A Study of Home Loan Schemes of Sbi: Indian Streams Research Journal

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ISSN: 2230-7850 Impact Factor : 5.

1651(UIF) VolUme - 7 | ISSUe - 7 | aUgUSt - 2017

INdIaN StreamS reSearch JoUrNal


Laxmi Gonga

Home is one of the things that everyone one wants to own. Home is a dream of every
person that shows the quantity of efforts, sacrifices luxuries and above all gathering funds little
by little to afford one’s dream. Home is a shelter to person where he rests and feels
comfortable. The demand of home loans has increased dramatically. For fulfill this purpose
many banks are providing home loans whether commercial banks or financial institutions to
the people who want to have a home. Part of the reason for this increase is because the
accessibility of loans has gotten bigger. Today, home loans are available in the market at very
low interest rates that meet the demands of many home buyers. A home represents the largest
asset that typically people have and this is why home loans have such a huge impact in the loan
market today. When a person purchases a home, he or she will be investing a huge amount of
cash. Many people can’t come up with the whole money to pay out the house, while some
others can’t even afford to invest money for the house they will like to purchase. When getting
a home loan, the individuals should consider taking care of different aspects related to the
home loan

KEYWORDS: Interest Rate, Home Loans, Financial Institutions, Fixed and Floating Interest

Every human being wants their own house. House is a profitable and useful in the future
and furnishes propulsion to economic development. But in today’s scenario buying the home is
a challenging chore, because it is a major expenditure. A middle class family cannot afford this
expenditure. To resolve this activity, government provides housing finance loan facility for
every person at lower interest rate. Housing finance sector encourage of tax rebates. Housing
finance means to take a home on loan basis in which we pay monthly installments with
favorable interest rates. A loan facility has been provided on the basis of people's eligibility and
the bank's rules. Many number of banks and financial institutions entered in housing financing
sector which offer cheap loans at low interest rate. Interest rate is very important part of loans.
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The banks and financial institutions provide two types of interest rates i.e. fixed and floating
for loan. Banks are not only provides home loan but they also provides improvement,
extension, conversion, construction loan etc.

Home extinction loan

Home extension loans are used by customers to get loans from the banks to extendtheir
houses, by adding more rooms, kitchens, wash rooms, terraces, or any otherrooms for your
growing family. It may also be used to enclose open balcony/terracespace, or constructing a
Puja ghar.

Maximum Amount of Home Extension Loans:

Banks generally offers about 70-85% of the total amount of home extension as loan.The
amount of loan sanctioned also depends on a number of factors such as the age of the applicant
at the time of loan, tenure of the loan, repayment capacity of theborrower; his/her credit
history etc.

Home equity loan:

Home equity loans helps customer to encash the market value of the commodity
bytaking a loan by mortgaging the property. So, Home equity loans are availed bycustomers,
who wish to mortgage his/her property to the bank for taking some loanfor some other
purpose. Then, it's up to the bank's discretion to consider the marketvalue of the property and
accordingly decide how much to pay to the customer.Both the residential as well as non
residential property can be considered for theapproval of the loan, provided the mortgager is a
licensed title holder and the land isfree form any kind of dispute.Home equity loans don't
restrict one to use the loan money in specific investments. Itmight also be used in marriage,
higher education, medical expenses, etc. However itshould not be used in any illegal or
speculation purposes

Types of home loan

There are different types of home loans available in the market to cater borrower’s different
• Home Purchase Loan
• Home Improvement Loan
• Home Extension Loan
• Home Conversion Loan
• Home Construction Loan
• Land Purchase Loan
• Bridge Loan
a) Home Purchase Loan: These are the basic home loans for the purchase of a new home.
These loans are given for purchase of a new or already built flat/bungalow/row-house.
b) Home Improvement Loan: These loans are given for implementing repair works and
renovations in a home that has already been purchased by the customer. It may be requested
for external works like structural repairs, waterproofing or internal works like tiling and
flooring, plumbing, electrical work, painting, etc.
c) Home Construction Loan: These loans are available for the construction of a new home.
The documents required by the banks or bank for granting customer a home construction
loans are slightly different from the home purchase loans. Depending upon the fact that when

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customer bought the land, the lending party would or would not include the land cost as a
component, to value the total cost of the property.
d) Home Extension Loan: Home Extension Loans are given for expanding or extending an
existing home. For example addition of an extra room, etc. For this kind of loan, customer
needs to have requisite approvals from the relevant municipal corporation.
e) Home Conversion Loan: It is that loan wherein the borrower has already taken a home
loan to finance his current home, but now wants to move to another home. The Conversion
Home Loan helps the borrower to transfer the existing loan to the new home which requires
extra funds, so the new loan pays the previous loan and fulfills the money required for new
f) Land Purchase Loan: Land Purchase Loans are available for purchase of land for both home
construction or investment purposes. Therefore, customer can be granted this loan even
ifcustomer is not planning to construct any building on it in the near future. However,
customer has to complete construction within tenure of three years on the same land.
g) Bridge Loan: Bridge Loans are designed for people who wish to sell the existing home and
purchase another. The bridge loan helps finance the new home, until a buyer is found for the
old home.
h) Top up loans: Enchasing the investment in a house without having to dispose it off to fund
various needs related to Higher Education, Purchase of Furniture and Business Requirements.
The maximum term of the loan is 10 years. Top up loans can give after 1 to 2 years of
the final disbursement of the existing loan or upon possession/completion of the existing
financed property.

According to my study HDFC and SBI Bank have widest range of home loan products.
According to my study maximum people prefer fixed rates on home loans. According to my
research the rate of interest of SBI is less than HDFC Bank. People get knowledge about home
loans from television, internet, Newspaper, Media or families and friends. The majority of the
respondents want to take a loan for the construction of the new house. As far as reputation of
bank is concerned maximum numbers of respondents prefer public banks and not private
bank. Because they think that the public banks are more secured as compare to the private

1 )The documentation work and formalities should be reduced while providing loans to the
2) The bank should improve their customer service.
3) The behavior of the staff of the bank towards the customer should be more personalized.
4) The banks need to improve on the customer satisfaction level due to stiff competition among
the banks.
5) The booklet and attractive advertisement should be provided to the customer for awareness
about different housing loan schemes offered by the banks
6)According to the customer point of view the documentation work should be less and must be
fast procedure in H.D.F.C. bank.
7) The banks should focus on the customer satisfaction factors due to stiff competition among
the banks.


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The present study concludes that there are various satisfactory factors which affect the
satisfaction level of customers of housing loan. On the basis of collected data, it is being
concluded that customers are satisfied by S.B.I. bank because the interest rate is lower in S.B.I.
as compare to H.D.F.C. Bank and the trust level that customer have with these banks is very
high in comparison to H.D.F.C. Bank, especially older persons are more dependent on Public
Overall in level of customer satisfaction the customer more satisfied with the S.B.I. Bank
in variables of application form of home loan is easy to understand, interest rate charges by
bank, loan processing is fast, employee behavior and public sector bank. But, in H.D.F.C
customer satisfied with the after home loan services provide by your bank as compare to other
bank. So, there is need to reduce the rate of interest, terms and conditions, procedural
formalities and processing fees.

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