First Law of Thermodynamics

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ATM60, Shu-Hua Chen

The first law of thermodynamics

Recall that the equation of state (relating p, , and
T) does not define the reaction of the atmosphere to a
change in one of the variables (if P decreases, how
does T change?). We need more information, and this is
provided by the first law of thermodynamics under a
restrictive (but often realistic) set of conditions.

The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of the

conservation of energy for a thermodynamic system. We
can write it in the form

dQ dE dW

where dQ = an infinitesimal amount of heat added to the

dE = the increase in internal energy, recorded
as a change in temperature
dW = the work done by the system on its

Work of expansion
dW is the work performed by the system. As heat is
added, a gas that is free to expand will perform work
on its surroundings against the pressure of the
external gas. Imagine a volume of gas contained in a
cylinder – heat added forces the gas to expand and to
push against a piston. We calculate the work performed
in the following manner:

external pressure


Let the cylinder contain unit mass of air (1 kg). The

work done in the expansion is equal to the force (pA)
multiplied by the distance moved by the cylinder dl.

Then work done dW = (PA)dl

Now, if A is the cross-sectional area of the cylinder,

and dl is the distance moved by the piston, Adl is the
ATM60, Shu-Hua Chen

increment of volume during the expansion. Since we

stipulated that there would be unit mass of gas in the
cylinder we can write the increment of volume as d
(recall the definition of specific volume). Hence


Internal energy and specific heat

To consider the heat content or internal energy of a

gas, we need first to define specific heat. Specific
heat is the amount of heat required to change the
temperature of unit mass of gas by one degree. But heat
added to a gas can be partitioned in two ways (as the
first law tells us). Thus,

raise T (internal energy)

heat added
perform mechanical work (expansion)

and the specific heat will depend on how the added heat
is partitioned. There are an infinite number of ways to
partition the heat, but it is useful to consider two
special cases:

1) the gas is allowed to expand but the pressure is

kept constant (a very important process in the
atmosphere). Then we define the specific heat at
constant pressure Cp as

dT p cons tan t

2) the volume is kept constant. There is no expansion

so that no work is performed and all the added heat
goes into increasing the internal energy of the
system. Thus we define the specific heat at
constant volume Cv such that

dT V cons tan t

Cp and Cv can both be determined experimentally in the

laboratory. Clearly Cp > Cv because in the process
defined by (1) above, not all of the heat goes towards
varying the internal energy of the gas (in fact, Cp = Cv
+ R).
ATM60, Shu-Hua Chen

Now, if the gas is not allowed to expand, dW=0 and the

first law of thermodynamics reduces to

dQ = dE

and, from the definition of Cv, we can write that

dE = Cv dT

and the first law of thermodynamics can be written in

dQ = Cv dT + pd

change in work done

internal by the gas

Thus the first law provides a second relationship

between p, , and T. Since we generally want to know
how temperature changes for a given change in
atmospheric pressure, an alternative from of the first
law is often used:

dQ = CpdT - dp

1) This alternative form is obtained by differentiating
the equation of state and substituting for d . We
do not need to know the details at this point but
students are welcome to attempt the proof.

2) CpdT is not the change in internal energy and - dp

is not the work done by the system, but rather dE
and dW are both involved in each term.

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