Ista 2C 2011
Ista 2C 2011
Ista 2C 2011
Other ISTA Procedures may be appropriate for different conditions or to meet different objectives.
Specific suggestions:
Consider ISTA General Simulation Performance Test Procedure 3A or 3E.
Refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects for additional information.
Product Damage The shipper shall determine the following prior to testing:
Tolerance and what constitutes damage to the product and
Package what damage tolerance level is allowable, if any, and
Degradation the correct methodology to determine product condition at the conclusion of the test and
Allowance the acceptable package condition at the conclusion of the test.
For additional information on this determination process refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects.
Samples Samples should be the untested actual package and product, but if one or both are not available, the substitutes shall be as
identical as possible to actual items.
Packages that have already been subjected to the rigors of transportation cannot be assumed to represent standard conditions. In
order to insure testing in perfect condition, products and packages shipped to certified laboratories for testing must be:
over-packaged for shipment to the laboratory or
repackaged in new packaging at the laboratory.
Test Sequence The tests shall be performed on each test sample in the sequence indicated in the following table:
Sequence # Test Category Test Type Test Level For ISTA Certification
1 Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Ambient Required
2 Atmospheric Controlled Temperature and Temperature and Humidity Optional
Conditioning Humidity chosen from chart
3 Vibration Random Calculated Top Load Required
Under Dynamic Load differs for Distribution
Channel, package size
and configuration.
Random vibration
spectrum differs for
Distribution Channel.
4 Shock Drop Height varies with Required
(Alternative methods packaged-product weight
allowed – select one and Distribution Channel
test type)
Exception One and Two Impact Velocity varies with
Incline-Impact (Conbur) packaged-product weight
Horizontal Impact Impact Velocity varies with
packaged-product weight
Equipment The following alternatives are acceptable for the equipment required for the Shock Test:
Shock Type of Shock Test Equipment In compliance with the apparatus section of:
Drop Test Free fall drop tester ASTM D 5276
Vertical Shock Test Shock test machine ASTM D 5487
Incline Test Incline-impact tester (conbur) ASTM D 880
Horizontal Test Horizontal impact test system ASTM D 4003
Rotational Edge Test Rotational drop ASTM D 6179
Edge 1-2
5 Manufacturer’s Joint
3 Corner 2-3-5
10 Identify edges using the numbers of the two faces forming that edge.
Example: Edge 1-2 is the edge formed by face 1 and face 2 of the packaged-product.
11 Identify corners using the numbers of the three faces that meet to form that corner.
Example: Corner 2-3-5 is the corner formed by face 2, face 3, and face 5 of the packaged-product.
12 Go to next page for further Before You Begin details.
Condition packaged-products according to one or more of the conditions listed in the table below.
Remaining test requirements should be performed as soon as possible after removing the packaged-product from
environmental conditioning apparatus.
If more than one conditioning sequence is selected, a new and complete test should be performed following each sequence.
This vibration under dynamic load test requirement is:
a performance test, but not
a predictor of warehouse stacking capability.
Test Level… Top-Load simulates assorted freight on top of a floor loaded shipping unit in a 108-in
(2.7 m) trailer at.…
Level One 12 lb/ft3 (190 kg/m3)
Before You To determine if more than one Top-Load apparatus is required, follow the instructions below:
Begin If the packaged-product
Vibration top surface exceeds
Under 18 in (500 mm) in… Then there shall be…
Dynamic Load
Continued only one dimension two Top-Load apparatus of equal sizes and weights along the long edge
both dimensions four Top-Load apparatus of equal sizes and weights
One possible system would be container(s) with the following specifications:
RSC – style corrugated container and
33 lb/Msf (160 g/sqm) minimum basis weight corrugated facings and
0.5 in (13 mm) minimum thickness plywood pieces covering the entire area of the bottom inside flaps of the container,
Plastic bags of sand.
Familiarity with the following formulas is required:
Using the Test Level determined in the Test Level Selection Block and the packaged-product size and weight from the
Packaged-Product Weight and Size Measurement Block calculate a Top-Load with the appropriate formula from the
table below.
