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AATCC TM173-2009(2015)e2

Test Method for Calculation of Small Color Differences for Acceptability

Developed by AATCC Committee RA36 ceptability of a color match in most situa- tion of difference of any trial from it.
in 1989; reaffirmed 1990; editorially tions, regardless of both the color of the Around any given standard color, the ra-
revised and reaffirmed 1991, 2005, standard and the direction of the color tio SL:SC:SH is fixed regardless of the end
2015; revised 1992, 1998, 2009; edito- difference of any trial from it. Another use of the trials.
rially revised 2006, 2019 (with title equation, CIE94 has been considered, but
change). Partly related to ISO 105-J03. it has not shown any significant improve- 3. Terminology
ment over CMC (see 8.2).
1.2 The CMC (A:c) formula retains, in 3.1 CIE 1976 L*a*b* equation, n.—
1. Purpose and Scope modified form, the partitioning of overall a commonly used equation which trans-
1.1 The CMC (A:c) formula is a modi- color difference into differences in light- forms CIE tristimulus values into a three-
fication of the corresponding CIELAB ness, chroma, and hue components (see dimensional opposed color space. Gener-
color-difference formula. It has color- Fig. 2) which is present in the CIELAB ally abbreviated as CIELAB (see 8.1).
difference symbol ΔEcmc. Even though use color-difference formula. Using the ellip- 3.2 CMC unit, n.—in color difference
of the CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) equa- soidal semi-axes (ASL , cSC , and SH ) makes evaluation, a measure of acceptability ex-
tion provides industry with a ‘standard’ the CMC (A:c) equation suitable for a pressed in terms of the boundary for the
means of calculating and communicating wide range of uses. CMC acceptability ellipsoid of ΔEcmc =
color differences of trials from their stan- 1.0.
2. Principle 3.2.1 CMC is an acronym for the
dards (see 8.1), it is recognized that
CIELAB color-difference values (ΔE*) 2.1 The CMC (A:c) modification to Colour Measurement Committee of The
correlate poorly with visual assessments. CIELAB provides a unit of measurement Society of Dyers and Colourists which
The lack of correlation is caused by the for the acceptance volume about a stan- was largely responsible for the develop-
non-uniformity of CIELAB color space dard color. This volume takes the shape ment of the CMC (A:c) equation.
(see Fig. 1). Significantly improved cor- of an ellipsoid whose semi-axes are ASL , 3.3 commercial factor (cf), n.—in
relation between visual assessments and cSC , and SH in the directions of lightness, color difference evaluation, a tolerance
instrumentally measured color differ- chroma, and hue differences, respec- (specified in terms of ΔEcmc units) which
ences is given by the CMC (A:c) color- tively, in CIELAB color space. The CMC adjusts all axes of the unit CMC volume
difference formula (see 7.1 to 7.3). The (A:c) formula varies the ratio of the equally to create a volume of acceptance
improvement in correlation between vi- lengths of these three semi–axes system- for commercial use.
sual and instrumental color-difference re- atically throughout CIELAB color space 3.4 ΔEcmc, n.—in color difference eval-
ports yielded by the CMC (A:c) equation according equality of lengths with visu- uation, a single number defining the total
will usually permit the adoption of a sin- ally equal color differences, regardless of color difference in CMC units of a trial
gle-number tolerance for judging the ac- both the color of the standard and direc- from a standard.

Fig. 2—Unit volume of acceptance.

Fig. 1—CMC(A :1) Unit ellipsoid cross sections in CIELAB a*b* diagram.
Distance from standard to surface is one CMC(A:c)
If CIELAB were uniform, these sections would be equal-sized circles. unit.

