Abortion Essays Pro Choice

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Abortion Essays Pro Choice

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Abortion Essays Pro Choice" can be a challenging endeavor due
to the highly sensitive and controversial nature of the subject matter. The complexity arises not only
from the need to navigate a multitude of ethical, moral, and legal perspectives but also from the
emotional weight carried by the topic. As a writer, one must approach this subject with great care,
acknowledging the diverse opinions and deeply held beliefs of individuals.

The difficulty lies in striking a balance between presenting a thorough analysis of the pro-choice
stance and maintaining a respectful tone that recognizes opposing viewpoints. It requires extensive
research to gather accurate information, statistics, and historical context to support the arguments
effectively. Additionally, understanding the nuances of the pro-choice position and its implications
for reproductive rights is crucial for presenting a well-informed and compelling essay.

Moreover, writers must grapple with the challenge of addressing the potential emotional triggers
associated with the topic. Crafting a sensitive and empathetic narrative while presenting logical
arguments demands a delicate touch. Balancing facts and emotions is essential to create a persuasive
and respectful essay that engages readers without alienating those with differing perspectives.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Essays Pro Choice" demands not only
strong research and analytical skills but also a heightened awareness of the emotional and ethical
dimensions involved. It requires a careful and thoughtful approach to navigate the complexities of the
subject matter while respecting the diversity of opinions. If the task seems daunting, seeking
assistance from professional writing services such as HelpWriting.net can provide valuable support
in developing well-researched and well-crafted essays on a variety of topics.
Abortion Essays Pro Choice Abortion Essays Pro Choice
How Did William Shakespeare Impact His Plays
When you think of historical literature figures William Shakespeare is a preferable
playwright to read about. William Shakespeare was allegedly born on April 23, 1564 in
Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, England. Church records from Holy Trinity indicate
that he was baptized there on April 26, 1564. His birthday is thought to be the 23rd
because baptism usually occurs a few days after birth.

Young William was born into a family of eight children, him being the third born. Three
of the eight children died during childhood. William s parents were John Shakespeare, a
glover and leather merchant, and Mary Arden, a local landed heiress.

William Shakespeare s next documented event in his lifetime was the marriage to Anne
Hathaway on November 28, 1582. William was 18 at the time and Anne was 25, seven
years his senior. There was some haste in arranging the ceremony, presumably as Anne
was three months pregnant. After his marriage, Shakespeare left few traces in historical
records until he appeared on the London theatrical scene. The late 1580s are known as
his lost years because little ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Shakespeare impacted literature dramatically by writing his plot twisting plays and
incredible poems that were surprising to the world around him at that time. He
expanded the expectations on characterization, plot, language and genre with his
complex plays. He impacted theater in his time by expanding the complexity of plays
and his plays seemed more realistic than most. Many believe that Shakespeare did not
invent the words he used in his writing, but that he used the words he heard. His use of
language and twisting plots expanded the interest of literature exceptionally. The ending
of Romeo Juliet is a dramatic plot twist because it features both Romeo and Juliet dying.
This is surprising because the story is about the love between two fictional
Marketing Paper
1. Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm
to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The Chinese government felt it was necessary to
hire a Western public relations firm for the 2008 Beijing Olympics in an effort to create a
positive country image. Creating this positive image also included reducing human rights
concerns that were being addressed by groups such as Darfur and Tibet. The public
image of China could have negatively influenced international consumers attitudes and
purchasing intentions for certain products and brands. The issues unfolding in China
were going to be put under a microscope and magnified as media attention shifted to
China because of the Olympics. The hot button issues... Show more content on
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The impact of the extensive exposure can be beneficial or harmful to companies and
their brand depending on certain situations. Dow is an example of a company who have
received negative publicity during the Olympic Games. The company has been criticized
for its alleged involvement with the pesticide plant accident that killed thousands of
people in India. Almost all publicity from Dow becoming one of the eleven major
games sponsors has been negative, and just about every story written about Dow
associates the company s name with Bhopal, one of the world s worst industrial
disasters (MSNBC, 2012). Rights groups, athletes, and politician have spoken out
against Dow and signed petitions against Dow s participation. The company paid
nearly $11 million for fabric panels to wrap around the London Olympic stadium, but
to assuage public protest, Dow agreed not to put its logo on the decoration (MSNBC,
2012). In this case the publicity was negative and possibly could have been avoided
had Dow not opted to join the other sponsors. Although there is a possibility for
negative publicity, opportunity to reach global audiences greatly outweighs the
potential for negative publicity. Billions of dollars are spent by businesses to win the
hearts and minds of a global audience. Visa paid around $100 million for the privilege
of being one of the London Games top sponsors along with Coca Cola, McDonald s, and
Procter Gamble (Ross, 2012). Although this is
Marigolds Literary Analysis
A Flower that Blooms in Darkness: How Lizabeth Transforms from Child to Woman
There comes a point in one s life when they must recognize the hardships placed upon
them, and instead of being ignorant of those hardships, they must confront them head
on. In Marigolds , a short story by Eugenia Collier, the main protagonist, Lizabeth,
encounters various struggles that come with living in a poor town in rural Maryland
during the Depression, allowing her to learn more about growing up and accepting
reality with all its flaws. Lizabeth is a 14 year old girl who feels a conflict between her
inner child and her inner woman, as she is unable to do anything that satisfies both
sides of her. She feels too old to be a child, yet too young to be a... Show more content on
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She can t fully comprehend why she detests these flowers, and so all she knows is that
they did not make sense to her. The child in her only has insight into her own world, and
not into the worlds of others around her. Despite the marigolds being too troublesome for
her to understand, she remains ignorant and does not try to seek any further meaning
behind them. With Lizabeth in this naГЇve state, she has not yet felt the conflict between
the child and the woman in her; she s too ignorant at this point to attempt to develop
an understanding for Miss Lottie and her flowers. After Lizabeth and the other kids
launch the first attack on the marigolds, invoking great rage in Miss Lottie, Lizabeth
feels a sudden urge to antagonize the old woman even further. Chanting vicious
phrases at her, Lizabeth feels that she, lost [her] head entirely, mad with the power of
inciting such rage [in Miss Lottie]. Lizabeth has been taken over by a childish sense of
pride after provoking Miss Lottie, showing her selfishness and lack of compassion.
Being the child that she is, Lizabeth decides to further irritate Miss Lottie, only thinking
about herself and how to ease her boredom. She is only concerned about her own little
world. This sudden act of cruelty to Miss Lottie reveals
Do You Agree with the View Expressed in Source H That the...
Do you agree with the view expressed in source H that the concessions made to Indian
democracy by 1919 were given simply to shore up the British Raj?
All the sources H, P and Q seem to suggest that the concessions made by the Government
of India towards a democracy were mainly to ensure the continuation of support for the
British Raj. However we do know that there were some more liberal members of the
Government of India such as John Morley the Secretary of State and that there were
those who supported these reforms in an attempt to create colonial self government in
India. Edwin Montagu was also extremely focused on reform and it appears that there
were steps towards liberating India. However it is also evident that these reforms were ...
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When the Indian army returned they therefore felt that a change was necessary as the
racism and inequality that had existed between the British and the Indians seemed
even more out of place and hypocritical than it had done so previously. The political
groups also expected a change and a reward for the loyalty shown to the emperor King
George V and as a result the Government of India Act was passed. This meant that a
dyarchy was created. The Indian Provincial councils had representatives from all
religions in order to respect the Lucknow Pact of 1916 they were also allowed to
manage the domestic affairs such as education, agriculture, healthcare, local
governments and public services. What were seen as more important parts of politics
were kept under British control for example military, economic and law issues as well
as communications and foreign affairs. The Viceroy also had to have six civilians on his
council three of whom were of Indian. However though the franchise had been modestly
extended it still only included 10% of men.
The INC, as well as many other political activists, were unsatisfied with the Act as
though it appeared to be a step towards colonial self government in reality few changes
were made and the average citizen still had no political voice, it was seen by many as an
insufficient reward for the 65,000 soldiers who had died fighting for
Management By Objectives Of MBO
*What is Management by Objectives (MBO)?

