Goofball Grammar FREE Edition by CEPI

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Making Grammar Easy for CSS
& PMS Goofs
Dr. Noor ul Huda
(5th Position, CSS 2021)
Making Grammar Easy for CSS
& PMS Goofs

Dr. Noor ul Huda
(5th Position, CSS 2021)
Copyright: CEPI Pakistan

WhatsApp: 0321-1114880
Active & Passive Voice
Direct & Indirect Narration



Usage of Confusingly
Similar Words

CSS Past Papers


Further Reading

Welcome to this amazing world of core pleasure of raw,

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At CEPI, we are not just a book-dumping-profit-building

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I'm very glad that you decided to deviate from the

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like me? Let me hear that loud and resounding YES!
Forever your mentor,
Dr. Noor ul Huda
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Noun
By definition, name of a person, place, thing,
quality, phenomenon, idea, concept, etc. is called
a “noun”.

e.g Boy, school, book, honesty, daylight, etc.


Now, all these types of nouns are further

characterised into various types. Fundamentally,
we have:

What’s in the “name?”

A. Concrete vs. Abstract nouns:

Concrete nouns are names of physical objects,
places, or individuals: things or people, basically
any thing that can be observed with the senses;

e.g. hills, Lahore, Moazzam, etc.

While abstract nouns denote ideas, qualities,

5th Floor
feelings, emotions, or phenomena; basically any of Serena!
thing that can’t be touched or seen but can only
be felt

e.g. friendship, love, hate, darkness, corruption,

environment, atmosphere etc.

Concrete nouns are further divided into two


(i). Common Nouns:

These are the names of a common person, place,
or a thing; in short, these are general, unspecified
terms. “Arnab Goswami talks
considerably more in abstract
e.g: teacher, house, pen, academy, etc.
nouns than hard facts.”
Now, Common nouns are further divided into
Concrete Collective

Common Compound


Types of Nouns
two types:
B. Collective Nouns:
1.Countable nouns:
A collective noun is a word referring to a
Countable nouns can be counted in numbers collection or GROUP of things taken as a whole.
AND also have a plural form,
e.g. army, group, herd, band, class, swarm, etc.
e.g. chair, table etc.
And finally,
2.Uncountable Nouns:
C. Compound noun:
In English grammar, some things are seen as a
whole or mass. These are called uncountable A noun formed by more than one word.
nouns, because they cannot be separated or
counted in numbers, e.g. Shop-keeper, brother-in-law, watch-man, fruit
juice, etc.
e.g. water, milk, stars, sand particles, hair,
research, etc. 1.2 PRACTICAL USAGE OF NOUNS:

NOTE: Uncountable nouns should NEVER be While using a noun, the major focus should be
preceded by an article (a, an, the) or a number, on its SINGULAR or PLURAL status:
and they CANNOT be pluralised!
What is meant by using a noun as singular or
TIDBIT: Interestingly, the word money is not a countable noun, plural?
TIDBIT: the word “money”
becauseInterestingly, the word
behavesmoney is notway
in the same a countable
as other
noun, because
uncountable nounsthe
water,“money” behaves
sand, equipment, in the
air, and luck,same
and To be used as singular means to use noun with
way as other uncountable nouns
so it has no plural water, sand, singular verbs: is, was, has, does, and 1" form of
equipment, air, and luck, and so it has no plural form. verb with s/es
You wouldn’t say "I have five money”, rather, you would say "I
You wouldn’t say have"Ifive
have five money”, rather, you would
dollars/rupees/pounds." To be used as plural means to use noun with plural
say "I have five dollars/rupees/pounds." verbs: are, were, have, and 1st form without s/es.

(ii). Proper Nouns: Let’s jump on to the exam-worthy rules that you
need to remember!
As the word “proper” suggests, these are the
names of a specific person, place or thing;
e.g. Dr. Noor ul Huda, Pakistan, The Holy
Quran, CEPI, etc.
1.The Single Minglers:
NOTE: Proper nouns are always capitalised to
distinguish them from common nouns. A. Some nouns are ALWAYS used in
singular form. Remember the following

“Chess” - A Deceptive Noun “Measles”
(& a deceptive game) A Deceptive Noun

nouns in this category: e.g.

