Instructor Manual DP Induction Course CENC-ACP-M-01 Rev 05

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DP Induction Course

Instructor Manual
DP Induction Course / Instructor

“DP Induction Course”

Cap. Jorge Torres Pelaez

Contributors to the Edition

Mtra. Ana Yelli Acosta Padilla

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

DP Induction Course
Instructor Manual

Acquire knowledge of the principles of Dynamic Positioning, be able to set

up a dynamic positioning system and have an understanding of the practical
operation of associated equipment, including position reference systems.
Also, the trainees will be able to:

 Recognise and respond to the various alarms,

warning and information messages.
 Relate the DP installation to the ship system,
including (but not limited to) power supply,
manoeuvring facility, available position
reference systems and nature of work.

 Relate DP operations to the existing

environmental conditions of wind, sea state,
current/tidal stream and vessel movement.

Target professionals

 DP Coordinator and DP Instructors that will teach the DP

induction courses.

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Content Page
Course Schedule 7
Instructor Manual 8
Statement of the training methodology 9
Didactic considerations 10
Instructors responsibilities 11
Evaluation criteria 12
New Nautical Institute Training Scheme 13
Details of the simulator equipment 14
 Unit 1 & 2 DP Control Station 17
Power Generation and Management 4
Learning Propose 17
Performance criteria 18
Performance evidence 20
Lesson Plan 1. For theory 21
Assessment instrument of group activity (F01) 23
Lesson Plan 1. Exercise 1. Joystick mode "MSV 24
Challenger II "
Assessment instrument of group activity (F02) 26
Teaching activity 27

 Unit 3 & 4 Propulsion Units

Position Reference System
Learning Propose 28
Performance criteria 29
Performance evidence 31
Lesson Plan 2. For theory 32

Assessment instrument of group activity (F01) 34

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Content Page
Lesson Plan 2. Exercise 2. Alarms and 35
Sensors “MSV Challenger II”
Assessment instrument of group activity (F02) 37
Teaching activity 38

 Unit 5,6& Heading and motion reference systems

Environmental reference systems 39
External force reference system
Learning Propose 39
Performance criteria 40
Performance evidence 41
Lesson Plan 3. For theory 42 5
Assessment instrument of group activity (F01) 44
Lesson Plan 3. Exercise 3. Auto 45
Position mode “MSV Challenger”
Teaching activity 47

 Unit 8 & 9 DP Operations Systems 48

Practical operation of DP
Learning Propose 48
Performance criteria 49
Performance evidence 51
Lesson Plan 4. For theory 52
Assessment instrument of group activity (F01) 54
Lesson Plan. Exercise 4. “MSV Challenger II” 55
Lesson Plan. Exercise 5. “MSV Challenger II” 57
Assessment instrument of group activity (F02) 59

Teaching activity 60

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Content Page
General Review 61

Attachments 62
 Attendance List 63
 Evaluation instruments 64
Copies of student exercises 75
Attachments 76
Exercise 77
Homework 104
Bibliography 114
Complaint or appeal of results 116


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Course Schedule
Time (Hrs) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Registration of Registration of Registration of Registration of Registration of
07:30 – 8:00 participants participants participants participants participants

The instructor The instructor The instructor The instructor

Welcome to the welcomes and welcomes and welcomes and welcomes and
8:00 – 8:10 course explains the explains the explains the explains the
working day working day working day working day

8:10 – 8:30 Course frame Homework feedback Homework feedback Homework feedback Homework feedback

Unity 1. Unity 3 Unity 5, 6 y 7

Unity 8 y 9
Theme. Heading
Theme. Theme. Propulsion Subtheme. DP General Review
08:00 - 10:00 and Motion
Introduction Units Operations
Reference Systems

10:00 - BREAK

Unity 4 Unity 5, 6 y 7 Unity 8 y 9

Unity 1 Theme. Position Subtheme. Subtheme.
10:15 - 12:15 Thema. DP Reference Exam Briefing
Environmental DP
Control Station Systems Reference Operations
12:15 - BREAK
Unit 2. Unity 5, 6 y 7 Exercise 4
Subtheme. Auto Track
Theme. Power Unity 4 Theme. External Force mode
12:30 - 13:30 Generation and Position “MSV Online Exam
Reference Systems
Management Reference Systems Challenger
13:30 - MEALS
Unit 8y 9
15:00 - 17:00 Exercise 1. Operation of a
Exercise 2. Exercise 3.
Joystick mode DP
Alarms and Auto position
“MSV System
sensors “MSV mode “MSV
Challenger II” Challenger II” Exercise 5
17:00 - 17:45 Follow target
mode “MSV
Challenger II

Session closure Session closure Session closure Session closure


 Group  Group  Group  Group

17:45 – 18:00 activity activity activity activity
debriefing debriefing debriefing debriefing
 Group  Group activity  Group activity  Group activity
activity SQA SQA SQA SQA
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Instructor Manual
Dynamic Positioning Induction Course

This manual contains learning sessions for

DP Induction Course.

It is developed in nine learning units,

each has the overall purpose of the course
and the skills to develop, indicating the
time, method and didactic techniques and
resources, and assessment instruments that
measures the performance of the
participants, learning products and plans
to develop the practical exercises.

The instructor can use the attached

materials: lesson plans and assessment

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Statement of
the training
The didactic management of this
course is based on the pedagogical The convenient course management and
principle of competence approach, full knowledge of the pedagogical
the constructivist theory and approach is manifested in teaching
learning levels established in activities directed from classrooms
Bloom's taxonomy. and laboratories, developing an

The intention of standardizing the active and participatory training

educational process in exercise, being innovative in 9
institutions providing maritime presentation and investigation of
training in national and learning, finding in the framework
international levels, is to enable of the periodic and ongoing
the trainees for a proper evaluation indicators that give
integration into the labor market. reference to academic work and serve
to take decisions and improve
The competence approach relates practices.
the incorporation of knowledge,
skills and attitudes that
manifested and transferred to the
efficient and effective
implementation of tasks, chores
and successful problem solving,
developed through learning
experiences, proposals from the
classroom or laboratory

instruction, with satisfactory

impact on various aspects of
personal, professional, social,
atural or symbolic reality.

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Didactic considerations

 Each session requires timely, adequate care and quality


 All sessions are divided into precise teachable moments:

1. Introducing the workday and issues of the day: Instructor

describes themes, developing, homework feedback and
exemplifying enough models.
2. Group Learning Activity: Collaborative work between all members
of the group. 10
3. Exercise: Individual work by the participant.

4. End of day: Instructor final explanation, recap of the day

learning (debriefing and sqa), and performance evaluation (in
the attachments section you will find the instruments that
support you for the evaluation).

 Each teachable moment is evaluated accordingly with the tools in

the course manual, according to the nature of work: checklists,
performance assessment and knowledge test (online assessment and
general review questions).

 Each work lesson is detailed by a didactic structure on

instructional design: methodology, time, learning, performance,
tools and resources,

 The instructor shall at all times encourage group participation,

creating a dynamic development in the presentation of topics.

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 Diagnose, plan, implement and

evaluate the activities depending on
the competence.

 Relevance, clarity, appropriate

methodology and didactics.

 Punctuality, respect and order in

any activity.

 At the end of the DP Induction

Course to issue the trainees with
the DP Set-up Practical Assessment
Skills Table and DP Set-up Practical
Assessment Skills Form according to
the N.I Guidelines in force.

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Evaluation criteria

The elements to consider in the evaluation are:

 80% attendance to the course (in-person training modality)
 Activities and exercises performed during the course (evidences of
 Pass the online assessment and get at least 70 points.

Specifications of online assessment

The online assessment is designed to allow the student to demonstrate
that he/she has a basic comprehension of the theorical knowledge of
DP systems as described in the 88 learning objectives of the NI DP
Induction Course. The online assessment is as follows:
 The online assessment shall be completed in 1 hour and 15 minutes
 40 questions at a value of 2.5 points each for a total of 100 points;
 The student must score a minimum of 70% to pass;
 Assistance may be obtained from the instructor/assessor for
clarification of the meaning of a question.

SIMULATOR ONLINE TEST: Students who fail the first attempt are allowed
to have another two attempts within six months of the first attempt;
however, the second attempt must be undertaken within 96 hours of the
first attempt. Failing these three initial attempts, the student is
required to repeat the Induction Course and undertake the assessment

On successful completion of the Induction Course and online

assessment, the trainee Dynamic Positioning Operator will be issued
with a Nautical Institute Dynamic Positioning Operator’s logbook in
which his/her courses, DP sea time, task completion and Statement of

Suitability as a DPO are recorded.

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New Nautical Institute Training



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Details of the simulator

equipment 14

Dynamic Positioning Induction Course


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Necessary functionality / equipment

Kongsberg K-Pos DP Trainer

This configuration will allow students to practice relay DP operations on their

desktop panels, through the graphical user interface on the monitors.

Example of classroom with basic trainer

The instructor will be able to guide the students during the use of the DP
Control System. The built in simulator offers realistic answers to the
operations initiated by each student.

K-Pos: Basic Desktop Console Trainer

Description Commentary Quantity

K-Pos Basic Trainer Operator panel includes
dedicated buttons, 3-axis
joystick and split wheels PC
USB interface used for
operator station
It includes:
K-Pos operator
panel 20 "TFT
K-Pos computer
1 DP Model (Challenger II)

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Reference Systems (data only)

Dedicated A-Pos command stations or other autonomous reference systems are

not included; however, data from the sensors are available in the K-Pos

Description Commentary Quantit

Acoustics Hydro Positioning system consists
HPR of a transmitter (transducer) and a receiver
(transponder) simulation.
GYRO Three (3) independent gyroscopic systems 3
Wind Sensors Two (2) independent wind sensors 3
DGPS Three 3) independent GPS systems 3
3 independent vertical reference sensors 3
Echo Sounder 1


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Unit 1 & 2
DP Control Station 17
Power generation and management

Learning purpose:

Comprehend the general DP Principles, Freedom movements

controlled under DP mode, PRS, Sensors, Thrusters and
Power Supply of the dynamic positioning system in the
different types of vessels, applying the information
regulated by the organizations authorized to recognize
the framework of appropriate application in the

Knows the composition of the power generation and

management, through the analysis of its physical diagrams
to establish the function of these within the DP system.
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Performance criteria

1. Define Dynamic Positioning.

2. Explain the need for Dynamic Positioning in various types of vessel.

3. Describe the six freedoms of movement of a vessel.

4. State which of the six freedoms of movement are controlled under DP and
which are monitored.

5. Describe the following aids to manoeuvring commonly fitted to DP vessels,

including their practical and operational advantages and disadvantages:
fixed and controllable-pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, Azipod
thrusters and tunnel thrusters.

6. List the seven main components of a DP system; DP operator, DP computer

(or controller), DP operator station, position reference systems, sensors, 18
power supply and thrusters.
7 Describe the various modes of DP operation, including manual control,
semiautomatic control and automatic control. In addition, describe the
following common specialist functions: ROV follow (follow sub), follow
target, track follow (auto-track), minimum power (weathervane) and riser
angle mode.

8. Discuss the concept of mathematical modelling of vessel behavior

characteristics and appreciate the advantages and
limitations/disadvantages of this technique.

9. Outline the power requirements of a DP vessel system and

describe a typical diesel-electric power installation.

10. Describe the following position reference systems commonly

associated with DP installations: INS, Differential GNSS,
hydroacoustic, taut wire, Artemis, FMCW Radar and laser-based systems.

11. Describe the following sensors associated with DP installations:

vertical reference sensor/unit, motion reference unit, gyro compass,
wind sensor (anemometer) and manual draught input sensor.

12. Describe the concept of centre of rotation and the provision of

alternative centres of rotation.

13. Describe consequence analysis as carried out by a Dynamic Positioning

system. CENC-ACP-M-01
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14. Describe the power generation and distribution arrangements in a

typical diesel-electric DP vessel, with particular reference to
system redundancy as described in IMO MSC Circ. 645 and vessel FMEA.

15. Describe the power supply and distribution arrangements in a

typical hybrid diesel/diesel-electric DP vessel (Main CPP or Az
drive which are direct drive).

16. Recognise the power requirements of DP vessels and explain the

concept of available power and spinning reserve in worst case

17. Describe the functions of a power management system as installed

on Class 2 and Class 3 DP vessels.

18. Describe the provision of uninterruptible power supply to the DP

system, with particular reference to power shortages, failures and
system redundancy.


