Response Essay Topics

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Response Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "Response Essay Topics" can present a unique set of challenges. The
difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also
in the ability to synthesize and articulate one's thoughts effectively. Here are some challenges you
might encounter:

1. Broad Scope: "Response Essay Topics" is a broad theme that encompasses a wide range of
subjects. Narrowing down your focus and selecting a specific aspect to explore can be
challenging, as it requires careful consideration of your interests and the available material.
2. Subjectivity: Response essays are inherently subjective, as they require your personal
response to a given topic. Expressing your opinions while maintaining an objective tone can
be tricky, as striking the right balance is crucial.
3. Analytical Skills: Crafting a response essay involves analyzing the chosen topic critically.
You need to evaluate the material, form reasoned arguments, and support your opinions with
evidence. Developing strong analytical skills is essential for creating a compelling essay.
4. Clarity of Expression: Articulating your thoughts clearly is vital in any essay. Ensuring that
your ideas flow logically and coherently can be challenging, especially when dealing with
complex topics. Striving for clarity in your writing is an ongoing process that requires
5. Originality: In response essays, it's essential to offer a unique perspective. Finding a fresh
angle on a well-discussed topic or presenting new insights requires creativity and original
thinking, adding an extra layer of difficulty to the writing process.

Despite these challenges, mastering the art of writing response essays is a valuable skill. It enhances
critical thinking, analytical abilities, and communication skills. If you find the task overwhelming,
there are resources available to assist you. Services like offer support in crafting
essays on various topics. By seeking help, you can gain insights, learn effective writing techniques,
and ultimately submit a well-crafted response essay. Remember, the journey of mastering essay
writing is both challenging and rewarding.
Response Essay TopicsResponse Essay Topics
Brief Summary Of The Book The Bully By Gary Paulsen
The Bully
My book I chose is about a 15 year old boy named Darrell. He lived in Philadelphia all
his live until his mom found a better job in California. He loved being in Philadelphia
with his best friend Malik and when he found out he had to go he was devastated. Him
and his mom had to go because after his father died in a car accident six years back it
got hard on his mom. She had to find another job after a large insurance company
bought out the agency where she worked and they eliminated her job and hundreds of
others and the only jobs that were available were fast food restaurants so she had to
come up with something. Then a couple months later his uncle called and offered his
mom a job that pays twice as much money that she s making ... Show more content on ...
His uncle Jason said some hurtful comments without even knowing it. But on the
other hand Darrell is kind of inspiring to his one friend that he do have, Harold. Harold
heard about the match and thought about joining the wrestling team. Harold was the
only kid that Darrell knew that would understand what he goes through. Less than two
months ago darrell was a scared and lonely kid who wanted to run back to
Philadelphia. Now he s on the wrestling team and preparing to talk to a girl at a Friday
dance. But each Friday he had to pay Tyray, then he realized things were going to
remain the same until he confronted Tyray and stop paying him, and he knew that if
the money would stop Tyray friends would come after him and he had nowhere to
hide. Later at the dance Darrell and Harold was hoping that Amberlynn and Cindy was
there because they were the only reasons that they came to the dance. Darrell looked
for Amberlynn but couldn t find her so he got soda and realized that was the first time
in weeks his mom gave him money and he used it instead of giving it to Tyray. A little
later Darrell had seen Amberlynn with Jamee and walked over and Jamee left for some
punch and both Darrell and Amberlynn apologized to one another about what happen in
english class and as a slow song played he asked her to dance thinking she would laugh
when all along she was wanting the same the whole time. He finally saw Rodney and
thought to himself if
Women Of The United States Armed Forces
Women are vital to the stability and efficiency of all branches of the United States
armed forces. Although women s presence may be necessary to the operation of the
military, their placement in combat positions would prove to be a devastating mistake.
The body of a woman is not made to brave combat positions, and placing women into
positions dominated by men could create a hostile working environment. The atmosphere
of battle is already heated, and placing more problems into the equation could lead to the
unraveling of militaryeffectiveness as the country knows it. Consequently, women should
continued to be excluded from combat oriented positions in order to preserve the superb
work of the United States armed forces. Placing a woman into a field comprised mostly
