Hge Exam 1

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PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION IN a. does not coincide with the center of mass of the
ENGINEERING b. G coincide with the center of mass of the displaced
PART I. HYDRAULICS c. lies above G
1. At two points 1 and 2 in a pipeline the velocities d. lies below G
are V and 2V, respectively. Both the points are at 6. Find the width in m of the channel at the back of a
the same elevation. The fluid density is ρ. The suppressed weir using the following data: H =
flow can be assumed to be in compressible, 28.5cm; d = 2.485m; Q = 0.84 cu.m/sec. Consider
inviscid, steady and irrotational. The difference in the velocity of approach and use the Francis
pressures P1 and P2 at points 1 and 2 is. formula
a. 0.5ρV^2 a. 2.01 m
b. 1.5ρV^2 b. 3.0 m
c. 2ρV^2 c. 1.75 m
d. 3ρV^2 d. 4.2 m
7. A composite non prismatic 6 – m high cylindrical
Situation 1. The river at flood stage shown has an tank has a frustum of a cone at the bottom with the
average slope of 0.001. For the main channel n=0.030 upper base diameter 3 m, 1.5 – m -diameter at the
and for the flood plain n=0.040. Area of abcm is 300 bottom, and 5 m high. The bottom contains 150-
m2, area of mcde is 90 m2, wetted perimeter of abc is mm-diameter sharp edged orifice with coefficient
60 m and cde is 100 m. of discharge of 0.65. If fully filled to the top,
determine the time to empty the tank.
a. 589.5 s
b. 621.3 s
c. 408.8 s
d. 638.1 s
8. An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 4
2. Compute the discharge when the flow on the flood m long, 2 m wide and 1 point 3 m high is filled
plain is 0.86 m. with water to a depth of 2.5 m. If it is accelerated
a. 382.55 at 8 m/s^2, determine the volume of water spilled
b. 256.78 a. 8.96 cu. m
c. 125.99 b. 6.98 cu. m
d. 435.80 c. 8.69 cu. m
3. Compute the false discharge obtained by applying d. 9.86 cu. m
the same formula directly to the entire cross 9. Compute the speed in rpm of a 1 m diameter and 3
section using the equivalent value of n. m high cylinder full 1 point of water which is
a. 610.49 rotated about its vertical axis until 75% of its
b. 558.34 volume is spilled out.
c. 467.90 a. 207.22 rpm
d. 390.4 b. 210.34 rpm
4. Compute the percentage of error using the false c. 231.14 rpm
discharge computation. d. 209.56 rpm
a. 37.34% 10. Is a proportionality constant used to determine the
b. 24.67 flow velocity of water through soils.
c. 33.34 a. Seepage Velocity
d. 45 b. Hydraulic Conductivity
c. Hydraulic Gradient
5. For a body completely submerged in a fluid, the d. Seepage Flow
center of gravity(G) and center of Buoyancy (O)
are known. The body is considered to be in stable
equilibrium if


11. The water tank in the figure is being filled through

section 1 at v1 = 5 m/s and through section 3 at Q3
= 0.012 m3/s. If water level h is constant,
determine the exit velocity v2.

a. 6.47 m/s
b. 6.35 m/s
c. 5.42 m/s
d. 4.24 m/s

Situation 2. A tall cylindrical tank 150 mm in diameter

contains water 200 mm deep and oil (sg=0.80) 30 mm
deep. A cylindrical buoy 100 mm in diameter and 120
mm high is placed vertically inside the tank. The buoy
weighs 5 N.
12. Which of the following most nearly gives
specific gravity of the buoy?
a. 0.45
b. 0.54
c. 0.25
d. 0.35
13. Which of the following most nearly gives the depth
of buoy submerged?
a. 79.65 mm
b. 81.12 mm
c. 75.69 mm
d. 45.07 mm
14. increase in height of the contents?
a. 63.34 mm
b. 41.12 mm
c. 23.45 mm
d. 33.64 mm


