Essay Forums

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Essay Forums

Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Forums" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in navigating the vast landscape of online discussion platforms, understanding their
dynamics, and effectively conveying the significance of these forums in the context of written

Firstly, researching the diverse range of essay forums poses a challenge, as these platforms vary
widely in their objectives, user demographics, and thematic focuses. Delving into the intricacies of
each forum requires time and effort to comprehend the unique culture and norms governing

Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of online discourse means that staying current with the latest
trends, emerging platforms, and shifting perspectives is essential. It demands constant monitoring of
the dynamic landscape of essay forums to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis.

Crafting a coherent and insightful essay also involves critically examining the role of essay forums in
fostering intellectual exchange, collaborative learning, and the development of writing skills.
Balancing the exploration of positive aspects with a nuanced discussion of potential pitfalls, such as
misinformation or echo chambers, adds another layer of complexity.

The challenge extends to presenting a well-structured and compelling narrative that captures the
essence of essay forums without becoming too broad or overly detailed. Striking the right balance
requires a keen understanding of the target audience and the ability to communicate complex ideas in
a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Forums" demands a thorough exploration of
these online platforms, a nuanced understanding of their impact on writing culture, and the ability to
present these findings in a cohesive and engaging manner. While challenging, the process can be
immensely rewarding as it fosters a deeper appreciation for the diverse ways in which individuals
engage in written communication within digital spaces.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various
resources are available. Platforms like provide a range of services to support
students and writers in their academic endeavors. Whether it's guidance on essay topics or help with
crafting well-researched and eloquent essays, these services can be valuable tools in the pursuit of
academic success.
Essay Forums Essay Forums
Culture And Conflict In The Organizational Culture Of Uber
Culture is the collective attitude, intellect, and atmosphere that a community creates for
itself. This includes values, traditions, and social norms. Specifically, organizational
culture is within a community, group, or business that shares values, follows a code of
conduct and standards, and holds its members accountable for their contributions.
Organizational culture arises from the goals and mission set out by the company. A
negligent culture can provoke and encourage inappropriate behavior between employees.
As shown with Uber, organizational culture can become dangerous and harmful to its
members if proper standards are not established. Culture and conflict often intersect each
other when dealing with various issues. Many individuals... Show more content on ...
It s a simple experience and a much more pleasant way to get a ride than stepping onto
a busy street and waving at oncoming traffic (Stone, 2014, p. 53). It is convenient for
both the employee and customer to arrange a ride, which makes Uber preferable.
Additionally, the employees of Uber are given more benefits than the employees of
taxi companies. For example, Uber issues an iPhone with the Uber software, free gear
to secure it to their windshield and an hour of orientation (Stone, 2014, p. 52). It is this
simplicity that appeals to people seeking employment. They are also using a platform
that is accessible to many of their customers, because, as of 2015, 64% of American
adults now own a smartphone of some kind (Smith, 2015). Since their focus is on luxury,
innovation, and results, they have transformed the public transportation system in their
favor. Although Uber s culture is useful to them in producing results, they lack the
internal development of their employee relationships. Their drive for progress and
success came at the cost of their reputation. Yet the focus on pushing for the best result
has also fueled what current and former Uber employees describe as a Hobbesian
environment at the company, in which workers are sometimes pitted against one another
and where a blind eye is turned to infractions from top performers (Isaac, 2017). This
company has had many issues with regulating interactions with employees, and holding
those who act
Apparel Industry Wage And Sweatshop Industry s Wage Rate
Everyone knows that many big and prestigious companies such as Gap, Nike and Old
navy are manufacturing there products in third world countries. And the third world
countries are famous for the sweatshops and the brand companies who want the
production cost less for maximum profit are working as a fuel to this industry. In this
essay we are going to see that most of the jobs provided by sweatshops do not provide an
average standard of living to its employees. We are going to compare the apparel
industry wagerate and sweatshop industry s wage rate. The atmosphere of the
workplace also a factor to look upon and we will come to know why it is a living hell
.We love to shop and we always want everything at the cheap price. Don t you want
Gucci, Prada and many other branded accessories and cloths at its cheapest price?
This is where sweatshop comes into existence .Sweatshops can be defined as a shop or
factory in which employees are forced to work long hours at low wages under poor
conditions. Workers get abused verbally as well as mentally by their employers. Even
some major brands have agreed that their product is manufactured in the sweatshops.
Sweatshops are basically located in the area or country where employers can get the
cheapest labour as well as the maximum labour which are illiterate so they won t know
what their rights are to be working in a factory. Sweatshops are mainly in garment
industry where many laws are violated related to employees such as forced long
Case Study Of Reliance Communications
Reliance Communications Limited is the flagship business of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai
Ambani Group. It is one of the foremost telecommunications service providers in India.
The Company acknowledges having a customer base of above 118 million that includes
2.6 million individual overseas retail customers. Rcom does business with over 39,000
Indian and multinational corporations and over 290 global, regional and domestic carriers.
Reliance Communications has pan Indian presence in next generation, integrated,
convergent digital network that supports best of class communication services,
covering over 21,000 cities and towns and over 400,000 villages in India. Reliance
Communications owns and operates the world s largest genY IP enabled connectivity
infrastructure, comprising over 280,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable systems in
