TTL Module 1 4

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Lesson 1
1. What can you say about the food for thought above?
 This quote by Alvin Toffler, highlights the importance of adaptability and flexibility in the
rapidly changing landscape of the 21st century. In today's world, knowledge and skills
become obsolete at a much faster pace than ever before. Therefore, the ability to learn,
unlearn, and relearn has become crucial for success in both personal and professional
lives. Those who cannot keep up with the constantly evolving world, whether it is in
technology, social norms, or industry standards, are at risk of falling behind. This idea
also emphasizes the need to be open-minded and willing to question our assumptions
and beliefs. Unlearning old habits, beliefs, and ways of thinking can be difficult, but it's
often necessary in order to grow and adapt. In summary, the ability to learn, unlearn,
and relearn is becoming increasingly essential in the 21st century, and those who fail to
do so may find themselves left behind in a rapidly changing world.
2. Do you still remember our lessons in Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) 1 regarding
21st century skills? What do you think is the significance of ICT in the 21st century?
 ICT or Information and Communication Technology plays a significant role in the 21st
century because it has transformed the way we learn, work, and communicate. It has
opened up new opportunities for education and training, allowing individuals to access
information and resources from anywhere in the world. ICT is a crucial component of
the 21st century, enabling individuals to access information, collaborate, and
communicate in ways that were once impossible. It is important to continue to develop
digital literacy skills to keep pace with the rapid technological changes in our society.
ICT has significant implications for education, business, healthcare, and communication
in the 21st century. It has enabled us to work, learn, and communicate more efficiently
and effectively, and it will continue to be a driving force behind many of the
advancements in our society.
Lesson 2
1. Why is planning important in teaching?
 Planning is essential in teaching because it allows teachers to set clear learning
objectives, develop appropriate instructional strategies, and evaluate the effectiveness
of their teaching. Without proper planning, teachers may struggle to deliver effective
lessons and fail to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. Also, it is an
essential component of effective teaching because it promotes clear communication,
adapts to student needs, promotes effective use of time, assesses progress, and
provides feedback. All of these factors contribute to creating a positive learning
environment where students can achieve their full potential.
2. Why is it necessary to integrate ICT in the teaching – learning process?
 One of the primary reasons for integrating ICT into the teaching-learning process is to
enhance student engagement and motivation. With ICT tools such as interactive videos,
games, and simulations, educators can capture students' attention and motivate them to
learn actively. Engaged students are more likely to retain information and develop a
deeper understanding of the subject matter. ICT can also facilitate active learning by
providing opportunities for students to collaborate, communicate, and create. By
integrating ICT, educators can help students develop the skills necessary to navigate
the digital world effectively. Additionally, using ICT tools can help students develop 21st-
century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, which are crucial
for success in the modern workforce. As a future educator, understanding and
effectively utilizing ICT tools is crucial for ensuring that students receive a high-quality
education that prepares them for success in the digital age.
Lesson 3
1. What is your idea about project and problem – based learning?
 Project-based learning and problem-based learning are two student-centered
approaches to learning that focus on engaging students in active, authentic, and
collaborative learning experiences. Both approaches involve students working on a
project or a real-world problem, which requires them to apply their knowledge, skills,
and creativity to solve the problem or complete the project.
2. Educational sector implements flexible learning even before this pandemic existed. Based
on your observation and experience, how does educators integrate project and problem –
based learning in a flexible mode of teaching – learning process?
 Based on what I have observed, the strategies they’ve used include creating a student-
centered learning environment. Our educators ensured that we students take an active
role in our learning. Which was a big help by providing opportunities for us students to
explore topics that interest us, set our learning goals, and work collaboratively with
peers to solve real-world problems. They also align Project-based learning and
problem-based learning with learning objectives to ensure that it is integrated effectively
into the learning process. In addition, I have also observed that they encourage
collaboration wherein in flexible modes of teaching, such as online or hybrid classes,
they use digital collaboration tools to facilitate group work and help students stay
connected. Aside from that they also incorporate formative assessments where they
use a variety of assessment tools, including online quizzes, discussion boards, and peer
review, to provide ongoing feedback to students. And lastly what I found interesting is
the use of technology tools such as simulations, virtual labs, and multimedia
presentations. I found these tools or strategy very helpful because it provide us students
with immersive learning experiences that mimic real-world situations.

How far have we gone?