of men would upset a balance of unit cohesion and morale among their male counterparts.
Unit cohesion result[s] from proximity of group members over time; social similarities or
commonalities; success at joint tasks; and concerned, competent, honest leaders
(Simons). This means that the individuals that comprise a combat unit must be able to
relate to each other, and work together in positive and constructive ways in order to carry
out dangerous, high risk missions. During combat operations, soldiers and their units are
confined to small spaces for extended periods of time. The addition of women into this
close quartered group would add romantic and sexual elements that can cause
competition, jealousy, and
The Importance Of Teaching Methods
During the assessment related to students work samples and lesson objectives, there were
no changes or adjustments. The following table summarizes each students learning for all
evaluation criteria for this assignment.
[ Place Holder for Table] Overall, nine out of twenty (45%) students scored 88% or better
on the informational writing assessment. Student 1 represent level 4 above proficient
students, who scored twenty one out of twenty four or better on the written assessment.
Student 2 represent level 3 proficient students, who scored fifteen to twenty out of a
possible twenty four points on the written assessment. Student 4 English Language
Learner (ELL) represents level 1 novice students, who scored eight or lower out of a ...
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Criteria Structure focus/genre: There were seven of twenty students (35%) that
achieved a rating of four out of a possible four points in the criteria Structure focus
/genre that were rated as above proficient on this assessment. Student 1 was among the
group that was rated above proficient for this criteria. Student 1 prepared a writing
sample called All About Seals! A Seal s Life! Challenges were not observed during this
criteria. Student 1 provided main points that supported the topic and developed a
concept about his topic. This student has exceeded the Common Core State Standard
for this criteria. However, I will continue to monitor student 1 s progress and provide
challenging and engaging activities to help him to achieve greater focus when
developing his subtopics. There were seven of twenty students (35%) that achieved a
rating of three out of a possible four points in the criteria Structure focus/genre that were
rated as proficient on this assessment. Student 2 was among the group that was rated
proficient for this criteria. Student 2 prepared a writing sample called All About Life In
The Arctic. Minor challenges were observed during this criteria. Student 2 provided a
topic that he had working knowledge of which was mostly supported by insightful
details. This student has met the Common Core State Standard for this criteria. However,
I will continue to build upon student 2 s knowledge by challenging him to develop ideas
Pros And Cons Of Hunting Grizzly Bear
Hunting grizzly bear is seemed as a controversial topics in society. Some countries
already banned this activity and classified it into part of the law. However, there is
still group of people disagree this decision and consider to be permitted. Hunting
grizzly bear is the way to limit their increasing number, grizzly bear is a valuable
resource for aboriginal people and it can promote the economy. But if this activity is
permitted globally, it will cause more illegal trade, influence the ecosystem and this group
of species will become extinct. Huntinggrizzly bear should be permitted since it can
control the number of grizzly bear well. According to the data, the number of grizzly
bear shows a upward trend every year, for example, the BC... Show more content on ...
Everyone understands the importance of the food chain in the environment. If we
break any part of it then our ecosystem will suffer the serious damage. Grizzly Bear is
on the top of predators in the food chain, it mostly eat salmons and elks in the
environment. The existent of grizzly bear can control the number of salmons and elks
well because it will cause over numbers of salmons and elks without grizzly bears. As
well as, the quality of river and people s plantation will be damaged. So it is important
to maintain the natural food chain, none of each species can be missed in ecosystem.
Moreover, the grizzly bear itself has great commercial value because of their furs and
paws. However, many hunters kill the grizzly bears to get their furs and paws and
some people will sell them illegally in black marks or going through some personal
trade, those group of people gain a large amount of illegal. money from hunting grizzly
bear. According to this situation, there are more hunters who prefer do this job, they kill
the grizzly bears not for interest habits any more, it already be seemed as the most quick
way to make money. In response, many provinces like British Columbia, Saskatchewan,
Alberta and Yukon...... They already outlaw the trade of furs and paws. Most people
consider that grizzly is dangerous for them when they stay in a close distance so they
must shoot them, so shooting is
Comparing Pluralist and Ruling Elite Accounts of Political...
Comparing Pluralist and Ruling Elite Accounts of Political Power in the U.K. and U.S.