d. 2.67
Situation 4. A wooden storage vat full of oil (sg= 0.80) Situation 6. The tank is shown in Figure C.
is in the shape of a frustum of a cone 2 m diameter at
the top, 4 m diameter at the bottom, and 3 m high. The
vat is provided with two steel hoops, one at the top and
one at the bottom.
15. Which of the following most nearly gives the
hydrostatic force on the side of the vat?
a. 108.24 kN
b. 70.63 kN
c. 117.72 kN
d. 94.18 kN
16. Which of the following most nearly gives the
21. Which of the following most nearly gives the
distance of the hydrostatic force from the bottom
hydrostatic force acting in liquid 1?
of the vat?
a. 274.68 kN
a. 0.90 m
b. 247.86 kN
b. 1.00 m
c. b.472.68 kN
c. 0.80 m
d. 427.86 kN
d. 0.75 m 22. Which of the following most nearly gives the
17. Which of the following most nearly gives the force hydrostatic force acting in liquid 2?
in the bottom hoop? a. 705.456 kN
a. 41.20 kN
b. 750.465 kN
b. 35.16 kN
c. 349.78 kN
c. 17.66 kN
d. 427.86 kN
d. 20 kN
23. Which of the following most nearly gives the
hydrostatic force acting in liquid 3?
Situation 5. A rectangular barge has dimension of 30
a. 1758.24 kN
m long, 10 m wide and 3 m depth. It weighs 4500kN
b. 247.86 kN
when loaded, with its center of gravity along the
c. 472.68 kN
vertical axis is 4 m from the bottom of the barge. The
d. 1785.42 kN
barge is floating in seawater having a specific gravity
24. Which of the following most nearly gives the
of 1.01.
location of the total hydrostatic force from the
18. Determine the draft of the barge in seawater.
bottom of the tank?
a. 1.513 m
a. 4.56 m
b. 2.27
b. 3.36 m
c. 1.265
c. 5.46 m
d. 1.48
d. 6.63 m
19. Determine the metacentric height of the barge due
25. The type of flow where flow rate does not change
to rolling.
over time.
a. 1.513
b. 2.27 a. Continuous flow
c. 46.4 b. Laminar flow
d. 2.67 c. Steady flow
20. Determine the metacentric height of the barge due d. Uniform flow
to pitching.
b. 2.27
c. 46.4 Situation 1. An earth dam requires 1 million cubic
meters of soil compacted to a void ratio of 0.80. In the
vicinity of the proposed dam, four borrow pits were


identified as having suitable materials. The cost of c. 12.30%

purchasing the soil and the cost of excavation are the d. 14.93%
same for each borrow pit. The only cost difference is 30. Which of the following most nearly gives
transportation cost. The table below provides the void the shrinkage limit of the soil?
ratio and the transportation cost for each borrow pit. a. 33.71%
Borrow Pit Void ratio Transportation cost b. 29.65 %
(P/m3) c. 12.30%
1 1.80 P 35.00 / m 3 d. 14.93%
31. Which of the following most nearly gives
2 0.90 P 50.00 / m3
the shrinkage ratio?
3 1.50 P 37.50 / m3
a. 1.77
4 1.30 P 42.00 / m3
b. 1.90
32. Which of the following most nearly gives c. 1.82
the cost for borrow pit 2? d. 1.70
a. P 53.67 M
b. P 46.67 M Situation 3. The coefficient of permeability below a
c. P 52.08 M dam is 4m/day. The water on the upstream side is
d. P 52.78 M 20m higher than on the downstream side. To estimate
33. Which of the following most nearly gives the seepage below the dam, a flow net was graphically
the cost for borrow pit 4? drawn such that the number of equipotential drops is
a. P 53.67 M 10 and number of flow channels is 4. The base of the
b. P 46.67 M dam is founded 1 m below the ground. Between the
c. P 52.08 M heel and the toe of the dam, a distance of 30 m, there
d. P 52.78 M are 8 potential drops.
34. Which of the following borrow pits would be 32. Determine the seepage flow per meter width
the most economical? of dam, in L/min.
a. Borrow pit 1 a. 22.22
b. Borrow pit 2 b. 27.78
c. Borrow pit 3 c. 24.85
d. Borrow pit 4 d. 29.36
33. Determine the uplift pressure at the heel of the
Situation 2. The table shows the data for a shrinkage dam in kPa.
limit test. a. 166.03
Mass of coated dish 15.64 g b. 177.28
Mass of coated dish with wet soil 76.47 g c. 195.64
Mass of coated dish with dry soil 62.56 g d. 186.39
Volume of wet soil 32.85 cc
Mass of dish 130.00 g 34. Determine the uplift pressure at the toe of the
dam in kPa.
Mass of dish and displaced mercury 240.70 g
a. 19.62
Unit mass of mercury 13.60 g/cc
b. 29.43
c. 24.71
35. Which of the following most nearly gives d. 33.46
the initial water content of the soil?
a. 33.71%
b. 29.65 %