Management by Objectives (MBO) was first defined by Peter Drucker (a management

guru) in 1954 in the book The Practice of Management. In the 90s, Peter Drucker by
himself identified the importance of this organization management system, when he
wrote: It s just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency...
Management by Objectives works if you know the objectives, 90% of the time you don t.
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management system that allows managers to
increase the performance for organization by focusing on goals that need to be achieved
and by attaining the best imaginable outcomes from available resources.
Management by Objectives (MBO) aims to develop organizational performance and to
line up goals and secondary objectives through the organization. Employees do strong
effort to recognize their ideas and goals. MBO consist of unending following and feed
backing in the method to rich objectives. Management by ... Show more content on
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It is appropriate in states where is your requested is to build employees supervision and
self leadership skills and bring their tactical and businesses creativity, understood
knowledge and enterprise.
*Advantages of management by objectives (MBO):
1) Better quality of planning:
MBO includes participating in decision making which makes objectives known and
plans more real. It emphases care on goals to be in the result areas. MBO powers
managers to think in terms of outcomes rather than doings. It inspires people to set exact
satisfying objectives instead of be contingent on ideas or conjecture. Create a combined
hierarchy of goals in the organization and accurate performance aims and measures by
showing goal achievement and place it down with a time bound program.

2) Drive and
Radiology Manager Interview
The Radiology is cornerstone of any practice or hospital. If properly operated, an
efficient, high quality radiology department will increase patient satisfaction as a result
of its ability to improve patient care. Regardless of whether the organization is for profit
or nonprofit, a well ran radiology department immensely increases a hospital s
Historically, a radiology manager has been someone with excellent technological
experience and business acumen. However, this is not enough any more. Today, in
addition to being technologically savvy, they must have surpassed communication skills
to relentlessly motivate staff to produce at maximum capacity. After a generous amount
of research on the operations of a radiology department ... Show more content on
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I began to ask the first question and it was apparent that he was going to guide the
conversation. I did not mind because the conversation was natural and flowed
cohesively as compared to reciting the stock questions I had planned. Tom enlightened
me on what his role entails and his daily tasks. Essentially he directs and coordinates
all activities of the department and oversees the operations. He reviews work
schedules and assigns duties to workers to maintain the patient flow and achieve
production goals. Moreover, he evaluates the accuracy and quality of images, provides
technical assistance to staff, all the while demonstrating new techniques, equipment,
and procedures to personnel. The role truly requires a wide degree of creativity and
latitude. It was short after my first couple questions that that my prior research was no
good, and Tom faced a challenge I did not expect. It was a pleasant surprise because
the challenge he has to tackle is a common one for any manager. I thought that the
problem Tom dealt with would be a monetary one. Instead, he told me the difficulty he
faces is more people oriented. On a daily basis he has to ask questions
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
1.2 Statement of the problem for the study.
In most Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) health care associated infection persists as
major problem. One of most effective ways to control health care related infection with
good practice of hand hygiene. In neonatal intensive care unit, nurses and physicians are
the main health care contacting and representing vector of infection to babies. A
pathogenic organism with hand colonization of hospital personal is associated with
transmission organisms and health associated infection (Kilibribe, et al., 2003).Thus
knowledge, attitude and practice regarding hand hygiene important in lowering infection
rates, incidence of health care related infection and improved quality care of babies.
This study should be continued as knowledge, attitude and practice on hand washing
among registered nurses in NICU is low according to statistic from Infection Control
Team on 2016. Important of hand ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Major problem in increasing rate of infection in Intensive Care Unit stated low
compliance (Garchell, Labrador, Perez, Septiem, 2008).Nurses was reported less
compliance on hand hygiene because lack awareness, routine work , negligence, lack
drying and washing equipment, faulty management system, crowded ward and bad
detergent (Bilski Kosinski, 2007). Studies constantly have proven healthcare nurses not
well aware on hand hygiene. Noncompliance was higher seen in intensive care unit
compare to internal unit during procedure with high risk for transmission and intensity
patient acre was higher opportunity (Pittet, 2001). Some result from studies show that
main cause of infant mortality in developing country is health associated infection (Huis,
et al., 2013). Despite this, according study Suchitra and Lakshmidevi (2007) believe
health care fail to practice proper hand
The Nuremberg War Criminal Trials
The Nuremberg War Criminal Trials
In the 1940 s, World War Two was drawing to a close, and Nazi Germany, while fresh
in the memories of many, was falling apart and was losing influence. The problem was
that many of the Nazi leaders were still out there, including Hermann Goering, the man
responsible for starting and constructing the first of his many Concentration Camps. The
case consisted of 13 separate trials for 22 leaders for the Nazi party, and many of whom
received the death penalty. The trials were a symbolic representation of the death of
Nazism, and the world uniting for a greater cause and for justice.
The Nuremberg Trials all started when the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United
States of America issued a joint declaration ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
All of which had a bone to pick with Nazi Germany (Fireside 17 19). In any sense, the
trials helped put to rest many of the suspicions of the people as everybody was given a
full and fair trial, and several of the men on trial only suffered minor prison sentences
and a few were even acquitted of the crimes they were accused of. So in conclusion,
the 13 trials that would later be infamously known as the Nuremberg War Crime Trials
charged dozens of Nazi criminals with deaths of innocent people, and saw to it that
Justice would prevail. The trials, signaling the end of the Nazi s genocidal reign, helped
unite the world and gave closure to those who suffered under Hitler s and Hermann s
Music Therapy For Ventilated Patients
So let s talk about what has been studied already. China has performed multiple studies
regarding music therapy for ventilated patients. In 2008, 137 ventilated patients were
studied using a control group and a music listening group. They measured the outcomes
using a Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Scale and vital signs. The vital signs used were
blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and oxygen saturation rate (Han et al., 2010).
The State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adultsв„ў (STAI AD) is the definitive instrument
for measuring anxiety in adults. It clearly differentiates between the temporary condition
of state anxiety and the more general and long standing quality of trait anxiety. It helps
professionals distinguish between a client s feelings of anxiety and depression. The
inventory s simplicity makes it ideal for evaluating individuals with lower educational
backgrounds. Adapted in more than forty languages, the STAI is the leading measure of
personal anxiety worldwide. The STAI has forty questions with a range of four possible
responses to each (Spielberger, 1977).
The STAI has been adapted to allow a patient to answer yes or no questions. Ventilated
and sedated patients are weaned off sedation for a short period of time to allow them to
nod yes or no to these questions. The conclusion of this study determined that there were
substantial benefits to using music in these mechanically ventilated patients that were
hearing music from the headphones (Han et
Factors Affecting Sustainable Women Education in Nigeria


Department of Adult and Continuing Education,
Faculty of Education,
University of Calabar, Cross River State,
Email:[email protected]

This paper attempts to establish the factors that affect sustainable women education in
Nigeria. The paper found out that non participation of women in education programmes
was as a result of some limiting factors and proffers solutions to such.

It is not that there are no studies or recommendations on how to resolve women s
educational problems; it is rather than the recommendation for the provision of women
education have usually been unrealistic either because of wrong assumptions or ... Show
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Women play constructive, complimentary and fundamental roles in the society. The
education of woman in the formal education exposes her to available information that
could aid them in responsible behaviour for effective and efficient motherhood.
Education confers undoubted benefits on the individuals and the society especially when
it is appropriate to the goals and aspirations of the society.

Based on the above, Nyerere (1970) stated that education should be designed to meet the
economic and developmental circumstances of a nation. It is in realisation of the above
that women need to participate in the socio economic development of any nation which
is in consonant with the United Nations advocacy which led to pronouncement of a
decade for women (1975 1985).

According to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3010: XXVII, the decade
was aimed at addressing issues relating to the educational advancement of women with
the over riding goals being that of developing their potentials, contribute to and benefit
from development (United Nations, 1985). The United Nations in a publication titled The
Nairobi Forward Looking: Strategies for the Advancement of Women , published in 1985
provided a framework for renewal commitment by member states to the advancement of
women in education (United Nations,
How To Use Stainless Steel Jobs
How to use stainless steel pots and pans correctly?

With our new cookware made of stainless steel, we have of course also worked with
the right use to help you buy pans. For more than 100 years, stainless steel has become
an integral part of many of our living areas. Nevertheless, there are many people who
decide based on experience reports against stainless steel cooking utensils and without
having touched a stainless steel pan! Many, however, simply do not use their stainless
steel pans without knowing it and throw away their pans and pots, because they burn
them all! We take away the fear and show you what you can conjure up with a stainless
steel pan. Likewise, we have listed all the advantages of stainless steel cooking utensils
and we show you,

Advantages of stainless steel cooking utensils

What is referred to as stainless steel or stainless steel can be traced back to a 100 year
history. Nickel and chromium steels were ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
However too much oil and fat is very unhealthy and it goes without course and we tell
you how! Does the food hold you at the pan? Do not make the mistake and try to solve
it right at the beginning. Just wait 2 minutes then it will dissolve from all alone and
without the grease and oil! Even so, your fried potatoes become crisp and crisp.

