Police Brutality Essays
Police Brutality Essays
Police Brutality Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of police brutality is a challenging endeavor that demands a nuanced
understanding of the complex issues surrounding law enforcement, social justice, and human rights.
Tackling this topic requires extensive research to delve into the historical context, legal frameworks,
and contemporary instances of police brutality. Navigating through a sea of divergent opinions,
conflicting data, and emotional narratives adds another layer of difficulty.
The essay must strike a delicate balance between presenting factual information and incorporating
diverse perspectives, considering the societal implications and potential reforms. It involves grappling
with sensitive and sometimes controversial themes, making it essential to approach the subject matter
with empathy and a critical analytical lens.
Moreover, discussing police brutality necessitates addressing systemic issues within law
enforcement, exploring the role of institutional racism, and examining the impact on marginalized
communities. The writer must confront the moral and ethical dimensions of the topic while remaining
objective and unbiased.
Crafting a compelling essay also involves honing one's writing skills to effectively communicate
complex ideas, ensuring clarity and coherence in the narrative. Additionally, the inclusion of relevant
statistics, case studies, and expert opinions is crucial to substantiate arguments and provide a
comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Shakespeare uses heavy juxtaposition to illustrate his mistress at face value, a feature
that went against the traditional love poem. He begins by a series of comparisons,
contrasting his mistress with the natural beauty of nature. He notes ... Show more content
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This contrast to nature allows Shakespeare to mock the unrealistic hyperboles used by
conventional poems of the time, an epitomical example being Astrophel and Stella by
Philip Sidney. In Sidney s work, the love subject is described as having a face that is
prepar d by Natures chiefest furniture and built of Alabaster pure . Although such
comparisons to nature were already cliché and most of all, unrealistic, they were
nevertheless used heavily. Shakespeare s use of contrast allows him to mock the lofty
comparisons of other love poets. By directly mirroring the structural and definitive
elements of its counterparts, Sonnet 130 criticizes the nature of conventional love poetry
and its hackneyed focus on external beauty. The volta at the rhyming couplet allows
Shakespeare to highlight his perspective that true love does not need beauty to be
satisfied. After the laundry list of unflattering remarks towards his mistress, Shakespeare
confesses that he preciously views his love as rare // As any she belied with false
compare (13 14). This suggests that despite her imperfections, Shakespeare s
unconditional love for her remains unscathed, and that his account of her physical
appearance contains no false or
The Characteristics Of The Monarch Butterfly
The monarch population has decreased up to about 22 million from last year to this year.
(Rice) The monarch butterfly is an insect that is beneficial to the ecosystem ;however,
their population has decreased over the years. Poaching and farming have caused this
declination ,but there are solutions we can work with that may help the population
increase once again. The monarch butterflyis known by scientists as Danausplexippus,
which in Greek literally means sleepy transformation. The name evokes the species
ability to hibernate and metamorphize.(Schafer) Monarch butterflies are indicator species
just like they are pollinatorsas well ,and their characteristics all serve different purposes
to help them. For instance, their colorful wings consist of veins and muscles. These
features help blood circulate through their tiny bodies and allow them to be able to do
move. Their characteristics tell differences in their gender as well by their patterns. In
fact, males have black dots on their wings ,and females are a little smaller in size.
Additionally, they live up to about two to six weeks as they grow from a caterpillar to
becoming an adult monarch butterfly. Their life cycle is made up of four stages: egg,
the larvae, the pupa, and the adult butterfly. It lasts about 28 to 38 days to be able to
complete the process. Their winter migration usually takes place in Mexico or Southern
California, where it is warm ,and they can hibernate in
Unpaid Interns, Complicit Colleges
Students aspire to have a successful job after graduating college. Many of them sign up
for internships hoping that it would help them with their chosen professions. I define an
internship as a temporary position that emphasizes on on the job training, which can
either be paid or unpaid. Students sign up for an internshipto gain experience for their
future career. In his article, Unpaid Interns, Complicit Colleges , author Ross Perlin
reveals that colleges have taken advantage of student through the school s administration
of the internship programs. This paper will analyze the main argument and four pieces of
evidence in order to evaluate the strength of the argument. The author argues that schools
have unfairly made unpaid internships... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He states, Three quarters of the 10 million students enrolled in America s four year
colleges and universities will work as interns at least once before graduating ... Between
one third and half will get no compensation for their efforts (499 500). This evidence is
relevant since it clearly supports the author s claim that colleges allow unpaid internship.
This may not necessarily imply that the colleges are bad, but this clearly shows the high
occurrence of such cases. It shows the high number of students who do not get paid while
working as interns. The information was taken from established research institutes,
therefore the evidence is credible. The College Employment Research Institute conducts
an annual survey of national employers seeking their intentions for hiring new college
graduates ( College Employment Research Institute at Michigan State University ), while
the Intern Bridge is the nation s premier college recruiting, consulting and research firm
(http://www.internbridge.com/). However, there was no information about the date when
the statistic was taken or when the study was performed, and this made the evidence less
sufficient. The evidence will be more sufficient if the date was mentioned and if it was
current. Again, this evidence is addressed to students to present them with details about
unpaid internship and be cautious when considering internship in their
Similarities Between Genesis And The Truman Show
In both the Truman Show and Genesis there is a main creator. Christof, in The Truman
Show, is the director of a programme that stars a man called Truman Burbank. Christof
controls majority of the things that happen inside of the television program and within
his creations. God, in the bible, created the world and everything that it holds. God has
power over two people he creates in the story of Genesis. The product of both creators
are also extremely alike, Truman showing a lot of qualities that Adam shows. The two
creators differ in ways of control and their decisions made. Although they have
differences, there are many parallels to how they handle their power over their creations.