A. ENUMERATION. Give what is asked.
1. List down the different 21st century skills
 Critical thinking
 Creativity
 Collaboration
 Communication
 Information literacy
 Media literacy
 Technology literacy
 Flexibility
 Leadership
 Initiative
 Productivity
 Social skills
2. What are considered as literacy skills?
 They’re sometimes called IMT skills, and they’re each concerned with a different
element in digital comprehension.
 Information literacy: Understanding facts, figures, statistics, and data.
 Media literacy: Understanding the methods and outlets in which information is
 Technology literacy: Understanding the machines that make the Information Age
3. What are the parts of a detailed lesson plan?
 Lesson objectives (refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives)
 Knowledge
 Skills
 Attitude
 Subject Matter
 Topic
 Lesson code (refer to DepEd Curriculum guide for a specific subject)
 Materials to be used in conducting the lesson
 References
 Procedure/Preparation
 Prayer
 Checking of class attendance
 Brief review/recall of the previous lesson
 Motivation/Priming
 Lesson Proper
 Activity (Prepare an activity that will lead to the lesson to be discussed)
 Analysis (Analyze the results of the activity and proceed to discussion of
the lesson)
 Abstraction/Generalization (Discuss the highlights of the lesson)
 Application (Refer to your lesson objectives/application of what has
been learned)
 Evaluation
 Assignment
B. Reflection

In today's world, the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in

learning plans is essential to prepare students for success in the 21st century. ICT integration
has become increasingly important in education as it helps students develop the necessary
skills to thrive in a constantly changing and technologically advanced world. I have seen the
importance of ICT in education as it has enabled me to communicate and learn from vast
amounts of data and information.

One of the main benefits of ICT integration in learning plans is that it enables students to
access information and resources from anywhere at any time. With the internet and digital
devices, students can learn from a variety of sources, including online libraries, educational
videos, and podcasts, which can provide them with diverse perspectives and knowledge.

Moreover, ICT integration also enhances collaboration and communication skills, which are
essential for the 21st century workforce. Through online platforms and tools, students can work
together on projects, share ideas, and provide feedback to each other, regardless of their
location. This promotes teamwork and helps students develop the skills needed to work
effectively with others.

In addition, ICT integration in learning plans also facilitates personalized learning. With the use
of educational software and digital platforms, teachers can tailor learning experiences to meet
the needs and interests of individual students. This not only helps students to learn at their
own pace but also enables teachers to monitor their progress and provide feedback.

Overall, the integration of ICT in learning plans is significant in the context of the 21st century
as it equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing
and technologically advanced world. By harnessing the power of technology, educators can
provide students with rich and meaningful learning experiences that prepare them for the
challenges and opportunities of the future.
C. Lesson Planning
Lesson 1
1. In your own understanding, what do you mean by problem or project based instructional
 Based on the previous lesson, for me Problem or project-based instructional plans are
teaching strategies that focus on engaging students in solving real-world problems or
completing authentic projects. These instructional plans involve designing activities and
projects that enable students to explore and investigate complex and relevant issues,
often in collaboration with their peers. Rather than relying on traditional lecture-based
instruction, problem or project-based instructional plans encourage students to engage
actively with the learning material, apply critical thinking, and work collaboratively to
solve problems or complete a project.
2. In the new normal scenario of education, how does educational institutions integrate the
problem/project based learning plan on their lessons?
 In the new normal scenario of education, many educational institutions have been
implementing problem/project-based learning plans into their lessons. Here are some
examples of how they have done so. First is the use of technology. With remote and
hybrid learning becoming more common, technology has been used to facilitate
problem/project-based learning. For example, students may use online collaboration
tools to work on group projects, or video conferencing software to participate in class
discussions. Interdisciplinary projects: Educational institutions have been implementing
interdisciplinary projects that integrate multiple subjects into one project. This approach
helps students to make connections between different subjects and apply their
knowledge in a more practical way. Ongoing support and feedback: Teachers have
been providing ongoing support and feedback to us students as we work on our
projects. This helps us to stay on track and address any issues that may arise. Overall,
educational institutions have been creative in integrating problem/project-based learning
plans into their lessons during the new normal scenario of education which is a very big
help to us students in developing important skills and prepare for the future.
Lesson 2
1. What do you mean by multimedia-based learning?
 Multimedia-based learning refers to the use of various forms of media, such as text,
images, audio, video, and interactive elements, to enhance the learning experience. It is
an approach to education that goes beyond traditional methods of learning, such as
reading from textbooks or listening to lectures, and instead leverages multiple forms of
media to convey information and engage learners.
2. Why it is necessary to integrate multimedia in project/problem based learning plans?
 Integrating multimedia resources such as videos, images, and animations in
project/problem based learning plans is essential as it enhances student engagement
and motivation, supports different learning styles, promotes active learning, enriches
learning experiences, and provides feedback and assessment. By using multimedia,
students can be exposed to different perspectives and real-world scenarios, which can
broaden their understanding and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. Additionally, multimedia can cater to different learning styles, making it more
accessible to a wider range of students. Moreover, it provides opportunities for
assessment and feedback, helping students to understand their progress and areas of
improvement. Overall, the integration of multimedia in project/problem based learning
plans creates a dynamic and interactive learning environment, which fosters student
learning and achievement.
Lesson 3
1. What are the major parts of a lesson plan?
 The major parts of a lesson plan include
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies
II. Content
III. Learning Resources
IV. Procedures
A. Before the Lesson
B. During the Lesson
C. After the Lesson
V. Assignment (optional)
VI. Remarks
VII. Reflections

