An Elephant Essay
An Elephant Essay
An Elephant Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "An Elephant" can be a challenging task that requires careful
consideration of various aspects. Firstly, the vastness of the subject itself presents a challenge, as one
must decide whether to focus on the biological aspects of elephants, their cultural significance, or
perhaps their conservation status. Narrowing down such a broad topic can be perplexing, as each
angle offers a plethora of information to explore.
Moreover, conveying a unique perspective on a well-known subject like elephants is no easy feat. It's
a creature that has been extensively studied and written about, making it challenging to present new
and engaging insights. The risk of producing a generic essay that merely reiterates commonly known
facts is always looming, requiring the writer to delve deeper into the subject matter to provide fresh
perspectives or lesser-known details.
Researching for the essay can also prove to be a demanding endeavor. With the abundance of
information available, sifting through credible sources and selecting the most relevant and interesting
details requires time and effort. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing
sufficient information and avoiding overwhelming the reader with an excess of data.
Crafting a coherent and well-structured essay is another hurdle. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas,
logical transitions between paragraphs, and a compelling introduction and conclusion demands
meticulous attention. The challenge is not only in presenting information but also in doing so in a
manner that captivates the reader's attention and sustains their interest throughout the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "An Elephant" involves navigating through the
complexities of the subject, avoiding clichés, conducting thorough research, and skillfully presenting
the information. It's a task that demands creativity, critical thinking, and a commitment to delivering
a unique perspective on a well-explored topic.
For those who find the task daunting or are pressed for time, there are alternative solutions.
Assistance from platforms like can be sought, where similar essays and much
more can be ordered to meet specific requirements. Such services provide a valuable option for those
seeking expert help in tackling the challenges of essay writing.
An Elephant Essay An Elephant Essay
The Leadership Role Of The Supervisory Staff Directing And...
When looking to the leadership role of the supervisory staff directing and training the
Millennials activity is an important part of the traits that empower them. Millennials are
motivated and need to be challenged. The aspect of the daily route will quickly produce
a mundane feeling and the production of these individual will diminish. Looking beyond
the daily routine and providing different avenues to increase their knowledge base is
essential. Only providing what is required by your agency to these individuals will not
suffice. Get them involved with in house training beyond the agency group training.
Areas that will quickly promote growth such as squad level training in which they
provide the research and information to their squad... Show more content on ...
Most Millennials believe that no one is inherently bad, and that criminal do not commit
crime because they want to, it s because they are forced into it because of their situation.
Their conception of the police officer
Sharon Levesque is that they are sent to the source of a problem, they make sure that
all involved are safe, interview all involved, and sent everyone away happier, and after
the report is done their involvement is over. Report would read joe smith grew up
poor, has no family, so therefore he became a criminal (Gage, 03/20/2016, Volume 13).
The Millennial is not insensitive to feeling, but they come real close. This is a group
that has grown up with the in your face violent act of 9/11, school shooting, and
worldwide terrorism as a common everyday occurrence on the internet and other media
sources (Hsu, H, 01/25/2016). This is why when viewing the performance of these
individuals they show no urgency in what they would conceded a simple verbal domestic
dispute, they look no further then what is in front of them. To change this aspect or
behavior pattern that is basically know in the training environment as they are living a
video game a well defined interactive training program. When structuring a training
program for the Millennial you need to understand that you are dealing with individuals
Interview Essay
Interview Essay Mary Goddard
Mary Lallie Goddard was born on December 28, 1922, in New Mexico. She has two
daughters and two grandchildren, one boy, one girl. She enjoys exercising regularly and
volunteering her time with others.
Lallie Goddard defines happiness as being content. She says that this definition has
changed over time. With so many things been thrown at you through the course of your
life, you learn to be content. I have my favorite things around me. My mother could take
having things thrown at her, so I learned from her.
When asked how she knows when she is happy, she said, I really only know when I am
unhappy. I look forward to getting up early and staying occupied, and I volunteer as a
Commenting on the role that education played in her life, she said, I was terrified of
public school because I had never been around so many children. So I went to a private
girl s school after sixth grade. Then I went on to public high school. I remember there
were these three sisters and one of them was overweight, so the other two sisters
picked on her. I was not used to seeing that kind of behavior and it bothered me, so I
made her my friend. After high school I had two years in college.
