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1 (a) In the Periodic Table the elements are organised into groups and periods. A copy of the
Periodic Table is shown on page 32.

(i) State the total number of elements in the period that includes nitrogen, N.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Fig. 1.1 shows the electron arrangement and the number of protons in one atom of

nucleus containing
× 7 protons
× ×

Fig. 1.1

Name the other type of sub-atomic particle contained in this nucleus.

........................................................... [1]

(iii) Draw a diagram, similar to Fig. 1.1, to show an atom of the element phosphorus, P.

15 proton
16 neutron [2]

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(c) Ammonia is made in industry by reacting nitrogen and hydrogen together on the surface of a
solid material containing iron.

A simplified diagram of the process is shown in Fig. 1.2.

nitrogen hydrogen

solid material
containing iron

mixture of gases
containing ammonia

Fig. 1.2

(i) State the name of the industrial process shown in Fig. 1.2.

Haber process
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Hydrogen gas for the process is produced by reacting methane, CH4, with steam, H2O.

In this reaction, each molecule of methane reacts with one of the molecules in steam.
The reaction produces three molecules of hydrogen.

Deduce the balanced symbol equation for this reaction.

CH4 + H20 —> 3H2 + CO

...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(iii) State the purpose of the solid material containing iron that is used in the process shown
in Fig. 1.2.
As a catalyst to speed up the reaction
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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9 Fig. 9.1 shows the industrial method used to obtain aluminium.

In this method an electric current is passed through a molten electrolyte which contains aluminium

graphite electrodes

bubbles of gas

molten electrolyte


Fig. 9.1

(a) Name the process shown in Fig. 9.1.

........................................................... [1]

(b) Aluminium ions move towards the negative electrode where they are converted to aluminium

Aluminium ions have the electron configuration, 2,8.

(i) Explain why aluminium ions move towards the negative electrode.

Aluminium ions move towards the negative electrode

because it has a positive charge
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe how aluminium ions are converted to aluminium atoms.

Aluminium ions undergo reduction at the negative electrode, where it

gains electron and becomes neutral charge (which is an atom)

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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(c) Aluminium reacts with iron oxide to release iron.

The word equation for this reaction is

aluminium + iron oxide aluminium oxide + iron

(i) The chemical formula of iron oxide is Fe2O3 and the formula of an oxide ion is O2–.

Deduce the charge of the iron ions in iron oxide, Fe2O3.

Show your working.

O: 2- x3 = 6-
Fe: 3+ x2 = 6+

charge of iron ion = .......................................................... [2]

(ii) Use the information above and your knowledge of the reactivity series to deduce whether
or not aluminium reacts with copper oxide to release copper.

Explain your answer.

aluminium is more reactive than iron and is more reactive

than copper. So, aluminium will displace copper to form
aluminium oxide and copper metal.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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2 The reactivity series shows metallic elements in order of their reactivities. This series also contains
hydrogen because it has some chemical properties similar to metals.

(a) Fig. 2.1 shows apparatus and materials a student uses to investigate the reactivity of an
unknown metal J.

$ % & '

metal - metal -

copper sulfate dilute hydrochloric magnesium zinc sulfate

solution acid sulfate solution

Fig. 2.1

She places a small piece of metal J into each of four test-tubes A, B, C and D.
Table 2.1 shows her observations.

Table 2.1

test-tube test-tube contents observation with metal J

A copper sulfate solution orange-brown solid forms on metal J
B dilute hydrochloric acid gas given off slowly
C magnesium sulfate solution no reaction
D zinc sulfate solution no reaction

(i) Use the results in Table 2.1 and your knowledge of the reactivity series to place the five
elements, copper, hydrogen, J, magnesium and zinc into order of reactivity.

1 ............................................................. (most reactive element)

2 .............................................................

3 .............................................................
4 .............................................................

5 ............................................................. (least reactive element) [2]

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(ii) Reduction and oxidation (redox) are terms used to describe chemical reactions that
involve the transfer of electrons between particles.

