Takaful Regulation Muscat Depository Services

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Sultanate of Oman

Draft Regulation for Takaful


Definitions and Interpretations

Article (1): In the application of the provisions of this Regulation, words and expressions shall have the
same meaning assigned to them in Article 1 of the Takaful Law unless the context otherwise requires.


Licensing Requirements

Article (2): An application for a license to undertake Takaful business must be in writing and in the form
prescribed by CMA along with the following information and documents:

(a) Completed application form.

(b) Copy or constitutive contract of the Takaful company.

(c) Copy of articles of association of the Takaful company.

(d) Deposit certificate evidencing minimum capital requirement.

(e) Payment receipt in respect of any applicable application fees.

(f) Contracts between the parties of the Takaful company.

(g) Economic feasibility study.

(h) Business plan should include the followings:

(i) Premises and branches of the Takaful company.

(ii) Re-Takaful agreements.

(iii) Types of operations of the Takaful company.

(iv) Expected number of employees and Omanis’ employment and qualification plan.

(v) Projected financial statements for at least 5 years for General Takaful Business and for 10 years for
Family Takaful Business. Projected Financial Statements must include:

- Projected Balance Sheet (Shareholders’ Fund and Participants’ Fund)

- Projected Profit and Loss Accounts (Shareholders’ Fund)

- Projected Revenue Accounts (Participants’ Takaful Fund for each type of operation)

- Projected Growth in Contributions

- Projected Claims

- Projected Expenses (separate for SHF and PTF)

- Projected Investments and its related Income

- Projected Technical Reserves

- Projected Surplus Distribution. If any.

- Projected Movement of Qard-e-Hasan, if any

- Projected Solvency Margin Statements

- Details of basis of assumptions made for projected financial statements and its business growth.

- Horizontal and Vertical Ratios Analysis

(vi) A statement by the actuary that the business plan for Family Takaful Business has been prepared
according to principles which appear to him to be reasonably sound and workable.

(vii) Any other agreements with parties outside the company.

(viii) Determination of Surplus/Deficit policy.

(ix) Surplus Distribution Policy.

(x) Qard-e-Hasan Policy (including its repayment and impairment)

(xi) Mechanism for separation of Shareholders’ and Participants’ Funds.

(xii) Method for determination of Contribution rates.

(xiii) Investment policy of the company.

(xiv)Any other statements or certificates that the CMA may request.

Article (3): Takaful company shall notify CMA immediately of any amendments to the registered details.

Article (4): CMA, after consideration of the application, may grant unconditional or conditional initial
approval or may reject the application showing the causes for such rejection and procedures and timings of

Article (5): CMA may decline granting the license to establish a Takaful company if the national economy is
not in need for more of such companies.

Article (6): Applicant for license to establish a Takaful company shall pay the license fees specified by the
Executive President.

Article (7): CMA may withdraw the license in the following circumstances read with the Article 15 of the
Takaful Law:

(a) The Takaful undertaking does not commence any of the businesses for which it has been licensed
within six months of the date of the license.

(b) Where the Takaful company fails to offer its shares for public subscription within the term specified in
the licensing decision.

(c) Where the Takaful company fails to take adequate measures to ensure the operations are conducted in
accordance with Shari’a including appointment of Shari’a Supervisory Committee.

(d) Upon request from the relevant Takaful undertaking or upon ceasing of Takaful business.


Types of Takaful Business and Its Model

Article (8): Takaful business comprises of two types: Family Takaful Business and General Takaful

Article (9): Family Takaful Business consist of the following classes:

(a) Life and annuity- Takaful contracts providing benefits payable on the death or survival of the
participant, including personal accidents, disease or sickness, and includes contracts to pay annuities to
the participant, but excluding, in each case, linked long term contracts.

(b) Linked long term- Takaful contracts providing benefits payable on the death or survival of the
participant, including personal accidents, disease or sickness, and includes contracts to pay annuities to
the participant, where the benefits are wholly or partially to be determined by reference to the value of,
or the income from, property of any description (whether or not specified in the contracts) or by
reference to fluctuation in, or in an index of, the value of property of any description (whether or not so

(c) Permanent health- Takaful contracts providing specified benefits against risks of individuals becoming
incapacitated in consequences of sustaining injury as a result of an accident or of an accident of
specified class or of sickness infirmity, being contracts that:

(i) Are expressed to be in effect for a period of not less than five years, or until the normal retirement,
or without limit of time.

(ii) Either are not expressed to be terminable by the takaful company, or are expressed to be so
terminable only in special circumstances mentioned in the contract.

(d) Capital redemption- Takaful contracts other than life and annuity Takaful contracts to provide a capital
sum at the end of a term.

(e) Pension fund management- pension fund management contracts, or contracts of the kind that are
combined with Takaful contracts covering pension and retirement benefits and these funds are owned
by the trustees under the scheme.

(f) Any other class that the Executive President may determine.

Article (10): General Takaful comprises the following classes (other than Family Takaful Business):

(a) Accidents- Takaful contracts providing fixed pecuniary benefits in the nature of indemnity, or a
combination of both, against risk of the participant.

(i) Sustaining injury as a result of an accident or of an accident of specified class.

(ii) Death as a result of an accident or of an accident of specified class, or becoming incapacitated as a

result of disease or of disease of specified class; Inclusive of Takaful contracts relating to
industrial injury and occupational disease.

(b) Sickness- Takaful contracts providing fixed pecuniary benefits or benefits in the nature of indemnity, or
a combination of the two, against risks of loss to participant attributed to sickness or infirmity.

(c) Land vehicles-Takaful contract against loss of or damage to vehicle used on land, including motor
vehicles but excluding railway rolling stock.

(d) Marine, aviation and transport- Takaful contract:

(i) Against loss or damage to railway rolling stock.

(ii) Upon aircraft or upon the machinery, tackle, furniture or equipment of aircraft.

(iii) Upon vessels used on the sea or on inland water, or upon the machinery, tackle, furniture or
equipment of such vessels or

(iv) Against loss of or damage to merchandise, baggage, and all other goods in transit, irrespective of
the form of transport.

(e) Fire and other property damage- Takaful contracts against loss of or damage to property (other than
property designated as land vehicles or marine, aviation and transport), due to fire, explosion, storm,
natural forces other than storm, nuclear energy, land subsidence, hail, frost or any event such as theft.

(f) Liability- Takaful contracts against risk of participants incurring liabilities to their parties, including
risks of damage arising out of or in connection with the use of motor vehicles on land, aircraft and
vessels on the sea or on inland water, including third- party risks and carrier’s liability.

(g) Credit and Surety- Takaful contracts:

(i) Against risk of loss to participants arising from insolvency of their debtors or from the failure,
otherwise than through insolvency, of their debtors to pay debts when due.

(ii) Against risks of loss to participants arising from their having to perform contracts of guarantee
entered into by them or contracts for fidelity bonds, performance bonds, administration bonds, bail
bond or customs bonds or similar contracts of guarantee.

(h) Other- Takaful contracts:

(i) Against risks of loss to participants attributed to interruptions of the carrying on of business carried
on by them or to reduction of the scope of business so carried on.