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Performance evidence

 Operation of OS

 Conducting simulation interpreting the interface information

 Solve the exercises

 Homework

 Online NI examination 20

 Operate the commands of the different models

 Conduct simulation interpreting the interface information. Solve the


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 1. For theory

Time (Hrs.) Activity Teaching materials
7:30 – 8:00 Registration of participants  Support lists
8:00 – 8:10 The instructor welcomes and explains the working day
The instructor performs the course frame by mentioning
 Slides
objectives, topics, organization of activities,
 Laptop
evaluation criteria and accreditation DP Training
 Projector
8:10 – 8:30 Scheme and ends with a presentation technique with
the group.  Impersonators
 Markers
Subsequently, the instructor provides a brainstorming  Painted
session on students' prior knowledge of PD
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a  Slides
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.
 Laptop
8:30 – 10:00  Projector
Topics refer to Unity 1.
 Markers
Theme 1 Introduction to Dynamic Positioning
1.1 Course description.  Painted
1.2 Historical development of Dynamic Positioning  Workbook
1.3 Abbreviations and Glossary.
10:00 – 10:15 Brea 21
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.  Slides
 Laptop
Topics refer to Unity  Projector
10:15 – 12:15 1. Theme 2. DP Control  Markers
Station  Painted
2.1 Basic System Layout.  Workbook
2.2 Principles of Dynamic Positioning System.
2.3 DP Modes and Functions.
2.4 DP Operating Procedures.
12:15 – 12:30 Brea
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the
 Slides
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a
 Laptop
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.
12:30 – 13:30  Projector
Topics refer to Unity 2.  Markers
Theme 3. Power Generation and Management  Painted
3.1 Power System  Workbook
13:30 – 15:00 Meal
 Markers
Practical Operation of a DP System.  Painted
15:00 – 17:45 Exercise 1. Joystick mode “MSV Challenger II” (see  Workbook
lesson plan 1)  Simulator monitor



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Time (Hrs.) Activity Teaching materials

The instructor asks the students to elaborate the
exercises sqa and debriefing in an individual way and
later to share them with the group on the learned day  Markers
1.  Painted
17:45 – 18:00  Workbook (group
The instructor with the ideas expressed by the learning activity:
students carries out the closing of the session, also SQA and debriefing
gives instructions for homework unity 1 and 2)
 Checklist
Session closure
Group activity
debriefing Group
activity SQA


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Assessment instrument of group activity (F01)

Level Performance Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and

collaborating with the development of group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the development of

group activity.
The participants were isolated and showed disinterest in group

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating

interest and knowledge of the subject.

The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically

difficult confusing language, but showed interest in the subject.
The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a
technically incorrect language and demonstrated disinterest in the

Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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Lesson Plan 1
DP Induction Course: Exercise No. 1 Joystick
mode “MSV Challenger II”

Learning purpose:

Acquire knowledge of the principles of Dynamic Positioning, be able to set up a dynamic positioning system and have an
understanding of the practical operation of associated equipment, including position reference systems. Also, the trainees
will be able to: recognize and respond to the various alarms, warning and information messages. Relate the DP
installation to the ship system, including (but not limited to) power supply, maneuvering facility, available position
reference systems and nature of work.

Relate DP operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state, current/tidal stream and vessel


Comprehend the general DP Principles, freedom of movements controlled under DP mode, PRS, sensors, thrusters and
power supply of the dynamic positioning system in the different types of vessels, applying the information regulated by
the organizations authorized to recognize the framework of appropriate application in the operation.

Training activities
 Define Dynamic Positioning Explain the need for Dynamic Positioning in various types of vessel Describes the six
freedoms of movement of a vessel. State which of the six freedoms of movement are controlled under DP and which
are monitored. Describe the following aids to maneuvering commonly fitted to DP vessels, including their practical and
operational advantages and disadvantages: fixed and controllable-pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, Azi pod thrusters
and tunnel thrusters.  List the seven main components of a DP system; DP Operator, DP computer (or controller), DP
Operator station, position reference system, sensors, power supply and thrusters  Describe the various modes of DP
operation, including manual control, semiautomatic control and automatic control. In addition, describe the following
common specialist functions: ROV follow (follow sub), follow target, track follow (autotrack), minimum power
(weathervane) and riser angle mode  Discuss the concept of mathematical modelling of vessel behaviour
characteristics and appreciate the advantages and limitations/disadvantages of this technique Outline the power
requirements of a DP vessel system and describe a typical diesel-electric power installation. Describe the following
position reference systems commonly associated with DP installations: INS, Differential GNSS, hydro acoustic, taut wire,
Artemis, FMCW Radar and laser-based systems Describe the following sensors associated with DP installations:
vertical reference sensor/unit, motion reference unit, gyro compass, wind sensor (anemometer) and manual draught
input sensor. Describe the concept of centre of rotation and the provision of alternative centres of rotation. Describe
consequence analysis as carried out by a Dynamic Positioning system. Describe the power generation and distribution
arrangements in a typical diesel-electric DP vessel, with particular reference to system redundancy as described in IMO
MSC Circ. 645 and vessel FMEA. Describe the power supply and distribution arrangements in a typical hybrid
diesel/diesel-electric DP vessel. (Main CPP or Az drive which are direct drive) Recognise the power requirements of
DP vessels and explain the concept of available power and spinning reserve in worst case failure
 Describe the functions of a power management system as installed on Class 2 and Class 3 DP vessels  Describe
the provision of uninterruptible power supply to the DP system, with particular reference to power shortages, failures and

system redundancy

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Exercise environment:
 Position: N6653000m 31:611500m
 Wind: Speed 5 m/s. Direction 290°
 Swell: N/A
 Current: Speed 0.2 m/s. Direction 300°
 Waves: N/A
 Own Vessel: "MSV Challenger II"
 Targets: Platform
 Worksite: North side of Platform

Trainee will control the vessel model doing the approach to the platform using the
different DP control modes (manual/joystick, manual/automatic and automatic mode). During
exercises they should follow the procedures, applying theory provided by the instructor
of the themes and subthemes.

Instructor Guidelines:
Ask the trainees to use their workbook and place in the attachments section exercise
1 (form with the exercise instruction), give students familiarization of the
controls of the simulator equipment and information of the Exercise (The Instructor
verifies that the vessel and the Exercise are loaded before beginning the class). 25
OS computers will be in starting position.

The instructor assists with any doubts or lack of understanding. When trainees
declare they are ready and without any doubt then they will start the Exercise by
moving into position and carrying out as per the instruction form given already to

Time allocated is 15 minutes for briefing, 90 minutes for the exercise, and 15
minutes for the debriefing.

The instructor has to observe each student during the Exercise as follows.

To adhere in appropriate manner, step by step, the sequence of the instructions in

the Exercise form.

To take decisions and react properly during the operations of the commands and
controls of the OS.

Evaluation form to be completed by each trainee.

Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of the Exercise.


 Assessment

Resources to be used:
K-POS 21, 8.20 software/hardware DP2
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Assessment instrument of group activity (F02)

 The instructor conducts brainstorm to check new learning of the

participants (Debriefing Exercise No. 1)

Level Performance Level group performance

A The group showed positive Adequate interaction.

attitude and willingness to Effective communication.
perform the activity. Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively Interaction process improvement.

attitude for work, there were Intermittent effective
some distractions generated by communication.
it. Learning process.

The group showed poor attitude Interaction difficult.

in conducting the activity, Poor communication.
the direct intervention of Poor learning.
instructor was necessary.
The group did not demonstrate Inadequate interaction.
favorable attitude in Incorrect communication.
conducting the activity, there No learning.
were distracting elements that
led to discontinuation of it.

 To conclude activity, the instructor describes and feeds back

the participants about their performance.

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 Teaching activity
Group learning activity

 The instructor explains and proposes the development of metacognitive

exercise (SQA).
 Example SQA form

What I Know What I do not know What I learned


 The instructor concludes the day and mentions the details of the
next day and homework 1.

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Unit 3&4
Propulsion Units
Position Reference Systems (PRS)

Learning purpose:

Knows the composition of the propulsion units and management, through

the analysis of its documented diagrams and characteristics, to
establish the function of these within the DP system.

Identifies the specific functioning of the position reference systems

of the DP system, describing its utility in certain applications, for
the efficient control of the vessels in terms of position, and movements.

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Performance criteria

19. Describe the following types of propulsion system commonly installed in DP

equipped vessels: main propellers and rudders, azimuth thrusters, Azipod thrusters
and tunnel thrusters, Waterjet, Voith Schnieder, etc. Describe the importance of
monitoring the displayed values of setpoint and feedback data for thruster and
propeller RPM, pitch and/or azimuth.

20. Describe the importance of monitoring the displayed values of setpoint and
feedback data for thruster and propeller rpm, pitch and/or azimuth.

21. Describe the operational characteristics and common failure modes of the
different types of propulsion systems as described in 19 above.


22. Describe the operation of hydroacoustic position reference (HPR) systems.

23. Describe the principles of position-fixing using underwater acoustic systems
working in SSBL/USBL, LBL and SBL modes. 29
24. Describe the various types of hydroacoustic beacon: transponder, responder and

25. Describe the layout of a typical Hydroacoustic system including operator

station, transceiver, transducer pole and transducer.

26. List the operational advantages and limitations of acoustic systems as a

position reference for DP.

27. Describe the principle and operation of the Artemis position reference system.

28. List the operational advantages and limitations of the Artemis position
reference system.

29. List the different types of taut wire position reference system: vertical
lightweight, vertical deep water, vertical moon pool, horizontal and horizontal

30. Describe the display of taut wire reference data in the DP system.

31. Describe the principle of position reference using the taut wire system.

32. List the advantages and limitations of the taut wire position reference systems.

33. Describe the principles of the Differential GNSS (DGNSS) system.

34. Outline the operation of a typical commercial DGNSS network where corrections
are delivered by satellite communications.

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35. List the sources of error and inaccuracy associated with the DGNSS system,
describing the effects on the quality of positioning.

36. List the available quality data associated with the DGNSS system.

37. List the advantages and limitations of the DGNSS system when compared with
other PRS.

38. Describe the principles used in relative DGNSS systems.

39. Describe the principles of position reference using laser-based systems.

40. Outline the method of setting up a laser system to provide best position

41. List the advantages and limitations associated with a laser-based PRS.

42. Describe the principles of position reference using FMCW radar-based systems.

43. List the advantage and limitations associated with FMCW radar-based PRS.
44. Describe the principles of Inertial Navigation (INS) and the methods of using
INS to enhance existing PRS performance.

45. Discuss the relative accuracy and reliability of the aforementioned PRS,
together with the methods used to apply weighting and pooling and voting when
more than one PRS is used. Median rejection of PRS when three or more are used
and the importance of monitoring the position reference page.

46. Describe other PRS that may be used in conjunction with a DP system.

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Performance evidence

 Operation of OS

 Conducting simulation interpreting the interface information

 Solve the exercises

 Homework

 Online NI examination

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 2. For theory

Time Activity Teaching
(Hrs.) materials
7:30 – 8:00 Registration of participants  Attendance list

The instructor welcomes and explains the working day

8:00 – 8:10

 Workbook (Homework)
Homework feedback  Slides
8:10 – 8:30  Laptop
 Projector
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the  Slides
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a
 Laptop
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.
8:30 – 10:00  Projector
Topics refer to Unity 3.  Markers
Theme 4. Propulsion Units  Painted
4.1 Thrusters.  Workbook
10:00 – 10:15 Recess
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.
Topics refer to Unity 4.
 Slides
Theme 5. Position Reference Systems
 Laptop
5.1 Coordinates Systems Description
(Geographical, UTM System, Local System)  Projector
 Markers
5.2 Hydro-Acoustic Position Reference (HPR) System
5.3 Artemis Position Reference System  Painted
5.4 Taut-wire Position Reference System  Workbook
10:15 – 12:15
5.5 Satellite System (DGPS/Glonass)
5.6 Laser-based Position Reference System
5.7 Radar-based Position Reference System
5.8 DP Reference System Input Management
12:15 – 12:30 Recess

The instructor exposes slides show and explains the  Slides

theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a  Laptop
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.  Projector
 Markers
12:30 – 13:30 Topics refer to Unity 4. (continuation)  Painted
Theme 5. Position Reference Systems  Workbook
13:30 – 15:00 Meals
 Markers
 Painted
Practical Operation of a DP System  Workbook
Exercise 2. Alarms and sensors “MSV Challenger II”  Simulator monitor

15:00 – 17:45 (see lesson plan 2)  Checklist

 Lesson plan 2
(exercise 2)

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Time (Hrs.) Activity Teaching materials

The instructor asks the students to elaborate the
exercises sqa and debriefing in an individual way
and later to share them with the group on the learned  Markers
day 2.  Painted
17:45 – 18:00  Workbook (group
The instructor with the ideas expressed by the learning activity:
students carries out the closing of the session, SQA and debriefing
also gives instructions for homework unity 3 and 4)
 Checklist
Session closure:
 Group activity debriefing
 Group activity SQA


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument of group activity (F01)

Level Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and

collaborating with the development of group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the

The participants were isolated and showed

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating

interest and knowledge of the subject.

