GP Solver

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Mr Davis want to expand the convention Center.

size cost
Small 400 18000
Medium 750 33000
Large 1050 45150

X1 Number of small room

X2 Number of Medium room
X3 Number of large room
CONSIDER THE EXAMPLE WHERE WE PRODUCE TWO PRODUCTS Each product requires time in two production despatment 1
Product 1 rrquires 20 hrs in department 1 and 10 hrs in department 2
Product 2 requirs 10 hts in department 1 and 10 hrs in department 2
Production time is limited in departmrnt 1 to 60 hours and departmrnt 2 to 40 hours, contribution to profit for two product is
Management goal is to maimise profit
x1 product 1
x2 product 2

x1 x2
d1 20 10 60
d2 10 10 40
40 80

constraint 20x1+10x2=60
objective 40 x1+80 x2
X1 X2
x1 x2 0 4
D1 20 10 40 60 MAX z 40 80 320
D2 10 10 40 40

40 80

wo production despatment 1

on to profit for two product is limite is Rs 40 and Rs 80 respectively

Linear Programm

Linear Programm

Linear Programm
Linear Programm

. Notice that in th
, the slack for ea
amming in Excelsol

amming in Excel23

amming in ExcelCli
amming in Excel26
in the first two con

or each of the first

elsolution values. M

el23. To enter the

elClick the Add but

el26. Click on the S
o constraints, the l

first twoconstraints
ues. Make sure Max

the constraints int

d button.25. Repea
the Solve button. T
the left andright ha

aints would be 0.27

Max is checked sin

s into the Solver, c

epeat step 24 for t

on. The values in t
ht hand sides appe

0.27. Highlight the

d since we are ma

ver, click on the Ad

for the other two c

s in the cell are cha
appear to be equal.

ht the Answer and S

e maximizing theob

e Add button unde

wo constraints and
e changed to corres
qual. But the slack

and Sensitivity Rep

heobjective functio

under the“Subject t

and the correspon

orrespond tothe so
lack is not equal to

Reports, and click

nction.22. Position

ect to the Constrai

sponding cells for t

e solution of the lin
ual to zero as itshou

click on the OK but

tion the cursor in t

straints” heading. T

for theleft and righ

he linear programm
tshould. This is a ro

K button. Twonew s
r in the box below “

ng. The Add Const

d right hand sides.

amming problem.
s a rounding issue d

new sheets will be c

low “By Changing C

onstraint box will o

des. It is not neces

em. According to E
sue due to the natu

be created in your
ging Cells:”. Click a

will open andallow

ecessary to enter t
to Excel, thesoluti
nature of the algo

your Excel worksp

ck and hold theleft

llow you to enter th

ter the nonnegativ

olution is
algorithm used tos

rkspace, Answer R
eleft mouse button

ter the left hand sid

d tosolve the probl

er Report, andSens
utton in cell B9. Dr

nd side, inequality,

ints. Once the cons

problem and is noth

Sensitivity Report.
9. Drag the cursor t

lity, and right hand

constraints have b
nothing to be conc

port. You can click

sor to cell C9. This

hand of the firstco

ve been entered, c
concerned about. I

click on the tab for

This selects the tw

stconstraint.24. Po

ed, click on the OK

out. If we were to s

b for either of these

he twocells containi

4. Position the curs

e OK button inthe A
to startwith a diffe

hese reports at the

taining the guess f

cursor in the box u

the Add Constraint

different initial gue

at thebottom of the
ess for the solution

box under “Cell Ref

raints box. You’ll re

al guess like

f the Excel window

ution values. The a

l Reference”. Click

u’ll return to the So

dow to view them
he absolute referen

Click on the cellcon

e Solve Parameters
ferences forthe cel

llcontaining the left

eters box seen bel

e cells are placed in

e left hand side of

n below. At this poi

ced into the Changi

e of the capacity co

s point the linear p

anging Cells box.

ty constraint, D5. N

ear programming p

D5. Next position t

ng problem has be

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