Subculture Essay

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Subculture Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Subculture" presents a multifaceted challenge that requires a
delicate balance between research, analysis, and creativity. The difficulty lies not only in
understanding the broad concept of subculture but also in delving into the diverse subcultures that
exist within different social spheres. The process involves navigating through a myriad of cultural
expressions, from music and fashion to language and lifestyle choices.

Firstly, one must embark on a comprehensive research journey to grasp the intricate nuances of
various subcultures. This involves exploring historical roots, identifying key influencers, and
understanding the evolution of subcultures over time. Additionally, deciphering the unique symbols,
rituals, and shared values within each subculture is crucial for presenting a nuanced perspective.

The analytical aspect of the essay poses its own set of challenges. It requires the ability to synthesize
information, draw connections between seemingly disparate elements, and discern patterns that
contribute to the formation and sustainability of subcultures. Furthermore, addressing the impact of
subcultures on mainstream society and vice versa adds another layer of complexity, demanding a
critical examination of societal dynamics.

Moreover, weaving a narrative that engages the reader while maintaining an objective tone can be a
delicate task. Balancing factual information with personal insights and interpretations requires
finesse to ensure the essay remains informative and compelling. Crafting a coherent structure is vital,
as the essay should seamlessly guide the reader through the exploration of different subcultures
without losing focus or becoming disjointed.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of subculture necessitates a combination of research,

analytical prowess, and creative expression. It involves the challenge of navigating through the
intricacies of diverse subcultures while presenting a cohesive and insightful narrative. Despite the
complexity, the process offers an opportunity for intellectual exploration and a deeper understanding
of the dynamic cultural tapestry that shapes our society.

