Castillo 2013

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Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003

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Oxygen supply strongly influences metabolic fluxes, the production of

poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and alginate, and the degree of acetylation of alginate
in Azotobacter vinelandii
Tania Castillo a , Elmar Heinzle b , Susanne Peifer b , Konstantin Schneider b , Carlos F. Peña M a,∗
Departamento de Ingeniería Celular y Biocatálisis, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Post. 510-3 Cuernavaca, 62250 Morelos, Mexico
Biochemical Engineering Institute, Saarland University, Campus A1.5, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study was to evaluate carbon flux in Azotobacter vinelandii using metabolic flux analy-
Received 29 October 2012 sis (MFA) under high and low aeration conditions to achieve an improved understanding of how these
Received in revised form 20 April 2013 changes could be related to alginate acetylation and PHB production. Changes in oxygen availability had
Accepted 22 April 2013
a considerable impact on the metabolic fluxes and were reflected in the growth rate, the specific glu-
Available online 10 May 2013
cose consumption rate, and the alginate and PHB yields. The main differences at the metabolic flux level
were observed in three important pathways. The first important difference was consistent with respira-
tory protection; an increase in the flux generated through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle for cultures
A. vinelandii
Metabolic flux
grown under high aeration conditions (up to 2.61 times higher) was observed. In the second important
Alginate difference, the fluxes generated through pyruvate dehydrogenase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase
Acetylation and pyruvate kinase, all of which are involved in acetyl-CoA metabolism, increased by 10, 43.9 and 17.5%,
PHB respectively, in cultures grown under low aeration conditions compared with those grown under high
aeration conditions. These changes were related to alginate acetylation, which was 2.6 times higher in the
cultures with limited oxygen, and the changes were also related to a drastic increase in PHB production.
Finally, the glyoxylate shunt was active under both of the conditions that were tested, and a 2.79-fold
increase was observed in cultures that were grown under the low aeration condition.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bacteria is that their chemical composition can be modified by

changes in the culture conditions [3].
Alginates are polysaccharides that are produced by brown algae, In the case of alginate acetylation, the presence of O-acetyl
such as Laminaria hyperborea, and bacteria of the genera Azotobac- groups affects the physical properties of alginates by changing
ter and Pseudomonas. Alginates are linear unbranched copolymers the conformation of the polymer [4], reducing the interactions
of ␤-d-mannuronic acid (M) and its C5 epimer, ␣-l-guluronic acid with divalent cations and increasing the solubility in aqueous solu-
(G). Bacterial alginates may also contain O-acetyl groups located tions [5]. It has been observed that small changes in the degree
at O-2 and/or O-3 of mannuronate residues [1,2]. Alginates are of acetylation have important effects on the viscosity of alginate
widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries because of solutions, independent of the MMW [6]. The swelling capabilities
their viscosifying, stabilizing and gelling properties [2]. The chem- of acetylated alginates are also improved, yielding softer and more
ical structure of alginates including the G/M relation, the degree hydrated alginate gels [5].
of acetylation and the mean molecular weight (MMW) determines Alginate acetylation also has important biological functions in
their functional properties. Although alginate can be obtained from Azotobacter vinelandii and Pseudomonas. For example, Pseudomonas
brown algae, the main advantage of the alginates produced by aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that requires acetylated
alginate to form stable biofilms during infection processes; in
addition, the acetylation of alginates enhances the resistance of
this bacterium to complement-mediated and opsonic antibody-
mediated phagocytosis [7,8]. On the other hand, A. vinelandii is
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 777 329 16 17; fax: +52 777 317 23 88.
capable of differentiating into cysts under conditions of desicca-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Castillo),
tion, and alginate is an important component of the mature cyst
[email protected] (E. Heinzle), [email protected]
(S. Peifer), [email protected] (K. Schneider), [email protected] structure [9]. Vázquez et al. [9] reported that a mutant strain of
(C.F. Peña M). A. vinelandii (AJ34), which produces unacetylated alginates, had

1359-5113/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
996 T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003

