School Shooting Essay

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School Shooting Essay

Exploring the intricacies of composing an essay on a topic as sensitive and troubling as "School
Shooting" is undeniably a challenging endeavor. The gravity of the subject matter demands a delicate
balance between addressing the issue with the seriousness it warrants and ensuring the essay does
not inadvertently glorify or sensationalize such tragic events. The emotional toll that the topic carries
can make it challenging for a writer to maintain objectivity while also conveying the necessary
empathy and concern.

Furthermore, the extensive research required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

factors contributing to school shootings, the societal implications, and potential preventive measures
is both time-consuming and emotionally draining. The need for accuracy and sensitivity in handling
statistical data, case studies, and expert opinions adds an additional layer of complexity to the
writing process.

Moreover, crafting a compelling narrative that engages readers without veering into exploitative or
sensationalistic territory is a tightrope walk. Striking the right balance between raising awareness and
avoiding unnecessary graphic details poses a considerable challenge.

Finally, the psychological toll on the writer cannot be overlooked. Delving into the dark corners of
human behavior and societal failures, while trying to offer constructive insights, can be mentally and
emotionally exhausting.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of school shootings demands a high level of
responsibility, sensitivity, and skill. It necessitates a thoughtful approach to navigate the complexities
of the subject while maintaining the ethical standards of discourse. If one finds this task
overwhelming, seeking assistance from professional writing services, like those available on , may offer a supportive solution for producing well-researched and well-crafted
essays on challenging topics.
School Shooting Essay School Shooting Essay
Ohh Yeah
4.0 FINANCIALS 4.1 Break even Analysis It is estimated that in its first year on the
market, Shades of Mercedes will produce sales revenue of $42,000,000. This sales
revenue estimation is based on sales within the United States combined with
international sales. The average sales price is $120 with a corresponding variable
expense of $80 per pair. Thus the contribution margin per pair of sunglasses is $40 ($120
$80). With estimated fixed expenses of $3,000,000; a net loss is accumulated of 1.6
million dollars. Table 4.1 Shades of Mercedes First Year Estimate | |TOTAL |PER UNIT |
|Sales (35,000 units)... Show more content on ...
Year two and year three quarterly forecasts were calculated using the same percentage.
This may be adjusted as more distinct patters emerge. The risks that are being taken are
serious and may include any, or multiple of the following: Taking an extensive time to
reach the break even point. Current, the break even time is estimated at the end of
year two. However, if this takes longer, it may become a financial burden for the
Shades of Mercedes. Short term and long term estimates can be off the mark and the
Shades of Mercedes may not be as successful as forecasted (above). The store
selections made to carry the product are not successful, limiting the Shades of
Mercedes success. Mercedes Benz shareholders may not be satisfied with the brand
extension, and the time it takes for the Shades of Mercedes to break even and start to
produce a profit. Worst case scenario is the Shades of Mercedes fails to be successful,
and Mercedes Benz has to cancel the brand extension. The essential components of sales
performance for the Shades of Mercedes include: Being consistent with use of the
Survivor Movie Analysis And Survivor
Lone Survivor
Based on a true story of four US Navy SEALs in Afghanistan. In 2005 , Navy SEALs
Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz, and Matthew Axe Axelson deploy on a
mission of surveillance and to take out Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Though spotted by
goatherds, Luttrell and his team decide not to kill, or tie them on the trees, but to release
them. But one of the Afghans alerts a group of Taliban fighters to the invaders, and a
terrible battle ensues, in which the SEALs find themselves hopelessly outnumbered and
out gunned. The movie can be summed up into five phases : High Value Target,
Reconnaissance and Surveillance team in Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan and
Goatherds, Quick Response Forces, Villagers, and why the Navy Seals made a wrong
Ahmad Shah a Taliban leader is the high value target. He is responsible for the killing
of more than twenty United States Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were
aiding American forces. In response to these killings, the United States Navy SEALs are
assigned to perform a counter insurgent mission to capture Shah or to kill him. As part of
the mission, a four man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team is tasked to track
Shah s whereabouts. The four SEAL teammates are team leader Michael P. Murph
Murphy; hospital corpsman and sniper Marcus Luttrell; sonar technician Matthew Axe
Axelson; and communications specialist Danny Dietz. The team is inserted into the
Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, where
Essay On Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo is a football legend that has managed to conquer the world of soccer
and fashion as well. He was born in Portugal. He grew up in his hometown called
Madeira and when he was twelve he moved to Lisbon. He always had a passion over
football since his childhood. Ronaldo started his football career as a youth player for
Andorinha, he played for two years there then later he went to C.D. Nacional. In
(1997) he moved to Sporting CP Lisbon football Club. Later in 2003 he signed for
United. Ronaldo improved a lot in there. He helped the club to wins a lot of trophies
which made his named the European and worlds best player in 2008.ronaldo became
the most expensive footballer when he made a transfer to Real Madrid in 2009. Until
today he still plays for Read Madrid.he has won he world best player awards thice in
his career so far. Ronaldo: I want to be one of the best ever . Marca (Madrid). 13
January 2014. Available from:
/real_madrid/1389646805.html . (Accessed 30 September 2015)That has made
