PSATS Youth Award App 2011

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Youth Award

An Invitation to Enter
As a youth group in Pennsylvania, you are invited to
enter the PSATS Youth Award Contest sponsored by the
Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.
Established in honor of the associations former director,
Milton W. DeLancey, the contest is held each year to
recognize youth groups who make valuable, lasting
contributions to their communities.
If you think your group meets the eligibility require-
ments and would like to be considered for an award,
please express your interest to your local board of town-
ship supervisors. The board, in turn, will contact the
president of the county association of township officials
to make the official nomination.
Purpose of Contest
To recognize the valuable contributions made by
youth groups involved in community projects that
improve the quality of life in Pennsylvanias townships of
the second class and to encourage greater youth involve-
ment in township government.
Youth groups are encouraged to work with their
township government to identify and address specific
needs within the community.
Recognizing youth groups
who make valuable,
lasting contributions
to their communities.
E n t r y Gu i d e l i n e s
Eligible Entrants
All youth groups, such as 4-H clubs, scout troops,
school groups, and civic service club youth organizations
from elementary school through grade l2.
Eligible Projects
To be eligible, all projects:
must involve youth in the planning and imple-
must have a major impact on townships of the
second class (governed by boards of supervisors);
must have been undertaken during the contest
year, October 1 to September 15 (Multi-year,
ongoing projects are also eligible provided part of the
project occurred during the contest year.);
should provide the youth group members with an
opportunity to participate in learn by doing
activities, increase their knowledge of township
government, and develop a sense of personal and
group achievement;
should have enhanced the youth group members
communication skills, understanding of the
decisionmaking process, and citizenship responsi-
The Pennsylvania State Universitys Cooperative
Extensions county, area, and state staffs may serve in
advisory roles on the project.