an important reduction (5-fold) in its encystment efficiency. The (MFAs) in A. vinelandii. MFA aids the understanding of intracellular
mutant strain’s resistance to desiccation (measured as viability) carbon fluxes and their regulation [19,20]. MFA also provides a flux
after 35 days was also lower with respect to the wild type [9]. map describing the reactions involved in metabolism and an esti-
Additionally, it has been reported that the acetyl group protects mate of the steady-state rate at which every reaction occurs [19,20].
the mannuronate residues from guluronate epimerization [4] and In addition, MFA could be used to evaluate the rigidity or flexi-
protects the polymer from alginate lyase activities [9]. bility of metabolic branch points according to changes in growth
In Azotobacter, the main pathway for glucose catabolism is the conditions, such as oxygen availability [19,20].
Entner–Doudoroff (ED) pathway [10]. Glucose is internalized by Due to the biological and commercial relevance of A. vinelandii
an inducible Glu-1 permease [11] and phosphorylated by glucok- and its products, the carbon flux distribution in this bacterium was
inase to form glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P). G-6-P is transformed evaluated under high and low aeration conditions to elucidate how
into 6-phosphogluconate by the combined action of glucose-6- these changes could be related to alginate and PHB production.
phosphate dehydrogenase [12] and 6-phosphogluconolactonase
2. Materials and methods
[13]. Then, 6-phosphogluconate enters the ED pathway, where it
is converted into 2-keto-3-deoxyphosphogluconate (KDPG) by 6- 2.1. Microorganism
phosphogluconate dehydratase (Edd). Finally, KDPG is hydrolyzed
into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) and pyruvate (PYR) by 2- Experiments were carried out using wild type A. vinelandii ATCC 9046 (American
keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase [13]. Type Culture Collection). This strain was maintained through monthly subculture
on Burk’s agar slopes and stored at 4 ◦ C.
For alginate biosynthesis, GAP is directed to begin gluco-
neogenesis and forms fructose-6-phosphate (F-6-P) [14]. F-6-P 2.2. Growth conditions
is isomerized by the bifunctional enzyme phosphomannose iso-
merase/guanosine diphosphomannose pyrophosphorylase (AlgA) Two growth conditions (high and low aeration) were evaluated in shaken flasks.
The first condition was achieved using conventional 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks filled
to produce mannose-6-phosphate (M-6-P). Phosphomannomu-
with 100 mL of media, and the second condition was studied using 500 mL baffled
tase (AlgC) transforms M-6-P into mannose-1-phosphate (M-1-P), flasks filled with 50 mL of media. The dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) was moni-
which is converted into GDP-mannose by the enzyme AlgA. tored with PRESENS optical sensors [21]. The cultures under both conditions were
GDP-mannose dehydrogenase (AlgD) oxidizes GDP-mannose into incubated at 30 ◦ C at 200 rpm and were monitored for 64 h.
GDP-mannuronic acid [14]. All of the above reactions take place in
2.3. Culture medium
the cytoplasm of the bacteria. GDP-mannuronic acid is then poly-
merized by the inner membrane proteins Alg8 and Alg44 [14]. In Burk’s media was used [22] with no nitrogen source and with the following com-
the periplasmic space alginate is susceptible to acetylation, and it position: 20 g L−1 glucose, 0.66 g L−1 K2 HPO4 , 0.16 g L−1 KH2 PO4 , 1.42 g L−1 MOPS,
is finally exported out of the cell [14]. 0.05 g L−1 CaSO4 ·2H2 O, 0.2 g L−1 NaCl, 0.2 g L−1 MgSO4 , 0.0029 g L−1 Na2 MoO4 ·2H2 O
Acetyl-Coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is the primary acetyl donor and 0.027 g L−1 FeSO4 ·7H2 O. The initial pH was adjusted to 7.2 using NaOH (1 N)
before autoclaving.
during acetylation processes catalyzed by a wide number of acetyl
transferases, and acetyl-CoA has been proposed as the acetyl donor 2.4. Cultures
for alginate acetylation [15]. The O-acetylation of alginates takes
place in the periplasmic space of A. vinelandii by the action of a For each condition, three replicates were performed to quantify the growth,
degree of alginate acetylation and production of alginate and PHB. Each experimen-
protein complex composed of AlgI, AlgV and AlgF [9]. These pro-
tal flask was inoculated with 10% of its total volume. Pre-cultures were grown for
teins show high sequence identities with the AlgI, AlgJ and AlgF 15 h under high aeration conditions in 500 mL baffled flasks with 50 mL of culture
proteins, respectively, in P. aeruginosa [9]. In P. aeruginosa, it has media. Under this growth condition, cells did not accumulate PHB. Samples were
been proposed that the AlgI and AlgJ proteins are responsible for taken every 1 or 2 h during the exponential growth phase and every 4 or 6 h dur-
the transport of O-acetyl groups from their cytoplasmic precursors ing the stationary phase. All samples were immediately centrifuged at 13,000 rpm
and 4 ◦ C to separate the biomass from the supernatant. The samples were stored at
across the inner membrane, while AlgF transfers the acetyl groups −20 ◦ C for future analyses.
to the alginate [15].
A. vinelandii also produces poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), a 2.5. Cell growth
typical bacterial reserve of carbon and energy, which has potential
Microbial growth was evaluated by optical density (O.D.) at a wavelength of
industrial and commercial uses as a substitute for oil-derived plas-
560 nm. Measurements of absorbance were performed in duplicate at each time
tics [14]. In Azotobacter species, PHB biosynthesis and its regulation point. In addition, dry weight measurements were carried out using 1 mL of culture.
are well known [16,17]. Acetyl-CoA is the key precursor during PHB The samples were placed in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes that had been previously dried
biosynthesis, which begins with the condensation of two acetyl- and weighed. Then, samples were centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 15 min at 4 ◦ C, and
CoA molecules by the enzyme ␤-ketothiolase. This condensation is the supernatant was recovered for alginate and glucose quantification. Cells were
washed twice with distilled water and dried at 80 ◦ C until they reached a constant
positively regulated by acetyl-CoA, and it is competitively inhibited
weight. The optical density and dry weight were correlated to produce a standard
by free Coenzyme A (CoA) [17]. curve.
The role of the oxygen supply in the production of alginate and
PHB has been widely studied [3,14]. In the case of alginate, it has 2.6. Glucose and organic acids quantification
been observed that oxygen availability affects not only yields of the
Quantification of the glucose levels in the supernatant was performed by HPLC
polymer but also its chemical structure, primarily its MMW and using an Aminex HPX-87H column (300 mm × 7.8 mm) (Biorad, Hercules, CA, USA).
degree of acetylation [3]. On the other hand, although the process The eluent was H2 SO4 (7 mM) and was eluted at a flow rate of 0.8 mL min−1 . Glucose
of PHB accumulation in several microorganisms is promoted under was detected using a refractive index (RI) detector (ERC-7515A, ERC Inc., Alte-
conditions of essential nutrient limitation (i.e., NH3 or PO4 ) with an golfsheim, Regensburg, Germany) [19]. The supernatant was also tested for the
presence of organic acids, using the same chromatographic method, followed by
excess of a carbon source, in Azotobacter vegetative cells, PHB accu-
UV absorption at 210 nm using a photodiode array detector (ERC Inc., Altegolfsheim,
mulation mainly occurs under oxygen limitation, and it is promoted Regensburg, Germany) [19]. However, under both aeration conditions evaluated, no
preferentially during the stationary growth phase [16,17]. organic acids were detected in the supernatant.
A. vinelandii has been widely studied for several decades, not
only because of its potential to carry out oxygen-sensitive processes 2.7. Alginate quantification