Whilst there are not any absolutely accurate interpretations of political power and
political system, there are different controversial theories about those, among which,
pluralist and ruling elite are the two fundamentally outstanding theories that both have
echoing practical influences in the modern world of politics nowadays. In this essay, I
shall try to attempt to briefly explain the two theories, going further on from this, to
mainly compare and contrast these theories, especially taking into account the political
power in the UK and US where modern democratic societies are claimed to exist and
government is ... Show more content on ...
Contrasting with pluralism, the theory of ruling elite suggests that government can and
should be controlled by a small elite, as mobilising and communicating within a small
group is far simplier and easier than that of the mass body. It can be seen as a minority
which governs in its own interest and is unaccountable to the majority. It is defined by
the possession of three characteristics: consciousness, coherence and conspiracy.
Consciousness refers to the awareness of common interests, coherence means that it
shares a common interest and conspiracy describes the capacity to act collectively.
Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427 347 BC.) argued that an intelligent elite, whom he
styled Philosoher Kings , should government. In addition, the elitists shared a common
sceptical view that democratic government is impossible and might be undesirable. They
do not believe many interests are represented as political institutions rarely serve their
formally stated purposes and instead represent whom they wish.

Today there are pluralist influences as well as pluralist essences in both the US and UK
politics. They both have social pluralism, according to sheer sizes of their citizens with
different interests, ethnics or religions; this also prevents everyone from taking part in
the government and instead,
Operation Smoke Screen Case Study
A Storefront is a name given to police centers located in community neighborhoods, close
to homes and businesses. Accessibility and visibility in the community is a key aspect of
the Storefronts. They are based on the community policing policy in which the police
department works with the community in an effort to reduce crime. Storefronts are
usually staffed by at least one police officer and many volunteers to assist the community
with questions and concerns about their community. Individuals can also report crime
and seek information pertaining to domestic violence programs, kids programs and anti
violence programs. It is an idea that has turned into a national trend. The mission is to
work with citizens to solve and prevent problems instead... Show more content on ...
Cheap Cigarettes was a pawn shop that was being operated illegally. The police
department used the storefront as a sting operation to catch over 100 criminals in the
act. Operation Smoke Screen was conducted based on leads from the community that
an illegal pawn shop was selling stolen goods. In this case, the officers convinced an
illegal pawn shop owner to cooperate with them in the sting. After inserting high end
surveillance cameras and an undercover agent the transactions began. At the end of the
sting 107 people were arrested for stolen property. The products moved so quickly
during the sting that in one case, a car was stolen and a gun was inside, 30 minutes later
the gun was at the pawn shop. Many untraceable guns, ones that have the serial number
removed, was recovered during the sting. The lifespan of an undercover storefront is
short lived. It is at that time that the individuals are arrested. Once the suspect has been
arrested, the criminal proceedings began. According to DEA Agent George Belsky
Operation Smoke Screen arrests resulted in 100 percent of the individuals pleading
guilty. The amount of incriminating evidence ends up saving the government a lot of
money on court fees. In this case, the agents were able to obtain digital photos of the
offender s face, which motivates suspects to plead guilty to the offense and skip the
The Great Ancestry Of The Crown Of Camelot
The old scholar practically beamed as he unrolled the next scroll. Let it be known, the
great ancestry of the crown of Camelot.

Geoffrey began to read off lineage that most nobles in Camelot knew by heart, until he
came to the one that Merlin both anticipated and feared. The warlock was trembling, as
he awaited the signal from the dais. His hand gripped the dragon bone hilt of
Carnwenhau, drawing deep on the strength within himself. He silently asked that his
grandfather, who once wore the dagger, to be with him.

...His Majesty, High King of Briton, Aurelius Ambrosius in the Great Marriage Rite with
a druid priestess begat a son, Balinor Emrys of the Dragon Lord line, Earl of Snowdonia...

Merlin heard his mother s gasp resound across the near silent room. He grinned,
wondering what she was going to think of the next part.

This has been corroborated by His Royal Majesty, King Lot of Lothian and the High
Druid Iseldir. Lord Balinor, joined to Hunith of Ealdor, in turn begat one son.

Merlin took a deep breath and stepped partially out of the shadows, standing near the
entrance to the Great Hall. The Great Marriage Rite to validify Balinor s heritage was a
bit of a stretch. Although recognized as a joining among the druidic population and
others who still revered the Old Religion, it was not something that would be upheld as
a true Royal Line in the eyes of the Roman church, if his legitimacy was ever
challenged...but it was acceptable enough for the role of regent,

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