The participants expressed their ideas and utilized difficulty 34

technically confusing language, but showed interest in the subject.
The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a
technically incorrect language and demonstrated disinterest in the

Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 2
DP Induction Course: Exercise No. 2
Alarms and Sensors "MSV Challenger II”

Learning purpose:
To acquire knowledge of the principles of Dynamic Positioning, be able to set up a
dynamic positioning system and have an understanding of the practical operation of
associated equipment, including position reference systems. In addition, the trainees
will be able to: recognize and respond to the various alarms, warning and information
messages. Relate the DP installation to the ship system, including (but not limited to)
power supply, manoeuvring facility, available position reference systems and nature of
work. Relate DP operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state,
current/tidal stream and vessel movement.

Practice the maneuver in a vessel in standby, joystick and ls mixed modes of joystick /
auto, freedom movements controlled under DP system, PRS, sensors, power supply and

Training activities
 Describe the following types of propulsion system commonly installed in DP equipped
vessels: main propellers and rudders, azimuth thrusters, Azipod thrusters and tunnel
thrusters, Waterjet, Voith Schnieder, etc. Describe the importance of monitoring
the displayed values of setpoint and feedback data for thruster and propeller rpm,
pitch and/or azimuth. Describe the operational characteristics and common failure 35
modes of the different types of propulsion systems as described in 19 above. Describe
the operation of hydroacoustic position reference (HPR) systems. Describe the
principles of position-fixing using underwater acoustic systems working in SSBL/USBL,
LBL and SBL modes. Describe the various types of hydroacoustic beacon: transponder,
responder and Pinger/Beacon. Describe the layout of a typical Hydroacoustic system
including operator station, transceiver, transducer pole and transducer. List the
operational advantages and limitations of acoustic systems as a position reference
for DP. Describe the principle and operation of the Artemis position reference system.
List the operational advantages and limitations of the Artemis position reference
system. List the different types of taut wire position reference system: vertical
lightweight, vertical deep water, vertical moon pool, horizontal and horizontal
gangway. Describe the display of taut wire reference data in the DP system.
Describe the principles of the Differential GNSS (DGNSS) system.

 Outline the operation of a typical commercial DGNSS network where corrections are
delivered by satellite communications. List the sources of error and inaccuracy
associated with the DGNSS system, describing the effects on the quality of
positioning. List the available quality data associated with the DGNSS system. List
the advantages and limitations of the DGNSS system when compared with other PRS.
Describe the principles used in relative DGNSS systems. Describe the principles
of position reference using laser-based systems. Outline the method of setting up a

laser system to provide best position information. List the

advantages and limitations associated with a laser-based PRS. Describe the
principles of position reference using FMCW Radar-based systems. List the
advantages and limitations associated with FMCW Radar-based PRS.
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Describe the principle of Inertial Navigation (INS) and the methods of using INS
to enhance existing PRS performance. Discuss the relative accuracy and reliability
of the aforementioned PRS, together with the methods used to apply weighting and
pooling and voting when more than one PRS is used. Median rejection of PRS when three
or more are used and the importance of monitoring the position reference page.
Describe other PRS that may be used in conjunction with a DP system.

Exercise environment:
 Position: Carpus_ 61 Sim
 Wind: Speed 10 m/s. Direction 330°
 Swell: N/A
 Current: Speed 0.5 m/s. Direction 320°
 Waves: N/A
 Own Vessel: "MSV Challenger II"
 Targets: Alarms and Sensors management
 Worksite: Carpus_61 Sim.

 Trainee will control the vessel model, using the different DP control modes (manual,
manual/automatic and automatic mode) during exercises they should follow the
procedures and try out the capability of the vessel observing the consumption of
the thrusters and generators.
 Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of the exercise.
 Develop an exercise of the theme and subtheme (Exercise No. 2). 36
 Attend the debriefing regarding the themes and subthemes.

Instructor Guidelines:
Ask the trainees to use their workbook and place in the attachments section exercise
2 (form with the exercise instruction), give students familiarization of the
controls of the simulator equipment and information of the Exercise (The Instructor
verifies that the vessel and the Exercise are loaded before beginning the class).
OS computers will be in starting position.
The instructor assists with any doubts or lack of understanding. When trainees
declare that they are ready and without any doubt then they will start the exercise
by moving into position and carrying out as per the instruction form given already
to them.
Time allocated is 15 minutes for briefing, 90 minutes for the exercise and 15 minutes
for the debriefing.
The instructor has to observe each student during the exercise as follows:
 Adhere in appropriate manner, step by step, the sequence of the
instructions in the exercise form.
 Trainees must take decisions and react properly during the operations of
the commands and controls of the OS.
 Evaluation form to be completed by each trainee.
 Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of the


 Assessment

Resources to be used:
 K-POS 21, 8.2.0 software/hardware DP2
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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument of group activity (F02)

 The instructor conducts brainstorm to check new learning of the

participants (Debriefing Exercise No. 2)

Level Performance Level group performance

A The group showed positive Adequate

attitude and willingness to interaction.
perform the activity. Effective
B The group showed relatively
attitude for work, there were Interaction process
some distractions generated by improvement.
it. Intermittent effective
C The group showed poor attitude in Learning process.
conducting the activity, the
direct intervention of Interaction
instructor was necessary. difficult. Poor
communication. 37
The group did not demonstrate Poor learning.
favorable attitude in conducting
the activity, there were Inadequate
distracting elements that led to interaction.
discontinuation of it. Incorrect
communication. No

 To conclude activity, the instructor describes and feeds back the

participants about their performance.

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 Teaching activity

Group learning activity

 The instructor explains and proposes the development of

metacognitive exercise (SQA).

 Example SQA form

What I Know What I do not know What I learned


 The instructor concludes the day and mentions the details of the next
day and homework 2.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Unit 5,6 & 7

Heading and motion reference systems 39
Environmental reference systems
External force reference system

Learning purpose:
Identifies the specific functioning of the heading and motion
reference systems of the DP system, describing its applications, for
the efficient control of the vessels in terms of heading, and motion.

Recognise the proper use of the output values of the environmental

reference systems (interface), through the interpretation of the
information emitted by equipment and recognizing the limitations, to
set up an efficient control of the vessel.

Identifies the different types of operations with external force

reference systems used, classifying the segment of the industry and

the activities required to improve the performance and the planned


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Performance criteria


47. Describe the function of gyro compasses and their redundancy within a DP system.

48. Describe how to obtain pitch, roll and heave information for input into a DP

49. Describe the reason for inputting pitch, roll and heave into a DP system.


50. Describe the provision of wind sensors within the DP system.

51. Describe the wind feed-forward facility and its importance within the DP system.

52. Recognise the limitations of wind sensor inputs. Explain the reasons
for and the consequences of deselecting wind sensor inputs

53. Describe the method by which the DP system determines the value for DP
current or sea force (the residual error resulting from unmeasured errors
& unmeasured forces acting on the vessel).

54. List the reasons for discrepancy between the displayed value of DP
current (or sea force) on the DP system and the true current or tidal
stream value.


55. Describe the use of external force reference systems such as hawser
tension, plough cable tension and pipe tension monitoring.

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Performance evidence

 Operation of OS
 Conducting simulation interpreting the interface
 Solve the exercises
 Homework
 Online NI examination


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 3. For theory

Time (Hrs.) Activity Didactic materials
7:30 –8:00
Registration of participants  Attendance list
 Workbook
8:00–8:10 The instructor welcomes and explains the working (Homework)
day  Slides
 Laptop
 Projector
 Workbook
8:10–8:30 (Homework)
Homework feedback  Slides
 Laptop
 Projector
The instructor exposes slides show and explains  Slides
the theory of the themes and subthemes,  Laptop
motivating a discussion of each topic and clarify  Projector
8:30-10:00 doubts.  Markers
 Painted
Topics refer to Unity 5, 6 and 7
 Workbook
Theme DP Sensors
Subtheme 6.1 Heading Reference Systems.  Video
6.2 Vertical Reference System.
10:00-10:15 Recess 42
The instructor exposes slides show and explains  Slides
the theory of the themes and subthemes,  Laptop
motivating a discussion of each topic and clarify  Projector
10:15–12:15 doubts.  Markers
 Painted
Topics refer to Unity 5, 6 and 7
 Workbook
Subtheme 7.1 Environmental Reference Systems.
 Video
12:15–12:30 Recess

The instructor exposes slides show and explains  Slides

the theory of the themes and subthemes,  Laptop
motivating a discussion of each topic and clarify  Projector
12:30-13:30 doubts.  Markers
 Painted
Unity 5, 6 and 7
 Workbook
Subtheme 8.1 External Force Reference Systems
13:30–15:00 Meals

 Markers
Practical Operation of a DP System  Painted
Exercise 3. Auto position mode “MSV  Workbook
15:00–17:45 Challenger II” (see lesson plan 3)  Simulator monitor
 Checklist
 Lesson plan 2
(exercise 3)
The instructor asks the students to elaborate the  Markers

exercises sqa and debriefing in an individual way  Painted

and later to share them with the group on the  Workbook (group
learned-on day 3.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Time (Hrs.) Activity Didactic materials

The instructor with the ideas expressed by the learning
students carries out the closing of the session, activity: SQA and
also gives instructions for homework. debriefing unity
5, 6 and 7)
Session closure:  Checklist
 Group activity debriefing
 Group activity SQA


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument of group activity (F01)

Level Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and

collaborating with the development of group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the

The participants were isolated and showed

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating

interest and knowledge of the subject.

The participants expressed their ideas and utilized difficulty 44

technically confusing language, but showed interest in the subject.

The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a
technically incorrect language and demonstrated disinterest in the

Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

 To conclude activity, the instructor describes and feeds back the participants
about their performance.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 3
DP Induction Course: Exercise No. 3
Auto Position mode “MSV Challenger

Learning purpose:
Perform maneuvers in manual mode, mixed manual/automatic mode and automatic mode,
maneuvering the vessel in auto position after set up in the system.

Utilize the different types of operations modes of DP systems, demonstrating the use of
DP control panel and facilities to improve the performance and the planned results.

Training activities
 Demonstrate the use of the joystick to manoeuvre the vessel and bring the vessel to a
stop in a seamanlike manner.
 Demonstrate the c o r r e c t p r o c e d u r e f o r s e t t i n g up the DP system in both manual
and automatic modes.
 Demonstrate position and heading change manoeuvres, using both automatic
and manual DP facilities.
 Demonstrate commonly provided functions on the DP control panel including gain, fixed
azimuth mode and thruster bias.
 Demonstrate the use of common facilities found on a DP system, e.g. auto position,
rotation centre, trends view, green controller gain.

Exercise environment:
 Position: N 1000m N: 500200m
 Wind: Speed 10 m/s Direction 330°
 Swell: N/A
 Current: Speed 0.5 m/s. Direction 320°
 Waves: N/A
 Own Vessel: "MSV Challenger II"
 Targets: N/A
 Worksite: N 1000m N: 500200m

Trainee will control the vessel model, set up system in auto position mode. He must
follow the procedures changing heading, stopping and using all the menus and submenus
of the mode, warnings/alarms and take the proper actions.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Instructor’s Guideline:

Ask the trainees to use their workbook and place in the attachments section
exercise 3 (form with the exercise instruction), give students familiarization
of the controls of the simulator equipment and information of the Exercise (The
Instructor verifies that the vessel and the Exercise are loaded before beginning
the class).

OS computers will be in starting position.

The instructor assists with any doubts or lack of understanding. When trainees
declare they are ready and without any doubt then they will start the Exercise
by moving into position and carrying out as per the instruction form given
already to them.

Time allocated is 15 minutes for briefing, 105 minutes for the Exercise and 15
minutes for the debriefing.

The instructor has to observe each student during the Exercise as follows:

Adhere in appropriate manner, step by step, the sequence of the instructions in

the Exercise form.

Trainees must take decisions and react properly during the operations of the 46
commands and controls of the OS.

Evaluation form to be completed by each trainee.

Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of the Exercise.


 Assessment

Resources to be used:

 K-POS 21, 8.2.0 software/hardware DP2


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

 Teaching activity

Group learning activity

 The instructor explains and proposes the development of metacognitive exercise

 Example SQA form

What I Know What I do not know What I learned


 The instructor concludes the day and mentions the details of the next day and

homework 3.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Unit 8 & 9
DP Operations
Practical operation of a DP System

Learning purpose:

Recognizes and understands the operating procedures established in

the recommendations statutory requirements and guidance issued by
the regulatory organizations, in addition to design, implement and
adapt the appropriate instructions for the required operation
according to the type of vessel and the task to implement.