332 AATCC TM173-2009(2015)e2 AATCC Technical Manual/2020

Copyright © 2019 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
3.5 semi-axes (ASL, cSC, and SH), n.— Table I—Tristimulus Values for Four and
in color difference evaluation, individual Illuminant-Observer Combinations
dimensions of the CMC volume which T = 0.36 + abs [0.4 cos (35 + hab)]
are used to calculate a ΔEcmc value. Illuminant- Tristimulus Value
Observer unless hab is between 164° and 345° then
3.6 volume of acceptability, n.—in
Combinations Xn Yn Zn T = 0.56 + abs [0.2 cos (168 + hab)]
color difference evaluation, the volume
of the ellipsoid obtained when each semi- D65 /10° 94.811 100.000 107.304
For the last two equations, ‘abs’ indicates
axis (ASL, cSC, and SH) is multiplied by D65 /2° 95.047 100.000 108.883
the absolute—i.e., positive value—of the
cf—creating an agreed upon volume de- C/10° 97.285 100.000 116.145
C/2° 98.074 100.000 118.232 term inside the square brackets.
scribing the limits of commercial accept-
ability for the color difference about a Note: If required, the components of
standard. CMC (A:c) color difference (ΔLcmc, ΔCcmc,
and ΔHcmc) may be calculated using the
only if the required combination is not
4. Procedure of Calculation terms in the round brackets in the first
therein, CIE 15.2 (see 8.1).
line of the above equation, namely:
4.1 Calculation of CIELAB values. 4.2 Calculation of CIELAB color dif-
4.1.1 Calculate the CIELAB L*,Cab*, ference values. ΔL*
4.2.1 Calculate the CIELAB ΔL*, ΔL cmc = ----------
and hab values from the CIE tristimulus A SL
values X, Y, Z of each specimen using ΔC*ab, and ΔH*ab color difference values
equations 1, 2, 3 and 4: as follows, where subscripts S and R refer ΔC* ab
to the specimen and reference CIELAB ΔC cmc = --------------
L* = 116 (Y/Yn)1/3 – 16 (Eq. 1) values: cS C
if ΔL* = L*S – L*R
Δa* = a*S – a*R ΔH* ab
Y/Yn > 0.008856 ΔH cmc = ---------------
Δb* = b*S – b*R SH
ΔC*ab = C*ab,S – C*ab,R
L* = 903.3 (Y/Yn) (Eq. 2) ΔE*ab = [(ΔL*)2 + (Δa*)2 + (Δb*)2]1/2 When A = 2.0 this equation
ΔH*ab = pq[ΔE*ab)2 –(ΔL*)2 –(ΔC*ab)2]1/2 fixes the ratio of the three terms
if (SL:SC :SH:) to correlate with visual assess-
Y/Yn ≤ 0.008856 where p = 1 if m ≥ 0 or p = –1 if m < 0
ment of typical textile samples. Other
a* = 500[f(X/Xn) – f(Y/Yn)] and q = 1 if |m| ≤ 180 or q = –1 if |m| >180
values of A may be required in cases
b* = 200[f(Y/Yn) – f(Z/Zn)] where m = hab,S – hab,R in which |…| indi- where the surface characteristics are sig-
where cates that the positive value is to be used nificantly different. For example, other
f(X/Xn) = (X/Xn)1/3 regardless of the sign of the expression values may be required when measuring
if between the two lines very dark trials, but the user should as-
X/Xn > 0.008856 4.2.2 An equivalent method of calcu- sume an A value of 2.0 until actual results
but lating ΔH*ab is to use Eq. 5: indicate a need for adjustment. In prac-
f(X/Xn) = 7.787(X/Xn) + 16/116 tice, “c” is always set to unity and it may
if ΔH*ab = t[2(C*ab,S C*ab,R – a*S a*R be omitted from the equation.
X/Xn ≤ 0.00856 – b*S b*R]1/2 (Eq. 5) 4.3.2 Concept of unit volume/toler-
f(Y/Yn) = (Y/Yn)1/3 where t = 1 if a*S b*R ≤ a*R b*S or t = –1 ance. The equation for ΔEcmc ≤ 1.0 de-
if if a*S b*R > a*R b*S scribes an ellipsoidal volume, with axes
Y/Yn > 0.008856 in the direction of lightness, chroma and
but 4.3 Calculation of ΔEcmc. hue centered about a standard. Ellipsoid
f(Y/Yn) = 7.787(Y/Yn) + 16/116 4.3.1 Calculate the color difference in semi-axis lengths of ASL, cSC and SH cal-
if CMC (A:c) units using Eq. 6: culated for a given standard describe a
Y/Yn ≤ 0.008856 unit volume of acceptance within which
ΔL* ΔC*ab ·
2 2
all samples are less than 1.0 ΔEcmc unit
f(Z/Zn) = (Z/Zn)1/3 ΔE cmc = §© ----------·¹ + §© --------------
if A SL cS C ¹ from the standard.
Z/Zn > 0.008856 NOTE: Size and orientation of the dia-
but ΔH*ab · 2 1/2 gram shown in Fig. 2 varies considerably
f(Z/Zn) = 7.787(Z/Zn) + 16/116 + § --------------- (Eq. 6) depending on location of standard in
© SH ¹
if color space and is used here as a means of
Z/Zn ≤ 0.008856 conceptualizing the semi-axes.
where for the standard: This volume—and the size and
C*ab = (a*2 + b*2)1/2 (Eq. 3) 0.040975L* ratio of its semi-axes—become the basis
for L*S > 16 SL = ----------------------------------- for the establishment of an appropriately
hab = arctan b*/a* (Eq. 4) 1 + 0.01765L*
sized volume of acceptability for a given
expressed on a 0-360° scale with the a* + for L*S ≤ 16 SL = 0.511 commercial situation by the application
axis being 0° and the b* axis at 90°. of a commercial factor (cf) to all dimen-
4.1.2 For these equations, Xn, Yn, and 0.0638C*ab sions.
Zn are the CIE tristimulus values for S C = ------------------------------------
- + 0.638 The Volume of Acceptance is
1 + 0.0131C*ab
the chosen illuminant and observer. The defined by ΔEcmc ≤ cf.
preferred combination is CIE standard SH = (FT + 1 – F)SC 4.4 Reporting of results. The use of
illuminant D65 and the CIE 1964 supple- illuminant D65 and 10° observer calcula-
mentary standard (10°) observer. Values where tions and (A:c) ratio of 2:1 are recom-
for this combination and for some others 1/2 mended as the standard for calculating
are given in Table I. Values for combina- ( C*ab ) ΔEcmc values. If other illuminants, observ-
tions not in Table I should be obtained F = -----------------------------------
- ers or CMC (A:c) ratios are used they
( C*ab ) + 1900
by referring to ASTM E308 (see 8.3) or, must be specified as part of the value

