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Rules of procedure
What is MUN?
○ Model united nations is a mock version of
the united nations.
○ It is a way to make students in school and
college aware about how the world
○ Every child gets a country to represent in a
specific committees on a predetermined
○ The panel of judges are known as
executive board, which will consist of chair,
vice chair and rapporteur
Table of contents

01 02 03
Section Section Section
Here you can Here you can Here you can
describe the topic describe the topic describe the topic
of the section of the section of the section
1. PRESENT : you can abstain
from voting on documents


have to vote
1. To start anything we have to
raise a motion

The skeletal statement :

“The delegate of _______ would like to
raise a motion to (reason)”

The general speakers list or GSL is

the base of the MUN, it doesn't end
till the end pf the committee, it can
be suspended for things like lunch
break, or moderate caucus through a
motion. The standard time is 90
seconds it could be changed in
through a motion.

Chair Questions Another Delegate

The extra time is The floor will be Pre Decided, where
nulled open where the the extra time is
other delegates give to another
can question you delegate who
furthers your cause

Personal Privilege Order

Any personal issue When there is any
such as audibility wrong facts stated
or the rules being

Information Parliamentary procedure

Ask questions to To inquire about the
other delegate proceedings
either through yield
to question or chits
Moderate caucus
When the committee wants to focus on a
subtopic of the agenda. It is a formal
debate. All the points except point of
personal privilege are suspended.

Motion: “the delegate of (country) would like

to raise a motion to suspend the gsl and
move to a moderate caucus for the total
time (time), individual speakers time being
(time) on the topic (topic).”
Moderate caucus
When the committee wants to take an
informal break to decide the future course
of action. All the points except point of
personal privilege are suspended.

Motion: “the delegate of (country) would like

to raise a motion to suspend the gsl and
move to a unmoderated caucus for the
total time (time).”
What is
A resolution is a document that
contains all the issues that the
committee wants to solve and the
proposed solutions to that issue.
It’s called a resolution because
that’s what the United Nations
calls the documents they produce.
Technically, the resolution should
be called a draft resolution before
it is voted upon and then called a
resolution after it is successfully
passed during voting bloc.
Important terms

1. The author of a resolution is called a sponsor.

2. The supporter of a resolution is called a signatory.
How to write a resolution?
A resolution is actually really simple to write. It has three main parts: the heading, the pre-ambulatory
clauses, and the operative clauses.

1. Heading

The committee name and topic should be self-explanatory. The sponsors are the authors of the
resolution. The signatories are other delegates in the committee who do not necessarily agree
with the resolution but would like to see it debated.
How to write a resolution?
2. Pre-ambulatory clauses

The pre-ambulatory clauses states all the issues that the committee wants to resolve on this issue. It
may state reasons why the committee is working on this issue and highlight previous international
actions on the issue. Pre-ambulatory clauses can include:
1. Past UN resolutions, treaties, or conventions related to the topic
2. Past regional, non-governmental, or national efforts in resolving this topic
3. References to the UN Charter or other international frameworks and laws
4. Statements made by the Secretary-General or a relevant UN body or agency
5.General background info formation or facts about the topic, its significance, and its impact.
How to write a resolution?
3. Operative clauses

Operative clauses state the solutions that the sponsors of the resolution proposes to resolve the issues.
The operative clauses should address the issues specifically mentioned in the pre-ambulatory clauses
above it.
Approved draft resolutions are modified through
amendments. An amendment is a written statement that
adds, deletes or changes an operative clause in a draft

1. A friendly amendment is a change to the draft

resolution that all sponsors agree with. No voting

2. An unfriendly amendment is a change that some or all

of the draft resolution’s sponsors do not support and must
be voted upon by the committee.

Types of amendments
1. Addition
2. Deletion
3. odification
Government websites
UN websites
Credible news channels
Other credible sites

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