Using the ideas of electron transfer, atoms and ions, deduce which particles are reduced
during the reaction in test-tube A as shown in Table 2.1.

copper ions
particles that are reduced ..................................................................................................

copper ions gain electron to form copper atoms

explanation ........................................................................................................................
which forms the orange brown solid



(b) Fig. 2.2 shows a diamond set into a ring made of an alloy of gold.


ring made of an
alloy of gold

Fig. 2.2

(i) The alloy of gold contains many gold atoms with fewer atoms of a different metal.

In the box below, draw a sketch to show the arrangement of the atoms in this alloy. Your
diagram should include at least fifteen gold atoms.

sorry miss huiyen
im lazy atom of gold

atom of a different metal


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(ii) Diamond is made up of carbon atoms. The mass of a diamond can be measured in units
known as carats.

A diamond of one carat has a mass of 0.2 grams.

Calculate the number of moles of carbon that are contained in a diamond of 186 carats.

Show your working.

# moles: mass/Mr
3.1: 186x0.2 / 12

3.1 moles
number of moles .......................................................... [2]

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9 Nitrogen is an element in Group V of the Periodic Table.

(a) (i) State the electron configuration of a nitrogen atom.


(ii) Explain why the nitride ion, N3–, has an electrical charge of 3–.

because it gains 3 electrons to form a full complete outer shell so it

has 3 extra negatively charged e- compared to positively charged

(iii) Magnesium nitride is an ionic compound that forms when magnesium burns in air.

The symbol and charge of a magnesium ion is Mg2+.

Deduce the chemical formula of magnesium nitride.

Show your working.

Mg2+ x 3 = 6+
N3- x 2 = 6-

chemical formula = .......................................................... [2]

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(b) Fig. 9.1 shows apparatus which can be used to make ammonia, NH3.

The piston of gas syringe A is pushed in slowly, and the mixture of nitrogen, N2, and hydrogen,
H2, moves through the small pieces of heated iron into gas syringe B.

mixture of
nitrogen and gas syringes

piston heat


heat mixture containing


Fig. 9.1

Some nitrogen reacts with hydrogen on the surface of the heated iron.

(i) Construct a balanced equation for the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen.

N2 + 3H2 —> 2NH3


(ii) Describe a chemical test used to show that ammonia is produced.

State the result of this test.

damp red litmus paper

test ....................................................................................................................................
turns blue
result .................................................................................................................................


(iii) The iron in this reaction acts as a catalyst.

Suggest in terms of molecular collisions why the iron is in the form of many small pieces.





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12 (a) Fig. 12.1 shows a small piece of potassium being added to water containing full-range
indicator solution (Universal Indicator).



water containing
full-range indicator

Fig. 12.1

(i) The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between potassium and water is shown

2K(s) + 2H2O(l) 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)

From the four substances shown in the equation select one example of an element and
one example of a compound.

Explain your answers.

K, H2
element ...................................................

consist only of one type of atoms

explanation ........................................................................................................................


compound ...............................................

consist of two or more types of elements

explanation ........................................................................................................................
chemically bonded together.

(ii) Explain why the equation in (a) (i) is described as balanced.

both sides of equations has the same number of each element/
types of atoms.

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(iii) State the meaning of the state symbols (l) and (aq).

liquid and consist of only one type of

state symbol (l) ..................................................................................................................

aqueous (substance mix with

state symbol (aq) ...............................................................................................................
water to form solution).

(iv) When potassium reacts with water, the colour of the full range indicator changes.

Describe and explain this change.

since potassium is alkaline, the indicator color

changes to tell us that the solution is now alkaline.


(v) During the reaction between potassium and water, the piece of potassium melts and a
lilac-coloured flame appears.

Explain these two observations.

when potassium is added to water, the metal melts and floats. It
moves around very quickly on the surface of the water. The metal
then self ignites, which also ignites the hydrogen gas. This results in
sparks and a lilac colored flame.