(ii) Against risks of loss to participants attributed to their incurring unforeseen expense.

(iii) Against risks of loss to participants attributed to their incurring legal expenses.

(iv) Providing assistance whether in cash or in kind, for participants who get into difficulties, whether
while travelling, while away from home, while away from their permanent residence, or otherwise.

(i) Any other class that the Executive President may determines.

Article (11): Takaful company shall structure its Takaful Business Model on the basis of combined
principles of Wakala and Modaraba.

Article (12): The Takaful Company shall adopt Wakala Structure for underwriting activities and Modaraba
Structure for Investment activities of Takaful Business.

Obligations of Takaful Company on Issuance of Takaful Contract

Article (13): Takaful company shall file all Takaful contract forms with CMA for approval.

Article (14): A Takaful contract shall may be written in simple and clear language at least in Arabic or and
English or both with exact translation. In the event of a dispute over the interpretations of the Takaful
contract only the Arabic version shall be relied upon, while dealing with the Omani covered party.

Article (15): Takaful contract shall contain the following:

(a) Number of contract which must be stated in all the related documents.

(b) Participant’s and beneficiary’s names and contact details.

(c) Underwriting term.

(d) Additional coverage.

(e) Contribution amount.

(f) Covered properties or interests.

(g) Contract provisions, which contain general terms, conditions and exceptions.

(h) Rights and obligations of the participants.

(i) Signature and company seal.

(j) The structural model defining the relationship between the company and participant.

(k) Structure of Company’s fees (Wakala Fees) and/or profit sharing ratio (Mudaraba share) on the income
from investments of the Participants’ fund.

(l) Method of allocation of Contribution to the Investments Fund.

(m) Participant’s surplus distribution policy.

(n) Policy to treat deficits.

(o) Any other details, which the Executive President may prescribe to be included in the contract.
Article (16): Takaful company shall notify the client of the terms, conditions and exclusion of the Takaful
contract prior to conclusion.

Article (17): Where Takaful company accepts to underwrite a risk, the participant shall be provided with a
temporary underwriting notice (cover note) until issuance of the contract. The company shall provide the
participant copy of the contract within a maximum of one month from the date of commencement of

Article (18): No Takaful contract shall be issued to any director or senior executive or any shareholder who
holds not less than 5% of the Takaful company’s capital except after paying the full contribution amount.
Where any of the above mentioned persons file a claim, such claim shall be treated in accordance with the
procedures applicable to other clients without any preferential treatment and the compliance officer shall be
notified of any indemnities paid to them.


Obligations of Takaful Company on determination of Fees Structure

Article (19): Under the Agency / Mudarabah Contract, if the Takaful Company seeks to set any wakala fees
(agency fees) / Mudarib fees (profit sharing), or to propose any change therein, in both cases the Takaful
company must obtain approval in writing from the CMA after its internal approval from the following:

(a) Its Shari’a Supervisory Committee; and

(b) Its Actuary (only in case of Family Takaful business)

(c) Board of Directors

Article (20): To get approval from the CMA as per Article 19 above, the Takaful company must submit the
relevant supported documents as a working details for the determination of level of Wakala fees and / or
Mudarib fees.

Article (21): The Takaful company while ascertaining the level of wakala fees are required to consider the

(a) Appropriately determine the level of acquisition cost (including commission expenses), management
expenses and general administrative expenses expected to be incurred by the Shareholders’ Fund, in
servicing the takaful contract throughout the takaful contract term. This estimation can be based on
internal or industry past experience, taking into consideration expected future experience with
reasonable prudence. Takaful company shall ensure that any margin included to compensate
shareholders for effort taken in managing takaful operations, is appropriate and reasonable; and

(b) Appropriately determine the level of Contributions to be charged to the participants, which must at a
minimum, cover the estimated claims expenses and proposed wakala fees.


Surplus of the Participants’ Fund

Article (22): Takaful company shall compute the distributable surplus from its Participants’ Fund balance on
the basis of the Audited Financial Statements in accordance with its Surplus Distribution Policy approved by
the Shari’a Supervisory Committee, its Board of Directors and Actuary in case of Family Takaful business.

Article (23): If the Takaful Company is willing to distribute its surplus to its participants from its
Participants’ Fund, it must announce, via direct communication to the participants or on its website or email,
the distributable surplus, if any, within four months of the close of financial year as computed under Article
(22) above.

Article (24): Takaful company must distribute the distributable surplus of the Participants’ Fund within a
month of such announcement, either via direct bank transfer of funds to participants’ accounts or as a
discount on the contribution on the amount due for next upcoming term.

Article (25): To compute the distributable surplus out of total surplus in the Participants’ Fund, following
should be considered:

(a) Level of the contributions under the contracts with the Participants ;

(b) Subject to the solvency margin of the Takaful Company and Participants’ Fund;

(c) Sufficient liquid funds are available;

(d) Surplus may be held for contingencies;

(e) Surplus may be held for further expansion;

(f) For repayment of Qard-e-Hasan, obtained from Shareholders’ Fund earlier;

(g) Surplus may be distributed to only those Participants, who have not made claims.
(gh) In any case, it must not:

(i) Favor any participant/group of participants over another participant/group of participants in an

unjustified way;

(ii) Indirectly provide some form of benefit to the Takaful company which may be regarded as unfair
or unethical, for instance in the form of undeserved publicity/advertisement associated with the
surplus distribution; and

(hi) Any other amount may be held necessary for the takaful business operations to avoid any adverse
financial or legal compliance implications.

(ij) The Takaful Company shall have no right to receive any Surplus from the Participants Fund.

Article (26): The CMA reserves the right to conduct an assessment for the determination of distributable
surplus of the Participants’ Fund, either its self or through an external party, whenever it may deem
necessary, to verify the level of the announced surplus, as well as the method of its calculation, and the
associated accounts, operations and books of account.


Solvency and provision of Qard Hasan by the shareholders

Article (27): At all times the value of assets in the Participants’ Fund must be in excess of all of liabilities of
the Participants’ Fund to be computed separately for each of its types of operations, that is General Takaful
and Family Takaful, without combining the assets and liabilities of the Shareholders’ Fund.

Article (28): The value of assets for the purpose of Article (27) shall be calculated in accordance with the
Article (23) of the Regulations for Implementing Insurance Companies Laws promulgated vide Ministerial
Order No. 5/80 together with its Annex 18, ‘Regulations for Valuation of insurance Company Assets and
Assessment of Liabilities’.

Article (29): The Takaful Company is also required to maintain a margin of solvency at its each type
separately for General and Family after combining the Shareholders’ assets and liabilities on a proportionate
basis based on contribution, in accordance with the Article (22)(bis) of the Regulations for Implementing
Insurance Companies Laws promulgated vide Ministerial Order No. 5/80.

Article (30): In case of shortage of liquidity or cash deficit:

(a) Qard-e-Hasan (an interest free loan / Shari’a compliant loan) shall be provided immediately to the
Participants’ Fund from Shareholders’ Fund to meet the financial obligations, subject to approval from
the Shari’a Supervisory Committee, Board of Directors and in case of Family Takaful Business, also
from the Actuary;

(b) Such Qard-e-Hasan shall be paid by way of actual transfer of money from the Shareholders’ Fund to
the Participants’ Fund.

