cranial third of each begins
to show proliferation to form the two glandular rudiments.
Supernumerary rudiments may form anywhere along the path of
the mammary ridges and may develop into actual mammae or
merely accessory or supernumerary nipples.
As each mammary primordium develops, its ectodermal ingrowth
branches into 15-20 solid buds of ectoderm which will become the
lactiferous ducts and their associated lobes of alveoli in the fully
formed gland. These are surrounded by somatopleuric mesenchyme
which forms the connective tissue, fat and vasculature and is invaded
by the mammary nerves. By proliferation, elongation and further
branching the alveoli are formed and the duct system defined. During
the last two months of gestation the ducts become canalized and the
epidermis at the point of original development of the gland forms a
small mammary pit, into which the lactiferous tubules open. Peri-
natally the nipple is formed by mesenchymal proliferation. Should
3.155 Longitudinal section of developing bulbous-peg stage hair follicle
from scalp of a 15-week fetus. Cells of the dermal papilla (D) are now
this fail the ducts open into shallow pits, a malformation known as
enveloped by matrix cell of the bulb (M), from which cells forming a conical
inverted nipple. At birth the mammary glands are alike in their stage
hair cone (C) project apically, flanked by glycogen-containing cells of the of development in both sexes, and in both some transient secretory
outer root sheath. Magnification x 3600. (From Breathnach 1981 with activity may be observed, due presumably to circulating prolactin in
permission.) the mother (Smith 1959). In males, thereafter, the mammary glands
normally remain undeveloped; in females at puberty, in late preg-
nancy and during the period of lactation they undergo further,
hormone dependent, developmental changes (pp.418 et seq). For
reviews of the prenatal histogenesis and ultrastructural appearances
sweat glands are formed at the same time as eccrine glands (see of mammary tissue consult Tobon and Salazar (1974): for postnatal
below) and are at first distributed widely over the body; however, reviews, pages 418 et seq.
their number diminishes from 5 months’ gestation resulting in the
distribution seen in the adult (see p.406). For further details of Epidermal ridges
cellular events involved in ontogenetic differentiation of the hair
and its sheaths, and of sebaceous and apocrine glands and the The epidermal ridges are foreshadowed as regularly spaced small
hair tract, see Sections 2 and 5. These processes are mirrored in
downgrowths of epidermal cells which appear in finger and toe pads
the accelerated and compressed tempo of the differentiation of during the second and third months. They are known as primary
postnatal skin. Melanocytes are individually present at the hair- epidermal ridges, separated by corresponding dermal ridges, and in
peg stage, and abundantly so and quite active in the bulbous peg. the fifth month secondary ridges develop, the pattern becomes evident
Langerhans cells have also been reported (Foster & Holbrook on the surface, and is finalized through further remodelling post-
natally (Okajima 1975).
Developing hair follicles are disposed in groups of three. Hairs
produced prenatally are called l/anugo hairs; they are short and Nails
downy, lack a medulla, and in certain parts of the body are arranged Fields of proliferative ectoderm appear on the tips of the terminal
in a vortex-like manner into tracts. Late in pregnancy, lanugo hairs segments of the digits; they progressively reach a dorsal position,
are replaced by vellous hairs, and these in turn by intermediate hairs, where at about 9 weeks a flattened nail field limited by proximal,
which are the predominant type until puberty. New follicles do not distal, and lateral nail grooves is apparent. The nail field ultimately
develop in postnatal skin. forms the nail bed, and the primordium of the nail is formed of a
wedge of cells which grows diagonally, proximally and deeply into
Eccrine sweat glands the mesenchyme from the proximal groove towards the underlying
Eccrine sweat glands are one type of sudoriferous gland. Sweat gland terminal phalanx. The deeper cells of this wedge form the primordium
rudiments appear in the second and third months as cell buds of the matrix which gives rise to the nail plate; this emerges from
associated with the primary epidermal ridges of the finger and toe under a, now proximal, nail fold at about 14 weeks to grow distally
pads of terminal digits. They elongate into the dermis and by 16 over an already keratinized nail bed. The nail matrix is usually
weeks the lower end begins to form the secretory coil, within which, considered to have dorsal and ventral (intermediate) components,
by 22 weeks, secretory and myoepithelial cells are evident. The solid but there are conflicting opinions as to the extent to which each
cord of cells connecting the coil to the epidermis becomes the contributes to the nail, both in ontogeny and postnatally; it is
intradermal duct, and the lumina of both are formed by dissolution generally agreed that the ventral matrix contributes the major part.
of desmosomal contacts between the cells (Holbrook 1991). The It has been claimed that the nail bed additionally contributes up to
intraepidermal duct is foreshadowed by a coiled column of con- 20% of the postnatal nail plate (Johnson et al 1991), but embryo-
centrically arranged inner and outer cells, within which, by fusion logical studies to date are not clear on this matter. Most texts state
296 of lysosomal vacuoles, a lumen is formed which opens on the surface that keratohyalin is not involved in the keratinization of nail, but

certainly, up to at least 16 weeks, the dorsal matrix granulosa and fetal skin are glycuronic acid and dermatan sulfate. Collagens
cells which are contributing keratinized cells to the nail plate and type I, III, V, and VI are distributed more or less uniformly regard-
eponychium (cuticle) contain typical keratohyalin granules, and the less of fetal age, with some local concentrations of III and V, the
cells of the ventral matrix next to the nail plate contain single and levels of which are higher than in postnatal skin. Collagens type IV
compound granules similar to those present in granulosa cells of and VII are predominantly found in the Basement Membrane Zone.
oral epithelia (Breathnach 1971). Similar granules have recently been The progressive morphological differentiation of the dermis
reported by Picardo et al (1992) in matrix cells of postnatal human involves its separation from the subcutis at about the third month;
toenail. changes in composition and size of collagen fibrils and their organ-
At 20 weeks, the nail plate entirely covers the nail field (nail bed), ization into bundles amongst which cells become relatively fewer;
now limited distally by a distal ridge, which, when the plate projects downgrowth of epidermal appendages; the organization of nervous
beyond the tip, becomes the Ayponychium beneath it. At birth, the and vascular plexuses and the relatively late appearance of elastic
histology of the main nail unit components is similar to that post- networks. The papillary and reticular regions are said to be evident
natally (Zaias 1990); the nail is long and overhanging, and easily as early as 14 weeks, but the overall organization of the dermis
falls off during cleansing. continues postnatally (Holbrook 1991).
Anomalous development of the epidermis and its derivatives is Blood vessels of the dermis. The dermal vasculature is generally
relatively common. Excessive or diminished growth, or even complete thought to be developed in situ by transformation of angiogenetic
absence, may affect sebaceous or sudoriferous glands and hair, either mesenchymal cells. Closed endothelial-lined channels containing
locally or generally. Similarly, the epidermis may be excessively nucleated red cells are present by 6 weeks underneath the ectoderm
pigmented (melanism) or lack melanocytes (albinism). Excessive kera- (Breathnach 1971) and by the eighth week are arranged in a single
tinization leads to ichthyosis. A naevus or ‘mole’ is a locus of excessive plane parallel to the epidermis to form ultimately the subpapillary
pigmentation. Ectodermal dysplasia is a rare condition characterized plexus (Johnson & Holbrook 1989). A second deeper horizontal
by fine blond and scanty hair, reduced or absent eyelash and plexus is evident by 50-70 days, and both extend by budding as
eyebrows. The skin has deficient sweat and sebaceous glands. Teeth development proceeds. From these plexuses the final patterns of
are usually peg- or cone-shaped; absence of major salivary glands arterioles, venules and capillaries (see p. 399) develop, and they are
may occur. established shortly after birth. Pericytes are also developed from
mesenchymal cells.
DERMIS Lymphatic vessels. These are formed by mesenchymal cells
which become organized to enclose pools of proteinaceous fluid
The mesenchymal cells underlying the surface ectoderm and early leaking from developing capillaries (Ryan 1991).
bi- and trilaminar epidermis contact each other by slender processes
(3.156) to form an intercommunicating network. They secrete a EPITHELIAL/MESENCHYMAL INTERACTIONS IN
matrix which is rich in ions, water, and macromolecules,
proteoglycan/glycosaminoglycans, fibronectin, collagenous proteins
of various types and elastin. Further development of these intrinsic Epidermal/mesenchymal (dermal) interactions involving mutual
components involves the differentiation of individual cell types, inductive mechanisms are important during development and post-
fibroblasts, endothelial cells, mast cells, etc., and the assembly of natally (Sawyer & Fallon 1983). They occur at the interface between
matrix components into organized fibrillar structures—collagen fibres the two, the basement membrane zone (BMZ), the development
and elastic fibres. During embryogenesis, the matrix is heterogeneous of which may be considered in morphological, biochemical, and
with regard to its biochemical and macromolecular components, immunological terms.
both in terms of relative composition, and local and temporal The basement membrane zone, at the ectodermal stage, consists
distributions and gradients, so that it is essential to think of matrix of the basal plasma membrane of the ectoderm cell, paralleled on
differentiation as well as cytodifferentiation during development. the cytoplasmic side by a skein of microfilaments, and beneath it, a
Progressive alterations in matrix components underlie many mor- layer (0.1-0.2 4m) of microfibrillar-amorphous material deposited
phological dispositions. The main glycosaminoglycans of embryonic by the cell (3.157). At the bilaminar stage, a definite continuous

3.157 Interface between basal germinative cells of the bilaminar epidermis

and mesenchyme of arm skin of a 6-week embryo. Note basal lamina (b),
reticulo-filamentous material in lucid interval between the plasma membrane
and basal lamina, and skein of filaments (s) paralleling the plasma mem-
3.156 Mesenchymal cells from subepidermis of back skin of an 8-week brane which lacks hemidesmosomes at this stage. The cytoplasm of the
fetus. Note numerous intercellular contacts by slender processes. Mag- cell is packed with densely staining glycogen granules. Magnification
nification x 10 800. (From Breathnach 1978 with permission.) x 105000. (From Breathnach 1981 with permission.) 297

lamina densa is present, in the assembly of which fibronectin is epidermis, and regulates its basal-apical polarization, differentiation,
involved, and it is separated from the basal plasma membrane by a and stratification, by maintaining controlled proliferation of the
lamina lucida traversed by loosely fibrillar material; similar filaments basal layer cells. The epidermis, in turn, induces the dermis to
extend from the lamina densa into the mesenchymal matrix (3.157). start morphogenesis. Complicated interactions are. involved in the
Hemidesmosomes begin to appear at 8 weeks as stratification morphogenesis of the epidermal appendages, e.g. hairs, scales,
starts, and anchoring fibrils at 9-10 weeks. By the end of the third feathers, as revealed by intra-class and inter-class dermal—epidermal
month the basic morphology of the interfollicular BMZ is essentially recombinations. These have shown that the presence or absence of
similar to that postnatally (see p. 397). Immunocytochemical studies appendages is due to a regional property of the underlying dermis,
with monoclonal antibodies recognize the temporal onset of BMZ which also determines their type, distribution and pattern. The
antigenic expression (Nazarro 1989). For example, GB3 antigens epidermis determines the class-specific morphology of appendages,
(associated with hemidesmosomes) and laminin are shown to be their cephalocaudal polarization, and the species-specific amino acid
present in the lamina lucida at 6 weeks, and LDA-1 antigen and composition of keratins. For example in the chick, when mesenchyme
collagen type IV in the lamina densa at the same time. Antigen from the thigh is inserted beneath ectoderm that covers the proximal
LH7:2, associated with anchoring fibrils, is present at 8 weeks. portion of an embryonic wing, the wing ectoderm forms leg feathers.
Bullous pemphigoid antigen (hemidesmosomes) and antigens AF-1, In fact combination of mouse mesenchyme (which would normally
AF-2 (anchoring fibrils) and KF1 are expressed later, and the cause the overlying ectoderm to form hair) with chick corneal
time of appearance of others is being regularly reported. These epithelium (which would normally become curved and transparent)
observations, combined with morphological ones, are of importance results in the first stages of feather formation. The ectoderm con-
for prenatal diagnosis of genetically-determined diseases such as structs the typical appendage of avian skin being unable to ‘interpret’
epidermolysis bullosa (Eady 1991). the mouse mesenchyme instructions to form the mammalian append-
The basal lamina provides a physical supporting substrate and ages—hair (Wessells 1977). Many ‘informative’ and ‘permissive’
attachment for the developing epidermis, and is thought to be messages and signals between epidermal cells and dermal cells and
selectively permeable to macromolecules and soluble factors reg- matrix are involved in these overall interactions. Matrix macro-
ulating epidermal-dermal morphogenetic interactions. These have molecules including some of those of the basement membrane zone
mainly been studied in other species, and in vitro (Sengel 1976; mentioned above, i.e. fibronectin, integrins (Buck & Horowitz 1987),
Woodley et al 1987), but it is likely that the general principles also cell adhesion molecules (cadherins), and soluble factors such as
apply in human development. nerve growth factor, epidermal growth factor, retinoids and cyclic
In the early stages of development the ectodermal/mesenchymal nucleotides have been suggested as mediators. There is evidence that
interactions contribute to the structuring of limb or facial primordia, calcium is involved as signal or messenger for some of the cell-
e.g. the ectoderm promotes a chondrocyte free zone beneath it substrate and cell-cell adhesive interactions involved (Fairley 1991).
preventing chondrogenesis within the dermis and myogenic zones. Similar interactions are also involved in wound healing and remodel-
Later, the dermis controls transformation of the ectoderm into ling (see pp. 412, 416).

Endothelial development is morphologically first evident in the 1988; see p. 140). In the yolk sac and base of the body stalk, small,
extraembryonic tissues. Here angioblastic tissue differentiates from more or less spherical groups of cells are found early in the third
extraembryonic mesenchyme in three regions: week, termed blood islands (3.158). Stages of transformation of
islands into blood-containing vessels are controversial in detail, but
e in the splanchnopleure of the yolk sac it is widely believed that peripheral cells of the islands flatten as the
e in the body stalk (containing the allantois) vascular endothelium, while the central cells transform into primitive
e in the somatopleure of the chorion (Hertig 1935; Bloom & Bar- red blood corpuscles (3.1588). Later these small blood-containing
telmez 1940). spaces merge forming a continuous network of fine vessels. In the
It is suggested that the earliest endothelial cells differentiate from chorionic end of the body stalk and extraembryonic mesoblast
mesenchyme derived from the parietal hypoblast (Enders & King lining the chorion typical blood islands are not found, but some

Yolk sac endoderm

Yolk sac endoderm


Blood island,
Developing normoblasts

early stage

3.158 Part of a section through the wall of the yolk sac of an early human B. a developing blood vessel including a blood island. (Hamilton et al 1962.
298 embryo to show: A. an early stage in the differentiation of angioblastic tissue; Reproduced by permission of the authors and publishers.)


mesenchymal cells give rise to solid strands of angioblasts. Each e neural crest cells derived from the region between the otic vesicle
strand contains two or three cells with rod-shaped nuclei arranged and the caudal limit of somite three.
in a single row, which soon develops a space occupied by one or
more nucleated haemoglobin-containing cells. These spaces coalesce These sources will produce respectively:
to form blood vessels which are lined by endothelial derivatives of
e the endocardium and cardiac mesenchymal cells which produce
the mesenchyme; the precise source of their contained blood cells is
the valvular tissue of the heart
uncertain. The earliest vessels, therefore, are formed at several
e the myocardium, including the conducting tissue of the heart, and
separate centres; from the walls of these vessels buds grow out and
become canalized, and thus converted into new vessels which join the specific matrix proteins associated with the developing heart,
i.e. the cardiac jelly
with those of neighbouring areas to form a close meshwork.
e the aorticopulmonary septum and the media of the great vessels,
Intraembryonic blood vessels. These are first seen at the endo-
and, possibly contributes to the conducting tissue of the heart.
derm: mesenchyme interface within the lateral splanchnic mes-
enchyme at the caudolateral margins of the cranial intestinal portal.
The origin of the intraembryonic angioblastic cells is not known, Primitive cardiac myocytes can first be seen in the unfolded
they may derive from migrating extraembryonic angioblastic cells, embryo, during the pre- and early somite period, as simple, cuboidal
or a population of cells with angiogenic potential may be a product epithelial cells of the splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium super-
of one, or more, of the different types of intraembryonic mesenchyme. jacent to the endoderm. Subsequently, elongated and flattened
Chimeric experimentation has so far shown that all mesenchymal angioblastic mesenchymal cells differentiate from mesenchyme
tissues, apart from notochord and prochordal plate, contain endogen- between the myocardial cells and the underlying endoderm. These
ous angioblastic cells, whereas no ectodermal tissues, i.e. neuro- groups of angioblastic cells are amongst the earliest intraembryonic
epithelium and neural crest mesenchyme, contain angiogenic cells vascular precursors to appear. They arise as single cells at the
(Noden 1991; see p. 156). Embryonic angioblasts are highly invasive, ventrolateral edges of the cranial intestinal portal and subsequently
moving in every direction throughout embryonic mesenchymal tissue. aggregate to form an epithelium, the endocardium, enclosing small
Prior to the establishment of the circulation, endothelial vessels cavities. The endocardial lined spaces coalesce in the vicinity of the
are formed in two ways: developing foregut to establish bilateral, hollow tubular structures
(3.159a, B). By stage 9, when the embryo has 3-4 somites, the head
e by vasculogenesis (also termed angioblastic vasculogenesis), where fold is apparent and the cardiac region of the embryo is undergoing
new vessels develop in situ, e.g. endothelial heart tubes, dorsal reversal. The splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium is now ventral
aortae, umbilical and early vitelline vessels to the foregut with the forming endocardial tubes dorsal.
e by angiogenesis (also termed angiotrophic vasculogenesis), where It is worth noting here that the epicardium, as seen in the adult
vessels develop by sprouting and branching from the endothelium heart, is not present at this stage. Cardiac myocytes differentiate
of pre-existing vessels, e.g. as seen in most other vessel production. from the splanchnopleuric layer of coelomic epithelium which passes
Vasculogenesis has been subdivided into two successive phases from right to left (in the folded embryo), ventral to and in contact
(Poole & Coffin 1991); in type I, angioblasts arise in situ, as in the with the primitive foregut; this layer is continuous on each side
dorsal aorta; in type II, angioblasts migrate to the site of vessel with the splanchnic walls of the pericardio-peritoneal canals. The
development, as in the endocardium and postcardinal veins; angi- somatopleuric coelomic epithelium at this point gives rise to the
ogenesis continues from both these origins. (Early vascular patterns parietal pericardium. There is no visceral pericardial layer (unlike,
are described on pp. 222 and 230 et seq; see also 3.180—189 and 3.179, e.g. the formation of visceral peritoneum; see p. 174). The epicardium
B.) Once initiated, concurrent with the onset of somite formation, the is sometimes included in descriptions of the myocardium as epi-
development of blood vessels progresses at a phenomenal rate. myocardium; however, the epicardial layer proper develops later
During this time the direction of blood flow through a vessel may from septum transversum mesenchyme cells which spread over the
reverse; thus it cannot be designated artery or vein until the other myocardial tube.
tunics (media and externa) have started to develop. In the head and The bilateral endocardial tubes become connected, merging to
neck, ‘cardiac neural crest’ cells, i.e. crest cells originating between form one endocardial tube almost completely surrounded by putative
the midotic placode and the caudal limit of somite three, contribute myocardial cells; these, unlike the endocardium, form a continuous
to the supporting layers of the developing endothelium, particularly epithelium across the midline from the outset (8.1c, p). The endo-
the tunica media. In the trunk, local mesenchyme (probably cardium is suspended bya primitive dorsal mesocardium. Using a
splanchnopleuric) serves that function. The subsequent development monoclonal antibody specific for endothelial cell precursors (QH1),
of the blood corpuscles is described on page 1407. reactive cells have been demonstrated close to the basal surface of
the endoderm just ventral to the foregut. It is suggested that this
area may stabilize developing endothelium and promote fusion of
DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART the bilateral endothelial tubes. This portion of the endoderm remains
in contact with the endocardium for some time via the dorsal
EARLY CARDIAC DEVELOPMENT mesocardium (Bolender & Markwald 1991).
The two endocardial tubes fuse across the midline progressively
In amniotes the heart is the earliest major organ to function. For commencing at the arterial end (outflow tract) and extending to the
obvious nutritive reasons it must not only accommodate a stream venous end where the two putative atria are, initially, widely sep-
of blood but also begin to propel it. These early functional demands arated from each other. The single heart tube so formed is divided
on the heart represent an important factor in the dynamics of its into, caudorostrally, the prospective left ventricle, prospective right
development. The early appearance of cardiac activity in the tubular ventricle and the outflow tract (see below). By stage 10 (22 days),
hearts of chick and rat embryos was noted many years ago (e.g. the heart is thus composed of inner and outer epithelial tubes, the
Sabin 1920 et seq; Goss 1942). First manifested by arrhythmic and endocardium and myocardium respectively. These tubes become
sporadic ventricular contractions, these are rapidly superseded by separated widely by a basal extracellular matrix secreted by the
regular peristaltic activity propagated unidirectionally along the myocardial cells.
cardiac tube. In the account that follows, attention is necessarily
concentrated upon the complex changes which transform a tube into Extracellular matrix of the heart
a chambered septate human heart. It is also necessary to keep in
The extracellular matrix of the heart, historically termed cardiac
mind that the early heart is only a few hundred micrometres (um)
jelly, promotes occlusion of the tubular lumen during contraction,
in size and that at every stage the heart must be an effective
thus providing mechanical assistance for the generation of a blood
circulatory pump.
flow; it also acts as a site for the deposition of inductive factors from
The heart is formed from at least three sources:
the myocardial cells which may modify the differentiation of specific
e angioblastic mesenchyme lateral to the cranial intestinal portal endocardial cells. It has been termed a gelatinoreticulum, a myo-
e midline splanchnopleuric coelomic epithelium; this is ventral to the epicardial reticulum (3.159c, 0) and more recently the myocardial
foregut endoderm after the head-fold stage basement membrane (Bolender & Markwald 1991); it is composed 299

mesoblast Floor of neural groove
on amnion
Prechordal plate

Extraembryonic Myo-epicardial mantle

on yolk sac
Endoderm of yolk sac
Dorsal mesocardium
3.1594 Median section through the cranial end of an early human embryo Endothelial
membrane heart tube
to show the position of the pericardium before the formation of the head
fold. A few scattered angioblasts are seen between the cardiogenic plate mantle and
and the yolk sac; they will ultimately form the endothelial heart tubes. (After
CL Davis.) Pericardial cavity


3.159c Median section through the cranial end of a young human embryo,
Foregut , after completion of the head fold and reversal of the pericardium.
Floor of neural groove
Oropharyngeal membrane
Endoderm of
Somatopleuric Prechordal
extraembryonic plate —Position of dorsal
mesenchyme Endothelial | mesocardium
on amnion heart tube
Endothelial heart tubes
Pericardial in process of fusion
F / cavity
Myo-epicardial Ectoderm
Myo-epicardial reticulum
Splanchnopleuric Myo-epicardial mantle
mesenchyme on yolk sac Pericardial cavity

3.1598 Median section through the cranial end of a young human embryo, 3.1590 Horizontal section through the pericardium and developing heart
showing the head fold in process of formation and its reversal effect on the of the embryo shown in c. The arrows indicate the directions in which the
position of the pericardium and endothelial heart; also intervening reticulum dorsolateral recesses of the pericardium deepen so as to define the transient
and myoepicardium. dorsal mesocardium. (After C L Davis.)

of, inter alia, hyaluronic acid, hyaluronidase and fibronectin (see The transformation of endocardium to mesenchyme may, perhaps,
below). Endothelia generally show great diversity; subtle differences be the only example of a mesenchymal population derived from an
in morphology such as the presence or absence of fenestrations, or endothelial lineage (Markwald et al 1990); the cells uniquely retain
the extent of tight junctions, support the concept of regional specificity expression of the endothelial marker QH1. It is believed that the
of endothelia. Within the heart the endocardium exhibits regional transformation is triggered by an intrinsic clock as a similar change
diversity with respect to its development potential. Inductive signals occurs in vitro when atrioventricular endocardium is cultured with
originating from the myocardial cells cause a subset of endocardial myocardium.
cells lining the atrioventricular canal and the proximal outflow Formation of cardiac mesenchyme cells at the atrioventricular
tract to transform into mesenchyme (cardiac mesenchyme), while the canal and the proximal outflow tract is followed by their migration
endocardial cells in other regions of the heart, for example in the into the myocardial basement membrane. Accumulation of mes-
ventricle, remain epithelial (Bolender & Markwald 1991). When enchyme and matrix in these regions produces protrusions, the
activated by myocardial inductive factors the endocardial cells lose subendocardial cushions, which bulge into the primary heart tube and
their cell-cell associations, showing decreased expression of N-CAM support the valve function of the atrioventricular canal and outflow
(a cell adhesion molecule, see p.111) and increased expression of tract. The eventual fusion of opposing cushion tissue across the
substrate adhesion molecules such as chondroitin sulfate and fibro- lumen of the atrioventricular canal forms a wedge of mesenchyme
nectin, they undergo cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for that serves to guide the union of the internal muscular septa.
migration, and they express type I procollagen. Specific myocardial Interestingly the position of the subendocardial cushions corresponds
inductive factors have not yet been identified; proteins known to to the future positions of the fibrous skeleton of the heart and the
be present in the matrix include hyaluronic acid, hyaluronidase, valves (3.160).
fibronectin and putative cardiac adherons. The latter when frac-
tionated and reapplied to an endothelial monolayer results in Simple heart tube
decreased expression of N-CAM, an event occurring prior to endo- The simple heart tube elongates and develops an asymmetric twist.
300 cardial transformation to mesenchyme in situ. Aided by the position of the subendocardial cushions and the ventral

Outflow tract
of ie Inflow tract
| of heart The dorsal aortae arise in situ as paired endothelial vessels. They
extend caudally into the body stalk, establishing continuity with the
umbilical arteries, which precede them in time of appearance. At
their cranial ends the dorsal aortae curve ventrally round the sides
of the foregut to reach the pericardium and become continuous with
the cranial end of the endothelial heart tube, thus forming the first
pair of aortic arches (3.161). In all vertebrates in which the heart
and aortae are laid down before the formation of the head fold, the
arteries communicate with the caudal end of the heart. When the
cushion head fold forms, as noted, the ends of the heart are reversed and
the cranial ends of the dorsal aortae are curved forwards round the
sides of the foregut as the first aortic arches.
A transverse groove appears on the surface of the heart tube about
its middle, the junction of the bulbus cordis with the ventricle. The
bulbus is cranial to the groove and continues as the first pair of
aortic arches. The ventricle shows a second groove at its caudal end
where it opens into a common atrium, which, initially, is embedded
in the floor of the pericardium (the future septum transversum) and
3.160 Schematic section through the developing heart. Endocardial cells
transform into cardiac mesenchyme in the atrioventricular canal and the the chamber is disposed transversely. On each side the common
proximal outflow tract. atrium is joined caudally by a short venous trunk, formed by the
union of the corresponding umbilical vein with veins issuing from
the vitelline (yolk sac) plexus. These trunks represent the right and
left horns of the sinus venosus (sinual horns) so that the common
fold of the heart a succession of cavities, joined by more constricted atrium may justifiably be termed a common sinuatrial (or sinoatrial)
regions, begin to define the sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle and chamber. The umbilical and vitelline radicles of each sinual horn are
bulbus cordis (3.161-163, 164). Initially somewhat cylindrical, soon joined laterally by a common cardinal vein (each the confluence
the cavities rapidly become more spherical (within 24 hours in the of a precardinal and postcardinal vein; see p. 321).
mouse). Coincidentally, cells of the myocardial mantle invade At this point it should be noted that the regions of the early heart
the subendocardial reticulum and form a complex network of inter- tube have over the years received many, often confusing names. Keith
communicating trabeculae, external to but ultimately indenting and (1924) described, from caudorostrally, atrial, ventricular, bulbar and
becoming clothed by endocardium. In many vertebrate groups the truncal components of the straight heart tube; Streeter (1942),
myocardium remains predominantly trabecular, but in birds and described atrial, ventricular and bulbar portions only, but subdivided
mammals compact layers of cardiac muscle develop external to the the bulbus into right ventricle, conus cordis and truncus arteriosus;
trabeculae. The latter also persist, however, but constitute a lesser Anderson et al (1978) described the ventriculobulbar portion as
volume of the propulsive tissue (see below). possessing two segments only, the primitive ventricle and the bulbus
These early events in cardiac development provide an approximate cordis, but they divided the ventricle into three parts, the inlet part—
parallel between phylogeny and ontogeny. The evolution from a related to the atrioventricular valve, the trabecular portion, and the
‘trabecular’ heart to an organ with rounder chambers and a largely outlet part—which supports an arterial valve; Teal et al (1986) have
compacted myocardium is likely to be an expression of increased recommended that the terms bulbus, conus and truncus be avoided
efficiency. An attempt to demonstrate this by mathematical analysis completely, referring to the region between the trabeculated part of
(Challice & Viragh 1973 et seq) provides some corroboration and the right ventricle and the aortic sac as the outflow tract. Unfor-
also an explanation for the persistence of the internal trabeculation tunately the literature continues to retain all manifestations of the
in the mammalian heart. terminology including reference to the bulbus cordis/outflow tract as
For discussions and bibliographies concerning experimental studies the conotruncus.
and the importance of haemodynamic influences on regional cardiac Early in the fourth week the heart tube undergoes a striking
morphogenesis, consult Stalsberg and De Haan (1968), Bellairs change. Hitherto the parietal pericardium has increased in length
(1971), Balinsky (1981), Orts-Llorca et al (1982), Bockman & Kirby proportionately with the heart, but now the heart tube grows more
(1990), Feinberg et al (1991). rapidly and the bulboventricular tube bulges ventrally and caudally,

Left dorsal aorta

(cut between first and
second aortic arches)
a Second aortic arch
y) First aortic arch joining
Left dorsal aorta =a) 6 dorsal aorta First aortic arch
Aortic sac
First aortic arch Aortic sac
‘Left atrium
Second aortic arch Common sinuatrial
chamber Right atrium
Bulboventricular Atrial canal
Bulbus cordis Bulbus cordis

Bulboventricular Ry

3.161 The heart of a0.95mm rabbit embryo, viewed from the ventral side. 3.162 The heart of a 1.7mm rabbit embryo, viewed from the ventral side.
(Drawn from a model by G Born.) (Drawn from a model by G Born.) 301

Aortic sac Bulboventricular sulcus

Left atrial dilatation

Site of septum \
sinuatrial fold
Precardinal vein
of left sinual horn Bulbus cordis
Precardinal vein

Right postcardinal vein

Right umbilical vein

3.163 The heart shown in B, viewed from the right side and slightly from
the ventral aspect. The right wall of the common sinuatrial chamber has
been removed to show the interior. (Drawn from a model by G Born.)

forming a U-shaped loop; the bulbus cordis forming the right limb 3.164 Human heart at 32 days (Stage 15). Both atria are clearly visible.
and the ventricle the left. The loop is conspicuous throughout the RA=right atrium; LA=left atrium; RV=right ventricle; LV =left ventricle;
fourth and fifth weeks, and seen as a deep bulboventricular sulcus T =truncus arteriosus. Scale bar 1.3 mm.
externally (3.161) and a corresponding bulboventricular ridge projects
internally. Other factors often considered operative in determining
the disposition of the loop are modifications in the tubular heart flow
patterns, and coordinated ciliary action of the coelomic epithelium the truncus arteriosus, and the cranial end of this vessel becomes
(Afzelius 1979). connected to the dorsal aortae bya further five pairs of aortic arches.
Dorsolateral recesses of the splanchnopleuric pericardial layer By this time the venous drainage of the body wall and neural tube
adjacent to the myocardium deepen and approach one another has been established. On each side a precardinal vein, from the
(3.159p); their apposed walls fuse, completing a broad dorsal attach- cranial end of the embryo, unites with a postcardinal vein from the
ment between the edge of the myocardium and the parietal peri- caudal region to form the common cardinal vein (duct of Cuvier);
cardium. This layer, the dorsal mesocardium, is transient, breaking the latter vessel opens close to the umbilical and vitelline veins into
down early in the fourth week and establishing a passage across the the dorsocaudal part of the common sinuatrial chamber (the three
pericardial cavity from side to side dorsal to the heart. This persists as vessels on each side thus forming the right or left sinual horn).
the transverse sinus of the pericardium. While these bulboventricular As the chorionic circulation already exists the embryo can now
changes are occurring, the atrial part is also affected; the atrio- exchange materials with the maternal blood in the intervillous space.
ventricular opening moves cranially and to the left, and both parts This is not effected suddenly; initially the blood volume and its
of the common atrial or sinuatrial chamber ‘rise’ or emerge from cellular content in the heart and vessels of the embryo is insufficient
the mesenchyme of the septum transversum to grow cranially into to enable it to take full advantage of this new source of nourishment,
the pericardial cavity dorsal to the ventricle. Owing to these changes and until this is rectified, the embryo continues to draw upon the
the atrioventricular canal for a time connects the left part of the coelomic fluid.
atrium to the ventricle and venous blood from the right side has to The separation of a definitive sinus venosus from the common
pass through both parts of the atrium. atrium completes the definition of the primitive chambers of the
At stage 10 (3.179), about the middle of the fourth week, the heart. A crescentic groove appears on the left wall of the sinuatrial
bulbus cordis communicates with the dorsal aortae through the first chamber and rapidly deepens to the right. Hence the left horn of the
pair of aortic arches, and both are connected with the capillary sinus venosus loses its connection with the left part of the atrium
plexus associated with the developing cerebral vesicles. From this and becomes linked to the right sinual horn by separation of the
plexus the primitive head vein passes caudally, but ends blindly caudal part of the sinuatrial chamber; the latter now constitutes the
before it reaches the heart. The intersegmental arteries begin to grow body of the sinus venosus. At the same time the right sinual horn
out from the dorsal aorta on each side but have not yet established becomes more clearly demarcated from the right part of the atrium
connections with their corresponding veins; and the postcardinal by a shallow groove, and its wide connection with the atrium (3.163)
veins, which later drain the body wall caudal to the heart, are only becomes relatively smaller (Foxon 1955). The right and left parts of
in process of development. The umbilical arteries and veins are the atrium grow cranially to occupy the dorsal part of the pericardial
defined and, early in the fourth week, their terminals and radicles, cavity, and later they bulge forwards, embracing the sides of the
respectively, link up with the capillaries which have developed in bulbus cordis (3.165).
the chorionic villous stems, establishing the chorionic part of the The embryo has now reached a length of nearly 4mm (3.1798). It
circulation. Despite the fact that the channels for the remainder of possesses 28 somites and has almost completed the fourth week of
the circulation are only partially established there is good ground development. From this stage onwards it is more convenient to deal
for assuming, from observations made on living embryos by a variety with the individual chambers with only occasional reference to the
of techniques, that the heart begins to contract about this time. development of the heart as a whole.
Under the prevailing conditions, the effect can only be of an ‘ebb It must be noted that the above account of early cardiogenesis,
and flow’ nature, but this also serves to effect some movement in though widely subscribed to, is not without its critics. In considering
the nutritive fluid filling the pericardial cavity, coelomic ducts and the many factors governing cardiac development—phylogenetic,
exocoelom (p. 151), on which the embryo is still heavily dependent. ontogenetic, and physiological—the last is usually underestimated
Towards the end of the fourth week the connection between the and the first is perhaps stated too dogmatically (Foxon 1955).
302 bulbus cordis and the first pair of aortic arches lengthens to form Ontogenetic mechanisms must conform to the early demand for a

functioning heart, and cardiogenesis is not necessarily a mere rep-

etition of phylogenetic steps, which are themselves uncertain, however Right dorsal
plausible they may seem (De Vries & Saunders 1962).
Sinus venosus Ocsophagus

The right sinual horn increases rapidly in size at the expense of the Left common
left, due to the changes already outlined and to those occurring in Right common cardinal
cardinal vein
the originally symmetric arrangement of the umbilical and vitelline vein Pleuro-
veins by the development of the liver (3.186-8, p. 322). As a result Right sinual horn pericardial
the vitello-umbilical blood flow enters the right horn through a wide fold
but short vessel, the common hepatic vein, which becomes the cranial Trachea
end of the inferior vena cava. In addition, the right horn receives 4 Rightjt and left. Foramen
sinuatrial valves
the right common cardinal vein (from the body wall of the right secundum
side) and the body of the sinus, which conveys the blood from the Septum
left horn and left common cardinal vein. Later, when transverse Right atrium primum
connections are established between the cardinal veins (3.189, 190),
the blood from the body wall of the left side reaches the heart
via the veins of the right side. The left common cardinal Bulbus cordis
vein then becomes much reduced in size and forms the oblique vein
of the left atrium and the fold of the left caval vein, while the left
horn and the body of the sinus venosus persist as the coronary sinus Pericardial cavity
The right sinual horn opens into the right atrium through its 3.165 Transverse section of a human embryo, 8mm long. Observe how
dorsal and caudal walls. The orifice, elongated and often slit-like, is the atria bulge forwards on each side of the bulbus cordis. The septum
guarded by two muscular folds, the right and left sinuatrial (venous) primum has broken down in its dorsal region and the two atria communicate
valves (valvules) (3.165). These two valves meet cranially and become through the ostium secundum or foramen ovale.
continuous with a fold which projects into the atrium from its roof,
the septum spurium. Caudally the valves meet and fuse with the
dorsal endocardial cushion of the atrial canal. The cranial part of Foramen
Fused atrioventricular
endocardial cushions
the right sinuatrial valve loses its fold-like form, but its position is Ventral atrioventricular secundum
endocardial cushion
indicated in the adult heart by the crista terminalis of the right
atrium; its caudal part forms the valve of the coronary sinus and
most of the valve of the inferior vena cava. The medial (or left) end
of the valve of the inferior vena cava is formed by a small
fold continuous with the dorsal wall of the sinus venosus, the
sinus septum. The latter intervenes between the orifice of the
_ Dorsal
common hepatic vein and the opening of the body of the sinus. (In atrioventricular
the mature heart see the tendon of Tondaro and triangle of Koch, endocardial
p. 1477.) cushion
The left venous valve blends with the right side of the atrial
septum and usually no trace of it can be seen in the adult heart.
As the sinuatrial valves undergo these changes the right sinual Edge of foramen secundum
horn becomes incorporated in the right atrium and expands to form (hidden by septum secundum)
its smooth dorsal wall, medial to the crista terminalis. This part of
the adult atrium is termed the sinus venarum, the receiving chamber
of the large venous orifices. The right half of the primitive atrium Septum secundum
forms the internally ridged, more muscular, wall anterior to the
crista terminalis and the right auricular appendage.
Right and left atria
As stated, the common atrium is derived from the cranial part of
the sinuatrial chamber. It receives the opening of the sinus venosus Septum primum
dorsocaudally and to the right of the median plane, while it com- 3.166 Diagrams representing three stages in the development of the atrial
municates ventrally with the ventricle through the atrioventricular septum, viewed from the right side. The heart has been divided in its long
canal, which has resumed. its median position by the middle of the axis to the right of its median plane and only the atria and the adjoining part
fifth week, thus permitting both right and left parts of the atrium to of the ventricular cavity are depicted.
communicate with the common ventricular cavity. Dorsal and ventral A. The septum primum has not yet obliterated the original communication
swellings appear in the walls of the atrioventricular canal between between the two atria and the atrioventricular endocardial cushions have
the endothelidl tube and the myoepicardial mantle. These, the atrio- not yet fused.
B. The atrioventricular endocardial cushions have fused with each other
ventricular endocardial cushions, consist of a core of myocardial
and with the septum primum, which has broken down in its dorsal part. The
basement membrane matrix and mesenchymal cells derived from the foramen secundum, thus formed, subsequently moves to the position shown
endocardium. They encroach on the canal and eventually fuse, inc.
leaving a relatively small orifice on each side. The fused tissue c. The septum secundum has formed and hides the foramen secundum,
constitutes the septum intermedium (of His), which separates the two the margins of which are indicated by the curved, dotted line.
small right and left atrioventricular orifices and canals. D. Section to show the valve-like character of the foramen secundum.
Internal separation into right and left atria is mainly effected by When the pressure in the right atrium exceeds that in the left atrium, blood
sequential growth of two septa (but with additional, less prominent passes from the right to the left side of the heart, but when the two pressures
structures). First the septum primum grows from the dorsocranial are equal the septum primum assumes the position indicated by the dotted
atrial wall as a crescentic fold (3.166a), separated from the left
sinuatrial valve by the interseptovalvular space. The ventral horn of
the crescent reaches the ventral atrioventricular cushion, the dorsal
horn the dorsal cushion. Ventral and dorsal refer to the positions of position, but ventral and dorsal are in general use and will be
the cushions after the atrium repositions to lie dorsal to the bulbus retained here. Ventral and caudal to the advancing edge of the
cordis. Strictly the cushions are ventrocranial and dorsocaudal in septum the two atria communicate through the foramen primum 303

(3.166a). Free passage of blood from right to left atrium is essential bulbus (3.167—169) and also to the division of the truncus arteriosus
throughout fetal life, as oxygenated blood from the placenta reaches into pulmonary and aortic channels. Their interdependence is such
the heart via the inferior vena cava (pp. 1500, 1503); therefore, as that the history of the truncus arteriosus is dealt with here, although
the foramen primum diminishes, the septum primum breaks down strictly it takes no part in the formation of the heart itself. Bul-
dorsally and a new right—left shunt, through the foramen secundum, botruncal separation is conveniently considered before final inter-
is formed before the end of the fifth week. The foramen primum is ventricular septation and valve modelling. As intimated these
finally occluded by fusion of the edge of the septum primum with complex events are the result of mutual interaction between factors
the fused atrioventricular cushions, in the median plane. The foramen controlling pattern formation, differential growth and_ the
secundum enlarges, allowing sufficient free passage of blood from continuously changing blood-flow paths, volumes and _ pressures.
right to left atrium (3.166), and it persists throughout intrauterine This interplay moulds the grooves, ridges, outpouchings, valve
life as part of the valvular foramen ovale in the progressively changing complexes and varying myocardial thickness and architecture.
interatrial septal complex (see below). At first the foramen secundum Although described sequentially, many of these events occur sim-
is sited craniodorsally in the septum primum but it becomes modified ultaneously.
until it is cranioventral. Blood enters the bulboventricular cavity through the right and
Towards the end of the second month the muscular wall of the left atrioventricular canals (ventricular inflow tracts) and is ejected
atrium becomes invaginated as another crescentic septum on the through the proximal and distal bulbus (outflow tracts). Blood flow
right side of the septum primum (8.1668, c). This, the septum from the future left ventricle passes obliquely to the dorsal part of
secundum, involves more than the whole width of the inter- the bulbus, whereas right ventricular blood has a reverse inclination
septovalvular space; thus the dorsal attachments of the septum to the former and is expelled through the ventral part of the bulbus.
primum and the left sinuatrial valve are carried into the interior of These inclinations impose a mutually spiral flow on the two streams
the atrium on its left and right surfaces respectively. The superior as they traverse the truncus.
(ventrocranial) and inferior (dorsocaudal) horns of the septum Four endocardial cushions—ventral, dorsal, right and left—form
secundum at first grow ventrally; the superior horn grows much in the distal part of the bulbus and the right and left cushions
more rapidly and fuses first with the septum intermedium; it is then fuse to constitute a distal bulbar septum. This separates a ventral,
continuous with the sinus septum (see above). Thus the free edge of pulmonary orifice from a dorsal, aortic orifice, and later the cushions
the septum secundum (crista dividens) is at first directed caudo- divide and become modified to form the semilunar valves (see
ventrally and later caudally alone; it overlaps the foramen secundum below).
(3.166c, D); thus the septum primum acts as a flap valve. Since the The separation of the pulmonary trunk from the aorta is a more
blood pressure is greater in the right atrium than in the left, the complicated process. Two ridge-like thickenings project into the
blood flows from right to left, but not conversely. The right—left flow interior of the truncus arteriosus between the entwined spiralized
occurs through the ‘true’, but somewhat misnamed foramen ovale, streams of blood. Proximally, the ridges project from the lateral
proceeding from the right atrium under the crescentic free border of walls of the vessel but, progressing distally, the right ridge passes
the septum secundum, thence through the oblique cleft between the obliquely on to the ventral and then the left wall, while the left ridge
(parted) secondary and primary septal surfaces, to finally enter the extends on to the dorsal wall and then the right wall (3.168).
left atrium through the foramen secundum. After birth the intra- The ridges are therefore spiral and their fusion forms the spiral
atrial pressures are equalized and the free edge of the septum primum aorticopulmonary septum. Proximally this meets and fuses with the
is therefore kept in contact with the left side of the septum secundum distal bulbar septum, and in accord with its spiral form the pul-
and fusion occurs. Not infrequently the fusion is incomplete, but the monary trunk, which lies ventral to the aorta at its orifice, curves
remaining cleft is usually small, valvular and has no functional round to its left side as it ascends and finally lies dorsal to it (3.168).
significance. The initially free, crescentic margin of the septum Distally the aorticopulmonary septum meets the dorsal wall of the
secundum forms, after fusion, the limbus fossae ovalis and the septum aortic sac (see p.312) cranial to the point where it is joined by the
primum the floor of the fossa ovalis of the adult heart. An alternative sixth pair of aortic arches, and thus the latter become branches of
derivation of the septum secundum from a ridge developing to the the pulmonary trunk while the remaining arches retain com-
right of the line of fusion between the confluent endocardial cushions munication with the aorta (3.168).
and the septum primum has been advanced (Odgers 1934). The The separation of the two ventricles from each other leaves the
dorsal horn of the septum secundum is said to incorporate tissue right ventricle in communication with the right atrium (inflow tract)
derived from part of the left sinuatrial valve; its contribution, and the pulmonary artery (outflow tract), and the left ventricle in
however, remains uncertain; sometimes, small vestigial remnants communication with the left atrium (inflow tract) and the aorta
persist to maturity. Another view embodies the above suggestion, (outflow tract). It involves a series of complex changes in which
but regards the valve as of minor importance in this connection, three distinct factors contribute to the formation of the adult ven-
describing, however, yet another ridge—the septum accessorium— tricular septum:
contributing to the lower part of the dorsal border of the limbus
(Christie 1963).
Early in the development of the septum primuma single, common Anterior endocardial cushion
pulmonary vein, suggested to develop from angiogenic cells positioned
in the early dorsal mesocardium but in continuity with the endoderm, Left lateral endocardial cushion
opens into the caudodorsal wall of the left atrium close to the Ventricular septum
septum. It is the union of a right and a left pulmonary vein, each Bulbus cordis
formed by two small veins issuing in turn from each developing lung
bud. Subsequently the common trunk and the two veins forming it
expand and are incorporated in the left atrium to make up the Bulboventricular
greater part of its cavity. This expansion usually continues as far as ridge
the orifices of the four veins, which thus open separately into the
left atrium; variations, however, are quite common. The left half of Right ventricle
the primitive atrium is progressively restricted to the mature auricular
Left ventricle
During the second month the two atria bulge ventrally one on
Ventricular septum
each side of the bulbus cordis, which lies in a groove on their ventral
surface (3.162, 165). These projecting parts of the atria form the Atrioventricular orifice
auricular appendages of the adult heart.
3.167 Diagram showing an early stage in the relations between the atrio-
Ventricles, bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus ventricular opening and ventricles, the cavity of the bulbus cordis and the
bulboventricular ridge. The endocardial cushions at the distal end of the
The process of separation of the ventricles is intimately related to bulb are shown in a more differentiated state than they really exhibit at this
304 that of the aortic and pulmonary orifices at the distal end of the stage. (After J E Frazer.)

Fourth aortic arch

Fourth aortic arch

Sixth aortic arch

Sixth aortic arch

Distal bulbar f Spiral ridges in truncus

right and left |

Left atrium
Right atrium
Left ventricle
Right bulbar ridge
Left bulbar ridge
Right atrioventric-
ular orifice Left atrioventricular

Contribution to Ventricular septum

ventricular septum
from fused atrio-
ventricular cushions

3.168 Diagram to show the mode of formation of the septa which separate black arrows indicate the direction of growth. (From a model by James
the aortic and pulmonary channels in the embryonic heart. The red arrow Whillis.)
indicates the aortic channel and the blue arrow the pulmonary. The small

e the fetal ventricular septum obliterates the ventral or cranial part of the right atrioventricular
e the proximal bulbar septum orifice (3.168). The left bulbar ridge crosses the ventral wall of the
e the atrioventricular endocardial cushions. bulb to reach the ventral or cranial horn of the ventricular septum.
The bulbar ridges fuse thus separating the conus arteriosus of the
Fetal ventricular septum right ventricle from the aortic vestibule; however, the caudal edge of
During the fifth week the right and left definitive ventricles appear the bulbar septum is still separated from the free crescentic edge of
as slight projections on the external surface of the primitive common the ventricular septum by a diminishing interventricular channel (this
ventricle. It is uncertain whether the right definitive ventricle is solely has been termed the interventricular foramen secundum). The latter
a derivative of the common ventricle, or of the caudal end of the is closed by growth of tissue from the right extremity of the fused
primitive bulbus, or of both. In either event, the appearance of a atrioventricular cushions (Odgers 1938) and this fuses, on its one
caudal crescentic ridge in the inside of the heart indicates the aspect with the caudal border of the proximal bulbar septum and
separation between the two ventricles and, as the heart enlarges, this on its other with the margin of the ventricular septum. (A transitory
ridge deepens to form the early ventricular septum. The dorsal and interventricular foramen tertium has been described; it can be seen
ventral horns of the septum grow along the ventricular walls to towards the end of the sixth week of gestation as an orifice 80 4m
meet and fuse with the corresponding endocardial cushions of the in its largest diameter. A dimple less than 40 1m in diameter is left
atrioventricular canal near their right extremities (3.167). The septum for a brief period of time at the site of closure on the endocardial
has a free sickle-shaped margin which, with the endocardial cushions, surface of the left ventricle.) The dorsal part of the bulb largely
bounds a circular interventricular foramen (3.168) (sometimes becomes absorbed, but its position is indicated by the dorsal wall of
delineated temporally as the interventricular foramen primum; the aortic vestibule, which, however, is mainly formed by tissue
3.170). extensions from the fused atrioventricular endocardial cushions.
At first the bulboventricular junction is marked by a distinct notch
on the outside of the heart (3.161) and inside is a corresponding
bulboventricular ridge. The latter is between the atrioventricular
orifice and the caudal part of the bulb (3.167) and its absorption is
essential for the development of a four-chambered heart. Partly by
absorption of the bulboventricular ridge and partly growth of the
atrioventricular region, the right extremity of the atrioventricular
canal comes to lie caudal to the orifice of the bulb (3.168). This Left
bulbar ridge
alteration in relative positions of the structures concerned occurs Gap described
while the ventricular septum is forming, paving the way for com- Right CGA ROR
bulbar ridge ones
pletion of ventricular partition (Wenink 1971, 1976). Right Veen lar
‘ : septum
atrioventricular P
Proximal bulbar septum orifice Left ventricle,
Interior of right TF outer surface
The proximal bulbar septum separates the bulbus cordis into pul-
monary and aortic channels (ventricular outflow tracts), and is formed
by the right and left bulbar ridges, which are in continuity with the
corresponding distal bulbar endocardial cushions (which form the
distal bulbar septum—see above). The ridges appear broad, shallow
3.169 Diagram to show the part played by the fusion of the right and left
and less defined at their proximal and distal ends, but are somewhat bulbar ridges in the separation of the aortic and pulmonary channels. The
taller and better defined in their midportion (3.170). The right bulbar darkly shaded area indicates the gap filled by the proliferation of cushion
ridge grows across the dorsal wall of the bulb and right extremity tissue (from the right extremity of the fused atrioventricular cushions) which
of the fused atrioventricular endocardial cushions to reach the dorsal establishes continuity between the proximal bulbar septum and the ven-
horn of the free, crescentic edge of the ventricular septum and tricular septum. Compare with 3.168. 305

vestibule through which the left ventricle discharges into the truncal
aortic channel. In some cases of persistent interventricular foramen
the aortic orifice is described as ‘overriding’ the free upper border
of the muscular interventricular septum (p. 1503).

Development of the fibrous skeleton of the heart

The valve complexes of the heart, four in number, arise in two main
cardiac zones:
e the aortic and pulmonary valves at the distal bulbotruncal junction
e the mitral and tricuspid complexes extending from their inception
between the atrioventricular junctions and loci on the interior of
the ventricular walls.
Each commences as an internal endocardial projection of varying
form enclosing cardiac mesenchyme (myocardial basement mem-
brane matrix and mesenchymal cells). In some regions the mes-
enchymatous cells proliferate, transform into fibroblasts and produce
a geometrically organized collagenous framework that varies with
site and functional demands. Elsewhere the core is invaded by
differentiating cardiac myoblasts.
Atrioventricular valves. These develop as shelf-like projections
from the margins of the atrioventricular orifices, directed as almost
complete conical sheets towards the ventricles, their advancing edges
Oe 7
continuing, initially as trabecular ridges, deep into the ventricular
cavity. With continued differential growth and excavation on their
ventricular aspects, each sheet develops two (mitral) and three
3.170 Human heart at 32 days (stage 15). The right lateral wall of the right (tricuspid) marginal indentations, defining the principal valve leaflets,
atrium, right ventricle and the outflow tract have been removed. The septum minor marginal indentations (clefts) subdividing some leaflets into
primum (S) and the developing valve of the sinus venosus (open arrow) are scallops. Each leaflet develops functionally significant regional vari-
at a distance from the unfused ventral (V) and dorsal (D) atrioventricular ations in surface texture; its core condenses as a collagenous lamina
cushions. The interventricular foramen (primum) is open (circle). Its lower fibrosa. The latter blends at its atrioventricular base with the inap-
margin is made up by the developing interventricular septum (I). Note the propriately named fibro-areolar valve ‘annulus’—each a part of the
left anterolateral ridge (R) and, at the distal margins of the truncus arteriosus, complex, functionally crucial, fibrous ‘skeleton’ of the heart. The
the valve swellings (*) of the putative aorta and pulmonary trunk. The
swellings are in continuity with the IV and VI aortic arches. Magnification
anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve and both the anterolateral and
x 56. posteromedial leaflets of the mitral valve appear at about the time
when fusion of the atrioventricular cushions and bulbar ridges takes
place. Delamination of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve,
however, occurs after closure of the interventricular foramen during
the seventh to eighth week of gestation (3.172).
Atrioventricular endocardial cushions Embryonic trabeculae. These start to emerge in the apical
At their time of fusion the atrioventricular endocardial cushions are endocardial region of the primitive ventricles during stage 15 (32
large relative to the size of the atrioventricular orifices. The atrial days gestation). By stage 17 (42 days) well-developed embryonic
septal complex meets the approximate centre of the atrial surface of trabeculae show a typical spatial orientation creating a number of
the cushions; the ventricular septum, however, meets them near their ventricular sinuses and giving a sponge-like appearance to the
right margins. Thus a part of the fused cushions intervenes between internal relief of both ventricles (3.173). Definitive trabeculae are first
the right atrium and the left ventricle, and it is this which forms the observed about the 40th day of gestation, appearing initially in the
right wall of the aortic vestibule (atrioventricular septum, see 9.34). walls of both ventricles at the level of the atrioventricular junction;
The membranous part of the interventricular septum, continuous they develop towards the apex of the heart (3.174). By 10 weeks
dorsally with the membranous atrioventricular septum in the com- gestation the trabeculae are fewer and confined to the apical region
pleted heart (3.171), is also formed by proliferation of cushion tissue where they gradually disappear following a process of simplification,
from the right extremity of the fused atrioventricular cushions. deletion and reabsorption. The remodelling process is accomplished
The persistence of an interventricular communication may follow without the intervention of macrophages or inflammatory cells in
anomalous development in this region. It may be noted that it is the the immediate interstitium. Mesenchymal tissue surrounding the
craniodorsal part of the bulbar orifice, which lies above the ven- trabeculae passes between the margins of the valve leaflets, inden-
tricular septum, and normally becomes incorporated in the aortic tations, clefts and defined zones of the leaflet surface as the white,

Right Left atrium

Septum primum

Right Atrioventricular
ventricle endocardial
Left ventricle

3.171 Diagram to show two stages in the formation of the adult ventricular to the fused atrioventricular cushions, and observe that in (B) cushion tissue
septum. In (a) the right and left ventricles communicate with each other, but intervenes between the two ventricles (membranous part of ventricular
in (B) the interventricular communication has been closed by the fusion septum), and also between the right atrium and the Jeft ventricle
of the ventricular septum with the enlarged right extremity of the fused (atrioventricular septum).
306 atrioventricular cushions. Note the position of the septum primum relative
3.173 Human heart at 42 days gestation. The right lateral wall of the right
atrium, right ventricle and the outflow tract have been removed. The valve
of the sinus venosus (V) is prominent. There is no septal leaflet of the
tricuspid valve guarding the inlet portion of the right ventricle. The parietal
leaflet has been removed. The atrioventricular cushions are fused. Note the
adjacent right lateral tubercles (open circle). A small interventricular foramen
(secundum, see text) is indicated (open triangle). There is a well-developed
right ventricular outflow tract (curved arrow). E=embryonic trabeculae;
P=pulmonary trunk. Magnification x 50.

3.172 Septal aspect of the right ventricle of a human heart at 8 weeks

gestation. Delamination of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve (T) is
taking place. A cleft (arrow) has appeared marking the posterior margin of somites. At this time the presumptive cardiac myocytes express
the septal leaflet. There are no clefts delineating the anterior margins in the myosin, actin, troponin and other contractile proteins. The cardiac
region adjacent to the crista supraventricularis (C). Note the endocardial myocytes do not fuse with their neighbours to form a syncytium as
continuity instead. No tension apparatus is present. RA=right atrium; in skeletal muscle; rather they remain mononucleated, branched cells
AV = aortic valve; LA = left atrium; PV = pulmonary valve. Magnification x 40. connected via intercellular junctions. For a detailed description of
the development of cardiac muscle see page 770.
Concurrent with development of the contractile proteins of cardiac
muscle, cardiac myocytes develop numerous specific heart granules
glistening, compacted, collagenous chordae tendinae and these con- which contain substances shown to induce natriuresis and diuresis,
verge towards the tip and sides of the single or grouped papillary and a family of polypeptides generally known as atrial natriuretic
muscles and blend with their connective tissue framework. The peptides. Specific heart granules develop from the Golgi apparatus
muscles are the ventricular ends of the original embryonic trabeculae
and, whilst free throughout their length, their mural ends are con-
fluent with mural ventricular musculature and receive a dense popu-
lation of its nerves and specialized conducting tissues. (For details
of the disposition, architecture and some functional implications of
the cardiac valve complexes and fibrous skeleton see pp. 1481-1489.)
Aortic and pulmonary valves. These are formed from the four
endocardial cushions which appear at the distal end of the bulbus
cordis. The completion of the distal bulbar septum results in division
of each lateral cushion into two; thus the number of thickenings is
increased to six: three associated with the pulmonary orifice and
three with the aortic. These are the rudiments of the aortic and
pulmonary valves. Each cushion-derived intrusion grows and is
excavated on its truncal aspect to form a semilunar valve cusp.
Similar events affect the adjacent truncal or septal wall. Thus the
pouches between the valves and the walls of the vessels gradually
enlarge and form their related sinuses. The core of each cusp forms
a collagenous lamina fibrosa, delicate and thin in each crescentic
lunule, thick and compact in the central nodule, with marginal
radiate and basal bands. The latter blend with the complex, scalloped,
mural valve ring. Initially, one cusp of the pulmonary valve lies
anteriorly and the other two posterolaterally, whereas one cusp of
the aortic valve lies posteriorly and the other two anterolaterally. BOUT
However, a rotation of the heart to the left before birth changes the
orientation of the cusps of the pulmonary and aortic valves and this
is reflected in the various schemes for the designation of these cusps
in the mature heart (see pp. 1482-1488).
Development of cardiac muscle
3.174 Parietal aspect of the right ventricle at 8 weeks gestation. The
Cardiac myocytes differentiate from the splanchnic coelomic cells of embryonic trabeculae (E) are confined to the lower half of the ventricular
the pericardium. Myogenic activity begins at the beginning of stage wall. An arrow shows the definitive trabeculae. Ao= aorta; P = pulmonary
10, approximately 22 days gestation, when the embryo has about 4 trunk; C =crista supraventricularis. Magnification x 45.

in both atria and ventricles during fetal life but become restricted to
atrial muscle in the adult (Challice & Viragh 1973). Atrial natriuretic
peptide is measurable when the heart is recognizably four-chambered.
Within the atria almost all cells are capable of its synthesis
(Navaratnam et al 1989).

Development of the conducting system of the heart

The development of the conducting system has been difficult to
elucidate due to the inability of conventional histological staining
methods to identify and delineate conducting tissues from other
cardiac components during development. However, the recent
descriptions of the patterns of expression of a number of markers
for the conducting system such as HNK-1 (Nakagawa et al 1993)
(which is identical to Leu-7; Ikeda et al 1990), GIN2 (Wessels et al
1992), neurofilament (Gorza & Vitadello 1989), connexin43 (van
Kempen et al 1991) and Msx-2 (Hox-8) (Chan-Thomas et al 1993)
have brought more clarity to this field.
In the formed heart two types of myocardium have been dis-
tinguished. First, the working myocardium of atria and ventricles
which is specialized in contraction. Second, the conducting system
which is specialized in the coordinated propagation of the impulse
over the myocardium (see p. 1496 for its precise anatomy in the
adult). The conducting system comprises: the sinuatrial node, where
the impulse is generated, the atrioventricular node, responsible for
the delayed transmission of the impulse from the atria to the
ventricles, and the atrioventricular bundle and left and right bundle
branches, by which the impulse is rapidly spread over the ventricles.
This differentiation in the nomenclature between contracting and 3.175 Schema of the development of cardiac segments in three ‘prototypic’
conducting cardiac myocytes has focused attention on morpho- human stages showing the tubular heart at about 24 days (top) and 38 days
logical evidence for different cell lineages, yet the embryonic (middle) of development, and the adult configuration (bottom). Blood flow is
heart has a measurable electrical activity, as seen by electro- from right to left. Purple = primary myocardium; blue = atrial working myo-
cardiographic measurements (ECG), with no distinct conducting cardium; red=ventricular working myocardium; yellow = cushion/valvular
system. (For recent reviews see Lamers et al 1991; Moorman & tissue; green = no longer myocardium.
Lamers 1994.)
Development of the nodes. The early heart tube is not segmented
and, although a polarity can be observed along its craniocaudal axis,
it is in essence a homogeneous tissue. Pacemaker activity is seen in primary myocardium of the atrioventricular canal will become incor-
the inflow tract from the earliest time (van Mierop 1967). Initially porated into the atria upon the formation of the atrioventricular
there is a poorly coupled pattern of excitation and contraction but valves from the ventricular inlets and the annulus fibrosus between
this rapidly becomes a rhythmic activation pattern (Kamino 1991). 6 and 12 weeks of development; some persists as the, still slowly
Impulses so generated are slowly propagated leading toa peristaltoid conducting, atrioventricular node.
form of contraction that is characteristic of the tubular heart Rings of cardiac specialized tissue, precursor tissue of the con-
(Patten & Kramer 1933). Indeed the slow propagation of the impulse ducting system in the formed heart, have been thought to be
is the predominant functional feature which distinguishes the myo- present in the embryonic heart at the sinuatrial, atrioventricular,
cardium of the early heart tube from that of the more advanced bulboventricular (interventricular) and bulbotruncal junctions
stages, leading to its description as primary myocardium (Moorman & (Wenink 1976; Anderson et al 1976), as in the ‘four ring theory’.
Lamers 1994). It is suggested that the primary myocardium will give However, it is crucial to realize that the primary myocardial, slowly
rise to both working myocardium and the conducting system (Patten conducting segments that remain after the formation of the atrial
1956; Moorman & Lamers 1994), although some support the view and ventricular segments should not be considered as newly formed
that these myogenic lineages are separate and arise from different rings. The presence of an interventricular ring has been immuno-
cell lines. Neural crest has been suggested to give rise to the histochemically confirmed; it gives rise to the fast-conducting
conducting system, in some part due to the expression of HNK-1 ventricular part of the conducting system encompassing the atrio-
and neurofilament in the conducting tissue (Gorza et al 1994). ventricular bundle and bundle branches (see below). Thus the con-
However, sinus node activity can be demonstrated prior to crest cell ducting system of the formed heart encompasses two distinct
arrival in the heart and the expression of such markers may reflect functional components: the slowly conducting nodal component,
the ambiguous neural and myocardial properties of the conducting consisting of persisting primary myocardium of the flanking seg-
system. ments, and the fast-conducting ventricular component, comprising
As development proceeds, segments of fast-conducting atrial and the atrioventricular bundle and bundle branches.
ventricular working myocardium differentiate within the slowly con- The concept of cardiac specialized tissue may unintentionally
ducting primary myocardium (Arguello et al 1986; de Jong et al suggest that it is a homogeneous tissue with a single function,
1992). The resulting heart consists of five segments (3.175) displaying being more specialized than other myocardium. However, it is
alternately slow and fast conduction; this is also reflected in the contradictory to suggest that the nodal tissue which is reminiscent of
alternating levels of the major cardiac gap-junctional protein con- primary myocardium is more specialized than the well-differentiated
nexin43 in the consecutive segments (van Kempen et al 1991) and working myocardium.
the appearance of an electrocardiographic output (van Mierop 1967). Although since the discovery of the nodes attempts have been
This architecture permits the pumping function of the embryonic made to identify internodal tracts of specialized atrial cells (for review
heart in which no valves are present: the slowly conducting segments see Janse & Anderson 1974), as yet there is no convincing evidence
between the atrium and ventricle (atrioventricular canal), and ven- to substantiate the presence of such tracts. Preferential conducting
tricle and great arteries (outflow tract), contain the endocardial pathways in certain areas of the atrium can be accounted for by
cushions which function as sphincteric valves. The segments persist regional differences in the histological architecture and geometry of
until one-way valves have been sculpted from the endocardial the atrial walls and septum (but see also page 1500).
cushions. The primary myocardium of the outflow tract regresses Development of the ventricular conducting system. The
along with the formation of the semilunar valves and has virtually development of the ventricular conducting system appears to have
308 disappeared around the twelfth week of human development. The become essential, with the evolutionary emergence of two ventricles,

3.176 Development of the ventricular conducting system in the human B. At 6 weeks of development the atrioventricular canal is expanding
heart. The upper sequence (A, B, c) shows schematic representations. The towards the right and the original interventricular myocardium becomes part
red part of the interventricular ring. will give rise to the atrioventricular of the right atrioventricular junction. In (b) expression of GIN2 is clearly
bundle and bundle branches, while the yellow part of the interventricular present at the right atrioventricular junction and at the top of the ventricular
myocardium will not participate in the formation of the adult conducting septum (arrowed).
system. The lower sequence (a—c) demonstrates immunohistochemical c. At 7 weeks of development the right atrium has become positioned
detection of GIN2, a marker for the developing conducting system. entirely above the right ventricle and the outflow tract has expanded to the
A. At 5 weeks of development (a') expression of the neural marker is left; the left ventricle has gained access to the aorta. In (c) expression of
present in the interventricular myocardium, in the right atrioventricular junc- GIN2 clearly identifies the right atrioventricular ring; the atrioventricular
tion and on top of the ventricular septum (arrowed); (a?) shows a serial bundle and the bundle branches can be identified.
section stained for the presence of ventricular myosin (beta myosin heavy A=embryonic atrium; LV = embryonic left ventricle; RV = embryonic right
chain) indicating that the neural marker is entirely expressed in the ven- ventricle; VS = developing ventricular septum; OFT = outflow tract; PT = pul-
tricular myocardium. monary trunk; AO = aorta.

to guarantee simultaneous contraction of both ventricles. Hence the 1985). It is not yet clear whether the GIN2-positive ring contributes
development of the ventricular conducting system is obligatorily to the formation of the atrioventricular node. As a consequence of
associated with ventricular septation. In the early human embryo the rightward expansion of the atrioventricular canal part of the
(stage 14, 5 weeks) (Wessels et al 1992; Ikeda et al 1992) and chick GIN2-positive ring encircles the right atrioventricular junction and
embryo (Chan-Thomas et al 1993) a myocardial ring can be identified will end up in the lower rim of the atrium; this part of the ring is
encircling the foramen between the presumptive left and right ven- called the right atrioventricular ring bundle and has been demonstrated
tricles on top and astride the developing ventricular septum (3.176). in fetal human hearts (Anderson & Taylor 1972; Anderson et al
At this stage of development the atria are connected to the left 1974). As a consequence of the apparent leftward expansion of the
ventricle only. The interventricular ring is a ventricular structure outflow tract, the GIN2-positive ring becomes positioned at the root
which, in the inner curvature of the ring, is also part of the and behind the subaortic outflow tract. This part is called the
myocardium of the atrioventricular canal. Between stages 16 and 19, retroaortic branch. The septal branch, retroaortic branch and right
as a result of the rightward expansion of the atrioventricular canal atrioventricular ring bundle will disappear during normal develop-
during subsequent stages, the right atrium gains access to the right ment in mammals. Figure 3.178 represents the entire system in the
ventricle, while, as a result of an apparent leftward expansion of the adult heart. As a rule basic processes are conserved in evolution.
outflow tract, the left ventricle gains access to the subaortic outflow The presence of the entire system in adult chicken heart (Davies
tract (3.177, 178). This entire process can be visualized by the 1930) constitutes strong support for the unitary concept outlined.
expression of GIN2, one of the neuronal markers of cardiac myo- The appreciation that the ventricular conducting system originates
cytes. The atrioventricular bundle develops from the dorsal portion from a single interventricular ring provides a solid base to the
of the interventricular ring and is contiguous with the left and right understanding of the disposition of the conducting system in a
bundle branches in the top of the ventricular septum. The anterior number of congenital malformations (Anderson & Ho 1991). The
portion of this ring has been called the septal branch. This so-called concept accounts particularly well for the morphology and dis-
‘third branch’ of the atrioventricular bundle has been described as a position of the atrioventricular node and bundle in hearts with
‘dead-end tract’ in some malformed hearts (Kurosawa & Becker straddling tricuspid valves, with double inlet left ventricles and 309

3.177a' Scanning electron micrograph of a heart at 5 weeks development; B?. schematic representation of the same heart, with atria and outflow tract
a’. schematic representation of the same heart, with atria and outflow tract removed. The atrioventricular canal has expanded towards the right. B°. The
removed. The arrows indicate the morphogenetic movements that will occur same scheme as in 7 but turned 90° to permit an unobstructed view in the
in the next stage, i.e. rightwards expansion of the atrioventricular canal and atrioventricular canal and onto the developing ventricular septum. Note
apparent leftwards expansion of the outflow tract. a°. The same scheme as that the embryonic atrium has become positioned above the right and left
in 2, but turned 90° to permit an unobstructed view of the atrioventricular ventricles.
canal and of the developing ventricular septum. Note that the atrium RA=right embryonic atrium; LA=left embryonic atrium; LV=left em-
(removed in this scheme) would be positioned entirely above the left ven- bryonic ventricle; RV=right embryonic ventricle; OFT =outflow tract;
tricle. PT = pulmonary trunk; AO =aorta. (SEMs supplied by Prof. Dr Sc. Viragh,
s'. Scanning electron micrograph of a heart at 7 weeks development; Budapest.)

with tricuspid atresia. The morphology of the latter heart defect is from the superior vena cava; separation occurs at the crista dividens
remarkably similar to the embryonic condition. of the septum secundum. Because the transition from a placental to
a pulmonary circulation occurs suddenly at birth, the right ventricle
Fetal heart prior to birth and the pulmonary trunk of the fetus are relatively large, although
The development of the chambers of the heart has now been traced only a small amount of blood passes through the lung. Most of the
to a stage at which the main features of the adult heart are established. blood expelled by the right ventricle to the pulmonary trunk passes
It is to be noted that the pattern has developed in such a way as to through the ductus arteriosus to the descending aorta and therefore
provide for the sudden establishment of the pulmonary circulation is under higher pressure than blood in the aorta. Thus the muscular
at birth (Dawes 1961, 1969), although it is adapted to the persistence wall of the right ventricle is thicker than the wall of the left, a
of the placental circulation for the remainder of fetal life. The condition which persists throughout fetal life but is progressively
presence of the ductus venosus (p.324) ensures that a substantial reversed postnatally. The origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries
proportion of umbilical oxygenated blood gains the right atrium from the aorta above the junction with the ductus arteriosus may be
with a limited loss of oxygen to the liver. However, some umbilical correlated with the relatively rapid growth of the brain, demanding
blood and portal venous blood enters the hepatic sinusoids through a copious blood supply, with the more advanced development of
venae advehentes; their drainage. through venae revehentes the upper limbs, relative to the lower, at birth, and the overall
(eventually the grouped hepatic veins) returns the blood to the cephalocaudal gradient in the growth of the trunk.
hepatic segment of the inferior vena cava, some admixture occurring
here. It was claimed that only minor further admixture of relatively
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood occurs in the right atrium EMBRYONIC CIRCULATION
(Barclay et al 1939) and that nearly all the oxygenated blood passes
through the foramen ovale into the left atrium, so gaining the left In early development the arteries of the embryo are dis-
ventricle, aorta and systemic circulation. However, there is evidence proportionately large and their walls consist of little more than a
for the opposing view that there is considerable mixing of the single layer of endothelium. The cardiac orifices are also relatively
superior and inferior vena caval streams in the right atrium (Born large and the force of the cardiac contraction is weak. As a result,
et al 1954; Lind & Wergelius 1954). The inferior vena caval blood is despite the rapid rate of contraction, the circulation is sluggish,
directed by its valve towards the cleft (‘foramen ovale’) in the atrial but this is compensated for because the tissues are able to draw
septal complex. It has been estimated that about 75% passes through nourishment, not only from the capillaries but also from the large
310 to the left atrium; the remainder mixes with the deoxygenated blood arteries. As the heart muscle thickens, compacts and strengthens, the


3.178 Position of the original interventricular myocardium in the formed branch; LV=left ventricle; VS=ventricular septum; RBB=right bundle
heart. a. Heart with opened ventricles. 8. Same heart with the pulmonary branch; AVB = atrioventricular bundle; RV =right ventricle; RAVRB= right
trunk removed and the position of the original ring indicated. The yellow atrioventricular root bundle; IVC = atrioventricular vena cava; AVN =atriov-
parts have disappeared. SB=septal branch; LA=left atrium; RARB= entricular node; RA=right atrium; SVC = superior vena cava; AO = aorta;
retroaortic root branch; APM = anterior papillary muscle; LBB =left bundle PT = pulmonary trunk.

cardiac orifices become both relatively and absolutely reduced in vasculogenesis. However, evidence now points to a permissive inter-
size, the valves increase their efficiency and the large arteries acquire action between endodermal epithelia and mesenchymes that are
their muscular walls and they too undergo a relative reduction in angioblastic, i.e. capable of differentiating into endothelia in situ, for
size. From this time onwards the embryo is dependent for its the initial production of the early blood vessels. Such angioblastic
nourishment on the expanding capillary beds and henceforth the competence has been demonstrated among the ventral mesenchymes
larger arteries’ function becomes restricted to controllable dis- (splanchnopleuric) with which the endoderm interacts. Dorsal mes-
tribution channels to keep its tissues constantly and appropriately enchymal populations (which include somites and somatopleuric
supplied. mesenchyme) are more likely to be vascularized by budding from
It will be noted that the heart commences to beat early, prior to established endothelia (an angiotrophic mechanism; Sherer
the development of the conducting system, and that a circulation is 1991). Once the mechanism of angiogenesis has been determined
established before a competent valvular mechanism. by the presence of endoderm or not, the timing of endothelial
It has been stated previously (see above) that the heart must meet differentiation is controlled by the angiogenic cells. The ultimate
the functional demands of the embryo as well as follow its appro- pattern of vessels formed is controlled by the surrounding, non-
priate developmental pathways, such as the physiology of the car- angiogenic, mesenchyme (Noden 1991) and blood vessels become
diovascular system and its regulation during development which is morphologically specific for the organ in which they develop; they
of particular importance. It is beyond the scope of this book to also become immunologically specific, expressing organ-specific
address this issue in detail; however, the following points are relevant proteins.
to an appreciation of cardiovascular development. During embryonic vasculogenesis (angioblastic vasculogenesis) and
In the early embryo growth is exponential, with the embryo angiogenesis (angiotrophic vasculogenesis, see p. 299), changes occur
doubling its weight about every 4 hours. This geometric growth needs in the vascular extracellular matrix. All blood vessels seem to be
a concomitant growth and increase in efficiency of the cardiovascular initially surrounded by a fibronectin-rich matrix which is later
system to supply nutrients and oxygen, and to remove metabolic incorporated into the basal lamina along with inter alia laminin,
waste products, especially in regions of active growth and pro- a particularly early constituent (Risau 1991). Several layers of
liferation. fibronectin-expressing cells can be seen around the larger vessels
Cardiac output increases in proportion with the weight of the (e.g. dorsal aortae).
embryo. Cardiac rate increases with development; however, most of Major restructuring changes take place during the early develop-
the increase in cardiac output results from a geometric increase in ment of the circulation. Anastomoses appear and disappear, capil-
stroke volume. Noticeably, when dorsal aortic blood flow is matched laries fuse and give rise to arteries or veins, and the direction of
to embryonic weight, blood flow remains constant over a more than blood flow may reverse several times. It is suggested that the
150-fold change in mass of the embryo. (For a discussion of early mechanical stresses that endothelial cells have to withstand cause the
haemodynamics see Clarke 1991.) development of the larger vessels (Risau 1991). The tunica media of
the vessels appears after a stable vascular pattern has formed. Thus
Further development of the blood vessels medial differentiation of the dorsal aorta starts in that part where
It is the case that the endodermal tissues, yolk sac (continuous with major vessels are connected. Generally, the endothelium does not
the splanchnopleure) and allantois, are primarily vascular, whereas synthesize a basal lamina in those regions where remodelling is active
the ectodermal tissues, chorion and amnion (somatopleure), are and similarly the mesenchyme around such endothelium does not
primarily avascular. The yolk sac and allantois secondarily vas- express a-actin, laminin, etc. Appearance of these molecules is
cularize the chorion in various ways, giving rise to the diverse indicative of cessation of branching and differentiation of the media.
varieties of placentae. Until recently it was not thought that any tissue It is unknown how pericytes and smooth muscle cell differentiation
interaction would be necessary for the process of intraembryonic is induced. 314

The tunica media of the embryonic aortic arch arteries, with the form a dilated aortic sac (see 3.179 and consult Congdon 1922).
exception of the ductus arteriosus, is formed by migrating cardiac The first aortic arches run through the mandibular arches, and caudal
neural crest cells. These cells produce the elastic mediae specific to to them five additional pairs are developed within the corresponding
these vessels (see p. 314). pharyngeal arches so that in all six pairs of aortic arches are formed
(3.180a). The fifth arches are atypical and probably transient, at
most, in mankind.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES In fishes the aortic arches persist and give off branches to the gills,
Apart from the aortae none of the main vessels of the adult arise as in which the blood is oxygenated. In mammals some of the arteries
single trunks in the embryo. Along the course of each vessel a remain as permanent structures, while others disappear or are oblit-
capillary network is first laid down and by selection and enlargement erated (3.180).
of definite paths in this the larger arteries and veins are defined. The Caution should moderate unqualified use of the term aortic
branches of main arteries are not always simple modifications of the arch(es). The embryonic aortic arches are paired bilateral series
vessels of a capillary network but arise as outgrowths from the joining the ventral aortae (or their fused expanded homologue) with
enlarged stem. the dorsal aorta of its side after traversing the core of a pharyngeal
As mentioned, subsequent to head fold formation each primitive arch. In contrast the definitive aorta consists of ascending aorta,
aorta consists of ventral and dorsal parts which are continuous aortic arch and descending (thoracic and abdominal) aorta—all parts
through the first embryonic aortic arch. The dorsal aortae run of a single vessel in the mature state but derived from multiple
caudally, one on each side of the notochord, but in the fourth week embryonic sources. For one detailed analysis see 3.180.
they fuse from about the level of the fourth thoracic to that of the
fourth lumbar segment to form a single definitive descending aorta. Aortic sac
Although in many animals paired ventral aortae arise from the This represents the fused, paired ventral aortae (3.179). As the
truncus arteriosus and course headwards on the ventral surface of embryo grows and the aorticopulmonary septum is formed, part of
the pharynx, in the human embryo the ventral aortae are fused and the caudal end of the sac is incorporated in the pulmonary trunk.

Rudiment of
Primitive Right common Rudiments of
head vein atrium cardinal vein postcardinal vein
Otocyst Dorsal aorta Left
Rudiment of
2nd aortic arch
Ist aortic

Vitelline plexus
Ventricle Left atrium Umbilical arteries

3.1794 The blood vascular system of a human embryo with 14 paired possible at this stage. Only the endothelial lining of the heart tube is shown.
somites: estimated age, 23.5 days; CR length 2.4mm. The arteries and Magnification x c. 45. (Streeter 1942.)
veins are only in the process of development so that no true circulation is

Second aortic arch Trigeminal ganglion

First aortic arch

Third aortic arch
Hyoid arch
Right atrium
Left precardinal
Optic rudiment

Aortic sac Left atrium

Atrioventricular Left common
canal cardinal vein

Left postcardinal

Left horn of
sinus venosus

Left umbilical vein

Upper limb bud

Umbilical arteries Spinal cord

3.1798 Profile reconstruction of the blood vascular system of a human muscular wall has been omitted, the pericardial cavity appears much larger
embryo having 28 somites: CR length 4mm; estimated age 26 days. Note. than the contained heart. Observe that the atrioventricular canal still con-
312 Only the endothelial lining of the heart chambers is shown and, as the nects the left atrium with the single ventricle. (Streeter 1942.)

Internal carotid artery

(aortic arch III)

External carotid artery

Left vertebral artery

Common carotid
Ventral aortic root
between aortic artery
arches III and IV

Right pulmonary Right subclavian

artery artery


Vertebral artery. Brachiocephalic

Dorsal aortic trunk
Left aortic
arch IV
Right subclavian
artery Seventh dorsal
Internal artery
thoracic artery ee BSI]
— ~ Superior intercostal

First intercostal branch from

the dorsal aorta

Left dorsal aortic root

(segments 3 to 7)

Ligamentum arteriosum Internal thoracic artery

3.1804 Schematic diagram showing the various components of the embry-
onic aortic arch complex in the human embryo. Structures which do not 3.180c Diagram of the adult human aorta and its branches, left ven-
persist in normal development are indicated by interrupted lines. Roman trolateral aspect, showing the position and relative sizes of the definitive
numerals refer to the pharyngeal arches concerned; arabic numerals indi- contributions from the various embryonic components shown ina and B.
cate the metameric body segments—somites. (Based on the work of A Barry, with permission of the author and Ana-
tomical Record, 111, 1951.)

Aortic arch IIT

External carotid artery Internal carotid artery

Aortic arch IV

Right common carotid artery Left common carotid artery Aortic arch VI

Vertebral Left aortic arch IV

artery Dorsal aortic root segments 3 to 7

Right Ductus
subclavian arteriosus Dorsal aortic root segments 8, etc.
Left Ventral aortic root
subclavian between aortic arches III and IV
Ventral aortic root
Internal between aortic arches IV and VI
Seventh dorsal intersegmental artery

Longitudinal anastomoses
Degenerating artery
Sth segment of
right dorsal Left dorsal aortic The cranial end of the sac becomes drawn out into right and left
aortic root root
limbs as the neck lengthens. The right limb becomes the brachio-
cephalic trunk and the left limb forms that part of the definitive arch
of the aorta which lies between the origin of the brachiocephalic
Dorsal aorta trunk and the left common carotid artery. The remainder of the sac
contributes to the formation of the ascending arch of the aorta.
Embryonic aortic arches
The embryonic aortic arches (3.180), with the exception of the fifth,
are developed in a craniocaudal sequence, but the more cranial are
3.1808 Diagrammatic ventral view of the aortic arch complex of a human in process of disappearing before the caudal ones are completed.
embryo of 15mm CR length. Note the asymmetry in the pattern that has The first and second embryonic aortic arches are already dwindling
developed by this stage. Compare with a and c. by the time the third is established. The first disappears entirely. The 313

dorsal end of the second arch or hyoid artery remains as the stem of of transformation can be divided, both temporally and spatially,
the stapedial artery, while the remainder of this arch also disappears into two phases, pharyngeal and postpharyngeal. In the pharyngeal
(3.181). The external carotid artery first appears as a sprout which phase, which lasts until about the 12mm CR length stage (stage
grows headward from the aortic sac close to the ventral end of the 17), the arrangement of the aortic arches resembles that in lower
third arch artery. The common carotid arises from an elongation of vertebrates. In this phase the course of the blood from the heart to
the adjacent part of the aortic sac, and the third arch artery becomes the dorsal aorta follows a succession of different pathways—first
the proximal part of the internal carotid artery. (Evidence against arch, first and second arches, second and third arches, third and
this view, however, has also been recorded: e.g. see Moffat 1959; fourth aortic arches and finally third, fourth and sixth aortic arches.
Adams 1957). The fourth embryonic aortic arch on the right forms In the postpharyngeal phase, which extends onwards into, and
the proximal part of the right subclavian artery, whilst the cor- beyond, intrauterine life the definitive human pattern and disposition
responding vessel on the left is believed to constitute the arch of the of the vessels is finally established.
definitive aorta between the origins of the left common carotid and Tunica media of the embryonic aortic arches. In the early
left subclavian arteries. It has, however, proved difficult to assess embryo, the tunica media of the third, fourth and sixth arches and
accurately the contributions of the fourth embryonic aortic arches the dorsal aorta contains smooth muscle cells that are not elastogenic
and it has also been variously claimed that the left fourth aortic arch and not of cardiac neural crest origin. The mediae of those vessels
is subsequently drawn into the descending or ascending (or both) which do not receive a contribution from the neural crest, e.g.
limbs of the definitive aortic arch, and the corresponding vessel of the intrapulmonary arteries or the subclavian arteries, continue to
the right contributes to the brachiocephalic artery. The identity and accumulate layers of smooth muscle derived from the surrounding
status of the fifth embryonic aortic arch artery is uncertain; it is mesenchyme. The embryonic aortic arch arteries, however, become
usually incomplete and may connect the fourth aortic arch or surrounded by neural crest very early although there is initially no
subjacent aortic sac with the dorsal ends of the sixth aortic arch expression of either smooth muscle or elastin antigens by these cells.
(whereas the other embryonic aortic arches pass between sac and Later a larger population of crest cells migrates around these vessels
dorsal aorta). The fifth aortic arch eventually disappears on both and differentiates into an elastogenic phenotype. Neural crest cells
sides. From its inception the sixth embryonic arch vessel is associated differentiate in a downstream progression around the vessels, from
with a developing lung bud. Initially each bud is supplied by a the truncus arteriosus to the aortic arch arteries, until all of them
capillary plexus from the aortic sac. Later the plexus connects with are elastogenic. At the same time the original smooth muscle cells
the dorsal aorta and the sixth aortic arch is defined as a channel in disappear along the great vessels to their first branch point
the vascular connection between sac and dorsal aorta; however, this (Rosenquist & Beall 1990). Ablation of the cardiac neural crest leads
continues to supply the developing lung bud. When the aortico- to changes in the embryonic aortic arch vessels: they may be absent,
pulmonary septum divides the truncus arteriosus into pulmonary too large, too small, or aberrant in their connections and there is
trunk and ascending aorta the sixth aortic arches retain continuity loss of bilateral symmetry. There is a significant decrease in the
with the former. On the right the ventral part of the sixth aortic quantity of mesenchyme around these vessels resulting in direct
arch persists as the stem of the right pulmonary artery, but its dorsal apposition of endothelium and pharyngeal endodermal epithelium
segment disappears, possibly due to a decreased blood flow resulting (Bockmann et al 1990). It should be noted that the ductus arteriosus
from partitioning of the aortic and pulmonary bloodstreams (VIth aortic arch artery) and the pulmonary arteries have a muscular
(Navaratnam 1963). On the left side the ventral part of the sixth tunica media and not an elastic media as the other arch arteries.
aortic arch is absorbed into the pulmonary trunk, while its dorsal Thus just prior to, and after, birth the local action of prostaglandins
segment persists as the ductus arteriosus, which is functional during can cause the ductus arteriosus to constrict and ultimately to close.
intrauterine life but becomes obliterated after birth, ultimately Coarctation of the aorta is a condition in which the aorta is con-
forming the fibrous /igamentum arteriosum. Postnatal functional stricted, usually just above (preductal) or below (postductal) the
closure nears completion within a few weeks but structural changes entrance of the ductus arteriosus. An abnormal disposition of a
continue over many months (p. 107). smooth muscle media around the aorta at this point rather than an
The transformation of the aortic arches described above is con- elastogenic media derived from the cardiac neural crest could result
ditioned by environmental changes and results largely from changes from an imperfect migration of crest cells into the aortic arch. The
in the pharynx and from the descent of the heart. The whole period result would be an abnormal constriction of the aorta after birth.

Stem of future Superior

posterior cerebellar Basilar Supraorbital Stem of middle
cerebral artery artery artery artery meningeal artery Stapedial artery


artery Stem of hyoid
choroidal Internal carotid
artery artery

Middle cerebral Aorta


Anterior cerebral Vertebral artery



Primitive Common1 stem of | Pulmonary External carotid

olfactory artery mandibular and artery artery
maxillary artery

3.181 Diagram to show the origins of the main cranial arteries. (After
314 Padget 1948.)

Cranial arteries from the terminal part of the internal carotid artery, it communicates
with the supraorbital branch of the stapedial artery; distally this
These develop in outline as follows (Padget 1948; 3.181). The internal becomes the /acrimal artery. The latter retains an anastomotic
carotid artery is progressively formed from the third arch artery, the connection with the middle meningeal artery. The dorsal stem of the
dorsal aorta cranial to this and a further forward continuation which original second arch artery remains as one or more caroticotympanic
differentiates, at the time of regression of the first and second aortic branches of the internal carotid artery.
arches, from the capillary plexus extending to the walls of the At stage 20-23 (7-8 weeks), further expansion of the cerebral
forebrain and midbrain. At its anterior extremity this primitive hemispheres produces the completion of the circle of Willis, with the
internal carotid artery divides into cranial and caudal divisions, the development of the anterior communicating arteries by 8 weeks
former terminating as the primitive olfactory artery, supplying the gestation. An annular network of meningeal arteries originates,
developing regions implied, and the latter sweeping caudally to reach mainly, from each middle cerebral artery and passes over each
the ventral aspect of the midbrain, its terminal branches being the developing cerebral hemisphere; caudally similar meningeal branches
primitive mesencephalic arteries. Simultaneously bilateral longitudinal arising from the vertebral and basilar arteries embrace the cerebellum
channels differentiate along the ventral surface of the hindbrain from and brainstem (Van den Bergh & Vander Eecken 1968). The further
a plexus fed by intersegmental and transitory presegmental branches development of the telencephalon (see p.247) somewhat obscures
of the dorsal aorta and its forward continuation. The most important this early pattern over the cerebrum.
of the presegmental branches is closely related to the fifth nerve— The meningeal arteries so formed have been classified into three
the primitive trigeminal artery. Otic and hypoglossal presegmental groups, paramedian, short circumferential and long circumferenital
arteries also occur (Padget 1948); sometimes these persist. The arteries. They can be described both supratentorially and infra-
longitudinal channels later connect, cranially, with the caudal div- tentorially; all give off fine side branches and end as penetrating
isions of the internal carotid arteries, each of which gives rise to arteries. Of the supratentorial vessels, the paramedian arteries have
an anterior choroidal artery supplying branches to diencephalon, a short course prior to penetrating the cerebral neuropil (e.g. branches
including the telae choroideae, midbrain, and caudally with the of the anterior cerebral artery); the short circumferential arteries
vertebral arteries through the first cervical intersegmental arteries. have a slightly longer course before becoming penetrating arteries
Fusion of the longitudinal channels results in the formation of the (e.g. the striate artery); the long circumferential arteries reach the
basilar artery, whilst the caudal division of the internal carotid artery dorsal surface of the hemispheres. Infratentorial meningeal arteries
becomes the posterior communicating artery and the stem of the are very variable. The paramedian arteries, after arising from the
posterior cerebral artery. The remainder of the latter develops com- basilar or vertebral arteries, penetrate the brainstem directly; the
paratively late, probably from the stem of the posterior choroidal short circumferential arteries end at the lateral surface of the brain
artery which is annexed by the caudally expanding cerebral hemi- before penetration; the long circumferential arteries later form the
sphere, its distal portion becoming a choroidal branch of the posterior range of cerebellar arteries. Note that these vessels arranged as a
cerebral artery. Note that the posterior choroidal artery is supplying series of loops over the brain arise from the circle of Willis and
the tela choroidea at the future temporal end of the choroidal fissure, brainstem vessels on the base of the brain.
its rami advancing through the tela to become confluent with At 16 weeks gestation, the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral
branches of the anterior choroidal artery (see above). In the rat, arteries contributing to the formation of the circle of Willis are well
where the vascular pattern is essentially similar to that in man, this established. The meningeal arteries arising from them display a
artery is derived from the posterior communicating artery, the simple pattern with little tortuosity and very few branches. With the
common stem of origin of the posterior choroidal, mesencephalic increasing age of the fetus and acquisition of the gyral pattern on
and diencephalic arteries, together with a new channel formed in the the surface of the brain, their tortuosity, diameter and number of
plexus on the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere initially supplied branches increase. This branching pattern is completed by 28 weeks
by the anterior choroidal artery (Moffat 1961a). The cranial division gestation and the number of branches does not increase further
of the internal carotid artery gives rise to anterior choroidal, middle (Takashima & Tanaka 1978). Numerous anastomoses (varying in
cerebral and anterior cerebral arteries, the stem of the primitive size from 200-760 ym) occur between the meningeal arteries in the
olfactory artery remaining as a small medial striate branch of the depths of the developing sulci, nearly always in the cortical boundary
anterior cerebral artery. In the rat the primitive olfactory artery and zones of the three main cerebral arteries supplying each hemisphere.
its recurrent branch form the anterior cerebral artery, the territory The number, diameter and location of these anastomoses changes
of which is initially supplied by the primitive maxillary and the as fetal growth progresses due to a regression of the complex
cranial ramus of the internal carotid arteries (Moffat 1961b). The embryonic cerebral vascular system (see below). The boundary zones
cerebellar arteries, of which the superior is the first to differentiate, between the cerebral arteries may be the sites of inadequate perfusion
emerge from the capillary plexus on the wall of the rhombencephalon. in the premature infant.
The source of the blood supply to the territory of the trigeminal
nerve varies at different stages in development. When the first and Vascularization of the brain
second aortic arch arteries begin to regress, the supply to the The brain becomes vascularized by angiogenesis (angiotrophic vas-
corresponding arches is derived from a transient ventral pharyngeal culogenesis; see p. 298) rather than by direct invasion by angioblasts.
artery, which grows from ‘the aortic sac. It terminates by dividing Blood vessels form by sprouting from vessels in the pial plexus,
into mandibular and maxillary branches. Later the stapedial artery which surrounds the neural tube from an early stage (Noden & Li
develops from the dorsal stem of the second arch artery and passes 1991). In the quail vascularization begins in the hindbrain on day 4
through the condensed mesenchymal site of the future ring of the of incubation. Using antibodies against endothelial cells, endothelial
stapes to anastomose with the cranial end of the ventral pharyngeal sprouts were seen to penetrate the neuroepithelium on each side of
artery thereby annexing its terminal distribution. The fully developed the midline at inter-rhombomeric junctions (see p. 225; Noden & Li
stapedial artery possesses three branches, mandibular, maxillary and 1991). These sprouts form branches which elongate at the junction
supraorbital, which follow the divisions of the trigeminal nerve between the ventricular and marginal zones; the branches project
(3.181). The mandibular and maxillary branches diverge from a laterally within the inter-rhombomeric boundaries and longitudinally
common stem. When the external carotid artery emerges from the adjacent to the median floorplate. Subsequently, additional sprouts
base of the third arch it incorporates the stem of the ventral penetrate the inter-rhombomeric regions on the walls and floor of
pharyngeal artery, and its maxillary branch communicates with the the hindbrain. Branches from the latter elongate towards and join
common trunk of origin of the maxillary and mandibular branches the branches in the inter-rhombomeric junctions, forming primary
of the stapedial artery and annexes these vessels. The proximal part vascular channels between rhombomeres and longitudinally on each
of the common trunk persists as the root of the middle meningeal side of the median floorplate (Noden 1991). Later additional sprouts
artery. More distally the meningeal artery is derived from the invade the hindbrain within the rhombomeres, anastomosing in all
proximal part of the supraorbital artery. The maxillary branch directions.
becomes the infraorbital artery and the mandibular branch forms The meningeal perforating branches pass into the brain par-
the inferior alveolar artery. enchyma as cortical, medullary and striate branches (3.182). The
When the definitive ophthalmic artery differentiates as a branch cortical vessels supply the cortex via short branches which may form 315

precapillary anastomoses, whereas the medullary branches supply in the boundary zone between the centripetal and centrifugal arteries,
the white matter. The latter converge towards the ventricle but rarely in the periventricular white matter. In the full-term infant the cortical
reach it; they often follow a tortuous course as they pass around boundary zones and watershed areas between different arterial blood
nervous fascicles. The striate branches which penetrate into the brain supplies are similar to those in adults.
through the anterior perforated substance (p. 1191), supply the basal Vessels of the ventricular zone (germinal matrix). It has been
nuclei and internal capsule via a sinuous course; they are larger than suggested that the germinal matrix (the region of the developing
the medullary branches and the longest of them reach close to the brain termed ventricular zone by the Bolder Committee, see p. 252,
ventricle. The periventricular region and basal nuclei are also supplied but often referred to clinically, somewhat imprecisely, as the germinal
by branches from the tela choroidea; this develops from the early pial matrix) is particularly prone to ischaemic injury in the immature
plexus but becomes medially and deeply placed as the telencephalon infant because of its unusual vascular architecture. A micro-
enlarges. angiographic study of the structure of the vessels in the peri-
The cortical and medullary branches irrigate a series of cortico— ventricular matrix (Takashima & Tanaka 1978) established that the
subcortical cone-shaped areas, centred around a sulcus containing germinal matrix is the end zone or border zone between the cerebral
an artery. They supply a peripheral portion of the cerebrum and are arteries and the collection zone of the deep cerebral veins. The
grouped as ventriculopetal arteries. Striate branches, on the other subependymal veins (septal, choroidal, thalamostriate and posterior
hand, arborize close to the ventricle supplying a more central portion terminal, see p. 1204) flow towards the interventricular foramen with
of the cerebrum; they, with branches from the tela choroidea, give a sudden change of flow at the level of the foramen, where the veins
rise to ventriculofugal arteries. The latter supply the ventricular zone recurve at an acute angle to form the paired internal cerebral veins.
(germinal matrix of the brain) and send branches towards the cortex. The capillary channels in the germinal matrix open at right angles,
The ventriculopetal and ventriculofugal arteries run towards each directly into the veins (Hambleton & Wigglesworth 1976). It has
other but they do not make any connections or anastomoses (3.182). been postulated that these small vessels may be points of vascular
The ventriculopetal vessels supply relatively more mature regions of rupture and the site of subependymal haemorrhage.
the brain compared to the ventriculofugal, which are subject to The capillary bed in the ventricular zone is supplied mainly by
constant remodelling and do not develop tunicae mediae until Heubner’s artery and terminal branches of the lateral striate arteries
ventricular zone proliferation is completed. The boundary zone from the middle cerebral artery (Wigglesworth 1980). As the highly
between these two systems (an outer centripetal and inner centrifugal) cellular structure of the ventricular zone is a temporary feature, the
has practical implications related to the location of ischaemic lesions vascular supply to this area displays some primitive features and has
(periventricular leucomalacia, PVL) in the white matter of premature the capacity to remodel when, towards the end of gestation, the
infant brains. The distribution of ischaemic lesions coincides with ventricular zone cells migrate and the remaining cells differentiate as
the demarcation zone between the centrifugal and centripetal vascular ependyme (Wigglesworth & Pape 1980).
arterial systems (Wigglesworth & Pape 1978; also see below). Some studies have shown that vessel density is relatively low in
The same pattern of centripetal and centrifugal arteries develops the ventricular zone and that this area may normally have a relatively
around the fourth ventricle (Van den Bergh & Vander Eecken 1968). low blood flow (Pasternak et al 1982). Immature vessels, without a
The ventriculofugal circulation is more extensive in the cerebellum complex basal lamina or glial sheet, have been described up to 26
than in the telencephalon. The arteries arise from the various weeks gestation in the zone (Larroche 1982), and it has been reported
cerebellar arteries and course, with the cerebellar peduncles, directly that the endothelium of these vessels is thinner than in the cortical
to the centre of the cerebellum by-passing the cortex. The ven- vessels (Trommer et al 1987). In infants of less than 30 weeks
triculopetal arteries derive from the meningeal vessels over the gestation, the vessels in the ventricular zone contain no smooth
cerebellar surface and most terminate in the white substance. muscle, collagen or elastic fibres (Haruda & Blanc 1981). Collagen
At 24 weeks of gestation, there is a relatively well developed blood and smooth muscle were seen in other regions after 30 weeks but
supply to the basal nuclei and internal capsule, through a prominent were not detected in the remains of the zone (germinal matrix). The
Heubner’s artery (arteria recurrens anterior, see p. 1528), a branch of lack of these components could make the vessels in the ventricular
the anterior cerebral artery. The cortex and the white matter regions zone vulnerable to changes in the intraluminal pressure and the
are rather poorly vascularized at this stage. Injection studies have lack of smooth muscle would debar them from participating in
demonstrated the distribution of arteries and veins on the lateral autoregulatory processes.
aspect of the cerebral hemispheres and shown that it is naturally Hegedus and Molnar (1985) have shown that cerebral vessels in
affected by the formation of the Sylvian (lateral cerebral) fissure and premature infants lack elastic fibres and have a disproportionately
development of cerebral sulci and gyri (Okudera et al 1988). Between small amount of reticulin fibres. An electron microscopic study of
12 and 20 weeks gestation the middle cerebral artery and its branches the cortical and germinal plate blood vessels showed that in infants
are relatively straight with branching in an open-fan pattern. At the of between 25 and 32 weeks gestation the germinal matrix vessels
end of 20 weeks, the arteries become more curved as the opercula consisted commonly of 1-2 endothelial cells with an occasional
begin to appear and submerge the insular cortex. The area supplied pericyte, and the capillary lumina were larger than those of the
by the middle cerebral artery becomes predominant when compared vessels in the cortex. In more mature infants the basal lamina
to the territories supplied by the anterior and posterior cerebral was thicker and more irregular when compared to cortical vessels
arteries. Early arterial anastomoses appear around 16 weeks gestation (Grunnet 1989).
and increase in size with advancing age. The sites of anastomoses Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive cells have been
between the middle and anterior cerebral arteries move from the detected around blood vessels in the germinal matrix from 23 weeks
convexity of the brain towards the superior sagittal sinus. Ana- gestation (Gould & Howard 1988). Glial cells may contribute to
stomotic connections between the middle and posterior cerebral changes in the nature of endothelial intercellular junctions in brain
arteries shift towards the basal aspect of the brain. capillaries (Tae-Cheng et al 1986).
By 32-34 weeks, marked involution of the ventricular zone
(germinal matrix) takes place and the cortex acquires its complex Dorsal aortae
gyral pattern and, associated with it, an increased vascular supply. These persist on the cranial side of the third aortic arches as
The ventricular zone capillaries are gradually remodelled to blend continuations of the internal carotid arteries (3.88a-c). The dorsal
with the capillaries of the caudate nucleus. Heubner’s artery eventu- aorta between the third and fourth aortic arches, the ductus caroticus,
ally supplies only a small area at the medial aspect of the head of diminishes and finally disappears; but from fourth arch to the origin
the caudate nucleus. In the cortex, there is progressive elaboration of the seventh intersegmental artery the right dorsal aorta becomes
of the cortical blood vessels (3.182), and towards the end of the third part of the right subclavian artery (3.177). Caudal to the seventh
trimester, the balance of cerebral circulation shifts from a central, intersegmental artery the right dorsal aorta disappears as far as the
basal-nuclei oriented circulation to a circulation predominant in the locus of fusion of thoracic aortae. After disappearance of the left
cortex and the white matter (3.182). These changes in the pattern of ductus caroticus, the remainder persists to form the descending part
cerebral circulation are of major significance in pathogenesis and of the arch of the aorta. Thence the fused right and left embryonic
distribution of hypoxic/ischaemic lesions in the developing human dorsal aortae persist as the definitive descending thoracic and
316 brain. In a premature brain, the majority of ischaemic lesions occur abdominal aorta. A constriction, the aortic isthmus, is sometimes


border area



Leptomeningeal arteries

Cortical branches


arteries from Ventriculofugal
striate arteries arteries from
dentate nucleus
Internal artery

Cerebrum Cerebellum


‘Anterior choroidal
artery an
Striate branches )
of middle cerebral (

24 weeks 34 weeks Heubner’s artery

Ventriculofugal arteries 30 weeks Section A-A
3.182 Schema of development of cerebral blood vessels. a. The brain is a periventricular border area. c. The arrangement of ventriculopetal and
surrounded by a system of leptomeningeal arteries from afferent trunks at ventriculofugal vessels around a cerebral hemisphere. p. The similar
the base of the brain. Intracerebral arteries arise from this system and arrangement of vessels around the cerebellum. &. Changes in the arterial
converge (ventriculopetally) towards the ventricle (the inner circle in this pattern of the human cerebrum between 24 and 34 weeks. F. Arterial supply
diagram). 8. A few deep penetrating vessels supply the brain close to to the basal ganglia at 30 weeks gestation. (For a-D see van den Berg &
the ventricle and send ventriculofugal arteries towards the ventriculopetal Eecken 1968; € and F from Hambleton & Wigglesworth 1976 with permission
vessels, without making anastomoses. Between these two systems there is of the BMJ Publishing Group.) 317

present in the aorta between the final site of origin of the left and superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. As the viscera supplied
subclavian artery and reception of the ductus arteriosus (see coarc- descend into the abdomen their origins migrate caudally by differ-
tation of the aorta, p. 1510). ential growth; thus the origin of the coeliac artery is transferred
In the adult, the right subclavian artery occasionally arises from from the level of the seventh cervical segment to the level of the
the arch of the aorta distal to the origin of the left subclavian and twelfth thoracic, the superior mesenteric from the second thoracic
then passes upwards and to the right behind the trachea and to the first lumbar and the inferior mesenteric from the twelfth
oesophagus. This condition is possibly explained by the persistence thoracic to the third lumbar. (Above the diaphragm, however, a
of the embryonic right dorsal aorta and the obliteration of the fourth variable number of ventral splanchnic arteries persist, usually four
aortic arch of the right side. or five, supplying the thoracic oesophagus.) The dorsal splanchnic
In birds the right fourth aortic arch is transformed into the anastomosis persists in the gastro-epiploic, pancreaticoduodenal and
definitive arch of the aorta; in reptiles the fourth arches of both sides the primary branches of the colic arteries, while the ventral splanchnic
persist and give rise to their characteristic double aortic arch. In anastomosis forms the right and left gastric and the hepatic arteries.
both these classes, development of the heart and aortic arches is These arterial rearrangements have been investigated recently by
probably along phylogenetic lines so divergent from the mammalian angiography and explanatory haemodynamic hypotheses have been
pattern that comparisons may be inappropriate. advanced (Barth et al 1976).
The heart originally lies ventral to the pharynx, immediately caudal Lateral splanchnic arteries. These supply, on each side, the
to the stomodeum (3.179a); with the elongation of the neck and mesonephros, metanephros, the testis or ovary, and the suprarenal
the development of the lungs it recedes within the thorax and, gland; all these structures develop, in whole or in part, from the
correspondingly, the vessels are drawn out and the original position intermediate mesenchyme of the mesonephric ridge (p. 200). One
of the fourth and sixth aortic arches is greatly modified. Thus, on testicular or ovarian artery and three suprarenal arteries persist on
the right the fourth aortic arch only recedes to the thoracic inlet, each side. The phrenic artery branches from the most cranial supra-
while on the left side it descends into the thorax. The recurrent renal artery, and the renal artery arises from the most caudal.
laryngeal nerves (in contrast to the other arch nerves) originally pass Additional renal arteries are frequently present and may be looked
to the larynx caudal to the sixth pair of aortic arches, and are on as branches of persistent lateral splanchnic arteries.
therefore affected by the descent of these structures; thus in the adult Somatic arteries. /ntersegmental in position, they persist, almost
the left nerve hooks round the ligamentum arteriosum within the unchanged, in the thoracic and lumbar regions, as the posterior
thorax; on the right owing to the disappearance of the fifth and the intercostal, subcostal and lumbar arteries. Each gives off a dorsal
dorsal part of the sixth aortic arch, the right recurrent laryngeal ramus which passes backwards in the intersegmental interval and
nerve hooks round the fourth aortic arch, i.e. the commencement of divides into medial and lateral branches to supply the muscles and
the right subclavian artery (i.e. just above the thoracic inlet). superficial tissues of the back (3.183). It also gives off a spinal
At first the aortae are the only longitudinal vessels present, for branch, which enters the vertebral canal and divides into a series of
their branches all run at right angles to the long axis of the embryo. branches to the tissues constituting the walls and joints of the
later these transverse arteries become connected in certain situations osteoligamentous canal and neural branches to the spinal cord and
by longitudinal anastomosing channels, which in part persist, forming spinal nerve roots (Somogyi et al 1973; Undi et al 1973). Having
such arteries as the internal thoracic, the superior and inferior produced its dorsal branch the intersegmental artery runs ventrally
epigastric, the gastro-epiploic, etc. Each primitive dorsal aorta gives in the body wall, gives off a lateral branch and terminates in muscular
off: and cutaneous rami. Before their division, the stems of the somatic
arteries, at thoracic and lumbar levels, provide small rami which
e ventral splanchnic arteries, paired segmental branches to the diges-
tive tube enter the developing vertebral bodies.
Numerous longitudinal anastomoses link up the intersegmental
e lateral splanchnic arteries, paired segmental branches to the meso-
nephric ridge arteries and their branches (3.183). On both sides a postcostal
e somatic arteries, intersegmental branches to the body wall. anastomosis connects their dorsal branches in the intervals between
the necks of ribs and the vertebral transverse processes. This persists
Ventral splanchnic arteries. Originally paired vessels, these are in the cervical region where it forms the greater part of the vertebral
distributed to the capillary plexus in the wall of the yolk sac. After artery. A post-transverse anastomosis also connects the dorsal bran-
fusion of the dorsal aortae they merge as unpaired trunks distributed ches and forms the greater part of the deep cervical artery. A
to the increasingly defined and lengthening primitive digestive tube. precostal anastomosis connects intersegmental arteries beyond the
Longitudinal anastomotic channels connect these branches along the origins of their dorsal branches. The ascending cervical and the
dorsal and ventral aspects of the tube, forming dorsal and ventral superior intercostal arteries are persistent parts of this vessel. Lastly,
splanchnic anastomoses (3.183; Ennabli & Niveiro 1967). These near the anterior median line intersegmental arteries are linked by a
vessels obviate the need for so many ‘subdiaphragmatic’ ventral ventral somatic anastomosis. Most of these vessels persist bilaterally
splanchnic arteries, and these are reduced to three: the coeliac trunk as the internal thoracic, the superior and inferior epigastric arteries.
Umbilical arteries at first are the direct caudal continuation of the
primitive dorsal aortae and are present in the body stalk before
Spinal branch any vitelline (yolk sac) or visceral branches emerge, indicating the
Dorsal branch of dominance of the allantoic over the vitelline circulation in the human
somatic artery
Dorsal aorta embryo. (On a comparative basis the umbilical vessels are chorio-
somatic artery
allantoic and therefore ‘somatovisceral’.) After the fusion of the
dorsal aortae the umbilical arteries arise from their ventrolateral
splanchnic aspects and pass medial to the primary excretory duct (Wolffian) to
artery the umbilicus. Later the proximal part of each umbilical artery is
Ventral joined by a new vessel which leaves the aorta at its termination and
branch of passes lateral to the primary excretory duct. This, possibly the fifth
splanchnic somatic
artery lumbar intersegmental artery, constitutes the dorsal root of the
Cit umbilical artery (the original stem, the ventral root). The dorsal root
gives off the axial artery of the lower limb, branches to the pelvic
viscera and, more proximally, the external iliac artery. The ventral
root disappears entirely, the umbilical artery now arising from that
part of its dorsal root distal to the external iliac artery, i.e. the
Terminal internal iliac artery.
Arteries of the limbs
3.183 Diagram of the segmental and intersegmental arteries. Note the The early limb bud receives blood via intersegmental arteries which
318 positions of the longitudinal anastomoses. contribute to a primitive capillary plexus. At the tip of the limb bud

there is a terminal plexus that is constantly renewed in a distal inductive factors from the limb mesenchyme cause the changes in
direction as the limb grows. Later one main vessel supplies the limb the blood vessel pattern.
and the terminal plexus; it is termed the axial artery. The terminal In the upper limb bud, usually only one trunk, the subclavian,
plexus is separated from the outer ectodermal sleeve of the limb by persists and it probably represents the lateral branch of the seventh
an avascular zone of mesenchyme. Experiments in which portions of intersegmental artery. Its main continuation (axis artery) to the upper
ectoderm are implanted into a part of the limb that would otherwise limb (3.184), later the axillary and brachial arteries, passes into the
be vascularized result in an avascular zone forming around the forearm deep to the flexor muscle mass and terminates as a deep
ectoderm. The avascular region contains an extracellular matrix plexus in the developing hand. This vessel ultimately persists as the
consisting largely of hyaluronic acid. Removal of this hyaluronic anterior interosseous artery and the deep palmar arch. A branch from
acid by hyaluronidase results in vascularization of the tissue since the main trunk passes dorsally between the early radius and ulna as
partial degradation products of hyaluronic acid are angiogenic the posterior interosseous artery, while a second accompanies the
(Feinberg 1991). Thus ectodermal/mesenchymal interactions and median nerve into the hand, where it ends in a superficial capillary
extracellular matrix components are controlling the initial patterning plexus. The radial and ulnar arteries are the latest arteries to appear
of blood vessels within the limb. During these early stages of limb in the forearm; at first the radial artery arises more proximally than
development the proximodistal regions of the limb are patterned by the ulnar and crosses in front of the median nerve, supplying the
the progress zone beneath the apical ectodermal ridge (see p. 288), biceps. Later, the radial artery establishes a new connection with
later after the main elements of the limb have developed the ectoderm the main trunk at or near the level of origin of the ulnar artery and
and underlying mesenchyme interact to produce the epidermis and the upper portion of its original stem usually disappears to a large
dermis (see p. 294). It may be that the early presence of the avascular extent (see also p.1540). On reaching the hand the ulnar artery
zone ensures little interaction of these tissues until a later stage of becomes linked up with the superficial palmar plexus, from which
development, thus preventing premature skin development. the superficial palmar arch is derived, while the median artery
The development of the vasculature in the limb precedes the commonly loses its distal connections and is reduced to a small
morphological and molecular changes that occur within the limb vessel. The radial artery passes to the dorsal surface of the hand
mesenchyme. The differentiation of cartilage within the limb occurs but, after giving off dorsal digital branches, it traverses the first
only after local vascular regression begins, and only in areas with intermetacarpal space and joins the deep palmar arch.
few or no capillaries. Regions of mesenchyme free of capillaries and Because of their multiple and plexiform sources, the temporal
at high cell density are the sites of chondrogenesis (see p. 291). succession of emergence of principal arteries, anastomoses and peri-
Whether the presence, or lack, of blood vessels, by varying the articular networks and functional dominance followed by regression
supply of nutrients to the tissue can confer different local environ- of some paths, anomalies of the forelimb arterial tree are fairly
mental stimuli for mesenchymal cells, thus resulting in heterogeneous common. In the main, such anomalous patterns present as: diver-
differentiation of the tissue of the limb, or whether, on the other gences in the mode and proximodistal level of branching; the presence
hand, the local environment is controlled by the diversity of the of unusual compound arterial segments; aberrant vessels connecting
endothelial cells is not known. Similarly, it is not clear whether other principal vessels, arcades or plexuses; and vessels occupying

Brachial Brachial

Interosseous Interosseous Subclavian


Circumflex humeral

Median Profunda brachii

Primary axial


Ulnar collateral


Deep palmar arch

3.184 Stages in the development of the arteries of the arm. The original
path of the axis artery is indicated by an interrupted line. (After Patten.) 319

exceptional tissue planes (e.g. superficial fascia instead of the usual forming the anterior tibial artery and arteria dorsalis pedis. The
subfascial route) or having unexpected neural, myological or osteo- primitive peroneal artery communicates with the axis artery at the
ligamentous relationships. For example, see variations on pages distal border of the popliteus and in its course in the leg (Senior
1539, 1541, 1543. 1919, 1920).
The axial artery of the lower limb (8.185) arises from the dorsal The femoral artery gradually increases in size and coincidentally
root of the umbilical artery, and courses along the dorsal surface of most of the axis artery disappears; proximal to its communication
the thigh, knee and leg; below the knee it lies between tibia and with the femoral the root of the axis artery, however, persists as the
popliteus and in the leg between the crural interosseous membrane inferior gluteal artery and the arteria comitans nervi ischiadici.
and tibialis posterior. Ending distally in a plantar network, it gives The proximal parts of the primitive posterior tibial and peroneal
off a perforating artery traversing the sinus tarsi to form a dorsal arteries fuse, but distally remain separate. Ultimately much of the
network. The femoral artery passes along the ventral surface of the primitive peroneal artery disappears, although a part of the axis
thigh, opening a new channel to the lower limb. It arises from a artery is incorporated in the permanent peroneal artery. As in the
capillary plexus, connected proximally with the femoral branches of forelimb (above) the same considerations apply to anomalies and
the external iliac artery and distally with the axis artery. At the variations.
proximal margin of the popliteus the axis artery provides a primitive
posterior tibial and a primitive peroneal branch, which run distally
on the dorsal surface of that muscle and on tibialis posterior to gain DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEINS
the sole of the foot. At the distal border of popliteus the axis artery Often, for convenience and apparent simplicity, the early embryonic
gives off a perforating branch, which passes ventrally between the veins are segregated into two groups, visceral and somatic. The
tibia and the fibula and then courses to the dorsum of the foot, visceral group comprises the derivatives of the vitelline and umbilical


External iliac
Left common iliac
Median sacral
umbilical Right common iliac
Median sacral
External iliac Internal iliac

Common iliac
Superior gluteal
Inferior epigastric
Ischiadic Internal pudendal


Ramus communicans superior

Profunda femoris


Ramus communicans medius

Posterior tibial
Anterior tibial

Superficial posterior tibial

Ramus communicans inferior

Peroneal Posterior superficial peroneal

Dorsalis pedis Lateral calcanean branch

Medial plantar
Medial calcanean branch
Lateral plantar
Ramus perforans tarsi Lateral plantar
Medial plantar
3.185 Stages in the development of the arteries of the leg. The original
320 path of the axis artery is indicated by a dashed line. (After Senior.)

veins; the somatic group includes all remaining veins. Such a classi- veins incline slightly, becoming parallel to the lateral aspects of the
fication is a potentially misleading oversimplification, based on gut; they establish connections with capillary plexuses in the septal
inadequate criteria. Many embryonic veins, with time, change the mesenchyme, then continue, finally curving to enter the medial part
principal tissues they drain; others have some radicles from patently of the cardiac sinual horn of their corresponding side. The parts of
parietal tissues that become confluent with drainage channels that the gut closely related to the presinual segments of the vitelline
are clearly visceral, thus forming a compound vessel; finally some veins, just described, are the future subdiaphragmatic end of the
veins differentiate from contrasting mesenchymal layers at different oesophagus, primitive stomach, the superior (first) and descending
points along their course (each having its distinct phylogenetic (second) regions of the duodenum, and the remainder of the duodenal
history). tube. The early septum transversum is a thick mass of mesenchyme
Less confusion attaches to the recognition of three main groups filling the interval between the median foregut and ventral body
of veins—the vitelline, umbilical and cardinal vein complexes; never- wall, and extending from the primitive pericardium to the rostral lip
theless, even here, some imprecision persists where, for instance, of the umbilicus; in it somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mes-
anastomoses or convergence of radicles from different groups occurs, enchymes are confluent. When, later, the cardiac sinuatrium rises
where ontogenetically compound tissues are drained or when distinct into the pericardium, the rostral part of the septum (pars
developmental layers are traversed. The early embryonic veins diaphragmatica) is one of the multiple contributors to the framework
develop initially with a symmetric bilateral array of channels; the of the definitive diaphragm; its caudal pars mesenterica provides
principal events correlated with changes in this are the craniocaudal ventral mesenteries, serous coats and mural tissues for the abdominal
and mediolateral gradients in growth and differentiation of the foregut, listed above. Where foregut continues into midgut (initially
nervous system, skeleton and musculature; diversion of cardiac the rostral rim of the yolk stalk) the hepatic (and, transiently, ventral
venous return to the right with concomitant cardiac asymmetry; pancreatic) rudiments form as protrusions of the gut; the rapid and
‘descent’ of the heart and lungs; gut rotation and repositioning; and asymmetric invasion of the septum cranioventrally is correlated with
venous involvement by the developing liver, pancreas, spleen and profound modifications of the transeptal parts of the vitelline and
mesonephric ridges. (Clearly, the temporospatial development umbilical veins, and the splanchnopleuric mesothelium, framework
sequences of all vascularized tissues are involved to varying, but less and mesenteries of the liver, stomach and duodenum (pp. 192-198).
obvious, extents.) As noted, the primitive tubular symmetric heart The stem of the earliest hepatic rudiment projects from the ventral
receives its venous return through the right and left sinual horns wall of the future second (descending) part of the duodenum; whilst
(horns of the sinus venous). The horns are initially embedded in the expansion of the body of the liver continues as indicated, with gut
mesenchyme of the septum transversum and each receives, most rotation and differential growth, the ultimate derivative of the stem,
medially, the termination of the principal vitelline vein (but see the common bile duct, curves posterior to the proximal duodenum
below), more laterally, the umbilical vein and, most laterally, having to reach its termination through the left posteromedial aspect of the
encircled the pleuroperitoneal canal, the common cardinal vein. second part of the duodenum.
These cardiac inputs correspond, in large measure but not exclusively, The principal ascending vitelline veins flanking the sides of the
with the groups of veins mentioned above. abdominal part of the foregut receive venules from its splanch-
nopleuric capillaries, and those of the septal mesenchyme. Within
Vitelline veins these venular nets, enlarged (but still plexiform) anastomoses connect
The vitelline veins drain capillary plexuses developed in the splan- the two vitelline veins. (For clarity these are represented dia-
chnopleuric mesenchyme of the secondary yolk sac. With head, tail grammatically as simple transverse channels, 3.186.) A sub-
and lateral fold formation, the upper recesses of the yolk sac are diaphragmatic intervitelline anastomosis develops in the rostral septal
enclosed within the embryo as the splanchnopleuric gut tube extend- mesenchyme, lying a little caudal to the cardiac sinuatrial chamber,
ing from the stomodeal buccopharyngeal membrane to the procto- connecting the veins near their sinual terminations. (Sometimes
deal cloacal membrane. It may be emphasized that derivatives from termed suprahepatic because. of the position of the hepatic pri-
all these levels possess a venous drainage, originally vitelline in origin, mordium; with expansion of the latter the channel becomes partly
although many accounts are limited to the (mainly subdia- intrahepatic.) The presumptive duodenum is crossed by three trans-
phragmatic-sacral) regions drained via the hepatic portal vein. The verse duodenal intervitelline anastomoses; their relation to the gut
deep aspects of the maxillomandibular facial prominences, retro- tube alternates: the most cranial, the subhepatic, is ventral, the
gingival oral cavity, the pharyngeal walls and their lymphoid and intermediate is dorsal and the caudal is ventral. It has become
endocrine derivatives and the cervicothoracic oesphagus, all have customary to describe the paraduodenal vitelline veins and their
drainage channels that connect with the precardinal complex, associated anastomoses as forming a figure 8. At this early stage
ultimately returning blood to the heart via the superior vena when left and right embryonic veins are still symmetric, the cranial
cava. Laryngeal and tracheobronchial veins also drain to the pre- duodenal anastomosis becomes connected with the subdiaphragmatic
cardinal complex, whilst the capillary plexuses developed in the anastomosis by a median longitudinal channel, the primitive ductus
(splanchnopleuric) walls of the fine terminal respiratory passages venosus, which is dorsal to the expanding hepatic primordium, but
and alveoli, converge on pulmonary veins of increasing calibre, finally ventral to the gut. The further development of the vitelline veins and
making secondary connections with the left atrium of the heart and anastomoses is, as indicated, closely interlocked with rapid hepatic
may be grouped with the-vitelline systems. Even the heart, itself, expansion and gut changes; also umbilical vein disposition and
first differentiates in splanchnopleure that, after head fold formation, modification is closely involved, and their early emergence and
forms the dorsal wall of the primitive pericardial cavity (floor of the arrangement must be outlined before an account of later asymmetries
rostral foregut) and may therefore be considered a highly specialized is undertaken. The latter differs in part from long held descriptions,
vitelline vascular derivative. Similarly at the caudal extremity of the following the detailed analyses of goat and human embryos by
splanchnopleuric gut tube (the future lower rectum and upper anal Dickson (1957).
canal; p. 191) the vitelline venous drainage makes connections with
the internal iliac radicles of the postcardinal complex. Umbilical veins
The increasingly extensive remainder of the gut tube, from the The umbilical veins form by the convergence of venules draining
gastric terminal segment of the future oesophagus to the upper the splanchnopleure of the extraembryonic allantois. Throughout
rectum, is, as elsewhere, clothed with splanchnopleuric mesenchyme Amniota the allantois arises as a diverticulum from the caudal yolk
permeated by a capillary plexus; the latter drains into an ana- sac wall (later, the ventrorostral wall of the cloacal part of the
stomosing network of veins. The net is denser ventrally and in the hindgut, or future bladder). Its degree of vesicular, then sometimes
central midgut region; for a while, it receives a leash of small veins saccular, expansion is extremely variable; on occasion it virtually
from the definitive yolk sac that enter the embryo through the fills the extraembryonic coelom; the human endodermal allantois is
umbilicus, embedded in the yolk stalk. Later, in normal development, diminutive, projecting merely into the embryonic end of the con-
both stalk and vessels atrophy. Within the splanchnopleuric net, necting stalk. The latter is regarded by many as precociously formed
progressing rostrally, longitudinal channels anterolateral to the gut allantoic mesenchyme, and the umbilical vessels as allantoic (with
become increasingly well defined—the embryonic abdominal vitelline close affinities, because of their common phylogenetic history, with
veins. Entering the septum transversum, the right and left vitelline the vitelline vessels). In the human embryo the peripheral venules 321

drain the mesenchymal cores of the chorionic villous stems and

Common sinuatrial terminal villi (extraembryonic somatopleuric structures); these are the
Sinus venosus: right horn chamber
radicles of a, usually single, vena umbilicales impar which traverses
the compacting mixed mesenchyme of the umbilical cord to reach
Rt. precardinal vein the caudal rim of the umbilicus. Here, the single cordal vein divides
into primitive right and left umbilical veins; each curves rostrally
Rt. common cardinal INTERVITELLINE in the somatopleuric lateral border of the umbilicus (i.e. where
VEINS intraembryonic and extraembryonic or amniotic somatopleure are
Rt. postcardinal vein © Subdiaphragmatic continuous), where it lies lateral to the communication between both
(suprahepatic) the intraembryonic and extraembryonic coeloms. Rostrolateral to
Ductus venosus the umbilicus the two umbilical veins reach, enter and traverse the
Rt. umbilical vein
@® Subhepatic, ventral junctional mesenchyme of the septum transversum, connect with
d lena 1 septal capillary plexuses, then continue, to enter their corresponding
Rt. vitelline vein cardiac sinual horns (lateral to the terminations of the vitelline
® Intermediate, dorsal veins). This early symmetric disposition of the vitelline veins and
duodenal anastomoses, umbilical and common cardinal veins and locus of the
hepatic primordial complex is summarized in 3.186.
© Caudal, ventral
duodenal Changes in the vitello-umbilical veins
Progressive changes in the vitello-umbilical veins are rapid, profound
and closely linked with regional modifications of shape and position
of the gut, expansion and invasion of venous channels by hepatic
tissue, asymmetry of the heart and cardiac venous return. The
Further details of cardiac principal events are summarized in 3.186-188 and only brief textual
allusions can be included here (see Dickson 1957 for details and
From the pars hepatica of the ventral hepatopancreatic rudiment
(p. 187) interconnected sheets and ‘cords’ of endodermal cells, the
presumptive hepatocytes, penetrate the mesenchyme-filled spaces of
the pre-existing septal capillary plexuses. Possibly, under the influence
of the endodermal sheets, the plexuses become more profuse by the
Site of hepatic rudiment: this
addition of angioblastic septal mesenchyme, which also forms masses
expands and invades neighbouring of perivascular intrahepatic haemopoietic tissue. These processes
anastomoses, vitelline and extend along the plexiform connections of the vitelline, and later the
umbilical veins. Ductus
remains dorsal. umbilical veins until their intrahepatic (transeptal) zones themselves
become largely plexiform—initially capillary in nature, but trans-
forming into a mass of rather wider, irregular, sinusoidal vessels
with a discontinuous endothelium containing many phagocytic cells
(pp. 1802-1806). The lengths of vitelline veins involved in these
processes are the intermediate parts of the segments extending
\ 1} )r 4 f t ‘

Nt e fo 'i from the subhepatic (cranioventral duodenal) to the suprahepatic

Parts that persist, expand and modify into many main (subdiaphragmatic) transverse intervitelline anastomoses and the
permanent channels (but see below)
corresponding lengths of the umbilical veins. Thus at this early stage
New connexions forming further main permanent channels the liver sinusoids are perfused by mixed blood reaching them
through a series of branching vessels collectively called the venae
Channels that either retrogress completely, form fibrous cords or advehentes, or venae afferentes hepatis; they are deoxygenated from
vessels of fine calibre. Note: postnatally both the ductus venosus, the gut splanchnopleure via vitelline vein hepatic terminals and
and the left umbilical vein form substantial fibrous cords.
oxygenated from the placenta via hepatic terminals of the umbilical
veins. Blood leaves the liver through four venae revehentes (venae
efferentes hepatis): two on each side reach and open into their
respective cardiac sinual horns. This full complement of four hepa-
tocardiac veins is only transient, becoming reduced to one dominant,
rapidly enlarging channel. As detailed below, the originally bilaterally
symmetric cardinal vein complexes, both rostral and caudal, develop
transverse or oblique anastomoses whereby the cardiac venous return
is restricted to the definitive right atrium. (The pulmonary veins are
the only major ones returning to the left atrium.) The increasingly
deep inflexion of the left wall of the common sinuatrial chamber,
separation of the left sinual horn and ‘body’ of the sinus venosus,
movement to the right of the sinuatrial orifice, and right atrial
inclusion of the right sinual horn have been noted (p. 293).
These cardiac and concomitant hepato-enteric changes are
accompanied by events in supra-, intra- and subhepatic parts of the
vitello-umbilical veins. Some vessels enlarge, persisting as definitive
vessels to maturity and, in places, are joined later by other channels
becoming defined in already established capillary plexuses. Other
vessels retrogress, either disappearing completely or remaining as
3.186 Development of the vitelline, umbilical and terminal cardinal vein
complexes: the early symmetric condition. a. The topography and nomencla-
vestigial tags and occasionally vessels of fine calibre. Finally, some
ture of the veins forming the right and left sinual horns, the intervitelline vessels of crucial importance in the circulatory patterns of embryonic
anastomoses and the median ductus venosus. B. To assist understanding and fetal life become obliterated postnatally and transformed to
of later changes the symmetric pattern is used to indicate which segments substantial fibrous cords. Both right and left umbilical hepatocardiac
persist or retrogress, the sites of formation of new channels and the inti- and the left vitelline hepatocardiac veins continue, for a time, to
mately involved hepatic rudiment. c. A simplified representation of the discharge blood into their sinual horns; however they begin to
322 subsequent main flow paths of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. retrogress (3.186, 187). The right umbilical channel atrophies com-

Progressive inflexion
© Right precardinal and of sinuatrial wall © Left precardinal, common and
common cardinal veins postcardinal veins

© Right hepatocardiac vein

(termination of rt. vitelline vein
— future inferior vena cava)
® Hepatocardiac part of
® Right half of subdiaphragmatic left vitelline vein
© Hepatocardiac part of
DIMINISHING left umbilical vein
2+3=left venae revehentes
© Right postcardinal vein
© Hepatocardiac part of right @® Hepatic terminals of left vitelline vein
umbilical vein
© Hepatic terminal rt. umbilical © Hepatic terminals of left
umbilical vein
4+5=left venae advehentes

© New venous connexions
© Left umbilical vein
® Presumptive splenic vein
DIMINISHING @® Presumptive superior
mesenteric vein
Vitelline vein segments 3+4 merge to form root of
and ventral anastomosis
definitive hepatic portal vein

3.187 Development of the vitelline, umbilical and terminal cardinal vein definition of the coronary sinus and the central role of the liver; compare
complexes: a mid-stage of asymmetry has been reached between the early homologous left- and right-sided vessels.
symmetric condition (3.186) and the definitive late prenatal state. Note the

Superior vena cava

Left atrium

Right atrium
Coronary sinus

Vestiges of left vitelline +

Inferior vena cava umbilical veins
Upper right hepatic vein Venula hepatica cranialis
superior sinistra
Lower right hepatic veins
Secondary upper left hepatic vein
Secondary lower left hepatic veins
Ductus venosus
Right branches of hepatic
portal vein Persistent left venae advehentes
Left branch of hepatic
portal vein

Changing relationships Left umbilical vein

of duodenum
and hepatic portal vein Splenic vein

Superior mesenteric vein

Hepatic portal vein

Splenic vein

Superior mesenteric vein

3.188 The condition of some main upper abdominal and intrathoracic right duodenal loop and its relationship to the definitive portal vein; the manner
atrial terminal veins in the later prenatal months. Note the coronary sinus in which the left terminal branch of the latter establishes connections with
and attached vestiges, the terminations of the superior and inferior venae the ductus venosus and the left umbilical vein. Return of placental blood to
cavae; the grouped hepatic veins; the convergent formation and hepatic the fetal heart is along an (embryologically) complex path; 3.186, 187 should
divarication of the hepatic portal vein, and the routes available for return of assist clarification. See text for further details.
oxygenated left umbilical venous blood; also the changing disposition of the 323

pletely; the left channels also disappear, but their cardiac terminals the persistent left horn of the sinus venosus. Right and left superior
may, on occasion, be found as conical fibrous tags attached to the venae cavae are present in some animals, and occasionally persist in
inferior wall of the coronary sinus. The right vitelline hepatocardiac mankind.
vein continues enlarging and ultimately forms the terminal segment The inferior vena cava (3.189) of the adult is a composite vessel,
of the inferior vena cava. The latter receives the right venae revehentes and the precise mode of development of its postrenal segment (caudal
and new channels draining the territories of the left venae revehentes; to the renal vein) is still somewhat uncertain. Its function is initially
these collectively form the upper and lower groups of right and carried out by the right and left postcardinal veins, which receive
(secondary) left hepatic veins. The terminal caval segment also shows the venous drainage of the lower limb buds and pelvis and run in
the orifice of the right half of the intervitelline subdiaphragmatic the dorsal part of the mesonephric ridges, receiving tributaries from
anastomosis (p.321) and a large new connection with the right the body wall (intersegmental veins) and from the derivatives of the
subcardinal vein (see below). mesonephroi.
The hepatic terminals of the right and left duodenal parts of the A second pair of longitudinal channels, the subcardinal veins,
vitelline veins are destined to form the corresponding branches of form in ventromedial parts of the mesonephric ridges and become
the hepatic portal vein, the left branch incorporating the cranial connected to the postcardinal veins by a number of vessels traversing
ventral intervitelline anastomosis. With rotation of the gut and the medial part of the ridges. The subcardinal veins intercommunicate
formation of the duodenal loop. segments of the original vitelline by a pre-aortic anastomotic plexus, which later constitutes the part
veins and the caudal transverse anastomosis (indicated in 3.186-188) of the /eft renal vein crossing anterior to the abdominal aorta.
atrophy, whilst new splanchnopleuric venous channels, the superior The formation of an oblique transverse anastomosis between the
mesenteric and splenic veins, converge and join the left end of the iliac veins—which itself becomes the major part of the definitive /e/t
dorsal intermediate anastomosis. The numerous other radicles of the common iliac vein—diverts an increasing volume of blood into the
portal vein and its principal branches, including the inferior mes- right longitudinal veins, accounting for the ultimate disappearance
enteric vein, are later formations. of most of those on the left.
For a period placental blood returns from the umbilicus via right At its cranial end the subcardinal vein receives the suprarenal vein
and left umbilical veins, both discharging through venae advehentes on each side, but on the right side it comes into intimate relationship
into the hepatic sinusoids, where admixture with vitelline blood with the liver. An extension of the vessel takes place in a cranial
occurs. At approximately 7mm CR length, the right umbilical vein direction and meets and establishes continuity with a corresponding
retrogresses completely; the left umbilical vein retains some vessels new formation which is growing caudally from the right vitelline
discharging directly into the sinusoids, but new enlarging connections hepatocardiac (common hepatic) vein. In this way on the right side
with the left half of the subhepatic intervitelline anastomosis emerge. a more direct route is established to the heart and the prerenal
The latter is the commencement of a by-pass channel for the majority (cranial) segment of the inferior vena cava is defined.
of the placental blood, which continues through the median ductus The enlargement of the metanephros (p.200) diverts the post-
venosus and finally the right half of the subdiaphragmatic anas- cardinal vein from its course and the venous drainage of the meso-
tomosis, to reach the termination of the inferior vena cava. Post- nephric ridge is assumed by the subcardinal vein. At the same time
natally these channels are obliterated, with the resulting ligamentum new longitudinal channels appear and take over intersegmental
teres extending from the umbilicus to the porta hepatis, whence, venous drainage and the whole of the postcardinal vein disappears—
having established connections with the left branch of the portal except for its extreme cranial and caudal ends. There are at least
vein, it continues as the ligamentum venosum to join an upper left three such channels on each side, in addition to the postcardinal and
hepatic vein, and terminates in the suprahepatic inferior vena cava. subcardinal already mentioned, but, so far as is known, only two of
them persist as large vessels in the adult:
Cardinal venous complexes
Cardinal venous complexes (3.189) are first represented by two large e A bilateral longitudinal channel forms dorsolateral to the aorta and
vessels on each side, the precardinal and postcardinal veins; the former lateral to the sympathetic trunk and takes over the intersegmental
drain the rostral part of the embryo, the latter its caudal region. The venous drainage from the posterior cardinal vein. This is the
two veins on each side unite to form a short common cardinal vein, supracardinal or thoracolumbar ‘complex’; alternatively lateral sym-
which passes ventrally, lateral to the pleuropericardial canal (p. 180), pathetic line vein.
to open into the corresponding horn of the sinus venosus (3.1798). e A second channel forms on each side, also dorsolateral to the
(The cardinal complexes are often, less appropriately, called parietal aorta but medial to the sympathetic trunk. This, the azygos line
or somatic. In addition to drainage of the latter, they receive many vein or medial sympathetic line vein, gradually takes over the
radicles from splanchnopleuric structures.) intersegmental venous drainage from the thoracolumbar line. The
Owing to the rapid development of the head and brain the intersegmental veins now obviously reach their longitudinal
precardinal veins become enlarged. They are further augmented by channel by passing medial to the autonomic trunk, the relationship
the subclavian veins from the upper limb buds, and so become the which the lumbar and intercostal veins maintain thenceforth.
chief tributaries of the common cardinal veins; these gradually Cranially the azygos lines join the persistent cranial ends of the
assume an almost vertical position in association with the descent of posterior cardinal veins.
the heart into the thorax. That part of the original precardinal vein e Two subcentral veins are laid down directly dorsal to the aorta in
rostral to the subclavian is now the internal jugular vein, and their the interval between the origins of the paired intersegmental
confluence the brachiocephalic vein of each side. The right and left arteries. These veins communicate freely with each other and with
common cardinal veins are originally of the same diameter. By the azygos line veins, and these connections ultimately form the
the development of a large oblique transverse connection, the /eft retro-aortic parts of the left lumbar veins and of the hemiazygos
brachiocephalic vein carries blood across from the left to the right veins.
(3.179). The part of the original right precardinal vein between the e Some authorities also recognize a precostal or lumbocostal venous
junction of the two brachiocephalics and the azygos veins forms the line, anterior to the vertebrocostal element, and posterior to the
upper part of the superior vena cava; the caudal part of the latter supracardinal. A possible derivative is the ascending lumbar vein.
vessel (below the entrance of the azygos vein) is formed by the right
common cardinal. Caudal to the transverse branching of the left The thoracolumbar or supracardinal veins are, as indicated, lateral
brachiocephalic vein the left precardinal and left common cardinal to the aorta and sympathetic trunks, which therefore intervene
veins largely atrophy, the former constituting the terminal part of between them and the azygos lines. These veins communicate cau-
the left superior intercostal vein, while the latter is represented by dally with the iliac veins and cranially with the subcardinal veins in
the ligament of the left vena cava and the oblique vein of the left the neighbourhood of the pre-aortic intersubcardinal anastomosis.
atrium (3.1898). The remainder of the left superior intercostal vein In addition, the supracardinal veins communicate freely with each
is developed from the cranial end of the postcardinal vein and drains other through the medium of the azygos lines and the subcentral
the second, third and, on occasion, the fourth intercostal veins. The veins. The most cranial of these connections, together with the
oblique vein passes downwards across the back of the left atrium to supracardinal-subcardinal and the intersubcardinal anastomoses,
324 open into the coronary sinus, which, as already indicated, represents complete a venous ring around the aorta below the origin of the

Postcardinal v.
Supracardinal v. (thoracolumbar line v.)
Azygos line v. (medial sympathetic line v.)
Subcardinal v.
Subcentral v.
Hepatic segment of IVC (and right vitelline v.)

Subhepatic segment of IVC



| Brachio-
Oblique _ Internal US.
Precardinal vs. interprecardinal jugular vs.
D intercostal v.
Sinus venosus Superior
vena cava [| eee Oblique v. and
ligt. of L. atrium
Common Azygos v.
cardinal v. Hemiazygos vs.
Hepatocardiac IVC hepatic
vs. segment
IVC subhepatic
Post- segment
cardinal vs. IVC subcardinal
Sub -
cardinal v. L. suprarenal v.

L. renal v.

L. gonadal v.

IVC supracardinal
Supracardinal v-
anastomoses -
Interpostcardinal (renal collar’)
anastomosis Common
iliac vs.


3.189 Somatic venous development. a. Schematic section through the Williams et al 1969.) B. Plan of development of principal somatic veins from
embryonic trunk. Principal longitudinal veins are colour-coded. Inter- the early symmetric state, through states of increasing asymmetry, to the
connections and intersegmental veins remain uncoloured. (Modified from definitive arrangement. (Modified from Williams et al 1969.)

superior mesenteric artery, termed the ‘renal collar’ (Huntington confluence of the common iliac veins
1920). a short segment of the right postcardinal vein
The right supracardinal vein persists and forms the greater part postcardinal-supracardinal anastomosis
of the postrenal segment of the inferior vena cava, the continuity of part of the right supracardinal vein
the vessel being maintained by the persistence of the anastomosis right supracardinal-subcardinal anastomosis
between the right supracardinal and the right subcardinal in the right subcardinal vein
‘renal collar’. The left supracardinal disappears, but somé of the a new anastomotic channel of double origin—the hepatic segment
‘renal collar’ formed by the left supracardinal-subcardinal anas- of the inferior vena cava
tomosis persists in the left renal vein. It must be added that much e the cardiac termination of the right vitelline hepatocardiac vein
confusion and disagreement exists with regard to the disposition, (common hepatic vein).
homologies and derivatives of the complicated array of longitudinal
veins described above. It should be noted that only the supracardinal part of the inferior
In summary, therefore, the inferior vena cava is formed from vena cava receives the intersegmental venous drainage, and that the
below upwards by: postrenal (caudal) segment of the inferior vena cava is on a plane 325

Anterior dural stem Middle dural stem Otocyst Primary head sinus right suprarenal vein. The left subcardinal vein, cranial to the
intersubcardinal anastomosis, is incorporated into the left supra-
renal vein. The renal and testicular or ovarian veins on both sides
join the supracardinal-subcardinal anastomosis. On the left side
this is connected directly to the part of the inferior vena cava which
Posterior dural stem is of subcardinal status through an intersubcardinal anastomosis.
The right supracardinal vein forms much of the postrenal (caudal)
maxillars segment of the inferior vena cava. The left supracardinal vein
vein disappears entirely.
Intersegmental veins e The right azygos line persists in its thoracic part to form all but
the terminal part of the vena azygos. Its lumbar part can usually
be identified as a small vessel which leaves the vena azygos on the
Precardinal vein body of the twelfth thoracic vertebra and descends on the vertebral
column, deep to the right crus of the diaphragm, to join the
posterior aspect of the inferior vena cava at the upper end of its
Postcardinal vein
postrenal segment. The left azygos line forms the hemiazygos
e The subcentral veins give rise to theretro-aortic parts of the left
lumbar veins and of the hemiazygos veins.
Ventral pharyngeal vein Common cardinal vein
Veins of the head
Transverse sinus The veins of the head have a complicated developmental history
Sigmoid sinus
Superior sagittal sinus
(3.190, and consult Markowski 1911; Streeter 1918; Padget 1957;
Butler 1957, 1967; Browder & Kaplan 1976). The primary vessels
consist of a close-meshed capillary plexus drained on each side by
the precardinal vein, which is at first continuous cranially with a
transitory primordial hindbrain channel, lying on the neural tube
medial to the cranial nerve roots. This is soon replaced by the
Tentorial primary head vein which runs caudally from the medial side of the
sinus trigeminal ganglion, lateral to the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
Pro-otic and otocyst, then medial to the vagus nerve, to become continuous
sinus with the precardinal vein. A lateral anastomosis subsequently brings
it lateral to the vagus nerve. The cranial part of the precardinal vein
Vertebral vein
Superior forms the internal jugular vein; its caudal moiety has already been
ophthalmic Remnants of primordial described on page 324.
vein head sinus The primary capillary plexus of the head becomes separated into
three fairly distinct strata by the differentiation of the skull and
Facial vein meninges. The superficial vessels, draining the integument and under-
lying soft parts, eventually discharge in large part into the external
Internal jugular vein jugular system. They retain some connections with the deeper veins
through so-called emissary veins. Deep to this is the venous plexus
Supraorbital vein Facial vein Retro- Common Postcardinal vein of the dura mater, from which the dural venous sinuses differentiate.
mandi- cardinal vein This plexus converges on each side into anterior, middle and posterior
bular vein dural stems. The anterior stem drains the prosencephalon and mes-
encephalon entering the primary head vein rostral to the trigeminal
3.190 Diagrams illustrating successive stages in the development of the
ganglion. The middle stem drains the metencephalon and empties
veins of the head and neck at approximately 8 mm (a) and at approximately
24mm CR length (8). into the primary head vein caudal to the trigeminal ganglion, while
the posterior stem drains the myelencephalon into the commencement
of the precardinal vein (3.98, 8). The deepest capillary stratum is
the pial plexus from which the veins of the brain differentiate; it
drains at the dorsolateral aspect of the neural tube into the adjacent
which lies dorsal to the plane of the prerenal (cranial) segment. Thus dural venous plexus. In addition the primary head vein also receives,
the right phrenic, suprarenal and renal arteries, which represent at its cranial end, the primitive maxillary vein, draining the maxillary
persistent mesonephric arteries, pass behind the inferior vena cava, prominence and region of the optic vesicle.
while the testicular or ovarian, which has a similar development The vessels of the dural plexus undergo profound changes, largely
origin, passes anterior to it. accommodating the growth of the cartilaginous otic capsule of the
In some animals the right postcardinal vein constitutes a large membranous labyrinth and expansion of the cerebral hemispheres.
part of the postrenal segment of the inferior vena cava. In these With growth of the otic capsule the primary head vein is gradually
cases the right ureter, on leaving the kidney, passes medially dorsal reduced and a new channel joining anterior, middle and posterior
to the vessel and then, curving round its medial side, crosses its dural stems appears dorsal to the cranial nerve ganglia and the
ventral aspect. Rarely, a similar condition is found in the human capsule (Butler 1967). Where this new vessel joins the middle and
subject, and indicates the persistence of the right postcardinal vein posterior stems, together with the posterior dural stem itself, is
and failure of the right supracardinal to play its normal part in the formed the adult sigmoid sinus (3.1908).
development of the vessel. Between the growing cerebral hemispheres and along the dorsal
The ultimate arrangement of some of the embryonic abdominal margins of the anterior and middle plexuses there forms a curtain
and thoracic longitudinal cardinal veins may be summarized: of capillary veins, the sagittal plexus, in the position of the future
falx cerebri. Rostrodorsally this plexus forms the superior sagittal
e The terminal part of the left postcardinal vein forms the distal sinus and is continuous behind with the anastomosis between the
part of the left superior intercostal vein; on the right side its cranial anterior and middle dural stems, which forms most of the transverse
end persists as the terminal part of the vena azygos. sinus. Ventrally the sagittal plexus differentiates into the inferior
e The caudal part of the subcardinal vein is in part incorporated in sagittal and straight sinuses and the great cerebral vein, and drains,
the testicular or ovarian vein (McClure & Butler 1925) and more commonly, into the left transverse sinus. (For right/left vari-
partly disappears. The cranial end of the right subcardinal vein is ations in the terminations of sagittal and straight sinuses, and
326 incorporated into the inferior vena cava and also forms the occurrence of a confluence, see p. 1583.)

The vessels along the ventrolateral edge of the developing cerebral vein from the tissues of the neck and anastomoses secondarily with
hemisphere form the transitory tentorial sinus, which drains the the anterior facial vein. At this stage the cephalic vein forms a venous
convex surface of the cerebral hemisphere and basal ganglia, and ring around the clavicle from which it is connected with the caudal
the ventral aspect of the diencephalon, to the transverse sinus. part of the precardinal. The deep segment of the venous ring forms
With expansions of the cerebral hemispheres, and in particular the the subclavian vein and receives the definitive external jugular vein.
emergence of the temporal lobe, the tentorial sinus becomes elon- The superficial segment of the venous ring dwindles, but may persist
gated, attenuated and eventually disappears, and its territory is in adult life (Padget 1957).
drained by enlarging anastomoses of pial vessels which become the
basal veins, radicles of the great cerebral vein. Veins of the limbs
The anterior dural stem disappears and the caudal part of the At the tip of the early limb bud, blood in the terminal capillary
primary head vein dwindles; it is represented in the adult by the plexus returns to the body via a marginal vein that develops along
inferior petrosal sinus. The cranial part of the primary head vein, the pre- and postaxial borders of the limb. The marginal vein is
medial to the trigeminal ganglion, persists and still receives the stem separated from the overlying ectoderm by an avascular zone of
of the primitive maxillary vein. The latter has now lost most of its mesenchyme (p. 319). As the limb enlarges the marginal vein can be
tributaries to the anterior facial vein, its stem becoming the main subdivided into pre- and postaxial veins running along their respective
trunk of the primitive supra-orbital vein, which will form the superior borders. These latter vessels are the precursors of the superficial
ophthalmic vein of the adult. Thus, the main venous drainage of the veins of the limb. Generally the preaxial (superficial) veins join to
orbit and its contents is now carried via the augmented middle dural deep veins at the proximal joint, and the postaxial (superficial) veins
stem, the pro-otic sinus, into the transverse sinus and at a later stage join to deep veins at the distal joint of the limb. Deep veins develop
into the cavernous sinus. The cavernous sinus is formed from a in situ alongside the arteries.
secondary plexus, derived from the primary head vein and lying In the upper limb the preaxial vein becomes the cephalic vein; it
between the otic and basi-occipital cartilages. This forms the inferior drains at the shoulder into the axillary vein. The postaxial vein
petrosal sinus and drains through the primordial hindbrain channel becomes the basilic vein, which passes deep in the arm to continue
into the internal jugular vein. The superior petrosal sinus arises later as the axillary vein.
from a ventral metencephalic tributary of the pro-otic sinus; it In the lower limb the preaxial vein becomes the great saphenous
communicates secondarily with the cavernous sinus (Butler 1957, vein and drains at the saphenous opening into the femoral vein. The
1967). The pro-otic sinus meanwhile has developed a new and more postaxial vein becomes the short saphenous vein; this passes deep to
caudally situated stem draining into the sigmoid sinus; this new stem join the popliteal vein.
is the petrosquamosal sinus (p. 1584) and the pro-otic sinus becomes,
with progressive ossification of the skull, diploic in position. The
development of the venous drainage and portal system of the LYMPHATIC AND LYMPHOID SYSTEM
hypophysis cerebri is closely associated with that of the venous
sinuses (Wislocki 1937; Niemineva 1950, see also p. 1883). Two different views are current as to the initial stages in the
Cerebral veins. These can be identified from 16 weeks onwards; development of the lymphatic system (Rusznyak et al 1960). Accord-
the superior, middle, inferior, anterior and posterior cerebral veins are ing to the first view (Huntington 1908; McClure & Butler 1925)
developed and appear more tortuous than the meningeal arteries. lymphatic spaces commence as clefts in the mesenchyme, and their
Veins draining the cortex, white matter and deeper structures are lining cells take on the characteristics of endothelium (Kampmeier
recognized in the midtrimester. Subcortical veins drain the deep white 1969). These spaces form capillary plexuses from which certain /ymph
matter, deep cortical and subcortical superficial tissue; they terminate sacs, to be noted later, are derived. The connections of the lymphatic
together, with cortical veins which drain the cortex, in the meningeal and venous systems are regarded as entirely secondary. In contrast,
veins. The deep white matter and central nuclei are drained by longer however, according to Sabin (1912), the earliest lymph vessels arise
veins, which meet and join subependymal veins from the ventricular as capillary offshoots from the endothelium of the veins, as capillary
zone. Anastomoses between various groups of cortical veins can be plexuses. These plexuses lose their connections with the venous
recognized by 16 weeks gestation. The inferior anastomotic vein (of system and become confluent to form lymph sacs. The balance of
Labbe), an anastomosis between the middle cerebral and inferior the evidence suggests that all but the earliest lymphatic channels
cerebral veins, becomes recognizable at 20 weeks but the superior originate independently of the venous system and only acquire
anastomotic vein (of Trolard), connecting the superior and middle connections with it at a later stage (Kampmeier 1969).
cerebral veins, appears not earlier than the end of 30 weeks. In the human embryo the lymph sacs from which the lymph
Rapid cortical development is correlated with the regression of vessels are derived are six in number: two paired (the jugular and
the middle cerebral vein and its tributaries and development of the posterior lymph sacs) and two unpaired (the retroperitoneal
ascending and descending cortical veins and intraparenchymal and the cisterna chyli). In lower mammals an additional pair (the
(medullary) arteries and veins. subclavian) is present, but in the human embryo these are merely
Cerebral venous drainage in a full-term baby is essentially com- extensions of the jugular sacs.
posed of two principal venous arrays, the superficial veins and the The position of the sacs is as follows (3.191):
deep Galenic venous system with anastomoses between these two
systems persisting into adult life (Wigglesworth & Pape 1978). e the jugular, the first to appear, at the junction of the subclavian
Venous drainage of the face, scalp and neck. This becomes vein with the precardinal, with later prolongations along the
established after the development of the skull. The first identifiable internal and external jugular veins
vessel is the ventral pharyngeal vein, draining the massive mandibular e the posterior encircling the left common iliac vein
and hyoid arches into the common cardinal vein. With the elongation e the retroperitoneal, in the root of the mesentery near the suprarenal
of the neck its termination is transferred to the cranial part of the glands
precardinal vein which later becomes the internal jugular. The ventral e the cisterna chyli, opposite the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae.
pharyngeal vein, receiving tributaries from the face and tongue, From the lymph sacs the lymph vessels bud out along lines
becomes the linguofacial vein. With development of the face the corresponding more or less closely with the course of embryonic
primitive maxillary vein extends its drainage into the territories of blood vessels, most commonly veins, but many arise de novo in the
supply of the ophthalmic and mandibular division of the fifth nerve, mesenchyme and establish connections with existing vessels. In the
including the pterygoid and temporal muscles, and over the lower body wall and that of the intestine the deeper plexuses are the first
jaw it anastomoses with the linguofacial vein. This anastomosis to be developed; by continued growth of these, the vessels in the
becomes the facial vein; it receives a strong retromandibular vein from superficial layers are gradually formed.
the temporal region, and drains through the linguofacial vein into The thoracic duct is, phylogenetically, a bilateral structure. In
the internal jugular. The stem of the linguofacial vein is now the man it comprises the caudal part of the right vessel, a transverse
lower part of the facial vein, whilst the dwindling connection of the anastomosis and the cranial part of the left vessel. According to the
facial with the primitive maxillary becomes the deep facial vein. The second view cited above, it is formed from anastomosing outgrowths
external jugular vein is developed from a tributary of the cephalic from the jugular sacs and cisterna chyli. At its connection with the 327

Left brachiocephalic vein lymphatic system. Experimental studies have shown that loading of
the vascular system with fluid increases the thoracic lymph duct flow
Internal jugular vein
External jugular vein in fetal sheep, suggesting that the rate of flow is an important safety
Jugular lymph sac factor against fetal oedema (Brace 1993).
Right brachiocephalic vein Haemal lymph nodes are said to develop as mesenchymal con-
densations in close relation to blood vessels rather than lymphatics
5 ‘Left common cardinal vein (Meyer 1917; Turner 1969a-—d).
Superior vena cava

Left postcardinal vein Spleen

The spleen (3.76, 78D, 79) appears about the sixth week as a localized
thickening of the coelomic epithelium of the dorsal mesogastrium
_ Prerenal part of near its cranial end, and the proliferating cells invade the underlying
inferior vena cava ‘Left suprarenal vein angiogenetic mesenchyme, which becomes condensed and _vas-
‘Left renal vein cularized. The process occurs simultaneously in several adjoining
Retroperitoneal areas which soon fuse to form a lobulated spleen of dual origin
Postrenal part of lymph sac from coelomic epithelium and from mesenchyme of the dorsal
inferior vena cava
mesogastrium. With enlargement, the spleen projects to the left so
that its surfaces are covered by the peritoneum of the mesogastrium
Cisterna chyli
Left common iliac vein
on its left aspect, thus forming a boundary of the general extrabursal
Posterior lymph sac External iliac vein
(greater) sac. When fusion occurs between the dorsal wall of the
Internal iliac vein bursa omentalis and the dorsal parietal peritoneum, fusion does not
extend to the left as far as the spleen (8.78p, 79), which remains
3.191 Scheme showing the relative positions of the primary lymph sacs. connected to the dorsal abdominal wall (left kidney and suprarenal)
(After F R Sabin.) by a short lienorenal ligament, while its original connection with
the stomach persists as the gastrosplenic ligament. The lienorenal
ligament contains the tail of the pancreas. The earlier lobulated
character of the spleen disappears, but is indicated by the presence
cisterna it is at first double, but the vessels soon join. Numerous of notches on its upper border in the adult.
valves are laid down in the duct during the fifth month, but many The histogenesis of the spleen has attracted relatively little atten-
of them disappear prior to birth. Those which persist are formed in tion. For earlier accounts consult references (Sabin 1912; Thiel &
situations where the duct may be subjected to pressure, for example Downey 1921; Lewis 1956; von Herrath 1958; Bloom & Fawcett
where it is crossed by the oesophagus and the aortic arch. 1975). The vascular reticulum is well developed at 8 to 9 weeks, with
All the lymph sacs except the cisterna chyli (see p. 1609) are, at a immature reticulocytes and numerous closely spaced thin-walled
later stage, divided by a number of slender connective tissue bridges. vascular loops. Differentiation of blood cells, macrophages, and of
Subsequently they are invaded by lymphocytes and transformed into arteries, veins, capillaries and sinusoids has occurred by the eleventh
groups of lymph nodes, the lymph sinuses representing portions of to twelfth week. The capsule consists at first of cuboidal cells bearing
the original cavity of the sac. The caudal part of the cisterna chyli cilia and microvilla (Weiss 1957).
is similarly converted, but its rostral part sometimes persists as a The spleen is subject to various anomalies, including complete
definitive cisterna; in many cases the cisterna chyli is plexiform agenesis, multiple spleens or polysplenia, isolated small additional
(p. 1610). The siting of the major groups of lymph nodes follows a spleniculi and persistent lobulation. Attention has been directed to
similar basic pattern amongst the mammals (Spira 1962). association of cardiac, pulmonary and other abnormalities with
Despite the wide array of labelling techniques for histology, there asplenia or polysplenia (Rose et al 1975).
is a paucity of recent anatomical studies on the development of the For development of the thymus see page 176.


The absolute size of neither embryo nor fetus affords a reliable the latter source of inaccuracy may be expected to become less
indication of either its true age or stage of structural organization, important.
even though graphs based on large numbers of observations have To overcome these difficulties early embryos have been graded or
been constructed to provide averages. All such data suffer from the classified, on the basis of both internal and external features, into
difficulty of equating dimensions and degree of differentiation with developmental stages or ‘horizons’ (3.192). Classic contributions in
the actual time of conception, which can rarely, if ever, be established this field have been made by Lillie (1917), Streeter (1942, 1945, 1948,
with complete exactness. The life of the individual really commences 1949), Hamilton (1944), Hertig et al (1956), Heuser & Corner (1957),
with fertilization, but the date of this cannot be exactly determined and O’Rahilly and others between the years 1963 and 1987. Although
in mankind. It has long been customary to compute the age, whether it has become customary to describe these developmental levels as
in a normal birth or an abortion, from the first day of the last stages, the earlier descriptions are still accepted. However, Stages |
menstrual period of the mother but, since ovulation usually occurs to 9, covering the first three weeks of development, have been given
near the fourteenth day of a period, this ‘menstrual age’ is about a more reliable basis by O’Rahilly (1973), who has also gathered
two weeks too much (see p.92). Where a single coitus can be held together the pertinent literature. Details on stages 1-23 are provided
to be responsible for conception, a ‘coital age’ can be established by O’Rahilly and Muller (1987), who describe developmental time
and the ‘fertilization age’ cannot be much less than this, because of in terms of postovulatory days. In each case the range is +1 day
the limited viability of both gametes; but it is usually held that the for stages 1-14; thereafter, the ages are greater than initially described
difference may be several days—a highly significant interval in the by Streeter. Readers should consult the charts on pp.45 and 50.
earlier stages of embryonic development. Even if the time of ovulation Stages 1 to 3. These occupy the first 4—5 days after fertilization
and coitus were known in instances of spontaneous abortion, not of the odcyte in the ampulla of the uterine tube. The initial 24 hours
only would some uncertainty still persist with regard to the time (Stage 1) are occupied by fertilization, the dominant feature of which
of fertilization but there would also remain an_ indefinable is the fusion of the male and female pronuclei. This is followed by
period between the cessation of development and the actual recovery the first mitotic division, which is the onset of segmentation, or
328 of the conceptus. With the legalization of abortion in some countries cleavage, and is arbitrarily regarded as the transition from Stage 1

to Stage 2. Stage 2 is characterized by the continuation of cleavage, dorsolateral (alar) and ventrolateral (basal) laminae are differ-
starting with two blastomeres and ending with about 12. During this entiating, and the emerging corpus striatum, thalamus epithalamus
stage the developing morula moves along the uterine tube, by and hypothalamus are loci of proliferating cells. The cranial and
mechanisms still not wholly understood, a journey occupying about spinal nerves are developing, together with their ganglia, from the
four days. During the fourth day a segmentation cavity appears associated placodes and neural crest elements. The limb buds are
within the morula and this is taken as initiating Stage 3, which thus elongating, displaying joint flexures; the rudimentary hands and feet
corresponds to the establishment of a free blastocyst. are differentiating. The olfactory placodes, maxillary, mandibular
Although comparatively few human embryos representing Stages and frontonasal prominences, tongue primordia and the hypophyseal
1 to 3 have been recovered (see p. 136 and consult O’Rahilly 1973), pouch (of Rathke) are all appearing. The tubotympanic recesses are
a considerable degree of agreement exists and, moreover, current defined and the primordia of the thymus and parathyroid glands
observations of in vitro fertilization between human spermatozoa can be identified. In the developing heart the septum primum appears
and ova (3.192a-H) support the earlier descriptions. and its cornua define the foramen primum. The mesonephric ducts
Stages 4 to 6. These are concerned with the endometrial attach- reach the cloaca and subsequently the metanephric (ureteric) buds
ment of the blastocyst, trophoblastic development, implantation, appear and extend to the metanephrogenic masses of mesoderm in
further development of the blastocyst and the appearance of the the sacral nephrogenic cord. The gonadal ridges, urorectal septum
primitive streak (3.30, 35, 36, 38, 39). Stage 4 corresponds to the fifth and genital tubercle are also developing.
and sixth postfertilization days. The blastocyst, now in the uterine Stages 16 to 20. Roughly equivalent to the sixth and seventh
cavity, loses its zona pellucida and it begins the rapid but complex weeks, (37, 41, 44, 47-48, 50-51 days), by the end of these stages
activities of orientation in respect of the endometrium, adhesion, the embryo has a length of about 13-15mm. Its curvature has
penetration and the cellular proliferation of trophoblastic growth. further increased and its head and relatively long tail are in contact
This establishment of dependence on the maternal circulation for with the developing umbilical stump. The pontine flexure, cerebral
nutritional requirements is far more rapid in primates than in other hemispheres and cerebellum are developing. The upper limbs and
mammals. Stage 5 is reached when implantation has occurred, the facial region are growing and differentiating rapidly; the palatal
occupying the seventh to twelfth days; syncytiotrophoblastic and processes and primitive nasal prominences are apparent and the
cytotrophoblastic strata have differentiated, the proamniotic cavity oronasal membrane ruptures. The liver produces a surface pro-
has appeared and a labyrinthine system of intercommunicating minence between the cardiac region and the umbilical cord. Into the
trophoblastic lacunae, through which the maternal blood ebbs and latter the midgut loop herniates and the appendix and caecum become
flows, has developed. A little later in Stage 5 the exocoelomic distinguishable in it. The spleen develops, as do the paramesonephric
membrane has been identified. In Stage 6 chorionic villous stems (Mullerian) ducts. The foramen primum in the heart closes, with
become defined and begin to develop side branches almost at once, simultaneous opening of the foramen secundum and septation of
producing an increasingly complex intervillous space. A little later the bulbus cordis. Cardiac muscle is differentiating. Haemopoiesis
the primitive streak becomes apparent and differentiation of the commences in the liver. Chondrification of many skeletal elements
embryonic area has commenced and may now be distinguished from begins and ossification commences in mesenchymatous bones, the
the various extraembryonic tissues. mandible and clavicles.
Because of the complexity of the events in Stages 5 and 6, both Stages 21 to 23. Completing the series (52, 54, 56-67 days), these
have been subdivided by some authorities. A much greater number stages represent the major part of the eighth week when the formative
of human embryos have been recovered which represent Stages 4 to or embryonic period is regarded as coming to an end (3.192). During
6. these stages there is a remarkable change in the external appearance
Stages 7 to 9. Characterized by basic embryogenic changes, of the embryo, for at the beginning of this period the individual still
during Stage 7 (approximately sixteenth postovulatory day) the primi- appears markedly ‘embryonic’, though clearly a primate, whereas at
tive streak develops further and the notochordal (‘head’) process the end the form is most definitely human. The head is less flexed
appears, together with the other mesenchymal strata. The chorion and the neck longer and clearly defined. The development of the
and amnion continue to develop, villous stems being generally face proceeds much further, with completion of the upper lip and
distributed over the former but more pronounced at the embryonic nostrils, although the latter are plugged and the palate still incom-
pole. Haemopoetic foci appear in the wall of the definitive yolk sac, plete. Enamel organs are developed from the dental laminae. The
and the cloacal membrane and allanto-enteric diverticulum are external ears and the eyelids are developing and the limbs elongate
defined. Associated with the latter primordial germ cells have been considerably, approaching much nearer their ultimate proportions
noted. In Stage 8 (seventeenth to nineteenth day) the prechordal plate, and displaying well-formed hands and feet with separated digits.
primitive pit, neural groove and notochordal and neurenteric canals Early in this period the interventricular septum is completed. Skeletal
are all definable. By Stage 9 (nineteenth to twenty-first day) the neural and visceral muscle tissues begin to differentiate about this time, and
groove is deepening and the first somites begin to appear about generalized ossification occurs in enchondral bones. The onset of
midway along it. The cranial half of the groove, representing develop- marrow formation in the humerus occurs at stage 23. This was
ing brain, begins to develop a cephalic flexure, optic primordia adopted by Streeter (1949) as the conclusion of the embryonic and
become visible and early head and tail folds have appeared, as the beginning of the fetal period of prenatal life. Other systemic
Stage 10 is approached. The foregut is becoming defined, and early developments reached by this stage include vesicles in the meta-
pharyngeal pouches may be identified. The embryo is now 1.5— nephrogenic mass; the remainder of the nephrons and the collecting
2.0mm in length. tubules of the kidneys are defined. The ovaries or testes are dis-
Stages 10 to 12. Occupying days 21-23, 23-25, 25-27 respectively, tinguishable and the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts are fusing
these stages feature continued formation of somites and, during this, to form the primordia of uterus and vagina. The external genitalia
the fourth week, head and tail folds are completed, the neural groove are further advanced and show sexual differentiation by the beginning
closes and primary cerebral vesicles appear. The cervical flexure can of the eighth week. The cloacal membrane becomes perforate and
now be recognized, the optic vesicles form and the lental and otic the tail is retrogressing. By the end of the period the embryo possesses
placodes appear and become vesicular. The pharyngeal arches are almost all the structural features, internal and external, characteristic
appearing, lateral folds are more clearly defined and the cloacal of the human mammal and it now passes into the fetal period. The
membrane and hindgut are becoming distinct. Rudimentary limb embryonic period, during which patterned differentiation occurs with
buds appear and the heart tubes fuse into a common loop in which consequent organogenesis, tends to overshadow the growth which
contractile activity commences. The primordia of the thyroid gland, accompanies these events. Very considerable increase in size has,
lungs, liver, pancreas and mesonephric tubules are all identifiable. however, occurred; from a single cell about 0.14mm in diameter the
The embryo is about 4.0mm in length. embryo has become a most complex and functioning creature,
Stages 13 to 15. Corresponding approximately to the fifth week consisting of millions of cells and with a length of about 30mm or
of development (28, 32 and 33 days), at these stages the embryo more, and it has increased in weight many thousands of times.
grows from about 4mm to 8mm. It becomes markedly curved and During the fetal period, which occupies the third to tenth lunar
its junction with the yolk sac relatively constricted. The cervical months (3.193, 194), the accent is upon growth rather than differ-
flexure is increased and the mesencephalic flexure is appearing. The entiation but, of course, the latter continues throughout this period 329

Otic placode
Third pharyngeal arch Second pharyngeal (hyoid) arch prominence

Mandibular prominence of
first pharyngeal arch
body segment) Lens placode

Pericardial swelling Forebrain prominence


Tail c Imm Mesonephric

: Imm

Actual size € 3°4mm

Hillocks forming auricle Midbrain


Cervical flexure

First branchial groove
acoustic meatus

Optic cup

Upper arm Forebrain

3.192 Series showing the development of the principal external features assist comparison a 1 mm scale is included in each case; the small silhouette
of embryos ranging from 3.4 to 30.7mm CR length (3.5-9.5 weeks). To is actual size.

and to a lesser degree after birth (and in some tissues, throughout Nails appear on the digits and the upper limbs in general are
life). During this period the overall rate of growth in length is greater comparatively accelerated in development. The umbilical protrusion
but not markedly so; from the fourth to sixth weeks the rate is about of the gut is reduced—accompanying a proportionate augmentation
Imm per day, with a maximum of about 2mm during the fourth of abdominal volume.
month. The increase in length in the fetal period is from 30/40 to Fourth and fifth months. The covering of primary hair—the
about 500mm, and the increase in weight from perhaps 2 or 3g to lanugo (see p.405) appears during this month; the head and upper
more than 3000 g. limbs are still disproportionately large and, although the trunk and
Third month. During this month head flexion decreases further lower limbs begin to catch up by increased rates of growth during
and the neck becomes proportionately longer. The eyelids meet and the rest of uterine life, the same disproportion is present after birth
330 fuse and will remain temporarily united until the sixth lunar month. and to a diminishing degree throughout childhood and on into the

Epipericardial ridge Maxillary prominence Pontine flexure

Cervical sinus

Olfactory pit

Limb buds

Note change
in positioning
of limb segments,
maturing face
and head profile,
with appearance
of neck

I1 mm

years of puberty. By the end of the fourth month the eyes have Sixth month. This month witnesses a further general change of
moved even further into an anteriorly directed position, but are still bodily proportions and facial appearance towards those of the
relatively wide apart. The external ear is approaching its charac- infant at birth. The lanugo darkens and the skin becomes markedly
teristic form and is nearer its ultimate position, at the side of the wrinkled, presumably through a disparity in the growth rates of
head and no longer in the upper part of the neck. The total fetal cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues. The eyelids and eyebrows are
length, including the lower limb, is now of the order of 230mm. Its now well developed. The vernix caseosa is more abundant. The
weight at the end of the fifth month is about 300g, which will be length of the fetus is about 300mm by the end of this month.
increased more than tenfold during the second half of intrauterine Seventh month. During this month the hair of the scalp is
life. Towards the end of this period sebaceous glands become active, lengthening and the eyebrow hairs and the eyelashes are well-
and the sebum secreted blends with desquamated epidermal cells to developed. The eyelids themselves separate and the pupillary mem-
form a cheesy covering to the skin, the vernix caseosa, usually brane disappears. The body becomes more plump and rounded in
considered to protect the former from maceration by the amniotic contour and the skin loses its wrinkled appearance due to increased
fluid. During this month the mother becomes conscious of fetal deposition of subcutaneous fat. Towards the end of this month the
movement—so-called ‘quickening’. fetus is viable, without the technological assistance found in ‘special 331


Fifth lunar month

Third lunar month

3.193 The progressive changes in fetal size and proportions during the
third, fourth and fifth months.

baby units’, and may be successfully raised if born prematurely. Its

length has increased to about 350mm and it weighs about 1.5kg.
Remaining lunar months. Throughout the remaining lunar
months of normal gestation the covering of vernix caseosa is promi-
nent. There is a progressive loss of lanugo, except for the hairs on
the eyelids, eyebrows and scalp. The bodily shape is becoming more
infantile, but despite some acceleration in its growth the leg has not
quite equalled the arm in length proportionately even at the time of
birth. The thorax broadens relative to the head, and the infra-
umbilical abdominal wall shows arelative areal increase, so that the
umbilicus gradually becomes more centrally situated. Average lengths
and weights for the eighth, ninth and tenth months are 40, 45 and
50cm and 2, 2.5 and 3-3.5kg.
Tenth lunar month. At the end of this month, just before birth,
the lanugo has almost disappeared, the umbilicus is central and the
testes, which begin to descend with the vaginal process of peritoneum
during the seventh month and are approaching the scrotum in the
ninth month, are usually scrotal in position. The ovaries are not yet
in their final position at birth; although they have attained their final
relationship to the uterine folds, they are still above the level of the
pelvic brim.
The length of the period of gestation is regarded as nine calendar LUNAR MONTHS
months in obstetric practice—approximately 270 days. It is usually 3.194 Changes in relative size and bodily proportions at the fetal ages
332 about 266 days—10 lunar months less 14 days (see p. 344). indicated.


INTRODUCTION genital cataract is associated with the infection of pregnant mothers

by rubella revived interest in environmental factors.
Infants have always been born with defects or anomalies. In early
societies those surviving the neonatal period with developmental Teratogenic causes
defects were often considered ‘monsters’; they were viewed as throw- The expansion of experimental embryology has revealed a wide array
backs to undeveloped or underdeveloped types of humans, or thought of environmental agents capable of affecting normal development,
to be a punishment to the mother or family. Records of human including temperature variations, mechanical insult, variation in
congenital malformations, in cave-paintings, sculptures and ulti- substances such as lithium and magnesium in culture media, exposure
mately in writings, extend backwards into prehistory showing talipes, to irradiation, hypoxia, hypo- and hypervitaminosis, hormonal effects
achondroplasia and conjoined twins, portrayed together with cen- (especially with oestrogens and androgens), nutritional defects and
taurs, sirens, mermaids and other fanciful creatures (Barrow 1971). exposure to various drugs and other chemicals. The identification of
The Hippocratic School identified hydrocephalus. human teratogens may be said to have commenced with Gregg’s
It was not until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that demonstration of the effects of rubella virus. Other viral and bacterial
Harvey, Wolff, von Haller, the Hunters and their contemporaries, maternal infections have since been implicated, especially cyto-
stimulated by the growing knowledge of embryology, initiated the megalovirus and toxoplasmosis (see Table 3.2). But with the mul-
theory of embryonic arrest to explain malformations. Saint-Hilaire tiplication of drugs, for such purposes as abortion (aminopterin)
experimented on developing chick embryos in the early nineteenth and sedation (thalidomide), some of which have proved tragically
century, and with this approach the study of teratology (the origins teratogenic, teratological research has been much concentrated upon
and production of monsters) was consolidated as a science. drugs.
A commonly held belief that the experiences of the pregnant A very large number of cytotoxic agents are now known, and
mother, usually visual, could influence her unborn offspring in an many have been used as experimental teratogens, mostly on rodents.
adverse manner is scarcely dead even today. However, that factors Some act as antimetabolites, amino-acid antagonists, antipurines or
in the maternal environment may influence the embryo has proved spindle toxins and most are highly selective in their effects, which
true, but in a different sense, for Watson, as long ago as 1749, are produced only by controlled dosage at specific periods during
suggested that fetal disease, contracted by a transplacental route, development. Wilson and Warkany (1965) formalized a methodology
might be a cause of congenital abnormality, citing variola as an for screening drugs for teratogenicity in animals. Connors (1975)
example. This theory slowly dwindled, and was almost extinguished emphasized the complex array of variable parameters which help to
a century later by the authority of Virchow and His, whose views determine whether an agent acts as a teratogen or not. These include
dominated teratological opinion through most of the second half of embryonic age, the amount, route and mode of administration
the nineteenth century. A contemporary, working in obscurity, was of the agent, placental and embryonic permeability, maternal or
Mendel; as his work became known and genetics flowered into the embryonic ability to inactivate the agent, the state of differentiation
twentieth century attention inevitably turned to the hereditary aspect of target cells and their ability to recover. Sullivan (1975) reviewed
of congenital defects (already foreshadowed by Paré and John the literature concerning teratogenic drugs taken by pregnant women,
Hunter, centuries earlier). In 1941 Gregg’s observation that con- classifying them on their sites of action, whether directly on the

Table 3.2 Malformations caused by viral and bacterial maternal infections (Young 1992)

Rubella Most affected if infection in first 6 weeks; very Congenital heart disease (especially patent ductus arteriosus),
low risk >16 weeks cataracts, microcephaly, mental handicap, sensorineural deafness,
retinopathy, later insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in 20%

Cytomegalovirus Third or fourth month Mental handicap or microcephaly occurs in 5-10% with congenital

Toxoplasmosis 12% risk at 6-17 weeks Mental handicap, microcephaly, chorioretinitis

60% risk at 17-28 weeks

Alcohol ? First trimester Mental handicap, microcephaly, congenital heart disease, renal
anomaly, growth retardation, cleft palate, characteristic facies

Phenytoin (hydantoin) First trimester; about 10% affected Hypoplasia of distal phalanges, short nose, broad flat nasal bridge,
ptosis, cleft lip and palate, mental handicap, later increased risk of
malignancy, particularly neuroblastoma

Thalidomide 34-50 days from last menstrual period Phocomelia, congenital heart disease, anal stenosis, atresia ofexternal
auditory meatus My

Warfarin Exposure at 6-9 weeks results in structural Hypoplastic nose, upper airway difficulties, optic atrophy, —
abnormalities in 30%; after 16 weeks mental epiphyses, short distal phalanges, mental handicap
handicap alone may be seen

Chloroquine Deafness, corneal opacities, chorioretinitis

Lithium Congenital heart disease

Sodium valproate Neural tube defect (1-2%), hypospadias, microstomia, small nose, long
thin fingers

embryo (thalidomide, tetracycline antibiotics), on embryonic endo- mosome 17 in 1967. So far 2316 genes have been mapped to their
crine balance (oestrogens and androgens), on the placenta or on respective chromosomes and 40% of the Mendelian traits have been
maternal tissues. These considerations are, of course, of intense identified (Connor & Ferguson-Smith 1993).
clinical importance, but their contribution to explanations of tera- The majority of congenital malformations seen in term neonates
togenic mechanisms is limited, except in so far as some drugs are have not yet been linked either to specific chromosome aberrations
known to be teratogenic at specific stages of development. or to single gene defects. This large group of malformations is
A chart of the known infectious and chemical teratogens is shown believed to be caused by a number of pairs of genes producing
in Table 3.2. additive effects which accrue until a threshold is passed; then mor-
phological anomalies, which cannot be corrected by catch-up growth,
Genetic causes result. Such malformations are termed multifactorial disorders. The
It has long been known that chromosomes and genes which regulate number of genes involved is not known nor the mechanisms by
developmental processes may themselves be defective. The ways in which they interact with each other or the environment. More than
which such defective chromosomes or genes may interact with other 20 discontinuous multifactorial traits have been described; some
normal chromosomes, with the normal environmental conditions cause congenital defects while others produce conditions seen com-
during development, or with abnormal environmental conditions, monly in adult life.
for example in infections or exposure to drugs, is not yet known. With the genetic and physical mapping reagents now becoming
Study of such mechanisms forms the basis of genetic approaches to available considerable advances have been and are being made in
developmental perturbations and congenital malformations. the identification and localization of disease-genes. An impetus for
Genetic conditioning of congenital abnormalities whether struc- this line of research was provided by The Human Genome Project
tural, metabolic or behavioural has been the subject of very wide- (formally started in 1990), an international research effort to analyse
spread research or observation. That alterations in the number of the structure of human DNA and to determine the location of the
chromosomes can cause malformations was demonstrated in the estimated complement of about 100000 human genes. So far about
1950s, firstly when Tjio and Levan (1956) established the number of 2.3% of this total has been mapped. The Human Genome Project
chromosomes in humans to be 46, and later in 1959 when Lejeune also includes the analysis of DNA from a set of non-human model
et al showed atripling (trisomy) of chromosome 21. species to provide comparative information about conserved gene
From 1970 techniques became available for studying chromosomal action and how the human genome functions. For a review of the
banding and thus smaller aberrations of chromosomal structure. By advances of the Human Genome Project see Guyer and Collins
1989 in excess of 600 abnormalities of chromosomal structure had (1993).
been described.
The first human anomaly to be identified as genetic was alk- Vulnerable periods of development
aptonuria (Garrod 1902), a rare condition in which patients have Information about the stage of gestation at which anomalies first
arthritis and urine which darkens on standing. It is now known appear has been obtained both by the correlation of malformations
to be a single gene defect causing deficiency of a single enzyme of particular organs and systems with the time at which those organs
(homogentisic acid). Five enzyme defects had been identified by 1959 and systems develop, and by the direct experimental perturbation of
and that number had reached 200 by 1992. Genes can now be development in animals to produce malformations similar to those
assigned to individual chromosomes. First those genes linked to the seen in human infants. The time at which major organs develop can
X chromosome were discovered. Later genes were mapped to the be indicated on a developmental scale (3.195). This allows exam-
autosomes commencing with the thymidine kinase gene to chro- ination of the state of development of each system at a given time.

