Creating An Outline For An Essay

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Creating An Outline For An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of creating an outline for an essay might seem deceptively simple at
first glance. After all, it's about outlining, a precursor to the actual writing process. However, delving
into the intricacies of this subject reveals a multifaceted challenge that demands a thorough
understanding of both the art of essay composition and the structural nuances of crafting an effective

The difficulty lies not only in explaining the step-by-step process of creating an outline but also in
conveying its significance in the broader context of essay writing. It requires a delicate balance of
providing practical advice, such as selecting a suitable organizational pattern, and delving into the
theoretical aspects of outlining, like establishing a clear thesis statement and identifying key
supporting points.

Moreover, addressing the diverse needs of various types of essays, from persuasive to informative,
adds another layer of complexity. Each genre demands a tailored approach to outlining, emphasizing
specific elements that align with the essay's purpose and audience.

Additionally, the challenge extends to guiding readers through the potential pitfalls and common
mistakes associated with outlining. It's not just about imparting knowledge but also about fostering
an understanding of the rationale behind each step, enabling the reader to internalize the principles
and apply them independently.

In essence, crafting an essay on creating an outline is a nuanced task that requires the author to
navigate the delicate balance between instructiveness and engagement. It demands clarity, coherence,
and the ability to demystify the often-overlooked process of outlining, making it accessible to a
diverse audience with varying levels of writing proficiency.

