Sample Descriptive Essay About A Person

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Sample Descriptive Essay About A Person

Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Sample Descriptive Essay About a Person" might seem
deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of capturing a person's essence
through words poses its own set of challenges. One must navigate the delicate balance between
providing vivid details that bring the individual to life and avoiding excessive embellishments that
may veer into the realm of fiction. The task demands not just a command of language but also a
keen observational eye to discern the unique characteristics that define the person in question.

To begin, the challenge lies in choosing the right details that encapsulate the subject's personality,
appearance, and mannerisms. It requires a careful selection of words that evoke sensory experiences,
allowing the reader to visualize the person in their mind's eye. Striking the right tone becomes crucial
– too effusive, and the description may border on hyperbole; too reserved, and the essence of the
person may be lost.

Moreover, weaving a cohesive narrative that seamlessly integrates these details can be a formidable
task. The essay must possess a logical flow, with each paragraph transitioning smoothly to the next,
creating a holistic portrait of the individual. The challenge intensifies when trying to avoid clichés
and generic descriptions, striving instead to provide a fresh perspective that captures the subject's

Furthermore, the emotional tone of the essay must resonate with the intended audience. Whether
aiming for a nostalgic, admiring, or critical tone, the writer must navigate the nuances of language to
convey the intended sentiment accurately. This requires a nuanced understanding of the impact that
each word and sentence can have on the reader's perception.

In conclusion, while the topic of a "Sample Descriptive Essay About a Person" might seem
straightforward, the intricacies of translating a person's essence into words pose a multifaceted
challenge. It demands a meticulous selection of details, a keen eye for observation, a mastery of
language, and an ability to craft a compelling narrative. It is an art that requires finesse and dedication
to truly do justice to the subject. For those seeking assistance in navigating these challenges, similar
essays and more can be explored and ordered on .
Sample Descriptive Essay About A PersonSample Descriptive Essay About A Person
Earthquake Risk Assessment Paper
At my house there would be some violent shaking combined with a high liquefaction
risk, and based on this house being brick I don t think it would fair to well. The brick
could easily crumble given its age and the foundation could sink.
Temple Square/ ESA: Shaking Potential: 0.8 0.9 Liquefaction Potential: High
At Temple Square it seems like given the higher shaking risk and the high liquefaction
potential, there would be some considerable damage to a number of buildings in that area
depending on in the buildings there have been retrofitted.
Maverick Center: Shaking Potential: 0.4 0.5 Liquefaction Potential: High
The Maverick Center appears to be built with things like steel beams and might hold up
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biggest risk would ... Show more content on ...
The low liquefaction risk would mean that the foundations probably wouldn t sink. The
concern for this area would be keeping up with better building codes and potentially
retrofitting some buildings.
1. The safest place to be should an earthquake occur on the Wasatch Fault would be
somewhere in the South West portion of the valley, maybe near the Oquirrh
Mountains, in a well build steel building. 2. Just outside on the fault zones particularly
where liquefaction risk is highest. 3. Earthquakes of a magnitude 6 or greater may
occur one every 50 330 years. The last Big One was estimated to be around 700 years
ago. 4. Some factors to consider when thinking about how dangerous on place may be in
an earthquake would be things like what the ground is like beneath a foundation, the
liquefaction risk, you physical location related to a fault, and even the materials used in a
building. 5. The liquefaction risk in the northwest part of the valley can be attributed to
its location to the Great Salt
Powder Cocaine Vs Crack
Crack and powder cocaine is a controversial topic. There have been racial disparities in
drug enforcement between Crack and powder cocaine. Cocaine is derived from the
opium gather naturally from the poppy plant while crack is the result of a chemical
reaction been cocaine, water and a strong base. Under the controlled substances act both
are classified as schedule II meaning they both have a high potential for abuse which can
cause a use to be dependent both physically and psychologically. Due to the passing of
the Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) in 2010, which reduced the sentencing disparity between
offenses for crack and powder cocaine. Prior to its enactment for any offender using
cocaine to be sentence the minimum five, ten, or twenty years
How Technology Has The Best Decision For School Districts
I don t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up
being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They re just not really that, yet. There s
all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way
more than to print a book... (Rushkoff). There is heated debate going on in school
districts across the nation, but it is not over dress code or standardized testing. It is over
whether schools should shift to tablets instead of dated textbooks. Within the last ten
years, the advancement of technology has caused an increase in controversy over which
one is the best option. Weighing pros against cons, it would ultimately be the best
decision for school districts to continue... Show more content on ...
By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom
computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors
stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational methods, in
addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras (Educational technology). The
country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American education in over a
century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now woven through education
as well. Most people know the feeling getting in their comfy clothes and sitting down
to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show on the laptop. The popcorn laying by
ones s side. Their butter fingers across the keys, while each image is illuminating your
face. Their phone is buzzing from the Snapchats. In this generation, people cling to some
type of electronic device. According to the US Department of Education and studies by
the National Training and Simulation Association Technology based instruction can
reduce the time students take to reach a learning objective by 30 80% ( In
a classroom, teachers are able to take their class around the world electronically to look
at the development of civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Latin America. Also,
students are able to take virtual trips and collaborate with other students around the world
and research in the best libraries

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