3.195 Timetable of development. The development of individual systems organs at risk at any time of development followa vertical progression from
334 can be seen progressing from left to right. To identify the systems and top to bottom.

Although organogenesis is traditionally described for each system, pregnancy, defects seen at birth, defects in childhood and a range of
all systems develop at the same time, within a very short period of adult disorders. The production of an appropriate genome is the
the total gestation time. Thus, in 3.195, it can be seen that little first essential for an individual and later the satisfactory interaction
embryonic development occurs in the first two weeks (postovulatory) of a particular genome with its environment can be described as
of gestation, when extraembryonic structures develop. Organogenesis ‘health’. Thus examination of the statistics for congenital anomalies
occurs mainly between weeks 2 and 8, after which time tissue shows, in the main, the incidence of inappropriate genome production
differentiation, growth and maturation continue to 38 weeks (see and the consequences of aberrant genome expression surviving to
3.195). birth and childhood.
Teratogenic insults may be embryotoxic or cause disruption of At least 15% of all recognized pregnancies result in spontaneous
those systems undergoing major proliferative and morphological abortion before 12 weeks gestation, with 80% of spontaneously
change. The time of the insult will be reflected in the systems affected. aborted embryos having major disturbances of development, often
Genetic defects will affect earlier stages than teratogenic insults and as a result of a non-viable cytogenetic abnormality (Young 1992).
may similarly result in abortion, but may also produce specific defects Chromosomal abnormalities occur in approximately 40% of unselec-
of tissue differentiation and genotypes with multiple anomalies which ted spontaneous abortions (Hsu 1986); of these autosomal trisomy
survive until term. Late malformations may be caused by mechanical accounts for 52%, monosomy X 19%, triploidy 16%, and tetraploidy
effects. 6%. Of the fetuses spontaneously aborted in the second trimester of
pregnancy, up to 20 weeks gestation, 25% have morphological
Nomenclature malformations.
The identification of a developmental defect requires a description The perinatal period extends from 28 weeks gestation to 7 days
of the condition and an underlying knowledge of the development postnatally. Surveys indicate that approximately 25-30% of all peri-
of the system or systems involved. In an attempt to standardize the natal deaths are caused by lethal congenital malformations. Neonatal
descriptive terminology for birth defects, Spranger et al (1982) deaths, up to 28 days postnatally, have a similar incidence (Young
subdivided the all embracing title ‘birth defect’ into specific groups 1992).
and recommended appropriate descriptive terms and their usage. Deaths from congenital malformations extend beyond the perinatal
The following terms were suggested: and neonatal periods into childhood making a significant con-
tribution to childhood mortality. Population studies showed that in
e A field defect describes a collection of malformations affecting a
England and Wales in the period 1980-85, 27% of all deaths of
developmental field, i.e. parts of an embryo which respond as a
co-ordinated unit to a disturbance in development, or organs and infants under 1 year of age, 19% of all deaths of children aged 1-9
tissues developing from a common origin, for example the neural years and 7.5% of deaths of children aged 10-14 years were caused
by congenital malformations.
crest. The latter may cause widespread (polytopic) effects.
e A malformation is defined as a primary structural defect of an From these figures it is apparent that at least 25-30% of human
organ or part of an organ resulting from an inherent abnormality conceptions are malformed to some degree and that, generally, about
in development, for example isolated, non-syndromal facial clefting
2-3% of all babies have at least one major malformation apparent
or congenital heart disease. at birth. The true incidence would also include malformations pre-
e A deformation is a defect caused by an external mechanism senting later in life and would nearly double the value. Minor
affecting a normally formed organ or structure, for example talipes malformations of no medical or cosmetic significance are found in
secondary to oligohydramnios. about 10% of the general population (Young 1992). For a summary
e A disruption describes abnormal development as a result of external of the incidence of malformations see Table 3.3.
interference, which may be caused by: a teratogen—phenytoin It is beyond the scope of this text to give an in depth account of
causing distal limb hypoplasia; an infection—rubella causing cat- the thousands of defects now described. A selection of genome
aracts; trauma—amniotic bands causing amputation. defects referred to in other parts of the embryology section will be
e A dysplasia is defined as an abnormal organization of cells into a outlined. The interested reader is recommended to study the list of
tissue, for example osteogenesis imperfecta. Many dysplasias are some 385 diagnosable Mendelian disorders listed by Connor (1992).
genetic and carry high recurrence risks for siblings and/or offspring, Chromosomal defects
for example in skeletal defects like achondroplasia.
A sequence describes multiple anomalies resulting from a single The defective separation of chromosomes at meiosis can result in
factor; for example, Potter sequence—here chronic leakage of tripling of individual chromosomes, trisomy. Apart from chro-
amniotic fluid (or low urinary output)—leads to oligohydramnios mosome I, each type of autosomal trisomy has been seen. Trisomy
which in turn leads to fetal compression causing talipes, dislocation
of the hips, squashed facies and pulmonary hypoplasia.
e A syndrome is defined as a pattern of anomalies known to be
causally related which do not constitute a sequence or a polytopic Table 3.3 Overall incidence of malformations

field defect. A syndrome can be caused by a chromosome abnor-
mality, for example Down’s syndrome; a single gene defect, for
example Meckel syndrome; or an environmental agent, for example
m4 :i |
fetal alcohol syndrome.
e An association describes the non-random occurrence of multiple Major malformations
anomalies which fit none of the above definitions. Such associations
are often described as an acronym; for example the VATER Apparent at birth
association includes Vertebral, Anal, Tracheo-Esophageal and Apparent later
Renal anomalies.
Minor malformations 10
Congenital anomalies are also described as ‘major’ or ‘minor’. A
major defect is one which results in mortality or significant morbidity, Spontaneous miscarriages
whereas a minor defect would not affect normal life expectancy; an
example of the latter would be a supernumerary nipple. However, it First trimester
has been noted that the occurrence of an isolated minor malformation Second trimester
may indicate a more serious underlying problem, and that multiple
minor malformations may be the only external features of an Deaths in perinatal period
underlying syndrome (Young 1992). Deaths in first year of life
Incidence Deaths from 1 to 9 years
It may be stated with some veracity that defects of the genome
account for the vast majority of spontaneous abortions in early Deaths from 10 to 14 years 335

16 is especially frequent in conceptuses but rarely survives to late e Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Xp21.2)
gestation. Fetuses with a triploid or tetraploid chromosome comp- e Androgen insensitivity syndrome: testicular feminization, female
lement, in the main, abort before term. Sex chromosome trisomies phenotype, normal breast development, primary amenorrhoea,
rarely abort, whereas sex chromosome deletions (XO) often abort. blind vaginal pouch, intra-abdominal testes
Table 3.4 shows the main chromosomal anomalies. e Colour blindness: 3 Loci, blue (Ch7) and red and green (Xq28)
Unbalanced deletions or duplications. Chromosomal defects e Haemophilia: type A deficiency of factor VIII (Xq28); type B
are also seen in cases where a portion of one chromosome is deficiency of factor IX (Xq27).
translocated to another location. If the resulting conceptus receives
the full complement of chromosomes the condition is said to be a Multifactorial disorders
balanced translocation and no defect will result. If on the other hand Multifactorial disorders account for the vast majority of anomalies
the conceptus receives either a gain or loss of chromosomal material detected in the fetal and neonatal period. In some cases some of
the condition is said to be an unbalanced translocation and the the genes involved have been identified and correlated to specific
conceptus will either abort or develop multiple dysmorphic features. developmental events.
A number of conditions resulting from an unbalanced chromosomal DiGeorge’s syndrome has a microdeletion at 22q11 in 15-20% of
complement have been described; an example is the Prader-Willi patients. The condition demonstrates a failure of neural crest
syndrome caused by microdeletion at 15q11—13. Affected individuals migration particularly into pharyngeal arches 3 and 4. Clinical
have hypotonia and poor swallowing in the neonatal period; this features include absence (or near absence) of the thymus, para-
improves with age and overeating and obesity develop. The external thyroids and thyroid, hypoplasia of the.wall of the arteries derived
genitalia are hypoplastic. from the aortic arches, outflow track malformations, dysmorphic
faces, fish-like mouth, down-slanting palpebral fissures. The con-
Single gene defects dition can be induced experimentally in Hox a-c nul mice.
Single gene defects are inherited as autosomal dominant, autosomal Hirschsprung’s disease is inherited as a multifactorial trait. One in
recessive, X-linked dominant or X-linked recessive traits. A number 5000-8000 neonates is affected, more females than males. It results
of such gene defects are shown in Table 3.5 with the mode of from failure of the neural crest neurons to invade the gut wall leading
inheritance and the chromosomal location of the gene where this is to an aganglionic section (see p. 235).
known. Potter’s sequence ensues from the absence of the kidneys and
X-linked gene defects. Vitamin D resistant rickets is an example results in oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, low set ears,
of an X-linked dominant trait. Both males and females may be squashed facies, talipes, amnion nodosum.
affected. In some other X-linked dominant conditions the affected Wilm’s tumour is nephroblastoma, diagnosed for 50% of cases
males spontaneously abort. within the first 3 years. It may be associated with microdeletions at
X-linked recessive traits are more common; up to 368 have so far 11p13. Patients also have aniridia, genitourinary malformations and
been identified and include: mental and growth retardation. Wilm’s tumour is often seen in

| Table 3.4 The main chromosomal anomalies

Trisomy 13 (Patau’s syndrome). Incidence is 1 in 5000 live births with a XXX. Seen in 1 in 1000 females. Individuals appear clinically normal;
maternal age effect. 15-25% may have mild mental handicap.
Features include holoprosencephaly, sloping forehead, deafness, XX Males. 1 in 20000 males may haveadislocation of the testis
mental retardation, convulsions. Multiple eye anomalies determining gene, Yp11.2 to Xp. Diagnosis may follow the prenatal
(microphthalmia, colobomata), hyperteleorism, cleft lip, cleft palate, prediction of a female infant, or patients may complain of infertility. This
abnormal and low set ears. Clenched fists, rotation of thumbs, ‘rocker condition causes sterility, small testes and the endocrine feature of
bottom feet’, cardiac defects. 50% of those affected die within the first Klinefelter’s syndrome.
month and only 10% survive beyond the first year.
XXY (Klinefelter’s syndrome). Birth incidence is 1 in 100 males; it results
Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome). Incidence is 1 in 3000 live births. 95% from non-disjunction with 47% of cases having a maternal origin for the
of affected fetuses abort spontaneously. Preponderance of females at extra X chromosome and 53% a paternal origin. This condition is the
birth. single commonest cause of hypogonadism and infertility in men. Testes
Features include narrow biparietal diameter, occipital prominence, do not produce the adult levels of testosterone which leads to poorly
mental retardation, short palpebral fissures, small mouth, low set ears, developed secondary sexual characteristics and gynaecomastia.
overlapping fingers, ‘rocker bottom feet’ or prominent heels, short
sternum, cardiac defects. Birth weight is low and infants fail to thrive; XYY. Birth incidence is 1 in 1000 male births. The condition appears to
30% die within a month and only 10% survive beyond first year. be frequent in males in penal institutions for the mentally subnormal
(20 in 1000).
Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome). The overall incidence is 1 in 700 live
births, with a much greater incidence at conception of which 60% abort XO (Turner’s syndrome). The incidence is 1 in 5000 female births with
spontaneously and about 20% are stillborn. The incidence increases a much higher conception rate, 99% of which spontaneously abort.
with maternal age (1 in 300 for a 35-year-old mother, 1 in 22 for a 45- Monosomy X may arise from non-disjunction in either parent; in 80% of
year-old mother). Generally the mother contributes the extra cases the maternal X is present.
chromosome in 85% of cases and the father in 15% (Connor & Features include hypogonadism; ovaries are absent or contain fibrous
Ferguson-Smith 1993). streaks but no Graafian follicles (streak ovary); short stature, no
Features include mental retardation, short stature, stumpy limbs, adolescent growth spurt, primary amenorrhoea. The neck may be
brachycephalic skull. Typically the facies consists of open mouth, webbed with a triangular fold of skin extending on each side from the
protruding fissured tongue, short nose, epicanthic folds and oblique mastoid outward towards the acromion. The chest is wide with an
palpebral fissures. The eyes have Brushfield spots. Hands and feet are increased intermammary distance. The carrying angle may be
broad with short fingers and toes. A single transverse palmar crease is increased. There is hypoplasia of the nails.
often present (50%) and the little fingers are short and incurved (50%).
A wide gap may be present between the first and second toes. Unless
affected individuals suffer from serious cardiac malformations life
expectancy is little reduced. Trisomy 21 accounts for about one-quarter
of all moderate and severe mental handicap in children of school age.
Affected people rarely reproduce; presenile dementia commonly occurs
after 40 years of age.

Table 3.5 Inheritance of single gene defects (Connor & Ferguson-Smith 1993)

Osis terry itis

BHO ain eiBe A riba cent

Achondroplasia. Short limbs f-thalassaemia. Homozygotes Defect in B-globin gene cluster 11p
especially proximally have severe chronic anaemia due identified, but at least 91 different
to ineffective erythropoiesis point mutations produce the
Apert syndrome. Craniosynostosis of disorder
calvarial sutures and bony syndactyly
of digits Cystic fibrosis. Pancreatic Mutations in cystic fibrosis
insufficiency; chronic lung transmembrane conductance
Huntington’s chorea. Late onset Gene locus on 4p. Age disease secondary to recurrent regulator gene, 7q31
intellectual decline, seizures, dependent penetrance infection
myoclonus. CT scan shows caudate
and putamen atrophy Friedreich’s ataxia. Progressive Gene on 9q
ataxia, patients chairbound in
Marfan’s syndrome. Long limbs, lax Mutations in fibrillin 1 gene on second decade, death in third
joints, scoliosis. Lifespan 40-50 chromosome 15 decade
Sickle cell anaemia. Blood film Point mutation in amino-acid
Osteogenesis imperfecta. Brittle Defect in collagen production shows distorted erythrocytes. position 6 of 8 globin (E6V) which
bones, 4 types described due to genes on 7q & 17q Some persistent fetal results in substitution of valine for
Treacher Collins’ syndrome. Linkage to chromosome 5q haemoglobin glutamic acid
Mandibulofacial dysostosis demonstrated Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Gene conversion or unequal
Waardenburg’s syndrome. White Locus on 2q Virilization of female, ambiguous crossing over of active cytochrome
forelock, heterochromia iridis, genitalia. Neonatal vomiting, P450 genes, involved in steroid 21-
deafness and telecanthus shock and death hydroxylation, on Ch6
Mucopolysaccharidoses: Hurler’s Deficiencies of specific enzymes
syndrome; Sanfilippo’ syndrome;
Morquio’s disease; (Hunter’s
syndrome—xX-linked recessive)
Phenylketonuria. Elevated blood Mutations in phenylalanine
and urine phenylalanine hydroxylase

patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome where a paternal least one set of twins, compared to those who had no twins, showed
deletion has been found at 11p15. Clinical features include mac- that FSH and oestradiol levels were both elevated in twin-bearing
roglossia, anterior abdominal wall defects, high birth weight and mothers (Martin et al 1984). Benirschke (1992) suggests that a gene
hemihypertrophy. may be responsible for higher FSH levels and thus be the cause of
Other congenital anomalies of the various body systems are familial twinning. He notes that it is not yet clear whether the effect
considered to be of multifactorial origin; they are considered within of increased FSH production seen in twin-bearing mothers is the
the development of each system. result of a greater number of pituitary cells, more GNRH production
or greater sensitivity of ovarian follicles.
Mechanical effects
A number of congenital malformations are caused by mechanical Monozygotic twinning
effects, particularly the reduction of amniotic fluid and formation of Monozygotic twins arise from a single ovum fertilized by a single
amniotic bands. Oligohydramnios will cause pulmonary hypoplasia sperm. At some stage up to the establishment of the axis of the
and positional defects such as talipes. Other types of deformation embryonic area and the development of the primitive streak the
include congenital dislocation of the hip, congenital postural scoli- formative material separates into two parts, each of which gives rise
osis, pterygia and mandibular asymmetry. The development of amni- to a complete embryo. The resultant twins have the same genotype,
otic bands, strands of amnion produced by premature amniotic but the description ‘identical twins’ is best avoided as most mono-
rupture, can cause limb amputations and, by adherence of such zygotic twins have differences in phenotypes.
bands to other parts of the fetus, a variety of other defects including Almost all studies on the incidence of monozygotic twinning
facial clefts. have shown that it occurs with the same frequency over ages
and populations (Benirschke 1992). No causative factor has been
identified. Although experimentally the separation of blastomeres in
TWINNING early gestation can result in two or more individual embryos, only
Twinning occurs once in about every 80 births. Twins may be in the nine-banded armadillo do such divisions occur regularly. In
dizygotic (binovular or fraternal) or monozygotic (uniovular or this species division of the early conceptus results in monozygotic
identical), of which the former occurs more frequently. quadruplets. Division of the later stages of conception may occur;
the process of hatching of the blastocyst from the zona pellucida
Dizygotic twinning may result in constriction of the emerging cells and separation into
Dizygotic twins result from multiple ovulations which can be induced two discrete entities. Interestingly, identical twinning occurs more
by gonadotrophins or drugs such as clomiphene (commonly used in frequently after human in vitro fertilization (9 sets of identical twins
patients with infertility). There is increasing evidence that the trigger amongst 600 IVF births; Edwards et al 1986). The most likely
for spontaneous multiple ovulations is higher follicle-stimulating explanation for this is damage to the zona pellucida, resulting in
hormone (FSH) levels in twin-bearing mothers. Studies on the abnormal hatching of the human embryo through the narrow arti-
Nigerian Yoruba tribe, which has a high incidence of dizygotic ficial gaps and subsequent inner cell mass splitting (Alikani et al
twinning, has shown elevated levels of FSH and luteinizing hormone 1994). There is a gradual decrease in the average thickness of the
(LH) compared to Caucasians, whereas in Japanese women, with a zona pellucida with increasing maternal age, which may be causally
very low twinning rate, the FSH and LH levels were significantly related to the increase in frequency of monozygotic twinning with
lower (Nylander 1973; Soma et al 1975). Studies of hormone levels increased maternal age (Bulmer 1970; Alikani et al 1994).
during the first four days of menstruation in women who had at It is thought that the ability of the early conceptus to regulate cell 337

numbers and overall size is limited to the first 14 days of development. type of placentation seen. Monozygotic twinning may be diagnosed
The precise time at which developmental regulation to produce twins when monochorionic placentae are found, but only two-thirds of
ceases is unknown but is thought to correspond to this time span monozygotic twins have such placentae (with monoamnionic, mon-
(Snow 1989). After twinning monozygotic embryos enter a period ochorionic occurring in approximately 1—2% of twins). Of the dichori-
of intense catch-up growth. Despite starting out at half the size, each onic placentae, about 8% have been shown to be associated with
twin embryo or fetus is of comparable size to a singleton fetus in monozygotic twins (Cameron 1968).
the second trimester of pregnancy, but declines in relative size in the Monoamnionic, monochorionic placentae are associated with the
last 10 weeks of pregnancy. highest perinatal mortality (>50%), caused both by entangling of the
Late separation of twins from a single conceptus may result in umbilical cords impeding the blood supply and by various vascular
conjoined twins; these may be equal as in some varieties of ‘Siamese shunts between the placentae which may divert blood from one fetus
twins’, or unequal as in acardia. to the other. Artery—artery anastomoses are the commonest followed
by artery—vein anastomoses. If the shunting of blood across the
Placentae in twinning placentae from one twin to the other is balanced by more than
The range of separation of the embryos is reflected in the separation one vascular connection, development may proceed unimpaired.
of the extraembryonic membranes. The following types of pla- However, if this is not the case one twin may receive blood from
centation can occur (3.196): the other leading to cardiac enlargement, increased urination and
hydramnios in the recipient, and anaemia, oligohydramnios and
e diamnionic, dichorionic separated
atrophy in the donor.
e diamnionic, dichorionic fused
Dizygotic twins have either completely separate chorionic sacs or
e diamnionic, monochorionic
sacs which have fused. Such placentae are separated by four mem-
e monoamnionic, monochorionic.
branes, two amnia and two choria; in addition such placentae have
The stage at which monozygotic twinning occurs will reflect the a ridge of firmer tissue at the base of the dividing membranes caused
by the abutting of two expanding placental tissues against each other
(Benirschke 1992). There may be size differences between diamnionic,
dichorionic placentae because of intrauterine competition for space.
Sex ratio of twins
The sex of twins will be the same for monozygotic twins (which
have the same genotype) and may be different for dizygotic twins.
Interestingly there is an excess of like-sex pairs among dizygotic
twins (James 1971). Monoamnionic, monochorionic, monozygotic
twins are most likely to be female, as are acardiac twins. A prospective
twin study in Belgium indicated that the proportion of males was
reduced in monozygotic twins, irrespective of chorionic status, and
there was a marked reduction of male monoamnionic, monochorionic
twins compared to a random occurrence (Derom et al 1988). The
male/female ratio for all monozygotic twins was 0.487, while for
monoamnionic, monochorionic twins it was 0.231; dizygotic twins
had a ratio of 0.518.
Multiple births
Multiple births greater than twinning, such as triplets or quadruplets,
can arise from multiple ovulations, a single ovum, or both. It is most
likely to be seen in women treated with drugs to stimulate ovulation.
For an excellent review of the types, frequency, inheritance and
embryology of twinning, the diagnosis of their zygosity, the course
and outcome of twin pregnancies, their possible evolutionary sig-
nificance and some postnatal characteristics of twins, the interested
reader should consult Bulmer (1970).


In the last 20 years a variety of techniques has been developed for
the prenatal detection and diagnosis of many congenital disorders.
They have entered into obstetric practice and are an important part
of antenatal care. There are two broad types of testing for congenital
disorders: screening and diagnostic.
Prenatal screening may be undertaken using biochemical, genetic
or ultrasonic methods. Such methods will detect a subgroup of those
tested who are at higher risk of having a disease or disorder than
the original population screened. Diagnostic tests are usually more
complex and their aim is to give a definitive answer, particularly if
3.196 Schema of the relationships of the extraembryonic membranes in a suspicion of a problem has been raised by a screening test. They
different types of twinning. may be non-invasive, like a detailed high resolution ultrasound scan,
(a). Diamnionic, dichorionic separated, i.e. separation of the first two but many are invasive providing samples of different fetal tissue for
blastomeres results in separate implantation sites. (8). Diamnionic, dichori- analysis.
onic fused; here the chorionic membranes are fused but the fetuses occupy
separate choria. (c). Diamnionic, monochorionic; reduplication of the inner Biochemical screening
cell mass can result in a single placenta and chorionic sacs but separate
amniotic cavities. (D). Monoamnionic, monochorionic; duplication of the
Maternal blood samples may be taken at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy
embryonic axis results in two embryos sharing a single placenta, chorion to screen for Down’s syndrome and open neural tube defects. There
and amnion. (E). Incomplete separation of the embryonic axis results in are four main markers of Down’s syndrome: advanced maternal age,
conjoined twins (‘Siamese twins’). (F). Unequal division of the embryonic raised maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), low
axis or unequal division of the blood supply may result in an acardiac maternal serum unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and low maternal serum
338 monster. alphafetoprotein (AFP). Of these the most discriminatory serum

Entire neural
tube remains open



Anencephaly Meningoencephalocoele Cranial meningocoele

Dura and Subarachnoid

Open spinal cord 7 rea Spinal arachnoid space containing
cord CSF

ae, Subarachnoid
PB) space
~ containing
Channel CSF
e to

Myelocoele Meningomyelocoele Meningocoele

3.197 Some of the defects caused by failure of neural tube formation.

A. total failure of neurulation. B. failure of cranial neurulation. c. failure of
spinal cord neurulation.

3.198 Diagram showing methods of fetal tissue sampling. (A) = needle in performed at the same gestational age; (C) = biopsy forceps passing through
amniotic cavity to aspirate amniotic fluid (amniocentesis); (B) = needle into cervix into placenta (transcervical chorionic villus sampling); (D) = needle
intrahepatic umbilical vein for fetal blood sampling. Note that the structures into umbilical vein at placental cord insertion to aspirate fetal blood sample.
shown in this diagram are not to scale and that these procedures are not

marker for this condition is hCG. Examination of maternal blood use of DNA probes now permits the visualization of specific portions
samples will detect 60% of Down’s syndrome. of chromatin in interphase. Detection of fetal sex, trisomy 18 and
Of the open neural tube defects, the most severe, craniorachischisis 13 can now be accomplished on examination of amniotic cells. It is
and anencephaly, are most easily detected by ultrasound. AFP leaks suggested that the identification of a number of genetic defects will
into the amniotic fluid and then into the maternal circulation in be possible via early chorionic examination in the future (Ferguson-
cases of open spina bifida. At 16-18 weeks levels of AFP in amniotic Smith 1992).
fluid are four times greater in open spina bifida than in unaffected
pregnancies and there is a corresponding rise in AFP detected in the Ultrasound screening
maternal serum. Such testing can detect 90% of cases, although the Ultrasonography is an imaging technique used for screening which
risk of false positives must be taken into account. can detect structural abnormalities and malformations. It can be
performed and repeated without risk to mother or fetus and most
Genetic screening women in the United Kingdom have such a scan at 18 to 20 weeks
As carriers of recessive disorders are not diseased, genetic screening of pregnancy. Advanced ultrasonography requires high level skills
affects future generations rather than the individuals tested. Diseases and experience in the operator as well as knowledge of embryonic
that are currently included in screening programmes are mainly and fetal dysmorphology. A systematic anatomical survey of the
inherited as autosomal recessive disorders. The genes responsible for head, face, brain, spinal cord, heart, chest, abdomen and its contents,
such disorders are very common in the general population, especially urinary tract, skeleton and limbs is carried out.
in some subgroups; for example, up to 17% of Cypriots carry One of the more common abnormalities that may be seen is spina
thalassaemia, and 23% of West Africans carry sickle cell disease. bifida (3.197). The neural tube fails to close leaving a defect in the
The chances of affected individuals producing an affected offspring vertebrae, through which may protrude the meninges with or without
is therefore higher in these groups. the spinal cord (myelomeningocoele and meningocoele respectively).
Options open to carriers of an inherited disease are: to remain Often this lesion is detected by chance, or attention is drawn to it
childless; to select a partner who is not a carrier of the same disease; because associated cranial abnormalities may be seen, for example
to use artificial insemination by donor or another form of assisted enlargement of the cerebral ventricles, or a lemon-shaped head due
reproduction; to ensure that only a non-affected embryo implants to concavity of the frontal bones. It may also present with an
by preimplantation diagnosis on an eight-cell embryo; to terminate abnormal screening test, i.e. a raised maternal serum AFP. Spina
a pregnancy found by antenatal diagnosis to be affected (Chapple bifida causes very severe handicap and most women with an affected
1992). fetus decide to terminate the pregnancy. The widespread use of
To assist with such decisions early information about the newly screening has led to a 90% reduction in the incidence of neural tube
formed conceptus is desirable. New techniques, especially of mol- defects at birth. Ultrasonography may detect up to 70% of all major
ecular cytogenetics, will be at the forefront in the future to provide malformations.
such information. At present accurate diagnosis of genetic defects Ultrasound is also essential for the safe performance of all the
relies on the collection of fetal cells from amniocentesis, the culture invasive procedures. Such procedures are not without risk but in
of these cells and the analysis of metaphase chromosomes resulting expert hands the fetal loss rate is increased by no more than 1-2%.
340 in the production of a karyotype. This may take 16-20 days. The The ultrasound scan reveals the intrauterine anatomy and enables

the guidance of the instrument (needle or biopsy forceps) into the wall and floats freely in the amniotic fluid (3.199). Towards the end
target, i.e. the amniotic cavity for amniocentesis, the placenta for of the pregnancy the condition of the gut can deteriorate and the aim
chorionic villus sampling, the umbilical vein at the placental insertion is to deliver the baby before this happens. Careful ultrasonographic
of the umbilical cord or the intrahepatic tract of the umbilical vein monitoring is required to time this correctly so that the baby and its
for fetal blood sampling and the appropriate organ or structure for gut are in optimal condition for immediate postnatal surgery. In
other tissues (3.198). such circumstances the results are excellent.
With the rapidly increasing possibilities for prenatal diagnosis and
Prenatal treatment treatment and the greater understanding provided by the basic
A few of the abnormalities revealed by screening may be treated sciences, the fetus is now regarded as a patient and is the focus of
prenatally. Metabolic diseases and deficiencies have been treated, for the new discipline of fetal medicine.
example, by the administration of maternal corticosteroids for the
prevention of respiratory distress in the premature infant, and
by the administration of dexamethasone for congenital adrenal
hyperplasia. Fetal cardiac arrhythmias can be treated by maternally
administered agents.
One of the first fetal therapies, attributed to Liley (1963), was the
intraperitoneal transfusion of blood for the treatment of severe
erythrocyte alloimmunization. Access to the fetal circulation is now
achieved by percutaneous umbilical blood sampling and intravascular
transfusion using ultrasound guidance.
Fetal surgical techniques have developed recently, leading to a
number of successful procedures which can promote normal growth
during the latter part of pregnancy. Severe hydrothorax due to fluid
in the pleural cavities causes pulmonary hypoplasia because pressure
on the lungs and compression of the heart leads to heart failure and
oedema (hydrops fetalis). These potentially fatal consequences can
be prevented by placing a coiled catheter across the thoracic wall so
that the hydrothorax can drain into the amniotic fluid and relieve
the pressure in the chest. Urinary tract obstruction has been treated
in utero, also hydrocephalus and, recently, congenital diaphragmatic
herniae. At present many of these operations have limited success
and are only appropriate for selected cases. For a review of fetal
therapy, particularly the experiences of the Fetal Treatment Pro-
gramme at the University of California, see Kuller and Golbus
Most malformations that are detected prenatally are definitively
treated after birth. Often, however, awareness of the problem before
birth leads to improved management and allows the parents to
prepare themselves psychologically. In gastroschisis, for example, 3.199 Ultrasound scan of cross section of fetal trunk with gastroschisis.
most of the gut has herniated through a small hole in the abdominal Free loops of gut are seen floating in the amniotic fluid on the left.

Section Editor: Patricia Collins

Professor Edmund Crelin’s publications provided much of the data for this chapter. The late Professor Peter Williams nurtured the
inspiration, encouraged the development and supported the final birth of the chapter. Vitality has been added by two artists, Peter
Jack and Peter Lamb; and Dr Mike Hall supplemented the whole with an essay on neonatal procedures. | am grateful to them all.

Neonatal anatomy 344 Growth 365

Individual systems in the neonate 346 Fetal and infant growth rates and adult
Neonatal procedures 362 pathology 370

Neonatology as a distinct discipline has a fairly recent origin. In p. 135), each stage being a time period during which a variety of
Western societies technological advances have enabled successful systems or organs attain a particular stage of development. Such
management of full-term neonates to form the basis of care for embryonic stages are based on alinear scale of development com-
preterm infants, many at ages which were considered non-viable a mencing at fertilization and ending at stage 23 (8 weeks after
decade or two previously. Now, the study of neonatology very much fertilization) when the embryo becomes a fetus. Using this scale,
overlaps the later stages of embryology and development. Preterm development averages 266 days, or 9.5 months. To estimate the
infants, although obviously past organogenetic processes, are still length of a pregnancy to provide an estimated date of delivery, the
engaged in maturational processes with local interactions and pattern commencement of gestation is traditionally determined clinically by
formation driving development at local and body system levels. The counting from the date of the last menstrual period. Estimated in
sudden release of such fetuses into a gaseous environment, of variable this manner it averages 280 days, or 10 lunar months (40 weeks).
temperature, with full gravity and a range of micro-organisms, 4.1 shows the two time scales used to depict embryonic development
promotes the rapid maturation of some systems and the com- and the stage of pregnancy. Throughout the Embryology section,
pensational growth, in terms of effect of gravity, or enteral feeding, development is described from the time of fertilization, as depicted
or exposure to micro-organisms, of others. To understand this in the upper scale in 4.1. However, when discussing fetal development
multitude of mechanisms operating within a newly delivered fetus, and the gestational age of neonates, particularly those born before
as much information concerning normal embryological and fetal 40 weeks gestation (see below), the clinically estimated stage is
development as possible is required. Today there are many texts on invariably used in the literature. Thus in Neonatology and Growth
neonatal physiology but fewer which set out the basic differences descriptions of fetal stages and neonatal anatomy are related to the
between the anatomy of the full-term neonate and the adult. lower of the scales in 4.1, the clinically derived weeks of pregnancy.
However, just as there are immense differences in the relations of The period of pregnancy is often divided into thirds, termed
some structures between the full-term neonate, child and adult, so trimesters. The first and second trimesters each cover a period of 12
there are also major differences between the 20 week gestation fetus weeks, and the third trimester covers the period from 24 weeks to
and the 40 week fetus, just prior to birth. Thus the study of fetal delivery. Although the expected date of delivery is computed at 40
anatomy at 20, 25, 30 and 35 weeks is vital for the investigative and weeks of pregnancy, the term of the pregnancy, i.e. its completion
life-saving procedures carried out on preterm infants today. This resulting in delivery, is considered normal between 37 and 42 weeks.
section has drawn together the available information on the anatomy Neonates delivered before 37 weeks are called preterm (or premature)
of the full-term (40 week gestation, see below) neonate and added, and after 42 weeks, post term. The period immediately prior to,
where appropriate, notes on the preterm neonate. The reader is and up to 7 days after, birth is termed the perinatal period; the
recommended to consult Crelin (1973) from which much of the basic commencement of the perinatal period is from the end of week 24
anatomical information was acquired. Crelin notes particularly that and infants born from this stage of pregnancy are classed as stillborn
the newborn infant is not a miniature adult; it is also important to and contribute to the statistics of perinatal mortality if they die,
note that very low-weight, early preterm, infants are similarly not whereas those fetuses which are delivered and die prior to this time
the same as full-term infants. are considered to be miscarriages of pregnancy. The technological
advances in neonatal care can now assist the delivery and support
Estimation of the developmental age of neonates of infants younger than 24 weeks. The neonatal period extends from
The development of embryos is described in terms of ‘stages’ (see birth to 28 days postnatally; it is divided into an early neonatal

Pre-implantation period Early neonatal Late neonatal

period period
(birth-7 days) (7-28 days)

Age of embryo (months)


[+[2]s]«[s]o[7]o[s frolsspse|ia}ra)is|r6]17}:6]19]20[21]2225]24)25]26]27]20[29]
20]21] 2| 0]54)25]36]7[20]29]40]4Pregnancy
1 (weeks) 1
| Pregnancy (months)

Last menstruation

1st trimester 2nd trimester 8rd trimester (of pregnancy) Estimated date of delivery

4.1 The two times scales used to depict human development. Embryonic menstrual period and is shown on the lower scale. Fetal ages given in the
development, in the upper scale, is counted from fertilization (or from ovu- Neonatal Anatomy and Growth section will have been derived from the
lation, i.e. in postovulatory days; see O’Rahilly & Muller 1987). Times given lower scale. Note that there is a two-week discrepancy between these
for development in the Embryology and Development section are based on scales. The perinatal period is very long as it includes all of the preterm
344 this scale. The clinical estimation of pregnancy is counted from the last deliveries.


Length (gm)

24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 88 40 42
Week of gestation Week of gestation
Preterm Term Post-term Preterm Term Post-term

4.2 Standardized graphs of fetal length (a) and weight (B) from 24 weeks
of pregnancy showing the 10th, 50th and 90th centiles.

period from birth to 7 days, and a late neonatal period from 7 to

28 days.
Neonatal measurements and gestational age
The length of the full-term neonate ranges from 48 to 53cm (4.2a).
Length of the newborn is measured from crown to heel (CHL); |es
however, in utero length is estimated from crown-rump length Less than 4% mo
(CRL), i.e. the greatest distance between the vertex of the skull and
the ischial tuberosities, with the fetus in the natural curved position. Large for
gestational age
Crown-rump length is very reliable for estimating gestational age
between weeks 7 and 14. The weight of the full-term infant at
parturition ranges from 2700-4000 g (4.28), the average being 3400 g;
75-80% of this weight is body water with a further 15—28% composed Appropriate for
of adipose tissue. After birth there is a general decrease in the total gestational age

body water but a relative increase in intracellular fluid. Normally

the newborn loses about 10% of the birth weight by 3-4 days
postnatally because of loss of excess extracellular fluid and mec-
onium. By | year total body water makes up 60% of the body Small for
gestational age
weight. (gm)
Two populations of neonates are at particular risk:
e those with known low gestational dates, i.e. preterm infants (see
e those with a low birth weight.
Low birth weight has been defined as under 2500 g, with very low
birth weight being under 1500 g. Infants may weigh less than 2500g
but not be premature by gestational age. Collection of the range of Over 50% mortality
weights fetuses may attain before birth has led to the production of
weight charts which allow babies to be described according to how
appropriate their birth weight is for their gestational age, for example 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
small for gestational age (SGA), appropriate for gestational age
Week of gestation
(AGA), and large for gestational age (LGA) (4.3). Small for ges-
tational age infants are often the result of intrauterine growth retar- Preterm Term Post-term
dation (IUGR); the causes of growth retardation are many and
various and beyond the scope of this text. 4.3 Graph showing intrauterine growth status and its appropriateness for
For both premature infants and growth retarded infants an assess- gestational age. Gestational age is more closely related to maturity than
ment of gestational age, which correlates closely with the stage of birth weight. The mortality for the weight ranges is indicated. 345

maturity, is desirable. Gestational age at birth is predicted by its prominence is as marked as in the adult. The cricoid cartilage is the
proximity to the estimated date of delivery and the results of the same shape as in the adult. The vocal folds are 4-4.5mm long,
ultrasonographic examinations during pregnancy (see p. 340). It is relatively shorter than in childhood and the adult. The ventricle of
currently assessed in the neonate by evaluation of a number of the larynx is small; however, the saccule of the larynx is often
external physical and neuromuscular signs. Scoring of these signs considerably larger. Unlike the adult, the neonatal subglottic cavity
results in a cumulative score of maturity which is usually between extends posteriorly as well as inferiorly, an important fact to be
+2 weeks of the infant’s true age. The scoring scheme has been considered when passing an endotracheal tube. The mucosa of the
devised and improved over many years from gestational age assess- larynx readily becomes oedematous after irritation, in the neonate
ments proposed by, inter alia, Robinson (1966), Farr et al (1966), and infant, which may lead to obstruction of the airway.
Dubowitz et al (1970) and Dubowitz and Dubowitz (1981). For a By about the third year sexual differences are apparent in the larynx;
recent account of these methods of assessing gestational age consult it becomes larger in boys and the angle between the thyroid laminae is
Gandy (1992). more pronounced in girls. At puberty these changes increase, with
greater enlargement of the male larynx. The angle of union of the
thyroid laminae is about 120° in women and 90° in men.
DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS Oesophagus. At birth this extends 8-10cm from the cricoid
cartilage to the gastric cardiac orifice. It commences and ends 1-2
IN THE NEONATE vertebrae higher than in the adult, extending from between the fourth
to the sixth cervical vertebrae to the level of the ninth thoracic
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM vertebra. Its average diameter is 5mm and it possesses the con-
Oral cavity. This cavity is only potential with the mouth closed. The strictions seen in the adult. The narrowest constriction is at its
tongue is short and broad, and its entire surface lies within the oral junction with the pharynx, where the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
cavity (4.4). The posterior third of the tongue descends into the neck muscle functions to constrict the lumen; it is this region which may
during the first postnatal year and by the fourth or fifth year the be easily traumatized with instruments or catheters. In the neonate
tongue forms part of the anterior wall of the pharynx. The hard the mucosa may contain scattered areas of ciliated columnar epi-
palate is only slightly arched; it is usually corrugated by five or six thelium; these disappear soon after birth.
irregular transverse folds which assist the newborn when suckling. Stomach. This exhibits fetal characteristics until just after birth
The epiglottis is high and makes direct contact with the soft palate. when the initiation of pulmonary ventilation, the reflexes of coughing
During suckling three spaces are formed in the oral cavity. A and swallowing, and crying, cause the ingestion of large amounts of
median space between the tongue and hard palate divides into two air and liquid. Once postnatal swallowing has commenced the
posteriorly, forming channels each side of the approximated soft stomach distends to four or five times its contracted state and shifts
palate and epiglottis. Two lateral spaces, /ateral arcuate cavities, are its position in relation to the state of expansion and contraction of
formed between the tongue medially and the cheeks laterally; the the other abdominal viscera, and to the position of the body.
upper and lower gums situated in these spaces do not touch during Generally, in the neonate, the anterior surface of the stomach is
suckling. Each cheek is supported by a mass of subcutaneous fat covered by the left lobe of the liver which extends across nearly as
which lies between the buccinator and masseter muscles; it is some- far as the spleen (4.5, 6). Only a small portion of the greater curvature
times termed the suctorial pad. As fluid passes from the oral spaces of the stomach is visible anteriorly. The capacity of the stomach is
to the pharynx, the larynx is elevated so that its opening is above between 30-35 ml in the full-term neonate, rising to 75ml in the
the level of the spaces which convey fluid to the pharynx. The high second week and 100ml by the fourth week (adult capacity is on
position of the larynx and its further elevation during suckling directs average 1000 ml). The mucosa and submucosa are relatively thicker
its opening into the nasopharynx enabling babies to breath while than in the adult; however, the muscularis is only moderately
suckling. It was thought for many years that neonates preferentially developed without co-ordinated peristalsis. At birth gastric acid
breathe through the nose, resorting to mouth breathing only if the secretion is low, resulting in a high gastric pH for the first 12
nasal passage is obstructed. Studies have shown that full-term infants postnatal hours. The pH then falls rapidly with the onset of gastric
are able to establish oral breathing in the presence of nasal occlusion acid secretion, usually after the first feed. Generally acid secretion
of a mean duration of 7.8 seconds (Rodenstein 1985). remains low for the first 10 days postnatally. Gastric emptying
Salivary glands. These glands have the same relative weight in and transit times are delayed in the neonate (Nagourney & Aranda
the neonate as in the adult. The topography of the submandibular 1992).
and sublingual glands is the same as in the adult, whereas the parotid Small intestine. This forms an oval-shaped mass with a greater
gland is rounded, lying between masseter and the ear. With growth, diameter transversely orientated in the abdomen rather than ver-
during infancy and early childhood, the parotid gland covers the tically as in the adult (4.6). The mass of the small intestine inferior
parotid duct. to. the umbilicus is compressed by the urinary bladder which is
Pharynx. In the neonate this is one-third of the relative length in anterior at this point (see below). The small intestine is 300-350 cm
the adult. The nasopharynx is a narrow tube which curves gradually long at birth and its width when empty is 1-1.5cm. The ratio between
to join the oropharynx without any sharp junctional demarcation. the length of the small and large intestine at birth is similar to the
An oblique angle is formed at this junction by 5 years of age and in adult. The mucosa and submucosa are fairly well developed with
the adult the nasopharynx and oropharynx join at almost a right villi throughout the small intestine (villi are present in the large
angle. intestine earlier in development, see p. 191); however, the muscularis
Hyoid bone. In a relatively higher and more anterior position in is very thin, particularly the longitudinal layer, and there is little
the neonate (4.4), it has a small ossification centre in the body of elastic tissue in the wall. Generally there are few or no circular folds
the bone, which is mainly cartilaginous at birth. Its two constituent in the small intestine, and the jejunum and ileum have little fat in
parts, derived from the second and third pharyngeal arch cartilages, their mesentery.
can be identified from the horizontal groove present along the body. Large intestine. At birth this is about 66cm long and averages
The length of the hyoid bone from greater cornu to greater cornu is lcm in width. The caecum is relatively smaller than in the adult; it
3cm. The stylohyoid ligament attached to the lesser cornu of the tapers into the vermiform appendix. The ascending colon is shorter
hyoid passes to a more horizontally inclined styloid process. In in the neonate, due to the shorter lumbar region; the transverse
infancy the hyoid bone descends with the larynx to a lower position colon is relatively long; the descending colon is short, but twice the
in the neck. length of the ascending colon (4.5). The sigmoid colon may be as
Larynx. About one-third the size of the adult, although it is long as the transverse colon; it often touches the inferior part of the
proportionately larger in the neonate, its cavity is short and funnel- anterior body wall on the left and, in approximately 50% of neonates,
shaped. At rest the upper border of the epiglottis is at the level of part of the sigmoid colon lies in the right iliac fossa. Generally in
the second or third cervical vertebra; when the larynx is elevated it the colon the muscularis, including the taeniae coli, is poorly
is at the level of the first cervical vertebra. The thyroid cartilage, developed as in the small intestine. Appendices epiploicae and haustra
which is shorter and broader than the adult, lies closer to the hyoid are not present, giving a smooth external appearance to the colon.
346 bone in the neonate. Neither the superior notch nor the laryngeal Haustra appear within the first 6 months. The rectum is relatively

di,. Superior sagittal sinus

2.. Falx cerebri
3. Corpus callosum
4. Septum pellucidum
3; Right interventricular foramen
6. Frontal lobe of right cerebral hemisphere
i Optic nerve
8. Hypophysis
9. Olfactory nerve
. Cribriform lamina
. Sphenoid bone
12. Nasal cavity
13. Ostium of auditory tube
14. Naris
15. Hard palate
16. Foramen caecum of tongue
17. Mandible
18. Hyoid bone
19. Laryngeal ventricle
20. Vocal fold
21. Thyroid cartilage
22. Cricoid cartilage arch
23. Isthmus of thyroid gland
24. Left brachiocephalic vein
25. Thymus gland
26. Sternum
27. Auricle of right atrium
28. Aortic semilunar valves
29. Right ventricle
30. Pericardium
31. Liver
a. left lobe
b. caudate lobe
32. Pylorus of stomach
33. Gastrocolic ligament
34. Transverse colon
35. Transverse mesocolon
36. Greater omentum (apron)
37. Jejunum
38. Falciform ligament
39. Umbilical vein
Stump of umbilical cord
Median umbilical ligament
PT — 78
ect] CHT

42. Ileum Hp 79
43. Urinary bladder att]
SSD — so
44. Pubic symphysis 74. Brachiocephalic trunk = HT roaf HT | 81
45. Vesico-uterine pouch 75. Ascending aorta Pay aD) 82
46. Clitoris 76. Openings of right pulmonary 3la LY Oy j |
47. Urethra veins in left atrium
31b bo [Il Ertet
Ze 84=
48. Vagina 77. Coronary sinus
49. Superior cerebral veins 78. Left ventricle 0 Aas ee 85
50. Thalamus protruding into 79. Oesophagus 3 PT oH pire
3rd ventricle 80. Diaphragm 34 OP eI
Pineal body
Great cerebral vein
81. Coronary ligament
82. Spinal cord 35
EN ary)
53. Cerebral peduncle 83. Cardiac part of stomach 36 reat Hr 90
54. Cerebral aqueduct 84. Lesser omentum
55. Straight sinus 85. Omental bursa
56. Pons 86. Splenic artery a7 ro 92

4th ventricle

Opening of right renal artery
in aorta
Left renal vein
aN 93
40 IN )
59. Confluence of sinuses 89. Pancreas
60. Cerebellum 90. Splenic vein \ 94
Medulla oblongata
Ligamentum nuchae
Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral
4l ere
63. Median aperture of
4th ventricle 93.
disc between 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae
Filum terminale among spinal nerve
42 iia
64. Nasal part of pharynx roots (cauda equina) within vertebral canal
43 WE 97
65. Lamina and spinous process
of 2nd cervical vertebra
Body of 5th lumbar vertebra
Uterus 44 Ny
66. Oral part of pharynx 96. Rectum 45 y/ =
67. Soft palate 97. Sacrum 99
68. Epiglottis 98. Median sacral artery
46 100
69. Laryngeal part of pharynx 99. Sacral hiatus eb — 101
70. Arytenoid cartilage 100. Recto-uterine pouch
71. Cricoid cartilage lamina 101. Coccyx F— 102
72. Subcutaneous adipose tissue 102. Rectovaginal septum
(interscapular brown fat) 103. Anal canal
73. Trachea 104. Anococcygeal ligament
4.4 Midsagittal section through a full-term female neonate (after Crelin).

long; its junction with the anal canal forms at nearly a right angle. premature defecation of meconium into the amniotic fluid, causing
Meconium. This is a dark, sticky, viscid substance formed from risk of its inhalation. At birth the colon contains 60-200g of
the passage of amniotic fluid, sloughed cells, digestive enzymes and meconium. The majority of neonates defecate within the first 24
bile salts along the fetal gut. Meconium becomes increasingly solid hours after birth.
as gestation advances but does not usually pass out of the fetal body Liver. This constitutes 4% of the body weight in neonates, com-
while in utero. Fetal distress produced by anoxia may induce the pared to 2.5-3.5% in adults. It is in contact with the greater part of 347

. Superior sagittal dural sinus

. Right
Nom cerebral hemisphere
a. frontal lobe
b. temporal lobe
3. Eyeball
4. Ethmoid air cell
5. Maxillary sinus
6.. Nasal cavity
7.. Infraorbital foramen
8 . Enamel of deciduous teeth
9. Bifurcation of common carotid artery
10. Internal jugular vein
11. Clavicle
12. Thymus gland
13. Right lung
14. Mammary gland areola
15. Foramen ovale
16. Right atrioventricular valve
17. Right border of heart
18. Superior border of liver and central level of diaphragm
19. Posterior inferior level of lung
20. Xiphoid process
21. Right suprarenal gland
22. Right kidney
NA 23. Gallbladder
24. Transverse colon
25. Duodenum
= 26. Anterior inferior border of liver
27. Ascending colon
12 28. Umbilical vein
29. Ileum
30. Appendix
31. Caecum
32. Right ovary
14 y 33. Uterine tube
lcm Soe d y eC 34. External iliac artery
35. Right umbilical artery
[RS 36. Right half of uterus
bs [|—~ 37. Urethra
[| 38. Vagina
17 39. Hymen
, Stes y 40. Left lateral ventricle
18 eee a. central part
\ b. anterior horn
41. Interventricular canal
42. 3rd ventricle
43. Left lateral ventricle
20 a. posterior horn
21 b. inferior horn
44. Zygomatic arch
45. External acoustic meatus
46. Tympanic membrane
47. Mental foramen
25 48. Thyroid cartilage
49. Cricoid cartilage
50. Thyroid gland
51. Left lung
52. Trachea
53. 2nd costal cartilage
54. Auricle of left atrium
55. Pulmonary valve
56. Aortic valve
57. Left border of heart
58. Left atrioventricular valve
59. Oesophagus
60. Stomach (empty)
61. Spleen
62. Pancreas
63. Duodenojejunal flexure
64. Left ureter
65. Descending colon
66. Aorta
67. Sigmoid colon
3 co 68. Umbilical cord
69. Median umbilical ligament
70. Umbilical artery
71. Common iliac artery
39 72. Urinary bladder
73. Ductus deferens at deep inguinal ring
74. Left seminal vesicle
75. Left half of prostate gland
76. Epididymis
4.5 Topographical representation of the anatomy of a full-term neonate 77. Left testis
(after Crelin). 78. Scrotum

the diaphragm; it extends below the costal margin anteriorly, and in fetus; however, although its haemopoietic functions cease before
some cases to within | cm of the iliac crest posteriorly. The left lobe birth its enzymatic and synthetic functions are not completely mature
covers much of the anterior surface of the stomach and constitutes at birth.
nearly one-third of the liver (4.5, 6). The liver is particularly large Gallbladder. This has a smaller peritoneal surface than in the
348 because of its precocious function as a site of haemopoiesis in the adult, and its fundus often does not extend to the liver margin. It is


Costal pleura Thymus

Superior lobe, right lung
Superior lobe
left lung
ediastinal pleura
Middle lobe, right lung >
Inferior lobe,
Inferior lobe, right lung eft lung
Nerior extremity
Mediastinal and
diaphragmatic pleura Left lobe of liver
Diaphragm Greater curvature
of stomach
Falciform ligament
Descending colon
Right lobe of liver
Greater omentum at the
Umbilical vein level of transverse colon
Small intestine Urinary bladder

Medial umbilical fold

(umbilical artery)

al umbilical fold
ar epigastric artery)

‘umbilical fold

ical vein

4.6 Abdominal and thoracic viscera in situ in a full-term neonate. The

anterior thoracic and abdominal wall has been removed. The lower abdomi-
nal wall has been deflected downwards.

generally embedded in the liver and in some cases may be covered neonate (4.5). The walls of the trachea are relatively thick and the
by bands of liver. After the second year the gallbladder is of the tracheal cartilages are relatively closer together than in the adult.
relative size it is in the adult. The ability of the trachea to resist external compression is about
Pancreas (4.5). In the neonate this has all of the normal sub- one-third that of a one-year-old infant, a fourth that of a five-year-
divisions of the adult. The head is proportionately larger in the old child, and a sixth that of an adult (Crelin 1973). The trachea
newborn and there is a smooth continuation between the body and commences at the upper border of C6; a relationship conserved with
the tail. The inferior border of the head of the pancreas is found at growth, it bifurcates at the level of the third or fourth thoracic
the second lumbar vertebra; the body and tail pass cranially and to vertebra.
the left, and the tail is in contact with the spleen. Lungs. In the neonate these are relatively shorter and broader
Peritoneal cavity (4.6). This is ovoid in shape in the neonate. It than those in the adult (4.5, 6). The respiratory rate in a full-term
is fairly shallow from anterior to posterior as the bilateral posterior infant is 40-44 breaths/minute (normal resting rate in an adult male
extensions each side of the vertebral column, which are prominent is 12/min). At birth the lungs are still in the alveolar stage of
in the adult, are not present. Two factors lead to the protuberance development (see p. 178); this continues through the neonatal period
of the anterior abdominal wall in the neonate and infant. Firstly, and into childhood perhaps up to 8 years of age although the time
the diaphragm is flatter in the newborn, leading to a caudal dis- at which this stage is complete has not yet been established.
placement of the viscera compared to the adult. Secondly, the pelvic Normal postnatal pulmonary arterial development. Immedi-
cavity is very small in the neonate and the organs which are normally ately after birth dramatic remodelling of the pulmonary vasculature
pelvic in the adult, i.e. urinary bladder, ovaries and uterus, all extend occurs to effect an abrupt reduction of pulmonary vascular resistance.
superiorly into the abdomen (4.4). The pelvic cavity is joined to the This process continues at a rapid rate throughout the first 1-2
abdominal cavity at less of an acute angle in the neonate as there is months, while the lungs adapt to extrauterine life, and then more
no lumbar vertebral curve and only aslight sacral curve. slowly throughout childhood. Failure to remodel in the presence
Peritoneal attachments. These are similar to the adult; however, of an anatomically normal heart leads to persistent pulmonary
the greater omentum is relatively small; its constituent layers of hypertension (Haworth 1992).
peritoneum may not be completely fused and it does not extend Normal postnatal pulmonary arterial development in the full-term
much below the level of the umbilicus (4.4). Generally the length of neonate can be divided into three stages (taken from Haworth 1992):
the mesentery of the small intestine and of the transverse and sigmoid Stage one. Lasting from birth to about 4 postnatal days, this
mesocolons are longer than in the adult, whereas the area of stage concerns the immediate adaptation to extrauterine life. At birth
attachment of the ascending and descending colons is relatively the endothelial cells of the precapillary arteries are squat and have
smaller. The peritoneal mesenteries and omenta contain little fat. narrow bases on the subendothelium, a low surface:volume ratio,
and many surface projections. Five minutes after birth the endothelial
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM cells are thinner and gradually show less cell overlap; the sur-
face:volume ratio increases, and few cell projections are seen. The
Trachea. This is relatively small in relation to the larynx in the vessel wall becomes thinner and the lumen diameter increases (4.7). 349

Inferior vena cava

paNewborn Right inferior phrenic

artery and vein
: Left suprarenal

Right suprarenal Coeliac trunk

8 Superior mesenteric
Right kidney artery

Right renal vein Left renal vein

and artery
Left kidney
Inferior mesenteric
Right ureter Abdominal aorta
12-24 h
Right gonadal artery
and vein Left ureter


Endothelial cell
3 days Umbilical artery Bladder deflected

Endothelial cell 3 weeks Elastin 4.8 Posterior abdominal wall of a full-term neonate. Note the lobulated
kidneys and relatively wide calibre of the ureters.
Smooth muscle

4.7 En face views (left) and transverse sections (right) showing the respiratory movements being out of phase. The neonate is at par-
changes in the endothelial and smooth muscle cells of small muscular ticular risk in this respect, firstly because the chest wall is flexible,
pulmonary arteries accompanying terminal bronchi from the neonatal period and secondly, because much of the infant sleep activity is of the
to three weeks after birth (from Haworth 1992). REM type (Woodrum 1992).
Diaphragm. To date this has not been well studied in the neonate.
It is relatively flat at birth, gaining the dome shape with growth of the
thorax and abdominal viscera. There is an exaggerated asymmetric
The smooth muscle cells show a significant reduction in diameter movement of the neonatal diaphragm with the posterior portion
during this time. showing a considerably greater excursion than the anterior portion.
Stage two. From birth, particularly from day 4 to 3-4 weeks, the Thus the diaphragm after birth is potentially less effective in com-
cells deposit matrix around themselves to fix their new positions. At pressing the abdominal contents and expanding the lower thorax,
birth the internal elastic lamina of the small muscular arteries consists having a flatter configuration and narrower zone of apposition,
only of amorphous elastin in a basal lamina-like matrix. By 3 weeks where the diaphragmatic fibres are parallel to the body axis and in
of age a definitive elastic lamina is evident; however, it is heavily direct contact with the lower rib cage (Woodrum 1992).
fenestrated, permitting contact between the endothelial cells and the
smooth muscle cells.
Stage three. This continues into adulthood. The intrapulmonary
arteries increase in size and their walls increase in thickness. However, Kidneys. At birth the two kidneys weigh about 23 g. They function
from birth all the pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells from the early in development producing the amniotic fluid which surrounds
hilum to the precapillary bed are immature; maturation is not the fetus. Fetal kidneys have a lobulated appearance which is still
advanced until 2 years. present at birth (4.5, 8). Addition of new cortical nephrons continues
As the distal airspaces expand there is a process of fusion of the in the first few months of postnatal life after which the general
capillary nets from one alveolus to another, forming, for a period, growth of the glomeruli and tubules results in the disappearance of
an extensive double capillary net. Fusion of these layers can be seen the lobulation.
from 28 postnatal days and it becomes more extensive by 1.5 years; The kidneys respond to the work load they are required to do;
it is thought to be complete by 5 years. thus if one kidney is abnormal or removed, the remaining kidney
The amount and type of connective tissue in the lung changes becomes larger than the two kidneys combined would have done.
after birth. The neonatal lung has abundant type III and type IV The renal blood flow is lower in the neonate, the glomerular filtration
collagen but little type I collagen, as seen in mature lungs. The rate at birth being approximately 30% that of the adult value; adult
former collagen types are not so strong, suggesting that the neonatal values for glomerular filtration are attained by 3-5 months of age
lung is more plastic; this would facilitate the changes in cell shape and for renal blood flow by the end of the first year.
and orientation that characterize adaptation to extrauterine life. The Urinary bladder. In the neonate this is egg-shaped with the larger
rapid deposition of type I collagen postnatally gives structural end directed downwards and backwards (4.4, 5, 6, 9, 10). From the
stiffness to the blood vessel walls. bladder neck the bladder extends anteriorly and slightly upwards in
Thorax. Because it is relatively soft and flexible in the neonate, it close contact with the pubis until it reaches the anterior abdominal
makes the chest wall subject to collapse during negative pressure wall. The apex of the contracted bladder is at a point midway
generation. The neonatal thorax has a round circumference rather between the pubis and the umbilicus; when the bladder is filled with
than the dorsoventrally flattened profile of the adult. urine the apex may extend up to the level of the umbilicus. There is
At all ages during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, there is a no true fundus in the bladder as in the adult. The anterior surface
reduction if not a loss of tonic intercostal muscle activity. The is not covered with peritoneum; however, posteriorly peritoneum
mechanism is thought to be related to a descending spinal inhibition extends as low as the level of the urethral orifice. Although the
of the muscle spindle system. Further, there is often a destabilization neonatal bladder is described as abdominally placed, Symington
350 of the chest wall which results in the rib cage and abdominal (1887) noted that if a line is drawn from the promontory of the

sacrum to the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, nearly one half of the cervical canal is filled with mucus. After birth the uterus involutes,
the bladder is found below that line, i.e. within the cavity of the true decreasing by about one-third in length and more than a half in
pelvis. However, pressure on the lower abdominal wall will express weight. The neonatal size and weight of the uterus is not regained
urine from an infant bladder and the bladder does not gain its adult, until puberty. The uterine tubes are relatively short and wide. The
pelvic, position until about the sixth year. The bladder remains position of the uterus in the pelvic cavity depends to a great extent
connected to the umbilicus by the obliterated remains of the urachus; on the state of the bladder anteriorly and the rectum posteriorly. If
stimulation of the umbilicus can initiate micturition in babies. the bladder contains only a small amount of urine the uterus may
Because of the elongated shape of the bladder in neonates the ureters be anteverted but often it is in a direct line with the vagina.
are correspondingly reduced in length and have no pelvic portion Vagina. In the neonate this is about 2.5-3.5cm long and 1.5cm
compared to adults. In the neonate a distinct interureteric fold is wide at the fornices. The uterine cervix extends into the vagina about
present in the contracted bladder. lcm. The posterior vaginal wall is longer than the anterior giving
the vagina a distinct curve (4.4, 9). The cavity is filled with longi-
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM tudinal columns covered with a thick layer of cornified, stratified
squamous epithelium. These cells slough off after birth when the
Reproductive organs in the female effect of the maternal hormones is removed. The orifice of the vagina
is surrounded byathick elliptical ring of connective tissue, the
Ovaries. The combined weight of the ovaries at birth is about 0.3 g; hymen (4.9). During childhood the hymen becomes a membranous
they double in weight during the first 6 postnatal weeks. The ovaries fold along the posterior margin of the vaginal lumen; should the
are relatively large at birth and much larger than the testes (4.5, 9). fold form a complete diaphragm across the vaginal lumen it is termed
They have surface furrows which disappear during the second and an imperforate hymenal membrane.
third postnatal months. In the neonate the ovaries are found in the External genitalia. At birth these include relatively enlarged labia
lower part of the iliac fossae; they complete their descent into the minora, clitoris and labia majora. The labia majora are united by a
ovarian fossae in early childhood. The long axis of the ovary is posterior labial commissure. They each contain the distal end of the
almost vertical in the neonate, becoming temporarily horizontal round ligament of the uterus (the gubernaculum, see p. 213).
during descent and vertical once more in the ovarian fossa. All of
the primary odcytes for the reproductive life of the female neonate Reproductive organs in the male
are present in the ovaries by the end of the first trimester of Testes. These are relatively the same weight as in the adult. The
pregnancy. Of the 7000000 primary odcytes estimated at the fifth long axis of the testis is almost vertical (4.5, 10). The testes are
month of gestation 1000000 remain at birth; this is reduced to situated at the future deep inguinal rings by the sixth to seventh
40000 by puberty and only 400 are ovulated during reproductive month of gestation. They descend into the scrotum before birth (see
life. p.212), the left testis usually migrating ahead of the right. In
Uterus. At birth this is 2.5—-5 cm long (average 3.5cm), 2cm wide full-term male neonates 90% have descended testes; however, in
between the uterine tubes, and about 1.3cm thick (4.4, 5, 9). The premature babies descent may not be complete. The testes, unlike
body of the uterus is smaller than the uterine cervix which forms the ovaries, contain primordial germ cells which are surrounded by
two-thirds or more of the length. The isthmus between the body and Sertoli cells preventing their further proliferation and meiosis until
the cervix is absent. Generally the fetal female reproductive tract is puberty. The processus vaginalis which precedes the testis in its
affected by maternal hormones and undergoes some enlargement in descent into the scrotum is collapsed at birth but not necessarily
the fetus. The endocervical glands are active before birth and usually obliterated. In 66% of male infants it remains patent for up to 2

Fimbriated end of uterine tube Suspensory ligament of ovary

Inferior epigastric artery
and vein

Mass of meconium Median umbilical ligament

Round ligament of uterus
Left ovary
Urinary bladder

Body of uterus Fundus of uterus

Vesicouterine pouch

Vaginal fornices
Pubic symphysis
Recto-uterine pouch Suspensory ligament of clitoris

Coccyx Body and glans of clitoris

Sphincter urethral muscle
Levator ani muscle between superior and inferior
fasciae of urogenital diaphragm
External anal sphincter Urethra
Longitudinal vaginal
Deep transverse perineal

External anal sphincter

Anal columns
of anal canal

4.9 Midsagittal section through the pelvis of a full-term female neonate.

Note the abdominal position of the urinary bladder and uterus. 351

Left hypogastric nerve

Left ureter
Superior rectal artery

Intervertebral disc
of lumbosacral joint
(anulus fibrosus)
(Nucleus pulposus)
Median umbilical ligament
Ossification centre of Apex of urinary bladder
Ist vertebral segment
of sacrum Body of bladder
Sacral canal
Lg ita.—
Rectovesical pouch

Me Fundus of bladder
Dorsal sacral
foramina Interureteric fold

Retropubic space

Pelvic sacral foramina

Ampulla of
ductus deferens
Pubic symphysis
Ejaculatory duct
Prostate gland

Rectovesical septum Prostatic part of urethra

Suspensory ligament of penis

Corpus cavernosum

Levator ani muscle


External anal sphincter muscle Corpus spongiosum and

spongiosal part of urethra
Bulbospongiosus muscle
External spermatic fascia
Internal anal sphincter muscle enclosing left testis
Anal column of
anal canal
Dartos tunic of scrotum
Anal sinus
Anal valve Remains of gubernaculum
testis and tail of epididymis
within external spermatic fascia
Membranous part of
urethra passing through
External anal sphincter muscle urogenital diaphragm

4.10 Midsagittal section through the pelvis of a full-term male neonate.

Note the abdominal position of the urinary bladder (see also 8.183).

weeks. By between 10 and 20 days after birth the processus is

partially (or completely) obliterated in 80% of male infants, the left
side before the right. The spermatic cord is relatively large in the
neonate as are the seminal vesicles and adjacent ampullae of the
ductus deferens. The prostate gland (4.10) is similar to the uterine The brain of the full-term neonate ranges from 300-400g with an
cervix of the female in shape, size and its position; it is the only average of 350g; the brains of neonatal males are slightly heavier
major organ in the male neonatal pelvic cavity apart from the than those of females. Because the head is large at birth, measuring
rectum. one quarter the total body length, the brain is also proportionally
Penis and scrotum. In the neonate these are relatively large. larger, and constitutes 10% of the body weight (2% in the adult).
Although the prepuce and glans begin to separate from the fifth The brain reaches 90% of its adult size by the fifth year, and 95%
month in utero they may still be joined at birth. Despite containing by 10 years. The sulci of the cerebral hemispheres appear from the
less smooth muscle and elastic tissue than the adult, the neonatal fourth month of gestation (3.122) and at full term the general
penis is capable of erection. The scrotum has a broad base which arrangement of sulci and gyri are present but the insula is not
does not narrow until after the first year. Both the septum and the completely covered. The central sulcus is situated further rostrally
352 walls of the scrotum are relatively thicker than in adults. and the lateral sulcus is more oblique than in the adult. Most of the

developmental stages of sulci and gyri have been identified in the Nasal reflexes. These produce apnoea via the diving reflex,
brains of premature infants. sneezing, sniffing, and both somatic and autonomic reflexes. Stimu-
The pons is relatively smaller in the full-term neonate; the brain- lation of the face or nasal cavity with water or local irritants produces
stem is more oblique and has a distinct bend as it passes through apnoea in neonates. Breathing stops in expiration, with laryngeal
the foramen magnum to become the spinal cord. Of the cranial closure, and infants exhibit bradycardia and a lowering of cardiac
nerves, the olfactory and the optic at the chiasma are much larger output. Blood flow to the skin, splanchnic areas, muscles and kidneys
than in the adult, whereas the roots of the other nerves are relatively decreases, whereas flow to the heart and brain is protected. Different
smaller. fluids produce different effects when introduced into the pharynx of
preterm infants. A comparison of the effects of water and saline in
Spinal cord the pharynx showed that apnoea, airway obstruction, and swallowing
occur far more frequently with water than with saline, suggesting
The spinal cord in the neonate extends to L2—L3; lumbar puncture
the presence of an upper airway chemoreflex (see Duara 1992).
investigations should thus never be attempted higher than the L3/L4
Reflex responses to the temperature of the face and nasopharynx
intervertebral space (see p. 22).
are necessary for the commencement of pulmonary ventilation; local
Myelination. This occurs over a protracted period beginning
anaesthetic agents applied to the nasopharynx will prevent the onset
during the second trimester in the peripheral nervous system (PNS),
of ventilation in newborn lambs. Midwives have for many years
with motor roots myelinating before sensory roots, and continuing
blown on the faces of neonates to induce the first breath.
in the central nervous system (CNS) where conversely the sensory
Sucking and swallowing. This is a particularly complex set of
nerves myelinate before the motor systems. The cranial nerves of the
reflexes, partly conscious and partly unconscious. As a combined
midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata begin myelination at about
reflex it requires the co-ordination of most of the 12 cranial nerves.
6 months gestation. Myelination is not complete at birth; its most
The neonate can, within the first couple of feeds, suck at the rate of
rapid phase occurs during the first 6 months of postnatal life, after
once per second, swallow approximately after five or six sucks, and
which it continues at a slower rate up to puberty and beyond. The
breathe during every second or third suck. Air moves in and out of
sequence of myelination of the motor pathways may explain, at least
the lungs via the nasopharynx, and milk crosses the pharynx en
partially, the order of development of muscle tone and posture
route to the oesophagus without apparent interruption of breathing
in the premature infant and neonate. Myelination of the various
and swallowing, or significant misdirection of air into the stomach
subcorticospinal pathways, i.e. vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, oli-
or fluids in the trachea (Herbst 1989).
vospinal and tectospinal (often grouped as bulbospinal tracts) occurs
Sucking. Although this develops, generally, slightly later than
from 24-30 weeks gestation, for the medial groups, and extends to
swallowing, mouthing movements have been detected in premature
28-34 weeks gestation for the lateral groups; lastly myelination of
babies as early as 18-24 weeks gestation, and infants delivered at
the corticospinal tracts occurs at term. Thus, in the preterm infant,
29-30 weeks gestation make sucking movements a few days after
axial extension precedes flexion, whereas finger flexion precedes
birth; however, co-ordinated activities are not noted before 33-34
extension. By term the neonate at rest has a strong flexor tone
weeks. The concept of non-nutritive and nutritive sucking has been
accompanied by adduction of all limbs. Neonates also display a
introduced (Wolf 1972) to account for the different rates of sucking
distinct preference for a head position facing to the right, which
seen in the neonate. Non-nutritive sucking, when rhythmic negative
appears to be independent of handling practices and may reflect the
intraoral pressures are initiated which do not result in the delivery
normal asymmetry of cerebral function at this age (Hill 1992).
of milk, can be spontaneous or stimulated by an object in the mouth.
The brain occupies 97.5% of the cranial cavity from birth to 6
This type of sucking tends to be twice as fast as nutritive sucking, the
years of age after which the space between the brain and skull
sucking frequency for non-nutritive sucking being 1.7 sucks/second in
increases until the adult brain occupies only 92.5% of the cranial
37-38 week premature babies, 2 sucks/second in term neonates, and
cavity. Although the cerebral ventricles are larger in the neonate
2.7 sucks/second at 7-9 months postnatally. Corresponding times
than in the adult, the newborn has a total of about 10-15ml of
for nutritive sucking are about 1 suck/second in term neonates,
cerebrospinal fluid when delivered vaginally and 30 ml when delivered
increasing to 1.5 sucks/second by 7 months postnatally.
by caesarian section.
The taste of the fluid as well as nutrient content affects the
efficiency of nutritive sucking in the early neonatal period. There is
Reflexes more sucking with milk than with 5% dextrose; however, sucking
A number of reflexes are present at birth and their demonstration is activities increased with solutions determined sweet by adult
used to indicate normal development of the nervous system and appraisal. Odour can also have some effect on sucking. If the nipples
responding muscles. Robinson (1966) noted that five tests of neuro- of anaesthetized female rat are washed it will cause a decrease in the
logical development were most useful in determining gestational age. number of pups attaching to nipples and an increase in the time
The pupillary reflex is consistently absent before 29 weeks gestation between finding the nipple and attachment (see Herbst 1989).
and present after 31 weeks; the glabellar tap, a blink in response to Swallowing movements. First noted at about 11 weeks gestation,
a tap on the glabella, is absent before 32 weeks and present after 34 in utero fetuses swallow about 450ml of amniotic fluid per day.
weeks; the neck righting reflex appears between 34 and 37 weeks; Sucking and swallowing in premature infants (1700 g) is not associ-
the traction response, where flexion of the neck or arms occurs when ated with primary peristaltic waves in the intestine; however, in older
the baby is pulled up by the wrists from the supine position appears babies and full-term neonates, at least 90% of swallows will initiate
after 33 weeks; head turning in response to light appears between 32 primary peristaltic waves.
and 36 weeks. The spinal reflex arc is fully developed by the eighth In full-term neonates, the placing of a spoon or food onto the
week of gestation and muscle stretch reflexes at the knees and ankles anterior part of the tongue elicits an extrusion reflex: the lips are
may be elicited in premature infants of 19-23 weeks gestation. The pursed and the tongue pushes vigorously against the object. By 4-6
Babinski response, which involves extension of the great toe with months the reflex changes and food deposited on the anterior part
spreading of the remaining toes in response to stimulation of the of the tongue is moved to the back of the tongue, into the pharynx,
lateral aspect of the sole of the foot, is elicited frequently in neonates; and swallowed. Rhythmic biting movements occur by 7-9 months
it reflects poor cortical control of motor function by the immature postnatally, even in the absence of teeth.
brain (Hill 1992). Difficulties in suck and swallow. In infancy this may be an early
The usual reflexes which can be noted in the neonate include Moro, indication of disturbed nervous system function. An interesting
asymmetric tonic neck response, rooting-sucking, grasp, placing correlation between feeding styles of neonates and later eating habits
(contacting the dorsum of the foot with the edge of a table produces has shown that children who were obese at 1 and 2 years of age, as
a ‘stepping over the edge’ response), stepping, and trunk incurvation measured by triceps skin-fold thickness, had a feeding pattern in the
(elicited by stroking down the paravertebral area with the infant in first month of life characterized by sucking more rapidly, producing
the prone position). Examination of the motor system and evaluation higher pressures during prolonged bursts of sucking, and having
of these reflexes allows assessment of the nervous system in relation shorter periods between bursts of sucking. Fewer feeds and higher
to gestational age. The neonate also exhibits complex reflexes such sucking pressure were also associated with greater adiposity (Agras
as nasal reflexes and sucking and swallowing. et al 1987). 353

CHROMAFFIN ORGANS Neonatal skeleton

Generally the bones of the neonate are more spongy than the adult’s
Suprarenal glands
because of the reduced work load undertaken by the fetus. Neonatal
The suprarenal glands are relatively very large at birth (4.5, 8) bones have more haemopoietic foci than adults’; haemopoiesis occurs
forming 0.2% of the entire body weight, compared with 0.01% in in the red marrow of all the bones of the skeleton but later becomes
the adult. The left gland is heavier and larger than the right, as limited to the red marrow of the vertebral bodies, the ribs, sternum,
in the adult. At term each gland weighs about 4g; the average diploé of the skull and proximal ends of the humerus and femur (see
weight of the two glands is 9g (average in the adult is 712g). p. 1409).
The glands involute rapidly in the neonatal period with each Because the adult skeleton is composed of a number of bones
gland losing 25% of its mass; the average weight of both glands which fuse after birth, the neonate technically has more bones (270)
is 5g by the end of the second week, and 4.36g by 3 months. than the adult (206; 4.11).
The birth weight is not regained until puberty. The cortex of the Skull. The neurocranium is much larger than the viscerocranium
suprarenal gland is thicker than in the adult and the medulla of in the neonate (4.12, 15, 28), the latter forming less than half of the
the gland is small. Early studies on fetal suprarenal glands length of the head, i.e. the distance from the top of the skull to the
described extensive degeneration and necrosis within the fetal upper margin of the orbit is about Scm, whereas the distance from
zone; however, it is believed that these studies showed disease the upper margin of the orbit to the mandible is 4cm. The ratio
processes rather than the normal involution of the gland. Normal between the calvarial and facial portions is 8:1 at birth, changing to
involution causes the fetal zone cells of the postnatal gland to 2.5:1 in the adult female and 2:1 in the adult male. At birth the face
become smaller and assume the appearance and organization is proportionally much wider than in the adult being twice as broad
typical of zona fasciculata. In studies on neonatal monkeys a as its height.
centripetal wave of transformation of fetal zone cells to zona Generally in the neonatal skull, the occipital condyles are elongate
fasciculata was observed, with only rare mitotic figures and no and flat instead of curved as in the adult. The tympanic rings are
evidence of necrosis or collapse (Winter 1992). prominent features of the base of the skull; they provide attachment
for the tympanic membranes (4.14, 15). The calvaria extends beyond
the base of the skull both laterally and posteriorly. The hard palate
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM is short (2.3cm) and broad (2.2cm) and the choanae are almost
Fetal movements. These have been detected by ultrasonography circular. The posterior border of the vomer at the choanae is
in the second month of gestation (Hill 1992). Simple movements relatively lower and more slanted than in the adult.
of an extremity have been observed sporadically as early as the Fontanelles. The calvarial bones are thin at birth and ossification
seventh week of development (week 9 of pregnancy); combined does not extend to the suture lines of the skull. The junctions
movements of limb, trunk and head begin between weeks 12-16 between the calvarial bones are the sites of the fontanelles (4.13). Six
of development. Fetal movements related to trunk and lower limb fontanelles are present at birth; anterior and posterior fontanelles are
movements can be perceived consistently by the mother from median, paired sphenoid and mastoid are lateral, and other smaller
about 16 weeks gestation (quickening). Movements of the fetus accessory fontanelles may be present. An additional fontanelle
are often slow, asymmetric twisting and stretching movements of located between the anterior and posterior fontanelles along the
the trunk and limbs, resembling athetoid movements. Also there sagittal suture is found in some normal neonates but also in some
may be rapid, repetitive wide-amplitude limb movements, similar infants with trisomy 21. The largest fontanelle is the anterior: it has
to myoclonus. By 32 weeks gestation symmetric flexor movements an average diameter of 25mm at birth. It overlies the superior
are most frequent and by term the quality of the movements has sagittal dural venous sinus which transmits its pulsations to the
generally matured to smooth alternating movement of the limbs overlying skin. Obliteration of the fontanelles occurs with progressive
with medium speed and intensity. The reduced effect of gravity ingrowth of the edges of the bones that form their borders. The
in utero may cause certain fetal movements to appear, on sphenoid is obliterated by 6 months as is the posterior; the anterior
ultrasonography, more fluent than the equivalent movements and mastoid are obliterated by the second year.
observed postnatally. The number of spontaneous movements During parturition the calvarial bones can be displaced to the
decreases after the 35th week of gestation and there is from this extent that they overlap each other at the sutures. Such skull
time an increase in the duration of fixed postures (Hill 1992). ‘moulding’, occurring during delivery of the head, may exert tension
This restriction of normal fetal movements in late gestation is on the great cerebral vein and be severe enough to rupture it.
due to the degree of compliance of the maternal uterus; there is Frontal bones (4.12). These are separated by the metopic suture
a slowing of growth at this time (see p.26). at birth; this is obliterated by 6-8 years. Frontal sinuses do not
develop until the second postnatal year.
Early embryonic and fetal movements are vital to align the
trabeculae within the bones, the correct attachments of the tendons, Ethmoid bone (4.16). This has only the lateral masses containing
and the appropriate coiling of the constituent collagen fibres of the the ethmoid air cells ossified at birth; the remainder is cartilage. The
tendons. Movements of the fetus also encourage skin growth and part forming the upper portion of the nasal septum ossifies during
flexibility indirectly as it is noted that fetuses with in utero muscular the first year, the two cribriform laminae ossify in the second year
dystrophies, or other conditions resulting in small or atrophied and the crista galli between the second and fourth years. These
muscles, have webs of skin, pterygia, passing across the flexor cartilaginous portions of the ethmoid fuse as they ossify, joining
aspect of the joints. The condition, multiple pterygium syndrome, is with the lateral masses in the sixth year.
characterized by webbing across the neck, the axillae and antecubital Sphenoid bone (4.16). Made up of three parts, body, lesser wings,
fossae. Usually the legs are maintained straight and webbing is not and greater wings with the pterygoid processes, these composite
seen at the hip and knee. parts fuse during the first year. A relatively large mass of cartilage
The workload undertaken by the musculoskeletal system before separates the body of the sphenoid from the basilar part of the
birth is relatively light as the fetus is under essentially weightless occipital bone at the spheno-occipital synchondrosis; union of these
conditions supported by the amniotic fluid. Thus the load on the bones does not begin until shortly after puberty. The optic canal in
muscles and bones is generated by the fetus itself with little gravi- the neonate is relatively large and has a keyhole or figure of 8 shape
tational effect. The reduction of gravitational force caused by the rather than the circular profile of the adult. Sinuses do not develop
in the sphenoid until the fifth year.
supporting fluid means that all parts of the fetus are subject to
relatively equal forces and that the position assumed by the fetus Temporal bones (4.14, 15, 16). Each consists of four parts, squa-
relative to gravity is of little consequence. This is important to ensure mous, petrous and tympanic separated by sutures and the styloid
the normal modelling of fetal bones especially the skull. Skulls of process. The squamous part has a shallow mandibular fossa and the
premature babies may become distorted due to the weight of the head articular tubercle is absent. The petrous part is relatively large. The
on the mattress, despite regular changes in position; the application of tympanic ring is thin and incomplete, with ends fused with the
oxygen therapy via a mask attached by a band around the head can squamous part. The styloid process is cartilaginous except for a
354 cause dystososis of the occipital bone. small ossified portion near the proximal end. The mastoid process is

ii iA NI
. Anterior fontanelle

. Frontal bone
Coronal suture
Sphenoid fontanelle
Roof of orbit
7 . N 5
. Fossa for lacrimal sac
. Nasolacrimal canal
. Floor of middle cranial fossa
. Pterygoid process
10. Infraorbital foramen
Ps =

11. Hard palate
12. Enamel of deciduous teeth
13. Mandibular canal
\ Q
14. Mental foramen NZ,
~ =
15. Body of hyoid bone
16. Tympanic part of temporal bone

17. Clavicle S
18. Scapula Re
19. Humerus
a. head
b. body
c. olecranon fossa
20. Ulna
21. Radius
22. Bodies of metacarpal bones
23. Bodies of phalanges
24. Coxal bone
a. ilium
b. ischium
c. pubis
25. Centre in talus
26. Centre in calcaneus
27. Parietal bone
28. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
29. Posterior fontanelle
30. Optic canal
31. Squamosal suture
32. Hypophyseal fossa of sphenoid bone
33. Squamous part of temporal bone 2?
34. Lambdoidal suture
35. Mastoid fonticulus
36. Subarcuate fossa
1 RPI > <7)
0 \\
37. Internal acoustic meatus
38. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis
39. Petrous part of temporal bone
ee) plud
ay ir!
[\ S 47
ty a
] LZ i
40. Occipital bone ce Ty
a. Squamous part
b. lateral part
41. 6th cervical vertebra (3 centres )
42. Ist rib 24a he
43. Centres of sternum (superimposed upon thoracic vertebrae)
44. 12th rib
45. 3rd lumbar vertebra (3 centres) 48b
46. Centres in sacrum
47. Centre in coccyx

C) os
48. Femur
a. body
b. condylar centre
49. Tibia
a. condylar centre
b. body fi 50
50. Fibula
51. Bodies of metatarsal bones
52. Bodies of phalanges

4.11 Ossified portions of the full-term neonate skeleton.

absent at birth; it develops as a small projection at the end of the External acoustic meatus. This is relatively long in the neonate,
first year; mastoid air cells invade it at puberty. In the neonate the about two-thirds the length in the adult. It is almost straight and
petrous and squamous parts of the temporal bone are usually courses inward, downward and slightly forward. The lumen of the
partially separated by the petrosquamous fissure which opens directly middle part is very narrow. The middle ear cavity is about the same
into the mastoid antrum of the middle ear. The fissure closes in 4% size as the adult’s. The epitympanic recess and the mastoid antrum
of infants during the first year but remains unclosed in 20 to 40% are well developed. The auditory ossicles reach their adult size in the
up to 19 years. It is a route for the spread of infection from the fetus by 6 months. The bony and membranous labyrinths of the
middle ear to the meninges. inner ear are almost equal to adult size in the neonate; thus the inner 355

Anterior fontanelle
Parietal tuber
Parietal bone
Coronal suture

Frontal tuber

Frontal bone

Frontal suture

Frontonasal suture
Nasal bone
Frontomaxillary suture
Lacrimal bone
Supraorbital notch
Temporal bone Sphenoid fontanelle
(squamous part) Sphenofrontal suture
Optic canal
Sphenoid bone
(greater wing) Frontozygomatic suture

(lesser wing) Superior orbital fissure

Foramen rotundum
Inferior orbital fissure
Zygomatic bone Zygomaticofacial foramen
Infraorbital groove
Maxilla Zygomaticomaxillary suture
Infraorbital foramen
Middle nasal concha Choana
(ethmoid bone) Anterior nasal spine
Intermaxillary suture
Inferior nasal concha
Gingival membrane
Nasal septum (cartilage)

Mandible Mandibular suture

ve view
4.12 Anterior aspect of the full-term neonatal skull. For a comparati
of an adult skull see 6.1354, B.
Anterior nasal spine
of the
Nasal bone
Frontal suture ear occupies a relatively greater area of the petrous part
Maxilla l
tempora bone.
Frontal tuber
Internal acoustic meatus. The diameter of this in the neonate
is almost as large as in the adult.
of the
Frontal bone Auditory tube. In the neonate this is about half the length
from the middle ear cavity is as large as in the
adult’s; its opening
adult, but the pharyngeal opening in the nasal part of the pharynx
al in
is relatively smaller. The course of the auditory tube is horizont
it passes from the middle ear
the newborn whereas in the adult
downward, forward and medially.
Coronal suture
Occipital bone (4.11, 14, 15, 16). At birth this consists of
parts, a basilar part, two lateral parts and a squamou s part;
they are joined by cartilage and form a ring around the
. The squamou s and lateral parts fuse together from the
Anterior magnum
them is flexible at birth. The
fontanelle second year; the cartilage between
lateral parts fuse with the basilar part during years 3 and 4,
fusion may be delayed until the 7th year.
Maxillae (4.11, 12, 15, 16). These are low and broad with 10
teeth. The bony palate is shallow at
alveoli containing deciduous
Postnata l growth occurs mainly verticall y. The maxillar y sinus
tuber birth.
is an elongated sac in the neonate, but with eruption of the deciduo
teeth it enlarges to become three times longer anteroposteriorly
Parietal five times greater in height and width. At birth the floor of the
bone is above that of the nasal cavity; in the adult it is below it.
Mandible (4.11, 12, 15, 16). This is formed by two halves

by fibrous tissue at the mandibular suture which fuse after the
fontanelle ly large; its upper two-
year. The body of the mandibl e is relative
Lambdoidal suture thirds are filled with alveoli containing the deciduous and
Occipital bone rami are short and broad, at an angle of 140°
permanent teeth. The
ve to the body (120° in the adult); the rami are shorter than the
4.13 Superior aspect of the full-term neonatal skull. For a comparati (same length in the adult).
356 view of an adult skull see 6.137.

Gingival membrane
Nasal bone
Incisive canal

Supraorbital notch Frontal bone

(premaxilla part)
(palatine process)
(zygomatic process)

Zygomatic bone

Greater and lesser Palatine bone
palatine foramina (horizontal lamina)
(perpendicular lamina)
(pyramidal process)
Sphenoid bone
Pterygoid hamulus (greater wing)
Lateral pterygoid lamina .\ (pterygoid process)
Medial pterygoid lamina
b| (bod)y)
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Temporal bone
Sphenoid spine (petrous part)
Petrotympanic fissure
(squamous part)
Semicanal for auditory tube

si (tympanic part)
Auditory tube sulcus
Foramen lacerum

Tympanic membrane
Promontory of middle ear

Stylomastoid foramen
Occipital bone
(basilar part)
(dateral part)

(squamous part)

Lambdoidal suture
Carotid canal

Jugular fossa
Hypoglossal canal
Occipital condyle
Condylar canal
Inferior nuchal line
Superior nuchal line
Sphenooccipital synchondrosis
Foramen magnu
External occipital crest

4.14 Inferior surface of the base of the full-term neonatal skull with the
mandible removed. For comparative view of an adult skull see 6.141a, 144a.

Vertebral column. This has no fixed curvatures in the neonate (4.4, years. In the neonate the intervertebral discs are composed mainly of
11). Crelin (1973) notes that the vertebral column of the newborn is so the nucleus pulposus which becomes much reduced in the adult as the
flexible that when dissected free from the body it can easily be bent annulus fibrosus develops.
(flexed or extended) into a perfect half circle. A slight sacral curvature Upper limbs. Generally the upper limbs are proportionately
can be seen in the neonate; this develops as the sacral vertebrae ossify shorter than in the adult. They are long compared to the neonatal
and fuse. The thoracic part of the column is the first to develop arela- trunk and lower limbs, extending to the upper thigh as in the adult;
tively fixed curvature, concave anteriorly. The other curvatures develop but the trunk is much shorter in the neonate (4.11). At birth the
later, the cervical curvature when the head can be held erect (from 3 upper limbs are about the same length as the lower limbs but much
months) and the lumbar curvature when walking starts (from 1 year). more developed. When examining the proportions of parts of the
Each vertebra (excluding Cl and C2) consists of hyaline cartilage with upper limb, the forearm is longer than the arm in the newborn, more
three separate ossification centres. The atlas has only two ossification so in boys than girls (p. 29). Only primary centres of ossification are
centres; it becomes a bony ring between the fifth and ninth years. The present in the upper limb, apart from a centre in the head of the
axis has four ossification centres, one for the body, two for the neural humerus. The elbow of the newborn cannot achieve full extension,
arches and one for the dens; the latter fuse between the third and sixth being some 10-15% short; it can flex to 145°. Crelin (1973) notes that 357

Frontal bone
Parietal bone

Ethmoid bone
(orbital lamina)

Lacrimal bone

Nasal bone

Maxilla Occipital bone

(squamous part)

Zygomatic bone (lateral part)

Temporal bone
Mandible (squamous part)
(tympanic part) (bony external
acoustic meatus absent)
(petrous part) (mastoid process absent)
(zygomatic part)
(styloid process) (cartilage)
Sphenoid bone
(greater wing)
(pterygoid process)

4.15 Lateral view of a full-term neonatal skull. See also 6.197. For a
comparative view of an adult skull see 6.133a, B.

Sphenoid bone Temporal bone

(Greater wing) (Petrous part)

(Squamous part)
(Pterygoid process)
(Lesser wing) Parietal bone

Frontal bone

Occipital bone
(Squamous part)
(Lateral part)

Palatine bone (Basilar part)

(Perpendicular lamina)
(Horizontal lamina)
Inferior nasal concha


4.16 Midsagittal section through a full-term neonatal skull. A sagittal

section of an adult skull is presented in 6.158.

the neonatal hand clearly shows four distinct palmar interosseous few days. The fingernails of the upper limb usually extend to the
muscles, the deep head of flexor pollicis brevis being the first palmar finger tips or just beyond; they are soft at birth but soon dry to
interosseous, with a different origin and innervation to the superficial become quite firm and sharp.
head of flexor pollicis brevis. The neonate has a relatively strong Pelvis. In the newborn the pelvis is cone-shaped; the transverse
358 grasp, which may allow it to be pulled off a mattress within the first diameter of the true pelvis is 2.2cm, its anteroposterior diameter

2.8cm and its length between the inlet and outlet is 2cm. The sacrum term, at birth it is about 180/minute and it drops over the neonatal
is proportionately larger than in the adult and the sacral promontory period to 170/minute after about 10 minutes, 120-140/minute from
is higher. When walking commences the sacrum descends between 15 minutes to | hour after birth. Obviously any signs of fetal distress
the ilia and the promontory develops. The bilateral ilia, ischia and will increase this general, basic level. The heart rate drops further
pubic bones are variably ossified (see p. 669) at birth; they meet at with increasing age; thus it is normally between 113 and 127
the acetabulum which in the neonate is cartilaginous, relatively large beats/minute from 6 months to | year, settling to about 100/minute
and shallow. by the end of the first year.
Lower limbs. Compared to the upper limbs these are under- At all ages the interventricular septum is considered part of the
developed. They are retained in a flexed position. The leg is pro- left ventricle, and the heart ratio is expressed as: weight of left
portionately shorter than the thigh. In the neonate the legs appear ventricle and septum/weight of right ventricle. At birth the left
to be bowed; however, the tibia and fibula are straight and the ventricle weighs about 25% more than the right; however, the right
illusion of bow-legs is caused by the shape of the soft tissues and ventricle has been working against the systemic pressure in the fetus
the slightly more advanced development of the lateral head of the (the pulmonary circulation being not yet active) and there is a right
gastrocnemius compared to its medial head. The femoral neck is ventricular functional preponderance in the first 2 or 3 months after
much shorter and forms an acute angle with the shaft. The shaft of birth. With the establishment of the pulmonary circulation the work
the femur is quite straight; the curvature seen in the adult is acquired of the right side of the heart decreases; the left side of the heart,
with walking. The head of the femur is larger than the acetabular particularly the ventricle, grows rapidly to meet the demands of the
fossa with nearly one-third remaining external; the ligamentum teres active neonate and by the end of the second year it weighs twice as
is relatively very long. Dislocation of the hip joint is relatively easy much as the right, a condition which continues to middle age.
and the femoral head can be removed from the acetabular fossa Corresponding to the weight differential between the right and left
laterally, but not posteriorly; such dislocation occurs more frequently ventricles, at birth the average thickness of the lateral walls of the
on the right side and in caucasian females. Two of the tarsal bones, ventricles is about equal (5mm). By the end of the third month the
the calcaneus and the talus, have an ossification centre at birth and left ventricle is thicker than the right, becoming twice as thick by
in 50% of neonates a centre is present in the cuboid. the second year and three times as thick by puberty.
The muscles of the lower limb are much less developed than those The heart is situated in the neonate midway between the crown
in the upper limb. The fetal position, often assumed by postnatal of the head and the lower level of the buttocks (4.5). The anterior
babies, keeps the thighs in continuous abduction, stretching the surface is formed mainly by the right atrium and right ventricle as
adductors. The muscles which will later be used for walking are in the adult; this surface is usually covered by the thymus which
weak and the lack of gluteal development, particularly, gives the may extend over the base of the right ventricle.
typically diminutive buttocks of the neonate. Foramen ovale. About 4-6mm in vertical length and 3-4mm
Feet. In neonates these are usually inverted. They have a greater wide, it lies at the level of the third intercostal space with its long
degree of dorsiflexion caused by the relatively greater area of the axis in the median plane (4.5). It is almost exactly in the coronal
trochlea of the talus; plantar flexion on the other hand is limited, plane of the body; thus blood passes from the anteriorly placed right
due to some extent to the shortness of the extensor muscles of the atrium posteriorly and upwards to reach the upper, posterior part
foot. At birth the footprint outlines the whole plantar surface due of the left atrium. Although the foramen ovale closes functionally
to deposition of subcutaneous fat beneath the longitudinal and after pulmonary respiration is established it does not become struc-
transverse arches; thus most babies appear flat-footed. turally closed until some time later. It is obliterated in less than 3%
of infants 2 weeks after birth, but in 87% by 4 months after birth.
SKIN Occlusion of fetal vessels after birth
The surface area of the skin increases with growth. It has been Soon after birth a number of fetal vessels occlude, but the majority
estimated that the surface area of a premature neonate weighing of vessels do not, suggesting that the walls of a population of
1505g is about 1266cm’, whereas a neonate of 2980 g has a surface fetal vessels are different to the remaining vessels permitting their
area of 2129cm’. The skin of the neonate is thinner than that of differential constriction. In many cases the tunica media contains
older infants and children. It cornifies over a period of 2-3 weeks populations of smooth muscle, elastic fibres and connective tissue
providing protection; however, in the premature infant the thin which proliferate prior to birth. Bradykinin, one of the Klinins—
epidermal layer allows absorption of a variety of substances, for polypeptide hormones that induce contraction or relaxation of
example chlorhexidene and boric acid. At birth the skin is richly smooth muscle—, forms in the blood of the umbilical cord when
vascularized by a dense subepidermal plexus. The mature pattern of the temperature of the cord drops at or shortly after birth. It is also
capillary loops and of the subpapillary venous plexus is not present formed and released by granular leucocytes in the lungs of the
at birth but develops as a result of capillary budding with migration neonate after exposure to adequate oxygen. Bradykinin is a potent
of endothelia at some sites and the absorption of vessels from other constrictor of the umbilical arteries and veins and the ductus art-
sites (Ryan 1992). Perera et al (1970) studied the microvasculature eriosus, while being at the same time a potent inhibitor of contraction
of the skin for the first 3 months of postnatal life and noted how of the pulmonary vessels (Crelin 1973). It has long been realized
some regions mature faster than others. They noted, inter alia, that that intact endothelium is required for the relaxation response to
with the exceptions of the palms, soles and nail beds, the skin of the bradykinin.
neonate has almost no papillary loops; the skin has a disordered Ductus arteriosus. The ductus arteriosus (4.17, 18) shunts blood
capillary network which becomes more orderly from the second from the pulmonary trunk in the fetus to the arch of the aorta, thus
week when papillary loops appear; defined loops are not present bypassing the lungs. It arises as a direct continuation of the pul-
until the fourth or fifth week, but all areas possess loops by 14-17 monary trunk where it divides into right and left pulmonary arteries;
weeks postnatally. it is 8-12mm long. It joins the aorta at an angle of 30-35° on the
Neonates exhibit a regional sequence of eccrine gland maturation, left side, anterolaterally, below the origin of the left subclavian
with the earliest sweating occurring on the forehead, followed by the artery. The opening of the ductus arteriosus into the aorta is
chest, upper arm and, later, more caudal areas. Acceleration of greatly elongated. The diameter of the ductus at its origin from the
maturation of the sweating response occurs in premature babies after pulmonary trunk, when distended with blood, is 45mm; this is
delivery (Lane 1992). nearly equal to the diameter of the adjacent ascending aorta (5—
6mm). Both arteries taper to a smaller diameter as they pass
inferiorly with the aorta remaining slightly larger (4mm; 4.18). In
CARDIOVASCULAR AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS the neonate the ductus arteriosus is closely related to the left primary
bronchus inferiorly and the thymus gland anteriorly.
Heart The ductus arteriosus is very different from the other great vessels
The heart is relatively large at birth (4.6, 17), and weighs about 20 g; arising from the heart (see p. 314). All the other great vessels develop
the cardiac output is about 550 ml/minute, and the blood pressure tunicae mediae which are elastic in nature whereas the ductus has a
80/46. The fetal heart rate is approximately 150 beats a minute near muscular morphology (de Ruiter et al 1990). It has been proposed 359

Right common carotid artery Right recurrent Trachea Oesophagus

laryngeal nerve
Brachiocephalic trunk
Ansa subclavia
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Right vagus nerve
Left common carotid artery
Right subclavian artery Superior cervical cardiac nerve (passing to
superficial part of cardiac plexus)
Right phrenic nerve
Left vagus nerve
Ansa subclavia
Internal thoracic artery Left subclavian artery

Left phrenic nerve

Right and left Internal thoracic artery

brachiocephalic veins
Pericardiacophrenic artery
Pericardiacophrenic artery Tals

f Inferior cardiac nerve; branch

{ of vagus nerve (passing
to superficial part of
cardiac plexus)
Fibrous pericardium

Superior vena cava

Ascending aorta

Pulmonary trunk Ductus arteriosus

Pulmonary plexus
Right pulmonary artery and veins
( Left pulmonary artery and veins

Pulmonary plexus

Hilus of right lung Hilus of left lung

Conus arteriosus

Right auricle
Great cardiac vein
Right coronary artery
(in coronary sulcus) Left auricle

Left coronary
nerve plexus
Right coronary
plexus Left ventricle
Anterior cardiac veins Oblique fissure
of left lung

Oblique fissure
of right lung

Marginal arterial and Visceral layer of serous

venous branches pericardium (epicardium)

4.17 Anterior view of heart and great vessels in a full-term neonate. The . Apex
Parietal layer of serous Anterior interventricular
lungs have been displaced to expose the heart and the epicardium dissected branch of left coronary artery
off the heart and roots of the great vessels. pericardium lining fibrous
pericardium that is fused
to diaphragm

that a relationship between the recurrent laryngeal branch of the Closure of the ductus arteriosus. Closure starts immediately after
vagus nerve and the developing ductus arteriosus could account for birth. The first stage is completed within 10-15 hours and the second
the histological difference in the ductus (Leonard et al 1983). The stage takes 2-3 weeks. The first stage consists of contraction of the
vagus nerve in the stage 16 embryo is very large in relation to the smooth muscle cells and development of subendothelial oedema;
aortic arch system. The recurrent laryngeal nerve has a greater destruction of the endothelium and proliferation of the intima
proportion of connective tissue than other nerves making it more subsequently occurs, leading to permanent closure. Diverse factors
resistant to stretch. Leonard et al (1983) suggest that tension applied have been identified which may promote ductal closure and include:
by the left recurrent laryngeal nerve wrapping around the ductus increased oxygen tension; increase in the plasma catecholamine
arteriosus could provide a means of support which may permit the levels; suppression of PGI, production; switching off PGE receptors;
ductus to develop as a muscular artery rather than an elastic artery. a synergistic role of PGF, and oxygen levels; a fall in plasma
Patency of the ductus arteriosus. This is essential for fetal life. adenosine level.
Prostaglandins appear to play a role in maintaining this patency. After birth these interrelated events together result in the closure
Fetal and neonatal ductal tissue can produce prostaglandin E, of the ductus. It has been proposed that high oxygen tension
(PGE;), prostaglandin I, (PGI), prostaglandin F,, (PGF2,). They initiates the synthesis of a hydroperoxy fatty acid which suppresses
360 inhibit the ability of the ductus to contract in response to oxygen. prostacyclin production, thus exposing the ductus to the contractile
Arch of cricoid cartilage
For up to 48 hours after birth the intra-abdominal portion of the
umbilical vein can be easily dilated and in most adults the original
Ocesophagus lumen of the vein persists through the ligamentum teres and can be
dilated to 56mm in diameter.
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve Ductus venosus. This is a direct continuation of the umbilical
vein arising from the left branch of the portal vein, directly opposite
the termination of the umbilical vein. The ductus venosus passes for
Aortic arch 2-3 cm within the layers of the lesser omentum, in a groove between
the left lobe and caudate lobe of the liver, before terminating in the
Left vagus nerve inferior vena cava, or in the left hepatic vein immediately before it
joins the inferior vena cava. The tunica media of the ductus venosus
Superior tracheobronchial
lymph nodes contains circularly arranged smooth muscle fibres, an abundant
Azygous vein amount of elastic fibres and some connective tissue. Obliteration of
Ductus arteriosus
Tracheal bifurcation (becomes ligamentum this vessel is initiated at the portal vein end and passes to the vena
arteriosum) cava; it begins in the second postnatal week and the lumen is
Right main bronchus completely obliterated by the second or third month after birth.
‘Bronchopulmonar. Major arterial and venous vessels of the trunk. These, with
Right bronchial artery, Wihaph ides y
their associated visceral branches, are relatively larger than those in
Left main bronchus the limbs, favouring central pooling of blood. Vessels in the periphery
Inferior tracheobronchial are nearly microscopic in the neonate and cannulation poses much
lymph nodes Upper left bronchial more of a problem than in the adult. Large vessels are in the same
relative positions as in the adult but may correspond to different
Lower left bronchial
artery vertebral levels. Thus although the bifurcation of the common carotid
artery into the internal and external carotid arteries occurs at the
Oesophageal arteries
level of the hyoid bone, as in the adult, the hyoid bone is relatively
Oesophagus higher in the neonate neck than in the adult. The renal arteries
similarly arise higher, often between T12 and LI] (in the adult upper
Descending thoracic border of L2). The abdominal aorta bifurcates into common iliac
arteries at the upper border of L4 rather than at the lower border
as in the adult.

4.18 Anterior view with the heart removed to show the relationship between
Lymphoid and lymphatic tissues
Thymus (4.19). This accounts for 0.42% of the body weight at birth,
compared to 0.03 to 0.05% in the adult. It weighs 10g in the full-
term neonate, increases in weight steadily until puberty, when it
the left primary bronchus, the aortic arch and the ductus arteriosus ina full-
term fetus. weighs about 30 g, and thereafter slowly decreases until old age when
it may be 12.5g. At birth the thymus is most often bilobar; it is 4—
6cm long, 2.5-Scm wide and 1cm thick. The gland has a cervical
portion which may extend as high as the lower margin of the thyroid
effects of prostaglandin endoperoxide. For a discussion of the factors gland, inferiorly; the lower end of the right lobe is commonly between
associated with closure of the ductus see Mathew (1992). the right side of the ascending aorta and the right lung, anterior to
the superior cava. Anterior to the gland in the neck are the sterno-
Umbilical vessels hyoid and sternothyroid muscles and fascia; in the thorax the gland
Umbilical arteries (4.5). These are in direct continuation with the is covered by the manubrium, the internal thoracic vessels, the upper
internal iliac arteries. Their lumen is about 2-3mm in diameter at three costal cartilages, and laterally the pleura. Posteriorly the thymus
their origin, when distended, narrowing as they approach the umbili-
cus with a reciprocal thickening of the tunica media due particularly Thymic branches of
to an increase in the number of longitudinal smooth muscle fibres internal thoracic veins
and elastic fibres. Before birth there is a proliferation of connective and arteries
Thymus gland
tissue within the vessel wall. After the cord is severed the umbilical
arteries contract preventing significant blood loss; thrombi often
form in the distal ends of the arteries. The arteries obliterate from
their distal ends until by the end of the second or third month
involution has occurred at the level of the superior vesical arteries.
The proximal parts of the ‘obliterated vessels remain as the medial
umbilical ligaments.
Umbilical vein (4.4, 5). In the neonate this is 2-3cm long and 4-
5mm in diameter when distended. It passes from the umbilicus,
within the layers of the falciform ligament, superiorly and to the
right, to the porta hepatis. Here it gives off several large intrahepatic
branches to the liver and then joins the left branch of the portal
vein. The umbilical vein is thin walled; it possesses a definite internal
lamina of elastic fibres at the umbilical ring, but not in its intra-
abdominal course. The tunica media contains smooth muscle fibres,
collagen and elastic fibres. When the cord is severed the umbilical
vein contracts but not so vigorously as the arteries. The rapid
decrease in pressure in the vein after the cord is clamped means that
the elastic tissue at the umbilical ring is sufficient to arrest any
retrograde flow along the vessel. Prior to birth there is a subintimal
proliferation of connective tissue around the periphery of the lumen.
After birth the contraction of the collagen fibres in the tunica media
and the increased connective tissue constitute the ligamentum teres,
obliteration of the vessel occurring from the umbilical ring towards 4.19 Anterior view of the thymus gland in the full-term neonate. The lungs
the hepatic end; no thrombi are formed in the obliteration process. have been displaced to show the extent of the gland. 361

.is in contact with the vessels of the superior mediastinum, especially part of the trachea. The gland attains half the adult size by 2 years
the left brachiocephalic vein which may be partly embedded in the postnatally. Colloid is present in the gland from 3 months gestation
gland, the upper part of the thoracic trachea, and the upper part of and thyroxin by 4.5 months gestation.
the anterior surface of the heart. The thickest part of the gland at Parathyroid glands. These are variable in size and position as in
birth is not at the superior thoracic aperture but lies immediately the adult. They double in size between birth and puberty. Parathyroid
above the base of the heart. During childhood the thymus narrows hormone (PTH) is produced from the 12th week of development.
and lengthens and the cervical portion becomes less noticeable. The Pituitary gland (hypophysis). About one-sixth the weight of the
thymus is necessary for the development of the white pulp of the adult gland, it increases in weight to become about one-half the
spleen. weight of the adult gland at 7 years, attaining adult weight at
Spleen (4.5). At birth the spleen weighs, on average, 13g. It puberty. Throughout postnatal life the gland appears larger in
doubles its weight in the first postnatal year and triples it by the end females, in both size and weight.
of the third year. Accessory spleens are very common in neonates,
located in the greater omentum.
Lymph vessels and lymph nodes. The thoracic duct is the EVALUATION OF THE NEONATE
largest single lymph vessel in the body in both neonates and adults. The general condition of the neonate is evaluated as quickly as
It is about 10-11cm long in the neonate. The right lymphatic duct possible after delivery, traditionally using a grading of five clinical
that drains lymph from the right side of the head and neck is only features devised by Virginia Apgar or The five clinical features
2-3cm long and surrounded by lymph nodes. The total amount of are (see 4.20):
lymphoid tissue in the form of lymph nodes is considerable in the
neonate. Generally lymphoid tissues increase in amount during heart rate
childhood because of the growth of nodes already present in the respiration
neonate. The pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) is formed shortly before muscle tone
birth by infiltration of the pharyngeal bursa with masses of lymphoid response to pharyngeal catheter
cells. Definitive follicles with germinal centres are formed during the colour of trunk.
first postnatal year, and the pharyngeal tonsil reaches its maximal
development at 6 years; thereafter involution is completed by These are each given a score from 0-2 at 1 minute and 5 minutes
puberty. The paired palatine tonsils are situated slightly higher in after delivery; evaluation is repeated until the infant’s condition
the tonsillar fossae in the neonate; each descends in position during stabilizes. Total scores of 0-3 indicate severe neonatal distress, 4-6
the second and third postnatal year; definitive lymph nodules appear indicate moderate difficulty in adjusting to extrauterine life, and
after birth. The palatine tonsils may begin to atrophy from the fifth scores of 7-10 indicate little difficulty in adjustment. Whereas the
year and involution is often complete by puberty. Apgar score alone is a poor index of asphyxia, and resuscitation
may be indicated regardless of a high score, a low Apgar score
invariably indicates some sort of problem. Generally the Apgar score
ENDOCRINE GLANDS is used alongside a narrative description of the baby at birth. The
Of the neonatal endocrine glands, the pancreas has been described improvement in the Apgar score from 0 to 20 minutes after delivery
under the gastrointestinal tract and the gonads under reproductive has become an internationally understood and accepted shorthand
organs. for describing the success or otherwise of the resuscitative effort; it
Thyroid gland (4.5). Relatively large in the neonate, it has a long provides valuable information for medical practitioners examining
narrow isthmus connecting lobes which do not yet contact the upper the baby during the first years of life (Roberton 1992).

0 1 2

Heart rate Absent Slow (less than 100 beats/min) Greater than 100 beats/min
Respiratory effort Absent Slow or irregular Good; crying lustily
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion of extremities Active motion; well flexed
Response to pharyngeal catheter No response Grimace Cough or sneeze; vigorous cry
Colour of trunk Blue or pale Body pink, extremities blue Completely pink

4.20 The factors which are evaluated at birth in the Apgar scoring system. are made at 1 minute and 5 minutes after delivery and repeated until the
Each factor is scored from 0-2 giving a maximal score of 10. Evaluations infant’s condition is stable.

small number of babies require intensive venous feeding and insertion of an in-
Neonatal procedures care because anatomical abnormalities dwelling catheter into an artery for blood
gas and arterial pressure monitoring are
have occurred during their in-utero
development; examples of such conditions often required. For other infants, samples
It is estimated that 1-2% of all newborn include congenital abnormalities of the of cerebrospinal fluid, blood or urine are
infants in the United Kingdom receive heart, obstruction to the digestive system required to determine whether infection
intensive care following birth. Many of and herniation of the abdominal contents is present. Some of the more commonly
these babies are born prematurely and into the chest as a consequence of con- performed procedures which are required
some require cardiorespiratory and genital diaphragmatic hernia. While many in the newborn period are described
nutritional support for one to several of these conditions can only be corrected below, with particular reference to the
weeks, or even months, until functional by operative procedures, the babies will anatomical landmarks which are referred
maturity of their organ systems has usually require intensive care before and to to ensure safe and accurate localization.
occurred. Others are mature at birth but after their surgery.
the transition to extrauterine life has been In order to provide effective intensive Endotracheal intubation
complicated by conditions such as birth care, catheterization of a central vein for The insertion of an endotracheal tube
asphyxia, sepsis or hypoxia, often leading pressure monitoring, placement of a ‘long- (ETT) is a procedure which is commonly
to persistent pulmonary hypertension. A line’ into, or near, the heart for intra- performed for resuscitation of the


The catheter is inserted directly into
either the cut end or the side of one of the
, _ Nose to mid-trachea (cm) _Lipsto mid-trachea (cm) two umbilical arteries in the umbilical cord
ga : ee 6.2 stump which remains attached to the baby
following transection of the umbilical cord
0.75 _ 6.5 at the time of delivery. The catheter tip is
1.0 8 6.8
then advanced along the length of the
umbilical artery, through the internal iliac
6 9 7.3 artery, into the common iliac artery and
from there into the aorta. In order to keep
2.0 10 7.9
the catheter patent a small volume of fluid
eo 11 8.5 is infused continuously through it. It is
important that the tip of the catheter
3.0 12 9.1 should be located well away from arteries
3.5 13 9.7
branching from the aorta, to avoid poten-
tially harmful perfusion of these arteries
*Hodson & Truog 1987 with the catheter fluid. Thus umbilical
arterial catheter tips are placed in the
descending aorta either in a ‘high’ pos-
ition, above the coeliac artery but well
Table 4.2 Key anatomical points relevant to endotracheal tube positioning below the ductus arteriosus, or in a ‘low’
in the neonate*
position, below the renal and inferior mes-
enteric arteries but above the point where
Vertebral level
the aorta bifurcates into the two common
Vocal cords iliac arteries. The length of catheter to
be inserted can be estimated from charts
Thoracic inlet T1 relating the required catheter length to
Carina T3-4, or T4 external body measurements (Dunn 1966;
Rosenfeld et al 1980), or from birth weight
*Blayney & Logan 1994 (Shukla & Ferrara 1986). Positioning of
the catheter is assessed by means of
abdominal and/or chest X-rays: a ‘high’
newborn at birth and subsequently to always visible on X-ray). In the past it has catheter tip should be located in the
enable artificial ventilation. The ETT is been advised that the ETT tip should be descending aorta somewhere between the
introduced into either the nose or the placed just below the clavicles, at the level levels of the sixth and ninth thoracic ver-
mouth and guided through the vocal cords of the first rib (Fletcher et al 1983) or 1- tebrae (T6-T9), while a ‘low’ catheter tip
with the help of a laryngoscope. The tip 2cm above the carina (Carolene 1991). should be at a level between the third and
of the ETT should be in the mid-trachea, It has recently been suggested that, as fourth lumbar vertebrae (L3-L4). Rel-
well above the carina. positioning of the clavicles can vary evant anatomical reference points are
The required length of the tube can be according to angulation and placement of given in Table 4.3.
estimated according to birth weight, as the baby and the carina cannot always be
in Table 4.1, or, in an emergency, by identified, the body of the first thoracic Peripheral arterial puncture
measuring the distance from the tragus of vertebra (T1) would be a more stable It is common practice to insert a small-
the ear to the tip of the chin; the distance reference point as the target for the ETT bore cannula into a peripheral artery in
from the lips to the mid-trachea gives tip (Blayney & Logan 1994). The length neonates receiving intensive care when
approximately the same measurement. of the trachea in the neonate can be as either the umbilical artery is not accessible
Alternatively, a commonly used formula short as 3.lcm in premature infants or there are clinical reasons to avoid can-
for the estimation of ‘tip to lip’ tube length (Coldiron 1968) and the distance from T1 nulation of the umbilical vessels. Trans-
is the ‘l-2-3=7-8-9 guideline’. This is to the carina ranges from 1.4cm in babies illumination can be used to provide an
based on the observation that, for a baby weighing 500-1000g to 1.8cm in those outline of the artery to be cannulated
weighing | kg at birth, the distance from weighing 3001-3500g (Blayney & Logan (see below) (Pearse 1978). The peripheral
the lip to 7cm; for a 2kg 1994). Relevant anatomical reference arteries which are most commonly used
baby it is 8cm and for a 3 kg baby it is 9cm points are given in Table 4.2. are the radial artery, just above the
(Tochen 1979). For nasotracheal tubes the anterior surface of the wrist, and the pos-
formula takes into account the naso- terior tibial artery, posterior to the medial
pharyngeal length needed and becomes malleolus. The proximity of the ulnar
“1-2-3 =8-10-12’. These figure are also UMBILICAL ARTERIAL nerve to the ulnar artery increases the risk
achieved by using the 7-8-9 figures plus CATHETERIZATION of nerve damage associated with arterial
the birth weight in kilograms (Kohelet et cannulation of the ulnar artery, and the
al 1982). ‘Insertion of an umbilical catheter is under- relatively poor collateral circulation
Confirmation of correct positioning of taken to provide direct access to the associated with the dorsalis pedis artery
the ETT is obtained radiologically, either arterial circulation. This enables arterial means that this artery is used only as
from a chest X-ray or, in order to minimize blood to be withdrawn repeatedly for a last resort. The brachial artery at the
radiation exposure of the baby, from a measurement of oxygen and carbon antecubital fossa also has a poor collateral
‘coned view’ of the trachea. The ana- dioxide partial pressures, pH, base excess circulation and the median nerve is in
tomical reference points used for the X- and many other parameters of blood bio- close proximity; it is generally considered,
ray to assess the position of the ETT are chemistry and haematology; the in-dwell- therefore, that cannulation of this artery
the clavicles, the bodies of the vertebrae ing catheter also provides a facility for the is not justified.
and the carina (although the latter is not continuous measurement of arterial blood Confirmation that an adequate col-


forming a lumbar puncture it is important

Bele) anatomical reference points for umbilical arterial to enter the spinal canal below the level
catheterizatio of the termination of the spinal cord, the
tip of the conus medullaris. While this is
usually at or above the level of the second
lumbar vertebra (L2), in some individuals
Ductusarteriosus T4-5
the cord may, rarely, extend as low as
Coeliac artery THe | L3 and it is advisable, therefore, for the
needle to enter the spinal canal below this
Superior mesenteric artery 712-11
Renal artery uu A lumbar puncture is performed by
placing the baby in a position, either lying
Inferior mesenteric artery L3 or ‘sitting’, which gives maximum convex
Aortic bifurcation L4—5 curvature to the lumbar spine. A needle
with trochar is inserted into the back
between the spines of the third and fourth
vertebrae and into the subarachnoid space
Table 4.4 Key anatomical reference points relevant to lumbar puncture below the level of the conus medullaris.
The space between L3 and L4 is approxi-
mately level with the iliac crests and it is
usual to insert the needle and trochar into
End of conus medullaris the intervertebral space immediately above
or below the iliac crests. The needle and
lliac crests
trochar pass through the interspinous liga-
End of subarachnoid space ment, the ligamentum flavum, the dura
mater and the arachnoid mater (see Table

lateral circulation is present when can- Percutaneous central venous Suprapubic aspiration of the
nulating the radial artery can be obtained catheterization bladder
by performing Allen’s test, in which both Small-bore catheters can be fed into large In infants under the age of two years, and
the radial and ulnar arteries are com- central veins or into the right atrium via particularly in neonates, urine is often
pressed at the wrist following exsan- needles or catheters inserted in the per- collected, either as part of a general sepsis
guination of the hand and forearm; release ipheral veins. Typically, the median screen, when infection is suspected but
of pressure on the ulnar artery while main- cubital or basilic veins are used in the neither certain nor localized, or when a
taining occlusion of the radial artery upper limb and the great saphenous at the specific urinary infection is suspected. In
should result in reperfusion of the hand medial malleolus in the lower limb. The either case, there may be some urgency in
and lower forearm if an adequate col- tip of the catheter is sited at the entrance initiating treatment with antibiotics and
lateral ulnar arterial supply is present. to the right atrium. The required catheter the urine must be collected before such
Alternatively, intact arterial flow can length is assessed from direct measurement treatment is started in order to avoid a
usually be confirmed, particularly in the of the distance between the point of partially treated specimen giving mis-
preterm infant, by direct visualization of surface entry in the limb to the right leading results.
the arteries using transillumination. A cold atrium, estimated at midsternal level. In young infants a large portion of the
light source is placed on the posterior bladder, when it contains urine, is located
aspect of the lower forearm and the Lumbar puncture above the level of the symphysis pubis, in
shadow of the pulsating arteries can be Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), obtained by the lower abdomen rather than in the
seen on the anterior surface of the lumbar puncture, is often needed to deter- pelvis. It is possible, therefore, to obtain
forearm. mine whether meningitis is present. CSF urine by inserting a needle, connected to
surrounds both the spinal cord and the a syringe, into the bladder through the
Umbilical vein catheterization cauda equina; when bacterial meningitis abdominal wall about 2 cm above the sym-
The umbilical vein is catheterized to occurs an increased inflammatory cell physis pubis and aspirating the contents
enable exchange and transfusion of blood, influx can be demonstrated by micro- into the sterile syringe (Nelson & Peters
for central venous pressure measurement scopical examination of CSF and patho- 1965). Since urine is obtained directly from
and, usually in an emergency, for vascular genic bacteria can be identified by culture the bladder it cannot have been con-
access. The catheter is inserted into the cut and microscopy. taminated by organisms around the peri-
end of the umbilical vein and is advanced During gestation the relationship neum and anus, as it might be if the urine
along the length of the vein, through the between the conus medullaris and the ver- is passed into a bag or container; any
ductus venosus and into the inferior vena tebral column changes such that the conus growth on culture, therefore, is regarded
cava, the tip being placed between the medullaris gradually ascends to lie at as significant and indicative of urinary
ductus venosus and the right atrium. Pos- higher vertebral levels. By 19 weeks of infection.
itioning of the catheter tip is confirmed gestation the conus is adjacent to the The success rate of the procedure is
radiologically and it should be located just fourth lumbar vertebra (L4), and by full variable and depends upon the bladder
above the diaphragm at a point which term (40 weeks) it is at the level of the being full. Recently, a much higher success
is level with the ninth or tenth thoracic second lumbar vertebra (L2). By 2 months rate has been reported by using an ultra-
vertebrae (T9-T10). As with umbilical postnatally the conus medullaris has sound scanner to locate the bladder and
arterial catheters, estimation of the usually reached its permanent position at confirm that it contains urine prior to
required catheter length can be determined the level of the body of the first lumbar the insertion of the needle (Buys et al
from standard charts (Dunn 1966). vertebra (L1) (Barson 1970). In _per- 1994).


Growth is a term widely used in everyday conversation and applied

to both living and inanimate objects; commonly it implies an increase
in mass or size. The section which follows is concerned with this
general concept as it applies to the growth of cells, tissues and organs
constituting a whole animal. Within this context, and indeed in
others, it becomes evident that the simple definition ‘increase in
mass and size’ is not entirely satisfactory; it becomes necessary to
distinguish between different types of growth to appreciate the
complex nature of the process and the exquisite control mechanisms
involved. Determinate
At the cellular level distinctions can be made between protein and
DNA synthesis leading to an increase in cell number by mitotic
division, cellular hyperplasia, and synthesis of protein and cellular
material without mitotic division leading to an increase in cell size,
cellular hypertrophy. Also at this level growth may be described with
reference to the amount of extracellular matrix produced by the cells
(this is termed accretionary growth) or by the position in which cells
and extracellular matrix are added, i.e. either within a tissue as in
intestinal growth or to its surface, as in appositional growth.
Cellular hyperplasia (number
near Maturity
Within the normal life cycle hyperplasia, or multiplicative growth, is
seen during the developmental stages of embryogenesis, organo- 1 3 6 opr 1 3 69 10 30 6090
genesis and gestational growth, and also in infancy and childhood.
Prenatal months Postnatal years
Generally, hyperplastic growth decreases as the individual
approaches sexual maturity; however, each cell lineage normally Duration of hyperplasia
remains in multiplicative growth for differing time periods such that
whereas some cells, for example neurons, complete their mitotic 4.21 The duration of multiplicative growth for various human tissues (after
proliferative phase in utero, other cells, for example type I alveolar Gilbert 1992).
epithelial cells, continue to divide during childhood, while still
other cells, for example stem cells for blood production, divide
continuously for the lifetime of the individual (see 4.21).
Cell division is controlled at two main levels, extrinsic and intrinsic;
volume to nuclear material and, in these, various methods of pro-
these levels correlate to the distance effector substances travel to viding auxiliary nuclear support have emerged. The large dipteran
exert their effect. Extrinsic control of cell division depends on factors salivary gland cells develop ‘giant’ polytene chromosomes containing
from other tissues (a hormonal effect, whereas intrinsic control
some multiple of the diploid DNA content. The striated muscle
depends on factors produced locally by the cells themselves (a fibre and other ‘giant’ cells such as megakaryocytes are, of course,
paracrine effect.
multinucleate syncytia. Finally, the enlarging odcyte and neuron
(possessing but a single haploid and a single diploid nucleus,
Cellular hypertrophy respectively) have their surfaces clothed by numerous satellite cells
Hypertrophic or auxetic growth involves an increase in the size of (follicular or glial cells). Such satellites probably provide auxiliary
the specific individual cells characterizing a tissue without their metabolic and nuclear support for the enlarged central cell, i.e. the
division. It is usually seen in cells which can no longer undergo two are functionally interlocked as a cytophysiological unit.
mitosis and therefore is mainly a feature of postnatal life. It is Hypertrophic growth can be induced; for example, muscle fibres
particularly prominent in certain invertebrate tissues such as the enlarge when exercised and adipose cells enlarge with fat deposition
salivary glands of Diptera, but is also well shown by some mam- in obesity.
malian tissues. For example, there is a vast postnatal increase of
both surface area and cytoplasmic volume in many neurons and glial Accretionary growth
cells; the growing striated muscle fibre, the odcyte, the myelinating Accretionary growth denotes an increase in the amount of extra-
Schwann cells, and the smooth muscle cells of the pregnant uterus cellular matrix between tissue cells rather than either an increase in
furnish further obvious examples. The majority of other tissues, cell number or of cell size. Bone and cartilage are the most commonly
however, show some hypertrophic growth but of limited degree, cited examples; other less obvious examples are the other fibrous
while conversely, in some sites, continued multiplicative growth is connective tissues, tendons, joint capsules, aponeuroses, fasciae, and
accompanied by a reduction in cell volume (e.g. granule cells of the the cornea.
cerebellar cortex, and small lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue).
It is widely held that the general nucleocytoplasmic ratio to which Appositional growth
most of the body’s cells roughly approximate reflects the fixed
quantity of DNA in their diploid nuclei which, in turn, imposes a Appositional growth is a specific type of growth where new gen-
rate limitation on the replacement of cytoplasmic proteins (each of erations of cells and extracellular matrix are added to the surface of
which has a characteristic turnover rate). Thus, with continuing the tissue by the repeated division of the cells of a cambial layer which
auxetic growth of a cell, its cytoplasmic volume eventually reaches surrounds the tissue, for example periosteum and perichondrium.
a point beyond which the structural genes cannot effectively replace
the protein which is undergoing continual degradation. In some Interstitial growth
cases, growth ceases at this point, or nuclear replication with cell Interstitial growth is seen where multiplicative and sometimes
division occurs. The cases of hypertrophic growth cited above, accretionary growth continues throughout the thickness of a tissue
however, often proceed far beyond the usual ratio of cytoplasmic mass and it grows as a whole expanding from within. 365
TTinnnct shcs ses

Meristematic growth Allometric growth

Meristematic growth describes growth from a tip which contains Allometric growth describes the differences in the relative rates of
populations of dividing cells. As division occurs the tip moves distally growth between one part of the body and another. It is most clearly
leaving populations of cells from its early divisions. An example of seen in the changes in body proportion between fetuses, neonates,
meristematic growth is seen in the limb buds where the progress children and adults. Between 6 and 7 weeks after fertilization the
zone produces first cells of the shoulder, then is moved distally to head is nearly one-half of the total embryonic length. Subsequently
produce populations of the arm, and so on. during gestation the head grows proportionally more slowly so that
at birth it is one-quarter of the whole length. During childhood this
Compensatory growth pattern of growth continues with lengthening of the torso and limbs
Tissue and organ growth is normally under some sort of control: a until, in adults, the head is one-eighth the length (4.22).
balance is achieved between loss through ‘wear and tear’ and the Allometric growth can be considered to be responsible for the
maintenance of functional tissue integrity. Large-scale loss can be variation of the vertebrate body plan, especially in, for example,
compensated for either through regeneration of the tissue itself, as skull development in mammals. It has been suggested that a basic
in the liver, or by compensatory growth elsewhere, for example pattern for the base of the skull is specified by the basal layer of the
following the loss of one kidney. Compensatory growth, however, neural tube (see p.274). The initial stimulus to chondrogenesis is
appears to be strictly regulated; regenerating liver, for instance, more provided by the neurepithelial cells resulting in the arrest of migration
or less regains its original size, at which point growth ceases. of underlying migrating mesenchymal cells. The pattern of arrest
forms the template for the base of the skull. In mammals there is
Integration of types of growth some modification of the skull prior to birth but generally the
In the later gestational months and the postnatal period all the types mammalian skull is globular, assisting passage along the birth canal.
of growth are welded together in various patterns, with differential After birth the specific skull shape for the species develops by
growth rates and directions in different parts of the system. For allometric growth, resulting in either the flat, neotenous human skull,
example, in the developing limb whereas the production of the the more prognathous skulls of lower primates or the relatively
mesenchymal populations may be an example of meristematic extreme elongation of the skulls in horses or anteaters.
growth, the overlying ectoderm, in contrast, grows interstitially.
Generally the differential growth patterns with either random or GROWTH HORMONES AND GROWTH FACTORS
preferentially polarized directions of mitotic division, together with
alterations in cell size, shape and surface consistency, are central Growth during the embryonic, fetal and postnatal period is con-
features of embryonic development and are responsible for the trolled by a variety of processes which are as yet not understood.
moulding of tissues into specific shapes whether solid masses, hollow Postnatal growth is profoundly affected by the circulating levels of
balls, tubes, sheets and so forth. Equally important in some regions, growth hormone (GH or somatotropin); growth-hormone releasing
however, is a process of tissue regression, with degeneration, cell hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin; however, these hormones have
death and tissue removal. not been shown to control fetal growth.
Growth hormones (GH)
PATTERNS OF GROWTH Growth hormone can be detected in fetal serum by 100 days gestation
When describing growth patterns of a whole body two types of (Kaplan et al 1972), the level increasing in concentration up to 30
growth can be considered, isometric growth and allometric growth. weeks but falling in the last trimester, although the level at birth is
still elevated compared to that of the mother. The level of growth
Isometric growth liormone remains fairly constant from birth until the end of the first
True isometric growth would imply a progressive proportional postnatal year.
increase of all organs and systems with time. Clearly isometry does The role of growth hormone in the fetus is unclear. Because
not occur in developing embryos where differential rates of growth anencephalic babies and those with genetically determined growth
obtain, a process termed allometric growth. hormone deficiencies attain lengths within normal limits it has


Weeks of development Age in years

4.22 Allometric growth in humans. The head is very large in proportion to grows more slowly than the torso and limbs and by adulthood the head is
only one-eighth of the body length.
366 the rest of the body during the embryonic period. After this time the head

been assumed that fetal growth is independent of pituitary growth

hormone, a view noted as hazardous by Hindmarsh and Brook 200
However, the role of growth hormone in the postnatal period has De Montbeillard’s son
been the subject of extensive study. It is clear from epidemiological 180 1759-1777
studies that growth hormone is necessary after the first 2-3 months,
if not before. All tissues respond to growth hormone producing a
proportional body growth which slows after puberty when secretion 160
of the hormone decreases. The effects of growth hormone are seen
particularly on the epiphyseal growth plates of the long bones.
Continued secretion of growth hormone will result in giantism and 140
lack of the hormone produces proportional dwarfism. In cases of
acromegaly where growth hormone is abnormally secreted (after the
epiphyseal growth plates have fused), the presenting symptoms
develop over many years, with enlargement of the heart and liver,
thickening of the bones especially the maxilla and mandible, and 100
thickening of the skin. Thus, in this case, all the cells and tissues which
are normally responsive to growth hormone continue proliferating.
A series of complicated experiments have elucidated the specific 80
effects of growth hormone. The gene for growth hormone was
isolated in the rat and combined with a mouse gene which regulates
serum zinc levels (mouse metallothionein I) to act as a promoter. 60
The combined gene was injected into mouse pronuclei shortly after
fertilization, resulting in mice with both the rat growth hormone B 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
gene and the mouse metallothionein I gene within their chromosomes. Age (years)
Some of the transgenic mice were then fed a diet which included
zinc supplements which switched on the rat growth hormone gene
inducing synthesis of rat growth hormone from the liver (the normal
site of metallothionein). The transgenic mice with the zinc supplement 22
became up to 80% larger than their littermates, with all of their
organs in proportion (Palmiter et al 1982). These elegant experiments 20 De Montbeillard’s son
demonstrate that growth hormone controls the co-ordinated regu-
lation of growth.
Somatomedins/insulin-like growth factors
At the cellular level growth hormone acts by stimulating som-
atomedin synthesis by the liver. Somatomedins are a family of
insulin-like growth factors (see p.56) including insulin-like growth
factor I (IGF-I or somatomedin C) and insulin-like growth factor II
(IGF-II or somatomedin A).
It has been noted that in the human embryo IGF-I levels are low
and administration of growth hormone does not affect growth at
this time (Hall & Sara 1983). IGF-II levels on the other hand are
elevated in the fetus and their levels are not influenced by growth (cm
hormone. It has thus been suggested that the regulation of growth
in the fetus is mainly regulated by IGF-II, which, in turn, may be
controlled by placental lactogen (Engstrom & Heath 1988). Due to
its widespread expression in the embryo and fetus IGF-II has been
proposed to be the major paracrine growth factor in vivo and a
major determinant of fetal growth.
B 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
There is a positive correlation between birth weight and plasma
concentrations of IGFs at delivery, with decreased levels of IGFs Age (years)
observed in small for gestational age children. During the growth
4.23 Graphs showing a longitudinal study of growth. The height of de
spurt of adolescence the levels of GH, IGF-I and IGF-II are Montbeillard’s son (1759-77) from birth to 18 years is shown in the upper
increased. In pygmies the level of both GH and IGF-I is normal; chart. The lower chart shows a velocity curve, plotting increments in height
however, at puberty IGF-I secretion falls to one-third compared to from year to year (from Harrison et al 1964).
other adolescents, suggesting that IGF-I is necessary for the normal
pubertal growth spurt (Merimee et al 1987).
Other growth factors of the concentrations in colostrum. Read et al (1984) have suggested
Various families of growth factors are discussed in the Introduction that the total growth factor delivery to the baby remains nearly
section (see p. 56) and elsewhere (see p. 112). In brief, platelet-derived constant throughout lactation. As endogenous production of EGF
growth factor (PDGF) stimulates division of fibroblasts, smooth is undetectable in the neonatal period, human milk may provide the
muscle and glioblasts; epidermal growth factor (EGF) promotes baby’s only source. However, as neonates maintained entirely on
division in, inter alia, epidermis, mammary gland epithelium and artificial formulae develop at apparently normal rates it seems
skeletal muscle. unlikely that growth factors in milk are essential requirements for
Interestingly, a wide range of growth factors are secreted in breast normal growth; Read (1988) suggests that growth factors may exist
milk. EGF is the major growth factor in human milk, unlike in milk as an emergency measure to improve the efficiency of
cow’s milk which contains no EGF. Insulin is detected in low neonatal growth under conditions of poor nutrition or inadequate
concentrations in human milk and IGF-I concentrations are 10% of development.
those in normal human serum (Read 1988). The concentrations of
these growth factors change during lactation, being maximal in day
1 colostrum and declining during the first week to reach a plateau.
Despite this fall human milk still contains EGF and insulin at 10% The rate of prenatal and postnatal growth can be indicated by 367

increments in body length or weight which when plotted form a marked acceleration of growth from 13 to 15, the adolescent growth
spurt (see below).
growth curve. Growth curves can be plotted for individuals if accurate
Cross-sectional data have provided comparison of prenatal and
measurements are taken, preferably by the same person, for the
entire period of growth, a longitudinal study. An alternate method is postnatal growth, and childhood growth charts are used to predict
to collect a series of averages for each year of age obtained from normal childhood development. The velocity curve for the prenatal
different individuals; this is a cross-sectional study. Cross-sectional
and postnatal period (4.24) shows that the peak velocity for length is
reached at about 4 months (note that these prenatal charts use the
studies are valuable for the construction of standards for height and
weight attained by healthy children at specific ages, and can establish obstetric measurements of gestational time where fetal age is estimated
percentile limits of normal growth; however, they cannot reveal from the last menstrual period, 2 weeks prior to fertilization). Growth
individual differences in the rate of growth or in the timing of in weight reaches its peak velocity usually after birth.
particular phases of growth. Longitudinal studies are thus of great Growth has always been regarded as a regular process. Tanner
(in Harrison et al 1964) stated that growth does not proceed in fits
value but laborious and time consuming to those undertaking them.
The data from longitudinal and cross-sectional studies can also be and starts, noting that the more carefully the measurements are
used to plot the increments in height or weight from one age to the taken, the more regular is the succession of points on a growth
curve. However, a longitudinal study of growth measured weekly,
next; this forms a velocity curve: it reflects a child’s state at any
semi-weekly, and daily (Lampl et al 1992) demonstrated growth in
particular time much better than the growth curve in which each
length and head circumference occurring by saltatory increments
point is dependent on the preceding one. The oldest published
longitudinal study, still of great value today, was made by Count with a mean amplitude of 1.01 cm for length. Growth saltations were
Philibert de Montbeillard upon his son (4.23). It shows that the not periodic but episodic. This study proposes that human growth
velocity of growth in height decreases from birth onwards with a in length, during the first 2 postnatal years, occurs during intervals
of less than 24 hours that punctuate a background of stasis. They
suggest that stasis may be part of the normal temporal structure of
growth and development. A cautionary note is provided by Wales &
Gibson (1994) who, while concurring that growth in height is not a
80 steady process but one made up of intermittent episodes of growth,
add that, because of the range of factors which may affect growth,
the problem of accurate measurement and the type of mathematical
70 model used to explain growth, predictions of long-term growth from
short-term observations, either of one bone or of the whole body,
should not be attempted.
Effect of maternal environment
The rate of growth of fetuses slows from about 36 to 40 weeks due
to the limiting influence of the maternal uterus. Birth weight thus
reflects the maternal environment more than the genotype of the
child. This slowing of the growth rate enables a genetically larger
child developing within a small mother to be delivered successfully,
after which the growth rate of the neonate picks up and in weight
reaches a peak some 2 months postnatally.
This limit of prenatal growth imposed by the maternal uterus was
demonstrated experimentally many years ago by the crossing of large
20 Shire horses and Shetland ponies. A Shire mare crossed with a
Shetland produces a foal of similar size to a pure-bred Shire foal,
whereas a Shetland mare crossed with a Shire horse produces a foal
only a third as large, similar in size to a pure-bred Shetland foal
(Walton & Hammond 1938).
20 22 The predominant influence of the mother on the size at birth is
16 18
steadily eroded as the infant’s genotype expresses itself and by adult
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Months life the offspring bears no greater resemblance to the mother than
to the father, Thus in the horses, after weaning when the foals are
under the same nutritional conditions, the Shetland/Shire crosses
rapidly outgrow pure-bred Shetlands; however, they do not keep up
with pure-bred Shires.
Standard growth charts
Charts of height and weight correlated to age are compiled from
extensive cross-sectional growth studies. Such charts show the mean
height or weight attained at each age, also termed the 50th centile,
and also the centile lines for the 75th, 90th and 97th centiles as well
as the 25th, 9th and 2nd centile. The date shown in 4.25 are derived
from United Kingdom cross-sectional references. Any comparison
of an individual growth curve with these data should also take into |
cm account the ethnicity, nutritional and family history of the individual.
Adolescent growth spurt
From growth charts it can be seen that during the first year after
birth body length increases from a neonatal range of 48-53cm to-
about 75cm, and in the second year by Thereafter 5—6cm
are added each year. In individual longitudinal growth curves an |
increase in the velocity of growth can be seen from 10.5—11 years in”
Months girls, and 12.5-13 years in boys. This rapid increase in growth is
termed the adolescent growth spurt (4.25, 26). In both sexes this
4.24 Graphs of cross-sectional data showing growth in length in the pre-
growth spurt lasts for 2—2.5 years. Girls gain about 16cm in height
natal and early postnatal period, and the corresponding velocity curve for
368 this period (from Harrison et al 1964). during the spurt, with a peak velocity at 12 years of age; boys gain





(cm) 110
Height Weight






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 B90h 1061512 5:14 2460018

Age (years) Age (years)



170 90%
j 10%




(cm) 110
Height (kg)




- 60


8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10°) (2 tae
Age (years) Age (years)

4.25 Standard growth charts of boys and girls showing the 90th, 50th and
10th centiles. (Data from Child Growth Foundation 1994/1). 369

about 20cm in height (mostly by growth of the trunk), with a peak

velocity at 14 years of age during which they may be growing at the
rate of 10cm a year.
Humans seem to be the only species which has a long quiescent
interval between the rapid growth immediately after birth and the
adolescent growth spurt. It has been suggested that this time allows
the brain to mature and learning to take place before individuals
pass through puberty and become sexually active.
Growth in height continues at a slower rate after the adolescent
growth spurt and noticeable growth is said to stop at about 18 years
in females and 20 years in males (longitudinal studies have indicated
that an average figure for this is 16.25 for girls and 17.75 for boys
with a normal variation of +2 years; Harrison et al 1964). After
this time any increments, which occur because of appositional growth
at the cranial and caudal ends of the vertebral bodies and intervening
intervertebral symphyses (discs), are so small as to be difficult to
measure; after middle age there is a loss of height.
The phenomenal growth rates of adolescence are seen particularly
in increased height. Weight gain is more variable. At birth, weight
reflects the maternal environment, the number of conceptuses, the
sex of the baby, and the parity of the mother. Generally full-term
female babies are lighter than full-term males, twins are lighter than
singletons and later children tend to be heavier than the first-born.
Although the birth weight seems to be independent of the mother’s
diet unless there has been severe malnutrition, mothers in a low
socioeconomic group have smaller babies than those with a higher
rating, and small mothers tend to have small babies (see above).
The birth weight is normally tripled by the end of the first year
and quadrupled by the end of the second year. Thereafter weight
increases by 2.25~2.75kg annually until the adolescent growth spurt
when boys may add 20kg to their weight and girls 16kg. The peak 0 +16 = 18
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
velocity for weight gain lags behind the peak velocity for height by Age (years)
about 3 months. Body weight does not reach adult values until some
time after adult height is attained.
4.26 Typical individual velocity curves for height: English boys and girls
(from Tanner et al 1966).

Fetal and infant growth rates and adult pathology

Generally these studies indicated that average weight gain during the first year.
A very interesting relationship is now
men with low birth weight and low weight Barker and colleagues have postulated
emerging between the nutritional status of
the fetus in utero and patterns of path- at 1 year of age (on or below the 3rd that poor nutrition at critical stages of
centile on the standard growth chart, see fetal life may permanently alter the normal
ology in late adult life. The routine assess-
ment of weight and height of the neonate, 4.25) were almost three times more likely developmental pattern of a range of
to die of coronary heart disease than those organs and tissues, for example endocrine
and the re-evaluation of weight and height
who attained average weight at birth and pancreas, liver and blood vessels, resulting
at 1 year of age was rigorously followed
in the early years of this century in many at 1 year. Examination of other popu- in their pathological responses to certain
counties in the United Kingdom. Many of lations of both sexes similarly indicated conditions in later adult life. Such a
these data, filed with the old birth records, that low growth rates up to | year of age relationship has been demonstrated exper-
remained untouched for more than 50 were associated with increased prevalence imentally in animal studies. Low birth
years, until recently when its rediscovery of known risk factors for cardiovascular weight in the guinea pig, caused by retar-
dation of intrauterine growth, causes
prompted follow up studies on as many disease, including altered blood pressure,
lifelong elevation of blood pressure
of the original population documented as plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin,
fibrinogen, factor VII, and apolipoprotein (Persson & Jansson 1992). In the rat, a
possible. Studies by Barker et al (1989,
1993a,b,c) noted the cause of death or B (Barker et al 1993a). These associations low protein diet can induce a high ratio
survival health of 1586 men born in a were seen in babies born small for ges- of placental weight to birth weight. Such
maternity hospital in Sheffield during tational age rather than in those born rats have reduced placental activity of 11-
1907-25, and of 5654 men born in Hert- prematurely; however, as well as this B hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase, which
fordshire during 1911-30. Such longi- population of infants with intrauterine may protect them from excessive maternal
tudinal studies are of great value in growth retardation, some babies of cortisol (the fetal blood pressure is partly
correlating in utero status, which may be average weight also developed later car- regulated by cortisol), and have raised
inferred by birth weight and weight at 1 diovascular pathology. This latter group blood pressure 15 weeks after birth
were small at birth in relation to the size (Barker et al 1993b).
year postnatally (when the peak velocity
for growth in weight has occurred, see of their placenta, were thin at birth, or, As different tissues and organs mature
above), with childhood and adult lifestyles although of average weight, were short in at different times in fetal life and infancy
and with later pathology. relation to head size and had below any long-term consequences of in utero


malnutrition would depend on its timing a larger placenta may produce changes individuals with low weight at birth and
and duration. Different birth phenotypes in fetal blood flow, changes in placental at 1 year, who become obese as adults,
have been correlated with different patho- enzymes (see above), and change the thus challenging an already impaired
logical sequelae; for example infants who normal structure of the vessel wall or of glucose-insulin metabolism.
are thin at birth, with a low ponderal its responses to circulating trophins, for e Fetal IGF-I levels are also lower in
index (weight/length’), tend to develop a example catecholamines or angiotensin infants who are short at birth as a result
combination of insulin resistance, hyper- II, which will continue into adult life. of a long period of maternal under-
tension, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, Undernutrition in later pregnancy nutrition. Such individuals have exag-
and lipid disorders, whereas those who are would not produce the same sequelae gerated responses to growth hormone-
short in relation to head size tend to and placental enlargement does not releasing factor (GHRF), which
develop hypertension and high plasma occur; however, fetal growth slows and together with low IGF-I levels suggests
fibrinogen concentrations (Barker et al fetal wasting may occur as oxygen, a degree of growth hormone (GH)
1993c). glucose and amino acids are redis- resistance. Barker et al (1993) suggest
Thus it is suggested that alterations in tributed to the placenta to maintain its that in such individuals the normal
the availability of nutrients to the fetus, at function. development of their hepatic GH recep-
particular stages of pregnancy, cause Maternal starvation lowers fetal insulin- tors may have been attenuated.
adaptive responses by the fetus which like growth factor (IGF)-I con-
ensures fetal coping, but lead on to path- centrations which may, along with a These studies suggest that undernutrition
ology in adult life when different conditions general hypoglycaemia, impair the in pregnancy may cause fetal adaptations
operate. Examples of this are as follows: development of the f-cells of the pan- which permanently alter the structure and
creas; generally fetal undernutrition may physiology of the body possibly leading
e An increase in placental size occurs in induce insulin resistance in the tissues. to a variety of pathological conditions in
pregnancy as an adaptive response to The coexistence of both insulin resist- adult life. The implications of these find-
both high altitude and mild under- ance and impaired f-cell development ings is that the nutritional status of preg-
nutrition during midpregnancy. The in the fetus appears to be important in nant women is of fundamental importance
larger placenta may be more able to the pathogenesis of non-insulin-depen- for the health of the next generation.
deliver the full nutritional requirements dent diabetes. The risk of developing Further studies which illuminate this
of the fetus; however, the perfusion of this type 2 diabetes is highest in those hypothesis are awaited with interest.

Growth rates of tissues and organs

Although skeletal and muscular tissues generally follow the growth
curves given for the whole body, as do the dimensions of organs
such as the liver, spleen and kidneys, other tissues have very different
growth rates. The brain and skull, lymphoid tissues, reproductive
organs and subcutaneous fat show differing growth rates during
childhood and adolescence (4.27).
Head. This develops early and in response to the general cranio-
caudal progression of embryonic development, with the brain, skull,
eyes and ears developing earlier than other parts of the body.
After birth, the surrounding skull thickens with age and continues
ossification towards the sutures; the face, however, is relatively
underdeveloped and undergoes profound changes throughout child-
hood and at the adolescent spurt, resulting in the eruption of the
deciduous and permanent teeth, the formation of the sinuses, and
the elongation of the maxilla and mandible (4.28).
Limbs. It is worth noting at this point that although the bones
and muscle of the limbs contribute to the growth spurt in height, _

there are some changes in.relative proportions within this process. ’ — — Brain and head
The male forearm is longer relative to the upper arm than the female
forearm, a difference already established at birth which increases
throughout the growing period. A similar difference is noted in the
sex difference in relative lengths of the second and fourth fingers.
The second finger is longer than the fourth more frequently in
females than in males at birth. After birth, at all ages, the dimensions General
of the head are in advance of those of the trunk, and the trunk is
advance of the limbs. However, the more distal parts of the limb are Size
in advance of the more proximal parts; thus the foot is nearer adult
status than the calf, which is in turn more advanced than the thigh.
The time at which the hands and feet are large relative to the rest
of the body coincides with the adolescent growth spurt; the foot
ceases growth early before almost all other parts of the skeleton.
Lymphoid tissues. These include the thymus, tonsils, appendix
and intestine and show an earlier growth curve compared to other B 2 4 6 8. 10)... 12, sigelomedss 20
tissues. They reach their maxima before adolescence and then,
Age (years)
probably under the influence of the sex hormones, decline to adult
values (4.27). The thymus is found in the superior and anterior 4.27 Growth curves of different tissues, regions of the body and systems.
mediastina in childhood. In the infant it weighs on average 13g, Note that the growth of lymphoid tissue, thymus, lymph nodes and intestinal
reaching a maximum weight of about 35g in girls at 12 years and lymph masses decreases after puberty (from Tanner 1962). 371

4.28 Much of the postnatal growth of the skull is concerned with develop- cranial vault expressed as similar in newborn and adult skulls (lines a... b)
ment of the viscerocranium. This diagram shows that with the height of the the facial skeleton increases particularly during childhood and puberty.

boys at 14 years. After this time it regresses until it can no longer less in girls than boys, so that after 1 year girls have more fat than
be found in old age. The tonsils gain their maximum size by 6 years boys.
and regress thereafter. Peyer’s patches around the ileum also diminish From 7 years the increase in fat occurs in both sexes. At ado-
in size towards old age. lescence the fat in the limbs (triceps measurement) of boys decreases
Reproductive organs. Until the adolescent growth spurt these and is not gained back until the late twenties; girls show aslight
grow very slowly. The uterus is relatively large at birth, under the slowing of the limb-fat increase, but no loss. Also at this time the
influence of maternal hormones, but it rapidly shrinks and does not
regain its birth weight until adolescence. Generally the changes in
the reproductive organs occur over a time period termed puberty.
The sequence of these events is much less variable than the age at
which they take place. 4.29a and 4.298 show the sequence of puberty Average girl
in girls and boys.
In girls. The appearance of the breast bud is usually the first sign
of puberty. The uterus and vagina develop simultaneously with the
Height spurt
breast. Menarche occurs after the peak of the height spurt; onset is
more closely related to radiological than to chronological age. It has
been suggested that the menarche occurs as a critical weight of about Menarche
50kg is attained; certainly sports and excessive restriction of diet
which may reduce weight below this level can cause amenorrhoea in Breast
women who were previously menstruating normally. Tall girls reach
sexual maturity earlier than short ones, but girls with a late adolescent
growth spurt and later puberty are ultimately taller on the average Pubic hair
than those passing through the menarche early, for they have longer
to grow. A girl who has begun to menstruate can be predicted to
grow a further 7.5cm at most (Sinclair 1985). Menarche marks a 8 9 10° TT ol io 14 tS. 16. iy 1B
definitive stage of uterine development but does not mean attainment
of full reproductive function. Many of the early menstrual cycles Average boy [ie strength spurt
may not involve ovulation.
In boys. The earliest sign of puberty is the growth of the testes
and scrotum. The volume of the testes may be estimated; the average Height spurt
adult volume is 20ml; a volume of 6ml indicates that puberty has 10%—-16 13-17%
started. Later the penis, prostate and seminal vesicles begin to
enlarge, and the elevation of testosterone levels from the Leydig cells Penis
11-14% 13%-17
of the testes promote changes in the larynx, skin and hair distribution.
During puberty the enlargement of the larynx causes the vocal fold Testis
to double in length from 8mm to 16mm, perhaps within a year; 10-13% 14%-18
this is associated with the voice ‘breaking’, the lengthening cords
Pubic hair
producing a lower pitch. Ultimately the vocal cords will reach an 10-15 14-18
adult length of about 25 mm.
Subcutaneous fat. These deposits are measured by callipers
applied to a fold of fat pinched up from the underlying muscles. 8 9 100 14 12 138 414° +15 #16 «17° «18
Such measurements are taken over the triceps muscle and beneath
the angle of the scapula. Fat begins to be laid down in the fetus Age (years)
from about 34 weeks and it increases from then to birth and from 4.29 Diagram of the events which occur at adolescence in average girls
birth to 9 months. From 9 months, when the velocity is then zero, and boys. The figures beneath the bars indicate the range of ages within
the subcutaneous fat decreases (has a negative velocity) until 6-8 which each event may begin and end. Figures within the bars indicate the
372 years when it begins to increase again. This early decrease in fat is developmental stage (from Tanner 1962).

trunk-fat (subscapular measurement) stops increasing in boys; in cells assume a larger cell volume and show longer cell cycles until
girls the trunk-fat shows a steady increase. Girls show fat deposits they arrest in the G, phase of the cycle (Hayflick & Moorhead 1961).
in a secondary sexual distribution, in the breasts, over the upper Fibroblasts retain a memory of the number of divisions they have
arms, lower abdomen and thighs. Postpubertal boys do not have completed and, even if suspended from division by being frozen,
this pattern of fat distribution; adult men are more likely to deposit they will complete only the remainder of their divisions before
fat around the anterior abdominal wall. arresting. Transplantation of the nucleus from young cells to old
cells and vice versa demonstrates that the knowledge of the number
Senescence of divisions a cell has passed through is contained in the nucleus
There is a general agreement that the processes involved in aging (Muggleton-Harris & Hayflick 1976). The older population of fibro-
and senescence seem to be developmentally regulated. Examination blasts loses the ability to respond to the normal physiological
of long-term tissue culture of fibroblasts from a human embryo stimulators of mitosis (Phillips et al 1984) and thus cannot engage
showed that the cells had a definite life span which could be described in interactions with surrounding cells and matrix molecules. Thus
in three stages. Firstly, the cells acclimatize to the tissue culture all processes from gastrulation to death may be driven by the same
conditions. Secondly, there is a rapid increase in growth with cells mechanisms superimposed on a time scale contained within the
dividing about every 21 hours. Thirdly, after 40-50 divisions, the genome.

Section Editor: Lawrence H. Bannister

Contributors: Professor Aidan Breathnach (the integument, completely rewritten and extensively illustrated); Dr Mary Dyson
(dermal repair and epidermal regeneration); Mr lan Fentiman FRCS (breast structure and function, extensively revised)

Skin 376 Vascularization of skin 399 Nipple (mammary papilla) 418

Introduction 376 Appendages of skin 400 Areola 418
Types of skin 376 Pilosebaceous unit 400 Internal organization of the
Skin lines 378 Nail unit 408 breast 418
Microstructure of skin 381 Eccrine sweat glands 409 Breast development 418
Epidermis 381 Age-related changes in skin 411 Detailed microstructure of the
Epidermal melanocytes and skin Dermal repair 412 breast 420
pigmentation 388 Epidermal regeneration 416 Lactation 423
Dermis 395 Breasts (nmammae) 417 Clinical aspects of the female
Dermal—epidermal junction 397 Introduction 417 breast 424
Innervation of skin 398 Female breast 418 Male breast 424

integument and its variations in different parts of the body is

OUTLINE OF SECTION described first, followed by the microstructure of the epidermis and
The term integumental system is used here to denote the skin and dermis, and the appendages of skin including the pilosebaceous units
its derivatives: hairs, nails, and sweat and sebaceous glands, the comprising hairs, sebaceous and apocrine glands and associated
mucocutaneous junctions around the openings of the body orifices, smooth muscle fascicles, and the nails, and sweat glands. Concluding
and the breasts. In previous editions of Gray’s the skin was considered this part of the section, the effects of ageing on skin, and the processes
in the Introductory Section with the epithelia and connective tissues, of tissue repair are described briefly; the prenatal development of
and the breasts were described with the reproductive system. In view skin is dealt with in Embryology and Development (p. 294), and
of the importance of the skin in human biology, its nature as a details of innervation are in Nervous System (p. 1289) although the
composite system of tissues and the common origin of the skin and development of cutaneous innervation is dealt with in this section
breasts from an interactive combination of ectoderm and mesoderm, on pages 398-399. In the second part of the section the topographic
it was felt appropriate to create a separate section to bring these anatomy, microstructure and development of the breasts (female and
topics together. In this account the external appearance of the male) are considered.

can be cosmetic disasters. It is a major sense organ, richly supplied

INTRODUCTION by nerve terminals and specialized receptors for touch, temperature,
pain, mechanical and pleasurable stimuli. The segmental arrangement
The skin (integument, cutis) is largely ignored by the student in the of the spinal nerves is reflected in the sensory supply of the skin, a
dissecting room, just being incised, reflected, and cast aside as dermatome being the area supplied by an individual spinal nerve
something which hides more interesting things underneath. Yet, it is (p. 1289). Knowledge of the spatial distribution of dermatomes is
that part of the body in which, par excellence, can be demonstrated, essential for diagnosis of local lesions of nerve roots and of the
at all levels of observation, the relation between structure and spinal cord.
function in biological organization. Here also, a number of different Skin has good frictional properties, assisting locomotion and
body systems come together in synergy to fulfil general overall manipulation by its texture. It is elastic, and can be stretched and
functions beyond their individual specialized capacities. In recent compressed within limits. The outer surface is covered by various
years, skin has increasingly become a common meeting ground for markings, some of them large and conspicuous and others delicate
biologists with a variety of different primary interests, leading to to the point of being microscopic (see Millington & Wilkinson 1983),
significant cooperative basic and applied research, and the blurring or only revealed after manipulation or incision of the skin. These
of interdisciplinary boundaries. are often referred to collectively as skin lines, and are considered in
The skin covers the entire external surface of the body, including greater detail on page 381.
the external auditory meatus, the lateral aspect of the tympanic The colour of human skin derives from and varies with the amount
membrane and the vestibule of the nose. It is continuous with the of blood (and its degree of oxygenation) in the cutaneous circulation,
mucosae of the alimentary, respiratory, and urogenital tracts at their the thickness of the stratum corneum, and the activity of specialized
respective orifices, where the specialized skin of mucocutaneous cells producing the pigment, melanin. Melanin has aprotective role
junctions occurs. It also fuses with the conjunctiva at the margins against ultraviolet radiation, and acts as a scavenger of harmful
of the eyelids, and with the lining of the lacrimal canaliculi at the free radicals produced under this and other circumstances. Racial
lacrimal puncta. Skin forms about 8% of the total body mass, and variations in colour are mainly due to differences in the amount,
its surface area varies with height and weight; in an individual of type and distribution of melanin, and are genetically determined.
1.8m and weighing 90kg, it is about 2.2m’. Its thickness ranges In addition to the variations mentioned above, the appearance of
from about 1.5-4.0 mm, variations being due to maturation, ageing, skin is also affected by many other factors, for example size and
and regional specializations. shape and distribution of hairs and their follicles, and of skin
The skin forms a self-renewing and self-repairing interface between glands (sudorific, sebaceous, and apocrine), changes associated with
the body and its environment, and is a major site of inter- maturation, ageing, metabolic changes, pregnancy, etc. The general
communication in both directions between the two. Within limits, it state of health is reflected in the appearance and condition of the
forms an effective barrier against microbial invasion, and has proper- skin, and the earliest signs of many systemic disorders may be
ties which can protect against mechanical, chemical, osmotic, thermal observed by inspecting it. Examination of the skin, therefore, is of
and photic damage. It is capable of absorption and excretion, and importance in the diagnosis of much more than purely skin diseases.
is selectively and regionally permeable to a variety of chemical Biopsy of fetal skin at amniocentesis is becoming increasingly import-
substances. It is an important primary site of immunosurveillance ant for prenatal diagnosis of genetically determined diseases, and
against the entry of antigens, and of initiation of the primary immune can involve the dermatologist in genetic counselling.
response. Skin carries out many biochemical synthetic processes For reviews of aspects of structure and function of skin see:
(Boyce 1994), including the formation of vitamin D from the pre- Millington and Wilkinson (1983), Thody and Friedmann (1986),
cursor 7-dihydrocholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet B Fitzpatrick et al (1987), Champion et al (1991), Goldsmith (1991),
(UVB) radiation, synthesis of cytokines and growth factors, etc., and special issues of the current dermatological journals. For Atlases
and is the target of a variety of hormones. In a sense, it can be see Breathnach (1971), and Montagna et al (1992). For special
regarded as an endocrine organ. These activities can affect the techniques related to skin, see Skerrow and Skerrow (1985).
appearance and function of individual skin components, such as the
sebaceous glands, the hairs and the pigment-producing cells. Control TYPES OF SKIN
of body temperature is an important function of skin, being effected
mainly by regulation of heat loss from the cutaneous circulation by Although skin over the entire body is fundamentally of similar
vascular mechanisms which can rapidly increase or reduce the flow structure, there are many local variations in thickness, mechanical
of blood to an extensive surface area exposed to the exterior, assisted strength, softness, flexibility, degree of keratinization, sizes and
by sweating. Skin is involved in sociosexual communication at close numbers of hairs, frequency and types of glands, pigmentation,
quarters and at a distance, and in the case of facial skin, can signal vascularity, innervation and other features. However, it is useful to
emotional states by means of muscular and vascular responses. It distinguish between two major classes of skin which cover large areas
provides individual identification and awareness of personal identity of the body, but show important differences of detailed structure and
and self-image. Herein lies the concept of ‘mind and skin’ in the functional properties; these are, thin, hairy (hirsute) skin, which
376 interpretation and treatment of many dermatological disorders which covers the greater part of the body, and thick, hairless (glabrous)



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5.1 Schema showing the organization of skin, comparing the structures dermal and epidermal papillae. For details of the innervation (yellow), see
present in thick, hairless (plantar and palmar) skin and thin, hirsute skin. The p. 962.
epidermis has been partly peeled back in this picture, to show interdigitating 377
rem en

skin, forming the surfaces of the palms of the hands, soles of the
feet, and flexor surfaces of the digits (5.1-3). These two classes differ
in their surface markings, thick skin having complex patterns of
friction ridges absent elsewhere on the body. As implied by their
names, they also differ in the thickness of both epidermal and dermal
components, and in the presence of hairs with attendant sebaceous
glands and arrector pili muscles (pilosebaceous units). These dis-
similarities reflect their distinctive functions. Thick hairless skin
forms frictional surfaces for manipulation and locomotion, and
requires extra strength for this purpose. It also possesses numerous
sweat glands for cooling during sustained activity, and dense clusters
of sensitive sensory endings with a high degree of spatial dis-
crimination, unimpeded by the presence of hairs. Thin hairy skin is
responsible for the general cutaneous functions over the remainder
of the body.
Minor, specialized areas of skin also have distinctive features
which do not fall into either of the major categories. The muco-
cutaneous junctions of the lips, outer rim of the anal canal, and
urethral opening éach have a characteristic histology: for example,
5.2 Vertical section through the epidermis of the scalp between hair fol- the lips have a delicate epidermis lacking glands or hairs, as also do
licles. Note the reduced keratinized layer (compare with 5.3. Haematoxylin
and eosin. Magnification x 200.
the coverings of the glans penis and glans clitoridis. Some of
these regional differences are responsible for local differences in the
microclimate of the skin surface, and in the bacterial and fungal flora
that inhabits it.

The surface of the skin and its deeper structures show various linear
markings. Over 35 different names, many of them synonyms, have
been applied to such lines, relating to various systems of grooves,
raised areas, preferred directions of stretching, lines of nervous
occurrence and spread of infection. Some of these are clearly evident
in intact skin, others only appear after some sort of intervention, for
example pinching, while the actual existence of others is debatable.
Externally visible skin lines
Externally visible skin lines are related to various patterns of epi-
dermal creasing, ridge formation, scarring and pigmentation.
Surface pattern lines, tension lines, skin creases (5.4-6). A
simple lattice pattern of lines occurs on all major areas of the body
other than the thick skin of volar and plantar surfaces. The lattice
pattern typically consists of polygons (generally parallelograms)
formed by relatively deep primary creases visible to the naked eye,
irregularly divided by finer secondary creases into triangular areas.
These, in turn, are further subdivided by tertiary creases limited to
the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and, finally, at the microscopic
level, by quaternary lines which are simply the outlines of individual
corneocytes (Hashimoto 1974; Millington & Wilkinson 1983). Apart
from the quaternary lines, all the others increase the surface area of

5.3 Low-power light micrograph of a vertical section through skin from the
sole of the human foot: Mallory’s triple stain. The finer collagen fibres of the
papillary and reticular layers are stained blue and the coarser collagen of
the reticular layer stains red. The epidermis is differentiated into the stratum
corneum and stratum lucidum above (red-brown) and the strata basale,
spinosum and granulosum, which stain blue-grey. A spiral duct from a sweat 5.4 Low-power light micrograph of hairless skin, in surface view, from the
gland is also seen in vertical section. The base of the epidermis is irregularly palm of the hand showing epidermal friction (papillary) ridges and larger
378 ridged. Magnification x 150. flexure lines (left). Magnification x 6.

5.5 A light micrograph similar to that shown in 5.4 but taken from hairy
skin on the extensor aspect of the forearm; note the pattern of surface
grooves (tension lines) and hairs. The oblique direction of the emerging hair
shafts points away from the pre-axial border of the limb. Magnification x 6. 5.6 Scanning electron micrograph of the surface of thin skin (human:
dorsum of thorax), showing the interlacing network of fine creases and
predominantly triangular areas between them. Magnification x 400.

the skin, permitting considerable stretching and recoil and dis- associated skin folds facilitate movement. The skin lines do not
tributing stresses more evenly. Details of the pattern vary according necessarily coincide with the associated underlying joint line. For
to the region of the body; for example, on the cheek the primary example, the flexure lines demarcating the extended fingers from the
creases radiate from the hair follicles, on the scalp they form palm lie approximately half an inch distal to the metacarpo-
hexagons, while on the calf and thigh they form parallelograms phalangeal joints, the positions of which are more closely related to
whose longer sides are inclined at about 30—40° to the vertical. There the distal palmar crease (‘heart-line’). The patterns of flexure lines
is a relationship between type of pattern and local skin extensibility on the palms and soles may vary and are to some extent genetically
(Fergus & Barbenel 1981). determined; the belief that the palmar pattern can reveal personality
Wrinkle lines. These are caused by contraction of underlying traits or the future of the individual underlies the practice of
muscles and are usually disposed perpendicular to their axis of palmistry. In Down syndrome, the distal and middle palmar creases
shortening. On the face they are known as lines of expression, and tend to be united into a prominent single transverse one, a sign
with progressive loss of skin elasticity due to ageing, they become which is of some diagnostic importance.
permanent. Occupational lines are creases produced by repeated Papillary ridges (friction ridges). These are confined to the
muscular contractions associated with particular trades or skills. palms and soles and the flexor surfaces of the digits, where they
Contour lines are lines of division at junctions of body planes, for form narrow parallel and often curved arrays separated by narrow
example the cheek with the nose, and lines of dependency are furrows (5.7, 8). Along the summit of each ridge the apertures of sweat
produced by the effect of gravity on loose skin or fatty tissue in ducts open at regular intervals. The epidermal ridges correspond to
particular situations, for example the creases associated with the an underlying interlocking pattern of dermal papillae, an arrange-
‘turkey-gobbler’ fold beneath the chin of the aged. ment which helps to anchor the two components firmly together.
Flexure (joint) lines. These are major markings found in the The pattern of dermal papillae determines the early development of
vicinity of synovial joints, where the skin is attached strongly to the the epidermal ridges, the arrangement of which is stable throughout
underlying deep fascia (5.4). They are conspicuous on the flexor life, unique to the individual, and, therefore, significant as a means
surfaces of the palms, soles, and digits, and in combination with of identification. The ridge pattern can be affected by certain abnor-

5.7 Photographs of the palmar aspect of a terminal phalanx in two different pattern in (A) is commonly termed a whorl; (8) is composed of loops. Note
individuals to show the major types of pattern of the fingerprint ridges. The interphalangeal flexure lines. 379
gripping ability of hands and feet, preventing slipping, and because
of the great density of tactile nerve endings beneath them they are
also important sensory structures.
The analysis of ridge patterns by studying prints of them is known
as dermatoglyphics. It has considerable forensic importance, and there
are also complicated mathematical ramifications of this subject which
are beyond the scope of this account (see Cummins 1926, 1964;
Cummins & Midlo 1961; Penrose & Loesch 1969; Schaumann & Alter
1976). Measurable parameters include the frequency of ridges in par-
ticular patterns and the disposition of tri-radii, junctional areas where
three sets of parallel ridges meet. Ridge configurations may differ on
the terminal segments of an individual’s fingers and can be separated
into three major types (5.7): arches (5%), loops (70%), and whorls (25%),
arches having no tri-radii, loops one, and whorls two or more. Arches
may be simple or tented, loops may have a tri-radius towards the ulnar
or radial side of the hand, and whorls may be symmetrical, spiral or
double loop. Whorl finger patterns are more common on the right
hand, and males generally have more whorls and fewer arches than
females, in whom the ridges are relatively narrower. The frequency of
individual patterns varies with particular fingers. Ridges within the
patterns may branch or join, or may be discontinuous. Similar con-
siderations apply to the toes. In any configuration the number of ridges
may vary, the ridge-count being given by counting the total intersected
whenaline is drawn from the central point of a pattern to its nearest
tri-radius. The variable features provide an astronomical number of
possible combinations, so that each individual is almost certain to have
pn Rea
a unique set of patterns.
5.8 Scanning electron micrograph of the surface of thick hairless skin from Tri-radii also occur on the palms and soles, including the bases of
the volar surface of a human digit, showing friction ridges along which open each digit except the thumb; a characteristic one (the axial tri-radius)
lines of sweat ducts. Magnification x 400. (Provided by Caroline Wigley, is also present on the proximal edge of the hand in the midline above
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UMDS, London.) the flexor retinaculum. On the palm there are six areas—interdigitals
I-IV, hypothenar and thenar. The precise positions, numbers and
malities of early development, including genetic disorders such as ridge-counts associated with the tri-radii have an inherited basis
Down syndrome, and skeletal malformations such as polydactyly and in general the genetics are multifactorial and highly complex.
(Thompson & Bandler 1973). Absence of epidermal ridges occurs in However, the total ridge-count of all 10 digits of the hand appears
less than 1% of people. Functionally, epidermal ridges increase the to have a simpler inheritance.

5.9a. Distribution of Langer’s cleavage lines on the face. For further details 5.98. Distribution of the lines of Kraissl’s (relaxed skin tension lines) on the
see text. face. It has been reported that incisions made along these lines heal with
380 minimum scarring (see text).

Lines detectable after manipulation or incision

Lines of Langer and Kraissl (5.9, 10). Skin is normally under
tension, the direction in which this is greatest varying regionally.
Langer (1861) illustrated patterns of parallel cleavage lines which
indicate the direction of elastic tension of skin in particular areas,
and it has long been suggested that surgical incisions should be made
parallel with them to minimize postoperative scarring. Unfortunately,
the lines mapped out by Langer on cadavers do not always coincide
with the lines of greatest tension in the living, and Kraissl’s (1951)
lines which often coincide with wrinkle lines are probably more
appropriate lines for surgical incision. Lines of greatest tension
similar to those of Kraissl have been termed ‘relaxed skin tension
lines’ by Borges and Alexander (1962).
Blaschko lines. These refer to the way in which patterns of naevi
and related dermatological pathologies are distributed or develop
along certain preferred cutaneous pathways (Blaschko 1901; Rieger
et al 1994). They do not appear to correspond to vascular or neural
elements of the skin, and may be related to earlier developmental
boundaries of a ‘mosaic’ nature. For more on physical properties,
see Marks et al (1988).

