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"I would like to express my special thanks of

gratitude to my teacher Mr. Pramod Kumar panda
Sir who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic “ Importance of
fundamental duties in Indian constitution– A Case
Study” which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new
I Rajesh Kumar Jethi do here by declare that the
project entitled. A study on Importance of
fundamental duties in Indian constitution Submitted
by me is original and genuine I have not submitted
by this project anywhere before.
Name: Rajesh Kumar Jethi
Place: Cuttack
Class: BA.LLB(H)
Roll no-2341802130
The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution was
enacted in 1976 under which Fundamental duties
were added after the recommendations of the Swaran
Singh Committee, which had been formed by the
government earlier that year. The 86th Amendment,
which put the responsibility on every parent or
guardian to ensure that their child or ward has chances
for education between the ages of six and fourteen
years, raised the fundamental responsibilities from 10
to eleven in 2002.
Other basic responsibilities include respecting India's
national symbols, such as the constitution, cherishing
its past, maintaining its composite culture, and
helping in its defence. They also require all Indians to
foster the spirit of common brotherhood, safeguard
the environment and public property, cultivate a
scientific temperament, refrain from violence, and
strive for excellence in all areas of life.
Fundamental Duties are said to be one of the
fundamental obligations mentioned in the
Constitution of India ( Others are Fundamental Duties
and Directive Principles of State ). These are the
moral as well as civic obligations or duties that
citizens should fulfill. In the Indian Constitution,
these were not added originally by the founding
fathers but later it was added by the 42nd
Constitutional Amendment Act,1976.


The following are the fundamental duties of India
defined in the constitution:
1. Respect for the constitution, National Flag, and
National Anthem:
Citizens are expected to honor and respect the
symbols of the nation, including the Constitution,
the National Flag, and the National Anthem. This
fosters a sense of unity and pride in one's country.

2. Equality and Fraternity:

Citizens should promote harmony and the spirit
of common brotherhood among all the people of
India. Discrimination based on religion, race,
caste, sex, or place of birth is discouraged. It
emphasizes the importance of treating everyone
with dignity and respect.

3. Safeguarding Public Property:

It is the duty of citizens to protect public property
and use it judiciously. This includes government
buildings, monuments, and other resources. By
preventing vandalism and misuse, citizens
contribute to the overall development of the

4. Defending the Country:

Citizens may be called upon to serve in the
defense forces during times of emergency. While
not compulsory, this duty encourages a sense of
responsibility towards the security of the nation.

5. Promoting Scientific Temper:

Citizens are encouraged to develop a scientific
temper and a spirit of inquiry. This means
fostering a curiosity about the world, relying on
evidence-based reasoning, and promoting a
scientific approach to problem-solving.

6. Upholding the Spirit of Inquiry:

This duty encourages citizens to inquire, learn,
and educate themselves. It emphasizes the
importance of continuous learning and
intellectual growth for the betterment of society.

7. Humanism and the Spirit of Inquiry:

Citizens should strive towards promoting
humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
This involves working towards the welfare of all
individuals, fostering compassion, and
contributing to the betterment of society.
8. Protecting the Environment:
Citizens are duty-bound to protect and improve
the natural environment, including forests, lakes,
rivers, and wildlife. This duty reflects the
importance of environmental conservation for the
well-being of current and future generations.

9. Safeguarding Public Health:

Citizens are expected to value and preserve
public health. This includes adopting a healthy
lifestyle, participating in health-related activities,
and promoting a sense of well-being in the

10. Contributing to the Development of India:

Citizens are encouraged to contribute to the
development of the country by actively
participating in the progress of science,
technology, art, literature, and other fields. This
duty underscores the importance of individual
contributions to the nation's growth.
11. Promoting Harmony and the Spirit of
Common Brotherhood:
Citizens should work towards fostering harmony
and a sense of brotherhood among all the people
of India. This involves rejecting practices that are
derogatory to the dignity of women and any form
of discrimination.

Article Article 51A

Part Part IVA

Originally Present No

Added by 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976

Sourced From Russia

Recommended by Swaran Singh Committee

Total Fundamental Duties 11

Originally 10

11th added by 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002

Nature Non-Justiciable
Fundamental duties are inextricably linked to
fundamental rights. The importance of both is listed
 Building a Responsible Citizenry: Fundamental
Duties instill a sense of responsibility among
citizens. By recognizing their duty to the nation,
individuals become more aware of their role in
shaping a just and harmonious society.

 Preserving Social Harmony: These duties

emphasize the importance of fraternity and
equality, discouraging discrimination based on
various factors. By promoting social harmony,
Fundamental Duties contribute to a cohesive and
inclusive society.

 Environmental Conservation: With a duty to

protect the environment, citizens are encouraged
to adopt sustainable practices. This helps in
preserving natural resources, maintaining
ecological balance, and ensuring a healthier
environment for current and future generations.

 Civic Engagement and National Development:

The duties related to contributing to the
development of India underscore the idea that
progress is not solely the government's
responsibility. Citizens are motivated to actively
participate in various fields, fostering a culture
of innovation and progress.