Optics in combination with functionality

With respect to the optics, a distinction is made between polished and highly polished
stainless steel for pans and pots. High gloss polished stainless steel has the certain
something with its silvery and glossy surface and makes the stainless steel look very
noble. The matt surface, on the other hand, is slightly cleaner, because fingerprints and
lime spots are hardly visible there.
We have put together tips and tricks for the proper maintenance of stainless steel cooking
utensils, whether high gloss or frosted varieties!

The water test for stainless steel pots

Isaw Monkey Research Paper
One day at the mall Jaden,monkey ,edward and I were going to get the new shoes that
came out. The shoes costed $225 dollars. We each had the money to get our own pair
of shoes. But it was going to be edward and monkey s wedding day.Edward changed his
mind to get the shoes he said that he rather get wedding stuff instead.Edward went to
go and look for some dresses and monkey went for the rings.We bought our shoes and
went looking for monkey and edward, edward found some in victoria secret (i would
describe them but they are inappropriate). Isaw monkey in the corner of my eye buying
a little package from this random dude edward was very happy because he thought they
were special with their names engraved into them. Their wedding day was here
How Nintendo Go From A Small Card Company
How did Nintendo go from a small card company in Kyoto, Japan to a global
juggernaut in the video game industry? They were able to able to mesmerize us all
with fun and new intuitive ways to enjoy a medium that was only looked at as toys, but
now is a medium that is enjoyed by every one of all ages. To quote the former president
of Nintendo, the late Satoru Iwata said, Above all, video games are meant to be just
one thing: Fun for everyone with that philosophy Nintendo was able to shape, save,
and innovate the home video game entertainment market. As a gamer I idolized
Nintendo since I was a child, providing a fun and satisfying experience with wonderful
stories that provided escapism from childhood trauma and I am forever grateful
towards them. Nintendo Koppai was established in 1889 in Kyoto, Japan founded by
Fusajiro Yamauchi. The company initially started as manufactures of Hanafuda cards,
specialized Japanese playing cards that featured beautiful illustrations of flowers that
was used for playing Japanese card games. In the beginning it was considered by many
not to be a very popular form of cards due to whatever reason; Fusajiro saw an
opportunity to reinvent the cards by producing hand drawn cards that were from
mulberry tree bark. During that time the Japanese government banned gambling, but
playing Hanafuda was considered still legal, because of the Yakuza (organized crime
syndicates) used these playing cards as a way to gamble. Soon after the cards began to
The Gospel Of Luke
All of the Gospels have a special and important message within them. It is the Gospel of
Luke that today s Christians need the most, because of the powerful message that it
provides. It seems as though today s Christians have lost the understanding that God
loves everyone and that Jesus came for everyone. In the Gospelof Luke, the main focus
of it is that Jesus is for everyone. This can be seen in many different aspects of the
Gospel. Starting when Jesus was born in the barn, to His resurrection, as well as when
it was stated that He is the Son of Man (Luke 24:7). Luke was written by a Gentile
Christian for a group of Gentile Christians. Just by these points it can be seen that Jesus
is for everyone.It is telling the people... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
It is known that Jesus was from the Middle East, and yet He is still pictured as being
Caucasian which could be a reason for this issue. A way that this issue could be
attempted to be settled is once again, through the Gospel of Luke. In Luke, it talks about
Jesus s genealogy and this is used to show that once again, that Jesus is for everyone.
Jesus s genealogy starts with himself, goes through to the son of Joseph, then son of
David, son of Abraham, and then ends with the first man of the world which is Adam
(Luke 3:23 38). The author of Luke does this to help show the readers that Jesus is a
relative of many different men of many different backgrounds themselves, but in the
end that are all a dependent on the same man who started off the human race. Now if
when modern Christians read this they could understand more upon this. Looking at
the current situation, the reader could compare two different people, let s say one is
Caucasian and the other is African American, it would take some time, but it is very
possible that there would be a cross between the two people somewhere in their own
genealogy. So comparing this situation with the Gospel of Luke, can show that we are
all a descendant of Adam in the long run. Even though the color of one s skin is going to
be a constant
The Opening Sequences of David Lean and Alfonso Cuaron s...
The Opening Sequences of David Lean and Alfonso Cuaron s Film Version of Great

In this media assignment I shall be analyzing and comparing the similarities and
differences of two famous directors film versions of Great Expectations . The two
directors are David Lean and Alfonso Cuaron. David Lean s version was more popular
and well known than Alfonso Cuaron s because Lean was the first director to actually
direct Great Expectations . This made it more difficult for Alfonso Cuaron because he had
to bring the film up to date by making the film more modern and there have also been
10 other films based on the novel Great Expectations . David Lean had directed his
version of Great ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This is revealing to the audience that the film fits into the horror genre and is giving the
audience clues about what the film will include, such as an ominous atmosphere and
scenes of violence and gore. Lean has created this mood and theme so that the audience
would want to know what the film actually contains, whether it is horror or drama.

David Lean and Alfonso Cuaron are using the different techniques to keep the audience
interested in the movie. The soundtrack of both versions is different because Alfonso
Cuaron has played music throughout his opening frames. He has introduced sound
effects such as waves that give the audience a pleasant sound to their ears; this same
effect is employed with seagulls. The music that is actually played has a joyful and happy
mood, which encourages the audience to think that the film is a non violent film. But
when Magwitch appears from underneath the water in the tenth frame and grabs Pip, at
this point the music changes from joyful and happy to dramatic and shocking. Cuaron
deliberately did this to shock and alarm the audience from a happy and cheerful
atmosphere to an explicit and up tempo atmosphere, this technique also keeps you
interested in the film.