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Subculture Essay Subculture Essay
Feminist Perspective On Pornography
Many people have argued that pornography is a form of artistic expression, protected by
the First Amendment of the Constitution, others feel there is a distinct line between art
and porn (Pornogrpahy). Pornography is made to provide sexual pleasure to anyone
who hears, sees or reads it, it involves erotic acts. Pornographycould be talking, acting, or
anything that may sexually stimulate someone. Pornography is also, the portrayal of
sexual activities and it comes in the form of magazines, movies, videos, and more.
Pornography is often seen to overstep the bounds of the First Amendment and
misrepresent what is means by freedom of speech. Pornography isn t something that
everyone can agree on. For example, feminist are one group of people have a variety
of feelings and beliefs towards pornography. While feminist usually share the same way
of thinking this is one topic that causes a major division between them. Disagreeing to
agree is a common compromise that people face in life, but in the case of pornography
feminist can not seem to do so. Andrea Dworkinand Catharine A. Mackinnon(Feminist
Perspectives), are just two of the women that have stood up against pornography.
There are a plethora of feminist see pornography as a way to keep women oppressed
and subjected to man. Almost as if porn is taking women in a step
backwards.Mackinnon believes porn is an act of sexual violence (McElroy) and
Dworkin sees it as sexist and a deliberate means of subordinating women to men
(Feminist Perspectives). Dworkin and Mackinnon collectively view pornography as not
a form of speech, but as an active discrimination and violence against women (Feminist
Perspectives). Popular pornography includes abusive scenes and language that is
extremely derogatory towards women. Through research it is also believed that due to
the acts of violence and sexual abuse depicted in pornography it is causing men to
reenact and bring what they ve watched to life (Purcell). Consequently, due to the voices
of the anti porn feminist there has been many legal actions taken against the porn
industry. There has been several ordinances drawn up, a few were done by Catharine A.
Mackinnon. Mackinnon and Dworkin had a civil rights ordinance that
A Great Variety Of Gender Construction
Daniel Lindsey
Professor Hogue
HIST 449
9 October 2014
Essay One Throughout our class, we have seen a great variety of gender construction.
Through centuries of gender divides, there have been women who created for themselves
and that of their community new identities that not only grew local and worldwide
attention, but have inspired historians for centuries. In the case of Malinche, she used her
womanhood to secure her spot with Cortes, as he conquered and ruled over the Aztecs.
Ursela de Jesus contributed to the
Catholic church of her time, and made a new ideal for servant hood as a woman in the
Yet not all of these experiences were positive; trials and tribulations often faced Malinche
Ursela. Through the occcurences of these women it is evident that no matter the
circumstance or outcome, women face a double standard, yet in certain cases use their
knowledge to work past these standards. Malinche was multilingual. Because of her
advanced preoccupation with learning languages and using the detailed experiences of
her family background, she was able to advance
Cortes and his army. Upon analyzing the way in which Malinche furthered Cortes, one
can deduce that throughout her life, she was held to an unfair standard of life
expectations, simply because she was a women. When the Spanish came to take women
from indigenous communities, kin leaders often gave in to the wishes of the Spanish,
first to save themselves from oppressive rule and next
Leslie Cardoso. Leslie Cardoso. Ap English 3. P.3.
Leslie Cardoso
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Ap English 3
The JFK Inaugural Address
On January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered one of America s few standout
inaugural addresses and one of the finest speeches in American history. By invoking the
American dream and extending its promise to the rest of the world, Kennedy s speech
was an inspirational call to action that resonates even today. John Fitzgerald Kennedy s
Inaugural Address, The article Inside Kennedy s Inauguration, 50 Years on , and a
photograph of the swearing in ceremony all contribute to an understanding and
appreciation of the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. All three of these documents
contribute to the legacy by their different styles. These documents all ... Show more
content on ...
Finally, the use of his rhetorical questions reminds us that the young president builds
consensus rather than dictating. The second document, Inside Kennedy s Inauguration,
50 years on , written by Eleanor Clift conveys the legacy of John F. Kennedy by the
speech s very different style than the other documents. This article, in which friends
and family of John F. Kennedy share their memories of the inauguration, originally
appeared in January 2011 on the Web site Daily Beast and then reprinted in Newsweek.
Clift s purpose in this article states the fact that she provides her readers with examples
of him on a personal level. This way, the readers can get to know him as a person, not
just a president. The tone remains cheerful at first, but halfway through it changes to a
more serious tone. Clift creates an abstract diction, different from the diction that
Kennedy used, through the use of the words contingent , gallantly , impromptu , and
rotunda . Her diction helps set the cheerful then serious tone of this article. Clift creates
her syntax through the variety of her types of sentences and paragraph lengths. Many of
her sentences are long with a few short ones here and there. She has 17 paragraphs, some
short and some long. Clift does use some abstract language, but it is different from the
language used
The Massacre At El Mozote
In the early days of mid December in 1981, the Salvadoran military slaughtered
hundreds of men, women, and children who they believed were accessories to the left
wing guerrilla group that was waging war against the government. Mark Danner, in the
book The Massacre at El Mozote, addresses the bloodbath through the stories of survivors
and guerrilla members that witnessed it as well as questioning government officials from
both the El Salvadoran and the United Statesgovernment. During that time period, there
were numerous insurgencies that were challenging the power of the state in Latin America
through propaganda and violent methods. The governments gave their militaries and elite
armed forcescomplete autonomy when it came to... Show more content on ...
The Atlacatl was an elite armed force that specialized in counter insurgency combat and
was training by the United States military. It received a mission known as Operacíon
Rescate, which translates into Operation Rescue, that had a single goal of removing
guerrilla fighters and its sympathizers in the area surrounding El Mozote. The fighters
in this force accused the villagers of supporting FMLN and supplying them with food,
arms, and people. This accusation eventually escalated to the torturing of certain
members of the community and then the barbaric killing of close to a thousand people.
The Atlacatl used various methods to murder and terrorize the people of El Mozote that
included beheading, shooting, stabbing, and hanging. The armed forces separated the
women and raped girls as young as 10 years old as well as gather the children into a
room and slaughter them by stabbing or shooting them. At the end of the El Mozote
Massacre, the families that were able to escape or that were out of town came back to a
village full of carnage and their homes destroyed. The total death count is still debated
until this day but it is estimated that the Salvadoran military murdered around a thousand
people at El Mozote. This book illustrates several key issues and social problems that
Latin American politics faced and continue to struggle with to this day. The matter of
insurgent movements and the counter insurgency methods that have been throughout the

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