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42 year lady presented with weight gain ,abnormal menstruation ,deranged lipid profile
and high blood pressure .Which one of the following is not a diagnostic criterion for the
metabolic syndrome?
A. Having central obesity

B. Having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

C. Being treated for hypertension

D . Having low LDL levels

2. A Male diabetic pateint visited to your clinic to ask which life style strategy he must use to
loose his weight What is the recommendation for physical activity to prevent weight gain?
A. 30 min of moderate activity on 3–4 days a week
B. 30 min of moderate activity each day
C. 45–60 min of moderate activity on 3–4 days a week
D. 45–60 min of moderate activity each day

3.During starvation, for about how long do the body's carbohydrate (i.e. glycogen) stores
A 24 h
B 72 h
C 1 week
D 2 weeks
4.4.52-year-old woman presents to your clinic for a health maintenance evaluation. She is
married with 3 children and works as a data analyst for a local computer company. She
has not been seen by a physician for the previous 8 years. She denies any chronic medical
conditions, is taking no medications, and is currently asymptomatic. Family history reveals
that her mother had a myocardial infarction (MI) at age 62.
Your patient’s vital signs are normal:; and body mass index (BMI), 29. The rest of her
physical examination is normal.
She is interested in learning about her personal risk for coronary disease.
Which score you follow for assessing her 10 year Cardio vascular risk?
A.Rotterm score
B.Framinghom scale
C.ATP III score
D.T Score

5.The next step in addressing thie same patient's request is:

A. Starting statin.

B. Ordering fasting lipid profile diabetic test and explore mor history
C. Explore more into history first

D. Ordering a fasting or nonfasting lipid profile and an apolipoprotein B test.

. 6.Which of the following may family members express at the time of being given bad
B. Denial
C. Relief
D. All of the above

. 7.When breaking bad news to families which of the following should you not do?
(a) Tell the family you know how they must be feeling
(b) Use the child's name
(c) Tell them you are sorry
d. Give the family the opportunity to ask questions
. 8.Which of the following is important to ensure in preparing to break bad news?
(a) An appropriate comfortable environment
(b) Privacy
(c) A lack of interruptions or unwelcome distractions
(d) All of the above
9. 30 year girl presented with ultrasound pelvis which shows poly cystic ovarian
syndrome .inccrease insulin level and increase androgen levels in your opinion increase
androgen level leads to all of the above except

A.Endometrial cancer.
B, baldness
C. hirsutism
D. metabolic syndrome
10.Acanthosis nigricans (areas of thickened, darkened skin), a symptom of polycystic
ovary syndrome, is caused by which of the following?
 A.Increased serum estrogen levels
 B.Increased serum progesterone levels
 C.Insulin resistance
 D.Obesity
Question 1 of 3
11.Weakness associated with Addison disease results from which of the following?
 A.Glucocorticoid deficiency
 B.Hyperglycemia
 C.Hypothyroidism
 D.Electrolyte imbalance
12.Bipolar disorders are characterized by episodes of mania and depression. Cycles—time
from onset of one episode to that of the next—vary in length among patients. Which of the
following is true of most patients?
 A.Mania or depression predominates in each cycle.
 B.Patients alternate between mania and depression with each cycle.
 C.Mania is accompanied by disinterest in other people.
 D.Episodes last for a few days to a week

13.Which of the following is the primary reason that acetaminophen overdose is very
 A.The warning label on acetaminophen labels is not prominent enough
 B.Acetaminophen is contained in >100 different products
 C.Acetaminophen is a common suicide drug
 D.Acetaminophen is available over-the-counter
14.Long-standing dysuria symptoms plus hematuria without pyuria or infection suggest
which of the following diagnoses?
 A.Cystitis
 B.Spondyloarthropathy
 C.Tumor
 D.Urethritis
15.Falls in older people can be caused by various intrinsic factors such as age-related
changes or adverse drug effects. Of the various types of drugs, which of the following is
most commonly reported as increasing the risk of falls or fall-related injuries in older
 A.Aminoglycosides
 B.Benzodiazepines
 C.Diuretics
 D.Vasodilators
16.Which of the following should never be used when tackle with patients History?
A. Compassion/empathy
B. Professional jargon
C. Appropriate body language
D. Touch
17.A young male presented to ER and declare dead. Attendant gave the history of snake
bite half an hour back. . what is the common cause of death after snake bite ?
A.Neurogenic shock
B.Septic shock
C.Cardiovascualr arrest
D.Anaphylactic shock

18. 52 year male presented to gastro enterology clinic for recurrent symptom of dyspepsia
since one year .which red flag you rule out in history to exclude stomach cancer ?
a.Progressive dysphagia
B,Weight loss

19.Which of the drug cause pancytopenia?


20.a 16 weeks pregnant patient visited to your clinic with symtoms of not gaining
weight .tach cardai ,diarrhea,and increase appetite .what diagnos come onto your mind?

A.Iron defecieny anemia

C.Hypo thyroid
D.Diabetes mellitus .

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