On the other hand David Lean has only played music in his opening
Essay on Geography of Dallas
Dallas, Texas Everything s bigger in Texas, a widely known saying, may very well be
true when it comes to the size of the state, but is everything in Texas really bigger?
Researching the Lone Star state, the second largest state in the nation, Dallas seemed
to be the largest city as well as the center of it all; and it also could be used as a good
representation of the state s overall average climate. The Dallasmetroplex is located in
North Central Texas, approximately 250 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico (Dallas/Fort
Worth Climatology). To appreciate the large and intricate city, it is valuable to know the
climate, vegetation, soils, landforms, and the environmental issues that are present in
Dallas, and see how they affect... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Since a good portion of Texas is a desert climate, the soil that is found there, is also an
important aspect. Dallas, located in the northeastern part of the state, has a variety of
different types of soil. The Gulf Coastal Plain is composed of red and yellow soils,
which can be beneficial for the vegetation if proper fertilizer is used (Escape to Texas).
Moving more towards central Texas, it has soils based on weathered decayed
limestone (Escape to Texas). Much of the Dallas area has grassland vegetation, which
comes from Mollisol soils, which are rich in calcium and other nutrients (Ritter). The
intensely hot summers cause the soil to possess high moisture retention so as not to
dry up easily, but when they do become dry, they have a granular structure and soft
consistency (Ritter). A typical soil profile of this soil type would include dark brown
to black organic rich surface layers (Ritter). The soil in this area has been used to alter
the landscapes, and recently have been used for cropland and pasture to grow cotton,
corn, sorghum, wheat, hay, and other crops (Physical Features Influencing Vegetation in
Texas). The soil of Dallas is the base for the landforms that are present in this certain
area. Texas as a whole encompasses several landforms, ranging from the highest point on
the Guadeloupe Peak, all the way to lowest sea level point. Many lakes are scattered out
Sue Morris Heroism
Tom Hanks, a famous actor, once said, A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into
the unknown. This is true in Sue Morris life. Sue volunteers in the music program at
West Delaware and the bowling team. She never knew what she was entering into when
she walked into these activities, but she took the risk. Sue Morris, who has volunteered
for many people, is truly a hero. Many factors motivated Sue to volunteer. Sue helps with
the bowlingteam and in the music department. Sue felt drawn to the kids in both
departments. For a while there wasn t a school bowling team. She felt the need to fight
for that for the kids. In the music program she wanted the kids to be successful and be
part of the bigger picture, such as, the lighting, props, sound, stage crew and the fly crew.
In addition, Volunteeringexplains The whole idea behind volunteering is to bring
moments of happiness into someone else s life without asking for anything in return. I
connected this quote to Sue because she doesn t care about what she receives... Show
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According to Seven Qualities of Heroism noticing situations from the viewpoint of
other people is something that heroes are excellent at (Cherry). For example,
whenever a student were to ask her for help, whether it be about homework, bowling
form, making a prop, running lights or working the sound booth she always try to be
the first person to help. Still, she always wants the kids to know that she trusts them to
make the right decisions and just try to work on the problem themselves. Sue wants
the kids to have respect for her and she will respect them in whatever they may have
going on outside of the activity. All Sue wants for these kids is to feel important and
have a voice. Then when they are moving on with college or in a job they can stand up
and have a say. They also then know their responsibilities and do them well in the
Biography Of Grace Hopper And The Computer Age
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, also known as the Grandmother of the Computer Age was a
remarkable woman who rose to the challenge of programming the first computer, Mark I.
During her lifetime as a leader in the field of technology she founded the basis of modern
day computer language as we know it, essentially teaching computers to speak as well as
contributing to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the usage of
sophisticated compilers. Due to her extraordinary achievements in computerscience, she
paved the way for future visionaries to further their knowledge and create the modern
day technology we use today, and is recognized for developing groundbreaking software,
receiving multiple awards, and as the namesake for... Show more content on
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She attempted to show her students the role math played in real life by offering
visible examples. During that time she also earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale
University a rare accomplishment for women of that time. (Vassar 4). Hopper had
worked her way up to associate professor of mathematics at Vassar College by the time
of Pearl Harbor in 1941. However, a year later she joined Women Accepted for
Volunteer Emergency (WAVE) , or the US Naval Reserve for women, in hopes of
more directly serving the war effort. After graduating from midshipmen s school in
1943 she was commissioned as a lieutenant and given orders to the Navy Bureau of
Ships Computation Project at Harvard University where she worked on the Mark I
computer programming staff at the Cruft laboratories, a program directed by Howard
Aiken. (Isaacson 4).
Upon arriving at the lab she recalls Aikens first words to her being Where the hell have
you been? Here, compute the coefficients of the arctangent series by next Thursday.
(Hopper). Thus, she designed her first computer program. The Mark I was completed in
1944 with the help of Hopper s knowledge. This computing machine was in many ways
unique, most impressive were its speed of computation and its automatic ability to
proceed through a series of arithmetic operations without the need of human intervention.
(Asprey 72).
The team of engineers who worked on the Mark I were faced with many challenges. Their
The Lasting Effects Of Trauma On A Person s Body
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines trauma as a very difficult or unpleasant
experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a
long time (Merriam Webster, Incorporated, 2015). From a medical perspective, trauma
is described as severe damage to a person s body. Trauma can be caused by multiple
factors in a person life. Trauma could stem from a distressing experience of a physical or
psychological nature. In recent years major natural disasters and acts of terrorism have
become more prominent and devastating, creating long lasting traumatic effects in
individuals lives. Traumatic experiences can occur to anyone regardless of their culture,
gender, age, social background or socio economical status.... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Health, social and political systems are also in place to support communities in order
to deal with life and stressful events. However, when some countries don t have the
accessibility to these types of support, age of the person at which the trauma occurs,
the social background, and the support and resources available will all impact the
outcome of the person probability of successful recovery. Childhood trauma is a
powerful risk factor for developing depression in adulthood, particularly in reaction to
additional stress. Epidemiological studies have provided strong evidence that adverse
experience during childhood, such as abuse, neglect or loss, is associated with
dramatic increases in the risk to develop depression (Heim, Miller, Mletzko, Nemerof,
Newport, 2008). However, trauma is not the only factor that can cause depression
during the developmental stages of an individual. Genetic predisposition can also play a
role in the development of depression and other mental health diagnoses. The more
adverse experiences children are expose to through development the higher the chances
are of developing lasting negatives effects. Researchers found that children with two or
more adverse experiences were more than 2.5 times more likely to repeat a grade in
school as well as be disengaged in school, compared to those without any traumatic
experiences, and after adjusting for confounding factors such as race, income and health
Synthetic Phonics In Children
All phonics involves teaching letter sound letters. The adjective synthetic refers to the
fact that children are taught to synthesise (i.e. put together or build up) pronunciations
for unfamiliar written words by translating letters into sounds and blending the sounds
together ( blending = synthesising ). Analytic phonics focuses more on the analysis of
words after they have been identified in some other way for example by being supplied
by the teacher, recognised as sight words or guessed from pictures or context. Children
learn from synthetic phonics as they understand how a letter is pronounced such as
when reading a story you could explain to the children aaaa so they know how to say the
letter a children also benefit from
Citizen Kane Meaning Essay
The use of lighting in this film was very pretentious and was used to add good aspects
to Citizen Kane. The lighting changed based off what the mood corresponded for
example, some scenes had a copacetic or pleasant mood. In the beginning, the scene was
a very formidable scene. The lighting was dark which portrayed fear towards the
audience. The mood was implying fear and almost an alarming mood for the viewers the
lighting helped entail this by giving dark, hair raising lighting. The type of lighting they
used in this particular scene was not frontal lighting, but actually the exact opposite they
used backlighting. Not just the opening scene included lighting that imposed horror to
the audience, there were other scenes that used a type of lighting... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The lighting also helped the audience recognize there was a storm occurring which can
also help portray fear. Another scene that had great lighting that impacted the story was
the party scene . This scene was the scene where people sat around the table, toasting
and one man stood up shouting should we take Spain to war? . I noticed that the lighting
in the beginning of the scene was darker but as soon as the band hit the first few beats,
the lighting grew much brighter, showing the mood of this particular scene was upbeat
and happy. This scene was also much brighter (and mood) than the opening scene where
the lighting and mood were dark. Overall, the lighting in this film was very well done
whether it showed the dark and fearful mood or to portray a storm or something along
the lines of that. The lighting also did change throughout the film primarily to
correspond the mood if it was supposed to cause fear in viewers, the lighting was darker
and made the characters look more sinister like in the scene where Kane held the snow
globe while murmuring rose bud...under lighting came into
Country Living Vs. City Living
Country living vs. City living
The country and the city both offer a place to live, but the pollution, entertainment,
crime and education; are all reasons why the country is a better place to live and raise a
family. A country girl myself, I currently live in the city with my family, but I would give
anything to raise my sons in the country. Although much can be learned in the city, you
cannot get that small town morale here nor the manners that come from being raised in a
small southern town.
Despite, there different locations the country has less pollution than the city on any
given day. With far less freeways and highways to emit toxins and pollution into our
air the country offers clean, breathable air and fresh winds from all the trees. In the
city we sacrifice trees for highways and buildings. Both of which are harming our
ozone layer and reducing our green air intact. The hustle and bustle on city freeways
create high traffic and idle cars just sitting. This chaotic atmosphere cuts out time to
get familiar with coworkers as one is always in a rush to get in and started on work. I
would rather clean air and a stress free commute to work any day. Also, the ability to
get into work in a timely manner and be able to converse with coworkers is a wonderful
feeling. Besides, working with coworkers who are merely strangers could be another
reason why work here is so stressful.
Compared to the city, the country has far less crime and many feel comfortable leaving
their doors
Lyon And Pollack V. Sia Marchetti Corporation Case Study
1. Lyon and Pollack, v. Sia Marchetti Corporation., 252 F.3d 1078, U.S. Ct of Appeals
for the 9th Circuit (2001)
2. Procedural History: The motion for dismissal by Sia Marchetti Corporation the
defendant and manufacturers of the subjected foreign aircraft in an accident was
awarded by the United States Federal District Court for the Central District of
California, Lyon and Pollack the plaintiffs seek suit for damages and the death of two
next of kin caused by the defendant s aircraft.
3. Context: Parties Lyon, Pollack, and Sia Marchetti Corporation
Objective 1.) Hold a Foreign State for the wrong doing of a tort within the United States
Material Facts 1.) Foreign State aircraft manufacturer 2.) Two death and damages 3.)
Statue ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Federal Courts have legal jurisdiction over a foreign state manufacture charged with a
tort? 2.) Is it unconstitutional for GARA to bar the plaintiff s suit? 3.) Does the statute of
limitations violate a procedural due process right?
Legal Theories and Arguments 1.) General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 (GARA)
2.) Foreign sovereign Immunities Act of 1976
Holding 1.) The U.S. Federal Court of Appeals found that the U.S. Federal District Court
has jurisdiction over a foreign state in this matter (Lyon, 2001, p. 2).
2.) It is not a violation of the plaintiff s constitutional right for GARA to bar their suit
(Lyon, 2001, p. 9).
3.) The statute of limitations does not violate a procedural due process right because
GARA is a statue of repose not a statute of limitations (Lyon, 2001, p. 9).
Disposition The U.S. Federal Court of Appeals reversed and remanded to U.S. Federal
District Court for the Central District of California.
5. Reasoning (or Rationale): Majority opinion in the federal court agreed that the General
Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 (GARA) protects aircraft manufactures from legal
suits for products such as aircraft, components, and manuals after 18 years of production
or issues.
State of Research on the Snowball Earth Hypothesis Essay
State of Research on the Snowball Earth Hypothesis