even in the presence of oxygen, particularly nitrogen fixation [18], Alginate was quantified using a modified carbazole method [23]. Uronic acids
but also due to its ability to produce alginate and PHB [14,18]. How- were quantified directly from the supernatant. The volume of H2 SO4 -borate used
ever, currently there are no studies utilizing metabolic flux analyses was 1.2 mL instead of the 6 mL that was used in the original technique, and 140 ␮L
T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003 997

of supernatant sample and 40 ␮L of carbazole solution were used. This method was Table 1
linear when alginate concentrations were between 10 and 100 ␮g mL−1 , and there- Reactions of the metabolic network used for metabolic flux analysis [26].
fore, samples were diluted with Milli Q water to reach concentrations within this
vinp: GLClab → G6P
range. The calibration curve was generated with algal alginate (Sigma–Aldrich).
v1: F6P → GAP + DHA
v2: DHA → GAP
2.8. Quantification of alginate acetylation v3: GAP → 3PG
v4: 3PG → PEP
The degree of acetylation was quantified by HPLC [24]. The lyophilized alginate v5: PEP → PYR
sample (5–10 mg) was weighed, placed in an Eppendorf tube, and dissolved with v6: PYR → ACA + CO2
500 ␮L of Milli Q water. Then, 500 ␮L of NaOH (1 N) was added, and the sample v7: PYR + CO2 → OAA
was mixed by vortex. This mixture was incubated at 80 ◦ C for 2 h. Later, samples v8: OAA → PEP + CO2
were cooled and acidified using 625 ␮L of H3 PO4 (1.5 M). The samples were then v9 G6P → P5P + CO2
centrifuged at 11,000 rpm for 15 min, and the aqueous phase was recovered for v10[r]: 2P5P → GAP + S7P
acetate quantification. Acetyl groups were quantified by HPLC using an Aminex HPX- v11[r]: GAP + S7P → F6P + E4P
87H column (300 mm × 7.8 mm) (Biorad, Hercules, CA, USA) at 50 ◦ C, with H2 SO4 v12[r]: P5P + E4P → F6P + GAP
as the eluent (7 mM), at a flow rate of 0.65 mL min−1 . Acetic acid detection was v13: OAA + ACA → ICT
performed by UV absorption at 210 nm using a photodiode array detector (Waters v14: ICT → aKG + CO2
2996). v15: aKG → SUC + CO2
v16[r]: SUC → FUM
v17: FUM → OAA
2.9. PHB extraction and quantification
v18: ICT → GOX + SUC
v19: ACA + GOX → OAA
PHB was quantified by HPLC after its conversion into crotonic acid. For this
v20: G6P → KDPG
purpose, the biomass was dried under vacuum at 60 ◦ C. The biomass was weighed
v21: KDPG → PYR + GAP
(3 mg) in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes, and then 1 mL of H2 SO4 was added, and the sample
v22: F-6-P → MAN-6-P
was heated at 90 ◦ C for 1 h. Later, the sample was cooled to room temperature and
v1ext MAN-6-P → alginateex
diluted with Milli Q water to reach concentrations within the range of the calibra-
v2in ACA → PHBin
tion curve. PHB quantification was performed via HPLC using an Aminex HPX-87H
column (300 mm × 7.8 mm) (Biorad, Hercules, CA, USA) at 50 ◦ C, with H2 SO4 as the
eluent (7 mM), at a flow rate of 0.65 mL min−1 . Crotonic acid was detected as UV
absorption at 220 nm (HPLC 535, Biotek, Neufahrn, Germany). The standard used Table 2
was hydroxybutyric acid (Sigma–Aldrich), which was treated in the same manner Metabolite balances using reactions of Table 4 including anabolic reactions [26].
as the samples.
G6P vinp − (v9 + v20 + vB;G6P ) = 0
KDPG v20 − v21 = 0
2.10. Labeling experiments F6P (v11 + v12) − (v1 + v11[r] + v12[r] + v22 + vB;F6P ) = 0
DHA v1 − v2 = 0
The analysis of in vivo metabolic fluxes was conducted using [1-13 C] glucose as GAP (v2 + v10 + v11[r] + v12) − (v3 + v10[r] + v11 + v12[r] + vB;GAP ) = 0
the carbon source. The evaluation of the in vivo activities of the metabolic pathways 3PG v3 − (v4 + vB;3PG ) = 0
and the carbon distribution throughout central metabolism was performed after the PEP (v4 + v8) − (v5 + vB;PEP ) = 0
labeling of proteinogenic amino acids and PHB through GC–MS analysis. PYR (v5 + v21) − (v6 + v7 + vB;PYR ) = 0
KDPG v20 − v21 = 0
MAN-6P v22 − v1ext = 0
2.11. Cultivation and protein hydrolysis ACA v6 − (v13 + v19 + v2ext + vB;ACA ) = 0
OAA (v7 + v17 + v19) − (v8 + v13 + vB;OAA ) = 0
The labeling experiments were developed using the same conditions described ICT v13 − (v14 + v18) = 0
above, with two parallel flasks for each condition. The pre-culture and the main AKG v14 − (v15 + vB;AKG ) = 0
culture were grown with [1-13 C] glucose to reduce the effect of naturally labeled SUC (v15 + v16[r] + v18) − v16 = 0
carbon stored in the initial population of the main culture. The cells were harvested FUM v16 − (v16[r] − v17) = 0
at two different points during the exponential growth phase for each flask. The GOX v18 − v19 = 0
cells were centrifuged for 10 min at 13,000 rpm and 4 ◦ C (Biofuge, Fresco, Heraus, P5P (v9 + 2v10[r] + v12[r]) − (v12 + 2v10 + vB;P5P ) = 0
Hanau, Germany), and then the cell pellet was washed twice with Milli Q water. E4P (v11 + v12[r]) − (v11[r] + v12 + vB;E4P ) = 0
Later, the cells were hydrolyzed with 6 M HCl (50 ␮L g−1 CDW
) at 100 ◦ C for 24 h, and S7P (v10 + v11[r]) − (v10r + v11) = 0
the samples were cooled down at room temperature and neutralized with 6 M NaOH
(38 ␮L g−1
). The neutralized samples were filtered (Ultrafree-MC Centrifugal Filter
Devices, 0.22 ␮m, Amicon Bioseparations, Bedford, MA, USA) to remove any cell
debris, and the samples were lyophilized [25]. 2.14. Automatic integration and isotope GC–MS data correction

