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REVIEW Volume 8 | Issue 1 | June, 2017 | 116-136 e ISSN–2231–6418

DOI: 10.15740/HAS/ARJSS/8.1/116-136 Visit us : www.researchjournal.co.in

A study of parliamentary and Presidential form of

Government, recent trends in the Indian system of
Government and problems faced by the Indian Judicial
Shriya Singh* and Mukund Sarda1
Department of Law, New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), PUNE (M.S.) INDIA
Faculty of Law, New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), PUNE (M.S.) INDIA


Received : 04.03.2017 The article studies the oldest forms of Government in the world i.e. Parliamentary and
Accepted : 28.05.2017 Presidential form of Government. The article elaborates various features of both the
KEY WORDS : forms. In addition to this, the article also brings about some light on the recent trends
in the Indian system of Governance detailing its various aspects. Throuhout the research
Parliamentary, Presidential, Indian
various cases have been discussed which elaborates the evolution of judicial system
system of Government, Indian Judicial
of problems faced by the Indian judiciary in keeping trhe complexity of the largest
democracy of the world.
Singh, Shriya and Sarda, Mukund (2017).
A study of parliamentary and Presidential
form of Government, recent trends in the
Indian system of Government and
problems faced by the Indian Judicial
System. Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8 (1) : 116-
136, DOI: 10.15740/HAS/ARJSS/8.1/
*Author for correspondence

INTRODUCTION Practices in Parliamentary form of Government:

The powers are distributed between the three organs
The parliamentary and presidential form of of the state in the parliamentary form of government.
government is two most famous kind of governance forms The parliament is supreme. The parliament is answerable
in the world. USA has a presidential form of government. to the people. In this system of governance the head of
India has a parliamentary form of government. Both kinds the state is not the same person who is the head of the
of government have their own merits as well as demerits. government. The countries with parliamentary form of
The following is the description of the two forms of government can be either: Constitutional Monarchies or
government. Parliamentary Republics.



The modern system of parliamentarian system finds The residuary power vests with the Executive
its origin to 1707 – 1800 in the Great Britain. The Branch of the government. In this kind of system the
parliamentary system can be with a bicameral legislature executive is more responsible to the legislature. The
or unicameral legislature. Bicameral means two houses. council of ministers has a collective responsibility
Unicameral means one house. towards the each other. Without giving any reasons the
The parliamentary form of government can be prime minister has the power to remove any minster from
further divided into two Types: the office for the same.
– Westminster System. The essential Features of parliamentary form of
– Consensus System. government will be:
The Westminster form of government can be seen – Presence of nominal head in the government.
mostly in the Common wealth of Nations. This kind of – Close nexus between the executive and
system is believed to have a more adversarial fashion of legislature.
debates and discussions and parliamentary sessions. For – Accountability of the executive.
the purpose of elections the elections are either single – Collective responsibility.
transferable vote, instant runoff voting, proportional – Leadership of prime Minister.
representation and plurality voting system. Some also Smooth Functioning, Quick Decision Making,
use the Proportional representation system. The western Flexible System, Open Administration are some of the
European countries have Dualism as form of Separation advantages of this system of government. The closeness
of Power. between the executive and the legislature helps in the
India is also one of the Commonwealth Nations. smooth running of the country. If the party is in majority
The countries which were once a colony of the British without any kind of alliances then the decisions can be
rule is called as the Commonwealth of Nations. In India taken smoothly and quickly. In the Indian Constitution,
the legislature and the executive are interconnected to the constituent Assembly had proposals to incorporate
each other. The period of emergency during the time of the doctrine in the constitution, but they did not accept
Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the turning point which forced them. As the doctrine was absolutely rigid for provisions
the thinkers to re think if the parliamentary form of of the constitution. The constitution did not make any
government is the best form of government. absolute or rigid division of functions among the three
India adopted this kind of government during the branches of the state. Often the Legislative and the
1947 as it was very much familiar with this kind of Judicial functions are given to the Executive. There is a
government. The drafters of the constitution of India were functional separation in the constitution.
greatly influenced by the English system of governance. The Executive power of the union and the State is
Since India was a land of several varied groups it was vested in the president and the Governors of the states.
important that each of the group has a representation so The president is the head of the Executive branch.. He
they do not feel left out. The presidential form of exercises his powers on the aid and advice of his prime
government was rejected was there was too exclusiveness Minister and his council of Ministers. The supreme court
in the functioning of Executive and Legislature. Which is the highest court of appeal. The constitution recognizes
may further result in conflicts in the country. the three fold functional division of governmental
Under the parliamentary form of government the powers. Article 50 expressly requires the state to apply
head of the state is the President nominally while the the Doctrine of independence of Judiciary form the
prime minister is the real head of the state. There are Executive as a sign of Efficient Government.
several powers given to the president but he merely gets Even the implementation of the changes does not
a chance to exercise them. The real powers are exercised become an issue in the parliament. Since this kind of
by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. government if flexible in nature they adapt to changes
Since India has a partial separation of powers between quickly.
the executive as well as the legislature, so they are not In this kind there can be certain drawback of system
totally independent of each other. They are mutually as well, like Absolute Majority, Politicization Of
dependent on each other. Administration, Unsuitable For Multi-Party system,

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Emergencies and Mal- Administration. The hence compromises and a balancing of interests would
parliamentary form becomes a virtual dictatorship if the result.
party is in majority. Also they sometimes tend to become The framers of the constitution of United States have
autocratic in their actions also. They sometimes also tend strictly adhered to the doctrine of Separation Of Powers.
to have more politics than the welfare of the people. The drafters of the Constitution intended to have the
Parliamentary system has no qualifications to deal with balance of powers which can be attained by checks and
situations like Emergencies etc. balances between separate organs of government. The
The men drafters of constitutions were people of pure doctrine of the Separation of Powers had to be
practical and political experiences and it was their modified as it was not able to cope up with the changing
practical expedient that they opted the doctrine of the dimensions of states responsibilities and changing in the
Separation of Powers. But they did not believe in the complex politico-economic problems of democratic
air-tight separation that the doctrine of separation of socials. The doctrine is difficult to implement in the strict
power. They wanted to avoid the concentration of power form as it will be impracticable.
in any one department of government, as supported by Separation of powers finds its origin in the draft of
the doctrine, as that would enable that departments or 1789 constitution of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
organs to become autocratic. This end could best be The powers of the government are vested in three organs
achieved not by a theoretical application of the pure form of the government. The American system also accepts
of separation of power among the three organs of the separation of power as for Authority. It means that no
government. But by a judicious mixing, blending and person should hold office in more than one of three
overlapping of powers which would let them have a check branches of government. Section 6, Article 1 specially
and balance on the other branches and avoid the says that, “No person shall be a member of either House
tyrannical tendencies of the others. It is clear that the during his convenience in office who is holding any office
framers never intended to apply the doctrine in its strictest under the United States.” It is clear from the practice.
form. If they actually intended to adopt the doctrine they Robert Kennedy resigned as Attorney General in order
would have done it by applying it in its totality. to become senator to become Secretary of Defense. Byron
White resigned from Assistant Attorney General in order
Practice in Presidential form of Government : to become a Justice of the Supreme Court. Arthur
The presidential system is that form of government Goldberg by resigning the post of Justiceships of the
where the head of government is also act as the head of Supreme Court to become U.S Ambassador.
states, not only this but he also leads the executive branch However, the American Constitution opted for a
which is separated from legislative branch. The United diluted version of the Separation Of Powers. A plain
States of America has a presidential system. The reading of the American Constitution of 1789 reveals
legislature may have the right, in rare most cases, to that this does not formulate doctrinaire or prohibitive
dismiss the executive through impeachment. idea of the Separation of Powers. Further Holmes J. made
In the Presidential form of government the executive it clear that distinction between Legislative and Executive
is led by the President. In this form of government the actions cannot be carried out with mathematical
President act both as the head of the state and also the precision. Neither can it be divided into watertight
head of the government. In this form of government the compartments nor is it desirable to do so.
President takes up the charge in his own capacity rather President has always been an active member in the
than acting on the aid and advice of the Cabinet, as in political processes. Although their level of participation
the form of Parliamentary Form of Government. The will depend upon the legislature in majority. It is difficult
President is elected directly by the people. The President to make policies in the presidential form of government
s also the supreme commander of the Army and also has as there will be slow responses. But the presidential form
the power to carry on the Foreign Policies. of government is proved more efficient in larger
From gaining complete control of the government. countries. The president is always in a dominant position
It was hoped that by making each branch accountable to in this type of government. But this does not mean that
different groups a variety of interests would be reflected the separation of power is totally neglected or discarded.