The Snowball Earth Hypothesis also known as the Varangia glaciation is a hypothesis
presented in 2001 by Geologist Paul Hoffman. (Wikipedia, 2002)

The hypothesis purposes that 540 million years ago during the Neoproterozic, a meter
thick of ice covered the oceans and glaciers the continents for 100 million years. Albedo;
when ice and snow reflect solar radiation into space, in absents of greenhouse gases,
which don t exist within the atmosphere, heat therefore escapes the planet. A condition of
temperature disequilibrium occurs, when freezing cold reaches a state, the climate never
warms to normal, and cold freezes the hemisphere and buries it under massive glaciation.
... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In 1998 the team of geologists had culled clues from Namibia and fashioned the Snowball
hypothesis. (monastersky, 1998)

Source and Nature of research

The research into collecting data proving or disproving Snowball Earth was conducted
by geologists who had collected Neoproterozoic rock samples in Australia, China,
western U.S., Arctic Islands of Svalbard and the Namibia coast. (Hoffman, et al. 1998)
Research included conducting a geologic survey of the Congo craton, facies of Ghaub
formation fill valleys. Rock specimens were taken from the lower glacial intervals
(Chugs Formation) to just beneath the unconformity at the base of Mulden group,
Southern Damara margin of the craton and Kaoko craton, Kalahari craton, Amadeus
basin. These rock specimens were microdrilled and the elements Sr, Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg
were measured for abundance using inductively coupled plasma emission spectoscopy
to assess diagenetic alteration. These sample were analyzed offline for DELTA 13
CARBON AND DELTA 18 OXYGEN after digestion for 3 hours in H2po4 at 50 C to
insure complete reaction of dolomite: the evolved gas was measured on a finnigan mat,
other research consisted of fisions secter mass spectrometer, graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectoscopy, leached in NH4CH3COO, digestion in weak acetic acid.
(Hoffman, et. al. 1998)

Analysis of Snowball Earth Hypothesis

The data obtained from cap carbonates deposited where

The night became as dark as a black hole around me. As I read my AP World History
textbook, the work triggered a yawn. I stretched my arms to find relief, and they
accidentally brushed against my phone, displayed 2 a.m. I was so surprised; the time
had disappeared and I still had the bulk of my homework to complete. It started to
descend into my thoughts that taking AP World History and Honors Chemistry may
have been an enormous misjudgement, as this was the second time this week I had to
stay up past midnight. I then quickly persevered through the rest of my homework to
achieve my average four hours of sleep a night, due to my heavy extra curricular load of
sports, ASB, and numerous school clubs, in addition to my two accelerated... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
American College Testing has implemented PLAN, a procedure that determines
students readiness in specific advanced courses (Ewing). These exams assist students
in choosing classes they are ready for, and lower the student stress caused by
unpreparedness. Having a balanced life should be the goal for all families
(Neighmond). A healthy lifestyle comes from a reduction of toil. Students reduce
their stress by finding a balance between relaxation and working. If students are
experiencing frustration because of certain classes, they are free to drop the
challenging classes and stick to the ones that they are most interested in (Kohli).
Students need to find stability in their lives between academics and other leisure
activities, so they can possess a feasible amount of work to complete. Certainly, a few
students are advanced in all subjects and prosper in challenging classes with a mass of
work as sizable as a dictionary. They are able to deal with any curriculum and the labor
that comes with it; however, the majority of students are not capable of balancing
multiple AP and honors courses at the same time and they are often not supplied enough
guidance ahead of time to know what they are registering for. They end up overloading
their schedules, leading to stress and unhealthy sleeping patterns, as well as poor
performance in the class. Although it
Question 2. Review The Scholarly Literature Within The

Review the scholarly literature within the field of your program specialization related to
your proposed (or School approved) dissertation topic. Analyze the reviewed literature to
determine what is already known about your proposed (or School approved) dissertation
topic and what remains unknown. Synthesize your findings and evaluate how a study on
your proposed (or School approved) dissertation topic could be designed to advance the
scholarly research in this area while maintaining ethical research requirements.

Literature Review

The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review on the school approved
dissertation topic: How do foster parents describe the experiences and engagement in
family ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Studies about FPM in the foster care system indicates that engagement is an important
component to achieving permanency for foster children (Boldis, Tomlinson, 2014;
Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, Cuccaro Alamin, 2011). It has been demonstrated
that FPM increases biological family members participation in permanency planning
(Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, Cuccaro Alamin, 2011; Gladstone et al., 2012;
Montserrat, L?pez, Bravo, del Valle, 2013). Permanency is more likely to be long term
when biological families are active members of the FPM (Balsells, Pastor, Mateos,
Vaquero, Urrea, 2015; Boldis, Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster,
Cuccaro Alamin, 2011; Steen, Duran, 2013). However, there is a gap in research on
FPM and permanency planning through the team approach of decision making that is
inclusive of foster parents. The school approved topic is How do foster parents describe
the experiences and engagement in family partnership meetings and permanency
planning? This study looks to expand on the concept of foster parents as professional
members of a multidisciplinary team through their engagement in FPM and permanency

Role Theory

Role theory is a
The Importance Of Academic Achievement And Race
Being a racially ambiguous Hispanic woman who has dreams of a better life has not
been the smoothest ride. Two issues that have ridden with me throughout my life are
academic achievement and race. I am here chasing after education achievement while
race is tailgating me. I try to reach education and let it lead me to different views and
find more information about the world. However, by reaching education it has had me
leave behind some of my cultural roots and personal connection with my parents. My race
has shaped my perspective and background however, I never let it stop me or get ahead
of me. Both academic achievement and race have led me to ups and downs shaping who
am I and who I will become.
Growing up in the United States and getting an education always caused a sort of
dissociation between my undereducated parents and my intellectually ambitious self.
My parents grew up in El Salvador and there was not much to be offered there in terms
of education and intellectual pursuit. Education was not put on a high pedestal for my
parents. In fact, my parents never did pressure me to academically succeed. I have
been the one to challenge myself. I am a scholarship boy or perhaps a better fit would
be scholarship girl. Richard Rodriguez in his essay, The Achievement of Desire ,
discusses the clash he had with his undereducated parents. He describes the dilemma of
the scholarship boy as he states, He permits himself embarrassment at their lack of
education. And to evade
Meet The Robinsons
Meet the Robinsons, a Disney and Pixar film, has turn out to be one of the most
inspirational movies that I have endlessly watched. Being a children s movie, I
honestly did not expect for it to have such a profound meaning, but you can find the
utmost astounding things where you do not expect to. I am glad I decided to watch
this movie because it has motivated me to let go of the past and keep moving forward.
This movie is about a boy genius, Lewis Robinson, an orphan left by his mother as an
infant. Lewis cannot find a familyto adopt him, but aspires to be a great inventor. As his
inventions continue to fail, and each family turns him down, he begins to doubt his
abilities and his significance. He later decides to invent a device... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Wilbur then decides to take Lewis to see his mother in the past but Lewis decides it is
best to leave things how they are and let it be. Next, before Lewis goes back to the
science fair, he makes sure Goob is awake so he can get the winning catch of the
baseball game. At the science fair, Lewis presents his invention and everyone is amazed.
Seeing his great abilities, the science teacher, Lucille, and her husband, Bud, wants to
adopt him, which they rename him Cornelius. After all the mishaps he had to go
through as a kid, Lewis, now named Cornelius, starts a new life and family and begins
working on new inventions and decides to never give
Sociological Accounts on Individuals Acquiring Their...
Sociological Accounts on Individuals Acquiring Their Identities

The concept of identity has been defined as A sense of self that develops as the child
differentiates from parents and family and takes a place in society (Jary and Jary, 1991.)
Through the process of socialization, individuals acquire their identities, but this issue
cause different understandings according to sociological accounts. Here, I will show
these accounts, and make an analysis understood by me.