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors
Following is a list of project categories and ideas to
help you determine the types of projects that are eligible
to enter this contest. You are not limited to these
categories, and your projects may involve more than
one category.
Community beautification; cleanup and fix-up of
buildings; litter cleanup projects
Direct services to residents of the community, such
as the elderly, children, the underprivileged, the
disabled, and hospitalized patients
Fund-raising projects for worthy causes within the
Soil and water conservation; environmental
protection; recycling
Voter registration; getting out the vote; the
election process
Blood donation; first aid
Financing local government programs
Note: A single project is better than a list of activi-
ties undertaken throughout the year. Choose one or two
major projects to focus on and explain in detail how it
(they) benefited a township of the second class and its
Nomination Procedure
All contest entrants must be nominated by the asso-
ciation of township officials in the entrants county. The
county association may initiate the nomination, or the
youth group may ask to be nominated.
Ask your local township board of supervisors to place
you in touch with the president of the county association
of township officials to handle the nomination.
How to Enter
1) To enter, complete an official entry form
(center insert) and have it signed by:
the youth project or activity chairman of the youth
the volunteer leader of the youth group; and
the chairman of your township board of supervisors.
2) Submit the entry form, along with documentation
of the project, to the county association of township offi-
cials. You should give your entry to your local board of
township supervisors and ask them to pass along the
entry to the county association president. Be sure to tell
the board of supervisors to submit your entry to the county
association president by September 15.
3) The county association president will sign your
entry and send it on to the Pennsylvania State Association
of Township Supervisors for judging.
Youth groups All entrants must have their entry
form in to the president of the county association of town-
ship officials by September 15.
County associations of township officials County
associations must submit the entry form to the State
Association by October 1.
All entries will be returned to the youth groups.
Four winners will be chosen from the entrants
to receive:
A framed certificate and a cash award of $500 each.
Each winner may determine the use of its cash
Coverage of their winning entry in an issue of the
state associations monthly magazine, the
Pennsylvania Township News, and in their local
The PSATS Youth Award entries are evaluated in
October by a panel of judges consisting of a representative
of the state associations Publications -Public Relations
Committee and representatives from community service
Additional Information/Entry Forms
Additional information and entry forms may be
obtained from any of the following:
l Pennsylvania State Association of Township
Supervisors (717) 763-0930
l Your county association of township officials
(your township board of supervisors will be able to direct
you to the county association)
l Your county Cooperative Extension Service office
Encouraging greater youth involvement in township government...
E n t r y Gu i d e l i n e s
Entry Form
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(Please type or print)
Name of group Boy Scouts of America, Troop 65
Name of project or activity Book's Indian Mound
Township(s) of the second class benefited _B_e_a_le_T_o_w_n_s_h_i-'-p _
___________________ County Juniata
Other municipalities benefited McAlisterville, PA (troop headquarters); Spruce
Hill Twp, Port Royal Borough; Juniata County Historical Society
Number of youth members _
Number of leaders: Adult _4 Teen rota,_ _
Group contact persons: (List persons to whom correspondence should be dlre cted .)
Youth nam e John L. Gilbert Phone (717 ) 5 2 7 - 4 9 0 7
Address 805 Imes Road, Mifflin, PA ziP_1_7_0_5_8 _
Adult leader's name Barry Kepner Phone (717 ) 943-7078
478 Hower Gap Rd., Mifflintown PA z:
E-mail [email protected]
q/cc 6(
O C( - 0C(
\ Signed:
t - a- 20 I
We, the undersigned, have reviewed this entry and nominate it for the PSATSYouth Awa
Please limit your responses to the space provided. Please type or print legibly.
1) Date of project: Single-year project
Date started _______________ Date completed _________________
Ongoing, multi-year project
Date started _______________ Date completed _________________
2) Describe the project you carried out. Explain what you did.
3) Describe individual members responsibilities, committee assignments, work arrangements, etc.
The project I completed was the restoration of the Book Indian Mound. The Book Indian Mound is owned by
the Juniata Historical Society. The site had been neglected over the years, which resulted in extensive
overgrown and disrepair. The stone mound was missing stones, the plaque was badly damaged, the trees
were overgrown, and the ground was covered with brush. The Mound has slowly been forgotten as well. Part
of my project was to make the community aware of the mound again. My project took place in several steps.
The work was done through community volunteers and the project was be funded through community
The first step in my project was to make the public aware of the mound again. I accomplished this
by placing information in the newspaper and by word of mouth. This step allowed me to gain support for my
project while informing the community of an important historical location. This step also allowed me to attain
funds for my project.
The second step in my project consisted of the physical cleanup of the area. I removed three of the
overgrown trees and all of the brush. The remaining trees were trimmed. All of the ground brush, weeds, and
ivy was removed from the mound. I have attained special permission to burn the brush and tree branches on
the site. This step was completed throughout the fall and spring with volunteer help from the community and
my scout troop.
The third step in my project was the placement of a fence around the perimeter of the site. The
fence consists of split rails set in concrete. The mound area floods so this allows the movement of water
through the site without destroying the fence. Two sixteen foot poles mark the entrance into the mound. I
hung a sign announcing the site with the help of a craftsman. The last part of step three was be to repair the
masonry on the marker as to seal out water. The missing stones were replaced. I was aided in this step by a

The project involved many individuals. Members of local BSA troops, Venture Crews, and Girl Scouts aided in
the project along with Beale Township citizens. The Township Board of Supervisors voted to maintain a bank
account in the name of the project. All money donated to the project is maintained by the township. Township
Supervisors also aided in the restoration process by donating equipment and labor.

Different individuals had different designated roles. I needed advisors for my project. BSA advisors included
Daniel Clark and Earl Davis; Audrey Sizelove represented the Historical Society; Kirk Gilbert, Barry Imes, and
Tom Campbell represented Beale Township. Troop Members and community members helped me do the
physical labor such as putting up the fence and cleaning up the site. We met for several work days in which
we carried out the project.
4) Explain how this project benefited one or more townships of the second class. (Include number of people influenced,
community action initiated, resulting community betterment, and improved community awareness.)
5) What did you hope to accomplish with this project? Did you accomplish your goals?
6) Describe how the leaders helped the members to accomplish the groups goals.