(c) The shortage in current assets with respect to its current liabilities shall give rise to the situation of
Shortage of Liquidity or Cash Deficit.

Article (31): In case of any accounting deficit in the Participants’ Fund is reported in its annual audited

(a) the Takaful Company shall within four months set aside the amount of assets within its Shareholders’
Fund at least equivalent to reported deficits;

(b) Above set aside assets shall be earmarked for Takaful Participants’ Fund immediately after it is set

(c) These earmarked assets shall be reported to the CMA within seven days of earmark;

(d) These set aside assets shall be available for payment of Qard-e-Hasan (an interest free loan / Shari’a
compliant loan) to Participants’ Fund at any time, in case of shortage of liquidity or cash deficit;

(e) In case of accounting deficit continued for next three years, the same set aside assets should be
transferred to the Participants’ Fund by actual way of transfer of money within four month of close of
that financials year.

Article (32): If the Qard-e-Hasan transferred to the Participants’ Fund as per above Article after three years
of deficit is not recovered within further three years’ time for General Takaful Business and five years’ time
for Family Takaful Business; the same provision for doubtful Qard-e-Hasan shall be impaired recorded in
the profit and loss account of the Shareholders’ Fund and similarly, it shall be written back reversed when
Impaired doubtful Qard-e-Hasan is recovered in any succeeded year.

Article (33): The amount of deposits paid from Shareholders’ Fund held under lien with the CMA, as
required under Article (117) of these Regulations, shall not be treated as Qard -e- Hasan paid by the
Shareholders’ Fund to the Participants’ Fund as required under Articles.

Article (34): The amount of Qard-e-Hasan can be repaid in subsequent periods only in the event of surplus
in the Participants’ Fund balance and subject to solvency margin compliance and approval from CMA after
internal approvals from the following:
(a) Shari’a Supervisory Committee

(b) Actuary in case of Family Takaful Business

(c) Board of Directors


Claims and Complaints Settlement Process

Article (35): Takaful company shall create a department for claim settlement and put in place specific
procedures to receive clients’ claims for consideration and taking decision thereon.

Article (36): Takaful company shall maintain separate special files for client’s claims containing the

(a) Copy of Takaful contract.

(b) Filled client’s claim form

(c) Loss assessor’s report together with any relevant documents establishing the claim specifying the
causes of the loss.

(d) The share of other polices (if any) from the compensation.

(e) Procedures taken by the company and claim status on such date.

(f) Official power of attorney by the participant to the company to claim from any third party or to defend
the participant in denying liability or specifying compensation amount.

(g) Discharge by the client.

Article (37): Takaful company shall settle the claims as soon as it is practical after receiving claim
documents and completing the due process, unless due to an unavoidable situation.

Article (38): A Takaful company shall appoint an officer to handle complaints, independent of the claims
department, and his contact address and telephone number shall be placed in conspicuous place in the
company premises, branches and on its website.
Article (39): A Takaful company shall respond to clients’ complaints as soon as possible after receiving the
complaint and within not more than ten working days. Complaints shall be recorded in separate special
register containing all related information.


Shari’a Compliance Framework

Article (40): A Takaful company must establish and maintain a system of controls which enable it to
conduct its Takaful business in accordance with the principles of Shari’a.

Article (41): A Takaful company shall appoint members of Shari’a Supervisory Committee in odd numbers
but not less than three members before the commencement its Takaful Operations. The majority of the
members of the Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall be Shari’a Scholars with the following qualifications
and experiences:

(a) Bachelor Degree that include study of Usul ul Fiqh (Rules of Islamic Jurisprudence) and Fiqh al
Ma’amalat (Islamic Commercial Jurisprudence) from a recognized institution.

(b) Sound practical knowledge in relation to the spheres of banking / finance in general and Islamic
banking / finance in particular.

(c) Demonstrable understanding of the legal and regulatory framework applicable to the function of the

(d) Practical experience in evaluating the permissibility of commercial transactions and arrangements vis-
à-vis Shari’a Law for at least 5 years

Article (42): The Shari’a Supervisory Committee must also include one Takaful Expert having specialized
knowledge of Takaful Operations, as well as knowledge of modern finance and economics with the relevant
experience for at least 5 years.

Article (43): Any member of the Shari’a Supervisory Committee must not be:

(a) A shareholder of the Takaful company or director or employee.

(b) Associated with more than one Shari’a Supervisory Committee of Takaful company operating in the
Sultanate. The Executive President may, as exemption, permit a member to be member in two
supervisory committees of Takaful companies in the Sultanate.
Article (44): A Takaful company shall submit the complete details of its Shari’a Supervisory Committee to
the CMA within two weeks of their appointment. Whereas any causal vacancy should be filled with two

Article (45): A member of the Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall not be removed save by resolution of
the general meeting of the Takaful company on recommendation by the board of directors.

Article (46): The Sharia’s Supervisory Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

(a) To set up Shari’a principles for the operational model of the Takaful company.

(b) To review all Takaful products, contracts and all related documentations and processes.

(c) To approve the Takaful Participants’ Fund maintenance policy.

(d) To provide a Shari’a Compliant Investments Policy approved by the board of directors.

(e) To approve the Surplus Distribution Policy approved by the board of directors.

(f) To approve the Underwriting Manual approved by the board of directors.

(g) To approve the Claim Settlement Manual approved by the board of directors.

(h) To give suggestion on the shari’a violations reported by the Shari’a Compliance Officer or Shari’a
Compliance Auditor.

Article (47): The meetings of the Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall be held with a frequency not less than
once in each quarter and once in a year with the Board of Director.

Article (48): The matters of dispute between the Shari’a Supervisory Committee and management of the
Takaful company shall be referred to the Supreme Shari’a Supervisory Committee of CMA. The resolutions
on such referred matter by the Supreme Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall be final and required to
comply by all Takaful Companies.

Article (49): A Takaful company must take reasonable steps to ensure that the company and its employees:

(a) Provide such assistance as the Shari’a Supervisory Committee reasonably requires to discharge its
(b) Give the Shari’a Supervisory Committee right of access to relevant records and information.

(c) Do not interfere with duties of Shari’a Supervisory Committee.

(d) Do not provide false or misleading information to Shari’a Supervisory Committee.

(e) Report to Shari’a Supervisory Committee any matter that may affect the Shari’a compliance of the
Takaful company.

Article (50): A Takaful company shall comply with the policies, guidelines, decisions and Sharia’a Rulings
(fatwas) of Shari’a Supervisory Committee and respond to its requests. In the event of a violation, the
Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall submit a report to the board of directors. Where the directors fail to act
accordingly the Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall report the matter to CMA.

Article (51): Shari’a Supervisory Committee shall submit an annual report to CMA and Shareholders of the
Takaful company stating its work and remarks on the company’s compliance with Shari’a principles.
Summary of the report shall be read in the general meeting of the company.