In conclusion, tackling the topic of creating an outline for an essay is no small feat. It demands a
comprehensive grasp of essay-writing principles, an understanding of different genres, and the ability
to communicate these ideas effectively. It's a task that requires finesse, and success lies in the
author's capacity to guide readers through the intricate terrain of outlining, fostering both
comprehension and application. For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a
broader range of topics, resources like can provide valuable support.
Creating An Outline For An Essay Creating An Outline For An Essay
Alcootas Research Question
a)What is the definition of a fossil? A fossil is well known as the remaning parts of
past life preserved in rock, soil or amber whose name has originated from the latin
word fossus meaning dug up . b)Identify three types of fossils and describe them,
giving examples i)Trace fossils are known as preserved evidence that have been left
behind from an animals action.Trace fossils capture the movement of ancient animals.
For example, when the animals leave their footprints behind, it creates an impression in
the soft mud, silt and sand. The soil then hardens into rock therefore preserving a trace
of the animal. These types of fossils capture the activities of ancient animals. The
animals leave its footprints or scat, which makes an impression in the soft mud, silt, or
sand. Just like impression fossils, the soil hardens to form rock, preserving a trace of...
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c) The climate conditions that were presented during this time in alcoota included ice
rapidly accumulating at the poles, falling sea levels, decreased rainfall along with the
retreating of rainforests. d) The late Miocene which was a time of global drying and
cooling around 10.4 5 million years ago. e) The fossils identified include body fossils
for instance bones as well as teeth. These come from the largest birds that has ever lived
such as the gigantic thunder bird, along with the wolf sized Powerful Thylacine and the
large leopard sized Alcoota Marsupial Lion. Furthermore, found at alcoota are fossils of
wombats, kangaroos, crocodiles, bandicoots, possums and small
The Battle At Fort Donelson
Fort Donelson, Tennessee, was built on top of a hill near Dover, Tennessee, and just to
the east of Fort Henry and Fort Heiman. The Fort looks over the Cumberland River
guarding it from enemy advancement. The advancements and uproar began when
Tennessee pulled out of the union. They wanted Kentucky to follow in their foot steps in
order to give the south a higher boundary against the North. Once the North pushed
through Kentucky, Grants next lead was to push through the Forts guarding Tennessee.
This battle became the first major Confederate victory in the start up of our nation s
Civil War. The defeat at Donelson gave Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grantthe
recognition he later earned in the White House when he became president. Possession of
the better part of two states vital to the South depended on the outcome of the battle at
Fort Donelson. When war began in April 1861, Kentucky declared its neutrality, in
response to deep conflicts of opinion among its citizens. Considering neutrality
impossible to maintain, North and South maneuvered for position once Kentucky was
opened to military operations. The Confederates constructed fortifications on both the
Tennessee and Cumberland rivers just south of the Kentucky line. They built Fort Henry
on the Tennessee River, on ground susceptible to flooding, but chose higher ground for
Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River. Both sides wanted Kentucky but recognized
that the first to cross its borders risked losing popular
How Does Technology Negatively Enhances Primary Education
In addition innovation is enhanced with technology usage. Students have been shown
being creative in many different aspects using technology. Whether it is making
interactive posters, just initiating conversation while using technology with classmates or
working in groups using technology. In the Cleyments and Sarama article Young
Children and Technology: What Does the Research Say it is mentioned that students
language activity while using the computer is almost double what it is with any other
activity. This article also mentions that students are using computers as a catalyst for
positive interactions with classmates. This article states that students displayed positive
emotions while working together with the computer. It also mentions that when... Show
more content on ...
Technology helps teachers support different skill levels of students by personalizing the
experience to each individual students particular needs. Some apps and programs allow
teachers to see what certain areas students are struggling with as a whole, and
individually focus on teaching that better rather than teaching areas that students already
excel in. When technology is used for research the information is up to date. Current
information is very helpful when students are doing research, technology helps them find
issues and events to ensure that the sources they are using are reliable and up to date.
Technology motivates students in many different ways whether it be interactive videos
or apps. I have observed how some students learn in different ways, some students are
audio learners where technology comes into play. Technology supports audio books that
are encouraging students literacy and grammar by reading the story to them. Finally,
students innovation is enhanced with technology. Students are learning that there are new
ways to do things that will help keep them involved in the learning process as a
The Book Summary In John Steinbeck s The Pearl
The book The Pearl takes place in a small fishing village in La Paz, Mexico. The main
characters are from an Indian tribe that live on the beach in brush houses, since
Spaniards have kicked them out of their homes. There is a poor fisherman named Kino,
his wife Juana, and their son Coyotito. One day Coyotito gets stung by a scorpion, but
the family cannot support the cost of the treatment, so they go and try to find a pearlto
then sell. When looking in the water, Kino finds a magnificent, shiny, big, and beautiful
pearl. However, when going to sell it Kino does not like the prices the pearl buyers will
buy it for, so he decides he will cross the sea and the mountains to the Capital. I think
what drives Kino through the book is a fear of the amount of money he will earn,
being cheated with the value of the pearl, and Juana and Coyotito s safety from
attackers/trackers. To begin, what drives Kino is fear of not getting the correct
amount of money he needs from the pearl to supply all the things he desires. First of
all, this is because Kino explains that the pearl is worth more than what the pearl
buyers are willing to pay for it. The first pearl buyer says, I can give you, say, a thousand
pesos. Kino s face grew dark and dangerous. It is worth fifty thousand, he said (50). He
later says he will go to the Capital and sell it there instead, but I can tell Kino is
worried of what is to come, and if he will get the correct amount of money for the pearl.
Following, Kino
Lenin Followed Marxism, Stalin Did Not Essay
Marxism was defined by a man named Karl Marx and his associate Fredrich Engels.
Basically, Marxism is defined as a conflict theory, as Marx said that society is separated
by a conflict between the rich and the poor. Today, when one thinks about Marx s
philosophy, he is often tied as an enemy to Capitalism due to his ties to Communism.
Although he did layout the foundry to Communism as we know it, he never saw it to
be how it is today. He saw it as a way for social egalitarianism; Equality for the poor and
rich (the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie); a classless society. He wanted to the big
businesses and factories not to be owned by one man or company as in capitalism, but to
be owned by everyone. A concept he called Collective... Show more content on ...
Lenin s side was known as the Reds . The Reds won after a bloody war. The campaign
became known as the Red Terror , due to the murders of thousands of Russian
peasants, and the use of thousands more of these peasants or members of the White
army into concentration camps as enemies of the revolution. Lenin caused a terrible
Famine in 1921 when his economic innovations began to take place. By 1922, Lenin
was the ruler Russia, He also eventually Russia into the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics or the USSR. He died on January 21, 1924 due to a series of strokes that
would eventually kill him. He was followed by a man known as Joseph Stalin; the
bloodiest man of WWII who would make Hitler look like a playground bully. Joseph
Stalin born into a Osif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. He was born into an abusive
family, and later left to study at the Tiflis Theological Seminary. He Later left to
become a fellow Marxist revolutionist. He was exiled six times into Siberia and six
times which he escaped due his contributions in being a Bolshevik revolutionist. He
often led strikes and riots against local authorities. He became one of the Bolshevik s
key contributors, and rose to power by taking out who was above him. Lenin before
he died saw Stalin as a threat and proposed to remove him of power, a proposal which
was denied. Stalin along the way of becoming this brute, he changed him name to Stalin,
or Steel one followed by the lin referring to
A Research Report On The Workplace Essay
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report was commissioned to investigate and develop a
potential solution for the workplace matters in order to resolve the addressed issue for the
organisation so as to thrive the business. This paper provides the SWOT analysis on the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats during the time of taking the
professional experience in the Parkroyal Parramatta. The report draws close attention to
the 25 million dollar refurbishment project that makes impact on the service delivery. It
identified the issues that happened in Parkroyal with the collections of information from
colleagues, supervisors and managers in the hotel. Using the theory learned from stage 1
and 3, I have come up with some recommendation to resolve the issues and brought
them to discuss with my supervisors and have gained their insights of how those
recommendations can affect the business. After practicing the reflective research
exercise, I found out that mostly people are aware of the issues that I had addressed and
was on the ways to make it happen. Therefore, I believe the organisation can achieve
what they aim to do in the near future.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this report is to investigate into a work related issue and
develop capable solutions that have not been applied into practice in the workplace
during the work placement. Which will includes:
Using a SWOT analysis of the workplace environment in order to point out the subjects
that can be worked out to make better
Torsion Garage Door Spring
Unlike extension springs which must work in pairs, the torsion garage door spring
can be used singly or in pairs. The short answer to whether you should use one or two
torsion springs is that two springs are your best bet. One exception is when you have a
very light weight door such as a single car garage doormade of aluminum. Here are three
considerations when choosing between one or two torsion springsfor your garage door.


This is the most important reason for using two springs. Since it isn t likely that two
springs will break at the same time, then the second spring serves as a backup should the
other spring break. This means the door won t slam shut as violently when one spring
breaks. It may still come down fast but it will

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