She recalled that her favorite times were when she was married. She recalled, My
husband wanted a boat, but I didn t because I was scared. However, our two girls also
wanted a boat, so eventually we got one. We had the best times together on that boat,
water skiing and camping at Lake Powell. When asked what she is most proud of in her
life, she answered, My two girls and my grandchildren.
Lallie describes herself as being good at rolling with the punches and going with the
flow. Because she is a very spontaneous person she has enjoyed traveling to such places
as New England, Scotland, the Galapagos, Lima, Peru, Australia, and New Zealand. She
said that there is nothing in her life that she would change. If you change one thing in
your life, you change a lot of things.
Tax payers, who are business owners, including the self employed, have choices
regarding how to set up their entity for tax purposes. Generally, the following options are
available for tax payers:
Sole Proprietorship
Single Member Limited Liability Company
S Corporation
C Corporation
Sole Proprietorships do not file any documents, including annual reports, with the
Secretary of State. Accordingly, they do not have legal or creditor protection.
Sole Proprietorships prepare Schedule C as part of their Individual Income Tax returns,
with exception to farmers who must file Schedule F. The Schedule C is the most
simplistic form for tax filing purposes, when it comes to business. Sole Proprietors may
need to file Schedule SE.
Generally, self employed business owners can set up fringe benefits (i.e. self employed
health insurance deduction and retirement plan) for their business. Self employed health
insurance and retirement deductions are reported on page 1 of the individual income tax
form as an adjustment to gross income. Discrimination tests have to be met for the self
employed health insurance if the sole proprietorship has employees.
Under the family member s rule, as stated in Circular E of the IRS: Child employed by
parents. Payments for the services of a child under age 18 who works for his or her
parent in a trade or business aren t subject to social security and Medicare taxes if the
trade or business is a
Symptoms And Treatment Of Acute Pharyngitis
According to American Family Physician (2009), acute pharyngitis is a common upper
respiratory tract infection seen in the pediatric population, with most children averaging
five sore throats within a year in the United States. Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the
mucosa lining the structure of the throat including the tonsils, pharynx, uvula, soft palate,
and nasopharynx (Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, Blosser, p. 715, 2013). Acute pharyngitis
can be caused by both virus and bacteria microorganisms. About 40 to 60% of acute
pharyngitis is of a viral origin (Burns et al., 2013). Adenovirus is the most common virus
associated with acute pharyngitis. Although, there are other associated viruses, which
includes Epstein Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza,
herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, and human immunodeficiency virus (Burns et al.,
2013). There are some common bacterial organisms that are associated with pharyngitis
which includes Streptococcus pyogens (group A streptococcus), Corynbacterium
diphtheria, Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, Neisseria gonorrhoeare, group C and group
G streptocococci, and Mycoplasma pneumonia (Burns et al., 2013). Streptococcus
pyogens accounts for 15 to 30 percent of pharyngitis in children, with group A beta
hemolytic streptococcus being the most common cause in children (Burns et. al., 2013).
The bacteria is mostly transmitted through the respiratory route with a 2 5day incubation
period, which has
Students Consciousness Towards Littering in Pacific...
A paper
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject
HE 116.1 Academic English
Jacinta Kaupa
Aim : The aim of this survey was to find out how conscious the students are towards
Pacific Adventist University is an institution where people from all over the Pacific,
Papua New Guinea and other parts of the world come to learn and get educated.
Indeed it is the most beautiful place in Papua New Guinea as most critics say. This is
because of the landscape and the well preserved lawn with the variety of birds and the
lakes. However, it is not as beautiful as many people think when speaking of littering.
There are ... Show more content on ...
The behavior of the students consciousness towards littering in the campus is not really
getting out of hand. Not all students have the don t care attitude as the result is stating.
Students falls into two different categories. There are students who have the heart to
keep their study environment clean and there are those who do not. Those that practice
littering have a fair idea that it is wrong. But yet they tend do it without thinking.The next
paragraph will describe further on such behavior of the students .
According to the result everybody is trying to say that they do not want littering. For the
positive statements they are responding positively and for the negative statement they are
responding negatively. Students may not want to discard rubbishes like piece of paper or
an empty packet of something anywhere, but apparently they do. This may happen due to
laziness, maybe because ofdistance between them and the rubbish bin. They do not want
to walk because it might take some of their time (time factor). This clearly shows that
students have attitude problem even though they are educated. Knowing that littering is
wrong and yet doing it can explain that there is an attitude problem. Cialdini and others
(1981:255) strongly agree that littering is a measure of attitude . Littering especially
occurs when someone (who cares) is not watchingor witnessing