Article (52): The Company must either appoint a person or designate its Compliance Officer a person, as a
Shari’a Compliance Officer with the consent of Shari’a Supervisory Committee, having strong knowledge of
concept of Takaful in Shari’a aspects, operations of Takaful, Laws and regulations applicable for Takaful
Industry in the Sultanate of Oman. However, if deemed necessary, the CMA may ask the Company to
appoint separate individual as Shari’a Compliance Officer.

Article (53): The responsibilities of the Shari’a Compliance officer shall be the followings:

(a) To ensure that Shari’a compliance system is implemented and operationally effective;

(b) The guidelines or the policies framed by the Shari’a Supervisory Committee are implemented and
properly followed;

(c) The Takaful operations of the company comply with the laws and regulations for the time being
applicable in the Sultanate;

(d) To ensure that Takaful company has properly adopted relevant AAOIFI Standards and other Standards
as approved by the CMA whereas in case of any contradiction with CMA’s laws and regulations,
CMA’s requirement shall prevail.

(e) To ensure that all the investment are made in the Shari’a compliant modes in accordance with the
approved Investment Policy;
(f) The Shari’a Compliance Officer shall directly report to the Shari’a Supervisory Committee and to the
Board of directors; and

(g) The Shari’a Compliance Officer shall prepare their report of compliance at the close of each quarter and
submit to the Shari’a Supervisory Committee and Board of directors within two weeks of the close of
each quarter.

Article (54): A Takaful company shall submit the consolidated Shari’a Compliance Officer’s Report
annually along with regulatory return to the CMA with the management comments on each reservation
raised therein.

Article (55): The CMA is empowered to ask for any such report at any time from the Takaful company.

Article (56): A Takaful company shall appoint an external Shari’a Compliance Auditor to conduct its Shari’a
compliance audit for each financial year to ensure that all the activities carried out by the Takaful Company
is in compliance with Shari’a Supervisory Committee’s resolutions and CMA’s takaful laws & regulations.

Article (57): The external Shari’a Compliance Auditor must have adequate human resources and sufficient
capacity to conduct a Shari’a compliance audit. |

Article (58): The responsibilities of the external Shari’a Compliance Auditor shall be:

(a) To verify that product structures, contracts, financial transactions, operational policies and procedures
adopted are Shari’a Compliant.

(b) To verify the all the decisions, policies and guidelines issued by Shari’a Supervisory Committee are
implemented throughout the year.

(c) To verify that the Takaful Company has complied with all the articles of the Takaful Law and its
Regulation applicable in the Sultanate.

Article (59): The external Shari’a Compliance Auditor must meet with the Shari’a Supervisory Committee
before finalizing the report to discuss the findings during the relevant financial period.

Article (60): Each year the Shari’a Compliance Auditor’s report shall be submitted separately to the
following recipients:
(a) Board of Directors

(b) Shari’a Supervisory Committee

(c) CMA (together with annual Financial Statements)


Supreme Sharia Supervisory Committee

Article (61): The Capital Market Authority (CMA) will establish a Supreme Shari’a Supervisory Committee
(SSSC) which shall be the ultimate authority responsible for providing judgements and fatawa based on
Islamic Law in relation to all relevant Shari’a compliant financial transactions and commercial matters in
general under the auspices of the CMA.

Article (62): The SSSC will have a minimum of five Muslim members, including a Chairman, and a Deputy
Chairman. At least three members of the SSSC (including the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman) will be
Shari’a scholars, and must hold the following qualifications and experiences at a minimum:

(a) Bachelor Degree that include study of Usul ul Fiqh (Rules of Islamic Jurisprudence) and Fiqh al
Ma’amalat (Islamic Commercial Jurisprudence) from a recognized institution.

(b) Sound practical knowledge in relation to the spheres of banking / finance in general and Islamic
banking / finance in particular.

(c) Demonstrable understanding of the legal and regulatory framework applicable to the function of the

(d) Practical experience in evaluating the permissibility of commercial transactions and arrangements vis-
à-vis Shari’a Law for:

(i) at least 10 years for the Chairman, and

(ii) at least 3 years for the Deputy Chairman and other Shari’a scholars

Article (63): The other members of the SSC must be experienced professionals from amongst the following
fields: insurance, takaful, economics, commercial law, banking and finance, or chartered accountancy, and
must have relevant practical experience of at least 10 years along with minimum of Master Degree.

Article (64): All members of the SSSC will be chosen by the Board of Directors of the CMA (BODC) for a
term of three years, and will be eligible to be appointed again at the end of this term. Members of the SSSC
shall remain in office until reappointed or their successors are appointed. In case a member ceases to serve
on the SSSC during an existing term and the requirement for an interim replacement arises to complete the
remaining period of that term, the Chairman of the BODC may appoint a suitable individual at his
discretion, who must nevertheless fulfil the requirements of Article (62) and Article (63).

Article (65): The remuneration, employment benefits and overall financial packages of all members of the
SSSC will be decided based on a process of consultation between the Chairman of the BODC and the
members of the SSSC.

Article (66): The SSSC will hold regular meetings under normal circumstances, corresponding to
approximately once every quarter. Under unusual circumstances, a meeting may be delayed or postponed,
but the objective of four regular meetings a year should be strictly followed. In addition to its regular
meetings, the SSSC may hold supplementary meetings in case any requirements (in particular of an urgent
nature) for formal approvals, discussion or advice arise at a time when there is no regular meeting scheduled
to address such requirements.

Article (67): All SSSC members are strictly required, under normal circumstances, to attend all regular
meetings of the SSSC. However, occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances where the attendance may
not be possible, in all such cases, the absent member must submit in writing the reason for being absent to
the Chairman. The Deputy Chairman may stand in for the Chairman in SSSC meetings in case the latter is
absent or unable to attend. No SSSC member may miss more than one regular meeting in any one year. If
more than one regular meeting is missed, the matter will be brought to the attention of the Chairman, who
will analyse and address the issue at their discretion in a reasonable manner.

Article (68): The minimum quorum of SSSC meetings must be no less than three members, out of whom
two must be Shari’a scholars. This applies to both regular meetings and supplementary meetings.

Article (69): The roles and responsibilities of the SSSC will be as follows:

(a) Compile and circulate the general requirements, framework, and conditions (as appropriate) that need
to be followed or adhered to regarding Shari’a compliant insurance / Takaful and any other Shari’a
compliant products, instruments, and arrangements.

(b) To formulate policies and guidelines for operation and management of Takaful business in line with
Shari’a principles.

(c) Conduct Sharia review and where appropriate issue approval of Shari’a compliance of the products /
instruments developed by any of the financial institutions or market players conducting Islamic Finance
activities operating under the supervision and control of the CMA (collectively / in plural “Supervised
IF Parties”, and individually each a “Supervised IF Party”), in particular for (but not limited to) those in
the insurance sector and the stock exchange. To provide advice to the CMA on legislation and
regulations developed for or relating to the Islamic banking, finance and Takaful sector.
(d) To advise on and approve the necessary fit and proper criteria for the appointment of Shari’a scholars
for Supervised IF Parties on their Shari’a Supervisory Committees.