Ronaldo so popular and inspiring. The young generation has really grown up to be
inspired by Ronaldo. Nowadays when it comes to football everyone wants to wear
Ronaldo jersey. Ronaldo is a unique footballer is influential to people by the way he has
been breaking many European football records.... Show more content on
His football legacy is one of the main reasons why his brand is widely known. His brand
produces things like footwear, socks,underwear,perfumes and so on. The CR7
Underwear and Socks collection is introduced with a great deal of strength, Behind the
collection is world famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo who, with millions of
followers on social media, has a huge potential target audience [online]. Available from: type=2#ad image 0
(Accessed 30 September
Legal Issues Related To The Fashion Industry
The major problems facing companies, especially smaller ones, in resolving product
adaptation issues are things that can differ in different cultures such as the taste of the
product, the style, the color, or symbols, language, but also more specific like
differences in technology, environmental differences, religion etc. The taste of a product
is very important for the food, drinks and cigarette industry. Style is more important in
car and fashion industry, which also includes the color and symbols. The meaning of a
color or a symbol can differ from culture to culture. The package of the product can also
need adaptations. Special symbols and the language need to adapt to the country/culture.
Some symbols can be offensive in one... Show more content on ...
4. Propose ways in which intellectual property piracy could be stopped permanently. I
believe that it is simply not realistic to speak of eliminating all piracy, as there will
always be at least a small segment of the population who can t be deterred from
stealing others ideas and creativity. Instead, what we can and should strive for is the
reduction of piracy to the lowest levels possible; levels that will not rob authors and
copyright owners of the incentive to create and distribute their works. I believe that this
could be accomplished through a two step copyright protection program of: 1) crafting a
proper legal framework and 2) the adequate and proper implementation of the said
framework. The legal framework provides the basic rights to copyright owners and
establishes procedures for the enforcement of those rights. Those procedures must
provide the opportunity to obtain adequate remedies when those rights are violated as
well as the possibility of punitive monetary judgments and, in appropriate cases,
imprisonment of the infringer. The second part of this copyright protection program is
the application of these legal rules to ensure that copyright owners have actual, effective
protection against infringement of their rights. 5.The software industry is the hardest hit
by piracy. Using the Web site of the Business Software Alliance ( and WTO
( check out egroups LINKS assess how this
The Critical-Cultural Theory Of Mass Media
A young girl may hear a variety of tips on how to beautify herself, but do these pieces
of advice make her genuinely happy? That sometimes depends on the music she hears
around her, particularly on the radio. Many hit pop contemporary radio singles,
generally performed by female recording artists, encourage a distorted perception of
beauty that leads to the state of perception, which is usually nearly impossible to
achieve. However, a select group of songs by female performers and their
accompanying music videos promote the ideology that young women and girls do not
have to make dramatic changes to their body or appearance to be perceived as
beautiful. This message is widely spread by singers including Beyoncé, Meghan
Trainor, and Alessia Cara. This ideology can be traced back to the critical/cultural
theory of mass media, of which radio is a major part. According to Ralph E. Hanson,
PhD, a communications professor at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, states that
this theory arose between World War I and World War II. Hanson notes, Originated by
a group of German scholars known as the Frankfurt School, these cultural critics were
trying to make sense of a changing world that was leaving people alienated, exploited,
and repressed with no good way of making sense of what was happening. People wanted
to understand what was really going on around them, and not just have a distorted view
of the world as they knew it. Today, when young children hear music on the radio,
Summary Of Seeing Stars And Stripes By Jennifer De Poyen
Jennifer de Poyen s article Seeing Stars and Stripes focuses on America s changing
view towards the United States flag following the events of 9/11. de Poyen is a bi
national artist and scriptwriter from Canada with a complicated and evolving opinion
towards the American flag. de Poyen discusses her opinion on America s changing
response to the American flag following the events of 9/11. She analyzes the new
patriotism associated with the flag and the response of individuals who refused to
participate in this newly developed patriotism due to the fear of accidentally alienating
foreigners or immigrants. Furthermore, she discusses how Americans were angered by
this resistance to respect and revere the flag. Lastly, she states her own attitude... Show
more content on ...
Many individuals believed that the flag was a symbol used to exclude certain groups.
Marcelee Gralapp, the library director at the Boulder Public Library s main branch,
refused to display a 10 by 15 foot flag because she thought that the library should
welcome people of all beliefs and that the flag might alienate some visitors (de Poyen
119). de Poyen herself stated that when she saw the flag in someone s window (de
Poyen 122), she would not feel welcome there. After the 9/11 attacks, certain
individuals still felt uncomfortable waving the American flag for fear that they would
alienate foreigners or immigrants. Other individuals decided against waving the
American flag due to annual traditions. In Berkeley city adminstrators removed
American flags from all fie trucks before a Sept. 20 anti war rally at the University of
California/Berkeley [to uphold] a liberal stronghold since the 60s (de Poyen 120).
Unfortunately, most Americans reacted with rage, viewing this resistance to waving the
flag as a sign of disrespect to the 9/11 victims and the American

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