This project revived a piece of history forgotten and neglected by many. The goal of the overall project
was to renew a place of history so that the community can once again visit and be proud of a part of their
history. My project benefited the community because it is a local piece of history that has been neglected over
many years. My project once again made it a recognizable piece of local history and attracts people to the site.
It provides a place for the community to visit that tells part of our history. My project is also a benefit to the
Juniata County Historical Society. The Society is currently underfunded in this hard economy and lacks the
funds to maintain and renew the Book Indian Mound. My project provided them with a way to cleanup and
revive the site free of charge. The Book Indian Mound is a valued piece of local history, and through this project
it once again became a well recognizable site. It is benefit the community, the township, the county, the
Historical Society, and the overall State of Pennsylvania.
I hoped to make a difference in my community. I believe I accomplished this goal. My project was a way for me
to reach out to the community and give something back. For years the site had been neglected and it slowly fell
into disrepair. I saw it as an opportunity to improve the Township and bring something back that had been lost. I
had hoped that it would regenerate interest in local history, which it has. I see many more community members
stopping by with their children and friends. This shows me that I truly completed my goal.
Troop Leaders helped guide me through the project and aided in the establishment of work parties. Township
Supervisors helped manage the funds for the project while helping carry out the labor. The Historical Society's
representative helped with any issues involving the historical site. These three major groups provided key
support, advice, and labor while planning and carrying out the project.
7) List resource people from outside the group who were helpful. Give name and occupation or interests and explain
how they helped the group.
8) List community facilities used, such as township buildings, schools, and libraries, and explain how and why you
used them.
9) What new skills, knowledge, and attitudes did individual members acquire as a result of the groups experiences?
10) What are the groups plans, if any, for continuing the project or activity?
11) Documentation: Attach news articles, photographs with captions, letters or other printed materials to document
your entry. Videotapes will also be accepted. Please include dates and names of publications. All materials must be
contained on 8 x 11 sheets of paper. (Include demonstrations, talks, exhibits, radio and TV appearances, news arti-
cles, tours, workshops, camps, judging events, field trips, etc.)
County association presidents must submit this form by October 1 to:
Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, 4855 Woodland Drive, Enola, PA 17025-1291
Several individuals were helpful in the project. Community members and local businesses donated money for
the project. Juniata Lumber donated many of the supplies while Lower Tuscarora Presbyterian Church donated
a large sum of money. Other community members who donated included George Campbell, Linda Liester,
Dorothy Imes, Larry Cox, and Gary Gilbert. The project would not have been possible without the generosity of
these individuals.
The proposed project was presented to township supervisor in the Beale Township Fire hall at their monthly
meeting in October 2010.

The Juniata County Historical Society is housed in the basement of the Juniata County Library. Historical
research was done here prior to the project.
Throughout the course of my project I have learned much. I now know that you cant set your plans in stone
because they will change. I know now to never expect everyone to love and support your ideas because everyone
has a different view on things. I feel like I am a more organized and experience person and leader. I thoroughly
enjoyed doing this service to my community and feel as if I gained much knowledge and experience from it.
As part of my senior project I will continue the project by replacing the stone plaque. Troop 65 will carry out
perpetual maintenance on the site.
Benefits to and Impact on Community........................................................................... 45%
Resulting community, group, and family betterment and action
Resulting community awareness of project
Individual Members Experiences .................................................................................. 15%
New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired
Project participation experience
Experience in learning to be a team member
Teamwork Experiences .................................................................................................... 15%
Ability of group to identify a problem and develop a plan of action
Ability of group to involve members and leaders within group
to implement the plan of action
Ability of group to involve other individuals and groups and use
community facilities to implement the plan of action
Innovation ........................................................................................................................... 15%
Originality and creativity of groups project
Project Documentation .................................................................................................... 10%
Evidence of groups efforts to publicize and promote the project
through local media, church bulletins, etc.
Unpublished letters and photos
TOTAL .............................................................................................................................. 100%
J u d g i n g Cr i t e r i a
Youth Award
Pennsylvania State Association
of Township Supervisors
4855 Woodland Drive
Enola, PA 17025-1291
Phone: (717) 763-0930
Fax: (717) 763-9732

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