2. In what area/s of a lesson plan can we integrate ICT?

 ICT can be integrated into various areas of a lesson plan to enhance the teaching and
learning experience. For instance, multimedia resources such as videos, e-books, and
educational apps can be used to deliver content in an interactive and engaging way that
caters to different learning styles. Group activities such as online discussions, virtual
collaborations, and webinars can be facilitated using ICT, promoting communication and
collaboration among students. Additionally, ICT can be used for assessment purposes,
providing teachers with a range of assessment options that are engaging, interactive,
and provide immediate feedback to students. Finally, ICT can be used for extension
activities such as virtual field trips, online research projects, and simulations, providing
students with opportunities for self-directed learning and exploring topics in greater
depth. Overall, integrating ICT into different areas of a lesson plan can create a dynamic
and interactive learning environment that promotes student engagement and
Lesson 4
1. Why is it important to write a problem/project based learning plan?
 Writing a problem/project based learning plan is important because it provides a
structured approach to teaching that promotes student engagement, active learning,
and critical thinking skills. By using a problem/project based approach, students are
given the opportunity to work collaboratively on real-world problems or projects that
require them to apply their knowledge and skills in a meaningful way. This approach
encourages students to think critically and creatively, while also developing skills such
as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
2. How does project/problem based learning plan affects the teaching – learning process?
 Project/problem based learning plans can have a significant impact on the teaching-
learning process. They encourage active learning, promote critical thinking skills, and
provide real-world relevance. With a shift in focus from teacher to student, these plans
make learning more student-centered and allow students to take ownership of their
learning, work collaboratively, and develop responsibility for their progress. By working
on real-world problems or projects, students can see the practical application of what
they have learned in the classroom. Overall, these plans can transform the teaching-
learning process by making it more engaging, effective, and meaningful for students.
How far have we gone
A. Identification
1. Project-based multimedia learning
2. Project-based learning
3. Instructional Planning
4. Lesson Planning