Many pieces of advice were given to him.
Fruit, poetry, luggage, alphabet, information, She purchased many items of furniture.
vacation, knowledge, jewelry, stationary,
equipment, apparatus, issue, hair, abuse, trouble, B. Some deceptive nouns look like they
furniture, scenery, advice, land, bread, machinery, are PLURAL because they normally end
etc. with -s or -es, but are always used as
SINGULAR. Remember the following
(i). Just like the previous nouns, you will NOT nouns in this category:
add s/es with them in order to make their plural
forms. (Fruits, abuses, alphabets) a. Names of certain diseases: measles, mumps,
(ii). You can use ONLY singular form of verb rickets, rabies, paralysis, arthritis, sinusitis, etc.
with them, whatever the situation.
b. Names of certain games: chess, billiards, darts,
e.g. draughts, dumb-charades, etc.
His hair has (not have) turned white.
The scenery (not sceneries) of northern areas c. Names of certain subjects: civics, aeronautics,
is (not are) worth-seeing mathematics, physics, statistics, economics,
mechanics, etc
NOTE: Some of these above-mentioned nouns
may be used in plural sense by adding suitable e.g.
words before them. Measles is (not are) spreading.

, ,
Chess is (not are) an interesting game. are singular, but are always used as
Gender studies is (not are) best taught at plural. Remember the following nouns
CEPI. in this category:

TIDBIT: News Newsaissingular!
is also also a singular! Vermin, poultry, peasantry, clergy, police, swarm,
offspring, elite, folk, people, cattle, gentry
C. Speaking of deception, also
remember these miscellaneous words MEME-WORTHY: Playboy B)
that are ALWAYS used as singulars:
gallows, checkers, molasses, ashes, shambles, The cattle are (not is) grazing.
innings, summons, tidings, alms, series, ethics, The police are (not is) coming.
politics, athletics, etc. The poultry in her farm were (not was) very
D. Similarly, collective nouns are also The swarm have been (not has been)
generally used as singulars, attacking the people.

e.g. B. Some words naturally consisting of

The class is making a noise. two parts will always be used in plural
The party is looking for a good candidate. form. Focus here:
The army is taking care of the situation.
The jury has announced the verdict a. Certain tools consisting of two parts: binoculars,
glasses, spectacles, scissors, tongs, pliers, shears,
Exception: Noun of Multitude scales, etc.

If the collective noun doesn’t give singular sense, My glasses are (not is) very precious
it is called Noun of Multitude. Binoculars are (not is) used to see distant
While a collective noun denotes one undivided
group, it becomes a noun of multitude when the
members of that group give a separate or
individual sense. Noun of Multitude is used as
plural; e.g.

The jury were (not was) divided in their

The famous music band, Strings, have (not
has) decided to part their (not its) ways.
The pack of dogs were (not was) running off
in different directions.

2. SHOO! I’M NOT SINGLE! Scissocs

A. Some deceptive nouns look like they “are” sharp - not “is!”
b. Certain garments consisting of two parts: socks, rupees.
stockings, trousers, jeans, pants, shorts, knickers,
etc. I am “a sheep” &
I wear “a pair of”
Exception: spectacles!

If you use “pair” before using such words, then

the verb used will be singular.

I purchased a pair of spectacles.

This pair of scissors is very sharp.

C. Also remember these miscellaneous words

used as plurals:

Belongings, outskirts, clothes, premises,

congratulations, savings (money), earnings, stairs,
goods, particulars, riches, stairs, surroundings,
contents, valuables, arms, orders, summons, alms,
firearms, damages, customs, whereabouts.