The definition refers to the sense that some one has or who they are, of what is most
important about them. Important sources of identities are likely to include nationality,
ethnicity, sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic Interactionism sees the actor as more active in acquiring an identity. It claim
to society has a range of diverse social roles and identities (e.g. the roles of students and
teachers). Every role has certain behaviours, and certain rules. However, these roles can
change. Symbolic Interactionism sees identities as more flexible.

The issue is interactionists underestimate the range of human behaviours which are
restricted. The fact is not so ideal as what they image. Things can be changed, but not all
the things can, or not all the people can change certain things. What s more, they ignore
the identity of structural reasons (e.g. the unequal right between male and female) in
shaping the society.


Marxism points most societies are based on exploitation of some groups by others.
Those who own the mean of production (ruling class) exploit those who work for them,
who lack the means to produce things themselves (subject class). (Haralambos and
Holborn, Sociology Themes and Perspectives AS and A Level Student Handbook ,
chapter 1, p2)

Marxists do not agree with functionalism and interactionism for underestimating the
importance of power to impose roles. They emphasizes the class differences in people
acquiring their identities, but ignore other important source of identity such as, gender,
sexuality, age, etc.

Moreover, Marxism
Gender Reflection Paper
Gender As a child, I never saw being a female as a detriment and yet now I realize that
it was such an obsticle. However that apparent detriment has not shaped my identity,
but rather my triumphs over what people perceived that I could or could not do has
molded me to be the person I am today. I was encouraged by both parents to do
whatever I wanted, and yet I recognize how my own father treated me differently
because I was a girl. There were many things that I was never taught how to do because
they were not tasks for females in his mind. Things such as using a lawn mower, a
weed whacker, and even working with some power tools were skills that I was never
given the opportunity to learn. On top of this, he has stated that it drives him crazy
that I walk around bare footed when I garden and do not wear gloves and end up with
dirt under my nails. I have been told that I should act more like a lady . Looking back I
now believe that there were certain stereotypes that he applied to me and that I was
expected to fulfill. There were also things that he would not teach me because they
weren t lady like . This could be due to the fact that Males receive an incomplete
education because they (not to mention their female peers0 learn little about women their
schooling. (Nieto p. 49) If women are never presented in curriculum in a positive and
contributing light, then it truly becomes a man s world filled with their own one sided
notions. I have experienced being in
The Effects Of Black Children On Poverty And The Low...
America is failing its young Black boys (Prager, 2011, p.1). It is a bold statement about
the conditions of Black children in America. This research paper addresses the low
likelihood that poor Black children may overcome poverty because of conditions such as
negative environment, poverty stressors (e.g., crime, violence, health issues), and
parental influence. It is a controversial issue as studies suggest parental behaviors as well
as community and school involvement can help poor Black children out of poverty, yet
other studies suggest stressors such as emotional and health issues or participating in
welfaresystems as a result of poverty will heavily impact if not deter future success.
Despite programs instituted to fight the war on poverty, the issue remains prevalent and
studies, e.g., impact of welfare reform, continue to provide relevant information on the
impact of poverty. The research for this paper focuses on Black children living in
poverty and the low likelihood they will overcome poverty.
The research is valuable because Black and Hispanic children were more than twice as
likely to live in poverty in 2007 as non Hispanic white and Asian children. (Moore,
Redd, Burkhauser, Mbwana Collins, 2009, p. 2). It is absolutely unacceptable for a
country as great as the United States to experience poverty and extreme poverty in some
areas and further for there to be a clear indication that there is a higher likelihood of
children living in poverty based
Marijuan Medicinal Purposes And Benefits Essay
Known by the botanical name cannabis , Marijuana also has several other street names
such as bud or herb is the preparation of the cannabis plant which is part of the flower
genome. The cannabis plants main uses are as psychoactive drug for humans looking for
a high or medicinal purposes.
Cannabis has been in human history for centuries. It not only in biographies written by
various people throughout history since the 17th century but there are also some
cultures such as the native American culture used marijuana as part of their religious
practice. Today marijuana plays a major role in our society, whether national or local,
it has touched our lives in some ways. Even now it is major pint in political debate. As
of now marijuana is legal in 30 states in the United States nd has been and now is
considered to have medicinal purposes and benefits. Although marijuana in medicine is
poorly researched and awareness is key the main purpose of this essay is to aware the
people of its uses and potential. Marijuana consistently proves it worth such as helping
certain patients for example patients with glaucoma or restriction of the eyes blood
vessels and many other health concerns. Also being that cannabis is a plant and that
when medicated it goes through certification not only is it legal but a s natural as it gets
so the main point is that marijuana is medicine and here are some factors to lighten the
path as to why.

What in
Why Is Tim Tebow Controversial
Tim Tebow is a Minor League Baseball player. He had switched from the National
Football League to play baseball for the Minor League team of the New York Mets. He
had switched sports because the Patriots wanted him to change his position from
quarterback. He told them that he couldn t picture himself as anything other than
quarterback before he made the switch. When Tim Tebowswitched there was a big
controversy on why he switched. Many football fans believed that he had only switched
because he had enough money to and because he was famous enough to do so. One of
his quotes reads, I don t know what my future holds but I know who holds my future. He
may have been referencing to this incident when he said that. He believes... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Tim Tebow has tried to explain himself many times to multiple news stations and in
multiple newspapers but many of the football fans just aren t okay with what he is
saying. This whole controversy could become very violent, very fast if it s not resolved
soon. Anyone that is involved including Tim Tebow, Tim Tebow s family, and even
football fans could all get seriously injured over the different opinions on TIm Tebow