Utilize the different types of operations modes of DP systems,

demonstrating the use of DP control panel and facilities to improve

the performance and the planned results.

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Performance criteria
56. Describe the procedures to be followed when approaching a worksite and
transferring from conventional navigation to DP control.
57. Discuss the need for completing pre-DP and other checklists prior to and
during DP operations
58. Explain the need for keeping logbook records of all DP operations, failures
and incidents
59. Explain the need for keeping records of operation, maintenance and repairs of
DP and ancillary equipment
60. Describe the need for effective communications during the conduct of DP
61. Outline the procedures to be followed by the DPO when taking over the control
of the vessel’s positioning and manoeuvring
62. Describe the structure of alarm / warning and information messages provided on
the DP system displays and on the DP printer.
63. Recognise the alarms/warnings associated with loss of redundancy after worst
case failure and the possible loss of heading or position if another failure
occurs after a worst case failure (part loss of some thrusters and power) and 49
catastrophic failure (loss of heading and/or position control). ASOG, TAM and
64. Outline the navigational projections, spheroids and datums that may be used in
operations involving Dynamic Positioning
65. Explain the use of worksite diagrams using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
66. Explain the need for planning DP operations, including emergency and
contingency situations ASOG, TAM and CAM.
67. List the various following providers of documents containing statutory
requirements and guidance relating to DP operations:
68. IMO (including IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic
Positioning System).
69. Classification society DP rules (example from classification society which is
member of IACS).
70. International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).
71. Marine Technology Society (MTS).
Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such as
DP operations manuals, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and capability
plots. ASOG, TAM and CAM.
Describe the IMO (DP) equipment classes and their application, with reference

to the IMO Guidelines for Vessels with DP Systems.

Understand that classification societies use either numbers (e.g. ABS DPS-2)
or letters {e.g. Lloyd’s Register DP (AA) to denote the DP Class allocated to the
Describe in outline the DP operations conducted by the following Rev. 5, 29/03/21
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vessel types:
72. Diving and underwater support vessels.
73. Drilling ships and semi-submersibles.
74. Cable lay and repair vessels
75. Pipelay vessels.
76. Rock dumping and dredging vessels
77. Shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSO operations.
78. Flotel (accommodation) vessels.
79. Crane barges and construction vessels.
80. Anchor – handling and platform supply vessels.
81. Cruise ships and luxury yachts.
82. State and describe the hazards associated with DP operations conducted in areas
of shallow water and/or strong tidal conditions.
83. Describe the hazards associated with DP operations in very deep water.


84. Demonstrate the use of the joystick to manoeuvre the vessel and bring the vessel
to a stop in a seamanlike manner.
85. Demonstrate the correct procedure for setting up the DP system in both manual
and automatic modes.
86. Demonstrate position and heading change manoeuvre, using both automatic and
manual DP facilities.
87. Demonstrate the use of commonly provided functions on the DP control panel. As
a minimum, including Gain, Fixed azimuth mode and Thruster bias.
88. Demonstrate the use of common modes found on a DP system, as a minimum Track
Follow, Minimum Power and ROV follow.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Performance evidence

 Operation of OS
 Conducting simulation interpreting the interface information
 Solve the exercises
 Homework
 Online NI examination


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 4. For theory

Time (Hrs.) Activity Didactic materials
7:30 – 8:00 Registration of participants  Attendance list

8:00 – 8:10 The instructor welcomes and explains the working day

 Workbook
8:10 – 8:30 Homework feedback (Homework)
 Slides
 Laptop
 Projector
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.  Slides
 Laptop
Topics refer to Unity 8  Projector
8:30 – 10:00 Theme 9. DP Operations  Markers
9.1 Safety functions  Painted
9.2 DP Practice and Procedures.  Workbook
9.2 Arrangements made for the conduct of DP  Video
operations in specialist vessels.
9.3 DP Messages and Event System.
9.4 Rules and Regulations. 52
10:00 – 10:15 Recess
 Slides
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the  Laptop
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a  Projector
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.  Markers
10:15 – 12:15  Painted
Topics refer to Unity 8 and 9 (continuation)  Workbook
Theme 9. DP Operations  Video

12:15 – 12:30 Recess

 Markers
 Painted
 Workbook
 Simulator monitor
Practical Operation of a DP System  K-POS 21, 8.2.0
12:30 – 13:30
Exercise 4. Auto track mode “MSV Challenger II” (see software/hard
lesson plan 4) ware DP1
 Checklist
 Lesson
plan 2
13:30 – 15:00 Meals
 Slides
The instructor exposes slides show and explains the  Laptop
theory of the themes and subthemes, motivating a  Projector
discussion of each topic and clarify doubts.  Markers

15:00 – 16:45  Painted

Topics refer to Unity 8 and 9 (continuation)  Workbook
Theme 10. Practical Operation of a DP System  Video

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Time (Hrs.) Activity Didactic materials

 Markers
 Painted
Practical Operation of a DP System  Workbook
16:45 – 17:45  Simulator monitor
Exercise 5. Follow target mode “MSV Challenger II”
 Checklist
 Lesson
plan 2
The instructor asks the students to elaborate the  Markers
exercises sqa and debriefing in an individual way and  Painted
later to share them with the group on the learned day 3.  Workbook
The instructor with the ideas expressed by the students learning
17:45 – 18:00 carries out the closing of the session, also gives activity:
instructions for homework. SQA and
Session closure: unity 8
Group activity debriefing Group activity SQA and 9)
 Checklist


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument of group activity (F01).

Level Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and

collaborating with the development of group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the

The participants were isolated and showed

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating

interest and knowledge of the subject.

The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically

difficult confusing language, but showed interest in the subject. 54
The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a
technically incorrect language and demonstrate disinterest in the

Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 4
DP Induction Course: Exercise No. 4 Auto
Track mode “MSV Challenger II”

Learning purpose:
Perform maneuvers in manual mode, mixed manual/automatic mode and automatic mode, auto
track mode, follow instructions to experience mayor failures and alarms, sensors settings
and failures of same.

Recognize the proper use of the output values of the environmental reference systems
(interface), through the interpretation of the information emitted by equipment and
recognizing the limitations, to set up an efficient control of the vessel. Recognizes
and understands the operating procedures established in the recommendations, statutory
requirements and guidance issued by the regulatory organizations, in addition to design,
implement and adapt the appropriate instructions for the required operation according to
the type of vessel and task to implement.

Training activities
 Describe the procedures to be followed when approaching a worksite and transferring from
conventional navigation to DP control Discuss the need for completing pre-DP and other
checklists prior to and during DP operations. Explain the need for keeping logbook
records of all DP operations, failures and incidents. Explain the need for keeping 55
records of operation, maintenance and repairs of DP and ancillary equipment. Describe
the need for effective communications during the conduct of DP operations. Outline the
procedures to be followed by the DPO when taking over the control of the vessel’s
positioning and manoeuvring. Describe the structure of alarm / warning and information
messages provided on the DP system displays and on the DP printer. Recognise the
alarms/warnings associated with loss of redundancy after worst case failure and the
possible loss of heading or position if another failure occurs after a worst case failure
(part loss of some thrusters and power) and catastrophic failure (loss of heading and/or
position control). ASOG, TAM and CAM. Outline the navigational projections, spheroids
and datums that may be used in operations involving Dynamic Positioning. Explain the
use of worksite diagrams using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. Explain
the need for planning DP operations, including emergency and contingency situations ASOG,
TAM and CAM. List the various following providers of documents containing statutory
requirements and guidance relating to DP operations, including: IMO (including IMO
MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems).
Classification society DP rules (example from classification society which is member of
IACS). International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). Marine Technology Society
(MTS) Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such as DP
operations manuals, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and capability plots. ASOG,
TAM and CAM. Describe the IMO (DP) equipment classes and their application, with reference
to the IMO Guidelines for Vessels with DP Systems. Understand that classification
societies use either numbers (e.g. ABS DPS-2) or letters {e.g. Lloyd’s Register DP (AA)
to denote the DP Class allocated to the vessel. Describe in outline the DP operations
conducted by the following vessel types: Diving and underwater support vessels. Drilling
ships and semi-submersibles. Cable lay and repair vessels. Pipelay vessels. Rock

dumping and dredging vessels. Shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSO operations. Flotel
(accommodation) vessels. Crane barges and construction vessels. Anchor-handling and
platform supply vessels. Cruise ships and luxury yachts. State and describe the hazards
associated with DP operations conducted in areas of shallow water and/or strong tidal
conditions. CENC-ACP-M-01
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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Describe the hazards associated with DP operations in very deep water. Demonstrate the
use of the joystick to manoeuvre the vessel and bring the vessel to a stop in a seamanlike
manner. Demonstrate the correct procedure for setting up the DP system in both manual and
automatic modes.

Demonstrate position and heading change manoeuvre, using both automatic and manual DP
facilities. Demonstrate the use of commonly provided functions on the DP control panel.
As a minimum, including Gain, Fixed Azimuth mode and Thruster bias. Demonstrate the use
of common modes found on a DP system, as a minimum Track Follow, Minimum Power and ROV

Exercise environment:
 Position: N 60 00.0000 E 004 59.9400
 Wind: Speed 10 m/s. Direction 065°
 Swell: N/A
 Current: Speed 0.8 kts. Direction 092°
 Waves: N/A
 Own Vessel: MSV “Challenger II”
 Targets: N/A
 Worksite: Auto track Operations.

Description 56
Trainee will control the vessel model using the different DP control modes (manual,
manual/automatic and automatic mode), auto track mode; trainee will experience
different situations due to loss of propulsion and sensors failures.

Instructor Guidelines:
Ask the trainees to use their workbook and place in the attachments section exercise
(form with the exercise instruction), give students familiarization of the controls
of the simulator equipment and information of the Exercise (The Instructor verifies
that the vessel and the Exercise are loaded before beginning the class).
OS computers will be in starting position.
The instructor assists with any doubts or lack of the understanding. When trainees
declare they are ready and without any doubt then they will start the Exercise by
moving into position and carrying out as per the instruction form given already to
Time allocated is 5 minutes for briefing, 50 minutes for the Exercise
and 5 minutes for the debriefing.
The instructor has to observe each student during the Exercise as follows:
Adhere in appropriate manner, step by step, the sequence of the instructions in the
Exercise form.
Trainees must take decisions and react properly during the operations of the commands
and controls of the OS.
Evaluation form to be completed by each trainee.
Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of exercise.

 Assessment.

Resources to be used:
 K-POS 21, 8.2.0 software/hardware DP2 CENC-ACP-M-01
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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Lesson Plan 5
DP Induction Course: Exercise No. 5
Follow Target mode “MSV Challenger II”

Learning purpose:
Perform maneuvers in manual mode, mixed manual/automatic mode and automatic mode,
maneuvering demonstrating the correct use of the vessel commands in follow target mode.

Utilize the different types of operations modes of DP systems, demonstrating the use of
DP control panel and facilities to improve the performance and the planned results.
Identifies the specific functioning of the heading and motion reference systems of the DP
system, describing its applications, for the efficient control of the vessel in terms of
heading, and motion.

