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Dr. Kazi M.A.


Analysis of Statically Determinant
(Equilibrium equations, determinacy, stability & Support Reactions)

Idealization of structures
Basic principles of Structural Analysis
Basic equilibrium equations
Determinacy and stability

Objective of this chapter

 Direct our attention to the most common form of structure that the
engineer will have to analyze, and that is one that lies in a plane
and is subjected to a force system that lies in the same plane.
 Discuss the importance of choosing an appropriate analytical
model for a structure so that the forces in the structure may be
determined with reasonable accuracy.
 Discuss the necessary criteria for structural stability.
 Analysis of statically determinate, planar, pin-connected structures.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Idealization of structures and supports

Very often, due to complexity of structures, an exact analysis can

never be carried out and estimates always have to be made of the
loadings and the strength of the materials composing the structure.
Furthermore, points of application of the loadings, onto the
structures, must also be estimated. It is therefore, important to model
and idealize a structure and its support connections to perform a
structural analysis of the structure and determine the forces and
displacements in the members.

**Idealization of structures and supports is a wide topic which will be covered

in detail in RC and steel structure design corses. This topic is only briefly
introduced to you in this course (CENG311) as some understandings of this
topic is necessary for structural analysis .

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Idealization of Support Connections

Structural members are joined together in various ways depending
on the design. The three types of connections most often specified
are the pin connection, roller support and the fixed joint. The
connections are categorized according to the number of reaction
components the support or joint can be subjected to. Accordingly, in
planar structures (2D),

1. Roller - (can only be subjected to) one reaction force

2. Pin - two reaction forces

3. Fixed - two reaction forces and one moment

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel
Idealization of supports

Pin‐connected joint
typical “pin‐supported” connection (metal)

Typical fix
typical “roller‐ (concrete)

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Idealization of Structures
Having understood the ways in which the support connections
may be idealized, the structure can then be idealized to facilitate
the analysis and determination of forces and displacements in the

The connection at A is able to withstand two component of reaction while at B, only

one component of reaction, that is perpendicular to the support, is possible. Both
connection would allow for slight rotation. Therefore, connections A and B are
idealized as pin and roller respectively. The beams thickness can be neglected since
it is small in comparison with the length. The structure is idealized as a simply-
supported beam.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Actual structure
Idealized structure

To idealize the jib crane shown, the thickness of the two main members are first
neglected and the joints at A and B are assumed to be rigid, that is fixed. The load
on the hook is represented by a single concentrated force, F.

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

In the above structures, the joints can be assumed to be pin and/or

roller connected to the columns. The structure can then be idealized
by neglecting the thickness of the beam. For pin/roller connections,
the lines at connection do not meet whereas for fixed connections,
the lines would be drawn to meet.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel
 Tributary Loadings
 There are 2 ways in which the load on surfaces can transmit to
various structural elements
 1-way system

 2-way system

 1-way system

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

2-way system
Typical beam loadings in floor slabs

One way
Spanning slabs

Two way
Spanning slabs

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

E X A M P L E 2–1: The floor of a classroom is
supported by the bar joists shown in Fig. Each joist is
4.5 m long and they are spaced 0.75m on centers.
The floor itself is made from lightweight concrete
that is 100mm thick. Neglect the weight of the joists
and the corrugated metal deck, and determine the
load that acts along each joist. (Live load for class
room is 1.92 kN/m2 and Unit weight of lightweight
concrete is 1500 kg/m3 = 15 kN/m3).


Dead load, weight of concrete slab

 (100)(0.015)  1.50kN / m 2
Live load  1.92kN / m 2
Total load  1.50  1.92  3.42kN / m 2
L1  0.75m, L2  4.5m
L1 / L2  2  1-way slab
The tributary area for each joist is shown in Fig 2.15(b)
Uniform load along its length, w  3.42kN / m 2 (0.75m)  2.57kN / m

2.57 kN/m

5.78 kN

Support reaction
5.78 kN

Support reaction

E X A M P L E 2–2 : The flat roof of the

steel-frame building in Fig. is intended to
support a total load of 2 kN/m2 over its
surface. If the span of beams AD and BC is 5
m and the space between them (AB and DC)
is 4 m, determine the roof load within region
ABCD that is transmitted to beam BC.
In this case L1/L2=1.25 <1.5, we have two-way
slab action. The tributary loading is shown in
Fig., where the shaded trapezoidal area of loading
is transmitted to member BC. The peak intensity
of this loading is 2 kN/m2 2=4 kN/m.
The distribution of load along BC is shown in
following fig.
Three unknowns. The
reactions are the moment
and the two force

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Equations of Equilibrium
For equilibrium:
 Fx  0  Fy  0  Fz  0
 M x 0  M y 0  M z 0 eq n 2.1 (Hibbeler)
For most structures, it can be reduced to:
 Fx  0
 Fy  0
 M o 0 eq n 2.2 (Hibbeler)

