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NUR 1022L-Nursing I Skills Revised June, 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL CLASS AND COURSE INFORMATION ............................................. 2 PROFESSORS CONTACT INFORMATION ....................................................... 4 CLASS REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 4 CLASS POLICIES & METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 6 COLLEGE POLICIES AND WEB INFORMATION .............................................. 7 GETTING STARTED ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. SKILLS PERFORMANCE RECORD ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. COURSE CONTENT OUTLINES BY CONCEPT ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.

NUR 1022L-Nursing I Skills Revised June, 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

GENERAL CLASS AND COURSE INFORMATION Course Number: NUR 1022L Course Title: Nursing I Class Reference Number: Multiple Credit/Contact Hours: 1 credit/3 lab hours Term: 2012-1

Course Description: Students will achieve basic client care skills that are utilized or delegated by the nurse to implement the nursing process. Students gain competency by practicing skills in a supportive and supervised environment in the college campus lab. This includes a Wellness portion for the development of self awareness health practices. Special fee required. Course Learning Outcomes: As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Perform skills in a professional manner, utilizing awareness of legal/ethical considerations. Apply effective therapeutic communication techniques during the practice and performance of skills. Provide and maintain a safe environment for the client during all aspects of care. Apply critical thinking techniques when presented with clinical scenarios during practice and performance of skills. State key elements of the skills performed. Describe the preparation of clients for commonly occurring laboratory and diagnostic procedures, in both acute and community settings. Demonstrate the correct technique in collection of routine specimens of body secretions. Describe and perform the key elements of a complete physical assessment using a lab mannequin. State the key elements in preparing and caring for a client who is undergoing surgery. Explain the rationale for selected safety equipment: restraints, gait belt, walkers and demonstrate the appropriate technique when using them. Demonstrate hygiene/comfort skills to include bathing, mouth care, and bed making using a lab mannequin. Correctly identify and don personal protective equipment for Standard Precautions. Perform wound care, utilizing principles of asepsis/sterile technique Prepare and administer, with 100% accuracy, medications given via the oral, topical, nasogastric and parenteral (excluding intravenous) routes. State the rationale for care of the client receiving oxygen therapy, utilizing the principles of safe administration with selected equipment. Explain the use and proper technique for measuring pulse oximetry. Explain key elements of care and demonstrate removal of urinary catheters utilizing a lab mannequin.

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

18 19 Demonstrate irrigation, maintenance and removal of a nasogastric tube using a lab mannequin. Participate in weekly wellness-focused activities during skills lab class and enhance personal wellbeing.

Course Outline for NUR1022L - NURSING 1 SKILLS LAB Class Schedules: See Class Calendar as schedule is dependent upon section to which student is assigned. Textbooks Information: Textbooks are listed as: Required or Recommended in NUR 1023, NUR 1023DL, and 1023HY Syllabus. You may purchase your textbook(s) at any one of Palm Beach State Colleges campus bookstores or online. Skills Lab Kits will be provided during the first 2 weeks of the semester. Students must bring kits to skills lab for each class, practice, and each check-off appointment.

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

All students enrolled in a Nursing course are required to obtain and read the current Nursing Student Handbook and the Palm Beach State College Student Handbook. All Nursing students are responsible for the information contained in these publications. Both of these publications are published on the Palm Beach State College web site. Web Content Information: This course does not have a web component. PROFESSORS CONTACT INFORMATION

Mary Biderman, MA, RN Professor I AH 209, 561/868-3041 Email

Deb Copeland, MSN, RN Professor 1 AH 206, 561/868-3431 Email

Shernett DeMarco, MS, RN Professor 1 Belle Glade, CRB 220, 561/993-1195 Email

Leslie Kent, RN, MS Professor 1 AH 201 (561) 868-3436 Email

D. J. Marshall, MEd, MSN, RN Professor I AH 107, 561/868-3440 Email

Barbara Pryzby, MSN, RN Associate Professor AH 211, 561/868-3430 Email

Ann M. Sipes Professor 1 AH 307 (561) 868-3444 Email Office Hours are Posted on the Faculty Web Pages and Outside Office CLASS REQUIREMENTS Each student is required to read, print and sign the signature page of the Ethical Agreement (found in the NUR 1023 syllabus). Students taking NUR 1023 along with this course do not have to resubmit this form. If a student is only taking NUR 1022L, it is the students responsibility to submit this form to the team leader by the first class, and to keep a copy in the portfolio.