The epidermis (5.1-3, 11) is a compound tissue consisting mainly of
a continuously self-replacing stratified keratinized squamous epi-
thelium, the principal cells of which are called keratinocytes. Other
cellular elements of different developmental origin within the mature
epidermis include melanocytes or pigment-forming cells from the
embryonic neural crest, Langerhans cells which are immuno-
competent antigen-presenting cells derived from bone marrow, and
lymphocytes. These disparate cells are collectively known as non-
keratinocytes or epidermal immigrants. Neurally-associated Merkel
cells are now thought to be modified keratinocytes. Sensory nerve
endings are also sparsely present within the epidermis. Each com-
ponent has an individual primary function, but the fact of their
5.10 Lines of Kraiss! associated with the anterior (left) and posterior (right)
intimate spatial association and of functional interactions between
aspects of the lower limb. them has led to the concept of epidermal symbionts (see p. 395). In
routine sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin the non-
keratinocytes and Merkel cells are poorly distinguishable, appearing
as ‘clear cells’, due to shrinkage with a resulting clear space around
Intrinsic scarring. If the mechanical demands placed on the skin them, and/or the absence of keratin filaments from the cytoplasm.
are greater than the skin creases and the dermis can accommodate, However, they can be individually visualized by special light micro-
the lateral cohesion of dermal collagen fibres is disrupted, with scopic techniques or electron microscopy. The population of kera-
associated haemorrhage and cellular reaction, and eventually, for- tinocytes undergoes continuous renewal throughout life, a mitotic
mation of poorly vascularized scar tissue. Such changes can be layer of cells at the base replacing those shed at the surface. As they
termed intrinsic, to distinguish them from scars formed by external move away from the base of the epidermis, the keratinocytes undergo
wounding (see p.412). Sites of dermal rupture are visible externally progressive changes in shape and content, eventually transforming
as lines, striae, or stretch marks, which are initially pink in colour, from polygonal living cells to non-viable flattened squames full of
but later widen and become a vivid purple or red (striae rubrae), the protein keratin, a process known as keratinization.
and eventually fade, becoming paler than the surrounding intact It is usual to divide the epidermis into a number of strata from
skin (striae albae). They develop on the anterior abdominal wall of deep to superficial as follows: stratum basale, stratum spinosum,
some women in pregnancy when they are termed striae gravidarum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum (where present) and stratum
associated with stretching due to the growing fetus, and in other corneum. The first three of these layers are metabolically active and
conditions involving excessive stretching of the skin such as hypertro- are often grouped together as the stratum Malpighii. They really do
phy of muscle in weight-lifters and body-builders, gross obesity and not form distinct superimposed layers, and are better thought of as
rapidly growing tumours. They tend to follow Langer’s lines (see compartments through which cells pass, and change form as they
below). There is thought to be a hereditary factor involved in the progressively differentiate. The more superficial strata of cells achiev-
tendency to develop striae, and they are commoner in conditions of ing terminal keratinization constitute the cornified zone, and here,
increased adrenal cortical activity and of excess glucocorticoids, and horizontal, and in some species, also vertical, layering, is evident.
may be side-effects of therapeutic administration of local or systemic Keratinization involves not only structural changes in keratinocytes,
steroid therapy (Geschwandtner 1973; Moretti & Rebora 1976). but also alterations in their relationships with each other and with
Epidermal ‘oedema’ and damage to melanocytes occurs in striae non-keratinocytes, and chemical changes within the intercellular
rubrae; in striae albae, though melanocytes are present, they are space. The epidermal appendages (pilosebaceous units, sudoriferous
almost totally inactive (Breathnach 1976). glands and nails) are formed by ingrowth or other modification of
Pigmentation. Variation in pigmentation can also produce exter- the general epidermis, which is often therefore referred to as the
nally visible lines, such as Voigt and Futcher lines on the surface of interfollicular epidermis.
the skin. Voigt lines mark differences in pigmentation between the
darker extensor and paler flexor surfaces of the arms, occurring Keratinocyte strata of the interfollicular epidermis
along the anterior axial lines, extending from the sternum to the Stratum basale. This includes the deepest layer of cells adjacent to
wrist. They are more common in highly pigmented races (McLaurin the dermis, and in preparations stained by the periodic acid-Schiff
1988). (PAS) reaction or by silver impregnation, appears to rest upon a 381

(Stratum __\






hs | Nd 30)

V4 tai) V4 a


5.11 Diagram of the main features of the epidermis, including its cell layers skin is shown so that the position of the stratum lucidum as it would appear
and different types of cell, including: keratinocytes (pink); two dendritic in thick (hairless) skin is only indicated. For clarity only a single column of
varieties, the melanocyte (grey) and Langerhans cell (blue); and a Merkel keratinocytes arising from the mitosis of a basal cell is shown in any structural
cell (purple). Also depicted are the dermis (green) and the sensory axon detail, although desmosomal contacts are not illustrated because of the
(yellow) associated with the Merkel cell. In this picture the epidermis of thin level of magnification.

continuous narrow ‘basement membrane’. However, electron by desmosomes, but the other two lack these specialized contacts.
microscopy has shown that this is not an individual structure, and Intraepithelial lymphocytes are also present in small numbers.
that the area apparently occupied by it, ‘the basement membrane Stratum spinosum (prickle cell layer). This contains several
zone’ (BMZ; 5.13, 39) includes the basal plasma membrane of the layers of more mature keratinocytes packed closely and inter-
cell, a basal lamina consisting of lamina lucida and lamina densa, digitating by means of numerous projections and indentations of the
and a dermal reticular lamina (see p.397). This area is also known cell membranes which are linked by many desmosomes (5.11—18),
as the epidermal-dermal junction (see later, p. 397). The majority of features which provide much tensile strength and coherence to the
basal layer cells are columnar to cuboidal in shape, with large, layer; gap junctions are sporadically present (5.184). When skin is
mainly euchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm processed for routine histology, the cells tend to shrink away from
contains the common cellular organelles, variable amounts of mel- each other except where joined by desmosomes, so giving them a
anosomes, and, characteristically, many cytoskeletal intermediate spiny appearance (hence the name spinous cells or prickle cells for
filaments including lower molecular-weight keratin filament bundles keratinocytes in this layer, and also the name of the stratum).
corresponding to the tonofilaments and tonofibrils of classical light Internally, spinous cells contain prominent bundles of keratin fila-
microscopy. The plasma membranes of apposed cells are connected ments, arranged concentrically around the moderately euchromatic
by desmosomes, and the basal plasma membrane has hemi- nucleus, and attached to the dense plaques of desmosomes peri-
desmosomes distributed along it. Occasionally, spindle-shaped ‘dark pherally (for more on the general structure of desmosomes see p. 27).
cells’ with more dense cytoplasm, coarser filamentous bundles and The cytoplasm contains the common organelles, including some
heterochromatic nuclei are seen in the basal layer. These have lysosomes and melanosomes, the latter occurring singly or aggregated
variably been interpreted as ‘stem cells’, or, more likely, older cells within membrane-limited organelles (compound melanosomes). Lan-
at a premortal stage. Melanocytes, Langerhans cells and (locally gerhans cells and the occasional associated lymphocyte are the only
in tactile areas) Merkel cells are interspersed among the basal non-keratinocytes present in the stratum spinosum.
382 keratinocytes (see p. 394). Merkel cells are connected to keratinocytes Stratum granulosum. In this stratum of three to four layers of

tf. wae . he
5.12 Section Fardugh OMe and papillary dermis. Note the Cobier
organization of the epidermis, including the densely staining stratum
corneum at the surface. Epoxy resin section stained with basic fuchsin and
methyline blue. Magnification x320. (Provided by Professor R Eady, St
John’s Dermatology Centre, UMDS, St Thomas’ Campus, London.)

flattened cells, extensive changes in keratinocyte structure occur

(Holbrook 1989). The nuclei become pycnotic and begin to dis-
integrate, the membranous organelles such as mitochondria, Golgi
membranes and ribosomes degenerate, and keratin filament bundles
become more compact and associated with, or enmeshed by, stellate
or irregular densely staining keratohyalin granules. Small round
granules (100 by 300nm) with a lamellar internal structure (/amellar
granules, Odland bodies, membrane-coating granules) also appear in 5.13 Section of full thickness of epidermis. Note melanocyte (M) in the
the cytoplasm. Keratohyalin granules contain a_histidine-rich, basal layer, the characteristic ‘prickle-cell’ appearance of the cells of the
sulphur-poor protein (profilaggrin) which, when the cell reaches the stratum spinosum due to the arrangement of their desmosomal contacts,
stratum corneum, becomes modified to filaggrin which is thought the flattening of the cells of the stratum granulosum, and the squames of
to provide the interfilamentous matrix and to be concerned with the stratum corneum (C). D, dermis, and arrowheads indicate the epidermal-
aggregation of the keratin filaments of the corneocyte (see below dermal junction. Magnification approx. x 2560.
under ‘Epidermal keratinization’. The lamellar granules are con-
centrated deep to the plasma membrane of the granular cell, with barrier’). The interior of the corneocyte is devoid of nucleus and
which they fuse, liberating their predominantly lipid contents into membranous organelles, consisting solely of a dense array of keratin
the intercellular space not only of this stratum, but also into the filaments embedded in an interfilamentous matrix (5.15) partly com-
space between it and the stratum corneum. They form an important posed of filaggrin derived from keratohyalin granules. In stained
component of the permeability barrier of the epidermis (see below, thin sections different ‘keratin patterns’ of arrangement of filaments
p. 386). Langerhans cells may occasionally be seen at lower levels of and matrix have been described, which seem to vary with technique
the stratum granulosum. of processing as well as with the processor. Further consideration is
Stratum lucidum. Only found in thick glabrous palmo-plantar given to corneocyte structure in the section dealing with the overall
skin, this layer represents a poorly understood stage in keratinocyte process of keratinization (see below).
differentiation. It stains more strongly than the stratum corneum Desquamation of the outer layers of the stratum corneum involves
with acidic dyes (5.37), is more refractile optically and often contains a poorly understood loosening of attachments (desmosomes and
nuclear debris. Ultrastructurally, it resembles the transitional cell, an intercellular substances) between the cells, probably involving enzyme
incompletely keratinized cell occasionally seen in the innermost layer action, and is normally imperceptible. When excessive, it appears in
of the stratum corneum of non-glabrous skin. hairy regions as dandruff, and more massively in certain diseases as
Stratum corneum. This stratum is the final product of epidermal peeling, scaling and exfoliation. Langerhans cells are not present in
differentiation, or keratinization (5.14, 15, 19, 22). It consists of closely- the stratum corneum, and, therefore, are not desquamated.
packed layers of flattened polyhedral corneocytes, or squames, ranging Though the stratum corneum consists of individual squames, each
in surface area from about 800-1100 m7; these cells overlap at their of which can be consecutively stripped with adhesive tape, it is
lateral margins and interlock with cells of apposed layers by ridges, important to think of it functionally also as an entity which can be
grooves and microvilli (5.19). In thin skin this stratum may be only a separated as a single pliable sheet (Kligman 1964). The thickness of
few cells deep, but in thick skin it may be more than 50 cells deep. the cornified layer can be influenced by local environmental factors,
Vertically stacked columns of corneocytes can be demonstrated with particularly abrasion, which can lead to a considerable thickening
special techniques in rodents and some primates (Christophers et al of the whole epidermis including the stratum corneum, so that the
1974), but not consistently in the human stratum corneum. soles of the feet become excessively resistant if shoes are dispensed
The plasma membrane of the corneocyte appears thickened com- with, and keratinized pads develop in areas of habitual pressure, for
pared with that of keratinocytes in lower strata, but this is actually example corns from tight shoes, palmar calluses in manual workers,
due to deposition of a dense marginal band formed by stabilization digital calluses in guitar players, etc. Exposure to high levels of
of a soluble precursor, involucrin, just deep to it. The outer surface sunshine or other stressful agents may also cause general epidermal
is covered by a monolayer of bound lipid. In the lower layers the thickening.
membrane is studded with modified desmosomes the intercellular
component of which in thin sections (5.188) appears as an amorphous Epidermal keratinization
remnant. The intercellular compartment also contains extensive Traditionally, epidermal keratinization applied only to. the final
lamellar sheets of glycolipid (5.20-22) derived from the lamellar stages of keratinocyte differentiation and maturation, during which
granules of the stratum granulosum (see below, under ‘permeability cells are converted into tough cornified squames. However, nowadays 383
5.144. Electron micrograph of human epidermis showing a section through
the stratum basale where it abuts the basal lamina and papillary layer of the
dermis (below). Note the presence of numerous melanin granules in the
epidermal cells. Magnification x 7000.

5.148. Electron micrograph of a keratinocyte from the stratum spinosum

showing details of its cytoplasmic and nuclear structure and the desmosomal
attachments between cells. Magnification x 14.000.

5.14c. Electron micrograph of human skin in vertical section. This shows

the transition between the stratum spinosum (below), stratum granulosum
(middle) and stratum corneum (the dark laminae above). The cytokeratin
bundles of the keratinocytes, below, become denser and more compact in
the stratum granulosum; finally the cells flatten, becoming scale-like and
electron dense. Magnification x 8000.

the term is interpreted more widely. It includes the expression and

synthesis of keratin proteins in the basal layer cells, their organization
into filaments, changes in their chemical composition in the upper
layers, and their interaction with keratohyalin granules to form the
filamentous-matrix structure of the interior of the corneocyte and
strengthening of its envelope. Only a brief summary of these com-
plicated events can be given here.
Keratins are proteins (M.W. 40000-60000Da) of two types,
Type I (acidic) and Type II (basic), co-expressed in pairs by epithelial
cells (p. 39). Up to 30 different polypeptide chains have been recog-
nized and numbered according to molecular weight. Chains K5
(Type II) and K14 (Type I) are expressed by basal keratinocytes and 5.15 Stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. The uppermost cell of the
stratum granulosum is overlain by the flattened squames of the stratum
first of all assembled into two-chain coiled-coil protofilaments, then
corneum. Note dense irregular keratohyalin granules in the cytoplasm of
organized progressively into 4, 8 and 32 chain complexes to form the granulosa cell. The keratinized cells of the stratum corneum are devoid
the 10 nm intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton of the basal cell of nucleus or organelles, but their internal structure is clearly not identical in
(Steiner et al 1994). Filaments attach peripherally to the desmosomal all layers. Here in the five deepest layers shown, three variations of internal
384 plaque, and centrally may enter the nuclear pores. New keratin pairs, pattern are seen. Magnification x 20 500.
5.16 Desmosomes and cytokeratin bundles from the stratum spinosum. 5.17 Keratin filaments attaching to the cytoplasmic aspects of desmo-
Magnification x 52 500. somes. From a keratinocyte of the outer root sheath of a hair follicle.
Magnification x 47 250.

1 (Type II) and 10 (Type I), are synthesized suprabasally, and in the final ‘keratin pattern’. In freeze-fracture preparations (5.22) a picture
stratum granulosum the filaments are processed into macrofibrils of filaments more or less uniformly distributed within the matrix is
and become associated with keratohyalin granules countaining pro- seen.
filaggrin, a histidine-rich phosphorylated protein. As the cells pass The envelope of the corneocyte consists of a modified plasma
into the stratum corneum, profilaggrin is cleaved by phosphatase membrane strengthened on its deeper aspect by a marginal band.
enzymes into filaggrin which causes aggregation of the filaments and Freeze-fracture (Breathnach et al 1973) reveals that intramembranous
forms the matrix in which they are embedded. As already mentioned, particles (IMPs) present on fracture faces of plasma membranes of
various patterns of filament-matrix organization within thin sections cells of lower strata are generally absent from fracture faces of the
of corneocytes have been illustrated by different authors, and even corneocyte membrane, and the manner of fracture of the intra-
in the same section different patterns may be seen in individual cells membranous component of the desmosome is also different. IMPs
at different levels. These variations may be due to differences in represent transmembrane proteins of the plasma membrane, often
processing, or to the fact that cells do not enter the stratum associated with the passage of ions and small molecules, and their
corneum synchronously or at exactly the same degree of terminal absence within the corneocyte membrane could indicate that it is
differentiation. This makes it difficult to define exactly what is the metabolically inert. The dense marginal band internal to the plasma

5.18a. Freeze-fracture replica of cellular contact in stratum spinosum. E

and P are complementary fracture faces of the plasma membranes of the 5.188. Stratum corneum. A modified desmosome is seen between two
apposed cells with, on the right of the E face, aggregated particles at the cells with an apparent empty intercellular space on either side. However,
site of adesmosome. Associated with it is a gap junction, defined by closely- other techniques reveal that the intervals between the corneocytes are
packed particles on the P face of one cell membrane, and complementary occupied by organized lipid material derived from lamellar granules. The
pits on the E face of the membrane of the apposed cell. Gap junctions are arrangement of internal filaments shown here is close to that commonly
not often seen in adult epidermis, and when present are nearly always accepted as the typical ‘keratin pattern’ of the corneocyte, but in fact, it is
closely associated with a desmosome as here. Magnification x 12 500. the one least frequently seen by most observers. Magnification x 32 000. 385
5.20 Lamellar granules (g) in cytoplasm of cell of stratum granulosum.
Keratohyalin granule (k). Magnification x 23625. Inset: granule stained by
the osmium-iodide technique to show internal lamination. Magnification
5.19 Scanning electron micrograph of a portion of the epidermal surface x 165 000. (Reproduced from Breathnach et al 1973, with permission.)
surrounding the aperture of a sweat duct. Several scale-like corneocytes,
polygonal in form, are visible. Magnification x 2000.

membrane results from cross-linking of a soluble precursor protein, Below the stratum granulosum, the extracellular compartment
involucrin, with membrane associated proteins, catalysed by a trans- appears on electron micrographs as a lucent 20nm interval inter-
glutaminase. It and the plasma membrane together measure 20nm rupted only by the intermediate components of desmosomes and the
in thickness. occasional gap junction. It is not, however, ‘empty’, but is composed
Other types of terminal keratinization occur elsewhere, particularly of the outer glycocalices of the apposed cells containing cell surface
in hair and nails, where the keratin is chemically distinct and becomes receptors, and other molecules, and extracellular proteoglycans and
much tougher than in the general epidermis (‘hard keratin’ as ligands concerned with a variety of regulatory activities and cell-cell
opposed to ‘soft keratin’). These processes will be considered further, adhesion. Water soluble tracers, such as horseradish peroxidase
below (p. 402). (HRP), injected into the dermis can freely traverse the extracellular
compartment as far as the upper levels of the stratum granulosum,
Extracellular compartment, permeability, barrier but not beyond. This is the level at which lamellar granules extrude
function and epidermal lipids their contents and at which incomplete tight junctions are present,
The epidermis serves as an important barrier to the loss of water and it represents the deep limit of the water barrier. Experiments
and other substances through the body surface (apart from sweating measuring diffusion of water from the exterior show that the entire
and sebaceous secretion), and to their permeation from without. stratum corneum provides an effective though not complete barrier.
Theoretically, two routes of passage are available, transcellular Some water soluble substances can traverse it along a polar route,
and extracellular. In the viable strata of the epidermis the plasma probably directly through the corneocytes, and hydration makes
membrane provides a generally effective barrier against transcellular the stratum much more permeable. Lipid-soluble substances can
transfer, although gap junctions provide ionic and electrical coupling penetrate it more effectively, and this indicates that the water barrier
between cells, important in their interactions, especially during must be primarily lipid in nature. It is, in fact, composed of
development. intercellular glycolipid sheets or lamellae derived from the lamellar
granules of the stratum granulosum (Breathnach et al 1973; Elias &
Friend 1975; Elias 1983; Landmann 1988; Fartasch et al 1993) which
are clearly seen in freeze-fracture preparations (5.22), and in thin
sections of ruthenium red-fixed tissues (5.21). The contents of lamellar
granules are liberated into the extracellular compartment in the form

5.21. Uncoiling prelaminar lipid sheets (arrowheads) derived from lamel- 5.218. Lipid lamellae on either side of a desmosome in the intercellular
lar granules in the intercellular space of the stratum corneum (sc). Mag- space of the stratum corneum. Magnification x 172500. RuO, staining.
386 nification x 73 250. (Reproduced from Fartasch et al 1993, with permission.)

Epidermal keratinocyte population dynamics

The epidermis is a cellular system undergoing continuous renewal,
where, in order to maintain a constant normal thickness, the rate of
cell production must equal their loss. Disturbances in division and
maturation rates are common in various skin diseases, so a knowledge
of the mechanisms of normal cell population dynamics (kinetics) is
important (Davis & Wright 1991). The subject is also of importance in
development wound healing and ageing of skin (see pp. 411, 412-418).
At any one time in the basal layer of the epidermis there is a
variety of keratinocytes in different states of differentiation. There
are stem cells (10%), which on division produce one of their like to
maintain production, and another daughter cell, which can have a
variable fate:
e it can remain for a while in the basal layer undergoing a limited
number of mitoses, when it is known as a proliferative cell (60%)
undergoing amplification (transit) divisions;
e it may remain quiescent in the basal layer for a time as a G, cell
which will resume mitosis later (see p. 23);
e it may lose the ability to divide, remaining for a time in the basal
layer as a postmitotic maturing cell (40%).
Stem cells and proliferative cells are recycling cells, and postmitotic
maturing cells are non-cycling cells; G, cells occupy a somewhat
equivocal position in this classification, since for a time they are non-
cycling, but ultimately re-enter the cycle of production as proliferative
cells. As a result of this activity of stem cells and proliferative cells
in the basal layer, a continuous supply of non-cycling postmitotic
maturing cells is passed on to the spinous layer, traversing this as
differentiating cells, then moving into the granular layer and stratum
corneum, to be finally desquamated at the surface. These layers are
known as transit compartments, though some cell division does occur
in the more basal regions of the stratum spinosum. Stem cells are
thought to reside mainly at the tips of the rete pegs, and in the outer
5.22 Freeze-fracture replica of stratum corneum showing lamellated root sheath and bulge of the hair follicle, but they cannot easily be
material in intercellular space between fracture faces E and P of two corneo- distinguished morphologically from their neighbours.
cytes. In the stratum corneum, general fracture faces of the cell membranes Cell proliferation kinetics can be given a degree of quantitative
do not exhibit intramembranous particles except at desmosomal sites (D). expression by measuring certain parameters. Techniques which have
Fractured cytoplasm (C) of lower cell shows only filaments. Magnification been employed include administration of colchicine to arrest mitosis,
x 121500. (Reproduced from Breathnach et al 1973, with permission.) pulse-labelling with [*H]-thymidine and microradioautography, and
immunocytochemical detection of 5-bromodeoxy-uridine (BUdR)
incorporation. With these methods, the following can be measured:
of discs each containing two apposed lipid bilayers. After extrusion, cell cycle time, the interval between a stem cell mitosis and the next
the discs fuse edge to edge, and are chemically remodelled to form mitosis of its daughter cell(s); proliferative index (mitotic index or
broad, multilamellar sheets throughout the extracellular com- flash-labelling index) which measures the proportion of basal cells
partment of the stratum corneum (5.20-22). The cornecytes, together in cycle; turnover time, which is the time taken to replace all cells in
with their own lipid envelopes, can, therefore, be regarded in a sense a compartment; transit time, the time it takes a cell to traverse a
as bricks individually embedded in a lipid cement. compartment; and total epidermal turnover time, the time taken for
Epidermal lipids. A variety of lipids are present and synthesized in a non-cycling cell to pass from the basal layer to desquamation from
the epidermis, including triglycerides and fatty acids, phospholipids, the surface. Widely varying estimates of these parameters derive
cholesterol, cholesterol esters, glycosphingolipids and ceramides. mainly from measurements on animals, and reliable figures for
Apart from their role in barrier formation, lipids, and especially human epidermis are few. The normal total epidermal turnover time
phospholipids, are important components of plasma membranes and is quoted as between 52 and 75 days. Rates and times for the various
membrane-bound organelles, and serve in transmembranal signalling parameters can vary with region, epidermal thickness, degree of skin
processes. An intermediate in the synthesis of cholesterol, 7-dehydro- abrasion, ambient temperature, and time of day. Circadian rhythms
cholesterol, is the precursor of vitamin D. The content and com- in the S-phase and M-phase of the mitotic cycle (p.22) have been
position of epidermal lipids changes with differentiation. demonstrated. In rodents, the S-phase peaks at 3.30a.m., and the
Phospholipids and glycolipids at first accumulate within kera- M-phase at 8.30a.m.; in humans, the S-phase peaks at 3.30p.m.,
tinocytes above the basal layer, but higher up they are broken down and the M-phase at 11.30p.m. (Brown 1991). In some pathologies
and are practically absent from the stratum corneum. Cholesterol, of skin, turnover rates and transit times can be exceedingly rapid;
its esters, fatty acids and ceramides also accumulate towards the for example, in psoriasis, total epidermal turnover time may be as
surface, and are abundantly present in the stratum corneum. Whereas little as 8 days, and in such conditions differentiation of supra-basal
the lamellar arrangements of the extracellular lipids is a major factor layers is disordered, the stratum corneum does not keratinize properly
in their barrier function, it is not clear how important the exact and the barrier functions of the skin break down.
species composition of the sheets is. Clearly, it will be important to Potten’s (1975, 1983) proposal of an Epidermal Proliferative Unit
establish the role of individual lipids in this respect, especially in (EPU) seeks to unite state and rate parameters in a single concept
connection with delivering drugs across the barrier. Stratum corneum of kinetic organization which can be demonstrated histologically. If
lipids may participate in a variety of other functions such as anti- the epidermis of some mammalian species (e.g. rats) is treated with
microbial activity, antioxidant generation and xenobiote metabolism, dilute alkali before sectioning, the cells of the stratum corneum swell,
and recognition of this is leading to a reappraisal of the stratum and can then be seen to be stacked in regular columns (5.23). Beneath
corneum as not just a passive, inert, selectively permeable layer, but each column are stacked several layers of spinous and granular cells
one in which some catabolic and enzymatic activities may continue overlying a group of six to eight basal cells, each group consisting
(Elias 1989). For reviews of topics referred to in this section, see of a central stem cell with an encircling ring of what are essentially
Bronaugh and Maibach (1989), Maibach and Downing (1992), and either proliferative or postmitotic maturing cells (see above). From
Rawlings et al (1994). the periphery of this ring, non-cycling cells are fed into the stratum 387

context of a triad of cells forming a peripheral monitoring immuno-

logical unit. Extracellular matrix components of the dermis also
influence epidermal cell population dynamics, especially during
development, through interactions at the basement membrane zone
Layer of
corneocytes (BMZ) (see p.397), and reduction of differentiating keratinocyte
adhesiveness to extracellular matrix proteins, including fibronectin,
facilitates their migration out of the basal layer (Nicholson &
Watt 1991). Following binding of the various mediating factors to
keratinocyte surface receptors, intracellular signals are triggered by
‘second messengers’ (see p. 24); also Elder et al 1991). Changes in
keratinocyte cell to cell adhesivity during suprabasal differentiation
and stratification also involves changes in the expression of adhesion
molecules, such as cadherins, integrins, etc.
Migrating Clearly, separation and migration of cells to other layers involves
column of
keratinocytes disruption, reformation and relocation of desmosomes along the
plasma membrane. Freeze-fracture replication reveals the presence
of aggregated intramembranous particles composed of glycoproteins
(desmogleins) within the plasma membfane at desmosomal sites
(Breathnach et al 1972; Caputo & Perluchetti 1977). In fetal epidermis
(Breathnach 1973), extensive areas of desmosmal particles are seen
Dendritic from which individual aggregates seem to bud. This suggests that
(Langerhans) certain sites on the plasma membrane may be coded for desmosome
formation by lateral movement of specialized particles within the
plane of the membrane, and a similar mechanism might account for
their relocation and redisposition associated with asynchronous
proliferative movements of previously apposed cells. Calcium could be involved
Basal stem
unit as mediator in this process: addition of calcium to cultures of
cell keratinocytes causes redistribution of desmosome-associated proteins
and induces desmosome formation (Hennings & Holbrook 1983),
and transmembrane desmosomal glycoproteins can bind to calcium.
Calcium may also be otherwise involved in cell to cell adhesion
mechanisms since it binds to the extracellular regions of the group
of cell adhesion molecules known as cadherins (Farley 1991; Menon
5.23 The concept of the epidermal proliferative unit and its relationship to
et al 1994).
the overlying column of differentiating keratinocytes, finally maturing through
the stratum granulosum into the flattened corneocytes of the stratum Melanocytes are not involved in the movement of keratinocytes
corneum. In this model, keratinocytes arise by the repeated mitosis of a to upper levels, maintaining station along the basal lamina. This
single basal stem cell, move laterally, then pass into the base of the stratum could be due partly to lack of desmosomes linking them to adjacent
spinosum, where they may divide again one or more times before passing keratinocytes, and to the maintenance of adhesiveness to basal
towards the surface. A single basal stem cell and its progeny within the lamina fibronectin via integrin binding. Langerhans cells also manage
stratum basale constitute the epidermal proliferative unit as initially con- to maintain position within the lower epidermal levels despite the
ceived. The dendritic Langerhans cell, situated above the basal stem cell, general superficially directed current of the stream of movement,
has also been suggested as a controlling influence on cell division. For and indeed they can move against it in proceeding downward into
further explanation see text.
the dermis. They might be regarded as floating or swimming in the
stream, and their dendritic shape might result from, or perhaps help
in, this movement.
spinosum. The whole forms a cellular prism, the EPU, and each unit
is a discrete entity, ie. not feeding cells laterally into adjacent units.
Whereas this arrangement seems to apply to species and sites where
epidermal cell turnover is regular and not too fast, regular columns
are rarely demonstrable in human epidermis, and it is questionable Melanocytes are melanin-pigment forming cells derived from the
to what extent the concept applies here. Potten originally proposed neural crest and widely distributed throughout the body in ver-
that each unit contained a single Langerhans cell which directed tebrates. In humans, they are present in the epidermis and its
mitotic activity within it, but though it can affect keratinocyte growth appendages, in oral epithelium, some mucous membranes, the uveal
it is doubtful if it plays the predominant role suggested. tract (choroid coat) of the eyeball, parts of the middle and internal
Under normal conditions the production of epidermal keratinocytes ear and in the leptomeninges at the base of the brain. The cells of
is matched by loss of cells from the stratum corneum, and this dynamic the retinal pigment epithelium, developed from the outer wall of the
equilibrium is achieved by a balance of stimulating and inhibiting optic cup, also produce melanin, and neurons in different locations
signals regulating proliferation of basal layer cells. Among growth- within the brainstem (e.g. the locus coeruleus and substantia nigra)
and diffusable factors which stimulate cell proliferation and differ- synthesize a variety of melanin called neuromelanin.
entiation are Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), GkDa polypeptide, True melanins are complicated high molecular weight polymers
Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-a, cytokines, and Basic Fibro- attached to a structural protein (to form melanoproteins), and in
blast Growth Factor (b-BFGF). Some of these are secreted by the humans there are two classes, the brown-black eumelanin, and the
basal keratinocytes themselves. Growth inhibitors include TGF-f, red-yellow phaeomelanin, both derived from the substrate tyrosine
pentapeptide, and a- and y-interferons. Chalones are substances by a complicated series of reactions initially catalysed by the enzyme
thought to be secreted by suprabasal cells which bind to adrenaline tyrosinase (see p.391). Melanophages are macrophages which have
and inhibit basal layer mitosis by a negative feedback mechanism, ingested preformed melanin, and melanophores are dermal melano-
though evidence for their existence is mainly circumstantial. Recently, cytes, especially common in fishes, amphibians and reptiles, though
physiological cell death (apoptosis) has been recognized as an active absent in humans, within which melanin can be rapidly aggregated
regulatory mechanism in shaping and maintaining tissue size, and may or dispersed to change body colour in adaptation to environmental
play a role in normal epidermal kinetic homeostasis. backgrounds.
Hormones—androgens, oestrogens, corticosteroids—and vitamin Embryonic precursors of melanocytes (melanoblasts) migrate from
A and its metabolites, the retinoids, can also affect keratinocyte the neural crest to enter the epidermis as melanocytes from about
turnover and differentiation, and Langerhans cells and lymphocytes the eighth gestational week (Sagebiel & Odland 1972), and by the
388 are increasingly being thought of as accessory regulators in the 14th week may have reached densities of 2000/mm? in some regions,
" 6 ees a * ar : we e , we oe “ak *

5.24 Section of skin incubated in 1 in 1000 buffered DOPA solution. 5.25 ‘Split-skin’ sheet of epidermis which was incubated in DOPA solution,
Dendritic DOPA-positive melanocytes are present in the basal layer of the viewed from the deep surface. DOPA-positive dendritic melanocytes are
epidermis and stain black (arrowheads) because they contain the enzyme seen, and it is from this type of preparation that estimates of their population
tyrosinase. Other cells of epidermis and dermis are DOPA-negative. The density per unit area of epidermis can be obtained. Not all cells are in focus
fact that faint outlines of epidermis and dermis are seen is due to non- because of the undulant nature of the epidermal—dermal junction, and the
specific staining of the solution due to auto-oxidation of DOPA during the rete ridges of the epidermis are outlined by melanocytes superimposed at
reaction. Magnification x 320. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1960, with different levels along them, as well as by some melanin pigment. Mag-
permission.) nification x 145.

partly by division of cells in situ. Shortly after their arrival, the cells tinocyte (5.25), lacking desmosomal contacts with apposed kera-
engage in melanogenic activity, indicating that melanin has functions tinocytes, though hemidesmosomal contacts with the basal lamina
(as yet poorly understood) other than protection against solar are present. The nucleus is large, round, and euchromatic, and in
radiation. In some oriental races, melanocytes persist for a while the cytoplasm, are: intermediate filaments, a prominent Golgi
postnatally in the dermis of the lumbar region and buttock giving complex and vesicles and associated granular endoplasmic reticulum,
rise to bluish Mongolian spots. The blue colour is due to scattering mitochondria, and coated vesicles, together with a characteristic
of blue light by collagen bundles overlying the melanin-containing marker organelle, the melanosome (5.26, 27). The melanosome is a
cells. In routine histological preparations stained with haematoxylin membrane-bound structure which undergoes a sequence of four
and eosin, melanocytes appear as ‘clear cells’ in the basal layer of developmental stages during which melanin is synthesized and
the epidermis; they can be stained with Masson’s ammonium silver deposited within it by the tyrosine-tyrosinase reaction. The Stage I
nitrate method, but are best revealed in sections and in ‘split-skin’ melanosome is a spherical vacuole, derived probably from the rough
pure epidermal sheets, by the DOPA technique (5.24, 25). This endoplasmic reticulum, and containing filamento-amorphous struc-
involves incubation in a buffered 1 in 1000 solution of DOPA tural protein and vesiculoglobular bodies. Subsequent stages of
(dihydroxy-phenylalanine) when the dendritic nature of the cells is eumelanosomes and phaeomelanosomes differ somewhat in mor-
well visualized. They can also be recognized in fetal epidermis by phology (5.29, 8). Stage II eumelanosomes become spherical or
the monoclonal antibody HB-45 (Holbrook 1989). Cell counts on
DOPA preparations reveal considerable . regional variations in
numbers of melanocytes per unit area of epidermis, ranging from
2300 per mm? in the cheek to 800 per mm? on the abdomen (Szabo
1959). It is estimated that a single melanocyte may be in functional
contact via its dendrites with up to 30 keratinocytes to form an
entity called the Epidermal Melanin Unit (Fitzpatrick & Breathnach
1963). In general, there are no sexual or racial differences in frequency
distribution of melanocytes, and intrinsic or acquired variations in
melanic pigmentation are due rather to differences in the melanizing
activity of the cells than in their numbers. Melanocytes constitute a
reproductive self-maintaining system of cells, although their normal
turnover rate is very slow and an accurate mitotic balance sheet is
lacking. They can be readily cultured in vitro (5.28). When locally
depleted, they repopulate the epidermis, and a keratinocyte-derived
growth factor, FGF-8 (Halaban et al 1988), is probably involved
as a mitogen. UV radiation also stimulates mitotic activity of
It should be emphasized in evaluating numerical estimates, that
the DOPA reaction reveals only synthetically active melanocytes,
depending as it does on the presence of the enzyme tyrosinase within
the cell. In albinism, where the enzyme is either absent or blocked,
melanocytes, though present, are not stained with DOPA, and
relatively inactive cells in the normal epidermis may be missed
through giving a weak reaction. Melanocytes decrease significantly 5.26 Basal epidermal melanocyte showing general ultrastructural features.
in numbers in old age, and are absent from grey-white hair. There are no desmosomes connecting it with apposed keratinocytes (K),
the cytoplasm contains no keratin fibrils, and melanosomes are present as
Ultrastructure of melanogenesis individual granules in the cytoplasm. Note dendrite extending towards the
Like the Langerhans cell, the melanocyte is a dendritic non-kera- right. Arrows mark the epidermal—dermal junction. Magnification x 5625. 389
the cells
5.28 Pure culture of melanocytes from infant foreskin. In culture
retain their dendritic shape. Magnification x 450.
5.27 Melanosomes aggregated in groups in basal keratinocytes. Note
melanosomes in melanocyte (M). It produces the melanosomes and
them on to the keratinocytes. Magnification x 4950.

ing the latter cell nipping off and internalizing the tip of the dendrite
ellipsoid and the inner matrix becomes organized into filamentous
with the subsequent liberation of melanosomes into the keratinocyte
sheets exhibiting a 9 nm periodicity. At Stage III, melanin begins to be in
cytoplasm (5.27). Here, they may exist as individual granules
deposited on the inner sheets, gradually obscuring their arrangement, s
heavily-pigmented skin, or be packaged within secondary lysosome
until the final, densely-pigmented Stage IV is reached, exhibiting no ome complexe s or compoun d melanos omes in lightly
as melanos
other internal structures apart from non-melanized vesiculoglobular to
pigmented skin. They are often aggregated above the nucleus
bodies. Phaeomelanosomes retain their spherical shape throughout lear caps. As the keratinoc ytes progress towards the
at form supranuc
all stages, their inner matrix is not organized into sheets, and remnants
surface, melanosomes undergo degradation, and melanin
Stage IV a microgranular internal structure may still be apparent. in the form of dust-like particles.
in the stratum corneum are more
In most active melanocytes, melanosomes of all stages are present; in normal melanocytes, and in the
Lipid droplets frequently occur
in albinos, Stages I and II are present, though the inner matrix may contains them in abundance, and
eyelid there is a melanocyte which
lack its typical organization. When mature, Stage IV melanosomes sebaceous gland of Wolff” (Pelfini
which is known as the ‘unicellular
move into the dendrites along the surfaces of microtubules and are
et al 1969).
transferred to keratinocytes by a special type of phagocytosis involv-

5.298. Cytoplasm of melanocyte containing melanosomes mainly
II and IV. From the predomina ntly round sectional profiles and
at Stages
5.290. Cytoplasm of hair bulb melanocyte containing melanosomes anosomes.
granular internal structure, these are identified as phaeomel
Stages II and III. From the elongated rod-shaped form, these are identified Magnification x 51 000.
390 as eumelanosomes. K, keratinocyte. Magnification x 32 550.

Tyrosinase, and synthesis and properties of melanins. Tyro- pigmentary system to UV varies with genetic and constitutional
sinase is a copper containing metallo-enzyme, present in the form of factors. It includes immediate tanning, or pigment darkening, which
several isozymes, which catalyses the initial stages of the synthesis can occur within a matter of minutes, probably due to photo-
of tyrosine-melanin. It is formed by ribosomes on the granular oxidation of pre-existing melanin. Delayed tanning occurs after about
endoplasmic reticulum, conveyed to the Golgi complex, glycosylated 48 hours, and involves stimulation of new melanogenesis within the
and incorporated into coated vesicles which attach to the limiting melanocytes, and transfer of additional melanosomes to kera-
membrane of the Stage I melanosome, liberating the active enzyme tinocytes. There may also be some increase in size of active mel-
into its interior. Melanization then commences via a complicated anocytes, and in their apparent numbers, both through division, and
pathway the complete details of which remain to be worked out, activation of dormant cells. Keratinocytes can be directly involved
and which differ between eumelanin and phaeomelanin. The first in these changes through various signals. In vitro, the lower frequency
two steps, oxidation of tyrosine to DOPA, and DOPA to dopa- end of the UV band (UVB) induces synthesis by keratinocytes of
quinone, are common to both, and catalysed by tyrosinase. Next, b-FGF, which is mitogenic for melanocytes, as well as Interleukin I
in eumelanin synthesis, dopachrome is formed, converted into which induces them to produce a-melanocyte stimulating hormone
dihydroxyindoles and 5—6 dihydroxyindole-2-dicarboxylic acid by a (a-MSH), a known stimulant of melanogenesis (see below); there is
mechanism involving a conversion factor and possibly two enzymes, evidence that keratinocytes may also produce adrenocorticotrophic
dopachrome oxido-reductase, and dopachrome tautomerase, though hormone (ACTH). Chronic exposure to UV results in changes dealt
these latter may be one and the same (Pawelek 1991). The final with below under ‘Age related changes in skin’ (p. 411).
stages in the pathway to melanin essentially involve complex poly- Freckles in skin of red-haired individuals are usually thought to
merizations in which tyrosinase may again be involved. In phaeo- be induced by UV, though they do not appear initially until several
melanin synthesis, the amino-acid cysteine is added to dopaquinone years after birth, despite exposure. Paradoxically, melanocytes are
to form 5-S cysteinyldopa. Evidence is increasing that most natural significantly fewer in freckles than in adjacent paler epidermis, but
melanins are mixtures of eumelanin and phaeomelanin, and phaeo- they are larger and more active. What determines the onset of
melanic pigments, trichochromes, occur in red hair. freckles, or their individual location, is not known.
Melanin has biophysical and biochemical properties related to its Hormonal influences. In amphibians, MSH from the anterior
functions in skin. It protects against damaging effects of UV radiation lobe of the hypophysis, and melatonin, a skin-lightening hormone
on DNA through its spectral absorptive electron—photon coupling, secreted by the pineal, are involved in pigmentary alterations, though
and amorphous semiconductor properties, whereby it can absorb their importance as normal regulatory factors in man is unclear.
many different types of energy and dissipate them in the form of - When administered to humans, a-MSH causes an increase in pig-
vibrational modes or heat. Its redox capacity makes it an efficient mentation due to a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-
scavenger of damaging free radicals, however generated, and its mediated increase in tyrosinase activity, and as mentioned above,
ability to bind to a variety of metal ions and drugs suggests it can UV irradiation induces MSH production by keratinocytes. ACTH
act as an antitoxic agent. However, if the energy input is too great, is also thought to affect melanocyte activity, and is probably respon-
these properties can be expressed in the output of toxic activated sible for the hyperpigmentation associated with pituitary and adrenal
chemical species which can be damaging (Hill 1992). Another dis- disorders. The role of melatonin in the biology of human melanin
advantage is that a high concentration of melanin in relation to pigmentation remains problematic. In pregnancy, higher levels of
incident solar UV may adversely affect synthesis of vitamin D. circulating oestrogens and progesterone are responsible for the
increased melanization of the face, abdominal and genital skin, and
Determination and control of melanin pigmentation the nipple and areola, and much of this may remain permanently.
Melanin pigmentation of human skin can be analysed on two bases: A number of other factors operating within the epidermis, such as
constitutive and facultative. Constitutive pigmentation is the intrinsic interleukins, arachidonic acid, prostaglandins and various cytokines,
level, genetically determined, and facultative pigmentation comprises also affect melanogenesis, either stimulating or inhibiting individual
reversible changes induced by environmental agents, for example steps, or inhibiting natural tyrosinase inhibitors within the mel-
UV and X-radiation, chemicals, and hormonal influences. anocyte. Clearly, the level of pigmentation at any given time rep-
Genetics. In rodents, at least 130 genes at 50 loci are known resents a balance between a large number of competing influences,
to determine skin and coat melanization, acting not only on the constitutive and facultative, and these must be taken into account in
melanocytes themselves, but also on their environment. Specific genes the analysis and diagnosis of hypo- and hyperpigmentary disorders.
can influence differentiation of neural crest cells into melanoblasts, Summary. Further details on all aspects of melanin pigmentation
and also melanoblast migration to the skin, their differentiation into will be found in: Quevedo et al (1987), Nordlund et al (1989),
melanocytes, and morphological features of these latter, such as Jimbow et al (1991), Prota (1992), Robins (1992), and Takeuchi and
shape, size and length of dendrites, which in turn determine the Quevedo (1992).
size of the pool of keratinocytes to which each cell transfers its
melanosomes. Other genes acting primarily within the melanocyte
control the synthesis of tyrosinase, its type and activity (including
inhibitors), the type of melanin synthesized, the size, shape, protein
structure and number of melanosomes, their degree of melanization,
and their rate of transfer to keratinocytes. Constitutive melanin
pigmentation in man is probably under similar precise genetic
control, though positive evidence is not easy to obtain due to
co-mingling of genes. Various types of albinism are genetically
Racial variations in pigmentation are due to differences in mel-
anocyte morphology and activity rather than to numerical differ-
ences. In naturally heavily pigmented skins the cells tend to be larger,
more dendritic, and to contain more and larger Stage II and
IV melanosomes than melanocytes of paler caucasoid skins. The
keratinocytes in turn contain more melanosomes, individually dis-
persed, whereas in caucasoids the majority are contained within
secondary lysosomes to form melanosome complexes. (Melanosomes
occasionally seen within Langerhans cells are always similarly
enclosed.) For more on this topic, see Robins (1992).
Ultraviolet irradiation. Photobiology is a rapidly expanding disci- 5.30 Epidermal sheet preparation. Immunofluorescence staining with Phy-
pline concerned with the overall effects of solar irradiation, and in coerythrin anti-HLA-DR showing Langerhans cell network. Magnification
particular, UV irradiation, on the skin (see Fitzpatrick et al 1974; x 95. (Provided by Dr S Breathnach, St John’s Dermatology Centre, UMDS,
Potten 1985; Posschier et al 1987). The response of the melanin St Thomas’ Campus, London.) 391
5.31 Section of skin stained with Gairn’s gold chloride method. Gold-
positive dendritic Langerhans cells are seen at suprabasal levels. Mag-
nification x 315.

Langerhans cell: immunological surveillance

Langerhans cells are dendritic antigen-presenting cells regularly dis-
5.32 ALangerhans cell (L) in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis. Note
tributed in mammals throughout the basal and spinous layers of the indented nucleus, cytoplasm with no keratin filaments which are charac-
epidermis (p. 381) and its appendages, apart from the sweat gland, teristic of surrounding keratinocytes, and absence of desmosomes along
and of other stratified squamous epithelia, including the buccal, the plasma membrane. The characteristic granules of the cytoplasm (5.33)
tonsillar and oesophageal epithelia, as well as the cervical and vaginal are too small to be clearly identified at this enlargement. Magnification
mucosae and the transitional epithelium of the bladder. They are x 5325.
present in the conjunctiva, but not in the cornea. In routine H&E
preparations they appear as high-level ‘clear cells’, and with other
techniques such as staining with gold chloride or osmium-zinc iodide,
their characteristic dendritic shape becomes apparent (5.31). They nodes, thymus, and spleen (with, of course, a pool of precursors in
are also visualized in adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)ase prep- the bone marrow).
arations and by a variety of immunofluorescence and immuno- Ultrastructure. Langerhans cells are non-keratinocytes in that
cytochemical techniques (5.30). They are immunocompetent cells desmosomes are absent from the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm
derived from bone marrow (Katz et al 1979), and enter the epidermis lacks keratin filaments, they do not become keratinized and are not
as early as the fifth to sixth week. The postnatal population (460— desquamated. The nucleus is euchromatic and markedly indented
1000/mm?, 2—3% of all epidermal cells, with regional variations) is (5.32), and the cytoplasm contains a well-developed Golgi complex,
maintained both by continual renewal from the marrow and, mini- lysosomes often containing ingested melanosomes, and a charac-
mally, by division in situ. Following almost complete depletion in teristic marker organelle, the Birbeck granule (Birbeck et al 1961).
rodents by tape-stripping of the epidermis, or X- and UV radiation, These structures are discoid or cup-shaped, and on section (5.33)
normal numbers of Langerhans cells return by 4-15 days. Extra- present a variety of appearances. The commonest is that of a rod
epithelial Langerhans cells are present in the dermal stroma, 0.5m long and 30nm wide, with a linear fuzzy coat within the
occasionally within dermal capillaries and lymphatics, and in lymph trilaminar limiting membrane and acentral core of two linear arrays
of particles with a periodicity of 9nm. Vesiculation of the limiting
membrane at either end gives an appearance similar to a tennis
racket and, when sectioned obliquely, an orthogonal or lattice array
of the central particles is evident. What appear to be granules may
occasionally be seen continuous with the plasma membrane, and this
has raised questions as to their origin, nature and function. The bulk
of current evidence (Schuler et al 1991; Bartosik 1992; Bucana et al
1992) suggests that the structures attached to the plasma membrane
are formed by internalization and zipping of segments of plasma
membrane associated with coated vesicles, the resulting structures
then undergoing unzipping, vesiculation and fusion with endosomes,
to deliver molecules to the interior. There is some doubt as to the
exact correspondence of classical, closed, intracytoplasmic granules
with those attached to the plasma membrane, which have been
referred to as ‘Birbeck granule-like structures’. If they are not
identical, this allows revival of the original suggestion that Birbeck
granules are derived from the Golgi apparatus (see above). Hanau
et al (1991) have reported the presence within ethylene diamine
tetracetic acid (EDTA)-treated human blood platelets of elements
ultrastructurally similar to Birbeck granules and apparently formed
by collapse of the surface-connected canalicular system. This has led
them to suggest that the granules may derive from transformation of
vacuolar or canalicular structures due to ligand-receptor interactions
while resident in the epidermis. Apart from this, Langerhans cells
5.33 Langerhans granules. Note rod-shaped sectional profiles with central
linear periodicity, and terminal blowing-out of the limiting membrane. At top
can exhibit general phagocytic activity, but not to the same extent
right, a granule sectioned tangentially exhibits a lattice arrangement of as keratinocytes. Cells with all the features of Langerhans cells apart
392 particles. Magnification x 62010. from the granules may be present in the basal layer, and are referred

to as ‘indeterminate cells’; they are thought to be either immature generation of cytotoxic T-cells (see p. 1420). These activities involve
stages, or else the most mature, about to leave the epidermis a traffic in both directions of Langerhans cells across the epidermal-—
(see below). Cells with more electron-dense cytoplasm exhibiting dermal junction, their presence, especially in contact hypersensitivity
degenerative features and present at all levels of normal epidermis reactions, in dermal lymphatics and nodes, and their apposition to
except the striatum corneum (Breathnach 1981) may have been lymphocytes within the epidermis. A positive regulatory role for the
damaged by solar radiation or some other environmental insult, or, keratinocyte in SALT is becoming increasingly apparent. It also
perhaps, represent a distinct phenotype or functional stage. expresses Ja antigen, produces cytokines which can enhance or
Another dendritic non-keratinocyte, also of bone-marrow origin, downregulate T-cell activation, and others which, in culture, can
the Thy-1 + EC, is present in murine epidermis, and belongs to the affect the differentiation, maturation and viability of Langerhans
T-cell lineage (see Schuler et al 1991). Any analogue of this cell type cells (Luger & Schwartz 1991), functions which it might well subserve
has not yet been certainly demonstrated in human epidermis. in vivo. A reciprocal influence of the Langerhans cell on keratinocyte
Immunoreactivity. Langerhans cells belong to the general group proliferation, differentiation, and keratinization is enshrined in the
of dendritic cells (DC), mononuclear phagocytic cells important in concept of the Epidermal Proliferative Unit (p. 387).
immunological reactions (see p. 1417), though their exact relationship Langerhans cells are involved in rejection of skin grafts from
to other members of this group, such as ‘veiled cells’, interdigitating histo-incompatible animals, and their absence from the cornea may
reticulum cells, DC in peripheral blood and lymph, and B-cell related be an important factor in the ease with which grafts of this tissue
dendritic cells of lymphoid follicles, remains uncertain (Romani et can be accomplished. Transplantation of bone-marrow cells from
al 199la,b; Bergstresser et al 1992). Phenotypically, they carry one individual to another is increasingly being used in the treatment
receptors for the Fc portion of IgG, and for complement components of leukaemias and other blood discrasias, and in the process, pre-
(C3b-—C4b and C4d), and express a variety of antigens, the number cursor Langerhans cells will be transferred from donor to host and
of which is being added to regularly. These include MHC Class I possibly involved, in addition to host Langerhans cells, in cutaneous
and Class II antigens (Ia; HLA-DR) and CDIa antigen, and the manifestations of graft-versus-host (GVH) disease (Breathnach &
cytoplasm expresses S-100 protein. Preparation of monoclonal anti- Katz 1987). In acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), epi-
bodies to these and other markers has allowed specification and dermal Langerhans cells are greatly reduced in number, partly due
visualization of Langerhans cells by immunofluorescence and to direct infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-I,
immunocytochemical techniques. The phenotype of human Lan- and partly due to the general state of immunosuppression.
gerhans cells differs in some respects from that of experimental UV light and various chemicals. Langerhans cells are adversely
animals, and in cell culture is significantly altered, becoming more affected by these factors, which can inactivate them and deplete
like that of dendritic cells within lymphoid tissue. The capacity of their numbers. In that they are normally involved in monitoring
the cell to produce Birbeck granules is reduced in culture, and this, endogenous tumour antigens, this suppressive effect may contribute
together with the change in phenotype, is regarded as a badge of to the higher incidence of epidermal carcinomas and melanomas in
‘maturity’ in terms of ability to sensitize T-cells (see below). Implicit caucasians habitually exposed to strong sunlight, and may play a
in this concept is the suggestion that the majority of resident part too in the chemical induction of neoplasms. Histiocytosis-X is
Langerhans cells are immature from a functional point of view. a condition characterized by abnormal proliferation of cells mor-
Functions. The Langerhans cell is now recognized as a key phologically practically identical with Langerhans cells, though
element in a Skin Associated Lymphoid Tissue (SALT) (Streilein differing somewhat in phenotype. Lesions occur in skin, lymph
1983), which is the peripheral outpost of the body’s immune sur- nodes, lungs and bone, and the condition is variously regarded as a
veillance system and involved in induction and regulation of the tumour or a granuloma of Langerhans cells. For reviews, and
primary immune response. SALT comprises the Langerhans cell, T- citations of the voluminous literature on Langerhans cells and
lymphocytes and keratinocytes, together with local draining peri- current unsolved problems which they present, see Schuler (1991),
pheral lymphatics and associated lymph nodes. In this scheme, the Bergstresser et al (1992), and Kamperdijk (1993).
Langerhans cell, under appropriate conditions of normal monitoring,
or in the course of a contact hypersensitivity reaction, internalizes Lymphocytes
antigen (haptens, proteins, local tumour antigens, etc.) by receptor- Lymphocytes are occasionally seen in normal human epidermis,
mediated endocytosis via ‘Birbeck granule-like structures’ (Bucana individually, or in apposition with Langerhans cells and melanocytes.
et al 1992), processes it, becoming ‘mature’ meanwhile, then migrates Their presence is readily understandable in the context of SALT.
to the draining lymph nodes to present it to unstimulated T-cells. Mast cells have also been reported in normal epidermis, though this
It initiates antigen-specific T-cell activation and proliferation, and raises the question of what is ‘normal’. In present civilization the

5.34 A,B. Immunolabelling of Merkel cells from rabbit lip. a shows a semi- keratin 18 located in basally placed Merkel cells. Magnifications: a x 300,
thin section in which are ‘clear cells’ (arrowheads) in the basal layer of the B x 280. (Provided by Professor JH Saurat, Dermatology Clinic, Cantonal
epidermis, representing Merkel cells, as shown by later electron microscopy. Hospital of the University, Geneva, Switzerland.)
B shows a similar section immunostained for the low molecular weight
5.358. Characteristic granules in a fetal Merkel cell, each granule con-
sisting of a dense core separated by a lucent interval from the surrounding
membrane. Magnification x 62 300. (Supplied by D Robins, Department of
Anatomy, St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London. From Winkelmann
and Breathnach 1973, with permission.)

5.35 ac. Electron microscopic appearance of Merkel cells and related

structures. A is a Merkel cell in the basal epidermal layer of a human fetal
finger, showing general features. Note desmosomes (De) between the
Merkel cell and adjacent keratinocytes, characteristic granules (gr), phago-
cytosed melanosomes (Me), nerve ending (N) in contact with the basal
aspect, and spine-like processes (Pr) indenting the neighbouring kera-
tinocytes. Magnification x 16 800. (From Winkelmann and Breathnach 1973,
5.35c. A region of apposition between a fetal Merkel cell (M) and an
with permission.)
afferent nerve terminal (N). In the segments between the arrowheads the
membrane shows increased density granular vesicles (Gr) are concentrated
here, resembling a type of synapse in its appearance. Magnification
epidermis in different cultures is submitted to so many cosmetic and x 70 200. (Reproduced by permission from Breathnach 1979.)
environmental assaults that it is difficult to establish what might be
considered as virginal normal—perhaps only the neonatal.
Merkel cell fully differentiated keratinocytes (Moll et al 1982). They also show
Merkel cells are morphologically distinct cells, present in the epi- immunoreactivity to the following antigens: neuron-specific enolase
dermis of mammals, amphibians, and fish, and in other vertebrates. (NSB), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), met-enkephalin, chro-
In man, they appear in routinely stained preparations as ‘clear’ oval mogranins, and bombasins (Hartschuh et al 1979; Hartschuh et al
cells, singly or in groups, in the basal layer of the epidermis, especially 1983; Gu et al 1981). Dense-core granule-containing neuroendocrine
of glabrous skin, and intimately associated with a nerve terminal. cells exhibit similar reactivities. Human fetal dermal Merkel cells have
They are also present in the outer root sheath of some large been reported as expressing nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors
hair follicles. They can be distinguished from other ‘clear cells’ (Narisawa et al 1992).
(melanocytes and Langerhans cells) by a variety of specific immu- Nature and function. The developmental lineage of Merkel cells
nohistochemical reactions (5.34a, 8). Clusters of Merkel cell—neurite is not yet fully established, although the view that they are modified
complexes in glabrous skin are called touch corpuscles (Tastscheiben), keratinocytes (Moll et al 1986) is rapidly replacing the theory that
and in hairy skin, tactile hair discs (Haarscheiben). Merkel cells are they are immigrants which traverse the dermis along developing
regarded by some as belonging to a widely-distributed system of neurites (Breathnach 1979). In favour of the view that they are
‘neuroendocrine cells’, also known as the ‘amine precursor uptake modified keratinocytes, or arise from a common ectodermal stem
and decarboxylation (APUD) system’ (Winkelmann 1977) and ‘par- cell, is the observation that in development they appear in the
aneurons’ (Fujita 1977). epidermis (between weeks 8-12) earlier than in the dermis, preceding
Ultrastructure (see Halata 1975). Short, spiny processes of the the ingrowth of nerve fibres (Moll et al 1986; Pasche et al 1990;
plasma membrane with a cytoplasmic core of intermediate filaments McKenna Boot et al 1992). Human fetal skin (8-11 weeks), lacking
insinuate between, or indent, adjacent basal keratinocytes, to which Merkel cells and xenografted to nude mice, contained abundant
the Merkel cell is attached by small desmosomes (5.35a). The basal epidermal Merkel cells of apparent human origin after 4-8 weeks
plasma membrane is closely apposed to the membrane of an axonal (Moll et al 1990). This evidence suggests that fetal dermal Merkel
terminal packed with mitochondria and clear-cored vesicles, and cells are derived by migration from epidermis to dermis, and not
areas of membrane specialization, seen as localized densities, may vice versa, and that they become secondarily associated with nerve
be present along the apposition (5.35c; see also 8.73c). The cytoplasm fibres. This is consistent with evidence that Merkel cells serve as
contains common organelles, numerous closely-packed intermediate targets for ingrowing axons during development, evoking directional
filaments, and characteristically, 80-110,m dense-core granules sprouting of fibres and partially determining terminal fields
(5.358). These are usually concentrated mainly on the side of the (Diamond 1979).
nucleus opposite to the Golgi apparatus, from which they are thought Precise localization to Merkel cell-neurite complexes of mammals,
to be derived, and may be closely associated with areas of basal of slowly adapting Type 1 discharges following mechanical stimu-
plasma membrane specialization. The nucleus may contain nuclear lation of the skin, confirms that they are mechanoreceptors. They
rodlets, also present in some nerve cells. are capable of detecting vertical, shearing, or other directional
Immunoreactivity. Merkel cells express the low molecular-weight deformations, and direction of hair movement. Morphology sug-
394 cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19, but not the types characteristic of gested that the Merkel cell was the prime transducer giving rise to a


receptor potential activating the associated axon by a synaptic

mechanism involving release of a transmitter substance from the
dense-core cytoplasmic granules. However, no transmitter substance
has been detected in the granules, and electrophysiological evidence
of chemosynaptic transmission from Merkel cell to nerve ending is
lacking. A trophic function, or a function similar to that of the
Schwann cell for the neurite has also been suggested for the Merkel
cell. For further details of this cell, see page 967.
Epidermal symbionts
A concept of the epidermis as a compound tissue made up of cellular
elements of different developmental origins and prime functions
(epidermal symbionts), existing together in biological balance and
mutual dependence to perform wider collaborative functions, has
grown out of early tentative ideas of Caudiere, Billingham, and
Rappaport, and now includes the subconcepts of the Epidermal
Melanin Unit, the Epidermal Proliferative Unit, and SALT (p. 1442).
The symbionts consist of the keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans
cells, and lymphocytes. Whether the Merkel cell should be included
is problematic. In the accounts above, many instances have been
quoted of one cell type influencing proliferation, differentiation and
functioning of others (sometimes facilitating, sometimes blocking
activities), and being, in turn, affected similarly by these. Such
interactions are of importance in development, growth, inflam-
mation, immunology and wound-healing, and for maintaining
normal homeostasis in the epidermis. They involve expression of
cell-surface molecules—adhesion molecules, interleukins, various
antigens, receptors—as well as growth factors, cytokines, and other
factors involved in signalling, both intracellular and extracellular.
For example, there is evidence that keratinocyte-derived cytokines
regulate the functioning of Langerhans cells, and that Langerhans
cell-derived cytokines in turn regulate the activities of keratinocytes. 5.36 Scanning electron micrograph of the surface of a section through the
Identification of such substances and understanding their actions in skin showing the epidermis (above) and the layers of the dermis. The
health and disease is a major concern of current dermatological papillary layer close to the epidermis contains fine collagen fibres, while in
research. It has been pointed out that epidermal activities may the deeper reticular layer the fibres become increasingly more coarse.
be controlled and affected by extraepidermal influences, such as Magnification x 300.
hormones, etc. and it is important to remember that substances
produced within the epidermis, not only vitamin D, but also some dermis, enmeshing nerves and vessels. Type VII is the main com-
of those mentioned above can, by diffusion or by entering the ponent of anchoring fibrils (5.39).
circulation, have wider local and systemic effects.
Elastic fibres
DERMIS For general aspects, see page 83. Elastic fibres form a fibrous network
interwoven between the collagen bundles throughout the dermis
The dermis (5.1, 36-38) is an irregular, moderately dense, soft (5.38). They consist of two components, amorphous elastin and
connective tissue, with a matrix composed of an interwoven col- 10nm microfibrils. Close to the dermal-epidermal junction, only
lagenous and elastic network in an amorphous ground substance of microfibrils known as oxytalin are present; somewhat deeper is
glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins, and bound water, which accom- elaunin, composed mainly of fibrils with little elastin, and deeper still
modates nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics, epidermal appendages are the mature elastic fibres with a predominance of elastin. They
and a changing population of cells. Mechanically, the dermis provides form a continuum extending deeper from the underside of the lamina
considerable strength to skin by virtue of the number and arrange- densa.
ment of its collagen fibres, which give it tensile strength, and it has
elastic recoil because of its elastic fibres. The density of its fibre Ground substance
meshwork, and therefore its physical properties, varies both within For general aspects, see page 84. The ground substance of the dermis,
an area and with different sites, and with age and sex. The dermis is being amorphous, can only be visualized by special techniques
vital for the survival of the’ epidermis, and important morphogenetic and consists mainly of proteoglycans (glycosaminoglycans being,
signals are exchanged at the interface between the two, the epidermal— predominantly, hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate, heparan
dermal junction, or basement membrane zone (BMZ), during sulphate, and some chondroitin-4 and chondroitin-6 sulphate) and
development and postnatally (see p. 294). The dermis can be divided fibronectins. These matrix macromolecules interact with cell surface
into two zones, a narrow superficial papillary layer, and a deeper and transmembrane molecules and maintain the cellular environment
reticular layer, though the transition between the two is gradual. of the dermis, including its water and electrolyte composition. It is
Dermal collagen also concerned with cell movement and attachment to substratum
during development and wound healing (see p. 412 et seq). For more
General aspects of biosynthesis, structure, and types of collagen are on the extracellular matrix in general, see Hay (1981, 1982), Uitto
dealt with elsewhere (p. 81). Types I and III form the major part of et al (1989), and Alberts et al (1994).
adult dermal collagen in the proportions of 80-85% and 15-20%
respectively. The coarser-fibred Type I is predominant in the reticular Cells of the dermis
dermis, and the finer Type III is found in the papillary dermis and Two major categories of cells are present in postnatal dermis:
around blood vessels. Type IV collagen forms the lamina densa of
the basal lamina (p. 397) where it provides a scaffold for interactions e fixed cells of organized structures such as nerves (Schwann cells,
between cells and amorphous matrix components such as laminin epi-, peri- and endoneurial cells), vessels (endothelial cells, peri-
and heparan sulphate proteoglycan; it is also present in the basal cytes, smooth muscle cells), cells of the arrector pili muscles
laminae of Schwann cells and endothelial cells, and in anchoring e a population of free cells of different origins and functions, the
plaques. Type V occurs in the lamina lucida and sparsely around composition of which can vary with time and region so that it is
cells, and Type VI forms a microfibrillar network throughout the not possible to define a normal distribution. 395

Among these latter cells are: fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells,

eosinophils, neutrophils, T-lymphocytes, and B-lymphocytes
(including plasmacytes), and dermal Langerhans cells, all of which
can be identified at light or electron microscopical level either
by special staining techniques or by morphological characteristics
including specific marker organelles, and whose functions are clear.
Then, there are others, not easy to identify on any basis, but which
have been referred to under such terms as fixed histiocytes, or
monocytic cells. Headington (1986a,b) suggests the term histiocyte
be abandoned, and identifies cells currently so described as dermal
dendrocytes of bone-marrow derivation and capable of antigen pres-
entation. He further suggests that many cells regarded as fibroblasts
are, in fact, dermal dendrocytes. Sontheimer (1989) has described a
‘dermal perivascular dendritic macrophage’ expressing major histo-
compatibility complex (MHC) class Il (HLA-DR) antigens which
may engage in immunological reactions with microvascular endo-
thelial cells, and perivascular T-lymphocytes. These observations
indicate a greater participation of dermal elements in immunology
than previously thought.
Layers of the dermis
Papillary layer. This is immediately deep to the epidermis (5.3, 36,
37), and is specialized to provide mechanical anchorage, metabolic
support, and trophic maintenance to the overlying tissue, as well as
housing rich networks of sensory nerve endings and blood vessels. Its
superficial surface is marked by numerous papillae which interdigitate
with recesses in the base of the epidermis and form the dermal-
epidermal junction at their interface. The papillae have round or

5.37 Vertical section through a dermal papilla and adjacent epidermis,

showing a capillary loop. Notice the closeness of the vessel to the basal
layer of the epidermis. Also visible are the layers of the epidermis, including
a prominent stratum granulosum and above it the stratum lucidum stained
dark orange and the paler orange stratum corneum. The section was taken
from the thick skin of the foot. (Compare also 5.1 and 5.11.) Mallory’s triple , brane
stain. Magnification x 800.
7 Se TT 4 / ra a ,
Poe a iG mie ag
: ——Basal
Nicein ‘4 lamina

2 amina
3 sapehoring

= rs 2 *
Se eli
collagen atti

ap. Type IV collagen Laminin Nidogen

5.38 Section through thin skin, stained by the Verhoeff method to dem-
onstrate elastin fibres. The fibres of the superficial layers of the dermis are 5.39 Diagram showing the major features of the basement membrane
thin while the deeper layers have more conspicuous coarser elastic fibres. zone of skin, including some of the important molecular species involved.
396 Magnification x 120. See text for further details.
blunt apices which may be divided into several cusps. In thin attached to amorphous anchoring plaques at the other; oxytalin
skin, especially in regions with little mechanical stress and minimal microfibrils; and small diameter collagen fibrils. Beneath melanocytes,
sensitivity, papillae are few and very small, while in the thick skin anchoring filaments traverse the lamina lucida, but anchoring fibrils
of the palm and sole of the foot, they are much larger, closely are practically absent beneath the lamina densa. The cytoskeleton
aggregated, and arranged in curved parallel lines following the of the epidermal keratinocyte is linked to the fibrous matrix of
pattern of ridges and grooves typical of these surfaces (5.1). Lying the dermis through the attachment of keratin filament bundles to
under each epidermal ridge are two longitudinal rows of papillae hemidesmosomes, via anchoring filaments across the lamina lucida
one on either side of epidermal rete pegs through which the sweat to the lamina densa, from which anchoring fibrils (Type VII collagen:
ducts pass on the way to the surface (see 5.1, 3). Each papilla contains 5.39) and oxytalin microfibrils extend deeply. This arrangement
narrow, densely interwoven bundles of fine Type I and III collagen provides a mechanically stable substratum for the epidermis. Epi-
fibres, some elastic fibrils and microfibrils, many attached to the dermis and dermis can be separated, usually in the plane of the
basal lamina and extending deeper. Also present is a capillary lamina lucida, by trypsinization or immersion of skin in various
loop, and in some sites, especially in thick hairless skin, Meissner’s chemicals. This provides ‘split-skin’ preparations which are useful
corpuscular nerve endings (p. 967). for examining the apposed surfaces of the two en face, providing,
Reticular layer. This merges with the deep aspect of the papillary for example, excellent views of the pattern of dermal papillae, and
layer (5.3, 36). Its bundles of collagen fibres are thicker than those detailed ultrastructure of the lamina densa (Mihara et al 1992) by
in the papillary layer and interlace with them and with each other scanning electron microscopy, and an opportunity to carry out
to form a strong yet deformable three-dimensional lattice, in which counts of melanocytes in DOPA-stained epidermal sheets. In
many fibres are parallel to each other, and within which lies a inherited bullous (blistering) diseases of the BMZ, separation can
variable number of elastic fibres. The predominant orientation of occur within the cytoplasm of the basal cell, along the plane of the
the collagen fibres may be related to the main direction of action of lamina lucida, or just beneath the lamina densa.
the mechanical forces to which the dermis is subjected locally and Many BMZ components are precisely localized (Uitto 1992). The
thus may be involved in the development of skin surface lines (p. 378). lamina densa is mainly composed of Type IV collagen and the
anchoring fibrils of Type VII collagen (5.39). Laminin, a glycoprotein
DERMAL—EPIDERMAL JUNCTION which binds to cells and Type IV collagen, is present in the lamina
densa and lucida, and entactin nidogen, which binds to the other
In sections perpendicular to the surface, the dermal-epidermal junc- three, is present in the lamina densa. Heparan sulphate proteoglycan
tion exhibits various degrees and patterns of undulation related to (perlecan) and chondroitin-6-sulphate proteoglycan are present in the
the prominence or otherwise of dermal papillae. Staining with per- lamina densa, and bullous pemphigoid antigen is largely localized
iodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique reveals an apparent basement to hemidesmosomes. Other antigens characterized by monoclonal
membrane along the junctional line, and a similar appearance occurs antibodies have been recognized. These various components are
in other situations where cellular structures interface with the extra- synthesized by epidermal keratinocytes and/or by dermal fibroblasts,
cellular matrix (see p. 80). However, electron microscopy reveals that and react with one another and with fibronectins in the formation
there is no such structural entity, and it is more correct to refer to of an organized BMZ during development, in its maintenance
a basement membrane zone (BMZ), which in the skin consists of throughout postnatal life and in its reconstitution during wound-
several components (5.39-41). There is the basal cell membrane, healing and re-epithelialization. Similar interactions are involved in
studded with hemidesmosomes, beneath which is the basal lamina facilitating cell movements (Langerhans cells, lymphocytes) in either
consisting of an electron-lucent /amina lucida of 40-50 nm traversed direction across the dermal-epidermal junction.
by anchoring filaments which insert into an amorphous /amina densa Since the epidermis is non-vascular, clearly, macromolecules and
of approximately 70nm; this may be intermittently reduplicated. solutes essential for the nutrition of the cells must pass the barrier
Beneath the basal lamina is a shallow reticular layer of different of the basal lamina. The permeability properties of the lamina are,
fibrous elements: banded anchoring fibrils, attached to the lamina therefore, of interest and significance, but it is not easy to locate
densa at one end, and ending freely or looping back, or being definitive information in the literature.

5.40 Electron micrograph of a section through the base of the epidermis

showing the epidermal—dermal junction. Note the basal keratinocyte plasma 5.41. Immunogold labelling of anchoring fibrils at the epidermal—dermal
membrane with hemidesmosomes (H), lamina lucida (LL), lamina densa junction. Gold particles (arrowheads) are seen beneath the lamina densa
(LD), anchoring fibrils (arrowheads) attached to its deeper aspect and underlying the keratinocytes, but are virtually absent from this situation
adjacent collagen fibrils (C). Magnification x 45 000. (Provided by J McGrath, beneath a melanocyte (M). Magnification x 4680. (Provided by J McGrath,
St John’s Dermatology Centre, UMDS, St Thomas’ Campus, London.) St John’s Dermatology Centre, UMDS, St Thomas’ Campus, London.)

INNERVATION OF SKIN terminates, leaving Schwann-cell axonal complexes, enveloped by

basal lamina, in direct contact with the matrix. Perineurial cells are
Skin is a major sensory surface, with regional variations in sensitivity
joined by tight junctions, so the sheath forms an effective barrier
to different stimuli evoking a spectrum of subjective sensations. It
against substances or organisms entering the endoneurial com-
has a rich nerve supply, which is also concerned with autonomic
partment across it. They can, of course, gain entry and proceed
functions, in particular, thermoregulation. Equating structure and
proximally from below the level at which it terminates (see also
distribution of fibres and receptors with function has been a major
p. 947).
and continuing concern of neuroanatomists and neurophysiologists
over the years. The detailed structure, classification, and behaviour of the sensory
endings are described in detail in Nervous System (p. 965).
Cutaneous sense provides us with a wealth of information about
the external environment and its interactions with the skin, through Development of cutaneous nerves
receptors tuned to stimuli of various kinds. These latter may be
Sensory cutaneous nerves—axons and Schwann cells—are derived
classed as: mechanical (rapid or sustained touch, pressure, vibration,
by outgrowth from the neural crest (via posterior root ganglia), and
stretching, bending of hairs, etc.), thermal (hot and cold), and
motor fibres to vessels and glands arise from cells of sympathetic
noxious (perceived as discomfort, itching and pain of various degrees
ganglia. As individual parts of the embryo grow, the nerves grow
of intensity). In addition, there are other stimuli evoking sensations
and lengthen with them. Small neurites are present superficially at a
less easy to define precisely, such as those of pleasure evoked by
stage when the epidermis is bilaminar, and by 8 weeks’ gestation
appropriate stroking, tickle, or wetness. All of these sensations are
there is already a functioning cutaneous plexus. By the fourth
recorded and interpreted by a wide variety of specialized neurons
gestational month, the dermal plexuses are very richly developed,
distributed throughout the ascending levels of the nervous system,
and by this time also, Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles appear.
but the primary input is transmitted by neurons whose cell bodies
Whereas the overall general pattern of distribution of fibres is
lie in the spinal and cranial ganglia, and whose fibres are terminally
determined by forces intrinsic to the nervous system, the directional
distributed to the dermis. These may be myelinated or unmyelinated
(5.42). guidance of developing axons and the establishment of appropriate
terminal connections is a very complicated matter and the subject of
Efferent autonomic fibres are non-myelinated noradrenergic and
considerable differences of opinion amongst neuroembryologists (see
cholinergic in type, innervating the arterioles, arrector pili muscles,
p. 925). The growing tips of migrating axons have been much studied
and the myoepitheliocytes of sudorific and apocrine glands. In the
in tissue culture. The tip forms a swollen growth cone, the leading
scrotum, labia minora, perineal skin and nipples they also supply
membrane of which may be flattened or ruffled, exhibiting filipodia,
smooth muscle fasciculi of the dermis and adjacent connective tissue.
and it contains filaments, microtubules, and vesicles, all of which are
Except in the nipples and genital area, activity of the autonomic
efferent nerves is chiefly concerned with regulation of heat loss associated with the axoplasmic transport which must accompany
by vasodilation and vasoconstriction, sweat production, and (only new membrane formation and elongation. GAP (Growth Associated
incipiently in humans) pilo-erection. Protein) 43, a protein which is a substrate for calcium-dependent
and phospholipid dependent protein kinase C, influences the ability
Dermal plexuses, nerve terminals and receptors of axons to grow and is synthesized and transported to growth cones
at a high concentration in extending axons. Swollen tips of axons
On reaching the dermis, nerve fasciculi branch extensively to form a
can sometimes be observed in nerves of digital skin of human fetuses
deep reticular plexus, which serves much of the dermis, including
and possibly represent growth cones in vivo.
most sweat glands, hair follicles and the larger arterioles. Many
In the development of peripheral nerves, axonal outgrowth pre-
small fasciculi pass from this plexus to ramify in another superficial
cedes migration of Schwann cells, so the latter do not serve as initial
papillary plexus at the junction between the reticular and papillary
layers of the dermis. Twigs from this pass more superficially into the ‘pathfinders’. The two soon become closely associated, however, to
form the actual unit of migration, the nerve fibre whose progress is
papillary layer, ramifying horizontally and vertically, terminating
guided by local tissue conditions and influences. These are thought
either in relation to encapsulated receptors, or as terminals reaching
the level of the basal lamina, and, in some instances, entering the
to include guidepost cells of other tissues, heterogeneities and gradi-
ents of matrix macromolecules along the way, and chemotropic
epidermis. As these latter fasciculi proceed superficially, the epi-
neurial sheath merges with the general matrix collagen; the peri- factors released from target cells (Jessel 1991). They partly underlie
neurium becomes reduced to asingle cellular layer and eventually the general overall processes of contact guidance and inhibition.
The ability of outgrowing neurites to adhere to cell surfaces they
encounter plays a major role in directing their migration. Cell
Adhesion Molecules (CAM, N-CAM) belonging to the immuno-
globulin family (see p.26) are involved, and integrins mediate
adhesion between neurites and the matrix glycoproteins laminin and
fibronectin. Homing of axons on to certain specific targets is thought
to involve release of soluble diffusible factors, such as hormones and
growth factors. Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) (Levi-Montalcini and
Angeletti 1968) is produced by targets of sensitive adrenergic sym-
pathetic neurons, such as sweat glands, and in vitro, has been shown
to promote neurite outgrowth and adhesion of human sensory
neurons in synergy with laminin and fibronectin (Crain et al 1980).
Whether it functions in this manner in vivo has been questioned,
but developing Merkel cells, which certainly serve as peripheral
attractive targets for somatic terminals (Diamond 1979) have recently
been reported to contain NGF (Munger 1991). It has been suggested
that Epidermal Growth Factor may also be involved in directional
guidance of axons during development. There is evidence that in
development, terminal areas are approached by an excess of axons,
and that there may be competition between them for specific targets
or limited territories. Definition or limitation of final terminal dis-
tribution is governed partly by elimination of some axons, and
excessive branching or extension is probably regulated by inhibitory
mechanisms involving contact with neighbouring ones.
5.42 Unmyelinated neurite in papillary dermis consisting of Schwann cell In embryos of 8-10 weeks, peripheral fascicles and their terminals
process enveloping four axons. Note Schwann cell basal lamina, and sec- consist of bundles of axons in direct contact, partially or completely
tioned collagen fibres. This is peripheral to the level at which the perineurial enveloped by Schwann cells. Axons contain many microtubules
398 sheath terminates. Magnification x 39375. which serve as a cytoskeleton, and are involved with axoplasmic

transport and motility. Schwann cells and processes soon invade the papillae, usually one loop per papilla, and the loops drain into a
axonal bundles, separating them into progressively smaller ones, superficial venous plexus intertwined with the arteriolar papillary
ultimately isolating them from one another, until finally a numerical plexus. This venous plexus in turn drains into a flat intermediate
relationship between cell and axon of one to one is established for plexus in the reticular layer, which further drains into a deeper
myelinated fibres, and one to several for unmyelinated fibres. plexus, receiving from capillary beds surrounding glands and hair
These developments are associated with multiplication of Schwann follicles, and closely associated with the arteriolar reticular plexus.
cells, their migration in a transverse as well as a longitudinal This close association between arteriolar and venous plexuses permits
direction, and degeneration of many axons. Axonal and other debris exchange of heat between blood in vessels at different temperatures
is frequently seen within fetal Schwann cells, and this potential for flowing in opposite directions, for example between cooler venous
phagocytosis is carried forward into postnatal life. ¢ blood returning from the surface, and warmer arterial blood coming
The factors that determine myelination of an individual axon, and from the heart (counter-current heat exchange). This can allow for
the final relationship between axon diameter, thickness of myelin conservation or dissipation of heat, depending upon circumstances.
sheath, and internodal length are matters of interest. It is generally The general structure and arrangement of the microvasculature in
agreed that the population of Schwann cells is uniform, and that general is dealt with in detail in another section (see p. 1452), so only
size of axon (1 ym plus) is the trigger that signals the cell to start features particular to skin will be considered here. In the deeper
myelination. Axons with diameters of 1 »m undergoing myelination layers of the dermis, arteriovenous anastomoses are common, par-
may be seen in human fetal cutaneous nerves as early as 12 weeks. ticularly in the extremities subject to cooling (hands, feet, ears, lips,
Early during myelination, the Schwann cell expresses Myelin Associ- nose), where, as glomera (see p. 1468) they are surrounded by thick
ated Glycoprotein (MAG), an adhesion molecule which may be muscular coats. Under autonomic vasomotor control, these vascular
important for maintaining stability between it and the axon during shunts, when relaxed, divert blood away from the superficial plexus
initiation of the process. The total number of Schwann cells along and so reduce heat loss, while at the same time ensuring some deep
an axon is fixed at the time of onset of myelination, as is the number cutaneous circulation and preventing anoxia of structures such as
of nodes of Ranvier (except in regenerating nerves). nerves which might otherwise be at risk. Extensive intercapillary
Myelination involves the development of a multi-layered mem- anastomoses are also present. Generally, cutaneous blood flow is
branous sheath continuous with the Schwann cell plasma membrane. regulated and constantly adjusted according to the need for heat
It is not a simple wrapping of pre-formed membrane around the loss or retention, or also, in some areas of the body, according to
axon, but the progressive addition of newly synthesized material at emotional states. The normal vascular tone is a balance between
the inner and outer mesaxons, or at multiple sites. The lipid com- neural (vasoconstrictor and vasodilator) and chemical influences
position of myelin changes progressively during development, and is affecting the musculature of the arterioles. In very cold conditions,
different to that of general Schwann cell plasma membrane (for the peripheral circulation is greatly reduced by vasoconstriction,
further details, see p. 948). but intermittent spontaneous intervals of vasodilatation result in
The degree of myelination of peripheral nerves in the human fetus recurring increases in temperature which prevent cooling to the level
varies with the nerve, and the distance from the parent cell bodies at which frostbite might occur (the hunting reaction). This is thought
at which it is examined. It is not possible therefore to give precise to be due to a direct effect of oxygen lack on the arteriolar constrictor
dates for the onset of myelination which would have general appli- muscle, rather than to a neural influence. The deeper dermal arterioles
cation. It can commence in the ulnar nerve as early as the twelfth contain elastic tissue in the wall, and are surrounded by several
week (Gamble 1966). layers of smooth muscle cells. More superficially, the muscle forms
Early Schwann cell-axonal complexes are surrounded by and in two layers, an inner longitudinal and an outer spiral one, and just
direct contact with the general mesenchymal collagen and matrix, before the capillary loop, individual myocytes or pericytes form an
and there is no collagen among the axons. The first sign of the incomplete layer outside the endothelium. The postcapillary venules
connective tissue sheaths is the appearance of single cells loosely have one or two layers of contractile pericytes which can produce
arranged around the neurites to form a primitive perineurium, and gaps between the endothelial cells and allow extravasation of fluid
collagen fibres enclosed by them can be regarded as an early endo- (Braverman 1989). Tight junctions are prominent between smooth
neurium. The primitive perineurial cells lack a basal lamina, but muscle cells, pericytes, and endothelial cells, an arrangement which
acquire one as the sheath becomes multilaminar; they are thought provides strength and stability to the vessel wall. For more on
to be modified fibroblasts, and presumably produce the perineurial thermoregulation, see Clarke and Edholm (1993).
collagen. Endoneurial collagen is thought to be produced by both
fibroblasts and Schwann cells, and the epineurium is formed by
lamination of extra-perineurial collagen around the neurites. The
outer lamellar cells of Pacinian corpuscles are homologous with the
perineurium, but the source of the laminar cells of the Meissner
corpuscle is unclear, in view of their direct contact with terminal
axons, a relationship which is never seen with perineurial cells.

Blood vessels
The metabolic demands of the skin are not generally great, and yet,
under normal conditions, the blood flow exceeds by 10 times its
nutritional requirements, and may amount to 5% of the cardiac
output. This is because the cutaneous circulation has an additional
important thermoregulatory function, and is arranged so that its
capacity can be rapidly altered by as much as 20 times in either
direction in response to requirements of loss or conservation of heat.
Blood enters the skin from the underlying muscles and subcutis via
small perforating arterioles which form an anastomosing horizontal
reticular plexus (5.1, 43) at the interface between cutis and dermis.
5.43 A thick vertical section through palmar skin, the arteries, arterioles
From this plexus, some arterioles pass deeply to supply the adipose and capillaries of which have been injected with red gelatin to demonstrate
tissue and, where present at this level, sweat glands and hair follicles. the pattern of dermal vascularization. At the base of the dermis a broad flat
Other arterioles pass superficially, giving off anastomotic collaterals arterial plexus supplies a more superficial papillary plexus, which in turn
to glands and hair follicles, and form a second major horizontal gives off capillary loops which enter the dermal papillae. Sweat glands and
plexus, at the junction of the reticular and papillary dermis, the their ducts are numerous in this specimen; they extend basally into the
papillary plexus. Capillaries from this plexus loop into the dermal subcutaneous tissues. Magnification x 200. 399

Individual segments of the dermal microvasculature can be ident- in inflammatory and immunological reactions, and in wound-healing
ified on the basis of level, diameter, and more precisely, the com- and repair.
ponents of the vessel wall (Braverman & Yen 1977; Higgins & Eady
1981). The capillary loop arises from a terminal arteriole, and ends Lymphatics
in a postcapillary venule. At the arterial end, the ascending limb The general features and topographical arrangement of the body’s
consists of an endothelial tube surrounded by a homogeneous basal lymphatic system are dealt with elsewhere (see p. 1605). The lym-
lamina, outside which are individual pericytes, also enveloped by phatics of the skin are small terminal vessels that collect fluid and
basal lamina. Just beyond the apex of the loop, the basal lamina macromolecules that have leaked from the capillaries for return to
becomes duplicated, and in the postcapillary venule it is multi- the circulation via larger vessels; they also convey lymphocytes,
laminated. Pericytes are more numerous in association with venules. Langerhans cells and macrophages involved in immunological reac-
Mast cells, and elongated fibroblast-like cells, or veil cells, are tions to and from the regional lymph nodes. They begin as blind
frequently seen closely associated with terminal arterioles and post- endothelial-lined tubes or loops just below the papillary dermis,
capillary venules. Sontheimer (1989) has defined a human dermal which drain into a superficial plexus below the subpapillary venous
microvascular unit comprising the endothelial tube, pericytes, mast plexus. This plexus drains via collecting vessels into a deeper plexus
cells, and T-lymphocytes, and another cell, the perivascular dendritic at the junction of the reticular dermis and subcutis, which in turn
macrophage, with antigen-presenting capabilities. It is probable that drains into the larger subcutaneous channels.
this cell belongs to the population of dermal dendrocytes (see The wall of the terminal lymphatic vessel is formed byasingle layer
p. 1415), and it may be identical with the veil cell. Sontheimer of very flattened overlapping endothelial cells, with few cytoplasmic
suggests the dermal microvascular unit may be a significant site of organelles, and a tenuous, discontinuous basal lamina (5.44). Gaps
functional, immunological and other types of interaction between its of varying extent are present between the cells (5.448), and protrusion
cellular components. into the lumen of cytoplasmic processes, nuclei and the tips of the
The endothelial cell of the dermal microvasculature is particularly inner of two overlapping cells gives rise to the appearance of valves.
rich in microfilaments, which serve cytoskeletal and possibly con- The endothelium of the larger collecting vessels is thicker, and the
tractile functions, and Weibel-Palade bodies, which store Factor VIII, cells are connected by simple specialized junctional areas (p. 1605).
are most numerous in the endothelium of venules. Fenestrated Cells, macromolecules and fluid enter the lymphatics through the
endothelial cells are present mainly in the capillary loops, and gaps in the wall, being directed thereto by ‘wringing of the tissues’
in association with vessels supplying the skin appendages. The through movement oflimbs, contraction of muscles and pulsation
endothelium must not be regarded merely as a passive, semi-per- of adjacent arterial vessels (Ryan 1989, 1991). Unidirectional flow
meable lining of the vessels. It has potential contractile and migratory within the vessels is facilitated by the valves (Daroczy 1988).
abilities which become manifest in inflammatory and reparative
processes, and expresses a large number of antigens, including Factor
VIlI-related antigen, and Class II major histocompatibility complex APPENDAGES OF SKIN
(MHC) antigens, and synthesizes cytokines, adhesion molecules and
the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) (Ruiter et al 1989). These PILOSEBACEOUS UNIT
synthetic properties are important in the endothelium’s interactions
This comprises the hair and its follicle with associated arrector pili
with vasoactive amines of mast cells and nerves (Tharp 1989), in
muscle, sebaceous gland, and sometimes an apocrine gland (5.1, 45,
lymphocyte adhesion and migration, and in the recruitment of 47). Not all elements of the unit occur together in all bodily regions.
inflammatory cells into the skin. It is, therefore, a key cell involved
Hairs are filamentous keratinized structures present over almost all
of the body surface, though less apparent in man than in his
mammalian and primate ancestors. This ‘trend towards nudity’ in
human evolution has been explained on a number of bases by
anthropologists, including selective advantage on descending from
the trees and hunting in a warm climate (Ebling 1991). The phylogeny
of hair has also given rise to much speculation. Hair is thought to
have developed in association with scales of pro-mammals, a “basic
trio-group’ of three hairs being associated with a scale. Hairs grow
out of the skin at a slant, and in small mammals are streamlined
mainly in a craniocaudal direction. In many species this basic
arrangement is complicated by reversals of orientation, with the
formation of divergent streams and whorls to form ‘hair-tracts’, the
disposition of which is thought to be related to grooming habits,

5.44a. Lymphatic from papillary dermis. The vessel is lined by a layer of

flattened cytoplasm of endothelial cells the nuclei of which project into the 5.448. Portion of wall of terminal lymphatic from papillary dermis. A gap
lumen. A basal lamina is not very evident and is discontinuous. Magnification (arrow) is present at the overlapping edges of the lining endothelial cells,
400 x 3840. and the tip of the inner cell projects into the lumen. Magnification x 10 400.

Sweat gland Stratum

and duct Arrector pili basale

Subcutaneous Sebaceous Hair ai

Hai Papilla
fat gland follicle bull of hair

5.45 A section through the skin, showing the epidermis and dermis
(corium), a hair in its follicle, an arrector pili muscle and sebaceous glands
opening into the hair follicle. Magnification x 100.

posture, or movement (Clark 1939). Hair-tracts can be mapped on phase when hair growth ceases and the follicle shrinks; next comes
the skin of man (Wiedersheim 1895), and the original streamlining the resting or telogen phase, during which the inferior segment of the
is still evident in the sloping of the hairs on the dorsum of forearm, follicle is absent. The next succeeding anagen phase follows. Further
hand and fingers towards the ulnar side. This feature allows an details of the hair growth cycle are given below, following the
isolated middle finger to be correctly sided at first glance. Hairs are description of the anagen follicle and hair.
absent from a few areas of the body, including the thick skin of Anagen follicle. This has several regions. Deepest is the inferior
palms, soles and flexor surfaces of the digits and certain other segment including the region enclosing the hair bulb (§.46, 47) which
regions: umbilicus, nipples, glans penis and clitoris, the labia minora extends up to the level of attachment of the arrector pili muscle at
and the inner aspects of the labia majora and prepuce. The presence the bulge. Between this and the site of entry of the sebaceous duct
or absence, distribution and relative abundance of hair in certain is the isthmus, and above this level is the infundibulum, or dermal
regions (face, scalp, pubis, axillae) are secondary sexual charac- pilary canal, which is continuous with the intraepidermal pilary canal.
teristics which play subtle roles in sociosexual communication, and Below the sebaceous duct, hair filament and follicular wall are
there are also racial variations in density, form, distribution and intimately connected, and it is only towards the upper end of the
pigmentation. Within these parameters, there are also individual isthmus that the hair becomes free in the pilary canal. Below the
variations. Hairs assist minimally in thermoregulation, on the scalp infundibulum the follicle is surrounded by a thick perifollicular
they provide some protection against injury and the harmful effects of dermal coat containing Type III collagen, elastin, sensory nerve
excessive solar radiation, and generally, they have sensory functions. fibres and blood vessels, and into which blend the arrector pili
Hairs vary from about 600 per cm* on the face to 60 per cm? on muscles. Marking the interface between dermis and follicular epi-
the rest of the body. In length they range from less than a millimetre thelium is a broad modification of the basal lamina, the glassy
to more than a metre, and in width from 0.005 to 0.06mm. They membrane.
vary in form, being straight, coiled, helical or wavy, and differ in Hair bulb. This forms the lowermost portion of the follicular
colour depending on the type and degree of pigmentation. Curly epithelium and encloses the dermal papilla of connective tissue cells
hairs tend to have a flattened cross-section, and are weaker than (5.47). It generates the hair and its inner root sheath. A line drawn
straight hairs. In general, body hairs are longest and coarsest in across the widest part of the hair bulb, or ‘critical level’, divides it
caucasians and least noticeable in mongolian races. Over most of into:
the body surface hairs are short and narrow (vellus hairs) and in e a lower germinal matrix, of closely packed, mitotically active
some areas these hairs do not project beyond their follicles, for pluripotential keratinocytes, among which are interspersed mel-
example in eyelid skin. In other regions they are longer, thicker and anocytes, and some Langerhans cells
often heavily pigmented (terminal hairs); these include the hairs of e the ‘upper bulb’ of cells arising from the matrix.
the scalp, the eyelashes, eyebrows and the postpubertal skin of the
axillae and pubis, and the moustache, beard and chest hairs of males. These latter move apically and differentiate along several lines. Those
arising centrally form the hair medulla, then, radially, further out,
Hair follicle successive concentric rings of cells will give rise to the cortex and
The hair follicle (5.1, 45-50) is an invagination of the epidermis (see cuticle of the hair and, outside this, the layers of the inner root
p. 377) containing a hair, which may extend deeply (3 mm) into the sheath, from within out: the cuticle of the inner root sheath, Huxley's
hypodermis, or may be more superficial (1mm) within the dermis. layer and Henle’s layer. Outside Henle’s layer is a layer of cells, the
Typically, the long axis of the follicle is oblique to the skin surface; outer root sheath, which forms the wall of the follicle (5.46, 49, 50).
with curly hairs it is also curved. There are cycles of hair growth and
Differentiation and structure of the hair and its sheaths
hair loss, during which the follicle presents different appearances. In
the anagen phase the hair is actively growing and the follicle is at its Differentiation towards keratinization of cells of the various layers
maximum development; this is followed by the involuting or catagen of the hair and its inner root sheath commences at the level of the 401

Hair shaft

Inner root sheath

Outer root sheath

Glassy membrane

Fibrous sheath

5.47 Vertical section through a hair root, showing the dermal papilla and
numerous melanocyte processes extending into the matrix of the hair.
Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x 250.


Capillary loop

5.46 Diagram illustrating the major structural features of the base of a

hair follicle, showing the organization of the major layers of the hair and
surrounding sheath, arising from the hair bulb. A dermal papilla invaginates
the bulb, and along the interface between the dermis and epidermis, mel-
anocytes insert their dendrites among the keratinocytes forming the hair.
5.48 Transverse section of normal scalp anagen hair of a male aged 25,
above the bulb and at a level at which only Henle’s layer is keratinized.
upper bulb and is asynchronous, beginning earliest in Henle’s layer From without in are: connective tissue sheath (cts), outer root sheath (ors),
and Huxley’s layer. It involves various morphogenetic and bio- innermost layer of outer root sheath (imc), keratinized Henle’s layer (he),
non-keratinized Huxley’s layer with keratohyalin granules (hu), cuticles
chemical processes in which different cell migration patterns, cell (heu), outer lightly stained cuticle of inner root sheath and inner cuticle of
shapes and distinct chemical forms of keratin are produced, depend- hair, cortex (c), and medulla (md). Magnification x 525. (Reproduced from
ing upon which genes are being expressed. These processes are too Tobin 1991, with permission.)
extensive and complicated to be detailed here, but for morphological
aspects, see Birbeck and Mercer (1957), Parakkal and Matoltsy
(1964), Pucinelli et al (1967), Breathnach (1971), Montagna et al
(1992), and for reviews of the biochemistry of hair keratinization see types of keratin. In thinner hairs the medulla is usually absent. The
Baden (1990) and Gillespie (1991). An impression of the mor- cuticle forms the hair surface and consists of several layers of
phological transformations that take place is given by the illustrations overlapping keratinized squames directed apically and slightly out-
in 5.46, 49, 55. Excellent reviews of fundamentals of hair biology are wards (5.51, 52). In the isthmus region cells of the outer layer
provided in Wuepper et al (1993). interlock with those of the cuticle of the inner root sheath (5.50).
Mature hair shaft (5.48-50). This shows three concentric zones Pre-keratinizing cuticle cells have dense amorphous granules aligned
402 from outwards in, the cuticle, cortex and medulla, each with different predominantly along the outer plasma membrane with a few fila-
5.50 Longitudinal section of normal anagen scalp hair of a male aged 25
at a level below the entry of the sebaceous duct, and at which the hair and
its inner root sheath are keratinized. From without in are: outer root sheath
(ors), keratinized inner root sheath (Henle’s (arrowhead) and Huxley’s
layers) and cuticle of inner root sheath (irs) and hair shaft (hs) consisting of
5.49 Longitudinal section of normal scalp anagen hair of a male aged 25 narrow more deeply staining cuticle of hair and cortex. Note imbrication of
at a level at which only Henle’s layer is keratinized. From without in are: apposed surfaces of cuticle of inner root sheath and cuticle of hair (bounding
outer root sheath (ors), innermost layer of outer root sheath (im), keratinized the artefactual space between them) which leads to interlocking. Mag-
Henle’s layer (he), non-keratinized Huxley’s layer with keratohyalin granules nification x 960. (Reproduced from Tobin 1991, with permission.)
(hu), cuticle of inner root sheath (icu) cuticle of hair (hcu), and cortex (c).
Magnification x 1275. (Reproduced from Tobin 1991, with permission.)

ments, and when keratinized exhibit outer and inner zones of different contain nuclear remnants and melanosomes, and which are also
densities, with a narrow dense band separating the cells (5.53). The separated by a narrow band of dense intercellular material. Pre-
cortex forms the greater part of the hair shaft and consists of keratinizing cortical cells contain bundles of closely packed filaments
numerous closely packed elongated keratinized cells which may but no dense granules, and when fully keratinized, exhibit a charac-

5.51 Scanning electron micrograph of a scalp hair showing details of 5.52 Detail of 5.51. Magnification
x 1850. (Specimen prepared by Michael
surface structure. Note that the cuticular cells overlap each other; their free Crowder, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.)
ends point towards the apex of the hair. Magnification x 370. (Specimen
prepared by Michael Crowder, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.) 403
5.53 Longitudinal section of suprabulbar region of scalp hair of a 163 week 5.54 Pre-keratinized cuticles of adult hair. Below, the cuticle of the inner
fetus. Direction of growth is towards the right. Note from without in: outer root sheath contains scattered round trichohyalin granules (t) and filaments,
root sheath (ORS), keratinized Henle’s layer (He), Huxley’s layer (Hu) with and desmosomes (d) are prominent along apposed plasma membranes. At
trichohyalin granules (t) and filaments (f), cuticle of inner root sheath (Cl), the upper end of the field five to six layers of cells of the cuticle of the hair
cuticle of hair (CH), and cortex (Co) with dense filamentous bundles (f). show characteristic dense granules aligned predominantly along the outer
With the exception of the outer root sheath, all the layers will ultimately plasma membranes of the flattened cells. Magnification x17 160.
become keratinized from differently arranged starting materials. Mag- (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)
nification x 5600. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)

5.554 Keratinized cuticle and cortex of adult hair. The interior of the flat- 5.558. Keratinized hair cortex, transverse section. The pattern is of axially
tened cells of the hair cuticle, on the left, exhibit two zones of amorphous orientated groups of electron-lucent filaments set in an amorphous matrix,
material, an inner dense, and an outer more translucent one; a narrow linear and arranged in whorls to give the characteristic ‘thumb-print’ appearance.
dense material occupies the intercellular space. The cortex, on the right, Dense material occupies the narrow intercellular intervals. Magnification
appears to have an amorphous structure also. At higher magnification x 8700. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)
it is seen to have a filamentous substructure. Magnification x31 200.
404 (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)

teristic ‘thumb-print’ appearance of electron-lucent filaments remains close to the base of the shortened follicle and its enclosed
arranged axially and in whorls and set in a dense matrix (5.55). The club hair. This situation persists during the resting or telogen phase.
medulla, when present, is composed of loosely aggregated and often At the beginning of the next anagen, the epithelial cells of the base
discontinuous columns of partially disintegrated cells containing of the follicle renew mitotic activity to form a secondary hair germ
vacuoles, scattered filaments, granular material and melanosomes. which envelops the dermal papilla to form a new hair bulb. This
Air cavities lie between the cells or even within them. grows downwards, reforming the inferior segment of the follicle, and
Inner root sheath. As already noted, this consists of three con- from this a new hair grows up alongside the club hair (which is
centric layers of cells; the outermost two of which, Henle layer, and eventually shed). Cotsarelis et al (1990) have identified in mice a
Huxley’s layer, in the prekeratinized state contain irregular dense population of outer root sheath cells in the region of the bulb which
keratohyalin granules and associated filaments. At the level of the they class as stem cells capable of regenerating the lower end of the
upper bulb Henle’s layer begins to keratinize, as does Huxley’s layer follicle, an observation which calls into question the predominant or
at the middle of the follicle, and when fully keratinized, cells of unique role of the matrix cells in this respect. (See also Lauer et al
both have an apparently thickened envelope enclosing a filamento- in Wuepper et al (1993) on this point.)
amorphous matrix which undergoes some further change as they By the fifth month of fetal life the body is covered by fine, often
ascend. The cells of the cuticle of the inner root sheath have essentially deeply pigmented primary hairs all in anagen (collectively the /anugo);
the same structural components as the other two layers, though at on the back these hairs are more frequent than those of the gorilla
the pre-keratinized stage the trichohyalin granules are much fewer, or chimpanzee at a similar age. Before birth some hairs may have
smaller, and rounded. Full keratinization takes place at a level lower reached catagen or telogen. Lanugal hairs are mostly shed before
than that of Huxley’s layer, and, as with the other two layers of the birth or immediately after, and are replaced by secondary vellus
sheath, before disintegration, the filamentous substructure is no hairs, except on the scalp, eyebrows and palpebral margins. Since
longer apparent and a clear-cut pattern such as is seen in the cortical no further follicles are formed after birth, hairs become more widely
cells is not evident. As they become keratinized, the cells of the spaced as the area of skin increases with body growth. Postnatally
cuticles of the inner root sheath and hair become interlocked (5.49). in man hairs exhibit regional asynchrony of cycle duration and phase
Just below the level of entry of the sebaceous duct, the inner root leading to an irregular mosaic pattern of growth and replacement,
sheath undergoes fragmentation, and the hair then lies free in the as distinct from the wave pattern of rodents. In some regions the
pilary canal. cycle is measured in years. Circannual variation of both scalp and
Outer root sheath. Situated at the level of the upper bulb, this is thigh hair growth and loss in men occurs (Randall & Ebling 1991),
a single or double layer of undifferentiated cells containing glycogen, with a greater number of anagen follicles on the scalp in winter, and
which higher up the follicle becomes multilayered and gradually a corresponding peak in the number shed during summer. This may
assumes the main characteristics of interfollicular epidermis, with represent a phylogenetic or evolutionary echo.
which it becomes continuous. Langerhans cells and melanocytes are With puberty, hair growth and generation of much thicker hairs
interspersed among its cells. At the level of entry of the sebaceous occurs on the pubes and axillae in both sexes, and on the face and
duct, it forms the wall of the pilary canal. In the fetus, the innermost trunk in males. The actions of hormones on hair growth are complex,
cells contain keratohyalin granules and membrane-coating granules, and include not only sex hormones, but also those of the thyroid,
and become keratinized, but this is less evident postnatally adrenal cortex, pituitary and pineal (Ebling et al 1991). Androgens
(Breathnach 1971). Ito (1989) describes two layers of cells in the stimulate facial and general body hair formation and, after about
outer root sheath with different keratin and antigen expressions the first 30 years, tend to cause the thick terminal hairs of the scalp
during differentiation. This, and the suggestion that stem cells may to change to small vellus hairs, causing recession from the forehead
reside in the sheath in the region of the bulge (see below), have and maybe almost complete baldness (male pattern). In females,
directed attention towards a more active role of the outer root sheath oestrogens tend to maintain vellus hairs in their formation of minute
than previously contemplated. hairs, and in postmenopausal life reduction of oestrogens may permit
Dermal papilla. In the anagen follicle this consists mainly of stronger facial and bodily hair growth. During midpregnancy, hair
highly cellular (fibroblastic) connective tissue continuous with the growth may be particularly active but some weeks later an unusually
outer dermal sheath. They may be partially ensheathed by basal large number of hairs tend to enter the telogen phase and may be
laminar material, and specialized contacts may be present where shed before the growth cycle recommences. In older men, growth of
they are apposed (Tobin 1991). Macrophages and the occasional hairs on the eyebrows and within the nostrils and external ear canals
melanocyte may be present. During development, the dermal papilla increases, whereas elsewhere on the body growth slows and the hairs
induces formation of the hair germ, and is essential for maintenance become much finer.
of the follicle during ontogeny and postnatally through epidermal— Figures for the rate of growth of individual hairs vary considerably,
dermal interactions similar to those operating at the basement probably because of the influence of factors mentioned above. A
membrane zone of interfollicular epidermis (see p. 294). rate of 0.2-0.44mm per 24 hours in males is usually given, with the
Pigmentation of hair. Melanocytes are present in the bulb in the higher rate occurring on the scalp. Shaving does not appear to affect
region adjacent to the apex of the dermal papilla (5.47) and feed the growth rate, nor does hair grow after death.
melanosomes to the medulla and cortex mainly. They are active only Innervation of hair. Hairs are tactile organs, and are richly
in mid-anagen, and during telogen become amelanotic, and are innervated as described on page 962. Blood supply is via collaterals
interspersed among the epithelial cells at the base of the club hair, from the reticular arteriolar plexus to the dermal papilla and from
where they can only be identified ultrastructurally. They are capable ascending branches to anastomosing networks around the bulb and
of producing both phaeo- and eumelanosomes, and changes in hair the inferior segment of the follicle.
colour of an individual, usually in adolescence, are due to alterations (For further details on the hair follicle see Orfanos et al 1981;
in the dominant type produced. Greying of hair is due to a decline Orfanos & Happle 1990.)
in numbers of melanocytes and their activities. In albinism, mel-
anocytes are present in the bulb, but inactive. Sebaceous glands
Sebaceous glands are small saccular structures lying (5.1, 46, 56), in
Hair cycle and growth of hair the dermis; these, together with the hair follicle and arrector pili
Recurrent cyclic activity of hair follicles involving growth, rest, and muscle, constitute the major part of the pilosebaceous unit. They
loss of hair (moulting) in phases are characteristic of the pelage of are present over the whole body except the thick hairless skin of the
mammals generally, but in man the cycles are irregular, of variable palm, soles and flexor surfaces of digits. Typically, they consist of a
duration, with regional and other variations in the length of the cluster of secretory acini opening by a short common duct into the
individual phases. In the growing or anagen phase, follicle and hair dermal pilary canal of the hair follicle (5.1, 45) into which they
are as described above. This is followed by the involuting or catagen liberate their secretory product, sebum. In some areas of thin skin
phase during which mitotic activity of the germinative matrix ceases, lacking hair follicles, their ducts open instead directly onto the skin
the base of the hair keratinizes into a club which moves upwards to surface, for example on the lips and corners of the mouth, the buccal
the level of the arrector pili muscle, and the whole inferior segment mucosa (Fordyce spots, p. 1688), nipples, female mammary areolae,
of the follicle degenerates; the dermal papilla also ascends and glans penis, inner surface of the prepuce (glands of Tyson), glans 405
5.56 A sebaceous gland showing the progression from small polygonal
cells around its margins to the large, highly vacuolated cells in the interior
of a saccule. The sebum has been extracted by histological processing,
leaving an empty frothy appearance in cells about to undergo holocrine
secretion. Haematoxylin and eosin. Smooth myocytes of an arrector pili 5.57 From central portion of fully differentiated sebaceous gland of an
muscle visible on the right. Magnification x 540. adult. The nucleus of the cell (N) is irregular due to compression by lipid
droplets separated only by tenuous cytoplasmic septa. These septa will
finally rupture liberating the cellular contents into the duct. Magnification
x 3528. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)

clitoridis and labia minora. At the margins of the eyelids, the large Sebum and sebaceous activity. When first formed, sebum is a
complex palpebral tarsal glands (Meibomian glands) are of this type, complex mixture of which over 50% is di- and triglycerides, with
and also occurring in the eyelid is the unicellular sebaceous gland of smaller proportions of wax esters, squalene, cholesterol esters, chol-
Wolff (Pelfini et al 1969) which is actually a melanocyte full of lipid esterol and free fatty acids, mainly of 16-carbon atom chain length;
droplets. They are also present in the external auditory meatus. phospholipids are not present (Stewart et al 1983; Stewart 1992). At
In general, numbers of sebaceous glands in any given area reflect birth, sebaceous glands are quite large, regressing later until stimu-
the distribution of hair follicles, ranging from an average of about lated again at puberty. At that time, sebaceous gland growth and
100/cm’ over most of the body to as many as 400-900/cm? on the secretory activity increase greatly in both males and females, under
face and scalp. They are also numerous in the midline of the back. the influence of androgens (testicular and adrenal), and possibly .
Individual sebaceous glands are particularly large on the face, around growth hormone from the adenohypophysis, and thyroid hormone,
the external auditory meatus, chest and shoulders, and on the amongst other factors. Androgens act locally on the gland, and there
anogenital surfaces. Those of much of the face are related to very is no motor innervation. Oestrogens have an effect opposite to
small vellus hairs whose investing follicles have particularly wide that of androgens, and secretion is considerably lower in women,
apertures. becoming greatly decreased after the age of 50 years.
Microstructure. Microscopically, the glandular acini are seen to Little is known of the biosynthesis of sebum because of the
be invested by a basal lamina supported by a thin dermal capsule holocrine nature of its formation, and its expression from the duct
and arich capillary network. Within this, each acinus is lined by a is due to continuous pressure from behind of disintegrating cells,
single layer of small, flat, polygonal epithelial cells which ultra- aided possibly by compression due to contraction of the neighbouring
structurally resemble undifferentiated basal keratinocytes of inter- arrector pili muscles. Excessive amounts of sebum may become
follicular epidermis. They possess euchromatic nuclei and large impacted within the duct, and this, associated with hyper-
nucleoli, scattered keratin filaments, free ribosomes, agranular endo- keratinization, may lead to it being blocked to form a ‘comedone’,
plasmic reticulum and rounded mitochondria, and are attached to which, becoming infected and inflamed, is the primary lesion of acne.
each other by desmosomes. Functionally, they are mitotically active There are now sufficient therapeutic agents available, both topical
stem cells whose offspring move gradually towards the centre of the and systemic, which are largely capable of ameliorating and curing
acinus increasing in volume, and accumulating increasingly swollen acne. What is needed in addition is an awareness of this amongst
lipidic vacuoles (5.57), which some observers describe as membrane- practitioners and patients, the effort to apply them and a general
limited, and others as non-limited. The nuclei become pyknotic as change in attitude towards this most distressing of skin diseases.
the cells mature, and finally the huge distended cells disintegrate,
filling the central cavity and its effluent duct with a mass of fatty Apocrine glands
cellular debris. This mode of secretion, involving the total destruction The apocrine glands are particularly large glands of the dermis or
of the glandular cells, is described as holocrine (p.74) and takes hypodermis, classed as a type of sweat gland, but, since they develop
about 2 to 3 weeks. The secretory products pass through a wide duct as outgrowths of the hair follicle and discharge secretion into the
lined with keratinized squamous epithelium into the infundibulum of hair canal, they are appropriately considered here. They are widely
the hair follicle and thence on to the surface of the hair and the distributed over the skin of mammals generally, including lower
general epidermis. primates, in whom they serve a thermoregulatory function, but in
The normal functions of sebum are a matter for discussion. It the adult human are present in only a few areas, namely the axillae,
forms a major component of the skin surface lipids, the remainder perianal region, areolae, periumbilical skin, prepuce, scrotum, mons
being provided by the interfollicular epidermis. The lipids provide a pubis and labia minora. Ceruminous glands of the external auditory
protective coating on hairs, possibly assist waterproofing of the meatus and the ciliary glands of the palpebral margins (glands of
epidermis, discourage blood-sucking ectoparasites and contribute to Moll) are also usually included in this category. However, their
characteristic body odour, a feature which in our ancestral conditions secretions are quite different and these glands should be considered
may have possessed strong positive social connotations and in the as distinct, specialized subtypes (for details see p. 1369 and 8.459,
newborn could play a part in the relationship between mother and respectively).
child. A general antibacterial activity has been postulated, but the The gland consists of a basal secretory coil and a straight duct
presence in sebum of triglycerides which can be hydrolysed by which opens into the pilary canal above the duct of the sebaceous
406 bacteria, including Propionobacterium acnes, argues against this. gland, or directly on to the skin surface if there is no associated hair.

5.594. Arrector pili muscle. Fibres are sectioned tangentially, and nerve
terminals (N) and collagen fibrils are disposed among them. Magnification
x 6000.

5.58 Secretory coil of axillary apocrine gland. Secretory cells containing

granules project into the lumen (L), and rest upon myoepithelial cells (M).
Magnification x 6000.

The secretory region may be as much as 2mm wide and its coils
often anastomose with each other to form a labyrinthine network.
Each coil is lined by cuboidal secretory cells with apical caps of
cytoplasm projecting into the lumen beyond terminal junctional
complexes, and resting upon a layer of myoepitheliocytes (5.58). The
whole complex of cells is limited by a thick basal lamina, and outside
this is a connective tissue capsule, rich in capillaries and containing
nerve terminals. The secretory cells contain vacuoles, vesicles and
dense granules of varying size and internal structure, whose numbers
and character vary with the cycle of synthesis and discharge. “Clear
cells’ with few organelles are sporadically present basally among the
myoepitheliocytes. The mechanism of secretion is still not entirely
clear but may involve a number of different processes (see Hashimoto
1978), including merocrine secretion of granules, detachment or
pinching off of apical caps or complete holocrine disintegration of
the cells. Secretion is pulsatile, the thick, milky proteinaceous product
being projected into and along the duct by contraction of the
5.598. Arrector pili muscle. Between the fibres (F) are axonal terminals
Apocrine activity is minimal before puberty, after which it is enclosed in Schwann cell cytoplasm (S). The terminals contain clear-cored
androgen dependent and responsive to emotional stimuli. It is vesicles and mitochondria. Magnification x 15 600.
controlled by adrenergic nerves, and is sensitive to epinephrine and
norepinephrine. The secretion as it emerges is sterile and odourless,
but it undergoes bacterial decomposition to generate potent odorous
compounds, musky or urinous in smell, including short-chain fatty to the bulge region of the follicles by means of elastin fibrils, and
acids, steroids such as 5 a-androstenone, etc. In many animals these are directed obliquely and superficially towards the side to which
are potent pheromonal signals important in courtship, parental and the hair slopes. The sebaceous gland occupies the angle between the
territorial behaviour, as well as in various other aspects of social muscle and the hair follicle. Contraction, therefore, tends to pull the
life. Their role for modern humans is less certain, although there has hair into a more vertical position and to elevate the epidermis
been much speculation on the potency of, for example, axillary surrounding it into a small hillock, while dimpling the surface where
odours on the more subtle aspects of human interactions (see Gower the muscle is inserted superficially, giving the appearance of “goose-
et al 1987). flesh’. Arrector pili muscles are absent from facial, axillary, and
pubic hairs and from eyelashes and eyebrows, and the hairs around
Arrector pili muscles nostrils and the external auditory meati.
The arrector pili muscles are small fasciculi of smooth muscle cells The closely-packed myocytes are separated by narrow intervals
which form diagonal links between the dermal sheaths of hair follicles containing collagen fibres and non-myelinated Schwann cell—axonal
and the papillary layer of the dermis (5.1, 45, 56). They are attached complexes (5.59a, 8). They exhibit the typical features of smooth- 407

muscle cells—loose bundles of myofilaments associated with dense described the squames as being connected by desmosomes and gap
foci orientated along the long axis of the cell, with glycogen particles junctions, but others (Parent et al 1985) observed only desmosomes.
and pinocytotic vesicles distributed just within the plasma membrane, All authors, quoting Hashimoto (1971a), state that keratohyalin is
which has a basal lamina. The innervating axonal terminals contain not involved in keratinization of postnatal nail, which is interesting
mainly clear-cored vesicles (5.598), and are noradrenergic sym- in view of the fact that it is most certainly involved in this process
pathetic. in fetal nail (Hashimoto et al 1966; Breathnach 1971). This point
These muscles by virtue of their position could help to express the could bear re-examination. Squames are not shed from the nail plate
secretions of sebaceous glands, though it is doubtful if they act in surface, unlike the general epidermis.
this way. In many mammals, piloerection is a means of signalling The nail plate has a high content of sulphur-containing matrix
aggression, fear, and other social responses, and can have a thermo- proteins, but a lipid content less than that of general stratum
regulatory function by trapping an insulating layer of air within the corneum. A variety of mineral elements is present in nail, among
fur. which is calcium, though this is not responsible for the hardness of
nail. This is related rather to the arrangement of the layers of
NAIL UNIT squames, their mutual adhesion, and the disposition of their internal
fibres (Zaias 1990). Analysis of metal elements in nail has forensic
The nail unit has five components: importance in diagnosing excessive ingestion, for example of arsenic,
the nail plate, a horny translucent plate on the extensor surface of criminally administered. The water content of nail is low, but nail is
the distal segment of each digit 10 times as permeable to water as general epidermis (Baden 1970).
the matrix, the proximal extension of the nail plate underneath Elasticity of the nail plate is related to its degree of hydration.
a proximal nail fold Proximal nail fold. Proximally, the nail plate extends under the
a nail bed on which the nail plate rests proximal nail fold, forming an angle with it (Lovibond’s angle),
the hyponychium, which underlies the free distal edge of the nail which is less than 180°. The fold is composed of two epidermal
plate, and which is separated from the adjacent volar skin of the layers, superficial and deep, with a core of dermis in between. The
digital tip by a shallow distal nail groove. epidermis of the superficial layer lacks hair follicles and epidermal
ridges, and its stratum corneum extends over the nail plate for a
The sides of the nail plate are bordered by Jateral nail folds continuous little distance as the cuticle or eponychium. The ventral layer merges
with the proximal fold, and /ateral and proximal nail grooves marking deeply with the matrix which produces the greater part of the nail
the conjunction (5.60). A fold of skin, the eponychium, borders the plate.
proximal edge of the exposed nail. Matrix. On section, the matrix is seen as a wedge of cells with its
apex proximal, in which the deeper part of the nail plate is embedded
Nail plate
(5.61, 62). Those cells lying dorsal to the plate are referred to as the
The nail plate is approximately rectangular in shape (5.60), and is dorsal matrix, and are continuous with the ventral epithelium of the
mostly convex in both longitudinal and transverse axes, though there proximal nail fold. Those lying ventral are known as the ventral
is much variation, between both individuals and the different digits matrix, which is continuous distally with the nail bed. From the
of one person. The thickness increases proximodistally from about apical region of the matrix fine bundles of anchoring filaments extend
0.7mm to 1.6mm, and the terminal thickness can vary considerably into the dermis. The matrix epithelium consists of typical basal and
from individual to individual (Johnson et al 1991). The surface of spinous layer keratinocytes with axes directed diagonally distally,
the nail plate may show fine longitudinal ridges, and its under surface among which melanocytes and Langerhans cells are intermingled.
is grooved by corresponding ridges of the nail bed. Disturbances of The keratinocytes produce membrane coating granules, but not
growth pattern or disease may lead to transverse ridging or grooves keratohyalin granules (Hashimoto, 1971), although granules like
(Beau’s lines; Meuhrcke lines), and minute trapped air-bubbles may those of keratinizing oral epithelia have been reported (Picardo et al
produce white flecks. These defects move distally with growth of the 1992). Keratinized cells of dorsal and ventral matrices are steadily
plate. The colour of the nail plate is generally translucent pink, extruded distally to form the nail plate with the major contribution
except proximally, always on the pollex, and to a varying extent on coming from the ventral matrix. This continues into the nail bed at
the other digits, depending upon manicuring, where a crescentic the distal edge of the lunule, which is formed by the distal portion
white opaque area, the /unule, is present, emerging from under the of the ventral matrix overlain by the nail plate.
proximal nail fold. Its alleged greater surface area on the dominant Nail bed. This underlies the nail plate from the lunule to the
thumb is said to be a mark of handedness. hyponychium, and its surface is ridged and grooved longitudinally in
Nails are homologous with the stratum corneum of the general correspondence with a similar pattern on the under surface of the
epidermis, consisting of compacted, anucleate, keratin-filled squames nail plate, which results in a tight interlocking coupling of the two
which are variably described as being disposed in two or three that prevents the invasion of microbes and the impaction of debris
horizontal layers, depending upon views as to their origins from underneath the nail. The pattern is imposed by underlying dermal
particular parts of the nail unit (see below). Ultrastructurally, the ridges, and is thought to represent the finger print pattern elsewhere.
squames contain closely-packed filaments which lie transversely to The epidermis of the nail bed consists of two to three layers of
the direction of proximodistal growth, and are embedded in a dense nucleated cells lacking keratohyalin granules, and a thin keratinized
protein matrix, which also forms a dense marginal band within layer which moves distally with the growing nail plate. Until recently,
the tortuous and interlocking cell membranes. Hashimoto (1971) the nail plate was thought to be derived entirely from the matrix,
growing distally over the nail bed, and carrying the cornified cells of
Stratum corneum the latter along with it to be shed distally. In this scheme, the nail
bed was regarded as providing a gliding surface for an already fully
Eponychium Germinative zone formed growing nail plate. Now, however, it is generally thought
Distal phalanx
that nail bed cells differentiate towards the nail plate, contributing
a significant component to it ventrally. The plate, therefore, is now
thought to consist of three horizontal layers—a dorsal one from the
dorsal matrix, an intermediate one from the ventral matrix and a
ventral one from the: nail bed. Authorities, however, are not in
agreement as to the extent of contribution of the three components
(Forslind & Thyresson, 1975; Parent et al 1985; Ziais 1990; Baran
et al 1991; Johnson et al 1991). Beneath the epithelium of the nail
bed is a dermis anchored to the periosteum of the distal phalanx
without any intervening subcutis. It forms a distinct compartment
Site of active growth and because of this, infections of the nail bed, or other local sources
of rise of pressure (e.g. haematoma), may cause severe pain only
5.60 Longitudinal section through the root of a nail. relieved by excision of part or all of the nail plate. The dermis is

Nail plate
Surface of
fold Nail bed
Lateral Eponychium
nail groove
Lunule nail

nail fold

Position of
nail root

Dorsal nail
plate Proximal nail fold
Intermediate Eponychium Dorsal matrix
nail plate
Se Nail root
Ventral nail plate ad A Se Cea Pe
Nail bed
(epithelium) dette
Fy SS Dire.
4 ~
wie andes?
7" e4- ce

Hyponychium Hoe et A > — Fh t

CET Wat Fels ae . °° Intermediate

-* oe een Eten tg . matyix

attachments Bone of distal phalanx
of bone

5.61 a-c. Diagram showing the organization and terminology of the struc- of a fingertip, and (c) a longitudinal section through a nail and its surrounding
tures associated with a fingernail. (4) shows the appearance of the dorsal structures, indicating the areas of formation of the nail plate from the different
side, indicating the extent of the hidden nail root. (8) depicts a cross section areas of matrix.

richly vascularized, including large arteriovenous shunts (glomera), unclipped and protected from erosion, nails can. grow to considerable
and numerous sensory nerve endings, including Merkel terminals lengths, and in previous Chinese cultures they were allowed to do
and Meissner corpuscles. Fingernails subserve an important tactile so by the wealthy classes as an indication that they were waited
function, providing support and counterpressure for the digital pad, upon for everything. The long nails were protected by elaborately
thereby aiding manipulation. Spatulate (flat) nails are found in all jewelled and decorated sheaths. Painting the toenails red was said to
primate species, and are an evolutionary development from sharp be a signal of menstrual status in the seraglio.
claws. They represent a thin superficial protective stratum of the
tetrapod claw.
Hyponychium. An area of epidermis which underlies the edge of
the nail plate, it extends from the nail bed to the distal groove which The eccrine sweat glands are long unbranched tubular structures,
marks its continuation into the general epidermis of the finger tip. each with a highly coiled, wider secretory portion (the body or
The basal layer cells have a semi-palisade arrangement, the granulosa fundus, up to 0.4.m in diameter; 5.63) situated deep in the dermis
cells are packed with keratohyalin granules and the stratum corneum or hypodermis and a narrower, straight or slightly helical ductular
is undulant and continually being shed. The hyponychium provides portion, which in the deeper layers of the dermis is convoluted or
an important defence against entry of bacteria underneath the free twisted (5.1, 45). The walls of the duct fuse with the base of epidermal
edge of the nail plate, and may be damaged by too vigorous cleaning (rete) papillae and the lumen passes between the keratinocytes often,
in this situation. particularly in thick hairless skin, in a tight spiral (5.3), to open via
Growth of nail. The growth of nail is determined by the turnover a rounded aperture onto the skin surface (5.19). In thick hairless
rate of the matrix cells, which varies with digit, age, environmental skin, they discharge by a regular series of punctae along the centre
temperature and season, time of day, nutritional status, trauma, lines of friction ridges, incidentally providing markers of fingerprint
such as biting, and various diseases. Generally, its speed is related patterns for forensic purposes. Eccrine glands have an important
to the length of the digit, being fastest (about 0.1mm per day) in thermoregulatory function, and their secretion enhances grip and
the middle finger of the hand, and slowest in the little finger. sensitivity of the palms and soles.
Fingernails grow up to four times faster than toenails, quicker in Eccrine glands are absent from the tympanic membrane, margins
summer than in winter, and faster in the young than in the old. Left of the lips, nail bed, nipple, inner preputial surface, labia minora, 409

5.63 Section through the basal coil of a sweat gland showing the wider
secretory portion and the narrower initial region of the sweat duct composed
of two layers of small cuboidal cells. Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification
x 540.

Cell types
Microscopically the secretory coil consists of a pseudostratified
epithelium enclosing a lumen with intercellular canaliculi resting on
a basal lamina and enclosed by a thin fibrous dermal sheath. There
5.62 Longitudinal section of nail organ of a fetus aged 16 weeks. Dorsal are three types of cell:
to the keratinized squames of the nail plate is a cell of the proximal nail fold
(PF) with typical keratohyalin granules (k) and ventral to them a cell of the e clear (serous) cells from which most of the secretion derives
ventral matrix (VM) with dense cytoplasmic granules (D) similar to those e dark (mucoid) cells
seen in areas of keratinizing oral epithelium. Magnification x 10080. e myoepitheliocytes.
(Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)
Clear cells. These are approximately pyramidal in shape, with
their bases resting on the basal lamina or myoepitheliocytes, and their
microvillus-covered apical plasma membranes lining the intercellular
glans penis and glans clitoridis. Elsewhere they are numerous, their canaliculi. The lateral plasma membrane is highly folded, inter-
frequency ranging from 80 to over 600/cm?, depending on position digitating with folds of apposed clear cells (5.66), as is also the basal
and genetic variation; the total number lies between 1.6 and 4.5 plasma membrane where it abuts on the basal lamina. The cytoplasm
million (Millington & Wilkinson 1983; Ito 1988). Numbers are is rich in glycogen granules and mitochondria, and granular endo-
greatest on the plantar skin of the feet, but there are also many on plasmic reticulum and a small Golgi complex are present, but few
the face and flexor aspects of the hands, while the surfaces of the other formed organelles. The nucleus is rounded and moderately
limbs generally have the fewest. Racial groups indigenous to warmer euchromatic.
climates tend to have more than those of cooler geographical areas. Dark cells. These are also pyramidal, with their broad ends facing
Ito (1988) has described apo-eccrine glands with features of both and forming the greater extent of the lining of the main lumen.
apocrine and eccrine glands in the human axilla. The cytoplasm contains a well-developed Golgi complex, numerous

5.64 Portion of secretory coil of eccrine gland. Serous (S) and mucous (M)
cells surround the lumen (L) from which an intercellular canaliculus (C) 5.65 Eccrine sweat gland. Portions of two serous cells are seen bounding
extends between serous cells. D, dermis. Magnification 2656. the lumen. Note microvilli on the luminal plasma membrane. Magnification
410 (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.) x 14.000. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)

5.66 Eccrine sweat gland. This illustrates interdigitation of long villous

processes of plasma membranes of apposed serous cells. Magnification
x 33 440. (Reproduced from Breathnach 1971, with permission.)

5.67 Transverse section of upper portion of intradermal sweat duct, which

is composed of two cellular layers, basal and luminal. The supranuclear
vacuoles and vesicles and dense granules of different sizes, indicating
portions of the cells bounding the lumen appear ‘clear’ because the cyto-
a type of secretion different to that of the clear cells. plasm here contains mainly filaments, and this zone corresponds to the
Myoepitheliocytes. Similar to those elsewhere (p. 780), these cuticular border of light microscopy. Magnification x 4480. (Reproduced from
form an incomplete layer along the basal lamina with processes of Breathnach 1971, with permission.)
clear cells in between. The infranuclear region of the cytoplasm is
almost entirely occupied by myofilaments, the bulk of the other
organelles lying superior and lateral to the nucleus.
Sweat ducts. The intradermal sweat duct is formed of two cell to changes in blood temperature and afferent stimuli from the skin,
layers, an outer basal layer and an inner layer of luminal cells and controlling cutaneous blood supply and the rate and volume of
connected by numerous desmosomes, and with microvilli along the sweat secretion for evaporation at the surface (Clerk and Edholm
luminal border. The supranuclear cytoplasm is highly filamentous, 1985). Excessive sweating can lead to salt depletion.
corresponding to the eosinophilic ‘cuticular border’ of light
microscopy. The intraepidermal sweat duct is twisted, and also
consists of essentially two layers of cells which, developmentally, are
different to the surrounding general keratinocytes. The outer cells
near the surface contain keratohyalin granules and lamellar granules, With the increase in the proportion of elderly persons in the popu-
and undergo typical keratinization. The inner cells from a mid- lation, interest in age-related changes in skin has greatly expanded
epidermal level contain numerous vesicles just within the microvillous in recent years (Montagna et al 1979; Balin & Kligman 1989;
luminal plasma membrane, undergo an incomplete form of kera- Greaves & Voorhees 1990). This interest is from both an aesthetic
tinization, and are largely shed into the lumen at the level of the and a pathological point of view. Two main factors, chronological
stratum corneum. and environmental, are said to be involved in skin ageing, with the
former being regarded as more physiological or intrinsic. A major
Sweat environmental factor is chronic exposure to the sun, referred to as
Sweat is a clear, odourless fluid, hypotonic to tissue fluid, containing photoageing, and emphasis is laid upon differences between the two
small quantities of many substances, mainly sodium and chloride since photoageing is to some extent preventable (Gilchrest 1987;
ions, but also potassium, urea, lactate, amino acids, immunoglobulins Kligman & Lavker 1988). The major features of skin are essentially
and other proteins, epidermal growth factor, bicarbonate, calcium formed well before birth, and during the first two to three decades
ions, etc. Heavy metals and various organic compounds are elim- of life the main changes are an expansion of its surface area and
inated in sweat, the greater part of which is thought to be produced thickening of the epidermis and dermis, as well as various changes
by the clear cells, the function of the dark cells being uncertain. The in hair and gland patterns which occur at puberty (see pp. 405, 406).
function of the myoepitheliocytes is equally obscure, but it has The arrangement and numbers of creases and friction ridges is
been suggested they provide support for the secretory cells against essentially the same from their early fetal formation onwards,
overdistension when large amounts of fluid are being secreted, although their sizes increase until cessation of growth. However,
squeeze fluid into the canaliculi and lumen, or actually separate from about the third decade onwards there is a gradual change in
when contracted thus exposing a greater area of the clear cell to the the appearance and mechanical properties of the skin which reflect
basal lamina and dermal extracellular fluid. When initially secreted, natural ageing processes, in old age becoming very marked.
the fluid is similar in composition to tissue fluid, but it is modified
Intrinsic ageing
as it passes along the duct by the action mainly of the basal cells
which exhibit Na-K-adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)ase activity and Normal human ageing is accompanied by epidermal and dermal
resorb sodium and chloride and some water too. The hormone atrophy, which result in some changes in the appearance, micro-
aldosterone enhances this activity. The body’s sweat glands are structure and function of the skin. Alterations include wrinkling (see
capable of producing up to 10 litres of sweat per day, in response p. 379), dryness, loss of elasticity, thinning and a tendency towards
to thermal, emotional, and gustatory stimuli, mediated by non- purpura on minor injury. Epidermal atrophy is expressed by general
myelinated sympathetic cholinergic fibres, though the glands also thinning and loss of the basal rete pegs with flattening of the
respond to adrenaline (Sato et al 1991). Thermoregulation is a epidermal—dermal junction, resulting in a reduction in contact area
between the two which may affect epidermal nutrition. Flattening of 411
complex process involving a heat centre in the hypothalamus reacting
the junction decreases resistance to shear, leading to poor adhesion Photoageing
of epidermis and its separation following minor injury. The thickness Reference has already been made to the developing discipline of
of the stratum corneum is not reduced in old age, and its permeability photobiology (see p. 391), of which photoageing is a major concern
characteristics seem little affected. Epidermal proliferative activity because of an association with epidermal cancer, and further details
and rate of cell replacement decline with age, the thymidine-labelling may be found in the literature cited above. The effects of chronic
index being reduced by up to 50%. Synthesis of vitamin D is reduced sun exposure on melanocytes (stimulatory) and Langerhans cells
with this general decline in activity. After middle age there is a 10- (destructive) has received particular attention because of the increas-
20% decline in the number of melanocytes (Ortonne 1990), and ing incidence of malignant melanoma among sun-worshippers, in
Langerhans cells also become sparser, associated with a reduction which reduction in tumour monitoring activity of Langerhans cells
in immune responsiveness (Schuler 1991). These alterations in non- may be a factor. (See Gilchrest et al 1979; Thiers et al 1984; Cruz &
keratinocytes may be aggravated by chronic exposure to UV Bergstresser 1991; Breathnach et al 1992.)
irradiation. Depigmentation and loss of hair with some local
increases—eyebrows, nose and ears in males, and face and upper lip
in females—are so well known as hardly to require mention. Decrease
in function of skin glands associated with degenerative changes has
been described. For descriptive purposes, dermal repair is divisible into three over-
Dermal changes are mainly responsible for the appearance of aged
lapping phases: inflammation, proliferation and remodelling (5.69).
skin, its stiffness, flaccidity and wrinkling, and loss of extensibility
and elasticity (Lapiere 1990). Its general thickness diminishes due to Inflammation
a fall-off in collagen synthesis by a reduced population of fibroblasts,
though the relative proportion of Type III collagen increases (Lovell Acute inflammation begins with the activation of platelets and mast
et al 1987). Senile elastosis (5.68) is a degenerative condition of cells as an immediate response to injury. During inflammation,
collagen which may be partly due to excessive exposure to sun. haemostasis is achieved, removal of damaged tissue occurs and
There is also loss and fragmentation of elastin, and alterations in factors which start the formation of granulation tissue are released
matrix components, including reduction in glycosaminoglycans. The or deposited in the wound. Multiple interacting pathways of inflam-
general cellularity of the dermis decreases with age, and mast cells mation (5.73) are triggered when dermal blood vessels are injured
in particular are reduced in numbers. Vascularization of the skin is and end automatically when the inflammatory stimuli dissipate;
also reduced, the capillary loops of the dermal papillae being par- should these stimuli persist, then inflammation persists and wound
ticularly affected, and the tendency towards small spontaneous pur- healing is delayed.
puric haemorrhages indicates a general fragility of the cutaneous Tissue injury and bleeding are followed by blood clotting. This
microvasculature. A decrease in sensitivity of sensory perception involves many complex chemical interactions between components
associated with some loss of specialized receptors occurs. For further of the extravascular tissue and of blood, including activation of the
reading on this subject, see L’Evéque and Agache (1993). Hageman factor (for intrinsic coagulation), factor VII (for extrinsic
coagulation) and the activation of platelets. These are all responses
to the surface adsorption and activation of specific coagulation pro-
enzymes normally inhibited in intact tissues, but free to act in the
protease inhibitor-free microenvironment temporarily provided by
the wound. Blood clotting is a crucial part of inflammation, because
activation of Hageman factor leads to bradykinin generation,
initiation of the classic complement cascade (Ghebrehiwet et al 1981)
and possibly also to production of anaphylatoxins C3a and CSa
(Clark 1985), among many other complex and as yet poorly under-
stood reactions. These anaphylatoxins, together with bradykinin,
increase local blood vessel permeability (Williams & Jose 1981),
causing leakage of plasma proteins and formation of an extravascular
clot. They also stimulate release of the vasoactive mediators histamine
and leukotrienes C4 and D4 from mast cells (Hugli & Miiller-
Eberhard 1978; Stimler et al 1982) and attract neutrophils and
monocytes to the wound (Marder et al 1985). As a result of activation
the platelets also liberate a host of growth factors which affect the
proliferative phase of repair (see below) by stimulating the migration
and proliferation of cells involved in this phase and by stimulating
the synthesis of extracellular matrix components at the site of the
wound. These growth factors include platelet factor-4 (Senior et al
1983), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) (Huang et al 1988),
transforming growth factor-8 (TGF-f) (Assoian 1988), epidermal
growth factor (EGF) (Banks 1988), basic fibroblast growth factor
(b-FGF) (Fox 1988) and platelet-derived endothelial cell growth
factor (Miyazono & Heldin 1989; Pierce et al 1991).
The main function of the neutrophils while at the wound site is
the phagocytosis of pathogenic bacteria. Once bacterial con-
tamination has been controlled, neutrophil infiltration ceases and
the early inflammatory phase of repair is at an end. In contrast,
monocytes, which develop into macrophages on entering the wound
bed, remain throughout the entire inflammatory phase. Macrophages
are not only phagocytic but also release a host of biologically active
materials, including growth factors essential for the initiation and
propagation of granulation tissue during the next, proliferative,
phase of repair.
5.68 Epidermis and dermis of facial skin of woman aged over 70, to show Proliferation
area of solar elastosis (E), thought to result from damage to collagen due
to chronic exposure to solar radiation. It is interesting that a band just During this stage, cells and intercellular substances increase greatly
beneath the epidermis, known as the Grenz zone (G), is undamaged. to form granulation tissue. This is a highly vascular material con-
412 Magnification x 3200. sisting largely of macrophages, pluripotent pericytes, fibroblasts and

_— Myofibroblast

Macon Pi gen r as


8 : 2 Seay Endotheliocyte Fibrocyte

SS. ~

Det lip OR ieee ee Sel te chai ner

20 I0o0
3 Time (days)

5.69 Diagrammatic representation of the normal response of skin to during inflammation, proliferation and remodelling. For further explanation
incision showing the changes in relative numbers of different cell types see text.

endothelial cells lining capillaries, all embedded in a matrix of the wound bed is filled with granulation tissue. A diagram depicting
fibronectin, proteoglycans rich in hyaluronic acid, and collagen, these complex processes is shown in 5.73.
which at first is mainly Type III, changing later to Type I. The There is considerable experimental evidence to support the prop-
profuse assemblies of capillaries, which are the main type of blood osition that macrophages are key cells in dermal repair. They
vessel, give this tissue its ‘granular’ appearance when incised, hence assist in tissue debridement, release chemotactic agents which attract
its name (see 5.70, 71, 72). fibroblasts and endothelial cells to the wound site, release growth
Granulation tissue forms in response to various signals, which factors which stimulate these cells to proliferate, and secrete lactate
may include chemotactic and growth factors, structural molecules which stimulates collagen synthesis by fibroblasts (Comstock 1970),
and proteases which digest connective tissue matrix (Clark 1985). It thus strengthening the tissue which develops within and adjacent to
forms a nutritive substrate over which the regenerating epidermis the wound (Silver 1984). Intercellular contacts between macrophages
can migrate and is gradually replaced by scar tissue. Apart from the and fibroblasts (5.74) suggest that the cells may exert a direct effect
absence of osteogenic cells and chondroblasts, granulation tissue on each other. If the migration of macrophages into the wound bed
resembles the blastema which develops at the site of fracture repair is prevented by anti-inflammatory steroids, or if they are eliminated
(p. 483). from it by the application of antimacrophagic serum, the formation
Macrophages, fibroblasts and blood capillaries migrate into the of granulation tissue is inhibited (Leibovich & Ross 1975). Inhibition
wound bed as a mutually dependent unit termed a wound module due to anti-inflammatory steroids can be reversed by vitamin A
(Hunt & Van Winkle 1979). In the lead are activated macrophages, administration, which permits migration of macrophages to the
followed in sequence by newly differentiated fibroblasts, dividing wound site.
fibroblasts and capillaries. The macrophages release chemotactic During the proliferative phase of repair, fibroblasts of the granu-
agents which attract pericytes, fibroblasts and endothelial cells into lation tissue develop into cells termed myofibroblasts (Majno 1979).
the wound. As the fibroblasts mature they produce a matrix through These cells, which are responsible for wound contraction, the cen-
which other cells can readily migrate and from which delicate new tripetal movement of the wound margin and the consequent
capillaries can obtain mechanical support. As each capillary loop reduction of the size of the wound, are immunologically similar to
becomes functional it brings nutrients and oxygen to nearby cells, smooth muscle cells, contain peripherally located microfilaments
enabling the fibroblasts to secrete materials for the matrix, through and become linked together by desmosomes and other intercellular
which macrophages and other cells can migrate further. The above contacts (5.75). Links between the cells and their substrates have
proliferative and migratory processes are repeated sequentially until also been found (Ryan et al 1974). Intracytoplasmic filaments of 413

5.70 Low magnification light micrograph of part ofthe site ofa full-thickness 5.71 Low magnification light micrograph of part of the site of a full-thickness
excised lesion produced in porcine skin, 3 days after injury, during the excised lesion produced in porcine skin, 10 days after injury, during the
inflammatory phase of repair. Intact skin can be seen on the right. Poly- proliferative phase of repair. Granulation tissue, over which epidermal cells
morphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages are present beneath the have migrated, fills the wound bed. Stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
exudate covering the wound bed, and epidermal migration from the intact Magnification x 135. Material supplied by S Young and photographed by
skin has already commenced. Stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Mag- Kevin Fitzpatrick, Department of Anatomy, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)
nification x 135. Material supplied by S Young and photographed by Kevin
Fitzpatrick, Department of Anatomy, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)

actin and vinculin form co-linear assemblies, each termed a fibronexus

(6.75), with extracellular matrix fibrils of fibronectin (Singer 1979)
and Types I and III procollagen (Furcht et al 1980). It has been
suggested (Singer et al 1984) that a fibronexus is a cohesive complex
which transmits the collective forces generated by contraction of all
the myofibroblasts of the granulation tissue to the wound margins,
thereby effecting wound contraction.
The mechanism by which myofibroblasts or fibroblasts generate
the contractile force needed for wound contraction is still unresolved.
According to Gabbiani et al (1971) the contractile force is due to
the muscle-like cellular contraction of myoblasts (the cell contraction-
myoblast theory) whereas more recently the cell traction-fibroblast
theory has been proposed (Ehrlich & Rajaratnam 1990). According
to the latter, wound contraction is due to the traction-like activity
of fibroblasts on the matrix of the wound bed.
Angiogenesis. This is a vital part of the proliferative phrase of
dermal repair. Without it invasion of the wound bed by macrophages
and fibroblasts would cease through lack of oxygen and nutrients.
In vitro studies have shown that capillary endothelial cells release
5.72 High magnification light micrograph of granulation tissue, 10 days
after the production ofa full-thickness excised lesion in porcine skin. The collagenase in response to angiogenic factors. This degrades the
tissue is well vascularized and contains many myofibroblasts, orientated collagen of the basement membrane which later fragments, per-
approximately parallel to the base of the wound and at right angles to the mitting migration of endothelial cells into the perivascular spaces,
majority of the blood vessels. Magnification x 300. Material supplied by S where they form buds which are added to by the proliferation of
Young and photographed by Kevin Fitzpatrick, Department of Anatomy, cells within and near the parent vessel (Kalebic et al 1983). During
114 UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.) dermal repair these buds grow rapidly towards the free surface,

Tissue Injury

Blood Vessel Disruption

Extravasation of Blood Constituents

Hageman Factor : { |
2 —> Coagulation

Kinin ae
System Cascade

| Chemotactic ae

Vasoactive Factors
5.73 Mediator pathways of inflammation initiated by tissue injury. (After
Clark 1985.)

where they branch at their tips and unite to form functional capillary ling overlaps proliferation. During remodelling the highly cellular
loops. New buds then develop on these loops so that a superficial and highly vascular granulation tissue is gradually replaced by scar
capillary plexus rapidly forms in the granulation tissue (5.76). tissue with few cells and blood vessels. During the process of
Although the factors responsible for angiogenesis during dermal remodelling, which may occupy months or even years, most of the
repair remain unidentified, several candidates have been proposed. fibronectin is removed from the matrix and there is a slow accumu-
These include a macrophage-derived growth factor known to stimu- lation of large bundles of Type I collagen fibres which, as they form
late proliferation of endothelial cells in vitro (Martin et al 1981), cross-links, increase the tensile strength of the scar tissue. Changes
low oxygen tension (Remensnyder & Majno 1968), lactic acid (Imre in the arrangement of the collagen with time after injury have been
1964), biogenic amines (Zauberman et al 1969) and hepatocyte studied by scanning electron microscopy (Forrester 1973). When it
growth factor. The last of these, also known as scatter factor, is a first appears in the granulation tissue of the wound bed it forms
powerful mitogen and motility factor which acts through the tyrosine randomly arranged fibrils, which gradually develop into large irregu-
kinase receptor encoded by the metabolic equivalent (MET) proto- lar masses without evidence of any fibrillar substructure. The absence
oncogene, stimulating endothelial cells to proliferate and migrate of the characteristic pattern found in uninjured dermis may be
(Bussolino et al 1992). Endothelial migration may be more significant associated with the decrease in extensibility and tensile strength
than proliferation during angiogenesis after injury. If so, then chemo- which are typical of scar tissue. During subsequent remodelling, the
tactic factors will play a key role in vivo. Such factors include orientation of fibres becomes less random and its strength increases.
platelet-derived substances (Wall et al 1978), heparin (Azizkhan et This change may be caused by the action of mechanical forces
al 1980) and fibronectin (Bowersox & Sorgente 1982). Successful exerted on the scar during normal usage to produce orientation of
angiogenesis depends not only on chemotactic and mitogenic factors, the collagen fibrils in the scar tissue and improve its mechanical
but also on the presence of a suitable substrate over which migration function, so that it resembles uninjured dermis more closely.
of endothelial cells can occur. This may be produced, at least partly, Such forces may also produce a piezo-electric effect which affects
by the endothelial cells themselves, since they have been shown to the arrangement of collagen fibrils and fibres. There is now con-
synthesize fibronectin (Birdwell et al 1978) and collagen (Madri & vincing evidence that the pattern of collagen within granulation and
Stenn 1982). scar tissue can be altered by local forces, i.e. that remodelling occurs
(Forrester 1973). As long ago as 1892 Wolff noted that bone
Remodelling responded structurally to functional demands. It is likely that scar
Just as the proliferative overlaps the inflammatory phase, so remodel- tissue responds in a similar manner.

5.74 Electron micrograph showing intercellular contact between: (a) a Magnification x 8000. (Provided a Rachel Hickman, Department of
macrophage and fibroblast in a healing, full thickness skin lesion, 3 days Anatomy, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)
after trauma; (B) two myofibroblasts in a similar lesion, 7 days after trauma.
and encouraging the synthesis of others may lead to improvement
in the quality and rate of the healing response following injury.
The cellular changes involved in dermal repair can be accelerated
by treatments which improve the microenvironment of the wound
(Dyson et al 1988) and by application of electrotherapy modalities
which increase the rate of ingress of macrophages (Dyson 1987,
Dyson & Young 1986), possibly by temporarily modifying their
membrane structure. The use of such techniques has considerable
clinical and surgical significance.
Until recently many of the reports of the clinical effectiveness of
these and other techniques designed to improve the rate and quality
of repair were based either on the subjective assessment of the
progress of healing or on invasive techniques which inevitably
interfered with the healing process by inflicting a further injury. The
need for non-invasive, painless, objective methods of assessment has
led to the development of high-resolution diagnostic ultrasound
scanners in which changes in the ultrasonograms of the wound bed
can be quantified by means of image .analysis in which fractal
signatures are produced of regions of interest (ROIs) of the ultra-
5.75 Electron micrograph showing a fibronexus, a region at the surface of sonograms (Whiston et al 1992). A typical ultrasonic image of an
a myofibroblast where there is an alignment between intracellular filaments incised cutaneous wound is shown in 5.77. Changes in fractal
and fibrils of the extracellular matrix (arrow). Magnification x 8000. (Provided signatures obtained of ROIs of such images during the healing
by Rachel Hickman, Department of Anatomy, UMDS, Guy’s Campus,
process are shown in 5.78. As healing progresses, the fractal sig-
natures of the wound bed approach that of intact skin. Should the
wound deteriorate, this process is reversed, the fractal signature
becoming less similar to that of intact skin. This technique has been
Scar tissue is functionally inferior to the uninjured dermis, and used to identify adverse changes at operation sites in renal transplant
methods of improving the quality of repair by inducing scarless patients undergoing graft rejection (Calvin et al 1994). The technique
healing are being sought. In the fetus, cutaneous wounds heal with can also be used to monitor the development of scar tissue at the
either little or no scarring, whereas postnatally scar tissue develops wound site.
at the wound site. Whitby and Ferguson (1991) in a comparison of
fetal, neonatal and adult wound healing have found that the virtually
scarless healing of fetal wounds is associated with the absence of
transforming growth factor-8 (TGF-f) and basic fibroblast growth Changes in the epidermis leading to re-epithelialization begin within
factor (b-FGF), and with the early deposition of fibronectin and a few hours of the formation of a cutaneous wound. Intact kera-
tenascin. This has led to attempts to decrease scarring in postnatal tinocytes at the free edge of the cut epidermis begin to migrate across
wounds by administering neutralizing antibodies to TGF-f, with the defect (Winter 1962). Migration is made possible by a change in
some success (Shah et al 1992). Recently the effects of the TGF-f gene expression of the cells, involving temporary dissolution of
isoforms 1, 2 and 3 on scarring have been investigated (Levine et al hemidesmosomes and desmosomes (p. 382), freeing the cells to move,
1993); TGF-61 and TGF-f2 stimulate scarring whereas TGF-f3 and the formation of peripherally located actin filaments enabling
appears to reduce it. The addition of mannose-6-phosphate which . them to do so (Gabbiani et al 1978). They also acquire a unique
inhibits TGF-f activation also reduces scarring and improves the phenotype, termed the phenotype of regenerative maturation
quality of wound healing (Ferguson 1994). Manipulation of the (Mansbridge & Knapp 1987), possibly as a result of exposure to low
growth factor profile at the wound site by neutralizing some factors extracellular calcium concentrations (Hennings et al 1980; Clark

5.76 Microangiograph of a transverse section of granulation tissue (G) lesion in porcine skin. The majority of the regenerating vessels lie at right
showing its invasion by new blood vessels; adjacent intact skin (S), and angles to the surface and are linked by a superficially located capillary
hypodermis (H) are also visible. The specimen was perfused with barium plexus. Magnification x 130. (Provided by S Young, Department of Anatomy,
416 sulphate and gelatin 10 days after the production ofa full-thickness excised UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)

5.77 High resolution ultrasonogram of skin and subcutaneous tissue con- 5.78 Fractal signatures obtained from high resolution ultrasonograms of
taining an incised wound identifiable by reduced echogenicity. (Provided by an incised cutaneous wound during the inflammatory (3-day PO), pro-
S Young, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, liferative (7-day PO) and remodelling (21-day PO) phases of healing,
London.) together with the signature obtained from the skin prior to injury. As healing
progresses the fractal signatures of the ultrasonograms of the injured skin
approach that of intact skin. PO = postoperative. (Provided by S Young,
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)

1990). According to the ‘leap-frog’ hypothesis of epidermal regen- and Type V collagen (Clark et al 1982; Repesh et al 1982; Don-
eration (Winter 1962, 1964), cells superficial to the stratum basale at aldson & Mahan 1983). Keratinocytes have been shown to secrete
the edges of the wound elongate laterally and crawl over each other fibronectin in vitro (Kariniemi et al 1982; O’Keefe et al 1984; Kubo
until they make contact with the wound bed; they then cease to et al 1984) so it is possible that they may produce at least part of
move and begin to divide, producing a new supply of cells, some of the matrix over which they migrate. TGF-f encourages epithelial
which add to the thickness of the regenerating epidermis. Meanwhile cell migration (Yang & Moses 1990) and stimulates fibronectin
other cells migrate over the first cells, reach the wound bed, divide deposition (Nickoloff et al 1988). Once migration ceases, the tem-
and repeat the process in ‘leap-frog’ fashion until prevented from porary matrix is replaced by basement membrane.
doing so by contact inhibition. According to this hypothesis no Regeneration of the basement membrane zone occurs in sequential
single keratinocyte moves more than about four or five cell diameters stages. Bullous pemphigoid antigen (p. 397) is always present between
(approximately 40 1m) from its original position during epidermal the basal plasma membrane of the migrating cells and the temporary
regeneration. Within 48 hours of injury the basal keratinocytes of matrix and can thus be considered to be the first part of the basement
the new epidermis begin to divide, generating more cells capable of membrane to regenerate (Stanley et al 1981; Clark et al 1982). Once
migration (Hell & Cruickshank 1963). The stimulus for epidermal the epidermal cells cease to migrate, first Type IV collagen and then
proliferation after injury is still unknown. It may be the removal of laminin become incorporated in the regenerating basal lamina (Clark
an inhibitory chalone (Bullough & Laurence 1961) and/or the release et al 1982).
of epidermal growth factors (Cohen 1965). If the migrating keratinocytes make contact with small foreign
In shallow, partial thickness wounds of thin skin, each cut hair particles of approximately 1m in size, the cells may remove them
follicle acts as a source of reparative epidermal stem cells. These by phagocytosis (Odland & Ross 1968), possibly after opsonization
cells can be recognized by their ability to form a characteristic stem by fibronectin (Takashima & Grinnell 1984). The keratinocytes
cell keratin (Type 19). After migration and division, they produce migrate deep to any larger particles and dead tissues which lie in
cells which manufacture other keratins (Types 9 and 16) which allow their path. Secretion of plasminogen activators (Isseroff et al 1982),
the cells to remain sufficiently flexible to migrate over the wound collagenases and neutral proteases (Donoff et al 1971) by the kera-
bed. Later products of .keratinocyte division produce more rigid tinocytes may help to clear the way for their migration.
keratins (Types 1 and 10), typical of mature epidermis. Once re-epithelialization is complete, the keratinocytes revert to
If the injury is sufficient to disrupt the basement membrane, the their original phenotype (Clark 1985).
keratinocytes migrate over a temporary matrix of fibronectin, fibrin

epithelial secretory tissue arranged in 15-20 lobes, each leading to a

lactiferous duct which converges with the others upon the nipple.
In humans and other mammals the breasts form a secondary sexual Connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves also con-
feature of females and are the source of nutrition for the neonate, tribute to breast structure. A specialized area of skin, the areola,
although they are also present in a rudimentary form in males. surrounds the base of the nipple. The breasts are the site of malignant
Developmentally they are derived from modified sweat glands (5.79). change in as many as one in ten women, and the biology of their
In females, major growth and differentiation of breast tissues occurs tissues is at present the focus of much clinical research. For reviews
after puberty to give rise to a complex structure, predominantly of normal breast structure, see: Cowie (1974), Pitelka (1983), Ellis et
composed (in the non-lactating breast) of adipose tissue surrounding al (1993), and Fawcett (1994). 417

FEMALE BREAST e fibrous connective tissue (stroma) surrounding the glandular tissue
e interlobar adipose tissue (Cowie 1974).
In young adult females, each breast is a rounded eminence lying
within the superficial fascia, chiefly anterior to the upper thorax but Glandular tissue. This consists of branching ducts and terminal
spreading laterally to a variable extent (5.79). Breast shape and size secretory lobules (5.81-85). The ducts converge on to the 15-20 larger
depend upon genetic, racial and dietary factors, together with age, lactiferous ducts which open on to the apex of the nipple. Each
parity and menopausal status of the individual, being hemispherical, lactiferous duct is therefore connected to a tree-like system of ducts
conical, variably pendulous, piriform or thin and flattened. In the and lobules, enclosed and intermingled with connective tissue stroma,
adult female the base of the breast (its attached surface) extends collectively forming a Jobe of the mammary gland; the number of
vertically from the second or third to the sixth rib, and in the lobes is, therefore, the same as the number of lactiferous ducts.
transverse plane, from the sternal edge, medially, almost to the Although the lobes are usually depicted as discrete anatomical
midaxillary line laterally. The superolateral quadrant is prolonged territories within the breast, they grow into one another around their
towards the axilla along the inferolateral edge of pectoralis major, edges so that they do not appear as distinct entities during surgery.
from which it projects a little, and may extend through the deep Lobules consist of the portions of the glands that are secretory (or
fascia up to the apex of the axilla (the axillary tail of Spence). potentially so). Their structure varies according to hormonal status
The breast lies upon the deep pectoral fascia, which in turn overlies (see below), but in the mature breast each lobule consists of several
pectoralis major and serratus anterior, and below, obliquus externus blind-ending branches or expansions, the alveoli (acini), converging
abdominis and its aponeurosis as that forms the anterior wall of the on an alveolar duct, and these are the sites of milk secretion.
sheath of rectus abdominis. Between the breast and the deep fascia is Breast cancers arise at the junction of the lobules and ducts, and
loose connective tissue in the retromammary (submammary) ‘space’, as they increase in size they lead to fibrous tissue formation so that
which allows the breast some degree of movement on the deep they are hard and irregular.
pectoral fascia. (Advanced mammary carcinoma may, by invasion, Stroma of the breast. The connective tissue stroma penetrates
fix the breast to pectoralis major.) Occasionally, small projections of between and encloses the lobules, where it has a loose texture,
glandular tissue may pass through the deep fascia into the underlying allowing the rapid expansion of secretory tissue during pregnancy
muscle in normal subjects. (5.79, 84). Fibrous condensations of stromal tissue extend from the
Before describing the general organization of the breast, the ducts to the dermis, and these are often well developed in the upper
structure of the nipple and areola will be considered. part of the breast as the suspensory ligaments (of Astley Cooper),
which assist in the support of the breast tissue. Pathologically, these
NIPPLE (MAMMARY PAPILLA) may be contracted by fibrosis in carcinoma, causing retraction or
pitting of the overlying skin. Elsewhere in the normal breast, fibrous
The nipple (5.79, 80) projects centrally from the anterior aspect; tissue surrounding the glandular components extends to the skin
its shape varies from conical to flattened, depending on nervous, and nipple, assisting in the mechanical coherence of the gland.
hormonal, developmental and other factors. Its level in the thorax Adipose tissue. Highly variable in amount, this is typically
varies widely but is at the fourth intercostal space in most young present in the interlobar stroma, and not amongst the lobules.
women, and in the nulliparous it is pink or light brown or darker,
depending on the general melanization of the body. It is covered by
hairless skin; the epidermis has a deeply folded base interdigitating
with dermal papillae, and scattered sebaceous glands open on to its
Prenatal development
surface. Melanocytes are quite numerous, giving the skin of the
nipple a darker hue. Internally the nipple is composed mostly of Prenatal development is similar in both sexes, with the epithelial
collagenous dense connective tissue with numerous elastic fibres mammary bud appearing at a gestational age of 35 days; by day 37
which also spread beneath the areola, wrinkling the overlying skin. this has become a mammary line extending from the axilla through
Smooth muscle cells are also present in and just deep to the nipple, to the inguinal region (see also 5.79). Usually invagination of the
disposed in a predominantly circular direction and radiating out thoracic mammary bud into the mesenchyme occurs by day 49, with
from its base into the surrounding breast; their contraction, induced involution of the remaining mammary line, although accessory
by cold or tactile (e.g. in suckling), or emotional stimuli causes breast tissue may be present in adults anywhere along the milk line
erection of the nipple and wrinkling of the surrounding areola. The (polythelia), usually in the thoracic region (90%) but also occasionally
lactiferous ducts traverse the nipple, their 15-20 minute orifices in the axillary (5%) or abdominal (5%). Nipple formation begins at
opening on to its wrinkled tip. Near its opening at the nipple each day 56 and primitive ducts (mammary sprouts) develop at 84 days
of these ducts is slightly expanded as a Jactiferous sinus in the with canalization occurring at about the 150th day. In either sex,
lactating breast by the presence of milk. Occasionally the nipple may there may be no breast development (amastia), or alternatively there
not evert during prenatal development (p.296), remaining per- may be nipple development but no breast tissue (amazia). Rarely,
manently retracted and so causing difficulty in suckling. the nipple may not develop (athelia) although this occurs more
commonly in accessory breast tissue. At birth the combination of
AREOLA fetal prolactin and maternal oestrogen may give rise to transient
The areola is a discoidal area of skin which encircles the base of the hyperplasia and secretion of ‘witch’s milk’. (A fuller account of
nipple (5.79, 80); its colour also varies from pink to dark brown prenatal development is given on p. 296.)
depending on parity and race. Darkening of the nipple and areola Postnatal development
occurs during the second month of pregnancy, and although it Lobule formation occurs (exclusively in females) after puberty (5.79),
becomes a little paler after parturition, the change of hue is per- when there is branching of ducts and development of lobules from
manent. The nipple and especially the areola contains many seb- terminal ducts. Externally recognizable breast development
aceous glands much enlarged in pregnancy and lactation as (thelarche) from puberty onwards can be divided into five separate
subcutaneous ‘tubercles’, whose oily secretion is a protective lubricant phases. In phase I there is elevation of the nipple. In phase II
during lactation. Other glands (areolar glands of Montgomery) are glandular subareolar tissue is present with both nipple and breast
intermediate in structure between lactiferous and sweat glands; when projecting from the chest wall as a single mass. Phase II] encompasses
visible to the naked eye they are creamy in colour. At the perimeter increase in diameter and pigmentation of the areola, with pro-
of the areola are large sudorific and sebaceous glands, the latter not liferation of palpable breast tissue. During phase IV there is further
accompanied by hairs. There is no adipose tissue immediately beneath pigmentation and enlargement in the areola so that the nipple and
the skin of the areola and papilla. areola form a secondary mass anterior to the main part of the breast.
Finally, in phase V there is development of a smooth contour to the
The breast (5.79, 81-88) contains:
418 e epithelial glandular tissue of the tubulo-alveolar type 5.79 (opposite) Postnatal development and structure of the female breast.

®, oy . J A 4

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‘- ? (om
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ify, s |

_—. cs

4 a 4 \

} \

or a i
\ j/

/ \ / / /

] f y W < } ; {

| } i
/ ]
|/ } \
12 years 13 years 15 years
Milk lines

Maturation of the breast


Pectoralis minor

Pectoralis major
tail Pectoralis fascia
Non-lactating ligament
Edge of Deep layers of
pectoralis super-
deep to
breast Super- fascia

Nipple ae
lobule |
Breast during
of mammary
(posterior and medial)


Poly a PN

12 weeks I.U. Late fetus Neonate

Early development of breast epithelium, in section Sebaceous

Lipid gland
smooth muscle
protein Accessory gland
(of Montgomery)


cell process

Section of nipple
Basal lamina

a Myoepithelial
HISTOLOGY: cell 419
Lactating Ultrastructure of secretory cell
Non-lactating (Nulliparous)

5.81 Normal non-lactating lobule with terminal duct, human breast. The
duct can be seen leading to the lobule which is composed of multiple, small
acini set within a loose intralobular stroma. The denser, interlobular stroma
can be seen surrounding the lobule and duct. A small amount of adipose
tissue is also present top right. Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x 450.
(Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis, Consultant Pathologist, Guy’s Hospital,
5.80 Vertical section through female nipple, showing corrugated epithelium London.)
over the nipple surface (N), the surrounding areola (A), and lactiferous ducts
(L). Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x6. (Photography by Sarah
Smith, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UMDS, Guy’s Campus,

breast. For further details of breast development, see page 296; for increasing age various changes take place in the proportions of the
reviews: see Knight and Peaker (1982) and Anbazhagan et al (1991). different components of the breast; after the menopause there is
involution of the glandular tissue which may be replaced with adipose
Pregnancy tissue, or the breast may gradually decrease in volume, and many
Changes during this period are associated with further duct and other alterations take place in the mechanical properties, for example
lobule proliferation and epithelial growth, consisting mainly of an elasticity of the connective tissue supporting the breast.
increase in the number of alveoli per lobule (5.84). This is completed
by the sixth month of pregnancy after which the breast expands
further with the increase in blood flow and secretion of colostrum DETAILED MICROSTRUCTURE OF THE BREAST
(see below). Total weight gain of each breast during pregnancy is
about 400g. True lactation starts within 1-4 days after parturition Before pregnancy
and may continue for as long as 3} years if frequent suckling is As already noted, mammary structure varies with age, time in the
maintained, When lactation ceases there is a progressive atrophy of menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation. In the neonate there are
the lobules and ducts, with fatty replacement of breast tissue. lactiferous ducts but no alveoli, and until puberty little branching of
Changes also occur during the menstrual cycle, with an increase the ducts occurs, the slight mammary enlargement being due to the
in size during midcycle, mainly due to a transient increase in blood growth of fibrous stroma and fat. After puberty, the ducts, stimulated
flow, with consequent greater hydration of the stromal tissue; minor
changes have been reported in epithelial structure too (see below),
especially during the second half (luteal phase) of the cycle. With

ae ase
ma ltt ae PG t

5.83 High power view of a non-lactating lobule. The two cell type lining of
the acini can be clearly seen with the inner luminal epithelium and outer
myoepithelial layer. The eosinophilic basement membrane can also be
5.82 Normal non-lactating terminal duct lobular unit. The terminal duct can discerned. The loose intralobular stroma contrasts with the denser, inter-
just be seen to the left of the picture. The lobule is composed of numerous lobular stroma surrounding the lobule. Haematoxylin and eosin. Mag-
acini. Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x 450. (Provided by Dr Rose- nification x 800. (Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis, Consultant Pathologist,
420 mary Millis, Consultant Pathologist, Guy’s Hospital, London.) Guy’s Hospital, London.)

5.84 Lactating breast. The lobules are greatly expanded. Many more 5.85 High power view of lactating breast. The enlarged lobule, composed
acini are present lined by cells showing evidence of secretory activity. The of multiple distended acini, can be seen. The vacuolated cytoplasm of the
intralobular stroma has largely been displaced. Haematoxylin and eosin. secretory epithelium is clearly visible. Myoepithelium is difficult to see.
Magnification x 450. (Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis, Consultant Path- Haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification x 450. (Provided by Dr Rosemary
ologist, Guy’s Hospital, London.) Millis, Consultant Pathologist, Guy’s Hospital, London.)

by ovarian oestrogens, develop branches whose ends form solid, composed of a thin basal lamina and a more extensive external
spheroidal masses of granular polyhedral cells, which are potential reticular region blending with the stroma. The structure of the ductal
alveoli (Stirling & Chandler 1977). In the resting state the glandular complex varies with development and hormonal status, postpubertal
epithelium is separated from the vascular stroma by a thin avascular maturation, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and age-related
zone of fibroblasts (5.83). This ‘epitheliostromal junction’ may regression. These factors have considerable effect on the microscopic
control the passage of materials to the secretory cells (Ozzello 1974) structure of the deeper parts of the ducts (see below).
and have other important controlling influences on breast biology,
mediating the actions of hormones on growth, cell division and During the menstrual cycle
secretion. Demonstrable changes occur to the breast tissues in the menstrual
Ductal system. For most of their lengths, the ducts are lined by cycle (Fanger & Ree 1974; Ferguson et al 1992); in the follicular
columnar epithelium (5.81-83); in the larger ducts these are two cells phase (days 3-14) the stroma becomes less dense and various changes
thick, but in the smaller ones only a single layer of columnar (/uminal) take place in the ducts, including the expansion of their lumen, with
cells is present. The bases of these are in close contact with numerous occasional mitoses but no secretion. In the luteal phase (days 15-
myoepithelial (basal) cells which invaginate their bases (5.87), and 28) there is a progressive increase in stromal density; the ducts have
are so frequent that they form a distinct layer surrounding the ducts an open lumen containing secretion, with flattening of epithelial
and alveoli, giving the epithelium a bilaminar appearance. cells. Cell proliferation, as measured by *[H]-thymidine labelling, is
Close to the openings of the lactiferous ducts on to the nipple maximal on day 26. Thereafter, the ductal system undergoes
surface, their stratified cuboidal lining gives way to keratinized reduction, with epithelial cell apoptosis greatest on day 28 of the
stratified squamous epithelium continuous with the epidermis; shed cycle. These activities have considerable clinical significance in terms
squames may sometimes block the duct apertures in the non-pregnant of the most appropriate timing for surgery related to carcinoma of
breast. External to the epithelial lining is a basement membrane (5.86) the breast (see Fentiman 1993).

5.86 Normal non-lactating lobule stained by immunohistochemistry for 5.87. Normal lobule. Stained by immunohistochemistry for actin to dem-
collagen IV to demonstrate basement membrane. The acini of the lobule onstrate myoepithelial cells. The terminal duct lobular unit can be seen. The
are clearly seen. Each lobule is surrounded by a well defined basement myoepithelial cells have stained positively with the antibody to actin. A
membrane. Basement membrane material can also be seen surrounding limiting ring of myoepithelial cells is seen around the ducts and acini. Staining
vessels and fat cells. (Immunoperoxidase method for collagen IV). Mag- is also demonstrated in vessel walls. (Immunohistochemistry for actin.)
nification x 450. (Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis, Consultant Pathologist, Magnification x 450. (Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis, Consultant Path-
Guy’s Hospital, London.) ologist, Guy’s Hospital, London.) 421
5.88 Amammogram (a), specimen radiograph (8) and histological section B. Radiograph of the surgical specimen after it has been removed from
(c) of an infiltrating carcinoma. the patient. This confirms that the mammographic abnormality has been
removed. Note the adjacent marker needle. The irregular margin of the
a. Mammogram of the breast with a rounded density in the upper half rounded density can be more clearly seen in the specimen radiograph.
which has an irregular, spiculated margin. Adjacent to the density is a needle c. Low power photomicrograph of the histological section showing the
which has been inserted to localize the lesion for the surgeon prior to carcinoma in the centre with surrounding adipose tissue. The rather rounded
operation. Elsewhere in the breast foci of calcification are seen. These are outline of the tumour can be seen with an irregular margin which corresponds
large, single particles, with a smooth outline and are typical of benign to the density seen on the radiograph. (Provided by Dr Rosemary Millis,
calcifications. Consultant Pathologist, Guy’s Hospital, London.)

Immunolabelling shows that various antigens associated with the Postlactational breast
basal lamina of the ducts and alveoli, including laminin, Type IV When lactation ceases the secretory tissue undergoes some involution,
collagen and fibronectin, undergo major changes during the cycle, but the ducts and alveoli never return completely to the pre-pregnant
whereas other stromal components are relatively unaffected state. Two major processes are responsible for the regression of the
(Ferguson et al 1992). This finding adds weight to the concept that alveolar-ductal system, a reduction in epithelial cell size, and a
the basal lamina is involved in the trophic control of secretory tissue reduction in their numbers. Size reduction appears to involve the
behaviour. formation of lysosomal autophagic vacuoles within the cells, reducing
In addition to these alterations there are changes in blood flow, the numbers of their organelles and cytoplasmic volume. The loss of
which are greatest at midcycle, with a consequent increase in the cells may be by apoptosis, some dead cells being shed into the lumen.
water content of the stroma at that time. At the same time, macrophages invade the stroma, and some of
them also enter the alveolar/ductal lumen; in both of these sites they
In pregnancy and during suckling phagocytose dead epithelial cells, and also appear to modify or
As the output of placental oestrogen and progesterone rises during destroy the basal lamina of the epithelium, with consequent loss of
pregnancy, the ducts increase in the number and lengths of their epithelial cell activity which apparently depends on the integrity of
branches; the secretory alveoli proliferate, and with the synthesis this structure. Eventually, the numbers of lymphocytes and mac-
and secretion of milk the alveoli expand as their cells and lumen fill rophages become reduced and gradually the breast tissue reverts to
(5.84, 85). The myoepithelial cells, which are initially spindle-shaped, the resting state. If another pregnancy occurs the resting glandular
become highly branched stellate cells, especially around the alveoli. tissue is reactivated, and the process outlined above recurs. Up to
In the stroma there is a concomitant reduction in adipose tissue, but the age of about 50 increasing amounts of elastic tissue tend to be
the numbers of lymphocytes including plasma cells, and of eosino- laid down around vessels and ducts (elastosis), and also in the
phils increase greatly; blood flow through the breast also increases. stroma, although elastosis does not typically continue thereafter
The secretory activity in alveolar cells rises progressively in the latter except in pathological changes (Martinez-Hernandez et al 1977;
half of pregnancy. Their product in late pregnancy and for a few Farahmand & Cowan 1992).
days after parturition is different from the later milk and is known
as colostrum; it contains many cytoplasmic fat globules and colostral Postmenopausal changes
corpuscles, which are a combination of epithelial cell membranes After the menopause there is progressive atrophy of lobules and
and macrophages, and is rich in immunoglobulins, conferring a ducts, with fatty replacement of breast tissue, although a few ducts
measure of passive immunity to the neonatal alimentary tract (see may remain (Ozzello 1974); the stroma becomes much less cellular
also below); it also has laxative properties. True milk secretion begins and collagenous fibres decrease; the amount of adipose tissue varies
a few days after parturition due to a reduction of circulating widely between individuals, but the breast may return to a condition
oestrogen and progesterone, a change which appears to stimulate similar to the pre-pubertal state.
production of prolactin by the anterior hypophysis (Wolstenholme &
Knight 1972 and p. 1883). Milk distends the alveoli, at first lined Cellular structure
by a single layer of granular, short columnar cells with stellate
As outlined above, the cells of the breast include:
myoepitheliocytes near the basement membrane; the cells flatten as
secretion increases. The columnar cells show accumulation of fat e epithelial cells: alveolar, duct-lining and myoepithelial cells
droplets which then undergo apocrine secretion into the lumen. After e connective tissue cells of the stroma: fibroblasts, adipocytes, mast
the onset of lactation there is a gradual reduction in the numbers of cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils.
lymphocytes and eosinophils in the stroma, although plasma cells
422 continue to synthesize IgA for secretion into the milk. In addition there are cells associated with vessels and nerves.

Alveolar cells (5.79, 85, 88). As already stated, these display wide addition, some macrophages enter the lumen of the ducts, where
ultrastructural differences depending on the physiological state of they can phagocytose the shed epithelial cells, as noted above.
the breast. In the resting state they are cuboidal. The apical surfaces Macrophages are also present in colostral milk although their sig-
are rich in microvilli and adjacent cells are joined around their apical nificance in this respect is uncertain. Macrophages are important
ends by junctional complexes including tight junctions, adhering in regressional changes following lactation, where they dispose of
junctions and desmosomes; gap junctions are also present between degenerating epithelial cells. They are also likely to be important
these cells (Pitelka et al 1973). In lactation they increase in height sources of growth factors and other chemical agents affecting the
initially to a columnar form, but as the alveoli distend with milk, biology of the breast tissue, as they do elsewhere in the body (see
stretching their epithelial linings, they may become cuboidal again. p. 78).
In the secretory phase when viewed by light microscopy, their apical
cytoplasm is eosinophilic and vacuolated, and their apical surfaces LACTATION
often bulge into the alveolar lumen, distended by relatively huge
secretory vacuoles; basally, their cytoplasm is basophilic. Ultra- The release of milk during suckling depends upon a combination of
structurally, the basal region possesses abundant granular endo- touch and negative pressure from the infant’s lips on the nipple (Sala
plasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes and free ribosomes. et al 1974). Stimulation of the abundant nerve terminals in the
Apical to the basally-situated nucleus are a Golgi complex and large dermis of the nipple leads to oxytocin release, causing contraction
secretory vacuoles of two types, one proteinaceous and the other of myoepithelial cells of the breast and the nipple’s smooth muscle,
lipidic. Protein vacuoles contain multiple granules of micellar casein increasing the pressure within the lactiferous ducts, and bringing
and other lactic proteins formed in the granular endoplasmic retic- about milk ejection. Cessation of suckling results in an increased
ulum and passed to the Golgi apparatus to form larger vacuoles; intraluminal pressure which inhibits the secretory activity of the
these vacuoles are passed to the apical surface where they release alveolar cells and subsequently the synthesis of milk.
their contents by membrane fusion (merocrine secretion). Lipid Commonly lactation continues for 5 or 6 months after parturition,
vacuoles, on the other hand, are formed directly in the apical but then it progressively diminishes, according to demand, infants
cytoplasm as smaller lipid droplets which fuse with each other to usually being weaned at about 9 months, although in some cultures
create large ‘milk vacuoles’ up to 10 »m across, frequently protruding suckling may be continued for over 3 years, during which the
from the cell’s surface. These are released as intact lipid droplets mother’s ovulation is inhibited (see e.g. Thapa et al 1988). When
with a thin surround of apical plasma membrane and adjacent lactation stops, the glandular tissue returns to the ‘resting’ condition,
cytoplasm (Linzell & Peaker 1971; Saacke & Heald 1974; Hollmann the remaining milk is absorbed and the alveoli shrink, many losing
1974; Tobon & Salazar 1975; Pitelka & Hamamoto 1977; Hartmann their lumina. However, due to hormonal and other disturbances,
1991). This secretory process may be considered to be apocrine, since glandular tissue may fail to produce milk throughout pregnancy or
actual cytoplasm is lost with the secretion, although only minimally. secretion may cease within a few weeks of birth.
In pregnant rats, other types of protein granule are also synthesized During lactation the volume of milk secretion by a mother is
as precursors of normal granules; these may appear in colostrum considerable, typically over 1100ml/day (and nearly double this
(Murad 1970). Alveolar cells also take up IgA from adjacent plasma volume for twins). Amongst other nutrients, this creates a heavy
cells by endocytosis, and secrete it apically by a separate, merocrine demand for calcium which is obtained, as are other precursors
mechanism. of milk, from the circulation; interestingly, a hormone similar to
Duct-lining (luminal) cells. The detailed structure of these varies parathyroid hormone has been shown to be secreted into the cir-
with the diameter of the duct, but most of them are columnar to culation from the lactating breast, assisting in the mobilization of
cuboidal in shape (5.81). They have relatively few organelles, and calcium from storage sites in bones (Thiede & Rodan 1988).
their nuclei are elliptical and euchromatic with a rim of condensed
chromatin. Like other epithelial cells of the mammary gland the Milk
ductal cells are capable of cell division when hormonally stimulated, Milk is a complex fluid, composed in humans of about 88% water,
although it is not clear whether a distinctive stem cell population is 7% lactose, 4% fat, 1% protein and various ions, notably calcium,
responsible for this activity, or if all ductal cells can act in this sodium, potassium, phosphate and chloride. Vitamins and anti-
capacity. bodies, mainly of the IgA (secretory) class, are present, the latter
Myoepithelial cells (5.79, 87). These are similar to this type of cell being largely responsible for the sterility of milk during lactation
in other glands (see pp.71, 1695). In the mature mammary gland (Jenness 1974). The proteins are chiefly caseins and lactalbumin;
they are closely associated with the bases of alveolar and ductal cells these, with lactose and several triglycerides, are synthesized from
and the long radiating, branched processes of adjacent myoepithelial circulating precursors by enzymes. Colostral milk is markedly differ-
cells intermesh to form a basket-like network around the alveoli and ent, poor in nutrients with an ionic composition like blood plasma.
ducts, interposed between the basement membrane and the luminal Table 5.1 sets out the composition of human milk. For details of
cells. Internally they contain actin (5.87) and myosin filaments. lactation and human mammary structure see the review by Vorherr
Immunohistochemistry shows that they contain antigenic markers (1979).
for epithelial features such as cytokeratins and also for smooth
muscle (e.g. desmoplakins); a subpopulation is also positive for glial
fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (see Viale et al 1991; Lazard et
al 1993). On suitable hormonal stimulation by oxytocin they con-
tract to expel the secretions into the larger ducts in readiness for Table 5.1 Major constituents of mature human milk
Stromal components. The cells of the stroma resemble those of
other connective tissues elsewhere in the body. However, there is
much evidence that they interact closely with the epithelial cells, and
are an essential part of the hormonal regulatory system which
controls the activity of the secretory tissue. This has been dem-
onstrated for a number of stromal cell types in co-culture (including
the numerous adipocytes) which are necessary for the stimulation of
mammary epithelial cell growth and differentiation (Blum et al 1987).
B- and T-lymphocytes are present throughout the stroma, but are
particularly numerous around the ducts and alveoli, and also between
the epithelial cells themselves. These cells provide immune sur-
veillance of the stroma and epithelium; mature B-cells (plasmacytes)
around the secretory regions are the source of immunoglobulins
secreted during lactation. Macrophages have a distribution similar
to that of lymphocytes, being both stromal and intraepithelial. In 423

Vessels and nerves menopausal women (see Wellings 1980; Fentiman 1993). Breast
Arteries. Supplying the female breasts are branches of the axillary lumps may be classified into those with clinical signs suggesting
artery, the internal thoracic artery, and some intercostal arteries, as malignancy (hard and regular, skin-tethering, muscle fixation, skin
follows: infiltration or oedema (peau d’orange)), and those which are mobile
and without sinister signs. Investigations include needle aspiration
e the axillary artery supplies blood to the breast via several branches: which will drain cycts, or in the case of a solid lump, obtain
the supreme thoracic, the pectoral branches of the thoraco-acro- cells for cytological evaluation. Additional investigations include
mial artery, the lateral thoracic and the subscapular artery; mammography and ultrasonography which can distinguish cysts
e the internal thoracic artery gives perforating branches to the from solid lumps. A common problem in young women is the
anteromedial part of the breast; fibroadenoma, an overgrowth of a lobule.
e the second to fourth intercostal arteries give perforating branches If a breast lump has to be removed, incision should be based
more laterally in the anterior thorax. The second perforating artery whenever possible on Langer’s lines (p. 381) for best cosmetic results,
is usually the largest, supplying the upper region of the breast, although for women with larger lumps which may be malignant, the
and the nipple, areola and adjacent breast tissue (Bertelli & Valle incision should be compatible with a possible subsequent mas-
Pereira 1994), tectomy. Most women with single breast cancers up to 4cm in
For further details, see page 1534). diameter are treated by breast conservation rather than mastectomy.
Veins. Around the areola there is a circular venous plexus. From This is a combination of surgery (tumour excision and axillary lymph
this and from the glandular tissue, blood drains in veins accompany- node sampling or clearance) together with external radiotherapy.
ing the arterial blood supply, i.e. to the axillary, internal thoracic Patients with larger tumours are treated by modified radical mas-
and intercostal veins. Great individual variation may occur, and the tectomy with clearance of the axilla and preservation of the nerves
axillary vein may be bifid. (See also p. 1592.) to serratus anterior, latissumus dorsi and the lateral and medial
Lymph vessels. The lymphatic drainage of the breast can be pectoral nerves. Failure to preserve the nerve to serratus anterior
very variable (see Turner-Warwick 1959; also p. 1615). From the will result in winging of the scapula and reduced function of the
subareolar plexus (of Sappey) there are efferent vessels draining to shoulder.
the following: Patients with blood-stained nipple discharge without a palpable
lump are treated by duct excision (microdochectomy) carried out
e the contralateral breast through a circumareolar incision. Blood-stained nipple discharge is
e the internal mammary lymph node chain, and thence via: caused by either an intraduct papilloma, or duct extasia, and only
1. the mediastinal lymph nodes to the para-aortic lymph nodes, rarely (5% of cases) is it due to malignancy.
bronchomediastinal trunks, thoracic duct and right thoracic duct The papillary ducts are radially orientated and incisions should
2. inferiorly, the superior and inferior epigastric lymphatic hence also be radial. An obstructed lactiferous duct may distend as
routes to the groin a galactocele. Abscesses may occur between the septa in the glandular
e the axillary lymph nodes, the predominant site of drainage from tissue, subcutaneously near the papilla or between gland and deep
the breast. These number from 20-40; in the past these were named fascia anterior to the pectoralis major.
and grouped artificially as lower, central, subscapular, lateral and Supernumerary mammae (polymastia) or papillae (polythelia)
apical. Nowadays, a simpler nomenclature is generally adopted, occur in males and females, usually along a line extending from the
based on the relation of the nodes to pectoralis minor. Those lying axilla to the pubic region, the milk line (5.79).
below pectoralis minor are the low nodes (level 1), those behind
the muscle are the middle group (level 2), while the nodes between
the upper border of pectoralis minor and the lower border of the
clavicle are the upper or apical nodes (level 3). In addition, between
pectoralis minor and major there may be one or two other nodes The male breast remains rudimentary throughout life. It is formed
(Rotter’s nodes). (See also p. 1613.) of small ducts (without lobules or alveoli) and a little supporting
Nerves. The nerve supply of the breast is derived from the anterior fibro-adipose tissue (see Ellis et al 1993). Sometimes the ‘ducts’ are
and lateral branches of the fourth to sixth intercostal nerves which largely solid cellular cords. Slight temporary enlargement may occur
carry sensory and sympathetic efferent fibres. The nipple supply is at puberty. The areola is well developed, although limited in area,
from the anterior branch of the lateral cutaneous ramus of T4; this and the nipple is relatively small (for surface anatomy, see Irstam
forms an extensive nerve plexus within the nipple (see Miller & 1962). It is usually stated that the ducts do not extend beyond the
Kasahara 1959), its sensory fibres terminating close to the epithelium areola, but a recent survey (Cochrane et al 1992) has shown that
as free endings, Meissner corpuscles and Merkel disc endings (see although this is generally true, the limits of the glandular tissue may
p. 967). These are essential in signalling suckling to the central extend well beyond this boundary (35% in a sample of 40 cadavers).
nervous system; however, secretory activities of the gland are largely The male mamma may hypertrophy after puberty (gynaecomastia),
controlled by ovarian and hypophyseal hormones rather than by usually due to imbalance between oestrogenic and androgenic hor-
efferent motor fibres. mones. (See pp. 1883, 1884, 1895 and 1905 for endocrine influences.)
Male breast cancers comprise approximately 1% of all mammary
CLINICAL ASPECTS OF THE FEMALE BREAST malignancies (Crichlow & Galt 1990), and may include tissue beyond
the areolar boundary.
Breast cancer (5.884-c) is a common disease, particularly in post-

Section Editor: Roger W Soames
| am indebted to the late Professor John Pegington, friend and colleague, who, as original editor of this section provided the
framework for combining osteology and arthrology into a single section: any shortcomings are mine and mine alone.
Many parts of the section have been revised and/or rewritten: histology (Professors Boyde and Jones), cervical column and
craniovertebral joints (Mr Crockard and Dr Stevens), growth and development of the vertebral column (Dr Dangerfield). Essays
on dating skeletal remains (Professor Day), imaging bones and joints (Dr Buckland-Wright) and arthroscopy of the knee (Mr
Jackson) are included, in addition to surgically oriented essays on the major appendicular joints: shoulder (Professor Wallace and
Dr Neumann), elbow (Mr Souter), wrist and hand (Mr Goddard and Mr McCullough), hip (Mr Muirhead-Allwood), knee (Mr Aichroth)
and foot and ankle (Mr Helal).

