The Entire Compare and Contrast Essay
The Entire Compare and Contrast Essay
The Entire Compare and Contrast Essay
Writing an essay on the entire concept of a compare and contrast essay may seem deceptively
straightforward at first glance. After all, you're tasked with exploring the nuances of a particular type
of essay, delving into its structure, purpose, and the intricate art of drawing parallels and distinctions
between two or more subjects. However, as you embark on this endeavor, you quickly realize the
complexity lying beneath the surface.
Firstly, the challenge arises from the need to provide a comprehensive overview. You must navigate
through the intricacies of defining the compare and contrast essay, elucidating its key components,
and explicating the essential techniques for effective execution. Striking the right balance between
breadth and depth can be a delicate task, as you strive to cover the essentials without succumbing to
overwhelming detail.
Moreover, the very nature of a compare and contrast essay necessitates a keen analytical eye. You're
not merely presenting information but engaging in a nuanced exploration of the similarities and
differences between subjects. This demands a thorough understanding of the chosen topics, careful
research, and the ability to discern meaningful connections amid the sea of information.
Crafting a well-structured essay adds another layer of difficulty. Ensuring a logical flow, coherent
transitions between points, and a compelling introduction and conclusion requires meticulous
planning and revision. Balancing the exposition of each subject, while maintaining the thread of
comparison, is akin to walking a tightrope.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to the necessity of originality. It's not enough to regurgitate well-
known facts about the compare and contrast essay; your essay should offer a fresh perspective or
insight. This calls for creativity in presenting ideas, using illustrative examples, and perhaps even
proposing new angles for approaching this form of writing.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the entire compare and contrast essay requires more than a
superficial understanding. It demands a blend of analytical prowess, organizational finesse, and the
ability to inject originality into a seemingly standard topic. While challenging, it's an opportunity for
intellectual growth and a chance to refine essential writing skills.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various
resources are available. Services like offer support in crafting well-researched and
professionally written essays, providing valuable aid to students navigating the complexities of
academic writing.
The Entire Compare And Contrast Essay The Entire Compare And Contrast Essay
Honey Bees Research Paper
Importance of Bees in Agriculture
Honey bees are flying insects that are distinguished by their capacity to produce and
store honey. Bees live off of nectar and pollen. They fly approximately a few tenths of a
mile to gather nectar. Without bees, pollination would be difficult and time consuming.
One third of world s crops are dependant for bee pollination.
Honey bees are some of the hardest working creatures on this planet, and although we
owe many thanks to them, they are often highly unappreciated. There are around 25,000
different types of bee species worldwide. These are then divided into 4,000 genera which
is then subdivided into just 9 families. The most known is the Apidae family, which
include family members ... Show more content on ...
No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man ,
and he s right. Honeybees have been dying at an uncommon rate. The 3 major factors
that have been contributing to their death are : CCD, pests and fear. CCD is the
Colony Collapse Disorder which kills the worker bees that don t come back to their
hive after they have left to find food. Pests and external parasite have been accidentally
exported to the U.S and rapidly spreading through beehives. The most common
concern about honey bees is a bee sting but honey bees aren t aggressive by nature. As
a matter of fact honey bees are unlikely to sting. Reactions caused from the sting of a
bee is 1 in 5 million chances. Chance that you will be hit by a car is 59.3% higher. A
world without honeybees can have a huge impact on our planet considering that bees
pollinate about one sixth of the flowering plant species worldwide and more than 400
agricultural types of plants. Honeybees can collect up to 4 to 5 pounds of nectar in
just one day. 4 pounds of nectar is the same as 1 pound of honey. 8 pounds of nectar is
also the same as 1 pound of beeswax. 1 pound of honey is the equivalent of a honeybee
visiting two million flowers and flying 55,000 miles. Honeybees need healthy crops as
much as healthy crops need bees. The involvement of honeybees is essential in the
growth of crops for farmers. Honeybees are so important that farmers have bee hives
transported to their farms so the honeybees can pollinate their crops. The honeybee is the
only insect that produces food that can be consumed by man. The pollinating service that
these wonderful creatures provide us with have helped produce approximately $19 billion
worth of agricultural crops, just bees alone. On the other hand, animals such as bats and
hummingbirds, and insects such as moths, butterflies and beetles, have
College Dropout Rates In America
Did you know, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 65.9% of students
in America who graduate high school attend college? Major evidence also reports that
this may be due to financial problems. I believe that college tuition prices should be
lowered because they are already way too high, college dropoutrates are linked to
financial problems, and the attendance rates are also suffering due to finances. First of
all, the cost to receive a higher educationis very expensive. The ACS 1 Year survey
shows that the median family income for California in 2014, was $71,015. For our
purposes, we shall use the Universityof California at Los Angeles, as it is the most
applied to university in all of America. According to,... Show more content on ...