The GC–MS data sets obtained in SIM mode were integrated by a program based
2.12. Derivatization
on MATLAB R2008b (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) to measure the mass iso-
topomers of every amino acid, and the mass isotopomer abundances were corrected
Derivatization was performed prior to GC–MS analysis. The lyophilized
for the occurrence of natural isotopes [25].
cell extracts were dissolved in 50 ␮L of 0.1% dimethylformamide
(DMF)/pyridine (v/v) and 50 ␮L of the derivatization reagent N-methyl-N-t-
butyldimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide, and the mixture was incubated at 80 ◦ C. 2.15. Metabolic flux analysis
After incubation, the samples were centrifuged for 15 min at 13,000 rpm and
4 ◦ C (Biofuge, Fresco, Heraus, Hanau, Germany) to eliminate the salts resulting The metabolic flux analysis was performed using a numerical simulation
from the neutralization. The supernatant was recovered and transferred to glass model [25] executed by MATLAB R2008b (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA).
chromatographic vials for GC–MS analysis [19]. Tables 1 and 2 show the reaction metabolite balances used for the metabolic flux
analysis [26]; alginate and PHB reactions were also included in the model.
2.13. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

The GC–MS instrument used for the analysis of the isotopomer distribution of
3. Results and discussion
proteinogenic amino acids was an HP 6890 gas chromatograph (Hewlett Packard,
Palo Alto, California, USA) with a HP-5-MS column. The chromatographic separation 3.1. Dissolved oxygen profile and growth rate
was performed under the following conditions: a temperature gradient of 120 ◦ C was
held for 5 min followed by an increase of 4 ◦ C min−1 to 270 ◦ C; then, the temperature
Oxygen availability has been described as an important param-
was increased at 20 ◦ C min−1 until 320 ◦ C was reached. The inlet temperature was
300 ◦ C, and detection was performed by a quadrupole detector at a temperature of eter that determines the production of alginate and PHB in A.
320 ◦ C. The volume of the sample injected was 1 ␮L, and the sample was injected in vinelandii, affecting not only the yields of the polymers but also
splitless mode, using a split/splitless injector [19]. their chemical structures [14,27,28].
998 T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003

Table 3
Growth parameters of A. vinelandii under different growth conditions. Values in brackets are calculated using the residual biomass (total biomass – PHB) [43].
−1 −1
Growth condition  (h−1 ) YX/S (gCDW molglucose ) qs (mol h g−1