Morphology of the human Lumbosacral joints 531 Phalanges of the hand 658
skeleton 426 Coccyx 531 Metacarpophalangeal joints 658
The skeleton in life 427 Vertebral column as awhole 533 Interphalangeal joints 659
The shape and proportions of Sternum 537 Replacement arthroplasty in the wrist
bones 432 Sternal joints 539 and hand 660
The dating of human fossil remains 434 Ribs 539 Lower limb 662
Functions of bone and skeleton 436 Thorax 545 Innominate 663
Mechanical properties of bone 436 Mechanism of the thorax 546 Skeletal pelvis 669
Growth of individual bones 437 Skull 547 Morphological classification of
Skeletal connective tissues 443 Exterior of the skull 552 pelves 671
Structure of cartilage 443 Interior of the cranium 568 Sacroiliac joint 674
Bone as atissue 452 Individual cranial bones 576 Pubic symphysis 677
Structure of mature bone 454 Appendicular skeleton 613 Pelvic mechanism 678
Histogenesis of bone 471 Upper limb 615 Femur 678
Further development and Scapula 615 Hip joint 684
remodelling 478 Clavicle 619 Total hip replacement 689
General features of bones 480 Sternoclavicular joint 620 Patella 691
Response of bone to injury 482 Acromioclavicular joint 621 Tibia 691
The scope of arthrology 484 Movement of the pectoral girdle 622 Knee joint 697
Arthroses: main varieties 484 Humerus 623 Arthroscopy of the knee 704
Fibrous joints 486. Shoulder joint 627 Total knee replacement
Cartilaginous joints 488 Shoulder joint replacement 632 arthroplasty 708
Synovial joints 494 Radius 635 Fibula 710
Imaging bones and joints in the Ulna 636 Tibiofibular articulations 711
body 500 Elbow joint 640 Ankle and foot 712
Axial skeleton 510 Elbow arthroplasty 643 Tarsus 712
Vertebral column 511 Radioulnar joints 645 Ankle (talocrural) joint 719
General vertebral features 511 Wrist and hand 646 Metatarsus 726
Joints of vertebral bodies 512 Carpus 646 Phalanges of the foot 729
Joints of vertebral arches 514 Radiocarpal (wrist) joint 649 Prosthetic replacement in the ankle and
Cervical vertebrae 516 Metacarpus 654 foot 730
Craniovertebral joints 520 Carpometacarpal joint of the Comparison of bones of hand and
Thoracic vertebrae 522 thumb 656 foot 735
Lumbar vertebrae 526 Second to fifth carpometacarpal
Sacrum 528 joints 657

INTRODUCTION cartilaginous sesamoid bones develop in some tendons and ligaments.

All these elements are collectively termed the ‘skeleton’.
The human skeleton, as in other vertebrates, is internal to the
The human skeleton is bilaterally symmetrical (6.1, 2, 4), with the
muscles with which it has evolved. It is an endoskeleton, unlike the
typical vertebrate pattern of an axis, divided into segments for
exoskeleton of many invertebrates, such as Insecta, whose muscles
flexibility, and of two pairs of limbs, pectoral and pelvic, also divided
into jointed parts for locomotion, grasping, etc. The skull is the are attached to the internal aspects of jointed elements of chitin, a
expanded and modified cranial end of the axis (6.3). Osseo- rigid material also offering protection. Many features of the human



' '
' i
1 |
v v
CRANIUM \) a NA \/
a) oy
iS i a PY CRANIUM \ y
Viscerocranium ———* Sth to 7th cervical vertebrae y .
Viscerocranium me)7
Cx, :
7 cervical vertebrae
Ineo % es
TR Pectoral girdle: wre
otal ERB WS Sternum:
Pectoral girdle:
EEE manubrium Scapula: acromion, a
= SS p
SS ca
5-4 at

j 12 thoracic vertebrae
Besa ) oe vey
ZA < Ge -=Se
aed xiphoid process
Humerus: <
ea A vertebrosternal rib
hondral ri ‘umerus:
te ralrib Greater niet
hone csitih (oevisibbchiondiea!)
1st to Sth lumbar vertebrae e af
Supination: Note: : 12th rib
‘Carrying angle’
Parallel forearm bones
Ss 5 lumbar vertebrae
ibaa Se Elbow joint
gees hand faces anteriorly Humeroulnar
humeroulnar Pronation: Note:
Humeroradial crossed radius and ulna
Pronation: Note: Pelvic girdle: Loss of carrying angle
Straight axis Ilium Supination: Original palmar aspect of
Crossed forearm bones Pubis Bones parallel radius and hand are now
Original dorsal aspect Ischium Carrying angle dorsal
of radius and hand si
now face anteriorly ‘emur: Femur:
Greater trochanter Greater trochanter
Ute Head en acetabulum Head in acetabulum
Radius Neck Neck
Carpus Carpus c Lesser trochanter
Maccanpd=——— H)
Femoral shaft with
Phalanges {/ \\ \ linea aspera

Hy iN
Femoral condyles

Tibial condyles
styloid process
Reselle head


Tibia: shaft
Fibula: shaft

Medial malleolus '

i) Medial malleolus
Lateral malleolus
BN, LQ \ Lateral malleolus
hsp YAN
Phalanges KG == Leadd
Phalanges ——__ Ip SAN aN a
CRS ne Metatarsal
Li? i? Tarsus \ aoe
Col? Ff Meratarsals® &*

6.2 Adult male skeleton: posterior (dorsal) view.

6.1 Adult male skeleton: anterior (ventral) view.


endoskeleton are also deemed to be protective, sometimes to an

extent sufficient to obscure its primary association with muscle and \\
hence with movement. Perhaps only in the vault of the skull and -———. Neurocranium
spinal column is the protective role paramount, but even here there Facial skeleton:
are muscle attachments. Cranially, its superficial situation reflects its Anterior nasal aperture
evolutionary origin, as generally accepted, from the dermal bony Mandible
armour of earlier vertebrates, including fish, amphibians and reptiles,
both extinct and extant. The ossified dermal carapace of the tortoise Cervical curvature
Seven cervical vertebrae
is a familiar example. The maxilla, mandible, clavicle and dentine of
teeth are also dermal derivatives; all are vestiges of more extensive
Sternal angle
assemblies of dermal bones from which they have been modified to
form a human ‘exoskeleton’. Third costal cartilage
Homologues of the branchial skeleton of fish also contribute a Humerus laterally Thoracic curvature
visceral component to the skeleton in higher vertebrates, including rotated and semiflexed at Twelve thoracic vertebrae
man. Much modified, these elements appear as ear ossicles, part of shoulder joint
the mandible, maxilla, styloid process and hyoid bone. Some caudal
branchial arches persist as the cartilaginous larynx, not usually
included in the human skeleton; supportive tracheal and bronchial
cartilages maintain the larger respiratory tubes, much as do the Elbow joint in full
b Lumbar curvature
bones and cartilages of the nasal cavities. In some ungulates bone extension five lumbar vertebrae
develops in cardiac connective tissue as an os cordis, while an os
penis occurs in many mammals. The human skeleton is thus a
complex, derived from original endoskeleton, exoskeletal dermal Forearm and Sacrococcygeal curvature
hand in full supination five fused sacral vertebrae
elements, modified branchial arches and ossification in structures 3-5 variably fused coccygeal
such as tendons. vertebrae


Thumb in abduction Ischium

The living skeleton also includes other, non-osseous structures which
are lost when bones are preserved for study since attached muscles, Proceeding mediolaterally: femoral
ligaments, periosteum and cartilages are all removed. Costal car- head in acetabulum, neck; greater
tilages are, of course, grouped with the skeleton; but articular
cartilages, functionally prominent parts of most living bones, are by Femoral shaft
custom excluded, as are ligaments, the menisci and intervertebral
discs. A macerated skeleton, therefore, is completely disjointed into
elements which, while convenient for examination, have lost most of
their functional implications. The bone marrow also disappears, and
mechanical properties such as elasticity, proper to living bone, are Patella
Lateral condyles offemur and tibia
lost (Smith & Walmsley 1959).
The properties of living bone have been much studied (Bell 1956)
at macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural levels, especially in
relation to mechanical factors. Its intimate blend of hard inorganic
and resilient organic components, almost equally resistant to com-
pression and tension, differs from most materials used by man, which
are usually better in one respect than the other. The tensile strength Fibula
of bone resembles cast iron, but with only a third of its weight,
breaking stresses being 2450 and 3000 kg per cm? respectively: about
15.5 and 18 metric tons per square inch (Bell et al 1941, Tables 6.1,
2 on p. 436-437). In flexibility bone resembles steel more than iron,
but only has half the strength of steel. In compression it has large
margins of safety for weight-bearing (Koch 1917) and for impact. Meratarsals
Muscle contraction provides the largest proportion of pressure, even
at weight-bearing joints, especially in active movement (Bell et al
1941; Williams & Svensson 1968). At the hip joint only a small part
of the pressure is due to body weight (see below).
A tubular structure, typical of the shaft in many bones, is the
strongest, lightest and hence most economical arrangement of 6.3 Adult male skeleton: lateral view.
material. This adaptation of form to habitual stresses is also seen in
the predominant longitudinal orientation of osteons in long bones.
The thickness of compact cortical bone tends to be greatest at the bearing is slight, pressure may still be large during movement, due
midshaft, where torsional and bending stresses are most severe and to muscle action.
internal trabeculae are largely absent. In articular regions bones The trabeculae of cancellous bone, though individually small,
mainly withstand compression forces, often surprisingly large. In collectively provide powerful support to the thin surrounding shell
symmetrical standing, for example, each hip joint takes half the of compact bone, a form of construction widespread in vertebrate
superincumbent body weight, with muscular activity increasing this skeletons, being modified only where bending, twisting and tensile
by a factor of about six: in walking or running, full body weight forces demand a larger mass of compact bone. Many examples of both
(except that of the weight-bearing leg) impinges alternately on each arrangements will be noted in individual bones; most larger bones
hip joint, giving, in adult males, a total load of 270 kg (600 1b): this show both forms, with intermediate arrays adapting to local mech-
may double in powerful exertions. In articular regions bone structure anical needs. Mechanical forces influence growth and form in bones;
differs from that in the shaft, being entirely trabecular, with a thin and during protracted evolutionary time a most apt solution to mech-
outer shell of compact bone—an arrangement also found in smaller anical demands has been reached, in accordance with nutrition, muscle
bones, for example carpal and tarsal, and vertebral bodies, all of power, and the best compromise between size and weight (p. 437).
which are mostly stressed by compression. In joints where weight- Sections of trabecular bone (6.5, 9, 22, 23) show criss-crossing 427
[C] |

6.4 Compounded series of radiographs of the whole body of a young adult

female. Note the general contours of the body (see also 6.7) and the
relationship of various parts of the skeleton to the disposition of the overlying
soft tissues. Note also the relatively gracile proportions of the bones, the
overall form of the pelvic skeleton, the obliquity of the femoral shafts and
the proportionate lengths of the limbs and their various segments. (Prepared
and provided by Messrs Ilford.) Insets are high resolution projection radio-
graphs of, from above downwards: A. Part of parietal bone (c.x2); B. Lateral
view of lumbar vertebral body (c.x2); c. Contiguous femorotibial hypo-
chondral articular surfaces adjoining the lateral tubercle of the intercondylar
eminence (c.x6). Note contrasting details of osseous architecture.
(Projection radiographs supplied by C Buckland-Wright, Division of Anatomy,
428 United Medical and Dental Schools, London.)
6.5 Some macroscopic features of bone structure. 1. The anterior aspect cranial surface. 5. A coronal section through the head, neck, greater tro-
of the proximal end of an immature humerus. Note the contrasting surface chanter and proximal shaft of an adult femur, clearly showing the variation
characteristics of the smooth articular surface, covered in life by articular in thickness of the shell of compact cortical bone, and the organization of
cartilage, the smooth periosteal surface of the metaphysis separating the the bony trabeculae. 6. The posterior aspect of part of the shaft ofa tibia.
compound epiphysis from the metaphysis—the vascular osseous fusion has Note the relatively smooth areas which bear ‘fleshy’ attachments of muscles,
not yet occurred. 2. The external aspect of part of the sagittal (horizontal) the ridge where dense lamellae of collagen are attached and an oblique
and coronal (vertical) cranial sutures. Note the variation in the form and vascular foramen which transmits the main nutrient vascular bundle to the
degree of interlocking of the bones. 3. The anterior aspect of the proximal shaft. 7. A sectioned bone of the cranial vault showing the internal and
end of a mature humerus; complete osseous fusion has occurred (see 1). external tables of compact bone separated by the trabecular diploé, the
Note the variations in surface texture and the distribution and size of the diploic spaces of which, in life, are filled with haemopoietic red bone marrow.
vascular foramina. 4. The endocranial aspect of the sagittal margin of a The sectioned femur (5) has been reproduced using a specialized photo-
parietal bone. Note the highly complex nature of the sutural surface, the graphic technique which produced a ‘bas-relief’ effect. (Photographs by
presence of vascular grooves and multiple vascular foramina on the endo- Kevin Fitzpatrick, United Medical and Dental Schools, London.) 429

6.6 Surface details of a normal adult femur photographed at the sites graphs are at a magnification of x5, except for that showing the diaphyseal
indicated, by macrophotography and scanning electron microscopy, The nutrient foramen which is x4. All the scanning electron micrographs are x80,
430 macrophotographs which are immediately adjacent to the whole bone photo- with the exception of that showing the diaphyseal nutrient foramen, which

is x15. (Prepared and provided by Kevin Fitzpatrick, Derrick Lovell and

Michael Crowder, Division of Anatomy, United Medical and Dental Schools,

patterns which resemble girderwork. Attempts to equate these pat- bones are typical of limbs, with length reflecting both speed and
terns in particular bones, such as the femur and calcaneus, with lines power in movement. Their tubular shafts (diaphyses), with a central
of force in habitual stresses were made early (Ward 1838). Such medullary cavity, diverge (metaphyses) towards their expanded
architectural explanations of structure have been criticized (e.g. articular ends (epiphyses), which have separate, often multiple,
Murray 1936), but studies of individual bones, and the entire skeleton centres of ossification. The metacarpals, metatarsals and phalanges
(Hall 1966), show an intimate correlation between stress and structure are smaller examples of long bones, having a proportionately greater
in trabecular and cortical bone. Wherever stresses are locally applied, shaft diameter and only a single epiphysis. So-called short bones
as in tendon and ligament attachments, sections show that external occur in the carpus and tarsus, for example cuboid, cuneiform,
features, for example ridges or facets, are not the only local changes. trapezoid, scaphoid. Since they are generally subject to compression
Compact cortical bone may also increase, together with subjacent more than other stresses, they typically have a thin cortex of compact
condensations of trabeculae. It is certain that stress patterns and bone, supported by an interior which is wholly trabecular. Flat bones
trabecular arrangements are related, although the precise relationship include the curved bones of the cranial vault, which have trabecular
may be unclear (p. 437). Surface features of bones are clear to the bone (diploé), variable in thickness, enclosed between laminae (tables)
naked eye (6.5); but much more detail and variation is revealed by of compact bone (6.5). The scapulae, despite their irregular form,
a hand lens, macrophotography, incident light microscopy and are also described as flat. Irregular bones include any element
scanning electron microscopy (6.6). not easily assigned to the foregoing groups. This time-honoured
classification, however, has no great merit. Bones must be studied
individually, and considered in relation to the functional demands
BONES In both shape and structure bones are affected by genetic, meta-
bolic and mechanical factors, with each bone resulting from a long
Since bones vary in shape their gross appearance has led to a functional history through countless successive generations. Genetic
traditional grouping into long, short, flat and irregular bones. Long determination of primary shape has been demonstrated by organ

6.7 Comparison profiles of males and females, illustrating the common male above the waist and the female below it, differences in limb proportions,
432 differences in proportions. For details see text. Note the heavier build of the carrying angle of forearm, muscularity and apparent neck length.

culture and transplantation of embryonic skeletal tissues (Murray & dental observations are available. (For details see Teeth and indi-
Huxley 1924; Fell & Canti 1934; Willis 1936); all major characteristics vidual bones.)
appear to be self-determined. Mechanical influences such as mould- Above 25 years skeletal age can be estimated to within five years
ing by muscular activity, often regarded as of first importance, do by the appearance of the cranial sutures and of the bony surfaces of
not operate when the primary form is being established. As muscles the symphysis pubis. From midtwenties onwards, sutures exhibit
become active during prenatal life they may influence bone growth, progressive closure (p. 607, Todd & Lyon 1924, 1925a, b, c), which
but to what extent is difficult to say; after birth and up to adolescence, begins internally, so that without internal inspection observations
before all the epiphyses are fused, increased activity augments growth may be misleading (Singer 1953; Genovese & Messmacher 1959);
in both length and girth. The reduced limb bone growth seen in complications due to racial variation have been recorded (Abbie
paralyses, for example poliomyelitis, implies that muscle activity is 1950). Progressive changes occur in the articular surfaces at the
necessary for proper skeletal development. Experimental studies pubic symphysis. Features typical of ages from late teens to fifties
involving removal of muscles point in the same direction (Appleton and beyond are well-established (Todd 1920a, b, 21a, b; McKern &
1934; Washburn 1947; Wolffson 1950). Increases in strength and Stewart 1957), and this is generally considered the best method for
stature show some temporal correlation in adolescents (Jones 1949). estimation of skeletal age in maturity. Sequences of age changes
Metabolic influences affect bone growth at all stages of develop- have also been described in other bones (scapula, sternum and costal
ment. The availability of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and cartilages), but provide less accurate estimates. Lipping of the rims of
D, and secretions of the hypophysis, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal vertebral bodies and at other articular surface margins, exaggerated
glands and gonads, are all essential to osteogenesis (see below) and secondary markings and ossification into tendons and ligaments all
hence to skeletal form and dimensions. Disturbances in any of these suggest advancing age, but only vaguely indicate actual age.
factors result in recognized pathologies; however, it is often difficult
to distinguish pathological from normal variation. Body height is an Estimation of sex
example: between the extremes of dwarfism and gigantism (both Estimation of sex in complete postpubertal human skeletons is
resulting from hormonal dysfunction), much variation in height usually easy, even without measurement. Sexual differences are
occurs. Variations in stature and other dimensions linked with age, marked in the pelvis (p.673) and skull (p. 609), but not equally so
sex and race are in part genetically determined; but racial variations in all populations. Thus ‘sexing’ of skeletons from one racial group
in nutrition also have profound effects (Greulich 1951; Acheson is almost free from error, whereas assessment of an individual of
1960; Tanner 1962). unknown extraction is less certain. Postcranial bones other than the
Body proportions and absolute dimensions vary widely in respect pelvis, especially larger limb bones, may provide clear evidence of
of age and sex (6.7) within and between racial groups. While partly sex, if others of like race and both sexes are available for comparison.
due to variability in muscularity and adiposity, such variations are Female bones are usually smaller and more slender than male
chiefly skeletal; their study is anthropometry (Martin 1928: Hrdlitka equivalents, i.e. smaller shaft diameter relative to length. This is
1939). The data of anthropometry may be non-metrical, such as the reflected in their comparative weights: in a study of Hindu femora,
presence or absence of a feature (e.g. sagittal crest in Eskimo skulls, mean weights were 385g in males, 279 g in females (Singh & Singh
preauricular sulcus in female innominate bones), or persistence of 1974).
an entity (e.g. interfrontal suture), or degree of development (e.g. Anatomists, anthropologists, and forensic scientists have long
frontal ridges, projection of chin). However, most anthropometric judged the sex of skeletal material by non-metrical observations.
data are measurements, by internationally agreed techniques, in More recently, sexual divergence has been based upon measurements
living subjects or skeletal material. These may involve the whole in many different bones (Montagu 1960; Krogman 1962). Dis-
body (e.g. stature), sections such as the limbs, or individual bones. criminant analysis, for example, in which the capital dimensions of
Proportions are expressed by indices, for example breadth of the 70 humeri were analysed (Rother et al 1977), showed that sex was
skull as a percentage of its length (the cranial index), which may not easy to establish; however, approximate age could be assessed.
show ethnic variation. Mongoloid people, for example, have larger Such studies emphasize the need for standards of sexual dimorphism
cranial indices than other races; they therefore have a relatively in different populations. The pelvis remains, however, the most
‘broader’ head, which is also absolutely wider. A Mongolian child, reliable region for assessing sex even before puberty, as well as in
of course, might have a cranial width less than that of a Negro infancy (Reynolds 1947) and fetal life (Boucher 1957).
adult, and yet be proportionately broader. Ratios between length of Sexual dimorphism of thoracolumbar vertebrae in Australian
limbs and ‘sitting height’, or between arm and leg, upper arm and subjects (aged 5 to 19 years) has been observed by Taylor and
forearm, thigh and foreleg, are all used and show differences related Twomey (1984), with female vertebral bodies being more slender
to age, sex and race. Details of some indices, where appropriate, are from the eighth year onwards: there being greater growth in trans-
included in accounts of particular bones. verse diameter in males.
Observations and measurements suggesting age, sex, size and race
of an individual skeleton, or parts of it, are not only useful in Estimation of size
anthropology and archaeology (Brothwell 1968; Warwick 1968) but Estimation of size, particularly height, from measurements of limb
sometimes essential to identification in forensic practice (Glaister & bones has long been formulated (Rollet 1899), and with increasing
Brash 1937; Boyd & Trevor 1953; Stewart 1954; Harrison 1957). accuracy as formulae have become more refined (Trotter & Gleser
1958). All such calculations depend on the fact, familiar to artists
Estimation of skeletal age (cf. Leonardo da Vinci), that major parts, trunk and limbs, exhibit
Estimation of skeletal age involves many criteria, varying in value consistent ratios among themselves and relative to total height; these
at different ages. Up to 25 years (including fetal life) dentition and ratios are linked to age, sex and race. The relatively large head, long
ossification provide numerous data for assessment of age, with trunk, short arms and shorter legs present a familiar picture in
accuracy dependent on precision of observations, available statistics infants which becomes grotesque in older children, and monstrous
for sex and racial affinities of individuals under examination, together in adults. As infants grow, they change their proportions gradually
with their nutritional and endocrine history. The latter data are towards adult shape, diverging towards one sex at puberty. The
rarely forthcoming; available tables of ossification usually apply to limbs become relatively longer, the shoulders broader and the pelvis
healthy caucasian children and adolescents in Europe or America. narrower in adult males, as well as other differences (6.7). Between
A few studies of other racial groups exist (Todd 1931; Modi 1957): major races, and even smaller ethnic groups, characteristic variations
racial variations in the events of ossification would necessarily be in proportions appear. Negroes have comparatively long legs and
genetic, but there is no clear evidence for this (Krogman 1962). arms: moreover, the calf and forearm are long relative to the thigh
Variations in ossification are affected by the wide divergence in and arm. Consequently, formulae designed to estimate height from
nutrition between and within racial groups so far studied, in all of long bones in one population may not apply to another. Alternative
which data females show earlier ossification and epiphyseal fusion formulae for the sexes must also be used, and immature bones must
than males, a difference which is presumably genetic. Nevertheless, be recognized and suitable corrections made.
up to age 25, the age of a complete skeleton can usually be assessed Femoral length alone has commonly been used for estimating
to within a year, or more accurately in earlier years, especially if stature by using a simple multiplier derived from comparison with 433

known height in many individuals. Similarly, the humerus, radius, (Giles & Elliot 1960). In the three major racial groups, caucasian,
ulna, tibia and fibula have also been used; more complex formulae, mongoloid and negroid, perhaps 85-90% of skulls can be classified
using several long bone lengths, give more accurate estimates. What- without elaborate measurement: with further racial division the error
ever the methods used, the estimates are merely mean values with increases markedly. Worldwide mingling of races renders ‘pure’ races
appropriate standard deviations; hence estimated stature of unidenti- difficult to indicate. In the United States of America, large collections
fied remains, however careful, may be in error by several centimetres. of skeletons, both caucasian and negroid, well attested as to origin,
Since estimates of stature (and other assessments) must sometimes have stimulated comparative studies. Critical surveys (Krogman
be made from fragments of bones, attempts have been made to 1962) suggest that only the skull (but not the mandible) and pelvis
establish reliable formulae (Steele 1970). (Todd & Lindala 1928) have any value in estimating race. (For
details of cranial features of racial significance see p. 609.) However,
Estimation of race metrical peculiarities in Japanese limb bones have been claimed by
Estimation of race from skeletal data has always been a central Takahashi (1975, 1976). The racial significance of postcranial non-
theme in anthropology, with the skull attracting most attention. An metrical characteristics has been rigorously re-examined by Finnegan
array of non-metrical features (Jones 1931) and of cranial, facial and (1978), who provides a summary of many findings. The value of
mandibular indices are widely used (Martin & Saller 1961; Berry & non-metrical features in evaluating populations from skeletal data
Berry 1967; Berry 1975), with statistical analysis of metrical data has been reviewed by Finnegan and Faust (1974).

Radiocarbon dating (Libby 1952)

The dating of human fossil remains The organic and inorganic portions of
bones and teeth contain carbon, part of
the total carbon reservoir of the earth
INTRODUCTION wide that is known and dated (6.8): the (biosphere, atmosphere and the seas). This
new deposit should fit in this sequence. reservoir consists of two stable isotopes,
The recovery of skeletal remains from These data may be sufficient to determine
ancient deposits is of considerable import- C” and C, and the radioactive isotope
the stratigraphic age or the archaeological C'*, which undergoes decay at a constant
ance to human palaeontologists, since this age of the deposit, for example Upper
evidence forms part of the data upon rate of about 1% per 80 years. The radio-
Pleistocene or Neolithic. active isotope is formed in the upper
which the study of human evolution is
Laboratory tests on the human or atmosphere by the bombardment of nuclei
based. It is equally important to determine hominid bones themselves are important,
the date of death of the individual, so that to form free secondary neutrons that
since buried bone undergoes chemical collide with N'* to form C'*. This C'* has
the remains can be placed in a chrono- changes that relate to decomposition and
logical sequence that will assist in the a half-life of 5730+ 30 years (Mann et al
to interaction with the deposit via the 1961); T}=5568 is used to calculate C’*
interpretation of human phylogeny. In ground waters. Since deposits vary widely
addition, it is necessary to know that the dates. The C'* atoms do not differ chemic-
in their mineral content, such tests are ally from the others, and are also taken up
remains are contemporary with the deposit principally of value in determining con-
in which they have been found: the intrus- from the atmosphere, oxidized to carbon
temporaneity with the bones of other monoxide and then to carbon dioxide. A
ive burial of recent remains into ancient animals which may be extinct. The nitro-
deposits can cause confusion, as can the continuous supply of radioactive carbon
gen content of buried bone, which comes enters the oceans and the biosphere and
redeposition of ancient remains into from the organic fraction, diminishes with
younger deposits. The establishment of forms an equilibrium. This equilibrium is
time as decomposition proceeds. Con- upset on the death of the organism, since
contemporaneity can also permit the versely, the fluorine content of buried bone
association of human remains with faunal no new radioactive carbon enters the
tends to increase, and may reach an equi- system, and radioactive decay begins. The
and floral remains in the same deposit, librium with the deposit through the
and thus give information concerning the measurement of the C'4 activity of organic
ground waters (Oakley 1969). A new material any time after death allows the
palaeoenvironment that may correlate method, Energy Dispersive X-ray Micro-
with other sites. The date in years is known calculation of when the organism stopped
analysis (EDXA) can determine both exchanging radioactive carbon with the
as the absolute or chronometric date, qualitatively and quantitatively the spec-
while the relative date provides evidence environment, and hence the time of the
trum of elements present in a fossil bone, death. If the quantity of radioactive
of contemporaneity or correlation with and may serve to separate fossils in a
similar sites (Oakley 1964). carbon remaining is too small, detection
mixed sample (Scott & Love 1983; Bart- will be impossible: in practice, this limits
siokas & Day 1993). conventional radiocarbon dating to
RELATIVE DATING c.40 000 years before the present (BP). The
The first consideration must be to deter-
ABSOLUTE OR use since 1977 of accelerator or cyclotron
mine the local stratigraphy and compare
CHRONOMETRIC DATING radiocarbon dating has approximately
the fossiliferous stratum with those above The determination of the time in years doubled the range of the method (Protsch
and below; this ensures that no dis- that has elapsed since the death of the 1986).
turbances or inversions have taken place individual is as important as an assessment
that might invalidate the normal sequence of the anatomy of the bones, since both are Potassium-argon dating (Gentner &
of older deposits lying below younger ones needed in order to establish the taxonomic Lippolt 1969)
(Law of Superposition). If the sequence is status and phylogenetic position of the Naturally occurring potassic minerals
normal, then account can be taken of the fossil. Methods of chronometric dating contain a small proportion of an isotope
floral, faunal and cultural associations of can be direct, taken on the bones or teeth of potassium that has been decaying to
the deposit; its position in other sequences themselves, or indirect, taken on the Argon® since the mineral was formed.
can then be established. The existence of deposit, or on associated remains and arte- Since the rate of decay is known, measure-
residual magnetism in rocks can help, since facts. The methods available vary widely ment of the quantity of argon present in
changes in the polarity of the earth in the range of years over which they are the specimen permits the calculation of
through time have established a sequence effective, and the ranges of error to which when the process began. This method is
of ‘normal’ and ‘reversed’ polarities world- they are subject. particularly useful since potassic minerals


A = Australopithecus oO
H = Homo z


& 2.0


|04.5 5180
<= africanus
= a
. 2
ts BB

Ta o05 nie
ap ak
Aese i
4.47 Sidufjall


6.8 The Pliocene and Pleistocene geological periods expanded to show the geomagnetic polarity record and its correlation with the time
ranges of the principal hominid, hominine and sapient human species. Dates in millions of years (BP). (Redrawn with permission after

occur widely in volcanic sediments that uranium atoms decay, they release par- ing and unrelated possibilities of error.
often preserve fossil bone. The method is ticles that blast tracks through the glass.
These tracks may be etched and counted.
Electron spin resonance (lkeya 1975,
indirect, and relies on other evidence of
contemporaneity. It is less effective for The sample is then put into an atomic 1986)
recent material, and most effective for pile and all the remaining uranium atoms The principle of electron spin resonance
samples more than 400000 years old. decay, making fission tracks that are also dating (ESR) uses electron spins created
counted. The difference between the nat- by natural radiation resulting from the
Fission track dating (Fleischer et al urally occurring and the induced fission decay of uranium, thorium and potassium,
1975) track count will give the time elapsed since in the specimen (usually tooth enamel) or
Naturally occurring volcanic glasses, such the formation of the glass. This method in an associated deposit. Radiation ionizes
as obsidian, often contain radioactive often complements potassium—argon atoms or molecules: thus, when an ionized
uranium contaminants. When individual dating, since the two methods have differ- electron is trapped by another atom, an

electron-deficient and electron-excess atom portional to the electrons displaced since is used by animals and plants during
are formed with detectable magnetic the original heating, and to the natural biosynthesis of proteins as a consequence
properties. The specimen is then irradiated radiation experienced. of the selectivity of the enzymes used in
in an atomic pile and once again a differ- the synthesis. The conversion of one form
ential calculation will give the elapsed Amino acid racemization dating into the other is termed racemization. In
time, since the rate of natural decay is (Bada 1985) living forms, all amino acids are in the L-
known. This technique is applicable to bones, form, but after death, spontaneous race-
teeth, shell and calcareous sediments. All mization takes place at a rate that is
Thermoluminescence (Aitken 1985) protein-bound amino acids have a three- temperature-dependent. The extent of
The principle and techniques of thermo- dimensional arrangement that is, in racemization can be estimated, and the
luminescence (TL) dating are much the nature, conventionally termed the L- D/L ratio is used to calculate the elapsed
same as those of ESR. The emission of enantiomer (/aevo- or left). Synthetic time since death, provided that the average
light from experimentally heated minerals, amino acids contain equal amounts of L- temperature is known and has been con-
such as archaically burnt flint, is pro- and D-(dextro-)enantiomers. The L-form stant.

of struts and trusses seen in trabecular bone and skeletal forms such
FUNCTIONS OF BONE AND SKELETON as tubes, H-girders, and ridges in cortical bone, predate human
invention by millennia. As human technology began to overtake
Bone tissue, and the struts and levers which it forms, is exquisitely natural biomechanics comparisons were inevitable. Galileo (1638)
adapted to resist all forms of stress with suitable resilience. The recognized the significance of trabeculation and also asserted that
skeleton is said to ‘give shape and support’ to the body; but shape hollow cylinders are, weight for weight, stronger than solid rods.
is itself an expression of motor activity, which simply returns to the Havers described his ‘systems’ and their axial orientation (circa 1691);
role of bone in movement. In some lower vertebrates a cartilaginous Ward (1838) likened trabecular patterns, with their compressive and
skeleton, variably calcified, provides levers for locomotion; whether tensile elements, to supporting brackets and similar structures. Meyer
cartilage was ancestral to bone in this function is uncertain (Romer (1867) and his mathematical collaborator, Culman, were the first to
1942, 1970; Bassett 1962; Krompecher 1967). However, a bony enunciate clearly the trajectorial theory which, despite much argu-
skeleton does not merely confer a motor advantage; because bone is ment, still survives. Basically it states that trabecular patterns coincide
intensely vascularized compared to cartilage (p. 469) the calcium salts with lines of stress transmission; as yet this has neither been con-
with which it is hardened can be as easily removed as deposited vincingly demonstrated nor disproved, although Venieratos et al
(p. 472). Consequently some of the osseous calcium can be mobilized (1987) report good convergence between the direction of trabeculae
into general circulation with little delay. The effects of depressed and stress (both compressive and tensile), with mean differences of
calcium levels in rickets and osteomalacia indicate that calcium in the order of + 7°. Trabeculae must also support the thin surrounding
bone and in the body at large are constantly balanced and inter- shells of cortical bone; however, the relationship between stress and
changed (McLean & Urist 1969). The skeleton provides the major strain and trabecular pattern is often more complex than the sim-
store (97%) of calcium available for general metabolism. plified mathematical analyses applied to sections or models of bones
Some skeletal elements protect against extraneous forces; but the (Kummer 1972).
exoskeleton, so clearly protective in earlier vertebrates, is much In contrast to this theoretical approach to determining bone
reduced and modified in the human body. Even in the skull this strength, direct measurement uses engineering methods to assess the
function is more than just a barrier to external assault. Powerful response of bone samples or entire skeletal elements. Wertheim
muscles, both masticatory and postural, have attachments to the (1847), anticipating Meyer, applied physical tests to bone tissue;
cranial walls, requiring isolation of the brain and its circulation from subsequent workers have improved and expanded such techniques.
these intrinsic sources of disturbance. Again, ribs are commonly Interest in the mechanics of locomotion stimulated the study of bone
dubbed protective: they certainly reduce the risks of impact, but resulting in the recording of a variety of values for various physical
such dangers are occasional, whereas respiratory movements depend parameters of bone. Obviously bone from various species differs; sex
upon the ribs. and age are also important factors. The form of specimen tested also
All bones show, to some extent, internal trabeculae; patterns not varies; whole bones or blocks of cortical or trabecular bone, or
only resistant to mechanical stresses but also for siting of bone mixtures: all behave differently. The source of the specimens must
marrow. The numerous small spaces between trabeculae, with larger also be defined if results are to be comparable. Bone from preserved
cavities in the shafts of longer limb bones, are occupied by marrow, cadavers gives misleading values, especially regarding plastic defor-
whether haemopoietic or adipose (p. 1409). In some cranial bones, mation (Reilly & Burstein 1974), but also in elasticity, hardness
air-filled cavities develop; these bones are termed pneumatic. Pneu- and compressive and tensile properties (Evans 1973). Dead bone,
matization may consist of large hollows, such as the maxillary sinus, however, if kept wet, does not differ from living bone tested in vivo,
or multiple, small, communicating air cells, as in the temporal whereas dried bone is harder but less deformable. Sampling from a
mastoid process. In human skulls, the saving in weight can scarcely bone also presents problems, because the varying distribution of
be as significant as it is in the pneumatized cranial vault of elephants;
however, the trabecular architecture of most bones is conducive to
lightness without loss of strength, with economy in use of materials. Table 6.1 The approximate tensile strengths of bone and
Some sinuses, particularly smaller air cells, appear to develop from a few other materials (From Gordon 1968)
trabecular tissue (diploé) in certain cranial bones, thus expressing
the above principle. Larger sinuses, perhaps due merely to unusual
growth patterns, may affect the timbre of the voice.


The resemblance of bones to man-made levers, supporting columns,
arches, struts and girders has resulted in the concepts of mechanical
engineering being applied to them. Not only are bones similar to
such structures in external shape and internal architecture, but also
436 in their uses. The apparently fragile but collectively strong lattices

Table 6.2 Young’s modulus of wet bone with the direction of load parallel to the long axis of the bone (From Reilly and
Burstein 1974)

RR |
Dempster & Liddicoat (1952) Tension, low strain rate 14.1 Dry, rewetted femur, tibia, humerus,
mixed data, extensometer used
Burstein et al. (1972) Tension, strain rate: 0.1 sec 14.1 Femur; extensometer used for strain
Burstein et al. (1972) Tension, strain rate: 0.1 sec ~ 24.5 + 5.10 Femur; extensometer used
Simkin & Robin (1973) Tension, low strain rate 23.8 + 2.21 Tibia; unreported histology;
extensometer used
Other materials
Methylmethacrylate: Plexiglass 8.6
Wood: Douglas Fir 13.4 (68% moisture)
Steel 210.0
MN =10°N 1N=1kgx 1 m/s? = 10°dyn.

osteons or trabeculae may make comparisons difficult. Testing speci- cement-lines, interlamellar interfaces, osteocytic lacunae, and vas-
mens or intact bones, especially to destruction, involves attachment cular canals. However, he considered the split-line technique to be
of tension devices, often resulting in collapse at these points, unreliable in the analysis of structure and force transmission.
especially in testing axial tension. Experimental data, therefore, Strain gauges have been used to record stresses in whole bones,
present a complex picture; for example, it is almost impossible to either during in vivo experiments or as dead, isolated elements or
state useful mean values for the physical properties of bone, because bone samples. Gauges cannot be attached to bone in large numbers,
resistance to stress and elasticity vary in different regions of the same so the data obtained are limited; but interesting in vivo results have
bone. In view of the structural complexity in any skeletal element, been obtained by Lanyon (1973) on ovine vertebrae, tibiae, and
including variations in thickness, density, cortical modelling and calcanei during locomotion. Although Lanyon himself criticized the
internal trabeculation (6.9), a definition of the mechanical behaviour method, the data confirmed the elasticity of bone and showed that
in any individual bone is considered by many to be improbable. its elastic modulus varied with speed of movement.
Variations in the proximal end of the human femur are shown in Interference holography has been applied to the study of surface
6.9 (Whitehouse & Dyson 1974); similar regional variability exists in strains in human mandibles (Gupta & Knoell 1973); but the technique
its distal end and the proximal part of the tibia (Behrens et al 1974). In is difficult, especially in experiments on the living.
the tibia strength does not appear to be directly related to tra- Mathematical analysis has been developed in this field; however,
becular pattern or total density, indicating a multifactorial relation. since basic data are limited or are based on the oversimplification
Various engineering techniques have been used to assess the inherent in the use of models, their value is restricted (consult Koch
isolated physical properties of bone samples and whole bones, and 1917; Kummer 1966; Rybicki et al 1972).
to assess strain distribution in them under various stresses. The Consequently, a combination of techniques probably offers most
results of many such tests have been summarized by Ascenzi and help in solving and understanding the mechanical properties of
Bell (1972), Kummer (1972) and Evans (1973). Although these values bone. A study by Buckland-Wright (1978) of the patterns of strain
vary, there is greater disagreement regarding the transmission of transmission in the feline skull due to biting combined radiology
forces within bone or plastic models, because of the false assumption and projection microradiography with the use of strain gauges,
that bone is isotropic and homogeneous. Bone is a viscoelastic, colophonium resin experiments and histology, the limitations of each
biphasic substance analogous to fibreglass, with the tropocollagen technique being complemented by the others. Projection micro-
corresponding to ‘fibres’, and the crystalline hydroxyapatite to the radiographs were assessed by a stereoscopic technique, permitting
‘glass’. A plastic model will therefore indicate only the surface three-dimensional correlation between bone structure and the im-
behaviour of stresses in the bone it is supposedly imitating. In both pressed stresses. These observations have led to the development of
bone and model, stress patterns can be studied by inspection of a modified version of the trajectorial theory.
cracks produced in a colophonium resin (6.10) covering (Kuntscher Alexander (1984) has compared the optimum strengths of bone in
1934) or special lacquers (Gurdjian & Lissner 1945); these superficial terms of their habitual stresses and actual properties and has
cracks may, however, give no more than a crude picture of strains developed mathematical expressions for the balance between strength
in bone. A photoelastic technique using polarized light (Hallermann and weight of bones. He concludes that mammalian limb bones are
1934), later exploited by Pauwels (1965) and Kummer (1966), reveals often stronger than they need to be, but admits that the equation
stress patterns for bones and plastic models. However, Brekelmans between stress and structure is difficult to predict with accuracy.
et al (1972) emphasized its limitations in models as well as its Bacon and Griffiths (1985), using neutron diffraction patterns, have
oversimplified, two-dimensional mathematical analyses. investigated texture, stress and ageing in human femora bone
Benninghoff (1925), using the split-line phenomenon (6.10) in decal- samples, and found a vertical orientation of hydroxyapatite crystals
cified bones, claimed that a surface pattern of split-lines or cracks, able to resist vertical stresses: the alignment was low at birth and
induced by puncturing with a round awl, followed the distribution maximal by about 13 years, decreasing steadily thereafter.
of osteons orientated about compression or tension axes. Accepting
the trajectorial theory, he considered the cracks were directly related
to the behaviour of cortical osteons. Tappen (1954) later made GROWTH OF INDIVIDUAL BONES
similar claims, but admitted that the patterns may follow ‘immature’
osteons. Isotupa (1972) considered that the cracks represent points As in other mammals human bones are mostly preformed in hyaline
of weakness due to vascular spaces. Subsequently Buckland-Wright cartilage; some condense in mesenchyme. Thus, a soft tissue model
(1977) has attributed them to weaker zones of bone (which may also appears first and is gradually changed into bone by onset of osteo-
be instrumental in fracture initiation and propagation), and included genesis, often at a centre from which it spreads, until the whole 437
6.9 Scanning electron micrographs of trabelular bone at different sites in the thickness, orientation and spacing of the trabeculae. (Original photo-
the proximal part of the same human femur. All fields are x20. A is an area graphs from Whitehouse & Dyson 1974, with permission from the authors,
in the subcapital part of the neck, B and c are in the greater trochanter, and the Journal of Anatomy and Cambridge University Press.)
D in the rim of the articular surface of the head. Note the wide variation in

skeletal element is transformed. Such ossification centres appear over from a single centre. Even in this limited group centres appear
a long period, many in embryonic life (6.11), some in prenatal life between the eighth intrauterine week and the tenth year, a wide
and others well into the postnatal growing period. The process is sequence for studying growth or estimating age. However, most
complex, and must be studied at different levels of organization. The bones ossify from several centres, one of which appears in late
basic phenomena of histogenesis, growth and transformation of embryonic or early fetal life (seventh week to fourth month) in the
skeletal tissues, including primitive mesenchyme and its differ- centre of the future bone (6.11): from here ossification progresses
entiation into other forms of connective tissue, cartilage and bone towards the ends, which are cartilaginous at birth (6.12, 13), although
at the microscopic, ultrastructural and molecular levels, are con- characteristic in shape and articular congruence. These terminal
sidered later (p. 473). regions ossify from separate centres, sometimes multiple, appearing
Initially microscopic, the ossification centres soon become macro- between birth and the late teens; they are thus secondary to the
scopic and their growth can then be followed by inspection, dissection earlier primary centre from which much of the bone ossifies. This is
or by using radiological and other scanning techniques. It is the the pattern in long bones, as well as in some shorter elements such
latter scale of events which will be considered here. as the metacarpals and metatarsals, and in the ribs and clavicles.
Many bones, including carpal, tarsal, lacrimal, nasal, and zygo- At birth a bone such as the tibia is typically ossified throughout
438 matic bones, inferior nasal conchae and auditory ossicles, ossify its shaft, diaphysis, by a primary centre appearing in the seventh


6.11 Alizarin stained and cleared human fetus of about 14 weeks in utero.
Note the degree of progression of ossification from primary centres, which
is endochondral in the appendicular and axial skeletons, except for the
clavicles, and the intramembranous centres for the majority of the cranial
bones which are visible. The carpus and tarsus are wholly cartilaginous,
except for the primary centre of the calcaneus, as are the epiphyses of all
the long bones. The central and neural arches of the vertebrae are separate.
The sternum is still unossified. The membranous anterolateral and post-
erolateral fontanelles are particularly obvious. (Photographed by Kevin
Fitzpatrick, Division of Anatomy, United Medical and Dental Schools,
London, from a specimen prepared by Roslyn Holthouse, formerly of the
same department.)

intrauterine week, whereas its cartilaginous epiphyses ossify from

secondary centres. As the epiphyses enlarge almost all the cartilage
is replaced by bone, except for a specialized layer of hyaline cartilage
that persists at the joint surface (p.475) and a thicker zone between
the diaphysis and epiphysis. Persistence of this epiphyseal plate or
disc (growth plate or growth cartilage) allows increase in bone length
until the usual dimensions are reached, by which time the epiphyseal
plate has ossified. The bone has then reached maturity. Coalescence
of the epiphysis and diaphysis is fusion, the amalgamation of separate
osseous units into one.
Many bones have epiphyses at both ends, others at one end only.
Long limb bones show the former, while the metacarpals, metatarsals,
phalanges, clavicles and ribs have only one epiphysis, though the
6.10 Photographs illustrating three methods used to investigate possible costal cartilages may represent epiphyses normally devoid of ossi-
interrelations between structural organization and patterns of force trans- fication centres. (For discussion of a pseudoepiphysis at the distal
mission in bone. A. Split-line patterns produced in a decalcified skull (Macaca end of the first metacarpal see Haines 1974.) Epiphyseal ossification
mulatta) by repeated puncture with an ink-tipped needle; 8. Pattern of cracks is sometimes more complex; for example, the proximal end of the
in the colophonium resin coating of a femur subjected to a compressive humerus, wholly cartilaginous at birth, develops three centres during
stress of the head, vertically applied; c. Photoelastic pattern produced in a
childhood, which coalesce into a single mass before fusing with the
flat plastic sheet modelled upon the proximal end of the femur. A com-
pressive force has been applied to the femoral ‘head’, whilst a tensile force diaphysis. Only one of these centres forms an articular surface, the
has been applied to its ‘greater trochanter’. (c is from von Knief 1967, others forming the greater and lesser tubercles giving muscular
the others contributed by C Buckland-Wright, Division of Anatomy, United attachments. Similar composite epiphyses occur at the distal end of
Medical and Dental Schools, London.) the humerus and in the femur, ribs and vertebrae. Because some 439
ossification centres appear in regions exposed to articular pressure,
and others in regions subject to muscular traction, a classification
into pressure, traction and atavistic epiphyses was proposed by
Parsons (1903, 1904, 1905); the atavistic epiphyses being considered
to represent skeletal elements separate at earlier evolutionary stages.
Comparative morphology suggests that some mammalian bones are
composites of separate reptilian or amphibian elements. The skull,
clavicle, scapula and innominate bones are examples; a small centre
in the human coracoid process and an epiphysis at the medial end
of the clavicle may be vestiges of skeletal elements separate in earlier
vertebrates, repeated during development as transient features in
subsequent mammalian forms. However, the medial end of the
clavicle could equally be regarded as a pressure epiphysis.
Many cranial bones ossify from multiple centres, and evidence
suggests that some are atavistic. A marked reduction in the number
of cranial bones in mammals, compared with older vertebrate groups,
is clear. The sphenoid, temporal and occipital bones are almost
certainly composites of previously multiple elements, some rep-
resented by centres which are additional evidence of fusion in dermal
(membranous) and cartilaginous derivatives, at first separate but
united during growth to form a complex whole (p. 588). These events
in cranial development do not precisely parallel atavistic epiphyses in
postcranial bones, which are always secondary. In human composite
cranial bones the result is coalescence of elements, each with a
primary centre.
Classification of epiphyses, of little significance per se, does,
however, direct attention to matters of interest in mammalian skeletal
evolution. Epiphyseal centres do not occur in other vertebrates,
except sporadically in reptiles and birds (Haines 1937), and these are
pressure (articular) epiphyses. Traction epiphyses are peculiar to
mammals, but genetically established, for their appearance is not
arrested by division of structures attached to them (Appleton 1922;
Barnett & Lewis 1958). However, experimental evidence in con-
nection with epiphyseal development is limited.
The rate of growth in ossification centres exceeds that of the
cartilage in which they occur, though the latter is itself growing in
concert with the increase in size and change in proportions of the
skeletal element for which it is a model. Thus, the epiphyseal region,
at first cartilaginous, gradually ossifies, with the exceptions noted
above. The process starts at a time and continues at a rate charac-
teristic for each bone. (Individual, sexual and racial variations must
be taken into account, as far as data permit, when assessing skeletal
The rate of growth also varies both in bones with epiphyseal plates
and those without. Were the rate to be uniform, ossification centres
would appear ina strict descending order of size. However, primary
centres for bones of such different sizes as the phalanges and femora
are separated by, at most, a week of embryonic life. Those for carpal
and tarsal bones show some correlation between size and order of
ossification, from largest (calcaneus in fifth fetal month) to smallest
(pisiform in ninth to twelfth postnatal year). In individual bones,
succession of centres is related to the volume of bone which each
produces. The largest epiphyses, for example the adjacent ends of
femur and tibia, begin to ossify the earliest (immediately before or
after birth, points of forensic interest); but comparison between other
bones reveals numerous inconsistencies. Masses as dissimilar as a
phalangeal epiphysis and lesser tuberosity of the humerus begin to
ossify about the same time, and both long before the much larger
greater trochanter of the femur, indicating widely disparate rates of
(6. \, Experiments in mammals show that, at epiphyseal plates, the rate
of growth is initially equal at both ends of bones possessing two
epiphyses, but that after birth one grows faster (Brookes 1963); since
the faster-growing end also usually fuses later with the diaphysis, its
contribution to length is greater. Though faster rate can only be
presumed in human bones, later fusion is a radiological fact. Recur-
rent directions of nutrient arteries as they enter certain bones supports
the above observations (cf. p. 469).
6.12 The skeleton of a neonatal infant, with all cartilages preserved. Note
particularly the proportions of the neurocranium, orbital cavities and face; The more active end of a long limb bone is often termed the
interfrontal (metopic) suture; sternebral ossification; extensive costal cartil- growing end, but this is obviously a misnomer. Variable rates of
ages; large cartilaginous epiphyses and metaphyseal flaring of long bones, growth at epiphyses in general also show in the rate of increase of
especially the humeri, femora and tibiae. (Photographed by Kevin Fitzpatrick stature (Krogman 1941; Tanner 1962), which is rapid in infancy and
from a preparation by Michael C E Hutchinson, of the Division of Anatomy, again at puberty, but otherwise slower. The spurt at puberty, or
AAO United Medical and Dental Schools, London.) slightly before, decreasing as epiphyses fuse in post-adolescent years,
has been the subject of much study. For general reviews of fetal and
postnatal growth patterns, including the skeleton, see Sinclair (1969),
Tanner (1978).
Growth cartilages do not grow uniformly at all points; this
accounts for changes such as the alteration in angle between the
humeral shaft and its neck. On their diaphyseal surfaces epiphyses
do not have a uniformly flat junction with the growth cartilages, nor
indeed do the latter at their diaphyseal junction. By differential
growth osseous surfaces usually become reciprocally curved, the
epiphysis forming a shallow cup over the convex end of the shaft
(cartilage intervening). This arrangement may resist shearing forces
at this relatively weak region. Reciprocity of bone surfaces is aug-
mented by small nodules and ridges, typical of such surfaces when
denuded of cartilage. Such adaptations emphasize the formation
of many immature bones from several elements held together by
epiphyseal cartilages. Most human bones are such complexes, not
only through the active years of childhood but also through the even
more vigorous years of adolescence; the bonding of bone to bone
through cartilage is thus strengthened.
Forces at growth cartilages are largely compressive, but with an
element of shear. At traction epiphyses, attached by cartilage prior
to fusion, attached structures create tension, perhaps promoting
development of adundant collagen fibres aligned along supposed
lines of stress (Smith 1962a). Interference with epiphyseal growth
may occur as a result of violence, but disturbance by constitutional
disease, such as fevers, is more frequent, producing visible changes
in trabecular patterns of bone, visible radiographically as dense
transverse lines of arrested growth (Harris 1933); several such lines
may appear in the limb bones of children afflicted by successive
Details of fusion are described later (p. 477). The growing part of
a diaphysis adjacent to the epiphyseal cartilage, the metaphysis,
appears to overtake the cartilage, but the epiphyseal contribution is
shown by the denticulate edges of both bone elements as they bridge
the cartilaginous gap. These appearances, extensively described,
provide criteria for estimations of the times of fusion, by either
inspection or radiography (Stevenson 1924). Knowledge of the sites,
times of appearance, rates of growth and times of epiphyseal fusion
is clinically, forensically and anthropometrically valuable. Reliable
data depend upon adequate observations and standardized tech-
niques. The variation in published figures is partly due to failure in
these respects. Radiography needs to be more frequent than is usual,
with the angle of view carefully controlled. Routine positions may
be inadequate; for example, the centre for the lesser tubercle of the
humerus is often missed, probably because its image is superimposed
upon another centre.
Variation in skeletal development does, of course, occur between
individuals, sexes and possibly also races. The sequence of events,
however, shows little variation; it is their timing which varies.
Females antedate males in all groups studied, and differences, perhaps
insignificant before birth, increase thereafter, rising to two years or
so in the later fusions of adolescence. Data are most reliable for
caucasians, but few of their skeletal parts have been compared in
sufficient detail, numbers or over adequate periods. Perhaps the best
studies available are for the hand (Todd 1937; Greulich & Pyle 1959;
Mathiasen 1973), knee (Pyle & Hoerr 1955) and ankle and foot
(Hoerr et al 1962).
Cartilage and bone are specialized connective tissues consisting of
the same three elements: ce//s embedded in a matrix, permeated by
arrays of fibres; but sclerous tissues differ from soft, pliant, connective
tissues, their matrix being solidified. Cartilage and bone, nevertheless,
differ in structure, physical properties, vascularization and modes of
growth and regeneration.

6.13 Radiograph of neonatal arm. Ossification from primary centres is

well advanced in all bones except the carpals, which are still wholly carti-
laginous. The gaps by which individual elements appear to be separated
are filled by the radiolucent hyaline cartilage, in which epiphyseal or carpal
ossification will subsequently occur. In long bones note the flaring contours,
with narrow midshaft and relatively expanded metaphyses. Note also the
proportions of the limb segments characteristic of this age—in particular the 441
relatively large hand.

6.138 Photograph of a preparation of a neonatal left arm (from the speci-

men shown in 6.12). Compare the radiolucent areas in the radiograph
(6.13) with the preserved cartilaginous epiphyses and carpal elements in
this specimen. (For acknowledgements see 6.12.) c Composite bone scan
of a male child, aged approximately 1 year, showing sites of epiphyseal
growth activity. The tracer used (technetium-99m labelled methylene
diphosphonate) also shows the kidneys and bladder. (Provided by Depart-
ment of Nuclear Medicine, United Medical and Dental Schools, London;
photography by K Fitzpatrick and Sarah Smith.)



The skeletal tissues, cartilage and bone, are essentially specialized many surface projections (filopodia) fitting complementary recesses in
connective tissues and consist of the same components—cells embed- the matrix. Early postmitotic chondroblasts often have intercellular
ded in a matrix permeated by a system of fibres. Physically, however, contacts, including gap junctions, which are necessarily transient,
matrices of skeletal tissues differ from those of general connective disappearing as matrix synthesis proceeds. As cartilage cells mature,
tissues in being solidified. Cartilage and bone are, nevertheless, quite they lose the ability to divide and become metabolically less active.
distinct in their structure, physical properties, vascularization and in Some authors reserve the name chondrocytes for such cells; but this
‘their patterns of growth and regeneration. term is commonly employed to denote cartilage of all degrees
of activity, a practice which will largely be followed here. When
appropriate, however, chondroblasts and chondrocytes are dis-
STRUCTURE OF CARTILAGE tinguished. Mature chondrocytes enlarge with age and, though
rounder, still have a few filopodia and an occasional cilium. The
Cartilage is a phylogenetically ancient tissue, widespread in ver- internal structure of chondrocytes is typical of cells active in making
tebrates as either a permanent or temporary skeletal component. and secreting proteins (Stockwell 1983; Kosher 1983; Sheldon 1983).
During early fetal life the human skeleton is mostly cartilaginous, Their nucleus is rounded or oval, euchromatic and possesses one or
but is subsequently largely replaced by bone. In adults cartilage more important nucleoli. The cytoplasm is filled with granular
persists at the surfaces of synovial joints, in the walls of the larynx, endoplasmic reticulum, transport vesicles and Golgi complexes, and
trachea, bronchi, nose and external ears, in the epiglottis and as contains many mitochondria and frequent lysosomes. Also present
isolated small masses in the cranial base. Developmental replacement are numerous glycogen granules, intermediate filaments (vimentin)
by bone is a complex process, and cartilaginous growth plates and pigment granules. With final maturation of these cells to the
between ossifying epiphyses and diaphyses of long bones (and relatively inactive chondrocyte stage, the nucleus becomes het-
elsewhere) continue to proliferate, increasing the length of the bones erochromatic, the nucleoli smaller and the apparatus of synthesis
concerned until they eventually ossify, when growth ceases (see and secretion (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, etc.) much
reviews in Hall 1983). reduced; often such cells accumulate lipid vacuoles, quite large in
Cartilage is essentially a type of stiff, load-bearing connective diameter.
tissue. Its distinctive properties are a low metabolic rate and a Very little is known about the responses of chondrocytes to load
vascular supply confined to its surface or to large, penetrating bearing, or how the pericellular matrix absorbs stresses and protects
tunnels, a capacity for continued and often rapid interstitial and the chondrocytes. Changes in shape and size of articular chon-
appositional growth (see below) and a high resistance to tension, drocytes or chondrons of pericellular matrix encapsulating cells must
compression and shearing, with some resilience and elasticity. Car- occur during function but have not been described in living tissue.
tilage is covered by a fibrous perichondrium except at osseous junc- Intercellular matrix. Composed of collagen and, in some cases,
tions; at synovial surfaces, the latter are lubricated by secreted, elastin fibres, embedded in a water-filled yet stiff ground substance
nutrient fluid.. (6.18, 19), these components have various chemical features which
Cartilage matrix. This contains chondroblasts and chondrocytes, are unique to cartilage, and confer upon it unusual mechanical
varies in appearance, composition and in the nature of its fibres. properties. The ground substance is a firm gel, rich in carbohydrates
Hence there is hyaline cartilage (hyalos = glass), white fibrocartilage and therefore stainable with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) method;
(with much collagen) or yellow elastic cartilage (with an elastin the carbohydrates are predominantly acidic, and are hence baso-
network). A densely cellular cartilage, with thin septa of matrix philic, strongly binding such dyes as haematoxylin, alcian blue and
between its cells, is a stage in development of early embryonic toluidine blue, and giving metachromatic coloration with the latter.
cartilage and a permanent tissue in many mammalian pinnae. White The chemistry of the ground substance is complex, consisting mainly
and yellow elastic fibrocartilage are specific, relatively unvarying of water and dissolved salts, held in a meshwork of long interwoven
tissues, whereas hyaline cartilage embraces a wide range of appear- proteoglycan molecules together with various other minor con-
ances varying much in composition and properties according to age stituents, mainly proteins or glycoproteins and some lipid.
and location as well as species. Collagen of the cartilage matrix. (6.18). Forming up to 50% of
Cartilage cells (6.14, 8, 15, 16, 17). These occupy small lacunae its dry weight, this is chemically distinct from that of most other
in the matrix which conform to their shape. Young cells tissues, being classed as Type II collagen; elsewhere this variety is
(chrondroblasts) are smaller, often flat, irregular in contour and bear only found in the notochord, the nucleus pulposus of the inter-

6.14 Sections through hyaline cartilage (human rib), stained with haema- Magnification x150. 8. Higher magnification showing groups of chondrocytes
toxylin and eosin. a. is a low-power view, showing perichondrium, chon- within lacunae. Note the basophilic zones (rich in proteoglycans) around the
cell clusters. Magnification x1000. 443
droblasts and mature chondrocytes embedded in the basophilic matrix.
6.15 Transmission electron micrograph of an ultra-thin section of a delicate fibrillary feltwork with a finely dispersed granular interfibrillary
perfusion-fixed specimen of a rabbit's femoral condylar cartilage. The substance. No pericellular ‘lacuna’ is present; the matrix separates the
centrally placed chondroblast contains an active euchromatic nucleus with central chondroblast from the sectioned cytoplasmic periphery of two adja-
a prominent nucleolus. Its cytoplasm contains a rich concentration of cent chondroblasts. The left profile, crescentic in outline, is characteristic
roughly parallel concentric flattened cisternae of rough endoplasmic reti- of chondroblasts with an almost squamous form that are sited near the
culum, scattered mitochondria, lysosomes and aggregations of glycogen. articular surface. Magnification x14500. (Preparation by Susan Smith,
Its plasma membrane bears numerous short filopodia which project into Department of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.)
complementary recesses in the surrounding matrix. The latter shows a

vertebral disc, the vitreous body of the eye and in the primary In addition to Type II collagen, the principal component, minor
corneal stroma. Its tropocollagen subunits are composed of triple quantities of other classes unique to cartilage are present, including
helices of identical polypeptides (three a-1 chains), although collagen Types IX, X and XI. The significance of these is as yet unclear, but
in the outer layers of the perichondrium and much of the collagen they may be involved in stabilizing Type II collagen networks (Type
in white fibrocartilage belongs to the general connective tissue Type IX) and in hypertrophic changes in some types of cartilage (Type
1. The majority of the collagen fibres of cartilage are too small to be X). Type VI collagen is also present, mainly in the vicinity of
individually visible except by electron microscopy; they are relatively chondrocytes (Poole et al 1992; Hagiwara et al 1993) and may form
short, thin (mainly 10-20nm diameter) structures with the charac- a link between the chondrocyte, pericellular microenvironment and
teristic cross-banding (67 nm, appearing as 64 nm intervals insections) interterritorial matrix. As described below, other types of fibre are
and they are interwoven to create a three-dimensional meshwork also present in some classes of cartilage; these include elastin fibres
linked by lateral projections of the proteoglycans associated with in elastic fibrocartilage and, where ligamentous structures are
their surfaces. Various studies have shown that proteoglycans par- inserted, as in fibrocartilage, Type I collagen, derived from fibroblasts
tially ensheath collagen fibres, and their concentrations often share rather than chondrocytes.
the periodicity of the fibres. Proteoglycans and other organic molecules Proteoglycans of cartilage. These are similar in general outline
thus link collagen fibres with each other, with the interfibrillar to those of general connective tissue, although with features peculiar
material of the ground substance and also with the cells of cartilage. to cartilage. They consist of various long polymers, often branched,
Collagen fibres vary greatly in their amounts, sizes and orientation of carbohydrates termed glycosaminoglycans (GAGs: Lash & Vasan
in different types of cartilage, as also with maturity and position 1983). These are acidic, bearing anionic sulphate and carboxyl groups
within the cartilage mass. In articular cartilage, collagen fibres close which give them a net negative charge. Groups of GAGs are
to the surfaces of cells are particularly narrow (4-6nm across) and covalently bound to a filament of protein (the ‘core protein’, with an
444 resemble fibres of Type II cartilage in non-cartilaginous sites. Mr of 250000 and a length of 300nm) which may bear more than

6.164 Chrondrocytes in highly cellular embryonic cartilage have many bedded ina finely fibrous matrix. Fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium,
short microvilli. 17-day fetal mouse embryo phalangeal cartilage; SEM of cpd and dissected dry; SEM, field width = 140 um. b. Rat lower femoral
critical point dried (cpd) tissue, field width = 43 um. B. Isogenous chon- head snap-frozen and freeze-dried showing reticulated pattern of ice crystal
drocytes separated only by thin septae of matrix in lacunae in chipmunk formation preserved in freeze-dried synovial fluid to top of figure. The cells
nasal septal cartilage; SEM of tissue fixed by osmic acid perfusion, cpd and in the immediate sub-surface zone have produced no impressions in the
fractured dry; field width = 90 ym. c. Articular surface and zones 1 and 2 of articular surface; SEM, field width = 127 m.
rat femur at knee joint. The joint surface is flat, and chondrocytes lie em-

one hundred GAGs of different types sticking out sideways like the springs, storing energy when further compacted then releasing it on
bristles of a bottle brush (6.19). In turn, several such proteoglycan recoil and so conferring elastic properties on the matrix.
assemblies can be bound along the length of a relatively huge (a In most electron microscope sections, these large molecular arrays
million or more in relative molecular mass) hyaluronate molecule generally collapse to small dense granules about 20nm across as
(another type of GAG) to form highly complex, filamentous aggre- their hydration sheaths are stripped away. However, when separated
gates. Other, smaller ‘link proteins’ are involved in this interaction. by centrifugation and negatively stained or prepared by cryo-
Because of the predominance of acidic groups there is a tendency technology, their complex feathery nature is clearly visible
for the chains to repel each other, thus standing out stiffly from the (Hunziker & Schenk 1987).
central core protein. Weak intermolecular forces hold these aggre- Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Those in the proteoglycans of
gates together as a three-dimensional network with large water-filled cartilage include chondroitin 4-sulphate, chondroitin 6-sulphate and
spaces within. This arrangement allows the ready diffusion of water dermatan sulphate, and also keratin sulphate. These are poly-
and dissolved materials through the ground substance, although saccharides mainly composed of repeating disaccharides, one
water and other electrolytes are also loosely bound by the electrostatic invariably a substituted hexosamine and the other an esterified
forces on the surfaces of the charged macromolecules. In the living hexuronic acid or substituted hexose. Thus chondroitin 4- and 6-
state the molecular aggregates appear to be compressed into a smaller sulphates comprise repeating N-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronyl
volume than would be expected from their shape, the length of their sulphate disaccharides, differing only in the siting of the sulphate ester
chains and electrical repulsions between their subunits. It has been linkage. Keratin sulphate is a polymer of disaccharides composed of
suggested that the proteoglycans may act as minute compressed an N-acetylgalactosamine and a D-galactose with a sulphate ester 445

COLt AG: 6
Synthesis of Direct
elementary extrusion elaboration
collagen on from ground in Golgi
granular reticulum cytoplasm system


Amino acid precursors Linkage sugars Sulphation Specific interaction

of mucoprotein added and and between collagen
synthesis at polysaccharide completion filaments and
ribosomes chains initiated of chains proteoglycans

Pe ors os y=
6.17 Summary of some of the important biosynthetic pathways of the

linkage of variable position. The relatively huge hyaluronate Types II and IX and proteoglycan core protein heralds the onset of
molecules have similar repeating disaccharides of N-acetylglucos- chondrogenesis.
amine and glucuronate composition, but are not sulphated and are Cell adhesion proteins. Those that include various proteins and
unbranched. glycoproteins have recently been shown to play an important role in
These different chemical configurations result in different numbers the adhesion of chondrocytes to matrix components. The best known
of electrostatic charges, different degrees of interactions between is chondronectin, a cartilage glycoprotein important in the adhesion
adjacent chains and other variations in bulk properties which deter- of chondroblasts to Type II collagen fibres in the presence of
mine many of the physical and chemical properties of the matrix. chondroitin sulphates. It has an Mr of about 150000 (Hewitt et al
The colocalization in mesenchymal cell condensations of collagen 1980); and is synthesized by chondrocytes. Another adhesion

6.18 Electron micrograph of hyaline cartilage matrix. The matrix in a shows fixed in the presence of ruthenium red to preserve proteoglycan complexes,
thick, banded collagen fibrils and thinner, unbanded ones. Traces of finely which are here visible as densely staining beaded structures representing
filamentous proteoglycan complexes can also be seen adhering to and collapsed assemblies of protein and glycosaminoglycans. Magnification
446 connecting collagen fibrils. Magnification x30 000. In 8 the matrix has been x10000. (Provided by Moya Meredith Smith.)

Large diameter banded collagen fibrils


6.20 Section through the proximal cartilaginous end of the tibia of a young
child showing a cartilage canal and its contained blood vessels, stained with
haematoxylin and eosin.


5 Proteoglycan
— side unit

a Large
wir proteoglycan


Hyaluronic acid

Core protein

iP tealtate sae Glycosaminoglycan

NCAT uae On 0 Repeating
0 oO disaccharide unit
OH H Hw Re (chondroitin
Has H ‘sulphate A in this
H OH NHAc case)

6.19 Diagram showing the fine structural organization of hyaline cartilage 6.21 Capillary plexuses in the terminal arborization of a cartilage canal in
matrix. Depicted are large proteoglycan complexes and Type II collagen the femoral condylar epiphysis of a seven-month human fetus. Specimen
fibres of the coarser cross-banded and the narrower varieties. Proteoglycan injected with Indian ink. (Provided by Murray Brookes, Department of
complexes bind to the surface of these fibres and link them together. Detail Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.)
shows the arrangement of glycosaminoglycans and core filaments. See text
for further details.

molecule is anchorin CII (von der Mark et al 1985), a glycoprotein Summary. The matrix of cartilage is a labyrinth of protein and
with an Mr of 34000 found at chondrocyte surfaces and binding proteoglycan filaments, its interstices occupied by bound water,
specifically to Type II collagen. Aggregating proteoglycans, aggrecan cations and various other small molecules. Reactions to mechanical
and yersican, are also produced by human chondrocytes (Grover & stresses accordingly reflect interacting contributions from all these
Roughley 1993). There may also be other similar substances which structural elements. The properties of the ‘walls’ and ‘contents’ of
play a part in stabilizing the structural complex of cells and matrix this molecular meshwork also affect the diffusion of nutrient and
components. waste material throughout this remarkable tissue.
Lipid. This is also present as part of the matrix, in the form of Synthesis of matrix by chondrocytes. All of the major com-
small spheroidal masses stainable with lipid-soluble dyes for light ponents of the matrix are synthesized and secreted by chondrocytes
microscopy (Meachim & Stockwell 1978). Some of this may be the (6.17). These processes have been studied extensively with a battery
result of cell disintegration, or shedding of cytoplasm, and some is of biochemical, structural and autoradiographic methods (see the
membranous material or portions of cells, for example the matrix reviews by Prockop et al 1979; Mayne & von der Mark 1983). To
vesicles found in epiphyseal growth plates. summarize these findings briefly, collagen is synthesized within the 447

granular endoplasmic reticulum in the same way as in fibroblasts, the canals may be forerunners of main epiphyseal vessels in mature
except that Type II rather than Type I procollagen chains are made. bone, and that vessels in the minor group of canals originating in
These assemble into triple helices and some carbohydrate is added Ranvier’s groove are precursors of subchondral vascular networks
at this stage. After transport to the Golgi apparatus, where further on the epiphyseal side of growth cartilages in postnatal life.
glycosylation occurs, they are secreted as procollagen molecules into Cartilage canals are believed to assist nutrition of large cartilages,
the extracellular space. Here, terminal registration peptides are which would depend otherwise solely on perichondrial capillaries.
cleaved from their ends, so forming tropocollagen molecules, and This process appears to be faster than formerly considered both in
final assembly into collagen fibres takes place. In other regions of young and mature cartilage. Labelled ions are concentrated rapidly
the granular endoplasmic reticulum, core proteins of the proteoglycan by chondrocytes of mature articular cartilage (Hall 1965), despite the
complexes are synthesized and addition of GAG chains is begun, absence of canals and perichondrium; the half-life of proteoglycans in
completion of the process being carried out in the Golgi complex rabbit articular cartilage is only 4 days (Mankin & Lipiello 1969).
(Lohmander et al 1986). While it might be expected that large cartilages, such as fetal limb
The large molecules of glucuronate appear to be synthesized by epiphyses, possess canals, it is surprising that they also occur in
enzymes inserted in the plasma membrane of the chondrocyte and carpal and sesamoid cartilages in early fetal hands, and even in the
are thought to be extruded directly into the matrix without passing epiphyses of human fetal phalanges at 11cm crown-rump (CR)
through the endoplasmic reticulum. length (Gray et al 1957).
While not denying a nutritional function, most workers consider
that cartilage canals are involved in forming secondary centres of
NUTRITION OF CARTILAGE ossification (and primary centres in bones without epiphyses). But
Cartilage is often described as totally avascular. This is not wholly puzzling anomalies remain. Distal phalangeal and proximal meta-
true but most cartilage cells are unusually distant from exchange carpal epiphyses develop elaborate cartilage canals, though lacking
vessels, which are mostly perichondrial. Between this perichondrial ossification centres. There is also no clear connection between onset
capillary network and chondrocytes, nutrient substances and metab- of chondrification, the first appearance of canals and onset of
olites diffuse along concentration gradients across the intervening ossification; all occur at times peculiar to each skeletal element
matrix. This limitation is reflected in the restriction of most living (Brookes 1971). The contents of canals appear to provide osteogenic
cartilage masses to a few millimetres in thickness. Cartilage cells cells and capillaries for ossification when an ossification centre
further than this from a nutrient vessel do not survive, and their appears. The control of the timing of these events remains an enigma.
surrounding matrix typically becomes calcified. In the mandibular condylar cartilage, canals form until the second
Cartilage contains an anti-angiogenic factor that inhibits vascular year, when they disappear. Canals in laryngeal and nasal cartilages
invasion (Kuettner & Pauli 1983a,b; Hall 1988) and inhibitors to first form in the seventh month in utero, persisting until old age; in
many chondrolytic proteinases (Homandberg et al 1992). costal cartilages they arise in the first year, reaching the centre of
the shaft about the tenth year. In long-lived canals, marrow elements
Cartilage canals may appear after the twentieth year, persisting until the sixties, when
Nutrition is augmented, at least in cartilaginous epiphyses of large atrophy supervenes, canals retaining a mucinous material.
mammals (and their analogues in birds and reptiles) by branching Cartilage canals are present in various locations apart from long
of cartilage canals (Brookes 1971), each containing small vessels bone epiphyses, occurring also, for example, in respiratory cartilages
from centripetal rami of a perichondrial artery and vein. Perfusion (see reviews by Kuettner & Pauli 1983a,b).
(Brookes 1958) and histological examination (Wilsman & Van Sickle
1972) suggest that each canal contains a central small artery or
arteriole surrounded by numerous venules and perivascular capil-
laries (6.20, 21). The central vessel, at the blind end of the canal, Cartilage may be hyaline, white fibrocartilage and yellow elastic
forms several capillaries from which venules pass back to a parent cartilage and cellular cartilage. It may also be calcified.
perichondrial vein. Capillaries lined by fenestrated endothelium also
branch off along the canal and, with terminal capillaries, mediate Hyaline cartilage (6.16, 22a, 23a)
metabolic exchange with the cartilage mass (Wilsman & Van Sickle Hyaline cartilage has a glassy, bluish, opalescent, homogeneous
1972). The canalicular vessels lie enclosed in loose connective tissue, appearance, firm consistency and some elasticity. Costal, nasal,
abundant in fibroblasts and macrophages and continuous with the some laryngeal, tracheobronchial, all temporary and most articular
perichondrium. ‘ cartilages are hyaline, but there are marked differences in size, shape
Various theories have been proposed for their formation. The and arrangement of cells, fibres and proteoglycan composition at
possibility that they are derived from perichondrial vessels which different sites and ages. Its cells vary in shape from quite flat near
have been engulfed by the appositional growth of cartilage around the perichondrium to rounded or bluntly angular deeper in the tissue.
them is attractively simple, but does not explain many findings, for They are often in groups of two or more (cell nests or isogenous cell
example, that cartilage canals are formed more rapidly than the groups) which are the offspring of a common parent chondroblast;
growing front of cartilage moves forwards. It appears instead that such cells have a straight outline where apposed to each other, but
canals actively invade cartilage, probably by the action of macro- a rounded contour in general. The matrix is typically basophilic and
phages and other erosive cells (Wilsman & Van Sickle 1972); among metachromatic, both more pronounced where recently formed matrix
the latter the endothelium of the central blood vessels may be bounds a lacuna. This distinctive zone is the territorial matrix or
important, as the ability of these cells to release chondrolytic agents lacunar capsule, contrasting with the pale-staining interterritorial
has been demonstrated in tissue culture (Moscatelli et al 1981). matrix between cell nests. An isogenous cell group together with the
However, chondrocytes themselves are also able to degrade cartilage enclosing pericellular matrix is referred to as a chondron.
matrix (chondrocytic chondrolysis), and may also play a part in canal The fresh matrix is transparent and structureless, or faintly granu-
formation, either subsequently dying ahead of an advancing blood lar like ground glass when viewed by standard light microscopy. By
vessel to present it with a series of preformed cavities or, having polarized light or electron microscopy it appears permeated by
freed themselves from the matrix, de-differentiating to form other fine fibrils and fibres of collagen, 10—-20nm in diameter. Electron
mesenchymally derived cells of the cartilage canals. microscopy shows that around each chondrocyte there is some
Cartilage canals are not random, but have a characteristic pattern zonation of the matrix. In well-fixed tissue where no cell shrinkage
in each cartilage. Canals in a fetal epiphysis form two groups, the has occurred, the irregular surface of the chondrocyte is in direct
more conspicuous passing from the non-articular surfaces towards contact with the matrix. However, there is often an encapsulating
its centre, the less prominent from vessels in the ossification groove layer of proteoglycans containing fine filaments of uncertain com-
(of Ranvier); capillary tufts at the ends of the latter are complex and position, but no typical collagen, immediately surrounding the cell,
glomerular, like those in postnatal subchondral circulation (Trueta & probably corresponding to the limits of the lacuna seen by light
Morgan 1960). According to Brookes (1971), the pattern of arteries microscopy. Outside this there are typical collagen fibres, often
in some adult bony epiphyses closely resembles the canalicular arranged in a basket-like network around one or more cells in a
448 pattern in corresponding fetal epiphyses, indicating that vessels in group, grading into the parallel fibre domain between cells, the

a. Hyaline cartilage (see also 6.14 A, 8) H & £. Magnification x150. s. Elastic fibrocartilage, stained with Gomori’s elastin stain (blue-black),
and van Gieson’s collagen stain (pink), which shows the fibrous peri-
chondrium clearly. Pinna (rabbit). Magnification x150.

c. Higher magnification of 8, showing fibrous perichondrium, chondroblasts p. White fibrocartilage in late fetal intervertebral disc, showing chon-
and larger chondrocytes embedded in a matrix rich in elastin fibres. Mag- droblasts between coarse collagen fibres derived from the annulus fibrosus;
nification x400. Mallory’s triple stain. Magnification x150.

e. Articular cartilage stained with silver, showing cellular arrangement of F. Fetal cartilage, human phalanx, stained with Mallory’s triple stain. Note
the different layers. Note the absence of a periosteum, the superficial the highly cellular appearance. The cells are small and almost uniform in
flattened cells of layers | and Il, the more rounded chondrocytes of layer III, distribution. Magnification x150.
the lines of calcification in the deeper layer (IV) and the lamellar bone
adjacent to the cartilage (see text for details). Interphalangeal joint (Rhesus
monkey). Magnification x400.

6.22 Different types of cartilage

6.23a Human femoral head articular cartilage cleaved wet in ethanol and PMMA, block surface polished and carbon-coated) BSE, field width =
critical point dried. Vertical columns are generated in zone 3 by this wet 600 .m. c. Mineralizing front of human articular cartilage (femoral head of
dissection procedure; they curve over in the transitional zone 2 to become 81 year female). The interface between zones 3 and 4 was exposed by
tangential in the immediate sub-articular zone 1. Backscattered electron treatment with Na,O, to remove unmineralized tissue. Protuberances sur-
image (BSE), field width = 820 um. B. Calcified cartilage superficial to sub- round chondrocyte lacunae; SEM, field width 715 4m. bp. Mineralizing front
condral bone in zone 4 of articular cartilage. Several tidemarks recording of distal tibial articular surface showing detail of pericellular mineralization.
the advance of zone 4 into zone 3 can be seen. Reversal lines in the bone The lacunae were occupied by one or two chondrocytes. Sample made
and at the osseochondral junction are white. Rat tibial head embedded (in anorganic by treatment with KOH; SEM, field width = 138 pm.

interterritorial zone. Chondroitin sulphates are particularly prevalent Articular cartilage does not ossify, and varies from | to 7mm in
in the vicinity of chondrocytes, whereas keratin sulphate pre- thickness; it is moulded to the shape of the underlying bone but its
dominates in the interterritorial zone. surface smooths, often accentuating and modifying, the surface
geometry. On convex osseous surfaces it is thickest centrally, the
Articular hyaline cartilage reverse being true of concave surfaces; its thickness decreases from
Articular hyaline cartilage covers articular surfaces (6.16c,p, 22e, 23a) maturity to old age. The surface of articular cartilage is devoid of
in synovial joints, providing an extremely smooth, resistant surface perichondrium, but around its edges the synovial membrane overlaps
bathed by synovial fluid, allowing almost frictionless movement. Its then grades into its structure.
elasticity, with that of other articular structures, dissipates effects of Adult articular cartilage shows a zonation in structure with increas-
concussions, giving the whole articulation some flexibility, par- ing depth from the surface (Stockwell 1979; Ghadially 1983). Except
ticularly near extremes of movement. Articular cartilage is admirably perhaps for the very surface, the matrix is pervaded by collagen
constructed to resist the large compressive forces generated by weight fibres, those near the surface around lacunae being fine, plexiform
450 transmission, especially during movement. and, at the most, faintly banded, whereas elsewhere they are coarser

with the usual 64nm banding. Their arrangement is variously The sequence of structural changes from hyaline cartilage with
described as plexiform, helical, or in the form of serial arcades dispersed cells through columnar arrays of cells, a zone ofcalcified
radiating from the deepest zone to the surface, where they pursue a cartilage and eventually epiphyseal bone, is also typical of carti-
short tangential course before returning radially, as most workers laginous growth plates (6.22e, 23, 24,8). It follows radial epiphyseal
confirm (Boyde & Jones 1983; Clark 1990). It has long been known growth by the extension of endochondral ossification into overlying
(Hultkrantz 1898; Amprino 1948) that if the surface of articular calcified cartilage. This ceases in maturity, but the zones persist
cartilage is pierced by a pin a longitudinal ‘split-line’ shows after throughout life. The same terminal mechanism also occurs in bones
withdrawal and that, for any given joint, the patterns of split-lines lacking epiphyses.
are constant and distinctive (cf. cleavage lines of skin). Bullough and Cells of articular cartilage divide by mitosis, but mitoses are few
Goodfellow (1968), using polarized light and electron microscopy, except in young bones. Progressive loss of superficial cells from
demonstrated that splits follow the predominant directions of col- normal young joint surfaces, and their replacement by cells from
lagen bundles in tangential zones of cartilage. Such patterns probably deeper layers, is unconfirmed; but degenerating cells may occur in
reveal ‘tension trajectories’ set up in surrounding cartilage during any of the four zones. This probably accounts for progressive
habitual activities. Subsequent investigations have largely confirmed reduction in cellularity of cartilage with advancing age, particularly
the views of Bullough and Goodfellow: for example, split-line ana- in superficial layers (Stockwell 1967) and probably contributes to
lysis by transmission electron microscopy (Meachim et al 1974), the variable lipid content of the matrix.
polarization microscopy (Ortmann 1975) and scanning electron Articular cartilage may derive nutriment by diffusion from three
microscopy (Minns & Stevens 1977). The structure of the surface sources: vessels of the synovial membrane, synovial fluid and hypo-
layer in articular cartilage is functionally important (Broom 1986; chondral vessels of an adjacent medullary cavity, some capillaries
Oloyede & Broom 1993a,b) but the dynamics of articular cartilage from which penetrate and occasionally traverse the calcified cartilage
are not well understood (Setton et al 1993; Broom & Silyn-Roberts (Kuettner & Pauli 1983a,b; Duncan et al 1987), and have been
1989). Serafini-Fracassini and Smith (1974) propose that the basic estimated to contact 1-7% of the osseous aspect of the cartilage.
function of articular cartilage collagen is not resistance to tensile The contributions from these sources are uncertain and may change
stresses, but provision of fixation anchors for viscoelastic domains of with age, but accurate determinations of permeability of articular
proteoglycan molecules when subjected to deforming and displacing cartilage are available (Maroudas et al 1975). Small molecules freely
stresses. Clearly, no model is adequate unless it includes the dynamics traverse articular cartilage, with diffusion coefficients about half
of all interacting constituents of cartilage (see review by Freeman those in aqueous solution. Larger molecules have diffusion
1979 and 6.16c,pD, 22e). coefficients inversely related to molecular size; for example, glucose,
In the superficial or tangential stratum (zone 1) cells are small, oval inulin and haemoglobin (relative molecular masses: 180, 5000 and
or elongated, flat and parallel to the surface, and surrounded by fine 68000) have molal distribution coefficients in the ratio 85:11:1.
tangential fibres; they have a few short projections, mainly from Permeability of cartilage to large molecules is greatly affected by
their lateral borders and deep surfaces, and display scattered mito- variations in its glycosaminoglycan content; for example, a threefold
chondria and small cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum; increase multiplies the partition coefficient a hundredfold.
their Golgi apparatus is not prominent. The nature of the articular Costal cartilage
surface, the thin superficial layer, remains uncertain. The surface
zone is said to be a cell-free, 3 xm thick layer containing fine collagen In costal cartilage cells and nuclei are large; the matrix is usually
and transparent, and tends to fibrous striation,
Type II fibrils covered superficially by a protein layer that prevents homogeneous
anti-Type II collagen antibody from binding to the surface (Jasin et especially in old age. In their thickest parts a few large vascular
al 1993). Deep to the superficial layer are typical banded collagen channels and sometimes medullary elements may appear. The xiphoid
fibres, regularly tangential, their diameters and volume density process and the cartilages of the nose, larynx and trachea (except
increasing with depth. Mow et al (1974) described the superficial the elastic fibrocartilaginous epiglottis and corniculate cartilages)
layer as sheets of tightly woven collagen fibrils parallel to the surface, resemble costal cartilage in microstructure. The arytenoid cartilage
from 5 to 20nm in diameter and forming a layer from 1 to 200 pm changes from hyaline at its base to elastic cartilage at apex. Hyaline
in thickness. It is said to be poor in glycosaminoglycans but rich in cartilages, after adolescence, are prone to calcification, especially in
hyaluronate. costal and laryngeal sites. Quantitative studies demonstrate dim-
The deeper cells of the transitional or intermediate stratum (zone inishing cellularity throughout costal cartilages with advancing age
2) are larger, rounder, single or in isogenous groups. Most are largely (Stockwell 1979).
typical active chondrocytes in ultrastructure and around them pass White fibrocartilage
oblique collagen fibres.
Deeper still, in the radiate stratum (zone 3), cells are large, round, White fibrocartilage is dense, fasciculated, white fibrous tissue, with
often in vertical columns, with intervening radial collagen fibres. As attendant fibroblasts and small interfascicular groups of chon-
elsewhere, the cells, singly or in groups, are encapsulated in peri- drocytes; the cells are ovoid and surrounded by concentrically
cellular matrix which has fine fibrils and as well as Type II collagen striated matrix (6.22p). When amassed, as in intervertebral discs,
contains fibronectin and Types VI and IX collagen. Hyaluron is also fibrocartilage has great tensile strength with appreciable elasticity.
enriched pericellularly (Poole et al 1990). The turnover rate of the In lesser amounts, as in articular discs, glenoid and acetabular labra,
collagen in adult human cartilage is very slow (Maroudas et al 1992). the cartilaginous lining of bony grooves for tendons and some
The deepest layer or calcified stratum (zone 4) adjoins the sub- articular cartilages (see below), it is a tissue of strength and elasticity
chondral bone (hypochondral osseous lamina) of the epiphysis. These able to resist repeated pressure and friction. This tissue is unlike
adjacent surfaces show reciprocal fine ridges, grooves and inter- other types of cartilage in having much Type I (general connective
digitations, which, with the confluence of their fibrous arrays, resist tissue) collagen in its matrix; it is perhaps best regarded as a mingling
shearing stresses due to postural changes and muscle action. The of the two types of tissue, for example where a ligament or tendinous
junction between zones 3 and 4 is called the tidemark. With age tissue inserts into hyaline cartilage, rather than a specific type of
articular cartilage thins by advancement of the tidemark zone, and cartilage (Benjamin & Evans 1990). The fibrocartilage of joints is
the replacement of calcified cartilage by bone. often altogether lacking in Type II collagen and possibly represents
Concentrations of GAGs vary according to site and species, and a quite distinctive class of connective tissue, designated cartilage only
especially with regard to age (Stockwell 1983; Heise & Toledo 1993). for the convenience of histologists.
The proportion of keratan sulphate increases linearly with depth; The articular surfaces of bones which ossify in mesenchyme are
the latter is mainly in the interterritorial matrix, whereas chondroitin covered by white fibrocartilage (e.g. squamous temporal, mandible
sulphates are largely circumlacunar. The turnover rates of gly- and clavicle). Electron microscopy of such articular cartilages
cosaminoglycans in cartilage are faster than those of collagen, and (Silva & Hart 1967) shows that deep layers, adjacent to hypochondral
the smaller, more soluble GAGs turn over fastest. This fraction bone, resemble calcified regions of the radial zone of hyaline articular
decreases with age and distance from the cells. Maroudas (1980) cartilage. The superficial zone contains dense parallel bundles of
gives a proteoglycan turnover time of nearly 5 years for adult human thick collagen fibres, interspersed with typical dense connective tissue
fibroblasts and scanty ground substance. Fibre bundles in adjacent 451
articular cartilage.

layers alternate in direction as in the cornea. A transitional zone of connective (granulation) tissue, which may become less vascular and
irregular bundles of coarse collagen and fibroblasts with prominent persist as fibrous tissue. Occasionally, cells in such tissue become
Golgi complexes separates the two. The fibroblasts are probably chondroblasts, but the newly made cartilage matrix does not become
involved in elaboration of proteoglycans and collagen, and may integrated with or properly adherent to the original tissue. Man-
constitute a germinal zone for deeper cartilage. Fibril diameters and dibular condylar cartilage is able to heal more satisfactorily and has
types may differ at different sites according to the functional load. been used to repair experimental articular defects (Girdler 1993).
For permeability of white fibrocartilage in intervertebral discs consult Microcracks in the calcified layer of ageing articular cartilage and
Maroudas et al (1975). their extension into the subchondral bone may initiate remodelling
of the tissue at the chondro-osseous junction (Mori et al 1993;
Yellow elastic cartilage
Sokoloff 1993).
Yellow elastic cartilage (6.228,c) occurs in the external ear, corniculate Interesting features of cartilage are the low antigenicity of its
cartilages, epiglottis and apices of the arytenoids. It contains typical matrix, its relatively low vascularity and the isolation of its chon-
chondrocytes, but its matrix is pervaded by yellow elastic fibres drocytes in lacunae, which permit successful homotransplantation
except around lacunae, where it resembles typical hyaline matrix without marked cellular or humoral immune reaction.
with fine Type II collagen fibrils. Its elastic fibres are irregularly Normal cartilage growth depends on adequate nutrition and
contoured, unaffected by acetic acid, have an affinity for orcein and hormonal environment; disturbances due to these will be considered
show no periodic banding (Sheldon & Robinson 1958; Mecham & with endochondral ossification. With advancing years the matrix of
Heuser 1990). Cox and Peacock (1977) have reviewed the ultra- many permanent cartilages becomes calcified, also an essential step
structure, histogenesis and growth of chondroblasts and matrix in in endochondral ossification during earlier development. Advance-
the rabbit’s pinna. Histogenesis of elastic fibres of cartilage (and ment of the tidemark zone with age leads to thinning of articular
probably other tissues) is in two stages: a glycoprotein micro- cartilage.
fibrillar framework of oxytalan first appears and then elastin. Most Mineralization patterns. The mineralization of cartilage occurs
sites in which elastic fibrocartilage occurs have vibrational functions, in three ways:
such as laryngeal sound-wave production and their collection and
transmission in the ear. (1) In the process of endochondral ossification, mineralization of
the growth plate is closely associated with type X collagen production
Development, growth and regeneration of cartilage in the hypertrophic zone and the incidence of matrix vesicles. Matrix
Normally cartilage is formed in embryonic mesenchyme (Glenister vesicles originate from chondrocytes in the proliferation zone, are
1976; Serafini-Fracassini & Smith 1974; Cox & Peacock evident mostly in the intercolumnar regions and appear to initiate
The signals that direct cellular differentiation in the first skeletal crystal formation there (6.24a).
condensations are only now being discovered (Tickle 1994). Mes- (2) Mineralization also spreads along collagen fibres (6.248).
enchymal cells proliferate and become tightly packed, the shape of Collagen-based mineralization is a major feature at the tidemark
their condensation foreshadowing that of a subsequent cartilage. (6.238) and in fibrocartilage.
The cells become rounded, with prominent rotund or oval nuclei (3) A further pattern of mineralization is seen in pericellular
and a low cytoplasm:nucleus ratio. Gap junctions are present regions enveloping the chondrocytes ahead of the general front of
between the cells (Jones et al 1993). Each cell soon begins to secrete mineralization (6.23c,0; Boyde & Jones 1983).
a surrounding basophilic halo of matrix, composed of a delicate Mineral clusters fuse as the rate of mineralization slows or becomes
network of fine type II collagen filaments, type IX collagen and inactive. Remnants of unremodelled cartilage intercellular matrix
cartilage proteoglycan core protein, indicating differentiation into within bone can be identified by their higher density in micro-
chondroblasts (6.16a, 22F). Continued secretion of matrix further radiographs or backscattered electron imaging (6.24c) and may be
separates the cells and so typical hyaline cartilage is now recognizable. revealed at resorbed bone surfaces (6.240).
In other sites collagen synthesis predominates, many cells becoming Cubic calcium phosphate crystals have been detected by trans-
fibroblasts and chondroblastic activity appearing only in isolated mission electron microscopy in the surface zone of normal human
groups or rows of cells. These are soon surrounded by dense bundles articular cartilage from juveniles and adults (Scotchford et al 1992).
of collagen fibres to form white fibrocartilage. Similarly, elsewhere, The crystals have been identified as Mg whitlockite, are 50-500nm
the matrix of early cellular cartilage is permeated first by ana- across and are associated with lipid. They are more common in
stomosing oxytalan and, later, elastin fibres. In all cases, developing regions subject to high mechanical stress but their functional sig-
cartilage is surrounded by condensed mesenchyme differentiating nificance is not known.
into a bilaminar perichondrium in which the cells of the outer
layer become fibroblasts secreting a dense collagenous matrix lined
externally by vascular mesenchyme; the inner layer of perichondrium
contains differentiated but mainly resting chondroblasts or pre-
chondroblasts. Bone is essentially a highly vascular, living, constantly changing
The growth of cartilage is both interstitial and appositional. mineralized connective tissue. It is remarkable for its hardness,
Interstitial growth (i.e. from within the cartilage). This follows resilience and regenerative capacity, as well as its characteristic
continued mitosis of early chondroblasts throughout the mass. When growth mechanisms. Like all other connective tissues, bone consists
such a cell divides, its descendants temporarily occupy the same of cells and an intercellular matrix, the great majority of its cells
lacuna but are soon separated by thin septa of matrix, which thicken (osteocytes), lying embedded within it. The matrix is composed in
and further separate cells (6.168). Continuing division leads to part (about 40% dry weight in mature bone) of organic materials,
isogenous groups. Interstitial growth is obvious only in young mainly collagen fibres, and the rest consists of inorganic salts rich
cartilage, where presumably plasticity of matrix permits continued in calcium and phosphate. Together these give bone its unique
expansion. However, the manner of matrix expansion and reor- mechanical properties (see, e.g. Hancox 1972; Currey 1984a,b,c).
ganization and indeed the factors determining total shape of a Vascular canals ramify within bone, providing its cells with metabolic
cartilage are as yet poorly understood. Support and creating avenues of entry for other cells, including
Appositional growth at the cartilage surface. This results from osteoclasts, capable of removing bone, and osteoblasts which can
the proliferation of cells of the internal, chondrogenic layer of deposit it. While these features are found in all bone, their details
perichondrium. Some resultant superficial chondroblasts secrete differ widely with developmental state, site, prevailing mechanical
matrix around themselves, thus creating superficial lacunae. This forces and the metabolic state of the body. Bone’s collagen frame-
process, continuing, adds additional surface while the entrapped cells work, permeated with mineral salts, varies from almost randomly
can now participate in interstitial growth. Apposition is often stated orientated coarse bundles (woven bone) when young, to a system of
to be prevalent in more mature cartilages, but interstitial growth highly ordered, parallel-fibred sheets or lamellae (/amellar bone) in the
must persist for long periods in epiphyseal cartilages. mature condition. Collagen fibres and mineralized matrix together
Regeneration and ageing. In mammals regeneration of lost usually form minute cylinders (osteons) arranged concentrically
452 hyaline cartilage is poor, defects being slowly filled by vascularized around blood vessels both in woven and lamellar bone while, in the

6.240, Longitudinal freeze-fracture through rat epiphyseal growth plate centres of some of these remnants are fully mineralized. Note how the
cartilage showing the mineralization region. The white spherical structures cartilage remnants (white) are surrounded by older, denser bone trabeculae
are large mineral particle aggregates (microcalcospherites) believed to ori- (light grey), which have been incorporated endosteally in the cortical bone
ginate from matrix vesicles. They appear to have a special relationship (dark grey) during growth and remodelling. Cortical drift is occurring from
with the-longitudinal collagen fibres of the intercolumnar matrix; SEM, field right to left; Embedded BSE, field width 823 jm. p. Endosteal surface ofa
width = 17m. 8. Anorganic preparation of a rat femoral growth plate human rib (7 week female) made anorganic by treatment with NaOCl.
showing the sides of longitudinal tubes formed by mineralization in inter- Modelling resorption has exposed regions of calcified cartilage (e.g. at
columnar matrix. The mineral clusters had extended along the longitudinal centre) which may be identified by the characteristic morphology of the
collagen fibres; SEM, field width = 144 jm. c. Transverse section of human calcospherites. The bone is more evenly mineralized. An osteocyte lacuna
neonate rib showing calcified cartilage remnants within the bone. The is seen at top right; SEM, field width 68 zm.

mature state, the inner and outer surfaces of bones are lined by a similar, though thinner, endosteum. In these layers lie osteoblasts,
few layers of continuous circumferential (outside) and endosteal osteoclasts and other cells important in the biology of bone. The
(inside) lamellae. Bone may also incorporate bundles of collagen texture of mature bone also varies between dense (compact) and
fibres derived from surface structures including tendons and liga- spongy (cancellous) osseous tissues which have distinctive mechanical
ments (bundle bone). The outer surface of bone is always lined by a and metabolic roles, often related to their positions within bones
fibrocellular layer, the periosteum, and on the inner surface is a (6.25: diaphyseal, metaphyseal, epiphyseal, etc).
6.25a. _ Iliac crest of 42 year female—vertical section 2 cm below the antero- Mag. bar = 2mm. B. Transverse section of human femoral neck (45 year
superior border which lay to the right of the field view as oriented. The male) viewed from disto-lateral aspect towards the femoral head, showing
cancellous bone comprises intersecting curved plates and struts. Osteonal the predominant pattern of curved intersecting plates in the cancellous bone.
(Haversian) canals can just be seen in the two cortices at this magnification. The section is 4mm thick. Field width = 50mm.

Developmentally, bone may form either by the direct trans-

Classification and terminology formation of condensed mesenchyme (intramembranous bone) or be
preceded bya cartilage model which bone later replaces (endochondral
1, Macroscopic appearance of cut surfaces (6.25, 26)
bone). However, bones of different origins may show any of the
Compact bone—the ivory surface layers of mature bone.
Trabecular bone—the interior of mature bones (also termed features mentioned above, and can only be distinguished by a study
cancellous or spongy bone). Early embryonic bone is also of their genesis.
spongiose—the primary spongiosa (Os spongiosum primum). Because of these different types of classification, it may help to
refer to Classification and Terminology set out opposite where the
2. Developmental origin more commonly used terms have been grouped. The concepts which
Intramembranous (mesenchymal or dermal bone)—formed by these reflect will be treated more fully in the following pages.
direct transformation of condensed mesenchyme.
Intracartilaginous (cartilage or endochondral bone)—replacing a
preformed cartilage model.
3. Regions of long bones
Diaphysis—intermediate region or shaft. MACROSCOPIC STRUCTURE
Metaphysis—developing, juxta-epiphysical regions of shaft.
Epiphysis—extremity with a separate centre of ossification.
Macroscopically, living bone is white, with either a dense texture
like ivory (compact bone), or honeycombed by large cavities, the
4. Organization of collagen fibres bone being reduced to a latticework of bars and plates (trabeculae),
Woven bone (coarse-bundled bone), with an irregular collagen in which case it is called cancellous, trabecular, or spongy bone (6.25,
network—includes embryonic bone, isolated patches in adult 26, 27). Compact bone is usually limited to the cortices of mature
bone, and repair tissue in fractures. bones (cortical bone) and is of supreme importance in providing
Parallel-fibred bone—includes all forms of lamellar bone and non- their strength. Its thickness and architecture vary for different bones,
lamellar primary osteons.
reflecting their overall shape, position and functional roles. In con-
5. General microstructure trast, cancellous bone lies chiefly in their interior (6.25, 26), and
Non-lamellar bone—includes early woven bone and primary particularly, in the case of long bones, within their expanded ends
osteons. (metaphyses and epiphyses). Cancellous bone gives additional
Lamellar bone—almost all mature bone. strength to cortices and supports the bone marrow. Bone forms a
6. Disposition of lamellae reservoir of metabolic calcium and phosphate which can be readily
Circumferential lamellae (primary lamellae)—parallel to both added to or withdrawn by cellular action under hormonal and
periosteal and endosteal surfaces. cytokine control; this property within cancellous bone may be
Osteonic lamellae (secondary lamellae)—concentric lamellae enhanced by its large surface area and proximity to blood vessels
around vascular canals of mature bone. and marrow cells.
Interstitial lamellae between osteons. The proportions of compact to cancellous bone vary greatly. In
the shaft of a long bone, a thick cylinder of compact bone presents
7. Types of osteon (Haversian system)
Primary osteons—first formed, lamellar or non-lamellar osteons.
only a few trabeculae and spicules on its inner surface so that a large
Secondary osteons—concentric lamellae around vascular canals central medullary or marrow cavity is enclosed, communicating
of mature bone. freely with the intratrabecular spaces of the expanded bone ends. In
——| other bones, especially flat ones such as the ribs, the interior is
8. General terms uniformly cancellous, compact bone forming the surface. These
Surface bone—usually circumferential lamellae but may include cavities are filled with marrow, either red, haemopoietic, or yellow,
woven and bundle (Sharpey or extrinsic fibre) bone. adipose, its character varying with age and site. In some bones of
Interstitial bone—between osteons; often lamellar remnants of
the skull, notably the mastoid and ethmoid, many of the cavities
secondary osteons but may include woven or primary osteon
within are filled with air, a situation which is common in the wing-
454 fragments.
bones of most birds.
6.26a. Horizontal section through the central region of a human vertebral s. Human fourth lumbar vertebral body (31 year male), mid-sagittal section,
body (30 year female). The 4mm thick section was photographed against a superior is top of illustration. The cortical bone is very thin in vertebrae. The
black background which is visible in many places through the honeycomb trabeculae in the middle zone are relatively larger and are mainly vertical
trabecular structure. Two blood vessel canals pass obliquely back from the plates or tubes. Photograph of 4mm thick section, field width = 37.5mm.
lateral walls. Posterior is top of the illustration. Width of bone = 37mm.

Of these different cells, the first four are closely related, while the
MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE—CELLS OF BONE osteoclasts arise from a quite unrelated source. Vascular and nervous
As stated earlier, bone is composed of cells embedded ina stiff tissue are, of course, of external origins.
calcified matrix; these components will now be described in some Osteoprogenitor cells
detail, first individually and then in terms of their overall organ-
ization. Osteoprogenitor cells are derived from pluripotential stromal stem
The cells of bone consist of a number of types, including: cells present in the bone marrow and other connective tissues
which can proliferate and differentiate into osteoblasts prior to bone
e osteoprogenitor stromal cells which give rise to various other bone formation. The stromal stem cells resemble young fibroblasts and
cells are, like these, of mesenchymal origin. Such mesenchymally derived
osteoblasts which lay down bone cells are responsible for all bone formation during early development.
osteocytes within bone In intramembranous bone they aggregate and undergo proliferation
bone lining cells on its surface before differentiating into osteoblasts while, during endochondral
osteoclasts which erode it. bone formation, similar cells migrate with the ingrowth of blood
In addition to these are the cells of its vascular and nervous system vessels from the perichondrium into areas of degenerating cartilage,
and other components of the periosteum, endosteum and marrow. then likewise differentiate into osteoblasts.

6.27. Vertical section of cancellous bone in human second lumbar ver- trabeculum in the foreground and of the endosteal surface in the background
tebra (42 year female); SEM, field width = 4mm. 8. Endosteal surface of at the right. The remainder of the background surface is formative; SEM of
human sixth rib (8.5 months female); showing extensive resorption of a inorganic preparation, field width = 168 pm.
Cells with mesenchymal features, derived from human bone, can other cytoskeletal proteins associated with the maintenance of cell
be grown in culture and these form cellular condensations that give shape, attachment and motility. Their plasma membranes have many
rise to bone nodules in culture (Sharrard et al 1986) or new osseous extensions, some contacting neighbouring osteoblasts and osteocytes
tissue when implanted into animals. There is some evidence that at intercellular junctions, by means of which the actions of quite
pericytes may be osteoblast precursors as they also form mineralizing large groups may be co-ordinated, as seen, for example, in their
colonies in culture (Brighton et al 1992). Ectopic bone formation concerted action to form large domains of parallel collagen fibres.
can also be induced experimentally in various tissues of the body, Gap junctions containing connexin-43 have been identified in bone
for example, skeletal muscle, by implantation of demineralized bone cells (Jones et al 1993) and may integrate the response of the tissue
or dentine containing bone morphogenetic proteins, or urinary to strain.
bladder epithelium; thus there may be two types or stages of The surfaces of osteoblasts are rich in alkaline phosphatase
osteoprogenitor cell, one totally committed to bone formation activity, located at the plasma membrane. Some of this enzyme is
(committed osteoprogenitors), found associated with bones, and the shed and reaches the circulation where it can be detected in conditions
other (inducible osteoprogenitors) widely present in connective tissue of rapid bone formation or turnover. Osteoblasts of woven bone
and probably able to differentiate into various connective tissue cells have protrusions which appear to bud off vesicular structures (matrix
(e.g. fibroblasts, myoblasts, pericytes, adipose cells, chondroblasts, vesicles) important in mineral deposition (see below, p. 472). A major
osteoblasts) depending on the nature of the inducer (Friedenstein activity of osteoblasts is to synthesize and secrete the organic matrix
1976; Beresford et al 1992; Martin et al 1993). Cells that have of bone, i.e. Type I collagen, small amounts of Type V collagen, and
differentiated in one direction may be able to revert to a proliferative various other macromolecules including the gamma-carboxyglutamic
phase and then differentiate into osteoblasts (Bennett et al 1991). acid (GLA)-containing protein osteocalcin and matrix GLA-protein
Osteoblasts and osteoclasts were at one time thought to arise from (of uncertain function), Sparc/osteonectin, which binds strongly to
the same progenitor cell, but it is now clear that osteoclasts have a mineral and collagen, and may also be a cell adhesion factor, and
quite separate origin (Ash et al 1981; Baron et al 1993; see ‘Osteo- some proteoglycans, latent proteases and growth factors (see the
clasts’, p. 459 see also (6.37). review by Delmas & Malaval 1993). Prior to its mineralization this
Osteoblasts (6.28, 29, 48, 58). Osteoblasts are basophilic, roughly organic matrix is called osteoid. An equally important osteoblast
cuboidal mononuclear cells about 15-30 m across, found on the function is the mineralization of this matrix, alkaline phosphatase
forming surfaces of growing or remodelling bone where they con- playing a vital but unexplained role in this process. Collagen synthesis
stitute a covering monolayer (Martin et al 1993). In relatively is carried out in much the same manner as in fibroblasts, initially in
quiescent adult bones they appear to be present chiefly on the the granular endoplasmic reticulum and later in the Golgi apparatus,
endosteal rather than periosteal surfaces, but also occur deep within before being secreted to the exterior.
compact bone where osteons are being remodelled. They are respon- There is also much evidence that osteoblasts may play an important
sible for the synthesis, deposition and mineralization of bone matrix though indirect role in the hormonal regulation of bone resorption,
(Rodan & Rodan 1984) and a proportion of them, on becoming since they bear receptors for parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihy-
embedded in the matrix, finally change into osteocytes (see also droxy vitamin D3 and other stimulants of bone resorption. During
6.47). Ultrastructurally, osteoblasts have features typical of protein- bone deposition osteoblasts may inhibit osteoclast activity or may
secreting cells, ie. a pale (euchromatic) oval nucleus placed away merely fail to stimulate them, but in the presence of bone resorption
from the secreting surface, an extensive granular endoplasmic re- stimulators, for example parathyroid hormone (PTH), osteoblasts
ticulum, large Golgi complex and numerous secretory vesicles. The release various intermediaries which activate osteoclasts to remove
cells are orientated so that their secretory surface abuts on to the osseous tissue. Neurohormones are also thought to regulate osteo-
adjacent bone. They have prominent bundles of actin, myosin and blastic activity. This subject, and others related to bone formation

6.284. An osteoclast (the largest cell) lies amongst osteoblasts on endo- B. Endosteal surface of rabbit tibia showing an osteocyte within its lacuna
cranial surface of rat calvarium. The osteoblasts form a continuous layer, exposed by osteoclastic resorption of surrounding bone; SEM, field width =
one cell thick, over the bone (crevices between cells occurred during drying 34 wm.
456 the specimen). Filopodia contact adjacent cells; SEM, field width = 68 wm.

scattered within its matrix, but interconnected by numerous cellular

extensions to form a complex cellular network. They are derived
from osteoblasts which have reduced or ceased matrix formation
and become enclosed in matrix, but retain contacts with each other
and with cells at the surfaces of bone (i.e. osteoblasts and bone-
lining cells) throughout their lifespan.
Mature, relatively inactive osteocytes possess a cell body which
has the shape of a three-axis ellipsoid, the longest axis (about
25 wm) parallel to the surrounding bony lamella and its shortest axis
perpendicular to the plane of the lamellae. The cytoplasm is faintly
basophilic and contains relatively few organelles, including alittle
granular endoplasmic reticulum, a few free ribosomes and a small
Golgi apparatus. The rather narrow rim of cytoplasm surrounds an
oval nucleus. Younger, more active osteocytes are more rounded,
with a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum and larger Golgi com-
plexes, both signs of greater synthetic and secretory activity. Osteo-
cytes in woven bone are large and irregular in shape (6.31p).
Numerous fine processes emerge from the cell body and branch a
number of times to form an extensive tree. Such processes contain
bundles of microfilaments and some smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
At their distal tips they contact the processes of adjacent cells (other
osteocytes and, at surfaces, osteoblasts and bone-lining cells), with
which they form communicating gap junctions and are thus in
electrical and metabolic continuity.
The bone matrix surrounds the cell bodies and processes but there
appears to be a variable space between the osteocyte and its enclosing
wall containing extracellular fluid. From the /acuna in which the cell
body lies extend tens of narrow, branched tunnels (canaliculi) about
0.5-0.25 4m wide containing the cell processes of the osteocytes
6.29 Electron micrograph of a series of osteoblasts on a bone-forming (6.318). Thus the bony matrix is riddled with minute branched canals
surface (below). The cytoplasm is filled with granular endoplasmic reticulum.
Some banded collagen fibres are visible at the secretory front at the base and cavities which, beside housing living cells, provide a route
of the picture. Magnification x4000. (Provided by A Hayward.) for the diffusion of nutrients, gases and waste products for their
maintenance (Atkinson & Hallsworth 1982). Canaliculi do not
usually extend through and beyond the reversal line surrounding
an osteon or communicate with neighbouring systems. They may
infrequently, usually at the outer limit of the osteon, loop back to
and turnover, will be considered more fully in the section on bone their own lacuna. The walls of lacunae may be lined with a variable
remodelling (p. 478). (0.2-2 ym) layer of unmineralized organic matrix.
Osteoblasts are differentiated, non-mitotic cells which arise from The average lifespan of an osteocyte varies with the metabolic
osteoprogenitor cells and also possibly by de-differentiation of osteo- activity of the bone and the likelihood that it will be remodelled,
cytes when these are released from bone during its resorption. but has been estimated as about 25 years. Old osteocytes may retract
Osteoblasts may also themselves de-differentiate into osteoprogenitor their processes from the canaliculi and, when dead, their lacunae
cells capable of mitosis under certain circumstances. When not active and canaliculi may become plugged with cell debris and minerals,
in bone formation, they may also become bone lining cells on so hindering diffusion through the bone (6.31c). Dead osteocytes
endosteal surfaces. occur commonly in interstitial bone and the inner regions of tra-
becular bone which escape surface remodelling, becoming par-
Osteocytes (6.28, 30, 31, 32) ticularly noticeable by the second and third decades. Bones which
Osteocytes constitute the major cell type of mature bone, lying experience little turnover, such as ear ossicles, are most likely to

6.304, B. High-power view of part of an osteon in transverse section seen gential section of oseocyte lacunae and their associated canaliculi. Contrast
with transmitted light. Note the relation of the osteocyte lacunae and their with their appearance in A.
canaliculi to each other, and to the central Haversian canal (black). Tan-

6.31a. Osteocytes in rat parietal bone; the cell processes radiate from c. Human incus, embedded BSE, showing numerous mineralized osteocytes
the soma, branching and connecting with those of other osteocytes (and in their lacunae and a dense perilacuna phase in several lacunae with non-
osteoblasts). Fluorescence confocal scanning light micrograph, field width = mineralized centres; field width = 330 zm. p. Human parietal bone (neonate
120 um. B. Osteocyte lacuna, half-opened by osteoclastic resorption, in male) showing primary osteonal bone and woven bone (white, with many
periosteal surface of a human rib (13 year male). Canalicular openings are large and conjoined osteocyte lacunae within, appearing black). Resorption
seen in its wall. Surrounding this area, new intrinsic fibre matrix and the of the bone internally is resulting in trabecularization. Embedded BSE, field
ends of Sharpey’s (extrinsic) fibres can be seen. SEM, field width = 29 um. width = 1335 ym.

Bone lining cells

Bone lining cells are flattened epithelium-like cells, particularly
evident in the adult skeleton, found on the resting surfaces of bone,
i.e. those not undergoing deposition or resorption (Miller & Jee
1987, 1992). They form continuous layers and are in contact with
each other, and with neighbouring osteocytes, through gap junctions.
On the endosteal surface of narrow cavities they form the outer
boundary of the marrow tissue, are present on the periosteal surface
and line the system of vascular canals within osteons. Their role and
lineage is not yet clear, but they may be once active osteoblasts
which can revert to the active state when suitably stimulated, or be
derived directly from committed osteoblast progenitors. They may
play an active role in regulating the differentiation of osteoprogenitor
cells, control the access of osteoclasts to the bone surface and
regulate mineral homeostasis (Menton et al 1982; Miller et al 1989).
It has also been suggested on the basis of in vitro experiments that
bone lining cells may secrete collagenase to remove any unmineralized
matrix and prepare bone surfaces for osteoclastic resorption
(Chambers et al 1985).

Osteoclasts (6.33, 34, 35)

Osteoclasts are large (20,2m or more) polymorphous cells with a
variable number of oval, closely packed nuclei, often 15-20 or more
(see review by Baron et al 1993). They are found where there is
active removal of bone and lie in close contact with the bone surface
in pits termed resorption bays or lacunae of Howship (6.368).
Osteoclasts contain numerous mitochondria and vacuoles, many
being tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive lysosomes. The
granular endoplasmic reticulum is relatively sparse for the size of
cell and they have extensive perinuclear Golgi complexes. Coated
transport vesicles and vacuoles are numerous between the Golgi
stacks and the surface of the cell at the site of bone resorption. The
latter is highly folded with finger and leaf-shaped processes to form
a ruffled membrane. Here, the bases of clefts between the irregular
cell extensions may appear as vacuoles in sections. Microtubule
arrays are involved in the transport of vesicles. Around the perimeter
of the ruffled membrane is a well-defined zone of actin filaments,
and here the osteoclast is closely attached to the bone surface, so
[B] libre” nath DN forming a limit to the resorptive activities of the ruffled membrane
zone. In tissue culture the ruffled membrane exhibits constant vig-
6.32 Electron micrographs a shows a young osteocyte within bone matrix orous movement and active pinocytosis. Collagen fragments and
(decalcified during processing for microscopy). Visible are the bases of cell other matrix debris have been found within its clefts. The size of the
processes extending within the canaliculi, the cell body containing granular ruffled membrane varies with hormonal treatment, increasing when
endoplasmic reticulum, the lacuna with less dense matrix surrounding the resorption of bone is stimulated, for example with parathyroid
cell body, and many collagen fibres in the matrix, mainly sectioned trans-
hormone, and disappearing in the presence of agents which directly
versely in this picture. Magnification x3000. (Provided by A Hayward.)
inhibit resorption, for example calcitonin. The region surrounding
B shows bone crystals (above) and collagen fibres at a mineralizing front
on the surface of bone. Magnification x 3000. (Provided by Moya Meredith the ruffled membrane and closely applied to the bone is called the
Smith.) clear zone because it has few cell organelles.

have aged osteocytes, and also low osteocyte viability (Dunstan et

al 1993).
The exact functions of osteocytes are not yet clear. However, it is
widely assumed that they must have an essential role in the main-
tenance of bone, and that their death leads to the resorption of the
matrix by osteoclast activity. It is also assumed that they are involved
in signalling the requirement to resorb microdamaged compact bone,
and to splint fractured trabeculae with microcallus. By means of
their communications with cells at the bone surface, they may act as
local sensors of the mechanical and chemical state of the bone and
initiate resorption or addition of matrix at the surface accordingly
(Lanyon 1993a,b). Evidence that mature osteocytes are directly
responsible for matrix resorption in mammals is lacking at present
(Lanyon 1993a) and refuted by some (Boyde 1980). They remain
responsive to parathyroid hormone and 1,25(OH), vitamin D3 and
it is possible that they are involved in mineral exchange at the
adjacent, extensive lacunar and canalicular bone surface.
In some mammals, a distinct phase is found lining the walls of
the osteocytic lacunae. This perilacunar matrix is highly mineralized, 6.33 Section through developing membrane bone showing a group of
its matrix is formed within the confines of the original lacuna, and large, multinucleate osteoclasts eroding spicules of bone (green). Many
it appears to contain no collagen. In man, the osteocytes themselves osteoblasts are also clustered at other surfaces of the spicules where bone
are often mineralized, with the nuclear compartment still recog- is being formed. Masson’s trichrome. Magnification x1000. (Provided by
nizable. Moya Meredith Smith.) 459
Functionally, osteoclasts are responsible for the removal of bone,
although exactly how is not known.. Clearly, they cause demin-
eralization by proton release, and there is also structural evidence of
organic matrix destruction by lysosomal and non-lysosomal enzymes
(Delaisse & Vaes 1992). Demineralization of the matrix occurs locally
where the osteoclast’s ruffled membrane approaches the bone surface;
it has been proposed that osteoclasts can only attack bone after its
organic lining has been removed by osteoblasts or bone lining cells
to expose the mineralized surface. However, there is also much
evidence that osteoclasts can readily degrade collagen and other
organic compartments of the unmineralized or demineralized matrix,
perhaps by the secretion of gelatinase/collagenase as well as cysteine
proteases (Delaisse et al 1993; Wucherpfennig et al 1994). Osteoclasts
may also generate oxygen-derived free radicals which increase bone
resorption (Baron et al 1993),
Agents responsible for stimulating osteoclasts to resorb bone
appear to be multiple, including factors released by osteoblasts and
probably various other cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes
(see review by Mundy 1993a). A rise in intracellular calcium leads
to inactivation of the osteoclast and a reduction of Ca; to activation.
Various humoral factors such as parathyroid hormone and 1,25(OH),
vitamin D3 (calcitriol) are also involved in bone resorption. This
subject will be discussed more fully in a later section (see bone
remodelling, p. 478).
The cell lineage of osteoclasts has been much studied, and it is
now established that they arise by fusion of mononuclear cells which
originate in the bone marrow (Ash et al 1980; Ko & Bernard 1981)
or other haemopoietic tissue (Takahashi et al 1988). Several lines of
evidence point to similarities between osteoclasts and mononuclear
phagocytes (macrophages) which can also fuse to form giant multi-
nuclear cells with phagocytic functions. Both cell types arise from
the bone marrow, have an affinity for certain supravital dyes,
6.34a. A large osteoclast on the endocranial surface of rat calvarium: the
possess many lysosomes and are motile. However, some monoclonal
cell has several resorptive sites of attachment to the bone and extends over
a large area; SEM, field width = 129 1m. B. The varied shapes and sizes of antibodies specific for macrophages fail to react with osteoclasts, so
active osteoclasts, showing as dark features against the whiter background it is likely that they form a distinct class of cells, although with a
of the more backscattering bone, on the parietal bone of a Westray mouse; common precursor of the granulocyte-macrophage lineage (6.378).
BSE, field width = 266 um. c. Ventral surface of an osteoclast on the endo- When bone resorption has finished, it is possible that these syn-
cranial surface of rat calvarium, dissected back to reveal the resorptive cytial cells dissociate into mononuclear cells: whether these may again
460 ruffled border zone that abutted the bone; SEM, field width 18.5 um. fuse to form active osteoclasts if suitably stimulated is unknown. The
6.35 Electron micrograph of osteoclasts. A shows a large multinucleate shown by the dense granular precipitate within the large (lysosomal) vacu-
cell close to the surface of bone, although not, in this section plane, within oles in the cytoplasm. To the right arrows mark a close junction between
an erosion bay. Magnification x2500. B is a higher magnification of an the cell surface and the matrix below the clear zone of the osteoclast.
osteoclast ruffled border, where active bone resorption is occurring. The cell Magnification x6000. (Both micrographs provided by Moya Meredith Smith.)
has been stained cytochemically for acid phosphatase activity, which is

lifespan of an osteoclast nucleus has been estimated to be about 16 ends of tropocollagen subunits (‘hole regions’) which, in sectioned
days, and Jaworski et al (1981) give osteoclast survival times in vivo material, occur with a 64nm repeat distance along the collagen
of over 7 weeks. However, knowledge of osteoclast longevity in (67 nm in hydrated tissue), emphasizing the regular banding pattern
humans of different ages is scant. in electron microscope preparations. This opinion has recently been
challenged (Arsenault 1989). Bound to the collagen structural frame-
work are acidic phosphorylated macromolecules, also secreted by
MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE—BONE MATRIX the osteoblasts, which initiate mineral deposition of a carbonate-
Bone matrix is the extracellular mineralized material of bone and apatite (Veis 1992).
consists of a ground substance in which are embedded numerous That collagen contributes much to the mechanical strength of this
collagen fibres, usually ordered in parallel arrays (6.36, 38). In mature tissue is clearly demonstrated in bones treated to denature or remove
bone, the matrix is moderately hydrated, 10-20% of its mass being their collagen, when the bone becomes brittle and fragile. The precise
water; of its dry weight, 60-70% is made up of inorganic, mineral role of collagen in bone mechanics is still not understood in detail,
since the direction of fibres, the association of mineral
salts (mainly carbonate-apatite), 30-40% is collagen and the remain- however,
der (about 5%) is non-collagenous protein and carbohydrate, mainly crystals within and outside the fibres and other local features all
conjugated as glycoproteins (Sparc/osteonectin, osteocalcin, decorin, modify their behaviour under stresses of different kinds, making
bone sialoproteins, etc). The proportions of these various com- mathematical analysis a complex matter (see e.g. Frasca et al 1981;
ponents vary with age, location and metabolic status. In the early Currey 1984a,b,c). But it is clear that besides contributing to the
stages of bone formation, before mineralization, the matrix is termed tensile, compressive and shearing strengths of bone, the small degree
osteoid. In adult bones the amount of osteoid is very small, reflecting of elasticity shown by collagen imparts a measure of resilience to
local remodelling of the bone in which mineralization follows the this tissue, helping to resist fracture when mechanically loaded.
deposition of the organic matrix. In certain disease states where Collagen fibres are synthesized by osteoblasts, polymerizing from
mineralization is defective, notably rickets, the amounts of osteoid tropocollagen extracellularly and becoming progressively more cross-
are greatly increased. linked as they mature. In primary bone, they form a complex
interwoven meshwork (non-lamellar or woven bone) which is later
Collagen almost entirely replaced by the regular laminar arrays of nearly
Collagen in bone closely resembles that of many other connective parallel collagen fibres (/amellar bone). Partially mineralized collagen
tissues, belonging to Type I with trace amounts of Type V which is networks can be seen within osteoid on the outer and internal
thought to regulate fibrillogenesis. However, in some details it differs surfaces of bone (6.38c, 62c): endosteal faces and linings of vascular
from collagen in loose connective tissue in that in bone its molecular canal).
structure is more strongly covalently cross-linked internally, and the Collagen fibres from the periosteum are incorporated in cortical
transverse spacings within its fibrils are somewhat larger. The cross- bone (extrinsic or Sharpey’s fibres), anchoring this fibrocellular layer
links make it stronger and chemically more inert, and the internal at its surface (6.36, 38). The terminal collagen fibres of tendons and
gaps provide the space for deposition of the mineral phase—it has ligaments are also included deep in the matrix of cortical bone. With
been estimated that up to two-thirds of the mineral is located within cortical drift (modelling) and turnover (remodelling) they may be
collagen fibrils (Katz & Li 1973; Katz et al 1989). It is generally interrupted by new osteons and remain in islands of interstitial
lamellae or even trabeculae. 461
believed that the crystals are initiated in the gaps between the

6.36a. Collagen fibres on the surface of human trabecular bone (2 month tures amongst the finer intrinsic matrix fibres of the bundle bone. Canaliculi
female, sixth rib). Note the branching and rejoining of the fibres, as fibrils pass through the surface; SEM, field width = 32 um. p. Polished, embedded
switch between bundles; SEM, field width = 36 wm. B. The different orien- section of human cranial bone (15 month male) showing (Sharpey’s) extrin-
tations of the collagen fibres in successive lamellae has been uncovered by sic fibres incorporated throughout the cortex of the bone, and in the region
osteoclastic resorption. Human sixth rib (43 year female); SEM, field width = undergoing trabecularization. The unmineralized cores of the fibres are seen
65 um. c. Periosteal surface of human rib (13 year male). The ends of as fine obliquely running black lines. Fine horizontal lines in the cortex are
obliquely incorporated Sharpey’s (extrinsic) fibres are seen as oval struc- incremental lines. Embedded BSE, field width = 1mm.

Other organic components of the matrix The functions of the bone proteoglycans biglycan and decorin
Various complex macromolecules also exist attached to collagen remain unclear, but they may regulate fibrillogenesis and cell differ-
fibres and surrounding bone crystals in small amounts (for review entiation.
see Delmas & Malaval 1993). Sparc/osteonectin is a phosphorylated Bone sialoproteins, osteopontin and thrombospondin contain the
glycoprotein secreted by osteoblasts and bound mainly to mineral. arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) sequence and are involved in
It is involved in adhesion of cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions. cell adhesion to bone. They may also have a role in mineralization
Osteocalcin is another glycoprotein, synthesized by osteoblasts, of the matrix, particularly in the nucleation of crystals and regulation
which may play a part in bone mineralization and the regulation of of crystal size.
bone resorption. It is bound to the mineral and is used as a marker The bone matrix also contains many growth factors (Baylink et al
of bone formation. Matrix gamma carboxyglutamic acid (GLA)- 1993), proteases and protease inhibitors secreted by osteoblasts, often
protein is bound to collagen; its function in bone is unknown but it in a latent form. One, transforming growth factor-f (TGF-A), is
may inhibit mineralization. activated in the acid conditions of the ruffled border zone of the


Embryonic neural crest Embryonic mesoderm Embryonic endodermal Embryonic yolk sac
and placodes prochordal plate

f Embryonic haemal cell

Embryonic mesenchyme
Haemopoietic stem cell

Stromal stem cell

(multipotential) ‘
Granulocyte/monocyte Erythroid stem cell
stem cell CFU-GM CFU-E

Bipotential progenitor Tripotential progenitor


Granulocyte Monoblast «-?-- ee

Osteoblast ->?-- Bonelning

etoae M: eee! Adi
dipocyte :
progenitor progenitor (committed) Monocyte*~*" Osteoclast
(committed) (committed) «—— “ath progenitor
b ——j]--— ?--- (uninuclear
Macrophage postmitotic)

Chondroblast _--?-~> Osteoblast --—? ———

-—- ———-?- > t

Chondrocyte Osteocyte

6.37 Diagram of the origins of the cells of bone, after Martin et al 1993.

osteoclast and may be a coupling factor for stimulating new bone are those of citrate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, fluoride, chlor-
formation at resorption sites. TGF-f is secreted by osteoclasts as ide, iron, zinc, copper, aluminium, lead, strontium, silicon and boron,
well as osteoblasts (Oursler 1994). many of these being present only in trace quantities. Fluoride
Some plasma proteins, such as a,HS-glycoprotein and albumin, ions can substitute for hydroxyl ions, and carbonate can substitute
are adsorbed by the bone crystals but have no proven function in either hydroxyl or phosphate (Posner 1988). Group IIA cations
bone. such as radium, strontium and lead all readily substitute for
calcium and are therefore known as bone-seeking cations; these
Bone salts can be either radioactive or chemically toxic and so constitute a
Bone salts form the inorganic constituents of the bone matrix, danger to health. When present in bone, they are particularly
conferring on bone its hardness and much of its rigidity. The mineral hazardous since their position in the body close to the haemopoietic
substances of bone are mostly soluble in dilute acids and can be tissues of bone marrow may induce various pathologies of that
removed by prolonged immersion, for example in 2% nitric acid, or tissue.
in solutions of calcium chelators such as citrates or ethylene diamine Under the electron microscope, bone crystals are electron-dense
tetracetic acid (EDTA). The bone then retains its shape but is highly and, where packed closely together, give the matrix a solid appear-
flexible, so that a long thin bone (such as the fibula) can easily be ance (6.32). Intermediate forms of calcium phosphate may occur in
tied in a knot. In histological sections the microstructure of the early stages of mineralization in developing bone. The number and
bone, including its cells, lamellae, osteons, etc. are well preserved size of the crystals increases in mature bone with time and the water
after such gentle demineralization. content decreases. Autoradiographic studies using “*Ca have shown
Bone crystals are small with a large surface. They take the form that rapidly exchangeable bone calcium is found at all bone surfaces
of thin plates or leaf-like structures ranging in size up to at least and is greatest at sites of bone formation and maturation (Parfitt
150 nm long by 80nm wide and 5nm thick but mostly half that size. 1993).
They are often packed quite closely together, with long axes at 3°
(i.e. nearly parallel) to the collagen fibril axis, when within them, or MICROSCOPIC ORGANIZATION OF BONE
may enshroud microfibrils. The narrow gaps between the crystals
contain associated water and organic macromolecules. While the mechanical properties of bone are dependent on the
The mineral portion of mature bones is composed largely of general composition of its matrix, the manner in which the different
crystals made of a substance generally referred to as hydroxyapatite, components are arranged is also of utmost importance in its strength
but with an important carbonate content and a lower Ca/P ratio and resilience. Two quite distinct types of organization are found:
than pure hydroxyapatite (Ca;o(PO4)(OH)2), together with a small woven and lamellar bone.
amount of non-apatitic calcium phosphate (Glimcher 1990). Thus
the major ions which comprise the mineral part of bone include Woven bone
calcium, phosphate, hydroxyl and carbonate. Less numerous ions In primary, woven bone, the most immature tissue of developing 463

6.384. Tapering collagen fibres border the new patch of lamellar bone and to reveal the interface with mineralized tissue. The mineralized segments of
lie across those of the previous layer. Human trabecular bone in fourth the intrinsic fibres lie in the plane of the surface; the ends of extrinsic fibres
lumbar vertebra (35 year male); SEM, field width = 31m. B. Collagen fibre have unmineralized cores. The back wall of an osteocyte lacuna (centre
orientations in the osteonal lamellae of a human femur are seen clearly in right) accommodates to several extrinsic fibres, is well mineralized and
the etched region (lightly resorbed by culturing chick osteoclasts on the shows canalicular openings. Anorganic preparation; SEM, field width =
bone slice for 96 hours, and then removing the cells). The collagen fibres 34 wm. p. Resorbed surface of human sixth rib (5 month female); osteoclastic
lining the osteonal canal can be seen at lower left; SEM, field width = 32 wm. activity has uncovered a partly mineralized extrinsic (Sharpey’s) fibre
c. Human bundle (Sharpey fibre) bone lining the socket of an upper first (running obliquely through the centre of the field) in the bone. Anorganic
molar: unmineralized osteoid and periodontal ligament have been removed preparation; SEM, field width = 33 pm.

bones, collagen fibres (and the bone crystals within them) are situations, collagen fibres and crystals of bone salts are highly
irregularly arranged. The diameters of the fibres vary, fine and coarse oriented within flattened lamellae.
fibres intermingling. The coarse fibres are large enough to be resolved
by light microscopy and are visible in the bright (45° and 135°) Lamellar bone
sectors when a section is viewed between crossed polarizing filters, This type of bone makes up almost all of the adult osseous skeleton.
giving rise to the appearance of the warp and weft of a woven fabric. The precise arrangement of its lamellae varies from site to site,
Woven bone is formed by very active osteoblasts in an osteogenic particularly between the compact cortical bone and the trabecular
blastema, but its formation is stimulated in the adult by fracture, bone within.
growth factors, or prostaglandin E, (Turner 1992). In all other Compact bone (6.30, 39, 40, 41). As already mentioned, adult

6.39 Transverse (a) and longitudinal (8) ground sections of compact bone 8. has emphasized the osteons, predominantly longitudinal but showing
from human femoral shaft. Note variation in shape and size of osteons and intercommunications. (Material for 6.30, 6.39, 6.40 prepared by David
their canals and in distribution of lacunae in a. Haematoxylin staining in Ristow, Guy’s Hospital Medical School.)

bone consists almost entirely of mineralized matrix with collagen 50 4mm; those near the marrow cavity are somewhat larger (Cohen &
fibres arranged in layers, embedded in which are the osteocytes. In Harris 1958). Within each canal are one or two capillaries lined by
many bones a few such lamellae form continuous layers at the fenestrated endothelium surrounded by a basal lamina which splits
surface, termed circumferential lamellae. By far the greatest pro- to enclose typical pericytes. Usually there are also some unmyelinated
portion, however, are arranged in concentric cylinders around neuro- and occasional myelinated nerve fibres, 5-9,.mm in diameter
vascular channels (Haversian canals), so forming the basic units of (Cooper 1968). The bony surfaces of osteonic canals are perforated
bone construction, the Haversian systems or osteons (more correctly by the openings of myriads of canaliculi and are also lined by
called secondary osteons to distinguish them from primary osteons collagen fibres (6.38).
formed during the initial generation of bone and its rapid growth, Osteonal canals communicate directly or indirectly with the med-
as described below). Secondary osteons usually lie parallel to each ullary cavity, channels which run obliquely or transversely to the
other and, in elongated bones such as those of the appendicular direction of the osteons now being referred to as Volkmann’s canals.
skeleton, with the long axis of the bone, but they frequently spiral, These are said not to be surrounded by concentric lamellae of
branch or intercommunicate and some end blindly. It has been bone. However, the majority of such channels appear to be simple
estimated that there are about 21 million osteons in the adult skeleton anastomotic canals and the frequency of larger, true vascular con-
(Parfitt 1983). In transverse section they are round or ellipsoidal, nections with the periosteum and endosteum may be rather low (see
varying from about 100 to 4004mm in diameter, and the number Cohen & Harris 1958).
of lamellae, which are approximately 3 umm thick, is about 30 in All secondary osteons are demarcated from their neighbours by a
medium-sized osteons. Each osteon is permeated with canaliculi of cement line which has little or no collagen and is strongly basophilic
its resident osteocytes which form pathways for diffusion of nutrients, due to a high content of glycoproteins and proteoglycans; this marks
gases, etc. between the vascular system and the osteons. The rather the limit of bone erosion prior to the formation of an osteon and is
small maximum diameter ensures that no osteocyte is more than therefore also known as a reversal line. Similar basophilic lines also
about 200mm from a blood vessel, a distance which may be a occur in the absence of erosion, where bony growth has been
limiting factor in cellular survival. In the intervening spaces between interrupted and then resumed (resting lines). Canaliculi may some-
secondary osteons are the fragmentary remains of osteons or cir- times pass through cement lines, so providing a route for exchange
cumferential lamellae of older bone which have been partially eroded between interstitial bone and vascular channels within osteons
before the new osteons were formed. This is termed interstitial bone. (Atkinson & Hallsworth 1982).
The central osteonal canals vary in size, with a mean diameter of Lamellation of bone (6.38, 40). The relative importance of different

6.40a, B. Ground transverse section of the compactum of the adult human B. A single secondary osteon viewed with high-power polarization optics to
femur photographed using polarization microscopy. Compare with 6.39a. illustrate its lamellar architecture. 465

6.41 Backscattered electron images of embedded bone, coated with is more mineralized and harder; field width = 404 um. c. Circumferential
carbon. A. Primary osteonal bone at surface (top right) and secondary lamellae border the bone surface (top left) but the surface is being resorbed
osteonal bone within. The denser (whitest) bone within the surface layer is as modelling occurs during growth. Remodelling with generations of sec-
woven bone that formed as intervascular ridges. Unremodelled primary ondary osteons is evident within the bone. Human sixth rib (13 years); field
osteonal bone is also present in the interstitial regions between secondary width =780 um. pb. Calcified cartilage remnants (whitest, highly mineralized
osteons. Eroding and infilling osteons are present. Periosteal region of regions) within the bone of rat tibia periosteal resorption and endosteal
human (9 year) tibia; field width = 1.55 mm. s. Adult human rib cross-section: formation are maintaining cortical width. The osteocyte lacunae demonstrate
the bone was indented with a pyramidal marker at constant load: the size the orientation of the lamellae; field width = 600 jm.
of the indent indicates the hardness of the bone. Interstitial, older bone

factors which might account for the lamellar appearance are not yet
entirely agreed. Each lamella consists of a sheet of mineralized matrix
containing collagen fibres of similar orientation locally, which run
in branching fasciculi about 2-3m thick, and often from one
lamella to the next in depth. This interconnecting three-dimensional
construction increases the strength of the bone. There is a difference
in orientation between the structures (i.e. collagen fibres and bone
crystals) in adjacent lamellae, varying between 0° and 90°. This
alternating orientation is clearly shown by polarized light microscopy
(6.40) and by scanning electron microscopy. A less perfect packing
of collagen fibrils into bundles occurs at the borders of lamellae,
with intermediate and indifferent orientations predominating. This
would explain descriptions which have included a thin (0.1 jm) layer
of matrix with a reduced organic content, initially a higher water
content, and, in the mature condition, eventually a higher mineral
content at lamellar boundaries (‘interlamellar bone’). Mjér (1969)
supported earlier claims (Ruth 1947) that fibre-rich and fibre-poor
lamellae alternate, and this view has been adopted by Marotti (1993)
who proposes that (‘transverse’) collagen-rich lamellae composed
of densely packed interwoven fibres alternate with (‘longitudinal’)
collagen-poor lamellae with loosely packed interwoven fibres.
The earliest descriptions suggested that collagen fibres in osteons
alternate between longitudinal and circumferential in successive
lamellae, or that they had spiral paths of different pitches. Although
a degree of spiralization has been confirmed in investigations into the
structure and compressive properties of isolated osteons (Ascenzi &
Bonucci 1968; Ascenzi et al 1978), scanning electron microscopy of
forming or resting surfaces in osteonal canals shows only small
domains or areas of nearly parallel collagen fibres visible on the
bone surface. Although fibres within a domain have the same

direction, domains are not parallel with each other so that variation
of orientation may exist at any surface (Boyde & Hobdell 1969).
The main direction of the collagen fibres within osteons of long bone
shafts varies between sites subjected predominantly to tension, where
they are more longitudinal, and compression, where they are more U
oblique (transverse; Carando et al 1989). At any site in the diaphysis BS>
the peripheral lamellae of osteons have more ‘transverse’ fibres. CA
Trabecular bone (6.25, 26, 27)

The organization of trabecular bone is again basically lamellar, but SXF

Om tS
hor p>

the bone is in the form of branching and anastomosing curved plates,
tubes and bars of various widths and lengths, limiting medullary
spaces (see p. 436) and bounded by endosteal tissue. Their thickness IK
ranges from about 50 to 400 wm (see review by Eriksen et al 1993).
In general, bone lamellae are oriented parallel with the adjacent SSIS:
bone surface and there is the same arrangement of cells and matrix
as found in circumferential and osteonic bone. Thick trabeculae may
contain small osteons, but blood vessels do not otherwise lie within
the bony tissue and osteocytes rely on canalicular diffusion from
adjacent medullary vessels. In young bone, calcified cartilage may
occur in the cores of trabeculae but this is generally replaced by
bone during subsequent remodelling.
Variation in bone composition. Normal variation in composition
of bone at different sites and ages is inadequately recorded, although
it would be valuable in an assessment of rarefaction (porosity) due
to ageing, disease or disuse. Whether osteoporosis is, for example,
merely an actual reduction in total amount of tissue, rather than a
reduction in mineralization, cannot be determined by clinical imaging
methods because of problems of separation of bone from other
tissues. Furthermore, measurement of sizes of vascular, lacunar and
medullary spaces is still difficult even with microscopic imaging
techniques. The minimization of difficulties by limiting estimates to
cortical bone has been tried since trabecular is more labile than
cortical bone. However, the difference in composition of trabecular
and compact bone is normally considered to be slight. Overall, water
content decreases and mineralization increases with age, but how
the organic content varies with age is unknown.
Microradiography and backscattered electron imaging of compact
bone show uneven distributions of mineral salt (6.41). Inner and
outer circumferential and interstitial lamellae are evenly and highly
mineralized. Secondary osteons exhibit variable mineralization; in a 6.42 Scheme of the main features of the blood supply of a long bone
single osteon concentration varies in different areas. Young osteons based upon descriptions by M Brookes (Guy's Hospital Medical School).
have a low but increasing concentration of mineral: whilst infilling Note the contrasting supplies of the diaphysis, metaphysis and epiphysis,
and their connections with periosteal, endosteal, muscular and periarticular 467
is in process, the mineralization is higher in the older, more peripheral
vessels. Consult the text for a more extended description.

6.43 Diagram of the circulatory arrangements in part of the diaphysis of a to become confluent with the periosteal capillaries and venules. Not to scale;
typical long bone. Note, in the marrow cavity, the large central venous sinus, obliquity of cortical capillaries is emphasized for clarity. (Constructed with
the dense network of medullary sinusoids, longitudinal medullary arteries the collaboration of M Brookes, Department of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital
and their circumferential rami. From the latter, longitudinally oblique, trans- Medical School, London.)
cortical capillaries emerge through minute ‘comet-shaped’ foramina (6.46)

bone: after the initial infill is completed, the level is higher centrally occurs in regions of both high and low mineral concentration. In
and less towards the periphery, a gradient which diminishes with age lamellar bone, mineralization reaches 70-80% in about 3 weeks,
until in old, highly mineralized osteons mineral distribution is 100% much less rapidly. Woven bone mineralizes faster and can
uniform. Osteons may also show one or more highly mineralized be identified from adjacent lamellar bone by its higher degree of
468 arrest lines within the wall. During remodelling, bone resorption mineralization.

6.444. PMMA cast of Haversian and interconnecting canals within adult cortex (9 year male) to show arrangement of neurovascular channels; SEM,
human femoral cortex; SEM, scale bar = 1mm. B. Fractured human tibial field width = 1.38 mm.

e cortical branches passing through endosteal canals to feed fen-

estrated capillaries in Haversian systems (6.44).

The osseous circulation supplies the living bone tissue, the marrow, The central sinus drains veins which retrace the paths of nutrient
perichondrium, epiphyseal cartilages in young bones and in part the arteries, sometimes piercing the shaft elsewhere as independent
articular cartilages. Modern researches (see review by Brookes 1993) emissary veins.
have emphasized a centrifugal flow of blood through cortical bone Cortical capillaries conform in their pattern to the Haversian
in shafts of long bones, in contrast to an earlier concept of substantial canals, often described as longitudinal with oblique interosteonic
centripetal arterial flow into the cortex from periosteal vessels. The connections (6.44). However, an oblique, radial pattern has been
vascular supply of a long bone depends on several points of inflow, demonstrated, vessels largely radiating from the primary ossification
feeding complex and regionally variable sinusoidal networks within centre (Brookes 1971). At bone surfaces cortical capillaries make
it, which in turn drain to venous channels leaving through all surfaces capillary and venular connections with the periosteal plexuses (6.42,
not covered by articular cartilage. These vascular patterns are sum- 43, 46), which are formed by arteries from neighbouring muscles
marized in 6.42, 43; see also 6.44, 45). contributing vascular arcades with longitudinal links to the fibrous
One or two main diaphyseal nutrient arteries enter the shaft periosteum. From this external plexus a capillary network permeates
obliquely through nutrient foramina leading into nutrient canals. the deeper, osteogenetic periosteum. At muscular attachments peri-
Long recognized (Havers 1691; Bernard 1855), their sites of entry osteal and muscular plexuses are confluent and the cortical capillaries
and angulation are almost constant and characteristically directed then drain into interfascicular venules.
away from the dominant growing epiphysis. This is the basis of the The concept of such an almost exclusively centrifugal supply to
growing-end hypothesis to explain the positions and orientations of the cortex in the shafts of long bones has received increasing support,
nutrient foramina and canals, but such a simple mechanism does but some (de Marneffe 1951; Morgan 1959) have described an
not account for the exceptions to this pattern reported in various appreciable centripetal arterial flow to outer cortical zones from
species and sites (Hughes 1952). However, in human long bones
Mysorekar (1967) observed atypically directed canals only in the
fibula, attributing this to its unique pattern of ossification. A sub-
sequent study of metacarpal and metatarsal bones showed that,
apart from a few with double or no foramina, over 90% hadasingle
nutrient foramen in the middle third of the shaft. All foramina,
single or double, slanted away from the epiphysis, supporting the
above hypothesis (Patake & Mysorekar 1977). Nutrient arteries do
not branch in their canals, but divide into ascending and descending
branches in the medullary cavity. These approach the epiphyses,
dividing repeatedly into smaller rami which pursue helical courses
in the juxta-endosteal medullary zone. Near the epiphyses they are
joined by terminals of numerous metaphyseal and epiphyseal arteries:
the former are direct branches of neighbouring systemic vessels, the
latter from periarticular vascular arcades formed on non-articular
bone surfaces (6.43). Numerous vascular foramina penetrate bones
near their ends, often at fairly specific sites; some are occupied by
such arteries, but most contain thin-walled veins. Within bone these
arteries are unusual in consisting of endothelium with only a thin
layer of supportive connective tissue (Yoffey 1962). Epiphyseal and
metaphyseal arteries quantitatively exceed the diaphyseal supply,
which they can complement, for example when the latter is experi-
mentally destroyed.
Medullary arteries of the shaft (6.42, 43) give off: 6.45 Microradiograph of long bone in which the arterial supply has been
injected with a radio-opaque substance, demonstrating the centrifugal per-
e centripetal branches to a hexagonal mesh of medullary sinusoids fusion route of the blood supply. (Provided by M Brookes, Department of
draining into a wide, thin-walled central venous sinus Anatomy, UMDS Guy’s Campus, London.) 469
6.46. Scanning electron micrograph of the periosteal surface of the
diaphysis of an adolescent tibia. Note the oblique ‘comet-shaped’ groove and
foramen which in life transmitted a minute neurovascular bundle; numerous
foramina of this general type are scattered over the surface of the diaphysis,
but their pattern, direction and degree of obliquity vary with the overall
subperiosteal deposition of bone that characterizes the various growth zones
of the diaphysis. 8. Vascular grooves and oblique openings on the periosteal
surface of human tibial shaft (9 year male): series of primary osteons develop
as intervascular ridges of new bone form then close over the neurovascular
tissue, incorporating it within the growing bone. c. Transverse slice of shaft
showing secondary osteons which have remodelled the primary osteons
deep to the surface region. Anorganic preparations; SEM, field width a =
1.11 mm, B = 2.81 mm, c = 4.39mm.

periosteal vessels. The large nutrient arteries of epiphyses form many vessels communicate more freely with those of the shaft than in
intraosseous anastomoses, branches passing towards the articular adults, and have more metaphyseal branches.
surfaces within trabecular spaces of the bone. Near the articular Large irregular bones, like the scapula and innominate, receive a
cartilages these form serial anastomotic arcades (e.g. three or four periosteal supply and often have large nutrient arteries penetrating
in the femoral head) from which arise end-arterial loops often directly into their cancellous bone: the two systems anastomose
piercing the thin hypochondral compact bone (6.6) to enter, and freely.
sometimes traverse, the calcified zone of articular cartilage before Short bones receive numerous fine vessels from the periosteum at
returning to the epiphyseal venous sinusoids. non-articular surfaces, supplying their compact and cancellous bone
In immature long bones the supply is similar, but the epiphysis is and medulla. Arteries enter vertebrae close to the bases of transverse
a discrete vascular zone; epiphyseal and metaphyseal arteries enter processes; their medulla drains to two large basivertebral veins
on both sides of the growth cartilage, anastomoses between them converging to a foramen on the posterior surface of the vertebral
being few or absent. Growth cartilages probably receive a supply body.
from both sources and also from an anastomotic collar in the Flatter cranial bones are supplied by numerous periosteal or
adjoining periosteum, but how much from each is uncertain (Brookes mucoperiosteal vessels. Large veins run tortuously in diploé
1964, 1967, 1971; Trueta & Morgan 1960; Rang 1969). Occasionally (cancellous bone). Being thin-walled, they gape when cut.
cartilage canals are incorporated into a growth plate (p.475). Lymphatic vessels accompany periosteal plexuses but have never
Metaphyseal bone is nourished by conjoined terminal branches of been convincingly demonstrated in bone.
metaphyseal arteries and primary nutrient arteries of the shaft. They Nerves. These are most numerous in articular extremities of long
form terminal blind ended sprouts or sinusoidal loops in the zone bones, vertebrae and larger flat bones. Bone has a complex autonomic
of advancing ossification. There may be an intimate contact between and sensory innervation and bone cells have receptors for several
sinusoidal endothelium and cartilage, and to such vessels have neuropeptides, for example, neuropeptide Y (NY), calcitonin gene-
been ascribed a nutritive and a chrondrolytic role (Cameron 1961; related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and
470 Brookes & Landon 1964). Young periosteum is more vascular; its substance P (SP), present in nerves in bone (Bjurholm et al 1992).

6.47. Schema of intramembraneous ossification. Different stages in the

formation of intramembranous bone are shown. Colour code: osteoblasts,
bone lining cells and osteocytes = blue, osteoclasts = pink, blood vessels =
red, surrounding mesenchyme matrix = pale green, uncalcified bone matrix
(osteoid) = dark green, and calcified bone = orange-brown.
A. Cellular condensation in mesenchyme: differentiation of Osteoprogenitor
B. Differentiation of cells into osteoblasts: matrix (osteoid) formation and
mineralization of osteoid to form bone
c. Development of periosteal layer: osteocytes: incorporation of blood
p. Consolidation of bone: remodelling by osteoclasts. 6.48 Transmission electron micrograph of part of an osteoblast, its surface
bearing long filopodia which project into the surrounding intercellular matrix.
Within the latter are clusters of ‘matrix vesicles’ which provide the initial
nucleation sites for the formation of hydroxyapatite crystallites in the early
mineralization of bone. The specimen is from the subperiosteal ossifying
front of a chick’s tibia in tissue culture.

Nerves occur widely in periosteum, and fine myelinated and non-

myelinated fibres accompany nutrient vessels into bone and marrow
and lie in perivascular spaces of Haversian canals.

Although there is no basic difference in the deposition of bone at
various sites to form the skeleton, the precursors are of two distinct
classes: bones such as those in the cranial vault are preceded by a
fibrocellular membrane, whereas most bones are formed in associ-
ation with rods or masses of cartilage. These two types of ossification
are known as intramembranous (dermal) and endochondral, respect-
ively. They will now be considered in some detail, together with the
general topic of the mineralization and subsequent fate of bone.
. ‘

6.49 High-power transmission electron micrograph of a single ‘matrix ves-
Intramembranous (mesenchymal) ossification, which is essentially icle’ from the specimen shown in 6.34. The vesicle is membrane-bound, has
the direct mineralization of a highly vascular connective tissue, a granular content and centrally, along its long axis, is a dense needle-
spreads from regular centres of ossification (6.47), at which differ- shaped crystallite of hydroxyapatite. Magnification x200 000. (Specimens
entiating mesenchymal (osteoprogenitor) cells (see p. 455) proliferate provided by JJ Reynolds, Strangeways Laboratory, Cambridge.) 471

densely around acapillary network (for review see Hansen 1993). A to determine the nature and distribution of nucleation sites, variously
fine mesh of collagen fibres and ground substance appears between claimed to be points in periodic structure of collagen (Weiner &
cells and around vessels. The central cells enlarge and fine strips of Traub 1989), ground substance links between collagen fibrils or
eosinophilic matrix (earliest bone) appear between. These rapidly structural aspects of proteoglycans. An alternative view is that the
extend and fuse into a delicate labyrinth, enclosing vessels and dimensions of the water-filled pore space in the matrix, particularly
transforming mesenchyme, whose cells enlarge, become polygonal, within the collagen macromolecular structure, are crucial in allowing
cuboidal, or low columnar and form an incomplete layer of polarized both the ingress of ions, the formation of critical ion clusters and
osteoblasts (p.456) in contact with the primitive, eosinophilic bony the aggregation of such clusters to form nuclei from which crystal
matrix. The secretion of osteoid constituents occurs from the osteo- growth can continue.
blast surface facing away from the blood vessel. The earliest crystals Matrix vesicles (6.49) Bonucci (1967) proposed a role for the
appear in association with extracellular matrix vesicles produced osteoblast, considering initial nucleation sites to be cellular ‘buds’ or
by osteoblasts (6.48, 49). Crystal formation then extends into the extrusions. Secondary nucleation, by the formation of critical nuclei
surrounding matrix to collagen fibrils which form increasingly wide- which break away from the thermodynamically unstable surfaces of
meshed reticula in walls of an early labyrinth of woven bone (p. 463), already formed crystals, leads to further aggregation of crystals
the primary spongiosa. As layers of calcifying matrix are added to around this initial locus, and thus to the formation of spherulitic
these early trabeculae, some osteoblasts are enclosed by matrix in mineralization nodules: these coalesce to give seams of mineralized
primitive lacunae. Cells are sometimes incorporated in clusters to lie bone, the association with collagen fibres being secondary. Such
in conjoined lacunae. The new osteocytes retain intercellular contact cellular ‘seeds’ derived from osteoblasts would be absent in general
by means of their surface processes and, as these elongate, matrix connective tissues.
condenses around them to form canaliculi. Further osteoblasts are The role of the matrix vesicle has aroused intense interest and
added to trabecular surfaces by differentiation of adjacent osteo- stimulated much investigation (Anderson 1990). The vesicles are
progenitor cells in the vascular mesenchyme. membrane-bound spheres about 0.1-0.2 »m in diameter. They typi-
As matrix secretion, calcification and enclosure of osteoblasts cally have an electron-dense core. The bone salt crystals within the
proceed, the trabeculae thicken and intervening vascular spaces matrix vesicles are often seen first in association with the inner
become narrower. Where bone remains trabecular, the process slows surface of the vesicle membrane and subsequently accumulate in the
and the spaces between them become occupied by haemopoietic vesicles (see review by Anderson & Morris 1993).
tissue. Where compact bone is forming, trabeculae continue to Matrix vesicles appear to be the loci of earliest crystal formation
thicken and vascular spaces to narrow. Meanwhile the collagen fibres in newly forming bone, and indeed in the initial mineralization of all
of the matrix, secreted on the walls of narrowing spaces between mineralized tissue throughout vertebrates (see review by Anderson &
trabeculae, is organized as parallel, longitudinal or spiral bundles Morris 1993). They occur in calcifying cartilage, woven bone, dentine
and enclosed cells occupy concentric sequential rows. These irregular, and subperiosteal bone. Thus matrix vesicles with similar properties
interconnected, sometimes cylindrical masses of compact parallel- can be produced by chondroblasts, odontoblasts and osteoblasts and
fibred bone, with a central canal, are primary osteons or primary their formation is not uniform around the cell membrane. In each
Haversian systems (6.310, 41a). With intervening woven bone they case, it is thought that they are derived by polarized budding of the
are later eroded and replaced by generations of lamellar secondary relevant cell. Their essential role in the initiation of calcification,
osteons (6.41) (see also pp. 465, 467, 478). however, remains disputed and it is difficult to exclude the problem
During these changes mesenchyme condenses on the surface to of artefactual precipitation of crystals. in vesicles during specimen
form a fibrovascular periosteum, and bone is laid down increasingly preparation for electron microscopy. They have not always been
by osteoblasts differentiating from mitotic stem cells in deeper layers found in mineralizing fronts in osteoid of more mature bone, and
of the periosteum. Thus there is an advancing front of matrix some have failed to find calcium tightly bound to matrix vesicles
deposition which entraps further periosteal vessels and also osteo- when using rapid freezing and freeze-substitution of tissue to preserve
blasts which then become osteocytes. Further growth is a con- ultrastructure (Sumii & Inoue 1993). Being membrane-bound, ves-
tinuation of these processes with much modelling by varying rates icles separate internal and external environments, and the outer
of resorption and deposition in different sites. Overall patterns of surface of the vesicle is the same as that of the cell. They show
formation and modelling vary with the shape and structure of alkaline phosphatase, adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)ase, inorganic
particular bones, and these have been studied by many techniques. pyrophosphatase, and nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphatase
Examples are considered elsewhere (p. 478); here the general processes activity and contain acidic phospholipids. It is possible that matrix
of calcification and bone resorption will be considered in further vesicles provide the enzymes and environment to concentrate calcium
detail. and phosphate sufficiently to initiate crystallization, primarily along
the inner leaflet of the membrane, which then spreads outside the
vesicle. Recent studies of isolated vesicles have identified the presence
Calcification and the osteoblast of calcium-binding proteins.
As described above (p.463) bone crystals have an apatitic lattice While it is possible that matrix vesicles are important in beginning
consisting of calcium, phosphate, carbonate, hydroxyl and other ion the process of calcification, there are also various calcium-binding
species. Traditionally calcification has been treated from the point molecules among the proteins and proteoglycans of osteoid, as
of view of precipitation dynamics, with, initially, the only ions needed mentioned above (p.463). These might immobilize ions such that
being calcium (Ca?*) and phosphate (PO,°~). The extracellular fluid crystal nucleation occurs, and may be an important mechanism by
is supersaturated with respect to the basic calcium phosphates which calcification is promoted. Alternatively, they may be inhibi-
(Williams & Elliott 1979) yet mineralization is not a widespread tory, mineralization proceeding in a controlled fashion in vivo
phenomenon. Thus for precipitation to occur, the conditions in because of the selective removal of non-collagenous calcium-binding
osteoid matrix must be in some way especially favourable to this proteins by enzymes produced by the osteoblast.
process. Conditions that might favour calcification might be alkaline Considerable controversy concerns the shape and size of the initial
phosphatase activity in osteoblasts (raising local concentration of crystals which are variously described as plates, rods, or needles.
phosphate), or some factor raising local pH to alkaline levels, with Most studies agree a smallest dimension of about 5nm_ but estimates
consequent reduction in solubility of the calcium salt. However, of length vary from 20-35nm to values three times larger, reflecting
such simple physico-chemical models are now considered inadequate a variety of techniques (Moradian-Oldak et al 1991). X-ray diffrac-
(Anderson & Morris 1993). tion and dark-field electron microscopy give low values for length,
An interesting development was the theory of epitactic nucleation whereas transmission electron microscopy of ion-beam thinned
(Neuman & Neuman 1953), based on the concept of seeding or sections yields much larger values for mature tissue (Boyde
epitaxy: a nucleus is somehow formed, probably in relation to 1974).
collagen, effective in aggregating calcium and phosphate ions
(Glimcher 1990). The hydroxyapatite crystal then grows spon-
taneously by addition of these from the saturated surrounding fluids. Calcium balance, bone resorption and the osteoclast
472 General acceptance of the theory of epitaxy led to many attempts Many cellular activities depend on a relatively constant micro-

environment (in terms of osmolality, types and concentrations of evidence which led to the adoption of this view has been summarized
ions, pH, etc.) and finely balanced feedback systems operate to by Boyde (1980).
ensure this homeostasis. The level of circulating calcium ions is an The depression of circulatory ionic calcium levels increases
example: it is preserved despite wide variation in diet, rates of bone secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which raises blood calcium
growth and remodelling (Parfitt 1993). Involved in this process but level by several mechanisms: direct action on bone, increased renal
varying quantitatively at different times are both labile and stable tubular reabsorption of calcium and increased intestinal absorption
areas of bone salts, interacting types of cell (osteoblasts, osteocytes of calctum—a minor effect. The actions of PTH on bone are complex.
and osteoclasts), various hormones, including parathyroid hormone, Bone turnover is increased and the hormone stimulates osteoblasts,
1,25(OH), vitamin D3 and calcitonin as well as many other factors. perhaps by the local generation of growth factors; the hormone also
Of the total body calcium, 99% is in the skeleton (Parfitt 1993). stimulates osteoclasts either indirectly via the osteoblasts or directly.
Calcium in blood and tissue fluids is constantly exchanging with Osteoblasts have receptors for PTH but these have not yet been
calcium in bone to the extent of approximately one-quarter of ionic unequivocally demonstrated in osteoclasts. PTH may also increase
blood calcium each minute (Brookes 1987). The blood calcium is in bone lining cell and osteocyte activity. Vitamin D3 modifies the
equilibrium with that of tissue fluid, especially in the perivascular action of PTH, decreasing its secretion and contributing to calcium
space in Haversian canals, and in lacunae and canaliculi—which homeostasis by increasing intestinal calcium absorption and the
present vast exposed areas of bone salt for such physico-chemical differentiation and activity of osteoclasts. Conversely, the rise in
exchanges. The microcirculation in bone is rapid and the transport circulating calcium levels increases secretion of calcitonin by thyroid
of bone fluid is probably aided by the movement of the live cells parafollicular cells, transiently depressing circulating calcium and
and their interconnecting processes. Markers added to the blood are suppressing the activity of osteoclasts, but this is not a significant
detected in osteocyte lacunae within minutes. The mineral surface mechanism for normal calcium homeostasis. Calcium release from
exposed to extracellular fluid in a 70kg person has been estimated bone may be altered by the stabilization of collagen, by increased
at between 1500 and 5000 m? (Robinson 1964). The calcium content osteoblastic deposition of bone and specific inhibitors thought to be
of newly formed, less well mineralized bone is more labile than in released locally by bone cells (including bone-lining cells).
older, denser tissue and provides a ready reservoir of calcium ions. Osteoclasts are responsible for bone removal in both modelling
However, rapid calcium exchange is a feature of all bone surfaces, during bone growth and later remodelling of osteons and surface
whether quiescent or not (Parfitt 1993). bone, but details of osteoclastic action remain unclear (p. 460). The
The osteonal surface area in cortical bone has been estimated to ruffled border compartment is acidified by the secretion of protons
be 3.5m’ and the endosteal surface about 7.5m: these surfaces by the osteoclast and bone apatite is dissolved. The exposed matrix
provide activation sites for bone remodelling, resorption occurring is then subjected to proteolytic enzyme activity. Surfaces undergoing
at each location once every 2-5 years whilst bone turnover for the localized resorption display large, multinuclear osteoclasts with
whole skeleton is about 10% per year (Parfitt 1983, 1993). The foamy, faintly basophilic or acidophilic cytoplasm, in contact with
rate of replacement of old osteons by new ones, which continues bone in small resorption lacunae (of Howship). When resorption ends
throughout life, can also be modulated by hormones to alter blood osteoclasts disappear; details of this cell type are given on page 460.
calcium levels by increased activation or suppression of remodelling
sites. Bone salt release may also be modulated by osteocytes and INTRACARTILAGINOUS (ENDOCHONDRAL)
bone lining cells but how far direct cellular action contributes to
rapid continuous turnover of calcium, or how much is simply a
OSSIFICATION 6.50, 51, 52)
direct physico-chemical exchange, is uncertain. Bélanger et al (1963) Most human bones are preformed in cartilage: in early fetal life a
proposed that osteocytes can actively resorb matrix forming the ‘long’ bone is prefigured by a rod of hyaline cartilage (6.50, 53),
lacunar wall, a process he termed osteocytic osteolysis, and contribute replacing a similar rod of .condensed mesenchyme, both fore-
in this way to calcium homeostasis. Criticism of the morphological shadowing in shape the early bone. Smaller (e.g. carpal) bones are

6.50 Survey photograph of a section of a fetal hand showing cartilaginous the carpal elements show any evidence of ossification. (Photography by
models of the carpal bones and various stages of development of primary Kevin Fitzpatrick, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.)
ossification centres in the metacarpals and phalanges. Note that none of

6.51 Micrographs of immature woven bone (fetal human). a is a section of are also visible within the bone. s is a higher magnification of woven bone
part of the maxilla, stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The mineralized stained with picrothionin to show the typically large osteocytes and their
bone is eosinophilic, but shows a paler front of osteoid formation where branched processes. Magnification x800. (Both micrographs provided by
many basophilic osteoblasts are clustered. Magnification x150. Osteocytes Moya Meredith Smith, UMDS, Guy’s Campus, London.)

also preceded by appropriately shaped cartilaginous ‘models’ (6.50). Both the calcifying cartilage and the matrix of the calcifying peri-
In such models a sequence of orderly changes signals the appearance chondral bone collar contain matrix vesicles (see p. 472).
of centres of ossification. The significance of these, and of growth The periosteal collar overlying the calcified cartilage walls of
plates, has been considered elsewhere (p. 437) and only their micro- chondrocyte lacunae is invaded from the deep periosteal layers by
scopic changes will be described here. The cartilaginous model is osteogenic buds—blind-ended capillaries and accompanying osteo-
surrounded by vascular condensed mesenchyme or perichondrium, progenitor cells and osteoclasts. The latter excavate newly formed
like that which precedes and surrounds intramembranous ossificatory bone to pass into adjacent calcified cartilage and here continue to
centres (p.471). Again, its deeper layers contain osteoprogenitor erode walls of primary chondrocyte lacunae, leading to fusion of
cells. these into larger, irregular, communicating spaces or secondary
The first sign of a centre of primary ossification is seen when areolae. These fill with embryonic medullary tissue (vascular mes-
chondroblasts deep in the centre of the primitive shaft (6.53, 54) enchyme, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, haemopoietic and marrow
enlarge greatly, their cytoplasm becoming vacuolated and accumu- stromal cells, etc.). Osteoblasts attach themselves to the delicate
lating glycogen. Their intervening matrix is compressed to thin and residual walls of calcified cartilage, laying down osteoid which rapidly
often perforated septa. Routine histological appearances suggest that changes firstly into patches and’ then continuous linings of bone.
as the cells and their lacunae enlarge, the cells degenerate and may Further layers of bone are added, enclosing young osteocytes in
die, leaving enlarged and sometimes confluent lacunae as primary lacunae, and narrowing the perivascular spaces. As the formation of
areolae whose thin walls have become calcified during these final subperiosteal bone continues, bone deposition on the more central
stages. Simultaneously, cells in the deep layer of the perichondrium, calcified cartilage ceases. Osteoclastic erosion of the early bone
surrounding the centre of the model, become osteoblasts and form spicules then creates a primitive medullary cavity in which only a
a peripheral layer of fenestrated bone. This ‘periosteal collar’, essen- few trabeculae composed of bone with central cores of calcified
tially formed by intramembranous ossification (6.53, 54), is at first a cartilage remain to support the developing marrow tissues. Such
thin-walled tube enclosing the central shaft, but as it increases in trabeculae soon become remodelled and replaced by more mature
diameter it also extends towards the ends of the shaft (see below). bone or marrow. Meanwhile cartilaginous regions near the shaft go

6.52 Section through the surface of a mature bone showing the periosteum 6.53 Longitudinal section of a phalanx (from the hand in 6.50) showing an
into which are inserted skeletal muscle fibres. Notice both fibrous and deeper early primary ossification centre. The cartilage cells in the shaft centre have
cellular components of the periosteum. Viewed by half-polarized light which hypertrophied and this region is surrounded by a delicate tube or collar
demonstrates the anisotropic nature of the lamellar bone visible here; H & of subperiosteal bone (red). Magnification x50. (Photography by Kevin
474 E. Magnification x250. (Provided by Moya Meredith Smith.) Fitzpatrick, Guy's Hospital Medical School.)

future growth plate thus expands in concert with the shaft and
adjacent future epiphysis. On the side of the plate closest to the
epiphysis is a zone of relatively quiescent chondrocytes (the resting
zone), but further towards the shaft of the bone is an actively mitotic
zone of cells. Here, the more frequent divisions in the long axis soon
create numerous longitudinal columns (palisades) of discoidal or
cuneiform chondrocytes, each in a flattened lacuna (6.53). This
proliferation and column formation occupies the zone of cartilage
growth (the proliferative zone) and continued longitudinal interstitial
expansion is the basic mode of elongation of a bone. Traced centrally
in the shaft, a column of cells shows increasing maturity. They
increase in size and accumulate glycogen. In the proliferative zone
the cells exhibit a high level of oxidative enzyme activity. Younger
chondrocytes display surface projections into reciprocal recesses in
lacunar walls, but projections increase greatly as they hypertrophy.
The largest cells apparently withdraw their projections. In the hyper-
trophic zone there is a sharp redox change and energy metabolism is
depressed at the level of the mineralizing front (6.57). According to
6.54 Longitudinal section of the proximal half of a fetal metacarpal bone most investigators, the chondrocytes degenerate and die. An altern-
(from 6.50) at a more advanced stage than the phalanx in 6.53. The peri- ative view (Hunziker et al 1984) is that morphological evidence of
osteal collar of woven bone is thicker, contains radially disposed vascular cell death may be an artefact of tissue preparation and that chon-
spaces; vascular invasion of the shaft centre has occurred and is proceeding drocytes may be alive in the terminal zone. The lacunae are now
towards its extremities. Magnification x40. (Photography by Kevin Fitz- separated by transverse and longitudinal walls, the longitudinal
patrick, Guy’s Hospital Medical School)
walls being impregnated with apatitic crystals (the zone of calcified
cartilage; 6.24a,B, 58). The calcified partitions enter the zone of
bone formation and are invaded by vascular mesenchyme, with its
through similar changes and, when covered with bone, may become osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondroclasts, etc. from adjacent centres of
incorporated in the bone of the periosteal collar. Since these are primary ossification (6.59). Partitions, especially the transverse ones,
most advanced centrally and the epiphyses remain cartilaginous, the are next partly eroded and osteoid deposition, bone formation and
intervening zones show a sequence of changes in growing bones, osteocyte enclosure occur on surfaces of the longitudinal walls.
when viewed in longitudinal section (6.50, 55, 56). This region, which Chondrolysis of calcified partitions has been ascribed to osteo-
persists until longitudinal growth of the bone ceases, is the growth clastic (chondroclastic) action, aided by chondrolysis by cells associ-
plate or epiphyseal plate. ated with terminal loops or buds of a labyrinth of vascular sinusoids
which occupy and come into close contact with each incomplete,
GROWTH PLATE 6.56) columnar trabecular framework (6.60); Stanka et al 1991). The
Expansion of the cartilaginous extremity (usually an epiphysis) keeps terminal vasculature is partly fenestrated. Longitudinal and trans-
pace with the rest of the bone both by appositional and interstitial verse partitions of matrix differ in structure and probably chon-
growth. An organized region of rapid growth develops as the future drolytic mechanisms, the transverse being uncalcified or lightly
growth plate between epiphysis and diaphysis, which grows in all calcified, with sparse collagen and distinctive proteoglycans sus-
dimensions. Transverse or latitudinal growth is due to occasional ceptible to lysosomal enzymes; the more calcified, collagen-rich
transverse mitoses and appositional growth due to matrix deposition longitudinal septa succumb only to osteoclastic action.
by cells from the perichondrial collar (or ring) at this level. The Continuing cell division in the zone of growth adds to epiphyseal

6.55 Low and intermediate magnifications of sections through the carti- through zones of cell multiplication, column formation, hypertrophy, matrix
laginous growth plate between the epiphysis and metaphysis (below) at the calcification and partial chondrolysis to the ossifying front. Compare with
proximal end of a human tibia. Note the transition from hyaline cartilage, 6.56 and consult text for further details. 475

Epiphysial bone

Epiphysial artery,

Cell division {Cell division

(appositional (AM O° eee (interstitial
growth) Pa 2 growth) GROWTH
Perichondrial ring
Cell columns
Cell hypertrophy

Calcification TRANSFORMATION |
of matrix

: ' Chondrolysis

\ Vascularization
Endosteal bone

MiErosion and
Metaphysial and nutrient z Deposition
artery terminal loops

Periosteal bone

6.56 Scheme of the main features of an active growth cartilage and the mechanism of chondrolysis described in the text are indicated. |
adjacent metaphysis and epiphysis. The different views concerning the

p. 448). Bone is formed on calcified cartilage, as described above for
the growth plate. As an epiphysis enlarges, its cartilaginous periphery
forms a zone of proliferation and its organization becomes radial,
with cell columns and zones of growth, hypertrophy, calcification,
erosion and ossification at increasing depths from the surface (6.55).
The early osseous epiphysis is thus surrounded by a superficial
growth cartilage; but the growth plate next to the metaphysis soon
becomes the most active region, and rapidly enlarging cell columns
are directed towards the metaphyseal plate, whereas elsewhere they
are directed to the underlying epiphyseal ossification (Rang 1969).
As the bone reaches maturity, epiphyseal and metaphyseal ossi-
fication processes gradually encroach upon this growth plate from
either side, eventually meeting, when bony fusion of the epiphysis
occurs and longitudinal growth of the bone ceases. Events of fusion
are broadly as follows (Haines 1975). As growth ceases, the carti-
laginous plate becomes quiescent and gradually thins. Proliferation,
palisading and hypertrophy of chondrocytes ceases; they form short,
irregular conical masses. Patchy calcification is then accompanied
6.57 Section showing the transformation of cartilage cells and their lacunae by resorption of calcified cartilage and some adjacent metaphyseal
as the ossifying front of an early primary centre of ossification is approached bone. These resorption channels are invaded by vascular mes-
(below). Note the cell hypertrophy, lacunar enlargement with matrix partition enchyme, some endothelial sprouts piercing the thin plate of cartilage,
reduction and increased density of the partitions following calcification. and here metaphyseal and epiphyseal vessels unite. Final bony fusion
Magnification x600. is by ossification around these vessels, spreading into the intervening
zones. Such bone is visible in radiographs as a radio-dense epiphyseal
line (a term also used for the level of the perichondrial ring around
ends of cell columns and, with the sequence of changes proceeding the growth cartilage of immature bones, or the surface junction
away from the diaphyseal centre, the bone grows in length. Mean- between epiphysis and metaphysis in a mature bone). In smaller
while, there is continued internal erosion and remodelling of the epiphyses, uniting earlier, there is usually one eccentric, initial area
newly formed bone tissue and, as further subperiosteal bone depo- of fusion, with thinning of the residual cartilaginous plate. Sub-
sition continues towards the epiphyses, the bone also grows in sequently the original sites of fusion are resorbed and replaced by
diameter, its medullary cavity enlarging transversely and longi- new bone and medullary tissue extending into the whole cartilaginous
tudinally. plate until union is complete and no epiphyseal ‘scar’ persists. In
Growth continues thus for many months or years in different larger epiphyses, uniting later, similar processes also involve multiple
bones (p.437) but eventually one or more secondary centres of perforations in growth plates, islands of epiphyseal bone often
ossification usually appear in the cartilaginous extremities (6.61). persisting as epiphyseal scars. Calcified cartilage which, coated by
Such epiphyseal centres (or ends of bones lacking epiphyses) do bone, forms the epiphyseal scar is also found below articular car-
not at first display cell columns. Instead, isogenous cell groups tilage, and has been called ‘metaplastic’ bone, a term also applied to
hypertrophy, with matrix calcification and then invasion by osteo- attachments of tendons, ligaments and other dense connective tissues
genic vascular mesenchyme (sometimes from cartilage canals; see (Haines & Mohuiddin 1968).