(e) To review and analyse cases where any Shari’a violation(s) on the part of any Supervised IF
Party/Parties has/have been identified either through internal or external Shari’a audit, or otherwise, and
to advise the CMA regarding the appropriate course of action.

(f) To advise the CMA in case any conflicting or different Shari’a opinions on products and financial
arrangements or otherwise are detected, including how to resolve these conflicts appropriately. The
decisions of the SSSC in these cases shall be the final.

(g) To carry out any other relevant functions that may be assigned to the SSSC from time to time by the

Article (70): Members of the SSSC will be permitted to carry out normal transactions with any Supervised
IF Parties, as long as such transactions do not give rise to any conflict of interest or duty in relation to the
member in question vis-à-vis their membership of the SSSC and their associated responsibilities therein.

Article (71): Members of the SSSC must provide information on the following, freely and swiftly, whenever
the need may arise, either voluntarily or upon demand by the CMA:

(a) Full disclosure on their dealings and transactions with financial institutions and market players
conducting Islamic banking, finance and Takaful activities under the supervision and control of the

(b) In relation to any matter that affects or has the potential to affect the confidential and fiduciary nature of
the duties, and/or which may interfere with their responsibilities, as SSSC members

Article (72): Members of the SSSC are expressly prohibited from simultaneously holding a position on the
Shari’a Supervisory Committee of any Supervised IF Parties.

Article (73): Any members of the SSSC may submit their resignation in writing the Board of Directors of
the CMA if desired. Such resignations shall be effective from the date of acceptance of the same, or
alternatively after a period of 45 days has been completed since the submission of the resignation.

Article (74): The BODC reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member of the SSSC if they:

(a) Are convicted of a crime or found guilty of an offence that brings into question their moral standing,
honesty, or reputation;

(b) Violated any of the requirements of Article 71; or

(c) Did not attend two regular SSSC meetings in any one calendar year subject to Article 67.


Fit and Proper Criteria for Chief Executive Officer, Directors and Senior Management of Takaful

Article (75): The directors, chief executive officer and senior management officers elected / appointed to
manage the Takaful company shall be fit and proper in terms of Articles of this Chapter.

Article (76): The fitness and propriety of a person shall be assessed in terms of following factors:

(a) Integrity and record of accomplishment of such person;

(b) Financial soundness of such person;

(c) Competence and capability of such person; and

(d) Conflict of interest of such person with the business of the Takaful company.

Article (77): For the purpose of clause (a) Article (76) for the integrity and record of accomplishment of
such person, a person shall not be considered as fit and proper if he/she:

(a) Has been convicted in criminal breach of trust, fraud and other similar activities;

(b) Has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;

(c) Has been subject to the adverse findings upon inquiry, inspection or investigation by CMA, any other
regulator, professional or government agencies; or

(d) Has been involved in the financial irregularities and malpractices in a company due to which the
business of the company was ceased or he/she was dismissed.

Article (78): For the purpose of clause (b) Article (76) for the financial soundness of such person, the
following shall be considered:

(a) Whether the person has been a defaulter in repayment of loans to a financial institution, exceeding RO.
5,000 or defaulter of a stock exchange;

(b) Whether the person is adjudicated as insolvent or bankrupted; or

(c) Whether the person has any un-discharged insolvency.

Article (79): For the purpose of clause (c) Article (76) for the competence and capability of such person, the
following shall be considered:

(a) The chief executive officer must have any of the following minimum educational qualification and

(i) Fellow or associate of chartered insurance institute or any professional institute approved by CMA
along with technical experience in the field of insurance for at least five years in insurance
underwriting or insurance companies’ management.

(ii) Have masters in insurance or finance or economics along with technical experience in the field of
insurance for a period of at least seven years in insurance underwriting or insurance companies’

(iii) Have a bachelor’s degree in insurance or finance or economics along with technical experience in
insurance for a period of at least ten years in insurance underwriting or insurance companies’

(iv) Have a diploma in insurance or finance or economics along with technical experience in insurance
for a period of at least thirteen years in insurance underwriting or insurance companies’

(b) The director of the company must me having management or business experience of at least 5 years at a
senior level.

(c) The senior management officers must be qualified professionals possessing relevant experience relating
to the job or assignments.

Article (80): For the purpose of clause (d) Article (76) for the conflict of interest of such person with the
business of a Takaful company, the chief executive officer, director or any senior management officer shall

(a) Be engaged as a director in any other insurance or Takaful company;

(b) Have any direct or indirect ownership or management interest in the Insurance Broker

(c) Be a member of the stock exchange or director or employee of any stock brokerage house registered
with the exchange.

However, for this purpose, only directors are allowed to have direct or indirect ownership or management
interest in the Insurance Broker, subject to its proper disclosure to the board of directors.
Article (81): A Takaful company shall notify CMA of the name of its elected directors and appointed senior
management along with the particulars of the persons as may prescribed by the CMA for this purpose.

Article (82): CMA may object to an elected or appointed director, chief executive officer and senior
management officer and may request for their replacement on a certain grounds as mentioned in this Chapter
in writing.

Article (83): In case of any objection under Article (82) made by CMA, the aggrieved party or Takaful
company may appeal the decision before the Appeals Committee of CMA.


Register, Accounts and Particulars

Article (84): Every Takaful company is required to maintain the following registers:

(a) A register of all Takaful contracts issued by the Takaful company, showing the serial number, date of
issue, names and addresses of participants, contract beneficiaries, sum of risk covered, duration of
contract and any amendments thereto.

(b) All claims raised to the Takaful company, date the claims were submitted, values, names and addresses
of claimants and date of payment or date and reason for rejection.

(c) All retakaful or reinsurance contracts entered into by the Takaful company.

Article (85): The Takaful company shall prepare an regulatory return annually containing the following:

(a) Statement of financial position of the company (Shareholders and Policyholders)

(b) Statement of shareholders comprehensive income

(c) Statement of participant’s revenues and expenses for general business

(d) Statement of participant’s revenues and expenses for family business

(e) A cash flow statement for Shareholders’ Fund

(f) A cash flow statement for Participants’ Fund

(g) Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity

(h) Statement of participants’ surplus / deficit

(i) Statement of contribution separately for each type of operation

(j) Statement of claims separately for each type of operation

(k) Statement of expenses in Shareholders’ Fund

(l) Statement of expenses in Participants’ Fund separately for each type of operation

(m) Statement of inward and outward reinsurance

(n) Particulars of funds and liabilities of the national company abroad

(o) Statement of Solvency margin calculation with supporting evidences separately of each type of

(p) Statement of computation of technical reserves separately for each type of operation

(q) Statement of deposits held with the CMA under lien separately for each type of operation

(r) Any other statements required by CMA in any form so prescribed.

Article (86): The quarterly regulatory return of the Takaful company shall comprise the following

(a) Statement of the financial position;

(b) Statement of shareholders comprehensive income;

(c) Statement of participant’s revenues and expenses for general business;

(d) Statement of participant’s revenues and expenses for family business;

(e) Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity;

(f) Statement of participants’ surplus / deficit;

(g) Any other statements required by CMA in any form so prescribed.

