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Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

Math Summative Study Guide

November 22, 2023
Criteria A
Module 2: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Modules 2 – Lesson 2.1 – P:73
Polynomial Functions:
• Identify Polynomials according to the degree and terms.
• Analyze polynomial functions by examining key features.
• Identify the leading coefficient of a polynomial function.
• Describe the end behavior of polynomial functions.
• Evaluate and graph polynomial functions.

Polynomial Functions
Describe the end behavior of each function using the leadingcoefficient and degree, and state the
domain and range.

1. 𝑓(𝑥) = 4𝑥 3 3. 𝑓(𝑥) = − 5𝑥 6

2. 𝑓(𝑥) = −2𝑥 3 4. 𝑓(𝑥) = 7𝑥 4

Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

State the degree and leading coefficient of each polynomial inone

variable. If it is not a polynomial in one variable, explain why.
Degree : 4 Degree : 4

Coefficient: -3 Coefficient:+5
7. –3x4 + 2x2 + 9 8. 5𝑘4 + 4𝑘2
Degree : 4 Degree : 4
9. 8y + 7y2 – 9y3 – 15y4 Coefficient: -15 10. (3d + 9)(6d3 – 5) Coefficient: + 18
11. CONSTRUCTION The owners of a home are building a
rectangularpatio behind their house. The function 𝑓(𝑥) = −𝑥2
+ 18𝑥 modelsthe area in square feet of the patio, where x is
the length of one side of the patio.
-(7)2+18(7) = 77 sq feet
a. What will the area of the patio be if the owners
choose 7feet for the length of side x?

b. Sketch a graph of the function.

Use the graph to state the number of real zeros of the function.

13. 14. 15.

3 2
Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

16. 17. 18.

4 3

19. Examine 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 − 𝑥 − 1 and g(x) shown in thegraph.

a. Which function has the greater relative maximum?

b. Compare the zeros, x- and y-intercepts, and endbehavior of f(x) and g(x).

Modules 2 - Lesson 2.3 – P: 93

Operations with Polynomials:
• Add and Subtract Polynomials.
• Multiply Polynomials.

Operations with Polynomials

Add or subtract.

5. (3k2 + 2k – 3) + (–2k2 + 8k + 11) 6. (–4g2 + 7g + 8) – (3g2 – 4g – 5)

K2 + 10K+ 8 -7y2 + 11y+ 13
6. (9f + 6) – (3f – 2)

6f+ 8 8. (6x2 + 9x – 3) + (–4x2 – 3x + 7)

2x2 + 6x+ 4
Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet


9. 2x(3x3 + 5y) 6x4 + 10xy 10. (7r – 9)(5r – 3) 35r2 - 66r + 27

11. (2a + 3)(a – 4)(a – 8) 15. (5c5 + 2c2 – 8c + 4)(2c – 3)

10c6 -15c5 + 4c3 – 22c2 + 32c -12

2a3 – 21a2 -4a + 32

17. PARKING A rectangular building is surrounded by a

rectangular parking lot. The width of the building is w,
and the length is twice the width. The width of the
parking lot is8 units longer than twice the width of the
building. The length of the parking lot is 3 units longer 2w2 + 22w +24
than the length of the building. What is the area of the
parking lot in terms of w?

18. AREA The area of a trapezoid is one-half the sum of

the parallelsides, multiplied by the height of the
trapezoid. The figure shows a trapezoid inside a
a. What is the area of the trapezoid?

b. What is the area of the triangle inside the square?

19. BOXES The diagram shows the dimensions of a

box used by amanufacturing company to ship
a. What is the volume of the box?

b. The company uses a second type of box

where its length,width, and height are 2 units
greater than that of the firstbox. What is the
volume of this second box?

c. What is the difference in volume between the

second boxand the first box?
Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

Modules 2 - Lesson 2.4 -P:101

Dividing Polynomials:
• Divide Polynomials using long division.
• Divide Polynomials Using Synthetic division.
Dividing Polynomials
Simplify each expression.

6c4 -2d + 3c2d2

1. _____________ 2. 24𝑐5𝑑 − 8𝑐𝑑2 + 12𝑐3𝑑3 ÷ 4𝑐𝑑

2g2 + 3g -𝒈
3. (12𝑦5 − 8𝑦4 + 15𝑦3 − 24𝑦2)(3𝑦2)−1

𝟖 2
4y3 - y +5y - 8

Simplify each expression. by using synthetic division.

5. (𝑚2 + 5𝑚 + 4) ÷ (𝑚 + 1) 6. (𝑐2 − 2𝑐 − 15)(𝑐 + 3)−1

m+ 4
c- 5

Modules 2 - Lesson 2.5 -P:109

Powers of Binomials:
• Expand the powers of binomials by using Pascal’s Triangle.
• Expand powers of binomials by using the Binomial Theorem.

Powers of Binomials
Use Pascal’s triangle to expand each binomial.
1. (c + d)3 2. (f + g)5

C3 + 3c2d+ 3cd2 +d3 J5 + 5j4g +10j3g2 + 10j2g3+5jg4 + g5

5. (x + 2)4
6. (j – 2)5

J5 - 10j4 + 40j3 – 80j2+80j - 32

x4 + 8x3 +24x2 +32x+16
Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

9. COIN FLIP Mateo flips a coin 8 times. The coin lands on

heads 3 times and tails 5 times. If the coin is equally
likely toland on heads or tails, find the probability of
this outcome by expanding (h + k)8. Round to the
nearest percent if necessary.

The expansion of (h + k)8 represents all possible outcomes when flipping the coin 8 times. In
this instance, h represents heads, and k represents tails.
The probability of getting heads (h) is 1/2, and the probability of getting tails (k) is also 1/2.
The expansion of (h + k)8 is calculated using the binomial theorem, and the coefficients
correspond to the probabilities of each outcome. In this case, we're focusing on the coefficient
of the term where h appears 3 times and k appears 5 times.
The binomial coefficient for this term is 8C3 = 3!(8−3!) = 56
So, the probability of getting 3 heads and 5 tails is (1/2)3 & (1/2)5 * 56 = 56/2 8.
Now, you can simplify that fraction and convert it to a percentage.

Module 3: Polynomial Equations

Modules 3 - Lesson 3.1 -P:119
Solve Polynomial Functions By Graphing:
• Solve Polynomial functions by graphing using Desmos Graphing Calculator.
• Determine the number of solutions on the graph.
• Describe the end behavior.

Solving Polynomial Equations by Graphing

Use a graphing calculator to solve each equation by
graphing.If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.

1. 2x3 – 8x + 15x = 18 2. 3x3 + x2 = 2x + 15

13. MIRROR A rectangular wall mirror is 46 inches wide and

32inches high. It is surrounded by a frame of uniform
width 2x. The combined area of the mirror and frame is
1976 square inches.
a. Write a polynomial equation to represent the situation.
Grade 10 – Mathematics Revision practice sheet

b. What are the dimensions of the mirror with the frame?

Modules 3 - Lesson 3.2 -P:123

Solve Polynomial Functions By Graphing:
• Solve Polynomial functions by factoring using synthetic division.
(only Example 1 and Example 3)

Solving Polynomial Equations Algebraically

Find the other factors, using synthetic division. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.

1. If x + 3 is a factor of 𝟐𝒙𝟑 + 𝟑𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏𝟏𝒙 − 𝟔

find the remaining factors of the polynomial.
Use Synthetic Division.

(X +3) (2X2 – 3X -2 )

3. I f 2 x - y is a factor of 6bx – 3by + 2cx – cy + 4dx- 2dy,

find the remaining factors of the polynomial.
Use Synthetic Division.

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