6.584 Growth plate of rat tibial epiphysis: the unmineralized zones cannot less activity, with little calcified cartilage incorporated in the bone; field
be seen in this embedded BSE image. Mineralized cartilage surrounds the width = 570 um. B. The mineralizing front of the proximal growth plate car-
hypertrophied chondrocytes (round black spaces, often appearing conjoined tilage of rat femur: calcification is predominantly in the intercolumnar regions,
in lines as the partitions between cells in a column are unmineralized). Large surrounding the cells with tubes of mineralized matrix. Central regions
remnants of cartilage are coated with new bone (grey) in the metaphyseal between the tubes may or may not mineralize completely. SEM of anorganic
trabeculae. The epiphyseal side of the growth plate (top right) shows much specimen, field width = 139 ym. 477

primary osteons, circumferential lamellae and, finally, secondary

osteons form interstitial bone-occupying crevices between later
osteons (6.24c, 41). The degree of remodelling is, in general, an
indication of age, so that the number of osteons and osteon fragments
have been used in attempts to estimate the age of skeletal material
at death (Uberlaker 1986; Stout 1989; Castanet et al 1993).
Bone growth is solely appositional, i.e. new layers are added to
pre-existing surfaces, osteocytes being enclosed in lacunae and not
dividing. The rigidity of mineralized bone matrix prevents internal
expansion, so that interstitial growth, characteristic of most tissues,
is absent in bone, though essential in growth cartilages, as previously
Hence remodelling of bone, which involves either major readjust-
ment after fracture or remodelling throughout life, depends upon
delicate geometric balances between deposition and removal. Demon-
strations of these main features have, with increasing refinement,
spanned the last two centuries. Earlier experimenters used metal
markers, such as wires encircling shafts of bones, or pellets embedded
6.59 Section through the metaphysis of a fetal bone stained with haema-
in them, to investigate modelling of growing bones. An early obser-
toxylin and eosin showing developing spicules of early bone. Each spicule vation that newly formed bone is identifiably pink in growing pigs
contains a deeply stained basophilic core of calcified cartilage, which is fed with the plant madder, initiated numerous studies of bone growth
covered on both aspects byalightly stained eosinophilic layer of young by alternating periods of feeding with madder and without it (Brash
bone along which are ranged rows of active osteoblasts. 1934). Intraperitoneal injection of alizarin red has been used with
greater precision for the same purpose (Hoyte 1960). Such studies
confirm that bone grows by accretion; later techniques have merely
increased accuracy, making quantitative histological studies possible.
The cartilaginous surfaces of epiphyses involved in synovial articu- These include administration of osseotropic isotopes followed by
lations remain unossified, but the typical sequence of cartilaginous autoradiography, exposure to tetracyclines at intervals followed by
zones in them persists throughout life. fluorescence microscopy and microradiography. Recently, advances
Synchondroses show a similar developmental sequence to epiphy- in techniques for the detection of autofluorescence or minimal
seal growth plates, except that the proliferative rates of chondrocytes fluorescence labelling by confocal microscopy and of changes in
and replacement of cartilage by bone are similar, although not mineral density by backscattered electron imaging have added further
identical, at each side of the synchondrosis. precision.
Modelling, i.e. change in general shape, occurs in all growing
bones (6.62a,8); much studied examples are cranial and long bones
FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND with expanded extremities. A bone such as the parietal thickens
REMODELLING OF BONE and expands during growth, but decreases in curvature. Accretion
continues at its edges by interstitial multiplication of osteoprogenitor
In both early intramembranous and endochondral ossification, bone cells at sutures. Periosteal bone is mainly added externally and
forms the walls of a continuous labyrinth of large vascular spaces; eroded internally, but not at uniform rates or at all times. The rate
osteocytes are irregularly scattered, there is no lamellation and of formation increases with radial distance from the centre of
collagen fascicles in the matrix form a random network. This woven ossification (the future parietal eminence) and formation may also
bone is typical of young fetal bones, but occurs also in adults in occur endocranially as well as ectocranially, changing the curvature
excessively rapid bone remodelling and during repair of fractures. of the bone. As the skull bones thicken and grow at the sutures, the
Woven bone is also found as the centres of intervascular ridges relative positions of original centres of ossification change in three
sprouting radially (and branching tangentially) from rapidly growing dimensions, the vault of the skull expanding with growth of the
surfaces of even quite large growing bones (6.31p, 41A, 46). Later, brain. The development of diploé (trabeculae) and marrow space
concentric tracts of non-lamellar, parallel-fibred (in which collagen internally results in outer and inner cortical plates.
bundles in the matrix form parallel longitudinal spirals) or lamellar Long bones elongate mainly by extension of endochondral ossi-
bone are deposited within the vascular spaces, dividing them by fication into calcified zones of adjacent growth cartilages continually
osseous bridges and narrowing them as primary osteons (primary replaced by longitudinal interstitial growth of their proliferative
Haversian systems) develop (6.41D). No bone resorption precedes zones, with minor additions by radial epiphyseal growth. Sim-
formation of such osteons; hence no cement lines separate them ultaneously diametric increases of growth cartilages and shafts occur
from surrounding woven bone. Later again, once primary osteonal by continuing subperiosteal deposition and endosteal erosion. In
development has ceased, bone deposited circumferentially on peri- many bones, however, growth is at different rates, or even reversed,
osteal and endosteal surfaces is mostly lamellar (6.36p, 41c); where at different places. A bone initially tubular may thus become tri-
lamellae are thin, lamellation is indistinct. angular in section, for example the tibia. Similarly, the waisted
As bone matures, typical Haversian systems (secondary osteons) contours of metaphyses are preserved by differential rates of peri-
gradually replace primary osteons and woven bone. They are always osteal erosion and endosteal deposition, as metaphyseal bone
preceded by resorption, usually eccentric, of the vascular channels becomes diaphyseal in position. The junction between a field of
within primary osteons or woven bone. Remodelling of the interior resorption and one of deposition on the surface of a bone during its
of bone is marked by the balanced activities of osteoclasts and growth is called a surface reversal line: the relative position of such
osteoblasts; osteoclasts first excavate a cylindrical tunnel by concerted a line may remain stable over long periods of cortical drift.
action (a ‘cutting cone’ of about nine osteoclasts moving at about Tetracycline marking techniques have emphasized the mutability
50 wm/day: Jaworski 1992), and then they are followed by osteoblasts of even mature compact bone, where a single section may include
which fill in the space created by concentric deposition around a mature quiescent osteons, and recently formed, forming or resorbing
centrally ingrowing blood vessel (forming a ‘closing cone’ with about osteons. Lamellar bone forms at a variable rate; each Haversian
4000 osteoblasts/mm”: Jaworski 1992). Concentric deposition of system resorption canal being about 2 mm long forms in 1—3 months,
lamellae then follows on walls of resorption cavities, narrowing the with a new infilling osteon forming in a similar period. Internal
vascular channels (Polig & Jee 1990). A hypermineralized, basophilic remodelling continuously supplies young osteons with labile calcium
cement line marks a site of reversal from resorption to deposition. reserves, and a malleable osseous architecture responsive to altering
Formation of secondary osteons does not end with growth but patterns of stress. The remodelling unit in cancellous bone equivalent
continues variably throughout life; some of the earliest secondary to the secondary osteon is the bone structural unit. This has a depth
478 osteons are eventually eroded (6.41). Remnants of woven bone, (thickness) of 40-70 1m and length of about 100m in sections of

—— eee


of central cells

Calcification of
matrix in primary
centre and
formation of
periosteal collar
of bone
Invasion of primary centre
by vascular osteogenic buds

Primary bone laid

down on calcified
cartilage remnants;
secondary centre of
ossification appears
and becomes Continued growth
vascularised of cartilage of
‘epiphyseal’ plate and
epiphysis; proliferation
Cessation of cartilage of red bone marrow
growth and complete
ossification of
‘epiphyseal’ plate,
(fusion of the epiphysis).
Replacement of red
bone marrow with
yellow, adipose marrow
(as in all long bones
of the adult, except
proximal humeral
and femoral 6.60a-G Diagram depicting the stages of endochondral ossification in a
epiphyses) long bone (e.g. a phalanx). For colour code see 6.47; additionally, hyaline
cartilage = light purple, calcified cartilage = deep purple. For further details
of postnatal endochondral ossification, see 6.56.

6.60H, | Electron micrographs showing cartilage cells in two stages of and disintegrated, while at its base is the tip of an ingrowing capillary
endochondral ossification in an epiphyseal plate. In G, growing chon- surrounded by osteoblasts. Magnification x6000. (Micrographs taken by
droblasts have laid down a collagenous matrix containing numerous dense G Roberts.)
matrix vesicles. Magnification x6000. In H the chondrocyte has hypertrophied 479

rickets, the uncalcified or poorly calcified cartilage trabeculae are

only partially eroded; osteoblasts secrete layers of osteoid, which fail
to ossify in the metaphyseal regions. Ultimately gravity deforms such
softened bones. (For review of the role of vitamin D, see Eisman
1993.) The local production of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 is also
believed to be important in the generation of new osteoclasts from
Deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy, with widespread changes
in all connective tissues, particularly growth cartilages and meta-
physes of long bones. Vitamin C is essential for adequate synthesis
of collagen and matrix proteoglycans in connective tissues and, when
deficient, growth plates become thin, ossification almost ceases and
metaphyseal trabeculae and cortical bone are reduced in thickness,
causing fragility and delayed healing of fractures.
Vitamin A is also necessary for normal growth and for a correct
balance of deposition and removal of bone. Deficiency retards growth
due to the failure of internal erosion and remodelling, particularly
in the cranial base. Foramina are nafrowed, sometimes causing
pressure atrophy of contained nerves; the cranial cavity and spinal
6.61 Transverse section through an epiphysis of a long bone at a more canal may fail to expand with the central nervous system (CNS),
advanced stage of ossification. Note the gradation of cartilage cell lacunae
impairing nervous function. Conversely, excessive vitamin A stimu-
(left) as the ossifying front is approached. The bony trabeculae (light pink)
contain dark patches of basophilic calcified cartilage and the intertrabecular lates vascular erosion of growth cartilages, which become thin or
spaces are filled with red bone marrow. totally lost; as a result, longitudinal growth ceases. Retinoic acid, a
vitamin A derivative, is involved in pattern formation in limb buds,
and the differentiation of osteoblasts.
bone according to Eriksen et al (1993) but many bone packets viewed Balanced endocrine activities are essential to normal bone matu-
en face at the surface of trabeculae are much more extensive and ration, and disturbances may have profound effects. In addition to
irregular in shape (6.62, 63). The morphogenetic control of shape is its role in calcium metabolism, parathyroid hormone in excess
not clear, but suggestions largely involve responses to strain. Cer- (primary hyperparathyroidism) stimulates unbridled osteoclastic
tainly bone resorption typically occurs when the gravitational or erosion of bone, particularly subperiosteally and later endosteally—
other mechanical stresses are reduced, as in bed rest, or in zero a condition termed osteitis fibrosa cystica and identified radio-
gravity conditions in space. Likewise bone subjected to constant graphically by a characteristic lacework pattern in cortical bone.
pressure tends to resorb and, with constant tension, is deposited; Acidophil cells of the adenohypophysis cerebri secrete growth
this forms the basis of much orthodontic treatment, as teeth can be hormone (GH) (somatotropin) necessary for normal interstitial pro-
made to migrate slowly through alveolar bone by the application of liferation in growth cartilages and hence increase in stature. Ter-
steady lateral or medial pressure. However, why dermal and cartilage mination of normal growth is imperfectly understood, but may
bones apparently respond differently to strain of a given magnitude involve a fall in hormone production or in the sensitivity of chon-
is an enigma. droblasts to insulin-like growth factors regulated by GH, amongst
Completely dry bone is piezo-electric, i.e. it develops potential others (Canalis et al 1993). Experimental hypophysectomy, or clinical
differences when deformed. However, there is no possibility that reduction of GH in the young, leads to quiescence and thinning of
this phenomenon might be related to physiological effects in life. growth plates and hence pituitary dwarfism. Conversely, continued
Streaming potentials arise when ionized fluids flow through channels hypersecretion in the immature leads to gigantism, but in maturity
with charged surfaces; they are proportional to the rate of strain; no it results in thickening of bones by subperiosteal deposition, the
change in the rate of fluid flow is to be expected when a deformation mandible, hands and feet being most affected, an affliction known
is simply maintained. The resulting stress-generated electrical effects as acromegaly.
may affect cells responsible for osteolysis and bone deposition, While continued longitudinal growth of bones depends on
promoting structural remodelling (see Currey 1984a,b,c and adequate levels of GH, the effective remodelling to a mature shape
Martin & Burr 1989 for reviews). Data concerning sources, intensities also requires the action of the thyroid hormones, tri-iodothyronin
and distributions of bioelectric phenomena in stressed connective and tetraiodothyronin (T3 and T4); growth and skeletal maturity
tissues in general are not yet sufficient to show causal relationships are also closely related to endocrine activities of the ovaries, testes
between such events and to relate them to morphogenesis. However, and adrenal cortices. High oestrogen levels increase deposition of
bone cells in culture respond to electric fields. endosteal and trabecular bone; conversely, osteoporosis in aged
women may reflect reduced ovarian function. Fluctuations in the
Metabolic and endocrine effects on bone rate of growth and the timing of skeletal maturation reflect circulating
The roles of bone salts, PTH, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol) levels of adrenal and testicular androgens (p. 1853). In hypogonadism,
and calcitonin in regulating circulating calcium levels are considered maturation (marked by growth plate obliteration) is late and the
elsewhere (p.472). However, the normal development and main- limbs therefore elongate excessively; conversely, in hypergonadism,
tenance of bone also require adequate intake and absorption of premature fusion of the epiphyses results in diminished stature. The
calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and D and a balance between normal growth and pathology of growth cartilages has a large
growth hormone, thyroid hormones, oestrogens and androgens. literature, beyond the present scope, but several accounts are pub-
Various other factors, including different prostaglandins and gluco- lished (Rang 1969; Serafini-Fracassini & Smith 1974; Kember 1983).
corticoids may also play important roles in the maintenance and
turnover of osseous tissue (see Eriksen et al 1993; Mundy 1993b).
Prolonged deficiency of calcium causes loss of bone mineral via a GENERAL FEATURES OF BONES
loss of bone tissue and consequent bone fragility (osteoporosis).
Vitamin D influences intestinal transport of calctum and phosphate Bones vary not only in their primary shape but also in lesser surface
and therefore affects circulatory calcium levels; prolonged deficiency details, or secondary markings which appear mainly in postnatal
(with or without low intake) leads, in adults, to bones which contain life. Certain features—elevations and depressions, smooth areas and
regions of deformable, uncalcified osteoid (osteomalacia). Similar rough ridges—are found in many bones. For such, a repertoire of
deficiencies, during growth, lead to severe disturbance of growth general terms is used, since the same form of marking or surface
cartilages and ossification, including reductions of regular columnar texture usually has the same functional significance wherever it
organization in growth plates and failure of cartilage calcification occurs. For example, bones display articular surfaces at synovial
(although chondrocytes proliferate); growth plates also become joints with their neighbours; if small, these are facets or foveae.
480 thicker and less regular than normal (classic rachitis or rickets). In knuckle-shaped surfaces are condyles, and a trochlea is grooved like

6.62a. Endosteal surface of human sixth rib (2 year 4 month male) showing SEM, field width = 129 ym. c. Anorganic preparation of human sixth rib (70
resorption trails crossing the field obliquely. The central track was made by year male). New bone formation had filled the resorbed region at the right;
one osteoclast migrating over the bone surface as it resorbed the bone. the mineral clusters indicate an interface with osteoid. At the upper left the
Note that the path of the osteoclast followed the orientation of the collagen collagen fibres are fully mineralized indicating a ‘resting’ bone surface. At
fibres (and this would be the same as the long axes of the overlying the lower left corner new bone deposition had not yet extended over the
osteoblasts). SEM of anorganic specimen, field width = 320um. B. whole of the resorbed area. SEM, field width = 127 wm. p. Repair with new
Resorbed surface on human sixth rib (59 year male): the individual pits bone of a resorbed region on a trabeculum in a human sixth rib (43 year
comprising the large Howship’s lacuna vary in size and shape, but the female). The resorption pits can still be seen below the newly deposited
directions taken by resorptive lobopodial extensions of osteoclasts can be collagen. Field width = 72 wm.
identified in some places. Note also the canaliculi for osteocyte processes.

a pulley. Adapted in shape to the movement of particular joints, typical of most other bone surfaces, articular cartilage being poorly
such surfaces are smooth, though in life they are, of course, covered vascularized. However, osseous articular surfaces are not completely
by articular cartilages forming the actual surfaces of synovial joints. impermeable, though the cartilage contiguous with subjacent bone
The texture of such osseous surfaces is due to another feature, is usually calcified; hence substantial interchange is improbable (the
frequently overlooked; they are devoid of the vascular foramina nutritive avenue to articular cartilage may be largely from synovial 481
6.63a. Parasagittal section of human fourth lumbar vertebra (59 year male) highly mineralized, older bone. The patch just above the centre of the field
showing trabecular bone: 4mm thick section cleaned using enzymes. in a is shown at higher magnification in 8. BSE, field widths a = 21.5mm
Regions of newly deposited bone show as dark patches against the more and B = 1.69mm.

fluid). Scanning electron microscopy shows that all bony surfaces, induced is uncertain but they may result from the continued incor-
including those appearing smooth to the naked eye or hand lens, poration of new Sharpey’s (extrinsic) fibres in the bone, necessary
display large numbers of minute foramina. The proportion of these for minor functional adjustment. Evidence suggests that their pro-
occupied by vascular, nervous or collagenous elements is unknown. minence may be related to the power of muscles involved and they
Large tendons (e.g. adductor magnus, subscapularis) are attached increase with advancing years, as if the pull of muscles and ligaments
to facets which lack the regular contours of articular surfaces but exercised an accumulative effect perhaps over a more limited area.
resemble them in texture, being poorly vascularized. Such tendon Certainly, surface markings delineate the shape of attached con-
facets are sometimes depressed (the adductor ‘tubercle’ is often a nective tissue structures, whether an obvious tendon, intramuscular
small pit); alternatively they may surmount large elevations, for tendon or septum, aponeurosis, or tendinous fibres mediating other-
example, the humeral tuberosities. wise direct muscular attachment. Hence markings may be facets,
Depressions and elevations, varying in size and shape, interrupt ridges, nodules, rough areas or complex mixtures, affording accurate
otherwise featureless osseous surfaces. A depression is a fossa, and data of junctions of bone with muscles, tendons, ligaments or
some articular surfaces are fossae (cf. temporomandibular joint). articular capsules. Numerous examples will be described with indi-
Lengthy depressions are grooves or sulci (e.g. humeral bicipital vidual bones.
sulcus); a notch is an incisura, and an actual gap is an hiatus. A Even in the so-called ‘fleshy’ or direct attachment of a muscle, its
large projection is termed a process or, if elongated, slender or myocytes do not themselves adhere directly to periosteum or bone.
pointed, a spine. A curved process is a hamulus or cornu (cf. The route of transmission of tension from contracting muscle to
sphenoidal pterygoid hamuli and hyoid cornua). A rounded pro- bone is through the connective tissue which pervades all muscles as
jection is a tuberosity or tubercle, occasionally a trochanter. Long perimysium and endomysium. These two forms of attachment of
elevations are crests, or lines if less developed; crests are wider and muscles, at the extremes of a range of admixtures, differ in the
present boundary edges or lips; however, these terms are ill-defined, density of collagen fibres between muscle and bone. Where collagen
and one most substantial crest is the linea aspera (cf. femur). An is visibly concentrated, markings appear on the bone surface. In
epicondyle is a projection close to a condyle and usually an attach- contrast, the multitude of microscopic connective tissue ties of direct
ment for the collateral ligaments of the adjacent joint or common attachment, necessarily over a larger area, do not visibly mark it.
myotendinal attachments for superficial muscle groups (cf. humerus). Here the bone appears smooth to unaided vision and touch.
The terms protuberance, prominence, eminence and torus are also less
often applied to certain bony projections. The expanded proximal
ends of many long bones are often termed the ‘head’ or caput (cf.
humerus, femur, radius, etc.).
A hole in bone is a foramen; foramina are canals when lengthy. Microdamage in bone may initiate bone remodelling; it may also
Large holes may be called apertures or, if covered largely by con- precipitate bone fracture. After an injury such as a fracture, bone
nective tissue, fenestrae. Clefts in or between bones are fissures. A generally undergoes spontaneous regeneration, which in favourable
lamina is a thin plate; larger laminae may be called squamae (e.g. conditions can result in virtually complete restoration of its ana-
the temporal squama). tomical structure before injury. Depending on the location of the
Large areas on many bones are featureless and indeed often injury, endochondral and/or intramembranous ossification (p. 471)
smoother than articular surfaces, but they differ from these in may be involved. Exceptions to this occur in the calvarium, where
possessing many visible vascular foramina. Such a texture occurs fractures may be repaired permanently by fibrous union and not by
where muscle is directly attached; through the foramina pass small regeneration of new bone, and after rigid internal fixation, where
blood vessels from bone to muscle and perhaps vice versa. bone can form directly by primary bone healing, without the pre-
Areas covered only by periosteum are similar but vessels are less liminary development of either fibrous tissue or cartilage.
Tendons are usually attached at roughened bone surfaces; and
wherever any aggregation of collagen in a muscle reaches bone, BONE HEALING WITHOUT OPERATIVE
surface irregularities correspond in form and extent to the pattern INTERVENTION
of such ‘tendinous fibres’. Such markings are almost always elevated
above the general surface, as if ossification advanced into the collagen Bone healing consists of several overlapping phases: inflammation,
482 bundles from periosteal bone. How such secondary markings are soft callus formation, hard callus formation and remodelling. Soft

and hard callus formation are collectively equivalent to the pro- localization of endothelial cell proteins (Oni et al 1993), but pericytes
liferative phase of wound healing. The term ‘soft callus’ appears to may be osteoprogenitor cells.
be contradictory in that ‘callus’ implies hardness (Latin callum or
callus = hard integument); it can be defined as the soft, collagenous, Soft callus formation
revascularizing, osteogenic blastema which unites the bone fragments During the stage of soft callus formation, which occupies approxi-
and from which bone regenerates. mately 3 or 4 weeks, a soft tissue blastema or soft callus develops
around and between the fragments of bone, reducing their mobility
Inflammation (6.64a). The soft callus contains proliferating preosteoblasts, fibro-
Inflammation begins immediately after fracture, overlaps with the blasts and often chondroblasts, embedded in a matrix, rich in
phase of soft callus formation and typically lasts for about 4 days. glycoproteins and collagen, into which new blood vessels grow. The
It is characterized by local haemorrhage, haematoma formation, soft callus can be subdivided into external and internal callus, the
oedema and pain. Although there is some evidence that fibrin in the former derived from the proliferation of osteoblast progenitors in
haematoma may stimulate the proliferation of local potentially the osteogenic layer of the periosteum, and the latter from endosteal
osteogenic cells and assist in immobilizing the bone fragments, the cells. The enhanced proliferative activity of the osteogenic layer of
haematoma is not generally considered to be a significant stimulator the periosteum extends beyond the immediate fracture site, elevating
of bone healing (Heppenstall 1980). the overlying fibrous component of the periosteum and producing a
Vascular damage causes the environment of the fracture to become collar of soft external callus which unites the bone fragments.
hypoxic and acidic, followed by tissue necrosis at and close to Periosteal cells located within this callus furthest from the fracture
the site of injury. Mast cells, polymorphonuclear leucocytes and site (i.e. in a mechanically stable, well-oxygenated environment) form
macrophages appear at the site of injury and release cytokines, some new osseous matrix directly, but as the more mobile and poorly
of which may, as in the repair of skin wounds, stimulate the oxygenated fracture site is approached the cell population becomes
proliferation of reparative cells (here osteoblasts, endothelial cells mixed. Although angiogenesis is in progress, proliferation is so rapid
and, in some circumstances, chondroblasts). Platelet-derived growth that cellularity outstrips vascularity, maintaining an oxygen gradient
factor (PDGF), for example, is mitogenic for osteoblasts. The mast and keeping the fracture site relatively hypoxic (Wray 1963; Hepp-
cells, some of the macrophages and the reparative cells are of local enstall et al 1975). Initially the periosteum supplies blood to the site
origin, while the polymorphonuclear leucocytes and the remainder of fracture, but later in the regenerative process the normal cen-
of the macrophages (and osteoclast precursors) are haematogenous. trifugal flow of blood from the endosteal circulation is re-established.
During the inflammatory phase, osteoclasts and macrophages
erode necrotic and live bone and remove tissue debris from the Hard callus formation
fracture site. Osteoclasts are stimulated to resorb in an acid environ- During this stage of fracture healing the external and internal soft
ment (Mundy 1993a). Recent research suggests that macrophages callus are gradually converted into woven bone (6.648) mainly by
also secrete factors or mediators, some of which stimulate collagen endochondral ossification, unless the bone fragments have been
synthesis and angiogenesis in wound healing, and it is conceivable surgically immobilized with a compression plate, when intra-
that they act in a similar manner in the healing of bone. membranous ossification predominates. Both cellularity and vas-
As inflammation is overlapped by soft callus formation, cells near cularity continue to increase, but in such a manner that the oxygen
the fracture site are induced to develop into osteoblasts which gradient referred to above is maintained. The pH of the matrix
produce new bone. Osteoprogenitor cells in the periosteum divide of the callus gradually increases to the neutral level. While both
actively and differentiate into osteoblasts, and marrow stromal and osteogenesis and chondrogenesis are in progress, osteoclastic activity
surrounding connective tissue cells differentiate into chondroblasts. continues at the fracture site. This stage of bone healing commences
The inductive mechanism for differentiation is probably multi- at about 3 or 4 weeks after injury and continues until attainment of
factorial and may involve a variety of interacting stimuli including firm bony union, about 2 or 3 months later for most adult long
cytokines released from mast cells, macrophages, stromal cells and bones, but sooner in the young.
endothelial cells, reduced oxygen availability and the level of bone
morphogenetic proteins (Baylink et al 1993; Wozney & Rosen 1993). Remodelling
The notion that endothelial cells may become osteoblasts in fracture During remodelling, which overlaps with the formation of hard
callus (Brighton & Hunt 1991) is not supported by immuno- callus and may continue for several years, the woven bone of the

6.64 Midsagittal sections through the repairing fracture site of the lower of blastemal tissue. External soft callus contains patches of cartilage; a few
tibia of a rabbit, held rigidly in an external fixator. Movat’s hexachrome stain: bone trabeculae and some cartilaginous areas are present endosteally.
undifferentiated blastemal tissue = grey; cartilage = turquoise; bone = pale B. 4 weeks after injury. A thin layer of bone lies in the fracture gap. Endosteal
green. (Sections provided by R. Brueton, Orthopaedic Research Depart- soft callus unites the posterior cortical fragments. Periosteal soft callus is
ment, Rayne Institute, St Thomas’s Hospital, London; photographed by present posteriorly, but is not yet confluent across the gap, while anteriorly
Kevin Fitzpatrick.) a. 2 weeks after injury. A distinct fracture gap separates only fibrous tissue is present.
adjacent fragments of cortex. The mainly adipose marrow contains patches 483

hard callus is gradually converted into lamellar bone. Osteoclasts The entire process only lasts about 5 or 6 weeks but has the
remove excess bone from the exterior of the periosteal collar and disadvantage that the major surgical intervention required subjects
remodel its endosteal aspect so that the medullary cavity is restored the tissues to further trauma.
across the site of the fracture (6.65). As a result of changes in
vascularity, the oxygen supply of the fracture site returns to normal.
Remodelling can be considered to be complete, a state achieved
more rapidly in children than in adults, when the site of the fracture
may no longer be identified either structurally or functionally. The
regenerative process is, however, extremely lengthy and, until it has
been completed, the injured bone is functionally less efficient than it
was before damage. Attempts to accelerate the rate of regeneration
have included surgical intervention and exposure to physical agents
such as direct current (Friedenberg et al 1971; Brighton 1981), pulsed
electromagnetic fields (Bassett et al 1974; reviewed by Barker & Lunt
1983) and ultrasound (Duarte 1983; Dyson & Brookes 1983). The
bioelectrical properties of bone and its response to electrical stimuli
have been reviewed by Spadaro (1991).


The same four overlapping stages of repair are found in fractures
which are stabilized, except that no cartilage is formed in the second,
soft callus phase (Brueton et al 1993; Perren et al 1969). Such
‘primary bone healing’ still follows an interruption of the blood 6.65 Midsagittal section through the remodelling fracture site of the lower
supply at and near the fracture and results in local resorption, with tibia of a rabbit, held rigidly in an external fixator, 6 weeks after injury. A
mass of periosteal hard callus unites the posterior cortices, while fibrous
the destruction of osteons and the generation of Haversian systems tissue is present anteriorly. Endosteal hard callus unites anterior and pos-
across the site of the fracture. Osteoclasts assemble at the ends of terior cortices. Some soft callus lies between the fragments posteriorly.
Haversian canals near to the fracture site, forming cutting cones Remodelling of the marrow cavity has begun and there is a central axis of
which advance at a rate of 50-80m per day across the fracture, myelofibrotic material. Movat’s hexachrome stain: undifferentiated blastemal
enlarging the canals as they advance; they are closely followed by tissue = grey; cartilage = turquoise; bone = pale green. (Section provided
osteoblasts which form new Haversian systems in the enlarged canals by R. Brueton, Orthopaedic Research Department, Rayne Institute, St
which now cross the fracture site and so link the fragments of bone. Thomas's Hospital, London; photographed by Kevin Fitzpatrick.)

The rigid nature and mode of growth of skeletal tissue requires that INTRODUCTORY CLASSIFICATION OF
the skeleton consists of multiple osseous elements, each joined to its ARTHROSES
neighbours by a variety of structural arrangements. All such unions
are grouped as arthroses (synonyms: articulationes, juncturae Either (classic nomenclature)
(classical); joints, articulations, junctions (Anglicized)). Arthroses are
concerned with differential growth, transmission of forces (tensile, ARTHROSES
compressive, shear and torsion) and movement (from consolidation (Articulationes; Juncturae)
and complete rigidity at one extreme, through to relatively free
but controlled movement at the other). Which of these attributes
predominates varies with site and age, often changing markedly with ee
the latter. The scientific study of the functional topography and SYNARTHROSES DIARTHROSES
temporal variation of arthroses is Arthrology. Arthroses are classified (osseous bond by specialized (bond—collagenous sleeve
solid connective tissues) around cleft between free,
in a number of ways, with different criteria and degrees of quan- smooth, lubricated articular
titative accuracy being adopted by different groups of workers. cartilage surfaces
Hence, sources limited to a single classification should be considered capping bone ends)
with respect to the intended audience, varying from a simplified
introductory grouping, through a more detailed vocational grouping,
to greater mensural information for orthopaedicians and finally the
most comprehensive classifications—used by specialist kinesiologists. ARTICULATIONES ARTICULATIONES ARTICULATIONES
All these approaches to classification are given here, initially as a FIBROSAE CARTILAGINEAE SYNOVIALES
synopsis of principal headings and terms; in later pages and (where
indicated) elsewhere, these are defined and described in greater detail.
Where the morphology is mixed, or changes radically with time, and or (Anglicized nomenclature)
in some exceptional topographical situations (e.g. the costal cartilages
and the larynx), additional classificatory groups have been included. JOINTS
Although unusual, this confers a more complete logic to the frame- (Articulations; Junctions)
works employed.


patencone |
The anlagen of all skeletal units (initially separate centres of ossi-
fication and ultimately consolidated whole bones) are derived from
condensations of mesenchyme. At many sites the mesenchyme
becomes increasingly fibrous and bone formation occurs directly JOINTS
484 in the tissue (intramembranous ossification, p.471); elsewhere the

Introductory classification of arthroses (continued)

I SYNARTHROSES bone—solid connective tissue—bone

1. FIBROUS JOINTS (Articulationes fibrosae)
a. Sutures: bone—collagenous sutural ligament—bone
b. Syndesmoses: bone—collagenous interosseous ligament, membrane or cord—bone (elastic fibrous tissue is
occasionally prominent)
c. Gomphoses: bone—complex collagenous periodontium—dental cement
2. CARTILAGINOUS JOINTS (Articulationes cartilagineae)
a. Synchondroses: bone—hyaline cartilage—bone
(Primary cartilaginous joints)
b. Symphyses: bone—hyaline cartilage—fibrocartilaginous disc—hyaline cartilage—bone
(Secondary cartilaginous joints)
SYNOSTOSES: rigid bony union; after growth has ceased this is the normal fate of synchondroses, ultimately
most sutures, and some symphyses

If DIARTHROSES bone—cavitated connective tissue—bone

SYNOVIAL JOINTS: bone—articular cartilage—synovial fluid in cavity—articular cartilage—bone
(Articulationes synoviales) Bond: surrounding sleeve of collagenous fibrous capsule lined by synovial membrane; extrinsic
and intrinsic ligaments. Occasional intracapsular ligaments, tendons, fat pads, fibrocartilaginous
discs or menisci

More detailed nomenclature (see text for definitions) (A)



Sutures (Suturae) Synchondroses (Primary cartilaginous joints; hyaline growth cartilages)

Morphological terms: Varieties and sites:
serrate Synchondroses cranii (between ossific centres in the chon-
denticulate drocranium, within and between named bones. See text for
Squamous details and names.)
limbous Synchondroses postcranii
plane epiphysiodiaphyseal
schindylesis (wedge and groove) epiphysiocorporeal
Suturae cranii (33 officially recognized and systematically named) intra-epiphyseal
multiplex (in compound, e.g. hip, bones)
Gomphoses sternales (between sternebrae)
(‘peg and socket’; manubriosternalis (young)
articulationes dentoalveolares) xiphosternalis
sacrales (young)
Syndemoses costal cartilages are atypical (see text)
Bonding by collagenous (sometimes elastic) interosseous ligament,
cord or membrane sheet. There are 12 officially recognized, named, Symphyses (Secondary cartilaginous joints)
syndemoses (see text). Criteria for inclusion (or exclusion) remain Bone surfaces encased in hyaline growth cartilage are bonded by
arbitrary. fibrocartilaginous disc. All are median.
S. manubriosternalis
SYNARTHROSES: MIXED S. intervertebrales
S. sacrales
Many large synchondroses have localized bundles of dense collagen.
Many sutures possess islands of fibrocartilage (see text). S. pubis
S. menti (atypical and temporary)


Syndesmoses, gomphoses and some symphyses grow with their surrounding tissues, the latter contributing to osseous growth; when growth
ceases, however, they persist throughout life with only minimal age changes. Some symphyses ossify wholly or in part. Synchondroses and
sutures possess both functionally important mechanical properties and are most prominently growth mechanisms. When growth ceases the
intervening cartilage or fibrous tissue is progressively ossified, bony union occurs and they become synostoses. It is usually stated that ‘the
joint is obliterated’ and uncommon to group synostoses with arthroses. Total function, however, makes it quite logical.

mesenchyme differentiates into a hyaline cartilaginous model within changing character with time, or they may develop a narrow but
which an orderly sequence of transformations leads to endochondral extensive, enclosed, fluid-containing cavity. Solid (non-synovial) joints
ossification. The biological nature, mechanical properties, changes are termed synarthroses and are commonly grouped according to the
and fate of the specialized connective tissues interposed between principal type of intervening connective tissue: fibrous joints and
adjacent osseous surfaces form the foundation for the broad classi- cartilaginous joints. These reflect the two modes of ossification already
fication of arthroses, firstly into two fundamentally contrasting mentioned.
groups. The specialized connective tissues may remain solid, often Synarthroses, of both types, characterize almost all the cranial 485

More detailed nomenclature (see text for definitions) (B)

(to avoid repetition Joint or Articulation is omitted below)
General Morphology
Simple (one pair of articulating surfaces; male and female)
Compound (more than one pair of surfaces)
Complex (with intracapsular meniscus or disc)

Se a
Widely used terms Precise analytical terms
(useful approximations) (less frequently encountered)
Surface shape Surface topology
plane ovoid, simple; male and female
spheroid (enarthrosis; ‘ball and socket’) ovoid, compound; male and female
ellipsoid sellar; male and female
ginglymus (‘hinge’) Almost all synovial articular surfaces are quantitative variants of the
bicondylar above.
trochoid (‘pivot’) Joint mechanics
sellar (‘saddle-shaped’) Movements are related to the concept of the mechanical axis of a
Axes of movement bone (see text). Movements are all resolvable as rotations around
uniaxial one, two or three orthogonal axes, i.e. possessing 1-3 degrees of
biaxial freedom.
triaxial Types of movement
polyaxial Terms refer to one mobile articular surface moving relative to its
Types of movement fixed partner.
translation Spin: pure rotation of surface around its mechanical axis.
rotation (conjunct or adjunct) two varieties—pure and impure:
angulation Cardinal swing: tips of mechanical axis trace a chordal path. There
flexion/extension is no spin.
abduction/adduction Arcuate swing: tips of mechanical axis trace an arcuate path. Joint
circumduction topology necessitates some associated spin (i.e. conjunct rotation)
protraction/retraction All the above terms, and others, are defined and amplified in the
fixation (neuromuscular) following pages.
fixation (mechanical: close-packing)
During locomotion, postural adjustment and exploratory and
manipulative tasks, the above analytical unitary movements are
combined in complex patterned arrays at numerous joints.
Fundamental joint positions
Loose packed—controlled free mobility
Close packed—position of functional rigidity

junctions; their respective derivations are the desmocranium and plementary areas on a neighbouring bone or bones; specialized
chondrocranium; both types are also present in large numbers connective tissues blend strongly with the osseous surfaces, solid or
throughout the postcranial skeleton which, apart from the clavicle, cleft, and occupy all the intervening territory. Collagen, prominent
is mainly endochondral in origin. in the present context, is considered in terms of varieties, dispositions,
Cavitated (synovial) joints are formally termed diarthroses and, with mechanical properties and biosynthesis in ‘the matrix of connective
few exceptions (the temporomandibular joint and those involving tissue’ in Section 1, Introduction, where also the less prominent elastic
the clavicle), are between the ends or other defined surfaces of components are reviewed. Accounts of the development of skeletal,
endochondral bones. Each articular surface is of specialized hyaline junctional and related locomotor structures can be found in Section
cartilage strongly adherent to the bone on one aspect, and presenting 3, Embryology and development. (Consult tables for nomenclature of
a free, lubricated, macroscopically smooth, wear-resistant surface on varieties of arthroses.)
the other, which can glide over its fellow with minimal friction. The
fine cleft between apposed surfaces contains lubricating and nutritive
synovial fluid (synovia): this synovial cavity extends to the synovial FIBROUS JOINTS
membrane (where the fluid is produced) which lines the surrounding (ARTICULATIONES FIBROSAE)
fibrous capsule and other non-articular joint surfaces.
In most instances fibrous joints consist of predominantly collagenous
junctions between bones but in a minority of situations fibro-elastic
SITES OF ARTHROSES tissue predominates. Three main groups of fibrous articulation are
The detailed topography of individual bones including the generally recognized, namely, sutures, gomphoses and syndesmoses
fleshy/tendinous/aponeurotic attachments of muscles, fasciae, liga- (6.66).
ments, articular capsules and other relationships, for example neuro-
vascular, visceral, coelomic or bursal, together with a summary of
their patterns of ossification, are considered later in this Section.
Also given are the well-defined areas on the surface of a bone which Sutures are limited to the skull and occur wherever margins or
486 are in intimate structural/functional juxtaposition with com- broader surfaces of bones are separated only by connective tissue,


Uniting layer ligaments

Cambial Middle Cambial Sacro-iliac joints:

Synovial Syndesmosis
Capsular Capsular
Hip bones
Layers of sutural ligament

Radius Ulna


Sphenoidal rostrum

4 tt

(Dentoalveolar joint )
(Ridge and groove)

6.66 Some examples of the principal varieties of fibrous joints great variety of fibrous interosseous structures. The official (internationally)
(articulationes fibrosae), each shown in section. Note that schindyleses are recognized list has changed several times over the years, with the list
not regarded by some as sufficiently distinct from sutures to merit a separate increasing; however, the massive sacro-iliac ligament illustrated is not, as
group. Syndesmoses are difficult to define because of the large numbers and yet, in the official list.

the sutural ligament or membrane, which is a surviving unossified rigid synostosis. This is a slow process (p. 607) and does not begin
part of mesenchymatous sheets in which dermal bones develop until the late twenties; yet it is clearly necessary that sutures should
(p. 548). Sutural ligaments display regions of differentiation con- cease to be slightly flexible joints as soon as possible after birth.
cerned in growth and binding of apposed bone surfaces (Pritchard Sutural ligaments may create an almost immovable bond between
et al 1956). On its sutural aspect each bone is covered by a layer of large areas of bone, especially where they show reciprocally adapted
osteogenic cells (the ‘cambial’ layer), itself overlaid by a capsular irregularities, even if fine as in the intermaxillary junction; but such
lamella of fibrous tissue (6.66), collectively corresponding to and immobility cannot be produced at narrow edges of bones in the
continuous with periosteum at the margins of the sutural surfaces, cranial vault. Here, however, their margins develop spikes and
both inside and outside the skull. Between these two layers of sutural recesses which interlock so well that the bones are difficult to separate
periosteum is a central stratum of loose fibrous connective tissue, even when denuded of all fibrous connective tissue. Where the edges
varying in width according to age and the interval between the bones are saw-like, the junction is a serrate suture: a denticulate suture has
involved. This central stratum contains thin-walled blood vessels, small toothlike projections, often widening towards their ends to
the veins of which communicate with diploic vessels, intracranial provide even more effective interlocking. When united by sutural
venous sinuses and external veins in the scalp. The fibrous periosteum ligament and periosteum, such sutures are almost completely im-
adherent to the bones crosses the interval between them, as two mobile: the sagittal suture is serrated as is much of the lambdoid
uniting layers (external and internal) enclosing the sutural ligament denticulate. Where bones overlap, as at the temporoparietal suture, a
and adding to its strength. During active growth the orientation of squamous suture is formed; the adjacent bone surfaces are reciprocally
collagen fibres within sutural membranes is adaptable to several bevelled and, if mutually ridged or serrated, the junction is sometimes
factors, particularly to the direction of growth of minute bone termed a /imbous suture. Simple apposition of contiguous surfaces,
spicules (Koskinen et al 1976). usually rough and reciprocally irregular, is inappropriately named a
In view of the occurrence of fibrous tissue in synchondroses plane suture, examples being sutures between the palatine bones,
(p. 488), it is interesting that, during growth, secondary cartilage between the maxillae and at the palatomaxillary sutures. Although
formation often occurs in sutural ligaments, suggesting a relation surface demarcations between such bones show none of the inter-
between fibrous and cartilaginous joints. locking evident at serrate or denticulate sutures, irregular surfaces
When cranial growth (including in its earlier stages growth at of contact, united by wide expanses of sutural ligament, provide
sutures) ends, osteogenic cells generally bring about complete ossi- much resistance to shearing or torsion; like other sutures they are,
fication of sutural ligaments, ultimately leading to obliteration and for all practical purposes, immovable. In summary, sutures, although 487

in some locations providing slight perinatal flexibility, are essential Cartilaginous joints are themselves classified into two groups:
structural mechanisms for sutural bone growth, providing the neces- synchondroses (primary cartilaginous joints) and symphyses (secondary
sary rigidity and geometry in the upper neurocranium and in the cartilaginous joints) (6.67). When fully formed each group has some
nasofacial and palatine skeleton. distinctive structural and functional features; other features, however,
Schindylesis. This is a specialized suture where a ridged bone fits although varying quantitatively, are common. The terms primary
into a groove on a neighbouring element, for example the cleft and secondary should, perhaps, be abandoned; they are only apposite
between the alae of the vomer that receives the rostrum of the in the instances of certain symphyses (see below) that, devel-
sphenoid. opmentally, are preceded by synchondroses within which further
differentiation occurs.
A peg-and-socket joint (articulatio dentoalveolaris) is a specialized
fibrous articulation restricted to the fixation of teeth in alveolar These articulations occur where originally separate, but adjacent,
sockets in the mandible and maxillae. The collagen of the perio- centres of ossification appear within a continuous mass of hyaline
dontium connects dental cement with alveolar bone (see p. 1706, for cartilage. As ossification spreads it invades the actively growing zone
details). of cartilage occupying the interval between the contiguous osseous
surfaces. Thus, a synchondrosis consists of two ossifying fronts
closely bonded by a specialized hyaline growth cartilage. Structurally,
SYNDESMOSES passing towards an ossifying surface the growth cartilage has suc-
A syndesmosis is a fibrous articulation in which bony surfaces are cessive recognizable zones of: relative quiescence; proliferative and
bound together by an interosseous ligament, a slender fibrous cord interstitial growth; transformation into columns, with cell hypertro-
or an aponeurotic membrane, usually allowing slight but occasionally phy, matrix calcification and cell death; ossification involving chon-
more extensive movement between them. Long considered to be rare drolysis, vascularization and osteogenesis (see p.471). Where the
in mammals, the term was at one time restricted to the inferior rate of ossification of both surfaces forming a synchondrosis is
tibiofibular joint alone (but see below). Clearly this was unsatisfactory approximately equal (e.g. in the cranial base), the growth cartilage
since interosseous fibrous connections occur in such profusion and has a central quiescent zone equidistant from the surfaces and the
variety of form; nevertheless no consensus concerning a precise zones proceed symmetrically towards both surfaces. Where the
definition of syndesmosis has emerged. The following may serve to growth rates are unequal, the growth cartilage structure is cor-
illustrate some inconsistencies and difficulties, and perhaps provide respondingly asymmetrical; extreme examples are synchondroses
a background for the curious assortment of structures officially between the diaphysis and terminal epiphyses of long bones where
recognized as syndesmoses given below. growth and progressive ossification are mainly (but not exclusively)
Though not usually so described, the dorsal part of the sacro-iliac diaphyseal. In the latter the quiescent zone lies near the epiphyseal
junction, through its massive interosseous sacro-iliac ligaments, is, bone with the ossification zone extending towards the diaphysis. The
rather than ‘closely resembles’ a syndesmosis (6.66). The sacro-iliac cartilaginous growth plate grows in girth by the interstitial and
joints proper, primarily synovial, are also often invaded by fibrous subperichondrial methods described elsewhere (p. 478), with activity
tissue late in life and may become entirely fibrous articulations, varying at different radial distances from its centre. In this way the
differing little from syndesmoses. The inferior tibiofibular joint, long overall shape of the cartilage and its associated bones are changed,
accepted as a typical syndesmosis, could alternatively be considered sometimes profoundly. Thus, the early epiphysis of the femoral head
little more than an interosseous ligament adjacent to the ankle joint, is separated from the femoral neck, an extension of the diaphysis,
or to a synovial extension of the joint when this exists, as it by a relatively simple horizontal plate of growth cartilage. With
occasionally does in man and regularly in other primates. If this is differential growth the capitular tip of the neck becomes increasingly
accepted, the term syndesmosis could be extended to many other conical, being tightly bound to a conical growth cartilage which fits
interosseous ligaments, as in the carpus and tarsus, and also include into a deep conical recess in the inferolateral part of the otherwise
the interosseous membranes of the forearm and calf (foreleg), spheroidal ossifying femoral head.
especially since these are already described as ‘intermediate’ joints Functionally, synchondroses are primarily growth mechanisms and,
in the radioulnar and tibiofibular series (but see below). Since although contributing slightly to the more flexible skeleton of youth,
ligaments are almost all ‘interosseous’, it becomes difficult to restrict their growth potential is combined with the ability to successfully
use of the term ‘syndesmosis’, unless only very short extrinsic resist forces, whether of compression, tension, shear or torsion. Thus
ligaments close to a synovial joint are so designated. (Intrinsic and they permit growth to continue, while either free but controlled,
intracapsular ligaments of synovial joints must be excluded.) often powerful, movements can be executed at neighbouring synovial
In Nomina Anatomica (1977) the term syndesmosis was extended joints, or the more restricted movements at symphyses and some
to include the following ligaments: pterygospinous, stylohyoid, inter- fibrous joints. These features are characteristic of the numerous
spinous, intertransverse, ligamenta flava and ligamentum nuchae. postcranial synchondroses. Since, with the exception of the clavicle
The syndesmosis radioulnaris includes the antebrachial interosseous and areas of subperiosteal bone accretion, all postcranial centres
membrane and oblique cord, the syndesmosis tibiofibularis, the inter- of ossification are endochondral, synchondroses are present in all
osseous membrane and ligament and the anterior and posterior postcranial bones derived from two or more centres, i.e. the majority
tibiofibular ligaments. This particular choice of ligaments is, however, of postcranial bones. The carpal and most tarsal bones, however,
quite arbitrary; many others could have been included as syn- each develop from a single endochondral centre: their ossifying
desmoses: the list should be expanded within a strictly defined surfaces advance invading a complete encasement of growing cartilage.
framework. Parts of the latter persist as the specialized articular surfaces of the
synovial carpal and tarsal joints; elsewhere the bone approaches the
perichondrium (now periosteum) providing attachment for fibrous
joint capsules, tendon sheaths, interosseous ligaments, fascial septa
CARTILAGINOUS JOINTS and muscles. Clearly, these relatively small bones possess no syn-
(ARTICULATIONES CARTILAGINEAE) chondroses but their essential growth mechanisms have much in
common with that of epiphyses (p. 649).
As indicated earlier synarthroses, bone junctions bonded by solid
connective tissue, are generally divided into two main groups: fibrous Postcranial synchondroses
and cartilaginous joints. In most instances the distinction is quite Most postcranial synchondroses have not been given specific topo-
obvious and apposite; at a number of sites, however, some admixture graphical names, but the general morphological group to which
occurs, where a predominantly fibrous articulation contains each belongs is given in the classification (p.485). They may be
occasional islands of cartilage or conversely a predominantly carti- epiphysiodiaphyseal (or more precisely epimetaphyseal, or
laginous articulation contains aligned dense bundles of collagen (see epicorporeal), intraepiphyseal in compound epiphyses, or multiplex
488 below). in compound bones with multiple primary centres. Examples of the


Epiphysis Primary centre
(secondary centre) e.g. basisphenoid
Endochondral Endochondral
bone ossification

cartilage Cartilaginous {
growth and
transformation |

bone t
ossification ,
Metaphysis Primary centre Fate of
(primary centre) e.g. bastoccipital synchondrosis

Terminal growth plate Synchondrosis Annular Synostosis of
of hyaline cartilage epiphysis

Fibrocartilage Obliteration of
Fibrocartilaginous invades nucleus nucleus pulposus
First decade 15-25 years Mature (presacral) symphysis

Maturing sacral and coccygeal

symphyses undergo variable progressive
synostosis starting peripherally


Sternochondral synovial joints

with fibrocartilaginous articular
surfaces (sometimes synarthroses
Body of sternum with fibrocartilage bond)

Interchondral synovial joints

Xiphoid process

(interchondral syndesmoses ) Costochondral synarthroses
with adherent fibrocartilaginous
plate; periosteum and
perichondrium continuous

General periosteum and

perichondrium omitted

6.67 Varieties of cartilaginous joints (articulationes cartilagineae). a. Syn- sectional view, displaying changes with age. Note that partial or complete
chondroses in sectional view. The principal tissues involved, more detailed synostosis is the normal fate of sacral and coccygeal symphyses. For
architecture and main growth patterns of symmetrical and asymmetrical discussion and for manubriosternal and pubic symphyses see text and
synchondroses. In some locations lesser degrees of asymmetry occur; individual joints. c. Less common interchondral and osseochondral junc-
synostosis is the normal fate of almost all synchondroses when endo- tions; see text for other locations.
chrondral growth has ceased. B. Intervertebral symphyses (presacral) in


last which have topographical names are: the triradiate acetabular are connected to the temporal bone by equally specialized fibrous
cartilage of the developing hip bone, sternales between growing arrangements, the fibrous stratum of the tympanic membrane
sternebrae, manubriosternalis (young, before transformation to a (p. 1373) and the annular ligament respectively. The endochondral
symphysis), xipihosternalis, vertebrales confined to individual ver- centres of ossification are for the inferior nasal concha (single), the
tebrae, sacrales centrales (young, soon to be temporary symphyses) ethmoid (three), the sphenoid (multiple pre- and postsphenoidal
and Jaterales (between central, neural arches and costal processes). centres for the body, conchae, lesser wings and roots of greater
Structurally, the pattern of zonation mentioned above and elsewhere wings, see p.592), the temporal bones (multiple centres for each
(p.437) requires some amplification. Growth cartilages vary con- petromastoid part and styloid process), and the occipital bone
siderably with age, site and species (see Knese 1979 and Hall 1983 (multiple centres for basilar, condylar and squamous parts up to the
for reviews of the literature; Moss-Salentijn et al 1987 and Taylor et superior nuchal lines, see p.585). The sites of basicranial syn-
al 1987 for recent quantitative studies). Most intensively studied are chondroses are numerous, some being within individual bones, others
certain synchondroses in small laboratory mammals (mouse, rat, between them, with all contributing to some extent to basicranial
rabbit), particularly the proximal tibial synchondrosis. In the embry- growth. However, those that persist for limited periods, and coalesce
onic stage the cartilaginous ‘models’ of future bones consist of early, are unnamed, while those that make substantial contributions
generalized hyaline cartilage, its chondrocytes being randomly dis- to growth have official names; these are (omitting the prefix
tributed within the matrix. With the formation and longitudinal synchondrosis): sphenoethmoidalis, spheno-occipitalis, sphenopetrosa,
advance of the primary centre of ossification the site of the pre- petro-occipitalis, intraoccipitalis anterior and intraoccipitalis posterior.
sumptive growth plate of cartilage is indicated by ovoid aggregates Although they are not officially named, .presumably because of their
(or clones) of chondrocytes. The full zonal pattern is only seen in relatively early fusion, it seems appropriate to include the main
the definitive growth plate between the advancing osseous surface of intrinsic synchondroses of the sphenoid. Suggested names are: intra-
the metaphysis and that of the epiphysis. Human growth plates are sphenoidalis transversus between pre- and postsphenoidal parts of
relatively much thicker than those of the laboratory mammals the body and intrasphenoidalis lateralis, bilaterally separating the
studied, due mainly to the depth of the ‘quiescent’ or small cell zone body from the conjoined greater wings and pterygoid processes (see
adjacent to the epiphyseal bone, which accounts for 60-70% of total p. 588). The cranial synchondroses are approximately symmetrical
plate thickness. Its significance is, however, controversial, some in structure, their zones of growth and differentiation passing from
regarding it as relatively inert while others consider it a pool of stem the centre towards both ossifying surfaces.
progenitor cells (see reviews and quantitative references). From the
latter, throughout the life of the growth plate (i.e. growth of the The fate of synchondroses
bone), successive generations of chondrocyte columns are formed, When growth between parts of a bone or between individual bones
transformed, partially eroded, then form a scaffold for advancing joined by a synchondrosis nears completion, classic cartilaginous
ossification. Thus, when fully active, a growth cartilage contains growth, transformation and endochondral ossification ceases. For a
chondrocyte columns of varying length, maturity and position. period the cartilaginous plate is relatively quiescent, but becomes
Young columns extend limited distances from the small cell zone irregularly thinned; complex histological changes now ensue involv-
(epiphyseal position); mature forms are full length columns; old ing the cartilage from both osseous surfaces. (For histological details
columns are again short, partly eroded and metaphyseal in position. and references see p.477.) Finally, the synchondrosis is entirely
(These names are purely positional, devised for quantitative analyses replaced by complete bony union between the originally separate
of growth cartilages in appendicular long bones, which as they grow osseous surfaces, forming a synostosis, losing its cartilaginous growth
and retreat all contribute to the advancing surface of metaphyseal potential and mechanical properties, but acquiring the maximal
ossification.) The dual views concerning the small cell zone may, rigidity of bone. This enhances the effectiveness of postcranial bones
reasonably, both be correct; the cells near the epiphyseal bone have in resisting a variety of powerful stresses, either in almost static
a low growth potential while the potential to function as a pool of postures or during movement patterns involving synovial and (to
chondrocyte progenitor cells increases markedly as the tips of the more limited degrees) median symphyseal or fibrous joints. Rigidity
chondrocyte columns are approached. of the neurocranium, both during and after completion of growth,
The chondrocytes and matrix of young growth cartilages have the is functionally essential, providing protective support and encasement
three-dimensional architecture described for hyaline cartilage (p. 450) of the brain, special sense organs, their vasculature and associated
and the changes in the partitions enclosing chondrocyte columns fluids (blood and cerebrospinal fluid).
have been mentioned (p. 476). In the latter the collagen fibrils have
been termed ‘ladderlike’ (Eggli et al 1985). Some large growth Terminology: some brief comments
cartilages that are habitually subjected to unusually large stresses may The fate of synchondroses raises a number of points, some directly,
also develop dense bundles of collagen, the fibro-osseous disposition others indirectly, which require amplification; they also provide
reflecting the stress. These fibrous epiphyseal (growth) plates have examples of the kindof limitations inherent in many biological
been studied by Smith (1962a,b). In the proximal growth plate of classifications. It is commonly stated that ‘synchondroses are tem-
the human tibia the almost flat condylar parts are crossed by porary junctions, and with cessation of growth, the joint is obliterated
regularly aligned horizontal bundles lying at right angles to the as bony union occurs’. Apparently useful and self-explanatory, the
long axis of the bone, which during weight bearing suffer lateral statement requires comment. ‘Temporary junctions’: while strictly
compression. Where the epiphysis descends anteriorly to form the correct in relation to all true synchondroses (see below), the periods
tibial tuberosity it is subjected to shearing stress due to the oblique of activity and times of synostosis vary greatly in different sites.
pull of quadriceps femoris; here the growth plate cartilage is almost Some fuse in fetal or perinatal life, others throughout the first decade,
completely replaced by oblique dense collagen. (Other examples of many in the latter half of the second, while the spheno-occipital
structurally mixed growth cartilages are given in the references above; basicranial synchondrosis may continue well into the third decade
for a general review of the vascularization of epiphyseal growth (p. 588, see also ‘Ossification of individual bones’). Many are, there-
cartilages see Moss-Salentijn 1976.) The fates of both postcranial fore, fully active for many years; consequently their essential proper-
and cranial synchondroses are considered below, together with some ties are a unique combination of growth potential and strength of
unclassified or inappropriately classified junctions involving cartilage. interosseous bonding. ‘Cessation of growth’: this clearly does not
refer to overall growth, for example, of the whole body, skeleton,
Cranial synchondroses body segment or even a whole bone. Patterns of osseous fusion are
Cranial synchondroses occur between neighbouring endochondral complex and extend over lengthy periods; most long bones that
centres of ossification that develop in the chondrocranium (for its develop simple terminal epiphyses at each end (e.g. fibula, ulna) have
origin, chondrification, and topographical regions, see p.478, and asynchronous fusion times. The growth referred to is the equilibrium
Bosma 1976 for a general developmental review). Some regions of between endochondral ossification, cartilaginous growth plate pro-
the chondrocranium remain unossified: the lateral, alar and septal liferation and transformation of the specific growth plate. When
nasal cartilages and remnants occupying and near the foramen fusion has occurred, however, subperiosteal and subendosteal bone
lacerum. In contrast the largely endochondral auditory ossicles accretion and resorption and trabecular remodelling may continue;
490 articulate via specialized synovial joints, while the malleus and stapes at the microscopic level, osteon removal and replacement at varying


rates continues throughout life. ‘The joint is obliterated’: this implies fifth to ninth costal cartilages carry a variable number of simple
acceptance of synarthroses as a major classificatory group, with interchondral synovial joints as well as irregular syndesmoses in the
synchondroses (also symphyses, sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses) form of short interchondral ligaments between their borders or apices
as well-defined subgroups. Osseous fusion is not included in the (particularly cartilages eight to ten), anchoring their tips to the
official nomenclature or by the majority of authors. Some authorities, superjacent border.
however, include synostoses as extreme forms of synarthroses,
especially when growth potential and rigidity are regarded as equally
relevant arthrological elements as active movement.
A symphysis is another variety of cartilaginous synarthrosis having
Unusual junctions involving cartilage many features in common with other arthroses, only differing quan-
Arthroses are generally defined as coaptations of osseous surfaces, titatively; distinctive attributes although prominent are few. Topo-
with their classification stemming from the variety of specialized graphically, all symphyses are median and, with one exception, are
intervening connective tissue and its solid or cleft state. A number confined to the axial skeleton. The latter include the following named
of junctions, however, have many arthrodial features but are not symphyses: the manubriosternalis between manubrium and sternal
accommodated by the general classification of arthroses; these occur body; intervertebralis between successive vertebral bodies (regionally
where substantial masses of cartilage remain unossified in normal grouped—cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal); also axial
development. (Some masses develop irregular patches of calcification is the symphysis menti between the bilateral halves of the fetal
in later decades.) Such junctions may be between bone (endochondral mandible, continuing only into the first postnatal year when syn-
or intramembranous) and cartilage, between two adjacent cartilages, ostosis supervenes. Histologically the mental junction is unlike other
or a cartilage may join with a fibrous suture or a synchondrosis. symphyses (see p. 576); however the use of its name is so widespread
The junctions are similar to either fibrous synarthroses or to synovial that retention seems inevitable. Finally the medial surfaces of the
joints. Particular reference can be made to the nasal, laryngeal and bodies of the pubes (bilateral appendicular bones) are conjoined at
costal cartilages, and to those of the auditory tube and auricle the symphysis pubis.
(pinna). Fibrous junctions occur between the borders of contiguous Ignoring regional specializations (mentioned below) the general
nasal cartilages; the septal cartilage is, in part, continuous with the architecture of a symphysis consists of two well-defined surface areas
lateral nasal cartilage but elsewhere fibrous bonds extend to the of articulating endochondral bones; the osseous surfaces varying
internasal suture, perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, the vomer, the from a few millimetres to over a centimetre apart being bound
nasal crest (and intermaxillary suture) and anterior nasal spine of together by strong, tightly adherent, solid connective tissues. Each
the maxillae and the septal process of the lateral nasal cartilage. At bony surface is firmly attached to a thin lamina of hyaline cartilage,
these junctions perichondria fuse or perichondrium and periosteum which in turn blends with the surface of a thick, strong, but
(and in some sites sutural ligament) blend. deformable pad (or disc) of fibrocartilage. Collagenous ligaments
A fibrous junction joins the perichondrium of the elastic auricular extend from the periostea across the symphysis and blend with the
fibrocartilage and the periosteum of the roughened outer rim of the hyaline and fibrocartilaginous perichondria; they do not form a
external acoustic meatus. A similar fibrous union suspends the complete capsule (as in synovial joints), but are similar in containing
perichondrium of the superior recurved border of the cartilage of the plexuses of afferent nerve terminals, which also penetrate the peri-
auditory tube and the inferior perichondrium of the sphenopetrosal phery of the fibrocartilage. The combined strength of the ligaments
synchondrosis (periosteum after synostosis, the upper attachment and of the hyaline and fibrocartilage exceeds that of the associated
spreading on to the petrous quadrate area). The larynx and hyoid bones; thus they can easily withstand the habitual range of stresses
bone are further examples of specialized and uncommon varieties of (compression, tension, shear and torsion) encountered without dis-
connection and junction. Most extensively the laryngeal cartilages ruption. Tears are usually the result of sudden, massive unexpected
are connected to each other, and the thyroid and epiglottic cartilages stresses occurring with the body in an inappropriate posture. The
to the hyoid bone, by three-dimensional complexes of fibroelastic architecture of the fibrocartilaginous tissues is such that it combines
membranes and their ligamentous thickenings. Details of these inter- strength with limited degrees of elastic deformability, thus allowing
chondral and osseochondral structures are given on pages 485, 492; a restricted but appreciable range of movement that characterize
although not officially listed as synarthroses (subgroup syndesmoses) symphyses. Fibrocartilaginous disc compression narrows the inter-
it seems logical to regard them as such. In addition, the cricoid osseous interval, while tension increases it; when these occur sim-
cartilage bears four discrete articular surfaces, one bilateral pair on ultaneously in opposite sectors of a disc it becomes cuneiform
the sloping superior border of its lamina and a lateral pair at the (wedge-shaped) with the attached bones becoming relatively inclined
junction of each lamina and arch. These articulate respectively with (angulated). Torsional stresses increase or decrease the spiralization
the articular surface on the base of each arytenoid cartilage and with of collagenous discal microarchitecture and permit slight relative
the medial aspects of the tips of the inferior cornua of the thyroid rotation. Although the range of movement possible at a symphysis
cartilage. The crico-arytenoid and cricothyroid articulations to which is not great, being primarily determined by its intrinsic anatomy, it
these surfaces contribute (p. 1644) are interchondral synovial joints. is further limited by the additional articulations and ligaments that
The costal cartilages are often, usefully, considered as unossified involve the bones but which are extrasymphyseal; for example, the
cartilaginous extensions of the ribs, with the first to seventh reaching numerous syndesmoses and synovial zygapophyseal joints between
the sternum, the eighth to tenth the cartilage above, while the adjacent vertebrae, articulations of the clavicles and costal cartilages
eleventh and twelfth are short blunt cones with free intermuscular with the sternum, and the sacroiliac joints, interosseous sacro-
tips. The cartilages are, however, traditionally described as separate iliac, sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments. All these features
topographical entities (p.544) and, depending on its level, each profoundly affect movement patterns at their related symphyses.
engages in from one to five different types of junction (p. 541). The
costochondral junctions are unusual synarthroses where the convex Further comments on symphyseal structure, functional
tip of the cartilage is received by a complementary recess in the tip attributes and nomenclature
of the rib; perichondrium and periosteum are continuous, as are the Thick fibrocartilaginous pads or discs that most characterize sym-
collagenous elements of bone and cartilage. The sternochondral physes are not simple deformable masses of feltwork, but present
joints (often called sternocostal joints) vary; the second to seventh precise zonal variations in microstructure, particularly in their
are often synovial, with fibrocartilaginous articular surfaces on both arrangement of collagenous and elastic fibres adapted to their habit-
chondral and sternal aspects. Quite frequently synovial cavities are ual stresses. Best investigated and most complex are the intervertebral
absent in some or all these joints, in which case a thin dense lamina discs. (See p.512 for their main subregions, fibre architecture, cellu-
of tightly adherent fibrocartilage is interposed between cartilage and larity, physicochemical properties and profound age changes.)
bone—an unclassified variety of synarthrosis. This type of junction Solid specialized connective tissues, by definition, characterize
is usually present at the manubrial end of the first costal cartilage. synarthroses and, while this holds for the thoracolumbar and sac-
(It should be noted that it is commonplace for the whole first costal rococcygeal series of intervertebral symphyses, significant pro-
cartilage and attached rib and sternum, or the manubriochondral portions of the remainder develop a single central or a bilateral pair
junction alone, to be incorrectly classified as a synchondrosis.) The of narrow fluid-filled clefts in (or near) their fibrocartilaginous pads. 491

Over 30% of manubriosternal symphyses develop a central horizontal sternebra; normally no epiphyses are formed. At the pubic symphysis,
elongate cleft (p.539) and over 50% of interpubic discs develop a however, the growth plates of hyaline cartilage that are involved
median elongated cleft in the oblique long axis of the disc. (For with endochondral ossification on the symphyseal aspects of the
variations in size and position see p.677.) The second to sixth bodies of the pubes after puberty commonly develop scale-like
(occasionally seventh) cervical intervertebral discs develop laterally epiphyses, usually anterosuperiorly. The occurrence of intervertebral
placed small fluid-filled cavities in the fibrous tissue between the and pubic epiphyses complicates the traditional description of sym-
bevelled inferolateral edge of the vertebral body above and the physes. At these latter sites the epiphyses appear at (or soon after)
superolateral lip of the vertebral body below. Some regard these puberty and continue slow growth for about a decade before syn-
cavities as being in the peripheral parts of the discs and non-synovial ostosis with the main bone. During this period the epiphysis is
in character; while others regard them as small synovial joints near, completely encased by proliferative hyaline cartilage, its interosseous
but external to, the discs (6.94). The synovial or non-synovial nature lamina being a narrow (epiphysiocorporeal) synchondrosis and its
of all the above clefts remains controversial; they perhaps reflect a symphyseal lamina a simple extension of the terminal plate of hyaline
stage in the evolution of synovial joints. Caution should also prevail growth cartilage: the latter being originally derived from the early
concerning the dogmatic assertion that no movements of translation embryonic cartilaginous vertebral model. These growth plates are
occur between their free moist surfaces until adequate objective the proliferative source of cartilage into which all endochondral
evidence has accumulated. Distinct possibilities seem to be trans- ossification of the vertebral bodies occurs cranially and caudally,
lations at the cervical cavities during spinal movements and trans- constituting about 80% of the length of the mature vertebral column
lation with distraction at the interpubic cleft, particularly during the (see p.511). The remaining 20% is provided by growth of the
later stages of pregnancy. fibrocartilaginous discs; their regional variations in thickness and
The common statement that synchondroses are temporary and their cuneiform sagittal profile (vertically thicker anteriorly) in the
concerned with growth, whereas symphyses are permanent and cervical and lumbar secondary spinal curvatures are described on
concerned with movement, is an oversimplification and only partly page 512. Where the fibrocartilage blends with the lamina of hyaline
correct. Both are concerned with strength and the ability to withstand cartilage some bundles of collagen pass without interruption from
and transmit considerable stresses and with growth; and, in con- the fibrocartilage to interlace within the matrix of the hyaline
trasting ways, both contribute either directly or indirectly to the cartilage, whose laminae show the zonal variation in structure
total movement patterns of the parts involved. The strength and previously described and common to all growth cartilages.
mechanical properties of cartilaginous joints need little further Terminology. Both clinically and radiologically the term inter-
comment, except to re-emphasize that the rigidity of synchrondroses vertebral symphysis is seldom used; instead ‘the intervertebral disc’,
increases the efficiency of positive movements at related syndesmoses, or simply ‘the disc’, and radiologically ‘the disc space’ are often
symphyses and particularly synovial joints. It must be remembered used to indicate all tissues between the vertebral bodies. Formally,
that the movements at symphyses are not a simple extrapolation of however, the fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc, with its age-
the mechanical properties of a fibrocartilaginous pad or disc assessed dependent nucleus pulposus (p. 513), is regarded as part of a sym-
by experimental isolation. For example, movement of a vertebra physis, completed by paired laminae of terminal growth cartilages
relative to its neighbour is a three-dimensional summation of the and their associated ossifying or mature osseous surfaces.
properties of all its intervertebral arthroses (syndesmoses and syn-
ovial joints, in addition to the complex symphysis) acting in concert, Fates of symphyses
but each with its particular array of stresses. (During their growth The generalization that ‘synchondroses are temporary while sym-
phases the mechanical properties of the intravertebral synchondroses physes are permanent’ is only partly correct; there are notable
are also significant.) exceptions. Normally permanent, but exhibiting age changes, are the
The prominent role of synchondroses in skeletal growth is widely cervical, thoracic, lumbar and lumbosacral intervertebral symphyses,
recognized, investigated and discussed, whereas growth of and involv- the pubic symphysis and about 90% of manubriosternal symphyses.
ing symphyses is often ignored or receives but scant mention. The age changes in intervertebral discs are considered on page 514;
Symphyseal growth may, for convenience, be considered from two the development of narrow fluid-filled clefts are mentioned above
aspects (although interrelated); intrinsic growth of the fibro- and under individual joints; also reference to changes in the pubic
cartilaginous disc and growth of the hyaline cartilaginous plates into symphysis in the later stages of pregnancy are made above and on
which (e.g. vertebral) endochondral ossification progresses and later page 678. In contrast, the joints between successive sacral bodies,
‘annular’ epiphyses form (see below). At the manubriosternal sym- between sacrum and coccyx and between coccygeal segments, after
physis its limiting plates of proliferative hyaline cartilage are pro- preliminary stages, form well-developed symphyses; however, their
gressively invaded by the ossifying fronts of the manubrium and first normal fate is partial or complete synostosis; the process is slow


cartilage Capsule

Articular Synovial
disc membrane

Synovial Articular
cavity cartilage



6.68 Synovial joints, some main structural features and one elementary representation of some features of an elbow joint but the complicated
type of classification: a. simple; 8. complex; c. compound joints (see text). contours due to the olecranon, coronoid and radial fossae and profiles of
For clarity, the articular surfaces are artificially separated. a and B are purely articular fat pads present in a true section have been omitted.
492 diagrammatic and not related to particular joints. c, however, is a simplified

Tendon of
quadriceps femoris

Supra patellar bursa Femur:


Synovial folds Line of synostosis

and villi
Inferior epiphysis

Articular cartilage for co-aptation with patella

cartilage of Synovial cavity

Prepatellar bursa Anterior cruciate ligament

Posterior cruciate ligament }Intracap sular

Infrapatellar fat pad

and fold
Superior epiphysis
Line of synostosis


Femoral articular
Cut edges of synovial cartilage for tibial
membrane cartilage & meniscus

Patellar and femoral

(and all other )
articular surfaces
artificially separated

Thin cartilage at junction

of patellar and tibial Lateral
surfaces of femur meniscus,
posterior horn
Lateral meniscus,
anterior horn


Fibula: head
and styloid

6.69a—c_ Principal structural features displayed in two parasagittal sections the articular surfaces of the patella, femur and tibia and the meniscal
of the left knee joint, which is synovial and both compound and complex. B. surfaces are thus artificially separated. These illustrations should be studied
Line diagram of the posterior aspect showing the planes of section in a and both with the accompanying introductory text and also with the detailed
c. The synovial cavity and bursae are, for clarity, shown as slightly distended; account of the knee joint (p. 697 et seq.). 493

and lengthy (pp. 533, 539). After 30 years of age about 10% of condyle accompanies angulation or hinging; however, the disc
manubriosternal symphyses develop partial or complete synostosis; (though usually thin) also occurs in carnivores where such translation
again the phenomenon may be slow and lengthy (p. 539). is negligible. It is worth noting (Moffett 1957) that, during evolution
of mammalian from primitive reptilian jaw joints, the tendon of the
lateral pterygoid muscle may have been partially incorporated into
SYNOVIAL JOINTS the temporomandibular disc; but it is absent in earlier mammals,
monotremes and marsupials. Such conflicting observations illustrate
Synovial articulations (6.68, 69) operate differently from non-synovial how indecisive attempts to elucidate function from morphology often
fibrous and cartilaginous joints. Although the bones involved are prove. It is more plausible that the pliant and sometimes elastic
linked by a fibrous capsule usually having intrinsic ligamentous qualities of discs and menisci provide adaptable surfaces in joints
thickenings, and often by internal or external accessory ligaments, where they occur, facilitating simultaneous movements of different
the osseous surfaces concerned are not in continuity. They are kinds in the compartments of a joint thus divided (p. 579), perhaps
covered by articular cartilage, a stratum of specialized hyaline also ensuring uninterrupted lubrication (MacConaill 1932). Where
cartilage (occasionally fibrocartilage) of varying thickness and precise translation occurs, complete congruity is impossible except in an
topology, with contact being strictly between these cartilaginous (hypothetical) entirely plane articulation, the nearest approximation
surfaces, which have a very low coefficient of friction (Charnley to this being some sesamoid joints. All articular surfaces exhibit
1959). Sliding contact is facilitated by viscous synovial fluid (synovia), some curvature and translation is always associated with some other
like a lubricant in some respects but also concerned in the main- movement (p. 500). But translation does occur and intra-articular
tenance of living cells in the articular cartilages. Its properties are cartilages may aid in controlling movement from one position to
considered later (p. 498). another, as in rolling at the knee joint (p. 707). The tapering profile
The fibrous capsule completely encloses such a joint except where of menisci enables them to fit between incongruent surfaces, obviating
it is interrupted by synovial protrusions; the exceptions are described large collections of synovial fluid between them but preserving a
with the individual joints. The capsule is lined by synovial membrane, filmy distribution over the articular surfaces. Advantages of this in
which also covers all non-articular surfaces including non-articular damping turbulence and drag are in keeping with the lubrication
osseous surfaces, tendons and ligaments partly or wholly within the theory. ;
fibrous capsule, as at the shoulder and knee. Where a tendon is A complete articular disc in effect creates two joints in series,
attached inside a joint and issues from it, a prolongation of synovial comparable with concatenations of multiple joints, whose individual
membrane usually accompanies it beyond the capsule. Some extra- small ranges of movement nevertheless summate. This arrangement
capsular tendons are separated from the capsule by a synovial bursa occurs in the carpus and tarsus but is carried further in multiplication
(p.631) continuous with the joint’s interior. Such protrusions are of interphalangeal joints in flippers of extinct aquatic reptiles and
potential avenues for the spread of infection into joints. extant aquatic mammals such as some whales. By such analogy one
A further intra-articular structure, not covered by synovial mem- may liken the talus of some mammals to a meniscus, in terms of
brane, is an articular disc or meniscus, occurring between articular function; it is equally tempting to equate some menisci with degener-
surfaces where congruity is low: it consists of fibrocartilage with the ate skeletal elements. The various views propounded are not recipro-
fibrous element usually predominant. A disc may extend across a cally exclusive; discs may have evolved by more than one route, just
synovial joint, dividing it structurally and functionally into two as they may contribute in more than one way to the smooth and
synovial cavities. Peripherally discs are connected to fibrous capsules, efficient performance of synovial joints.
usually by vascularized connective tissue, so that they become The functions of two other quite common types of intra-articular
invaded by vessels and afferent and motor (sympathetic) nerves; structure (/abra and fat pads) are also uncertain. A labrum is a
sometimes, however, the union is closer and stronger, as in the knee fibrocartilaginous annular /ip, usually triangular in cross-section like
and temporomandibular joints. Their main part contains few cells, a meniscus, attached to an articular margin (e.g. the glenoid fossa
but the surfaces may have an incomplete stratum of flat cells, and acetabulum) deepening the socket and increasing the area of
continuous at the periphery with adjacent synovial membrane; contact. It may act as a lubricant spreader and, like menisci, may
however, the two groups of cells are not alike (p.497). The term also reduce the synovial space to capillary dimensions, thus limiting
meniscus should be reserved for incomplete discs, like those in the drag. However, unlike menisci, labra are not compressed between
knee joint and occasionally the acromioclavicular joint. Complete articular surfaces. Small fibrous labra (connective tissue rims) have
discs occur in the sternoclavicular and inferior radioulnar joints, been described along the ventral or dorsal margins of the zygapo-
while that in the temporomandibular joint may be complete or physeal joints at lumbar levels as well as meniscus-shaped fibro-
incomplete. Discs often have small perforations; where menisci are adipose meniscoids at the superior or inferior poles of the same joints.
usual, complete discs may occur or may be slightly perforated. The (For brief comments and references see p. 514.) Fat pads are closely
function of intra-articular fibrocartilages is uncertain; views advanced associated with synovial membrane, with which they are therefore
are deductions from structural or phylogenetic data, with the help described (p. 497).
of mechanical analogies. The plethora of suggestions is therefore not
surprising and includes shock absorption, improvement of fit between EVOLUTION OF SYNOVIAL JOINTS
surfaces, facilitation of combined movements, checking of translation
at joints such as the knee, deployment of weight over larger surfaces, Much speculation, observation and experiment have been directed
protection of articular margins, facilitation of rolling movements, to the mechanics of synovial joints by anatomists, orthopaedic
and spread of lubricant. The temporomandibular disc has attracted specialists, physicists and engineers. The basic problem is to con-
particular attention because of its exceptional, perhaps unique, design vincingly account, in terms of movement, loading and lubrication,
and biomechanical properties. Osborn (1985) has surveyed these for the efficiency by which joints preserve smoothness of action
properties and examined some factors relating to the stabilization of under most conditions, except when diseased. Lubrication theory
the disc and its possible role as a destabilizer of the mandibular has yet to explain the outstanding effectiveness of synovial joints,
condyle, thereby permitting trauma-free complex movements (see although progress has been made (p. 498).
p. 580). What are the advantages of sliding articulations? That these are
In the study of the evolution of articular discs attention has considered is shown by the increasing dominance of synovial joints
concentrated on equating them with skeletal vestiges, such as the in vertebrate phylogeny. Evolution of joints has attracted little
quadrate bone (jaw joint) or the os intermedium carpi (inferior attention; few joints or vertebrate groups have been systematically
radioulnar joint), and not upon comparative function. Such con- studied. Synovial articulation occurs as far down the scale as lungfish
tentions are usually based on tenuous evidence but nodules of bone, (Dipnoi), especially in joints of jaws (Haines 1942b). Hence, the
or lunules, do occur in some primate discs but rarely in mankind synovial joint is not particularly novel, in general features at least.
(Lewis et al 1970). A more interesting comparative functional obser- Nevertheless, most movable bony junctions in piscine ancestors of
vation is that joints containing discs usually display combined land vertebrates were simpler, as in surviving species. These simpler
translatory and other movements (p.500). For example, in the joints may illustrate stages in the development of synovial joints.
494 temporomandibular joint, forward and backward translation of the Fibrous and cartilaginous joints may be assumed to be the simplest

and probably primary form, the next step being the appearance of appears to be the evolutionary tendency in limbs. This is tantamount
multiple fluid-filled cavities in the deformable tissue. A further to saying that joints are adapted to motions required in the behaviour
advance is held to be union of these into a single joint cavity, of a particular animal form. To extend the argument, a joint may
surrounded by a substantial cuff of tissue uniting the skeletal com- even disappear if its activity ceases; examples have occurred in many
ponents involved. This pattern resembles cavitated symphyses mammals; in the human skeleton the process appears as synostosis
(p.491). Finally, complete dissolution of continuity between bones of sternal and sacral segments, conferring rigidity on joints having
would markedly increase range of movement. With subsequent a limited degree of mobility in some other mammals.
development of a synovial stratum and a fibrous capsule, the fluid- Refinement of a joint, in limitation of direction and range of
containing cavity is confined and the fluid reduced to a mere film movement to whatever is habitually required, favours skilled control
between surfaces approximated in smooth, sliding contact. and the most advantageous distribution of available muscle power.
Examples of all such stages occur in living vertebrates; interestingly Bulky muscles around a joint may impede it; it is an advance if
synovial joints in more primitive land animals, although they replace restraining activities can be transferred from muscles to ligaments
other arrangements in limb articulations, are in some respects inferior and articular geometry. Joints may be arrested in temporary but
to piscine mandibular joints, which may have been the first vertebrate prolonged static positions, as required of the human hip and knee
articulations refined to synovial status. in standing. If joints can be maintained in a nearly close-packed
The stages considered above accord with major events in prenatal position (p.509) by gravity, muscular effort can be reduced, for
development of human synovial joints. Perhaps most significant is example in the usual human mechanism of standing (p. 897). This
breakdown of interzonal mesenchyme (p. 292) to form a presumptive commonly cited example of joint control suggests a concept of
synovial cavity. Potentiality of mesoderm for cleavage (forming stability at joints, with its associated static implications. Joints are,
considerable cavities or clefts between surfaces in contact and hence however, primarily dynamic; during movement qualities stabilizing
mobilized) is clearly significant to the evolution of synovial joints. them in one position are equally important in controlling transit
In addition to established mesodermal discontinuities, including the from one position to another. In the medical context it is natural to
whole range of coelomic and synovial arrangements, fully differ- view these factors as preserving articular integrity—a clinical
entiated connective tissue retains this potentiality, revealed in the approach deviating more towards factors preventing dislocation than
occurrence of such acquired structures as adventitious bursae and towards functional interpretation of structure. Synovial joints of
pseudarthroses. It is reasonable to suppose that, once a region of higher vertebrates are precisely engineered to accomplish habitual
pliant connective tissue is established between rigid skeletal elements, movements with greatest efficiency commensurate with the resources
the ultimate appearance of a synovial cavity is an evolutional and available; but, before analysis of individual joints, the intimate
mechanically significant probability. structure of the tissues of synovial joints must be considered.
It is considered likely that synovial joints have developed not only
as discontinuities in skeletal bars but also by approximation of STRUCTURE OF SYNOVIAL JOINTS
separate elements. Mammalian tibiofibular joints may have thus
evolved, the bones being out of contact in reptiles; but these synovial Articular surfaces
arrangements are probably extensions of the knee and ankle joints
and not new formations. A better example, perhaps, is the occasional Articular surfaces are mostly formed by a special variety of hyaline
synovial joint between clavicle and coracoid process (p. 622; Lewis cartilage reflecting their preformation as parts of cartilaginous models
1959), which may consist merely of a bursa or, more frequently in embryonic life (Barnett et al 1961; Ghadially & Roy 1969). As
than either arrangement, a fibrocartilaginous junction; an excellent exceptions to this, surfaces of the sternoclavicular and acromio-
example of lability of joints in occurrence and structure. A synovial clavicular joints and both temporomandibular surfaces are of dense
joint such as the sacroiliac may regress to a simpler form and may, fibrous tissue, with isolated groups of chondrocytes and little sur-
like others such as interphalangeal, carpal and tarsal articulations, rounding matrix, reflecting their formation by intramembranous ossi-
disappear entirely either by synostosis in individuals or as an evolu- fication. However, to regard cartilage of most articular surfaces as
tionary phenomenon. The avian tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus unmodified hyaline cartilage and merely the unossified surface sectors
illustrate reunion of once separate bones; the opposite tendency, of growing cartilaginous models ignores its special features. In long
towards multiplication of elements by new joint formation, is appar- bones articular cartilage is a specialized tissue long before the
ent in phalangeal patterns in the paddle-like extremities of some subjacent bone has ossified (Davies & Edwards 1948); the organ-
aquatic mammals and extinct reptiles. ization of mature articular cartilage is distinctly radial, with variation
Evolution of synovial joints at the mammalian level shows two in cellular type and arrangement, fibrous architecture and cal-
tendencies. Firstly, their number increases by replacement of non- cification at varying levels from its surface. (Split-line phenomena in
synovial joints, particularly in limbs, eventually reaching their articular cartilage and their relations to structural properties are
smallest terminal articulations. Secondly, synovial joints increasingly discussed on p. 451. Examples of split-line patterns in an ankle joint
specialize, particularly by limitation of movement to that habitually are shown in 6.70.)
required. A typical non-synovial joint, such as a symphysis, is Articular cartilage has a wear-resistant, low-frictional, lubricated
essentially multiaxial, however limited in range; its movements are surface, slightly compressible and elastic and thus ideally constructed
basically angulation, torsion or rotation (‘swing’ and ‘spin’, see for easy movement over a similar surface but also able to absorb
p. 505) and ‘translation’; all other movements are combinations of large forces of compression and shear generated by gravity and
these. From the restricted data available, the earliest synovial joints muscular power, qualities specially important at one extreme of a
are likely to have had the same repertoire, with improvement in joint’s most habitual movement, the so-called ‘close-packed position’
range and smoothness. The ancestral vertebrate limb probably had (p. 509).
joints approximating to a ‘ball-and-socket’ form; palaeontological The thickness of articular cartilage is said to range from 1 to
data and synovial joints in extant primitive amphibians and reptiles 2mm, but this is more typical of small bones in aged individuals; in
support this supposition. This view also entails that proximal joints youth it may reach 5—7mm in larger joints; such young cartilages
have remained less specialized than those more distal; they certainly are typically white, smooth, glistening and compressible. Ageing
are closer to multiaxial activity. A multiaxial joint requires more cartilages are thinner, less cellular, firmer and more brittle, with a
complex muscular control than a biaxial, in which more reliance can less regular surface and a yellowish opacity. The ‘glassy’ moistness
be placed on ligaments, an advantage even greater in uniaxial joints. of fresh, wet articular cartilage and early measurements supported
The advantage holds both in dynamic and static situations: when a the early impression of smoothness. Later, several authors empha-
multi- or biaxial articulation is moving uniaxially, muscles must be sized the microscopic roughness of its free surface (Dowson et al
used to prevent unwanted movement about other axes. Similarly, 1969; Longfield et al 1969), said to be much inferior to mechanical
when a joint is to be held static in a particular posture or as an bearings; but when covered by synovial fluid the surface has a very
adjunct to some other phase of movement, this is achieved more low coefficient of friction. Under load, ‘troughs’ between ‘crests’ in
economically if the joint surfaces and disposition of associated the surface have been considered to trap pools of synovial fluid.
ligaments limit movement in some directions. Unless this interferes McCutchen (1959) proposed a porous nature (with a pore size of
with overall activity, the trend is towards uniaxial function and this 6nm) like a sponge, saturated at rest with synovial fluid; increasing 495
Attempts have been made to circumvent such difficulties by study-
ing fresh necropsy specimens of weight-bearing areas of lateral
femoral condyles by interference fringe microscopy (Longmore 1976;
Longmore & Gardner 1978). They reported primary anatomical
contours, secondary undulations of 100-500 1m crest to crest; ter-
tiary cell-related shallow hollows 20-50 1m in diameter; and quat-
ernary ridges 14m in diameter and 130-270nm deep. Even if
this surface topography is not in part a superficial drying artefact
(Bloebaum & Wilson 1980), the value of observations made on
articular cartilage, the total integrity of which has been interrupted,
is highly questionable.
Articular cartilages are moulded to bone, but variations in thick-
ness often accentuate subjacent osseous surface shape. Typically,
convex surfaces are thickest centrally, thinning peripherally; concave
surfaces being the reverse. Precise configuration, degree of congru-
ence in various positions and dispositions of surrounding capsule
and ligaments are all related to the types and ranges of movement
permitted at a joint. (For a simplified classification based on articular
geometry see pp. 500, 505.)
Articular cartilage has no nerves or blood vessels (except
occasional vascular loops reaching and even penetrating the calcified
zone from the osseous side). Nutrition is considered to depend on a
peripheral vascular plexus in synovial membrane (circulus vasculosus
articuli), synovial fluid and blood vessels in adjacent marrow spaces;
the relative importance of these is uncertain.
The zone of articular cartilage adjacent to the joint cavity is mainly
a layer of collagen fibres arranged in various planes with small, oval
chondrocytes lying in the matrix deep to it. Transmission electron
microscopy of heavy metal stained preparations shows an interrupted
electron-dense surface coat of a particulate or filamentous appear-
ance, generally 0.03-0.1 1m thick, covering it, with a layer of pro-
teoglycan particles and associated filaments occasionally intervening
(Ghadially et al 1982). Synovial fluid and matrical lipidic debris, the
product of chondrocytic necrosis, may contribute to the surface coat
which is ephemeral in nature, the stable, permanent articular surface
being that bounded by the most superficial collagen fibres (Ghadially
1983). The ‘lamina splendens’ appearing as a bright line at the free
surface of articular cartilage when oblique sections are examined by
negative phase contrast microscopy (MacConaill 1951) is an artefact
arising at the border between regions of different refractive index
and cannot be taken as evidence for an anatomically distinct surface
layer (Aspden & Hukins 1979).
With advancing age, undulations of articular surfaces deepen and
develop minute, ragged projections perhaps due to wear and tear.
Erosion occurs in pathologically ‘dry’ joints and where synovial
viscosity is altered; but in healthy joints changes are extremely
slow. Replacement of eroded surface by proliferation of deeper
layers is uncertain; mitoses are absent from adult articular
Ultrastructural observations (Broom 1984; Broom & Marra 1986)
6.70 Articular surfaces of the left ankle joint demonstrating the patterns of reveal a highly complex, three-dimensional reticulum of inter-
split-lines in the articular cartilages produced by multiple insertions of a connected fibrils in articular cartilage, with obvious functional impli-
round-bodied needle, previously immersed in Indian ink. Above, tibiofibular cations.
mortice; note interosseous and inferior transverse tibiofibular ligaments.
Below, superior (tibial) and lateral (fibular) surfaces of the talus. For possible Fibrous capsule of synovial joints
significances of split-line configurations, see p. 451. (Photographs by Kevin
Fitzpatrick, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.)
The fibrous capsule has parallel but interlacing bundles of white
collagen fibres, forming a cuff with its ends attached continuously
round the articular ends of the bones concerned, usually in small
bones near the peripheries of articular surfaces, but this varies
load and compression was presumed to allow fluid to ‘weep’ from considerably in long bones; in these part or all of the attachment
this porous surface. Using lubrication modelling, porosity has been may be asignificant distance from the surface. It is perforated by
shown to deplete rather than increase the lubricant film thickness, vessels and nerves and may have apertures through which synovial
particularly when film thickness becomes small (Jin et al 1992). membrane protrudes as bursae. The capsule usually has local thick-
Scanning electron microscopy renewed interest in these surfaces. enings of parallel fibre bundles; such capsular (intrinsic) ligaments
Although many described patterns of undulation as constant features are named by their attachments. Some capsules are reinforced or
in detached blocks of articular cartilage, undulation was not apparent replaced by tendons of nearby muscles or expansions from them.
in cartilage still attached to bone (Clarke 1973a; Ghadially et al Accessory ligaments are separate from capsules and may be extra-
1976; Ghadially 1983), casting doubt on the ‘enrichment theory’ of capsular or intracapsular in position.
joint lubrication. Small shallow pits, considered to overlie groups of All ligaments, although yielding little to tension, are pliant and
chondrocytes in adult cartilage (Clarke 1973a,b; Ghadially et al do not resist normal actions, being designed to check excessive or
1976) and small ‘humps’ of similar size in juvenile cartilage are also abnormal movements. Ligaments are taut at the normal limit of a
likely to be artefactual due to differential shrinkage of cells and particular movement; they are, however, slightly elastic and protected
intercellular matrix during specimen preparation and examination from excessive tension by reflex contraction of appropriate muscles
496 (Boyde & Jones 1983). (Smith 1954).

Synovial membrane apparatus but little granular endoplasmic reticulum. There is

immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of surface receptors
Synovial membrane (Barnett et al 1961) derived from embryonic characteristic of macrophages on what are believed to be Type
mesenchyme lines non-articular areas in synovial joints, bursae and A synoviocytes (Theofilopoulos et al 1980).
tendon sheaths; all regions where movement occurs between apposed In contrast, Type B synoviocytes which predominate in the intima
surfaces are lubricated by a fluid superficially like egg-albumin (hence of most species (Ghadially 1983) resemble fibroblasts, have abundant
named synovia) secreted and absorbed by the membrane. In joints it granular endoplasmic reticulum but contain fewer vacuoles and
lines fibrous capsules and covers exposed osseous surfaces, intra- vesicles and have aless ruffled and branched plasma membrane than
capsular ligaments and tendons. It is absent from intra-articular discs the phagocytic Type A synoviocytes. Even when cultured, synovial
or menisci and ceases at the margins of articular cartilages, the fibroblasts are phenotypically distinct from ligament fibroblasts in
peripheral few millimetres of which are a structural transitional zone the amount of Type III collagen and hyaluronic acid produced
between synovial membrane and articular cartilage. (Murphy et al 1993).
Pink, smooth and shining, the internal synovial surface has a few The possibility that precursors of Type A synoviocytes may ori-
small synovial villi (Ghadially 1983) which increase in size and ginate in bone marrow and be part of the mononuclear phagocyte
number with age. Elsewhere folds and fringes may project into the system was proposed by Fell (1978) and demonstrated by Edwards
joint cavity, some constant enough to be named, for example alar (1982), using genetic markers for tracing cell lines related to mono-
folds and ligamentum mucosum of the knee. Accumulations of nuclear macrophages in radiation chimeras. The derivation of Type
adipose tissue (articular fat pads) occur in the synovial membrane in B synoviocytes is still uncertain. Edwards and Willoughby (1982)
many joints. Such pads, folds and fringes are flexible, elastic and have shown that in normal synovial membranes Type B cells are
displaceable cushions occupying potential spaces and irregularities
derived neither from the bone marrow nor from Type A cells. They
in joints which are not wholly filled by synovial fluid; during
could be of local origin from within the intima and be replaced by
movement they accommodate to the changing shape and volume of
cell division or, as suggested by Ghadially (1983), derive from a stem
the irregularities. They increase synovial area and may promote
cell population in the local subintima. Synoviocytes are not, however,
distribution of lubricant over articular surfaces (cf. intra-articular an actively dividing cell population in normal synovial membranes
discs and menisci). Synovial villi are normally few but more numerous (Key 1932; Coulton et al 1980), although their division rate increases
where the membrane rests on areolar tissue near articular margins dramatically in response to acute trauma and acute haemarthrosis
and on surfaces of folds and fringes. They increase with age and (Ghadially 1983). In such conditions the Type B synovial fibroblasts
become prominent in some pathological states. divide in situ while the Type A cell population is increased by
Synovial membrane varies in local structure. Basically it has a migration of bone marrow-derived precursors.
cellular intima on a fibrovascular subintimal lamina (subsynovial The functions of the cells of the synovial intima include the removal
tissue) often loose and areolar, but sometimes of organized lamellae of debris from the joint cavity (mainly by Type A cells) and the
of collagen and elastin fibres lying parallel to the membrane’s surface, synthesis of some of the components of the synovial fluid (by both
between which are fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and fat cells types of cells).
(Davies 1950; Shaw & Martin 1962). The elastic component may Removal of debris. Once a synoviocyte has ingested particulate
prevent redundant fold formation during joint movement, folds matter it becomes capable of migrating into the subintima (Vernon-
which might become compressed between articular surfaces. Sub- Roberts et al 1976); it is probable that migrating synoviocytes carry
intimal adipose cells form compact lobules surrounded by fibro- ingested material to the lymphatic channels of the subintima which
elastic interlobular septa, which are very vascular and impart firm- remove it from the joint. Fluid containing protein may be taken into
ness, deformability and elastic recoil. Where synovial membrane the synoviocytes by micropinocytosis; there is evidence of the removal
covers intracapsular ligaments or tendons the subintima is scarcely of injected peroxidase by Type A cells but not by Type B in this
a separate zone, being merged with the adjacent capsule, ligament manner (Linck & Porte 1981).
or tendon. Synthesis. It is generally assumed that some of the hyaluronic
acid of synovial fluid is synthesized by the synoviocytes, although it
The synovial intima (lamina propria synovalis or synovial could be manufactured by subintimal fibroblasts. There is evidence
lining layer) that, like most mammalian cells, synoviocytes synthesize some forms
of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including hyaluronic acid
The synovial intima consists of pleomorphic synoviocytes embedded
in a granular, amorphous, fibre-free intercellular matrix. There (Henderson & Pettipher 1985; Murphy et al 1993). The presence of
is considerable regional variation in synoviocyte morphology and hyaluronic acid within the vesicles of synoviocytes could be due to
numbers, which appears to be dependent on the underlying sub- micropinocytotic uptake from synovial fluid as well as synthesis by
intimal tissue. The synoviocytes of normal human joints form an the cells. The ultrastructure of the intimal synovial cells suggests
interlacing, discontinuous layer, one to three cells and 20-40 1m strongly that they are involved in synthesis and secretion, although
deep, between the subintima and the joint cavity (Castor 1962). They the nature of the secretory products is not clear. One or both of
are not separated from the subintima by a basement membrane and the synoviocyte types could be involved in the secretion of the
are distinguished from the subintimal cells only by their association proteoglycan-like material, lubricin, which acts as an articular car-
to form a superficial layer (Henderson & Pettipher 1985). In many tilage lubricant; it has been shown to be produced by cells isolated
locations, but particularly over areolar subintimal tissue, areas free from the synovial membrane and is not produced by fibroblasts
from synoviocytes are commonly found, while conversely over from other sources (Swann 1982). Synoviocytes also secrete some of
fibrous subintimal tissue the synoviocytes may be flattened and the constituents of the extracellular matrix which surrounds them,
closely packed, forming endothelioid sheets. Neighbouring cells are for example collagen, proteoglycans and fibronectin (Henderson &
often separated by distinct gaps but where they approach more Pettipher 1985). Type A synoviocytes synthesize and release lytic
closely their processes may interdigitate. The latter situation is enzymes during the phagocytosis of joint debris, damage to joint
common in compact areas of rat synovial intima, where cells may tissues being limited by the secretion of enzyme inhibitors by Type
be linked by tight junctions and desmosomes (Roy & Ghadially B synovial fibroblasts.
1967), although these junctions have not been identified in human Other functions. Some intimal synoviocytes can present antigens
synovial tissue (Henderson & Pettipher 1985). to lymphocytes and can, therefore, rapidly stimulate an immune
Human synoviocytes are generally elliptical, with numerous cyto- response to foreign material appearing in the joint cavity (Klareskog
plasmic processes (Castor 1962) but can vary considerably in form. et al 1982). They may also have some control over the functioning
They consist of at least two morphologically distinct populations, of chondrocytes; it is known that mononuclear cells secrete cytokines
termed Type A and Type B (Barland et al 1962; Wynne-Roberts & which stimulate chondrocytes to degrade their matrix (Jasin & Dingle
Anderson 1978; Ghadially 1983). 1981) and it is probable that Type A cells have a similar function.
Type A synoviocytes are macrophage-like cells characterized by They may also control blood flow in the synovial membrane by the
surface ruffles or lamellipodia (often described as filopodia, since release of prostanoids such as the vasoconstrictor thromboxane A
they resemble these when sectioned), plasma membrane invagina- and the vasodilator prostacyclin (Blotman et al 1982; Salmon et al
1983). 497
tions and associated micropinocytotic vesicles, a prominent Golgi

Models proposed for /ubrication in joints have largely paralleled

Synovial fluid current advances in engineering physics. First proposed was ‘fluid
Synovial fluid occupies synovial joints, bursae and tendon sheaths. film’ or ‘hydrodynamic lubrication’, familiar in engineering, bearing
In synovial joints it is clear or pale yellow, viscous, slightly alkaline surfaces being separated by a substantial layer of lubricant, its
at rest (diminishing in activity) and has a small mixed population of effectiveness depending on the rheological properties of the fluid in
cells and metachromatic amorphous particles. Viscosity, volume and bulk. Later theoretical refinement included consequences of fluid
colour vary in different joints and species; it is difficult to correlate elasticity, the ‘elastohydrodynamic model’; but criticism of suitability
these variations with particular joints or with size, weight or exertion. of the articular environment for simple fluid-film lubrication arose
In human joints volume is low; usually less than 0.5ml can be and ‘boundary lubrication’ was proposed, in which properties of the
aspirated even from a large joint such as the knee. solid surfaces are combined with those of extremely thin layers of
The physical properties of synovial fluid include viscous, elastic lubricant molecules. ‘Weeping lubrication’ followed, in which the
and plastic components. With low rates of shear, the fluid is highly porous, fluid-filled deformable nature of the articular surface was
viscous but viscosity decreases with increased rates of shear, sug- emphasized; it was proposed that surfaces under load were lubricated
gesting that in slow movement weight-bearing capacity would be bya film of fluid expressed from the ‘pores’. Then ‘boosted lubrication’
maximal and in fast movement impedance due to fluid drag would came forward suggesting that compression of articular cartilages
be reduced. However, as the product of viscosity and shear rate is traps fluid pools in irregularities of their surfaces; increasing com-
almost constant so also is the weight-bearing capacity. Viscosity is pression is supposed to force a small-moleculed, mobile fraction of
very sensitive to changes in dilution and falls with increasing tem- synovial fluid into the cartilage contact area, fluid left in the ‘valleys’
perature and pH. Elasticity is similarly affected by changes in becoming increasingly enriched in hyaluronate and hence more
dilution, pH and temperature but it increases with higher rates of viscous and thus a more effective and protective lubricant. However,
shear, unlike viscosity in similar conditions. Jay (1992) has suggested ridges and valleys are probably artefacts and ‘pits’ and ‘humps’ in
that viscosity of synovial fluid is not the basis for low friction since vivo are not proven. Considering the wide variation in joint geometry,
synovial joints have negligible sliding speeds and lubricant would structure and activity, it seems likely that multiple mechanisms may
therefore be expelled. He concluded that a protein, probably lubricin, operate under different conditions.
rather than hyaluronic acid, is the lubricating factor but that hyal- Synovial membrane not only produces fluid but also removes
uronic acid amplifies its boundary lubricating activity (Jay et al materials from articular cavities. Small molecules of crystalloids and
1992), soluble dyes can cross it directly into subintimal capillaries and
The composition of synovial fluid suggests a dialysate of blood venules, the former fenestrated according to Kos (1970). Particles
plasma, containing protein (about 0.9mg/100ml) mainly derived pass into subintimal lymphatic capillaries for transport to regional
from blood (Swann 1978), and added mucin, mostly hyaluronate, lymph nodes. Intra-articular introductions of tracers, such as thoro-
a sulphate-free glycosaminoglycan containing equimolar con- trast, colloidal carbon and ferritin, studied by electron microscopy,
centrations of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine; much evi- have revealed the marked phagocyte powers of Type A synovial
dence shows its viscoelastic and thixotropic (plastic) properties as cells, which rapidly enclose particles in phagocytic vesicles. The
largely due to hyaluronate content. Synovial mucin has been vari- source of subintimal macrophages is uncertain; some may enter
ously considered an attrition product of articular cartilage matrix, a joints from blood but many are probably Type A cells of intimal
secretion of subintimal mast cells, or a product of Type A or B origin which enter subintimal tissues (Ghadially & Roy 1969).
synovial cells.
Synovial fluid protein is partly free and partly bound to GAGs, CLASSIFICATION AND MOVEMENTS OF
including hyaluronate. Much appears to be of haematogenous origin,
the relative concentration of the individual proteins probably depend-
ing on their molecular weights and on the permeability of the synovial Several criteria have been used in classifying synovial joints and their
vessels (Swann 1978). The protein associated with hyaluronate may movements; but these differ in universality, scientific accuracy and
be either loosely or firmly bound. About 10-30% of the loosely utility. They include complexity and number of articulating surfaces,
bound protein is derived from blood plasma, as is most of that number and position of principal axes of movement, general
firmly bound (termed hyaluronate-protein). The remainder of the geometry of surfaces and major movements and association of more
latter (some 2%) differs from plasma protein and is probably precise geometry with analysis of movements as bases for human
produced by synovial intimal cells. Approximately 0.5% of synovial kinesiology. This can be considered only briefly here; detailed
fluid protein can be separated as a lubricating glycoprotein fraction accounts are available (Steindler 1955; Barnett et al 1961; Mac-
that lubricates articular cartilage like whole synovial fluid. Although Conaill & Basmajian 1977).
hyaluronic acid is an efficient lubricator of soft connective tissues, Complexity of form. Most synovial joints have two surfaces (male
including synovial membrane, tests have shown that it is ineffective and female) and are simple articulations. In some one surface is
on articular cartilage, where the lubricating glycoprotein appears to wholly convex (male) and greater in area than its opposing concave
be uniquely involved (Swann 1978, 1982). (female) surface; in a few, both are concavoconvex, the larger being
Phosphatidylcholine, the major lipidic component of synovial considered male. A joint with more than two surfaces is compound,
fluid, has also been proposed as a boundary lubricant for articular for example, the elbow. (The humerus presents two male surfaces,
cartilage that may also act as a protectant to the joint surface capitulum and trochlea, which ‘mate’ with the radial and ulnar
(Williams et al 1993). female surfaces. The convex (male) circumference of the radial head
The origin of non-haematogenous proteins of synovial fluid is also ‘mates’ with the concave (female) radial notch of the ulna.) In
uncertain but the ultrastructure of the Type B cells of the synovial all compound joints articulating territories remain distinct; male
intima is typical of that of cells manufacturing and secreting protein, surfaces never pass on to female surfaces of an adjoining pair. When
suggesting that they may be sources of at least some of them. a joint contains an intra-articular disc or meniscus it is complex.
The small tally of cells (about 60 per ml in resting human joints) Degrees of freedom. Analysis of positional changes of one of a
includes monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, synovial intimal pair of articulating bones is often best effected by considering
cells and polymorphonuclear leucocytes (Bauer et al 1940). Higher rotations around three mutually perpendicular axes, whose directions
counts, characteristic of youth and of other species, may be due to may, for convenience, vary with the joint concerned. Often they
more active movements before sampling. The amorphous, meta- correspond to the main body planes, i.e. vertical, transverse and
chromatic particles and fragments of cells and fibrous tissue in anteroposterior axes; but alternatives may be more appropriate; for
synovial fluid are considered to be due to wear and tear. example, many prefer to consider the movements of the humerus on
Functions of synovial fluid include provision of a liquid environ- the scapula around a vertical axis, an oblique transverse axis in the
ment with a small range of pH, and, for joint surfaces, nutrition of plane of the scapula and a third at right angles to both (6.71).
articular cartilages, discs and menisci, and lubrication and reduction When movement is practically limited to rotation at one axis, a
of erosion. Its nutritive role, compared with direct diffusion from joint is termed uniaxial: it has one degree of freedom. If independent
vascular plexuses, is uncertain. Despite general agreement on its movements can occur around two axes, it is biaxial, with two degrees
498 lubricant value, details of its actions are still disputed. offreedom. Since there are three axes for independent rotation, joints

6.71. The shoulder joint is polyaxial and possesses three degrees of erect body as a whole. An infinite variety of additional movements may
freedom. The three mutually perpendicular axes around which the principal occur at such ajoint, e.g. those involving intermediate planes, or there may
movements of flexion—extension (a), abduction—adduction (8) and medial be movement combinations or sequences. However, these can always
and lateral rotation (c) occur are shown. At the shoulder the axes are referred be resolved mathematically into components related to the three axes
to the plane of the scapula and not to the coronal and sagittal planes of the illustrated.

may have up to three degrees of freedom. This apparently simple from regular mechanical cylinders in that their profiles are not arcs
classification requires amplification. but varyingly spiral; therefore the main to-and-fro swing includes
Firstly, a bone can rotate at a ball-and-socket joint on three main some (conjunct) rotation (see below).
axes and any others in intermediate positions. Such a multiaxial joint, Trochoid (pivot) joints. Also uniaxial, they have an osseous pivot
however, still has only three degrees of freedom; all intermediate in an osteoligamentous ring, allowing rotation only around the
rotations can be resolved into components involving three orthogonal pivot’s axis. Pivots may rotate in rings, as the head of the radius
axes. rotates within the annular ligament and ulnar radial notch; or rings
Secondly, if movement in one plane is examined throughout its may rotate, as the atlas (with its transverse ligament) rotates (carrying
full range, a single relevant axis of movement cannot be determined the head) around the dens of the axis.
in space but a succession of continuously changing axes ensues as Bicondylar joints. Largely uniaxial, with a main movement in
movement progresses; because articular surfaces are not simple, their one plane, they also have limited rotation about a second axis
radius of curvature changes across any profile (p. 505) to a variable orthogonal to the first. The rotation is of two varieties: conjunct, an
extent in different forms of joint. However, a mean position of such integral and inevitable accompaniment of the main movement;
a moving axis is often ‘the axis’ usually described. For many purposes adjunct which can occur independently and may or may not
such approximate axes are useful particularly when gross movements accompany the principal movement. They have two convex condyles
only are considered. (knuckles) articulating with concave surfaces (sometimes also inap-
Thirdly, simple movements apparently limited to one plane are propriately named condyles). Condyles may be almost parallel (e.g.
often in fact compound. For example, what appears simple angu- knee) with a common fibrous capsule or well apart in separate
lation is often accompanied by rotation of one bone about its long capsules (e.g. temporomandibular joints) which necessarily co-
axis, a direct consequence of the complex articular surfaces. When, operate in all movements as a condylar pair.
as is usual, such rotation is not independent, i.e. never isolated, it is Ellipsoid joints. These are biaxial, with an oval, convex surface
not considered an additional degree of freedom (e.g. movements of apposed to an elliptical concavity, as in radiocarpal and meta-
ulna p. 646). carpophalangeal joints. Primary movements are about two ortho-
Fourthly, many movements involve translation (which is not gonal axes (e.g. flexion-extension, abduction—adduction), which may
included in the above classification): one surface slides bodily across be combined as circumduction (see below); rotation around the third
its partner with minimal rotation or angulation (cf. ‘plane’ joints, axis is largely prevented by general articular shape.
see below). Translation, however, often accompanies large angu- Sellar (saddle) joints. Also biaxial, these have concavoconvex sur-
lations (e.g. shoulder joint). faces; each is most convex ina particular direction but at right angles to
this they are maximally concave (p. 503). The convexity of the larger is
General classification of synovial joints apposed to the concavity of the smaller surface and vice versa. Primary
The general shape of synovial joints has been widely used to classify movements occur in two orthogonal planes but articular shape causes
them, usually into seven varieties. While this has some practical axial rotation of the moving bone. Such conjunct rotation, as mentioned
value, it affords no exclusive basis for separation because they are above, is never independent and is not simply a by-product of ‘imper-
merely variations, sometimes extreme, of two basic forms (p. 503). fect’ mechanics but is functionally significant in habitual positioning
Plane joints. These are appositions of almost flat surfaces (e.g. and limitation of movement (pp. 505, 510). The most familiar sellar
intermetatarsal and some intercarpal joints); slight curvature is joint is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb; others include the ankle
usual although often disregarded, movements being considered pure and calcaneocuboid joints.
translations or sliding between bones. Nevertheless, in precise dynam- Spheroidal joints (‘ball-and-socket’). Formed by reception of a
ics even slight curvatures cannot be ignored (see below). globoid ‘head’ into an opposing cup, for example hip and shoulder
Ginglymi (hinge joints). These resemble hinges and are shaped joints, they are multiaxial, with three degrees of freedom. Their
to restrict movement to one plane, i.e. they are uniaxial. They have surfaces, although resembling parts of spheres, are not strictly
strong collateral ligaments; interphalangeal and humeroulnar joints spherical but slightly ovoid. (Articulatio ovoidalis is an accepted
are examples. However, the surfaces of such biological hinges differ alternative.) Consequently, in most positions congruence is not 499

perfect, occurring only in one position, at the end of the commonest thus contradictory. To avoid confusion in this instance dorsiflexion
movement (see below). and plantarflexion are used for ankle movements.
Throughout this section and elsewhere, therefore, it is evident that
Articular movements and mechanisms care must be exercised, when using positional terms, to indicate
Articular movement will first be considered in terms and concepts whether they stem from phylogenetic, ontogenetic or physiological
usual in standard textbooks, followed by a review of the more data and how these relate to descriptions of mankind in ‘the ana-
advanced concepts and theories of modern kinesiology. Articular tomical position’.
movements are usually considered to be gliding and angulation, Abduction and adduction. These occur around anteroposterior
circumduction and rotation. Almost always these four are combined axes except at the first carpometacarpal and shoulder joints for the
in a variety of ways. Where movement is slight, reciprocal surfaces reasons stated above. The terms generally imply lateral or medial
are of similar size; where it is wide, the bone habitually more mobile angulation, except in digits, where arbitrary planes chosen are
has the larger articular surface. midlines of the middle digit of the hand and second digit of the foot,
Translation. The simplest motion, it involves sliding without because these are least mobile in this respect. Abduction of the
appreciable angulation or rotation. Often combined with other thumb is around a transverse axis and away from the palm. Similarly,
movements, in some carpal and tarsal articulations it is often con- abduction of the humerus on the scapula occurs in the scapular
sidered the only motion permitted; but even here cineradiography plane around an oblique axis at right angles to it (6.71).
reveals considerable rotation and angulation of small carpal and Circumduction. This occurs when the distal end of a long bone
tarsal bones during their movements. circumscribes the base of a cone, its apex at the joint, for example
Angulation. This implies change in angle between (topographical) shoulder and hip joints. It combines successive flexion, abduction,
axes of articulating bones. Two types are common, especially in extension and adduction.
limbs, around orthogonal axes: Rotation. Another widely, but often imprecisely, used term. Its
e flexion or bending and extension or straightening restricted sense denotes movement around some notional ‘longi-
e abduction and adduction. tudinal’ axis, which may even be in a separate bone, for example the
Flexion. A widely used term, but difficult to define. It often means dens of the second cervical vertebra (‘axis’) on which the atlas
approximation of two ventral surfaces around a transverse axis. But rotates. An axis may be approximately the centre of the shaft of a
the thumb is almost at right angles to the fingers; its ‘dorsal’ surface long bone, as in medial and lateral humeral rotation (6.71). Again,
faces laterally so that flexion and extension at its joints is around it may be at an angle to the bone’s topographical axis, as in
anteroposterior axes. At the shoulder flexion is more reasonably movement of the radius on the ulna in pronation and supination,
referred to an oblique axis through the centre of the humeral head where it joins the centre of the radial head to the base of the ulnar
in the plane of the scapular body, the arm moving anteromedially styloid process, and in medial and lateral femoral rotation, where
forwards and hence nearer to the trunk’s ventral aspect. Again, the axis joins the centre of the femoral head to the lateral femoral
flexion at the hip, which has a transverse axis, brings the thigh’s condyle (p. 687). In these examples rotations can be independent, as
morphologically dorsal (but topographically ventral) surface to the adjunct rotations, providing an additional degree of freedom. They
trunk’s ventral aspect reflecting rotation of the hindlimb bud in early must be distinguished from conjunct rotations which always
embryonic life (p.288). Description at the ankle joint is again accompany some other main movement due to articular geometry
complicated by the foot’s posture at a right angle to the leg. Elevation (p. 505). However, in some articulations conjunct may be combined
diminishes this angle and is sometimes termed flexion, but it is with some adjunct rotation and the latter may either increase or
approximation of two dorsal surfaces and might equally be called nullify the former at different times. Furthermore, with the exception
extension. Flexion has also been defined as fetal posture, implying of slight simple translation, all movements are in fact rotations. For
that elevation of the foot is flexion, a view supported by withdrawal example (p.631) medial and lateral rotation of the humerus occur
reflexes in which elevation is always associated with flexion at the around the bone’s long axis (vertical, in the anatomical position);
knee and hip, the converse holding in crossed extensor reflexes. swinging, ‘angular’ movements (flexion-extension and abduction—
Definitions based on morphological and physiological grounds are adduction) are rotations around the other two axes.

cavity to assist in visualizing and/or

Imaging bones and joints in the body differentiating between soft tissues. In par-
ticular, the extent of the joint space and
associated bursae can be evaluated,
The various techniques for imaging bones radiograph is a shadow of the X-ray beam together with the surface of the synovial
and joints are described in terms of their as it passes through the joint, with the membrane, the size of the menisci (6.317),
ability to detect different anatomical fea- radio-opaque bony structures appearing intra-articular ligaments and articular car-
tures: no attempt has been made to give white (6.134, 258-261) and the radio-trans- tilage. Tenography is a similar method,
a detailed description of the techniques lucent soft tissues dark to light grey (6.95, permitting the examination of tendons and
themselves. A more detailed account 290a). The detailed appearance of compact their sheaths in the hand and foot.
can be found in Resnick and Niwayama and cancellous bone, its shape and extent, Soft tissue radiography. This allows
(1988) or in the introductory chapters of are clearly recorded on the film with a particular structures in the joints of
appropriate reference works. In general, spatial resolution of 0.1-0.2mm. Soft fingers, wrist, foot and ankle to be vis-
the image quality obtained by the differ- tissue evaluation is limited, due to poor ualized by using a low kilovolt (28-35 kV)
ent imaging systems depends on a contrast differentiation, although in X-ray unit (Fischer 1988). This method
number of factors, including the fre- certain instances the extent of tissues such results in a greater contrast between fat
quency of the electromagnetic radiation as cartilage can be determined by the con- and water equivalent tissues and bone. It
used and the sensitivity of the system figuration of adjacent bony margins in allows soft tissue detail, such as tendons
employed in recording and/or generating joints (6.213, 251, 252, 305), intervertebral and their sheaths, ligaments, the joint
the image. These factors also determine spaces (6.95, 106) and epiphyseal growth capsule, and cartilage to be imaged, as
which features within the joint will be plates (6.212, 271). well as allowing a more precise analysis
seen. Arthrography. This is the introduction of the margins of the thinner portions of
Standard radiography. The most of either an iodine-based radio-opaque bone.
widely available and well-understood contrast medium and/or radiolucent agent Magnification radiography. An
method of obtaining images of joints. The such as air or carbon dioxide, into a joint imaging technique which provides the


greatest detail of the structural organ-
ization of bone (6.48, c); magnification is
obtained in one of two ways (Genant &
Resnick 1988): either by optical mag-
nification of fine grain contact radio-
graphs, or by direct radiographic
magnification using X-ray equipment with
a focal spot diameter of 100 um or less. In
the latter, magnification is obtained by
placing the object close to the source and
projecting the shadow image on to X-
ray film some distance away. Of the two
methods, images produced by projection
radiography have greater spatial res-
olution and contrast range. The degree of
magnification obtained is largely depen-
dent on the size of the X-ray source; the
smaller the source, the higher the mag-
nification. With microfocal X-ray units,
which have an X-ray source diameter less
than 20 um, high-resolution magnification
radiographs of joints are obtained at mag-
nifications of x10 or more (Buckland-
Wright 1989). The detail reported in these
radiographs approximates to that of his-
tology (Buckland-Wright & Bradshaw [A]
1989). In addition, all parts of the object 6.72 Tomogram on the temporomandibular joint showing the position of the head of the
recorded in the film are in focus, there is mandible with the jaw open (a) and closed (8). (Scanora tomogram prepared by Mr EJ
minimal penumbral blurring and, because Whaites, UMDS, Guy’s Hospital, London.)
of the advantages of magnification and
high spatial resolution (20-40 um), accu-
rate and reproducible measurements can
be taken of X-ray features immeasurable contrast but poorer spatial resolution possible (6.73), although the quality of
by any other imaging technique (0.4mm) than standard radiography. The these images is inferior to standard radio-
(Buckland-Wright & Bradshaw 1989). cartilage and cortex of joints such as the graphy (Martel et al 1991). The particular
Stereoradiography. Plain film radio- hip and knee are poorly imaged in hori- advantage of CT lies in the study of
graphs often contain overlapping struc- zontal sections. Three-dimensional com- complex joints, or of those that are diffi-
tures that can hide features of interest. puterized image display in sagittal and cult to examine by conventional tech-
Stereoradiography is obtained by dis- coronal planes of bones and joints are niques, such as the sacroiliac joint (6.277A)
placing the tube and/or object between
successive exposures; this permits three-
dimensional evaluation of the object when
the pair of images is viewed stereo-
scopically. The best impression of depth
is gained when the shift between object
and tube equates with the parallax created
by the interocular distance.
Conventional tomography. This
involves the motion of two of three
objects—usually the tube and film—while
the third object (the patient) remains
stationary. In this way the structures in
the focal plane are always imaged, whereas
those on either side of the plane are elim-
inated from the image due to blurring.
Such systems are widely used in the study
of the alveolar process and teeth (12.50)
and, more recently, with the scanora, in
which tomograms are obtained of the tem-
poromandibular joint and skull base in
planes perpendicular to those provided by
computerized tomography (6.72).
Computerized tomography (CT). A
radiographic technique in which X-ray
images representing horizontal slices
through the body are reconstructed by
computer from the tissue attenuation of 6.73 Three-dimensional computerized image reconstruction of the bones in the pelvic
an X-ray beam passing at different angles region obtained from serial CT scans. (Image obtained courtesy of Professor R Robb,
through the subject (Ridyard 1986) (6.106, Mayo Clinic, USA.)
169); the images produced have greater

or ossicles within the middle ear. Quan-

titative techniques have been developed
for high resolution CT for assessing tra-
becular bone structure and mineral
content (Genant et al 1987).
Ultrasonography. This is based on the
detection of reflected sound waves from
joint tissues. The spatial resolution within
the image is between 0.2 and 0.3mm
(Martel et al 1991). Its application is
mainly in the assessment of the thickness
and extent of soft tissue boundaries such
as the synovial membrane and bursae in
the knee, the synovial sheaths of the hand,
or the thickness and surface characteristics
of articular cartilage.
Radionuclide imaging. Performed by
injecting a radioactive tracer into the
body, this process commonly uses one
of two tracers: technetium pertechnate or
technetium-labelled phosphate com-
pounds. ”Tc-pertechnate reflects blood
flow to the synovium and picks up the
highly vascular cancellous bone. ”Tc-
labelled phosphate compounds have sim-
ilar functions to those of the pertechnate.
In addition, they are absorbed into
hydroxyapatite crystals associated with
either bone resorption or deposition
(Christensen 1985), identifying sites of
bone growth (6.13c) and remodelling. The
localization of the tracer within the tissues
of the joint is more readily observed using
sectional scanning, particularly in large
joints. Quantitation of the radionuclide 6.74. A T1 weighted MRI of a normal knee through the medial condyle. The articular
scan, expressed as the percentage uptake, cartilage appears as a grey band of tissue overlying the cortex, the latter appears black as
can be obtained from the amount of does the medial meniscus. The fatty marrow hasa high signal intensity. (Image prepared
radiation emitted from the region of by Mr K Fitzpatrick, UMDS, Guy’s Hospital, London.)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
A computer-generated image, it is based
on the collection of the re-emission of fluid will appear dark or bright on T1 and tomical features (such as radiography),
an absorbed radio-frequency (RF) signal T2 weighted images, respectively, whereas and those that detect physiological pro-
while the object is in a strong magnetic menisci, collateral ligaments and tendons cesses, as seen with radionuclide and MRI.
field (AMA 1987). The image is obtained all appear dark on both T1 and T2 weigh- Combining these techniques can provide
from the signal emitted from the protons ted images (6.74). The use of contrast additional information. With careful regis-
within the hydrogen nucleus. Sectional agents allows the technique to distinguish tration during the image acquisition
images are produced, in almost any plane, further soft tissue detail as well as the process, radiographic and radionuclide
of the tissues under examination, pro- degree of its vascularity. MRI hasa spatial images can be superimposed, using com-
viding a combination of both anatomical resolution 20-30% less than CT, and quan- putational techniques, to provide ana-
and biochemical data. Spin echo pulse titative methods are still being developed; tomical localization of the physiological
sequences are generally employed, with however, its superior contrast makes it processes taking place within a joint
images obtained with either T1 weighting, a more effective technique than CT for (Hawkes et al 1991). This approach,
T2 weighting, or both. Using these detecting joint structures. Recent develop- together with new methods for quantifying
sequences, hyaline cartilage appears as a ments in small-bore magnets and RF coils cancellous bone organization (Buckland-
grey band of tissue overlying the black have provided images at high spatial res- Wright et al 1994), will provide inves-
line of subchondral bone (6.74, 316). Fat olution (100 um). tigators with the opportunity to study
marrow appears bright on Tl weighted Multi-model imaging. In general, joint tissues dynamically and in even
images, outlining the extent of the cortex imaging systems fall into two broad cat- greater detail.
and adjacent cancellous bone. Synovial egories: those that simply record ana-

Kinesiology These developments are considered briefly here; useful expositions

The preceding account summarizes views and terminologies evolved are given by MacConaill (1946, 1950, 1953, 1964, 1966, MacConaill &
over many years by simple observation of articular anatomy and Basmajian 1977, Steindler (1955), Barnett et al (1961) and Kapandji
obvious geometrical changes. For many purposes this is adequate. (1974). Two fields of study are relevant here:
More recently closer attention has amassed more objective obser-
vations, experimental results and theory to form an emerging science e osteokinematics dealing primarily with overall bone movements
of kinesiology, a branch of biomechanics requiring new terminology, with little reference to joints
502 revision of older concepts and unfamiliar mathematical treatments. e arthrokinematics, concerned with articular mechanics.

6.75a. Left, a computer reconstruction of a sagitally sectioned cast of the anteriorly. The triangular facet for the ‘inferior transverse ligament’ part of
trochlear surface of a fresh human tibia (left side, female, aged 63) viewed the posterior tibiofibular ligament has been excluded. It is a modified male
posteriorly. The medial malleolar surface is not included. It is a modified sellar surface, which is convex anteroposteriorly; mediolaterally (left to right)
female sellar surface and reciprocally curved to its mating surface on the it presents a medial convexity, a central concavity and a rather flattened
talus. Anteroposteriorly the surface is concave; lateromedially (left to right) lateral convexity. (Reconstructions provided by AJ Palfrey and Linda K
there is a central convexity flanked by anterior and posterior concavities. Ziemer of the Department of Anatomy, Charing Cross Hospital Medical
Right, a computer reconstruction of a coronally sectioned cast of the School, London.)
trochlear surface of a fresh human talus (left side, male, aged 62) viewed

6.758. Avariety of geometric figures to which reference is commonly made which are truly plane, cylindrical, spherical, conical or ellipsoid. Com-
in simple classifications of synovial joints. However, such comparisons are monplace simple and compounded ovoids are included for comparison.
rough approximations only—no synovial joint possesses articular surfaces

Certain generalizations about shapes of articular surfaces must be most joints (especially human), not yet been detailed. Palfrey and
considered followed by replacement of an irregular bone by a Ziemer 1979 (6.754) have attempted such analyses on fresh ankle
single mechanical axis—concepts which necessarily precede study of joints (amputation specimens); a more extensive analysis of tarsal
surfaces and movements of particular joints. joints has been contributed by Langelaan (1983). In the former
study physical damage and desiccation were minimized (but not
The shape of articular surfaces eliminated) and multiple casts in dental wax were made of talar
Although the usual classification of synovial joints into seven and tibial trochlear surfaces; coronal and sagittal slices (3mm or
types is based on shape, this does not entail a like number of less) were prepared. Multiple points, marked along curved cartilage
fundamentally different surface shapes. Articular surfaces are never profiles, were assigned spatial co-ordinates determined by projection
truly flat, nor exactly parts of spheres, cylinders, cones or ellipsoids and tracing upon grid paper. Similar data were assessed for
(6.75). They are more nearly parts of surfaces of ovoids (6.758) subchondral osseous surfaces. Subsequent analysis yielded two-
or compounded of more than one such surface. When these are dimensional contour maps and three-dimensional reconstructions.
either convex or concave, they may be termed male or female Much more exact data of shape, congruence, variation in thickness
ovoid articular surfaces. The other well-recognized type is sellar, of cartilage, conarticular surface areas and differences between
convex in one plane and concave at approximately right angles profiles of cartilage and subchondral bone were obtained.
to this; even here curvatures are convex or concave ovoid profiles. Certain terms applied to ovoid surfaces and their properties are
Articular profiles vary from nearly flat to nearly spheroidal, but relevant both to movements of articular surfaces and of whole bones.
evidence increasingly indicates all to be ovoid or sellar (6.76). Two points on an ovoid may be joined by a curved line which is the
However, quantitative topology of conarticular surfaces has, for shortest distance between them, this being a chord distinct from any 503

concept imagine two points on a plane but deformable surface; these

may be joined by the shortest route, a straight line, a chord (geodesic);
any longer route may be called an arc (non-geodesic). Even if the
surface is now formed into a sphere, cylinder, ovoid, sellar surface,
etc., the relation between chord (geodesic) and are (non-geodesic) is
A figure enclosed by three chords is a triangle (6.77), the sum of
its angles exceeding 180° on an ovoid surface but being less than
this on a sellar surface and precisely 180° when it is flat. Deviation
from 180° depends on the degree of curvature, an important fact in
arthrokinematics (see below). Any three-sided figure in which at least
one side is an arc is a trigone.
Sectional profiles of ovoid surfaces (6.78a) reveal two properties:
6.76 The two fundamental geometric types of articular surfaces. a. Ovoid, firstly radius of curvature varies continuously, a profile being con-
which may be convex (male) or concave (female). Note that the compound sidered a series of short segments of circles of different radius and a
solid body illustrated presents different ovoid profiles in two planes at right line joining their centres being the evolute of the profile. Rotation of
angles and that the curvatures of the two may be different. 8. Sellar or
a bone by sliding on such a profile is referrable not to one axis but
saddle-shaped surfaces, which are concavoconvex. In practice both types
of surface may vary from only slightly to highly curved. Thus ovoid surfaces to successive points on the evolute. Secondly if on a convex ovoid
may be ‘almost flat’ or ‘almost spherical’ but the majority show intermediate surface a smaller segment of a similarly curved concave surface slides
grades of curvature and much variation in change of radius from place to (6.788), the two will fit perfectly only in one position (cf. close-
place. Sellar surfaces may also be compound and have a marked asym- packed position, described below); in all other positions the surfaces
metry, e.g. at the ankle and patellofemoral joints. are not congruent, the area of contact being much reduced and
cuneiform intervals separating them elsewhere. (Theoretically, in a
‘perfect’, incompressible ovoid, contact would be linear; it is an
area because of superficial undulations and the compressibility of
longer line joining them which is an arc (6.77) (MacConaill &
Basmajian 1977). Any point moving on an ovoid surface traces a Mechanical axes of bones
chordal or an arcuate line (or a succession of these), as will be Bones are irregular, their articular surfaces bearing no simple or
considered further below. This usage of chord and arc is unfamiliar symmetrical relation to their form. Hence comparison of move-
(they are usually applied to circles on plane surfaces). To clarify the ments of individual bones may be misleading in terms of joint

6.77 Geometric paths across ovoid surfaces, and three-sided figures triangle enclosed by three chords. c. A trigone, a three-sided figure in which
enclosed by such paths. a. A chord (the shortest path between two points) one or more sides is an arc.
and one example of an arc (any longer path between the points). B. A

6.78a. Profile of a section through an ovoid surface showing that it may be B. A small section of an ovoid profile (red) in various positions; in relation to
considered as a series of segments of circles of changing radius. The amore extensive profile (black). The two fit perfectly (i.e. are fully congruent)
504 (dashed) line joining the centres of the circles is the evolute of the profile. in only one position.

mechanics. To aid accurate comparison the concept of the

mechanical axis has been introduced. In 6.794 a hypothetical,
symmetrical long bone is shown with a terminal joint in the Offset head to bone
midrange of movement: a rod through the bone, ending per-
pendicular to the articular centre, is its mechanical axis and can
represent the bone when articular movements are considered; in
this special case of symmetry the mechanical axis coincides with
shaft. In 6.798 the joint is again in midrange but the bone is not
symmetrical; consequently the mechanical axis and shaft diverge
widely: articular movements result in similar displacements relative
to the mechanical axis, but movement of the shaft is different.
(See below for varieties of ‘spin’ and ‘swing’.) Despite the
usefulness of a mechanical axis in some analyses, in others it is
less so because of arbitrary choice of a ‘central articular point’,
difficult to define with precision. Mechanical axis selection might
be better defined as that of most habitual conjunct rotation, the Mechanical
limit of which is the close-packed position of the joint concerned axis
(see below). In spheroidal, multiaxial joints definition of a single
mechanical axis may also be an insufficient datum for the many
combinations possible.
Movements of bones
Apart from passive accessory movements due to external forces, all
others are rotations; since this term is often used in a restricted sense
(p. 500), new terms become necessary. Any bone solely rotating Cone of bone movement
around its stationary mechanical axis is said to show pure spin; any
point on the bone, outside the axis, describes an arc of a circle, with 6.79 The mechanical axis: (4) in a hypothetically simple, symmetrical long
the axis as its centre (6.79). All other displacements of bone and axis bone, with a terminal joint; a ‘spin’ occurs around this axis; (B) in a bone with
are swings, which may be pure (6.80a) or impure when spin also an offset head; a similar ‘spin’ occurs between the articular surfaces, but
occurs (6.808). (In a spheroidal joint what is virtually pure spin the shaft of the bone traces part of the surface of a cone.
is theoretically possible around many alternative ‘mechanical
Another useful concept is the so-called ovoid of motion: during
any swing a point on the mechanical axis, distant from its related
joint, describes a curved path in space and all such possible paths rotations occur only in joints with two or more degrees of
(6.81) are on part of an ovoid’s surface (as would be expected, since freedom, involving either a bone undergoing no conjunct rotation
they are generated from such an articular surface). Area and shape or one in which it must be considered. In the first, factors causing
of such ovoids of motion vary for individual bones and articular adjunct rotation may generate pure spin; in the second, the effects
surfaces. During any particular swing, therefore, a point on the of adjunct rotation may be in the same sense (e.g. both ‘clockwise’),
mechanical axis moves from X to Y on the ovoid of motion either i.e. additive, increasing rotation and hence termed a cospin.
along a chord (a cardinal swing) or by a longer route from X to Y Alternatively, adjunct rotations may be in opposite sense, reducing
(an arcuate swing). Synchronously the articular end of the axis traces or nullifying the effects of conjunct rotation and hence termed
a reciprocal chord or arc across its opposing articular surface. A antispins. Thus a bone starting one or a succession of arcuate
consequence of such swings is related to the presence or absence of swings which, if unmodified, would involve some conjunct rotation
associated spin: during a cardinal swing along a chord (an unusual may also be subjected to nullifying antispin: the latter may be
movement) there is no associated spin; in an arcuate swing there gradual, applied throughout movement or sudden, near its end.
must be some spin which is functionally significant (see below). Therefore, while the path of the bone is a more or less complex
Similarly, spin occurs if a movement involves two chords in series arcuate swing, it is modified to become quasichordal because there
at an angle to each other (one form of diadochal movement), for is no net spin.
example X to Y and Y to Z in 6.81.
In some apparently simple swings of bones, spin was long un- Movements at articular surfaces
detected; but its occurrence can be predicted mathematically as a The ‘fit’ of ovoid surfaces (p. 503) is precise only at one end of the
consequence of articular curves and is in most instances verifiable joint’s most common excursion, a feature of the close-packed position
by careful inspection or cineradiography. Diagrams may assist com- discussed below. In all other positions the surfaces are not fully
prehension: in 6.82a three points, A, B and C, are on the surface of congruent, the joint is ‘loose-packed’. Changes in congruity are
a sphere, AB, BC, and CD being the shortest distances (chords) illustrated in the shoulder joint in 6.83.
between them. AB and AC are ‘lines of longitude’ meeting the Where articular surfaces are not fully congruent movements can
equator at 90° at B and C. A model limb moves successively along be analysed into spin, slide and roll, which must first be considered
chords A-B, B—C, C—A; between the initial and final positions it has at a convex (male) surface moving on a stationary concave (female)
‘spun’ 90° (by which the sum of angles of ‘triangle’ ABC exceeds surface, and vice versa (6.84, 85). In most natural movement these
180°. 6.828 shows intermediate ‘lines of longitude’; in each case spin are combined (6.86). With a moving convex surface, slide and roll
equals the sum of the three angles minus 180°. This relation holds are simultaneous but opposite; with a moving concave surface they
mathematically for all ovoid or sellar surfaces. Spin is imparted are in the same direction; both combinations increase possible angu-
during the B-C movement (i.e. along a second chord at an angle to lation, without a comparable increase in articular surface area. The
the first). An arcuate path may be analysed as a series of chords significance of these movements and variations in congruity is best
which change angle. These spins, inevitable in certain swings, are considered with the basic states of ‘loose-’ and ‘close-pack’ (see
conjunct rotations and characteristic of sellar and most ovoid joints. below).
Habitual movements at all joints always involve some demonstrable
conjunct rotation; an important consequence will be best appreciated Joint positions
after consideration of related movements and ‘fit’ of articular surfaces Ovoid or sellar surfaces are fully congruent in only one position,
(see below). at one extreme of most habitual articular movement (e.g. full
Beyond these basic arthrokinematics of conjunct rotations it extension at the knee, wrist and interphalangeal joints, dorsiflexion
must be added that other rotations (due to the interplay of at the ankle, abduction with lateral rotation at the shoulder). As
gravity, external forces and muscle action) are adjunct. Adjunct full congruence is approached, other changes occur: attachments 505


202°5° —180°=22'5°
(90° +90°+ 90°)— (90°+ 90°)= 90°
225°—180°= 45°
—180° =67'5°
270° —180° = 90°

6.82 The ‘spin’ or conjunct rotation which accompanies a diadochal move- right angles (i.e. the sum of the angles = 270°). Note that as it passes along
ment. A model hand and arm moves over the surface of a sphere, first along the line of latitude from B to C, a spin of 90° is imparted. B. This illustrates
a line of longitude, then one of latitude to return along a line of longitude. how the amount of spin imparted during a diadochal movement varies with
A. The arm traverses three chordal paths which enclose a ‘triangle’ with three the length and angulation of the second stage of the movement.

of fibrous capsule and ligaments increasingly separate and become further change is resisted by reflex contraction of appropriate
taut. The conjunct rotation of all natural movements adds to this muscles. Movement just short of close-packing is physiologically
by imposing spiral twist in them. In final close-packing, therefore, most important. Ligaments and articular cartilage are to a small
surfaces are fully congruent, in maximal contact and tightly degree elastically deformable and in the final stages the articular
compressed or ‘screwed-home’, fibrous capsule and ligaments being position is an equilibrium between the external torque applied
maximally spiralized and tensed; no further movement is possible. (often gravity) and resistance to tissue deformation by the tense,
Close-packed surfaces cannot normally be separated by external twisted capsule and compressed cartilages. In symmetrical standing,
force (as they may be in other positions); bones can be regarded the knee and hip joints approach close-packed positions sufficiently
as temporarily locked, as if no joint existed. This extreme is only to maintain an erect posture with minimal energy (Joseph 1960,
assumed when special effort is required; the rigidity and stresses 1975).
generated expose articular structures maximally to trauma. Close- In all other positions the articular surfaces are not congruent and
packing is a final, limiting position; any force which tends to parts of the capsule are lax; the joint is loose-packed. Capsules are lax

6.83 Congruence of articular surfaces. a. In loose-packed positions of a emphasized for clarity). 8. The close-packed position of the joint with close-
joint, e.g. the shoulder, the surfaces are not congruent (this has been over- fitting or full congruence of the surfaces.


6.84 An analysis of the types of movement which occur (usually in

combination) between articular surfaces when a male surface moves over
a stationary female surface.

enough near the midrange of many movements to allow separation of their shape perhaps a factor in maintaining efficient lubrication and
surfaces by external forces. Congruence in which a convex surface nutrition of avascular articular cartilages; finally, combination of
has a smaller radius than a concave one is advantageous: firstly, it sliding and rolling increases the effective range of movement. With
allows combined spin, roll and slide, a feature of such joints; slide or roll alone, this could be achieved only by more extensive
secondly, contact area is greatly reduced and variable, which may surfaces (6.86).
diminish friction and erosion; thirdly, small cuneiform intervals According to MacConaill and Basmajian (1977) the close- and
between the surfaces around contact areas contain synovial fluid, loose (least)-pack positions of joints are as follows:

Spin Roll Slide

6.85 Articular movements. A male surface moves on a stationary male

508 surface.

Hypothetical position had slide not


6.86 Analysis of the articular movements which are combined during moving female tibial condylar surfaces. Notice that in each case elements
extension at the knee joint. (Right knee viewed from medial aspect; patella, of slide, roll and spin occur together. In a the roll and slide are in opposite
menisci and other structural features omitted.) a. With a stationary tibia, i.e. directions, whereas in B they are in the same direction. See text for further
moving male femoral condylar surfaces. 8. With a stationary femur, i.e. description.

Joint Close-packed position Loose-packed position the first carpometacarpal joints. Intervertebral movements are, of
course, the result of integrated simultaneous changes at all elements
Shoulder Abduction + lateral Semiabduction comprising the intervertebral articular complex; i.e. massive sym-
rotation physes (including the discs), equally massive syndesmoses and the
Ulnohumeral Extension Semiflexion relatively small synovial zygapophyseal joints. Perhaps ‘inter-
Radiohumeral Semiflexion + Extension + supination vertebral’ should not be included above. However, most of the
semipronation positions given above do, it is true, correspond with postures adopted
Wrist Dorsiflexion Semiflexion when maximal stress is encountered.
2nd-Sth metacarpo- Full flexion Semiflexion + ulnar General concepts as set out above have much clarified joint
phalangeal deviation mechanics but aspects of joint lubrication, maintenance of articular
Interphalangeal Extension Semiflexion cartilage and detailed mechanics of many joints await resolution
(fingers) (Freeman 1973).
lst carpometacarpal Full opposition Neutral position of Accessory movements. Movements actively performed at any
thumb joint do not always include all that its structure permits. Certain
Hip Extension + medial Semiflexion movements, voluntarily impossible or limited in range, can only be
rotation produced maximally when resistance to active movements occurs
Knee Full extension Semiflexion (accessory movements, first type); for example, only when a solid
Ankle Dorsiflexion Neutral position object is grasped in the hand can the fingers be maximally rotated
Tarsal joints Full supination Semipronation at the metacarpophalangeal joints (see p. 658). (However, a moderate
Metatarsophalangeal Dorsiflexion Neutral position degree of rotation of the non-grasping fingers towards the centre
Interphalangeal (toes) Dorsiflexion Semiflexion of the palm during flexion and its converse during extension is
Intervertebral Extension Neutral position commonplace.) Some movements can be produced only passively
(accessory movements, second type), their widest range being
Opinions may vary in connection with a few of the above positions; obtained when the muscles of a joint are relaxed; for example, when
for example a ‘close-packed’ position may possibly occur in the supported arm is passively abducted at the shoulder, the humerus
occasional joints at both extremes of the range of movement. It is can be distracted from the glenoid cavity, a feature of many joints
also most difficult to assess the situation in small tarsal, carpal and when loose-packed. Such movements are commonly termed ‘passive’ 509

but all movements, active or not, can be made passively when the Blood supply and lymphatics of joints
muscles concerned are relaxed; the term ‘accessory’ will be used for Joints receive blood from periarticular arterial plexuses whose numer-
all movements impossible in the absence of resistance (Salter 1955). ous rami pierce capsules to form subsynovial vascular plexuses. Some
Limitation of movements. This is due to several factors, of synovial vessels end near articular margins in an anastomotic fringe,
which tension in ligaments is prominent, as is obvious in attempted the circulus articularis vasculosus (p.470). A lymphatic plexus in the
hyperextension of the unfixed cadaveric knee or hip. Increasing synovial subintima drains along blood vessels to the regional deep
ligamentous tension, balanced by increased compression between lymph nodes.
opposed articular surfaces, are integral factors in producing close-
packing, limiting most habitual movements. But tension of antag- Nerve supply of joints
onistic muscles is equally important, involving both passive elastic Movable joints are innervated in general by nerves supplying their
components of muscles (and other structures around the joint) and muscles, probably establishing local reflex loops involved in move-
reflex contraction when stimulation of mechanoreceptors in articular ment and posture. Although the branches concerned vary, each
and periarticular tissues reaches a critical level. Muscles as limiting innervates a specific capsular region but their territories freely
factors are exemplified in flexion at the hip; with the knee extended overlap. The region made taut by muscular contraction is usually
it is much more limited in range; with the knee flexed the hamstring innervated by nerves supplying antagonists (Gardner 1948a,b). For
muscles are relaxed allowing flexion of the thigh to the abdominal example, the hip joint’s capsule, on stretch inferiorly in abduction,
wall, such approximation of the soft parts being a third factor in is here supplied by the obturator nerve, tension in it thus producing
some movements, for example flexion at the elbow and knee. Contact reflex contraction of the adductors, usually enough to prevent
(occlusion) of teeth obviously limits mandibular elevation. damage. However, this is not so at the shoulder, where the axillary
In synovial joints, where bones are connected only by ligaments nerve innervates the anteroinferior capsular region.
and muscles, parts of articular surfaces are in constant apposition Myelinated fibres in articular nerves have Ruffini endings, lam-
in all positions. (Some maintain that ‘apposition’ implies a fine film ellated articular corpuscles and some like the neurotendinous organs
of synovial fluid, of 10um or less, between adjacent surfaces.) of Golgi. Simple endings are numerous at the attachments of capsule
Apposition is assisted by atmospheric pressure and cohesion between and ligaments; they are terminals of non-myelinated and finely
surfaces, but these are subsidiary to balanced contraction of muscle myelinated fibres believed to mediate pain (Gardner 1950). Ruffini
groups around the joint. When these contract, the force generated end organs are variably orientated in the knee joint’s capsule,
is vectorially resolvable into components (p. 787). Some maintain or principally in its flexor region, responding to stretch and adapting
alter positions of bones (‘swing’ and ‘spin’ components) and oppose slowly. Lamellated corpuscles, less numerous than Ruffini endings,
internal and external resistances, including gravity. Another com- are sited laterally and adapt rapidly since they respond to rapid
ponent is transarticular (‘shunt’ component), which increases com- movement and vibration; both register speed and direction of move-
pression between articular surfaces and helps apposition in various ment. Golgi end organs, with the largest myelinated nerve fibres (10-
postures and movements (p. 786). Effects of external compressive or 15 um diameter), are like those at neuromuscular junctions and slow
tensile forces, including gravity, vary with body posture and the to adapt (Boyd & Roberts 1953; Boyd 1954; Skoglund 1956); they
direction of applied force. Thus gravity or load-bearing may some- mediate position sense (Stopford 1921-2; Mountcastle & Powell
times provide a distractive force, tending to separate conarticular 1959a,b; Gardner 1967) and are concerned in stereognosis, i.e.
surfaces, or may exert a largely translatory/swing force between them. recognition of shape in objects held (Renfrew & Melville 1960).
They often exert a considerable compressive force at surfaces. Many non-myelinated fibres are sympathetic, ending near vascular
Summary. The preceding remarks are merely an introduction to non-striated muscle and believed to be vasomotor or vasosensory,
the main concepts of kinesiology. Brief references to myokinetics are although evidence is sparse. In synovial membrane no special end
on p.785. For further analyses the references given should be organs or even simple endings occur, except near blood vessels, the
consulted. (Readers with greater facility in mathematics and physics membrane being relatively insensitive to pain (Kellgren & Samuel
may be interested in attempts to present a ‘generalized mechanics of 1950; Barnett et al 1961). For a review concerned with receptors and
articular swing’, ranging from Aristotelian and Newtonian physics to sensation see Wyke (1981); for histological and functional details
the relativity theory and quantum mechanics; MacConaill 1978a,b,c.) and classification of articular nerve endings see page 969.

INTRODUCTION vertebral body, ventral to the spinal cord (spinal medulla). In a

typical vertebra a neural arch, encircling the spinal cord, fuses
Dividing the skeleton into axial and appendicular sections is not ventrally with the centrum and usually bears a median dorsal spinous
merely a convention. The axial structures, cranium and vertebral process and paired lateral transverse processes just dorsal to the
column and associated ribs and sternum, are primary; the appen- neurocentral junctions. This enclosure isolates the spinal cord from
dicular elements in fins, limbs or wings were subsequent though early the axial musculature and protects it from external forces, thus
additions. Both primary and secondary elements are concerned in insulating its vessels from extraneous compression.
elaboration of locomotion. An axial endoskeleton, first a notochord The centrum and each half neural arch ossify from separate
and then a vertebral column, is the basic feature of Chordata and centres; when these extend through cartilaginous precursors to meet
their subphylum, the Vertebrata, including mankind. A stiff but and fuse, the dorsolateral parts of the vertebral body are formed
flexible axis, in bilaterally symmetrical animals that show an early from the ventral ends of the neural arch. Centrum and body are
tendency to elongation, prevents telescoping of the body during therefore not synonyms, nor is the vertebral arch exactly equal to a
waves of contraction in successive segmental muscles to produce the neural arch. A centrum is somewhat less than a vertebral body, a
sinuous movements, especially in the tail, which are the basic mode neural somewhat more than a vertebral arch (p. 532).
of locomotion in aquatic vertebrates. A chain of bones, connected Segmental muscles flexing the vertebral axis are only in part
by discs of deformable substance, developed around and largely attached to vertebrae; in connective tissue septa (myocommata)
replaced the notochord. However, notochordal vestiges occur in between adjacent myotomes ribs evolve as levers for such attach-
vertebrae of many fish, amphibians and reptiles, and centrally in ments. Such costal struts first appeared dorsally in the axial muscu-
mammalian intervertebral discs. This replacement is repeated in lature and extended ventrally into the body wall in early vertebrates.
every vertebrate embryo. These new vertebral elements are complex In fish ventral ribs also appeared, which enclosed caudal vessels in
and variable in pattern in earlier vertebrates but from reptiles the tail. It is generally agreed that ribs of land tetrapods correspond
510 onwards the most basic part is the centrum, forming most of the to the dorsal piscine series (Romer 1970).


Ribs are thus intersegmental, and segmental muscles, derived supporting, in bipeds, the full weight of the head and trunk. It also
basically from myotomes, bend the vertebral column; vertebrae also transmits even greater forces due to muscles attached to it directly
become intersegmental, though their embryonic pattern (p. 265) is and indirectly. The foramina form a vertebral canal for the spinal
primarily segmental. In early vertebrates dorsal ribs adjoin most cord, and between adjoining neural arches, near their junctions with
vertebrae, showing little regional adaptation except in the postnatal vertebral bodies, intervertebral foramina transmit mixed spinal nerves,
tail. In land vertebrates, with the elaboration of appendages for smaller recurrent nerves and blood and lymphatic vessels (see also
locomotion, the vertebral column is adapted to new patterns of force p. 1258).
in the distribution of weight and muscular tensions. The cylindroid vertebral body varies in size, shape and proportions
In hindlimbs the pelvic girdle articulates with several vertebrae, in different regions and more so in different species. Its junctional
which fuse with each other and with costal elements to form a aspects vary from approximately flat (but not parallel) to sellar, with
sacrum. Sacral vertebrae lose individual movement; in mammals there a raised peripheral smooth zone formed from the ‘annular’ epiphyseal
are three to five fused sacral vertebrae, and distal to these a variable disc (p. 532), within which the surface is rough. These differences in
number of caudal vertebrae, reduced to four degenerate elements texture are due to variations in early structure of intervertebral discs
fused into a coccyx in adult humans. Some movement persists, (p.265). In the horizontal plane the profiles of most bodies are
however, between the fused sacral mass and neighbouring vertebrae, convex anteriorly, but concave posteriorly where they complete the
as well as between the sacrum and pelvic girdle. vertebral foramen.’ Most vertical profiles are concave anteriorly but
Mammalian presacral vertebrae vary in number and differentiation flat posteriorly. Small vascular foramina appear on the front and
but can be grouped into cervical (neck), thoracic (where ribs persist) sides, but posteriorly there are small arterial foramina (Willis 1949)
and Jumbar vertebrae (devoid of mobile ribs) by distinguishing and a large irregular orifice (sometimes double) for the exit of
features. Cervical ribs are small or ‘absent’ (but see below); their basivertebral veins (6.88). The adult vertebral body is not coextensive
disappearance in cervical and lumbar regions is linked to the change with the developmental centrum (p.532) but includes, post-
from breathing by gills to lungs, and to development of independent erolaterally, parts of the neural arch, as already noted.
movements of the head. There is no neck in fish, the postcranial The vertebral arch has on each side a vertically narrower ventral
region being occupied by the branchial apparatus. Caudal shift of part, the pedicle, and dorsally a broader lamina. Projecting from
the respiratory apparatus in land vertebrates necessarily preceded their junctions are paired transverse, superior and inferior articular
development of a neck. Cervical vertebrae were early stabilized to processes; dorsally is a median spinous process.
seven in mammals (except tree sloths and manatees), even in such Pedicles are short, thick, rounded dorsal projections from the
extremes as whales and giraffes. With respiratory adaptation of ribs superior part of the body at the junction of its lateral and dorsal
in land animals and development of a diaphragm in mammals, well- surfaces, so that the concavity formed by its curved superior border
formed ribs, articulating with but separate from vertebrae, are limited is shallower than the inferior one (6.84). Adjacent vertebral notches
to thoracic levels. But ribs do not disappear completely in cervical contribute to an intervertebral foramen when vertebrae articulate
and post-thoracic regions: vestigial costal elements are combined by the intervertebral disc and zygapophyseal joints. The complete
perimeter of an intervertebral foramen consists, therefore, of the
with transverse processes of all such vertebrae (see 3.134, 6.89).
The total number of vertebrae, excluding the tail, is reduced from notches, the dorsolateral aspects of parts of adjacent vertebral bodies
the lemuroid and tarsloid to the anthropoid primates. Monkeys, and intervening disc, and the capsule of the synovial zygapophyseal
apes and hominids (extinct and extant) show some uniformity. The joint.
cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae number respectively Laminae, directly continuous with pedicles, are vertically flattened
7, 11-15, 4 to 7, and 3-6, human values being 7, 12, 5 and 5. Caudal and curve dorsomedially to complete, with the base of the spinous
vertebrae vary much in number. process, a vertebral foramen.
The spinous process (spine) projects dorsally and often caudally
from the junction of the laminae. Spines vary much in size, shape
and direction. They act as levers for muscles which control posture
VERTEBRAL COLUMN and active movements (flexion/extension, lateral flexion and rotation)
of the vertebral column.
GENERAL VERTEBRAL FEATURES The paired superior and inferior articular processes (zygapophyses)
A vertebra (6.87) essentially has a ventral body and a dorsal vertebral arise from the vertebral arch at the pediculolaminar junctions. The
(neural) arch, extended by lever-like processes, together enclosing a superior processes project cranially, bearing dorsal facets which may
vertebral foramen, occupied by the spinal cord, meninges and their also have a lateral or medial inclination, depending on level. Inferior
vessels. Opposed surfaces of adjacent bodies are bound together by processes bulge caudally with articular facets directed ventrally, again
intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage. The complete column of bodies with medial or lateral inclination depending on vertebral level.
and discs forms a strong but flexible central axis of the body Articular processes of adjoining vertebrae thus form small synovial

derived from
centrum; bone
Bone derived from neural
from annular arch
epiphysis Superior articular facet
Superior costal
Cortical bone

Cancellous bone
Vertebral foramen
Transverse process

Costal face

Basivertebral foramen
Inferior articular facet
Spinous process
Lamina Inferior vertebral notch

6.87 Typical thoracic vertebra: superior aspect. 6.88 Median sagittal section through a lumbar vertebra.

zygapophyseal joints (p.514), forming the posterior aspect of the front of the upper sacrum. Its longitudinal fibres, strongly adherent
intervertebral foramina; these joints permit limited movement to the intervertebral discs, hyaline cartilage laminae and margins of
between vertebrae: mobility varying considerably with vertebral level. adjacent vertebral bodies, are loosely attached at intermediate levels
Transverse processes project laterally from the pediculolaminar of the bodies, where the ligament fills their anterior concavities,
junctions as levers for muscles and ligaments particularly concerned flattening the vertebral profile (6.90). At these various levels liga-
in rotation and lateral flexion. (The preceding comment is a sim- mentous fibres blend with the subjacent periosteum, perichondrium
plification. In practice the activities of spinal musculature must be and periphery of the annulus fibrosus. It has several layers, the most
considered in terms of bilateral and surrounding muscle groups; superficial fibres being longest extending over three or four vertebrae,
weight-bearing and initial posture are also crucial.) The thoracic intermediate between two or three, the deepest from one body to
transverse processes articulate with ribs. At other levels the mature the next: laterally short fibres connect adjacent vertebrae.
transverse process is a composite of ‘true’ transverse process
(diapophysis) and an incorporated costal element. The posterior longitudinal ligament
Costal elements (pleurapophyses) develop as basic parts of neural
The posterior longitudinal ligament (6.91) on the posterior surfaces
arches in mammalian embryos, but become independent only as
of the vertebral bodies lies in the vertebral canal, attached to the
thoracic ribs. Elsewhere they remain less developed and fuse with
body of C2 (axis) and the sacrum; above it is continuous with the
the ‘transverse process’ of descriptive anatomy (6.89).
membrana tectoria (p. 522). Its smooth glistening fibres, attached to
Vertebrae are internally trabecular (6.88), with an external shell
intervertebral discs, laminae of hyaline cartilage and adjacent margins
of compact bone perforated by vascular foramina. The shell is thin
of vertebral bodies, are separated between attachments by basi-
on discal surfaces but thicker in the arch and its processes. The
vertebral veins and the venous rami draining them into anterior
trabecular interior contains red bone marrow and one or two large
internal vertebral plexuses. At cervical and upper thoracic levels the
ventrodorsal canals for the basivertebral veins.
ligament is broad and of uniform width, but in lower thoracic and
A technique involving the analysis of nine dimensions of vertebral
lumbar regions it is denticulated, narrow over vertebral bodies and
bodies and spines, from which exact anthropometric vertebral dimen-
broad over discs (strictly symphyses). Its superficial fibres bridge
sions can be determined from radiographs, has been developed by
three or four vertebrae, while deeper fibres extend between adjacent
Gilad and Nissan (1985).
vertebrae as perivertebral ligaments close to and, in adults, fused
The arterial patterns in bodies of thoracic vertebrae between ages
with the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. The layers are
29th prenatal week to adulthood has been described by Ratcliffe
more distinct in the immediate postnatal years.
(1980, 1981).
All vertebrae, from second cervical to first sacral, articulate by
cartilaginous joints between their bodies, synovial joints between Intervertebral discs
their articular processes (zygapophyses) and fibrous joints between Intervertebral discs (6.90, 92), between adjacent surfaces of vertebral
their laminae and also between their transverse and spinous processes. bodies from C2 (axis) to the sacrum, are the chief bonds between
them. Disc outlines correspond with the adjacent bodies, thickness
varying in different regions and parts of the same disc. In cervical
JOINTS OF VERTEBRAL BODIES and lumbar regions they are thicker anteriorly, contributing to the
Vertebral bodies are united by anterior and posterior longitudinal anterior convexity; in the thoracic region they are nearly uniform,
ligaments and by fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs between the anterior concavity being largely due to the vertebral bodies.
laminae of hyaline cartilage, together forming symphyses. Discs are thinnest in the upper thoracic region and thickest in the
lumbar regions, being adherent to thin layers of hyaline cartilage on
The anterior longitudinal ligament the superior and inferior vertebral surfaces (p. 511); together the disc
The anterior longitudinal ligament (6.90) is a strong band extending and hyaline cartilages form an intervertebral symphysis. Except for
along the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies, broader caudally, their peripheries, supplied from adjacent blood vessels, discs are
being thicker and narrower in thoracic than in cervical and lumbar avascular and supported by diffusion through the trabecular bone
regions. It is also relatively thicker and narrower opposite vertebral of adjacent vertebrae. Vascular and avascular parts differ in reaction
bodies than at the levels of intervertebral symphyses. Attached to to injury (Smith & Walmsley 1951). Connected to anterior and
the basilar occipital bone, it extends to the anterior tubercle of Cl posterior longitudinal ligaments discs in the thoracic region are
(atlas), the front of the body of C2 (axis), continuing caudally to the additionally tied laterally, by intra-articular ligaments, to the heads

Neurocentral lip Apophysis neuroocentralis

Capitular process

Anterior costal bar

Anterior costal tubercle Caput costae

Foramen vertebrarterialis
é Costal lamella
(intertubercular lamella) Collum costae
Posterior costal tubercle Tuberculum costae
Posterior costal bar

Transverse process
Pressure facet
Superior articular
process Prezygapophysis

6.89 The morphology of a generalized cervical vertebra, with particular (Reproduced with permission from the author, the Journal of Zoology and
reference to the pleurapophyses. On the left the terms are zoological, on Cambridge University Press.)
512 the right are alternatives for human anatomy suggested by Cave (1975).

Lamina Pedicle Intervertebral foramen

Capsule of synovial
zygapophysial joint

Hyaline cartilage

Nucleus pulposus Intervertebral

Annulus fibrosus disc
Hyalii til

Supraspinous longitudinal
ligamen ligament

Intervertebral symphysis
(or ‘space’ of radiologists )

Ligamentum Posterior longitudinal ligament

6.90 Median sagittal section through part of the lumbar region of the trasting details concerning the direction of fibre bundles in the interspinous
vertebral column. Note the boundaries of intervertebral foramina. For con-
ligaments see text and Heylings (1978).

of ribs articulating with adjacent vertebrae. Intervertebral discs described (Zaki 1973), predisposing to herniation. Obliquity of fibres
(excluding the first two vertebrae) form a fifth of the. postaxial in deeper zones varies in different laminae (Inoue 1973). Johnson et
vertebral column, cervical and lumbar regions having, in proportion al (1985) have described elastic fibres in a small number of human
to length, a greater contribution than the thoracic and thus being lumbar annuli fibrosi. Hickey & Hukins (1981) have described fetal
more pliant (Harris 1939). Each disc consists of an outer laminated collagen fibril diameters in these structures; they also include elastic
annulus fibrosus and an inner nucleus pulposus (6.90, 92). fibres.
Annulus fibrosus. This has a narrow outer collagenous zone and Nucleus pulposus. Better developed in cervical and lumbar
a wider inner fibrocartilaginous zone. Its laminae, convex peripherally regions, this is nearer the disc’s posterior surface. At birth it is large,
seen in vertical section, are incomplete collars connected by fibrous soft, gelatinous and of mucoid material with a few multinucleated
bands overlapping one another. (The internal vertical concavity of notochordal cells, invaded also by cells and fibres from the inner
the laminae conforms to the surface profile of the nucleus pulposus.) zone of the adjacent annulus fibrosus. Notochordal cells disappear
Posteriorly, laminae join in a complex manner; fibres in the rest of in the first decade, followed by gradual replacement of mucoid
each lamina are parallel and run obliquely between vertebrae; fibres material by fibrocartilage (Sylvén 1951), derived mainly from the
in contiguous laminae criss-cross (6.92), thus limiting rotation in annulus fibrosus and the hyaline cartilaginous plates adjoining ver-
both directions. Predominantly vertical posterier fibres have been tebral bodies. The nucleus pulposus, hitherto distinct, now becomes


Laminae of
Inter- fibro-
vertebral cartilage

Pedicle of Paraosseous
vertebra - lamina of
hyaline cartilage


6.92 Schematic representation of the main structural features of an inter-

vertebral disc. The fibrocellular structure of the nucleus pulposus is omitted.
For clarity the number of fibrocartilaginous laminae has been greatly
reduced, since they are in fact of microscopic dimensions. Note alternating
obliquity of collagen fascicles in adjacent laminae. (Modified after Inoue
1973.) 513
6.91 The posterior longitudinal ligament in the lumbar region.

less differentiated from the remainder of the disc (Peacock 1952;

Walmsley 1953; Téndury 1958). In lumbar discs cellularity (6000
cells/mm overall) is highest in peripheral annuli fibrosi and in hyaline
cartilage nearest to the vertebral bodies, with a glucose diffusion
coefficient of 2.5 cm? per second, comparable with values for cartilage
elsewhere (Maroudas et al 1975). However, nutritional conditions
may be more critical, especially in large lumbar discs. With these
changes the nucleus pulposus becomes amorphous and sometimes
discoloured. Its water-binding capacity and elasticity diminish
Blends with capsule of
(Piischel 1930), because these properties are due to its muco- zygapophysial joint
polysaccharide and protein component (Hendry 1958). When the
disc is not loaded, pressure in the nucleus pulposus is low at all ages
(Nachemson 1960). Pech and Haughton (1985) have recently used
cadaveric intervertebral discs to show the high correlation between
radiographic and magnetic resonance (MR appearance).
For a review of the structure and function of the human inter-
vertebral disc see Humzah and Soames (1988).
Clinical anatomy. In young adults intervertebral discs are so Ligamentum
strong that violence first damages the adjacent bone. It is impossible ‘flavum
to damage a healthy disc except by forcible flexion. After the second
decade, however, degenerative changes in discs may result in necrosis,
sequestration of the nucleus pulposus, softening and weakening of
the annulus fibrosus. Then comparatively minor strains may cause
either internal derangement with eccentric displacement of the
nucleus pulposus or external derangement; the nucleus pulposus then
bulges or bursts through the annulus fibrosus, usually postero-
laterally. In the former unequal tension in the joint causes muscle
spasm and sudden violent pain, acute /umbago; in the latter a
herniated nucleus pulposus may press on adjacent nerve roots with
resultant referred pain, sciatica. Such derangements are usually in
the lower lumbar region, especially at the lumbosacral joint, and
sometimes at the levels of C5—7. Motor effects, with loss of power 6.93 Ligamenta flava (anterior aspect in the lumbar region).
and reflexes, may ensue.
The nerve supply to the outer part of the annulus fibrosus,
which is frequently torn, may be an underlying cause of ‘idiopathic above study presented at least one of these features, with more than
backpain’. For a review of the various mechanisms of spinal pain 50% presenting two or more features.
see O’Brien (1984).
Intervertebral syndesmoses
JOINTS OF VERTEBRAL ARCHES Ligamenta flava (6.90, 93). They connect laminae of adjacent ver-
tebrae in the vertebral canal. Their attachments extend from zyga-
Joints between vertebral articular processes (zygapophyses) are syn- pophyseal capsules to where laminae fuse to form spines; here their
ovial and vary in shape with vertebral level (p.511); the laminae, posterior margins meet and are partially united, intervals being left
spines and transverse processes are connected through syndesmoses for veins connecting internal to posterior external vertebral venous
constituted by ligamenta flava, interspinous, supraspinous and inter- plexuses. Their predominant tissue is yellow elastic tissue, whose
transverse ligaments and the ligamentum nuchae. Some authorities almost perpendicular fibres descend from the lower anterior surface
group these various fibrous structures as accessory ligaments of the of one lamina to the posterior surface and upper margin of the
zygapophyseal joints, while others, as here, classify them as officially lamina below. The ligaments are thin, broad and long in the cervical
recognized, named syndesmoses. region, thicker in the thoracic and thickest at lumbar levels. They
arrest separation of the laminae in spinal flexion, preventing abrupt
Zygapophyseal joints
limitation, and also assist restoration to an erect posture after flexion,
Zygapophyseal joints are of the simple (cervical and thoracic) or perhaps protecting discs from injury.
complex (lumbar) synovial variety: the hyaline covered articular Supraspinous ligament (6.90). A strong fibrous cord connecting
cartilage mating surfaces are carried on mutually adapted articular the tips of spinous process from C7 to the sacrum, it is thicker and
processes. Their size, shape and topology vary with spinal level and broader at lumbar levels and intimately blended with neighbouring
are described with individual vertebrae. fascia. The most superficial fibres extend over three or four vertebrae,
Articular capsules. These are thin and loose and attached peri- the deeper span two or three, while the deepest connect adjacent
pherally to the articular facets of adjacent zygapophyses; they are spines being continuous with interspinous ligaments. Between the
longer and looser in the cervical region. spine of C7 and the external occipital protuberance it is expanded
Zygapophyseal lumbar specializations. Three types of lumbar as the ligamentum nuchae. Heylings (1978) considers supraspinous
intracapsular structure have been identified by Engel and Bogduk ligaments to cease at the fifth lumbar spine.
(1982): Ligamentum nuchae. This is a bilaminar fibroelastic inter-
e adipose tissue fat pads either anterosuperior, posteroinferior or muscular septum often considered homologous with, but structurally
both distinct from, supraspinous and interspinous ligaments in the neck.
e fibroadipose ‘menisci’ (meniscoids) at the superior or inferior pole, In structure, its dense bilateral fibroelastic laminae are separated by
or both a tenuous layer of areolar tissue; the laminae are blended at its
e connective tissue rims either anterior, posterior or both. posterior free border. The latter is superficial and extends from the
external occipital protuberance to the spine of C7. From this the
The rims are inflections of fibrous capsule; the fat pads are similar fibroelastic laminae are attached to the median part of the external
to those in many other joints; the meniscoids have an expanded, occipital crest, the posterior tubercle of Cl and the medial aspects
vascularized, fibroadipose base attached to and sometimes per- of the bifid spines of cervical vertebrae, as a septum for bilateral
forating the capsule, a poorly vascularized adipose core and a firm attachment of cervical mucles and their sheaths. In bipeds it is the
flattened fibrous apex. They project into the crevices between non- reduced representative of a much thicker, complex elastic ligament
congruent articular surfaces but their function is conjectural; they which, in quadrupedal mammals, aids suspension of the head and
514 are possibly significant clinically. All of the 82 specimens in the modifies its flexion, functioning like ligamenta flava.

Interspinous ligaments (6.90). These are thin and almost mem- zygapophyseal joints; and additionally at thoracic levels tissues of
branous, and connect adjoining spines, their attachments extending the complex synovial costocapitular joints.
from the root to the apex of each. They meet the ligamenta flava in
front of the supraspinous ligament behind. Narrow and elongated MOVEMENTS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN
in the thoracic region, broader, thicker and quadrilateral at lumbar
levels, they are poorly developed in the neck. (Some observers Movement between vertebrae is restricted by the limited deformation
allocate all cervical bundles as part of the ligamentum nuchae; others of intervertebral symphyses (particularly the discs), whose greater
regard them, although tenuous, as distinct interspinous fasicles.) thickness at cervical and lumbar levels increases individual ranges.
Their fibres are usually described as obliquely posteroinferior; Hey- It is also limited by the topography of the zygapophyseal joints and
lings (1978), however, observed them to be obliquely posterosuperior by concomitant changes in tension of the ligamentous syndesmoses.
at lumbar levels. Although movements between individual vertebrae are small, their
Intertransverse ligaments. Found between transverse processes summation gives a large total range to the vertebral column in
these consist at cervical levels of a few, irregular fibres, largely flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation and circumduction.
replaced by intertransverse muscles; in the thoracic region they are In flexion the anterior longitudinal ligament becomes relaxed as
cords intimately blended with adjacent muscles; in the lumbar region the anterior parts of intervertebral discs are compressed; at its limit
they are thin and membranous. the posterior longitudinal ligament, ligamenta flava, interspinous
and supraspinous ligaments and posterior fibres of intervertebral
Nerves of the joints discs are tensed; interlaminar intervals widen, inferior articular
Intervertebral joints (symphyses, syndesmoses and synovial) are all processes glide on superior processes of subjacent vertebrae and their
innervated by adjoining spinal (and sympathetic) nerves, particularly capsules become taut. Tension of extensor muscles is also important
by their dorsal divisions. in limiting flexion, for example when carrying a load on the shoulders.
Flexion is most extensive in the cervical region.
In extension the opposite events occur with compression of pos-
INTERVERTEBRAL FORAMINA terior discal fibres; it is limited by tension of the anterior longitudinal
Closely related to some of the main intervertebral articulations are ligament, anterior discal fibres and approximation of spines and
the principal routes of entry and exit to and from the vertebral zygapophyses. Marked in cervical and lumbar regions, extension is
canal, the intervertebral foramina. (Minor routes occur between the much less at thoracic levels, partly because of thinner discs but also
median, often partly fused, margins of the ligamenta flava.) Between because of the presence of the thoracic skeleton and musculature. In
the axis and sacrum, despite some quantitative and structural regional full extension the axis of movement has been described as behind
variations, essentially they conform to the same general plan; because the articular processes, moving forwards as the column straightens
of their construction, contents and susceptibilities to multiple dis- and passes into flexion, reaching the centre of the vertebral bodies
orders, they are loci of great biomechanical, functional and clinical in full flexion (Wiles 1935).
significance. The specializations cranial to the axis and at sacral In Jateral flexion, which is always combined with rotation, inter-
levels are described with the individual bones and articulations. The vertebral discs are laterally compressed and contralaterally tensed
boundaries of a generalized intervertebral foramen are: anteriorly, and lengthened, motion being limited by tension of antagonist
from above downwards, periosteum of the posterolateral aspect of muscles and ligaments. Lateral movements occur in all parts of the
the superior vertebral body (thin compact osseous shell over red column but are greatest in cervical and lumbar regions.
bone marrow containing cancellous bone); posterolateral aspect of Rotation involves twisting of vertebrae relative to each other with
the intervertebral symphysis (including the disc)—the curved collagen accompanying torsional deformation of intervening discs. Although
fascicles here may be regarded as either the outer lamina of the slight between individual vertebrae, it summates along the column.
annulus fibrosus or as extensions of perivertebral ligaments Movement is slight at cervical level, greater in the upper thoracic
(distinctions of little importance)—finally a small (variable) peri- and least in the lumbar region.
osteum-covered posterolateral part of the body of the inferior ver- Circumduction is limited and merely a succession of preceding
tebra (structure as above); superiorly, the compact bone of the deep movements.
arched inferior vertebral notch of the vertebra above; inferiorly, the The extent and direction of vertebral movements are guided by
compact bone of the shallow superior vertebral notch of the vertebra the articular facets. Although often described as plane, they are never
below; posteriorly a part of the ventral aspect of the fibrous capsule truly flat but ovoid, with opposing surfaces being reciprocally concave
of the zygapophyseal synovial joint. Cervical intervertebral foramina and convex. In the cervical region the upward inclination of the
are distinct in having superior and inferior vertebral notches of superior articular facets allows free flexion and extension; the latter
almost equal depth which, in accord with the direction of the pedicles, usually being greater and checked above by locking of the posterior
face anterolaterally; external to them, and in the same direction, is edges of the superior facets of Cl in the occipital condylar fossae
the complex transverse process and foramen transversarium (p. 516). and below by slipping of the inferior processes of C7 into grooves
The thoracic and lumbar intervertebral foramina face laterally and inferoposterior to the first thoracic superior articular processes.
their transverse processes are posterior. The first to tenth thoracic Flexion stops where the cervical convexity is straightened, checked
foramina have additionally as anteroinferior boundaries the articu- by apposition of the projecting lower lips of vertebral bodies on
lations of the head of a rib, the capsules of double synovial joints subjacent bodies. Cervical lateral flexion and rotation are always
with the demifacets on adjacent vertebrae and the intra-articular combined; superomedial inclination of superior articular facets
ligament between the costocapitular ridge and the intervertebral imparts rotation during lateral flexion. In the thoracic region,
symphysis. Note that the lumbar foramina lie between the two especially above, all movements are limited, reducing interference
principal lines of vertebral attachment of the psoas major muscle. with respiration; lack of upward inclination of superior articular
The walls of each foramen are, as noted, covered throughout by facets prohibits much flexion, extension being checked by contact of
collagen, either periosteal, perichondrial, annular or capsular. Con- the inferior articular margins with laminae and of spines with each
tents are: a segmental mixed spinal nerve and its sheaths, from two other. Thoracic rotation is freer; its axis is in the vertebral bodies in
to four recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerves (pp. 1259, 1261), the midthoracic region, in front of them elsewhere, so that rotation
variable spinal arteries (for origins, branches and distribution see involves some lateral displacement (Davis 1959; Davis et al 1965).
p. 1546), and plexiform venous connections between internal and The direction of articular facets would allow free lateral flexion but
external vertebral venous plexuses (p. 1595). These structures, par- this is limited in the upper thoracic region by resistance of the ribs
ticularly the nerves, may be affected by trauma or one of the many and sternum. Rotation is usually combined with slight lateral flexion
disorders of the tissues bordering the foramen: i.e. fibrocartilage of to the same side. Lumbar extension is wider in range than flexion
the annulus fibrosus; in earlier decades the nucleus pulposus; the and some lateral flexion and rotation can also occur: rotation being
highly vascular red bone marrow occupying the cancellous bone of limited by the absence of a common centre of curvature for right
the vertebral bodies; the compact bone of the pedicles; the capsules, and left articular facets (Putz 1976). Functional transition between
synovial membranes, articular cartilages (and at lumbar levels fib- thoracic and lumbar regions is usually between the eleventh and
roadipose meniscoids, fat pads, fibrous labra, p. 514) of the synovial twelfth thoracic vertebrae (p. 525), where zygapophyseal joints of the 515
vertebral arches usually fit tightly, slight compression locking them, Typical cervical vertebra
preventing all but flexion.
Muscles producing vertebral movements. The spinal column is The typical cervical vertebra (6.97) has a small, relatively broad
moved both by intrinsic muscles attached to it and by muscles attached vertebral body. The pedicles project posterolaterally and the longer
to other bones, acting indirectly. Gravity also always playsa part. laminae posteromedially, enclosing a large, roughly triangular ver-
Flexion: longus cervicis, scaleni, sternocleidomastoid and rectus tebral foramen; the vertebral canal here accommodates the cervical
abdominis of both sides. enlargement of the spinal cord. The pedicles are inserted midway
Extension: the erector spinae complex, splenius and semispinalis between the discal surfaces of the vertebral body, so the superior
capitis and trapezius of both sides. and inferior vertebral notches are of similar depth. The /aminae are
Lateral flexion: longissimus and _ iliocostocervicalis, oblique thin and slightly curved, with a thin superior and slightly thicker
abdominal muscles and flexors on the side of lateral flexion. inferior border. The spinous process (spine) is short and bifid, with
Rotation: rotatores, multifidus, splenius cervicis and oblique two tubercles which are often unequal in size. The junction between
abdominal muscles. lamina and pedicle bulges laterally between the superior and inferior
Extension, principally lumbar, occurs commonly from a stooping articular processes to form, when articulated, an articular pillar on
position. Initial extension is mainly at the hips and knees; continuous each side. The transverse process is morphologically composite
lumbar extension is delayed, with little or no activity in erector spinae. around the foramen transversarium. Its dorsal and ventral roots or
In lifting heavy weights there is considerable initial compression of bars terminate laterally as corresponding tubercles. The tubercles are
lumbar intervertebral discs, with large rises in thoracic and abdominal connected, lateral to the foramen, by the costal (or intertubercular)
pressure, which may resist flexion (Davis 1963; Davis et al 1965). lamella: these three elements represent’ morphologically the capi-
Pal and Routal (1986) have studied the mechanics of weight transmis- tellum, tubercle and neck of a cervical costal element, sometimes
sion via the vertebral arches. In contrast with the usual view, that referred to as the pleurapophysis. The attachment of the posterior
the major, almost only, factor is contributed by vertebral bodies and root to the pediculolaminar junction represents the morphological
intervertebral discs, they find that, on the basis of areal and other transverse process (diapophysis) and the attachment of the ventral
measurements, the vertebral arches and their zygapophyseal joints root to the ventral body the capitellar process (parapophysis; 6.89).
are, at cervical levels, also a considerable factor in weight trans- The vertebral body has a convex anterior surface. The discal
‘mission. For an extensive view of lumbar backache see Wyke (1980). margin gives attachment to the anterior longitudinal ligament, and
shallow anterolateral depressions lodge the vertical parts of longus
colli. The posterior surface is flat or minimally concave, and its
CERVICAL VERTEBRAE discal margins give attachment to the posterior longitudinal ligament.
The seven cervical vertebrae (6.94-96), the smallest of the movable The central area displays several vascular foramina, of which two
vertebrae, are typified by a foramen in each transverse process. are commonly relatively larger and known as the basivertebral
The first, second and seventh have special features and will be foramina: these transmit basivertebral veins to the anterior internal
considered separately. The third, fourth and fifth cervical are vertebral veins. The superior surface is saddle-shaped, formed by
almost identical; the sixth, while typical in its general features, flange-like lips which arise from most of the lateral circumference of
has minor differences which usually enable its distinction from others. the upper margin of the vertebral body; these are sometimes referred


“Sy Downturned
; \, ventral lip

= b) Raised lateral
WAN 8 lip of body
Uncinate process
3rd to 7th
cervical :
vertebrae Carotid



Costal 6.95 Lateral radiograph of the neck. The cervical curve of the vertebral
element column is well shown. The arrows point to 1. the pharyngeal part of the
tongue; 2. the epiglottis; 3. the body of the hyoid bone; 4. the thyroid cartilage
which is undergoing calcification; 5. the anterior tubercle of the atlas; 6. the
spinous process of the axis; 7. the soft palate; 8. characteristic cervical
body; 9. intervertebral disc; 10. zygapophysial joint; 11. air in trachea.
516 6.94 The cervical vertebrae: anterior aspect. (Provided by Shaun Gallagher; photography by Sarah Smith.)

