REVIEW U123 (Key)

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I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. architect B. cheese /tʃ/ C. church D. chat
2. A. change /dʒ/ B. mango C. again D. forget
3. A. house B. hot C. honest D. holiday
4. A. bank /ŋ/ B. any C. now D. money
5. A. around /aʊ/ B. sound C. only D. mouse
6. A. teacher /ə/ B. other C. together D. term /ɜː/
7. A. Germany B. garden C. gate D. gas
8. A. scholarship B. Christ C. school D. chicken
9. A. house B. harm C. hour D. husband
10. A. sing B. morning C. any D. hang
11.A. hundred B. exhausted C. however D. heat
12.A. head B. ready C. mean D. weather
13. A. choir B. cheap C. child D. chair
14. A. charge B. child C. teacher D. champagne
15. A. reason B. clear C. mean D. each
16. A. motion B. question C. mention D. fiction
17. A. gather B. good C. large D. again
18. A. change B. children C. machine D. church
19. A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
20. A. future B. mature /tʃʊə/ C. pasture D. nature
21. A. invited B. attended C. celebrated D. displayed
22. A. removed B. washed C. hoped D. missed
23. A. looked B. laughed C. moved D. stepped
24. A. wanted B. parked C. stopped D. watched
25. A. laughed B. passed C. suggested D. placed
26. A. believed B. prepared C. involved D. liked
27. A. lifted B. lasted C. happened D. decided
28. A. collected B. changed C. formed D. viewed
29. A. walked B. entertained C. reached D. looked
30. A. watched B. stopped C. pushed D. improved

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

31. A. sneaky B. floppy C. icing D. embrace
32. A. loyalty B. constancy C. acquaintance D. confidence
33. A. gossip B. interest C. between D. friendship
34. A. unselfish B. sympathy C. quality D. principle
35. A. mutual B. advantage C. possible D. generous
36. A. helpful B. sincere C. pleasant D. earning
37. A. floppy B. idol C. cotton D. decide
38. A. extremely B. excited C. personal D. imagine
39. A. birthday B. reply C. schoolbag D. money
40. A. celebrate B. together C. family D. special
41. A. successful B. beautiful C. humorous D. difficult
42. A. couple B. wedding C. quiet D. receive
43. A. begin B. silver C. dinner D. people
44. A. celebrate B. attitude C. refreshments D. restaurant
45. A. problem B. enough C. listen D. summer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others. /tʃ/ /æ/ /dʒ/ /ə/ /əʊ/ /ɑː/
1. A. sugar /ʃ/ B. consume /s/ C. trans-fat /s/ D. obesity /s/
2. A. vitamin /i/ B. mineral /i/ C. diet /ai/ D. fitness /i/
3. A medicine /e/ B. remedy /e/ C. exercise /e/ D. obesity /i/
4. A balanced /æ/ B. yoga /ə/ C. fatty /æ/ D. natural /æ/
5. A. vegetable /dʒ/ B. hygiene /dʒ/ C. sugary /g/ D. longevity /dʒ/
6. A. acne /æ/ B. happy /æ/ C. natural /æ/ D. dietary /ə/
7. A. longevity /i/ /ə/ B. immune /i/ C. nutrition /i/ D. prescription /i/
8. A. disease /z/ B. leisure /ʒ/ C. physical /z/ D. preserve /z/
9. A. obesity /əʊ/ B. overweight /əʊ/ C. consume /ə/ D. focus /əʊ/
10. A. yoga /ə/ B. expectancy /ə/ C. dramatic /ə/ D. massage /a:/
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the followingquestions.
1. A. acupuncture 1 B. supermarket 1 C. necessary 1 D. simultaneous 3
2. A. dietary 1 B. variety 2 C. obesity 2 D. bacteria 2
3. A. meditation 3 B. longevity 2 C. expectancy 2 D. cholesterol 2
4. A. essential 2 B. survival 2 C. nutrition 2 D. vegetable 1
5. A. physically 1 B. elision 2 C. perception 2 D. efficiency 2
6. A. healthy 1 B. unwell 2 C. lifestyle 1 D. factor 1
7. A. principle 1 B. vegetable 1 C. natural 1 D. relieving 2
8. A. follow 1 B. disease 2 C. suggest 2 D. massage 2
9. A. medicine 1 B. increase 2 C. consume 2 D. immune 2
10. A. traditional 2 B. acupuncture 1 C. expectancy 2 D. cholesterol 2