If the packaged-product is… Then use the Top Load Formula corresponding to Test Level
Small and Light : TpLd English Units (Pounds) Metric Units (Kilograms)
2 ft3 (0.06 m3) or less in size TpLd1= 0.007 x (108 - H) x L x W 190 x (2.7 - H) x L x W
and TpLd2= 0.006 x (54 - H) x L x W 160 x (1.4 - H) x L x W
less than 30 lb (14 kg) in weight
TpLd3= 0.005 x (54 - H) x L x W 130 x (1.4 - H) x L x W
Large or Heavy packaged-products: TpLd English Units (Pounds) Metric Units (Kilograms)
Greater than 2 ft3 (0.06 m3) in size or TpLd1= 0.007 x (108 - H) x L x W 190 x (2.7 - H) x L x W
30 lb (14 kg) or more) in weight TpLd2= 0.006 x (108 - H) x L x W 160 x (2.7 - H) x L x W
TpLd3= 0.005 x (108 - H) x L x W 130 x (2.7 - H) x L x W
TpLd Top-Load Pounds (lb) Kilograms (kg)
Level 1 Average density of freight 0.007 lb/in3 190 kg/m3
Level 2 Average density of freight 0.006 lb/in3 160 kg/m3
Level 3 Average density of freight 0.005 lb/in3 130 kg/m3
Half Height Height stacked above shipping unit 54 in 1.4 m
Full Height Height stacked above shipping unit 108 in 2.7 m
H Height of shipping unit Inches Meters
L Length of shipping unit Inches Meters
W Width of shipping unit Inches Meters
Maximum TL for a package in the face 3 down orientation: English Units Metric Units
60 in (1.5 m) or less in height 400 lb 180kg
over 60 in (1.5 m) in height 120 lb 55 kg
Maximum TL for a package in the face 4 down orientation: 120 lb 55 kg
Maximum TL for a package in the face 6 down orientation: 120 lb 55 kg
2 0.00036 0 .1
4 0.036
5 0.036
7 0.0016
0 .0 1
11 0.013224
PSD, g /Hz
15 0.008004
21 0.008004
0 .0 0 1
50 0.00032
100 0.00032
0 .0 0 0 1
1 10 100
F re q u e n c y, H z
2.0 0.009
3.0 0.0072
5.0 0.00036
PSD, g2/Hz
10.0 0.00036
15.0 0.0018
30.0 0.00054
50.0 0.00108
100.0 0.00018
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frequency, Hz
According to the selected Test Level, find the appropriate drop height from the following chart.
Before You EXCEPTION ONE for Shock Testing - Individual packaged-products with a:
Begin Package configuration that makes dropping impractical and
Shock Mass of 100 lb (45 kg) or more or
Testing Height over 60 in (1.5 m) or
EXCEPTION Total dimensions (L + W + H) more than 108 in (2.7 m).
If EXCEPTION ONE for Shock Testing is applicable, use the following chart to determine the appropriate impact velocity for an
incline or horizontal test according to packaged-product weight:
Before You EXCEPTION TWO for Shock Testing - Individual packaged-products with a:
Begin Definite skid bottom on which the unit is intended to be shipped and
Shock With Markings that sufficiently identify the bottom and
Testing Mass of 150 lb (68 kg) or more or
EXCEPTION Height over 60 in (1.5 m) or
TWO With the total dimensions (L + W + H) more than 130 in (3.3 m).
If EXCEPTION TWO for Shock Testing is applicable, 42 in per second (1.1 m per second) is the impact velocity used for the Incline
or Horizontal Test Method.
The test blocks that follow contain tables that indicate the required steps for each test in the procedure.
Conditioning Step Action
1 The packaged-product should be stored at laboratory ambient temperature and humidity for twelve (12)
2 Is optional conditioning going to be performed?
If Yes, go to Step 6.
If No, go to the next Step.
3 Record the ambient laboratory temperature and humidity when testing starts.
4 At the end of all testing record temperature and humidity.
5 Go to TEST BLOCK 2 (Vibration Under Dynamic Load).
6 Select an anticipated condition from Before You Begin Atmospheric Conditioning.
7 Check the conditioning apparatus to insure that the temperature and humidity are at the required levels.
8 Place the packaged-product in the conditioning.
9 At the completion of the required conditioning time period remove the packaged-product from the
conditioning apparatus.
10 Atmospheric conditioning is complete. Go to TEST BLOCK 2 (Vibration Under Dynamic Load).and perform
the remaining test sequence as quickly as possible.
2 Test the packaged-product according to the level determined in the EXCEPTION ONE for Shock Testing
Chart in Before You Begin Shock Testing. Follow the sequence in the table below.
Sequence # Orientation Specific face, edge or corner
1 Corner most fragile face-3 corner, if not known, test 2-3-5
2 Edge shortest edge radiating from the corner tested
3 Edge next longest edge radiating from the corner tested
4 Edge longest edge radiating from the corner tested
5 Face one of the smallest faces
6 Face opposite small face
7 Face one of the medium faces
8 Face opposite medium face
9 Face one of the largest faces
10 Face opposite large face
3 All testing is now complete.
2 Test the packaged-product according to the level determined in the EXCEPTION TWO for Shock Testing
chart in Before You Begin Shock Testing. Follow the sequence in the table below:
Sequence # Orientation Specific face
1 Face one of the smallest vertical faces
2 Face opposite small vertical face
3 Face one of the largest vertical faces
4 Face Opposite large vertical face
3 Impact testing is now complete. Go to TEST BLOCK 6 (Shock - Rotational Edge Drop).