When all the forces (reactions) in a structure can be determined strictly

from these equations, the structure is referred to as statically
determinate. Structures having more unknown forces than available
equilibrium equations are called statically indeterminate.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

For a coplanar structure there are at most three equilibrium equations
for each part, so that if the number of parts, n, and the total number
of forces (including moments), r, we have

r  3n, statically determinate } eqn 2.3

r  3n, statically indeterminate }

Degree of Indeterminacy = number of unknown forces –

number of equilibrium equations

Degree of Indeterminacy, d = r – 3*n

and if d = 0, the structure is determinate
d > 0, the structure is indeterminate to the dth degree.
d < 0 Not enough members/supports  unstable.

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example: 2.3
Classify the beams shown in Fig. as statically determinate or statically
indeterminate. If statically indeterminate, report the number of degrees of
indeterminacy. Assume external forces acting any place of the beams.

Free body

r = 3 (number of reactions) r = 3n  3 = 3*1

n = 1 (parts or structural elements)  Statically determinate

r > 3n  5 > 3*1

r = 5 (number of reactions)  Statically indeterminate
n = 1 (parts or structural elements) Degree of indeterminacy = 5‐3=2
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel
1) Draw FBD for each member
2) Count unknown forces and reactions
3) Count number of equations (i.e. members x 3)

r = 6 (number of reactions) r = 3n  6 = 3*2

n = 2 (parts or structural elements)  Statically determinate

r = 10 (number of reactions) r > 3n  10 > 3*3

n = 9 (parts or structural elements)  Statically indeterminate
Degree of indeterminacy, d = 10‐9=1

Example: 2.4 Classify the pin‐connected structures as statically

determinate or statically indeterminate.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel



Degree of Indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 5 – 3(1) = 2

Or indeterminate to the 2nd degree


Degree of Indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 5 – 3(1) = 2

Or indeterminate to the 2nd degree

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Sometimes, the structure has to be sectioned into parts to determine the degree
of indeterminacy. Every section through the structure or its members will create
additional parts and each additional part created will provide 3 additional
equilibrium equations. At the same time, every section through the structure
will also result in additional unknown forces and moments, and the number of
the unknown is dependent on the location of the sectioning. Since,

degree of indeterminacy = no. of unknown forces – no. of equilibrium

then, sectioning would not change the degree of indeterminacy if it produces
equal number of additional unknown forces and equilibrium equations.

Since each sectioning produces additional equilibrium equations, only

sectioning which results in more, or less additional unknown forces (including
moments) than the additional equilibrium equations produced, would be
necessary to change the degree of indeterminacy.

To determine the actual degree of indeterminacy, the structure has to be

sectioned until no change in degree of indeterminacy is possible with further
sectioning. The value obtained, henceforth, is the actual degree of
indeterminacy of the structure.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Let us investigate if sectioning is required to determine the degree of

indeterminacy for the structure below. When the continuous member of the
structure is sectioned, the number of parts, n and the number of forces and
moments, r increases as shown:

Before sectioning After sectioning

Degree of Indeterminacy Degree of Indeterminacy
= r – 3(n) = 5 – 3(1) = 2 = r – 3(n) = 8 – 3(2) = 2
The sectioning through a continuous member produces two additional forces,
one additional moment and three additional equilibrium equations. The
sectioning through a continuous member, therefore, would not change the
degree of indeterminacy. If a structure or its parts, after sectioning, has only
continuous members, no further sectioning is required to determine the degree
of indeterminacy.

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example 2.6: Next consider the case of frame structure with continuous
members and closed loops. For example, the frame structure below has a
closed loop, ABCD.


Degree of Indeterminacy Degree of Indeterminacy

(before sectioning) (after sectioning)
= r – 3(n) = r – 3(n)
= 3 – 3(1) = 0 (i.e determinant) = 9 – 3(2) = 3

No further sectioning is necessary as the members of the parts are continuous

and does not have closed loops. The degree of indeterminacy is, therefore, equal
to four.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel


Before sectioning After sectioning

Degree of Indeterminacy Degree of Indeterminacy

= r – 3(n) = 5 – 3(1) = 2 = r – 3(n) = 23 – 3(3) = 14

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

To ensure the equilibrium of a structure or its members, it is not only
necessary to satisfy the equations of equilibrium, but the members must also be
properly held or constrained by their supports. A stable structure is one which
is able to support a given load without experiencing a sudden change in its
configuration. Two conditions can lead to instability;

1. Partial Constraints - when the degree of indeterminacy < 0.

i.e. the unknown forces is less than the
available equations of equilibrium.