 Cultural and Intellectual Growth: Encouraging

the spirit of inquiry and scientific temper,
Fundamental Duties promote intellectual growth
and curiosity. This is essential for societal
development and staying abreast of
advancements in science, technology, art, and

 Respect for National Symbols: Showing respect

for the Constitution, National Flag, and National
Anthem fosters a sense of patriotism. It creates a
shared identity and pride in being a part of the

 Public Property Protection: By safeguarding

public property, citizens contribute to the
preservation of collective resources. This helps
in maintaining infrastructure, public spaces, and
amenities for the benefit of all.

 Humanism and Welfare Orientation: The

promotion of humanism and a duty towards the
welfare of all individuals encourages
compassion and empathy. It establishes a
foundation for a compassionate and caring

 National Security: While not obligatory, the duty

to defend the country during emergencies
emphasizes the collective responsibility citizens
have towards national security. This underscores
the importance of unity and solidarity in times of
 Inculcating Values in Education: Fundamental
Duties play a role in shaping educational
curricula to instill values of responsibility,
empathy, and environmental consciousness. This
contributes to the holistic development of
The essential features of the Fundamental Duties are
mentioned below:
 Voluntary Compliance:
Fundamental Duties are not legally enforceable,
distinguishing them from Fundamental Rights.
Citizens are expected to voluntarily adhere to
these duties, driven by a sense of civic

 Incorporation through Constitutional

The inclusion of Fundamental Duties was a
significant constitutional amendment, reflecting
the commitment to fostering a responsible and
ethical citizenry. These duties were added
through the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976.

 Inspired by Directive Principles of State Policy:

The Fundamental Duties draw inspiration from
the Directive Principles of State Policy. While
Directive Principles are guidelines for the
government, Fundamental Duties focus on the
responsibilities of citizens in achieving a just
and equitable society.

 Holistic Development of Individuals:

Fundamental Duties aim at the holistic
development of individuals by promoting values
such as patriotism, scientific temper, and a spirit
of inquiry. This contributes to the overall growth
of citizens as responsible members of society.

 Comprehensive List:
The list of Fundamental Duties is
comprehensive and covers various aspects of
civic life. It includes duties related to the
Constitution, national symbols, the environment,
education, and contributions to the country's

 Harmony and Fraternity:

The duties stress the importance of promoting
harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood,
discouraging practices that undermine the
dignity of individuals. This contributes to the
creation of a harmonious and inclusive society.
 Dynamic Nature:
The list of Fundamental Duties is not static and
can be amended by the Parliament to reflect
changing societal values and needs. This allows
the framework to evolve over time, staying
relevant to the evolving dynamics of the nation.

 Guiding Principles for Legislation and Policies:

Fundamental Duties serve as guiding principles
for the formulation of laws and policies. They
provide a moral foundation for legal
frameworks, aligning the legal system with the
values upheld by responsible citizens.

 Educational Relevance:
The duties emphasize the importance of
education in inculcating values. Educational
institutions are encouraged to promote an
understanding of these duties among students,
contributing to the ethical development of future

 Complementary to Fundamental Rights:

While Fundamental Rights confer entitlements
and protections to citizens, Fundamental Duties
create a balance by highlighting the reciprocal
responsibilities citizens have towards the nation
and society.
Part IVA of the Constitution's Fundamental Duties has
been criticised for the following reasons:
1. Because of their non-justiciable nature,
opponents have referred to them as a set of moral
principles. Their presence in the Constitution was
deemed unnecessary by some. This is because the
people would execute the obligations listed in the
Constitution as basic even if they were not
included in the Constitution.

2. Some of the responsibilities are unclear,

confusing, and difficult to comprehend for the
average person.

3. The list of duties is not complete, as it leaves out

key responsibilities such as voting, paying taxes,
and family planning. In reality, the Swaran Singh
Committee suggested that people be required to
pay taxes.
4. The inclusion of fundamental duties as an
appendix to Part IV of the Constitution, according
to some, has diminished their meaning and
relevance. To maintain them on a level with
Fundamental Rights, they should have been
included after Part III.

5. The Swaran Singh Committee proposed more

than ten Fundamental Duties, however, not all of
them were adopted in the Constitution. The
following were among the committee's
conclusions that were not accepted
 Any non-compliance with or unwillingness
to follow any of the responsibilities would be
penalized/punished by the parliament.
 The punishments/penalties imposed by
Parliament must not be challenged in any
court on the basis of a violation of one or
more Fundamental Rights or a violation of
any other provision of the Constitution.
 Taxes must be paid.
Therefore, Article 51A of Part IV A of the Indian
Constitution deals with the fundamental duties of
Indian citizens which is said to be one of the
important sections of the constitution. The most
important point needs to remember is they are
sourced from the Russian Constitution and these
were added by an amendment. These are not directly
enforceable as per the constitution.

For Sucessfully Completing my project file, I have
taken help from the following books-
Foundation of politics and Indian government
(Dr. Jayanta kumar parida)

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