Cashew Project

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Model DPR

Under Agriculture Infrastructure Scheme

Submitted to Submitted by

Knowledge Partner
Department of Agriculture, NABARD Consultancy Services
Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Corporate Office: 24 Rajendra Place,
7th Floor, NABARD Building, New Delhi
Registered Office: Plot No. C-24, G Block,
3rd Floor, NABARD Building, Bandra Kurla
Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)


This document has been prepared by NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS)

Private Ltd for Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare as a
professional Consultancy agency.

The views expressed and the conclusions arrived at in this document, including
financial, are based on the data and information provided by various Government
Departments and agencies, overall policy and approach of the State Government,
discussions with the stakeholders at various levels as also the observations recorded
by NABCONS during the study. Being only advisory in nature, such views and
conclusions do not represent or reflect, in any way, the policy or views of NABARD.

NABCONS / NABARD accept no liability, financial or otherwise, or any deemed

financial commitment whatsoever on any view, observation or conclusion expressed
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)


Preparation of this document has been possible with broad-based support and co-
operation from various stakeholders. NABARD Consultancy Services hereby,
sincerely and gratefully acknowledges the support and valuable co-operation
extended by them.

Our sincere thanks are also due to all others who directly or indirectly helped
NABCONS in preparation of this document.

Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

DPR Template for projects under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund1

1. Details of the Applicant

SN Particulars Details
i. Name of the Applicant
Constitution Legal Status of Applicant :
(i.e. Govt. organization, NGO, Co-operative
ii. society, Company, partnership firm, To be filled by the applicant
proprietorship firm, Individual, FPO, Self Help
Group, etc.)
iii. Registration No. of Applicant/CIN
iv. GST No. of Applicant
v. Date of Establishment/ Incorporation
vi. Address of the registered office
vii. PAN No. of Applicant
viii. Address of the proposed site
ix. District
x. State
xi. Pin Code
Whether lead promoter belong to SC/ ST/
*Details of associates/ allied firms, if any may also be provided.

2. Contact details of the Applicant/Promoter(s)/Partner(s)/Directors(s)/ Members

including addresses, telephone, mobile, fax, e-mail, website, PAN etc.
SN Name of Applicant/ Address Telephone Mobile E-mail Id Any
Promoter(s)/ No. No. other
Partner(s)/ details

To be filled by the applicant

1 This template is prepared keeping in mind the essential information required by the lending institutions to process the loan
application. Different formats of table/description can be used for preparation of the DPR but all the required information in
template should be included in the DPR.
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

3. Details of the Promoter(s)/Partner(s)/Directors(s)/ Members

S Name of Aadhaar PAN Academic Net DIN Credit Date of Partne r
N Promoter(s)/ No. No. and Worth No. Rating Share profit
Partner(s)/ technical holding sharing
Director(s)/ Qualificati ratio
Members on

1 To be filled by the applicant

4. Relative experience of the Applicant/Promoter(s)/Partner(s)/Directors(s)/

S Name of lead Detail of Details of Supporting
N Applicant/Promoter(s)/Partner(s)/ Experience Turnover Document
Members of Applicant Entity (year-wise) attached, if
any (Yes/No)

2 To be filled by the applicant

5. Details of Existing Banking and Credit facilities of the Applicant/ Promoter(s)/

Partner(s)/ Directors(s)
S Types Name Limit Outstandin Securitie Rate of Repaymen Purpos
N of of s g as on s interes t terms e
Facilit Bank dd/mm/yyy t
y and y

To be filled by the applicant

3 Others

*Information pertaining to credit rating (internal /external) may also be shared along
with the aforementioned information
Details of GST Returns submitted, if any or status of registration
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

6. Project Details
a. Objective of the proposed project: CASHEW PROCESSING UNIT
b. Category of proposed infrastructure as per the Scheme:

SN Component Mark Tick (✓)

1 Supply chain
2 Warehouses
3 Silos
4 Pack Houses
5 Assaying Unit
6 Sorting & Grading unit
7 Cold Chain
8 Logistics facilities
9 Primary Processing Centres ✓
10 Ripening Chambers
11 Organic input production
12 Bio stimulant production unit
13 Infrastructure for Smart and precision agriculture
Projects identified for providing supply chain
14 infrastructure for clusters of crops including export
Projects promoted by Central/State/Local Governments
15 or their agencies under PPP for building community
farming assets or post-harvest management projects.
16 Any other (please Specify)

c. Type of Operating Model (Rental, PPP, captive, Lease, Franchise etc.) and details

7. Land Details:
SN Particulars Details
3000 sq ft (land considered as
1 Land Area
Owned/ Leased)
2 Status of Legal title & Possession
To be filled by the applicant, some sample details are added
3 if leased, Period of lease
4 Coordinates of location
5 Details of CLU
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