India, USA, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific region. It is also the only
company to employ dual technology, GSM and CDMA, operator in India. Its revenue
stands around USD 3.3 billion. Chaired by Anil Ambani, Rcom is headquartered in
Mumbai, India.
To attain global best practices and become a world class communication service provider
guided by its purpose to move towards greater degree of sophistication and maturity.
... Show more content on ...
Rcom was commissioned on 28 December 2002, the occasion of Late Ambani s 70th
birthday, laying 60,000 kms route of fiber optics. It also launched CDMA operations
in same year in 22 circles. In 2008, Rcom launched GSM services. Since 2010, Rcom
is into business of providing 3G services in 13 circles including Delhi, MP, and Punjab
etc. On 31 January 2013, Reliance announced its partnership with Lenovo to market co
branded android smart phones in India. The company now employs 8500 people and is
a listed company in BSE and
Evicted Reflection
The excerpt we read from the book Evicted moved many people. It provoked powerful
emotions and caused many to rethink they their feelings about the tails of told by far
too many. Evicted the story of families on both side of the housing epidemic focusing
on renters and landlords. I will be comparing my own views and using my experiences
to gain a deeper understanding of: the people effected; the impact it has on families of
both sides; the lesser and the lessee; the reason we are in this crises; and what can be
done. Evicted is no doubt a piece that can stir the emotions of everyone who choices to
sit down and read it. I believe everyone can agree that far too many families are cast into
the cold and unknown due to the risingcost of housing... Show more content on ...
The author focuses on rising housing costs. Here is where myself and the author begin to
part. Unlike the author I don t believe the answer is this simple. Although the rates as he
describes are rising faster than any other market or minimum wage. One most always
look introspectively at a cause first before looking externally. The problem with
blanket statement like: the singular reason is rising costs, is that it holds blameless
those who choose not to better themselves. One of the major problems I see in the
world is a sense of undeserved entitlement. If you can t pay rent in downtown of city
my solution is to look for housing elsewhere. I have moved across the country from
my family for years and now am the closest I have been in over 4 years still 5 hours
away. Growing up my housing situation has been just as unstable as many described in
this piece. It was a sense of pride and entitlement that put me in that situation not rising
costs. After leaving home and moving to California I found myself struggling one day to
make rent, I was paying $1,800 a month just for rent let alone a car payment and utilities.
Although this was unexpected and due to something I could not control I had to remedy
the situation I cut back on unnecessary expenses, moved when my lease finished and now
I refuse to ever be in that situation again. I am now here at UW Madison pursuing an
education that will allow me to be financially stable for the rest of my life. If I can
make it with all of the setbacks I have had in my life, why shouldn t we encourage
others to do the same? Minimum wage although it should cover expenses for housing
we all know doesn t and we adjust our sights to accommodate for that. We get an
education and better ourselves and those around us. This allows us the lives we want to
live. In closing I hold the renters responsible
Loyalty In The Song Of Roland
The social class of a Western Medieval citizen played a significant role in the attitudes
and behaviors one was expected to maintain. Honor and glory were brought to those
who knew their place in society and never strayed from it. Nobility were no exception to
this as we can see in the case of Roland, a great knight whose life is portrayed in The
Song of Roland. The setting of Roland s life is during the Carolinian era during the
battle of Roncevaux between France and the Islamic people. The unknown author of
this epic poem portrays Roland as a near faultless man who is able to uphold the duties
of knighthood and sustain his place in the feudalistic society. We can see many
examples of him acting as a perfect knight throughout the book until his honorable
death. The first instance of Roland s knighthood is seen in his loyalty to King Charles
of France. Roland is so trusted by the King that he sits by him and even advises him
saying Woe the day you trust Marsile! (pg. 8) in regards to a proposed treaty. The
warning he gives proves to be accurate, proving his intellect and great war strategy
abilities. Roland also honors the when he fought in his name against the Saracens saying
We must take a stand here for our king. For his lord a man should suffer... Show more
content on ...
The fact that he takes part in the counseling of the King and is trusted as the leader of
the rear guard, shows that his wartime skills were highly revered. Even the enemies of
Roland admit his skill such as Ganelon who says Roland will conquer for him [the
king] all the lands from here to the orient and Blancandrin who says Very fell is
Roland, who would make every nation cry him mercy, and who challenges all lands
(pg.16). We see his horsemanship and fighting ability when he rides the pass of Spain
on his swift horse Veillantif (pg.47) and when he wields his sword Durendal and killed
many of the Saracens
Taking a Look at African American Poets
Who continues to ring bells when African American poets are mentioned? The legends
who have influenced the path in which our ancestors fought hard to obtain in past
generations. Booker T. Washington, Rita Dove, Richard Wright, Zora Hurston and
Langston Hughes were a few among various highly influential poets during the 1900s.
One of the biggest accomplishments of blacks today is that literature has developed from
these African Americanpoets. These individuals have set a tone and path to allow writers
of any ethnicity to express themselves in various ways. Through poems, plays, novels,
and alternative means of presentation, these famous African American poets are still
being presented through present work. African American poet, Booker Taliaferro
Washington, born in Virginia April 5, 1856 to November 14, was not only an author, but
the educator of his time. Washington excelled in education at Hampton and later used the
skills to further his aspirations. With these skills he founded the Tuskegee Normal and
Industrial Institute on the Hampton model in the Black Belt of Alabama. Becoming the
spokesman for these organizations, Washington was able to convince employers of the
Caucasian ethnicity that these programs would keep blacks on the farm to work. In
reality, this idea would enable blacks to escape, have goals, and be free. From these
ideas, Washington was able to make the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute one of
the best support systems for African American

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