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. In order to avoid bad eating habits, you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with more __a__ food.
A. nutrition (n) B. nutritional (a) C. nutritious (a) D. nutritive
dinh dưỡng thuộc về dinh dưỡng giàu dinh dưỡng

2. If you're tired, even if you feel that you need to get more done, give yourself ____ to sleep.
A. request B. requirement C. permission D. permit
Yêu cầu yêu cầu sự cho phép sự cho vào cổng
sự được phép
3. The student failed to meet the necessary ____ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillments B. qualities C. aptitudes D. requirements
sự hài lòng chất lượng năng khiếu yêu cầu
• meet the need / requirement of sb: đáp ứng nhu cầu / đòi hỏi của ai
4. ____ cholesterol is a byproduct of the fat that are found in animal-based foods like eggs, dairy products
and meat.
A. Diet B. Dietary C. Meal D. Food
5. After ____, people feel more refreshed and alert.
A. meditation B. attention C. determination D. prescription
thiền định sự chú ý sự xác định / phương thuốc
sự quyết tâm (được kê đơn)
6. Make sure = Ensure the ______ for your glasses or contact lens is up-to-date and adequate for computer
A. medicine B. prescription C. size D. introduction
7. Good______ , controlling calorie intake and physical activity are the only way to maintain a healthy
A. nutrient B. nutrition C. malnutrition D. nutritionists
(n) chất dinh dưỡng (n) dinh dưỡng suy dinh dưỡng chuyên gia dinh dưỡng
• take sth in (v): hấp thu, tiếp thu cái gì • intake (n): sự hấp thu, sự tiếp thu
8. The university graduates one of the highest percentages of registered dieticians and _____ / in the world.
A. nutrition B. nutritious C. nutrients D. nutritionists
9. Most______ is caused by wishing things that you are unable to achieve them right now.
A. disease B. injury C. stress D. wound
chấn thương căng thẳng vết thương
• achieve sth = attain sth (v): đạt được
-> achievement (n): thành tựu
10. Reducing saturated fat is the single most important______ change you can make to cut blood
A. life B. food C. menu D. dietary
• saturation : bão hòa
11. Whey protein may account for many of the health benefits______ to dairy products.
A. believed in B. attributed to C. resulted to D. responsible for
do bởi cái gì gây ra
= lead to
= cause
12. Chocolate and cakes cause our blood sugar to rise and give us a quick______ .
• cause sb to do sth: khiến ai phải làm gì
A. boost B. power C. action D. success
13. Tobacco not only affects you and the people around you, but can ______ to serious health conditions
including lung and heart disease.
A. go B. influence C. lead D. point
14. Baking soda is considered the best home _____ for acne as it sooths itching and inflammation around
A. dealing B. medicine C. remedy D. substance
15. My own _____ for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass.
A. routine B. treatment C. medicine D. prescription
16. Whole grains are high in fiber and contain a variety of______ that support healthy blood sugar levels.
A. nutrition B. nutrients C. nutritionists D. nutritious
17. Living to an average of 83 years old, Japan is the nation with the highest_____ in the world.
A. lifetime B. lifework C. life force D. life expectancy = longevity
18. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more_____ for the last two decades.
A. sustain B. sustainable C. survival D. available
19. Vancouver is often considered to be one of the most______ cities in the world.
A. fit B. liveable C. endurable D. suitable for
(a) phù hợp đáng sống bền bỉ phù hợp
20. Telecommunications and cloud computing will_____ transportation for moving ideas and intellectual
A. change B. replace thay thế C. remove D. eliminate
21.He was _______/ because she didn’t arrive at his birthday party.
A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment
22.My sister _______for you since yesterday.
A. is looking B. was looking C. looked D. has been looking
23.He last wrote home two months ago.
A. He hasn’t written home for two months. B. He didn’t write home for two months.
C. He wrote home every two months. D. He often wrote home twice a month.
24. Where _______yesterday?
A. do you go B. did you go C. you went D. did you went
25.They _______ football for two hours.
A. play B. are playing C. have played D. played