SN Particulars Details
Connectivity to roads
6 I. State Highway (in Km.) XX Km from YY road
II. National Highway (in Km.)
7 Availability of Water Borewell and water pipe line
8 Availability of Power State electricity board connection

8. Proposed facilities:
I. Details of proposed facility

Type of facilities proposed to No. of Total Capacity No. of Days of

be created Units [MT, Ltrs, MT/Hr. operation
1 Warehouse
2 Silos
3 Pack-house
4 CA Store
5 Cold store
6 Frozen store
7 Pre-cooling Chambers
Processing unit, Weighing,
8 Packing facility [Modify as per 1 Unit 100 KG Per Hour 225 days
9 Ripening Chambers
10 IQF
11 Blast Freezing
Refrigerated Vehicles/ Reefer
13 Mobile Pre-coolers
Insulated/ non-insulated
distribution vehicle
15 Irradiation Facility
16 Organic input production
17 Bio Stimulant production units
18 Others (Specify)

II. Details of technologies to be used/ alternative technologies Boiler, conveyor belt, hot
air dryer
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

III. Flow chart of activity process

Cashew often referred to as ‘wonder nut’, is one of the most valuable processed nuts
traded on the global commodity markets and is also an important cash crop.
Commercial cultivation of cashew is taken up in eight states of our country mainly in
west and eastern coast viz., Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. In addition, cashew is also
grown in few pockets of Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Nagaland and
Tripura. Generally the processing of raw cashew nuts into edible cashew kernel takes
the following steps traditional method: roasting, shelling drying, peeling, grading,
quality controls, fumigation and packaging. All these steps have to be conducted with
care to obtain good quality and good grade kernels.
In order to ensure the quality requirements an avoid contamination of the cashew nuts,
preparation takes place under clean, hygienic, and ideal conditions. The following
aspects are cleaned regularly: equipment (tubes, knives, etc.), working and drying
surfaces (racks, mats, etc.), personnel clothes, and preparing storage rooms.
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

9. Proposed Project Financials

a. Estimated Project cost details

Amount (Rs. In
S. No. Particulars
1 Civil Works 16.00
2 Plant & Machineries 8.80
3 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets 00.00
4 Working Capital Margin Money 15.20
5 Preliminary & Preoperative Expenses 01.00
Project Cost 41.00
b. Plant and Machineries
A list of plant and machinery required for a cashew processing unit are
as under:
Qty. in Price in
S.No Name of Machinery
Nos Rs.
1 Size screening machine 1 20,000
2 Weighing scale 1 25,000
3 Soaking container 1 10,000
4 Cashew cooking system 1 50,000
5 Cashew sorting machine (shelling machine) 1 300,000
6 Dryer 1 200,000
7 Kernel humidifier 1 100,000
8 Nut packaging machine 1 75,000
9 Miscellaneous equipments 1 100,000
Total Machineries (Rs. In Lakhs) 8,80,000
Total Cost of Plant and Machineries (Rs. In
Lakhs) 8.8 Lakhs

c. Means of finance

S. No. Source of Finance Amount (Rs. In %

1 *Promoter’s Equity (10.00%) 5.545 10.00
2 Term Loan from Bank 45.805 52.93
3 Working Capital Margin Money 15.20 37.07
Total 55.45 100
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

*The source of the owned funds and also the capacity of the promoter to support the
project in the event of cost escalations due to time overruns should also be

d. Basic Revenue Projections (₹ in lakh)

SN Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1 Turnover 588.06 700.77 754.68 808.58 862.49
2 Cost of Operations 419.93 473.26 508.41 543.75 579.29
3 Gross Profit 168.13 227.51 246.27 264.83 283.20
Earnings Before
Interest, Tax,
Depreciation and
Amortization (EBITDA) 168.13 227.51 246.27 264.83 283.20
5 Profit before taxation 161.404 222.303 241.570 260.609 279.411
6 Profit after taxation 112.682 155.612 169.099 182.426 195.588
*CMA data to be provided along with projected balance sheet, profit & loss statements,
covering entire period of repayment.

e. Financial Parameters
Ref Page No. in
SN Particulars Details (Ratio/%)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) [(a) With
1 63.32% -
and (b) without grant/ subsidy]
Avg. Debt Service Coverage Ratio
2 12.55 -
3 Break Even Point (BEP) 12.50% -
4 Debt-Equity Ratio ( TTL/TNW) 0.306 -
5 Fixed Assets Coverage Ratio 0.612 -

f. Credit Facilities proposed

I. Fund Based
a) Term Loan 21.70 lacs
b) Working Capital 15.20 lacs
(Attach Assessment of working capital, if proposed)
II. Non Fund Based
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

Collateral Security proposed to be offered and its approximate value for the applicable
cases. (To be furnished only in case of loans above Rs.2 crore)

g. Repayment Schedule (Including moratorium period) - 84 Months (Including 6 months


h. Details of Statutory/other approvals/registrations (status) Completed

10. Availability of Raw Materials in the Catchment Area - provide details such as
Adequate Volume, Wider Mix of Raw Materials, Days of Operation in a Year
along with supporting data. Based on this information feasibility/viability of
the project should be justified.
Raw material is to be acquired from nearby farmer suppliers. The unit has agreed to
procure the kernel from the farmers at the prices agreed in the agreement.
The unit shall operate for 225 days in a year.