The switch affected the football community so much because they just lost one of the
greatest football players to the New York Mets Minor League Baseball team. Tim Tebow
was awarded the Heisman Trophy in 2007 with the Florida Gators. He also played
baseball at Florida as an outfielder and hit .494. He was phenomenal at both sports but
he went with football. Later on, when they tried to get him to switch positions he
retired and decided to play baseball again. The baseball community was ecstatic when
he hit a homerun his first at bat in the Minors. Tim Tebow is currently hitting .213 and
playing outfield for the Columbia fireflies. His final stats as an NFL quarterback are 17
tds, 9 int, 2,422 yds, and a 75.3
Constitutionalism in England in the 17th Century
Analyze the development of Constitutionalism in England during the 17th century.
England s lengthy history of hereditary monarchs and abusive absolutists has led to the
system of constitutionalism in 17th century English government. The encouragement of
these absolutism practices triggered the need to search for a new way to govern. The
reigns of the Stuart monarchy led to the shift from absolutism to constitutionalism during
17th century England. After witnessing the success of Louis XIV s of France
establishment of absolutism, England would soon see that James I, and his son Charles I,
will fail at establishing absolutism in England and see a constitutional government
established. After the death of Elizabeth I, the last of the... Show more content on
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The success of Parliament during the first phase of the English Civil War can be
attributed to Oliver Cromwell s New Model Army. This army consisted of radical
Puritans and Independents, who believed they were fighting for God. Cromwell was
one of the Independents. The first phase of the war was ended with capture of Charles
I. Blinded by his belief in divine right, Charles took advantage Parliament s troubles
and decided to flee to the Scots for protection. The Rump Parliament now accused the
king of treason saying that he had acted as a tyrant, traitor, murder, and a public enemy
to the good people of the nation. Charles was beheaded for his actions in 1649 and his
attempt at absolutism was put an end. This was a great achievement in the rise of
absolutism, as Parliament continued to gain more power in England with every
passing monarchy. After the death of Charles I, his son Charles II rose to power
(during the civil war). The Roundheads, supporters of Parliament, were victorious by
the end of the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England
and held all executive power; legislative power was given to Parliament. Cromwell came
to find that it was difficult to work with Parliament, even more so when members
debated his authority. Six years after the death of Charles I, who Cromwell fought so
hard to eliminate, Cromwell himself had done the exact same thing as Charles; demolish
Philos And Logos Research Paper
The story of Western philosophy began in Greece, which is known for its famous
Greek philosophers, leaders, poets, and scientists. Greece is also famous for being the
birthplace of democracy. The Greek word Logos translates into the English word logic ,
where logos means the theory, study, or rationalization of something. Logos also means
word in Greek, so it involves the act of speaking, or setting forth an idea in a clear
manner (Palmer, 2). Consequently, the word Logos signifies an irrefutable style of
thinking about the world and provides an explanation of them with a clarified effort of
thought and theory. Philosophyderives from two separate words combined. Philo which
equals love, and Sophia which equals wisdom. Philosophy means the love of wisdom,
or philosophers meaning lovers of wisdom. The definition of the word value as a mass
noun, is the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or
usefulness of something. The definition as a verb is to consider (someone or
something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of. The definition of the
word values are principals or standards of behaviour; ones judgment of what is
important in life. (English Oxford 1 4) What makes philosophy so fascinating, is that we
half know everything. There is no person who has lived or who lives in the world that...
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And this is ultimately the greatest value that philosophy has to offer. The question What
is the value of philosophy? is itself deeply philosophical. Historically, a number of
different philosophers have attempted to answer the question we re asking. Many of them
argue that philosophy s value comes from its unique methods and objectives. Socrates
famously said, The unexamined life is not worth living (Apology,
Noodles And Company Problem Analysis
Noodles and Company, a fast casual dining restaurant, whose founder is Aaron
Kennedy. Aaron thought of the idea in 1993 while eating at an Asian noodle diner in
NYC. He opened his first restaurant in Boulder, Colorado. It was opened on October
third, 1995. Noodles and Company was not his start though, he has also worked for
Oscar Meyer, Pepsi, and Cato Gobe.
Other persons that played significant roles include President and Co CEO, Ken Keyme;
Chief Financial Officer/EVP, Mary Beth Lewis; COO, Joe Serafin; Executive Chef, Ross
Kamens; and Chief Development Officer/EVP, Thomas Weigand. Many of these people
helped in the development of Noodles and Company, and helped the company begin to
grow in the late 1990 s.
Problem Analysis
First off, the competition faced by Noodles and Company is quite brutal. This
competition includes but is not limited to, Chipotle and Cheese Cake Factory. Chipotle
offers consumers good quality Mexican food, for an affordable price. This draws away
consumers who would be normally eating at an Noodles and Company. Cheese Cake
Factory hurts Noodles and Company even more so, because they offer larger variety in
their menu. Cheese Cake Factory s menu spans from a variety of different cultures.
Cheese Cake Factory also has a specialty item, cheese cake. This item pulls the attention
of consumers.
Secondly, you shouldn t open thirty two new operations in the next year, solely because
you have the capital to do so. With competition as it is,
The Role Of The Spirit In The Ministry Of Jesus Christ
The role of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus in the Gospel
The Spirit of God plays significant role in person Jesus Christ from conception to
resurrection. He is the one who speaks about the coming messiah before as well. In this
paper we will analyse the role of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus Christ especially in
the Gospels. For our study we divide the Gospels in two parts: the Synoptic gospels
(Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and Johannine.
I.The role of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.
The synoptic Gospels describe more similar events about the role of Spirit in the
ministry of Jesus Christ. The Pnumatological emphasis of these gospels in the life and
ministry of Jesus Christ is the major theme. They both generally allude from the OT
writings about the promise of Holy Spirit ... ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
As we analyse the gospel of Luke, it immersed with the significance of Holy Spirit role
in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ more than others. As Matthew recorded: This is
how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to
Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy
Spirit (Matthew 1:18).
The Spirit is the one who enabled Marry to miraculously conceive as it s told in
prophecy. The Same Spirit is enabled some poise people at a time to announce the
birth by giving the spirit to prophecy (Luke 1: 42 45). As it recorded Simon moved by
the Spirit , and found the infant Jesus, the Christ, with his parents in the temple and
identified Him as God s salvation; no one can do without the work and pointing of Holy
Spirit (Luke 2: 25 32). In addition Anna, the prophetess, presumably moved by the Spirit
recognized the baby Messiah (Luke 2: 36 38).
Moreover; especially Luke describes how the Spirit has significant role in Jesus s growth.
In Jesus
Outline Of A Web Design

Outline is that the technique for conglomeration ideas, and stylishly translation and
executing them, guided by beyond any doubt standards for a chose reason. Net style
could be a comparable strategy for creation, with the goal of introducing the substance on
electronic locales, that the end clients will access through the net with the help of a web

пѓ Marketing and correspondence outline on a site may distinguish what works for its
objective business sector. This can be altered for an age gathering or specific strand of
society; along these lines the planner may comprehend the patterns of its group of
onlookers. Originators may likewise comprehend the sort of site they are planning, which
means, for instance, that business to business site outline contemplations may contrast
enormously from a purchaser focused on site, for example, a retail or amusement site.
Cautious thought may be made to guarantee that the style or general configuration of a
webpage don t conflict with the clarity and precision of the substance or the simplicity
of web route, particularly on a site. Creators may likewise consider the notoriety of the
proprietor or business the site is speaking to ensure they are depicted positively.

пѓ User comprehension of the substance of a site regularly relies on upon client

comprehension of how the site functions. This is a piece of the client experience outline.
Client experience is identified with format, clear guidelines and marking on a
DES Essay
The attention on the distributed energy system (DES) has grown considerably over the
last few years. In comparison to the conventional centralized large scale power plant,
the DES shows great advantages by offering end users a diversified energy supply,
higher power efficiency, lower transmission and distribution losses and lower pollutant
emissions. DES typically is a suite of on site grid connected or stand alone energysystem
and has various types such as combined cooling, heating, and power plant (CCHP),
biomass fueled plant, solar powerplant and wind powerplant et al [1][2]. It is widely
applicable in industrial plants, commercial and resident buildings, with energy efficiency
and economic competitiveness [3].
In spite of the significant development of DES, the rational design and management of
DES, that could maximize the economic and efficient saving benefits, is still a complex
and challenge task. In order to meet end users energy demands, the DES design requires a
reasonable determination of system structure and configuration by selecting appropriate
equipment including their capacities and number. On the other hand, the optimal
management of DES is demanded, and therefore, the operating strategies including
operation status and load allocation of equipment need to be determined.
In order to address the aforementioned task regarding the DES design and management,
mathematical modeling or simulation has been used widely to evaluate the
characteristics and
Morality Questioned in Unforgiven Essay
The 1992 winner of the best movie of the year, Unforgiven, is viewed by many to clash
with the society of 1992 involving certain aspects of feminism and racism just to name
two. This movie won four academy awards including best picture, best supporting actor,
best director, and best editing but it was actually nominated for nine which is pretty
phenomenal considering the amount of money it cost to make the film. In this movie,
morality is in question throughout the whole film, as well as the power money actually
has on people. The plot of Unforgivenfocuses on the character William Munny (Clint
Eastwood), who gave up his life as a thief, murderer, and villain for the love of a woman
and to raise the family they were soon to have. Unlike... Show more content on
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At the time the movie was made, for instance, terrorism was at its lowest point it had
been in twenty years which clearly resembles Munny s dormant living style. The
Schofield Kid (Jaimz Woolvett) interrupts Munny s quiescence way of life, trying to get
Munny to assist him in the killing of two hooligans that beat an innocent woman until
she was bruised. The Schofield Kid was acting as the instigator, which resembles the
enemy of terrorism (William Munny). Munny seems unsure of the uncivil act of
disobedience until he comes to the conclusion that his family is in dire need of money to
pay for the bare necessities of life.
There were three major waves of feminist action that took place in the 1900 s. The
most recent and most closely resembling the film is the third wave taking place in the
early 1990 s. The third wave feminist mainly focused on micro politics but also sought
after negotiating a space within feminist thought for deliberation of race related
subjectivities. In the film, a woman was brutally beaten by a man for laughing at his
small penis. The girl s friends found out what happened and sought to acquire revenge on
the two men that committed this hurtful crime. The gang of vengeful women manage to
scavenge one thousand dollars of their own savings as a reward for anyone who kills the
two men. The gang of women acts as the feminist movement in the 1990 s but there is
Miller Vs. California Obscenity Case Study
Miller v. CaliforniaRichardson, 1