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
1.This kind of fruit helps to boost the immune system. digestive system
A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. maintain
2. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.
A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline
3. Here are some principles for people to stick to = observe = adhere to if they want to stay healthy.
A. rules B. principals C. laws D. duties
nội quy hiệu trưởng luật bổn phận
4. We should consume healthy food and exercise regularly.
A. store B. purchase C. buy D. eat
lưu trữ mua ăn
5.In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
việc tiêu thụ sự tiêu hóa
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
6. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and cause back pain.
A. result in B. result from C. lead to D. activate
Gây ra bắt nguồn từ đâu dẫn đến kích hoạt
stem from
originate from
7. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity.
A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal
Sự phủ nhận sự tán thành lời từ chối sự phản đối
8. I found a website advertising an effective way to lose weight in one month.
A. drop B. waste C. maintain D. gain
= put on
Tăng cân
• lose weight = shed a few pound
9. I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
có được có được
duỗi cơ
10. You need to do some warm-up exercise such as stretching before you start your yoga practice.
A. remaining B. declining C. developing D. shrinking
Duy trì giảm phát triền giảm, co rút lại
Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
How to take care of your body skin
To keep your skin healthy, do not go out in the sun without protection. It is also highly (1) ________
not to stay out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day. It is important to use gentle, soap-free
skincare products for your cleansing (2)______. If you use products that are too harsh, your skin can
become extremely dry and feel very (3)______ .
A shower is better for your skin than a bath, which tends to dehydrate the skin. Make sure that the
water is lukewarm, (4)______ hot. Before you get out of the shower, rinse your entire body off really well
to (5)______ all traces of your cleansing product. Then, rapidly dry your skin by gently patting your legs,
chest, arms, etc. with your towel.
1. A. showed B. expressed C. recommended D. stated
2. A. set B. routine C. order (n) mệnh lệnh D. task
thứ tự
• clean /kli:n/ • cleanse /klenz/
3. A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortably
4. A. rather than = instead of B. in spite of C. more than D. instead
thay vì mặc dù hơn
I don’t use products that are harsh. Instead / Rather, I use gentle products.
5. A. take away B. reject C. kill D. eliminate
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is
suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner,
Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to
increase strength through using more of your own body’s resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you.
Whether you prefer you're at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a
huge variety of options available to suit your goals and needs.
Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class,
you probably won’t be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening,
and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is built to
reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from which
everything else operates. When the core is working properly, posture is improved, thus alleviating back,
shoulder, and neck pain.
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back
pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it
with flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can
help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which
function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood from internal organs and
allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is released.
Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to greater levels
of happiness and better immune function.