6.96 Magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the cervical spine in a 26-year- in (p) is the dorsal root ganglion of the second cervical nerve. There is an
old man. (a) and (8) are in the coronal plane passing through the cervical appearance suggestive of midsagittal clefting of the upper cervical centra,
vertebral bodies, (a) being centred 3.5mm anterior to (8). (c) and (0) are in perhaps indicating that they formed from right and left ossification centres
the sagittal plane, (c) centred to the midpoints of the vertebral bodies, (D) like the centrum of the atlas. It is a relatively common appearance on
centred to the articular pillars. Large arrow in (8) and (0) is the vertebral computed images in the appropriate plane. (Images supplied by J M Stevens
artery; small arrows in (a) are the trunks of the brachial plexus; small arrow and HA Crockard.)

Anterior tubercle vicis, multifidus, spinales and interspinales. The spinous process of
the sixth cervical vertebra is larger, and is often not bifid.
The superior articular facets, flat and ovoid, are directed supero-
Foramen Posterior tubercle posteriorly, whereas the corresponding inferior facets are directed
mainly anteriorly, and lie nearer the coronal plane than the superior
edicle facets. The dorsal rami of the cervical spinal nerves curve posteriorly
close to the anterolateral aspects of the articular pillars, and may
‘Superior articular actually lie in shallow grooves, especially on the third and fourth
facet pair. A small, functionless tubercle, lateral to a small pressure facet,
Inferior articular
is often present close to the superior articular facet, and is regarded
by morphologists as a paraprezygapophysis (Cave 1975). The dorsal
Lamina root ganglion of each cervical spinal nerve lies between the superior
and inferior vertebral notches of adjacent vertebrae; the large anterior
ramus passing posterior to the vertebral artery, which lies on the
Bifid spinous process concave upper surface of the costal lamella: the concavity of the
lamellae increasing from the fourth to the sixth vertebra. The fourth
to sixth anterior tubercles are elongated and rough for tendinous
Anterior tubercle of Raised lip on slips of salenus anterior, longus capitis and longus colli; the sixth is
transverse process upper surface of body the longest and is often called the carotid tubercle. The carotid artery.
Superior vertebral notch can be immobilized and compressed in the groove formed by the
Superior articular vertebral bodies and the larger anterior tubercles, especially the
process sixth—hence its name. The posterior tubercles are rounded and more
laterally placed than the anterior, and all but the sixth are also more
Body caudal, with the sixth being at about the same level as the anterior. At-
tached to the posterior tubercles are the splenius, longissimus and ilio-
Spinous costalis cervicis, levator scapulae and scalenus posterior and medius.

Sulcus for ventral Posterior tubercle of _ Inferior articular

Seventh cervical vertebra
ramus of spinal nerve transverse process surface The seventh cervical vertebra (6.98), or vertebra prominens, has a
long spinous process visible at the lower end of the nuchal furrow.
6.97 Typical cervical vertebra: a. Superior aspect. 8. Left lateral aspect. It ends in a prominent tubercle for the attachment of the ligamentum
nuchae, along with the following muscles: trapezius, spinalis capitis,
semispinalis thoracis, multifidus and interspinales. The thick and
prominent transverse processes are behind and lateral to the trans-
to as uncinate or neurocentral lips or processes. The inferior discal verse foramina; the latter transmits vertebral veins, not the artery,
surface is also concave, the convexity being produced mainly by a and is often divided by a bony spicule. The costal lamella is relatively
broad projection from the anterior margin which partly overlaps the thin and may be partly deficient, or it may be separate as a cervical
anterior surface of the intervertebral disc. The discal surfaces of rib. It is grooved superiorly for the anterior ramus of the seventh
cervical vertebrae are so shaped in order to restrict both lateral and cervical nerve, and usually carries a small and inconspicuous anterior
anteroposterior gliding movements during articulation. The paired tubercle. The posterior tubercle, by contrast, is prominent. The
ligamenta flava extend from the superior border of each lamina anterior border of the transverse process receives the attachment of
below to the roughened inferior half of the anterior surfaces of the scalenus minimus (pleuralis), when present, and also the suprapleural
lamina above. The superior part of the anterior surface of each membrane (p. 1663). The first pair of levatores costarum is also
lamina is smooth, like the immediately adjacent surfaces of the attached to the transverse processes.
pedicles: these are usually in direct contact with the dura mater and
cervical root sheaths, to which they may become loosely attached. Atlas
To the spinous processes are attached the ligamentum nuchae and The atlas, the first cervical vertebra (6.99), supports the head. It is
numerous deep extensors, including semispinalis thoracis and cer- unique in that it fails to incorporate a centrum, the expected position

Anterior tubercle of
transverse process *
Raised lip of
surface of body

Posterior tubercle Anterior tubercle

of transverse Anterior arch
Vertebral process*
canal Outline of dens. Facet for dens
Foramen trans-
versarium Outline of transverse
ligament of atlas.
Foramen trans-
Inferior articular process

Foramen Groove for vertebral

artery and
suboccipital nerve

Superior articular facet Posterior arch

on lateral mass

Spinous process Posterior tubercle

6.98 The seventh cervical vertebra: superior aspect. See text and 6.89 for
518 alternative terms. 6.99 The first cervical vertebra, or atlas: superior aspect.

of which is occupied by a cranial protuberance of the axis known as Dens (attachment of apical ligament)
the dens. The atlas consists of two /ateral masses connected by a
short anterior and a longer posterior arch. The transverse ligament Attachments of alar ligaments
retains the dens against the anterior arch. Jenkins (1969) has shown
that the dens in this location is not homologous with the centrum Groove for transverse ligament
of the atlas, as often stated, but evolved as an addition to the of atlas
postdens ossification, which is the true atlas body and has become Superior articular.
fused to the body of the axis. The anterior arch of the atlas is surface (facet)
morphologically a hypocentrum, ossifying in fibrocartilage formed
Foramen transversarium
from the embryonic hypochordal bow. Both the anterior arch and
transverse ligament can be regarded as a modified intervertebral disc Transverse process
into which an anterior protuberance of the atlas centrum, the dens,
is invaginated (Jenkins 1969; O’Rahilly et al 1983).
The anterior arch is slightly convex anteriorly, and carries a Pedicle Inferior articular
roughened anterior tubercle, to which is attached the anterior longi- process

tudinal ligament (cord-like at this level) and the superior oblique

part of longus colli on each side. Its upper and lower borders provide
attachment to the anterior atlanto-ocipital membrane and diverging
lateral parts of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The posterior
surface of the anterior arch carries a concave, almost circular facet
for the dens.
The Jateral masses are ovoid, their long axes converging anteriorly.
Each bears a reniform superior articular facet for the respective
occipital condyle; sometimes it is completely divided into a larger
anterior and a smaller posterior part (Singh 1965; Lang 1986). The
inferior articular facet of the lateral mass is almost circular, and is
flat or slightly concave. It is orientated more obliquely to the Impression for alar ligament
transverse plane than the superior facet, facing more medially and
very slightly backwards. On the medial surface of each lateral mass Facet for anterior arch
is a roughened area bearing vascular foramina and a tubercle for of atlas Groove for transverse ligament
attachment of the transverse ligament (6.99). In adults the distance of atlas
between these tubercles, shorter than the transverse ligament itself, Divergent vertebrarterial
has a mean value of 16.34mm (range 12.0-19.0mm; Lang 1986). Facet for inferior facet
The anterior surface of the lateral mass gives attachment to rectus of atlas
capitis anterior.
The posterior arch forms three-fifths of the circumference of the Body
atlantal ring. The superior surface bears a wide groove for the
vertebral artery and venous plexus immediately behind and variably Ventral lip
overhung by the lateral mass: the first cervical nerve intervenes.
Transverse process
Frequently a bony spur arises from the anterior and posterior Spinous process
margins of this groove, sometimes referred to as ponticles, which Inferior articular process Lamjna
convert the groove into a foramen in about 14% of individuals:
more frequently, however, the foramen is incomplete superiorly
(Lamberty & Zivanovic 1973; Lang 1986). The flange-like superior
border gives attachment to the posterior atlantoaxial membrane, and
the flatter inferior border to the highest pair of ligamenta flava. The
posterior tubercle is a rudimentary spinous process, roughened for
attachment of the ligamentum nuchae, and lateral to this the rectus
capitis posterior minor.
The transverse processes are longer than those of all cervical
vertebrae except the seventh (6.94). They act as strong levers for the
muscles making fine adjustments for keeping the head balanced. WS Centrum of C1 (atlas)
Maximum atlantal width varies from 74-95mm in males and 65- 1 Dens
76mm in females, affording a useful criterion for assessing sex in
human remains. The apex of the transverse process, which is usually 6.100 The second cervical vertebra (axis), posterosuperior (a) and left
broad, flat and palpable between the mastoid process and ramus of lateral (B) aspects. c. Morphology of the axis with particular reference to the
the mandible, is homologous with the posterior tubercle of typical centrum of the atlas and its derivatives (modified from Jenkins 1969).
cervical vertebrae: the remaining part of the transverse process
consists of the costal lamella. A small anterior tubercle is sometimes
visible on the anterior aspect of the lateral mass. The costal lamella
is sometimes deficient, leaving the foramen transversarium open surface bears a broad groove for the cartilage-covered transverse
anteriorly. Superiorly is rectus capitis lateralis with superior oblique ligament. The apex is pointed, and from this point arises the apical
located more posteriorly: laterally, on the apex, is inferior oblique ligament; the alar ligaments are attached to the somewhat flattened
below which are slips of levator scapulae, splenius cervicis and posterolateral surfaces above the groove for the transverse ligament.
scalenus medius. The anterior surface bears an ovoid articular facet for the anterior
arch of the atlas, and the surface is pitted by many vascular foramina,
Axis which are most numerous near the apex. Schiff and Parke (1973)
The axis, the second cervical vertebra (6.100), is an axle for rotation studied the arterial blood supply of the dens and found that small
of the atlas and head around the strong dens (odontoid process), twigs arose mainly from the vertebral artery at the level of the
which projects cranially from the superior surface of the body. The intervertebral foramen for the third cervical nerve, which formed
dens is conical in shape, with a mean length of 15.0mm (range 9- paired anterior and posterior longitudinal channels, branches enter-
21mm) in adults (McManners 1983; Lang 1986). It may be tilted a ing the dens near the base and more distally near the apex. However,
little, up to 14°, posteriorly, or, less often, anteriorly, on the axis the anterior also received numerous twigs from nearby branches of
body: it may also tilt laterally up to 10° (Lang 1986). The posterior the external carotid via branches to the longus colli and ligaments 519

of the apex. Hence vascular necrosis does not occur after fracture origin to the inferior obliques, with the rectus posterior majoralittle
of the base of the dens. The body consists of less compact bone than more posteriorly. The inferior concavity receives the semispinalis
the dens. It is, in fact, composite, consisting of the partly fused and spinalis cervicis, and, deeper, the multifidus: near the apex it
centra of atlas and axis, and a rudimentary disc (synchondrosis) receives interspinales. The ligamentum nuchae is attached to the
between: this usually remains detectable deep within the axis body apical notch.
throughout life (6.100c). Large ovoid articular facets are present on Clinical anatomy. Abnormalities of the dens of the axis are
either side of the dens at the junction of the body and neural arch, common, and often result in atlantoaxial subluxation. Most are
which are flat or slightly convex for articulation with the masses of acquired, but many result from fractures through the base of the
the atlas. They lie in a plane anterior to the plane of the intercentral dens which do not unite due to interposition of the transverse
articulations, with which they are, in part, homologous (Jenkins ligament (Crockard et al 1993). Others, occurring particularly in
1969; Cave 1975). The anterior surface of the body carries a deep some skeletal dysplasias, represent an abnormal ossification pattern
depression on each side for the attachment of the vertical part of in which the dens ossifies separately and much later than the atlantal
longus colli. The somewhat triangular downward projecting anterior centrum (of which it is part): this is probably a result of abnormal
border gives attachment to the anterior longitudinal ligament. Pos- mobility in the cartilaginous anlage, and may be restored to normal
teriorly, the lower border receives the posterior longitudinal ligament if motion is prevented by surgical arthrodesis (Stevens et al 1991).
and the membrana tectoria (p. 512, 522). Hypoplasia of the dens is usually accompanied by atlanto-occipital
The pedicles are stout, with the superior surface carrying part of assimilation and basilar invagination. Incomplete segmentation is
the superior articular facet, which also projects laterally and down- common in the cervical spine, and most commonly involves the axis
wards on to the transverse process. The anterolateral surface is and third cervical vertebra. The costal element of the seventh cervical
deeply grooved by the vertebral artery, and the lateral part of the vertebra may articulate with the transverse process as an independent
inferior surface of the superior articular facet, which can become rib of variable size.
quite thin. The inferior surface of each pedicle bears a deep, smooth
inferior intervertebral notch, in which lies the large root sheath of
the third cervical nerve. Here is a short interarticular part of the
pedicle, between the relatively small posterior articular process The articulation between the cranium and vertebral column is spe-
located at the pediculolaminar junction, with its equally small cialized to provide a wider range of movement than in the rest of
anteriorly facing facet, and the superior articular surface. the axial skeletal. It consists of the occipital condyles, atlas and axis,
The transverse process is pointed and projects inferiorly and and functions like a universal joint, permitting horizontal and vertical
laterally, arising from the pediculolaminar junction and the lateral scanning movements of the head, which is superbly adapted for eye-
aspect of the interarticular area of the pedicle. The rounded tip is head co-ordination (Rabischong 1992).
homologous with the posterior tubercle of typical cervical vertebrae.
The foramen transversarium is directed laterally as the vertebral Atlanto-axial joints
artery turns abruptly laterally under the superior articular facet. Articulation of atlas to axis is at three synovial joints, a pair between
Small anterior tubercles may be present near the junction of the lateral masses, and a median complex between the dens of the axis
costal lamella with the body. To the tips of the transverse processes and the anterior arch and transverse ligament of the atlas.
are attached the levator scapulae, between scalenus medius and The lateral atlantoaxial joints. These are often classified as
splenius cervicis, and to their upper and lower surfaces the inter- planar but the bony articular surfaces.are more complex in shape,
transverse muscles (p. 812). usually reciprocally concave in the coronal plane, with the medial
The /aminae are thick, affording attachment to the ligamenta flava. parts being somewhat convex in the sagittal plane, especially that of
The spinous process is large, with a bifid tip and a broad base, the axis. The cartilaginous articular surfaces are usually less concave.
concave inferiorly. The lateral surfaces of the spinous process give Fibrous capsules attached to their margins are thin, loose and lined
by synovial membrane. Each has a posteromedial accessory ligament
attached below to the axial body near the base of its dens, and above
to the lateral atlantal mass near the transverse ligament.
Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane Basilar part of occipital bone
Anteriorly, the vertebral bodies are connected by the anterior
longitudinal ligament (6.101): here a strong, thickened band attaches
above to the lower border of the anterior tubercle of the anterior
arch of the atlas and below to the front of the axial body. Posteriorly
the vertebral bodies are joined by the ligamenta flava (6.102),
attaching to the lower border of the atlantal arch above, and to the
upper borders of the axial laminae. At this level these ligaments are
a thin membrane, pierced laterally by the second cervical nerves.
The median atlantoaxial joint. A pivot between the dens and a
ring formed by the anterior arch and transverse ligament of the
atlas, it has two synovial cavities which sometimes communicate
(Cave 1975). A vertically ovoid facet on the anterior dens articulates
with one on the posterior aspect of the anterior atlantal arch. The
fibrous capsule, which is lined by synovial membrane, is relatively
capsule of Transverse process of weak and loose, especially superiorly. The synovial cavity of the
atlanto-occipital atlas posterior component of the median joint complex is larger, lying
Anterior longitudinal ligament between the horizontally orientated ovoid facet, grooving the pos-
Articular capsule of. at attachment to terior surface of the dens and the cartilaginous anterior surface of
atlanto-axial joint anterior tubercle the transverse ligament (6.103): communication often exists with one
of atlas
or both of the atlanto-occipital joint cavities.
Anterior longitudinal The transverse atlantal ligament (6.99, 103, 104). This is a broad,
strong band arching across the atlantal ring behind the dens: it is
Cleft between
variable in length (mean 20.1 mm) (Dvorak et al 1988b), It is attached
vertebral bodies lateraliy to a small but prominent tubercle on the medial side of
each atlantal lateral mass, and broadens medially where it is covered
anteriorly by a thin layer of articular cartilage. It consists almost
6.101 Atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints: anterior aspect. On each entirely of collagen fibres, which, in the central part of the ligament,
side a small cleft has been opened between the lateral part of the upper cross one another at an angle to form an interlacing mesh (Dvorak
surface of the body of the third cervical vertebra and the bevelled, inferior et al 1988b). From its upper margin a strong median longitudinal
520 surface of the body of the axis. band arises which inserts into the basilar part of the occipital bone

between the apical ligament of the dens and membrana tectoria, and
from its inferior surface a weaker and less consistent longitudinal
band passes to the posterior surface of the axis. These transverse
and longitudinal components together constitute the cruciform
ligament. occipital
The transverse ligament divides the ring of the atlas into unequal *) protuber-
parts (6.99); the posterior and larger surrounds the spinal cord and ance
meninges, the anterior contains the dens, which is retained in position Occipital
even when all other ligaments are divided.
Movements at the atlantoaxial joints. These are simultaneous
at all three joints and consist almost exclusively of rotation of the
axis. The shape of the articular surfaces determines that, when
rotation occurs, the axis ascends slightly into the atlantal ring
(Kapandji 1974; Lang 1986), which limits stretch on the lateral Articular Posterior
atlantoaxial joint capsules. Rotation is limited mainly by the alar capsule of left atlanto-
_ atlanto- occipital
ligaments, with a minor contribution from the accessory atlantoaxial occipital joint membrane
ligament. The normal range of atlantoaxial rotation has been mea- Arch over verte-
sured as being 41.5° (range 29-54°) (Dvorak et al 1988a). Posterior arch bral artery, veins
Muscles producing atlantoaxial rotation. These act on the of atlas and first
cranium, transverse processes of the atlas and spinous process of the
cervical spinal
axis. They are mainly obliquus capitis inferior, rectus capitis posterior
major and splenius capitis of one side, and the contralateral sterno- Ligamentum Articular cap-
sule of right
cleidomastoid. atlanto-axial
Atlanto-occipital joints
Each joint consists of two reciprocally curved articular surfaces, one
on the occipital condyle the other on the lateral mass of the atlas;
the atlantal facets are concave and tilted medially. The bones are
connected by articular capsules and the anterior and posterior - Spine of axis
atlanto-occipital membranes. 6.102 Atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints: posterior aspect.
Fibrous capsules. The capsules surround the occipital condyles
and superior atlantal articular facets. They are thicker posteriorly
and laterally, where the capsule is sometimes deficient, and may
it is strengthened by a median cord which is the anterior longitudinal
communicate with the joint cavity between the dens and the trans-
ligament stretching between the basilar occipital bone and anterior
verse ligament of the atlas (Cave 1934; Lang 1986).
atlantal tubercle.
The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (6.101). Broad, and
The posterior atlanto-occipital membrane (6.102). This is also
of densely woven fibres, it connects the anterior margin of the
broad, but relatively thin, connecting the posterior margin of the
foramen magnum to the upper border of the anterior arch of the
foramen magnum to the upper border of the posterior atlantal arch,
atlas. Laterally, it blends with the capsular ligaments, and medially

Temporal bone,
petrous part Internal acoustic meatus
Foramen magnum,
posterior border,

Occipital bone,
basilar part
Membrana tectoria
Anterior atlanto-occipital
Apical ligament of dens
Superior longitudinal Band
Posterior atlanto-occipital of cruciform ligament
Vertebral artery
Anterior arch of atlas
First cervical nerve
Bursal space in fibrocartilage
Posterior arch of atlas
Remains of intervertebral
Transverse ligament disc
of atlas
Body of axis
Inferior longitudinal band
of cruciform ligament

Posterior longitudinal
Ligamentum flavum ligament

Anterior longitudinal

6.103 Median sagittal section through the occipital bone and the first 521
third cervical vertebrae.

peessci longi=
tudinal band of Jugular foramen
cruciform ligament
Anterior edge of Transverse process
foramen magnum of atlas
Alar ligament Ends of membrana
Transverse ligament of
Articular capsule of ' Posterior longitudinal
atlanto-axial joint ligament
Inferior longitudinal band
of cruciform ligament

6.104 Posterior aspect of the atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints, after the upper cervical vertebra. The atlanto-occipital joint cavities have been
removal of the posterior part of the occipital bone and the laminae of opened.

blending laterally with the joint capsules. It arches over the grooves ligament, the transverse occipital ligament (Dvorak et al 1988b).
for the vertebral arteries, venous plexuses and first cervical nerve: These ligaments consist mainly of collagen fibres arranged in parallel.
the ligamentous border of the arch is sometimes ossified. The main function of the alar ligaments is now considered to be
Movements at the atlanto-occipital joints. The long (topo- limitation of atlantoaxial rotation, the left becoming taut on rotation
graphical) axes run anteromedially; because of this and their articular to the right and vice versa. The slightly upward movement of the
curvatures, the joints act as one around transverse and antero- axis during rotation helps permit a wider range of movement by
posterior axes of movement but not about a vertical axis. The main reducing tension in the alar ligaments, as it does also in the capsules
movement is flexion, with a little lateral flexion and rotation. In and accessory ligaments of the lateral atlanto-occipital joint.
young individuals the flexion range has been measured at 16.8—20.8° Apical ligament of the dens (6.103). It fans out from the apex
(Johnson et al 1977), lateral flexion at 3° and rotation at 5.7° (Dvorak of the dens into the anterior margin of the foramen magnum between
et al 1988a). the alar ligaments. It represents the cranial continuation of the
Muscles producing movements at the atlanto-occipital notochord and its sheath (Ganguly & Roy 1964; O’Rahilly et al
joints. These are for flexion: longus capitis and rectus capitis anterior; 1974). It is separated for most of its extent from the anterior atlanto-
extension: recti capitis posteriores major and minor, obliquus capitis occipital membrane and cruciform ligament by pads of fatty tissue,
superior, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis and trapezius (cervical though it blends with their attachments at the foramen magnum,
part); /ateral flexion: rectus capitis lateralis, semispinalis capitis, and with the alar ligaments at the apex of the dens.
splenius capitis, sternocleidomastoid and trapezius (cervical part); Ligamentum nuchae (p. 514). This also connects cervical ver-
rotation: obliquus capitis superior, rectus capitis posterior minor, tebrae with the cranium.
splenius capitis and sternocleidomastoid. Clinical anatomy. The transverse ligament is stronger than the
dens, which usually fractures before rupture of the ligament. The
Ligaments connecting axis and occipital bone alar ligaments are weaker, and combined head flexion and rotation
These consist of the membrana tectoria, and paired alar and median may avulse one or both alar ligaments: rupture of one side results
apical ligaments. in an increase in the range of rotation of about 30% to the opposite
Membrana tectoria (6.103, 104). Inside the vertebral canal, this side (Dvorak et al 1987). Pathological softening of the transverse
is a broad strong band representing the upward continuation of the and adjacent ligaments, usually due to connective tissue disorders,
posterior longitudinal ligament (p.512). Its superficial and deep or of the lateral atlantoaxial joints results in atlantoaxial subluxation
laminae are both attached to the posterior surface of the axial body, (Bogduk & Macintosh 1984), which may cause spinal cord injury.
the superficial lamina expanding as it ascends to the upper surface An interesting syndrome has been described in which atlantoaxial
of the basilar occipital bone, attaching above the foramen magnum, rotation causes entrapment of the second cervical spinal nerve,
where it blends with the cranial dura mater. The deep lamina has a resulting in unilateral cervico-occipital pain, and, because afferent
strong median band ascending to the foramen magnum, and two fibres pass from the lingual nerve via the hypoglossal nerve to the
lateral bands which pass and blend with the capsules of the atlanto- second cervical nerve, pain and numbness in the ipsilateral side of
occipital joints as they reach the foramen magnum. The membrane the tongue (Lance & Anthony 1980).
is separated from the cruciform ligament of the atlas by a thin layer
of loose areolar tissue, and sometimes by a bursa.
Alar ligaments (6.104). Thick cords about 11 mm long, they extend
from the longitudinally ovoid flattenings on the posterolateral aspect The twelve thoracic vertebrae (6.87, 105, 106) increase in size caudally,
of the apex of the dens horizontally and laterally to the roughened like other vertebrae, due to increased loading from above. All their
areas on the medial side of the occipital condyles. In most individuals bodies display lateral costal facets and all but the lowest two or
there is also an anteroinferior band about 3mm long which inserts three transverse processes also have facets, articulating with the head
into the lateral mass of the atlas in front of the transverse ligament; of the rib or its tubercle respectively. The first and ninth to twelfth
a few fibres are occasionally found passing from the dens to the vertebrae also have atypical features; except for relatively minor
anterior arch of the atlas (Dvorak and Panjabi 1987). In addition, details the rest are alike.
in about 10% of cases a continuous transverse band of fibres passes The body is typically a waisted cylinder except where the vertebral
522 between the occipital condyles immediately above the transverse foramen encroaches, transverse and anteroposterior dimensions


Body: bone derived Body: posterior surface

Body: bone derived from centrum Superior articular
from‘annular’ (apophyseal) facet
2 Body: bone derived
Superior costo- from neural arch Transverse process
capitular demifacet
Superior articular
Pedicle, superior process
notch Superior articular
(apophysael) facet
facet Inferior articular 2
(apophyseal) process Broad lamina

Transverse process
Lamina Spinous process (oblique)

Spinous process

Body:bone derived Superior articular (apophyseal) facet

Body: bone derived
from ‘annular’ from centrum Superior articular process
Superior vertebral notch
epiplonts Body:bone derived Superior costocapitular-
: from neural arch
‘3. ae ifacet Costotubercular facet
Inferior costo- on transverse process
capitular demifacet Pedicle; inferior
notch Body
Inferior articular
(apophyseal) facet
Inferior costacapitular Spinous process
Transverse process demifacet

Inferior vertebral
notch Inferior articular process
Spinous process

Body: note concavoconvex ‘waisted’ Pedicles, articular and

Superior articular profile; vascular foramina transverse processes are
(apophyseal) process mainly compact bone
Body: has an
Transverse process
Costotubercular extensive cancellous
facet on transverse interior, with a
process thin shell of compact Spinous process has an
one ;
extensive cancellous interior,
with a thin shell of compact
Inferior articular bone
(apophyseal) facet
Lamina ‘ dkym
Exit foramen or foramina
for basivertebral veins

Oblique spinous process

6.105 Typical thoracic vertebra. a. Superior aspect B. Inferior aspect c.

Anterior aspect p. Posterior aspect £. Lateral aspect F. Longitudinal section.

being almost equal. One each side are two costal facets (really rib; the smaller, semilunar inferior facets articulate, as do most
demifacets), the superior pair (usually larger) at the upper border thoracic vertebrae, with a demifacet on the rib head. The long, thick
anterior to the pedicles, the inferior at the lower border anterior to spine is horizontal and commonly as prominent as the seventh
the vertebral notches (6.105p). The vertebral foramen is small and cervical.
circular; thus the pedicles do not diverge as in cervical vertebrae; Ninth thoracic vertebra (6.107). Otherwise typical, it often fails
also the thoracic spinal cord is smaller and more circular. The /aminae to articulate with the tenth ribs in which case the inferior demifacets
are short, thick and broad overlapping from above downwards. The are absent.
spinous process slants downward. The thin and almost flat superior Tenth thoracic vertebra (6.107). This only articulates with the
articular processes project from the pediculolaminar junctions and tenth pair of ribs. Consequently superior facets only appear on the
face posteriorly, a little superolaterally. The inferior processes project body; these are usually large and semilunar, or oval when the tenth
down from the laminae with their facets directed forwards, a little ribs fail to articulate with the ninth vertebrae and intervening disc.
superomedially. The large, club-like transverse processes also project The transverse process may or may not bear a facet for the tenth
from the vertebral arch at the pediculolaminar junctions. Each rib tubercle.
passes posterolaterally and has, near its tip, anterior oval facets for Eleventh thoracic vertebra (6.107). This articulates only with
articulation with the tubercle of the corresponding rib. heads of the eleventh ribs. The circular costal facets are close to the
First thoracic vertebra (6.107). This has circular upper costal upper border of the body extending on to the pedicles. The small
facets for articulation with the whole facet on the head of the first transverse processes lack articular facets. 523
Complete circular facet above
facets Small semilunar facet below

Large semicircular facet above

Small semilunar facet below

Space for inter-

vertebral disc

Large semicircular facet above


Complete circular facet on body

No facet on transverse process

Apophyseal joint

Complete circular facet on

body, encroaching on pedicle
No facet on transverse process
Inferior articular processes
of lumbar type

6.107 The first, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebra: right
lateral aspect.

Twelfth thoracic vertebra (6.107). This articulates with the heads

of the twelfth ribs by circular facets somewhat below the upper bor-
der, spreading on to the pedicles. The body is large and the transverse
processes small; the vertebra has some lumbar features (see below).

Changes in thoracic vertebrae

The bodies of upper thoracic vertebrae gradually change from cervical
to thoracic in type, while the lower change from thoracic to lumbar.
The body of the first is typically cervical, its transverse diameter
being almost twice the anteroposterior; the second retains a cervical
shape, but its two diameters differ less. The third body is the smallest
having a convex anterior aspect unlike the flattened first and second.
The remaining bodies increase in size and, owing to its increased
anteroposterior diameter, the fourth is typically ‘heart-shaped’
(cordate). The fifth to eighth increase their anteroposterior dimension
but change little transversely. These four, in transverse section, are
asymmetrical, their left sides being flattened by pressure of the
thoracic aorta. The rest increase more rapidly in all measurements,
6.106 Lateral radiographs of midthoracic vertebral column ina child of 14
so that the twelfth body resembles that of a typical lumbar vertebra.
years (A) and an adult female of 22 years (B).
1. Cancellous bone of vertebral body. 2. Shell of compact bone. 3. Site of Geometrical analysis suggests that these modifications are also adap-
intervertebral disc. 4. Synovial joint between articular processes. 5. Inter- tations to a greater range of flexion-extension at the cervical and
vertebral foramen. 6. Superimposed shadow of rib. 7. Ossification occurring lumbar ends of the thoracic vertebral column (Veleanu et al 1972).
in unfused annular epiphyses of vertebral bodies. (A supplied by Shan To borders of the bodies are attached the anterior and posterior
524 Gallagher, Guy's Hospital; photography by Sarah Smith.) longitudinal ligaments, and around the margins of costal facets are

capsular and radiate ligaments of the costovertebral joints. Longus superior and inferior and many deep dorsal muscles are attached to
colli arises from the upper three thoracic vertebral bodies, lateral to thoracic spines.
the anterior longitudinal ligament, and psoas major and minor from The first thoracic vertebra resembles a cervical vertebra in its
the side of the twelfth near its lower border. body, both in shape and posterolateral lipping, the latter forming
Thoracic pedicles show a successive caudal increase in thickness. the anterior border of the superior vertebral notch, a distinctive
The superior vertebral notch is recognizable only in the first thoracic, feature. The upper costal facet is often incomplete, the first rib then
but the inferior notch is deep in all. Ligamenta flava are attached at articulating with the seventh cervical and intervening disc. Below the
the upper borders and lower anterior surfaces of laminae, and facet a small, deep depression often occurs.
rotatores to their posterior aspects. The eleventh and twelfth thoracic spinous processes are triangular,
Thoracic transverse processes shorten in caudal succession. In the with blunt apices, a horizontal lower and an oblique upper border.
upper six (or five), the costal facets are concave and face antero- The twelfth thoracic transverse process is replaced by three small
laterally; at lower levels the facets are flatter and face superolaterally tubercles; the superior is largest, projects upwards and corresponds
and slightly forwards. To the anterior surface medial to the facet is to a lumbar mamillary process, though not so close to the superior
attached the costotransverse ligament, to its tuberculated apex the articular process. The lateral tubercle is the homologue of a transverse
lateral costotransverse ligament and to its lower border the superior process, the inferior the homologue of a lumbar accessory process.
costotransverse ligament. Upper and lower borders also provide These two vertebrae can be distinguished by the size and shape of
attachment for intertransverse muscles or fibrous vestiges and the the transverse process and the distance between the costal facet and
posterior surface for deep dorsal muscles; posteriorly on the apex is upper border (see above).
the levator costae. A change in orientation of articular processes from thoracic to
Thoracic spines overlap from the fifth to eighth, which is the lumbar type usually occurs at the eleventh thoracic vertebra, some-
longest and most oblique. (In quadrupeds most thoracic spines slope times the twelfth or tenth. In the transitional vertebra the superior
caudally and lumbar spines cranially, the change in inclination articular processes are thoracic, facing posterolaterally, while the
occurring at a lower thoracic anticlinal vertebra; its human equivalent inferior are transversely convex and face anterolaterally. This ver-
is the eleventh.) Supraspinous and interspinous ligaments, trapezius, tebra marks the site of a sudden change in degree from rotational
rhomboid major and minor, latissimus dorsi, serratus posterior to non-rotational function (p.515; Davis 1955).

Superior articular process


Mamillary process

Transverse process


KL Spinous process

Inferior articular

6.1084. Lumbar vertebra: left lateral aspect.



Accessory Superior
process articular
with facet


Lamina iY

Spinous process Transverse process

wl Mamillary process

6.1088. Lumbar vertebra: posterosuperior aspect, viewed obliquely from

the left side. 525
6.109 cc. Anterosuperior radiograph of lumbosacral vertebral column in a
young adult male aged 22 years. 1. Twelfth rib. 2. Transverse process. 3.
Spinous process (2nd lumbar). 4. Compact bony shell of pedicle (2nd
lumbar). 5. Joint between articular processes (4th and 5th lumbar). 6. Pelvic
brim. 7. Anterior sacral foramen. 8. Sacro-iliac joint. 9. Lateral border of
psoas major. 10. Gas in colon.

The five lumbar vertebrae (6.108, 109) are distinguished by their
large size and absence of costal facets and transverse foramina. The
body is wider transversely and deeper in front. The vertebral foramen
is triangular, larger than at thoracic but smaller than at cervical
levels. The pedicles are short. The spinous process is almost horizontal,
quadrangular and thickened along its posterior and inferior borders.
The superior articular processes bear vertical concave articular facets
facing posteromedially, with a rough mamillary process on their
6.1094, 8. Lateral radiographs of lumbosacral vertebral column in an adult posterior borders. The inferior articular processes have vertical convex
male aged 26 years. articular facets facing anterolaterally. The transverse processes are
A 1. Lumbar vertebral body. 2. Intervertebral foramen. 3. Spinous process.
4. Site of intervertebral disc. 5. Synovial joint between articular processes.
thin and long, except the more substantial fifth pair. A small
Note slightly cuneiform profile of fifth lumbar vertebral body. B 1. Site of accessory process marks the posteroinferior aspect of the root of
lumbosacral disc. Note cuneiform shape. 2. Sacral promontory. 3. First each transverse process. Measurement of 338 third and fourth lumbar
sacral segment. 4. Remains of sacral intervertebral disc. 5. Profiles of vertebrae, from both sexes aged 20-90 years, showed that breadth
526 greater sciatic notches. of the body increases with age; in males, posterior height decreases
Inferior vena cava Bifurcation of aorta

Fourth lumbar
Psoas major muscle vertebral body

Thecal sac
Zygapophyseal synovial
joint between L4 and 5

Spinous process
Erector spinae
muscle mass

6.109p. High resolution computed tomogram through posterior abdominal pophyseal joints between fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. (Supplied by
wall at the level of the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, showing zyga- Shaun Gallagher, Guy’s Hospital; photography by Sarah Smith.)

relatively; in both sexes anterior height of the body decreases relative the ratio (in Nigerians) was most constant: racial variation was
to breadth (Ericksen 1976). Twomey et al (1983), in a study of 93 discussed.
adult vertebral columns, observed a reduction in bone density of A recent study has shown significant sex difference in the angle of
lumbar vertebral bodies, principally due to a reduction in transverse inclination and depth of curvature of the superior articular facets of
trabeculae (more marked in females), associated with increased all lumbar vertebrae, in addition to which considerable asymmetry
diameter and increasing concavity in their juxtadiscal surfaces. was also observed, being greatest at L1 and least at L5 (Tulsi &
Amonoo-Kuofi (1982, 1985) compared lumbar interpedicular dis- Hermanis 1992).
tances in 150 males and 140 females by radiography, expressing Fifth lumbar vertebra (6.110). This has a massive transverse
these as a ratio of vertebral body width. Values varied much, but process continuous with the whole of the pedicle and encroaching on


Inferior canal

process and

6.110 The fifth lumbar vertebra: superior aspect. 527


the body. The body is usually the largest and markedly deeper in inclination than the fourth. The angle on the inferior border may
front, thus contributing to the lumbosacral angle. represent the tip of the costal element and the lateral end the tip of
Attachments of lumbar vertebrae. Upper and lower borders of the true transverse process. The lumbar transverse processes increase
lumbar bodies give attachment to the anterior and posterior longi- in length from first to third and then shorten. Thus, as noted, the
tudinal ligaments (p. 512). Lateral to the anterior ligament the upper fifth pair incline both upwards and posterolaterally. All lumbar
bodies (three on the right, two on the left) give attachments to the transverse processes present a vertical ridge on the anterior surface,
crura of the diaphragm. Posterolaterally, psoas major is attached to nearer the tip, which marks the attachment of the anterior layer of
the upper and lower margins of all lumbar bodies; between these, the thoracolumbar fascia, and separates the surface into medial and
tendinous arches carry its attachments across their concave sides. lateral areas for psoas major and quadratus lumborum respectively.
The first lumbar vertebral foramen contains the conus medullaris of The middle layer of the fascia is attached to the apices of the
the spinal cord, the lower foramina the cauda equina and spinal transverse processes; to the first pair the medial and lateral arcuate
meninges. Strong paired pedicles arise posterolaterally from each ligaments (lumbocostal arches) also attach, and to the fifth the
body near its upper border. Superior vertebral notches are shallow, iliolumbar ligament. Posteriorly the transverse processes are covered
inferior ones deep. The laminae are broad and short but do not by deep dorsal muscles; fibres of longissimus thoracis are attached
overlap as much as do the thoracic. To spinous processes are attached to them. To their upper and lower borders the lateral intertransverse
the posterior lamella of the thoracolumbar fascia, erectores spinae, muscles are attached. The mamillary process, homologous with the
spinales thoracis, multifidi, interspinal muscles and ligaments, and superior tubercle of the twelfth thoracic vertebra, gives attachment
supraspinous ligaments. The fifth spine is smallest, its apex often to multifidus and the medial intertransverse muscle. To the accessory
rounded and down-turned. Upper lumbar superior articular pro- process, which is sometimes difficult to identify, is attached the
cesses are further apart than inferior ones, but the difference is slight medial intertransverse muscle. The costal element is incorporated in
in the fourth and negligible in the fifth. The articular facets are the mature transverse process. (For a discussion of homologies of
reciprocally concave (superior) and convex (inferior), allowing all three processes consult Jones 1912.)
flexion, extension, lateral bending and some degree of rotation. Clinical anatomy. The various methods of estimating the diameter
Transverse processes, except the fifth, are anteroposteriorly com- of the lumbar vertebral canal, which is sometimes subject to stenosis,
pressed and project posterolaterally. The lower border of the fifth have been reviewed by Amonoo-Kuofi (1982), who considers radio-
transverse process is angulated, passing laterally and then supero- graphic estimation of interpedicular dimensions to be a reliable
laterally to a blunt tip, the whole process presenting greater upward technique: racial variation has been found to occur in the sagittal
dimension of the canal (Amonoo-Kuofi 1985).

Colour coding of muscle attachments. The structural/functional ideas

implicit in the traditional terms ‘origin’ and ‘insertion’ applied to muscle SACRUM
attachments do not accord with modern myokinetics; the latter envisages The sacrum (6.111—113) is a large, triangular fusion of five vertebrae
many more complex and flexible responses (p. 788). Nevertheless, some and forms the posterosuperior wall of the pelvic cavity, wedged
introductory and practical courses retain the terms, and the delineation between the two innominate bones. Its blunted, caudal apex articu-
of all muscle attachments by a single colour has proved an impediment
to occasional groups of students. Some trunk muscles and those of the lates with the coccyx and its superior, wide base with the fifth lumbar
girdles and free limbs have, in this edition, a dual colour code; this vertebra at the Jumbosacral angle. It is set obliquely and curved
facilitates their separate recognition. The axial, paraxial, or medial longitudinally, its dorsal surface being convex, the pelvic concave
attachments of free limb muscles are delineated in blue (the historical (6.111c). This ventral curvature increases pelvic capacity. Between
‘insertion’). In contrast, on a series of diagrams of the skull, multiple base and apex are dorsal, pelvic and lateral surfaces and a sacral
colour coding is used to group muscles in terms of their embryological canal. In childhood, individual sacral vertebrae are connected by
origin and nerve supply. Above comments on red and blue lines apply cartilage and separable by maceration; the adult bone also retains
in most instances; occasional exceptions may be noted in a minority of many vertebral features.
individual muscles and bones. Base (6.112). This is the upper surface of the first sacral vertebra,
the least modified from the typical vertebral plan. The body is large
and wider transversely, its anterior projecting edge is the sacral
Promontory promontory. The vertebral foramen is triangular, its pedicles being
short and divergent posterolaterally. The /aminae are oblique, inclin-
Lateral ing down posteromedially to meet at a spinous tubercle. The superior
part, articular processes project cranially, with concave articular facets
upper directed posteromedially to articulate with inferior articular processes
surface of the fifth lumbar vertebra. The posterior part of each process
projects, bearing laterally a rough area homologous with a lumbar
Pelvic mamillary process. The transverse process is much modified; a broad,
sacral sloping mass projects laterally from the body, pedicle and superior
foramen articular process (6.112)—a unique feature, although foreshadowed
in the fifth lumbar. It consists of transverse process and costal
Lateral part element fused together and to the rest of the vertebra, forming the
superior part of the sacral Jateral mass or ala.
Pelvic surface (6.1114). Anteroinferior, it is vertically and trans-
Site of fusion versely concave, but the second sacral body may produce a convexity.
between vertebral
bodies Four pairs of pelvic sacral foramina communicate through inter-
vertebral foramina with the sacral canal, transmitting ventral rami
of the upper four sacral spinal nerves. The large area between right
and left foramina, formed by flat pelvic aspects of the sacral bodies,
shows their fusion by four transverse ridges. The bars between
foramina are costal elements, fused to the vertebrae. Lateral to the
foramina the costal elements unite together and posteriorly with
transverse processes to form the /Jateral part of the sacrum (which
Coccygeus expands basally as the ala).
The pelvic surface gives attachment to the piriformes (6.1114).
Emerging from the pelvic sacral foramina the first three sacral
Facet for coccyx ventral rami pass anterior to piriformis. Medial to the foramina the
sympathetic trunks descend in contact with bone, as do the median
528 6.111A. Pelvic surface. sacral vessels in the midline. Lateral to the foramina lateral sacral

Superior articular processes

)Ah Multifidus
ment of
interosseous Ps Erector
sacro-iliac r spinae

crest and
transverse Intermediate
tubercles sacral
crest and

Gluteus maximus
Inferior lateral

sacral Sacral hiatus
crest and
Sacral cornua

6.1118. Dorsal surface of the sacrum.

vessels are related to bone. Ventral surfaces of the first, second and
partly third sacral bodies are covered by parietal peritoneum and Superior
articular process
crossed obliquely, left of the midline, by the attachment of the
sigmoid mesocolon. The rectum is in contact with the pelvic surfaces
of the third to fifth sacral vertebrae and with the superior rectal
artery’s bifurcation between the rectum and third sacral vertebra.
Dorsal surface (6.1118). Convex and posterosuperior, it has a
raised, interrupted, median sacral crest with four (sometimes three)
spinous tubercles representing fused sacral spines. Below the fourth
(or third) an arched sacral hiatus in the posterior wall of the sacral
canal, due to failure of the fifth pair of laminae to meet, exposes the tubercles
dorsal surface of the fifth body. Flanking the median crest the
posterior surface is formed by fused laminae and lateral to this are
four pairs of dorsal sacral foramina. Like the pelvic foramina they
lead into the sacral canal through intervertebral foramina; each
transmits the dorsal ramus of a sacral spinal nerve. Medial to the
foramina, and vertically below each articular process of the first
sacral, is a row of four small tubercles, collectively the intermediate
sacral crest; these, sometimes termed articular, represent fused articu-
lar processes. The fifth inferior articular processes project caudally Areas of
and flank the sacral hiatus as sacral cornua, connected to coccygeal attachment
cornua by intercornual ligaments. Lateral to the dorsal sacral for-
amina is a Jateral sacral crest formed by fused transverse processes,
whose apices appear as a row of transverse tubercles. Cornu
The dorsal surface gives attachment to erector spinae by an
elongated U-shaped area of spinous and transverse tubercles, cover-
ing multifidus which occupies the enclosed area (6.1118). The upper
three sacral spinal dorsal rami pierce these muscles as they emerge
via dorsal foramina.
6.111c. Right lateral aspect of the sacrum.
Lateral surface (6.111c). This is a fusion of transverse processes
and costal elements: wide above, it rapidly narrows in its lower part.
The broad, upper part bears an auricular surface for articulation
with the ilium, the area posterior to this being rough and deeply the fifth sacral vertebra at the inferior lateral angle, beyond which
pitted by attachment of ligaments. The auricular surface, borne by the surface becomes athin lateral border. A variable accessory sacral
costal elements, is like an inverted letter L. The shorter, cranial limb articular facet sometimes occurs.
is restricted to the first sacral vertebra, the caudal descending to the The auricular surface is covered by hyaline cartilage, and formed
middle of the third. Beyond this the lateral surface is non-articular entirely by costal elements. It shows cranial and caudal elevations
and reduced in breadth. Caudally it curves medially to the body of and an intermediate depression, posterior to which, in the elderly, is 529
Superior Lateral part or ala
articular (transverse
Sacral canal process process element )

Body of rst sacral vertebra Promontory Lateral part or ala

(costal element)

6.112 Base of the sacrum in the male (a) and in the female (8). The body
of the first segment (x) forms a larger part of the breadth of the base in the
male than it does in the female. In the latter the body is relatively smaller
and the lateral, costal part (y), the ala, is relatively broader.

. ; Sacral canal
Superior articular.

6.114. The method employed by Cihak (1970) to measure the inclinations

of articular surfaces of the lumbosacral zygapophyseal joints (above). The
Spinous tubercle
Promontory lower profiles depict three degrees of increasing curvature and inclination.
For quantitative data derived from 132 human sacra consult the original
paper. |

a third elevation. The rough area behind the auricular surface

shows two or three marked depressions for attachment of strong _
Intervertebral interosseous sacroiliac ligaments. Below the auricular surface are
foramina in attached gluteus maximus, the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous liga-
lateral wall of
sacral canal ments and coccygeus, from behind forwards.
Remains of intervertebral discs
Sacral apex. The inferior aspect of the fifth sacral vertebral body,
it bears an oval facet for articulation with the coccyx.
Sacral canal (6.113). Formed by sacral vertebral foramina, it is
triangular in section. Its upper, basal opening is oblique but, owing
to sacral inclination, is directed cranially in the standing position.
Each lateral wall presents four intervertebral foramina, through
which it is continuous with pelvic and dorsal sacral foramina. Its
caudal opening is the sacral hiatus.
The sacral canal. This contains the cauda equina (including its
filum terminale) and spinal meninges. Near its midlevel subarachnoid
and subdural spaces cease and lower sacral spinal roots and filum
terminale pierce the arachnoid and dura maters. The filum terminale
Sacral cornu emerges at the sacral hiatus and traverses the dorsal surface of the
Coccygeal cornu fifth sacral vertebra and sacrococcygeal joint to reach the coccyx.
a .cocevacdhens ment
. fe ssaf The fifth sacral spinal nerves also emerge through the hiatus medial
to the sacral cornua, grooving the lateral aspects of the fifth sacral
530 6.113 Median sagittal section through the sacrum. vertebra.

Attachments of the first sacral body. To the ventral and dorsal supraspinous ligaments. The fifth lumbar vertebra is attached to the
surfaces of the first sacral body are attached terminal fibres of the ilium and sacrum by the iliolumbar ligament. These joints vary much
anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. Its upper laminar in geometry (p. 528; 6.114).
borders receive the lowest pair of ligamenta flava. Superiorly the ala lliolumbar ligament (6.278). It is attached to the tip and antero-
is smooth, medially concave and laterally rough. It is covered almost inferior aspect of the fifth lumbar transverse process, and sometimes
entirely by psoas major. The smooth area is obliquely grooved by has a weak attachment to the fourth. It radiates laterally and is
the lumbosacral trunk. The rough area is for the lower band of the attached by main bands to the pelvis: a lower one, the /umbosacral
iliolumbar ligament, lateral to the fifth lumbar spinal nerve and to ligament, from the inferior aspect of the fifth lumbar transverse
the anterior sacroiliac ligament. Iliacus reaches the anterolateral part process to the anterosuperior lateral surface of the sacrum, blending
of this area (6.111a). with the anterior sacroiliac ligament; and an upper, partial attach-
Sex differences in sacra. Typical male or female sacra are easily ment of quadratus lumborum, passing to the iliac crest anterior to
identified but sexual differences are not always marked; identification the sacroiliac joint, continuous above with the thoracolumbar fascia.
is sometimes difficult. The female sacrum is shorter and wider, Innervation is from dorsal divisions of spinal nerves.
producing a wider pelvic cavity. Sacral width, as a percentage of
length, yields a sacral index. The loci used in making these measure- COCCYX
ments are discussed on p.671. The ventral concavity is deeper in
females and its deepest point is usually higher than in males; The coccyx (6.115), a small triangular bone, usually consists of four
curvature above this point is greater in the female. The dorsal fused rudimentary vertebrae but the number varies from five to
protrusion of the second sacral vertebra (p. 674) is therefore usually three, the first sometimes being separate. It descends ventrally from
less prominent in males. In females the pelvic surface faces down- the sacral apex, its pelvic surface being tilted upwards and forwards,
wards more than in males, increasing the pelvic cavity and making its dorsum downwards and backwards. Orientation varies, of course,
the lumbosacral angle more prominent. The female auricular surface with its mobility.
is shorter but in both sexes usually extends along the first three The base, or upper surface of the first coccygeal vertebral body,
sacral vertebrae. Owing to the great size of the fifth lumbar body, has an oval, articular facet for the sacral apex. Posterolateral to this,
the first sacral body occupies a larger proportion of the sacral base two coccygeal cornua project upwards to articulate with sacral
in the male, its transverse diameter exceeding the length of an ala; cornua; they are homologues of pedicles and superior articular
the female dimensions are roughly equal. processes of other vertebrae. A rudimentary transverse process pro-
Structure. The sacrum consists of trabecular bone enveloped by jects superolaterally from each side of the first coccygeal body and
a shell of compact bone of variable thickness. may articulate or fuse with the inferolateral sacral angle, completing
Variations. The sacrum may contain six vertebrae, by development the fifth sacral foramina.
of an additional sacral element or by incorporation of the fifth The second to fourth coccygeal vertebrae diminish in size and
lumbar or first coccygeal vertebrae. Inclusion of the fifth lumbar are usually mere fused nodules, representing rudimentary vertebral
(sacralization) is usually incomplete and limited to one side. In the bodies, though the second may show traces of transverse processes
most minor degree of the abnormality a fifth lumbar transverse and pedicles.
process is large and articulates, sometimes by a synovial joint, with Laterally on the pelvic surface and including the rudimentary
the sacrum at the posterolateral angle of its base. Reduction of transverse processes, the levatores ani and coccygei are attached, as
sacral constituents is less common but Jumbarization of the first is the anterior sacrococcygeal ligament, to the front of the first and
sacral vertebra occurs; it remains partially or completely separate. sometimes second coccygeal vertebral bodies (6.278), and to the
The dorsal wall of the sacral canal may be variably deficient, due to cornua the intercornual ligaments. The gap between fifth sacral body
imperfect development of laminae and spines. Orientation of the and articulating cornua represents, on each side, an intervertebral
superior sacral articular facets (and hence the relation between the foramen, transmitting the fifth sacral spinal nerve, whose dorsal
planes of the two zygapophyseal lumbosacral joints) displays wide ramus descends behind the rudimentary transverse process, its ventral
variation according to Cihak (1970): the chords of the concave sacral ramus passing anterolaterally between the transverse process and
facets formed an angle with the sagittal plane varying from 20° to sacrum with, laterally, the lateral sacrococcygeal ligament which
90° in 132 sacra, the majority between 40° and 60° (6.114). Curvatures connects the process to the inferolateral sacral angle. To the dorsal
of the facets and their degree of asymmetry also varied. surface are attached the glutei maximi, at its tip the sphincter ani
externus, and in its median area the deep and superficial posterior
sacrococcygeal ligaments, the superficial descending from the margins
LUMBOSACRAL JOINTS of the sacral hiatus and sometimes closing the sacral canal. The
Articulations between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae filum terminale, between the two ligaments, blends with them on the
resemble those of others. Their bodies are united by a symphysis dorsum of the first coccygeal vertebra.
including a large intervertebral disc, deeper anteriorly at the lumbo-
sacral angle with anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments adher- SACROCOCCYGEAL JOINT
ent to it. Their zygapophyseal joints are separated by a wider interval
than those above. They have ligamenta flava, interspinous and The sacrococcygeal joint is a symphysis between the sacral apex and
Pelvic aspect Dorsal aspect



Attachment area of
Levator ani and
Sphincter ani

6.115 The coccyx: a. Pelvic aspect; 8. Dorsal aspect. 531


coccygeal base, united by a fibrocartilaginous disc, remnants of first appeared in the lower cervical/upper thoracic region, quickly
hyaline cartilage and anterior, posterior and lateral ligaments. followed by others in the upper cervical region. After a short interval
Fibrocartilage disc. A thin disc between contiguous surfaces of a third group appeared in the lower thoracolumbar region and
the sacrum and coccyx, somewhat thicker in front and behind than remaining centres then appeared, spreading regularly and rapidly in
laterally. Its surfaces carry hyaline cartilage varying from thin veils craniocaudal directions. The body’s major part, the centrum, ossifies
to small islands. Occasionally the coccyx is more mobile, the joint from a primary centre dorsal to the notochord. (Centra are occasion-
being synovial. ally ossified from bilateral centres which may fail to unite. Sup-
The anterior sacrococcygeal ligament (6.278). Consisting of pression of one of these produces a cuneiform vertebra, a recognized
irregular fibres descending on the pelvic surfaces of both sacrum and cause of lateral spinal curvature (scoliosis). The condition is fre-
coccyx, it is attached like the anterior longitudinal ligament. quently multiple.) This centre first appears at lower thoracic levels
The superior posterior sacrococcygeal ligament. It is flat and in the ninth to tenth week, spreading craniocaudally and reaching
passes from the margin of the sacral hiatus to the dorsal coccygeal the second cervical vertebra in the twelfth week. In the study by
surface (6.265), roofing the lower sacral canal. Bagnall et al (1977) these events were largely confirmed, but the
The deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament. Passing from the earliest centres were in lower thoracic and upper lumbar regions;
back of the fifth sacral vertebral body to the dorsum of the coccyx, cranial progression was rather faster than caudal, the last centre
it corresponds to the posterior longitudinal ligament. being in the fifth sacral vertebra. (For the later and erratic ossification
A lateral sacrococcygeal ligament. This is on each side, like an of the coccyx see below.) During early postnatal years the centrum
intertransverse ligament. It connects a coccygeal transverse process to is connected to each half neural arch by a synchondrosis or neuro-
an inferolateral sacral angle, completing a foramen for the fifth central joint. In thoracic vertebrae costal facets on bodies are
sacral spinal nerve. posterior to neurocentral joints. At birth a vertebra consists of three
The intercornual ligaments. These connect sacral and coccygeal ossifying elements, a centrum and two half arches, united by cartilage.
cornua on each side. A fasciculus also connects the sacral cornua to During the first year the arches unite behind, first in the lumbar
the coccygeal transverse processes. ' region and then through thoracic and cervical regions. In upper
cervical vertebrae centra unite with arches about the third year, but
in lower lumbar vertebrae union is not complete until the sixth.
INTERCOCCYGEAL JOINTS Until puberty the upper and lower surfaces of bodies and apices of
The intercoccygeal joints are symphyses, with thin discs of fibro- transverse and spinous processes are cartilaginous but now five
cartilage, between coccygeal segments in the young. Segments are also secondary centres appear, one in the apex of each transverse and
connected by extension of the anterior and posterior sacrococcygeal spinous process and two annular epiphyseal ‘rings’ for circum-
ligaments. In adult males all segments are united comparatively early ferential parts of upper and lower surfaces of the body (6.1168, c).
but in females union is later. In advanced age the sacrococcygeal Costal articular facets are extensions of the annular epiphyses (Dixon
joint is obliterated. Occasionally the joint between the first and 1920). These epiphyses fuse with the rest of the bone at about 25
second segments is synovial; the apex of the terminal segment is years. In bifid cervical spinous processes there are two secondary
connected to overlying skin by white fibrous tissue. centres. The annular ‘epiphyses’ of vertebrae probably cannot be
equated with epiphyses of long bones. In most mammals they are
complete osseous discs. For discussion consult Fran¢gois and Dhem
For earlier stages of vertebral development consult page 265 and Sexual dimorphism in vertebrae has received little attention, but
3.134. A typical vertebra is ossified from three primary centres Taylor and Twomey (1984) have described radiological differences
(6.116a), one in each half vertebral arch and one in the centrum. in adolescent humans, female vertebral bodies having a lower ratio
Centres in arches appear at the roots of the transverse processes, of width to depth.
ossification spreading backwards into laminae and spines, forwards Exceptions to this pattern of ossification occur in the first, second
into pedicles and posterolateral parts of the body, laterally into and seventh cervical and in lumbar vertebrae.
transverse processes and upwards and downwards into articular Atlas. This is commonly ossified from three centres (6.116D): one
processes. Classically centres in vertebral arches are said to appear in each lateral mass at about the seventh week, gradually extending
first in upper cervical vertebrae in the ninth to tenth week, and then into the posterior arch where they unite between the third and fourth
in successively lower vertebrae, reaching lower lumbar levels in the years, directly or occasionally through a separate centre. At birth,
twelfth week. However, in a radiographic study of unsexed human the anterior arch is fibrocartilaginous; here a separate centre appears
fetuses, of which 33 were of appropriate age (Bagnall et al 1977), a about the end of the first year, uniting with the lateral masses
pattern was noted differing from such a simple craniocaudal between the sixth and eighth, the lines of union extending across
sequence. A regular cervical progression was not observed. Centres anterior parts of the superior articular facets. Occasionally the

By 3 primary centres (E] By 7 centres

By 2 annular discs Apex of dens (Sth—8th year)
Centrum (8th week) a
My Upper surface
-—> Each half neural arch \at puberty
Lower surface
(7th-8th week) we

Bilateral centres for dens Under surface of body

(6th month, intrauterine) (at puberty)

[D] By 3 centres
Z =~ Each lateral mass (7th week) fF ©
Each transverse Transverse process (All at puberty)
process (at puberty)
Spinous process on Mamillary process
— Spinous process (at puberty)

6.116 Ossification of the vertebral column. A. Typical vertebra. 8. Typical E. The axis. F. Lumbar vertebra. For further details consult text.
532 vertebra at puberty. c. Body of a typical vertebra at puberty. p. The atlas.

anterior arch is formed by extension and ultimate union of centres in twentieth year or later. Segments slowly unite; union between the
the lateral masses, sometimes from two lateral centres in the arch itself. first and second is frequently delayed until 30 years. The coccyx
Axis. This is ossified from five primary and two secondary centres often fuses with the sacrum in later decades, especially in females.
(6.116E), the vertebral arch from two primary, the centrum from one,
as in a-typical vertebra. The former appear about the seventh or
eighth week, that for the centrum about the fourth or fifth month.
The dens is largely ossified from bilateral centres, appearing about The structure of the vertebral column undergoes progressive change
the sixth month and joining before birth to form a conical mass, in the postnatal period, affecting its growth and morphology. This
deeply cleft above by cartilage. This cuneiform cartilage forms the process continues in adulthood and leads eventually to decline in
apex of the odontoid process and in it a centre appears, which shows senescence. Vertebral column morphology is influenced externally
considerable individual variation in both time of appearance and by mechanical and environmental factors and internally by genetic,
time of fusion to the rest of the dens: it most often appears between metabolic and hormonal factors. These all affect its ability to react
five and eight years, but sometimes even later (Ogden 1984), fusing to the dynamic forces of everyday life, such as compression, traction
with the main mass about the twelfth year. It has been widely and shear. These dynamic forces can vary in magnitude and are
regarded as a part of the cranial sclerotomal half of the first cervical much influenced by occupation, locomotion and posture (Nachemson
segment or pro-atlas (Gadow 1933), but see below. The dens is 1963; Gracovetsky 1988).
separated from the body by a cartilaginous disc, the circumference The vertebral column comprises some 33 vertebral segments, each
of which ossifies while its centre remains cartilaginous until old age; separated bya fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc. Its function is
in the disc possible rudiments of adjacent epiphyses of atlas and axis to support the trunk and to protect the spinal cord. It lies in the
may occur. A thin epiphyseal plate is formed inferior to the body general vertebrate plane, and is median and posterior in the body.
around puberty. The dens has long been considered the atlantal Its total length in males is about 70cm and in females about 60cm.
centrum, secondarily fused with the axis. This view was undermined Individual regions of the column account for approximately 8% of
by studies in a variety of mammals by Jenkins (1969), who regarded overall body length for the cervical, 20% for the thoracic, 12% for
the dens as a new formation. Ganguly and Singh-Roy (1965) consider the lumbar and 8% for the sacrococcygeal. Although the usual
the apical centre for the dens as derived from the pro-atlas, which number of vertebrae is 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral
may also contribute to lateral atlantal masses. and 4 coccygeal, this total is subject to frequent variability, with
Some observers regard the dens as the centrum of the pro-atlas. reports of a variation between 32 and 35 bones (Bergman et al 1988).
Seventh cervical vertebra. In this vertebra separate centres for The demarcation of groups by their morphological characteristics
its costal processes appear about the sixth month and join the body may be blurred: for example, there may be thoracic costal facets on
and transverse processes between the fifth and sixth years; they may the seventh cervical, giving it the appearance of an extra thoracic
remain separate and grow anterolaterally as cervical ribs (p.518). vertebra; lumbarlike articular processes may be found on the lowest
Separate ossific centres may, on occasion, also occur in the costal thoracic vertebra; and the fifth lumbar vertebra may be wholly or
processes of the fourth to sixth cervical vertebrae. partially incorporated into the sacrum. Thus, due to these changes
Lumbar vertebrae (6.116F). These have two additional centres for
mamillary processes. In the fifth lumbar a pair of scale-like epiphyses
usually appear on the tips of costal elements.
Sacrum (6.117). This resembles typical vertebrae in the ossification
of its segments. Primary centres for the centrum and each half
vertebral arch appear between the tenth and twentieth weeks. Primary
centres for costal elements of the upper three or more segments
appear superolateral to the pelvic sacral foramina, between the sixth
and eighth prenatal months. Each costal element unites with its half
vertebral arch between the second and fifth years, and the conjoined
element so formed unites anteriorly with the centrum and posteriorly
with its opposite fellow at about the eighth year. Thereafter the Lateral epiphysis Lateral epiphysis
upper and lower surfaces of each sacral body are covered by an
epiphyseal plate of hyaline cartilage separated bya fibrocartilaginous
precursor of an intervertebral disc. Laterally, successive conjoined
vertebral arches and costal elements are separated by hyaline car-
tilage; a cartilaginous epiphysis, sometimes divided into upper and
lower parts, develops on each auricular and adjacent lateral surface.
Soon after puberty the fused vertebral arches and costal elements of
adjacent vertebrae begin to coalesce from below upwards. At the
same time epiphyseal centres develop for:
e upper and lower surfaces of bodies
e spinous tubercles
e transverse tubercles and
e costal elements.
The costal epiphyseal centres appear at the lateral extremities of the
hyaline cartilages between adjacent costal elements; two anterior and
two posterior appear in each interval between first, second and
third segments. Ossification spreads from these into the auricular
epiphyseal plates. One costal epiphyseal centre appears anteriorly
in each remaining interval; from these ossification spreads to the
epiphyseal plate covering the lower lateral surface. Sacral bodies
unite at their adjacent margins after the twentieth year, but the
central mass and most of each intervertebral disc remain unossified
up to or beyond middle life. Available information is based on few
specimens (McKern & Stewart 1957; Fawcett 1907). 6.117 Ossification of the sacrum and coccyx: A. At birth; B. The base of the
Coccyx. Each segment is ossified from one primary centre but sacrum ofa child of about four years of age; c. At the twenty-fifth year. Inc
the incidence and timing are uncertain. A centre in the first segment The epiphyseal plates for each lateral surface are marked by asterisks. D,
appears about birth and its cornua may soon ossify from separate E. The epiphyses of the costal and transverse process of the sacrum at the
centres. Remaining segments ossify at wide intervals up to the eighteenth year. 533




7th cervical

Ist thoracic


12th thoracic

Ist lumbar

5th curvature


6.118 The vertebral column: a. Anterior aspect; 8. Lateral aspect (note

curvatures); c. Dorsal aspect. Note slight sinuous, lateral, thoracolumbar
curvature visible from both dorsal and anterior aspects.

in transition between vertebral types, there may be 23-25 mobile Curvatures of the vertebral column
presacral vertebrae. In the normal vertebral column, there are no lateral curvatures, but
there are well-marked curvatures in the sagittal plane. However, in
The line of gravity of the vertebral column the upper thoracic region there is often a slight lateral curvature,
The well-balanced, erect body has a line of gravity which extends convex to the right in right-handed persons, and left in left-handed.
from the level of the external auditory meatus, through the dens of The sagittal curvatures are present in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar
the atlas, just anterior to the body of the second thoracic vertebra, and pelvic regions (6.118, 119). Such curvatures are the result of three
through the centre of the body of the twelfth thoracic vertebra and million years of evolution, in which rounding of the thorax and
through the rear of the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra to lie pelvis have developed as an adaptation to bipedal gait. Curvatures
534 anterior to the sacrum. appear as a response to fetal movements as early as 7 weeks in utero,

tebral column is highly flexible and when it may assume almost any
curvature (Wood-Jones 1946). An infant can support its head at
about 3 or 4 months, sit upright at about 9 months, and will
commence walking between 12 and 15 months. Such functional
changes exert a major influence on the development of the secondary
curvatures in the vertebral column and changes in the proportional
size of the vertebrae, in particular in the lumbar region. The sec-
ondary /umbar curvature becomes important to maintain the centre
of gravity of the trunk over the legs when walking commences, and
thus changes in body proportions exert a major influence on the
subsequent shape of curvatures in the vertebral column. Support for
this view comes from recent research which has demonstrated that
long-term training of monkeys aimed at stable upright posture
resulted in marked lumbar lordosis, a feature which is comparable
to the human condition both morphologically and functionally. The
induced lordosis was retained even in normal pronograde posture of
the monkeys: bone remodelling occurred in the postcranial skeleton,
attributable to functional adaptation to stresses induced by sustained
In adults, the cervical curve is convex forwards and the least
marked: this is a Jordosis. It extends from the atlas to the second
thoracic vertebra, with its apex between the fourth and fifth cervical
vertebrae. Sexual dimorphism in the cervical curvatures has also
been found (Knussman & Finke 1977).
The thoracic curve is kyphotic, i.e. concave forwards. It extends
between the second and the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae,
with its apex lying between the sixth and ninth thoracic vertebrae.
This curvature is caused by the increased posterior depth of the
thoracic vertebral bodies.
The Jumbar curve is lordotic, i.e. convex forwards. It has a greater
magnitude in females and extends from the twelfth thoracic vertebra
to the lumbosacral angle, with an increased convexity of the last
three segments due to greater anterior depth of intervertebral discs
and some anterior wedging of the vertebral bodies. Its apex is at the
level of the third lumbar vertebra.
The pelvic curve is concave anteroinferiorly and involves the
sacrum and coccygeal vertebrae, extending from the lumbosacral
junction to the apex of the coccyx.
Vertebral bodies
Viewed anteriorly there is a cephalocaudal increase in vertebral
body width from the second cervical to the third lumbar vertebra,
associated with increased weight-bearing. The increase is linear in
the neck but not in the thoracic and lumbar regions. There is some
variation in size of the last two lumbar bodies, but thereafter width
diminishes rapidly to the coccygeal apex. In the two lowest lumbar
vertebrae there is an inverse relation between the areas of the upper
and lower surfaces of bodies and size of the pedicles and transverse
6.119 A composite T1-weighted midline sagittal magnetic resonance processes, suggesting that the latter transmit some of the vertebral
image of the vertebral column of a 27-year-old female. The subject had no compressive forces from spine to pelvis (Davis 1961). They are also
history of back pain at the time of imaging but one year later suffered acute transitional towards the sacral region (Panjabi et al 1992). Vertebral
pain following the prolapse of the L4/5 intervertebral disc which had been diameter may be used as a basis for sex prediction as the posterior
identified as degenerate on a T2-weighted image obtained as part of a aspect of the body is less dimorphic than the anterior region
research study. (Image provided by Dr N Roberts, Magnetic Resonance
(MacLaughlin & Oldale 1992).
Centre, University of Liverpool.)
Spinous processes
The spinous processes lie approximately in the median plane and
and become more pronounced after birth when the baby begins to project posteriorly, although in some individuals a minor deflection
hold up his or her head. Although the embryo develops in flexion, of the processes to one side may be seen. This deviation also occurs
resulting in primary thoracic and pelvic curves which are concave in fractures and dislocations and can be associated with congenital
anteriorly, functional muscle development leads to the early appear- abnormalities of the vertebra. The third thoracic spinous process is
ance of secondary cervical and lumbar spinal curvatures in the level with the spine of the scapula, and the seventh with the inferior
sagittal plane. scapular angle when the arm is by the side. The fourth lumbar spine
The cervical curvature appears before birth, probably as early as is level with the summits of the iliac crests (a point useful in lumbar
the seventh week in utero, in response to fetal development of the puncture), and the second sacral spine with the posterior superior
muscles responsible for head extension, an important component of iliac spines.
the ‘gasp reflex’ (Bagnall et al 1977). Radiographic study of 195 Lateral to the vertebral spines, vertebral grooves contain the deep
human fetuses aged from 8 to 23 weeks demonstrated the presence dorsal muscles: at cervical and lumbar levels these grooves are
of secondary cervical curvature in 83% of the sample. Ultrasound shallow and mainly formed by laminae; in the thoracic region they
investigations support the role of movement in the development of are deeper, broader and formed by both laminae and transverse
these curvatures. Lumbar flattening has also been identified as early processes. The laminae are broad for the first thoracic vertebra,
as the eighth week (O’Rahilly et al 1980). However, the early narrower for the second to seventh, broadening again from the
appearance of these secondary curves is probably accentuated by eighth to eleventh, but become narrow thereafter down to the third
postnatal muscular and nervous system development when the ver- lumbar vertebra. 535

Transverse processes
Lateral to the laminae are articular processes, and, still more lateral,
transverse processes. Cervical transverse processes are anterior to
articular processes, lateral to pedicles and between the intervertebral
foramina. In the thoracic region, they are posterior to the pedicles,
considerably behind those of the cervical and lumbar processes. In
the lumbar region, the processes are anterior to articular processes,
but posterior to intervertebral foramina. There is considerable
regional variation in structure and length of the transverse processes.
In the cervical region, the atlantal transverse process is long and
broad, allowing the rotator muscles maximum mechanical advantage.
Breadth varies little from second to sixth cervical, but increases in
the seventh. In thoracic vertebrae the first is widest, and breadth
decreases to the twelfth, whose transverse elements are usually
vestigial. In the upper three lumbar vertebrae, the transverse pro-
cesses become broader, diminishing in the fourth and fifth. The
transverse process of the fifth is the most robust and arises directly
from the body and pedicle to allow for weight transference to the
pelvis through the iliopelvic ligament.

Lateral aspect of the vertebral column

The lateral aspect of the vertebral column is arbitrarily separated
from the posterior by articular processes in the cervical and lumbar
regions and transverse processes in the thoracic. Anteriorly it is
formed by the sides of vertebral bodies, with costal facets at thoracic
levels. The intervertebral foramina, behind bodies and between
pedicles, are oval, and smallest at cervical and upper thoracic levels
increasing progressively in size in the thoracic and lumbar regions:
they contain spinal and other nerves and various vessels.

Vertebral canal
The vertebral canal follows the vertebral curves. In the cervical and
lumbar regions, which exhibit free mobility, it is large and triangular,
but where movement is less, in the thoracic region, it is small and
circular. These differences are matched by variations in the diameter
of the spinal cord and its enlargements. In the lumbar region, the
spinal canal has a gradual decrease in measurement between L1 6.120 Three MR images, enhanced after image processing, of inter-
vertebral discs showing, from top to bottom, low water content at midnight =
and L5, with a greater relative width in the female. The lumbar
pale green, high water content in the morning after a night recumbent =
canal/vertebral body ratio ranges between 1:2 and 1:5; any ratio dark blue, and an intermediate state in the afternoon. (Images provided
greater than 1:5 would constitute lumbar vertebral canal stenosis. by Dr N Roberts, Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, University of
Diurnal variation
In 1852, Bishop reported that body height was affected by changes
from recumbency to upright posture. These diurnal variations appear
to be due to changes that occur within the cervical, thoracic and opmental gradients. These vertebrae, therefore, grow more to attain
lumbar spine. Recent investigations using stereophotogrammetry adult size. Different velocities of skeletal maturation (heterochrony)
have demonstrated that 40% of diurnal changes occur in the thoracic may also be determined by intrinsic bony mechanisms (Burwell et al
spine, affecting the degree of kyphosis, and a further 40% in the 1980). The lumbar vertebrae have a threefold increase in body width
lumbar spine, without affecting the lordosis (Wing et al 1992). and a fourfold increase in body height. These changes are determined
The greatest change in vertebral column length has been found in genetically and display sexual dimorphism, with discrete and constant
adolescents and young adults (De Puky 1935). The height loss occurs differences between the sexes being identified in anthropometric
within 3 hours of rising in the morning (Reilly et al 1984), with the studies based on computerized tomography (CT) (Cooper et al 1992).
overall loss being approximately 16mm (Fitzgerald 1972; Krag et al Changes in the mechanics of the lumbar region are potent factors
1990). Although the curvatures within the vertebral column con- in influencing growth changes in the proportions of vertebral bodies
tribute to these changes in height, the intervertebral disc is also likely and intervertebral discs, especially in the fifth lumbar and the disc
to account for observed height loss. Recent magnetic resonance below it, and the shape of the lumbar curvature (Taylor 1975).
imaging (MRI) investigations reveal a dynamic movement of fluid Vertebral column growth is due to the summation of growth of
into and out of both the intervertebral disc (6.120) and adjacent individual vertebrae; the length of the spine being a major component
vertebral body over a 24-hour period (Roberts et al 1991, 1994). of overall stature. At birth the ossified component of the vertebra
This is related to body position and could have profound implications has the same height as the intervertebral cartilaginous component
for the biomechanics of the column when it is under axial com- (Brandner 1970), becoming 75% of the total by adulthood. Growth
pression (Dangerfield et al 1994). in the vertebral column is due to proliferative changes in the carti-
laginous end plates, similar to the epiphyseal cartilages of long bones.
Growth of the vertebral column Growth in height occurs at the upper end after puberty and can still
At birth, the column is approximately 24cm in length (Scammon & be identified in subjects in their midtwenties (Bernick & Caillet 1982).
Calkins 1929). Its growth through childhood and adolescence to The annular tension apophysis takes no part in the growth of the
adulthood is influenced by sexual, hormonal, genetic, biomechanical body, with its ossification status having no relationship with vertebral
and other factors, with variation in absolute and relative size of the growth, although its diameter keeps pace with the body. This is
individual component vertebrae (Falkner & Tanner 1986; Roche because it lies outside the plane of the epiphyseal growth plate.
1992). The neural arch processes grow from primary centres by sub-
The size of component parts of the vertebral column varies with periosteal bone deposition and extension into the adjacent cartilage.
age, with relatively smaller lumbar and sacral components in the At the tips of the transverse processes and spinous processes, traction
536 neonate compared to the adult: this is due to cephalocaudal devel- epiphyses appear. The facet joints grow as a result of extension into

the extra-articular zone of cartilage and subarticular growth. Changes vatures may be postural or structural. Postural curvatures may result
in posture and body proportions alter the orientation of each from the lower limbs being unequal in length: since these curves are
articular surface (Roaf 1971). non-structural, they should disappear when the inequality is cor-
Adolescent growth spurts within the vertebral column occur in rected. Fixed structural curvatures can be due to congenital abnor-
both males and females, with sexual difference for the time of onset malities of the vertebrae (e.g. hemivertebrae); they may be secondary
and the achievement of adulthood. The spurt occurs in males between to disease (such as poliomyelitis or muscular dystrophies), or they
ages 13 and 15 years, and in females between 9 and 13 years may be idiopathic. The causes of the latter have been attributed to
(Anderson et al 1965; Taylor & Twomey 1984). The female growth growth and nervous system factors (Burwell & Dangerfield 1992).
increment is 65% greater than the male between 9.5 and 12.5 years. In spondylolisthesis (present in 5% of skeletons) the spine, laminae
Female vertebrae are also more slender than male. and inferior articular processes of the fifth (and sometimes the
Although growth in standing height is usually complete by 18 fourth) lumbar vertebra are joined together but separate from the
years in Caucasian girls and 20 years in males, evidence has been rest of the bone. The condition is probably congenital, the suggestion
found to suggest that vertebral growth may continue well into being that each half vertebral arch ossifies from two primary centres
adulthood: changes in the cartilaginous endplates of the vertebrae which fail to fuse. There is, however, no clear evidence for this.
have been demonstrated in subjects in the midtwenties (Tanner et al
1966; Bernick & Caillet 1982). In male East Africans, changes in
Fractures to the column
height of the lumbar vertebrae have been found at up to 45 years of Injury to the vertebral column may result from five different mech-
age (Allbrook 1956). anisms: flexion, extension, rotation, shear and axial load. In forced
flexion injury, such as a violent blow on the back, fractures usually
Vertebral column in the elderly occur at the fifth or sixth cervical vertebra. If the violence is
In older people, age-related changes in the structure of bone lead to transmitted axially, for example bya fall on to the feet or head, the
broadening and loss of height of the vertebral bodies, these changes injury is also a flexion fracture (because of the normal spinal
being more severe in females. The bony changes in the vertebral curvature), often between the ninth thoracic and second lumbar.
column are accompanied by changes in the collagen content of the Vertebral stability is maintained by the disc-body complex and does
discs and by decline in the activity of spinal muscle dynamics. This not require an intact posterior ligament complex (Bedbrook 1971).
leads to progressive decline in vertebral column mobility, particularly This clinical observation has led to the biomechanical concept of the
in the lumbar spine. Lumbar lordosis decreases as a result of three-column theory for spinal stability (Dennis 1983). The anterior
increased loading, due to an increase in body weight. The develop- column is formed by the anterior longitudinal ligament, the anterior
ment of a ‘dowager’s hump’ in the midthoracic region in females, part of the vertebral body and the anterior annulus fibrosus. The
due to age-related osteoporosis, increases the thoracic kyphosis and middle column is made up of the posterior longitudinal ligament,
cervical lordosis. Overall, these changes in the vertebral column lead the posterior wall of the vertebral body and the posterior annulus
directly to loss of total height in the individual. fibrosus; and the posterior column consists of the posterior body
Other changes affect the vertebral bodies. Osteophyte activity on arch complex and the posterior ligamentous complex. This concept
the anterior and lateral surfaces of the bodies leads to spurs arising forms the basis of classification of vertebral column fractures (Dennis
from the compact cortical bone. Although individual variations 1983).
occur, these changes appear in most individuals from about 20 years
onwards. They are most common on the anterior aspect of the body STERNUM
and appear to be related to movement, especially as their incidence
is highest at C5, T8 and L3/4, regions where spinal movement is The sternum is confined to land vertebrates, and aquatic mammals
greatest (Nathan 1962). They never involve the ring epiphysis. such as seals; it is absent in fish. The elongate human form is
Osteophytic spurs are frequently asymptomatic, but may result in typical of mammals, the sternum being a plate, often composite, in
diminished movements within the spine. amphibians and reptiles. Though associated with shoulder girdles
and ribs from its earliest appearance, it is often considered axial. Its
Movement of the vertebral column embryonic development and ossification indicate an origin separate
Normal movements between adjacent vertebrae are limited, but from ribs. The human sternum (6.121, 122) consists of a cranial
they have a cumulative effect over the whole column, allowing a manubrium (prosternum), an intermediate body or mesosternum and
considerable degree of bending or rotation (p. 515). Although bony a caudal xiphoid process (metasternum). Its total length in males is
deformation in the subchondral bone and articular cartilage may about 17cm, less in females (Jit & Bakshi 1984). The ratio between
contribute, the vertebral discs both tie vertebrae together and are manubrial and mesosternal lengths differs in the sexes, but racial
the principal sites of vertebral column movement. By elastic deform- differences have not been established. Such data are complicated by
ability, they permit tilting and torsion between vertebral bodies, and possible continuation of growth beyond the third decade and even
they also add compressibility to the column. This ability to absorb throughout life (Ashley 1956; Rother et al 1975). In addition to the
stresses is augmented by the column’s sinuous curvature: forces three major sections, the mesosternum in early life consists of four
transmitted with little loss by a straight column are largely expended sternebrae, which from costal relations appear to be intersegmental.
against the pliability of the spirial curves. Effects of weight, muscle In natural stance the sternum slopes down and slightly forwards. It
activity and thrust from the feet, whether trivial (as in walking) or is convex in front, concave behind and broadest at the junction with
large (as in running and jumping), are smoothed out by the discs the first costal cartilages, narrow at the manubriosternal joint, below
and curvatures. which it widens to its articulation with the fifth cartilages, narrowing
Despite the prominent role of intervertebral discs in spinal dynam- again below this.
ics, regional variations in mobility also depend on the disposition, Manubrium sterni. Broad and thick above, it narrows to its
properties and geometry of intervertebral synovial joints and liga- junction with the mesosternum. Its anterior surface is smooth, convex
mentous complexes attached to all parts of each vertebra (p. 515). transversely, vertically concave. Its posterior surface is concave and
Articular trophism or asymmetrical orientation of the apophyseal smooth. The superior border is thick, with a central jugular
joints results in the orientation of one joint becoming more inclined (suprasternal) notch between two oval fossae directed up and pos-
in the frontal or sagittal plane than the orientation of the con- terolaterally for articulation with the sternal ends of the clavicles
tralateral joint. Trophism is present in up to 25% of human spines (clavicular notches). The inferior border, oval and rough, carries a
(Grieve 1989), occurring frequently in L4 and LS, and leads to thin layer of cartilage for articulation with the mesosternum. The
imbalanced movement between the facets (Kraft & Levinthal 1951). lateral borders are marked above by a depression for the first costal
This, in turn, may hasten degenerative damage. cartilage and below by a small articular demifacet, which, with one
on each superior mesosternal angle, articulates with part of the
Abnormalities of the vertebral column second costal cartilage. Between these facets the narrow curved edge
Scoliosis is a term applied to abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, descends medially.
frequently accompanied by severe rotation of the vertebral bodies Mesosternum (body). Longer, narrower and thinner than the
and torsions within the laminae and pedicles. Such abnormal cur- manubrium, it is broadest near its lower end. Its anterior surface, 537

Jugular notch


Sternal angle

Junction between

— 12th rib

6.121 The sternum and costal cartilages: anterior aspect.

nearly flat, faces slightly upwards and has three variable transverse vertebral body. To the manubrial anterior surface the sternal ends
ridges at levels of fusion of its four sternebrae (see below). A sternal of the pectoralis major and sternocleidomastoid muscles are attached
foramen, of varying size and form, may occur between the third and and to its posterior surface the sternothyroids, opposite the first
fourth sternebrae (p. 539). The posterior surface, slightly concave, costal cartilages; above are the most medial fibres of the sternohyoids.
also displays three less distinct transverse lines. The oval upper end This surface is the anterior wall of the superior mediastinum;
articulates with the manubrium (manubriosternal joint) at the level inferiorly (approximately the vertical lower half) it is related to
of the sternal angle, an anterior ridge usually being palpable. A the aortic arch, above this to the left brachiocephalic vein and
posterior transverse groove also marks the manubriosternal joint brachiocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries;
(6.122a). The /ower end is narrow and continuous with the xiphoid laterally it is related to lungs and pleurae. To the jugular notch are
process. On each /ateral border (6.1228), at its superior angle, a small attached fibres of the interclavicular ligament. On the /ateral border
notch receives in part the second costal cartilage; below this, four the manubriocostal joint (first costal cartilage) is a synchondrosis,
costal notches articulate with the third to sixth costal cartilages; the unlike other sternocostal joints. |
inferior angle has a small facet, which, with the xiphoid process, The mesosternum is level with the fifth to ninth thoracic vertebrae.
receives the seventh costal cartilage. Between these articular To its anterior surface articular capsules of sternocostal joints and
depressions a series of curved edges diminish in length downwards, sternal fibres of pectoralis major are attached, and to its posterior
forming the anterior limits of the intercostal spaces. surface the transversus thoracis (sternocostalis). Right of the median
Xiphoid process (xiphisternum). The smallest and most variable plane it is related to pleura and the thin, anterior border of the right
sternal element, it may be broad and thin, pointed, bifid, perforated, lung, projecting between sternum and pericardium. The left half of
curved or deflected. It is cartilaginous in youth, but more or less the upper two sternebrae is related to left pleura and lung, the lower
ossified in adults. It is continuous with the mesosternum’s lower end two directly to pericardium. To the borders the external intercostal
at the xiphisternal joint. Anterior to its superolateral angles are membranes are attached between costal facets. Except for the first
demifacets for parts of the seventh costal cartilages (6.122). and sixth, the cartilages of ‘true’ ribs articulate with the sternum at
The manubrium is level with the third and fourth thoracic ver- junctions of its segments.
538 tebrae; the sternal angle is opposite the inferior border of the fourth The xiphoid process is in the epigastrium. To its anterior surface

are attached the most medial fibres of rectus abdominis and apo-
Jugular notch
neuroses of external and internal obliques, to its Jower end the linea
alba, and to its borders the aponeuroses of internal oblique and
transversus abdominis. To its posterior aspect slips of diaphragm are Clavicular facet
attached and it is here related to the liver.
The sternum contains highly vascular trabecular bone enclosed by Facet for Ist
costal cartilage
a compact layer thickest in the manubrium between clavicular
notches. The medulla contains red bone marrow. The internal tra- Sternothyroid
becular pattern has been examined intensively by scanning electron Sternal
microscopy and by computer analysis of metrical parameters angle Manubriosternal
(Whitehouse 1975). Centrally the bone is lightly constructed, the
trabeculae being thicker and wider apart in lateral regions. No
completely satisfactory explanation of these variations, or of those
already noted in ribs and lumbar vertebrae, has been formulated.
Pismenov and Zapetski (1977) have described the vascular supply of
the sternum in detail.
Little has been recorded of racial or sexual variation in the
sternum. Jit et al (1980), and Jit and Harjeet (1982) stated that, Facet for 4th costal cartilage —_|
except in combined length of manubrium and mesosternum, sexing
is not possible, the sternal angle being unreliable. J
Facet for 5th costal cartilage Transversus
Ossification (6.123) thoracis
The sternum is formed by fusion of two cartilaginous sternal plates Facet for 6th costal cartilage
(p. 268) flanking the median plane. Arrangement and number of Facet for 7th costal cartilag
ossificatory centres vary in relation to completeness and time of
fusion of the sternal plates and to the width of the adult bone Xiphisternal joint
(Ashley 1956). Incomplete fusion leaves a sternal foramen. (For Diaphragm
incidence in Indian sterna, see Jit & Bakshi 1984.) The manubrium
is ossified from one to three centres appearing in the fifth fetal
month, and the first and second sternebrae usually from single centres
about the same time. Centres in the third and fourth sternebrae are 6.122 The sternum: A. Lateral aspect; B. Posterior aspect.
commonly paired and appear in the fifth and sixth months respect-
ively, but one of either pair may be delayed until the seventh or even
eighth month; the fourth sternebral centre may be absent (Paterson
1904). The xiphoid process begins to ossify in the third year or later.
In some sterna all centres are single and median, in others the
manubrial centre is single and the sternebral all paired, symmetrical
or asymmetrical. Union between mesosternal centres begins at RIBS
puberty and proceeds from below upwards; by 25 all are united.
Suprasternal ossicles, paired or single, occur in about 7% of sterna. The ribs are elastic arches, connected posteriorly with the vertebral
They may fuse to the manubrium or articulate posteriorly at the column, forming much of the thoracic skeleton. The 12 pairs may
lateral border of the jugular notch. When well formed they are be increased by cervical or lumbar ribs or reduced to 11 by absence
pyramidal, the base being articular. Cartilaginous at birth, they of the twelfth pair. The superior seven pairs are connected by costal
ossify during adolescence. cartilages to the sternum (6.121), as true ribs. The remaining five are
so-called false ribs, cartilages of the eighth to tenth joining the
superjacent costal cartilage; the eleventh and twelfth, being free at
STERNAL JOINTS their anterior ends, are sometimes termed floating ribs. (The tenth
rib is also usually ‘floating’ in the Japanese, also recorded in other
Manubriosternal joint races, see p. 542.)

Lying between the manubrium and sternal body, it is usually a

symphysis, the bony surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage and con-
nected by a fibrocartilage which may ossify in the aged. In more
than 30% the central part of the disc is absorbed and the joint
appears synovial; similar cavitation may occur in the symphysis pubis
Time of Time of
(see pp. 491, 677). The two are also connected by a fibrous membrane appearance union
enveloping the whole bone. In 10% of all over 30 years the
manubrium is joined to the sternal body by bone but the intervening
cartilage may be only superficially ossified; it is in the aged that this
is complete. Early synostosis has been attributed to a persistent 5th fetal month
synchondrosis in place of a symphysis (Ashley 1954). In the newborn Usually remain
union is by collagenous and elastic fibres without chondrocytes. ununited
Movements. The symphysis permits a small range of angulation
5th to 6th fetal month
between longitudinal axes of the manubrium and body of the sternum Between puberty and
and also limited anteroposterior displacement. A study of these the 25th year
movements in 62 male athletes yielded (standing position) mean Xiphoid process 3rd year
values of 162.7° (full inspiration) and 164.7° (full expiration) for (but great variation)
the manubriosternal angle (Constantinescu 1974). Both movements
contribute to respiratory excursions of the sternum.

Xiphisternal joint
This is between xiphoid process and corpus sterni and is also a
symphysis. Usually transformed to a synostosis by the fortieth year,
it sometimes remains unchanged even in old age. 6.123 The ossification of the sternum: a. Before birth; 8. At puberty. 539

Between ribs are intercostal spaces, which are deeper in front and
between the upper ribs. Upper ribs are less oblique than the lower,
obliquity being maximal at the ninth and decreasing to the twelfth.
They increase in length from first to seventh, diminishing to the
articular z twelfth. In breadth they decrease downwards; in the upper 10 the
Posterior pes “ yr end
greatest breadth is anterior. The first two and last three present
le special features, the rest conforming to a common plan.
— Bae tubercle Neck

A typical rib
It has a shaft with anterior and posterior ends (6.124). The anterior,
costal end has a small concave depression for its cartilage’s lateral
end. The shaft has an external convexity and is grooved internally
near its lower border, which is sharp, in contrast to its rounded
upper border. The posterior, vertebral.end has a head, neck and
tubercle. The head presents two facets, separated by a transverse
crest. The lower and larger facet articulates with the body of the
corresponding vertebra, its crest attaching to the intervertebral disc
above it. The neck is the flat part beyond the head, anterior to the
corresponding transverse process. It is oblique, facing antero-
superiorly. Its posteroinferior surface is rough and pierced by for-
amina. Its upper border is the sharp crest of the neck, its lower
border rounded. The tubercle is posteroexternal at the junction of
neck with shaft; more prominent in upper ribs, it is divided into
medial articular and lateral non-articular areas. The articular part
bears a small, oval facet for the transverse process of the cor-
responding vertebra; the non-articular area is roughened by liga-
ments. The shaft is thin and flat with external and internal surfaces,
superior and inferior borders. It is curved, bent at the posterior angle
56cm from the tubercle, and also twisted about its long axis: the
part behind the angle inclines superomedially, its external surface
hence posteroinferior; in front of the angle it faces slightly up; it is
convex and smooth, and crossed near the tubercle by a rough line,
directed inferolaterally, at the posterior angle. The internal surface is
smooth and marked by the costal groove, bounded below by the
inferior border. The superior border of the groove continues behind
the lower border of the neck, but terminates anteriorly at the junction
of middle and anterior thirds of the shaft, anterior to which the
groove is absent. (See below concerning an anterior angle.)
Ribs consist of highly vascular trabecular bone, enclosed in a thin
layer of compact bone and containing large amounts of red marrow.
The first rib (6.125)
Most acutely curved and usually shortest, it is broad and flat, its
surfaces superior and inferior, its borders internal and external. It
slopes obliquely down and forwards to its sternal end. The head is
small, round and bears an almost circular facet, articulating with
the first thoracic vertebral body. The neck is rounded and ascends
posterolaterally. The tubercle, wide and prominent, is directed up
and backwards; medially an oval facet articulates with the first
thoracic transverse process. At the tubercle the rib is bent, its head
turned slightly down; angle and tubercle therefore coincide. The
superior surface of the flattened shaft is crossed obliquely by two
shallow grooves, separated by a slight ridge which ends at the
internal border as a usually small, pointed projection, the scalene

Non-articular part
of tubercle
Crest of head
/ of rib
Posterior angle

Costal groove

540 6.124 A typical rib of the left side: a. Inferior; 8. Posterior aspects.

tubercle. The inferior surface is smooth and ungrooved. The external Attachment of subclavius
border is convex, thick behind, thin in front. The internal border is Attachment of costoclavicular ligament
concave and thin, with a scalene tubercle near its midpoint. The
anterior end is larger than in any other rib.
Scalene tubercle and
The second rib (6.1258) attachment of scalenus
It is twice the length of the first, with a similar curvature. The non-
articular area of the tubercle is small. The angle is slight and near
the tubercle. The shaft is not twisted, but at the tubercle is convex Groove for sub-
clavian art
upwards, as in the first rib but less so. The external surface of the
shaft is convex and superolaterally marked centrally by a rough,
muscular impression; the latter continues posteromedially towards
the tubercle as a narrow roughened ridge. The internal surface,
smooth and concave, faces inferomedially with posteriorly a short Serratus anterior Attachment ofD
(first digitation) scalenus medius
costal groove.
The tenth rib
This has a single facet on its head which may articulate with the
intervertebral disc above as well as the upper border of the tenth
thoracic vertebra near its pedicle.
The eleventh and twelfth ribs (6.126)
Each has one large, articular facet on the head, but no neck or
tubercle; their pointed anterior ends are tipped with cartilage. The
eleventh has a slight angle and shallow costal groove. The twelfth
has neither, being much shorter and sloping cranially at its vertebral
end. The internal surfaces of both ribs face slightly upwards, more
so in the twelfth.
Each rib, except the first and last two, is ossified from a primary
centre for the shaft and secondary centres for the head and articular
and non-articular parts of the tubercle (Fawcett 1911a,b) but not
for non-articular parts of tubercles below the sixth or seventh. The
Serratus posterior
primary centre appears near the angle, late in the second month, superior
first in the sixth and seventh ribs. Secondary centres for the head
and tubercle appear about puberty, uniting to the shaft soon after Serratus anterior Scalenus posterior
20. The first rib has a primary centre for the shaft, a secondary for
the head but only one for the tubercle; the eleventh and twelfth, 6.125 The superior aspects of the first (a) and second (8) left ribs.
without tubercles, have two centres each.

and elasticity. The upper seven pairs join the sternum; the eighth to
COSTAL CARTILAGES tenth articulate with the lower border of the cartilage above; the
The costal cartilages (6.121), flat bars of hyaline cartilage, extend lowest two have free pointed ends in the abdominal wall. They
from the anterior ends of ribs, contributing much to thoracic mobility increase in length from first to seventh, decreasing again to the

. Surface in contact Line of pleural

Internal intercostal with pleura reflection Diaphragm
Anterior layer of thoraco-
lumbar fascia

Costal cartilage

~ Bw

Quadratus lumborum Middle layer Posterior layer of

of thoraco- Thoracolumbar
thoracolumbar fascia fascia
lumbar fascia


External Serratus posterior External Erector spinae Levator costae

oblique inferior intercostal

6.126 The twelfth rib of the left side. a. Anterior aspect; 8. Posterior aspect. 541

twelfth. They diminish in breadth from first to last, like the intercostal superior rim innermost intercostal is attached, rarely extending to
spaces. They are broad at their costal continuity and taper as they the rib’s anterior quarter. Posteriorly this rim meets the neck’s lower
pass forward; but the first and second are of even breadth and the border. To the sharp inferior costal border is attached an external
sixth to eighth enlarge where their margins are in contact. The first intercostal muscle. The superior border has two lips posteriorly: to
descends a little, the second is horizontal and the third ascends the inner are attached both the external intercostal, to the outer only
slightly, the others being angulated and inclining up towards the the internal and innermost intercostal.
sternum or cartilage above, a little anterior to their ribs. The first rib (6.125) has a tubercle for scalenus anterior, which is
Each costal cartilage has two surfaces, borders and ends. The also attached to adjoining parts of the upper surface. The groove
anterior surface is convex, facing anterosuperior; to the first cartilage anterior to this forms a bed for the subclavian vein; and the
are attached the sternoclavicular articular disc, costoclavicular liga- rough area between this and the first costal cartilage receives the
ment and subclavius and to the first six of seven medially is pectoralis costoclavicular ligament and, more anteriorly, subclavius. Passing in
major. The others are covered by the partial attachments of the the groove behind the tubercle is the subclavian artery and usually
anterior abdominal muscles. The posterior surface is concave, and the lower trunk of the brachial plexus. Behind this, as far as the
really posteroinferior; attached to the first cartilage is sternothyroid, costal tubercle, scalenus medius is attached. The obliquity of the
to the second to sixth, transversus thoracis, and to the six lower first ribs accounts for the appearance of pulmonary and pleural
transversus abdominis. To the concave superior and convex inferior apices in the neck.
borders are attached the internal intercostal muscles and external The first rib’s external border is covered behind by scalenus
intercostal membranes. The inferior borders of the fifth (sometimes), posterior descending to the second; the first digitation of serratus
and sixth to ninth cartilages project at points of greatest convexity. anterior is, in part, attached to it, behind the subclavian (arterial)
Oblong facets on these projections articulate with facets on slight groove. To the internal border is attached the suprapleural mem-
projections from the superior borders of subjacent cartilages. The brane, covering the pleura’s cervical dome.
lateral end of each cartilage is continuous with its rib; the medial end The second rib (6.1258) is marked by serratus anterior, its rough
of the first is continuous with the sternum; those of the six succeeding prominence extending from just behind the midpoint of its external
cartilages are round and articulate with shallow costal notches on surface; to this tubercle the lower part of the first and the second
the lateral margins of the sternum; those of the eighth to tenth are digitation are attached. The second intercostal nerve is between the
pointed, each connected with the cartilage above; those of the rib and pleura for most of its course. The distinct lips of the upper
eleventh and twelfth are pointed and free. Excepting the syn- border are widely separated behind; in front of the angle the outer
chondrosis of the first rib and sternum, all these articulations are lip receives scalenus posterior and, below this, serratus posterior
synovial (p. 544). superior.
The tenth rib is usually united anteriorly with the ninth by a The twelfth rib (6.126) has numerous attached muscles and liga-
fibrous joint (p. 545); but frequently it is free and pointed like the ments. To the lower part of its anterior surface, in its medial half to
eleventh and twelfth. The incidence of a ‘floating’ tenth rib varies two-thirds, quadratus lumborum and its anterior covering layer of
from 35% to 70% in different races (Shimaguchi 1974). thoracolumbar fascia are attached, the upper part being related to
In old age the costal cartilages tend to ossify superficially, losing the costodiaphragmatic pleural recess. At or near the upper border
pliability and becoming brittle. The histology (Amprino & Bairati are attachments of the internal intercostal medially and laterally the
1933), histochemistry (Quintarelli & Dellovo 1966), and ultra- diaphragm. The Jower border gives attachment to the middle lamella
structure of such senile changes have been reviewed by Stockwell of the thoracolumbar fascia and, lateral to quadratus lumborum,
(1967) (and see p.451). An increase in keratan sulphate is noted the lateral arcuate ligament (p.816) and posterior lamella of the
maximally in the subperichondrial zone. thoracolumbar fascia. Posteriorly, close to the head, is attached the
lumbocostal ligament (p.543), connecting it to the first lumbar
transverse process. To the external surface are attached the lowest
ATTACHMENTS AND RELATIONS OF RIBS levator costae, longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis in its medial half
To the head of a typical rib the radiate ligament is attached along and laterally serratus posterior inferior, latissimus dorsi and external
its anterior border, and the intra-articular ligament to its crest. Its oblique. Along the upper border the external intercostal is attached.
anterior surface is related to costal pleura and in lower ribs the These attachments vary; those of the internal intercostal, levator
sympathetic trunk. The neck’s anterior surface is divided by a costae and erector spinae merge and those of latissimus dorsi,
faint transverse ridge for the internal intercostal membrane and is diaphragm and external oblique may reach the costal cartilage. The
continuous with the inner lip of the superior border of the shaft. The lower limit of the pleural sac crosses in front of the rib, approximately
area above the ridge, more or less triangular, is separated from the where it is crossed by the lateral border of iliocostalis. Its lateral end
membrane by fatty tissue; the lower, smooth area is covered by is usually below the line of costodiaphragmatic pleural reflection and
costal pleura. The neck’s posterior surface receives the costotransverse therefore not covered by pleura.
ligament and is pierced by vascular foramina. The crest of the neck
is for attachment of the superior costotransverse ligament and
extends laterally into the outer lip of the shaft’s superior border. The COSTOVERTEBRAL JOINTS
neck’s rounded inferior border continues laterally into the upper
border of the costal groove, receiving the internal intercostal mem- Articulations of the ribs with the vertebral column connect their
brane. The articular area of the tubercle in the upper six ribs heads to vertebral bodies (costocorporeal) and necks and tubercles
is convex and faces posteromedially; in the succeeding three or to transverse processes (costotransverse).
four it is almost flat and faces down, back and slightly medially.
The lateral costotransverse ligament is attached to the non-articular Joints of costal heads
area. Heads of typical ribs articulate with facets (often termed demifacets)
The ridge on the shaft’s external surface (near its posterior angle) on the margins of adjacent thoracic vertebral bodies and with
in a typical rib receives an upward continuation of thoracolumbar intervertebral discs between them (6.127). The first and tenth to
fascia and lateral fibres of iliocostalis thoracis. From second to tenth twelfth ribs articulate with a single vertebra by a simple synovial
ribs the distance between angle and tubercle increases. Medial to the joint; in the others an intra-articular ligament bisects the joint.
angle the external surface gives attachment to a levator costae and Double synovial compartments result, the joint being classified as
is covered by erector spinae. Near this surface’s sternal end an both compound and complex. Often inaccurately described as plane,
indistinct, oblique line (anterior ‘angle’) separates the attachments of their articular surfaces are slightly ovoid and the upper and lower
external oblique and serratus anterior (or latissimus dorsi, in ninth synovial articulations are obtusely angled to each other (6.127).
and tenth ribs). To the costal groove (internal surface) is attached Ligaments are capsular, radiate and intra-articular.
the internal intercostal muscle, separating bone from the intercostal Fibrous capsules. They connect costal heads to the circumference
vessels and nerve. At the vertebral end the groove faces down, its of articular surfaces formed by intervertebral discs and demifacets
borders in the same plane. Near the posterior angle the shaft of adjacent vertebrae; some of their upper fibres traverse their
542 broadens and the groove reaches its internal surface; to the groove’s intervertebral foramina to blend with the posterior aspects of inter-

vertebral discs (strictly symphyses); posterior fibres are continuous Transverse process Superior articular process
with costotransverse ligaments.
Radiate ligaments. These connect the anterior parts of each
Costal demifacet
costal head to the bodies of two vertebrae and their intervening
intervertebral disc. Each is attached to the head just beyond its
articular surface. Superior fibres ascend to the vertebral body above,
inferior to the body below; intermediate fibres, shortest and least dis- ligament
tinct, are horizontal and attached to the disc. In the first rib’s joint Superior costo-
the radiate ligament is attached to the seventh cervical and first thor- transverse ligaments
acic vertebrae. In joints of the tenth to twelfth ribs, articulating with
single vertebrae, the ligament is attached to this and the one above. ligamentous
intra-articular ligament. A short, flat band, it is attached laterally band
(see text)
to the crest between the costal articular facets and medially to the
intervertebral disc, dividing the joint; from the first and tenth to Anterior
twelfth joints the ligament is absent. longitudinal
Costotransverse joints
The facet of a costal tubercle articulates reciprocally with the trans-
verse process of its corresponding vertebra (6.128). The eleventh and
twelfth ribs lack this articulation; in the upper five or six joints
articular surfaces are reciprocally curved but below this are flatter disc
(6.129). Their ligaments are capsular, costotransverse, superior and
lateral costotransverse. The fibrous capsule is thin and attached to
articular peripheries; it has a synovial lining.
The superior costotransverse ligament. This has an anterior
layer attached between the crest of the costal neck and lower aspect
of the transverse process above (6.127); laterally it blends with the
Paired smovial joints Intra-articular ligament
internal intercostal membrane and it is crossed by intercostal vessels
and nerve; its posterior layer is attached posteriorly on the costal
neck, ascending posteromedially to the transverse process above;
laterally it blends with the external intercostal muscle. The first rib
has no such ligament; the shaft of the twelfth, near its head, is
connected to the base of the first lumbar transverse process by a 6.127 Costovertebral joints: right anterolateral aspect. In the lowest joint
shown most of the radiate ligament and the anterior part of the head of the
lumbocostal ligament in series with the superior costotransverse rib have been excised to show the two joint cavities and the intra-articular
ligaments. ligament between them.
Accessory ligament. This is usually present and medial to the
superior costotransverse ligament, being separated from it by the
dorsal ramus of a thoracic spinal nerve and accompanying vessels diminishing the infrasternal angle; slight rotation accompanies these
(6.127). Variable in attachments, such bands usually pass from a movements. The muscles involved in respiration are considered on
depression medial to a costal tubercle to the inferior articular process page 818.
immediately above; some fibres also pass to the base of the transverse
The costotransverse ligament. This fills the costotransverse STERNOCOSTAL JOINTS
foramen between the rib neck and its adjacent corresponding trans-
verse process. Its numerous short fibres extend back from the Costal cartilages join small concavities on the lateral sternal borders
posterior rough surface on the neck to the anterior surface of the (chondrosternal articulations, 6.130). Perichondrium and periosteum
transverse process. In the eleventh and twelfth ribs it is rudimentary are continuous. The first costal cartilage joins by an unusual variety
or absent.
The lateral costotransverse ligament. Short, thick and strong,
it passes obliquely from the apex of the transverse process to the
rough non-articular part of the adjacent costal tubercle. The liga-
ments of upper ribs ascend from their transverse processes; they are
shorter and more oblique than those of the lower ribs, which descend.
Movements at costotransverse joints. Costal heads are so
firmly tied to vertebral bodies by radiate and intra-articular ligaments Intra-articular ligament
that only slight gliding can occur; strong ligaments binding costal
necks and tubercles to transverse processes also limit movements at Superior
costotransverse joints to slight gliding, guided by the shape and ligament
direction of articular surfaces (6.129); those on tubercles of the
upper six ribs are oval and vertically convex, fitting corresponding Articular
concavities on the anterior surfaces of transverse processes; hence a
up and down movements of tubercles involve rotation of costal
necks about their long axes. Articular surfaces of the seventh to
tenth tubercles are almost flat, facing down, medially and backwards; Lateral costotransverse
opposing surfaces are on the upper aspects of transverse processes. ligament
Hence when these tubercles ascend they also move posteromedially. Costotransverse ligament
Both sets of joints move simultaneously and in the same directions;
the costal neck moves as if at a single joint, the two articulations
forming its ends. In the upper six ribs the neck moves slightly up
and down but its chief movement is one of rotation about its long
axis, downward rotation of its anterior aspect being associated with 6.128 Costovertebral joints: superior aspect. On the left the free demifacet
depression and upward rotation with elevation of the shaft and superior to the intra-articular ligament is apparent on the rib’s head. On the
anterior end of the rib. In the seventh to tenth ribs the neck right the inferior costovertebral and costotransverse synovial cavities have
been opened. 543
ascends posteromedially or descends anterolaterally, increasing or

of synarthrosis (see p.491; this is often inaccurately called a

synchondrosis) while the second to seventh articulate by synovial
joints; articular cavities are often absent, particularly in lower joints.
Articular surfaces are fibrocartilaginous and this tissue also unites
costal cartilages to the sternum where cavities are absent (Gray &
Gardner 1943). Ligaments involved are capsular, radiate sternocostal,
intra-articular and costoxiphoid. According to Sick and Koritke
(1976) the seventh costosternal joint may be synovial or ‘symphyseal’.
Fibrous capsules. These surround the second to seventh sterno-
costal joints. They are thin, blended with the sternocostal ligaments
and are strengthened above and below by fibres connecting the costal
cartilages to the sternum.
Radiate sternocostal ligaments. Broad, thin bands, they radiate
from the front and back of the sternal ends of the costal cartilages
of true ribs to corresponding sternal surfaces. Their superficial fibres
intermingle with adjacent ligaments above and below, with those of
the opposite side and with tendinous fibres of pectoralis major,
forming a thick fibrous membrane around the sternum, more mark-
edly in its lower part.
intra-articular ligaments. These are constant only between the
second costal cartilages and sternum. The second costal cartilage’s
ligament extends from the costal cartilage to the fibrocartilage uniting
the manubrium and sternal body and is therefore intra-articular.
Occasionally the third sternal cartilage is connected with the first
and second sternal segments by a similar ligament. Fibrocartilaginous
strands may occur in the third and lower joints. Articular cavities
may be absent at all ages.
6.129 Section through the costotransverse joints from the third to the ninth Costoxiphoid ligaments. Connecting anterior and posterior sur-
inclusive. Contrast the concave facets on the upper with less curved facets faces of the seventh costal cartilage (and sometimes sixth) to the
on the lower transverse processes. same surfaces of the xiphoid process; they vary in length and breadth,
the posterior being less distinct.
Movements. Slight gliding movements occur at sternocostal
joints, sufficient for respiration (p. 818).


Intra-articular ligament
and two joint cavities

Costochondral junctions

articular surfaces

joint cavities

Interchondral ligaments
(syndesmoses )

544 6.130 Sternocostal and interchondral joints: anterior aspect.


It is reniform in horizontal section due to the forward projection of

INTERCHONDRAL JOINTS vertebral bodies.
Posteriorly the thorax includes thoracic vertebrae and posterior
Contiguous borders of the sixth to ninth costal cartilages articulate
parts of the ribs. On both sides of the vertebral column is a large
by apposition of small oblong facets, each articulation being enclosed
groove due to the posterolateral curvature of the ribs from their
in a thin fibrous capsule, lined by synovial membrane with lateral
vertebral ends to their angles. Anteriorly are the sternum, anterior
and medial interchondral ligaments (6.130). Sometimes the fifth car-
parts of ribs and costal cartilages; this aspect is slightly convex.
tilage, more rarely the ninth, articulate at their inferior borders with
Laterally the thorax is convex and formed by ribs alone. Ribs and
adjoining cartilages, this connection being more often by ligamentous
costal cartilages are separated by 11 intercostal spaces, occupied
fibres. Articulation between the ninth and tenth cartilages is never
by intercostal muscles and membranes, neurovascular bundles and
synovial and sometimes absent (p.491). For further comments on
lymphatic channels.
chondral arthroses see page 542.
The thoracic inlet is reniform, about 5cm anteroposteriorly, and
about 10cm transversely. Its plane slopes down and forwards,
COSTOCHONDRAL JUNCTIONS bounded by the first thoracic vertebral body behind, the superior
border of the manubrium sterni in front and first rib on each side.
The costal cartilages are persistent, unossified anterior parts of The outlet is limited behind by the twelfth thoracic vertebral body,
cartilaginous models preceding fully developed ribs. Artificially sep- the twelfth and eleventh ribs laterally, and in front by the tenth to
arated from its rib a costal cartilage has a rounded end, the rib a seventh ribs, which ascend to form the infrasternal angle. The outlet is
depression. Across junctions periosteum and perichondrium are wider transversely and oblique, sloping down towards the back, and
continuous and the collagen of the osseous and cartilaginous matrices is closed by the diaphragm which forms afloor to the thoracic cavity.
blend. No movement occurs there. Thoracic variations in dimensions and proportions are partly
individual and also linked to age, sex and race. At birth the transverse
diameter is relatively less but adult proportions develop as walking
THORAX begins. In females capacity is less, absolutely and proportionately,
the sternum being shorter, the thoracic inlet more oblique and the
The thoracic skeleton (6.131) is an osteocartilaginous frame around suprasternal notch level with the third thoracic vertebra (second in
the principal organs of respiration and circulation. It is narrow males). The upper ribs are more mobile in females, allowing greater
above, broad below, flattened anteroposteriorly and longer behind. upper thoracic expansion. In tall thin individuals the thorax usually

Scalenus medius

Ist thoracic vertebra Facet for

Serratus anterior,
1st. digitation Scalenus anterior

2nd rib

Pectoralis major

Serratus anterior
Pectoralis minor (remaining digitations )

\ Z Z Pe,

Rectus abdominis Ah LY

12th thoracic vertebra

12th rib
(attachments Levator
see 6.126) costae

6.131 The skeleton of the thorax: anterior aspect. 545

e ee

shows corresponding proportions, and a similar correspondence also each rib is part of a curve greater than that of the rib above;
occurs in the short and broad individuals. Racial variations are also therefore, costal elevation increases transverse thoracic diameter at
linked to stature and proportions in a like manner. higher levels. (Modifications of rib movements at vertebral ends are
The prime function of the thorax is respiration. The obvious described on p. 544.) Modifications also result from attachments of
anterior costal ends with different movements of vertebrosternal,
protection afforded is fortuitous but many muscles are attached to
it, not all primarily concerned with respiration, although they may vertebrochondral and vertebral ribs.
assist it. Muscles of the arm, especially those acting on the pectoral Vertebrosternal ribs (6.132a). The first moves little, except in
girdle and humerus, those of the abdominal wall and spinal column, deep respiration about an oblique axis through the neck; the shaft
all have widespread thoracic attachments. rises laterally in inspiration, its inferomedial surface becoming more
Elastic recoil of ribs, which suspend the sternum, may explain the directly inferior, an impossible movement if the cartilage iscalcified,
rarity of sternal fractures. Despite their pliability, the ribs are much as it may be; first ribs and manubrium then move as a unit about a
more frequently broken, middle ribs being the most vulnerable. Since transverse axis through their costotransverse joints. The second rib
traumatic stress is usually due to compression of the thorax, the also moves little in quiet respiration; elevation of third to sixth ribs
usual site of fracture is the rib’s weakest point, just in front of the thrusts their anterior ends upwards and forwards, mostly by back-
angle. Direct impact may fracture a rib anywhere and the broken ward rotation at their necks; this also moves the sternum similarly
ends of bone may be driven inwards, with possible injury to thoracic at the manubriosternal joint, increasing the anteroposterior thoracic
or upper abdominal viscera. diameter. As this action ceases, an elevating force raises the middle
parts of their shafts, everting their lower borders, opening the
A cervical rib, the costal element of the seventh cervical vertebra,
may be a mere epiphysis on its transverse process but more often costochondral angle and increasing the transverse thoracic diameter.
has a head, neck and tubercle, with or without a shaft which, varying Measurements of sternal respiratory movements reveal large excur-
in length, extends anterolaterally into the posterior triangle of the sions, especially in fit adult males (Constantinescu 1974). Between
neck, where it may end freely or join the first rib or costal cartilage, full inspiration and expiration the suprasternal notch may move
or even the sternum. It may be partly fibrous, but its effects are not 31mm, excursions at the superior (34 mm) and inferior (37 mm) ends
related to the size of its osseous part. If it is long enough its relations of the sternal body being increased by changes in the sternal
are those of a first thoracic rib: the brachial plexus (usually lower angle.
trunk) and subclavian vessels are superior and apt to suffer com- Vertebrochondral ribs (6.1328). These ribs, including the seventh,
pression in a narrow angle between rib and scalenus anterior. Hence assist thoracic respiratory enlargement and they also increase upper
cervical ribs may first be revealed by nervous and vascular symptoms, abdominal space for the viscera displaced by diaphragmatic descent,
particularly due to pressure on the eighth cervical and first thoracic although abdominal relaxation accounts in part for this. Costal
spinal nerves, with motor and sensory effects in structures supplied. cartilages, through their joints, push each other up, the final thrust
According to Cave (1975) a cervical rib or pleurapophysis may show forcing the lower sternum upwards and forwards. Elevation of their
synostosis or diarthrosis with either the anterior (parapophyseal) or anterior ends is limited by the very slight rotation possible at their
posterior (diapophyseal) ‘roots’ of the so-called seventh cervical necks. Elevation of shafts is accompanied by outward and backward
transverse process or, more usually, with both (6.89). movement, the former everting their anterior ends and opening the
infrasternal angle, while backward movement retracts the anterior
ends and counteracts the forward thrust of elevation, most noticeably
MECHANISM OF THE THORAX in the lower ribs which are shortest. The result is an increase in
Each rib has its range and direction of movement contributing to transverse and diminution in median anteroposterior diameters of
thoracic respiratory excursions. Each acts as a lever, its fulcrum the upper abdomen, while its lateral anteroposterior diameters are
immediately lateral to its costotransverse articulation; hence, when increased.
the shaft is elevated, the neck is depressed and vice versa; since the Vertebral ribs. They have free anterior ends and costovertebral
lever’s arms differ much in length, slight movement at the vertebral joints without intra-articular ligaments and may move a little in all
end is much magnified at the anterior end. directions. As other ribs rise they are depressed and fixed by the
Anterior costal ends are lower than posterior; therefore, when quadrati lumborum to aid diaphragmatic action of the diaphragm.
shafts are raised they move forwards. The midshaft is below the The muscles which produce these movements are discussed on page
ends so that when the shaft is raised it also spreads laterally. Further, 818.

6.132a. Diagram showing the axes of movement (AB and CD) of a ver- tebrochondral rib. The interrupted lines indicate the position of the rib in
tebrosternal rib. The interrupted lines indicate the position of the rib in inspiration.
546 inspiration. B. Diagram showing the axis of movement (AB) of a ver-

SKULL magnum, displaceable in either direction. Even the brainstem can

be displaced through the foramen magnum by raised intracranial
pressure. Variability in volume of fluid in the cerebral ventricular
INTRODUCTION system and numerous connections between intra- and extracranial
The vertebrate skull is the most modified part of the axial skeleton. veins add to the complexity of the situation. Nevertheless, it appears
Whatever truth may reside in the hypothesis that it is partly derived undeniable that enclosure of the brain in an otherwise invariable
from metameric elements such as modified vertebrae, palaeontology space must be a factor in the control of cerebral circulation. This
and comparative anatomy clearly indicate that from earliest times it peculiar location of the brain entails some penalties, however well-
has been a skeletal complex adapted to support the brain and organs adapted to ordinary circumstances: lesions which occupy space can




Glabella Lambda



6.1334, B. The skull: left lateral aspect (norma lateralis). Key: blue = frontal
and occipital; brown = temporal, lacrimal and nasal; magenta = mandible
and ethmoid; green = maxilla; yellow = sphenoid; white = zygomatic and
parietal; oblique cross-hatch = no bone. For greater detail see 6.142a; for
muscle attachments see 6.142s.

of special sense and to secure food. Siting of special receptors, tactile,

chemical and visual, and a feeding orifice at the leading end of an Frontal Temporal lines
elongate creature, such as a vertebrate, have advantages so obvious
as to be overlooked. This concentration of functions is linked with Parietal bone
elaboration of the fore end of the nervous system into a brain, whose Squama of
size and dominance have increased throughout vertebrate evolution. temporal bone
The very size of the human brain emphasizes the skull’s cerebral External
acoustic meatus
function, overshadowing others. Even in this limited role the cranium
cannot be considered merely protective. Sporadic protection of brain Occipital bone
from external impacts is of undoubted value; need of a barrier External
against stresses from powerful masticatory and axial musculature is protuberance
less obvious but nevertheless continual. In addition to these Condylar process
extraneous forces, the rigid cranial walls provide continuous isolation process of
for cerebral circulation. Moreover, the reputed buffering by men- temporal Mastoid process
inges, the subarachnoid space and contained fluid could only be Nasal spine ,
effective within a rigid container. Styloid process
The brain’s extreme dependence on an uninterrupted blood flow process
is well known; independence of cerebral arterial pressure from Coronoid,
extra-cranial variations, due to some form of autoregulation as yet hanes! Tg ee
unidentified, is also established. It appears likely that siting of a
brain in a rigidly maintained space is a factor in such mechanisms,
despite lack of exact evidence. Of course, the cranial cavity is
not closed: cerebrospinal fluid passes freely through the foramen 547

6.134 Lateral (a) and anteroposterior (8) radiographs of adult female skull. shadow of petrous part of temporal bone. 7. Mastoid air cells. 8. Posterior
(Provided by RD Hoare, Neuroradiologist, Guy’s Hospital.) arch of atlas. 9. Dens of axis. 10. Anterior arch of atlas. 11. Angle of
A. 1. Frontal sinus. 2. Orbital roof. 3. Grooves for anterior branches of middle mandible. 12. Maxillary sinus.
meningeal vessels. 4. Hypophyseal fossa. 5. Sphenoidal sinus. 6. Dense

raise pressure within the cranium far more easily than elsewhere and where cartilage is considered degenerate rather than primitive. More-
with far more devastating effects. over, some dermal elements are as ancient, judging by fossil records,
Even in primitive vertebrates the neurocranium, derived from as ‘cartilage’ bones, and may even have preceded them. It is mis-
cartilages ventral to the brain, as in human embryos (p. 271), has leading to regard cartilage as the primeval substance in this respect.
been joined by cartilaginous supports for external nares and olfactory Bone may arise by two major routes: by direct ossification in
receptors, eyeballs and labyrinths. With the addition of jaws, of mesenchyme or indirectly in cartilage, itself derived from mes-
branchial origin, and dermal or ‘membrane’ bones, arising in sub- enchyme. The roof and sides of the neurocranium are developed in
cutaneous mesenchyme over the head and jaws and in the buccal mesenchymal sheets, or membranes, in or subjacent to dermis; hence
roof, the vertebrate skull is defined in all its complexity. Cartilaginous the terms ‘membrane’ or ‘dermal’ bone, the latter perhaps being
elements are usually ossified, except in minor groups such as sharks, more informative. Dermal parts of the cranium box are currently

B. 1. Crista galli. 2. Frontal sinus. 3. Optic canal. 4. Superior orbital fissure. 10. Inferior concha. 11. Cribriform plate. 12. Superior border of petrous part
5. Dense shadow of petrous part of temporal bone. 6. Apex of mastoid of temporal bone.
process. 7. Dens of axis. 8. Upper central incisor tooth. 9. Nasal septum.

considered at least as primitive in origin as its chondrocranial base. added. Circumocular skeletal elements have long provided sockets,
In jaws, events appear more certain: primary cartilaginous elements, more or less complete, containing not only eyeballs but also their
derived from the branchial apparatus, have been replaced by dermal muscles. The latter, in attachments to this optic ‘capsule’, have varied
bone. only in minor details since their appearance in earliest vertebrates—
The ‘capsules’, enclosing special sensory organs and integrated judging from extant forms. Their effects are largely rotatory, and it
into the skull, are obviously protective but also confer less obvious is difficult to envisage how such actions could be effective without a
but more basic advantages. Primitive nostrils in lower vertebrates socket, which not only aids ocular location during rotation but also
are gustatory and olfactory; even when they lead to nasal cavities ensures stability of interocular distance, a necessary prelude to
after development of a secondary palate in land vertebrates, olfactory binocular vision.
function persists with new respiratory arrangements and both func- The siting of labyrinths deep in cartilage or bone entails a fixed
tions require open airways, whatever sphincteric mechanisms are relationship between the three semicircular canals; fusion of otic



Nasal bone


process of




nasal spine


6.135a, B The skull: anterior aspect (norma frontalis). Key: blue = frontal; vomer; magenta = mandible; uncoloured = parietal, zygomatic and ethmoid
yellow = sphenoid; green = maxillae; brown = lacrimal, nasal, temporal and bones. Compare with 6.136.

capsules into the cranial base determines the strict relation of all six the diversity of cranial function beyond its obvious protectiveness;
canals both to each other and to the head itself, and without this no exclusive emphasis upon protection, characteristic of anatomical
orderly correlation could evolve between these receptors and central texts, is purblind and belittles the skull’s multifunctional adaptations.
nervous connections.
Axial muscles extending from the vertebral column to caudal GENERAL CRANIAL FEATURES
aspects of the cranium have become more elaborate and massive in
land animals with the development of necks and increasing problems The term cranium is sometimes reserved for the skull without its
of cranial suspension iu quadrupeds. In all but jawless fishes mandible but this strict usage is not adhered to here. Its upper part
(Agnatha, such as lampreys, a numerically insignificant class) the is a box enclosing the brain, often termed the calvaria, the remainder
primitive skull is invaded by the ligamentous and muscular apparatus being the facial skeleton; its upper part is immovably fixed to the
of the jaws, the maxillae being integrated into the skull at an early calvaria, the lower being the mobile mandible. The skull is clearly
stage. These large muscles, both axial and mandibular, transmit of greater practical interest, viewed as a whole, than its constituent
strains to the skull which are sometimes very great and associated bones. Nevertheless, the general positioning of these must first be
with extensive cranial modifications to resist and absorb stress. Even considered (6.133-135). The skull may be viewed from above (norma
in humans, with modest masticatory and neck musculatures, the verticalis), below (norma basalis), behind (norma occipitalis), the front
whole body can be suspended from the bite of the teeth. In other (norma frontalis) and the side (norma lateralis). The calvarial roof or
mammals, especially quadrupeds, greater relative size of the jaws calva (skull cap) must be removed to examine its interior. In the
and weight of the head led to the development of large plates, bars erect attitude the lower margins of the orbital openings and upper
and buttresses, which owe little in origin to the protection which margins of the external acoustic meatuses are near the same hori-
they fortuitously offer. A perfect example is the high cranial dome zontal (Frankfurt) plane, an important convention of orientation in
of elephants, which is associated with providing a large attachment description.
for the massive extensor muscles necessary for suspension of so The forehead is formed by the frontal bone (6.133, 135), passing
550 heavy a head. Perhaps enough has now been said to emphasize back in the vault of the skull to the coronal suture to meet the

Coronal Frontal
suture bone

Greater wing. ‘part of tem-
of sphenoid poral bone
Lesser wing of- orbital fissure
Ethmoid bone,
Lacrimal bone orbital lamina
Nasal bone orbital fissure

Ethmoid bone, Zygomatic

perpendicular bone
nasal concha


nasal spine
of maxilla

anterior borders of the parietal bones, right and left, which form anterior it is of small median extent but expanded posterolaterally
most of the cranial vault, articulating together at the median, on both sides. The narrow median region is formed by the sphenoid
serrated, sagittal suture. Posteriorly they meet the occipital bone, body and its cranial aspect presents a hollow for the hypophysis
which forms the back of the skull (occiput). The suture between cerebri (pituitary gland). The lateral parts are formed by the greater
parietal and occipital bones is called the lambdoid suture, after the wings of the sphenoid in front and the petrous. temporal bones behind.
Greek capital letter lambda, A, which it resembles in shape. Each Each greater wing curves from the side of the body in the base, then
parietal bone curves down as the side of the vault to the upper limit the side of the skull to the parietal’s anteroinferior angle. Posterior
of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone in front, and the squamous to this the anterior surface of the petrous temporal bone continues
part of the temporal bone behind. When the calva is removed, saw laterally into the squama.
cut passes through the frontal and usually across the lower part of The posterior cranial fossa (see 6.151). Almost circular and
the parietal bones, but may also involve the temporal squamae; occupying about two-fifths of the cranial base, it is largely occipital
posteriorly the section cuts the occipital bone. The calva thus consists bone. Through its large foramen magnum the brainstem and spinal
of a large part of the frontal bone, most of the two parietals, possibly cord are continuous. The anterior region is the basilar part of the
small parts of temporal squamae and part of the occipital. When it occipital bone, fused in front with the body of the sphenoid. On each
is removed, the calvarial floor or base of the skull is revealed. It side the fossa is formed by the posterior surface of the petrous
shows natural subdivision into three regions: anterior, middle and temporal bone above and Jateral (condylar) part of the occipital bone
posterior cranial fossae. These are considered in detail on pages 568, below. The temporal’s mastoid part, posterolateral to the petrous,
570, 572; here, as a preliminary, is a brief synopsis of their principal joins the occipital squama to complete the fossa.
osseous boundaries.
The anterior cranial fossa (see 6.151). A little less than the base’s Further details
anterior third, it is limited behind by a sharp edge on each side. In frontal view (norma frontalis; 6.135, 136) the orbits and anterior
Note that it roofs the orbits and between them the nasal cavity. On nasal aperture are apparent. Inferiorly is the mandibular body; above
each side an orbital part projects back from the frontal bone forming this are the maxillae, or upper jaws, separated by the teeth. The
most of the orbital roof, these two plates being separated by a maxillae form much of the buccal roof and the inferolateral margin
narrow interval occupied by a perforated strip, the cribriform plate of the anterior nasal aperture; each forms the inferomedial orbital
of the ethmoid bone, forming much of the nasal roof; the rest of the margin (completed laterally by the zygomatic bone) and a frontal
ethmoid is in the lateral walls and septum of the nasal cavity. The process ascends to the frontal bone in the medial orbital margin.
cribriform plate bears a median crista galli on its upper surface. Between the bilateral maxillary frontal processes are two nasal bones,
Posteriorly the floor of the anterior fossa is formed by parts of the the upper boundary of the nasal aperture.
sphenoid bone, the front of whose body meets the cribriform plate; In lateral view (norma lateralis; 6.133, 134) the mandibular ramus
on each side a narrow Jesser wing projects laterally from it to the ascends from the posterior end of its body to the cranial base. The
posterior margin of the orbital plate of the frontal bone, forming a mandibular head, surmounting the posterior border of the ramus, fits
sharp posterior border, the posterior limit of the floor of the anterior the articular fossa on the inferior aspect of the temporal squama. It
cranial fossa. These borders are adapted to the lateral cerebral is separated from the external acoustic meatus by the temporal
fissures (p. 1108). tympanic plate. Anterosuperior to the meatus the temporal zygomatic
The middle cranial fossa (see 6.151). Immediately behind the process reaches to the zygomatic bone, forming the zygomatic arch, 5511

Frontal bone:
Temporal lines
Zygomatic process
Supraorbital margin and notch, also plate
Superciliary ridge
Nasal part and glabella
Supraorbital foramina

Parietal bone: tuber

Pterion in temporal Coronal suture
fossa, where sutures
between parietal, sphenoid,
frontal and temporal
squama converge Nasal bone

Lesser wing
Greater wing (temporal)
Greater wing (orbital)
Superior orbital fissure Lacrimal bone
Frontozygomatic suture
Optic canal
Nasolacrimal groove|canal
Infraorbital groove
Inferior orbital fissure

Zygomatic bone:
Frontal process
Zygomaticofacial foramen
Maxilla Temporal process
Frontal process Body
Infraorbital foramina Maxillary process
Body and suture
Zygomatic process
Anterior nasal spine
Alveolar process Temporal bone:
Intermaxillary suture Mastoid process
Styloid process

Mandibular angle Oblique line
Alveolar process
Mental foramen Body

Piriform anterior nasal aperture; nasal

bones above, maxillae laterally and below;
deeply are seen, conchae, meatuses, and
osseous vomeroethmoidal nasal septum Mental tubercles

6.136a. The skull: anterior aspect (norma frontalis).

or zygoma, separated from the side of the skull. The zygomatic bone contribute to it, its anterior three-fourths formed by maxillary
forms the prominence of the cheek and inferolateral orbital margin, palatine processes, meeting in the midline, the posterior fourth by
ascending in the lateral orbital margin to the frontal bone. palatine horizontal plates. The perpendicular palatine plates ascend
With mandible removed (see 6.145) it is easier to see behind the from the horizontal plates as parts of the lateral nasal walls.
maxilla, the pterygoid process projecting down from the sphenoid at The Jacrimal bones, anterior in the medial orbital walls, the vomer,
the root of its greater wing as a large Jateral pterygoid plate reaching a large part of the nasal septum, and the inferior conchae, in the
alveolar level, and a smaller medial plate ending as a hamulus. The lateral nasal walls, can be seen effectively when the orbits and nose
plates are walls of the pterygoid fossa. are examined (pp. 555, 574).
The inferior cranial aspect (norma basalis; see 6.145, 146), the
exterior of its base, shows posteriorly the occipital bone and foramen
magnum, lateral to which the occipital bone articulates with the EXTERIOR OF THE SKULL
mastoid parts of the temporal bones and anterolaterally with their
petrous parts, extending forwards almost to the roots of the pterygoid NORMA VERTICALIS
processes. Anteriorly the osseous palate, part of the buccal roof, lies
552 within the maxillary alveolar arch; both maxillae and palatine bones Seen from above (6.137), cranial contour varies greatly but is usually


Obliquus superior Procerus

Rectus medialis Corrugator supercilit

Levator palpebrae

Rectus superior


Orbicularis oculi
popes orbital part
Palpebral parts
Rectus lateralis Lacrimal part
Lower orbital part

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Levator labii superioris

Rectus inferior
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor

‘ Levator anguli
8 oris
Obliquus inferior
Sternocleidomastoid Nasalis: transverse part
Nasalis: alar part
Styloglossus Stylopharyngeus

Incisivus labii superioris

Depressor septi
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Incisivus labii inferioris


Homologues of pro-otic somites

First branchial arch (Nv. V)
(Nos. IIT, IV, VI)

Second branchial arch (Nv. VII) [erg Post-otic (occipital) somites (Nv. XII)

Mixed, unsplit postbranchial lateral

Third branchial arch (Nv. IX) plate & cervical somites (Nvs. XI and
cervical spinal)

Caudal arches & unsplit postbranchial Cervical or cervicothoracic

lateral plate mesoderm (Nvs. X+ XI somites (Corresponding spinal Nuvs.)
complex )
6.1368. The skull: anterior aspect (norma frontalis) showing muscle attach- to caption; roman numerals indicate which cranial nerve is involved. For
ments, colour coded to indicate embryological origin and innervation. Refer spinal nerve sources consult individual muscles and peripheral nerves. 553

Maximal parietal convexity is the palpable parietal tuber

eminence (eminence), on each side, where the norma verticalis passes into the
norma lateralis and occipitalis without distinct demarcation. A
Frontal bone
parietal foramen, often absent, pierces each parietal bone near the
sagittal suture about 3.5cm anterior to the lambda. It transmits a
small emissary vein from the superior sagittal sinus. An incidence of
about 40-60% (in different races) is ascribed to this foramen (p. 609).
Anteriorly the norma verticalis slopes into the norma frontalis.

From the front (6.135-137) the skull appears roughly oval, wider
Parietal bone and smooth above in its frontal region, but below this is irregular
and interrupted by the orbits and anterior nasal aperture. Supero-
medial to each orbit is a rounded superciliary arch, better marked in
‘Sagittal suture males, between is a median elevation, the glabella, below which,
where the nasal bones meet the frontal, is a depression at the root
eminence of the nose. The junction of internasal and frontonasal sutures is the
nasion. Above each superciliary arch is a slightly elevated frontal
Parietal foramen tuber or tuberosity. These features are palpable and useful to both
the surgeon and anthropologist.
Lambdoid suture Orbital opening. This is somewhat quadrangular, its supraorbital
margin formed entirely by the frontal bone, interrupted at the
Lambda junction of its sharp lateral two-thirds and rounded medial third by
Occipital bone
the supraorbital notch (or foramen), which transmits the supraorbital
vessels and nerve. The /Jateral margin is largely the frontal process
of the zygomatic bone, completed above by the zygomatic process
6.137 The skull: superior aspect (norma verticalis). of the frontal bone: the suture between them being a palpable
depression. The zygomatic bone laterally and maxilla medially form
the infraorbital margin. Both these margins are sharp and palpable.
ellipsoid (strictly, a modified ovoid), its greatest width nearer to its The medial margin, not so obvious, is formed above by the frontal
occipital pole; it displays three sutures: bone, below by the lacrimal crest of the maxillary frontal process,
sharp and distinct only in its lower half.
e the coronal suture is the junction of the posterior frontal margin The anterior nasal aperture. Piriform, wider below, and bounded
with anterior borders of the parietal bones, descending around by the nasal bones and maxillae, which articulate with each other,
and forwards across the cranial vault. with their contralateral fellows and with the frontal bone above.
e The sagittal suture is median between the interlocking medial Each nasal bone articulates behind with a maxillary frontal process;
parietal borders. its lower border, to which the lateral nasal cartilage is attached, is
e The /ambdoid suture joins the posterior parietal borders to the the upper boundary of the anterior nasal aperture (6.135). The nasal
superior occipital margin, descending laterally and across the cavities are, of course, bilateral; a single anterior nasal aperture
cranial vault. The coronal and sagittal sutures meet at the bregma presents in the macerated skull because various cartilages (septal,
and in the fetal skull (together with the temporary interfrontal lateral nasal, major and minor alar) are lost during preparation.
suture) they form the boundaries of a diamond-shaped membrane-
filled anterior fontanelle (p.607). The latter persists until about 18 Further details
months after birth. The /ambda is at the junction of the sagittal The maxillae predominate in the facial skeleton, and their growth
and lambdoid sutures, the site of a similar posterior fontanelle elongates the face between 6 and 12 years. Only the anterior surface
(p. 607) which closes more rapidly. is visible in norma frontalis, with a medial well-marked nasal notch
(the lower and partly lateral border of the nasal aperture). The
Supra-orbital notch prominent anterior nasal spine marks the intermaxillary junction in
Lesser wing of sphenoid the aperture’s lower boundary. It‘is palpable in the nasal septum.
About 1 cm below the infraorbital margin is the infraorbital foramen,
for infraorbital vessels and nerve; it is on or near a vertical passing
margin Anterior ethmoidal through the supraorbital notch. The maxillary alveolar process con-
foramen tains sockets for the upper teeth, best seen in basal view (p. 600).
Orbital plate
The short, thick zygomatic process from the superolateral region of
of ethmoid the anterior surface has an oblique upper surface forming, with the
zygomatic bone, a zygomaticomaxillary suture. The inferior border
Greater wing
of sphenoid 1 Nasal bone of the process meets the body above the first molar tooth and is
palpable through the cheek or buccal vestibule. The maxillary frontal
Superior orbital Posterior lacrimal process ascends posterolateral to the nasal bone to reach the frontal.
fissure crest The glabella may show the remains of the interfrontal suture,
which ascends in about 9% of skulls to the coronal suture, indicating
Inferior orbital
™. Orbital process of the frontal bone’s formation by fusion of two halves, ossifying
palatine bone independently. To the medial part of the superciliary arch corrugator
supercilii is attached; to the nasal part of the frontal bone and frontal
Zygoma process of the maxilla, the orbital part of orbicularis oculi. Between
Infra-orbital groove
and foramen these the medial palpebral ligament is attached to the maxillary
frontal process (6.1368), and procerus to the nasal bone near the
midline. The lower margin of the nasal bone usually bears a small
Zygomatic bone
notch, converted by the lateral nasal cartilage into a foramen for the
external nasal nerve. In front of orbicularis oculi the levator labii
superioris alaeque nasi is attached to the maxillary frontal process
and, more laterally, levator labii superioris to the maxilla between
554 6.138 The right orbit: anterior aspect. the infraorbital margin and foramen.


Frontal process
of maxilla
A canine eminence, due to the tooth’s large root, appears between -orbital groove
Infra-orbital Orbital
of plate
the lateral canine and medial incisive fossae. Levator anguli oris is leading into canal
attached in the canine fossa whilst, to the surface bordering the nasal
notch, nasalis and depressor septi and below them the incisive muscle
gain attachment.
In the zygomatic bone, near the junction of inferior and lateral
orbital margins, is a small zygomaticofacial foramen (see 6.1418, bone
1968), sometimes duplicated, for the so-named nerve and artery;
below the foramen are attached zygomaticus minor and, more Zygomatic
laterally, zygomaticus major. The foramen was absent in 12-30% of
different populations in a series of 580 crania (p. 609). Ethmoidal

The orbits (6.138, 139) contain the eyes, associated muscles, vessels Inferior orbital Palatine bone,
and nerves, lacrimal apparatus, fascial strata and soft fat. Each is ssure orbital process
pyramidal, with a base at the orbital opening and a long, postero-
medially directed axis. It has a roof, floor, medial and lateral walls, Left sphenoidal
a base and apex. Zygoma sinus

The superior wall or roof. This is a thin, frontal plate, gently

concave on its orbital aspect, which lies largely between the orbital
contents and brain in the anterior cranial fossa. Anteromedially it is
bilaminated by the frontal sinus; here it presents the trochlear fovea
or spine where the annular pulley for superior oblique is attached
Foramen rotundum
(pp. 595, 1355). Anterolaterally is a deep Jacrimal fossa for the
lacrimal gland’s orbital part. Posteriorly, at the junction of its roof 6.139 Horizontal section through the left orbit and nasal cavity viewed from
and medial wall, the optic canal or foramen connects the orbit to the above. Anterior ethmoidal foramen
middle cranial fossa and transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic
artery. Near the superior, medial and lower margins of the orbital Orbital plate of ethmoid
opening of the canal the common tendinous ring of the four recti is
attached to bone (p. 455). Posterior ethmoidal foramen
The medial wall (6.140). This is extremely thin except posteriorly
and curves inferolaterally into the floor. Anterior is the vertical Left frontal sinus Lesser wing of sphenoid
lacrimal groove for the lacrimal sac, opening below into the nasal Supra-orbital
cavity via the laterally inclining nasolacrimal canal, little more than
Lacrimo- Orbital process
1cm long. The floor of the groove separates the orbital and nasal maxillary suture of palatine bone
cavities, but more posteriorly the ethmoidal sinuses intervene. The
medial wall is related most posteriorly to the anterior region of the
sphenoidal sinus, forming its lateral wall. Nasal bone
The inferior wall or floor (6.139). This is thin and largely roofs
the maxillary sinus (6.140). Not quite horizontal, it ascends alittle Uncinate pro-
laterally. Anteriorly it curves into the lateral wall; posteriorly it is cess of ethmoid
separated by the inferior orbital fissure, connecting the orbit pos-
teriorly to the pterygopalatine fossa, and more anteriorly to the Inferior concha, fissure
infratemporal fossa. The maxillary nerve traverses the fissure, whose maxillary process
medial lip is notched by the infraorbital groove, passing forwards Perpendicular
and sinking into the floor to become the infraorbital canal, opening Anterior nasal plate of pala-
spine tine bone
at the infraorbital foramen. Groove, canal and foramen contain the
infraorbital nerve. The inferior orbital fissure transmits a connection Lateral pterygoid
between the inferior ophthalmic vein and pterygoid plexus in the lamina
Maxillary sinus Pyramidal
infratemporal fossa. The infraorbital foramen is sometimes double,
process of
even multiple (Harris 1933), accessory foramina being usually smaller palatine bone
and recorded at incidences of 2-18% in various populations (p. 609). Alveolar
process of Pterygoid
The lateral wall (6.140). The thickest wall, especially posteriorly maxilla hamulus
Maxillary tuberosity
where it separates the orbit from the middle cranial fossa; anteriorly
it separates the orbit and temporal fossa. The lateral wall and roof
are continuous anteriorly but separated posteriorly by the superior
orbital fissure, tapering laterally but widened at its medial end (6.138),
its long axis descending posteromedially. It communicates with the Frontal sinus
middle cranial fossa and transmits the oculomotor, trochlear and
abducent nerves, branches of the ophthalmic nerve and the oph- Lesser wing of sphenoid Orbital plate of frontal bone
thalmic veins. Where the fissure begins to widen, its inferolateral
edges shows a projection, often a spine, for the lateral attachment Orbital surface of zygomatic
of the annular tendon (8.455). Royle (1973) has described an ‘infra- Superior orbital fissure, fone
orbital sulcus, in 22 of 64 orbits, from the superolateral end of the lateral part a , Foramen for zygomatico-
superior orbital fissure towards the orbital floor, associated some- : facial nerve
Orbital surface o t
ee of fpmaey Inferior orbital fissure,
lateral end

Orbital surface of maxilla

Maxillary sinus

6.140a. Oblique parasagittal section through the anterior part of the skull, Wire in infra-orbital groove,
showing the medial wall of the left orbit and the medial wall of the left canal, and foramen.
maxillary sinus. 8. The lateral wall of the left orbit, viewed from the medial
side. Compare with 6.137, which represents the opposite part of the same
section of the skull.

Mental (genial) spines

Digastric fossa

Mylohyoid line

Sublingual fossa

Incisive fossa

Submandibular fossa
Mandible: base of body

Sutural crux

Mylohyoid groove
Palatine groove
Palatine: pyramidal process
Greater and lesser palatine foramina
Inferior orbital fissure
Mandibular foramen
Medial pterygoid plate +hamulus

Zygomatic arch Pterygoid fossa

Lateral pterygoid plate

Posterior nasal aperture Scaphoid fossa

Ala of vomer Vaginal process

Foramen ovale Head of mandible

Foramen spinosum = Styloid process

Foramen lacerum Tympanic plate (temporal)

Carotid canal Petrous temporal (quadrate area)

Mastoid process
Stylomastoid foramen
Entrance: jugular fossa Occipital groove

Pharyngeal tubercle Digastric notch

Occipital condyle Condylar fossa

Hypoglossal canal

External occipital
crest Inferior nuchal line

Superior nuchal line

Lambdoid suture
Highest nuchal line

External occipital

Sagittal suture

6.141. The skull: norma occipitalis and norma basalis with the mandible in situ.

times with an anastomosis between the middle meningeal and infra- The roof, almost entirely frontal orbital plate, includes posteriorly
orbital arteries; this feature has been confirmed in 45% of 100 orbits a part of the inferior aspect of the lesser sphenoidal wing. The suture
by Santo Neto et al (1984). between these being almost horizontal. The optic canal is between
the roots of the lesser wing, bounded medially by the sphenoid body.
Further details As noted, near the junction of the roof and medial wall, close to the
The boundaries of the orbital opening have already been described orbital opening, a trochlear fovea or spine marks attachment of the
(p. 554). The apex of the orbit is near the medial end of the superior fibrous loop for the superior oblique’s tendon.
556 orbital fissure. To the medial wall (6.140), limited in front by the anterior lacrimal

Geniohyoid Digastric (anterior belly )



Musculus uvulae

Tensor veli palatini

Superior pharyngeal constrictor

Medial pterygoid


Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Tensor veli palatini
Tensor tympani
Levator ' veli palatini
Longus capitis
3 , Stylohyoid
Rectus capitis anterior
a8 3 Stylopharyngeus
Rectus capitis lateralis
Longissimus capitis
Digastric (posterior belly )
Splenius capitis
Rectus capitis post. major
Auricularis posterior

Rectus capitis post. minor

Obliquus capitis superior


Semispinalis capitis

Trapezius Occipitalis


First branchial arch (Nv. V) Homologues of pro-otic somites

(Nos. III, IV, VI)

Second branchial arch (Nv. VII) Post-otic (occipital) somites (Nv. XII)

Mixed, unsplit postbranchial lateral

Third branchial arch (Nv. IX) plate & cervical somites (Nus. XI and
cervical spinal )

Caudal arches & unsplit postbranchial Cervical or cervicothoracic

lateral plate mesoderm (Nvs. X + XI somites (Corresponding spinal Nvs.)
complex )

6.1418. The skull: norma occipitalis and norma basalis with the mandible in situ showing muscle attachments. 557

Pterion in temporal fossa

Coronal suture Temporal lines

Frontal bone
Temporal surface
Zygomatic process
Supraorbital, margin Parietal tuber
plate and foramina
Nasal part

Zygomatic arch

Lacrimal bone

Nasolacrimal groove/canal

Anterior nasal aperture

\ 2 *\ bone and processes
Frontal process
Infraorbital foramen
Anterior nasal spine
Tuberosity Occipital squama
Alveolar process

Temporal bone
Supramastoid crest
Mastoid process
Suprameatal triangle
Middle ear (medial)
Tympanic plate
Styloid process
Mandible: ramus
Condyloid process
Coronoid process
Oblique line

Mandible: body
Mental foramen
Alveolar process

6.1424. The skull: norma lateralis.

crest on the maxilla’s frontal process, orbicularis oculi and lacrimal ethmoidal sinuses. Above, it articulates with the medial edge of the
fascia are attached. Behind this crest is a maxillolacrimal suture in frontal orbital plate at a suture interrupted by anterior and posterior
the lacrimal groove’s floor. The nasolacrimal canal’s wpper opening ethmoidal foramina, and occasionally (28% of skulls examined) a
is completed laterally by the /acrimal hamulus, curving anteromedially middle ethmoidal foramen (Downie et al 1995). These canals transmit
to the lower part of the anterior lacrimal crest. To the groove’s their vessels and nerves (the posterior is often absent) into the
posterior lacrimal crest (mostly lacrimal bone) are attached the anterior cranial fossa at the lateral edge of the cribriform plate.
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi (p. 791) and lacrimal fascia, bridging Below, the ethmoid plate articulates with the medial edge of the
the groove. Posteriorly the lacrimal’s orbital surface is flat and maxilla’s orbital surface and posteriorly with the palatine orbital
articulates by a vertical suture with the ethmoid labyrinth’s orbital process. Posteriorly it articulates with the sphenoid’s body which
plate. The frontolacrimal and lacrimomaxillary sutures limit the forms the orbit’s medial wall posteriorly, separated from the orbital
medial wall in front; the ethmoid orbital plate contributes most to roof by the optic canal. Analysis of racial and sexual variation in
558 it. Almost rectangular, it is very thin, forming the lateral walls to position and incidence of ethmoidal canals in 580 crania from several


Obliquus inferior Pterygoideus lateralis

Rectus capitis




Corrugator supercilit

Orbicularis oculi


Levator labii superioris

alequae nasi
Levator labii superioris
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Levator anguli oris
Nasalis transversus Lym capitis

Nasalis alaris ‘Rectus capitis

posterior minor
‘Rectus capitis
Depressor septi posterior major
Incisivus labit Obliquus capitis superior
superioris 'Longissimus capitis
Splenius capitis

j Sternocleidomastoideus
y/ Masseter
— ~ Buccinator

Incisivus labii inferioris
Depressor labii inferioris ‘Stylohyoid
Depressor anguli oris
Platysma Styloglossus


Homologues of pro-otic somites

First branchial arch (Nv. V)
(Nos. ITI, IV, VI)

Second branchial arch (Nv. VII) Post-otic (occipital) somites (Nv. XII)

Mixed, unsplit postbranchial lateral

Third branchial arch (Nv. IX) plate & cervical somites (Nvus. XI and
cervical spinal)

Caudal arches & unsplit postbranchial Cervical or cervicothoracic

lateral plate mesoderm (Nvs. X+ XI somites (Corresponding spinal Nvs.)

6.1428. The skull: norma lateralis showing muscle attachments.

populations (p. 609), showed the anterior foramen to lie outside the The floor of the orbit (6.139), mostly formed by maxilla and
frontoethmoidal suture in 10-20% of several modern races and 62% zygomatic bone anterolaterally, contains posteromedially, adjoining
out of 53 Peruvian crania. the medial wall, a triangular area from the palatine orbital process. 559

The inferior orbital fissure transmits the maxillary nerve, infraorbital upper part, fibres of trapezius. The latter fibres spread to the superior
vessels, zygomatic nerve and rami of the pterygopalatine ganglion; nuchal line, to which laterally (see 6.146, 1668) are attached posterior
it is bounded above by the greater wing of the sphenoid, below by fibres of sternocleidomastoid and, below this, splenius capitis. To
the maxilla and the palatine orbital process and laterally by the the highest nuchal line are attached the galea aponeurotica and
zygomatic bone or zygomaticomaxillary suture. In 35-40% of skulls, laterally the occipital belly of occipitofrontalis.
maxilla and sphenoid meet at the fissure’s anterior end, excluding
the zygomatic. Anteromedially, lateral to the lacrimal hamulus, a
small maxillary depression may mark the attachment of the inferior NORMA LATERALIS
oblique muscle.
The lateral wall (6.1408) is formed by the orbital surfaces of the Much of the side of the skull (6.133, 142, 143) has already been
greater wing of the sphenoid and anteriorly by the zygomatic described from other aspects, but not its central features. Above is
bone’s frontal process, meeting at the sphenozygomatic suture. This the temporal line, arching up and back from the frontal’s zygomatic
zygomatic surface has openings of minute canals for zygomaticofacial process across the coronal suture to the parietal bone. Salient and
and zygomaticotemporal nerves, the former near the junction of the palpable in front, it is less distinct on the parietal and usually
floor and lateral wall, the latter at a slightly higher level, sometimes becomes two curved ridges, enclosing a smooth strip. Posteriorly the
near the suture. The superior orbital fissure lies between the greater superior line fades away, but the inferior again becomes more
wing (below) and lesser wing (above) of the sphenoid, its body being prominent as it curves down across the temporal squama above the
medial. For contents see p.555 and 8.455. mastoid process, where, as the supramastoid crest, it continues into
the processes forming the zygomatic arch. The temporal line marks
the periphery of the temporalis muscle and its fascia, the muscle
NORMA OCCIPITALIS attachment being limited by its inferior ridge, the temporal fascia by
The skull’s posterior aspect is convex above and laterally flatter the superior ridge.
below. The /ambdoid suture, entirely visible, is deeply serrated but
less so inferolaterally. Inferiorly it meets the occipitomastoid and Temporal fossa
parietomastoid sutures at the postero-inferior parietal angle (6.133).
It is delineated by the zygomatic arch, temporal line, frontozygomatic
Sutural bones are common at the /ambda (meeting of lambdoid and
processes and supramastoid crest; to its floor temporalis is attached.
sagittal sutures) and along the lambdoid suture (pp. 583, 606). The
An irregularly H-shaped meeting of sutures in the fossa has as a
main feature is the median external occipital protuberance (6.141)
horizontal limb the suture between the antero-inferior parietal angle
and associated ridges. The protuberance may overhang, being easily
palpable at the upper end of the median posterior nuchal furrow. and the apical border of the greater sphenoid wing. The frontal,
sphenoid, parietal and temporal squama are here all close together
The superior nuchal lines, often sharp, pass laterally from the pro-
(6.133a, 139a): a small circular area includes parts of all four and is
tuberance at the junction of the scalp and neck; the occipital region
termed the pterion, whose centre, an important surgical landmark,
below them appears foreshortened and is seen better in norma
is on average 4.0cm above the zygomatic arch and 3.5cm behind
basalis. The highest nuchal lines, when present, curve laterally from
the frontozygomatic suture (6.133a, 139a). It marks the anterior
the protuberance, about 1cm above the superior, and are more
middle meningeal arterial ramus and the axial position of the lesser
arched. In various ethnic groups their incidence varies from 3.6 to
wing of the sphenoid; the latter is lodged in the stem of the lateral
40% (p. 609). (Sylvian) cerebral fissure. Hence the term Sylvian point. The fossa’s
The inion is the summit of the external occipital protuberance, to
anterior wall is the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone, adjoining
whose lower part are attached the ligamentum nuchae and to its
part of the greater wing of the sphenoid and a small area of frontal
bone. These structures separate the fossa from the orbit; inferiorly
the fossa merges with the infratemporal fossa between zygomatic
arch and cranial wall; here the tendon and some fibres of temporalis
descend to the mandible (p. 577).
Parietal bone,
Frontal bone
inferior angle
Zygomatic arch
Temporal bone, Formed by temporal and zygomatic processes, it is palpable and
squamous part Greater wing of
sphenoid visible where cheek and temple meet. Its sharp upper border is
bone obscured by attachment of temporal fascia, the lower by masseter;
process the latter is also attached to its medial aspect. The gap between arch
Ethmoid bone, and temple is deeper anteriorly; here the arch is crossed obliquely
orbital plate
down and back by the zygomaticotemporal suture.
fossa The zygomatic process of the temporal bone widens as it
approaches the squama, dividing into: an anterior root passing
medially in front of the mandibular fossa to the smooth articular
acoustic meatus tubercle, the anterior boundary of the fossa; and a posterior root
passing back, lateral to the fossa, its upper border continuing into
Infratemporal the supramastoid crest.
crest of
The external acoustic meatus
Spine of~ maxillary Below the posterior zygomatic root, it has rough margins, especially
sphenoid fissure
anteroinferiorly, for attachment of meatal cartilage. Postero-
superiorly the margin is formed by the temporal squama, the rest
by the temporal’s tympanic plate. The squamotympanic suture is
Styloid process Occipital Lateral ptery- Pterygoid Pyramidal Maxilla
anterosuperior, the posterior meatal (tympanomastoid) suture
condyle _goid plate hamulus __ process of usually obliterated in adults, except for a canaliculus for the auricular
palatine bone branch of the vagus. Below the meatus the tympanic plate projects
as a rough triangular area. Posterosuperior is often a small depression
with a suprameatal spine in its anterior margin; within is a suprameatal
6.143a. The right infratemporal fossa: seen in norma lateralis after detach-
triangle, bounded above by the supramastoid crest, in front by the
ment of mandible and removal of zygomatic arch. Blue = frontal bone;
yellow = sphenoid and lacrimal bones; brown = temporal and nasal bones; posterosuperior meatal margin and behind by a posterior vertical
green = maxilla. The parts shown of the parietal, zygomatic, ethmoid and tangent to the meatal margin. This triangle is the lateral wall of the
560 palatine bones are uncoloured. mastoid (tympanic) antrum (p. 589) and is hence of surgical interest.
Sphenoid: lesser wing Sphenoidal air sinuses

Frontal tuber
_- Diploic venous

Crista galli and

orbital roof

Orbital margins

Nasal bones
Occipital squama

Margins of maxillary <4

air sinus

External occipital
Osseous palate

Maxilla: alveolar

Dental arch

Pterygoid processes ‘Mastoid process Temporal bone: petromastoid part;

fossa pneumatized area;
dense compact area

6.1438. Lateral radiograph of adult female skull, with mandible omitted.

(Supplied by P J Liepins; photography by Sarah Smith.)

Mastoid part of the temporal bone part of the temporal squama. Here the greater wing displays the
Posterior to the meatus, it is continuous above with the squama in foramina ovale and spinosum. Medial is the lateral pterygoid plate,
front. Its upper border forms behind this with the posteroinferior described in norma basalis (p..566). Behind, below and laterally the
parietal angle a parietomastoid suture and, by its posterior border fossa is open. Its anterior and medial walls‘converge below but are
with the occipital squama, an occipitomastoid suture. These two. meet separated above by the pterygomaxillary fissure, through which the
the lateral end of the lambdoid suture at the asterion. The mastoid infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae connect. The fissure is
process (6.142a), a breast-like inferior projection from the mastoid continuous above with the inferior orbital fissure’s posterior end, by
temporal bone, is posteroinferior to the external acoustic meatus which route the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae connect
and palpable under the ear’s lobule. The mastoid foramen is near or with the orbit (p. 560).
in the occipitomastoid suture; it transmits an emissary vein from the
sigmoid sinus. Sutural ossicles may appear in the parietomastoid Pterygopalatine fossa
suture, often at or near the asterion, the site of a posterolateral A small pyramidal space below the orbital apex, it communicates
fontanelle (Le Double 1903), but also elsewhere along the suture. with the infratemporal fossa via the pterygomaxillary fissure, with
Styloid process (6.142a) the nasal cavity by the sphenopalatine foramen and the orbit by the
medial end of the inferior orbital fissure. The foramen rotundum, in
A slender spike attached to the skull’s base, is best viewed in norma its posterior wall, is traversed by the maxillary nerve.
lateralis. Anterior and medial to the mastoid process, its base partly
ensheathed by the tympanic plate, it descends anteromedially, its tip
usually reaching a point medial to the posterior margin of the Further details
mandibular ramus. The styloid process is, however, very variably The floor of the temporal fossa bears a few vascular furrows, the
developed, ranging in length from a few millimetres to a few most constant being above the external acoustic meatus produced by
centimetres, often approximately straight, but on occasion curved; middle temporal vessels. In its anterior wall the zygomaticotemporal
an anteromedial concavity is more common, a posterior concavity foramen ‘passes up and backwards from the zygomatic bone’s pos-
is infrequent. From its apex the stylohyoid ligament descends forward terior surface, transmitting the zygomaticotemporal nerve and a
to the hyoid’s lesser cornu (p. 582) as a cranial suspension. minute artery. The tendon of temporalis descends and the deep
temporal vessels and nerves ascend, deep to the muscle, between the
Infratemporal fossa (6.144) zygomatic arch and cranial wall. The temporal bone’s zygomatic
An irregular, postmaxillary space, it communicates with the temporal process bears a small tubercle of the anterior root of the zygoma, to
fossa between the zygomatic arch and lower temple. Medially its which the lateral temporomandibular ligament is partly attached (see
roof is the infratemporal surface of the sphenoid’s greater wing and 6.162c). It is palpable in front of the mandibular head. Behind the 561

to the muscle and usually lateral to the lateral pterygoid. Deepest

are the medial pterygoid, mandibular nerve and chorda tympani,
the mandibular nerve entering the fossa through the foramen
ovale in its roof to divide into terminal rami medial to the lateral
pterygoid; these leave the fossa for other regions. The chorda
tympani enters the fossa medial to the sphenoidal spine to join
Incisive fossa the lingual nerve. The maxillary nerve appears in its upper part
between the pterygopalatine fossa and inferior orbital fissure. The
anterior wall is pierced by small foramina for posterior superior
suture Infra-orbital alveolar vessels and nerves and is limited below by the maxilla’s
foramen alveolar part behind the molar teeth. Here a strip of maxilla is
Palatomaxillary covered by gingival mucosa and above this are attached upper
fibres of buccinator, extending back on to the maxillary tuberosity.
s E
Inferior orbital The fossa’s medial wall, the lateral pterygoid plate, is completed
° ;
Posterior nasal spine
fissure below by the palatine bone’s pyramidal process wedged between
the maxillary tuberosity and the plate. The superficial head of
Infratemporal crest
Vomer, posterior border on greater wing of medial pterygoid is attached to the pyramidal process but also
PD sphenoid spreads onto the maxillary tuberosity.
Pterygoid hamulus
Lateral pterygoid plate Foramen ovale
The pterygomaxillary fissure, between maxilla and pterygoid
process, admits the maxillary artery to the pterygopalatine fossa;
Articular tubercle
Foramen lacerum Foramen spinosum
its uppermost part contains the maxillary nerve.
Pharyngeal tubercle Mandibular fossa The pterygopalatine fossa (6.144a) is bounded behind by the root
Carotid canal Styloid process of the pterygoid process and adjoining anterior surface greater
Arrow in external wing of the sphenoid, medially by the palatine bone’s perpendicular
Occipital condyle acoustic meatus plate with its orbital and sphenoidal processes, anteriorly by the
Arrow in hypoglossal Arrow in jugular superomedial part of the maxilla’s posterior surface. Laterally it
canal foramen
Foramen magnum
connects with the infratemporal fossa via the pterygomaxillary
‘Mastoid process
fissure. Its main contents are the maxillary nerve, pterygopalatine
ganglion and terminal rami of the maxillary artery. The pterygoid
canal inferomedial to the foramen rotundum transmits the ptery-
goid nerve and artery from the anterior wall of the foramen
Mastoid foramen lacerum to the pterygopalatine ganglion; inferomedially the pal-
atovaginal canal transmits the pharyngeal nerve and artery from
External occipital crest the ganglion to the pharyngeal roof. In the medial wall the
sphenopalatine foramen (see 6.157) is bounded above by the
Inferior nuchal line sphenoid’s body, elsewhere by parts of the palatine bone, in front
Superior nuchal by its orbital process, behind by its sphenoidal process, and below
by the upper border of the palatine bone’s perpendicular plate.
External occipital It carries into the nasal cavity the nasopalatine nerve and vessels.
protuberance A fifth foramen, placed inferiorly at the junction of the anterior
and posterior walls, leads into the greater palatine canal and
descends between the maxilla and palatine perpendicular plate.
This canal transmits anterior, middle and posterior palatine nerves
and greater and lesser palatine vessels, which emerge onto the
bony palate.
6.144. The inferior of the left half of the base of the skull (norma basalis)
with the mandible removed, see 6.1448 (blue = occipital bone; yellow =
sphenoid bone; green = maxilla). NORMA BASALIS
The inferior cranial aspect is complex, extending from upper incisor
teeth to the superior nuchal lines of the occiput. Laterally are the
mandibular fossa the postglenoid tubercle descends from the postincisor teeth, zygomatic arches and their posterior roots and
mastoid processes (which reach the lateral limits of the superior
zygoma’s posterior root to meet the tympanic plate anterosuperiorly
at the external acoustic meatus (see 6.173); its anterior aspect is a nuchal lines). It is conveniently divided into anterior, middle and
small part of the mandibular fossa. posterior parts, the anterior being the hard palate and alveolar
The posterolateral surface of the mastoid process and its apex give arches, on a lower level than the rest, the rest being arbitrarily
divided into middle and posterior parts by a transverse plane through
attachment to sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis and longissimus
the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.
capitis, from before backwards (6.143, 1448). Anterior and parallel
to this area partially obliterated remains of the squamomastoid
suture may be visible. Hence the suprameatal triangle’s floor, and Anterior part of norma basalis
therefore the lateral wall of the mastoid antrum, is formed by The bony palate (6.145), within the superior alveolar arch, is
temporal squama. The tympanomastoid fissure is on the base of the formed by the maxillary palatine processes and palatine horizontal
process; the mastoid canaliculus (see 6.177), which transmits the plates, meeting at a cruciform suture formed of intermaxillary,
vagal auricular branch, opens in the fissure. interpalatine and palatomaxillary sutures. The palate is arched
The styloid process is related laterally to the parotid gland, medially sagittally and transversely, its depth and breadth variable but is
to the internal jugular vein. Stylohyoid is attached by a slender always greatest in the molar region. The incisive fossa is anterior
tendon to its posterior aspect near the base, styloglossus to the tip and median; the Jateral incisive foramina, via which incisive canals
and adjacent anterior aspect, stylopharyngeus medially to its base pass to the nasal cavity (p.574), are in its lateral walls and the
and the stylomandibular ligament laterally near its tip. Behind its median incisive foramina, present in some skulls, open on its
base the facial nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen crossing anterior and posterior walls. The greater palatine foramen is near
lateral to the process in the parotid gland. the lateral palatal border behind the palatomaxillary suture (6.145),
The infratemporal fossa (6.144a) contains temporalis as it reaches and a vascular groove, deep posteriorly, leads forwards from it.
the mandibular coronoid process and adjacent ramus; the maxillary The lesser palatine foramina, usually two, behind the greater,
562 artery and its rami, and the pterygoid venous plexus lie medial pierce the palatine pyramidal process wedged between the lower

ends of the medial and lateral pterygoid plates. (Accessory lesser

foramina have a high incidence, with racial and sexual variation
from 30-70%; see p.609.) The palate is pierced by many other
small foramina and marked by pits for palatine glands. Near its Intermaxillary
sharp, gently arched bilaterally posterior border, also slightly Palatomaxillary > =Cruciform suture
curved, variably prominent palatine crests extend medially from Interpalatine
behind the greater palatine foramina. The posterior border projects
back as a median posterior nasal spine. The alveolar arch has 16
sockets or alveoli for teeth, varying in size and depth, some single,
some divided by septa in adaptation to tooth roots. The lateral
incisive foramen transmits terminal rami of the greater palatine
vessels and nasopalatine nerve. When median incisive foramina Masseter
Tensor veli palatini
occur, the left nasopalatine nerve traverses the anterior and the Musculus uvulae
right posterior foramen. The lateral foramina are, some claim, in Superior Lateral pterygoid,
the line of fusion of an os incisivum (premaxilla) with the maxilla constrictor (origin) upper head
proper, as a primitive bucconasal communication. In young skulls Medial pterygoid,
a dubious bilateral suture between os incisivum and maxilla may deep head
extend from the posterior part of the incisive fossa to septa Tensor veli palatini
between the roots of the lateral incisor and canine teeth (but see Tensor tympani
p. 577). Longus capitis
Superior constrictor Levator veli palatini
The greater palatine nerve and vessels traverse their foramina, the Stylohyoid
vessels grooving the palate towards the incisive fossa. The lesser capitis anterior Stylopharyngeus
palatine foramina, usually two but sometimes three, contain lesser
‘Rectus capitis lateralis
palatine nerves and vessels. To the palatine crest is attached part of Digastric,
the tendon of tensor veli palatini, to the posterior border the palatine posterior belly
aponeurosis and to the posterior nasal spine musculus uvulae. These
collagenous elements, although often described separately, are in Longissimus capitis
fact blended as the osseous surfaces are approached. Margins of the Rectus Splenius capitis
median palatal intermaxillary suture are sometimes raised into a capitis posterior Sternocleidomastoid
palatine torus, variably smooth, pitted or rough. A similar longi- major
Rectus capitis Occipitalis
tudinal maxillary torus may appear on the alveolar process, palatal posterior minor
to the upper molar roots. Superior oblique

Middle part of norma basalis

The middle part of norma basalis (6.146) extends posteriorly from Semispinalis capitis
the osseous palate to an arbitrary line through the anterior margin Trapezius
of the foramen magnum. Anteriorly the posterior border of the vomer
separates two posterior nasal apertures, behind which a posterior
area of interior sphenoid surface is continuous with that of the
basioccipital bone, forming a broad bar sloping down to the foramen
magnum. Convex transversely, wider behind, it bears, in front of the 6.1448. Outline drawing showing the attachments of named but unclassi-
foramen, a small midline pharyngeal tubercle, the highest attachment fied muscles (blue = occipital; yellow = sphenoid; green = maxilla).
of the superior pharyngeal constrictor.
Pterygoid process. Descending behind the third molar tooth Intermaxillary Incisive
from the junction of the sphenoid’s greater wing and its body, it suture fossa
has medial and lateral pterygoid plates, separated by a cuneiform
pterygoid fossa, facing posterolaterally. Anteriorly the plates are
fused, except below, where they are separated by the pyramidal
process of the palatine; sutures are usually discernible. Antero-
medially the processes articulate with the posterior border of the
palatine’s perpendicular plate, forming a flat area in the posterior
nasal aperture’s lateral wall and nasopharynx. Laterally they are
separated from the posterior maxillary surface by the pter-
ygomaxillary fissure (6.144a). The medial pterygoid plate is narrower Palatine
and projects directly backwards, its medial surface covered by process of
mucous membrane of the posterior nasal aperture’s lateral rim
and part of the nasopharynx. Its posterior border is sharp, with
a small projection near the midpoint, above which it is curved
and attached to the pharyngeal end of the auditory tube; superiorly
it divides to enclose the scaphoid fossa (6.147, 1688); below, it
projects as a slender pterygoid hamulus which curves laterally and
is grooved anteriorly by the tendon of tensor veli palatini. The
lateral pterygoid plate projects postero- foramen
laterally; its lateral surface is the medial wall of the infratemporal
fossa. Superiorly it is continuous with the infratemporal surface Lesser palatine
of the sphenoid’s greater wing, anterior in the roof of the tuberosity foramina
infratemporal fossa. This surface, inferolateral, is almost pen-
tagonal; anterior is the posterolateral border of the inferior orbital ~ Interpalatine
fissure, anterolateral the infratemporal crest. Laterally it articulates \ suture
with the temporal squama; medially it is continuous with the
pterygoid process and side of the sphenoid’s body; posteromedially Pyramidal process of Palatomaxillary Horizontal plate of
it articulates with the petrous part of the temporal bone. palatine bone suture palatine bone
The medial pterygoid plate. At the root of its posterior
border the scaphoid fossa receives anterior fibres of tensor veli 6.145 The bony palate and the alveolar arch: inferior aspect. 563
Infratemporal crest
of sphenoid Pyramidal process
of palatine bone

spinosum Foramen lacerum
Pterygoid hamulus
Spine of sphenoid

Tympanic part of ‘arotid canal

temporal bone
External acoustic
meatus Hypoglossal canal
Jugular foramen
Styloid process

Mastoid process
Jugular process of
Groove for digastric occipital bone

Groove for 6.146 The right and part of the left side of the norma basalis of the skull.
occipital artery To show some features to better advantage, the anterior end of the skull
has been elevated so that the Frankfurt plane is tilted to an angle of about
45° to the horizontal.

Ala of vomer

%. Incisive fossa
Maxilla: palatine process

Crux of cruciform sutures

Horizontal plate: palatine bone
Palatine crest

Maxillary tuberosity Greater and lesser

palatine foramina
Inferior orbital fissure Palatine: pyramidal process

Medial pterygoid plate

Zygomatic arch and hamulus
Pterygoid fossa
Scaphoid fossa Lateral pterygoid plate
Sphenoid: greater wing Foramen ovale
Articular eminence Foramen lacerum
Mandibular fossa Foramen spinosum
Tympanic plate Groove for auditory tube

Styloid process Carotid canal

Stylomastoid foramen
Jugular foramen
Occipital condyle

Mastoid process

Digastric notch

Occipital groove

Mastoid foramina

Lambdoid suture

External occipital crest

Superior nuchal line Occipital squama

564 6.1474. The skull: norma basalis without mandible.


Musculus uvulae

Tensor veli palatini

(palatine aponeurosis)

Medial pterygoid

Lateral pterygoid
Superior pharyngeal constrictor
Tensor veli palatini

Levator veli palatini


be Temporalis

Tensor tympani



Longus capitis

Rectus capitis anterior


Rectus capitis lateralis

Rectus capitis posterior minor é .
Rectus capitis posterior major
Semispinalis capitis

Obliquus capitis superior

Longissimus capitis Trapezius

Splenius capitis


Homologues of pro-otic somites

First branchial arch (Nv. V)
(Nos. III, IV, VI)

Second branchial arch (Nv. VII) Post-otic (occipital) somites (Nv. XII)

Mixed, unsplit postbranchial lateral

Third branchial arch (Nv. IX) plate & cervical somites (Nvs. XI and
cervical spinal)

Caudal arches & unsplit postbranchial Cervical or cervicothoracic

lateral plate mesoderm (Nvs. X+XI somites (Corresponding spinal Nvs.)
complex )

6.1478. The skull: norma basalis without mandible, showing muscle attachments. 565
Middle cranial fossa,
anterior wall


Sphenoidal air sinus

Foramen ovale

Foramen spinosum

Foramen lacerum

Atlas: anterior arch

Dens of axis

Temporal bone:
petrous part

Foramen transversarium

Foramen magnum.