High aeration 0.17 ± 0.01 18.4 ± 0.57 7.83 ± 0.32

Low aeration 0.08 ± 0.00 66.0 ± 1.30 (19.5 ± 0.14) 0.69 ± 0.07 (0.83 ± 0.11)

Table 4
Carbon usage of A. vinelandii grown under different growth conditions. CO2est , NADPHest and NADHest indicate the amount of these compounds calculated from MFA.
−1 −1
Growth condition % C-molbiomass % C-molPHB % C-molalginate % C-molCO2est NADPHest (mol molglucose ) NADHest (mol molglucose )

High aeration 12.5 ± 0.38 – 2.2 ± 0.6 86.27 1.56 7.35

Low aeration 44.7 ± 0.90 21 ± 0.00 11.0 ± 2.3 62.77 0.36 4.77

In shaken flask systems, oxygen availability can be modified by under both low (a) and high aeration (b) conditions are shown in
manipulating the flask geometry. It can also be adjusted by altering Fig. 1. The DO profiles were determined using the system described
the gas–liquid mass transfer area and changing the ratio between by Schneider et al. [21].
the media volume (filling volume) and the flask volume [22,29]. To Although in both conditions a period of oxygen limitation was
achieve different degrees of oxygen supply in the shaken flasks, two observed (when the oxygen levels were close to zero), the maxi-
conditions were evaluated. A low aeration condition was achieved mal oxygen transfer rate (OTRmax ) could be up to 4 times higher in
using conventional 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with a filling volume the baffled flasks, according to previous studies [22,29]. In addi-
of 100 mL; and a condition of high aeration was achieved using tion, the period of limited oxygen was shorter in the cultures
500 mL baffled flasks with a filling volume of 50 mL. The dissolved developed in baffled flasks and was observed during the last 8 h
oxygen (DO) profiles that were obtained in the shaken flask cultures of the exponential growth phase (Fig. 1b and d), ending once the

25 25
Dissolved oxygen tension (%)

Dissolved oxygen tension (%)

a. b.
20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100

c. d.
Biomass (g L-1)

10 10
Biomass (g L-1)

1 1

0 0
18 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 18 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
16 16
14 e. f.
Glucose (g L-1)

Glucose (g L-1)

12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Cultivation time (h) Cultivation time (h)

Fig. 1. The growth kinetics of A. vinelandii ATCC 9046 cultures under low aeration (a, c and e) and high aeration (b, d and f). The oxygen profile was monitored with PRESENS
optical sensors [21] and its calibration was carried out with air saturation (a and b). Kinetic growth curves (c and d) and the glucose consumption for cultures of A. vinelandii
ATCC 9046 (e and f) are shown. Solid lines divide the oxygen limitation periods (oxygen near zero) and dotted lines divide the exponential and stationary growth phases.
Arrows indicate the sample points for the metabolic flux analysis. Cultures were carried out in duplicate. The error bars represent standard deviation values.
T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003 999

Fig. 2. Metabolic flux maps of parallel cultures of A. vinelandii ATCC 9046 grown on [1-13 C] glucose under low and high aeration conditions. The relative carbon fluxes (mol.%)
are related to glucose uptake rates (100%). The biomasses used for MFA were as follows: 0.81 ± 0.00 gCDW and 0.95 ± 0.03 gCDW for cultures grown under low aeration and
1.00 ± 0.00 gCDW and 1.52 ± 0.00 gCDW for cultures grown under high aeration. The metabolic fluxes for alginate and PHB were calculated based on the MW of the monomers
of mannuronic acid (194.4 g mol−1 ) and ␤-hydrohybutyric acid (104.1 g mol−1 ), respectively.

stationary phase was reached. In contrast, in the cultures developed 12.5 ± 0.4% C-mol was used for biomass production. This percent-
in conventional flasks, the oxygen limitation began at the start of age increased for the cultures grown at low aeration to 44.7 ± 0.9%
the exponential growth phase and lasted up to 40 h (Fig. 1a and C-mol, of which 21.0 ± 0.0% C-mol corresponds to PHB accumula-
c). tion.
The differences in oxygen availability had an important
effect on growth, as is shown in Fig. 1c and d. When A.
3.2. Metabolic flux analysis
vinelandii was cultivated under high aeration (baffled flasks),
the specific growth rate () was 2-fold higher (0.17 ± 0.01 h−1 )
A. vinelandii has been widely studied [14,18], but there has
than that obtained for the cultures grown under low aeration
not been MFA studies reported for this bacterium when cultured
(0.081 ± 0.00 h−1 ).
under two different aeration conditions. MFA provided informa-
The changes in the aeration condition affected not only the
tion that confirmed some of the main physiological responses that
growth rate but also the specific glucose consumption rate (qs ) and
were previously described by other authors for A. vinelandii, and
the biomass yield (YX/S ) (Table 3). The specific glucose consump-
MFA generated new knowledge related to the metabolism of this
tion rate under the high aeration condition (baffled flasks) was
7.83 ± 0.32 mmol h−1 g−1 , while in cultures grown under low
CDW The primary changes found in the A. vinelandii metabolic fluxes,
aeration, the qs dropped to 0.69 ± 0.07 mmol h−1 g−1 CDW
(10-fold expressed as mol.% with respect to the glucose uptake rates (100%),
lower). are shown in Fig. 2. These results indicate that oxygen availabil-
The biomass yield was lower in the cultures grown in baf- ity primarily affected the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), the
fled flasks (18.4 ± 0.6 gCDW mol−1
glucose ) than the yield of 66.0 ± phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) and pyruvate (PYR) nodes and the
1.3 gCDW mol−1
glucose that was achieved in cultures grown with low
glyoxylate cycle. It must be emphasized that these changes were
aeration (conventional flasks) (Table 3). Moreover, when these reflected not only in the growth rate, biomass yields and specific
data are converted to % C-molbiomass C-mol−1 glucose (Table 4), it
glucose consumption rate, as has been previously described, but
was observed that for the cultures grown at high aeration, only also in the production of alginate and PHB.
1000 T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003

