Leases & Tenancy
Leases & Tenancy
Leases & Tenancy
LEASE *Formality?
• Letting of a land for a term exceeding 3 years & is a
registrable interest. • The parties must execute:
• type of dealing where registered proprietor (lessor) - Form 15A and register it at the relevant land office if it
allows another person (lessee) to occupy the land for a is for a lease transaction.
specific duration (consideration: rent payment). - Form 15B and register it at the relevant land office if it
• NLC requires parties to sign specific forms (must be is for a sub-lease transaction.
registered). - If lease or sub-lease relates to alienated land, must
attached a plan and description to enable to identified.
• Tenancy-letting of land for a term not exceeding 3 *General restrictions on powers?
years and is not a registrable interest.
• S. 225 NLC (refer)
*Characteristic of a lease? • No lease or tenancy may be granted to 2 or more
persons otherwise as trustees or representatives.
1. Given the right to exclusive possession of the land. • If the alienated land is subject to a charge, written
2. Parties must have intended to create a lease and not a consent from the chargee must be obtained prior to the
licence. creation of the lease or sub-lease.
3. A lessee must be given a definite period. • Such consent when obtained, must be signified when
executing the relevant instrument in Form 15A or Form
Yong Tong Hong v Siew Soon Wah 15B.
- The lessor claimed from the lessee the sum of - AP (registered prop) granted to the RS a lease over a
RM38118.78 which he had paid as rates and taxes to shophouse for a term of 25 years at the rental of
the authorities. RM280 per month.
- Held: In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, - The lease was not registered, and AP wanted to sell the
all rates and taxes are payable by the lessee and premised and offered the RS to purchase the premise at
consequently the lessor was entitled to recover the said RM90,000 within 3 days.
sum from the lessee. - RS claimed for specific performance, AP appeal on the
ground that the lease was not registered.
*Determination of lease? - Held: Although the lease was not registered, but it’s a
valid as an agreement for a lease and can be enforced
• Express surrender. in equity by specific performance.
- Lease may be terminated before the original
termination by landlord agree to surrender the lease. Wan Salimah v Mahmood bin Omar
- Effected by an instrument in Form 15C.
- Must obtain written consent from the chargee. - PF entered into a lease agreement with DF who lease
his share in land with PF for 15 years for rental of
• Expiry of term. RM1800 per year.
- S. 240, S. 313 - The lease was not registered, DF refused to sign Form
- Upon expiry of the term of tenancy exempt from 15A.
registration, endorsement made on the RDT may be - Held: The lease was good as an agreement enforceable
cancelled. in equity and ordered the Def to sign the Form 15A.
• If unregistered will still create a lease relationship - Court test: the nature and quality of occupancy whether
between lessor and lessee. it was intended that the occupier should have a stake in
• Such lease stands as an equitable lease. the premises sub-let or whether he should have only a
• Confers only a right in personam and not a right in personal privilege.
rem. - Court will look at the arrangement between parties and
• Parties may sue for breach of provisions. their intention.
Luggage Distributors Sdn Bhd v Tan Hor Teng *Tenancy with estopple?
- AP (registered prop) of a property ground floor rented • Invoked by the landlord against the tenant.
out to the RS. • S.116 of the Evidence Act: no tenant be permitted to
- Terms of the rental- 2 rears + further 2 years option. deny his landlord’s title.
- No endorsement of the tenancy on the RDT. • 2 conditions: Possession & permission.
- AP entered into agreement to sell the property.
- RS exercised option to renew and entered a private Wee Tiang Yap v Chan Chan Bros
caveat on the RDT. Singma Sawmill Co. Sdn. Bhd. v Asian Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
- Held: S. 224(b) prohibits any option for renewal from
being considered in determining the length of time.
TER is not a registrable interest-not qualify as
caveatable interest.
Inwards v Baker