A. Some nouns have same singular and Exception:

plural form. Remember the following
nouns in this category: Among the above mentioned nouns, only the
nouns showing number or quantity (like hundred,
Fish, sheep, yoke, hundred, thousand, dozen, thousand, dozen, etc.) may be used in PLURAL
aircraft, spacecraft, accommodation, alms, form ONLY when they are qualifying to another
aluminium, barracks, bison, binoculars, means, noun:
series, species, etc.
(i). You will NOT add s/es with them in order to
make their plural forms. (Aircrafts, almses) Hundreds of people were protesting against
(ii). You can use both singular and plural forms the new law.
of verbs with them, depending on the situation. Dozens of eggs were thrown on the
(Fish IS swimming, fish ARE swimming, both politicians.
are correct!)
Sheep (not sheeps) are grazing.
A. Some nouns have TOTALLY different
I have three yoke (not yokes) of oxen.
meanings in the singular and the
They have four hundred (not hundreds)
plural. Remember the following words:
on Eid day is a common custom i
“Making kunefe

n Turkiye.”
Air – atmosphere Custom – a traditional and widely accepted way
Airs – behaving arrogantly of behaving or doing something that is specific to
a particular society, place, or time.
e.g. Customs – the official department that
administers and collects the duties levied by a
The air in Lahore is quite polluted. government on imported goods.
Faria has put on airs after getting allocated in
PAS. e.g.

Blind – unable to see because of injury, disease, Making kunefe on Eid day is a common
or a congenital condition. custom in Turkiye.
Blinds – a screen for a window, especially one on The Customs department should be free of
a roller or made of slats. corruption.

e.g. Content – Someone who is in a state of peaceful

Love is blind. Contents – the things that are held or included in
Please pull up the blinds, I want to see what"s something.
happening outside.
Character – the mental and moral qualities
distinctive to an individual. I am content with my husband
Characters – People in a novel, play, or film Please show me the contents of the jar.

e.g. Good – having the required qualities; of a high

Vania has a very honest character. standard.
The characters in Parizaad were impeccable! Goods – merchandise or possessions.
e.g. a gentleman.
I am a good person.
We have agreed upon the sale of goods. People – collective group of persons
Peoples – groups of people belonging to different
Force – strength or energy as an attribute of communities, ethnicities, religions, nationalities,
physical action or movement. etc.
Forces – an organised military force equipped for
fighting on land, sea or air. e.g.
People are speaking highly of CEPI.
e.g. Traces of several Stone Age peoples have
been found here.
Huda is a force to reckon with
The forces are on their way. Damage - destruction, harm or loss
Damages - money claimed by a person as a
Spectacle – a visually striking performance or compensation for loss or injury (in legal terms)
display OR Some visual scene.
Spectacles – a pair of glasses. e.g.

e.g. Stress is damaging my mental health.

The court awarded her damages of Rs. 3
Seeing her daughter graduate summa cum million.
laude was a beautiful spectacle!
I need my spectacles to read properly. Specie – money in the form of coins rather than
Wood – the hard fibrous material that forms the Species – A group of living organisms
main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree
or shrub, used for fuel or timber e.g.
Woods - an area of land, smaller than a forest,
that is covered with growing trees. The Bank of Scotland in 1608 had held
around £8 million in specie.
e.g. Many species of exotic animals are going
The desk is made of wood.
Let’s go to the woods for a picnic today!

Manner – a way or method in which a thing is

done or happens.
the gentleman!

Manners – polite or well-bred social behaviour


OR etiquette one follows.


She writes in a very effective manner.

Here comes Jinnah, carrying the manners of
extinct due to global warming. We ran for ten miles.
She will buy six bags.
B. Similarly, some nouns give off
different meanings when their USAGE is B. In all the other cases, the noun is
different. used as singular, i.e. Singular if it refers
to a group or an aggregate,
For example,
a. “Wages” is used as singular when it means
“reward.” Ten miles is a long distance.
Five years is a long time
And “wages” is used as plural when it means
“salary”, e.g. C. Singular if it IS followed by an
another noun,
Your wages are quite low.
Wages of hard work is success. e.g.

b. “Means” is used as singular/plural when it I have a ten-rupee note.

refers to a “method or procedure”; e.g. They ran a twenty-mile race.