Article (87): The Takaful company must submit the published annual audited Financial Statements and
audited Regulatory Report to the CMA before the end of February each year.

Article (88): For preparation of published financial statements following must be complied:

(a) For presentation and disclosure of the published financial statements the Takaful company shall
comply with all the applicable International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards, however for
Shari’a compliant activities AAOIFI standards shall be followed, that are adopted and approved by the
(b) The Takaful company must mention the accounting policies adopted for the preparation of aforesaid
financial statements in accordance with the applicable IASs/IFRSs.

(c) The requirement of CMA’s laws and regulations shall prevail over the AAOIFI requirements in case
of any difference in accounting or reporting treatment.


Audit of Accounts and Actuarial Investigation

Article (89): The auditor of the Takaful company shall submit to the CMA the audit report issued on the
regulatory returns annually together with the audited financial statements.

Article (90): The auditor of the Takaful company shall certify in its report that the statement of financial
position and financial performance of shareholders and participants’ Funds areis prepared properly, it gives
true and fair view, and compaly with the Commercial Companies Law 1974 and requirements of the CMA,

Article (91): The auditor of the Takaful company shall also report on the solvency margin computation as
per requirement of the laws and regulation, technical reserves are appropriately accounted for and deposits
held under lien with the CMA are in compliance with applicable laws.

Article (92): The auditor shall mention that accounting policies adopted are applied consistently for the
preparation of the financial statements.

Article (93): The auditor shall also be responsible to identify and report separately to the Board of Directors,
the errors and weaknesses in the internal control systems and the same report shall also be submitted to the
CMA within thirty (30) days from the date of issue of the Audit Report on Financial Statement. .

Article (94): The CMA may appoint another auditor or re-appoint the same auditor to re-audit the accounts
of the Takaful company if the CMA decides that the report issued is inadequate for discharging its
obligations, subject to the opportunity of being heard from the company from which it was given.

Article (95): A Takaful company carrying out Family Takaful, prior to carrying out the business, shall
appoint an actuary. The Takaful company carrying out general Takaful business may also consider annually
the need to commission an actuarial evaluation and report. Where the company resolves to obtain an
actuarial evaluation and report, this report must be submitted to CMA.

Article (96): The actuary employed by the company shall be having one of the qualifications namely: a
Fellow of the:

(a) Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in the United Kingdom,

(b) Society of Actuaries in the United States,

(c) Casualty Actuarial Society in the United States,

(d) Institute des Actuaries in France, or

(e) an equivalent diploma approved by the CMA.

Article (97): The company shall submit a copy of the annual actuaries report with the enclosures to the CMA
within six months from the closing date of period subject to actuarial investigation along with the
declaration from the management of the company acknowledging that all the information and necessary
detail to enable the actuary to calculate the correct liabilities of the company has been presented to him.

Article (98): CMA may also appoint an external actuary at any time to submit an actuarial report on the
Takaful business, with the cost being paid by the Takaful company.

Article (99): The external actuary shall prepare statutory annual actuarial reports and shall be independent of
the Takaful company and shall not be related party of the Takaful company which they are evaluating.

Article (100): The internal actuary employed by the company is allowed to be a director or an executive of
the Takaful company.

Article (101): The external actuary shall carry out the following:

(a) Review the financial position of the company.

(b) Evaluate the company’s ability to pay its future obligations.

(c) Review the retakaful contracts and structure.

(d) Specify and approve the technical provisions of the company.

(e) Assess the investment policy of the company and recommend thereon.

(f) Any other actuarial recommendations.

Article (102): The actuary shall:

(a) Deliver their report independently in accordance with the best international practices and appropriately
with the nature of the business of the company.

(b) Deliver the report to the board of directors of the company within such time to give the directors a
reasonable opportunity to consider and use the report in preparing the annual report of the company.

(c) Report to the board of directors of the company if they believe that there is a matter relating to the
financial position or operation of the company that should be brought to the attention of the directors.

(d) The actuary shall address CMA if the actuary believes that a matter brought to the attention of the
directors of the Takaful company is not adequately dealt with.

Article (103): The actuarial report shall include the following:

(a) Significant aspects, which affected or may affect the company business in the future.

(b) An estimate of the value of Takaful liabilities and assets arising in respect of those liabilities
determined in accordance with these regulations.

(c) Where there has been a change in the assumptions or in valuation method from that adopted at the
previous valuation, the effect of these changes on the general Takaful liabilities and assets arising in
respect of those liabilities.

(d) The adequacy and appropriateness of data made available to the actuary by the Takaful company.

(e) Procedures undertaken by the actuary to assess the reliability of the data.

(f) The model or models used by the actuary.

(g) The approach taken to evaluate the estimates

(h) The factors affecting the findings of analysis.

(i) Re-Takaful arrangements and adequacy.

(j) Significant aspects of the recent Takaful business including, where relevant, a commentary on
significant deviations of actual experience compared to the assumptions made in the previous
(k) The method and assumptions used by the actuary in the valuation process, including, where relevant, a
commentary on significant differences between the assumptions used and recent actual experience of
the Takaful company.

(l) Establishment of any surplus or deficit in the Participants’ Fund, and description of the invested assets
used to determine the risk adjusted yield on which the discount rate used in the evaluation was based.

(m) The amount of proposed surplus for distribution to the participants.

(n) Comment on any other factors affecting the valuation.

Article (104): The CMA may issue circular to prescribe the models and/or methods to be used for actuarial
valuation at any time whenever it seems necessary for a particular company or for all companies.

Article (105): The actuary shall report urgently to the directors of the Takaful company if they note any
significant present or future risks. The directors shall review the report and forward their comments and the
action taken to CMA.

Article (106): Where the Takaful company undertaking family Takaful business shows a deficit of its family
Takaful business funds for two successive years, it shall direct the actuary to investigate the financial
position of the relevant class of family Takaful business providing reasons for the deficit and providing
recommendations for avoiding future deficits. This report shall be submitted to board of directors of the
company and CMA within two months of the annual financial accounts being submitted.

Article (107): The Takaful company shall take reasonable steps to ensure the actuary can conducting their
duties, specifically:

(a) Provide such assistance as required to discharge their duties.

(b) Give the actuary access at all times to the records and information.

(c) Do not interfere with duties of the actuary.

(d) Do not provide false or misleading information.

(e) Report any matter to the Board of Director or senior management, which affect the financial position of
the company.


Deposit Requirements
Article (108): A Takaful company shall maintain a deposit within the Sultanate for the following amounts:

(a) RO 75,000 if licensed to undertake family Takaful business.

(b) RO 75,000 if licensed to undertake general Takaful business.

(c) RO 150,000 if licensed to undertake family and general Takaful business.

Article (109): The deposit shall be paid from the Participants’ Fund. In the event of liquidation of the
Takaful company the deposit shall be refunded to the same fund.

Article (110): The deposit shall be made in cash or other assets as agreed by CMA of a value of not less than
the amount prescribed in these regulations. The deposit may not be disposed of, or otherwise dealt with,
except with the written permission of CMA. All income accruing in respect of the deposit shall be payable to
the account of the relevant Takaful company.

