Statement 26 AUG 20 AC 43940535

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Sort Code 20-84-13

Account No 43940535

IBAN GB32 BUKB 2084 1343 9405 35

Issued on 27 January2024


Your Business Current Account At a glance

25 Dec - 26 Jan 2024

Date Description Money out £ Money in £ Balance £ Start balance £17,412.13
25 Dec Start Balance 17,412.13 Money out £10,541.44
27 Dec On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 140.00 17,272.13 u Commission charges £6.50
Brain Research UK u Interest paid £0.00
Ref: Nasir Iqbal

28 Dec Card Payment to Companies 13.00 17,259.13 Money in £1,865.39

House On 27 Dec
End balance £8,736.08
Card Payment to Parcelforce WL 18.36 17,240.77
On 27 Dec Your deposit is eligible for protection
by the Financial Services
On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 100.00 17,140.77 Compensation Scheme.
Mr Muhammad Ishfaq
Ref: For Accounts

29 Dec Card Payment to Carpet Elite On 360.00 16,780.77

28 Dec

Card Payment to Tradelines Shop 1,910.51 14,870.26

On 28 Dec

Card Payment to Greggs On 28 Dec 6.90 14,863.36

Card Payment to WH Smith On 28 10.47 14,852.89


30 Dec Card Payment to Dudley Plastics 50.00 14,802.89

On 29 Dec

Card Payment to Carpet Elite On 50.28 14,752.61

29 Dec

Card Payment to Greggs On 29 Dec 5.20 14,747.41

31 Dec Card Payment to B & Q 1193 On 47.00 14,700.41
30 Dec

Card Payment to B & Q 1193 On 61.23 14,639.18

30 Dec

On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 905.84 13,733.34

Nasir Iqbal
Ref: Fandf Decy Pay


Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676).
Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
Page 1
• Sort Code 20-84-13 • Account No 43940535