B. Reflection
Developing problem-based and project-based instructional plans is important because
it promotes active learning and student engagement. These approaches provide students with
opportunities to work collaboratively on real-world problems or projects that require them to
apply their knowledge and skills in a meaningful way. By engaging in hands-on activities,
students can see the practical application of what they have learned in the classroom, which
makes learning more relevant and engaging. Additionally, problem-based and project-based
instructional plans encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills,
which are essential for success in the 21st century. Overall, developing problem-based and
project-based instructional plans can transform the teaching-learning process by making it
more student-centered, active, and engaging, while also preparing students for the challenges
of the future.
Module 3
Lesson 1
1. What is your idea about the utilization of Microsoft word, spreadsheets, and publisher in the
teaching – learning process?
 The utilization of Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets, and Publisher can have a significant
impact on the teaching-learning process. Microsoft Word can be used to create
documents, such as lesson plans, worksheets, and assessments, which can be easily
shared with students and colleagues. Spreadsheets can be used to organize data and
perform calculations, which can be particularly useful in math and science classes.
Publisher can be used to create professional-looking materials, such as newsletters,
posters, and flyers, which can be used to communicate information and engage
students. By incorporating these tools into the teaching-learning process, teachers can
save time, increase efficiency, and enhance the learning experience for students.
Furthermore, students can also benefit from using these tools to complete assignments,
develop presentations, and collaborate with their peers. Overall, the utilization of
Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets, and Publisher can contribute to a more dynamic and
interactive teaching-learning process.
2. How Microsoft office does affects the preparation and implementation of teaching and
 Microsoft Office can have a significant impact on teaching and learning by providing a
range of tools for document creation, presentation, data analysis, collaboration, and
accessibility. Educators can use Microsoft Word to create visually appealing documents
like lesson plans and handouts. Microsoft PowerPoint can be used to create multimedia
presentations, while Excel can be used to analyze data and create graphs and charts.
Microsoft Office's accessibility features can also make it easier for students with
disabilities to access learning materials. Overall, Microsoft Office can enhance the
preparation and implementation of teaching and learning by providing a comprehensive
suite of tools that can help educators create engaging and effective educational content.
Lesson 2
1. What can you say about the various multimedia platforms that are applicable in the teaching –
learning process?
 The use of multimedia platforms in the teaching-learning process has become
increasingly popular in recent years, as it has been shown to enhance student
engagement and learning outcomes. There are various multimedia platforms that
educators can use, including video platforms like YouTube, and interactive platforms
like Kahoot and Nearpod. These platforms offer a range of benefits, such as the ability
to deliver information in a more engaging and interactive way, promote student
collaboration, and facilitate communication and feedback. However, it is important for
educators to be mindful of the potential distractions that can come with the use of
multimedia platforms and to use them in a way that supports their teaching goals and
objectives. Ultimately, the successful use of multimedia platforms in the teaching-
learning process requires careful planning, consideration of the needs of the learners,
and an understanding of the potential benefits and limitations of the platforms being
Lesson 3
1. Are you familiar with multimedia elements? What can you say about them?
 No, I am not familiar with multimedia elements. But as I scan the module I can say that
Multimedia elements refer to a variety of media formats that are used to convey
information, including text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements. These
elements can be used in various combinations to create engaging and interactive
learning experiences. I think the use of multimedia elements in teaching and learning
can enhance students' motivation and engagement, as well as their understanding and
retention of information. However, it is important to use multimedia elements
appropriately and effectively, considering the learning objectives, the intended
audience, and the available resources.
1. As a student, how did you utilize social networking sites in your studies?
 As a student I use social networking sites to connect with classmates, collaborate on
group projects, and share resources and information. I also use social networking sites
to participate in online discussions and forums related to their coursework or to follow
and engage with instructors and academic institutions. However, I always keep in mind
that it is important for us students to use social networking sites responsibly, avoiding
any distractions or negative impacts on their academic performance, and adhering to
school policies and guidelines.
2. As a future teacher, how did you utilize social networking sites in crafting your learning/lesson
 As a future educator, I have use social networking site through various ways like for
collaboration, communication, and sharing resources with other educators. For
instance, I joined a professional groups on Facebook, and Twitter where I was able to
network with other teachers in my subject area. I also use social media to keep up with
the latest educational trends and research, discover new teaching resources, and
gather inspiration for lesson ideas. Furthermore, I was also able to incorporate social
media activities into my lessons, such as creating class blogs and using facebook to
engage my students in discussions related to course topics. By leveraging social
networking sites in my teaching practice, I was able to enhance my lesson planning and
promote more engaging and interactive learning experiences for my learners.

Lesson 5
1. Do you own a mobile phone? If yes, how does it affects your daily life? If no, how do you cope
up with society’s demands?
 Yes, I do have mobile phone. Mobile phones have become an integral part of my daily
life, offering a range of benefits and conveniences such as staying connected with my
family and friends, accessing information and entertainment on the go, and even
performing tasks like online shopping and banking. However, I must say that my
excessive use of mobile phones leads me to negative effects such as distraction,
decreased productivity, and even addiction. Therefore, it is important for individuals to
use their mobile phones in a balanced and responsible manner, and to prioritize face-to-
face interactions and other activities that promote physical and mental well-being.
How far have we gone
A. Enumeration
Direction: Give what is asked. Write your answers in your respective answer sheets.
1. What are the different multimedia tools that can be used in the teaching – learning
2. List down the elements of multimedia.
3. Enumerate the various Microsoft offices that can be helpful in preparing learning plans.