Training activities
 Demonstrate the use of common facilities found on a DP system, e.g. track follow, minimum
power and ROV follow.
Describe the procedures to be followed when approaching a worksite and transferring from
conventional navigation to DP control Discuss the need for completing pre-DP and other
checklists prior to and during DP operations. Explain the need for keeping logbook
records of all DP operations, failures and incidents. Explain the need for keeping
records of operation, maintenance and repairs of DP and ancillary equipment. Describe
the need for effective communications during the conduct of DP operations. Outline the 57
procedures to be followed by the DPO when taking over the control of the vessel’s
positioning and manoeuvring. Describe the structure of alarm / warning and information
messages provided on the DP system displays and on the DP printer. Recognise the
alarms/warnings associated with loss of redundancy after worst case failure and the
possible loss of heading or position if another failure occurs after a worst case failure
(part loss of some thrusters and power) and catastrophic failure (loss of heading and/or
position control). ASOG, TAM and CAM. Outline the navigational projections, spheroids
and datums that may be used in operations involving Dynamic Positioning. Explain the
use of worksite diagrams using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. Explain
the need for planning DP operations, including emergency and contingency situations ASOG,
TAM and CAM. List the various following providers of documents containing statutory
requirements and guidance relating to DP operations, including: IMO (including IMO
MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems).
Classification society DP rules (example from classification society which is member of
IACS). International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). Marine Technology Society
(MTS) Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such as DP
operations manuals, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and capability plots. ASOG,
TAM and CAM. Describe the IMO (DP) equipment classes and their application, with reference
to the IMO Guidelines for Vessels with DP Systems. Understand that classification
societies use either numbers (e.g. ABS DPS-2) or letters {e.g. Lloyd’s Register DP (AA)
to denote the DP Class allocated to the vessel. Describe in outline the DP operations
conducted by the following vessel types: Diving and underwater support vessels. Drilling
ships and semi-submersibles. Cable lay and repair vessels. Pipelay vessels. Rock
dumping and dredging vessels. Shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSO operations. Flotel

(accommodation) vessels. Crane barges and construction vessels. Anchor-handling and

platform supply vessels. Cruise ships and luxury yachts. State and describe the hazards
associated with DP operations conducted in areas of shallow water and/or strong tidal
conditions. Describe the hazards associated with DP operations in very deep water.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Demonstrate the use of the joystick to manoeuvre the vessel and bring the vessel to a
stop in a seamanlike manner. Demonstrate the correct procedure for setting up the DP
system in both manual and automatic modes.
Demonstrate position and heading change manoeuvre, using both automatic and manual DP
facilities. Demonstrate the use of commonly provided functions on the DP control panel.
As a minimum, including Gain, Fixed Azimuth mode and Thruster bias. Demonstrate the use
of common modes found on a DP system, as a minimum Track

Exercise environment:
 Position: N6652900 31: 611400
 Wind: Speed 17 kts. Direction 055°
 Swell: N/A
 Current: Speed 0.7 kts. Direction 075°
 Waves: N/A
 Own Vessel: "MSV Challenger II"
 Targets: N/A
 Worksite: Follow Target Operations.

Trainee will control the vessel model, creating a follow target under the instructions
described in the Exercise form. They must follow the procedures changing heading, stopping
and using all the menus and submenus of the mode, warnings/alarms and take the proper
actions. 58
Instructor’s Guideline:
Ask the trainees to use their workbook and place in the attachments section exercise
5 (form with the exercise instruction), give students familiarization of the
controls of the simulator equipment and information of the Exercise (The Instructor
verifies that the ship and the Exercise are loaded before beginning the class).
OS computers will be in starting position.
The instructor assists with any doubts or lack of the understanding. When trainees
declare they are ready and without any doubt then they will start the Exercise by
moving into position and carrying out as per the instruction form given already to
Time allocated is 5 minutes for briefing, 50 minutes for the Exercise and 5 minutes for
the debriefing.
The instructor has to observe each student during the Exercise as follows:
Adhere in appropriate manner, step by step, the sequence of the instructions in the
Exercise form.
Trainees must take decisions and react properly during the operations of the commands
and controls of the OS.
Evaluation form to be completed by each trainee.
Participate in the briefing regarding the theme and subtheme of the Exercise.

 Assessment.

Resources to be used:
 K-POS 21, 8.2.0 software/hardware DP2

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument of group activity (F02)

 The instructor conducts brainstorm to check new learning of the

participants (Debriefing Exercise No. 4 and 5).

Level Performance Level group performance

A The group showed positive Adequate

attitude and willingness to interaction.
perform the activity. Effective
B The group showed relatively
attitude for work, there were Interaction process
some distractions generated by improvement.
it. Intermittent effective
The group showed poor attitude Learning process.
C 59
in conducting the activity, the Interaction
direct intervention of difficult. Poor
instructor was necessary. communication.
The group did not demonstrate Poor learning.
favorable attitude in Inadequate
conducting the activity, there interaction.
were distracting elements that Incorrect
led to discontinuation of it. communication. No

 The activity concludes, instructor describes the performance of

participants and reports and feeds the results of performance

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

 Teaching activity

Group learning activity

 The instructor explains and proposes the development of
metacognitive exercise (SQA).
 Example SQA form

What I Know What I do not know What I learned


 The instructor concludes the day and mentions the details of the next
day and homework 4.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

General Review
DP Induction

Competence (cognition, procedural, attitudinal)

Represents the basics of the DP operation, developing a general metacognitive

Exercise (SQA) of the lessons learned.

 Teaching activity
Personal activity

 The instructor explains and conducts the performance of metacognitive

Exercise (SQA) (50 minutes).
 Example SQA form.

What I know What I do What I

Unit 1&2

Unit 3&

Unit 8

Unit 9

 The instructor concludes the induction course and explains the

procedures for the examination required by the Nautical Institute
(10 minutes).

 At the end of the DP Induction Course, the Instructor will issue the trainees
with the DP Set-up Practical Assessment Skills Table and DP Set-up Practical
Assessment Skills Form according to the N.I Guidelines in force.

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Attachments 62
Dynamic Positioning Induction Course

This section contains the format of the attendance list, the

formats that students use, and which contain instructions for
performing the practical exercises of using the DP system
(Exercise 1, 2, 3, and 5), as well as some evaluation
instruments that provide evidence of achievement of knowledge,
skills and attitudes of learners during the course of induction
to PD

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Attendance list
DP Induction Course

Date of the Course

Name of Instructor

Name of the Trainee Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Name and Signature DP


Courses Coordinator
DP Courses Instructor

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Evaluation instruments
DP Induction Course

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument

Exercise number

Level Performance Level group performance

A The group showed positive attitude and Adequate interaction.

willingness to perform the activity. Effective communication.
Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively attitude for Interaction process improvement.

work, there were some distractions Intermittent effective
generated by it. communication.
Learning process.

The group showed poor attitude in Interaction difficult.

conducting the activity, the direct Poor communication.
intervention of instructor was necessary. Poor learning.

The group did not demonstrate favorable Inadequate interaction.

attitude in conducting the activity, there Incorrect communication.
were distracting elements that led to No learning.
discontinuation of it.


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument

Exercise number

Level Performance
Level group performance

The group showed positive attitude and Adequate interaction.

willingness to perform the activity. Effective communication.
Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively attitude for Interaction process improvement.

work, there were some distractions Intermittent effective
generated by it. communication.
Learning process.

The group showed poor attitude in Interaction difficult.

conducting the activity, the direct Poor communication.
intervention of instructor was necessary. Poor learning.

The group did not demonstrate favorable Inadequate interaction.

attitude in conducting the activity, there Incorrect communication.
were distracting elements that led to No learning.
discontinuation of it.


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument
Exercise number

Level Performance Level group performance

A The group showed positive Adequate interaction.

attitude and willingness to Effective
perform the activity. communication.
Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively Interaction process

attitude for work, there were improvement. Intermittent
some distractions generated by effective
it. communication.
C The group showed poor attitude process.
in conducting the activity, the 67
direct intervention of Interaction
instructor was necessary. difficult. Poor
The group did not demonstrate Poor learning.
favorable attitude in conducting
the activity, there were Inadequate interaction.
distracting elements that led to Incorrect
discontinuation of it. communication. No


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument
Exercise number

Leve Performance Level group performance

The group showed positive attitude and Adequate interaction.
A willingness to perform the activity. Effective communication.
Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively attitude for Interaction process improvement.

work, there were some distractions Intermittent effective
generated by it. communication.
Learning process.

C The group showed poor attitude in Interaction difficult.

conducting the activity, the direct Poor communication. 68
intervention of instructor was necessary. Poor learning.

The group did not demonstrate favorable Inadequate interaction.

attitude in conducting the activity, there Incorrect communication.
were distracting elements that led to No learning.
discontinuation of it.


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument

Exercise number

Level group performance

Level Performance
Adequate interaction.
The group showed positive attitude and Effective communication.
willingness to perform the activity. Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively attitude for Interaction process improvement.

work, there were some distractions Intermittent effective
generated by it. communication.
Learning process.

C The group showed poor attitude in Interaction difficult.

conducting the activity, the direct Poor communication.
intervention of instructor was necessary. Poor learning. 69

The group did not demonstrate favorable Inadequate interaction.

attitude in conducting the activity, there Incorrect communication.
were distracting elements that led to No learning.
discontinuation of it.


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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument

Exercise number

Level group performance

Level Performance
A Adequate interaction.
The group showed positive attitude and Effective communication.
willingness to perform the activity. Significant learning.

B The group showed relatively attitude for Interaction process improvement.

work, there were some distractions Intermittent effective
generated by it. communication.
Learning process.

C The group showed poor attitude in Interaction difficult.

conducting the activity, the direct Poor communication.
intervention of instructor was necessary. Poor learning. 70

The group did not demonstrate favorable Inadequate interaction.

attitude in conducting the activity, there Incorrect communication.
were distracting elements that led to No learning.
discontinuation of it.


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Assessment instrument



Level Performance
Performance Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and collaborating with the development of
group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the development of group activity.

The participants were isolated and showed disinterest in group activity.

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating interest and knowledge of
the subject. 71
The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically difficult confusing language, but
showed interest in the subject.

The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a technically incorrect
language and demonstrated disinterest in the subject.

Performance Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument



Level Level
Performance Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and collaborating with the development of
group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the development of group activity.

The participants were isolated and showed disinterest in group activity.

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating interest and knowledge of
the subject. 72
The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically difficult confusing language, but
showed interest in the subject.

The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a technically incorrect
language and demonstrated disinterest in the subject.

Performance Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument



Level Performance Score

Level Performance
2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and collaborating with the development of
group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the development of group activity.

The participants were isolated and showed disinterest in group activity.

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating interest and knowledge of
the subject.
The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically difficult confusing language, but
showed interest in the subject.

The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a technically incorrect
language and demonstrated disinterest in the subject.

Performance Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Instructor

Assessment instrument



Level Performance Score

2 The participants worked actively, contributing ideas and collaborating with the development of
group activity.

The participants worked intermittently with the development of group activity.

The participants were isolated and showed disinterest in group activity.

The participants used a technically correct language, demonstrating interest and knowledge of
the subject.

The participants expressed their ideas and utilized technically difficult confusing language, but
showed interest in the subject.

The participants do not know how to express their ideas and utilized a technically incorrect
language and demonstrated disinterest in the subject.

Performance Scoring Model

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

Copies of student exercises

Dynamic Positioning Induction Course
Dynamic Positioning Induction Course

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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

Dynamic Positioning Induction Course

The following section is intended to provide you with the

activities you did during the DP course, such as practical
exercises, tasks, self-assessments and metacognition
activities, among others (which are found in each of the units),
which are evidence of achievement of your competencies, so you
must elaborate, disregard them from the manual and give them to
your instructor to be part of your learning portfolio.


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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

Exercise No. 1 Joystick mode “MSV Challenger II”

Personal activity

Instructions: The trainee participates in the briefing regarding to the exercise of

the theme and subtheme. Perform an exercise of the theme and subtheme (Exercise No.

Practice the maneuver in a vessel in standby, joystick and mixed modes of
joystick / auto, freedom movements controlled under DP, PRS, sensors, power
supply and propellers. The built-in trainer in the K-Pos System will be used.
Specific menus and buttons are written in bold.

1. Start with the system in standby mode. Take control of the Operator Station
by double-pressing the
Take button. Make sure that no position reference-systems are enabled.

2. Select View and submenu Reset.

 Click OK to reset the Display Units.
 Select View and submenu Units and modify to Metric Units.

3. In the beginning of this exercise we will use UTM position co-ordinates and
not Latitude/Longitude.
 Go to the View menu and submenu Position. 77
 Select Co-ordinate system UTM.
 Click on UTM Properties. In the UTM Properties dialog box, check that
False Easting is selected.
 Press OK in both dialog boxes.

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4. On the Tools menu, click Simulator Settings.

5. In the Simulator Settings dialog box; use the same settings as shown below:

Start Position: N 6653000 m 31: 611500m

Draught: 8.5 m

Wind Speed: 5.0 m/s

Wind Direction: 290°
Sea Current Speed: 0.2 m/s
Sea Current Direction: 300°
Power Switches Select Switch Generators from G1
to G7.
Select Thrusters from T1 to T5.

Power Consumers

6. Click Apply, to execute settings but the dialog box no disappears from the
screen. 78
7. Go to the Tools menu and the submenu Simulator Settings.

 Click on Read, select the file “2_Joystick mode”, and press OK in both
dialog boxes.

Note: This option is only available here on the classroom K-Pos built-in trainer.
The file you have read, will write some settings for this exercise, for
instance give coordinates for position-reference systems.

8. Right click in the Posplot view and select View Control. Select the Trace and
enter the same settings as shown in the figure below:

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9. Also in the View Control, click on Grid, and select: Square, fixed to earth
and select Use UTM.