1. Yoga is a very convenient type of exercise because______ .

A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it
B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle
C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength
D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session
2. According to yoga’s principles, the spine is of great importance because______ .
A. when the spine is working properly, postures will become possible
B. seemingly impossible poses will become possible
C. it is the center o f your body, from which other muscles operate
D. we can avoid back, shoulder, and neck pain
3. In order to build strong muscles,______ .
A. we build strength with high expenses at the gym
B. we don’t pay any attention to our appearance
C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine
D. we can have strength with flexibility through yoga
4. Yoga can improve our circulation because______ .
A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal organs
B. it helps us to perform twisting poses more easily
C. we can have more relaxation exercises
D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others
5. The word “alleviating” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______ .
A. keeping B. relieving C. worsening D. boostin
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others. /əʊ/ /æ/ /tʃ/
1. A. poverty /ə/ B. conversion /ɜː/ C. emergency /ɜː/ D. assertion /ɜː/
2. A. sustainable /ein/ B. maintenance /ein/ C. mountainous /ən/ D. mainly /ein/
3. A. prestigous /ə/ B. source /ɔː/ C. pouring /ɔː/ D. mourning /ɔː/
4. A. insoluble /ɒ/ B. development /ə/ C. probable /ɒ/ D. problematic /ɒ/
5. A. provable /u:/ B. movement /u:/ C. stove /əʊ/ D. improvement /u:/
6. A. current /ʌ/ B. sustainable /ə/ C. infrastructure /ʌ/ D. rubbish /ʌ/
7. A. climate /ai/ B. liveable /i/ C. city /i/ D. discussion /i/
8. A. solar /s/ B. infrastructure /s/ C. designer /z/ D. focus /s/
9. A. chorus /k/ B. cheap /tʃ/ C. child /tʃ/ D. change /tʃ/
10. A. urban /ə/ B. sustainable /ə/ C. infrastructure /ə/ D. inhabitant /æ/
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the followingquestions.
1. A. discuss B. solar C. explain D. decide
2. A. assignment B. renewable C. polluted D. energy
3. A. sustainable B. electricity C. presentation D. understand
4. A. impact B. future C. pollute D. lightning
5. A. environment B. generate C. familiar D. enjoyable
6 .A. predictable B. poverty C. present D. insoluble
7. A. sustainably B. detector C. harmony D. effectively
8. A. infrastructure B. sustainable C. inhabitant D. renewable
9. A. generate B. understand C . innovate D. maximize
10.A. stability B.responsible C. academic D. attendance
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
1. Many city dwellers, especially those in developing countries, still live in poverty.
A. people B. migrants C. immigrants D. residents cư dân
2.If we have solar panels on our roofs, we'll be able to generate our own electricity.
A. afford B. produce C. manufacture D. light
đủ tiền sản xuất sản xuất thắp sáng
3. I believe the government will use advanced technology to build faster trains and make people's life more
A. modern B. expensive C. public D. latest gần đây nhất
4. Scientists hope that this new drug will be a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS.
sự đột phá
A. new cure B. important therapy C. sudden remedy D. dramatic development
liệu pháp quan trọng phát triển vượt bậc
5. They design and carry out projects aiming to reduce fossil fuel consumption, find renewable fuels for
public transport, and promote other clean air efforts.
A. inexhaustible B. recyclable C. green D. environmentally-friendly
ko thể cạn kiệt có thể tái chế thân thiện MT
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
(a) tiêu cực
1. If I take the pessimistic viewpoint, Tokyo won't be a safe place to live in.
A. negative B. optimistic tích cực C. optical D. neutral trung lập
2. To reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere, ways to limit the use of private cars must be found.
A. public B. personal C. common D. shared
3. People who live in towns and cities live in an urban environment.
(a) thuộc thành thị
A. remote B. deserted C. suburban D. rural
xa xôi bị bỏ hoang ngoại ô thuộc nông thôn
4. There is pollution not only of the physical environment because the various pressure of urban life causes
cities to breed crime.
A. social B. mental C. moral D. manual
5. Governments have to join hands to solve the environmental problems on a global scale.
A. worldwide B. nationwide C. local D. international
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1.Local authorities should find ways to limit the use of private cars and encourage city ____ to use public
A. commuters B. planners C. dwellers D. people
• city dweller: người dân thành phố
2. Located about 60 km southwest of Seoul, this eco city has been planned around a central park and
designed so that every resident can walk to work in the business ____.
A. district B. area C. location D. organisation tổ chức
3. The waste ____ system here is also innovative. There are no rubbish trucks or waste bins in the street.
A. dump B. disposal C. landfill D. throwaway
dispose (v)
4. London is a/an ____ city. It's a melting pot for people from all parts of the world.
A. international B. national C. metropolitan D. cosmopolitan
5. Cities in poorer countries often lack basic ____. Without it, they are unable to function properly as cities.
A. structure B. construction C. infrastructure D. condition
6. Unlike the country where the day often ends quite early in the evening, the city offers its people exciting
A. activities B. performances C. nightlife D. night clubs
7. The roads are terrible. I'm always getting ____ in traffic.
A. stuck B. lost C. exhausted D. late
8. We will need new technologies to generate ______energy and use it in clean and safe ways, only from
fully sources.
A. replaced B. controlled C. renewable D. endurable
9. As we move toward 2050, we are facing the consequences o f _____ urbanization and population
A. promoting B. improving C. moving D. accelerating
10. New York has invested substantially in improving the_____of its waterways in recent years.
A. quality B. quantity C. level D. feature
11. Last Sunday, the Youth Union ____ a campaign to help students with disabilities.
A. has launched B. launched C. was launched D. was launching
12. Recently, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders ____ an incredible scheme to raise awareness of
depression and mental health issues.
A. has introduced B. had introduced C. introduced D. was introduced
13. Last Sunday, Texas-based game-fans The Speed Gamers ____ in a charity activity to donate money to
relief organisations.
A. have participated B. participated C. had participated D. were participating
14. The Real Life Super Hero Project is a gathering of men and women who ____ forces to better their
A. have joined B. are joining C. will join D. are joined
15. A group of young Vietnamese in the north-central province of Nghe An ____ a free bread box
dedicated to poor blue-collar workers.
A. have set up B. sets up C. had set up D. have been setting up