6.148 Radiograph of base of skull (submento-vertical view) to show for-

amina. (Supplied by Shaun Gallagher, Guy’s Hospital; photography by Kevin

palatini, which descend along the plate’s lateral surface and The lateral pterygoid plate (6.144). This is wider than the
posterior border to reach the hamulus, around the anterolateral medial. A variable pterygospinous process on its irregular posterior
aspect of which the muscle’s tendon twists medially into the soft border is connected by a ligament (sometimes ossified) to the
palate. To the plate’s posterior border, notched above by the sphenoid spine. To its rougher, lateral surface is attached the
auditory tube (p.588), is attached the pharyngobasilar fascia, to lower head of lateral pterygoid and to the medial surface most
its lower part the anterior highest fibres of the superior pharyngeal of medial pterygoid. Attached to the lateral aspect of the palatine
constrictor; these curve up and medially to the pharyngeal tubercle. pyramidal process are some fibres of the superficial slip of medial
To the tip of the hamulus the pterygomandibular raphe is pterygoid.
attached. High on the plate’s posterior border a small tubercle, Foramina ovale and spinosum. Sited on the greater wing’s
medial to the scaphoid fossa, projects back below the posterior infratemporal surface (6.148), they transmit some large structures:
opening of the pterygoid canal, which opens anteriorly on the the foramen ovale, near the lateral pterygoid plate’s posterior
pterygopalatine fossa’s posterior wall. The canal transmits its margin, transmits the trigeminal mandibular division and the
nerve and vessels and is in the line of fusion of the pterygoid accessory meningeal artery (if present). To its sharp posterior
process and greater wing with the sphenoidal body. The pterygoid border fibres of tensor veli palatini are attached between the nerve
fossa, between the pterygoid plates, is completed anteroinferiorly and auditory tube. Posterolaterally is the foramen spinosum which
566 by the palatal pyramidal process. transmits the middle meningeal artery and meningeal branch of

the mandibular nerve to the middle cranial fossa; it is much the upper head of lateral pterygoid and is crossed by the deep temporal
smaller and circular. Posterolateral to the foramen spinosum and masseteric nerves, between muscle and bone. Between the
projects the irregular spine of the sphenoid whose medial surface foramen ovale and scaphoid fossa a small sphenoidal emissary
is flat and forms, with the adjoining posterior border of the foramen may contain an emissary vein from the cavernous sinus.
greater wing, the anterolateral wall of a groove, completed Attached to the spine of the sphenoid, variably sharp or blunt, is the
posteromedially by part of the petrous temporal bone. This groove sphenomandibular ligament. The spine is related laterally to the
contains the cartilaginous pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube and auriculotemporal nerve, medial to chorda tympani, by which it may
leads posterolaterally into an osseous canal for the tube in the be grooved, and to the auditory tube. Posterior fibres of tensor veli
petrous temporal bone and also anteromedially to the medial palatini are attached posterior to it. The groove for the tube varies
pterygoid plate’s superior border. In the roof of the groove the in width and depth, its roof occasionally completed by fibrous tissue;
posterior border of the greater wing and the anterior border of its lateral sphenoidal wall gives attachment posteriorly to fibres of
the petrous temporal meet at a petrosphenoidal suture. Occasionally tensor tympani. Laterally on the petrous temporal bone’s posterior
the foramina ovale and spinosum are confluent, frequency varying surface levator veli palatini is attached.
from 0.7—10.4% in modern populations. Similarly, the foramen The foramen lacerum is bounded in front by the sphenoid body
spinosum’s posterior edge may be defective, with an incidence of and adjoining roots of the pterygoid process and greater wing,
2-17% (p. 609). Posteromedial to this groove is the inferior surface posterolaterally by the apex of the petrous temporal and medially
of the petrous temporal between the sphenoid’s greater wing and by the basioccipital; it is nearly 1cm long, but no large structure
the basioccipital bone. Anteriorly the surface is rough, its apex completely traverses it. The carotid canal’s orifice opens posteriorly;
separated from the posterolateral aspect of the sphenoid’s body this artery and its venous and sympathetic plexuses ascend through
by an irregular foramen lacerum. Behind this rough area and its upper end. In the foramen the deep and the greater petrosal
posterolateral to the foramen lacerum, a large, almost circular nerves join to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal, which opens
foramen opens into the carotid canal, which ascends then turns low in the anterior wall. Meningeal branches of the ascending
anteromedially to reach the posterior wall of the foramen lacerum. pharyngeal artery, and emissary veins from the cavernous sinus
Emerging from the canal the internal carotid artery turns up into traverse the foramen. Cartilage in its lower part is a remnant of the
the cranial cavity. Inferiorly the foramen lacerum is filled by chondrocranium.
fibrocartilage; this is not traversed by large structures. The mandibular fossa’s thin floor is below the most lateral part of
The temporal bone’s tympanic part (6.146). It is separated from the middle cranial fossa and covered by white fibrocartilage (p. 579).
the temporomandibular joint by the parotid gland, usually containing To the tubercle of the root of the zygoma is attached the lateral
the auriculotemporal nerve. It is thinnest centrally and occasionally temporomandibular ligament. A thin edge of bone may appear at
deficient (p. 592). Its grooved upper aspect forms the anterior wall, the medial end of the sguamotympanic fissure; it is the lower border
floor and lower posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus. Except of the down-curved lateral edge of the tegmen tympani, a part of
where it ensheathes the styloid process, its posterior surface is fused the petrous temporal. It partly divides the squamotympanic into
with the petromastoid bone. petrotympanic and petrosquamous fissures. Through the former the
Further details. From the base of the spine of the sphenoid the chorda tympani, in its anterior canaliculus, escapes anteroinferiorly
squamotympanic fissure runs posterolaterally between the tympanic from the tympanic cavity; the anterior tympanic branch of the
plate and mandibular fossa, usually reaching the anterior margin of maxillary artery traverses the same fissure.
the external acoustic meatus but sometimes obliterated near its
lateral end. The mandibular fossa, deeply concave sagitally, and Posterior part of norma basalis
transversely gently concave, is wider laterally. It contains the head Anteromedian in this region (6.144, 147, 148) is the foramen magnum,
of the mandible when the jaw is elevated. Anteriorly the articular which is oval, wider behind, its greatest diameter being antero-
surface invades a transverse rounded articular tubercle, continuous posterior. It contains the medulla oblongata’s lower end. Anteriorly
laterally with the zygoma’s anterior root. In front is the part of the its margin is slightly overlapped by the occipital condyles, projecting
temporal squama in the roof of the infratemporal fossa. Behind the down to articulate with the superior articular facets on the lateral
squamotympanic fissure the temporal tympanic plate, separating masses of the atlas. Oval in outline, each condyle is oblique, its
mandibular fossa and external acoustic meatus, is roughly triangular, anterior end nearer the midline, markedly convex anteroposteriorly,
its apex at the medial end of the fissure near the root of the spine less so transversely. Its medial aspect is roughened by ligamentous
of the sphenoid. Its lower border skirts the anterolateral margin of attachments. Above each condyle, anteriorly, is an hypoglossal
the inferior opening of the carotid canal, extending posterolaterally (anterior condylar) canal, directed laterally and slightly forwards
to the root of the styloid process. There it forms a sheath of the from the posterior cranial fossa and containing the hypoglossal
styloid process, longer and prominent laterally where the tympanic nerve.
plate is fused with the rest of the temporal bone below and behind; The hypoglossal canal also contains a meningeal branch of the
it is free above, forming the anterior border of the external acoustic ascending pharyngeal artery and an emissary vein from the basilar
meatus. plexus. Sometimes it is divided by a spicule of bone (p. 584). A
The upper border of the vomer, applied to the inferior aspect of condylar fossa of variable depth, posterior to the condyle, is some-
the sphenoid’s body, expands into an ala on each side (6.147, 188), times pierced by a condylar canal for an emissary vein from the
a median groove between them fitting the sphenoid’s rostrum. The sigmoid sinus. Incidence of condylar canals shows racial variation
lateral border of each ala reaches a thin vaginal process projecting from 13.3% in modern Palestinians to 70% in Peruvian crania; it
medially from the medial pterygoid plate. The two may merely touch also illustrates sexual variation, occurring in 58% of male Burmese,
or the alar edge may be overlapped inferiorly by the vaginal process, but only 31% of females (p. 609). Lateral to each condyle a jugular
whose inferior surface bears an anteroposterior groove, converted process joins the petrous temporal; its anterior border is the posterior
into a canal anteriorly by the superior aspect of the sphenoidal boundary of the jugular foramen.
process of the palatine bone. This palatovaginal canal, opening Jugular foramen. A large irregular hiatus between occipital
anteriorly on the pterygopalatine fossa’s anterior wall, transmits a and petrous temporal bones, it is at the posterior end of the
pharyngeal branch of the pterygopalatine ganglion and a pharyngeal petro-occipital suture. Anteriorly it is separated from the inferior
branch from the third part of the maxillary artery. A second, carotid opening by a ridge, related laterally to the medial aspect
vomerovaginal canal, medial to the palatovaginal, may exist between of the styloid sheath and separated from the hypoglossal canal
ala and vaginal process, leading into the anterior end of the pal- by a thin osseous bar. Its long axis is directed anteromedially,
atovaginal canal. the right foramen usually being larger. Its anterior part contains
Anterior to the pharyngeal tubercle the basioccipital bone is related the inferior petrosal sinus, its intermediate part the glos-
to the roof of the nasal part of the pharynx and the pharyngeal sopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves and its posterior part
tonsil. Anterolateral to the tubercle, longus capitis-is attached and the internal jugular vein. When the vein’s superior bulb is well
posterior to this rectus capitis anterior, immediately anterior to the developed the jugular fossa of the petrous temporal is expanded
occipital condyle and medial to the hypoglossal canal. superolaterally.
The greater wing’s infratemporal surface is an attachment of the Foramen magnum. This is a wide communication between the 567

posterior cranial fossa and the vertebral canal. Anteriorly the apical is thinner and more brittle, the outer generally very resilient. Many
ligament of the dens and membrana tectoria are in it, both attached bones are so thin that the tables are fused, for example the vomer
to the upper surface of the basioccipital bone. Its wider, posterior and pterygoid plates. The skull is thicker in some races and indi-
part contains the medulla oblongata and meninges. In the sub- viduals, but no relation exists between this and cranial capacity; in
arachnoid space spinal rami of the accessory nerves and vertebral all races, it is thinner in women and children. The interior may be
arteries, with their sympathetic plexuses, ascend into the cranium; described in two parts: the internal surface of the skull ‘cap’ or calva
the posterior spinal arteries descend, posterolateral to the brainstem, and that of the cranial base.
as does the anterior spinal artery anteromedian to it. The cerebellar
tonsils may project into the foramen. To its anterior margin is Internal surface of cranial vault (calva)
attached the anterior atlanto-occipital membrane, continuous on The calva (6.149) includes most of the frontal and parietal bones
each side with capsular ligaments of the atlanto-occipital joints, to and the upper occipital squama and hence the coronal, sagittal
its posterior margin the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane, and to and lambdoid sutures unless fusion, which begins internally, has
rough medial condylar areas, the alar ligaments. obliterated them. The cranial vault, deeply concave, presents numer-
Stylomastoid foramen. This is posterior to the styloid root at ous vascular furrows and cerebral grooves.
the anterior end of the mastoid notch, and the facial nerve emerges The anteromedian frontal crest projects back for attachment of
from the stylomastoid foramen near the digastric’s posterior belly, the falx cerebri, grooved by the beginning of the sagittal sulcus,
supplying it before entering the parotid gland. The foramen also accommodating the superior sagittal sinus, the groove widening as
contains the stylomastoid artery. A groove across the inferior aspect it progresses back below the sagittal suture. On each side of it are
of the temporal bone, medial to the mastoid notch, is related to the irregular depressions, granular foveolae, which become larger and
occipital artery; it is absent when the vessel is lower than usual, more numerous as skulls age; they are adapted to arachnoid granu-
between splenius and longissimus capitis instead of medial to both. lations.
To the area below the inferior nuchal line are attached medially The frontal branch of the middle meningeal vein, and sometimes
rectus capitis posterior minor, laterally rectus capitis posterior major the artery, groove bone deeply just behind the coronal suture,
(6.1478). In the interval between the inferior and superior nuchal corresponding to the precentral cerebral sulcus. Branches of both
lines is attached, medially, semispinalis capitis and, laterally, the and their parietal branches ascend backwards, grooving the internal
superior oblique. Medially to the superior nuchal line the highest parietal surface. Smaller grooves may mark the frontal and occipital
fibres of trapezius are attached, laterally fibres of sternocleidomastoid bones. Parietal foramina may occur near the sagittal sulcus, about
and, more anteriorly, splenius capitis. 3.5cm anterior to the lambdoid suture, for emissary veins of the
Further details. The jugular foramen (6.1488) ascends postero- superior sagittal sinus. Impressions for cerebral gyri are less distinct
medially; externally its apparent size is increased laterally by the on the vault than the cranial base, and most obvious near the latter.
jugular fossa, its floor separating the superior jugular bulb from the
tympanic cavity. A minute mastoid canaliculus on the fossa’s lateral Internal surface of cranial base
wall transmits the vagal auricular branch. Passing laterally, this nerve The internal surface of the cranial base shows clear division into
is very near the facial canal, finally emerging in the tympanomastoid anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae. It is irregular, partly
suture; it is extracranial at birth but surrounded by bone as the due to impressions for cerebral gyri, especially conspicuous in the
tympanic plate and mastoid process develop. On or near the ridge anterior and middle fossae, reflecting the pattern of corresponding
between the jugular fossa and carotid canal is the tympanic canal- cerebral surfaces. Dura mater is firmly adherent to the whole area
iculus, transmitting to the middle ear the tympanic branch of the and through all foramina and fissures its outer layer, endocranium,
glossopharyngeal nerve. Medial on the upper boundary of the jugular is continuous with the external periosteum.
foramen a small notch, more easily identified internally, contains
the inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion. The orifice of the cochlear ANTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA
canaliculus (p.592) is at the notch’s apex; its projecting edges may
reach the occipital bone to trisect the foramen. To the inferior The anterior cranial fossa (6.150, 151) is formed at the front and
surface of the occipital jugular process rectus capitis lateralis is sides by the frontal bone, its floor by the frontal’s orbital plate, the
Posterior to the styloid process a stylomastoid foramen contains
the facial nerve. Posterolateral to the foramen the mastoid process
projects down and forwards as the lateral wall of the mastoid notch, Frontal crest
in which the posterior belly of digastric is attached. Medial to the
notch the temporal bone may be grooved by the occipital artery
‘Temporal line
In the midline, posterior to the foramen magnum, the occipital
squama has a median external occipital crest to which is attached Depressions for
the ligamentum nuchae. The crest ends in the external occipital arachnoid
protuberance; inferior nuchal lines curve posterolaterally from its
midpoint, almost parallel to the superior nuchal lines, which also
extend from the protuberance and may form a distinct crest medially. Grooves for
The cranial cavity contains the brain, pineal and hypophysis cerebri,
parts of cranial and spinal nerves, blood vessels, meninges and
cerebrospinal fluid. It is contained by the frontal, parietal, sphenoid,
temporal and occipital bones, and, in part, the ethmoid, all lined by
fibrous endocranium, the external zone of the dura mater, which Parietal foramen
traverses various foramina to join the external periosteum, the
pericranium. Both membranes are blended with sutural ligaments or
cartilages in the narrow interosseous intervals.
The cavity’s walls vary in thickness in different regions and
individuals, but tend to be thinner where covered by muscles, for Groove for superior
sagittal sinus
example in the temporal and posterior cranial fossae. Most cranial
bones display outer and inner tables of compact bone, separated by
568 diploé, trabecular bone containing red bone marrow. The inner table 6.149 The internal (endocranial) surface of the skull cap or calva.

Foramen caecum

-Crista galli
Orbital part of frontal
bone Cribriform plate of
ethmoid bone


Lesser wing of sphenoid

Sulcus chiasmatis
Foramen rotundum
Arrow in optic canal
Greater wing of sphenoid Anterior clinoid process
Hypophysial fossa
Foramen ovale Posterior clinoid process
Foramen spinosum
Foramen lacerum
Groove for superior
petrosal sinus
Internal acoustic Groove for inferior
meatus petrosal sinus
Arrow in jugular

Foramen magnum
Sigmoid sulcus
Arrow in hypoglossal

Occipitomastoid suture

Fossa for left cerebellar

Lambdoid suture
Internal occipital
Groove for the superior
Fossa for left occipital sagittal sinus
lobe of cerebrum

6.150a. The internal (endocranial) surface of the left half of the base of the
skull. Compare with Key, 6.150.

ethmoid’s cribriform plate, and the sphenoid’s lesser wings and Sphenoid bone. This completes the fossa’s floor posteriorly,
anterior part of its body. centrally by the anterior part of its upper surface, the jugum sphen-
Cribriform plate of the ethmoid. This spreads across the midline oidale; this separates the fossa from paired sphenoidal sinuses in the
between the frontal orbital plates, but depressed below them, separ- sphenoid body (see 6.156, 1574). Anteriorly the jugum articulates
ating the anterior cranial fossa from the nasal cavity, whose roof it with the cribiform plate; posteriorly it is the anterior bank of the
helps to form (see 6.182a). Anteriorly its median crista galli projects sulcus chiasmatis crossing the sphenoid body centrally in the middle
up between the cerebral hemispheres. A depression between the crista cranial fossa and connecting the optic canals. Lateral to the jugum,
galli and crest of the frontal bone is crossed by the frontoethmoidal the anterior fossa is floored by the /esser wings of the sphenoid,
suture and displays the foramen caecum. On each side the crista galli whose posterior margins overhang the middle fossa. Laterally each
is separated from the frontal bone by a narrow region with numerous lesser wing tapers to a point, meeting the suture between the frontal
small foramina transmitting olfactory nerves from the nasal mucosa bone and greater wing at or near the superolateral end of the superior
to the olfactory bulb. Posteriorly each cribriform plate articulates orbital fissure. The medial end of its posterior border is the anterior
with the sphenoid’s body. clinoid process. Medially each lesser wing joins the sphenoid body
Orbital plates of the frontal. These form most of the fossa’s floor by two roots, separated by the optic canal; the anterior, broad and
on each side of the ethmoid, separating the orbital contents from flat, is continuous with the jugum sphenoidale, the posterior, smaller
the cerebral frontal lobe. Its convex cranial surface shows impressions and thicker, joins the sphenoid body near the posterior bank of the
for cerebral gyri and small grooves for meningeal vessels. Antero- chiasmal sulcus.
medially it is split to contain part of the frontal sinus. Medially each
orbital plate excludes the ethmoidal labyrinth from the anterior Further details
cranial fossa. Posteriorly it joins the anterior border of the lesser To the crista galli and frontal crest the falx cerebri is attached.
wing of the sphenoid. The frontal bone bears a median frontal The foramen caecum between them, usually blind, occasionally
crest, which projects between the cerebral hemispheres and narrows accommodates a vein from nasal mucosa to the superior sagittal
upwards on the bone’s internal surface. sinus. Lateral to the crista is the gyrus rectus; the olfactory bulb lies 569

Orbital part of frontal bone

Crista galli

Cribriform plate

Foramen rotundum Sphenoethmoidal suture

Lesser wing of sphenoid bone

Groove for frontal branch of
middle meningeal artery Optic canal
and vein
Greater wing of sphenoid bone Anterior clinoid process
Hypophyseal fossa
Squamous part of Posterior clinoid process
temporal bone
Carotid sulcus
Foramen ovale Foramen lacerum
Foramen spinosum Trigeminal impression
Groove for parietal branch of Basilar part of occipital bone
middle meningeal artery Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
and vein
Internal acoustic meatus
Temporal bone
Subarcuate fossa
Groove for superior petrosal Hypoglossal canal
Groove for sigmoid sinus Foramen magnum

Mastoid foramen

Parietal bone

Occipital bone

Sulcus for
transverse sinus

6.1508. The internal surface of the left half of the base of the skull. white = parietal and ethmoid bones.
Key: blue = frontal and occipital; yellow = sphenoid; brown = temporal;

on the medial edge of the frontal orbital plate. The anterior ethmoidal sulcus chiasmatis, behind by the superior borders of the petrous
canal opens in the cribrofrontal suture (6.152a, 182a) behind the crista temporal bones and sphenoid’s dorsum sellae, laterally by the tem-
galli and is difficult to identify, being overlapped by the orbital plate. poral squamae, parietal bones and greater wings of the sphenoid.
It transmits the anterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels, which then Centrally the floor is narrower and formed by the sphenoid body.
run forward under the dura mater to descend through aslit-like The chiasmal sulcus, connecting the optic canals, is rarely in contact
foramen at the side of the crista galli into the nasal cavity. The with the optic chiasma, which is usually posterosuperior. Each optic
posterior ethmoidal canal opens at the posterolateral corner of the canal, between the roots of a lesser wing and, medially, the sphenoid
cribriform plate and is overhung by the sphenoid. It transmits the body, descends a little anterolaterally, containing the optic nerve,
posterior ethmoidal vessels. ophthalmic artery and meninges. Behind the sulcus the upper sphen-
The posterior border of each lesser wing fits the stem of the lateral oid surface is the sella turcica, whose anterior slope bears a median
cerebral sulcus and may be grooved by the sphenoparietal sinus. tuberculum sellae, behind which is the hypophyseal fossa (6.150a).
Above is the inferior surface of the frontal lobe, and medially, the The fossa’s floor is part of the roof of the sphenoidal sinuses (6.134,
anterior perforated substance. Inferiorly, it bounds the superior 156, 157A); posterior to it the dorsum sellae projects up and forwards.
orbital fissure, completing the orbital roof. Each anterior clinoid The superolateral angles of the dorsum are expanded as the posterior
process receives the free border of the tentorium cerebelli and is clinoid processes. Lateral to the sella turcica the sphenoid has a
grooved medially by the internal carotid artery leaving the cavernous shallow groove for the internal carotid artery, here turning anteriorly
sinus. It may be connected to the middle clinoid process by a thin from the foramen lacerum. A small elevation on the groove’s medial
osseous bar, completing a caroticoclinoid foramen around the artery. edge is the middle clinoid process; it may be joined to the anterior
Parts of gyri recti and olfactory tracts are above the jugum sphen- process, as noted above. Posterolaterally the groove may be deepened
oidale. by a small projecting Jingula (see 6.168a).
Laterally the middle fossa is deep and supports the temporal lobes.
In front are the cerebral surfaces of the greater wings of the sphenoid,
MIDDLE CRANIAL FOSSA behind are the anterior surfaces of the petrous temporal bones and,
The middle cranial fossa (6.150, 153), deeper and more extensive laterally, the cerebral surfaces of the temporal squamae between the
than the anterior, particularly laterally, is bounded in front by the former two. Anteriorly are the orbits, laterally the temporal fossae,
570 posterior borders of the lesser wings, anterior clinoid processes and inferiorly the infratemporal fossae. The middle cranial fossa com-

apicobasal axis Plane of medial orbital wall
Frontal crest
Foramen caecum
Crista galli
Cleft occluded by
dura mater

Cribriform plate

Plane of lateral —————__.

orbital wall

Cranionasal exit of ant. ethmoidal nerve

Groove for ant. ethmoidal nerve

Diploe Concealed entry canal for

anterior ethmoidal nerve
Concealed opening of posterior
ethmoidal canal
Jugum sphenoidale

Vascular foramen

lesser wing
‘Anterior clinoid process
Orbital plate of frontal

6.151 Anterior cranial fossa.

municates with the orbits by the superior orbital fissures, each antrum (which is continuously anteriorly with the tympanic cavity).
bounded above by a lesser wing, below by a greater wing, and The superior border of the petrous temporal separates middle from
medially by the sphenoidal body; each fissure is wider medially, with posterior cranial fossae. Behind the trigeminal impression it is
a long axis sloping inferomedially and forwards. Each transmits the grooved by the superior petrosal sinus.
terminal branches of the ophthalmic nerve, the ophthalmic veins,
the oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves and smaller vessels
Further details
(see below). The superior orbital fissure (6.138) is between the orbit’s roof and
Foramen rotundum. This is in the greater sphenoidal wing just lateral wall. To its lower border is attached the common tendinous
below and behind the medial end of the superior orbital fissure. It ring. At its superolateral end the greater wing articulates with the
leads forwards into the pterygopalatine fossa, to which it conducts
the maxillary nerve.
Foramen ovale. Is posterior to the foramen rotundum, lateral to
the lingula and posterior end of the carotid groove. It opens into
the infratemporal fossa and transmits the mandibular nerve.
Foramen spinosum. Posterolateral to foramen ovale, transmits
the middle meningeal artery which, with companion veins, ascends
lateral to the temporal squama, turns anterolaterally across the
sphenosquamosal suture to the greater wing to divide into frontal
and parietal branches. The frontal ascending across the pterion
(p.560) to the anterior part of the parietal bone; at or near the
pterion it is often in a bony canal. The parietal branch runs back
and up on to the temporal squama, crossing the squamosal suture
to gain the parietal bone. These arteries and veins groove the floor
and lateral wall of the middle cranial fossa.
Foramen lacerum. This is at the posterior end of the carotid
groove, posteromedial to the foramen ovale, bounded behind by the
petrous apex, in front by the body and posterior border of the
sphenoid’s greater wing, where it contains the internal carotid artery
and accompanying sympathetic and venous plexuses. Posterior to
the foramen the anterior surface of the petrous temporal has near
its apex a shallow trigeminal impression adapted to the trigeminal
ganglion. Posterolateral to this is a shallow pit, limited posteriorly
by a rounded arcuate eminence, and produced by the anterior
semicircular canal, where it is closely related to the floor of the fossa.
Lateral to the impression a narrow groove passes posterolaterally
into the hiatus for the greater petrosal nerve, lateral to which is the
hiatus for the lesser petrosal nerve. Anterolateral to the arcuate
eminence the anterior petrous surface is formed by the tegmen
tympani, a thin osseous lamina in the roof of the tympanic cavity,
extending anteromedially above the auditory tube. Lateral to the 6.152 Radiograph of adult skull: frontal view. 1. Maxillary sinus. 2. Frontal
eminence the posterior part of the tegmen tympani roofs the mastoid sinus. Both infra-orbital canals are shown. 571

Optic canal

Middle clinoid process

Superior orbital fissure End of carotid sulcus

Anterior clinoid process

Foramen rotundum 7

Emissary foramen
Hypophysial fossa

Foramen ovale Posterior clinoid process

Dorsum sellae

Foramen spinosum
Foramen lacerum
Lesser petrosal groove
Greater petrosal groove Trigeminal impression & incisura

‘Canaliculus innominatus

Groove for superior petrosal sinus

Tegmen tympani

‘Arcuate eminence

6.153 Middle cranial fossa.

frontal orbital plate (p. 595). The foramen rotundum, like the superior (p. 590). Lateral to the tegmen’s anterior part, the temporal squama
orbital fissure’s medial end, is near the lateral wall of the sphenoidal is thin over a small area near the mandibular fossa’s deepest part.
sinus. Originally part of the fissure, the latter is secondarily separated. Anteromedial to the groove for the superior petrosal sinus, on the
Medial to it a small foramen may occur at the root of the greater upper border of the petrous temporal, a smooth trigeminal notch
wing; this emissary sphenoidal foramen transmits a vein from the leads into the trigeminal impression; here the trigeminal nerve sep-
cavernous sinus. The foramen ovale transmits the mandibular nerve, arates sinus from bone. Toa tiny spicule, directed anteromedially at
accessory meningeal artery and, sometimes, the lesser petrosal nerve. the notch’s anterior end, is attached the petrosphenoidal ligament;
The foramen spinosum contains the middle meningeal artery and anterior to it the abducent nerve bends sharply across the upper
meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve. Both foramina are at petrous border between this ligament and the dorsum sellae.
first notches on the greater wing’s margin and later converted into
foramina. The foramen lacerum is a short canal completely traversed POSTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA
only by meningeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery and
small veins. The internal carotid artery pierces its posterior wall and The posterior cranial fossa (6.150a, 154), the largest and deepest of
curves to ascend through its upper end. The greater petrosal nerve, the cranial fossae, is bounded in front by the dorsum sellae and
leaving its hiatus, runs in its groove on the petrous temporal bone, posterior aspects of the sphenoidal body and basioccipital bone,
then turns down to partly traverse the foramen lateral to the artery behind by the lower part of the occipital squama, laterally by petrous
and joins the deep petrosal nerve. The nerve of the pterygoid canal, and mastoid parts of the temporal bone and lateral parts of the
thus formed, leaves the foramen lacerum by a pterygoid canal in its occipital and, above and behind, by the mastoid angles of the parietal
anterior wall. bones. It contains the cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata.
On each side of the sphenoid body a cavernous sinus extends from Internal acoustic meatus. This is separated at its /ateral fundus
the superior orbital fissure to the apex of petrous temporal bone. It from the internal ear by a vertical plate divided unequally by a
contains the internal carotid artery, its sympathetic plexus, oculo- transverse crest (6.155), above which anteriorly is a facial canal
motor, trochlear, abducent and ophthalmic nerves, but only the conducting its nerve through the petrous temporal to the stylo-
artery contacts bone. An anterior intercavernous sinus crosses the mastoid foramen. Posterior to this a small, depressed superior ves-
tuberculum sellae and a posterior sinus crosses the dorsum sellae; tibular area presents openings for nerves to the utricle and anterior
they connect the two cavernous sinuses. The diaphragma sellae and lateral semicircular ducts. Below the crest is an anterior cochlear
surrounds the infundibulum, spreading from the tuberculum in front area in which a spiral of small holes, the tractus spiralis foraminosus,
to the dorsum sellae behind. To the posterior clinoid process are encircles the central cochlear canal. Behind this the inferior vestibular
attached the anterior limit of the fixed margin of the tentorium area bears openings for saccular nerves. Most posteroinferior is a
cerebelli and also the petrosphenoidal ligament (p. 1240). foramen singulare for the nerve to the posterior semicircular duct.
In young skulls a petrosquamous suture may be visible at the Foramen magnum (p. 567). This is in the fossa’s floor, surrounded
lateral limit of the tegmen tympani but is obliterated in adults; the by the basilar part of the occipital bone in front, its lateral parts on
tegmen then turns down asa lateral wall of the osseous auditory each side and a small part of its squama behind. Anterior to its
572 tube; its lower border may appear in the squamotympanic fissure transverse diameter it is narrowed by the two occipital condyles,

Groove for inferior petrosal sinus Dorsum sellae

Groove for superior petrosal sinus Posterior clinoid process

Oa, Basisphenoid
Internal acoustic
Neural grooves on
ye jugular tubercle
Subarcuate fossa on

Hypoglossal canal

Concealed crevice
for endolymphatic sac

Jugular foramen

Foramen magnum

Sigmoid sulcus

Mastoid emissary foramen

Internal occipital crest

Internal occipital protruberance

Transverse sulcus

6.154 Left posterior cranial fossa. Viewed obliquely from a position above,
slightly behind, and to the right.

being hence somewhat ovoid and wider behind. Its anterior part is Further details
above the dens of the axis; its posterior part communicates with the The petrous temporal bone’s posterior surface forms much of the
vertebral canal and here the medulla oblongata and spinal cord posterior cranial fossa’s anterolateral wall. Anterosuperior to the
become continuous. jugular foramen the internal acoustic meatus (6.150, 153, 154) runs
Anterior to the foramen, in sequence, are the basioccipital, the laterally. It is about 1cm long, closed laterally by a plate of bone
posterior part of the sphenoid’s body and then the dorsum sellae separating it from the internal ear and perforated by facial and
forming a sloping clivus, which is concave transversely and placed vestibulocochlear nerves, nervus intermedius and labyrinthine vessels.
antero-inferior to the pons and medulla oblongata. On each side the Behind the petrous temporal (the posterior fossa’s lateral wall) is
clivus is separated from the petrous temporal bone by a petro- the mastoid part of the temporal bone. Anteriorly is a wide sigmoid
occipital fissure, filled by a thin plate of cartilage and limited behind sulcus running forwards and downwards, then downwards and
by the jugular foramen. Its margins are grooved by the inferior medially and finally forwards to the jugular foramen. It contains the
petrosal sinus. sigmoid sinus (6.150, 174). Superiorly, where it touches the parietal
Jugular foramen (p. 567). Sited at the posterior end of the petro- bone’s mastoid angle, the groove is continuous with one for the
occipital fissure, it descends anterolaterally to the exterior. Its upper transverse sinus, and crosses the parietomastoid suture. It descends
border is sharp and irregular, with a notch for the glossopharyngeal behind the mastoid antrum and here is sited a mastoid foramen for
nerve; its lower border is smooth. Posteriorly is the sigmoid sinus, an emissary vein from the sinus. The lowest part of the sulcus crosses
continuous below with the internal jugular vein, and anteriorly the the occipitomastoid suture and grooves the occipital bone’s jugular
accessory, vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves from behind forwards. process. The right sulcus is usually larger.
Medial to its lower border -is the rounded jugular tubercle, antero- Posterior to the foramen magnum the occipital squama has a
superior to the internal opening of the hypoglossal canal, at the median internal occipital crest, ending above in an internal occipital
junction of the basilar and lateral parts of the occipital bone. protuberance, on each side of which a wide sulcus curves laterally
with an upward convexity, to the parietal bone’s mastoid angle.
Produced by the transverse sinus, it is usually deeper on the right
Facial and, on both sides, continuous with its sigmoid sulcus. Below this
nerve area transverse sulcus the internal occipital crest separates two shallow
fossae, adapted to the cerebellar hemispheres.
Superior When a condylar canal is present, its internal orifice is postero-
Transverse vestibular
crest area lateral to that of the hypoglossal canal. It contains a sigmoid emissary
Inferior vest- vein.
ibular area The clivus (anterior wall of the posterior fossa) is related to the
plexus of basilar sinuses connecting the inferior petrosal sinuses and
Tractus singulare joining below the internal vertebral venous plexus. Anterior to the
spiralis cut obliquely foramen magnum the membrana tectoria is attached to the basi-
occipital (6.104), behind attachment of the apical ligament. The
jugular tubercle is often grooved by the glossopharyngeal, vagus and
6.155 The fundus of the right internal acoustic meatus, exposed by a accessory nerves as they enter the jugular foramen. In addition to
section through the petrous part of the right temporal bone nearly parallel its nerve the hypoglossal canal, often subdivided (p. 584), transmits
to the line of its superior border. a meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery. To the rough 573

aqueduct’s opening (see 6.174); within, it carries the saccus and ductus
endolymphaticus (p. 1384) and a small artery and vein. Between the
internal acoustic meatus and aqueductal opening is a small subarcuate
Right frontal sinus fossa (6.1508, 174), containing dura mater; near the superior petrous
Left frontal sinus
border the fossa is pierced by a small vein. In infants the fossa is a
Crista galli Left sphenoidal sinus relatively large blind tunnel under the anterior semicircular duct; it
corresponds to the floccular fossa of some animals.
Nasal bone In addition to its emissary vein the mastoid foramen transmits a
Right sphenoidal sinus meningeal branch of the occipital artery, sometimes large enough to
groove the occipital squama. The internal occipital crest, to which
the falx cerebelli is attached, may be grooved by the occipital sinus.
Nasal spine of.
frontal bone Its lower end adjoins the inferior vermis. The internal occipital
protuberance is close to the confluence of sinuses and bilaterally
grooved by the transverse sinuses, to the margins of which are
Perpendicular. attached the two layers of the tentorium cerebelli. Bone flanking the
plate of
ethmoid internal occipital crest is thin, even translucent, contrasting with the
occipital’s thick crest and protuberance.

The nasal cavity, an irregular space between buccal roof and cranial
base, is divided by a vertical septum (6.156), approximately median.
Anterior nasal. In macerated skulls the septum is deficient anteriorly, leaving a single
anterior nasal aperture in norma frontalis, but it reaches the posterior
limit of the cavity, leading into the nasopharynx through a pair of
posterior nasal apertures, above the posterior osseous (hard) palatal
Maxilla Pterygoid
Jonah border. The cavity is wider below than above, but widest and
vertically deepest in its central region. It communicates with the
frontal, ethmoidal, maxillary and sphenoidal paranasal sinuses. Each
half cavity has a roof, floor, lateral and medial walls, the medial
being the nasal septum.
The posterior nasal apertures, or choanae. These are separated
by the posterior vomerine border, each being limited below by the pos-
6.156 The bony nasal septum: left side. An enlarged part of 6.158.
terior border of the palatine bone’s horizontal plate, above by the sphe-
noid and laterally, on each side, by its medial pterygoid plates.
The anterior nasal aperture. This is described on page 554.
medial aspect of the occipital condyle (see 6.1668) the alar ligament
is attached.
The lower, posterior borders of the jugular foramen (pp. 567, 572) The roof (6.156, 157) is centrally horizontal but descends in front
are smooth, its upper border being sharp and notched; sometimes and behind. The anterior slope is formed by the frontal’s nasal spine
the margins of the notch extend to divide the foramen into two or and nasal bones, contributing to the external nose. The horizontal
three compartments. In the deepest part of the notch appears the region is the ethmoid’s cribriform plate separating the nasal cavity
cochlear canaliculus, containing the perilymphatic ‘duct’ (p. 1379). and median region of anterior cranial fossa’s floor, and has a separate
Behind the internal acoustic meatus a thin plate with an irregularly anterior foramen for the anterior ethmoidal nerve and_ vessels.
curved margin projects back, bounding a slit containing the vestibular Its numerous small perforations contain the olfactory nerves. The
posterior slope is formed by the anterior aspect of the body of the
Lacrimal bone sphenoid (interrupted on each side by an opening of a sphenoidal
Uncinate process of ethmoid sinus), with which the sphenoidal conchae are fused; below this are
the vomerine alae and palatine bones’ sphenoidal processes.
Left frontal
/ Middle concha
Superior concha Floor
Right frontal The floor is smooth, concave transversely, and slopes up from
sinus anterior to posterior apertures. It is the upper surface of the osseous —
palate. Anteriorly the maxillary palatine processes and, behind them,
the palatine horizontal plates articulate in the midline and with each
other. Anteriorly, near the septum, a small infundibular opening in
the nasal floor leads into the incisive canals (p. 602).
The nasal floor (6.157) is crossed at the junction of its middle and
posterior thirds by the palatomaxillary suture. Anteromedian are the
incisive canals, descending to the palatine incisive fossa; they may —
traverse the union of the os incisivum (premaxilla) with the maxillae;
Inferior concha they represent a primitive bucconasal communication (p. 602).
The medial wall
The medial wall or nasal septum (6.156, 158), between the roof and
floor, is a thin sheet of bone with a wide anterior deficiency occupied
Incisive fossa
Medial pterygoid by septal cartilage; its bony part is largely vomer and perpendicular
and canal plate of the ethmoid. The vomer extends from the sphenoidal body
Sphenopalatine to the bony palate, forming the posteroinferior region, including the
foramen posterior border; it is furrowed by vessels and nerves. The per-
pendicular plate of the ethmoid forms the septum’s anterosuperior
Perpendicular plate of part (6.156), continuous above with cribriform plate (p. 597). The
palatine bone
septum is often deviated, most commonly at the vomero-ethmoidal
574 6.157. The roof, floor and lateral wall of the right nasal cavity. At the upper and lower limits of the medial wall (6.1578) other

bones make minor contributions to the septum: anterosuperior are

the nasal bones and frontal’s nasal spine, posterosuperior are the
sphenoid’s rostrum and crest, and inferiorly, the maxillary and
palatine nasal crests. The vomer is grooved by the nasopalatine
nerves and vessels. Left frontal
The lateral wall Superior nasal
The lateral wall (6.157, 183) is irregular, due to three projections: the fossa concha Nasal spine of
inferior, middle and superior nasal conchae. It is formed largely by frontal bone
the maxilla anteroinferiorly, by the palatine’s perpendicular plate
posteriorly, and superiorly by the ethmoidal labyrinth, separating Sphenoidal
sinuses PN Middle nasal concha
the nasal cavity from the orbit. The conchae curve inferomedially, li
partly broken off
each roofing a groove, or meatus, open to the nasal cavity. Ethmoidal bulla
The inferior concha. This is a thin, curved and independent bone Superior
and articulates with the nasal surface of the maxilla and palatine
perpendicular plate; its free lower border is gently curved; the Descending part of
lacrimal bone
subjacent inferior meatus reaches the nasal floor. It is the largest
meatus, extending along almost all the lateral nasal wall. It is deepest Uncinate process of
at the junction of its anterior and middle thirds, where the inferior ethmoid bone
opening of the nasolacrimal canal appears.
The middle concha. Much the larger, it extends back to articulate Maxillary sinus
with the palatine bone’s perpendicular plate above the middle meatus, Sphenopala-
whose lateral wall can be examined only after the removal of the tine foramen
concha (6.1578); its upper part is the rounded ethmoidal bulla, which Inferior nasal
contains middle ethmoidal air cells; anteroinferior to this a thin, concha
curved uncinate process of the ethmoid descends back across the large plate of
opening of the maxillary sinus. The curved gap (6.1578) between palatine bone
process and bulla is the hiatus semilunaris; at its upper end it is Inferior meatus
continuous with the ethmoidal infundibulum, a short canal receiving
anterior ethmoidal air cells and then ascending in the labyrinth to PalatomaXillary
the frontal sinus. However, the infundibulum often ends blindly; the
frontal sinus then opens directly into the middle meatus. The middle
ethmoidal air cells open above, or near, the bulla.
The superior concha. A small curved lamina, posterosuperior to
the middle concha, it roofs the superior meatus. It is the shortest and
6.157B. The lateral wall of the left nasal cavity with part of the middle
shallowest of the three conchae and receives into it open the posterior
concha removed to expose some of the middle meatus.
ethmoidal air cells. Posterior to it the sphenopalatine foramen
(occluded by mucosa) leads into the pterygopalatine fossa. A narrow
sphenoethmoidal recess separates the superior concha and anterior
aspect of the sphenoid’s body, through which the sphenoidal sinus
connects with the nasal cavity. The middle and superior conchae are
medial processes of the ethmoidal labyrinth.
Further details. The lateral wall (6.157, 183), additionally, is
formed anterosuperiorly by the nasal bone and maxillary’s frontal
process. Behind the latter, and articulating with its posterior border,
lies the lacrimal bone which reaches the middle meatus to articulate
with the lacrimal process of the inferior concha, thus forming the
nasolacrimal canal’s medial wall (6.1578, 186), which conveys the
nasolacrimal duct to the inferior meatus. Posteriorly the lacrimal
bone articulates with the ethmoidal labyrinth to complete some of
the ethmoidal air cells. The uncinate process from this part of the
labyrinth curves posteroinferiorly in the lateral middle meatal wall.
It is thin, fragile, about 3mm wide, and curves across the maxillary
hiatus to the inferior conchal ethmoidal process. Its concave, pos-
terior border forms the medial edge of the hiatus semilunaris and
helps to form a medial wall of the maxillary sinus; its convex anterior
border is free only above. The maxillary hiatus, a wide defect in the
maxillary’s nasal surface (see 6.194a), is much reduced by neigh-
bouring bones; being covered below by the inferior concha and its
maxillary process, above by ethmoid’s uncinate process, behind by
I7 16 I5 I4 I3 I2 Ii
palatine’s perpendicular plate and anterosuperiorly by small parts of
ethmoidal labyrinth and lacrimal bone (6.1578). Thus the hiatus is
sometimes reduced to a single orifice in the floor of the posterior 6.158 Sagittal section through the lower part of the skull, slightly to the left
part of the hiatus semilunaris, but usually additional openings exist of the median plane. 1. Frontosphenoidal suture. 2. Bony canal for middle
both between the inferior concha and the uncinate process and also meningeal vessels, frontal branches, upper orifice. 3. Right sphenoidal
behind the uncinate process. The ethmoidal bulla, variable in size sinus. 4. Squamosal suture. 5. Groove for parietal branches of middle
and shape, may be fused with the uncinate process, and then the meningeal vessels. 6. Lambdoid suture. 7. Groove for transverse sinus. 8.
duct of the frontal sinus opens into the middle meatus medial to the Posterior margin of foramen magnum. 9. Internal acoustic meatus. 10.
Hypoglossal canal. 11. Petro-occipital suture in floor of groove for inferior
blind end of the infundibulum. A concha suprema often exists on
petrosal sinus. 12. Anterior margin of foramen magnum. 13. Styloid process.
the medial surface of the ethmoidal labyrinth posterosuperior to the 14. Line of occipitosphenoidal junction. 15. Lateral pterygoid plate. 16.
superior concha’s posterior end (sphenoethmoidal recess); it is merely Pterygoid hamulus. 17. Vomer. 18. Anterior nasal spine. 19. Perpendicular
a ridge, separated from the superior concha by a depression. The plate of ethmoid. 20. Nasal bone. 21. Frontal sinus. 22. Crista galli. 23. Left
sphenopalatine foramen (6.157) is posterior to the superior meatus sphenoidal sinus. 24. Bony canal for frontal divisions of middle meningeal
and transmits the sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine and vessels, lower orifice. 575

superior nasal nerves from the pterygopalatine fossa. The foramen Mandibular body
is bounded above by the sphenoidal body and concha, below by the The mandibular body, somewhat U-shaped, has external and internal
superior border of palatine perpendicular plate, in front and behind surfaces, separated by upper and lower borders. Anteriorly, the
by the palatine’s orbital and sphenoidal processes (see 6.194, 195). upper external surface shows a faint median ridge, often absent,
indicating fusion of the halves of the fetal bone (symphysis menti);
inferiorly this ridge divides to enclose a triangular mental pro-
INDIVIDUAL CRANIAL BONES tuberance, its base centrally depressed but raised on each side as a
mental tubercle. Below the interval between the premolar teeth, or
MANDIBLE the second premolar, is the mental foramen, from which emerge the
mental nerve and vessels; its posterior border is smooth accom-
The mandible (6.159), the largest, strongest and lowest bone in the
modating the posterolaterally emerging nerve (Warwick 1950a). A
face, has a horizontally curved body, convex forwards, and two
faint oblique line ascends backwards from each mental tubercle,
broad rami, ascending posteriorly.
sweeping below the foramen, becoming more marked as it continues
into the anterior border of the ramus.
Head of mandible The body’s lower border, the base, extends posterolaterally from
the symphysis into that of the ramus behind the third molar tooth.
Near the midline, on each side, is a rough digastric fossa, behind
Coronoid process
which the base is thick and rounded, with a slight anteroposterior
convexity. As the ramus is approached, this changes to a gentle
concavity; thus, in profile, the whole. base is sinuous.
Temporalis The upper border, the alveolar part, contains 16 alveoli for roots
of teeth, varying in size and depth, some being multiple.
The internal surface is divided by an oblique mylohyoid line, sharp
and distinct near the molars, faint in front and extending from
behind the third molar, a centimetre from the upper border, to the
mental symphysis between the digastric fossae. Below this line is
the slightly concave submandibular fossa; the area above it widens
anteriorly into a triangular sublingual fossa. Above the latter and
Alveolar part extending back to the third molar, the bone is covered by oral
mucosa. Above the anterior ends of the mylohyoid lines, the posterior
symphyseal aspect has a small elevation, often divided into upper
and lower parts, the mental spines (genial tubercles). Posteriorly the
mylohyoid groove extends down and forwards from the ramus below
the mylohyoid line’s posterior part. Superior to the mental spines
most mandibles display a lingual (genial) foramen opening into a
canal, which traverses the bone to approximately 50% of the bucco-
mandibular dimension of the mandible (McDonnell et al 1994): it
Depressor labii contains a branch of the lingual artery. As yet its development is
inferioris Buccinator
Mental pro- Platysma
uncertain; however, it is a useful radiological landmark see also
tuberance (part only: see Muscle) accessory mandibular foramina, p.577.) Above the mylohyoid line,
Mental medial to the molar roots, a rounded torus mandibularis sometimes
Depressor anguli oris
tubercle (part only: see Muscle) appears: for its incidence consult Mayhall et al (1970) and Berry
6.159a. The left half of the mandible: lateral (external) aspect.
Mandibular ramus
The mandibular ramus (6.159) is quadrilateral, with two surfaces,
Lateral four borders and two processes. The flat /ateral surface has oblique
ridges in its lower part; the medial presents, a little above centre, an
irregular mandibular foramen, leading into the mandibular canal,
curving downwards and forwards into the body to its mental foramen
Lingula (but see below and p. 577). Anteromedially the foramen is overlapped
by a thin, triangular /ingula. The mylohyoid groove descends forwards
from behind the lingula; the surface behind it being marked by short
foramen ridges. The inferior border, continuous with the mandibular base,
meets the posterior border at the angle. This is typically everted, but
in females frequently inverted. The thin upper border bounds the
Mylohyoid mandibular incisure, surmounted in front by the somewhat triangular,
groove flat, coronoid process, behind by a strong condylar process. The
posterior border, thick and rounded, extends from the condyle to the
pterygoid angle, being gently convex backwards above, and concave below; it
is in contact with the parotid gland. The anterior border is thin above
and continuous with that of the coronoid process, and thicker below
and continuous with the oblique line.
The ramus and its processes provide attachment for muscles of
mastication, much of its /ateral surface to masseter, except postero-
superiorly, where it is covered by the parotid gland; the medial
Submandibular fossa
surface receives the medial pterygoid on the roughened area postero-
inferior to the mylohyoid groove. To the /ingula the spheno-
Mylohyoid line mandibular ligament is attached, posterior to which the mylohyoid
nerve and vessels enter the mylohyoid groove, reaching the mandibular
Digastric, body below the mylohyoid line; they then pass superficial to mylo- —
anterior belly hyoid. Below the lingula, but above the roughened attachment —
576 6.1598. The right half of the mandible: medial (internal) aspect. mentioned above, the medial surface of the ramus is related to the


medial pterygoid, the lingual nerve being between the muscle and count of 2449 accessory foramina (Sutton 1974). Since many transmit
bone. The lowest attachment of temporalis descends beyond the auxiliary nerves to teeth (from facial, mylohyoid, buccal, transverse
coronoid process to the anterior ramal border and particularly cervical cutaneous and other nerves), their occurrence is significant
its adjoining medial surface. To the area posterosuperior to the in dental blocking techniques.
mandibular foramen the maxillary artery and its inferior alveolar Further mandibular variants. These include /ingual depressions,
branch are related, and lateral pterygoid to the area near the molar or canine, variable position of mental foramen, multiple mental
mandibular incisure. The mandibular incisure transmits the mas- foramina, lingual fenestrations of molar sockets, retromolar foramina
seteric nerve and vessels from the infratemporal fossa. and condylar defects. For incidences in 125 mandibles see Azaz and
Coronoid process. This projects upwards and slightly forwards. Lustmann (1973).
Its posterior border bounds the mandibular incisure; its anterior
Aspects of mandibular structure
continues into that of the ramus. Its margins and medial surface are
attachments for most of temporalis. It is covered laterally by the In addition to variable mandibular canals (Fawcett 1895; Carter &
anterior part of masseter descending to its attachment on the ramus. Keen 1971), numerous analyses have been made of the structure of
The anterior border is palpable below the zygoma, most evident surface tables and buttresses of compact bone and the geometry of
when opening the mouth. trabeculation in attempts to relate these to habitual functional
Conaylar process. Apically enlarged as the fibrocartilage covered stresses (Beltrani 1946; Seipel 1948; Dal Pont 1960; Scott & Symons
head or condyle, it projects more at its medial pole to articulate with 1977; Mercier et al 1970a,b). Holographic interferometry has been
the temporal bone’s mandibular fossa via an intermediate articular used to study surface strains induced by orthodontic forces (Hewitt
disc. It is convex in all directions, with the transverse dimension 1977).
being greater. Its lateral aspect is a blunt projection, palpable in Ossification
front of the auricular tragus. As the mouth opens the condyle
descends forwards, admitting a finger-tip towards its vacated fossa. The mandible forms in dense fibromembranous tissue lateral to the
Below the head is the narrower neck, slightly flattened from before inferior alveolar nerve and its incisive branch and also in the lower
backwards, its anterior aspect overlapped laterally by the mandibular parts of Meckel’s cartilage (6.160). Each half is ossified from a centre
incisure’s margin, medial to which the neck’s anterior surface bears appearing near the mental foramen about the sixth week, i.e. just
a rough pterygoid fovea. after the clavicle’s primary centre (p. 620). From this, ossification
Further details. The articular surface descends only a little on its spreads medially and posterocranially to form the body and ramus,
first below, then around the inferior alveolar nerve and incisive
anterior surface, but covers the whole of its superior aspect and
descends 5mm posteriorly. Its projecting lateral part is separated branch and upwards, initially forming a trough and later crypts for
from the cartilaginous external acoustic meatus by the parotid gland. developing teeth. By the tenth week Meckel’s cartilage below the
Laterally on its neck the lateral ligament of the temporomandibular incisor rudiments is surrounded and invaded by bone (p. 277. Sec-
joint is attached (see 6.162a), covered by the parotid gland. The ondary cartilages appear later (6.160): a conical mass, the condylar
cartilage, extends from the mandibular head downwards and for-
pterygoid fovea, anterior on the neck, receives the lateral pterygoid.
The neck’s medial surface is related to the auriculotemporal nerve wards in the ramus, contributing to its growth in height; though it
above and maxillary artery below. is largely replaced by bone by midfetal life, its proximal end persists
The parotid gland is below the external acoustic meatus and lies as proliferating cartilage under articular fibrocartilage until the third
between the ramus and mastoid process, with the styloid process decade. The orientation and growth patterns in the condylar cartilage
medial; but it extends forwards lateral to the temporomandibular are one (of many) important determinants of co-ordinated cranio-
joint and to the exposed ramus behind the masseter. It also curls facial growth. Another secondary cartilage, which soon ossifies,
round the posterior border to the medial aspect of the ramus above
the attachment of medial pterygoid. Meckel’s
dorsal tidcartilage, Mandibular nerve
Mandibular canal. This descends obliquely forwards in the ramus
from the mandibular foramen, then horizontally forwards in the
body below the alveoli, with which it communicates by small canals.
It contains the inferior alveolar nerve and vessels, from which
branches enter tooth roots, periodontal sockets and septa. Between
the roots of the first and second premolars, or below the second, the
canal divides into mental and incisive parts; the mental canal swerves
up, back and laterally to the mental foramen; the incisive canal
continues below the incisor teeth. (See p. 1700 for variations.) Anterior process
Mandibular body. This bears a small shallow incisive fossa below of malleus
the incisors, an attachment for mentalis and part of orbicularis oris. Mental nerve
To the anterior ends of the oblique lines are attached depressors
labii inferioris and anguli oris, and platysma to bone below and
backwards beyond them. Adjoining the alveolar border, bone is
covered by oral mucosa and, below this in the molar region, the Meckel’s cartilage, Inferior alveolar Lingual Mandibular
nerve Malleus
buccinator has a linear attachment extending medially behind the ventral end nerve
last molar to the pterygomandibular raphe.
Mylohyoid line. It gives attachment to the mylohyoid muscle and,
above its posterior end, the superior pharyngeal constrictor, some
retromolar fasicles of the buccinator, and the pterygomandibular
raphe behind the third molar. Although usually described separately,
here the constrictor, buccinator and the raphe are blended and
jointly attach to the mandibular periosteum. The lingual nerve
reaches the tongue above the mylohyoid line, closely related to bone Anterior process Chorda
near its posterior end (p. 1239); often the nerve is accommodated in of malleus tympani
a shallow, curved groove. To the superior mental spines are attached
the genioglossi, to the inferior the geniohyoids. The submandibular Meckel’s Nerve to mylohyoid
Lefthalfof Accessory carti-
fossa adjoins submandibular lymph nodes as well as the salivary mandible, laginous nodules cartilage
gland; the facial artery usually descends here to curl round the base cut
of the mandible, sometimes making a shallow groove. The digastric
fossa is for attachment of the anterior belly of digastric. 6.160 The right half of the mandible of a human embryo, 95mm long; A.
Accessory foramina of the mandible. These are usually unnamed lateral aspect; B. medial aspect. Blue = cartilage; yellow = bone.
and infrequently described. Yet a study of 300 mandibles yielded a (Reconstruction by A Low.)

growth in condylar cartilage, which expanded by surface accretion

Symphysis menti only (Kvinnsland & Kvinnsland 1975).
Age changes in the mandible
At birth (6.161) the two halves of the mandible are united by a
fibrous symphysis menti. Anterior ends of both rudiments are covered
by cartilage, separated only by a symphysis. Until fusion occurs new
cells are added to each cartilage from symphyseal fibrous tissue,
ossification on its mandibular side proceeding towards the midline;
when the latter process overtakes the former, extending into median
fibrous ‘tissue, the symphysis fuses but details are uncertain. At this
stage the body is a mere shell, enclosing imperfectly separated sockets
3 years of deciduous teeth. The mandibular canal is near the lower border;
the mental foramen opens below the first deciduous molar and is
directed forwards (Warwick 1950a). The coronoid process projects
above the condyle.
In the first to third postnatal years (6.161) the two halves join at
their symphysis from below upwards; separation near the alveolar
margin may persist into the second year. The body elongates,
especially behind the mental foramen, providing space for three
additional teeth (pp. 1712-1718). During the first and second years,
as a chin develops, the mental foramen alters direction from anterior
to posterosuperior, and then almost horizontally posterior, as in
adults (Warwick 1950), accommodating a changing direction of the
emerging mental nerve. The proximal zone of the conical condylar
cartilage persists as an epiphyseal plate. Its proliferation contributes
to the vertical increase in the ramus and to general mandibular
growth which is essentially downwards and forwards. With its anti-
mere it also adapts the intercondylar distance to the widening cranial
base. The condylar cartilage is covered on its articular aspect by self-
perpetuating fibrous tissue, deep to which a proliferating intermediate
zone is responsible for ramal growth and thus displacement of the
whole mandible. Beneath this are hypertrophic chondrocytes and
then bone (Blackwood 1959). As the depth of the body increases,
alveolar growth makes room for the roots of the teeth, the subalveolar
region becoming thicker and deeper. After eruption of permanent
teeth (6.1610,£) the mandibular canal isa little above the mylohyoid
line, and the mental foramen occupies its adult position. As the
mandible increases in size, bone is added at the posterior borders of
the ramus and coronoid process, absorption occurring at their
anterior borders. This remodelling is continuous until adult size is
reached, allowing alveolar parts to accommodate the permanent
molar teeth (Enlow & Harris 1964). Organ culture of condylar
cartilage in rats shows no growth potential, but in vivo all mandibular
growth cartilages respond to mechanical forces (Petrovic 1972).
In adults (6.161) alveolar and subalveolar regions are about equal
in depth, with the mental foramen midway between the upper and
lower borders; the mandibular canal nearly parallels the mylohyoid
line. The angle between the lower border of the body and a plane
touching the posterior surface of condyle above, and ramus below,
diminishes as ramal height increases with age; but radiographs at
different ages (Brodie 1941) show that its (genial) contour remains
In old age (6.161F) the bone is reduced in size as teeth are lost and
the alveolar region absorbed; the mandibular canal and mental
foramen are nearer the superior border. Both may even disappear,
Old age
exposing the inferior alveolar nerve (Gabriel 1958). The ramus
becomes oblique, the angle about 140°, and the neck inclined back-
wards (Fawcett et al 1924). Absorption affects chiefly the thinner
alveolar wall (lingual or labial) and, after completion, a linear
alveolar ridge is left at the superior border of the mandible (and
inferior border of the maxilla). In the mandible the labial wall is
thinner in incisor and canine regions, the lingual wall in the molar.
The mandibular alveolar ridge hence is within the line of teeth in
6.161 The mandible at different periods of life. the former but outside it in molar regions, forming a curve wider
posteriorly than that of the line of the teeth, but intersecting it near
the premolars. In the maxilla, however, the labial wall is everywhere
appears along the anterior coronoid border, disappearing before thinner and after absorption its maxillary alveolar ridge is entirely
birth. One or two cartilaginous nodules also occur at the symphysis within the line of the teeth.
menti; about the seventh month these may ossify as variable mental
ossicles in symphyseal fibrous tissue, uniting to adjacent bone before
the end of the first postnatal year (Lebourg & Champagne 1951;
Sicher 1962; Scott & Symons 1977; and 6.161a). It may be mentioned Each joint involves the temporal articular tubercle and anterior part
578 here that H-thymidine labelling in the rat showed no interstitial of the mandibular fossa above and mandibular condyle below.

Articular surfaces are covered by white fibrocartilage in which only on the lateral side of the joint: posteriorly, anteriorly and
collagen fibres predominate and cartilage cells are few. An articular medially the upper and lower laminae of the articular disc are
disc divides the joint, usually completely, into upper and lower parts. attached separately either to the temporal bone or mandibular
(Sometimes, however, the disc is perforated.) Commonly described condyle (Schmolke 1994). The ‘capsule’ is attached above anteriorly
as ‘condylar’, they are preferably termed ellipsoid, right and left to the articular tubercle, posteriorly to the lips of the squamo-
joints forming a bicondylar articulation. tympanic fissure and between these to the edges of the mandibular
fossa; below to the mandibular neck. Above the articular disc it is
Fibrous capsule loose; below it is taut.
Each part of the joint can be considered to be surrounded by short Synovial membrane. This lines the capsule, above and below the
capsular fibres which stretch from the condyle to the disc, and from disc (but does not cover the disc); thus, on each side it lines the non-
the disc to the temporal bone forming two joint capsules (Fennol et articular surfaces of both superior and inferior synovial com-
al 1992). Longer bands extending from the condyle to the temporal partments. Below the disc the capsular synovial membrane is reflected
bone may be regarded as reinforcing fibres. However, true capsular upwards along the mandible’s neck and lateral pterygoid tendon to
fibres passing between the mandible and temporal bone are present reach the condylar articular cartilage.
The lateral temporomandibular ligament
The lateral temporomandibular ligament (6.162a), close to the
capsule, is attached above to the tubercle on the zygoma’s root,
below to the lateral surface and posterior border of the mandibular
neck, its fibres sloping downwards and backwards deep to the parotid
gland. Variations (macroscopic and microscopic) in the ligament
have been reported (Nell et al 1994).

Sphenomandibular ligament
The sphenomandibular ligament (6.1628), medial to and separate

from the capsule, is a flat, thin band descending from the spine of
the sphenoid and widening to reach the lingula of the mandibular

foramen. Superolateral to it are the lateral pterygoid muscle and
auriculotemporal nerve; inferior to this it is separated from the
vg mandibular neck by maxillary vessels, below which the inferior
alveolar vessels and nerve and a parotid lobule separate it from the
mandibular ramus; here the vessels and nerve to the mylohyoid
pierce the ligament with the medial pterygoid muscle inferomedial.
It is separated from the pharynx by fat and pharyngeal veins and,
Lateral ligament
near its upper end, is crossed by the chorda tympani. Some fibres
Y Stylomandibular ligament traverse the medial end of the petrotympanic fissure to the anterior
malleolar process as a vestige (the anterior ligament of the malleus)
of the dorsal end of Meckel’s cartilage (p.277). The role of this
vestigial ligament in mandibular mechanics is negligible.
Stylomandibular ligament
The stylomandibular ligament (6.162a), a specialized band of deep
cervical fascia (p. 802), stretches from the apex and adjacent anterior
aspect of the styloid process to the mandible’s angle and posterior
border. It can be considered only accessory to the joint and of
uncertain function.
Articular disc
The articular disc (6.162c, 163), an oval plate of fibrous tissue shaped
like a peaked cap, completely divides the joint. Its upper surface is
sagittally concavoconvex to fit the articular tubercle and fossa,

capsule Articular disc
Articular tubercle Fibrous capsule
Suprameatal spine

Lateral pterygoid Condyloid process

6.162 The left temporomandibular joint; a. lateral aspect; 8. medial aspect;
c. sagittal section. 579

Anterior temporal
attachment of meniscus its inferior concave surface adapted to the mandibular head. Its
circumference blends with the fibrous capsule and, anteromedially,
ANTERIOR the tendon of lateral pterygoid (p. 801). Medial and lateral, short,
strong bands pass from its margins to the medial and lateral condylar
poles, ensuring that the disc and condyle move together in protraction
and retraction. Posteriorly in the disc a venous plexus separates
upper and lower layers, the upper of fibroelastic tissue attaches to
Temporomandibular the fossa’s posterior margin, the lower of non-elastic fibrous tissue
ligament attaches to the back of the condyle. Though variable, the disc is
thickest behind its centre, in the deepest part of the mandibular fossa
Anterior extension where Rees (1954) has described two thick regions (anterior and
posterior bands) with thinner zones between. Mediolateral variations
Anterior band
are equally relevant. An interesting analysis with some alternative
Intermediate zone
proposals concerning the design, formation, possible functional roles
and derangements of the disc have been provided by Osborn (1985).
Posterior band He emphasizes the largely fibrous nature of the highly non-congruent
articular surfaces and views the interposed disc as a viscoelastically
Lateral wall deformable pad coextensive with the cranial articular surface (i.e.
of capsule
much more extensive than the mandibular condyle). Compression
Medial wall forces (increased during chewing, biting, grinding) thin an area of
of capsule Bilaminar region disc between the condyle and the posterior slope of the articular
eminence, thereby ‘squeezing out’ material to form a thickened zone,
Posterior the annulus of Osborn, which surrounds the thin area—a recess for
Sphenomandibular temporal the mandibular condyle. (It should be noted that the anterior and
ligament attachment
Posterior wall posterior thickened bands shown in 6.163 are continuous medially
of capsule and laterally with the mandibular condyle.) The question of whether
Superior aspect.
the shape of the disc is genetically determined, produced mainly by
Bilaminar region
Posterior band biomechanical constraints or both is also discussed. The supposedly
Posterior non-elastic nature of the inferoposterior (mandibular) lamina of the
attachment Intermediate zone
disc is also questioned (see also below). Postnatal development of
Anterior band the disc up to 21 years, described by Wright and Moffet (1974),
showed at no stage any chondrocytes in the disc, which is flat at
Anterior birth and develops its sigmoid profile as the articular eminence
temporal enlarges. From the fifth decade it also often shows macroscopic
attachment evidence of degeneration (fraying, thinning and perforation) that
this can be regarded as ‘normal’ ageing. Weisengreen (1975) found
Anterior such degeneration in 40% of 183 individuals between 40 and 90
extension years. The disc, often incomplete, is variably perforated.
Posterior wall
of capsule Anterior Vessels and nerve supply to the joint
mandibular Innervation is from the auriculotemporal and masseteric branches of
the mandibular nerve, arteries are from the superficial temporal and
Posterior maxillary arteries. Klineberg and Wyke (1975) have detailed the
mandibular ANTERIOR —>— distribution of mechanoreceptors in the joint and suggested their
role in mastication.
Lateral wall of
capsule (cut) Movements
Lateral aspect. The mandible can be depressed or elevated, protruded or retracted
and, since both joints always act together but may differ in actual
Roof of Upper joint compartment movement, some rotation (around a vertical axis, see below) may
Bilaminar mandibular occur. These actions involve gliding, spin, roll and angulation. (The
region fossa Posterior band last is another variety of rotation around a dynamic transverse axis,
Posterior see below.)
Intermediate zune
temporal In the position of rest upper and lower teeth are slightly apart; in
attachment Anterior band closure they are apposed, the occlusal position. When the mouth
opens the mandibular ‘condyles’ rotate on a common horizontal axis
extension and also glide forwards and downwards on the inferior surfaces of
their articular discs, which slide in the same direction on the temporal
bones due to their attachments to the mandibular heads and to
Anterior contraction of the lateral pterygoids drawing the heads and discs on
attachment to the articular tubercles. Discal sliding ceases when their posterior
Posterior fibroelastic attachments to the temporal bones are stretched to their
attachment Lower joint
limit. Further hinging and gliding of the condyles brings them into
compartment articulation with the most anterior parts of the discs as the mouth
Posterior wall
of capsule opens fully. In closure the movements are reversed: each head glides
ANTERIOR —>— back and hinges on its disc, still held by the lateral pterygoid, which
relaxes to allow the disc to glide back and up into the mandibular
Head of
condyle : fossa. The full cycle is shown in 6.164, derived from observations by
Anterior Rees (1954). Osborn (1985) presents alternative interpretations; he
In sagittal section. Cee regards the fibrous articular surfaces as particularly susceptible to
6.163 Form, subdivisions and thickness variations of the intra-articular trauma during the arthrokinematic roll, spin and glide executed
disc in the temporomandibular joint. See text for details and for alternative when the joint is maximally loaded. The deformable viscoelastic
interpretations. Based upon Rees (1954) and with permission from the articular disc’s primary function is to permit these activities while
580 British Dental Journal. reducing the risk of trauma. The disc is thought to be stabilized by

Bilaminar region

Posterior temporal attachment Posterior band

External auditory meatus Intermediate zone

Posterior mandibular attachment Anterior mandibular attachment

Anterior band
Tympanic plate
Anterior temporal attachment
Posterior wall of capsule
Lateral pterygoid insertion

Soft tissue pad

6.164 Changing relationships of the condyle of the mandible, the articular (1954) with permission of the late Professor JJ Pritchard, on behalf of the
disc and the articular surface of the temporal bone during one complete late Leonard A Rees and the British Dental Journal. See also alternative
opening (AD) and closing (D->A) cycle of the mouth. Based upon Rees hypotheses proposed by Osborn (1985).

its inherent viscoelasticity; increasing loads thicken its annulus (see Measurement of mandibular movements is of clinical interest; in
above) and prolapse is prevented. Activity of the lateral pterygoid adults incisors may separate by 50-60mm, maximal lateral dis-
and presence of elastic tissue in the posterior bilaminar zone are placement and protrusion being about 10mm, with much individual
regarded as secondary features in disc stabilization. An unusual variation. Adult range is reached earlier in females (c. 10 years) than
proposition is that while the disc is se/f-stabilizing its other principal in males (c. 15 years) in accord with postnatal development of the
role is to destabilize the mandibular condyle and allow complex free articular profiles (Wright & Moffet 1974), adult form being reached
movement under load. The elastic tissues may act to withdraw tissues between 6 and 12 years.
and thus prevent entrapment between the articular surfaces during Muscles producing movements
mouth closure. In protrusion the teeth are parallel to the occlusal
plane but variably separated, the lower carried forwards by both Protrusion: lateral and medial pterygoid muscles.
lateral pterygoid muscles. In retraction the mandible is returned to Retraction: temporales (posterior fibres), assisted by middle and deep
the position of rest. In rotatory movements of mastication (in the parts of the masseters, digastric and geniohyoid muscles.
occlusal plane, but clearly not in occlusion), one head with its disc Elevation: temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid, of both sides. In
glides forwards, rotating around avertical axis immediately behind closure each mandibular head is retracted by the posterior fibres of
the opposite head, then glides backwards rotating in the opposite the temporalis before elevation. The temporales maintain the position
direction, as the opposite head comes forward in turn. This alterna- of rest (Latif 1957).
tion swings the mandible from side to side (Sarnat 1951). Depression: lateral pterygoids, aided when the mouth is open widely 581

or against resistance, by digastric, geniohyoid and mylohyoid The greater cornua

muscles. These are connected to the body in early life by cartilage, but after
Lateral movements: medial and lateral pterygoid of each side, acting middle age they are usually united by bone. They project backwards
alternately. (curving posterolaterally) from the lateral ends of the body; hori-
Such a list, though useful, obscures the complex integrations of zontally flattened, they taper posteriorly, each ending in a tubercle.
simultaneous contraction and lengthening of many muscles. When the throat is gripped between finger and thumb above the
Alternative descriptions of mandibular movements have been thyroid cartilage, the greater cornua can be identified and the bone
proposed, with a detailed analysis of biting, chewing and deglutition can be moved from side to side.
being given by Kraus et al (1969). For a mathematical model
relating patterns of human mandibular movement to biomechanical The lesser cornua
constraints see Baragar and Osborn (1984). They are two small, conical projections at the junctions of the body
An unresolved controversy concerning forces transmitted at tem- and greater cornua, connected at their base to the body by fibrous
poromandibular joints must be noted. A proposal that they carry tissue and occasionally to the greater cornua by synovial joints,
no load, or are subject to little transarticular compression, has been which occasionally become ankylosed (see below).
supported by Wilson (1920), Scott (1955), Steinhardt (1958) and
others; while later views (e.g. Smith & Savage 1959; Turnbull 1970) Further details
oppose this. Most observations involve vertebrates other than Attached to most of the body’s anterior surface is geniohyoid, above
mammals; few reliable experimental data are available for man
and below the transverse ridge; but the medial part of hyoglossus
according to Gingerich (1971). Analysis, both theoretical and involv- invades the lateral geniohyoid area (6.1658). The lower anterior
ing electromyography (integrated and quantitative), in man, however,
surface gives attachment to mylohyoid, above the sternohyoid
favours a force-transmitting function (Barbenel 1972, 1974), sup-
medially and omohyoid laterally. To the rounded superior border the
ported by observations by Crompton & Hiemae (opossum, 1969)
lowest fibres of the genioglossi, the hyoepiglottic ligament and (most
and by Buckland-Wright (cat, 1978). In view of the complex activities
posteriorly) the thyrohyoid membrane are attached; to the inferior
at these joints, both views may be correct at times. It is only in
border are attached sternohyoid medially and omohyoid laterally,
‘hinge’ movements of limited extent, as in biting, that controversy
sometimes with the medial fibres of thyrohyoid and levator glandulae
need exist. thyroideae, when present.
Clinical anatomy To the upper surface of each greater cornu the middle pharyngeal
constrictor and, more laterally (superficially), hyoglossus, are
The mandible is dislocated only forwards. With the mouth open, the
attached along its whole length. Near the junction of the cornu with
condyles are on the articular eminences and sudden violence, even
the body stylohyoid is attached, lateral to hyoglossus, anda little
muscular spasm (a convulsive yawn), may displace one or both into
posterior to this, is the fibrous loop for the digastric tendon. To the
the infratemporal fossa. Reduction involves depressing the jaw pos- medial border is attached the thyrohyoid membrane, to the /ateral
teriorly, at the same time elevating the chin. Downward pressure over-
border anteriorly the thyrohyoid. The oblique inferior surface is
comes spasm in the masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles;
separated from the thyrohyoid membrane by fibroareolar tissue.
elevation of the chin forces the condyles backwards. Derangement of
At the posterior and lateral aspects of the lesser cornua are the
a disc may follow trauma, by overclosure with backward displacement
attachments of the middle pharyngeal constrictors. To their apices
of a condyle or malocclusion; clicking and pain on movement result.
are attached the stylohyoid ligaments, often partly ossified, and to
In operations, rami of the facial nerve overlying the joint must be
the medial aspects of their bases, the chondroglossi.
preserved. Changes in occlusion may lead to remodelling of the tem-
poromandibular articular surfaces (Moffet et al 1964). Ossification
The hyoid bone evolves from cartilages of the second and third
HYOID BONE visceral arches, the lesser cornua from the second, the greater from
The U-shaped hyoid bone (6.165) is suspended from the tips of the the third and the body from the fused ventral ends of both (p. 277).
(bilateral) styloid processes by the stylohyoid ligaments. It has a Chondrification begins in the fifth fetal week in these elements,
body, two greater and two lesser cornua. completed in the third and fourth months. Ossification proceeds from
six centres—a pair for the body, one for each cornu—commencing in
Body the greater cornua towards the end of intrauterine life, in the body
This is irregular, elongated and quadrilateral. Its anterior surface is shortly before or after birth, and in lesser cornua around puberty.
convex, facing anterosuperiorly, and is crossed bya transverse ridge The greater cornual apices remain cartilaginous until the third decade
with a slight downward convexity; often a vertical median ridge and epiphyses may occur here. They fuse with the body. Synovial
bisects the body; the upper part of this vertical ridge is usually joints between the greater and lesser cornua may be obliterated by
present, the lower part is rare. The posterior surface is smooth, ossification in later decades.
concave, faces posteroinferiorly, and is separated from the epiglottis
by the thyrohyoid membrane and loose areolar tissue, with a bursa OCCIPITAL BONE
between the bone and the membrane.
The occipital bone (6.166), forming much of the back and base of
the cranium, is trapezoid and internally concave. It encloses the
foramen magnum; the expanded plate posterosuperior to this is the
squama (squamous part), the massive quadrilateral part anterior to
Ss & eo
it being the basilar part (basioccipital); on each side of the foramen
Greater cornu
is a lateral part (exoccipital).
Body Squama
The squama is convex externally and concave internally. The external
surface presents, midway between its summit and the foramen
magnum, the external occipital protuberance. On each side two curved
lines extend laterally from this; the upper, faintly marked and often
€ almost imperceptible, is the highest nuchal line to which the epicranial
Lesser cornu iene Mylohyoid aponeurosis is attached; the lower is the superior nuchal line. The
3 surface above the highest nuchal lines is smooth and covered by the
occipital part of occipitofrontalis; below this it is rough and irregular
6.165. The hyoid bone: anterosuperior aspect. 8. Drawing of the left half for the attachment of muscles. From the external occipital pro-
582 of the hyoid bone to show the muscular attachments: superior aspect. tuberance the median external occipital crest, often faint, descends

to the foramen magnum and is an attachment of the ligamentum Basilar part

nuchae; on each side an inferior nuchal line spreads laterally from The basilar part extends anterosuperiorly from the foramen magnum,
the crest’s midpoint. Areas of muscular attachment are shown in fusing with the sphenoid in adults. In young skulls a rough and
6.141, 147, 1668. The posterior atlanto-occipital membrane is attached uneven surface is joined to the body of the sphenoid by a growth
posterolaterally just outside the foramen magnum’s margin. cartilage. By the twenty-fifth year this plate has ossified and occipital
The squama’s internal surface is divided into four deep fossae by and sphenoid bones are fused.
an irregular internal occipital protuberance and by ridged sagittal and The inferior surface of the basioccipital, about 1 cm anterior to the
horizontal extensions from it. The two superior fossae are triangular foramen magnum, bears a small pharyngeal tubercle for attachment of
and adapted to the cerebral occipital poles, the inferior are quadri- the fibrous pharyngeal raphe. Longus capitis is attached anterolateral
lateral and shaped to accommodate the cerebellar hemispheres. A to the tubercle and rectus capitis anterior to a small depression
wide groove, with raised banks, ascends from the protuberance to immediately anterior to the occipital condyle which, on occasion,
the squama’s superior angle—the superior sagittal sulcus. The pos- may be replaced by a small precondylar tubercle, of low incidence,
terior part of the falx cerebri is attached to its margins. A prominent but relatively frequent in Mexican and Burmese crania (p. 609). To
internal occipital crest descends from the protuberance, for attach- the anterior margin of the foramen magnum the anterior atlanto-
ment of the falx cerebelli, and bifurcates near the foramen magnum; occipital membrane is attached.
the occipital sinus, sometimes double, lies in this attachment. At the The superior basioccipital surface is a broad groove, part of the
crest’s lower end a small vermian fossa may exist, occupied by part clivus, which ascends anteriorly from the foramen magnum; above
of the inferior cerebellar vermis. On each side a wide sulcus for the it are the medulla oblongata and lower pons. Near the foramen the
transverse sinus extends laterally from the protuberance; to the membrana tectoria and axial apical ligament are attached to the
margins of these sulci the tentorium cerebelli is attached. The right clivus. On its lateral margins are sulci of the inferior petrosal sinuses,
sulcus is usually larger, passing into the sulcus for the superior below which the lateral margins articulate with the petrous temporal
sagittal sinus, but the left may be larger or both almost equal in size. bones.
The position of this confluence of sinuses is indicated by a depression
on one side of the protuberance.
The superior angle at the squama’s summit meets the occipital Lateral (condylar) parts
angles of the parietal bones, the position of the fetal posterior The lateral (condylar) parts of the occipital bone flank the foramen
fontanelle. The lateral angles of the squama’, marked internally by magnum; on their inferior surfaces are occipital condyles for articu-
the ends of the transverse sulci, project between the parietal and lation with the superior atlantal facets. They are oval or reniform,
temporal bones. The /ambdoid borders extend from superior to lateral their long axes converging anteromedially. Their anterior ends invade
angles, serrated for articulation with the occipital borders of the the basioccipital, level with the foramen’s centre. The articular
parietals at the Jambdoid suture. The mastoid borders extend from surfaces, wholly convex, face inferolaterally; they are occasionally
the lateral angles to the jugular processes, articulating with the constricted and a condyle may be in two parts (p. 610). The atlantal
mastoid parts of the temporal bone. A variety of ossicles may occur superior articular facets are also frequently constricted and occasion-
at or near the lambda (p. 606 and Srivastava 1977), for example the ally ‘double’ (Singh 1965). Medial to each facet a tubercle gives
‘interparietal’ (Inca bone or ossicle of Goethe). attachment to an alar ligament. Anteriorly above each condyle is a

Highest nuchal line

External occipital
protuberance, Superior nuchal line


Lambdoi .

/ suture
om 7
e * é Inferior nuchal line
ah. e 1S

rs D
ee} E \
YZ! i Ls ?

- ‘i a

Jugular process
Condylar ‘canal —_ A
Condylar fossa
Hypoglossal canal Foramen
Condyle magnum

6.166 The occipital bone; a. Posterior (external) aspect; 8. Inferior aspect;

c. Internal aspect. The condylar canal was only present on the left side in
this specimen. (B. and c. overleaf). 583


External occipital protuberance

Rectus capitis posterior minor
Highest nuchal line
Semispinalis capitis
Superior nuchal line
Occipital belly of
Obliquus superior occipitofrontalis

Inferior nuchal line

External occipital crest

Jugular process

Condylar fossa
Alar ligament
Rectus capitis anterior Hypoglossal canal

Longus capitis Pharyngeal tubercle

Suture with
parietal bone
Sulcus for superior
sagittal sinus
Attachments of
falx cerebri
Internal occipital

Groove for

Attachment of
tentorium cerebelli

Suture with
mastoid part of
temporal bone

Sulcus for sigmoid

Jugular notch
Groove for glossopharyngeal,
vagus, and accessory nerves
Groove for inferior
petrosal sinus
‘Suture with temporal bone

hypoglossal canal, which starts internally a little above the antero- half of each condyle, is a quadrilateral plate, indented in front by a
lateral part of the foramen magnum and continues anterolaterally. jugular notch, the posterior part of the jugular foramen. This notch
It may be partly or wholly divided by a spicule of bone and transmits is sometimes partly divided by a small intrajugular process, projecting
the hypoglossal nerve and a meningeal branch of the ascending anterolaterally. The jugular process’ inferior surface is roughened by
pharyngeal artery. A condylar fossa, behind each condyle, fits the attachment of rectus capitis lateralis; a paramastoid process some-
posterior margin of the superior atlantal facet in full extension; its times projects down and may even articulate with the atlantal
floor is sometimes perforated by a condylar canal for a sigmoid transverse process. Laterally the jugular process has a rough quadri-
584 emissary vein. The jugular process, jutting laterally from the posterior lateral or triangular area joined to the jugular surface of the temporal

bone bya cartilaginous growth plate, which begins to ossify at about status of these accessory ossicles. Fusion may fail, partly or com-
25 years. For variations of jugular foramen, processes, etc., consult pletely, between any of these elements. To the cartilaginous supra-
Solter and Paljan (1973). Though rare or absent in many populations, occipital Srivastava allots five endochondral centres, a pair each for
a paramastoid process was recorded in 44% of 149 male and 31% of right and left /ateral segments and one for the central segment (the
137 female American Indians (Finnegan 1972). latter may correspond to Kerckring’s centre). Each lateral (condylar
On the superior condylar surface an oval jugular tubercle overlies or exoccipital) part ossifies from one centre, appearing during the
the hypoglossal canal, its posterior part often bearing a shallow eighth prenatal week. The basioccipital is ossified from one centre
furrow for the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves. On the appearing about the sixth week. Near the end of the second year the
jugular process’ superior surface a deep groove, curving antero- squama unites with condylar parts and by the sixth year the bone is
medially around a hook-shaped process, ends at the jugular notch; one entity. Between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth years the occipital
it contains the end of the sigmoid sinus. Near the groove’s medial and sphenoid bones unite. Metrical study of the occipital bone
end the condylar canal opens into the posterior cranial fossa. (Olivier 1975) suggests that squamous and basilar parts have inde-
pendent parameters of growth, and that sexual differences are chiefly
Foramen magnum evident in condylar regions. Routal et al (1984) have described sexual
The foramen magnum is described on page 572. dimorphism, chiefly difference in size, in the foramen magnum.

The occipital, in common with many parts of other cranial bones,
consists of two compact lamellae, outer and inner plates, enclosing The sphenoid bone is in the base of the skull, ‘wedged’ (as its name
trabecular bone or diploé; the bone is thick at ridges, protuberances implies) between the frontal temporal and occipital bones. It has a
and condyles, and in the anterior basioccipital; in lower parts of central body, paired greater and lesser wings spreading laterally from
cerebellar fossae, however, it is thin, semitransparent and devoid of it and two pterygoid processes, descending from the junctions of the
diploé. As noted earlier, the intertrabecular spaces (cancelli) of the body and greater wings.
diploé are occupied by haemopoetic red bone marrow (p. 568), the
latter being drained by radicles of the wide diploic veins (p. 1581), Body
of which the occipital diploic vein is usually the largest. The body is cuboidal and contains two large air sinuses, separated
by a septum. The cerebral or superior surface (6.153, 168A) articulates
Ossification in front with the ethmoidal cribriform plates; anteriorly it is the
A common but oversimplified account of occipital ossification states smooth jugum sphenoidale, related to gyri recti and olfactory tracts.
that above the highest nuchal lines the squama is developed in a The jugum is bounded behind by the anterior border of the sulcus
fibrous membrane and ossified from two centres, one on each side
from about the second fetal month; this part may remain separate Ethmoidal spine Sulcus chiasmatis
Middle clinoid proces:
as the interparietal bone; the rest is preformed in cartilage. Below Tuberculum sellae
the highest nuchal lines, the squama ossifies from two centres, Anterior
appearing in about the seventh week and soon uniting. These two process
regions of the squama unite in the third postnatal month but the
line of union is recognizable at birth (6.167).
An occasional centre appears in the posterior margin of the
foramen magnum in about the sixteenth week (Kerckring 1970); it Superior orbital :
unites with the rest of the squama before birth. From a survey of fissure
literature and examination of 620 human skulls for anomalies of the Foramen
occipital squama, however, Srivastava (1977) has proposed a more
complex developmental history. He regards the membranous (dermal) Foramen ovale
part above the nuchal lines as compounded of interparietal and pre- Foramen spinosum
‘D Spine
interparietal parts, the interparietal consisting of two /ateral plates
and a central piece. The intramembranous centres proposed for these Lingula
are a pair for each lateral plate and two for the central piece of the Hypophysial fossa Carotid sulcus
interparietal, additionally a pair of centres for the pre-interparietal. Dorsum sellae Posterior clinoid process
Pal et al (1984) have criticized the views of Srivastava (1977); they
consider the so-called pre-interparietal elements as probably sutural;
but it has to be stated that much uncertainty persists regarding the

Anterior clinoid process

Occasional notch for
Posterior clinoid process abducent nerve
Upper part orbital fissure
of squama aa
(cabal ea
Line of union
between upper
and lower parts
of squama
Lower part
of squama
centre Scaphoid fossa Pterygoid canal
Pterygoid fossa __— Lateral pterygoid plate
Lateral part Medial pterygoid plate

Basilar part Pterygoid hamulus

Vaginal process

6.167 The occipital bone of a newborn child: external surface. Parts of the
chondrocranium still unossified are shown in blue. 6.168 The sphenoid bone; a. superior aspect; 8. posterior aspect. 585

Frontal air sinus

side of it opens a sphenoidal sinus. The sphenoidal sinuses (p. 1637),
two large, irregular cavities within the body, are usually separated
by an asymmetrical septum. Varying in form and size, each sinus is
partially divided by bony laminae. A lateral recess may extend into
the greater wing and lingula (Cope 1917) and may even invade the
basioccipital bone almost to the foramen magnum. Trans-sphenoidal
surgical approach to the hypophysis cerebri has prompted classi-
fication into types: conchal—a small sinus separated from the sella
Temporal lobe of turcica by about 10mm of trabecular bone; prese/lar—a sinus not
cerebrum extended posteriorly to the tuberculum sellae; and se//ar—the sinus
Hypophysial fossa extended, as described above, at variable distances beyond the
tuberculum (Hammer & Raadberg 1961; Kinman 1977; Lang 1977).
In the articulated state they are closed anteroinferiorly by the
sphenoidal conchae (p.588), leaving openings by which each com-
municates with its sphenoethmoidal recess. Each half anterior surface
Clefts in petromastoid of the body consists of:
part of temporal
e a superolateral depressed area joined to the ethmoid labyrinth,
completing the posterior ethmoidal sinuses
B~ Cerebellar e its lateral margin articulates with the ethmoid’s orbital plate above
hemisphere and palatine’s orbital process below
e an inferomedial, smooth, triangular area, forming the posterior
nasal roof; near its superior angle is the orifice of a sphenoidal
The inferior surface bears a median triangular sphenoidal rostrum,
6.169 Computed tomogram through the head at the level of the pituitary embraced above by the diverging lower margins of the crest, its
fossa of the sphenoid. (Supplied by Shaun Gallagher, Guy’s Hospital; photo- narrow antero end fitting into a fissure between the anterior parts
graphy by Sarah Smith.) of the vomerine alae. Posterior ends of the sphenoidal conchae flank
the rostrum, articulating with vomerine alae. On each side of the
posterior part of the rostrum, behind the sphenoidal concha’s apex,
chiasmatis, leading laterally to the optic canals. Posterior to this is a thin vaginal process projects medially from the base of the medial
the tuberculum sellae, behind which the deeply concave sella turcica + pterygoid plate (6.170).
contains the hypophysis cerebri in the hypophyseal fossa (6.169). The
sella’s anterior edge is completed laterally by two middle clinoid Greater wings
processes (6.168a), posteriorly by a square dorsum sellae, the superior The greater wings, strong processes, curve broadly superolaterally
angles of which bear variable posterior clinoid processes, for attach- from the body. Posteriorly each is triangular, fitting the angle
ment of the tentorium cerebelli. On each side, below the dorsum between petrous and squamous parts of the temporal bone (6.144a)
sellae, a small petrosal process articulates with the apex of the petrous at a sphenosquamosal suture. The cerebral surface (6.168a) is an
temporal bone. (For variations in sella turcica see Kinman 1977; anterior part of the middle cranial fossa. Deeply concave, its undu-
Lang 1977.) Posterior to the dorsum sellae the sphenoid body slopes lating surface is adapted to the anterior gyri of the temporal lobe.
directly into basioccipital bone in adults, together forming the clivus. Anteromedial is the foramen rotundum for the maxillary nerve,
The latter’s sphenoidal part lies beneath the upper pons. posterolateral to this the foramen ovale for the mandibular nerve,
The Jateral surfaces are united both with the greater wings and accessory meningeal artery and sometimes the lesser petrosal nerve,
the medial pterygoid plates. Above the root of each wing a broad which may have a special canaliculus innominatus medial to the
carotid sulcus accommodates the internal carotid artery and cavern- foramen spinosum. A small emissary sphenoidal foramen exists on
ous sinus and a series of closely related nerves. It is deepest pos- one or both sides in 40% of skulls; it opens below, lateral to the
teriorly, overhung medially by the petrosal process and has a sharp scaphoid fossa, and transmits a small vein from the cavernous sinus.
lateral margin, the /ingula, which continues back over the posterior Anteromedial to the sphenoidal spine the foramen spinosum transmits
opening of the pterygoid canal. the middle meningeal artery and meningeal branch of the mandibular
On the anterior surface (6.170) a median triangular, structurally nerve.
bilaminar sphenoidal crest forms a small part of the nasal septum; The Jateral surface (6.144a) is vertically convex and divided by a
its anterior border joins the ethmoid’s perpendicular plate; on each transverse infratemporal crest into temporal (upper) and infra-

Lesser wing

Sphenoidal crest surface
Superior Orbital of
orbital fissure surface greater
Sphenoidal wing
Foramen rotundum Infratemporal
Sphenoidal concha surface
Pterygoid canal Posterior wall of
pterygopalatine fossa
Sphenoidal spine
Lateral pterygoid

Pterygoid hamulus

Sphenoidal rostrum Vaginal process

6.170 The sphenoid bone of an eight-year-old child: anterior aspect.

temporal (lower) surfaces; to the upper surface temporalis is attached; rough area articulates with the frontal bone, its medial angle con-
the lower is directed downwards and, with the infratemporal crest, tinuous with the inferior boundary of the superior orbital fissure, its
it is the attachment of the upper fibres of lateral pterygoid. It presents anterior angle by a serrated articulation with the zygomatic bone.
the foramen ovale and foramen spinosum. Posteriorly is the small
downward projecting spine of the sphenoid; its medial side shows a Lesser wings
faint anteroinferior groove for the chorda tympani and also appears The lesser wings are triangular, pointed plates protruding laterally
in the lateral wall of the sulcus for the auditory tube (p. 1374): to its from the anterosuperior regions of the body (6.168). The superior
tip is attached the sphenomandibular ligament. Medial to the anterior surface of each is smooth and related to the cerebral frontal lobe.
end of the infratemporal crest a triangular process is part of the The inferior surface is a posterior part of the orbital roof and upper
lateral pterygoid’s attachment; a ridge, descending medially from boundary of the superior orbital fissure; it overhangs the middle
this to the front of the lateral pterygoid plate, is a posterior boundary cranial fossa. The posterior border projects into the lateral cerebral
of the pterygomaxillary fissure. fissure; its medial end is the anterior clinoid process, for attachment
The quadrilateral orbital surface (6.170) faces anteromedially as a of the anterior end of the free tentorial border. The anterior and
posterior part of the lateral orbital wall. Its serrated upper edge middle clinoid processes are sometimes united to form a carotico-
articulates with the frontal’s orbital plate, its serrated lateral margin clinoid foramen. The lesser wing is connected to the body by an
with the zygomatic bone. Its smooth inferior border is the postero- anterior root, thin and flat, and a posterior, thick and triangular
lateral edge of the inferior orbital fissure. Its sharp medial margin is root; between them the optic canal contains the optic nerve and
the inferolateral edge of the superior orbital fissure; on it a small ophthalmic artery. Growth of the posterior root is closely associated
tubercle gives partial attachment of the common annular ocular with variations in the canal (Kier 1966), whose cranial opening may
tendon (p. 1355). Below the superior fissure’s medial end a grooved be duplicated (Warwick 1951). More often the division is incomplete.
area forms the posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa, pierced
Superior orbital fissure
by the foramen rotundum.
The irregular margin of the greater wing (6.1688), from sphenoid The superior orbital fissure, triangular and connecting the cranial
body to spine, is in its medial half an anterior limit of the foramen cavity and orbit, is bounded medially by the sphenoid body, above
lacerum and displays the posterior aperture of the pterygoid canal. by the lesser wing, below by the medial margin of the orbital surface
Its lateral half articulates with the petrous temporal bone at a of the greater wing; it is completed laterally, between greater and
sphenopetrosal synchrondrosis. Inferior to this the sulcus tubae con- lesser wings, by the frontal bone. For its contents see page 1355 and
tains the cartilaginous auditory tube. Anterior to the sphenoidal 8.455.
spine the concave squamosal margin is serrated (bevelled internally
below, externally above) for articulation with the temporal squama. Pterygoid processes
The tip of the greater wing, bevelled internally, articulates with the The pterygoid processes (6.1688, 170, 171) descend perpendicularly
parietal’s sphenoidal angle at the pterion. Medial to this, a triangular from the junctions of the greater wings and body. Each consists of

6.171 High resolution projection microradiograph of the sphenoid bone pterygoid processes and the disposition of the optic canal, superior orbital
(anteroposterior projection). Note in particular the sphenoidal body and its fissure, foramen rotundum and pterygoid canal. (Contributed by C Buckland-
contained sinuses, the architecture of the greater and lesser wings, and Wright, Department of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.) 587

a medial and lateral plate, their upper parts fused anteriorly. They eight for postsphenoidal parts. This multiplicity accords with the
are separated below by the angular pterygoid fissure, whose margins sphenoid’s evolution from a number of elements, such as the median
articulate with the palatine’s pyramidal process. They diverge behind presphenoid and basisphenoid homologous with the human parts
and the cuneiform pterygoid fossa between them contains the medial defined above. The lesser wings, primitively separate orbitosphenoids,
pterygoid and tensor veli palatini. Above is the small, oval, shallow show a tendency to fusion with the body in mammals.
scaphoid fossa, formed by division of the upper posterior border of Presphenoidal part. About the ninth fetal week a centre appears
the medial plate; to it part of the tensor veli palatini is attached. The in each wing, lateral to the optic canal; a little later two bilateral
anterior surface of the root of the pterygoid process is broad and centres appear in the presphenoidal body. Each sphenoidal concha
triangular and is the pterygopalatine fossa’s posterior wall, pierced has a centre, appearing superoposteriorly in the nasal capsule in
by the anterior opening of the pterygoid canal. the fifth month in utero; as this enlarges it partly surrounds a
posterosuperior expansion of the nasal cavity, which becomes the
Lateral pterygoid plate sphenoidal sinus. The posterior conchal wall is absorbed and the
The lateral pterygoid plate is broad, thin and everted, its Jateral sinus invades the presphenoid. In the fourth year the concha fuses
surface, being part of the medial wall of the infratemporal fossa, with the ethmoidal labyrinth and before puberty with the sphenoid
gives attachment of the lower part of the lateral pterygoid; its medial and palatine bones. Its anterior deficiency persists as an opening for
surface is the lateral wall of the pterygoid fossa and to it most of the sphenoidal sinus.
the medial pterygoid is attached. The upper part of its anterior Postsphenoidal part. First centres appear in the greater wings
border is a posterior boundary of the pterygomaxillary fissure; the about the eighth fetal week, one in each-below the foramen rotundum
lower part articulates with the palatine bone. Its posterior border is in the wing’s basal cartilage; this centre forms only the wing’s root,
free. near the foramen rotundum and pterygoid canal; the remainder is
ossified in mesenchyme, spreading also into the lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid plate plate. About the fourth fetal month two centres appear, flanking the
The medial pterygoid plate is narrower and longer than the lateral; sella turcica, and soon fuse. The medial pterygoid plates are also
its lower end curves into the lateral, unciform pterygoid hamulus, ossified in ‘membrane’, a centre in each probably appearing about
which deflects the tendon of the tensor veli palatini, and the pterygo- the ninth or tenth week; the hamulus is chondrified during the third
mandibular raphe attached to it. The /ateral surface is the medial fetal month and at once begins to ossify (Fawcett 1905). Medial and
wall of the pterygoid fossa; the tensor veli palatini adjoins it; the lateral pterygoid plates join about the sixth fetal month; during the
medial surface is a lateral boundary of the posterior nasal aperture. fourth a centre appears for each lingula, soon joining the body.
The medial plate is prolonged above on the sphenoid body’s inferior Further details. Presphenoidal and postsphenoidal parts fuse
aspect as the thin vaginal process, articulating anteriorly with the about the eighth month in utero, but an unciform cartilage persists
palatine’s sphenoidal process and medially with the vomerine ala. after birth in lower parts of the junction. At birth the bone is
Inferiorly it has a furrow, anteriorly made into a canal by the palatine tripartite (6.172): a central part, body and lesser wings, and lateral
sphenoidal process; this palatovaginal canal transmits pharyngeal parts each comprising a greater wing and pterygoid process. During
branches of the maxillary artery and pterygopalatine ganglion. To the first year the greater wings and body unite around the pterygoid
the whole of the medial plate’s posterior margin the pharyngobasilar canals and the lesser wings extend medially above the body’s anterior
fascia is attached and to its lower end the superior pharyngeal part, meeting to form the smooth, elevated jugum sphenoidale. By
constrictor. At its upper end is a small pterygoid tubercle, just below the twenty-fifth year sphenoid and occipital bones are completely
the pterygoid canal’s posterior opening. Projecting back near the fused. Anterior in the hypophyseal fossa is an occasional vascular
margin’s midpoint is the processus tubarius, supporting the auditory foramen, often erroneously termed the craniopharyngeal canal
tube’s pharyngeal end. The plate’s anterior margin, in its lower part, (p. 258). (For discussion of cartilage canals in fetal spheno-occipital
articulates with the posterior border of the palatine’s perpendicular synchondrosis consult Moss-Salentnijn 1975.)
plate. The sphenoidal sinus before birth is an extension of the nasal
cavity into the sphenoidal concha. In the second or third year it
Sphenoidal conchae spreads into the presphenoid and later invades the postsphenoid,
The sphenoidal conchae (6.170) are two thin, curved platelets, reaching full size in adolescence. As age advances it often enlarges
attached anteroinferiorly to the sphenoid body; the superior concave further by absorption of its walls.
surface of each is the anterior wall and part of the floor of a Certain sphenoidal parts are connected by ligaments which
sphenoidal sinus. They are largely destroyed in disarticulating a occasionally ossify, such as the pterygospinous, between the sphenoid
skull; in situ each has anterior vertical, quadrilateral and posterior spine and upper part of lateral pterygoid plate; the interclinoid,
horizontal, triangular parts. The anterior part consists of: joining the anterior to the posterior clinoid process; and the carotico-
clinoid, connecting the anterior to the middle clinoid process. For
e a superolateral depressed area, completing the posterior ethmoidal
details of fetal and perinatal development of the optic foramen and
sinuses and joining below with the orbital process of a palatine
canal consult Kier (1966). Lang (1977) has surveyed ossificatory
variations of the sella turcica.
e an inferomedial area, smooth and triangular and part of the nasal
roof, perforated above by the round opening connecting the
sphenoidal sinus and sphenoethmoidal recess.
Lesser wings
Anterior parts of the two bones meet in the midline, protruding as
the sphenoidal crest. The horizontal part appears in the nasal roof
and completes the sphenopalatine foramen; its medial edge articulates
with the sphenoid’s rostrum and vomerine ala; its apex, directed Greater Foramen
posteriorly, is superomedial to the vaginal process of the medial wing rotundum
pterygoid plate and joins the posterior part of the ala. A small
conchal part sometimes appears in the medial orbital wall between Foramen
the ethmoid’s orbital plate in front, the palatine’s orbital process
below and the frontal bone above.
Lingula Palatine bone, per- Hamulus of medial
Until the seventh or eighth month in utero the sphenoid body has a pendicular plate pterygoid plate
presphenoidal part, anterior to the tuberculum sellae, with which the
lesser wings are continuous, and a postsphenoidal part, comprising 6.172 The sphenoid bone at birth, viewed from behind and from the right
the sella turcica and dorsum sellae, and integral with the greater side. The blue strip indicates the cartilage between the central and the
wings and pterygoid processes. Much of the bone is preformed in lateral parts on the right side; this is only partly visible on the left. Note that
588 cartilage. There are six ossificatory centres for the presphenoidal and the two palatine bones are in situ.

Premature synostosis of the junction between pre- and post- The cerebral surface (6.174) is concave; its depressions correspond
sphenoidal parts, or of the spheno-occipital suture, produces a to convolutions of the temporal lobe, its grooves to middle meningeal
characteristic appearance, obvious in profile, of an abnormal vessels; its lower border is fused to the anterior petrous surface, but
depression of the nasal bridge (hypertelorism). traces of a petrosquamosal suture often appear in adult bones. The
superior border is thin, bevelled internally and overlaps the parietal’s
inferior border at the squamosal suture. Posteriorly it forms an angle
TEMPORAL BONES with the mastoid element. The antero-inferior border, thin above and
The temporal bones in the sides and base of the skull are devel- thick below, joints with the greater wing; above it is bevelled
opmentally divisible into squamous, petromastoid, tympanic and internally, below externally.
styloid parts. These morphologically distinct elements have fused Zygomatic process. This part of the zygoma, juts forwards from
during the evolution of higher vertebrates. The squamous part is a the squama’s lower region. Its triangular posterior part has a broad
dermal bone evolved to help enclosure of the brain. The petromastoid base directed laterally, its surfaces superior and inferior. The process
part is preformed in cartilage; it preserves precise orientation of the then twists anteromedially, so that its surfaces become medial and
membranous labyrinth. The tympanic part, formed in mesenchyme, lateral. The posterior part’s superior surface is concave and con-
is homologous with the os angulare, part of the composite lower jaw tinuous with that of the squama; the inferior surface is bounded by
of many reptiles and osseous fishes, integrated into the skull and anterior and posterior roots, converging into the anterior part of the
adapted to form part of the tympanic cavity and external acoustic process. At the junction of the roots the tubercle of the zygomatic
meatus and to support the tympanic membrane, all concerned in root gives attachment to the lateral temporomandibular ligament.
sound transmission. The styloid process is the dorsal element of the The posterior root is prolonged forwards above the external acoustic
hyoid arch. Fusion of these parts and inclusion of the tympanic meatus, its upper border continuing into the supramastoid crest. The
cavity and auditory ossicles are discussed on page 263. anterior root juts almost horizontally from the squama; its inferior
In structure the temporal squama is like other cranial bones: the surface, with an anteroposterior convexity covered by cartilage,
mastoid part is trabecular and variably pneumatized, the petrous contacts the joint’s articular disc, forming a short semicylindrical
part compact. articular tubercle, the anterior limit of the mandibular fossa. Very
rarely the squama is perforated above the posterior root by a
Squamous part squamosal foramen, transmitting the petrosquamous sinus (p. 1584).
The squamous part or squama, anterosuperior in the bone, is thin The zygomatic process’ anterior part is thin and flat. To its
and partly translucent. Its temporal surface (6.173) is smooth, slightly superior border the temporal fascia is attached, to the inferior, short
convex, and part of the temporal fossa for attachment of temporalis; and arched, some fibres of masseter. The convex lateral surface is
above the external acoustic meatus it is grooved vertically by the subcutaneous; the medial is concave and provides an attachment for
middle temporal artery. The supramastoid crest curves backwards part of masseter. The anterior end is deeply serrated and slopes
and upwards across its posterior part; it is an attachment of temporal obliquely posteroinferiorly to articulate with the zygomatic bone’s
fascia and muscle. The junction between squamous and mastoid temporal process. Anterior to the articular tubercle a small triangular
parts is about 1.5cm below this crest; traces of the squamomastoid area forms part of the roof of the infratemporal fossa, separated
suture may persist. Between the anterior end of the crest and from the squama’s temporal surface by a ridge, continuous behind
posterosuperior quadrant of the external acoustic meatus is the with the zygomatic process’ anterior root, in front with the infra-
suprameatal triangle, a depression marking the mastoid antrum, temporal crest of the sphenoid’s greater wing.
medial to it at a depth of about 1.25 cm (p. 610); anteriorly it usually Mandibular fossa. The fossa, limited in front by the articular
contains a small suprameatal spine. tubercle, has an anterior articular area, formed by temporal squama,

Groove for middle

Squamous temporal artery

Zygomatic Squamomastoid
process suture,


Mandibular fossa
Postglenoid tubercle
Tympanosquamosal (squamo-
tympanic) fissure
Mastoid part
External acoustic meatus,
anterior border
Suprameatal triangle
Mastoid process
Sheath of styloid process
Tympanic part
(plate) Styloid process

6.173 The left temporal bone: external aspect.


Groove for parietal branch

of middle meningeal artery
and accompanying veins

eminence With greater
wing of
Groove for frontal
Sulcus for branch of middle
sigmoid sinus meningeal artery
and accompanying
Sulcus for veins
petrosal sinus
Subarcuate fossa

Internal acoustic meatus

Aqueduct of
the vestibule With occipital

Styloid process Cochlear canaliculus

6.174 The left temporal bone: internal aspect. Note 6.173 and 6.174 were
painted at different times by different artists and from different specimens.
Contrast curvatures of the styloid processes (see text).

and a posterior non-articular area, formed by the tympanic element. Moore 1980.) Between the medial part of the articular fossa and
The articular surface, smooth, oval and deeply hollow, articulates the tympanic plate is the squamotympanic fissure, into which the
with the temporomandibular disc; the non-articular area sometimes anterolateral edge of the tegmen tympani turns down; the petro-
contains part of the parotid gland. A small, conical postglenoid tympanic fissure is between this plate and the tympanic part; it leads
tubercle separates the articular surface laterally from the tympanic into the tympanic cavity and contains an anterior malleolar ligament
plate; it is prominent in some mammals, descending behind the and anterior tympanic branch of the maxillary artery. At the fissure’s
mandibular condyle to prevent backward displacement; it is some- medial end is the anterior opening of the anterior canaliculus for the
times described as a third root of the zygomatic process. (For a chorda tympani. Rarely, a postglenoid foramen exists anterior to the
multivariate analysis of this articular surface (and many other cranial external acoustic meatus in the line of fusion of the squama and
parameters) in modern and fossil mankind and apes, and an evalu- tympanic part; it replaces the squamosal foramen noted above and
ation of functional deductions, consult Ashton et al 1976, Ashton & transmits the petrosquamous sinus (p. 1584).

Auditory tube vestibuli Tegmen
Aditus Mastoid
to antrum antrum




Carotid Jugular Mastoid

canal fossa air cells
Promontory Fenestra

6.175 Oblique vertical section through the left temporal bone in the long
axis of the tympanic cavity. The lateral surface of the medial half of the bone
590 is shown.
Petromastoid part
The petromastoid part of the temporal bone, morphologically one
element (p. 593), is conveniently described in mastoid and petrous
Mastoid part. This is the posterior region of the temporal bone,
and has an outer surface (6.173) roughened by attachments of
the occipital belly of occipitofrontalis and auricularis posterior.
Frequently near its posterior border is a mastoid foramen, traversed
by a vein from the sigmoid sinus and a small dural branch of the
occipital artery. Its position and size vary; it may be in the occipital
or occipitotemporal suture. It is parasutural in 40-50% of crania
(p. 609) but may be absent. The mastoid part projects down as the
conical mastoid process, larger in adult males. To its lateral surface
sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis and longissimus capitis are
attached and, medially, in a deep mastoid notch, the posterior belly
of digastric. Medial to this a shallow occipital groove contains the
occipital artery. The internal mastoid surface (6.174) bears a deep,
curved sigmoid sulcus for the sigmoid venous sinus and posteriorly
the mastoid foramen. The sulcus is separated from the innermost
mastoid air cells merely by a thin lamina of bone. The air cells
(6.175, 176) and mastoid antrum are described on page 1374. The
mastoid’s superior border is thick and serrated for articulation with
the mastoid angle of the parietal bone. Its serrated posterior border
articulates with the inferior border of the occipital between its lateral
angle and jugular process. The mastoid element is fused with the
descending process of the squamous part: below, it appears in the
posterior wall of the tympanic cavity.
Petrous part. This is wedged between the sphenoid and occipital
bones in the cranial base (6.150), and inclined superiorly and antero-
medially; it has a base, apex, three surfaces and margins. The acoustic
labyrinth is within it.
The base, an artificial concept, corresponds to the suture between
the petrous and squamous elements, though this disappears soon
after birth. Since a mastoid process is a postnatal petrous develop-
ment, the base is arbitrary but indicated by partial separation due
to the mastoid antrum.
The apex, blunt and irregular, is angled between the posterior
border of the greater wing of the sphenoid and the basioccipital
bone; it contains the carotid canal’s anterior opening and limits
posterolaterally the foramen lacerum.
The anterior surface partly floors the middle cranial fossa and is
continuous with the cerebral surface of the squamous part, although
the petrosquamosal suture often persists late in life. The whole
surface is adapted to the inferior temporal gyri. Behind the apex is
a trigeminal impression for the trigeminal ganglion. Bone antero-
lateral to this roofs the anterior part of the carotid canal, but is
often deficient. A ridge separates the trigeminal impression from
another hollow behind, which partly roofs the internal acoustic
meatus and cochlea. This in turn is limited behind by the arcuate
eminence (6.174) and raised by the anterior semicircular canal.
Laterally it roofs the vestibule and, partly, the facial canal. Between
the squamous part laterally and the arcuate eminence and the hollows
just described medially, the surface is formed by the tegmen tympani.
This thin plate of bone, roof-of the mastoid antrum, extends forwards
above the tympanic cavity (6.175) and the canal for the tensor
tympani. Its lateral margin meets the squama at the petrosquamosal
suture, turning down in front as the lateral wall of the canal for the
tensor tympani and the osseous part of the auditory tube; its lower
edge is in the squamotympanic fissure (p. 567). Anteriorly the tegmen
bears a narrow groove, passing posterolaterally to enter bone anterior
to the arcuate eminence by a hiatus for the greater petrosal nerve,
passing forwards to the foramen lacerum. A smaller, more lateral
hiatus transmits the lesser petrosal nerve from the tympanic plexus;
the bone in front of this hiatus may be grooved. The posterior slope
of the arcuate eminence overlies the posterior and lateral semicircular
canals; lateral to it the posterior part of the tegmen tympani roofs 6.176 High resolution projection microradiographs of the petromastoid,
tympanic and squamous parts of three temporal bones (mediolateral
the mastoid antrum. projection), showing marked variation in extent and mode of pneumatization.
The posterior surface (6.174) is an anterior part of the posterior A. The air-cells are comparatively large and extend beyond the mastoid
cranial fossa, continuous with the internal mastoid surface. Near its process as far as the mandibular fossa. B. The cells are large but restricted
centre is the internal acoustic meatus (p. 572), behind which a small to the post-otic and mastoid regions of the bone. c. Obvious pneumatization
slit, almost hidden by a thin plate of bone, leads to the vestibular is absent; a fine meshwork of trabecular bone occupies the core of the
aqueduct, containing the saccus and ductus endolymphaticus together mastoid process. (Prepared and contributed by C Buckland-Wright, Depart-
with a small artery and vein. The terminal half of the saccus ment of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.) 591

(squamotympanic) fissure

Edge of
tegmen tympani Zygomatic process

Carotid canal
Articular tubercle

Mandibular fossa
Canaliculus for
tympanic nerve
Tympanic part
canaliculus Styloid process

Jugular fossa
Mastoid process

Jugular surface
Mastoid notch

Occipital groove

6.177 The left temporal bone: inferior aspect.

endolymphaticus protrudes through the slit between the periosteum tympanomastoid fissure. Its concave posterior surface forms the
and dura mater. Above these openings is the subarcuate fossa (p. 572). anterior wall, floor and part of the posterior wall of the external
The irregular inferior surface (6.177) is part of the exterior of the acoustic meatus. (Its posteroinferior wall may display a longitudinal
cranial base. Near the petrous apex a quadrilateral area is partly for auditory torus.) Medially on this surface is a narrow tympanic sulcus
attachment of levator veli palatini and the cartilaginous auditory for attachment of the tympanic membrane. The quadrilateral and
tube, and partly connected to the basioccipital bone by dense concave anterior surface is the posterior wall of the mandibular fossa
fibrocartilage. Behind this is the large, circular opening of the carotid and may contact the parotid gland. Its rough Jateral border forms
canal (p. 567), behind which is the jugular fossa of variable depth most of the margin of the external acoustic meatus and is continuous
and size and containing the superior jugular bulb. Anteromedial to with its cartilaginous part. Laterally the upper border is fused with
this, below the internal acoustic meatus, is a triangular depression the back of the postglenoid tubercle; medially it is the posterior edge
for the inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion; at its apex is a small of the petrotympanic fissure. The inferior border is sharp, splitting
opening into the cochlear canaliculus, occupied by the perilymphatic laterally to form, at its root, a sheath of the styloid process (vaginal
duct, a tube of dura mater and a vein from the cochlea to the process). Centrally the tympanic part is thin, often perforated.
internal jugular vein. On the ridge between the carotid canal and Between the styloid and mastoid processes the stylomastoid foramen,
jugular fossa is a canaliculus for the tympanic nerve from the glosso- the external end of the facial canal, transmits the facial nerve and
pharyngeal. Lateral in the jugular fossa is the mastoid canaliculus stylomastoid artery.
for the vagal auricular branch. Behind the fossa the jugular surface,
a rough quadrilateral, is covered by cartilage joining it to the jugular Styloid process
process of the occipital bone. The styloid process, slender, pointed, about 2.5 cm in length, projects
The superior border, the longest, is grooved by the superior petrosal anteroinferiorly from the temporal bone’s inferior aspect. Its curva-
sinus, the tentorium cerebelli being attached to the groove’s edges ture is somewhat variable (6.176). Its proximal part (tympanohyal)
except at its medial end, where it is crossed by the trigeminal roots. is ensheathed by the tympanic plate, especially anterolaterally; to its
The posterior border, intermediate in length, bears medially a sulcus distal part (stylohyal) are attached muscles and ligaments (p. 561).
which forms, with one on the occipital bone, a gutter for the inferior The process is covered laterally by the parotid gland; the facial nerve
petrosal sinus. Behind this the jugular fossa forms, with the occipital crosses its base, the external carotid artery its tip, embedded in the
jugular notch and the jugular foramen, and is also notched by the gland. Medially the process is separated from the beginning of the
glossopharyngeal nerve. Bone on either or both sides of the jugular internal jugular vein by the attachment of stylopharyngeus.
notch may meet the occipital bone and divide the foramen into two
or three parts. The anterior border is joined laterally to the temporal External acoustic meatus
squama at the petrosquamosal suture; medially it articulates with the The external acoustic meatus, about 16mm long, slopes down
sphenoid’s greater wing. anteromedially; its floor is convex upwards. In sagittal section it is
At the junction of the petrous and squamous parts two canals oval or elliptical with a long axis directed down and slightly back.
exist, one above the other, separated by a thin osseous plate. Both Its anterior wall, floor and lower posterior wall are formed by the
lead to the tympanic cavity, the upper containing the tensor tympani, tympanic plate, its roof and upper posterior wall by the temporal
the lower the auditory tube. squama. Its medial end is closed by tympanic membrane, the outer
bounded above by the posterior zygomatic root, below which a
Tympanic part suprameatal spine may exist.
The tympanic part of the temporal bone (6.177) is a curved plate
below the squama, anterior to the mastoid process. Internally it fuses Ossification
with the petrous part and appears between this and the squama, The four temporal components ossify independently (6.178). The
where it is inferolateral to the auditory orifice. Behind, it fuses with squama is ossified in a sheet of condensed mesenchyme froma single
592 the squama and mastoid process and is the anterior limit of the centre near the zygomatic roots, appearing in the seventh or eighth

Malleolar sulcus Tympanic ring During ossification, the tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum and
posterior end of the auditory tube are all in bone. The petrous part
Mastoid antrum
forms the roof, floor and medial wall of the cavity; the squama and
tympanic part, with the membrana tympani, form its lateral wall. At
birth the middle and inner ears are adult size (Dahm et al 1993),
with the tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, tympanic membrane and
auditory ossicles all almost adult size. The anterior process does not
join the malleus until 6 months later. The internal acoustic meatus
is about 6mm in horizontal diameter, 4mm vertically and 7 mm in
length at birth, adult diameters being 7.7mm and 11 mm.
Fenestra After birth and apart from general growth, changes in the temporal
bone are:
Fenestra cochleae
Carotid canal Carotid canal Lateral wall of e The tympanic ring extends posterolaterally to become cylindrical,
(lower opening) (upper opening) mastoid antrum
growing into a fibrocartilaginous tympanic plate, which forms the
adjacent part of the external acoustic meatus at this stage. This
. Squamous part Zygomatic process growth is not equal but is rapid in the anterior and posterior
regions, which meet and blend; thus, for a time, there is in the
floor an opening (foramen of Huschke), usually closed at about
the fifth year, but sometimes permanent (in 546% of adult crania
Squamomastoid suture
from ancient and modern populations, p. 609); in Burmese crania
a marked sexual difference occurs (25% in males, 40% in females).
By posterior extension the tympanic plate ensheathes the styloid
process and extends medially over the petrous bone to the carotid
Mandibular fossa
Mastoid part canal.
e The mandibular fossa is first shallow, facing more laterally, then
‘Tegmen tympani, downturned
Stylomastoid foramen lateral edge deepening and ultimately facing downwards. Posteroinferiorly the
squama grows down behind the tympanic ring to form the lateral
Tympanic ring
wall of the mastoid antrum.
Depression for tympanohyal Fenestra vestibuli
e The mastoid part is at first flat, the stylomastoid foramen and
part of styloid process rudimentary styloid process being immediately behind the tym-
panic ring. As mastoid air cells develop the lateral mastoid region
grows down and forwards to form the mastoid process, styloid
Squamous part Petrosquamous suture process and stylomastoid foramen, becoming inferior. Descent of
the foramen lengthens the facial canal. Not until late in the second
year is the mastoid process perceptible.
e The subarcuate fossa is gradually filled and almost obliterated.
For a discussion of postnatal growth of the temporal bone see Dahm
et al (1993).
Zygomatic = Arcuate
c The external acoustic meatus is relatively as long in children as in
process Ss eminence adults, but the canal is fibrocartilaginous, whereas its medial two-
thirds are osseous in adults. Surgical access to the tympanic cavity
fossa is via the mastoid antrum; in children only a thin scale of bone must
be removed in the suprameatal triangle to reach the antrum (p. 1374).
Internal acoustic meatus
Parietal bones (6.179) form most of the cranial roof and sides.
6.178 The right temporal bone at birth; a. The three principal parts are, Irregularly quadrilateral, each has two surfaces, four borders and
from left to right, petromastoid part (lateral aspect), tympanic ring (medial four angles.
aspect) and squama (medial aspect); 8. Lateral aspect with the rudimentary The external surface (6.179a) is convex and smooth, with a central
styloid process removed (yellow = tympanic part, brown = squamous part, parietal tuber (tuberosity). Curved superior and inferior temporal lines
petromastoid part = uncoloured); c. Medial aspect.
cross it, forming posterosuperior arches; to the superior arch is
attached the temporal fascia; the inferior indicates the upper limit
week in utero. The petromastoid part has several centres appearing of attachment of temporalis. Above these lines is the epicranial
in the cartilaginous otic capsule (p. 263) during the fifth month. As aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica), below them part of the temporal
many as 14 have been described, variable in order of appearance. fossa. Posteriorly, close to the sagittal (superior) border, a parietal
Several are small and inconstant, soon fusing with others. This foramen transmits a vein from the superior sagittal sinus and some-
multiplicity accords with numerous otic bones in earlier forms. The times a branch of occipital artery; the foramen is sometimes absent.
otic capsule is almost fully ossified by the end of the sixth month. The internal surface (6.1798) is concave and marked by cerebral
The tympanic part is also ossified in mesenchyme from a centre gyri and grooves for the middle meningeal vessels which ascend,
identifiable about the third month; at birth it is an incomplete inclining backwards, from the sphenoidal (anteroinferior) angle and
tympanic ring, deficient above (6.178), its concavity grooved by a posterior half or more of its inferior border. Along the sagittal
tympanic sulcus for the tympanic membrane. Inclined obliquely border is a groove for the superior sagittal sinus, completed by the
downwards and forwards across the medial aspect of the anterior opposite parietal; the falx cerebri is attached to its edges. Granular
| part of the ring is the malleolar sulcus (6.178) for the anterior foveolae for arachnoid granulations flank the sagittal sulcus, being
malleolar process, chorda tympani and anterior tympanic artery. most pronounced in old age.
The styloid process is developed at the cranial end of cartilage in the The dentated sagittal border, longest and thickest, articulates with
second visceral or hyoid arch (p.277) by two centres: a proximal, the opposite parietal at the sagittal suture. In the squamosal (inferior)
for the tympanohyal, appearing before birth; the other, for the distal border the anterior part is short, thin and truncated, bevelled
| stylohyal, after birth. The tympanic ring unites with the squama externally and overlapped by the greater wing of the sphenoid; the
| shortly before birth, the petromastoid fusing with it and the tym- middle is arched, bevelled externally and overlapped by the temporal
panohyal during the first year. The stylohyal does not unite with the squama; the posterior part is short, thick and serrated for articulation
rest of the process until after puberty and may never do so. with the mastoid bone. The frontal border is deeply serrated, bevelled 593
Parietal tuber (tuberosity)
Inferior temporal line Superior temporal line


With greater wing With squamous part of With mastoid part of

of sphenoid bone temporal bone temporal bone

Articulates with Groove for superior

opposite parietal bone sagittal sinus

Frontal angle


Sphenoidal angle
Groove for sigmoid sinus Mastoid angle
Groove for parietal branch Groove for frontal branch
of middle meningeal vessels of middle meningeal vessels

594 6.179 The left parietal bone; a. external surface; B. internal surface.

externally above, internally below, and articulates with the frontal crest part of the falx cerebri is attached. The crest ends in a small
bone to form half the coronal suture. The occipital border, deeply notch, completed to form a foramen caecum (p. 569) by the ethmoid
dentated, articulates with the occipital, forming half the lambdoid bone. The internal surface shows impressions of cerebral gyri and
suture. small furrows for meningeal vessels. Several granular foveolae usually
The frontal (anterosuperior) angle, almost 90°, is at the bregma exist near the sagittal sulcus, for arachnoid granulations.
(meeting of the sagittal and coronal sutures). The sphenoidal (antero- The parietal (posterior) margin is thick, deeply serrated, bevelled
inferior) angle is between the frontal bone and greater wing of the internally above and externally below; inferiorly it becomes a rough,
sphenoid, its internal surface marked by a deep groove, sometimes triangular surface for the greater wing of the sphenoid.
a canal, for the frontal branches of the middle meningeal vessels. Orbital parts of the frontal bone
The frontal sometimes meets the temporal squama, the parietal then
failing to reach the greater wing. Where these four bones meet is the The orbital parts of the frontal bone are two thin, curved, triangular
pterion (p. 560). (Frontotemporal articulation shows racial variation, laminae, largely forming the orbital roofs and separated by a wide
probably epigenetic; its incidence varies from almost zero in a British ethmoidal notch.
seventeenth century cemetery to 9.8% in Nigerian crania.) The The orbital surface (6.1808) of each plate is smooth and concave,
rounded occipital (posterosuperior) angle is at the lambda, the meeting with a shallow anterolateral fossa for the lacrimal gland. Below and
of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures. The blunt mastoid behind the medial end of the supraorbital margin, midway between
(posteroinferior) angle articulates with the occipital and mastoid the supraorbital notch and frontolacrimal suture, is the trochlear
temporal bones. Internally it bears a broad, shallow groove for the fovea (or spine) for attachment of a fibrocartilaginous trochlea for
junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. the superior oblique muscle. The convex cerebral surface is marked
by frontal gyri and faint grooves for meningeal vessels.
Ossification The quadrilateral ethmoidal notch (6.1808) is occupied by the
Each parietal is ossified from two centres, appearing one above the ethmoid’s cribriform plate. Inferior to its lateral margins parts of
other near its tuberosity at about the seventh week in utero in dense several ethmoidal air cells are visible, completed when the ethmoid
mesenchyme. These unite early; ossification radiates towards the is in position. Two transverse grooves across each margin are
margins; the angles are consequently the last to be ossified and hence converted into anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals by the ethmoid;
fontanelles occur at these sites (p.607). At birth the temporal lines these open on the medial orbital wall, transmitting anterior and
are low down, reaching their final position after the eruption of the posterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels.
molar teeth. Occasionally the parietal is divided by an anteroposterior Openings of the frontal sinuses (6.1808) are anterior to the eth-
suture. moidal notch, lateral to the nasal spine. These two irregular cavities
ascend posterolaterally for a variable distance between the frontal
laminae, separated by a thin septum, usually deflected from the
FRONTAL BONE median plane; the sinuses are hence rarely symmetrical. Rudimentary
The frontal bone is like half a shallow, irregular cap forming the at birth, usually well-developed by the seventh or eighth year, they
forehead or frons; on each side a horizontal orbital part roofs most reach full size after puberty, being most variable in size and larger
of an orbital cavity. in males. Each communicates with the middle meatus in the ipsilateral
The external surface (6.180) has a rounded frontal tuber nasal cavity by a frontonasal canal. The degree of development is
(tuberosity) about 3cm above the midpoint of each supraorbital linked to prominence of the superciliary arches, which are a response
margin. These tubera vary, but are especially prominent in young to masticatory stresses (Weinmann & Sicher 1955). The sinuses show
skulls and more so in adult females than males. Below them, a primary expansion with eruption of the first deciduous molars and
separated by a shallow groove, are two curved superciliary arches, again when the permanent molars begin to appear in the sixth
medially prominent and joined by a smooth median elevated glabella; year. With advancing age osseous absorption may lead to further
they are more prominent in males, depending partly on the size of enlargement.
the frontal sinuses; but prominence is occasionally associated with The posterior borders of the orbital plates are thin and serrated to
small sinuses. Inferior to the arches are curved supraorbital margins articulate with the lesser wings of the sphenoid; their lateral parts
of the orbital openings, their lateral two-thirds sharp, the medial usually appear in the middle cranial fossa between greater and lesser
third rounded, and at each junction is a supraorbital notch (or wings.
foramen) containing supraorbital vessels and nerve. Medial to it a
small frontal notch or foramen occurs in 50% of skulls. Berry (1975)
has recorded incidences of frontal and supraorbital foramina and The frontal bone is thick with trabecular tissue between two compact
notches (incisures). A supraorbital notch or foramen occurs equally laminae, trabeculae being absent near the frontal sinuses. The orbital
in some populations (e.g. 51% of Mexican crania). A frontal foramen plates, entirely of compact bone, are thin and often translucent
occurs in 15-87% in various ethnic groups. Both features show posteriorly; they may be partly absorbed in old age.
sexual dimorphism (Kimura 1977).
The supraorbital margin ends laterally in a zygomatic process,
strong, prominent and meeting the zygomatic bone. From this a line The frontal bone is ossified in fibrous mesenchyme from two primary
curves posterosuperiorly, dividing into superior and inferior temporal centres appearing in the eighth week in utero, one near each frontal
lines, continued on the temporal squama. tuber. Ossification extends superiorly to form half the main part of
The region between supraorbital margins is the nasal part. the bone, posteriorly to form orbital and inferiorly to form nasal
Inferiorly a serrated nasal notch articulates with the nasal bones and, parts (6.181). No secondary centres occur, except two for the nasal
laterally, with the maxillary frontal processes and lacrimal bones. spine described as appearing about the tenth year (Inman & Saunders
From the centre of the notch posteriorly the bone projects antero- 1937). At birth the bone consists of two halves which may remain
inferiorly behind the nasal bones (6.156) and maxillary frontal separate, a metopic suture persisting (Montagu 1951; Tongerson
processes, supporting the nasal bridge. The region ends in a sharp 1951; Linc & Fleischmann 1968). Such metopism has been assessed
nasal spine, on each side of which a small grooved surface partly at 0-7.4% of individuals in various ethnic groups (Berry 1975). In a
roofs the ipsilateral nasal cavity. The nasal spine also contributes group of 206 Nigerian skulls (Ajmani et al 1983) incidence was 3.4%.
slightly to the nasal septum; in front it articulates with the crest of It is high in mongoloids—10% according to Woo (1949).
the nasal bones and behind with the perpendicular ethmoidal plate
The temporal surface, posteroinferior to the temporal lines, forms
the anterior part of the temporal fossa and an attachment of The ethmoid bone, cuboidal and fragile, lies anteriorly in the cranial
temporalis (6.1428). The internal surface (6.1808) is concave. Its base, and is involved in the structure of the medial orbital walls,
upper, median part has a vertical sulcus for the sagittal sinus, the nasal septum, the roof and lateral walls of the nasal cavity. It is
edges of which unite below as the frontal crest; the sulcus contains described as having a horizontal, perforated cribriform plate, a
median perpendicular plate and two lateral /abyrinths. 595
the superior sagittal sinus (anterior part); to its margins and frontal

Frontal tuber


Supra-orbital margin

oe anins Glabella

Remains offrontal
(metopic) suture — Nasal spine Zygomatic process

Roofs of ethmoidal air cells Sulcus for sagittal sinus


process Supra-orbital
Fossa for lacrimal gland
Frontal foramen

Supra-orbital foramen Frontal

spine sinus
Frontal notch

Frontal crest

6.180 The frontal bone; a. External aspect; B. Inferior aspect.


Membrane of anterior fontanelle


Bo»;w! yy

6.181 The frontal bone at birth: anterior aspect. Note that at this stage the
bone consists of right and left halves connected by the frontal suture.

curved uncinate process, variable in size, projects posteroinferiorly

Cribriform plate from the labyrinth, appearing in the medial wall of the maxillary
The cribriform plate (6.182a) fills the frontal ethmoidal notch as a sinus (6.152) as it crosses the hiatus maxillaris to join the inferior
large part of the nasal roof. A thick, smooth, triangular, median nasal concha’s ethmoidal process. The upper edge of this process is
crista galli projects up from this lamina; to its thin and curved a medial boundary of the hiatus semilunaris in the middle meatus.
posterior border the falx cerebri is attached. Its shorter, thick, The medial surface of the labyrinth (6.183) forms part of the lateral
anterior border joins with the frontal bone by two small alae, nasal wall as a thin lamella descending from the inferior surface of
completing the foramen caecum (p.569). Its sides are smooth but the cribriform plate to end as the convoluted middle nasal concha.
sometimes bulged by air cells. On both sides of the crista galli the Above this the surface shows many vertical grooves for olfactory
cribriform plate is narrow, depressed and related to the gyrus rectus nerves. Posteriorly it is divided by the narrow, oblique superior
and olfactory bulb above it; its numerous foramina transmit olfactory meatus, bounded above by the thin, curved superior nasal concha;
nerves. Anteriorly on each side of the crista is a small slit occupied posterior ethmoidal air cells open into this meatus. Antero-inferior
by dura mater. A foramen carrying anterior ethmoidal nerve and to the superior meatus the middle concha’s convex surface extends
vessels to the nasal cavity is anterolateral to this slit; a groove runs along all the medial surface of the labyrinth, its lower edge thick, its
forwards to it from the anterior ethmoidal canal. lateral surface concave and part of the middle meatus. Middle
ethmoidal air cells produce a swelling (bulla ethmoidalis) on the
Perpendicular plate lateral wall of the middle meatus (6.1578); on the bulla, or above it,
The perpendicular plate (6.1828, o), thin, flat, quadrilateral and these cells open into the meatus. A curved infundibulum extends up
median, descends from the cribriform plate to form the upper part and forwards from the middle meatus, communicating with anterior
of the nasal septum, usually a little deflected. Its anterior border ethmoidal sinuses; in more than 50% of crania it continues up as the
meets the frontal’s nasal spine and crest of the nasal bones, its frontonasal duct.
posterior border joining the sphenoidal crest above and vomer below.
The thick inferior border is attached to the nasal septal cartilage. Its Ossification
surfaces are smooth, except above, where numerous grooves and The ethmoid bone ossifies in the cartilaginous nasal capsule from
canals lead to medial foramina in the cribriform plate for filaments three centres: one in the perpendicular plate, and one in each
of the olfactory nerves. labyrinth. The latter two appear in the orbital plates between the
fourth and fifth months in utero, extending into the ethmoid conchae.
Ethmoidal labyrinths At birth, the labyrinths, although ill-developed, are partially ossified,
The ethmoidal labyrinths consist of thin-walled ethmoidal air cells, the remainder cartilaginous. During the first year the perpendicular
in anterior, middle and posterior groups between two vertical plates plate and crista galli begin to ossify from the median centre, fusing
(p. 1636); the lateral, orbital plate is part of the medial orbital wall, with the labyrinths early in the second year. The cribriform plate is
the medial being part of lateral nasal wall. In the disarticulated bone ossified partly from the perpendicular plate, partly from the laby-
many air cells are open, but closed when articulated with adjoining rinths. Ethmoidal air cells begin to develop in utero; in the newborn
bones, except where they open into the nasal cavity. The superior they are narrow pouches.
surface (6.182a) shows open air cells, completed by edges of the
frontal ethmoidal notch (6.1808). It is crossed by two grooves INFERIOR NASAL CONCHAE
completing anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals with the frontal.
On the posterior surface (6.182p) large air cells are completed by The inferior nasal conchae are curved horizontal laminae in the
sphenoidal conchae and the palatine’s orbital process. The /ateral lateral nasal walls (6.184). Each has two surfaces, borders and
surface (6.182c), thin, smooth and oblong, is the orbital plate, which ends. The medial surface (6.1844) is convex, much perforated, and
covers the middle and posterior ethmoidal air cells. It articulates longitudinally grooved by vessels. The /ateral surface is concave
superiorly with the frontal’s orbital plate, inferiorly with the maxilla (6.1848) and part of the inferior meatus. The superior border, thin
and palatine’s orbital process, anteriorly with the lacrimal and and irregular, may be divided into three regions: an anterior ar-
posteriorly with the sphenoid bone (6.152). ticulating with the maxillary conchal crest, a posterior with the
A few air cells lie anterior to the orbital plate, their walls completed palatine conchal crest and a middle with three processes, variable in
by the lacrimal bone and frontal process of the maxilla. A thin, size and form. Of these the /acrimal process, small and pointed, at 597

Perpendicular plate
Alae of crista galli

Alar process
Crista galli
Crista galli
Orbital plate Labyrinth

Slit for process Ethmoidal air cells

of dura mater Superior concha Superior concha

Anterior ethmoidal
Cribriform plate groove Middle concha
sine meatus
Posterior ethmoidal Uncinate process

Uncinate process
Perpendicular plate iddle concha

With sphenoid bone

Crista galli
With sphenoidal crest

Superior concha

Middle concha

Perpendicular plate

Middle concha

6.182 The ethmoid bone: a. Superior aspect; B. Posterior aspect; c. Right

lateral aspect; p. The perpendicular plate viewed from the right side with the
right ethmoidal labyrinth removed.

Frontal sinus

Crista galli
Sella turcica

process of


Maxilla Openings into

maxillary sinus
Medial pterygoid
Pterygoid hamulus
Palatine bone
(perpendicular plate)

6.183 The lateral wall of the right half of the nasal cavity, showing the
ethmoid bone (coloured brown) and the inferior nasal concha (coloured
598 blue) in position.

the junction of the anterior with the posterior three-fourths of the With With Articulates .
border, articulates apically with a descending lacrimal process (6.185) with palat- Ethmoidal Lacrimal
and, by its margins, with the edges of the nasolacrimal groove on bone ine bone process process
the medial maxillary surface, thus completing the nasolacrimal canal. Articulates
Most posteriorly, a thin ethmoidal process ascends to the ethmoid with
uncinate process (6.1578). An intermediate thin maxillary process
curves inferolaterally to articulate with the maxilla and maxillary
process of the bone as part of the maxillary sinus’ medial wall. The
inferior conchal border is thick and spongiose, especially in its
midpart. Both conchal ends are more or less tapered, the posterior Inferior border Maxillary process Inferior border
more so.
Ossification 6.184 The right inferior nasal concha. a. Medial aspect; 8. Lateral aspect.
Ossification is from one centre, appearing at about the fifth month
in utero in the incurved lower border of the cartilaginous nasal
capsule’s lateral wall. It loses continuity with the capsule during anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. It passes below the infraorbital
ossification. foramen to the margin of the anterior nasal aperture in front of the
anterior end of the inferior concha; it then follows the aperture’s
lower margin to open near the nasal septum in front of the incisive
MAXILLAE canal. Anteromedial in the orbital surface and lateral to the lacrimal
The maxillae, largest of the facial bones excepting the mandible, groove, the attachment of inferior oblique may make a small
jointly form the whole upper jaw (6.135, 137), most of the buccal depression.
roof, floor and lateral wall of nasal cavity, orbital floors, in part the Nasal surface. This (6.186) displays posterosuperiorly the large,
infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae and inferior orbital and irregular maxillary hiatus leading into the sinus. At the upper hiatal
pterygomaxillary fissures. Each has a body and zygomatic, frontal, border are parts of air sinuses completed by the ethmoid and lacrimal
alveolar and palatine processes. bones; the smooth concave surface below the hiatus is part of the
inferior meatus, and behind it a rough surface meets the palatine’s
Maxillary body perpendicular plate; this surface is traversed by a groove, descending
The maxillary body, roughly pyramidal, has anterior, infratemporal forwards from the midposterior border; it is converted into a greater
(posterior), orbital and nasal surfaces, enclosing the maxillary sinus. palatine canal by the palatine’s perpendicular plate. Anterior to the
Anterior surface. This (6.1368, 185), faces anterolaterally and hiatus a deep groove, continuous above with the lacrimal groove
displays inferior elevations overlying the roots of teeth. Above the (p. 605), makes about two-thirds of the circumference of the naso-
incisors is a shallow incisive fossa in which is attached the depressor lacrimal canal, the rest being the lacrimal’s descending part, and the
septi; to the alveolar border below this a slip of orbicularis oris is lacrimal process of the inferior nasal concha (see 6.193). This canal
attached, and superolateral to it is the nasalis. Lateral to this fossa leads the nasolacrimal duct to the inferior meatus (6.1578). More
is a larger, deeper canine fossa, separated from it by the canine anterior is an oblique conchal crest for the inferior nasal concha; the
eminence, over the canine socket. In the canine fossa the levator concavity below it being part of the inferior meatus; above it the
anguli oris is attached. Above it is the infraorbital foramen, the surface is part of the atrium of the middle meatus.
anterior end of its canal, transmitting infraorbital vessels and nerve.
Above the foramen a sharp border, dividing the anterior and orbital Maxillary sinus
surfaces, is part of the orbital opening’s rim; attached nearby is the The maxillary sinus (6.185, 187), a large pyramidal cavity, has thin
levator labii superioris. Medially the anterior surface ends at a deeply walls corresponding to orbital, alveolar, facial and infratemporal
concave nasal notch, ending in a pointed process which, with its aspects of the maxilla. Its lateral, truncated apex extends into the
fellow, forms the anterior nasal spine. To the anterior surface near zygomatic process, sometimes into the zygomatic bone; its base is
the notch, the nasalis and depressor septi are attached. medial and is the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, appearing in the
Infratemporal surface. This (6.185) is concave and faces postero- maxillary hiatus in a disarticulated bone. This hiatal aperture is
laterally, forming the anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa and is reduced by the ethmoidal uncinate process and descending part of
separated from the anterior surface by the maxilla’s zygomatic the lacrimal bone above, the maxillary process of the inferior nasal
process and a ridge ascending to it from the first molar socket. Near concha below, and the palatine’s perpendicular plate behind (6.1578,
its centre are apertures of two or three alveolar canals, containing 186). The maxillary sinus hence connects only with the middle
posterior superior alveolar vessels and nerves. Posteroinferior is the meatus, usually by two small holes, one of which is usually closed
maxillary tuberosity, rough superomedially where it meets the pal- by mucous membrane. Its posterior wall contains alveolar canals,
atine bone’s pyramidal process (6.185a, 186); a few fibres of medial conducting posterior superior alveolar vessels and nerves to molar
pterygoid are attached to it, and sometimes it articulates with the teeth; these canals may ridge the sinus, whose floor is formed by the
lateral pterygoid plate. Above this is the smooth anterior boundary alveolar process, its lowest part being about 1.25 cm below the nasal
of the pterygopalatine fossa, grooved by the maxillary nerve as it floor. Radiating septa of varying size usually spring from the sinual
passes laterally and slightly upwards into the infraorbital groove on floor between adjacent dental roots; sometimes it is perforated by
the orbital surface. molar roots (p. 1637). The infraorbital canal usually ridges the sinus
Orbital surface. This (6.139, 185) is smooth and triangular, from roof to anterior wall. The cavity’s size varies, even between
forming most of the orbital floor. Anteriorly its medial border bears sides of a single skull (p. 1637).
a lacrimal notch, behind which it joints with the lacrimal bone, the Clinical anatomy. Because of the extreme thinness of the sinual
ethmoid’s orbital plate and, posteriorly, the palatine’s orbital process walls, a tumour may push up the orbital floor and displace the
(6.186). Its posterior border is smoothly rounded, forming most of the eyeball, project into the nasal cavity, protrude onto the cheek or
anterior edge of the inferior orbital fissure; central is the infraorbital spread back into the infratemporal fossa or down into the mouth.
groove. The anterior border is part of the orbital margin, continuous Extraction of molar teeth may damage the floor, and impact may
medially with the lacrimal crest of the maxilla’s frontal process fracture its walls.
(p.600). The infraorbital groove, for similarly named vessels and
nerve, begins midway on the posterior border, continuous with a Zygomatic process
groove on the posterior surface, and passes forwards into the The zygomatic process is a pyramidal projection where anterior,
infraorbital canal, which opens on the anterior surface below the infratemporal and orbital surfaces converge. In front it merges into
infraorbital margin. Near its midpoint the canal has a small lateral the maxillary body’s facial surface; behind it is concave and con-
branch for the anterior superior alveolar nerve and vessels; this tinuous with the infratemporal surface; above it is roughly serrated
canalis sinuosus (Wood Jones; see Jones 1939a) descends in the for articulation with the zygomatic bone; below an arched border
orbital floor lateral to the infraorbital canal and curves medially in the separates facial (anterior) and infratemporal surfaces. 599

Medial palpebral ligament

With frontal bone

Orbicularis oculi

Frontal process Nasolacrimal groove With ethmoid Levator labii superioris

alaeque nasi

Infra-orbital groove Levator labii superioris
process, with
Nasal notch zygomatic
Transverse part
Anterior Openings Nasalf
nasal Alar part
* spine of
Canine canals
eminence E
Tuberosity Depressor septi

Levator anguli oris Buccinator

With frontal bone

Ethmoidal crest

Middle meatus

‘onchal crest
Maxillary hiatus $

For perpendicular plate Inferior meatus

of palatine. bone

Greater palatine Anterior nasal

canal spine

For perpendicular plate

of palatine bone Palatine process

Bristle in
incisive canal

6.185 The left maxilla; a. Lateral aspect; 8. Outline showing muscle attach-
ments; c. Medial aspect.

the agger nasi, a ridge anterior to the concha on the lateral nasal
Frontal process wall; the crest is the upper limit of the atrium of the middle meatus.
The frontal process projects posterosuperiorly between the nasal and The frontal process joints apically with the frontal’s nasal part, its
lacrimal bones (6.133a, 186). Its /ateral surface (6.142a, 186) is divided anterior border with the nasal bone, its posterior with the lacrimal.
by a vertical anterior lacrimal crest for attachment of the medial
palpebral ligament and is continuous below with the infraorbital Alveolar process
margin. At the junction of the crest and orbital surface a small The alveolar process is thick and arched, wide behind, and socketed
palpable tubercle is a guide to the lacrimal sac. The smooth area for tooth roots. The eight sockets on each side vary according to
anterior to the lacrimal crest merges below with the body’s anterior contained teeth. That for the canine is deepest, those for molars
surface; part of orbicularis oculi and levator labii superioris alaeque widest and subdivided into three by septa, those for incisors and
nasi are attached here (6.1368, 143). Behind the crest a vertical groove second premolar single, that for the first premolar sometimes double.
combines with one on the lacrimal bone to complete the lacrimal The buccinator is attached to the external alveolar aspect, as far
fossa. The medial surface (6.185) is part of the lateral nasal wall. A forwards as the first molar. In articulated maxillae the processes
rough subapical area joints with the ethmoid and closes anterior form the alveolar arch. Occasionally a longitudinal maxillary torus
ethmoidal air cells. Below this an oblique ethmoidal crest articulates variably prominent, appears on the palatal aspect of the process
600 posteriorly with the middle nasal concha and anteriorly underlies near the molar sockets.


Anterior ethmoidal canal

Orbital plate of ethmoid

Posterior ethmoidal canal

Left frontal sinus

Lesser wing of sphenoid

pi Orbital process
Lacrimo- poe]
: of palatine bone
maxillary suture

Nasal bone

Uncinate process
of ethmoid
Inferior concha, fossa
maxillary process
Anterior nasal plate of palatine
spine bone

Lateral pterygoid
Maxillary sinus
Pyramidal process
of palatine bone

Maxillary tuberosity hamulus

6.186 Oblique sagittal section through the anterior part of the skull, maxillary sinus. The inferior concha is shown in yellow and the perpendicular
showing the medial wall of the left orbit and the medial wall of the left plate of the palatine bone in blue.

6.187 Highresolution projection microradiograph ofa maxilla (mediolateral compact bone in the frontal, zygomatic and palatine processes with the fine
view). Note particularly the distribution of compact and trabecular bone, the filigree of trabecular bone in much of the alveolar process, interior of the
extent ofthe profile of the maxillary sinus and its relation to the dental alveoli, zygomatic process and the posterior wall of the sinus. (Contributed by C
the compact bone of the /Jaminae durae of the latter, the hard tissues, pulp Buckland-Wright, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London.) 601
cavities, root canals and foramina of the teeth. Contrast the dense shells of

Palatine process suture of Farmer.) This would explain the absence, after the third
The palatine process, thick, strong and horizontal, projects medially month in utero, of any facial indication of a premaxilla (os incisivum).
from the lowest part of the medial maxillary aspect, forming a large However a suture, or what appears to be one, may occur on the
part of the nasal floor and palate; it is much thicker in front. Its nasal floor behind its anterior margin. When identifiable postnatally,
inferior surface (6.145) is concave, uneven and forms with its fellow this suture passes medially on each side to the incisive canal.
about the anterior three-fourths of the osseous palate. It displays Moreover, a suture or cleft is always visible at birth anterior in the
numerous vascular foramina and depressions for palatine glands palate; diverging on each side from the incisive fossa it runs to the
and, posterolaterally, two grooves containing greater palatine vessels septum between the lateral incisor and canine teeth (rarely between
and nerves. Between the maxillae the infundibular incisive fossa the canine and first premolar). This palatal sign of separation between
appears behind the incisor teeth, posterior to which is the median the os incisivum and the rest of the maxilla may persist until the
intermaxillary palatal suture—a little uneven but relatively flat on middle decades. Considered together, these features delineate a
its oral aspect. However, its bony margins are sometimes raised into separate element, anterior to the incisive fossa and canals, forming
a prominent longitudinal palatine torus (p.563), incidence of which parts of the incisor alveoli. Being fused anteriorly with an overlap
varies (p. 609); for example, it is rare in Burmese, but frequent in from the maxillary centre, this ‘os incisivum’ has no facial rep-
English crania (29% in males, 48% in females among nineteenth- resentation.
century Londoners). In the incisive fossa are openings of two lateral Regular occurrence of a premaxilla in other primates, as a separate
incisive canals; each ascends into its half of the nasal cavity, trans- bone, has naturally prompted attempts to identify a human homo-
mitting terminations of the greater palatine artery and nasopalatine logue. Despite early disagreements (Fawcett 1911a), the above
nerve. Occasionally two additional median openings exist: anterior description of maxillary development has become standard, con-
and posterior incisive foramina, transmitting the nasopalatine nerves, veniently equating the os incisivum with the mammalian premaxilla.
the left passing anterior. On the inferior palatine surface a fine This argument depends primarily on supposed ossificatory centres
groove, sometimes termed the incisive suture and prominent in young in the os incisivum. One study of serial sections in human embryos
skulls, may be observed in adults where it extends anterolaterally strongly suggested that ossification in it is merely an extension
from the incisive fossa to the interval between the lateral incisor and from the maxillary centre (Wood et al 1969). The osseous lamina
canine teeth. Anterior to this supposed suture is the os incisivum, developing from this centre, as in the mandible, is complex, appearing
long considered to represent the premaxilla, a separate element in in more than one place in some sections and suggesting multiple
most vertebrates including primates. This view has been criticized centres. It was claimed that their continuity is clear in serial sections,
(see below). The superior surface of the palatine process’is concave providing a welcome simplification for complexities of maxillary
transversely, smooth and forms most of the nasal floor; anteriorly, development. Extension from a supposed initial ‘premaxillary’ centre
near its median margin, is the incisive canal. The Jateral border is to form the frontal and palatine processes can thus be ascribed
continuous with the maxillary body. The medial border, thicker in instead to the main maxillary centre. But this simplification does not
front, is raised into a nasal crest which, with its fellow, forms a explain various sutures, clefts and grooves held to delineate the
groove for the vomer. The front of this ridge rises higher as an human os incisivum.
incisor crest, prolonged forwards into a sharp process which, with Whether patterns of pre-ossificatory mesenchymal condensation
its fellow, forms an anterior nasal spine. The posterior border is in the region have any phylogenetic significance remains uncertain;
serrated for the palatine’s horizontal plate. the status of a human premaxilla is thus problematical. There is
strong evidence, at least, that it has no specific centre of ossification.
The maxillary sinus appears as a shallow groove (6.188) on the
Ossification nasal aspect at about the fourth month in utero. Infraorbital vessels
The maxilla ossifies in a sheet of mesenchyme superficial to the nasal and nerve are for a time in an open groove in the orbital floor; its
capsule. Three centres are described: one for the main maxillary anterior part being converted into a canal by a lamina growing in
mass appears above the canine fossa at about the sixth week in from the lateral side.
uterine; two others are ascribed to the premaxillary region, the
so-called os incisivum, which corresponds in position with a true Age changes in the maxilla
premaxilla. Of these two ‘premaxillary’ centres, reputed to occur in At birth the transverse and sagittal maxillary dimensions are greater
human embryonic upper jaw (Woo 1949; Noback & Moss 1953), than the vertical. The frontal process is prominent, but the body
the principal one is said to appear above the incisor tooth germs in the little more than an alveolar process, its alveoli reaching almost to
seventh week; a second, sometimes called paraseptal or prevomerine, is the orbital floor, the maxillary sinus is a mere furrow on the lateral
considered to begin in the medial wall of a paraseptal cartilage at nasal wall. In adults the vertical dimension is greatest, owing to
the ventral margin of the nasal septum, fusing almost at once with development of the alveolar process and enlargement of the sinus.
the maxillary’s palatine process. Bone formed by the principal If all teeth are lost, in old age or earlier, the bone reverts towards
premaxillary centre is reputedly overgrown by bone from the main infantile shape: its height diminishes, the alveolar process is absorbed
maxillary mass, fusing along its anterior limit with the maxilla’s (p.607) and lower parts of the bone contracted and reduced in
alveolar process. (This junction may be discernible as the interalveolar thickness at the expense of the labial wall (p. 578). Differences in the

groove Frontal


6.188 The right maxilla at birth. a. Lateral aspect; B. Inferior aspect; c.

Medial aspect. Note alveoli for deciduous teeth (8) and rough articular area
602 for opposite maxilla (c).

continuous with the perpendicular plate and marked by a greater

Air sinus on
sphenoidal aspect Orbital surface palatine groove. The medial border, thick and serrated, articulates
Orbital with its fellow in the midline, forming the posterior part of the nasal
Articular surface process crest, which articulates with the posterior part of the vomer’s lower
Lateral surface edge; and the latter is continuous anteriorly with the maxillary nasal
Sphenoidal crest.
process Sphenopalatine
Perpendicular plate otc
h Perpendicular plate
Greater palatine The perpendicular plate (6.189, 190), thin and oblong, has two
Conchal crest . groove surfaces and four borders. The nasal surface bears inferiorly a broad
Horizontal plate Articu-
depression, part of the inferior meatus. Above this the horizontal
lates with conchal crest articulates with the inferior concha; above this again a
Musculus uvulae lateral shallow depression forms part of the middle meatus. This last
on posterior pterygoid
nasal spine depression is limited above by an ethmoidal crest for the middle
nasal concha, above which a narrow, horizontal groove forms part
Articulates with
medial pterygoid Pyramidal of the superior meatus. The maxillary surface, largely rough and
plate process irregular, articulates with the maxillary’s nasal surface; postero-
Medial pterygoid superiorly it is a smooth medial wall to the pterygopalatine fossa;
its anterior area, also smooth, overlaps the maxillary hiatus from
6.189 The right palatine bone: posterior aspect. behind to form a posterior part of the medial wall of the maxillary
sinus (6.186). Posteriorly on this maxillary surface is the deep,
obliquely descending greater palatine groove, converted into a canal
mode of alveolar absorption in maxilla and mandible are of practical by the maxilla; it transmits the greater palatine vessels and nerve.
importance in fitting dentures. The anterior border is thin and irregular; level with the conchal
crest a pointed lamina projects below and behind the maxillary
process of the inferior concha, articulating with it and so appearing
PALATINE BONES in the medial wall of the maxillary sinus (6.186). The posterior border
The palatine bones are posteriorly placed in the nasal cavity between (6.189) has a serrated suture with the medial pterygoid plate and is
the maxillae and sphenoid’s pterygoid processes (6.1578); they con- continuous above with the palatine’s sphenoidal process, and expand-
tribute to the nasal floor and lateral walls, to the palate and orbital ing below into its pyramidal process. From the superior border
floors, and to the pterygopalatine and pterygoid fossae and inferior project both the orbital and sphenoidal processes separated by the
orbital fissures. Each resembles a letter L in its horizontal and sphenopalatine notch (made into a foramen by the sphenoid body).
perpendicular plates, with three processes: pyramidal, inclining down This foramen connects the pterygopalatine fossa to the posterior
and posterolaterally from the junction of these plates, orbital and part of the superior meatus, transmitting sphenopalatine vessels and
sphenoidal, surmounting each perpendicular plate and separated by the posterior superior nasal nerves. The inferior border, continuous
the deep sphenopalatine notch. with the lateral border of the horizontal plate, bears the lower end
of the greater palatine groove in front of the pyramidal process.
Horizontal plate
The horizontal plate (6.145, 189) is quadrilateral, with two surfaces Pyramidal process
and four borders. The nasal surface, transversely concave, forms the The pyramidal process slopes down posterolaterally from the junc-
posterior nasal floor; the palatine surface forms, with its fellow, a tion of the horizontal and perpendicular palatine plates into the
posterior quarter of the bony palate; near its posterior margin a angle between the pterygoid plates. On its posterior surface a smooth,
curved palatine crest often exists. The posterior border is thin and grooved triangular area, limited on each side by rough articular
concave; to it and its adjacent surface behind the palatine crest the furrows articulating with the pterygoid plates, completes the lower
expanded tendon of tensor veli palatini is attached. Medially the part of the pterygoid fossa, and is a partial attachment of the medial
posterior border forms, with its fellow, a median posterior nasal spine pterygoid muscle. Anteriorly the /ateral surface articulates with the
for attachment of the uvular muscle. The serrated anterior border maxillary tuberosity; posteriorly a smooth triangular area appears
articulates with the maxillary palatine process. The Jateral border is low in the infratemporal fossa between the tuberosity and lateral

Orbital Maxillary Sphenopalatine notch

process hiatus Orbital process
Frontal process
Sphenopalatine notch

Sphenoidal process

Sphenoidal process Ethmoidal crest

Ethmoidal crest
Perpendicular plate of Conchal crest
palatine bone
Conchal crest
Conchal crest
Rough area for medial suture
pterygoid plate
Pyramidal process

Greater palatine
Pyramidal process

Horizontal plate
6.190 The medial aspect of the left palatine bone; a. In articulation with
the left maxilla; 8. Enlarged. 603

pterygoid plate (6.144a). The inferior surface, near its union with The border between the lateral and posterior surfaces descends
the horizontal plate, shows the /esser palatine foramina for the anterior to the sphenopalatine notch.
corresponding nerves and arteries (6.145).
Sphenoidal process
Orbital process The sphenoidal process (6.189, 190), a thin plate smaller and lower
The orbital process (6.189, 190), directed superolaterally from in than the orbital, directed superomedially. Its superior surface articu-
front of the perpendicular plate with a constricted ‘neck’, encloses lates with the sphenoidal concha and, above it, the root of the medial
an air sinus and presents three articular and two non-articular pterygoid plate; it carries a groove helping to form the palatovaginal
surfaces. Of the articular surfaces: canal. The concave inferomedial surface is part of the nasal roof and
lateral wall. Posteriorly the /ateral surface articulates with the medial
e the oblong anterior or maxillary faces down and anterolaterally to
pterygoid plate; its smooth anterior region is part of the medial wall
articulate with the maxilla;
of the pterygopalatine fossa. The posterior border articulates with
e the posterior or sphenoidal, directed up and posteromedially, bears
the vaginal process of the medial pterygoid plate. The anterior border
the opening of an air sinus, usually communicating with the
is the posterior edge of the sphenopalatine notch. The medial border
sphenoidal sinus and completed by a sphenoidal concha;
articulates with the vomerine ala. The sphenopalatine notch, between
e he medial or ethmoidal, facing anteromedially, articulates with the
the two processes, becomes a foramen by articulation with the
ethmoid’s labyrinth.
sphenoidal body. Sometimes the processes themselves unite.
The sinus sometimes opens on the surface, communicating with the
posterior ethmoidal air cells; more rarely it opens on the ethmoidal Ossification
and sphenoidal surfaces, communicating with posterior ethmoidal Ossification is in mesenchyme from one centre, appearing during the
air cells and the sphenoidal sinus. Of the non-articular surfaces: eighth week in the perpendicular plate. From this, ossification spreads
e the triangular superior or orbital is directed superolaterally to the into all parts. At birth the height of the perpendicular plate equals
posterior part of the orbital floor (6.139); the width of the horizontal, but in adults it is almost twice as great,
e the /ateral is oblong, faces the pterygopalatine fossa and is sep- a change in proportions according with those in the maxilla.
arated from the orbital surface by a rounded border, a medial
part of the lower margin of the inferior orbital fissure; this surface ZYGOMATIC BONES
may present a groove, directed superolaterally, for the maxillary
nerve and is continuous with the groove on the upper maxillary’s Each zygomatic bone forms the prominence of a cheek, contributes
posterior surface (p. 602). : to the lateral orbital wall and floor, parts of the walls of temporal

angle of
parietal bone

Squamous part
of temporal
Orbital plate of
ethmoid bone Greater wing of
sphenoid bone



Ramus of

3.163 The left zygomatic bone in situ.

Frontal process

Articulation with
Orbital surface tent f
Bristles passed
through zygo-
foramina Temporal Bristles in :
process zygomatico-orbital
Levator labii foramina
superioris Articulation with

process lag
Masseter with
Zygomaticus minor maxilla

6.191 The left zygomatic bone; a. In situ; B. Lateral aspect showing muscle
attachments; c. Medial aspect.

and infratemporal fossae and completes the zygomatic arch (6.191a).

Articulates with frontal bone
It is roughly quadrangular with anteromedial and frontal processes.
It can be described as having three surfaces, five borders and two
processes. Orbital
The /ateral surface (6.191), really anterolateral, is convex and
pierced near its orbital border by the zygomaticofacial foramen , Groove {%
With lacrimal sac
(often double) for the zygomaticofacial nerve and vessels; below this ethmoid With maxilla
zygomaticus minor and, posteriorly, zygomaticus major are attached. bone
The zygomaticofacial foramen is sometimes absent (p. 609). The
posteromedial temporal surface (6.191) has a rough anterior area for Descending hamulus
process, for
articulation with the maxilla and a smooth, concave posterior area inferior nasal concha
extending up posteriorly on its frontal process as the anterior aspect
of the temporal fossa. It also extends back on the medial aspect of 6.192 The right lacrimal bone: lateral aspect.
the temporal process as an incomplete lateral wall for the infra-
temporal fossa. The zygomaticotemporal foramen pierces this surface
near the base of the frontal process. The orbital surface (6.1918, c), Ossification
smooth and concave, is the anterolateral part of the orbital floor Ossification is from one centre, appearing in fibrous tissue about the
and adjoining lateral wall, extending up on the medial aspect of its eighth week. The bone is sometimes divided by a horizontal suture
frontal process. It usually bears zygomatico-orbital foramina, open- into a larger upper and smaller lower divisions.
ings of canals leading to zygomaticofacial and temporal foramina.
The smoothly concave anterosuperior or orbital border forms the
inferolateral circumference of the orbital opening, separating the
orbital and lateral surfaces. The anteroinferior or maxillary border The lacrimal bones, the smallest and most fragile of cranial bones,
articulates with the maxilla; its medial end tapers to a point above lie anteriorly in the medial orbital walls (6.152). Each has two
the infraorbital foramen; near the orbital margin a part of the levator surfaces and four borders. The Jateral, orbital surface (6.192) is
labii superioris is attached. The posterosuperior or temporal border divided by a vertical posterior lacrimal crest, anterior to which is a
is sinuous, convex above, concave below and continuous with the vertical groove, its anterior edge meeting the posterior border of the
posterior border of the frontal process and upper border of the frontal process of the maxilla to complete the fossa for the lacrimal
zygomatic arch; attached to it is the temporal fascia. Below the sac. The groove’s medial wall is prolonged by a descending process
frontozygomatic suture is often a small marginal tubercle, easily (6.193) helping to form the nasolacrimal canal by joining the lips of
palpable. The posteroinferior border is roughened by attachment of the maxillary nasolacrimal groove and lacrimal process of the inferior
masseter. The serrated posteromedial border articulates with the nasal concha. Behind the crest is a smooth part of the medial orbital
sphenoid’s greater wing above, and orbital surface of the maxilla wall. To this surface and crest the lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi
below. Between these serrated regions a short, concave, non-articular is attached; the surface ends below in the Jacrimal hamulus which,
part usually forms the lateral edge of the inferior orbital fissure; it with the maxilla, completes the upper opening of the nasolacrimal
is sometimes absent, the fissure then being completed by junction of canal (6.139); the hamulus may bea separate J/esser lacrimal bone.
the maxilla and sphenoid or a small sutural bone between them. The anteroinferior region of the medial (nasal) surface is part of the
The frontal process, thick and serrated, articulates above with the middle meatus; its posterosuperior part meets the ethmoid to com-
frontal’s zygomatic process and behind with sphenoid’s greater wing. plete some anterior ethmoidal air cells. The anterior lacrimal border
On its orbital aspect, within the orbital opening and about 1cm articulates with the frontal process of the maxilla, the posterior with
below the frontozygomatic suture, a tubercle of varying size and the ethmoid’s orbital plate, the superior with the frontal bone, and
form, observed in 95% of skulls (Whitnall 1932), is the attachment the inferior with the maxillary orbital surface (6.139).
of the lateral palpebrae ligament (p. 1361), suspensory ligament and
part of the aponeurosis of levator palpebrae superioris (p. 1353). The Ossification
temporal process, directed backwards, has an oblique, serrated end Ossification is from a centre appearing at about the twelfth week in
articulating with the temporal zygomatic process to complete the mesenchyme around the nasal capsule. In later life the lacrimal is
zygomatic arch. subject to patchy erosion.

Sphenopalatine Maxillary
notch hiatus Lacrimal bone

Sphenoidal process of
palatine bone

Perpendicular plate of
palatine bone

suture Inferior nasal concha

Horizontal plate
of palatine bone
Palatine process
of maxilla
Greater palatine

Alveolar process of maxilla

6.193 Drawing to show how the medial wall of the nasolacrimal canal is
formed by the articulation of the descending process of the lacrimal bone 605
with the lacrimal process of the inferior nasal concha.

With frontal

Articulates with
opposite nasal bone

é Z
Articulates Groove for anterior
with maxilla ethmoidal nerve With maxillae and palatines Anterior Inferior border

6.195 The vomer: a. Left lateral aspect; B. At birth.

6.194 The left nasal bone: a. External aspect; 8. Internal aspect.

NASAL BONES cartilage is absorbed; by puberty they are almost united, but the
bilaminar origin remains in the everted alae and anterior marginal
Nasal bones are small, oblong, variable in size and form, and placed groove (6.195a).
side by side between the frontal processes of the maxillae; they
jointly form the nasal bridge (6.134, 157s).
Each has two surfaces and four borders. The external surface SUTURAL BONES
(6.194a) has a descending concavoconvex profile and is transversely Additional ossificatory centres may occur in or near sutures, giving
convex. It is covered by the procerus and nasalis muscles and rise to isolated sutural bones (6.196). Usually irregular in size and
perforated centrally by a small venous foramen. The internal surface shape, and most frequent in the lambdoid suture, they sometimes
(6.1948), transversely concave, is traversed by a longitudinal groove occur at fontanelles, especially the posterior, perhaps representing a
for the anterior ethmoidal nerve. The superior border, thick and pre-interparietal element, a true interparietal or some composite. An
serrated, articulates with the frontal. The inferior border, thin and isolated bone at the lambda is sometimes dubbed the Inca bone or
notched, is continuous with the lateral nasal cartilage. The Jateral Goethe’s ossicle (p.583). One or more pterion ossicles or epipteric
border joins the frontal process of the maxilla. The medial border, bones may appear between the parietal’s sphenoidal angle and
thicker above, meets its fellow and projects behind as a vertical crest, sphenoid’s greater wing, varying much in size, but more or less
a small part of the nasal septum, articulating from above with the symmetrical. Sutural bones usually have little morphological sig-
nasal spine of the frontal, the ethmoid’s perpendicular plate and the nificance, with notable exceptions (p. 591). There are often only two
nasal septal cartilage. or three, but they appear in great numbers in hydrocephalic skulls.
They have therefore been linked with rapid cranial expansion, but
this is unproven. For a detailed analysis of these and other epigenetic
Ossification is from a centre which appears early in the third month variations in 585 adult crania, consult Berry and Berry (1967),
in mesenchyme overlying the cartilaginous anterior part of the nasal who discuss genetic identification of populations by such criteria,
capsule. subsequently providing further data (Berry 1975). A report of their
occurrence in fetal skulls (El-Najjar & Dawson 1977) supports a
VOMER genetic factor.
The vomer is thin, flat, and almost trapezoid, forming the postero-
inferior part of the nasal septum (6.156); it has lateral surfaces and
four borders. Both surfaces (6.195) are marked by grooves for nerves
and vessels, one obliquely anteroinferior for the nasopalatine nerve
and vessels. The superior border is thickest, with a deep furrow
between projecting alae which fits the sphenoidal rostrum; the alae
articulate with the sphenoidal conchae, sphenoidal processes of the
palatine bones and vaginal processes of the medial pterygoid plates.
Where each ala is between the sphenoid’s body and the vaginal
process its inferior surface helps to form the vomerovaginal canal
(p. 567). The inferior border articulates with the median maxillary
and palatine nasal crests. The anterior border, the longest, articulates
in its upper half with the ethmoid’s perpendicular plate; the lower
half is cleft to receive the inferior margin of the nasal septal cartilage.
The posterior border is concave, separating the posterior nasal aper-
tures; it is thick and bifid above, thin below. The anterior end
articulates with the posterior margin of the maxillary incisor crest
and descends between the incisive canals.
The nasal septum is at first a plate of cartilage, part of which is
ossified above to form the ethmoid’s perpendicular plate; its antero-
inferior region persists as septal cartilage, the vomer being ossified
in strata of connective tissue covering it on each aspect in its postero-
inferior part. About the eighth week two centres appear flanking the Sutural bones
midline and in the twelfth week these unite below the cartilage,
forming a deep groove (6.1958) for the nasal septal cartilage. Union
606 of the bony lamellae progresses anterosuperiorly, while intervening 6.196 Sutural bones in the lambdoid and sagittal sutures.



Growth of the vault

This is rapid during the first year and slower to the seventh, by
DIFFERENT AGES which time it has reached almost adult dimensions. For most of this
period expansion is largely concentric; form is determined early in
THE SKULL AT BIRTH the first year, remaining thereafter largely unaltered (Brodie 1941;
At birth the skull is large in proportion to other skeletal parts, but Weinmann & Sicher 1955; Hoyte 1966; Scott & Symons 1977). That
the facial region is relatively small, only about one-eighth of the shape of the vault is not directly related to cerebral growth but to
neonatal cranium, compared with half in adult life. Smallness of the genetic factors is supported by the great range of cranial indices and
face at birth is due to the rudimentary stage of the mandible and shapes in racial groups. During the first and early second years
maxillae, non-eruption of the teeth and the small size of maxillary growth of the vault is mainly by ossification at apposed margins of
sinuses and the nasal cavity. The latter is almost entirely between bones, which possess an osteogenic layer (p.487), accompanied by
the orbits, the lower border of the piriform nasal aperture being some accretion and absorption of bone at surfaces to adapt to
only slightly below the orbital floors. The large size of the calvaria, continually altering curvatures. Growth in breadth occurs at the
especially the cranial vault, is related to precocious cerebral growth. sagittal, sphenofrontal, sphenotemporal and occipitomastoid sutures
The cranial base is relatively short and narrow and, although the and petro-occipital cartilaginous joints, while growth in height occurs
middle and internal auditory parts are almost adult in size, the at the frontozygomatic and squamosal sutures, pterion (p. 560)
petrous temporal bones are generally far from adult dimensions. and asterion (p. 561). During this period fontanelles are closed by
Bones of the cranial vault are unilaminar and without diploé. Frontal ossification of the bones around them, but separate centres may
and parietal tuberosities are prominent and in norma verticalis convert them into sutural bones. The sphenoidal and posterior
the greatest width is between the parietal tuberosities (p. 609). fontanelles ‘fill in’ within 2 or 3 months of birth, mastoid fontanelles
The glabella, superciliary arches and mastoid processes are not usually near the end of the first year and the anterior fontanelle at
developed. about the middle of the second, by which time calvarial bones have
Ossification is incomplete, many bones being still in several interlocked at sutures, commencing early in the first year. Further
elements united by fibrous tissue or cartilage. The ‘os incisivum’ is expansion is chiefly by accretion and absorption on external and
continuous with the maxilla (p.602); pre- and postsphenoids have internal surfaces respectively (Ford 1956). Meanwhile the bones
just united, but the halves of frontal bone and mandible, and thicken, but not uniformly. At birth the vault is unilaminar, tables
squamous, lateral and basilar parts of occipital bone are all separate. and intervening diploé appearing about the fourth year, with maximal
A second styloid centre (stylohyal) has not appeared and parts of differentiation at about 35 years, when diploic veins are prominent
the temporal bones are separate except for the commencing fusion in radiograms. Thickening of the vault and development of external
of the tympanic with the petrous and squamous parts. The fibrous muscular markings are related to the development of the masticatory
membrane, forming the cranial vault before ossification, is unossified and neck muscles. The mastoid process is a visible bulge in the
at the angles of the parietal bones, leaving six fonticuli (fontanelles), second year and invaded by air cells in the sixth; Galli et al (1976)
two median (anterior and posterior) and two lateral pairs (sphenoidal have recorded metrical studies of it.
and mastoid). The anterior fontanelle (6.197), the largest, is at the
junction of the sagittal, coronal and frontal sutures, hence rhom- Growth of the base
boid, and about 4cm in anteroposterior and 2.5cm in transverse This is responsible for much of the cranial lengthening, mostly at
dimensions. The posterior fontanelle (6.197), at the junction of the cartilaginous joints between the sphenoid and ethmoid, and especially
sagittal and lambdoid sutures, is hence triangular. The sphenoidal between the sphenoid and occipital bones. Largely independent of
(anterolateral) and mastoid (posterolateral) fontanelles (6.197) are cerebral growth, it continues at the occipitosphenoid synchondrosis
small, irregular and at sphenoidal and mastoid angles of the parietal until the eighteenth to twenty-fifth year, a period prolonged by
bones. continued expansion of the jaws to accommodate erupting teeth,
At birth the orbits are large and the germs of developing teeth are and by growth in the muscles of mastication and those of the
near their orbital floors. Temporal bones differ greatly from their nasopharynx. However, there is some evidence that growth may
adult form. The internal ear, tympanic cavity, auditory ossicles and cease at about 15 years (Latham 1966). A pubertal growth spurt has
mastoid antrum are almost adult, the tympanic plate is an incomplete been ascribed to both sexes, about two years earlier in females;
ring and the mastoid process absent. Hence the external acoustic considerable postpubertal growth, up to 17.5 years in males (Roche &
meatus is short, straight, unossified and wholly fibrocartilaginous. Lewis 1974), has been described. For a review of studies on basal
The external aspect of the tympanic membrane faces down rather than growth consult Hoyte (1975), and for labelling studies of growth in
laterally, in accord with the basal cranial contour. The stylomastoid craniofacial cartilages (in rats) see Kvinnsland and Kvinnsland
foramen is exposed on the lateral surface of the skull; the styloid (1975). Buranarugsa and Houghton (1981) have applied multivariate
process has not fused with the temporal bone; the mandibular fossa analysis to Cartesian co-ordinates of cranial landmarks in Polynesian
is flat and more lateral and its articular tubercle undeveloped. crania; they claim considerable independence in the growth and
Paranasal sinuses are rudimentary or absent; only the maxillary positioning of the segments noted above. Trenouth (1984) has
sinuses are usually identifiable. contributed an extensive study of 60 fetal cranial profiles and draws
During birth the skull is moulded by slow compression; that part attention to the effects of disproportionate growth of the brain and
of the scalp which is more central in the birth canal is often face, and the result of this in changing the developing cranial base.
temporarily oedematous due to interference with venous return and It is to be hoped that this series of observations can be linked with
is called the caput succedaneum. Fontanelles and the width of the pre- and postnatal changes.
sutures allow bones of the cranial vault some overlap. The skull is
compressed in one plane with compensatory elongation orthogonal Growth of the face
to this. These effects disappear within a week.
This occupies a longer period than the calvaria. Much information
is derived from serial radiography (Salzmann 1961). The ethmoid
and the orbital and upper nasal cavities have almost completed
growth by the seventh year (6.198). Orbital and upper nasal growth
POSTNATAL GROWTH is achieved by sutural accretion with deposition of bone on the facial
Co-ordinated postnatal growth of the calvarial and facial skeleton aspects of the margins. The maxilla is carried downwards and forwards
proceeds at different rates and periods, the cranial cavity being by expansion of the orbits and nasal septum and sutural growth,
related to cerebral growth, the facial skeleton to the development of especially at the fontanelles and zygomaticomaxillary and pterygo-
the teeth, muscles of mastication and tongue; but growth of the maxillary sutures. In the first year growth in width occurs at the
cranial base is not at the same rate as that of the vault. Therefore symphysis menti and midpalatal, internasal and frontal sutures; but
the three regions must be considered separately. The anterior part such growth is diminished or even ended when the symphysis menti
of the cranial base is a zone of interaction between facial and cerebral and frontal suture close during the first few years, even though the
midpalatal suture persists until mature years. Facial growth in this 607
growth (Brash 1924; Scott 1967).