118 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

The process of impeachment by the Legislative body government are:

may be termed as judicial function. But it does forms a – President is the real head.
part of the system of checks and balances which is – Separation of power.
peculiar trend. The three branches of the government are – Ministers are accountable to the President.
not at all totally isolated from one another. Each of it has People directly elect the President. So the congress
a sufficiently engraved system of checks and balances as well as the president is not a part of the legislature.
so that whenever required they can check each other. Neither have they held the offices like monarchs. They
The congress may keep checks on other departments in become accountable to the people and not to the
many ways in which it alone may propose. The house legislature. The powers of the president are very real
has the power to impeach and the senate will try the though the exercise of it varies greatly with the
impeachment proceedings of Executive and Judicial personality of the President, and it is the presidents
officers. This is how their removal from the office is done. business to execute the Laws passed by Congress, in its
The Congress through legislation establishes, regulate, legislation he can and does influence the actions of
limit or abolish inferior courts and Executive governing Congress. When he gives his speech he influences the
body. The Congress acts as a treasury for all. The Senate congress up to a greater extent. Even the president has
has the power control the Executive and the courts. The no powers to dissolve the congress. The independence
executive can also reject the nomination of the President. of judiciary can be clearly seen. So a system of checks
Congress may refuse the bill to pass which president and balances can be seen in the residential form of
requires passing. government. The doctrine did not give the Supreme Court
The congress has the power to limit the appellate the power to decide political questions, because it wanted
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Similarly, there are to avoid interference with the exercise of power of the
other ways through which other branches might be executive. The power to override judicial reviews was
checked by the president. The president has the power not given to Supreme Court. The president has the right
to veto through which he can keep a check on the to co-exercise the powers of the congress through his
congress. But this veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote. vetoes. The president also exercises the law making
He can keep a check on the courts though his power to power through his treaty making decisions. When the
appoint judges. president appoints the judges it can be seen as hindering
Similarly, the courts can check the other departments with the judicial decisions also.
by interpreting and applying acts of congress and treaties The presidential form of government has its own
of the United States. This gives them the power to have merits and demerits. More Democratic, Stability and
a check on both congress and the president. The courts Continuity of Government, People Choose President,
may also declare acts of congress to be unconstitutional More Efficient in Working, Prompt Decisions, Best Deals
and thus prevent enforcement. The courts also control with Emergencies, More Suitable for Multi-Party System
Executive and administrative actions though entertaining and More Unity Can Be Seen are some of the merits of
suits and issuing court orders against public officers. the presidential form of government.
Presidential form of government cannot be treated The powers of executive include veto over the bills,
as a sufficient cause for the failure of democracy. The making of treaties appointments of judges and other
presidential system has its own ways to keep checks on official. But the chief function of executive remains to
each other. There is less danger of oppression in the be the enforcement of law. The president, executive head,
presidential form of government. Since the president is is the commander- in- chief of the military. He also has
elected directly is it is easy to make him accountable. pardoning powers. The judiciary has the power to
Even in the presidential form of government people interpret the laws in federal cases and try them. There is
can be called as sovereign authority. The powers of the a system of checks and balances by the legislative and
state are limited. The president holds the office for a fixed judiciary so that the executive does not exceeds its ambit
term. The other procedure to remove the president is of work. The legislative power includes the law making
through impeachment. power establishment of lower federal courts and
The basic Features of a Presidential form of enactment of all federal laws. The powers regarding

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president is overriding of Presidential veto and the Legislative and the judicial functions are given to
impeachment of president. The checks and balances are the Executive. There is a functional separation in the
done by the executive and judiciary so that there is no constitution. The Executive power of the union and the
hindrance with the rights of the people. The additional State is vested in the president and in the Governors of
power vested with the courts is declaring any law or the states. The president is the head of the Executive
executive action as unconstitutional. The checks and branch. He exercises his powers on the aid and advice of
balance system by the executive and legislative works in his prime Minister and his council of Ministers. The
the same way. Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal. The
The framers of the constitution of United States have constitution recognizes the three fold functional division
strictly adhered to the doctrine of Separation of Powers. of governmental powers. Article 50 expressly requires
The drafters of the Constitution intended to have the the state to apply the Doctrine of independence of
balance of powers which can be completed by checks Judiciary form the Executive as a sign of Efficient
and balances between separate organs of government. Government
The pure doctrine of the Separation of Powers had to be Although there have been controversies that the
modified as it was not able to cope up with the changing presidential form of government is not much appreciation
dimensions of states responsibilities and changing in the to this form and is seen mostly in United States Of
complex politico-economic problems of democratic America, it is important to note that every form has their
socials. In the strict form it is very difficult to apply the own merits and demerits. They have been running since
doctrine as it will be impracticable. a longer time. As a matter of fact they still run with all
The doctrine of separation of power that attracted the glory and success.
the framers of U.S. constitution was designed to prevent
the majority from being dictator. From their past Recent trends in The Doctrine under the Indian
experiences, the framers wanted to be sure that no new system :
government has too much power, rather a system of The doctrine of Separation Of Powers is a strict
checks and balances. Article 1 of the constitution provide and absolute doctrine. But it has been modified to meet
for a legislative comprising of the house and the senate. the challenges of different societies. The Indian
Article 2 provides for the executive, which includes the Parliamentary system has its own systems of
President, the Vice-president and the departments. Article modifications. From the “Pure Doctrine” of the
3 provides for the judiciary comprising of the federal Separation of Powers there is a little divergence and even
courts and the Supreme Court. With a system of checks the American model has made a lot of modifications.
and balances each branch has their own powers and their We have adopted the doctrine from the constitution of
own ambit. The system of checks and balances was America. The modifications have been made due to
designed rather than evolved by an accident. This system changes in the present day requirements in which
makes each branch accountable and responsible to each isolation of the organs will not work. The system of
other, which helps any of the branches from becoming checks and balances have been established to prevent
dominant. the government from becoming Despotic.
Conflicts and deadlock, absence of accountability The following heads will discuss the latest
to people, rigidity, weak foreign policy can be termed as application of the doctrine of separation of power in The
some of the demerits of this form of government. This Indian Parliamentary set up:
form of government is less accountable to people as
compared to the parliamentary form of government. In Accountability of Executive to Parliament :
the Indian Constitution, the constituent Assembly had The Indian parliament has been facing challenges
proposals to incorporate the doctrine in the constitution, regarding the accountability of executive to the
but they did not accept them. As the doctrine was parliament. It is believed that the decline in the
absolutely rigid for provisions of the constitution. The effectiveness is caused by the lack of accountability of
constitution did not make any absolute or rigid division the executive to the legislature. Globalization has also
of functions among the three branches of the state. Often eroded the powers of the parliament. Firstly the economic

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decisions are taken keeping in mind the global parliamentary form of government which means that the
prospective. Secondly by the restructuring of the Parliament is supreme. Certain provisions gives
regulatory framework which has to be given to a lot of parliament to have a control over the government. The
non elected institutions. The weakness of the Indian council of ministers are collectively responsible to the
Parliament has also give a slow pace to the formation Rajya Sabha as per Article 75(3). According to this article
and implementation of legislations. Even the political individual minister is accountable for his respective
leaders do not have the caliber of person who should be department. For the executive to declare emergency at
entering the parliament. The lack in their educational and the state level, the power is subjected to parliamentary
professional background has affected the executive control.
negatively. Although the constitution of India has always For the money matters it is important to obtain grant
aimed at the democratic accountability it has to some from the Lok Sabha for which the government has to
extent lagged behind in parliamentary accountability. show the need and spending amount. It is evident with
Looking at the recent past India has widened the scope the present working of the executive and the legislature
of democratic participation to a greater extent. India has that the executive has a control over the parliament and
also gained a lot of significance in the economic area. not vice versa. Also there is a lack of accountability on
India always had a bicameral legislature. India also has the part of executive.
a concept of universal adult franchise. The Lok Sabha The Democratic theory provides that since power
and the Rajya Sabha are the two houses where as the generates from the people within the government, each
members of Lok Sabha are directly elected but this kind level of the Executive authority is accountable to next,
of election is more of a favoritism banned the actual running on up to the cabinet or the president. The
assessment of the work of the leaders. The authority in Executive authority is accountable to the legislature. The
accountability of parliament is limited by the system of three important conditions which determines the
checks and balances exercised by the other organs. There effectiveness of the Legislative control over
was a time when there was a perfect balance between administrative actions. First of all, as a matter of principle
the legislature and the executive but the two organs now legislatures can be effective in its control over the
have been losing this balance lately. Executive only in proportion to the strength and appeal
Although parliament is not the supreme authority to the electorate, expects that someday it would have a
but it has been controlling the other two organs either chance to a cabinet of the future.
directly or indirectly. In India the will of the people is There is an opposition party which tends to work as
embodied the parliament, so it is the duty of the a barrier for the present government if they try to act
parliament that the people are their prime importance. despotic. Not only this but the strength and quality of
The executive accountability will ensure the public public opinion also affects the functioning of the
character of the organ and also will prove that there is no parliament. Strong opinion of public which supports the
despotism or corruption or any other kind of inappropriate legislature can effectively retain Executive and
behaviour. administrative action. Public opinion controls the
The accountability will also promote performance Executive both through independent expression of
leading to setting standards and norms which are opinion on public issues, supporting or opposing the
important for the public welfare. The accountability of legislature in its attitude towards the Executive and also
the executive will also lead to easy access to the during the time of elections by choosing such people who
government. The three organs have to work in co- would be honest and fearless in criticizing actions of the
ordination with each other for the smooth running of the Government. Moreover, the effectiveness of Legislative
country. The council of ministers is accountable to the control over the Executive also depends upon the devices
parliament for their actions, but there is no legal duty on and procedures installed by the legislature in carrying
the parliament to enforce the accountability to the out its functions to meet the changing needs of the modern
executive. A good responsible government always society.
follows the guiding principles of the constitution. Groups in the Parliament of India and the state
The constitution of India speaks about the legislature are such that they cannot end winding counter