11. Details of the catchment area of the project

Location of the Name Quantities to be

Commodities sourced [MT ]
S.N Catchment Village/Dist/
to be sourced
(Primary/Secondary) APMC ( per annum)
*DPR should comprised of detailed chapter on proposed catchment (production and
supply statistics).

12. Details of existing demand of the product and marketing arrangements

(including e-trading), possibility of for leasing with FCI/CWC/SWC/e-commerce
players / retailers for assured cash flows if any.

13. Employment Generation projections

a. Direct Employment: (Skilled and Semi-skilled): 14
b. Contractual Employment with no. of days: ……………..
c. Indirect Employment (specify): …Packing material suppliers, Dealers and
Service providers, Local vendors gets indirect employment from this project in
rural areas.

Particulars Nos. Monthly Salary (Rs.)

Accountant -cum -Cashier 1 22000
Mechanic 4 10000
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

Particulars Nos. Monthly Salary (Rs.)

Helper 3 15000
Labour 4 12000
Security 2 10500
Total salary for the year 14 2112000
Benefits @ 30% 633600
Total salary (Rs. In Lakh Per year) 27.456 lakhs
 Direct Employment: (Skilled and Semi-skilled) -14
 Contractual Employment with no. of days:
 Indirect Employment (specify): 25

14. Details of renewable/ alternate energy sources including solar energy, if any,
proposed to be used for operating the project including inter alia, details of
power generation.
50% of power requirement will be fulfilled by renewable energy

15. Details of pollution issues (if any) and adoption of modern technology for
reducing the carbon footprints and increasing operational efficiency:-
Basic cost How the technology will help in
Name of
SN (Excluding taxes reducing carbon footprint and/or
etc.) increase in operational efficiency

2 To be filled by the applicant

16. List of Manufacturers/ Suppliers of P&M (enclose quotations)

I certify that the information / contents as above furnished by me / us are true to the best
of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed. In case, any
information furnished in the application is found false, my / our application may be rejected
out at any stage by the Bank and not eligible under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund scheme.

Date: _________________ Signature of the Applicant

Place: ______
Model DPR for Establishment of Cashew Processing Unit (without Capital Subsidy)

Contents Table

Contents Link
Annexure 1 - Estimated cost of the project Ann 1'!A1
Annexure 2 - Means of Finance Ann 2'!A1
Annexure 3 - Complete Estimate of Civil and Plant and Machinery Ann 3'!A1
Annexure 4 - Estimated Cost of Production Ann 4'!A1
Annexure 5- Projected balance sheet Ann 5'!A1
Annexure 8 - Details of Manpower Ann 8'!A1
Annexure 9 - Computation of Depreciation Ann 9'!A1
Annexure 10 - Calculation of Income tax Ann 10'!A1
Annexure 11- Break even analysis (At maximum capacity utilization) Ann 11'!A1
Annexure 13 - Repayment schedule Ann 13'!A1
Annexure 14 - Cash flow statement Ann 14'!A1
Sales Budget Budgets!A1
Assumptions Assumptions!A1
DPR without subsidy

Annexure 1 - Estimated cost of the project

Estimated cost of project

Grand Total (in
Sr. No. Particulars lakhs)
1 Land and site development
(a) Land (Lease in name of company) -
Total -

2 Site Development -
(a) Total -

3 Civil Work
(a) Civil Work 16.00
Total 16.00

4 Plant and Machinery (indegenous)

(a) Plant and Machinery 8.80
Total 8.80

5 Miscellanoeus Fixed Assets

(a) Cost -

6 Working Capital Margin 15.20

7 Preliminary Expenses -
(a) Security Deposit -
Total -

8 Pre-Operative Expense
(for 6 months upto the date od commencement of
commercial production)
(a) Establisment and Travelling and Other Expenses
(b) Legal and Misc Expense 1.00
Total 1.00

Total Cost of Project 41.00

Annexure 2 - Means of Finance

Sr. No. Item Grand Total (in lakhs)

1 Promoter's equity 4.100
2 Eligible Assistance -
3 Term Loan 21.700
4 CC Limit 15.20
Total 41.00
Annexure 3 - Complete Estimate of Civil and Plant and Machinery

