IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01
In today’s era, especially in the young generation,
C. Proposed System
the craze of motorbikes is really remarkable. The
middle class families prefer to buy motorbikes over 4- Our system will make the wearing of helmet
wheelers, because of there low prices, various varieties compulsory inturn avoid or reduce the death due to
available in the market, due to cut-throat competitions accident as the bike will not start if biker not wears the
between 2-wheeler companies and durability. Helmet. And our system will also prevent the drunken
As the bikers in our country are increasing, the road driving as the bike will not start if the biker is drunk.
mishaps are also increasing day by day, due to which In case of the accident the system will send a message to
many deaths occur, most of them are caused due to the family member of the biker automatically informing
most common negligence of not wearing the helmets, the accident. The system will also send GPS co-ordinates
also many deaths occur due to lack of prompt medical so that family can find his/her location on Google Map.
attention needed by the injured person.
This motivates us to think about making a system
which ensures the safety of biker, by making it
necessary to wear helmet, as per government guidelines,
also to get proper and prompt medical attention, after
meeting with an accident.
Road safety is a major issue of concern; it becomes
necessary to implement such a technique which is not easy
to bypass the basic rule of wearing helmet. Taking this as
our aim, we are designing such a system which will make
the helmet necessary to wear, thus improving the safety of
the bikers.
Also in case of accidents, the information about the
accident will be send to the relatives of the injured person,
this will make it easy to track the person and give him
prompt medical attention.
A. System Overview
The above proposed system will be divided into the following sub modules or sections…
The System
Hemet Embedded
Tx-Unit Mobile Code System
8051 Based Design Embedded C
Battery Press to ON Alcohol RF Tx Module Power Supply MC LCD 16x2 Relay RF Rx Module
Switch Sensor
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01|Page:2
International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01
A. Embedded Books & Websites
[1] Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051
Microcontroller, Edition 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill, Page:157-167.
[6] www.beyondlogic.org
[7] www.discovercircuits.com
[8] www.electronicsforu.com
[5] www.electronic-circuits-diagrams.com
[6] www.circuitstoday.com
[7] www.circuitlake.com
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01|Page:4
International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01
Transmitter Unit
Micro switch
Encoder Transmitter
Alcohol sensor
Receiver Unit
LCD 16x2
Switches to
Detect Accident
Receiver Decoder Microcontroller
Driver Relay
2.4GHz 5VDC
Modem Power
Supply 12VDC
Bike Power
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01|Page:5