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weight to the powerful Executive. So, in the matter of typically possess both legislative and judicial powers.
power the role of the parliamentary party assumes special The legislative power gives this administrative
significance. The control of parliament is weakened up adjudicatory body an authority to issue regulations,
to a great extent because of the incapability of the whereas the judicial power gives this administrative
opposition to present a complete, effective and adjudicatory body an authority to adjudicate cases. The
constructive challenge to the party in power. current distinction was not made historically between
The efficiency of parliament lies in its mastery of adjudication in courts of law and within administrative
details and the unwinding attention it pays to aspects of agencies.
implementation of policy. It has no voice in the laying Administrative courts mostly work for determining
down of policy except in so far as its work is influenced the rights of the individuals against other individuals and
by the majority party. But its control can be more effective their duties. They also entertain the cases that are against
if the members are alert to the way the policies are the government. This function mainly distinguishes
introduced and implemented and point out competence administrative tribunals from civil courts. The
to understand the contents of policy over them administrative tribunals are having the power to assess
accordingly on the floor of the house. various penalties, like forfeiture of licenses for violating
a statutory or administrative regulation. Many
Administrative pronouncements : administrative bodies are not vested with adjudicative
Administrative Adjudication is the process by which powers and they must proceed through the regular courts
an administrative agency issues an affirmative, negative, of law for civil or criminal sanctions.
inactive or declaratory order. The formal proceedings Adjudication can also be in the competitions, like it
before an administrative agency adopt the process of can also be the process, at dancing competitions, in
rulemaking or adjudication. In recent times, the television, game shows and at other competitive forums,
administration has obtained powers of adjudication over according to which competitors are evaluated and ranked
disputes between itself and private individuals inter alia, and a winner is found. But we are talking about the
and has emerged with a plethora of tribunals. The Adjudication in the legal terms which is a legal procedure
administration has secured detailed powers to grant, to resolve a dispute. The academic giving or uttering of
refuse or revoke licenses, impose sanctions and take a judgment or decree in a proceeding of court, also the
actions of various kinds in its discretion or subjective judgment or decision given. The entry of the decree by a
satisfaction. Proceeding to this, it has been given vast court in respect to the parties involved in the case. It
powers of inquiry, analysis, investigation, search and implies a hearing by a court, after a notice of legal
relinquishment and surveillance. evidence on the factual issue involved. The equivalent
For determination of major policies a Legislative of a determination which indicates that the claims of all
body is best suited in the given setup, but it also lacks the parties thereto have been considered and set at rest.
time, technique and expertise to handle it. Therefore, the Adjudication is a process by which an arbiter or
legislature has to be satisfied by laying down broad a judge analysis evidence and disputation, including
policies and leave the rest to the administration, thus has legal reasoning set forth by opposition parties
resulted in delegated legislation. In support of this, or offender to come to a decision which determines rights
administrative adjudication has arisen largely because and obligations between the parties involved in it. Three
of the multitude of cases arising for adjudication under types of disputes are resolved through adjudication:
the modern legislation that need to be decided sweepingly Disputes between the private parties, which may be
without much formal and technical delays, and with the individuals or corporations, disputes between the private
special persons with the specialized skills. The courts parties and public officials and public bodies or public
are not in a position to fulfill these conditions and so the officials.
administrative tribunals have come into picture. Another point of difference between administrative
Administrative adjudication is the power of an tribunals and regular courts is nature of subject matter.
administrative agency of judicial powers which have been The subject matter of an administrative tribunal is a single
given to them by a legislative body. These Agencies economic activity, or a set of densely related economic

122 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

activities, or specific benefits conferred by government. J. observed that: “Neither we are in the mood to condone
The administrative tribunals are mostly the quasi judicial willful procrastination nor suffer wanton stagnation in
bodies. They are established either through a law or by administration in obeying order of courts as a ground
any act of delegation by the legislature to executive. The for default. The law does not respect lazy bosses nor
executive has a jurisdiction over the administrative cheeky evaders. Nevertheless, behaving in a pragmatic
tribunals. manner and taking into consideration on the paper
Administrative adjudication has been gaining a lot logged procedure, millions of people and miles of red
of importance in the recent past. It is a new branch of tape in governmental functioning, the court stressed that
law that finds its origin in the Droit Administratiff of contempt power must be used sparingly if it is conceived
France. Administrative law has gained its importance in that there has been willful defiance or disobedience.
the whole world. Administrative law deals with the Court has now developed the concept of ‘Continuous
principles that govern the governmental agencies both Mandamus’ to monitor compliance of its direction.”
of the state or union as well as that of the federal. The The Judicial Review has been controlling the powers
basic aim is to see that the government acts within its of the government over the years. It has acted as a
limits of jurisdiction. They should not violate the rights controlling mechanism so that the government does not
of the people. Administrative law is one of the branch of become autocratic. It is necessary to control the
Public law. This branch of law was popularised in the government because otherwise it will be hindering the
20th Century. The administrative law has been an outcome rights of the people. The welfare of the people is the
of the socio-economic functions of the state that have prime aim of the people.
been increasing at a very fast pace. Due to this reason As we have a written constitution, there have been
there has been an increase in the administrative functions several situations when it had become necessary to decide
as well as powers. whether Acts passed by the parliament had adversely
affected the fundamental rights guaranteed under the
Judicial review : Constitution. In this context the principle of judicial
The countries with common law system have the review has played a very important role.
method of judicial review, which is embodied in their Judicial review is the doctrine under which actions
constitutions or any source of the same. Any law which of legislative and executive are subject to review by
is passed by the legislature or executive, the power to the judiciary. With a judicial review power a court may
review that law is vested in the High Courts and Supreme overrule laws and decisions that are inappropriate with
Court. It is important as it the measure through which a higher authority, such as the terms of a written
legislative and executive remains under the surveillance. constitution. In the separation of powers the term is one
The system of the checks and balances has made it easy of the checks and balances: the power of the judiciary to
so that they can check other branches. administer the legislative and executive branches when
For the judicial review of legislations The Indian the latter exceed their authority. The agenda and scope
Constitution has some provisions. This concept has taken of judicial review may differ between and within
from the constitution of United States Of America. which countries because the doctrine varies between
makes the judiciary empower to make decisions and jurisdictions.
review the laws passed by the legislature. If any part of Civil law and Common law are two distinct but
the legislation is in coercion with the constitution of India parallel legal systems in the context of which the term
then it can also be rendered as unconstitutional. Judicial review can be appreciated, and also by two
This power conferred on the Judiciary has a lot of distinct theories of democracy with reference to the
significance as it has to deal directly with people and manner in which government should be formulated with
protect the rights of people against the tyranny of the respect to the principles and doctrines of the separation
other two organs. It is however important to see that the of powers and legislative supremacy.
procedure of judicial review forms a part of the system One more reason why the judicial review should be
of checks and balances. understood in the situation of both the development of
In Union Of India v. Satish Chandra1, Krishna Iyer, two distinct legal systems(common law and civil law)

Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136 123


and two theories of democracy (legislative supremacy legal principles that are no longer lawful. Who apply the
and separation of powers) is that some countries don’t law are seen as judges, having no power to destroy legal
have any type of judicial review of the primary legislation principles according to the tradition of civil law. Not only
with common law systems. Still in the United Kingdom this but the idea of separation of powers is also a different
a common law system is presented, the country still has theory about how the government of a democratic society
a strong attachment to the idea of legislative supremacy; should be organized. In comparison with the legislative
consequently, judges do not have the power to shoot down supremacy, Montesquieu was the first to introduced the
primary legislation in the United Kingdom. idea of separation of powers.
Nonetheless, there has been tension between united In Marbury v. Madison2 case the Supreme Court
kingdom’s propensity toward legislative supremacy and ruled under the court of John Marshall in the United
the EU’s legal system since the United Kingdom became States. “The Separation of powers is based on the idea
a member of European Union, which categorically according to which, without any due process of law no
provides the power of judicial review to the Court of wing of government should be able to drill power over
Justice of the European Union. any other branch, there should be a check on power with
The courts is granted to review administrative acts each branch of the government, so that it could check
by the most modernized legal systems (individual the other branches of government, thus creating a
decisions of a public body, such as a decision to assist a bureaucratic balance among all the branches of the
subsidy or to withdraw a permit of residence). In most government. checks and balances is a key to this idea.
of the systems, review of secondary legislation are also On the powers of the other two branches of the
included (legally enforceable rules of general government by the judiciary, judicial review is treated
appropriateness approved by administrative bodies). as a key check in the US.”
Some countries, markedly France and Germany, have Regarding judicial review, along with the societies
enforced a system of administrative courts which are based on common law and those underscoring the
charged with resolving disputes between administration doctrine, differences in constructing such democratic
and the members of the public. In other countries societies led to different views being the most likely to
counting the United States and the United Kingdom, the utilize judicial review. Still, many countries, whose legal
judicial review carried out by the regular civil courts, systems are stationed on the idea of legislative supremacy,
although it may be assigned to specialized panels within have learned the possible dangers and limitations of
these courts. assigning power absolutely to the legislative branch of
The United States employed a mixed system in the government. To branch the tyranny of the majority
which the district courts of the United States review some with the civil law system many countries have adopted a
administrative decisions, some decisions are directly form of judicial review.
reviewed by the courts of appeals of the United States
and the specialized tribunals like the United States Court Nullification of Judicial decisions :
of Appeals, for Veterans Claims which is not technically All the organs of the government get their powers
part of the federal judicial branch despite its name, review from the constitution. To enact laws the legislature has
other decisions . It is quite common that such preliminary residuary power. Articles 245 and 246 of our constitution
conditions like a complaint to the authority must be read with three lists of 7th Schedule distributes the
fulfilled before a request for judicial review of an Legislative powers between the state legislatures and the
administrative act filed with a court. In most of the parliament both territorially and on the basis of subject
countries, the courts apply such special procedures in matters. Within the sphere allotted to the legislature, it is
administrative cases. supreme.
Civil law and common law are the two distinct legal The legislature can enjoy the constitution power of
systems of the starting, which have contrasting views making laws both eventually and retrospectively. The
about judicial review. The Common law judges are seen legislature enacted the law, the defects are identified by
as sources of law, skilful in innovating new legal the Judiciary. Then it is legislature again which amends
principles, not only this but also experienced in rejecting the law and abolishes defects pointed out by Judiciary.

124 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

Validating laws can also be passed by it. The power of related idea of interposition is a theory that when the
legislature to validate invalid laws by making federal government enacts laws a state has the right and
retrospective enactments has been admitted by the the duty to arbitrate itself that the state believes to be
Supreme Court. If a law is not valid for the reason that unconstitutional. The theories of nullification and
without Legislative competence the legislature has passed interposition was boosted by Thomas Jefferson and James
it and action is taken under its provisions, if the Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in
subsequent law passed by the same legislature then the 1798.
said action can be validated, after it is covered with the In a verdict that could influence the pending inter-
necessary Legislative power. The power to validate an state water disputes, the Supreme Court ruled that
invalidate law is a also included with the power to make Parliament and Assemblies have no power to enact laws
laws. By changing the basis of decision retrospectively that abolish the judicial verdicts based on facts and
the legislature can abolish the effect of a decision. The findings. Because of this pretension of power, legislature
courts have maintained distinction between two sorts of has no power to neutralize the effect of any judgment
Legislative abolition of judicial decision; first of all which is given after scrutinising the facts by means of
abolishing the effect of a judicial decision by changing evidence or materials placed by the parties before the
law retrospectively and then, making encroachment with court of law.
judicial process. The former is allowed but the latter is The Supreme Court has acknowledged that the
not. However, during the emergency of 1975, when most legislature has the power to make judicial decisions as
of the dissenters were interned and truncated parliament ineffective by enacting a law which validates the
mutilated the constitution through various constitutional legislative field by fundamentally altering or changing
amendments, the possibility of abuse of power no longer the character even retrospectively.
remained imaginary. The Supreme Court itself faced that This power has not much application where a
reality in Indira Gandhi case, where Iyer. J., held that judicial decision has been given by recording the finding
she could not vote in parliament or perform any such of facts. A Judicial decision, which of the matter by giving
duty which was associated with her membership of findings upon the facts, should not be changed by
parliament. Hence, the promulgation of emergency in legislature. A final judgment should operate and remain
1975 came soon after the above decision of the Supreme in force until it is altered by the court in appropriate
Court. After the promulgation, the Gandhi government proceedings.
enacted a number of constitutional amendments. But the Thus, judicial review is a weapon to check whether
constitutional harmony between the legislature and the Legislative and Executive are in their ambit of work
Judiciary is fundamental for constitutional peace and or not. It is important to keep them in check as it will be
good government. it is not enough in the constitutional leading to chaos and confusions. This will also lead to
law to separate the two “In water-tight compartments”. them becoming autocratic. The character of the
Though the separation is no doubt necessary but what is government which is democratic should not be changed
more essential is an active and dynamic co-operation because of this to despotic. The framers of our
between the two. Constitution drafted it so flawlessly that it aims for an
The theory of abolition is based on a view that the independent and impartial Judiciary as the interpreter
States formed the Union by an agreement (or “compact”) custodian and guardian of the Constitution and also
among the States, and that as founder of the federal protector of the rights of the citizens by the process of
government, the final authority to determine the limits Judicial Review. This makes it mandatory for the
of the power of that government vested in the hands of Judiciary to interpret the laws but not to make them.
state. Under this, the compact theory, the States and not The Supreme Court is the apex court of the country. There
the federal courts are the eventual interpreters of the is a hierarchy of courts in India.
extent of the power of the federal government. Under There has been a lot of dissatisfaction regarding the
this theory, the States therefore may reject, or abolish, failure of Judiciary, it has been felt that an independent
federal laws that the States admit are beyond the machinery like the NJC which, would have helped in
constitutional powers of the federal government. The achieving the accountability which is much desirable

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these days. The suggestions that were made for a NJC Judicial accountability as sn exception :
formed the part of the Report of the Law Commission of Independence of the Judiciary is a one of the basic
India. structure of the Indian democracy as well as the
As Judiciary is one of the three crucial pillars of constitutional culture under this constitutional system
Indian democracy. Judiciary is the final interpreter of being equally important as the guarantee of the liberties
the Constitution of India and laws. It helps in maintaining which are given to every person in the country but are
the social order by dealing with the ones in the opposition kept in check by the judiciary. It is important to keep a
of the law. It has been an upholder of the Rule of Law check because this ensure lawfulness in the country.
and has enforced of the right to liberty, the role of the The three organs of the government – Legislature,
Judiciary is incomparable. The people have faith and Executive and Judiciary perform the three most important
confidence in the Judiciary. This is an evidence of the functions i.e. law making, enforcement of the law and
fact that the Judiciary has responded to the needs of the interpretation of the laws. The basic agenda behind this
hour. Justice is best accepted when it is much in the access is separation of powers. This brings accountability also
of the people. keeps the government in check and also the rights and
The Maintenance of the Rule of law is an important liberties guaranteed to us are safeguarded.
attribute of the judicial branch in every democracy. The The another principle that has been working with
Constitution of India sets out the noble objective of the separation or balance of power is the system of checks
securing justice of social, economic or political nature and balances. In simple words the principle of checks
to all the citizens of India. In ancient times too, the rule and balances means that no organ of the government
of law was more about the sustenance and holding should be have unchecked powers. The power of one
together the human society through the norms which are organ should be checked and balanced by the other two.
the moral command of the consensus. So in this way the balance is also achieved. In India the
If the poorest of the poor has an Access to justice executive is answerable and accountable to both
this would Mean Justice for All. An independent and legislature as well as the judiciary. Because of the anti-
compassionate judicial system is a must for a country defection law there has been a decrease in accountability.
which has a lot of poor citizens in the country. Article The parliament also is answerable and accountable to
39A of the Constitution provides for a free legal aid the people and also the other two branches.
service to all. This means that the one who is not in a Independence is an embankment of the rule of law.
position to afford the legal expenses must not be denied It is equally important that Judges should be independent
of the legal aid service. They should be able to have a in implementing law and rendering judicial decisions, if
fee access to the services of the lawyers. Voluntary efforts the law, which is to be applied to all citizens in the
by all those who are concerned with his provision are country, is equal to all. Judges can be subject to
required to make this provision a celebrated truth. It is intimidation and pressures from litigants, including
required to educate the people leally. Imparting the criminal element of society. Independence of judiciary
positive and good values in the young lawyers and is is accepted principle adopted by most of the democratic
important. The Legal Services Authorities Act was countries. With the history of judicial independence in
enacted in 1987 to give a static base to the uniform legal United Kingdom, United States the history of judicial
aid programmes in the country. The Judges have played independence in India has been provided.
an important role in enforcement of the Act. Provision Judges were appointed by the Crown before
of free legal service to the weaker sections would provide independence, yet they are independent from it. This
a strong impetus to the cause of ‘Justice for all. principle was taken seriously after independence and it
The Constitution in India is a written constitution. became a part of the Basic Structure of the Constitution,
The provisions are recorded in a single document. It can which cannot be amended. The independence of judiciary
be termed as Magana Carat of India. The Supreme Court is given by the Constitution to the judges of the Supreme
has been interpreting the importance of good government Court and the High Court will hold office till they attains
as enshrined in the Constitution of India continuously. 65 and 62 years of age. The parliament is authorized to
determine the privileges, allowance, leave and pension

