Essay On Tradition and Culture

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Essay On Tradition And Culture

Crafting an essay on the intricate theme of "Tradition and Culture" is indeed a challenging endeavor.
The complexity lies in the multifaceted nature of these concepts, as they encompass a vast array of
historical, social, and personal elements. Addressing the interplay between tradition and culture
requires a nuanced exploration of their dynamic relationship, delving into the ways in which they
shape and are shaped by societies and individuals.

Navigating through the myriad dimensions of tradition involves understanding its historical roots, its
evolution over time, and its impact on shaping societal norms and values. Culture, on the other hand,
is a dynamic entity influenced by various factors such as language, customs, beliefs, and artistic
expressions. Unraveling the intricate threads that connect tradition and culture demands a keen
awareness of how these elements interweave to create the rich tapestry of human experience.

Moreover, the challenge extends to addressing the globalized world we live in, where traditions and
cultures intersect and interact, giving rise to new forms of identity and expression. Balancing the
preservation of cultural heritage with the need for adaptation in the face of change adds another layer
of complexity to the task. Exploring the tensions between tradition and modernity, and between
cultural preservation and innovation, requires a thoughtful examination of both historical contexts
and contemporary challenges.

In crafting an essay on this topic, one must tread carefully to avoid oversimplification and
stereotyping. Recognizing the diversity within traditions and cultures, as well as the ongoing
processes of cultural exchange, is crucial. The essay should strive to foster a deep understanding of
the subject matter while acknowledging the limitations of any singular perspective.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Tradition and Culture" demands intellectual rigor, a

comprehensive understanding of historical and contemporary contexts, and the ability to navigate the
complexities inherent in these concepts. It requires a delicate balance between depth of analysis and
accessibility of language to effectively convey the richness of the topic to a diverse audience.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring similar topics, various resources are
available. Online platforms like offer professional writing services, providing
support for academic endeavors, including essay writing on a wide range of subjects.
Essay On Tradition And Culture Essay On Tradition And Culture
The Concepts Of Carbon Emissions Pinch Analysis
The concepts of Carbon Emissions Pinch Analysis (CEPA) techniques and Energy
Return of Investment (EROI), with special attention to the methodology and system
boundaries of EROI analysis have been reviewed in this literature. The analyses of
EROI results for different fuel types especially EROI results of hydropower plants are
also presented. The essential features of storage type hydropower plants also have been
generally discussed as an important part of EROI s Energy input calculation. Special
attention will now be given to the hydropower resources in Myanmar in Chapter 3 and
the detailed discussion of storage type hydropower plants will be addressed. Chapter 3
Hydropower Resources in Myanmar 3.1Introduction Myanmar has tremendous
hydropower potential; however the majority of this potential has remained undeveloped
due to the economic and political disturbances. The technical feasible potential from the
major rivers and other potential water resources support the country as one of the
renewable energy rich countries amongst its neighbouring, energy demand countries
especially China, and India. Due to the increase in electricity demand of the domestic
and cross border regional energy trade issues (Kattelus et al., 2015), the necessities for
the extraction of the large hydropower resources should be fulfilled from the geopolitical
perspective. In this chapter, the current situation and future potentials of hydropower
resources basically storage type hydropower plants
Berkshire Hathaway Derivatives
make sports bets like this so it should come as no surprise that derivatives are so
popular since many of the same people who work in Wall Street are betting at sports

The Oracle of Omaha weighs in

Warren Buffet is unquestionably one of the most admired and successful investors in
the world. He is also the richest so his opinions carry some weight. Here is what he said
about derivatives in the annual report of his securities firm, Berkshire Hathaway in 2002.
I view derivatives as time bombs, both for the parties that deal in them and the economic
system. He also called them financial instruments of mass destruction.

Charlie Munger, Buffet s long time partner at Berkshire Hathaway is even more
outspoken. In a 2014 interview with Forbes ... Show more content on ...
Large swings in stock and commodity prices can happen in minutes and trigger an
instant requirement for cash liquidity that could become the stock market tipping point.
Derivatives are believed to have played a large role in 2008 when the phony valuations of
mortgage backed securities (a derivative) helped trigger the largest market crash in
history up to that date.