10. Select the Settings menu, and the submenu Joystick.

 Thrust: Reduced
 Precision: Low speed.
 Click Apply then Ok

11. Select the Settings menu, and the submenu Editor.

This will open the AutoTrack Editor dialog box.
 Click Open, and open the File “Diamond.txt”.
 Click OK in the AutoTrack Editor dialog box.

Note: This file contains a stored track with waypoints. We will later in the
exercise pretend that this track is a platform to approach.

12. Go to the Thruster menu and the submenu Enable. In the dialog box, enable
all thrusters, propellers and rudders.

13. Select Sensors menu and submenu Gyro / Wind / VRS submenu and set next
settings as below: 79
Point 1; enable gyrocompasses in accordance with the table below:

Gyro 1 Enable
Gyro 2 Enable Preference
Gyro 3 Enable

Point 2; enable wind sensors in accordance with the table below:

Wind sensor 1 Enable

Wind sensor 2 Enable Preference
Wind sensor 3 Enable

Point 3; enable VRS in accordance with the table below:

VRS 1 Enable
VRS 2 Enable Preference
VRS 3 Enable

14. Change from Standby mode to Joystick mode, by double-pressing the Joystick-
button on the Operator Panel.

 Enable also GPS 1, by clicking on the GPS 1-button on the Operator


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15. During this exercise you shall manoeuvre the vessel in accordance with the
figure shown below, from the Start Position to Pos4.

NOTE: Follow the steps in the exercise.


16. Manoeuvre the vessel to Pos1 (N 6653100m – 31: 611400m) in Joystick mode.
Use the EBL-function to select the position.

17. When in Pos1, change to Joystick mode with automatic heading control by
selecting the Auto Yaw button.

18. Use the EBL-function to present the next position, Pos2 (N 6653400m – 31:
 Use the Heading dialog box and adjust heading towards Pos2.

19. Enable Radius as an additional position – reference system.

20. Manoeuvre the vessel to Pos2, (N 6653400m – 31: 611500m), by using the

21. When in Pos2, select Auto Sway.

 Change the vessel’s heading to 270°.

22. Use the joystick and manoeuvre the vessel to Pos3 (N 6653400m – 31: 611700m).

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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

Performance criteria


 Define Dynamic Positioning.

 Explain the need for Dynamic Positioning in various types of vessel.
 Describe the six freedoms of movement of a vessel.
 State which of the six freedoms of movement are controlled under DP and
which are monitored.
 Describe the following aids to manoeuvring commonly fitted to DP vessels,
including their practical and operational advantages and disadvantages:
fixed and controllable-pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, Azipod
thrusters and tunnel thrusters.
 List the seven main components of a DP system; DP operator, DP computer
(or controller), DP operator station, position reference systems,
sensors, power supply and thrusters. 81
 Describe the various modes of DP operation, including manual control,
semiautomatic control and automatic control. In addition, describe the
following common specialist functions: ROV follow (follow sub), follow
target, track follow (autotrack), minimum power (weathervane) and riser
angle mode.
 Discuss the concept of mathematical modelling of vessel behaviour
characteristics and appreciate the advantages and
limitations/disadvantages of this technique.
 Outline the power requirements of a DP vessel system and describe a
typical diesel-electric power installation.
 Describe the following position reference systems commonly associated
with DP installations: INS Differential GNSS, hydroacoustic, taut wire,
Artemis, FMCW radar and laser-based systems.
 Describe the following sensors associated with DP installations: vertical
reference sensor/unit, motion reference unit, gyro compass, wind sensor
(anemometer) and manual draught input sensor.
 Describe the concept of centre of rotation and the provision of
alternative centres of rotation.
 Describe consequence analysis as carried out by a Dynamic Positioning

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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual


 Describe the power generation and distribution arrangements in a typical

diesel-electric DP vessel, with particular reference to system
redundancy as described in IMO MSC Circ. 645 and vessel FMEA.
 Describe the power supply and distribution arrangements in a typical
hybrid diesel/diesel-electric DP vessel. (Main CPP or Az drive which
are direct drive)
 Recognise the power requirements of DP vessels and explain the concept
of available power and spinning reserve in worst case failure.
 Describe the functions of a power management system as installed on
Class 2 and Class 3 DP vessels.
 Describe the provision of uninterruptible power supply to the DP system,
with particular reference to power shortages, failures and system


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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

 Exercise No. 2. Alarms and Sensors “MSV Challenger II”

Personal activity

Instruction: The trainee participates in the briefing regarding to the

exercise of the theme and subtheme. Perform an exercise of the theme and
subtheme (Exercise No. 2).

The purpose of this exercise is to get familiarized with the alarm and
message system, and sensors.

1. Start with the system in Standby mode. Make sure no thrusters are
enabled. Make sure that no position reference-systems are enabled.

2. Select View and submenu Reset.

 Click OK to reset the Display Units.
 Select View and submenu Units and modify to metric Units.

3. Go to Tools and the submenu Simulator Settings.

 Click on Read, select the file “Carpus_61 Sim”, press OK in both dialog 83

4. Right click in the Posplot view and select View Control. Select the Trace
and enter the same settings as shown in the figure below:

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5. Go to the Thruster menu and the submenu Enable. In the dialog box, enable
all thrusters, propellers and rudders.

6. Select Sensors menu and submenu Gyro / Wind / VRS submenu and set next
settings as below:

Enable gyrocompasses in accordance with the table below:

Gyro 1 Enable Preference

Gyro 2 Enable
Gyro 3 Enable

Enable wind sensors in accordance with the table below:

Wind sensor 1 Enable

Wind sensor 2 Enable Preference

Wind sensor 3 Enable

Enable VRS in accordance with the table below:

VRS 1 Enable
VRS 2 Enable Preference
VRS 3 Enable

7. Change from Standby mode to Joystick, enter Joystick mode, by double-

pressing the Joystick-button on the Operator Panel.

8. Enter Auto position mode, by double-pressing the Auto-Pos-button.

 Enable also GPS 1, by clicking on the GPS 1-button on the Operator


What is the position? N _ _°_ _, ’ E _ _ _°_ _, ’

What is the heading? _ _ _ °

9. Go to Alarms menu and Position and heading submenu and enable the next
Position Warning 3,0 m Alarm 5,0 m
Heading Warning 3,0 ° Alarm 4,0°

10. Press the Alarm View button

11. Acknowledge and remove all alarms by pressing the ACK button, and then

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12. Provoke Alarms by deselect all thrusters. The vessel will now start
drifting, wait one minute.

13. Go to Alarm View by pressing the button and check witch alarm this
How many Warnings? …………………………
How many Alarms? ………………………………

14. One of the warnings is named: “Insufficient Thrust”

Go to Alarm view and right click over the alarm messages and select Help and
find the explanation for this alarm in the trouble shooting.
What does is the corrective action to take to solve this alarm situation?


Solve the problem. 85

15. Acknowledge the alarms, by pressing the ACK button.
Observe that those alarms no longer active disappear. E.g. Insufficient

16. Why does some alarm remain?


17. Make all alarms/warnings disappear.

18. Verify the rolling and pitching values in the VRS dialog box and in the
Trends View.

19. On the Thruster menu, click submenu Allocation Mode. Select FIX PORT or

20. What happened with Thrusters?


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Return Allocation Mode to Variable.

21. Select Thruster menu and submenu Biasing.

Click on group name AFT and click on button ok.

22. Explain the difference between Allocation Mode Fix and Biasing.


23. Go to Tools and the submenu Simulator settings click on Read, select the file “Carpus_61 Sim”,
in environment increase the wind value to 25 kts.
Come back to wind sensors in accordance with the table below:

 Wind sensor 1 Disable

 Wind sensor 2 Disable
 Wind sensor 3 Disable

24. Check in the Posplot view the Current values and Wind values. 86

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Performance criteria

 Describe the following types of propulsion system commonly installed in DP

equipped vessels: main propellers and rudders, azimuth thrusters, Azipod
thrusters and tunnel thrusters, Waterjet, Voith Schnieder, etc.

 Describe the importance of monitoring the displayed values of setpoint and

feedback data for thruster and propeller RPM, pitch and/or azimuth.

 Describe the operational characteristics and common failure modes of the

different types of propulsion systems as described in 19 above.


 Describe the operation of hydroacoustic position reference (HPR) systems.

 Describe the principles of position-fixing using underwater acoustic systems

working in SSBL/USBL, LBL and SBL modes.

 Describe the various types of hydroacoustic beacon: transponder, responder and 87

pinger / beacon.

 Describe the layout of a typical HPR system including operator station,

transceiver, HPR pole and transducer.

 List the operational advantages and limitations of acoustic systems as a

position reference for DP.

 Describe the principle and operation of the Artemis position reference system.

 List the operational advantages and limitations of the Artemis position

reference system.

 List the different types of taut wire position reference system: vertical
lightweight, vertical deep water, vertical moon pool, horizontal and horizontal

 Describe the display of taut wire reference data in the DP system.

 Describe the principle of position reference using the taut wire system.
 List the advantages and limitations of the taut wire position reference systems.
 Describe the principles of the Differential GNSS (DGNSS) system.

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 Outline the operation of a typical commercial DGNSS network where corrections

are delivered by satellite communications.

 List the sources of error and inaccuracy associated with the DGNSS system,
describing the effects on the quality of positioning.

 List the available quality data associated with the DGNSS system.

 List the advantages and limitations of the DGNSS system when compared with
other PRS

 Describe the principles used in relative DGNSS systems.

 Describe the principles of position reference using laser-based systems.
 Outline the method of setting up a laser system to provide best position

 List the advantages and limitations associated with a laser-based PRS.

 Describe the principles of position reference using FMCW radar-based systems.

 List the advantages and limitations associated with FMCW radar-based PRS.
 Describe the principle of Inertial Navigation (INS) and the methods of using
INS to enhance existing PRS performance.
 Discuss the relative accuracy and reliability of the aforementioned PRS,
together with the methods used to apply weighting and pooling and voting when
more than one PRS is used. Median rejection of PRS when three or more are used
and the importance of monitoring the position reference page

 Describe other PRS that may be used in conjunction with a DP system.


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 Exercise No. 3. Auto Position mode “MSV Challenger II”

Personal activity

Instruction: The trainee participates in the briefing regarding to the

exercise of the theme and subtheme. Perform an exercise of the theme and
subtheme (Exercise No. 3).

The purpose of this exercise is to use the K-Pos system in Auto Position
mode, and to get
familiarized with some of the different features available. The built-in-
trainer in the K-Pos
System will be used. Specific menus and buttons are written in bold.

1. Start with the system in Standby mode. Make sure that no position
reference-systems are enabled.
2. Select View and submenu Reset.
 Click OK to reset the Display Units.
 Select View and submenu Units and modify to Metric Units.

3. Change Position Presentation to UTM co-ordinate system, with False

Easting selected.

4. On the Tool menu, in the Simulator Settings dialog box; use the same
settings as shown below:

Start Position: N 1000m 31: 500200m

Wind Speed: 10 m/s
Wind Direction: 330°
Sea Current 0.5 m/s
Sea Current 320°
Draught: 8.5 m
Power Switches Bus-ties in blank A1-B2, A2-A3, B2-A1
not selected.
Select Switch Generators from G1 to G7.
Select Thrusters from T1 to T5.
Power Consumers Select Background 2000kw in Bus A1 and
Bus A3.
Select Heavy Consumer 1500kw in Bus A1
and A3.

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5. Go from Standby mode to Joystick mode. Select the GPS1 and GPS2 as position
reference systems. GPS1 to be reference origin.

6. Select Thruster menu and sub-menu Enable, click Enable All and click OK.

7. Go to Settings command and click on Joystick, select Thrust Full and

Precision High Speed.

8. Right Click on the upper left screen corner (views) and select Power

9. Set the Lever of Joystick full ahead (100%), Verify the consumption as


Conn-swbd 1 Conn-swbd 2
Available 10154kW Available 10136kW
Load 6514kW Load 6522kW
Load/MAX 35%95% Load/MAX 37%95%

10. Right Click on the upper left screen corner (views) and select Thruster-Thr
Main presentation. Verify thruster consumption when the Joystick lever is full
(100%), Feedback and Setpoint, also Forces in each Thruster (T). 90
11. Stablish the vessel in Auto Position Mode by double-pressing the Auto
Position button on the Operator Panel, with all thrusters running.

12. Go from Alarms menu and Position and Heading sub menu and insert Alarm Limits
for Position, Heading, Pitch, Roll and Heave in accordance with the settings
shown below:

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13. Press Change heading button and select 043°heading and Rate Of Turn; 40

14. In the K-Pos system, when you have automatic control of the heading,
there are three different ways to change the vessel’s heading, explain.