There are means to solve this issue. 6. FIRST ONE IN TOGETHERNESS:

All the means have been tried.
Every means has been tried. If two nouns are joined by “as well as", "together
The fairest means of earning is hard work. with", "besides", "in addition to,” “together with”
and “not”, the verb should agree to the FIRST
And “means” is used as plural when it refers to noun in number, e.g.
He, together with his friends, is leaving for
His means of earning are minimum. Lahore.
You, besides your colleagues, are also
She, in addition to her friends, is preparing
Finally, let’s take a look at use of nouns with a for CSS.
numeral: He, as well as I, am enjoying our life.
They, not he, have assisted me in this subject.
When a noun is used with a numeral, it is used
A. A noun is used with a numeral in NEAREST…
plural form ONLY if it is NOT followed by
another noun, In contrast, if two nouns are joined by the
conjunction, “not only...but also”, the verb
e.g. should agree with the NEAREST noun, e.g.
Not only the girl, but also her parents were
Not only the manager, but also his aide
works hard.
Lily eats not only kebabs but also rice.


Similarly, be careful in locating the key subject if

the word “of" connects different words in a
subject. The verb should always agree with its
subject, not with its complement, e.g.

Workers of the
The quality of these oranges is not good.

world, unite!
The energy of the players is (not are) sky
A group of demonstrators was (not were)
Dozens of students have failed.
His only hope is (not are) his parents.
Your secret to success was (not were) your
The talents of a gentleman are numerous.


If a fraction (one-third, three-fourths, etc.) or the

expressions like “the rest of,” "heaps of”, “lot of”,
“some of” are a part of a subject, the verb should
agree in number to the noun or pronoun coming
after “OF”, e.g.

One-fourth of the students are absent today.

Most of the stock at CEPI BookShop has
been sold.
Half of the mangoes are sour in taste.
A quarter of them are participating in this
The rest of the movie “FastX” is boring.
Heaps of edibles have been gathered for
Afghan refugees.


When adjectives are used as nouns, they take Many a boy is doing his work.
“THE” before them to denote their plural or Many a teacher is trying his luck these days.
group form, instead of using "s" or "es", like: Many girls have a crush on our handsome
Rich, poor, brave, needy, coward, honest,
heartless, elderly etc. 12. LANGUAGE IS GENDERED!

The poor (not poors) should be helped by the Finally, the Masculine Gender is often applied to
rich (not riches) objects remarkable for strength and violence, e.g.
The elderly (not elderlies) are going on a
pilgrimage. The Sun, Summer, Winter, Time,
Fortune favours the brave (not braves) Death,Hurricane, etc.
11. THE QUANTITIES: The sun sheds his beams on rich and poor
Consider the following two expressions! “The
number of” takes singular verb, whereas, “a Whereas, the Feminine Gender is sometimes
number of” takes plural verb, e.g. applied to objects remarkable for beauty,
gentleness, and gracefulness; e.g.
A number of Baloch people are missing.
A number of new articles were introduced in The Moon, the Earth, Spring, Autumn, Nature,
CEPI BookShop. Liberty, Justice, Mercy, Peace, Hope, Charity;

Whereas, The moon has hidden her face behind a

The number of stars is unlimited. Spring has spread her mantle of green over
The number of computers in this lab is low. the earth.

Similarly, Well, the world has evolved with all kinds of

responsibilities equally divided between men and
The noun “majority" takes singular verb, women, but not the patriarchal Englishmen and
whereas, “majority of” takes plural verb. their funny language!

The majority in Pakistan is against military Anyhow, that’s it!

dictatorship. time to start
The majority of students are failing. practicing!


"Many a” takes a singular noun and a singular

verb, whereas “many” takes plural verb, e.g.

Many boys are doing their work.

until your
haters ask
if you are

EXERCISE -1: Are the following sentences correct? If

not, correct them. If yes, then move
Are the following sentences correct? If along!
not, correct them. If yes, then move
along! 1.Can you name English alphabets?

1.What is the content of this book? 2. Measles have caused him illness.