126 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

of the judges of the Supreme Court. High qualifications the agency of courts, deals with the administration of
for the judges is prescribed by the constitution justice. Judges are the human stuff who presides over
President cannot remove any judge from his office the courts. They are not simply visible symbols of courts,
except upon the presentation of him of an address by in the flesh and blood they are actually their
both the houses of the parliament for such removal on representatives. The image of courts determined by the
the grounds of misbehavior and incapability. The manners in which judge’s discharge their duties and the
President of India appoints the judges of supreme court creditability of judicial system itself. From the ancient
and high court in consultation with the CJ of India and time the judges have been held in high venerate and
such judges of the supreme court and High Court as he revered as super humans in India but coming across recent
may deem necessary. The SC is also treated as the court incidents in Bihar represent that disheartened by the
of record. However many people have misused this failure to get justice (like killing of an under trial in the
independence and it has also been the reason for the court itself and execution a suspected thief to death),
growth of colossal power. The problem actually lies in faith of people in judiciary is going downward slowly
the understanding of the independence. It has to be and are taking law into their hands. This is highly
understood as independence from legislature and disastrous. A need absolutely is there to make judiciary
executive and not as independence from being accountable, because judiciary has to act as the guardian
accountable. The spirit of independence has been of our constitution so denigration of values is far more
captured very aptly, the independence of the Judiciary is dangerous in judiciary than in any other wing of the
not the property of Judiciary, but a commodity to be held government. Judicial accountability and liability of the
by the Judiciary in faith for the public. judges is an old concept. Several countries have already
The need for the independence of the Judiciary is provided for ensuring accountability of judiciary in their
essentially imminent. In order that the justices administer constitutions. This is to prevent concentration of power
justice freely, without any fear and favor, fairly, It is in the hands of a single organ of the state especially in
imperative that their tenure is not depend upon the countries where judicial activism interferes with and
pleasure of the president who is the appointing authority. ravage into the domain of other organs. But at the same
They are servant to the law not to the President. time oath of the office of every judge requires him to act
Therefore, their tenure has been made dependent upon without fear or favor judicial independence is a pre-
the pleasure of good behavior so that there is no internal requisite, closeness of ill-will and to vindicate the
consequence and this is secured by an express provision constitution and laws of the country
in the Indian Constitution that Judges of SC and of HC The only available mechanism, that is impeachment,
shall not be removable except by an address by both the is too impractical. The only way through which the
Houses of the Parliament to the president, passed by a members of the higher judiciary that are the Chief Justices
special majority and on the ground of proved misbehavior and Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts are
or disqualification. The independence of the Judiciary is accountable or can be removed is through impeachment
the basic and essential feature of the constitution. It is an according to the Indian Constitution. Many regard
integral part of our constitutional system and without impeachments as a failure, but before moving into that,
the rule of law would become an illusion and an is far-reaching to see the constitutional provisions. Under
impractical promise. Article 124(4), only on the grounds of proven
A democracy republic is one where the government misbehaviour or incapacity the process of impeachment
if of the people, for the people and by the people also is carried out. The Judges Inquiry Act 1968 says that a
because of the democracy they also become answerable complaint against a judge is to be made by a resolution
to the people. The accountability includes not only the signed either by 100 members of the Lok Sabha or by
politicians, but everybody who are called as public the 50 members of the Rajya Sabha to their respective
servants like the bureaucrats, judges and everyone in presiding officers. Comprising two judges one from
whom the power is vested. The person who has been Supreme Court there is a three member committee
assigned some power by the government becomes including Chief Justice of India if it is against the judge
accountable to the people. Through the judicial system, of a high court and two Supreme Court judges if it is

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against a sitting judge at the Supreme Court. Before Parliament that they are within the limits of constitution
making a recommendation Investigations are carried out of India. Where the supreme court has been given power
to the house. If the committee concludes in favor of the to check legislature and executive also empowering the
impeachment process it takes place. The matter is then executive and legislature to make law, the judiciary ha
discussed in both houses of the parliament. The accused also curtailed them by keeping a check on them. Many
judge is also given a chance to speak in his favor. After acts, regulations, laws and constitutional amendments
the discussion is over and the judge is heard, the house have been turned down by the Courts.
put the motion for vote. A resolution then passed by both Since the courts are the most important organ the
houses with 2/3rds majority. This whole process should legislature has found a way to curtail its limits by the
be completed within a single session. Once the resolution collegiums that was earlier to be made but later was
is passed it is sent to the President for his assent. turned down because it was hampering the independence
According to the Oxford Dictionary ‘Accountable’ of the judiciary which was the basic structure of the
means ‘to be responsible and answerable for your own constitution. No system as such is followed in the
actions. Being able to explain the reason those actions’. selection of judges and there is no transparency is there
Accountability is the precondition of democracy. in the system. There is no much importance is given to
Transparency promotes accountability. All the public examining of the records and credentials of a judges of
servants and departments are accountable. But there their ideology and adherence to the constitutional ideals
manner of being accountable may differ from department of a socialist, secular and democratic republic or their
to department. Judiciary is also answerable to both understanding of sensitivity towards the common people
legislature as well as executive. Although the of the country who cannot afford much legal services or
accountability meter differs for judiciary also in poor, unable to fight for their rights in the courts or are
comparison to legislature and executive. However marginalized.
because of various social problems like corruption it is a The courts in India enjoy absolute and unchecked
severe blow to the government. This has shaken up the power unequalled by any Court in the world. These days
faith of the people. it is very much vital that the judges of the supreme court
The superior court have been a great organ which be more accountable for their performances and their
has exercised its powers variedly and also one of the conducts be it for corruption or the disregard of the
strongest organ of the government. The executive activity constitutional values and hindering the rights of citizens.
as well as he legislation can be struck down by the Sadly, there is no law that can measure the performance
judiciary. It is beyond imagination that even the judicial of a judge or his attitude towards the same. Impeachment
system which has all the burden of saving the rights of is the only removal procedure of the High Court and
the people has gone wrong at many points. Supreme Court judges. This process is long and requires
The Judiciary in the present days has been given signatures of the MPs of the House of People and of the
the function of expanding the laws and their scope but Council of States for it to initiate. An Inquiry Committee
also the function of protecting the rights of the people. of 3 judges is constituted for the trial of the judge. If a
The courts should not only on answering the questions motion consisting the charges about the misconduct with
of law but also of the people. the requisite signatures is submitted.
The framers of the Constitution have not imagined Justice is denied when it is delayed. Justice should
that within a small period the Judiciary would become be affordable, accessible and speedy. In today’s time Our
the most powerful organ in the State. The Constitution has Courts are overburdened on account of the large number
established the High Courts and the Supreme Court as of cases pending before them. The number of vacancies
watchdog, independence of the executive and the is the basis for the pending cases in the courts. The judges
legislature for not only giving justice but also to keep a have to keep a check on the legislature and the executive
check on the legislature as well as the executive. The so they do not violate the rights of the people. This is
Judiciary has the powers to interpret the Constitution and one of the main aim of judiciary.
quash any executive activity that hinder any law or the The judiciary has widened the ambit of justice to a
rights of citizens. It also checks the laws framed by greater extent. Locus standi has been widened by the

128 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

Supreme Court through judicial activism. Anyone can justice. Indian judiciary is the most powerful judiciary
file a suit who is having a bonafide intention for filing after USA in the world. Since India is a democratic
the suit. The courts have tried to make it comfortable for country judiciary has the highest place it is considered
the common man to reach the courts. Even a letter written to be the most vital and crucial organ of the government.
to a supreme court judge may act as a PIL. These are These days there are many questions that arise on the
some of the new inventions. judiciary and its accountability. The judges enquiry act
The time is now correct to make the Judiciary as a 1968 has replaced by the judicial standards and
more accountable organ. Democratic and transparent accountability bill 2010. This act has enforced certain
methods to be used for removal, transfer, appointment standards for the conduct of the judges of the high court
of the judges. It is also necessary that proper mechanism and the Supreme Court.
is there in the constitution to punish the judges who has The Judicial Standards are set by Accountability Bill
acted maliciously. and the judicial standards and make judges accountable
The judiciary needs to be independent of outside for their lapses. It will also instruct that judges of the
influence like of political and economic persons like Supreme Court and High Court to declare their assets
government parties or industrial associations. This does and liabilities having in mind those of their dependents
not make the judges autocratic they have a set standard and spouses. The draft Judicial Standards and
in which they have to behave. The basis of Judicial Accountability Bill 2010 has approved by The Union
independence is public trust and judges must have the Cabinet that provides for setting up an oversight
highest of standards of answerability and accountability committee office members to deal with complaints
in them. If the judges or court officials are suspected of against members of the higher judiciary. These details
any activity which s not pleasant then strict actions are will be put up on the websites of the Supreme Court and
to be taken against them. high courts. It will further require judges that they should
Accountability is the ability to hold anybody not have close relation with any member of the Bar
responsible for their actions. The judiciary should be especially with those members who practice in the same
accountable towards the law like the decisions made court. the growing concerns regarding the need to ensure
should be in accordance with the law and should not be greater accountability of the higher judiciary will address
arbitrary. The judiciary should be accountable to the by the enactment of the Bill by bringing in more
general people it serves. transparency, and it will further build up the
The judiciary is more independent, impartial which independence of the judiciary and credibility. The former
gives it a new way to lead in the organs. There should be chief justice of India headed the proposed oversight
more of accountability than that of the other branches. committee which includes the attorney general, a chief
There should be code of conduct for the judiciary as well justice of a high court, a Supreme Court judge and an
as others so the accountability and the independence are eminent person nominated by the President.
not hampered. As they serve as a guide to and also a For this it is imperative for the parliament to amend
measure for the judicial conduct. The judges should the law in this respect. The present laws are either proving
interact more often so that they can impart true values of to be inadequate or have become abortive and obsolete
law under the law graduates and also they can develop to cure the miscarriage of Justice. But again the delicate
more ways if they are allowed to speak their mind out. methods of removing a Judge posses a threat to the
Even though there is judicial accountability even the independence of the Judiciary vis-à-vis abdicating the
public should act properly so that they can help the doctrine of Separation of Powers implicit in the
judiciary to maintain the la and order situation in the constitution. At present, the Executive and the legislature
country. are subject to heavy criticisms at the hands of both public
The judges are the true interpreters of the and media. But where should an aggrieved person so if
constitution and they know exactly from where it should the protector becomes destroyer. Let us not get stuck into
begin. Since ancient ages various laws have been enforce the old well settled laws or doctrines. Judicial
to govern the country. Sometimes it was the Muslim legal accountability can be an exception to the rule of
court while the other time it was about the criminal independence of Judiciary. In present scenario what is