understood [14,28]. Finally, the differences observed between the

concentrations reported by Peña et al. [27] and those obtained in
the present work could be explained by the use of yeast extract as
the nitrogen source in Peña et al. [27], while in the present study,
A. vinelandii was grown under N2 -fixing conditions.
In addition to the ED pathway, the oxidative branch of the pen-
tose phosphate pathway (PPP) was active, as has been previously
suggested by Beale and Foster [13]. The PPP provides the cell with
metabolites, such NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate (R-5-P), which
are required for anabolic reactions and for stress resistance mecha-
nisms [13]. Clear differences between the cultures that were grown
in baffled flasks (high aeration) and those that were grown in con-
ventional flasks (low aeration) were found. In the cultures with low
aeration, the flux was nearly 2.3 times higher (6.4 ± 2.2%) than the
flux of the cultures with high aeration (2.8 ± 0.7%). Nevertheless,
the flux to the PPP oxidative branch is apparently not sufficient to
provide all of the precursor demands. Therefore, the lower part of
the PPP (the non-oxidative branch) was also active and operated in
the reverse direction to supply erythrose-4-phosphate (E-4-P), R-
5-P and other glycolytic precursors [30]. The relative flux through
these branches was 1.81% for cultures grown under low aera-
tion and 0.59% for cultures grown in baffled flasks. Carbohydrate
Fig. 3. The evolution of alginate production (closed symbols) and poly-␤- cycling via the non-oxidative branch of the PP pathway has been
hydroxybutyric acid production (open symbols) under low (a) and high (b) aeration
described in other microorganisms such as Acetobacter, Agrobac-
conditions in cultures of A. vinelandii ATCC9046. The error bars represent standard
deviation values. terium, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Paracoccus, Sinorhizobium meliloti
and Xanthomonas [30]. These microorganisms show metabolic sim-
ilarities to A. vinelandii: they preferentially use the ED pathway and
3.3. Entner–Doudoroff pathway are characterized by their ability to produce exopolysaccharides.
Although the relationship between polysaccharide biosynthesis
Glucose metabolism in A. vinelandii is based on the and carbohydrate cycling is not clear, carbohydrate cycling has been
Entner–Doudoroff (ED) pathway [10,13]. The metabolic flux observed under conditions favorable for polysaccharide production
analysis confirmed this fact, showing that the fluxes through this (i.e. during the non growth phase) [30].
pathway were higher than 90%. The flux through the ED pathway
was very similar under both conditions, with a slightly higher 3.4. TCA cycle
value (a difference of 3.7%) for the cultures growing under high
aeration (96.7 ± 0.7%) than those growing under low aeration Aerobic organisms, such as A. vinelandii, depend on the TCA cycle
(93.1 ± 2.2%). to generate NADH and FADH2 from acetyl-CoA. NADH provides the
It is important to note that alginate biosynthesis is linked to reductive potential for ATP generation [31]. The fluxes affected in
the ED pathway [13] which provides the GAP that is then redi- the TCA cycle were (Fig. 2) from oxaloacetate (OAA) to isocitrate
rected through gluconeogenesis to form F-6-P, the main precursor (ICT). The flux from OAA to ICT includes the condensation of one
of alginates [13]. Although alginate production was observed under molecule of acetyl-CoA with OAA to form citrate (CIT) via citrate
both aeration conditions, the flux toward alginate was present only synthase and CIT isomerization to ICT via cis aconitase. The flux of
under the low aeration condition (2.7 ± 1.48%). Alginate production OAA to ICT was 66% higher in the cultures grown under high aera-
is shown in Fig. 3a and b. In agreement with the results observed tion using baffled flasks (172.2 ± 3.6%) than those grown under low
by MFA, the alginate production was very low when A. vinelandii aeration (103.2 ± 3.5%). It is important to note that in A. vinelandii,
was grown under high aeration (Fig. 3b), reaching a maximal aver- CIT formation is the first regulation point in the TCA cycle, and this
age concentration of 0.23 ± 0.02 galginate L−1 (2.2% C-mol, Table 4) at node is down-regulated by the accumulation of NADH [31,32].
the beginning of the stationary growth phase. In contrast, a maxi- After CIT formation, the main increases to relative flux in the
mal alginate concentration of 1.69 ± 0.36 galginate L−1 (11.0% C-mol, cultures grown at high aeration were observed in the fluxes from
Table 4) was obtained in the conventional flasks (low aeration, Fig. 3 ICT to ␣-ketoglutarate (aKG) and from aKG to succinate (SUC). The
a) at the end of the stationary growth phase (60 h). Tables 4 and 5 first reaction is catalyzed by NADP+ -dependent isocitrate dehy-
summarize the alginate yields. drogenase (ICDH), while the second is catalyzed by the enzymes
It has been well documented that alginate production is ␣-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (aKGDH) and succinyl-CoA syn-
enhanced under conditions of low aeration in conventional flasks. thetase (SCS). Under high aeration conditions, the flux from ICT
Previously, Peña et al. [27] observed important changes among to aKG (157.2 ± 5.9%) was 2.56 times higher than that observed
cultures carried out under different aeration conditions, achieving under low aeration conditions (61.3 ± 4.6%). There was a 2.61-
up to 4.5 galginate L−1 using conventional flasks and 1.5 galginate L−1 fold increase in the flux from aKG to SUC for cultures grown in
in baffled flasks. The fact that alginate production was positively baffled flasks (155.1 ± 6.2%) compared to the results obtained for
affected by low aeration conditions, even though the flux toward cultures grown under low aeration (59.2 ± 4.7%). Both steps are
the ED pathway was practically the same for both conditions also important regulation points for the TCA cycle and can be
tested, could be related to the biological role of alginates in A. down-regulated by NADPH and NADH levels [32–34]. Finally, the
vinelandii. Alginates are produced as part of the cyst structure relative flux from fumarate (FUM) to OAA, which involves the
that develops in desiccation conditions [9], and in cysts, oxygen enzymes succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), fumarate hydratase (FH)
limitation would be expected. In addition, it must be emphasized and malate dehydrogenase (MDH), increased by 68% when the cul-
that alginate biosynthesis is a complex process that involves tures were grown with high aeration (170.1 ± 3.9%) versus low
several molecular mechanisms, the regulation of which are poorly aeration (101.1 ± 3.5%).
T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003 1001