1. Civil Work Units Amt

1 Civil work for building 1 1,600,000
Total Civil Work 1,600,000

2. Plant and machinery** Units Capacity Amt

1 Size screening machine 1 20,000
2 Weighing scale 1 25,000
3 Soaking container 1 10,000
4 Cashew cooking system 1 50,000
5 Cashew sorting machine (shelling machine) 1 100 kg per hr 300,000
6 Dryer 1 200,000
7 Kernel humidifier 1 100,000
8 Nut packaging machine 1 75,000
9 Miscellaneous equipments 100,000
Total Plant and Machinery 880,000

Total fixed Assets 2,480,000

** The Plant and Machinery cost estimate is as per the available technology
Annexure 4 - Estimated Cost of Production

Year ending March 31st

Sr. No Description
No of Working months 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Input cashew kernel 30,600,000 34,807,500 37,485,000 40,162,500 42,840,000 45,517,500 48,195,000 50,872,500 53,550,000
Electricity expense 1,930,000 2,014,000 2,102,200 2,194,810 2,292,051 2,394,153 2,501,361 2,613,929 2,732,125
Insurance cost @ 2% of purchase cost 49,600 52,080 54,684 57,418 60,289 63,304 66,469 69,792 73,282
Running and Manintenance expense @20% of raw material 6,120,000 6,961,500 7,497,000 8,032,500 8,568,000 9,103,500 9,639,000 10,174,500 10,710,000
Cost of Production 38,699,600 43,835,080 47,138,884 50,447,228 53,760,340 57,078,457 60,401,829 63,730,721 67,065,407
Add: Opening Stock - 475,200 990,000 1,544,400 2,138,400 2,772,000 2,098,800 1,386,000 633,600
Less: Closing Stock 475,200 990,000 1,544,400 2,138,400 2,772,000 2,098,800 1,386,000 633,600 -
Sub Total 38,224,400 43,320,280 46,584,484 49,853,228 53,126,740 57,751,657 61,114,629 64,483,121 67,699,007

Administrative salaries and wages 2,745,600 2,937,792 3,143,437 3,363,478 3,598,922 3,850,846 4,120,405 4,408,834 4,717,452
Packaging cahrges @ Rs. 5 per kg 534,600 579,150 623,700 668,250 712,800 772,650 818,100 863,550 907,200
Selling charges @ Rs. 2.5 per kg 267,300 289,575 311,850 334,125 356,400 386,325 409,050 431,775 453,600
Fixed charge for office 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000 480,000
Total 4,027,500 4,286,517 4,558,987 4,845,853 5,148,122 5,489,821 5,827,555 6,184,159 6,558,252

Cost of Sales 42,251,900 47,606,797 51,143,471 54,699,081 58,274,861 63,241,478 66,942,185 70,667,280 74,257,259
Expected sales revenue 48,114,000 57,335,850 61,746,300 66,156,750 70,567,200 76,492,350 80,991,900 85,491,450 89,812,800
Gross Profit 5,862,100 9,729,053 10,602,829 11,457,669 12,292,339 13,250,872 14,049,715 14,824,170 15,555,541

Financial expense
Interest on Term Loan 128,948 112,673 92,642 72,612 52,581 32,550 12,519 - -
Interest on WC Loan 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000
Total Financial expense 280,948 264,673 244,642 224,612 204,581 184,550 164,519 152,000 152,000

Operating profits (PBT) 5,581,152 9,464,380 10,358,186 11,233,057 12,087,758 13,066,322 13,885,196 14,672,170 15,403,541
Preliminary Expense 100,000 - - - - - - - -
depreciation 292,000 256,200 224,970 197,705 173,881 153,048 134,814 118,844 104,844
Net Profit before Tax 5,189,152 9,208,180 10,133,216 11,035,353 11,913,877 12,913,275 13,750,382 14,553,327 15,298,698
Income Tax 1,586,746 2,762,454 3,039,965 3,310,606 3,574,163 3,873,982 4,125,115 4,365,998 4,589,609
Profits after Tax 3,602,406 6,445,726 7,093,251 7,724,747 8,339,714 9,039,292 9,625,267 10,187,329 10,709,088
Distribution of profits (80%) 2,881,925 5,156,581 5,674,601 6,179,798 6,671,771 7,231,434 7,700,214 8,149,863 8,567,271
Profit transfer to balance sheet 720,481 1,289,145 1,418,650 1,544,949 1,667,943 1,807,858 1,925,053 2,037,466 2,141,818