Article (111): The Takaful company may, upon approval of CMA, substitute in whole or part the asset
comprising the deposit as long as the value of assets is not less than the amount prescribed by these
Regulations. Where assets applied to the deposit are valued at less than the amount prescribed by these
Regulations, CMA shall request that additional cash or other assets be deposited within one month.

Article (112): Where a Takaful company’s available net shareholders’ equity falls below the minimum
capital requirement, the Takaful company shall promptly notify this fact to CMA. CMA may carry out the
following actions:

(a) Where available net shareholders’ equity is between 75% and 100% of the minimum capital
requirement, a Takaful company is required to take appropriate action to meet its minimum capital
requirement by the next quarterly reporting date.

(b) Where available net shareholders’ equity is between 75% and 100% of the minimum capital requirement
and has remained at such levels for a period of two consecutive quarterly periods, the Takaful company
shall submit a report to CMA detailing corrective action to be taken to meet minimum capital
requirements and time periods for undertaking such corrective action. The company shall obtain CMA’s
prior approval for any action it intends to take.

(c) Where available net shareholders’ equity has not been restored pursuant to a report agreed upon between
the Takaful company and CMA in accordance with sub-clause (b) above, then CMA may require the
Takaful company to undertake one or more of the following actions:

(i) Increase paid up capital

(ii) Adjust contributions

(iii) Reduce costs

(iv) Cease effecting of any new Takaful contracts including renewals of existing Takaful contracts for
any particular or all classes of takaful business.

(v) Liquidate assets.

(vi) Ask the Comapany to transfer specific risk portfolio to other registered Takaful Company

(vii) Removal of management and / or key officers

(viii) Appoint a Steering Committee

(ix) Any other course of action CMA deems appropriate including withdrawal of the license.

(d) Where available net shareholders’ equity is less than 50% of the minimum capital requirement and the
Takaful company fails to undertake adequate steps to restore its position, CMA shall order the Takaful
company to cease effecting any new Takaful contracts, including renewals of existing Takaful contracts
for all or any particular classes of takaful business.

(e) Where the available net shareholders’ equity is less than 25% of the minimum capital requirement, the
CMA shall withdraw the Takaful license.


Technical Provisions

Article (113): Every Takaful company shall maintain and keep the following reserves as technical provisions
for each class of Takaful business:

(a) Provisions for unexpired risk;

(b) Provisions for outstanding claims; and

Article (114): For General Takaful operations, the company shall maintain every year:

(a) Provision for unexpired risks, which contribution shall include Unearned Contribution Reserves and
Contribution Deficiency Reserves. Whereas the Unearned Contribution Reserve is to be the higher of
45% of the total net premium for each class of Rakaful operations or value determined by using suitable
methods including 1/365th . or 1/24th . The Company shall perform the liability adequacy test, and
accordingly compute and record the contribution deficiency reserves forof each class of business, if
necessary,; where the unexpired portion of contribution is not sufficient to meet the future claims and
other settlement expenses net of retakaful arrangement.

(b) Provision for outstanding claim equal to the total estimated value of all outstanding claims for each
class of Takaful operations along with the provision of incurred but not reported claims; and

Article (115): For Family Takaful operations the company shall maintain every year a general balance equal
to at least the net liabilities of all the policies at the time of valuation by Actuary of the company.

Article (116): The Takaful company shall deposit an amount, not less than the amount of its total net
technical reserves, in a licensed Islamic bank or Islamic Financial Institution and marked it under lien with
the CMA

Article (117): For the purpose of Article (116) the Takaful company shall submit the certificate from the said
bank or financial institution to the CMA for this effect.

Article (118): For the purpose of computation of net technical reserves in relation to Article (117), the
unexpired portion of the retakaful/reinsurance expenses shall be allowed to be deducted from Unearned
Contribution Reserves.

Article (119): The Takaful company cannot withdraw any amount deposited and marked under lien with the
CMA for its use unless a prior approval is obtained from the CMA.

Article (120): The bank or financial institution shall also undertake to separate the funds set aside for family
Takaful business as provided for the general Takaful business in terms of Article (116).



Article (121): A Takaful company shall make adequate arrangements for retakaful of risks consistent with
sound Takaful principles in accordance with Retakaful strategy that shall be prescribed by the CMA.
Article (122): A Takaful company shall award retakaful to retakaful companies or where this is not possible
transact with reinsurance companies after prior approval of the Shari’a Supervisory Committee and inform
the CMA.

Article (123): Every Retakaful company shall maintain the following registers:

(a) A register of all retakaful contracts.

(b) All claims reported to the Retakaful company against shares of ceded treaties, name of claiming
underwriter, the relevant treaty, the amount retained by the company and the Retakaful company’s
share together with the date of payment and the reserve set aside to meet the claim.


Funds Management

Article (124): A Takaful company shall manage the Participants’ Fund prudently with due care in a
professional manner in uniformity and consistency with Shari’a principles.

Article (125): A Takaful company shall segregate it Takaful Fund into General Takaful Fund and Family
Takaful Fund.

Article (126): A Takaful company shall segregates its Family Takaful Fund into Participants Risk Fund and
Participants Investment-Linked Funds.

Article (127): A Takaful company shall account for receipts into the Participants’ Funds including the

(a) Contributions from Participants;

(b) Share of claims from Re-Takaful operators;

(c) Investment income generated by the investment of funds retained in the Participants’ Fund;

(d) In the case of General Takaful, salvages and recoveries;

(e) Qard-e-hassan;

(f) Rebate/commission from re-Takaful operators/reinsurers;

(g) Share of surplus from Re-Takaful operators; and

(h) Any donation made by the shareholders of the Takaful company.

Article (128): Takaful company shall account for payments from the Participants’ Funds including the

(a) Claims paid related to risks covered under the Participants’ Fund and expenses directly related to
settlement of claims such as surveyors’ and investigators’ fees, etc

(b) Re-Takaful and reinsurance contributions;

(c) Takaful company’s wakala fees;

(d) Share of investment profits as mudarib fees

(e) Surplus distributed to Participants;

(f) Refund of any Contribution due to Participants; and

(g) Return of qard-e-hasan to the Shareholders’ Fund.

Article (129): A Takaful company shall charge following expenses to the Shareholders’ Fund to manage the
Participants’ Fund:

(a) Acquisition Cost including Commissions

(b) Management Expenses

(c) General Administrative and Selling Expenses

(d) Taxes and Zakat, if any.

Article (130): The Shareholders’ Fund may get the sharing of investment income from Participants’ Fund for
managing the investments of Participants’ Fund under Mudarabah contract. Under Mudarabah contract,
mudarib share for Shareholders’ Fund shall be reasonably agreed to be charged to the Participants’ Fund and
where it should be computed on Investment Income out of Participants Fund.

Article (131): In case the unearned contribution reserve of each class net of prepaid re-takaful contribution is
not sufficient to meet the future obligations of expected claim net re-takaful recoveries and other settlement
expenses and deferred acquisition expenses of that class, the Participants’ Fund shall be provided with the
provision for Contribution Deficiency in terms of Article (114)(a).
Article (132): The Takaful company shall ensure that all the documents and records must evidence about
every transaction to which fund it belongs to i.e., Shareholders’ Fund, General Participants’ Fund or Family
Participants’ Fund.