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
When the new state of Pakistan was founded in 1947, Karachi acted as the capital city. However, it
was difficult for Karachi to remain in this role due to a number of drawbacks such as the climate and the
state of the existing buildings. Rather than try to overcome these drawbacks, the government decided to
create a new capital city. In 1959, a commission was established to investigate the possible locations of this
new city. The advisor appointed to the commission was Dr Doxiadis, a famous architect and city planner.
Dr Doxiadis and his colleagues looked at the various locations. They then produced a report
suggesting two possible areas: one just outside Karachi and the other to the north of Rawalpindi. Both
locations had advantages as well as disadvantages. Which site was it to be?
The choice between these two options was made after consideration of many factors, such as
transportation, the availabilities of water, economic factors, and factors of national interest. Finally, the site
north of Rawalpindi was chosen and on the 24th February 1960, the new capital was given the name of
‘Islamabad’ and a master plan was drawn up. This master plan divided the area into three different
sections: Islamabad itself, neighbouring Rawalpindi, and the national park.
Each of these three sections had a different role. Islamabad would act as the national's capital and
would serve its administrative and cultural needs, whereas Rawalpindi would remain the regional centre
with industry and commerce. The third piece of the plan, the national park, was planned to provide space
for education, recreation, and agriculture.
Today Islamabad is a thriving city of about 1 million people. It offers a healthy a pollution-free
atmosphere, plenty of water, and many green spaces. Guide tree-lined streets, elegant public buildings, and
well-organised bazaars and shopping centres. The new capital is a superb example of good urban planning.
1. Why was a commission founded in 1959?
A. to overcome the drawbacks of Karachi as a capital city
B. to create a new capital city for Pakistan
C. to look into possibilities of the locations for a new capital city
D. to appoint an advisor for planning the new capital city
2. How many places were suggested for the new capital city in the initial reports?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Which of the following factors was NOT considered when choosing the location for the new capital
A. the climate and the state of the existing buildings
B. transportation and the availabilities of water
C. economic issues
D. issues of pational interest
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Islamabad would serve cultural needs.
B. Rawalpindi would be the regional centre with industry and commerce.
C. The national park would provide space for agriculture.
D. Islamabad would play the most important role of all.
5. What does the passage primarily describe?
A. The history of the two capital cities of Pakistan.
B. The disappearance of the old capital city of Pakistan.
C. The reasons why Islamabad became the new capital city of Pakistan.
D. The choice and development of Islamabad as the modern capital of Pakistan.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. question B. mutual C. situation D. action
2. A. honest B. honour C. honey D. ghost
3. A. rumour B. humour C. mutual D. duty
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
4. A. understanding B. anniversary C. experience D. celebration
5. A. invite B. intimate C. divorce D. imagine
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
6. He seemed ________ a friendship to Joe.
• seem to do sth: dường như
A. beginning B. being begun C. to be begun D. to have begun
7. ________ happened, I didn't want to lose Sarah's friendship.
A. However B. Wherever C. Whatever D. Whenever
8. He had a portrait ________ as a birthday present for his daughter.
A. paint B. painting C. painted D. to be painted
9. We ________ friends even after we grew up and left home.
A. became B. made C. struck up D. remained
10. At first I found it difficult ________ on the other side of the road.
A. to get used to drive B. to get used to driving
C. being used to drive D. in getting used to driving
11. The factory is said ________ in a fire two years ago.
A. being destroyed B. to have been destroyed
C. to destroy D. to have destroyed
12. The party starts at 8 o'clock so I'll ________ at 7.45.
A. look for you B. pick you up C. bring you along D. take you out
13. She wants to look ________ in her wedding reception.
A. nature B. natured C. natural D. naturally
14. When will you have the dress made?' 'I expect ________ by Friday.
A. to finish B. finishing C. to be finished D. being finished
15. A selfish person is incapable ________ true friendship.
A. of B. with C. in D. for
16. ________ it was a formal dinner party, James wore his blue jeans.
A. Since B. Even though C. Until D. Only if
17. No sooner ________ the phone rang.
A. had they arrived home that B. they had arrived home than
C. did they arrive home that D. had they arrived home than
18. A number of Vietnamese ________ to that city recently.
A. moved B. has moved C. have moved D. was moved
19. I'm really ________ to the party. All my old friends will be there.
A. appreciating B. looking forward C. thinking about D. enjoyable
20. Mr. Lee was upset by ________ him the truth.
A. our not having told B. us not tell C. we didn't tell D. not to tell
21. Jean has a very easy-going ________, which is why she is so popular.
A. reputation B. personality C. characteristic D. sympathy
22. The examiner made us ________ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
A. show B. showing C. to show D. showed
23. As we entered the room, we saw a rat ________ towards a hole in the skirting board.
A. scamper B. to scamper C. scampering D. was scampering
24. I remember ________ to Paris when I was a very small child.
A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking
25. It was difficult to ________ a date which was convenient for everyone.
A. agree B. organize C. arrange D. provide

IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
26. If one is invited out to a dinner, it is perfectly proper to go either with or without a gift.
A B (adv) + adj C D
27. His teacher encouraged him taking part in the international piano competition.
A B to take C D
• encourage sb to do sth: khuyến khích ai làm gì
28. Jane has not rarely missed a party since she was fifteen years old.
29. Tina is always understanding, patient, and sensitive when helping her friends to their problems
A B C D with
• help sb (to) do sth
• help sb with sth
30. So far this term, the students in writing class have learned how to write thesis statements,
organize their material, and summarizing their conclusion.
C D summarize
• how to do sth = how S + (can/could) V
V. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
More and more young people are ... (31) ... voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and
destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and
have a year free before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries.
There they will earn little ... (32) ... no money. But they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the
The work may ... (33) ... of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or
provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or
environmental protection. ... (34) ... kind of job it is, it is certain to be challenging and worthwhile, and an
experience that will never be forgotten.

31. A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting

32. A. with B. but C. or D. and
33. A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve
34. A. any B. what C. however D. whatever

* Read the passage and answer the questions, then choose the correct answer
If you are invited to an American friend’s home for dinner, remember these general rules for polite
behavior. First of all, arrive approximately on time but not early. Americans expect promptness. It will be
right to be 10 or 15 minutes late, but not 45 minutes late. When you are invited to someone’s home for
meal, it is polite to bring a small gift. Flowers and candy are always appreciated. If you have something
attractive made in your country, your host or hostess will certainly enjoy receiving that gift. What will you
do if you are served some food that you cannot eat or you do not like? Do not make a fuss about it. Simply
eat what you can and hope that no one notices it. Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you are
enjoying. Do not leave immediately after dinner, but do not overstay your welcome, either. The next day,
call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.
35. Which sentence is not true?
A. You should not compliment the cook on the food.
B. You should not leave immediately after the dinner.
C. You should not make someone notice that you do not like the food.
D. You should not overstay.
36. If you are invited to an American’s home, __________________
A. you should be late at least 45 minutes. B. you should go late a bit.
C. politeness is not necessary. D. punctuality is appreciated.
37. If there is some food that you cannot eat, ________________
A. make a fuss about it. B. ask the host to cook you another dish.
C. do not eat anything. D. do not make a fuss about it.
38. The next day, ________________
A. remember to thank the host for the dinner B. say nothing to the host
C. you needn’t say thank-you D. invite the host to your house
39. When you come to someone’s house for dinner, ________________
A. bring some flowers, candy or something made in your native country.
B. bring a lot of gifts.
C. you should never offer any gifts.
D. do not care about gifts.

VI. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that is nearest in meaning to the printed before it.
40. It's no use trying to make friends with him.
A. You should try to make friends with him.
B. I find it difficult to make friends with him.
C. There's no point in trying to make a friendship with him.
D. Making a friendship with him is worthless.
41. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
A. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
B. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
C. Calling home, he said that he had arrived the airport.
D. Immediately after he called home, he arrived the airport.
42. We had our house decorated to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
A. We had to decorate our house.
B. We had someone decorate our house.
C. Our house needs to be decorated.
D. We helped my father decorate our house.
* Choose the best sentence (A, B, C, or D) made from the given cues.
43. Thank/ invitation/ silver anniversary/ beginning/ September//
A. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning of September.
B. Thanks for your invitation of the silver anniversary at the beginning of September.
C. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary in the beginning of September.
D. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning in September.
44. When! I arrive/ lecture/ already start/ professor/ write/ overhead projector//
A. When I arrived the lecture already started and the professor wrote the overhead projector.
B. When I arrived lecture had already started 'and professor wrote the overhead projector.
C. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the overhead
D. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor had writing on the overhead

45. Vietnam has become a significant source of international students for a number of countries around the
A. Vietnam has a lot of international students from a number of countries around the world.
B. A number of countries around the world have international students coming from Vietnam.
C. Vietnam has provided a large number of students for many countries around the world.
D. A number of countries around the world receive a significant source of Vietnamese students

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

For example: We live in Vietnam. SV
An likes reading.
Words can go together to make a clause. A clause or a group of clauses can form a sentence. Sentences can go together
to make a paragraph. Finally, paragraphs can be combined into an essay. All go along the following sequence:






1. Simple sentence – câu đơn

Là loại câu chỉ có một mệnh đề: S V (and V)
E.g., He reads (and walks).