1. Electricity are semi-fixed cost. Rs. 250,000 pa is fixed, balance is variable at Rs. 14 per unit usage
2. Electricity usage in units is given below
Usage in units 120000 126000 132300 138915 145860.75 153153.7875 160811.4769 168852.0507 177294.6533
Variable cost 1680000 1764000 1852200 1944810 2042050.5 2144153.025 2251360.676 2363928.71 2482125.146
3. It is assumed that insuarance cost is 2% of purchase price and this will increase 5% annually
4. Closing stock is valued at Rs 440 (avg cost)
5. Input cost of kernel would increase 10% per annum while 5% of input is wasted.
Annexure 5- Projected balance sheet

Projected Balance sheet

Year ending March 31st

Sr. No Description
A Asset
1 Fixed Capital expenditure
Gross Block 2,480,000.00 2,188,000.00 1,931,800.00 1,706,830.00 1,509,125.50 1,335,244.68 1,182,197.17 1,047,382.88 928,539.20
Less- Depreciation 292,000.00 256,200.00 224,970.00 197,704.50 173,880.83 153,047.50 134,814.30 118,843.68 104,843.50
Net Block 2,188,000.00 1,931,800.00 1,706,830.00 1,509,125.50 1,335,244.68 1,182,197.17 1,047,382.88 928,539.20 823,695.70
2 Sundry debtors 9,622,800.00 11,467,170 12,349,260 13,231,350 14,113,440 15,298,470 16,198,380 17,098,290 17,962,560
3 Closing stock 475,200.00 990,000 1,544,400 2,138,400 2,772,000 2,098,800 1,386,000 633,600 -
4 Cash/ bank balance 3,383,558.19 3,750,587 4,587,771 5,484,389 6,440,577 8,519,706 11,022,518 13,995,217 16,975,109
Total assets 15,669,558.19 18,139,557 20,188,261 22,363,265 24,661,261 27,099,174 29,654,281 32,655,647 35,761,364

B Liabilities
1 Capital 410,000.00 1,130,481 2,419,626 3,838,277 5,383,226 7,051,169 8,859,027 10,784,081 12,821,547
Add- Profit 720,481.27 1,289,145 1,418,650 1,544,949 1,667,943 1,807,858 1,925,053 2,037,466 2,141,818
Less- Drawings - - - - - - - - -
Closing capital 1,130,481.27 2,419,626 3,838,277 5,383,226 7,051,169 8,859,027 10,784,081 12,821,547 14,963,364
2 Term Loan 2,003,076.92 1,669,231 1,335,385 1,001,538 667,692 333,846 - - -
3 Working capital 1,520,000.00 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000
4 Creditors 11,016,000.00 12,530,700 13,494,600 14,458,500 15,422,400 16,386,300 17,350,200 18,314,100 19,278,000
Total liabilities 15,669,558.19 18,139,557 20,188,261 22,363,265 24,661,261 27,099,174 29,654,281 32,655,647 35,761,364

Current Ratio
Current Assets 13,481,558 16,207,757 18,481,431 20,854,139 23,326,017 25,916,976 28,606,898 31,727,107 34,937,669
Current Liabilities 12,536,000 14,050,700 15,014,600 15,978,500 16,942,400 17,906,300 18,870,200 19,834,100 20,798,000
Ratio 1.075427424 1.153519556 1.23089735 1.305137471 1.376783488 1.447366368 1.515982766 1.599624254 1.67985713
Average 1.376066201

Debt Equity ratio

Debt 3,523,077 3,189,231 2,855,385 2,521,538 2,187,692 1,853,846 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000
Equity 1,130,481 2,419,626 3,838,277 5,383,226 7,051,169 8,859,027 10,784,081 12,821,547 14,963,364
Ratio 3.116439891 1.318067406 0.743923592 0.468406567 0.310259523 0.209260686 0.140948498 0.118550441 0.101581434
Average 0.725270893

Fixed asset coverage ratio

Fixed assets 2,188,000 1,931,800 1,706,830 1,509,126 1,335,245 1,182,197 1,047,383 928,539 823,696
Debt 3,523,077 3,189,231 2,855,385 2,521,538 2,187,692 1,853,846 1,520,000 1,520,000 1,520,000
ratio 0.621048035 0.605726001 0.597758351 0.598493944 0.610343909 0.63769972 0.689067683 0.610881051 0.541905063

Debt service coverage ratio

Interest on loan (TL + WC) 280,948 264,673 244,642 224,612 204,581 184,550 164,519 152,000 152,000
Instalment of loan 1,686,923 1,853,846 1,853,846 1,853,846 1,853,846 1,853,846 1,853,846 1,520,000 1,520,000
Total Interest 1,967,871 2,118,519 2,098,488 2,078,458 2,058,427 2,038,396 2,018,365 1,672,000 1,672,000
Net operating income 5,862,100 9,729,053 10,602,829 11,457,669 12,292,339 13,250,872 14,049,715 14,824,170 15,555,541
Ratio 2.97890438 4.592383613 5.052602744 5.512582133 5.971714967 6.50063647 6.960937516 8.866130674 9.303553283
Average 5.367108832