Miller v. California: Obscenity

Leanna Richardson

Liberty High School

AP Government 4A

In the case, Miller v. California, obscenity was redefined and it was determined that it
did not have protection under the First Amendment. The case began in 1972, when a
man by the name of Marvin Miller mass mailed ?adult material? in brochures as an
advertisement strategy (Chicago Kent College of Law, 2015). Five of these brochures
were sent to a restaurant in Newport Beach, California. The manager and his mother
opened the letter containing the crude material. After having unwillingly received these
materials, they complained to the police (Miller v. California, 1973). He was first
convicted ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Chief Justice Burger wrote and delivered the opinion of the court. The argument the
Supreme Court presented was that obscene materials have been ?thrust? on people, who
did not want to receive those things. They stated that states had rights concerning this
issue. They have the right to prohibit these materials when it ?carries significant danger
of offending the sensibilities of unwilling recipients or of exposure to juveniles? (Miller
v. California, 1973). Burger also wrote on behalf of the majority that ?We hold that
obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally protected speech or press.? There were
no concurring opinions but there were two dissenting. Justice Douglas argued that
because the court changes their mind frequently concerning the standard to which
obscene materials are held to, that Miller should not be punished for the negligence of the
Court (Miller v. California, 1973). Justice Brennan argued that Court, Congress, or States
could not decide whether obscene materials are protected or not under the First
amendment (Miller v. California,
Dealing With Dragons Character Analysis
In the novel, Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede, the main character,
Cimorene helps defeat the evil wizards from getting control over the King s crystal
that will show where every piece of useful and interesting magic is in the world.
Cimorene escaped because everyone said her behavior isn t proper or it isn t done.
Cimorene and Alianora both played a role to help defeat the wizards. She went to the
dragons cave and became Cimorene the princess of dragonKazul. When Cimorene went
to the Caves of Fire and Night she ran into a princemade of stone; he helped them find
out what the wizards wanted. They poured water with lemon juice and soap on the
wizards and they melted, shortly Kazul became the king of dragons. Cimorene is not
following the social norms of a medieval princess, but is justified in her actions for what
she is doing... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In Cimorene s Father s kingdom women are supposed to be proper and the men have
to be brave. In the Dragons monarchy is different because females could be the King
and it didn t matter if you were female or male to have power. However, in most
medieval kingdoms women did not have that kind of power so living in a Dragon s
Kingdom fits someone like Cimorene much better than where she came from. This is
how gender plays a role in Dealing with Dragons. Cimorene does not act like an
average princess, but is upheld for her actions, and Alinora acts like a medieval
princess more than Cimorene, but is still true to herself. Im widely considered to be
unduly suspicious of everyone and everything. Kazul said in a dry tone. Particularly
wizards. (106) Others may say that Cimorene acts like a princess when being sweet to
Antorell so that he wouldn t know what they were doing there. In conclusion, from the
evidence in the text, it is proven that Cimorene doesn t act like a medieval princess, but
it is justified for her
How Does Chris Mccandless Build Suspense In Into The Wild
In the passage from Into the Wild, written by Jon Krakauer, after venturing into the
wilderness on his own Chris McCandless ends up trapped without enough supplies. In
To Build a Fire, written by Jack London, a man after his fire is destroyed by snows
desperately try to make his way back to friends before he freezes to death. Both stories
withhold information in order to build suspense. Krakauer creates suspense by
withholding McCandless s fate until the very end of the passage. When Chris
McCandless ventured into the wildernessalone he ended up trapped due to the heavy
flow of the Teklanika s River blocking his path. The narrator theorizes that perhaps
McCandless was unconcerned with his only escape route being cut off due to his adequate
The Negative Effects of Smoking
Many people smoke in the United States and in every hour fifty one people die due to
smoking which is about one person every minute. Even though smoking is bad it helps
the government and the people. Smoking doesn t kill a person it does more than that. It
changes your appearance, health, and affects the people around you. Many people should
understand that smokingis not good for their health. One should consider the
consequences of smoking. Every time a person smokes they are just pulling the trigger
to kill themselves. Smoking cigarettes is very injurious to one s health. It has many
negative effects on a person s life. Cigarettes have a lot of chemicals in which half of
them cause cancer. Also, smoking harms every part of the body and is the main cause of
lung cancer. Smoking affects many parts of the body like the immune system, bones,
heart, bloodvessels, vision, breathing, and the lungs. For example the immune system
is the body s way of protecting itself from diseases and infections which means by
smoking it makes one have respiratory infections. It causes a smoker to have diabetes
and therefore a person has a higher rate of having type 2 diabetes.
One of the other factors which contribute to smoking is that it affects the bones. It
weakens the bones and most likely causes them to fracture. Other ways in which
smoking affects the heart and blood vessels is the bulging blood vessels that can burst
and cause death. Also, one could have high blood pressure and
Planet of the Apes Essay
Planet of the Apes
When Planet of the Apes opened in theaters, few people knew what to expect. To most,
the idea of a movie with the premise of a planet full of intelligent apes went against
everything they had been taught. The initial attraction was the superb cast, spearheaded
by Charlton Heston who portrays Taylor, an astronaut who crashes onto the planet.
Heston was joined by many popular actors and actress such as, Roddy McDowell as
Cornelius, Maurice Evans as Dr. Zaius and Kim Hunter as Zira. Though the cast may
have been the initial draw, the content is what has made the movie Planet of the Apes a
classic that will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.
The movie Planet of the Apes deals with a great number of issues that ... Show more
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To us, having one individual controlling both seems not only preposterous, but also
dangerous. The American mind immediately concludes that a system such as this will
lead to stagnation in science, and close mindedness in religion.
In Planet of the Apes this stagnation does occur. When a young upstart scientist named
Cornelius tries to attack the religiously based view of life in his society he is brought up
on charges of heresy. Cornelius merely attempted to state that he had found evidence that
apes had evolved from man. Defender of the faith Dr. Zaius then quickly ended the
hearings and threatened Cornelius with charges of hearsay. This is a direct link to our
own past. Charles Darwin challenged religions view on the origins of life in the 1800 s,
and frighteningly similar things occurred to him.
This is what Planet of the Apes attempts to do, and accomplishes so thoroughly. It
mirrors things that have happened in our own world, yet portrays them in a way that
makes humanity s own shortcomings more palatable. Yet, there are two ways of
interpreting the lessons the film teaches. On one level, Planet of the Apes blatantly warns
individuals not to repeat the past. While on another level, the director could be
interpreted to be stating subtly that we did not learn from our past and are therefore
doomed to repeat it. These interpretations wholly depend on the individual seeing the
An Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway s The Short Happy Life...
Ernest Hemingway has long been known for his two heroes in his writing. The hero
who is a weak, pathetic individual who is often lost physically and mentally, and the
code hero who usually shows grace under pressure and helps the Hemingway hero find
his place. These two heroes often come together in a relationship where the code hero is
the teacher who initiates the Hemingway hero into the code. Ernest Hemingways short
story, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, is the quintessential example of
Hemingway s heroes. In The Short Happy life of Francis Macomber, Macomber has
flown to Africa for his most recent hunting endeavor. He is accompanied by his wife,
Margot Macomber. The Macombers are staying with Robert Wilson, a... Show more
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She simply doesn t care what her husband thinks because she knows he will not leave
her. This can clearly be seen when she returns home to the tent and is simply too tired
to talk to Francis about the night. The repeated used of the words too tired is an
indication that the manly Wilson did a good job with Margot. All of Francis
Macomber s cowardice would disappear however; on the buffalo hunt. The morning
of the hunt had arrived and Macomber was ready. The minutes of the actual attack
were over before Macomber knew it. The car saw the buffalo, he and Wilson got out,
and the shooting began. Once the three buffalo were down Macomber felt a drunken
elation. He immediately said to Wilson, Let s go to the car, I want a drink. This is the
climax in Macomber s becoming a man. Early on in the story Macomber was satisfied
with a gimlet, but now he wants to celebrate with whisky, a true man s drink.
Macomber repeatedly says, let s have a drink, lets have a drink. He had never felt so
good in his entire life. True symbolism occurs when the men find out that the first
buffalo, the one Macomber shot, isn t actually dead. I think Hemingway did this as a
second chance for the lion incident. Now; however,

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