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

Assignments: Students are responsible for their Skills Performance Competency as follows: The student must successfully perform the skill safely and accurately by the deadline outlined in the syllabus and calendar. Skills Performance Records are to be printed from Blackboard. A. If unsuccessful, further practice and re-evaluation with successful completion of the skill is mandatory. 1. The student must achieve Satisfactory for Skills Competency to successfully complete the skill demonstrated. Satisfactory completion is recorded in the Skills Performance Record, and skills must be completed successfully in the Skills Performance Record before being attempted in the clinical areas. 2. Inability to demonstrate proficiency will require documentation of successful remediation per open lab faculty. 3. Skills demonstration will be in a sequential order. 4 Unit objectives may be evaluated through demonstration. B. Students must make an appointment in Open-Lab to be evaluated. C. Unit objectives will be evaluated through demonstration and/or written assignments. D. Student must have the following required materials for demonstration of skills: 1. Nursing Skills Equipment Kit I 2. Skills Performance Record 3. Skill Checklist, from the Clinical Skills DVD or Blackboard 4. Equipment necessary for the skill (watch, stethoscope, etc.) 5. Student Panther Card and name tag E. Students who do not adhere to the competency demonstration deadlines as assigned will not pass the course. F. It is the students responsibility to ensure the accurate documentation of completed skills. G. It is the students responsibility to print procedure checklists from the DVD and Blackboard and the Skills Performance Record, and bring these to Skills Lab for skills lab class, practice and skills check off. Open Lab: A. Students may sign up for ONE open Lab appointment time PER WEEK online for skills check-off using the Palm Beach State College Nursing home page at the Lake Worth and Belle Glade campuses. Belle Glade students may practice and be checked off at the Lake Worth skills lab. If the student is unsuccessful in getting checked off on the skill, another appointment (not on the same day) is to be arranged. The skill that is practiced with an instructor may not be checked off on the same day. B. Open Lab hours will be posted on Skills Lab bulletin boards, and appointments are not required to practice in the Lab. Appointments are to be made for check-offs and/or practice with an instructor as necessary. If appointments are available on the day of your appointment or practice you may sign up in the Lab for additional practice time with an instructor. C. Successful check-off of skills must be done in the order in which the skills are scheduled. (Ex: A week 7 skill must be successfully completed before the week 8 skill is checked-off.) Additionally, all skills are to be completed within 6 days of the class. (Ex: Tuesday Lab class skills need to be successfully completed by close of business the following Monday night. Also note that Monday classes will have a Saturday deadline.) D. Students must wear their name tag and have their student ID (Panther card) to gain entrance. E. Available audiovisuals and written resources must be signed out and in, and may not leave the Skills Lab. F. Faculty must be notified of cancellations. Failure to cancel before the appointment will result in a Performance Improvement Plan for Professionalism. 1. If off campus, leave a message on the lab office phone voice mail: Lake Worth 561-868-3411 Belle Glade 561-993-1453 2. In case of an emergency only, please notify the nursing office. Lake Worth 561-868-3412 Belle Glade 561-993-1145 3. Without proper notification of an absence or cancellation of an appointment unpreparedness, or unprofessional behavior, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) on Professionalism will be administered. 4. Faculty will give feedback regarding skills attempts where additional practice/review is
NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses


Late Assignment Policy: All required assignments must be completed by assigned deadline dates. Incomplete work will result in failure. Class tardiness may result in inability to attend the class, initiation of a PIP for nonprofessional behavior, and require completion of those class objectives before the next class. Grading Scale & Policy: All students must receive a passing grade in each of the Semester 1 Nursing Courses in order to proceed to the second semester. The following courses are considered Semester 1 courses: NUR 1023 or NUR 1023DL or NUR 1023 HY NUR1023L NUR1022L NUR1141 or NUR 2140 Nursing Department Grading Scale and Policy: Skills are signed off by the evaluating instructor on the Skills Performance Record that is posted at the end of this syllabus. Students are graded as follows: Grades are recorded as satisfactory or unsatisfactory (S/U) scale. Upon successful performance of the required skills, the student will receive a passing grade Any student who does not successfully pass the course may not proceed to the next semester in the nursing program. Make-up Exam Policy: Ample opportunities are provided to successfully complete each skill by the scheduled deadlines. There is no Make-up Exam Policy for Skills. CLASS POLICIES & METHODOLOGY Attendance: Professors are required to take attendance. 1. Missed classes must be made up through practice in the Skills Lab and successful completion of the PIP. 2. Students are required to successfully complete the missed skills before the next class. 3. Students are required to be on time and to sign in to each Skills Lab class on the attendance sheet. 4. When the student does not sign the attendance sheet they are considered absent for that class. All students are expected to attend all classes and clinicals/labs. In the event of an absence the student is expected to notify the appropriate faculty member as soon as the absence is expected. Electronic Device Use: Laptops and Hand-held devices are allowed in class for note-taking purposes only. The use of Hand-held devices that are iPod capable are encouraged to facilitate downloadable information as learning strategies and study tools. Cell phones must be turned off in class. Visual recording of instructors is not authorized. Visual and/or audio recording of students may be used as a part of the evaluation or practice of a skill. Email Policy: All email correspondence must be conducted using the college email system, and students must have access to a college email account. It is the responsibility of the student to activate this account in order to be kept current with college, program and course information. College email must be checked daily, at least. Email communication between faculty and students will only be made using the college email system or Blackboard, so be certain to check these email accounts daily for any updates or changes to coursework and scheduling. Equipment & Supplies: Required text books; access to a computer with active Internet service; knowledge of password and student ID for program and testing access, word processing and printing capabilities are essential to be successful in this class. Students must have the required materials and paperwork for successful participation and demonstration of skills.