2. Compound sentences – câu ghép

Là loại câu có hai mệnh đề, hai mệnh được nối với nhau bằng liên từ đẳng lập: and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet (FANBOYS)
E.g., It’s been raining all day long, so we have to take online classes.

3. Complex sentences – câu phức

Là loại câu có từ hai mệnh đề trở lên, trong đó có một mệnh đề chính và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ. Mệnh đề phụ sẽ mở
đầu bằng các liên từ phụ thuộc: because, since, as / although, though, even though / when, as, while, before, after …
E.g., Because it’s been raining all day long, we have to take online classes.

4. Sử dụng liên trạng từ để nối hai câu

Các liên trạng từ nằm giữa hai dấu và liên kết hai câu văn với nhau.
. Liên trạng từ, SV.
. S, liên trạng từ, V.
. SV, liên trạng từ.
however, therefore, for example, in conclusion, …
E.g., It’s been raining all day long. Therefore, we have to take online classes.

1. Introduction – giới thiệu đề bài và nêu quan điểm (ủng hộ / không ủng hộ)
2. Body paragraph 1
+ Topic sentence – nêu nguyên nhân số 1
+ Supporting idea – lợi ích
3. Body paragraph 2
+ Topic sentence – nêu nguyên nhân số 2 – một chủ đề lớn
+ Supporting idea – ví dụ nhỏ 1
+ Supporting idea – ví dụ nhỏ 2
4. Conclusion – Nêu lại phần intro và nêu thêm cảm nghĩ.

Các liên từ cho essay

1. Opening – Mở bài
- It is often said that … / Many people believe that …
- We live in an age when …
E.g., We live in an age when many teenagers tend to spend too much time on digital devices …
2. Introducing points – Giới thiệu luận điểm
- Firstly, SV
- To start / begin with, SV
- First of all, it is worth considering that SV
- Secondly, SV
- Thirdly, SV
- Furthermore, / In addition, / On top of that, SV …
3. Expressing result & reason – Nêu kết quả
- As a result, SV
- Therefore, SV
- Consequently, SV
4. Expressing reason – Nêu nguyên nhân
- Because SV
- Since SV
- As SV
- Due to + NP
- Because of + NP
5. Concluding – Kết luận (đoạn cuối)
- In conclusion, …
- To sum up, …
6. Opinion – Nêu quan điểm
- As far as I am concerned, …
- From my point of view, …
- In my opinion, …


1. teenagers = schoolchildren = digital natives = adolescents = youngsters : thanh thiếu niên (người trẻ tuổi)
2. digital devices = digital gadgets (n): thiết bị điện tử
3. tend to do sth = have a tendency to do sth : có xu hướng làm gì
4. enjoy spending time on their digital devices or gadgets: thích dành thời gian cho thiết bị điện tử
5. state-of-the-art technology: công nghệ tiên tiến vượt bậc
1. help them keep in touch with friends and families may strengthen their relationships with people around and
2. make friends with people at their fingertips increase their feeling / sense of joys and fulfillment.

3. get access to / access various sources of information : tiếp cận nhiều nguồn thông tin khác nhau
~ get access to / access educational resources in no time

→ help broaden their knowledge: giúp mở rộng kiến thức

4. assist children to engage in / take part in / attend online classes → they can study flexibly : họ có thể học tập linh hoạt

1. become too addicted to their digital devices : trở nên quá nghiện thiết bị điện tử teenagers get distracted from
study: sao nhãng việc học
2. tend to glue to their phones: thường cắm mặt vào điện thoại
3. consume false information online: tiếp thu những thông tin sai trái trên mạng → this can lead to youngsters’
misbehaviors: điều này có thể dẫn đến những hành vi sai trái ở thanh thiếu niên
4. being absorbed in these devices can reduce human contact as a result of lack of communication: đam mê những thiết bị
này có thể làm giảm tương tác giữa người với người do thiếu sự giao tiếp.

Intro sẵn: Digital devices such as mobile phones, laptops, or tablets play an essential / indispensible / crucial part in
teenagers’ lives nowadays. I strongly believe that parents should not strictly limit their children’s screentime for the following

Intro viết lại: Teenagers nowadays cannot live without digital devices./ Teenagers nowadays find digital devices an
indispensable part in their life (find + O + N). In my opinion, parents should allow their children more screentime for the
following reasons.