Situation 4. A canal cut into a soil with a stratigraphy a. 16.65

shown in figure. Assuming flow takes place laterally b. 3.42
and vertically through the sides of the canal and c. 7.36
vertically below the canal. d. 6.85
38. calculate the effective stress of point B
a. 16.65
b. 3.42
c. 7.36
d. 6.85
39. What is the upward seepage force per unit
volume of soil?
a. 16.65
b. 3.42
35. Calculate the ratio of the equivalent horizontal c. 7.36
hydraulic conductivity to the equivalent d. 6.85
vertical hydraulic conductivity for flow
through the sides of the canal. Situation 6. For the stressed soil element shown in
a. 1.5 figure, determine the following:
b. 3.0
c. 2.0
d. 2.5
36. Determine the equivalent
hydraulic conductivity below the bottom of
a. 6.8 x 10-6 cm/s
b. 6.3 x 10-6 cm/s
c. 7.5 x 10-6 cm/s
d. 7.2 x 10-6 cm/s
40. Which of the following most nearly gives
the value of the major principal stress?
a. 229.07 kPa
Situation 5. Consider the upward flow of water
through a layer of sand in a tank as shown in the b. 225.48 kPa
figure. For the sand, the following are given void ratio c. 220.16 kPa
= 0.52 and specific gravity = 2.67. d. 216.57 kPa
41. Which of the following most nearly gives
the value of the normal stress on the plane
a. 174.64 kPa
b. 214.64 kPa
c. 224.64 kPa
d. 154.64 kPa
42. Which of the following most nearly gives
the value of shear stress on the plane AB?
a. 74.64 kPa
b. 54.64 kPa
c. 14.64 kPa
d. 34.64 kPa
37. calculate the effective stress of point A


46. Ultimate bearing pressure using Terzaghi’s

Situation 7. From the figure shown equation
a. 308.60 kPa
b. 406.71 kPa
c. 671.23 kPa
d. 102.87 kPa
47. Allowable bearing capacity using a factor of
safety of 3
a. 308.60 kPa
b. 406.71 kPa
c. 671.23 kPa
d. 102.87 kPa
48. Allowable load on the footing
a. 116.34 kN
b. 109.44 kN
c. 190.49 kN
d. 145.35 kN
43. Determine the active lateral force due to soil
in kN. SITUATION 9. A 0.36 m square pre stressed concrete
a. 196.68 pile is to be driven in a clayey soil. The design
b. 209.21 capacity of the pile is 360 kN, with FS=2. The
c. 230.45 unconfined compression strength of clay is 115 kPa.
d. 246.36 Unit weight of clayey soil is 18 kN/m3.
44. Determine the active lateral force due to 49. Which of the following most nearly gives the
surcharge load in kN. end bearing capacity of the pile?
a. 442.61 a. 78.57 kN
b. 529.20 b. 67.07 kN
c. 438.48 c. 58.39 kN
d. 360.00 d. 52.68 kN
45. Determine the total active force in kN 50. Which of the following most nearly gives the
a. 724. 64 skin friction expected to develop along the
b. 674. 96 shaft of the pile?
b. 708.73 a. 667.32 kN
d. 687.49 b. 652.93 kN
c. 661.61 kN
Situation 8. A circular footing having a d. 641.43 kN
diameter of 1.2m has its bottom at a depth of
2.7 m from the ground surface. The water
table is located at a depth of 1.3m below the
ground. The soil has the following properties:
𝛾𝑑 = 18.10 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 19.30 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
C=15.74 kPa
∅ = 20𝑜
Nc’=11.85 Nq’=3.88 Ny’=1.12
Determine the following assuming local shear



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