Article (133): A Takaful company shall assume risk in respect of any general Takaful business unless and
until the contribution payable is received by the company or is guaranteed to be paid by such person in such
a manner and within such time as may be prescribed. Whereas the contribution received by agent, broker or
any authorized person on behalf of the Takaful company, shall be deemed to be paid to the Takaful

Article (134): Takaful company should have a clear documented underwriting policy, approved by its board
of director and Shari’a Supervisory Committee, considering at least the following:

(a) To avoid anti-selection and ensure viability of the Participants’ Fund in the long run;

(b) To ensure that policy is reviewed regularly to incorporate market changes;

(c) To ensure that risks accepted are within that assumed in pricing the contributions;

(d) To make sure that contribution or benefit are adjusted for high profile risks; and

(e) To make sure that underwriting staff are fully understood various policies within the parameter of risk
evaluation, categories of risk, limitations on each type of risks, etc

Article (135): Where the Takaful company shows a deficit in its General Takaful business funds for two
successive years, the management shall submit the comprehensive business plan with the reason of current
deficits and step taken to eliminate these deficit and turn the Participants Fund into the Surplus for up-
coming year. The assumptions used to forecast must be supported by the appropriate and sufficient


Training and Awareness

Article (136): Each Takaful Company shall arrange to provide training to its managerial level personnel and
all the sales and marketing staff on the concept and operation of Takaful.

Article (137): A Takaful company may arrange an in house training program with prior approved training
course outline from the CMA or it can also get their managerial level personnel and sales and marketing
staff trained through the institutions approved by the CMA to provide this training as per course outline
approved by the CMA.

Article (138): Such training course shall be conducted for a minimum of twenty five (25) hours duration.
Such training to be conducted with one year for the existing staff from the date of issuance of these
regulations and for new staff from the date of their induction.


Takaful Company’s Obligation to Maintain Client’s Confidentiality

Article (139): A Takaful company shall maintain the confidentiality of personal and commercial information
of clients and must not disclose them to any entity in the Sultanate or abroad except by operation of law or
consent of the client.

Article (140): Where the client consents to transfer the personal or commercial information the Takaful
company shall obtain CMA’s written approval for such transfer and reasons to do so.


Announcements of Takaful Company

Article (141): Takaful company shall not publish false or misleading marketing announcements on its

Article (142): Marketing announcements of Takaful company shall not include contents detrimental to other
Takaful companies or their products.
Article (143): A Takaful company intending to publish announcements to the public shall submit the same to
CMA to obtain its approval. CMA’s approval shall not exonerate the company from liability for
announcements violating the law nor CMA’s right to prevent publication.

Article (144): The marketing or public announcement shall include any brochure, leaflet, circular or similar
advertisement, whether printed or not.


Winding up of the Takaful Company

Article (145): In case of winding up of the company, the existing portfolio of Takaful Business shall be
transferred to one or more takaful companies in accordance with the Article 49, 50 and 51 of the Takaful

Article (146): The Shareholder Fund shall be liable to contribute the amount equals the accumulated deficit
in the Takaful Participant’s Fund before its transfer to the transferee. For this purpose the Actuarial
Valuation need to be done for Family Takaful Business.

Article (147): The license of the Takaful Company to carry on Takaful Business shall be immediately stand
cancelled and for this effect the CMA shall be issue a letter for withdrawal of its letter upon successful
transfer of risks subject to relevant Articles of the Takaful Law and this Regulations.

Article (148): After transferring all the Takaful Business to the transferee, in terms of its business portfolio,
risks, rights, obligations, assets and liabilities, the Shareholder Fund shall be require to be dissolve in
accordance with the Commercial Companies Law 1974.

Article (149): A Takaful company which carries on general Takaful business shall be dissolved also when
it is required by the provisions of the articles 129 and 130 of the Commercial Companies Law 1974.


Penalties and Reconciliation

Article (150): The CMA may investigate the violations of the provision of Takaful Law, Regulations and

Article (151): The penalties provided for in Article 53 of the Takaful Law shall be applied by the
Disciplinary Committee constituted in accordance with the Capital Market Law and the Executive
Regulation. The Executive President may impose cautioning and warning penalties, as he deems

Article (152): Subject to the provisions of the previous Article, the Executive President, in the event of
breaching the provisions of Takaful Law or the regulations or decisions issued thereunder, may take action
by imposing the penalty on the violator to pay a sum not exceeding RO 50,000.


Miscellaneous Provisions

Article (153): Takaful Company shall pay to CMA an annual supervision fee calculated as a percentage of
all takaful contracts underwritten as follows:

(a) 0.3% of all family contracts written.

(b) 0.6% of all general contracts written.

Article (154): A Takaful company shall contribute annually to the Takaful Emergency Fund by paying to the
CMA, a percentage of all Takaful contracts underwritten as follows:

(a) 0.25% of all family Takaful contracts underwritten.

(b) 1% of all general Takaful contracts underwritten.

Article (155): The fees and contributions provided for in Articles 153 and 154 of this Regulation shall be
deducted from the Participants’ Fund.
Article (156): Requirements for Licensing Insurance Agents issued by CMA vide Decision No. E2/2011 or
any decision made later on, shall apply on Takaful companies’ agents.

Article (157): The Regulation for the Business of Insurance Brokers issued by CMA vide Decision No.
E/53/2013 or any decision made later on, shall apply on Takaful brokers.

Article (158): The Code of Corporate Governance of Insurance Companies No. 7/I/2005 or any decision
made later on, shall apply on Takaful companies.

Article (159): The Code of Professional Conduct of Insurance Companies issued vide Circular NO.
3/I/2004 or any decision made later on, shall apply on Takaful companies.

Article (160): Regulations for Investment of Assets of Insurance Companies No. E/11/2007 or any decision
made later on, shall apply on Takaful companies subject to the condition that all such investment must be
Shari’a compliant and approved by the Shari’a Supervisory Committee as per approved Investment policy.

Article (161): The business and affairs of the Takaful operator shall be managed under the discretion and
oversight of its board of directors of the Takaful company having regards to the interest of Takaful
Participants and Shareholders. In the event of conflict of interest between the Takaful Participants and
Shareholders, preferential right shall be given to the interest of Takaful Participants.

Article (162): Takaful company shall set out internal controls to combat money laundering and terrorist

Article (163): The CMA may issue any guidelines or circulars in detail in respect of any article of Takaful
Law or this Regulation for setting up procedural steps and making clarifications for compliances.

Article (164): The CMA through circulars may also prescribe any form or manner at which the information
from Takaful company can be called upon under the Takaful Law or this Regulation.
Article (165): The appeals provisions provided for in the Capital Market Law and the Executive Regulation
shall apply on the appeals made by the concerned persons against the decisions of the Appeals Committee
pursuant to the provisions of the Takaful Law and the regulations and decisions issued thereunder.


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