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2 Fig. 2.1 shows apparatus a student uses to investigate the reaction between dilute hydrochloric
acid and sodium hydroxide solution.


tap allows acid to be added

pH meter

sodium hydroxide

pH sensor

Fig. 2.1

(a) (i) Name the type of chemical reaction which occurs between dilute hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide.
neutralization reaction
........................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest one advantage of using an electronic pH meter to measure pH rather than using
a coloured indicator such as litmus solution.
more precise and accurate. When coloured indicators are
used, it changes color and is compared to a color chart,
which results in different readings since people interpret the
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
color comparison in different ways.

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(b) The student places 20.0 cm3 of 0.1 mol / dm3 sodium hydroxide solution into the beaker.

The student then adds dilute hydrochloric acid carefully, in stages, and records the pH of the
mixture after each addition.

Fig. 2.2 shows a graph of the results.






pH of reaction

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
volume of acid added / cm3

Fig. 2.2

(i) Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide present in the beaker before any
acid is added.

Show your working.

number of moles of sodium hydroxide = ......................................................... [2]

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(ii) Use the data in Fig. 2.2 to deduce the smallest volume of acid that is required to react
with all of the sodium hydroxide in the solution.

Explain your answer.

volume of acid = ....................................................... cm3

at 40cm3 is when the pH is at 7.


...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) The balanced equation for the reaction is

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

Deduce the concentration of the acid in mol / dm3.

Explain your answer.

concentration of acid = ................................................ mol / dm3



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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4 Magnesium is a metal found in Group II of the Periodic Table.

(a) When burning magnesium is placed into a gas jar filled with carbon dioxide, it continues to
burn as shown in Fig. 4.1.

clouds of grey smoke

carbon dioxide

gas jar


Fig. 4.1

The clouds of grey smoke formed in this reaction are a mixture of magnesium oxide, MgO,
and carbon.

Construct a balanced symbol equation including the state symbols, (s) and (g), for the reaction
between magnesium and carbon dioxide.

2Mg(s) + CO2(g) —> 2MgO(s) + C(s)

.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

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(b) Magnesium is produced by the electrolysis of magnesium chloride.

Fig. 4.2 shows a simplified diagram of the process.

d.c. power

ï +

molten Mg2+

Fig. 4.2

(i) In this electrolysis magnesium ions are changed into atoms.

Fig. 4.2 shows a magnesium ion in the middle of the electrolyte some distance from the

Describe in detail how this magnesium ion is changed into a magnesium atom.

-Mg 2+ positively charged (attracted to cathode)

- gains 2 e-
- forms Mg atom

...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain why this electrolysis has to be carried out using molten magnesium chloride
rather than an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride.

because aqueous has water and hydrogen will form instead



...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) State the name and chemical formula of the substance produced at the anode in the
electrolysis of molten magnesium chloride.
name ............................................................................

formula ................................................... [2]

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11 Table 11.1 shows some data about the elements in the second period of the Periodic Table.

Table 11.1

symbol Li Be B C N O F Ne
melting point / °C 181 1283 2027 3727 –210 –219 –220 –248
configuration of 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8

(a) (i) Describe the trend in the melting points shown in Table 11.1.

The melting point is unproportional and increase and drops


...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Similar trends to those shown in Table 11.1 are observed for the elements in the third
period of the Periodic Table, sodium to argon.

Use the Periodic Table on page 28 to predict which element in the third period has the
highest melting point.

.......................................................... [1]

(b) The element carbon can have two different values for its density.

Suggest why there are two different values.

Because carbon can form different structure (eg. diamond and
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
which has different density.

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(c) An element in the same group as oxygen is found in the third period.

Complete the diagram below to show how all of the electrons are arranged in one atom of this



(d) Lithium, Li, is combined with fluorine, F, in the crystalline compound, lithium fluoride.

(i) Predict the type of chemical bonding in lithium fluoride.

Ionic bonding
........................................................... [1]

(ii) State and explain the chemical formula of lithium fluoride. You may draw a diagram if it
helps you to answer.
chemical formula .....................................


lithium ...........................................................................................................................................
donates an e- to fluorine to form a complete outer shell. Lithium ion and
Fluorine ion has opposite charges of 1 and balance out eachother.

...................................................................................................................................... [3]

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