What is different today? In 2015, the stock market rose 20% higher than its 2008 peak
while the derivatives exposure of the top 9 banks over the same period has risen at
40% twice that rate from $160 trillion to more than $228 trillion. Over the past couple
of decades, the derivatives market has multiplied in size because it is one of the few
areas the government has not heavily regulated. Everything is going to remain fine as
long as the system stays in balance. But when markets become rapidly unstable, we
could witness a string of financial crashes that no government on earth will be able to
Nail Police Procedures
Your heart is light and your stresses are gone sitting in a comfortable pedicure chair,
where you get your toe nails painted, until your feet get rubbed with a cuticle softener;
the strong scent of the softener stinging your nose and you sense something s not quite
right. The nail technician s hands touch your feet and as you look around you see
unmarked bottles of beauty products; not thinking much of any of it. After about 20
minutes while you have your nice manicuredone, your feet start to feel tingly and as if
they re burning. You don t bother to ask your nailtechnician about the burning sensation
and only think to yourself, it is all part of the pedicurewhile they paint your fingernails in
the pedicure chair. A while longer passes... Show more content on ...
There are actions customers can take to make sure the salon they will be getting their
nails done at will be a clean and safe place for them. Dr. David A. Johnson talked with
Daryl Nelson and made the statement that no one should accept on blind trust that a
business is taking the necessary steps to prevent transmission of blood borne
infections such as hepatitis. Clients can ask for SDS s, cleaning logs, and see licenses
of nail technicians to check by themselves to see if the surrounding areas look right
and if they feel comfortable with the steps the salon has taken to guarantee their safety.
When walking into a salon and before even asking salon owners or nail technicians
about their safety and cleanliness, Nelson gives the advice of checking their
surroundings quickly to see if it appears clean. By checking their surroundings,
individuals will be able to see if floors, ceilings, and walls are clean and if by chance
they aren t, the rest of the salon most likely won t be much cleaner, giving a warning
sign to that customer. When getting a pedicure, there are multiple actions customers
can do to make certain they ll be well cared for and safe. Having a liner in the foot
basin can really safeguard from bacteria from prior uses, but if the salon doesn t use tub
liners, then you can opt out of the water and have a dry pedicure instead (Elliot).
Something to consider
Technology Is Helping Or Hindering People s Intelligence
There is a conspiracy as to whether or not our generation is the dumbest or not. Many are
questioning if the science of technology is helping or hindering people s intelligence.
Some would argue that technology is affecting our brains in a negative manner, making
us less intelligent. However kids and teens of our generation are continuing to excel in
the advancement of technology, improving our society, therefore making us not the
dumbest generation. People in our generation have grown up with much more advanced
technology than what our parents and grandparents did. One of these advancements
being the internet. For me, as for others, the net is becoming a universal medium, the
conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my
mind, (Source 4). The internet is being used in everyone s everyday life through work,
school, and for personal matters. There are many perks when using the internet, that is
finding information becomes a much faster process. If one wants to go more into
depth on a certain topic or interest that they have, they are simply a link away.
However, people using the internet have to be careful as to where they are getting this
information to make sure it is credible, in order to know that the information is correct
use organizations or well known websites. Video games have become a major
advancement that both boys and girls of all age levels use. Older adult figures are
worried that these games are influencing them in
Cyberbullying And The Technology And Educational Reform
Bullying has been going on for many years now, but recently there has been a change to
how people bully one another; this change is called cyber bullying. This type of bullying
is way more complex and difficult to prevent from happening, but by taking the right
precautions you can stop this from happening or even prevent it from happening before it
even starts. There are many different components to stopping it, but the two most key
components are knowing the different types of cyberbullying and educating people about
cyberbullied victims. For decades men, women, teens, and children have been bullied in
some sort of way, but recently since the huge expansion of technology, there has been a
new development of bullying; this is called cyber bullying. Cyberbullying is the use of
some sort of technological device or social networking site to threaten, harass or even
scare someone. This type of bullying is completely different from just regular bullying;
according to an article Traditional Bullying vs Cyber Bullying (2013) by the Technology
and Educational Reform Cyberbullying is different from traditional bullying because
people can use the disguise of anonymity to harass their victims . This means people can
anonymously bully someone without anyone knowing that it s them harassing the
victim, giving them an absolute free pass to do as they please and say whatever they
want. If you are not familiar with cyberbullying, then you wouldn t know there are
hundreds of different
The Armenian People Of The Armenian Genocide
What is the Armenian Genocide? It is the atrocities committed against the Armenian
people of the Ottoman Empire during W.W.I. The Armenian people were subjected to
deportation, expropriation, abduction, torture, massacre, and starvation. The great bulk of
the Armenian population was forcibly removed from Armeniaand Anatolia to Syria,
where the vast majority was sent into the desert to die of thirst and hunger. Large
numbers of Armenians were methodically massacred throughout the Ottoman Empire.
Women and children were abducted and horribly abused. The entire wealth of the
Armenian people was expropriated. After only a little more than a year of calm at the end
of W.W.I, the atrocities were renewed between 1920 and 1923, and the remaining
Armenians were subjected to further massacres and expulsions. In 1915, thirty three
years before UN Genocide Convention was adopted, the Armenian Genocide was
condemned by the international community as a crime against humanity.

Atom Yarjanian, better known as Siamanto, was an Armenian poet who was killed by
Ottoman authorities during the Armenian genocide. During his time alive, though, he
had created quite a few memorable poems, one of which was called The Dance. This
poem is about the Armenian genocide, something that Siamanto had witnessed firsthand.
He talks about the horror that a woman had seen, how those who were half dead danced
for those who killed and tortured them. Then someone brought a jug of kerosene. / Human

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