2. The data you provided is incorrect. 3. The circumstance is not in his favour.

3. We shall visit Karachi in summer vacations. 4. He always gives wrong newses.

4. This shears is not sharp. 5. Your informations are true.

5. What wages (is/are) given to labourers in this 6. The lady is buying furnitures.
7. The boy gave many abuses to his friend.
6. I saw deers in the zoo.
8. This old man is famous for his honesties.
7. The council was unable to converge on single
point. 9. I don’t like his behaviours.

8. My spectacles is broken. 10. Peoples are buying fruits.

9. Sceneries of Murree is beautiful. 11. They were wearing new clothes.

10.Cattle is grazing in the field. 12. We should always help the poors.

11.Equipments purchased for the lab is of 13. Her (hair/hairs) (is/are) grey.
inferior quality.
14. Riches are contributing funds for flood
12.Seeing the accident, he lost his wit. stricken areas.

13.Five hundreds people were watching the 15. Rearing of cattles is a common tradition in
match. our rural areas.

14. Two and two makes four.

15. Wages of good reading( is/are) good learning.

EXERCISE -3: your client the unvarnished truth about his or
her appearance.
Check whether subject and verb agree
in the following sentences. Also 9. When Wallace and Darwin independently
punctuate wherever necessary. proposed similar theories Darwin had already
accumulated extensive evidence to support his
1.The number of trainees who take this course, ideas and his suggestion though received severe
while completing the due training every year, criticism from church authorities, were
find that its knowledge of mathematics is acknowledged.
10. Everyone who visits Singapore is impressed
2. Either of the solutions you have proposed is by its cleanliness and maintenance, which is
acceptable to the union irrespective of your mainly a result of rigorous implementation of
adherence that was quite ingenuine and are likely their strict laws.
to distort the mutual relationship.
3. The last man on the earth will abandon his
ruined house for a cave, and his woven clothes Are the following sentences correct? If
for an animal’s skin believing that his undue not, correct them. If yes, then move
interference with the plans of nature, whatever along!
the intentions were, have brought him to the day.
1.The board appointed for selecting the cricket
4. The station was a hive of bustling activity, the team for the Asian Cup was divided in its
arrival of the train loaded with infinite number opinion.
of passengers were the most important event of
the day in that remote place. 2. The United Nations, in spite of the growing
concern of the world in respect to the world
5. My grandmother’s legacy is substantial, peace, have done nothing to ensure the
especially if the value of the rare stamps are availability of justice to the poor Kashmiris.
taken into consideration.
3. Everything in the Buy Me shopping mall,
6. Neither Bradley nor more recent critics who including the electrical appliances and the
have written on Shakespeare’s tragedies has been furnitures is economical and long lasting in the
able to give a convincing explanation for the whole locality.
timing of events in Othello.
4. After the successive sixes and fours in the
7. The bridal gown was unique and its second inning of the test match and causing the
magnificence, though most of the onlookers opponents to grow panic, the opener was still not
lingered their envies and expressed their critical out.
comments, were enchanting.
5. During the summer vocation, not knowing
8. For a successful career as a beautician, one how to kill monotony and the boredom, all my
must be prepared to dissemble: you must tell friends and I decided to spot the hill station for
hiking. d) I was told that the match would start after
6. The factory worker went on a strike, causing three hours.
the owner the loss of $2500 a week owing to his
low wages which was $500 a week. 3. a) Two third of the mangoes are rotten.
b) Two third of the mangoes is rotten.
7. He is a very capable student always securing c) Two third of the mangoes was rotten.
good grades in english and science, but d) Two third of the mangoes were be rotten.
mathematics is very weak so he can’t secure good
marks. 4. a) The responsibility of the leaders is being
beyond imagination.
8. One of the nation’s renowned leaders has been b) The responsibility of the leaders are beyond
reported doing illegal import of many imagination.
machineries. c) The responsibility of the leaders is to beyond
9. This year the school’s purchase account, d) The responsibility of the leaders is beyond
including the new furniture, air conditioners, imagination.
water dispensers and stationeries has mounted
up to a greater extent as compared to the last 5. a) The unnecessary herbs, in addition to the
year. tall tree, was wiped off.
b) The unnecessary herbs, in addition to the tall
10. By contributing a little from our savings, we, tree, were wiped off.
the Pakistanis, can play an important part in c) The unnecessary herbs, in addition to the tall
keeping poors from leading a miserable and tree, were wiped off.
tough life. d) The unnecessary herbs, in addition to the tall
tree, has been wiped off.
6. a) Ten millions are sufficient amount for this
Choose the correct sentence: project.
b) Ten million is sufficient amount for this
1. a). Why have they postponed the meeting project.
yesterday? c) Ten millions would be sufficient amount for
b). Why did they postpone the meeting this project.
yesterday? d) Ten millions have sufficient amount for this
c). Why they postponed meeting yesterday? project.
d). Why would they postponed meeting
yesterday? 7. a) Have you heard him complaining against
2. a) I was told that the match will start after b) Have you heard him to complain against you?
three hours. c) Have you heard him complain against you?
b) I was told that the match starts after three d) Have you heard him complaint against you?
c) I was told that the match would be start after 8. a) Many players trained by the coach.
three hours. b) Many player were being trained by the coach.
c) Many players has been trained by the coach. c) The clergy, in Christian world, kept no real
d) Many player was being trained by the coach. importance now.
d) The clergies, in Christian world, keeps no real
EXERCISE - 6: importance now.

