TSLSA - Defensive Driving Brochure

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Defensive Driving/

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a set of safe driv-

ing habits that allow you to identify
and avoid hazards on the road.

Telangana State Legal

Services Authority

2nd Floor, 'C'Block, High Court


Phone: 040-23446723
Email: [email protected]
Drive and Ride Safely
Defensive 6. Don’t Overestimate other driv-
ers/riders, not everybody on the
10. Keep up to date with the
rules and laws, the rules are
Driving/Riding road is a safe driver/rider, be alert evolving according to the road
to notice the rash driving/riding safety norms and the increasing
1. Be attentive, more so at pe- drivers/riders on the road. Be pre- volume of vehicles and rule viola-
destrian crossings, tunnels, at pared for others to make mistakes. tions. Learn about the changes to
turnings, bus stops etc., to laws, remember ignorance is not
avoid any mishaps. innocence.
7. Have an emergency Plan,
keep the hazard cones in the car,
2. Keep the Right Distance, the contact details of the Dealer- 11. Do not drive/ride when you
for every 40 KM/H speed keep ship, in case of a breakdown, are feeling tired or emotional,
a gap of one car between the emergency contact details shall don’t let your tiredness and emo-
vehicle in front and yours. always be kept in the vehicle. tional imbalance cause an acci-
dent. Take rest whenever you feel
tired, taking small breaks during a
3. Look Further, keep an eye 8. Know about the ‘Right of long drive/ride also helps.
on the cars ahead, at least four Way’, the pedestrians always have
to five cars ahead to avoid any the right of way, respect their right.
danger in advance. Likewise, when you are merging 12. Indicate your intentions, sig-
with the highway, the vehicles al- nal early and clearly, do not
ready treading on the highway will swerve all of a sudden, it is always
4. Driving in Rain/Fog, It is have the right of way. safe to take the next turn than to
important to be seen in rain swerve suddenly.
and fog. Keep your headlights
on and reduce your speed. 9. Don’t Tailgate, tailgating means
closely following the vehicle in 13. Eliminate distractions, avoid
front, not keeping the safe distance mobile phone usage while driving,
5. Start early, drive/ride re- in case of an accident. Avoid tail- also avoid food and drink.
sponsibly and reach safely. gating.

An initiative of the
Telangana State Legal
Services Authority

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