1. asssumed that 90 days of purchases are average creditors maintained

2. assumed that 60 days of sales are average debtors maintained by the business
Annexure 8 - Details of Manpower

Details of Manpower

S. No. Designation In no. Salary per person per month Annual cost
i. Accountant cum cashier 1 22,000 264,000
ii. Mechanic 4 10,000 480,000
iii. Helpers 3 15,000 540,000
iv. Labour 4 12,000 576,000
v. Security 2 10,500 252,000
Total 2,112,000

Add: benefits @ 30% 633,600

Total 2,745,600

Total annual wages 2,745,600

Annual increase in wages 7%
Total manpower 14
Annexure 9 - Computation of Depreciation

Computation of Depreciation

Sr. No. Particulars Civil work Plant and Machinery Misc Fixed Asset Amount in lakhs
i. Cost 1,600,000 880,000 - 24.80
ii. Pre operatives - - - 0.00
iii. Contingencies - - - 0.00
Total 24.80

Rates of Depreciation 10% 15% 10% Total depreciation for the year
Year 1 160,000.00 132,000.00 - 292,000.00
Year 2 144,000.00 112,200.00 - 256,200.00
Year 3 129,600.00 95,370.00 - 224,970.00
Year 4 116,640.00 81,064.50 - 197,704.50
Year 5 104,976.00 68,904.83 - 173,880.83
Year 6 94,478.40 58,569.10 - 153,047.50
Year 7 85,030.56 49,783.74 - 134,814.30
Year 8 76,527.50 42,316.18 - 118,843.68
Year 9 68,874.75 35,968.75 - 104,843.50
Annexure 10 - Calculation of Income tax

Calculation of Income Tax

Year ending March 31st

Net profit before tax 5,581,152 9,464,380 10,358,186 11,233,057 12,087,758 13,066,322 13,885,196 14,672,170 15,403,541
Add- dep on SLM - - - - - - - - -
Sub total 5,581,152 9,464,380 10,358,186 11,233,057 12,087,758 13,066,322 13,885,196 14,672,170 15,403,541
Less- Dep on WDV 292,000 256,200 224,970 197,705 173,881 153,048 134,814 118,844 104,844
Sub total 5,289,152 9,208,180 10,133,216 11,035,353 11,913,877 12,913,275 13,750,382 14,553,327 15,298,698
Less - Deductions - - - - - - - - -
Taxable profits 5,289,152 9,208,180 10,133,216 11,035,353 11,913,877 12,913,275 13,750,382 14,553,327 15,298,698
Income tax @30% 1,586,746 2,762,454 3,039,965 3,310,606 3,574,163 3,873,982 4,125,115 4,365,998 4,589,609
Annexure 11- Break even analysis (At maximum capacity utilization)

Break even capacity at maximum capacity utilization

Sales 68,734,286
Variable cost
- Running and maintenance cost 13,746,857
- Interest on Working capital 152,000
- electricity expense 2,482,125 16,380,982
Contribution 52,353,303
Less: Fixed costs
Wages and salaries 2,745,600
Depreciation 292,000
Fixed charges for office 480,000
Electricity fixed charge 250,000
Insurance cost 49,600
Interest on TL 128,948
Fixed cost 3,946,148

Particulars Rs. per kg

Sales price per kg 450
Variable costs
Input kernel cost 297.5
Electricity cost 9.33
Running and maintenance 59.5
Packing charges 5
Selling expense 2.5
Interest on working capital 0.84
Contribution per unit 75.32222222
BEP in kgs 52,390.22
Total BEP % 29.11%

Break-even point is the condition when an entity generate sufficient revenue that it can meet its fixed
expense after deducting any variable expense, i.e., the point where contribution is equal to the fixed
For the first year of operation the break-even capacity comes at 29.11% capacity, it is because of the fact
that in the Initial year the fixed expense of consultancy for project is taken in to consideration for
calculation of BEP. considering our operational capacity in year 1 to be 60% which is more than the BEP,
hence we can conclude that the project is sound enough to cover its fixed expense.
Annexure 13 - Repayment schedule

Repayment schedule
Amount of Loan (in lakhs) 21.7000
Rate of interest 6.00%
Moratorium period 6 months