Colleges, of course, can always host events or fundraisers. If lowering tuition becomes
too much to handle, colleges can always just provide extra financial aid for those who
need it. As you can see, I believe that college tuition costs should be lowered because
they are just simply too expensive, and they even affect their dropout and attendance
rates in a negative way, all because the cost to enroll in a higher education is too
The String Instruments Are Made From Wood, And
String instruments
Sting instruments are musical instruments that are made from wood and have strings.
They make their sound when their strings vibrate. This causes the body of the
instrument as well as the air inside to vibrate too. The strings are either plucked with the
hand or a bow is drawn across the strings. In an orchestra the four string instruments are
the violin, the viola, the cello and the bass.
The Violin
The violin is the smallest and highest pitched string instrument. It is played by a
violinist or fiddler. When playing, the violinist holds the violin between the top of his
left shoulder and the left side of his chin as he draws the bow across the string or plucks
the strings with one or both hands. The sound can be stopped by placing a hand on the
strings. The bow is made of wood and horse hair. The violin is tuned in perfect fifths.
Music for the violin is written in the treble clef. In the orchestra, the violins play in two
groups. These are the first violins and the second violins. In the orchestra, the violins
sit to the left of the conductor in rows. The first violins are to the far left and the
second violins are to the right of them. The Concert Master is usually a first violin
player, and he or she sits in the front row of the first violins.
We are all given a choice on whether we would prefer to be bi sexual, gay, dress as the
opposite sex, or be in no romantic relationship at all. These are ideas that have been
displayed to us and most possibly thought it would be interesting to explore, or simply
felt as though this is how it was meant to be. Gender dysphoria has been around much
longer than individuals would think. The only difference now is that more people are
accepting of this lifestyle, and a greater amount of human beings are opened to sharing
about it. Gender Dysphoria is simply where an individual who feels very strongly that
they are not the gender they appear to be. It is possible that a man would rather
portray his life as a woman by dressing as one, and acting as one. This will give him a
purpose of feelings and life. A woman would rather dress as a man, and resemble the
life of a man also. There are many individuals; such as parents, friends, and relatives
who question this and ask if it s just a phase? As you read my paper, we can determine
if Gender Dysphoria is just a phase or the actual reality. I want to start off by saying that
Gender Dysphoria was formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder. The classifications
of being considered to have gender dysphoria today would be that an individual would
have to display a heavy and constant desire to cross gender. Typically, with younger
children this feeling is shown by
Tragic Heroism in Shakespeare s Antony And Cleopatra Essay
In the tragedy Antony and Cleopatra , Shakespeare presents our protagonist Mark
Antony as a tragic hero. He does this by using a number of dramatically effective
methods, including language, staging techniques and structure. Aristotle defines a tragic
hero as a character of noble stature who has a tragic flaw (usually hubris which is over
confidence/arrogance) and suffers a downfall that is partially their fault but also due to
factors beyond their control. The downfall they suffer exceeds the crime but the tragic
hero gains some sort of self awareness.
Before the audience meets Antony, Shakespeare presents us with two soldiers discussing
Antony s current debauched life. This is dramatically effective staging because they are
acting ... Show more content on ...