B. Application
Direction: From the lesson plan you created in the previous module, create an instructional
material using productivity software applications or any multimedia tools (you can either create
your own video discussing your lesson or use animations, pictures, and the like). Make sure to
be creative enough in doing the task. Good luck!

C. Discussion
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia in education.
 Multimedia has become an increasingly important tool in education, offering a range of
advantages and disadvantages to both teachers and students. On the one hand,
multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive simulations can help to
capture students' attention and make learning more interesting and engaging. This can
lead to enhanced motivation and increased retention of information, as visual and
auditory cues can reinforce concepts and improve recall. Additionally, multimedia
resources can be accessed online and remotely, allowing students to learn at their own
pace and from any location with an internet connection. On the other hand, the use of
multimedia in education can also have some drawbacks. For example, the cost of
creating or accessing multimedia resources can be prohibitive for some schools or
individuals. Furthermore, excessive use of multimedia elements can lead to distractions
and decreased attention spans, and there is a risk of relying too heavily on these tools
at the expense of other important learning experiences. Overall, while multimedia has
the potential to enhance the teaching and learning process, it is important for educators
to use these tools in a balanced and responsible manner, taking into account the unique
needs and learning styles of their students.

Module 4
Lesson 1
1. In your own opinion, what is human or nonhuman learning resources and/or instructional
 In my opinion, instructional materials refer to any resources, tools, or aids that are
designed to support and enhance the teaching and learning process. These can include
traditional materials such as textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets, as well as more
modern resources such as online courses, interactive software, and multimedia
presentations. Instructional materials can serve a variety of purposes, from providing
students with the necessary knowledge and skills to complete a task, to facilitating
discussions and fostering critical thinking skills.
2. Were you able to come across a specific instructional material? Where and how?
 Yes I’ve already seen an instructional materials, at school and also in some educational
websites, through my instructors and the internet.

Lesson 2
1. Can you cite at least five (5) technology tools? List it below.
 Zoom - a video conferencing tool that allows users to hold virtual meetings and
 Google Classroom - a learning management system that enables teachers to create
and manage online classes and assignments
 Kahoot - a game-based learning platform that allows educators to create and host
interactive quizzes and assessments
 Padlet - an online bulletin board that enables users to collaborate and share information
in a visually engaging way
 Scratch - a block-based programming language and online community that allows
students to create and share interactive stories, games, and animations
Lesson 3
1. Give at least two words that would best describe a good instructional material and explain why
you choose those words.
 Clarity and Relevance are two words that would best describe a good instructional
 Clarity is important because instructional materials should be easy to understand and
use. They should present information in a clear and concise manner, using language
and graphics that are appropriate for the target audience. Clarity can help ensure that
learners are able to comprehend and retain the information being presented, and can
reduce confusion or misunderstandings.
 Relevance is also important because instructional materials should be aligned with the
learners' needs and goals. They should be designed with the specific learning
objectives in mind, and should be relevant to the learners' experiences and interests.
Relevance can help engage learners and motivate them to learn, as they can see the
practical application of the knowledge and skills being presented.

Lesson 4
1. What is your idea about universal design for learning?
 I think Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that
emphasizes the importance of designing instruction and learning experiences that are
accessible and inclusive for all learners.

How far have we gone

A. Enumeration
Direction: Give what is asked. Write your answers in your respective answer sheets.
1. What are the common instructional materials used in the teaching – learning
2. List down the various technology tools to engage students in the classroom.
3. What are the different characteristics of good instructional materials?

B. Application
Direction: From the lesson plan you created in the previous module, create an original
instructional material like charts, flash cards, pictures, video presentation or any other type of
IMs or technology tools. Be creative enough in doing the activity.

C. Reflection
Direction: Create a reflection on the importance of instructional materials and technology tools
in teaching especially now that we are under the new normal scheme of education.

The new normal scheme of education has made instructional materials and technology
tools more important than ever in teaching. As we adapt to the challenges of remote and
hybrid learning, these resources have enabled educators to create engaging and interactive
learning experiences that can be accessed from anywhere. Digitized instructional materials,
learning management systems, video conferencing software, and collaboration platforms have
all played a critical role in facilitating communication and collaboration among students and
teachers. By leveraging these resources, educators can implement the principles of Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) and create personalized learning experiences that cater to the
diverse needs and preferences of their students. Ultimately, instructional materials and
technology tools are key to ensuring continuity of education and providing students with the
tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

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