A. vinelandii is a strict aerobe that is characterized by high respi- (39.7 ± 2.2%). It must be emphasized that although the enzymes
ration rates when exposed to high oxygen concentrations [35]. For PYK and PEPCK were involved in recycling PEP and PYR via OAA, the
this reason, although TCA cycle reactions were present in both con- flux from PYR to OAA via pyruvate carboxylase (PYC) was only 11.8%
ditions, the fluxes through this pathway were markedly higher in higher in those cultures grown in conventional flasks (34.5 ± 2.6%)
the cultures grown under high aeration (baffled flasks). The val- compared with the flux observed in cultures grown under high
ues were up to 2.6-fold higher for the fluxes through the ICDH aeration (30.4 ± 0.9%).
and aKGDH/SCS nodes, as has been previously described. These PHB is accumulated under conditions of excess carbon and
flux increases throughout the TCA cycle during cultivation with limited oxygen [17]. Senior et al. [17] proposed a regulation scheme
high aeration could have an important effect on the availability of for PHB biosynthesis based on the hypothesis that with limited
reducing power (NADPH and NADH), as is shown in Table 4. oxygen there is an accumulation of reducing power (NADH and
On the other hand, one of the most important characteristics of NADPH) that leads to the allosteric down-regulation of some TCA
this bacterium is its potential to carry out oxygen-sensitive pro- cycle enzymes, such as citrate synthase and ICDH. Then, acetyl-CoA
cesses, particularly nitrogen fixation, even in the presence of high can be diverted from the TCA cycle to PHB biosynthesis [17,33].
oxygen concentrations [19]. It has been suggested that such pro- MFA confirmed this behavior, showing a remarkable reduction
cesses are possible because A. vinelandii has mechanisms to protect of the fluxes in the TCA cycle under the low aeration condition
its oxygen sensitive nitrogenases [18,35] and that these mecha- (conventional flasks). In addition, these cultures showed increased
nisms require high energy levels for maintenance and cause low metabolic fluxes for PEPCK, PK and PDH, which are involved in
biomass yields when the bacterium is exposed to high oxygen con- acetyl-CoA metabolism. These increased fluxes had an important
centrations [35]. One mechanism widely proposed is the regulation impact on the metabolic flux for PHB synthesis (31.4 ± 0.2%) under
of oxygen consumption to maintain low concentrations of cytoplas- low aeration conditions, while in the high aeration condition the
mic oxygen [35]. Oelze [35] also suggested that N2 fixation under metabolic flux for PHB synthesis was zero.
aerobic conditions requires higher quantities of ATP and reducing PHB production is shown in Fig. 3a. In agreement with the
equivalents to keep the nitrogenase system in a reduced state. results of the MFA, PHB production was present only in cells grown
Such a proposed mechanism could be the reason that under low aeration conditions (conventional flasks). PHB reached
low biomass and product yields were obtained under the a maximum concentration of 2.27 ± 0.31 gPHB L−1 after approxi-
high aeration condition (18.4 ± 0.57 gCDW mol−1 glucose and 4.26 ± mately 49 h of culture time. After that point, the PHB concentration
1.08 galginate mol−1 dropped, reaching 1.5 gPHB L−1 at the end of the culture (60 h). It
glucose ) in contrast to those obtained under the
appears that PHB was being degraded after 49 h, although at that
low aeration condition (66.0 ± 1.30 gCDW mol−1
glucose and 21.24 ± culture stage the glucose was not entirely exhausted (2.5 g L−1 ,
4.48 galginate mol−1
glucose ), even though there was an increase in the Fig. 1e), which suggests a higher depolymerization activity. This
flux through the TCA cycle in the cultures under the high aeration behavior has been described previously in Rhizobium, Pseudomonas
condition. and Cupriavidus necator, where the intracellular content of PHB
reaches a peak concentration that is followed by a decrease during
3.5. Phosphoenol pyruvate and pyruvate nodes the stationary growth phase [37].
However, acetyl-CoA is not used solely for PHB production –
Pyruvate is located at an important metabolic node between it is also the donor of the acetyl groups that are needed for algi-
carbohydrate catabolism for energy generation and the biosynthe- nate acetylation [15]. The degree of alginate acetylation was 2.6
sis of other metabolic compounds. In facultative organisms, such times higher in the cultures grown under low aeration conditions
as Escherichia coli, pyruvate is a switch point between respiratory (conventional flasks), where an acetylation degree of 4.7 ± 0.5% was
and fermentative metabolism [36]. Although A. vinelandii is a strict observed compared with an acetylation degree of only 1.8 ± 0.6% for
aerobe, in contrast to E. coli, there were clear differences in the cultures grown in the baffled flasks (Table 5). These changes support
metabolic fluxes related to pyruvate between the two oxygen con- the hypothesis that acetyl-CoA availability for alginate acetylation
ditions tested (Fig. 2). increases under low aeration conditions in the same way that has
The first reaction of this cycle is the conversion of phosphoenol been described for PHB production.
pyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate (PYR), which is catalyzed by pyruvate
kinase (PYK). The metabolic flux at this point showed an increase 3.6. Glyoxylate cycle
of 17.5% in the cultures grown under the low aeration condition
in conventional flasks (160.6 ± 4.3%) compared to those grown in Previously, Segura and Espin [38] observed that a mutant strain
higher aeration conditions in baffled flasks (132.4 ± 1.8%). PYR then of A. vinelandii (AJ1678) with an inactivated pycA (the gene that
can be converted to acetyl-CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase encodes a subunit of the pyruvate carboxylase enzyme) was unable
complex (PDHC). At this point, an increase was observed in cul- to grow on liquid minimal Burk’s medium with glucose or sucrose
tures grown with low aeration, although this change was only a as the sole carbon source. They proposed that pyruvate carboxylase
10% increase (low, 213.7 ± 6.0% versus high, 193.1 ± 2.6%). was the only enzyme responsible for providing OAA to A. vinelandii.
Finally, important differences were observed in the anaplerotic Surprisingly, the results of the MFA in the present study demon-
reaction from OAA to PEP, which is catalyzed by phosphoenol pyru- strated that the glyoxylate shunt, which is an anaplerotic pathway
vate carboxykinase (PEPCK). An increase of 43.9% was observed that also provides OAA, was active under both aeration conditions.
in the flux of the cultures grown under low aeration conditions The glyoxylate shunt involves two enzymes, isocitrate lyase
(70.9 ± 3.1%) over that obtained in cultures grown in baffled flasks (ICL), which catalyze the cleavage of ICT to SUC and glyoxylate, and