Another soldier calls him the god of Jupiter which elevates Antony s status to that of a
great leader, because Jupiter was the leader amongst all the other gods. Philo
compares him to Mars, the god of war, which shows elevates his stature to be one of
equal rank with a god. Caesar recalls Antony s excellent soldiership and virtus qualities.
Virtus was the Roman ideal of male force and energy: military prowess coupled with
devotion to one s honour and fame. Antony had to drink/the stale of horses and eat
strange flesh and the bark of trees in order to stay alive and he was borne so like a
soldier that thy cheek...lanked not. These striking images paint an unfathomable scene of
heroic endurance which the audience respects and admires.
The audience is privy to a private conversation in Caesar s home between Caesar and
Lepidus, who were the other two thirds of the triple pillar of the world the triumvirate.
The triumvirate were a powerful political and military force; they ruled the Roman
Empire after the murder of Julius Caesar. During this conversation, they discuss Antony
s debauched life and his former greatness in Caesar s home where Caesar feels free to
express his opinions honestly and he declares that Antony is a man who is abstract of
all faults and someone who would give a kingdom for mirth. This shows us how far he
has fallen in Caesar s eyes as his tone would be scathing and I imagine he would be
pacing as he ranted about Antony
Rhetorical Devices In The Coquette
Meghan Michalski 19 October 2017
From a scene of constraint and confinement, ill suited to my years and inclination, I
have just launched into society. My heart beats high in expectation of its fancied joys.
My sanguine imagination paints, in alluring colors, the charms of youth and freedom,
regulated by virtue and innocence. Of these, I wish to partake. While I own myself
under obligations for the esteem which you are pleased to profess for me, and in return,
acknowledge, that neither your person nor manners are disagreeable to me, I recoil at
the thought of immediately forming a connection, which must confine me to the duties
of domestic life, and make me dependent for happiness, perhaps too, for subsistence,
upon a class of people, who will claim the right of scrutinizing every part of my conduct;
and by censuring those foibles, which I am conscious of not having prudence to avoid,
may render me completely miserable (Foster, 29).
Through rhetorical devices, dramatic language, and tone, Foster manipulates the readers
perspectives and opinions of her characters and provides them with the information to
predict Eliza s inevitable demise before she knows it herself.
Eliza Wharton s yearning for freedom is a fundamental underlying theme to Foster s novel
, The Coquette . Eliza views freedom as the ability to partake in the pleasures and joys of
youth without the restrictions and obligations that come with a commitment to marriage.
Furthermore, freedom is the choice to
Lake Analysis Sample
Northwest Vista College Lake Analysis
A total of nine samples were acquired from the outer perimeter of lake vista. Spanning
from two hundred and four hundred feet apart. Samples were taken with disposable
plastic sample bottles between the hours of ten and eleven am on 11/7/2016. Visual
assessment of lake vista seemingly contained an abundant amount of organic material,
in the form or blue green algae, and other small debris. It had rained heavily the night
prior to samples being taken. Aerial view below of lake vista has been marked where
samples were taken.
Sample sites
Sampling sites
1) 2) 3)
4) 5) 6)
Sampling sites
7) 8) 9)
Bacterial tests
The 24 hour bacterial culture using ... Show more content on ...
At first I have thought about using chlorine dioxide and high rate multimedia sand filter.
Besides chlorine dioxide being costly and producing chlorites and chlorates as a
byproduct, a sand filter would not be sufficient in removing illness causing pathogens. I
felt that lake vista being recycled wastewater and some viruses being able withstand UV
disinfection from the sun, it would be the safest way to ensure that the water is virus and
pathogen free. With the use of a ultrafiltration membrane, we could filter out any
remaining organic matter that may cause THM formation, and also remove cysts,
bacteria, protozoa and any other pathogen.
Then finally we could use chlorine to disinfect the water, since many odor and taste
causing substances were removed through adsorption with powdered activated carbon
and oxidation with potassium permanganate, there would hopefully be less oxidation
occurring at this stage, causing there to be less time to produce and maintain free
residual chlorine. Lastly we could add the appropriate amount of