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

Professors Expectations and Student Responsibilities: Students will arrive to class on time; attend all classes; and achieve competency through assignments and practice. Preparation: The student will be prepared for the assigned skills lab class by utilizing: 1. Audiovisuals 2. Required text readings 3. Open lab practice Materials: 1. Each student must bring the following to lab class: a. Skills Lab Equipment Kit I (includes goggles/scissors) b. Required texts c. Stethoscope d. Pen light e. Watch with second hand f. Skills Performance Record g. Skills Competency Check List Dress Code: Students must bring their Panther Card with photo ID, and wear their name tag to gain entrance into the Lab. See Nursing Student Handbook for the dress code. Station Maintenance: It is the students responsibility to clean and straighten the practice station after each practice or check off skills session. Clinical Competency Responsibility: The student will be responsible for keeping their clinical instructor informed of the skills that have been successfully completed in the lab by bringing the Skills Performance Record to each clinical day. Methods of Instruction: 1 2 3 4 Demonstrations Audiovisuals Skills Practice and Performance Multi-media activities 5 6 7 8 Student return demonstration Interactive Educational Activities Critical Thinking Exercises Simulations

Evaluation Methods 1. Objective observation 2. Skills performance 3. Attendance and participation. 4. Wellness activities Unique Requirements of the Class: All students enrolled in a nursing course are required to adhere to the Policies and Procedures as stated in the Nursing Student Handbook: Please refer to the following documents: Palm Beach State College Student Handbook: Palm Beach State College Nursing Student Handbook: PantherWeb Student Information: COLLEGE POLICIES AND WEB INFORMATION Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student's academic performance:
NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

(1) Cheating on an exam, (2) Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (3) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, (4) Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other that the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed, (5) Plagiarism. This list is not all inclusive. Please refer to the Palm Beach State College Student Handbook for further information. Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines Students will demonstrate respect for professors and fellow students. Behavior that is disruptive to a positive learning environment reported by the professor will result in a warning on the first instance; the second instance might result in expulsion from the course or campus.

Computer Competency Component Each student will, to the satisfaction of the instructor, demonstrate a fundamental understanding of basic computer operations through various instructor-determined exercises and/or assignments. These exercises/assignments are included in this syllabus. Disability Support Services Students with disabilities are advised, in compliance with federal and state laws, that accommodations and services are available through the office of Disability Support Services (DSS). It is the student's responsibility to contact Disabled Student Services Advisors and to submit appropriate documentation prior to receiving services. Eating, Drinking and Smoking Eating and drinking are NOT ALLOWED IN THE SKILLS LAB, and are confined to areas designated on the campus. Smoking is not permitted in any College building and only in areas designated at each campus. Student Responsibility Policy When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life. By enrolling, they pledge to obey the rules and regulations of the College and are responsible for observing all College policies and procedures as published in the student handbook, the College catalog and other College publications. The student will be responsible for preparing for class, participating in class, and completing assignments on time. Palm Beach State College Websites of Interest Withdrawal Policy for Individual Courses: The last day to withdraw from a College course with a "W" grade in this course is posted on the college calendar. It is the responsibility of the student to use the PantherWeb system or visit a campus Registrars office to withdraw. Without a formal withdrawal from the courses, lack of attendance will result in failure. An official withdrawal entitles the student to a grade of "W" in the class. Withdrawal or lack of participation in even one nursing course (NUR 1023, NUR 1023L, NUR 1022L, and NUR 1141 or NUR 2140) will result in being removed from all the nursing courses as all nursing course are to be taken concurrently.

DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION: Kellie Bassell, MSN, EdS, RN Nursing Program Director AH 110 (561) 868-3412 Fax (561) 868-3452 E-mail

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

Course Syllabus Classroom Courses

Disclaimer Changes may be made to the syllabus at any time during the term by announcement of the professor. It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced.

NUR 1022L Nursing I Skills Lab Revised June 2011

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