15. Right Click on the Posplot screen and select View control menu, in
Trace submenu insert a trace of the next movements by the following input:


Press Change Position button and perform the next tasks:

16. In Speed submenu Change vessel speed (Speed Setpoint) to 1.2 m/s

17. In Abs submenu bring the vessel to position: N 1000m – 31: 500200m

18. At Inc submenu bring the vessel

 In Relative mode 10m to starboard.
 In True mode18m West.

19. In R/B submenu bring the vessel

 18m in Relative Bearing 70 deg.
 14m in true direction 333°.

20. What is your position? N …………………m – 31: ................ m

21. Go to Settings menu and Rotation Center submenu to change it to the


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22. What is your position? N ………………m – 31: ................ m

23. Why is there a difference between the two positions above?


24. In the simulator, there is an available HPR Transponder in the area.

Change the reference origin to HPR1. Use HPR1 and GPS2 as position-
reference systems.
Explain how you change reference origin:

25. What is your position? N …………………m 31: ..................... m

26. Select View and submenu Position Presentation.

Change Co-ordinate system to Local N/E.

27. What is your position? ………………m – ....................... m

28. Explain why the co-ordinates changed that much?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 92

29. Change heading to 348°, use appropriate Rate of Turn.

30. Change vessel speed (Speed Setpoint) to 0.8 m/s.

31. Take the vessel to a position where the Rotation Center (Fore) is 70m
south of your HPR-1 B01 transponder.

32. What is your position? ………………m – ....................... m

33. Left Click on the screen top left corner (views) and select Trends

34. There are different trend views available in the DP system. Configure
the trend view by left click inside the graphic area and select the
following trends are shown and Time span 1 hour:
 Figure 1: Thr Resultant Force
 Figure 2: Pow Swbd
 Figure 3: Dev Pos

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35. What have the maximum values been the last hour?
 Thr Tot Force: ………………………
 Pow Swbd: …………/……………….
 Dev Pos - Distance: …………………

36. Change the rotation point back to Midship.

37. Look at the view Thr Main, what is the load on the thrusters now?
 Resulting Force ……………….kN, Direction ........ deg

38. Rotate the vessel starboard, to the worst thinkable heading in the
current weather situation.

39. Look at the view Thruster Forces, what is the load on the thrusters now?
 Resulting Force …………………….kN, Direction ........ deg

40. Change vessel speed (Speed Setpoint) to 1.5 m/s.

41. Use Gain Level Low and take the vessel 50 m forward.
 What is the maximum Resulting Force during the acceleration? ...... kN
 What is the maximum Resulting Force during the deceleration? ....... kN
 What is the maximum position deviation when stopping at the setpoint?

42. If you had selected Gain Level High, what do you think would have
happened with the
Resulting Force and the position deviation?

43. Use Gain Level High, and take the vessel 50 m forward.
 What is the maximum Resulting Force during the acceleration? ..... kN
 What is the maximum Resulting Force during the deceleration? ..... kN
 What is the maximum position deviation when stopping at the setpoint?

44. Select the View menu and the Units submenu. Select User Definable 2

Change the User Definable 2 units:

Speed to knots.
Speed Wind to knots.
Speed Current to knots

45. Change vessel speed (Speed Setpoint) to 1.5 knots.

46. Change heading to 006°.

47. Change the reference origin to GPS1. Use GPS1 and HPR1 as position-reference systems.

Change Position Presentation from Local N/E to Geographic Co-ordinate system. Select DATUM
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48. What is your position? N…………………… E ………………………

49. Change position to a new location 50 mts Ahead

50. Before arrival on location, deselect the GPS1 position-reference system.

51. Which position-reference system provides now the reference origin?


52. In the Gain dialog, select Controller mode Green. Define Outer Radius to
40m, and Inner radius to 30m.

Observe what is taking place for some minutes.

53. Increase the wind speed to 26kts in the Simulator Settings dialog box.
Observe what is taking place for some minutes.

54. Change Position 20m forward, and observe what happens to the Green
Controller Mode during the movement, and when the vessel is in the new
position. 94

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Performance criteria

 Describe the function of gyro compasses and their redundancy within a DP system.
 Describe how to obtain pitch, roll and heave information for input into a DP

 Describe the reason for inputting pitch, roll and heave into a DP system.


 Describe the provision of wind sensors within the DP system.

 Describe the wind feed-forward facility and its importance within the DP system.
 Recognise the limitations of wind sensor inputs. Explain the reasons for and the
consequences of deselecting wind sensor inputs.

 Describe the method by which the DP system determines the value for DP current
or sea force (the residual error resulting from unmeasured errors and unmeasured
forces acting on the vessel).

 List the reasons for discrepancy between the displayed value of DP current (or 95
sea force) on the DP system and the true current or tidal stream value.


 Describe the use of external force reference systems such as hawser tension,
plough cable tension and pipe tension monitoring.

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 Exercise No. 4. Auto Track mode “MSV Challenger II”

Personal activity

Instruction: The trainee participates in the briefing regarding to the

exercise of the theme and subtheme. Perform an exercise of the theme and
subtheme (Exercise No. 4).

The purpose of this exercise is to use the Auto Track mode. Only the Auto
Track low speed mode will be used. The built-in-trainer in the K-Pos system
will be used. Functions specific for the Auto Track Mode are described in the
Auto Track mode Operator Manual. In the exercise bold text is used for
specific menus and buttons.

1. Start with the system in standby mode. Take control of the Operator Station
by double-pressing the
Take button. Make sure that no position reference-systems are enabled.
2. Select View and submenu Reset.
 Click OK to reset the Display Units.
 Select View and submenu Units and modify to Metric Units. 96
3. Set in the settings shown in the table below in accordance with the “Using
the trainer” procedure which you will find in the Operator Manual:

Start Position: N 60 00.0000 E 004 59.9400

Wind Speed: 10 m/s
Wind Direction: 065°
Sea Current Speed: 0.8 m/s
Sea Current Direction: 092°
Draught: 8.5 m
Power Switches Bus-ties A1-B2, A2-A3, B2-A1
Select Switch Generators from G1 to G7.
Select Thrusters from T1 to T5.
Power Consumers

Planning the track:

4. Go to Settings menu, and the submenu Editor. Open the File Diamond.txt.

5. Delete Waypoint number 1. Press Apply.


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6. Observe the settings for Leg type, Heading, Speed and Turn radius in the
Autotrack Editor dialog box.
 Adjust the Heading field under WP 2 from 090° to 075°.
 Adjust the Heading field under WP 6 from 270° to 250°.
 Adjust the Speed field under WP 6 from 2.3m/s to 1.3m/s.
Press Apply.

7. Press OK.

8. Use GPS1 as Reference origin and bring the vessel in Auto Position in the
N 60 00.0000 – E 005 00.0000.

9. In View control menu Select suitable Trace line and Trend symbols.
Running the track takes approximately 1 hour.

10. Activate Alarm Limits for Cross with suitable values.

11. Go through all the settings in the dialogue box named Autotrack. The
settings shall be in accordance with the table below.

Next Waypoint 1
Tracking Mode Low Speed
Track Direction Forward 97
Approach Track Waypoint
Default Leg Type Rhumbline
Stop on Track Stay with 100% Force
Stop at Last Waypoint Active
Position Dropout Action Stop
Heading Setpoint System selected and Waypoint
Along Speed Setpoint Waypoint Table
Across Speed Setpoint 0.5 m/s
Waypoint Speed Strategy Slow down at Waypoint –
Limit 6 m
Turn Radius for Waypoint turn Automatic (Using Rate
of Turn)
WOP Warning Active 30sec

Note: The Receive option is not used in this exercise. This option is used
when receiving Waypoints from
an external source.

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12. Start the Auto Track mode by press double click button.

13. Between Wpt2 and Wpt3 use the STOP ON TRACK button. What is the maximum
Resulting Force used during stopping? (Observe the Thrusters Forces view, or
look at the Trends view)


14. What do you do to continue the Auto Track mode after you have used the


15. When in Auto Track mode with the selected settings in this exercise,
there is some additional information in the upper left corner at the
Posplot. What does Decelerating at WP mean?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 98

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Performance criteria

 Describe the procedures to be followed when approaching a worksite and

transferring from conventional navigation to DP control.

 Discuss the need for completing pre-DP and other checklists prior to and during
DP operations.

 Explain the need for keeping logbook records of all DP operations, failures
and incidents.

 Explain the need for keeping records of operation, maintenance and repairs of
DP and ancillary equipment.

 Describe the need for effective communications during the conduct of DP


 Outline the procedures to be followed by the DPO when taking over the control
of the vessel’s positioning and manoeuvring.
 Describe the structure of alarm / warning and information messages provided
on the DP system displays and on the DP printer.
 Recognise the alarms/warnings associated with loss of redundancy after worst
case failure and the possible loss of heading or position if another failure
occurs after a worst-case failure (part loss of some thrusters and power) and
catastrophic failure (loss of heading and/or position control). ASOG, TAM and

 Outline the navigational projections, spheroids and datums that may be used
in operations involving Dynamic Positioning.

 Explain the use of worksite diagrams using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

 Explain the need for planning DP operations, including emergency and


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Instructions: The trainee fills/completes a checklist with the learned performance.

 List the various following providers of documents containing statutory

requirements and guidance relating to DP operations, including:

a. IMO (including IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 Guidelines for Vessels with
Dynamic Positioning Systems)

b. Classification society DP rules (example from classification society

which is member of IACS).

c. International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).

d. Marine Technology Society (MTS).

Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such

as DP operation manuals, Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and
capability plots. ASOG, TAM and CAM.
Describe the IMO (DP) equipment classes and their application, with
reference to the IMO Guidelines for Vessels with DP System.
Understand that classification societies use either numbers (e.g. ABS
DPS-2) or letters (e.g. Lloyd´s Register DP (AA) to denote the DP Class
allocated to the vessel.

 Describe in outline the DP operations conducted by the following vessel

 Diving and underwater support vessels. 100
 Drilling ships and semi-submersibles.
 Cable lay and repair vessels.
 Pipelay vessels.
 Rock dumping and dredging vessels.
 Shuttle tanker and FPSO / FSO operations.
 Flotel (accommodation) vessels.
 Crane barges and construction vessels.
 Cruise ships and luxury yachts

 State and describe the hazards associated with DP operations conducted in

areas of shallow water and / or strong tidal conditions.

 Describe the hazards associated with DP operations in very deep water.


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 Exercise No. 5. Follow target mode “MSV Challenger II”

Personal activity

Instruction: The trainee participates in the briefing regarding to the

exercise of the theme and subtheme. Perform an exercise of the theme and
subtheme (Exercise No. 5).
Exercise No. 5 Follow Target mode “MSV Challenger II"

The purpose of this exercise is to use the Follow Target mode. The built-in-trainer
in the KPos system will be used. Functions specific for the Follow Target Mode are
described in the Follow Target Mode Operator Manual. In the exercise bold text is
used for specific menus and buttons.

1. Start with the system in standby mode. Take control of the Operator Station by
double-pressing the
Take button. Make sure that no position reference-systems are enabled.

2. Select View and submenu Reset.

Click OK to reset the Display Units.
 Select View and submenu Units and modify to Metric Units.

3. Select View and submenu Display Units. Select User Definable 1.

Change the User Definable 1 units: 101
Speed to knots
 Speed Wind to knots
Speed Current to knots

4. Change Position Presentation to UTM co-ordinate system, with False Easting


5. Set up the Simulator settings with the following values

Start Position: N 6652900m 31: 611400m

Wind Speed: 17 knots
Wind Direction: 055°
Sea Current Speed: 0.7 knots
Sea Current Direction: 075°
Draught: 8.5 m

6. Go to the System menu and the submenu Simulator Settings.

7. Click on Read, select the file “5_Follow Target mode”, and press OK in both
dialog boxes.

Note: This option is only available on the classroom K-Pos trainer units. The file
you have read, will write some settings for this exercise, for instance give
coordinates for position reference systems.

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8. Use GPS1 as Reference Origin and establish the vessel in Auto Position
mode. If the vessel now has drifted from the Start Position, move the vessel
back to the position:
N 6652900m – 31: 611400m, and change heading to 000°.

9. Set the Speed Setpoint to 0.5 knots

10. Enable the HPR2 on the panel. The mobile transponder B34 should appear on
the post plot, side of the vessel. With EBL put a mark 25 mts from starboard
side, with Joystick control move the ROV figure to the EBL mark.

11. Select the Settings menu and the submenu Follow Target.
 Click on the HPR-2 B34 target and click on add -› in the dialog box
 Set the Reaction Limit to 20 m and Filter constant to 60%.
 What is the function of the filter constant?