Choose the correct sentence: 6. a) The staff were busy in performing different
1. a) Inzamam’s innings made Pakistan win the b)The staff was busy in performing different
match. duties.
b) Inzamam’s inning made Pakistan win the c) The staff is busy in performing different
match. duties.
c) Inzamam’s innings made Pakistan win the d) The staffs was busy in performing different
match. duties.
d) Inzamam’s innings make Pakistan win the
match. 7. a) All your advices fell flat on him.
b) All your pieces of advices fell flat on him
2. a) Does measles cause acute illness? c) All your pieces of advise fell flat on him.
b) Does measles causes acute illness? d) All your pieces of advices fell flat on him.
c) Do measles caused acute illness?
d) Do measles cause acute illness? 8. a) The peasantry in Pakistan leads a poor life.
b) The peasantry in Pakistan lead a poor life.
3. a) The four dozens of eggs you purchased, all c)The peasantry in Pakistan led a poor life.
are rotten. d) The peasantries in Pakistan leads a poor life.
b) The four dozens of egg you purchased, all are
rotten. 9. a) My family members are quite religious.
c)The four dozen of eggs you purchased, all are b) Member of my family are quite religious.
rotten. c) Members of my family are quite religious.
d) The four dozen of eggs you purchased, all is d) My family members is quite religious.
10. a) The glasses that were purchased yesterday
4. a) A cloth with fifteen meter length are are very expensive.
sufficient to make a curtain. b) The glasses that was purchased yesterday is
b) A cloth with fifteen meters length is sufficient very expensive.
to make a curtain. c) The glass that was purchased yesterday are
c) A cloth with fifteen meter length is sufficient very expensive.
to make a curtain. d) The glasses that was purchased yesterday is
d) A cloth with fifteen meters length sufficient to very expensive.
make a curtain.
5. a) The clergy, in Christian world, keeps no real DOWN!. TIME TO PAT YOURSELF ON
importance now. THE BACK!
b) The clergy, in Christian world, keep no real
importance now.
That’s all for your FREE version!
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GoofBall Grammar & Other Books for

CSS 2024 will be available for orders
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Upcoming Books by CEPI:
1. Goofball Grammar by Dr. Noor ul Huda
2. Solved CSS Past Papers by Dr. Noor ul Huda
3. MPT & One Paper Handbook by Moazzam Khan
Lodhi & Dr. Noor ul Huda
4. Understanding Current & Pakistan Affairs by
Moazzam Khan Lodhi
5. “The CSS Topper”: Researches & Analyses by
Dr. Noor ul Huda

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