Year Quarter Balance outstanding Principal instalment Interest

1 21.70 0 0.3255
2 21.70 0 0.3255
3 21.70 0.834615385 0.3255
4 20.86538462 0.834615385 0.31298
1 20.03076923 0.834615385 0.30046
2 19.19615385 0.834615385 0.28794
3 18.36153846 0.834615385 0.27542
4 17.52692308 0.834615385 0.2629
1 16.69230769 0.834615385 0.25038
2 15.85769231 0.834615385 0.23787
3 15.02307692 0.834615385 0.22535
4 14.18846154 0.834615385 0.21283
1 13.35384615 0.834615385 0.20031
2 12.51923077 0.834615385 0.18779
3 11.68461538 0.834615385 0.17527
4 10.85 0.834615385 0.16275
1 10.01538462 0.834615385 0.15023
2 9.180769231 0.834615385 0.13771
3 8.346153846 0.834615385 0.12519
4 7.511538462 0.834615385 0.11267
1 6.676923077 0.834615385 0.10015
2 5.842307692 0.834615385 0.08763
3 5.007692308 0.834615385 0.07512
4 4.173076923 0.834615385 0.0626
1 3.338461538 0.834615385 0.05008
2 2.503846154 0.834615385 0.03756
3 1.669230769 0.834615385 0.02504
4 0.834615385 0.835 0.01252
Annexure 14 - Cash flow statement

Particulars 0 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX

opening balance 1,520,000 1,520,000 3,383,558 3,750,587 4,587,771 5,484,389 6,440,577 8,519,706 11,022,518 13,995,217
Add: Capital 410,000 - - - - - - - - -
Add: Loan disbursement 2,170,000 - - - - - - - - -
Less: Purchase of asset 2,480,000 - - - - - - - - -
Less: Land purchase -
Add: Sales realizations 38,491,200 45,868,680 49,397,040 52,925,400 56,453,760 61,193,880 64,793,520 68,393,160 71,850,240
Less: Payment made to creditors of previos year - - 11,016,000 12,530,700 13,494,600 14,458,500 15,422,400 16,386,300 17,350,200 18,314,100
Add: Receipts from debtors of previos year - - 9,622,800 11,467,170 12,349,260 13,231,350 14,113,440 15,298,470 16,198,380 17,098,290
Less: Payments made for current year purchase - 31,711,100 35,590,897 38,203,271 40,834,581 43,486,061 46,181,978 48,879,185 51,600,780 54,345,659
Less: Pre incorporation expense 100,000 - - - - - - - - -
Less: Interest payments - 280,948 264,673 244,642 224,612 204,581 184,550 164,519 152,000 152,000
1,520,000 8,019,152 12,003,468 13,636,183 15,308,639 17,020,357 19,958,969 23,181,692 26,511,078 30,131,989
Less: Income tax - 1,586,746 2,762,454 3,039,965 3,310,606 3,574,163 3,873,982 4,125,115 4,365,998 4,589,609
- 6,432,406 9,241,014 10,596,219 11,998,033 13,446,194 16,084,986 19,056,578 22,145,080 25,542,379
Less: Distrubutions made from profits - 2,881,925 5,156,581 5,674,601 6,179,798 6,671,771 7,231,434 7,700,214 8,149,863 8,567,271
- 3,550,481 4,084,433 4,921,618 5,818,235 6,774,423 8,853,553 11,356,364 13,995,217 16,975,109
Less: Principal repayment of loan - 166,923 333,846 333,846 333,846 333,846 333,846 333,846 - -
Closing cash balance 1,520,000 3,383,558 3,750,587 4,587,771 5,484,389 6,440,577 8,519,706 11,022,518 13,995,217 16,975,109

PV dicounting rate 6.00%

PVF 1 0.943396226 0.889996440 0.839619283 0.792093663 0.747258173 0.704960540 0.665057114 0.627412371 0.591898464
Inflows 4,100,000 40,011,200 58,875,038 64,614,797 69,862,431 75,169,499 81,747,897 88,611,696 95,614,058 102,943,747
PV of Inflows 4,100,000 37,746,415 52,398,574 54,251,830 55,337,589 56,171,023 57,629,041 58,931,839 59,989,443 60,932,246
Outflows 2,580,000 36,627,642 55,124,451 60,027,026 64,378,042 68,728,923 73,228,190 77,589,178 81,618,841 85,968,639
PV of Outflows 2,580,000 34,554,379 49,060,565 50,399,848 50,993,439 51,358,249 51,622,985 51,601,235 51,208,670 50,884,705

Net cash inflow 1,520,000 3,383,558 3,750,587 4,587,771 5,484,389 6,440,577 8,519,706 11,022,518 13,995,217 16,975,109
Net Present value 1,520,000 3,192,036 3,338,009 3,851,981 4,344,150 4,812,773 6,006,057 7,330,604 8,780,773 10,047,541 51,703,924
Sales Budget
Year ending March 31st
Estimated operational capacity 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Production capacity (kgs) 108,000 117,000 126,000 135,000 144,000 153,000 162,000 171,000 180,000
Input required to produce above output (kgs) 180,000 195,000 210,000 225,000 240,000 255,000 270,000 285,000 300,000
Sales (kgs) 106,920 115,830 124,740 133,650 142,560 154,530 163,620 172,710 181,440
Revenue in Rs. 48,114,000 57,335,850 61,746,300 66,156,750 70,567,200 76,492,350 80,991,900 85,491,450 89,812,800