12. Double-press the Follow Target button on the operator panel. 102
Note: The reaction circle should now be visible on the screen surrounding
the position of the mobile transponder. The black dot represents the
filtered position of the transponder.

13. Select 75 m range on the screen (Posplot).

14. Use the joystick to move the ROV, (mobile transponder), slowly out of the
circle in different directions.
Observe the Position Setpoint, and the vessel’s reaction to the ROV movements.

Note: The function of controlling the ROV, (mobile transponder), using the
Joystick is purely for demonstration purposes in the Trainer mode.

15. Stop the ROV and change the reaction limit to 6m.

16. Start moving again and observe how the position set point reacts

17. Stop the ROV again, and let the vessel stabilise on top of the ROV.

18. Increase the speed of the ROV. When the speed of the ROV is above the
Speed Setpoint, (0.5 knots), the vessel will have problems following the ROV.
Try then to increase the Speed Setpoint for the vessel.

19. When you are finished with all the above, return the joystick to neutral

position, allow the vessel to stabilise in position and select Auto Position
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Performance criteria

 Demonstrate the use of the joystick to manoeuvre the vessel and bring the
vessel to a stop in a seamanlike manner.

 Demonstrate the correct procedure for setting up the DP system in both manual
and automatic modes.

 Demonstrate position and heading change manoeuvre, using both automatic and
manual DP facilities.

 Demonstrate the use of commonly provided functions on the DP control panel.

As a minimum, including Gain, fixed azimuth mode and thruster bias.

 Demonstrate the use of common modes found on a DP system, as a minimum Track

Follow, Minimum Power and ROV Follow.


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Trainee Name: Date:

Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such as

DP operation


1. Q: What are the six degrees of freedom of a vessel?

2. Q: Which are controllable?

3. Q: Which are only measurable and why is it important to measure them?

4. Q: What are the 7 elements of a Dynamic Positioning System?


5. Q: Wind speed and direction are measured by use of wind sensors. How is the
sea current measured?

6. Q: What happens when you disable all wind sensors?

7. What happens as the wind speed and direction change after disabling all wind

8. Q: What does a “Power limits reached” message indicate?

9. Q: What signals must be present before a thruster can be enabled?


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Trainee Name: Date:



1. Q: Describe some failures of the local reference systems as Fanbeam and Artemis:

2. Q: What is the Auto Position Mode System-Selected Heading?

3. Q: What is a Power Management System and where does it reside?

4. Q: When and why are the uses of tunnel thrusters limited for DP operations?

5. Q: What is Power Overload Control and when is it active?

6. Q: What is the minimum number of transponders required when using an HPR system
in the SSBL mode?

7. Q: What is the minimum number of transducers required when using an HPR system
in the LBL mode?

8. Q: What might limit the effective use of Lightweight Taut Wire?


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Trainee Name: Date:



1. Describe how the false strong wind or wind sensor false datum affects the
mathematical model and how this false information may affect the positions of the

2. Q: What is the IMO definition of redundancy?

3. Q: Draw a connection between the category and its corresponding PRS?




4. Q: Why are the following sensors so important for DP operations?

A: Compass?

A: Wind Sensor?

A: Vertical Reference Sensor?

5. Q: What is the Auto Position Mode System-Selected Heading?

6. Q: Give some examples of operations that might use a tension sensor:


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7. Q: You are operating in AUTO POSITION mode with GPS1 and HPR1 as position reference
systems. Suddenly the indicator lamp for GPS1 starts flashing. What can be the

8. Q: What happens when you lose all position reference input after operating in AUTO

9. Q: When might you disable wind sensor input?

10. Q: What is Sensor Voting and when is it active? 107

11. Q: Name some possible sources of error when using an acoustic PRS.

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Trainee Name: Date:



1. Q: What do the following acronyms stand for?

a. PRS
b. VRS
c. UPS
e. HPR

2. Q: When is Consequence Analysis required?

3. Q: Describe the fundamentals of DGPS.

4. Q: When and why is the Median Test conducted?

5. Q: What are the benefits of having multiple types of position reference systems?

6. Q: Name three different classification societies?

7. Q: How does the DP system determine the “weight” given to each PRS?

8. Q: What does consequence analysis check?

9. Q: Which organization is responsible for the certification of DP operators


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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

DP Set-up Practical Assessment Skills Table

At the end of the DP Induction Course, Trainees will be issued with the DP
Set-up Practical Assessment Skills Table. They must familiarize themselves
with this document before attending their DP Simulator Course, in order to
demonstrate their competence to perform the tasks listed in the above-
mentioned Skills Table.

Methods for Criteria for

Knowledge, Understanding
Competence demonstrating evaluating
and Proficiency
competence competence
Take 1. Change the vessel On a Nautical Vessel control
control manoeuvre switch Institute class A should be changed
on the DP from manual or B simulator from manual levers
operator control to DP simulating an IMO to DP control and
station control (if DP equipment approach carried
available) class 2 operation out in accordance
2. Take command on demonstrate the with IMCA M103,
the DP operator ability to change M109, M117, M166,
station from manual M182 and
3. Enable all control to DP IMO 645 with due
propellers, control regard for the
thrusters and safety for life at
rudders available sea and protection
4. Check available of the marine 109

Check/enable 1. Check/enable the On a Nautical Required sensors

the sensors gyro/compasses in Institute class A systems should be
accordance with or B simulator set up in
the vessel’s DP simulating an IMO accordance with
classification DP equipment IMCA M103, M109,
2. Check/enable the class 2 operation M117, M166, M182
wind sensors in demonstrate the and IMO 645
accordance with ability to choose
the vessel’s DP and enable DP
classification sensors equipment
3. Check/enable the required for the
motion sensors in intended
4. accordance with simulated
the vessel’s DP operation

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Methods for Criteria for

Knowledge, Understanding
Competence demonstrating evaluating
and Proficiency
competence competence
Enable position 1. Select/enable at least On a Nautical Institute Acquired position
reference one reference system class A or B simulator reference system(s) should
system(s) 2. Verify it is acquired by simulating an IMO DP be set up in accordance
the system equipment class 2 with IMCA M103, M109,
operation demonstrate M117, M166, M182 and
the ability to IMO 645
select/enable and verify
the chosen position
reference system(s) for
the intended simulated

Change to DP 1. Select DP joystick manual On a Nautical Institute Acquired DP joystick

joystick manual control class A or B simulator manual control mode in
control mode 2. Stabilise position and simulating an IMO DP accordance with IMCA
heading equipment class 2 M103, M109, M117,
3. Select DP joystick auto operation demonstrate M166, M182 and IMO 645 110
heading mode the ability to change to
DP joystick manual
control mode for the
intended simulated
Change from 1. Control the vessel using On a Nautical Institute Acquired DP auto position
DP joystick auto heading/yaw mode class A or B simulator control mode in
manual control 2. Control the vessel using simulating an IMO DP accordance with IMCA
to DP auto auto sway/athwart mode equipment class 2 M103 and IMCA M182
position control 3. Control the vessel using operation demonstrate
mode auto surge/alongship the ability to change from
mode DP joystick manual
4. Control the vessel in three control mode to auto
axis’ (DP auto position position mode for the
mode) intended simulated

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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

Methods for Criteria for

Knowledge, Understanding
Competence demonstrating evaluating
and Proficiency
competence competence
Select and 1. Selects an appropriate On a Nautical Institute Selected settings are
verify DP unit class A or B simulator chosen in accordance with
settings 2. Selects an simulating an IMO DP the intended simulated
appropriate equipment class 2 operation carried out
coordinate system operation demonstrate
3. Selects an appropriate the ability to select and
gain setting verify DP system settings
4. Set up warnings and for the intended
alarms simulated operation
5. Check if the power
system configuration is in
accordance with the
vessel’s DP classification
6. Check thrusters settings


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DP Induction Course / Trainee Manual

DP Set-up Practical Assessment Skills Form

At the end of the DP Induction Course, Trainees will be issued with the DP Practical
Assessment Skills Form. They must familiarize themselves with this document before
attending their DP Simulator Course, in order to demonstrate their competence to
perform the tasks listed in the above-mentioned Skills form.

This assessment is meant to assess the DP Simulator Course student on the minimum
standards of competence, by a Nautical Institute approved instructor/assessor by
observation of the demonstrable tasks according to the following table.

 You will not use this form during the actual assessment nor any personal notes.
 You will be able to use scenario and vessel descriptions and the DP set-up
checklist provided by the Training Centre.
 You must pass every item on the list below to be successful. If you do not pass
this DP Set-up Practical Assessment you must repeat the Simulator Course.

Competence Take control on the DP operator station

Tasks Student notes
1. Change the vessel manoeuvre switch from manual control to DP control (if
2. Take command on the DP operator station
3. Enable all propellers, thrusters and rudders available
4. Check available power 112
Competence Check/enable the sensors
1. Check/enable the gyro/compasses in accordance with the vessel’s DP
2. Check/enable the wind sensors in accordance with the vessel’s DP
3. Check/enable the motion sensors in accordance with the vessel’s DP
Competence Enable position reference system(s)
1. Select/enable at least one reference system
2. Verify it is acquired by the system
Competence Change to DP joystick manual control mode
1. Select DP joystick manual control
2. Stabilise position and heading Select DP joystick auto heading
Competence Change from DP joystick manual control to DP auto position control mode
1. Control the vessel using auto heading/yaw mode
2. Control the vessel using auto sway/athwart mode
3. Control the vessel using auto surge/alongship mode
4. Control the vessel in three axis’ (DP auto position mode)

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Competence Select and verify DP settings

1.Selects an appropriate unit
2.Selects an appropriate coordinate system
3.Selects an appropriate gain setting
4.Set up warnings and alarms
5.Check if the power system configuration is in
accordance with the vessel’s DP classification
6.Check thrusters settings


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B1 Kongsberg Maritime DP Basic Operator Course.

B2 International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Document IMCA M 117.

B3 Role of Shipmasters according to IMCA document M 08 01.

IMO and others References

R1 MSC/Circ. 738 “Guidelines for Dynamic Positioning (DP) Operator Training”

R2 MODU Code 1989, paragraph 4.12, (1987).

R3 Norwegian Maritime Directorate (1993), Certification of DP Operators (Guidelines

and Notes No. 23), Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

R4 2014, Dynamic Positioning Operator Training Scheme, Accreditation Standard the 114
Nautical Institute

R5 MSC/Circ. 645 “Guidelines for vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems”.

R6 IMCA 014 “Use of Simulators”

R7 IMCA 103 “The Design and Operation of Dynamically Positioned Vessel”

R8 109 “DP-Related Documentation for DP Vessel”

R9 IMCA 113 “IMO Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems”

R10 IMCA 117 “The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel”

R11 IMCA128 “QRA for the Use of a Dual DGPS System for Dynamic Positioning

R12 IMCA140 “Specification for DP Capability Plots”.

R13 IMCA159 “Thruster- Assisted Station Keeping by FPSOs and Similar Turret-Moored

R14 IMCA 166” Failure Modes & Effects Analyses (FMEAs)”

R15 IMCA 170 “A review of the Marine Laser Positioning Systems”


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R17 IMCA 178 “FMEA Management Guide”

R18 IMCA 179 “The Use of the Cable-Laid Sling and Grommets

R19 IMCA 196 “The Design, Selection, Installation and Use of Uninterruptible Power

R20 IMCA 200 “Deep Water Acoustic Positioning”

R21 IMCA 205 “Operational Communications”

R22 IMCA 206 “DP Electrical Power and Control Systems”

R23 IMCA 209 “RadaScan Microwave Radar Sensor for Dynamic Positioning Operations”

R24 IMCA 216 “Thruster Integrity Management Guidance”

R25 IMCA 220 “Operational Activity Planning”

R26 IMCA 224 “RADius Relative Positioning System”

R27 DNV-RP-E307 “Dynamic Positioning Systems Operation Guidance”

R28 DNV No. 3.322 Standard for Certification “Competence of Dynamic Positioning 115
Operators (DPO)”, 2013.

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Complaint or appeal of results

If you performed the evaluation to accredit the DP induction course, but

did not obtain a passing score and you believe that there may be errors,
you can appeal within the first 5 business days after making both attempts
at assessment.

You can also report whether you were discriminated against, asked for
money to get a benefit, or not treated properly before, during, and after
The report or report must be sent to the next email account.
[email protected]

All complaints will be reviewed in a timely manner.


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Contact Details
Fideicomiso de Formación y
Capacitación para el Personal de la
Marina Mercante Nacional
Dirección de Educación Náutica

Cuernavaca No. 5 Colonia Condesa

Delegación Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06140
Teléfono +(52) 55 5241-6200
9381310442 (43) Ext. 5001
[email protected]

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