AATCC Technical Manual/2020 AATCC TM173-2009(2015)e2 333

Copyright © 2019 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
(i.e., ΔEcmc(1.37:1), C/2° = 1.56 would denote 5.2.1 In applications which require rat- B. Rigg, Modification to the JPC79
using a 1.37:1 A:c ratio, with CIELAB ing within or about a critical tolerance, Colour-Difference Formula, Journal of
values calculated for illuminant C/2° multiple levels consisting of ellipsoidal the Society of Dyers and Colourists, Vol.
observer). volumes representing various levels of 100, 1984, pp128-132 and pp281-282.
color difference may be generated. This 7.3 McDonald, R., Acceptability and
will result in a set of concentric volumes/ Perceptibility Decisions Using the CMC
5. Interpretation of Results tolerances which provide a uniform grad- Colour Difference Formula, Textile
ing system when correlated to and are as- Chemist and Colorist, Vol. 20, No. 6,
5.1 ΔEcmc is a single number which sociated with a predefined set of terms. 1988, pp31-37, and Errata, Vol. 20, No.
represents the number of CMC color dif- 8, 1988, p10.
ference units of a trial from a standard.
Any trial which is compared to its stan- 6. Precision and Bias
8. Notes
dard will fall into one of three categories: 6.1 Precision and Bias statements are
5.1.1 If ΔEcmc is less than the agreed 8.1 CIE Publication No. 15-2004, Colorim-
not applicable because data are not gener- etry 3rd Edition. Available through the US
commercial factor, the trial is acceptable; ated by this test method. National Committee of the CIE webshop
5.1.2 If ΔEcmc is close to the agreed (www.techstreet.com/cie/).
commercial factor, the trial is borderline; 7. References 8.2 McDonald, Roderick and Kenneth J.
5.1.3 If ΔEcmc is greater than the agreed Smith, “CIE94—A New Colour Difference
commercial factor, the trial is unaccept- 7.1 BS6923:1988, British Standard Formula,” Journal of the Society of Dyers and
able. Method for Calculation of Small Col- Colourists, Vol. 111, No. 12, Dec. 1995, p376.
our Difference. Available from British 8.3 ASTM E308, Practice for Computing
5.2 The semi-axes ASL, cSC and SH pro- the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE Sys-
vide a means of describing the “accept- Standards Institution, 2 Park Street, Lon- tem, available from ASTM International, 100
ability” of each dimension of color differ- don W1A 2BS, England; web site: www. Barr Harbor, W. Conshohocken PA 19428;
ence (lightness, chroma, hue) in terms of bsigroup.com. tel: +1.610.832.9500; fax: +1.610.832.9555;
CMC units in each dimension. 7.2 Clarke, F. J. J., R. McDonald and web site: www.astm.org.

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Copyright © 2019 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists

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