Estimation of Production capacity

Per annum capacity in kgs 180,000 Assumed that 100 kg per hour is the production capacity
Operational days 225 dys

Products Production at 100% Sales prices per kg Purchase price per

capacity kg

Output 180,000 450.0 170.0

Production Budget
Year ending March 31st
Opening Stock - 1,080 2,250 3,510 4,860 6,300 4,770 3,150 1,440
Production 108,000 117,000 126,000 135,000 144,000 153,000 162,000 171,000 180,000
Sales 106,920 115,830 124,740 133,650 142,560 154,530 163,620 172,710 181,440
Closing Stock 1,080 2,250 3,510 4,860 6,300 4,770 3,150 1,440 -

Assumed input output ratio is 0.6:1,i.e., to say that 1 kg of input kernel produce 600 grams of cashew nuts
It is assumed that the output is sold in wholesale market
S. no. Assumptions
1 Electricity are semi-fixed cost. Rs. 250,000 pa is fixed, balance is variable at Rs. 14 per unit usage
2 Electricity usage in units is given below
Usage in units 120000 126000 132300 138915 145860.75 153153.7875 160811.4769 160811.4769 160811.4769
Variable cost 1680000 1764000 1852200 1944810 2042050.5 2144153.025 2251360.676 2251360.676 2251360.676
3 Asssumed that 90 days of purchases are average creditors maintained
4 Assumed that 60 days of sales are average debtors maintained by the business
5 It is assumed that insuarance cost is 2% of purchase price and this will increase 5% annually
6 Input cost of cashew kernel would increase 10% per annum and there would be 5% wastage in processing on inputs
(Wholly – owned subsidiary of NABARD)

i. More than 200 Full-time Consultants

ii. Backed by 400 domain specialists
iii. Executed over 2500 assignments across India and in African and
Asian Continents
iv. Core Competencies
a. Preparation/Appraisals of DPRs
b. Techno-feasibility study
c. Baseline Surveys
d. Project Management Consultancy
e. Climate Issues and Green Funds
f. Monitoring and Evaluation
g. Impact Assessment Studies
h. Third Party Monitoring of Infrastructural Projects
i. Skills for Livelihood
j. Capacity Building
k. Accreditation of Rural Godowns
l. Climate Change Issues
m. CSR Facilitation
n. IT in Rural Banks
Pro - Services Rendered by NABCONS
No. Name of Services Description

1 Project Management Entails provision of end-to-end solution, including assistance in

Consultancy (PMC) statutory approvals, bid process management, issuing and
evaluating tender documents and supervision over infrastructure
projects like Mega Food Park, Rural Godowns, Cold Storage,
etc. funded by Govt. or private entities.
2 Preparation of Detailed For various activities under agriculture, horticulture, forestry,
Project Report / Conduct fisheries, irrigation, animal husbandry, food processing activities,
/ Techno-economic agri-infrastructure, climate issues, etc.
3 Third Party Monitoring TPM of various Govt.-funded infra projects to assess the level of
(TPM) of Infrastructure compliance followed in execution. This also covers socio-
Projects economic impact evaluation.
4 Monitoring and M & E is undertaken for various developmental schemes of
Evaluation (M&E) Govt. of India and State Govts in the areas of agriculture, animal
husbandry and all other socio-development sectors.
5 Training and Capacity Training is imparted on forward markets, agriculture market
Building infrastructure, rural godown, agri-financing, treasury and
investment management for banks, etc.

6 Studies / Baseline Baseline surveys are taken up for measuring impact of

Surveys community investment made by public and private sector
Companies. Studies are conduct on women, children,
disadvantaged groups / regions, etc.
7 Livelihood Mapping Livelihood mapping and analysis is done for identification of
potential activities to be taken up by SHGs
8 International Visitors’ Entails organizing study tours / exposure for the visiting foreign
Programme / delegates to their areas of interest such as watershed, micro-
International Exposure finance, fin-inclusion, cooperatives, projects appraisal, agro-
Visits processing, post-harvest technologies, farmers’ clubs, etc.
9 Consultancy on Banking Designing and execution of priority sector strategies, advisory
and Finance services on Treasury and Investment Management for Banks,
preparation of IT Policy, etc.
10 Transaction advisory Transaction Advisory for setting up of Agri-mall, Silos & Cold
11 Skills for Livelihood Skilling of rural BPL youth and placement in the formal sector,
monitoring skill initiatives of MORD, Govt. of India, facilitating
access to credit for trainees, etc.

12 Accreditation of Engaged by WDRA as Accreditation Agency for accrediting rural

Godowns godowns.

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