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at stake is not the independence of Judiciary but the very tends to decrease the decency of the State and makes a
existence of rule of law and constitutional values, joke out of the rule of law. Corruption comes from the
elements and culture. It is high time now to demarcate human beings.
the arena of judicial independence and secure its The basic deficiency in the manner in which the
accountability. candidates are elected to the legislature has its brunt on
The judiciary and the judges are associated with the law making. Only the composition of the legislatures
the higher cause of truth and justice are given a distinct is broken by the corruption but also the process of law
position. The constitution of India calls for an impartial making and application.
and independent judiciary. No authority in India can be The constitutional organs which are supposed to
absolute and unaccountable. They should be accountable protect and uphold freedom and rule of law turn against
either to its origin or to the organ and most importantly them because of corruption. The only way left is bring
to the people. All the organs of the government have the into play the local mafia to the majority of Indians, who
people a sovereign. Nobody is above the law and also no are more than wanting to allocate rough and ready justice
institution no matter how high can claim to be for a price, outstanding to criminalization of Indian
unanswerable. So every organ is accountable to the society. The very aspect of a modern democracy are
people of the country in every democratic constitution. access to justice and Rule of Law and we cannot call
Many countries already have the accountability of ourselves a great democracy in any sense without both
judiciary. This prevents the concentration of power in a of them.
single hand. Also it is important to have Judicial Activism. Global Corruption Report 2007 is a report by
The Judicial independence is a pre-condition for all the Transparency International. This report was built on 2005
judges whose office wants him to act without fear or survey conducted in the whole country of publics
favors, attraction towards the ill- will and who has to perceptions and experiences about the corruption in the
uplift the constitution and other laws of the country. This lower judiciary area, manipulated by the Centre for Media
may sometimes lead to tension between Judicial Studies, found that a very high percentage of respondents
Independence and Judicial Accountability. believe the Indian judiciary is corrupt. It says that bribe
The powers are not to be allowed to be absolute seems to be petitioned as for the price of getting the things
can be seen from the powers of judges which are very done. The estimated amount paid for bribe in a period of
wide. One of the constitutional limitations on the judges 12 month was around 580 million dollars.
is the ‘removal’ of judges of the High Courts and Supreme So the predator kills the pray and Corruption kills
Court by addressing by the Houses of Parliament to the Rule of Law therefore wherever there is corruption there
President on the basis of proved misbehavior or is no Rule of law.
incapacity. Article 124 (2) and (4)talks about the removal Our constitution is a very comprehensive document.
of the judges of the Supreme Court Article 217 provides Different roles are assigned by it to all the three wings of
for the procedure removal of judges of the High Court. governance that are the executive, judiciary and the
The judges of the high court and supreme court have legislature. There is no confusion about powers of each
their own ambit of powers which is checked by the wing, duties and privileges. Parliament makes law,
legislature as well as the executive. No organ has Executive executes these laws and the judiciary interprets
immense power that they become not answerable to them. Overstepping is supposed to be there.
anybody. Battle of Judiciary versus the Executive or
Democracy is a mirror of rule of law and the legislature is not new but in recent times the battle is
foremost duty of the government to make sure that the unprecedented with both the executive and judiciary
rule of law is obeyed by the people. When the rule of taking the separation of powers to a next level. The Lok
law is broken, corruption and injustice will come into Sabha Speaker fired the first salvo as there are many
picture. If a crime goes unpunished then it will hinder who accuse the Judiciary for hindering with the
the rule of law. The law should not be too liberal. legislative matters and stated publicly that everyone
Corruption erodes the values that people cherish and should remain within the boundary of the Constitution.
projects the State as rude and unjust organ. Corruption The conflict sometimes arises in practical application of

130 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

law that sometimes oversteps. Finally, it is for the The judicial accountability of a judicial review is
judiciary to decide if there has been a hindrance with still questioned. The Judges are accountable anyone not
law in each other’s ambit. The judiciary should be in the even to the other judge then question of legislature and
limits of the Constitution. executive has no meaning at all. The supremacy of the
Article 121 of the Constitution of India speaks that constitution always prevails, but the limit has been left
the conduct of a judge should not be discussed in the for judges to decide.
Parliament. There is a separate and comprehensive All the amendment and ordinary laws are going
procedure for impeachment of judges which was the beyond the examination of judicial review. Frictions
intention to secure the impartiality and independence of between the three organs of the state are not new. Every
the judiciary. Also Article 122 talks about the proceedings department clarifies saying that it is as per the provisions
of the parliament which cannot be questioned by the of the constitution. It is the judiciary that has a firm
judiciary. This is indirectly anticipated about the footing in the interpretation of the constitution.
supremacy of the legislature for making laws that are The Supreme Court of India has gained a global
based on ample policies that should not be questioned. recognition for its high standards and great ideals.
Nations like India are excited to incorporate Landmark are passed by this Court which have not only
international treaties and even traditional international strengthened the legal and constitutional framework of
law into the municipal or local laws where there is no India but are also widely quoted by the Judiciary in many
exclusive confusion. They, contribute for the cooperation other nations which seek to build progressive mark. The
which is necessary and certainly inevitable in different judges of the Supreme Court are known for their intellect,
legal systems so that they make sure that society and the wisdom and legal attitude. The Supreme Court has over
State and the economy are not hindered by differences the years been serving the vigor, vitality and intellectual
of legal systems. The conviction of cooperation in the depth which is necessary to create a globalised institution.
nations and all the legal systems wants sightedness by The judiciary and legal system of India has reached
both the Courts and legislature of the globalized world a stage now where the public openly criticize the judiciary
we are living in. and debate of the News Channels even the judgments
So thinking that any one branch is superior to the delivered by the Constitutional Courts. It is an open fact
other is wrong on the part of people. It is good to know in the opinion of author that the public opinion in the
that the three organs try to keep each other’s dignity legal system in India and as to how the judiciary is not
saved. And also work with coordination and cooperation. able to deliver results meeting the desires of the public,
India is a democracy and should be governed only has taken away the caution to be enjoyed while referring
by elected representatives and not just the judges, or to the legal system. The respect can never effectively be
various committees and some commission that are received and it should come voluntarily. The functioning
answerable to the Supreme Court. The judiciary should of the legal system has a direct effect on the society and
barge upon the wrongs instead of going after the the rights of the people. If a criminal could manage a
enforcement. The friction of the organs until solved will magistrate or dealing of court with his case, then who
result in problems in governance. will protect the people from the evil forces? In the Indian
In The doctrine of Separation of Power judicial political system we cannot expect the government to be
review is important. There are three organs of the state very clean and conscious given the complications. As
Executive, Legislature and Judiciary with their function such the legal system has played a vital role in protecting
clearly jotted down in the constitution of India. Article the rights of the people, ensuring systemization in the
13 of the constitution states that the State should not make system and even making a judgment on the actions of
any law which violates, hinders or abridges or takes away the executive when those are not in conformity with the
rights given by Part III’. This means that the Judiciary public interest. There are critics on the allegations of
and the Legislature can make a Laws. But with the system corruption and scarcity of transparency in the judicial
of checks and balances, the judiciary has been given the system. Accordingly many people talk about the judiciary
powers to keep a check on the rules made by the and the judicial reforms only because of the people who
legislature. This is how it exercises the judicial review. have the hope that Judiciary can protect their rights and

Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136 131


ensures their right to life as enshrined under Article 21 where law is silent. The power is also legislative in
of Constitution of India and further widened. character.

