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Journal of Power Sources 184 (2008) 477–480

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Short communication

Preparation and performances of porous polyacrylonitrile–methyl

methacrylate membrane for lithium-ion batteries
D.Y. Zhou a , G.Z. Wang a , W.S. Li a,b,∗ , G.L. Li a,b , C.L. Tan a , M.M. Rao a , Y.H. Liao a
School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Key Lab of Technology on Electrochemical Energy Storage and Power Generation in Guangdong Universities, Guangzhou 510006, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A copolymer, polyacrylonitrile–methyl methacrylate P(AN–MMA), was synthesized by suspension poly-
Received 12 January 2008 merization with acrylonitrile (AN) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) as monomers. With this copolymer,
Received in revised form 3 May 2008 polymer membrane was prepared by phase inversion. The performances of the polymer were charac-
Accepted 8 May 2008
terized by FTIR, SEM, DSC/TG, EIS and LSV. The copolymer contains CH2 , CN and CO bonds, and shows
Available online 16 May 2008
its thermal stability up to 300 ◦ C. The polymer membrane has a porous structure with an average pore
diameter of 0.5 ␮m. The conductivity of the polymer electrolyte is 1.25 mS cm−1 at room temperature, and
it is electrochemically stable up to 5 V (vs. Li). Using the polymer electrolyte as the gel polymer electrolyte
Suspension polymerization
Gel polymer electrolyte
(GPE), the cell Li/GPE/LiCoO2 shows its cyclic stability as good as the cell with liquid electrolyte.
Conductivity © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lithium-ion battery

1. Introduction flexibility, ionic conductivity, and compatibility with electrolyte

[10–18]. PAN-based polymer has good processibility and electro-
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in research chemical stability, but it is brittle for the reason that the interaction
and development on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries employ- of adjacent cyanogen groups which enhances the resistance of
ing solid polymer electrolytes [1], since solid polymer electrolytes interior rotation of the main chain and decreases the flexibil-
are counted on to solve safe problem existing in conventional ity of main chain. Considering the good flexibility of poly(methyl
lithium-ion batteries using liquid electrolytes. However, the ionic methacrylate) (PMMA) which is likely to reduce the brittleness
conductivity of pure solid polymer electrolytes is too low to and enhances the strength of PAN, we attempt to synthesize
meet the requirement of high rate charge–discharge of lithium- P(AN–MMA) copolymer by suspension polymerization of acryloni-
ion batteries. Gel polymer electrolytes, which use polymer as trile (AN) with methyl methacrylate (MMA) as the matrix for gel
matrix to convert liquid electrolyte into gel, are ideal alterna- polymer electrolyte.
tives to pure solid polymer electrolyte. Many polymers have been
reported to be used as matrixes for gel polymer electrolytes, such 2. Experimental
as poly(vinylidenefluoride) (PVDF) [2–4], polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
[5], poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) [6] and poly(ethylene The monomers, AN and MMA as purchased, were distilled to
oxide) (PEO) [7–9]. However, these polymers are formed by same remove the polymerization inhibitor, and then were mixed in the
monomers, thus they are lack of enough mechanical strength or ratio of AN:MMA = 4:1 (in mass) with addition of the initiator, azo-
ionic conductivity for their application in commercial lithium-ion bisisobutyronitrile (AIBN), and cross-linker, diallyl phthalate. The
batteries. mixture was added into aqueous polyvinyl alcohol solution under
These drawbacks can be made up to some extent by forming stirring and nitrogen atmosphere and the reaction was kept under
copolymers through cross-linking or copolymerization with two refluxing at 60 ◦ C for 5 h. The polymer was isolated by filtration and
or more monomers that have different functions, such as strength, was washed with the hot deionized water for the removal of any
impurities such as residual monomers and initiator. The product
was then dried in a vacuum oven at 80 ◦ C for 12 h. The prepared
∗ Corresponding author at: School of Chemistry and Environment, South China
P(AN–MMA) polymer was dissolved at a concentration of 10% (by
Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China. Tel.: +86 20 39310256;
weight) in dimethylformamide (DMF) at 80 ◦ C for 30 min. After
fax: +86 20 39310256. complete dissolution, the resulting viscous solution was cast with
E-mail address: [email protected] (W.S. Li). a doctor blade onto a glass plate, inducing phase inversion. After

0378-7753/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
478 D.Y. Zhou et al. / Journal of Power Sources 184 (2008) 477–480

Fig. 2. DSC and TG curves of P(AN–MMA) copolymer.

Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of monomers, AN and MMA, and their copolymer, P(AN–MMA). at 1597 or 1616 cm−1 for C C, indicating that the copolymer main-
tains the main characteristics of the monomers and the monomers
are copolymerized through the breaking of double bonds C C in
the exchange of DMF and water by phase inversion, a substantial
both monomers. It can be expected that the copolymer has good
number of pores were formed in the films. The resulting mem-
strength due to the cross-linking between two monomers and good
branes were washed, rinsed and dried at 60 ◦ C under vacuum for
conductivity due to the existence of strong polarity bonds CN and
24 h, successively, before further processing.
The P(AN–MMA) polymer electrolytes were prepared by soaking
Fig. 2 presents the TGA and DSC curves of P(AN–MMA) copoly-
the membranes in an electrolyte solution, 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene
mer. There is a large exothermic peak at 300 ◦ C for the DSC curve,
carbonate (EC)/dimethyl carbonate (DMC)/diethyl carbonate (DEC)
which is accompanied by the significant weight loss for TGA curve.
(1:1:1 in mass), for 30 min in an argon-filled glove box (Mikrouna).
These phenomena reflect the decomposition of the copolymer.
The structure and properties of the polymer were characterized
Therefore, the copolymer is thermally stable at the temperature
by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) (PerkinElmer Spectrograph).
lower than 300 ◦ C, which is better than PMMA and PAN [19]. Appar-
The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning
ently, the cross-linking between MMA and AN can improve the
calorimetry (DSC) traces were obtained using a NETZSCH simul-
thermal stability of the polymer with single monomer. It can be
taneous TG-DTA/DSC analyser (model STA-449C). The morphology
noted from Fig. 2 that there appears small weight loss at 100–150 ◦ C,
of the polymer membrane was characterized by scanning electron
it may result from the volatilization of solvents remaining in the
microscopy (SEM) (JEOL, JSM-6380LV, JAPAN, at an acceleration
voltage of 15 kV). The electrochemical stability was carried out on
Fig. 3 presents the SEM image of P(AN–MMA) membrane pre-
the stainless steel electrode with lithium metal electrode as the
pared by the phase inversion technique. In the phase inversion
reference and counter electrodes by the linear sweep voltamme-
process, the porous membrane is formed by polymer precipitation.
try (LSV) at 2 mV s−1 using Solartron 1260. The ionic conductivity
Usually, copolymer between different monomers forms more uni-
of the polymer electrolyte was measured by the electrochemical
form pores than the polymer with single monomer. It can be found
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using Solartron 1260 with ac ampli-
from Fig. 3 that the self-supporting membrane has a large number
tude of 10 mV from 100 kHz to 1 Hz. The polymer electrolyte was
of micro-porous pores with an average size of 0.5 ␮m. It is expected
sandwiched between two parallel stainless steel (SS) discs.
To determine the battery performance, 2016 type cell
Li/GPE/LiCoO2 was assembled in the glove box. A positive elec-
trode consisted of LiCoO2 (84 wt.%), acetylene black (8 wt.%) and
poly(vinylidenefluoride) (PVDF) (8 wt.%). LAND-CT2001A lithium-
ion battery testing device (Wuhan Blue Electronic Industry Co., Ltd.)
was used to test the cycle stability of the batteries. The batteries
were charged and discharged with 0.1 C constant current between
3.0 and 4.2 V.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1 presents the FTIR spectra of monomers, AN and MMA, and

their copolymer, P(AN–MMA). The monomer AN is characteristic of
the adsorption peaks at 1597 and 2237 cm−1 , which correspond to
the bonds C C and C N, respectively. The monomer MMA is char-
acteristic of the adsorption peaks at 1616 and 1725 cm−1 , which
correspond to the bonds C C and C O, respectively. By compar-
ing the FTIR spectrum of the copolymer with that of monomer,
it can be found that the P(AN–MMA) keeps the absorptions at
1725 cm−1 for C O and 2237 cm−1 for C N and loses the absorption Fig. 3. SEM image of P(AN–MMA) membrane.
D.Y. Zhou et al. / Journal of Power Sources 184 (2008) 477–480 479

