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International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology | ISSN:2278-9057

IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01

Intelligent Gadgets for Bikers

With Alert SMS & GPS Positioning
Mrs. Meena Ravi kumar
M.E. –Mumbai University
[email protected]

In today’s era, especially in the young generation,
C. Proposed System
the craze of motorbikes is really remarkable. The
middle class families prefer to buy motorbikes over 4- Our system will make the wearing of helmet
wheelers, because of there low prices, various varieties compulsory inturn avoid or reduce the death due to
available in the market, due to cut-throat competitions accident as the bike will not start if biker not wears the
between 2-wheeler companies and durability. Helmet. And our system will also prevent the drunken
As the bikers in our country are increasing, the road driving as the bike will not start if the biker is drunk.
mishaps are also increasing day by day, due to which In case of the accident the system will send a message to
many deaths occur, most of them are caused due to the family member of the biker automatically informing
most common negligence of not wearing the helmets, the accident. The system will also send GPS co-ordinates
also many deaths occur due to lack of prompt medical so that family can find his/her location on Google Map.
attention needed by the injured person.
This motivates us to think about making a system
which ensures the safety of biker, by making it
necessary to wear helmet, as per government guidelines,
also to get proper and prompt medical attention, after
meeting with an accident.

Road safety is a major issue of concern; it becomes
necessary to implement such a technique which is not easy
to bypass the basic rule of wearing helmet. Taking this as
our aim, we are designing such a system which will make
the helmet necessary to wear, thus improving the safety of
the bikers.
Also in case of accidents, the information about the
accident will be send to the relatives of the injured person,
this will make it easy to track the person and give him
prompt medical attention.


A. Existing System
As such there is no system developed for this cause.
Bikers are supposed to wear the helmet but there is no
check over this. In case of accident also there was no
automatic media. Therefore we can say that this project is
totally new idea in the market.
B. Drawbacks of Existing System
As there was no system to make the wearing of Helmet
compulsory, the chances of death due to accident were
International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01


A. System Overview
The above proposed system will be divided into the following sub modules or sections…

The System

Hemet Embedded
Tx-Unit Mobile Code System

8051 Based Design Embedded C

Battery Press to ON Alcohol RF Tx Module Power Supply MC LCD 16x2 Relay RF Rx Module
Switch Sensor

all the system generated messages coming from the

controller. LCD will provide interactive user
B. Block Diagram This unit requires +5VDC for it proper operation.
The Block Diagram of the system is attached behind.
 Bluetooth Modem
C. Explanations of Blocks Bluetooth Modem is a device that acts as mediator
The following are the brief explanations of the working between any embedded system and the Bluetooth
principle of the various major blocks or sections used in communication medium. It has built-in protocol
the system… for serial communication i.e. Serial Port Profile.
 Power Supply Thus it provides an ideal solution for developers
This unit will supply the various voltage who want to integrate Bluetooth wireless
requirements of each unit. This will be consists of technology into their design with limited
transformer, rectifier, filter and regulator. The knowledge of Bluetooth and RF technologies.
rectifier used here will be Bridge Rectifier. It will This unit requires +3.3VDC for it proper operation.
convert 230VAC into desired 5V/12V DC.
 Relay Driver
 Microcontroller As microcontroller cannot supply more current to
This unit is the heart of the complete system. It is driver high current sinking device; we will use
actually responsible for all the process being relay driver circuit to drive the relays.
executed. It will monitor & control all the We will use ULN2803 IC for this purpose. It has in
peripheral devices or components connected in the built 8 Darlington Pairs to drive 8 channels each of
system. In short we can say that the complete 300mA. Also it can bear up to 50V.
intelligence of the project resides in the software This unit requires +12VDC for it proper operation.
code embedded in the Microcontroller.
The controller here user will be of 8051 family.
The code will be written in Embedded C and will  Relay
be burned or programmed into the code memory A relay is a simple electromechanical switch made
using a programmer. up of an electromagnet and a set of contacts. Here
This unit requires +5VDC for it proper operation. we are using SPST (Single Pole, Single Throw)
Type Relay. It will be used to switch ON OR OFF
 LCD 16x2 the electrical path between two contacts.
It is called Liquid Crystal Display. We are going to This unit requires +12VDC for it proper operation.
use 16x2 character LCD. This will be connected to
microcontroller. The job of LCD will be to display  RF Encoder HT12E
This unit is used to encode the 4-bit data before
transmitting it in the communication channel.

Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01|Page:2
International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01

Basically it generates a serial bit stream of the  Embedded C - Keil Compiler,

parallel input data bits. It then sends data stream to  Eagle Software for PCB Designing,
RF transmitter unit. For Mobile System…
This unit requires +5V to 12V DC for it proper  Serial Communication Protocol (SPP),
operation.  J3ME Based Mobile (MIDlet) Programming,
 GPS Programming –JSR-179,
 RF Decoder HT12D  SMS Programming-JSR-120,
This unit is used to decode the 4-bit after receiving  Bluetooth Programming-JSR-82.
it from the RF Receiver unit. Basically it generates
a parallel data from the serial incoming bit stream.E. Project Development Methodology or Steps
This unit requires +5 to 12VDC for it proper The following will be development steps so as to
operation. achieve the working Prototype Model of the above
proposed system…
 The RF Transmitter  Defining the Problem,
This unit performs very significant roll i.e. it is
 Understanding the Need & Usability in industry
responsible for the modulation (ASK, CF-434MHz)
and society (Market Analysis),
of the message or data to be transferred. Once the
 Developing Block Diagram,
data is modulated then is transmitted or launched
in Air by the help of the antenna. The baud rate is  Designing Circuits of individual blocks,
generally 1200bps and the range will be up to 100  Testing circuits in LAB & Finalizing,
ft.  Developing PCB on PC,
This unit requires +5V to 12V DC for it proper  Getting the PCB printed from market,
operation.  Soldering the components,
 Performing various Basic Experiments to test the
 The RF Receiver PCBs,
This unit performs very significant roll i.e. it is  Developing Flowchart for the entire process,
responsible for the demodulation of the message or  Writing actual Software Program,
data after reception from air. This section is  Compilation & Burning,
internally constructed with Amplifier unit, Filter  Testing and Debugging,
unit, Peak Detector, Sample and Hold circuit and  Finally Running the system and,
Level Shifter.  Documentation.
This unit requires +5VDC for it proper operation.


The alcohol sensor is resistive type analog Only the imagination can limit the applications of the
transducer. This gives high analog voltage above proposed system.
whenever there is presence of alcoholic molecules Though the following are some examples…
in the nearby surrounding.
 For biker as a bike gadgets,
This unit requires +5VDC for it proper operation.
 In cars for seatbelt wearing,
D. Features  In Transportation.
The Following are the prominent features of the above
discussed system…
 It prevents death in accidents, By the realization of the above proposed system one can
 Makes mandatory for bikers to wear Helmet, learn many aspects of a digital electronics circuit. This will
 Prevents drunken drivers, give the complete knowledge of designing microcontroller
based system and developing embedded software.
 SMS Alert to family members,
 GPS Co-ordinates of the accident is also sent,
 Helps to implement Govt. Law,
A. Limitations
Technology & Programming Languages
As generally all systems have some limitation, here are
some listed for the proposed system…
As microcontrollers are the core of these days digital
 SMS are not in real time,
circuit design in industry, this system uses it for the
 Each SMS will attract some cost,
centralized operation and digital processing. The
technology used here is embedded technology which is the  Only one reference no. can be used,
future of today’s modern electronics. B. Drawbacks
The followings are the various Programming Languages
& Technologies that are going to be used in the proposed This system has certain drawbacks also as listed…
system…  SMS will also be sent in case bike simply falls
 Embedded Technology, down even without accident,
 8051 Family Based Controller,  SMS will not be sent if there is no balance in
prepaid mobile,
Reg. No.:20121201|DOI:V1I3P01|Page:3
International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01

 SMS will also not be sent if the biker is out of

coverage area.

A. Embedded Books & Websites
[1] Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051
Microcontroller, Edition 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill, Page:157-167.

[2] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 8051

Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Prentice-Hall, Page:183-
193, 236, 243.

[3] Dogan Ibrahim, Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051,

Newnes, Page:29-161.

[4] Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller ARCHITECTURE,

COMPANY, Page:131-197.

[5] Michael J. Pont, Embedded C, Edition 2002, Addison Wesley,

Page: 57-87,217.

[6] www.beyondlogic.org
[7] www.discovercircuits.com
[8] www.electronicsforu.com

B. Electronics Books & Websites

[1] Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits,
4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Page:342, 417, 455.

[2] Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and

Circuit Theory, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Page:342, 417, 455.

[3] R.P.Jain, Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill


Novice to Professional, Third Edition 2005, Prentice-Hall, ISBN
(pbk): 1-59059-479-7.

[5] www.electronic-circuits-diagrams.com
[6] www.circuitstoday.com
[7] www.circuitlake.com

C. Other Books & Websites

[1] www.alldatasheets.com
[2] www.wikipedia.org
[3] www.keil.com
[4] www.hobbyprojects.com

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International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057
IJIIT|Volume-I|Issue-III|2012-2013 January|Paper-01


Transmitter Unit

Micro switch
Encoder Transmitter


Alcohol sensor

Receiver Unit
LCD 16x2

Switches to
Detect Accident

Receiver Decoder Microcontroller
Driver Relay

2.4GHz 5VDC

Modem Power
Supply 12VDC

Bike Power

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