Date Description Money out £ Money in £ Balance £

Balance brought forward from previous page 13,733.34

3 Jan Card Payment to Dudley Plastics 100.00 13,633.34
On 01 Jan

Card Payment to Greggs On 01 2.90 13,630.44


Card Payment to Greggs On 02 4.95 13,625.49


Card Payment to B & Q 1193 On 43.11 13,582.38

02 Jan

Commission Charges For The 6.50 13,575.88

Period 15 Jun /12 Dec

4 Jan Card Payment to Dudley Plastics 58.00 13,517.88

On 03 Jan

Card Payment to Currys Online On 269.99 13,247.89

03 Jan

Card Payment to Dudley Plastics 1.50 13,246.39

On 03 Jan

Card Payment to Carpet Elite On 9.00 13,237.39

03 Jan

5 Jan Cash Machine Withdrawal On 4 500.00 12,737.39

Jan at 18.09 at Barclays Cannock

Card Payment to B & Q 1193 On 59.03 12,678.36

04 Jan

Refund From B & Q 1193 On 04 10.96 12,689.32


6 Jan Card Payment to S.N.D Electrical 204.00 12,485.32

W On 05 Jan

Card Payment to Pound Bazaar 11.97 12,473.35

Ltd On 05 Jan

Card Payment to Wilko Retail 30.85 12,442.50

Limit On 05 Jan

7 Jan Cash Machine Withdrawal On 6 500.00 11,942.50

Jan at 20.28 at Barclays Cannock

Card Payment to B & Q 1193 On 64.46 11,878.04

06 Jan

Cash Withdrawal at Barclays 3,000.00 8,878.04

Stourbridge 42
Ref: 42Stourbridge

14 Jan Direct Debit to Fdms 12.95 8,865.09

Ref: 509856589 Svcchg

17 Jan On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 100.00 8,765.09

M B Moin
Ref: Fone Fix Unlocking

On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 757.90 8,007.19

Cabot Investments
Ref: 00016120

18 Jan Direct Debit to Fdr Pos Term Rent 21.60 7,985.59

Ref: Fdgl1288967Z1A


Page 2
• Sort Code 20-84-13 • Account No 43940535

Date Description Money out £ Money in £ Balance £

Balance brought forward from previous page 7,985.59

18 Jan On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 100.00 7,885.59
M B Moin
Ref: Fonefix Unlocking

19 Jan Direct Credit From Fdms 40.01 7,925.60

Ref: 509856589

Direct Credit From Fdms 250.96 8,176.56

Ref: 509856589

20 Jan Direct Credit From AX8049039027 120.00 8,296.56

Ref: 120.00 0.00

Direct Credit From Fdms 22.99 8,319.55

Ref: 509856589

21 Jan Direct Debit to Payment Sense Ltd 5.94 8,313.61

Ref: McMG88M-PM05037187

Direct Credit From Fdms 7.99 8,321.60

Ref: 509856589

24 Jan On-Line Banking Bill Payment to 100.00 8,221.60

Mr Muhammad Ishfaq
Ref: For Accounts

Direct Credit From HMRC Jrs Grant 724.67 8,946.27

Ref: 475PT01393553

Direct Credit From Fdms 165.00 9,111.27

Ref: 509856589

25 Jan Card Payment to Samsung 898.00 8,213.27

Electronic On 24 Jan

Direct Credit From Fdms 85.96 8,299.23

Ref: 509856589

26 Jan Direct Credit From Fdms 64.98 8,364.21

Ref: 509856589

Direct Credit From Fdms 144.99 8,509.20

Ref: 509856589

Direct Credit From Fdms 226.88 8,736.08

Ref: 509856589

26 Jan Balance carried forward 8,736.08

Total Payments/Receipts 10,541.44 1,865.39

Anything wrong? If you notice any incorrect or unusual transactions, see the next page for how
to get in touch with us.

Bank of England Base Rate Information

Rate effective from 19 Mar 0.100%
2020 was

Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676).
Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Page 3
Helpful Information Get in touch