2. Improper Constraints - when the degree of indeterminacy ≥ 0,

but if the support reactions are
(a) parallel or
(b) concurrent* or
(c) some or all of the members form
a collapsible mechanism

* when forces meet at the same point, they are known as concurrent forces.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example of instability due to partial constraints

Degree of indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 5 – 3(2) = – 1

Therefore, the structure is unstable. The dotted line shows the
deformation of the structure due to its instability. The structure can
be stabilized in numerous ways, e.g.

(1) removing the pin-connection in the structure

(2) replacing the pin support with fixed support

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example of instability due to improper constraints where support

reactions are parallel

Parallel reactions

Degree of indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 3 – 3(1) = 0

However, improper constraining in which all the reactive forces
are parallel can lead to instability. Here, when an inclined force P
is applied, the summation of forces in the horizontal direction will
not be equal zero, thus translation in horizontal direction will take
place. Therefore, the structure is unstable.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example of instability due to improper constraints where

support reactions are concurrent

Degree of indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 3 – 3(1) = 0

However, improper constraining in which all the reactive
forces are concurrent can lead to instability. It can be seen
that, when a load P is applied, the summation of moments
about point O will not be equal to zero, thus rotation about
point O will take place. Therefore, the structure is unstable.

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

EXAMPLE 2.6: Classify each of the structures in Fig as stable or unstable. The
structures are subjected to arbitrary external loads that are assumed to be known.

Degree of Indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 3 – 3(1) = 0

The structure is statically determinate. It is also stable since the reactions
are non-concurrent, non-parallel and forms no collapse mechanism.

Degree of Indeterminacy = r – 3(n) = 3 – 3(1) = 0

The member is unstable since the three reactions are concurrence at B
Example: Classify following structures as stable, unstable,
determinate or statically indeterminate.

(a) No. of reactions, r =15, (b) The element BC can not
member, n =3, resist horizontal movement.
Degree of indeterminacy, Therefore, the structure is
d =r-3*n =15-3*3= 6 unstable.
 The structure is stable and
indeterminate by 60

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Determinacy Stability

Determinate Stable OK

Indeterminate Unstable NOT OK

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Applications of the Equations of Equilibrium

Consider the 3‐member frame as
shown in Fig. Subjecting to loads P1 &
P2 . Draw free body diagram and show
the determinacy.

r = 9 and n= 3
r = 3(n) or 9 = 9
i.e. It is statically determinate
By analyzing the any of the 2 members,
the other 6 unknowns can be solved

Using entire frame, the

external reactions (Ax ,
Ay , & Cx can be

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example 2.10: The compound beam in Fig 2.30(a) is fixed at A

Determine the reactions at A, B & C. Assume the connections at B is
a pin & C is a roller Fig 2.30.
6 kN/m
8 kN‐m

6m 4.5 m
The free‐body diagram of each segment

There are 6 unknowns, applying the 6 eqns of equilibrium, we have:

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Segment BC:
 M c  0;  8  By (4.5)  0  By  1.78kN
   Fy  0;  1.78  C y  0  C y  1.78kN

  Fx  0; Bx  0

Segment AB:
 M A  0; M A  36(3)  (1.78)(6)  0;  M A  97.3 kN.m
   Fy  0; Ay  36  1.78  0  Ay  34.2kN

  Fx  0; Ax  0

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example 2.12
Determine the horizontal and
vertical components of reaction at
the pins A, B, and C of the two-
member frame shown in Fig.

The free‐body diagram of each segment

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Example 2-13: The side of the building in Fig. is subjected to a

wind loading that creates a uniform normal pressure of 15 kPa on
the windward side and a suction pressure of 5 kPa on the leeward
side. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction
at the pin connections A, B, and C of the supporting gable arch.
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel


Since the loading is evenly

distributed, the central gable
arch supports a loading
acting on the walls & roof of
the dark-shaded tributary

This represents a uniform

distributed load of
(15kN/m2)(4m)=60kN/m on
the windward side and
(5kN/m2)(4m)=20kN/m on
the suction side as shown in

Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Simplifying the distributed loadings, the free-body diagrams

of the entire frame & each of its parts are shown in Fig.

Entire Frame:
 M A  0;  (180  60)(1.5)  (254.6  84.9) cos 45 (4.5)

(254.6sin 45o )(1.5)  (84.9sin 45o )(4.5)  C y (6)  0  C y  240.0kN

   Fy  0;  Ay  254.6sin 45o  84.9sin 45o  240.0  0
Ay  120.0kN
Dr. Kazi M.A. Sohel

Member AB:
 M B  0;  Ax (6)  120.0(3)  180(4.5)  (254.6)(2.12)  0
Ax  285.0kN

  Fx  0;  285.0  180  254.6 cos 45  Bx  0  Bx  75.0kN

   Fy  0;  120.0  254.6sin 45o  By  0  By  300.0kN

Member AB:

  Fx  0;  Cx  60 84.9 cos 45  75.0  0  Cx  195.0kN

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