Table 5
Alginate production parameters of A. vinelandii grown under different growth conditions. Values in brackets are calculated using the residual biomass concept (total biomass
– PHB) [43].
−1 −1
Growth condition Yalginate/glucose (galginate molglucose ) qalginate (galginate h g−1
) Degree of acetylation (gacetyl 100 g−1

High aeration 4.26 ± 1.08 0.010 ± 0.003 1.8 ± 0.6

Low aeration 21.24 ± 4.48 0.053 ± 0.012 (0.055 ± 0.011) 4.7 ± 0.5
1002 T. Castillo et al. / Process Biochemistry 48 (2013) 995–1003

malate synthase (MS), which catalyze the condensation of acetyl- Acknowledgements

CoA and glyoxylate to form malate [39]. A 2.79-fold increase was
found in the flux through this pathway with low aeration, where This work was supported by a Grant from DGAPA-UNAM (Grant
the flux was 41.9 ± 3.9%, when compared with a relative flux of IN110310-3) and a Ph.D. Grant to Tania Castillo from Conacyt.
15.0 ± 3.0%, which was obtained for the high aeration condition The authors acknowledge Dr. Cinthia Núñez, Prof. Enrique Galindo
(baffled flasks). and Dr. Álvaro Lara for their helpful discussions. The authors also
The glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway that replenishes acknowledge the technicians and students of Prof. Heinzle’s group,
the C4 compounds of the TCA cycle [39]. The glyoxylate cycle has who provided very skillful technical assistance.
been reported to be essential for an organism’s growth on C2 car-
bon sources such as ethanol and acetate, as well as on fatty acids
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