Anterior fontanelle
Anterior fontanelle Parietal tuber

Coronal suture
Coronal suture

Frontal bone
and tuber Left frontal bone

Nasal bone Future pterion;
closing sphenoidal
Nasal septum fontanelle

Maxilla Nasal bone Occipital

bone squama
Mandible: Mandibular ramus
large alveolar Mental foramen
Mandible: °
Obtuse ee mandibular
"gaat sgiall base Mental symphysis
Symphysis menti

Ve ic ri \ Temporal squama
Zygomatic arch ; Spare Tine
Gonial contour

3 ‘i moe Mental symphysis

bone and tuber Basan eahdiide
suture 'rontal

Zygomatic bone
Hard palate; intermaxillary
Palatine bone Zygomatic arch
Posterior choana
V, 1 ) Gonial contour;
‘omer (nasal septum Madselwadbie
Anterior Coronal suture
fontanelle ead
Tympanic ring
Handle of malleus

suture Parietal bone and tuber

External occipital crest

‘Foramen magnum

Occipital squama

Sagittal (interparietal) suture

Parietal bone
— and tuber


Lambdoid suture

6.197 Skull of newborn infant: a. Anterior aspect; 8. Lateral aspect; c.

Occipital bone: tuber on squama
Superior aspect; p. Basal aspect; E. Posterior occipital aspect. (Photograph
eos LE] by K Fitzpatrick.)

period continues to puberty and later, linked with the eruption of smoother and the mandible and maxillae and contained teeth are
the permanent teeth. After sutural growth, near the end of the second smaller. Thus, more childhood characteristics are retained in females.
year, expansion of the facial skeleton is by surface accretion on the Typical male or female skulls are easily recognized, but in some
face, alveolar processes and palate, with resorption in the walls of characteristics are so indeterminate that diagnosis of sex is difficult
the maxillary sinuses, the upper surface of the hard palate and the or impossible.
labial aspect of the alveolar process. Co-ordinated growth and
divergence of the pterygoid processes is due to deposition and Sexual dimorphism
resorption of bone on appropriate surfaces. Mandibular growth is Generally less marked in humans than other primates, this is associ-
described on page 576. ated with the paedomorphic tendency of human stock, females and
Obliteration of the calvarial sutures progresses with age, com- even males being less divergent in adult development from their own
mencing between 30 and 40 years internally, about 10 years later on juvenile form, a tendency less apparent in other primates, especially
the exterior, but closure times vary greatly (Todd & Lyon 1924, in males (Abbie 1952; Schultze 1956). Exaggerated sexual differences
1925a,b; Abbie 1950; Singer 1953). Obliteration usually begins at the occur in most anthropoid apes and some monkeys in the form
bregma, extending into the sagittal, coronal and lambdoid sutures, of enlarged canines in males, with associated jaw development,
in that order. In old age the skull becomes thinner and lighter, but accentuated muscular ridges and total size of the skull. These excesses
occasionally the reverse. The most striking senile feature is dim- are typified in the gorilla, orang-utan, and many species of baboon,
inution in size of the mandible and maxillae following the loss of in which males also much exceed females in stature and physique.
teeth and absorption of alveolar bone. This reduces the vertical Even in extinct human forms sexual dimorphism, on available fossil
depth of the face and increases the mandibular angles (6.198; p. 578). evidence, appears to have been less than in other primates. In modern
humans differences are further reduced but the degree of sexual
divergence in cranial size and proportions varies in racial groups.
SEXUAL AND RACIAL DIFFERENCES IN THE Such sexual differences have been less exactly assessed than general
CRANIUM ethnic differences. In both, assessment depends on observation of
Until puberty there is little sexual difference in skulls; the adult two kinds of feature:
female’s is a little lighter and smaller, its capacity about 10% less;
its walls are thinner and muscular ridges less marked; the glabella, e those which cannot be measured, for which no satisfactory quan-
superciliary arches and mastoid processes are less prominent; air titative technique has, as yet, been devised (e.g. size of mastoid
sinuses are smaller; tympanic plates are smaller and their margins process, prominence of chin);
less rough; the upper orbital margins are sharper, the forehead e those expressed as actual measurements or indices (e.g. cranial
vertical, the frontal and parietal tuberosities prominent and the vault capacity, orbital index).
somewhat flattened; the facial contour is rounder, facial bones Examples of the former category in distinguishing sex have been
cited above; more exhaustive lists exist (Keen 1950). Use of such
features in judging sex or race in isolated crania is dependent on the
observers’ experience but, where many are available from a single
ethnic group, both types of assessment are more certain. Distinction
of three major races by non-metrical traits can be effected with some
confidence (Todd & Tracy 1930). Incidences of many variations have
been observed on a racial basis, for example metopism and other
sutural variants (Berry & Berry 1967), and are of considerable ethnic
but lesser forensic interest. Berry (1975) made a special study of non-
metrical human cranial variations; these include:
Highest nuchal line (p. 560).
Os suturale at lambda (p. 606).
Ossa suturalia in lambdoid suture (p. 506).
Parietal foramen (p. 554).
Os suturale at bregma (p. 607).
Frontal suture (metopism) (p. 595).
Ossa suturalia in coronal suture (p. 606).
Epipteric os suturale (p. 606).
Frontotemporal articulation (p. 595).
Parietomastoid os suturale (p. 561).
Os suturale at asterion (p. 561).
Tympanic foramen of Huschke (p. 593).
Extrasutural mastoid foramen (p. 591).
Absence of mastoid foramen (p. 591).
Patent condylar canal (p. 567).
Double condylar facet (p. 583).
Precondylar tubercle (p. 583).
Double hypoglossal canal (p. 584).
Incomplete foramen ovale (p. 567).
Incomplete foramen spinosum (p. 567).
Accessory palatine foramina (p. 563).
Maxillary torus (p. 602).
Palatine torus (pp. 563, 602).
Occurrence of zygomaticofacial foramen (pp. 555, 605).
Supraorbital foramen or incisure (p. 595).
Frontal foramen or incisure (p. 595).
Extrasutural anterior ethmoid foramen (p. 559).
6.198 Radiograph of child’s skull, aged seven: occipitofrontal view. 1.
Absence of posterior ethmoid foramen (p. 558).
Lambdoid suture. 2. Petrous portion of right temporal bone, seen through
the cavity of the orbit. 3. Crista galli of the ethmoid bone. 4. Fracture through Accessory infraorbital foramen (p. 585).
petrous portion of left temporal bone, seen through the cavity of the orbit. 5. Interparietal bone (p. 585).
Impressions for cerebral gyri. 6. Second permanent molar tooth, not yet Paramastoid process (p. 584).
erupted. e Auditory torus (p. 592). 609
Ne ree
Although many have studied these and other cranial variants (e.g. A. Maximal cranial length summit of glabella to furthest |
the mandibular torus, p.576), few studies have been quantitative. occipital point
These authors have been reviewed by Berry and Berry (1967) and B. Maximal cranial breadth greatest breadth, at right angles to
Berry (1975), with extensive statistical data; they have assessed which median plane
cranial variations exhibit racial (and sometimes sexual) correlation. C. Cranial height from basion (median point on
The interested reader should also consult Czarnetzki (1971) and anterior rim of foramen magnum)
Hjarne et al (1974). to bregma
To achieve a more objective racial assessment, metrical studies
have long been practised; internationally accepted techniques of
craniometry have promoted a large corpus of comparable ethnic
data for males and, to a lesser extent, females. Many standard All measurements are to the nearest millimetre. From these three
measurements are used; only major dimensions and examples of dimensions, three indices are calculated: B/A, C/A and C/B and
expressed as percentages.
indices derived from them are included here (6.199, 200). The calvarial
part of the skull is measured as follows: The breadth/length ratio is the cranial index (cephalic index in the


Maximal occipital point

Frankfurt plane
Reid’s base line

alveolar point

Inferior —
Norma lateralis. alveolar point
Norma frontalis.
Menton Menton





Cranio-facial angle


alveolar point

Median section. [D] Norma verticalis.


6.199 These diagrams illustrate the cranial points used, by international the Frankfurt plane as a horizontal. The point at which the craniofacial angle
agreement, in making linear and certain angular measurements in anthro- is measured is not named; it corresponds to the midpoint of the chiasmal
610 pometry. In all four views the skull is in the standard orientation, that is, with groove.


6.200 Combined, accurately superimposed photographs and radiographs whom we are indebted for these records. Both photographs and radiographs
of the kind shown here are currently being used to produce a computerized are produced in the three primary planes and hence the morphometric
analysis of metrical relations between a selection of datum points in the analysis is three-dimensional. For further information see Rabey (1968,
skeletal and soft tissue components of human heads and faces. The tech- 1971, 1980).
nique, known as morphanalysis, has been elaborated by Dr GP Rabey, to


living). Its recorded range of variation is high, as with other skull or high human value has been linked with translation of the tongue
head indices. All ranges are arbitrarily divided into steps, usually towards pharynx, a change sometimes regarded as essential to
covering 5% sections of the total range; to each step a specific term speech (Schulter 1976). Radiographic techniques for the estimation
is applied. For example: of endocranial volume has been evolved (Haas 1952). Cranial
capacity, an indication of brain volume, can be assessed directly by
(Maximal breadth/maximal length) x 100 = cranial or cephalic filling the cavity with lead shot, millet seed or other particulate
index materials suitable for volumetric measurement when poured out
Up to 74.9 = dolichocranic or dolichocephalic again. Several formulae have also been constructed to give cranial
75.0 to 79.9 = mesocranic or mesocephalic capacity from the length, breadth and height of the cranium.
80.0 to 84.9 = brachycranic or brachycephalic Examples are:

Males: 0.000337 (L-11) (B-11) (H-11) + 406.01 cc

Females: 0.000400 (L-11) (B-11) (H-11) + 206.60 cc
Distinction between measurement of dried crania and living heads,
by the two sets of terms, is not rigidly applied. The ‘cephalic’ terms
are more common, often used for both purposes. Other indices in In these formulae, L and B are length and breadth, and H is the
common use are: auricular height, measured to the vertex from the external acoustic
meatus. All measurements are in millimetres, but such methods
(a) Total facial index = (nasion-gnathion height/bizygomatic involve some inaccuracy, and various corrections do not entirely
breadth) x 100. The nasion is the point remove this (Hrdli¢ka 1939; Montagu 1960).
where the internasal suture meets the frontal Attempts to establish reliable craniometric differentiation between
bone. The gnathion is the midpoint of the races are as old as craniometry. Though mandibular data and cranial
lower mandibular border capacity are less dependable, satisfactory differentiation is possible
(b) Upper facial index = (nasion-prosthion length/bizygomatic in some groups, especially between Caucasians and Negroes. When
breadth) x 100. The prosthion is the several measurements are treated by discriminant analysis, an accur-
midpoint of the maxillary alveolar rim, acy of over 90% can be expected (Giles & Elliot 1960). Multivariate
between the central incisors. The analysis may also elucidate cranial growth. Cranio-metric methods
bizygomatic breadth is the greatest distance are useful in forensic identification when cranial remains can be
measured by trial between zygomatic arches compared with existing photographic and radiographic records
on external aspects (Glaister & Brash 1937), and in attempts to reconstruct appearance
(c) Nasal index = (nasal breadth/nasal height) x 100. Breadth in life of individuals represented only by skeletal remains (Stewart
is the horizontal maximum across the nasal 1954). Cephalometry has also been applied in plastic and oral surgery
aperture, and height is from nasion to the concerned with craniofacial deformity. A development in this field
mean between the two lowest points on the is morphanalysis, which uses gridded radiographs and photographs
aperture’s lower border universally related in three dimensions (6.200). Such standardized
(d) Orbital index = (maximal orbital height/maximal orbital records enable diagnostic comparison between patients and the
breadth) x 100 normal population (Rabey 1968, 1971).
(e) Palatal index = (maximal palatal breadth/maximal palatal
length) x 100 Clinical anatomy
(f) Gnathic index = (basion-prosthion/basion-nasion) x 100. Factors preventing cranial fracture are elasticity, round shape and
construction from secondary elastic arches, each derived from a
single bone. Where bone is thin, the overlying muscles may cushion
Indices provide a system for metrical recording of sizes and blows, for example, the temporal squama and inferior occipital fossa.
proportions of cranial features in place of subjective impressions. If The thickness of calvaria in 28 Caucasians (from 15 to 82 years)
a group is said to be dolichocephalic, this does not (or should not) averaged 5.8mm. In males thickness increased with age, in females
imply a vague comparison, but that the index is within known the reverse is true (Lippert & Kafer 1974).
numerical limits. It can be observed that the orbital opening appears The commonest site of basal fracture is through the middle cranial
rounder in females, but this statement can be quantified and is then fossa; fracture starts from the point struck, usually near the parietal
far more valuable. Again, jaws project more in some races, a fact tuberosity, descends through the parietal and temporal squamata
determinable by inspection alone when the condition is pronounced; and across the petrous region, often traversing the internal acoustic
the gnathic index yields a numerical expression and comparisons are meatus, to the foramen lacerum. This explains various sequelae:
then permissible. thus, if the internal acoustic meatus is damaged, injury to the facial
The following measurements are applied to mandibles: (a) height and vestibulocochlear nerves may result, with consequent facial
of symphysis, (b) length of body, (c) length of ramus, (d) bigonial paralysis and deafness; if it extends through the semicircular ducts,
width (between angles), (e) bicondylar width, and so on. The angle vertigo ensues; if the arachnoid around these nerves in the meatus
between the body and ramus is also often estimated. Since the is torn and when the internal ear and tympanic cavity communicate
mandible is often missing from skulls and moreover is considered and the tympanic membrane is torn, as it often is, cerebrospinal
less reliable in assessing racial affinity (Morant 1936), its measure- fluid may escape.
ments are less widely used. Facial bones are sometimes fractured by direct violence, most
Other forms of cranial measurement are employed. Horizontal commonly the nasal bones and mandible. Nasal fracture is usually
circumference and various arcs and contours are sometimes meas- transverse, about 1.25cm from the free margin, the broken edges
ured. Radiographic studies make it possible to extend classic cranio- being displaced backwards or more often to one side by direct blows.
metry and to measure directly certain angles, for example the gnathic The commonest site of mandibular fracture is near the canine tooth,
angle, between basion-nasion and basion—prosthion lines. The crani- whose deep socket weakens the bone; next most frequent is the
ofacial or cranial base angle is of special interest, representing the angle. Occasionally a double fracture may occur, in both halves of
degree of cranial flexure. The human angle has a value of about the bone, and is usually compound, with laceration of the oral
130°, probably achieved by birth, little further change occurring. Its mucosa.


girdle. The latter developed a ventral symphysis in fish, which in

PHYLOGENY AND FUNCTIONS tetrapods contains distinguishable pubic and ischial elements. The
The ancestral vertebrates, Agnatha, were not only jawless but limb- dorsal ilium, though present in some fish, is not well developed. In
less, like surviving representatives such as lampreys (Young 1962; land animals the need for larger muscles to support the body’s
Romer 1970). Two continuous ventrolateral finfolds probably pre- weight and to impart thrust through the hindlimbs, leads to greater
ceded the separated fins which appear in fossil remains of the earliest iliac size and articulation with the sacral spinal column. Throughout
fish possessing jaws, the Placoderms. These sometimes displayed tetrapods these pelvic entities, pubis, ischium and ilium, are more
more than two pairs of appendages, but in their descendant bony uniformly arranged than in fish. They also show an increasing
and cartilaginous classes, the Osteicthyes and Chondricthyes, the tendency to fuse into an innominate bone, especially in adult
vertebrate pattern of two pairs, pectoral and pelvic, was stabilized, mammals. The two innominate bones are joined ventrally at a
except in such forms as snakes, which have subsequently lost their symphysis pubis and to the sacrum dorsally at sacroiliac articulations.
limbs. Appendicular skeletons of fossils and extant fish vary but show Thus is established a pelvis, primarily locomotor, conducting stresses
a common plan of ‘girdle’ bones, embedded in body musculature, and between the axial skeleton and the limbs. The term pelvis, a basin,
rodlike elements radiating into the mobile fin, with an intermediate is misleading; it is more of an irregular ring which, being at the
joint of the ball and socket type. In many orders of Osteicthyes caudal end of the body cavity, inevitably surrounds certain viscera,
homologues of the pectoral and pelvic components of terrestrial a relation which in human anatomy obscures its essentially appen-
limbs can be identified, as well as those of the proximal segments, dicular origin and function. Since the cloaca is immediately caudal
arm and forearm or thigh and foreleg (Bolk et al 1931-9). Distal to it, not only the hindgut but other tubes, urinary and genital, must
equivalence is less clear; but the multiplicity of small bony units in traverse the pelvis, even though separate external openings evolve in
fins at least resembles the extremities, hand and foot, of land mammals. During birth, the offspring must also traverse the pelvis,
tetrapods. and their comparatively large size in human females entails obstetric
Terrestrial vertebrates are grouped as tetrapods because their four considerations (p. 673), which again may temporarily overshadow
limbs are an outstanding common feature, although the pectoral the somatic locomotor nature of the hindlimb girdles.
pair may be modified for flight. They are probably derived from a In mammals functional differences between fore- and hindlimbs,
primitive order, the Crossopterygii (‘fringe-finned’), related to another accentuated in the human primate, are associated with structural
ancient group, Dipnoi or lungfish, species of which still survive. The divergence in their girdles. Major differences (ignoring the possible
crossopterygians were known only as fossils until 1938, when a living status of e.g. the coracoid complex) are as follows:
specimen of a suborder, Coelacanthus, was captured off the coast of
South Africa; further coelacanths have been secured near the Comoro
Islands and elsewhere in the Indian Ocean. These possess lobed fins Pectoral girdle Pelvic girdle
with a narrowed attachment, and from such appendages tetrapod (1) Dermal and endochondral Entirely endochondral
limbs can most plausibly be derived. (2) Two principal components, Three components, pubis,
In the change to terrestrial environment, during evolution of clavicle and scapula, which ischium and ilium, which fuse
primitive amphibians from crossopterygians, two major adaptations remain separate. (However, see into a single innominate bone
began. The first, already foreshadowed in fins, was a repositioning above and p. 620)
of these limb-like paddles for more effective support and propulsion (3) No articulation with the Articulates with sacral vertebrae
on land. The forelimbs rotated laterally at joints with the pectoral vertebral column
girdle so that the hinging of the elbow, at first pointing away from (4) No direct ventral Direct ventral articulation at
the body as it still does in amphibians and reptiles, finally projected articulation (clavicles connected symphysis pubis
backwards. In contrast, the hindlimbs rotated medially at their pelvic only by interclavicular ligament)
joints into opposite positions, so that the knees projected forwards. (5) Articulations of clavicles Articulations of innominate
These opposite changes rotated the preaxial or leading border, with axial skeleton (sternum) are bones with axial skeleton
corresponding with the ‘first’ digit, pollex or hallux, from an anterior relatively small, mobile and (sacrum) are relatively large,
to lateral position in the pectoral limb. This changed orientation of ventral capable of limited movement
the forelimb necessitates a complementary pronation of its radio- only, and dorsal
ulnar segment to achieve a plantigrade appendage, a compensation (6) Comparatively lightly built Massively constructed for
unnecessary in the hindlimb. Coupled with these growing distinctions for mobility resistance to stress, rather than
between fore and hind extremities was a second modification— for mobility
articulation of pelvic girdles with the spinal column, unknown in (7) Resilient to thrust Transmits thrust between
fish but uniform in tetrapods, except some fossil amphibians. vertebral column and hindlimb
With the evolution of amphibians, a general skeletal pattern of (8) Shallow joint with limb, Deep joint with limb, limiting
tetrapod limb was defined and, apart from minor modifications, has allowing wide range of range of movement
persisted through subsequent vertebrates. This primitive pentadactyl movement
limb typically terminates in five digits, reduction of which is frequent,
especially in mammals. But the primates, including humans, have
retained the full number and are in this respect unspecialized. Both girdles articulate with the distal, freely movable parts of the
Of the girdles the pectoral always comprises a dorsal scapula, but limbs by ‘ball and socket’ joints, the first segment of each limb
varies in ventral components, commonly a mixture of endochondral containing a single humerus or femur. Shoulder and hip joints are
and dermal bones. Of these the coracoid and clavicle persist in the same in mechanism, allowing some movement in all directions,
mammals, the former reduced in size and fused to the scapula. The though more limited in the hip. Even in quadrupedal mammals,
clavicle, sole mammalian survivor of a variety of dermal elements in where limbs are walking props mainly adapted to fore and aft
lower vertebrates (e.g. the cleithrum and interclavicle), is also often movement, greater mobility is usual at the shoulder, particularly in
reduced and even lost in some mammals, especially fast-running or abduction, permitting splaying of the forelimbs. Throughout tetra-
bounding types of quadruped. Its persistence in primates is linked pods the shoulder region shows a greater range of structural adap-
with the development of forelimbs for grasping and climbing; the tation to changing function. Scapular orientation in relation to the
clavicle acts as a mobile strut, at the lateral end of which the rest of thorax and humerus varies far more than hindlimb equivalents, even
the limb can be variably positioned (Watson 1917). The pelvic girdle, in quadrupeds, but the difference is most extreme in bipedal primates
in contrast, contains only endochondral elements; the primitive (Ashton et al 1976), whose adoption of an arboreal habitat, in which
dermal armour only extended far enough caudally to permit incor- they climb, walk, run and swing, accords with the development of
poration of dermal elements into the pectoral but not the pelvic highly mobile and prehensile forelimbs and similar but lesser changes 613

Equally to be emphasized is the habit of sitting the preaxial radius anteromedially across the ulna, and both are
in hindlimbs.
upright, even in primates such as baboons which have returned to
a stabilized in this relation in a large majority of quadrupeds, including
predominantly quadrupedal life on the ground; forelimbs are thus all four-footed mammals. Both forearm and foreleg bones tend to
fuse in such mammals, particularly in those with a reduced number of
released for manipulative use, activities of the profoundest sig-
nificance to human evolution. digits and usually digitigrade in habit (e.g. Carnivora), contact with
In modern mammals, Eutheria, the articular head of the humerus the ground being restricted to flexor aspects of the remaining digits.
A rotatory potential at the elbow, retained and refined in primates,
is usually directed dorsocaudally and the scapular glenoid socket
ventrocranially. While this may favour quadrupedal use, it prevents allows free pronation and supination, essential to the development of
movement of the humerus into the vertical position so easily assumed manual skills. These movements are impossible in legs. At primate
by primates in reaching up above the head. This entails reorientation elbows, the ulna forms a massive hinge with the humerus but tapers
of the humeral head relative to its shaft, the head being directed to a small distal end; the radius being reciprocal: its upper end is
medially rather than caudally. Coincident with reorganization of the small and adapted for rotation, the lower enlarged to carry the hand.
Thus, when the radius revolves it takes the hand with it, turning
shoulder is a change in maximal thoracic diameter from dorsoventral
round the distal end of the ulna.
to transverse, the former being typical of quadrupeds, the latter of
bipedal primates. This is coupled with the retention of clavicles in
Both wrist and ankle joints are hinges, but wrists can also adduct
primate mammals and altered scapular orientation. The scapulae and abduct. The carpus and. tarsus contain small bones between the
come to face ventrally, rather than medially, and their glenoid fossae forearm or foreleg and digits. They are much modified throughout
tetrapods, and the two groups show some divergence. But, however
more laterally. These changes and correlated muscular alterations
are linked with a wider range of movement at the shoulder. modified, both are derivable from the same primary arrangement in
The tubercles and bicipital groove of the humerus partly share in the primitive pentadactyl limb. This consisted of a proximal row of
the rotation of its head, but the distal end retains its transverse three, a distal row of five, articulating with five digits, and a central
orientation (Martin 1932). Hence a radial axis through the centre of intermediate group, probably four, wedged between these rows. By
the head is approximately at right angles to the axis of the lower fusion, loss and modification in size, shape and articulation, carpal
end in most Eutheria, because the head is directed caudally. As it and tarsal bones display much variation (particularly reduction).
becomes more medial this angle increases above 90°. It is still 95° in Tracing homologies between primitive elements and subsequent
Carnivora, rises to about 100° in monkeys, 120° in apes, and from transformations (structural and functional) has aroused much
135° to 165° or more in man. This change in the primate humerus controversy (Broom 1901; Jones 1949; Lewis 1964a), but agreement
has been considered torsional and the angle termed angle of torsion. has largely been reached. Authorities disagree in minor details, but
The term is misleading; there is no evidence of any true ‘twisting’ of generally accepted homologies are shown in Table 6.3.
the humeral shaft; spiralling of the radial nerve and its groove Main divergences between mammalian carpus and tarsus, apart
predates this change. Nor is there anything specially human in the from the latter’s greater size in primates, are threefold. Firstly, the
torsion angle. It reaches 180° (where the axes are parallel) in birds carpus usually remains more primitive, retaining a full proximal row,
and was apparently nearly as high in mammal-like reptiles, returning all articulating with the forearm bones; in the tarsus only one (the
to about 90° in Metatheria (marsupials). A word of caution is needed talus) retains this role in most mammals, including the primates.
concerning methods of recording angles of humeral torsion. As Secondly, a single proximal tarsal bone (the calcaneus) projects back
as a lever behind the tibia and fibula; this does not occur in the
defined here, the angle is measured between articular ‘axes’ of the
shoulder and elbow joints. However, Krahl (1944, 1976), sometimes carpus. Thirdly, tarsal bones at intermediate joints permit some
quoted in textbooks, measured the angle between the axis of the rotation (inversion/eversion and pronation/supination), an adap-
elbow joint and a line orthogonal to the axis of the shoulder joint; tation to uneven surfaces, which may be met in some forelimbs by
his values, therefore, differ by 90° from those cited here. Neither
pronation and supination between the forearm bones and some
method is conceptually satisfactory, but very similar figures are abduction and adduction at the wrist and intercarpal joints. In all
obtained (mutatis mutandis). Krahl’s work thus supports the view three modifications the tarsus is more advanced. Evolution of the
put forward here, that change in orientation of the humeral head calcanean lever is a mammalian, not a solely primitive or human
has involved alterations at the proximal end of the bone and has modification. Its high development in the human foot and the
not been accomplished by an evolutionary twisting of the shaft. resemblance of other primate feet to hands, may superficially suggest
Racial and sexual differences have been recorded (Kate 1968). that it is a human characteristic. (Consult Lewis 1983 for a detailed
In the lower limb the state is like that of mammal-like reptiles account, with extensive bibliography, of the evolution of the archi-
tecture of the mammalian foot.)
(and birds), with the two axes almost parallel. (The human femoral
head and long axis of its neck are anteverted about 16° relative to
Occurrence of small supernumerary bones, pre- or postaxial in
position in both carpus and tarsus, has been taken as evidence of
the transcondylar femoral axis.) This condition is said not to have
varied in the lower limbs, unlike the upper. Lability of the humeral additional digits (Jones 1941) suggesting an ancestral pattern of more
‘torsion’ angle may be coupled with greater variability in forelimb than five digits, but all known tetrapods show the orthodox five and
activity, especially in bipedal forms, with the consequent release of often less. The five metacarpal and metatarsal bones originally
the forelimbs. articulated each with a separate carpal or tarsal, which are reduced
Intermediate segments of limbs, and their joints with the humerus to four by fusion of the fourth and fifth even in the pentadactyl
and femur, show similarities and differences. The differences are primates. In mammals with reduced or lost digits, metacarpals and
greater in bipeds; in quadrupeds similarities are more evident. Both metatarsals as well as phalanges are involved. An example exists in
Carnivora, whose first digit, pollex or hallux, is degenerate and
segments initially contained parallel elements, radius and ulna, tibia
and fibula (but see below). Primitively both pairs articulate with the useless, though often still clawed; another more extreme example is
single proximal element but in most mammals, as in man, the fibula the horse, which retains only the middle digit, with a greatly enlarged
metapodial bone. ’
withdraws from the knee joint, leaving a preaxial tibia as the major
lever and prop. In the forearm the ulna, a postaxial bone, becomes The metapodial (metacarpal or metatarsal) formula puts these
the main force-transmitting strut at the elbow. bones in order of length and number. In humans it is usually 2>3>
Both elbow and knee are hinge joints in quadrupedal mammals; 4>5>1 in hands, and 1>2>3>4>5 in feet. The phalangeal formula,
but, while this was the primitive tetrapod state in knees, elbows had starting from the preaxial digit, pollex or hallux, numbers the
an initial potentiality for rotation. The hindlimb turns medially, phalanges in each digit. In many primitive reptiles it is in
bringing its extensor surface forwards, so that the foot, hinged at primitive mammals for hand and foot, as in humans. In
the ankle, projects forwards with its plantar surface on the ground. horses it is A digital formula denoting relative lengths of
This typical plantigrade habit of many quadrupeds brings the hind- digits is sometimes used, especially in comparing primate extremities.
limbs under the body as serially hinged levers adapted for propulsion In all tetrapods pollex and hallux tend to diverge from other
and support. Note that the tibia and fibula remain parallel; but the digits, perhaps as a prop. Some early mammals were probably
lateral rotation of the forelimbs which turns the extensor aspects arboreal, using hands as primates do, with a grasp between the
backwards, entails pronation at the elbow to bring the ‘hand’ for- preaxial digit and the remainder. Primate prehension is developed in
614 wards, palm downwards, for plantigrade locomotion. This brings hands and feet, though absent from human feet and not always

Table 6.3. Homologization of the primitive tetrapod and human carpus and tarsus

Os Radiale Scaphoid Scaphoid minus | Talus Navicular minus | Os Tibiale

tubercle tubercle

= Tubercle of
| Navicular — Tubercle of

Intermediate Cuneiform
Os Centrale

Os Tarsale1
Os Tarsale 2
Ossa Carpalia 4 | Hamate Ossa Tarsalia 4
and 5 and 5
N.B. Alternative views have been stated for the carpal scaphoid and the tarsal navicular. In each case the most widely accepted view is on the left. In
the case of the talus the anomalous persistence of its posterior process as a separate element, an os trigonum, may have influenced the orthodox view
of the talus as an amalgam of ossa tibiale and intermedium. If it becomes accepted that the talus is merely the os intermedium, the main residual
controversies concern the scaphoid and navicular, centred on the possible derivation of each bone’s tubercle from the corresponding os centrale. It
should be added that the centrale element has been shown as singular in this table, though there were probably a variable number of centralia in the
ancestral forms.

effective in primate hands. In gibbons the hands are used as hooks it has acquired a great degree of freedom of movement, being
in brachiating from branch to branch; thumbs are not effectively adapted essentially for grasping and manipulation. Nevertheless, it
opposable to the other digits, although the feet have an excellent still retains the ability to act as a locomotor prop, as when grasping
grasp. In most primates the distal end of the first metatarsal is not an immobile object and pulling the body towards the hand or when
tied by ligaments to the second, allowing the hallux marked freedom. used in conjunction with a walking aid to support the body during
But the human first and second metatarsals are so connected, all five gait. The bones of the upper limb are not as robust as their
metatarsal heads being tied by ligaments. In contrast, human thumbs counterparts in the lower limb.
are even better developed for opposition than in other primates, in The pectoral girdle serves to attach the limb to the trunk; the only
which the joint between the pollicial metacarpal and trapezium (os point of articulation being at the sternoclavicular joint. Between the
carpale I of the primitive tetrapod carpus) permits the thumb to flex trunk and hand are a series of highly mobile joints and a system of
and rotate towards the fingers, either in a ‘power’ grip, when the levers, which allow the hand to be brought to any point in space to
thumb and fingers wrap around opposite sides of an object such as be held steadily and securely while it performs its task. In this respect
a branch, weapon or tool, or in a ‘precision’ grip, in which the the importance of the opposability of the thumb is paramount in
thumb is opposed to a single finger, often the index, in more accurate permitting effective grasping and manipulation of objects of varying
manipulations (Napier 1966). shapes and sizes. In grasping the thumb is of equal value to the
Bones in human limbs, when compared functionally, are excellent remaining four digits; loss of the thumb is almost as disabling as
examples of adaptation. In the lower limb, the massive, almost loss of all the other digits.
immobile pelvic girdle directly articulates with the vertebral column; Since the human upper limb is largely concerned with load carriage
the limited ball-and-socket mechanism at the hip is adapted for fore and manipulation, stability at its various joints often has to be
and aft swinging but allows some abduction to effect a steady stance maintained in usual postures, depending to a large extent on liga-
in bipeds; the hinging knee and ankle joints give resilient propulsion mentous and muscular action to counteract the constant gravitational
in walking, running and springing; and the powerful lever of the tendency to cause distraction. In addition, because the limb itself is
foot is arched for resilience in the final thrust of take-off and impact heavy every movement is accompanied by postural adjustments to
of landing. All these features produce a limb highly developed for compensate for shifts in the body’s centre of gravity.
locomotion. The upper limit of the upper limb is not as easily defined as in the
The upper limb presents different adaptations, divisible into lower limb because of muscle attachments to the head, neck and
various components, but integrated in action. The scapula is sus- thorax; the free upper limits can be considered as the superior
pended by muscles, strutted by a slender mobile clavicle, its only surfaces of the clavicle and scapula. Between the shoulder and elbow
axial connection. A shallow ball-and-socket joint allows a far wider joints is the arm; between elbow and wrist the forearm; beyond the
range for the reaching, grasping, ‘inquisitive’ hand. Flexion at the wrist the hand. Because of its many motor and sensory functions,
elbow and rotation of the forearm bring the hands within the arena the hand has an extensive vascular network to support its metabolic
of vision, providing a steady but adjustable carpal base for fine requirements.
movements of an opposable thumb and highly mobile fingers. End-
lessly variable manipulations, entailing delicate muscular adjust-
ments, are thus developed; with the constant feedback of stereoscopic SCAPULA
vision and tactile sensation, a limitless horizon for manual dexterity
in invention and cerebral development has been opened. The scapula (6.201, 202), a large, flat, triangular bone, overlaps in
In ourselves we see the arm and hand at the end of several hundred part the second to seventh ribs on the posterolateral thoracic aspect.
million years of evolution. Perhaps it is not the ‘end’ but, even were It has costal and dorsal surfaces, superior, lateral and medial borders,
the human upper limb to evolve no further, it has, with growing inferior, superior and lateral angles, and three processes—spinous,
excellence of cerebral control, accomplished such a mastery over the acromial and coracoid. The lateral angle is truncated by the glenoid
environment as to deflect the whole course of evolution into a new cavity for articulation with the humerus, sometimes regarded as the
channel (Huxley 1942). head, connected to the body by an inconspicuous neck. The long
axis of the scapula (from ‘head’ to inferior angle) is nearly vertical
and much thickened. The relatively featureless costal surface con-
UPPER LIMB trasts with the dorsal, which is divided by the spine (6.201).
The costal surface (6.2014). Anteromedial when the arm is
INTRODUCTION pendent it is slightly hollow especially above, and presents near the
lateral border a rounded ridge, prominent near the neck, less so
The human upper limb has almost no locomotor function; instead below and separated from the border by a narrow groove. 615


Biceps short

Pectoralis minor



~ Serratus
Triceps (long


Ridge for
tendon of

6.201 The right scapula: a. Anterior (costal) surface; 8. Posterior (dorsal)


The dorsal surface (6.2018). Divided by the shelf-like spine of the encroaches on the root of the coracoid process. The anatomical neck,
scapula into a small upper and a large lower area, they are confluent the constriction adjoining the rim of the glenoid cavity, is most
at a spinoglenoid notch between the spine’s lateral border and the distinct at its inferior and dorsal aspects. Anteriorly and posteriorly
neck’s dorsal aspect. it extends between the infraglenoid and supraglenoid tubercles,
The lateral border. A sharp, rough and sinuous ridge, it has an passing lateral to the root of the coracoid process. Some authorities
adjoining flat dorsal strip, for muscular attachments, from the describe a surgical neck, best distinguished posteriorly. Commencing
inferior angle to the glenoid cavity. Superiorly it widens into a rough, inferiorly, near the. glenoidal rim, it passes upwards and laterally
triangular infraglenoid tubercle (6.201). It is covered by muscles and through the deepest part of the spinoglenoid (greater scapular) notch
cannot clearly be palpated. It is described as thick because the continuing to the anterior border of the suprascapular notch, thence
grooved part of the costal surface, the narrow flat lateral strip of medial to the coracoid, and is completed by an ill-defined, but
the dorsal surface and adjacent thickened ridge (6.201a), are often corresponding ventral line.
included in it during clinical examination. Spine of the scapular (6.2018). This projects from the upper
The medial border. From the inferior to the superior angle, it is dorsal surface and is triangular. Its lateral border, thick and rounded,
easily felt in its inferior two-thirds but its upper third is too deep. helps to form the spinoglenoid (great scapular) notch, between it and
The superior border. Thin, sharp and shortest, it is separated the neck’s dorsal aspect. Anteriorly it joins the dorsal surface along
laterally from the coracoid process by the suprascapular notch. a line running laterally and slightly up from the junction of the
The scapular angles. The inferior angle overlies the seventh rib upper and middle thirds of the medial border. The fairly flat ‘scapular
or intercostal space. Palpable through the skin and covering muscles, body is, however, bent along this junction, accentuating the concavity
it is also visible as it advances round the thoracic wall when the arm of the upper costal surface. The dorsal border is the crest of the
is raised. The superior angle, at the junction of the superior and spine, mainly subcutaneous expanding medially into a smoother,
medial borders, is obscured by muscles. The /ateral angle, truncated triangular area. Elsewhere its upper and lower borders and surface are
and broad, is the ‘head’, bearing the glenoid cavity and forming a roughened by muscular attachments. The concave superior surface of
glenohumeral joint with the humerus. It provides a shallow, and a the spine widens laterally, forming with the dorsal surface of the
limited, socket for the humeral head; its outline is:piriform, narrower upper body the supraspinous fossa. The spine’s inferior surface is
616 above (6.202). Just above it a small rough supraglenoid tubercle overhung by the crest’s medial, narrow end, but is gently convex in

Clavicular facet
Biceps (short head)
Coracoid process and coracobrachialis
Conoid ligament -

Omohyoid (inferior belly)

Superior angle


Levator scapulae


Trapezius Triceps brachii

(long head)

Teres minor

Groove for circumflex

scapular artery

Rhomboideus major

Teres major

Latissimus dorsi

Inferior angle

its wider lateral part; with the lower dorsal surface it forms the Further details
infraspinous fossa, continuous with the supraspinous at the spi- On the costal surface subscapularis (6.201) attaches to almost the
noglenoid notch. whole area, including much of the lateral groove but excluding the
Acromion. Projecting forwards, almost at right angles, from the region of the neck. Intramuscular tendons are attached to radiating
lateral end of the spine, the inferior border of the crest and lateral rough ridges dividing this surface incompletely into smooth areas.
border of the acromion are continuous at the acromial angle, a The neck’s anterior aspect is separated from the tendon of sub-
visible, subcutaneous landmark. The medial acromial border is short, scapularis by a synovial protrusion of the joint (subscapular “bursa’).
bearing anteriorly a small, oval facet directed superomedially for To an almost oval area near the inferior angle, the lower five or six
articulation with the clavicle’s lateral end. The lateral border, tip digitations of serratus anterior are attached. The upper fibres are
and superior surface are easily palpable. An accessory articular facet attached to a narrow ventral strip along the medial border, which is
may occur on the acromion’s inferior surface. wider above for the large first digitation. Longitudinal thickening
A recent study, which examined 270 scapulae, reported an inci- near the lateral border provides a lever to withstand the pull of
dence of os acromiale of 8.2%, with the free fragment being approxi- serratus anterior on the inferior angle during lateral scapular
mately one-third the length of the acromion; it included the rotation, by which the glenoid cavity is turned up as the arm is
acromioclavicular facet and principal areas of attachment of the raised against gravity.
coracoacromial ligament (Edelson et al 1993). On the dorsal surface, to the medial two-thirds of the supraspinous
Coracoid process (6.201). This arises from the summit of the fossa, is attached supraspinatus, the covering fascia attaching to the
scapular head and hooks slightly laterally and forwards. With the fossa’s margins. The flat strip near the lateral border has teres minor
arm pendent, it points almost straight forwards. Its enlarged tip is attached to it in its upper two-thirds, grooved near the midpoint by
palpable, though covered by the anterior part of deltoid. It is about the circumflex scapular vessels, which pass between muscle and
2.5m below the junction of lateral fourth and the rest of the clavicle. bone into the infraspinous fossa. The lower limit of the muscle’s
The supraglenoid tubercle at the root of the process adjoins the attachment is an oblique ridge, which runs from the lateral border
upper part of the glenoid. cavity. On the coracoid’s dorsal aspect, towards the inferior angle, separating the attachment of teres minor
where it changes direction, is an impression for the conoid part of from a somewhat oval area for teres major. Except for the area near
the coracoclavicular ligament. the neck, the remaining infraspinous fossa gives attachment to 617

fibres of trapezius, the lowest part of which ends asa flat triangular
tendon gliding over the area noted above and attached to the so-
called deltoid tubercle on the spine’s dorsum lateral to the area.
The acromion is subcutaneous posteriorly, covered only by skin
and superficial fascia. Its lateral border, thick and irregular, and its
tip as far round as the clavicular facet are the attachment of the
middle part of deltoid. To its summit medially, and below deltoid,
the lateral end of the coracoacromial ligament is attached. The
process i articular capsule of the acromioclavicular joint is attached to the
Acromial rim of the clavicular facet. Behind the facet, the acromion’s medial
border receives the horizontal fibres of trapezius. The smooth inferior
Glenoid cavity aspect of the acromion, together with the coracoacromial ligament
and coracoid process, forms a coracoacromial arch over the shoulder
joint. The tendon of supraspinatus, below the overhanging acromion,
is separated from both it and deltoid by the subacromial bursa.
1. Infraglenoid The coracoid process, below the junction of the lateral fourth with
tubercle the rest of the clavicle, is connected to it by the coracoclavicular
ligament (p. 622; 6.2014), which also receives the pectoralis minor.
To its lateral border is attached the wider, medial end of the coraco-
acromial ligament and, below this, the coracohumeral ligament. To
the coracoid apex is attached the coracobrachialis medially and the
short head of biceps laterally. The apex is covered by the anterior
For subscapularis edge of deltoid and is palpable under the lateral border of the
Ventral infraclavicular fossa.
t Lateral border The human coracoacromial ligament is a trait shared only with
other hominoid primates, according to Ciochon and Corruccini
(1977), who devised a coracoacromial projection index: projection
height (i.e. vertical distance from supraglenoid tubercle to a line
between the most lateral points on the acromial and coracoid apices)
divided by the height of the glenoid cavity. They claim that their
observations reflect specialized locomotor and feeding adaptations
in Hominoidea.
Detailed geometric anatomy, based on data from 28 scapulae, has
been presented by Mallon et al (1992), giving precise dimensions
(distances, angles, radii of curvature) which are discussed in terms
of their clinical relevance to the pathomechanics of rotator cuff
disease, total shoulder arthroplasty and recurrent shoulder dis-
location. An earlier study of 200 scapulae observed that the slope
and length of the acromion and the height of the coracoacromial
arch were closely related to degenerative change on the acromion
(osteophyte formation and spurs on the anterior margin) (Edelson &
6.202 The left scapula: lateral aspect. Taitz 1992).
Ligaments of the scapula
infraspinatus, the aponeurosis of which passes on to teres minor and The main scapular ligaments (see 6.2174) are the coracoacromial and
major sending the fascial septa between them marking the bone at superior transverse scapular; there may also be a weaker, variable
the limits of their attachments. inferior transverse (spinoglenoid) ligament.
The /ateral border separates the attachments of subscapularis and Coracoacromial ligament. A strong triangular band between
teres minor and major. These muscles project beyond the bone the coracoid process and acromion, it is attached apically to the
and, with latissimus dorsi, make the border impalpable. To the acromion anterior to its clavicular articular surface and by its base
infraglenoid tubercle the long head of the triceps brachii is attached. on the whole lateral coracoid border. With the coracoid process and
The medial border is thin and angled opposite the spine; to a acromion it completes an arch above the humeral head. It may have
narrow strip, from the superior angle to this point, is attached two strong marginal bands with a thinner centre; when occasionally
levator scapulae and, below this, opposite the spine, rhomboid the pectoralis minor is inserted into the humeral capsule instead of
minor. The rest of the border is taken up by rhomboid major (p. 843). the coracoid process, its tendon passes between the bands (p. 839).
The superior border is thin; near the suprascapular notch the The subacromial bursa (p.631 and 6.214) facilitates movement
inferior belly of omohyoid is attached. Crossing the notch is between the coracoacromial arch and the subjacent supraspinatus
the superior transverse ligament, attached laterally to the root of the muscle and shoulder joint, functioning as a secondary synovial
coracoid process, medially to the notch; it is sometimes ossified. The articulation.
foramen, thus completed, conducts the suprascapular nerve to The superior transverse scapular (suprascapular) ligament.
the supraspinous fossa, the suprascapular vessels passing above the It converts the scapular notch into a foramen and is sometimes
ligament. ossified. A flat fasciculus, it narrows towards its ends, attached to
The inferior angle is covered dorsally by the upper border of the base of the coracoid process and medial side of the scapular
latissimus dorsi, which frequently receives a small slip from it. The notch. The suprascapular nerve traverses the foramen; suprascapular
superior angle is covered by the upper part of trapezius. The lateral vessels cross above the ligament.
angle bears the glenoid cavity covered by hyaline articular cartilage; Inferior transverse (spinoglenoid) ligament. This membranous
to its anterior margin are attached glenohumeral ligaments (p. 628), ligament may stretch from the scapular spine’s lateral border to the
to the supraglenoid tubercle the long head of biceps brachii, to the glenoid margin forming an arch over the suprascapular nerve and
infraglenoid tubercle the long head of triceps brachii. vessels entering the infraspinous fossa; it is often absent.
To the scapular spine’s upper and lower surfaces the supra- and Structure
infraspinatus muscles are attached. The triangular area at its root,
opposite the third thoracic spine, is played over by the tendon of The main processes, and thicker parts of the scapula, contain
trapezius, a bursa intervening. The crest’s lower border is occupied trabecular bone; the rest consists of a thin compact layer. The central
618 by the posterior fibres of the deltoid, its upper border by the middle supraspinous fossa and most of the infraspinous fossa are thin and


6.203 Ossification of the scapula. a. Dorsal aspect; 8. Lateral aspect. 1. Centre at inferior angle. 5. Centre for medial border. 6. Glenoid centre.
Coracoid centre. 2. Distal acromial centre. 3. Proximal acromial centre. 4. 7. Subcoracoid centre. ?

even translucent; occasionally the bone in them is deficient, gaps The acromial base is an extension from the spine; the remaining
being filled by aponeurotic tissue. acromion is ossified from two centres which unite and join the
spinous extension. The various scapular epiphyses have all fused by
Ossification about the twentieth year.
The cartilaginous scapula is ossified from eight or more centres: one
in the body, two each in the coracoid process and the acromion, one
each in the medial border, inferior angle and lower glenoid rim
(6.203). The centre for the body appears in the eighth intrauterine The clavicle (6.204) extends laterally and almost horizontally across
week. Ossification begins centrally in the coracoid process in the first the neck from the manubrium to the acromion, being wholly sub-
year, occasionally before birth; it joins the rest of the bone in about cutaneous. It struts the shoulder and enables the limb to swing clear
the fifteenth year. At or soon after puberty, centres appear in the of the trunk, transmitting part of its weight to the axial skeleton. Its
coracoid root (subcoracoid centre), in the lower glenoid rim, often flat lateral, acromial end articulates with the medial aspect of the
in the coracoid apex, in the acromion, inferior angle and contiguous acromion; the enlarged medial, sternal end articulates with the manu-
medial border and in the medial border. A variable part of the glenoid brial clavicular facet and first costal cartilage. The shaft is sinuous,
cavity, usually the upper third, is ossified from the subcoracoid centre, being convex forwards in its medial two-thirds, and concave forwards
uniting in the fourteenth (females) to seventeenth (males) year. A lateral to this. The inferior aspect of its intermediate part is grooved
crescentic epiphysis for the lower glenoid rim, thicker peripherally, in-its long axis.
converts the child’s flat cavity into the gently concave adult fossa. The lateral third. This is flat, with superior and inferior surfaces,


Pectoralis major.

Pectoralis major

For Deltoid
acromion For first
Costoclavicular sternum
Subclavius ligament

prarepotd Sternohyoid
ine tubercle

6.204 The right clavicle: a. Superior surface; B. Inferior surface. 619


and anterior and posterior borders. A small oval articular facet, for
Secondary centre
articulation with the medial aspect of the acromion, faces laterally
and slightly downwards. The anterior border is concave, thin, rough
and may show a small deltoid tubercle; the posterior border, also
roughened by muscular attachments, is convex. The palpable superior
surface is rough near its margins but otherwise smooth. The inferior
surface presents, near its posterior border and at the junction of the Primary centres
lateral fourth with the rest of the shaft, a prominent conoid tubercle 6.205 Diagram showing the three constant centres of ossification of the
for the conoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament; from the lateral clavicle.
side of this a narrow, rough strip (trapezoid line) runs anterolaterally,
almost to the acromial apex (6.2048), for the ligament’s trapezoid
Attached to the lateral third is deltoid anteriorly, trapezius pos- from medial and lateral primary centres appearing in condensed
teriorly, both reaching the superior surface. The coracoclavicular mesenchyme between the fifth and sixth weeks and fusing approxi-
ligament, attached to the conoid tubercle and trapezoid line (6.2048), mately 1 week later; cartilage at both ends of the clavicle then
transmits the weight of the upper limb to the clavicle, counteracted develops (Ogata & Uhthoff 1990; 6.205). The medial cartilaginous
by trapezius supporting its lateral part (p.835). From the conoid mass contributes more to growth in length than does the lateral
tubercle weight is transmitted medially by the shaft to the axial mass: the junction of these two ossification centres being between
skeleton; a fracture medial to it interrupts this transmission, almost the middle and lateral thirds of the clavicle. A secondary centre for
all weight then being supported by trapezius which is unable to meet the sternal end appears in late teens, or even early twenties, usually
the demand, and the limb therefore droops. 2 years earlier in females. Fusion is probably rapid but reliable data
The medial two-thirds. Roughly cylindrical or prismatic with are lacking. An acromial secondary centre sometimes develops at
four surfaces; the inferior is often a mere ridge. Anterior and superior about 18 to 20, but this epiphysis is always small and rapidly joins
surfaces are largely rough but laterally smooth and rounded above the shaft (Todd & D’Erico 1928). In a study of the sternal epiphysis
the infraclavicular fossa (p. 838). The posterior surface is smooth, the in 684 Punjabis, ossification occurred from 11 to 19 years (both
inferior marked near its sternal end by a rough oval area, often sexes) and fusion at 18 to 25 years (Jit & Kulkaria 1976). Comparison
depressed, for the costoclavicular ligament. Rarely, this area is suggests racial differences. Such assessment by radiological appear-
smooth or even raised and may form a synovial joint with the first ances is, of course, not devoid of fallacy.
rib (Cave 1961) on the lateral half of the inferior surface is a groove However, clavicular development is not only by intramembranous
for the attachment of subclavius. ossification. In 14-mm embryos the clavicle is a band of condensed
The sternal end. Directed medially slightly downwards and for- mesenchyme between the acromion and apex of the first rib, and
wards, it articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium: continuous with the sternal rudiment. In this band medial and lateral
its sternal surface, usually irregular and pitted, is quadrangular zones of early cartilage transformation (‘precartilage’) occur, and in
(sometimes triangular) and slightly rough above for attachment of mesenchyme between them intramembranous centres of ossification
the interclavicular ligament, sternoclavicular capsule and articular appear and soon fuse. Sternal and acromial zones soon become true
disc. The articular surface is otherwise smooth and extends on to cartilage, into which ossification extends from the shaft. Length
the inferior surface to articulate with the first costal cartilage. The increases by interstitial growth of these terminal cartilages, which
sternal end projects above the manubrium and can be felt and develop zones of hypertrophy, calcification and advancing endo-
usually seen (a prominent clinical landmark) in the lateral wall of chondral ossification as in other growth cartilages. Diameter is
the jugular fossa. increased by subperichondrial deposition in the extremities and
subperiosteal deposition in the shaft. Epiphyses are endochondral
Further details and probably fuse as in long bones which are primarily cartilaginous.
The medial two-thirds provides attachment, anteriorly, for the clav- Defects of ossification in the clavicle and primarily intramembranous
icular part of pectoralis major, the area being usually visibly marked. cranial bones occasionally coincide as the condition of cleidocranial
The clavicular part of sternocleidomastoid is attached to the medial dysostosis.
half of the superior surface but marks it little. The smooth posterior The primitive reptilian pectoral girdle comprises a dorsal scapula
surface is devoid of attachments except near its sternal end, where and two ventral elements, an anterior (cranial) precoracoid and
part of sternohyoid is attached. Medially this surface is related to posterior (caudal) coracoid. Of the three pelvic elements, the ilium
the lower end of the internal jugular vein (separated by sternohyoid), is homologous with the scapula, the pubis with the precoracoid, the
the end of the subclavian and beginning of the brachiocephalic vein. ischium with the coracoid. The clavicle, dermal in origin and therefore
More laterally, the clavicle curves in front of the trunks of the morphologically distinct, is an addition to the pectoral girdle with
brachial plexus and the third part of the subclavian artery. The no pelvic equivalent. It is doubtful whether any trace of precoracoid
suprascapular vessels are related to the upper part of this surface. persists in the human skeleton, but the double primary clavicular
On the inferior surface is subclavius in its groove (6.2048). To the ossification centre may indicate that human clavicles contain reptilian
edges of this groove is attached the clavipectoral fascia, which precoracoid and clavicle. Some believe that the first coracoid centre
encloses the muscle; the posterior edge of the groove runs to the represents the precoracoid element and the subcoracoid centre the
conoid tubercle, where fascia and conoid ligament merge. A nutrient caudal ventral element of reptilian girdles. The clavicle is absent
foramen, lateral in the groove, is inclined laterally. Medially an from forelimbs used principally or entirely for progression, for
impression for the costoclavicular ligament varies greatly in texture example in ungulates and carnivores; but it is present and well-
and outline (see above and Cave 1961). developed in prehensile limbs, for example in many rodents, primates
The female clavicle is shorter, thinner, less curved and smoother, and man.
its acromial end carried lower than the sternal; in males it is level The clavicle is often fractured, commonly by indirect forces, due
with, or slightly above, the sternal end when the arm is pendent. to violent impacts to hand or shoulder, the break being at the
Midshaft circumference is the most reliable single indicator of sex, junction of lateral and intermediate thirds, where its curvature
but a combination of this with weight and length yields better results changes, for this is its weakest part. Consequent deformity is caused
(Olivier 1951; Jit & Singh 1966); however, consult Jit and Sahni by the weight of the arm, which depresses the lateral fragment, forces
(1983) for statistical analysis and literature. The clavicle is thicker being transmitted through the coracoclavicular ligament; the medial
and more curved in manual workers, its muscular attachments being fragment is usually little displaced.
marked. The clavicle is trabecular internally, with a shell of compact
bone much thicker in its shaft. Although elongate, the clavicle is STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT
unlike typical long bones; it usually has no medullary cavity.
Involved in the sternoclavicular joint are the sternal end of the
Ossification clavicle and the sternal clavicular notch, together with the adjacent
620 The clavicle begins to ossify before any other bone, the shaft superior surface of the first costal cartilage (6.206). The larger

Articular Interclavicular Anterior sterno-

disc ligament clavicular ligament

Costoclavicular /
posterior fibres
First costal ligament

Second costal +* , ~ Lt
cartilage Second sternocostal joint:
a” we doublesynovial; fibrocartilages .
ee intra-articular ligament
Manubriosternal r

6.206 Sternoclavicular joints: anterior aspect; left joint intact and right in
coronal section.

clavicular articular surface is covered by fibrocartilage, thicker than articular surface, below the first costal cartilage near its sternal
the fibrocartilaginous lamina on the sternum. Convex vertically but junction and by the rest of its circumference to the capsule. It is
slightly concave anteroposteriorly, it is therefore sellar; the sternal thicker peripherally, especially in its superoposterior part and a
clavicular notch is reciprocally curved but the two surfaces are not smaller inferomedial one. The capsule around the former is more
fully congruent. (For their variations see p. 620.) An articular disc lax, movements between the clavicle and the disc being more extensive
completely divides the joint. Its ligaments are capsular, anterior and than those between the discs and sternum. The sellar shape of the
posterior sternoclavicular, interclavicular and costoclavicular. articular surfaces permits movement in approximately anteroposterior
and vertical planes and some rotation, about the long axis of the
Fibrous capsule clavicle, (30° according to Kapandji 1974), which is conjunct. Close-
This is thickened in front and behind; but above and especially packing probably coincides with maximum posterior rotation associ-
below it is little more than loose areolar tissue. ated with full scapular rotation. Some anteroposterior translation
also occurs.
The anterior sternoclavicular ligament
Broad and attached above to the anterosuperior aspect of the Vessels and nerve supply to the joint
clavicle’s sternal end, it passes inferomedially to the upper anterior Arteries are branches from the internal thoracic and suprascapular
aspect of the manubrium, spreading onto the first costal cartilage. arteries; nerves are from the anterior supraclavicular nerve and the
nerve to subclavius. For details of vascularization consult Sick and
The posterior sternoclavicular ligament Ring (1976).
A weaker band posterior to the joint, it descends inferomedially
from the back of the clavicle’s sternal end to the back of the upper Clinical anatomy
manubrium. The joint’s strength depends on ligaments, especially its disc. This
and the usual transmission of forces along the clavicle make dis-
Interclavicular ligament location rare and fracture far more common.
Continuous above with deep cervical fascia, it unites the superior
aspect of the sternal ends of both clavicles; some fibres are attached
to the superior manubrial margin. When present, suprasternal ossicles
(p. 539) are in this ligament. The acromioclavicular joint is between the clavicle’s acromial end
and the medial acromial margin (see 6.215, 218), and is approximately
Costoclavicular ligament plane; but either surface may be slightly convex, the other reciprocally
Like an inverted cone but short and flattened, with anterior and concave. Both are covered by fibrocartilage, the clavicular being a
posterior laminae attached to the upper surface of the first rib and narrow, oval area facing inferolaterally and overlapping a
costal cartilage, it ascends to the margins of an impression on the corresponding facet on the medial acromial border. The long axis
inferior clavicular surface at its medial end. Fibres of the anterior is anteroposterior. Ligaments are capsular, acromioclavicular and
lamina ascend laterally and shorter fibres of the posterior lamina coracoclavicular.
ascend medially (6.206); they fuse laterally and merge medially with
the capsule. Between them a bursa suggests separate functions (Cave Fibrous capsule
1961). Probably each is tensed at opposite extremes of clavicular This completely surrounds the articular margins and is strengthened
axial rotation. above by the acromioclavicular ligament.
Articular disc Acromioclavicular ligament
Flat and almost circular, between the sternal and clavicular surfaces, Quadrilateral and above the joint, it extends between the upper
it is attached above to the superoposterior border of the clavicular aspects of the lateral end of the clavicle and the adjoining acromion. 621

Its parallel fibres interlace with the aponeuroses of trapezius and this is checked by antagonist muscles and tension in the costo-
deltoid. clavicular ligament and lower capsule. It is produced by trapezius
(upper part) and levator scapulae; since these tend to rotate the
Articular disc scapula in opposite directions, pure elevation can occur.
In the reverse movement (depression) slight angulation occurs at
This often occurs in the joint’s upper part, partially separating the the acromioclavicular joint, but at the sternoclavicular joint the
articular surfaces (de Palma 1957): rarely it completely divides the clavicle slides up on the disc, the movements being checked by
joint. antagonist muscles, the interclavicular and sternoclavicular ligaments
and articular disc. This role of the interclavicular ligament, sus-
Coracoclavicular ligament (see 6.2174)
pension of the depressed clavicle, has been confirmed by experiment
This connects the clavicle and coracoid process of the scapula. (Bearn 1967). Usually gravity alone is sufficient, but serratus anterior
Though separate from the acromioclavicular joint it is a most efficient (lower part) and pectoralis minor are, when necessary, active
accessory ligament, maintaining apposition of the clavicle to the depressors.
acromion. Its trapezoid and conoid parts, usually separated by fat (2) Protraction (forward movement) round the thoracic wall occurs
or, frequently, a bursa, connect the medial horizontal part of the in pushing, thrusting and reaching movements, usually with some
coracoid process and lateral end of the subclavian groove of the lateral rotation. The acromion advances over the clavicular facet to
clavicle; these adjacent areas may even be covered by cartilage to the limit and the shoulder is simultaneously advanced by forward
form a coracoclavicular joint (Lewis 1959). movement of the lateral end of the clavicle and posterior translation
Trapezoid part. Anterolateral, it is broad, thin and quadrilateral, of its sternal end over the sternal facet, carrying the disc with it.
ascending slightly from the upper coracoid surface to the trapezoid Antagonist muscles and the anterior sternoclavicular and costo-
line on the inferior clavicular surface. It is almost horizontal, its clavicular (posterior lamina) ligaments check backward slide of the
anterior border free, its posterior joined to the conoid part, forming sternal end. Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor are prime movers
an angle projecting backwards. and maintain continuous apposition of the scapula, especially its
Conoid part. Posteromedial, it is a dense almost vertical triangular medial border, in smooth gliding on the thoracic wall. The upper
band. It has its base attached to the conoid tubercle of the clavicle part of latissimus dorsi also acts like a strap across the inferior
and its inferior apex attached posteromedially to the root of the scapular angle in protraction and lateral rotation.
coracoid process in front of the scapular notch. In scapular retraction, bracing back the shoulders, movements are
reversed and checked at the sternoclavicular joint by the posterior
Movements sternoclavicular and costoclavicular (anterior lamina) ligaments. Tra-
Movements at the joint are like those of the sternoclavicular joint. pezius and the rhomboids are prime movers, but gravity may also
Axial rotation of the clavicle is said to be about 30° (Kapandji 1974), produce retraction when the weight of the trunk is taken by the
the two joints together, therefore, permitting about 60° of scapular arms in leaning forwards, to a degree controlled by protractive
rotation. Angulation with the scapula occurs in any direction. musculature.
Rotation and angulation both tense the coracoclavicular ligament at When force is applied at the end of an outstretched arm, for
their extremes; rotation tightens the capsule by spiralization. Accord- example in a fall on the hand, pressure transmitted to the glenoid
ing to MacConaill and Basmajian (1977) close-packing occurs when fossa tends to drive the sloping acromial facet below the clavicle’s
the angle between the superior scapular border and clavicular shaft acromial end but also tenses the trapezoid ligament, which resists
reaches about 90°. This ‘opening’ (ouverture) of the angles tenses the the displacement; and, unless the fall is unexpected, even greater
conoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament (Kapandji 1970); further forces are available to resist dislocation.
scapular rotation is due to rotation at the sternoclavicular joint. (3) Lateral rotation of the scapula increases the range of humeral
elevation by turning the glenoid cavity to face almost directly up (as
Vessels and nerve supply to the joint in raising an arm above the head), a movement always associated
The arterial supply is from branches from the suprascapular and with some humeral elevation and with protraction of the scapula.
thoracoacromial arteries, the nerve supply is from suprascapular and Scapular rotation requires movement at the sternoclavicular and the
lateral pectoral nerves. acromioclavicular joints: the sternoclavicular permitting elevation of
the lateral end of the clavicle, a movement almost complete when
Clinical anatomy the arm is abducted to 90°. The acromioclavicular joint moves in
In acromioclavicular dislocation the coracoclavicular ligament is the first 30° of abduction when the conoid ligament becomes taut
torn and the scapula falls away from the clavicle. Owing to the and thereafter is accompanied by clavicular rotation at the sterno-
flatness and orientation of the joint surfaces, dislocation readily clavicular joint around the bone’s longitudinal axis, also with further
recurs. depression of its medial end as the lateral end continues to rise.
Some acromioclavicular movement also occurs in the final stages of
humeral abduction (Inman et al 1944). Trapezius (upper part) and
MOVEMENTS OF THE PECTORAL (SHOULDER) the serratus anterior (lower part) are prime movers.
GIRDLE Medial rotation is usually by gravity, gradual active lengthening
of trapezius and serratus anterior being sufficient to control it. When
Clavicular movements at their sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular more force is needed the levator scapulae, rhomboids and in the
joints are always associated with those of the scapula, which, in initial stages pectoralis minor are prime movers in returning the
turn, are usually accompanied by humeral movements. Therefore, scapula to a position of rest.
this account should be amplified by reference to pages 631 and 632. Muscles which are antagonists in one movement may combine as
The acromioclavicular joint allows the acromion, and hence the
prime movers in another. Movements, not muscles, are represented
scapula, anteroposterior gliding and rotation on the clavicle; but in cerebral motor areas; muscles are not grouped unalterably in
scapular range is increased by movements at the sternoclavicular nervous control but can be variably combined as demands dictate.
joint. Analysis is clarified by considering scapular movements, pri- Thus serratus anterior and trapezius are opposed in scapular move-
marily analysed as (1) elevation and depression, (2) protraction and ment round the thorax but combine as prime movers in its lateral
retraction round the thorax, (3) rotation laterally (glenoid fossa faces rotation.
upwards) and medially (glenoid fossa faces downwards), with the In all scapular movements subclavius probably steadies the clavicle
inferior angle as the reference point. by drawing it medially and downwards, although its inaccessibility
(1) Scapular elevation and depression, as in ‘shrugging the shoul- makes its role uncertain. Scapular movements on the thoracic wall
ders’, do not necessarily imply movement at the shoulder joint. In are facilitated by areolar tissue between subscapularis and serratus
elevation slight angulation or swing occurs at the acromioclavicular anterior and the chest wall. With the arm pendent the shoulder
joint but the clavicle’s sternal end, rotating about an anteroposterior girdle’s normal posture relative to the trunk involves moderate
axis through the bone above the medial attachment of the costo- activity in trapezius and serratus anterior (Basmajian 1967), which
622 clavicular ligament, slides down over the articular disc (translation); obviously must increase when the limb is loaded.


Greater tubercle
Head (tuberosity) > Capsular
a‘ ttachment
Lesser tubercle Subscapularis ae
(tuberosity) i
if Epiphysial line
tubercular ;
Surgical neck


Teres major

medial head


Deltoid brachialis




Lateral supra-
condylar ridge
Extensor carpi
Medial supra- Pronator teres, \radialis longus
condylar ridge
humeral head
fossa fossa
; Lateral extensor
Medial epicondyle origin
Epiphysial line

6.207 The anterior aspect of the left humerus. The line drawing on the
right shows the position of the epiphysial lines (stippled lines) and the
attachment of the associated joint capsules (interrupted lines).

HUMERUS Head (6.207, 208). At the proximal end, it is slightly less than half
a spheroid; in sectional profile it is spheroidal (strictly ovoidal, see
The humerus (6.207, 208), the longest and largest bone in the upper p.627). The articular surface is covered by hyaline cartilage, thicker
limb, has expanded ends and a shaft. Proximally a round ‘head’ centrally, and is directed posteromedially and upwards towards the
forms with the scapular glenoid cavity an enarthrodial articulation. glenoid cavity in the pendent arm. The humeral articular surface
The distal end, loosely termed ‘condylar’, is adapted to the forearm exceeds that of the glenoid cavity, only part of it being in glenoid
bones at the elbow joint. contact in any position of the joint.
The anatomical neck. Directly adjoining the articular head’s
The proximal end margin, it is a slight constriction, least apparent near the greater
This includes a head, neck and greater and lesser tubercles tubercle, and superiorly, and for some distance continuing anteriorly
and posteriorly, indicates the line of capsular attachment of the 623


Greater Infraspinatus a
tubercle (tuberosity)
Teres minor

Epiphyseal \ Capsular
line attachment

lateral head



| medial head

Lateral supra-
condylar ridge Medial supra-
condylar ridge

Olecranon Epiphyseal _
fossa Medial line
epicondyle t4 oN

‘a! (e
Anconeus m J
epicondyle Trochlea

6.208 The posterior aspect of the left humerus. The line drawing on the
right shows the position of the epiphyseal lines (stippled lines) and the
attachment of the associated joint capsules (interrupted lines).

shoulder joint (6.207, 208), except at the intertubercular sulcus, where The greater tubercle (tuberosity). This is the most lateral part
the long tendon of biceps emerges. However, medially, the capsular of the proximal end of the humerus and in the shoulder region
attachment diverges from the anatomical neck descending 1 cm or projects beyond the acromion and, covered by deltoid, produces
more onto the shaft. the shoulder’s round contour. Its posterosuperior aspect, near the
The lesser tubercle (tuberosity). This is anterior and just beyond anatomical neck, bears three smooth impressions for tendons.
the anatomical neck; it has a smooth, muscular impression palpable Between the tubercles is the intertubercular sulcus. The humeral
through the deltoid 3cm below the acromial apex, moving when the proximal end tapers into the shaft as an ill-defined ‘surgical neck’,
humerus rotates. Its sharp lateral edge is part of the medial border medial to which are the axillary nerve and posterior humeral cir-
of the intertubercular sulcus. Subscapularis attaches to the lesser cumflex artery (6.208).
tubercle (6.207), and to the lateral margin the transverse ligament of The three impressions on the greater tubercle are for the tendons,
624 the shoulder joint. the supraspinatus (uppermost), infraspinatus (middle) and teres

minor (lowest) (6.2088). Its projecting lateral surface has many medial margin project. It articulates with the trochlear notch of
vascular foramina and is covered by the deltoid; a subacromial the ulna. In extension the inferoposterior trochlear circumference
bursa may separate deltoid from the tubercle. The attachments of contacts the ulna, but in flexion the trochlear notch slides on to the
subscapularis and teres minor are not confined to their respective anterior aspect, the posterior being uncovered. The projecting medial
tubercles, but extend for varying distances on to the adjacent meta- trochlear edge is a main determinant of the angulation between the
physis. long axes of the humerus and ulna when the forearm is extended
and supinated (p. 642).
Shaft The medial epicondyle. A blunt medial projection on the medial
Almost cylindrical proximally, it is prismatic (in section) distally and condyle, it is subcutaneous and usually visible in passive flexion. Its
anteroposteriorly compressed. It is not directly palpable due to the smooth posterior surface is crossed by the ulnar nerve in a shallow
large muscles around it. Its three surfaces and borders are not equally sulcus as it enters the forearm, and here the nerve can be rolled
obvious. against the bone. If it is jarred against the epicondyle, characteristic
The anterior border. It descends from the front of the greater tingling sensations result. Distally the anterior epicondylar surface
tubercle almost to the distal end of the bone. Its proximal third is is marked by the attachment of the superficial forearm flexors. The
the lateral edge of the intertubercular sulcus, marked by muscular medial humeral border ends at the medial epicondyle and is distally
attachments. Beyond this, as the anterior edge of the deltoid tuber- the medial supracondylar ridge.
osity, it is also rough but smoothly rounded in its distal half. The lateral epicondyle. The lateral non-articular part of the
The lateral border. Distally sharp and rough along its anterior condyle, it does not project beyond the lateral border. It has an
aspect, its proximal two-thirds are barely discernible, although some- anterolateral impression for the superficial forearm extensors. Its
times traceable to the posterior aspect of the greater tubercle. posterior surface, slightly convex, is easily felt in a depression visible
Centrally it is interrupted by a wide, shallow groove (radial or spiral behind the extended elbow. The lateral humeral border ends at the
groove), descending obliquely laterally and forwards. lateral epicondyle, from which, extending proximally, is its distal
The medial border. Rounded in its distal half, it bears a rough- part, the /ateral supracondylar ridge.
ened strip just below its midpoint; proximal to this it is indistinct
but reappears as the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus, where Further details
it is again rough and reaches the lesser tubercle. A deep hollow, the olecranon fossa, on the condyle’s posterior
Surfaces. The anterolateral surface is between the anterior and surface, proximal to the trochlea, contains the apex of the olecranon
lateral borders; just proximal to its midpoint is the rough deltoid in the extended elbow. Its floor is always thin and may be deficient.
tuberosity, tapering to a distal apex. Behind this the radial groove A smaller coronoid fossa, immediately proximal to the trochlea on
descends, fading distally when it reaches the lateral border alittle the anterior surface, accommodates the margin of the ulnar coronoid
beyond the tuberosity. The anteromedial surface, between the anterior process in full flexion. A shallow radial fossa, proximal to the
and medial borders, forms in its proximal third the rough floor of capitulum and lateral to the coronoid fossa, is related to the margin
the intertubercular sulcus, but the rest is smooth. Near its midpoint of the radial head in full flexion.
a nutrient foramen opens, its canal directed distally. The posterior In lower mammals the longest axes of the proximal and distal
surface, between medial and lateral borders, is the most extensive. humeral articular surfaces make an angle with each other ofa little
A ridge, sometimes rough, descends laterally across its proximal more than 90°. But the proximal human humerus appears to have
third. The middle third is crossed by the beginning of the radial rotated laterally, so that the angle has been increased to about 164°
groove. The distal third is an extensive, flat surface, which widens
The distal end of the humerus (6.207, 209)
Basically a modified condyle, it is wider transversely and has articular
and non-articular parts. The articular part joints with the radius and
ulna at the elbow and is divided into a lateral, convex capitulum and
a medial, pulley-shaped trochlea. The non-articular condyle includes
medial and lateral epicondyles, olecranon, coronoid and radial fossae. Greater
Capitulum. Less than half a sphere, it includes anterior and Medial
inferior surfaces of the condyle laterally, but not its posterior surface.
It articulates with the discoid radial head, which abuts the inferior
surface in full extension but slides on to the anterior surface during L525
250 2s }
flexion. BOOS
Oo eaeOSS] So] RSSsesssscss
Trochlea. This is like part of a pulley, occupying anterior, inferior CRSk>
CS ee
o> etess
and posterior surfaces of the humeral condyle medially; it is separated Sos Ses SS XY
bssoSe or iY
laterally from the capitulum by a faint groove; all aspects of its

Trochlea Capitulum


6.210 This diagram illustrates the concept of humeral ‘torsion’. The left
humerus is viewed distally along its length, with its proximal end (magenta)
superimposed upon the distal (blue). The ‘axes’ of the two extremities are
shown at right angles, as in early tetrapods and most quadrupedal mammals.
In primates, including mankind, the axis of the head is directed medially,
and the angle which this now makes with the ‘primitive’ anteroposterior
Sulcus for ulnar nerve
position of the axis is the so-called angle of torsion. This is on average 74°
in man: some authorities add to this the original angle of 90°, giving a total
6.209 The inferior aspect of the distal end of the left humerus. of 164°. See text for more detailed explanation. 625

(6.210), the angle of ‘humeral torsion’. It is greater in males and superficial extensor tendon is attached to the lateral epicondyle, also
adults, and less in anthropoid apes. Krahl (1976) claims that the outside the articular capsule; to its posterior surface anconeus is
angle increases with age until fusion of the epiphysis (p. 614). attached (6.208). The medial epicondyle turns slightly backwards,
The intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove) contains the long the lateral slightly forwards.
tendon of biceps, its synovial sheath, and an ascending branch from With the upper limb pendent, the medial epicondyle is posterior
the anterior circumflex humeral artery. The groove’s lateral lip is in plane to the lateral; the humeral head is directed almost equally
marked by the tendon of pectoralis major, its floor by that of backwards and medially, the posterior surface of the shaft facing
latissimus dorsi and its medial lip by that of teres major. The posterolaterally. Since the glenoid fossa of the scapula faces antero-
attachment of pectoralis major extends beyond teres major’s, that of laterally, the humerus is not rotated medially relative to the scapula
latissimus dorsi being least extensive. Distal to the sulcus a small in this position of rest; but it is so rotated relative to the conventional
area of anteromedial surface is devoid of muscular attachment, but anatomical position. This must be remembered when movements of
its distal half is occupied by the medial part of the brachialis (6.207). the arm and forearm are considered (pp. 631 and 642).
The rough strip on the medial border is for the coracobrachialis. A hook-shaped supracondylar process, from 2 to 20mm in length,
Near its distal end the medial supracondylar ridge has a narrow area occasionally projects from the anteromedial surface of the shaft,
for the humeral part of pronator teres, and the ridge itself for the about 5cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. It curves distally and
medial intermuscular septum. forwards, its apex connected to the medial border, proximal to the
To the oblique ridge across the posterior surface the lateral head epicondyle, by a fibrous band, to which part of pronator teres is
of triceps is attached; proximal to this the axillary (circumflex) nerve attached. The foramen so formed usually encloses the median nerve
and posterior circumflex humeral vessels curve round the ‘surgical and brachial artery, but sometimes only the nerve or perhaps nerve
neck’ deep to deltoid; distally the radial groove, containing the nerve plus the ulnar artery in a high division of the brachial artery. A
and profunda vessels, descends laterally to the anterolateral surface. groove for the artery and nerve usually exists behind the process. It
The medial head of triceps occupies much of the posterior surface is the homologue of the entepicondylar foramen of many animals
in a long triangular area, its apex medial on this surface and proximal and may protect the nerve and artery from compression by muscles.
to the distal limit of teres major, widening distally over the whole These skeletal features may aid in assessing racial affinities (p. 434).
dorsal surface almost to its distal end (6.208).
Proximally the anterolateral surface is smooth and covered by
deltoid, which is attached to its tuberosity; distally it is occupied by The humerus is ossified from eight centres, in shaft, head, greater
part of brachialis, ascending into the floor of the radial groove and lesser tubercles, capitulum and lateral trochlea, medial trochlea
(6.208). The lateral supracondylar ridge, in its proximal two-thirds, and both epicondyles (6.2114). The shaft begins to ossify centrally in
gives attachment to brachioradialis and in its distal third extensor the eighth week with gradual extension to its ends, and the humeral
carpi radialis longus. Behind these, the lateral intermuscular septum head usually during the first 6 months after birth, but just before it
is attached to the ridge. in 20% of individuals. The greater and lesser tubercles begin to ossify
The articular region of the humeral condyle is so curved that the in the second and fifth years in males, about a year earlier in females.
anterior and posterior surfaces are anterior in plane to corresponding By the sixth year the head and tubercles have become a single
surfaces of the shaft. The trochlear groove spirals posterolaterally epiphysis, hollow inferiorly (6.2118) to fit the conical end of the
from the anterior to the posterior surface; posteriorly it is wider, diaphysis and fusing with it about the twentieth year in males, 2
deeper and more symmetrical; anteriorly its medial flange is longer years earlier in females. Some deny a centre in the lesser tubercle,
and the convex surface adjoining its projecting medial margin is perhaps because it is often obscured in the usual anteroposterior
adapted to the medial arc of the coronoid articular surface. These radiological views (6.212). In the distal end, during the first year,
asymmetries entail varying angulation between the humeral and ossification begins in the capitulum and extends to form most of its
ulnar axes, together with some conjunct rotation (p. 631). articular surface; a centre for the medial region of the trochlea
The elbow joint capsule (6.207, 208) is attached to the proximal appears in the ninth year in females and tenth in males. Ossification
limits of the radial and coronoid fossae, which are therefore intra- begins in the medial epicondyle in the fourth year in females, sixth
capsular and lined by synovial membrane, and also to the medial in males, and in the lateral epicondyle about the twelfth year. Centres
aspect of the trochlear rim and root of the medial epicondyle. for the lateral epicondyle, capitulum and trochlea fuse around
Posteriorly it ascends almost to the upper margin of the olecranon puberty and the composite epiphysis unites with the shaft in the
fossa, which is also intracapsular and covered by synovial membrane. fourteenth year in females, sixteenth in males. The medial epicondyle
Laterally it skirts the borders of the trochlea and capitulum, lying is a separate epiphysis, entirely extracapsular (6.207, 208), from a
medial to the lateral epicondyle. centre posteromedial in it. It is separated from the distal epiphysis
The common superficial flexor tendon arises from the medial by a downgrowth of shaft, with which it unites in about the twentieth
epicondylar epiphysis, which is wholly extracapsular. The common year.

Fuse at 6 years
tn: ,
. Epiphysial line
\-- Unites with ,

shaft at 20th
year SYGee Pe


Unites with
shaft at 20th

Blend at pipe and

unite with shaft at
14-16 years

6.211. The stages in ossification of the humerus (not to scale); B. Longi-

626 tudinal section through the head of the right humerus.

6.212 Anteroposterior radiograph of the right shoulder in a boy aged 11.
1. Coracoid process. 2. Growth plate of cartilage at upper end of humeral
diaphysis. 3. Acromion. 4. Lateral end of clavicle, not yet completely ossified.
5. Proximal humeral epiphysis. Note its conical junction with the diaphysis.

Clinical anatomy
The proximal epiphysis joins the shaft later than the distal, and
growth in length is prédominantly due to the proximal growth
cartilage. Hence, after amputation through the arm in youth, the
humerus continues to grow, its lower end progressively moulding
the soft tissues and making the stump conical. Fractures are com-
paratively common and at almost any level. Muscular action is more
often the cause than in any other long bone; it is usually the shaft,
below the attachment of deltoid, which is broken. Hence the radial
nerve may be injured in its groove and is sometimes involved later
in the growth of callus. Non-union is commoner than in any other
bone except the tibia. Fractures at the proximal end may damage
the axillary nerve, and at the medial epicondyle the ulnar nerve.
Late fusion of this epicondyle may be misdiagnosed as a fracture.


The shoulder is a multiaxial spheroidal joint (6.213) possessing three
degrees of freedom between the roughly hemispherical humeral head
and shallow scapular glenoid fossa, an arrangement allowing much
movement but reducing security. Skeletally the joint is weak, and
depends for support on the surrounding muscles more than on its
shape and ligaments. However, the coracoacromial arch overhangs
The articular surfaces, reciprocally curved, are really ovoids (see
p. 503). Here, as in the hip, where ovoid surfaces are almost spherical 6.213 Radiograph of shoulder in a young female of 18 years in antero-
they are often termed spheroidal; small deviations from sphericity of posterior view (a) and axillary view with the arm abducted (b). 1. Head of
less than 1% of the radius have been recorded (Soslowsky et al humerus. 2. Acromion. 3. Acromioclavicular joint. 4. Clavicle. 5. Coracoid
process. 6. Glenoid (osseous, subchondral) articular surface. 627
1992a). The humeral convexity exceeds in area that of the glenoid

6.2144, B. Dissections from a preserved cadaver showing the articular

surfaces and periarticular structures of the shoulder joint. a shows the
glenoid cavity covered by articular cartilage and the glenoidal labrum; note
Fibrous capsule the intracapsular part of the tendon of the long head of the biceps sectioned
near the supraglenoid tubercle, the fibrous capsule intimately blended with
‘rotator cuff’ musculature, the subacromial bursa, and the superjacent cora-
Tendon of biceps, coacromial arch complex. 8 displays the much more extensive spheroidal
long head
articular surface of the head of the humerus and the pendant inferior part
of the fibrous articular capsule. (Preparation by MCE Hutchinson and
photography by Kevin Fitzpatrick, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London.)
c. Section through the shoulder joint. The synovial membrane is in blue.

ligament i.e. near the articular margin, except inferomedially where it descends
more than I cm on the humeral shaft. It is so lax that the bones can
Synovial be distracted for 2 or 3cm. This accords with a very wide range of
sheath movement. However, such unnatural separation requires relaxation
of tendon
of biceps of the upper capsule by abduction. The fibrous capsule is supported
by the tendons of supraspinatus (above), infraspinatus and teres
minor (behind), subscapularis (in front) and by the long head of
triceps (below). All but triceps blend with the capsule as the rotator
cuff which reinforces the capsule and actively supports it unless the
Y; muscles are fully relaxed. Triceps is separated from the capsule by
Glenoidal the axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral vessels as they
labrum A ) pass back from the axilla (6.2178). Inferiorly the capsule is therefore
least supported and also subjected to the greatest strain, being
stretched tightly across the humeral head in full abduction. The
Part of capsule
dependent in capsule is also strengthened in front by extensions from the tendons
full adduction of pectoralis major and teres major.
The capsule usually has two or three openings: an anterior, below
concavity (6.214) such that only a small portion opposes the glenoid the coracoid process, connects the joint to a bursa behind the
in any position, the remaining capitular articular surface being in subscapular tendon; another, between the humeral tubercles
contact with the capsule; contact on the glenoid is much more (tuberosities), transmits the long tendon of biceps and its synovial
uniformly distributed over its entire articular surface (Soslowsky et sheath; a third, inconstant and posterior, connects the joint to a
al 1992b). The radius of curvature of the glenoid cavity (6.214, 215, bursa under the infraspinatous tendon.
216) in the coronal plane is greater than that of the humeral head Glenohumeral ligaments. Anteriorly three glenohumeral liga-
(Iannotti et al 1992); consequently it is deepened by a fibro- ments, best visible from within the joint (6.216, 218), reinforce the
cartilaginous rim, the glenoid labrum. Both articular surfaces are capsule. The superior glenohumeral ligament passes from the upper
covered by hyaline cartilage: on the humerus it is thickest centrally, part of the glenoid labrum and base of the coracoid process (deep
thinner peripherally; the reverse in the glenoid cavity. In most to the coracoacromial ligament) to the upper part of the neck of the
positions, their curvatures are not fully congruent, the joint being humerus, between the lesser tubercle and the articular margin. The
loose-packed (Saha 1961). Full congruence (close-packing) is reached middle glenohumeral ligament arises from a wide attachment, below
with the humerus abducted and laterally rotated (see pp. 509, 631; the superior glenohumeral ligament, along the anterior glenoid
and 6.71, 83). When the arm is dependent, the anterior glenoid edge margin as far as the inferior third of the rim (Shahan 1983), and
can be represented by a laterally concave line descending 3cm from passes obliquely inferolaterally, enlarging as it does, to attach to the
a point just lateral to the coracoid apex; it lies over the joint’s lesser tuberosity deep to the tendon of subscapularis, with which it
lower half. Ligaments are capsular, glenohumeral, coracohumeral and blends. The thicker and longer inferior glenohumeral ligament arises
transverse humeral. from the anterior, middle and posterior margins of the glenoid
labrum, below the epiphyseal line, and passes anteroinferiorly to
Fibrous capsule attach to the inferior and medial aspects of the neck of the humerus.
A fibrous capsule (6.214, 217) envelops the joint, attaching medially The anterior, superior edge of the inferior ligament is thickened as
to the glenoid margin outside the glenoid labrum, and encroaching the superior band (Spencer & Turkel 1981; Bigliani et al 1992), the
on the coracoid process to include the attachment of the long head diffuse thickening of the anterior part of the capsule to which it
628 of biceps. Laterally, it is attached to the humeral anatomical neck, attaches being known as the axillary pouch (Spencer & Turkel 1981).

atus tendon

Tendon of
Articular infraspinatus
hake Articular
| capsule
Opening o,
abelee a
b it :

Coracobrach- a3 AN Teres minor

ialis and PANG ; a } Deltoid
biceps, short
head See Axillary
cutaneous nerve
Pectoralis long head

Median nerve nerve

Anterior fold major
of axilla

Axillary artery

Ulnar nerve Axillary vein Tendon of latissimus dorsi

6.215 An obliquely coronal section through the left shoulder and shoulder of the brachial plexus as displayed in this dissected section may appear
joint, in the plane of the glenoidal labrum, dissected after removal of the unfamiliar and the reader is referred to 6.92 fora more usual view. Compare,
upper limb. The arrow points into the dependent part of the articular capsule. also, with 6.216.
Note: the relations of the axillary vessels to each other and to the branches

Acromioclavicular joint ‘ 2 go , Clavicle

Supraspinatus tendon 5
Biceps, long head
Coracoid process
Superior glenohumeral
Subscapularis tendon

Acromial angle ‘
Articular capsule

Glenoid cavity
Edge of opening into
Glenoidal labrum subscapularis bursa

Articular capsule Middle glenohumeral


Inferior glenohumeral

6.216 Interior of the right shoulder joint: anterolateral aspect.

Synovial membrane. This lines the capsule and covers parts of upper capsular region, passes from the lateral border of the root of
the anatomical neck. The long tendon of biceps traverses the joint the coracoid process to the front of the greater tubercle, blending
in a synovial sheath which continues into the intertubercular sulcus with the supraspinatous tendon; its inferoposterior border blends
as far as the humeral surgical neck (6.214, 217a). with the capsule.
Coracohumeral ligament The transverse humeral ligament
The coracohumeral ligament (6.217A), a broad thickening of the The transverse humeral ligament (6.217) is a broad band passing 629

Trapezoid ligament

Coracoid process
Superior transverse
scapular ligament
Coraco-acromial ligament

Coracohumeral ligament
Superior glenohumeral
Opening of sub-
scapular bursa
Lesser _-

capsule of
shoulder joint Capsule dependent
in adduction
major Latissimus dorsi

Suprascapular nerve

Suprascapular artery Infraspinatus



Teres minor
Axillary nerve ‘
4 ee + PV
evoupes scapular
: hs artery
: 7 Triceps long head
Triceps, lateral head ae ‘ =< , a

Teres major

Posterior circumflex humeral artery

6.2174. The anterior aspect of the right shoulder; B. posterior aspect of the
left shoulder joint with the acromion removed. Parts of infraspinatus and
teres minor have been excised and their tendons turned forwards.

between the humeral tubercles, attaching superior to the epiphyseal glenoid fossa, is triangular in section, its base attached to the fossa’s
line. It converts the intertubercular sulcus into a canal, and acts as margin, its thin margin projecting as a continuation of the curve of
a retinaculum for the long tendon of biceps. the glenoid. It blends above with two fasciculi from the long tendon
of biceps. It deepens the cavity, may protect bone and probably
Glenoid labrum assists lubrication (p.594). Its attachment is sometimes partly
630 The glenoid labrum (6.215), a fibrocartilaginous rim round the deficient; synovial membrane may protrude through such gaps.

6.218 The superior (4), middle (8) and inferior (c) glenohumeral ligaments
viewed arthroscopically. The line drawings illustrate the orientation of each
view. (Supplied by Dr K Zyto, Department of Orthopaedics and Accident
Surgery, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham)

afford a wider range of movement than at any other joint. However,

with the arm dependent, even when moderately loaded, supraspinatus
Many bursae adjoin the shoulder joint: and tension in the upper capsule prevent downward displacement of
e between the subscapular tendon and articular capsule (6.216), the humerus (Basmajian 1967).
communicating with the joint between the superior and middle In analysis of shoulder movements it is preferable to refer humeral
glenohumeral ligaments; movement to the scapula, rather than to conventional anatomical
e sometimes between the infraspinatous tendon and capsule, planes, the relevant axes being shown in 6.71. When the arm hangs
occasionally opening into the joint; at rest the glenoid fossa faces almost equally forwards and laterally,
e the subacromial bursa (6.215) between deltoid and the capsule, and the humeral capitular and scapular (topographical) axes cor-
non-communicating but prolonged under the acromion and respond, although the humerus, relative to the anatomical position,
coracoacromial ligament, and between them and supraspinatus: it is medially rotated (p. 500). Flexion carries the arm anteromedially
appears to be attached, together with the subdeltoid fascia, to the on an axis through the humeral head orthogonal to the glenoid fossa
acromion (Birnbaum & Lierse 1992); at its centre. Abduction and adduction occur in a vertical plane
on the superior acromial aspect; orthogonal to that of flexion-extension, the axis being horizontal,
frequently between the coracoid process and capsule; through the humeral head, parallel to the glenoid plane (Flecker
sometimes behind coracobrachialis; 1929). Pure abduction raises the arm anterolaterally in the plane of
between teres major and the long head of triceps; the scapula. However, when referred to the trunk, flexion and exten-
anterior and posterior to the tendon of latissimus dorsi. sion are in the paramedian plane, abduction and adduction in the
coronal plane. Raising the arm vertically from flexion (in this sense)
Related muscles or raising it from abduction (in this sense) are both accompanied by
These are: supraspinatus (above), long head of triceps (below), humeral rotation in opposite directions. Whether ‘scapular’ or any
subscapularis (in front), infraspinatus and teres minor (behind), long other plane of abduction is described, these are selections from an
tendon of biceps (intracapsular). Deltoid covers the joint in front, infinite series. In scapular abduction points on the humeral surface
behind and laterally (6.215). pursue vertical chords but in rotation they are horizontal. In ‘pure’
flexion-extension, in a plane orthogonal to the scapular, the axis of
Vessels and nerve supply to the joint movement (and the notional ‘mechanical axis’, p. 505) are regarded
Arteries are from the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral as as projected from the centre of the glenoid cavity.
well as the suprascapular and circumflex scapular vessels (Cooper et Glenohumeral abduction is about 90° (Kapandji 1974) but angles
al 1992; de la Garcia et al 1992). Nerves are mainly from the posterior up to 120° have been stated (Inman et al 1944). About 60° further
brachial cord and from the suprascapular, axillary and the lateral abduction occurs at the sterno- and acromioclavicular articulations.
pectoral nerves. The suprascapular supplies the posterior and Contralateral vertebral flexion also aids in bringing the arm vertical.
superior, axillary anteroinferior and the lateral pectoral antero- However, during active elevation movements at the glenohumeral
superior parts of the capsule (Gardner 1948b). and acromioclavicular joints are simultaneous, except in the initial
25°-30°, when most and often all movement is glenohumeral. For
Movements every 15° of elevation, glenohumeral movement is said to be 10° and
The shoulder, as a multiaxial spheroidal joint, is capable of any scapular 5°.
combination of swing and spin over a very wide range (p. 507), all In flexion, however, the humerus swings at right angles to the
movements analysable as rotations around three orthogonal axes, scapular plane and scapular rotation cannot increase elevation (120°)
ie. it has three degrees of freedom (p.498). Classically, flexion— obtainable in full flexion. If the fully flexed humerus is also abducted,
extension, abduction-adduction, circumduction and medial and lateral elevation increases pro rata until, when the humerus reaches the
rotation (p.500) are assigned to it. Laxity of the capsule, and a scapular plane, i.e. when true abduction is reached, 180° of elevation
becomes possible. In rotation, medial or lateral, the humerus revolves 631
humeral head which is large relative to the shallow glenoid fossa,

about one-quarter of a circle around a vertical axis; the range being humeral head and glenoid in correct alignment and resisting skid
greatest when the arm is pendent, least when it is vertical. When during active movements.
assessing the rotational range at the glenohumeral joint, the forearm Flexion: pectoralis major (clavicular part), deltoid (anterior fibres)
should be flexed to a right angle at the elbow, preventing mis- and coracobrachialis assisted by biceps. The sternocostal part of
interpretation due to superadded pronation or supination in the pectoralis major is a major force in flexion forwards to the coronal
pendent limb. In circumduction, a succession of the foregoing move- plane from full extension.
ments, the distal end of the humerus describes the base of a cone, Extension: deltoid (posterior fibres) and teres major, from the
its apex at the humeral head, but this glenohumeral movement can pendent position. When the fully flexed arm is extended against
be much increased by scapular movements; the combination is resistance, latissimus dorsi and the sternocostal part of pectoralis
exemplified in acts of slinging objects with force. major act powerfully until the arm reaches the coronal plane.
Because of the offset position of the humeral head relative to the Abduction: deltoid, but initially its effect is mainly upward and,
shaft’s longitudinal topographical axis, flexion and extension involve unless opposed, would so displace the humerus. Subscapularis,
almost pure ‘spins’ in the glenoid fossa (p. 505). Other movements infraspinatus and teres minor are the opposing force exerting down-
are an infinite variety of cardinal or arcuate swings or successions ward traction; these three and deltoid constitute a ‘couple’ to produce
of these (pp. 503, 505). abduction in the scapular plane. Supraspinatus assists in effecting
The peculiar relation of the long head of biceps to the shoulder and maintaining this movement but its precise role is controversial.
joint may serve several purposes. By its connection with both the Medial rotation: pectoralis major, deltoid (anterior fibres), lat-
shoulder and elbow the muscle harmonizes their actions as an elastic issimus dorsi, teres major and, with the arm pendent, subscapularis.
ligament during all their movements. It helps to prevent the humeral Lateral rotation: infraspinatus, deltoid (posterior fibres) and teres
head impinging on the acromion when deltoid contracts and to minor.
steady it in movements of the arm. In paralysis of supraspinatus it
may also help initiate abduction of the arm, particularly when the Clinical anatomy
humerus is laterally rotated. Good rotator muscle strength and intact glenohumeral ligaments are
Accessory movements. A wide range of accessory movements both required for normal shoulder stability, but owing to the joint’s
(p.509) occurs at the shoulder joint. The humeral head can be shallowness it is the most frequently dislocated, usually with the arm
translated in any direction relative to the glenoid fossa and, in abducted. In such cases the humeral head presses against and may
abduction when accessory movements are most free, the articular tear the antero-inferior aspect of the capsule, where it is thinnest
surface can be separated by traction. and least supported; dislocation being primarily subglenoid. (Further
degrees are subcoracoid and subclavicular.) If, after reduction,
Muscles producing movement abduction is prevented, dislocation cannot recur. In cases of trau-
The muscles producing movement may be divided into those acting matic anterior dislocation of the shoulder it is common for the
on the pectoral girdle and those acting on the glenohumeral joint. inferior glenohumeral ligament to be stretched (Spencer & Turkel
Muscles acting on the pectoral girdle. These are considered on 1981) or rendered dysfunctional by avulsion of its glenoid attachment
page 622. (Bigliani et al 1992), occurring as a consequence of detachment of
Muscles acting at the glenohumeral joint. Principally deltoid, the anterior and inferior glenoid labrum, thereby creating the typical
pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and teres major. All converge on Blankart lesion.
the humerus, acting at mechanical advantage on a joint which, owing If the shoulder joint ankyloses, loss of movement is partly com-
to glenoid shallowness and capsular laxity, is relatively unstable, a pensated by increased scapular mobility. When ankylosis is likely
condition counteracted by the short muscles attached nearer to it, the humerus should be positioned as if the palm were to be placed
viz. the ‘rotator cuff’ (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus on the back of the neck, i.e. abducted, to make full use of scapular
and teres minor), which function as postural muscles retaining the mobility.

a longitudinal osteotomy of the lateral

Shoulder joint replacement third of the clavicle (less than a third of
the width of the clavicle is detached; 6.221)
with the insertion of the anterior third of
Surgical replacement of the glenohumeral high molecular weight polyethylene, either deltoid. Retraction of deltoid must be
joint has become a routine procedure: fixed directly to bone with cement, or if done carefully because of the close prox-
results are improving as new designs of backed with metal, fixed with cement, or imity of the axillary nerve to its deep
prosthesis are introduced. Good results with screws (uncemented). surface: denervation of the anterior third
can be achieved when care is taken to The commonest indications for total of deltoid results in severely impaired
restore the anatomy of the joint during shoulder replacement are rheumatoid function and weak shoulder flexion.
the procedure. Shoulder replacement can arthritis (6.219) and osteoarthritis (6.220). The deep anterior part of the shoulder
be carried out as a hemiarthroplasty in A hemiarthroplasty is usually preferred is now exposed. Medially the conjoined
which the joint surface of the humerus for comminuted fractures of the neck and tendons (coracobrachialis and short head
only is replaced, or as a total arthroplasty head of the humerus, and as secondary of biceps) are left untouched, giving pro-
in which the glenoid surface is also procedures in mal-union and non-union tection to the musculocutaneous nerve.
replaced. of fractures. The interval between the lesser and greater
The metal humeral prosthesis usually Shoulder replacement is performed with tuberosities is identified by locating the
consists of a stem placed inside the med- the patient half-sitting: the “deckchair pos- tendon of the long head of biceps. The
ullary cavity and is either a one-piece or ition’. The skin incision extends from the shoulder joint is approached either by
modular (separate head and stem) pros- junction of the middle and lateral third of performing a tenotomy of the sub-
thesis: the stem may either be cemented to the clavicle to lateral and just distal to the scapularis tendon or by osteotomizing the
the bone or left uncemented, depending anterior axillary fold. The deltopectoral lesser tuberosity together with the sub-
on its design. Solid fixation of the glenoid groove is exposed and the cephalic vein is scapularis tendon.
component can be a problem due to the isolated; branches from deltoid are cau- The rotator cuff is now divided longi-
limited bone stock available, and conse- terized to allow the vein to be preserved tudinally from the superior border of the
quently numerous designs are available. and retracted medially. Deltoid is then bicipital groove towards the base of the
The prosthetic articular surface is ultra either retracted or reflected laterally, using coracoid process, in the rotator interval



(junction between the supraspinatus and

subscapular tendons). The subscapularis
tendon is reflected medially, the joint
exposed and dislocated anteriorly: in the
osteoarthritic shoulder the presence of
osteophytes, mainly on the inferior, but
also on the posterior border of the
humeral joint surface, as well as on the
glenoid, may cause difficulties in dis-
locating the joint. The humeral head is
cut in the anteroposterior plane using the
angles devised for the prosthesis: ana-
tomically the humeral head is retroverted
some 30° with respect to the intercondylar
plane of the elbow, to allow optimal
rotational movement of the joint depends
on this retroversion.
For total joint replacement, the glenoid
surface, which is often severely worn and
has formed osteophytes, is then prepared.
In refacing the glenoid, its normal plane
(at a right angle to the plane of the blade
of the scapula and facing laterally) must
be recreated. When removing inferior
osteophytes from the humeral head or
lower pole of the glenoid, the axillary
nerve should, as a routine, be protected
by a retractor inserted between the joint
os tet , , capsule and the muscles. Having prepared
6.219 Shoulder with rheumatoid arthritis. Typical degenerated bone tissue with cysts the glenoid surface the prosthesis is
and wear is apparent. The humeral head has moved medially, and due to proximal wear inserted using the technique applicable to
of the glenoid, has also subluxed upwards, causing impingement. The rotator cuff is in the type of prosthesis used.
severadanger: Due to the restricted movement usually
present prior to surgery, the rotator cuff
tendons are usually found to be retracted
and shortened. To restore movement they
need to be mobilized: the subscapularis
tendon, in particular, should be mobilized
from the anterior surface of the scapula.
The medullary canal of the humerus
is now reamed, and the prosthetic stem
inserted, with or without cement. The cut
surface of the humerus should be well
covered by the head of the prosthesis;
however, the prosthesis head should not
extend beyond the cut surface of the
humeral head, as this will cause anterior
and posterior impingement on the rotator
cuff tendons. Proximally, the head should
be flush with the superior margin of the
greater tuberosity: if it is lower then
impingement of the tuberosity against the
acromion will occur; if it is higher, the
rotator cuff tents over the rim of the head
and will wear against the acromion.
As the shoulder is an unconstrained
joint stability is predominantly dependent
on the soft tissues, which should be tight
and in balance: if too tight, movement will
be reduced; if too loose, the shoulder can
become unstable. As well as selecting and
inserting | appropriate components,
additional soft tissue releases may be
needed to achieve a satisfactory result.
Insertion of the glenoid component with
the correct inferior tilt creates a good
6.220 Shoulder with osteoarthritis. Inferior osteophytes on the head are typical, as is subacromial space, preventing impinge-
the loss of cartilage indicated by the direct bony contact between the head of the humerus ment under the acromion during elevation
and the glenoid. The bone quality is good, as is usually the condition of the soft tissues. of the arm.
When closing wounds the subscapularis




6.221, B. Clavicular osteotomy. Osteotomy of a bony bar, together with the insertion of the anterior third of deltoid, gives easy access to
the shoulder joint and allows solid reattachment of the muscle.

tendon is repaired with non-absorbable

heavy sutures: if osteotomy has been per-
formed transosseous sutures are used. The
rotator interval is closed, and the pros-
thesis is completely covered by the re-
paired rotator cuff. If a clavicular oste-
otomy has been used, deltoid and the bar
of bone are reattached with resorbable
sutures using a cerclage-technique around
the clavicle. The deltopectoral groove is
closed with a few interrupted sutures to
avoid a permanent gap; the subcuticular
tissues and skin are closed in the usual
The joint replacement (6.222) so per-
formed should allow immediate rehabili-
tation to take place. Shoulder
immobilization, even for short periods of
time, is a well-known cause of restriction
of movement, particularly in the recently
operated shoulder where the different
layers of tissues may unite and the necess-
ary sliding movement in the subacromial
space is lost.

6.222 X-ray after total shoulder replacement. A biomodular, total shoulder prosthesis
(Biomet Inc.) in a previously osteoarthritic shoulder. A wide subacromial gap is recreated:
the overall alignment of the components resembles that of the original joint surfaces.


Triceps brachii

Trochlear notch ‘Subcutaneous area, covered by



Flexor digitorum

Pronator teres,
ulnar head
Supinator Anconeus

Flexor pollicis longus,
occasional head

Flexor digitorum
=< (oblique line)
Abductor pollicis longus

Posterior border, to which is

attached an aponeurosis
common to:
Flexor digitorum Extensor carpi ulnaris
profundus Flexor carpi ulnaris
Pronator teres Flexor digitorum profundus

Pronator teres

Extension of
attachments Extensor pollicis longus
on to inter-
osseous Flexor pollicis
membrane longus Extensor pollicis brevis

Extensor indicis

Grooves for:
i>— Pronator quadratus
Extensor digitorum
and extensor indicis

Extensor pollicis longus

Extensor carpi Styloid process

Brachioradialis radialis brevis
Styloid process-—
Extensor carpi Groove for extensor carpi ulnaris
Styloid process radialis longus

6.223 The left radius and ulna: a. Anterior aspect; 8. Posterior aspect;
c. Transverse section viewed from above showing the attachment of the
interosseous membrane.
Anterior border Anterior border

Radius Ulna

The radius (6.223), lateral in the forearm, has expanded proximal Posterior border Posterior border
and distal ends, the distal much the broader. The shaft widens
rapidly towards its distal end, is convex laterally and concave
anteriorly in its distal part.
The proximal end
It includes a head, neck and tuberosity. The head is discoid, its

Groove for extensor pollicis longus ligament’s narrower, distal part, separated by a synovial protrusion
from the superior radioulnar joint.
Groove for extensor carpi ulnaris The posterior area of the tuberosity is marked by the biceps
Dorsal tubercle
tendon, but the latter is separated from a smooth anterior area by a
Styloid process of bursa, distal to which the oblique cord is attached.
ulna Proximally on the anterior border the thin, wide radial head of
flexor digitorum superficialis is attached, and to its conspicuous
distal part the lateral edge of the extensor retinaculum. The small,
Area for attachment ‘Styloid process of triangular area proximal to the ulnar notch is for the deepest part
of triangular articular radius
of pronator quadratus.
The proximal two-thirds of the anterior surface provides an exten-
Area in contact with triangular sive area for flexor pollicis longus, which conceals the nutrient
ariyeier Ore For scaphoid bone foramen; the distal quarter is for pronator quadratus. A rough area
For lunate bone on the Jateral surface, midway at its maximal curvature, is for
pronator teres. Proximally, the /ateral surface widens, encroaching
6.224 The inferior aspect of the distal ends of the right radius and ulna.
on the anterior and posterior, into a long V-shaped area (6.223) for
supinator. Distal to pronator teres, the lateral surface is covered by
tendons of the radial extensors. Proximally on the posterior surface
proximal surface a shallow cup for the humeral capitulum. Its abductor pollicis longus is attached and, more distally, extensor
smooth articular periphery is vertically deepest medially, where it pollicis brevis. The remaining surface is devoid of attachments but
contracts the ulnar radial notch. Its posterior surface is palpable in covered by the long and short extensors of the thumb.
a small depression on the lateral side of the back of the extended The radial styloid process projects beyond that of the ulna, its
elbow. The neck is the constriction distal to the head, which over- apex concealed by the tendons of abductor pollicis longus and
hangs it, especially on the lateral side. The tuberosity is distal to the extensor pollicis brevis. The carpal lateral ligament is attached to its
medial part of the neck; it is posteriorly rough but anteriorly usually tip. The /ateral surface, near the styloid, receives brachioradialis and
smooth. is crossed obliquely, downwards and forwards, by the tendons of
abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis. The terminal
Shaft ridge on the anterior surface of the lower end is an attachment for
This has a lateral convexity, in section triangular (6.223c), but only the palmar radiocarpal ligament. To a smooth ridge distal to the
its interosseous border is sharp, except proximally, near the tuberosity; ulnar notch the base of the triangular articular disc of the inferior
distally it is the posterior margin of a small, elongated, triangular radioulnar joint is attached. From the latter, a narrow protrusion of
area, proximal to the ulnar notch, the two areas forming a so-called synovial membrane extends proximally anterior to the lower end of
medial surface. To its distal three-fourths the interosseous membrane the interosseous membrane (p. 646). The lateral part of the carpal
is attached, connecting radius to ulna. The anterior border is obvious articular surface articulates with the scaphoid and the medial part
at both ends but rounded and indefinite between them. It descends with the lateral part of the lunate; in full adduction the latter’s
laterally from the anterolateral part of the tuberosity as the anterior proximal surface is wholly in contact with the radius.
oblique line, distally a sharp, palpable crest along the lateral margin The radial dorsal tubercle receives a slip from the extensor reti-
of the anterior surface. The posterior border is well defined only naculum and is grooved medially by the tendon of extensor pollicis
in its middle third; proximally it ascends medially towards the longus. The wide groove lateral to the tubercle contains the tendons
posteroinferior part of the tuberosity; distally it is merely a rounded of extensor carpi radialis longus laterally, extensor carpi radialis
ridge. The anterior surface, between anterior and interosseous brevis medially and their synovial sheaths. Medially the dorsal
borders, is concave transversely and shows a distal forward curvature. surface is grooved by the tendons of extensor digitorum, but extensor
Near its midpoint is a proximally directed nutrient foramen and indicis and the posterior interosseous nerve separate these from the
canal. The posterior surface, between interosseous and posterior bone. Attached to the distal margin of this surface is the dorsal
borders, is largely flat but may be slightly hollow in the proximal radiocarpal ligament.
area. The Jateral surface is gently convex; proximally, due to the Ossification. The radius ossifies from three centres, in the shaft,
obliquity of the anterior and posterior borders, it encroaches on the appearing centrally in the eighth week, and in each end (6.225, 226).
anterior and posterior aspects and is here slightly rough. A finely Near the end of the first postnatal year ossification begins in the
irregular oval area occurs near the midshaft; beyond this the surface distal epiphysis, and in the proximal at the fourth year in females,
is smooth. fifth in males. The proximal fuses in the fourteenth year in females,
seventeenth in males, the distal in the seventeenth and nineteenth
The distal end years respectively. A fourth centre sometimes appears in the tuber-
The widest part, it is four-sided in section. Its Jateral surface is osity about the fourteenth or fifteenth year.
slightly rough, projecting distally as a styloid process palpable when
tendons around it are slack. Distal (6.224) is the smooth carpal
articular surface, divided by a ridge into medial and lateral areas,
the medial quadrangular, the lateral triangular and curving on to The ulna (6.223, 224) is medial to the radius in the supinated forearm.
the styloid process. The anterior surface is a thick, prominent ridge, Its proximal end is a massive hook (6.227), concave forwards. The
palpable even through overlying tendons, 2cm proximal to the shaft’s lateral border is a sharp (interosseous) crest. The bone
thenar eminence. The medial surface is the ulnar notch, smooth, diminishes progressively from its proximal mass throughout almost
anteroposteriorly concave for articulation with the ulna’s head. The its whole length, but at its distal end expands into a small rounded
posterior surface displays a palpable dorsal tubercle, limited medially head and styloid process. The shaft is triangular in section but has
by an oblique groove and in line with the cleft between the index no appreciable double curve. In its whole length it is slightly convex
and middle fingers. A wide, shallow groove, lateral to it, is divided posteriorly; but mediolaterally its profile is sinuous; the proximal
by a faint vertical ridge. A similar but undivided groove is medial half has a slight laterally concave curvature, the distal half a medially
to the tubercle. concave curvature.

Further details The proximal end

The proximal articular surface of the radial head and its circumference The proximal end (6.227) has large olecranon and coronoid processes
are covered by hyaline cartilage, the upper rim (margin) of the latter and trochlear and radial notches articulating with the humerus and
fitting the groove between the capitulum and trochlea and invading radius. The olecranon, more proximal, is bent forwards at its summit
the radial fossa in flexion. The articular circumference joints with like a beak, which enters the humeral olecranon fossa in extension.
the ulnar radial notch and annular ligament, within which it rotates Its posterior surface is smooth, triangular and subcutaneous, its
636 in pronation and supination. The radial neck is enclosed by the proximal border being the elbow’s ‘point’. In extension it can be felt

Joins shaft at
I4-17 years

At 4th-5th At 18th
year year

Epiphysial lines

Joins shaft at
I7-I9 years

6.225a. Stages in the ossification of the radius (not to scale); 8. The

epiphyseal lines of the adolescent left radius, anterior aspect. The attach-
ment of the wrist joint capsule is in blue.
Attachment [B]
of capsule ;
of wrist radiocarpal joint

neara line joining the humeral epicondyles, but in flexion it descends, The posterior surface (6.2238), between the posterior and interosseous
the three osseous points forming an isosceles triangle. Its anterior, borders, is divided into three areas, the most proximal limited by a
articular surface forms the proximal area of the trochlear notch. Its sometimes faint oblique line ascending laterally from the junction of
base is slightly constricted where it joins the shaft and narrowest the middle and upper thirds of the posterior border to the posterior
part of the proximal ulna. The coronoid process projects anteriorly end of the radial notch (6.227). The region distal to this line is
distal to the olecranon, its proximal aspect forming the distal part divided into a larger medial and narrower lateral strip by a vertical
of the trochlear notch, distal to which, on the lateral surface, is a ridge, usually distinct only in its proximal three-fourths.
shallow smooth, oval radial notch for articulation with the radial The distal end
head. Distal to this the surface is hollow to accommodate the radial
tuberosity during pronation and supination. The coronoid’s anterior The distal end, a little expanded, has a head and styloid process.
surface is triangular, its distal part being the tuberosity of the ulna. The head is visible in pronation on the posteromedial carpal aspect
Its medial border is sharp and bears a small tubercle proximally. and can be gripped when the supinated hand is flexed. Its lateral
The trochlear notch articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. convex articular surface fits the radial ulnar notch. Its smooth distal
It is constricted at the junction of the olecranon and coronoid surface (6.224) is separated from the carpus by an articular disc, the
processes, where their articular surfaces may be separated by a apex of which is attached to a rough area between the articular
narrow rough non-articular strip. A smooth ridge, adapted to the surface and styloid process. The latter, a short, round, posterolateral
humeral trochlea’s groove, divides the notch into medial and lateral projection of the ulna’s distal end, is palpable (most readily in
parts, the medial fitting to the trochlear flange. The radial notch supination) about 1 cm proximal to the plane of the radial styloid.
(6.227), an oval or oblong proximal depression on the lateral aspect A posterior vertical groove is present between the head and styloid
of the coronoid, articulates with the periphery of the radial head, process.
separated from the trochlear notch by a smooth ridge.
Further details
The shaft To the proximal olecranon surface, anteriorly, is attached the elbow
The shaft is triangular in section (6.223c) in its proximal three- joint capsule, and to its rough posterior two-thirds the tendon of
fourths, but distally almost cylindrical. It has anterior, posterior and triceps; these may be separated by a smooth bursal area. Its medial
medial surfaces and interosseous, posterior and anterior borders. surface is marked proximally by attachment of the posterior and
The interosseous border is a conspicuous lateral crest in its middle oblique bands of the ulnar collateral ligament and ulnar part of
two-fourths. Proximally continuous with the posterior border of a flexor carpi ulnaris. The smooth area distal to this is the most
depression distal to the radial notch as the supinator crest, it dis- proximal attachment of flexor digitorum profundus. To the lateral
appears distally. The rounded anterior border commences medial to olecranon surface, and the adjoining posterior surface of the ulnar
the ulnar tuberosity, descending backwards and usually traceable to shaft as far as its oblique line (6.2238, 227), anconeus is attached. Its
the base of the styloid process. The posterior border, also rounded, posterior surface is separated from the skin by a subcutaneous bursa.
descends from the apex of the olecranon’s posterior aspect, curving To the anterior surface of the coronoid process, including the ulnar
laterally to reach the styloid process. It is palpable throughout in a tuberosity, brachialis is attached. To a small tubercle at the proximal
longitudinal furrow most obvious with the elbow in full flexion. end of the medial border are attached the oblique and anterior bands
The anterior surface (6.223a), between the interosseous and anterior of the ulnar collateral ligament and the distal part of the humero-
borders, is longitudinally grooved, sometimes deeply. Proximal to ulnar slip of flexor digitorum superficialis. Distal to this the margin
its midpoint is a nutrient foramen, directed proximally and containing provides attachment for the ulnar part of pronator teres. An ulnar
a branch of the anterior interosseous artery. Distally, it is crossed part of flexor pollicis longus may be attached to the lateral or, more
obliquely by a rough, variable prominence, descending from the rarely, the medial border of the coronoid process (Martin 1958); to
interosseous to the anterior border. The medial surface, between the its medial surfac2 are attached fibres of flexor digitorum profundus.
To the anterior rim of the radial notch the annular ligament is 637
anterior and posterior borders, is transversely convex and smooth.





5 es

/ amee

6.226. Anteroposterior radiograph of the forearm of a girl aged 11.

1. Proximal radial epiphysis. 2. Conjoined epiphyses of capitulum and
lateral epicondyle. 3. Epiphysis of medial epicondyle. 4. Diaphysial bone.
5. Trochlear epiphysis. 6. Cartilaginous growth plates. 7. Distal ulnar
epiphysis. 8. Distal radial epiphysis. 8. Lateral radiograph of forearm of a
girl of 11 years, semiflexed at the elbow. Note following epiphyses and
adjacent radiotranslucent growth cartilages: 1. Olecranon. 2. Proximal radial.
3. Distal radial. 4. Distal ulnar.

Olecranon at

Non-articular strip
in trochlear notch

Coronoid 5th-6th gth-11th 6th

process year year year

Radial notch birth



Supinator crest

-Joins shaft
Supinator surface at 17th-18th year

Oblique line on
posterior surface

Vertical ridge

Interosseous border

Posterior border

6.227 The proximal end of the left ulna: lateral aspect.

Capsular Epiphysial lines

attached and posteriorly to a ridge at or just behind the notch’s attachments
posterior margin. The depressed area distal to the notch is limited
behind by the supinator crest, both providing attachment for supin-
The olecranonic area of the trochlear notch is usually divided into
three areas: the most medial faces anteromedially, and is grooved to
fit the medial flange of the humeral trochlea with which it makes
increasing contact during flexion; a flat intermediate area fits the
lateral flange and the most lateral, a narrow strip, abuts the trochlea
but only in extension (p. 625). The articular surface is narrower than
the olecranon’s base; resulting non-articular parts are related to the 6.228a. Stages in the ossification of the ulna. The diagram is simplified in
relation to the ossification of the olecranon epiphysis, which is said to have
synovial processes (see 6.230). The coronoid area of the trochlear
two centres (see Porteous 1960 and the text); 8. The epiphyseal lines of the
notch is also divided, its medial and lateral areas corresponding to adolescent left ulna, lateral aspect. The attachment of the joint capsules is
medial and intermediate olecranonic areas. The medial is hollower, in blue.
conforming to the convex medial trochlear flange (p.625); to its
medial and anterior borders, the medial and anterior parts of the
capsular ligament are attached.
To the subcutaneous posterior border is attached the deep fascia strip between the interosseous border and vertical ridge is for three
of the forearm, which is also, in its proximal three-quarters, an deep muscles: abductor pollicis longus from the proximal fourth,
aponeurotic attachment for flexor digitorum profundus; in its proxi- and (with a ridge sometimes interposed) from the succeeding fourth
mal half it is another attachment for flexor carpi ulnaris and, in its for extensor pollicis longus; extensor indicis is attached to the third
middle third, for extensor carpi ulnaris. These muscles thus connect quarter. The broad strip medial to the vertical ridge is merely covered
with the posterior border through a common blended aponeurosis. by extensor carpi ulnaris, whose tendon grooves the posterior aspect
To the interosseous border, except proximally, is attached the inter- of the ulna’s distal end. The ulnar collateral ligament is attached to
osseous membrane. To the proximal three-fourths of the anterior the apex of the styloid process.
border flexor digitorum profundus is attached. For an account of ulnar vascularization consult Fischer et al
The anterior surface, in its proximal three-fourths, is for flexor (1974).
digitorum profundus, as are the anterior border and medial surface, Ossification
ascending medial to the coronoid process and olecranon. The rough
strip across the distal fourth of the anterior surface is an attachment The ulna ossifies from four main centres, one each in the shaft and
of pronator quadratus. Anconeus is attached to the posterior surface distal end and two in the olecranon (6.228). Ossification begins in
the midshaft about the eighth fetal week, extending rapidly. In the 639
proximal to the oblique line and lateral to the olecranon. The narrow





6.2294. Synovial cavity of the left elbow joint, partially distended: anterior B. Synovial cavity of the left elbow joint, partially distended: posterior aspect
aspect. The fibrous capsule of the elbow joint has been removed but the of the specimen represented in a. In A and B a small part of the ulnar (medial)
thick part of the annular ligament has been left in situ. Note that the synovial collateral ligament may be seen. (Originally drawn from a specimen prepared
membrane descends below the lower border of the annular ligament. by JCB Grant.)

fifth (females) and sixth (males) years a centre appears in the distal coronoid parts of the trochlear notch are usually separated by a
end, extending into the styloid process. The distal olecranon is rough strip, devoid of articular cartilage and covered by fibro-
ossified as an extension from the shaft, the remainder from two adipose tissue and synovial membrane. The capitulum and the radial
centres, one for the proximal trochlear surface, and a thin scale-like head are reciprocally curved; closest contact occurs with a semiflexed
proximal epiphysis on its summit (Porteous 1960). The latter appears radius in midpronation. The rim of the head, more prominent
in the ninth year in females, eleventh in males; the whole proximal medially, fits the groove between humeral capitulum and trochlea.
epiphysis has joined the shaft by the fourteenth year in females, Since the humeroulnar and humeroradial articulations form a
sixteenth in males. The distal epiphysis unites with the shaft in the largely uniaxial joint, ligaments are capsular and ulnar and radial
seventeenth year in females, eighteenth in males. collateral.
Fibrous capsule
The fibrous capsule (6.231, 232) is anteriorly broad and thin, attaches
The elbow joint (6.229, 230) includes two articulations: proximally to the front of the medial epicondyle and humerus above
the coronoid and radial fossae, and distally to the edge of the ulnar
e humeroulnar, between the trochlea of the humerus and the ulnar
trochlear notch ; coronoid process and annular ligament (p. 645), being continuous at
e humeroradial, between the capitulum of the humerus and the radial its sides with the ulnar and radial collateral ligaments. Anteriorly it
head. receives numerous fibres from brachialis. Posteriorly the capsule is
thin and attached to the humerus behind its capitulum and near its
It is hence a compound synovial joint. Its complexity is increased by lateral trochlear margin, to all but the lower part of the olecranon
continuity with the superior radioulnar joint. fossa’s edge and to the back of the medial epicondyle. Inferomedially
The articular surfaces are the humeral trochlea and capitulum, it reaches the olecranon’s superior and lateral margins and is laterally
and the ulnar trochlear notch and radial head. The trochlea is not a continuous with the superior radioulnar capsule deep to the annular
simple pulley as its medial flange exceeds its lateral, thus projecting ligament (p. 645). It is related posteriorly to the tendon of triceps
to a lower level so that the plane of the joint, about 2cm distal to and to anconeus.
the interepicondylar line, is tilted inferomedially; the trochlea is also The synovial membrane (6.229, 231). It extends from the humeral
widest posteriorly and here its lateral edge is sharp. The trochlear articular margins, lines the coronoid, radial and olecranon fossae,
notch is not wholly congruent with it; in full extension the medial the flat medial trochlear surface, the capsule’s deep surface and the
part of its upper (olecranon) half is not in contact with the trochlea lower part of the annular ligament. Projecting between the radius
and a corresponding lateral strip loses contact in flexion. The trochlea and ulna from behind is a crescentic synovial fold, partly dividing
has an asymmetrical sellar surface, largely concave transversely, the joint into humeroradial and humeroulnar parts; irregularly tri-
convex anteroposteriorly; sections show that these profiles are com- angular, it contains extra synovial fat (6.233). Between the capsule
pounded spirals. Consequently swing is accompanied (as in all hinge and synovial membrane are three other pads of fat: the largest, at
640 joints) by screwing and conjunct rotation (p.505). Olecranon and the olecranon fossa, is pressed into it by triceps during flexion; the

Olecranon fossa

Padof fat

Coronoid fossa

Pad of fat

Articular cartilage

Articular capsule

6.231 Sagittal section through the left elbow joint: medial aspect. The
synovial membrane is shown in blue.

Ulnar collateral ligament

The ulnar collateral ligament is a triangular band, with thick anterior,
posterior and inferior parts united by a thin region (6.232a). The
strongest and stiffest anterior part is attached by its apex to the front
of the medial epicondyle and by its broad distal base to a proximal
tubercle on the medial coronoid margin. The posterior part, also
triangular, is attached low on the back of the medial epicondyle
and to the olecranon’s medial margin. Between these two bands
intermediate fibres descend from the medial epicondyle to an inferior,
oblique band, often weak, between the olecranon and coronoid
processes, converting a depression on the medial margin of the
trochlear notch into a foramen, by which the intracapsular fat pad
is continuous with extracapsular fat medial to the joint. The anterior
band is taught throughout most of the range of flexion, while the
posterior band becomes taut between half and full flexion (Regan et
al 1991).
The ulnar collateral ligament is related to triceps, flexor carpi
ulnaris and the ulnar nerve. Along it, anteriorly, the attachment of
flexor digitorum superficialis extends from the medial epicondyle to
the medial coronoid border.
6.230 Anteroposterior (a) and lateral (8) radiographs of an adult elbow
| joint. The joint is semiflexed in B. Radial collateral ligament
A. 1. Medial humeral epicondyle. 2. Shadow of olecranon superimposed
on trochlea. 3. Olecranon fossa. 4. Lateral epicondyle. 5. Capitulum.
The radial collateral ligament (6.2328) is attached low on the lateral
6. Humeroradial joint. 7. Head of radius. 8. Radial tuberosity. 9. Radial epicondyle and to the annular ligament, some of its posterior fibres
head articulating with radial notch of ulna. 10. Humeroulnar joint. crossing the ligament to the proximal end of the ulna’s supinator
B. 1. Head of radius. 2. Profile of capitulum. 3. Profile of trochlea. crest. It is intimately blended with attachments of supinator and
4. Olecranon. extensor carpi radialis brevis. It is taut throughout most of the range
of flexion (Regan et al 1991).
Muscles related to the joint
Muscles related to the joint are: (in front) brachialis, (behind) triceps
other two, at the coronoid and radial fossae, are pressed in by and anconeus, (laterally) supinator and the common extensor tendon,
brachialis during extension. They are all slightly displaced in contrary and (medially) the common flexor tendon and flexor carpi ulnaris.
movements. Smaller synovial-covered tags of fat project into the
joint near constrictions flanking the trochlear notch (p. 637), covering Vessels and nerve supply to the joint
small non-articular areas of bone. Articular arteries are from the numerous periarticular anastomoses 641

Tuberosity of ligament

6.232 The left elbow joint; a. Medial aspect; 8. Lateral aspect.

Radial collateral

(10.102). Articular nerves are mainly from the musculocutaneous and facet, the head of the radius can be felt at the back of the joint in
radial, but the ulnar, median and sometimes anterior interosseous full extension, which is limited by tension in the capsule and muscles
nerves also contribute. The musculocutaneous branch is from the anterior to the joint (extension being the close-packed position) and
nerve to brachialis and innervates an anterior part of the capsule; the entry of the tip of the olecranon into the olecranon fossa; flexion
branches of the radial supply its posterior and anterolateral regions is limited chiefly by apposition of soft parts; in full flexion the rim
and come from the nerve to anconeus and the ulnar collateral branch of the radial head and the tip of the ulnar coronoid process enter
to the medial head of triceps. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar the radial and coronoid fossae of the humerus respectively.
collateral ligament behind the medial epicondyle (Gardner 1948b). When the forearm is fully extended and supinated, it diverges
These articular nerves accompany blood vessels supplying the syn- laterally forming with the upper arm a ‘carrying angle’ of about
ovial membrane, fat pads and epiphyses; they presumably contain 163° (Steel & Tomlinson 1958); its ulnar. border cannot contact the
vasomotor fibres as well as afferent fibres serving pain and pro- lateral surface of the thigh. The ‘carrying angle’ is caused partly by
prioception. Es projection of the medial trochlear edge about 6 mm beyond its lateral
edge and partly by obliquity of the coronoid’s superior articular
surface, which is not orthogonal to the ulna’s shaft. Tilt of the
Being a uniaxial joint the elbow allows flexion and extension, ulna humeral and ulnar articular surfaces is approximately equal; hence
moving on the trochlea, radial head on the capitulum. However, the carrying angle disappears in full flexion, the two bones reaching
ulnar flexion-extension is not a pure swing but accompanied by the same plane. When the adducted arm is flexed the little finger
slight conjunct rotation, the ulna being slightly pronated in extension, meets the clavicle, due to the position of the resting humerus (p. 631);
supinated in flexion. Since the capitulum is smaller than the radial with the humerus rotated laterally, the hand reaches the front of the

Superficial group
of flexor muscles

Coronoid part
of trochlear Radial and posterior
notch nterosseous

Ulnar collat-
eral ligament


Annular ligament

Flexor carpi
ulnaris Common extensor tendon
Head of radius
Intracapsular fat tags Anconeus

6.233 Transverse section of the right elbow joint to show the relations of
the joint: superior aspect. Note the intracapsular fat ‘tags’ with meniscoid
642 transverse-sectional profiles.

Muscles producing movement

shoulder. The carrying angle is also masked by pronation of the
extended forearm, which brings the upper arm, semipronated forearm Flexion: brachialis, biceps and brachioradialis. In slow flexion or its
and hand into line, increasing manual precision in full extension of maintenance against gravity, brachialis and biceps are principally
the elbow or during extension. involved, even for light loads. With increasing speed, activity in
brachioradialis is increasingly prominent (MacConaill 1949; Bas-
Accessory movements. These are limited to slight ulnar screw-
ing, abduction and adduction, and anteroposterior translation of majian 1959); due to its attachments it acts most effectively in
the radial head on the humeral capitulum. In translation the radial midpronation. Against resistance pronator teres and flexor carpi
head moves on the ulnar radial notch and the annular ligaments radialis may also act.
are slewed backwards and forwards, more so when the elbow is Extension: triceps, anconeus and gravity. In rapid extension
semiflexed. brachioradialis may again be active.

Excision arthroplasty—current
practice and status
Excision arthroplasty of the elbow was
first successfully performed in 1797 by
Moreau in Paris. During the following
century the technique became well estab-
lished in the surgical repertoire, being dis-
cussed in great detail by Ollier in 1988.
Today excision arthroplasty remains the
preferred option in many centres.
Over the years the original radical exci-
sion has been modified to a more ana-
tomical re-contouring of the joint,
frequently supplemented by the intro-
duction of an interpositional membrane.
Historically a variety of materials have
been tried; currently the most frequently
used are fascia lata, dura mater or skin.
Evidence from the literature suggests
that provided excision arthroplasties are
performed on patients younger than 50
with good musculature, satisfactory pain
relief and a useful range of movement can 6.234 Radiographs of excision arthroplasty immediately after surgery and 18 months
be achieved in 50-70% of cases (Knight & later. Note the degree of bone resorption which has occurred leading to complete dis-
location of the pseudarthrosis.
van Zandt 1952). The largest clientele for
arthroplasty, at present, are patients
suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. For
them, however, excision arthroplasty has ing danger of grossly comminuted frac- (1) Linked prostheses, based on a hinge
serious limitations: although marked pain tures of the thinned and ballooned distal mechanism, conferring great stability.
relief and a useful range of movement can humeral shaft, became apparent, Hinge design has improved through the
be achieved, joint stability is often poor especially in the event of a fall (Dee 1977; use of longer stems, the introduction of
due to a lack of muscle power to stabilize Souter 1977). high density polyethylene (HDP) bushing,
the pseudarthrosis. Moreover, such and the incorporation of flanges or metal
Reasons for failure shells to resist torsional and antero-
patients appear to’ be liable to develop
further bone resorption such that an Surprisingly high forces are transmitted posterior forces. Several degrees of
initially satisfactory arthroplasty may across the elbow; however, it is not the freedom of movement have been intro-
become completely dislocated (Hurri et al compressive loads which are most likely duced into the hinge mechanism with
1964; Souter 1990; 6.234). Because of these to cause loosening of any constrained regard to valgus/varus and axial move-
problems the development of total replace- implant, but rather a combination of the ments to allow the ligaments to resist some
ment arthroplasty of the elbow has been of torsional forces generated during ordinary of the stresses. Such prostheses (Inglis &
considerable interest over the last 25 years. daily activities and the anteroposterior Pellicci 1980; Gschwend et al 1988;
force vectors, which are constantly revers- Morrey & Adams 1992) appear to be
Metallic hinge arthroplasty—early ing during any cycle of elbow movement achieving good success (6.235).
failures (Nicol et al 1977; Amis et al 1981; (2) Unlinked prostheses use designs
The first total elbow replacement (a met- Morrey & Brian 1985). approaching the normal anatomy of the
allic hinge) was reported by Boerema and humeroulnar joint and rely to a large
Development and classification of degree on the collateral ligaments and
de Waard (1942), following which hemi-
and total arthroplasty for individual current prostheses other soft tissues for stability (Souter 1990;
During the last two decades prosthetic Kudo & Iwano 1990; Ewald et al 1993;
patients were developed. Real interest,
however, developed in the late 1960s with designs and methods of fixation which 6.236). Preservation of the collateral liga-
the advent of cemented metallic hinge successfully resist displacing forces have ments is therefore of great importance for
prostheses. Early results were successful been developed. The resulting variety of the success of most types of unlinked
but soon unacceptably high levels of prostheses can be classified into two main elbow arthroplasty.
humeral loosening, with the accompany- groups:

during closure may produce puckering and

tightness in the ligament inducing an
Osborne lesion: routine release of the
arcuate ligament greatly diminishes the
incidence of ulnar neuritis.
Other significant problems accompany-
ing total elbow replacement are dis-
location or disassembly of the joint
mechanism, infection and aseptic loos-
ening. However, these problems can each
be contained within an incidence of 3-4%:
such complications often overlap so that
revision rates as low as 5—6% are currently
reported. This appears to be an acceptable
level of performance to establish total joint
replacement as the treatment of choice for
grade 4 erosions of the elbow or even
6.235 GSB III linked prosthesis incorporating a sloppy hinge mechanism and projecting perhaps for late grade 3.
metal shells to fit over the residual humeral condyles to provide resistance to torsional
and anteroposterior forces.
Conclusions with regard to
current status and applications of
total elbow replacement
Following the improved results of elbow
replacement in the management of rheu-
Results unlinked techniques aiming to restore the matoid disease, the operation is now
For both the newer linked and unlinked normal anatomy of the humeroulnar joint. increasingly used in the management of
prostheses survivorship at 10 years is Such operations result in a reversal of trauma, juvenile chronic arthritis, and
similar to that of hip and knee replace- the proximal migration of the ulna which some skeletal dysplasias. With many of
ment. Relief of pain and the recovery inevitably follows severe erosion of the the post-traumatic problems collateral
of movement especially flexion, pronation trochlea. Thus in the immediate post- ligament support has been lost and linked
and supination has been very satisfactory; operative period the ulnar nerve may be prostheses become essential: this is also
the recovery of extension, however, has _ subjected to significant stretch, the effect the case for much revision surgery.
been less satisfactory (Inglis & Pellicci of which may be increased by pressure No single implant can provide an ideal
1980; Gschwend et al 1988; Souter 1990; from the arcuate ligament between the two solution for all problems; however, with a
Kudo & Iwano 1990; Morrey & Adams heads of flexor carpi ulnaris, which itself variety of endoprostheses or a graduated
1992; Ewald et al 1993). will have been made tighter by the distal system of implants comprising both linked
displacement of the ulna. Moreover, and unlinked joints, the entire spectrum
Complications during exposure, the arcuate ligament and of elbow pathology, including tumours,
Ulnar neuritis can be an annoying post- ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris are are now amenable to reconstructive
operative complication, especially with detached from the coronoid. Resuture surgery.

6.236 Souter-Strathclyde unlinked prosthesis with radiographs components cemented in position. Note the anatomically contoured
articular surfaces of the trochlea and the stirrup fixation within the humeral condyles and supracondylar ridges.

Coronoid part of
trochlear notch

Neck of
radius ligament

Tendon of.


Olecranon Radial notch

6.237 Distal socket of the superior radioulnar joint. The radial neck is
transected and its head withdrawn. The socket consists of the chondrified
aspect of the annular ligament, the articular cartilage of the radial notch of
the ulna and the lax almost retiform quadrate ‘ligament’. Section at the Interosseous
olecranon’s base reveals, anteriorly, the sellar articular surface of the membrane
coronoid part of the trochlear notch (humeroulnar joint).

The radius and ulna articulate by synovial superior (proximal) and OS
inferior (distal) radioulnar joints and by an intermediate interosseous
membrane and ligament, a non-synovial middle radioulnar union.
The superior (proximal) radioulnar joint
The superior radioulnar joint is a uniaxial pivot between the cir- Aperture for
cumference of the radial head and the fibro-osseous ring made by interosseous
the ulnar radial notch and annular ligament. vessels
Annular ligament (6.232, 237). A strong band, it encircles the
radial head, holding it against the ulna’s radial notch. Forming
about four-fifths of the ring, it is attached to the notch’s anterior
margin, broadens posteriorly and may divide into several bands and
is attached to a rough ridge at or behind the notch’s posterior
margin; diverging bands may also reach the lateral margin of the Distal
trochlear notch above and proximal end of the supinator crest below. radio-ulnar
The proximal annular border blends with the elbow joint capsule,
except posteriorly where the capsule passes deep to the ligament to
reach the posterior and inferior margins of the radial notch. From Palmar radiocarpal
the distal annular border a few fibres pass over reflected synovial ligament (cut)
membrane to attach loosely on the radial neck. A thin, fibrous
quadrate ligament covers the synovial membrane on the joint’s distal 6.238 Interosseous membrane and oblique cord of the forearm: anterior
surface (Martin 1958). The annular ligament’s external surface blends aspect. Membrane and cord are syndesmoses.
with the radial collateral ligament and is an attachment of part of
supinator. Posterior to it are anconeus and the interosseous recurrent
artery. Internally the ligament is thinly covered by cartilage where it
is in contact with the radial head; distally it is covered by synovial cord is a gap for the posterior interosseous vessels. The membrane
membrane, reflected up onto the radial neck. provides attachments of the deep forearm muscles and connects the
two bones. Its fibres appear to transmit to the ulna and humerus
The middle radioulnar union forces acting proximally from the hand to the radius; however, it is
The radial and ulnar shafts are connected by syndesmoses—an only tense when the hand is midway between prone and supine
oblique cord and an interosseous membrane. positions and is relaxed in complete pronation and supination; the
Oblique cord (6.238). This is a small, inconstant, flat fascial band hand is usually pronated when subject to such forces. Moreover, the
on the deep head of supinator, extending from the lateral side of the radius can transmit substantial forces directly to the humerus (Travill
ulnar tuberosity to the radius alittle distal to its tuberosity. Its fibres 1964). Anteriorly the membrane is related, in its proximal three-
are at right angles to those in the interosseous membrane. Its quarters, laterally to flexor pollicis longus and medially to flexor
functional significance is dubious. digitorum profundus, between them to the anterior interosseous
Interosseous membrane (6.238). A broad, thin, collagenous vessels and nerve, and in its distal quarter to pronator quadratus;
sheet, its fibres slant distomedially between the radial and ulnar posteriorly are supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensores pollicis
interosseous borders, and its distal part is attached to the posterior brevis, longus and indicis and, near the carpus, the anterior inter-
division of the radial border. Two or three posterior bands occasion- osseous artery and posterior interosseous nerve.
ally descend distolaterally across the other fibres. The membrane is
deficient proximally, starting about 2 or 3cm distal to the radial
The inferior (distal) radioulnar joint
tuberosity. It is broader at midlevel and has an oval aperture near The inferior radioulnar joint is a uniaxial pivot between the convex
its distal margin conducting the anterior interosseous vessels to the distal head of the ulna and the concave ulnar notch of the radius;
back of the forearm. Between its proximal border and the oblique these surfaces are enclosed by a capsule and connected by an articular 645

disc. The fibrous capsule is thicker in front and behind, proximally occurring without humeral rotation, whether the elbow is flexed,
lax and lined by synovial membrane projecting proximally between semiflexed or extended. Since this incongruence persists in all elbow
the radius and ulna as a recessus sacciformis in front of the distal positions, the ‘close-packed position’ of the humeroulnar articulation
part of the interosseous membrane (see 6.250). at terminal elbow extension depends on ligaments rather than articu-
Articular disc. This is fibrocartilaginous (collagen with few elastic lar geometry.
fibres in the young) and is triangular, binding the distal ends of Accessory movements. These include backward and forward
the ulna and radius. Its periphery is thicker, its centre sometimes translation of the radial head on the ulnar radial notch (p. 637) and
perforated. It is attached by a blunt, thick apex to a depression the ulnar head likewise on the radial ulnar notch.
between the ulnar styloid process and distal articular surface and by
its wider thin base to the prominent edge between the ulnar notch Muscles producing movement
and carpal articular surface of the radius. Its margins are united to Pronation: pronator quadratus, aided in rapid movement and against
adjacent carpal ligaments, its surfaces smooth and concave; the resistance by pronator teres (Basmajian & Travill 1961). Gravity
proximal articulates with the ulnar head, the distal is part of the also assists.
radiocarpal joint, articulating with the lunate and, when the hand is Supination: supinator, in slow unresisted movement and extension,
adducted, the triquetral. Miki¢ (1978) and Mikié et al (1992) have assisted by biceps in fast movements in flexion, especially when
observed, in studies on 237 wrists and articular discs ranging from resisted.
fetuses to 94 years, that the discs show age-dependent degeneration: Electromyographic studies have not confirmed activity in brachio-
progressively reduced cellularity, loss of elastic fibres, mucoid radialis during pronation and supination.
degeneration, exposure of collagen fibres, fibrillation, ulceration, Clinical anatomy
abnormal thinning and ultimate perforation. The structure of various
parts of the disc is adapted to the functional stresses exerted on At the elbow joint backward dislocation with ulnar abduction are
them; in central parts the tissue is more cartilaginous while the commonest, the former often complicated by fracture of the coronoid
peripheral margins have a ligament-like pattern (Mikié et al 1992). process. Owing to the strength of collateral ligaments, the medial
No perforations appeared in the first two decades, 7.6% in the third, epicondyle is frequently torn off in lateral dislocations.
18.1% in the fourth, 40% in the fifth, 42.8% in the sixth and 53.1% In acute synovitis the joint cavity becomes distended, bulging most
in those over 60. Comparable degenerative changes frequently occur around the olecranon, due to capsular laxity here. There is often
in the ‘discal’ surfaces of the ulna and lunate. some swelling above the radial head or the whole elbow may become
Vessels and nerve supply to the joint. The arterial supply to fusiform.
the joint and disc is mainly from the palmar and dorsal branches Dislocation of the radial head alone is not uncommon, most
of the anterior interosseous artery, reinforced by the posterior frequently in youth from falls on the hand with the forearm extended
interosseous and ulnar arteries (Mikié 1992). and supinated, the head being displaced forwards, with rupture of
the annular ligament. Occasionally a peculiar injury, supposedly a
Movements subluxation, occurs in children. The radial head appears to be
Movements at the radioulnar joint complex pronate and supinate the displaced distally in the annular ligament; its upper border is folded
hand. In pronation the radius carrying the hand turns anteromedially over the head between it and the capitulum; the small size of the
obliquely across the ulna, its proximal end remaining lateral, its head in children predisposes to this. The forearm becomes fixed in
distal becoming medial. During this action the interosseous mem- semiflexion, midway between supination and pronation.
brane becomes spiralled. In supination the radius returns to a position
lateral and parallel to the ulna (and the interosseous membrane
becomes unspiralled). The hand can be turned thus through 140°
150° and, with the elbow extended, this can be increased to nearly
The hand’s skeleton has three regions:
360° by humeral rotation and scapular movements. Power is greater
in supination, affecting the design of nuts, bolts and screws, which e the carpus
are tightened by supination in right-handed persons. Moreover, e the metacarpus
supination is an anti gravity movement (with a pendent upper e the phalanges.
arm, and semiflexed forearm); in seizing objects for examination or In the following description proximal and distal are used in preference
manipulation, pronation is merely a preliminary and is aided by to superior and inferior, and palmar and dorsal, which are self-
gravity. explanatory, rather than anterior and posterior.
The axis for pronation and supination is often represented as a
line through the centre of the radial head (proximal) and the ulnar
attachment of the articular disc (distal). More correctly this is the
axis of movement of the radius relative to the ulna and it does not
remain stationary. The radial head rotates in the fibro-osseous ring:
General features
its distal lower end and articular disc swing round the ulnar head. The carpus (6.239, 240) contains eight bones in proximal and distal
During rotation of the radial head in this ring its proximal surface rows of four. Proximally, in lateral to medial order, are the scaphoid,
spins on the humeral capitulum. The distal end of the ulna is not lunate, triquetral and pisiform; in the distal row are the trapezium,
stationary during this movement; it moves a variable amount along trapezoid, capitate and hamate. The pisiform articulates with the
a curved course, posterolaterally in pronation, anteromedially in palmar surface of the triquetral, thus separated from the other carpal
supination. This entails that the axis, as defined above, is displaced bones, all of which articulate with their neighbours. The other three
laterally in pronation, medially in supination. Hence the axis for proximal bones form an arch proximally convex, articulating with
supination and pronation of the whole forearm and hand passes between the radius and articular disc of the inferior radioulnar joint. The
the bones at both the superior and inferior radioulnar joints, when arch’s concavity is a distal recess embracing, proximally, the pro-
ulnar movement is marked, but through the centres of the radial jecting aspects of the capitate and hamate; the two rows are thus
head and ulnar styloid when it is minimal. The axis may be prolonged mutually and firmly adapted without any loss of movement.
through any digit, depending on medial or lateral displacement of The dorsal carpal surface is convex and the palmar forms a deeply
the distal end of the ulna (Ray et al 1951). Note that this displacement concave carpal groove, accentuated by the palmar projection of the
is not conjunct rotation; it can be varied at will. For example, the lateral and medial borders. The medial projection is formed by the
index finger and thumb, in a precision grip (p.867), can describe pisiform and the hamulus (hook), an unciform palmar process of the
arcs of varying radius according to functional demands. Greatest hamate. The pisiform is at the proximal border of the hypothenar
radius of arc involves minimal ulnar deviation, whereas rotation of eminence, medial in the palm; it is easily felt in front of the triquetral.
opposed digits around a virtually fixed point (often necessary in The hamulus is concave laterally, its tip palpable 2.5 cm distal to the
manipulation of tools and instruments) involves marked and even pisiform, in line with the radial border of the ring finger. The ulnar
maximal ulnar displacement. Ulnar movements are possible because nerve’s superficial division can be rolled on it. The lateral border of
646 of the incongruence of the trochlea and trochlear notch, therefore the carpal groove is formed by the tubercles of the scaphoid and

indh Adductor pollicis (transverse head)

jrd palmar
2nd palmar interosseous

4th palmar

Metacarpals Aes
digiti minimi
Trapezoid: h‘Hook of
amate Abductor pollicis ligament
e longus
Flexor digiti minimi
Trapezium ; - =a Capitate Flexor aeecel
} , revis,
superficial head Abductor
Pisiform digiti minimi
Opponens pollicis

Abductor pollicis Flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexor carpi radialis Flexor pollicis brevis, Adductor pollicis,
leep head oblique head
6.239 The palmar aspect of the carpal and metacarpal bones of the left
hand. Muscle attachments, except for the dorsal interossei, are shown on
the line drawing on the right.

2nd dorsal interosseous

_3rd dorsal

4th dorsal
st palmar

¥ Styloid process Extensor carpi

radialis longus
Extensor carpi
Trapezoid radialis brevis


Articulate with radius

6.240 The dorsal aspect of the carpal and metacarpal bones of the left
hand. Muscle attachments are shown on the line drawing on the right.

trapezium. The former is distal on the anterior scaphoid surface and and just distal and lateral to the scaphoid tubercle; it is difficult to
palpable, sometimes also visible, as a small medial knob at the palpate. (Both the scaphoid and trapezium may be grasped indi-
proximal border of the palmar thenar eminence, lateral to the tendon vidually and moved passively, by firm pressure between an opposed
of flexor carpi radialis. The tubercle of the trapezium is a vertically index finger and thumb applied to the palmar surface and anatomical
snuff-box simultaneously.) The carpal groove is made into an osseo- 647
rounded ridge on the bone’s anterior surface, slightly hollow medially

For radius For lunate For hamate For radius

Tubercle For triquetral

Dorsal rough

For capitate For scaphoid

For trapezium For trapezoid For capitate

6.241 The left scaphoid: a. Dorsal, 8. Palmar aspects. 6.242 The left lunate: a. Distomedial; 8. Proximolateral aspects.

fibrous carpal tunnel by a fibrous retinaculum attached to its margins; Pisiform

the tunnel carries flexor tendons and the median nerve into the hand The pisiform (6.244), as its name implies, is shaped like a pea, with
(see p. 1270). The retinaculum strengthens the carpus and augments a dorsal flat articular facet for the triquetral; it has a distolateral
flexor efficiency. Palmar and dorsal surfaces of the carpal bones, long axis. The palmar non-articular area, surrounding and projecting
apart from the triquetral and pisiform, are attachments of the distal to the articular surface, has the tendon of the flexor carpi
radiocarpal, intercarpal and carpometacarpal ligaments. ulnaris attached to it and also the tendon’s distal continuations, the
pisometacarpal and pisohamate ligaments. Hence the pisiform has
INDIVIDUAL CARPAL BONES attributes of a sesamoid bone (see p. 735), which it almost certainly
is, being unrepresented in primitive carpalia (p. 616).
The scaphoid (6.241), largest element in the proximal carpal row,
has a long axis which is distal, lateral and slightly palmar in direction. The trapezium (6.245) has a tubercle and groove on its rough palmar
Its round tubercle on the distolateral part of its palmar surface is surface. The groove is medial and contains the tendon of flexor
directed anterolaterally (6.239a), and is an attachment of the flexor carpi radialis; to its margins are attached two layers of the flexor
retinaculum and abductor pollicis brevis; it is crossed by the tendon retinaculum 7.106 and page 852. The tubercle is obscured by attached
of flexor carpi radialis. The rough dorsal surface is slightly grooved, thenar muscles, opponens pollicis between flexor pollicis brevis
narrower than the palmar, and pierced by small nutrient foramina, distally and abductor pollicis brevis proximally (6.2398). The elon-
often restricted to the distal half (13%) (Obletz & Halbstein 1938), gate, rough dorsal surface is related to the radial artery. The large
an observation of clinical significance. The Jateral surface, also lateral surface is rough for attachment of the radial collateral ligament
narrow and rough, has the radial collateral ligament attached to it. and capsular ligament of the pollicial carpometacarpal joint. A large
The remaining surfaces are all articular: the radial surface is convex, sellar surface faces distolaterally for the base of the first metacarpal,
proximal and directed proximolaterally; the /unate surface is flat, its surface area being significantly smaller in females, as well as
semilunar, facing medially; the capitate surface is large, concave and having a fundamentally different shape from that in males (Ateshian
distal, directed distomedially. The surface for the trapezium and et al 1992). Most distally it projects between the bases of the first
trapezoid is continuous, convex and distal. and second metacarpal bones and carries a small, quadrilateral,
distomedially directed facet articulating with the second metacarpal
Lunate base. The large medial surface is gently concave for articulation with
The lunate (6.242), approximately semilunar, articulates between the the trapezoid. The proximal surface is a small, slightly concave facet
scaphoid and triquetal in the proximal carpal row. Its rough palmar for the scaphoid. Due to its contribution to mobility of the thumb,
surface, almost triangular, is larger and wider than the rough dorsal the metacarpal articular surface has attracted much attention. Its
surface. Its smooth convex proximal surface articulates with the ridge or ‘summit’, fitting the concavity of the first metacarpal base,
radius and articular disc of the inferior radioulnar joint. Its narrow extends in a palmar and lateral direction, at an angle of about 60°
lateral surface bears a flat semilunar facet for the scaphoid. The with the plane of the second and third metacarpals (Kuczynski 1974,
medial surface, almost square, articulates with the triquetral and is pp. 657 and 865). Abduction and adduction occur in the plane of
separated from the distal surface by a curved ridge, usually somewhat the ridge, which is shorter than the corresponding metacarpal groove;
concave (6.242a) for articulation with the edge of the hamate in contours of both vary reciprocally, being more curved near the
adduction. The distal surface is deeply concave to fit the medial part second metacarpal base, with a longer radius of curvature away
of the head of the capitate. from this. The two surfaces are not completely congruent, the area
of close contact probably moving towards the palm in adduction
Triquetral and dorsally in abduction (see p.657). While the axis of flexion—
The triquetral (6.243), somewhat pyramidal, bears an oval isolated extension passes through the trapezium, that for adduction—abduc-
facet for articulation with the pisiform on its distal palmar surface. tion is in the metacarpal base (Hollister et al 1992).
Its medial and dorsal surfaces are confluent, marked distally by
attachment of the ulnar collateral ligament but smooth proximally Trapezoid
for the articular disc of the inferior radioulnar joint in full adduction. The trapezoid (6.246), small and irregular, has a rough palmar surface
The hamate surface, lateral and distal, is concavoconvex, broad narrower and smaller than its rough dorsal surface, the former
proximally, narrow distally. The /unate surface, almost square, is invading the lateral aspect. The distal surface, articulating with the
proximal and lateral. grooved second metacarpal base, is triangular, convex transversely

For pisiform For lunate For triquetral

For hamate

648 6.243 The left triquetral: palmar aspect. 6.244 The left pisiform: dorsal aspect.

Rough area, non-

articular For trapezium
For trapezoid
Dorsal surface For scaphoid
Dorsal surface

surface Palmar
For 2nd metacarpal For rst metacarpal For 2nd metacarpal
For capitate

For 2nd 6.246 The left trapezoid: a. Proximomedial; 8. Distolateral aspects.

Tubercle metacarpal

with the capitate by a facet covering all but its distal palmar
For scaphoid For trapezoid
Carpal bones (see 6.258-261) are cartilaginous at birth, but ossi-
6.245 The left trapezium: a. Palmar; 8. Proximomedial aspect. fication may have started by then in the capitate and hamate. Each
carpal is ossified from one centre, capitate first, pisiform last; but
the order in the others varies. The capitate begins to ossify in the
second month, the hamate at the end of the third, triquetral in the
and concave at right angles to this. The medial surface articulates, third year, lunate during the fourth and scaphoid, trapezium and
by a concave facet, with the distal part of the capitate, the lateral trapezoid in the fourth in females, fifth in males; the pisiform begins
surface with the trapezium and the proximal with the scaphoid to ossify in the ninth or tenth year in females, twelfth in males. The
bone. order varies according to sex (Garn & Rohmann 1960), nutrition
and, possibly, race (Shakir & Zaini 1974; Wingerd et al 1974).
Capitate Occasionally an os centrale (p.616) occurs between the scaphoid,
The capitate (6.247), the central and largest carpal bone, articulates trapezoid and capitate bones; during the second prenatal month it is
with the third metacarpal base, its triangular distal surface con- a cartilaginous nodule usually fusing with the scaphoid. Occasionally,
cavoconvex for this. Its Jateral border is a concave strip for the lunate and triquetral elements may fuse; other fusions and accessory
medial side of the second metacarpal base; its dorsomedial angle ossicles have also been described (O’Rahilly 1953, 1956).
usually bears a facet for the fourth metacarpal base. The head Clinical anatomy
projects into the concavity formed by the lunate and scaphoid, its
proximal surface articulating with the lunate and the lateral with The scaphoid is the most frequently fractured carpal bone, the
the scaphoid. The facets for the scaphoid and trapezoid, usually fracture usually crossing the long axis. Fractures of its proximal part
continuous on the distolateral surface, may be separated by a rough or its ‘waist’ may fail to unite, possibly because the proximal
interval. The medial surface has a large facet for the hamate, deeper fragment, devoid of nutrient foramina in about 13% (p. 648), has
proximally where it is partly non-articular. Palmar and dorsal surfaces lost its blood supply. Palmar dislocation of the lunate is often
are roughened for carpal ligaments, the dorsal being the larger. associated with scaphoid fracture. The displaced lunate may com-
press the median nerve against the flexor retinaculum.
The hamate (6.248) is cuneiform with an unciform hamulus (hook) RADIOCARPAL (WRIST) JOINT
projecting from the distal part of its rough palmar surface; the
hamulus is curved with a lateral concavity and its tip inclines laterally The radiocarpal joint (6.249, 250), biaxial and ellipsoid, is formed by
contributing to the medial wall of the carpal tunnel. To the hamular articulation of the distal end of the radius and the triangular articular
apex is attached the flexor retinaculum. Distally, on the hamular disc with the scaphoid, lunate and triquetral. The radial articular
base, a slight transverse groove may be in contact with the ulnar surface and distal discal surface form an almost elliptical, concave
nerve’s terminal deep branch. The remaining palmar surface, like the surface with a transverse long axis; but the radial surface is bisected
dorsal, is rough for ligaments. A faint ridge divides the distal surface by a low ridge into two concavities. A similar ridge usually appears
into a smaller lateral facet articulating with the fourth metacarpal between the medial radial concavity and the concave distal discal
Proximal articular surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate and
base and a medial facet for the fifth. The proximal surface, the thin surface.
margin of the wedge, usually bears a narrow facet contacting the triquetral and their interosseous ligaments form a smooth convex
lunate in adduction. The medial surface is a broad strip, convex surface, received into the proximal concavity. The surface projection
proximally, concave distally, articulating with the triquetral; distally of the joint is a line, convex upwards, joining the radial and ulnar
a narrow medial strip is non-articular. The /ateral surface articulates styloid processes (6.250).

For scaphoid For lunate

Dorsal surface
Palmar Hamulus
surface (hook) Notch for deep branch
of ulnar nerve
For hamate
For 5th metacarpal

For 4th metacarpal For capitate

For trapezoid For triquetral
For 2nd metacarpal For 4th metacarpal Palmar surface

6.247. The left capitate: a. Lateral; 8. Medial aspects. 6.248 The left hamate: a. Medial; 8. Lateral aspects. 649

Ulnar collateral Radial collateral

ligament ligament
Palmar radio-
Pisiform carpal ligament

Flexor carpi
Pisohamate radialis tendon
Tubercle of
Pisometacarpal trapezium

Head of

Deep transverse

Fibrous capsule
The fibrous capsule is lined by synovial membrane which is usually
separate from that of the inferior radioulnar and intercarpal joints;
but a protruding prestyloid recess (recessus sacciformis), anterior to
the articular disc, is present and ascends close to the styloid process.
The recess is bounded distally by a fibrocartilaginous meniscus,
projecting from the ulnar collateral ligament between the tip of the
ulnar styloid process and the triquetral (6.250); both are clothed with
Dorsal radiocarpal
ligament Ulna collateral hyaline articular cartilage. The meniscus may ossify (Lewis et al
1970). The capsule is strengthened by palmar radiocarpal and ulno-
carpal, dorsal radiocarpal and radial and ulnar collateral ligaments.
Palmar radiocarpal ligament
The palmar radiocarpal ligament (6.249a), a broad membranous
Deep transverse Pisometacarpal band, is attached to the anterior margin of the distal end of the
ligaments radius and its styloid process, its fibres passing distomedially to the
anterior surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate and triquetral, some reaching
the capitate. It is partly intracapsular.
Palmar ulnocarpal ligament
The palmar ulnocarpal ligament is a rounded fasciculus from the
base of the ulnar styloid process and anterior margin of the articular
disc to the lunate and triquetral. Lewis et al (1970) and Mayfield et
al (1976) regard both palmar carpal ligaments as intracapsular; the
6.249 Ligaments of the left wrist: a. Palmar aspect also showing the deep latter also divide the radiocarpal ligament into three and the ulno-
650 transverse metacarpal ligaments; 8. Dorsal aspect. carpal ligament into two parts, each named by its attachments, for

Movements accompany those of the intercarpal and midcarpal joints
and are described together on page 652. The close-packed position
is in full extension.
Recessus _
The intercarpal joints interconnect the carpal bones and may be
summarized as:
Articular disc e joints between the proximal row of carpal bones
e joints between the distal row of carpal bones
Scaphoid e a complex joint between the rows, the midcarpal joint.

Capitate Carpal bones are connected by an extensive array of ligaments, not

all specifically named. In addition to those described, the flexor
Trapezium retinaculum (p. 852) is an accessory intercarpal ligament. Articular
surfaces are either sellar, ellipsoid or spheroidal.

Joints of the proximal carpal row

(a) The scaphoid, lunate and triquetral are connected by dorsal,
palmar and interosseous ligaments.
Dorsal and palmar ligaments. These are transverse, connecting
scaphoid to lunate and lunate to triquetral. The palmar ligaments
are weaker. Mayfield et al (1976) described a distinct ligament (in
28 dissections) between the palmar aspects of the capitate and
triquetral which crosses the hamate.
Interosseous ligaments (6.250). Two narrow bundles, one con-
necting the lunate and scaphoid, the other the lunate and triquetral,
they are attached near their proximal surfaces, forming part of the
convex articular radiocarpal surface.
6.250 Coronal section through the distal ends of the radius and ulna, the (b) The pisiform articulates with the palmar surface of the tri-
carpus and the proximal ends of the metacarpals, showing the general form quetral at a small, oval, almost flat, synovial pisotriquetral joint,
of the articular surfaces (blue), synovial cavities, interosseous ligaments ligaments are the capsular, pisohamate and pisometacarpal. A thin
(green) and fibrocartilages (purple). Partly after Lewis et al (1970). capsule surrounds the joint; the synovial cavity is usually separate
but may communicate with that of the radiocarpal joint.
Pisohamate and pisometacarpal ligaments. These connect the
pisiform to the hook of the hamate and the base of the fifth
example radiocapitate, ulnolunate, etc. It is not clear whether the
metacarpal respectively (6.249a). Both are continuations of the
ligaments are totally intracapsular, i.e. separate from the overlying tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris and are misnamed.
articular capsule. (See also p. 494.) The palmar carpal ligaments are
perforated by vessels and are related anteriorly to the tendons of Joints of the distal carpal row
flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus.
Bones of the distal carpal row are connected by dorsal, palmar and
Dorsal radiocarpal ligament interosseous ligaments.
The dorsal radiocarpal ligament (6.2498), thinner than the palmar, Dorsal and palmar ligaments. These extend transversely between
is attached to the posterior border of the distal end of the radius, its trapezium and trapezoid, trapezoid and capitate, and capitate and
fibres descending distomedially to the dorsal surfaces of the scaphoid, hamate.
lunate and triquetral and continuing into the dorsal intercarpal Interosseous ligaments. Usually thicker than in the proximal
ligaments. It is related posteriorly to the carpal and digital extensor row, three unite the four bones, that between the capitate and hamate
tendons, their synovial sheaths and the posterior interosseous nerve; being strongest; one or both of the other two are often absent.
anteriorly it is blended with the disc of the inferior radioulnar Midcarpal joint
articulation. ~
The midcarpal joint, between the scaphoid, lunate and triquetral
Ulnar collateral carpal ligament (proximally) and trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate (distally)
The ulnar collateral carpal.ligament (6.249) is attached to the apex is a compound articulation divided descriptively into medial and
of the ulnar styloid process, it divides into two fasciculi, one attached lateral parts. Throughout most of the medial compartment the con-
to the medial side of the triquetral, the other to the pisiform. vexity of the head of the capitate and hamate articulate with a
Attached to the ligament’s deep (lateral) aspect is a small fib- reciprocal concavity formed by the scaphoid, lunate and much of
rocartilaginous meniscus which is the distal boundary of the synovial the triquetral; however, most medially the curvatures are reversed,
prestyloid recess (6.250). thus forming a compound sellar joint. In the /ateral compartment
the trapezium and trapezoid articulate with the scaphoid, forming a
Radial collateral carpal ligament second compound articulation, often said to be plane but which is
The radial collateral carpal ligament (6.249) extends from the tip of also sellar. The ligaments are dorsal, palmar and collateral.
the radial styloid process to the radial side of the scaphoid; some Carpal synovial membrane. This is most extensive (6.250), lining
fibres are prolonged to the trapezium. It is related to the radial an irregular articular cavity, its proximal part being between the
artery, curving round laterally between the ligament and tendons of distal surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate and triquetral and the proximal
abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis. Both collateral surfaces of the second carpal row. It has proximal prolongations
ligaments are relatively weak. between scaphoid and lunate, lunate and triquetral and three distal
prolongations between the four bones of the second row. The
Vessels and nerve supply to the joint prolongation between trapezium and trapezoid or between trapezoid
Arteries supplying the joint are the anterior interosseous, anterior and capitate is, due to the absence of an interosseous ligament, often
and posterior carpal branches of the radial and ulnar, palmar and continuous with corresponding carpometacarpal joints, variably from
dorsal metacarpals and recurrent rami of the deep palmar arch. the second to fifth or often second and third only. If the latter, the
Nerves are from the anterior and posterior interosseous. joint between the hamate and fourth and fifth metacarpal bones has 651
6.2514. Radiograph of the hand and wrist in full flexion: lateral aspect. The 6.2518. Radiograph of the hand and wrist: lateral aspect. The long axes
arrows point to: (1) the capitate; (2) the lunate; (3) the tubercle of the of the third metacarpal, the capitate and the lunate are, approximately, in
scaphoid; (4) the tubercle of the trapezium. Compare with 6.2518 and note line with the long axis of the radius. The arrows point to the same structures
the relative positions of the capitate and lunate, and the lunate and radius. as in 6.251a. Note the relative positions of the capitate and lunate, and the
lunate and radius.

a separate synovial membrane; interposed (6.250) is the carpo-

metacarpal interosseous ligament. Synovial cavities of carpo-
metacarpal joints are prolonged slightly between the metacarpal
bases. The synovial joint between the pisiform and triquetral is
usually isolated.
Dorsal and palmar ligaments. Short, irregular bundles, they are
found between the bones of the first and second carpal rows. Palmar
fascicles radiate from the head of the capitate to surrounding bones
as the radiate carpal ligament.
Radial and ulnar collateral ligaments. These are very short.
The stronger and more distinct radial connects the scaphoid and
trapezium, while the ulnar connects the triquetral and hamate; they
are continuous with corresponding collateral ligaments of the wrist
joint. A slender interosseous band sometimes connects the capitate
and scaphoid but does not completely divide the midcarpal synovial
Radiocarpal and intercarpal movements
The movements at the radiocarpal and intercarpal joints are con-
sidered together since they are both involved in all movements as
well as being acted upon by the same muscles. Active movements
are flexion (c. 85°), extension (c. 85°), adduction (ulnar deviation)
(c. 45°), abduction (radial deviation) (c. 15°) and circumduction.
The range of flexion is greater at the radiocarpal joint, while in
extension there is more movement at the midcarpal joint (6.251).
Hence the proximal surfaces extend further posteriorly on the lunate
and scaphoid bones. These movements are limited chiefly by antag-
onistic muscles; therefore, the range of flexion is perceptibly dimin-
6.251c. Radiograph of the hand and wrist in full extension: lateral aspect.
ished when the fingers are flexed, due to increased tension in the The arrows point to the same structures as in 6.251. Compare with 6.2518
extensors. Only when the joints are forced to the limits of flexion or and note the alterations in the relative positions of the capitate and lunate,
extension are the dorsal or palmar ligaments fully stretched (but see and the lunate and the radius.
Adduction of the hand is considerably greater than abduction,
perhaps due to the more proximal site of the ulnar styloid process.
Most adduction occurs at the radiocarpal joint; the lunate articulates and forms a smooth, convex, palpable prominence in the floor of
with both the radius and articular disc when the hand is in the the anatomical ‘snuff box’.
midposition (6.250) but in adduction it articulates solely with the Abduction from the neutral position occurs at the midcarpal joint,
radius (6.252). Much of the proximal articular surface of the the proximal carpal not moving (Youm & Flatt 1980); radiographs
652 scaphoid becomes subcapsular beneath the radial collateral ligament of abducted hands show that the capitate rotates round an antero-

6.252a. Radiograph of the hand in full adduction. The arrows point to the 6.2528. Radiograph of the same hand in full abduction. The arrows point
scaphoid on the lateral side and to the pisiform on the medial side. Note to the hamate and pisiform. Compare with 6.252a and note that: (1) the
that the shadow of the pisiform bone overlaps the shadow of the tip of the scaphoid and lunate have passed medially so that the latter articulates to a
styloid process of the ulna. Compare with 6.2528 and observe that the large extent with the articular disc of the inferior radioulnar joint; (2) the
movements occur at both the radiocarpal and intercarpal joints. pisiform is now widely separated from the styloid process of the ulna;
(3) the scaphoid, having rotated round a transverse axis, is much fore-
shortened; (4) the apex of the hamate has been thrust away from the lunate
by the rotation of the capitate around an anteroposterior axis; (5) a gap has
opened up between the distal portions of the hamate and triquetral; and (6)
the long axes of the capitate and lunate are now almost in the same straight

posterior axis so that its head passes medially and the hamate Other views contrast sharply with the foregoing (MacConaill
conforms to this, the distance between the lunate and the apex of 1941). In most manual positions the carpal bones are loose-packed
the hamate being increased (6.2528). The scaphoid rotates around a and relatively mobile, becoming a rigid block (close-packed) only in
transverse axis; its proximal articular surface moves away from the full extension; close-packing is achieved in two stages. The carpus is
capsule to articulate solely with the radius. Movements are limited envisaged in four functional units:
by antagonistic muscles and, at extremes, by the carpal collateral (1) trapezium
ligaments. (2) scaphoid
Circumduction of the hand is not rotatory but successive flexion, (3) hamate, capitate and trapezoid
adduction, extension and abduction or vice versa. (4) triquetral and lunate.
Abduction—adduction movements are of special functional value.
The hand is commonly used with the carpus slightly extended and From full flexion to full extension the stages considered to occur
the forearm in midposition. Skilled abduction—adduction movements are: firstly the distal row (3) moves on the proximal (2 and 4) until
manipulate a large variety of precision tools, from fine needles to the hand and forearm are in line; hamate, capitate, trapezoid and
hammers. ; scaphoid coming into mutual close-pack to form a rigid mass (i.e. 2
Accessory movements. Largely radiocarpal, these are more + 3). Secondly this mass moves upon the triquetral and lunate,
easily observed in flexion than extension. The carpus can be moved which move at the radiocarpal joint until full extension is reached,
backwards and forwards on the radius and articular disc as well as with close-packing of the radiocarpal and most carpal joints (i.e.
being axially rotated to a considerable extent. Some side-to-side except articulations of the pisiform and trapezium). In this position,
movement is also possible. adopted only for special effort, very large forces can be transmitted
through the articular structures. A similar position is often adopted
Additional analysis of radiocarpal and intercarpal to resist falls on the outstretched hand, and commonly results in
movements damage, for example a ‘supination’ (Colles’) fracture of the radius,
A ‘link’ joint has been suggested as the mechanical equivalent of the fracture of the scaphoid or dislocation of the lunate. Mayfield et al
radiocarpal and medial midcarpal complex, in simple form illustrated (1976), studying the behaviour of carpal ligaments in experimental
by a bicycle chain. This is stable only when under tension and ‘on carpal fractures, have corroborated this dorsal ‘locking’ of the carpus
centre’ with the links in line; unless strengthened by a ‘stop’ device and made further analysis of the roles of the carpal ligaments in
it buckles under longitudinal compression, especially when ‘off progressive intercarpal slides ending in close-packing. During the
centre’. But some advantages are inherent: since the range of move- initial stages of the movement, the scaphoid acts with the proximal
ment at each unit is less than the total, articular surfaces can be carpal row but in later stages with the distal row. The trapezio-
flatter than in a single joint of the same total range and are better scaphoid joint is not considered to be involved in general close-packing
adapted to pressure. Further, overlying tissues are less disturbed by of the carpus, perhaps due to the thumb’s functional independence
squeezing at the extremes of movement. when the remainder of the carpus becomes a rigid mass. 653

Further analysis by Kauer (1974) continues the concept of articular descriptions of this bone; here, morphological terms are used sup-
links but emphasizes rotations of the lunate and scaphoid relative to plemented, in places, by their topographical equivalents.) Its dorsal
the radius and disc; during flexion—extension both rotate relative to (Jateral) surface can be felt to face laterally; its long axis diverges
each other and to the capitate. The proximal curvatures of the lunate distolaterally from its neighbour. The shaft is flattened, dorsally
and scaphoid are different, thus dictating some independence of broad and transversely convex. The palmar (medial) surface is longi-
movement, although this is limited, their independence being deter- tudinally concave and divided by a ridge into a larger lateral
mined by the biomechanical properties of their interosseous ligament. (anterior) and smaller medial (posterior) part. Opponens pollicis is
attached to the radial border and adjoining palmar surface; the first
Muscles producing carpal movement dorsal interosseous muscle (radial head) is attached to its ulnar
Flexion: flexors carpi radialis and ulnaris and palmaris longus, border and adjacent palmar surface. The base is concavoconvex and
assisted by flexors digitorum superficialis and profundus, flexor articulates with the trapezium (p. 648). On its lateral (palmar) side
pollicis longus and abductor pollicis longus. abductor pollicis longus is attached, to its ulnar side the first palmar
Extension: extensors carpi radialis longus, brevis and ulnaris, interosseous muscle (p. 860). The head is less convex than in other
assisted by extensors digitorum, digiti minimi, indicis and pollicis metacarpals and contrasts in being transversely broad. On its palmar
longus. aspect ulnar and radial angles form two articular eminences, on
Adduction: flexor and extensor carpi ulnaris. which glide sesamoid bones.
Abduction: flexor carpi radialis, extensors carpi radialis longus and
brevis, with abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis. The second metacarpal (6.254)
This has the longest shaft and largest base, which is grooved in a
dorsopalmar direction for the trapezoid; medial to the groove a deep
METACARPUS ridge articulates with the capitate; laterally, nearer the base’s dorsal
The metacarpus (Singh 1959) consists of five metacarpal bones, surface, is a quadrilateral facet for the trapezium, and just dorsal to
conventionally numbered in lateromedial order. These are miniature this a rough impression marks the attachment of extensor carpi
long bones, with a distal head, shaft and expanded base. The rounded radialis longus. On the palmar surface a small tubercle or ridge
heads articulate with the proximal phalanges. Their articular surfaces receives flexor carpi radialis. The base’s medial side articulates with
are convex, less so transversely, and extend further on the palmar the third metacarpal base by a long facet, centrally narrowed.
surfaces, especially at their margins. The familiar knuckles are The shaft is prismatic in section and longitudinally curved, convex
produced by the metacarpal heads. The metacarpal bases articulate dorsally, concave towards the palm. Its dorsal surface is distally
with the distal carpal row and with each other, except the first and broad but proximally narrows to a ridge and is covered by extensor
second. The shafts have longitudinally concave palmar surfaces, tendons of the index finger; its converging borders begin at the
forming hollows for the palmar muscles. Their dorsal surfaces have tubercles, one on each side of its head for the attachment of collateral
a distal triangular area, continued proximally as a round ridge. These ligaments (p. 659). Proximally the Jateral surface inclines dorsally for
flat areas are palpable proximal to the knuckles. the ulnar head of the first dorsal interosseous muscle. The medial
The medial four metacarpals are sometimes described as parallel; surface, inclining similarly, is divided by a faint ridge into a palmar
strictly they diverge somewhat, radiating gently proximodistally. strip for the second palmar interosseous and a dorsal for the radial
However, the first metacarpal, relative to the others, is more anterior head of the second dorsal interosseous muscle.
and rotated medially on its axis through 90°, so that its mor-
phologically dorsal surface is lateral, its radial border palmar, its The third metacarpal (6.255)
palmar surface medial and its ulnar border dorsal. Hence the thumb It has a short styloid process, projecting proximally from the radial
flexes medially across the palm and can be rotated into opposition side of the dorsal surface. Its base articulates with the capitate by a
with each finger. Such opposition depends on medial rotation and facet anteriorly convex but dorsally concave where it invades the
is the prime factor in manual dexterity; when an object is grasped, styloid process on the lateral aspect of its base. A strip-like facet,
fingers and thumb encircle it from opposite sides, greatly increasing constricted centrally, articulates with the second metacarpal base
the power and skill of the grip. Lewis (1977) has made an extended (laterally) and the fourth metacarpal base (medially), the latter by
study of human metacarpals and their articulations with the carpus two oval facets. The palmar facet may be absent; less frequently the
and phalanges, in an explanation of evolving human skills.


The first metacarpal (6.253)
It is short and thick. (Caution should be exercised when considering

For trapezoid For | For capitate For 3rd

trapezium metacarpal
For trapezium

654 6.253 The first right metacarpal bone: palmar and lateral aspects. 6.254 The left second metacarpal bone: dorsolateral and medial aspects.

For For 3rd For For 5th

capitate metacarpal hamate metacarpal

For 2nd For capitate For 4th Styloid

metacarpal metacarpal capitate process 6.256 The left fourth metacarpal: lateral and medial aspects.

6.255 The left third metacarpal bone: lateral and medial aspects.

facets are connected proximally by a narrow bridge. The base’s (Joseph 1951). Sometimes the styloid process of the third metacarpal
palmar surface receives a slip from the flexor carpi radialis tendon; is a separate ossicle. For wider assessments of range of variability
to its dorsal surface, beyond the styloid process, extensor carpi consult Modi (1957) and Krogman (1962) (6.258-261).
radialis brevis is attached. The shaft resembles that of the second The thumb metacarpal ossifies like a phalanx; some, therefore,
metacarpal. To its lateral surface the ulnar head of the second dorsal consider the thumb skeleton to consist of three phalanges; others
interosseous muscle is attached, to its medial surface the radial head believe the distal phalanx represents fused middle and distal phal-
of the third dorsal interosseous and to the intervening palmar ridge anges, a condition occasionally observed in the fifth toe (Broom
in its distal two-thirds the transverse head of adductor pollicis. Its 1930). (When the thumb has three phalanges, the metacarpal has a
dorsal surface is covered by the extensor tendon. distal and a proximal epiphysis. It occasionally bifurcates distally,
the medial branch, with no distal epiphysis, bearing two phalanges,
The fourth metacarpal (6.256). the lateral showing a distal epiphysis, and three phalanges (Nicholson
Shorter and thinner than the second and third, it displays on its base 1937). The existence of only a distal metacarpal epiphysis may be
two lateral oval facets for the third metacarpal base (see above), the associated with a greater range of movement at the meta-
dorsal usually larger and proximally in contact with the capitate. A carpophalangeal joint. In the thumb, it is the carpometacarpal joint
single medial elongate facet is for the fifth metacarpal base. The which has the wider range, and a basal epiphysis in the first meta-
quadrangular proximal surface articulates with the hamate, being carpal may be attributable to this. However, a distal epiphysis may
anteriorly convex, dorsally concave. The shaft is like the second, but appear in the first, and a proximal in the second metacarpal.
a faint ridge on its lateral surface separates the attachments of the Growth studies of 1700 children, aged one to 18 years, favour the
third palmar interosseous and the ulnar head of the third dorsal
interosseous muscles. To the medial surface the radial head of the
fourth dorsal interosseous is attached.
The fifth metacarpal (6.257).
This differs in its medial basal surface, which is non-articular and
bears a tubercle for extensor carpi ulnaris. The lateral basal surface
is a facet, transversely concave, convex from palm to dorsum, for
articulation with the hamate. A lateral strip articulates with the
fourth metacarpal base. The shaft has a triangular dorsal area almost
reaching the base; the lateral surface inclines dorsally only at its
proximal end. To the medial surface opponens digiti minimi is
attached; the lateral is divided by a ridge, sometimes sharp, into a
palmar strip for the fourth palmar interosseous and a dorsal strip
for the ulnar part of the fourth dorsal interosseous.
Each metacarpal ossifies from a primary centre for the shaft and a
secondary in the base of the first and heads of the other four.
Ossification begins in the midshaft about the ninth week. Centres
for the second to fifth metacarpal heads appear in that order in the
second year in females, and between 1} to 2} years in males. They
For 4th For For
unite with the shafts about the fifteenth or sixteenth year in females, metacarpal hamate hamate
eighteenth or nineteenth in males. The first metacarpal base begins
late in the second year in females, early in the third year in males,
uniting before the fifteenth year in females and seventeenth in males 6.257. The left fifth metacarpal: lateral and medial aspects. 655
6.258 Radiograph of a hand at 23 years (male). Note early stages of
ossification in epiphyses at proximal ends of phalanges and first metacarpal,
at distal ends of remaining metacarpals and radius and in the capitate,
hamate and lunate. The last is more usually preceded by the centre for the
triquetral. Compare with 6.259 and 6.260.

6.259 Radiograph of a hand at 63 years (male). Note the more advanced

state of the centres of ossification already visible in 6.258, and additional
view of the thumb metacarpal as a proximal phalanx (as first centres in the distal ulnar epiphysis and in the triquetral, scaphoid, trapezium
suggested by Vesalius in 1543). But this ignores the observations and trapezoid.
that the so-called distal epiphysis of the first metacarpal is usually
(if not always) a diaphyseal prolongation into terminal cartilage,
rather than a separate centre. A review of the data concerning such
‘pseudo-epiphyses’ corroborates this description (Haines 1974).
rotation, and circumduction. In the resting position of the first
metacarpal (p. 865) flexion and extension are parallel to the palmar
CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT OF THE THUMB plane, abduction and adduction at right angles to this. Except at
(POLLEX) initiation, flexion is accompanied by medial rotation; conversely,
The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a sed/ar joint between the medial rotation involves flexion. Linkage of movements is largely
first metacarpal base and trapezium, and enjoys wide mobility due due to the shape of the articular surfaces, imposing some conjunct
to its extensive articular surfaces and their topology. It has a fibrous rotation, and to the obliquity of the dorsal ligament, which when
capsule, thick but loose, extending from the circumference of the taut anchors the ulnar side of the metacarpal base while its radial
metacarpal base to the rough rim of the distal trapezial articular side continues to move. Contraction of flexor pollicis brevis, assisted
facet; it is thickest laterally and dorsally. The synovial membrane is by opponens pollicis, thus produces medial rotation with flexion
separate (6.250). The firs

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