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Binary Search Tree (BST)

Traversals – Inorder, Preorder, Post Order

Given a Binary Search Tree, The task is to print the elements in inorder, preorder,and

postorder traversal of the Binary Search Tree.

Input :

Output :

Inorder Traversal: 10 20 30 100 150 200 300

Preorder Traversal: 100 20 10 30 200 150 300

Postorder Traversal: 10 30 20 150 300 200 100.

Input :

Output :

Inorder Traversal: 8 12 20 22 25 30 40

Preorder Traversal: 22 12 8 20 30 25 40

Postorder Traversal: 8 20 12 25 40 30 22.

Below is the idea to solve the problem:

At first traverse left subtree then visit the root and then traverse the right subtree.

Follow the below steps to implement the idea:

 Traverse left subtree

 Visit the root and print the data.
 Traverse the right subtree

The inorder traversal of the BST gives the values of the nodes in sorted order. To get the

decreasing order visit the right, root, and left subtree.

Below is the implementation of the inorder traversal.

// C program for different tree traversals

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child

// and a pointer to right child

struct node {

int data;

struct node* left;

struct node* right;


// Helper function that allocates a new node with the

// given data and NULL left and right pointers.

struct node* newNode(int data)

struct node* node

= (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

node->data = data;

node->left = NULL;

node->right = NULL;

return (node);

// Given a binary tree, print its nodes in inorder

void printInorder(struct node* node)

if (node == NULL)

// First recur on left child


// Then print the data of node

printf("%d ", node->data);

// Now recur on right child


// Driver code

int main()

struct node* root = newNode(1);

root->left = newNode(2);

root->right = newNode(3);

root->left->left = newNode(4);

root->left->right = newNode(5);

// Function call

printf("Inorder traversal of binary tree is \n");



return 0;

output :

Inorder traversal of binary tree is : 4 2 5 1 3

Time complexity: O(N), Where N is the number of nodes.

Auxiliary Space: O(h), Where h is the height of tree.

Below is the idea to solve the problem:

At first visit the root then traverse left subtree and then traverse the right subtree.

Follow the below steps to implement the idea :

 Visit the root and print the data.

 Traverse left subtree
 Traverse the right subtree

Below is the implementation of the preorder traversal.

// C program for different tree traversals

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child

// and a pointer to right child

struct node {

int data;

struct node* left;

struct node* right;


// Helper function that allocates a new node with the

// given data and NULL left and right pointers.

struct node* newNode(int data)

struct node* node

= (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

node->data = data;

node->left = NULL;

node->right = NULL;

return (node);

// Given a binary tree, print its nodes in preorder

void printPreorder(struct node* node)

if (node == NULL)


// First print data of node

printf("%d ", node->data);

// Then recur on left subtree


// Now recur on right subtree


// Driver code

int main()

struct node* root = newNode(1);

root->left = newNode(2);

root->right = newNode(3);

root->left->left = newNode(4);
root->left->right = newNode(5);

// Function call

printf("Preorder traversal of binary tree is \n");



return 0;

Output :

Preorder traversal of binary tree is: 1 2 4 5 3

Time complexity: O(N), Where N is the number of nodes.

Auxiliary Space: O(H), Where H is the height of the tree.

Below is the idea to solve the problem:

At first traverse left subtree then traverse the right subtree and then visit the root.

Follow the below steps to implement the idea:

 Traverse left subtree

 Traverse the right subtree
 Visit the root and print the data.

Below is the implementation of the postorder traversal:

// C program for different tree traversals

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child

// and a pointer to right child

struct node {

int data;

struct node* left;

struct node* right;


// Helper function that allocates a new node with the

// given data and NULL left and right pointers.

struct node* newNode(int data)

struct node* node

= (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

node->data = data;

node->left = NULL;

node->right = NULL;

return (node);

// Given a binary tree, print its nodes according to the

// "bottom-up" postorder traversal.

void printPostorder(struct node* node)

if (node == NULL)


// First recur on left subtree

// Then recur on right subtree


// Now deal with the node

printf("%d ", node->data);

// Driver code

int main()

struct node* root = newNode(1);

root->left = newNode(2);

root->right = newNode(3);

root->left->left = newNode(4);

root->left->right = newNode(5);

// Function call

printf("Postorder traversal of binary tree is \n");



return 0;

Output :

Postorder traversal of binary tree is : 4 5 2 3 1

Time complexity: O(N), Where N is the number of nodes.

Auxiliary Space: O(H), Where H is the height of the tree

2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/construct-tree-from-given-inorder-and-preorder-traversal/amp/


4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/construct-tree-inorder-level-order-traversals-set-2/amp/

5. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/full-and-complete-binary-tree-from-given-preorder-and-postorder-






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