Flow Through A Venturi Meter
Flow Through A Venturi Meter
Flow Through A Venturi Meter
Centre for Diploma Studies
4. Perbincangan 25
Tarikh Ujikaji
Date of Experiment 17/10/2023
Tarikh Hantar JUMLAH
Date of Submission
11/01/2024 TOTAL
Use Of Very incompetence to use Uses tools, equipment and Uses tools, equipment and Uses tools, equipment and Uses tools, equipment and materials
Equipment (15%) tools, equipment and materials materials with limited materials with some competence materials with considerable with a high degree of competence
competence competence 3
We, hereby confess that we have prepared this report on our own effort. We also admit not to receive any help
from any third party during the preparation of this report and pledge that everything mentioned in the report is true.
__________ _______
Student Signature (Group Representative)
Matric No :……AA220930…………………………………………………
Date : ……17/2/2023…………………………………………………
To calculate the flowrate through pipe using venturi meter.
Consider flow of an incompressible, inviscid fluid through the convergent – divergent
Venturi Meter tube shown in Figure 3.1. The cross-sectional area at the upstream section 1 is
a1, at the throat section 2 is a2 and at any other arbitrary section n is an. piezometer rubes at
these sections register h1, h2 and hn above the arbitrary datum shown. Note that, although the
tube may have any inclination, the datum must be necessity, be horizontal. Assume that both
the velocity and the piezometer head are constant over each of the sections considered.
We may treat the convergent – divergent pipe as a stream tube, along which Bernoulli’s
𝑃2 𝑣22
𝑃1 𝑣12 = + +𝑧
+ + 𝑧1 2
2𝑔 𝜌𝑔 2𝑔
z1 = z2
𝑣12 𝑣22
h1 + = h2 + (1)
2𝑔 2𝑔
In which v1 and v2 are the flow velocities at sections 1 and 2. The equation of continuity is:
a1v1 = a2v2
v1 = a2v2 /a1 (2)
And solving this for the velocity v2 in the throat leads to:
The rate of flow Q is found by multiplying the throat velocity v2 by the cross-sectional area
A2 at the throat, giving:
This is the ideal discharge rate, obtained by assuming in viscid, one-dimensional flow. In
practice, there is some loss of head between sections 1 and 2. Also, the velocity is not
absolutely constant across either if these sections. As a result, the actual value of Q fall a little
short of those given by Equation (3). It is customary to allow for this by writing.
In which Cd is known as the discharge coefficient or simply the coefficient of the venturi
i. Hydraulic bench
ii. Venturi meter
Figure 4.1: Venturi Meter Apparatus
1. Make sure the venturi meter jointed with hydraulic bench and supply hose.
2. The apparatus was prepared and make sure the supply hose was clear from air pockets. When the
control valve gradually closed, the venturi tube subjected to a gradually increasing pressure, which
caused water to rise up the tubes of the manometer, thereby compressing the air contained in the
3. The bench valve is also closed gradually, and the water level in the manometer tubes stood at a
convenient height when the water levels had rise to a convenient height
4. The adjusting screws as shown in Figure 5.1 are then operated to give identical readings for all of
these tubes across the whole width of the manometer board.
Figure 5.1 Adjusting screw
i. The difference between heads (h2 – h1) and flow rates were measured. The first
reading was taken by the maximum possible value of (h 2 – h1). This condition
obtained by gradually opening both the bench value and the control valve in turn.
ii. The value of h1 and h2 were read from the manometer scale. Step 5 and 6 was
repeated three times for three trials.
iii. The flow rate collection by close the bench hole in hydraulic bench.
iv. The inlet and outlet valve closed and the switch was switch off.
Show the calculations of Cd Value and Qtheory.
Qexp = 8.1 L/s X (1 m3 / 1000 liter) = 0.0081 m3/s
h1 = 150 000 mm X (1 m / 1000 mm) = 0.15 m
h2 = 120 000 mm X (1 m / 1000 mm) = 0.12 m
Qtheory = 𝑎2 √ 2𝑔(ℎ𝑎1−ℎ2 2)
1−[ 2]
Q = C𝑑 ∙ a 2𝑔(ℎ1−ℎ2)
2 𝑎
1−[ 2]
C = 𝑄𝑒𝑥𝑝
𝑑 2𝑔(ℎ1−ℎ2)
= 𝑄𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑦
a 2√
𝑎2 2
1−[𝑎 ]
Compare the value of Qexp with Qtheory and discuss the result.
The value of Qexp for trial 1 is 3.08 x 10 -4 m3/s and Qtheory is 2.1948 X 10-4 m3/s. To
compare the experimental flow rate, calculate the percentage error using the formula :
Percentage Error =
Percentage Error =
So, the positive percentage error indicates that the experimental value is higher than the theoretical value. A
percentage error of 53.64 % is relatively big, suggesting that it is because of the few mistakes were made
throughout the experiment. experiment results are in good agreement with the theoretical expectations. For
example, the flowrate reading bis impacted by the bubble air in the water. However, it’s essential to consider
the precision and accuracy of the measurement instruments and experimental conditions for a comprehensive
Based on the graph above shown a head losses vs flowrate Qexp more lower than Qtheory.
This graph also shows the higher the flowrate, the higher flowrate coefficient.
The experiment was successfully carried out at the fluid laboratory. Since we were able to determine the
venturi meter's velocity, pressure drop, and flow rate magnitude, we can say that the experiment's goal
was achieved. Additionally, the discharge coefficient has been successfully established, and it is possible
to assess the pressure distribution at multiple locations. In the neck section, there is the greatest velocity
and the lowest pressure distribution. Additionally, errors that affect the experiment's results have been
found. Shortening the pipe's length below 6 inches will make it easier to take readings and ensure that the
water flows straight through without clogging.
i. Flow Pipe Lab Report 2. https://www.studocu.com/en-au/document/university-of-
ii. Venturi Meter and Orifice Plate Lab Report.
https://www.green- mechanic.com/2016/11/venturi-meter-and-
iii. The Factors that Impact Venturi Meter Accuracy: Part Two
iv. Venturi Meter Experiment.