Fig. 4. Linear sweep voltammetry of the P(AN–MMA) electrolyte: scanning rate

Fig. 6. Comparison of cyclic stability between gel polymer and liquid electrolytes in
2 mV s−1 .
LiCoO2 /Li 2016 type cell.

that the micro-porous pores are beneficial to the formation of gel

To determine the ion conductivity of the gel electrolyte made
To understand the electrochemical stability of P(AN–MMA), gel
from P(AN–MMA), electrochemical impedance experiment was
electrolyte was prepared with P(AN–MMA) membrane and linear
carried out on the cell SS/gel electrolyte/SS. Fig. 5 presents the
sweep voltammetry was carried out on 2016 type cell with stain-
Nyquist plot of the electrochemical impedance. It can be seen from
less steel as working electrode and lithium as reference and counter
Fig. 5 that the imaginary part of the impedance is linearly related to
electrodes. The obtained result is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen from
its real part and the imaginary part increases more quickly than the
Fig. 4 that as the potential becomes higher, the current increases
real part as the frequency becomes lower. This is characteristic of an
slightly at the potential lower than 5 V but increases significantly
equivalent of a resistor and a capacitor in series, which corresponds
at the potential higher than 5 V. The slight increase in current might
to the resistance of the gel electrolyte and the double capacitance of
be ascribed to the change of the stainless steel surface, and the sig-
the cell in this case. Therefore, the resistance of the gel electrolyte
nificant change in current should result from the decomposition
can be determined by the intersection of linear relation between the
of the gel electrolyte. Therefore, the copolymer is stable electro-
imaginary and real parts of the impedance with the real part axis.
chemically at the potential lower than 5 V (vs. Li) and is better than
The ionic conductivity of the electrolyte obtained from the resis-
PMMA, which is only 4.8 V (vs. Li) [20]. The electrochemical stability
tance of the gel electrolyte is 1.25 mS cm−1 at room temperature.
of a gel electrolyte reflects the stability of the solvent molecules in
This value is as good as that of PAN or PMMA [22,23]. Apparently,
the electrolyte. The uniform pores of the membrane and the highly
the cross-linking between AN and MMA does not reduce the ionic
polarized groups, CN and CO [21], in the copolymer provide the
conductivity of the polymer with single monomer. The ionic con-
membrane with stronger affinity with the solvent molecules, thus
ductivity of the copolymer is high enough for the application in
the solvent molecules are more stable than those in the polymer
lithium-ion batteries.
with single monomer. This stability of the copolymer is good for
The high ionic conductivity of the gel P(AN–MMA) electrolyte
the lithium-ion batteries with high voltage cathode materials, such
can be ascribed to the existence of the strong polarity groups CN
as LiCoO2 , LiNiO2 and LiMn2 O4 .
and CO. Moreover, a large number of pores in the porous mem-
brane enlarge the contact areas between polymer and solvent so
that the electrolyte solution is well retained in the membrane by
polymer–solvent interactions.
Fig. 6 shows the cyclic stability of 2016 type cells with the gel
P(AN–MMA) electrolyte and liquid electrolyte. The cells are sub-
jected to a cycle test at a constant current of 0.3 mA (0.1 C) with
cut-off voltages of 4.2 V at the upper limit and 3.0 V at the lower
limit. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the discharge capacity and the
cyclic stability of the cell with the gel P(AN–MMA) electrolyte are
as good as those of the cell with liquid electrolyte.

4. Conclusion

P(AN–MMA) copolymer has been synthesized by suspension

polymerization and a porous membrane can be prepared by phase
inversion from this copolymer. With this membrane, highly con-
ductive and electrochemically stable polymer electrolyte can be
obtained. The ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolyte is
Fig. 5. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the cell SS/gel P(AN–MMA) 1.25 mS cm−1 at room temperature and its electrochemical stabil-
electrolyte/SS. ity window is 5.0 V (vs. Li). With the polymer electrolyte as the gel
480 D.Y. Zhou et al. / Journal of Power Sources 184 (2008) 477–480

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