Dispute resolution You can register for Text Alerts through Online Banking, in any
If you have a problem with your agreement, please try of our branches or over the phone. Visit
to resolve it with us in the first instance. If you are not for more information.
happy with the way in which we handled your Terms and conditions apply.
complaint or the result, you may be able to complain to Go online for more support. For useful tips to keep on top of
the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you do not take your cashflow, helpful downloadable tools, and a simple guide On the phone
up your problem with us first you may not be entitled to borrowing, visit 0345-605-2345
to complain to the Ombudsman. We can provide details For details relating to unarranged borrowing, please refer to Talk to an advisor 7am - 11pm
of how to contact the Ombudsman. your banking services tariff guide. or use our 24-hour automated
Important information about compensation • For Business Banking customers, this can be found online at service
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Interest Write to us
Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay compensation to Interest is calculated daily on the cleared balance of your
depositors if a bank is unable to meet its financial account at the close of business. We’ll let you know if Barclays,
obligations. Most depositors – including most individuals interest is calculated on the statement balance rather than Leicester
and businesses – are covered by the scheme. the cleared balance. The cleared balance includes only
LE87 2BB
We will issue the FSCS information sheet and exclusions list credits and debits that have cleared. Ask your branch or
which set out in detail what is, and is not, covered by the Barclays Business Team for details of clearance times and
FSCS, once a calendar year usually with your account the dates when we pay or charge interest. The rates of Your branch
statement. interest shown are current at the time of printing this
statement and may have changed during the period of the 166 THE PARADE, THE
For further information about the compensation provided
by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at statement. MALL SHOPPING CNTR, In accordance with UK tax legislation, from 6 April 2016 SUTTON C'FIELD,
interest is paid gross. For UK resident individuals (including B72 1PH
Important information about going sole traders or partnerships), if you are a UK taxpayer you
overdrawn without an agreed overdraft limit may have to pay tax on interest earned in excess of your
or exceeding your agreed overdraft limit Personal Savings Allowance. For information and guidance Lost and stolen
please refer to HMRC’s website
An unarranged overdraft rate of 29.5% will apply if there is not cards
enough money in your account(s) to make a payment and so The management of your tax affairs is your responsibility,
cause an unarranged overdraft on your account(s). 01604 230 230
including making any required declarations to the relevant
What is an unarranged overdraft? – 24 hours
tax authority(ies), where you are tax resident. If the
An unarranged overdraft occurs where either: statement shows that we have applied interest to your Tell us straight away if:
a) you go overdrawn on your account without agreeing an account, we’ll give you on request details of the rate(s) of • you do not receive a
overdraft with us first; or interest used and a clear explanation of how the interest
b) you exceed your agreed overdraft limit.
Barclays card you were
was calculated. Details of Barclays interest rates for expecting
c) not every Barclays product will allow you to go overdrawn or business customers are available at
exceed your agreed overdraft limit. Please check your terms • any of your cards are lost,
and conditions for more information. stolen, or damaged
If you try to make any payment from your account and you Using your debit card in the UK and abroad • you think someone else
don’t have the funds available, or if we have reasonable We will charge you a 2.75% Non-Sterling Transaction Fee may know your PIN.
grounds to believe that you won’t have sufficient funds on the when making purchases, making a cash withdrawal, or
date that the payment will be made from your account, we will when being refunded. This fee also applies whenever you Call charges will apply (please
treat this as a request to make, or extend, the use of our do not pay in sterling, for example shopping online at a check with your service
unarranged overdraft facilities. It’s within our discretion to non-UK website. provider). We may monitor or
process the payment or return it unpaid. As we explain in our customer terms, we calculate our record calls for quality,
What can you do to help avoid or limit an unarranged exchange rate using the reference exchange rate for the security, and training
overdraft? Visa card scheme. Visa converts transactions into sterling
Get In Touch. If you become aware in advance that payments using the Visa Exchange Rate on the day it processes the
may take your account into an unarranged overdraft, please transaction – as this may be a day or two later, our rate
contact us as early as possible so that we can discuss the ways may be different on that day.
Follow us
we could help. This will maximise the chances of us being able You'll find a comparison of our exchange rate for certain
currencies as a mark-up against the rate published by the
a) understand any changes in your business and explore the European Central Bank in the Barclays App or at the barclaysbusinessuk
options available; following website:
b) consider options for authorised borrowing facilities;
c) facilitate payments being made; abroad/ This is updated twice a day. This may help you to barclaysbizchat
d) limit the costs associated with unarranged borrowing; decide whether you want to accept the conversion rate
e) address any concerns that you may have. offered by the retailer or ATM provider or accept our rate.
Register for Text Alerts. Business banking customers can BarclaysUK
register for our ‘Near Limit’ Text Alert which is designed to help International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
you avoid going overdrawn (if you don’t have an agreed and Bank Identification Code (SWIFTBIC)
overdraft limit), or exceeding your agreed overdraft limit, by Your IBAN and SWIFTBIC are shown on the front of your Barclays Corporate
notifying you when your balance falls below a figure you statement. By using them you could reduce charges when Banking
specify. Once you have signed up for this Text Alert, if your receiving international payments in euros. Find out more at:
account goes into an unarranged overdraft, we’ll send you a
Text Alert the following working day (Monday – Friday) to let
you know. By acting on this information you have the
opportunity to clear your unarranged overdraft.
Helpful Information continued

Getting information from Barclays

We send information to Business banking customers with
their statements about relevant new offers and products. If
you don’t get these messages and you’d like to, or if you do
and you'd rather you didn't, just call us, or come into a
branch. And if you change your mind at any time, just get in

You can get this in Braille, large print or audio by calling 0800 400 100 (via Text Relay if appropriate)
Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial
Services Register No. 759676).
Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
*To maintain a quality service, we may monitor and record phone calls. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as calls to 01 and 02 landlines, and will count
towards any inclusive minutes you may have covering calls to landline numbers. Call charges may differ, please check with your local provider.

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