Indian Judiciary and the acceptance of the Doctrine Case laws explaining separation of power prevailing
in its practice : in India :
The President being the executive head is also The Supreme Court has never devoid itself of the
empowered to exercise legislative powers. He may existence of the application of doctrine although it does
promulgate ordinances in his capacity of legislative in not form the very base of our constitution. But it makes
order to meet the situation as Article 123(1) says “If at a founding stone in the United States of America.
any time president is satisfied the circumstances that exist However, the separation of powers of the Government
which render it necessary for him to take immediate into Legislative Executive and judicial powers is present
action, he may promulgate such ordinances as the Impliedly present in the provisions of the constitution.
circumstances appear to him to require except when both In Kesavananda Bharti v. State Of Kerala3, Hon’ble
houses of parliament are in session,”. Due to failure of Chief Justice Sikri observed:“Any form of amendment
constitutional machinery, when president declares the cannot destroy Separation of powers among the
proclamation of emergency, the legislative power under legislature, the executive and judiciary that are a part of
Article 357 of our constitution has been given to The the basic structure.”
President to make any laws in order to meet the situations. In Ram Jawaya Kapur v. State of Punjab 4,The
Under article 372 and 372A, a power has also been Supreme Court held that “The doctrine of Separation Of
conferred on the president of India to adapt any law in Powers has not indeed recognized by the Indian
the country by making such accommodations and Constitution in its absolute rigidity but the functions of
adjustments whether by way of repeal or amendment as the different branches or parts of the government have
may be necessary or expedient for the purpose or to bring been adequately differentiated and consequently it can
the provisions of such law in accordance with the be very well said that constitution of our country does
provisions of the constitution. not consider assumption by one organ or part of the state
Judicial function under Article 103(1) of the of functions that essentially belong to any other”.
constitution exercised by the president of India is notable In Re Delhi Laws Act Cas5, Chief Justice Kaniya
in connection. According to this article of the constitution observed; “Although there is no express separation of
“As mentioned in Article 102(1)If any question arises as power in the constitution of India. It is clear that the
to whether a member of either house of the parliament constitution created the legislature and for making that
has become subject to disqualification, the question shall legislature which passes the laws detailed provisions are
be referred for the decisions of the president and his made. It is then too much to say that under the
decision shall be final. Pg. no. 41 Bare Act. Article 50 constitution the duty to make laws, the duty to exercise
lays emphasis to separate the judiciary from the its own judgment, patriotism and wisdom in making law
executive. But in practice we find that the powers of is primarily cast on the legislature. Does it not imply
judiciary also exercised by the executive as in that unless it can be gathered from the other provisions
appointment of judges under Article 124, 126, and 127. of the constitution, other bodies executive or judicial are
The legislature also exercises the judicial function in not intended to discharge legislative functions.”
removal of president under Article 56 in a prescribed In Chandra Mohan v. State Of U.P6, the Supreme
manner. Judiciary also exercises legislative power; high Court held: “The Indian constitution provides for an
court and Supreme Court are empowered to make certain independent judiciary in the state but at the time the direct
rules in legislative character. Whenever a certain control of the executive, though the strict doctrine of
provision of law against the constitution or public policy separation of powers does not accepted by it. In pre
found by the high court and the Supreme Court it declares independent India, truly it is common knowledge that
the same null and void, and then in the legal system the there was a strong agitation that the executive should be
amendments may be incorporated. Sometimes high courts separated from the judiciary and that agitation was based
and Supreme Court formulate the principle on the point on the assumption that unless they were separated, the

132 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

independence of judiciary at the power levels would be Constitution into three basic divisions the executive, the
a mockery.” legislative and the judicial. It is essential principle of
In Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narayan7, the that constitution whose powers entrusted to any
petitioner was one of the candidates along with the department should not be exercised by any other
respondent Raj Narayan Seeking election from the department. The constitution of Australia follows the twin
Raebareli Parliamentary Constituency in the state of Uttar pattern of power distribution. Unlike these constitutions,
Pradesh, she was declared elected on March 1, 1971. the three kinds of powers do not expressly vest in three
The respondent was the nearest rival defeated candidate. organs of the state by the Indian constitution. For keeping
He challenged the validity of the petitioner’s election on the three organs of the government within the strict
various grounds including on the ground of commission confines of their functions the principle of separation of
of corruption election practices in the election. In 1951, powers is not a mythical formula.”
He moved the Allahabad High Court by an election In Asif Hamid v. State Of Jammu & Kashmir8, The
petition under the provisions of the Representation of supreme court observed: “Although the doctrine of
the peoples Art. The petition allowed by the High Court separation of power has not been recognized under the
and declared by the judgment of June 12, 1975, the constitution in its absolute rigidity but the functions of
petitioner’s election to be void. The content also declared various organs of the state have meticulously defined
her to be disqualified for a period of six years from the bythe constitution makers. Legislature, Executive and
candidature for and membership of any House of Judiciary have to function within their own spheres
Parliament as also of any of the state legislature. The marked off under the constitution that no organ can usurp
petitioner, who was at the time the prime minister asked the functions assigned to another. To function and
for a stay of the order of the High Court, and then exercise their discretion the constitution trusts to the
preferred on appeal the judgment of the High Court. judgment of these organs by strictly following the
While this appeal was still pending parliament passed, procedure prescribed there in. the functioning of
with unchaste haste before the appeal came up for hearing democracy depends upon the strength and independence
in the supreme Court the election laws Amendment Act, of each of its organs.”
1975; and further immediately thereafter passed the In Ram Krishna Dalmia v. Justice Tendulkar 9,
constitution’s thirty-Ninth amendment Act, 1975. The Hon’ble Chief justice SR Das opined that: “In the absence
amending election law retrospectively removed the specific provisions for the separation of power in our
grounds. On which the petitioner’s election had been constitution, such as there is under the American
declared to be void and provided the manner of conferring constitutions, some such divisions of power legislative,
immunity from the consequential disqualifications under executive and judicial is nevertheless implicit in our
the unlamented election Law. As if this was not enough constitution.”
the said constitutional amendment further declared that In Uday Ram Sharma v. Union of India10, It was
the petitioner’s elector would not be deemed to be valid held by the Supreme Court that: “The American doctrine
on any of the grounds on which the High Court had of well defined separation of legislative and judicial
decided against her. The constitutional amendment power has no application to India.”
declared the petitioner’s election not be void… Further In Sita Ram v. State Of U.P.11, Hon’ble Hedge J.
the amendment laid down that any appeal including one expressed the attitude of the court regarding delegation
filed by the petitioner in the supreme court would abate of legislative powers in the following words; “However
and shall be disposed of in conformity with the provisions much one might mourn the new satrapy of the executive,
of clauses (4) set out above. Further Ray, C.J. observed the very complexity of the modern society and the demand
in the same case that, in the Indian Constitution there is it makes on its government have set in motion forces
Separation of Power in a broad sense only. As under the which have made it thoroughly necessary for the
American or Under the Australian Constitution a rigid legislature to entrust more and more power to the
Separation of Powers does not apply to India. Hon’ble executive. Text book doctrines emerged in the nineteenth
Justice Chanadrachud observed: “A rigid separation of century have become out of date. Present position as
the powers of government provided by the American regards delegation of legislative powers may not be ideal,

Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136 133


but there is no escape from it in the absence of any better democracies of the world by working in peace. The
alternative.” position and the powers of the three organs of the state
In Hari Shankar Nagla v. State of M.P.12, it was defined by the founding framers of the constitution. They
observed that: “In respect of a major and its formulation felt that the government would never be able to
as a rule of conduct the legislature cannot delegate its accomplish the complete Separation of Powers. But, it
functions of laying down legislative policy. The does not mean that each branch has absolute powers, but
legislature must declare the policy of law and the legal they have limits according to the Constitution to be
principle which are to supervise any given cases and adhered to. The spirit of the Constitution is not on
must provide a standard to guide the body in power to explicitly but on shared cooperation.
execute the law or the officials. The essential legislature The constitution of India was framed after a
function consists in the determination of the preference presenting many draft constitutions, as the constitution
of the legislative policy and regularly enacting that policy of India is the combination of government of India act
into a binding rule of conduct.” and the borrowings from the other countries. As we took
In S.P. Gupta v. Union Of India13: it was held by the many concepts from many countries like, UK, USA,
supreme court that;“Appointment of judges was not an Ireland, Canada, South Africa etc. the constitution was
executive act but in spirit and word the result of framed by the constituent assembly, election for which
consultation process must be noticed.” was held in 1946. The members of the constituent
Chief Justice Subba Rao in Golak Nath v. State of assembly were elected by the provisional assembly by
Punjab14: “The Constitution marks off their jurisdiction the method of single transferable vote system of
minutely and hope them to exercise their respective proportional representation. The first session of
powers without violating their limits. There is a sphere constituent assembly was held on 9th of December in 1946
allotted to them and they should function within the limits and Dr. Sachidanand Sinha presided over the inaugural
of the sphere allotted to them. …..No authority created session.
under the Constitution; the Constitution is supreme law Constitution was finalized after some drafting
of land and all the authorities function under the supreme constitution drafted by the drafting committee. Drafting
law of the land.” committee was appointed by the constituent assembly
on 29th of august and Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was
Conclusion : appointed as the chairman of drafting committee, who is
The constitution of India is the Lex Loci. The role also known as the Father Of Our Indian Constitution.
which constitution assigned to the organ they should not The Executive has grown very powerful in the
go beyond the roles. It is the obligation of the three organs current time that has certainly led them towards a wide
of the government to strictly stick to one of the most misuse of powers. In India, we do not follow Separation
fundamental features of the Constitution that is separation Of Powers but we follows separation of functions. And
of powers. It is not required to criticize the Constitutional so we do not abide by the principle in its concrete. The
Plan of Separation Of Powers if the existing provisions principle of the checks and balances remains like a part
are not being religiously observed. Beyond the doubts of this doctrine. So, the essential functions of the organs
there is a need for a more booming interpretation and can be usurped by then one of the three organs.
our dynamic Constitution has enough space to include Constitution is the supreme Lax Loci. No organ should
the same. There is a vast gap between the Constitutional exceed the limit of the role as given to it by the
plan and practice of the doctrine of Separation Of Powers. Constitution. It is the obligation of the three organs of
India also has a concept of universal adult franchise. The the constitution to strictly stick to one of the most
Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha are the two houses where important pillar of the Constitution that is Separation of
as the members of Lok Sabha are directly elected but Powers. There is no need to criticize the Constitutional
this kind of election is more of a favoritism banned the Plan of separation of powers when the existing provisions
actual assessment of the work of the leaders. It can only are not being religiously observed.
be bridged when all the executive, the legislative and The Indian parliament has been facing challenges
the judiciary move a step towards all the other regarding the accountability of executive to the

134 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

parliament. It is believed that the decline in the and point out competence to understand the contents of
effectiveness is caused by the lack of accountability of policy over them accordingly on the floor of the house.
the executive to the legislature. Globalization has also So talking in vacuum is equivalent to aiming for a
eroded the powers of the parliament. Looking at the complete separation of powers. The idea that the
recent past India has widened the scope of democratic governmental functions must be based on a tripartite
participation to a greater extent. India has also gained a division of three organs of the government is excogitated
lot of significance in the economic area. India always by the doctrine of Separation of Powers.
had a bicameral legislature. Firstly the economic When it is referred to as tripartite division it means
decisions are taken keeping in mind the global mindset. three divisions or branches. Separation of Power refers
Secondly by the reconstruction of the regulatory to the idea that the governmental organs of the state
framework which has to be given to a lot of non elected should be functionally independent of each other. The
institutions. The weakness of the Indian Parliament has Legislative organ of the state makes laws, the Executive
also give a slow pace to the formation and implementation enforces them and the Judiciary applies them to the
of legislations. special cases occurring out of the breach of law. Each
Even the political leaders do not have the caliber of organ should perform the activities intends to interfere
person who should be entering the parliament. The lack in the ambit of work of another organ because a stringent
in their educational and professional background has demarcation of functions is not possible when they are
affected the executive negatively. Although the dealing with the public at large.
constitution of India has always aimed at the democratic The three organs should be distinct sovereign and
accountability it has to some extent lagged behind in separate in their own premises or area of functions, so
parliamentary accountability. The authority in that they do not overstep the authority of the other, which
accountability of parliament is limited by the system of in turn will also keep away the ambiguity. There are three
checks and balances exercised by the other organs. There different functions in every government through which
was a time when there was a perfect balance between the will of the people is verbalized. Thus, overlapping
the legislature and the executive but the two organs now functions tend to appear amongst these organs even while
have been losing this balance lately. acting in ambit of their own power. Which means that
Beyond the doubts, there is a need of a more there should not watertight compartment in the functions
booming interpretation and our ever changing although they are divided. The Judiciary keeps a check
Constitution has enough space to accommodate the same. on both Legislative and Executive..
The towering ideal of the Constitutional system needs to It does not means that each branch will have explicit
be guarded which can be kept only when brought into powers rather they have their Constitutional limits to stick
practice. There is a huge gap between the Constitutional to. The spirit of the Constitution is not on arbitrariness
plan and practice of the doctrine of Separation of powers. but on mutual co-ordination.
It can only be successful when the three organs of the The Executive is very powerful in the recently that
government take a step towards all the other democracies has certainly led them to a big misuse of powers. Aloof
of the world by working in sheer peace and coordination. from the check kept on them by the Legislature and
They are discouraging the rights of the people by Judiciary, NGOs and the media have played a vital role
not doing so. The position and the powers of the three in revealing the misconducts of Government. If the
organs of the state is defined by the framers of the legislature makes any law which is not in harmony with
constitution. They knew it will be impractical to achieve the law of the land ‘Constitutional Law’, it is quashed
the doctrine in its strictest sense. The efficiency of down by the Judiciary. Also if the Executive tries to work
parliament lies in its mastery of details and the unwinding beyond its ambit the Judiciary plays a watchdog and
attention it pays to aspects of implementation of policy. keeps it in its area of work. So it can be said as Judiciary
It has no voice in the laying down of policy except in so is one of the branches of the government where people
far as its work is influenced by the majority party. But go and seek remedy for the wrongs of legislature as well
its control can be more effective if the members are alert as Executive.
to the way the policies are introduced and implemented Finally, the objective of the three organs of the

Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136 135


government is to protect the rights of the people. Vigilant basic structures of the constitution which aims at keeping
attitude of the people can help ensuring a proper the country under the law and order situation. It is
functioning in a democracy and keep away arbitrary use important for the judiciary, a\executive and legislature
of the power. The three organs have to be at peace for to be in the limits prescribed to them by the constitution.
our accomplishment. The doctrine has made the government more
We do not follow Separation of powers in India but accountable and answerable to the people. It aims to treat
we follow the separation of functions. And now we do the people as the sovereign authority in the country. The
not stick to the principle in its rigidity. A Democratic Rule of law is the most important aspect of the judiciary
country is one where the people have a right to choose in a democracy. The Constitution has recognized and has
the leaders. It generates a feeling of common good and also set some of the noble objective as securing justice
larger satisfaction of the needs of the people. to all the citizens and cheaper justice in terms of money
Democracies make the leaders responsible and which can be social, economical or political. In ancient
answerable to the public at large. When the people are times also, the rule of law was there retain and hold
unsatisfied by one government they may opt to vote it together the human society through the norms which are
out of the majority in the other tenure. the moral and command the consensus of the good men
A democracy is a system of government in which in the whole community.
all the people of the state are involved in making decisions
about its affairs typically through voting for the elected REFERENCES
representatives to a parliament or similar assembly.
1. AIR 1973 SC 1461, Pg. No. 369, Constitution of India,
Though strict separation of powers is not followed in A.K .Ranjan, Ambition Law publishing house, 2015
India like in American sense but the principle of checks
and balances exists as a part of this doctrine. So no organs 2. AIR 1955 SC 549, Pg. No. 368, Ibid
can conflict the functions of the organs, which constitute 3. AIR 1951 SC 332, Pg. No. 367, Ibid
a part of the basic structure doctrine. Even by amending 4. AIR 1966 SC 1987 @ Pg. No. 1993, Pg. No. 368,
the Constitution any such amendment is made then the Constitution of India, A.K .Ranjan, Ambition Law
court will strike it down as unconstitutional. publishing house, 2015
The countries with common law system have the
5. AIR 1975 SC 2299, Pg. No. 369, Ibid
method of judicial review, which is embodied in their
constitutions or any source of the same. Any law which 6. AIR 1989 S.C. Pg. No. 370, Constitution of India, A.K
is passed by the legislature or executive, the power to .Ranjan, Ambition Law publishing house, 2015
review that law is vested in the High Courts and Supreme 7. AIR 1958 SC 538, Pg. No. 368, Constitution of India,
Court. It is important as if the measure through which A.K .Ranjan, Ambition Law publishing house, 2015
legislative and executive remains under the surveillance. 8. AIR1968 SC 1138, Pg. No. 369, Ibid
The system of the checks and balances has made it easy
9. AIR 1972 Sc 1168, Ibid
so that they can check other branches.
For the judicial review of legislations The Indian 10. AIR 1954 SC 468, Ibid
Constitution has some provisions. This concept has taken 11. AIR 1982 SC 149, Pg. No. 369, Constitution of India,
from the constitution of United States of America. Which A.K .Ranjan, Ambition Law publishing house, 2015
makes the judiciary empower to make decisions and
12. AIR 1967 SC 1643, Ibid.
review the laws passed by the legislature. If any part of
the legislation is in coercion with the constitution of India 13. 1980 2 SCC144, Pg. No. 389, Constitution of India, A.K
then it can also be rendered as unconstitutional. .Ranjan, Ambition Law publishing house, 2015
The doctrine of separation of power is one of the 14. 5 U.S. 137 (1803).

8 Year

 of Excellence 

136 Adv. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 8(1); June, 2017 : 116-136

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