Firstly, using digital devices can be beneficial for children academically / in terms of education. Teenagers can get access to
/ access various sources of information on the Internet in order to search for a whale of / a lot of knowledge related to their
schoolwork / school lessons. Furthermore, students can use their computers or smartphone to take part in / engage in /
attend online classes, especially during the pandemic. This helps schoolchildren study more flexibly and easily.

Secondly, teenagers tend to / have a tendency to use their devices for communication. To be more specific, they
communicate with their teachers and friends after school by texting or messaging via social media platforms such as
Facebook or Instagram. On top of that, they can even make friends through these platforms at their fingertips. As a result,
digital natives may strengthen their relationships with people around them and increase a sense of joy in life when they get
to know new people.

In conclusion, children’s screentime may also bring about a number of benefits both academically and socially, meaning
that parents should consider giving their children more time for their gadgets.



1. smart city = intelligent city: thành phố thông minh
2. digital healthcare system: hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe kỹ thuật số
3. smart technologies and data analysis : công nghệ thông minh và phân tích dữ liệu
4. sustainable environment: môi trường bền vững
5. improved air quality: chất lượng không khí được cải thiện
6. innovative solutions to the current urban problems: những giải pháp cải tiến cho các vấn đề đô thị hiện nay


1. with the help of smart technologies, cities will have better traffic management and the ability to keep track of public
transportation : với sự giúp đỡ của công nghệ thông minh, các thành phố sẽ có sự quản lý giao thông tốt hơn, có khả năng
theo dõi giao thông công cộng
→ better transportation services with lower level of congestion : dịch vụ giao thông tốt hơn với tỷ lệ kẹt xe thấp hơn
2. deal with the residents’ crime reports without delay / instantly with the help of technology : xử lý báo cáo tội phạm của
người dân một cách nhanh chóng với sự trợ giúp của công nghệ
→ decrease of crime : giảm tình trạng phạm pháp
3. have energy-efficient buildings that are constructed to reduce the amount of carbon footprints by using renewable
sources of energy : có những tòa nhà được xây dựng nhằm giảm lượng khí thải CO2 bằng cách sử dụng các nguồn năng
lượng tự làm mới
→ sustainable environment with clean air: môi trường bền vững với không khí trong lành


1. the authorities or the government will have access to security cameras and intelligent systems connected through many
different spaces, the citizens will have difficulty in maintaining their anonymity : chính quyền sẽ có khả năng truy cập vào hệ
thống camera an ninh và các hệ thống thông minh kết nối qua nhiều không gian, công dân sẽ gặp khó khăn khi muốn ẩn
dấu danh tính.
→ limited privacy: hạn chế riêng tư
2. some jobs that used to rely on human workers now can solely be operated with the help of technology (such as traffic
wardens, garbage collectors, security guards, …) : một số công việc trước đây từng phụ thuộc vào nhân công là con người
nay chỉ hoạt động với sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ (chẳng hạn như nhân viên điều tiết giao thông, người dọn rác, nhân viên
bảo vệ,…)
→ fewer job opportunities: ít cơ hội việc làm hơn → more crime: nhiều tội phạm hơn

BÀI MẪU: Nêu mặt lợi và hại của thành phố thông minh

Intro: More and more cities in the world have invested handsomely to make themselves “smart”. In my opinion, this
tendency can be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the citizens and the environment in several ways which will be
discussed below.

Body 1: First of all, it is worth considering that building a smart city brings about a number of benefits. In terms of
environmental aspect, a smart city has many energy-efficient buildings that are constructed to reduce the amount of
carbon footprints by using renewable energy sources, which can promote sustainable environment and improve the air
quality over the long run. Moreover, with the help of smart technologies, cities will have better traffic management and the
ability to keep track of public transportation. This can provide the residents with better transportation services with lower
level of congestion.

Body 2: Secondly, constructing a smart city has its own disadvantages. The authorities or the government will have access
to security cameras and intelligent systems connected through many different spaces, the citizens will have difficulty in
maintaining their anonymity, which leads to limited privacy. In addition, some jobs that used to rely on human workers such
as traffic wardens, garbage collectors and security guards now can solely be operated with the help of technology, meaning
that there will be fewer job opportunities.

Conclusion: In conclusion, smart cities do have their own merits and drawbacks, which vary from enviromental impact to
human prospects and convenience.

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