One of the main points of similarity include where the main story is the set. In The
Truman Show, the director, Christof, creates a real building in the shape of a dome and
names it Seahaven. In the bible God made a dome and named it sky. Both stories show
a perfectly clean and perfect place for the main characters to live. The dome in The
Truman show is shown to be a stereotypically clean, small American town. Similarly,
the dome in the bible is shown as a beautiful place to live filled with everything
someone living there could need. Inside the dome in Genesis, Lord God took some soil
from the ground and formed a man out of it. God created humans to live inside the dome
he made whereas Christof put actors inside the dome.
The scene starts with Truman looking in the bathroom mirror. It
O Pioneers By Willa Cather
O Pioneers by Willa Cather follows a group of frontiersmen trying to survive in the
harsh conditions of the untamed west. The story follows the Bergsons, but more
descriptively, the main character, a girl named Alexandra Bergson. Throughout the
story, Alexandra grows up to her full potential and we are able to see her character just
as rich and as mesmerizing as Willa hoped to achieve. This is the character that Willa
decides to revolve her story around and makes the reader fully understand who the novel
is truly about. Using this assumption, readers can conclude that O Pioneers derives from
Willa s real life experiences especially when dealing with her love life.
At the very beginning of the novel, Alexandra was given a huge responsibility. With
her father passing away it was up to her to inherit the farm and make it thrive. She was
young, but very determined and in that introspect, she was able to make the farm a huge
success. For the time period, this achievement was very difficult to obtain especially for
a woman. This to me, could accurately relate to her own adolescence. In a letter she ...
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In the story, there is most definitely a romance between Alexandra and Carl. It says in
the book that she has feelings for him and that she wants to marry him. However when
she talks to Oscar and Lou said marriage, they are not pleased about this and insist that
she s making us all look ridiculous (pg 64). In the time period, homosexuality wasn t
as widely accepted as it is today and she might have also thought that she was foolish
for feeling that way. At the time she might have wanted to be in a relationship but
refused because of her inner feelings stopping her. However at the end she knows Carl is
the one she loves and says, I should never feel free again. But I do, here. this referring to
the grief after Emils
The Aim Of This Chapter Is To Explore The Current
The aim of this chapter is to explore the current prevalence of substance misuse in the
UK. The chapter aims to discover the prevalence of substance misuse, the character of
individuals that misuse substances and the availability of substances on UK streets.
The effects of this on individuals, families and community s will be explored, as will
the results this has on the UK prison population. We will end this chapter with a brief
exploration of why individuals use substances, and why they become problematic for
some and not others. It is fundamental to a study of this kind to begin to look at the
current state of substance misuse in the U.K and globally. The ideal starting point here
would be statistics collected by the Home Office in the... Show more content on
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It could be suggested, that these individual represent a high number of problem
substance misusers. In terms of police recorded crime statistics, many critics have
argued that these statistics should be viewed critically, as Smith States these statistics
have long been recognised as having a number of weaknesses. First, there have been
regular claims that the police adjust their crime statistics to improve measured
reported performance. Second, the processes and categories used by local police to
record crime have historically had a significant degree of local variability; this has
made it difficult both to make comparisons among local forces and to form aggregates
to provide a meaningful national picture. Third, the unknown potentially distorts the
picture that emerges from recorded crime and uncontrollable variability in the public s
reporting of crime to the police. A number of attempts have been made over the years to
address these perceived problems but they largely remain (Smith, 2006). Criticisms
aside, it can be argued that whilst still employing a critical eye and allowing room for a
likely under representation, these statistics are the nearest we can get to a picture of the
problem of substance misuse in the U.K. As this study is concerned with current drug
An Outline Of An Assignment
Part 1
Mr Timothy Jones
38 years old
Presenting Complaint
Essential Hypertension. Blood pressure control lost on current therapy
Type of Prescribing
This is an episode of Supplementary Prescribing. It is defined as,
A voluntary partnership between a doctor or dentist and a supplementary prescriber to
implement an agreed patient specific clinical management plan
(CMP) with the patients agreement . (DOH, 2007) Mr Jones benefits from
Supplementary Prescribing as it ensures timely access for review of his condition along
with treatment modification and subsequent monitoring with the reassurance that a GP
retains the overview of his care.
The Consultation Model
I applied Neighbours Model, The Inner Consultation (Neighbour, R, 1987). This identifies
a pathway which hones consultation skills by goal setting, skill building and finally
pulling everything together. The model contains five intuitive stages. See Appendix 1.
The use of a model helps me to ensure consistent and effective consultations with
reproducibility which optimises outcomes for Mr Jones. They are useful as a framework
from which clinicians develop their own style (Moulton Neighbour, 2007)
History of Presenting Complaint
Mr Jones requires regular review and management of his Essential Hypertension which
was first diagnosed 5 years ago. He has been well maintained on lower than
recommendation (NICE, 2011) dose of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
Lisinopril dihydrate. He has no